Blackwater 5 River's Redemption

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For all the wonderful people in the world who find it in their hearts to foster and adopt children in

need of a stable and loving home. Every child deserves unconditional love.

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Chapter One

The nightmare always started the same, with him standing in the doorway to the dark, musty living

room of the old ranch-style house. He’d lived there before Wanda and Chet Jennings had come along
and adopted him. Before they’d dragged him out of hell and shown him what a parent’s love truly
meant. Before he’d learned that having an opinion didn’t get you a right hook.

Somehow the Jennings had managed to turn him into a human being, despite how hard he’d tried to

shove their love into their faces. The only thing River’s foster father, Larry Briggs, had taught him
was how to hate. He’d learned to bury happiness down so deep that no one, not even River, could
feel it. Larry was the sort of monster a child could never imagine unless they came face-to-face with

Unfortunately, Larry was adept at fooling people. Everyone thought he was a great guy. He put on a

good show for the outside world. Even River’s teachers thought Larry was a saint for opening his
home and becoming a foster parent. Behind closed doors was a different story, though. He would
drop the façade until all that was left was evil. The only good part of those early years was Joey
VanAllen, his foster brother. Joey had been ten years old when River had met him, and already the kid
was smarter than most adults. Gifted didn’t even begin to cover it. The kid with the angelic looks and
blond hair was a regular Einstein.

In River’s nightmare, it was early morning. Saturday. Larry usually spent the better part of the day

sleeping off his typical Friday-night bender. River had gotten up before the sun came over the horizon
and sneaked out to spend the morning at his hideout. He went there every Saturday morning, usually
with Joey, in an attempt to escape Larry’s swinging fists. This time he’d had to go there alone,
because Joey had spent the night at a friend’s house. The Robinsons were good people. They were
kind to Joey and treated him as if he were their own son. People like that were rare, River knew all
too well.

No one but Joey knew about his hideout, and he liked it that way. It had saved them on more than

one occasion. It was the only place where he and Joey truly felt safe. He’d stayed there a few hours
and came back midmorning.

In the all-too-familiar nightmare, River saw himself standing in the living room and staring at the

filthy, beer-stained, green recliner that should have held his drunken foster dad. Instead it sat empty. A
jolt of fear raced up River’s spine. He balled his fists at his sides and took a deep breath in an effort
to gain the courage to search out the evil man.

His legs shook as he quietly walked down the narrow hallway, past the filthy room where Larry

slept, until he reached the door to his and Joey’s room. The door was closed. River frowned. It was
never allowed to be closed. Just one of Larry’s many rules. As carefully as possible, River reached
out and turned the knob, opening the bedroom door by slow degrees. The wider the crack in the
doorway, the more he was able to hear sounds coming from within. He heard cries, terrible cries. It
made his flesh crawl and his insides turn nauseated. He’d heard that awful sound in his own mind a
thousand times.

At ten years old, River had eyes that told of things no boy that age should know. From the outside,

he would seem to be an average, if somewhat depressed and introverted, kid. His eyes told a different
story. On the inside, River felt lifeless, hollowed out by the misery and depravity inflicted on him by

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He quietly stepped into the room and saw a scene that would be etched into his brain and play out

in his nightmares over and over for years to come.

Larry Briggs, in all his evil and maniacal drunkenness, mounted on top of Joey. Bruises marred his

foster brother’s fair, angelic face and blood slowly trickled out of his mouth, only to go unchecked
down the side of his jaw. Joey’s eyes, the same blue eyes that once held life and joy, were now
vacant. River knew that Joey had retreated into his own private world, where no one could hurt him
and all was right with life. The last shred of River’s humanity cracked, destroying the little bit of
rationality he had clung to for so long. A thick, black hate coated his mind.

He had thought that as long as Larry kept away from Joey, it would be okay. River could handle

putting up with the abuse, at least until he found the means to escape and take Joey with him. But
seeing his sweet and innocent ten-year-old foster brother being treated so cruelly was more than
River could take.

Knocking. Loud and persistent. It yanked River out of the nightmare, and he shot upward in bed.

Sweat soaked his sheets and hair. His heart raced, and he had to force the nausea down. The
memories always made him physically ill. Just once he wished he could sleep in peace. He didn’t
think one night was too much to ask.

“Christ,” he muttered. Another series of thumps came from the front of his apartment. River sat

upright and twisted around so he could read the neon-green display on his alarm clock. Five o’clock
on a Friday morning? “What the hell?”

He hoped nothing was wrong. His mother’s smiling face popped into his head, and a jolt of

concern had him fully alert in seconds. Several months back, she’d suffered a mild heart attack, and it
had scared River the way nothing else could. She’d recovered, though. Even taken up yoga and started
eating healthier. She was out of the woods now, right?

Wanda Jennings meant the world to him. She and his adoptive father had taken River and his four

brothers from foster care and given them a home to be proud of and the kind of love River had never
before known. Two years ago, a massive stroke had taken his dad away. River still missed hearing
the sound of his deep voice and his powerful arms wrapping him up in one of his characteristic bear

He stood and slipped into a pair of black pajama pants and strode from the room. As he

approached the front door, River stopped and looked through the peep hole. Reilly, his twin, stood
with his hands in the front pockets of his old, worn jeans, a worried look creasing his brow. Reilly
and River were mirror images of each other with their pale green eyes, shaggy black hair and six-
foot-four frames. The only difference, most folks would say, was River’s constant scowl.

When River saw his brother’s customary smile replaced by a frown, his anxiety level ratcheted up

a few notches.

“Open up, bright eyes,” Reilly called out.
River jerked open the door and let Reilly step around him before he muttered, “It’s five in the

morning. Something’s wrong.”

“It’s Jeanette,” Reilly said as he shoved a hand through his hair.
The name sent River’s heart into full throttle. Jeanette had been his closest friend since high school,

and she was the only woman who managed to put up with his shit. The thought of losing her brought
his nausea back tenfold.

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River knew Jeanette had it in her head to take their friendship to a more intimate level. She’d had a

crush on him for years. He wasn’t blind. And he’d be a lying ass if he didn’t admit to feeling a rush of
desire for her whenever her name was mentioned. River had fantasized more than once about that lean
body and subtle curves. Her sexy, long, dark hair always made him want to reach out and stroke it.
The sweet package was only part of the appeal. Jeanette was gutsy and gave as good as she got.

But she was also too innocent. She deserved someone whole, someone who hadn’t been to hell and

back. Touching her would be wrong on every level. He knew it. He’d tried to make her understand
how wrong he was for her, but she’d always refused to listen to reason. Still, River knew better than
to fuck up the one good relationship he had going in his life.

“What happened?” he asked as he quickly moved to the kitchen to grab his keys and cell phone off

the counter. He mentally prepared himself for the worst.

“She was mugged outside of the Dawg Pit,” Reilly replied. “She’s okay, nothing broken. Just got

banged up a bit. She’s more angry than anything, to tell the truth.”

“She in the hospital?” River frowned. “And what the hell was she doing at that end of town? There

isn’t anything but meth labs and felons out that way.”

“No, she’s at home.” Reilly sighed. “And you aren’t going to like her reason for being at the Dawg

Pit any more than I did.”

Reilly and Jeanette had always been close, but lately River had noticed her confiding more and

more in Reilly. And it was starting to piss him off. “Spit it out.”

“She’s working there.”
No way could he have heard right. “At the Dawg Pit? What the fuck, Reilly? The place is a dump.”
His brother held out both hands. “Hell, I didn’t know either. I just found out tonight. She said she

needs the money for college.” He shook his head. “Can you believe that?”

Jeanette was working on a law degree. When she wasn’t in class, she was studying. It was a tough

schedule, and River couldn’t be more proud of her. “Then why didn’t she come to us for money? Or
she could’ve worked at the Blackwater if she’d wanted a job. Either is preferable to that shithole.”
They would make room for her at the family restaurant they’d all worked so hard to save after their
father’s death. Jeanette had only to ask.

“Jeanette has pride in spades,” Reilly replied, bringing River back to the current problem. “No

way would she ask for a handout.”

“It’s not a handout,” River grumbled as he headed for the door. “She’s practically family, and she

knows it.”

Reilly caught up to him. “If you value your private parts, please don’t tell her you have nothing but

brotherly love for her. That’s too cruel, and you know it.”

River ignored him and took hold of the doorknob. Reilly slammed a palm against the wood surface

of the door as if to stop him from going to her. He’d have better luck stopping a Mack truck.

“Where are you going?”
“To see Jeanette,” he bit out. “Where else?”
“You can’t.” Reilly’s voice softened. “It’s not even light out yet. Let her sleep before you start

lecturing her. She’s had a long night, River.”

River saw red. “And you’ve been right by her side, haven’t you?”
River knew it was guilt that caused his brother to look away. Hell, he knew the look too well. They

were twins, after all. “She called me from the police station, needing a ride,” Reilly said. He’d know

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nothing short of full disclosure would appease River.

The words pierced his heart. “Why didn’t she call me? She can always come to me. She knows


Reilly cleared his throat. “Um, she’s still not over the incident.”
The incident that Reilly referred to had taken place months ago. Jeanette had walked in on River

having sex with…Holly, he thought was the woman’s name. A curvy redhead and the exact opposite
of Jeanette. They’d been on the couch, naked. Jeanette had used the key he’d given her years ago and
let herself in. When she saw the two of them together, she’d lost it. He was a jerk, she’d shouted. She
was through being his friend. At first, River had thought Jeanette would get over it. She could never
stay mad at him for long. But this time was different. She was pulling away from him more and more
every day. He could feel it. The fact that she’d called Reilly after having been mugged was proof.
She’d needed a friend tonight, and she hadn’t chosen him. His gut churned at the thought.

River couldn’t figure out why Jeanette was still so pissed off about seeing him with another

woman. He’d always been very careful to keep his relationship with Jeanette strictly platonic. And
even though she’d always had a crush on him, and he’d had some scorching fantasies about her,
Jeanette had seemed content to keep it just friends. Sex would screw everything up; he knew it in his
bones. But things were changing between them, and River didn’t like it.

“I’m not just going to twiddle my thumbs while she’s in need,” River ground out, hating the sense

of helplessness riding him.

“Yes, you are,” Reilly said as he headed for the kitchen. “Because right now she needs rest more

than anything else. And if you go over there all riled up, rest will be the last thing she gets.”

“Fine, but to hell if I’m waiting around until she graces me with her presence. I’ll be in my sixties

by then.” He sighed. “I’ll give her until noon; then I’m going over there whether she likes it or not.”

“Whatever.” Reilly rubbed a palm over his face. “In the meantime, you got any coffee around here?

I need it bad. I think I used the last of my energy reserves making the trip over here.”

River headed for the cabinet next to the refrigerator and took out a can of Italian roast. “Shouldn’t

you be sleeping too? And where’s your better half and those handsome twin babies of yours?”

“Lucy is where I should be—asleep.” A sappy grin spread across his brother’s face. “The twins

are just now beginning to sleep through the night, so she tries to catch as many Z’s as she can.”

River felt instantly guilty for keeping his brother from his family. Reilly had met the woman of his

dreams. Not long after, she’d ended up pregnant with twin boys. River had never seen his brother so
happy and content. He envied him that happiness sometimes. He wondered what it would be like to
wake up rested and smiling every day. To have a woman and children who thought you hung the
moon. River didn’t think that sort of happy-ever-after was in the cards for him.

“Go home, bro. You don’t need to stick around.”
He snorted. “The minute I leave, you’ll be out the door and on your way to Jeanette’s apartment,

and we both know it.”

Truer words were never spoken. As he put the coffee on, River watched his brother slump into a

chair at the table. He’d been up all night, and he was exhausted. Reilly had been doing River’s job,
taking care of Jeanette. Even though it stuck in his craw to have his brother doing what he so badly
ached to do, he was glad Jeanette hadn’t been alone. She would never be alone, not as long as he
drew breath.

Back when Jeanette first started college, her parents had been in a horrible car accident. A drunk

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driver had plowed into them at an intersection. She’d lost them both in one nasty twist of fate, and
she’d been on her own ever since.

For weeks afterward, Jeanette had slept in his bed. It’d broken his heart to see her in such pain. He

never wanted to see her that way again. His heart couldn’t take it.

“Since you plan to babysit me, then, I suppose I could rustle up some breakfast.”
Reilly perked up at the mention of food. “If you weren’t my twin, I’d kiss you, tongue and all.”
River shook his head and glanced at the clock on the stove. It was nearly six now. Seven hours

until he could see her and know for himself that she was okay. Ah hell, it was going to be a long-ass

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Chapter Two

Jeanette’s heart sped up. River was on his way. She’d gotten the text from him twenty minutes ago.

God, would she always feel this instant jolt of electricity whenever the man’s name came to mind? It
infuriated her that she couldn’t stop wishing for something more than friendship with him. No matter
what she did, no matter how hard she tried to avoid him, River still invaded her daytime thoughts and
nighttime dreams.

“Reilly says River’s been worried sick for you,” Lucy said as she sat up straighter in the chair and

crossed her legs. “He cares about you a great deal.” Lucy smiled as if she knew how much Jeanette
needed to hear that. “Although I’m not sure he knows it.”

Jeanette’s stomach knotted, and she shifted around on the couch to get more comfortable. Her body

ached from being thrown to the concrete sidewalk last night, and she had a mild concussion. From the
moment she’d opened her eyes earlier in that morning, it’d felt like someone was using a jackhammer
against the inside of her skull. But she took heart in the knowledge that she’d gotten in at least one
swift knee to the mugger’s groin. It hadn’t been a total loss. “Maybe he does care, as a friend, but it’s
not meant to be more than that between us.”

Lucy frowned and flipped her long, black hair over her shoulder. “What do you mean?”
The image of River with the redhead sprang to mind, and her head began to pound even harder.

“I’ve had a small glimpse of what River really wants in a woman. Unfortunately, I don’t think it’s

“You seem so sure, but isn’t it possible you’re wrong?” Lucy shrugged. “I mean, I wasn’t exactly

expecting Reilly to come barreling into my life. Honestly, that’s half the fun, though.”

Jeanette was genuinely puzzled by that remark. “What do you mean?”
“I rather like the idea that he came along when I least expected to find love. Not knowing what’s

going to happen between us is thrilling.”

“Reilly isn’t River, though.” Lucy had a valid point, but there was one problem with her logic.

Reilly had been ready for love. He’d been ready for Lucy and the twin babies. Jeanette didn’t think
River would ever be ready to settle down. God, he needed a swift kick in the ass.

Lucy crossed her arms over her chest. “So, you don’t think we’re in control of our own fate, is that


Jeanette wasn’t sure what she believed. Not anymore. At one time, she’d had all the confidence in

the world that River would someday belong to her. Now… “I think fate is leading River and me down
different paths. Clearly, fate hates my guts. The bitch.”

She chuckled. “Wow, I never knew you were such a cynic.”
The words hurt more than she let on. “It’s not cynicism. Merely instinct.”
“You’re condemning the relationship before it even has a chance to take seed.” Lucy paused, then

added, “Or could this be more like self-preservation?”

She shook her head adamantly. “It’s called facing reality, Lucy.”
Lucy let out a deep breath. “Look, I know that I’m being annoying here, and you probably don’t

want to deal with this right now, not with that knot on your head, but you’re too intelligent to simply
give up.” In a gentler tone, she said, “You love him very much, but it seems to me that you’re being

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too hard on River. You don’t really expect him to be celibate do you?”

Jeanette bit her lip in frustration. She couldn’t let Lucy’s words take root, because pursuing River

at this point felt too much like banging her head against a brick wall. A big, stubborn, gorgeous and
annoying brick wall. “You’re right, I’m being unfair. But I’m also through pining for a man who sees
me as an inexperienced child.”

“Isn’t it possible that your mind is in a different place right now?” She indicated Jeanette’s injured

body. “You’ve been through something very traumatic. Give yourself a break here.”

Jeanette considered that a moment. She had always prided herself on being an open-minded person,

accepting of new possibilities. Why then was she so anxious to close her mind to a relationship with
River? “I don’t know. Maybe you’re right.”

She smiled and patted her hand. “Of course I am.”
God, Jeanette was so confused. She didn’t know which end was up. She sighed and rubbed her

eyes; then pain shot through her hand. “Ouch.” She held up her palm, remembering too late the skin on
her left hand was scraped raw. The pain meds the doctor gave her weren’t quite cutting it.

“I guess I’m not really thinking straight right now,” Jeanette admitted, wanting to put an end to the

conversation. “I should give River and me a chance.”

“Damn right you should.”
Jeanette’s heart jumped at River’s deep voice. He stood in the doorway to the apartment, looking

as yummy as ever with his messy black hair and sinful green eyes. He wore a pair of tight, dark jeans
that molded to the length of his muscular legs, and a black short-sleeved T-shirt. He oozed male
confidence and sexual prowess. River had a dark and savage quality about him that had always drawn
Jeanette. And, as usual, he looked good enough to lick. He clutched an overnight bag in one strong
hand, and his patented grim expression was firmly in place.

Lucy gave River a stern look. “And how long have you been standing there?”
River strode to the couch and dropped the bag onto the far end of it. “Long enough to know that

Jeanette ought to have her head examined if she thinks I’m just going to walk away. Not my style.”

Jeanette arched a brow and shook her head. “I would tell you how incredibly arrogant you sound

right now, not to mention how terribly rude it is to eavesdrop, but it’ll have to wait until the room
stops spinning.”

Right away, River was contrite. “Tell me what to do to make you feel better, damn it,” he bit out. “I

feel useless as hell here.”

Love me, she thought. Just love me.
Instead, she said, “I’m fine, really. There’s nothing to do.”
“I should probably get going,” Lucy piped up. “I have a bunch of errands to run before I can get

home and relieve Reilly. I left him alone with the twins. Another couple of hours and he’s bound to be

“Give the babies a kiss for me,” Jeanette said.
“Ditto,” River replied. “From their favorite uncle.”
A small hint of envy invaded Jeanette’s heart. Lucy had what Jeanette so badly wanted—a loving

man and two terrific babies. Lucy deserved every last drop of happiness, though. She hadn’t had the
easiest upbringing, with a father who didn’t want anything to do with her and a mother who’d died in
a car accident when Lucy was very young. It was one of the threads that had tied Lucy and her
together as friends these past few months, ever since Lucy had met Reilly. A drunk driver had stolen

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both of Jeanette’s parents’ lives. When someone you loved was ripped away from you and you
weren’t prepared, didn’t get to say good-bye, it left a hole in your heart. Lucy understood what that
was like. Now the woman walked around with a grin twenty-four hours a day. Reilly made her happy,
and that was as it should be.

“I will.” Lucy leaned down and gently hugged her. “Take care, and let us know if you need


“Thanks, for everything.”
Lucy turned to River and frowned. “Be gentle. She’s been through a lot.”
He bent and kissed Lucy’s cheek, then said, “I’m a regular pussycat.”
Lucy snorted. “Yeah, right,” she replied as she turned and left.
River looked back at Jeanette. “Did you take anything for the pain?” He sat next to her and put his

arm around the back of the couch, his thick, muscular legs spread out in front of him. When he began
to gently massage her shoulders, Jeanette sighed and leaned into him. This close, Jeanette could smell
his clean, masculine scent, with just a hint of aftershave. It’d always been hard to resist that potent
mix of male aggressiveness and spice.

“The doctor called in a prescription,” she said around a yawn. “I’m sure it’ll kick in soon.”
He frowned. “Maybe a hot shower?”
“Nope, already tried that.”
He cursed under his breath. “One question—did they get the asshole?”
“Actually, no,” she replied, catching his angry expression. “He took off after I kneed him in the

crotch. I gave the police a description, and they’re on the lookout. I’m not really holding out hope,

“Shit,” he muttered. “So, this guy got your purse, which means he knows your address. Did you

cancel your credit cards?”

“Yes, he knows where I live, although I don’t think it’ll matter.” She quirked a brow. “Don’t

muggers usually just want quick cash? I had all of forty dollars on me. So the joke’s on him.” She
tried to lighten the mood, but judging by River’s expression, it didn’t help one iota.

“And your credit cards?”
“All taken care of. I will need to get a new driver’s license, unfortunately. And before you ask, yes,

I’ve already called the bank. They’re sending me a new debit card.”

“I still don’t like the idea of him knowing where you live. You aren’t safe here, sunshine.”
Oh God, it was too much. His nearness, his concern—it all wrapped around her like a warm

embrace. She couldn’t keep an emotional distance with River on the best of days. Definitely not now
when her defenses were down. “There isn’t anything to worry about, River.” She stood and started
for the kitchen. When he followed her, she turned. “And will you please stop hovering.”

He closed the distance between them and took hold of her chin. “I will hover as long as it’s

necessary, so you might as well get used to me being around.”

She crossed her arms over her chest. “You expect me to get used to having a constant shadow?”

Jeanette didn’t bother to add that River was the most gorgeous shadow she’d ever seen. And it was
that very thing that had her feeling all wound up inside. It had to stop, because it was ruining her plan
to stay angry with him.

“Hey, I’m the good kind of shadow,” he said, tweaking her nose. “It’s the bad shadows of the

world I’m trying to protect you from.” His eyes turned from teasing to intense in an instant. “By the

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way, what’s this about you working at the Dawg Pit? You should’ve come to me if you needed money.
You can always come to me, sunshine.” She immediately moved to object, but he laid a finger against
her lips and said, “Don’t. We’ve been friends too long. You should’ve come to me. And you can get
over your mad too. I’m sorry you had to see me with Holly. It hurt you. I never meant to hurt you. But
until the police catch your mugger, I’m not going anywhere. So stop pushing me away, damn it. It’s
pissing me off.”

The pain in River’s eyes threatened to overwhelm her. She had been hurt when she’d seen him with

that woman, but she didn’t have the right, and Jeanette knew that. He had every right to be with anyone
he chose. They weren’t a couple. He didn’t owe her any explanations. Still, as illogical as it was,
Jeanette felt betrayed. It was this stupid crush of hers that was causing the friction between them.

She moved his finger away and gently intertwined their fingers. “You have nothing to be sorry for,”

she replied, meaning it. “I could’ve knocked. I should’ve been more considerate of your privacy.”
She sighed. “And yes, I do need money for school. I’m on summer break, and working at the Dawg Pit
seemed like a good idea.” When he started to speak, she overrode him. “I called this morning and
quit. Don’t worry, I have no desire to go back to that end of town.” She shuddered. “Ever again.”

“But if you hadn’t been trying to avoid me, you never would’ve been there at all.” River lifted their

linked fingers and kissed her knuckles one by one. “These last few months have been hell without you.
I’ve missed you,” he admitted. When his mouth teased Jeanette’s wrist, he could feel the beat of her
pulse as it quickened. The wild heat of her passion all but simmered under the surface. Just a taste. He
could allow himself that much of her.

River pulled her a little closer, causing their mouths to brush together. Damn, a gentle glide with

his tongue was all it took to set River on edge. There was a sweet promise hovering in the air. The
promise of pleasures galore if he chose to throw caution to the wind.

Maybe this once he could touch heaven.
Jeanette wasn’t like any other woman he’d known. She drew him in, made him ache with need and

unspent desire. His loins grew heavy, and his erection threatened the fly of pants. Just that quickly, he
needed her. Yet this was the one woman he couldn’t have. He couldn’t give in to his body’s demands.
He couldn’t take her that way, because he had nothing to give back to her. He was too screwed up.
She deserved so much better than his messed-up ass. He felt bound, utterly powerless, and that was
not a good feeling for a man.

He prided himself on keeping his distance with women. He liked them, all shapes and sizes, but he

kept the relationships strictly physical. Somehow, without even bothering to try, this one small
powerhouse had managed to tie his insides into knots. All logic flew out the window as a voice
screamed at him to take what she offered.

And Jeanette was offering. She gave her consent in the way her body melted into his, the way her

hands clutched at his chest, and when she let loose a small moan, he knew he had to stop lest he take
her right in the middle of the living room floor. But as he pulled away without allowing his tongue to
journey inside her mouth, River felt an odd sensation run the length of his spine. Too late, he realized
what it was, and before he could react, he was unceremoniously yanked away from Jeanette. He
stumbled over a footstool and landed on his ass.

River shook his head. “What the fuck?”
“Oh my God!” Jeanette stepped in front of him as if to protect him, hands on her hips. “Mike, what

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on earth has gotten into you?”

“This is him, isn’t it, Nett?” the unwanted visitor asked. “The guy you’re always talking about. The

one who doesn’t deserve to breathe the same air as you.”

Well, didn’t that just piss him off? Whoever the tall blond was, he had a pet name for Jeanette.

Fan-fucking-tastic, this day just kept getting better.

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Chapter Three

Jeanette turned to help River to his feet, and he let her. Once he was upright, he yanked her to his

side and raked her with a look that demanded she stay put until he got some answers. She glared at
him as if willing him to play nice.

River decided he didn’t really feel like playing nice to a man who knew Jeanette as Nett. “I would

introduce myself, but you seem to know me pretty well already.” He looked down at Jeanette, curious
what she’d said about him. She blushed. With her long, shiny, dark brown hair in a wild and wavy
mess around her shoulders, her cute ass encased in a pair of soft, tight, black cotton shorts and red
short-sleeved T-shirt, she looked good enough to eat. And damn if River didn’t much care for the fact
that another man was getting an eyeful of Jeanette looking so fucking adorable.

River stepped closer to the guy until they were toe-to-toe. “She’s never talked about you,” he said,

his voice low and even, belying the storm brewing inside him. “Wonder why that is?”

“River.” Jeanette seared him with a look. “Men and your testosterone,” she muttered as she glared

at Mike. “You seriously need to chill. I already have a headache, and you aren’t helping.” Mike
arched a brow, and Jeanette issued one last warning. “You two will play nice and introduce
yourselves like civil adults, or I’ll be the one doing the butt-kicking.”

River heard her words, but he couldn’t quite bring himself to take his eyes off Mike. The guy was

all but devouring Jeanette with his gaze, and he was doing it right in front of River. That was about
more than he could take. She was his, dammit.

No, wait. They were friends. Nothing more. Right?
Fuck, things were getting complicated.
“For Nett, I’ll be a good boy,” Mike said. He held out a hand as if he hadn’t just knocked River to

the ground. “Name’s Mike Forrester. A…good friend.”

River clutched the man’s hand and gave it a quick, firm shake before releasing him. He didn’t much

care for the way the guy had said good friend, as if to imply there was something more intimate
between them. River had had just about as much baiting as he could take. “Jeanette, would you mind
brewing a pot of coffee?”

Jeanette shook her head. “No way am I leaving you two alone together.”
Mike smiled brightly, as if he were having the time of his life. “It’s okay, sweetheart.”
Sweetheart? What the hell was that all about? He knew damn good and well that Jeanette wasn’t

seeing anyone. She’d been too busy with schoolwork. As a matter of fact, with the exception of him
and his brothers, River didn’t think there were any other men in Jeanette’s life. So where had she
managed to meet Mike?

“Fine,” she muttered, “but if anything is busted, you’ll both pay dearly. I’m in no mood for any

more crap today, I swear to God.”

After she was out of sight, River turned to Mike. “Who is Jeanette to you?”
Mike stared at River with interest. “Like I said, we’re friends.”
A muscle in his jaw twitched, the only outward sign of his rising anger. “Bullshit. I see the way you

look at her.”

He shoved his hands in the pockets of his jeans. “Sure, at one time I had a real thing for her. A man

would have to be blind not to find that sweet charmer attractive. I even gave it a try once.”

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River’s anger grew as Mike’s words sank in. “She’s not for you.”
He chuckled. “Yeah, well, she turned me down flat. We’ve been good friends ever since.”
“She’s never mentioned you to me,” River mused, a little hurt that Jeanette had kept the other man a

secret. “Care to explain that?”

“There’s plenty she doesn’t tell you, Jennings,” he said. “And just so we’re clear, if you hurt my

dear friend, you will pay.”

Who the hell is this guy? River hadn’t told him a damn thing about himself, and yet Mike seemed

to know plenty. It put him at a disadvantage. “Thanks for the warning, Mikey.”

“River,” Jeanette groaned as she came back into the room.
Her irritation was plain as the nose on her face. “For you, I’m playing nice, sunshine,” he told her.

They both knew how ugly things could get otherwise. “Let’s not push it.”

Was that possessiveness Jeanette detected in River’s tone? Since when? She could handle his

anger, she could even handle his bad moods, but she wasn’t sure she could handle him if he chose to
get possessive with her. He was a throwback to medieval days. Back when men found a woman they
wanted and simply dragged her off to their castle. What the woman wanted was irrelevant.

She counted to ten and kept her calm, barely. She would not allow her anger to drag her along in its

wake. Truth was, she couldn’t excuse his domineering behavior, but she did understand it to some
degree. She had her own streak of possessiveness, after all.

She moved closer to him and watched as he kept his icy-green stare trained on Mike. She touched

his cheek with her fingertips, enjoying the feel of the rough stubble there, and instantly gained his full
attention. “Mike is my friend, very possibly my best friend. It’s not fair for you to treat him as if he
were some creep off the street.”

River’s face closed down in an instant. “I thought you and I were best friends. Yet not once in all

the time we’ve spent together have you told me about him. Why?”

Jeanette had no idea she had the ability to hurt someone as strong as River Jennings, but she could

tell by the look in his eyes that she had done exactly that. She would rather walk on hot coals than
cause him pain. “I never meant to keep it a secret,” she murmured. “It’s been so long since I’ve seen
him that it just didn’t occur to me.”

River stared so attentively that his lashes didn’t even flicker. It moved her to act impulsively.

Rising up on her tiptoes, she touched the thin line of his mouth with her lips. It was meant to be a
friendly peck, nothing more. At first he remained perfectly still, as if unsure what to make of her.
Jeanette began to grow nervous, but as she tilted her head to the side to better fit their mouths together,
she felt him softening. His sinewy arms came around her first, pulling her into the cradle of his body.
He took over the kiss then, forcing her mouth open, demanding entrance. His kiss wasn’t gentle and
coaxing. And it sure as hell wasn’t a friend kiss either. This time, he was claiming her.

Oh God, she’d dreamed of such a kiss from him. Ached for it. Now that it was finally happening,

she was too stunned to properly react. To take full advantage of it. His lethal strength wrapped her in
a cocoon of passion and lust within seconds. River went to her head so quickly, it wasn’t at all fair.
But to hell with it. She wanted his swift, lustful kisses as well as his soft, gentle touches. She wanted
the whole of him, not just the easy friendship anymore. Not just the tame part that he let her see. She
wanted the wild part of him he kept so well hidden.

She realized no matter what her future held, this dark and mysterious man would always have her

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heart. She’d handed it to him the day she’d tripped and landed at his feet in the ninth grade. He’d
picked up her books and helped her up. The smile he’d graced her with had sent her careening
headfirst into love.

She’d known, even then, that the instant their gazes had locked she’d met her other half. She’d tried

to deny it, to run from the pull of desire that was constantly between them, but it was like running from
her own heart. Futile. In the end, she would happily surrender to River, and he would happily claim
her like a pirate claimed the booty of a ship. But where would that leave her when he tired of her?
Where would her heart be then?

Just when River thought nothing could breach the wall of anger he’d erected, he watched Jeanette

go on tiptoes to kiss him. And she did it right in front of Mike. She was proving that River was the
one who held her desire in the palm of his hand. That she would surrender to him if only he’d let her.
Lust surged hot and heavy through River’s blood, and suddenly he forgot what a bad idea it was to
mix friendship with passion.

Sometime between Reilly showing up that morning and Jeanette’s friend dropping in unannounced

—and unwanted—River had decided he was no longer interested in keeping his distance. He burned
to make love to her. To see her coming undone in his arms. But he wouldn’t let things get carried
away. Jeanette was too sweet, too good. She would wither and die if she was tied to a man who
couldn’t even sleep a single night without demons haunting his dreams. She would eventually lose that
bright smile he’d grown so addicted to. It would kill him if he screwed that up.

Still, he had only so much self-control. And when he heard Mike clear his throat in an effort to

remind them they were not alone, it was the perfect opportunity to push her from him. He had to get
himself under control, or he’d forget all of his well-thought-out plans.

He broke the kiss, both of them breathing heavily, and tried to calm his thundering pulse. She

frowned up at him, clearly both confused and turned on. Did she have any idea how badly he wanted
her? Needed her? She mistook him ending the kiss as a rejection. He couldn’t let her go on thinking
such silly notions.

River cupped her chin in his palm and caressed the cute little cleft with his thumb. “I very much

want to continue. You have no idea how much I want to continue, sunshine,” he murmured. “But now
isn’t the time.”

“I don’t understand you sometimes,” she replied.
“What if…what if I hurt you?” he asked. “What if I screw everything up between us?”
“I’m not afraid of that happening,” she told him. “I’m not made of glass.” She slapped him playfully

on the chest. “Although I am frustrated with you. Like twenty-four-hours-a-day frustrated.”

He groaned as he smoothed his fingers down her chin to her neck. He touched her erratic pulse, and

Jeanette watched while one corner of his mouth tipped upward in that sexy, ornery grin of his. He
winked, as if he knew exactly how easily he got under her skin. Geez, she was so freaking transparent
around River. A drooling, pathetic mess.

Jeanette allowed her gaze to travel the length of River’s big, hard body, and she noticed that certain

parts of him were most definitely alert. Hmm, apparently she wasn’t the only one overheating here.
The thought made her feel loads better.

If I have to suffer, then at least I’m not alone.

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“If you two can stop ogling each other for a few minutes, I’d like to tell you why I’m here.” Mike’s

gaze darted from River to Jeanette, then back to River. “I’d like to talk to Jeanette alone, if that’s

River was about to tell Mike where he could stick it when Jeanette spoke up. “That’s fine. River

was just leaving anyway.” She dared River to say otherwise, fixing him with a steely glare. “Right,

He smiled, and it wasn’t all that nice of a smile either. The look he gave Jeanette merely said, No

way in hell am I leaving you alone with this guy. It was clear he not only didn’t trust Mike, he was
also still reluctant to leave her side since the mugger had all her personal information.

Jeanette’s voice rose an octave. “Good Lord, I’ll be fine for a little while without you standing

guard. Besides, I’m not a complete imbecile. I can protect myself to some degree.”

River was firm on this issue. He would not make a mistake with her safety. However, he could

give a little bit, if it made her happy. “I’m not leaving you, sunshine. Might as well get used to it.”
Anger and indignation flared in her eyes and caused her cheeks to flush. Damn, she was sexy when
she was pissed. “But, if you need some privacy, then I can go in the other room. I need to make some
phone calls anyway.”

He could tell she wanted to argue with him, but in the end she simply nodded. River leaned down

and gently touched his lips to her forehead before heading into the kitchen. But not before he gave
Mike one last look of warning.

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Chapter Four

In the kitchen, River paced. He wanted to make love to Jeanette, but he was powerless against his

own animalistic needs. All that would matter once he was deep inside her body would be the thought
of having her total submission. He knew himself well enough to know he would want to claim her
fully. And keep her.

He moved to the window and stared out at the noonday sun. Summer was in full swing. Kids

played outside; people mowed their lawns. And out there somewhere was a mugger with all of
Jeanette’s personal information. Her home address. Her phone number. How the hell was he
supposed to keep her safe when she refused to let him? Contrary woman.

The soft touch of her lips against his filtered into his thoughts, drowning out all else. Did he dare

take their relationship to the next level? Jeanette had made it very clear she wanted nothing more. He
couldn’t be so selfish as to drag her obvious feelings for him through the mud, yet he was practical
enough to know he possessed only so much restraint.

Soon, he would give in to that tempting lavender scent of hers and make her his completely. He

wasn’t fool enough to believe he could hold back forever. He knew himself better than that. And for
some inexplicable reason, he wanted her more than he’d ever wanted any woman. Hell, he hadn’t
dated a single woman since Jeanette had walked in on him with Holly. The destroyed look on her face
had sent him into a panic. He’d come close to losing her completely that night; he could feel it in his
bones. Besides, Holly hadn’t satisfied him the way he’d hoped. He wanted only one woman—a sweet
little brunette with a sarcastic mouth and too much spirit for her own good.

His cell phone chirped, interrupting his thoughts of making love to Jeanette. He pulled it out of his

jeans’ front pocket and read the text on the screen.

“This is so not the time, brother,” River muttered to himself. Still, River knew he would go to

Reilly’s aid, because Reilly would do the same for him in a heartbeat. Besides, he never could resist
a chance to hold the little squirts. He sent a quick reply back. He thought of Jeanette in the other room
and wondered if she’d be willing to accompany him. No doubt until the mugger was behind bars,
River wouldn’t be able to rest easy.

He started back into the living room, and as he reached the doorway, River heard Jeanette’s and

Mike’s muffled voices. He stopped and listened. Not that he was eavesdropping or anything. Of
course not.

“I think I’m in love with her, Nett,” Mike said.
“Then I don’t see the problem. Propose to her. Otherwise, you may live to regret it.”
“I know, but it’s a big step. You know me. I’m not the marrying type. I like my freedom.”
Yes, definitely get married. And stop flirting with Jeanette.
Jeanette laughed. “Don’t I know it. It’s half the reason you and I never dated.”
River stiffened. Had she been attracted to Mike?
There was a slight lull in the conversation as if they were both thinking things over before Jeanette

said, “I understand how hard it is to settle down with one person. To realize that you’ll be with them
until death do you part. But the right person can make it worthwhile, ya know?”

Mike’s voice was gentle and understanding when he said, “You of all people know how hard love

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can be, though. What if this turns out to be an epic fail?”

“I suppose love truly is a leap of faith. But it’s more than that.” Jeanette sounded troubled.
“How so?”
“It’s like when you find that special person, the one who has the ability to make you lose all track

of time. He makes you forget to eat. Gets you all itchy and anxious until you can’t even sleep at night.”
Jeanette’s voice was somewhat soft and far away. “You try to fight it, but the truth is that in the end
you can’t. You never had a chance. Because when destiny sets you on a course, about all you can do
is go with it.”

Silence again, and then, “Sounds like the voice of experience talking.”
She snorted. “Oh, listen to me, getting all philosophical.”
Mike chuckled. “I’ve seen you in action, Nett. I know better than to dismiss your words as

philosophical drivel.”

“Well, anyway, what do you think you’re going to do about this girl?”
“I think I’d better take your advice and get on my knees, then hope she doesn’t kick me while I’m

down there.”

There was some rustling around, then Jeanette’s voice, tender and caring when she said, “You’re a

wonderful, honest and loving man. In fact you’re irresistible. She’ll be lucky to have you.” Her tone
turned teasing. “But then it does help that you’re good-looking and rich. And I’d have to say she must
be awfully special to catch your undivided attention.”

River had to grit his teeth against the need to storm into the room and land a solid punch in the

guy’s face. He didn’t like that she’d looked at Mike that way. And Mike’s flirtatious tone made his
damn molars grind together.

“Yeah? If I’m so irresistible, how come you never succumbed?”
“Mike.” He liked that Jeanette sounded affronted. Even if she was only playing.
“Oh yes, I remember now. You were saving yourself for Mister Right.”
Mister Right?
Jeanette seemed shy now. “Well, is that so crazy?”
“Of course not. Rare, but not crazy.” There was a pause; then Mike asked, “So, is Jennings Mister


River held his breath, more hopeful than he cared admit that her answer would be yes.
“It’s somewhat complicated.”
Well, didn’t that just suck? That wasn’t at all what River wanted to hear.
“Ah, I see. Well, if he hurts you, he will have to answer to me.” Jeanette started to speak, but Mike

interrupted. “Hey, I care about you. You don’t deserve to be treated as if you’re just extra baggage.”

“That’s not the way it is. Really.”
“Yeah, well, I need to go, but I’ll keep in touch, okay?”
“I wish you didn’t have to leave so soon.”
“You have my number. Call if you need anything. And I do mean anything, Nett.”
“Thanks, Mike, but I’ll be fine, and I’ll send lots of good energy your way.”
“Thanks. I’m going to need it.”
As the conversation came to a close, River decided to come out of hiding.
Just as he came into view, Mike bent down and, right in front of River, brushed Jeanette’s cheek

with his lips. River balled his fists at his sides and reminded himself that Mike was a friend. Nothing

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more. After Mike was gone, River went back into the living room and said, “I need to go to Reilly’s.”

Her smile faded. “You’re leaving?”
She sounded all soft and fluttery again, and River felt himself drifting closer to listen. She had the

type of voice that made a man want to tune out everything else just so he could hear her talk. He could
do that with Jeanette for hours and never get bored. He wondered what she’d sound like in the heat of
passion, if her voice got all throaty and low, or if she would scream out her climax, letting all her
inhibitions go free. ’Course, it didn’t really matter to him how she sounded, just that he get to be the
man who made her climax.

Did she play with herself, River wondered? Damn, that thought brought on an image that made his

cock flare to life. In an instant, he was ready for action.

He could do many things without actually making love to her. In fact, foreplay could be damned

satisfying. River knew he would be immensely satisfied bringing her pleasure, say, with his mouth. Or
with his fingers. Or with both at the same time. Oh yeah, he liked that thought a lot.

He would have to take it slow; she was so shy and tense. He didn’t want to scare her. He wanted

Jeanette’s first time with him to be perfect. So perfect she’d want more. And he needed to be careful
not to get too carried away. He thought that maybe if he kept his clothes on, he could stay in control.
He hoped he wasn’t fooling himself with that idea.

It was a measure of how crazy with lust he was over her that he would even consider going only

halfway with a woman. Never in his wildest imaginings had he thought to push his own needs aside
just so he could satisfy a woman. But Jeanette was worth all the discomfort in the world. He’d walk
through the very bowels of hell if it meant seeing little Miss Innocent all sleep tousled and exposed.

River was so lost in his newest plans that he hadn’t heard what she’d said. Now all he could think

about was finding the nearest flat surface and having his way with her.

“Uh, what?”
“I was asking you why we needed to go to Reilly’s.”
River shook his head, trying to disperse the images that kept building up. Jeanette spread out, open

and smiling. Jeanette on all fours. Jeanette on her knees. And in every damn one, she was gloriously
in the buff.

He frowned, not at all happy that he had to put his love life on the back burner. “He needs help

with the twins. Want to come with me?”

“Oh! I’d never miss a chance to play with Cameron and Chet.”
“I was hoping you’d say that.” River moved to turn off the kitchen light.
Jeanette squinted at him. “Is this just a ploy to keep an eye on me?”
He winked. “Nope, but that’s a bonus.”
She looked down at herself and asked, “Should I change?”
“Not on my account,” he replied, his voice gruff as he stared at the juncture between her thighs.

Damn, the shorts fit her like a glove.

Her head snapped up. “Um, okay.” She moved to put on a pair of sandals. “Ready?”
More than you know. “Yep.” As she started to unlock the front door so they could leave, River

noticed a smudge on her wrist. He lifted it. A bruise. “Did the mugger do this?” When she nodded,
River stiffened. “That bastard,” he grumbled as he leaned down and kissed it.

She cleared her throat and snatched her arm back. “It’s not that bad,” she assured him. “I bruise

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easily. You know that.”

“Are you sure you’re up to babysitting?” He stroked his hand down the length of her hair. “How’s

your head?”

“Actually, it’s much better. The meds must be kicking in.”
“Good.” River followed her out the door and waited while she locked it back again. “So, your

friend, is he studying law too?”

“No, he’s majoring in accounting. We had a few classes together our freshmen year. We’ve been

friends ever since.”

River still wasn’t comfortable with Jeanette being friendly with other men. But he couldn’t very

well tell her who she could talk to and who she couldn’t. That was a little too archaic, even for him.
“He’s special to you.”

Jeanette walked to the other side of the street, where there was a small parking lot. “Yes, he is.

We’ve seen each other through a lot.”

River was momentarily sidetracked from their conversation by the sway of her hips. He liked

walking behind her. That way he got to watch her heart-shaped ass bounce back and forth, and it also
allowed him to put himself between her and any other male who might try to get a similar thrill.

Her dark hair hung down around her shoulders in soft waves. He’d noticed she’d been wearing it

like that more and more lately. And she’d traded her baggy sweats for skirts. The new feminine look
suited her, although he’d liked her tomboyish ways as well. She was hot no matter what she wore.

River realized that yet again he’d lost the thread of their conversation, but Jeanette reminded him

when she said, “Mike is pretty easy-going, doesn’t take life too seriously. Some consider him for a
real pushover, but he’s had a hard life and knows how to take care of himself. He’s no easy mark.”
She paused and looked over her shoulder at him, her face creased in worry. “You really should be
more careful around him. He’s not one to toy with.”

That had his male pride going for a nosedive. Did she think he was a total wimp? He reached out

and tugged playfully on her hair. “I’m not exactly without my own bag of tricks, woman.”

Jeanette was instantly contrite. “Well, of course I know that, dork. It’s just that Mike can be oddly

protective where I’m concerned.”

When they reached her car, River came to an abrupt halt. “You don’t really expect me to get in that,

do you?”

“Are you seriously going to insult my car? You always insult my car.” Jeanette’s hands went to her

hips and her brows creased.

His lips kicked up to one side. “I didn’t mean to knock it, sunshine.” She squinted suspiciously at

him. “I’m sure it gets great gas mileage,” he continued, hoping to appease her. “For a toy car, it’s
actually very cute.” She tried to swat his arm, but he dodged her. “I’m just saying that we may have a
slight problem with my size.”

Jeanette looked at it again, then at him and started laughing. “Yeah, I see what you mean.”
She drove an old VW bug. He would never be able to comfortably get his bulky frame inside

without maybe detaching a few limbs. And he was rather fond of his limbs just where they were.

“How about we take my SUV.” He nudged her toward his black four-wheel drive. “After we’re

done, we can stop at the Blackwater and grab a bite to eat.”

“Good plan,” she replied, grinning up at him before walking ahead to his Chevy Blazer.
River couldn’t move. Couldn’t breathe. Damn, she lit his world on fire when she smiled like that.

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He wanted to see that smile for decades to come. He’d missed it these last few months. If he had his
way, he’d never have to go another day without it again.

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Chapter Five

“So, uh, River kissed me yesterday,” Jeanette said as she perused a rack of evening dresses.
Fashion Wear, the store Lucy had taken her to, had a gorgeous collection of party dresses and

eveningwear. Jeanette stared at a display of skirts, but all she saw was River and the heat in his gaze
as he stared down at her after the kiss. Her body temperature spiked all over again. “I don’t get it,”
she admitted. “It wasn’t so long ago that he was dead set on keeping our relationship out of the
bedroom. Then he kisses me like I’m the most scrumptious dessert he’s ever tasted. That man is
beyond annoying.”

“Seriously?” Lucy grinned. “I can’t believe he kissed you.”
“See?” Jeanette threw her hands in the air. “You’re as baffled as I am.”
After they’d helped babysit the twins, River had stayed true to his word and taken her to the

Blackwater Bar and Grill for dinner. It’d been the first time Jeanette felt they were out as more than
friends. And he’d repeatedly found reasons to touch her, even stroking her hair and asking if she felt
okay. It’d been so close to a date that Jeanette hadn’t wanted the night to end.

Now it was Saturday afternoon and Jeanette was stuck shopping for clothes. Not her favorite

pastime, for sure. She groaned for the umpteenth time as she stared at the pile of clothes Lucy had for
her to try on. The woman had a full day planned. Jeanette wasn’t sure she’d survive it. “Don’t be such
a sissy. They’re just clothes.”

Jeanette cursed under her breath and grabbed the pile of colorful material. “We’ve been at it for

two hours solid. My feet hurt.”

Lucy rolled her eyes and pointed toward the dressing room. “Wow, you are such a whiner.”
“Yeah, yeah,” she groused. “This just better be worth it.” A few minutes later, Jeanette looked in

the mirror of the large dressing room. She barely recognized the woman staring back at her. Amazing
the difference a few scraps of material could make.

She shored up her nerve and swung open the curtain. “Well, am I a fashion don’t?”
Lucy’s wide-eyed star made Jeanette intensely uncomfortable. “Dang, you look absolutely

gorgeous. I really had no idea.”

Jeanette slumped. “Gee, thanks, pal.”
Lucy shook her head and beamed a smile at her. “That came out all wrong. I just meant that the skirt

looks fabulous on you. River is going to swallow his tongue when he sees you, I can promise you

Jeanette shook her head in denial of that statement before looking down at the white skirt. She

tugged at the hem, willing it to grow another inch. She’d never felt comfortable with her thighs
showing. Not even in the dead of summer. It made her feel vulnerable and gangly. She turned and
looked into the mirror, studying herself from every possible angle. The white skirt was clingy and
short, and the pale blue silk blouse with its V-neck and short sleeves was a nice touch. She looked
delicate and feminine, which was the plan. The notion was foreign to her. From the time she was big
enough to walk, Jeanette had been a jeans-and-T-shirt sort of girl. But River liked feminine women,
right? Holly had sure been feminine. And stacked. Jeanette looked down at her chest. She so wasn’t

She groaned. “I’m not cut out to be a sexy siren.”

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Lucy tsked. “Of course you are. You just need to open the gate and set her free.”
Jeanette’s spirits began to lift. Yes, she could do this. River would sit up and take notice. Beg,

even. No more platonic-friendship crap. “You’re right.” She smoothed the skirt down. “I’m buying
this one.”

“Atta girl. Now let’s see what else we can find in this joint that’ll make River drool.”
Jeanette rolled her eyes. “I’d settle for more kisses like the one he gave me yesterday.”
“River is going to get a taste of what he’s been missing all these years,” Lucy promised. “Trust


“I like the way you think,” Jeanette said, getting excited for the first time all day.
By the time they were finished, Jeanette had three new outfits and an overstuffed credit card. But it

would be worth every penny if it meant River would stop treating her like his kid sister.

River looked at the time on his cell phone. Christ, he’d been away from Jeanette for only one day

and he couldn’t stop thinking about her. What was wrong with him? They’d had a great time watching
the boys with Reilly. Seeing her with the babies had warmed River. She was a natural with kids.
Even when Cameron had spit up on her, she’d laughed it off and called it a badge of honor. She’d
make a terrific mother.

Afterward, they’d had dinner together. River had found it difficult to keep his hands to himself.

Dropping her off at her apartment and driving home alone had been tougher than he ever could have
anticipated. He’d ached to stay the night, to tuck her in and make sure she was safe. To wake her
before the sun came up and make slow, sweet love to her. Instead, he’d let her go. Because it was the
right thing to do. Why was he so miserable then? And she was probably laughing it up with Lucy right
now. Was she thinking about him? Aching for him? He took out his cell phone and checked his
messages for the tenth time. She’d said she would text him when she was finished shopping. He’d
used the excuse that he’d worry if he didn’t hear from her. Not entirely untrue, but he’d also simply
wanted to hear from her.

“Earth to River,” his mom said as she took his plate and brought it to the sink.
“Sorry, I’m a little preoccupied today.” She’d called him early to ask if he’d wanted to come to the

house and have lunch. She’d made his favorite, fettuccini with Alfredo sauce. His mom’s Alfredo was
the best around. He suspected she was plying him with food to soften him so he would talk about
Jeanette. She was forever playing the matchmaker, and she’d been after him for years to take Jeanette
out on a date and move their relationship past friendship. Up until now, River had managed to stand
firm. Now, he was beginning to think he’d wasted a hell of a lot of time.

“Do you love her?”
Right to the point, that was Wanda Jennings. River smiled. “Whoa, let’s not get carried away.”
A soft smile passed over her face. “She loves you. I know it.”
He held up a hand. “I see those wheels of yours turning, but don’t get your hopes up. I’m barely

back on her good side right now.”

His mom took a drink of her ice water. “You’ve put her through a lot, you know,” she chastised. “I

think maybe you were her first and last crush.” She paused before asking, “Are you afraid you’ll let
her down? Not be the man she imagines you to be?”

“I don’t know. Maybe.” Uncomfortable with the conversation, River stood and began pacing.

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“You’re a good man, son. I’m very proud of you. But you have to stop living in the past or you risk

losing the future.” When River’s gaze met hers, he knew she spoke the truth, but he couldn’t bring
himself to speak past the rock lodged in his throat.

She stood and came to him, placing a comforting hand against his cheek. “And River, you will have

to be extra patient with her. She’s always looked at you with total adoration, but if you push her away
too many times, she’s liable to take the hint and go. For good.”

His mom was right, as always. “I love you.”
Her eyes filled with tears. “I love you too, sweetheart. And I want you to be happy. That’s all. Just

happy. You deserve it.”

River took her hand in his and stroked his thumb over the back of it. How many times had those

hands comforted him in the middle of the night after he’d woken screaming? How many times had she
stayed until the wee hours of the morning so he wouldn’t be alone with his demons in the dark? His
dad had been the same way. Always there, always a pillar of strength. “Can I ask you something?”

“Was Dad proud of me?” His voice came out gruffer than he’d meant it to.
To his utter horror, his mom’s lower lip quivered, and she started to cry. Don’t panic , he told

himself. You can handle this. Thankfully, he didn’t think words were needed. Instead, he took her into
his arms and held her tight as she cried. The tears soaked his T-shirt, and he wished like hell he’d
never opened his big mouth.

Once she appeared to be winding down, he leaned back and saw her smiling up at him. “Do you

remember the time you got in that fight at school? Grady Mason, I think was the boy’s name.”

River frowned as the memory surfaced. “He’d been picking on Reilly, if I remember right. Why?”
“I was so worried for you. You seemed so filled with anger in those days. You rarely smiled. But

your dad always had faith in you. He was so proud of you that day.”

His eyes widened. “He grounded me for a month because of that fight.”
“But you were defending your brother,” she replied softly. “See, he knew you would always put

family first. He had nothing but unconditional love for his sons, and don’t you ever doubt it.”

His heart filled to bursting with emotion. “I loved him, but I don’t think I ever told him.” He looked

away as tears filled his eyes. “I-I’m sorry.”

“You might not have said it with words, but you showed it in other ways.” She patted his shoulder.

“He knew, River. He always knew.”

His hopes rose as her words penetrated the barrier of guilt around his heart. God, he was a lucky

bastard. He understood the gift his parents had given him with their total acceptance. And he would
always cherish it. “Thank you. I will not let you down,” he told her solemnly.

“Of course not.” She hugged him tight. “You’re a Jennings, after all.”
They wrapped up their conversation, and River was about to leave when his mom yanked one last

promise out of him. “Bring Jeanette to dinner next week,” she said. “I haven’t seen her in a while, and
I’d like to catch up.”

He cringed. River knew his mom. Dinner was only a way for her to get her hands on Jeanette. She

would attempt to play matchmaker for sure. It was what Wanda Jennings did best. Although, the idea
didn’t make him want to run in fear the way it once had. Clearly, he was getting soft.

An image of Jeanette’s shiny, dark hair and subtle curves came to mind. The pull of lust in his loins

was immediate. He kissed his mom good-bye, then left her to her baking. By the time he reached his

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SUV, his cell phone chimed, signaling a new text. The words on the screen had him grinning like an

Within minutes, River was back at Jeanette’s apartment building. At first, he only stood in the

shadowy part of the street, watching her window. She’d gotten under his skin. This need he had to
protect and be near her, it was new and left him feeling exposed. River shifted uncomfortably from
one foot to the other, still watching her window for some sign she was inside, safe. What was he
doing? She deserved better than him. A guy without all the baggage would be a good start.

As the seconds ticked by, he was suddenly struck with the odd sensation that he was the one being

watched. He whipped around as if expecting to see someone behind him, but only darkness greeted
him. He turned back around and just about jumped out of his skin when he came face-to-face with

“Christ, woman, you scared the crap out of me.”
She only crossed her arms and spoke in a slow, terse tone. “Why are you standing out here? Are

you spying on me?”

He rubbed his chin. “Why is it that I always feel as if I’m being chastised by my mother when I’m

around you?”

“You need chastising, Mr. Jennings.” When he began to explain that he’d merely missed her and

had wanted to see if she was feeling better, she interrupted him with an imperious hand in the air.

“You’re standing in the dark, staring at my apartment window. Some people would consider that

sort of thing creepy.”

“Don’t be so full of yourself, sunshine. I’m not stalking you.” He chuckled. “You texted me,


“I said you could come over,” she replied. “I don’t remember saying anything about creeping

around in the dark.”

He looked her up and down, purposely perusing her figure in a slow, calculated way. Today she

wore a pair of jeans. Tight jeans. He could see every supple curve of her hips and ass. “I’m not
creeping around in the dark. I was just thinking about some things. People do that, you know?”

Jeanette was beyond glad to see him, and that irked her. The velvety tone of his voice floated over

her like a caress, and that irked her even more. “Oh, is that so?”

He angled his head and came within an inch of her face and said, “Yeah, that’s so.”
She had the most insane urge to slap his smug grin, but she decided he needed a good dose of his

own medicine. So she changed tactics. All at once, she closed the distance between them, then wound
her arms around his neck. “So, your reasons were completely innocent?” His cool green eyes
darkened. Jeanette went up on her toes and planted a kiss on his mouth. She put everything she had
into it, touching with her tongue, nipping with her teeth. When she felt his arms slowly gliding around
her waist and pulling her in against the hard length of his body, Jeanette knew she had him. Trouble
was, he had her too.

Oh man, he tasted good. No woman could kiss a mouth like his and walk away with her mind in

one piece. But when she felt his hands skimming over the swell of her bottom, she knew she had to put
a stop to things before they got carried away.

Pulling back the slightest but still close enough to feel his heavy breathing against her wet, swollen

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lips, Jeanette murmured, “Innocent, right.”

She stepped out of his arms and hurried to go, but came up short when his arm wrapped around her

waist. “You don’t get off that easily, sunshine. You started something here tonight, and there will
come a day when you’ll finish it. Eagerly,” he growled.

His voice was gravelly, as if he were as turned on as she was. River might be annoyed with her,

but the deep timbre gave away how much she’d affected him with the kiss. She turned around,
agonizingly aware of his close proximity. “Yes, I did start something, but one of us has to. Might as
well be me.”

He loosened his hold but still managed to keep her from bolting. His mouth crooked up at the

corners. “You shouldn’t tease a man that way. It could lead to trouble.”

She reached up and gently removed his hand from her hair. “I can honestly say I don’t have a habit

of kissing and running.”

“I know beyond a doubt that you’ve probably only kissed a handful of men your whole life. Am I


His voice was gentle. He wasn’t making fun of her, but she felt like she’d been slapped all the

same. Had the kiss been that awful?

Her back went ramrod stiff. “That’s none of your business. And now I’m tired. You might as well

go home.” Again she turned to walk away, but she didn’t get more than a step before tripping over the
curb and tumbling forward. She lost her footing and twisted her ankle. She cried out, and suddenly
River’s strong arms were catching her. If he’d been any slower, she’d have landed on her ass. Lovely.

He caught her up and cradled her in his arms. “See what happens when you try to run from me?

Never a good idea.”

Jeanette buried her face in his shirt. “I feel ridiculous.” She squirmed. “Please, I can walk just


He kept his hold on her and crossed the sidewalk to her apartment. “Are you hurt?” River asked, as

he glanced down at her.

“Only my pride,” she muttered.
“Where’s your key?”
She slumped against him, too tired to do anything else. She fished around in her pants pocket and

came out with a ring of keys. She turned them over to him with her door key facing up.

River took them and unlocked the door, then flipped on the light. “Why don’t you have an alarm on

this place?”

That amused her. “An alarm? Why? There isn’t anything here to steal.”
“I was thinking of your safety, silly.” He looked around. “Jeez, this place is a wreck. Don’t you

ever clean?”

She rolled her eyes. “Must you always criticize my apartment?” River was a total neat freak, the

exact opposite of her. “You will never get used to my clutter, huh?”

He cocked his head at her. “Are you secretly a hoarder or something?”
“River,” she warned.

Her tone told him he was treading on dangerous ground, but he never had learned to censor himself.

However, he didn’t want her getting angry on top of being in pain, so he tried to smooth over his
words. “It’s not disapproval, just curiosity.”

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“Uh-huh,” she mumbled as he took her to the couch and sat her down.
River started to argue, but the phone rang. Jeanette grabbed it off the end table. “Hello?” River

watched a frown appear. “Who is this?” Whoever was on the line, it wasn’t a friend. Jeanette jerked
suddenly, as if someone had slapped her. “Ew,” she muttered before hitting the END button and
slamming the phone onto the table.

River knelt in front of her. “Who was it?”
She blinked several times and said, “The guy who stole my purse.”
“What the hell did he say to you?”
“He repeated my street address. Twice.”
“How do you know it was the guy who mugged you?”
“The voice.” She shuddered. “He has a really weird, screechy voice. I’d know it anywhere.”
“Damn it!” River shot to his feet. “When I get my hands on that son of a bitch, I’ll kill him.”
Jeanette stood. When she didn’t feel any pain in her ankle, she went to River and forced him to stop

pacing and look at her. “No, you will not touch the guy. We’re letting the police do their job.”

He glared at her. “Fine, but you’re coming with me.” His voice was as cold as ice. “You can’t stay

here alone. Not now.”

“It’s not really practical for me to live with you, River. We don’t have any idea how long it’ll take

to catch him.” Her nose shot up in the air in a show of defiance. “I’m capable of handling this on my

“He’s taunting you, Jeanette. What’s to say he won’t come here?” He shook his head, unwilling to

think of what all could happen if the freak got his hands on her. “No, it’s too risky.”

Fear crept into her big brown eyes. “Do you think he’s dangerous?”
“Who knows, but I’d rather you not find out the hard way.” She was starting to get anxious, and

River could feel her panic rising. He wanted her calm. Safe. He tamped down his new protective
instincts and focused on the task at hand.

He took hold of her shoulders and brought her close. “Please, for me,” he murmured. “I won’t

sleep knowing this guy is calling you, harassing you. It’ll only be temporary. And you’ve stayed with
me before, so what’s the problem?”

She bit her bottom lip and looked away. “I feel like a complete fool. A child in need of protection.

I’m tired of everyone treating me like I can’t stand on my own two feet.”

“No one thinks that, sunshine, least of all me. We simply care about you, that’s all. Is that so bad?”
She let out a deep sigh. “No, I suppose not.”
“So you’ll stay with me?”
She nodded. “But don’t think for a minute that you can keep me locked up. I have a life, River. I

can’t put it on hold.”

“No, of course not.” Just the thought of her in his apartment day and night sent his libido straight

into overdrive.

Within an hour, Jeanette had packed a bag and they were at his apartment. Sammy had called the

second River had walked in the door, asking him to come in to the restaurant. When River thought of
the family restaurant, an image of his father, Chet Jennings, standing behind the counter with his apron
tied around his waist and laughing with the customers sprang to mind. His dad had been a barrel-
chested man with a mustache and deep-set eyes that always saw everything. He’d worked himself to
the bone to keep the place running. After his death, the place had lost business and come close to

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bankruptcy. Too close. River and his four brothers had stepped in. They’d turned the old diner into a
successful bar and grill, because letting the restaurant go wasn’t an option. Not for any of them. It was
their legacy. It was a part of their family. They’d all been willing to fight tooth and nail to keep it.

Although, it had taken a ton of work to remodel. His brother Vance owned a construction company,

and he’d offered to do the work free of charge. One of his other brothers, Brodix, with his keen mind
and financial expertise had managed to bring in the maximum profit, keeping the restaurant safely in
the black. It was his oldest brother Sammy who took on the daily running of the place and oversaw the
rest of the operation.

Sammy had always been more of a father to River than a brother. For whatever reason, River had

always had a hard time talking back to Sammy. They all did. It wasn’t out of fear but rather respect.
Oh, he and Sammy had left bruises on each other plenty over the years. That was just what brothers
did. But before Wanda and Chet had come along and adopted the five of them, they’d all looked to
Sammy for guidance. Even though he’d only been a kid himself, Sammy had done what he could to
watch out for the rest of them. Sammy still carried around a truckload of guilt over the abuse River
had suffered at the hands of Larry Briggs. Didn’t matter that Sammy had just been a kid at the time too,
and placed in a different foster home as well. The situation hadn’t been something Sammy could
control. But Sammy still felt responsible. It was just the way he was made.

Now, Sammy needed his help and he wouldn’t leave him hanging. Apparently the walk-in freezer

was on the fritz, and there was melted food and spoiled meat to deal with. With Brodix out of town
with Sarah—she was off doing research for the newspaper she worked for—they were down one.
Still, knowing Jeanette was upset, River couldn’t leave. He could never handle it when she was angry
with him.

He took hold of her upper arm and pulled her along with him to the couch. The large, overstuffed

cushions practically swallowed her small frame. “Please, don’t worry. This guy will get caught, and
you’ll be back in your apartment in no time.” When her gaze wouldn’t meet his, River started to
wonder if there was something else bothering her. “What is it? You’ve been quiet ever since you got
that phone call.”

“It’s nothing,” she mumbled.
River wasn’t buying it. He crouched down low in front of her and looked her in the eyes. “This

place has everything you could ever need. For once, let me pamper you. I only want you out of harm’s
way.” When had her happiness become so important to him? “Sammy needs my help at the restaurant,
but I’ll only be gone a little while.”

“Wait, you’re leaving?” Her gaze shot to his. “But I thought we could have dinner together. Maybe

watch a movie or something. There’s an Abbot and Costello marathon this weekend.”

He flicked the tip of her nose with a finger. “That sounds pretty great. I won’t be gone long, I

swear.” His voice turned deep with desire. “I cannot say that it doesn’t give me a secret thrill to have
you here all to myself.” His groin tightened at the thought.

Her pretty brown eyes brightened. “Really?”
“Hell, yeah,” he groaned.
She smiled and shook her head. “You’re driving me crazy these days, River Jennings. Completely


He bobbed his eyebrows. “If you only knew what I wanted right now, you’d run for the hills.” She

was such a tempting little thing. His mind kept imagining her naked, lying contentedly across his bed,

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all sleepy from his loving.

River hated to do it, but he needed to go. They needed the extra help at the restaurant, and he

couldn’t leave his brothers in the lurch. When she leaned against the back of the couch and pulled her
legs up underneath her, River cursed under his breath. The tempting picture she presented nearly
drowned out all his good intentions. He would make it up to her later. He would make it up to both of
them later. He’d see to it.

“I really do have to go, sunshine,” he explained.
“You make me crazy,” she muttered as she glared at him.
River leaned down and touched her lips with his index finger. “So you tell me. All the time.” He

leaned in and had to hold back a chuckle when she stiffened and turned her face away, not allowing
him to kiss her on the lips. So stubborn. He kissed her cheek instead. “I’ll be back as soon as I can,”
he murmured. “I promise.”

She shrugged. “Don’t hurry on my account.”
He quirked a brow at her. “That mouth of yours is going to get you into trouble one of these days,”

he vowed as he strode from the room.

As River reached his car, he realized his phone was beeping, signaling a new text message. Christ,

his concentration was shot all to hell just thinking of Jeanette’s sweet body safely ensconced in his
apartment. There was something damned enticing about that knowledge.

He retrieved his cell from the front pocket of his jeans and checked the messages. Sammy, asking

about Jeanette. River smiled. Sammy would always look out for those he loved. He sent a quick text
back to let him know of the new developments before getting in behind the wheel and revving the
engine to life.

The sooner he took care of things at the restaurant, the sooner he could get back to Jeanette.

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Chapter Six

Jeanette didn’t know how she’d gotten herself into such a mess. Her whole life seemed to be a

series of near misses. She attracted chaos like sugar attracted ants. She took a deep breath and willed
her wildly beating heart to calm down. But how was she supposed to remain calm in the wake of all
that had happened? Any sane person would be going nuts right about now.

She sighed and got to her feet. Her stomach rumbled. She supposed if she was to be detained, she

might as well get something to eat.

Her spirits rose and her anxiety began to ebb at the tempting prospect of being near River 24-7. He

was by far the handsomest man she’d ever met, in a dangerous, outlaw sort of way. A little thrill of
anticipation ran up and down her spine at the thought of his return. Even now, thinking of the kiss he’d
given her made her imagine other, more intimate things. Curiosity had her wondering what he would
look like nude. Jeanette groaned as an image popped into her mind. Heat curled through her, and she
marveled at the peculiar sensation.

Her stomach rumbled again, and a wave of dizziness overtook her. Food. That’s what she needed.

Food and another pain pill. Then she’d wait for River to return. She intended to have a talk with him
about his high-handedness, and afterward she’d seduce his socks off. The thought made her heart leap.
She ignored it and kept her mind on her stomach. If she were to go up against River, she’d need to
keep up her strength.

Just as Jeanette polished off a bologna-and-cheese sandwich and some chips and washed it down

with her meds, the doorbell rang. It sounded again before she could reach it and pull the door wide.
An older, short, gray-haired woman with a floral print blouse and navy slacks stood on the other side.
Jeanette smiled.

“Wanda, hi.” She stepped out of the way to let River’s mom enter. “Come on in.”
“I’m sorry to barge in, but I baked a fresh batch of those chocolate cookies with the marshmallow

on top—the ones River is so fond of—and I wanted to bring them over before I forget. My mind isn’t
what it used to be.”

Jeanette smiled. “You’re as sharp as ever, and you know it.” She led her to the kitchen. “Want a

glass of tea?”

“Oh, that sounds lovely, dear. Thank you.”
She poured a glass of iced tea for each of them, then motioned to the table. “River had to go to the

restaurant, but he’ll be back soon, I’m sure.”

“I know, Sammy told me. The freezer quit, and we lost a bunch of meat.” She opened up the plastic

container and handed her a cookie.

Never one to turn down Wanda’s cooking, Jeanette took it and bit into it. “I’m sorry about the

meat.” She waved the treat in the air. “This is delicious, as always.”

Wanda shrugged. “It’ll be fine. That’s not really what I wanted to talk to you about anyway.”
“River told me about the mugging. How are you feeling?”
“I’m fine, really. Just a bit of a headache from landing on the pavement. Not my finest moment.”
“I hope they catch the guy. I also heard about the phone call you got earlier.”
Jeanette laughed. “The grapevine is in full swing, I see.”

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She winked. “I do have ways of getting information.”
Jeanette felt like Wanda was holding something back, but she couldn’t guess what. “Is there

anything else you wanted to discuss?”

“Well, yes.”
“You know you can ask me anything in the world.” Jeanette reached out and covered Wanda’s hand

with her own. “I hope you don’t mind, but I consider you a second mom.”

Wanda beamed. “I’m so glad to hear you say that. I’ve always thought of you as more of a daughter

too. Which is why I wanted to know what you plan to do with that bullheaded son of mine.”

Had Jeanette heard her right? “Pardon?”
She tsked. “He’s dragging his feet where you’re concerned.”
“You mean…you know how I feel about him?”
“Yes, I’ve known for a long time.” Her gaze softened. “And I couldn’t have chosen a better match

for him than you.”

“Uh, Wanda, we’re just friends,” she warned.
She cocked her head to the side. “Are you so sure?”
Jeanette ran a hand through her hair, unsure what to say. Heck, she wasn’t sure what was going on

herself, so how was she supposed to tell Wanda? “I mean, there have been some sparks flying back
and forth lately, but that’s all. Nothing’s happened between us.”

Wanda smiled at Jeanette and patted her hand. “I was young once too, dear. I know what it’s like to

want to be with the one you care about twenty-four hours a day. And when he seems so determined to
keep you at arm’s length, it gets truly exasperating.”

“Truly,” Jeanette grumbled. “I don’t know why I haven’t given up already. I’m a glutton for

punishment, I guess.”

Wanda sat up a little straighter. “No, he cares about you, as more than a friend. I think he’s just

trying to protect you.”

She threw her hands in the air, allowing her irritation free rein. “From what? I’m not some virginal

princess here. I don’t need protecting.”

“From himself, I’m afraid. But you’ll get him past that. I know it.” She nodded. “You’re good for

him. Always have been.”

Jeanette sighed. “You have a lot of faith in me. I just hope I don’t let you down.”
“Nonsense.” Wanda took a long drink of her tea, then said, “Now then, if there’s anything you need

from me, just holler.”

“Thank you,” Jeanette said, her chest filling with emotion. Wanda Jennings was a true gem, and

Jeanette was lucky to have the older woman in her corner.

For the past twenty minutes, River had been watching Jeanette sleep. She was all curled up into a

ball on the couch and snoring like a freight train, her hair tangled around her shoulders. She always
made a lot of noise when she was in a deep sleep—just one more adorable thing about her.

After they’d called the repairman and fixed the walk-in freezer, he and Reilly had taken an

inventory of all the food that had been lost. It’d taken longer than he’d wanted it to. The entire time,
he’d had thoughts of Jeanette in his home. He was pretty sure he’d broken more than a few speeding
laws getting back to his apartment.

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River went to the couch and sat next to her. He ached to kiss her. Staring at her resting so

beautifully, River hated to wake her, but there were unresolved issues between them. He brushed her
cheek with his lips before moving his hand through the heavy fall of her hair. He loved that she wore
it down these days. For so long she’d worn it in a ponytail, and he’d often wondered what it looked
like all brushed out. Right now it practically begged for his fingers to delve in and play.

First things first. “Wake up, little sunshine. We have things to talk about.”
Jeanette blinked sleepily awake. When she saw him, her face lit with a tempting smile. She

stretched her arms above her head and mumubled, “When did you get back?”

“A few minutes ago.”
She covered a yawn. “You should’ve woken me.”
“I just did.” This time when River leaned down, he kissed her lips. He couldn’t help himself. Ever

since he’d had a taste of her, she’d become irristible to him. “Wake up, sleepyhead.”

Jeanette gave an exagerated sigh. “Fine, if I must.”
“You know, Mike interrupted something the other day that I never did get to finish.”
She froze. “H-he did?”
When she moved to sit up, River stopped her with a hand to her shoulder. “Yep.”
In a heartbeat, River was there, drinking in her surrender with a kiss. His tongue dipped into her

mouth in a gentle demand. When had he become so helpless to her? So in need of her? His tongue
played tag with hers as her soft lips parted on a sigh. She drove him into high gear with each
whimper. He flattened his hand beside her head on the couch, holding her captive for his invasion.
Allowing no escape.

Jeanette wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him in for a much deeper taste. He groaned

his approval and sucked at her tongue, eager to gobble her up. Her legs opened, and River moved his
body on top of hers, settling himself into the cradle of his thighs.

He pulled back an inch, both of them gasping. He took hold of one of her hands and rubbed it over

the fly of his jeans, showing her how much she affected him. “Do you feel that?”

“Yes,” she breathed out as she cupped him in one small fist.
“You want it?” he asked, his voice rough with arousal. “You want me?”
“So much it hurts,” she answered. She sat up and brought him up against her body, rubbing her

breasts against his chest. River had to bite back a groan. “But I’d like to take it slow. Explore a

“Explore?” River’s throat was as dry as the Sahara. She was as needy as he was, and he loved the

hell out of it. Never had he thought anything could be so damn hot as Jeanette needy and anxious for
him to love her. If only he could give in to his body’s demands and pull her into his arms, then carry
her off to his bed. He wouldn’t bother with niceties. He’d damn well tear her clothes off and have his
wicked way with her.

“Would you let me…play, River?”
Ah, hell. He was pretty sure he knew what she meant by that, but he needed to be 100 percent sure

they were both on the same page.

“Play?” he asked as he cupped her waist and anchored her against him.
Her cheeks turned pink, and River nearly exploded out of his jeans at the pretty sight. “Yes,” she

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replied, her voice barely above a whisper. “I’d like to take a little time getting to know your body. If
that’s okay with you.”

Damn, but he liked that idea. A hell of a lot. His throat closed up, forcing him to nod his agreement.
A slow, sexy smile spread across her face. “I’m really curious what you look like naked. What

you’d feel like under my fingertips. Wondering about that keeps me up at night. Did you know that?”

River grabbed her shoulders and maneuvered their bodies so that he was lying on the couch and

she sat astride him. He moved his hands away and pressed his hard cock into the softness just below
her navel. Jeanette moaned, or it might have been him. Hell, he wasn’t really sure.

“What do you do when you think of me, sunshine?”

Jeanette loved the endearment. Sunshine. She’d noticed over the years that he only called her that,

no other woman. It made her feel special. But her shyness reared its ugly head as she thought of his
intimate question. What did she do when she thought of him? No way could she answer that. Way too
X-rated. She couldn’t tell him something so personal.

“Come on, tell me what you do,” River cajoled, as if unwilling to let her retreat into her shell. He

moved his hips lower so that he pushed and stroked the juncture between her legs. A cry of need
escaped her. River gave her little butterfly kisses along her lips and cheeks, until finally he was
barely touching her ear. “Do you touch yourself when you think of me? Do your hands caress and your
fingers stroke? Tell me, sunshine.”

River’s softly whispered questions were her undoing. “Sometimes.”
“Such a simple answer,” he mused. “I’m nearly insane with need here, and that one-word answer

brings the most erotic picture to my head. You have no idea the dangerous effect you have on me.”

“But you’ve never once acted the least bit interested.” She pouted. “Until now. Why?”
His hands coasted upward until they cupped each of her breasts through her shirt and bra. He

squeezed, and Jeanette’s concentration scattered. “I’ve been plenty interested. You have no idea how
many times I thought of you like this.”

“Why hold back, then? You knew I was willing. It makes no sense for both of us to suffer.”
“Because you can do better,” he growled. “So much better.”
“But I don’t want anyone else. Only you.”
“I know.” He flicked her nipples. “Now, tell me what you do when you think of me, sunshine.”
She shook her head. No way could she explain without dying of embarrassment.
But River was relentless. He moved his hands and took hold of the hem of her shirt. An inch at a

time, he lifted the material, first exposing her belly, then her bra. After he tossed her shirt to the floor,
he made quick work of her bra. Once he had her breasts resting in his warm palms, plying her nipples
into tight peaks, Jeanette knew it was too much. So many new sensations. No one had ever touched
her like this, made her feel like this. This was River, the man she’d given her heart to years ago.

His hands kneaded and pulled. “Do you squeeze these pretty nipples? I bet you they’re sensitive as

hell, huh?”

She nodded. “Yes, but it never felt like this. Never.”
“Do you like the way my hands feel on you?”
She arched into him, unable to stay still with him teasing her into a frenzy. “Oh God, yes, River.”
“Mm, I like the way you feel. You have beautiful tits. Round and soft with small pink nipples that I

could feast on. You fill my hands as if you were made for me alone.” River continued his pleasurable

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torture for another minute; then he slid his hands down her sides.

“River,” she pleaded.
“Shh. You liked that, didn’t you?” She bobbed her head, incapable of speech. “Then I promise

you’ll love this too.”

River moved his hands lower until he cupped her ass in one hand and her mound in the other. He

held her like that, and even through the cotton of her jeans and the silk of her panties, she could feel
the warmth of him. Her pussy grew damp with desire.

“Jesus,” he growled. “I feel like I’ve waited for this moment for an eternity.”
“Me too,” she said as she flatted her palms on his chest, loving the feel of his muscular pecs

beneath her fingers. She’d seen him shirtless, and he was totally drool worthy. This time she’d get to
touch, not just look.

“Do you tickle your clit too? Do you pinch and flick it?” River asked. His nostrils flared as he

stared at her neck so exposed to him. He lifted up and laved her ivory skin with his tongue. “God, I
love how you taste. Like sweet cream.”

“Yes, I use one finger to…to touch my clit before I slide another inside a little ways.”
Oh Jesus, the picture of her doing that to herself sprang to River’s mind, and he lost it. He wanted

some of that—her juice on his tongue, his dick snug and so damn deep in her pussy that he couldn’t
see straight for the pleasure of it. It’d be pure heaven.

“Take these off,” he murmured. River patted the front of her jeans. “I need to touch you.”
Jeanette nodded and stood up. He watched as she stripped out of her jeans, and he got his first

glimpse of her panties. A soft shade of pink satin. He leaned up and kissed her pussy right through the
material. “That’s fucking sexy as hell,” he said, enjoying the look of her. When she shimmied out of
her panties and he got the full view, he could barely breathe. “At last, I have my answer to at least one
of my burning questions.”

“What do you mean?”
“This,” he explained as he cupped her mound. “This flawlessly shaved pussy. So smooth and

delicate. And I have an unrestricted view of your slit and clitoris.” He hummed his approval. “Now,
that is without a doubt the most delicious sight I’ve ever seen.”

River looked up the curvy length of her body until his gaze rested on her face. Her eyes were

squeezed shut as if she were too nervous to look at him. Too afraid of what he was about to do?

“Look at me,” he softly demanded. “Don’t close me out.” Jeanette’s eyes opened slowly, and River

felt triumphant when her chocolate-brown gaze landed on him. “That’s better.” He touched the smooth
skin of her pussy with a calloused fingertip. A rumble of need emanated from deep in his throat. “You
have nothing to be embarrassed about. You’re beautiful.”

“Thank you.” Jeanette couldn’t believe what was happening. Couldn’t believe what she was letting

happen. She tried to breathe through the haze of sensuality River had so effectively woven around
them, but she wasn’t doing such a great job of it.

River’s smile turned wicked. “Soon, I want to hear you moan my name.” He bent his head forward

and kissed her pussy. “Look at you. All spicy and hot and slick with need. You’re going to taste

At the first teasing touch of his tongue, Jeanette’s legs quivered as if they could barely hold her

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upright. River seemed to know, as he wrapped his sinewy arms around her thighs to hold her steady
while he plundered and explored.

Jeanette couldn’t believe she was finally here. With River. It was an erotic dream come true to

have him licking and kissing that secret part of her. And, God, he was talented. When he took her
small nub into his mouth and sucked, she lost control. Jeanette moaned out her pleasure as a series of
electric shocks skittered up and down her body, building over and over, until she was all but begging.

River kept up the pleasurable assault, not satisfied with half measures. When he used his fingers,

dipping a single finger inside her opening and finger-fucking her, Jeanette’s knees threatened to

He lifted his head long enough to say, “Hold on to me.”
She rested her hands on his shoulders and let him have his way. He edged a second finger inside

her, then wiggled them both back and forth. The dual sensation of his mouth sucking at her clitoris and
his fingers stroking the sensitive nerve endings just inside her cleft tore a scream from her.

“River,” she cried. Suddenly, she was soaring, flying over that delicious edge of desire and into

the unknown.

“Yeah, that’s beautiful as hell.” River’s words of approval sent butterflies to flight inside her


His arms wrapped tight around her upper thighs. Jeanette began to come back down to earth when

she felt River’s mouth against the inside of her thigh. She glanced down, curious about what he was
doing, startled to see him staring up at her.

“Mind if I put my mark on you?”
Jeanette bit her lip. “A hickey, you mean?”
She grinned. “Not as long as I can do the same.”
“I look forward to it, sunshine,” he said, his voice low and unsteady.
Jeanette touched a finger to his cheek, unable to drag her gaze away as he cocked his head to side

and fastened his mouth to the inside of her thigh. He suckled her, and a low growl escaped his throat.
Her pussy throbbed, becoming aroused all over again. She spread her thighs wider to give him better
access, and River rumbled his approval. By the time he pulled away, there was a red spot and her
flesh tingled where he’d kissed her.

“That’s better.”

River felt like shouting out his victory. At long last, he had her taste on his tongue. The tang of her

climax tantalizingly mixed with the sweet flavor of her. He had waited so long to have her this way.
He wanted, needed, to make love to her. He wanted to feel her wrapped around him, snug and deep.

He wanted her. Now. In fifty different ways.
River gentled his hold on Jeanette’s legs, then tugged her closer until she tumbled on top of him.

Her pretty curves blanketed him, and River’s cock hardened further. “Ah, now that’s even better,” he

“My turn,” she whispered, “but you’re way overdressed.”
River let arms slide slowly away from her body. Her unhappy little whimper lit him on fire. He

stood and yanked his T-shirt over his head before starting on his shoes and jeans. When he was naked,
Jeanette stood back. Her gaze traveled the length of him, but when she stopped and stared at his cock,

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River had to hide a grin. “Like what you see?”

“I always knew you’d make me drool if I ever got a good look at you.” She licked her lips. “I

wasn’t wrong.”

River reached out with both hands and palmed her breasts. “Lie down, sunshine.”
She started to, then stopped at the last second. When she slowly melted to her hands and knees,

River’s pulse went a little haywire. With her head back, Jeanette stared up at him, waiting.

“Fuck, you’re pretty.” He took hold of his cock in a tight fist and pumped it once, twice, then

demanded, “Suck it.”

Jeanette crawled toward him, her chin tilting upward when she looked from his face to his groin.

Mouth wide, she took him in and clamped her lips around the head so tight River nearly came.

He wrapped the length of her hair around his fist so there was no slack, no way for her to retreat.

Then, with his other hand, he took hold of her chin and guided her head farther onto his throbbing
cock, showing her how he liked it. But she had only half his length, and he wanted more.

“Come on, sweets,” he murmured, “suck that dick for me. I want to feel the back of your throat.”
She frowned and tried to take more, but gagged. She pulled back and stared at his cock as if trying

to figure out a way to do what he wanted. To please him.

River drew his hand from her hair and stroked her throat. “You’re tensing up. Are you nervous?”
“I want to do this right,” she explained, frowning up at him. “I want to make you feel good.”
“Mm, that’s sweet,” he said in a voice gone hoarse. “But just looking at you is making me feel half-

crazed with lust here.”

She nodded and licked her lips. River cupped the back of her head and nudged her forward. She

swept her tongue over the engorged tip and hummed eagerly before sucking him in deep. She angled
her head, and a few more inches disappeared inside her mouth. Soon, he was balls-deep. River’s
entire body shuddered. Her head bobbed back and forth, her tongue circling the head of his cock. Her
eyes drifted closed, face flushed.

“Jesus.” River groaned. “Such a pretty little mouth.”
She moaned and brought him all the way out before sucking him in again. The slurping sounds she

made had his sac drawing up tight. Her tits bounced as she fucked him with her mouth.

“Son of a bitch, you’re a hungry little thing. Do you want a mouthful, Jeanette? You have to tell me

now.” Soon the choice would be taken away from her, because he was fast losing control.

Her only response was a delicious humming sound as she continued her sweet torture. River flung

his head back and closed his eyes, savoring every second of having Jeanette’s mouth on him, taking
him straight to paradise.

He was so close to coming. When her tongue probed the slit at the end of his penis, River stiffened.
“Jeanette,” he warned.
She shook her head. Two more strokes of her tongue and he erupted, pouring his hot come all over

her tongue and down her throat.

Jeanette waited as if needing every last drop before she slid his dick free of her lips. “Yummy,”

she said, a shy smile on her face.

He chuckled and helped her to her feet. “As it turns out, there’s plenty more where that came from.”
Jeanette laughed and swiped a hand over her mouth. River bent low and wrapped one arm behind

her knees and the other behind her back. He lifted her into his arms and carried her out of the room.
“Bath time. Then we’re going to play some more.” He winked down at her. “You up for it?”

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She cuddled close and tossed her arms around his neck. “Oh, yes,” she replied. “Very much so.”
His heart sped up, and something in the pit of his stomach expanded. Ah hell, he could seriously get

used to this. How the hell was he supposed to let her go now?

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Chapter Seven

After their bath, River had dressed her in a pair of his sweats and a T-shirt, then blindfolded her.

He’d told her he wanted to take her somewhere special. She’d agreed so fast, without even
questioning him, River knew it was a measure of how much she trusted him. It bothered him, because
he sure as hell wouldn’t trust him. He ought to be whipped for even touching her. His resolve to keep
her out of his murky world had gone right down the drain. But damn if he cared.

She made him happy. River had forgotten how to laugh until Jeanette. She had changed him, brought

him back a piece of the man he’d thought lost. And now he wanted to be surrounded by the beauty of
the night while he made love to her. He ached to show her joy.

Little by little, River loosened his grip on Jeanette’s waist. He looked down at her and knew a kind

of peace only her presence could give him. “Open your eyes, sunshine,” he murmured in a voice filled
with emotion.

As her lashes fluttered open and her gaze landed on their lush surroundings, River saw her eyes

widen in surprise. “Oh, this place is beautiful, River.”

“You deserve beauty,” he replied as the spicy scent of their mingling desire filled the air. Need

roared through River’s veins. He bent over her and touched his tongue to her neck. Heat and
excitement mixed with the sweet taste of her ivory skin. Jeanette moaned when his teeth nibbled the
slightest bit. River’s hands burrowed into her hair, his solid bulk dwarfing her. God, how had he
become so impatient for her?

River lifted away and turned her in his arms until her bottom cradled his hard cock. He wrapped

his arms around her, pulling her in tighter. “Look at the night. Can you see its beauty?”

“I love it here. Do you own all this?”
“Yeah, I bought it a few years ago. I’d like to hire Vance’s construction business to build a house

on it someday.” The clearing in the woods was on a small parcel of land that was a twenty-minute
drive from his apartment. No one in his family knew about it. It’d become a sort of haven for River.

They were surrounded by flourishing trees, enclosing them so that it felt like they were in their own

private paradise. An owl off in the distance hooted, and a coyote howled. The scent of wildflowers
perfumed the air. It was a heady combination.

“This is the most beautiful place I’ve ever seen.” She looked up at him, her eyes shining with love.

“Thank you for bringing me here.”

Pride shot through him at hearing her praise his land. “I want to make love to you here, Jeanette. I

want to be deep inside you as the darkness surrounds us.”

Jeanette’s stomach fluttered as his words mirrored her thoughts. She didn’t recognize her own

husky voice. “God, yes, River, please make love to me.” No more words were necessary.

Jeanette turned back around and rose up on her toes, touching her lips against the warmth of his

mouth. Heaven. It had to be heaven; nothing else could feel so good, so right. She let herself flow with
the desire that coursed through her body. Nibbling and licking at him, playing the way she’d wanted to
for so long. Taking her time to build his excitement before allowing him entrance to her mouth.

His probing tongue arrogantly pushed its way into the soft opening and took her on a ride. Her

breasts tingled and ached. She felt her nipples harden in anticipation of his ministrations. But River

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seemed content to linger on her mouth, taking his time to explore. She pushed against him shamelessly,
telling him of her readiness. He only held her tight. She wanted more. Everything. Now.

Deciding to move him along a little faster, she let one of her hands drift down his back, caressing

the muscled firmness of his buttocks, and heard a rumble of warning. Feminine satisfaction welled up.
Lazily, Jeanette moved her hand over his hip until she cupped his hard cock in her hand. Grasping him
through his pants, she squeezed and pumped, slowly massaging his length. River broke the kiss on a
curse and slung her up in his arms, carrying her to where the ground was softly covered in clover. He
laid her down and stood over her while he stripped out of his clothes. She watched him unabashedly
bare himself for her, and one thought kept skittering through her mind. This man—this flawlessly
constructed man—was hers. All hers. At least for now. And Jeanette intended to take full advantage.

“Why can’t I seem to muster any self-control around you these days?”
Jeanette rose to a sitting position and smiled at him temptingly. “Do you know that your voice gets

deeper and thicker when you’re excited? It’s so sexy.”

Not waiting for an answer, she let her hands go to the hem of her T-shirt, and her fingers slowly

revealed the smooth expanse of her belly before baring her breasts. In the bright light of the full moon,
Jeanette watched River’s eyes darken. She slipped the soft material over her head and tossed it to the
forest floor. “Self-control is overrated, trust me.” And while his gaze roamed over her bared torso,
Jeanette removed her sweats. She smiled when the material bunched around her knees, exposing her
sex to him completely.

He reached down and tugged her sweats the rest of the way off, then tossed them to the side. “I

should forbid you to wear clothes whenever I’m around.”

“Barbarian.” Jeanette went to her knees and crooked her finger. “Come closer to me.”
Without a single bit of hesitation, River stepped forward. The movement put her mouth in direct

line with his jutting cock. She reached a finger out and touched the tip of him, enthralled when a pearl
of moisture emerged. Jeanette looked up his bronzed, muscled body until their gazes locked, and took
him into her mouth, quickly sucking him deep. She wasn’t giving him a chance to think beyond the feel
of her lips wrapped around him, her tongue stroking him.

Her name thickly garbled was all that emerged from his lips. Jeanette kept her eyes trained on his

while he placed one large hand at the back of her head and pulled her farther onto him. She could feel
his bulbous tip at the back of her throat, and she moaned in pleasure. Loving him this way had been a
recurring fantasy. Having the power to bring him to climax with just a lick of her tongue had always
been a wish of hers.

She brought up her hand and cupped his sac, squeezing gently. River’s eyes shut tight, and he threw

his head back on a curse. Jeanette allowed her hands and mouth to play for another minute, but she
was too eager for him to be inside her to let the pleasurable torture go on for long.

She slid her mouth backward, letting her lips give a loving kiss to his tip before breaking free

completely. “There can be more of that later. For now I want you inside me. I feel as if I’ve waited
my entire adult life for the pleasure.”

River lowered himself to the soft ground and wrapped his hands around Jeanette, spanning her

waistline with his big, strong hands. He lifted her over him, then sat her down on his lap. “Are you on
the pill?”


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“I’ve always used a condom, and I have a clean bill of health,” he explained. “But I don’t want to

use one with you. At least not this first time.”

The thought of making love to him without any barriers was a temptation she couldn’t ignore. “I’ve

recently had a checkup, so I’m good with that idea.”

“Thank God,” he whispered as he took hold of his cock. “Put us out of our misery, sunshine.”
Jeanette lifted up and placed his cock at her entrance, then slowly slid down the heavy length.

Instantly, her body felt stretched, and there was a twinge of pain. “God, River, you’re big.”

He stiffened. “Too much?”
He moved to lift her off, but she swatted his hand away. “No, just…I need time to adjust.”
“I don’t want you hurting,” he told her, concern furrowing his brows.
She wiggled her hips, and his cock slid all the way in, filling her. “Oh, River,” she moaned. “Yes.”
“Fuck, Jeanette, you’re so goddamn tight.”
“I’m not very experienced.”
“I get that,” he said, his voice strained. “I’m not going to last, sunshine.”
They fit together as if God had fashioned them that way, one for the other. Did River see that they

were made for each other?

Riding on a sea of emotions, Jeanette let herself go. Placing her hands on his chest for support, she

began moving her hips in little circles, drawing out their pleasure, aware of each stroke of skin
against skin, each time her body clutched around him. River’s hands found their way over her as if he
needed to commit every inch of her body to memory. When he found the tiny nub of her desire, it was
Jeanette’s turn to moan. As her need mounted, Jeanette’s movements became wilder, driving him
farther into her until there was no separating them. The ability to reason fled. Suddenly, she was
coming apart, breaking into a thousand glorious shards.

And River was there, thrusting upward and clutching her hips, pumping faster, harder. Her gaze

flew to his, and she saw his meaning. He wanted more from her. As if bringing her to climax wasn’t
enough, he needed to imprint himself on her.

Wrapping his arms around her bottom, River anchored them together and turned them over until she

was sprawled out beneath him. In all his untamed beauty, River hovered over as he slid his cock in
and out of her tight pussy with slow and gentle thrusts. Jeanette lifted her head and licked his chest,
loving the feel of the sprinkling of dark hair against her mouth. She closed her eyes and let instinct
take over. His scent drifted around her. She inhaled and let the sensation of having him buried deep
inside wrap around her.

“Jesus, Jeanette.”
Trusting in him completely, Jeanette let him make love to her. She wrapped her legs around him

and squeezed her upper thighs. River cursed and thrust harder, faster. There was no coaxing, no
uncomfortable moments of shyness now. Only two people meant for each other moving in unison, as
vibrations continued to gather into a ball of electrifying bliss inside her body. She knew this man,
maybe better than anyone, and her heart recognized his.

Without warning, Jeanette was thrown headfirst into the most intense orgasm of her life. She’d

thought nothing could top what they’d already shared. And maybe she was deluding herself, but
Jeanette had a feeling River wasn’t just sating a physical need but also quenching the thirst of a soul
that had longed for its mate. Fanciful, yes, but who cared? It was her moment, and she would damn
well make it good.

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This was what she’d been missing. This was what she’d wanted with him. Not just his friendship

and not just a friends-with-benefits thing either. She wanted River, every last inch of him. And she
wanted him for the long haul.

River stared down at Jeanette and felt the ice around his heart melting. He’d been alone for so

long, the dream to find that one person, that one individual who would accept him, want him, even
need him seemed impossible. This feeling of complete rightness had him worried. Nothing ever came
to a Jennings without a price attached.

Yet he did dare, because Jeanette was worth it. He would gladly lose his heart for just the thread of

a chance to be with her for this one night. That was River’s last thought before he thrust deep. He built
the pleasure, binding them together until he didn’t think they would ever be separated again. With
each stroke, his cock swelled harder.

River leaned over her, covering her body with his, and pushed forward one more time. He came,

filling her with hot liquid and shouting her name into the darkness surrounding them.

He sweated and gasped like he’d run a marathon, their bodies sticking together, when he felt

Jeanette squeeze those delicious female muscles one last time. She shot into the endless starlight with

River came back down to earth and slipped free of her. He sprawled out beside her on the soft

clover, then cupped her delicate pussy. Jeanette murmured his name and seemed perfectly happy to
stay right where they were forever. Her smooth cheek rested against his chest, illuminated by the
moonlight. River was no poet, but he knew that if Lord Byron was looking down on Jeanette in that
moment, he would undoubtedly be scribbling out stanza after stanza of how breathtaking she looked
when she let her heart soar free.

But beyond the beauty of the moment, he could feel her fast breathing. Her fatigue. He kissed the

top of her head and allowed them both to revel in the moment. Reality would intrude soon enough. It
always did.

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Chapter Eight

After he’d gotten them back to his apartment, they’d both fallen into bed, exhausted and in need of

sleep. Unfortunately, the nightmare came right on time and even managed to pick right back up where
it’d left off. God forbid he should ever sleep in peace. Or even dream about something nice for a
change. Like Jeanette. No, that sort of freedom wasn’t for him. His nights were filled with abuse and
anger. Blood and tears. It would always be that way. No matter how many years he put between
himself and that awful time.

In the nightmare, River walked back out into the hall as quietly as he had come in and went into

Larry’s bedroom. It was dark and smelled of Larry, like stale cigarettes and beer, but this time River
was beyond noticing. He was beyond caring about the unkempt bed and the soiled clothes strewn all
over the floor. He walked with one thought—retribution. And Larry Briggs was way past due.

He came to the side of the bed and picked up Larry’s beloved billy club. He clutched it in both

hands and knew a kind of rage that he’d never felt before. Every horror Larry Briggs had visited on
him and his foster brother was tied to this one piece of wood. The thing that Larry was so fond of
using on them when he was in a particularly ripe mood would be the very thing that sent him to hell
once and for all.

River walked with new purpose back to where his foster brother lay sprawled on the floor of their

bedroom. With all the power of a ten-year-old who had spent his life fighting to stay alive, River
swung the club and slammed it into the back of Larry Briggs’s head. It knocked him to the side and off
Joey. River took a breath before swinging again.

Larry was dazed but still alive. As he turned over, preparing for a fight, Larry stopped short when

he saw his own foster son wielding the billy club. His billy club. Anger registered in Larry’s eyes,
but before he could get his bearings, River swung and hit him again. This time Larry’s eyes rolled
back in his head, and River knew his world had just gone momentarily black.

River heard him moaning. He wanted to take a moment to revel in Larry’s pain, but as he saw him

blink and attempt to open his eyes, he knew it was now or never. As blood dripped out of Larry’s
eyes, River hit him again and said, “Go to hell.”

Larry fell limp.
The minutes ticked by. River shook with rage and hate. He held tight to the club as if it were a

lifeline. And when he looked down at Larry, blood pouring out of a crack in his skull, the crack River
had put there, a sense of peace stole through him. Was Larry dead once and for all? River didn’t
know. All he knew for certain was that he wouldn’t be tormenting him and Joey, not anymore.

He dropped the club to the floor. It landed with a decisive thud, like a gavel on a judge’s bench.

Larry Briggs had been tried and sentenced for his crimes. A movement caught River’s eye, and he
glanced over at Joey. He was curled up into a tight ball, rocking and sucking his thumb.

Jeanette woke to what sounded like the mumbling cries of someone in pain. She turned her head to

find River in a dead sleep, his entire body covered in sweat and a look of pure anguish on his face.
The nightmares his mom had warned her about? River clutched the bedsheets in a tight fist. Oh God, it
was worse than she’d realized. Jeanette’s heart bled for him. Was this what it was like for him every

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night? It was as if he were trapped in time, forced to relive the horror of his childhood. Jeanette
didn’t know the full extent of the abuse, but she couldn’t understand a God who would allow any sort
of cruelty to children.

She reached out and touched his arm. “River,” she said, keeping her voice soft and gentle. “Wake

up, darling.”

River stiffened, and his gaze shot wide. “Jeanette?”
“Yeah.” She smoothed a palm over his damp cheek, wishing she could take away the demons that

tormented him.

He covered her hand with his and brought it to his mouth for a kiss. It didn’t escape Jeanette’s

notice that his fingers shook. “Did I wake you?” he asked as if more concerned with her than the
painful memories he’d just relived.

“You were having a nightmare,” she said, hoping he’d open up to her, just once let her in. “Want to

talk about it?”

“Not particularly,” he muttered, his hand squeezing hers a little tighter.
Her hopes plummeted. What had she expected? At six-foot-four, every inch of it covered in lean

muscle, River exuded strength. He’d never let weakness show, never rely on anyone but himself.
Jeanette knew that.

But there was a tender side to him too. Sometime in the middle of the night, Jeanette had come

awake to River leisurely washing her with a warm washcloth. It’d been the most intimate thing she’d
ever experienced. He’d taken great pleasure in stroking the soft cotton over every inch of her body. Of
course, the touches had stirred her passion, and they’d made love all over again. It was a night to
remember. A night she wanted to keep close to her heart forever.

River sat up abruptly and said, “I’m going to take a quick shower. Go back to sleep, sunshine.”
Jeanette nodded and watched him walk away, his bronze body gloriously nude. Her mouth watered

at the delicious sight. But she knew he needed a moment alone to get himself under control. She
should let him close her out, but if she were to ever breach the iron wall around River, she couldn’t
shy away when things got tricky. She flung the covers back and headed for the bathroom he’d entered.
When she reached it, slowly opening the door, she saw him scrubbing his hands. Judging by the steam
filling the room, the water must have been scalding. She reached out and clutched his forearm. “River,

“I can’t get it off,” he ground out, scrubbing harder. “It’s always there.”
Her stomach dropped as she watched the anguish on his reflected face in the mirror. His hands

were getting redder. If he kept it up, they’d bleed. “River!” she screamed, hoping to jar him out of his
waking nightmare. She turned off the faucet. “Stop it. You’re hurting yourself.”

He froze. His gaze shot to hers in the mirror. “There’s always blood. So much of it, and I can’t

wash it off. I try, and it never goes away. It’s there when I wake up, and I can’t get rid of it.” He
closed his eyes tight and turned around. “Do you see now?” He glared at her. “I’m a fucking train
wreck, Jeanette. I’m never going to be normal.” He held up his hands, palms out. The skin was raw,
as if he’d dragged sandpaper over them. “Do you see?”

She didn’t speak, simply wrapped her arms around him and held him tight. Seconds passed before

he locked her in a powerful embrace.

“I don’t know the details of what you went through,” she said, “before Mr. and Mrs. Jennings

adopted you, but I know it wasn’t easy.”

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He buried his face in her neck, neither of them moving. Jeanette stroked his back, soothing him the

only way she could. When he released her and stepped back, Jeanette was very much afraid he’d ask
her to leave.

Please don’t shut me out.
“Shower with me,” he murmured.
Relief nearly overpowered her. “Thought you’d never ask.”
She caught the hint of a smile creasing the corners of his mouth before he turned toward the tub and

adjusted the spray. He slid the glass door aside and stepped in, then held out a hand for her. As River
stood under the massaging jets, Jeanette picked up a washcloth and began washing him. She took it
slow, aware of River’s agitated state.

“What are you doing, sunshine?”
“Taking care of you,” she answered easily. “Now, hush and let me get on with it.”
By the time she finished, River was calm, his eyes no longer wide with fear. He turned her until her

back rested against his chest and wrapped his wet arms around her body. “I’m sorry you had to see
me that way,” He murmured.

Jeanette leaned back and stared up at him. “When will you get it through your head that I don’t

scare that easily? Remember the time you wore that giant Frankenstein suit and tried to scare me on

He chuckled, caressing the silken skin of her torso. “I do remember that. It was your senior year,

and you were pretty full of yourself in those days.” His fingers came into contact with her nipple,
teasing her to a fever pitch. “Someone had to take you down a notch.”

She snorted. “You were the cocky one, not me. And your attempts to frighten me failed miserably.”
River stroked his large hands over her hips, clear to her stomach. He massaged her lower belly and

whispered against her ear, “If you knew half the things I want to do to you, you’d be very afraid, trust

His fingers began to find their way south. He slipped his long, thick index between her folds,

teasing her by sinking only to the first knuckle.

“Your skin has such a pretty glow, and your breasts are so full and ripe.” His finger moved in

small circles, and she arched against him. “You’re sexy as hell. It’s been nearly impossible resisting

“I never wanted you to resist me.”
He moved his finger all the way out and flicked her clit. “I know.”
“I need you. Stop teasing me.”
River took her clit between his fingers and pumped it. Her body sizzled with little shock waves

that only he seemed able to create. His other hand came up, cupped her right breast and squeezed.
She’d always been extra sensitive there, and River zeroed in on the fact immediately. The man was

When his finger dipped between her slippery pussy lips again, Jeanette pushed forward, telling him

without words what she wanted. He complied by sliding two fingers in. This time he sank them deep
and began pumping her hard, his thumb swiping back and forth over her clit, his other hand torturously
pinching her nipple. He dipped his head down and licked the side of her neck and shoulder; then he
bit down. Hard. Jeanette jolted, and her pulse throbbed as if eager to be tasted. River was
everywhere at once. Jeanette couldn’t hold back.

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Her orgasm began a slow climb. Water drizzled over them as River slipped three slick fingers in

and out. Jeanette lost it. A mass of heat welled to the surface as River finger-fucked her, his words
pushing her over the edge.

“Let go, sunshine. I’ve got you.”
She reached behind her buttocks until she found his heavy cock. She squeezed him tight.
“Fuck, yeah.”
Her body took over, and suddenly she exploded. Her orgasm went on and on as River wrung every

bit of pleasure from her he could.

The cat must have gotten her tongue, because she suddenly couldn’t speak. She turned and tilted her

head upward for his kiss. His mouth was a gentle touch against hers and it made Jeanette’s heart
flutter. He nibbled at her lower lip, eating at her, taking little bites.

Reason flew out the window, and need rushed in. All at once, she was on fire. Her insides melted

to liquid lava. River grabbed a thick, blue towel off a hook and made quick work of drying them both.
After he tossed it aside, Jeanette wrapped her arms around his neck, and in one fluid movement, he
picked her up and moved with decisive strides to the bedroom. She wondered if he ached to be inside
of her as much as she needed to have him filling her up. Did River feel this beautiful yearning to join?

Jeanette squirmed until River set her back on her feet. He took one step and gripped her arms,

pulling her to him. Her nipples flattened against his chest, and someone moaned.

River walked her backward, holding her against him, sliding his tongue across her lips as he did.

They both fell to the bed, breathless. She encircled her arms around his neck and attempted to wrap
her legs around his waist, but he stopped her. He lifted away, and she pleaded with him to come back.
Suddenly, he was there, kissing her in a way that demanded her total surrender. Slowly, he sat back
on his haunches and lifted her legs around his waist before he came down all the way until her breasts
were smashed against him.

“You’re very flexible,” he said, his voice a husky whisper in the quiet room.
“Thank you.” Lame, but she couldn’t think what else to say.

His tongue delved into her mouth at the same time his cock slid inside her. She fit him like a snug,

silky glove. Jeanette sucked at his tongue, and River stiffened as her muscles clamped and pumped
him. It drove him over the edge. He pushed into her with frenzied thrusts, the necessity to be so deep
she’d never get him out of her system paramount, binding them together in the most elemental way
possible. They both moaned and flew over the edge.

River rolled to his back, taking her with him, letting her stretch out her legs as she lay replete atop

him. He stroked her soaked hair and held her until he heard her soft, even breathing.

To hell with it. He refused to let her go. No one would ever taste her delectable body but him. It

was selfish. She should be with a guy like Mike, a perfectly dressed college guy with a bright future.
Jeanette deserved the world on a silver platter, but River wasn’t stepping aside. Ever.

Jeanette woke to warmth. When she moved and realized River had covered her with not one but

two blankets, her heart did little cartwheels. It all came slamming back at her. The man. The sex. The
climaxes, as in multiple. Oh my, was her dream finally coming true? She’d wanted it to happen so
badly that she was afraid it was all just a dream.

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She stretched her arms above her head, yawning herself awake. Her muscles ached. Muscles she’d

forgotten even existed. She looked between her thighs and saw the purplish mark on her inner thigh. It
definitely hadn’t been a dream. She looked around for River but came up empty. She started to get up,
but the only problem with that plan was the fact she was buck naked. He’d been serious about keeping
her nude, it seemed. Remembering just how she’d ended up that way had her grinning like a naughty
teenager who’d just skipped class.

Jeanette headed for the closet on the adjacent wall. As she slid open the door to the left, she found

what she was looking for—a collection of River’s T-shirts. And there were a lot of them. Apparently,
he liked to keep things simple. Not a lot of colors or styles, just a boatload of whites, blacks, grays.
She grabbed a white one, pulled it over her head and let it fall to midthigh, then turned toward the

After she flipped the light switch on, her reflection in the mirror above the sink nearly scared the

wits out of her. “Holy hell.” Her hair was a tangled mess, and her face was scrubbed free of makeup.
There were even a few red patches from the rough stubble of River’s jaw. She didn’t care, though.
She’d put up with a little bit of redness if it meant having River kiss every inch of her body the way
he had last night.

The juncture between her thighs began to throb at the memory of his sexy mouth and skillful hands.

He’d strummed her body like a finely tuned guitar. And she wanted to experience it all over again.

She turned on the cold water and splashed her face several times. It helped to take some of the

redness out of her cheeks, but her hair was way beyond repair. Jeanette felt a little less dreadful by
the time she turned off the light and left the bathroom.

As she moved down the hall, she glanced longingly at the closed door leading to River’s office.

River had always said the room was off limits. She’d always respected his wishes, but that was
before, in the pre-relationship days. Surely he wouldn’t mind if she went in there now. Curiosity got
the better of her, and she tried the doorknob. Unlocked. She opened the door and stepped inside. She
located a light switch and flipped it. Much like the rest of River’s apartment, this room was neat and
free of clutter. A large desk dominated the room. Other than a couch, a filing cabinet and a bookshelf,
there wasn’t any other furniture in the room.

She walked over to the desk and saw a pretty glass paperweight. Her fingers absently stroked

across the top of it as her gaze roamed the room. Why did she get the feeling she was seeing into the
man’s private world. A world no human had ever seen. Jeanette felt a little guilty and turned to leave
when a stack of papers caught her eye. She picked up the first page and read the words across the top.
Dead Eyes by R. J. Adams. Her heart skipped a beat.

R. J. Adams, as in the author of all the popular suspense novels? It couldn’t be. The sensual,

passionate man she’d slept with was not a reclusive author. She just couldn’t reconcile the two
images. Then again, no one had ever seen a picture of the man and he never did interviews. Could it
be? She’d always wondered how he could afford to help out during the renovation of the Blackwater
Restaurant. She knew River did odd jobs around town, but that wouldn’t pay for all the extras, like
the parcel of land he’d shown her. But why hadn’t he shared this side of himself with her?

Jeanette had read every single one of his books. She loved the suspense, the drama, and, oh wow,

the love scenes. Of course, now she might know firsthand why those books were so steamy. If it was
true that River had written them, the author knew his way around a woman’s body. She grinned
mischievously as she considered helping him with his research.

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Looking down at the paper in her hand, Jeanette began to read the first chapter.

Kathryn could feel her own pulse quicken. It was odd, but there it was. Fear, liquid and icy-

cold, pumped through her veins. Her body began to shake too, as she heard the footsteps behind
her. Coming closer. Someone was following her.

“Stupid,” Kathryn mumbled. She knew she should have waited with Frank before heading down

to the garage. But Frank was always trying to get in her pants, and it was incredibly annoying.
Especially considering the asshole was married. She rolled her eyes. It was a sad day when she
found Frank’s exasperating presence comforting.

Kathryn reached into her purse and nabbed her keys. She always kept them handy, remembering

at least one of the safety tips she’d learned from her brother, George. Geez, how lame was this.
Someone could kill her here, in the dark, damp parking garage, and no one would even know until
they found her limp, lifeless body. Now she understood why her mother had always told her to
wear clean underwear. Seriously, though, should that be her first concern? Probably not. Instead,
she should be worried about fighting off an attacker.

Then she heard it again. It sounded like metal pieces clanking together. Keys? Maybe it wasn’t

a crazed serial killer. Maybe it was just some other poor schmuck who worked in this lousy
building. She was imagining the menace in the air. Her imagination was always getting the better
of her.

The sound grew louder now, as if they were slowly closing in. Kathryn went beyond scared with

that horrible thought, flung her purse onto her shoulder and ran, keys at the ready. When she
reached her car, she would be prepared to quickly unlock it and jump in. No problemo.

But the sounds sped up, easily keeping pace with her, turning her fear into a living, breathing

entity. Then, just as Kathryn reached the door to her black Cavalier, a hand closed over her left
shoulder, swinging her around. Kathryn screamed—

“Can I help you with something?”
And like poor, helpless Kathryn, Jeanette jumped and yelled. And not some dainty yell either. No,

she had to let out a wild banshee kind of yell.

“Good Lord, River!” She slammed a hand over her heart to keep it from leaping out of her chest.

“You scared the daylights out of me.”

River, with his big, hard, gorgeous body clad only in a pair of jeans unbuttoned at the top, stood in

the doorway to the office, his arms crossed over his bare chest and a frown creasing his sexy brow.

“This is a private office, Jeanette,” he said, his voice soft. Too soft. “You know that.”
Jeanette felt her cheeks heat with embarrassment. Caught red-handed, she held up the paper and

said, “Dead Eyes is terrific. But then all your stories are. Care to give me your autograph?”

“That’s it?” River rolled his eyes. “You break into my office and rifle through my private things,

and you ask for my autograph?”

She placed the paper carefully back onto the stack. “I sort of thought that maybe the ban on this

room was lifted considering the new level of our relationship.” She started to step away from the
desk, but the paperweight caught her eye once more. The tiny little figure imbedded inside the heavy
glass intrigued her. “So, what’s a big, manly guy like you doing with a paperweight with a blue fairy
imbedded inside?”

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River sighed and stepped away from the door. He came within a foot of her, plucked the trinket out

of her hand and replaced it on the stack of papers. When his gaze landed on hers, he said, “Mom
bought it for me. She said it would remind me not to take life too seriously.”

“Oh.” Jeanette felt silly. “Does she know about your writing?”
“Yes, but she’s the only one.” He tapped her nose. “And I’d like to keep it that way.”
Jeanette nodded, feeling unaccountably happy that she was privy to something so private. “Of

course, but why?”

“Because it’s just something I do for me. The way some people might paint or write poetry. It’s a

way for me to…express myself. To relieve pent-up stress or whatever you want to call it.”

“I know I’m butting in here, but it just seems like everyone would be so proud of you. Especially

your brothers.” She paused, then asked, “Does your writing help with the nightmares?”

He stiffened a fraction, but he didn’t shut her out. Jeanette took it as a positive sign. “Yes. The

stories of suspense and intrigue are my way of dealing with the things that have happened to me in the
past. Each time I kill off the bad guy or send him to prison, it feels…good. And even though my
brothers would support my writing, it’s just not something I’m ready to share. Maybe someday, but
not yet.”

Jeanette cupped his jaw in her palm. “Well, I think you’re awesome. Not everyone could pen a tale

the way you do. You always have me guessing until the very end.”

He took hold of her hand and kissed the palm. “Would you like to go with me later today? I had

planned to go to a shooting range. I need to do some research for Dead Eyes. I need to see how far
away my villain can accurately shoot his victim with a 7mm rifle.”

Guns? “Since when do you own a rifle?”
“It belongs to a friend,” he said as he walked them backward. “He’s a gun collector, and he’s been

kind enough to let me borrow it. Unfortunately, he leaves for London tomorrow, so I only have the
rifle for today.”

“I’d love to go with you.” His private life as an author fascinated her. “Do you always test out the

things you write about in your stories?”

He lifted her into the air and placed her on the edge of the desk. “Whenever possible, yes,” he said

as he smoothed her hair behind her ear. “I like to get a feel for it, so I can write the scene properly.
Writing involves all the senses, and if I’ve never shot a rifle, then I can’t accurately set the scene for
the reader.”

“You’re enthusiasm for your writing is a lot like the way I feel about law school. It’s tough but


“Your parents would be proud of you,” he said, a smile curving his lips. “I know I am.”
Funny, no one had ever been much interested in her coursework before. Most of the men she dated

were too full of themselves to care. “Thank you. I just wish Mom and Dad were still here to see how
far I’ve come.”

He kissed her on the forehead. “I think they’re looking down on you and thinking just how amazing

you are.”

“I hope so.” Jeanette went breathless when she heard the praise in River’s sexy voice. That it came

from him meant the world to her. The feel of him so close sent a blast of heat through her body, and
soon she was losing the thread of the conversation.

River bent down and kissed her lightly on the cheek. “Now, enough about all that. Let’s get you

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back to bed, shall we?”

And just that fast, Jeanette melted.

River took Jeanette back to bed. He locked his gaze with hers and slowly undressed her before

lying down next to her. “I missed you.” He lowered his head and kissed her soft lips.

“Well, I’m right here,” she murmured against his mouth.
“Yeah,” he groaned. “In my bed where you belong.” He moved down her body, then gently kissed

her between the legs. She moaned beautifully for him. River lifted off her completely, knowing that
she stared at his every movement, her anxious expression cutting through his haze of lust the way
nothing else could.

River gently slipped his hands beneath her and turned her to her belly, careful to keep her as

comfortable as possible. As he took in the sight of her, lying in the center of the rumpled bed, the low
light of the bedside lamp turning her skin golden. Her sweet, slender body and her heart-shaped
bottom mere inches away from his eager fingers and cock. Christ, he all but drooled.

“You’re gorgeous,” he said, praising her. “Every inch of you.”
She turned her head, her gaze catching his. “I’m not like the other women you’ve dated though. I’m

not as…curvy.”

“No other woman could compare to you.” He told her. How could she doubt her own appeal? “All

I want is you. All I need is this.” River touched the smooth skin of her ass. It was softer than any silk
he’d ever touched. “Can I have it, sunshine?”

“Yes. Oh God, you make me want things,” she said in a breathless voice. “I’ve never felt so ready

to come and you haven’t even touched the important spots yet.”

She spread her legs, pushing backward against his hand, as if it weren’t enough. Good, that was

exactly the way he wanted her.

Reaching for the drawer in the nightstand, River pulled out a tube of lubricant. He slicked some

over his throbbing dick, already swollen and dripping with precome at the thought of being buried
deep. Gently, River separated the round globes of Jeanette’s backside and touched the head of his
cock to her entrance, then slowly moved a mere inch inside. The snug fit was such sweet torture.

“Oh, River.”
Her quivery voice turned him on. Her body tensed beneath his and as he slipped in another inch.

Holding her firmly by the hips to keep her body still for his slow invasion, River heard Jeanette let
loose a needy little whimper. The yearning, delicate sound turned his heart to mush, and he gave her
another heated inch of his hard, swollen erection. In the same instant, he took his right hand from her
hip and toyed with the lovely little bud of her clitoris. She turned her face to the side and bit her lip.
Her eyes were closed, and River watched in fascination at the play of emotions on her face as she
became a slave to her body’s sensations. Suddenly she cried out his name and pushed against him as
her orgasm took her.

It was sheer ecstasy to bring her such heights of pleasure. She was ten thousand more times the

woman than any other.

“Now, Jeanette,” he snarled. “All of me. Do you want me to fill your pretty little ass?”
“Yes, damn it!”
A low sound escaped him at her feral response. He pushed himself the rest of the way inside her

tightest opening, her muscles sucking him in. The pleasure of her body’s grip tore away all sane

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“Fuck,” he gritted out.
“Y-yes,” Jeanette cried as she grabbed hold of the blanket. He stroked her sweat-soaked hair away

from her face, then covered her body with his, folding himself around her protectively. He kissed her
shoulder and noted the way her inner muscles relaxed a fraction. “That’s good, sunshine,” he praised
her as he gently bit the smooth line of her neck, then began a gentle rhythm with his hips.

She didn’t speak, only pushed against him, joining in the rhythm. Soon, he felt himself swell and his

balls drew up tight. One more thrust and he was there, his cock erupting inside her, hot fluid filling
her. She shouted his name, joining him with her own climactic finish.

A few seconds passed before he slipped free of her. She turned over and smiled up at him.

“You’ve killed me.” A tenderness invaded his system as stared at her lying there like a contended cat.
God, she was amazing. He reached down and tugged her into his arms. “Bath time.”

She snuggled closer and his heart swelled. “Then sleep?” she asked.
He chuckled. “Anything you want.”
“Careful with an offer like that.” She winked. “I just might take advantage of you.”
“Take advantage,” he murmured. “Definitely take advantage.”

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Chapter Nine

Jeanette had been staying with River for nearly three weeks. She’d helped him multiple times with

research on his book, and she’d begun to feel as if maybe they were finally an item. Although, River
still hadn’t expressed his feelings beyond caring about her and finding her body irresistible. She
wanted more. She wanted to know she wasn’t just a convenient sex partner. It felt like more, as if he
cared. He was so tender with her, so attentive. But she might be seeing things that weren’t there.
Wishful thinking?

It was Thursday morning, and he’d woken her with a kiss and breakfast in bed. No one had ever

done anything so thoughtful for her. She’d fallen just a little further in love with him in that moment.

When she was about to spring those three little words on him, Jeanette’s cell phone rang. She

reached across the bed and grabbed it off the nightstand. When she looked at the caller ID, her heart
stuttered. Blackwater PD. “Hello?” She tucked her hair behind her ear and listened to the officer on
the other end. “Thank you for calling.” She hit END and turned to River. He lay sprawled out on the
bed, gloriously nude, reading the day’s headlines on his tablet.

“Who was it?” he asked, distracted by whatever was on his screen.
“The police,” she said. That got his attention. He set the tablet aside. “They caught the guy who

mugged me.”

He sat up a little straighter. “Seriously?”
“Yeah. Turns out there was a group of them. They were robbing places all over the west side.

When they caught one of them, it was basically a house of cards. They all fell. They’ve recovered my
purse and license, but everything in it is gone.”

“It’s over, sunshine.” River tugged her across the bed and held her close to his chest. “I’ll sleep

better at night knowing they busted them, that’s for damn sure.”

“I guess I can go home now, considering I don’t have to worry about some creep calling.”
“No,” River bit out.
Jeanette’s eyes widened, surprised by the finality of that single word, as well as the vehemence

behind it. “What do you mean, no?”

“There is no need for you to leave here,” he said, his arms tightening around her. “You can stay.

With me.”

Jeanette counted to ten, hoping to calm her racing heartbeat. “What are you suggesting exactly?” she

asked, scared to hear his answer. Scared all the way to the bone.

River pulled back and stared down at her for several long seconds; then he cursed loud enough that

Jeanette was sure everyone in the building heard every blistering word.

She pushed out of his arms. “Don’t curse at me, River Jennings.”
He shoved out of bed and began pacing the room. “Damn it, I’m sorry. I was taken by surprise

when you said you were leaving. Look, just because they caught the guy, that doesn’t mean I want you
to leave. I want you here, Jeanette, with me.”

Jeanette’s face softened. This would be a lot easier if she hadn’t fallen head over heels in love

with the gorgeous man.

She stood up and went to him, wrapped her arms around his waist and pressed her face against the

solid wall of his chest. River took hold of her head with both hands and placed several small kisses

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on her cheeks, her forehead, then finally her mouth. The taste of him seared her insides. But she
wouldn’t let him distract her with sex. She couldn’t. Things needed to be said.

“I want to stay, River, I really do. But for what? For more sex? I need more than that in a

relationship. I need a commitment. Is that so bad?”

He released her and stepped away, his face shutting down so fast he looked like a complete

stranger to her. “I see no reason to change things. The past three weeks were pretty awesome, right?”
When she nodded, he continued, “We’ve always been great friends. The sex is pretty freaking
awesome. And I can help you with expenses. College tuition, that sort of thing. You won’t have to do
it all on your own anymore.”

Jeanette froze, unable to comprehend his words. “Wait, did you just offer to pay for my bills? All

so you won’t have to lose your bedmate?”

His lips thinned. “What’s the problem?”
Shattered. With a few well-chosen words, River had managed to shatter her heart. “I can’t believe

you just said that to me. You’re a fool, River Jennings.” Jeanette turned, ready to run, but he wasn’t
quite through destroying her.

“I warned you, Jeanette. I’m damaged. I’ll always be a fucking mess. But you wanted this. No one

forced you, damn it.”

She swiveled on her heels, her eyes going wide at his quiet remark. “You’re right. So, I guess I

only have myself to blame for thinking that maybe, just maybe you could actually love me.”

He seemed to be pushing her away, as if by not agreeing to live with him, he was letting her go

altogether. She hadn’t expected that. She’d thought he would fight the issue a little harder. River
wasn’t the type to give up without a fight. Unless, of course, he really didn’t want her. That was when
the truth struck her like a fist to the gut. He’d been curious about her. He’d admitted to being attracted
to her. Now that he’d satisfied that curiosity, he wanted to keep her like a paid woman. He wanted her
to stay, but only on his terms. Oh God, she was about to lose it.

Not in front of him. Please, let me escape first.
Jeanette headed toward the bathroom, intent on getting dressed and leaving before she fell apart


Only River wanted to twist the knife into her heart a little more. She should have known. After all,

River Jennings never did anything half-assed.

Just as her hand grasped the doorknob, she heard him say, “You love me. I know you do. Don’t

deny it, Jeanette.”

She ached to hurl a few insults at him. To slap him for doing this to her, to them. But she knew if

she started down that road, things would only get uglier and uglier, and she wouldn’t stop until she
was empty. Moreover, she’d regret it later.

So instead, she turned around and went to him. She kissed him on the cheek and said, “I do love

you. More than you’ll ever know. And I’m not giving up on you either. I have faith in us, River. I’m
just sorry that you don’t.”

As Jeanette left the room, tears streaming down her face, she heard him call her name. No way

could she look back. She’d cave if she did. She went into the bathroom and closed the door, then got
dressed. Somewhat composed, she came back out and noticed River wasn’t anywhere in sight. The
silence sliced through her. It hurt to know he wasn’t there, waiting to fight for her. To fight for them.

She reached her car, but it took three tries before she managed to open the door. Once inside, she

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dropped her forehead against the cold steering wheel and let go.

She’d never cried so hard in her life. Well, maybe when her mom and dad had died. She’d loved

them so much, and she’d never thought anything could hurt as bad as that. This felt a little like that
awful day. As if a vital part of her had just been taken away by the cruel hand of fate. But she’d been
serious when she told River she wasn’t giving up. In her heart, she knew he loved her. His brain just
hadn’t gotten the message. She could wait for him, she told herself, for a little while longer. And if he
still didn’t come around, then she’d kidnap him. To hell with playing nice.

Jeanette had no idea how long she’d sat there in the parking lot of River’s apartment building.

Minutes, maybe longer. When she finally raised her head and started the engine, she looked in her
rearview mirror and saw River’s large form in the bedroom window. His arms were crossed over his
chest, and he looked as if he were ready to commit murder.

Jeanette pried her eyes away from the mirror and put the car in gear. As she pulled away, she

thought of what he’d said. He was damaged. Thanks to the awful foster home he’d been placed in
when he was a kid, maybe that was true, but damaged things could be fixed. With a little patience and
a lot of love. And Jeanette had a heaping helping of both.

“She moved out,” River grumbled as he paced Reilly’s kitchen.
There was more that River wasn’t disclosing, Reilly could feel it. “What happened?” Reilly was

met with silence. “River?”

“I really screwed up this time, bro.”
Reilly looked down at the sleeping baby in his arms. Chet was finally on a decent schedule these

days. Thank God, because he and Lucy had been losing sleep left and right. They were both ready for
the break. He smiled when he thought of how utterly lucky he was to have the babies, to have Lucy.
Warmth filled him. He’d do anything to keep them safe.

“Look, we all screw up, River. Best to learn from your mistakes so you don’t repeat them.”
“Well, I’ve made a decision, and I want your opinion.”
Reilly grinned. “I love giving my opinion. Shoot.”
“I want to marry Jeanette.”
Reilly’s eyes lit with amusement. “And does she have a say in this decision?”
He let out a heavy sigh. “Right now she would rather I jump off a bridge.”
“What’d you do now?”
“After her mugger was caught, she started talking about moving out. I asked her to stay with me.”
“What’s so wrong in that? A lot of couples live together before marriage. Look at me and Lucy.”
“Yeah, but I basically offered her money. I told her I’d help her with expenses. And I didn’t say a

thing about love or marriage at the time either.”

Reilly’s eyes shot wide. “Jesus, it’s a wonder you can still walk upright. You know how prideful

she is, River. She’d never let a man ‘keep’ her. Not even you.”

“Hell, I didn’t mean for it to come out that way. By the time I realized what an ass I was being, she

was gone.” Christ, if River could kick his own ass, he would. “I only saw her leaving me and I
reacted. Badly.”

Reilly arched a brow at him. “Gee, you think?”
“I want her back,” he gritted out. “She’s my equal in every way. I can’t imagine my life without

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Reilly smiled. “She really is something.” Concern that River was being too hasty had him asking,

“But are you so sure you’ll be content with one woman? You’ve been sort of a man-whore lately, you

“I haven’t really dated as much as I let you all think. And there’s been no one since the night

Jeanette walked in on me with Holly.” He paused, then answered, “Yes, I’m sure. She’s everything to
me. Since she’s been gone, the apartment seems so damn quiet and empty. I miss her. God, I’ve even
imagined her pregnant with my child. Somehow the picture doesn’t send a shiver of fear through me

“Yep, you’re in love. Once upon a time, the very idea of being a father would’ve caused me to pass

out. Now, I can’t even think about life without Lucy and the twins.”

“I have an apology to make to you too. That’s the other reason I’m here.”
Reilly couldn’t begin to think what River was talking about. “I’m listening.”
River leaned against the counter, his troubled gaze on the floor. “I’ve been jealous of you,” he said

in a low voice. “Your happiness, Lucy and the babies. I didn’t think it was fair that you had
everything while I still only had nightmares.” His head shot up. “I’m sorry.”

Reilly stood and went to him. With Chet in his arms sleeping soundly, he kept his voice quiet. “It’s

okay.” He slapped River on the arm. “I understand, man.”

River shook his head. “No, it isn’t,” he groaned, his voice gruff. “It’s not your fault what I went

through. Only Briggs is to blame for that. I’ve been feeling sorry for myself, and that stops now.”

A cloud seemed to be lifting, and Reilly knew why. He had his brother back. Finally. “All’s

forgiven,” Reilly said, choking back emotion. “Now, tell me what you aim to do about your girl. Got a

“Hell if I know.” River threw up his hands. “I’m lost as shit here. At first I thought she’d be better

off far away from me. Now…I don’t understand it. I only know that she’s the one, and I can hardly
breathe without her.”

“Then you need to do a measure of groveling, if you ask me.”
“Yeah, but first I need to find her. I’ve called her cell three times and stopped by her apartment.


Reilly stroked his chin and grinned. “Right. Well, I might be able to help you there.”
He quirked a brow and stood up straighter. “How?”
“She went with Lucy to that new club in town, Obsidian.”
In seconds, River was alert. “What? And you let them go?”
“Whoa, they’re both big girls. They don’t need a babysitter.” Reilly sighed. “Besides, they’re

together, and Obsidian isn’t exactly the Dawg Pit. It’s upscale. A classy place.”

River turned to leave. “I need to find her. She needs to know the truth.”
“And what might that be?”
“That I love her,” he shot back over his shoulder. “That without her, I don’t exist.”
Reilly was stunned. River was baring his feelings, and that was foreign to him. Jeanette had really

done a number on him.

“Be careful with her,” Reilly warned. “She’s waited a long time for you.”
River nodded. “I will. Now, time to go fix my derailed future.”
After River was gone, Reilly sat back down at the kitchen table. “You can come out now,” he

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called. “He’s gone.”

Wanda appeared in the doorway leading to the living room, holding Cameron in her very capable

arms. “That boy of mine sure does know how to make a mess of things, doesn’t he?”

Reilly nodded, frustrated and worried at the same time. River was so sure he didn’t deserve love.

To Reilly’s way of thinking, no one deserved it more. “I hope you know what you’re doing, little
Miss Matchmaker.”

“What do you mean?”
Her too-innocent expression didn’t fool him one bit. “Don’t give me that. You’re the one who

suggested the ladies go clubbing. You knew it would send River into a tailspin.”

“He needed a push,” his mom stated, a knowing smile curving her lips. “And trust me, the minute

he sees her out there dancing it up, other men watching her, he’ll realize that he really could lose her.
He’s finally through playing around and getting serious. They both deserve to give their relationship a
chance, but that wasn’t going to happen if River kept letting his stubbornness run the show.”

Reilly chuckled. “Yeah, wonder where he got all that hard-headedness?”
Her nose shot up in the air. “Your father, clearly.”
Reilly stood and went to her. “Clearly,” he replied, kissing her on the forehead. “Now, let’s get

these babies in bed before Lucy skins me alive for letting them stay up so late.”

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Chapter Ten

It was Saturday, and she hadn’t heard a peep from River for exactly nine days and six hours. He

was being stubborn. Well, two could play that game.

After sharing every ugly detail with Lucy, they’d come up with a plan of sorts—find the sexiest

outfit possible and go to the new nightclub in town. When River found out where she was, he’d have
to come searching for her. He’d see how easily he could lose her and finally admit his feelings.

But after searching her closet for what seemed like hours, Jeanette called Lucy for help. Her closet

was a bust. There wasn’t a single devastating thing to be had in there. They decided to check out a
few of the thrift stores in town. Operation “Get River” was on, and she needed something hot to suit
the occasion. She’d hit the jackpot when she’d spotted the short, black, satin dress with its V-neck
bodice and an open back. Thankfully, it was well within her meager budget too. She’d worn her hair
down with lots of waves, thanks to the hot curlers Lucy had let her borrow. Lucy looked equally as
gorgeous, having already lost most of the baby weight. Her purple, pleated cocktail dress had a
halter-style neckline and a fitted empire waist.

Now, as she sat next to Lucy at the bar, Jeanette was beginning to have second thoughts about her

plan. What if River didn’t show? What if he really was through with her? Oh God, the thought of
never seeing him again nearly sent her running back to him

“Stand firm, girl. You can do this,” Lucy said as if reading her thoughts.
“I’m scared. I love him so much, and he’s so damn stubborn.”
She patted her hand. “I know. It’s a family trait, I’m afraid.”
“But Reilly loves you so much.”
“Yes, but we weren’t without our own hurdles. The Jennings men tend to keep their hearts under

lock and key. Their biological parents were druggies and basically didn’t care what happened to
them. And going into foster care can’t be easy on a kid. I imagine it’s even harder for River to trust,
considering he’s had it the roughest.”

“I’ve always been in love with him. He’s so loving and sweet, and he’s the most honorable man I

know.” She let out a frustrated breath. “But he won’t let me in, and it’s making me nuts.

Lucy smiled. “Maybe a margarita will help.”
“Uh, a virgin margarita.”
Here goes nothing. “I’m pregnant.”
“Get out! Seriously?”
“Yep,” she replied, feeling excited for the first time since finding out she was going to be a mom.

“I missed my period, and that never happens. I took one of those home pregnancy tests, but I went to
the doctor and confirmed the results. I’m definitely pregnant.”

“Aren’t you on the pill, though?”
She blushed. “Uh, yeah, but I sort of missed a few days. With all the chaos, I got off schedule. I’m

an idiot.”

Lucy rubbed her back. “No, you aren’t. It happens to the best of us, sweetie.” She paused, then

asked, “So, does River know?”

“No. I just found out myself. I’m scared, Lucy. I never imagined being a mother, and with things

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unresolved between River and me…”

She snorted. “You’re preaching to the choir, there, girl. I was out of my mind with worry when I

found out I was pregnant. Reilly and I had a one-night stand, for crying out loud. But it all worked out
in the end. It will for you too. You’ll see.”

“I hope you’re right.”
The bartender came around, and they ordered their drinks. When he came back with them, Jeanette

noticed there was a phone number written on her napkin. When she tried to pay for the drinks, the
bartender held up a hand.

“The fellow in the corner over there,” he said, pointing to a dark-haired man in a suit sitting at a

table with a group of guys. His slow smile would’ve been sexy if she wasn’t already madly in love
with a different sexy smile.

Jeanette turned back around and slid the drink toward the bartender. “Thanks, but I can’t accept.”
“Oh, screw it,” Lucy said, waving a hand in the air. “It’s a free drink.”
“The lady’s right,” the bartender said. “Besides, I’ll have to pour it down the drain if you don’t

drink it. Sort of a waste.”

“Okay, okay, you two win.” Just as she brought the drink to her lips, she caught a movement out of

the corner of her eye. She turned her head and saw River striding through the door. Immediately, his
eyes sought out Jeanette as if they’d been drawn to her. Lucy looked at Jeanette, then followed her
line of vision.

“Looks like Operation ‘Get River’ is on, girlfriend,” she whispered against her ear.
“Looks like,” Jeanette said, distracted by the chemistry arcing back and forth between her and

River. God, the man sure did know how to make a woman drool. He was dressed in a pair of dark
blue jeans that cupped his sex and made Jeanette wish she had the right to go to him and cover him in
kisses. A tight white T-shirt stretched across that heavily muscled chest, and Jeanette’s mouth fairly
watered. She wanted to cross the room and plant one full on the lips and beg him for another chance.
Considering he stared at her as if she were the all-you-can-eat buffet, Jeanette didn’t think he’d object
too loudly at that idea.

“I know that look,” Lucy said, interrupting the arrows of heat zipping through the air. “He wants

you bad.”

She started to speak when someone tapped her shoulder. Jeanette turned. The dark-haired man

who’d bought her the drink. Uh-oh.

“Would you care to dance?”
Lucy chuckled. “Things are about to get very interesting.”
Jeanette spied River out of the corner of her eye. His gaze was on the guy flirting with her. And he

didn’t look at all pleased.

“Ah, crap,” Jeanette muttered.

River didn’t need this right now. He balled fists at his sides. Every man in the room watched her,

and that alone had him wanting to throw her over his shoulder and take her off to somewhere private,
away from all the flirtatious looks and overactive sex drives.

When another man escorted her out to the dance floor, River decided to let her have her fun. He

went to the nearest table and pulled up a chair, straddling it backward. He placed his palms on his

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thighs, content to watch her sway to the beat of the music. She moved with passion, as if she were
imagining a lover’s touch. When her hands went on a journey up and down her body, River forgot his
own name. Then the man who’d escorted her out to the dance floor dared to touch her. “Not going to
happen,” River muttered as he stood and crossed the room. He got waylaid twice by women asking
him to dance, once by a man wanting to give him his number. By the time River reached Jeanette, the
other guy was gone.

“I’ve missed you,” River said. He moved up behind her and placed his hands on her hips, but she


Jeanette turned and stared up at River. The dark look in his eyes sent a small thrill of anticipation

through her. But his words stopped her short. “You missed me? That’s it?”

His lips thinned, and a muscle in his jaw twitched. “What do you mean?”
“You really think I’m supposed to fling myself into your arms and let you have your way, don’t

you?” Damn him, Jeanette was ready to do just that too.

The song changed to a faster beat, and she breathed a sigh of relief that the sultry tune was no

longer playing. But as she studied him, his silent intensity washed over and seeped into her. His eyes
were dark with green fire. She could see and feel what he wanted so clearly in her mind. His body
covering hers, entering hers, their passions mounting and dueling. But was that all he wanted? That
was the bigger question.

“Come home with me. We need to talk, sunshine.”
Jeanette brought their bodies into contact, but just barely. She could smell his natural masculinity; it

came off him in waves. It made her long to run her tongue over his beautiful, full lips.

Rising up on her tiptoes, she took a taste. He stood there, not touching her, as if not trusting himself

enough to touch. So she touched him. Her fingers went to his hair. God, she loved his hair, so thick
and full. She took handfuls of the soft dark strands and brought his head down for a better taste of his
mouth. Without realizing it, Jeanette found herself in a secluded section of dance floor.

“Take what you want,” he murmured as he dropped his hands from her body and let her have free

rein. Her hands moved from his hair to his face. She traced every hard contour and angle, then drifted
downward to caress his chest and ripped abs. When she reached the waistband of his jeans, Jeanette
stopped, unsure what to do, how far to go.

River groaned. “No one can see you. Continue,” he softly demanded.
When she cupped him through the soft fabric, his hips thrust forward. Suddenly, her hand was

squished between their bodies. River said, “God, you make me crazy.”

She recognized that gravelly voice and craved it. They were both desperate for each other. Just as

she was about to usher him out of there so she could get him alone, another voice broke the magical

“Would you care to dance?”
She turned to decline the stranger’s offer, but River was quicker. “No, she wouldn’t.”
The man’s eyebrows quirked up at River’s immovable tone. “Uh, if it’s all the same to you, I’d like

to hear the lady tell me that herself.”

“Thanks for the offer,” she said with a smile, “but I’m all danced out.”
“Another time, then.” He nodded and walked away.
Lucy appeared by her side and wrapped an arm around her shoulders. “Reilly called. The babies

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are sound asleep. Quality time with my man is calling my name. We ready to go?”

The two of them nodded.
Lucy yawned. “Thank God, because I only have so many more hours left in me before it’s lights


River couldn’t get Jeanette out of the nightclub quick enough. Once outside, he anchored her to his

side with one strong arm around her waist. He’d recognized the man in the club. Roland Kent, and he
was an ass. He’d screw anything that walked. He’d obviously taken one look at Jeanette and decided
to make a play for her. What a fool.

She’d see a guy like that coming a mile away and put him in his place without even blinking. Never

before had River felt such an overwhelming need to shout to the world that Jeanette belonged to him.
His heart flinched at the prospect of ever hurting her. She wouldn’t appreciate the chauvinistic
attitude. She wanted to be loved, not prized as if she were a thoroughbred.

Lucy and Jeanette started laughing about something, but River didn’t hear anything they said. The

hot lava roaring through his veins blocked out everything else.

He took the ladies to Jeanette’s car and waited for them to get in. “Did you drink tonight?” he asked

Jeanette. She shook her head, and River nodded. “I’ll follow you.”

Before she could close the door, he leaned in and kissed her. Her lips were soft and gentle, and

River took his time tasting her. When they parted, he whispered, “Be careful.”

She didn’t speak, only stared at him as he closed her door and waited for her to start the engine.
Once they were on their way, River let out a breath. He loved her. Completely and undeniably.

And tonight he wouldn’t hold back. In fact, before it was over, Jeanette would know all about Larry
Briggs, the complete uncensored story. If she didn’t despise him, didn’t look at him with revulsion,
River would count himself lucky.

He didn’t dare let himself hope for more than that.

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Chapter Eleven

River waited until Jeanette was seated on the sofa in his apartment before he began. By the time

he’d told her about the billy club, about swinging it at Larry’s head, tears filled Jeanette’s eyes.
Sadness came off her in waves, and River couldn’t stand it. He’d never been able to handle sympathy,
and he sure as hell didn’t want the woman he intended to spend the rest of his life with to look at him
that way now. He wanted her to think of him as strong, able to handle whatever life threw at him. Pity
was for chumps, and he wanted no part of it.

“Is this too hard to hear?”
She shook her head and tucked a lock of hair behind her ear. “It’s not easy to know what you went

through. Imagining you as a scared boy is…difficult. I won’t lie about that. But I want to share every
part of you, River, not just the good parts.”

River took a deep breath and continued. “So, Joey was out of it. His mind had slipped away, and I

could see it happening. What he’d just gone through…” River choked back emotion. “I know exactly
what he was feeling, because it’d happened to me too. Larry was an animal.” He sat and stared down
at the floor, bringing the memories of that day to the surface. It was the first time River could
remember talking about it openly. He only hoped Jeanette didn’t look at him with revulsion afterward.

“I bent down and shook Joey’s shoulders, only to have him wail and scream in a pitiful attempt to

save himself from any more abuse. I tried to tell him it was over. That Larry wasn’t going to hurt him

“Did it help?” Jeanette asked in a quiet tone.
“Joey stopped crying.” River closed his eyes tight to block out the ugly visual racing through his

mind like a bad horror film. It didn’t help. It would always be his constant companion, whether he
was awake or not. “When Joey opened his eyes, it was as if he was coming awake from a deep sleep.
He looked up at me as if he had no idea what had just happened. He wanted to know why he was on
the floor. Then he looked over to where Larry still lay in a pool of his own blood, and he started to
scream all over again.” He took a breath before saying, “I didn’t know if it was seeing all the blood
or if seeing Larry again had caused Joey to remember the immoral things that had been done to him.
Either way, I knew Joey’s mind wouldn’t be the same. Not ever again.”

Jeanette’s voice cracked when she asked, “Was Larry dead?”
“We thought so, and God help me, I wasn’t sorry.”
She reached out and placed a hand over his. He hadn’t realized he was shaking until Jeanette

touched him. Her warmth slipped inside him and eased him like nothing else could. “No one would
blame you, River. You were defending a helpless little boy. Anyone would do the same.”

“Maybe, but not all of it was for Joey’s sake. I hated that man, Jeanette. Hated the very ground he

walked on. If I were given a choice to undo what I did that day, I would still pick up that billy club. I
don’t regret it.”

Jeanette sat in silence for a moment before asking, “What happened next?”
“I had to get Joey to snap out of it. So I shook him really hard and smacked him across the face a

couple of times. When Joey finally stopped screaming, he looked at me with terror in his eyes. The
boy I once knew was gone, thanks to Larry. That innocent kid who made everyone’s day brighter
wasn’t ever coming back.” He looked at Jeanette, hating himself for telling her about such ugliness.

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He’d never wanted her to know. Didn’t want it touching her. “I needed his help, though. Larry was
bleeding all over the damn place, and we needed to get him out of there. There were only two
scenarios, and neither of them was good. I knew if Larry was alive and came out of it, he’d kill both
of us. If he was dead, we had to do something with the body. We couldn’t just leave him there, right?”

“Why didn’t you call the police? It was self-defense.”
River cursed under his breath. “They hadn’t been real helpful in the past, sunshine. I sure as hell

didn’t trust them to help us then.” Jeanette stayed silent, so River continued. “Together, we worked
for what seemed like hours, dragging Larry out through the back door. He was a tall man, well over
six feet, but he was thin, so that helped. Probably from the alcohol and years of abuse he’d put his
body through. He’d never been a clean-cut man, but seeing him all bloody, his hair matted and stuck
together, nearly turned my stomach.” That day was so clear in River’s mind it might have been
yesterday, if he didn’t know better. “His eyes were closed. I didn’t know that meant he was just
unconscious. I thought I’d killed him. Even so, I was sure Larry would rise up and punish us for doing
what we’d done.”

“D-did you bury him?”
“No, but I remembered that Larry had a dolly. We left his body on the back stoop; then we walked

out to the shed. We both hated that shed. It was Larry’s very own torture chamber.”

She cocked her head to the side. “What do you mean?”
“He used to bring us out there and tie us up, then whip the hell out of us. He was sadistic. He got

his rocks off on seeing us in pain.”

“But you needed the dolly, and it was in the shed?”
“And so was the rope Larry kept there. Joey and I went out and got what we needed.” He snorted.

“Hell, neither of us wanted to go in. It was as if by going in, Larry would suddenly wake up and our
nightmare would start all over again.” River balled his fists as he remembered walking into the dark,
damp building. “The only light to be seen was from the open door where Joey stood with his arms
wrapped around his middle, waiting. He was still so out of it. Anyway, I found the dolly and the rope
and grabbed both. It struck me then.”

“What’s that?”
“I was about to tie Larry up with the same rope he’d taken such pleasure in using on us. When I

looked up at Joey, I knew he was thinking the same thing. There was a sick sort of justice in that.

“Once we got back to the house, it was only a matter of holding on to the dolly while we slid Larry

off the stoop and onto it. Joey held it still while I did the rest. We were scrawny kids, so it took us a

“And Larry never came to?” Jeanette asked.
“Nope. I told Joey to get the blanket that we’d used to wipe up the blood. While he did that, I tied

Larry down. When Joey came back with the blanket, I grabbed it and covered Larry’s face. We both
felt a huge sense of relief. Together, we walked into the woods with Larry strapped to the dolly.”

“Where did you take him?”
“As far into the woods as we could and just left him there. It was dumb, I know. Anyone could

have come along and found him. But we weren’t exactly criminal masterminds, you know?”

A smile appeared at the corners of her lips, but River noticed it didn’t quite reach her eyes like it

usually did. He hated that. “So, we worked side by side the rest of the day and into the night, cleaning
up the mess. We rehearsed our story. If anyone asked, we’d say that Larry had taken off. He’d done it

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before, so it was believable enough.”

“You knew that keeping it simple would be the key to escaping suspicion,” Jeanette mused.
He nodded. “Pretty much. And though I had no idea how we’d manage it, I had it in my head to try

to find Reilly. The idea was ludicrous, because I had no idea what foster home he’d been placed
with, but the thought of finding him kept me going.”

“Anything would be better than life with Larry, is that it?”
“Hell yes. I felt like a huge weight had been lifted, and I thought that maybe, just maybe, Joey and I

could start to actually think of our future.”

“What happened after that?”
“That night, we slept together in the living room on some blankets that we’d spread out on the

floor. Neither of us wanted to go back into the bedroom. As far as I was concerned, the door to that
room would never be opened again. It was closed forever, just like our life with Larry was closed
forever.” He shoved a hand through his hair, then stood and paced the room. “The morning dawned
early, and the sun streaming through the windows seemed bright and cheerful. I ached all over, but
this time it wasn’t from Larry’s fists. When I looked over at Joey, he was still sound asleep. He
looked so peaceful. For the first time since I could remember, really. But when I tried to wake him,
Joey didn’t respond right away. I started to get really freaked when I called his name and he still
didn’t wake up. I shoved the covers back and saw blood all over Joey’s pajama pants between his

“Oh God,” Jeanette groaned.
“I was so damn relieved when his eyes popped open. Still, Joey needed a doctor and fast. I went to

the phone and called for an ambulance. When they came, so did the questions.”

“But you were both alive,” Jeanette said, her voice hopeful. “You saved Joey’s life, right?”
“Yeah, but once the cops started asking questions, things started to come together.”
“And Larry?”
“A hunter found him the next day. He’d gotten himself half untied. By then, the authorities knew

everything. The sexual and physical abuse couldn’t be hidden away anymore. Larry went to jail where
he belonged. Joey and I were truly free for the first time.”

“And then Wanda and Chet brought you all together and gave you a home you could be proud of.”
“What happened to Joey?”
“We keep in touch. We don’t visit each other. It’s too much of a reminder for the both of us, if that

makes any sense. Last I heard, he was living in California. married and with a couple of rug rats.”

“Because of you, Joey has a happy ending,” she said in a soft voice. “That doesn’t always happen

in cases like that.”

“No, they don’t, but don’t go thinking I’m some kind of hero. I was a scared kid. We both were.

Like I said, if Larry had been dead, if I had killed him, I wouldn’t have been sorry. The world would
be better off without that piece of shit.”

Jeanette went to him, placed her palms on his cheeks and murmured, “I agree.”
The statement surprised him. “You do?”
Her gaze hardened. “I have no sympathy for child molesters, River. None whatsoever.”
He wrapped her in his arms and held on tight. “God, Jeanette, I love you so damn much it hurts.

You’ve always been the light in my world.” He thought of his mom’s wise words. “I no longer want

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to live in the past, because you are my present and future. I can’t stand the thought of losing you.”

“I love you, River,” she whispered. “I’ve always been yours.”
“Tell me you want to spend the rest of your life with me,” he urged. “I don’t deserve you, but I

don’t care. Fuck it.”

“As long as I breathe, you will never wake from another nightmare alone. I will always be here to

take away the monsters,” she promised. “And River?”

“Yeah, sunshine?”
“I’m pregnant.”
His heart tripped a beat. “Seriously?”

Jeanette’s eyes welled up, but she refused to let the tears spill over. “Yes.” Guilt washed over her.

“In the all the craziness of moving in with you plus the other meds I was taking, I messed up and
missed a few days of my birth control pills. When I missed my period, I went to the doctor yesterday.
He confirmed it.”

“I’m going to be a dad?”
She nodded. “A wonderful, strong, compassionate father.”
He grinned from ear to ear, and Jeanette let out a breath. He was happy. She’d hoped, but she

hadn’t been sure he would.

“Jesus, you sure know how to keep a man on his toes.”
“You aren’t running.” She let a smile escape. “I guess that’s a good sign.”
He placed a protective hand over her belly. “Our baby will know only love,” he said, his voice

unquestionable and strong.

This time, she let the waterworks flow. “I love you so much. And I want you so. I’ve never wanted

a man more than I want you.”

His smile was possessive and proud. “Damn good thing. I wouldn’t like you wanting another man.


His talented mouth pressed against hers, and Jeanette forgot about everything else. There was only

River and Jeanette. All the worries and fears fell away. She opened her mouth and danced her tongue
over his lips. At his rumble of approval, River opened up and took her in. Their tongues mated, and
Jeanette clutched River’s biceps, excited and scared. Her body was on fire. She wanted him. Inside
her. Around her. Drinking her in, filling her up. He was a craving in her blood, one she could no more
deny than she could her next breath.

Jeanette’s fingers trailed over his muscular biceps, and she drew in a breath when he looped his

arms around her waist and pulled her in tight. A moan escaped. He was so strong, so virile. She was
safe and secure with River. Their baby would be safe and secure too. River would always take care
of them. As the thought flitted through her mind, Jeanette went still. She was in love with him. Her
body always belonged to him, but now she also knew that her soul was tethered to his as well.

Jeanette felt truly blessed. She wanted to say something to him, to make him understand how deep

her feelings ran, but his words had her libido rocketing out of control, and once again her thoughts

“I want you. You’re mine, sunshine. Will always be mine. Say you’ll never leave me. Not ever.”
“I’m not going anywhere, River. Please, make love to me. I’ve missed you terribly.”
He grinned and slipped his hands beneath her dress and pushed her panties aside. “Unzip me.”

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Jeanette quickly obeyed. Her fingers fumbled over the button on his jeans. As she opened his fly

and glimpsed his navy blue boxer-briefs, her desire increased tenfold. She licked her lips and gently
drew him out. The head of his cock tempted her to taste.

River stroked her hair and murmured, “Later,” he said, as if reading her easily. “We can take our

time later, sunshine. For now, I need to feel you all soft and tight around my cock.”

It was the same for her. “Yes.”
“Guide me in,” he instructed. “Show me how much you love me. Take us both there, little


His erotic words had her heart pounding harder and her body quaking with need. “My pussy is

dripping for you. It’s been too long.”

He chuckled. “It’s only been a few days.”
“I know. I counted the hours,” she whispered. Then she brought him down on top of her and guided

his heavy erection in her, where she so badly needed him to warm her. Her body closed around his
hard length, tight and hot. Currents skittered up and down her body, and her temperature spiked.

“Ah damn, I missed you, Jeanette,” River groaned as he clutched a fistful of her hair and lowered

over her, feasting on her breasts through her dress.

The heat of his mouth seeped through the thin material, sucking the breath out of her and driving her

into another world. When his fingers found their way over her nub, expertly flicking it just the way
she liked, Jeanette’s body seized. Her muscles clenched as he drove his cock deeper, fucking her
faster, harder. Their bodies slapped together, melding until there was no separating them.

Soon Jeanette was there, spiraling out of control. Her hot pussy bathed his cock in wet satisfaction

as he sank his mouth over hers and captured her shouts.

As the desire began to ebb, River clutched her hips and pushed into her once, twice; then he arched

his neck and moaned her name as he emptied himself deep.

Jeanette’s breaths came in short pants, her body sweaty, the dress clinging. Her thigh muscles

quivered from exertion as River collapsed against her, careful to keep most of his weight on his arms
on either side of her body.

“I’m never moving again.”
River chuckled and tightened his arms around her. “Good, because I sort of like you right here.” He

held her tight against him, as if unable to release her.

She wiggled, gaining his attention. As his eyes met hers, Jeanette saw raw hunger in their

passionate depths. If he hadn’t just spent himself inside her, she would have thought he was ready to
go again.

“I think I’m going to be a bit sticky,” Jeanette teased, trying to inject some casualness into the

intensity that now surrounded them. It didn’t work.

“I could make love to you twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week, and it still would not be


She had no words for such a bold statement. He didn’t seem to expect any. He merely slipped out

of her and replaced her panties. When his heavy length was once again confined inside his jeans, he
slid both his palms up her thighs, then cupped her mound possessively.

“I love you,” he said, his voice steady and strong. “Always and forever.”
Tears sprang to her eyes, and she touched his jaw. “Always and forever, River,” she murmured,

knowing it was nothing short of the truth.

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“You cannot be serious,” River muttered.
“I’m very serious. I want a midwife and no drugs. I won’t negotiate on this. I want to have this

baby as naturally as possible.”

At the moment, Jeanette was sitting across the table at Wanda’s home with the entire bunch chatting

and laughing at once. For the past half hour, they’d been enjoying their evening meal of grilled salmon
and steamed vegetables.

Two weeks ago, Reilly and Lucy had gotten married in the gorgeous old church the Jenningses

belonged to. Jeanette had been her maid of honor, while Shayla, Julie and Sarah, the fiancées and
girlfriends of River’s brothers, had gotten to be bridesmaids. It’d been a wonderful summer day for a

They’d held the reception at the Blackwater Restaurant, and everyone in town had been invited.

Not surprisingly, the bride and groom had come up missing an hour into the festivities. It seemed
Reilly hadn’t wanted to waste a single moment once he’d slipped the ring on Lucy’s finger. Jeanette,
Julie, Shayla and Wanda had worked hours to get everything ready in time for Lucy’s big day.
Everything went off without a hitch, so the work had been well worth it.

Jeanette wondered how long she’d have to wait for River to propose. Knowing River, Jeanette

would probably have to hit him over the head with a proposal before he managed to get the words

Together, she and River had told the family that the doctor had pronounced she was indeed four

weeks into her pregnancy. River had puffed up with pride, a grin ear to ear. He’d promptly picked her
up and led her out of the restaurant. He’d taken her back to his place and made slow, sweet love to
her the rest of the day and into the night. It’d been something right out of one of Jeanette’s dreams.

Even now, as she glanced over at him, his gaze snared hers and a smile lit his face. Jeanette thought

his eyes seemed a bit over bright—as if he held back tears of joy. She knew the feeling all too well.

Amazing how life could do a complete one-eighty on you. If someone had walked up to her and

told her that in such a short span of time the man of her dreams would be madly in love with her and
she’d be pregnant with his child, Jeanette would never have believed them. It made a woman want to
cry a veritable river of happy tears. She only wished her mom and dad were there to share in her joy.

She forced her mind back to the conversation going on around her. River was in the middle of

explaining to her—as if she were an unruly child—the virtues of modern medicine. But in this she
was determined to hold firm.

“A hospital is fine, but I want a midwife, and I want to do this drug free. I mean it, River,” Jeanette

said, more firmly this time, driving her point home. “And just to make sure you don’t try to wiggle
your way around me by talking to the doctor yourself, I’ve asked Lucy to be in the room with me when
it comes time.”

River’s eyes grew wide. “So now you don’t trust me? You think I would manipulate you?”
Jeanette gave him a knowing look. “When you want something, River Jennings, you tend to move

heaven and earth to get it.”

Heat filled his slow grin. “You do have a point.”
Lucy patted River on the hand. “It’ll be okay. Jeanette’s tough. I’m sure everything will work out

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Since Lucy had given birth to twins, Jeanette considered the words a true compliment. Jeanette sat

up straighter and took a sip of her water. “Thank you. At least someone believes I can do this.”

“Besides, if things get scary, we’ll just hog-tie her and force the doctor to our way of thinking.”

She shrugged. “Shouldn’t be too difficult.”

“Lucy!” Jeanette screeched, not liking the gleam of satisfaction on the other woman’s face. “I

thought you were on my side.”

“I’m on the baby’s side, girlfriend, and you know it. Whatever the baby needs, the baby will get.”
“Hear, hear!” River shouted, putting in his own two cents.
Then it was Wanda’s turn to lend her weight, and for a small woman, she could really lend a lot of

weight. “I think you should listen to them, daughter. Having babies naturally can’t be easy.”

“How about we just wait and see how it goes,” Jeanette offered, knowing they were wearing her

down. “Does that make everyone happy?” They all gave nods of agreement, and Jeanette suddenly
wanted to cry.

Oh God, she loved them all so much. She felt incredibly lucky to have them in her life. It was just

too much sometimes. After her parents had died, she’d been so alone. If not for River, she didn’t
know what she would’ve done. Now she had an entire family to love and cherish.

“I’m seriously the luckiest woman alive,” Jeanette said softly, putting her thoughts into words.

Everyone grew silent and gazed at her with affection. River leaned over and kissed her cheek gently.
“We’re the lucky ones, sunshine.”

River stood tall and proud under the rose-covered arbor in the backyard of their family home. Love

welled in his chest as he watched his sweet Jeanette walk toward him. Her pale yellow dress set off
the wavy mass of her long, shiny, dark brown hair beautifully. He was a lucky man. Since the moment
he’d met her, when she’d been a freshman in high school, he’d been blessed.

River was glad he’d held firm about having a small outside affair. Only their close family and

friends were in attendance. Reilly stood next to him as his best man, with Brodix and Vance as
groomsmen. Sammy had offered to give Jeanette away. The gesture had forced River to hold back a
flood of emotion. Lucy was the maid of honor with Shayla, Sarah and Julie as bride’s maids. His
mom sat in the front row with the twins watching on. Yes, a small affair was a good idea. It would
make it easier for him to sneak off with Jeanette later. Damn, he couldn’t wait to have her all to

His soon-to-be wife fairly bloomed beneath the warm, summer sun. With the family home as the

backdrop, it was the perfect spot to say their vows and start building a future together. Her hips
swayed as she walked, driving him wild with thoughts of what he’d be able to do to her once he had
her alone. She was nearly three months along, and her body was already beginning to show the signs
of pregnancy. She was still as slim as ever, but River noticed that her breasts and hips were fuller,
which only made her that much more irresistible to him.

As she reached him, River held out his hands. A jolt of possessiveness shot through him as she

placed her own delicate fingers in his, trust and love shining in her eyes.

He hadn’t had the best start in life. And he still battled inner demons. Hell, he probably always

would. But knowing Jeanette would be by his side, loving him, made it easier to bear. That she hadn’t

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given up on him was the real miracle. And River intended to spend the rest of his life proving to her
that she’d made the right choice. No doubt, it was sure as hell a better ending than any he could write
in one of his novels. He looked forward to every second of their future together.

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About the Author

Anne grew up in a small town in central Ohio the only girl with three rowdy, older brothers. When

she wasn't playing tackle football with them she could be found tucked away in her mother's book
room getting lost in mysterious worlds created by authors such as Martha Grimes and Andrew M.
Greeley. She's had a variety of odd jobs including Chiropractic Assistant, Frame Stylist, Restaurant
Hostess, and Nail Technician.

Anne now lives with her fabulous husband, two gorgeous teenage daughters, two ornery dogs, three

snooty cats, a tree frog named Gus, and a snake named Salizar. When Anne's not dressing, feeding,
cleaning or spending time with them, she can be found at the computer writing stories hot enough to
make your toes curl!

Anne loves to hear from her readers. You can find her on Facebook at

or email her directly at

. Join her newsletter for updates on new releases, signings and contests for

a chance to win books. The link to join is on the front of her webpage at


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Look for these titles by Anne Rainey

Now Available:

Haley’s Cabin

Seduce Me


Turbulent Passions

Dare Me

A Little Bit Naughty


Touching Lace

Tasting Candy

Taking Chloe

Tempting Grace

Cape May

What She Wants

What She Craves

What She Needs


Sam’s Promise

Breaking Brodix

Vance’s Rules

Reilly’s Wildcard

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The most potent lover she’s ever had…and the morning sickness to prove it!

Reilly’s Wildcard

© 2013 Anne Rainey

Blackwater, Book 4
Lucy Rice knew that a night of uninhibited passion with sex-on-a-stick Reilly Jennings would leave

a lasting impression on her body. But never in a million years did she expect to see a plus sign appear
on that little white stick.

Pregnant? She can’t believe her eyes. When a second test confirms it, Lucy admits the truth. She’s

about to be a one-night-stand mommy. How’s that for luck?

Reilly never wanted the responsibility of fatherhood, much less tie himself to an infuriating,

headstrong woman like Lucy. Still, his sense of honor won’t let him abandon his baby like his
biological parents abandoned him. Yet it isn’t long before he’s captivated by the coming baby—and
the mother carrying it.

Lucy is rocked with all sorts of conflicting feelings for the father of her child. Unfortunately, she’s

been down that road before, and it left her a blubbering mess. Not again. No way, no how. Except
Reilly seems hell-bent on keeping her close. Maybe it’s the hormones, but Lucy’s beginning to forget
why that’s a bad idea…

Warning: This title contains a tender and romantic man bent on proving he can be more than a

good time, and a woman in serious need of the love of an honorable man.

Enjoy the following excerpt for Reilly’s Wildcard:

Lucy reached out to him, and a familiar warmth seeped into her. What was it about Reilly that made

her feel as if she’d known him her entire life? “Annabelle was too young to go through what she did.
The older I got, the angrier I became. At first I was mad at my mom for dying on us and leaving us
with Dad. Irrational, I know.”

“I think it’s a natural reaction, given the circumstances.” A beat of silence filled the air before he

asked, “Where is your dad now?”

Reilly’s calm, gentle voice and feather-light touches over her fingers relaxed her the way nothing

else ever had. She couldn’t remember a time when she and David had talked like this. Why was it so
easy with Reilly? It scared her that she was opening herself to him so quickly.

Lucy thought of his question and cringed. “We don’t really speak. After Annabelle joined the army

and I went off to college, Dad pretty much washed his hands of us. I tried to reach out at first, but you
can’t make someone love you. They either do or they don’t.”

Reilly frowned. “His loss, if you ask me.”
“That’s pretty much the way I look at it.” Her voice trembled. The emotional topic or Reilly’s

nearness? She had a sneaking suspicion it was a little of both.

He leaned closer and murmured, “I’m glad you came to the restaurant tonight.”
“Me too,” she whispered as her breathing increased and her temperature spiked.
Reilly angled his head and touched his lips to hers. It was a barely there caress that had Lucy

craving so much more. She moaned and pressed more firmly against his mouth. A growl emanated
from his chest; then his tongue teased at hers. Lucy closed her eyes and drifted into the kiss, tasting the

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delicious flavor of Reilly. She cupped his lean jaw in her hand, relishing the roughness of his five
o’clock shadow against her palm.

He lifted an inch and said, “God, you are so beautiful, Lucy.”
She wanted to reply, but he stole her words with another scorching mating of lips. Her pulse beat a

wild rhythm, and she suddenly took control, sliding her tongue into his mouth, licking at the wet
warmth she found there. Reilly groaned and pulled away. Had she done something wrong? When he
stood and stared down at her, dark desire etched into the rugged features of his face, a thrill of
excitement raced up and down Lucy’s spine.

“Are you sure about this?” Reilly asked, his hands fisted at his sides.
As an answer, Lucy took hold of the right strap on her dress and tugged it downward. The left one

went next. Soon her lace-covered breasts were exposed.

“I must be dreaming,” Reilly murmured as his hot gaze traveled her length. “That’s the only


“That goes for both of us,” she replied. As Reilly licked his lips, Lucy’s nipples tingled and pulled

into tight peaks beneath the see-through fabric.

She stood and slid the side zipper down, watching as Reilly froze in place. A blazing inferno

roared out of control inside her. For the first time in her life, Lucy felt desirable and uninhibited. She
let the dress fall to the floor and stepped out of it. Reilly slowly moved closer. He reminded Lucy of a
great, prowling leopard.

“How can you say that your sister is breathtaking when you’re standing in front of me in nothing but

a pair of baby-blue lace panties and bra? Sexy high-heeled shoes and all that dark, shiny hair spilling
down your back, caressing your pretty ass?” He shook his head. “Not touching you is killing me here,

His words tore away the last of her reservations. “So touch me.”
He cursed under his breath and seized her hips, pulling her close. Lucy lost her balance and tipped

forward, landing against him.

“I want you so bad it hurts,” he groaned.
“It’s the same for me,” she confessed as she flung her arms around his neck and nestled her pelvis

into the rigid length beneath his jeans. “But I don’t even know where to start. It’s been too long, and
I’m…” Lucy didn’t know how to put into words the fact she felt that this was all so new to her. The
relationship she’d had with David had never been terribly passionate. The sparks flying between her
and Reilly now were in a class all their own.

He hummed his approval. “That’s okay, because I’ve got plenty of ideas. Hell, you have no clue

what I want to do to you right now,” he whispered against the shell of her ear. “Be sure, Lucy.”

“Please,” she protested, “if you stop now, I just might clobber you.”
He chuckled. “Not a chance.” He dropped to his knees in front of her and rubbed his face against

her belly. “Mm, your skin is silky soft.” Reilly slipped his arms around her and cupped her ass in his
hands, squeezing and fondling. He effectively held her still while he plied her tender flesh. “You’re
so goddamn sexy.” He reached up and pinched her nipple. Lucy whimpered. “I could come in my
pants just staring at you.”

As he looked up at her, Lucy’s cheeks heated. Reilly slipped his fingers under the waistband of her

panties and inched them down over her hips. When they pooled at her feet, she stepped out of them,
her thigh muscles quivering as her need mounted. She released a breath she hadn’t even known she

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was holding and asked, “Shouldn’t we take this to the bedroom?”

“Soon,” he answered. “First, spread your legs for me. Show me how much you want me.”
Lucy did as he commanded. There was no possible way she could deny him. When Reilly touched

a finger to the dark curls at her cleft, Lucy nearly exploded.

“Ah, that’s it, sweetheart.” Reilly stroked her clit. “Damn, you are hot for me, aren’t you? So nice

and wet.” He looked deep into her eyes, as if desperate for her to submit to him entirely. She nearly
begged him for more, but his fingers searched and parted her sex, and Lucy’s thoughts scattered. When
he slipped a finger inside her wet heat, Lucy flung her head back and cried out, helpless to the craving
this man provoked in her. She abandoned all sense of modesty, dug her fingers deep into Reilly’s hair
and pulled him closer still.

“Yeah, that’s what I like,” he said in a low voice. “I want you all wild and eager for me.”
Reilly was merciless in his ministrations. He held her still with one powerful hand while the other

palmed her mound. Lucy pulled his head toward her in a silent plea for his mouth to replace his

“No,” he softly warned, “tell me what you want. Say it.”
“Reilly,” she pleaded, knowing damn well she was unable to actually form complete sentences at

this point.

“If you want my tongue inside you, you’re going to have to ask me nicely.”
Lucy cursed and tugged at his hair, but the man wasn’t budging an inch. “Stop teasing me,” she


“I want to kiss your pretty little pussy, sweetheart,” he murmured. “I want to taste that sweet juice

so badly, but I want to hear the lovely words from you first. That’s not so much to ask, is it?”

Her face burned as she attempted to form the words he wanted. “I want your mouth on me.” Lucy

took his dark, fiery gaze as a sign that she should continue. “I want your tongue thrusting inside me,
and I desperately want you to push me to the floor and take me as hard and as fast as you want. For as
long as you want, until we’re both limp and sweating. I want you, Reilly, and I’m not going to stop
wanting you, that’s for damn sure.”

Silence gathered between them for several heartbeats, and then: “Jesus, woman.”

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The spotlight she craves could burn him alive…

Taking Her There

© 2013 Olivia Brynn

When Angeline Rowe emerges from six months in court-ordered detox, she isn’t surprised the

paparazzi are waiting for her. But when she ducks into her car, eager to return to the comforts of
home, she is surprised to see the familiar face of her driver.

Now that she’s sober, it’s nice to discover that he’s easy to talk to. In fact, he’s quite a flirt.
Starving artist Andre Salidas had to be begged to come back to work for “Hurricane Angeline”.

Yet the snobby actress who fired him in a drunken rage is not the same one sitting in his car now.
She’s fragile, vulnerable…intriguing.

Once back home, a little push and pull, back and forth pushes their flirtation to the next level. A

few orgasms later, Andre has found his muse—until a cold blast from her past threatens to blow out
the fire they’ve ignited.

Warning: Contains a mercurial actress and an artist who needs a little heat to get his creative

juices flowing. Drop cloths recommended.

Enjoy the following excerpt for Taking Her There:

Angeline stared out the window as Andre took the exit off the interstate and weaved through the

streets of her neighborhood. From the time she’d been voted Prom Queen as a sophomore in high
school, Angeline had happily taken her place on top of the pedestal society set out for her. She liked
it. Being in charge, calling the shots. Who wouldn’t?

Even with her very public downfall, she still had fans all over the world sending cards and letters.

That still didn’t make the crowd currently camped out on her corner any more welcome. Several
crude words bubbled through her brain, but she uttered only one.

“Yeah. Looks like we may have a problem.” Andre’s voice was steady as ever. “What do you


“I think it’s going to be a long weekend.”
“You want to go through them, then?”
“That’s my house. You’re damn right we’re going through.” She’d tried driving away once. It only

made the headlines worse.

The car inched through the mob, and reporters pressed so closely up against the car, she hoped the

rear tire would catch a few toes. Their questions all jumbled together and were muted through the car
windows, so even if she gave a damn, she wouldn’t be able to understand any one of them.

Andre pressed the button to open the huge gate door. “Is someone waiting for you?”
“No. I don’t have anyone.” Her surly words came out almost too morose. She sat up straighter as

the gate closed behind them.

“Sure you do. I read about your family in Indiana. And you always have Percy.”
“Psh. I’m sure he’s e-mailing all his colleagues right now, trying to unload me.”
“You have me.”
Angeline let her mouth hang open while he pulled to a stop, then closed it as he got out and walked

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to the back door to open it for her. This guy was something else.

With the door open, she slid both bare feet out first, then emerged from the backseat as if she were

arriving on the red carpet, to get her first clear look at the man she’d been casually chatting with over
the past ninety minutes.

Nothing unusual about his black suit pants and jacket, black tie and crisp white shirt. Though she

noticed for the first time how well the pants fit his long legs. When she looked into his face, she
caught her breath.

She’d been starved of eye candy for way too long, because she didn’t remember him looking this

damn good. Of course she’d probably never looked him in the eye until now. Long, angular features
put together into a very appealing shape. Full lips that made her lick her own. Brooding eyes
shadowed by the brim of his hat. He looked more like a college frat boy than a limo driver. The
ponytail at his nape only added to his European appeal.

“Have a great day. Enjoy your new freedom.” He touched the brim of his cap in an old-fashioned


“You can’t leave.”
“Why not?”
Why not, Angeline? “Well…aren’t you going to carry in my things?”
He glanced into the limo beyond her, then raised one eyebrow. “You want me to carry your purse

and shoes?”

She cocked her head. “I told you I don’t have any other staff. And you told me yourself I’m paying

you extremely well. I think it’s the least you can do.”

With her chin high, she brushed past him and walked toward her house, ignoring the fact that her

bare feet sounded anything but proud, and her house keys were inside the purse good old Andre
would be carrying. To maintain control, she crossed her arms and waited on the veranda.

Turning to watch his progress, she got a great view of his backside as he bent over to lean into the

car. Percy, I owe you big. Angeline bit her lower lip and groaned quietly, her hands itching to run
through that long, black hair.

Mr. Tall, Dark and Handsome looked a bit ridiculous with her glittery handbag in one hand and her

strappy heels dangling from the other. Though it did add a little bit of attractiveness when his purely
masculine swagger sent them swinging. As he neared, she stuck out one hand, and he passed her the

She reached into the pocket, which was pitifully empty besides her now-expired driver’s license

and a six-month-old pack of gum, and pulled out her keys.

Andre said nothing as she opened the door and stormed through. Percy must have hired someone

else to air out her house, because it didn’t have the stale scent of abandonment. Home at last.

She dropped her purse onto a table, then turned again to face him. “Well?”
He held out her shoes but didn’t cross the threshold.
“Just set them anywhere. Then you may return to your other duties.”
His eyes narrowed. A sultry look if ever there was one. He took three slow steps into the room, his

focus on her the entire way. Even when he let her shoes drop to the floor, he didn’t look away. Or
even blink.

Angeline’s heart thumped, and just as her vision seemed to blur, Andre Salidas showed up in hyper

clarity. One more step and he was in her personal space. The twenty-four-inch radius that she rarely

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allowed anyone into. Alarms didn’t sound, and her ass-kicking instincts lay dormant.

“Do you know what I think?” His voice. God, his voice. Low and rumbly, it washed over her skin

to tease each nerve ending with a gentle lick.

She swallowed. “What?”
“I think you do a lot of hiding behind that dominatrix façade you’ve built.” His coffee-tinged breath

was warm on her cheek. “I think that’s probably how you get through your time isolated in your glass
palace. Probably how you get through your day-to-day life being ordered around by directors and
agents and”—he dropped his focus to her mouth when she licked her lips—“boyfriends.”

“You don’t know a damn thing about—”
“I know everything there is to know about you. Your whole life is an open book. You never used

that mute button in all the time I’ve been driving you around. If I were anyone else, I’d blush.”

She took a step back “Then you know I don’t—I never hide.”
He took a step toward her, one side of his mouth curled in a knowing grin. “Sure you do. You hide

behind your superstar status. Every time you stick your nose in the air, you’re trying to take attention
off the lonely woman you really are. You showed the slightest hint of vulnerability in the car when
Percy told you he trusted you. Even through that tinted glass, I saw the hardness in your face and body
just melt away. It revealed the real you. Human. Feminine. That’s what you hide.”

Before she knew it, her back hit the wall. Andre hadn’t touched her, but rode her chest with barely

three inches between them, and she had to curl her fingers into fists to refrain from reaching out to that

“You get home, and that’s when you build your guard back up. You put on your ridiculous mask and

put yourself back in charge. I can’t believe you ordered me to carry your fuck-me heels.”

She spared one glance at her shoes, then snapped her attention back on the man she had to crane her

neck to see. “You…work for me.”

God, her voice sounded so damn weak. She stuck her chin out but refused to repeat herself.
“I’m your driver. When I’m behind that wheel, and when you’re in the backseat, you can send me in

whatever direction you want, and I’ll take you there. But if you think about it…” He reached up to
remove his cap, revealing a headful of shiny black hair, a halo of blue enticing her again to release the
band at his nape and let the silky-looking strands flow free. “That still puts me in charge.”

A shiver tickled her spine. “What do you want?”
His mouth moved closer to her ear, and she let her eyes slide closed. “I want what you want. I want

you to relax. Let me take over.”

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River’s Redemption

Anne Rainey

He’d make her his future…if only he could rewrite his past.

Blackwater, Book 5
Before his adoptive parents stepped in, River’s childhood was little more than hellish misery. He

still has the demons to prove it. Too bad he can’t seem to convince Jeanette Munroe that he’s
damaged goods, and anything beyond friendship is an act of futility.

He’s done everything in his power to keep his ugly past from touching her sweet, innocent heart.

Yet when he learns she’s been mugged, nothing will keep him from her side. And soon all he can think
about is stripping her bruised body naked.

Ever since she tripped over her clumsy ninth-grade feet and into his life, Jeanette has been secretly

crazy about her best friend. To her frustration, he’s never seemed to notice—until he comes to her
rescue like the white knight she’s always believed him to be.

River never realized how deep and hard he hungered for Jeanette until her kiss, her touch sets his

desire free. But as the heat between them rises to fever pitch, his secrets threaten to shatter any chance
for a future.

Warning: Contains a green-eyed devil of a man with a tortured past, and a woman more than

capable of chasing his nightmares away—one scorching kiss at a time. May cause an uncontrollable
desire to give or get a hickie.

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e Books are not transfe rable .

The y cannot be sold, share d or give n away as it is an infringe me nt on the copyright of this work.

This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the writer’s imagination or have been used

fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, actual events, locale or organizations is

entirely coincidental.

Samhain Publishing, Ltd.

11821 Mason Montgomery Road Suite 4B

Cincinnati OH 45249

River’s Redemption

Copyright © 2013 by Anne Rainey

ISBN: 978-1-61921-884-0

Edited by Linda Ingmanson

Cover by Angela Waters

All Rights Are Reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission, except

in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.


Samhain Publishing, Ltd.

electronic publication: November 2013

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