Interview Failures – Why an interview may fail

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Interview Failures – Why an interview may fail?

Posted on November 22nd, 2009 in

After the job interview

There are several reasons an interview may not go well.
Many candidates who try to learn from their last interview mistakes, asking themselves – why did my last
interview fail and how should I avoid this interview failure next time?

Needless to say that, the way you determine and handle an interview failure, pointing out key factors and
working on these points will aide in future interviews results.

This article discusses the basic reasons people fail in interviews – the first impressions in interviews as well as the
basic interview failures.

After reading this article, you may also be interested in reading the article –

20 Common Job Interview Mistakes

to Avoid

, which provides many other reasons for failing in an interview.

First Impressions – an interview may fail at the very first minutes

How Do the Interview Begin?
A person draws the impression about another in the first 30 seconds of the meeting. Moreover, some hiring
professional believe that in the first ten minutes, the candidate is mentally “hired or not” and the rest of the

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interview spends on giving the interviewer rational for his decision..

Therefore, there is a basic interview etiquette expected by applicants. These manners are used to determine how
one will respond to the workplace common atmosphere.

For example, let’s look at the very first bad impressions people usually make:
• Rushing in at the last minute or arriving late to the interview.
• Too casual in appearance, messed hair, wearing wrinkled or sloppy dress and wearing inappropriate shoes.
• Rude or short with the receptionist upon announcing their arrival.
• Do not greet the Interviewer or do not introduce themselves.
• Automatically sitting upon entering the interview environment without invitation.
• Keep checking cell phone, excusing taking a call.
• Inattentive, looking around, fidgeting, and checking the clock.
• Appear to have just awaked, or not slept well.

These scenarios seem obvious to leave a bad impression with the prospective employer. Moreover, there is no
possible explanation, or excuse to resolve a bad first impression.


will arrive to a conclusion immediately that this rude candidate is not prepared or serious about the

job – they may even perceive that he/she will create problems if hired. Any excuse one may have prepared or
real life circumstances are not accepted.

In those 10 minutes, remember to project a positive impact in the mind of the interviewer.

Other reasons for interview failures: OR how to fail a job interview?

Did you prepare for the Interview?
Here are some other basic reasons:
• There is a trouble answering the basic questions, such as – when can you start.
• You are uncertain about what

functions the position may involve.

• You have trouble explaining your skills or knowledge relevant to the position.
• You do not know what product or service the company provides.
• When asked about previous

you are vague or sketchy.

• You have not prepared YOUR questions.
• You appear over-confident as you have already received the position.
• You have forgotten your documents – Resume, Certificates, and references.
• You cannot remember References’ phone numbers or place of business.

All of these things are major red flags to the Interviewer – any time a red flag is thrown, you might fail in the
There may be some possible explanations you could provide to the interviewer, if you are quick on your feet and

Not preparing for any of the above points can result in an interview failure.

Summing up

If the possibility of failing an interview causes nervousness or anxiety – it may be wise to get this under control
and forget the outside world for a moment.
Refer to how to relax before an interview.




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Poor Manner
It is unsure as to what may have you on edge or acting in poor manner, even rude. Take the time to process you
reactions to situations and try to remember to be as polite as possible. Put everything on the back burner, if
simply to be polite to the Interviewer and potential future employee teammates.

Lack of preparation
To handle interview failures of this nature is simple preparing all the facts about you and the company, your
skills, and points of value. Keeping your best foot forward and providing a positive picture of competency.

Employers Expect Dedication
If you are this poorly prepared for your big day and first meeting with a prospective employer, what they see is
someone who is lazy, unorganized and not motivated to work on their own.
Not everyone may understand your hectic schedule or the possibility you are having a bad day. An employer is
looking for motivated, amiable and happy – well-adjusted employees, dedicated to supplying their full time and
attention to their


Most Interview Failures can be over come. Learning to handle your failures as useful knowledge for future
Interview possibilities will be a positive and beneficial approach to combing the


You may also be interested in reading the articles –

20 Common Job Interview Mistakes to Avoid

Signs of a Bad Interview

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Job Interview Qustions and Answers


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Why Do People Fail In Job Interviews: Failures & Mistakes


Signs of a Bad Interview: 10 Signs that the Interview Went Badly


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