Amoris Enochian Pentagram Ritual

Enochian Pentagram Ritual

This is my personal version of the Lesser Ritual of the Pentagram adapted for Enochian workings. The banishing form is as shown. Pronunciations are in parentheses.

1. Face East. Visualize an Orb of White Brilliance above your head. This is your 'Kether'. When you can see it clearly and bright, reach your weapon (wand/dagger) up into it, and bring down the light from it into your forehead and into the middle of your head (straight down from the orb of light).

Touching the forehead with the tip of the dagger say "ZIR" (Zohd-EE-Rah)

2. Bring the Light down through your Middle-Pillar/Pranic-Tube while directing its movement with your weapon and imagine it shooting straight down into another large Orb of Light (this time brilliant Green) beneath your feet. (I usually point and thrust the dagger straight down with help from my other hand so that it points at the ground in front of me after directing the energy from Crown to Feet through the body.)

After directing the energy from Crown to Feet in the above manner, say "LONDOH" (LOh-Neh-DOh-Heh)

3. Now visualize a large Orb of brilliant Red Light interpenetrating your right shoulder.

Touching the right shoulder with the tip of the blade, say "LONSA" (LOh-Nah-SAh)

4. Visualize a large Orb of Brilliant Blue Light interpenetrating your left shoulder. Draw a line of Light connecting the Red Orb in your right shoulder with the Blue Orb in your left shoulder.

Touching the left shoulder with the tip of the blade, say "BUSD" (BU-SahD)

5. Sweep both hands down, out, then back up and around inward again in a circular motion, and come to rest over your heart. Clasping the hands upon the breast, visualize your heart to be a Brilliant Golden-yellow Orb.


6. Still facing East, make a yellow Banishing pentagram of Air with the dagger/wand.

Insert the tip of the daggar into the center of the pentagram and Vibrate "ORO IBAH AOZPI" (Oh-ROh EE-BAH Ah-Oh-Zohd-Pey)

7. Turning to the South, make a red Banishing pentagram of Fire.

Insert the tip of the daggar into the center of the pentagram and Vibrate "OIP TEAA PDOCE" (Oh-EE-Peh TEy-Ah-Ah Peh-Doh-Kay)

8. Turning to the West, make a blue Banishing pentagram of Water.

Insert the tip of the daggar into the center of the pentagram and Vibrate "MPH ARSL GAIOL" (eM-PeH ARaSaL GAh-EE-Oh-Leh)

9. Turning to the North, make a green Banishing pentagram of Earth.

Insert the tip of the daggar into the center of the pentagram and Vibrate "MOR DIAL HCTGA" (eMOR-DEE-AL Heh-Cah-Tah-GAh)

10. Finish the drawing of the circle as you return East. Now facing East, extend the arms in the form of a cross and say:

11. "Before me BATAIVAH" (BAh-TAh-EE-VAh-Heh)

Note: The names of the Elemental Kings may be vibrated and their forces evoked beyond the parameter of the flaming pentagrams while doing so. Because they are rather high-level abstract formless forces, there are no common forms for visualizing them. The practitioner may be creative, or perhaps they will create their own forms with which to manifest using existing symbolism in your subconscious.

12. "Behind me RAAGIOSL" (RAh-Ah-Gee-Oh-SeL)

13. "On my right hand EDLPRNAA" (Eh-DeL-PeR-NAh-Ah)

14. "On my left hand ICZHIHAL" (EE-Kah-Zohd-Hee-HAL)

15. "For about me flames the pentagram,"

16. "And in the column shines the six-rayed Star."

17.-21. Repeat Qabalistic Cross (#'s 1 - 5 )

Notes on the Ritual

This is a very basic format similar to the commonly performed versions of the Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram as used by the Golden Dawn. The Enochian words in the Qabalistic Cross portion are roughly translated as follows:

ZIR - "I am"

LONDOH - "The Kingdom" or "The Kingdoms" (often singular and plural meanings are automatically contained in the same Enochian word)

LONSA - "The Power"

BUSD - "The Glory"

OD - "and"

NOCO - "the Servant"

MAD - "of God" also translated in the Keys as "of the same your God"

HOATH - "worshipper" also translated in the Keys as "the true Worshipper"

IAIDA - "of the Highest"

So put together, you have 2 possibilities for English translation.

#1. "I am the Kingdom, the Power, the Glory, and the servant of the same your God, the true Worshipper of the Highest."

#2. "I am the Kingdom, the Power, the Glory, and servant of God, worshipper of the Highest."

The words were borrowed directly from the Keys themselves and adapted after much consideration of their meanings based on the context in which they were originally found. This was as close as I could come to a literal translation into Enochian of the traditional Qabalistic Cross, but out of necessity (and due to lack of further information on the Keys) I had to alter the focus slightly. References to the 'higher-self' were not possible due to lack of vocabulary so I chose to follow suit with a few other authors and exalt the self without ending up too egocentric in the process. The final sentence fragment in line 5 was taken directly from the end of many of the Keys without any alteration at all.

Visit the page on Elemental Pentagrams for information on drawing them. This ritual may be made into an invoking one by substituting Invoking forms of each of the pentagrams instead.

The practitioner may even go a step further later on and make use of the Rending of the Veil sign/motion in order to open a link when doing more direct invocation work.

If you choose to try this DO NOT forget to end with Closing of the Veil and banishing pentagrams at each quarter. Always end the way you began (only in reverse order). Leaving a 'back door' open after a major working with potent forces like this could be potentially dangerous and mentally unbalancing.

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