KM Mahoney In Teddy's Arms

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A Total-E-Bound Publication

In Teddy’s Arms
ISBN #978-0-85715-840-6
©Copyright K.M. Mahoney
Cover Art by Posh Gosh ©Copyright December 2011
Edited by S.F. Swift
Total-E-Bound Publishing

This is a work of fiction. All characters, places and events are from the author’s imagination
and should not be confused with fact. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, events or
places is purely coincidental.

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any material form,
whether by printing, photocopying, scanning or otherwise without the written permission of
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Applications should be addressed in the first instance, in writing, to Total-E-Bound
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proceedings and/or criminal prosecution.

The author and illustrator have asserted their respective rights under the Copyright Designs
and Patents Acts 1988 (as amended) to be identified as the author of this book and illustrator
of the artwork.

Published in 2011 by Total-E-Bound Publishing, Think Tank, Ruston Way, Lincoln, LN6 7FL,
United Kingdom.


This book contains sexually explicit content which is only suitable for mature readers. This
story has a heat rating of Total-e-sizzling and a sexometer of 2.

This story contains 40 pages, additionally there is also a free excerpt at the end of the book
containing 9 pages.

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Yuletide Yearnings


K. M. Mahoney

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Everything Teddy has ever wanted is right in front of him, if only he can find the courage to reach out
and take it.

Teddy should really know better than to agree to one of Pierce’s ‘great ideas’, but he’s never
found it easy to say no to his best friend. Which is why he finds himself on the middle of a
snow-covered road, heading into the mountains to spend the Christmas holiday in a rental
cabin. And, like always, Pierce’s great plan backfires. The cabin is a dump, it’s freezing
outside—and then comes the snowstorm.

Pierce isn’t sure how he’s going to handle an entire weekend trapped with Teddy. Sure, the
guy is his best friend, but tell that to Pierce’s body. It’s getting harder and hard to keep his
hands to himself.

Teddy doesn’t think Pierce is interested in his nerdy best friend. Pierce doesn’t think he’s
good enough for Teddy. But the fire’s blazing, the wind is howling, and it’s time for some

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Trademarks Acknowledgement

The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of the following
wordmarks mentioned in this work of fiction:

Freddy Krueger: Fourth New Line-Heron Venture
McDonald’s: McDonald’s Corporation
Popsicle: Unilever PLC/Unilever NV

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Chapter One

“Are you sure about this?”

“Teddy, ask me that again, and I’m going to pull this car over and toss you into a snow


Teddy sat back, crossed his arms over his chest, and huffed. “Sheesh, cranky much?”

Pierce rolled his eyes. For a second, he entertained the lovely image that the steering

wheel he was gripping so tightly was, in fact, Teddy’s neck. “The first three times you asked

that question, I answered. The next six times, I ignored you. You’ve now moved beyond that

and are into obnoxiously irritating. Stow it.”

Silence enveloped the interior of the car for several long moments. Then Teddy

mumbled, “Sorry.”

Pierce grinned. That was his Teddy. He never could stay at odds with anyone for very


“Turn right in one-point-two miles,” the GPS system stated in a dull, broken monotone.

“Thank God.” Pierce nearly whooped. “I think we’re getting close.” He turned where

the small navigation map on his dashboard indicated. The bottom of their battered sedan

scraped ominously over the snow-covered gravel.

All right, so maybe Teddy had a point. Maybe this wasn’t the best idea Pierce had ever

had. But it was a little bit too late to back out now. No way in hell was Pierce driving back

down this mountain in the dark.

“I don’t see anything,” Teddy said, sounding doubtful. He chewed on his fingernail,

expression nervous, eyes fastened on the darkening woods surrounding the small road.

“It’s up here. Somewhere.” Damn. That hadn’t come out as reassuring as Pierce had


The GPS remained unhelpfully silent as the car bumped its way along. Twilight was

quickly turning into night. The looming pines closing in on all sides didn’t help, deepening

the gloom. They were truly in the middle of nowhere, no streetlights, no sidewalks, the roads

rough. Hell, there wasn’t even a McDonald’s. Civilisation was most definitely far behind


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At the moment, Pierce would have gladly traded his stupid GPS system for just one

tacky strand of twinkling Christmas lights. Anything to suggest they weren’t lost in the

mountains. And why the hell was it so dark out here?

The cabin practically jumped out at them. Pierce rounded a curve and slammed on the

brakes. His heart thumped madly as he studied the battered porch steps, dangerously close

to his front bumper. Beside him, Teddy let out a belated squeak of alarm.

“Destination in five hundred feet,” the GPS chimed.

“Now it tells me.” Pierce scowled fiercely and stabbed the ‘off’ button on the obnoxious

little box. “Worthless piece of shit.”

Teddy had stopped staring at the scenery and was now eying the cabin with

trepidation. Pierce had to admit it didn’t look like much. The porch was a bit wonky, the

wood siding faded in spots, peeling in others. Dark and tiny, it bore a disturbing resemblance

to something from a horror film.

“Maybe the inside is nicer,” Pierce declared.

Amazing, how loudly Teddy could project his doubt without saying a word.

“It’s a true gift, that,” Pierce said.

“Say what? Never mind. I guess we better unload.” Teddy added a resigned sigh. “But

if it’s this bad on the inside, we’re finding a hotel tomorrow.”

Pierce almost asked how they would pay for it, then bit his tongue. Teddy would

probably decide to sleep in the car. Then he would freeze to death in the middle of the night

and Pierce would have to explain to Teddy’s parents how he let their son turn into a nice,

hard, ice-coated statue.

Pierce shook his head to dislodge his stupid ramblings and climbed out of the car. He

took a minute to stretch the kinks out of his back because, damn, that had been a long trip.

Using the remote to pop the trunk, Pierce hauled out his duffel bag and slung it over his

shoulder. He shivered in the cold and grabbed his coat from the back seat. He should

probably put it on, but he’d be inside in a minute.

He waded through the drifts piled against the porch. It took him a minute of fruitless

searching before he realised the first step was busted. He could move his foot around in the

six inch layer of snow and never find it because it simply wasn’t there.

“Watch the steps,” he called over his shoulder.

Teddy started muttering again. Pierce ignored what he knew were complaints and

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cautiously mounted the steps. He stuck the key the rental agent had given him into the lock.

The door swung on creaking hinges before he could turn the key.

“Okay, not exactly the best sign,” Pierce said to himself. He pushed the door the rest of

the way open, anyway. The room was dark and the musty smell made his nose tingle. The

cabin was also cold, nearly as bad as outside.

Pierce felt around the wall and found the switch. It clicked on and dim light flooded the

space. Relief swamped him. The glow from the single bulb didn’t quite chase all the shadows

away, but hey, they had electricity. At the moment, Pierce wasn’t going to take anything for


Then he surveyed the room and groaned. “Teddy’s gonna hate it.”

“Hate what?”

Pierce jumped and whirled around, facing his best friend with his biggest fake smile.

“Nothing, it’s great. Warm and cosy. All we need is that fake tree I packed and we’re good to


Teddy stared at him with solemn brown eyes. “You’re a horrible liar.”

“Not true, I’m a magnificent liar.” Just not to Teddy. That’s what happened when you

knew someone since kindergarten. Teddy knew all Pierce’s tricks.

Teddy just kept staring. “There are spiders, aren’t there?” he asked soberly.

“It’s too cold for spiders. Come on, let’s explore.”

Teddy entered the room gingerly, as if Freddy Krueger was going to come jumping

around the corner and start hacking away.

Pierce slung his duffel in the corner and planted his hands on his hips. “First thing, we

need to make a fire.”

“Do you even know how?”

“Sure,” Pierce said with false confidence. “The rental agent said we can find wood on

the back porch. I’ll get started.”

“If there’s no water, I’m going to smother you in your sleep,” Teddy said.

Pierce rolled his eyes and went in search of fuel. It was damned cold in here and his

fingers were starting to go numb. He shrugged on his coat, boots echoing on the wood plank


He found the wood as promised and started hauling.

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Chapter Two

Teddy looked around and wondered how on earth Pierce had talked him into this. He

was cold and hungry and there was only one bed and…

“Stop it,” Teddy ordered himself. “This is getting you nowhere.”

When Pierce had suggested they rent a cabin in the mountains, ‘get away from it all’,

well, Teddy should have nipped the idea in the bud right then and there. But he had a

horrible time saying no to Pierce. Then Pierce was off and running and it was much too late

to halt his latest scheme.

Pierce had been Teddy’s best friend ever since he could remember, his neighbour since

second grade. When it came time for college, it just seemed natural for them to head off

together. They were roommates first and now, as juniors, shared an apartment.

It wasn’t just Teddy and Pierce, either. Their families were close to inseparable. In fact,

that was part of the problem. The Johnsons and the Madens had decided to spend the

holidays together. Unfortunately for Teddy, their parents had chosen to do it on a week-long

cruise that had left before winter break began.

“You can make do without us, can’t you?” Teddy’s mom had asked breezily. “We’ll be

back in plenty of time, nearly two whole weeks before you have to go back to school. We’ll

celebrate Christmas then.”

Teddy had agreed. At the time, it didn’t seem like a big deal. He and Pierce would just

hang around the apartment, share the holiday together.

And then Pierce had come up with his latest madcap scheme. Now Teddy was stuck in

the Rockies in an ancient cabin freezing his ass off.

Sometimes, he really hated his best friend.

Said best friend banged back inside, arms loaded down with wood, sporting a wide,

crazy grin.

“Found fuel,” he said cheerily.

Teddy watched the familiar lean form stagger across the small room. “Yes, but do you

know what to do with it?”

“Of course I do, silly.” The pile of wood landed on the floor with a humongous clatter.

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Teddy winced.

“Why don’t you bring in the rest of the gear?” Pierce asked. “I’ve got extra blankets and

sleeping bags in the back seat.”

Pierce knelt in front of the massive fireplace. His coat rode up his back with the motion,

jeans pulling tight across his compact ass. Teddy stared at the show and tried not to drool.

Each time Pierce moved, fabric pulled taut, highlighting that fascinating body. Teddy wanted

to touch, so badly. Maybe if he just…

Teddy shook off his semi-trance and turned away with difficulty. He used to be able to

ignore Pierce’s lean, sculpted frame and the way he seemed to flaunt his every asset. Lately,

though, Teddy’s control was slipping. And that just wouldn’t do. Teddy didn’t know what

would happen if Pierce found out how much he wanted him.

Teddy stepped out onto the rickety front porch and took a deep breath. The cold seared

his lungs and made him cough, but he didn’t mind. The slap of the frigid wind against his

heated skin actually felt good. If he stood out here long enough, it would be more effective

than a cold shower.

Tugging at the bottom edge of his coat, he jumped off the porch, snow spurting up

around his boots. The snow drifts were piling higher and he had to take a circuitous route to

the car. He tried to open the passenger side back door, but couldn’t get it. He kept ramming

into a gigantic pile of snow, and there was a tree in the way, too. Pierce needed a few more

lessons on parking.

Teddy rounded the front of the car and yanked open the other door, half-crawling in

until he could tug on the large tote bags on the floor. He pulled and wiggled and was

actually sweating a bit before he gathered all the bags. How many blankets had Pierce

packed, anyway? Was he expecting company?

When Teddy found at least three sleeping bags, his heart sank. It wouldn’t be the first

time that Pierce had invited along others and not told Teddy. Where Teddy was quiet and

preferred the company of one or two good friends, Pierce was happiest surrounded by a

crowd. He was popular and outgoing and everybody loved him.

Teddy included.

He sighed, seeing his visions of a quiet weekend together slip away. Merry Christmas to

me. Well, knowing Pierce’s friends, at least there would be plenty of alcohol with which to

drown his sorrows. With a heavy heart, Teddy gathered their bedding, juggling bags and

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bundles until his arms were full and weighted down. He slipped and slid back to the cabin,

bumping open the door with his hip.

“Finally,” Pierce said. “I thought maybe you’d fallen into a snow pile.”

“Ha, ha. Come and get some of this, would you?”

Pierce grabbed some of the burden and Teddy sighed with relief. Amazing, how heavy

a bunch of blankets could be.

Pierce tossed the bags on the small double bed in one corner while Teddy let the rest of

the junk drop to the floor. While he’d been outside, Pierce had managed to get a small fire

going. The warmth emanating from the blaze was negligible, but the mere sight of the

crackling flames made Teddy feel warmer. He crossed the few steps to stand on the small

rug, hands outstretched, feeling the warmth sink into his chilled fingers.

“You look wet,” Pierce said in his ear.

Teddy jumped slightly, not having noticed that Pierce had come up behind. “Yeah,” he

replied. “The drifts are getting bigger. I think it’s snowing harder.”


“Sweet? What are you, nuts?”

“Nope, that would be you. I just always wanted to be snowed in somewhere. It sounds


“Not cool.” Teddy scowled. “Cold. Very cold. And boring. And—”

“Come on, Teddy Bear, lighten up.” Pierce slung an arm around Teddy’s shoulders and

yanked him closer. “We’re having an adventure.”

Teddy drew back and ground his teeth, manfully resisting the urge to slug the grinning

idiot. “I hate adventures. And don’t call me Teddy Bear.”

“I know. That’s why they’re good for you.” Pierce ignored the ‘Teddy Bear’ complaint

as he always did.

The room had finally begun to warm, the chill leaving the air. At least the small cabin

heated quickly. Teddy felt like he could remove his coat without risking frostbite. He hung

the fluffy red and white jacket on a hook by the door before rushing back to the fire. A

draught leached through the front and he didn’t like it.

“So, Mr Adventurous,” Teddy said. “What are we going to do for food?”

“The oven works.” Pierce sounded proud. “I checked.”

“But did you bring anything to cook in the oven?”

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Pierce’s expression fell.

“Oh, Good Lord, you didn’t, did you?”

“Hang on!” Pierce held one finger up and wagged it before whirling around. He dug

through his duffle bag, muttering to himself. When he turned and brandished a brightly

wrapped package, his expression was triumphant. “Here ya go. Merry Christmas.”

Teddy took the offering. Looked at the familiar red lid. Looked back at Pierce.

“A box of chocolates,” he stated flatly. “One box of chocolates. For the both of us. All


Pierce nodded with a smile.

“I really am going to kill you this time,” Teddy stated. “I’ll smother you in your sleep,

just see if I—”

Pierce doubled over, hysterical laughter ringing through the room. “Oh, God,” he

gasped. “You should see your face.”

Teddy wasn’t proud to admit that he’d lost control. He chucked the box of chocolates at

Pierce’s head. Pierce, blast him, ducked handily, still laughing.

“Calm down,” Pierce said when he could breathe again. “I’ve got groceries in the trunk.

I’m not a total idiot.”

“I hate you,” Teddy stated with a complete lack of emotion. Inside, though, his inner

imp started giggling. Only Pierce would even dream of teasing him like that. Which was

probably one of the many reasons why he loved the big dork.


Teddy rolled his eyes. “You should probably retrieve anything you still want from the

car. If this snow keeps up, it will be buried in another hour or two. And then we really will

have to eat chocolates for the next two days.”

“I can think of worse things.”

Teddy could, too.

“Retrieval. Got it. You just stay nice and warm while I go freeze my toes off in the


“This was your idea.”

“Yep. I’m brilliant, aren’t I?”

Teddy rolled his eyes again.

Pierce’s laughter seemed to brighten dark corners, a deep sound that Teddy never tired

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“What would I do without you?” Pierce asked.

The question fell between them, the tone surprisingly serious. As was the look in

Pierce’s dark eyes. Teddy shook his head, not really sure what he was denying, while he

looked back at his friend. The atmosphere thickened, emotions suddenly darkening.

Pierce broke the weird vibe in the room with one of his patented goofy grins. “If I’m not

back in five minutes, bring a shovel,” he said, tugging his gloves on. He made his way

jauntily across the room, all smiles and light and… Pierce.

His path to the door wasn’t straight and brought him unnecessarily close to Teddy. So

close that Teddy could feel the heat, smell that unique mix of cologne and musk that made

up Pierce’s personal scent.

Their shoulders brushed and Pierce’s stride stuttered. Teddy turned his head.

Warm, soft lips landed on his cheek. It was a barely-there brush against his skin, hardly

even qualifying as a kiss, but it was more than enough to send Teddy’s world into a free-fall

over the edge of a cliff.

“Be right back,” Pierce said huskily.

Then he was gone, leaving Teddy to stare at the closed door in utter disbelief.

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Chapter Three

Pierce’s lips were tingling, his body humming with arousal and excitement. “I can’t

believe I did that,” he muttered to himself. The dead silence of a winter storm swallowed the

words, leaving him alone in the darkness. “Stupid. So stupid.”

For three long years Pierce had kept his hormones firmly under control and his lust

buried out of sight. Now, with one impulsive gesture, he might have ruined everything.

Ruined the only relationship, aside from his family, that meant a damned thing.

Pierce slipped in the snow and almost landed on his arse when his pocket started

vibrating. He dug his phone out, yanking his glove off with his teeth so he could answer.


“Hey, Pierce, man, what’s with this weather?”

“It’s December in the Rockies,” Pierce retorted. “What did you expect? Sunshine and

palm trees?”

“Whoa. Cranky much?”

“Sorry, Jimmy,” Pierce said around a sigh. “What’s up?”

“We’re, like, completely stuck, man.”

Pierce ground his teeth and wished, not for the first time, that the big football player

would stop talking like a surfer bum. It drove him insane. But Jimmy was, overall, a good

guy, so Pierce usually swallowed his irritation. Unfortunately for Jimmy, Pierce wasn’t

exactly brimming with patience at the moment.

“What do you mean, stuck?” he snapped.

“Stuck. As in, camped out in some crappy highway motel and can’t go anywhere. The

roads, man, ya know? All snow covered and shit.”

Pierce muttered a curse and kicked at a clump of the aforementioned white stuff, not as

thrilled about the winter storm as he had been earlier. “How far away are you?”

“Like, halfway, man. We got a late start cause Cassie had some dealie and—”

“I got it. Just stay warm and don’t risk your necks, okay? Teddy and I made it up here

fine, so we’ll just hunker down until this passes. Maybe it’ll clear up enough that you guys

can make it for a day or so.”

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“Yeah, not counting on that, but sure thing, man. You guys be safe, ‘kay?”

“Sure, we’re fine. Talk to you later.”

Pierce hung up to a cheerful round of “Merry Christmas” and dropped the phone back

in his pocket, hurrying to pull his glove back on. Just what he didn’t need. He’d been

counting on the other guys to serve as a buffer, as they usually did. What was he going to do,

alone with Teddy for the next couple of days?

Pierce had a sad lack of self-control and knew it. The plan had been for the group of

them to camp out at the small cabin. There was a resort about three miles down that road.

Skiing, snowboarding, the whole works. Pierce hadn’t told Teddy the plan, but he didn’t

really feel guilty about it. Teddy would have refused to come if he’d known their quiet

weekend was scheduled to turn into a giant party. Now, of course, that plan was blown to

bits, leaving Pierce exactly where he didn’t want to be—alone with Teddy.

Pierce had earned his fun-loving, playboy reputation the hard way, but there had

always been a deeper purpose to his actions. If he surrounded himself with people, then he

found it easier to distract himself from what he couldn’t have. Teddy.

Sure, Teddy was his best friend and always would be. When they’d hit their teens,

though, Pierce had started to see Teddy as more than just a friend. But he deserved better

than Pierce, a lot better. Teddy deserved someone smart and caring, someone who could look

out for him. Someone to snuggle and laugh with.

Teddy most definitely didn’t need a guy who’d slept his way through a good portion of

the college campus, men and women. A guy who drank too much and partied too hard.

Pierce would have loved to be what Teddy needed, but in the end, he didn’t trust himself. He

couldn’t risk hurting his Teddy Bear, so he put up barriers and partied even harder. Even

though they lived together, they didn’t actually spend that much time alone together. Pierce

usually had friends hanging out and Teddy was usually at the library studying.

Now? They had an entire weekend together. Alone.

God, Pierce just hoped he could hold it together until they left.

* * * *

Pierce rolled over and yanked the thick comforter over his head. It didn’t help. He

could still hear Teddy’s teeth chattering over the mournful howling of the wind. He shoved

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the cover aside and stared up at the ceiling. Odd-shaped shadows danced on the wooden

beams, the fire casting uneven light throughout the room.

Teddy had nearly had a panic attack earlier when Pierce had suggested sharing the bed.

Which would be why Pierce was comfortably ensconced in a nest of blankets in front of the

fireplace while Teddy froze his nuts off in the bed in the corner.

Pierce was nice and toasty. Teddy sounded like he was one step away from


“Teddy?” Pierce called.

Silence was his only answer. Pierce rolled his eyes and muttered his annoyance in

inaudible phrases, then said, “I know you’re awake. Get over here, you idiot, before you

freeze to death.”

“‘M fine,” came the chattered reply.

“No, you’re not. Stop being so stubborn.”

Teddy didn’t answer. He didn’t make any attempt to move, either.

Pierce dug himself out of his pile of blankets with a few vicious curses. The cold air

smacked his exposed skin, biting and gnawing. He could practically feel his toes turning

blue. Good Lord, it was freezing. The fire kept trying to hold the frigid air at bay, and it

succeeded for the most part, at least in the immediate area around the crackling logs. But the

wind kept whipping around outside, finding chinks in the walls and leaking through the

window casings.

Pierce crossed the room with a few rapid strides, the wooden floor actually painful on

his bare feet. He found the bed in the dim light with the huddled figure of his best friend.

“Stubborn ass,” he ground out.

Teddy yelped loudly when Pierce picked him up, blankets and all.

“What are you doing?” Teddy demanded, limbs flailing. “Put me down!”

“Nope. You’re getting warm, even if I have to tie you up and wrap you in blankets like

a human burrito.”


Pierce ignored Teddy’s protesting shrieks, depositing the smaller figure onto the pile of

blankets on the floor with casual disregard for little things like bruises.

“Stay,” Pierce stated firmly.

Teddy scowled up at him and Pierce couldn’t stay annoyed. Teddy was just so damn

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adorable, with his big brown eyes and full lips, pushed out in the barest hint of a pout.

“Bully,” Teddy accused

Pierce rolled his eyes and dropped to the floor. He wrapped his arms around Teddy,

ignoring the flailing limbs trying to swipe his ears off, and tucked them both under a pile of

quilts, blankets, and sleeping bags.

“I can’t breathe.” Teddy’s voice came out muffled.

Pierce sighed. “So picky.” He tugged down one of the quilts until he could see the tip of

Teddy’s nose. The rest of his friend was completely obscured, save for a shock of fuzzy

golden brown hair poking out.

“Yeah, well, I kind of need air.”

“I suppose.”

Teddy’s slim body was stiff next to Pierce, tension running through the lean muscles.

Pierce handled it for about five minutes before he started to get irritated.

“Would you please relax?” he snapped.

“I can’t.”

“Sure you can. Take a deep breath and go to sleep.”

“I can’t get comfortable.”

“Would you rather be back in the corner turning into a Popsicle?”


“Oh, good Lord, Teddy.”


Pierce knew Teddy was chewing on his lips, could almost see the uncertainty in those

brown eyes. How many times over the years had he seen that exact expression on Teddy’s

face? Too many to count, that was for sure.

Teddy wiggled some more and Pierce’s amusement imploded. His body reacted

predictably to a squirming body against his.

He ground his teeth. “Hold still, would you?” he growled.

“Sorry,” Teddy said again. He didn’t sound sorry, though. In fact, if Pierce didn’t know

any better, he’d swear that Teddy was scooting closer.

Hang on. He did know better, and Teddy was scooting closer.

“What are you doing?” he asked hesitantly.

“Trying to get warm.”

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Teddy rolled over onto his side, pressing his pert butt firmly against the tops of Pierce’s


“Teddy.” Pierce tried again, but didn’t get any further this time, either. Hell, he didn’t

even know what he wanted to say. All he knew was Teddy’s proximity was doing bad things

to his brain. Making him want things that a guy just shouldn’t want from his best friend.

“Shh,” Teddy said in a tone Pierce had never heard before. “Go to sleep.”

Teddy grabbed Pierce’s arms and pulled them around his waist, settling into a

spooning hug. It was an intimate position, a lover’s position.

Pierce could hardly breathe. His lungs kept seizing up. A war raged inside. Half of him

wanted to cuddle in closer to that heat, that unique aroma. The rest of him was screaming,

Run, you idiot! This is Teddy!

Pierce started to pull away, but Teddy tightened his hold on Pierce’s arms, a silent plea

to stay where he was. He could never easily ignore a request from his Teddy.

Pierce grunted and pressed his forehead into Teddy’s shoulder.

It was going to be a really long night.

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Chapter Four

Teddy woke with a smile on his face, warm and cosy and happy and…oh. Oh, damn.

He stiffened as memories flooded in and he realised the solid form tucked around him was


Teddy debated for a while, almost hearing the seconds tick by. Get up and risk

disturbing Pierce? Stay here, savour the embrace and risk pissing Pierce off? What to do,

what to do.

As Teddy lay there, it suddenly occurred to him that this whole situation was

ridiculous. He absently stroked the smooth skin of Pierce’s hand where it nestled on his hip

and sorted through options.

Fact Number One—Teddy loved Pierce and had for years.

Fact Number Two—Pierce cared about Teddy in return.

Whether Pierce’s feelings could be classified as love—or could grow to be love—Teddy

didn’t know. So what was keeping him from finding out? A fear of losing his best friend?

That was already happening. Each week that passed left Teddy feeling more and more like

Pierce was pulling away. He came back to the apartment for only brief pit stops between

classes and parties, and he often had one or more people trailing behind him when he did.

When was the last time that Teddy and Pierce had spent time together, just the two of them,

alone like this?

Teddy had to swallow a rise of sadness when he realised he couldn’t remember. It

might well have been last Christmas, when they drove down together to spend the holidays

with their families.

As much as Teddy hated to admit it, their friendship had hit some kind of a snag. But

darned if he knew what that snag was.

He had a choice. He could let their relationship continue as it was, through graduation,

into the eventual drifting apart. The occasional phone call, the random meeting at family

events. The awkward “Hey, how are you” at Christmases in the future. Or he could do

something completely out of character and take advantage of the current situation. Sure,

their friendship might blow up in his face if he made a move, but wasn’t a quick blow-up

better than a long, drawn out severing? And what if it didn’t blow up? What if…

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Teddy shook his head, thoughts firming into resolute determination. He felt unusually

bold and daring this wintry morning.

He was going to try. Not because he wanted their friendship to end, but because he

thought a chance with Pierce just might be worth it. They were stuck here for a few days. No

one could run, no one could hide, no one could disappear.

Teddy took a deep breath, prayed he wasn’t about to get slugged in the jaw, and rolled

over. Pierce grunted a wordless protest, still sound asleep.

With slow, cautious movements, Teddy slipped his hand further under the covers. Inch

by inch, he moved his fingers lower. Sometime during the night, Pierce’s long-sleeved shirt

had ridden up, leaving open access to smooth, heated skin. Teddy kept up his unimpeded

exploration until his fingers snagged in an elastic waistband.

Some part of Teddy was screaming a frantic protest. You don’t do things like this, you

idiot! Stop right now!

Teddy shoved his logical half back into a corner, mentally sticking his tongue out in

derision. Then he let his inner slut out to play.

All hesitation gone, Teddy slipped his fingers under thick flannel, nearly jumping in

surprise when he encountered more skin instead of underwear. Teddy wrapped his fist

around, waiting morning wood. He had to clench his teeth against the groan of pure pleasure

that wanted to escape at the feel of velvet and heat under his fingertips. A hint of moisture

coated the hard shaft and he practically salivated, wanting so badly to taste.

Pierce made a low humming noise, hips shifting under Teddy’s touch. “Mmm,” he

murmured sleepily, eyes still closed. “Teddy?”

“Shh,” Teddy whispered. “You’re dreaming.”

“Dreaming? ‘S a good dream.”

“The best.”

“Don’t stop.” Pierce raised one hand, ran it over Teddy’s arm briefly, before his arm fell

limply to his side again.

“I don’t intend to,” Teddy whispered.

Pierce rolled ever so slightly to one side and Teddy scooted closer, tugging lightly with

his hand and…oh. Oh, shit. He was stuck.

His hand was half under Pierce’s thigh, blankets trapping his arm, and Pierce’s pyjama

pants had wrapped around his fingers. Teddy wriggled and squirmed… Nope, well and

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truly stuck.

He let out a groan and dropped his forehead onto Pierce’s upper arm, cursing silently.

So much for Plan A. Teddy was hoping for a gradual seduction, arousing Pierce to a fever

pitch so that by the time he woke up completely, Pierce wouldn’t care who was doing the

touching as long as they didn’t stop. Win the man over with sex.

Yeah. Not happening now. Smooth, Teddy. Really smooth.

Okay. Okay, he could figure this out. He was smart. He was a damn physics major, for

crying out loud. Surely he could work out a way to disentangle himself. Preferably without

waking Pierce up, although at this point Teddy’d take what he could get.

He took a couple of deep breaths to calm his racing thoughts before raising his head.

Sunlight was peeking around the edges of the ragged curtains, lending its assistance to the

feeble light cast by the dying fire. He shifted his weight, half-rising onto his knees, so that he

could peer around Pierce’s body. Pierce lay mostly on his side, Teddy’s hand trapped almost

underneath his…thigh? Yeah, thigh. Better than a hip. Maybe.

Teddy’s fingers were starting to fall asleep, the lack of blood flow making the tips all

tingly. He wiggled them as much as he was able and something loosened. Oh. Oh, hallelujah.

A few more gentle tugs, some judicious waggling of fingers, and additional strategic

weight distribution to achieve just the right angle and Teddy was able to slip his hand free.

But with his hand came the fabric and then the unstable surface slipped—namely quilts on a

wooden floor—and boom, he pitched forward.

Teddy flung out a hand, and Pierce turned as Teddy went down. He caught his weight

on his outstretched palm, momentum stopping with a jarring jolt. He gulped and…

… And found himself staring right at Pierce’s cock.

Teddy licked his lips, casting a glance to make sure Pierce was still asleep. He was, and

this was simply too good an opportunity to pass up.

Moistening his lips one more time, Teddy focused his attention on the pretty treat

waiting for him. He flicked out his tongue, the flavours of sweet-salt moisture exploding on

his taste buds. Oh, that was marvellous. Completely, utterly marvellous.

Teddy simply had to take another taste. A second taste turned into a third, then a nice

long lick around the head.

The thought crossed his mind that it probably wasn’t right to take advantage of the

situation, but Teddy couldn’t help himself. He’d spent too long wondering what Pierce

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would taste like, what it would be like to touch him and please him. He couldn’t bring

himself to let this chance pass him by.

Pierce murmured something inaudible, the sound sending a streak of panic through

Teddy. But when he looked up, Pierce’s eyes were still shut, although he was sporting a wide

smile on his face.

Teddy grinned. Excellent. He was obviously doing something right.

With that happy thought, he pushed all doubts aside and went back to his exploration.

It wasn’t the most comfortable of positions. Pierce lay flat on his back, snoring lightly.

Teddy was sprawled on one side of Pierce, half-straddling one of his friend’s thighs. From

the knees down, Pierce’s body was still swathed in cloth—pyjamas, blankets, quilts. If Pierce

were awake, he’d be mortified. Even as enthralled with the man as he was, Teddy had to

admit Pierce looked rather amusing, shirt pushed up and pants pulled down, baring his

midsection and groin. His cock curved into the air, glistening with pre cum and saliva.

Overall, though, the sheer beauty of the bounty laid before Teddy more than eclipsed

any amusement. Pierce’s skin was darker than Teddy’s, a rich cedar to his pale pine. A thick

thatch of nearly black hair curled around his erection, a coarse contrast to the smooth skin

stretched taut on Pierce’s heavy shaft.

Teddy rested the bulk of his weight on one elbow and manoeuvred his hand into a

semi-stable position between Pierce’s legs. He wouldn’t be able to hold the position for

long—already his elbow was protesting—and he didn’t have a hand free to play with, but

Teddy wasn’t going to risk a better setup. He might wake Pierce and then Teddy wouldn’t

get to do…

This. Teddy took the head of Pierce’s cock into his mouth, sucking with forceful pulls.

Pierce groaned, the sound almost like Teddy’s name, hips bucking up into Teddy’s mouth.

The taste and the smell were perfect.

Teddy lost himself in the act. He’d always liked giving blow jobs. It made him feel

fantastic, driving someone mad with pleasure. He got off on the act, too. And with this being

Pierce? Teddy knew he was probably going to enjoy this just as much as Pierce. More,

maybe, because he was actually awake.

Teddy snuggled as close as he could to Pierce, never letting go of his cock. Teddy licked

and sucked, pulling back to swirl his tongue around, diving down and swallowing. Doing

everything he could to toss Pierce over the edge into bliss.

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Teddy relished each move, each taste, the world narrowing to the cock in his mouth, the

body pressed against his, Pierce’s warm, spicy scent, the hand tangling in Teddy’s hair. Each

throb of veins against his tongue drove his arousal higher. Every little, unconscious thrust

that buried Pierce deeper in his mouth seemed to have a direct connection to Teddy’s groin.

Everything tightened and throbbed. Teddy’s stomach. Pierce’s fingers gripping his hair. The

hot flesh in his mouth. Teddy’s aching balls.

The world swirled around him, his movements growing faster and faster, colours

bursting and flaring behind his eyelids, which refused against all orders to stay open. It

could have been minutes or hours, Teddy didn’t know and he certainly didn’t care.

Unfortunately, Teddy’s little piece of heaven couldn’t last forever. With a grunted

shout, Pierce bucked up almost violently. Teddy loosened his jaw as much as possible, taking

in all that he could, drawing back to make sure he caught the full taste of Pierce.


The shout rang through the room, unexpected and glorious. With the taste of cum in his

mouth, his name echoing in his ears, Teddy turned away and buried his face against Pierce’s

side. Teddy groaned, body going painfully taut, vision blurring into white as his release

rushed over him.

The pleasure dragged on, rising and ebbing in waves, each one gentling and slowing

until it finally ran dry. Teddy hissed out a long breath and his elbows gave out. He collapsed,

sprawling heavily on top of Pierce’s side. A sharp hipbone was poking into his stomach, but

Teddy simply couldn’t muster the energy to do anything about it.

Pierce opened his eyes.

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Chapter Five

Pierce blinked a few times, staring at the ceiling with his dark, dark eyes. “Mmm,” he

hummed softly, voice husky from sleep. “That was… What the hell?” His eyes suddenly

snapped open completely and he turned his head.

Teddy managed a sheepish grin. “Good morning?”

“This may be a stupid question, but why are you laying on top of me? And why am I

covered in spunk?”

“I was dreaming?”

Pierce snorted with disbelief.

Teddy didn’t blame him. It was a lame-ass excuse that even he didn’t buy. “You were


That one didn’t fly, either.

“I was—”

Pierce didn’t let Teddy finish. Instead, he reached out with one finger and swiped it

along Teddy’s lips. Pierce’s eyes widened as he stared, disbelieving, at the moisture

transferred from Teddy’s mouth to his finger.

Teddy quickly swiped at his mouth with his sleeve, but the damage was already done.

“Hell, you didn’t…I was…that was real?”


“Teddy, what the hell? You gave me a blow job? Has the cold damaged your brain?”

“I’m thinking quite rationally, thank you very much,” Teddy replied primly.

“You gave me a blow job!”

“Yes. Yes, I did.” Teddy sat up. It was, sad to admit, one of the highlights of his life. He

wasn’t going to deny it.

Pierce pushed Teddy away, putting some distance between them, and shoved himself

up on one elbow. “Why?” The poor guy looked confused and lost and all kinds of wigged


“I wanted to.”

“You wanted to? What kind of answer is that? We’ve known each other for decades and

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now you start this?” Pierce waved his hand between them. “And all you can say is you

wanted to?”

God, Teddy thought, how to answer.

No matter what way he looked at it, he was deeply screwed.

Pierce watched Teddy ruminate, turning words around and around in that overactive

brain of his, for a full two minutes. Then Pierce lost patience. “Why now, Teddy? What


Teddy bit his lip. “I guess I…well, I’m going to lose you, anyway. I guess I figured I

should grab my chance while I still could, you know?”

“Lose me?” Pierce shot upright, glaring at Teddy, hurt and confusion blending

together. “What the hell do you mean, lose me? You’re my best friend, where the fuck do you

think I’m going?”

“I didn’t mean you were leaving, it’s just…we don’t talk anymore, we don’t spend time


“We live together!”

“Yeah, maybe, but when did we last hang out? Huh?” Teddy rose to his knees, nose

scrunched up, eyes stubborn and fierce. “Maybe you can remember, because I sure can’t.

You’ve been avoiding me, and don’t deny it!”

Pierce looked away, unable to hold that intense glare. Not with the guilt churning in his

gut. “You’re right. I have been avoiding you.”


Oh, man. Pierce would take guilt and stubbornness any day over the hurt he could now

see. He knew his smile was a bit sad, more melancholy than reassuring. “You really have no

idea how appealing you are, do you?”

“I don’t understand,” Teddy said, almost pleading. “Help me understand.”

Pierce watched his own hand inch across the space between them, wondering absently

why it was moving without any conscious direction. But, hell, they’d come this far. He might

as well finish. He placed his hand over Teddy’s, squeezing, then just holding.

“I know I’ve hurt you, and I’m sorry,” he said softly. “It was getting harder, you know?

Watching you, wanting you. Not being able to have you.”

Teddy shook his head in confusion. “I wouldn’t have said no. You could have ‘had’ me

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any time you wanted.”

“But I couldn’t. You’re…well, you’re special, Teddy. You deserve someone sweet and

devoted, someone who can take care of you and—”


Pierce stopped, blinking, mind going blank. And damn, but that was a ferocious look

being levelled at him.

“You’re really telling me that we’ve danced around this thing between us for years

because you didn’t think you were good enough for me? Oooh, I should…” Teddy was practically

bouncing in place, eyes flashing with bright, hot anger. “I should smack you. Idiot! Didn’t it

ever occur to you that I’m a big boy? And maybe I don’t want sweet and devoted. Maybe I

want you.”

“But you deserve—”

“Pierce Everett Johnson, don’t you dare tell me what I deserve.”

Oh, shit. All three names. Teddy was really, really pissed. He rarely lost his temper but

when he did, it was best to ride it out. Let him get all the anger out before trying to be


Of course that didn’t mean that Pierce couldn’t be angry right back. “Well, maybe

someone needs to, because you sure as hell can’t figure it out on your own. Just look at the

last guy you dated, what was his name, Frank?”

“Frank? What the heck does Frank have to do with anything? We’re talking about us

right now.”

“Frank is a perfect example of your lack of taste, and why you can’t be trusted to know

what sort of guy is right for you,” Pierce said.

“Meaning you?”


“Frank was an idiot, but he wasn’t that bad,” Teddy said.

“He forgot your anniversary.”

“So did I.”

“He was always late for your dates.”

“Sometimes I wouldn’t show up at all,” Teddy countered.

“He called you ‘egghead’.”

“It was meant as a compliment.”

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“And he gave you socks for your birthday!” Pierce finished triumphantly.

“All right, I’ll give you that one.”

Pierce was warming up to his argument now, spitting out flaw after flaw, going back

several boyfriends ago. Half of what he said didn’t make a whole lot of sense, even to him,

but the strange sense of desperation clawing at him was saying, Push Teddy away now before

this gets fucked up beyond all repair.

Meanwhile, the look on Teddy’s face kept growing darker and darker, as though he

was rapidly running out of patience. When Pierce finally paused for a breath, Teddy jumped

right in.

“So is that why you ran them off?”

“Yes!” Pierce froze, groaning aloud as he realised what he had just admitted to.

“So you’re not good enough for me, but neither is anyone else? Is that it?”

“Something like that.” He muttered the words to the floor, feeling like a world-class

idiot and not quite sure how he’d got backed into this particular conversational corner.

Teddy stood, running jerky hands through his mop of golden brown hair, the ends

popping up and frizzing in the dry air. “You know what? I’m done. Just…make some food or

something. I’m going for a walk.”

“Teddy, there’s nearly two feet of—”

“I don’t care if we’re in the middle of a frickin’ blizzard. I just can’t do this right now.

When we’ve both calmed down, we can start to plan getting the hell off this damned


Teddy stomped to the door, stamping his feet into his boots and stuffing the bottom of

his sweatpants inside them. He yanked his coat on over the sweatshirt he’d slept in, every

line of his body screaming frustration and anger. When the door slammed behind him, Pierce


Damn, but he’d never seen Teddy that angry. Never. Hell, the man had gone outside

dressed in last night’s clothes. Teddy. Mr Fastidious. The same Teddy who changed clothes

halfway through the day, who often insisted on taking two showers, sometimes three if he’d

been working in the bio lab. He claimed the formaldehyde made his hair smell funny. Which

it did, but that wasn’t really relevant at the moment.

Pierce shoved to his feet, thinking he might as well try to find something for breakfast.

A morning orgasm always made him hungry and he had some vague plan of placating

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Teddy. Otherwise the next couple of hours were going to be really awful.

Pierce stepped gingerly, trying not to get tangled up in the blankets. It was the work of

a few seconds to right his clothes, although readjusting his thoughts took longer. His state of

disarray only served to remind him of what had started the argument in the first place. The

reason for his bare skin. Heated kisses. Soft touches.

Teddy’s mouth.

“God, Pierce, don’t go there,” he told himself firmly, voice loud in the empty room.

He took a step and his foot hit something, sending plastic skittering across the floor. It

was Teddy’s cell phone. Pierce bent and picked it up.

He’d never snooped before, but now he turned on the screen.

A picture popped up of the two of them at last year’s Fourth of July picnic. Pierce had

never seen this particular photo, although that didn’t mean much. Between their respective

mothers, there were probably three million photos of them floating around.

This one, though. Something about this picture caught Pierce’s attention, held it. It

wasn’t the setting—that was standard enough, his parent’s backyard. It wasn’t the pose—

they sat side-by-side at a picnic table, heads close, Pierce’s arm slung over Teddy’s shoulders.

They were laughing, happy. But what mesmerised Pierce was the look in Teddy’s eyes and

stamped on his face.. And that look…

Love. Pierce could see it, radiating through the camera. Teddy loved him. And not just

the friend type of love, either. No, Teddy was in love with him.

Staring at that photo, trying to view it with impartial eyes, it struck Pierce that anyone

who didn’t know better would assume they were a couple. The way he was holding Teddy,

the way Teddy was smiling at him…

Teddy had never smiled at any of his boyfriends like that. Pierce wondered who exactly

was he trying to protect? Teddy or himself?

God, but he was a jerk. Pierce had heard it before, but he usually laughed the words off.

All this time, trying to be so damn noble, claiming to do what was best for Teddy Pierce had

neatly compartmentalised Teddy into a box labelled ‘friend’. As long as he didn’t open that

box, Pierce could go blithely through life pretending that nothing had changed. That they

weren’t growing up. That Teddy didn’t look at him with longing.

Pierce wasn’t noble at all. He was trying to protect his own heart and keep hold of his

best friend at the same time.

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The revelation made everything snap into place. The world suddenly made a hell of a

lot more sense.

Oh, he’d told Teddy the complete truth. Teddy did deserve better than him. But the

whole damn mess boiled down to one simple truth—he couldn’t lose Teddy. Pierce wouldn’t

know how to function without his best friend somewhere in the background, somewhere in

his life. So he’d pushed Teddy away, at the same time clinging too tightly to let Teddy go to

anyone else, and ignoring any and all signs that he wasn’t happy.

Well, that was all going to change. Right now.

It was Christmas Eve, after all. So Pierce was going to make the perfect breakfast, give

Teddy his gift, and pray that the rift between them could be fixed. Maybe more than fixed.

Maybe their relationship could become better than it had ever been.

Of course, first Pierce had to figure out how to use the ancient gas stove without setting

the place on fire.

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Chapter Six

The front door squealed open, the blast of frigid air sending shivers down Pierce’s spine

and making the flames in his newly-rebuilt fire waver and sputter. He dropped his spatula

with a clatter and darted to the other side of the room as fast as he could without slipping on

his ass on the hardwood.

“Damn, Teddy, where have you been? You look like the abominable snowman!”

It was snowing again – or maybe still -- because Teddy’s red coat was covered in a thin

layer of white. Snow cascaded off him as he shoved back his hood. His poor nose was

cherry-red, not a good look for him, although the colour did nicely match the shade of his


“S-s-s-orry… It’s cold out.”

“Yeah. I noticed.”

Pierce started working on zippers, earlier argument abandoned in favour of ensuring

Teddy didn’t lose any extremities to frostbite. Teddy tried to help with the fastening on his

coat. Pierce had to knock his hand away three times before Teddy got the message—gloved

hands were neither useful, nor speedy, not when wielded clumsily on teeny-tiny zippers.

Pierce shoved the coat off Teddy’s shoulders and knelt, prying boots off next. They

slipped off comparatively easily, thick clumps of snow falling to the floor. Pierce lifted

Teddy, who squeaked a protest, which Pierce ignored. He also ignored the water pooling

around the door as he carried Teddy back to their nest in front of the fireplace.

It wasn’t easy. Teddy wasn’t that much smaller than Pierce. Pierce, however, was in

full-on caretaker mode and could care less about little things like herniated discs and spinal


Damn, he should never have let Teddy talk him into taking that physiology class.

“Strip.” Pierce set Teddy down. “I’ve got eggs on the stove and milk warmed up for hot

chocolate. Get out of those wet clothes and under the blankets.”

“Eggs?” Teddy asked. “Where the heck did you get eggs?”

“Strip!” Pierce barked in his best drill sergeant imitation.

Teddy had only got as far as removing his socks and his soaked sweatshirt by the time

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Pierce came back with a plate of food and a steaming mug of cocoa. He rolled his eyes and

shoved the mug into Teddy’s hands.

“Hold it, don’t drink. It’s too hot. Now sit.”

“You’re really enjoying giving me orders, aren’t you?”

“I would enjoy it more if you would obey,” Pierce retorted. That got him an impish

little smile. Pierce felt his shoulders drop, some of the worry slipping away. If Teddy could

give him a look like that, then the man must not be too close to death-by-freezing.

Pierce reached over and yanked Teddy’s pants down to his knees.


God, that was a cute squeak. Pierce just grinned in return and guided Teddy to sit on

the floor, stripping off the wet sweatpants and tossing them aside. Grabbing one of his own

spare pairs of flannel pants, he tossed them at Teddy.

“Get those on.”

For once, Teddy complied. Satisfied, Pierce cuddled in close and wrapped the blankets

around them, making sure Teddy was right in front of the fire.

“Better?” he asked.

“Yeah, much.”

They sat in silence for a minute while Teddy tentatively sipped his hot chocolate.

“I really am sorry,” Teddy said. “About earlier. About what I said. And about staying

out so long. I knew better, but my head wasn’t cooperating, you know?”

“Yeah, I know all about that,” Pierce replied. He slipped one arm around Teddy’s

shoulders, just like in the picture, rubbing absently. Teddy still wore his T-shirt, which was

mostly dry, but the exposed skin felt uncomfortably chilly to Pierce’s touch.

The silence crept back in, the two of them sitting together, Pierce occasionally stealing

food off Teddy’s plate. At one point, Teddy got up to dig more clothes out of his bag,

layering them atop his current ones, but he came right back. Pierce snatched the opportunity

to slide closer, until they were snuggled together. Teddy felt marvellous, skin finally

warming, glowing in the heat of the fire.

“I’m sorry, too,” Pierce said. “But you were wrong about one thing.”

“Oh? What was that?”

“You were never in danger of losing me.”

“Sure felt like it to me.”

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Pierce shook his head. “I need you, Teddy. You’re never getting rid of me.”

Okay, that sounded way more ominous out loud than it had in his head.

Teddy just laughed, though. Pierce had missed hearing that sound. He hadn’t realised

until now how infrequently he’d heard it lately. He leaned in a little closer—not that there

was much space between them at this point—and took the mug from Teddy’s hand.

“So, I hear that someone has been a very good boy this year,” Pierce murmured into

Teddy’s ear. “What do you want for Christmas?”

“I think you know,” Teddy replied, doing some leaning of his own.

He should stop. Pierce knew that. Teddy had nearly frozen his nuts off within the last

hour, and they still needed to talk. And none of the arguments had the slightest impact on

his body. He ached, wanting to touch and tease and then lose himself in Teddy’s body. Over

and over again.

Pierce nuzzled the side of Teddy’s neck, placing a trail of kisses down the smooth flesh

to his shoulder. Teddy hummed in agreement and then his slender, long-fingered hands

were on Pierce’s body again. The memory of waking up, engulfed in the hot silk of Teddy’s

mouth, was overwhelming. He moaned, the sound low and needy.

He wasn’t supposed to be doing this. But at that precise moment, he couldn’t remember

exactly why not. Not with Teddy’s touches. The caresses felt so good and Pierce was hard

and hurting and, well, the fact that he was with Teddy made everything bigger and better.

All the arguments Pierce had worked up over the years for why he shouldn’t start a sexual

relationship with his best friend flew outside and landed in a big snow pile. He didn’t have a

shovel handy and didn’t feel those reasons really needed digging up, anyway. It felt right,

having Teddy touching and—oh, God, licking…

“Mmm, you taste nice,” Teddy said, before his sweet little tongue went back to lapping

at Pierce’s belly button.

Pierce couldn’t manage to do more than gasp his friend’s name and slide his fingers in

the mop of light brown hair, tugging slightly.

“Something you want?” Teddy asked with a grin.

Pierce had never seen that particular expression before.

Teddy tugged the covers away, and a blast of cold air smacked Pierce’s skin, but he

didn’t have time to get too cold. Teddy’s hot body landed partly on top of Pierce, pinning his

legs. Teddy abandoned his work on Pierce’s shirt and switched his attention to Pierce’s

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pants. Teddy, however, was still fully clothed and that struck Pierce as being not quite right.

Pierce let go of Teddy’s hair to do some work of his own. He managed to find a bit of

skin around Teddy’s waist but…

“Good God,” he muttered. “How many blasted layers do you have on?”

Teddy shrugged, looking up at Pierce with heat in those bright eyes. “I was cold.”

“Are you cold now?”

“Not so much.”

“Then lose the layers.”

Pierce received another one of those wicked grins. He could quickly grow addicted to


With a sinuous movement, Teddy rose to his knees, covers puddling around his legs.

He peeled off his shirt, revealing a pale chest to Pierce’s eager eyes. An almost invisible

scattering of pale hair called to him, surrounding the prettiest pair of dusky pink nipples.

Pierce wanted to trace the vague lines of muscle, explore, find every single section of silky

skin and patch of hair.

“You, too,” Teddy said. “I want to see.”

Pierce had no problem with that, none at all. He scrambled to undress, sending his

clothes sailing in all directions. The room didn’t feel chilly anymore. Not a bit. And if he had

goose bumps prickling along his arms, those were Teddy’s fault and had nothing to do with

the winter storm that once again encased their small hideaway.

Teddy made a small sound of approval. He braced delicate hands on Pierce’s chest and

moved in for a kiss.

God. It might have been just a kiss, but it was nearly enough to send Pierce flying all on

its own. Their tongues tangled, a bit clumsy but eager, the tastes of chocolate and mint

adding a pleasant zing.

“Need you,” Pierce murmured.

“You sure?” Teddy pulled away slightly, concern momentarily eclipsing desire.

“Because I can’t go through this morning again. If you’re going to change your mind—”

“I’m sure.” Pierce yanked on Teddy’s arm until he overbalanced, landing right in

Pierce’s embrace, and proved his certainty with another kiss. “This is how it’s supposed to

be, Teddy. I was just too much of an idiot to admit it.”

Pierce was too far gone for even half of what he was saying to make sense to him, but

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he must have got at least some of the words right. Teddy’s movements became more frantic,

his touch rougher, the sweetest little sounds pouring from his mouth. Soft whimpers, they

were incredibly hot.

Pierce rolled Teddy underneath him, one part of his mind busy taking in the sight of his

lover, flushed and happy. The other part of his mind had a hand down on Teddy’s belly and

creeping lower, going for—

“I want you in me,” Teddy blurted.

He froze, staring. “Really, baby?”

“Yes. In me. Now.”

“You aren’t ready.”

“I’ve been ready for years.”

“I don’t have stuff.”

Teddy arched his eyebrow at that one.

Pierce laughed. “You know me too well.”

“And don’t you forget it.”

Pierce hated to leave Teddy, even for a minute. But he consoled himself with what

waited when he came back. He found his wallet, which had condoms and a single-use packet

of lube shoved in one compartment. He had them both half open by the time he got back to


Panting, Pierce landed on his knees, and Teddy was waiting. Pierce nearly swallowed

his tongue. Flat on his back, Teddy had his legs bent and spread, eyes closed in bliss as he

worked his cock with one hand. Seeing Teddy jack off was the stuff of Pierce’s dreams. The

wet, sticky ones.

As much as he would have liked to sit back and watch, that would have to wait for

another time. He was on a mission. “Keep going, baby, ‘cause that is the hottest thing I’ve

ever seen.”

Teddy cracked open his eyes, smiling through hooded lashes. “Like to watch, do you?”

“Hell, yes.”

Teddy kept his strokes steady and even…mesmerising.

Pierce swallowed, trying to wet his suddenly dry mouth. “Damn, I think you’re going

to kill me.”

“Don’t die yet. We haven’t even gotten to the good stuff.”

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Pierce laughed, settling himself between Teddy’s spread legs. He squirted the lube out

of the packet, stroking and feeling, until one finger probed Teddy’s hole. Pierce rubbed, up

and down, greasing the rim of Teddy’s opening, working almost entirely by feel. He just

couldn’t tear his eyes away from the show.

Teddy kept up a steady concert of moans, pleas, and encouragement as one finger

became two, then three. Teddy was tight, his ass gripping Pierce in a fierce hold, trying to

suck him in.

“Can’t wait any longer, baby.” Pierce’s heart was pounding, ears ringing, world

narrowed to touch and sensation. He worked the condom in place with a few efficient


“Want me to turn over?” Teddy asked. “It’s been a while.”

It would be easier for Teddy, but…

“No, I want to see you.”

Teddy’s smile told Pierce he’d made the right choice. He grinned back and draped

himself over Teddy’s body, pinning that busy hand between them and stilling its activity.

“I’ve waited forever for this,” Teddy whispered, free hand cupping Pierce’s cheek.

“Me, too.”

Pierce braced himself and then it was happening. Centimetre by excruciating

centimetre, he was sliding into Teddy’s hot depths. Inside. Oh, God, he was inside his Teddy


Teddy stiffened underneath him, breathing choppy. Shit. Shit. Pierce hated that he was

causing even a second of discomfort for his lover. But then the tight lines on Teddy’s face

eased, that sweet mouth tipping up into a smile. Teddy grabbed the back of Pierce’s neck and

pulled his head down, grinning wildly.

“Move,” Teddy ordered.

Pierce moved. He couldn’t keep a steady rhythm to save his life and he knew he was

probably being too rough, but every bit of his brain had shorted out. He could only hang on

for the ride.

Teddy met him thrust for thrust, hips rising and bucking, moans filling the air. Pierce

wasn’t going to last long. A few more strokes and he shouted wordlessly, cock throbbing and

balls pulling up close as he emptied himself into the condom. The pleasure went on and on,

even more intense and world-shaking than it had been this morning.

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He stiffened, the last pulse of cum spilling out. His shaky arms refused to hold him

anymore and he pulled out. Collapsing, he managed to turn at the last minute to land more

or less beside Teddy rather than on top. Best not to end the greatest sex of his life by

squashing his partner.


Teddy’s groan had him looking sideways, just in time to catch the end of the show.

Teddy gripped the head of his cock, writhing, and a stream of white shot out to coat his


Pierce moaned, reaching over to stroke Teddy’s hip, absorbing how stunning Teddy

looked with his face twisted by ecstasy. He was probably a crappy lover, not finishing Teddy

off… Pierce decided he’d make it up later. Several times. With interest.

Teddy turned on one side, flopping his arm over Pierce’s waist, seemingly unconcerned

that they were both sticky and gooey. Pierce hummed and patted Teddy’s hand, not sure he

had the energy for more strenuous actions. He needed to get rid of the condom, get them

both cleaned up… It was too damned cold out to lay here naked for long.

That would all have to wait a bit though because he’d become a melted pile of former

Pierce and wasn’t going to be able to do more than pant for at least the next fifteen minutes.

That is, until Teddy muttered a quiet, “I love you,” into his shoulder.

Pierce lifted his head, eyes wide, hardly able to believe he’d heard right. “Say that


Teddy shook his head but repeated, louder this time, “I love you.”

“God, Teddy Bear, I love you, too.” Pierce was amazed by how easily the words

emerged, like they had just been waiting for him to wise up and say them.

“You do realise I’m keeping you now, right?” Teddy asked. “I mean, you said you

loved me, you can’t take that back.”

“And I don’t want to.”


“Mmm, you wore me out,” Pierce murmured. “Why don’t we take a little nap?”

“‘Kay. Then when we get up, we can exchange Christmas presents.”

“Christmas isn’t until tomorrow.”

“Close enough.”

Pierce chuckled. “All right. But I don’t think anything you wrapped up could top the

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gift you just gave me.”

He had almost drifted off to sleep when Teddy lightly smacked him in the side with

one balled-up fist. “And don’t call me Teddy Bear.”

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Teddy turned off the engine and sat in the car for a minute, a soft smile tipping up the

corners of his mouth.

The cabin hadn’t changed much over the years. The siding was still weathered and

warped, the sharply sloping roof coated with brown piles of dead leaves and dry pine

needles. The yard in front of the porch was a mixture of dirt and yellowing grass. But here

and there were signs of improvement. The porch bore a fresh coat of stain on the wooden

floor and all three steps were intact.

The two front windows had also been recently washed and dim yellow light spilled

around the edges of the curtains. A thick rope of dark garland wound around the porch

railing, interspersed by brightly twinkling lights. The shiny new screen door opened

soundlessly as he watched. Teddy found himself almost missing the squealing protests of the

old door.

Teddy opened the car door, grinning wider at the waiting figure.

“I didn’t think you were going to be able to get here until tomorrow,” he called.

Pierce grinned back, smile wide and happy. He gave a goofy wave before jogging down

the steps. “I caught an earlier flight.”

Pierce wrapped his arms around Teddy, the feeling warm and familiar. Teddy

squeezed back, pulling Pierce’s head down for a kiss. It was “welcome back” and “I missed

you” and everything in between. Passion still lingered in the touch, even after damn near ten

years, but more than that, the kiss held comfort and security. Teddy let himself cuddle for a

second, just basking, ignoring the chill trying to seep through his fluffy winter coat.

“Missed you,” he finally whispered, laying a quick kiss on Pierce’s cheek.

“Me, too, baby.” Pierce gave him a final squeeze, then stepped back. Both of them kept

sneaking glances at each other, grinning like idiots, as they unloaded the few bags Teddy had

packed for their long weekend.

Teddy tramped up the steps, Pierce practically tripping over his heels. The man

sneaked a quick grope and Teddy growled.

“Stop that,” he said, hiding his amusement.

“I need, baby.”

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“Well, at least wait until we get inside.”

“Such a prude. Who the hell is going to see us out here? I could fuck you on the porch

and the only audience we would attract would be squirrels.”

“You’re an idiot, you know that?” Teddy’s voice was mild, though, and laced heavily

with affection.

The outside of their small cabin might not have changed much, but the inside looked

like an entirely different place. They hadn’t bothered to build on—after all, this place was

theirs, just for the two of them—but Teddy had insisted on modernising and updating what

was there. A central heating system had been put in and the appliances replaced, the steel

bright and shiny. The floors and walls had been refinished and the one large room glowed

with a buttery warmth, the firelight turning the pale pine deep golden. Their king-sized bed

took up an entire wall, piled high with colourful quilts and fluffy pillows. Thick rugs

scattered along the floor from wall to wall kept the planks from freezing off toes when the

power went out, which happened more often than Teddy liked to think about. Pierce

complained sometimes, wondering why they’d bothered with central heating when they

hardly ever had the electricity to power it. At least the appliances ran mainly on gas, and the

backup generator kept the lights on—well, most of the time.

It was comfy and cosy, their little weekend getaway spot. With Pierce’s job as a

compliance inspector taking him all across the country, it was essential that they had a place

to go, leaving the world behind.

The first few years had been rough. Sometimes, it was still rough. When Pierce was on

the road three weeks out of the month and Teddy’s middle-school students were giving him

headaches, all he wanted was to see more of his lover than a face over a computer camera.

But then came times like these, when they both had a few days off and could come up to

their special place and wallow.

And Teddy intended to revel in the wallowing. Nearly a month and a half this time,

since he’d been able to hold his partner. Way too long.

Teddy dropped his bags and whirled around, Pierce barely had time to close the door

before Teddy started crawling up him, licking and sucking, hands already working busily.

“Clothes off,” he muttered against skin. “Now. Need you in me.”

“Oh, hell yes, babe. Been way too long.”

Clothes went flying in different directions, landing in corners and on top of furniture.

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Pierce held tight, hands fastened firmly to Teddy’s hips, as he guided them both around the

overstuffed leather couch, both still kissing and touching.

Teddy’s foot tangled in something and he nearly took them down, stumbling a few

steps and landing against Pierce.

“Whoa, careful,” Pierce murmured.

Teddy looked down and smiled. “Who says you aren’t romantic?”

Several blankets—and what looked suspiciously like Pierce’s old sleeping bag—were

piled on the floor, waiting for them. A fire crackled a cheerful welcome, flames leaping and

dancing. An unopened bottle of wine and an absolutely massive plate of cookies sat between

the nest of blankets and the fireplace. Several crumbs littered the floor around the plate.

Teddy laughed. “Got hungry, did you?”

Pierce shrugged, smile unrepentant. “You took forever to get here.”

“Well, since I didn’t expect you until tomorrow, I wasn’t exactly hurrying.”

Pierce chuckled and leaned his weight forward, resting their foreheads together.

“Couldn’t wait. It’s almost Christmas and I needed to be with my Teddy Bear.”

Teddy whacked him in the shoulder, but it was a half-hearted move, at best. Truth was,

he’d kind of grown to like that ridiculous nickname.

Or maybe it was just the way Pierce said it, warm and affectionate, love clear in every


Pierce started to gently lower Teddy to the floor. Or at least, it started out gentle. Then

their balance went and they landed in a heap. Teddy’s breath left him with an audible “oof.”

“Sorry,” Pierce said. He was laughing while he spoke.

Teddy didn’t really take the apology seriously. “Dork,” he said, smiling.

“Mmm, but I’m your dork.”

“That you are. Mine and no one else’s.”

No matter what the next ten years brought, Teddy would be forever grateful for that

first fateful Christmas. It had put Pierce right where he belonged—in Teddy’s arms.

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Also available from Total-E-Bound Publishing:

Odd Man In

K. M. Mahoney

Released 12


September 2011


Chapter One

It wasn’t the first time he’d been snagged. And it wouldn’t be the last time, either. Daior

Mathews had been told on many occasions he had a real problem with authority. He always

replied that it wasn’t a problem but a really intense distaste. Authority and organisations.

And politicians. And dentists. He wasn’t too fond of dentists. Hell, he didn’t like anybody,


So when the guards opened the door and tossed him a companion, the kid flying

through the air like a freaking trapeze artist—with the greatest of ease and a really hard

landing—Dai should have minded his own business. Could have. Should have. The story of

his life.

But Daior just never learnt. When that kid hit the ground at his feet, looked up at him

with those pale blue eyes… Hell. Daior had a feeling his life had just become a great deal

more complicated.

He sighed, leaned over, grabbed the kid by the shoulder and hoisted him upright.

“Kid,” he said. “Didn’t anyone ever tell you that you need wings to fly?”

The kid dusted himself off. “People keep saying that.”

“And you keep trying to prove them wrong?”

“Something like that.”

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Daior snorted. The kid had quite a mouth on him. Daior liked it.

The kid grinned at the sound. “I’m Terran,” he said. He tilted his head back, studying

the grey stone arching over their heads. “So, where are we, and how do we get out?”

“We’re in a private complex on an unnamed planet in the Delta Sector.”

In Daior’s opinion, ‘planet’ was being generous. The blasted rock was way too small to

manage enough gravity for a stationary orbit or a semi-comfortable living environment.

Heck, he’d seen asteroids larger. It must have one hell of a density to make up for it. Daior

had pretty much covered the whole thing during his last escape attempt. It had only taken

him about twelve hours, with the exception of the blasted mountain. No way was he

climbing a mountain. That part he’d left unexplored. Nature wasn’t really his thing.

Terran kicked at the wall, crossing his arms and scowling. He was probably attempting

to look ferocious, but his features were far too fine and, well, cute for that. “This wasn’t

exactly how I planned to spend my weekend.”

Daior watched bits of rock skitter across the rough floor and his mouth quirked. “Not

exactly my idea of a good time, either.”

“You never answered my other question,” Terran pointed out.

“What question was that?” Daior could feign ignorance with the best of them.

“How do we get out?”

“We don’t.”

Terran started chewing on his lip, foot jiggling nervously. “What do you mean, we


“This planet’s about as big around as a nutshell. No place to hide. And no available

ships to get us off, either. We’re effectively stuck.”

“Well, what do they want?”

“With me? Something they aren’t gonna get. You? Damned if I know.”

Terran wrapped long fingers around his slender hips and glared, his blue eyes like icy

fire. “What do you know?”

“That you’re damned cute when you’re mad.”

Terran’s mouth dropped open, and Daior half expected him to stomp his foot.

It was the truth, though. The light wasn’t very good—KoraGel lamps might be

convenient and cheap, but they were crappy for lighting anything larger than a one-person

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tent. The six bolted into the stone walls of their cave barely kept the dark at bay. Even so, he

could tell the kid was something else. Small and lithe but nicely muscled. Built for speed and

agility, not strength and persistence, like Dai was. Hair of some indeterminate shade—light

but not blond—stuck up in neat spikes. A pert nose, rounded cheeks with cute little

dimples—hell, everything about the man was little. Except for those eyes. They were big,

expressive and the prettiest shade of blue Daior had ever seen. Bright with life and

enthusiasm and glittering like the heart of a nebula.

Those eyes suddenly lost their sparkle. It hit his gut hard to see it go.

Terran sighed and plopped down on a large rock against the wall, resting his chin in his

hand. He didn’t say anything, just stared at the shadows lurking around his bare feet.

“Where are your shoes, kid?” Daior asked.

“They took them.”

“Why?” he asked with honest confusion, casting a look at his own boot-clad feet.

“I don’t know. I don’t know who they are or what they want with me or anything. I was

just out having a few drinks, wandering around Quentain, and suddenly I get kidnapped. I

guess I should just be glad they only took my shoes. That ugly guy wanted to take my

clothes, too.”

“They’re all ugly,” Daior replied absently. But… Well, damn. He probably wouldn’t

have minded a naked Terran all that much. Or at all. Wait…Quentain? If Daior’s calculations

were correct, they were currently on the fringes of colonised space. Quentain wasn’t even in

this galaxy, let alone the same solar system. They must have wanted Terran badly to drag

him that far. Either that, or they really, really didn’t want to be found. Maybe both.

Daior pushed aside the questions for the moment. At the same time, he tried to bury the

instant surge of lust that had his cock hardening in his battered cargo pants. Just because

he’d been stuck in here for far too long, and in deep space for months before that, didn’t

mean his control was completely shot. He could restrain himself from falling on the first cute

twink he came across.

Maybe. Probably. And hell, nothing even guaranteed the kid was gay, anyway. Although

his gut said yes. Loudly. And Daior’s gut was usually right.

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Daior slid down the wall until his bum hit the floor, and he stretched out his legs,

crossing his ankles and settling in. He didn’t bother trying to get comfortable. It would be a

wasted effort.

The silence started to lengthen between them, awkward and heavy. Daior cleared his


“Where are your folks, kid?”

“I’m not a kid,” came the mumbled reply.

“Sure. You’re what, all of sixteen?”

“I’m twenty-two,” Terran replied indignantly.

Oh, happy day.

“You never told me your name,” Terran pointed out.

“Daior Mathews,” he replied. He picked up a bit of rock, rolling it absently between his

fingers. “Dai or Mathews will do.”

“Nice to meet you,” Terran murmured automatically, as if it were ingrained in him to

be polite.

With Terran’s fine bone structure, it probably was. Terran had the appearance of upper

class about him. Daior knew that look. He’d been employed by more than a few of them in

his time. Not around here, though. This part of the universe was mostly mining and farming

communities, colonised settlements. Lots of trading ports, slums and the occasional pirate to

make things interesting. The powerful, so-called ‘civilised’ planets were farther out, a couple

of galaxies over and to the left, if Daior’s direction sense wasn’t completely screwed up.

“So, what?” Terran demanded. “They’re just going to keep us locked up here forever?”

“Nah. They want something.”


That one made Daior pause. How much to tell the kid? For all he knew, Terran had

been dumped in to go digging for information. Didn’t explain the lack of shoes, but Daior

decided to play it safe and stick with the basics.

“I’m a Tek,” he replied. “Let’s just say they’ve taken a lot of X-rays and hooked me up

to a couple of mainframes.”

“A Tek?” Terran’s brow furrowed in confusion. “But—”

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Daior’s arched brow dared Terran to ask more questions. Terran was not, apparently,

an idiot. Those lush lips closed just as quickly as they had opened. Not that Daior didn’t

know what Terran had been going to ask, anyway. Why him? Teks were a dime a dozen.

Everybody and their pet had some form of technological enhancement these days, even if it

was just a basic intelligence augmentation. But further details fell under the ‘better safe than

sorry’ category.

“Soooooo.” Terran drew out the word until it had about ten syllables. “What do you do

for fun around here?”

“It’s dark, damp and I’ve been stuck by myself. What do you think?”

“I Spy?”

“Smart mouth.”

Terran snickered. “Yep, that’s me.”

Daior sighed and tilted his head back, staring sightlessly at the ceiling. “They have a

routine,” he said. “Never varies. Food twice a day. Facilities are in the back.” He jerked his

finger to a corner of the room. A small alcove contained a toilet and sink. Standard ship-

issue, basic and cheap.

Terran’s eyes narrowed speculatively at the equipment.

“No removable parts,” Daior told him.

“They’re just no fun at all, are they?”

“Not in the least.”

Terran sighed, a big puff of air that made muscles shift tantalisingly under his thin T-

shirt. “My brother will come,” he stated. “Eventually.”

“If he can find us,” Daior pointed out. “We’re pretty far off any main trades routes, and

there’s minimal technology, making us next to impossible to scan for.”

“Oh, he’ll find us,” Terran stated with complete confidence. “Richard has a lot of really

nifty, expensive toys. I’m just not sure I want to wait for however long it’s going to take.”

“We might have to.” Daior hated to burst Terran’s little optimistic bubble, but better he

knew the facts now. “I could probably get us out of the facility, but after that there’s nowhere

to hide. And there’s damn sure no way off the planet. No port, and the only interstellar ship

belongs to whatever group is currently offering us their oh-so-gracious hospitality. It never

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sticks around long, just to drop off supplies and the occasional person before taking off


“Can’t we just, I don’t know, hide out in the jungle or something until Richard shows


“This planet’s pretty wild.” Dai wasn’t big on camping. And damn if he wasn’t starting

to feel like the bad news messenger. Couldn’t Terran ask him a question he could answer

positively? “The town is tiny, the surrounding area mostly forested wilderness and that

blasted, impenetrable mountain range. Lots of big carnivorous creatures and not a lot of


“Sheesh,” Terran muttered. “And here I thought Richard was Mr Gloom and Doom.”

Daior shrugged. He didn’t go in for sugar-coating or soothing. He had given Terran the

truth. It wasn’t Daior’s fault the truth wasn’t exactly rosy.

Daior had made a pretty thorough study of the place on his first escape, about twenty-

four hours after they first scuttled his ship, stuck him with a tranquiliser and hauled him

here. Daior had evaded the guards for nearly twelve hours while he conducted his survey.

Then he’d let the bastards haul his arse back, figuring he might as well wait and plot in semi-

comfort. Or at least with a roof over his head and food for which he didn’t have to scrounge.

The compound itself was small and clearly privately funded. It sprawled along the base

of the mountain, buried in stone in several places. Protection, he figured. Their cell was part

of that, one of a small series of rooms off a back hallway that burrowed under the protruding

edge of the comparatively tiny mountain. The entire place was quiet, secluded. So far, Daior

had seen only a handful of staff, mainly medical personnel, and maybe a dozen guards, none

uniformed. Or at least, not wearing any government or Fed uniform. And it wasn’t like the

Federation really cared too much about one lone Tek. They had their hands full quelling

rebellions and averting world disasters.

If there was one trait Daior possessed in overabundance, it was curiosity. The last few

days, there’d been a feeling of anticipation in the air. The bastards were waiting for

something. Now that Terran was here, Daior suspected things would start happening. Their

captors had what they needed, although damned if Daior knew what they intended to do

with it.

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But looking over at that attractive face, those pretty eyes, Daior decided he certainly

intended to find out.

Terran studied his cellmate from under hooded lashes. He licked his lips and

swallowed a little purr of approval that tried to work its way free. That was one fine hunk of

man sitting in the shadows. Not huge or incredibly tall but nicely muscled. Dai’s shirt

stretched tightly enough to outline a nice set of pecs, arms bugling tantalisingly. An intricate

tattoo traced its way around his wrist and wrapped around his lower arm, the lines curving

in patterns that Terran badly wanted to trace with his fingers. Dai’s face wasn’t anything

spectacular, sharp features with dark, brooding eyes. Firm lips that, while entirely kissable,

could definitely stand to smile a bit more. Not that Terran could see them all that well, what

with the fuzzy growth of wild beard that covered the lower half of Dai’s face. But that

body… That, and the wild thatch of curly, dark hair that Terran just wanted to sink his

fingers into. The strands would twist so nicely around his grip.

A loud thud in the hallway made Terran jump, jolted unpleasantly back to reality. And

while reality did include the lovely eye-candy on the other side of their small cell, it also

contained…well, a cell.

Terran absently flexed his hands. His fingers itched and his body ached as he replayed

the previous day’s events in his mind. The big jerks coming out of the alley, the sting in his

neck as they’d tranqued him. He didn’t remember much of the transport from Quentain to

wherever the heck he was now. For all he knew, it had been a lot longer than a day. And

however long it had taken, it hadn’t been an easy trip, he knew that much. Terran ached

from head to toe and just knew there were some beautiful bruises under his clothes. He

aimed a string of malicious thoughts at the jerks who’d grabbed him.

Why him? For once, Terran had been minding his own business. He’d just finished up a

lovely night of debauchery and was heading back to his brother’s ship…

His brother. Oh, Richard was going to be royally pissed off. At Terran, of course,

because Richard seemed to believe every disaster, major or minor, could be blamed on


Terran had been trapped aboard a deep-space Voyager with his brother for nearly five

years now. Five long, frustrating years, travelling from planet to planet while Richard

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did…whatever the heck it was he did. It usually involved long, boring diplomatic dinners

that Terran was far too often forced to attend. Parties were not, unfortunately, always fun.

Was it any wonder he kept sneaking off for some good times? Wasn’t as if he could get any

under his brother’s watchful eye.

Ever since Terran had hit puberty and some of his peculiarities had become evident,

he’d been living with his brother. Richard was nearly ten years older than Terran and took

the word ‘responsibility’ far too seriously. He seemed to feel it was his duty in life to curtail

Terran’s activities. Richard had an irritating aversion to anything Terran considered fun.

The fact that a lot of Terran’s fun activities ended up with him arse-deep in trouble was,

of course, beside the point. Not that Richard agreed, of course. He threatened on a nearly

daily basis to ship Terran back to Altaireon. And that just wouldn’t do. The only thing less

fun than diplomatic dinners was being stuck at home attending political functions and royal

balls. Besides, Terran’s mom would start trying to marry him off again. The very thought

made Terran shudder.

“You’re growling,” Terran’s big cellmate pointed out in even tones. He could have been

asking Terran to pass the salt.

“Sorry,” Terran said with a small shrug.

“What are you thinking about so hard over there?”

“Our situation.”

“Don’t,” Daior advised. “You’ll just give yourself a headache. Not much we can do

right now. Just sit tight and wait for an opportunity.”

“An opportunity? We might not have that much time. You said you’ve been here for a

week and you haven’t found one yet.” Terran tried to point out the fact without sounding too

accusing. No sense pissing off Daior if he could help it.

Daior shrugged, not seeming to take any offence. “Haven’t really been looking all that


“Well, why ever not?”

“Everyone needs a hobby?”

The sentence came out as a question rather than a statement. Terran wrinkled his nose.

“That makes absolutely no sense at all.”

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One corner of Daior’s mouth tipped up, creating interesting brackets along the sides of

his firm lips. “Didn’t say it did.”

“You’re a strange, strange man.”

“So they say.”

Daior fell silent. He kept watching Terran, though, with an intense regard that sent a

small shudder rippling up Terran’s spine. Terran licked his lips, body reacting to the heat in

Daior’s eyes. Opportunity? To heck with that. Terran could think of much better things to do

with his time than sit around here. Of course, most of them involved a large bed and the man

sprawled with arrogant machismo across from him.

Terran didn’t have the patience to wait for their captors to slip up, give them an

opening to escape. Terran usually created his own opportunities, not wait for them to be

handed to him.

The logical part of his brain chose that moment to pipe up and remind Terran of what

generally occurred after he’d created his own opportunities. That same part of his brain said

maybe he should listen to the sexy man.

Of course, as soon as the thought occurred to him, Terran discarded it. He hadn’t

listened to anyone in years and wasn’t about to start now.

Still watching Daior from the corner of his eye, Terran began to plot. He did like to plot,

and at the moment, he had two goals to work towards—escaping their current predicament

and finding out just how Dai tasted.

Order your copy here:

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About the Author

Born and raised in the middle of the Midwest, I have always been a dreamer. More often
than not I could be found with my nose buried in a book (many of which I had to sneak past
my parents). It wasn't long before I started trying my hand at writing more of the stories I
loved. After years of penning tales that rarely left the hard drive of my computer, I
discovered M/M romance. As with all genres, it wasn't long before my own characters
started to take shape.

There is little I love more than wandering new places and, on occasion, entirely new worlds
with my characters. They can range from cowboys to Victorian noblemen, accountants to
shapeshifters, and everything in between. I write mainly M/M romance, usually with
paranormal or fantasy elements. I willingly follow my characters wherever they decide to go,
sometimes with unusual results. I have little control over their actions – any naughty
behaviour is all their doing!


K.M. loves to hear from readers. You can find her contact information, website and author
biography at


Also by K.M. Mahoney

Odd Man In

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Total-E-Bound Publishing

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