Enochian Angel's Ritual Book

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The Enochian Angel’s Ritual Book

By Kuriakos

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© 2007 Kuriakos

All Rights Reserved

This book may not be reproduced in whole or part by

electronic or other means without permission.

Printed in the USA

ISBN: 978-1-4357-0482-4

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Table of Contents


Part I. The Four Watchtowers

I. The Enochian Angel’s Evocation Ritual…….9

II. The Enochian Temple Openings…….18

III. The Enochian Keys…….27

IV. The Enochian Angels…….47

V. The Tablet of Union and Watchtower Tablets.119

Part II. The Thirty Aethyrs

VI. The Thirty Aethyrs…….121

VII. The Key of the Thirty Aethyrs…….124


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This text deals with astral and physical forces that can

be dangerous if misused or used carelessly. It is important

that the reader know his or her own physical, emotional,

and psychological limits before undertaking the studies

within this book. The exercises herein and techniques

discussed are not to be used in lieu of the services of

trained and qualified professionals such as physicians or

psychologists. The reader is responsible, in every way, for

his or her actions involved in using the rituals in this book

and the author, publisher and the distributor of this text

are not responsible for any undesirable outcomes from

the use of this book.

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List of Books by the Author

To buy more of the Author’s books please go to
Available in print and download versions.

Magickal Evocation Rituals
Luciferian Magick
Angel Magick
The Necronomicon Ritual Book
The Goetia Ritual Book
Astrology Magick
Numerology Magick
Tarot Magick
Rune Magick
Voodoo Magick
Egyptian Magick
Greek and Roman Magick Aztec and Mayan Magick
Reiki Magick
How to Summons the Dead
A Familiar Spirit
And many more..

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This Enochian Angel’s Ritual book truly is the most

powerful and yet simple Enochian Magick you will ever

do! This book is a Modern day Grimoire on Enochian

Angel Evocation taken directly from Dr. John Dee’s

original manuscript on The Enochian language. This book

was written to be the fastest, most efficient way to

summons these powerful Angels with the least amount of

equipment and the best possible results all based on my

personal experience of summoning these spirits over and

over to see what really works. In chapter 1 The Enochian

Angel’s Evocation Ritual shows you step by step how to

easily summons these powerful Enochian Angels to

visible appearance and in chapter 4 there is a list of the

Enochian Angels to summons for your every request of

more money, better health, love, information, increased

psychic abilities and many more things for your life!

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There is also a chapter on how to easily and quickly

summons the Thirty Nine Aethyrs. Everything you need

to immediately start summoning these Enochian Angels

is easily laid out in this book. Based on my experience of

following the ritual in this book these Enochian Angels

will appear to you in visible form and you may see, feel,

hear, know and communicate with these Angels as well

as receive powerful visions that will change you forever

as a person in an amazing spiritual way. This book will

allow anyone from a beginner to a very advanced person

to easily summons these powerful Enochian Angels and

to experience the most amazing spiritual journey beyond

their wildest dreams…

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Part I. The Four Watchtowers

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I. The Enochian Angel’s Evocation Ritual

Temple Set Up

Set up a digital recording device

Place Tablet of Union on altar and Watchtower tablets on

the walls. (air=east/earth=north/water=west/fire=south)

Put on Robe and hold wand

Put cloth on altar, with bell, lit candle and sandalwood

incense on it

Put rope circle around you and altar and face direction of

tablet (air=east/earth=north/water=west/fire=south)

Decide on Angel or Aethyr and write request or simply

ask the Angel to teach you what you need to know.

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Opening Rituals

Ring bell- “this temple is now open”

LBRP (see attached)

For the Enochian Watchtower Angels:

Read the Enochian Temple Opening for the Angel

Read the Enochian Keys for the Angel

Vibrate the Enochian hierarchical names for the Angel

For the Thirty Aethyrs:

Read the Key of the Thirty Aethyrs


with Angel name

Spirit Communication

Say this three times: “I summon and evoke thee, (angel

name), to visibly appear before me and answer my

request of (request or ‘to teach me what I should know‘)

Trigger Trance

Describe what you see,feel,hear,know,sense into recorder

Test Angels by asking them the 3 names of God

Closing Rituals

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License to Depart: “I thank thee, (angel name), this ritual

is now done. All Forces, Entities and Energies shall go

about their business until again I call. In the Ultimate

Name, go in peace to do my bidding. Harm nobody and

none and nothing that I have, that I like and love. So

mote it be.”

Closing of the Veil

Ring bell- “this temple is now closed”

Record in The Book of Shadows and review recordings


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Additional Information:

The Enochian language is an Angelic alphabet and a list

of Angels derived from the four Watchtower tablets. They

were given directly by Angels to Dr. John Dee, a highly

regarded intelligent person of his day who worked for

Queen Elizabeth I as her personal astrologer, and his

crystal skrying assistant Edward Kelly in 1584 from

visions through a crystal ball in their daily skrying

sessions in Cracov, Poland.


A = ah C = K

E = eh G = hard or soft

I = EE Q = kw or K

O = OH

U = OO

Vibrate Names: Sound out each syllable of the word for

1-2 seconds each.

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Summoning the Angels:

The watchtower tablets are elemental so the best way to

decide what to ask the Angels is to follow the elements. If

you are not sure what to ask then ask the Angel to teach

you what is best for you at that time. So for example if

you wanted more money then summons the water Angels

and for better health would be the earth Angels and for

more desire in your life for something would be the fire


Water Angels = love, emotions, relationships, psychic


Fire Angels = passion, will power, energy

Earth Angels = money, job, business, physical health and


Air Angels= ideas, communication, intelligence, travel

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Opening the Veil: Opening the Veil is a way to open up

the astral plane which is where spirits reside. Standing

up, take your hands and open a curtain in front of you.

Closing the Veil: Closing the Veil is a way to close down

the astral plane which is where spirits reside. Standing

up, take your hands and close a curtain in front of you.

Trigger Trance: To go into a light level trance which

allows you to sense spirits much better, count down 1-10

as you walk down stairs or going down an elevator and

say “going deeper” as you go down each step. Once you

there then say “I am in a deep trance now” and cross your

fingers or find a hand gesture you like. Then from now on

whenever you want to be instantly into a trance just do

your hand gesture and you will be in a deep trance.

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The Hierarchy of each Watchtower

I. 3 Great Mystical Names of God

II. 1 Great Angelic King

III. 6 Seniors or Elders

IV. 4 Kerubic Archangels

V. 16 Kerubic Angels

VI. 16 Servient Angels

VII. 16 Servient Super Angels

VII. 16 Kakodaimons


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Face East and take right hand and pull down energy from the sky

to your chest and vibrate Ah-tah. Take right hand and pull energy

down from your chest to the ground and vibrate: Mal-kooth.

Touch right shoulder with right hand and vibrate: V’Gay-boo-rah.

Touch left shoulder with right hand and vibrate: V’Gay-doo-lah. Put

hands in prayer and vibrate: Lah-lom-Ah-men.

Draw the Banishing Earth Pentagram in the East:

Then point the wand into the middle of the Pentagram and Say:


Draw a line to the South and face South. Draw the Banishing Earth

Pentagram in the South: (see above) then point the wand into the

middle of the Pentagram and Say: Ah-doe-nye.

Draw a line to the West and face West. Draw the Banishing Earth

Pentagram in the West: (see above) then point the wand into the

middle of the Pentagram and Say: Eh-hey-yaw.

Draw a line to the North and face North. Draw a Banishing Earth

Pentagram in the North: (see above) then point the wand into the

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middle of the Pentagram and Say: Ah-glaw.

Face East and with arms in a cross position say:

“Before me Raphael

Behind me Gabriel

On my right side Michael

And on my left side Auriel.

For around me shines the Pentagram and within me shines the

six-rayed star.”

Face East and take right hand and pull down energy from the sky

to your chest and vibrate Ah-tah. Take right hand and pull energy

down from your chest to the ground and vibrate: Mal-kooth.

Touch right shoulder with right hand and vibrate: V’Gay-boo-rah

Touch left shoulder with right hand and vibrate: V’Gay-doo-lah. Put

hands in prayer and vibrate: Lah-lom-Ah-men.


1. The “LBRP” is from the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn

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II. The Enochian Temple Openings

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Enochian Temple Opening for Air Tablet

Knock on altar once

Stare purpose of ritual

Knock on altar once

Face East and visualize yellow in the East and Say:

“I call upon thee, watchtower spirits of the East, to open

up the Air Watchtower of the East so that I may feel this

air energy.”

Open the Veil and Say:

“By the Three great Secret Names of God, ORO IBAH

AOZPI from the eastern watchtower, I open up my astral

senses so that I may see, feel, hear, know and

communicate with thee spirits of the eastern


With wand or dagger draw the Invoking Pentagram of

Spirit Active:

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and vibrate: “EXARP”

Draw the Invoking Pentagram of Air:

and vibrate: BATAIVAH”

Say: “The Spirits of the Air Watchtower are invoked!”

Knock on altar: 333--333---333


1. The knocking and pentagrams were taken from “Practical Enochian Magick” by Jason Newcomb

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The Enochian Temple Opening for Water Tablet

Knock on altar once

State purpose of ritual

Knock on altar once

Face west and visualize blue in the West and Say:

“I call upon thee, watchtower spirits of the West, to open

up the Water Watchtower of the West so that I may feel

this water energy.”

Open the Veil and Say:

“By the Three great Secret Names of God, MPH ARSL

GAIOL from the western watchtower, I open up my

astral senses so that I may see, feel, hear, know and

communicate with thee spirits of the western


With wand or cup draw the Invoking Pentagram of Spirit


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and vibrate: “HCOMA”

Draw the Invoking Pentagram of Water:

and vibrate: “RAAGIOSL”

Say: “The Spirits of the Water Watchtower are invoked.”

Knock on altar: 1---333---1---333


1. The knocking and pentagrams were taken from “Practical Enochian Magick” by Jason Newcomb

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The Enochian Temple Opening for Earth Tablet

Knock on altar once

State purpose of ritual

Knock on altar once

Face North and visualize black in the North and Say:

“I call upon thee, watchtower spirits of the North, to

open up the Earth Watchtower of the North so that I may

feel this earth energy.”

Open the Veil and Say:

“By the Three great Secret Names of God, MOR DIAL

HCTGA, from the northern watchtower, I open up my

astral senses so that I may see, feel, hear, know and

communicate with thee spirits of the northern

watchtower .”

With wand or disk draw the Invoking Pentagram of Spirit

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And vibrate: “NANTA”

Draw the Invoking Pentagram of Earth:

And vibrate: “ICZHIHAL”

Say: “The Spirits of the Earth Watchtower are invoked!”

Knock on altar: 4444---333---22---1


1. The knocking and pentagrams were taken from “Practical Enochian Magick” by Jason Newcomb

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The Enochian Temple Opening for Fire Tablet

Knock on altar once

State purpose of ritual

Knock on altar once

Face South and visualize red in the South and Say:

“I call upon thee, watchtower spirits of the South, to

open up the Fire Watchtower of the South so that I may

feel this fire energy.”

Open the Veil and Say:

“By the Three great Secret Names of God, OIP TEAA

PDOCE from the southern watchtower, I open up my

astral sense so that I may see, feel, hear, know and

communicate with thee spirits of the southern


With your wand draw the Invoking Pentagram of Spirit

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And vibrate: “BITOM”

Draw the Invoking Pentagram of Fire:

And vibrate: “EDLPERNA”

Say: “The Spirits of the Fire Watchtower are invoked!”

Knock on altar: 333---1---333


1. The knocking and pentagrams were taken from “Practical Enochian Magick” by Jason Newcomb

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III. The Enochian Keys

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The First Key

I Reign Over you, Sayeth The God of Justice, In Power Exalted

Above The Firmaments Of Wrath. In Whose Hands The Sun IS

As A Sword, And The Moon As A Through-thrusting Fire;

Which Measured Your Garments In The Midst Of My

Vestures, And Trussed You Together As The Palms Of My

Hands. Whose Seats I Garnished With The Fire Of Gathering

And Beautified Your Garments With Admiration; To Whom I

Made A law To Govern The Holy Ones, And Delivered You A

Rod With The Ark Of Knowledge.

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The Second Key

Can The Wings Of The Winds Understand Your Voices Of

Wonder? O Ye, The Second First: Whom Burning Flames Have

Framed In The Depths Of My Jaws; Whom I have Prepared As

Cups For A Wedding, Or As Flowers In Their Beauty For The

Chamber Of Righteousness. Stronger Are Your Feet Than the

Barren Stone, And Mightier Are Your Voices Than The

Manifold Winds. For You Are Become A Building Such As Is

Not, Except In The Mind Of The All-Powerful. Arise, Saith

The First, Move Therefore Unto His Servant! Moreover You

Lifted Your Voices And Swore Obedience And Faith To Him

That Lives And Triumphs, Whose Beginning Is Not Nor End

Can Not Be; Which Shines As A Flame In The Midst Of Your

Palace And Reigns Among You As The Balance of

Righteousness And Truth! Move Therefore And Show

Yourselves! Open The Mysteries Of Your Creation! Be Friendly

To Me For I am The Servant Of Your God A True Worshiper Of

The Highest!

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The Third Key

Behold, Says Your God, I am A Circle On Whose Hands Stand

12 Kingdoms. Six Are The Seats Of Living Breath; The Rest

Are As Sharp Sickles Or The Horns Of Death, Wherein The

Creatures Of Earth Are And Are Not Except My Hands,

Which Sleep And Shall Rise. In The Beginning I Made You

Stewards And And Placed You In Seats 12 Of Government,

Giving Unto Every One Of You Power Successively Over 456,

The True Ages Of Time, To The Intent That, From Your

Highest Vessels Show Yourselves In Power And Make Me A

Strong Seething, For I Am Of Him That Lives Forever!

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The Fourth Key

I Have Set My Feet In The South And Looked About me

Saying: Are Not The Thunders Of Increase Numbered 33

Which Reign In The Second Angle? Under Whom I Have

Placed 9639 Whom None Have Numbered But One; In Whom

The Second Beginning Of Things Are And Wax Strong; Which

Also Successively Are The Numbers Of Time, And Their

Powers Are As The First 456. Arise, You Sons Of Pleasure And

Visit The Earth! For I Am The Lord Your God, Which Is And

Liveth! In The Name Of And The Corners OF Your

Governments You Might Work My Power: Pouring Down The

Fires Of Life And Increase Continually Upon The Earth. Thus

You Are Become The Skirts Of Justice And Truth. In The Name

Of Your God, Life Up, I Say, Yourselves! Behold His Mercies

Flourish And His Name Become Mighty Among Us! In Whom

We Say: Move, Descend, And Apply Yourselves To Us As Unto

Partakers Of The Secret Wisdom Of Your Creation.

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The Fifth Key

The Mighty Sounds Have Entered The Third Angle And Are

Become As Olives In The Olive Mount: Looking With Gladness

On The Earth, And Dwelling In The Brightness Of The

Heavens As Continual Comforters. Unto Whom I Fastened

Pillars Of Gladness 19 And Gave Them Vessels To Water The

Earth With All Her Creatures. And They Are The Brothers Of

The First And The Second, And the Beginning Of Their Own

Seats, Which Are Garnished With Continual Burning Lamps

69636 Whose Numbers Are As The First, The Ends, And The

Creator, Move And Show Yourselves As Pleasant Deliverers

That You May Praise Him Among The Sons Of Men.

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The Sixth Key

The Spirits Of The Fourth Angle Are Nine, Mighty In The

Firmament Of Waters: Whom The First Hath Planted As A

Torment To The Wicked And A Garland To The Righteous;

Giving Unto Them Fiery Darts To Fan The Earth, And 7699

Continual Workmen Whose Courses Visit With Comfort The

Earth, And Are In Government And Continuance As The

Second And The Third. Wherefore, Hearken Unto My Voice: I

Have Talked Of You And I Move You In Power And Presence,

Whose Works Shall Be A Song Of Honor And The Praise Of

God In Your Creation. The Contents Of Time! Therefore Come

Ye, And Obey Your Creation! Visit Us In Pease And Comfort!

Conclude Us As Receivers Of Your Mysteries. Why? Our Lord

Is All One!

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The Seventh Key

The East Is A House Of Virgins Singing Praises Among The

Flames Of First Glory: Wherein The Lord Hath Opened His

Mouth, And They Are Become 28 Living Dwellings In Whom

The Strength Of Men Rejoices. And They Are Appareled With

Ornaments Of Brightness Such As Work Wonders On All

Creatures. Whose Kingdoms And Continuance Are As The

Third And Fourth, Strong Towers And Places Of Comfort, The

Seats Of Mercy And Continuance. O You Servants Of Mercy,

Move, Appear Singing Praises Of The Creator, And Be Mighty

Amongst Us, For Unto This Remembrance Is Given Power,

And Our Strength Waxeth Strong In Our Comforter.

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The Eighth Key

The Midday, The First Is As The Third Heaven: Made Of

Pillars Of Hiacynth 26, In Whom The Elders Are Become

Strong. Which I have Prepared For My Own Righteousness,

Sayeth The Lord, Whose Long Continuance Shall Be As

Bucklers To The Stooping Dragon And Like Unto The Harvest

Of A Widow. How Many Are There Which Remain In The

Glory Of The Earth? Which Are, And Shall Not See Death

Until This House Fall And The Dragon Sink? Come Away! For

The Thunders Have Spoken! Come Away! Be Mighty Among

Us! For To This Remembrance Is Given Power, And Our

Strength Waxes Strong In Our Comforter!

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The Ninth Key

A Mighty Guard Of Fire With Two-edged Swords Flaming,

Which Have Vials :8: Of Wrath For Two Times And A Half,

Whose Wings Are Wormwood And The Marrow Of Salt, Have

Settled Their Feet In The West And Are Measured With Their

Ministers 9996. These Gather Up The Moss Of The Earth As

The Rich Man Doth His Treasure. Cursed Are They Whose

Iniquities They Are: In Their Eyes Are Millstones Greater Than

The Earth, And From Their Mouths Run Seas Of Blood. Their

Heads Are Covered With Diamond, And Upon Their Heads For

The Crowns Of The Temple And The Coats Of Him That Was,

Is, And Shall Be Crowned Are Divided. Come, Appear To The

Terror Of The Earth, And To Our Comfort And Of Such As

Are Prepared!

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The Tenth Key

The Thunders Of Judgment & Wrath Are Numbered, And Are

Harbored In The North In The Likeness Of An Oak, Whose

Branches Are Nests 22 Of Lamentation And Weeping Laid Up

For The Earth. Which Burn Night And Day, And Vomit Out

The Heads Of Scorpions And Live Sulphur Mingled With

Poison. These Are The Thunders Which 5678 Times In The 24


Part Of A Moment Roar With An Hundred Mighty

Earthquakes And A Thousand Times As Many Surges. Which

Rest Not, Neither Know Any Echoing Time Are Marble

Sleeves. Happy Is He On Whom They Frown Not: For Why?

The God of Righteousness Rejoices In Them! Come Away! And

Not Your Viols: For The Time Is Such As Requires Comfort!

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The Eleventh Key

The Mighty Seat Groaned And They Were :5 Thunders Which

Flew Into The East: And The Eagle Spake And Cried With A

Loud Voice: Come Away! And They Gathered Them Together In

The House Of Death, Of Whom It is Measured And It Is As

They Are Whose Number Is 31. Come Away! For I Have

Prepared For You! Move, Therefore, And Appear! Open The

Mysteries Of Your Creation! Be Friendly To Me, For I am The

Servant Of God, The True Worshiper Of The Highest! Here,

One Rock Brings Forth A Thousand Even As The Heart Of

Man Does His Thoughts: Woe, Woe, Woe, Woe, Woe, Woe, Yea,

Woe To The Earth! For Her Iniquity Is, Was, And Shall Be

Great! Come Away! But Not Your Noises!

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The Twelfth Key

O You Which Reign In The South And Are 28, The Lanterns

Of Sorrow: Bind Up Your Girdles And Visit Us! Bring Down

Your Train 3663, That The Lord May Be Magnified Whose

Name Among You Is Wrath! Move, I Say, And Appear! Open

The Mysteries Of Your Creation! Be Friendly To Me, For I Am

The Minister Of God, The True Worshiper Of The Highest!

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The Thirteenth Key

O Ye Swords Of The South, Which Have 42 Eyes To Stir Up

Wrath Of Sin, Making Men Drunken Which Are Empty:

Behold The Promise Of God, And The Power Of Him Which Is

Called Among You A Bitter Sting! Move And Appear! Open

The Mysteries Of Your Creation! Be Friendly To Me, For I Am

The Minister Of God The True Worshiper Of The Highest!

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The Fourteenth Key

O You Sons Of Fury (and) The Daughters Of The Just: Which

Sit Upon 24 Seats, Vexing All Living Creatures Of The Earth

With Age; Which Have Under You 1636; Behold The Voice Of

God, The Promise Of Him Which Is Called Among You Fury,

Or Extreme Justice! Move And Appear! Open The Mysteries

Of Your Creation! Be Friendly To Me, For I Am The Minister

Of God The True Worshiper Of The Highest!

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The Fifteenth Key

O Thou The Governor Of The First Flame, Under Whose

Wings Are 6739 Which Weave The Earth With Dryness;

Which Knowest The Great Name Righteousness, And The Seal

Of Honor; Move And Appear! Open The Mysteries Of Your

Creation! Be Friendly To Me, For I am The Minister Of God,

The True Worshiper Of The Highest!

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The Sixteenth Key

O Thou Second Flame, The House Of Justice: Which Has Thy

Beginning In Glory And Shall Comfort The Just; Which Walks

The Earth With Feet 8763 That Understand And Separate

Creatures; Great Art Thou In The God Of Stretch-Forth-And-

Conquer! Move And Appear! Open The Mysteries Of Your

Creation! Be Friendly To Me, For I Am The Minister Of God,

The True Worshiper Of The Highest!

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The Seventeenth Key

O Thou Third Flame Whose Wings Are Thorns To Stir Up

Vexation, And Hast 7336 Living Lamps Going Before Thee;

Whose God Is Wrath In Anger; Gird Up Thy Loins And

Harken! Move And Appear! Open The Mysteries Of Your

Creation! Be Friendly To Me, For I Am The Minister Of God,

The True Worshiper Of The Highest!

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The Eighteenth Key

O Thou Mighty Light And Burning Flame Of Comfort; Which

Opens The Glory Of God To The Center Of The Earth; In

Whom The Secrets Of Truth 6332 Have Their Abiding; Which

Is Called In they Kingdom Joy, And Not To Be Measured: Be

Thou A Window Of Comfort Unto Me! Move And Appear!

Open The Mysteries Of Your Creation! Be Friendly To Me, For

I Am The Minister Of God, The True Worshiper Of The


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IV. The Enochian Angels

Air Tablet

I. King of the Air Tablet: BATAIVAH

Purpose: Ruling air energies


1. The Air Temple Opening

2. The Third Enochian Key

3. Vibrate the Three Names of God: ORO IBAH AOZPI

4. Vibrate the Elemental King: BATAIVAH


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Air Tablet

II. Seniors of the Air Tablet:

1. HIPOTGA (Saturn)

2. AAOZAIF (Jupiter)

3. HABIORO (Mars)

4. AHAOZPI (Venus)

5. AVTOTAR (Mercury)

6. HTMORDA (Moon)

Purpose: information and judgment in human affairs


1. The Air Temple Opening

2. The Third Enochian Key

3. Vibrate the Three Names of God: ORO IBAH AOZPI

4. Vibrate the Elemental King: BATAIVAH

5. Vibrate the Senior’s name


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Air Tablet

III. Kerubic Archangel Air of Air:


Purpose: used to summons the Kerubic Angels


1. The Air Temple Opening

2. The Third Enochian Key

3. Vibrate the Three Names of God: ORO IBAH AOZPI

4. Vibrate the Elemental King: BATAIVAH

5. Vibrate the Archangel’s name: ERZLA


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Air Tablet

IV. Kerubic Angels Air of Air

1. RZLA (air)

2. ZLAR (water)

3. LARZ (fire)

4. ARZL (earth)

Purpose: beliefs, intellect


1. The Air Temple Opening

2. The Third Enochian Key

3. Vibrate the Three Names of God: ORO IBAH AOZPI

4. Vibrate the Elemental King: BATAIVAH

5. Vibrate the Kerubic Archangel: ERZLA

6. Vibrate the Kerubic Angel’s name


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Air Tablet

V. Servient Angel’s Air of Air

1. CZNS (earth)

2. TOTT (fire)

3. SIAS (water)

4. FMND (air)

Purpose: health and healing


1. The Air Temple Opening

2. The Third Enochian Key

3. Vibrate the Three Names of God: ORO IBAH AOZPI

4. Vibrate the Elemental King: BATAIVIAH

5. Vibrate the six-lettered name to summons: IDOIGO

6. Vibrate the five-lettered name to control: ARDZA

7. Vibrate the Servient Angel’s name


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Air Tablet

VI. Kakodaimons Air of Air

1. XCZ, XNS (earth)

2. ATO, ATT (fire)

3. RSI, RAS (water)

4. PFM, PND (air)

Purpose: to poison and cause diseases


1. The Air Temple Opening

2. The Third Enochian Key

3. Vibrate the Three Names of God: ORO IBAH AOZPI

4. Vibrate the Elemental King: BATAIVAH

5. Vibrate the six-lettered name to summons: OGIODI

6. Vibrate the five-lettered name to control: AZDRA

7. Vibrate the Kakodaimon’s name


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Air Tablet

VII. Kerubic Archangel Water of Air


Purpose: used to summons the Kerubic Angels


1. The Air Temple Opening

2. The Third Enochian Key

3. The Seventh Enochian Key

4. Vibrate the Three Names of God: ORO IBAH AOZPI

5. Vibrate the Elemental King: BATAIVAH

6. Vibrate the Archangel’s name: EYTPA


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Air Tablet

VIII. Kerubic Angels Water of Air

1. YTPA (fire)

2. TPAY (earth)

3. PAYT (air)

4. AYPT (water)

Purpose: emotional energy


1. The Air Temple Opening

2. The Third Enochian Key

3. The Seventh Enochian Key

4. Vibrate the Three Names of God: ORO IBAH AOZPI

5. Vibrate the Elemental King: BATAIVAH

6. Vibrate the Archangel’s Name: EYTPA

7. Vibrate the Kerubic Angel’s name


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Air Tablet

IX. Servient Angels Water of Air

1. OYUB (water)

2. PAOC (air)

3. RBNH (earth)

4. DIRI (fire)

Purpose: opening chakras, emotional release


1. The Air Temple Opening

2. The Third Enochian Key

3. Vibrate the Three Names of God: ORO IBAH AOZPI

4. Vibrate the Elemental King: BATAIVAH

5. Vibrate the six-lettered name to summons: LLACZA

6. Vibrate the five-lettered name to control: PALAM

7. Vibrate the Servient Angel’s name


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Air Tablet

X. Kakodaimons Water of Air

1. XOY, XUB (water)

2. APA, AOC (air)

3. RRB, RNH (earth)

4. PDI, PRI (fire)

Purpose: obtaining and hiding metals and stones


1. The Air Temple Opening

2. The Third Enochian Key

3. Vibrate the Three Names of God: ORO IBAH AOZPI

4. Vibrate the Elemental King: BATAIVAH

5. Vibrate the six-lettered name to summons: AZCALL

6. Vibrate the five-lettered name to control: MALAP

7. Vibrate the Kakodaimon’s name


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Air Tablet

XI. Kerubic Archangel Earth of Air


Purpose: used to summons the Kerubic Angels


1. The Air Temple Opening

2. The Third Enochian Key

3. The Eighth Enochian Key

4. Vibrate the Three Names of God: ORO IBAH AOZPI

5. Vibrate the Elemental King: BATAIVAH

6. Vibrate the Archangel’s name: ETNBR


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Air Tablet

XII. Kerubic Angels Earth of Air

1. NBRT (fire)

2. TNBR (earth)

3. RTNB (air)

4. BRTN (water)

Purpose: craftsmanship


1. The Air Temple Opening

2. The Third Enochian Key

3. The Eighth Enochian Key

4. Vibrate the Three Names of God: ORO IBAH AOZPI

5. Vibrate the Elemental King: BATAIVAH

6. Vibrate the Archangel’s Name: ETNBR

7. Vibrate the Kerubic Angel’s name


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Air Tablet

XIII. Servient Angels Earth of Air

1. NACO (water)

2. ABMO (air)

3. SHAL (earth)

4. OCNM (fire)

Purpose: personal transformation


1. The Air Temple Opening

2. The Third Enochian Key

3. The Eighth Enochian Key

4. Vibrate the Three Names of God: ORO IBAH AOZPI

5. Vibrate the Elemental King: BATAIVAH

6. Vibrate the six-lettered name to summons: AIAOAI

7. Vibrate the five-lettered name to control: OIIIT

8. Vibrate the Servient Angel’s name


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Air Tablet

XIV. Kakodaimons Earth of Air

1. ANA, ACO (water)

2. XAB, XMO (air)

3. PSH, PAL (earth)

4. ROC, RNM (fire)

Purpose: to destroy things


1. The Air Temple Opening

2. The Third Enochian Key

3. The Eighth Enochian Key

4. Vibrate the Three Names of God: ORO IBAH AOZPI

5. Vibrate the Elemental King: BATAIVAH

6. Vibrate the six-lettered name to summons: IAOAIA

7. Vibrate the five-lettered name to control: TIIIO

8. Vibrate the Kakodaimon’s name


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Air Tablet

XV. Kerubic Archangel Fire of Air


Purpose: used to summons the Kerubic Angels


1. The Air Temple Opening

2. The Third Enochian Key

3. The Ninth Enochian Key

4. Vibrate the Three Names of God: ORO IBAH AOZPI

5. Vibrate the Elemental King: BATAIVAH

6. Vibrate the Archangel’s name: EXGSD


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Air Tablet

XVI. Kerubic Angels Fire of Air

1. DXGS (fire)

2. SDXG (earth)

3. GSDX (air)

4. XGSD (water)

Purpose: passion, energy


1. The Air Temple Opening

2. The Third Enochian Key

3. The Ninth Enochian Key

4. Vibrate the Three Names of God: ORO IBAH AOZPI

5. Vibrate the Elemental King: BATAIVAH

6. Vibrate the Archangel’s Name: EXGSD

7. Vibrate the Kerubic Angel’s name


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Air Tablet

XVII. Servient Angels Fire of Air

1. PMOX (water)

2. OTOI (air)

3. NPNT (earth)

4. ACCA (fire)

Purpose: using the four elements for personal change


1. The Air Temple Opening

2. The Third Enochian Key

3. The Ninth Enochian Key

4. Vibrate the Three Names of God: ORO IBAH AOZPI

5. Vibrate the Elemental King: BATAIVAH

6. Vibrate the six-lettered name to summons: AOURRZ

7. Vibrate the five-lettered name to control: ALOAI

8. Vibrate the Servient Angel’s name


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Air Tablet

XVIII. Kakodaimons Fire of Air

1. PPM, POX (water)

2. ROT, ROI (air)

3. ANP, ANT (earth)

4. XAC, XCA (fire)

Purpose: using the four elements to destroy things


1. The Air Temple Opening

2. The Third Enochian Key

3. The Ninth Enochian Key

4. Vibrate the Three Names of God: ORO IBAH AOZPI

5. Vibrate the Elemental King: BATAIVAH

6. Vibrate the six-lettered name to summons: ZRRUOA

7. Vibrate the five-lettered name to control: IAOLA

8. Vibrate the Kakodaimon’s name


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Water Tablet

I. King of the Water Tablet: RAAGIOSL

Purpose: Ruling water energies


1. The Water Temple Opening

2. The Fourth Enochian Key

3. Vibrate the Three Names of God: MPH ARSL GAIOL

4. Vibrate the Elemental King: RAAGIOSL


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Water Tablet

II. Seniors of the Water Tablet:

1. LIGDISA (Saturn)

2. SAIINOV (Jupiter)

3. LSRAHPM (Mars)

4. SLGAIOL (Venus)

5. SONIZNT (Mercury)

6. LAOAXRP (Moon)

Purpose: information and judgment in human affairs


1. The Water Temple Opening

2. The Fourth Enochian Key

3. Vibrate the Three Names of God: MPH ARSL GAIOL

4. Vibrate the Elemental King: RAAGIOSL

5. Vibrate the Senior’s name


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Water Tablet

III. Kerubic Archangel Air of Water:


Purpose: used to summons the Kerubic Angels


1. The Water Temple Opening

2. The Fourth Enochian Key

3. The Tenth Enochian Key

4. Vibrate the Three Names of God: MPH ARSL GAIOL

5. Vibrate the Elemental King: RAAGIOSL

6. Vibrate the Archangel’s name: HTAAD


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Water Tablet

IV. Kerubic Angels Air of Water

1. ADTA (fire)

2. DTAA (earth)

3. TAAD (air)

4. AADT (water)

Purpose: beliefs, intellect


1. The Water Temple Opening

2. The Fourth Enochian Key

3. The Tenth Enochian Key

4. Vibrate the Three Names of God: MPH ARSL GAIOL

5. Vibrate the Elemental King: RAAGIOSL

6. Vibrate the Archangel’s Name: HTAAD

7. Vibrate the Kerubic Angel’s name


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Water Tablet

V. Servient Angels Air of Water

1. PAAX (water)

2. SAIX (air)

3. TOCO (earth)

4. NHDD (fire)

Purpose: health and healing


1. The Water Temple Opening

2. The Fourth Enochian Key

3. The Tenth Enochian Key

4. Vibrate the Three Names of God: MPH ARSL GAIOL

5. Vibrate the Elemental King: RAAGIOSL

6. Vibrate the six-lettered name to summons: OBGOTA

7. Vibrate the five-lettered name to control: AABCO

8. Vibrate the Servient Angel’s name


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Water Tablet

VI. Kakodaimons Air of Water

1. MPA, MAX (water)

2. ASA, AIX (air)

3. CTO, CCO (earth)

4. ONH, ODD (fire)

Purpose: to poison and cause disease


1. The Water Temple Opening

2. The Fourth Enochian Key

3. The Tenth Enochian Key

4. Vibrate the Three Names of God: MPH ARSL GAIOL

5. Vibrate the Elemental King: RAAGIOSL

6. Vibrate the six-lettered name to summons: ATOGBO

7. Vibrate the five-lettered name to control: OCBAA

8. Vibrate the Kakodaimon’s name


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Water Tablet

VII. Kerubic Archangel Water of Water:


Purpose: used to summons the Kerubic Angels


1. The Water Temple Opening

2. The Fourth Enochian Key

3. Vibrate the Three Names of God: MPH ARSL GAIOL

4. Vibrate the Elemental King: RAAGIOSL

5. Vibrate the Archangel’s name: HTDIM


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Water Tablet

VIII. Kerubic Angels Water of Water

1. TDIM (fire)

2. TPAY (earth)

3. PAYT (air)

4. AYPT (water)

Purpose: emotional energy


1. The Water Temple Opening

2. The Fourth Enochian Key

3. Vibrate the Three Names of God: MPH ARSL GAIOL

4. Vibrate the Elemental King: RAAGIOSL

5. Vibrate the Archangel’s Name: HTDIM

6. Vibrate the Kerubic Angel’s name


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Water Tablet

IX. Servient Angels Water of Water

1. MAGM (water)

2. LEOC (air)

3. VSSN (earth)

4. RVOI (fire)

Purpose: opening chakras, emotional release


1. The Water Temple Opening

2. The Fourth Enochian Key

3. Vibrate the Three Names of God: MPH ARSL GAIOL

4. Vibrate the Elemental King: RAAGIOSL

5. Vibrate the six-lettered name to summons: NELAPR

6. Vibrate the five-lettered name to control: OMEBB

7. Vibrate the Servient Angel’s name


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Water Tablet

X. Kakodaimons Water of Water

1. CMA, CGM (water)

2. OLE, OOC (air)

3. MVC, MSN (earth)

4. ARV, AOI (fire)

Purpose: obtaining and hiding metals and stones


1. The Water Temple Opening

2. The Fourth Enochian Key

3. Vibrate the Three Names of God: MPH ARSL GAIOL

4. Vibrate the Elemental King: RAAGIOSL

5. Vibrate the six-lettered name to summons: RPALEN

6. Vibrate the five-lettered name to control: BBEMO

7. Vibrate the Kakodaimon’s name


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Water Tablet

XI. Kerubic Archangel Earth of Water:


Purpose: used to summons the Kerubic Angels


1. The Water Temple Opening

2. The Fourth Enochian Key

3. The Eleventh Enochian Key

4. Vibrate the Three Names of God: MPH ARSL GAIOL

5. Vibrate the Elemental King: RAAGIOSL

6. Vibrate the Archangel’s name: HMAGL


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Water Tablet

XII. Kerubic Angels Earth of Water

1. AGLM (fire)

2. MAGL (earth)

3. LMAG (air)

4. GLMA (water)

Purpose: craftsmanship


1. The Water Temple Opening

2. The Fourth Enochian Key

3. The Eleventh Enochian Key

4. Vibrate the Three Names of God: MPH ARSL GAIOL

5. Vibrate the Elemental King: RAAGIOSL

6. Vibrate the Archangel’s Name: HMAGL

7. Vibrate the Kerubic Angel’s name


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Water Tablet

XIII. Servient Angels Earth of Water

1. NDZN (water)

2. PACO(air)

3. XRNH (earth)

4. IIPO (fire)

Purpose: personal transformation


1. The Water Temple Opening

2. The Fourth Enochian Key

3. The Eleventh Enochian Key

4. Vibrate the Three Names of God: MPH ARSL GAIOL

5. Vibrate the Elemental King: RAAGIOSL

6. Vibrate the six-lettered name to summons: MALADI

7. Vibrate the five-lettered name to control: OLAAD

8. Vibrate the Servient Angel’s name


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Water Tablet

XIV. Kakodaimons Earth of Water

1. OND, OZN (water)

2. CPA, CCO (air)

3. AXR, ANH (earth)

4. MII, MPO (fire)

Purpose: to destroy things


1. The Water Temple Opening

2. The Fourth Enochian Key

3. The Eleventh Enochian Key

4. Vibrate the Three Names of God: MPH ARSL GAIOL

5. Vibrate the Elemental King: RAAGIOSL

6. Vibrate the six-lettered name to summons: IDALAM

7. Vibrate the five-lettered name to control: DAALO

8. Vibrate the Kakodaimon’s name


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Water Tablet

XV. Kerubic Archangel Fire of Water


Purpose: used to summons the Kerubic Angels


1. The Water Temple Opening

2. The Fourth Enochian Key

3. The Twelfth Enochian Key

4. Vibrate the Three Names of God: MPH ARSL GAIOL

5. Vibrate the Elemental King: RAAGIOSL

6. Vibrate the Archangel’s name: HNLRX


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Water Tablet

XVI. Kerubic Angels Fire of Water

1. XNLR (fire)

2. RXNL (earth)

3. LRXN (air)

4. NLRX (water)

Purpose: passion, force


1. The Water Temple Opening

2. The Fourth Enochian Key

3. The Twelfth Enochian Key

4. Vibrate the Three Names of God: MPH ARSL GAIOL

5. Vibrate the Elemental King: RAAGIOSL

6. Vibrate the Archangel’s Name: HNLRX

7. Vibrate the Kerubic Angel’s name


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Water Tablet

XVII. Servient Angels Fire of Water

1. RNIL (water)

2. DAPI (air)

3. VASA (earth)

4. XPCN (fire)

Purpose: using the four elements for personal change


1. The Water Temple Opening

2. The Fourth Enochian Key

3. The Twelfth Enochian Key

4. Vibrate the Three Names of God: MPH ARSL GAIOL

5. Vibrate the Elemental King: RAAGIOSL

6. Vibrate the six-lettered name to summons: IAAASD

7. Vibrate the five-lettered name to control: ATAPA

8. Vibrate the Servient Angel’s name


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Water Tablet

XVIII. Kakodaimons Fire of Water

1. ARN, AIL (water)

2. MDA, MPI (air)

3. OVA, OSA (earth)

4. CXP, CCN (fire)

Purpose: using the four elements to destroy things


1. The Water Temple Opening

2. The Fourth Enochian Key

3. The Twelfth Enochian Key

4. Vibrate the Three Names of God: MPH ARSL GAIOL

5. Vibrate the Elemental King: RAAGIOSL

6. Vibrate the six-lettered name to summons: DSAAAI

7. Vibrate the five-lettered name to control: APATA

8. Vibrate the Kakodaimon’s name


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Earth Tablet

I. King of the Earth Tablet: ICZHIHAL

Purpose: Ruling earth energies


1. The Earth Temple Opening

2. The Fifth Enochian Key

3. Vibrate the Three Names of God: MOR DIAL HCTGA

4. Vibrate the Elemental King: ICZHIHAL


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Earth Tablet

II. Seniors of the Earth Tablet:

1. LIIANSA (Saturn)

2. ACZINOR (Jupiter)

3. LAIDROM (Mars)

4. ALHCTGA (Venus)

5. AHMLICV (Mercury)

6. LZINOPO (Moon)

Purpose: information and judgment in human affairs


1. The Earth Temple Opening

2. The Fifth Enochian Key

3. Vibrate the Three Names of God: MOR DIAL HCTGA

4. Vibrate the Elemental King: ICZHIHAL

5. Vibrate the Senior’s name


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Earth Tablet

III. Kerubic Archangel Air of Earth:


Purpose: used to summons the Kerubic Angels


1. The Earth Temple Opening

2. The Fifth Enochian Key

3. The Thirteenth Enochian Key

4. Vibrate the Three Names of God: MOR DIAL HCTGA

5. Vibrate the Elemental King: ICZHIHAL

6. Vibrate the Archangel’s name: NBOZA


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Earth Tablet

IV. Kerubic Angels Air of Earth

1. ZABO (fire)

2. OZAB (earth)

3. BOZA (air)

4. ABOZ (water)

Purpose: beliefs, intellect


1. The Earth Temple Opening

2. The Fifth Enochian Key

3. The Thirteenth Enochian Key

4. Vibrate the Three Names of God: MOR DIAL HCTGA

5. Vibrate the Elemental King: ICZHIHAL

6. Vibrate the Archangel’s Name: NBOZA

7. Vibrate the Kerubic Angel’s name


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Earth Tablet

V. Servient Angels Air of Earth

1. AIRA (water)

2. IZNR (air)

3. RSNI (earth)

4. ORMN (fire)

Purpose: health and healing


1. The Earth Temple Opening

2. The Fifth Enochian Key

3. The Thirteenth Enochian Key

4. Vibrate the Three Names of God: MOR DIAL HCTGA

5. Vibrate the Elemental King: ICZHIHAL

6. Vibrate the six-lettered name to summons: ANGPOI

7. Vibrate the five-lettered name to control: UNNAX

8. Vibrate the Servient Angel’s name


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Earth Tablet

VI. Kakodaimons Air of Earth

1. AAL, ARA (water)

2. AIZ, ANR (air)

3. TRS, TNI (earth)

4. NOR, NMN (fire)

Purpose: to poison and cause disease


1. The Earth Temple Opening

2. The Fifth Enochian Key

3. The Thirteenth Enochian Key

4. Vibrate the Three Names of God: MOR DIAL HCTGA

5. Vibrate the Elemental King: ICZHIHAL

6. Vibrate the six-lettered name to summons: IOPGNA

7. Vibrate the five-lettered name to control: XANNU

8. Vibrate the Kakodaimon’s name


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Earth Tablet

VII. Kerubic Archangel Water of Earth:


Purpose: used to summons the Kerubic Angels


1. The Earth Temple Opening

2. The Fifth Enochian Key

3. The Fourteenth Enochian Key

4. Vibrate the Three Names of God: MOR DIAL HCTGA

5. Vibrate the Elemental King: ICZHIHAL

6. Vibrate the Archangel’s name: NPHRA


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Earth Tablet

VIII. Kerubic Angels Water of Earth

1. RAPH (fire)

2. HRAP(earth)

3. PHRA (air)

4. APHR (water)

Purpose: emotional energy


1. The Earth Temple Opening

2. The Fifth Enochian Key

3. The Fourteenth Enochian Key

3. Vibrate the Three Names of God: MOR DIAL HCTGA

4. Vibrate the Elemental King: ICZHIHAL

5. Vibrate the Archangel’s Name: NPHRA

6. Vibrate the Kerubic Angel’s name


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Earth Tablet

IX. Servient Angels Water of Earth

1. OMGG (water)

2. IAHL (air)

3. RLMV (earth)

4. GBAL (fire)

Purpose: opening chakras, emotional release


1. The Earth Temple Opening

2. The Fifth Enochian Key

3. The Fourteenth Enochian Key

4. Vibrate the Three Names of God: MOR DIAL HCTGA

5. Vibrate the Elemental King: ICZHIHAL

6. Vibrate the six-lettered name to summons: ANAEEM

7. Vibrate the five-lettered name to control: SONDN

8. Vibrate the Servient Angel’s name


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Earth Tablet

X. Kakodaimons Water of Earth

1. AOM, AGG (water)

2. AIA, AHL (air)

3. TRL, TMV (earth)

4. NGB, NAL (fire)

Purpose: obtaining and hiding metals and stones


1. The Earth Temple Opening

2. The Fifth Enochian Key

3. The Fourteenth Enochian Key

4. Vibrate the Three Names of God: MOR DIAL HCTGA

5. Vibrate the Elemental King: ICZHIHAL

6. Vibrate the six-lettered name to summons: MEEANA

7. Vibrate the five-lettered name to control: NDNOS

8. Vibrate the Kakodaimon’s name


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Earth Tablet

XI. Kerubic Archangel Earth of Earth:


Purpose: used to summons the Kerubic Angels


1. The Earth Temple Opening

2. The Fifth Enochian Key

3. Vibrate the Three Names of God: MOR DIAL HCTGA

4. Vibrate the Elemental King: ICZHIHAL

5. Vibrate the Archangel’s name: NOCNC


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Earth Tablet

XII. Kerubic Angels Earth of Earth

1. COCN (fire)

2. OCNC (earth)

3. CNCO (air)

4. NCOC (water)

Purpose: craftsmanship


1. The Earth Temple Opening

2. The Fifth Enochian Key

3. Vibrate the Three Names of God: MOR DIAL HCTGA

4. Vibrate the Elemental King: ICZHIHAL

5. Vibrate the Archangel’s Name: NOCNC

6. Vibrate the Kerubic Angel’s name


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Earth Tablet

XIII. Servient Angels Earth of Earth

1. DOOP (water)

2. RXAO (air)

3. AXIR (earth)

4. OPNA (fire)

Purpose: personal transformation


1. The Earth Temple Opening

2. The Fifth Enochian Key

3. Vibrate the Three Names of God: MOR DIAL HCTGA

4. Vibrate the Elemental King: ICZHIHAL

5. Vibrate the six-lettered name to summons: ABALPT

6. Vibrate the five-lettered name to control: ARBIZ

7. Vibrate the Servient Angel’s name


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Earth Tablet

XIV. Kakodaimons Earth of Earth

1. NDO, NOP (water)

2. TRX, TAO (air)

3. AAX, AIR (earth)

4. AOP, ANA (fire)

Purpose: to destroy things


1. The Earth Temple Opening

2. The Fifth Enochian Key

3. Vibrate the Three Names of God: MOR DIAL HCTGA

4. Vibrate the Elemental King: ICZHIHAL

5. Vibrate the six-lettered name to summons: TPLABA

6. Vibrate the five-lettered name to control: ZIBRA

7. Vibrate the Kakodaimon’s name


background image


Earth Tablet

XV. Kerubic Archangel Fire of Earth:


Purpose: used to summons the Kerubic Angels


1. The Earth Temple Opening

2. The Fifth Enochian Key

3. The Fifteenth Enochian Key

4. Vibrate the Three Names of God: MOR DIAL HCTGA

5. Vibrate the Elemental King: ICZHIHAL

6. Vibrate the Archangel’s name: NASMT


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Earth Tablet

XVI. Kerubic Angels Fire of Earth

1. TASM (fire)

2. ASMT (earth)

3. SMTA (air)

4. MTAS (water)

Purpose: passion, force


1. The Earth Temple Opening

2. The Fifth Enochian Key

3. The Fifteenth Enochian Key

4. Vibrate the Three Names of God: MOR DIAL HCTGA

5. Vibrate the Elemental King: ICZHIHAL

6. Vibrate the Archangel’s Name: NASMT

7. Vibrate the Kerubic Angel’s name


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Earth Tablet

XVII. Servient Angels Fire of Earth

1. IABA (water)

2. IZXP (air)

3. STIM (earth)

4. MSAP (fire)

Purpose: using the four elements for personal change


1. The Earth Temple Opening

2. The Fifth Enochian Key

3. The Fifteenth Enochian Key

4. Vibrate the Three Names of God: MOR DIAL HCTGA

5. Vibrate the Elemental King: ICZHIHAL

6. Vibrate the six-lettered name to summons: OPMNIR

7. Vibrate the five-lettered name to control: ILPIZ

8. Vibrate the Servient Angel’s name


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Earth Tablet

XVIII. Kakodaimons Fire of Earth

1. NIA, NBA (water)

2. TIZ, TXP (air)

3. AST, AIM (earth)

4. AMS, AAP (fire)

Purpose: using the four elements to destroy things


1. The Earth Temple Opening

2. The Fifth Enochian Key

3. The Fifteenth Enochian Key

4. Vibrate the Three Names of God: MOR DIAL HCTGA

5. Vibrate the Elemental King: ICZHIHAL

6. Vibrate the six-lettered name to summons: RINMPO

7. Vibrate the five-lettered name to control: ZIPLI

8. Vibrate the Kakodaimon’s name


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Fire Tablet

I. King of the Fire Tablet: EDLPRNAA

Purpose: Ruling fire energies


1. The Fire Temple Opening

2. The Sixth Enochian Key

3. Vibrate the Three Names of God: OIP TEAA PDOCE

4. Vibrate the Elemental King: EDLPRNAA


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Fire Tablet

II. Seniors of the Fire Tablet:

1. ARINNAP (Saturn)

2. ADOEOET (Jupiter)

3. AAETPIO (Mars)

4. AAPDOCE (Venus)

5. ANODOIN (Mercury)

6. ALNDVOD (Moon)

Purpose: information and judgment in human affairs


1. The Fire Temple Opening

2. The Sixth Enochian Key

3. Vibrate the Three Names of God: OIP TEAA PDOCE

4. Vibrate the Elemental King: EDLPRNAA

5. Vibrate the Senior’s name


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Fire Tablet

III. Kerubic Archangel Air of Fire:


Purpose: used to summons the Kerubic Angels


1. The Fire Temple Opening

2. The Sixth Enochian Key

3. The Sixteenth Enochian Key

4. Vibrate the Three Names of God: OIP TEAA PDOCE

5. Vibrate the Elemental King: EDLPRNAA

6. Vibrate the Archangel’s name: BDOPA


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Fire Tablet

IV. Kerubic Angels Fire of Fire

1. PADO (fire)

2. OPAD (earth)

3. DOPA (air)

4. ADOP (water)

Purpose: beliefs, intellect


1. The Fire Temple Opening

2. The Sixth Enochian Key

3. The Sixteenth Enochian Key

4. Vibrate the Three Names of God: OIP TEAA PDOCE

5. Vibrate the Elemental King: EDLPRNAA

6. Vibrate the Archangel’s Name: BDOPA

7. Vibrate the Kerubic Angel’s name


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Fire Tablet

V. Servient Angels Air of Fire

1. OPAM (water)

2. VASG (air)

3. SCIO (earth)

4. APST (fire)

Purpose: health and healing


1. The Fire Temple Opening

2. The Sixth Enochian Key

3. The Sixteenth Enochian Key

4. Vibrate the Three Names of God: OIP TEAA PDOCE

5. Vibrate the Elemental King: EDLPRNAA

6. Vibrate the six-lettered name to summons: NOALMR

7. Vibrate the five-lettered name to control: OLOAG

8. Vibrate the Servient Angel’s name


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Fire Tablet

VI. Kakodaimons Air of Fire

1. IOP, IAM (water)

2. MVA, MSG (air)

3. OSC, OIO (earth)

4. TAP, TST (fire)

Purpose: to poison and cause disease


1. The Fire Temple Opening

2. The Sixth Enochian Key

3. The Sixteenth Enochian Key

4. Vibrate the Three Names of God: OIP TEAA PDOCE

5. Vibrate the Elemental King: EDLPRNAA

6. Vibrate the six-lettered name to summons: RMLAON

7. Vibrate the five-lettered name to control: GAOLO

8. Vibrate the Kakodaimon’s name


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Fire Tablet

VII. Kerubic Archangel Water of Fire:


Purpose: used to summons the Kerubic Angels


1. The Fire Temple Opening

2. The Sixth Enochian Key

3. The Seventeenth Enochian Key

4. Vibrate the Three Names of God: OIP TEAA PDOCE

5. Vibrate the Elemental King: EDLPRNAA

6. Vibrate the Archangel’s name: BANAA


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Fire Tablet

VIII. Kerubic Angels Water of Fire

1. AAAN (fire)

2. NAAA (earth)

3. ANAA (air)

4. AANA (water)

Purpose: emotional energy


1. The Fire Temple Opening

2. The Sixth Enochian Key

3. The Seventeenth Enochian Key

4. Vibrate the Three Names of God: OIP TEAA PDOCE

5. Vibrate the Elemental King: EDLPRNAA

6. Vibrate the Archangel’s Name: BANAA

7. Vibrate the Kerubic Angel’s name


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Fire Tablet

IX. Servient Angels Water of Fire

1. GMNM (water)

2. BRAP (air)

3. AMOX (earth)

4. ECOP (fire)

Purpose: opening chakras, emotional release


1. The Fire Temple Opening

2. The Sixth Enochian Key

3. The Seventeenth Enochian Key

4. Vibrate the Three Names of God: OIP TEAA PDOCE

5. Vibrate the Elemental King: EDLPRNAA

6. Vibrate the six-lettered name to summons: VADALI

7. Vibrate the five-lettered name to control: OBAUA

8. Vibrate the Servient Angel’s name


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Fire Tablet

X. Kakodaimons Water of Fire

1. IGM, INM (water)

2. MBR, MAP (air)

3. OAM, OOX (earth)

4. TEC, TOP (fire)

Purpose: obtaining and hiding metals and stones


1. The Fire Temple Opening

2. The Sixth Enochian Key

3. The Seventeenth Enochian Key

4. Vibrate the Three Names of God: OIP TEAA PDOCE

5. Vibrate the Elemental King: EDLPRNAA

6. Vibrate the six-lettered name to summons: ILADAV

7. Vibrate the five-lettered name to control: AUABO

8. Vibrate the Kakodaimon’s name


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Fire Tablet

XI. Kerubic Archangel Earth of Fire:


Purpose: used to summons the Kerubic Angels


1. The Fire Temple Opening

2. The Sixth Enochian Key

3. The Eighteenth Enochian Key

4. Vibrate the Three Names of God: OIP TEAA PDOCE

5. Vibrate the Elemental King: EDLPRNAA

6. Vibrate the Archangel’s name: BPSAC


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Fire Tablet

XII. Kerubic Angels Earth of Fire

1. CPSA (fire)

2. PSAC (earth)

3. SACP (air)

4. ACPS (water)

Purpose: craftsmanship


1. The Fire Temple Opening

2. The Sixth Enochian Key

3. The Eighteenth Enochian Key

4. Vibrate the Three Names of God: OIP TEAA PDOCE

5. Vibrate the Elemental King: EDLPRNAA

6. Vibrate the Archangel’s Name: BPSAC

7. Vibrate the Kerubic Angel’s name


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Fire Tablet

XIII. Servient Angels Earth of Fire

1. DIOM (water)

2. OOPZ (air)

3. RGAN (earth)

4. DATT (fire)

Purpose: personal transformation


1. The Fire Temple Opening

2. The Sixth Enochian Key

3. The Eighteenth Enochian Key

4. Vibrate the Three Names of God: OIP TEAA PDOCE

5. Vibrate the Elemental King: EDLPRNAA

6. Vibrate the six-lettered name to summons: UOLXDO

7. Vibrate the five-lettered name to control: SIODA

8. Vibrate the Servient Angel’s name


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Fire Tablet

XIV. Kakodaimons Earth of Fire

1. TDI, TOM (water)

2. OOO, OPZ (air)

3. MRG, MAN (earth)

4. IDA, ITT (fire)

Purpose: to destroy things


1. The Fire Temple Opening

2. The Sixth Enochian Key

3. The Eighteenth Enochian Key

4. Vibrate the Three Names of God: OIP TEAA PDOCE

5. Vibrate the Elemental King: EDLPRNAA

6. Vibrate the six-lettered name to summons: ODXLOU

7. Vibrate the five-lettered name to control: ADOIS

8. Vibrate the Kakodaimon’s name


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Fire Tablet

XV. Kerubic Archangel Fire of Fire:


Purpose: used to summons the Kerubic Angels


1. The Fire Temple Opening

2. The Sixth Enochian Key

3. Vibrate the Three Names of God: OIP TEAA PDOCE

4. Vibrate the Elemental King: EDLPRNAA

5. Vibrate the Archangel’s name: BZIZA


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Fire Tablet

XVI. Kerubic Angels Fire of Fire

1. AZIZ (fire)

2. ZIZA (earth)

3. IZAZ (air)

4. ZAZI (water)

Purpose: passion, energy


1. The Fire Temple Opening

2. The Sixth Enochian Key

3. Vibrate the Three Names of God: OIP TEAA PDOCE

4. Vibrate the Elemental King: EDLPRNAA

5. Vibrate the Archangel’s Name: BZIZA

6. Vibrate the Kerubic Angel’s name


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Fire Tablet

XVII. Servient Angels Fire of Fire

1. SISP (water)

2. PALI (air)

3. ACAR (earth)

4. ADRE (fire)

Purpose: using the four elements for personal change


1. The Fire Temple Opening

2. The Sixth Enochian Key

3. Vibrate the Three Names of God: OIP TEAA PDOCE

4. Vibrate the Elemental King: EDLPRNAA

5. Vibrate the six-lettered name to summons: RZIONR

6. Vibrate the five-lettered name to control: NRZFM

7. Vibrate the Servient Angel’s name


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Fire Tablet

XVIII. Kakodaimons Fire of Fire

1. TSI, TSP (water)

2. OPA, OLI (air)

3. MAC, MAR (earth)

4. IAD, IRE (fire)

Purpose: using the four elements to destroy things


1. The Fire Temple Opening

2. The Sixth Enochian Key

3. Vibrate the Three Names of God: OIP TEAA PDOCE

4. Vibrate the Elemental King: EDLPRNAA

5. Vibrate the six-lettered name to summons: RNOIZR

6. Vibrate the five-lettered name to control: MFZRN

7. Vibrate the Kakodaimon’s name


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V. The Tablet of Union and Watchtower Tablets

The Tablet of Union

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The Watchtower Tablets

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Part II. The Thirty Aethyrs

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VI. The Thirty Aethyrs

Start out on Aethyr number 30 and work to the top of

the Aethyrs which is number 1. This would be similar to

climbing the paths on the tree of life in the Kabalah. Try

each one a few times at least and experience the spiritual

visions. For the Ritual of the Thirty Aethyrs find an Angel

name you want to work with in the following list or just

start with the 30


Aethyr of TEX and work to the 1


Aethyr of LIL. Read the “Key of the Thirty Aethyrs” on

page 124 and fill in the Aethyr name where requested to

do so and that is it. Enjoy your visions..

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The Thirty Aethyrs

30. TEX 14. VTA

29. RII 13. ZIM

28. BAG 12. LOE

27. ZAA 11. ICH

26. DES 10. ZAX

25. VTI 9. ZIP

24. NIA 8. ZID

23.TOR 7. DEO

22. LIN 6. MAZ

21. ASP 5. LIT

20. CHR 4. PAZ

19. POP 3. ZOM

18. ZEN 2. ARN

17. TAN 1. LIL

16. LEA End.

15. OXO

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The Key of the Thirty Aethyrs

O You Heavens Which Dwell In (name of Aethyr), Are

Mighty In The Parts Of The Earth, And Execute The

Judgement Of The Highest! Unto You It Is Said: Behold The

Face Of Your God, The Beginning Of Comfort; Whose Eyes Are

The Brightness Of The Heavens. Which Provided You For The

Government Of The Earth And Her Unspeakable Variety,

Furnishing You A Powerful Understanding To Dispose All

Things According To The Providence Of Him That Sits On The

Holy Throne, And Rose Up In The Beginning Saying: The

Earth Let Her Be Governed By Her Parts, And Let There Be

Division In Her, That The Glory Of Her May Be Always

Drunken And Vexed In Itself. The Course Of Her, Let It Run

With The Heavens, And as A Handmaid Let Her Serve Them.

One Season Let It Confound Another, And Let There Be No

Creatures Upon Her Or In Her The Same. All Her Members

Let Them Differ In Their Qualities And Let There Be No One

Creature Equal With Another. The Reasoning Creatures Of

Earth Let Them Vex And Weed Out One Another, And The

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Dwelling Places Let Them Forget Their Names. The Work Of

Man And His Pomp, Let them Be Defaced. The Buildings Of

Him, Let Them Become Caves For The Beasts Of The Field.

Confound The Understanding Of Her With Darkness For

Why? It Repenteth Me I Made Man. One While Let Her Be

known, And Another Time A Stranger. Because She Is The Bed

Of An Harlot And The Dwelling Place Of Him That Is Fallen.

You Heavens, Arise! The Lower Heavens Underneath You, Let

Them Serve You! Govern Those That Govern; Cast Down Such

As Fall; Bring Forth With Those That Increase, And Destroy

The Rotten! No Place Let It Remain In One Number: Add And

Diminish Until The Stars Be Numbered. Arise, Move, And

Appear Before The Covenant Of His Mouth, Which He Has

Sworn Unto Us In His Justice! Open The Mysteries Of Your

Creation, And Make Us Partakers Of Undefiled Knowledge!

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Regardie, Israel. The complete Golden Dawn System of

Magic (Phoenix, AZ: New Falcon Publications,1990)

Newcomb, Jason Augustus. Practical Enochian Magick

(Sarasota, FL: New Hermetics Press, 2007)

Schueler, Gerard J. An Advanced Guide to Enochian

Magic (St.Paul,MN: Llewellyn Books,1987)

LBRP. From The Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn.p16

Dr. John Dee’s original Enochian Language manuscript -


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