English Skills with Readings 7e Index

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A/an, 571 with count nouns, 583 ESL tips for using, 581–584
Abbreviations, rules for using,

511–512 Accent marks in dictionaries, 550 Accept/except, 571 Accepting tone, 167–168 Active thinking, 11 Active verbs,

revising for, 29 Added-detail fragments, 422–424 Addition words, identifying, 98–99,

101–102 Addresses, commas with, 537 Adequate details, importance of,

Adjectives. See also Adverbs for comparisons, 483–485 defi ned, 483 diagnostic test, 402 ESL tips, 589–591 mistakes with, 486

as noun markers, 581 series, placing in, 120–122, 590

Advanced writing assignments,

314–323 Adverbial conjunctions, 437–438 Adverbs

defi ned, 48


diagnostic test, 40


mistakes with, 48


Advice/advise, 571 Affect/effect, 571 Agreement. See Pronoun agreement;

Subject-verb agreement ―All Good Things‖ (Mrosla),
628–634 All ready/already, 566 Amazon.com, 366

The American Heritage

Dictionary, 546 Among/between, 571 Anecdotes in introductions,
331–332 Announcement in topic sentence, 63 Another, 87 Antecedent of pronoun, 471 Antonyms in dictionaries, 548
―Anxiety: Challenge by Another
Name‖ (Collier), 686–693 Anyone, 109 AOL (America OnLine), 366 Apostrophes, 514–522

in contractions, 515–51


diagnostic test, 40


editing sentences for, 12


introductory activity, 51


ownership or possession


showing, 516–52


plurals versus, 518–52


possessive pronouns and


480, 518 -s, plural words ending in, 520–521 sentence-skills achievement

test, 619 Archaic usage, 553 Argument, 174, 298–312

prewriting argument paragraph, 303–304, 306–307, 309–310
revising argument paragraph, 304–305, 307–309, 310–311
tips on, 17


writing guide for, 305–31


Articles capital letters for titles of, 504 with count/noncount nouns,

582–583 ESL tips for using, 581–584 omitting articles, 583 quotation marks for titles
of, 527 As, subject pronouns after, 478 Associations. See Organizations and

associations Attitudes on writing, 5, 11–13 Audience

for argument paragraph, 312

Audience—Cont. for cause-and-effect paragraph,

220, 241 for defi nition paragraph, 253 for descriptive paragraph, 283 development of paragraph and,

background image

167–168 for division and classifi cation
paragraph, 267 for examples paragraph, 188 for narrative paragraph, 297 for process paragraph, 206 tone and,


Authors, finding books by, 360


Backing up computer work, 169–170 Balanced sentences, 106–107 Barnes and Noble books, 366 Bases for writing. See also

Coherence; Sentence skills; Support; Unity all bases, evaluating paragraph

for, 161–16


for essays, 345–34


summary of, 14


Basic word list, 557–561 Beside/besides, 572 Between/among, 571 Be verbs, 450

subject pronouns with, 478 Bibliography entries, 383–386 Bitter tone, 167–168 -body words, 472
singular verbs with, 467

Books. See also Libraries capital letters for titles of, 504 Internet, fi nding books on,



italicizing titles, 52


numerals for parts of, 51


underlining titles of, 52


Book stacks, 362–363 Brainstorming, 22–23 Break/brake, 566
Broad statements in introductions, 331 in topic sentences, 63
Browsing Internet, 367


Call numbers, 360, 362
Canedy, Dana, ―From Father to Son, Last Words to Live by,‖ 747–753
Capital letters combined mastery tests, 599–600 diagnostic test, 402 editing sentences for, 122 ellipsis with, 379 introductory

activity, 501 main uses of, 502 run-ons, correcting, 432–434 sentence-skills achievement

test, 619 unnecessary uses of, 508 Carson, Ben, ―Do It Better!‖

676–686 Cartoons, point and support in, 6–8 Catalogs, 359–360

of Library of Congress, 367 periodicals, lists of, 363 Cause and effect, 174, 207–220

prewriting, development through, 210–212, 214–215, 216–217, 230–232, 233–235, 237–238
revising paragraph, 212–213, 215, 218, 232, 235, 238–240

Change-of-direction transitions identifying, 99–102 signals, 90, 91

Childhood place writing assignment, 319 Classifi cation. See Division and classifi cation

ClichŽs, 577–578 editing sentences for, 122 list of, 577 revising for, 29
Closed stacks, libraries with, 362–363 Club names, capital letters for, 503 Clustering

in freewriting, 23–2


student model, 2


Coarse/course, 566 Coherence, 138 in argument paragraph, 302, 308, 310 in cause-and-effect paragraph,

210, 215, 218, 230, 236, 239 definition and, 245, 249, 251 in descriptive paragraph, 272 in division and classifi cation
paragraph, 257, 263, 265 essays, revising, 345–347 evaluating paragraphs for,
156–161 examples and, 179–180, 188 in narrative paragraph, 288, 294 in process paragraph, 194, 201 summary of, 148

understanding, 142–144

Collier, James Lincoln, ―Anxiety: Challenge by Another Name,‖ 686–693
Colons, 541 editing sentences for, 122 in formal letters, 537
Combined mastery tests, 595–602 Comfort writing assignment, 319 Commas, 531–539

between complete thoughts,

535–536 in coordinating sentences, 116–117 with dependent-word groups, 417 diagnostic test, 402 with direct

quotations, 536–537 double verb and one subject,

sentences with, 535 editing sentences for, 122 with everyday material, 537–538 final comma in series, use of, 532 flow

of thought, words

interrupting, 534–535 introductory activity, 531 after introductory material, 533 with persons spoken to, 537 with

quotation marks, 524 run-ons, correcting, 435–436 sentence-skills achievement

background image

test, 620 series, separating items in, 532–533 in subordinating sentences, 118

Comma splices, 431 periods/capital letters, correcting

with, 433–434 Comments in peer review, 173 Commercial product names, capital

letters for, 503 Commonly confused words,
565–574 diagnostic test, 402–404 homonyms, 566–570 introductory activity, 565 mastering, 557 sentence-skills


test, 620 Community dialects. See Dialects Company names, capital letters

for, 503 Compare and contrast, 174, 221–241 adjectives for comparisons,



agreement with, 484–48


in introductions, 33


methods for development


224–227 one-side-at-a-time development, 224–225 point-by-point development, 225 Complete thoughts,

commas between, 535–536 Complex sentences, subordination in, 117–119 Compound sentences, coordination in,

Compound subjects subject pronouns and, 478 subject-verb agreement and, 466
Computers. See also Internet editing computer work, 171–172 first drafts, writing, 171 prewriting on, 170 proofreading work on,

171–172 revising on, 171 tips on using, 167–172

Concentration and reading, 625 Concise words, 113–115 review tests, 130–131

Conclusions in essays, 334 for research papers, 381
Conclusion transitions identifying, 101–102 signals, 90, 91–92
Connecting words. See also



identifying, 102–10


pronouns as, 9


repeated words, 9


synonyms as, 9


Conroy, Theresa, ―A Drunken Ride, a Tragic Aftermath,‖ 753–766
Consistency diagnostic test, 401 editing sentences for, 122 with number series, 510 with pronouns, 109–111 sentence skills


test, 617

with verbs, 108–109 Consonants, doubling fi nal, 556–557 Content, revising for, 28–29 Contractions, apostrophes in,

515–516 Coordination, 116–117

review tests, 132–136 Coping writing assignment, 320 Correspondence. See Letters and


Count/noncount nouns, 582–583 a/an with, 583 list of, 582
Curran, Delores, ―What Good Families Are Doing Right,‖ 662–675


Dangling modifi ers defi ned, 490–493 diagnostic test, 402 introductory project, 488 sentence-skills achievement

test, 618 Dashes, 542 editing sentences for, 122

Dates commas with, 537 numerals for, 510
Dead-end statements, 63 ―Dealing with Feelings‖ (Verderber),

711–718 Decision essay assignment, 350–351 Defi nition, 242–253

prewriting for developing, 245

247, 248–249, 250–25


revising and, 247–248, 249–250


251–253 Demonstrative pronouns, 480–481 Dependent clauses, 117

in run-ons, 431 Dependent statements, 415–416 Dependent words
correcting fragments, 416–418 fragments, 415–419 lists of, 117, 415, 439

Description, 174, 268–283 prewriting descriptive paragraph, 272–274, 275–277, 279–280 revising descriptive

274–275, 278–279, 280–283 spatial order organization, 277 writing guide for, 275–283

Desert/dessert, 572 Details, 6, 8, 50–51 adequate details, importance of,

60–62 in list-making, 22–23 logical support with, 75–76 paragraphs, adding to, 78–79 in readings, 627 specific details,

background image


importance of, 56–59

recognizing, 71–75 supporting points, 6, 8, 50–51 unity of, 140

Development of essay, 328 paragraph development, 167–175
Dewey decimal system, 363 Diagramming, 23–24 Dialects, 446

irregular verbs and, 449–453 Dialog, 365 Dialog writing assignment, 316–317 Dictionaries
benefits of owning, 546–547 computer dictionaries, 547–548 for editing help, 123 entries, understanding, 548–554

Dictionaries—Cont. full pronunciation

information, 551 improving spelling with, 555 irregular verbs, information on,
551–552 meanings in, 552–553 parts of speech information, 551 personal spelling lists, 555–556 pronunciation


549–550 spelling information, 548–549 syllabication information, 549 synonyms in, 548, 553–554 usage labels, 553

Dictionary.com, 547 Direct quotations, 379

commas with, 536–537 Discovery and writing, 13–14 Division and classifi cation,



prewriting for, 259–260


262–263, 264–265 revising paragraphs, 260–261, 263–264, 265–267

single principle of division,

255, 264 Documentation of sources, 382–387 ―Do It Better!‖ (Carson, with

Murphey), 676–686 Don’t/doesn’t, 451 Double-spacing papers, 496 Doubling fi nal consonant,
556–557 Do verbs, 451 ―A Drunken Ride, a Tragic
Aftermath‖ (Conroy and Johnson), 753–766


E, final silent, 556 Earthlink, 366 EBSCOhost, 365, 368, 375 Edited collections, citing selections

in, 385

Editing, 31–32 computer work, 171–172 sentences, 122–124 student model, 31–32
Editing—Cont. tests, 603–615 tips for, 123, 603
Editorial sources, citing, 384 -ed words as openers, 119 Effect. See Cause and effect Effect/affect, 571 Effective word choice,

diagnostic test, 402–404 sentence-skills achievement

test, 620 Elibrary, 368 Ellipsis with direct quotations, 379 E-mail postings, citing, 386 Emotions in narrative

paragraph, 290

Emphatic order, 84–86 and coherence, 144 practice with, 96–97 time and emphatic order,

combination of, 97–98 English as a second language (ESL) tips, 581–593 Entertainment, development of

paragraph for, 167 ESL (English as a second



adjectives, 589–59


gerunds and infi nitives


586–589 prepositions, 592 subject and verb tips, 585–589 tips, 581–593

Essays, 324–354. See also Introductions; Thesis sentences

bases of writing, revising for,

345–347 concluding paragraphs, 334 diagram of form of, 327–328 forms for planning, 340 model essay, 329–330

outlines for, 339–340 paragraphs compared, 327 revising for bases of writing,

345–347 scratch outlines for, 339–340 supporting paragraphs, 333 transitional sentences, 333–334 writing assignments,


Evidence. See also Organization adequate evidence, identifying,



for Internet resources, 37


logical support, evidenc


providing, 73–75 points, supporting, 49–51 thesis sentences, support for,

Examples, 174, 176–190 in paragraphs, 9 prewriting, development through,

180–181, 184 revising, developing in, 182–183,
185–186 support requiring, 142–143 writing paragraphs using,

background image

183–190 Except/accept, 571 Exemplifi cation. See Examples Explanations, colons in, 541 Exposition, 174. See also

Cause and

effect; Examples; Process ―‗Extra Large,‘ Please‖ (Urbina), 718–725


Family relationship names, capital

letters for, 505–506 Fewer/less, 572 Films. See Movies Final silent e, 556 First drafts, 26–27

computers, working on, 171 revising, 28–29 student model, 26–27

First-person pronouns, 109 First sentences of papers, 497 ―The Fist, the Clay, and the Rock‖

(Holland), 657–662 Flow of thought, commas around
words interrupting, 534–535 Format for paper, 496–500 Fragments

added-detail fragments,



checking for, 42


combined mastery tests



Fragments—Cont. defi ned, 415 dependent-word fragments,

415–419 diagnostic test, 400 editing sentences for, 122 -ing words and, 419–422 introductory activity, 414

missing-subject fragments,

424–426 sentence-skills achievement test, 616–617 with to words, 419–422

Freewriting, 19–21 clustering, 23–24 list-making, 22–23 questioning, 21–22 scratch outlines, 24–26 student model of,


―From Father to Son, Last Words to Live by‖ (Canedy), 747–753 Fused sentences, 431 periods/capital letters, correcting

with, 432–433


Garland, Anita, ―Let‘s Really Reform Our Schools,‖ 693–701

Geographic locations, capital letters for, 506 Gerunds. See also -ing words

ESL tips, 586–589 Good, 486–487 Google, 368–369, 376 Grammar
editing for, 31 in freewriting, 19–21 handbook for editing help, 123


Handwritten papers, 496 Have verbs, 450 Hear/here, 566

ESL tips, 585 Heroes essay assignment, 354 High school memory essay

assignment, 352 Historical periods/events, capital
letters for, 506 Hole/whole, 567 Holidays, capital letters for, 503 Holland, Donald, ―The Fist, the
Clay, and the Rock,‖ 657–662 Homonyms, 566–570 Hopeful tone, 167–168 House/apartment essay
assignment, 348 ―How They Get You to Do That‖
(Scott), 701–710 Humorous tone, 167–168 Hyphens, 542–543

editing sentences for, 122 words, hyphenating, 497


Identification for peer review, 172
Illustration transitions identifying, 101–102 signals, 90, 91
Important person writing

assignment, 319 In addition, 87 Indefi nite pronouns

agreement with, 472–473
verbs with, 467 Indentation in papers, 496 Independent clauses, 117
in run-ons, 431 Indirect quotations, 526–527 Inferences in readings, 627 Infi nitives
ESL tips for, 586–589
verbs plus, 587–588 Influences essay assignment, 350 Influential people essay

assignment, 354 Informal usage, 553 Information, development of
paragraph for, 167 InfoTrac, 365, 368 -ing words

ESL tips, 586–589 fragments with, 419–422 as openers, 119 as verbs, 409

Internet articles, fi nding, 368–369 bookmarks, 369 books on topic, fi nding, 366–368 browsing, 367 citing articles on, 386

background image

e-mail postings, citing, 386 evaluating sources on, 369–371 favorite places on, 369 Library of Congress Web site, 367
practice in using, 371–373 printing information from, 368 reliability of resources, 370 search box, using, 367 search engines,
368–369 topics, researching, 375–377 Web addresses, 370 working with, 366–371

Internet Explorer, 369 Interview writing assignment, 315–316

Introductions, 328, 330–333 common methods, 331–333 identifying, 343–344 to research papers, 381
Introductory material, commas after, 533
Irregular verbs diagnostic test, 401 dialect forms of, 449–453 dictionary information, 551–552 introductory project, 454 list of,


Italicizing titles, 528 Its/it’s, 567


―Joe Davis: A Cool Man‖ (Johnson), 649–657 Johnson, Beth, ―Joe Davis: A Cool Man,‖ 649–657

Johnson, Christine M., ―A Drunken Ride, a Tragic Aftermath,‖ 753–766
Joining words in coordinating sentences, 116–117 run-ons, correcting, 435–436
Journals, 14–15 writing assignment, 316–317


Keywords in essays, 333–334 in topic sentences, 65–66
King, Charles Monroe, 747 Knew/new, 567 Know/no, 567


Language, capital letters for, 506 Less/fewer, 572 Less/least comparisons, 484 ―Let‘s Really Reform Our Schools‖

(Garland), 693–701 Letters and correspondence capital letters for openings/

closings, 50


commas with openings


closings, 53


Libraries. See also Catalogs authors, finding books by, 360 book stacks, 362–363 call numbers, 360, 362 with closed stacks,

362–363 Dewey decimal system, 363 Library of Congress

system, 363 main desk of, 359 periodicals in, 363–365 practice in using, 371–373 subject headings, using,
361–362 subjects, finding books by, 360 titles, finding books by, 360

Library of Congress system, 363 Web site, 367
Line spacing for papers, 496 Linking verbs, ESL tips for, 585 Links, 366 Lists

colons in, 541 in freewriting, 22–23 Logan, Paul, ―Rowing the Bus,‖

634–641 Loose/lose, 572 -ly words. See also Adverbs

as openers, 119


Magazines and periodicals capital letters for titles of, 504 indexes, periodical, 363 italicizing titles, 528 in libraries, 363–365

online magazines, 368, 386 quotation marks for titles of

articles in, 527 underlining titles of, 527 vocabulary, development of, 562 Works Cited entries for articles
in, 384, 386 Main desk of library, 359 Main ideas in readings, 627 Mapping, 23–24 Margins, 496 Matter-of-fact tone,

Merriam-Webster Collegiate

Dictionary, 546 merriam-webster.com, 547 Misplaced modifi ers

defi ned, 489–490 diagnostic test, 402 introductory activity, 488 sentence-skills achievement

test, 618 Missing-subject fragments, 424–426 Mistake essay assignment, 348 Modems, 366 Modern Language


(MLA) style, 382–387 Modifi ers. See also Dangling
modifiers; Misplaced modifi ers defi ned, 489–490 editing sentences for, 122

Month names, capital letters

for, 503 More with adjectives, 483–484 ―The Most Hateful Words‖ (Tan),
726–731 Most with adjectives, 483–484 Movies

capital letters for titles of, 504 quotation marks for titles of, 527 Mrosla, Helen, ―All Good Things,‖ 628–634 Munro,
H. H. (―Saki‖), ―The Storyteller,‖ 732–739

Murphey, Cecil, ―Do It Better!‖, 676–686


background image

Names. See Proper nouns Narration, 174, 284–297 prewriting narrative paragraph, 288–289, 291, 293 rewriting
narrative paragraph, 290, 292–293, 294–296 writing guide, 290–297 Narrow statements in topic sentences, 63
Nations/nationalities, capital letters

for, 507 New/knew, 567 Newspapers

capital letters for titles of, 504 italicizing titles, 528 online articles, 368 quotation marks for titles of

articles in, 527 underlining titles of, 527 vocabulary, development of, 562 Works Cited entries for articles
in, 384 Newsweek magazine, 562 No/know, 567 Noncount nouns. See Count/

noncount nouns Nonessential information, commas
around, 534 Nonstandard usage, 553 Notes for research papers, 379–380 Noun markers, 581 Nouns. See also Proper nouns

count/noncount nouns, 582–583 and infi nitives, 588 proper nouns, 584

Numbers and numerals commas in, 537 noun markers, numerals as, 581 rules for using, 510–511


Object pronouns, 477, 479–480 Obsolete usage, 553 One, 109

One-side-at-a-time development, 224–225 -one words, 472

singular verbs with, 467 Optimistic tone, 167–168 Organization, 28–29. See also

Emphatic order; Time order;



outlining for, 3


personal review for, 17


Organizations and associations abbreviations for, 511 names, capital letters for, 503
Outlines activities, 36–43 for essays, 339–340 research papers, fi nal outlines

for, 381 scratch outlines, 24–26 Ownership, apostrophes showing, 516–521


Pair/pear, 567 Paper format, 496–500 Paragraphs. See also Support

all four bases, evaluating for,



benefits of writing, 1


coherence, evaluating an


revising for, 156–161 defi ned, 8 details, adding, 78–79 development of, 167–175 essays compared, 327 pattern of

development, 174–175 points in, 8–10 simple paragraph assignment,

80–82 specific details in, 73–75 tone in, 168–169 unity, evaluating for, 150–153

Parallelism, 106–107 diagnostic test, 402 review tests, 125–128 revising for, 29 sentence-skills achievement

test, 619 Paraphrasing in research papers, 379

Parentheses, 543–544

Points, 5–10, 28–29. See also


editing sentences for, 122

Details; Evidence; Support

for division and classifi cation

Parents/children essay

in cartoons, 6–8

paragraph, 259–260,

assignment, 353

examples of, 53–56

262–263, 264–265

Passed/past, 568

outlining for, 36

examples in, 180–181, 184

Past participles

in paragraphs, 8–10

freewriting, 19–21

as adjectives, 590–591

practice in making, 62–81

narrative paragraph, 288–289,

irregular verbs, 455–458

reinforcing, 53–56

291, 293, 294–296

regular verbs, 455

specific evidence, support with,

for process paragraph, 195–197,

Past tense



endings, 448–449

starting with, 47–49

Principle/principle, 568

irregular verbs, 455–458

umbrella idea, point as, 51–53

Printing computer work, 169–170

regular verbs, 455

Political group names, capital letters

Process, 191–206

Patterns of development, 174–175 for, 503

assignments, 198–206

Peace/piece, 568

Possession, apostrophes showing,

developing process paragraph,

Pear/pair, 567



Peer review, 172–173

Possessive nouns, 581

prewriting process paragraph,

People magazine, 562

Possessive pronouns, 480–481

195–197, 202–203

Percentages, numerals for, 510

apostrophes versus, 518

revising process paragraph,

Periodicals. See Magazines and

Prepositional phrases, 408

197–198, 204

background image


as openers, 119

Procrastination, 11–12



Product names, capital letters

with quotation marks, 524

common prepositions, 408

for, 503

run-ons, correcting, 432–434

ESL tips, 592

Progressive tense, tips for

Personal spelling lists, 555–556

gerunds with, 587

using, 586

Persons‘ titles, capital letters

object pronouns with,

Pronoun agreement, 470–476

for, 506


diagnostic test for, 401–402

Persuasion, development of

Present participles

introductory project, 470

paragraph for, 167

as adjectives, 590–591

sentence-skills achievement

Pet peeves writing assignment,

regular verbs, 455

test, 618

Piece/peace, 568

Present tense

Pronouns, 407. See also Indefi nite

Place names, capital letters for,

endings, 447–448

pronouns; Possessive pronouns


irregular verbs, 455–458

apostrophes and possessive

Plagiarism, avoiding, 380–381

regular verbs, 455

pronouns, 518

Plain/plane, 568

Pretentious words, 578–579

as connecting words, 93

Plays, quotation marks for titles

editing sentences for, 122

consistency with, 109–111

of, 527

revising for, 29

defi ned, 471


Prewriting, 18–26

demonstrative pronouns,

apostrophes and, 518–521

activity, 34–36


dictionary information

argument paragraph, 303–304,

diagnostic test, 401–402

on, 552

306–307, 309–310

editing sentences for, 122

subjects, plural, 464

for cause-and-effect paragraph,

ESL tips, 585

Poems, capital letters for titles

210–212, 214–215, 216–217,

identifying, 104

of, 504

230–232, 233–235,

object pronouns, 477, 479–480

Point-by-point development, 225


reference, 473–474

Point of view

computers, working on, 170

sentence-skills achievement

diagnostic test, 401–402

for definition, 245–247, 248–249,

test, 618

revising for, 29


subject pronouns, 477–479

sentence-skills achievement

descriptive paragraph, 272–274,

Pronunciation information in

test, 618

275–277, 279–280

dictionaries, 549–550

Proofreading, 31, 123

–124 computer work, 171–172 symbols, 123

Proper nouns capital letters for, 502 the with, 584
Punctuation combined mastery tests, 599–600 editing for, 31, 122 introductory activity, 540
Purpose argument paragraph for, 312 for cause-and-effect paragraph,

220, 241 definition paragraph for, 253 descriptive paragraph for, 283 and development of



division and classifi catio


paragraph for, 267 in examples paragraph, 188 narrative paragraph for, 297 in process

paragraph, 206 research paper purpose, limiting,



Qualifi ers, 582 Quality/habits writing

assignment, 320 Quantity words, 581 Questions

in introductions, 332
in prewriting, 21–22 Quite/quite, 573 Quotation marks, 523–530
diagnostic test, 402 editing sentences for, 122 for exact words of speaker/writer,

524–527 indirect quotations and, 526–527 introductory activity, 523 sentence-skills


background image

test, 619 short works, titles of, 527–528 single quotation marks, use

of, 529 special words/phrases, setting off, 529

Quotations. See also Direct



capital letters in, 50


colons in, 54


in introductions, 332–33


in research papers, 37



Races, capital letters for, 507

The Random House Dictionary, 546 Rare usage, 553

Readers’ Guide to Periodical Literature, 363–365, 375
Reading aloud fragments, checking for, 426 for run-ons, 440 for sentence sense, 411, 413

Readings ―All Good Things‖ (Mrosla), 628–634 ―Anxiety: Challenge by Another

Name‖ (Collier), 686–693 comprehension questions, hints

for answering, 62


concentration and, 62


―Dealing with Feelings

(Verderber), 711–71


―Do It Better!‖ (Carson, wit


Murphey), 676–68


―A Drunken Ride, a Tragic Aftermath‖ (Conroy and Johnson), 753–766

―‗Extra Large,‘ Please‖ (Urbina), 718–725 ―The Fist, the Clay, and the

Rock‖ (Holland), 657–662 format for, 624–625 ―From Father to Son, Last Words

to Live by‖ (Canedy), 747–753 ―How They Get You to Do That‖

(Scott), 701–71


introduction to, 624–62


―Joe Davis: A Cool Man

(Johnson), 649–657

―Let‘s Really Reform Ou


Schools‖ (Garland)




Readings—Cont. ―The Most Hateful Words‖ (Tan), 726–731 ―Rowing the Bus‖

(Logan), 634–641

―Rudeness at the Movies

(Wine), 740–74


―The Scholarship Jacket

(Salinas), 642–648 skimming material, 625–626 steps for reading well, 625–626 ―The

Storyteller‖ (Munro

background image

[―Saki‖]), 732–739 straight through reading, 626 ―What Good Families Are Doing

Right‖ (Curran), 662–675 working with materials, 626 Record albums, quotation marks

for titles of, 527

Reference diagnostic test, 401–402 pronoun reference, 473–474 sentence-skills achievement

test, 618 Reference database, citing article

in, 386 Regular verbs. See Verbs Reinforcing points and support,
53–56 Relevance in introductions, 331 Religious organization names,

capital letters for, 503 Repeated words, 92 identifying, 103 Repetition,

undersupported points and, 60 Research papers, 374–397. See also

Internet; Libraries acknowledging sources in, 381 bibliography entries, 383–386

documentation of sources,

382–387 end-of-paper citations, 383 final outlines for, 381 gathering information for, 378

in-paper citations, 382–383 limiting topics, 377–378 model paper, 388–397 note-taking for,
379–380 plagiarism, avoiding, 380–381

Research papers—Cont. planning, 378–381 purpose, limiting, 377–378 scratch outlines for,

378–379 specifi c terms,

researching, 376 topics for, 375–377 Works Cited entries, 383–386

Revising, 28–31 activities for, 43–45 argument paragraph, 304–305,

307–309, 310–311

cause-and-effect paragraph, 212–213, 215, 218, 232, 235, 238–240
computers, working on, 171 content, 28–29 definition and, 247–248,

249–250, 251–253 descriptive paragraph, 274–275, 278–279, 280–283

division and classifi catio


paragraph, 260–261


263–264, 265–26


examples, development of,

182–183, 185–186 process paragraph, 197–198, 204 sentences, 29, 106–122 student model

for, 29–31

Right/write, 569 RoadRunner, 366 Rough drafts. See First drafts ―Rowing the Bus‖ (Logan),

634–641 ―Rudeness at the Movies‖ (Wine), 740–746

Run-ons, 430–444 checking for, 440 combined mastery tests, 595–596 commas, correcting with,

435–436 correcting, 432–440 defi ned, 431 diagnostic test, 400 editing sentences for, 122

introductory project, 430 joining words, correcting with,

435–436 semicolons, correcting with, 436–438

Run-ons—Cont. subordination, correcting with, 439–440 words leading to, 431


Safari, 369 Saki, (H. H. Munro) ―The Storyteller,‖ 732–739 Salinas, Marta, ―The

Jacket,‖ 642–648 Saving work on computers, 169 ―The Scholarship Jacket‖ (Salinas),
642–648 School courses, capital letters
for, 506 Schwa (ə) symbol, 550 Scott, Janny, ―How They Get You to
Do That,‖ 701–710

Scratch outlines, 24–26 for descriptive paragraph, 277 for essays, 339–340 peer review of,

172–173 for research papers, 378–379 student model, 25–26 unity, evaluating for, 149–150

background image

Search engines, 368–369 Second-person pronouns, 109 Semicolons, 541–542

editing sentences for, 122 run-ons, correcting, 436–438

Sentences. See also Fragments; Runons; Thesis sentences; Topic sentences; Variety in sentences

capital letters in, 502 coordination in, 116–117 editing, 122–124 openers for, 119–120
parallelism in, 106–107 revising, 29, 106–122 series, adjectives and verbs in,

120–122 special openers for, 119–120 subordination in, 117–119

Sentence sense, 411–413
Sentence skills, 122, 138 achievement test, 616–621 in argument paragraph,

308, 310

Sentence skills—Cont. in cause-and-effect paragraph,

215, 218, 236, 239 definition and, 249, 251 diagnostic test, 400–404 in division and

classifi cation

paragraph, 263, 265 essays, revising, 345–347 examples and, 188 in narrative

paragraph, 294 personal review for, 174 in process paragraph, 201 summary of, 148
understanding, 145–147

Sentimental tone, 167–168 Series adjectives and verbs in, 120–122, 590 commas
separating items in, 532–533 numbers, consistency in series

of, 510 Sexual bias in pronouns, 473 Short works, quotation marks for

titles of, 527–528 Simple paragraph assignment, 80–82 Single life essay assignment,

349–350 Single quotation marks, use of, 529 Singular subjects, 464 Skimming material, 625–626
Slang, 576–577

dictionary information, 553 editing sentences for, 122 revising for, 29

Smile, forms of, 408–409, 446 Someone, 109 Songs, capital letters for titles of, 504 Sophisticated
sentences, creating, 115 Sorting. See Division and

classifi cation Space signals, 90 Spacing

in computer work, 170 line spacing for papers, 496 Special openers for sentences,

119–120 Specifi c details. See Details Specific words, 111–113

review tests, 128–13


revising for, 2


Spelling. See also Commonly

confused word


basic rules of, 556–55


basic word list, 557–56


computer work, spell


checking, 172 dictionary entries, 548–549 editing for, 31, 122 student model of,


Standard verbs. See Verbs Stories, capital letters for titles of, 504 ―The Storyteller‖ (Munro

732–739 Strong commas, 436 Subject matter

finding books by, 360
in readings, 627 Subject pronouns, 477–479 Subjects, 406. See also Subject-verb

agreement and added-detail fragments,

422–424 dangling modifiers and, 491 double verb and one subject,
sentences with, 53


background image

ESL tips, 585–58


identifying, 40


missing-subject fragments


424–426 repeated subjects, avoiding, 585

Subject-verb agreement for compound subjects, 466 diagnostic test, 401 editing sentences for,

122 with indefinite pronouns, 467 introductory project, 463 sentence-skills achievement

test, 617 before subject, verbs coming, 465 words between subject and verb,

Subordination with dangling modifi ers, 491 review tests, 132–136 run-ons, correcting, 439–440

in sentences, 117–119

Summary of research paper notes, 380 Support, 5–10, 138. See also Points in

argument paragraph, 308, 310

Support—Cont. in cause-and-effect paragraph,

210, 215, 218, 229, 236, 239 definition and, 245, 249, 251 in descriptive paragraph, 271

in division and classifi cation

paragraph, 257, 263, 265 essays, revising, 345–347 evaluating paragraphs for,
153–156 examples and, 179, 188 in narrative paragraph, 288, 294 personal review for, 174

in process paragraph, 194, 201 summary of, 148 for thesis sentences, 342–343 understanding,

Syllables dictionaries, information in, 549 doubling final consonant and,


spelling and, 555 Symbols in proofreading, 123 Synonyms
as connecting words, 93 in dictionaries, 548, 553–554 identifying, 103


Talking and writing, 9 Tan, Amy, ―The Most Hateful Words,‖ 726–731

Television shows capital letters for titles of, 504 quotation marks for titles of, 527 review essay

assignment, 351–352 writing assignment, 321

Tenses. See Verbs Tests combined mastery tests,

595–602 editing tests, 603–615 sentence-skills achievement test,


subject pronouns after, 478
and then, 569 The, 583–584 Then/than, 569


ESL tips, 585–58


and they’re, 56


Thesis sentences, 327 in introduction, 330 supporting, 342–343 two parts of, 341–342
-thing words, singular verbs with, 467
Thinking active thinking, 11 paragraph writing and, 10
Third-person pronouns, 109 Though/thought, 573 Threw/through, 569 Time magazine, 562 Time
order, 84–86

emphatic and time order,

combination of, 97–98 identifying time transitions, 99 practice with, 95–96

background image

Times abbreviation rules, 511 numerals for, 510 transitions, identifying, 101–102 words

showing, 87–90

Titles centering titles on papers, 496 finding books by, 360 persons, capital letters for titles

of, 506 quotation marks for, 527–528 tips for titling papers, 497


fragments with, 419–422
verbs preceded by, 409 Tolerant tone, 167–168 Tone in paragraph, 168–169 Topics
for research papers, 375–377 subject headings, using, 361–362

Topic sentences, 8 activities for writing, 64–65 broad statements in, 63 in cause-and-effect


213–214, 226, 227 common errors, identifying,


discovery and, 1


effective sentences, 6


Topic sentences—Cont. keywords in, 65–66 in narrative paragraph, 295 narrow statements in, 63

parts of sentence, understanding,



selecting, 66–6


specific details in, 71–7


writing practice, 67–7


To/too/two, 570
To words homonyms, 570 as openers, 119
Transitions, 86–90. See also

Emphatic order; time order addition, words showing, 86–90 change-of-direction signals,

90, 91 conclusion signals, 90, 91–92 defi ned, 86 in essays, 333–334 identifying, 98–104

illustration signals, 90, 91 list of transitional words, 438 semicolons with, 437–438 space
signals, 90

Two/to/too, 570


Umbrella idea, point as, 51–53 Underlining titles, 527 Union names, capital letters

for, 503 Unity, 28–29, 138 in argument paragraph, 301–302, 308, 310 in

cause-and-effect paragraph,

210, 215, 218, 229, 236, 239 definition and, 245, 249, 251 in descriptive paragraph, 271 in

division and classifi cation

paragraph, 257, 263, 265 essays, revising, 345–347 examples and, 179, 188 in narrative

paragraph, 287, 294 outlining for, 36 paragraphs, evaluating, 150–153 personal review for,
174 in process paragraph, 194, 201

Unity—Cont. scratch outlines, evaluating,



summary of, 14


understanding, 138–14


Urbina, Diane, ―‗Extra Large,‘ Please,‖ 718–725

background image

Usage dictionaries, labels in, 553 editing for, 31


Valued possession essay assignment, 349
Variety in sentences, 115–122 review tests, 132–136 revising for, 29 semicolons adding, 437
Verbs, 408, 445–453. See also Adverbs; Irregular verbs; Subject-verb agreement

active verbs, revising for, 29 and added-detail fragments,

422–424 combined mastery tests, 597–598 consistency with, 108–109 diagnostic test, 401

double verb and one subject,

sentences with, 535 editing sentences for, 122 ESL tips, 585–589 gerunds plus, 587–588

identifying, 406–407 and infi nitives, 588 nonstandard usage, 446 object pronouns with,
479–480 past tense endings, 448–449 present tense endings, 447–448 progressive tense, tips

using, 586 review of tenses, 455 sentence-skills achievement test,

series, placing in, 120–122 Verderber, Rudolph F., ―Dealing with Feelings,‖ 711–718

Vocabulary development of, 562–564 in readings, 627
Vocabulary—Cont. study books, 564 worksheets for, 563–564

Vowels dictionaries, vowel sounds in, 549–550 doubling final consonant and,

556–557 Vulgar usage, 553


Wear/where, 570 Weather/whether, 570 Web sites

citing articles from, 386 for dictionaries, 547 Library of Congress Web site, 367

Webster’s New World Dictionary, 546 Weekday names, capital letters

for, 503 Well, 486–487 ―What Good Families Are Doing
Right‖ (Curran), 662–675 Where/wear, 570 Whether/weather, 570 Whole/hole, 567

Whose/who’s, 570 Wine, Bill, ―Rudeness at the

Movies,‖ 740–746

Wordiness avoiding, 113–115 list of wordy expressions, 114 revising for, 29 undersupported

points and, 62

Word processing programs. See Computers
Words. See also Commonly confused words; Effective word choice; Pretentious words;

Spelling; Transitions; Vocabulary

basic word list, 557–561 combined mastery tests, 600–601 concise wording, using, 113–115
effective word choice, 575–580 parallelism in, 106–107 run-ons, words leading to, 431
specific words, using, 111–113

Works Cited entries, 383–386 chapters/sections in books, 385 edited collections,

in, 385 editorials, 384 magazine articles, 384 newspaper articles, 384 one author, books

by, 383 online magazines, citing articles

in, 386

Works Cited entries—Cont. reference database, articles

in, 386 two entries by same author, 384 Web site articles, 386

Worst enemy essay assignment, 352–353
Writing as discovery process, 13–14 inventory of, 33–34 as skill, 11–13

background image


Yahoo.com, 369 Yourdictionary.com, 547 Your/you’re, 570 Y to i, changing, 556


Zip codes, commas with, 537


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