Emma Hillman A Question of Trust [EC Taboo] (pdf)

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A Question of Trust

Emma Hillman

Maxine has a problem. She has to seduce a man she doesn’t know and steal from

him once he’s asleep. And not only is Dylan the most handsome man she’s ever seen,
he’s also into bondage and BDSM and all that stuff she’s never even thought to try.

When he falls into her trap and they spend the night together, something sparks

between them. Dylan must have felt it too, because he asks her to go back to L.A. with
him to become his submissive. Eager to get away from the men coercing her, Maxine
jumps at the opportunity.

Dylan is a tough man to please, but under his hard touch, Maxine soon blossoms.

But her enemies are near, and her secrets difficult to hide. When disaster strikes, it’s up
to Maxine to prove she’s worthy of Dylan’s trust. For better or worse.

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Ellora’s Cave Publishing


A Question of Trust

ISBN 9781419937279


A Question of Trust Copyright © 2012 Emma Hillman

Edited by Briana St. James

Cover design by Mina Carter

Photos: 123rf.com

Electronic book publication May 2012

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Emma Hillman

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To my husband for being there and listening to me vent I’d never write another

BDSM book…ever…again. Let’s see how long this lasts!


A big thank you to Bree for putting up with me all these months. We did it!

Author Note

A Question of Trust is a work of fiction depicting a BDSM relationship between an

experienced Master and a newbie submissive. For the purpose of this story, I have

decided to stray a little from the lifestyle conventions. It therefore does not reflect an

entirely healthy or safe relationship.

But please if you’re thinking about trying bondage, talk to your partner first about

what you’re willing to do or not do. Share your expectations and boundaries. Make sure

you’re doing this because you want to, and not because you want to please him/her.

And most of all, enjoy yourself!

And remember… Trust is key.

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Emma Hillman


Chapter One

A Night to Remember

Ready or not, here I come, you can’t hide… The song kept repeating in Maxine’s head

as she stared at the handsome stranger over her Kindle.

He’d been staring moodily into the distance for the past few hours, his fingers

squeezed tight around his glass as if he was afraid to let go. He wore a black suit that

accentuated his wide shoulders and lean hips. He had short dark hair and clear eyes,

green or gray, she couldn’t say for sure. He was seriously handsome, even with that

perma-frown on his face.

He was the man she’d been looking for, the one she was supposed to steal from. Of

course, he needed to notice her first.

She kept on watching as he sighed and brought the tumbler to his lips, taking one

long gulp before slamming it back down onto the marble-covered tabletop. She winced

at the sound and too late realized he’d seen her grimace. He shook his head, the gesture

resembling an apology, and yet, he went straight back to staring at nothing.

It was her turn to sigh. She knew she wasn’t really the type of woman men hit on at

bars, but surely tonight should be different.

She had instructions, after all. How on earth could they have considered her perfect

for this job? She didn’t even look the part, she thought as she stared at her

surroundings. But they’d been adamant he’d take the bait and lead her to that box.

What was inside was worth a lot more than what she supposedly owed them. One

night, and she’d be free of them.

Maybe she should have thought this through a little more and come up with a plan

that consisted of more than just her acting as if she was entirely focused on her book.

Because right now her plan sounded as bad as she was feeling.

She put her e-reader down and felt her neck twitch. That’d teach her to sit here

unmoving for hours. She brought her hands up and kneaded the back of her neck,

running her fingers up into her hair. She took the ponytail holder off and shook her hair

down her back. Now that felt better already.

Looking up with a contented smile, she froze when she noticed his eyes on her.

Their gazes locked. She watched, her eyes widening, as he stood up and stopped by her

table. His voice just above a whisper, he said, “I’m in Room 1001,” and strode off.

She blinked and turned around, watching his back as he left the bar. Wow. She sure

hadn’t been expecting that one. That had been almost too easy. Hoping her karma

wouldn’t change, she grabbed her purse, dropped her Kindle in it and quickly stood up.

I did it!

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The buoyant feeling lasted until she stood in front of the hotel room he’d indicated.

It was located on the penthouse level and just one look around her reminded her know

how badly she fit her surroundings.

They’d given her money to spend the night in the hotel, but she had the cheapest

room available. Still, she hadn’t been in a hotel in so long it was quite a novelty. If she

closed her eyes and forgot about everything else, she could almost believe she was on

vacation somewhere fun. If only…

I should just go, she thought as she hooked her bag higher on her shoulder. Her

gaze drilling a hole into the door only inches from her face, she remained immobile as

she pondered her options. Not that she had any, really. She had no choice but to play

nice with Dylan…Stevens.

Yes, that was his name. She remembered it from the fact sheet they’d handed her

that afternoon. He’d just turned forty, was a lawyer of some kind in California and was

only in town for the weekend. That meant she had to succeed from the get go. Lucky


She sighed. He might be a handsome man, but it still didn’t mean she wanted to do

this. She wasn’t a whore, damn it! How was she going to act if he tied her up?

The file had also mentioned he was a bondage master, and she’d had to Google it

just to make sure she wasn’t going crazy. The man was into BDSM. She’d even watched

videos and, oh my God, she really shouldn’t have.

She didn’t like pain. Really, she didn’t. She’d never really been adventurous in bed,

even with her ex-husband. Maybe this was payback. Maybe she should have tried all

this naughty stuff before. Maybe tonight would have been easier then.

No! She had to do this. She had to. She would say yes to everything he proposed

and hope he went to sleep soon after. At least he was handsome. That was something,

right? And the file said he was rich, both from his chosen profession and from

inheriting his family’s estate.

Tall, dark, rich, handsome. What could go wrong? He sounded perfect on paper.
She could do this. She totally could.
She watched her right hand rise and knock on the heavy wooden door, staring as it

opened almost immediately and revealed the man from downstairs.

He’d obviously used the time he’d had to make himself comfortable. He was still

wearing suit pants, but the jacket was gone, the shoes too.

He stood there and looked at her in silence, so she took the opportunity offered and

admired his body. Smooth white cotton stretched over his wide torso, the few buttons

he’d opened at the neck showing his tanned skin. Her gaze drew down and stopped for

a few seconds around his middle. Oh my.

“See anything interesting?” he asked then, his voice gruff.
Her head shot up, his eyes locking on hers. “Huh, hi?”

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He took a step back and motioned her into the room. She tried not to touch him as

she walked past, the sound of the door closing behind her making her tense up. What if

he’s not like they said he was? What if they lied to me and he’s here to hurt me?

“Would you like something to drink?”
She turned around and spotted him in front of an open bar. It was all glass and

brown leather, showcasing a dozen bottles and glasses of all sizes. She realized he was

still waiting for her answer and shook her head. “No thanks.”

“As you wish.” He poured himself a glass of Jack Daniels and took a slow gulp, all

the while staring at her intently. So intently, she somehow wondered if he could see

inside her head. God, I hope not! “What’s your name?”

“Max. Maxine Cole.” Damn, should she have lied and given him a fake name


“Maxine,” he drawled out, almost as if he was savoring her name on his lips. “I’m

Dylan Stevens. Nice to meet you.”

“You too.” She looked wildly around her and decided to sit down on the sofa, even

though she hadn’t been invited to do so. What were the rules in this kind of situation


She’d never had a one-night stand before and she realized that she was unbearably

lost. Maybe she should have read the latest issue of Cosmo before she came here?

Dropping her purse on the floor beside her feet, she tugged her skirt farther down

her legs, hating how much flesh it revealed. It was way shorter than anything she

usually wore, much like the top displayed her lace-encased breasts. “Crap,” she

muttered under her breath.

“Are you okay?” he asked, his voice sounding much closer than before.
She probably shouldn’t have jerked when he suddenly appeared in front of her. He

sat down on the coffee table and moved so his legs were around hers. He wasn’t

trapping her, and yet, it felt like it. She leaned back against the leather couch and

clasped her hands tightly together on her lap. “I’m… I’m fine.”

“You don’t look it,” he commented as he took another sip of his drink before

depositing the crystal glass on the table beside him. “Are you sure you want to be


His eyebrows rose. “I’m not going to force you. You were staring at me so intently

downstairs, I thought you wanted the same thing.”

He saw me look at him? Hell! I so suck at this. “I do,” she belatedly replied.
He smiled, but it didn’t reach his eyes. “I don’t believe you.”
Now what? She had no choice but to go through with it. She needed to be inside

this room. With him sleeping would be even better. “I just… I’m not really used to this.”

Maybe he heard the ring of truth in her words, because he leaned forward and

cupped her cheek with his palm. His skin was soft and warm against her face, making

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her want to lean against him and snuggle into his embrace. Make him take care of

everything so she could forget what she was doing here.

If only…
Her eyes closed just as his lips brushed hers in an achingly soft kiss. He didn’t push,

but instead let her get accustomed to the feel of him. His palm left her cheek to drift

across her neck. She shivered and tilted forward, bracing herself with her hands on his


When she felt his tongue trace the seam of her lips, she automatically opened them.

The kiss intensified all of a sudden, Maxine losing sight of reality for a while.

The next time she opened her eyes, she realized he’d pulled her to him and she was

now sitting on his lap. She was facing him, his legs rock hard under her, his gaze steady

on her as if he was trying to determine what she was feeling.

“Okay?” he finally asked, his hands finding her hips.
She licked her lips. Nodded. Tried to remember what she was doing here. “Sure.”
A corner of his lips lifted. “You’re really not used to this, are you?”
“I told you.”
“You did.” He bent his head and pressed his lips against the side of her neck, his

whiskers scratching her skin.

Another shiver ran up her spine. She grabbed on to his shoulders and held on tight.


“You have gorgeous hair. It’s the first thing I noticed about you,” he whispered,

brushing the auburn strands down her back so he could kiss a way down her neck, past

her collarbone, down again to that ridiculously low-cut top. “Gorgeous breasts too.”

“You haven’t seen them yet,” she heard herself answer. She closed her eyes and

nearly groaned out loud. Way to go, Max!

He chuckled. “That can be remedied.” Two seconds later her shirt was airborne and

his fingers were busy opening up her bra.

She should have slowed him down, but she just sat there, watching him watch her

with lust in his eyes. She didn’t know this man apart from what they’d told her about

him, and yet she found herself relaxing in his presence. Maybe because he seemed to

really believe she was here for a one night stand.

She should be pleased about that. After all, everything was going according to plan.

Her karma had been so bad lately she should be accepting this reversal of fortune like

the gift it was. Then what was that feeling deep inside her? The one that made her lean

up and take his mouth for another kiss, even though she hadn’t kissed a man in


He groaned under the assault and clamped his hands on her ass, pulling her closer

to him, making her feel how much he clearly wanted her. He broke the kiss and

lowered his head so he could nuzzle her breasts. Lick them. Suckle them.

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She gasped and arched her back, pressing herself even more against his cock,

wanting to feel that sweet pressure against her clit.

“More?” he murmured, his mouth still busy teasing her nipple. He bit on it for

torturous seconds, his hands sliding under her skirt at the same time. When they

encountered nothing but skin, he drew back and stared down at her. “You came here

prepared, I see.”

She felt herself redden and started to fidget on his lap, unsure what to do next.

She’d thought going commando would make it easier somehow. Wrong!

“Stop moving,” he said. She froze into place. “Good girl,” he commented as he

tugged her skirt up until she was naked on his lap, bar the black material around her

waist. He pushed her thighs wider and bared her pussy to his attentive gaze.

Maxine sat there, unable to move. Somewhere inside her, she knew she didn’t have

to obey him, and yet she couldn’t make herself go against his injunction, even if it

meant being naked in front of him.

She wasn’t sure why being with him was so different when she usually hated

making love anywhere but in the dark. Only the table light was on, bathing the rest of

the room in semi-darkness, but if she could see him, and boy could she, that meant he

could too…

“Put your hands on my shoulders.”
She obeyed immediately and was rewarded by his brilliant smile. He let out a low

whistle and she realized he really did like what he saw. He really did.

Between this new revelation and the position he’d moved her into, which meant he

now had access to every part of her, her arousal increased. So much so she felt juices

trickle down her sex a second later.

“Very nice.”
His compliment went straight to her core. She moaned and arched her body toward

him, silently begging him for more. He stared at her for a minute, but finally…finally

his fingers delved between her thighs.

She was so fucking wet, Dylan thought as he circled her clit with his thumb,

watching her every reaction, wanting to know what caresses she seemed to prefer.

Another breathy gasp escaped her. She rocked her hips up, her head tilted to the

ceiling, her hair cascading down her back in a fiery mane.

He still wasn’t sure why he’d given her his room number. Oh he knew he’d been

down, that he’d needed something else to think about, but he could have just gone to

the nearest dungeon.

He might not be in L.A., but he had contacts everywhere. He could have found a

sub to play with for the night, lost himself in the routine, and yet he’d picked her


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He’d felt her gaze on him as soon as he’d sat down in the hotel bar. It seemed she

needed the same thing that he did tonight. To forget. She might not be very

experienced, had more curves than what he was used to, but she felt damn good. She

also obeyed him like a little submissive, whether she knew it or not.

Yes, all in all, she was the perfect distraction for the night.
He slid two fingers inside her and watched as she started rocking up and down

them, getting herself off under his very eyes. His dick twitched inside his pants,

reminding him he really needed to take his clothes off before they combusted from the

heat coursing through him. He hadn’t felt so horny in months, maybe even years.

Perhaps that was what he’d needed. Variety. A change of scenery. Of partner.

Whatever it was, he was going to explode soon if he didn’t get inside her. He slid his

fingers out of her pussy and brought them to his mouth, licking her juices before her

shocked eyes. He nearly laughed out loud. “You taste good, but I need to fuck you


“Oh.” She blinked. “Sure.”
He grabbed her by the waist and helped her stand, somewhat unsteadily, beside

him. He undressed in a record time, all the while feeling her gaze on him. She devoured

him with her eyes, exactly like earlier in the bar.

When he turned back to her, his cock led the way. It was so hard it was nearly

purple, the head oozing pre-cum.

He nodded toward the couch. “You’re gonna ride me. Okay?” He didn’t give her

time to answer, simply sat down and grabbed his cock in his right hand. “Come here,”

he added.

She was in the process of settling herself on his lap once more when she stopped all

of a sudden and asked, her voice nearly a squeak, “Condom?”

“Shit!” He closed his eyes. “In the bathroom.”
She drew back up and looked around the room. “Huh…”
“That door over there. There’s a box in the bag on the counter.”
This time it was his turn to watch as she crossed the room. He clearly saw her suck

her stomach in and wondered whether she was giving him her back because she didn’t

want him to stare at her naked body. He could understand her being nervous, but he’d

thought he’d made it clear her curves appealed to him.

The Master in him rose, eager to tell her off for hiding herself from him. By the time

she came back, walking around the sofa so he couldn’t look at her, he’d remembered

she wasn’t his submissive.

They were strangers. They might be about to have sex together, true, but they were

still strangers. He wasn’t her Master. And she probably had no idea she had submissive


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It’d been a while since he’d had vanilla sex, he thought as she handed him a foil

packet, and he wasn’t altogether sure he’d be able to rein in his dominant tendencies.

Maybe, though, she wouldn’t mind… “Put it on me,” he told her, his voice rough, the

command sharp.

She looked at him, frowning a little before grabbing the condom back. He watched

as she opened it and retrieved the latex casing, blowing in it for a second before

kneeling down in front of him.

His fingers were still wrapped around his cock, but he let go as soon as she leaned

forward. He tensed when she first touched him, her caress soft. Too soft. “Harder,” he

growled. He knew he was losing patience, but he needed something here!

“Like this?” she asked as her fingers closed around him. She tugged up, then down.
“Ye-es,” he groaned. “Put the condom on. I need to be inside you.”
He couldn’t watch as she covered his cock with the damn latex. He hated the

things, but they were necessary. Hell, he knew that, so why was he so close to losing it?

Was it her fingers on him, that tentative touch that belied her nervousness? Or the way

she was biting her lip, making him want to lean down and capture her mouth for

another kiss?

By the time she was on his lap once more, he was gritting his teeth. He grabbed her

waist in both hands and lifted her up, ignoring her surprised shriek.

He felt her pussy widen under his invasion, felt her walls enclose him in a tight,

wet…oh yes, so fucking wet heat. Oh yeah, that feels good. That is so damn good.

Once he was deep inside her, he leaned back against the sofa and stared at her.
She appeared in shock. Her hands were on his biceps, almost as if she needed to

hold herself up. “Okay, baby?”

She blinked. “Wow.”
He couldn’t help it, he laughed. “That good?” He watched as she wiggled

experimentally, her walls tightening around his cock in reaction. His palms slid down

to her hips, his fingers digging into the soft skin there.

She started moving then, rocking up and down on his dick as if she had all the time

in the world. And maybe she did…but he sure didn’t.

That was when he realized this would never do. Maybe later they could take their

time and enjoy each other’s bodies, but not now. He didn’t warn her what he was going

to do, simply clasped her to him tight so he could switch positions and push her to her


Her breasts bounced under him, her shocked gasp echoing throughout the room.

He didn’t stop, however, not until he was on top of her with her legs wrapped around

his waist.

Her hands fluttered to his shoulders, the touch faint as if she wasn’t sure what to do

with herself. He decided for her.

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Putting all his weight on his knees, he grabbed both her hands and forced them

above her head. Then he lay down on top of her, letting her know she was entirely at

his mercy. Her tits were crushed under his chest and her pussy enclosed his cock in a

wet vise. It was all good.

“Now,” he muttered, “we fuck.”

It didn’t take Maxine long to hit the point of no return. That overwhelming

sensation, the one she hadn’t felt in so long, built and built, spreading throughout her

body until she was a mass of nerve endings and nothing else.

She clamped tight around his cock, loving how he suddenly started thrusting

almost violently inside her. It was rough and primal, and exactly what she needed. God,

he’s good, she thought, but then something happened and her brain stopped working.

“Yes!” she heard herself scream. She was pretty sure her nails were digging into the

backs of his hands, but she couldn’t control herself, not when it felt so good and…

“Ohhh.” Aftershocks. Oh yes, lovely, lovely aftershocks, how I missed you.

“So fucking tight. Yes, that’s it. Fuck!” Dylan shouted, a vein throbbing in his neck

in time with the way his cock jerked inside her. As if it was all too much, he slumped on

top of her.

He was heavy, but she didn’t care. In fact, if he would just let go of her hands, she

wouldn’t mind snuggling with him. Instead she leaned up and kissed the side of his

neck. He tasted of sweat and pure male skin. Downright decadent, she thought with a

smile as she closed her eyes.

* * * * *

Dylan had no idea what time it was as he lounged on the disturbed bedsheet.

They’d already had sex three times, the second time nice and slow like he’d envisaged

earlier, and the last round, well, that one had been a revelation. Because Maxine had

reacted like a true submissive.

He’d pushed her on her hands and knees, intent on taking her like that, wanting to

admire her ass as he thrust in and out of her. He hadn’t been able to stop himself from

slapping her, however. Oh it’d been nothing more than a small smack, nothing

remotely like what he was used to, but her reaction had been exactly what he’d yearned


She’d keened, the sound high and surprisingly sharp. Then she’d stilled and had

looked over her shoulder, her hair falling into her face. He’d fisted the long strands in

his hand and tugged, the movement harsh. He’d been too eager to see what her eyes

would tell him.

As soon as he’d seen the lust in her gaze, he’d known he’d made the perfect choice.

He wasn’t too sure how he’d managed to pick her, the one woman who fit him perfectly

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out of all the ones who’d been in the downstairs bar, but he wasn’t going to complain.

That was when he had truly let go.

“You like this, don’t you?” he’d whispered to her. “You like it when I’m rough,

when I push you.”

She’d licked her lips, her gaze locked with his. “I… I don’t know.”
“Never tried it before?”
He’d tugged some more on her hair, forcing her body to arch under him. She’d

gasped and tightened around his cock, her pussy milking him for a brilliant second.

“Oh yes, you like it, pet.”

“Pet?” she repeated, her voice weak.
“Do you trust me not to hurt you?”
She’d frozen. “I don’t know you.”
“I’m a Dom. Do you know what that means?”
“Very good. Do you want me to push you a bit more?”
“No. I… I don’t know.”
“I think you do.” He’d cupped her left hip and dug his fingers into her skin, letting

her feel a hint of the pain-pleasure he could give her. She’d bucked under him, her

walls tightening once more around his cock.

He’d smiled, pleased with himself. And then he’d fucked her hard, smacking her

ass with his open palm every so often, enjoying her shocked moans so much he hadn’t

been able to stop himself from coming deep inside her seconds after she’d shouted her


And now here they were, lying side by side, the silence growing between them

until he knew he had to either explain to her or tell her to leave.

He turned on his side and propped himself up on his right elbow. “Are you okay?”
“You slapped my ass.” Her words were accusatory, but her tone was proof of her


“I did. I also tugged on your hair and held you down. And you liked it all, pet.”
“I’m not a pet!” she countered, sitting up so she could lean back against the


He watched as she wrapped her arms around her knees, hiding himself from him.

That wouldn’t last long, he promised himself. “That’s a term of endearment for one’s


“I’m not a submissive either.”
“You could be.” He sat up too, not saying a thing even as she inched to the right,

away from him.

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“Really, no. I’ve never done this before now.”
“You never tried it. It doesn’t mean that you won’t like it. Isn’t that what we tell


“I’m not a kid.”
“I do believe I know that, pet.”
She growled. He couldn’t help but laugh. Who would have thought she, out of all

people, would make feel more alive than he’d had in months?

“It’s not amusing, damn it!”
“I’m not making fun of you,” he reassured her, sliding his hand along her shoulder.

Her skin was so soft…

“It sure sounds like it.”
He smiled. “To the contrary, pet, I’m very serious. I love nothing more than to

introduce a woman to the joys of bondage.”

As soon as the words were out, he wondered why he’d told her that. This was a

one-night stand, a few hours spent having fun with each other so they could forget

about the rest of the world. He might love the idea of teaching her what being a

submissive meant, but dawn would soon be here.

“What do you do? We haven’t really talked, have we?” He changed tactics, hoping

the idea burgeoning in his head would disappear if he got her talking about something


She lowered her head, hiding her face against her knees. He could barely hear her

mumbled response when she said, “I’m unemployed. I… I was laid off a few months

back.” She took a deep breath then looked up. Her hair fell into her eyes but it was clear

she was close to crying “I haven’t had a very good year.”

At her shaky words, Dylan tugged her toward him, making her lean against his

side so he could loop his arm around her shoulders. She struggled at first but soon

snuggled against him as if she needed the comfort, so trusting he couldn’t help but


She clearly needed this.
He’d buried himself in his work over the past months and only realized now how

lonely he’d been. Having her in his arms felt good. Having her need him felt even


“Me neither,” he finally admitted. “Are you single?”
“Divorced. You?”
He gazed in the distance. “I never married. What happened with your ex?”
“I don’t want to talk about him.”
“Is that what else happened this year?” She nodded, her chin digging into his chest

a little. He didn’t say anything, however, simply let her press herself against him. “I’m


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“It’s okay. It’s not your fault.”
“Why did you come up here?” he finally asked, the question having circled his

mind throughout the night.

She looked up at him. “I needed a break,” she whispered as she stared at him for a

moment, then looked back down. Not before he caught the hint of something in her

eyes, however.

“A break?”
“From my life. I don’t have anything, you see.”
“What does that mean?”
“I have no job, no husband, no money. I’m this close to losing my house. I…” He

heard the tears in her voice and hated hearing her like this. He didn’t know her, not

really, but it was killing him to hear the sadness in her voice.

Worse, he couldn’t do anything and that really irritated the Master in him. He was

supposed to take care of his subs at all times. Shit, what am I saying? She’s not really my


Isn’t she?
Maybe she could be…
He remembered the pleasure he’d felt in her arms only minutes earlier, how well

she’d responded to him even though she barely knew him. He imagined how much

better it would be if he were on home ground, playing with his toys, her back bowed as

she took him deep inside her, her screams echoing all around his dungeon.

It was crazy. He couldn’t ask her to come back to L.A. with him. He didn’t even

know her!

She sniffed and snuggled even closer against his side. He tightened his hold on her

and thought about what she’d told him and how their lives were so intrinsically

different. And yet he hadn’t felt so at peace with a woman in a very long time.

Earlier in the bar, he’d been contemplating where he was at in his life. He had a

great job, an amazing house, more money than he could spend, friends, casual lovers.

Hell, he had the perfect life…except for the hole in his chest that kept on growing.

He missed his family. His parents had helped remind him who he truly was. Every

time he’d gone to visit them, he’d gone back to L.A. with a smile on his face. It had been

months since they’d died, but he still felt lost at sea, as if something was missing from

his life.

Coming back to his hometown for the weekend had been a mistake. Walking along

these streets had only heightened his sense of solitude, and not even visiting his cousins

had helped. He’d stayed for dinner but had gone back to his hotel rather than stay there

for the night.

He hadn’t wanted to wake up there and witness how happy they all were. They

had families of their own, and he’d felt like an interloper, the crazy uncle who lived in

California and sent them extravagant gifts for Christmas.

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He’d felt bad that they’d organized all this for him, traveling from throughout Ohio

for the weekend, but the house had been packed and he’d hated it. Yes, coming here

had made him feel even worse than before…except for the last few hours. Maxine had

been a revelation, a way to remind himself there was joy to be had out there.

She needs me. She has nothing, and I have everything. I could take care of her, show her

what an amazing submissive she could be. She would become mine… All mine.

He thought of the collar tucked in his suitcase, the one he had specially made for

the woman of his dreams. He’d started taking it everywhere with him, hoping that he’d

stumble upon her during his travels.

Now that he’d found someone he actually liked, however, he wasn’t sure he should

take that extra step. He looked down at the woman cuddled in his arms, her red hair

tickling his bare arm, her soft breast cushioned against his side.

Somehow she looked as if she belonged there. His chest tightened.
“Have you ever been to L.A.?” he heard himself ask, the question echoing through

the room for long seconds.

Max frowned as she looked back up at the man who’d rocked her world all night

long. If he would just fall asleep. She really needed to go through his stuff, but he didn’t

appear the slightest bit tired. Why wasn’t he like all men, who started snoring as soon

as they got some? Why? “No. I’ve never been to California, for that matter.”

“Want to come and visit?”
She stilled. “What?”
His gaze locked on hers. “You could fly back with me.”
“I… I can’t.”
“Why not? You just said you don’t have anything here. I’m sure you deserve a

vacation too.”

“I’m not a whore, Dylan!” She pushed away from him, but his fingers clamped

around her forearm, stopping her.

“I never said that.”
“You want me to come with you to L.A. so we can have sex! I’m sure you were

going to say you’re going to pay for all my expenses, am I right?”

He winced. “You’re right.”
“But you’re also wrong. I want you to come live with me and become my


She rolled her eyes. “Sure.”
“I’m not joking, pet. It’s been a dream of mine for years.”

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“Yeah, right.” She tried to dislodge his hand from her, but he was a lot stronger

than her. Gritting her teeth, she grabbed the edge of the mattress and tried to pull

herself away from him.

“Come here,” he said just before he tugged her back to him. She slid down the sheet

and landed straight on his lap. His arms wrapped around her, holding her captive in his

warm embrace.

“Let me go, Dylan.”
“Not before you let me explain myself. I admit this is a bit sudden, but what I said

is the truth.”

“What bit?”
“All of it,” he replied, dropping a soft kiss on her shoulder.
She fought the urge to lean back against him. He felt so strong, so capable…

Couldn’t she just say yes and let him take care of her? That would feel so very nice after

all these months going from one problem to another.

If he didn’t fall asleep, she’d never get the opportunity she needed to go through

his bags and find that damn box, the one he apparently never traveled without. The one

that would solve all her problems, or so they’d promised her.

It had seemed easy enough. One night with a stranger for the relief of not being

obligated anymore. She’d thought she could do it and forget it’d ever happened straight


Hold on. She could use this, she suddenly realized. She could go with him, search

his house to her heart’s content, get some hot sex while she was at it…and be far, far

away from the people intent on hurting her. Yes, that sounded like a good plan.

“For how long?” She felt him jerk behind her.
“Are you considering it?” he asked, palming her chin so he could make her turn

toward him. “Maxine?”

“Maybe,” she prevaricated.
He looked at her for a moment before announcing, “We could have a trial period. If

you don’t like it, I’d pay for your flight back home.”

“I… I don’t even know you,” she whispered. It was a good plan, she knew that, but

could she really go through with it? He seemed nice enough, but that didn’t mean

anything. “God, I’m going crazy.”

“Then that makes two of us, pet.”
What? She looked up and fell into his piercing green gaze. “I don’t understand.”
He palmed her cheek, his touch soft and assured. “I’ve never done anything like

this before,” he added in a low voice.

“You said you were a Dom!”
His mouth twitched into a small smile. “I am. I just usually go to dungeons to


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She’d read about dungeons and had a vague idea of what he meant by that, but did

that mean… “Hold on. Does that mean you’ve never had a…a submissive in your


“To play, yes. To stay, no.”
“So why are you doing this?” she asked.
He closed his eyes and when he reopened them there was something there that she

couldn’t define. “You need me.”

Maxine frowned. “I need you?” How could he know that? Was she really that


He caressed her bottom lip with his thumb. “As much as I need you.”
She gasped, her head jerking back. “What?” He needed her?
“I probably shouldn’t say this but I’ve been very lonely lately. I work too much. I…

I no longer know how to have fun.”

“So I’ll be providing the entertainment?”
He chuckled. “My little pet has claws, I see.”
She winced. Shit! “Sorry.”
“No, no. I like that.” He lowered his head and nipped the sensitive skin right under

her right ear, making her shiver. “So, what do you say? We could sign a contract.”

“A contract?” She frowned. “What do you mean by that?”
“I’m a lawyer. I don’t know if I told you that or not, but anyhow… I’ve got this

blank contract on my laptop we could sign. It’ll detail every single aspect of our


“Relationship?” Had she heard that one right?
“Yes. The contract in itself is not legally enforceable, but…” His voice drifted as he

slid out of bed. He walked to a door that revealed a full-size closet and rummaged

through something she couldn’t see from where she sat.

Minutes later, he was back behind her. She felt him move her hair out of the way

before he tied something around her neck. She touched the necklace, figuring it was

made of some sort of soft leather. Cold metal hit her collarbone and she fingered

whatever hung down from the… “Hold on. A collar?”

“Yes. How does it feel?” He dropped a kiss on her hair then moved to sit in front of

her. “It looks good on you.”

“But…” She blinked. “Isn’t this going awfully fast?”
“I want you to understand what being mine will mean, pet. You’re not familiar

with the lifestyle, I know that, so go ahead and ask me anything. I want you to know

what you’d be getting yourself into before we go any further.”

And as Maxine took him at his word, asking him question after question, she

realized something else. He hadn’t been lying. It really looked as if he needed her too.

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She couldn’t quite wrap her mind around that. He appeared so solid, so…together,

and yet there was something in his eyes that drew her more and more until she was

leaning against him, the collar warm against her skin. Until she found herself signing

her name beside his, agreeing to move to California with him and be his submissive.

They might have defined what he could or couldn’t do during this trial period, but

she also knew he would push her to her limits. He’d been quite clear about that,

warning her beforehand almost as if he’d wanted to see if she’d go back on her word.

But she couldn’t. She had a job to do first. She had to find that goddamn box and

steal it from him. So she said yes to all his suggestions, from getting her suitcase from

her cold hotel room to snuggling in his arms when he declared they should get some


She was stuck.
The worst thing was…she wasn’t sure if she was running away to L.A. with him

because she had no choice or because she wanted to. The little girl inside her still

believed in Prince Charming. Silly, silly girl. Didn’t she know everything in life came

with a price?

What if he learned the truth? What would happen then? Would he actually hurt

her? Questions spinning through her mind, Max closed her eyes and tried to forget

about tomorrow.

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Chapter Two

The Start of Her Education

“They’ll be here in twenty minutes,” Maxine announced as soon as she hung up the

phone after having ordered room service. She turned around under the covers to face

the new man in her life.

Dylan simply nodded, already on his way toward the bathroom. Except she really

needed something here. “Hmm, could you please get me—”

“What do you want?” he snapped over his shoulder, stopping in the middle of the


She gulped. He was behaving so unlike the night before, it was as if he was an

altogether different man. He’d warned her he wasn’t a morning person, but this was

something else all right. “I need to go to the bathroom.”

“So? Go.”
“No.” She shook her head. “You don’t understand. I need some clothes first.”
His eyes darkened. “Why don’t you grab your bag?”
“Hmm.” She licked her lips. “I’m naked?” She tugged the sheet higher, making sure

it covered every inch of her nakedness.

“So? After the night we spent, you really don’t think I’ve seen it all already?”
“Please.” She was flustered, true, but he was also starting to get on her nerves. So

what if he needed coffee before he could function? She’d love some coffee too, but that

didn’t make her behave like an ass, did it? “Could you bring my bag to me?”

Argh! “Why not?”

Dylan’s mouth twitched at the sight of her pursed lips. “Remember what I said last

night? No slave of mine will be afraid of being naked in front of me. So get it yourself.

I’ll be here…watching.” She really looked put out, but if she thought he’d let her be in

control when he was the Dom here… “Now, pet,” he added.

She jerked at the tone of his voice. He didn’t move, simply kept on staring at her

until finally, reluctantly, she slid off the bed.

Making sure to have her back to him, she walked to the opposite corner of the room

and pushed a door open, pulling out a heavy bag and laying it on the floor.

His cock now hard as hell, he watched her kneel on the carpeted floor. Her ass rose

in the air when she leaned forward, her legs widening long enough for him to catch a

glimpse of pink inner lips.

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“Fuck,” he mumbled under his breath, fighting the urge to go to her. She was his

now, and yet he couldn’t just fist his hands in her hair and bring his dick to her parted

lips, make her suck him until he spurted so deep inside her throat she’d choke.

He shook his head, forcing the fantasies away. She seemed to have some kind of

control over him, the teasing lure of her nakedness enticing him closer. He strode

toward her and saw her tense before he even was near her.

She didn’t say anything, didn’t even acknowledge his presence, but he could see the

way she was now hunched over herself. Almost as if she was hiding from him. And

that just wouldn’t do.

An instant later his hands were on her shoulders. She gasped, but he didn’t let her

pull back. No, he forced her to stand, pushing her until she was leaning against the

wall. Her eyes wide, she looked up at him, her arms automatically moving to hide her

body from his view.

“Oh no, I don’t think so,” he muttered, grabbing her hands in his. He brought them

up above her head, making her breasts pucker up invitingly.

“What are you doing?” she asked him, sounding almost breathless.
“Teaching you a lesson.” He slid his right foot between hers and added, “Widen

your stance.”

She didn’t move.
“Now, pet, that’s not how you respond to your Master. I’m sure we went over this

last night. Don’t move your hands and widen your legs.”

“I have a name,” she said through clenched teeth. And yet, she did as he’d ordered.
He looked on with appreciation as she assumed the position he’d told her to. “Very

good. Now stay still while I look at you.”

Just like that, her body flushed bright crimson. From her face to her heavy breasts,

from her rounded stomach to her dimpled thighs, she turned red. Or, okay, maybe

some shade of pink. It wasn’t altogether surprising. After all, he’d seen her blush before.

But this color instantly made him think of how she’d look after a session in his

dungeon. He wondered if he could match this lovely shade of pink if he used his

favorite paddle on every patch of skin he could find. Now what a sight that would be.

He had the weirdest look in his eyes, Maxine thought as she fought the urge to

move. Standing here naked when she disliked her body most days was taking a lot

more strength than she’d thought she’d need, especially on her first day as his

submissive. Licking her lips, she finally closed her eyes and lost herself in her head.

If she didn’t think about it, maybe she’d stop stressing that he’d renege on their

contract because he found her wanting. Sure, they’d had sex the night before and he’d

seen her naked then, but everything felt strangely off in the bright morning sunshine.

“Open your eyes.”

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His voice a whisper in her ear, she obeyed his injunction. Their gazes caught, the air

surrounding them suddenly feeling downright hot. “Master?” she heard herself ask for

the first time. “What—”

Knock. Knock. Oh no, it had to be room service with their breakfast.
“Don’t move,” he said before he strode to the door.
“But…” She was naked! Hello?
“Lesson number one. Always trust your Dom.”
Maxine couldn’t help it. She rolled her eyes. Seconds later, harsh fingers were on

her shoulders. They pressed until she had no choice but to slide down the wall, ending

up on her knees in front of him. He was wearing the boxer shorts he’d slipped into

earlier, the white cotton such a deep contrast to his tanned skin, it made her insides


“Now, let’s start this again. You will trust me, as your Dom, to always have your

well-being in mind. I will never do anything you don’t want, is that clear?”

She bit her lip and refused to answer. After a final disapproving glance, he went to

the door and opened it. She nearly screamed. Wondering if she had time to jump up

and hide in the nearby closet, all too conscious of her bare curves, she felt sweat start to

trickle down her back.

But he never motioned the waiter inside. Instead, he stepped out into the corridor,

undressed as he was, leaving her feeling faint from all the emotions coursing through

her body.

He soon reappeared pushing a cart laden with food, and she felt tension leave her.

Only to have it reemerge at the sight of his barely restrained erection stopping only

inches from her face. “Ye-yes.”

“Yes to what?”
“I trust you.”
“Do you, really?” he mused out loud, nudging her face up. “Don’t move,” he

added, but she’d heard that one before.

She watched as his underwear slid down his legs. A gasp lodged in her throat. He

was thick and long, and seriously intimidating. She nearly reached for him, only

remembering at the last minute that he’d told her not to move.

And so she knelt there and stared at the fingers that wrapped around the base of his

shaft, tightening until the skin reddened to a deep color. Then they slid up, his thumb

straightening to catch a drop of pre-cum that had appeared at the slit. He massaged it

into his skin, making it disappear when she’d wanted nothing more than a taste.

Gulping, she kept her gaze on those fingers and wished they were on her body


Warmth pooled where her legs met, making her fidget a little. A sharp word and

she was once more immobile. She was getting used to this business, it appeared.

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Dylan watched her every reaction, every movement of her eyes, every slight twitch

that would make him understand his new slave better. She wanted to touch him, that

was quite evident. Just that knowledge pleased him.

He’d always wanted a submissive for him to keep. He liked clubs, had enjoyed

going there every weekend for the past years, but he’d been yearning more and more

for a deeper connection than scening with subs brought him. Even if he had his

favorites, it still wasn’t the same as collaring his own slave.

He’d wanted something more permanent, a relationship that would be based on

trust and experience, on shared likes and dislikes. He’d wanted someone who’d live

with him, someone who’d be with him 24/7. Someone he wouldn’t have to share with

other Doms.

And yet he’d never thought he’d collar someone he didn’t know well. Not in such a

way. Not in a million years.

What was it with her that pushed him to act unlike himself? She wasn’t even that

pretty, was she? She wasn’t that skilled in bed. Hell, she’d probably have no idea what

to do if he cuffed her to the bed.

Sure, he’d known he was depressed. After all, coming back to his hometown always

had that effect on him these days. But collaring a slave for the first time ever should

have held more importance than that.

What the fuck is wrong with me?
He tightened his grip on his cock and pumped himself once, twice, watching her all

the while. When she licked her lips, he nearly lost his composure. He wanted to push

her back into bed, jump on her and take her, listen to her cries as he fucked her hard.

He’d only known her for a few hours, but already she had her hooks in him. For

fuck’s sake, man, get your act together! He took a deep breath and asked, “What are you


She blinked, her gaze reluctantly leaving his cock to lock on his. “Thinking?”
“Yes. What’s going through your head right now?”
“I want to be the one touching you.” She gasped a little when she realized what

she’d just said. “Oh.”

“Is that right, pet?”
She nodded. Her eyes glistening, she leaned half an inch forward and asked

breathily, “May I?”

Dylan nearly lost it. Again. Only experience and hard-earned control made him

stay put and reply, “Did I say you could? Didn’t I tell you not to move?”

He watched her bite her lip, the pink skin plumping around the imprint of her

teeth. “Yes, Master. I…apologize.”

“Apology accepted.” Before he could do something completely out of character, like

grab her head in both hands and let her do whatever she wanted to him, he stepped

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backward and turned around. Coffee. Yes, that was what he needed. “Come here. Let’s

have breakfast.”

“Can I get dressed first?”
He swore he heard her grit her teeth, but maybe that was just his imagination.

When she slid down into the chair opposite him moments later, her face was calm.

Nothing betrayed her uneasiness outwardly, but he could see the way her eyes had


He was going to have to deal with her shyness first. She had to understand he liked

the way she looked, from her heavy breasts to that mole on her inner thigh. She

appealed to him in a way a woman hadn’t in a long time.

Yes, as her Dom, one of his goals would be to make her believe in herself. She

needed to see herself the way he saw her.

First, though, he’d need to build the trust between them. He just needed to control

himself around her. Fuck, I want her again…

“Coffee?” he asked, holding the carafe between them.
She nodded, murmured her thanks and busied herself with the milk jug. He

watched her above the rim of his cup, appreciating her ladylike way and polite


Feeling calmer now that he had coffee at his disposal, Dylan leaned back against the

soft leather armchair and sighed.

She interrupted his tranquil moment. “Would you like me to butter your toast?”
“Being submissive doesn’t mean being a servant, pet.”

She shouldn’t have said anything, Max mused as she picked up the knife from the

tray and scraped some butter onto it. “Sorry,” she heard herself murmur.

“Don’t apologize,” he instantly replied. “You have a lot to learn, true, but I’m here

to teach you. Were you just being polite? What was going through your mind?”

She bit her lip. “I guess I… I wanted to please you.”
She was rewarded by his brilliant smile. So caught up in the way he was looking at

her, she didn’t notice the pat of butter edging down the knife she was holding up until

it fell and splattered right over her left breast. She gasped and looked down just in time

to watch the yellow glop slide over her nipple and splash onto her thigh. “Seriously?”

she muttered, furious with herself.

She reached for a napkin, but a harsh voice stopped her. “Don’t!”
Looking up, she met his gaze and frowned. “What? I need to clean it up.”
He really had to stop saying that. She watched, her eyes widening, as he pushed

aside the table that had been between them and came to kneel before her. Grabbing the

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butter knife from her slack hand, he brought it to her breasts. She gasped and twisted


“Do not move. Not a single inch.”
She stilled, her mouth open. She was panting a little, but as she sat there, forcing her

limbs to cooperate and remain unmoving, she realized they were back to his lesson

number one. He’d told her to trust him, that he would never do something she didn’t

want. As his slave, that was her job, right? Taking a deep breath, she relaxed against the

chair and was the recipient of another brilliant smile.

Her heart squeezed at the sight. Oh my. He was so freaking handsome when he did

that! Too busy remembering that amazing grin, she didn’t notice what he was doing at

first. Then the feeling of the cold metal hit her skin.

He scraped the buttery residue from around her areola, the knife not sharp enough

to hurt, but hard enough to make itself known. Sliding it down slowly, he traced her

nipple with the point, humming in pleasure when it hardened under his ministrations.

“Lovely,” she heard him whisper.
His head lowered. Two seconds later his mouth closed over her nipple.
She jerked at the unexpected caress, but kept herself still after that. He was touching

her again. Yes! His soft tongue laved at the butter marring her skin, his torso pressing

against her thighs until they widened under the pressure and he was nearly on top of


He drew back, but only so he could do it all over again to her other nipple. “I think I

like you better than toast.” He smirked as he pressed some butter onto the knife before

transferring it to her skin. “What a lovely breakfast.”

She couldn’t agree more.

* * * * *

He’d let her shower by herself, but had refused to allow her to get dressed

afterward. Even though she’d reminded him they were supposed to leave that day, he

didn’t seem in a hurry. It was already past ten and the room would have to be vacated

in an hour. Surely he had to see she needed to put clothes on so they could get their

stuff ready and…

“Stop thinking. Come here, pet.”
She went. “Yes, Master?” she asked when she found herself only inches from him.
“What’s wrong with your body?”
Pain slashed through her. He’d finally come to his senses. “I’m sorry.” She turned

around, but was brought up short by a heavy arm circling her waist from behind.

He whirled her back so she was once more facing him. “I asked you a question, I

need an answer.”

She blinked. “I don’t understand.” He waited until she remembered to add, “Sir.”

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“You obviously think there is something wrong with your body. Otherwise you’d

be quite happy staying naked. I chose you, Max. I know what you look like naked,

don’t I?” She shrugged. “You may speak.”

“Yes, but—”
“Are you telling me you’re purposefully hiding something I already claimed as

mine? Are you telling me,” he added, advancing toward her until his chest brushed her

still aching breasts, “you’re doubting my word?”

Mayday. Mayday. “I never said that!”
“You’re keeping yourself covered,” he snapped back, tugging the towel she’d

wrapped around herself. It came undone and pooled at her feet.

“Hmm. I was still wet after my shower?”
“Don’t lie to me, pet, or you’ll regret the consequences.”
She licked her lips, looking left and right, but nothing came to her. Finally all she

could do was hunch her shoulders and sigh. “I’m sorry. I thought once you’d seen me

in daylight you wouldn’t like me…that you’d send me packing—”

“Did I appear not to enjoy your body last night? Did I not suck your tits until you

nearly screamed my name earlier?”

She fidgeted. “Ye-yes.”
“Did I not get hard the minute I saw you naked?”
She blinked. “You did?”
“I did. Your body is mine for the next twelve weeks, right? Right?” She nodded. “I

think you’re lovely, pet, but you don’t seem to believe me. So, from now on, I’m going

to ask you to be naked at all times. You need to see yourself the way I do.”

He stared at her until she belatedly replied, “Yes, Sir.”
“Good. If I have to repeat myself on this, Maxine, I won’t be happy. You’re mine

now, and I take care of what’s mine.” He stormed to the closet and she watched,

helpless, as he grabbed her bag and went through her clothes. When he walked back to

her minutes later, she still hadn’t moved. “Here, you’ll wear this today. No underwear.


“Very clear, Sir.”
He stayed there until she realized he wanted her to get dressed in front of him. She

barely knew him and it felt oh so very intimate, maybe even more than being naked in

his presence. But those were his rules. The rules.

Taking a deep breath, she accepted the skirt he handed her and slid it up her legs. It

stuck a little when she tried to tug it past her hips, so she pulled and pulled until it

finally moved into place. She quickly snapped it shut and breathed a sigh of relief.

Dylan was rooted in place. He’d watched her put her skirt on, but nothing so

simple should have had such an effect on him. Maybe it was because her breasts, still

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gloriously bare, had swayed with her every movement. Or maybe it was because she’d

been blushing again, her teeth clamped tight around her lower lip, emitting little

grunts—little grunts he remembered she also made in bed.

Whatever it was, he couldn’t remember reacting to a sub like this in years. What

was it about her that made him lose control? She wasn’t even a trained submissive!

He stilled. Yes, that was it. Teaching her everything about the lifestyle, about his

own preferences, pushed his buttons.

He realized belatedly she was waiting for him to hand her more clothes. Reluctantly

he gave her the bra he’d been holding, the only one that had appealed to his tastes

amidst the general chaos that was her suitcase.

Every woman put on their lingerie in a different manner, he knew, and so he looked

on as she clasped it behind her back first, her lovely skin bisected by the black lace.

Then she drew the straps over her shoulders, making sure they were in the right place

before…cupping her own breasts.

His breath whooshed out. It didn’t last long, but it was enough. She’d simply put

her breasts in the bra’s molded cups. They all did that. Right? But boy, seeing her hands

on her own flesh had brought a few fantasies to mind. Fantasies he wouldn’t mind

making a reality right now.

Oh. “Here.” He handed her a black top. It was stretchy and clung to her breasts the

second she put it on, her cleavage displayed so predominantly he wondered where on

earth she’d worn it before. And with whom.

“Wear your boots,” he finally said, turning around to give himself a minute. He

should have fucked her earlier. He shouldn’t have stopped, not when she’d been pliant

underneath him, her breasts hard and red thanks to him. He shouldn’t have walked

away and told her to take a shower. Fuck, why did I do that?

He was readjusting his pants when she asked, “Can I get some socks, please, Sir?”
Waving his hand in front of him, he watched as she tiptoed past him and

rummaged through her bag. When she held up a pair of bright-yellow ankle socks

however, he nearly growled out. “What the hell are those?”

She jumped. Turned around to look up at him with her eyes wide and unblinking.

“Huh, socks?”

“Yellow socks? Really?”
He watched as she shrugged. “They were my only clean pair. What’s the problem

with them?”

“I don’t deem them appropriate.”
“You’re going to tell me what to wear?”
“Of course I will!”
“Of course you will,” he heard her repeat under her breath. “I’m sorry, Master,

but…they’re the only ones I have and I cannot wear my boots without socks.”

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“Do you have another pair of shoes?”
He groaned, rubbing his forehead with the heel of his hand. “Never mind. Wear the

damn socks. Just make sure they can’t be seen.”

She turned around then, but he was pretty sure he’d seen her roll her eyes. Brat.
He grabbed his leather jacket and slid it on. Patting the inside pocket, he made sure

his wallet and ID were still there before locating his laptop case. It was still on the desk

where he’d left it only hours ago. Satisfied that everything was in order, he turned

around and watched his new submissive finish getting ready.

He couldn’t believe she’d agreed so readily to come live with him and be his 24/7.

Somehow that seemed too good to be true.

And yet, he couldn’t wait.

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Chapter Three

A New Life

Maxine was admiring the view as the car sped up the winding road. When Dylan

had said he lived in L.A., she’d expected him to live in one of those high-rises that

dominated the downtown skyline. His persona, his whole look, would fit one of those

ultra-modern apartments decorated in dark wood and silver fixings.

Instead he’d grabbed his SUV from the LAX parking lot and was now driving them

to a house located in the mountains.

Apparently he liked his anonymity. That, and not having nosy neighbors. Which

she guessed made sense when you were a Dom and liked to play at home.

“It’s amazing,” she said, watching the sun set over the Pacific Ocean. “I can’t

believe you live here.”

“It’s your house too for the next twelve weeks, you know,” he reminded her as he

slowed the car down and took the next right. A tall black iron gate rose in the distance,

stopping all traffic from going any further.

She watched as he reached for a beeper inside the glove box, his fingers grazing her

when he put it back seconds after the gate started to open. “We’re here?”

“We’re here,” he confirmed, driving forward and waiting until the gates were

closed behind the car to drive on. The road turned gravelly, but it didn’t take long for

the house to come into view. It perched atop the hillside, a white square complete with

a wraparound porch and large windows.

He parked the car at the foot of elaborately carved steps and turned toward her.


She nodded, unable to speak. Who is this guy? she wondered inwardly. She knew

he was a lawyer, but he seemed mighty comfortable for an attorney. To be fair, this was

Hollywood and people here were all rich.

Or was that just her imagination and too much TMZ? In any case, she couldn’t help

but look left and right as she followed him, the darkening day making everything seem

even more surreal. What am I doing here?

“Ha, it’s good to be home,” she heard him comment as he opened the front door

and deactivated the alarm system. He dropped their bags in the front hallway and

stretched his hands over his head before adding, “Take your shoes and socks off. I don’t

tolerate anything other than bare feet in my house.”

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Of course he doesn’t. She sighed inwardly as she bent down to unzip her boots.

Tucking her socks inside them, she quickly deposited them in a closet full of masculine

shoes, the scent of leather permeating the air, before hurrying after him.

He’d already done the same, much faster than her, though, because when she

rounded a corner, she found herself alone in the widest room she’d ever seen in a

humble house before.

Not that this house was humble by any means, but it still belonged only to one man.

A man who’d disappeared and left her to her own devices. She grinned at the thought

and ran to the nearest window. “Ohhh.” She put her hands on the glass and gazed

downward. They were so high up she could only see glittering lights below.

“Did you forget something, pet?”
She whirled around. “Sorry?”
“Why are you not naked already?”
She blinked. “You told me to take my shoes off.” Not her clothes, right?
“Remember what I said this morning? I expect you to be naked at all times when

you’re inside this house. Now that we’re here, I want you to strip.”

Ha, shit. He was really going to go for that. “Here?” She walked away from the

large-paned windows, looking around to find the best spot possible. If she could move

behind the sofa, she’d be good to go.

She stopped instantly, almost as if there was a leash attached to her collar and he’d

tugged on it. Shaking at the image, she forced herself to remain immobile as she

watched him stroll toward her. “Master?” she asked, her voice low.

“Take your clothes off, pet. Once you’re done, you can undress me too. I find I’ve

waited long enough.”

He’d waited long enough? For what? Oh God. He meant her, didn’t he? Yes!

Gulping, she quickly tugged on her clothes, not noticing when he drew them away

from her, only coming back to the moment when she found herself standing naked in

front of him.

Her hands rose and paused in the air. She took a deep breath and pushed herself to

continue, her fingers coming to lie on his chest a moment later. His heartbeat was

steady under her palm, reassuring her somehow.

She took her time undressing him, popping buttons open, unzipping, tugging up

and down and up again. By the time she finally got him naked, she was on her knees

and his cock was right in front of her face. He was hard. Again. Still? She didn’t know.

She watched as a droplet appeared on the crest. She wanted nothing more than to

lean forward and catch it with her tongue, taste him for the very first time and see if he

really was as good as he looked. Instead, her nails biting into her thighs, she forced

herself to stay put.

“Very good, pet. Very good indeed.”

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She looked up. “Thank you, Sir.”
“What is your favorite position?”
Didn’t expect that one, she thought as she licked her lips in a vain effort to gain

some time. “Hmm. I’m not sure.”

“Try again.”
He sighed as if he knew she was lying. “Now I’m going to ask you some questions

and I want you to answer them without even thinking about them. Clear?”

“Clear. Sir.”
“Favorite thing to do in bed?”
He froze for a second before firing the next one, “Favorite caress?”
“Favorite position?”
Max thought about it for a second, then replied, “On top?”
He stared back at her, and she wondered if he would call her out on her hesitation,

but instead he asked her another question. “Favorite part of your body?”

“Favorite part of my body?”
“Chest. No. Thighs? No. Cock? Everything!”
He was smiling by the time he asked, “Have you ever been spanked?”
“Hmm, last night?”
He shook his head ruefully. “Anal?”
“Really? Play or sex?”
“Huh, both, Sir.” He took a step forward, and she noticed his cock twitch. Mmm,

looked as if he was enjoying her answers.

“Liked it?”
She nodded. “Play, yes. Sex, not so much.”
“I see. Have you ever been tied up?”
“No flogs either, I guess. What about nipple clamps?”
“Yes.” That had been years ago though.
“Liked them?”
“Yes, but some of them are very, very tight and they hurt too much.” She could still

remember the sensation so clearly she nearly grabbed her breasts in reaction.

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“Good. They’re meant to hurt. If I tell you to bend over and take it right now, will


Max looked up at him. “Yes, Sir.”
“Perfect.” He smiled down at her. “Now come with me. I want to show you

something.” He left the room and she realized she was feeling dizzy. His questioning

had perturbed her, but it’d aroused her too, so much so she could feel the wetness

between her legs.

Damn it, I’ve lost him again! Grabbing the nearest chair, she heaved herself up and

tried to guess where he’d gone.

“Master?” She stopped on the threshold and gazed at the new room with wide eyes.

Its black padded walls seemed to leach all color away, leaving it looking dark and

depressing. She could see metal rings and other things she dared not name stuck in the


Before her heart exploded, she turned to face the bed instead. It wasn’t much better.

It echoed the gates outside, both headboard and footboard intricate patterns of black

iron. Handcuffs and ropes dangled from the four pillars at each corner, making her


“Welcome to my dungeon,” he announced as he grabbed her right hand and pulled

her into the room. “What do you think?”

She bit her lip. “Hmm, it’s very…black on black, isn’t it?”
“Yes. I like it like that.”
He would. “I see.” She didn’t, not really, but he was the Dom here. “Where do you

want me? Sir?”

He looked down at her, his eyebrows raised in wonder. “Impatient, are you?”
Shit. Maybe she should have waited for him to tell her instead. “Ye-yes, Master.”
“That’s to be commended. All right then, pet, why don’t you make yourself

comfortable on the bed?”

She wasn’t surprised when she drew closer and realized the mattress was covered

with a black satin sheet. It made it really slippery to climb onto the bed, however, and

she was cursing inwardly by the time she finally lay on her back.

Blinking, she stared at the black ceiling and wondered how someone could live in

here. She really hoped he had another bedroom. She didn’t think she could sleep in

here. Ever.

“Give me your feet,” he called out just before clasping his hand around her right


“Ahh!” Max jerked up, the feeling too close to a tickle for her not to react.
“What’s wrong?”
She forced herself to lean back down. “Nothing. Nothing.”

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He harrumphed, but got on with it, and soon enough she found herself tied to the

bed. Her wrists were cuffed to the posts while soft linen cords wrapped around her


She took a deep breath and focused on the feeling of being helpless. She’d always

yearned to try this, after all, but had never found anyone to do it with. Just the thought

of her ex’s incredulous face had stopped her from ever mentioning it.

Fingertips slid up her inner thigh, tickling, yes, but also awakening her body. She

fidgeted a little, but a sharp command rendered her immobile in seconds. She closed

her eyes, hoping that would help.

“Remember you need to tell me whenever something doesn’t feel right. If it hurts,

even if it feels off, I want you to tell me so we can decide whether to continue or not. Do

you understand, pet?”

“Yes, Sir.”
“Good. Now you need to choose a safe word, something that you’ll remember to

call out if you need me to stop.”

He stared at her steadily, clearly expecting her to have such a word ready in her

mind. “Cheese?” she said the first thing that popped into her befuddled brain.

He chuckled. “Okay then, if that’s the word you want to use. Cheese, it is. And,

Maxine, I also want you to tell me whenever something feels good so that I know to do

it again and again. I want you to be happy here.”

Ohhh. “Thank you, Master.”
“You can thank me when you’ve come so hard you don’t remember your name,


She blinked. Oh that sounded really, really good right now.
“You are not to move. Is that clear?”
Soft palms widened her legs, the thumbs nearly touching her pussy. She thrust her

hips up. He slapped the curls at the apex of her thighs.

“No moving, remember? Hold the position.”
Her legs were already beginning to tire, but she grasped the cuffs above her head

with both hands and hung on tight. He’d slapped her pussy! She could still feel her skin

tingling down there, and yet it’d been just a small smack.

She remembered how he’d spanked her ass the night before and grew scared at the

thought of him doing it again, but ten times stronger.

Maybe she should have thought this through beforehand. Maybe she wasn’t made

to be a submissive. She hated pain on the best of days, and really, he looked as if he’d

enjoy hurting her too much.

“Stop thinking, pet. Just feel. I want you to focus on my touch and nothing else.”

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That was easy to say! “I don’t know if I can,” she answered truthfully.
The bed dipped on her left, and when she opened her eyes, she noticed he’d sat

down beside her. He looked huge like this, holding himself up with his hand on the

bed, towering over her prone form. “I know you’re new at this. We’re going to take it

slow, okay?”

She nodded. He waited, staring down at her until she remembered to say, “Yes,


“Good. Close your eyes. Don’t open them again or I’ll have to blindfold you.”
She obeyed his injunction and waited for his next move.

Dylan watched her silently, giving her time to get back into the zone. She was too

new at this to really understand what she needed to do, to even know what would


He had to give her enough space so she wouldn’t freak out, but at the same time

take her far enough that she’d come to relish spending time in the dungeon. It was a

balancing act, but one he intended to savor.

He bent down and pressed his mouth on hers, pleased when she opened her lips

right away. His tongue dove in to tangle with hers, dragging a surprised moan from

her. He kept the kiss playful, wanting her arousal to gradually increase.

Drawing back, he nipped her lower lip then sucked it into his mouth. Her hips

rocked up in reaction. He smiled and slid down her body. Her breasts beckoned. They

were plush and supremely soft, the wide areolas a dusky pink. Her nipples weren’t

hard yet, something he intended to remedy as soon as humanly possible.

His head lowered, his mouth opened and closed around one nub. He sucked on it.

Hard. She gasped.

By the time he’d done it a few times, her nipples resembled purple berries. And

they tasted just as good too. Shaking his head at his wayward thought, he bit one, the

caress harsh. She responded by thrusting her hips up again.

“Like that?”
“Yes! Oh yes, Master.”
“Perfect,” he commented, his voice low as he bent down and bit the other one. At

the same time he slid his left hand down over her rounded stomach. She stilled, and he

hoped she knew where he was going with this.

And because he really wanted her to enjoy herself, especially for their first time in

his dungeon, he gave it to her. He could have dallied, could have tortured her with

slow caresses, made her beg for it…but not this time. Later, sure, he’d play.

Tonight he wanted to make her come so he could fuck her, long and hard. He

wanted to claim his new slave, and no one could take that away from him.

He found her clit almost right away, the little nub hiding amidst soft, wet skin.

Mmm. He couldn’t wait to get his cock in her. He started rubbing circles, switching

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directions every few seconds, heightening her sensations until she was moving in time

with his caresses.

When he slid one, then two fingers inside her, he found her tight and incredibly

hot. “What a nice pussy, pet.”

“Thank you?”
He chuckled. “Answer a question for me, slave. You’re very tight, I noticed that too

last night. When’s the last time you had sex?”

“Last night?”
“Don’t be impertinent.” His fingers slipped out of her, his thumb moving to rest an

inch above her clit.

“Hmm. A while, Sir.”
“Define a while.”
“Two years?”
“You hadn’t had sex in two years, is that it?”
“I see.” No wonder she’d been tight. He thrust his fingers back inside her, starting a

slow rhythm she was soon following. When his thumb pressed against her clit, she

gasped and opened her thighs wider. “Do you want to come, pet?”

“Yes! Please, Master.”
“Keep your eyes closed and focus on your pleasure. Can you feel it start spreading

through your body? It’s going to take over soon and you’ll scream, won’t you, pet?”

“Oh yes.”
“Tell me.” He listened as she started talking, her voice husky, her words broken.

Her body started turning pink, making him smile and forget about his aching cock for a

little while.

All it took was a third finger inside her and an extra pressure on the left side of her

clit. She lit up like fireworks, her moans echoing around the room. Her walls tightened

so much around his fingers, he knew sliding them back out would hurt her, and so he

waited and enjoyed the look of pure joy on his new submissive’s face.

Her insides were still pulsing when he slid inside her. His cock felt huge, her pussy

still trying to get over her earlier orgasm.

“Relax. I won’t hurt you,” he whispered in her ear, holding himself up on his

elbows above her.

“I… I’m trying.”
“I know. One more inch, pet.”
Maxine wished she wasn’t tied to the bed. She’d have loved nothing more than to

hang on to him right now, taking strength in the way he felt so close to her. Instead she

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tightened her hold on the cuffs and bore down. The head of his cock brushed her cervix

and stopped. She breathed a sigh of relief.

He gave her a minute or two to acclimate to his size and then he turned wild. Or

rather, like the Dom he really was. He wasn’t mean, but he clearly needed something

here and she was it.

She was here for this, to give him as much pleasure as she could. And so she tried

to keep up with his wild tempo, rocking her hips up, pushing her ass farther into the

mattress so she had more leverage.

He seemed to appreciate her efforts, his teeth finding the side of her neck, nipping

her skin and making her shiver. “I want you to come again, pet,” he said against her


She nearly lost the rhythm at his declaration. She hadn’t had a multiple orgasm in

years! “Not sure I can do that,” she mumbled back.

“This isn’t a request, pet. It’s an order.”
Max rolled her eyes. As if he could just order her to come, just like that! Who did he

think he was? He couldn’t tell her body what to do and expect it to respond like a good

little puppy. I mean, seriously!

And yet, the more he thrust into her, the wilder she became. He was hitting some

part of her that hadn’t been touched in years, maybe ever, and whenever the head of his

cock brushed against it, something flickered inside her. It was as if he was igniting her

from the inside out, as if he knew her body better than she did.

Heat sparked. So much heat it quickly engulfed her lower half, her legs tensing, her

pussy pulsing. “Oh God!”

He chuckled then, and she nearly hated him for it. But she couldn’t think anymore,

couldn’t move, the rhythm lost and gone forever. The wave was coming and it was

going to sweep away everything in its wake. She opened her mouth, to warn him,

maybe, but what came out of it instead was a surprisingly loud scream.

It felt so good, so amazingly perfect, she wanted the feeling to last all night long.

She clenched her walls around his pounding cock and he grunted above her. It felt as if

he was suddenly much harder inside her. He was coming, she realized a bit late, her

mind addled by her climax. She’d done it! She’d given him pleasure, had made him

come. Go her!

When he pulled back, his dick popping out of her with a wet sound, it brought to

mind the memory of her ex claiming she was frigid. Not anymore, she thought with a

smile. “I think I’ve ruined your satin sheets,” she heard herself mumble, a sudden

lethargy taking over her.

* * * * *

“How did I end up here?” Maxine asked as soon as she was awake enough to

realize she wasn’t where she’d fallen asleep the night before.

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“This is my bedroom.”
“I’d guessed that,” she said, moving positions under the duvet to find him standing

in front of wide-paned windows, a coffee cup in hand.

“Did you sleep well?”
She thought about it and nodded. “What happened?”
He gave her a quick glance before gazing once more at the view outside. “You

crashed before I could untie you, so I carried you in here.”

“You carried me?” she squealed. “Are you crazy?”
He whirled around and she was reminded too late that she was supposed to be a

submissive. “Remember who you’re talking to, slave.” His voice was like a whip,

making her wince.

“I’m sorry, Master. I… I’m just… I don’t understand why you carried me.”
“You’re not that heavy. I bench-press more than you weigh.”
She’d known he was muscled, but surely not that much? He had strong and wide

shoulders, true. His forearms were taut, with deep veins showing on the underside. She

wasn’t small, however.

Trying to wrap her mind around this mystery, she didn’t hear him step closer nor

did she feel the bed move until he was nearly atop her. “Master?” she asked, her eyes

widening when she noticed his rapidly approaching face.

“Good morning,” he murmured just before his lips found hers. The kiss was soft,

much softer than any they’d shared the night before.

Max hooked her arms around his neck and pulled him closer, cursing the duvet

separating them. He was already dressed and yet it was barely dawn outside. She slid

her fingertips under the collar of his white T-shirt, loving how smooth his skin felt,

wondering when he’d let her play with his body. She couldn’t wait to touch him

everywhere, hear his moans ring over her head as she took him deep inside her mouth.

When he pulled back and lifted the covers away from her, she smiled and waited

for him to join her. Instead he grabbed her right hand and tugged her out of bed.


“It’s going to be a lovely day today. Get dressed and I’ll take you out on my boat.”
“You have a boat?”
“Yes. I’ve called the marina and they’re getting it ready as we speak, so hurry, will

you?” And with that he left the room, leaving her standing there wondering what the

hell just happened.

She might be new at this, but she knew better than to go against his wishes. Fifteen

minutes later she walked down the stairs to find him waiting for her in the front hall.

“Very good, pet. One thing that I hate is tardiness,” he commented as he opened the

door and motioned her to step outside.

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She blinked at the bright sunshine and swore under her breath before rummaging

in her purse for her dark glasses. As soon as she put them on, however, she realized

Dylan had already left. She hurried after him, cursing even more every time tiny rocks

lodged into her open-toed sandals.

“Get in.”
She slid into the red sports car that was waiting for them. “This isn’t your car.”
“Yes, it is.”
“Oh.” She frowned. “How many do you have?”
“Half a dozen or so.”
She turned toward him as he turned the key and the engine roared. “Seriously?”
“Am I ever not serious, pet?”
She rolled her eyes behind her glasses. “True.”
He remained silent as he navigated his way out of the drive and onto the main

road. Even then he focused on driving, completely ignoring her, or so it felt anyway.

Max grew antsy, her fingers playing with the hem of her tunic top. She hadn’t had

the time to think of what to wear, so she’d grabbed the first thing that had seemed

suitable for a day out on a boat.

In California.
She still couldn’t quite get her head around that.
She stretched her legs as far as they would go and winced at the sight of her pale

limbs peeking out from the calf-length black leggings she wore. She hoped he’d

planned ahead and taken sunscreen with him.

After all, she was a true redhead. She never tanned, she just reddened instead.

Wincing at the thought of turning into a lobster, Maxine searched her mind for

something else to focus on. That’s probably why she ended up blurting, “You haven’t

had enough coffee, I’m guessing.”

She could feel Dylan’s gaze fall on her. “Why do you say that?”
“You’re very grouchy when you haven’t had your dose of caffeine.”
He didn’t say anything for a moment and then replied, his voice gruff, “We might

be out of the house, pet, but it doesn’t mean things have changed. I’m still your Master

and you’re still my submissive. Understood?”

She gulped. “What if other people hear you? Surely that wouldn’t be good, right?”
“You let me be the judge of that. Just focus on obeying me and everything will be



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Chapter Four

Roping Her In

Dylan watched his sub take a couple steps back and cross her arms over her chest.

Exhilaration rose through him as he imagined what would happen in the next hour. His

cock hardened inside his board shorts, clearly as eager as he was to start this party.

“This wasn’t a request, pet.”

“You can’t ask that of me!”
“Of course I can. Remember what we talked about before you signed the contract,

pet. Now are you going to take your clothes off, or should I do it for you?”

Her gaze took in their surroundings and he saw her reaction when she realized she

was trapped. They were on his boat in the middle of nowhere. The sun was bright, the

ocean was calm. He’d let the anchor go and was now ready to enjoy this beautiful

day… Well, once his sub understood she really didn’t have a choice.

She looked up, her gaze locking on his, and begged, “Please, Master?”
“For the last time, pet, no.”
He’d already anticipated her next move and grabbed her by the shoulders before

she could run below deck. She shrieked and tried to escape his grasp, but he was a lot

stronger than she was. He tugged her behind him until they reached the semi-circular

sofa at the back of the boat.

She remained immobile as he unbuttoned her tunic and pulled it over her head. He

made quick work of her bra and leggings, only pausing to kneel in front of her so he

could tug her panties and shoes off. Once she was naked, he stood back up and met her

gaze. She closed her eyes, unable to stare back at him.

Gritting his teeth, he pushed her down, forcing her to sit on the fiberglass table

behind her. One more push and she was lying down on it, her fiery hair tumbling to the

ground, her breasts jiggling before they lay in repose.

He stopped a minute to admire her. Her skin was so very pale in the bright

sunshine. God, but he couldn’t wait for it to redden under his slaps. “You are not

allowed to move, slave. Is that clear?”

She didn’t reply, her eyes still resolutely closed. He looked down at her and noted

the way her hands were clasped into fists at her sides. She wanted to cover herself, but

she was resisting. That was good of her. Of course, she still hadn’t replied, which meant

only one thing… “You want to play, pet. Not a problem.”

He grabbed the edge of the sofa behind him and lifted the seat up so he could

search inside the box he’d installed there. It was always good to be prepared.

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Grabbing a length of red maritime rope, he quickly pulled it out and let the seat fall

back into place.

He wrapped the cord around both his hands and kneeled down near her head. It

didn’t take long to push her hands down and bind her wrist and ankles to the table.

When he drew back up, he was smiling. She was still immobile, but he knew her

heartbeat had accelerated, her breathing irregular.

“Do you remember your safe word?”
She gave a small nod. “Cheese,” she replied, her voice low and husky.
“And you know you can use it at all times. Whenever something feels off or if there

is something you don’t want me to do, you say the word and I’ll stop. Immediately. All


“Yes. Master.”
Time to play. Carefully he laid his palm over her stomach. She immediately sucked

it in. He pinched the skin there between his fingers and said, “Don’t ever do that, pet. I

don’t want you to hide anything from me. Haven’t I made this clear?”

He watched as she licked her lips before answering, “Yes. Yes, Sir.”
“Good. Now I want you to stay like this while I go grab sunscreen. We wouldn’t

want to get sunburned.”

“Thanks, Master.”

Minutes later, Maxine was hanging onto her control by a thread. A very thin thread.
He might be putting sunscreen on her, but he was doing it in a way she’d never

witnessed before. Maybe it was because she was naked on a boat in the middle of the

ocean of all places, but everything felt heightened. Every caress of his hands, every

brush of his fingers was magnified.

She was nearly shaking when he took her breasts in both hands and rubbed cream

onto her skin. By the time he untied her so she could turn around and lie on her

stomach, she was in a trance.

She didn’t even protest as the rope was wrapped around her limbs once more. Hell,

she barely blinked when he brushed her hair off her face and made it tumble down,

baring her back to his ministrations.

As it were, she couldn’t stop a small moan from leaving her the second his hands

touched her shoulders. He stilled for a moment and she froze, afraid he would stop.

No, not that! Anything but that!
He began kneading the muscles there and she let out a sigh of relief. She didn’t

want this lovely interlude to finish. She wanted this to continue for hours and hours,

with her lying here in the sun and Dylan’s hands on her, bringing her pleasure


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She closed her eyes and let herself be lulled by his touch. When the smack

happened, she was brought back to the present so abruptly she cried out.

“You’re not red enough,” he announced somewhere behind her.
It took her a little while to understand the meaning of his words. By the time it

finally hit her, he’d already slapped her ass numerous times.

It stung. It really did. And yet she couldn’t really say she was in pain.
She’d been so at ease before it was proving difficult to leave that state of mind.

Maybe that had been on purpose, she wondered, as he began smacking the backs of her

thighs. “Oh!”

“Such lovely skin you have, pet.” He pushed her legs wide open and stepped

between them.

Maxine considered thanking him for the compliment, but then he slapped her

pussy with his open palm and she found herself breathless. The last time he’d done that

it had hurt, but now…God, now she wanted more. She blinked. How could that be?

She realized she’d pushed her ass further out when he chuckled behind her and

said, “You want more, don’t you?”

She licked her lips and found them dry, so very dry it made her wince. “Please,

Sir,” she finally said, acknowledging something she should have minutes before.

She was wet.
Undeniably, amazingly, wet.
She wanted nothing more than to feel him thrust inside her, plunging into her

pussy until she couldn’t feel where he ended and she began.

She wanted him to grab her hair and hold her into place as he took his pleasure and

gave her hers.

She wanted him, her Master, the one man she’d been told to rob. No!
No, she wouldn’t think about this now. Not now when he was sliding his fingers

between her inner lips, locating her clit and giving it a sharp pinch a second later.

She keened, the sound echoing all around them. They were on their own, though,

the rest of the world forgotten as he lowered himself over her, his body as warm and

naked as hers was.

He’d taken his clothes off and she hadn’t even realized. She could feel his latex-

covered cock brush against her ass, the one that felt on fire. He’d wanted it red and now

it was, and Christ but she needed something here. “Master!”

“You like being tied up, don’t you? You liked being spanked too. You were asking

for more and that makes me very happy, pet. You’re exactly who I was looking for. I

feel very lucky having found you in that hotel bar, you know.”

She grimaced inwardly. He hadn’t found her. She’d wanted him to notice her. After

all, she was here for a reason and that was why she was behaving like a good little

submissive, like the woman he wanted her to be.

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Yes, it wasn’t because she liked this. It couldn’t be. Well…
Another slap landed on her right butt cheek, bringing her back to the moment. “Oh


“What do you want, slave?”
“You! I want you. I need you. Fuck me, Master. Please just…fuck me.” Her voice


“Brace yourself,” she heard him murmur seconds before the head of his erection

nudged her entrance. He thrust inside her in one strong push and she screamed, her

walls clamping around his cock almost immediately.

“Oh no!” she yelped, feeling her orgasm hit. She’d been so damn aroused and now

it was over already!

She should have known that wouldn’t be enough for him. He stilled and let her

enjoy her climax before he started thrusting.

At first she just lay there and let him do his thing. He didn’t like that. He stopped

and she braced herself for an unhappy tirade. Instead she heard him pop open the

bottle of sunscreen.

She was still frowning when the cold cream hit her ass. He rubbed it into her cleft

with agile fingers, letting one tip tease her rose, dipping it in for seconds before

retreating. He did that several times until she could take one, then two digits in her ass.

Between the solid presence of his cock in her pussy and the teasing touch of his

fingers, it didn’t take long for her to start overheating again.

He must be a mind-reader, Maxine thought as he instantly starting thrusting again.

She pushed her hips back, following his rhythm, wanting more, wanting that heady

rush to overwhelm her once more.

Every time he rammed into her, he slid his fingers out of her ass. Every time he slid

out of her pussy, he thrust his fingers back in. It felt as if she had two cocks inside her at

the same time, the sensation wicked and so very thrilling.

“Yes. Oh yes. Oh God…” she couldn’t help but chant, her body not her own any


She was so focused on her pleasure she didn’t understand what was happening at

first. His fingers were so hard suddenly, so damn big. It hurt unlike anything before.

The rim of muscles popped and they slid in.

No. Hell, no. That wasn’t his fingers. It was his cock breaching her ass, sliding

inside her, forcing her inner walls to widen under his invasion.

She needed to hold on to something, but the rope was still wrapped around her

wrists. Instead she pushed back, remembering that was what you were supposed to do.

It still ached, but the worst of it was done.

That’s when something amazing happened. For the first time in…well, forever…she

understood what anal sex was all about. Because the more he thrust inside her, a lot

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more carefully than the way he’d fucked her pussy earlier, the more pleasure she felt.

She felt so damn full.

“Come for me, pet,” he whispered inside her ear, sweat making their bodies

slippery. “Come for me.”

It was as if he’d made her body his to command, because it worked this time too.

She cried out as her climax hit, nearly missing his shout as he fell along with her.

When he slumped atop her, breathing erratically, their bodies glued together by

sweat and juices combined, all Maxine could do was smile and close her eyes. She

wasn’t too sure what had just happened, but she was sure of something.

Maybe coming to L.A. had been a good idea after all.

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Chapter Five

The Truth and Nothing but the Truth

Soft lips woke her up on Monday morning. It took her a little while to remember

where she was and just as she groaned and reached for Dylan, he moved back, a

pleased smile on his face.

Green eyes sparkling, he tapped a finger over her parted lips and said, “That was

nice. I need to go to work. Why don’t you stay in today and explore the house? I’ll call

you when I’m on my way back tonight.” And with that he stood up and left the room

without a backward glance.

She repeated his words to herself and realized he hadn’t given her an option. She

was supposed to stay in here all day and await his return like a good little slave. But

that’s what you are now!

She scrunched up her nose and heard the sound of a car’s engine revving up. She

leaned over the side of the bed and looked out the window, watching his SUV

disappear down the drive.

“What do I do now?” she asked herself out loud. Well, she knew what she had to

do, but she didn’t really want to… “Crap!” she added. It was barely seven in the

morning, and with her luck he wouldn’t be back before a good twelve hours had


That would give her enough time to go through his house, starting in here. The

room was the complete opposite of his dungeon. It was light and airy, the floor to

ceiling windows showing an impressive vista.

Sliding out of bed, she squealed when she realized she was naked. Still. Again. She

shook her head. She had to get used to this! He wanted her undressed at all times after


She walked past a massive ottoman, the white leather smooth underneath her

fingertips. Imagining how it would feel to make love on such a lovely chair, she found

herself grinning at the world. Maybe this wouldn’t be so bad.

She stepped into the bathroom, probably the largest one in the history of mankind,

and eyed the hot tub in the corner, the double-headed shower in the other and the plush

white rug in the middle of the floor. “He lives like a king.” He really did.

Who needed so much space? Especially when he’d lived on his own before. Or had

he? The question threw her long enough to shatter her earlier quietude. Of course he

had a past. It’s just she had no idea what it was and that rankled her. She wasn’t used to

being in the dark, but she guessed this whole situation warranted it. Hell, she was lying

to him after all.

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“Stop this!” she told herself as she used the facilities and quickly brushed her teeth.
Her toiletries were lined up on one side of the black sink, sharing the counter space

with his razor and shaving gel. Remembering the bristles on his jaw the night they’d

met, she smiled.

Her mind might not be content, but her body was. The time spent with him over the

past weekend had been a lot nicer than she’d expected from a Dom. She’d thought he’d

spank her, tie her up and use the flogger on her. Instead he’d taken his time, awakening

her latent desires like the Master he was.

Shivers ran up her spine as memories assailed her mind. When she nearly moaned,

she decided it was time for her to get a move on.

She wouldn’t spend the whole day fantasizing about him. She couldn’t, in any case.

She was here because she had a job to do.

Coffee calling her name, Max went downstairs, all the while staring at every piece

of furniture and wondering if this was where that damn box was hidden. She was going

to have to snoop everywhere.

He did tell me to explore the house, she reminded herself. That meant she could do

anything she wanted, right?

She hesitated, dread building inside her at the thought of going behind his back.

You have no choice, remember? Biting her lower lip, she listened to her inner voice and

opened the drawer in front of her.

* * * * *

“What did you do today?”
Maxine froze, the tray in her hands forgotten as she tried to act nonchalant. Not

easy that when she held something so hot it was starting to burn through the oven

gloves she wore. She hurried to the table and dropped it in the middle. “I cooked.”

“I see that.” He leaned back in his chair, his gaze steady on her. “What else?”
“Hmm,” she prevaricated, turning around to grab the bottle of wine she’d opened

earlier. She didn’t really like wine, but she’d noticed the dozen or more bottles in the

room next to the kitchen and had realized he was probably a connoisseur. She’d looked

at labels for what felt like hours and had finally given up, going online and Googling

what would suit a jambalaya best.

It was one of the recipes she could do with her eyes closed, and once she’d noticed

the forlorn-looking vegetables in his fridge, she’d known what to do with her time.

It hadn’t taken that long however. The rice, sausages and green peppers had been

washed, cut and cooked. She’d even found spices languishing in the corner of a kitchen

cabinet. He had everything needed to cook a good meal. It just didn’t look as if he used

them that often, if ever.

The pans had been sparkling clean as if they’d never been used. Oh there was milk

and coffee, eggs and butter, bacon and sausages, enough to cook a few breakfasts. Apart

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from that, she wasn’t sure if he knew how to cook anything else. Good thing she’d

found them, though, otherwise it would have been a very boring afternoon.

She’d spent the morning hours exploring the house and gardens. She’d opened

every window or door she could find, sticking her head out and staring at the view any

chance she got. She couldn’t believe she lived somewhere with an ocean view!

She’d never been rich. Oh she’d had a job for years, a good one too, but it hadn’t

paid much. Being a PA didn’t earn you millions. But now here she was and she still

couldn’t really believe it. It felt as if she were on a vacation. If she hadn’t come here

under duress, she’d be lapping it up. As it was, it was all she could to keep a serene

expression on her face.

She blinked and looked up at Dylan sitting opposite her. “Yes?”
“I asked you a question.”
“Oh.” She licked her lips. “I just explored a little.”
“Did you go in every room?”
“Every single one,” she replied truthfully. “This house is really big. The bathroom is


He smirked. “I wanted something nice.”
“It sure is.” She poured herself some sparkling water and took a long gulp. “Do you

like the jambalaya?” she heard herself ask, blushing when she realized she was already

fishing for compliments and he’d only had one bite!

“I didn’t know you could cook.”
She shrugged. “I was bored and you had all those vegetables at the bottom of the

fridge. I used them to make something nice instead. I’ll need to go get groceries soon


“I’ll deal with those.”
“Right.” She looked down at her plate, frowning. There was something wrong here.

He wasn’t behaving as he had during the weekend. Apprehension rose inside her.

“Another thing, Maxine?”
She looked at him again. “Yes?”
“I like your hair better when it’s down. Whenever I’m in the house, please wear it

that way.”

Her hands went up, automatically tugging on the band holding her hair in a high

ponytail. “I’m sorry, Master. It was just easier when I was cooking.”

“Just remember next time so I don’t have to tell you twice.”
Her hair fell down her back, brushing her naked shoulders, making her ultra-aware

of the rest of her body. Her bare body. It was just so very weird to be sitting at the

dinner table, eating like a normal couple while she was buck naked on her chair.

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She fidgeted on her chair, hating the way it stuck to her thighs. It’d probably hurt if

she stood up too fast, she thought as she forked another piece of pepper. Popping it into

her mouth, she wondered if she was supposed to make conversation. He was acting so

oddly. She had no idea what subject to broach, aware of only one thing. She couldn’t

piss him off. Ever.

She didn’t have time to ask him anything, mostly because as soon as he was

finished with his meal, he stood up and left the room. She watched him go, unsure

whether she was supposed to follow him or not, only to hear him call out her name

moments later.

Now here she was again, standing in the dungeon while he stared at her from

behind a large wooden box. “Master?” she asked, stepping closer to the bed.

“I’m afraid I’m going to be quite rough tonight.”
“Rough?” she repeated, her voice ending on a little squeal.
“Yes. You’re my submissive and I think it’s time you learn what that means.”
“I don’t like pain,” she said, her heart speeding up inside her chest. Her hands felt

clammy, but she didn’t dare wipe them on the sheet. It was another black satin one,

looking exactly like the last one. God, did he have closets full of them?

“This is part of what you can expect living here. You did say you were willing to

try, remember?”

She gulped. She barely knew him and yet she’d grown to trust him over the past

few days. He’d never really hurt her. Well, he had, but never more than what she could

take, always bringing her to that higher plane where pain and arousal merged together.

Maxine watched as he rummaged inside the box, leaving her standing there with

her breasts aching and her pussy starting to dampen. She was starting to expect these

reactions when he was around. Maybe that was why she’d missed him so much today.

One touch from him and she’d be a goner. One weekend and she already had it


He was that good.
He grabbed several items and laid them at the foot of the bed, out of reach, but not

out of sight. Before she could ask him what they were for, however, he was on her. His

hands slid around her waist and down her back, cupping her ass before sitting down on

the bed.

His palms slid back up to her shoulders. He hesitated one moment, his gaze on

hers, and then she was falling. He moved her body as if she weighed nothing, turning

her around so that she lay face down on his lap, her balance precarious, her long hair

tickling her nose.

Her stomach was compressed like this and she fought the ensuing nausea. It didn’t

help that her head was hanging down and that all her blood had rushed to it. She

gulped and put her palms on the floor, hoping she wouldn’t fall on her face.

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His hand found the curve of her ass, smoothing the skin in slow caresses as if he

had all the time in the world.

“Master?” she asked, her voice shaking. What the hell is going on?
“I think it’s time we had a discussion, you and I.”
“A discussion?” Maxine repeated, her voice croaky.
His hand lifted and she braced herself. Nothing happened.
“Who are you?”
She blinked. “Who am I?”
“Did you really think I’d accept the story you concocted without checking? Who do

you take me for, Maxine? Is that even your real name?”

“I have no idea what you’re going on about. Of course my name is Maxine!” He

squeezed her right butt cheek, his fingers digging into her flesh. “Hey!”

“Try again,” he admonished, his displeasure clear in the harsh tone of his voice.
“My name is Max! I swear.”
“What about the rest? Who are you? What are you doing here?”
“You asked me to be your submissive. I’m here because of you, remember?”
Another squeeze. She wiggled, trying to get off his lap. His left arm held her

shoulders down, however. He accentuated the pressure, his rock-hard thigh making her

breasts ache.

“Try again. You might not have noticed, but there are video cameras in every room

of this house. I’ve been watching you ever since I left this morning. Now start talking.”

“I…I don’t know what you want me to say.”
“I want you to tell me the truth. Why are you here?”
“I had no choice!” She finally broke down. The tears started, not because of the pain

that had started to course her body at her awkward position, but because of what she’d

done. Because of what she’d been forced to do. “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.”

“Explain.” He gritted the word through clenched teeth. It sounded as if he was at

the end of his tether.

Scared, she took a deep breath and nearly choked. She coughed and coughed until

he had no choice but to let her move.

She ended up kneeling in front of him. Hiding her face behind her hands, she

struggled to get herself back under control. Her back ached. She really needed to switch

positions, but he probably wouldn’t let her. “I’m sorry,” she repeated as she finally

looked up at him.

His eyes were cold. Glacially cold. Oh no. “Talk.”

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The words rushed out of her. “My ex-husband was in debt when we got divorced. I

didn’t think anything of it because we were no longer together. Apparently, though,

he’d asked money from the wrong people. I…I was laid off earlier in the year. The

economy, you know.”

She looked back at him, but he was unmoved. Sighing, she continued, “They came

to my house one evening. I opened my door, I… That was really stupid of me. They

burst in and asked for money, said Tim owed them three hundred thousand and he’d

gone into hiding, so it was on me to reimburse them.”

She stopped, remembering how frightened she’d been that night. Her house, the

one she’d kept after the divorce, was the only thing she had under her name. It wasn’t

worth much, but it was the only thing that had kept her from living out on the streets

when she’d been let go from her job. She’d barely had enough money to eat, let alone

give those thugs what was left in her bank account.

“I managed to string them along for a couple of weeks, but they came back and… I

had, have, no money to give them. I don’t know where Tim is. I can’t find him. I’m the

only one able to pay them back.”

“You just said you had no money.”
“I know. But…you do.” She squeezed her eyes shut at her admission. When she

reopened them, he hadn’t moved.

“Did they give you my name or did you seduce me because I looked rich?”
“They did. They told me where you’d be and what you looked like. I was supposed

to seduce you then steal from you when you were asleep. It was only supposed to be

one night!” She pushed herself up, her arms on either side of her. She really wanted

nothing more than to hide herself, but she knew he’d take it badly if she did. And she

really shouldn’t anger him any more than he already was.

“But it didn’t and you found a way to move in with me. And now what? I watched

you earlier. You were looking everywhere, I’m guessing in search of something specific.

What is it?”

“I don’t know. They just told me that it’s in a black laminated box. About this size.”

She motioned with her hands. “I’m not supposed to open it, just hand it over to them.

They said you take it everywhere with you, but I thought maybe you’d left it at home

rather than taking it to work with you.”

His face was a blank mask when he asked, “And they contact you how?”
“My cell phone.”
“I see.” He sat there, his eyebrows merged together, giving him a malevolent look.

“Is there anything you told me that night that was true? I can’t believe I let you seduce


“You’re the one who asked me to be your submissive! I was only going to spend the

night with you so I could go through your things when you were asleep, but…it was

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such a great opportunity that I said yes. You see, I’m…I’m scared of them and it meant

being in an altogether different state. I couldn’t not say yes.”

“Do you really think that makes it all okay? Do you?” His voice rose.
She bit her lip and froze. “Sorry, Master.”
“You have no right to call me that!” He exploded, jumping from his position at the

end of the bed.

She jerked back, falling onto her butt and crying out at the pain that lanced up her

body. Crawling backward on her outstretched arms, she tried to move away from him.

She needed to hide and then run away, leave this place and never come back.

She would have failed, but she’d worry about that later. She’d take the thugs over

him any day. At least she knew what to do to string them along. She’d even nicknamed

them Larry and Moe. They were lackeys, true, but she knew better than to

underestimate them. She remembered with a wince the one time they’d kicked her


She realized she was wheezing when he got to her and pulled her upright.

Mumbling something about not knowing what to do with her, he pulled her forward.

By the time he’d tugged her arms up and she’d realized what he aimed to do, he’d

already opened the manacles stuck into the wall and enclosed her wrists in them.

Maxine had to move to her toes in order to support herself. She wasn’t that short,

but they’d obviously been meant for someone much taller. Already the muscles in her

calves had started hardening, and she bit her lip in an effort not to scream. She watched

as he raked his hand through his hair, making it spike even more all over his head. He

started pacing back and forth in front of her, the look on his face so dark and

unforgiving she realized then she really shouldn’t have gone through with the thugs’


It’d seemed easy enough at first. She’d been given his name and a description, had

been told where he’d be and the best way to seduce him. She hadn’t needed to do

anything. She’d sat there and he’d been the one to make the first move, inviting her to

his room for a night of sex.

It’d been too easy. She’d thought so at the time. And yet she’d spent all day today

going through his stuff. She hadn’t counted on him watching her, but hell, now that she

thought about it, it made sense. He obviously hadn’t trusted her and how right he had


She gulped and kept on watching him, wondering what he was going to do with

her. Tension spread through her, fear escalating until she was wheezing again. When

the pain hit in her right calf, she couldn’t help herself. She screamed.

Dylan whirled around and stared, stunned, as the woman who’d just shot his day

to hell started screaming. What the fuck? He hurried to her and stopped, unsure of what

to do next. “What’s wrong?”

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“My calf. Right leg. Cramp. Cramp! Make it stop. Oh God, make it stop!” Her voice

rose on the last word, ending on another scream.

“Shit!” He was already reaching for the manacles, quickly letting her free. She

didn’t move from her position against the wall however, her face pale, her eyes wild.

He knelt in front of her and grabbed her leg with both hands, forcing it into a stretch.

She screamed again and started beating down on his shoulders with her fists.

“That! Hurts!”

“I know,” he muttered, not letting her go, ignoring her helpless tries at moving

away from him. “Let me do this, damn it!” He slid his palms up until his fingers were

pressed against the back of her calf.

A round ball was lodged there and he winced in sympathy. This must hurt like hell.

“Shh, calm down,” he said quite ineffectively as he started massaging her, warming the

skin and hoping it would help.

“Please, please, please. Make it go away.” Her voice broke on the last word and he

looked up, only to find her pressing a clenched fist against her mouth. It was clear she

was doing her best not to scream again, but he wasn’t sure how long she was going to


“I’m going to grab a painkiller. Do not move.” He forced himself not to look back at

her and instead hurried out of the room.

He’d been so clear on what he had to do with her tonight. He was going to

interrogate her and decide on her future depending on her responses. But even as mad

as he was at her deception, he couldn’t let her hurt like this without doing anything. He

wasn’t mean. Too bad he wasn’t, really.

He was back at her side in mere moments, a glass of water in one hand and a pill in

the other. “Are you allergic to anything?”

“Good enough. Take this.” He handed her the glass and pushed the tablet into her

other hand. “Drink up.”

She followed his injunction and he waited for her to finish it all before he took the

crystal tumbler from her hand. “Lean against me. You’ll feel better lying down.”

He gritted his teeth as they made their way to the bed. Every time she took a step,

little cries burst out of her parted lips. By the time she finally lay down on her side, her

right leg bent at the knee, tears were streaming down her face once more.

He watched as she closed her eyes and turned away from him, almost as if she was

trying to hide. Too late, he thought. “Thanks,” she mumbled. If he hadn’t been staring

at her, he probably wouldn’t have heard.

Something inside his chest tightened. He didn’t know what to do now. He’d done

everything he could when he really should have kicked her out of here instead.

Damn my bleeding heart, he cursed himself inwardly. His father had always told

him he was too nice to be a lawyer and he’d been right.

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“I’ll come see you in the morning. If you need anything, call me.” He gestured to

the interphone on the opposite wall. He watched her move, probably in reaction to his

announcement, but she was still in pain and not fast enough. She was sitting up when

he closed the door behind him. He heard her shout out something, but the padded

walls were too thick. He turned the key in the lock and pocketed it before slowly

making his way to his own room.

He’d spent all day watching her, the letters on his desk remaining unopened, the

files labeled Urgent forgotten. He’d watched her open every single drawer she could

find and had grown agitated, wondering what the hell she was doing.

They’d just spent the best weekend he’d had in ages, but he hadn’t been away from

the house for more than an hour than she’d already been acting suspiciously.

How could he have ever trusted her? How could he have invited someone he didn’t

know into his home? Had he gone completely crazy?

He had no idea what he’d do with her in the morning. Good thing he wasn’t in the

mood to sleep anyway. No, he had too much to think about, starting from their first

night together to everything she’d told him tonight. Not forgetting the way she’d

cooked for him, how her pussy had felt around his cock and…well, everything else.

He’d been so sure he’d finally found the submissive of his dreams. What an idiot

he’d been. She’d conned him with her expressive eyes and lovely skin, with the way

she’d responded to him. So fucking perfect.

He should have known.
Groaning, he plopped down in the middle of the bed and tried to ignore how the

pillows still smelled like her, an intoxicating mix of her citrusy perfume and pure

female scent.

Stop it!
It was going to be a long night.

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Chapter Six

I’ll Show You

“Are you going to keep me locked in here for a long time? Because that’s so not

what I signed up for. It’s probably not even legal!”

Dylan stared down at her with his arms crossed over his chest. “Think before you

speak. You were going to steal from me, something I’m pretty sure isn’t legal either.

How’s the calf?”

“Can you walk?” he asked as if he didn’t believe her. Which he shouldn’t, but still.
She sighed. “Sure.”
“Do it then.”
“Do what?” she asked, trying to gain herself some time. If only she could run, she’d

already be out of here.

Oh, the room had all the amenities, even a bathroom hidden behind a black door.

But it was more the principle of the thing really. She hated being tucked away while he

debated over her future. Please, make him kick me out without calling the police. Pretty


“Don’t piss me off, Maxine. Get on your feet and start walking.”
She expelled a heavy sigh, but did as ordered. As soon as her feet touched the

carpeted floor, she stood up and tried to put more weight on her left foot without him


Of course, it didn’t help that she hadn’t taken more than a few steps before she

started limping. “Damn it!” she muttered under her breath. Couldn’t she get a break


“And you call that better?” he commented behind her. “Have you ever had cramps

like this before?”

“Yeah.” She turned around and made her way back to the bed, knowing trying to

fake it was just futile now.

“How long do they last?”
“A few days.”
“I see.”
She sat at the foot of the bed and looked up. He had such a good poker face she had

no idea what he was thinking about. “Can I leave now?”

“Leave to go where?”
She shrugged. “Home, I guess.”

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“I thought you were afraid of those people.”
“I am.” What she didn’t add was that he wasn’t much better. “I’ll deal with them

when it gets to that.”

“I don’t think so.” And with that, he turned around and left the room. He

reappeared minutes later with a covered platter. She watched as he dropped it quite

unceremoniously on the bed and hurried out again. This time, however, she

distinctively heard the key turning in the door.

“No!” She was too late. He’d locked her in again.

* * * * *

You know you’re seriously bored when you’re in a dungeon and you don’t know

what half the stuff is, but you’re trying them out anyway.

Maxine grimaced at the pain lancing up her calf. That didn’t stop her from leaning

forward and trying to maintain her balance on the sawhorse standing in a corner of the

room. It was black and padded and eerily reminiscent of the rest of the room.

At first she’d thought it was a picnic table, albeit one for small people. That hadn’t

made much sense. Yes, maybe she shouldn’t have taken those four pills at the same

time. When she’d noticed the straps, it had suddenly made a lot more sense.

“Hmmm,” she mused as she stood back up. Weird, but not that bad, she decided

before moving to the next piece of furniture.

That one was also black and padded. This room has a theme! It looked like a stand,

but with a cushion part in the middle. It had four legs with leather cuffs attached to

each. She tilted her head and tried to guess how you got on it. The pad in the middle

looked too thin for anyone to lie on it, but surely that had to be it.

She had to try! After all, she’d tried all the others…
Even with her trying her best to ignore her bad leg, her calf was screaming by the

time she managed to climb onto the apparatus. The metal was shockingly cold against

her bare body and definitely hard as hell against her bare pussy.

It made her tingle, however, and she realized she really wanted to move into the

correct position to see what it would feel like. It might be a stupid idea, especially

considering she was going to be sent on her way soon, but she didn’t care.

She leaned forward and grabbed the handcuffs on both front legs before pressing

her face against the leather padding. Her legs dangled behind her, her toes brushing the

other two cuffs and making them bang against the metal legs. Her breasts heaved down

on either side of the pad, her nipples slowly hardening as her arousal heightened.

Now’s the time to experiment, she told herself as she started rubbing her body up

and down. Shots of pure pleasure zapped through her every time her pussy met the

metal bar.

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She imagined Dylan watching her with his cock in hand, waiting for her to come so

he could then fuck her to heaven and back. Or maybe he’d simply lean forward and

force her mouth open, order her to suck him off like the good girl she was.

God, this was crazy. She was yearning for him and yet she barely even knew the

guy. What had he done to her? This wasn’t supposed to happen. That whole slave thing

was only supposed to be temporary, so what the hell was happening to her?

Maybe she was just bored. Yes, that had to be it. It wasn’t her Master—Dylan, per

se—that was the problem. It wasn’t that she was missing him or the way he touched

her. She was just…bored.

Her inner lips parted open so her clit now also pressed against the bar. She let out a

heavy moan that echoed throughout the room, heady sensations rushing through her.

The door burst open, shattering the fantasy.
“What the fuck do you think you’re doing?” Dylan’s voice rang sharply above her


Taken by surprise, Max nearly lost her balance. She clung to the cuffs with

desperation. She needed to get off of this and pronto! It took her too long to think about

the best way to climb down, however. A palm hit her ass mere seconds later. She

shouted, but he didn’t seem to care.

“What are you doing?” she heard herself whimper when she saw him sit on his

haunches only inches from her.

“You want to use this. No problem, dear. I’ll show you.”
Shit! “No, no. I was just curious. And bored. I was very, very bored!”
“You won’t be bored now.”
“Don’t do this.”
“Too late,” he answered, snapping the cuffs around her wrists and moving behind

her to do the other ones.

Her calf protested and she jerked up in pain when the leather closed around her

right ankle. “It hurts!” she called out. Tied like this, she couldn’t move her body or her

head. “Please, Master.”

“It’ll hurt a lot more when I’m finished with you, slave, so shut up and take it.”
She’d angered him again. Why can’t I ever do the right thing? Why do I have to always

screw things up?

She’d thought she’d be better off without her ex, thought she’d be able to build up

another life, but that fantasy hadn’t lasted long. She’d lost her job and now she was

going to lose her house and maybe her life if Larry and Moe were to be believed. “Don’t

hurt me.” she managed to murmur.

“You’re the one who wanted to try this,” he replied, his voice rough. She heard him

walk away, but she had no idea what he was doing. That is until he came back and

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grabbed her breasts with both hands. She looked down just in time to see his fingers

close around her nipples. He pinched her so hard she bucked. “Hey!”

He completely ignored her, his eyes intent, his focus entirely on what he was doing.

She watched him grab something from his lap, her eyes widening. No, no, no! Not clover

clamps. Was he crazy?

She’d tried nipple clamps before, but these were not for amateurs. She knew it was

going to hurt, was getting ready to protest when he leaned up instead and sucked her

right nub into his mouth. She gasped, the pain she’d been expecting dissolving in a rush

of pleasure.

Her eyes closed as she started rubbing herself against the bar, loving how it pressed

against her pubic bone. Her balance was still bad, her stomach had started to ache on

top of the pain lancing her calf, but she forgot about everything else. Nothing mattered

but the feel of her Master’s teeth around her nipple.

She should have known he’d have a plan. As soon as he pulled back, he attached

the clamp to her wet nub and moved on the other side of the stand to get her other

nipple ready.

She opened her eyes and watched him do it this time.
She’d been right. It hurt like hell. It felt like her breast had doubled in size, as if it

was going to explode if he took that instrument of torture off. “Please don’t,” she tried

again. He simply stood up and walked behind her where she couldn’t see him anymore.


And then it started.

Tonight, he wasn’t going to lose control. He’d had a day to think it over, to assess

the situation as calmly as he could. To remember also the past few days and how

Maxine had made him feel before this rude awakening.

He kept his eyes on her round cheeks as they slowly took that color he loved. One

slap, two, and her pink ass was calling out to him. He stepped forward and pressed his

cock along her cleft.

He was still dressed in his usual suit, the light wool not thick enough to hide how

fucking hard he was. “Do you feel that?” he asked, his voice low.

“Ye-yes. Sir!”
“Do you want it?”
“Take them off, please, Master,” she said instead.
“Wrong answer.”
He took a step back and raised his hand, sending it smashing against her right

cheek. He watched her ass jiggle at the forceful slap, enjoying the way it felt underneath

his palm.

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Then he did it all over again to her left one, then the right, and again, and again,

and again, until she was moaning loudly and thrashing about. It was a good thing she

was cuffed tightly to the bench, otherwise she’d fall for sure.

Knowing she’d had the clamps for long enough, he knelt down and quickly pulled

them off. She cried out as blood rushed back to her abused nipples, the sound making

him cringe. Maybe he’d been a bit harsh working with a beginner.

Swearing under his breath, he leaned up and licked her crinkled nub, soothing it

with his tongue. He did the same to her other nipple before standing back up. He

looked at her then, truly looked at her.

Red ass, red tits, red hair. So damn nice. He traced the collar encircling her neck. He

had to admit it suited her well, the black leather such a deep contrast to her pale skin.

Smoothing his hand down her spine, he noticed her hips rock up when he touched the

small of her back. Intrigued, he leaned down and pressed his lips there.

She gasped and suddenly went motionless. Hmm, interesting, he thought. He

kissed a path down to her ass, nipping at the now tender skin, smirking when he heard

her mutter something under her breath. He moved behind her and put his hands on her

butt cheeks, pressing outward so he had the nicest view on earth.

Her juices glistened on the black bar between her legs. Her inner lips clung to it, her

clit a dark-pink as if she’d rubbed it one too many times. She might not have liked the

clamps much, but she was definitely aroused.

Yes, she was the perfect slave for him.
Shit, what are you thinking? he cursed himself inwardly. Even if she’d signed the

contract, even if she was indeed a sub, it still didn’t mean she hadn’t lied. She’d planned

on stealing from him, for pity’s sake! Anger rose inside him once more but he pushed it

back down.

He couldn’t stop himself however from grabbing a condom and sheathing himself.

He tugged her body back as far as it would go and slammed into her. Her walls were as

tight as the other night, barely letting him pass before they contracted around his cock.

He gritted his teeth and knew she was probably doing the same.

He didn’t slow down, however. He simply kept on pushing until he was to the end

of her and then he slid back out, only to thrust right back in.

Maxine groaned. He was fucking her as if there was no tomorrow. The pad was

pressing into her rib cage now that he’d grabbed her waist to balance himself. Or maybe

he was making sure she couldn’t fall, she had no idea. But it hurt, damn it!

She should have enjoyed the way the bar rubbed against her clit and her pubic

bone. Usually she loved that. She did. But not tonight. Not when he was taking his

pleasure and completely ignoring her. Not when he was punishing her for something

she’d had no control over.

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But that’s what being a slave is all about, her inner voice countered, making her

purse her lips together. If that was how he was going to behave for the next twelve

weeks, she sure as hell wasn’t going to stay.

She nearly snorted at her thoughts. As if he’d want her to stay anyway. He was

going to push her out of here as soon as he’d climaxed, she was sure of it. And so she

just hung there and waited. It wasn’t as though she could do anything else.

“I don’t think so,” he said as he leaned over her. His body was hard against her

abused ass and lower back. She tried to wiggle away, but he deliberately pressed

forward instead. “Stay still,” he ordered.

His hands slid down and slipped to her front, palming her breasts.
He tweaked her nipples, making her cry out. “Ouch!”
“Stay still, I said.”
“That’s easy to say,” she mumbled back, earning herself another pinch. “Damn it!”

She was so intent on not enjoying herself, it took her a little while to understand what

he was doing. He’d started circling his hips, brushing the head of his cock against that

spot inside her. “Oh God.”

He chuckled behind her. “So you thought you’d just ignore me, did you? Think

again, pet. I’ve been at this game far longer than you.”

She could already feel sparks come to life inside her, pleasure spreading throughout

her lower half. She nearly growled when he slipped out of her. He immediately slid

back in, but this time his rhythm was a lot different and he made a point of pressing

down so his cock hit her G-spot at every thrust.

Damn, damn, damn. He really knew what he was doing. She’d been barely aroused

before, but now she was skyrocketing toward a brilliant finish. The thought slashed

through her brain and seconds later she was coming, her mouth opening on a loud


He stilled behind her and clamped his fingers on her hips, probably leaving bruises

in their wake. She felt his cock harden even more inside her and then he was coming

too. He groaned something she couldn’t quite decipher and slumped atop her, that

freaking pad and the bar it was attached to digging even more into her.

He helped her get off the spanking stand and quickly caught her before she fell. She

leaned against his side, her hair obscuring her face, her right foot not touching the floor.

It was clear she wouldn’t be able to walk back to the bed.

Shame raised its head inside him. He shouldn’t have pushed her like he had. Oh

he’d been seriously angry and he’d had good reasons for that, but she hadn’t been a

hundred percent and now she was hurting even more.

When he saw the mark the metal had left on her fair skin, he winced. “Shit.” And

he’d told himself he’d stay in control!

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She looked up at his voice and teetered, nearly falling once again. “I think I need to

sit down,” she bravely said. Her face had gone even paler.

“Hold on to me.” He wrapped his arms around her waist and tucked her against

him before slowly making his way to the bed. He’d planned on letting her go free that

evening, but he doubted she’d even make it out of the room.

He still had no idea what to do with her. There was something about her that called

to him, to the Dom in him. She really was the slave of his dreams—bratty enough to be

interesting, submissive enough to tease his senses. But she was still the person he

couldn’t trust.

He fully expected to be burglarized in the coming days. He was ready, however. He

had a plan. Well, as long as she didn’t open the door to them. He winced at the thought.

There were no two ways about it. He was going to have to be with her 24/7 until then.

He should have known at that moment, when the thought only elicited lust and

anticipation inside him, that he was in for the ride of his life.

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Chapter Seven


“Oh, come on! Can’t I even take a bath in peace?”
“You should have thought of that before,” Dylan answered as he leaned back

against the bathroom wall and crossed his ankles. “Go for it then,” he had the gall to


She stuck her tongue out at him before giving him her back. She was slowly going

crazy. She’d been cooped up in here for days now, and even if his house was gigantic, it

still wasn’t big enough for the two of them.

He hadn’t let her do anything on her own ever since he’d decreed he would work

from his home office until the little matter of her disobedience had been resolved.

She’d blinked, she remembered that now. He’d held true to his words, however.

He’d slept with her, had eaten all his meals with her. And even now that she wanted to

take a long, relaxing bath, he’d sauntered into the room as if it was entirely normal he

would watch her get clean. “Argh!”

“You made your bed, pet.”
“Yeah, yeah, yeah,” she muttered under her breath as she stepped into the tub and

slid into nearly scalding water.

She would ignore him even if it killed her, she decided, as she made her hair tumble

over the edge before leaning back against the cold marble. She closed her eyes and

forced her mind to empty, all the while trying not to think of the man standing only a

few feet away.

It wasn’t her fault she felt like jumping him. He hadn’t touched her in days and her

body didn’t like it. It was ironic, really. She hadn’t had sex in years before she’d met

him, but only a few times spent in his bed and she was addicted. She just wasn’t sure

whether it was the man or the Dom who attracted her. Or maybe it was both?

She grimaced at the thought.
No! She couldn’t fall for him. She wouldn’t. She had no idea what she was still

doing here, but it was clear he had a plan and she was part of it. He’d confiscated her

phone and she’d guessed he was now waiting for the thugs to get in touch with him—

huh, with her.

God, this was too confusing. She sighed and slipped further into the water.
Hands grabbed her shoulders.
She gasped and jerked upright, sending water splashing everywhere. “What are

you doing?”

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“I’m taking your collar off. You were going to get it wet,” he murmured behind her.
Maxine turned around to stare at him. He was kneeling beside the tub, his fingers

delicate as he unclasped the leather necklace and slid it off her. She touched her bare

neck, sadness swamping over her.

She hadn’t taken it off once since he’d put it on her that magical night in his hotel

room. She’d been extra careful with it, but it didn’t matter. Not any longer. He wasn’t

going to put it back on her, was he?

Tears threatening, she bit her lower lip and slid back down into the water, deeper

and deeper until half her head and ears were submerged. With her eyes now closed, it

was as if she was the only one in the world. She couldn’t hear anything, couldn’t see

anything, couldn’t feel…

Crap, she could still feel, it appeared. The tears she’d been trying so hard to push

back trickled down into the water on either side of her face. With some luck he

wouldn’t see them.

Like she’d ever been that lucky. Ha!
It took her a little while to understand he was touching her. The soft caress started

on her right breast, slowly circling her areola, tracing its periphery before narrowing its

focus. When it brushed against her nipple, she barely registered the touch. She still

opened her eyes, however. “What are you doing?” she asked, her voice croaky.

“Why are you crying?” was his response.
“I’m not crying.”
“You were only a minute ago. Why?” he persisted, his fingers moving to her other

breast. He repeated his earlier caresses, but this time she watched him do it.

She was so taken by the sight of his long-fingered hand on her body that she forgot

he was the enemy. “You took my collar off,” she heard herself reply. She cringed

immediately afterward. What the hell, stupid?

“You were going to get it wet.” He stared down at her as if that was a reasonable


“You’re not going to put it back on. I know you won’t.”
“I won’t?” he repeated, his voice soft.
She shook her head and sat up, batting his hands away from her. “Just go. Leave me

alone. I have a bath to take and I don’t like voyeurs.”

“Have you forgotten who you’re talking to, sub?”
Max froze. Why was he using that tone on her? He’d uncollared her! “You’re not

my Dom anymore! You never were,” she snapped back. Her hands shook when she

grabbed the bottle of expensive soap on her right.

“I don’t know what’s going on in that pretty head of yours, but this is still my house

and you are still my sub. Now I want to play with you as is my right. Put that bottle

back where you found it. I wasn’t finished with your tits.”

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She didn’t listen to him. She couldn’t. She popped the bottle open and poured some

shower gel into her awaiting palm. It smelt of freshly cut grass and she couldn’t help

but sigh at the intoxicating smell. That was his soap, the one he used every morning.

Her nipples tightened at the thought of smelling like him.

Two seconds later, fingers clasped hers so tightly she groaned out loud. She

watched, disbelieving, as he forced her hand down until she was cupping her own

breast. The gel was cold against her warm skin and she hissed.

“If that’s how you want to play it,” he muttered darkly. “Wash yourself. I’ll help

whenever you miss something. And pet, do not make me punish you.”

It didn’t look as if she had a choice, Max soon realized. He’d moved closer to the

bathtub, his T-shirt now irrevocably wet. His abs were clearly delineated by the clinging

material and she couldn’t help but sneak peeks at him. It wasn’t fair he was so


She thought about him and nothing but him as she cleaned herself. Soaping up her

skin, she tried to ignore his intent gaze.

Dylan stared at her hands as she slowly caressed her own body. It didn’t matter

that he’d been the one telling her to wash herself. It didn’t matter that she was simply

doing what everyone did when in the bath or shower. All that mattered was her wet

skin and soft touch.

When she started rubbing soap on the curls hiding her pussy, he nearly blew a vein.

His heartbeat accelerated. His palms were sweaty. Hell, his cock was hard as a rock. He

knew he should leave her alone, but he physically couldn’t move away.

He bent forward and caught a nipple in his mouth, sucking on it until it elongated

against his tongue. He let it pop back out and smirked when he saw its now reddened

color. “Perfect,” he commented before leaning over and doing the same to her other


He pulled back. “Yes, pet?”
“I don’t understand.” There was a troubled look in her eyes.
“You’re mine.” That was all he could think to say at the moment.
She looked too good.
She tasted too good.
He had to have her.
He slid his hand down her curved stomach and pushed hers to the side, taking its

place between her thighs so he could slip his fingers along her inner lips. She was wet

and oh so very warm. He moaned deep inside his chest, already imagining what he

would do to her.

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In a few seconds he’d pull her out of the tub and make her lie on the rug in the

middle of the room. Then he’d fuck her hard, just as she liked, fuck her until she

screamed his name.

His cock pushed against the zipper of his jeans, battling to get out. Grunting a little,

he managed to free his erection from its confines with his right hand. Pre-cum clung to

his hand when he moved it back up and he didn’t even think. He pressed it against her

mouth and watched as she parted her lips to taste him.

Fuck, she really was the sexiest slave anyone could ask for.

Well, she’d taken a bath, but she couldn’t say she’d come out of it clean. Maxine

looked down at herself and the drops of semen decorating her stomach. He’d come

before her, barely sliding out of her before spurting everywhere.

And now he’d slid back down between her legs and was busy opening her up with

his thumbs, brushing her clit and…oh yeah. His tongue was on her pussy, revving her

up once again.

She traced the thick white liquid with her fingertip, then slowly dipped it into a

small puddle. She brought it up to her lips and quickly flicked her tongue over it.

“Mmm,” she moaned. She really did love his taste.

A finger, quickly followed by another, slid into her. They weren’t as wide as his

cock and she did regret not having him inside her still, but as soon as he crooked them

and rubbed her spot to life, she forgot all about it.

He lapped at her clit slowly, all the while fingering her, and God, but it felt good.

She grabbed the back of his head in both hands and started rocking her hips up and

down. “Oh yes. Yes!”

He stopped long enough to whisper, “Come for me, pet.”
One more pass of his tongue and she broke apart. She keened, shouted too, and yet

she had no idea what she said. When she came back to the present, she found herself on

her feet. Unsteady but still, up and about. She blinked. “Huh, what are we doing?”

“I think you need to get clean again,” he said and winked.
He pushed her to the nearby shower, her back hitting the cold tiles. She hissed, but

he was already leaning down, his mouth finding hers, his tongue slipping inside to

tangle with hers.

She looped her arms around his neck and pressed herself against his body, loving

how hard his chest felt against her breasts. Her nipples tightened. She pulled back and

said, “Second round?”

He laughed. “Oh yeah.”
He was kissing her again by the time the water began cascading over them. She

clung to him and let him take her to that place where nothing else existed but the two of

them. Man and woman. Lover to lover.

Where there was no drama, only passion…and love.

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* * * * *

Something had happened in that bathroom, Max pondered as she snuggled closer

to her Master. He was asleep, small snores making his chest vibrate. She should really

move off him, but he was too good a pillow.

She sighed and closed her eyes, her palm heavy on his washboard stomach, her

fingers itching to pat her collar.

He’d put it back around her neck as soon as they’d dried themselves after that

tumultuous shower à deux. Her eyes had misted once again and he’d bent down to

press a soft kiss on her lips. A kiss she could still feel…

Yes, something had definitely shifted between them. She should be scared, but she

couldn’t find the strength to care about what would happen in the future. She deserved

being happy for once, didn’t she? She should just live one day at a time and enjoy the

time she had left with him.

Dylan was unlike any man she’d ever known, unlike any man she’d probably ever


He was the one she’d hoped for when she was a teenager lying down in her pink

bed, posters of the latest boy bands looking down at her.

He was the pirate she’d read about in the romance novels she’d stolen from her

mother’s bookcase, the Regency rake, the billionaire CEO.

He was all these men rolled into one.
He was also the man she’d betrayed before she’d even met him.

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Chapter Eight

Tests and experimentations

Buoyed by her nighttime monologue, Max woke up with a new view on life.

Determined to be the best slave ever, she slid out of bed and cooked the breakfast she

knew her Master preferred.

When he woke up half an hour later, he was presented with a tray in bed. She

watched him blink, clearly disoriented. “Breakfast in bed!” she announced with a wide


“Really?” He pushed with his hands until he was sitting up against the headboard,

the sheet falling to his waist, revealing his lovely, lovely chest.

“Yup. I thought you deserved a treat, Sir.” She leaned down and placed the tray on

his lap. “Sausages, eggs, toast and coffee. Would you like anything else?”

He looked at the food that had magically appeared in front of him. “Huh, no. This

smells delicious.”

“Thanks!” She sat on the side of the bed. “Eat before it gets cold,” she advised,

putting her hands in her lap, her eyes never leaving him.

“What about you?” he asked minutes later, having already nearly finished his plate.
“I ate earlier.”
He looked up then, his gaze silently assessing her. “You’re lying. You just had

coffee, am I right?”

She felt herself start to blush. How can he always know when I lie? Is that some special

power Doms have? “Maybe?”

“Here.” He handed her his plate. “Have this while I go get you some more.”
“No!” She placed her hand on his forearm, effectively stopping him before he could

have slipped out of bed. “I’m fine. I’ll just have a piece of toast, if that’s okay with you.”

“Are you sure?” She nodded. He sighed. “Fine then, but eat something. I have plans

for you and I don’t want you to faint in the middle of them.”

“Plans?” She gulped. Crap. What now?
He smirked. “You’ll see.”
Great. “Can I have a hint? Please, Master?”
Raising his cup to his lips, he paused and seemed to think about it. “No, I don’t

think so.”

She harrumphed, but didn’t say anything else as she buttered a piece of toast for

herself and one for him. She thought of their first breakfast together, when he’d put that

knife against her skin to tease her breasts.

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Shivers ran up her spine at the memories and she wondered if maybe today he’d

further her bondage education. One could hope, right?

Dylan watched his slave as he drank his coffee. She hadn’t bothered getting dressed

or even putting something on to hide her generous curves, and he was extraordinarily

pleased with her progress. The fact she’d gotten up early to cook him breakfast, yes,

that pleased him too.

It was exactly what he’d had in mind when he’d imagined having a slave live at his

house. Not that he’d wanted a servant, but someone who was there for him, someone

who’d know his likes and dislikes… Someone like the woman sitting beside him.

“My security expert will be visiting today. When he’s here, I expect you to behave

according to my rules. Is that clear?”

He watched her freeze like a deer in headlights. “What?”
“You heard me, pet. You’re my slave, aren’t you?”
She licked her lips. “I am, Sir. Does he… Does he know who I am?”
“He does. Don’t worry about Joe. He’ll know what to do.”
He grinned. “Yes.” He drank the last dregs of coffee and put his cup back onto the

tray. “I’m going to take a shower. Finish your breakfast, he should be here soon.” And

with that he sauntered toward the bathroom, grabbing his BlackBerry on the way.

He closed the door behind him and quickly turned his phone on, activating the live

feed from the front hall cameras. Making sure everything was working as it should, he

left it on a nearby console and walked into the shower. Ten minutes later he was out.

Just in time…

He heard the doorbell ring in the distance and barely had time to wrap a towel

around his hips before his sub stepped into view on the screen. She was still naked. He

smiled, feeling so damn proud of her.

He watched as she took a deep breath and opened the door. She made eye contact

with Joe and instantly looked down, her hands crossing behind her.

She’d moved into position instinctively and he hadn’t even taught her that yet. She

must have recognized his friend for the Dom he was. “Good pet,” he whispered as he

kept on watching.

Joe walked into the house and closed the door behind him. “Good morning. You

must be Maxine.”

“Good morning, Sir.” She kept her eyes downcast. “My Master is in the shower, but

he should be finished soon.”

“That’s fine. I have you to entertain me, don’t I?”
Dylan saw her twitch at his friend’s words. “Well done, Joe,” he commented,

amused. That’d keep her on her toes until he got there.

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“Don’t I?” the other Dom repeated, his tone harsher.
“Huh, yes. Yes, Sir.”
“That didn’t sound really enthusiastic, sub.”
“I’m sorry, Sir.”
He grunted something, then added, “Let me look at you. Arms at your sides.”
She instantly obeyed. She didn’t even look up when his friend circled her,

commenting on her ass and lovely tits.

Dylan had given him leave to touch her if he wanted, aware she needed to be

tested, even more now that he knew her true reason for being here. And yet Joe didn’t

raise his hands, didn’t even pat her or caress her smooth skin.

He frowned and realized he would need to go down there himself, take control of

the scene. Hurriedly rubbing his body dry, he threw a pair of jeans on, grabbed a clean

shirt and went downstairs.

Max didn’t know what to do. She was sure her Master had orchestrated his friend’s

arrival so she’d be on her own when he came calling. She wasn’t stupid enough to think

it was a coincidence that she’d had to greet him at the door naked.

It’d taken her only moments to realize the man was a Dom. He’d looked down at

her with those dark, dark eyes and she’d instantly stared down at her feet, knowing that

was the only thing to do.

He had that same tone of command in his voice too, that same inner quality that

made her want to kneel in front of him and beg for mercy.

Saliva coated her mouth and she gulped it down.
“Joe! Thanks for coming in today.”
“The pleasure’s all mine, my friend. Especially with such a welcome. Your new

slave does you proud.”

“She’s still in training. Aren’t you, pet?” Fingers nudged her chin up, her Master’s

face appearing in front of her. “Did you offer my friend refreshments?”

“She did. I declined. I had breakfast not that long ago.”
“Good,” Dylan answered, his gaze still on her. “I want you to lie down on the coffee

table. On your back, with your legs wide open. Do you understand?”

She nodded. “Ye-yes, Master.”
He kissed her lips, a soft, furtive kiss, and patted her ass when she walked past him.

She ignored their intense gazes as she sat down on the marble table. It was shockingly

cold, but she didn’t react, stopping the gasp that had climbed up her throat before it

could escape.

She closed her eyes and leaned back, keeping her thighs open as she planted her

feet firmly on the floor.

“Eyes open. Look at the ceiling.”

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She quickly obeyed.
Her body felt overly warm. She couldn’t believe she was naked in front of someone

she didn’t know, someone who was only inches from her exposed pussy.

Something had happened to her.
Dylan had happened to her… He made her feel worthy. Only days before she’d

been worried about undressing in front of him and now look at her. She was fully

exposed to him and his friend, and it sure as hell wasn’t anxiety she was feeling.

She was aroused as never before, yearning for a caress, a single pass of his fingers.

Their fingers? She started trembling, but nothing happened. Not right away anyway.

They’d been discussing the house and surrounding gardens’ security system for the

better part of an hour and she’d tuned out a while ago. At one point she’d have killed

for those details, but not any longer. Not when he already knew what she was doing

here, not when he was the one holding the reins, and most importantly, her phone.

His friend had started using her as a table a little while back, dropping sheets of

papers onto her face as if she was nothing more than a body there to accommodate him.

She hadn’t moved, even though they were now tickling her nose. She desperately

wanted to rub the itch away, but she knew better.

She understood today was a test of some sort. Maybe her Master also wanted to

prove to Joe that she was a real sub even with everything that had happened?

She decided there and then she would obey every order, do everything they asked

her to do at whatever the cost. She owed him that, at least.

When fingers drifted over her chest and pinched her nipple, she forced herself to

stay still. With the papers obscuring her face, she had no idea who had just touched her.

It happened again and she wasn’t any clearer. The caress had been harsh, but then, they

were both Doms.

She let out a small sigh and waited for their next move. It didn’t take long…
The sheet of paper covering her eyes was suddenly lifted. She kept her gaze toward

the ceiling, her hands clenching into fists at her sides. Something moved above her and

she soon found herself staring at heavy balls and a hardened cock.

From so close, she had no way of telling whose it was. I can do this, she told herself,

trying to buoy herself.

“Open your mouth,” her Master said.
She did, the cock’s tip coming to rest on her lower lip. She breathed through her

nose and waited for his next instruction. She wouldn’t touch it without being told to.

Not that she didn’t feel the urge to stretch out her tongue and taste it, because if she did,

she’d know for sure if it was him or not. No, no, no. You need to resist!

“Good girl. I’m proud of you, pet.”

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He moved back, leaving her free to lick her lips. She kept her gaze upward,

knowing this wasn’t over. Turned out she was right. Her nipple was pinched again,

then both at the same time for so long she was nearly panting when it stopped.

But it started again and continued until she couldn’t help but writhe on the table. It


And yet she was also getting aroused. It reminded her of the clamps her Master had

put on her that evening, the ones that had pinched like nothing before. She remembered

too when he’d made it all better, sucking her nipples into his warm mouth, soothing the

hard nubs with his soft, soft tongue.

“Mmm.” She heard herself moan. “That feels so good.”
Moments later, one of them slapped her on the thigh. Hard. She jerked, but still

didn’t look at them.

“Did I give you leave to talk?”
She bit her lip.
“Did I?”
She shook her head.
Fingers slid along her pussy, found her entrance and slipped inside her. Her eyes

felt too wide for her face.

How many fingers are there? she thought wildly. She was stretched to the limit and

it was damn lucky she’d been wet. Even now it ached a little, as if her body wasn’t too

sure what to do with such an intrusion.

“You’re wet, slave. You like being used, don’t you? We could do everything to you

and you’d never say no, would you?” A pause, then, “You may talk.”

She licked lips that had gone dry. “No, Sir.”
“Such a good pet. Don’t you think so, Joe?”
“She’s definitely got what it takes. Of course, for her to really work out, you’d need

to be able to actually trust her.”

Maxine nearly cried out at his words. He was right, she knew he was, but it hurt to

hear it said out loud. She’d done everything she could! Hell, it wasn’t as if she’d had a


Couldn’t they see that? Understand that? She had no one else in the world she

could count on bar herself. She was it.

She started crying at the anguish coursing through her and she almost hated herself

for it. She was so damn weak, so pathetic. As though he’d ever want someone like her…

The urge to flee ate at her, her mind a black hole, but she kept the position as

ordered and didn’t move.

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Dylan watched the tears glide down into her hair, wetting the heavy strands until

they were nearly brown in color. He wanted nothing more than to touch her, reassure

her, tell her everything would be all right, but his friend was right.

He’d needed to witness her reaction to his words. If he wanted her to stay after all

this was resolved, it would require trust above anything else. He knew Joe thought he

was stupid not to have thrown her out days ago, but something had held him back. She

had held him back.

He’d never felt like this with a woman, a sub, before. She was meant to be his, he

was sure of it. He’d thought he’d never find the person for him, and yet life had a way

of throwing curveballs at you. Once he put the men who’d threatened her into jail,

they’d be free to start over again. And by God but he couldn’t wait.

He slid his fingers out of her pussy and brought them to his mouth, taking his time

to lick them clean.

“How does she taste?” his friend asked, having realized the test was over.
“Amazing. See for yourself.” He was watching her closely, but even then he barely

noticed her twitch. She really was going to be a great slave with a little bit more

training. He motioned to Joe and smiled his thanks as his friend silently left the room.

Making sure his pet was still looking toward the ceiling as ordered, he lowered

himself between her legs and pushed on her thighs to give himself more space. She was

fully open by the time he bent his head and inhaled her sweet scent. He gave a quick

lick to her clit, waiting to see whether she would move.

She didn’t.
Pride rose. She deserved a treat, and so as he sucked on her sensitive nub, he traced

the cleft of her ass and used some of her juices to paint her rose wet. He felt her move a

little at the targeted caress, but she still didn’t say anything, didn’t protest. He pushed

the tip of one of his fingers against the tight rim of muscles until his knuckle popped

right in. Her hips thrust up for a second or two, long enough for him to bite her clit in


She froze and remained immobile, even when his whole finger slipped inside her

ass. “Good pet,” he murmured against the skin of her inner thighs. “You may come.”

She lit up like fireworks and he smiled, truly at peace for the first time in years.

* * * * *

“I’m sorry.”
Kneeling in front of the bed with her palms on her thighs, Maxine stared down at

the carpet and waited for her Master’s response to her too-late apology.

“Why are you apologizing, pet? You did exactly what I wanted you to today. I’m

very proud of you.”

She bit her lip at his kind words. She didn’t deserve them, but they were still nice to

hear. “I mean… My reason for having moved in with you. I realized earlier today that

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I’d never said sorry. I should have told you from the beginning. It was… I’m sorry.” She

dug her nails into her skin and didn’t even flinch at the flicker of pain that lanced up

her legs.

Hands found her shoulders as he sat down at the end of the bed. “Look at me.”
She looked up then and blinked at the emotions clearly displayed on his face. He

usually never let anything show, his poker face in place from dawn to dusk, but here he

was, watching her with his heart in his eyes. “Master…” She felt herself lean forward,

wanting to be closer to him.

He held her back, his thumbs digging into the flesh above her collarbone. “Let me

take care of everything, Maxine. I’ve got it under control, okay?” She nodded. “I don’t

want you to worry about this ever again. I’d rather you concentrate on being my slave.”

“But what if—”
He cut her off, “No, pet. This isn’t a request I’m asking. It’s an order. From this

point on, I want us to forget about what happened this past week and focus instead on

the future.”

She felt her eyes widen. He thought they had a future together? “Really?”
He smiled. “Really.” And then he bent down and pressed his lips on hers, the kiss

soft and unassuming. Of course that didn’t last.

Vanilla wasn’t what he was about, she knew that. Had accepted it even. Probably

because she couldn’t really imagine going back to before and what she’d thought good

sex was.

Good sex wasn’t an orgasm once in a while.
Good sex wasn’t a quick grope under the sheets with the lights turned off.
Good sex, no, great sex was letting go, knowing your Master will be there to catch



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Chapter Nine

A Crash and a Bang

It’s as if we’ve suddenly become this ordinary couple, well, if by ordinary you

mean a Dom and his collared slave, Maxine thought one evening.

Here they were, companionably sitting on the sofa as they watched TV. It was late

at night, days after his friend had come to visit them.

They now had a routine of sorts, Dylan working in his home office most of the day

while she kept herself busy in the house. She’d started cooking for him, finding the

usual chore a relief.

She’d hated cooking just for herself but now she loved watching him take the first

bite, eager for his approval, for that proud smile she was getting accustomed to. Too

much, probably.

Her Master’s hand curved around her shoulder, the tips of his fingers tracing the

edge of her collar almost absent-mindedly. She looked up from her position against his

side, but his attention seemed to be on the screen opposite. She let herself smile at the

sight of his handsome face.

There were deep lines grooved into the corners of his eyes, from too much sun or

too much worry, she wasn’t sure. His nose was maybe a bit too straight, too masculine

even. His eyebrows were dark and imposing, his light eyes a sharp contrast. He had a

permanent five o’clock shadow that scratched her skin whenever he laid his mouth on


Mmm. She shivered at the thought.
“What are you thinking about, pet?” She looked up to find him staring at her with

an amused glint in his eyes.

“I was just, hmm, looking at you.”
“I noticed that. And?”
“Well, you’re very handsome.”
He blinked, obviously taken aback by her compliment. “Thanks, I guess.”
“You really are,” she added. “I don’t deserve you. I really don’t.” She sighed then

and snuggled closer to him.

“Are you putting yourself down again?” he asked, his voice rough as he grabbed

her arm and heaved her up.

Moments later she was bare-naked on his lap with her hair touching the floor and

her ass high in the air. Again? Damn it! she thought, remembering the last time she’d

been in that position.

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“I’m sorry, Master!” she called out. “I didn’t mean it.”
“I warned you, pet. You’re mine, remember?” he grunted, soon followed by the

sound of his palm falling against her butt cheek. “Count them.”

She pushed her hands out, her fingers clenching into the carpet, and held herself

still. “One?”

“Keep counting,” he ordered before giving her the punishment he thought she

deserved. No, she countered inwardly. He was right. He’d warned her and she hadn’t

heeded his words.

The admission relaxed her enough to accept his touch on her, to bow her back so he

could have a better access to her ass.

She turned pliant as she kept on counting, her mind disconnecting after the dozen

mark. Her ass was nothing more than a red ball of pain, but she felt disconnected from

it all.

She was floating.

* * * * *

He’d tucked her into bed and told her how proud he was of her. She couldn’t

remember much else, except that she thought he’d kissed her lips softly and traced her

eyebrows with his fingertip. Weird.

She was awake now, though, and it was still the middle of the night. She probably

had fallen asleep straight after his vigorous spanking. She turned around in bed and

patted the space beside her. Nothing but cold, cold sheet.

Sighing, she sat up and brushed her hair away from her face. No lights were on

upstairs that she could see, so that meant he was probably still in the TV room. She was

already sliding out of bed before the idea had fully formed inside her head.

Tiptoeing on bare feet, her breasts swaying gently at every step, she made her way

downstairs so she could lure her Master back into bed with her. It was late and he

needed to rest.

Yes, that was a good reason. Of course, if his hands strayed too, she wouldn’t say

no. She’d just open her arms and let him come inside her willingly. Very willingly.

She was so lost in her fantasy she nearly stumbled, catching herself on a cabinet

before her side hit the wall. She stayed there for a second to catch her wayward breath

when she heard a voice she didn’t recognize.

No, that wasn’t true. She did recognize it, fear suddenly so sharp inside her she

nearly fainted.

“No,” she whispered. It couldn’t be. She wasn’t ready!
Her feet didn’t want to move. Caught between the urge to flee and the need to

know what was happening, she finally convinced them to take a step forward.

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Hiding behind the tall bookcase in the lobby, Maxine leaned a little to the right and


There was no light inside the den except for the widescreen TV. Dylan was in the

same position as earlier, seated on the sofa with his hands on his knees. Two men faced

him. Larry and Moe, she added inwardly. With ugly looking guns in their hands.

She took a deep breath and assessed the situation. Did she have enough time to go

to the kitchen and call the police?

Surely the alarm system had done its job. Joe should be on his way. He had to! She

might have been slightly out of it when they’d discussed the security system, but she’d

heard enough.

The tall guy, Larry, waved his hand in the air, the revolver passing only inches from

her Master’s nose. She froze, but she noticed he hadn’t moved. He held himself rigidly,

showing no outward fear, no emotion either. He’d shifted to his Dom persona, she

realized, maybe because that way he felt more in control.

Moe, the short stubby guy, stood with his back to her. The gun in his hand was

larger, but he wasn’t pointing it at Dylan anymore. Rather, it hung loosely from his

hand as if he’d decided their target wasn’t dangerous.

She eyed him and calculated the distance separating them. Could she take him? If

only she had something she could use as a weapon. All the BDSM paraphernalia was in

the dungeon, however, and even if she was pretty sure her Master also had a gun

somewhere in the house, she had no idea where. Think, Max!

“This has gone long enough! You managed to leave town before we could get this

fucking ring. But now we ain’t playing anymore. Where the fuck is it?” Larry asked in

his I-smoke-a-pack-a-day voice.

“Why should I tell you?” Dylan answered, taunting them.
What is he doing? Is he crazy?
“I’m the one with the gun here and I asked you a fucking question!”
“Why do you want the ring? We both know you won’t be able to sell it. It’s too

famous not to raise all sorts of alarms.”

“We have a private buyer interested in acquiring it. Why do you care anyway? You

have enough money, you don’t need it. Just hand it over and we’ll leave you in peace.”

“What about the woman you used to trap me?”
“That stupid cunt! Just like every woman, good for nothing. Fuck, she had orders to

follow but no, she had to deviate from the plan. The boss knew you’d like her. You got

a kick out of saving her, didn’t you? You like being the white knight, eh?” He chuckled

darkly. “She played right into your hands.”

“She told me you used her husband’s debts to corner her.”
“Fuck, that dickhead was even stupider than she is. He really believed everything

we said. He even gave us her address. Told us she’d do anything we wanted.”

“That didn’t really work, did it?”

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“You think? Why are we here then? Shit, why are we even talking? Where the fuck

is that ring?”

Maxine had been so intent on their conversation she hadn’t seen Larry step closer to

the sofa. At such close range, there was no way he could miss Dylan’s heart. She

shivered, pressing herself closer to the cold bookcase.

She had to do something! Run and call the cops. She ignored her mind, unable to

leave her Master, not when it was her fault they were here, threatening him. Maybe she

could talk to them, reason with them. Something.

There was a hushed conversation between Larry and Moe, something about time

running out. She saw her Master move, but the gun was immediately back in front of

him. Crap!

She could see the tension in the men’s bodies, knew that if she wanted to do

something, it was now or never. Gazing around the lobby, she quickly assessed every

piece of furniture. Everything was too heavy for her to carry except…

It took her only seconds to grab the Chinese vase from its stand. It weighed a lot

more than she’d have guessed, but she still managed to grip it tightly between her

hands. She made her way back to the bookcase and saw Larry still in full in-your-face


Moe was standing with his feet spread wide, the gun slowly inching up as if he was

getting ready to shoot. She didn’t even think. She burst into the room and skidded to a

stop right behind him. He must have heard her move because he was already turning

around when the vase crashed against his head. He made a gurgled sound and fell


She gaped at the man at her feet, hoping she hadn’t killed him. Before she could

think it through, someone cried out behind her. She whirled around. A gun discharged,

a sharp pain resonating in her chest.

Dylan rammed into the other man, both falling onto the marble coffee table. It

didn’t shatter, thankfully, and they ended up rolling off it and straight onto the floor.

She watched as they fought, the gun having clearly been kicked somewhere because she

couldn’t see it. She hoped it was hiding underneath the sofa, somewhere Larry couldn’t

easily get to at least.

Wincing at the sound of bones crunching underneath a hard fist, she stepped

forward in case her Master needed her, only to start feeling faint. Must be all that

adrenaline, she thought as she grabbed the back of a chair and held herself up.

Her head felt heavy all of a sudden. She needed a nap. Or maybe she could just

stand there and wait for the fight to end—a fight it was clear Dylan would win—maybe

close her eyes in the meantime. Yes, that sounded good.

“Max?” Someone said her name. Someone who sounded close, but… Oh no, had

Moe woken up?

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She struggled to open her eyes and blinked at the sight of a disheveled Joe. “Hey.


He grabbed her by the waist and forcefully pushed her into the chair. “Do not

move. The cops are two minutes away, but I need to call and get them to send an

ambulance too.”

She looked up at him, the room having started to spin. “I don’t think Moe needs

one. I didn’t see any blood.”

“Who’s Moe? Never mind that. You’ve lost enough blood as it is. Fuck, don’t die on

me, okay? Dylan would never forgive me.”

“I won’t die. I’m fine.” She wanted to cross her arms to make a point, but somehow

she couldn’t get her hands to move. She looked down at herself and gasped. There was

blood everywhere. “What… What happened?”

“You’ve been shot. Here,” Joe said, taking his T-shirt off and pressing it below her

shoulder. “Does it hurt?”

“No,” she thankfully replied. She’d been shot? She couldn’t feel anything.
“Shit! You’re in shock. The paramedics will be here soon and they’ll take you to

hospital. You’re going to be fine, okay?”

“Sure.” She leaned her head back against the padded chair and closed her eyes.

“I’m sleepy.”

“Do not fall asleep, do you hear? Stay awake, sub!” he snapped at her.
“Yes, Sir.” She struggled to obey, forcing her eyelids to move only by sheer will.

When she could see again, she noticed Dylan was struggling to stand up. He was

bleeding too, cuts and bruises all over his body.

Larry was lying on the floor with his legs akimbo, so she guessed he was out for the

count. Thank God. Shouts rang behind her, cops suddenly spreading throughout the

room. The cavalry was here…

“How is she?”
She must have lost a few minutes, because she couldn’t remember seeing her

Master kneel in front of her. She smiled at him. “Are you okay?”

“It should be me asking you that. The paramedics have just arrived. Hang in there,


He called me darling. She sighed inwardly. The room was spinning again, darkness

calling her name. “I’m so sorry, Master.”

Her body toppled forward and then…nothing.

* * * * *

“She saved me!”

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Dylan paced the hospital waiting room while his friend watched him from a hard

plastic chair. He’d spent the past hour being treated for the various cuts he’d gotten

during his brief fight. They’d checked his ribs too but they were just sore, not broken.

He couldn’t even feel the pain anyway, too anxious about Maxine to concentrate on

anything else.

“Can you even believe that? I couldn’t find a way out. It was two against one and

they both had guns. I thought I could just make them talk until you or the cops arrived,

but no, she smashed a vase onto that guy’s head and then the tall one shot her. Right in

front of me!”

“You couldn’t do anything, Dylan. You know that.”
“For fuck’s sake, I’m her Dom! I’m supposed to take care of her, not the contrary.”
“She’s going to be fine. Why don’t you sit down and—”
Dylan’s booted foot met with the closest chair. It crashed against the wall, the

sound far too loud for anyone not to notice. “Fuck!” He sat down abruptly and grabbed

his head in both hands. “She told me she was sorry. Sorry!”

“You don’t know what she meant. She wasn’t really with us.”
“Because she’d been shot!”
“What the hell is wrong with you? You knew what would happen if you let her stay

with you. She brought those thieves into your house.”

“She had no choice. They were threatening her.”
“So that’s how it is,” Joe muttered as he stared at his long-time friend.
Dylan looked up, their gazes locking. “I’m falling for her.”
“I’d say you’ve already gone past that. You’re in love, aren’t you?”
Dylan nodded. “She’s just exactly what I wanted in a slave. No.” He shook his

head. “She’s more than that. I… I can’t really explain it.”

The conversation was cut short when a man wearing dark-green scrubs entered the

room. “I have information about the female patient who came in earlier. Name is

Maxine Cole. I was told you were family.”

“I am.” Dylan stood up. They’d had to grease a few palms to circumvent hospital

rules, but it was worth it. Trust Joe to know how to work the system.”Is she okay?”

“She’s going to be fine. The bullet entered her body through her shoulder and

didn’t hit anything vital. It was a through and through too, so that helped. She’s going

to be in Intensive Care until we’re sure there are no complications, but you can go

ahead and see her now. She hasn’t woken up from anesthesia yet, so I can only allow

you in her room for five minutes, tops.”

“Thanks, Doctor.” He clasped the man’s hand and shook it. He barely heard the

surgeon talk as he followed him along antiseptic-smelling corridors, all his focus on the

woman he’d last seen being carried out of his house, covered in blood and barely

hidden by his friend’s shirt.

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He gulped at the thought that all the cops that had swarmed the grounds, all the

paramedics, all the hospital staff had seen her naked. He hadn’t minded when it had

only been Joe the other day, especially knowing the test had to take place, but she

meant too much for him to ever scene in public. He might have liked it at one point, but

he wouldn’t go to clubs anymore. Not with her.

He would never be able to share her.
As he waited for someone to open the doors to the Intensive Care unit, he

remembered a conversation he’d had years ago with his mentor. A widower, Tom, had

run the most exclusive dungeon in L.A. When Dylan had expressed his interest in

joining, the older man had asked him why he wanted to be a Dom. He’d had a speech

rehearsed, but something had stopped him from sprouting up the usual lines.

Instead, under Tom’s watchful gaze, he’d told him he was looking for the woman of

his dreams, that he knew she would be a submissive and so here he was. He’d cursed at

himself for his stupid words, and yet the other man had smiled and nodded.

Then he’d explained that it was a great reason, but dungeons weren’t where love

blossomed. Considering all the different couples Dylan had spied on his way in, he’d

found that hard to believe.

Tom had shaken his head and told him he would just have to see for himself. He

understood now what the elderly Dom had tried to tell him. Clubs were for playing. Oh

he knew some long-term couples who went there every once in a while because the

slave got a kick out of being spanked or flogged in public.

He even knew one sub who loved nothing more than being fucked in front of

people, her exhibitionist streak meaning her Dom had no choice but to go along with it.

Sharing had never been on his agenda, however, and it was clear Tom had seen that

from the beginning. He frowned at the thought, wondering why the other man had

never told him.

He wouldn’t have spent all those years looking for his perfect woman in all the

Central California dungeons. No wonder he’d never met anyone who fit his criteria!

The doctor waved him into a room, his mind scrambling to deal with the sight of

Maxine so pale she was the same color as the sheet she was lying under. There were

tubes everywhere. An IV. Bandages covering her chest and left arm.

He fisted his hands at his sides and fought the urge to smash something. She’d been

hurt on his watch. No, she’d been hurt because she’d tried to help him. “Pet…” he

whispered, stepping closer to the bed.

He grabbed a chair and positioned it near, sitting down and instantly clasping her

right hand with his. It lay listlessly on the covers. It was so cold too. He started rubbing

it, wanting to bring warmth back into her, wanting nothing more than to watch her eyes

open so he could reassure himself she really was going to be fine.

“You need to get better, pet. I need to punish you for what you did. You completely

disregarded my orders and put yourself at risk. That just won’t do.”

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His gaze fell on her chest. She was breathing. He heaved a sigh of relief before

adding, “I’m sorry, Max.”

“C-call me…pet.”
He looked up with a start. “What?”
Her eyelids blinked. “Pet. I like. Better.” Her fingers twitched under his and were

still once more.

“Maxine? Maxine?”
She’d gone under again. But she’d heard him. She’d responded to him! Recalling

what she’d said, he couldn’t help but smile.

She was going to be all right. He wasn’t going to give her a choice.

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Chapter Nine

Three Words

Max was going stir-crazy. She’d already spent the past few days in hospital, and

now that she’d finally been given the green light to leave, Dylan was stopping her.

“What do you mean I can’t go home? I have to! I’ve been away too long.”

“One, I’m not going to let you on a plane in the state you are. Two, you’re living in

my house now, remember? There’s this little thing called a contract you—”

“Argh!” she screamed. “It was a ruse to get to you. Why can’t you accept that?”
He crossed his arms over his chest and leaned against the wall. “Are you telling me

you’re not really a submissive? Because I remember the last time I spanked you, pet.”

“I like kinky sex, so what?” She slid out of bed and made her way to the tiny

bathroom. It felt great to be able to move, especially without that drip that had

accompanied her everywhere since she’d first woken up in this godforsaken room.

She looked at herself in the mirror and winced. She had dark circles under her eyes

and her skin looked pasty. Her hair was lank too, reminding her she really needed to

take a shower.

She eyed the cubicle in the corner and scrunched up her nose. She might be better,

but she seriously doubted she could stand long enough to wash her hair, especially

with the bandage that encircled her chest and shoulder. She’d barely managed to tug on

sweatpants earlier as it was. There was no doubt about it. She was going to have to stay

like this for the time being.

Sighing, she made her way back to the bedroom and gasped when she nearly

walked into Dylan’s chest. “What are you doing?”

“Not giving you a choice.” His arms slid around her and he heaved her up,

ignoring her shrieks as he made her sit in a wheelchair that had suddenly popped into

the room. She tried to get out, but he simply held her right arm down.

A handcuff wrapped around her wrist and clicked shut once it was tied to the

armrest. He wrapped a soft fleece towel around her lap, effectively hiding the metal cuff

from view.

“You’re crazy,” she said.
“Yup. Now sit still. I’m taking you home.”
She was so shocked by this turn of events she only realized she could have shouted

or just told people what he was doing when they rolled up to his car. Damn it. Stupid,

Max, stupid! “Be careful,” she snapped, anger making her reckless.

“I’ll give you some leeway because you’re hurting, pet,” he said, almost

conversationally. “But don’t push me too much or I might bite back.”

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She held herself still as he wrapped his arms around her once again and carried her

to the passenger seat. He tugged the seatbelt around her, making sure not to hurt her

injured side as he did. She bit her lip when his hair brushed against her face, the urge to

touch him suddenly overwhelming.

Then he slipped something out of his leather jacket and held it up in front of her.

“Time to put this back on.” Time stood still as he wrapped the collar around her neck.

“Where was it?” She’d wondered about it, but thought maybe the paramedics had

cut it off her in the general mayhem. She’d ached for it, missing the way the leather

hugged her neck, reminding her who she was. What she’d been.

“The paramedics took it off. I had to have it professionally cleaned…” His voice


He nodded sharply and continued, “It’s fine now. Just fine.” He pressed his thumb

against the spot on her neck where her pulse beat. “We’re fine,” he added, nudging her

face up so he could drop a soft kiss on her mouth.

He pulled back after a moment and closed the door, walking around the SUV to get

to the driver seat.

I’m nuts, Max thought. He just cuffed me to a wheelchair so he could kidnap me, and what

do I do? Lust after him. And why? Because he’d turned into her Master again. Her

instincts had jumped on it and she hated that.

Her body was rebelling against her mind, that had to be it. Sighing, she relaxed

against the soft leather seat and closed her eyes. She didn’t know what the future would

bring, but she did know she would need to make some decisions. And soon.

* * * * *

“What are you doing?”
Maxine stilled for a second, then acted as if everything was all right in the world.

“Packing. What does it look like?”

A growl answered her seconds before he appeared at her side. “I don’t think so.”
She shrugged. “I have to go home.”
“Your home is here.”
She grabbed the last shirt from the closet and knelt down to slide it into her bag.

She didn’t have much, only the things she’d had with her that evening at the hotel. God,

it seemed so far away and yet it had only been weeks. So much had happened since

then, though…

“No. I already have a home. I have a house and friends. I need to contact my

mother and remind her I’m alive. I have to find a job because I have bills to pay. I need


“Things you could do from here.”

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A Question of Trust


She looked up from her position on the floor. “You’re being deliberately obtuse,

Dylan. This…interlude was nice, but now that I’m feeling better, I have to go.”

“You don’t have to,” he countered, crossing his arms over his chest like he always

did when he was feeling belligerent. “Let me take care of you.”

“I’m fine.” Standing up and wincing a little at the pain lancing up her arm, she

added, “I’m not going to stay here and do nothing all day just because you want me to

be your slave.”

“Is being my submissive such a bad life then?”
She rubbed her forehead and sighed. “No, of course not. Hell, I don’t know

anything about this lifestyle, but you’re a great Master. I just can’t do this. I have a life

and I need to return to it.”

“What about us?” he murmured then, breaking her hard-won control.
“Don’t. Please.”
“I won’t let you go so easily, pet. You’re mine now.”
“I was yours and look what that got you!”
“You’re the one who were shot, Maxine.”
“I deserved it,” she muttered under her breath. Taking a deep breath, she leaned

down, grabbed her suitcase and left the room.

“You’re really going to do this?” he called out.
She didn’t stop, couldn’t stop. Hoping he wouldn’t notice what she’d left on the bed

stand until much, much later, Max walked downstairs and out of the house. With some

luck, the taxi she’d called earlier would be waiting at the end of the driveway.

It took her hours to get home, and by the time she opened her front door, she was

so tired she was only minutes away from passing out. She wouldn’t even think how

she’d had to max out her last credit card so she could buy a plane ticket.

Dumping her bag into the front hallway, she staggered to the den and fell in a heap

onto the sofa. There, as darkness engulfed her, she curled up into a small ball and let the

tears come.

She cried for herself, for Dylan, for the life she’d lost. She had no one else to blame

but herself and it hurt. It hurt so damn much. But what hurt the most was that he hadn’t

followed her. It was stupid, but she’d really expected him to fight more for her.

Maybe he didn’t care that much. Maybe all he’d wanted was a slave, any slave.

Cold, but uncaring, she closed her eyes and let herself embrace the darkness creeping in

on her.

* * * * *

Dylan stared at the man it’d taken him two weeks to track down to a tiny village in

Mexico, combining his money and Joe’s contacts.

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The man wore a dirty Hawaiian shirt and khaki shorts. He was half-leaning against

the bar, trying to flirt with the barely clad woman sitting on the next barstool. When she

gave him the cold shoulder and walked away, the man just shrugged and downed

another shot.

Dylan felt his hands clench into fists at his sides, eager to grab the man and pummel

him, make him hurt until he cried out for his mommy. Instead he took a deep breath

and stepped farther into the dark and pungent tavern, side-stepping drunkards and

wobbly tables until he was right beside his target. “Hell of a place, isn’t it?” he said in a

clear voice.

The man turned to him and took him in. Dylan had dressed the part in ripped jeans

and a black T-shirt. He knew the scruff on his jaw made him look disreputable.

Combined with the anger burning through him, he probably looked lethal. He smirked

at the thought and watched the man back away from him.

“Isn’t it?” he repeated, nodding to the bartender. A shot of something dark was slid

in front of him. He grabbed the glass with his right hand and looked down at the

homemade alcohol he had no intention of trying. He needed his wits with him, and the

town’s famous liquor would be fatal to all his carefully laid plans.

“Huh, yeah,” the man muttered, his face suddenly a lot paler. “Nice to, huh, have

met you. I need to—”

“You’re not going anywhere, Tim.” His left hand clamped like a vise on Maxine’s

ex-husband’s shoulder. “You’re going to sit here like a good dog and listen to what I

have to say.”

“Is this about the money? I swear, my stupid wife can help. I thought you’d—


“Do not talk about her. You are not allowed to say her name ever again.


“Ye-yes.” Owlish eyes looked back at him. The guy reeked.
Dylan applied more pressure on his shoulder, feeling bones crunch underneath his

palm. Tim emitted another yelp, but he didn’t relent. Not until he was sure the other

man got the message.

“If I hear you’ve gotten in touch with her, be it tomorrow or in ten years time, I will

find you again and kill you. She’s mine now and I don’t share. Ever.” He dug his

fingers deeper, crushing tendons and muscles. He could hurt him right now, he could

even kill him and be done with it, but he didn’t want this on his conscience. Not yet, at

least. “Say yes, Master.”

The man sputtered.
“I don’t think you understand, Tim. This is non-negotiable. I don’t care about the

money you lost at poker or how much you owe Johns.” The man winced at the name of

the Cincinnati underground boss. “If they kill you before me, maybe I’ll be mad, but I

won’t care much either way. Now are we clear? Say yes, Sir.”

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A Question of Trust


He forced Tim to stare into his eyes and waited, his other hand sliding from his

glass and finding that spot on a person’s neck that makes one lose consciousness in a

matter of seconds. He started applying pressure there.

“Ye-yes.” A pause, then, “Sir!” came out in a rush.
“Remember my face,” Dylan advised seconds before the other man slumped in a

heap against the bar. He watched him slide to the disgusting floor and didn’t make a

move. Catching the bartender’s gaze, he said, “Drunk. Let him sleep it off.” He slid a

couple hundreds over the bar and whirled around. His mission here was done.

One more thing to do and he could go home.

* * * * *

Max stepped onto her front porch, feeling utterly exhausted. She’d spent the past

hour at her bank, trying to make sense of the state of her accounts. She’d gone to her

banker when she’d realized the utilities hadn’t been cut off when she’d been gone and

that there had been no urgent letters in her mail.

She’d gone grocery shopping too and her credit card hadn’t been refused.

Something was going on and it hadn’t taken her long to realize Dylan had given her


No. She shook her head as she grabbed her house keys from her pants pocket. It

wasn’t just money meant to tide her over, to help her start over.

The amount that was now sitting in her accounts meant she wouldn’t need to find a

new job for, well, years. Why had he done that when he hadn’t even had the courage to

go after her?

The question kept circling in her head and she knew she’d have to call him and ask.

She would need to explain to him why she couldn’t accept his cash, why it’d made her

feel like a slut.

It was only when she reached for the handle that she noticed something hanging

from it. She jerked back as if she’d been bitten. “What…?” Her voice died.

Her collar hung from the door handle. The ring in front caught the dying sun and

winked at her. That ring… The reason for all her troubles.

She hated it! She loved it too. That collar had been hers, but it no longer was, and

she had to remember that.

“Get inside,” Dylan’s voice rang behind her, making her yelp. “We need to talk.”

He brushed past her and grabbed the keys dangling from her helpless fingers. He

quickly unlocked the door and motioned her inside.

She forced herself not to stare at him, but his scent, a mix of the leather from his

jacket and his own male smell, wrapped around her, bringing memories to the forefront

of her mind. God, she’d missed him so damn much.

No, no, no! She had to be strong!

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The door slammed shut and there he was, right in front of her. He looked down at

her and said, “Is this the way to greet your Master, pet?”

She burst into tears.
“Crap! I hadn’t meant to do that.” Max brushed her cheeks and pushed her hair

behind her ears. “Sorry.”

“Don’t apologize. I know the last month has been very difficult for you.”
“You think?” She sniffed. “Come on in. Would you like some coffee?” She turned

toward the kitchen, but a hand on her arm stopped her.

“I didn’t come here for this, pet. And I’m still waiting for a proper welcome.”
She stilled, her breath suddenly coming out in sharp pants. He didn’t mean what

she thought he meant, right? She looked up at him over her shoulder, but his darkened

eyes gave nothing away. “Ma-Master?” She licked her lips.

He nodded. “Better. Now come here and kiss me.” He turned her around, then slid

his hands down to palm her hips. He pulled her close and she watched his head lower

with wide eyes.

Oh God… His lips brushed hers in a furtive kiss. Then she did something really

stupid. She moaned and opened her mouth. He dove in, tangling his tongue around

hers, the kiss turning riotous.

One hand slid into her hair, forcing her head into a certain angle. She moaned some

more and wrapped her hands around his neck, pressing her body against his. She

rejoiced in the way he felt…everywhere.

From his expert tongue to his hard chest, from his smooth palm slipping under her

shirt to the rigid cock pulsing against her, she’d missed it all.

Which was probably why when he pushed her up the staircase, his mouth still on

hers, she didn’t complain. They stumbled into her bedroom and fell onto the duvet, his

body feeling so heavy on top of hers. So heavenly…

She widened her legs and threw her head back when he ground his cock against

her. Buttons popped as he opened her shirt and took it off. She winced a little when he

stilled at the sight of the bandage covering her.

She waited with bated breath, a gasp escaping her when he bent down and pressed

a soft kiss where she’d been shot. Oh.

He moved his head and nuzzled her unbound breast, taking the nipple into his

mouth. He sucked on it, the long pull making her insides clench. “Master!” she heard

herself cry out.

He looked up from her breast and murmured, “I need you.”
She blinked. Her hands found the back of his head, pulling him up for another kiss.

They rolled over the bed and soon clothes began to rain all around them.

When they met in the middle of the mattress minutes later, they were both panting,

both so headily aroused it was only a matter of time before… “Yes!” Her hips rocked

up. Fingers had slid between her thighs and found her clit.

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A Question of Trust


“You’re so fucking wet,” he muttered. “Hold on.” He stumbled out of bed and

retrieved a condom from his wallet.

She watched as he put it on, then pumped himself a few times. The sight held her

captive, but not as much as the thought of having him thrust inside her. She widened

her legs even further and leaned back down, smiling when he moved right where she

wanted him.

“This is going to be fast, pet. I’ll make it up to you next time. All night, for that

matter.” He brushed a soft kiss on her rounded stomach, both her breasts and finally

her mouth. “I missed you,” he added just as his cock slid inside her.

Maxine arched her back, her nails digging into the skin of his biceps. She’d

forgotten how big he felt, how utterly perfect too. “Ohhh.”

“Wrap your legs around me.”
She did as ordered and gasped when his pubic bone brushed her clit on an upward

move. “More!”

He quickly complied, fucking her as if there was no tomorrow, as if they’d been

apart for far longer than two weeks, as if…they really meant something to each other.

The thought shattered the climax that had crept in her reach. She stopped rocking

back against him, suddenly unsure. Why had he come here? Why had he given her


He’d brought the collar with him. Did that mean he wanted her to be his slave

again? Still?

“Stay with me, darling. Love me,” he whispered then into her hair. “Love me,


And just like that she was back with him. He’d used the L word, she inwardly

rejoiced, as she pressed a kiss on his smooth shoulder. When her orgasm built this time,

she let it. Pleasure pulled her body down, anchoring her to the bed, her limbs


She gasped. She screamed. She clung to him with her good arm and tightened her

inner walls around his pounding cock, pushing him headlong into his own climax.

They were lying silently on the disturbed duvet, sweat cooling down on their still-

tangled bodies. Dylan smoothed his palm down her side, watching her jerk a little,

loving how responsive she was.

“I love you.”
He froze for a second. He pushed himself onto his elbows and stared down at her.


“I love you,” she repeated.
His brain must have melted at her words because he found himself speechless for

the first time in forever. Who’d have thought his little slave would be the one declaring

herself first?

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Emma Hillman


“I…” He licked his lips and realized he was actually afraid. How ironic. “I love you

too.” There, he’d said it. Before she could say anything else, he slipped out of bed and

retrieved the one item he cherished above all things. “Sit up, pet.”

He watched her breasts sway as she settled against the headboard, his cock

twitching, obviously already getting for round two. But first…

As soon as she spotted the collar in his hands, however, she started shaking her

head. “I can’t accept this.”

He froze for the second time in as many minutes. What the hell was happening to

him? “What the hell does that mean? You just said you loved me!”

She cringed. “I do love you, but I can’t accept this collar. It took me a little while to

understand the ring the thugs were looking to sell was this one.” She fingered the

platinum circle attached to the collar. “It’s too expensive. I can’t accept.”

“It used to belong to my mother. My dad gave it to her for their tenth wedding

anniversary. She never took it off until… Anyway, my father gave it to me and I

decided I would keep it until I found the woman I wanted to spend my life with.”

“Your slave, you mean.”
“You don’t understand, Maxine. The two are the same.”
She blinked. “Oh.”
“And I want you to wear it. Forever.” He leaned forward and brushed her hair

down her back. It didn’t take him long to encircle her neck with the collar, the black

leather so striking against her fair skin. “Perfect.”

“It’s too expensive. They wanted to steal it, so it must cost a lot. I can’t wear this

every day!”

“You wore it before, didn’t you?”
“But I didn’t know about it!”
He shrugged. “This is not a request, slave.” And watched as she suddenly sat up

straighter, her eyes downcast. What a lovely, lovely pet. “God, I missed you,” he

murmured, claiming her mouth for an intense kiss.

They had a lot to discuss, he knew that, and yet he didn’t care. They would find a

way, he was sure of it. For once in his life he was looking forward to the future. He

thought of the many years to come and smiled against her lips.

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About the Author

Emma Hillman never plans her stories. She just lets the characters have fun and

hopes the ending will make sense. It usually does.

Besides being a multi-published author of erotic romances, she works full-time and

lives in Paris with a (nice) husband, a (cute) little girl, and two sweet but (very) loud

pets. She also reads far too much, as the postman (and her banker) could attest, but


For more information on her current and future releases, you can visit her blog at


or chat with her on Twitter

(@droptheglasses). She’d love to hear from you!

Emma welcomes comments from readers. You can find her email address on her

author bio page




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Also by

Emma Hillman

Back to Life

Come Play

Finally His

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Discover for yourself why readers can’t get enough of the multiple award-winning

publisher Ellora’s Cave. Whether you prefer ebooks or paperbacks, be sure to visit EC

on the web at www.ellorascave.com for an erotic reading experience that will leave you



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