Fae Sutherland & Marguerite Labbe Exceptions to the Rule

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An Ellora’s Cave Romantica Publication


Exceptions to the Rule

ISBN 9781419915772
Exceptions to the Rule Copyright © 2008 Fae Sutherland & Marguerite Labbe

Edited by Briana St. James.
Photography and cover art by Les Byerley.

Electronic book Publication May 2008

With the exception of quotes used in reviews, this book may not be reproduced or used in whole or in
part by any means existing without written permission from the publisher, Ellora’s Cave Publishing,
Inc.® 1056 Home Avenue, Akron OH 44310-3502.

Warning: The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. Criminal
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punishable by up to 5 years in federal prison and a fine of $250,000. (http://www.fbi.gov/ipr/)

This book is a work of fiction and any resemblance to persons, living or dead, or places, events or locales
is purely coincidental. The characters are productions of the author’s imagination and used fictitiously.

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Fae Sutherland & Marguerite Labbe

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For Margie, my co-author and soul sister, without whom I would not be living my

life’s dream. Thank you, for the laughter, the smut and the unwavering love even when

I drive you mad. I love you, sweetpea.—Fae

For Fae, you challenge me when I hedge, you believe in me when I doubt, you give

me honest criticism when I need it and are unstinting with your praise. I wouldn’t be

where I am without you pushing me. I love you.—Margie

Trademarks Acknowledgement

The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of the

following wordmarks mentioned in this work of fiction:

John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts: Trustees of the John F. Kennedy

Center for the Performing Arts

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Chapter One

Nathan Daniels stirred his straw, tumbling the ice cubes around in the otherwise

empty glass. The music was pounding, or maybe it was his temples. He glanced at his

watch and suppressed a sigh. It was too early to ditch his colleagues, though judging by

the mess of empty glasses on the table and the rapt expressions on their faces as they

leered at the brunette gyrating on the little stage, they wouldn’t notice if he left.

The song ended and the stripper scooped up her fallen clothes and the scattering of

bills on the stage with quick, businesslike motions before swaying off in impossibly

high heels. Nathan rose, the smell of perfume cloying.

“Hey, where you going, Nate?” John Hanson, an associate from Detroit, looked up

as another song started and a fresh wave of girls took up their spots on the stages. “You

don’t want to miss this one,” he said, indicating the statuesque blonde crammed into a

tiny riding habit.

Nathan offered him a bland smile and shook his glass, the ice cubes clinking against

the side. “I’m getting a refill. I’ll be back.” He departed before John could protest. This

was not his type of scene and he grew more uncomfortable every time colleagues were

in town and it was inevitably suggested they head out to a strip club for drinks after


He wound his way over to the bar, contemplating leaving again. He could make his

apologies in the morning, only he’d left his coat and jacket on the chair and it was too

cold to head outside without them. The bar was almost empty, since it was late enough

that most of the customers were settled down at individual tables. A steady stream of

waitresses came with empty trays and left again with them fully laden. The three

bartenders were all occupied, so Nathan set his empty glass on the counter and sat,

glancing back toward his enthralled companions.

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“What can I get you?” The voice was smooth, with the slight lilt of an accent

Nathan couldn’t quite place. He turned back to the bar and his irritation melted away

with one look. The bartender was in his late twenties, with spiky, jet-black hair which

looked natural, not dyed. His eyes were a brilliant green and mischievous. He had that

deliberate scruffy look, in need of a shave but it was incredibly sexy. Nathan’s spirits


“Mojito,” he responded, hoping he hadn’t been caught staring, but this guy

deserved a second glance, a third and fourth even. The bartender’s snug black t-shirt

hugged his chest, the tattoo of a dragon rearing up out of the collar to kiss the side of

his neck. His eyebrow and lip were pierced, and all in all, he wasn’t the type Nathan

usually went for. Nonetheless, he was entranced.

The bartender grinned as he began mixing the drink, glancing back Nathan’s way

in a considering manner. He turned his attention back to the concoction, giving it a

good shake before pouring and sliding it in front of Nathan.

“You guys in town for a convention or something?” the bartender asked as Nathan

looked back toward his companions.

Nathan suppressed a sigh, turning his back on his table and all his attention on the

bartender, even if the man was probably working here because of the all the available

women around. “No. I’m hosting the meetings in town, they came in for it. Someone on

the upper floors thought it would be a wise career move to entertain them this


“Ahh, I see.” The other man’s smile widened and Nathan noticed with a sharp

tingle of lust that his tongue was pierced too. There was something about the wrong

kind of man, and the bartender definitely looked like the type his mother had warned

him about. It set his imagination on fire.

The bartender gave him an easy smile as he took Nathan’s bill and made change.

Nathan mourned the thought of taking his drink and going to sit back with his

colleagues. Especially when the bartender lifted his be-ringed eyebrow and gave him a

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small smile as he started drying the glasses. Nathan wasn’t sure if there was a spark of

interest in those green eyes or not, but on his end this conversation, not to mention

view, was far more entertaining than what he had been doing.

Nathan left a couple of ones on the bar before tucking the rest of the change in his

wallet, then took a sip of his drink. He should go back. He was being rude. Somehow,

though, he couldn’t seem to unglue himself from the seat.

He was sure he was being obvious. Most men in a strip bar wouldn’t abandon the

table to go exchange conversation with another man. The little gleam of awareness he

thought he’d recognized in the other man intrigued him, though, and if he was wrong,

well, he’d been wrong before. No harm, no foul, but if he was right, then this night

could take a definite turn for the better.

Nathan’s tongue slipped out to catch a bit of sugar from the glass’s rim, which

clung to his lip. The bartender’s gaze dropped down to follow its path and there was a

sharp tug of undeniable lust in the pit of Nathan’s stomach. It was probably just wishful

thinking on his part when Nathan thought he saw an answering reaction in the man’s

vivid green eyes.

Nathan’s hopes were realized when the bartender set aside the glass he was drying

and held out his hand. “Jamie Nolan, and you are?”

“Nathan Daniels.”

Jamie’s hand was warm, strong, and he nodded with another easy smile, glancing

over at the table with Nathan’s colleagues and then back to meet his eyes. Neither said

anything for a moment before their hands released. There was a new awareness in

Nathan, but before he could reflect on it, another voice cut into his thoughts.

“Hey there, darlin’, how about a private dance?” A smoky, seductive voice caught

them both off guard and Jamie laughed. Nathan turned stunned eyes toward a tall

Latina woman, leaning casually against the bar. Before he could stammer a reply, Jamie

reached across to give her a light nudge.

“Sorry, Maria, I think this one’s mine.”

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The light teasing in Jamie’s voice had Nathan’s stomach leaping again. Then the

impact of his words struck and Nathan found himself staring at him. Oh yes, he’d

gladly be his. Jamie was a fantasy realized.

The woman gave Jamie a good-natured roll of her eyes before sashaying off and it

occurred to Nathan that she knew his secret. Not that it was much of a secret, but he

wasn’t out at work and he turned to follow her progress to see if she was heading

toward his table.

“Don’t worry. She’s not gonna say anything.”

Nathan turned back to Jamie, surprised he’d been so obvious, and the bartender

chuckled. “The girls here know all there is to know about discretion.” Jamie tsked,

shaking his head. “You, on the other hand, have a thing or two to learn. Tell you what,

go on back to your friends and make your excuses. Otherwise, honey, your cover’s

gonna be blown with those guys. I get off in half an hour, we can go get something to


Nathan recovered his voice. It wasn’t like him to be tongue-tied, but Jamie’s impact

bowled him over. He wasn’t sure if it was because of all the alcohol he’d imbibed or

because this was such an unexpected turn to his evening. “The diner around the

corner?” he asked, smiling as he rose from the barstool.

“I’ll be there.” Jamie’s smile widened to a wicked grin. “You can count on that.”

Oh, Nathan was certain he could. “I’ll be waiting,” he replied, heading back to the

table. He could sense Jamie’s gaze on him and the heightened awareness sent a shiver

down his spine. He wondered if he’d get the chance to see how far the dragon tattoo on

Jamie’s neck extended.

“You’re leaving already?” John asked as Nathan stopped at their table and gathered

up his suit jacket and coat.

“Sorry,” Nathan replied with a smile, clapping John on his shoulder. “I’ve got an

early morning.”

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Nathan lingered a few minutes longer, exchanging pleasantries before taking his

leave. Jamie was busy behind the bar, but the intriguing man flashed him a smile as

Nathan caught his eye. He smiled back and headed out the door. The dread he’d been

experiencing earlier when he realized where his evening was headed had disappeared,

replaced with anticipation.

He turned down the street toward the diner. It was the only place within walking

distance where people could go after midnight to sit down and get something to eat. It

was half full, mostly with club-goers and the like, though there were a few

businessmen, probably from the same establishment he’d just left. That should worry

him, but it didn’t. The chances of his companions coming here instead of heading to the

hotel when they were done were slim.

Nathan found an empty booth and slid in, ordering a cup of coffee. It crossed his

mind that Jamie might be playing him for a fool. At first glance, they seemed to have

nothing in common, but he wasn’t the sort to make snap judgments based on another’s

appearance, especially when that appearance fired his imagination.

No, he’d seen the interest in Jamie’s eyes. He would show when his shift was over.

* * * * *

Jamie hadn’t ever closed out his shift so quick. He turned his jacket collar up

against the bite in the air and grinned, joking good-naturedly with Phil and Steve, the

bouncers, as he headed out. He pulled out a cigarette and lit it as he strolled down the


He wondered if Nathan would be there, then decided, yes, he would. Why he could

believe it with such certainty, Jamie didn’t know, but he knew he’d be there. He felt a

sharp pull of anticipation in his belly and took a long drag on his cigarette as he

maneuvered the sidewalk, calling out a greeting to a couple of the girls working the

corner. He knew them all, not because he patronized them, but because he tended to be

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out when they were and most of them were good girls just trying to survive. He didn’t

fault them for it or for how they chose to do their surviving.

Turning the corner, Jamie glanced up and down the street before jogging across to

the diner. He crushed out his cigarette under his boot heel and ducked inside, grateful

for the warm rush of air. Winter in the metro area was a pain in his ass and sometimes

made him wish for L.A. Then he’d come to his senses.

He unwound his scarf and unzipped his jacket as he wove through the tables,

experiencing a heady rush when smoky gray eyes lifted and met his halfway across the

room. Lord, what was it about this man? Jamie had a strict no-customers policy ever

since one had gone bad, but his invitation had been out before he could even question

what he was doing.

He decided, as he got closer, that it was the vulnerability Nathan had which

showed in every uncertain shift of his eyes, the way he’d nibble on his lower lip just so

and the little smile he gave from under those heavy brows and thick lashes. He

looked…soft. Welcoming. And Jamie craved it.

“Hey.” Jamie grinned as he slid into the booth, shrugging out of his jacket and

blowing on his hands. “Freaking icy out there.”

Nathan nodded, glancing over to catch the waitress’s eye and gesturing to the cup

of coffee in his hands with two fingers held up before looking back at Jamie. “We’ll

have to get you warmed up then.” And then, bless him, looked shocked at himself for

saying it.

Jamie chuckled and reached out both chilled hands to cover one of Nathan’s.

“You’re nice and warm.” After a moment he released his hand, glancing up as the

waitress brought the second cup of coffee and another menu before disappearing. Jamie

gave him a warm smile over the menu. “I’m glad you didn’t blow me off.”

Nathan let out a breathless sort of laugh, almost relieved sounding, and a good bit

of the tension Jamie had sensed faded. “I could say the same.”

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Jamie gave him a grin that said he shouldn’t have worried. Not that he thought

Nathan had, not really. His companion seemed much more the type whom it would

take a lot to rattle. But then again, he also seemed like this sort of thing was not his

norm. A rattled Nathan might be very tempting to see.

Jamie reached for his menu as Nathan pulled open his own, perusing the selections.

“Dinner was too many drinks ago,” he said and Jamie grinned at him, imagining

Nathan drunk. Now that would be something to see.

“I hear you. I’m always starving when I come off a shift.”

Jamie was still going back and forth between examining the menu and glancing up

at Nathan, while the other man apparently figured out what he wanted and folded the

menu, setting it to the side to study Jamie’s face as he sipped his coffee. Jamie cast him a

small smile, not bothered by the intent way Nathan was looking him over. Jamie

fiddled with his lip ring as he finally decided on a big greasy burger and fries he could

drown in hot sauce.

He glanced up over the menu and watched a faint blush steal over Nathan’s cheeks

as he was caught staring. “Like what you see?” Jamie grinned.

They both knew there was no point in hedging and Nathan smiled back. “That I do,


“So do I,” Jamie replied, setting the menu aside as the waitress came back.

They ordered and Jamie glanced at Nathan with a surprised smile when the other

man suddenly chuckled. “What’s tickled you, honey?” Jamie asked, tilting his head.

“Just the thought of two gay men meeting in a straight strip club.” Nathan laughed

again. “You have to appreciate the irony.”

Jamie chuckled and leaned back in the booth, stretching his legs out to prop them

on the seat beside Nathan. “You’d be surprised. It’s more common than you’d think.

Most of the guys who work there are gay and a fair number of customers too. Beats me

why they frequent the place, but they do.” He shrugged. “Maybe they’re all in the

closet, who knows.”

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He took a sip of his coffee and gave Nathan a smile. “So is it just work folks you

don’t tell or do I get to be your dirty little secret?” He might not mind being this man’s

dirty anything.

Nathan flushed a little and shook his head. “Just work. Corporate America is a

good old boys network and gay men don’t get into the club.” He shrugged. “It’s just

reality, that’s all. Or the corporate funhouse version of reality, anyway.”

Jamie nodded. “I can respect that, not everybody has the luxury of picking up a guy

at work.” He blanched and then shook his head. “Not that I make a habit of it or

anything. I don’t, actually. I have no idea why I broke the rule tonight, but I have to say,

I’m glad I did.”

“So am I.”

Jamie gave Nathan’s leg a nudge with the toe of his boot. “So tell me about yourself,

Nathan. You’re not from DC, I can tell. What kind of accent is that?” It was subtle, but

there, a certain hint of drawl to his words that wasn’t quite Southern and definitely not

Yankee either.

“Jacksonville, Florida. You?”

Jamie grinned. “Arizona. I grew up in Tombstone up until junior high, then moved

to Tempe.” He pointed a mock gun at Nathan and laughed. “I wandered a good bit

before settling in DC about five years ago. I’ve lived just about everywhere, though, at

one time or another.”

Nathan smiled. “You look like you have a good bit of wanderlust in you.”

“I get restless after a while and start wondering what’s over the next horizon. I have

no problem finding work and nothing keeping me from moving on.”

He’d never found something worth sticking around for, but Jamie had learned a

long time ago to never rule out the impossible. Sometimes the impossible came


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“So do you bartend full time or is that a side gig?” Nathan interrupted Jamie’s

thoughts and he brought himself back to the conversation with an easy smile, shaking

his head.

“Nah, it’s pretty much full time,” Jamie replied, tugging on one earring. “Though

not all in the same place. There’s the Lolita and I also run the bar at the Boiler Room on

the weekends and some holidays. The pay is decent, the tips are better and I get the best

stories for parties.”

“I’d bet.” Nathan smiled. “I’m sure they’re much more interesting than boardroom


Jamie tapped his finger on the back of Nathan’s hand. “So what do you do?” He

cocked his head again, playing with the lip ring. “Lawyer? Banker?”

Nathan shook his head with a soft laugh as the waitress returned with their meals.

“Do I look that boring?” he teased.

“Definitely not boring in the slightest, honey, though the tailored suit says a lot.”

“True enough.” Nathan picked up his fork. Jamie was utterly charmed when the

other man closed his eyes to say a quick, silent blessing over his food before meeting

Jamie’s gaze. “I’m an analyst for a health care association. The others are in town for a

critical meeting on insurance.” His lips quirked. “At least, they assure me it’s critical. It

seems as if it’s not too different from the last emergency we had a couple months ago.”

Jamie wasn’t sure what an analyst was, but it sounded important. That fit, he didn’t

imagine someone like Nathan was anything mundane. He’d be involved in important

things, know important people. And Jamie knew all those important people’s secrets,

because he served them and saw them when they had every guard lowered.

Nathan, for example, looked at Jamie and saw more than a pretty face, a tight ass

and the bad-boy persona. Nathan looked at Jamie and saw an escape. Something

outside his narrow world and it intrigued him. Nathan saw in Jamie the chance to

prove, if only to himself, that he wasn’t stuffy or old or some creature out of place in the

world Jamie inhabited. The funny thing was, Nathan couldn’t have been more wrong.

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Jamie was anything but the wild, leather-wearing, trouble-walking man Nathan

saw. He imagined Nathan would be very surprised if Jamie didn’t try to get in his pants

tonight. Well, he was going to be surprised then, because Jamie had already decided he

wanted more than one sizzling night with this man. And he had no doubt it would be

sizzling. But as tempting as it was and as much as he knew there’d be zero resistance on

Nathan’s part, Jamie had bigger plans in mind.

He smiled and took a bite of his burger, tongue sliding out to catch a dollop of

mayo on his lip. “So their solution to this big emergency is to shove fives down Maria’s

panties? Wow, I’ll hafta let her know her poontang is so powerful.”

Nathan chuckled and shook his head. “As I said, critical is subjective.” Jamie

watched him eat, very precise, neat bites, chewed probably the recommended number

of times, wiping the corners of his mouth with his napkin after each bite. Lord, the man

did need some shaking up. And Jamie intended to do all the shaking in the world.

“So you don’t frequent strip clubs, I daresay you aren’t a bar hopper either.

Hooking up with a bartender must not be your usual. What made you say yes, honey?”

Jamie was glad he had, though he was curious to know why.

Nathan seemed to think about it as he set his knife and fork down. He sat back and

took a sip of his coffee, studying Jamie’s face. Jamie wasn’t flustered at all by his

scrutiny. He continued eating, waiting patiently for his answer.

A smile flitted across Nathan’s face and he set his napkin down on top of his plate

and moved it out of his way, folding his hands on the table and leaned forward. “I

could say it was because you’re dead sexy, but you’re already aware of that and we

both know it’s not the real reason.”

Jamie nodded in agreement. It might have been what attracted Nathan initially, but

Jamie didn’t think his appearance alone would be enough to have had him out here,

late in the night, hoping there was more to come.

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“Or it might be because you showed interest in return, which was unexpected.”

Jamie’s brows arched slightly, but he said nothing as Nathan continued. “But that’s not

it either. Maybe it’s not something I can put into words yet.”

Nathan sat back then, taking another sip of his coffee. A slow smile curved Jamie’s

lips, finding it inexpressibly sweet that this put-together man, with his façade of “I’ve

got it handled”, seemed to be unable to put a finger on what Jamie made him feel. Jamie

very much liked that. After a long moment of apparently thinking about it inside his

own head, Nathan went on.

“I agreed because I have a feeling I might have stumbled upon something I’ve been

searching for,” he finally said and flushed. “Well, now that I’ve embarrassed myself and

probably made you think I’m some sentimental kind of fool, how about you? Why did

you ask? You said you’re not normally in the habit of going out with your customers, so

what changed this time?”

Jamie set down his burger. “You’re right, I don’t date customers. I have a very strict

no-customer policy actually.” He smiled and scratched his temple. “I was thinking

about it on the way over, how come I asked you to meet me when I never do that.”

“And what conclusion did you come to?”

Their gazes met and held and Jamie smiled again. “Don’t take offense, but I decided

it was because you seemed soft. Soft and welcoming. You have this vulnerability about

you I find unspeakably attractive, just a certain look in your eyes. I’m comfortable with

you. Beyond the urge to muss up your perfectly pressed shirt and your neat hair.”

He gave Nathan a cheeky grin. “Like how you said you weren’t expecting interest

on my part. You’re not some guy who expects men to fall all over themselves to get to

you. It kinda makes me want to do just that.”

Jamie shrugged and picked his burger back up to take a big bite. He could tell

Nathan was surprised by his answer. “Don’t discount the urge to muss you up,

though.” He winked and was thrilled with the soft flush spreading across the other

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man’s cheeks. It was utterly endearing, he didn’t think he’d ever met anyone who

blushed, at least not in a long time.

Jamie imagined Nathan was the type of person who took care of others well. Met

you at the door with a warm kiss and a cup of hot tea on a blustery day, picked up your

favorite dessert without being asked because he knew you liked it. Things like that.

Jamie was the same way and he was intrigued by what he considered a kindred spirit.

He put a lot of stock in his gut instinct and it said Nathan was something special.

Not to mention Jamie could imagine what it might be like to wake up in the

morning with this man tangled in his arms. Soft and warm from sleep, those stormy

gray eyes hazy and a sleepy smile on his pretty pale lips. Oh yeah, Jamie would

certainly like to wake up to that, which was startling because that was another rule of

his, no one stayed the night. But he couldn’t imagine sending this one on his way at the

end of the evening.

“You don’t have to fall all over yourself to get to me,” Nathan said, meeting Jamie’s

eyes. “I think we both know where we stand.”

Jamie grinned. “I’m not so sure about that, honey, but if you’re not on my page

now, you will be by the end of the night.” He had the distinct impression, and he was

rarely wrong, that Nathan had a scenario in mind right now, one he’d come up with,

with his logical mind and organized thoughts, one he wouldn’t expect Jamie to deviate

from. Unfortunately for Nathan and his carefully laid ideas, there was very little Jamie

liked more than to deviate.

Nathan leaned forward as Jamie finished his burger and set it aside. “What are you

doing Saturday afternoon?”

Jamie grinned, leaning forward as well so they were face-to-face across the table,

Nathan’s pretty gray eyes lit up inside and it was a damn fine sight to see. “Why, you

thinkin’ about whisking me away, honey?”

“Something like that.” Nathan gave Jamie an assessing look. “I have two matinee

tickets to Shear Madness at the Kennedy Center. Would you like to go with me?”

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Jamie’s belly jumped and he nodded. “Yeah, I’d like that.” He grinned at the relief

in Nathan’s eyes. “You’ll have to tell me what I just agreed to, though. What’s Shear

Madness?” Besides sitting there tumbling head over ass for a virtual stranger.

Nathan leaned back with a smile. “It’s a comedy, a whodunit where the audience

gets to solve the crime.” His gray eyes sparkled. “I think you’ll like it, you seem the type

to enjoy a good show.”

Jamie arched his brows and chuckled, nodding in assent. “You have me pegged,

honey. I definitely like mysteries.” He saw the flare in Nathan’s eyes and knew the

other man realized Jamie wasn’t just talking about a play.

He grinned and reached for his wallet. “C’mon, Cinderella, it’s getting late, we

better get you home before the clock strikes.”

Nathan’s anticipation was growing, it had been all evening, but now as Jamie rose

and tossed some bills on the table, the sensation became more acute. Jamie held out one

hand, their eyes meeting, and it intensified with the light flutters in Nathan’s stomach

and the tightness in his spine as he smiled and took Jamie’s hand, rising as well. When

Jamie had agreed to the date on Saturday, Nathan took it as a sign that the other man

wasn’t seeking just a one-night stand either. Nathan wanted much more than that,

wanted to get to know the man who was walking through the diner with him, hand in


They paused in the entryway to fasten their jackets before Jamie took Nathan’s

hand again. Nathan was surprised by how comfortable he was with the gesture as they

stepped outside, especially with the frank sexuality the other man exuded. Nathan

wasn’t a prude, but he was private and tended to be uncomfortable with certain

emotions in public. Though at the moment, he didn’t give a damn if everyone passing

on the street took one look at them and knew they were lusting after each other.

Jamie looked around, then down at him. “Where to? Did you drive or is it close

enough to walk?”

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Nathan gave a small nod to the left. “This way. It’s not too far, about six blocks

down and four over.”

Jamie nodded, grinning and tucking their clasped hands into one of his pockets.

The city seemed muted tonight. There were stray cars, a shout from a street corner

every so often, but it was mostly silent and Nathan savored it, the companionable quiet

as they walked.

There was a pull toward the other man that was instinctual. It was a turnaround for

Nathan, who preferred his life to be ordered by rational decisions, not whims. In this

case he was drawn to the innocence he’d seen in Jamie’s eyes, which could be missed if

you looked at his outward appearance and didn’t delve deeper, a genuine kindness

which called to Nathan.

Several blocks down, they were waiting at the crosswalk when Jamie pulled their

hands from his pocket and slid his free arm around Nathan’s waist. A jolt went through

Nathan as he turned toward him and was snared by brilliant green eyes.

Jamie splayed his free hand on Nathan’s back. Even through the coat, Nathan could

imagine the warmth of his palm. Jamie’s voice was quiet and a soft smile played around

his lips. “I’m going to kiss you, Nathan.”

Nathan swallowed and nodded as Jamie pulled him closer and dipped his head.

Even though he’d expected it, Nathan was still surprised by the bolt of electric reaction

that slammed into him at the first light brush of their lips against each other. The shock

of anticipation realized coursed down his spine and all it did was whet his appetite for


Jamie tasted like heaven. Like heaven and sin wrapped up into one. Soft, warm lips,

his breath fanning Nathan’s face, it was perfection and he was astounded by the impact

of a mere brush of lips against lips.

He pressed himself closer to Jamie, curling his fingers in the other man’s jacket, his

lips parting as Jamie’s mouth brushed over his again. His heart pounded. In the course

of a couple of hours, Jamie had him breaking more rules than he’d even known he had.

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Any other man and Nathan wouldn’t be taking him home with him. They’d be

going to a hotel and he wouldn’t have held his hand walking down the street with him,

much less kiss him on a street corner. With Jamie it was natural, which should be

frightening, but instead was exhilarating. Nathan felt freer than he had in a long time.

He nibbled on the strange sensation of Jamie’s lip ring and sighed as the other man

deepened the kiss, their tongues sliding against each other, exploring, and then it was

gone. Nathan blinked up at Jamie, forgetting where they were because he wanted to

kiss him again. The one taste had been too brief.

Jamie chuckled and brushed his finger against Nathan’s lower lip. “You’re gonna

kill me with those eyes, you know.”

“I have no idea what you’re talking about,” Nathan said, squirming a little inside as

he took Jamie’s hand again while they crossed the street. He looked sideways at the

other man. He was sure Jamie was entirely aware of his own impact. The other man

carried himself with an innate confidence. Nathan just wasn’t used to thinking of

himself in the same terms.

“And that’s half of your appeal, honey,” Jamie said.

Nathan felt the faint blush again and cursed himself. He didn’t normally reveal so

much. It seemed he had no defense, no wall against Jamie. It looked as if he’d finally

met someone who could see right through the pose he maintained. He smiled as he

neared his building, this was his last chance to back out and go after something safer.

He didn’t hesitate. “That’s where I live.” He pointed as they crossed the last street.

Nathan nodded to the doorman as they entered hand in hand. It was late and he

had a big day tomorrow, but all he could think about was getting Jamie upstairs, slowly

undressing him and staying up ‘til dawn discovering his secrets. The elevator doors

closed behind them and Nathan didn’t resist as the other man tugged him into his arms

again. He had been so blown away earlier, he’d missed certain details that he drank in

now. Like the lines of humor starting to etch themselves in the corners of Jamie’s eyes.

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Jamie dipped his head and Nathan lifted his lips to meet Jamie’s, but instead of

kissing, Jamie brushed his lips over closed eyelids and Nathan drew in a quick breath as

his heart flipped. Jamie’s mouth feathered down over Nathan’s cheeks, along his jaw,

nibbling before taking his lips.

Nathan was surprised by the soft whimper, barely audible, that came from him.

Jamie fisted his hand in Nathan’s jacket and they drank from each other’s lips as the

elevator rose, only vaguely hearing the ding as the doors slid open. Jamie broke the kiss

and lifted his head, almost in pride, before easing Nathan back and following him out

of the elevator and down the hall. Nathan was dazed, not only from the power of the

kiss they shared, but his easy surrender to it as well.

They stopped at a door and Nathan fumbled with his key before Jamie grinned and

took it from him, deftly unlocking the door and pressing the key back into Nathan’s

hand. Jamie met his eyes and brought both strong hands up to cup Nathan’s cheeks,

blunt fingertips sending little shivers of awareness through him. Jamie tipped Nathan’s

face up and covered his lips in a kiss which was both promising and soft at the same

time. It hinted at the heat they would generate when they did make love and Nathan

savored the anticipation as Jamie’s tongue swept thoroughly into his mouth.

After a long moment, the kiss eased and they separated. Jamie gave him a warm

smile. “Goodnight, Nathan. I’ll see you on Saturday. You’ll hear from me before then.”

He brushed his fingers across Nathan’s lips and took a step back.

Nathan was stunned, more than stunned, he was at a loss, which was a new

experience for him. Normally, he took charge and had the answers for any given

situation prepared before events unfolded, but Jamie was different. He was

disappointed Jamie wasn’t going to stay, though at the same time it confirmed what

he’d hoped. Jamie was looking for more too.

He smiled slowly. He would enjoy the buildup and when he did get Jamie into his

bed, he wasn’t going to ever let him leave. “So do you want my phone number, my

cocky friend, or do you have another plan for getting in touch with me?”

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Jamie laughed, taking another step back. “I always have a plan.” He looked so

wicked, his eyes a brilliant twinkling green and his unconventional appearance added

to the image.

“I look forward to it.” Nathan turned the knob and stepped into his apartment,

flicking on the light. Behind him he could hear the soft ding of the elevator opening

again and resisted the urge to look back. When he’d left work this evening, he would’ve

laughed if anyone had told him that before he went to sleep he was going to be in love.

Maybe he wasn’t yet, but he was pretty damn close.

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Chapter Two

Jamie propped his feet up on the end of the couch, turning over the small business

card in his hand, a smile playing on his lips. God bless Maria, she’d worked over

Nathan’s business companions like the pro she was and it hadn’t taken more than a

quick phone call to get Nathan’s number.

He’d held off for a day, knowing Nathan would have been busy with his meetings

the day after they met, but Jamie wasn’t willing to wait any longer. He flipped open his

cell phone and dialed.

“Mr. Daniels’ office,” the cheery female voice chirped in his ear.

“Is he in?” Jamie didn’t identify himself, he’d learned long ago that as long as you

acted like you belonged somewhere, sounded like you did, it was easy as pie to breeze

into places you wouldn’t get otherwise.

“Yes sir, may I tell him who’s calling?”

Easy as pie, Jamie thought. “He’s expecting my call, thank you.” The next thing he

heard was a series of clicks and then the quiet, liquid velvet voice he remembered so


“Nathan Daniels speaking.”

“Miss me, honey?” There was silence on the end of the line and Jamie chuckled.

“Have I rendered you speechless? If that isn’t an ego boost.”

The laugh in his ear was warm and husky, and sent ripples of sensation down

Jamie’s spine.

“You’ve rendered me more than speechless, Jamie. Do I even want to know how

you got this number?”

Jamie grinned. “Probably not. Are you going to answer my question?”

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Another pause, slightly longer this time. “Yes, I missed you. Happy?” There was

both warmth and a tart amusement to his tone that made Jamie grin even wider.

“Ecstatic. I missed you too, for the record.” He had too, it was crazy. Jamie hadn’t

ever had anyone occupy his thoughts like this, and after so little. A drink, a meal and a

walk home and Jamie was wrapped ever-so firmly around the little finger of one Mr.

Nathan Daniels. It’d taken all of his willpower to resist calling yesterday and to wait

until now.

“It’s nice to know I’m not the only one.” Oh, not even close, Jamie thought. Since

he’d left Nathan at his door he’d either replayed that night in his mind or imagined

what their date Saturday was going to be like.

After a moment of silence, Jamie could hear the smile in Nathan’s voice when he

spoke. “I was wondering when you were going to call.”

“I thought I’d build up the anticipation,” Jamie teased. “Make you want me more.”

“You’ve succeeded. What are you doing right now?”

“Procrastinating. I should be cleaning before I have to go to work tonight, but I

have zero interest.” Jamie’s voice lowered and he grinned, shifting the phone to the

other ear to lean back on the couch as anticipation coiled in his stomach. “Now I’m

hoping you have somethin’ much more interesting in mind.”

“How about meeting me for lunch?” There was a tone in Nathan’s voice Jamie

couldn’t miss.

Jamie paused, then pushed to his feet, already reaching for his wallet. “Your place

or mine?”

“Mine, since you already know where it is. I can be there in half an hour.”

“I’ll be waiting.”

He flipped the phone shut and pushed to his feet, grabbing his jacket and tucking

his phone inside. His heart thudded in anticipation. He’d walked away that first night

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and he knew he’d made his point when he had. He wouldn’t be walking away again.

Time to make that point just as clear.

* * * * *

Jamie was leaning against the wall beside Nathan’s door, his jacket draped over his

arm when the elevator dinged and Jamie’s head turned. He watched with a slow smile

as the doors slid open and Nathan stepped out carrying his own coat, noting with

amusement how his step faltered slightly and a flush tinted the tips of his ears before he

seemed to gather himself and approached. Oh no, beautiful, no gathering yourself.

Jamie pushed away from the wall, not saying anything until Nathan stopped in

front of him, and then it was a simple “Hey”. He reached down and took the keys from

Nathan’s trembling fingers and unlocked the door. He knew what his prim, proper and

oh-so sensual underneath it all Nathan needed and Jamie was going to give it to him.

He turned to face Nathan and slid an arm around his waist, a wicked smile curving

his lips as he drew him back into the apartment, then pushed the door shut, pinning

Nathan against it. The coat and jacket fell unnoticed to the floor. “Now I get to really

greet ya, honey.”

He claimed those soft lips and Jamie had the thought he could kiss this man for an

eternity and not be satisfied. There was an urgency to this kiss the others had lacked,

though Jamie kept it just as slow, just as thorough.

Nathan’s arms twined around his neck and one long leg slid up to hook around his

thigh. All of Jamie’s attention focused on those connections, Nathan wrapping himself

around him, the subtle pliancy to his lips, the way he melted against him. It all

screamed “Take me, I’m yours” and Jamie wasn’t about to ignore the blatant offering.

One hand slid down the outside of Nathan’s leg, sliding under to hold him close.

The other hand slid upward to curl at his nape, feeling the fine hairs tickling his

fingertips. He tilted his head to allow better access to those eagerly parting lips. Jamie

was burning up and this man held the match.

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Nathan was trapped between the door and Jamie’s hard body and Jamie knew they

ought to move. This was not where he intended on taking Nathan for the first time. It

would, however, do just fine for kissing him absolutely breathless.

When Jamie broke the kiss, Nathan let out a small moan that set Jamie’s blood on

fire, his lover’s eyelids heavy as they opened and he looked up at Jamie through his

lashes. “Damn, that was better than I remembered.”

Jamie smiled. “And we’re only getting started, honey.”

Nathan’s eyes fluttered shut as Jamie bent his head and kissed along his jaw. He

arched his neck and sighed as Jamie took the invitation and nibbled. Electric shivers

raced up and down his spine. He wanted to hurry and strip them both, but at the same

time enjoying the sensual pace.

His body was alive, that was the only way to describe it. He was on fire, inside and

out, and somehow he knew sex with Jamie wasn’t going to quench it. If anything, it was

going to make it burn hotter.

Nathan’s hands slid over Jamie’s ribs, feeling the heat of his body through the thin

fabric of his t-shirt. He groaned again, turning his head, capturing Jamie’s lips and

melting as the other man took control again, kissing him with an intensity that left him


Nathan’s fingers traced over Jamie’s abdomen, mapping the hard ridges of a six-

pack, feeling the strength of the other man’s arms as he held him. He felt safe in Jamie’s

arms, which was always something he’d sought to give his lovers, not the other way

around. He found he liked the turnaround. It was almost amusing. Some people would

take one look at Jamie’s appearance and dismiss him as a troublemaker or worse, but

one real look in those green eyes and they’d find a different story. One that Nathan had

found and wanted to keep locked up inside him, cherishing it forever.

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When Jamie lifted his head again, Nathan’s lips felt swollen, his body was raging

and Nathan realized he was falling in love. Jamie’s thumb ran over his lips and Nathan

met his intent gaze, his tongue coming out to lick the tip as it passed.

Jamie groaned, the way he responded to such little gestures surprising Nathan and

then the other man grinned as if reading his mind. Jamie stepped back, taking Nathan’s

hand and glanced around before heading for the short hall that led to Nathan’s

bedroom. Nathan indicated his door and Jamie nudged it open, smiling as his eyes

swept the room with the neatly made bed, clean floor and uncluttered desk in the

corner. Nathan wondered what Jamie thought of it, probably that he needed a life.

It was strange to have somebody he barely knew in his personal space instead of

meeting him at a hotel somewhere. It had been impossible to get Jamie out of his mind

since Jamie had left him at his door. Nathan had either replayed that night in his mind

or imagined what their next meeting would be like. And now he was over analyzing

again and most likely fretting over nothing.

Jamie pulled him close again and ran one hand down his spine, bending to nuzzle

his lips. “You’re worryin’ for nothing, honey, whatever it is you’re worrying about.”

Nathan relaxed and shook his head, with a breathless sigh. “I’m not worrying.”

Jamie chuckled and drew him back with him toward the bed. “Good, ain’t nothing

to worry about.” He brought his hands up and began to slowly unbutton Nathan’s crisp

dress shirt, nibbling at his lower lip. The sensation of Jamie’s knuckles brushing his skin

as he undressed him made Nathan’s stomach leap and when Jamie tugged the shirt free

of Nathan’s pants, he was breathless. Jamie splayed his fingers on Nathan’s abdomen,

eyes closing with a soft exhalation, and captured his lips.

Nathan wasn’t going to get a grip on his racing heart anytime soon, not with

Jamie’s mouth hungry on his. It fed the need in him even as their hands continued to

explore. As much as they wanted each other, they held it in check and he knew Jamie

wanted to take this first time as slowly as he did. He wanted to be able to look back and

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remember each moment clearly and not have it lost in a heated flash. There would be

time later for such encounters and he looked forward to them as well.

Jamie’s hands slid up his chest and over his shoulders, stripping his shirt from him,

tugging when it reached his wrists before freeing him from it and dropping the shirt on

the floor. Nathan was lightheaded with anticipation when he realized he would finally

get to see just how far Jamie’s tattoo extended. He stepped back and smiled at Jamie as

he lifted the t-shirt over his lover’s head.

His eyes dropped and his breath caught. The dragon’s body flowed down over

Jamie’s shoulder, emerald green with highlights of blue and red swirling within it, the

body ending in a curve around his right pec as the tail went on to curl around the

opposite nipple. Damn, it was even hotter than he’d imagined. Nathan traced his finger

over the tail, groaning when Jamie’s nipple tightened in response.

“I don’t think I have to tell you how hot that is,” he said, lifting his gaze to meet


“Why don’t you tell me anyway, honey.”

There was a sensual challenge there and Nathan battled with his blush. “When I

first saw it, I wanted to see how far it went. I wanted to trace the path with my tongue.”

There was part of him that couldn’t believe he was saying this to a man he barely knew,

though he couldn’t stop the words if he tried. He bent his head and took Jamie’s nipple

between his teeth, nipping and wrapping his arms around Jamie’s waist as he groaned.

Jamie shifted to lower back onto the bed, bringing Nathan with him, who didn’t

pause in his intent trail of wet heat on Jamie’s chest. He crouched half clothed over him,

licking him like an ice-cream cone on a summer afternoon. Ice cream was never this

decadent, though, and Nathan couldn’t stop flicking his tongue over the elaborate

pattern of colors as he made good on his fantasy.

Jamie’s hand sank into his hair, not guiding him, but more as if he wanted to touch,

the other hand roaming Nathan’s bare back. Those hands continued to explore, even

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tracing out the hint of extra flesh that was starting to peek out despite Nathan’s best


“Damn, you have a wicked tongue, love.”

Nathan glanced up through his lashes, a bit startled, since no one had ever told him

he’d had a wicked anything. Maybe Jamie brought it out in him. Jamie met his gaze,

smiling. “Don’t look so surprised, honey. It’s comin’ and we both know it.” He tugged

Nathan up to stretch out atop him and nuzzled at his lips. “This is just the beginning,

the end’s nowhere in sight.”

Nathan wasn’t sure if he was imagining it or not, but perhaps there was a hint of

vulnerability in Jamie’s eyes, of uncertainty after he said that. His heart pounded. Jamie

wanted more from him than Nathan had given any man before, and instead of scaring

him, it exhilarated him. It was insane, or should be. They didn’t know each other, but it

felt more right and real than anything in a long time. Nathan had the sudden thought

he wanted to introduce Jamie to everyone in his life as his man. Maybe it wasn’t such a

crazy idea. It was right.

He smiled and rubbed his nose against Jamie’s as the other man nuzzled at his lips

again. “It’s going to be a hell of a ride along the way.” He nibbled back, his eyes intent

on Jamie’s, their lips barely touching as their tongues stretched out to meet, tasting

before retreating again.

Jamie nodded and Nathan settled his weight against Jamie’s body, his hand

stroking over muscled ribs. The slow pace was driving him mad, but he wouldn’t speed

it up either. He fed off Jamie’s kiss, sliding his hand under the small of his back,

pressing his body even closer.

This wasn’t going to be enough. Nathan wished Jamie didn’t have to go to work

tonight, because he wanted to keep him here in his bed as long as possible.

Jamie’s skin underneath his fingertips was fiery hot, searing him until Nathan was

sure he would always remember the way he felt under his touch. Nathan never

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intended on letting him go, the thought was both tender and fierce at the same time,

which seemed to fit the sweet ache in his chest.

Jamie’s hands settled low on Nathan’s back, long fingers dipping under the waist of

his pants. The brush of Jamie’s fingertips over the barrier of boxers had Nathan eager to

for more and when Jamie broke their kiss, Nathan groaned in loss.

“You’re wearing too many clothes.” Jamie smiled up at him.

Nathan arched a brow in amusement at the proclamation and desire replaced it in a

hot rush. He wanted Jamie to strip him naked until there wasn’t a damn part of him

that wasn’t bare to his lover’s eyes. “Then you really should remedy that, shouldn’t

you?” he said, his voice rough.

Jamie took the open invitation and rolled Nathan onto his back. As Jamie rose up on

his knees, straddling one of Nathan’s thighs, his gaze lingered in a way that Nathan

found both charming and exciting. Jamie’s hands followed the path his eyes took and

he unbuckled Nathan’s belt, sliding it from the loops and eyeing it with interest before

chuckling and tossing it aside.

“What’s that look for?” Nathan asked, his voice breathless. There had been a certain

naughty intent in those green eyes that made a curl of hot desire pool in his stomach.

“Just thinking I’d much rather warm your pretty ass with my hand.”

Once again, Jamie managed to startle Nathan, especially with how matter-of-fact

his voice had been. Jamie laughed and continued unfastening his pants. He hooked his

fingers in the empty belt loops and tugged them down, breath catching when Nathan

lifted his hips to help him.

Nathan’s thoughts were still whirling with the idea of Jamie spanking him. His little

fantasy was interrupted when Jamie bent his head to nuzzle his nose against Nathan’s

boxers. Nathan drew in a sharp intake of breath as his cock leapt against Jamie’s cheek.

It was the most erotic sight, Jamie kneeling between his thighs, his dark hair standing

up in spikes as he turned his head to mouth Nathan’s cock through the tented fabric.

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Nathan moaned his head falling back onto the pillows, his hips shifting as moist heat

fanned through the silk.

He was going to crawl out of his skin before this encounter was over. Nathan

wanted to know how Jamie’s tongue ring would feel on him. He wanted to see what

Jamie looked like naked, wanted to experience the sensation of Jamie pushing into him

and he wanted it all now. Nathan looked down at Jamie again, his hand coming up to

caress the side of the other man’s face. Their eyes met and Nathan’s breath caught at the

promise he saw there.

He lifted his hips as Jamie slid his boxers off, his nails scraping Nathan’s skin in a

way which made him tremble. His own cock throbbed against his stomach and Nathan

didn’t think he’d ever been consumed like this before. “Goddamn, Jamie, you’re driving

me insane.”

“I haven’t even gotten warmed up yet, honey,” Jamie said, his palms rubbing

Nathan’s thighs in slow circles.

Jamie started to settle between Nathan’s thighs again when Nathan stopped him by

leaning up and laying a hand on his shoulder. “Wait.” He smiled at Jamie’s curious

look. “Now you’re wearing too many clothes.” He rose up onto his hands and knees,

crawling down the bed and popped open the button to his faded jeans. “Allow me,


Jamie rolled onto his back. “I’m all yours.”

Damn right he was. Nathan chuckled at the surge of possessiveness he felt and

tugged down Jamie’s zipper, his eyes widening as he saw Jamie’s bare cock straining

against the opening.

“What can I say?” Jamie said, smirking. “Easy access.”

“Incorrigible.” Nathan wrapped his hand around the hot, heavy length and stroked,

groaning as Jamie lifted his hips. He couldn’t get over him, how he looked, how he

tasted. With regret he let go of Jamie’s cock so he could tug off his shoes and toss

Jamie’s jeans down with the rest of their discarded clothing.

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Jamie sat up and reached for him, dragging Nathan into his lap, his hands coming

down to cup his ass. His voice was rough as he leaned in and nipped Nathan’s lower

lip. “Touch me again, honey. I want your hands all over me.”

Nathan was more than eager and Jamie groaned as he obeyed, hands coming down

to caress Jamie’s shoulders and down his back. Jamie was a sensual delight from the

way his muscles flowed and tightened from his touch, to the hot, husky sound of his


Jamie slid his hands down Nathan’s thighs, back up to curl at his hips and his lover

shuddered when their cocks brushed. “Oh fuck,” Jamie murmured, reaching one hand

down between them to curl his fingers around both their cocks and rocking his hips.

Nathan’s eyes fluttered shut from the sweet, maddening friction.

“You’re so fucking beautiful.”

Nathan’s eyes popped open again as he looked at Jamie with incredulousness,

though he could tell Jamie meant it. He didn’t consider himself beautiful, but the way

Jamie’s eyes lingered on him made him feel so. “C’mere…” Jamie rolled with Nathan,

pinning him back to the bed, and Jamie dipped his head to trail his tongue along

Nathan’s collarbone.

“I’m gonna taste every inch of you, Nathan, until I can’t ever get the flavor of you

out of my mouth.”

Nathan shuddered and nodded. He wasn’t sure if Jamie had seen his agreement or

not and the words had caught in his throat. Jamie’s mouth continued to tease his

collarbone, his tongue tracing back and forth, his lips nibbling at the hollow of his


He slid his hands around to Jamie’s chest, his fingers following the outline of

Jamie’s tattoo as the other man’s mouth moved lower, leaving a hot, wet trail in its

wake. Jamie’s mouth closed around his nipple and Nathan jolted, strangling the sound

in the back of his throat.

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Nathan found Jamie’s nipple as well, long fingers tweaking it into a hard nub. Jamie

sucked harder, his tongue rubbing, his teeth worrying until Nathan thought he was

going to burst out of his skin. His free hand raked through Jamie’s hair and his body

moved against the other man’s.

“Don’t stop,” he gasped as Jamie lifted his head. He looked down and his nipple,

swollen and wet, puckered tight.

Jamie grinned and dropped his mouth to Nathan’s other nipple. Nathan raked his

nails down Jamie’s spine, feeling a rush of primal satisfaction as the other man

trembled, then growled. He did it again, then reached down to grip Jamie’s muscled

ass, squeezing.

He ceased thinking. He just wanted to revel in the experience, because the

sensations were coming so fast, he thought he might overload. Nathan rubbed his foot

against Jamie’s calf, starting to move his toes up over his body. “That feels so good,

love,” he moaned, arching as Jamie released his other nipple.

Jamie skimmed his hands down Nathan’s sides and he arched in response, loving

the way those calloused palms stroked his body. Jamie’s mouth lowered again and this

time traced a wandering path down over Nathan’s rib cage, down one side to nip at his

waist before feathering across his stomach to work a way up the other side. Jamie’s

breath fanned and stroked over his skin in its own intimate caress.

“And you taste so damn good, honey.” Jamie shifted up to claim his lips one more

time before resuming his quest to taste every inch of him, slinking down the center of

Nathan’s torso to nibble at his belly button and lower.

Nathan watched Jamie’s progress with breathless anticipation, savoring the Jamie’s

lingering taste on his lips. When Nathan’s cock brushed Jamie’s cheek, his lover turned

his face and pressed a kiss to it. A strangled sound caught in Nathan’s throat and

Jamie’s eyes glinted.

“What about here, my sweet love? Want me to taste you here too?”

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Nathan nodded helplessly and Jamie smiled, tongue flicking over the flushed tip.

“Couldn’t hear ya, Nathan.”

Nathan bucked his hips hard, groaning roughly. Jamie knew what he wanted. Still,

having to say it out loud gave Nathan a rush of excitement. “Evil. Yes, there, please.”

To his relief, Jamie didn’t tease him any longer. One hand closed around the shaft

and lifted Nathan’s cock to his mouth, his tongue dragging the heated length of it. Jamie

slid his lips up to close over the head and groaned low, the subtle vibration sending a

shock of lust through Nathan.

Nathan gasped, sliding his hands up and down Jamie’s arms. “Oh god, yeah,

dearling, like that.” He propped himself up on his elbows, enthralled as Jamie’s mouth

sank lower over his cock. He’d never had a lover with a tongue piercing before and it

didn’t feel like he’d expected it to. He’d expected the impression to be sharper, but it

was more like a hard little nudge of sensation moving in a maddening dance.

He spread his thighs wider, drawing deep breaths to steady himself. It was so new

and overwhelming, not the sensation of someone going down on him, but because it

was Jamie and somehow it made all the difference in the world.

“Jamie…Jamie, dearling.” He waited until Jamie looked up at him. “I want to taste

you too.” His jaws ached for the want of it.

Jamie nodded and drew off him with one last flick of his tongue. They moved at the

same time, Jamie rolling over onto his side and Nathan laying himself beside him. He

groaned, breathing in Jamie’s musk as the other man didn’t hesitate, his hand wrapping

around Nathan’s cock to guide it into his mouth.

Nathan cocked his leg up as wet heat enveloped him again and Jamie began to bob

his head. He kissed the head of Jamie’s flushed cock, his fingers moving to cup his balls,

kneading them with a gentle touch of his fingers. He drew his tongue across tip of his

cock, teasing the slit. Jamie tasted new and familiar at the same time. He slid his hand

around to Jamie’s ass, pressing him closer. Nathan’s mouth sank lower as he did,

beginning to move in rhythm with Jamie, moaning.

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Jamie’s movements on his own cock faltered for a moment as he shuddered and

Nathan’s cock twitched against his tongue as the stud pressed against his shaft. Then

Jamie seemed to remember what he was doing, his mouth sinking over him again,

drawing him in deeper. Jamie’s hands touched Nathan everywhere he could reach,

every inch exposed and vulnerable, and Nathan couldn’t get enough.

His lover slipped one hand between Nathan’s spread thighs and skimmed his

fingers down the cleft of Nathan’s ass. Oh god, yes. Nathan shuddered, savoring the hot,

musky taste of Jamie’s cock, even as Jamie’s fingers moved closer to his entrance.

Nathan sucked harder in response and was rewarded with the stronger, saltier taste of

Jamie’s pre-come as a desperate shudder racked him.

Jamie chuckled in his throat before letting Nathan’s cock slip from his mouth as he

rolled onto his back again, with Nathan above him. Jamie brought both hands up to

grip the globes of his ass and Nathan paused with his lips wrapped firmly around

Jamie’s shaft. The anticipation was almost unbearable. Jamie spread his cheeks and

blew across his entrance. Nathan whimpered, trembling hard as Jamie chuckled again.

“Don’t stop now, honey. Just let me love you.” Jamie pressed a kiss to one cheek

before his tongue slid out and lapped over Nathan’s entrance.

The rough drag of Jamie’s tongue was almost Nathan’s undoing and his moan was

frantic as his hips bucked and he shook harder. That wicked tongue flicked again,

hands settling on Nathan’s hips as Jamie seemed perfectly content to devour Nathan

and drive him out of his mind in the process.

Lips kissed and fingers curled harder into Nathan’s flesh and at that moment Jamie

owned him. He could suggest just about anything and Nathan was certain he’d agree.

His muscles were liquid and he was unsteady as Jamie continued to tease him. His

lover’s hands kept Nathan’s hips immobile as he set every nerve ending on fire one by

one. He couldn’t stop trembling or remember the last time someone had gotten him this

worked up.

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Jamie’s cock throbbed in his mouth and Nathan slowed his movements, savoring

the torment he was both receiving and inflicting. He liked the way Jamie tasted, the

way he fit in his mouth and nudged against the back of his throat. Nathan concentrated

on pleasing Jamie, not wanting his own pleasure to overwhelm his control.

Jamie kept murmuring to him, soft husky sounds which flowed over his skin. Some

of it didn’t register, but the words made him warm in a way which had nothing to do

with passion.

He drew his mouth off, hearing Jamie’s groan and looked down between their

bodies. Jamie’s hand stroked his lower back, then he shifted so their eyes met. “I want

you,” Nathan whispered. He meant the sex, but he also meant more and didn’t know

how to express it. How could he say to this man he hardly knew that he wanted him to

stay, because he was certain his forever was with him?

Jamie seemed to understand, because he wrapped his arms around Nathan’s waist

and rolled him onto his back before turning around to take him in his arms. He kissed

him and Nathan melted into the pillows, holding Jamie close. It was right there, in the

way he kissed him, that told Nathan his lover felt the same way.

He didn’t think it could get any more perfect than this. Then Jamie threaded his

fingers in Nathan’s hair and his other hand started moving over Nathan’s body,

worshiping him with his touch, and Nathan realized how wrong he had been. It could

get better.

Jamie broke the kiss and smiled, his green eyes almost entranced. It warmed

Nathan all over in a whole other way, as if they recognized without words that this was

a special moment. Somehow they communicated the sentiment to each other. It made

Nathan’s desires within him war.

A part of him wanted Jamie to pin him, ravish him and devour him, so Nathan

could willingly succumb to it, knowing he was safe. Another part of him wanted to

gather Jamie close just like this, cherish him as Jamie made slow, gentle love to him.

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Nathan sensed the same dual desires in Jamie. It didn’t matter which, though, there

would be other times to savor both.

Nathan had his answer before his lover even spoke when Jamie skimmed one hand

down Nathan’s side to curl on his hip and smiled. “We have all kinds of time, honey.

I’m not gonna be letting you go anytime soon.” Green eyes said it would be never.

“Where’s your lube?”

Nathan nodded in the direction of his nightstand and Jamie reached over to

rummage one-handed in the drawer, nibbling kisses along Nathan’s jaw and neck as he

did. Nathan heard the sound of the cap popping and his heart skipped a beat. He

watched as Jamie slicked his fingers before reaching down between Nathan’s thighs

and dipping back to stroke over his entrance, one finger sinking inside.

Nathan sighed, letting his thighs fall open wider. His eyes caressed Jamie’s face as

the other man looked down between their bodies, his expression rapt. Nathan rocked

his hips, meeting Jamie’s slow thrusts, sighing again as he pushed another finger into

him. “That feels good.”

Jamie flashed him a grin. “Oh, it’s gonna get much better, honey.”

Nathan had no doubt. He lifted his hips again, smiling as their cocks rubbed

together and Jamie’s breath caught. Every little touch sent ripples through him. He slid

his hands over Jamie’s chest, his lover’s nipples tightening against his palms.

Jamie kissed his jaw, then nestled his face against Nathan’s neck, nuzzling his

throat as he fingered him. Nathan jolted and groaned as Jamie’s fingers found his spot,

the sensation electric. Jamie’s lips curved against his skin as deft fingers pressed again,


Nathan’s hips moved of their own volition. He couldn’t keep them still if he tried.

Jamie’s thrusts paused and Nathan groaned as another finger worked into him. He

loved the feeling of being stretched, loved the way it made his bones melt and he

couldn’t wait to add the sensation of being filled by Jamie to it. He moved his head back

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and turned his face toward Jamie’s, brushing his lips against the other man’s, their

tongues lazy as they tasted each other.

Jamie’s weight shifted and he drew his fingers out, lifting his head and meeting

Nathan’s eyes. Nathan didn’t like the sensation of sudden aching emptiness. He

reached over impatiently to his nightstand and tugged the drawer open as Jamie’s lips

worked wicked magic on his neck. Fumbling, he grabbed a condom and pressed it into

Jamie’s hand, breathless with anticipation. He drew his knees up on either side of

Jamie’s hips and lifted his body against him. “Jamie,” he whispered, sliding his hand

between their bodies and wrapping it around Jamie’s cock to guide it into him. If

Nathan could take a snapshot of this moment, he would and hold it in his mind until

his dying day.

Jamie nodded, letting Nathan direct him and groaning as he sank partway inside

before Nathan let go and wrapped his arms around him. Jamie pushed forward, filling

him, met with a ragged moan which matched his own. He bent to nuzzle his lover’s lips

as he reveled in the most exquisite, tight heat he had ever experienced.

So this was what making love felt like. Jamie had had sex more times than he could

count, but he knew he’d never made love before this, because this was unlike anything

he’d ever experienced. It was less about the physical sensations rioting through him and

more about the incredible closeness he had with Nathan, the warmth which seeped into

his bones and the feeling of coming home.

Jamie couldn’t keep the smile off his face and when he lifted his head, he found a

matching one curving Nathan’s lips, smoky gray eyes lit up from within. No words

were necessary as Jamie withdrew before sinking back inside, both savoring the sensual

friction of each shallow thrust, for long moments only their breaths and soft moans

breaking the silence.

And then, without warning but in perfect concert, their bodies began to move

harder, the thrusts became longer and deeper, more purposeful. Jamie couldn’t take his

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eyes off the man beneath him, drinking in every flicker of emotion across his expressive


Jamie got the impression that Nathan didn’t let many see him so open and

unguarded, and Jamie cherished the gift of vulnerability. He vowed to never break the

trust Nathan was giving him. Jamie bent and nibbled his sweet lips, tongue sweeping

across them, but not dipping inside.

“You feel like heaven.” There was an unmistakable smile in Jamie’s voice and he

heard the same in Nathan’s when he replied.

“What’s a sinner like you doing in heaven, dearling?” Amusement and tenderness

laced his seductive tone.

“Stealing an angel, that’s what.”

Nathan chuckled. “More like seducing. You can’t steal the willing.”

Jamie smiled and melted a little when Nathan ran his fingers through his hair. The

afternoon sunlight streamed through the window, turning their skin golden as they

moved together. Jamie was sure he’d never seen anything as beautiful as the man

beneath him and it had nothing at all to do with the way Nathan looked.

Nathan wrapped his legs around Jamie’s waist and reached a hand up to cup his

cheek, lifting his head to kiss him. It was dizzying. It was as if his lover was pouring his

soul into the kiss and Jamie willingly gave him the same in return, their tongues

tangling sensually as Nathan pulled Jamie closer, so there was no space between them

as they moved together.

“I’m not gonna let you go,” Jamie said as their lips parted.

Nathan’s eyes fluttered open and his arms tightened as his hands stroked the small

of Jamie’s back. “Good, don’t.” He unwrapped his arms to cup Jamie’s face and to

brush his finger over Jamie’s lips as he smiled. Jamie’s heart flipped inside his chest and

it felt so right.

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He laced their hands together and Nathan groaned, holding on, breath coming

faster against Jamie’s face as he thrust harder. The blood in his veins was going to ignite

if it got any better. Then Jamie shifted and when his cock swept his spot, Nathan

whimpered. That tiny sound had Jamie’s head spinning.

“Yeah, just like that.” Nathan’s whiskey tone was breathy, shivering down Jamie’s


“Just like this, honey?” His own voice was husky against Nathan’s ear and he drew

the soft lobe into his mouth, grinning as Nathan groaned.

“Yeah, god, yes.” Nathan’s face was screwed up in pleasure and when Jamie

released his hands, he latched on to Jamie’s shoulders and dug his fingers in. “Oh god,

Jamie, just a little harder.” Jamie wasn’t about to turn down a delicious request like that

and complied, groaning when Nathan cried out.

Lord, if that wasn’t the sexiest thing, that sensual voice asking for what he wanted,

exactly the way he wanted it. Jamie wouldn’t have pegged Nathan as one to demand

and be vocal, but he was pleased to be proven wrong. Jamie thought he’d give him

anything he asked for if he’d just ask in that tone, all whispered seduction and need.

“Anything you want, love, anything.” Jamie sucked on his full lower lip, tasting the

short, pleasured cries Nathan gave as Jamie drove into him, soaking in every tremor

rippling through him.

Jamie grinned. “Clench for me, baby.” Nathan did and Jamie growled. “Oh fuck,

yeah.” That was even better, it worked both ways and Jamie could barely breathe with

the force of the emotions sweeping through him. It was overwhelming. He hadn’t

expected to find his other half this week and it had him reeling every time it was

confirmed with brilliant clarity.

Jamie slid one hand down to catch one of Nathan’s legs behind the knee and lifted

it up, closer to his chest, opening him wider. His eyes drifted shut with a rough moan as

he sank even deeper. Jamie turned his head to press a kiss to the inside of Nathan’s

knee, the skin scorching hot against his lips, smooth as silk and damp with sweat.

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Their bodies were slick now, sliding erotically and sometimes a bit awkwardly

against each other, but it was nothing short of beautiful, right down to the sexy, obscene

sounds their bodies made, flesh slapping against flesh, lips sucking on salty-sweet skin.

It was unspeakably perfect and flawed at the same time.

Jamie snapped his hips harder, his free hand braced on the mattress and fisted in

the once-pristine covers as he picked up the pace, eyes narrowing and meeting

Nathan’s, refusing to look away. He wanted to see it all, it was like a drug in his veins,

drugs he hadn’t touched since he was a lot younger and much stupider and this was

better than any of them, all of them put together.

“You’re so fucking gorgeous. Pretty, dirty baby. All mine.”

Nathan grinned and nodded. “All yours.”

Jamie’s heartbeat stuttered as the words fell from Nathan’s lips. He wanted that, he

realized, this beautiful man with his warm eyes and sweet smile to be all his.

And then he forgot how to think as Nathan slipped his other leg up over Jamie’s

shoulder, supporting their weight on his upper back, his muscles probably straining in

the position, but damn, it was perfect, because Jamie was now able to push into him so

deep he didn’t think he was going to lose the sensation for a long, long time. He

groaned when Nathan clenched again.

“Want me to touch myself?”

Jamie could only growl in answer, too turned-on by the idea and the sensations

already sweeping through him to speak. He must have made his answer clear enough,

because Nathan gave him a devastatingly sexy smile and reached between their bodies

to wrap his hand around his cock, moaning as he began to stroke.

Jamie’s eyes broke away from his and glanced down. “Oh, sweet Jesus, that’s a hot

sight, honey,” he said, his voice rough.

“I thought you’d like it.” Nathan paused, circling his thumb over the head of his

cock before stroking again, arching toward Jamie. His other hand caressed his chest,

tweaking his own nipple until he was writhing underneath Jamie.

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Jamie watched, drinking in the way he moved and the erotic vision he made,

shaking his head with a low laugh. “I think you’re a very dangerous man, Nathan


Jamie’s hips thrust faster as the pleasure built, surging into Nathan hard enough

now that the bed rocked, the headboard slapping against the wall.

Nathan caught Jamie’s face between his hands suddenly, their eyes meeting, and

the look in stormy gray was fierce and loving. “All yours, Jamie,” he repeated, lifting

his head, his eyes gleaming in challenge. “Claim me, dearling. You know you want to.”

Jamie’s breath caught in his lungs at the blatant challenge. He reached down to

drag both of Nathan’s hands up above his head and pin them there with one, the other

sliding between them to pick up the tight stroking of that beautiful cock.

“I am claiming you, honey. By the time I’m done, nobody, least of all you and me, is

gonna doubt who you belong to.”

Oh, how Nathan reacted to that, writhing and whimpering. The man melted him in

a hundred different ways and Jamie’s fingers tightened, both around his wrists and


His mouth came down hard on his lover’s, kissing him possessively before breaking

away to slide down his arched neck and latching on. He nipped the tender flesh and

Nathan’s moans and sharp cries vibrated against his lips.

“All…mine…” He groaned, tongue sweeping across Nathan’s wildly fluttering

pulse and his lips connected there, sucking hard, teeth scraping. Nathan arched hard

and trembled against him as Jamie left his mark.

When he lifted his head and saw the dark red bruise, Jamie growled again and his

eyes met hooded, smoky gray, his own narrowing. “You gonna come for me, beautiful?

I wanna see it, wanna watch you fall apart just for me.”

Jamie’s own orgasm wasn’t far off. It was curling in his gut and knew he wasn’t

going to hold out much longer, but fuck, he wanted to see Nathan come, wanted to

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watch that beautiful body twist and arch and see his expression when he shattered in

Jamie’s arms.

Nathan nodded, the nearing orgasm making his eyes spark with a silver fire. “Yeah,

I’m going to, dearling.”

Jamie’s eyes bored into him, as if he could strip away every layer and exposing who

he really was. He wanted to know this man, everything about him inside and out, and

he had the instinct that what he found would rival anything he’d ever come across


No words were necessary between them as Jamie squeezed his lover’s cock and

Nathan shuddered, crying out, his body bucking as he came. It was as gorgeous as

Jamie had thought it would be, almost as if the world slowed down just to watch

Nathan finding his pleasure. Still Jamie continued to snap his hips until Nathan was

trembling and whimpering with every thrust, unable to do anything but take

everything Jamie had to give him.

The pleasure was insane, maddening, every clench of Nathan’s passage around him

surging Jamie closer to his own orgasm and part of him wished he didn’t have to come

at all, just because it felt so good there hovering on the edge. But in the end his body

won and a tight clench from Nathan sent him right over the edge, growling. He sagged

after a moment, nuzzling his face into Nathan’s damp, warm neck, catching his breath

as best he could.

When he did lift his head and met Nathan’s eyes, Jamie was hard-pressed to

remember why he ought to move at all. Then Nathan clenched one last time and he

groaned roughly.

“Wicked.” And got a chuckle in response.

They were tangled together, Nathan’s legs limp over Jamie’s shoulder and the

crook of his arm and Jamie’s hand remained locked around his lover’s wrists. He was

reluctant to move, but Nathan seemed to want to, his legs easing down and he groaned

as his body uncoiled. Jamie smiled and released his hands as well after Nathan tugged

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lightly to indicate he wanted them free. Jamie certainly didn’t regret doing so when

Nathan then wrapped himself around him and burrowed into his neck with a contented

sigh. Jamie turned to his side, holding Nathan close. Again, no words were needed

between them, it was all very clear, if unspoken.

After a long while, Nathan broke the silence. “You’re mine as well, Jamie,” he said,

nipping his collarbone with a hard sting of his teeth.

Jamie shuddered and grinned, nodding. “Oh yes, honey, I’m all yours.” He

chuckled roughly and tilted his head to allow for better access. “You gonna mark me

too?” Jamie almost hoped he would, there was something very primal about the idea of

matching marks.

Nathan couldn’t seem to resist the temptation. His soft lips latched on to the non-

tattooed side of Jamie’s neck and Jamie’s cock leapt at the sensation of flesh sucked

hard, blood drawn to the surface and the possessiveness he could sense in Nathan as he

did it. Not to mention the satisfied sound Nathan made when he pulled back and

admired his handiwork.

Jamie chuckled again and rolled to his side, gathering Nathan close and stroking a

hand down his sleek, sweaty back to settle at the base of his spine. “Satisfied, are you?”

Nathan nodded with a wicked grin. “Very. Though I doubt for long, I think it will

be quite some time before I’ve sated myself with you.”

Jamie laughed and gave him a squeeze. “Good, ‘cause the feeling’s mutual.” He

glanced at the clock. “I have a good five hours before I have to be at work, how about a

shower and we see what we can do to kill the time?”

Nathan’s eyes lit up and his smile was wanton and so beautiful, it took Jamie’s

breath away. “I take that as a yes.”

Jamie found his lips captured in a heart-melting kiss and Nathan murmured, “Oh

yes, dearling, yes indeed.” His smile turned naughty and there was a gleam in his eyes.

“I’d already asked my secretary to cover my conference call.”

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Falling in love was everything the storybooks said it was, Jamie thought. Even if

theirs was the X-rated version.

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Chapter Three

Nathan straightened the knot on his tie before stepping through the door of the

Boiler Room. He was going to look out of place, but he wanted to surprise Jamie at

work and he knew his lover went wild for him in a tie, for whatever reason, and that

was more than enough of an excuse to keep it on.

He scanned through the crowd of moving bodies for the bar. The music was loud,

the lights were low and he had the unexpected thought that he’d like to get Jamie out

on the dance floor. One week—well, actually, eight days—he’d known the man and he

already occupied all his thoughts. He’d brought Jamie into his world. The play had

been fun and Jamie hadn’t seemed the slightest bit self-conscious dressed up at the

Kennedy Center. Now Nathan wanted to show his lover he could enjoy himself in

Jamie’s element too. Strangely enough, he didn’t feel out of place as he moved through

the crowd toward the bar.

He’d forgotten it was Valentine’s Day and was reminded of it now. He’d never had

a reason to recognize it before. The go-go dancers in their cages sported wings and

occasionally shot suction-tipped arrows into the crowd of dancers. Shimmering red and

silver hearts hung from the ceiling and smaller confetti pieces drifted like glittering red

snow onto the dance floor. Nathan smiled, glad now that he’d decided to surprise

Jamie. If he had his way, this would be the first of many Valentine’s Days they

celebrated together.

Nathan paused as he reached the threshold of the dance floor, barely noticing the

couples moving back and forth jostling him or the tiny hearts, which dusted his

shoulders and the tips of his shoes. God save him. Jamie stood behind the bar, oblivious

to his presence, joking with one of the other bartenders as he concocted a drink. His

chest was bare, the tattoo flowing over his skin as it reached up to kiss his neck. Jamie’s

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hair was spikier than normal in a way that made Nathan want to run his fingers

through it. But what really tugged at Nathan’s self-control were the tight leather pants

clinging to Jamie’s muscled thighs and ass. It was sinful.

A space opened up at the bar and Nathan moved forward before it could be

occupied. The music was somewhat muted here, but the sound of laughing, chatting

men was almost as loud. Nathan sat down, his eyes caressing the contours of Jamie’s

back. He had the almost irrepressible urge to reach across the counter to lay his hands

on that oh-so perfect ass and declare for anybody to hear, “Mine”!

The other bartender turned to him, asking him what he wanted as Jamie finished

his transaction. Nathan reluctantly tore his eyes away, but pitched his voice loud

enough to be heard by his lover. “A mojito, please.”

Nathan’s heart sped up as he saw Jamie’s shoulders tighten in surprise and he

couldn’t help the grin that came across his face as his lover turned toward him. He’d

never believed in love at first sight, but since he met Jamie, he’d started to think

anything was possible. Because when those widened green eyes met his and a grin

spread across Jamie’s lips, Nathan was happier than he’d been since they parted that


There was a small red heart painted on Jamie’s left cheekbone and Nathan thought

the incongruity of such a whimsical symbol on his dark, wickedly handsome lover was

both endearing and arousing.

Jamie reached over and laid a hand on the other bartender’s arm. “I got this one.”

The bartender shrugged and moved on to another customer. Jamie slid up to Nathan’s

spot and braced his hands on the bar top, giving him a wide smile.

“Now you, honey, have the look of a man about to cause trouble. At least I certainly

hope so.”

Nathan smiled back and arched a brow. “I believe you’re the troublemaker of the

two of us, Jamie. Did you save one of your arrows for me?”

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Jamie chuckled. “Only the go-go boys got arrows, beautiful. But I might be

persuaded to steal one for you.” His lover’s eyes drifted down to Nathan’s lips and

Nathan imagined he was thinking of leaning over to claim a kiss. Instead he began

mixing the drink as his gaze roamed some more. “Nice tie.”

Nathan was amused by the deliberately casual tone to Jamie’s voice and it must’ve

shown on his face because Jamie’s eyes narrowed. “You wore it on purpose. And I’m

the troublemaker?”

Damn, Jamie read him so well. Nathan shrugged, knowing there was a slight flush

to his cheeks now that he was caught in his ploy. Jamie made it clear just how sexy he

thought Nathan was and Nathan didn’t quite know why the other man found him sexy

at all. He also knew that Jamie enjoyed his reactions. He was certainly vocal enough

about it.

Jamie cast a quick glance around and then his gaze raked between Nathan’s eyes,

lips and tie. “So, what brings you here? I thought you had a big conference or

something tomorrow. Shouldn’t you be getting your beauty rest, honey?”

Nathan shrugged again. “I’m coming to realize there are things more important

than meetings. Like experiencing life, for example. Of course, I have a good teacher.”

Jamie laughed and slid the drink in front of him, propping one elbow on the bar,

chin in his hand. It made Nathan’s hands itch to touch him. “That so? Well then, I get a

break in fifteen minutes, how about another lesson?”

Nathan picked up the glass and saluted it toward Jamie. “It seems I have very good

timing.” He wasn’t sure what Jamie had in mind, but he didn’t care as long as he got to

touch him, kiss him hello. “Just as long as I don’t get you into trouble.”

Jamie snickered. “Oh, but trouble is half the fun, honey. You’ll see.” He looked over

his shoulder as another customer called to him. “You just sit right there, enjoy your

mojito and ogle to your heart’s content. I won’t be long.”

Nathan took a sip, his eyes trained on him as he walked off. He couldn’t help

chuckling when Jamie started joking with the customer, a natural-born flirt. He tried to

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look away so he wouldn’t be obvious, but his eyes kept returning to Jamie as he worked

the bar. With any of his previous lovers he would’ve been jealous to see him laughing

like that, teasing another man with a wicked twinkle in his eyes. But it was different

now. He couldn’t quite put his finger on why, just that it was.

A new bartender ducked behind the apron, taking Jamie’s spot. Anticipation

fluttered in Nathan’s stomach as he drained the last of his drink. He couldn’t even begin

to guess what Jamie had in mind. The practical side of him said it couldn’t be anything

more than maybe a turn on the dance floor, but in the last week or so he’d learned that

the mischief he saw in those green eyes promised much more than a dance and quick


Nathan slid off the stool and went around the counter, meeting Jamie as he

emerged from behind the bar. His lover captured his hand and Nathan grinned,

squeezing it and leaned up to press a quick kiss on Jamie’s lips. “So, where are we off

to?” he asked as Jamie started to lead him through the crowd.

“You’ll see,” Jamie promised, flashing him a smile over his shoulder.

Nathan groaned under his breath, his cock twitching from anticipation and from

just how damn good Jamie’s ass looked in those leather pants as he walked. “I can’t


Jamie chuckled under his breath, leading Nathan through the mass of contorting,

tightly pressed bodies on the dance floor to a darkened archway that, unless you knew

it was there, would be missed or overlooked.

He glanced back at Nathan and caught the flare of surprise and breathless

anticipation on his lover’s face as he seemed to put two and two together. Jamie had

mentioned the Boiler Room’s infamous back room, now he was going to give Nathan an

intimate introduction.

It was dark and shadowy, dimly lit along the corridors that winded in a seeming

haphazard way. Bodies were pressed together here and there, the sound of breathless

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moans and low curses audible to go along with the hazy silhouettes of couples and

sometimes more.

Jamie turned to face his lover and gave Nathan a wicked grin, tugging him close

and leaning back against the wall. Jamie slid one hand up to cup the back of his neck

and dipped his head down. “Let’s make these fifteen minutes count, honey.” He

claimed that lush mouth in a searing kiss, his other hand slipping down to splay on

Nathan’s ass in those tailored pants. Lord, what he wouldn’t give for more time.

The kiss broke after a minute and a thrill of pure lust shivered through Jamie when

Nathan’s eyes opened, their faces very close together and he couldn’t miss the flash of

desire, the briefest foreshadowing of what Nathan was going to do before his

impeccably dressed lover loosened his tie and he sank to his knees. Jamie swore his

own were on the verge of buckling.

“Oh sweet Christ, honey…” He didn’t have any other words and thankfully none

seemed necessary as Nathan bestowed a sweet, wicked smile on him.

Nathan’s fingers were impatient as he undid the row of buttons on Jamie’s pants.

He was apparently of the mind that if he only had fifteen minutes, he wasn’t going to

waste time with pleasantries. Jamie’s cock was already hard as Nathan released it from

the tight confines of the leather and Jamie bucked his hips at the first touch of those

warm, smooth fingers wrapping around him. His breath caught in anticipation of an

even warmer, wet mouth. He could smell the arousal on the air and it was intoxicating,

setting a fire that only release would quench.

“You drive me insane,” Nathan whispered and Jamie would have responded, but

then Nathan kissed the head of his cock, sinking his mouth over it until it brushed

against the back of his throat and Jamie forgot he knew how to speak.

Jamie groaned, the muscles in his thighs trembling as he let the wall take more of

his weight. Nathan massaged his thighs through the butter-soft leather before sliding

his hands around to cup Jamie’s ass in his hands, squeezing as he began to bob his


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“You’re doing a fair job yourself, honey,” Jamie said, his voice breathless, dragging

his fingers through Nathan’s hair.

Nathan closed his eyes at the soft touch. Jamie’s heart tripped over itself, so in love

with this man it hurt his chest to contain it all. He couldn’t speak, but he tried with

touch and expression to tell Nathan everything he was feeling. He thought it worked,

because Nathan’s smoky eyes gleamed in the dim light up at him.

Jamie’s fingers tightened reflexively in his hair, encouraging him to move faster.

Nathan relaxed his throat to take him deeper and Jamie bit back a hoarse cry. He didn’t

know why something as simple as a blowjob, of which he’d had many in his lifetime,

took on epic proportions of pleasure from Nathan. He was going to go back to his shift

and be able to think of nothing but this. Nathan most likely knew it and thrilled at the

knowledge. Jamie couldn’t hide the smile, thinking his lover was far more wicked

beneath his façade than anyone would ever suspect.

Nathan moaned then, glancing up through his lashes. Jamie met his eyes and the

tension between them arced like something alive, fire licking along his skin and he

knew Nathan felt it too, could see it in his eyes.

“Fuck, honey, you’ve got a wicked mouth,” Jamie panted. “You know just how to

use it.”

Nathan’s response to that was to pull off long enough to lash the head of Jamie’s

cock with his tongue before drawing him into his mouth again. His hands on Jamie’s

ass urged him to move and Jamie didn’t resist the silent command, thrusting with his

hips as Nathan took him in. It was heaven. Everything else ceased to exist but the two

of them.

Jamie could barely breathe and it didn’t matter. All he cared about was the heat of

Nathan’s mouth, the exquisite suction and the look in his lover’s eyes as he stared up at

him as if entranced by every reaction Jamie gave him.

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Jamie tried to keep it down, his moans bitten off and his growls kept locked in his

throat, but as his orgasm neared, it became harder to muffle the instinctive sounds. He

shuddered and rocked his hips harder.

Jamie tightened his fingers in Nathan’s short, dark hair abruptly, drawing him off a

bit so his cock rested on his lover’s lashing, wickedly hot tongue, Nathan’s lips

wrapped hard around the head and Jamie’s muscles tightened, hips jerking as he came,

long and hard. He registered nothing but Nathan, who was still sucking. Finally, he

managed to ease his grip and looked down at his lover as Nathan drew his mouth off

him and licked his lips. The move was so innately sexy it all but sent Jamie to his knees.

Jamie gripped Nathan’s shoulders and tugged him up to his feet, jerking him close

and claiming his mouth. He tasted himself and the spicy flavor that was just Nathan as

they kissed, devouring his lover and cursing the four hours he had left in his shift. What

he wouldn’t give to be able to pin Nathan to the wall and fuck him hard and fast.

Jamie refused to leave Nathan unsatisfied, not caring if he’d be late returning from

his break. He never broke the kiss as he slid one hand down and jerked open Nathan’s

pants, reaching in and closing around his cock. His lover whimpered and bucked

against him and Jamie began to stroke, tight and fast, kissing him with everything he


Jamie wanted to feel Nathan come apart. He stroked faster as his lover shoved his

pants down, presumably to avoid the embarrassment of walking out of the back room

with come staining them. Jamie tightened his grip on Nathan’s cock.

He broke the kiss enough to murmur huskily against his lips, “That’s it, baby. I

want ya to come for me, Nathan, want to feel you lose your damn mind.”

“Jesus, Jamie, it’s already gone,” Nathan panted, digging his fingers into Jamie’s

shoulders. His sounds were stifled, but not completely and the strangled, muffled

whimpers had Jamie growling against his lips. He was going to hear Nathan’s screams

before the night was over, he promised himself that.

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Their lips met in a messy tangle of tongues and teeth and neither of them cared.

Nathan cried out and Jamie murmured in encouragement as his lover came. Jamie’s

hand was relentless, stroking hard and fast, drawing it out until Nathan was an

incoherent mess, mewling against Jamie’s lips and relying on him to keep him from

sagging to the floor. Oh, it was so sweet.

When Jamie finally broke their kiss, Nathan chuckled, the sound shaky. “Okay, I

was wrong. You could make me lose my mind again.”

Jamie laughed too. “You’re damn right, honey.”

They exchanged another quick kiss before untangling themselves. Nathan drew his

pants up, glancing around for a place where they could clean themselves. His cheeks

reddened as he was reminded where they were, but it was so dark back here, nobody

could see. It didn’t sound as if anyone was paying attention either.

“Over here, honey,” Jamie said, leading him through the whispering shadows to a

small hidden bathroom. “It’s not occupied for once,” he continued with a soft chuckle.

Nathan noticed with a burst of pride that the red heart on Jamie’s cheek was smudged

from their kisses and their quick, impassioned encounter.

He was sure Jamie was late getting back to his shift and Nathan hoped he wouldn’t

get into trouble. Jamie took his hand once they’d cleaned up as best they could, leading

him back out and he liked the way their fingers linked together.

“I’m going to hang around for a little bit, but I’ll probably leave before you get off,”

Nathan said, leaning up close to Jamie’s ear to be heard over the music. “Will you come

by when you get off?” He liked the thought of waking up to Jamie slipping into bed

with him. Even more, he relished the idea that Jamie might roll him over and fuck him

while he was half asleep. He bit his lip to keep from groaning.

Jamie chuckled and the sound rippled down Nathan’s spine. “You keep saying ‘get

off’ like that and we’re turning around to go right back to the back room, honey.” His

green eyes sparkled and then he nodded. “I’m coming by, yeah.”

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Nathan’s stomach fluttered. He reached into his pocket and drew out a single key

on a plain, lavaliere-style key ring, slipping it into Jamie’s hand. “Here, then. You’ll

need this. I’ll probably be sound asleep.” He held his breath, his emotions tumbling. It

had been a very long time since he’d given anyone a key to his place.

Jamie froze, his eyes sliding down to the key in his hand and then back up to meet

Nathan’s eyes. Relief surged at the smile that curved his lover’s gorgeous mouth. He

grinned in response and then Jamie was gone, back behind the bar and Nathan sucked

in a breath, looking around.

It’d been forever since he’d been in a club like this. Actually, come to think of it, he

didn’t think he’d ever been in a club like this. It was decadent. Wild. Perfectly suited to

the debauched and wicked things he and Jamie had just done, as well as the things

Nathan still wanted to do.

He glanced down at himself, flushing and frowning as he noticed a damp spot on

one cuff of his shirt. He had no idea if it was his own come or Jamie’s and he began to

wend his way toward the main bathroom. Nathan might have broken about a hundred

rules tonight, but wandering around in public with semen on his shirt was just above

and beyond.

Nathan ducked into the bathroom and approached one of the sinks, testing the

water before tearing off a paper towel and dampening it. He squeezed a dab of soap

onto it and began to rub at the spot.

A voice behind him startled him. “Didn’t you ever read Macbeth? Stains like that


Nathan snapped his head around, brows furrowing at the man standing against the

tiled wall. He shook his head, not sure what to say, but was saved having to say

anything when the other man spoke again.

“He’s a wild one, isn’t he?” Nathan stiffened at the implications and his hackles

rose in wariness as the other man pushed away from the wall. “Jamie’s very, very good

at leaving stains on everything he touches.”

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Nathan bristled at the aspersions to Jamie’s character. The stab of fury turned to ice

as he turned around to assess the other man. He was tall, almost as tall as Jamie, broad-

shouldered, but it was the eyes Nathan noticed, the way they regarded him with a

disturbing intensity. “If you want to be technical about it, the stain was blood and was a

symbol of the guilt Lady Macbeth felt. Since I have nothing to be guilty about, I’m not

concerned,” Nathan said with cool disdain.

What did worry him was the possibility, however remote, that this creep had been

watching him and Jamie. He hoped it was only that he’d seen them emerge from the

back room and was taking a stab, knowing what the room was used for. Nathan

couldn’t let him get under his skin.

“Don’t you think you’re clever,” the other man sneered, moving between Nathan

and door. “I bet he’s got you doing things you’ve never dreamed of before.”

Nathan’s mouth tightened and he kept his eyes on the intruder instead of looking

toward the door just beyond him. “What Jamie has me doing is none of your business.

As for how wild he is, I guess that doesn’t concern you either, does it?” By the quick

flash of fury in the other man’s eyes he knew his jab had hit home. He wondered what

Jamie’s relationship with this man had been, if there’d been one at all.

The other man held up his hands. “I’m just giving you a bit of friendly advice. Wild

boys like Jamie, they never stick around. You might want to keep that in mind.”

Nathan smiled coldly. He took another paper towel and dried off his hands, then

threw it away. “I appreciate the concern, but I don’t need advice. Certainly not when it

concerns Jamie.”

“We’ll see about that,” the other man said, a cruel smile on his lips. “He was mine

once and with the way he flits around, he’ll be mine again. It’s only a matter of time.”

He stepped to the side so Nathan could pass without impediment. “That’s my


Nathan said nothing as he moved toward the door, though he was seething. He

paused when the other man spoke again.

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“I bet he told you he never messes around with customers, didn’t he? How you’re

the exception to his normal rule. Did he also tell you about the reputation he has? Did

he tell you how many times he takes his ‘breaks’ in that back room? No, I don’t suppose

he would have.” The man’s voice was taunting and Nathan curled his fingers into fists.

He jerked the door open, trying to ignore the mocking laughter following him as he

pushed his way out through the crowd. The club seemed to taunt him, hearts and

cupids and lovers embracing. And one stranger had decided to throw it all in his face,

as if he was a fool for believing Jamie’s pretty words. Was he? Nathan didn’t know. He

needed to get out of there, somewhere he could think, could breathe, for god’s sake.

Nathan tried not to hear the voice whispering in his mind that he’d known it was

too good to be true all along. The voice that hissed at him, What were you thinking

anyway? Men like that dont fall for men like you. That wasn’t true. And neither were those

stranger’s lies.

The lies had the ring of someone who knew Jamie intimately, though, someone

who’d been on the receiving end of the same sweet assurances. Nathan shook his head,

tucking his jacket tighter as he hurried down the sidewalk, making it four blocks before

he remembered he wasn’t close enough to walk home and hailed a cab.

Jamie would clear this all up when he came by after work. Nathan refused to

imagine how Jamie would be spending the rest of his breaks that evening. He refused.

But the images wouldn’t go away.

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Chapter Four

Jamie grinned as the elevator doors opened and he fished Nathan’s key out of his

pocket. He’d been disappointed when Nathan had left without saying goodbye, but

maybe it was for the best. Jamie would have been tempted to drag him to the back room


He pictured Nathan in bed, naked and warm, and his steps quickened. He’d been

thinking all night of wrapping himself around his lover and nibbling on the back of his

neck until he woke. Jamie tried to be quiet as he unlocked the door and slipped

through. He didn’t want to wake Nathan just yet, but saw immediately his efforts

weren’t necessary when Nathan turned around on the couch to face him.

“Hey, honey. I thought you were going to get some sleep,” Jamie said, closing the

door behind him. He wasn’t sure what clued him in, maybe it was the lack of

expression on Nathan’s face, but something was wrong. This was the first time since

he’d met him that he couldn’t read Nathan’s eyes. It was like he’d been completely cut


Nathan didn’t reply at first, then he sighed and ran his hand through his hair,

moving over and gesturing for Jamie to sit beside him. “I need to ask you something,”

he said, meeting Jamie’s eyes.

Jamie sank down on the couch, his heart and stomach falling. He had no idea what

had happened in the last four hours, but clearly something had. He felt like he’d done

something wrong, broken some cardinal rule he didn’t know about. “Okay,” he said

with a calm he didn’t feel. “Go ahead.”

Nathan took a deep breath and let it out with a sigh. “That rule of yours…” He met

Jamie’s eyes and for the first time since coming in, Jamie saw something other than a

blank wall, but he couldn’t understand why Nathan would be uneasy with him. “The

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rule about not going home with customers, is it a hard-and-fast one or is it one you

came up with because you’ve been burned in the past?”

Jamie frowned, unnerved by the question. Where was this coming from? He knew

he had to answer, it wasn’t an optional question, but his pride stung. He didn’t like

being blindsided like this. It smacked of things he’d thought they were above.

“Both. It was a rule that made sense from the get-go, but I was young when I

started bartending and it didn’t last long. I reinstated it about a year ago after a not-so-

nice experience.” Jamie ran his tongue over his teeth, biting back irritation. “Is there a

reason I’ve wandered into the Inquisition?”

Nathan fiddled with the hem of his shirt and took another deep breath before

meeting Jamie’s eyes. Jamie’s irritation fled in a flash, because he looked worried and

Jamie didn’t like it at all. He shifted, wanting to reach out and pull him close, but he

could still sense the wall between them. “What’s going on? What happened to bring this


Nathan rose, his heavy brows furrowing and began to pace. “I ran into someone in

the restroom at the club, after you’d gone back to the bar.” Troubled eyes met Jamie’s

and apprehension tingled. “He didn’t give me his name, but I got the impression he

knew you. Very well.”

Jamie sat back feeling like the wind had been knocked out of him. “Are you kidding

me? This is over some trick who dropped my name?”

The irritation was back and he pushed to his feet. He gave Nathan a disappointed

look, his stomach knotting. “For the record, Nathan, I never claimed to be virginal. I’m

not going to apologize for having had sex before, if that’s what you’re after. And

frankly, this little scenario you’ve got going here, the wounded thing, is better suited to

junior high than real life.”

Jamie had a hard time believing this was the same man he’d spent the last week

with. The same man who’d lain in bed with him on Sunday with coffee, bagels and the

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paper until two in the afternoon. Now he was acting jealous over some drunken words

in a bathroom?

It didn’t make sense, there had to be more. “What’s this really about? Because if you

tell me it’s about you being jealous over some former lover, then we’ve got bigger

problems than I was aware of.”

“No, it’s not about being jealous.” Nathan ran his hand through his hair, looking

agitated again. It was almost a relief to Jamie, because he could see the wall coming

down. “I mean, I’ll admit I was a bit jealous, not enough to take it out on you, but—”

“It sure as hell seems like you’re taking it out on me,” Jamie interrupted. “What else

do you call this?” He felt bad for snapping, but this whole scene set him on edge,

especially when it was so far from what he’d been fantasizing about for the last four

hours. Instead of a warm welcome, he was getting accusations.

“Let me finish. Please.” Nathan moved to stand in front of him and for a split

second Jamie thought he was going to pull him into his arms. The disappointment was

crushing when he didn’t. “He…there was something off about him.” Nathan looked off

at something unseen over Jamie’s shoulder, his face drawn in thought.

Before Jamie could answer, Nathan met his eyes again and all trace of the wall he’d

imposed was gone. Jamie could see his confusion and lingering worries. Then Nathan

reached out and took Jamie’s hands, tugging them from where they were crossed on his

chest. “I’m sorry, Jamie. He made some nasty insinuations and I shouldn’t have let

them get to me.”

Jamie pulled away, frustration warring with guilt at the wounded expression which

struck Nathan’s face. “You’re not making much sense, Nathan. Either you believed

what this guy said or you didn’t. Either you trusted me or you didn’t.” Didn’t Nathan

trust him?

“I got the impression he was watching us in the back room.” Nathan stepped away

from him and opened the fridge, grabbing a couple of beers. “Or if not, he certainly

didn’t mind making me think so.” He tossed Jamie one, then opened up his own, taking

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a long sip before meeting Jamie’s eyes again, looking calmer. “He also implied that

you’d been together in the past and that you’re in the habit of taking your customers to

the back room on a regular basis.”

Jamie jerked back, hurt and fury taking his breath away. He’d never imagined

Nathan’s voice could be so cold.

“Wait!” Nathan slammed the bottle down on the counter and came closer, grabbing

his shoulders. “Dammit, Jamie, I don’t believe you do that. But why would he lie?”

Jamie frowned. “What did he look like?” His jaw clenched as Nathan haltingly

described the man. “Quinn,” he snarled in recognition.

Nathan stepped back, a stricken look on his face. “So you do know him. And you


Jamie nodded. “At one time, yes.”

It took him a few seconds to lift his eyes to Nathan’s face and realize his lover was

hurting. He shook his head, stepping forward. “Don’t, it’s not like he said. You can

pretty much count on anything coming out of Quinn’s mouth to be a self-serving lie.”

Nathan’s eyes were enormous in his face and Jamie hated seeing the hurt in them, the

distrust, and cursed Quinn all over again.

“Why would he lie?”

Jamie barked a harsh laugh. “Because his mother never taught him manners, that’s

why. Listen to me. Whatever he told you is bullshit. Except the part about he and I used

to have a…thing.”

Nathan’s brows shot up. “A thing? A thing, Jamie? What exactly is a ‘thing’?”

Jamie made an impatient sound. “We slept together a couple of times. Three to be

specific. But then I got a glimpse of the real Quinn and broke it off.” Another short,

humorless laugh. “He didn’t much like that idea.”

Jamie looked away, his jaw clenched. Of all the times for Quinn to resurface. Part of

him understood why Nathan was upset, but he hated feeling like he was being attacked

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for something he couldn’t control. Nathan was scared and hurt by Quinn’s words and

Jamie was taking the brunt of it. It wasn’t fair.

“He didn’t hurt you, did he?” Nathan’s voice was fierce and Jamie met his gaze


He shook his head, wishing this conversation could be over. He wanted the warm,

soft, welcoming lover he’d been looking forward to all night, the one he’d expected

when he’d walked through the door. “Naw, honey. And he backed off once he realized

I was serious about not continuing it. I mean, he showed up from time to time at the

club or some other scene in town, but that’s par for the course. He’s creepy, yeah, but

hasn’t got the balls to do anything but sneak around making accusations to whoever

I’m dating at the time.”

Nathan searched Jamie’s face, wondering if he was telling the truth about Quinn

not hurting him, but he couldn’t tell and wasn’t anxious to start another argument. Not

when it was this late and they were both exhausted. “I’m sorry, Jamie. I…it’s just the

thought of him anywhere near you makes me so fucking furious I could hit something.”

Or someone, which floored him because he wasn’t a violent man.

But Nathan thought he would have no problem being violent if Jamie’s safety were

at stake. He’d take apart anyone who tried to hurt him. Shame cut through him when

he realized he was the one hurting Jamie right now. By doubting him and blindsiding

him like some criminal the second he walked through the door.

“God, Jamie, I’m so sorry. You’re right, I’m being childish and it’s not like me, I

don’t know what happened. I should’ve talked to you, should’ve waited until your shift

was over or pulled you aside. Not let it stew all evening and jump you with it.”

He slid his arms around Jamie and relief rolled through him when his lover didn’t

pull away or reject his touch again. “Well, if he’s been harboring some flame for you, at

least now he knows you’re taken. Very much taken.”

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Jamie tipped Nathan’s face up and Nathan blanched at the seriousness in those

brilliant green eyes. “I am taken, Nathan. Maybe I haven’t made myself clear enough in

our time together.” There was a slight hesitation and Nathan melted when Jamie gently

cupped his cheek. “I love you. And that, I can swear on everything I hold holy, is not

something I have ever said to anyone.”

Nathan’s mind reeled and everything he’d been about to say fled as Jamie’s words

sank in. His lover chuckled softly. “Why are you looking at me like I hit you upside the

head with a stick? I all but told you last week how I felt.”

Nathan blushed, which was something only Jamie had the power to make him do,

with incredible ease sometimes. “That was different,” he protested. He knew Jamie had

been falling for him, and god knew he’d been falling just as hard, but guys said things

they didn’t mean sometimes during sex and that had been their first time. “You didn’t

come out and say it and I hadn’t just royally fucked up. You saying it now, it makes it

much more real.”

He leaned his cheek into Jamie’s hand, his heart beating faster. It was as if Jamie’s

vow had filled up this hole inside him. He smiled, the worries and images haunting him

earlier banished by the joy bubbling inside him. “I’m an ass and I don’t know how you

can say it after the way I treated you. But damn, Jamie, I love you too. I’m crazy with


Jamie grinned and leaned closer to brush his lips over Nathan’s. “Come to bed with

me, let me hold you.”

The horrible knot in Nathan’s chest eased and he nodded, taking Jamie’s hand. “I’d

like that.” He was an idiot for letting his mind override his instincts and heart, and for

letting that asshole get to him.

Right then, all Nathan wanted was to give Jamie the greeting he’d probably

expected. Jamie didn’t protest as Nathan led him back to the bedroom, but he paused

inside the door to tug Nathan against him and dipped his head to capture Nathan’s

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mouth. Lord, Jamie could kiss. It drove Nathan crazy and his lips went soft and pliant

because it was just natural to surrender to his lover.

Jamie’s hands came up and began unbuttoning Nathan’s shirt. Their brief

rendezvous at the club hadn’t been nearly enough and Nathan was dying to have Jamie

inside him. Jamie broke the kiss and nibbled along Nathan’s jaw, tongue soothing the

slight sting of his teeth as he jerked Nathan’s shirt down his arms. The rough motion

made Nathan’s stomach tighten.

“I missed you all night, honey. Musta gotten a hundred drink orders wrong

thinking about doing just this.” Jamie’s fingers gave one nipple a gentle pinch and

Nathan caught his breath as it formed a hard bud.

“I missed you too, Jamie.” As soon as he started to speak, Nathan’s guilt came

rushing back. It was eating away at him, the way he’d snapped at Jamie and let his

irritation and fears get the better of him. Jamie had done nothing to deserve the way

Nathan had treated him.

Nathan’s anguish must have sounded in his voice because Jamie lifted his head and

slid his arms around him. Jamie pulled him close and brushed a kiss across his

forehead. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have gotten angry at you. I guess I just…I feel like

we’ve been together forever almost, I forget it’s been barely more than a week.”

Nathan leaned into Jamie’s embrace, the concerns he’d had seeming ludicrous now.

Maybe logic said he shouldn’t trust Jamie this much this soon, but he did. And he’d

rather have this moment of bliss, being with the man he loved and believing in him,

than ruin what they had because of something a jackass said in a club bathroom.

He raised his head and smiled at Jamie. “You don’t need to apologize, and for the

record, I feel the same way. If I was one to believe in past lives or other such nonsense,

I’d be tempted to say we’ve known each other before.”

Jamie laughed. “I like the sound of that, honey, loving you over and over, being

born again and seeking you out.”

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“You’re a hopeless romantic.” Nathan sighed, his head falling back, lashes

fluttering shut as Jamie’s lips feathered along his jaw. He had to admit, though, he did

like the sound of their souls being entwined. It was utter fantasy, but a nice thought.

Jamie’s hands slid down to Nathan’s ass, lifting him up and walking the few short

steps to the bed. “Oh, I don’t know,” Jamie replied. “I bet you have a real romantic side

yourself when you put your mind to it.”

As easy as that, Jamie had banished the ugly words the man Quinn had said, driven

away the harsh accusations they had thrown at each other. All Nathan wanted right

now was to be naked with him and wallow in their desire and love. He shook his shirt

off his wrists as they sank back on the bed and slid his hands under Jamie’s t-shirt.

Impatient, he tugged it over Jamie’s head and wrapped his arms around him,

turning his face into Jamie’s neck and breathing in his scent. He was warm, comforting

and Nathan’s heart ached with the force of his emotions. He loved him. It might be

crazy, but it was the truth. He smiled. “I love you, Jamie.”

Jamie gave him a slow smile in return. “Oh honey, I love you too. It might not make

sense, but damn if it isn’t right.”

Jamie bent to kiss him, slow and deep and Nathan’s heart flipped over in his chest.

When Jamie ran a hand down Nathan’s bare side, fingers feathering his skin, sending a

hyperaware ripple of sensation through him, Nathan broke the kiss with a burst of

laughter, moving instinctively away from the dangerous touch.

Jamie arched his brows, as fingers lingered on the spot just below Nathan’s rib cage

and it was all Nathan could do to keep from squirming away. God help him, Jamie had

a knowing expression on his face.

“Ticklish are we, my love?”

Damn! Nathan gave Jamie an emphatic shake of his head, quaking inside when his

lover laughed. He wasn’t ticklish, merely sensitive.

“Oh no?” Jamie’s fingers danced on the spot and his mischievous eyes lit up when

Nathan gave into his impulse to squirm and tried to shove them away.

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“So help me god, Jamie…” Nathan never got to finish the threat because he was too

busy growling and gasping, trying to hold in the laughter as Jamie’s fingers dug in with

a vengeance. His lover was enjoying Nathan’s predicament way too much.

The torment was halted as Jamie caught Nathan’s hands and brought them down to

the buttons of his leather pants. “I think we’re still wearing too many clothes. Want me

to quit tickling? I suggest you distract me, honey.”

Jamie’s eyes sparkled as Nathan glared at him, both amused and petulant, though

very grateful his lover had ceased. Nathan slid his hand lower, pressing his palm

against the rigid length of Jamie’s cock. The pants were too tight to squeeze him and it

wasn’t the same as touching his naked skin. “You’re trouble,” he grumbled, still having

the urge to laugh.

“That I am.” Jamie smirked. “Though you might find more trouble than you can

handle if you don’t get these damn pants offa me.”

Nathan undid the buttons and wiggled his hand into the tight leather and squeezed

Jamie’s cock, reveling in his gasp. “And just what does more trouble than I can handle

entail?” Oh, he wanted to know and even more he wanted to experience it. He was

filled with a reckless excitement as he squeezed again, bringing his lips to Jamie’s throat

and nipping hard. “Why don’t you show me? I expect I can handle quite a bit.”

Jamie’s growl sent ripples of awareness down his spine. Nathan was suddenly

breathless, his heart beating faster. Jamie grabbed his wrist, tugging his hand out of the

pants and rose long enough to peel them off. Nathan’s breath caught, the light from the

street lamps outside casting intricate shadows across his lover’s body.

He was so beautiful. His body was sculpted and Nathan loved the way his tattoo

flowed over his skin, the way his hair stood up in spiky tufts and right now the way

those wicked eyes were narrowed with a dangerous glint. He loved everything about


Nathan’s cock throbbed harder as Jamie dropped back onto the bed with him,

almost faint with the force of desire sweeping through him. Jamie captured his wrists,

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pinning them above his head. “Now let’s see if you can live up to your bold words,


There was something about that endearing nickname being growled which drove

Nathan almost to the edge. He moaned, biting his lip to keep the sound from escaping,

but was too late. He lowered his lashes. “Do your worst, dearling.”

Jamie growled and claimed his lips in a scorching kiss. His worst, his best, Nathan

wanted to do it all with this man and do it forever. The thought shocked him because

Nathan had never found someone that made him consider forever, but he’d already

admitted to himself that nothing about what he felt for Jamie was usual or ordinary.

His lover pulled back and gave him a hard look. “Keep your hands right there,

honey, or else.” Jamie’s tone brooked no disobedience and a flicker of hot desire flashed

in Nathan’s stomach.

Jamie released his grip on Nathan’s wrists, waiting a second as if to see whether or

not he was going to move. Nathan had no intention of doing any such a thing. Jamie

slid both his palms down Nathan’s arms, down his sides to the waist of his pants,

jerking impatiently at the button and zipper before tugging them with one rough pull

down Nathan’s legs and tossing them aside.

Nathan couldn’t look away as Jamie sat back on his heels and stared down at him.

All Nathan had left on was a pair of plain white silk boxers and even that was too

much. The expression in Jamie’s green eyes was a mixture of awe and lust, as if

somehow he was a wet dream of Jamie’s come to life. And Nathan wanted him with a

passion that would’ve been almost frightening if trust didn’t overlay it, and he did, he

trusted Jamie more than he thought it was possible to trust a lover.

Then Jamie bent and dragged his tongue along the hard bulge tenting his boxers,

wetting the thin material and the heat coming through the fabric made Nathan

lightheaded. Without thought, Nathan reached down to slide his fingers through spiky,

silky hair.

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Jamie’s head snapped up to pin Nathan with his gaze, a dangerous smirk twisting

his lips. “I told ya to keep your hands where I put them, Nathan. Now I’m gonna have

to punish you.”

Nathan’s hand froze as wariness mingled with lust. It had been pure instinct to

reach for Jamie, he hadn’t even thought about it. His tongue flicked out to wet his lips,

nerves fluttering in his stomach, anticipation singing in his veins. He wanted Jamie’s

punishment. It was a startling revelation. In the past he would’ve bristled if any of his

former lovers mentioned doing such a thing. He was a grown man, not a damn child

but god, he craved whatever Jamie was going to do.

“I…I’m sorry,” he said, his breath coming quicker. Though in truth he wasn’t sorry

in the slightest, not when Jamie was looking at him the way he was, his green eyes

molten, loving and dangerous.

“Too late, honey,” Jamie said, grasping his boxers and yanking them off his body.

Before Nathan could react, Jamie had flipped him over onto his stomach and had

drawn him across his lap. He swallowed hard, remembering Jamie saying he wanted to

warm his ass with his hand the first afternoon and started trembling. Jamie’s cock

nudged the lower part of Nathan’s stomach and his own cock was pressed against

Jamie’s thigh, harder than he could ever remember it being. Instinct made him want to

fight Jamie, to cover his exposed ass with his hands, but he didn’t, instead he looked

over his shoulder at his lover.

Jamie’s hand caressed his ass, his eyes locked with Nathan’s. “Let’s try that again.

You’re going to keep your hands on the bed, you hear me? You won’t move them.” He

punctuated his words with a little slap that made Nathan jump, though it barely stung.

Nathan nodded and dug his hands into the blankets, fisting them tight. His heart

was beating so hard, he wondered if Jamie could hear it. His lover’s hands settled on

the backs of his thighs, spreading his legs wider. A finger teased his balls, then slid up

the cleft of his ass. When the first slap came, Nathan wasn’t prepared and gasped, his

cock rocking against Jamie’s thigh. “Oh god.”

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The stinging sensation, the knowledge that Jamie was fucking spanking him seemed

to drive all sense of reason and decorum from his mind. He moaned, sinking his head

down, lifting his ass up as Jamie’s hand came down again, hard enough to warm,

though not enough to hurt. The sound was loud in the room, strange and exciting,

making the air electric.

Jamie groaned and his hand came down again, harder, on the other cheek. Nathan

imagined the vivid red handprint he was sure decorated his skin and his desire surged.

He surprised himself with his wanton reaction instead of struggling against Jamie’s

hard hands. Nathan groaned again, feeling his ass bounce as Jamie’s hand came down

again. His cock throbbed against Jamie’s thigh and his lover paused to slip a hand

between his thighs, fingers feathering over the base of Nathan’s cock.

Nathan could also feel Jamie’s fingers on his soul, wrapping around him, claiming

him. Everything was different now. He was different, all because of this man holding

him across his lap, who tormented him beyond anything he’d ever imagined and

cradled him safe against his body.

“You like this, do you, baby?”

Nathan whimpered and nodded, then glanced back at Jamie over his shoulder. A

flush of pure arousal warmed his face at the sight of Jamie’s wicked grin. Nathan loved

the possession in Jamie’s eyes. It was unbelievably hot and Nathan wanted more.

“Good, I like it too.” Jamie slapped his ass again, running the palm of his hand over

the heated skin. “You look sexy as fuck like this, honey. All blushing sweet and naughty

at the same time.” He trailed a finger down the cleft again, brushing over Nathan’s

entrance before striking him once more.

“Now then,” Jamie continued, “you’re going to do as you’re told from now on,

aren’t you? I tell you to not move those wicked hands of yours, you’re not going to

move them.” He struck again, harder than any other time and Nathan’s body tensed

with a sharp, sobbing breath as he cried out.


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Nathan drew in a shaky breath and nodded again. “Yes. I promise, Jamie.”

Jamie rubbed his hand over Nathan’s ass and thighs. “Then you’ve learned your

lesson? Should I stop?” His voice was contemplative as he slapped again and Nathan

squirmed against him.

Nathan would throw a fit if Jamie stopped right now. He’d never experienced this

before, so helpless, yet safe. He was in Jamie’s hands, in his control and it was such an

unimaginable turn-on. It was almost enough to make him come without Jamie fucking

him at all. Nathan cried out as Jamie’s hand struck again. His skin was more sensitive

now, he could feel the heat and wondered how it would feel to his lover when he

fucked him. How it would look to see the redness of his ass, Jamie’s marks on him as he


“No, don’t stop,” Nathan gasped, shaking his head and lifting his ass higher.

“Please…please don’t stop.” His words almost stuttered when he realized he was


The next volley of blows had him writhing, his hands white-knuckled as they

gripped the blankets. Nathan squeezed his eyes shut. “More…more, fuck, dearling.

Please.” He drew in a deep shuddering breath. “I disobeyed you,” he gasped, hoping to

spur Jamie on.

“Yes, you did,” Jamie said, his voice silky, sending a tremor down Nathan’s spine.

Jamie’s cool hands rubbed the stinging flesh, the sensation exquisite. His hands pried

apart the cheeks and Nathan involuntarily clenched at the exposure. He moaned,

dropping his head onto his forearms, unable to stop trembling.

“You deserved what you got, didn’t you?”

Nathan nodded, his breath hitching as Jamie’s hands left his ass. The anticipation of

the next blow was more painful than when it came. Nathan cried out, the sound high

and desperate. Fuck, if Jamie continued he was going to lose all control. “Fuck, baby,

fuck. Just like that. More…sweet Jesus.” Tears pricked his eyelids, nothing to do with

pain and everything to do with the power of placing himself in Jamie’s strong hands.

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Nathan couldn’t breathe, his heart lodged somewhere in the vicinity of his throat.

Jamie’s hand slid up to cup the nape of his neck, forcing his head down as his other

hand began a hard rhythm on Nathan’s ass.

Jamie growled and tightened his hand on the back of Nathan’s neck. “You’re so

fucking sexy, honey. You’re not proper at all, are you?” He never paused in the steady

blows he rained down. “Sitting up there in your corner office, taking your conference

calls. Do you think about me when you do? Do you get hard imagining what you want

me to do to you? Tell me, Nathan, have you imagined this before, sitting there at work,

riding the Metro home, hard inside your perfectly pressed pants, imagining me bending

you across my knee and spanking you like this?”

Nathan nodded, unable to speak as Jamie continued with his erotic words. Nathan

didn’t feel the slightest bit proper or refined and his loss of control didn’t matter one bit,

not when he instinctively understood what seeing him like this was doing to Jamie. His

lover bucked his hips, nudging the hard head of his cock against Nathan’s stomach.

“I bet you have. Fuck, baby, feel how hard I am for you? I can’t wait to fuck this

sweet ass, all red and hot now. Probably gonna hurt when I do, for you anyway, but

you’ll like that, won’t you?”

Nathan’s mouth was dry as he nodded again, whimpering and crying out as he

fantasized about how it was going to be both pleasurable and painful when Jamie

fucked him. And as pleasurable as the spanking was, he was getting impatient for the


Jamie slowed his blows, gentling them and sometimes pausing to palm Nathan’s

ass or to lightly squeeze a generous handful. Nathan trembled with each touch and

when Jamie shifted to urge him to his hands and knees, Nathan trembled even harder.

Jamie knelt behind him, giving him an appreciative sigh. Nathan flushed and his

cock throbbed. He wondered what Jamie was seeing. How red was his ass? Was it

welted? Was it covered with Jamie’s handprints?

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“So pretty,” Jamie whispered, bending to press a soft kiss to the sore flesh while one

hand came up to sink two fingers inside him.

Nathan let out a near-scream at the penetration, not from pain, but because his

entire body was on sensation overload right then. “Shhh. Easy, honey. Easy, love.”

Jamie murmured.

Nathan bucked his hips back, crying out again as Jamie’s fingers sank deeper. His

ass was on fire, the heat of it spread and every fiber of his body was screaming for

Jamie. It was overwhelming. Laying himself in Jamie’s hands, trusting him, awoke a

primal instinct in Nathan. He imagined sitting tomorrow at his conference and feeling

Jamie’s mark on him every time he moved. He shuddered and rocked back as Jamie

thrust his fingers, but it wasn’t enough. His body was strung taut, on a painful edge

that had everything and nothing to do with the spanking. Nathan’s blood roared in his

ears as the tension built so damn quickly it was like lightning coursing through his


“Stop. Stop.” His voice was wild and high.

Immediately, Jamie withdrew his fingers, heart pounding as he leaned forward and

saw Nathan had buried his face in his hands. Oh god, he’d gone too far, his heart

tripping and thudding painfully in his chest. He reached to tip Nathan’s face up, his

lover moaning and shaking his head back and forth in violent motions. “What’s wrong,

honey?” Jamie asked, feeling sick that he’d somehow not noticed that Nathan was being

pushed too far.

“No foreplay. Dammit, Jamie, god, fuck me.” The words had the effect of a

wrecking ball on Jamie’s fragile control. Nathan’s hand came up, snaking around

Jamie’s neck and tugging him down, kissing him with bruising strength. “Now.”

Jamie growled and tore his mouth free, reassured that Nathan was more than fine,

he was dying for more. His cock ached as Nathan dropped back down onto his elbows,

lifting his ass higher in invitation as Jamie grabbed the lube. It was such a beautiful

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sight, all that flushed, welted skin, and Jamie could hardly wait to feel it against the

cradle of his hips as he fucked him. He slicked his cock with the lube and grasped

Nathan’s hips in hard hands, his lover crying out and trembling wildly. He tried to

push back as the slick head of Jamie’s cock probed his entrance, but Jamie was having

none of that, hands tightening, holding Nathan immobile as he sank with maddening

slowness into him.

Nathan was crying, tears wetting his cheeks and the blanket he had fisted in his

hands. They were beautiful tears and Jamie had the sudden urge to taste them and see if

they were as sweet as the sounds he made. “Please…oh god, Jamie, for the love of god,

just fuck me already.”

Jamie chuckled softly at that crude demand, deciding his sweet love had a thing or

two to learn when it came to making demands in Jamie’s bed. Nathan’s demands

would get met, but on Jamie’s schedule, at Jamie’s leisure. He withdrew, as slow as he’d

entered him and Nathan writhed as much as Jamie’s hands let him, whimpering please

over and over. The pleading was an extra blow to Jamie’s ragged control, but he

managed to maintain it even still. A low growl was the only warning he gave his lover

before he slammed deep into him, the hard thrust rocking him forward. Nathan

screamed, the sound torn from his throat, and Jamie reveled in it.

He leaned low over Nathan, tongue snaking up his cheek and tasting the sweet salt

of his tears. “Baby…” Nathan’s chanting of “please” was such a beautiful sound,

wicked, dirty and sweet, ragged from his tears.

Jamie snapped his hips hard again and groaned when Nathan tightened around

him with another scream. This one was different, though, high and desperate. Nathan’s

body convulsed beneath him and harsh, sobbing sounds choked from his throat as he


A slow smile curved Jamie’s lips and he bent to lick along his lover’s jaw and nip at

his earlobe. “Ah, honey, now you’re really gonna scream for me.” He dug his fingers

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into the sleek, giving flesh of Nathan’s hips and thrust hard. Nathan’s short scream as

Jamie drove into his over-sensitized body ripped down Jamie’s spine. “Just like that.”

Hard and fast, over and over as Nathan’s cries and frantic pleas filled the air. Jamie

held him firm when Nathan might have squirmed away from the overload on his body,

but after a few thrusts Nathan wasn’t going anywhere and began driving his hips back

to meet him.

“That’s it, love.” Jamie eased his grip on Nathan’s hips and slid his hands up to lace

both with Nathan’s, tangling their fingers and rocking hard against him. He could feel

the heat of Nathan’s abused ass against his groin and it drove him crazy, heart


“Beg, honey. I like hearing you beg,” he growled, teeth harsh on the side of his

lover’s throat. The scent of sex and desperation hung heavy in the air as they moved

together in a tangle of sweaty limbs and slick flesh.

“Please…Jamie, fuck please, dearling. More, more…fucking Christ, please more.”

That Nathan could manage so many words was impressive to Jamie and he shuddered

from the force of them, the hungry need he could taste on his lover’s skin.

He nodded, driving harder, wrapping himself around Nathan from behind and

pinning him to the bed, hips moving hard and fast. Claiming him, every inch of this

man belonged to him and by the time they were through there wouldn’t be a doubt in

either of their minds that he’d permanently stamped himself into Nathan’s soul.

His weight pressed Nathan into the mattress, ankles wrapped around his calves to

keep his legs spread wide. Jamie’s hands covered Nathan’s, his cock impaling him over

and over, balls slapping against him. He was determined Nathan would have no

awareness of anything else but him.

They panted and writhed together and Jamie turned his head, his teeth roughly

nipping the tender lobe of Nathan’s ear. “I’m not done with you by far, honey…this

ain’t even close to as good as it’s gonna get.” Nathan let out a ragged whimper and

Jamie grinned, feral possession slicing through him. His.

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“Jamie…Jamie…fuck, baby,” Nathan groaned. “Fuck, I like how you do that.”

Jamie growled and the shiver that raced through Nathan sent an answering one

through his own body. His teeth scored his lover’s ear again, the nape of his neck, each

nip heightening the awareness, until it was almost too much.

“You’re mine, Nathan,” Jamie whispered in his ear, the words possessive, the tone

loving. “All mine, honey. Never gonna let you go.”

Nathan nodded his head. “I’d have to…kick your ass…if you did.”

Jamie chuckled, the wicked sound lost when Nathan twisted, turning his head and

their lips met, his tongue delving deep into Jamie’s mouth.

Jamie swallowed every moan, giving Nathan growls in return. He took every buck

of Nathan’s hips and gave him hard, answering thrusts. Each movement was a plea,

each countermovement a desire granted. Give and take, take and give, until neither

could tell who was begging for what just that each was getting exactly what they


Jamie rolled then, onto his back and brought Nathan with him, sprawled across his

chest. Jamie braced his feet, slamming up into him. Nathan cried out again, head lolling

back against Jamie’s shoulder. Jamie took advantage of the beautiful exposed arch of his

neck and turned his face into it, devouring the tender flesh.

“My sweet baby…my love…” He panted the words against Nathan’s skin, knowing

his lover wouldn’t deny the claim, daring him to try. Jamie didn’t consider himself a

possessive man by nature, he was too easygoing for that. But Nathan roused every

primal, primitive caveman instinct buried latent inside him and dragged them to the

surface until he wanted to fist his hand in Nathan hair and haul him back to his cave.

“Yes…yours, I’m yours, Jamie,” Nathan panted, his voice rough from his screams

and edged with frantic pleasure.

Jamie’s body surged at that soft acquiescence. He hips snapped up harder, his arms

tight around his lover. He slid one hand down, chuckling at the frantic whimper when

Nathan realized his intent. Nathan’s body relaxed some when Jamie’s fingers skimmed

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past his cock. Jamie let him have the moment of relief, let Nathan think he wasn’t about

to be assaulted with yet more overwhelming sensation and then shattered his sweet


Two fingers slid lower and without hesitation sank inside Nathan along with his

cock, wiggling deep enough to press against his spot, manipulating it. Jamie had never

heard a more beautiful sound than Nathan’s throaty screams as he twisted and writhed.

Nathan sagged back, his screams dropping to whimpering, sobbing cries as Jamie

let up on his prostate, though his fingers stayed inside him, his cock thrusting

relentlessly. They both knew it wasn’t over, that Jamie was going to keep going until

there was nothing left untouched inside Nathan. Jamie’s fingers pressed again and

Nathan sobbed, his body twisting. Jamie made a soothing sound, but didn’t let up on

the pressure, anticipation strung taut between them as every breath only took them


Jamie eased his fingers off again and Nathan mewled, the sound soft and

surrendering as his lover melted back against him, crying out with each penetration,

whimpering as Jamie’s thumb toyed with his balls. “Tell me you want it,” Jamie

growled against the side of his neck.

Nathan trembled at the words and hesitated. Jamie could almost hear the self-

preservation telling Nathan to deny him, that it would be too much, but Jamie knew he

wouldn’t. Finally Nathan spoke, his voice a whimper. “God, yes.” Triumph surged,

along with an insane amount of tenderness and the knowledge that Jamie would do

everything in his power to never make Nathan regret giving him it all.

Jamie’s hand slid down Nathan’s body with slick ease from the sweat that sheened

his smooth skin. He gave Nathan’s cock one hard, long stroke that had him jumping out

of his skin, gasping as Nathan’s hands clawed into his arm. Jamie’s fingers circled hard

around the base of his cock and he drank in the delicious, palpable tension, drawing it

out as long as he dared.

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And then Jamie couldn’t wait any longer and he pressed his fingers against

Nathan’s prostate again, fingertips milking the too-sensitive spot, massaging it. Nathan

went wild in his arms, desperate incoherent words falling from his gasping lips,

mingled with screams that echoed off the walls. Jamie thought he’d lose his own mind,

thrusting his hips upward hard and fast, claiming him in every possible way and he

knew Nathan felt and accepted the claim. Jamie owned him.

Jamie held him tight, otherwise Nathan would probably have tumbled off him with

the way he was writhing. His heart clenched, the bands that bound him to this man

tightening with every scream, every sob, every sweet, pitiful sound Nathan made. And

yet for all his writhing, shaking and sobs that might be misconstrued, Jamie knew

Nathan didn’t want him to stop. All he wanted was everything and Jamie was

determined to give it to him.

“You’re everything, honey, my everything. Hang on for me, just a little more. Sweet

baby, so good…” Jamie murmured, though he knew on some level Nathan didn’t hear

him, but Nathan understood. Jamie thought he did. He could feel the pliancy of his

lover’s body beneath the tension that strung him tight, how Nathan melted against him

in surrender.

For him Jamie would do anything, give anything, sacrifice it all to keep Nathan by

his side. “I love you. Love you.” Jamie never let up on his torment, but in direct contrast

his voice was tender, his lips gentle against Nathan’s cheek. He’d die before he ever

hurt him.

Then he couldn’t think anymore. He sank into the primitive morass of sensation

and submission and domination. And just as he hovered on the brink of madness, he

eased his grip on Nathan’s cock with the last shred of coherency he had and growled

something that might have been an order to come, might have been nothing more than

an animalistic grunt of pure testosterone.

Either way, it worked. Nathan’s scream must have torn his sweet baby’s throat to

ribbons, his own rivaling it as they came, hard and desperate. They sagged back to the

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mattress, quite literally drenched in come that dripped from Nathan’s sides onto Jamie,

down Nathan’s thighs to Jamie’s, sweat soaking them and the sheets. They looked like

the scene of a crime of passion gone very, very right.

As if in answer to that very thought, Jamie’s eyes popped open at the sound of

obscenely loud pounding coming from the living room and the shout of “DC Police

Department, open up!” wafting down the hall to their disbelieving ears.

“Oh fuck.”

Jamie had all he could do to keep from bursting out laughing at the horrified and

annoyed look on his lover’s face. Nathan all but pouted, for god’s sake, and it was cute

as hell when mixed with the mortification that began to cross Nathan’s cheeks in a fiery


“Jesus Christ,” Nathan muttered, the moan he let out as Jamie slid out of him nearly

making Jamie want to risk the police breaking down the door in order to keep Nathan

right there in bed with him. Nathan didn’t seem keen on that plan, though, because he

dropped a kiss to Jamie’s mouth before slipping out of the bed. “I’ll be right back,

dearling.” Had Jamie mentioned yet how much he loved it when Nathan would call

him that? Well, he did. Very much.

With the way the cops were banging on the door, though, Jamie knew they’d better

get moving before they knocked it down. Nathan would probably die of

embarrassment if DC’s finest found them in this state. “I’m coming,” Nathan yelled,

shrugging into his robe.

Jamie grinned at his lover and Nathan lingered for a second with a soft look on his

face before he smoothed his expression and went to open the door. Jamie followed

along behind, grabbing a tangled sheet and wrapping it around his hips as they went,

snickering inside. When Nathan opened the door, they were greeted by a pair of

officers, expressions stern, gazes flicking between them. There was no doubt what

they’d been doing was apparent, they looked and smelled like raunchy sex.

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“Good evening.” Nathan’s voice was a rasp. Before the officers could ask if

everyone was okay and what all the screaming was about, Jamie watched in

amusement as Nathan beat them to the punch.

“I’m sorry if you were called for nothing. As you can see, nobody’s hurt.”

Jamie coughed to cover another snicker and earned himself a censuring look from

Nathan. He fought to contain the grin and put a contrite, innocent look on his face. He

was willing to bet he failed miserably.

“We received a report of screams coming from this apartment. The caller said it,

ahem, sounded like someone was being hurt.” The officers glanced at each other and

Jamie’s lips quirked again, a burst of masculine pride swelling inside him. Damn, he’d

fucked his baby good.

Jamie grinned and cut a glance at Nathan, who was flushed red to the tips of his

oddly shaped ears. He grinned wider. He liked Nathan blushing, it was adorable.

“Well, ya’ll can feel free to check the place, but I hate to say you’ll be disappointed

there’s no dead body to find.” Jamie offered, pressing his lips together to keep from

laughing out loud.

Nathan was glaring at him and Jamie tugged him against his side. There was no

way to hide what had been going on, they both looked and smelled like they’d just gone

several rounds. And frankly, Jamie had no desire to hide anything. He was pretty damn

stoked and could honestly say he’d never fucked anyone so good the cops showed up


The two officers made a quick sweep of the apartment and then gave them an

amused reprimand to keep it down before leaving again. Jamie burst out laughing as

soon as the door shut, ducking the swat Nathan aimed at his head.

Nathan’s eyes widened in horror and a fresh wave of red crossed his face. “I can’t

believe you came to the door in a sheet!”

“We could’ve been fully dressed and they still would’ve known, honey.” Jamie

pulled Nathan close. “We ought to make that a Valentine’s Day tradition.”

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Nathan rolled his eyes, but there was humor banked in them and he shook his

head, chuckling. “I’d rather not, thanks. Well, not the cops part, anyway.” Jamie arched

his brows as Nathan leaned in closer against him, his gray eyes turning smoky and

hooded. “The rest, however—”

Jamie bent and cut off his words, kissing him slowly, the desire they’d just sated

rising up again and he decided that, without a doubt, Nathan was the best rule he’d

ever broken.

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About the Authors

Fae Sutherland has always dreamed of being a published author, starting her

writing career off at age 11 with a horrific “Monkees” fan fiction that will, luckily for all,
never see the light of day. At age 33, she has since progressed to more serious writing,
though always keeping that dash of irreverence and fun.

Fae tells the stories that the muses give her, but though she is multi-published both

solo and joint, she truly does prefer writing with her co-author Margeurite Labbe best.
When she’s not working hard on writing new stories to make her readers sweat or
slaving over edits for completed work, she spends her time on website and graphic
design, being with her closest friends and playing The Sims 2 until the wee hours of the

Margeurite Labbe is a homoerotic author who is a shade neurotic, has a muse with

OCD tendencies, and a husband, son, and gender-confused cat who are all doing an
excellent job at keeping her toeing the line. Together with her co-author Fae Sutherland,
Margeurite has found a shared passion for beautiful men with smart mouths, and
stories that often ask hard questions or bring up taboo subjects. When she’s not working
hard on writing new material and editing completed work, she spends her time reading
novels of all genres, enjoying roleplaying games with her equally nutty friends, and
trying to plot practical jokes against her son and husband.

The authors welcome comments from readers. You can find their websites and

email addresses on their author bio pages at www.ellorascave.com.

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