Exception To The Rules

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Exception to the Rules

By Stephanie Morris

Copyright © October 2011, Stephanie Morris

Cover art by For The Muses Design © October 2011

ISBN: 978-1-936668-33-5

This is a work of fiction. All characters and events portrayed in this novel are

fictitious or used fictitiously. All rights reserved, including the right to reproduce

this book, or portions thereof, in any form.

Sugar and Spice Press

North Carolina, USA


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To Jennifer. Even though you have your own military hero in real life, this

one is for you.

To Heidi, Tamara and Sharon H. I promise you ladies will see me in your

area for a book signing soon. Hopefully this will make up for it until then.

Thank you all for your support!

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Exception to the Rules Stephanie Morris


Chapter One

Gaea was a heartbeat away from an uninterrupted escape. At five

minutes before eleven on a Wednesday night, she figured everyone else
had left Begum and Guinn, Inc., and she could make her way to the
elevator and make it to the parking garage without any issues.
Unfortunately, it wasn‟t meant to be.

Arnold Pratt, her boss, former mentor, and current a major pain in her

backside, stepped out of his office one second before she pressed the call
button. Not only did he scare the hell of her, but he also made her drop her
satchel, which gave him reason to rush over and help her pick up her
scattered papers.

“Working late, Gaea?”
“Yes, and I am really tired, so if you‟ll just give me the—”
“Of course,” he said, handing her the information on the new fashion

line. “Why don‟t we stop and grab a bite to eat, follow it up with a
nightcap? It might help you get right to sleep.”

She took a deep breath as she placed the papers back into her satchel.

“Thanks, Arnold, but I don‟t need a nightcap. Just ready to get home.”

“You do look tired. Are you sure you‟re okay to drive? I‟d be happy to

give you a ride home.”

“No, that‟s okay. You go on home. I‟m sure Cheri‟s waiting up for you

considering the late hour.”

“She went to bed hours ago,” he responded. “The girls had practice

today and they wore her out.”

“I can imagine how she feels.” Gaea pressed the call button again and

silently prayed for the elevator to arrive.

“So,” Arnold said, leaning against the wall in a failed attempt to

appear casual and relaxed, “you ready for next week‟s event?”

“Yes, I am. Just a few more small things to take care of. We‟ll be fine.

It‟s going to be a huge success.”

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“You‟re right. It will be. Mainly due to your hard work.”
“Actually, everyone involved has worked their butts off on this one.”
“With you at the helm.”
Several months ago, she would have been moved by the

commendation, but things had changed.

Somewhere along the way, her boss had gotten the idea that the two of

them could be more than co-workers. Despite the fact that he was married
with two young daughters. Never had she given Arnold any hint of
encouragement. Did he consider her easy to get because he knew she had
no time or desire to date anyone?

She‟d thought about her current predicament a lot. Her first option was

to file a harassment complaint, but for all practical purposes, she‟d come
out on the losing end. Whatever the result, a suit would put a very large
black mark on her career plans. Instead, she‟d decided to figure out a way
to put off Arnold until this fashion campaign was over, then, with that
success under her belt, move on to bigger and better things. Another major
marketing firm had expressed interest in her, and he was pretty certain that
another was checking her credentials as well. All she had to do was get
through the next two weeks without a major hiccup, and she had a first
class ticket to freedom.

“Are you sure you aren‟t hungry?” Arnold asked as the elevator doors

finally hissed open.

“I‟m positive. Thanks for the offer. I appreciate it.”
He touched her arm as she walked into the car. “Anytime. You just let

me know when you‟re ready to take me up on my offer.”

She smiled until the doors closed, then she emitted the groan she‟d

been holding in. This was a nightmare. And it only seemed to get worse.

In a few days, fashion week would launch with one of the most famous

clothing designers in the world. The elaborate campaigns and media focus
would compete with that of one in New York City. A full week of in-your-
face promos featuring A-list celebrities, politicians, and other prominent
guests. Only this event was taking place in Dallas with locations from

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Uptown to University Park, and she was in charge of making sure that
nothing went wrong. Thankfully, her team was the best, especially her
assistant, Kallie, which meant she could focus on dealing with any major
issues rather than being concerned with the small details. Too bad she
already had a big fire to put out, one that existed in Arnold‟s pants.

To make matters worse, they were all staying at the W hotel for the

duration, and Arnold had booked her suite right next to his own.
Undoubtedly with connecting doors.

Something had to be done. A plan that wouldn‟t get her fired.

Somehow, she had to show Arnold once and for all that she wasn‟t
available to him.

The elevator stopped in the lobby and she nodded to the security guard

as she headed for the entrance to the parking garage. Sadly, her car was
the only one left on the ground level. A testament to how early she‟d
arrived to work.

Once she was outside, she stood still for just a moment, letting the cool

air of the early spring night air flow over her. This was her favorite time of
the year. The cold air from winter had finally passed, and it gave her time
to prepare herself for the humidity and heat of summer.

She continued on toward her car, the sound of her heels clicking on the

concrete. After sliding into the driver‟s seat, she started the ignition, then
pulled out of the parking garage. In another fifteen minutes or so, she
could take a nice hot shower, crawl underneath her sheets, and forget
about Arnold, fashion shows and ad campaigns until 6:00 a.m., when it
would all begin again.

The traffic was mercifully light. There was so much to do before the

premiere, and she felt guilty about leaving work at all.

Insane, but nonetheless, it was true. Her job meant everything... No,

that wasn‟t true. Her career meant everything to here. Nothing, not even
Arnold and his raging libido, was going to get in her way. She would
become a C-level executive before she turned thirty-five, or die trying.

But that mean thwarting Arnold‟s unwanted advances until the

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campaign was over. The only thing that would deter Arnold from coming
on to her was her having a boyfriend. But he knew she didn‟t have one,
and how in the world was she supposed to come up with one in the next

Her gaze flickered over the billboard she passed by on the way home.

A few moments later, she spotted one for Premier Escort Service.

Gaea smiled as an idea began to formulate in her mind. It all fell into

place. An escort. Of course. She could say it was someone from TCU,
someone she‟d dated before. It would be easy enough to hire a man for the
role, someone refined enough, attractive enough, to appear in the plethora
of photos that would be taken, but most importantly, someone diplomatic
enough not to blow the whistle on her.

Cooper. Her best friend. Of course. Geez, why hadn‟t she thought of

him before now? It was so obvious. The only person in the entire office
who‟d even heard of Cooper was Kallie, and Kallie was the soul of
discretion. Gaea would call Cooper tomorrow. He‟d love a week at the W.
And Arnold Pratt could take his unwanted, make-your-skin-want-to-crawl
advances and take a long hike.

* * * *

“As much as I would love to help you out, I can‟t”
Gaea blinked, not sure she‟d heard Cooper correctly. “Did you say you


“I‟m sorry, Gaea.”
“Cooper, no. Please. Maybe you don‟t understand the seriousness of

the situation. He‟s ruthless. Everywhere I turn, he‟s there. I need your

“I know, Gaea, but I really can‟t. You know I would if I could.”
“Then help me.”
“Impossible. I‟ll be in Florida for five of the days.”
“You can‟t cancel? Reschedule?”

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His deep baritone filled her ear and made her clutch the phone in a

desperate fist.

“Damn it to hell! This was the perfect solution.”
“So find someone else. I know I‟m not the only guy you know.”
“True, but you are the only guy I know well enough to ask. Besides,

you‟re perfect. Come on, Cooper.”

“You say the nicest things.”
“Wait. How about a friend? You have friends, right? Tons of them,

I‟m sure. I‟m willing to pay. But he has to be totally discreet. If anyone
discovers what I‟m doing, it could be a disaster.”

“I think I might know someone.”
“Really?” She reached for the fancy pen and notepad set she‟d

received from her mother as a graduation present.

“Yes, but I‟ll have to do some fast talking to convince him.”
“Do whatever it takes. Please. I‟m begging.”
“Don‟t get too excited. I‟ll do what I can.”
She could picture him sitting in his office, wearing a suit that flattered

his green eyes and blonde hair.

“Thank you.”
“Quick question,” he said, “but have you told your boss you just aren‟t


She laughed, which she hadn‟t done in quite some time. It wasn‟t a

humorous laugh, though, as she thought of all the times she‟d told Arnold
straight out that she had no intention of crossing over that line with him.
“Arnold has very selective hearing. And don‟t tell me to file a complaint.
I‟ve thought about it and I‟m going to get out when the timing‟s right.”

“I figured as much. I‟ve known you long enough to know that you

think things all the way through and you‟re very thorough.”

“You make it sound like a bad thing.”
“Add paranoid to that.”
She smiled. “When this is all over, I‟m going to buy you the most

decadent steak in Dallas. You say when and where.”

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“You have a deal. Now let me go see what I can do.”
She hung up, then leaned back in her chair, making a conscious effort

to relax her shoulders as she sunk into the leather chair. Cooper would
come through for her, she had to believe that. If not, she‟d just go ahead
and hire someone from an escort service. She‟d heard of it being done,
although she‟d never met anyone who‟d used an agency. But she hoped
she didn‟t have to take that option. What she needed to accomplish was
too important.

A knock on her office door brought her out of her internal musings.

“Come in.”

Kallie walked in, her arms filled with magazines. She came over to the

desk, put them down carefully, then rubbed her hands together. “I‟ve
marked all of the articles and ads. Make sure you check out D Magazine.
There‟s a story going on and on about the extravagant budget and how this
fashion show is one that everyone should be at. It‟s great.”

The stack was humongous, and this was only the beginning of the

media coverage that would be in newspapers, billboards, and radio stations
across the city. By the end of the campaign, there wouldn‟t be a man,
woman or teenager in the country who wouldn‟t know about the Marcella
Girardi fashion line. Kallie sat down in the chair across from Gaea. “So
are you slammed to the gills?”

“Yes, but I can multi-task. So talk.”
“Okay,” she said, flicking a strand of her long brown hair out of her

face. “So I went out with Barry last night. The one from Dunkin Donuts?
Who grabbed the last blueberry bagel?”

Gaea remembered. Poor Kallie. Painfully shy and so lonely. She was

the best assistant Gaea had ever had, completely on top of her game,
matter-of-fact, but with a sense of humor and generosity that couldn‟t be
matched. Still, Kallie had the worst luck when it came to men. “He‟s the
smart, tall one, right? Texas Tech graduate?”

Kallie nodded. “When it comes to looks, Barry has it. When it comes

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to dates, he doesn‟t.”

“Oh, no.”
“Oh, yes. He took me to a play at a performing arts theatre. It was

horrible. So boring that even he fell asleep. The kicker is that he had the
audacity to start snoring. Snoring, Gaea.”

“It wasn‟t his fault that it was boring.”
“You have a good point there.”
“Don‟t gloat yet. It goes downhill from there. It turns out that one of

the performers is actually his ex. By the time we made it backstage to
meet the cast and fans, they‟re not so ex, if you know what I mean.”

“You heard me correctly. They were all over each other, kissing and

groping. I guess I should be grateful that he and the guy attempted to
move out of the direct view of everyone.”

“Wait! What? Guy? Barry was kissing another guy?”
“Oh, did I leave that part out?”
“Barry‟s gay?”
“No. He‟s bi.”
“Yes. So, I took a cab home. One that he did pay for.”
“What a jerk.”
“I couldn‟t agree more. Only...” She looked down at her lap briefly.

“He made me laugh at dinner. And I was so...I don‟t know.”

“I‟m sorry it didn‟t work out, Kallie.”
Kallie smiled, but it didn‟t reach her eyes. “No biggie. I‟ll just keep

trying. Never give up. That‟s my motto. I refuse to be old and toothless.
Cats are definitely out since I‟m allergic.”

“Don‟t be so dramatic. It won‟t come to that.”
“I definitely hope not. I am severely allergic to cats and my place is

too small for a dog.”

Gaea shook her head, and wished she had something even close to

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resembling a social life where she might be able to meet someone right for
Kallie. But since her entire social circle consisted of Cooper, who was
gay, her father, who lived in Desoto, and her landlord, who made an art
out of complaining while not actually doing anything, there didn‟t seem to
be much hope.

“If you don‟t need anything else,” Kallie said, “I‟m going to call the

agency and double-check on the models.”

“No, I don‟t need anything else. So that would be a great idea.


Kallie stood up and headed for the door. Before she went out, she

turned back. “Do you think we can actually get Dax to agree to

Gaea leaned back in her chair. “Who knows? We‟re certainly offering

him a boatload of money to.”

“Oh my! Can you picture it? Dax Kavanagh strolling down the

walkway? I almost faint just thinking about it. No, I‟m certain I would

“I know he‟s very attractive, but he‟s just a man.”
Kallie tilted her head to the left and her lips twitched. “Just a man?

Um, yeah, I think not. He‟s...he‟s...”

“Extremely gorgeous? Yes, I know.”
Kallie nodded. “I‟ll keep you posted.”
Gaea looked down at the spreadsheet on her desk and forgot all about

male models, dating fiascos, and even her own personal problems.
Moments later, the world outside her office could have imploded upon
itself and she wouldn‟t have noticed.

* * * *

Sebastian Fuller was at a fork in the road. He had a decision to make,

and neither of the two immediate options appealed much to him at all.

He could take the security analyst position in Stuttgart. He‟d spent

many years in Germany with his platoon. It would be a challenge, and the
company, an international security firm, had been after his consulting

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services for a long time. But it would mean a commitment of eighteen
months, which seemed excessive.

On the other hand, he could partner up with Fisher on a security

project he had coming up in Washington, D.C., but that would also mean a
whole hell of a lot of readjustment, moving up to Washington until the
project was over, and, of course, being with Fish, who was a cool guy until
he got too drunk, which he did, even while working on a project.

Sebastian‟s gaze traveled over to the glass cabinet where he kept all of

his military metals and career related awards. An empty space taunted
him. Then he looked at his desk, at the pile of papers and articles he‟d
collected, all of the information he could find on both projects. Damn,
he‟d put a lot of hours into his research. So why wasn‟t he more excited?
Stuttgart was a good opportunity. Fisher wasn‟t that bad. And if Bas
monitored the liquor, maybe he could fix it so that his friend couldn‟t
consume so much of it.

He got up from his desk and walked over to the window. From the

tenth floor of the small office space he rented, he could see the privately
owned bookstore across the street. The stuff there indulged his quirky
taste. When it came to his projects, the more difficult it was, the better.
Between the Internet, the bookstore, and the public library, he could
research as much as he wanted or needed to.

Maybe he should take a break, go down to the bookstore now, look

through a few sections, have a cup of coffee. Come up with something
new to research, or as his mother would say, bury himself in a new

He headed for the door, but before he made it there, he was buzzed

from the receptionist. Crossing back to his desk, he answered the

“Yes, Ruby.”
“There is someone here to see you, Mr. Fuller. Cooper, uh, what‟s

your last name?”

Sebastian heard a mumble in the background. Then, “Cooper

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“Great, send him around to my office.”
Bas put the phone receiver down, curiosity peaked. He‟d known

Cooper for over a year, mostly as someone who kicked his ass regularly at
golf. He liked Cooper, liked his outlook on life and his taste in literature.
He‟d brought a rare first edition of David Copperfield by Charles Dickens
and he‟d paid a good price for it. But they‟d never really socialized, except
for the occasional run-in at the bookstore or on the golf course. What
could bring him by?

Sebastian opened the door and invited Cooper in.
“I‟m not interrupting anything, am I?”
“Not at all. I was just going to head across the street to the bookstore

and grab a cup of coffee as well. However, Ruby makes a good pot so I‟ll
get some of that instead. Would you like some?”

“Sounds good.”
Bas led the way into the small break room, where he pulled out two

Styrofoam cups and began making his coffee. It wasn‟t until after they
returned to his office that Sebastian spoke.

“So, what brings you by?”
“I have a proposition for you.”
Sebastian stopped short. “Oh?”
Cooper chuckled. “Not that sort of proposition. This one will be more

to your liking.”

Smiling, and very much relieved, Sebastian sipped from his coffee.

“Interesting. Please continue.”

Cooper sat down in the chair across from Sebastian‟s desk, placed his

coffee near the edge, crossed his arms over his chest, and smiled. “I have a
friend. Her name is Gaea Martin and she has a huge problem.”

Sebastian enjoyed his coffee while Cooper filled him in on the

situation. His first instinct was to say no and not get involved, but the
more he heard about Gaea, the more his curiosity was peaked and the
more protective he felt toward her. Protect and serve was a way of life for

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“She‟s brilliant, huh?”
“Top five percent of her class at TCU. She has entirely too much

remarkable ability for the company she‟s at.”

“Like you wouldn‟t believe. I don‟t think she‟s been on a date in four


“And I‟d be with her. In her room for the entire week?”
“Yes. Well, wait. I don‟t know about the „in her room‟ part. But

considering the point of the plan, you‟d have to stick pretty close to her

“Who knows? If you play your cards right, it could lead down that


“What did you say she looks like again?”
Cooper chuckled. “I never said. But now that you ask, she‟s hot. About

average in height, somewhat on the small side, but a stick of dynamite, if
you know what I mean. Medium length dark hair, sparkling brown eyes.
Really beautiful. She could have men lining up, but...”

Bas nodded, pleased, but not all that worried. Her looks were only a

part of it. Her mind was what interested him the most. She was willing to
pay him to be her escort. He didn‟t need the money, but he did have
something he wanted to bargain for.

“Okay. I tell you what. Arrange a meeting. Whenever it‟s convenient

for her. We‟ll discuss this.”

“She‟ll be excited.”
“Maybe. Maybe not.”
Cooper reached for his coffee. “What plan are you conjuring up?”
“Tit for tat, Cooper. With some very thrilling potential.”

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Chapter Two

Cooper studied him for a long moment, clearly trying to figure out

whether or not he would move forward.

“I‟ll call her tonight,” Sebastian finally said with a slow grin.
Bas took another sip of his coffee. “Can I ask you why you‟re not

volunteering to help her out?”

“Believe me, I‟d do it in a heartbeat, but I have to be in Orlando.

Besides, I think this arrangement will work out better.”

“Why do you say that?” Leaning over, he reached into the bottom

drawer for a box of cookies he‟d brought in the other day. He offered
some to Cooper before digging out a few for himself.

“Gaea and I met back in college, and I‟d say I know her very well.

Underneath the tough exterior is one hell of a good woman. She just has to
realize that there is an entire world outside of her job. From what I know
about you, that seems to be your specialty.”

Sebastian leaned back in his chair. “I suppose it‟s reasonably accurate

to state that I have a curious perspective about things.”

“Yes. The two of you in a room together shall be interesting.”
“I wonder why she hasn‟t just put the boss in his place. Doesn‟t he

realize there are laws against that sort of crap?”

“I asked Gaea the same question. At this point, Gaea doesn‟t want the

hassle. She‟s planning to move on to another company after this marketing
campaign. This event can make her.”

“I follow you. Always planning the next step?”
“Never misses the smallest of details on paperwork.”
“But almost gets hit anytime she crosses the street?”
Cooper laughed, and lifted his cup. “To new adventures.”
Bas clicked his cup, but instead of taking a sip, he said, “Hey, why

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don‟t you give Gaea a call now? See if she can meet me for a drink

Cooper pulled out his cell phone and dialed. By the time he hung up,

the arrangements were made, and Sebastian had four hours to put together
a plan of his own.

If it worked, it was going to be a hell of a lot more exciting than the

two projects he was currently considering.

* * * *

Gaea checked out her appearance in the window of the bistro next to

the bar she was meeting Sebastian at. The weather had been kind to her
hair today. She‟d touched up her makeup in the car, and her suit still
looked as if she‟d put it on a half hour ago. Not that it mattered. She was
the one doing the hiring, but still. The situation was just awkward enough
to have a built-in nervousness factor of ten, minimum.

Sebastian Fuller. She‟d done an Internet search on him, and what she‟d

seen had taken her utterly by surprise. The man was a very highly paid
security consultant and had worked for some of the biggest corporations in
the world. He was also a former Navy Seal, which sent a tingle down her

After she concluded all of her research, she realized his price might be

much higher than she could afford. She‟d called Cooper back to make sure
he hadn‟t offered the man her entire salary for the year. Cooper had
promised her that if Sebastian Fuller did this, it wasn‟t going to be for the
money. Which made her question...

Why? Why would he give her strange proposal any thought? What

could he possibly get out of it, if not money?

She was about to find out. If she could get her legs to function

properly so she could walk inside. After a few deep breaths and a little
encouragement to herself, she adjusted her purse strap on her arm and
walked inside.

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Griffin‟s was an upscale uptown bar. Drinks of all shapes, sizes and

flavors covered the tall tables in the bar. There was a little laughter, but a
lot of chatter bounced off the walls decorated with high-priced art. The
splashes of bright color worked, especially with the oak bar and tables.

She walked a little further until she was midway between the door and

the bar itself, then did a slow perusal. No one looked like Sebastian Fuller,
although one man to her left bore a strong resemblance to Antonio
Banderas. She kept looking.

A few seconds later, at the far left edge of the bar, a man alone, saving

a seat, looked up expectantly. He was pretty close to Sebastian‟s
description. Around forty. She couldn‟t tell if he was six-foot-four, but he
had that military look about him. Brown hair, cut short, but still thick and
shiny. Sexy green eyes, a nice nose, and a generous mouth. Altogether an
attractive combination. A little too attractive.

Cooper hadn‟t said anything about Sebastian being so gorgeous. The

word hadn‟t been mentioned once. And she knew from experience that
Cooper knew a handsome man when he spotted one. So maybe it wasn‟t

Cooper had stated that Sebastian was white. Not that she minded. For

she was an equal opportunity dater that had dated outside of her own race
before. The problem was she wasn‟t certain Sebastian had.

As soon as the thought entered her mind, she pushed it aside. Cooper

wouldn‟t do that to her. He wouldn‟t set her up with a guy that didn‟t
check out all the way. If she was aware of the fact that Sebastian was
Caucasian, Sebastian was aware of the fact that she was African

The man in question waved, quelling her doubts. He stood up. Yes.

Definitely six-four at least. Smiling, too. A great smile. A grin that
multiplied his gorgeousness by a factor of infinity. She pasted her own
smile on her face and made her way through the crowd. He managed to
hold on to two bar stools while chasing away a redhead with boobs the
size of melons.

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“I really hope you‟re Gaea Martin,” he said as soon as she was in

hearing distance.

“I am.”
“Good because my mother raised a gentleman and this is the last

empty seat in this place. I guess I should have suggested some place

“There isn‟t any place quieter. Not around here at this time of


He held out his hand. Long, supple fingers, strong grip. Warm, but

definitely not damp. She felt her face grow hot just from the touch, which
wasn‟t like her. Not like her in the least.

“Sit down. Let me buy you a drink.”
“I should be the one buying.”
“Feel free to pick up the next round, if you want,” he replied. “What

would you like right now?”

“A Cabernet, please.”
He nodded, then turned to get the attention of the bartender as Gaea

climbed up on the stool. Being on the short side always made it a
precarious position, but she didn‟t show anyone anything she wasn‟t
supposed to on her way up. She set her purse on her lap and glanced at
Sebastian. He was even better looking up close. It was his mouth, of
course. Full, pouty lips, but incredibly masculine. Laugh lines etched on
either side. If Kallie were here, she‟d be sure to comment on how kissable
they were. Ah, that Kallie. She had a way with words.

Sebastian put his credit card on the bar top when the drinks arrived.

He‟d ordered an Irish lager, and he didn‟t bother pouring it into the chilled
pilsner. Instead, he took a long pull from the bottle, giving her an enticing
view of his Adam‟s apple. Her gaze moved down to his shirt. Blue oxford,
well tailored, she‟d bet. It fit him beautifully, and she liked that he‟d rolled
up the sleeves a couple of turns. His jeans surprised her, but then she
realized he wasn‟t tied to a company, and he could wear anything he liked.
The jeans got her vote. They fit his tall, scrumptious body like a glove.

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He coughed discreetly, and she almost spilled her wine in an attempt

to get her gaze up and away from where it‟d been focused. Again with the
blushing. Good grief, what was wrong with her? That time of the month
must be around the corner. She was never this...aware.

“Cooper filled me in on your situation.”
“So he said, but I wanted to make sure you understood completely

before we go any further.”

“It‟s really an acting job. I thought he‟d know someone out of work

who could use the money. I can‟t begin to fathom why you‟d be

“I‟ll explain why. But first, tell me what you expect.”
She took a sip of wine, felt it mellow out all the way down, easing

some of her nervousness. “I have a boss who‟s completely out of his mind,
and I need someone to pretend to be my lover for a week. We‟re
promoting a new line of fashion with back-to-back junkets and a huge
press party. The rules are that whoever I hire is going to have to be
available for all of the events. For meals. For anything, all the while acting
like we‟re the couple of the century. But acting is as far as it goes.”

“Yes, that‟s pretty much what Cooper said.”
“Okay, so why are you still interested? I have to be honest and tell you

that I almost didn‟t show up. Cooper twisted my arm and made me
promise to see you. But I don‟t get it.”

“Well, Gaea, I believe there‟s something we could do for each other. I

see your dilemma, and while I‟m not an actor, I‟m certain I can play the
part. I‟m a fast learner, and I have no social ties that would interfere.”

He smiled with that mouth of his. She almost began to giggle


“Here‟s what I want from you in return,” he said, studying her eyes. “I

want access.”


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He nodded. “To you.”
“What? I don‟t understand.”
“To your thoughts.”
She opened her mouth, but the only thing that came out was a high-

pitched squeak.

“All of them.”
“What the hell are you talking about?”
He chuckled. The sound was rich and deep and almost enough to make

her stop questioning his sanity. Almost.

“Okay, let me explain.”
“Please do.”
“I have always been known to be a curious person. Can‟t help it. It‟s a

long, long story, full of interesting information about my not so normal
upbringing and my parents‟ eccentric philosophy, which I‟m certain we‟ll
discuss in detail over the next week, but the short answer is, I live to find
answers to questions. I‟ve always had an interest in intellect and anything
dealing with how the mind works. Fortunately, I‟ve had the opportunity to
study with some of the greatest minds on the planet. I‟ve challenged my
senses, my abilities, and always attacked the major problems of my life
head-on. I might be shaking on the inside, but I do it until I‟m satisfied.
Which doesn‟t mean I‟m always successful. But I never wonder what
would have happened if only I‟d taken the chance to find out.”

“And what does that have to do with pretending to be my boyfriend?”
He laughed. “Everything. In exchange for doing you a favor, you have

to do one for me in return. I want answers from you.”

“To what questions?”
“All of them.”
“Pardon me?”
“All of them about women.”
“I don‟t know all the answers about women.”
“But you know the answers for you.”
She gave him a long, measured look.

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He grinned back at her. “No, I‟m not certifiable. Strange, yes. But not

quite at the padded-room stage.”

“You want answers about women?”
He nodded.
“What does that mean?”
“It means, I can ask you anything. No holding back. No thinking twice

about propriety. I ask, you answer. Honestly. To the best of your ability.
All of the questions I‟ve wanted to ask but haven‟t dared.”

“You‟ve never dated?”
“Oh, I‟ve dated. Quite a few women. I‟ve been involved in

relationships. All of which have failed. Mostly, I fear, to my lack of
understanding. Seriously, I don‟t get it. Forget the evolution of men being
confusing, it‟s women. Who are you people? The books are useless.
Believe me, I‟ve read them. And I still don‟t get you.” He paused with a
shake of his head. “Every time I think I have you women figured out, I
find out that I really don‟t. Take Helena for example. Great woman, an
incredible lover. I was crazy about her, and she swore she loved me. We
lived together for a blissful year. So what happened? Right after I
proposed, and we‟re talking within days here, she moved in with a career
criminal that beat her for a hobby. And she‟s just the tip of the iceberg. I
ask other men, and they either throw up their hands or give me advice that
has me sleeping on the couch for what seems like forever. It‟s crazy, and
it‟s driving me insane, and damn it, what I want is to get it right once and
for all.”

Gaea heard what he said. She was a little taken aback by his honesty

and enthusiasm, and completely positive this wasn‟t going to work at all.

“Oh, no,” he said. “Don‟t make up your mind yet. Please.”
“I‟m just not sure this is going to work.”
“Look, I know it sounds crazy, but really, it‟s not. Consider it to be a

research project. An in-depth study. Think of me as a scientist. It won‟t be
scary. I promise. And I won‟t use the information to hurt you or anyone
else. But you have to admit. This is an once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. I‟d

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never get this sort of access. In real life, I‟d be too afraid to ruin a
relationship. Or if I paid for it, I‟d never really be certain I was getting the
real scoop, you know? But this way, we can both benefit, and there are no
feelings to hurt or wound, then, well...” He stopped and took another sip of
his beer. “Not to be immodest, but I think I can convince your boss or
anyone else that I‟m you man. I won‟t embarrass you. I know my way
around the press, and I won‟t cost you a dime. All you have to do is
answer me honestly. If you don‟t know the answers, that‟s okay. No
problem. But if you do know, then I want them. No polite answers. No
sparing my feelings. Just tell me.”

“Just tell you, huh? Well, I know one thing.”
“And that is?”
“I need a much stronger drink.”

* * * *

Sebastian kept his grin steady, and made sure not to look satisfied. She

was going to go for it. A minute ago he‟d thought all was lost, but now?
She seemed to be intrigued. From what Cooper told him about her, he‟d
hoped she‟d also be curious.

“What kind of stronger drink?”
“A cranberry and vodka, please. Make it a double.”
“Excellent choice.” He signaled the bartender again, and while he

waited his turn, he took his time looking her over. He‟d been so busy
analyzing her body language that he hadn‟t properly appreciated her body.

She was small in stature, but not girlish. In fact, if he had to describe

her, the words that would sum it up perfectly were 1950‟s pinup calendar
model. Definitely a throwback to that time frame. Her hairstyle had
something to do with it, maybe the soft way the dark curls rested on her
neck, or the swoop over her left eyebrow. Her lips, too, seemed naturally
lush, not collagen-injected like so many of the crowd in this area. And if
they had been helped? He wouldn‟t mind. She was gorgeous and her skin

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seemed silky, and the intelligence so clear in those brown eyes made him
want to start this week tonight.

Not that he was going to actively pursue more than his stated


“What can I do for you?”
He started at the bartender‟s voice, ordered her drink, and himself a

double whiskey neat. When he turned back to Gaea, she pushed her hair
back behind her left ear. Her hand, tiny, feminine, captured his gaze and
held it.

He watched as she put her fingers around her wineglass. Rubbed the

rim lightly.

Okay, so maybe he would pursue something more. Hadn‟t Cooper said

she‟d been solo for quite some time? Hadn‟t he himself been entirely too
celibate for longer than was healthy?

“Call me Bas.”
“Um...okay. Bas.”
“What are you going to do with this information, assuming you get

what you‟re looking for?”

“Use it.”
“For a book? Something else?”
He shook his head. “I hadn‟t actually thought of that, but I wouldn‟t

rule out the idea. Truthfully, I‟m doing this for my own personal

“Meaning you‟re seeking a serious relationship at some point?”
“Lover, significant other, wife. Yes.”
“I would think women would be beating down your door.”
“Quantity is not the issue. Quality is. I‟m searching for what my

parents had. Which in my naiveté as a younger man, I thought all parents

“They had a good relationship?”

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“Much more than that. My parents were, and you‟ll have to pardon the

cliché, soul mates. The two of them completed each other. They were
married forty-five years, and were crazier about each other when my
father died than the day they met. That‟s what I want. A partner for a
lifetime. A best friend. The whole enchilada.”

“Tall order.”
“Believe me, I know. Hence my counteroffer.”
She gave him a half smile. “I‟ve never been on the receiving end of

such a strange request.”

Their drinks arrived right then, and Sebastian handed the vodka to

Gaea. “So we have a deal?”

She took the glass, sipped, closed her eyes, and opened them again

several heartbeats later. “We have a deal.”

He toasted her, the clink ringing out clearly against all the muddled

noise around them. “Excellent.” Bas brought his own drink to his lips,
then hesitated. “So when do we begin?”

“The W hotel?”
She nodded.
“Good. I‟ll check in that afternoon.”
Gaea‟s eyes widened. “Hold on there, cowboy. Check in?”
He downed his whiskey, ready for this. “Well, sure.”
“No, no, no. You‟re not staying at the hotel. Just appearing when


He gave Gaea his most innocent, sincere smile. “That would be a royal

pain the in the ass for both of us. Much easier to just be there. But don‟t
worry. You have nothing to fear. I know the suites there and I‟ll sleep on
the couch.”

She gave him an “I‟m not sure about this” look.
“Check with Cooper. He‟ll tell you I‟m harmless. Besides, I don‟t

want anything getting in the way of the research. And sleeping together
would really mess things up.”

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Her eyes softened. The internal debate went on for a few more

seconds, then she exhaled softly. “It would keep Arnold from breathing
down my neck.”

Bas nodded. “This is going to be great.”
“That‟s highly unlikely. I‟ll be happy if we survive.”
“Come on. We‟ll knock „em dead.”
Gaea shook her head, causing her hair to shimmer in the light. He

hadn‟t lied when he‟d said sleeping with her would mess things up. But
maybe he could ask all of his questions real fast.

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Chapter Three

“Sebastian, sweetheart, I love you, but isn‟t this just a bit weird, even

for you?”

Bas smiled up at his mother. “Probably. But then again, it‟s your


Jillian Fuller put down her mug of tea and gave him a look. “And how

did you come to that conclusion?”

“If you‟d just talk to me and tell me what I need to know, then I

wouldn‟t have to rent myself out to strange women.”

“We‟re talking right now.”
“But not about what I want to know.”
She took another sip and leaned back in her beat-up on lounge chair.

They were on her patio, looking out at her garden, the pride and joy of her
life. Aside from him, of course. She grew all of her own fruit, vegetables,
flowers, and anything else she wanted to try her hand at. For the most
difficult vegetation, there was a small greenhouse. The rest just gave in
and grew, somehow knowing his mother wouldn‟t let up until they
sprouted. Gardening Magazine had done a profile on her green thumb. Of
course, it hadn‟t hurt that she was so well known for her literary work, but
still. The article had been about the garden.

“We‟ve talked about this numerous times,” she said. “Some things

have to be discovered. Not taught.”

“Even when I have inside connections to one of the world‟s leading

experts right here?”

“There are not experts on relationships, honey. Only wild guesses.”
“I suppose that‟s what you teach at the college?”
“Of course.”
“So if there are no answers, what is the point of searching?”
“Because the only answer is the search.”

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“You‟ll see. One of these days, you‟re going to meet someone who

will turn your world upside down, and then you‟ll understand.”

Bas leaned forward, so frustrated he could yell. “Understand what?”
“That you don‟t need to understand.”
He raised his hands as if to go for her throat and growled at her. “You

are the most ornery woman.”

“I‟m a peach and you know it.”
“Fine. You‟re a peach. I just hope you know that when I end up old

and alone, a bitter, senile man, you‟ll bear the blame.”

“Yes, pumpkin. So tell me about her.”
Bas smiled, remembering his meeting with Gaea, the look of her.
“She‟s a very nice-looking woman. Sort of exotic in an old-fashioned

way. Like a pin-up calendar model.”

He shook his head. “No, more like a nineteen-fifties vamp. Damn.”
“Okay, so we know you like that part of her, now what about the assets

about the neck?”

“Those parts are just as interesting.”
Her eyebrows went up. “Really?”
Bas reached over to the little hand-painted table where, next to the

fruit bowl, he found a zucchini-carrot muffin. Homemade, of course. His
mother loved to cook what she grew. After an enormous bite and some
coffee, he said, “She‟s brilliant. Running a media campaign for a major
new fashion designer. She‟s all career and determined not to stop until she
reaches CEO status.”

“And that‟s interesting how?”
“Come on, Mom. Not everyone can be as well balanced as you.”
“No, but they can be a little balanced. I already assumed she has no

real life. If she had, surely, she wouldn‟t have had to hire you.”

“Yeah, she‟s pretty focused. But that works in my favor. I figure she‟s

not going to get coy with me, or have a secondary agenda. I‟ll ask. She‟ll

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“And what if she doesn‟t have the answers?”
“I‟ll keep looking. But at least I‟ve tried.”
Jillian sighed as she ran her hand through her softly graying hair. “I

think I should have said no when you told me you wanted to become a
Navy Seal.”

He chuckled. “Mom.”
“I‟m serious. I know your father and I encouraged you to go out and to

learn from experience, but I think those Seals encouraged you far more.
Just don‟t get your hopes up too high, okay?”

“Look, even I know there aren‟t going to be direct answers to

everything. But there are going to be clues. Directions. Hints. I think, if I
can just talk about it with no games, I can move to the next level.”

“Don‟t you need someone on this level to be able to move on to the


“I‟m hoping this will help me find the sort of woman I can move with.

Even you have to admit I‟ve done a lousy job in my previous selections.”

“Oh, honey. Lousy it putting it lightly. But that‟s mostly because you

let your little head do your thinking for you.”

“It‟s a good thing I stopped being embarrassed by you a long time


“I know. And I appreciate your acceptance.”
“So, you‟ll take care of Harley?”
“The dog hates me, but yes, I will.”
He leaned over, kissed her cheek, then went back to his muffin.


“And you‟ll fill me in on what you learn?”
“Of course.”
“Can‟t wait.”
He stood. “I need to run. If you need me, I‟ll have my cell.”
“Ok, honey. Take some muffins.”
He grinned. “I planned to.”

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“Take some vegetables and fruit, too.”
“I don‟t think so.”
He kissed his mother on the cheek and headed for the kitchen where

above the sink, was a picture he‟d taken years ago of his father and
mother. They looked so damn happy.

* * * *

The hotel suite was absolutely breathtaking. It was all chocolate, pale

green, and high deco right down to the crown molding. Huge by any
standard, but especially for uptown Dallas, it had to carry a price tag that
would make her cringe. If she‟d made the reservations, she‟d have been
several floors down in a single, but that wouldn‟t have been the perfect
setting for seduction, would it?

Arnold had definitely lost his mind, and for the first time since she‟d

met with Sebastian, she felt fine about the insane bargain she‟d agreed to.

Her original plan still held true—that if Arnold saw she was involved,

witnessed it with his own eyes, he‟d back the hell off. What was new to
the equation was Bas‟ request, and worse, her attraction to the man.

She waited while the bellman put her large suitcase on the stand, then

she tipped him extravagantly, fully expecting to have to work the hotel
staff to the limit during her stay. He thanked her, gave a slight bow, and
left her to unpack.

Once alone, she fought the urge to lie down on the comfortable-

looking couch, to rest her head on the assembly of pillows and sleep for a
couple of days. Instead, she unzipped her bag and went methodically
through the contents, storing them in her typical organized fashion.
Halfway through the task, she remembered that she was going to be
sharing the space. Not only did that make her pause, it led her to open the
door to the mini-bar and pull out a small bottle of Merlot.

Sharing a room with a total stranger. That had to be right up near the

top of her own personal list of mentally defunct moves. Okay, so Cooper
vouched for him, but what did that mean? This was the most important
week of her life, and she couldn‟t afford to take her eye off the goal. So

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what did she do? Hire the most attractive man she‟d met in years to
pretend to be her lover. No distraction there. No, sir.

The issue was, he fit her criteria to a tee. Which was definitely a rarity.

She‟d never met a man who had it all—the intelligence, the wit, the looks,
the good taste in clothes, the strong hands. Her only hope was to get to
know him. No way was he everything he appeared to be. Impossible.

He was undoubtedly vainglorious. Give his project, probably

obstinate, too. All she had to do was play it cool until he let the real him
show, then the problem would be solved. It‟d better be solved.

She poured her wine into one of the glasses set on a silver tray by the

wet bar, then sank down into the gray satin couch next to the window. Her
view was of Victory Park, but she stared without seeing it as she thought
of the daunting tasks that lie ahead.

Tomorrow started the festivities, beginning with a makeover party for

seven lucky radio listeners, to be held at Neiman Marcus. All using
Marcella Girardi fashion, of course. Tomorrow night was the grand-
opening party at the Ghost Bar, one of the most highly sought after night
clubs in the city. Then there was the dessert-and-jazz party at the Reunion
Tower, a press party at Sambuca‟s, Geocaching at the botanical gardens, a
fashion show at the hotel, and finally, the final party slash banquet at the

By the time it was all said and done, she‟d be ready to be

institutionalized, but in the meantime, she had to make sure the celebrities
were catered to, the models showed up and acted like civilized human
beings, make sure the media was happy, and that every detail of every
event was taken care of with no muss and utterly no fuss.

Thank goodness for Kallie. And Kallie‟s troops. Gaea was extremely

lucky to have them. And she mustn‟t forget that every event had a
professional planner in charge of it. Which did comfort, but didn‟t
alleviate the final responsibility, which lay directly on her shoulders. Sure,
it was Arnold who signed the cheeks, but everyone in the business knew
who was really in charge.

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This was her ticket. Her chance to soar. If she screwed it up, she

doubted her career would recover. If she succeeded, she‟d be well on her
way to achieving her dream.

Which meant there was no room at all for Sebastian in any other

capacity but paid help. Maybe it wasn‟t too late to tell him she‟d changed
her mind. She could call up an escort service and hire some delicious hunk
of maleness, preferably someone gay, who would be silent for a fee.

She‟d put Sebastian‟s phone number in her purse, and as she rose to

get it, there was a knock at the door.

She crossed the white marble floor, then looked through the peephole.

Arnold. Damn it. After a deep breath, she opened the door, but not very

“Arnold, hi. What‟s up?”
He grinned at her. That goofy, love-struck smile that made her want to

slap some sense into him. “How do you like it?”

She didn‟t even bother to pretend that she didn‟t know what he

referred to. That would only keep him in her presence longer.

“The room is fabulous, but too lavish. My goodness, it must cost a


“A couple of fortunes.” He stepped closer, clearly expecting her to let

him inside. “But you‟re worth it.”

“Thank you,” she said, using the one technique that had warranted any

success. A simple response. No embellishment. Arnold had some
difficulty coming up with original thoughts.

“We need to talk about tomorrow.”
“We do?”
He nodded. She spotted little drops of perspiration beading his

forehead where his hairline used to be. At least he didn‟t do the toupee or
combover thing. That would have just put her over the edge. As it
currently stood, he wasn‟t bad-looking. Slightly overweight, not too tall.
She used to find him vaguely attractive until he‟d changed from wonderful
boss to Mr. Horn Dog.

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“Yes, you know. Go over the details.”
She gave him her most reassuring smile. “That‟s why you hired me,

Arnold. To take care of the details. So you don‟t have to work in the least.
The fashion makeovers are going to be a big hit, and so is the opening
party. All you have to do is show up at the Ghost Bar at seven tomorrow
night. Which reminds me, I have to go make a couple of calls—”

“Gaea,” he said, planting his foot firmly in the door and using his

shoulder to ease himself in. “I have some concerns about the party.”

She wanted to push him right back outside, but thought better of it.

This would all come to an end soon, and then she wouldn‟t have to worry
anymore. In the meantime, however, she wanted to maximize the distance
between them, so she closed the door and walked over to the wet bar.
“Something to drink?”

“No thanks,” he said, his glee at gaining entrance far too evident on his


“You have concerns?”
He immediately adopted a businesslike expression as his gaze shifted

to the bedroom door. “What‟s our media coverage looking like for this

She‟d told him before. Written him memos. But she said none of that.

“All of the local news stations, E!, Access Hollywood, and Entertainment

He nodded. “Sounds great. And what about the celebrities? Are they

all confirmed?”

“We‟re sending eight limos, but most of the crowd is arriving on their


“Who exactly?”
“Ross Perot Jr., Mark Cuban, Owen Wilson, Troy Aikman, and many

more. Should I ask Kallie to come up here with the list?”

“No,” he said too quickly. “That‟s excellent. Just great.”
“But it won‟t be excellent if I can‟t make the calls I need to, so...” She

headed toward the door. He didn‟t follow.

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“I‟m certain the calls can wait a few minutes.”
“No, Arnold, they can‟t.”
The expression on his face changed again. This time, the lovesick

puppy look. “Gaea, can‟t you see what a team we make? Isn‟t it obvious?”

“Yes, absolutely. The next week will prove it. We‟re going to make

Marcella Girardi a household name.”

He walked toward her, holding his hands out as if he meant to touch

her, which was simply out of the question. Only he was blocking her easy
exit. In order to get around him, she‟d have to practically jump over the
couch. “That‟s not the sort of partnership I‟m referring to.”

“There is no other partnership, Arnold.”
“But there should be. Can be.”
“You already have that kind of partner.”
He shook his head as he took those last steps, placing himself so that

now she truly was trapped. His left hand touched her forearm. “I don‟t.
Honestly. I‟ve told you before. Cheri is a wonderful mom—”

“I have a partner, Arnold.”
He paused. Blinked. Kept his hand right where it was. “What?”
“A partner. A man. I have someone in my life.”
First a flash of confusion, then hurt, quickly followed by skepticism.

“What are you talking about? You don‟t date.”

“I don‟t talk about dating.”
“You‟re always at the office.”
“No, I‟m not. I do have a life. Which is private. But there is someone,

and it‟s serious.”

Skepticism became full-blown disbelief. “Who?”
“You don‟t know him.”
“What‟s his name?”
“Not that it matters, but Sebastian.”
“Sebastian what?”
Her annoyance was starting to turn into anger. “Fuller.”
“Never heard of him.”

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“Not surprising.”
“How did you meet?”
“Back when I was in school.”
“And he just showed up again?”
“Yes. He showed up, and the old flames were rekindled.”
Arnold finally removed his hand from her arm. “Where does he live?”
“First, I don‟t see how that‟s any of your business. Second, I don‟t see

why his address is important.”

“It is.”
“Oh, really? Why?”
Discombobulated, he looked around the room as if searching for a

clue. “Because I care about you. I don‟t want you tying yourself down to
the wrong sort of man.”

“He‟s not. I assure you. He‟s a very wonderful man, and I care about


“This is all pretty sudden.”
“Actually, it‟s not.”
“Kallie knows about him?”
“No, she doesn‟t.”
His mouth thinned. “Why not?”
Boy, did she want to strangle him. “Because it‟s no one‟s business. I

keep my personal life private.”

“Arnold, I have some phone calls.”
“Uh-huh. Sebastian Fuller, right? What does he do? Is he in


“No, he‟s not.” She opened the door. “Please, if you don‟t mind. I have

work to do.”

He moved toward the door, but before he crossed the threshold, he

turned to face her, his determination a bit disheartened.

“Come on, Gaea. Don‟t forget who you‟re talking to. I know your

hours. I‟ve called you at home at three a.m., at five. You‟re either there or

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at work, or in transit. So, where did this private life come from? What, did
you rub a bottle and he popped out?”

“No,” came a voice from just behind her. “She won me in a lottery.”
She spun around to see Bas, bags in hand, staring past her. She‟d never

been so grateful to see anyone.

The choked off sound behind her made her turn back to Arnold, who

had gone pale beneath his tan.

“Arnold Pratt,” she said “this is Sebastian Fuller. Bas, this is Arnold.”
Sebastian put down his bag, put one arm around her waist and lifted

her up into his arms. Then he kissed her. Kissed her as if they‟d been
together for a lifetime. Kissed her as though he owned her. Kissed her
until she thought her knees would give out. Not just lips to lips, but warm
breath, teasing tongue, intimacy that made her clench her hands into fists
so she wouldn‟t push him away.

Then his tongue slipped between her teeth, and he was inside her. This

man she didn‟t know. Her hired escort. And, good gravy, her entire body
went into overdrive. Everything from hard nipples to goose bumps to
curling toes.

She heard Arnold clear his throat, but that was somewhere out there,

and she was busy. She tasted him back, rubbing her unclenched hands
over the breadth of his shoulders.

Finally, when he was well and truly finished, he let her go. She gasped

for breath, certain her face was aflame, her arousal as clear as the blush.

Bas smiled too knowingly, turned to her boss, and grabbed his hand.

“Nice to meet you, Arnold. Gaea has told me a lot about you.”

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Chapter Four

Sebastian focused all of his attention on Arnold Pratt. Not because he

wanted to gauge the man‟s reaction to his rather spectacular introductory
move, but because he didn‟t dare think about that kiss.

Damn. He hadn‟t expected anything like that. Not that he hadn‟t had

great kisses before, but this was...he wasn‟t sure what the hell it was.
Maybe because he knew he was going to be spending a lot of time with
her, talking about such intimate things. Or maybe because he‟d been
thinking so much about her. On the other hand, it might just be that the
woman turned him on in a way that no other woman had.

Arnold‟s face had shifted from flaming red to a subtle pink, but his

eyes were still wide with shock, and his hand, still in Sebastian‟s, gripped
him so hard it hurt. Sebastian cleared his throat, and that got Arnold to let
go. “I‟m just glad I get to be around for the big event,” Bas said, all
congenial and gracious-like.

“Didn‟t Gaea tell you? I‟m going to stay for the campaign. Help out

when I can. Watch my girl shine brightly in her moment.” He turned his
radiant smile on Gaea, who looked as though she was ready to make a run
for it. He wrapped his arm around her shoulder and gave her a squeeze.
“It‟s going to be fun.”

Arnold looked as if he‟d been stabbed repeatedly with a large knife.

“You‟re staying the entire week?”

“Yes, but don‟t worry. I won‟t interfere. I‟ve been given the rules,

which I intend to obey to the fullest extent.”

The pink hue on Arnold‟s cheeks got a little darker. “But I, uh...”
“Gaea has told me how great you‟ve been, and how much she‟d

learned from you. I‟m impressed.”

Again, Arnold blinked. Owlishly. “Impressed?”

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“Of course. She‟s so damn brilliant, I never expected her to find a boss

who could keep her on her toes. But you most certainly have.”

Now it was Gaea‟s turn to clear her throat. “Arnold was just leaving,”

she said, “because I have calls to make. You know, uh, business calls.”

“Right,” Sebastian said. “Well, nice meeting you, Arnold.” He picked

up his bags. “I‟m positive we‟ll see a lot of each other. I look forward to

Arnold‟s mouth dropped open, but no sound came out.
Sebastian didn‟t wait for words. He just held the door open, ushered

Arnold out, then closed it behind him.

As for Gaea, she walked straight to a white chair by the window,

picked up a glass, and downed the contents.

“Pretty good, eh?” he said, heading toward the closet. “I think he

bought it.”

“I think we almost had to call the paramedics.”
Sebastian chuckled. “I figured why not go for it? Lay it on him hard

and heavy from the start. Give him something to think about while he sits
over in his suite.”

Gaea studied him with a bit more wariness than he liked. “I don‟t think

he will need another demonstration that is quite so vivid.”

“Probably not. But as you‟ve said, he isn‟t one to grasp subtle


Her eyes widened. “That was about as subtle as an aircraft carrier.”
“And fun, too. How about that?”
Gaea put down her glass and crossed her arms. She looked terrific in

her navy-colored jacket and pencil skirt. Those high heels made her appear
taller, which he supposed was the point for her, but they made him itch to
run his fingers down the long line of her calf.

She did do a pretty good job of looking stern and no-nonsense; he

had to give her credit.

“About the fun part,” she said, her tone matching her scowl. “This is a

real job, and I have no intention of letting it get even the slightest bit out

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of hand. If it becomes necessary for you to put on a show of affection, I
insist that you take the minimum step, not the maximum, and that you
always keep in mind that it means nothing. Absolutely nothing.”

He nodded, trying to match her seriousness. “I‟m sorry. I shouldn‟t

have made any reference to my enjoyment level. It was unprofessional.
I‟ve never been a hired escort before, so you‟ll have to forgive me. I‟ll do
better next time.”

He could tell she was trying to figure out if he was mocking her and

for a moment, he thought she might really let him have it, but she didn‟t.
She just unfolded her arms and went to the coffee table, where she
removed her phone from her purse. “Feel free to put your things away.
The couch opens up into a bed, so you can plan accordingly.”

Then she started punching in a phone number.
He took her up on her offer and unpacked. He‟d brought a wide

selection of clothes, from casual to black-tie, not knowing what kind of
events he‟d be expected to attend.

When he put his overnight bag in the bathroom, he thought it

important to keep the condoms stashed away at the bottom with his
shaving cream and razor.

When all was tucked away, he grabbed himself a bottle of water from

the bar, got his notes from his satchel, and sat down at the corner desk.

He listened to Gaea for a few minutes while he pretended to read. And

while the conversation about extra compensation for models didn‟t interest
him at all, the way she conducted herself did.

Cooper had been completely correct when he described her as a force

to be reckoned with. She handled business from a position of strength and
confidence, and even though he only heard her side of the negotiations, he
could tell she was going to get her way. There seemed to be no doubt in
her mind, and it was only a matter of time before she‟d convinced the
model‟s rep of the same thing.

Good. His instincts had been right on. This wasn‟t a woman who was

going to get all shy and giggly when he asked her about what she liked

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when it came to foreplay. He studied his notes, scanning the outline he‟d
created the night before. It wasn‟t complete, but he figured the dialogue
would suggest other topics and ideas.

He wished they could begin right now. Looking at her again, leaning

back against the comfortable chair, her dark hair stood out against the
white background, her skirt hem resting just at the knee, her ankles
crossed, he wondered what he would ask her first. He would start with the
most obvious question of all, at least in his notes. “What do you want from
a man?” But now that seemed liked the wrong approach. Because if he
asked her something like that, she‟d give him a quick answer, undoubtedly
correct, but limited in thought and perspective. By the time he got around
to that question, he wanted her to have been in his presence for a while,
with the concepts he was exploring. He wanted an answer that was as
complex as the woman before him, nothing less.

So what would start the dialogue? He was hoping that her answers

would provoke and startle him, get him thinking in new arenas.

He‟d read just about every book that currently existed about

understanding women better, but none of them had given him precisely
what he was looking for.

When he‟d been in the few relationships that had lasted any time at all,

there had been something illusive, something “other” about the women he
cared for. Something that had doomed them, he was convinced, from the

His father had clearly understood his mother, because they had been

like two sides of the same coin. They had a shared language, reserved only
for the two of them. Unfortunately, he hadn‟t thought of asking his dad
about his secret while he had the chance. Not that he hadn‟t talked to other
married men, but they‟d all pretty said the same thing—put her first.
Listen to her. Don‟t try to solve all her problems, just pay attention and
only make suggestions when asked. Which was pretty sound advice, but it
didn‟t get to the core of the mystery. At least not for him.

It had occurred to him that while he might be smart as hell when it

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came to technical surveillance and advanced special military operations,
maybe the missing ingredient was in him, not the information he was
lacking. But this experiment was designed to bring that flaw to the
forefront, should that be the case. He wouldn‟t be pleased if that were the
case, but at least he‟d stop trying so damn hard.

No, this was worthwhile, and he couldn‟t do anything to mess it up.

Gaea had all the qualities of a perfect research subject, and he was lucky
to have the opportunity. So the best thing to do was forget about any
libidinous side trips. This was a field study; no socializing with the

“Just to let you know,” Gaea said, standing and placing her phone back

in her purse. “My assistant is on her way up. I‟ll introduce you, but she
won‟t need the sort of convincing Arnold needs. Okay?”

“Sure. I‟ll be the perfect gentleman.”
“That‟s fine. We‟re going to be a while, though, so if you have

something else you need to do, don‟t feel as though you have to stick

“I don‟t have any other plans. So, I‟ll stick around if it‟s not any


She headed for the mini fridge and grabbed herself a bottle of juice,

filling her glass up with ice. “I don‟t think it will be, but please don‟t take
offense if I ask you to go for a walk or something. This is all very new to
me as well.”

“No problem.”
She sipped on some juice, then got a black leather briefcase from the

bedroom before she settled once more onto the chair. A moment later, she
was taking notes, and had forgotten him.

He studied her for a long time as she worked. He liked her hands, the

way they were so small, but so definite in their every move. Her nails,
while polished a deep plum color, were short and serviceable. Like
everything about her, they were meant to do the job, not to interfere.
Unlike so many women he‟d known, she wasn‟t constantly flipping her

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hair back, or tossing it aside. Although her rich, dark curls were smooth
and silky, and moved along with her head, there were no stray strands in
her eyes or on her cheeks.

Her makeup was the same way. Subdued. Practical. He knew very

little about that, having lived with Helena. She‟d always gone for
extravagant makeup, the brighter, the more dramatic, the better. But that
was very high maintenance, whereas Gaea looked as if she could get in
and out of the bathroom in twenty minutes, tops. Of course, he could be
wrong. Maybe looking that natural took hours, but he doubted it. She had
things to get done, none of which would happen until she was on her way.

What made her so goal oriented? He wanted to know everything about

her background. Only child? That would be his guess. That or the oldest.
But he‟d put his military career on it. Successful father, someone to live
up to. She probably didn‟t have a lot of friends, as those were distracting
too. No pets. Okay, maybe a cat, but then no. He doubted she‟d want to
worry about anything like that.

The only other woman he‟d known well that was as driven had been

Marcie Beckett, a corporate attorney he‟d met at a bar one night. They‟d
played darts and though he was decent, she‟d kicked his butt every game.
Then she‟d taken him to her place where they‟d had really kinky sex.
She‟d wanted to be owned, tied up. Dominated. He‟d gone along with it,
and in fact, had enjoyed himself a lot, but he hadn‟t called her again. The
domination thing was fun for a night, but not all the time.

He wondered if Gaea would be like that. Completely in charge when it

came to work, and wanting none of that in bed. The idea intrigued him,
but maybe that‟s because anything to do with sex and Gaea fascinated

He jotted down some notes about it, fully intending to ask her.
By the time he finished, there was a knock at the door, and Gaea

opened it to reveal another dark-haired woman. This one was younger by
several years, probably just out of college. She was attractive, with
enormous eyes and a quirky little mouth. The look she gave him was

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inquisitive and full of questions, but it was nothing compared to the look
she gave her boss.

He stood up for the introductions. Kallie shook his hand, but her focus

was still on Gaea. Talk about flabbergasted. Okay, so what Cooper said
was true—Gaea didn‟t have a social life. Or she was really good at
keeping her private life private.

“Would you like anything to drink?” he asked, remembering his

manners. Even though it wasn‟t Arnold, he was still supposed to be the
dutiful boyfriend.

“Absolutely.” Kallie responded. “I definitely need one.”
“Juice? Soda? Wine?”
“Juice, please. Something stronger later. I can‟t afford to be all


She nodded. “Alcohol doesn‟t mix with work. There‟s too much going

on. Tomorrow there are the fashion makeovers, and then all the models
and stuff. Busy, busy.”

“So I heard. You must be excited.”
She smiled charmingly, the lovely pink of her cheeks aglow. “I am.

I‟m learning a lot.”

“She‟s saving my butt,” Gaea said. “And I‟d love to go on and on

about it, but I‟m positive that a good night‟s sleep is in our best interest, so
what do you say we get to it?”

“I agree one hundred percent,” Kallie said, and sank down onto the

couch, folding her legs beneath her.

Sebastian poured Kallie a glass of juice, placed it within her reach,

then settled himself back at the desk. He intended to take notes, think
more about the domination thing, but he became entranced by the dynamic
of the two women and didn‟t move until 10:00 p.m. when Gaea called it a
night. The hours had sped by and he‟d learned a thing or two about the
subject of his research. Mainly, that he liked her style.

A lot.

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* * * *

Gaea closed the door behind Kallie, and fought the temptation to rest

her head against the cool wood. She was exhausted. Not just because the
big day was drawing near, but because of the man sitting in the corner.

She‟d had to use all of her concentration to ignore him. She never got

distracted. A damn F5 tornado could be roaring through outside, and she‟d
never raise an eyebrow. But he‟d drawn her to him ever since he‟d walked
into the room.

Gaea had thought about asking him to leave, but figured she‟d get over

the awareness with time. It hadn‟t happened so far. She was just as
interested in him now as she had been, more so now that they were alone.

What had he been writing? And how could he have sat and listened so

quietly for all those hours? She couldn‟t imagine he was interested in
Marcella Girardi‟s fashion line.

The entire project of his confused her, and his behavior tonight hadn‟t

cleared up a thing. He seemed like a very intelligent man. In fact, after
doing a little more research on him since their meeting, she‟d discovered
he was damn brilliant. A very wealthy man, owner of a security consulting
firm that designed revolutionary security systems, current in use by the
CIA, ATF and the FBI. Not too shabby.

Gaea turned to see him stretching, arching his back so his shirt rode

up, revealing a tiny little patch of skin above his belt. She closed her eyes,
although she couldn‟t have said why. It wasn‟t like she hadn‟t seen a
naked man before. When she opened her eyes, she couldn‟t have given a
reason why, but at least he‟d brought his arms down.

“I still don‟t understand,” she said. “I can‟t imagine what questions

you think I can answer for you.”

“That‟s okay. I can. I have a lot of them written down in my little


“Like what?”

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He shook his head. “No. Not yet. Right now, I think the most

important thing is food. I‟m starving and you must be as well.”

She looked at the bedroom with longing. That‟s what she really

wanted. Sleep. But he was right. She hadn‟t eaten since her breakfast bar
that morning.

“I could go for something to eat.”
“Great. Why don‟t we go to the restaurant here at the hotel? They have

great steaks and an awesome selection of wine.”

“That sounds good. I need to freshen up first, though.”
“You go ahead. I‟ll call down to reserve a table.”
Gaea walked into the bathroom, a little started to see his things next to

hers on the sink counter. It was only a leather overnight kit, but still. She
tried to remember the last time she‟d shared a bathroom with a guy. There
was that time right out of college. But not very often and that had been
years ago.

Her gaze went to her reflection. She didn‟t look as off balance as she

felt. The important thing was not to let this arrangement get to her. He was
just a hired hand. Someone doing a job. She‟d done research in college,
and she understood how it worked. He‟d ask, she‟d answer, and the rest of
the time, she‟d work. Simple, and yet...

She was so aware of him. Of his broad shoulders, his slim hips. The

way his hair fell across his forehead. That nose of his that was too big, and
yet exactly right. The way he kissed.

Gaea exhaled heavily, slumping her shoulders and staring blindly at

the counter. That kiss had knocked her for a loop. It had caught her
completely off guard. Not just that he‟d kissed her, but that she had
reacted so fiercely.

She rolled her eyes. Good grief. That didn‟t happen to her. Not ever.

And it wasn‟t going to happen again. This was the moment she‟d been
waiting for since she started working at Begum and Guinn, Inc. Nothing
and no one was going to get in the way of her success. If she had to, she‟d
replace him.

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* * * *

He ordered the 2005 Casa Lapostolle, which Gaea happened to know

was the Wine of the Year for 2008 according to Wine Spectator. This to
go with the rib eye steak she‟d ordered and the Porterhouse he‟d asked for.

Typically, she wasn‟t big on red meat, but tonight, it felt right. As did

the small salad with the unbelievably good Italian dressing, the baked
potato, and the crusty French bread that was way too good. Of course, the
wine made everything sheer bliss. It was perfect. The atmosphere, which
was dimly lit, not too dark, cozy, quiet. The meal itself. The waiters didn‟t
linger, but were never out of reach. And she even liked the painting on the
wall behind Bas. It was abstract, no real subject, but nice.

They‟d talked a lot about his mother, of all things, during the meal.

Gaea had heard of Jillian Fuller, had even read a few articles by her. It
seemed the two of them had a good relationship, and according to Bas, his
parents‟ marriage had been ideal. But it begged the question.

“Why don‟t you ask your mom the questions that have you so


“She won‟t tell me.”
“She won‟t answer. She tells me I have to learn some things through


“But you don‟t believe her.”
“I don‟t disbelieve her, but I think she‟s been spoiled by her own

relationship. I don‟t think she sees the dilemma.”

“Honestly, I‟m not sure I do either.”
“You will, the more we talk.”
“Don‟t be so certain. I‟m not terribly bright when it comes to men.

I‟ve never been in love or anything even close to it.”

His eyebrows came down for a moment and he sipped some more of

his wine. “I don‟t think that will matter.”

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“My questions are about you. About what you need. What you want.”
“I can easily sum that up for you in a couple of sentences.”
“I have no doubt that you could. But I hope you won‟t. I want you to

answer my questions in the order I‟m going to ask them. Not before.”

“That sounds fair enough.”
He smiled.
Gaea consumed the last piece of bread on her plate. After she

swallowed, she placed her napkin on the table. “Well?”

“Oh, no. Not yet.”
“Why not?”
“Because I‟m having a really great time.”
She laughed. “And questions will ruin it?”
He shrugged. “Possibly. I‟m not sure.”
“Just how outrageous are these questions.”
It was his turn to laugh. “Not really outrageous. However, they are


“That much I figured.”
“We‟ll start later.”
“How much later? I‟m tired. All I want now is a bed. I have to be up at

an unimaginable hour.”

“Do I need to be up and ready as well?”
She shook her head. “No. Tomorrow morning is a fashion makeover

day. The men and women will be separated. Arnold will be too
preoccupied to bother me.”

“So when do I need to show up and take my place on your arm?”
“Tomorrow evening. It‟s the big opening party. It‟s also a black-tie


“That‟s okay. Based on what you told me, I am well prepared.”
“Okay, then. Just be available from about six on.”

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“Sounds good.”
She knew he would be a hit at the party. He was every bit the

sophisticate, although not the least bit conceited about it. The conversation
between them had flowed with surprising ease. But still.

“No, this isn‟t going to work,” she murmured.
He immediately sat up straighter. “What?”
“I will never be able to go to sleep wondering what questions you were

going to ask me. So you might as well. Ask. At least one question.
Dinner‟s about done, so you can‟t ruin it.”

He leaned back in his chair, not looking pleased. “Okay then. If you


“I do.”
He stared at the table for a long time, long enough for her to grab her

knife so she could stab him with it if he didn‟t say something. Then he
lifted his head and his intense gaze met hers.

“Are you submissive during sex?”

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Chapter Five

Gaea stared at Bas, the words he‟d said echoing in her head. He sat

casually against the chocolate-colored leather, his left arm on the seat, his
right still on the table.

“Am I what?”
“Are you submissive during sex?” He leaned forward, moving to reach

for the wineglass, his eyes shining with the light from the candlelit
centerpiece. “You know, being tied up for sex. Letting your partner
dominate you. Giving all the control over to your partner, allowing
yourself to be taken.”

She grabbed her own wineglass and drank all of the remaining liquid

in it, then carefully put the goblet down. “You said you wanted to ask
questions about women. Not about sex.”

He shook his head. “But sex is a part of it. A big part of it. Of course,

it‟s true I hadn‟t planned on starting with this question, but it has been at
the forefront of my mind. So, what the hell? I might as well.”

“Might as well?” She crossed her legs, folded her hands on her lap. “I

know I agreed to be honest, but for goodness sake, Bas, this is a bit

“Oh,” he responded, surprise evident in his voice and his expression.

“I thought you understood. It‟s all going to be intimate. That‟s the point.”

There was a little more wine left in the bottle, and she poured it all into

her glass. If it wasn‟t for the day she had ahead of her tomorrow, she
would have asked for another bottle.

“I‟m not asking to make you uncomfortable. Truly. I just need to

understand you.”

“And you think that whether or not I like being submissive is going to

give you some sort of insight?”

He nodded. “I would definitely provide me a lot of insight.”

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“Why in the world would you begin to think—”
“Because you are such a strong woman,” he stated. “I watched you

work today, and you seem to be a woman who likes to be in control. At
least when it comes to work, which makes me wonder if in other areas,
you would like to give up that control.”

She‟d heard the same thing herself. Actually read a few articles about

it. But they tended to be about powerful men who went to expensive
underground sex clubs where a dominatrix would have her way with them.
After another sip of wine and a deep breath and she met Sebastian‟s gaze.

“Well, I‟ll tell you, Bas. I‟ve never been submissive during sex. Nor

have I ever been tied up. So I can‟t say if I like it or not.”

“Ever thought about it?”
“No, I haven‟t.”
“You know this isn‟t going to work. Either we‟re going to do this

thing, which I now have second thoughts about, or we‟re not. Now if we
do continue on, you‟re going to have to believe me, or what‟s the point?”

“No. I didn‟t mean that I didn‟t believe you. I meant—”
“Don‟t worry about it. And yes, I‟m being truthful. I‟ve never thought

about it.”

“Okay, then.”
“You sound disappointed.”
“I‟m not. Well, maybe a little.”
She laughed, more out of surprise than anything. “You‟re a very

unique person. You know that, right?”

“Unique? That‟s a nice way to put it. But yes, I know. I‟ve been this

way forever. Probably because of the way I was brought up.”

“Which was?”
“My parents didn‟t believe in only having a traditional education. I

didn‟t attend school.”

“I‟m not following you.”
“My parents home schooled me. But even that wasn‟t done in the

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normal way. My parents believed that given the opportunity, kids would
soak up all the information that they are given. Would explore every
subject they could. However, most kids aren‟t given the chance to learn
freely. I was.”

“How did you decide what to explore?”
“Whatever caught my interest. I like electronics, so I was always

tinkering with some sort of toy. Trying to figure out how it worked. I read
several books on the subject. I was also able to get a lot of hands on
experience. So I know a lot about electronics.”

“But that implies you knew how to read. That you knew what to


“Correct. My parents taught me how to read and write. Very early, as a

matter of fact. And I went to libraries and museums before I could walk.”

“And that‟s how you learned everything? What if you decided you

didn‟t like a subject. Like math?”

“That‟s why my parents allowed me to explore freely. A lot of things

can be interesting if it‟s presented with passion. I understood early that
money was a powerful tool, so learning how to count came as a natural

“But there were subjects in school that I hated.”
“I‟m willing to bet your instructors had a lot to do with that.

Remember, the key is passion. It‟s infectious. You want to be a part of
things when someone‟s having a good time. My parents made sure to
introduce me to people who loved what they did.”

“Wow! How did they know it would work? Did you go to a traditional


He smiled. “They didn‟t know for certain that their method of

education would work. I think they just hoped it would. As far as college
is concerned, I didn‟t go at all. However, I still consider myself to still be
in school. My parents never thought that learning was about memory
regurgitation. Nor do I. It‟s about understanding. I don‟t proclaim to
understand everything I set out to explore, but I get as close as I can. I

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chose the military for that reason. The Navy, to be exact.” He chuckled.
“With the unstructured way that I grew up, one would assume I‟d fail
miserably in something as structured at the Navy Seals. However, it was
the exact opposite. My career in the Navy has been very beneficial for me.
I know a lot about security and Intel.”

“So I‟ve discovered.”
He arched a dark brow in her direction. “Discovered?”
“Did you think I was going to let you stay in my hotel room without

doing some research of my own?”

“Truthfully, I didn‟t think about it. But now that you mention it, very

smart decision. What did you find?”

“That you have a highly successful security consulting firm, and that

you were being very modest when you said you didn‟t need my money.”

“That‟s all? All you read about was my business dealings?”
“I browsed the Internet, not a crystal ball.”
His laugh made her smile. The conversation made her disoriented. He

was like no one else she‟d ever met. The sex question had thrown her for a
loop, and she still wasn‟t sure she wanted to reveal too much of her life to
a stranger, but on the other hand, he was alluring. She hadn‟t been
captivated by a man in...forever.

“Well, next time, search beyond Bing or Google. You might be


“What would I discover?”
He shook his head. “Oh, no. I‟m not going to just tell you. I don‟t want

to be the only one who‟s astonished by what is discovered during our time

“I think that ship has sailed. I‟m astounded. Believe me.”
He leaned over so his mouth came very close to her ear. So close, she

could feel his warm breath. “This is only the beginning,” he whispered.

“Yes,” she responded, her voice just as soft, although she couldn‟t

fathom why. “I imagine it is.” After she checked the time, cleared her
throat and uncrossed her legs, she turned to him again. “But let‟s try not to

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rattle me out of my wits, shall we? This week is extremely important.”

“I can‟t make any promises,” he murmured. “But I‟ll try.”
“Thank you.”
“Well, I think it‟s time to head up to bed. Unless you want dessert?”
She shook her head. “I need sleep. As much as I can get.”
“Then let me take care of the check.”
In a very expeditious fashion, he settled the tab and they were back at

the suite Arnold had so kindly provided. The first thing she spotted when
she turned on the light was a gigantic basket sitting on the coffee table.
She crossed the room and plucked the card from the envelope holder. She

Gaea, I loved the joke. Let’s talk. Coffee tomorrow before the fashion

makeovers. I’ll be in the café at seven.

The note wasn‟t signed, but of course she knew who it was from. At

least she knew she‟d be calling room service for breakfast.

“Nice basket,” Bas murmured. “From Arnold?”
“I see wine. Chocolate. Perfect.”
“What do you mean?”
“He‟s concerned. By the time the party is over tomorrow night, he‟ll

be completely convinced.”

“I hope so.”
“Trust me.”
She placed the card on the table and looked into Sebastian‟s eyes.

“You know what‟s really weird?”

“I do.”

* * * *

Kallie glanced at her clipboard for the hundredth time in the last thirty

minutes. Everything had gone smoothly at the fashion makeover, which

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made her nervous.

All ten of the lucky winners had been massaged, coiffed, and made

over in the Marcella Girardi clothing line, and they all looked marvelous.
Photos had been taken, the media had been cooperative, and overall, the
first part of Operation Marcella Girardi had been a total success.

Now, while Gaea was doing her last-minute thing at the Ghost Bar,

Kallie was in charge of collecting the models and getting them spruced up
and prepared for the night‟s soiree. No problem. Except, of course, for one
thing. In Kallie‟s unofficial opinion, the star of the campaign wasn‟t
Trisha Granger, although she was making almost four million dollars a
year as “The Model” for Marcella Girardi‟s fashion line. The true star was
none other than Dax Kavanagh. He wasn‟t as famous as Trisha, but he was
much, much better looking.

In fact, he was the single most handsome man on the face of the earth.

Kallie knew this, because she‟d seen a lot of people, and none of them
came close to Dax‟s gorgeousness. Just thinking about him made her
palms sweaty, which wasn‟t good, considering she might get to touch him,
and she didn‟t want him going “Ugh” first thing. First impressions and all
that jazz.

But, oh, he was so... She exhaled softly. His hair, blond and thick,

tumbled around his face in the sexiest possible way. His blue eyes were
sweet and soulful. She sighed. She was going to be a bumbling idiot when
she met him, she just knew it.

Looking at her watch again, she saw the models were supposed to

arrive in less than five minutes. They had taken over half the front
entrance at the hotel, and blocked it off. A whole lot of nosy people were
standing outside the cordoned area, trying to see what was going on. Also
some media, but she wasn‟t worried. Publicity was what this event was all

All she had to do was not throw up, trip over her feet, or something.

Act like a consummate professional. Act like Gaea. She could do it. At
least she could try her hardest to.

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A limousine finally pulled up under the awning, and a uniformed

bellman went to the door. Kallie‟s heart started to pump overtime in her
chest and she wiped her hands on her skirt. Pasting on her most
professional smile, she walked to the curb, but it was just Trisha. Of
course, the group of onlookers went wild, and the flashbulbs when off all
around, but she‟d met the super model before, and Trisha even
remembered her name. Kallie escorted her to the waiting stylist, made sure
she had green tea, then rushed back outside.

Four more models showed up, and Kallie hustled them inside, and

then, it happened. He arrived. One of the two male models, there to show
off the fashion line geared toward men, he stepped out of his limo wearing
dark jeans, a Marcella Girardi T-shirt and scuffed sneakers. Her heart
jumped, leapt, skipped as he turned her way and smiled. Oh, God! That
smile. That face. That hair. She couldn‟t take it. She was going to expire,
right here, and that would be okay because Dax had smiled at her as if she
was a real person or something.

“You must be Kallie,” he said.
His voice. It was just as she‟d imagined. Husky, low, perfect. She

managed a nod.

“Nice to meet you. I‟m Dax.” He held out his hand. She panicked.

Sweaty palms. Ugh. But she couldn‟t wipe again. Not while he stood
there. So she just swallowed hard and stuck it out there.

His grip was gentle, but not wussy. He hesitated for just a few seconds.

She knew because she counted every heartbeat. Then he let her go, at least
her hand. Not her gaze. That, he held, and she was lost. Lost.

“Where to?” he asked.
“What? I don‟t... Oh. Um, this way.” She spun around, almost losing

her footing, but she didn‟t fall, thank goodness, and she somehow walked
him past all the photographers and gawkers until he was inside the hotel.

Vaughn, the lucky man, was going to be Dax‟s personal stylist for the

event. There were going to be lots of photographers and TV cameras. But
he didn‟t seem to mind. He just sat down in the stylist chair, grinned and

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said, “Do with me what you will.”

Kallie watched as Vaughn put a big cape over his body then ran his

fingers through his hair.

That was it. All Kallie could stand. If she watched for another second,

she would die from the sheer grandeur of it all.

She tore her gaze from the mirror, then from the back of his head. She

forced herself to take a step, then another until she was around the corner.
She slumped against the wall, desperate to get her breathing under control.
She still had a lot of work to do. But for the moment, while she recovered,
she could think about the way he‟d smiled.

She exhaled softly. It was going to be a bizarre and wondrous week.

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Chapter Six

Bas looked at himself in the mirror, and straightened his tie. He like

the Versace tux and thought it worth the extravagant priced he paid. The
tailoring was so well done he felt completely at ease and ready for the
night ahead.

He expected to find Gaea waiting for him in the living room, but the

bedroom door was still closed. She‟d arrived back at the room a little over
an hour ago, given him a brief report on her day, including Arnold‟s
insistence that Bas wasn‟t really her boyfriend, and then she‟d closed
herself in to get ready for the opening party.

Bas started at the door for several moments, aware of the urge to walk

in on her, to watch her as she dressed. In his mind‟s eye, he‟d imagined
her sorting out her things, preparing herself layer by layer. Dressed in
nothing more than a long silk robe, she‟d passed by on her way to her
shower. When she reappeared, her hair was fixed in a sensual yet classy
up-do and her makeup made her brown eyes seem even more inviting and
her full lips moist and ripe as freshly picked fruit.

She‟d disappeared again, leaving him to get dressed, and he‟d taken

his time. They were to be at the party a full hour before the first guests
should arrive so that Gaea could take care of any last minute details. Kallie
had called once, and Gaea had taken it in the bedroom. Other than that
interruption, he‟d been left to his own thoughts, which had gone in one
very narrow direction.

Last night, after Gaea had gone to bed, hadn‟t been a restful one. The

question he‟d asked her had tormented him, giving the green light to
image after image of him tying her to his large four-poster bed. In some
scenarios, she wore a bustier complete with garter and dark hose, and as
he‟d tied silk scarves to her delicate wrists, he studied her stilettos. A bra
and panties, black lace or white. Sometimes she was naked, but in most,

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she wore something. Still another version had her in business garb, a slim
skirt he‟d raised to the juncture of her thighs, the better to spread her legs.
Her demure jacket unbuttoned and open, revealing a thick teddy that
couldn‟t hide the hard buds of her nipples.

In each of his mental movies, she‟d begun with a little hesitation but

no fear. As the scene progressed, he‟d toyed with her, teased her into a
writhing frenzy of lust and desire. In the end, he imagined her cries of

The only way he could get himself to sleep was to vow, quite

sincerely, that before he‟d said goodbye to Gaea, after this charade had
ended, he would have her in his bed. And he would let loose the sensual
woman he saw just beneath her cool façade.

Morning had come too quickly, and with it, her departure. After she‟d

left, he‟d gone over his notes. The questions he‟d written just the day
before no longer felt probing enough. He was after something fugacious
and he wasn‟t certain what path to take.

The frustration had grown until he‟d had to escape the suite. He‟d

gone to the hotel gym and worked himself to the brink of exhaustion on
the treadmill and then on free weights. He followed his regular routine,
except at his home, his run was on the Breckinridge Trail, and when he did
his weights, he didn‟t do as many reps. Hs muscles still ached, but

Back at the room, he showered, dressed, and discovered Gaea had

returned to the suite. She had been in the bedroom for over an hour now,
but she would have to come out soon if they were going to be on time.
Gaea struck him as someone who would be horrified at tardiness. He
thought about having a drink, but he wanted to be sharp enough to assess
the situation at the party. Later, if things went well, he‟d indulged in some
wine, but for now, he poured himself a glass of water and settled on the

He didn‟t have to wait long. The bedroom door opened, and he stood

before he turned. What he saw made him swallow hard. She looked like

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the woman from his fantasies, all of them, wrapped into one. Her
sleeveless gown, a midnight blue, hugged her bodice, lifting her lush
breasts into perfect mounds.

After tapering at her waist, the material flowed past her hips to swirl

around her feet. He could just see the pointed tip of one shoe, the color an
exact match to the dress. Simple, elegant, she was everything graceful and
enticing about a woman. The long curve of her neck, the perfection of her

“Absolutely stunning,” he said, his voice rough and lower than he

intended, the words insufficient by a mile.

Her mouth curved upward into a slow smile, and the smooth skin

above her dress began to flush.

“Thank you. You look very handsome yourself.”
He grinned. “This old thing? I wear it when I go grocery shopping.”
Bas was rewarded with a husky laugh. He like the way her eyes

crinkled when she let go like that. He liked that a lot about her.

“Are you ready?”
“As I‟ll ever be.”
He held his arm out for her. “Your coach awaits, my lady.”
“Coach, my behind. All I want to do is get through tonight with no

major disasters.”

“It‟s going to be a complete success,” he said as she walked up to him.

He hadn‟t noticed before, but she held a small bag in her right hand,
midnight blue, to match her outfit.

“The only problem you‟re going to have is that all the other women

will be jealous of your beauty.”

She touched his arm softly. “I can‟t believe you have a difficult time

understanding women. You‟ve definitely mastered the art of flattery.”

“You think that was flattery? No. Just stating facts, like the research

expert I am.”

Gaea laughed again. “Just do me a favor. Keep Arnold off my tail

tonight. Then I‟ll call you any kind of expert you want.”

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He waggled his eyebrows as he led her to the door. “I‟m going to hold

you to that.”

“That‟s fine, hold me.” Her steps faltered. “To it,” she rushed to add.
Bas didn‟t respond, just enjoyed that he could upset her perfect

balance. Consideration being the better part of his gallantry, he decided to
save Gaea from any further embarrassment. “Tell me more about Arnold.
Did he hunt you down today?”

Her stride evened out as they approached the elevator. “Yes, he did.

He laughed a lot, like we were sharing a super colossal joke. He asked if
you were that gay friend of mine.”

“What did you tell him?”
“That you weren‟t. I also added that I should have mentioned you

before, because things were getting pretty serious, but that I work hard to
keep my private life private.”

“Nice. And his response?”
“I have no idea. I was saved from further torture. Kallie called and I

went outside to talk to her.”

“Even better. But rest assured. Tonight will end all of his doubts.”
The elevator arrived and she led him inside. A man in an untidy suit

rested against the back of the car and the way he looked at Gaea made Bas
want to physically rearrange his eyes. Bas positioned himself between
Gaea and the sleazebag, putting his arm around her shoulder as the doors

She looked up at him sharply. “Practicing?”
He smiled. “You never know who will be on the other side of those


Gaea didn‟t seem convinced, although she didn‟t move away.
She cleared her throat. “Anyway, about tonight...”
“What do you have planned? The star attraction tonight is Marcella

Girardi. We‟re going to have a lot of celebrities and A-list people present.
I don‟t want any of the focus of the evening to be on me. Us.”

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“My only target audience is Arnold.”
Her furrowed forehead hadn‟t smoothed. “Just how convincing is this

performance going to be?”

“Don‟t worry. It‟s going to be great. I may not have attended a

university, but I do know how to act among the haughty and snooty folks.”

She smiled, and he felt her shoulders relax. “I trust you. I think.”
“You just focus on your work,” he said. “I‟ll take care of rest.”

* * * *

When they arrived at the Ghost Bar, Gaea‟s gaze automatically

checked to make sure the guard ropes were in their proper place to keep
the throng of photographers where they should be. The security staff was
impeccably dressed in tuxedos, standing attentively. All seemed well, and
when Bas took her hand to lead her inside, her nerves eased tremendously.
She‟d been to lots of events like this—restaurant openings, award
banquets, new product launches, but she‟d never been in charge of
anything this enormous before. She took comfort in the strength of her
team and the fact she‟d been obsessive in her attention to detail. However,
things could still go wrong.

For some strange reason, Bas enclosing her hand in his made things

better. His presence emanated confidence that she was able to draw from.
Technically, she should have been more nervous, not less. He sent her
thoughts racing into the danger zone, but maybe that was the key. A large
part of her fear was channeled off into sexual awareness. Yes. It made
sense. And at least for tonight, she felt thankful.

Inside, the club looked spectacular. Adorned with coral and lavender

balloons, customer-made to match Marcella Girardi‟s favorite colors.
She‟d been afraid that it would look like a clash of colors, but the elegance
of the flowers, the sheer drapes, and the art work made it appear to be
something out of a beautiful dream. The décor worked, and when the
dance floor was packed and the music filled the air, the atmosphere would

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transform into something erotic and sensuous, exactly what she was
aiming for.

Kallie waved from the bar and headed their way. She looked great in

her simple red gown. With her hair pinned back by a sparkling diamond
clip and the small hanging diamonds in her ears, she seemed to glow.

“Oh, you‟re dazzling!” Kallie walked a complete circle around them.

“Just ravishing! Both of you.”

“And check you out,” Bas said. “You‟re going to have every man in

this room begging for a few moments of attention from you.”

Her cheeks flushed and she averted her gaze. “Yeah, right.”
Bas reached for her hand. “Hey,” he said very softly. Kallie brought

her gaze back to his after several heartbeats. “While I was on a mission in
Ecuador, deep in the rainforest, I watched a caterpillar turn into a
butterfly. The transformation was breathtaking, and later when I tried to
tell a friend about the magnificence of the butterfly, I couldn‟t find
adequate words. Now all I would have to do is point to you, and he would

Kallie‟s cheeks turned hot pink and her eyes grew moist. “I‟m not—”
Bas leaned over and kissed her cheek. “Knock „em dead, beautiful,” he

murmured, just loudly enough so that Gaea could hear.

Her attention drifted from her assistant to this unusual man she‟d hired

to be her escort. How could he have known that Kallie had been struggling
to transition from a somewhat geeky youth into a confident young
woman? That the dress, the entire approach to Kallie‟s look, was new and
untried? That what Kallie needed most was a man, especially a very
handsome, self-assured man, to affirm that she was stunning, that she
could relax and enjoy this new phase of her life?

Kallie practically floated away with an indistinguishable promise to

check into something, leaving Gaea alone with Bas. Well, as alone as one
could be while waiters and team members scurried about adjusting this
and straightening that. He smiled at her, but not in a cocky, boastful way,
which she had kind of expected. He‟d made Kallie‟s night, and most men

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she knew would have worn that success like a trophy.

“Would you like something to drink?” he asked. “Or maybe there‟s

some work I can do? I‟m pretty good with a screwdriver, or even a food

Gaea shook her head. “No, thanks. It looks as though we have

everything under control, but if you‟d like, you can come with while I do
the final check.”

“I would love to.”

* * * *

After a good forty-five minutes of checking with the hired staff, the

liquor supply and the DJ, Gaea led Bas back into the main room of the
club. Kallie stood at the door, welcoming the first of the party goers. From
the distance, Gaea couldn‟t see who it was. As they walked across the
dance floor, she felt Bas‟s hand slip from her shoulder to the base of her
neck. His long fingers felt a bit ticklish and very warm. Her first reaction
was to cringe, but she pushed it aside quickly.

She‟d never really thought about all the places a man touched a

woman that went beyond casual boundaries. An acquaintance could
definitely touch a shoulder, a hand, even an arm. But to touch the face or
neck carried with it an unspoken message: I’m entering into the land of
intimate here. You’re allowing me to. That means were more than friends,
and if you let my hand linger, it means you’re ready to allow me into more
private areas.
Gaea hadn‟t let anyone into her personal space in years, and
she wondered if she‟d been on a date with Bas, would she have cringed?
Or would she have welcomed his touch?

As things were now, she couldn‟t shake his touch off. He was simply

doing his job. Making it clear to everyone that they were a couple. She
didn‟t dare to tell him to back off in case Arnold was in sight, because
Arnold could be anywhere at any time, watching for just this kind of thing.

In fact, she slowed her pace, looked up to meet Bas‟s gaze, and slipped

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her hand around his waist.

“Hey there,” he murmured.
“You‟re good at this,” she whispered.
“I‟ve been on dates before.”
“This isn‟t one.”
“Not technically, no. But why let a little thing like a perverted, pesky

boss get in the way? I‟m going to enjoy every minute of tonight, and I
hope you are, too.”

“It‟s irrelevant whether I enjoy myself or not. I can‟t afford to forget

I‟m working.”

“Who said the two have to be exclusive? You can be attentive, take

care of business, and still have some fun.”

She stopped him before he could get carried away. “What planet are

you from?”

He shook his head, his expression perplexed. “Why on earth would

you strive for a career that you don‟t find enjoyable?”

“Enjoyable? Enjoyable isn‟t the issue.”
“It isn‟t? Are there better criteria?”
“Of course! Money, power. You know, the things that make the world

go round?”

“So you get off on money and power, do you?”
“Who doesn‟t?”
“You say that like it‟s a given.”
“It is. Money and power is what it‟s all about.”
“Come on, Bas. Look around you. Those who have the most money

and power win.”

“Win what? What‟s the prize?”
Gaea looked over at the front door. More people were arriving, and she

shouldn‟t leave Kallie to greet the crowd on her own. “Can we talk about
prizes later? I need to be over there.”

“Sure. But I‟m not going to forget where we were.”

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“I‟m positive you won‟t.”
They reached the entrance and Kallie stepped to her side. “Owen

Wilson is here, and so is Jessica Simpson. The limos are starting to stack

“Wonderful. Now do me a favor. Go ask Zoey to start serving the hor

d‟oeuvres and champagne. Have you seen Arnold?”

“He arrived some time ago. He asked me where you were.”
“I‟m sure he‟s around.”
Kallie gave Bas a big smile, then headed off for the kitchen. Gaea

turned to find Jamie Foxx at the door with his latest girlfriend. She settled
in for a long hour of greetings, the entire time aware that Bas was close

* * * *

Once the bulk of the guests had arrived, Bas lead Gaea away from the

door into the heart of the party. The music, a body thumping mix by one
of the most popular DJs in the city, was just loud enough to make
conversation difficult. Drinks and food flowed freely courtesy of the ever
attentive staff, and everyone seemed to be having a great time. He hoped
to make that the case for Gaea as well.

She handled the introductions like a pro, but when he touched her, he

could feel the tension in her muscles. Arnold had come by briefly, pretty
much ignoring Bas, but the crowd had been such that he had to leave Gaea
alone. Now that they were out in the open, so to speak, Bas felt certain
Arnold would make his move.

They were in the middle of a dance floor when an upbeat song with a

strong beat came on. Bas grabbed Gaea‟s hand and spun her around to
face him. “Let‟s dance,” he shouted.

She shook her head no, and tried to turn away, but he stopped her.
“Come on, one dance. It will help you relax.”
She closed the distance between them and he bent at the waist so his

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ear was near her mouth. “I don‟t know how.”

“Ah,” he said. “Then I‟ll wait for a slow song.”
“Bas, I have a lot of work to do.”
“What work would that be? Everything‟s going wonderfully.”
“I have to make sure it continues.”
“It will. Look around.”
She did, with a slow spin, turning around until she‟d see the entire


“See? These people know how to have fun on their own.”
She nodded, but appeared to be preoccupied by something in a dark

corner. He followed her gaze to find Kallie standing with Dax Kavanagh.
The two were huddled close as Dax talked to her.

“Is something wrong?”
Gaea shook her head. “No, everything‟s okay. It‟s just that Kallie has


He lost the tail end of her sentence. “What?”
She stood up on tiptoe and cupped her mouth. “Kallie has a huge crush

on him. I‟m happy for her.”

“Ah. Good for her.”
The fast song ended and another fast number took its place. “Is there

something quiet around here?”

“The only place I know of is the bathroom.”
He arched a brow in her direction. “No good.”
“Oh,” she said. “There‟s the V.I.P. room.”
“Perfect. Where‟s the entrance?”
She pointed toward the bar. “Over there where security is standing


He chuckled. “No need to show me. You‟re coming with me.”
“No, I don‟t have time.”
“Yes, you do.” He took her hand and led her through the throng of

people. It took a while, but they made it off the dance floor. He even
managed to grab a glass of champagne as they neared the bar.

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The bar area bustled with activity, but Bas didn‟t allow her to stop to

investigate. He just kept leading her toward the V.I.P. area. When they
reach the entrance, the security guard nodded at her and stepped aside.
Gaea dug her heels in.

“Bas, really, I can‟t.”
“Just a few minutes. We‟ll get away from the crowd, have a drink,

relax. Then we can come back and you can work as hard as you want.”

“I don‟t think you understand,” she stated, unfortunately not ready to

concede to his request. Thankfully Arnold Pratt made his appearance,
giving Bas the perfect excuse. He was on the other side of the bar, but
he‟d spotted them. His voice, calling out Gaea‟s name, but he could barely
be heard over the music.

“Don‟t look now,” Bas said. “Arnold has spotted us.”
“Let‟s go in before he gets over here.”
She allowed him to lead her into the dimly lit room. The ambiance was

even more steamy and sensual than inside the main part of the club.

He tugged her toward a dark corner that would offer them privacy.
“See there,” he said. “This isn‟t as bad as you thought it would be.”
“Actually, it is—”
“Much better than you though it would be.” He handed her the glass of

champagne. “I won‟t ask you to sit because I know you‟ll resist. However,
I do insist you take at least one sip of that. Then relax. At least that will
give us enough time to make Arnold wonder what we are doing in here.”

Gaea looked at the glass, then back at him. “Okay. Just a couple


“Sheesh! Is that is? Man, you don‟t expect much from me, do you?”
She appeared puzzled for a few heartbeats, then she gasped. “You

really think Arnold will think we‟re in here having sex?”

“People have done it.”
Gaea arched a dark brow in his direction. “Don‟t be ridiculous.”

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Bas returned her disbelieving expression. “You seriously doubt it

would be the first thing he‟d attempt to do if he had the opportunity?”

She sighed. “With the way Arnold has been acting, you‟re probably


He stepped closer to her, took her hand into his. “You don‟t think it‟s

the first thing any man here tonight would do if given half the chance?”

“You need to stop with the compliments. I just might start to believe


Bas tugged her closer, resting her hands against his chest. “You have

no idea how enticing you are, do you?”

She averted her gaze. “Arnold isn‟t here.”
“And you can‟t imagine how happy that makes me.”
She looked back at him. He didn‟t hide his innermost thoughts at all.

And when he saw her tongue sweep out and moisten her bottom lips, the
last of his control went out the window. He lowered his head for the kiss
he‟d desired all evening.

He enclosed her in his embrace, not wanting to give her the

opportunity to get away, but from her response, that seemed to be the last
thing on her mind. She opened her mouth just enough to allow him to fully
taste her, to linger the warm, moist recesses of her wet heat. She made a
small sound, and he pressed closer, letting her feel his desire. Her moan
told him he‟d succeeded.

“I‟ve wanted to have you like this since you walked out of the

bedroom tonight,” he whispered.

She responded with her mouth, sliding her hands into his hair, bringing

his head down again as she teased him with her tongue. His entire body
went taut at the feel of her, with jolts of pleasure rushing through him. His
hands moved slowly over the bare flesh of her back, the silkiness enough
to push him to the brink.

When he felt her fingers gripping his back, he was the one who

moaned. He took pleasure in her taste, maneuvering his mouth to get her
from every angle, to touch her completely and thoroughly, to possess her.

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Pulling her closer, the sounds of the party goers around them

disappeared until all that existed was the two of them.

He pressed against her, anxious and hard, letting her know that all she

had to do was say the word—

Arnold‟s voice stopped them cold. She pulled away, jerking as though

she‟d been hit.

“Hello, Arnold,” Bas said, disliking the man more and more.
“Gaea,” he said again, ignoring Sebastian. “I‟ve been looking all over

for you.”

“I just took a short break,” she said. “Is something wrong?”
D Magazine wants an interview, and I thought you should be


“I thought they wanted to do a piece on Trisha and Dax.”
“They do, but we should definitely be there as well.”
“Well, um, okay. I‟ll be right out.”
Arnold gave Bas a look that would have made a lesser man shake. “I‟ll

show you where they are since they aren‟t on site.”

She reached out and took Sebastian‟s hand. “Okay, we‟re ready.”
When Arnold realized Bas was joining them, he wasn‟t happy, to say

the least. The rest of the evening was all business, but every time she
looked at him, he knew her thoughts never strayed too far from that kiss.

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Chapter Seven

They left the party a few minutes after three, the quiet of the elevator

startling after so much noise. Gaea seemed pleased and exhausted. From
what he could see, the evening had been an absolute success. However, it
hadn‟t been triumphant for him.

That kiss in the V.I.P. room plagued him. He‟d felt something

wonderful in there, something that he hadn‟t experienced in a long time.
Gaea leaned her head back on the wall of the elevator and closed her eyes.
His gaze traveled over her face, taking in the lush curve of her mouth. He
pondered how much of what he felt was lust, and how much of it was his
excitement at having someone with such a sharp mind at his disposal.

The last woman he‟d been involved with hadn‟t been nearly as

intelligent as Gaea, although she was by no means boring. Linda had been
a very attractive woman and had she focused, she could have achieved
something in her life. Unfortunately, she‟d been obsessed with her beauty
and spent insane amounts of time and money on shopping and primping.
In the beginning of the relationship, when it was filled with that new
relationship excitement, he hadn‟t minded at all. After a while, though,
he‟d gotten tired of it, preferring the company of his friends. She‟d broken
up with him, which had been a relief. That was over two years ago, during
which time he‟d only had two brief encounters, and those were with an old
friend who‟d visited from Colorado twice on business and had left after a
few wild nights.

It wouldn‟t be an exaggeration to say that he was sexually attracted to

Gaea. Still, he was just as eager to talk with her as he was to make love to
her. Well, maybe that was an understatement. He definitely wanted to
sleep with her, to explore all of her deepest desires and fantasies. In fact,
that was something he planned to do as soon as he could. She‟d sworn that
she would tell the truth, and he was going to push her as far as he could.

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Get her to open up as no woman ever had, at least to him.

This was more exciting than any mission he‟d ever been on. He

wanted to know what she fantasized about. It wasn‟t being dominated, that
much he knew, but what? In her dreams, was she in control? Or did she
crave something sappy and romantic? The ultra inquisitive part of him
wanted to know.

Gaea turned her head and opened her eyes to look at him. “Are we

back at the hotel yet?”

He looked out the window, recognizing a drug store on the corner.


“I‟m not sure I‟ll be able to get out of the car. I‟m exhausted.”
He moved over a little, slid his arm around her so her head rested on

his chest. “I‟ll carry you up if I have to,” he replied.

She shifted against him, getting comfortable. “You were great tonight.

Arnold was barely a bother.”

“My pleasure.”
“Sorry we didn‟t get the dance I promised.”
“No worries. I‟m sure there will be other opportunities for us to


She didn‟t respond, and a few heartbeats later, her breathing was slow

and even. He thought she must be asleep. They‟d be at the hotel in a few
more minutes, so he‟d have to wake her, but in the meantime, he enjoyed
the feel of her resting against him. She was so delicate, so warm. He ran
his fingers over her shoulder, amazed at the softness, the silky texture of
her skin. Then his gaze lowered to her breasts, the tantalizing view a little
too tempting.

It wasn‟t a good idea to get all aroused, not right now. Gaea needed

her sleep and he needed to remember why he was here.

The truth was, he didn‟t want to rush anything. He wanted to finish his

research, and treat her right. There was no rush. She didn‟t have any plans
to go anywhere.

The limo turned the last corner and pulled in front of the hotel. Gaea

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woke when it rolled to a stop, sitting up and glancing around. “Are we

“Yes, we are,” he replied, sad that the ride had ended.
The door opened, and Sebastian got out, offering Gaea his hand. She

took it and smiled as she got out. He tipped the driver, then tucked her
hand under his elbow as they made their way inside.

Gaea didn‟t say anything on the ride up, and he felt just as comfortable

in the silence. After a slow walk down the hall, they entered their suite.
She stood still while he turned on a few lights. When he stopped back by
her side, she reached out and fisted his lapel, tugging him down to eye
level. Gaea kissed him softly on the lips, just a peck really.

“Thank you,” she murmured.
He wanted another, but all he did was smile as she released him. “You

should use the bathroom first,” he said. “You‟re exhausted and need to get
in bed.”

“I have to be up at six,” she responded.
“I‟ll say. Although, I‟m sure you‟ve had to get up at some awful hour


“Several times, especially for a mission.”
“Will you tell me about them sometime?”
“Unfortunately, I can‟t, due to the nature of most of them. But I can

tell you I never lost a man and we always accomplished our goal.”

Gaea brushed her cheek against the back of his hand. “Well, I won‟t be

doing anything as courageous tomorrow, just a photo shoot. I‟m hoping
it‟s not too bad.”

“That sounds like fun.”
“It won‟t be. However, if you get bored, you can watch the models


“I don‟t think I‟d ever get that bored,” he stated with a grimace.
She gave him a half smile. “As much as I would love to continue this

conversation, I‟m almost dead on my feet.”

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She made her way toward the bedroom, swaying a little. Bas watched

her until she shut the door, then he reached up and undid his tie. He was
glad the pull out bed was comfortable, because he needed his beauty rest,
too. His jacket came off next, and then his shoes and cummerbund. While
he felt like tossing all the items on the floor, and worrying about it all in
the morning, he hung them up like a good little guest. By then, Gaea had
exited the bathroom in her silk robe and rushed toward the bathroom.

He paused on his way to making his bed, staring at the bathroom door.

Was she naked underneath that robe? Bas could envision her so clearly it
was painful. He wanted to walk in on her, lift her up and sit her on the
edge of the counter. Spread her legs apart and stand real close, so the heat
of her could warm his already hot body. Kiss her until she forgot about
sleep, forgot about work. Run his hands over her beautiful breasts, feel the
weight of them, the rigid peaks of her nipples. He‟d take his time tasting
her, sucking each nipple until her fingers clawed his back.

And then he‟d get on his knees, pulling her forward until her hot center

was open before him. He‟d work his tongue slowly, teasing all around her
clit until she begged, and then he‟d become relentless. To make her come
until she couldn‟t stand it another second. When she was almost to the
point of madness, that‟s when he‟d stand up, hold her right there at the
edge, and he‟d enter her in one hard stroke, filling her, making her come
yet again.

The bathroom door opened and he turned to the right, very aware of

the bulge in his tuxedo pants. He didn‟t want her to think sex was all he
ever thought about, although with her, that was mostly true.

“You can have the bathroom now,” she said, as she made her way to

the bedroom.

“Thanks,” he mumbled over his shoulder. Bas didn‟t relax until he was

alone, and then, the relaxation only went as far as his shoulders.

He grabbed some pajama bottoms, which he didn‟t care much for.

Sebastian slept in the nude, but his mother had gotten him the red pair last
year for his birthday and he figured it would be decent to wear them. He

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was pretty certain Gaea wouldn‟t want him walking around the suite in the

Once in the bathroom, he turned on the shower, took off the rest of his

clothes, and stepped inside. He probably would have done better with cold
water, but that seemed ridiculous when there was a perfectly acceptable

Bas reached for the soap and after a quick wash, he took matters into

his own hands. Well, hand, if one wanted to be technical about it. Eyes
closed, he considered picking up where he left off, but he enjoyed foreplay
too much.

The venue changed to the living room. Right out there, with the couch

already made into a bed. And Gaea wasn‟t wearing the silk robe. No, she
was wearing the incredible dress she‟d had on tonight. He placed her in
front of the sliding glass door. Behind it, downtown Dallas glittered
brightly, but his gaze would be focused on her reflection, so clear he could
read her eyes as he stood behind her. Close enough to nibble on the soft
curve of her neck, right where it became shoulder. He‟d run his fingers
softly over the expanse of her back, giving her goose bumps, making her
quiver. Then he‟d find the soft little lobe of her ear and run his tongue up
into the shell, then nip again at the lobe as he grasped her zipper and
pulled it down.

His breathing got heavier as the images flashed in front of him, each

more erotic than the next. But he didn‟t want it to end, not yet. There was
still too much too see.

* * * *

Gaea opened her legs, and ran her hand down her stomach as the

images in her head went from hot to scorching. She‟d tried to sleep, but it
was useless. Not while Bas was on the other side of that door, and not with
the memory of his kiss still on her lips.

Goodness gracious, what had he done to her? It was crazy. She hardly

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knew him, and she wasn‟t one of those aimless females who‟d drop her
panties at the first sight of an attractive looking guy. Okay, so Sebastian
was more than attractive. He was drop dead gorgeous, and the way he
kissed left her mind numb.

Her fingers found the folds of her sex, and she didn‟t waste any time

going for the spot where she ached the most. She‟d learned years ago to
take care of her own needs, and saw nothing wrong with it. In fact, her
ability to pleasure herself had kept her out of trouble on more than one
occasion. Tonight, for the first time she could remember, she felt how
incredibly lacking it was. Not that she couldn‟t get herself off, that was
just a matter of imagination and persistence, but oh, how she wanted to
feel him next to her. To see his body, to see what he would do with her.

His creativity, she felt certain, ran deeper than just security systems.

No, this was a man who would take his time. Who would use everything at
his disposal to bring her pleasure. His kiss had told her so much...too
much. And she wanted more.

She fixed an image in her head while she increased her speed and

pressure. Sebastian, entering the room, naked and hard. Big and hard. So
hard. Throwing back the covers, catching her touching herself. Giving her
that tempting grin of his. Climbing onto the bed, pulling her hand away.
Telling her to relax, and let him take care of her.

Her nipples hardened as she pictured him taking each one between his

lips, circling, suckling, while his hands explored her body. She‟d reach out
and find that hard length of his and do her own exploration. There was
something so intoxicating about the softness of the flesh encasing
something so rigid. Gaea loved exploring the male anatomy, although she
didn‟t often get the chance.

But then she‟d let him go as he slid down, licking her every inch of the

way from her breastbone to the juncture between her thighs.

Oh, God, she needed to slow down... If she didn‟t she would...

* * * *

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...come. Bas wasn‟t ready yet, but damn it, the images in his head! He

had her up against the glass, so cool she‟d cried out when her naked back
has pressed against it. His hands cupping her ass, holding her up so that
her body was perfectly aligned for his entry. He‟d taken her mouth with
his, and kissed her deeply, and then he‟d thrust inside her so hard he‟d
nearly lost it in that second.

But he‟d held on and now, in an image so vivid he could practically

taste her, he continued to the thrust, pretending it wasn‟t his hand.

It was too late; he couldn‟t hold back any longer. He pumped fast, and

his pelvis pushed involuntarily until there...there... “Gaea!”

* * * *

“Yes, Bas! Yes!”
Gaea removed her hand from between her thighs and turned her face

into the pillow. She‟d been so loud, she‟d probably woken him, and that
would be a disaster. She shivered as an aftershock took her, then squeezed
her legs tight as she tried to slow her breathing.

The room door was thick; he probably hadn‟t heard. Or thought it was

the TV. Or something. She couldn‟t worry about it, not when it was so late
and she had to get up so early.

Gaea fluffed her pillow, straightened the blankets and closed her eyes.

And immediately visualized Sebastian. Naked.

This wasn‟t good. This wasn‟t good at all. She reached over and

grabbed the remote, turning the TV onto a late-night sitcom re-run. She
turned down the sound so it was just loud enough that she‟d have to
struggle to make out the words.

That should do it. Gaea hoped.

* * * *

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Kallie stared a hole into the clock on her bedside table. It was almost

four, and she wasn‟t the least bit sleepy. She couldn‟t stop thinking about
the night she‟d just experienced. About Dax.

He had talked to her so much! Every time he wasn‟t being

interviewed, having his photo taken or doing some other stuff, he‟d come
right back to her and just picked up the conversation as if it had never
been interrupted.

It was simply too much. How she‟d survived through it without doing

something mentally defunct was beyond her. Dax Kavanagh. He‟d
laughed at her jokes, and most people didn‟t because her sense of humor
was, well odd, but he‟d gotten her jokes, and it turned out his humor was
also different, and even though they were different offs, they still kind of
complimented each other, in which case was... Better than anything.

They talked about his work, and how he wasn‟t crazy about being a

model, but they paid him so much money that he couldn‟t turn it down,
but now that he‟d invested a good amount of it. He was going back to
school to agriculture because what he really wanted was to have a big
ranch in Wyoming with lots of cattle and horses. And he wanted a few
cabins on his property so he could invite his friends to come and visit for
as long as they wanted, which was the most wonderful thing she‟d ever

He‟d asked all about her, too, and she‟d told him about college and

how wonderful it was to work with Gaea, and that she wasn‟t quite sure
she wanted to stay in marketing, but she felt as if she had time to figure it

While she stood talking with him, a hundred local celebs and

prominent members of the community came to talk. Dax introduced her to
each one as if she were the celebrity, which kind of made her nervous, but
then it didn‟t because he was so relaxed about the entire thing. She‟d met
so many people that they blurred in her mind. All of them were so famous
and good-looking it made her feel dull, except Dax was, by far, the best
looking guy there. Kallie could tell that people were wondering what he

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was doing standing by her all night, but she didn‟t care. Nothing could
have been better than her night, not one thing.

Except perhaps the last few minutes, when Dax had held her hand and

smiled that incredible smile that gave him dimples to die for, and this one
lock of hair had fallen over his eye, and he‟d said he had a really good
time and he was glad the job wasn‟t over.

With the memory lingering in her mind, she turned over, fluffed her

pillow, and started all over again from the beginning.

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Chapter Eight

Gaea woke to the annoying blare of the alarm after what felt like five

minutes of sleep. She‟d had an awful night filled with sexual dreams, all
of them starring Sebastian Fuller. Today was going to be relatively calm,
and she felt certain he was going to start questioning her in earnest, which
made her extremely nervous. She was already too intimate with him, and
answering him truthfully was going to be tricky. Maybe he wouldn‟t ask
her anything that would betray her feelings toward him. Although, aside
from wanting to sleep with him, she wasn‟t sure at all what those feelings
were. It shouldn‟t matter. She‟d set her course and nothing was going to
make her stray, not even a man as fascinating as Bas.

As she gathered her clothes, she thought about Ela Thomas, her

roommate in college. Ela had been brilliant, top of her class. At
graduation, she‟d already accepted a top paying position at Smith Barney,
having had to choose among a host of equally enticing offers. The first
two years, she‟d distinguished herself, earning the company several
million dollars with a new investment marketing ad she‟d created. Ela‟s
future seemed set for her to shoot straight to the top. Then Ela had met
Paxton, a gorgeous guy from Seattle who ran a small but successful
financial management firm. Within months, Ela had lost her luster, and at
the end of the year, she‟d quit Smith Barney to help Paxton run his
company. The company had fallen apart, and Ela had been reduced to
taking a position at a less prestigious company for half the pay.

It was a lesson Gaea took to heart. Not that she thought it was fair.

Men didn‟t seem to have the same difficulty mixing love and career. But
no one had said life was fair. If she wanted to have the kind of power and
security she dreamt of, there was no way she could get herself involved in
a serious relationship. Later. All that was going to come, just not for
several years. Once she had an executive C-level position, she‟d be open

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to more, but until then, she‟d be a fool to let her emotions ruin her future.

Maybe, if she was lucky, Bas would still be available, although that

was a serious long shot. Gaea was amazed he wasn‟t already married. But,
he‟d said he hadn‟t had much luck with women. She couldn‟t see it, unless
he was sabotaging himself in some way. That was an all-too-common
problem, easy to see in others, invisible to the one most affected.

It did feel strange helping a man she found so attractive gain the skills

necessary to find another woman. But she‟d promised, and she was a
woman of her word.

Gaea had all her things together and she left the safety of her bedroom

to head for the shower. Her gaze went immediately to the dining table by
the wet bar. Sebastian was dressed handsomely in a blue golf shirt with
casual jeans. Her flushed face spoke as much for her troubled sleep as it
did for her immediate and powerful reaction to seeing him. The man was a
walking aphrodisiac.

“I hope you enjoy it,” he said.
Gaea followed his gaze to the table, spread out with a large and

plentiful array of breakfast. The plates were covered so she couldn‟t tell
what he‟d ordered, but she could see orange juice, coffee, toast and a
syrup container. “What‟s all this?”

“I figured we‟d share a quiet meal before we had to do the photo shoot


She made her way toward the table, touched by his thoughtfulness. “It

looks wonderful.”

“I didn‟t know what you liked, so I ordered a little bit of everything.”
Gaea uncovered a plate of pancakes, then another of scrambled eggs.

The aroma reminded her of her hunger and she set her clothes on one of
the chairs and sat in another. “This is very nice of you.”

“It‟s no trouble.” He sat down opposite of her and started to fix his

plate. Sausage, hash browns, crisp bacon. She took the other half of the
scrambled eggs, bacon and hash browns. For a while, they ate in silence,
drank coffee and juice.

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Then she became aware of his silence, not of word but of gesture, and

caught him looking at her with an expression she couldn‟t quite name.
“What is it?”

“Nothing,” he responded, attacking his food again.
“Come on, I know you want to ask me something. It‟s okay, ask


Sebastian finished chewing, then stared at his fork for a minute. When

he looked up, she found her stomach in knots.

“Why don‟t you want a relationship?”
Gaea relaxed. This was an easy one. For the next few minutes, she laid

out the argument just as it had come to her such a short time ago. He
didn‟t interrupt, just listened attentively, taking the occasional bite or sip.
When she‟d finished, she drank some juice, debating the wisdom of
having pancakes instead of toast.

“I know women with very successful careers who are married.”
She knew it wouldn‟t be that simple. “I‟m sure there are, although I

don‟t know any. The myth is that women can have it all. It‟s not true.
Something has to give. I don‟t want to have to choose between my career
and a man.”

“I don‟t blame you. That would be tough. But I don‟t believe the

choice would be difficult between a career and love. I think you can have
both. In fact, I think that with someone there in your corner, someone who
cares about you and what you do, the career would change into something
more meaningful. And, at the end of the day, you wouldn‟t be alone for
your successes, or your defeats.”

“Being alone doesn‟t bother me. And I might add, for a man your age,

you certainly have an idealistic view of relationships.”

“Believe me, I‟ve thought a lot about that. You‟re right. I‟m being

idealistic. But I lived my entire life with two people who loved and
respected each other. Watching them together made it impossible for me
to settle for anything less.”

She put down her cup. “I‟m sorry to hear that.”

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His eyebrows rose in surprise. “Why?”
“Because what you saw with your parents is the exception to the rule. I

don‟t know a single couple like that.”

“I not only saw it with my parents, but several of their friends.”
“You were lucky.”
“So you think I should just give up? Settle for someone just because?”
“No. I don‟t think you should pick someone mediocre. Maybe just

adjust your expectations.”

“To what? What are your expectations?”
“I‟m not certain how to answer that. I haven‟t thought about it that


“No. I‟ve been pretty focused on my job. Building a career.”
“But surely you‟ve thought about getting married. Having a family.”
“Only in the vaguest terms.”
“What was your family like?”
“Nothing like yours. That I can assure you.”
“Tell me.”
She looked at her watch. “I still have to shower and get dressed.”
“We have plenty of time.”
Gaea supposed she owed Bas something, although it wasn‟t her idea of

a good time. “My parents married young, after my mother got pregnant in
high school. She ended up with her diploma, but barely. My father did a
couple of years of college, but never had the life he‟d dreamed of. He
wanted to be a Physician, but he ended up settling for a job as an
underwriter for a medical insurance company. My mother had two more
children, a boy and a girl, and then she and my dad divorced. My mother
worked for years as a bookkeeper, which she hated. Most of the people I
grew up with came from similar backgrounds. No grand passionate
romances that lasted past a few blissful years.”

“Wow. It makes sense that you‟ve focused on your career above all


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“Yes, I guess it does. But that doesn‟t mean I‟m not happy.”
“Are you?”
“Yes. I take a great deal of pride in my accomplishments. I‟ve already

got a nice portfolio started, and by the time I‟m through, I expect to be
very comfortable.”

Bas leaned forward in his chair, which made her very aware of her

body, leaning back, crossed arms, crossed legs. Gaea made an effort to
loosen up, but the best she could do was hold on to her glass of juice.

“All on your own, right?” he asked.
“Yes. I learned very early on that there isn‟t a knight in shining armor

out there waiting to rescue me. If I want a secure future, I‟ll have to earn it

“That‟s wise.”
“You agree with me?”
He reached for his cup of coffee. “With the knight theory? Yes I do. I

don‟t think it‟s smart for anyone to wait to be rescued. It puts too much
pressure on the rescuer. It can only lead to heartache and disappointment.”

“But isn‟t that your goal?”
“No, not in the least. I expect that the right woman for me will have

found what makes her happy. I want to share in that, just as I hope she‟ll
share in mine.”

“Don‟t you read? The statistics alone tell you that you‟re dreaming.”
He frowned. “God, I hope not.”
“I‟m sorry. I don‟t mean to be a downer. It‟s just that my experience

has clearly been different than yours. You‟ll probably find what you‟re
looking for.”

“I‟m going to try,” he responded.
“What do your parents think of this research project of yours?”
“My father died a few years ago, but my mother thinks I‟m


Gaea smiled. “I‟m sorry to hear about your dad. It seems like you two

were close.”

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“Oh, yeah, we were. I am certain my father would have shared my

mother‟s sentiments, but neither of them would discourage me. They
believe in life by trial and error.”

“So far, you seem to have done very well.”
Bas grinned. “No complaints. I‟m about as happy as a man has a right

to be.”

“The statistics on that are pretty daunting, too.”
He picked up a piece of sausage from his plate, ate it slowly. “I

wonder why that is,” he replied after he finished chewing. “So much
anxiety. It never made sense to me.”

“Speaking of anxiety, I‟d better get my butt in gear. We have to be at

the shoot in about an hour.”

“You don‟t want any more breakfast?”
“Yes, I do, but I can‟t. It was great. Thank you.”
Bas smiled before he sipped some coffee. She gathered her things and

headed for the shower, wondering if she had left because of the time
constraint of the conversation.

As soon as she was naked, her thoughts went to last night. The power

of her desire for him. Breakfast had been wonderful, but not filled with
that same lust, although she still found him completely yummy. This was
different. She‟d never experienced this kind of balance before. Her past
flings, and she knew that‟s all they were, had been like Roman candles.
High intensity, but now the flame had dimmed, simmering while her focus
had been on the conversation. She climbed into the shower, all the while
stewing on the current situation.

* * * *

Sebastian found himself an empty chair and settled in for a long day.

They had set up the shoot in a relatively quiet section of Caruth Park,
closed off from the public. The photographer was some hot shot with a
bunch of major campaigns in his portfolio, and the models were just as
recognizable, including Dax Kavanagh and Trisha Granger.

It was interesting to observe Kallie around Dax. She was clearly

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interested, and Dax seemed enthralled right back. Surprisingly, Bas was
worried about her. Even though he was fully in agreement of tasting all
that life had to offer, he liked Kallie and didn‟t want to see her get hurt.
Although he didn‟t know Dax, Bas had known some male celebrities and
models, and those hadn‟t been the kindest or most caring people he‟d ever
met. Mostly they‟d been so self-absorbed there was no room for anyone
else in their lives. But he‟d give Dax the benefit of the doubt. For now.

His gaze shifted to Gaea as she spoke with the photographer. Arnold

lingered near, but so far, he hadn‟t been a real pest. Gaea was at her best,
arranging, planning, making things happen. He like watching her work.
She wore her confidence like a comfortable shirt, and it made her even
more radiant. Today she wore a pair of khakis with a pale blue top. The
outfit would have looked plain on another woman, but it complimented
her skin tone.

Sebastian kept wanting to touch her. On the way down to the car

awaiting them, he‟d place his hand on the small of her back. She‟d reacted
with a little quiver, which was intriguing, but the flush at the base of her
throat was more telling.

There was definitely something between them; the attraction wasn‟t

one-sided. He saw a lot of the signs, the sideway glances, the fidgeting
with the hair, those telltale blushes. Tonight, if they finished the shoot at a
reasonable hour, they would have the evening free. Sebastian was going to
take her to dinner, and he felt certain that he could take the conversation in
one of two directions. He could keep it intellectual, or he could just as
easily swing it to the hot and heavy. Given free rein with the questions
made either option viable. Of course, what he should do is stick to the
original plan. But the plan hadn‟t taken into account how much he wanted

“Do you mind?”
Bas looked up at the voice, startled. Standing close to his right was

Trisha herself. She was dressed in a large man‟s shirt with shorts peeking
from the bottom. Her shoes were slip-ons, the outfit serving the purpose of

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being able to change into whatever wardrobe they had planned for her
with ease.

Her hair was up in very large curlers, which did nothing to distract any

attention away from her breathtakingly gorgeous looks. Naturally, her
makeup had been applied liberally, but still, he could see the flawlessness
of her face, the perfect symmetry that was so prized. Her smile, however,
suggested that her want of a seat wasn‟t just about available chairs. There
was an invitation there, or at the very least, a question.

He stood and held the back of the chair. “Please, sit.”
She did, and her smile broadened. “I‟m Trisha.”
“Sebastian Fuller,” he supplied as he sat down in a less comfortable


“I saw you last night,” she replied. “But I didn‟t have a chance to come

over and introduce myself.”

“I‟m sorry for that, but pleased you have some time today.”
“Yes, unfortunately, I have too much time. I have five changes, and no

one can decide where to start. It‟s always like this. They should just be
quiet and let the lady call the shots.”

“You mean Gaea?”
“Yes. At least she has a plan. But everyone else wants to be the boss.”
“I guess so.”
“What‟s your role in this three ring circus?”
Bas nodded at Gaea, who had turned to watch him and his new friend.

“I‟m with the lady who should be calling the shots.”

“Interesting.” Trisha studied Gaea for a long moment. “You two


“Yes, pretty serious.”
She turned back to him. “You have an open relationship?”
He laughed. “Thank you, but no, we don‟t. We are exclusive.”
Trisha pouted, then lifted her hand to examine her nails. “Bummer.

That sucks for me.”

Bas chuckled, but his attention was on Gaea. She didn‟t look happy.

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Just then, Arnold came up behind her, and even from where Sebastian
stood, he could see the hand inching around her waist.

Gaea stepped back as Bas rose. He headed straight for the pair, making

sure his smile wasn‟t a grimace. All he had to do was mark his territory,
get Arnold to back off. He was a little surprised at how his animosity
toward his jerk had grown. Bas didn‟t want Arnold touching Gaea.

“Morning, Arnold.”
Arnold‟s expression said it all. He wasn‟t pleased to see Sebastian. Not

even amused. “Um, yeah. Morning.”

Bas walked straight up to Gaea and said, “Honey, you‟ve got a little

something right on the corner of your mouth.” Then he touched her there,
rubbing nothing away but making sure Arnold got the point.

He seemed to. The hand that had been on Gaea was now at his side.

His blatant scowl reminded Sebastian of a kid that lived in his
neighborhood. Spoiled rotten and not afraid to show it.

Bas leaned forward and gave Gaea a little kiss. A little something to

seal the deal. It was supposed to be all for show, but the moment his lips
touched hers, he forgot about Arnold and everyone else. It didn‟t last long,
but the kiss had repercussions. His entire body reacted, came to attention.
Not just the lower half, either. It was like touching a live wire.

Well, that answered his question about how to approach tonight. He

was going to bring out the heavy artillery, the more intimate, the better.

Sex wouldn‟t ruin his project. It would just change it. Bas could deal

with that.

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Chapter Nine

Once the photo shoot was completed, Gaea exhaled deeply, relieving

herself of all her tension and stress. No other work needed to be done until
tomorrow afternoon when she‟d have to go to the Reunion Tower and
make sure the coordinator was on schedule. There would be a dessert-and-
jazz shindig starting at eight, with the guests being more of the media,
models and celebrities. Then she would have to meet with the coordinator
for the fashion show to ensure that the final touches were what Marcella
Girardi had requested.

She stood under the archway just hidden from the sun as Bas flagged

down their driver. As soon as the car pulled up, he opened the door for her
and she made her way through the remaining crew to climb in.

Once Sebastian was settled in next to her, he asked, “To dinner first, or

the hotel?”

Gaea hadn‟t thought much about eating, but now that he mentioned it,

she found herself famished. “I‟d like to freshen up and change.” She
glanced at her watch, and it was just past five. “Maybe we could find
something in an hour or two.”

“Sure thing,” He told the driver where to take them, then he pulled out

his cell phone and dialed a number. It was a while until he spoke. “Nic?
It‟s Bas. Can you find a table for me and a friend in about an hour or so?”
Nothing for a minute, then he smiled. “Good deal. See you soon?” As he
hung up, his grin looked very self-satisfied.

“Where to?” she asked.
“You‟ll see.”
“You‟re not going to make me dress up, are you?”
“Not after the long day you‟ve had.”
“Okay then.”
She settled back for the ride to the hotel, twice as long with the heavy

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traffic. Soon the sounds outside the car window muted and faded as her
tiredness took over. Gaea barely stirred as Bas closed the gap between
them and placed his arm around her shoulder. It seemed like the most
natural thing in the world to rest her head on his shoulder, to feel the
warmth of his breath on her temple, the gentle brush of his fingers against
her arm.

He‟d been the perfect escort, everything she could have wanted for the

job. Arnold had been kept at a good distance, although every chance he
got, he trapped her and grilled her about her relationship with Bas. It had
been surprisingly easy to answer his questions, and by the end of the day
she figured she‟d made the significant headway. The only thing that had
bothered her, aside from the ridiculous attitude of the photographer, had
been her reaction to the models. Not when they‟d been working, but when
they‟d hovered around Sebastian.

All the women had, at one point or another, sat with him, chatted with

him, laughed at his jokes. It looked as if Bas had been enjoying himself
immensely, which shouldn‟t have mattered in the least. But it did. Gaea
had found herself more than once walking over to him, touching him the
way he touched her when Arnold was near.

Sebastian was a free agent, and after this project was over, she had no

claim to him. He could date whomever he wished, and geez, those women
were about as beautiful as women get. Who could blame him for pursuing
something with any of them? Each one seemed more interested than the

Finally, she‟d asked Kallie to go sit with Bas, even though the request

was selfish, as Kallie was all goo-goo-eyed over Dax. Dax seemed like a
good guy, and from what Gaea had heard of their conversations, he‟d been
really sweet when it came to Kallie.

Gaea just hoped her assistant didn‟t get her hopes up. It was a job for

Dax, just as it was for Bas, and when it all came to an end, they would
both walk off into their normal lives without a second thought about the
two women they‟d encountered because of this project.

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She‟d voiced that exact opinion to Kallie, who‟d pretty much blown

her off. The girl was infatuated. Dax was extremely good-looking, and any
woman would have been flattered at the attention. But Kallie was a little
too sweet and innocent for her own good, and Gaea was certain Kallie was
going to be heartbroken for it.

Yet even that didn‟t seem so important while curled up in the comfort

of Sebastian‟s arm. He smelled clean, wonderful, but with a hint of spice.
His breath was sweetly peppermint, and it made her think of the gentle
kiss he‟d given her earlier.

It hadn‟t been much of a kiss, nothing compared to the earthquake of

last night, and yet she‟d been thrilled by it, and for a long time after, her
heart raced inside her chest. Obviously, this attraction wasn‟t going away.
In fact, each new day it grew deeper and more insistent. She felt quite
certain in spite of his protests about his research, that something had to
give, and give soon.

Gaea exhaled softly, and he hugged her to him. It felt as if she

belonged there, as if she was safe. She tried to think if any man had made
her feel like this, and came up blank. Maybe it wouldn‟t be a bad thing to
let nature take its course. Unlike Kallie, she was a realist, and she knew
that nothing was going to happen between them that would have a lasting
impact. Gaea wouldn‟t allow that. But at this stage of their arrangement,
not sleeping with him was probably going to cause her more stress and
grief then just giving in.

So give in, she would.

* * * *

The restaurant was packed, with a long line out to the curb, just as Bas

had anticipated. But Nic, the maitre d, was an old friend and had never
made him wait. Once the driver dropped them off, he took Gaea‟s hand
and lead her past the line all the way to the dining room entrance. There
was Nic, looking very lovely in her form-fitting dress and fancy hairdo.

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“Hey, Nic.” They kissed each other on both cheeks, followed by a hug

thrown in for good measure.

“It is wonderful to see you today,” she said. “You have to try the

chicken and crab cake tonight. It‟s a new recipe that is to die for.”

“Will do.” He introduced Gaea, and then Nic lead them to a quiet

booth in a cozy corner. It was perfect.

After they were settled, and drinks had been ordered, Gaea turned to

him. “Ex-girlfriend?”

“Who? Nic?” He shook his head. “Old friend. She used to be an old

Navy Seal buddy of mine‟s girlfriend. They broke up about two years ago,
and I ended up getting closer to Nicole than Waide.”

“So that‟s how you can get a reservation at Pescatore‟s? Last time I

heard, you have to be a local celebrity to get that kind of treatment.”

“Actually, more of a coincidence than anything else. I don‟t have

many connections here, and most of them are pretty obscure, but there are
a few that have earned me major brownie points.”

“Like tonight?”
He just smiled. She looked so pretty in her purple blouse and cream-

colored slacks. Like the restaurant, she wasn‟t fancy on the outside, but
she had the real goods. She‟d handled the day lie a pro, and though he
couldn‟t tell anyone anything about fashion photography, he thought it had
gone well.

“Are you going to try the chicken and crab cake?”
“If Nic recommends it, you can bet you won‟t be disappointed.”
Gaea closed her menu and leaned back on the soft leather seat. “Okay


As if signaled, the waitress came to the table and wrote down their

orders. All Sebastian wanted was to be left alone with Gaea. Now that he
had his wish, he hesitated. Instead of just coming out with his questions,
he drank his wine and studied the crowd. There were quite a few people in
attendance, and he thought a few of them had been at the party last night.

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Quite a few of the patrons were the movers and shakers of the city.
Highland Park could seem like a tiny place at times. Especially when it
came to the places that were “in” like Pescatore‟s. Personally, it was the
reason he didn‟t venture out of Richardson often. His favorite little French
joint was a few blocks from his home, and there was never a wait to get in.

“I‟m surprised,” Gaea said.
“About what?”
“I figured you‟d have asked me at least one embarrassing question by


“I‟m going to. I‟m trying to decide how deeply to embarrass you. I

mean, we don‟t even have our starters yet.”

“So it gets worse by the course?”
“Worse? I‟m not trying to make you suffer.”
She looked at him warily. “Really now? So asking about my deepest,

darkest secrets is just a pleasant way to pass the time?”

“Well, it definitely beats idle chitchat.”
“I don‟t know about that. We could talk about the environment.”
“Even worse.”
“Unless I‟m there in person or participating, I don‟t care much for


“Not even hockey?”
“Okay, how about the women in your life? That seems like a very

interesting topic.”

“About dull as baseball, I‟d say.”
“I doubt it.”
“You‟d be wrong. But now that you bring it up, what about your love


“What love life?”

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“Nothing? Ever?”
“Nope. None.”
“Hard to believe.”
“It‟s been intentional. You know—”
“Career before anything else.”
“But that doesn‟t mean you‟ve stopped having urges. Thoughts.” He

leaned over, moving close enough that he could almost touch her ear.

“Ah, now we get down to what you‟re truly after.”
She exhaled deeply as if it was all too humdrum, but even in the

dimmed lighting at their booth, he could see the hint of a flush at the base
of her throat.

“What do you want to know, Bas?”
“Let‟s begin with urges.”
Her eyebrows rose. “Meaning?”
“Are they frequent? Do they come in cycles, like with the time of the

month? Does someone you meet or something you see incite them?”

“Wow,” she murmured. “Here I was, concerned you might get too


He chuckled. “You have to admit, it‟s an interesting way to get to

know someone.”

“I think I‟ll do some research of my own. Turn the tables on you, so to


“I have no problem with that. I‟m an open book. But only after you‟ve

answered me.”

She sipped her drink, a cape cod, all the while scanning the room.

Finally, just as he was going to nudge her, she faced him again. “The
urges come and go, and I‟ve never really thought much about what causes
them. The urges do seem to come in cycles, but some months are worse
than others. And yes, sometimes I will meet someone, or I‟ll see a movie

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that sparks the flame, but it‟s nothing that can‟t be controlled.”

“What do you do about them?”
“Give me a break!”
“Come on, Gaea. It‟s just research.”
“This is beyond research. This is pure torment.”
“Have another drink. Then share.”
“Okay. Okay. I...” She cleared her throat. “I pleasure myself.”
“I didn‟t know my answers would be graded.”
“You‟re not. It‟s just that I figured you‟d be in charge in that area as


“I‟m not certain what you mean by that.”
“You‟re a woman who has her stuff together, and you‟ve made some

hard decisions. I couldn‟t imagine you not dealing with your sexuality in
the same way.”

“Thank you. I think.”
“Definite compliment.”
“My libido thanks you as well.”
Sebastian moved his leg so their thighs touched. She sat up straighter,

but didn‟t shy away. Which meant he wasn‟t pushing her too hard. Yet.

“Do you use a vibrator?”
“Oh, God.”
“Don‟t start. You knew what you were getting into.”
“Actually, I didn‟t. But okay. I‟ll answer, but only because we have an


“Excellent. So, dildo? Vibrator? Hand?”
“Sometimes, yes, and yes.”
He nodded, trying to appear as a professional researcher and not a horn

dog who had a hard-on that could help build a house. “Any preference?”

“It all depends on the situation. When I just want to get off and get to

sleep, I use the vibrator.”

“And when you want it to be more sensual? To last?”

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“I do it by hand.”
“Those are the ones I want to focus on.”
“For some reason, I‟m not surprised.”
He leaned closer, resting his elbows on the table. “I want to hear about

those fantasies. The ones that keep you up for hours.”

Gaea fidgeted in her seat. “I don‟t know, Bas. Yes, I promised to be

honest, but I‟m not sure I can be this open. This is really private stuff.”

“That‟s the entire point.”
Dinner salads and bread arrived, giving her a reprieve, but he wasn‟t

about to let her off the hook. He could tell she was feeling more than
discomfort, that the conversation, if played well, could lead to much
pleasurable mischief. He intended to play it for all it was worth.

They ate for a bit, and he didn‟t push, but after she‟d eaten her second

piece of warm sourdough, and had just a few pieces of lettuce left in her
bowl, he figured it was time.

“Would you like another drink?”
“Yes,” she responded too quickly.
He ordered them both a refill, waited for the plates to be cleared, then

turned just enough in his seat that she had all of his attention. “Fire away,”
he murmured.

“If only I could.”
He chuckled, but didn‟t give in. “Tell me about the most frequent

fantasy. The one you come back to the most often.”

“I‟m afraid you‟ll find it completely boring and unimaginative.”
“Don‟t worry about that. Just tell me the truth.”
“Very well. But if I spontaneously combust, you‟re explaining what

happened to the fire department.”

“No problem.”
Sebastian leaned back, making sure she couldn‟t see his crotch from

where she sat. Gaea didn‟t need to know what sort of reaction she was
getting. At least not yet.

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“I guess the most frequent fantasy is the one where there is a severe

thunderstorm and I‟m alone in a cabin in the woods. It‟s dark, and the
winds outside are howling. I have a fire going full blaze in the fire place.”

“What are you wearing?”
“A robe.”
“The satin one?”
Gaea looked at him as if he was getting too close to some imaginary

line. Bas leaned back a little, put his by his sides.

“Yes, but sometimes it‟s another robe.”
“Okay. Sorry to interrupt you.”
“Well, you are the one asking the questions.”
“True, but I‟ll try not to interrupt.”
“Okay, so where was I?”
“Thunderstorm. Cabin. Alone. Dark.”
She frowned at her drink. “I‟m warm, and thankful to be in out of the

rain. I lie down on a big fur rug in front of the fire, and I‟m kind of
mesmerized by the flames. Before I know it, I‟m touching myself.”

Gaea glared at him briefly, then went back to staring. “Slow, sensual.

I‟m not in a rush. The crackling of the fire makes me drowsy, but not
sleepy. My hand moves down until I find...”
He nodded his encouragement. “Then I close my eyes, and it gets

Bas held his breath, praying she wouldn‟t stop.
“...I hear a noise. I open my eyes, and there‟s a man standing right next

to me, watching me.”

“Who is he?”
“I don‟t know. He‟s just a man. Dark, tall, well-defined body. I don‟t

know how long he‟s been there, and I‟m not at all embarrassed at what
he‟s seen. I just keep touching myself. He takes off his shirt, then his
boots. And then he reaches for his belt.”

Sebastian had to have a drink. He wanted to place the glass of ice on

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his erection, but he thought that might be a little blatant.

“He undoes his fly, and slowly takes off his pants. He‟s, um, hard.”
Bas coughed.
She glared again.
“This is hard enough.”
“Tell me about it.”
That earned him anther scowl. But it didn‟t stop her. Gaea just found

that glass fascinating again, and went on. “Once he‟d undressed, he lies
down next to me. We kiss. For a long time. Then he starts touching me in
the same places I touched myself. First, my…my breasts, but it‟s different
because his hands are so large and callused. It‟s a totally different
experience. He tells me to stop. To touch him instead, and I do. Then his
hands slide down my body until he, you know...”

“And he starts rubbing in small circles. The pressure is just right, not

too hard or soft, and he keeps rubbing, and I let him go and I start getting
closer and closer, and then I start to come with a howl that rivals the
raging winds outside. He climbs on top of me, spreads my thighs with his
legs and he slams into me like he‟s found the best place on earth to be.”

Bas let out the breath he‟d held forever. Gaea tossed back the rest of

her drink. Their waitress coughed, put their drinks down, and backed away
her face as red at the cranberry in Gaea‟s cape cod.

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Chapter Ten

Kallie looked in the bathroom mirror and fought back a smile. Several

minutes ago, she‟d covered her face with a very unattractive-looking green
mask, one she‟d found in a woman‟s magazine, that was supposed to make
her skin radiant. She‟d also conditioned her hair with mashed bananas, and
timed it so that she could wash the entire experiment off at once. But that
wasn‟t for at least another ten minutes.

In the meantime, she‟d pulled out her hair removal kit and sat down on

the commode lid to begin the long and laborious process of removing all
signs of hair from the neck down. She couldn‟t keep her thoughts off the
wonderful day she‟d spent with Dax. Yeah, yeah, she knew it didn‟t mean
anything, but he‟d been so extremely kind to her, it seemed like a dream.

They‟d talked about his childhood and hers, which weren‟t so

different. She was the youngest of five, he of six. She‟d been on the
receiving end of the wholehearted encouragements from her parents to
push herself and accomplish everything she could in life, where he‟d had
the support of his mother to keep him. The one area in which they differed
the most was that Dax‟s father was a surly and rigid man who had
believed Dax‟s looks automatically made him suspect, and he‟d tortured
his son constantly, accusing him of being gay and having feminine ways.
His father‟s treatment had been extremely difficult for Dax, who was a
sensitive boy, and had caused him to be circumspect of every emotion.

Finally, in college, at the University of Nebraska, Dax had discovered

he wasn‟t gay, wouldn‟t become gay, and whatever anyone else thought of
the situation was their problem. From then on, it was easy to accept the
modeling jobs that had been offered. He‟d left school with one year to
finish when the offer of money became too much to ignore.

He‟d moved to New York three years ago and had met with more

success than he could have ever imagined. He‟d been on numerous

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television ads, countless magazines, billboards, including one so famous it
had become the reason she‟d learned of him. It was simply him in a pair of
boxer briefs, and people as far away as England recognized him instantly.
Fame had its drawbacks, however, most of which revolved around lack of
privacy, but he‟d said he figured there was always a price to pay for the
sort of life he was living, and he‟d grown accustomed to it.

He‟d recently gone back to school against the advice of his manager,

but he didn‟t fret over it. Dax had a plan, and it seemed to promise him a
wonderful future.

Kallie had told him of her college days, and how she never truly fit in

with any crowd she‟d found. She wasn‟t as serious as the chess club
geeks, and not as silly as the beer-drinking party lovers, but somewhere in
between. She‟d had a few good friends, but mostly she stuck to studying
and listening to music. After she graduated, she‟d researched the job
market carefully and had been offered three excellent jobs, but it was Gaea
she wanted to work with. She‟d never regretted the choice, although she
didn‟t see herself following Gaea‟s strict “work only” ethic. Kallie still
loved music, mostly classical and oldies, with some soft rock thrown in,
particularly that of Eric Clapton, to round out her tastes. That‟s when Dax
had given her that unbelievable smile.

“I know him,” he‟d said.
“Eric Clapton?”
“Yes. He‟s a good friend. I could introduce you.”
She‟d been dizzy with the joy of it. To meet Eric Clapton would thrill

Kallie to the roots of her hair, but to have Dax introduce her! It was simply
too much to think about.

Kallie finished removing the hair from one leg and picked up the

container to slather the other with hair remover when the phone rang. She
hopped down off the counter and hurried to the other room, a combination
living room and dining area, to get to the phone, fully expecting the call to
be from Gaea.

It was Dax. His sweet, husky voice took her breath away and she was

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unable to say anything for a minute after his hello. He repeated the word,
and she remembered how to speak.

“Am I bothering you?”
“Of course not. No bothering here. In fact, the opposite of bothering,

which would be, um...I don‟t know what the word for the opposite would
be but you‟re doing it. Nope. Not bothering me in the least.”

He chuckled, which made her all smiley and giddy. She say down on

the edge of the couch, and crossed her non-hairy leg over the hairy one.

“What do you have planned for tomorrow?” he asked.
“We have the dessert-and-jazz party at the Reunion Tower.”
“That‟s tomorrow night.”
“I know, but I need to be there in the afternoon to make sure all the

decorations are up and things like that.”

“Right. What time would that happen?”
“I‟m not all that certain, but probably around three.”
“Which would mean you would be available if, say, someone wanted

to take you to brunch?”

That feeling settled in her stomach again, the one where the butterflies

all took off at once and flew in different directions.

“Yes. You know, the meal that is not quite lunch and not quite


“Yes, I know. I‟ve had brunch before. Once when I was fourteen, we

stayed in Florida and we had brunch every day for a week. I ended up
overdosing on Belgium waffles and crepes.”

“So, is that a yes?”
“Of course!”
“Good. How about I pick you up at eleven?”
“Pick me up? You don‟t have to do that. I‟m not at the hotel. I‟m at my

apartment because I had things to do, and I‟m sharing a room at the hotel
with this other girl, you met her, Yolande, she has dark hair and wears

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flip-flops all the time, and anyway, she has all this stuff in the bathroom,
which is really okay, but definitely hard to get around, so I decided to
come back to my apartment to do all of my girlie stuff...” She exhaled
softly. “Too much information, huh?”

“No, not at all. However, I did know you are at your place.”
“You did?”
“I called you, remember?”
“Oh. Yeah. How?”
“On the contact information sheet from the agency.”
“So I‟ll pick you up, if, that is, you tell me where.”
“Oh, okay.”
She gave him her address and midway between her explaining where it

was, he interrupted to tell her he already knew. Kallie closed her mouth,
afraid she would start babbling on if she opened it even a bit. But then, he
said, “See you at eleven,” and she replied, “okay,” and then he hung up.

She leaned her head on the phone for a second, wondering what she‟d

done in a previous life that could give her this opportunity in the present
one. Whatever it was, she was grateful for it. When she replaced the phone
on the hook, it was covered with lots of goop from her face and hair. After
cleaning the receiver, she rushed back to the bathroom to finish removing
her body hair so she could take a shower. It was well past the time she
should have washed it off, so her face should be extra radiant. Which was
nice, because then it would match how she felt.

* * * *

Gaea remained silent a long time after the waitress made her getaway.

She was embarrassed, sure, but not terminally. She just wasn‟t certain
what to say next. How did one follow up after what she just revealed?

Finally, she looked over at Bas to find he was laughing. His face was

kind of scrunched up, but on him, it looked good. Gaea smiled,

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appreciating the joke, but also a little concerned. The sharing of her tale
had taken a toll. The erotic thrill had dissolved somewhat, but there was a
lingering sensation below her waist that made her shift in her seat.

He stirred her up, this man. Something serious. Yes, she‟d decided to

go with the flow, so to speak, and scratch her proverbial itch. But
something else nagged at her, and it was a little voice in the back of her
head that said this wasn‟t all about sex. And if it was just about sex, then
having sex might not be the smartest idea. Having sex might lead to
wanting more, and more was what she couldn‟t have.

All she had to do was think about the end of the campaign and the

potential jobs that lay ahead for her. On the other hand, the distraction of
the attraction was rapidly becoming too much to ignore, and that could
easily lead to disaster.

“Now, that was a moment I won‟t soon forget,” Bas said, wiping the

corner of his eyes with his finger tips. “The look on our waitress‟ face. I‟m
willing to bet you another dinner sometime this week that we‟ll have
another server for the rest of our meal.”

“I won‟t take that bet.” She sipped her new drink, careful not to down

too much, as she was starving and the liquor would put her on her butt if
she weren‟t careful. “I think they‟re probably all pulling straws to see who
has to serve us.”

“You certainly took it all in stride.”
She shrugged. “Not much I can do about telling the truth to the

question that was asked. Why freak out?”

“Why, indeed?” He held up his glass. “To indomitability.”
She touched her glass to his and took another sip. “I hope they don‟t

barter too much. I‟m hungry.”

“Me, too.”
They both turned in the direction of the kitchen, but no server

appeared, so they settled back to wait.

“That was great, by the way,” he said. “Just the sort of insight I was

looking for.”

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“You know, the last time I checked, there were a ton of books that

detail, and even analyze, women‟s sexual fantasies. Couldn‟t you just read
about them?”

“I have, and they didn‟t work. Informal evidence from a cross section

of anonymous women is okay, but it doesn‟t get to the heart of what I‟m
looking for. My line of thinking is that if I can understand one particular
woman, you, then I‟ll see all women in a new light.”

Gaea shook her head. “Hasn‟t every man since the beginning of time

tried to figure women out and failed?”

“Yes! That‟s what makes my research so interesting.”
“You want my opinion on this entire plan of yours?”
“I think you‟re a closet voyeur, and you‟re getting your rocks off

asking me all of this embarrassing personal stuff.”

Instead of the hearty laugh she expected, his eyebrows furrowed and

he frowned. “You could be right, although I haven‟t sought out voyeuristic
situations in the past.”

“I was kidding.”
“I know. But I don‟t think it‟s something I can simply dismiss out


“I have to be honest with you, Gaea. I‟m not the model of

indomitability that you are. When you were describing your fantasy, it
wasn‟t all research and scientific here.”

“It wasn‟t?”
He shook his head. “No. There was a very distinct uprising, if you get

my drift.”

She hid her smile behind her drink. “Oh, my.”
“Well, maybe we should call it to an end. The research, I mean.”
He hesitated, but not for long. “No, I don‟t think so. I think we should

continue on.”

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“But what if there‟s another „uprising?‟”
He slid closer to her. “It‟s a very real possibility.”
He nodded, scooted closer. “However,” he murmured, keeping his

voice low, unreachable to any nearby servers, “I believe that my reaction
to you is an important factor in this project.”

“It is?”
“Yes. If I wasn‟t turned on, then you wouldn‟t be the right subject to


“Okay. So it‟s not any woman. It‟s a particular woman you‟re attracted


“Exactly. And it‟s equally important that the woman—you—be

attracted to me.”

She frowned. “I am?”
The look on his face was riotous. Complete surprise. She hadn‟t

thought of him as bigheaded, and he certainly hadn‟t behaved like one of
those guys who thought they were God‟s gift, but it was obvious he‟d
sensed the heat between them.

Gaea decided to be nice and relieve him of his misery. “I‟m kidding,”

she said. “I‟d be lying if I said it wasn‟t so.”

He relaxed visibly. And touched the back of her neck with his hand.

Her reaction was instant and intense. A flush to her checks, heat, rapid

Evidently he saw the signs, and more than likely suspected the rest.

But just then their food arrived, via another server, and they both dug in.

After the initial hunger was sated, and they could slow down to savor

the delicious meal, Bas touched her leg. “You don‟t have anything else
planned for tonight, do you?”

She shook her head.
“I‟m not anywhere near being finished with my questions.”

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“I do have to get a good night‟s sleep.”
“You‟ll have it.”
“You sure?”
“Definitely. My role is to help you with your campaign, not hinder it.”
They resumed eating, the rest of the night swirling with possibilities,

stirring the air between them. When Gaea took the last bite of food and
pushed her plate away, Bas put his fork down and called for the bill. The
server asked if they wanted dessert, and they uttered a hurried “No!” at the
same time.

“Not that I‟m overzealous,” he said.
“Of course not,” she agreed.
Bur he paid the check in record time, leaving an ample tip, while she

hailed their driver.

They didn‟t say a word as they headed toward the hotel. Not one. But

she heard him. His curiosity, his desire, his intentions. She felt him, too,
although all he touched was her arm briefly.

By the time they reached the W hotel, she was at the end of her rope.

The elevator took forever, he fumbled with the key, and then finally, thank
goodness, they were inside, the door was locked, and they were in each
other‟s arms before she could say, “I want you so badly.”

* * * *

Bas pulled her tightly against him as he moved her toward the

bedroom. Everything in his body cried out for being naked. Now. But he
didn‟t know how Gaea would react to making love on the carpet, so he
focused the one tiny section of his brain that wasn‟t completely fogged
over with sex and steadily pressed on. She tripped over something, and he
realized it would have been a good thing to have turned on the lights. But
he wasn‟t about to let go, or heaven forbid, stop kissing her. Not when her
tongue was so busy exploring every inch of his mouth, and definitely not

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when he‟d already managed to unbutton half her shirt. But when he almost
stumbled over the coffee table, he said, “This is insane.” Bas lifted her
into his arms as if he was Tarzan or something, not giving a damn what he
stumbled over. Finally, he made it to the bedroom and more importantly,
to the bed.

Once he had her safely down, he reached to the nightstand and turned

on the light. He wanted to see her. All of her. Every step of this divine

She lay panting, her shirt half-open to reveal a lemon yellow satin bra

that couldn‟t hide her very erect nipples. The sight prompted him into
action, and he almost ripped his shirt in his haste to take it off.

That spurred Gaea into action, too, and they rushed to remove their

clothes as if they were on fire. Which, in fact, they were.

By the time he got completely undressed, she‟d reached the last item—

her panties. He held out a hand. “Stop.”

She complied, her gaze moving down his chest, his stomach, finally

his erection. He‟d never been harder. Of course, she couldn‟t know that.
But from the expression on her face she wasn‟t disappointed.

“Why did you tell me to stop?” she questioned, her gaze never moving

up, even an inch.

“Because if we keep moving at this pace, it‟s going to be a very

wonderful yet extremely short experience.”

“Nothing about that is short.”
He chuckled. “Thank you, but not what I meant.”
“No? Oh! Yes. Right.”
“So let me just relish in this for a moment.”
“Relish, how?”
“Studying you,” he murmured, climbing onto the large comfortable

bed. “And caressing,” he said while his hands went to cup the most
beautiful breasts he‟d ever seen. When his hand came to rest on the perfect
bosom, he nearly came. That would have been most unfortunate. The
clever thing to do would be to think about hockey stats or perhaps leeches.

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But he couldn‟t. All he could think about was how stunning she was, and
how lucky he was, and how to be inside her was probably the most
wonderful thing that would happen in his life. Bas wanted it to last
forever. He knew that was impossible.

“Can I make a suggestion?”
“If it‟s about stopping what we‟re doing, no?”
“The exact opposite actually,” she whispered, moving her lips very

close to his. “I was thinking that we don‟t have to do this only one time.”

“I agree.”
She exhaled softly against his mouth, making his entire body twitch.
“You don‟t get my point. First time might be fast. Second time, we‟ll

go slow.”

He blinked a few times, then leaned forward and kissed her briefly, but

hard. “Gaea, you are a very smart woman.”

“Yes, I am.”

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Chapter Eleven

Please with herself, and even more thrilled with the man on top of her,

Gaea smiled slowly, watching him study her. He clearly liked what he
saw, finding amazement in whatever his gaze caught, as if every square
inch held new delightful surprises. It made her feel attractive and wanted
and it fluttered in the depths of her stomach, no lower.

She slid her hand down the length of his arm from shoulder to wrist,

softly caressing, pleased with the suggestion of corded muscle and the
silky softness of hair. When she paused, she tried to circle his wrist with
her thumb and index finger, but she couldn‟t. She studied him all the
while, noticing a tiny twitch of his left eye, the way his nostrils flared, and
his white teeth, not perfectly even, but made endearing by slight
imperfections. It was as if her vision had gone far beyond the traditional
twenty-twenty into a new sort of sight. Not because they were so close to
one another, but because a veil of typical and ordinary had been lifted. She
could read him like a book, his need, his tension, his excitement and his

More than simply noticing, she was intimately connected to him,

feeling the very emotions she saw on his face. Gaea wanted him inside
her, to make the connection stronger still. Something way beyond the five
senses was at work here, and the closer they became, the stronger it would

She shifted beneath him, Bas so still and watchful, and she lifted his

large wrist, moving his hand to the lower part of her stomach. His eyes
widened, dilated so that there was only a thin circle of green left.

Bas leaned forward, near enough that their breath mingled, but she

didn‟t close her eyes. Captivated by his scent, his face, she met his gaze
only inches away from her own. Gaea expected a kiss, but instead, he
licked her lower lip with his tongue. His hands inched downward,

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underneath her panties, until she felt him in her thatch of curls, and then,
his fingers touched her upper fold.

He moaned very deep in his throat, using his talented tongue to taste

her upper lip as he dipped inside her.

She closed her eyes, not because she wanted to, but because the

sensations were too strong. Her poor little brain couldn‟t process so many
stimuli at once, so feeling won out over sight.

Her legs parted farther and he explored the soft, wet flesh between,

inching down with the pads of his fingers, gently stroking as if she was
skittish and he needed to reassure her.

She didn‟t want to be soothed. When he plunged inside, using two

fingers, she moved those last inches that separated their months, kissing
him hard, sucking his tongue as if it would save her.

Bas moaned again, and she felt the vibration against her lips, in her

chest. She arched her hips toward him, forcing his fingers deeper. He got
to his knees, straddling her. Gaea wiggled a bit and got a smile in

A tearing sound distracted her and she looked down to see him pull a

rolled condom out of a foil packet. She watched, enthralled, as he unrolled
it over his thick flesh. Then his hands moved to her hips where he grasped
her panties and pulled them down slowly.

He ran into a complication where his legs and hers touched. Instead of

moving, he grasped one side of her satin thong panties in both hands and
tore them apart. The sound, the rip, was louder than their combined
breaths. He looked extremely pleased with himself as he dripped the
ruined material. Slowly, patiently, he lifted one knee and moved it inside
the V of her legs. Then he moved the other until she bracketed him. But it
was clear his hold was superior as he pushed her knees apart, wider and
wider until he was satisfied. His gaze traveled down from her face to her
chest to the view he‟d just created. Bas‟s breath quickened, his chest
contracting and expanding like a sprinter‟s, his lips parted, his hands fisted
at his sides, then opened with effort.

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She felt exposed, more naked than naked as he looked at her with his

raw hunger, and she wanted him to enter her, to take her now.

Just as she opened her mouth to voice a plea, he leaned down and

braced himself with corded arms on either side of her. He shifted his
weight to the right as he used his left hand for guidance.

As she felt the tip of him touch her, he whispered, “Gaea,” forcing her

gaze to meet his. The connection was electrifying and breathtaking as he
slid into her wet folds inch by inch, filling her with his body, becoming
something greater than him and her.

Both arms now flexed on either side of her as he balanced on hands

and knees. The tension in his body was like a bow string, drawing tighter
and tighter, even the cords in his neck. He stared at her, his intensity
making her tremble as he thrust in, pulled out, and thrust in again. She
grasped the sheets in both fists, pulling the material up from the bed. Her
hips rose to meet his challenge, and they found a feral rhythm that linked
bodies and heartbeats.

There were no words to describe the feel of him inside her, only gasps

and moans, primitive and erotic.

Sebastian‟s eyes closed as his thrusts quickened, and her body

responded in kind. It was coming, the corkscrew of tension deep in her
body like a coil pulled tight. Her mouth opened and she heard her own
loud cry as if from someone else, someone far away, and then the sound
changed and it was her again as the last bit of tension fractured with an
orgasm that started between her legs and spread like a raging wildfire
throughout her body.

He grimaced, arching his back, his head thrown back with a growl.

One final thrust, so fierce she was pushed a foot up the bed, and then he
froze, straining, and she trembled as another wave of pleasure swamped

The room dimmed, another spasm racked her, and then she felt her

legs and her hands, felt the air in her lungs, heard him take a ragged breath
as he relaxed.

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He looked down and gave her a slow smile. “Damn.”
“I couldn‟t have said it better,” she replied, surprised her voice

sounded so normal.

“So it wasn‟t just me?”
She shook her head. “No.”
His grin widened. “Good.”
Raising her hand, she pushed back his hair from his forehead, enjoying

the soft texture between her fingers. “Does this ruin your research?”

“Research? Oh, yeah. No, not at all. I‟m thinking this is a very good


“Oh yeah.” His smile faded. “I don‟t want to, but I have to.”
Bas slipped out of her and rolled her onto her side. For several

moments, her gaze focused on the rise and fall of his chest, then she
looked up. “How is it a good thing?”

“For one thing, I can maybe think a lot more clearly.”
“In what way?”
“Lusting after you was sort of occupying most of my brain.”
“I see.”
“And also, I‟m thinking we‟ve experienced something pretty intimate

so that should make it easier for you to answer my questions.”

“I wouldn‟t be so certain about that.”
“You don‟t think this was a profound moment?”
She gave him her “You’ve got to be kidding” look. “I‟m not positive

what this new level of closeness will do. What if I‟m more reserved?”

Having finally regulated his breathing, Bas rolled over onto his side,

propping his head up on one hand. “You think so? Well, let‟s test your
theory. What‟s the most exotic fantasy you‟ve ever had?”

“I thought we‟d discussed fantasies.”

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“We have, but we‟ve barely scratched the surface.”
“Work with me. I want to know the naughtiest, most wicked thoughts

you‟ve ever had. The one that would get you arrested in every city but Las

She laughed. “As if I would tell you.”
He frowned with mock disappointment. “You said you would share

everything. You gave me your word.”

“Some things are better left unknown.”
“Uh-huh. I can‟t believe you. No way. You chickening out on me like

this. I thought you were brave and willing to face a challenge head on, but
sadly, I see I was mistaken.” He let his head drop to his forearm. “And
after I‟ve given you the best of everything I have.”

She fought to keep from rolling her eyes. “Give me a break.”
“Oh, no. Don‟t try to take it all back now. The connection between us

has been severed permanently.” He put his palm to his chest. “I‟m
wounded to the core.”

“Okay. Okay. I‟ll make a deal with you. You tell me your deepest and

darkest fantasy, and then I‟ll tell you mine.”

His head was up in a second, resting once again on his hand. “Truly?”
“You are completely incorrigible. You know that?”
“Yes, but at least I‟m determined.”
She arched a dark brow in his direction. “Tell me this. Even if you do

tell me something raunchy and sexually explicit, how will I know if it‟s
the most wicked one you have? Maybe you have a whole slew of wild
fantasies, and you‟re telling me one of the tame ones just to put the
squeeze on me.”

“Have I been dishonest with you up until this point?”
“How am I supposed to know that?”
“Let me help you out. No, I haven‟t, and I never will.”
“That‟s what you say.”
“I just think this is your way of wimping out.”

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“You could be right.”
“That‟s not fair.”
“Well, Bas, I hate to be the one who tells you this, but life is often not


He got that Oscar winning astonished look again. “What? Tell me it

isn‟t so.”

“No can do.”
“That sucks.”
“Yes, it does. But we have to deal with it.”
He studied her for long moment. “As much as I hate to, we‟re going to

have to postpone this conversation just a few. You stay put. Don‟t move
an inch.”

She exhaled dramatically. “I‟ll do my best, but I make no guarantees.”
Bas slid off the bed and headed for the bathroom while she boldly

stared at his cute butt. When the bathroom door closed, she let her head
rest against the pillow once more and closed her eyes.

There was no questioning the fact that she‟d just had the best sex ever.

No competition, hands down. She‟d experienced intense moments...
Unimaginable. But also frightening.

When he‟d withdrawn from her, she‟d felt as if she‟d lost some part of

herself. Surely that wasn‟t supposed to happen during casual sex. Even
before now, with men she really liked, there had been a feeling of relief
when it was over. She‟d never been the cuddling type and had often been
accused of being like a guy when it came to that sort of thing. That‟s why
she never brought men back to her place. Because she always felt the need
to make a quick getaway. But with Bas, she didn‟t want to leave his
embrace. She wouldn‟t have pushed him away if he‟d wanted to stay
longer to cuddle. Strange. Alarming.

Her gaze traveled to the door. The most concerning thing about him

wasn‟t this, although it came close, but the fact that as hard as she tried,
she couldn‟t find anything wrong with him. Perfection didn‟t exist. No one
she‟d ever encountered was near perfect. So what was his vice? Did he

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hide behind his research? Was he commitment phobic? Did his
relationships really dissolve because they weren‟t meant to be, or did he
change when he fell in love?

It was something to consider. Not that it really mattered that much,

because there was no way in heck she was going to get seriously involved
with him, but still. It was absolutely confusing. Perhaps, if it were a
different time in her life, she‟d want to figure it all out. However, right
now, she‟d better keep her focus clear. Casual sex was casual sex. Even
mind-altering sex. Not anything more.

She sat up, and looked at the remaining material of her torn satin

panties bunched around one leg. Taking them off, she threw them into the
trashcan as she went to the closet and got her robe. It was late. She‟d
better get some rest. Tomorrow was going to be a busy day.

* * * *

Sebastian ran his hand through his hair, impatient to get back to Gaea,

whether it was to pick up their discussion or something more physical,
although the conversation so far had certainly piqued his interest. He
couldn‟t stop thinking about what had just happened. Hell, it was the most
passionate encounter he could ever remember. Maybe it was the prolonged
days of foreplay, but he wasn‟t all too certain. Something was transpiring
between them, but he was about to try to define it. What he needed was
further investigation. Some hands-on research. His favorite kind. He
hadn‟t been dishonest when he said this was a good thing. With Gaea, the
expectation into her mind, her sexual character, her method of approach,
would definitely be enlightening. Revealing. Intriguing. He couldn‟t wait
to begin, and not just with questions about her fantasies, but her
inspiration, her viewpoint on the male gender, and anything else he could
uncover about her entire being.

To be able to get to know someone that well would be life altering.

There was no doubt in his mind. He‟d gotten to know a few women very

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well. Helena and Linda for, certain, however, neither of them had incited
this level of interest. By some wild shot of chance, he‟d been given
complete access to someone who not only stimulated him physically, but
intellectually and emotionally as well. It was like discovering a rare work
of art, a perfect, unmarred stash of infinite wealth, ready to be analyzed
piece by piece.

He made his way across the dark living room, his pace increasing as he

neared the bedroom. Only, when he arrived at the door, he saw the empty
bed. A flash of color caught his eye and he turned to find Gaea standing by
the TV, her robe tied tightly at her waist, her arms folded over her chest.

The vivacious woman he‟d left the bed had vanished, substituted by

someone he didn‟t know. Quiet, withdrawn, aloof. What had happened in
the short time that he‟d been away?

She smiled, but it didn‟t reach her eyes, full of caution.
“Is something wrong?”
“No. I just saw what time it is. I‟m not going to have many nights

where I can get a good night‟s sleep, so I‟d better take advantage of it.”

Even her voice sounded different. He felt exposed and defenseless

standing in front of her, so he went to the mound of his clothes he‟d so
carelessly discarded on the floor near the bed. Bas pulled on his pants
before he turned to face her, using the time to collect his thoughts, shoving
his fury aside so he could try to comprehend this peculiar turn of events.

When he faced her again, it occurred to him that she‟d experienced the

shock he had, and this was her way of handling it. That had to be it.

“Why are you looking at me like that?” she asked.
“No reason. You are actually right. Plenty of rest is exactly what you

need. I know you have a lot left to do this week.”

The tension in her shoulder dissipated. “Not that what we just


“I know. So did I. You‟re incredible. But the priority is the campaign,

and I‟m here to make sure nothing interferes with that. So why don‟t you
go get ready for bed? The bathroom is all yours.”

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“Oh, um, good.” Her smile faltered and for a second, he thought she

was back, but then she set her shoulders, averting her gaze. “Thank you.”

“No problem.”
Gaea walked past him, sure not to get too close. And then she was


More let down than he cared to admit, he picked up his clothes and

headed for the living room. His gaze traveled to the closed bathroom door.
Bas threw the articles in his arms onto the floor beside the couch and
tossed the pillows on top of them. He pulled the bed out so hard the entire
couch moved, but he didn‟t care.

So he‟d cut her some slack. She was afraid. He understood. His mother

would be pleased. So why was he so ticked off? He‟d been given the short
end of the stick. Even though he comprehended the reason, read the fear in
Gaea‟s body language, it didn‟t matter. He‟d been more elated than he
could ever remember being just a few minute ago, ecstatic as a kid on his
birthday getting ready to open his gifts.

Which had just been taken away.
He got undressed again, slipping into a pair of shorts, then waited a

moment to see if she would come out of the bathroom, and maybe... But a
few seconds turned into a minute and a minute turned into several, and
after a while, he didn‟t care whether she came out or not.

Bas crawled under the covers and beat his pillow until it had the

perfect indentation for his head. Bas heard the bathroom door open, saw
the light behind his eyelids fade as she slipped the switch, heard the soft
footpads as she crossed the carpet to her bedroom. Even though she tried
to mute it, he could hear the click of the door as she shut him out.

It was a long, long time before sleep came.

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Chapter Twelve

Gaea looked up into the darkness above her. For all her insistence that

she needed a good night‟s sleep, she certainly wasn‟t getting one. The last
time she‟d glanced at the clock, it had been one-thirty. She‟d tried her best
to keep her eyes closed, did some relaxation exercises, but her thoughts
kept returning to Bas and how she‟d handled things.

She could tell he was upset. Not that she blamed him. Talk about being

wishy-washy. The poor guy hadn‟t had any sort of warning. On the other
hand, it was probably best that she‟d called their sex-fest to an end. It
didn‟t feel like the right thing to do, but that‟s only because it had been
such a long time since she‟d made love. So long, that somehow, she‟d
forgotten how much she enjoyed it. If she didn‟t know any better, she‟d
have sworn making love with Bas was an entirely different experience
than anything she‟d done before, but that was crazy. The atmosphere, the
conversation at dinner, the hotel suite, all had come together to turn the
night into something extraordinary. And to be honest about it, she really
did like Bas. He was a wonderful guy, and had it been a different time in
her life...

Oh damn it to hell and back.
Gaea rolled over and hit her pillow. It didn‟t help. Even she was

stupefied by her own excuses. She liked the guy. Loved making love with
him. Gaea wanted more. Was it actually possible to have? Bas and her
career? Could she have missed a clue along the way that would prove
she‟d been completely wrong?

Gaea tried to think of one person, one woman who‟d had a gratifying

love life in junction with a notable career. Her mind drew blank for several
minutes, and when she did finally think of someone, an account manager
she‟d met at a huge networking event, she remembered Ursula and her
boyfriend living in separate cities, her in Texas, him in Florida. Maybe

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that was the trick—distance. Maybe she could have the same sort of set up
with Bas. Actual distance would work. They lived in the same state,
practically the same city. Maybe they could agree not to see each other but
once every month or so.

Rolling over, she felt the first ray of hope in the long night. This just

might work. As long as they agreed not to contact each other during the
interim. Act as though they were honestly separated by a few states.

The more she thought about it, the more it seemed like a good idea. He

would be a respite, a treat, a prize for hard work. Bas could focus on his
consulting jobs or come up with more research projects and not have to
worry about a significant other. She could dive into building her
successful career and not be sidetracked.

Gaea smiled. This just may be the best idea she‟d ever had, better even

than the concept for the Marcella Girardi fashion campaign.

Talk about having it all. This could be the solution to everything.
The compulsion was to get up right then and race out to the living

room. But she wasn‟t going to take a chance of waking him. Besides, it
was a little too soon to present the scenario. He might not see the
perfection of the plan. She‟d be patient, see if the two of them continued to
go as well they had. But at least she didn‟t feel she had to keep him at
arm‟s length. As a matter of fact, the more they connected now, the easier
it would be to get him with the program.

She exhaled with relief, found a comfortable position, and let her mind

wander. Her life was good, and so was sex.

Yes, it was.

* * * *

It wasn‟t the yellow cab Kallie had expected. Instead, Dax picked her

up in one of the service cars that had been assigned to the models for the
fashion campaign, which was perfectly okay with her. He could have
ridden up on a bicycle, and she‟d have been thrilled.

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He looked delicious in worn jeans and a blue golf shirt. His hair was

still a little damp, but still looked extremely tempting. Kallie pulled her
apartment door closed, and when she turned to look at him, his smile made
her feel as if it was all of her best days rolled up into one.

“You look beautiful,” he said.
No way in the world would she admit that she‟d tried on every piece of

clothing in her closet before choosing the pale pink cap sleeve dress.
Kallie didn‟t want to wear any of the froufrou clothes she‟d brought for
this week‟s events, but she didn‟t want to wear jeans.

“I didn‟t know where we were going,” she murmured.
“What you have on is perfect.”
Her face heated for what she was certain was only the first of many

times to come. She couldn‟t help it. Blushing had always been the bane of
her existence. There were days when she wondered why she‟d been cursed
with such a fair complexion.

“So, um, where are we going?”
“A quaint café I know. It‟s not extravagant, but the food is good.”
“I‟m glad. I love Belgium waffles and bacon.”
“It‟s on the menu.”
“And eggs. Sometimes. As long as they are fried. I prefer medium

where the yoke isn‟t too runny. With a side of hash browns.

“That sounds like my sort of breakfast.”
He nodded.
Just then, the driver took a corner, rapidly, and she fell right into Dax‟s

arms. Embarrassed, she tried to sit up, but found she couldn‟t.

“Wait a second,” he said.
When Kallie looked up, it was right into his face, only inches away.


“I‟ve wanted to do this for some time now,” he whispered, and then he

leaned down until his lips touched hers.

For several heartbeats, all Kallie could do was blink and hold her

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breath. But then the explosions in her brain stopped, and she actually felt
his soft breath, his gentle lips, his firm arms holding her close.

Her eyelids drifted close as she gave herself up to the moment. Right

now it felt like someone else‟s life, but as long as she was borrowing it,
she might as well savor it.

Sweet buttered corn, she hadn‟t had many boyfriends. Her nerd status

in high school and college had sealed her fate when it came to her social
calendar. One time she‟d been invited to a party by a guy who seemed to
love to drink. What made it even weirder was how much he kept telling
Kallie how much she looked like his sister. The night ended with him
retching on her. As far as memories went, it was one she tried not to

Now, this current situation was the stuff memories should be made of.

Dax Kavanagh, who was amusing, intelligent, and more considerate than
she could have ever imagined, kissing her. Holding her.

She inhaled sharply as she felt his tongue swipe her bottom lip. The

gasp gave him the opening he was looking for, and in a moment that
would be burned into her mind forever, she tasted him. A hint of mint, a
hint of chocolate, and oh, God, Dax!

Kallie could stop breathing right now, and it would be okay. In fact,

she sort of wished she would, because there was no way life could get any
better than this moment.

She startled when she realized he‟d pulled back and was looking

directly at her. “Yes?”

“Are you okay?”
She nodded. Several times.
“Just making sure.”
“Yes. Great. Elated.”
He smiled. “That‟s wonderful. But now we need to get out of the car.

We are in a no parking zone and the driver needs to find a better place to

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They‟d stop moving and she hadn‟t even known it. Oh, crap! She sat

up, patted her hair to make sure it was still decent, cleared her throat, and
did her best to come back to the real world that she had drifted away from.

By the time Dax had gotten out and finished speaking with the driver,

she was almost back to herself. Not really all together by Gaea‟s
standards, but not her normal Kallie self either.

He enclosed her hand in his, another good memory to be filed away,

and led her into the charming restaurant. Maybe she wasn‟t as composed
as she thought, for she barely felt her feet touch the sidewalk.

* * * *

Bas woke up to pounding. Loud hammering. He hadn‟t slept worth a

damn, and waking was no easy task. His eyes refused to open, his legs
were all tangled in the sheets, and whoever was knocking was about to
have their life cut short.

“Hang on,” he said, but doubted the knocker heard him. Finally, Bas

made it to his feet. He walked toward the door, careful not to bump into
anything. A quick glance to the bedroom door let him know that if Gaea
had heard the door, she wasn‟t in any hurry to answer it.

Bas leaned forward and peered through the peephole. As he‟d

suspected, Arnold, the creep, was the one making all the noise. Just as Bas
reached for the doorknob, ready to hand Arnold‟s ass to him on a platter,
he remembered the pull out couch.

Damn it!
“Hang on,” he said. “Just a moment.”
Bas rushed to the bed, threw the pillows to the side and shoved the bed

back into the couch. It jammed, of course, just long enough for Arnold to
get impatient and start knocking again. The bed gave in to physical
pressure, and then he tossed the pillows on in random order. It was good
enough. He jumped over the coffee table and made it back to the door
before Arnold beat it off its hinges. Bas yanked the door open. “I hope it‟s
an emergency, Arnold.”

Arnold‟s dejected gaze took in Bas‟s bare feet and boxer shorts. “I

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would like to speak to Gaea,” he responded, his words borderline

“She‟s asleep.”
“Gaea will want to get up for me.”
“I doubt it.”
Arnold exhaled heavily, adjusted his stance so he was halfway to

getting inside. Bas wasn‟t about to allow that to occur.

“Look, Arnold, as soon as she‟s up, she‟ll give you a call.”
“It‟s important.”
“I‟m sure you wouldn‟t be here if it wasn‟t. But we had a pretty long

night, if you know what I mean.”

That got a response. Red-faced, Arnold attempted to look past Bas‟s

shoulder, trying to get a glance at the bedroom door.

That was the last straw. Not caring if he harmed Arnold or not, Bas

shoved Arnold‟s shoulders with one hand while he closed the door with
the other. “I‟ll give her your message.”

“She‟ll call you,” he stated as the door finally closed. “Man, he really

is a piece of work.”

Bas turned around, not at all happy about having to remake the bed.

Yet, he was still extremely tired. He‟d left his watch on the coffee table,
but he didn‟t need it to tell him it was still early in the morning.

In actuality it was just past noon. Oh well.
“Was that Arnold?”
Gaea‟s voice surprised him, and he looked up to find her standing in

the open bedroom door.

“Is there a problem?”
“If there is, he probably made it up or caused it.”
She covered a wide yawn behind her hand as she made her way to the

bathroom, her robe flying behind her. Bas reacted to the sight in a way that

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contradicted his last interaction with her. But he couldn‟t deny that she
was still stunning. Even with her hair in disarray, and makeup giving her
that popular smudged look. He wanted her just as she was. Well, okay, he
could hold off until she took care of her morning hygiene, but barely.

He wondered which Gaea he‟d be dealing with this morning. The

lascivious woman he‟d made love to or the one scared to death of being an
inch outside of her comfort zone. Maybe wishing for the former would
help. That‟s exactly what he did as he fixed the couch, rearranging the
pillows and gathering up his clothes. He stared at his robe for several
minutes, but decided not to put it on. If it was the sensual one, he wanted
to be ready.

Talk about optimistic. She‟d made it very apparent last night that she

wasn‟t real comfortable about crossing the line of business arrangement to
personal. Bas could either be the nice guy and go along with her request,

One thing of which he was quite certain of—when they‟d made love

last night, Gaea had been right there with him, stroke for stroke, caress for
caress. She‟d come alive in his arms. Man, it had been like nothing else
he‟d ever experienced. He wanted that woman back. Needed to have her

Bas exhaled deeply. Being Mr. Nice Guy wasn‟t getting him

anywhere. From this moment on, there would be a change in plans.

* * * *

Gaea had turned on the shower the instant she‟d stepped into the

bathroom. She hadn‟t gotten in yet, though. Instead, she‟d gone through
her daily morning routine of washing her face and brushing her teeth.
She‟d even disrobed and looked at herself in the mirror. All the while
steam from the hot water filled the bathroom. She figured she‟d better
make a decision. Time wasn‟t going to stand still.

One more analytical look at her nude body. Not too bad, although she

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could lose a few pounds, especially in the hip and thigh area. The personal
trainer had been a wonderful investment. Yes, it cost her a fortune, but the
spent money incited her. Now, if she could exert more will power at
dessert time, maybe she could achieve the body shape she wanted.

It wasn‟t going to happen with her just staring at herself in the mirror.

There was a lot to do today and she needed to get a move on. She‟d
wasted so much time, Bas was probably growing impatient to use the
bathroom, but that didn‟t matter. With the right motivation, she could get
him to forget his need to get ready.

After a quick shower, she turned off the water and put on her robe.

Closing her eyes briefly, she put her hand up to her mouth and did a quick
breath check, just in case. Then she went out to get started on what she‟d
named Project Sebastian. He wasn‟t the only one with a goal and a plan to
accomplish it. And Gaea had always excelled when it came to
achievement. Give her a test and she was a force to be reckoned with. So
watch out, Mr. former Navy Seal slash top researcher. The ball was in her
court and she planned to make sure she came out on top.

* * * *

“This is one of the best restaurants I‟ve ever been to,” Kallie said.

“Except I ate like a pig.” She wiped her mouth with her napkin. “I never
thought about it before, but that‟s a very interesting idiom.”

Dax put down his fork and smiled at her. “You could be right. I‟ve

never really thought about it either.”

“Sort of unattractive sounding, especially when you conjure up the

image of a pig eating and what it is that they eat.”

“But it gets the point across.”
She nodded. “How did you find this restaurant?”
It wasn‟t a large place. In fact, it was what one would call a hole-in-

the-wall. That didn‟t matter, though. All the tables were occupied, mostly
with a middle-aged crowd, but it seemed the most popular area of the

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restaurant was the to-go counter, especially the see through display.
Behind the glass were delicious-looking baked goods, from fresh-baked
pastries to homemade bagels. Having grown up near a bakery, she was
extremely familiar with the tasty morsels. If she wasn‟t due back at the
hotel tonight, she‟d purchase a bunch of the savory food.

“What are you thinking about?”
“Bagels with cream cheese and lox.”
He chuckled loudly, and the sound made her feel all warm inside.
“Not the response I expected.”
“But look at all that baked goodness,” she stated, pointing toward the

display case. “I can‟t believe I ate so much yet I still want more. But who
could blame me? When is the last time you saw such a delicious looking
piece of bread?”

“I haven‟t. It‟s one of a kind.”
“Are you making fun of me?”
His eyes widened as if he was offended. “Of course not. Not at all. The

way you think intrigues me.”

She scowled. “I think just like other people. Don‟t I?”
“No.” Dax took her hands in his. “Not in the least. Which is awesome,

so there is no need for you to get all worried over it.”

“How can I not? I mean, I know I‟m not like the most average person

in the world, but I never thought I was that peculiar.”

“Peculiar? I prefer unique. You are a very unique person.” He caressed

the back of her hand with his fingertip, causing her entire body to tremble.
“As soon as you overcome that wanting-to-fit-in-with-everyone-else stage,
it‟s what you look for in others. The uncommon things. Good or bad, it‟s
always fascinating.”

“Well, psychopaths are different.”
“Uh, yeah, you don‟t want to stretch it too far, but I can‟t think of

anything more awful than trying to fit in by attempting to be like everyone

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“That‟s the last thing you have to worry about. Believe me, you‟re not.

You‟re the most attractive guy in the world.”

Dax laughed out loud, while Kallie turned fifteen shades of red. She

couldn‟t believe that just came out of her mouth. If she could have crawled
under the table and hid, she would have.

“Oh, gorgeous, don‟t be embarrassed. That is very nice of you to say.

And yes, I am nice-looking enough to be a model, I know that. Which is
okay as long as I don‟t let it go to my head.”

“That‟s the great thing about it all. You don‟t. I would have never

guessed you would be so polite and welcoming.”

“Thought I‟d be all snobbish and egotistical, huh?”
“Yes. In case you weren‟t aware, physically attractive people can get

everything they desire. I would think it to be easy to be drawn into that.”

“Do you get everything you want?”
“Me? Why do you ask?”
One corner of his mouth curved upward. “You‟re exceptionally


“And you are delirious from too much food.”
He leaned back, his eyebrows arching high on his forehead. “So I‟m

nice but dishonest?”

“Of course not!”
“Then you‟ll just have to accept what I say as the truth, won‟t you?”
For the first time in her life, Kallie was speechless. Couldn‟t form a

response to save her life. She was Sleeping Beauty waiting to be
awakened, Cinderella who‟d been invited to the best ball of them all.
Kallie felt certain she was going to wake up and find it was all a dream,
but hoped it wouldn‟t happen yet. It was the best time she‟d ever had.

“You know,” Dax said, “there‟s this party I have to attend tonight. At

the Reunion Tower. I need a date and I can‟t think of anyone better than
you. How about it?”

“What? I already have to... Oh!”
The other corner of his mouth curled upward and the day became that

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much brighter.

“I‟d be delighted to.”
“Good deal. What time do you have to be there again?”
The sunshine dimmed some. “Too early. By three o‟clock.”
“Not a problem. What do you say we start our date around eight? After

I arrive.”

“I think that‟s a great idea. I‟d like that very much.”
He brought her hand up to his mouth, placed a kiss on the back of it.

“Great,” he murmured. “Make sure you save the first dance for me.”

Kallie almost melted into a puddle on the spot. She changed her mind

right then. If this was a dream, she didn‟t want to wake up.


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Chapter Thirteen

Gaea exited the bathroom. She was still wearing her robe. And she was

smiling. Both good signs. But she also had an unfamiliar spark to her eyes,
as if there was something naughty going on inside that impressive brain of

“How‟d you sleep?” she asked.
“Very well. The fold out bed is very comfortable. How about you?”
“Okay. Good.”
He smiled, nodded. Not quite certain what to do next, which wasn‟t

something he was used to.

She made her way over to the couch, sat on the opposite end. Grossing

her legs, she let the robe fall so that her thigh was visible. Bas couldn‟t tell
if she had anything on beneath it.

“I still can‟t believe Arnold,” she mumbled. “He is very persistent,

isn‟t he?”

“Yeah. He appeared to be very eager to talk to you.”
Gaea scowled prettily. He thought she looked beautiful without

makeup. It made him think about the feel of her soft skin.

“I guess I‟ll get this over with. “ She picked up the receiver, placed it

to her ear, then dialed Arnold‟s number.

As she listened to Arnold, she swung her lower leg, and his gaze

moved down to her feet. Bas didn‟t have a foot fetish, although he knew of
at least one among his circle of friends that did, but the way her toes
looked with the hot pink polish, the elegant curve of her arch, sent a very
intriguing message to the lower regions of his body.

He crossed his own legs, regretting that he hadn‟t put on a pair of

pants. Bas had never really thought about how exposed one could feel to
be dressed only in boxers. Nice boxers, sure, silk, bought by an ex-
girlfriend at Neiman‟s, but even so, they didn‟t leave a lot to the

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“We‟ll be there at three,” Gaea stated, “and I‟m positive that Ivana can

fix everything. That‟s why we paid big money to hire her. Everything will
be perfect tonight, I promise.”

His gaze traveled from her feet up to her ankles, trim, dainty, up her

well-shaped calf to her firm thigh. Somehow, it was more of a turn on than
if she‟d been completely nude. Maybe not. The idea of her unclothed,
sitting so casually on the sofa, talking to that creep of a boss, made his
problem even worse. He prayed she didn‟t ask him for something to drink,
or write with, because standing would be almost impossible and most
assuredly, uncomfortable.

“Bas was only thinking of my best interest,” she stated. “He knows

what a tough week this is going to be, and how much I need my rest. I
know if your wife were here, she‟d do the same.”

He looked up to see Gaea smiling at him, a furtive grin that made him

think she‟d definitely gotten over her apprehension from last night. Maybe
he was just too hopeful, but deep down, he didn‟t think so. It was an
unsubstantial guess, but with the robe, the exposed leg. It all added up.

Being the man of action that he was, he bravely scooted over on the

couch. Not enough to actually touch her, but their hands could have met in
the middle.

“I‟ll call Ivana, and I‟ll let you know if there‟s an issue, okay? If not,

I‟ll see you at the Reunion Tower.” Gaea hung up the phone before
turning to look at him. “Sorry about that.”

“No problem.”
“I wanted to talk to you about last night.” She hesitated, glanced

downward, then back at him. “I really had a wonderful time.”

“So did I.”
“But I was a little scared, too. I wasn‟t anticipating this. You. It‟s been

a long time since I...”

“I understand.”
“I really hope you do. Because I don‟t want you to think it was

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something you did.”

“Thank you.”
“As a small apology, I‟d like to buy you lunch. Would you be okay

with that?”

“Consider your apology accepted. Where are we going?”
She wavered again, but this time, she didn‟t look away. “Here. Room

service. And I was thinking about breakfast instead.”

“I don‟t have to be anywhere until three.”
“Okay then.”
Her grin turned up the temperature about one hundred degrees.

“Maybe, after we eat, we can have dessert.”

Bas tried to think of something clever to say, but his brain had stopped

working. Dessert. Hell yeah. He wondered if he could talk her into having
dessert first and breakfast second.

* * * *

Blissfully full on breakfast ham, eggs and English Muffins, Gaea

watched Bas take his last bites of pancakes, contemplating what she was
going to do next.

The meal they‟d shared had been secondary to the flirtatious dance

they‟d started just after she‟d ordered room service. Every word had been
abundant with meaning, and she couldn‟t help noticing that while
Sebastian‟s boxers were a nice silk material, they didn‟t do much to hide
his excitement. Speaking of which, her robe couldn‟t hide the state of her
nipples, evident by Bas‟s repeated stares.

To be honest, Gaea was as aroused as she could ever recall being, her

mind racing off on journeys of sensual fantasy that became more erotic as
time ticked by. However, she was thankful that she‟d been persistent that
they eat. Not only was she refreshed, but the suspense had built and built.
Now it was time for dessert. She laughed.

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His eyebrows rose.
“It‟s nothing,” she responded. “Just aimless thoughts.”
“You don‟t want to share?”
She rose from her chair and walked over behind him. “Of course. But

not my random odd thoughts.”

He‟d donned a bathrobe for the waiter, but thankfully, he‟d taken it off

as soon as the server had left, so he sat almost naked.

With so much scrumptious flesh to explore, she wasn‟t sure where to

start. Putting her hand on his broad shoulders, she let her hands drift down
his chest as she leaned forward, her breasts just brushing the back of his
head as her eyes drifted closed and her fingers did the exploring.

His quick inhalation was her first hint that she‟d chosen wisely, and

his hardened nipples the other. She‟d be willing to bet that his shorts were
fitting tighter as she encircled his nubs. Gaea had caught on to how
sensitive he was there last night. A feeling she could totally relate to.

“Gaea, holy hell. What are you doing to me?”
Sebastian‟s voice was barely more than a gnarl as he stopped her

torture by grabbing her hands. He stood, turned around, places those same
hands on either side of her face and angled toward her for a gentle,
deliberate, long kiss.

He tasted of surgery syrup with a hint of coffee, and she wished that

she had eaten something more tantalizingly sweet herself. Although, he
didn‟t seem to mind.

With the contentment of her plan to boost her prowess, she opened her

mouth without reserve to let him in, and in response, she grew more
brazen with her own touch.

Bas moved closer to her, rubbing against her, allowing her to feel what

she was doing to him. He looked forward to another round, this time with
nothing to hold her back.

Craving Bas was something she‟d never felt before with anyone else.

Why exactly, she couldn‟t put her finger on. A whole wealth of things, she
supposed. His physical attraction had a little to do with it, a wonderful

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perk. For the most part, though, it had to do with the man himself, his one-
of-a-kind approach toward life, his fortitude, his eroticism. As the word
came to mind, Bas moved his hands down to her belt and loosened it,
letting her robe fall apart.

It felt exhilarating and wicked to be naked like this. They weren‟t in

the bedroom, and it wasn‟t nighttime. His hands touched her breasts,
cupping them gently, making it hard for her to breathe.

“You‟re incredible,” he stated softly just before he nuzzled her neck.

“So astonishingly exquisite.”

“As are you,” she replied, barely cognizant of the words when her

senses were under such wicked attack.

Bas kissed his way down her chest until he reached her left nipple,

which he took between his teeth, just holding, not biting. Then his tongue
flicked back and forth very fast, focusing on the super responsive flesh,
and she arched into him with pleasure.

Gaea‟s hands reached for his hair, snaking through the soft strands,

grasping him to hold herself steady as he moved to her right breast to
repeat his torment.

Then, just when she was positive she couldn‟t take another second, he

dropped to his knees in front of her.

He placed a kiss to the indenture right above her navel, then just

below. His hands traveled to her thighs, putting slight pressure so she
opened them. Knowing what he was about to do made her tremble with
eagerness, but he was not to be rushed. Bas proceeded his slow decent,
swirling his tongue on her bare skin, tasting her, nipping her with his teeth.

All she could do was gasp and hold on as he reached the juncture of

her thighs. Kneeling there before her, she moaned as his devilish tongue
entered her, taking slow, long licks, his own sound of pleasure merging
with hers.

He didn‟t waste time; instead, he found the sensitive bud at the heart of

her and repeated his trick with his teeth, taking the tiny nub with extreme
care, then flicking, licking, giving her goose bumps, making her quiver,

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coaxing a loud moan from her as he went on and on relentlessly until, in a
shorter time than she thought possible, she cried out with an orgasm that
almost rendered her unconscious.

So intense were her spasms that he lost his grip, and when she finally

opened her eyes, still gasping for breath, she found him looking up at her,
watching as if it was the most captivating and phenomenal thing he‟d ever

“Oh my word,” she rasped.
Her body continued to quiver, and she realized with a guilty

conscience that she still had his hair in her fists. She released him, but
before she could apologize, Bas was on his feet. A heartbeat later, he
trailed his hands down her sides until he cupped the back of her thighs,
then she was up in his arms, her legs wrapped around his waist, her arms
encircling his neck.

He kissed her as he walked her across the room, the taste of her on his

lips exotic, sensual, tantalizing. A second later, she was falling backwards,
coming to rest on the couch. He studied her as he moved away to find
protection, his eyes dark, sultry, erotic.

“I want you to come again,” he stated. “I need to see you come again.”
Words failed her as he joined her on the couch, then she felt the

gratifying pressure of his erection as he sought out her opening. When he
found it, he thrust so hard, her head hit the armrest, but the sensation
barely registered. She was too busy crying out at the satisfying sensation
of completeness, of fulfillment.

Then with a slight adjustment, he started his onslaught, languidly at

first, building in strength and speed. The way he rubbed against her, by
some delicious coincidence, his length caressed her swollen nub,
wrenching another orgasm, more powerful, if possible, than the first.

Sebastian‟s gaze never faltered, his eyes never shut, and she made

every effort to keep from closing her own. They peered into each other‟s
souls as he thrust into her deeper and deeper, repeatedly, until finally, he
fractured, and every muscle in his face, in his body, tensed to a point of

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frenzy, and then he shouted, a lengthy, inarticulate yell of release.

After several quivering breathes, he opened his eyes again. Bas kissed

her. She felt the underlying desire in him slowly dissipating. Gaea could
still feel his body quivering as much as her own as he shifted them to their
sides while keeping them joined. She was quite steady. More than she
expected to be.

He placed a kiss on her forehead. The small gesture touched her

deeply. They didn‟t talk. There was no need to. A single thought replayed
over and over in her mind. Completeness. Gaea felt complete. She could
relive this memory for a long time to come and get by. Yet, if Bas agreed
to her plan, every time the two of them did get together, it would be earth-
shattering and mind-altering. That would get her through the period of
separation. Yes, her plan was perfect. She leaned forward and pressed her
lips against his gently.


* * * *

Bas spent the afternoon resting. It was difficult to believe Gaea had to

work. If she felt anything near what he did, she must be a total mess. After
that mind-boggling encounter after breakfast, they‟d showered together,
which in turn, had led to other things. He was pretty damn pleased with
himself. Exhausted, but proud.

He‟d decided to eat an early dinner at a nearby Italian place, careful

not to get any food on his suit. Afterward, it was a quick ride to the
Reunion Tower and the dessert-and-jazz party.

The guests wouldn‟t begin to arrive for another hour, so it was a little

bit of a headache getting past security, but they finally paged Gaea, and
she came down to meet him. Absolutely beautiful again, this time in a
dress that, to his eye, was green, but she informed him it was actually
emerald. He didn‟t care. She looked stunning, and he felt like a million

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Some things would never change, and for that, he was thankful. The

Reunion Tower still had the contemporary plush look with a revolving
dining area, breathtaking views of the city, including the Victory Park
area, and some of the best damn jazz slash blues performers he knew of.
Tonight, one of his favorites, Norah Jones. Gotta love it.

“I missed you,” he stated as soon as they were out of earshot of any

meandering workers.

She smiled. “Believe me, I would have preferred to stay in the hotel

room with you.”

“I would take that as a compliment, but I hear an undertone of

irritation in your voice that I have a feeling has to do with Arnold.”

She nodded. “He‟s tailing me, torturing me nonstop about how

incredibly rude you were. He advised me to break up with you before you
turn „rogue” on me. I really think he wants me to knock you over the back
of the head, tie you down to a block of concrete, and toss you into the
Trinity. But he will accept it if I break up with you.”

“As much as I hate to admit it, he‟s persistent.”
“Unfortunate for me. I just wish he would give it a rest. You would

think a man like him would know that desperation is never attractive.”

“I‟ll do what I can to keep him away from you, but it‟s going to be

difficult.” He leaned forward and nuzzled her neck. “You smell so damn

Gaea trailed her hand down his neck. They turned at the same time to

meet in a kiss that reiterated to him just how lucky he was.

“How long do we have to stay at this hoopla?”
“Till the lights come on.”
“Do you think anyone would notice if I, say, hit the fire alarm in a

couple of hours?”

“Funny.” Gaea kissed him quickly on the mouth. “Very funny. But I

need you to be at your best tonight. Go find my boss and shadow him,

“With pleasure.”

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“I‟ll come find you when I can.”
“I‟m holding you to that.”
She exhaled softly. He started to walk away but stopped. “One last

thing. You still owe me a dance. I didn‟t get the last one you promised. I
plan to collect tonight. Especially with Norah Jones performing.

“Okay. You have my word. Now I need to get back to work. I know.”
“Be sure to think of me.”
Touching his chest light, her expression grew serious. “I‟m sure I will.

That‟s all I‟ve been doing lately. Which isn‟t good at all. This week has to
be flawless.”

He leaned closer to her until her gaze met his. “We‟re good,” he

whispered. “So you don‟t have to worry about me right now. I know you
need to take care of things. I don‟t mind being put away temporarily. I‟m
here for the duration.”

“Thank you,” she replied, and he could see she meant it. “I‟ll do my

best. But you‟re not easy to put on the shelf until it‟s convenient to bring
you down.”

“I‟m struggling to see how that is a bad thing. No, I‟m kidding. I

meant it. The place looks sensational, you‟re the most gorgeous woman in
Texas, and everyone in the world is going to go out and purchase Marcella
Girardi clothing. So just relax and go with it, my love. You‟ll be

Gaea kissed him one more time, only this time, she dawdled. When

she walked away, it was struggle not to follow. Better instead to use his
energy to find Arnold. The little stool pigeon.

* * * *

Gaea sat at a table near the floor-to-ceiling glass windows, but her

gaze wasn‟t on the impressive view as she circled the dance floor, the bar,
or the banquet tables as the party goers partook in the festivities. Even she
had to admit, this was one hell of a party.

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The restaurant, possibly the most chic in Dallas, shimmered. The

floors and walls had an elegant finish and tasteful color scheme with full-
length mirrors between narrow wall panels covered in mahogany-colored
satin. The cherry-red carpets blended perfectly with the tan leather-
upholstered chairs. Crystal, especially the magnificent chandelier above
the dance floor, made everything and everyone in the space incandescent.

The slide show presentation, running continuously on the wide screen

above the performance area, was the best she‟d seen of its kind, worth the
long hours of hard work she‟d put into it.

Marcella Girardi was having one heck of a send-off, and the celebrities

were out in full force. From her position, she could see Erykah Badu,
Jared Padalecki, Beyonce Knowles, Matthew McConaughey, Loretta
Devine, Jensen Ackles, Jamie Foxx, Jennifer Love Hewitt, Usher
Raymond, and Renee Zellweger. But none of them held her attention; she
only had eyes for one man.

There he was. At the edge of the bar, staring right back at her. The

most handsome guy in the room.

He lifted his champagne glass in tribute, took a sip, then put it

carefully on the bar behind him. Bas made his way toward her, gracefully
dodging models, waiters, drinkers, reporters. The closer he came, the
faster her heart raced. Everything about him, the way he looked in his suit,
the very way he moved, all finesse and pure sex appeal, made her feel as if
this was her first date. It was insane, really, for it to hit her so quickly, so
hard, but it was absolutely indubitable. He passed the last barrier to join
her at the table. Bas lifted her hand and kissed the back.

“I believe you owe me a dance.”
She glanced at the performance area. “What are we going to dance


“You‟ll find out in just a moment.”
Gaea made a promise she couldn‟t back out of, but she did hope that

she wouldn‟t make an utter fool of herself. She was sort of lacking when it
came to the rhythm department. Gaea could keep the tempo of anything by

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Mozart, but beyond that, she was totally hopeless. Dancing was an activity
to be avoided by her. But tonight, being in his arms would be worth it.

Because Norah Jones had taken a break, they were alone on the dance

floor. All around them, the room reverberated with laughter and
conversation. None of it really registered with her.

Bas placed his arms around her, pulled her closer to him. Her cheek

went to his chest as she snuggled close. They stood stock still while she
counted his heartbeats, and in an act of magic, her rhythm became his
rhythm, her breath, his.

To consummate the moment, to keep his word...music.
The song was one of her favorites by Norah Jones, one that had yet to

be played, “Come Away With Me,” so romantic that it carried her on a
cloud. He led, she followed, and together, they were impeccable elegance.

When she lifted her head to look at him, she realized he was singing,

very softly. That he knew every word. It didn‟t stop there, oh no. Gaea
knew that every word was meant as vow from him to her. For this
moment. For this hour. For this night. For this week. For...

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Chapter Fourteen

Too exhausted to make love when they made it back to the hotel at

two-thirty, Gaea did lead Bas into the bedroom with her.

“Are you okay with this?”
He nodded. “Definitely okay.” He kissed her, then brushed her cheek

with his fingertips. “You can have the bathroom first,” he said. “I‟ll wait.”

It took a huge effort for her to smile, not because she wasn‟t grateful

for his cavalier-like behavior, but because she was just too tired.

When she returned from the bathroom, Bas had stripped down to his

underwear, a nice silk red. She thought about the last time she‟d seen him
in boxers. They definitely hadn‟t fit him that loosely. How was it possible
to feel so turned on when she was ready to pass out? Weird, weird.

By the time he made it back to the bedroom, she was comfortable

underneath the covers, wearing nothing at all. Usually, she slept in a T-
shirt, but she wanted to feel Bas next to her. Oh my, how he‟d made her
feel tonight. Like a queen. Like the luckiest person on earth.

She‟d been very aware of how the women at the party had looked at

him. Covetous. Avaricious. Even the most dazzling and famous of the
party had envied her.

In one way, it made her feel glamorous and celebrated. But the

attention also made her a little uncomfortable. When people stared at
them, she wasn‟t the one they were watching.

“Gaea,” he said as he slid in beside her. “Did I tell you how much fun I

had with you tonight?”

She nodded. “Yes, you did.”
“Did I also mention that you were the most stunning woman there?”
“A few times.”
He rolled onto his side, placing his arm around her waist. “You know I

will never forget dancing with you. You made me feel like a superstar

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“Me? You‟re the one who serenaded me, and you can dance, too. I‟m

just surprised I didn‟t step all over your feet.”

“Hogwash. You were light on your feet. As if you were walking on a


“And you‟re full of it.”
He got that astonished look on his face. “Ouch! That stings.”
“You‟ll live.”
His eyes softened as he leaned forward to kiss her forehead. “I just

want you to know that if I had a smidgen of energy left in my body, I‟d be
ravaging you right now.”

“And you should know that if it wasn‟t such a struggle for me to keep

my eyes open, I‟d allow you to.”

“Good to know.”
Bas kissed her again, but not on the forehead. This one lasted a lot

longer, too. But finally, he drew back, she settled in, and they drifted off to
sleep, their bodies cuddled close together.

* * * *

Kallie entered the hotel press room to find Gaea talking with the

editor-in-chief of InStyle magazine. Trying not to look like a snoop, she
listened, idolizing Gaea‟s poise, her ingenuity, her confidence. Kallie still
wanted to be just like her. But before she got started with the serious
business side of stuff, she was almost beside herself to tell her boss all of
the interesting things that had occurred the past few days. Nope. Not the
work stuff, because Gaea knew all about that, but the Dax related stuff.

Meanwhile, Kallie followed up with Olson Keppel, who, with his

team, staffed the press booth. They were in charge of the small casual
dinner tonight, a press party that would also include live music from a
local band. She was going, of course, and so was Dax. Just thinking about
him made her sigh.

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“Is something wrong?”
Kallie turned around to find Gaea standing right behind her. Hey, I

thought you were with the InStyle editor-in-chief.”

“We‟re finished. Why did you sigh like that? Is everything okay?”
“Uh-huh. I couldn‟t be better.”
Gaea smiled. “I sort of came to that conclusion last night.”
“You did? So you saw us? I mean, you saw that we were together? On

a date? And he was by my side the entire night?”

“Yes, I saw. Now, we need to go to the bar and have a little girl talk,


Kallie nodded. “Oh, yes. Of course.”

* * * *

Bas finished checking his voicemails, then turned on his laptop to

retrieve his email. He‟d have a crap load of it, but most was probably junk
mail. As his laptop booted up, he reached for his cell phone and called his

She answered with her usual jubilance.
“Hey, Mom. How‟s it going?”
“Your dog chewed up a pair of my shoes.”
“Really? I‟ve been training him for months. Be sure and give him an

extra treat.”

“Very funny, young man. Now, how are you doing, and how is the big

research project going?”

“Excellent and fantastic.”
“Really? I‟m shocked. I would have bet money that she‟d get tired of

you and called off the deal after the first night.”

“Wow. Your faith in me makes me proud to be your son.”
“Only you would think that digging into some strange woman‟s

personal and intimate thoughts would be a fun thing to do. You have to
realize that some concealed thoughts are private for a reason. What if you

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find out something appalling?”

“For some reason, I don‟t think I‟ll find anything Gaea does

horrifying. Shocking, yes, but not scary.”

“Very interesting.”
Bas realized he couldn‟t check his email and talk at the same time, so

he brought up his Free Cell game. That he could almost do with his eyes
closed. “And what exactly does that mean?”

“You‟ve fallen for her. Only a few days into this research plan of

yours and you‟re in love.”

“Don‟t be silly. I haven‟t fallen in love.”
“Yes, you have. And she‟s going to break your heart.”
“No, she isn‟t.”
“See there!”
“Don‟t see there me. She‟s a very witty, very knowledgeable woman,

and she‟s clarifying the subject in a way I never expected.”

“So what you‟re saying is,” his mother started, her tone lowering in

pitch, “that you‟ve stopped asking research questions and you are having
sex as often as time allows.”

Bas opened his mouth to deny it when he realized his mother was

correct. He hadn‟t asked Gaea a single question for, what, at least a day?
“Damn it.”

“Ah, sweetie. What can I say? Your purpose is always legitimate, but

when it comes to women...”

“Let‟s just say your brilliant mind becomes muddled and you lose your


The Free Cell game forgotten, Bas leaned forward in his seat.

“Usually, I would agree with you. But trust me, Mom, it‟s different this

“No, seriously. Gaea‟s doing a hell of a job on this fashion campaign.

She‟s focused but not excessive, and she‟d been completely honest with

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me. That‟s why it seems like everything is moving at warp speed, because
we are not dawdling on all of the usual get-to-know-each-other bull crap.”

“I see.”
“And that tone of voice irritates me to infinity,” he said, getting a little

pissed off. “You only use it when you‟re assuming, the wrong thing in this
situation, of course.”

There was a long silence on the other end of the line and he wondered

if he‟d gone too far. Just as he was getting ready to apologize, his mother

“You‟re right, sweetheart. I‟m sorry. I have no business being

judgmental of you over this, especially when I raised you to be the exact
opposite. I hope that she‟s everything you‟ve ever imagined your perfect
woman to be.”

“I‟m not saying she‟s perfect,” he responded, not liking the uptight

tone he head in his voice. “I‟m just saying she‟s a good person.”

“Great. And when am I going to see you?”
“Once this entire shindig is over and I have time to get settled. I‟m

guessing next weekend.”

“So your dog will have ample time to destroy a few more pairs of my


“If I were you, I wouldn‟t worry about that. I also trained Harley to eat

women‟s underwear.”

“Love you, Mom. See you soon.”
His disconnected the call to the sound of her stammering. His grin

didn‟t last long, however. Bas stood up, went to the window and looked
down at the street below. Was he being too hasty about all of this? Was he
making Gaea into something she wasn‟t? Or was this enthusiasm that he‟d
felt since their first meeting actually real, something he could believe in?

So what, he hadn‟t asked any questions. That was just a matter of

having the opportunity to do so, that‟s it. He‟d ask her what he needed to
know. There was no way he was abandoning his project. Nope. The exact

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opposite, as a matter of fact. Getting to know her so intimately had been a
surprising experience. He‟d even guessed correctly about the fear she felt
the first time after. By giving her the space she‟d needed, Gaea had come
back to him the next morning. That proved that he was starting to
understand women.

He also knew he didn‟t have time to waste if he wanted to make it to

Sambuca‟s on time. It would give him time to ask Gaea a few questions
before the event started. There were a few pressing ones he had for her.

* * * *

Kallie sipped her caramel latte iced coffee noisily as she reached the

bottom of the cup. For the last thirty minutes, she‟d been talking nonstop,
telling Gaea every last detail about her and Dax. Gaea had never seen
Kallie so excited, so vivacious. There simply wasn‟t a way to stay
acquiescent in the presence of so much cheerfulness.

And still, Gaea couldn‟t help but wonder what was going to happen

when the fashion campaign was over. Dax was a well-known celebrity,
with a plethora of women at his disposal to choose from. While Gaea
thought Kallie was one of the most wonderful, intelligent, and definitely
angelic women, did Dax Kavanagh really want her for longer than a
week? Watching Kallie talk, with her animated gestures and her one-of-a-
kind vocabulary, all Gaea could think was if Dax hurt Kallie, she would
chase him down and hurt him severely.

“And he said that he wants me to come with him to Wyoming. He‟s

thinking about purchasing a ranch there. I mean, can you imagine? I bet
Dax would be to die for in a pair of boots and a cowboy hat.”

“Does Dax own a cowboy hat and a pair of boots?”
“I have no idea, but I‟m certain I‟ll find out.”
“I‟m sure you will.” Gaea sipped her iced white chocolate mocha

coffee. “Wyoming, huh?”

“Yep. What‟s not to like?” Kallie said. “I mean, cows, horses, trees,

nature. Bunnies. Deer!”

“Right. Woodland creatures.” Gaea put her cup down. “Does Dax

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Kallie looked terrified, but only for a second. “I have no idea. Don‟t

think so, though. Dax is too kind to shoot an animal and he does study to
work with them, to heal them. I know he fishes.”

“Fishing is fine.”
“Right. As long as it isn‟t for sport.”
“Good point.”
“And you don‟t have to look into their eyes as they come over the edge

of the boat.”

Gaea nodded, totally understanding. In fact, she understood a lot about

what her assistant was feeling. More than she wanted to admit. What Gaea
had that Kallie didn‟t have was her plan. Even though she hadn‟t been able
to stop thinking about Bas since this morning, that wasn‟t because she was
getting all “mushy” over him, as Kallie would say. She was just reacting
to the unfamiliarity of such awesome sex.

“Oh, my,” Kallie said, leaning forward to prop her chin on her hands

and staring directly at Gaea.

“I knew it. You‟re also experiencing these sensations with your

gorgeous Bas. It‟s happening to both of us!”

“Hold on a second,” Gaea said, feeling her cheeks heat and resisting

the need to sprint from the table. “It‟s not like that at all for us.”

Kallie‟s eyes widened and Gaea realized what she almost revealed.
Kallie leaned forward. “He‟s not really a boyfriend from college, is


Gaea kept her expression as cool, calm, and collected as possible,

despite the flush she couldn‟t hide. “Why, of course he is.”

“Ah, okay. I thought he was someone you asked to tag along to get

weird Arnold to leave you alone because, well, you don‟t have a life.”
Now it was Kallie‟s turn to turn beet red. “I didn‟t mean that the way it
came out.”

“Its fine,” Gaea responded. “I‟m not insulted. I work hard to create that

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“Because people‟s lives get so chaotic.”
Gaea didn‟t like when Kallie did that. Got all silent and wouldn‟t look

directly at her. “It‟s okay. I know you have something to say.”

“Keep in mind, it‟s only my opinion.”
“I know, but I value it.”
“Thanks. I‟m just wondering why you make your happiness dependent

on your job. And weren‟t you the one who told me that companies don‟t
have loyalty to anything but the bottom line?”

“I‟m not building my career on one job.”
“Okay, but it is built around some job. And I‟m sorry, but you have to

admit that‟s not very reassuring, is it?”

“Kallie, go buy yourself another iced coffee, would you?”
“Okay. But then we have to go get dressed. It‟s press party time


“Yes, it is,” Gaea said, relieved that she hadn‟t blown her cover. Well,

at least not all the way.

“Bas is going to be there, right?”
She nodded.
“That‟s great. You won‟t be all work and no play.”
Gaea remained silent as Kallie got up and put her hand on her

shoulder. It did occur to her that in all the time they‟d worked together, it
was the first time they‟d actually touched like that. Gaea had to wonder if
it was because Kallie had changed, or she had.

* * * *

The best thing about the press party was that Gaea could give up the

reins of control. It still didn‟t mean she could just laze around drinking
cape cods the entire night. She just wasn‟t responsible for the shindig.

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The bad thing about the press party was that Gaea wasn‟t exactly the

responsive, vibrant woman he‟d kissed on her way out this morning. It
was the same as the first night, when she‟d gotten frightened. She wasn‟t a
hundred percent accessible.

As far as he was concerned, he needed to get back on track. Not that he

wasn‟t going to continue to make love to her every chance he got, but he
was going to adjust his focus back to his research plan.

Once she came back from talking to some Glamour magazine mogul,

he would resume his line of questioning. If he could determine where to
start. What to ask.

“May I refill your drink?”
He looked up in the pretty eyes of the cocktail waitress. She was a

complete contrast to Gaea in every way, from her red hair to her tall,
waiflike body. But her smile was pleasant and welcoming. “Yes, thank
you. And bring a cape cod, would you?”

“No problem, sir.” She walked off, but he caught her looking back at

him several times.

Bas had noticed that ever since he‟d signed on to be Gaea‟s escort,

women had been coming on to him. A lot. Entirely more than normal. In
fact, he could go days, weeks, months, without receiving a single smile
from the opposite sex. But every time he was with Gaea, he became a
chick magnet.

He couldn‟t figure it out for the life of him.
“Hey.” Gaea sat down next to him. She exhaled heavily as she pushed

a strand of hair out of her face.

“That woman is a piranha,” she whispered. “It‟s as though she wants

Marcella Girardi to be unsuccessful. Maybe she isn‟t into fashion. Or
maybe she just doesn‟t care much for me.”

“That‟s crazy. How could anyone not like you?”
Gaea stared at him a long time. In fact, he was getting concerned when

she finally murmured, “It doesn‟t really matter.”


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“It doesn‟t matter if people like me. I don‟t care. I‟m not even sure

why I asked to begin with. I just need them to purchase the clothes that
we‟re pushing. Or to endorse it, or whatever else they need to do for me to
succeed. Liking me has nothing to do with it.”

He didn‟t know what happened to make her say what she just had, but

he knew it was best if he didn‟t ask.

“I don‟t want people to despise me, either. What I‟m trying to say is

that it shouldn‟t matter. This isn‟t high school. What she thinks of me is no
concern of mine.”

She looked him in the eye. “Can you do me a favor, Bas?”
“Of course.”
“I would appreciate it if we could stop with the intimate act while

we‟re in public, unless Arnold is around, okay? I need to refocus on why
I‟m here and I can‟t do that if I‟m playing around with you all night.”

It was difficult not to flinch at the harshness of her words. All he could

do was smile, pretend that what she just said didn‟t cut deep. As if this
was just another day of dealing with an unpleasant Navy Seal mission. As
though the way she felt about him didn‟t matter at all.

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Chapter Fifteen

Gaea couldn‟t believe it. Here she was in the midst of another

extremely successful party, getting kudos from everyone from People
magazine to Cosmo, compliments out the wazoo from the Marcella
Girardi camp, the subtle wink and nudge from Russell Simmons, Beyonce
Knowles and Tommy Hilfiger, yet all she could think about was Bas.

She‟d wounded him, which hadn‟t been her intent, but now that it was

done, the impact was in full effect. Then again, maybe she had intended to
hurt Bas, to take it all back to where they started out. She wanted to go
back to the beginning, to put a stop to all of the madness before she‟d
become spellbound, specifically before things had become sexual.
However, some things couldn‟t be reversed, couldn‟t be ignored.

Gaea looked over at Bas, lingering by the bar, fidgeting with his drink.

He‟d had a few, more than was probably reasonable, but she wasn‟t going
to say anything. He‟d obeyed her request, and he‟d totally backed off until
Arnold had appeared. Then it was as if nothing had changed. Bas had
become attentive, doting, protective. She had to admit it had felt
wonderful, which undoubtedly, was the issue.

She‟d felt so certain about her plan, to see Bas every other month or

so. It still felt as though that was the way to handle it. But talking to Kallie
earlier had made Gaea doubt herself, and she wasn‟t even sure why. The
only way her plan was going to work was if she and Bas kept their
expectation low and realistic. The sole focus had to be on sex. She didn‟t
need anything more complicated than that. As a matter of fact, she wasn‟t
certain at this point that she could handle that.

Gaea did know why, but sex always seemed to be more than sex for

women. Men usually were able to keep themselves emotionally detached,
but women desired more. Love, commitment, romance, security, a
happily-ever-after. Why? Why wasn‟t it okay to want physical pleasure

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and that‟s it?

It would be enough for her, but only if there was no hope for anything

else. No motives, no expectations, no intentions. All of her focus needed
to be on work, and her creativity, too. She wanted to make it to the top of
an extremely cutthroat market, and to do that she needed concentration,
concentration, concentration.

How could she do that when she was concerned about his feelings

being hurt? Maybe if she just talked things out with him, explained it to
him like the business proposition she had in mind, he‟d be in agreement,
and they wouldn‟t have to continue to go through this emotional hoopla. It
was too tiring. And too confusing.

She just wouldn‟t worry about him or their current situation anymore

tonight. Tomorrow, when they had some time alone, she‟d lay out the
rules she wanted to play by and see if he would agree to it.

* * * *

“Hi, Bas. Are you okay?”
He looked up from his drink to see Kallie standing to his right, so

pretty in her coral silk chiffon dress stopping just above dainty feminine

“I‟m good,” he responded.
“Uh, not that we know each other very well or anything, but I think

you just told me a whopper.”

Bas had to smile. They hadn‟t spent a lot of time in each other‟s

presence, but when they did, he was entertained by the way she spoke.
“Not a whopper. Just a half truth.”

“Which part?”
“Everything before the period.”
“Interesting. Anything you want to talk about?”
“Not really.”
“Um, okay.”

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“Then again, maybe you can help me.”
She moved closer to him, placing her right foot on the rail, her left

elbow on the bar, copying his stance exactly. “I‟ll try my best.”

“What is it with you women?”
Both of her eyebrows rose high on her forehead and she pressed her

lips together, but at least she refrained from laughing. “Well, I‟m not sure.
Can you be a little more specific?”

He sipped his beer, shocked yet again that he wasn‟t more intoxicated.

Usually three was his limit, on a bad night, four. This was his fifth beer.
Yet he was still frustratingly sober.

“Get more specific? Okay then. How about this? Why do women think

it‟s completely okay to change their minds every other second? First it‟s
no, then it‟s yes, then it‟s maybe, then back to yes, then hell no. Are you
starting to get the point or shall I continue?”

“No, you‟ve done a good job,” Kallie murmured, nodding so that her

loose hair moved wildly. “I know that pattern.”

“Oh? So what‟s with that? Why can‟t yes just mean yes?”
“Sometimes it does.”
“Not when it comes to women.”
She smiled. “It does.”
It does? When exactly does that happen? What the hell does it take to

make a woman mean what she says? I don‟t understand it.”

Kallie patted his arm. “It must be discouraging. But it‟s not personal.”
“It sure as hell feels that way.”
“Personal is typically when she says no and means no.”
“Are you saying rejection is final?”
“Yes and no.”
“Yes and no? Isn‟t that what led to my question?”
Kallie chuckled. “Yes, but I have new insight for you that will

hopefully make it easier for you to understand.”

“I‟m not trying to make it easier for me to understand. I‟m trying to

get—” Bas stopped, not wanting to give too much away about the

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situation. He was still working for Kallie‟s boss.

“Let‟s put it this way, it‟s sort of complicated when you‟re talking

about...these things. Because with...these things, there are a lot of
components to consider. When women do say yes, they typically mean yes
permanently, so there aren‟t many offhand yeses. And on occasion, a
woman can think she is saying yes to one thing and then realize it‟s a
completely different thing she‟s said yes to, and then she isn‟t certain
about the yes, so that‟s when the maybe comes into play. But the no, that‟s
usually pretty clear, except when the no is because the woman is scared
about a new situation, and she says no, but that doesn‟t really mean no, it‟s
mainly a maybe, but the man, he needs to give her time to see that there‟s
nothing to be frightened of, and that she won‟t ruin her career because she
falls in love.”

Bas blinked several times. Surprisingly, he understood everything

Kallie had said, especially that last part. “Okay, so let‟s say that a man
figures out the part about being scared, and he makes concessions for that,
which seem to work, but not really. Then what?”

“You keep trying,” she responded, in a tone that indicated he should

have known that without asking.

“But when is it dumb for a man to keep trying? How does a man know

when no is no and yes is yes?”

“Are you sure you want to know?”
“Of course. Banging my head against a brick wall is not my idea of


The corner of her mouth twitched, but she didn‟t laugh. “There is a yes

that when you hear it, you know that it‟s a forever yes. It‟s different from
a maybe yes, and definitely different from a no yes.”

He looked at the half empty beer bottle in his hands. Maybe he was

drunk. “Are you certain about this?”

“Positively. So don‟t fret about it. It takes a little time to get to the

forever yes.”

Most assuredly, he‟d never experienced the wealth of sensations that

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he felt when making love to Gaea. And when they talked, there was a
naturalness to the conversations. He felt more comfortable with her,
wanted to get to know more about her.

Maybe giving her some space was the right thing. Damn it to hell, this

was insane! He‟d never beat around the bush like this, not over a woman.
Not over anything for that matter. If his Seal buddies could see him right
now, they‟d definitely have a good laugh at his expense.

The most interesting thing was that he no longer wanted to find out

what women wanted. Bas only wanted to figure out what one specific
woman wanted. Now he had to come up with a plan of action to do just

* * * *

At a quarter till one, Gaea was ready to call it a night. Because this

wasn‟t officially her gig, she didn‟t have to stay until the awful end.

Arnold had lingered when she said goodnight and Bas had been right

there, of course, being charismatic, mannerly, gallant. All the things she
could hope for in a date, fake or not.

They walked to the exit, arm in arm, smiling, their bodies touching

with each step. She felt the same spark of excitement that had been
consistent since that first day. It was as if when they touched, they
connected. Two parts making a whole. No one else did it to her. She‟d
never known it was possible.

They reached the curb and got in line to wait for their car to arrive. She

turned to him. “What do you like about me?” she asked.

The question noticeably took him by surprise. “Is this a trick question?

A test?”

“No. Think of it as research. So tell me, what do you find attractive?”
“There are quite a few things.”
“Name three?”
“Just three? Okay,” Bas said, dragging the word out. “Let‟s see...”

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“Nothing? You can‟t come up with three?”
“Oh, no. Man, no. I just need a second to get my thoughts together.

Your questions came out of left field. Caught me off guard is all.”

“And it can‟t be about sex.”
His face fell. “It can‟t?”
She nudged him with her elbow. “I can‟t believe you.”
“Come on now. You know I‟m kidding. You‟re...”
She stepped back, waiting.
He touched her cheek with the back of his hand and his expression

softened. “I like your passion, your ambition. You‟re frank, and you make
no qualms about who you are and what you want to achieve. You
definitely come up with innovative solutions to your problems.” He
nodded toward the restaurant. “This entire fashion campaign is ingenious.”

Gaea frowned. “That‟s it?”
Bas laughed. “That‟s it? I‟ve just described an awesome woman.”
“But what about me?”
“I don‟t understand.”
She turned away, perturbed by the unexpected rush of tears. “I‟d like

to think I‟m funny. That I‟m friendly. You know, human characteristics.”

“Oh, Gaea,” he whispered as he drew her into his arms. “Of course

you‟re all those things. Friendly, and you have a great sense of humor, and
so much more. Kallie idolizes you and wants to be just like you. I‟ve
noticed how people talk to you, with admiration, with easiness. You don‟t
terrify people. You make them feel relaxed and accepted. Even that first
time we met at the bar, you were so willing to agree to my crazy research
plan. Willing to open yourself up to a stranger. Don‟t you see how
extraordinary that is?”

Her head rested on his chest, but she shook it anyway. “I was so nasty

to you tonight. I‟m sorry.”

“Apology accepted. I know you were just being honest for what you

felt at that moment.”

“I know, but it‟s not your fault. You‟ve never pressured me, or made

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any unreasonable demands.”

“Actually, I‟m quite sure I have. And I‟m going to make even more. I

think its best we go back to our original plan. I keep Arnold from hovering
and ask you questions whenever time permits. You focus on getting
through this campaign with your strength and energy, and you answer my
questions. I‟ll do whatever I can to assist. If that means giving you your
space, fine. Just tell me and it shall be.”

Gaea lifted her head to meet his gaze. Astonished once more at this

peculiar, wonderful man. Different from anyone she‟d ever met, and yet
she felt as if she‟d known him for an incredibly long time. She went up on
her toes, stretched her neck, but she couldn‟t reach him. Bas smiled slowly
and leaned down until his lips touched hers.

The shock of his kiss swamped her again, and for once in her life, she

shut off the part of her brain that dissected everything, contemplated every
move. She just kissed him. A man, a woman, a luminescent kiss.

* * * *

The ride back to the hotel was quiet, full of contentment with just

touching. Bas had meant what he said, that he would back off, not make
this more complex than it needed to be. Gaea had enough to deal with
without him adding to it.

There would be time, perhaps after this campaign was over, to

examine the passion, the link he felt with her. For now, he would be
grateful for what he had and not ask for more. Once inside their room, he
led her to the bedroom, then shut the door behind her. Knowing she would
be out shortly, he undressed quickly in the bathroom, brushed his teeth,
and cleared out. She quietly walked by as he made the couch into his bed.

Despite his good deed, it wasn‟t fun when she whispered, “good

night,” and closed the bedroom door behind her.

But it was best this way. He needed to figure out what he wanted, and

so did she. The sex, while extraordinary, made things muddled and

He turned off the lights and climbed into bed. Sliding his hands behind

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his head, he looked up at the ceiling for a long time, seeing nothing in the
dark. His thoughts swirled in circles, always going back to being inside
her. Why was it so different? She wasn‟t uniquely built. She hadn‟t come
up with some unusual and unrestrained technique. Yet with her it was...

Damn it. He didn‟t know what it was. Excellent didn‟t begin to

describe it. It changed him. How, he couldn‟t describe. But it was true
nonetheless. If it was still so after this campaign was over, then he could
take the time to fully examine the reasons. As for now, he had to forget
about making love to her. If that was possible. It was definitely asking a

He closed his eyes, needing to sleep, knowing sleep was going to be

difficult. But he tried.

The minutes ticked by, the night grew long and still. He listened to the

sound of his own heartbeat, trying to slow down his thoughts, but having
no success.

Then he heard a slight sound. The bedroom door opened. The little

progress he‟d made in his brain was shot to hell as his hopes rose. Gaea
was probably just going to the bathroom, nothing more. Besides, hadn‟t he
just come to the conclusion that he needed to step back? Put sex on hold?

Her footsteps were muted by the thick carpet, and he couldn‟t place

her in the room. That is until he saw her shadow on the wall.

Bas turned his head, and there she was, made luminous by the

moonlight. She approached the bed slowly, quietly, until she stood right
next to it.

He could hardly make out her expression, but it was enough. Troubled.

In fact, she was chewing on her lower lip.

Bas tossed back the covers. Gaea sat down, causing the mattress to

conform to her body.

“I‟m sorry. I couldn‟t sleep,” she mumbled.
“Lie down.”
“You said we shouldn‟t.”
“I know.”

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“I said we shouldn‟t.”
He grinned, knowing she couldn‟t see him. “I know.”
“But I‟m here.”
He reached out with his hand, grabbed hers, and squeezed. “Come

here,” he said.

“Are you sure?”
“Not at all.”
“What if this is a big mistake?”
He gave her a little tug. “Then we‟ll make it together.”
Gaea nodded, then slowly lay down next to Bas. He closed his eyes,

painfully aware of the softness of her skin, of the way her lush hip felt
against his, of her closeness, her scent.

“You know there‟s a little problem with your research plan,” she


“What‟s that?”
“The basis. How can you hope to understand women when we don‟t

understand ourselves?”

He rolled over onto his side, and looked down into her veiled face. “I

don‟t believe that. I think you have figured out all the mysteries in the
universe. That you know all the secrets of the heart. You just have to listen
to your own good reason. That‟s all.”

Gaea‟s hand traveled up to the back of his neck. “Is this the smart

thing to do?”

He answered by lowering his head to press his lips to hers.

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Chapter Sixteen

The instant their lips touched, Gaea‟s apprehension faded away, and

she was right where she wanted to be.

His hand moved to her belt, which he opened effortlessly, then he

reached inside to caress her bare flesh. It felt as if he belonged there, as if
without his touch, it was lacking.

Everything that had bothered her became unimportant as she explored

his mouth, his taste, as he massaged her stomach with complete
admiration and enthusiasm.

As for her, she had her own task to focus on. Getting him undressed

was first on the list. She reached for his boxers and pulled them down, but
was only able to get the material so far. Murmuring a soft apology, he left
her momentarily while he took his shorts off, and while he was in perfect
position, he spread her robe completely. A second later, a foil packet
landed by her head on the bed, and then he lay down again to cover her,
flesh to flesh.

He lowered his head until he kissed her once more, but only a peck.

Angling his mouth so he could nibble the edge of her chin, he whispered,
“I can‟t figure this out. How I can feel this way when...”

“I know,” she responded. “It‟s insane. But, oh boy.”
“Yes. Exactly.” He licked, then nibbled, then moved to her neck,

kissing, uttering sweet sounds that made no sense, just the heat of his
breath, the wet of his tongue, the sharpness of his teeth.

Distraction occurred when he cupped her breast, using the flat of his

palm to circle her nipple, brushing against it so lightly it was as if she
imagined the caress.

Every cell in her being wanted more. “Please,” she begged, pressing

herself into his hand. “Don‟t make me wait.”

He lifted his head and looked down at her. It was too dark and his face

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too shadowed to see him clearly, but the length of his pause made her
think he could see her.

Bas remained silent as he reached for the protection. Once he had it

on, he moved on top of her, spreading her thighs with his knees to settle
between them. Once nestled, he reached for her hands and slid his fingers
between hers. He raised both her hands until they were above her head,
brought them both together, then using one hand, so much larger than
hers, he grabbed both wrists tightly. When she tugged, he held her quickly,

“Hey now. What—”
His low chuckle did all sorts of interesting things to her body. She

tried to move, but the way he held her captive, she could hardly wiggle.

Spreading her legs even further, he touched her with his free hand, and

after stroking her a few times, he thrust a finger inside, making her gasp
with the unexpected entry. The next instant his mouth covered hers,
muting the sound as his finger pushed inside her.

There was nothing tame or refined about anything he did. His tongue

and his finger worked in sync, each taking her roughly, giving her no
choice but to surrender to the thrill, to surrender herself to whatever
decadence he had in mind.

Bas‟s body tensed as he ravished her mouth. His fingers thrust inside

her once more and then were gone, replaced with the full length of him,
filling her completely, making her moan and arch her back.

He took her, thrust into her over and over roughly, the cultured man

she‟d known replaced by this sensual predator. She squirmed underneath
him, so inundated with pleasure and wildness she struggled to breathe. She
heard herself cry out, although the sound was unlike any she‟d made
before. Gaea struggled to free her hands even though she didn‟t really
want to. She felt more in tune with her body than she ever had, even
though her moves were uncontrolled and foreign.

“You‟re mine,” he growled, the tone leaving no room for argument,

taking control of her body, her mind, her soul.

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Gaea wrapped her legs around his waist, meeting each plunge of his

with a thrust of her own, two bodies coming together like two halves
completing a whole.

Her orgasm came fast, with such intensity she could only cry out

incoherent, quivering. She gripped him both with her legs and her inner
muscles, and he went over the edge, too, his shout interlacing with hers
like their bodies.

When it was over, he released her wrists, crumpling on top of her in a

heap. Gaea didn‟t care. She wanted to feel his chest rise and fall. She still
had him inside her, and that, she wasn‟t ready to give up.

Lightheaded from the exertion, her body continued to contract with

aftershocks of the ferocious climax, and every time she did, he responded
the same way.

Finally, long after everything seemed to return to normal, he exhaled

heavily, then kissed her. Kind-hearted Bas had returned, but now she knew
that there was another side to him, rugged, sinful, and she didn‟t know
which she preferred.

“I don‟t want to,” he whispered, “but I have to.”
She groaned. “Please, no.”
“I‟m sorry. Cramp in my leg.”
She kissed his shoulder. “Poor baby.”
“It‟s your fault.” He rolled to the side, leaving her empty and cold.
“How is it my fault?”
“You make it hard for me to think. I have no self-restraint when I‟m

near you.”

“That has nothing to do with me. That‟s all you.”
“No. It is definitely you.”
He turned his head in her direction. “Because it hasn‟t happened with

anyone else.”

He shook his head. “I don‟t know what to do about you.”

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“That makes two of us.”
“Sometimes I wonder if I should just leave you alone. Go back to the

beginning and concentrate on the research. Get territorial around Arnold,
then pretend you don‟t exist.”

“It is what we agreed upon.”
“But then we‟re alone, and the research is the last thing on my mind.”
“I‟m not supposed to think of anything other than this fashion

campaign. There are only a few more days left and I can‟t afford to get
distracted. This is everything I‟ve worked for and my future is dependent
on the outcome. So what is my solution? I spend every free moment
thinking about you.”

“That‟s not good.”
“Tell me about it.”
Bas rolled onto his side, resting his head on his hand. “What should we


“Your guess is as good as mine.”
“We could try to start over again. Go back to the original plan. We can

look all we want but no touching. I ask questions, you answer.”

She nodded. “Are you sure? We haven‟t been successful this far.”
“True. But we‟re both mature adults. We should be able to curtail our

insatiable lust for a few days.”

“Uh...sure. Especially since we‟ve um...”
“Yes. Consider it just taking the edge off, so to speak.”
“I couldn‟t have phrased it better.” Gaea laughed. “So it‟s settled.

We‟ll be mature adults. You‟ll sleep out here, I‟ll sleep in there. You‟ll
ask questions, I‟ll answer. This is going to work out great.” She rolled
toward him, facing him, copying his pose exactly. “We‟ll be the perfect
examples of propriety.”

“Yet affectionate.”
He cleared his throat. “But you realize we‟ve pretty much ruined


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“Technically, you‟re right.”
“The more I think about it, the more I realize we need to get all this

sexual distraction out of our systems. You know, sex each other until we
collapse. Then it will easy to be perfect examples of respectability.”

“I can see why you‟re so successful in business. You‟re good at


“Yep. I look at the big picture.”
“Yes, you do,” she responded. “Now, I say after I use the bathroom

and get a little water, we rendezvous in the bedroom.”

“Hmm...a change of setting.”
She chuckled. “You did say we need to get it completely out of our


“Very smart woman.”
“Okay then. I‟ll see you in the bedroom shortly.”
“I‟m just going to get rid of this used protection, get a few more

supplies, then join you.”

Gaea leaned over and kissed him. “I really like the way you think. The

feeling is mutual.”

* * * *

Bas awoke to a note next to him instead of Gaea.
I’ve gone to get ready for the Geocaching event. I should be back by


That‟s it. Short and sweet with no reference at all of the night that

hadn‟t ended until the sun peeked over the horizon. He lay back down,
wondering if he should get up and do something productive. Instead, he
decided to relax and order room service. He knew Arnold would be with
Gaea for the Geocaching event, but given the state of mind Bas was in, he
wouldn‟t be much help until he got his act together.

Gaea had told him about the all day stunt that would begin just after

nine this morning. All of the winners from a write-in campaign, almost

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fifty of them, would be given a portable global positioning system and a
map. Their task was basically a treasure hunt. Locate one item by the
longitude and latitude, find a clue to the next location, then the next,
finally ending at the Botanical Gardens where one lucky winner would
receive a new wardrobe, by Marcella Girardi of course, a full makeover,
and a cruise for two to the Bahamas. All of which was going to be
recorded by as many entertainment-news organizations as Gaea could
entice to be there.

It was quite an ingenious idea, really, but the planning had been an

enormous task. He knew for sure that all the clues were in place, and had
been since last week. The grand prize had been hidden last night.

At least the entire promotional push would be over soon. He‟d

promised Gaea he would be there strictly as her escort until the campaign
was finished, and he would. As far as his own research project, he was
more baffled about women than ever. What was worse, none of his
formulated questions seemed the least bit relevant. He had no idea what to
ask her, what would help him understand her. It seemed an uncrossable
abyss, his feelings, her feelings, their relationship, if he could even call it
that. Maybe if he knew what he wanted from her, it would help, but he
didn‟t. Okay, he knew a few concrete things. He wanted to see her again.
To see her often. To see this—whatever it was—through. To make love to
her. To see where she lived, how she lived, to learn about her past.

Damn, he wanted a lot and most of it didn‟t seem to have anything to

do with his project.

Final conclusion? He couldn‟t just walk away from her. She‟d become

important to him. Exceedingly. When he thought about a future without
her, he felt extremely disheartened.

Gaea had stirred up something inside him that had been quiescent. No

other woman had affected him this way, and he had an overwhelming
feeling that no other woman ever would. She was the light that brightened
his day. Perhaps that was the whole thing about love. That you traipse
around until your fallow heart is activated by the one other person who

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matches some very precise need.

Bas frowned as the significance of his thoughts hit him. Love? He‟d

only known her for less than a week. Most definitely not enough time to
jump to that conclusion. And yet, if it wasn‟t love, what was it? Lust
didn‟t describe it. It played a role, but not a major part. He‟d lusted before,
sometimes to the harm of his health, his sound mind. But that was
elementary in contrast to his feelings now. He couldn‟t stomach the
thought of Gaea going through life without him. But he had the impression
and troublesome doubt that Gaea didn‟t feel the same way. Which pretty
much meant he was screwed. Unless he could come up with a plan. In the
next few days.

* * * *

“All right, folks. I hope you all are ready. The race begins, now!”
Gaea watched the contestants make a mad dash across the starting line,

heading toward the location of the first clue. The sound of the whirs and
clicks of at least a hundred cameras reminded her of a horde of insects as
photographers from around the country captured the moment.

She‟d received word as she arrived this morning that the sale of global

positioning systems throughout the Dallas/Fort Worth area had doubled in
the last week, and that all of Dallas and Fort Worth were engrossed with
one of the largest treasure hunts in the city‟s history.

According to everyone, the event was already a complete success. The

name Marcella Girardi permeated the market on every level, radio,
television, print and most importantly, word of mouth. Already Macy‟s,
Nordstrom, Neiman Marcus, and hundreds of other retail stores were
reporting record sales for a debuting fashion line. The fashion show had
gone off without a hitch. Everything Gaea had worked for over the last
year was coming together in a wonderful way, and she knew that next
week she was going to have to mull over offers from marketing and

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fashion designers around the world.

She should have been over the moon. Instead, she had an enormous

headache and a strong inclination to steal the grand-prize cruise to the
Bahamas for herself.

Kallie rested against the brightly painted Marcella Girardi press

mobile, arms folded over her chest, a worried expression making her look
younger than her twenty-five years.

“Want to talk about it?”
Gaea shook her head. “Not in this lifetime, but thanks for offering.”
“What time do we have to be at the Botanical Gardens?”
“The fastest anyone can get there is three-thirty, so we‟ll set up at


Kallie nodded. “Okay, see you there.” However, she didn‟t move. She

just kept staring.

“Kallie, I‟m okay, really. I‟m good.”
“You don‟t look okay.”
“Don‟t let the Marcella Girardi people hear you say that. I‟m wearing

one of her outfits.”

Pushing herself away from the van, Kallie came to her side. “It‟s about

Bas, isn‟t it?”

She was startled by Kallie‟s question. In all the time they‟d worked

together, Kallie had never really asked her anything personal. Gaea hadn‟t
permitted it. She‟d realized when she first came up with this plan that
things were going to shift, but she‟d never expected the gale force winds
that had come through, swept her up, and still had her floating aimlessly.
She exhaled deeply and replied, “Yes, it‟s about Bas.”

Kallie locked arms with her and led her toward a coffee shop. “You

talk,” she said. “I‟ll buy.”

But Gaea didn‟t utter a word. Not until they had their drinks and found

a table out on the patio. “I‟m not sure where to start,” she mumbled.
“Things are getting really complex.”


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Gaea looked at her assistant, and it occurred to her that Kallie could

have been so much more than that. She could have been a friend. Her
career wouldn‟t have been threatened, the campaign still would have been
that, and Gaea wouldn‟t have been so alone.

“Clearly,” she said, “this is just between you and I, but you were right

about Bas. He isn‟t my old college boyfriend.”

Kallie remained silent. She just placed her cup on the table.
“He‟s a friend of a friend. I made a deal with him to act like he is my

boyfriend. You already know why.”

“Only now, you‟re starting to really want him for your boyfriend.”
Gaea blanched. “I don‟t. At least I don‟t think I do. No, I don‟t. I can‟t

afford to get involved. It goes against all my rational judgment. Every
woman I know in business has had to choose between love and real
success. I don‟t want to have to make that choice.”

Gaea felt her face start to flush. “It was a figure of speech.”
“No, I don‟t love him. At least I don‟t think I do. It‟s just...”
“Let me guess, you feel like you‟re a totally different person when

he‟s near? You want to share every new sight, sound, and taste with him.
You can‟t stop thinking about him? The entire universe has come into
focus and you didn‟t even know it‟d been hazy?”

She laughed. “You‟re scaring me, Kallie.”
Kallie leaned forward and touched her hand. The small gesture was

entirely uncharacteristic to their prior relationship, yet at this moment,
Gaea accepted the affection so much she actually had to fight back the
water works.

“Gaea, jobs come and go. But to lose someone like Bas...”
“It‟s not that straightforward.”
“It can be. If you allow it.”

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Gaea look down at her coffee, feelings she never would have imagined

swirling deep within, puzzling her as nothing in her life had before. “I‟m
not sure. I think I might have a way to keep him and my career.”

“Then give it a shot,” Kallie said. “You‟re entitled to happiness, Gaea.

Not just success.”

“I always thought success was happiness.”
“Oh boy,” Kallie responded, leaning back in her chair. “That‟s, uh,

sort of sad, isn‟t it?”

Gaea didn‟t reply. At least not out loud.

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Chapter Seventeen

Gaea‟s gait down the hallway slowed to just above a snail‟s pace as

she approached her room. Yes, she wanted to see Bas, but she still hadn‟t
come up with the best way to ask him to be a part of her perfect plan.

Laidback was the way to go, but not too laidback; she didn‟t want him

to feel superficial, as if any man could do the trick. But she also didn‟t
want to sound like a charity case either. If what she had in mind was going
to work, they both needed to want it. It would take some amount of
organizing, and the whole arrangement could fall apart if Bas ended up
feeling as if he wasn‟t getting enough of her time, or attention, or

She had to put emphasis on the benefits of the intermittent affair. He

could feel totally free when he went off to do consultation work, more
research, or any other endeavor he set out for. She would never be
covetous or controlling. He could do as he wanted, as long as he was
careful, and when they both considered it time, they‟d come together in
what she completely anticipated to be mind-altering hours of unlimited
pleasure. Then they‟d go their separate ways until the next time.

Gaea could only imagine how much they would have to tell each other

if they didn‟t see each other day after boring day. Everything would be
fresh, new, exciting. In the intermission times, they could relish in the
benefits of being single, like not having to go to humdrum client parties,
or worrying about what time dinner was.

In her opinion, the agreement was the best of both worlds. She had a

feeling that persuading Bas to see it the same way was going to be
difficult. However, she would do what it took to talk Bas into going along
with her idea. She was in the middle of getting everyone salivating to buy
Marcella Girardi‟s fashion, and based on all her inside contacts, she‟d
been successful. If she could hook that many people, winning over one

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man should be a breeze.

Gaea finally reached her door. She slid in her key card, turning the

little light green, and went inside. “Bas?”

No response. In her note, she‟d said she‟d return to the room by noon

and it was almost one. Bas had probably gotten hungry and gone off for

Gaea relaxed as she put down her satchel. What she wanted now was a

nap. A big, long sleep fest that would ease her headache and make this
afternoon easier to deal with. A bubble bath would have been even more
perfect, but she‟d never trust herself to get out before her skin would
prune. Too many cameras would be at the Botanical Gardens for the
finishing on the race. She needed to appear photogenic. So, a nap it would

Gaea went into the bedroom and pulled back the covers, removing the

extra pillows she wouldn‟t need. The king-size bed had plenty of room for
her to stretch out. Especially with Bas not being there beside her.

She unclipped her cell phone from her waist and placed it next to her

pillow. However, if anyone suffered from a loss of temporary sanity and
decided to call her, she‟d happily give them a piece of her mind. But
unfortunately, she was on-call in case of an emergency, so...

Undressing slowly, she got all the way down to her underwear before

pinning her hair up. Gaea thought about putting on her sleeping cap, but
what if Bas came back? She didn‟t want to look like someone‟s

The mental image of him joining her in that great big bed gave her a

little thrill, although in all reality, she needed her rest. She‟d determine if
and when. No need to worry about it, or anything at the moment.

After she pulled off her panties and tossed them in the corner, she

pulled the curtain until there was just enough light coming in to allow her
to see but not keep her awake. She set the alarm, then sat down on the bed
with a sigh. A few moments later, she was settled with the thinnest of the
sheets covering her.

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It took a few attempts for her to get the remaining pillows on the bed

in the right position, but it was worth it. She exhaled softly one more time
as she closed her eyes, her body drifting, her mind at ease. In this moment,
all was right.

She must have fallen asleep because the sound of the door opening

awoke her with a start. She couldn‟t have been asleep too long because she
hadn‟t shifted in the bed.

“Hi, Bas,” she said, her eyes still closed. “I‟m glad you‟re here.”
Bas didn‟t say anything, but she could hear the soft thud of his clothes

hitting the carpet. She wiggled under the sheet, anticipating the
incredibleness of Bas plus comfortable bed plus soft sheets plus her. It
totaled up to one sensation experience.

His feet barely made a sound as they crossed the room. She opened her

eyes slowly, zoning in on his good parts. With a jolt of revulsion, she
realized they weren‟t his good parts at all.

It was Arnold, clad in nothing but a pair of way-too-small green bikini

briefs, his spare tire sticking out over the edges all the way around. He
grinned at her as if he were George Clooney, and if she hadn‟t been so
freaking horrified, she would have laughed uncontrollably.

She placed her hand over her cell phone and without even looking at it,

pressed speed-dial three. Then, very calmly, she asked, “What are doing,

“I know all about your boyfriend.”
Arnold made his way over to the bed, and for a terrifying second, she

thought he was going to slide in bed beside her. Instead, he sat on the
edge, casually crossing his legs as if they were at the Byron Nelson
Country Club instead of her bedroom.

“Oh yes. I know everything.”
She struggled not to roll her eyes. “What do you think you know,


“That you are paying him. He‟s your escort. He doesn‟t mean anything

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to you.”

She arched a dark brow in his direction. “Why do you think I did


“Because you‟re scared.”
If only you knew, buddy. “Of what?”
He leaned forward slightly. “Of us.”
“And why would I be scared? Because you broke into my room and

came into my bedroom while I was taking a nap?”

Arnold chuckled.
Gaea was grateful for the thin sheet covering her as she prayed her

scheme worked. She had never realized Arnold was this far out of his
mind. Did he really think she found him attractive? That showing up and
stripping down to his underwear was going to be the move that convinced

“I know you‟ve felt this...connection between us,” he replied. “I know

you think it won‟t work because of my wife, but you have nothing to
worry about. I‟m in love with you. Yes, my wife is nice. She‟s a
wonderful person, but love? That hasn‟t been there for a long time, not
certain it ever was.”

“Is Cheri aware of that, Arnold?”
“Of course she is. Cheri‟s very happy being a mother, being at home.

She doesn‟t care what I do with my spare time. As a matter of fact, she‟d
be ecstatic to get me out of her hair.”

Can’t say that I blame her. “So you‟ve told her how you feel about


“Sure, sure.”
He stood, making her heart nearly jump out of her chest. Maybe she

should scream, but who would hear her if her cell phone call hadn‟t
connected? This hotel was built for privacy, sound proofing included.

“Why don‟t we talk about it, Arnold? In the living room. You go on

out there and wait. I‟ll follow shortly. I just need to make myself

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“You don‟t have to do that, Gaea. You‟re impeccable the way you

are.” He retook his seat on the bed, his hand moving toward her leg.

Gaea slid all the way over to the other side, but if he made one more

move, she‟d have to take some sort of action. Screaming was not an
option, but maybe she could use one of the lamps and smash it over his

She glanced at the door, willing it to open.
“You seem to have the wrong idea, Arnold,” she said. “How did you

come up with this ridiculous idea about me hiring Bas?”

“This morning, when you were talking with Kallie. I heard the entire


She laughed, but it sounded extremely strained. “That was a

continuation of another conversation. You heard it out of context.”

“I heard enough. He‟s an escort, that‟s all. A male prostitute. You

don‟t have any feelings for him. I heard you say it.”

Just then the bedroom door flew open, and there was Bas, flanked on

both sides by two beefy men in dark suits.

“Funny,” Bas said. “I don‟t feel like a whore.”
Arnold sprang up from the side of the bed, placing his hands in front

of his genitals. “Hey, what the hell is going on?”

Bas held up his cell phone. “We heard every word. Especially the part

about you breaking into her suite and her bedroom. You, stool pigeon, are
about to find out how popular those green briefs are going to be in the
county jail.”

Arnold blinked as if it was all a bad dream. The two men, security for

the hotel, walked over to him. It was obvious they weren‟t interested in
anything but removing Arnold from the premises before there was a scene.

Bas stepped away from the door. “Don‟t worry, babe. The police are

downstairs.” Then he turned to Pratt. “I can‟t wait to see what the Dallas
Morning News
has to say about this.”

“My clothes,” Arnold protested as each man grabbed an arm. “At least

let me put my pants on. Do you have any idea who I am? I‟m a very

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important person. I can show you my ID if you let me get my—”

Bas closed the door behind them, then turned to her, his expression full

of worry. “Are you okay?”

She nodded, but her entire body shivered uncontrollably. It felt as if

the temperature in the room had dropped to below freezing. Bas reached
for her robe and held it out to her. Gaea climbed out of bed shakily and
allowed him to wrap her up. He held her tightly, warming her as much
from his concern as his body heat.

“I heard the entire conversation. I was downstairs in the restaurant,” he


“Thank goodness. For all I knew, you were in Richardson.”
“That weasel is going to rot in jail for this.”
“I don‟t care about him rotting, but I‟ll make certain the president of

the company and all the chairpersons hear about it. I just feel sorry for his
family. Cheri really is a nice woman.”

Bas pulled back for a second to stare at her. “He didn‟t touch you, did


She shook her head.
He smiled, kissed her, then pulled her back into his arms. “Thank you

for trusting me to help.”

She didn‟t respond, but the severe quaking had lessened, and that was


“Come on,” he whispered. “Let‟s get you into the shower. You need to

warm up.”

“I can‟t. I have to go to Botanical Gardens.”
“Kallie can‟t take care of that by herself?”
“Not with Arnold in the back of a squad car.”
After tying the sash on her robe, he grudgingly released her. She didn‟t

want to work right now. Not after that. Still, she had to get dressed and
find out what she needed to do to press charges. Damn weasel. Now she
just had to get through the rest of this campaign sane. For some reason,
that sounded easier said than done.

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Gaea made her way toward the bathroom, almost shocked at how she

was still shaking. Nothing had happened, except that Arnold was no
longer an issue. She hadn‟t been hurt. He hadn‟t even seen her naked.
Thinking about him in his underwear made her want to pour bleach into
her eyes, but she doubted that the sight of Arnold would cause permanent
damage. Although, she would never forget it.

Gaea was also startled at how thankful she‟d been to see Bas, and she

wondered if she would have been as excited to see anyone else come to
her rescue or if it was specifically Bas.

She splashed a little water on her face before returning to the bedroom.

Her gaze met Bas‟s briefly as she traveled through the living room. While
she dressed, she went over her strategy one more time. The more she
rehearsed it, the more reasonable it seemed. And now she knew that if all
went as she planned, Bas was someone she could rely on even if it wasn‟t
one of their coordinated weekends. Good to know.

Gaea had to depend only on herself for such a long time, she had

mixed feeling about having someone else to count on. Her mother had
died a few years ago, and her father had never been someone to depend
on, so it had rested upon her shoulders. Graduating from high school,
getting into college, finding her first apartment...she‟d researched
everything on her own. In that way, she supposed she and Bas were

Although from what he‟d said, he had his mother. She was jealous of

what sounded like an awesome relationship. Then again, her lack of
closeness with her family had given her the ability to go down her own
chosen path with no meddling of any sort. That was one of her fears about
getting too involved with Bas, with anyone for that matter. She didn‟t play
well with others, never had. Her mission was always to be the skipper, the
commander, the chief. Never a follower. That‟s what made this job mean
even more to her. After this, the real bonus she‟d receive would be
freedom. She would be able to bargain her way into a position of real
power. No more Arnolds to contend with.

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It was a firm plan, and had given her success so far. It was going to

turn out magnificently. It would be interesting to see what happened with
Arnold. Begum and Guinn might just ask her to take his place. If they
offered enough money, she‟d take them up on it. There were so many
things she wanted to implement in the company.

Dressed, she checked her appearance, ran a brush through her hair, and

went back into the living room. Bas was just hanging up the phone.

“I‟m going to the police station when you leave for Botanical Gardens.

How long do you think you‟ll be?”

“Quite a while. We have to wait until the last contestant crosses the

finish line. I‟m positive it will be real late.”

“What about dinner?”
“I‟ll send someone to pick up something.”
“Okay, I‟ll call before I stop by and see if you need food.”
“Sounds good. Thank you.” Gaea glanced at her watch and saw she

was late. Kallie was probably pacing in the lobby. She caught Bas around
the waist, gave him a brief kiss, then whispered, “That thanks was for
more that the offer to bring dinner.”

“I know.” He kissed her back, and then she was out the door, heading

toward the elevator. It wasn‟t until the light above the elevator dinged that
she realized she no longer needed Bas‟s services. Without Arnold around,
she didn‟t need an escort at all.

* * * *

It was just after seven-thirty when Bas left the police station. He made

certain Arnold wasn‟t going to walk away from this unscarred. In fact, he
wanted to scar Arnold to the max.

He flagged down the driver of his assigned car as he dialed Gaea‟s cell

phone. She answered after the third ring. Her hello was agitated and short,
setting the tone.

“You want food?” he asked.

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She paused.
He waited.
“Yes, please. Make it pizza. Five, no, six large ones. A sausage, one

hamburger, two pepperoni, one cheese, and one vegetarian.”

“No problem. Need drinks?”
“No. We have a vender here with beverages.”
“Okay. I‟ll be there as soon as I can.”
“Sounds good. Oh, and Bas?”
The driver pulled up to the curb and he opened the door.
“You don‟t have to do this, you know.”
“I know. Now get back to what you need to do. I‟ll call you if anything


“Okay,” she responded, then she disconnected the call. He gave the

driver directions to one of his favorite pizza restaurants, which was
relatively close to Botanical Gardens. He looked up the number on the
Internet via his cell phone, and called the number to place the order. If all
went well, the driver wouldn‟t even have to park. With traffic as smooth
as it was, he might have everything wrapped up in thirty minutes.

Leaning back, he rested his head against the back of the seat and

inhaled deeply. Ever since he‟d received that strange phone call from
Gaea, his heart had been beating wildly and he‟d been hyper. Completely
ready for a fight, which wasn‟t entirely wise, because he‟d gotten a little
agitated with a officer at the precinct, and it was a miracle that he wasn‟t
keeping Arnold the Stool Pigeon company for the night.

He studied the passing people as they made their way through traffic,

thinking about how fortunate he was to be going to Gaea. Someone had
already won the cruise, he was sure. Maybe she would like to take a
vacation with him. Take a cruise. He hadn‟t been to Hawaii in a long time.
Or maybe she‟d like to do a train trip across a European country. He didn‟t
give a shit, as long as it was with Gaea.

Today‟s events had made him more certain than ever that they needed

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to be together. She might be tough when it came to business, but she was
still a woman, and he was still a man, and despite the great lack of
nonsexist thoughts, every instinct he had was to protect her, to care for
her, to make sure no one would ever hurt her. He wanted to fall asleep
with her right beside him. As a matter of fact, having her next to him felt
like the only way he‟d sleep well.

If Arnold had hurt her...
Bas sighed. All was well, and Arnold was safely out of the picture. He

swallowed hard as the thought reverberated in his mind. “Damn it,” he
murmured. He finally understood what Gaea meant, when she said he
“didn‟t have to.”

He was officially out of work.

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Chapter Eighteen

The last of the contestants found the Botanical Gardens at 9:48 p.m.

Gaea had allowed Kallie and Dax to leave a short time ago, the same for
the rest of the support team. She gave the final couple their gift certificate
to purchase Marcella Girardi clothes and assured them that they could
keep the GPS.

Several minutes later, Gaea and Bas were headed toward the hotel. She

hadn‟t said anything to Kallie about what had occurred with Arnold. Her
assistant would find out soon enough. In the meantime, she kept
contemplating what she should do about Bas. Ask him to stay? Leave?
The latter thought was far more depressing than she ever would have
imagined. She‟d become used to him being there for her.

All she wanted was to go back to the suite and crawl into bed with

him. She could easily imagine the comfort of his arms, and while she‟d
held it together in front of the crowd, she felt a great need for Bas‟s

There wasn‟t much traffic out tonight, for which she was grateful. As

if sending him her thoughts telepathically, he put his arm around her just
as the car came to a light and took a turn. Gaea leaned into him, knowing
there was nowhere else she‟d rather be.

What in the hell had happened to her these past few days? Something

bewitching? When was the last time she‟d thought of anything so fanciful?
Not since she‟d been a little girl, that‟s for sure. Her father used to claim
she was the most obtuse girl in all of Dallas. The sobriquet made her cry
the first time she‟d heard it. But by the time she‟d received her full
scholarship to Texas Christian University, she‟d worn it as an insignia of

“Do you find me obtuse?” she asked.
His quick burst of laughter made her feel better immediately. “Of

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course not. Why?”

“I was told I was obtuse as a child. No one‟s ever made me feel it

wasn‟t true, except you.”

“I‟d never call you obtuse. Fixated, yes. Ambitious, without a doubt.


She placed a finger to his lips. “Thanks. I understand.”
He ensnared her hand, kissing the back softly. “How are you?”
Gaea smiled. “Much better. I was really knocked for a loop by what

Arnold did.”

“I‟m not surprised. It was a breach of your privacy, your trust.”
“I think I would have handled it a lot better if I hadn‟t been naked.”
“And I wouldn‟t have wanted to kill him in so many ways if you

hadn‟t been naked.”

She laughed. Something else she hadn‟t done in a long time.
“I like that,” he murmured, then rested his head on hers.
“Like what?”
“The sound of you happy.”
“I seem to be happy a lot when I‟m with you. Which is weird since

I‟ve spent the last eight years of my life trying very hard to be the most
tenacious woman in my field. I‟m in your presence for a few days, and I‟m
a grinning and laughing romantic fool.”

She turned to look at him, disturbing him from his strange resting

place. “Why is that wonderful?”

“Because you baffled me, too. It‟s insane. But for the first time in

years, something has become more significant than my military career,
than my research projects. I didn‟t think it was possible.”

“Is that why you haven‟t asked me any more questions?”
The car turned right and they both leaned into the door. When they

righted themselves, Bas cleared his throat.

“Actually, there is a question I‟d like to ask you.”
Gaea sat up a little taller. “Only if you allow me to ask you something

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in return.”

“You can ask first,” he stated.
“You sure?”
He nodded.
She exhaled deeply, not sure at all if her timing was bad. But he didn‟t

have to stay, and she didn‟t want him to leave, so...

“I was wondering,” she started, “about the end of this fashion

campaign. I mean, now that Arnold‟s no longer an issue. Our arrangement
is pretty much no longer in effect.”

She felt his hand on the back of her neck, just perched there. Long

fingers, soft pressure. It was a dominating move without bring demanding
or aggressive. Perfect.

“I was thinking that we might like to continue to see each other.”
“Uh-huh,” he said.
“But not in the usual sense. What I want to suggest is something a

little more uncommon.”

His hand fell away from her neck, and she missed it. Looking up into

his face, she knew she had to do some fast talking because his eyebrows
had bunched together something serious.

“Listen to what I have to say before you make your decision.” She

shifted so she could see him more clearly. “I‟m positive you‟ll agree when
I say it‟s been the most spectacular week. There‟s no denying that the two
of us have a unique connection, that we mesh sexually. We both have busy
lives, we‟re both self-reliant, and not ready in the least.”

“What are you getting at?”
“I‟m trying to say we should get together a few times a year. I would

say about four to six times a year. For no more than a week at a time. We
can make arrangements to go to a location where no one knows us. Make
mad, passionate love until we drop. No strings attached. Just fun, sex, and
the exquisite expectation of doing it again the next time it‟s convenient.”

“I see.”

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“You don‟t look like you think this is a great idea.”
“No, no. I can definitely see where it would be quite favorable.”
“You don‟t like it.”
“That‟s not it. It makes sense. For you.”
“But not for you.”
He smiled, but the expression was more dejected than anything else.

“Would you like to know what my question was going to be?”

She shook her head, even though she was dying to know. Just afraid to

find out.

“I want you to marry me, Gaea. Not any time soon, but not years from

now either. I love you.”

Gaea‟s eyes widened at his confession. “You do?”
He nodded.
“But it‟s been less than a week.”
“I know. It doesn‟t matter.”
“How can it not matter?”
“Because I‟ve never experienced anything like what occurs when the

two of us are together. The reason that I haven‟t asked you more
questions, aside from my total lack of concentration, is that for the first
time in my life, I don‟t want to know. I like not being able to figure you
out immediately. It‟s not disappointing at all, which I would never have
believed. In fact, the complete opposite. Not knowing every little thing
about you makes the days interesting. I can‟t think of a better life than to
figure out the conundrum of you.”

Tears sprang to her eyes, and she blinked rapidly, turning her head

away so he couldn‟t see. His words baffled her more than an actual
refusal. He wanted to marry her? It was the one thing she was deathly
afraid of, yet she was flattered in a way that startled her. The idea was
insane, of course, but also kind of amazing.

“Bas, that‟s mad.”
“I know.”
“The whole reason I agreed to our arrangement was because I didn‟t

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want any sort of commitment. Now that Arnold is sure to be fired, it‟s
even more important that I stay undistracted and focused. When I‟m with
you, it‟s hard for me to be all work. It‟s difficult to accomplish any work
at all.”

“But that would change once we knew it was forever.”
“Oh, really? Is that a guarantee?”
He studied her for a long moment. “No. The truth is, I‟m certain you

will sidetrack me forever. Not that I won‟t get anything done. It‟s just that
you‟ll be there, too. You‟ll be there first.”

“Which is what I can‟t promise you. Please, Bas. I promised I

wouldn‟t put myself in a situation where I had to choose between love and
work. Don‟t make me do it. Take me up on my offer, please. At least try
it. We can meet in about two months. That should give me enough time to
settle. You pick the place and I‟ll be there. Where ever I am, whatever I‟m
doing I‟ll make the time to get away.” She placed her hand over his as the
car pulled to a stop in front of their hotel. “Please, Bas?”

He grabbed her by the shoulders and kissed her briefly. “I need time to

think about it.”

“You‟re coming up to the room, right?”
“Yes, of course.”
She sighed with relief. Gaea didn‟t really want to spend the night

alone. “Thank you.”

“You don‟t have to ask. You need me, I‟m there.”
She smiled, scared to ask if he meant just for the night, or forever.

Surely he could see that it was not only too soon to speak of marriage, but
that marriage itself indicated that the relationship was more important than
anything else, which she just couldn‟t agree to. Not when she was so close
to the career of her dreams.

Bas helped her from the car. He smiled again, the weird, uneasy smile

that made her anxious, but she didn‟t question him. If she just gave him

She relished in the way he tucked her protectively into his side as they

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walked to the elevator, and she tried to decipher his expression in the
reflective doors, but she couldn‟t. Once in the room, he made his way over
to the couch, pulling it out to make the bed.

Her heart dropped to the pit of her stomach. If he wasn‟t going to sleep

in the same bed with her, then he definitely wasn‟t going to agree to her
suggestion. She‟d been out of her mind to hope.

“You really don‟t have to spend the night,” she said, passing him on

her way to the bedroom. “I‟d understand if you‟d rather be in your own

“No, I want to stay. You‟ve had a rough day.”
“Thank you,” she said.
“What‟s the plan for tomorrow?”
“I have a feeling I‟m going to be having a serious discussion with the

president of the company. Then there‟s the fashion show here at the

“That‟s right. You‟d better hurry then, get to bed. Best have a clear

mind when they start offering you the company.”

“In my dreams.”
“They will,” he said, his voice filled with conviction. “You‟re

everything a company could want. They‟d be crazy not to offer you the

“Thank you, Bas. That means a lot to me.”
“I only tell the truth.”
Gaea turned, walked over to him, went up on tip-toe, and kissed him

on the lips. “You‟re welcome to join me,” she murmured, nodding toward
the bedroom.

“And for that, I‟m most grateful, but it‟s probably better that you get

some rest. We both know that won‟t happen if I‟m in there.”

She exhaled heavily. “You‟re right. I‟ll be out of the bathroom


“Take all the time you need.”
Gaea wanted to say more, to add to her plan, but she held back.

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Tomorrow would be here soon enough. She was a hell of a marketing
guru. He was just one man. She could make him agree to her suggestion.
She had to.

* * * *

Bas lay awake long after Gaea had closed the bedroom door, thinking

about her idea. The arrangement was fair in its straight forwardness, and
on the surface, the concept made perfect sense. Inexplicably, he hadn‟t
thought about that possibility at all, not even once.

Just about everything surrounding this week had been odd. His lack of

focus, his fascination with a woman he barely spent time with, and yet it
was all strangely familiar.

Because, he realized with shock, it reminded him so much of his

parents. They‟d been with each other four days before they‟d known.
Actually, his mother had known the instant she met his father that they
were going to married. His father had taken a few extra days because of a
severe allergy attack. A lame excuse, but one he‟d used since their
wedding day.

Did he want to marry Gaea because he wanted the fulfillment his

parents had found? Was he putting too much stock into his feelings for

He didn‟t think so. If there was one thing he was, it was self-critical.

But this time, he just couldn‟t be so certain. There was only one logical
choice. Agree to her plan until he was positive. If he still felt this sure the
next time he saw Gaea in two months, then denial would not be an option.

* * * *

Gaea studied Bas from across the room. Tonight‟s party was the last

event of the fashion campaign, and everyone from Marcella Girardi to the
mayor of Dallas had shown up. She was the star of the marketing world

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and had received a ton of hard to resist offers. The most tempting, at the
moment, was to take the executive vice presidency of Begum and Guinn,
not replacing Arnold, but instead running the entire marketing and
promotion for the global company. The money they‟d offered her was in
the mind-blowing range, and that had been the first bid. When they got
down to the negotiation part, she‟d be talking six figure salary, penthouse
loft, use of the company jet and all of the company penthouse apartments
around the world. She‟d have more than she could have hoped for, her
dreams surpassed.

Now, if Bas would only agree to her plan, her world couldn‟t look

brighter. Unfortunately, he‟d been cryptic about his choice. She was
certain what she had to do to convince him.

He chuckled at something Kallie said, and in spite of the packed

ballroom, his voice rose above the noise. It wasn‟t that he was boisterous,
just that he was so unique. Everything about him was distinctive. His
approach to life, his candor, his sophistication. She didn‟t want to lose
him, and that was her biggest concern. If he didn‟t agree to their casual
interludes, what would she do? Say farewell and never look back? How
could she? On the other hand, how could she agree to a committed
relationship when she had to make her career her first concern?

Marcella Girardi was only one account, and it had completely

occupied over six months of her life. Gaea couldn‟t begin to count the
nights she‟d worked past midnight. She hadn‟t even taken an entire
weekend off, not even during the holidays. How could she give him her
spare time when there wasn‟t any?

Dax, looking handsome in a dark Armani suit, joined Kallie and Bas.

He placed his arm around Kallie and they kissed briefly. He grinned at
her, she smiled back, and even from this distance, it was obvious the two
of them where in love.

They, too, had met this week. Kallie had told her this afternoon that

Dax had asked her to go with him on a trip to Wyoming, and that she‟d
agreed. While Gaea was happy for her, she wasn‟t sure that the two of

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them would work out. Sure, he seemed perfect, he appeared to care deeply
for Kallie, and Gaea felt sure that in his heart Dax believed that were
meant for each other. But how could they know? It was insane for anyone
to think that after a few unrestrained, extraordinary days, love could
happen. Real love. Not lust, but love.

Her gaze moved back to Bas. How could he know? It didn‟t make

sense, it wasn‟t rational, and it wasn‟t even wise. Love was difficult
enough when all the circumstances were right. Her father‟s best friend had
been married over thirty years, then found out his wife was having an
affair. Their divorce had been an astronomical battle full of hatred and

Gaea‟s mother‟s best friend had been madly in love with a singer and

had left her own career as a software developer to follow him across the
country. Less than a year later, he‟d burned through all of her savings and
dumped her for a twenty-one-year-old Playboy model.

Sipping her champagne, she headed toward the trio even though she

should be mingling with the heavy hitters all around her. At the very least
she should be schmoozing her boss.

“Hey, it‟s the woman of the decade!” Kallie exclaimed, smiling

broadly. “Have you accepted yet?”

“Accepted what?” Gaea asked, her gaze switching back and forth from

Bas to Kallie and back again.

“The executive V.P. position at Begum and Guinn?”
“The offer has been made, but nothing‟s official.”
Gaea grinned. “If I do accept, that‟ll mean a big promotion for you.”
Kallie‟s smile dimmed and her gaze traveled to Dax. He tightened his

hold on Kallie, which she acquiesced with a nod. A sense of dread filled
Gaea. This wasn‟t going to be good news.

“Uh...well...yeah.” Kallie cleared her throat. “Gaea, the thing is, I‟m

not certain I‟m going to come back to work. After my vacation, that is.
Not that I wouldn‟t love to work with you again, but I could be, um,

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moving, to Wyoming, with Dax.”

“Yes. It‟s sort of sudden and all, but see, he‟s been planning for this

for some time and there‟s this ranch for sale. It‟s basically his dream
place, and there‟s no guarantee anything better will come along, so he‟s
probably going to make an offer on it.”

“And he‟s made you an offer as well?”
Kallie nodded, looking incredibly contrite. “I‟m sure no one better is

going to come along.”

Kallie kissed Dax.
“I don‟t want to move without her,‟‟ Dax stated. “I‟m head over heels

in love, and I want to start out new life away from all this chaos.”

Gaea leaned forward and kissed Kallie on the cheek. “I‟m happy for


“You are?”
Kallie‟s grin lit up her face. “What about you and Bas? Are the two of

you a legitimate couple?”

Bas chuckled. “No, more of an unofficial couple. Your soon-to-be-ex-

boss has some interesting plans about the future that I‟ve decided to
explore with her.”

Gaea spun around to look at him. Was that truly his answer? “Really?”
He nodded. “Really.”
She felt dizzy with relief. “That‟s great.”
Bas stepped closer to her, slipped his arm around her waist, and kissed

her on the forehead, then he moved his mouth close to her ear. “This
doesn‟t change how I feel about you,” he murmured. “I love you. I want to
marry you. But I can wait. At least for a little while.”

Gaea closed her eyes, wishing she could be more like Kallie, but she

wasn‟t. She was Gaea. Obtuse, excessive, ambitious Gaea. She simply
couldn‟t be any other way.

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Chapter Nineteen

Bas contemplated allowing his answering machine catch the call. He

was late for his mother‟s and he had serious reparation to pay. His dog, the
one he‟d idiotically rescued from a shelter, had not simply chewed up
several pairs of her shoes, he‟d left other...intriguing...presents in assorted
corners and dark places. The bunny had been particularly mephitic, but the
bird had been the biggest surprise. It had been two weeks since he‟d taken
the misbehaving dog back, but his mother was still quite pissed.

On the other hand, the phone call might be something important. And

with him waiting on a phone replacement, another courtesy of Harley, he
didn‟t have much of a choice. He closed his front door and ran across the
carpeted floor to the phone, picking it up mere seconds before the machine
would have come on.

“Bas here.”
Silence. Nothing. Strange.
Holy shit. Bas staggered backward to his chair and flopped down. She

wasn‟t supposed to be on the phone. They weren‟t supposed to talk for at
least several more weeks. Her rules.

“Are you okay, Gaea?”
“Yes, I‟m good.” She cleared her throat.
He wondered where she was. Bas could go peek at the caller ID, but he

didn‟t. Given that it was only seven, she was probably still at work.

“How are you?” she asked.
He bit back a chuckle. The woman was terrible at small talk. “I‟m fine,

Gaea. Doing great.”

“Good. I‟m glad.”
He decided to wait. Something had to be going on for her to make an

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exception to the rules. It could be that she‟d figured out that the entire
occasional sexual interlude scheme was insane. During the long two
weeks since they‟d said goodbye, she could have come to her senses,
realized that he was nothing but a complete lunatic.

Then again, maybe, like him, she‟d realized that two months was an

awful long time to wait. That the only time they had was now. That love
could, indeed, happen in the blink of an eye.

“I took the job offer,” she said finally.
“Wonderful. Tell me all about it.”
“I would love to, but not over the phone.”
“Oh.” His stomach pitched and rolled. So it was the former, not the

latter. She wanted to make a clean break.

“Oh, no. No, no, it‟s not that.”
He frowned. “Not what.”
“We‟re still on. It‟s just that, well, I‟ve missed you.”
He smiled. Hugely. “That‟s fantastic. I‟ve missed you, too.”
“So, um, how about tomorrow? Lunch? Noon?”
“Sounds good. Definitely. Where?”
“I‟ll have my assistant call. I have to go right now. See you


“Okay,” he responded. “I love you.”
But she had already hung up.

* * * *

Gaea hopped out of the car and she adjusted her clothes as she raced

toward the front door of Bas‟s home. She was late. Again. Poor Bas. And
he hadn‟t once confronted her on throwing out her shoving aside her grand
plan without a second thought. In the last month, she‟d gone from seeing
him once a week, to twice a week, to everyday this week alone.

They shared a pizza in her office. Eaten sandwiches from a local deli

near her job. He‟d cooked her dinner at his home twice, followed, of

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course, by two breakfasts.

He‟d never brought it up. Whenever they got together, they talked

about her job, his job, Kallie and Dax, Arnold‟s disgrace, his family, her
family...and the weird thing about it all was that her work hadn‟t faltered
at all. As a matter of fact, if anything, he energized her. Unwaveringly
supportive, he understood the demand of her new position, and he never
protested when she had to take calls or change the schedule last minute.

He‟d become involved in a new project himself, which was as thrilling

to her as it was to him. It also meant that there were times when he was
busy and couldn‟t get away himself.

She smiled and her heart beat faster as she reached the door. But she‟d

come to expect that. Seeing Bas was the high point of any day, of any
night. She felt like a teenager going through her first major crush every
time she saw him, and tonight was no exception.

He opened the front door with a smile so welcoming it made her

quiver. Boy did he look delicious. Gray button down shirt, rolled sleeves,
black dress pants. His hair slightly unkempt and sexy as all get out. She
loved the way he looked at her. And when he kissed her hello, it was the
same effect—Roman candles.

“You‟re breathtaking” he said, pulling her into his home.
She smiled again as she spotted the table, stunningly set, votive

candles floating in brandy snifters.

“Success becomes you,” he stated, tugging her into his embrace.
Gaea laid her head on Bas‟s broad chest. “It‟s not success yet. But give

me a few months.”

“Baloney. No matter the outcome at your job, you‟ve already won.

You‟ve achieved what you set out to do, and did it through diligence and
excellence. What‟s not to like?”

She laughed. He had a knack for making her do that. “Kallie called me


He pulled back so he could see her face. “Oh?”
“Dax proposed to her. They are having an engagement party and want

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us to come up for it.”

“In Wyoming?”
She nodded. “In a couple of weeks.”
“Should be a grand time. Can you get away?”
“For a few days, definitely. I wouldn‟t want to miss it.”
“Excellent. I can make it, too.”
“I haven‟t told you the date.”
“No need to,” he replied. He enclosed her hand in his. “I‟ll be there.”
She inhaled deeply, the air fragrant with the scent of basil and pesto.

“What is that?” she asked. “It smells delicious.”

He pulled out her chair, waited until she was seated, then headed

toward the kitchen. “Salmon. One of my father‟s special recipes. Why
don‟t you pour us some wine while I grab the food?”

She did, enjoying the light flavor of the Chardonnay. He came back

quickly, carrying a large tray weighed down with covered dishes, which
he placed in front of her. When he took off the lids, she exhaled deeply
with excitement. “It looks wonderful.”

He leaned over until his mouth was very close to hers. “So do you.”
She erased the rest of the distance and kissed him. Before she knew it,

she was standing again in his arms and the alluring dinner wasn‟t as
desirable as getting her hands underneath his shirt.

He had his own plan, and his was the more overwhelming task. She

had on a blouse, a jacket, a bra, pants, panties. And yet, somehow, by the
time they‟d staggered into the bedroom, between kisses, chuckles and
gasps, she was down to a bra and panties while he still had on his pants.

His hands traveled toward her bra clasp, but she wiggled out of his

reach. “Hold on a second,” she rasped. “I want—”

He interrupted her with a kiss. A long one full of exploration and

teasing, distracting her just long enough to undo her bra clasp and slip the
straps off her shoulders. It fell to the floor to join the rest of her discarded
clothing, leaving her in satin bikini panties.

Bas stepped back, eyeing her from head to toe twice. “I love your

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“Thanks,” she whispered. “Why are you still wearing pants?”
He looked down, pretending to be shocked. “Oh hell. I wondered why

I was feeling so confined.” Bas undid his belt, his zipper, and after he
stepped out of his pants, he kicked them across the room, leaving him in a
pair of boxer briefs.

“Wow. You‟re really excited to see me, aren‟t you?”
“I would have to be out of my mind not to be. Now, why is it that you

still have clothes on?”

“Tsk. Tsk. Tsk, Bas. Every time I come over, you‟re always anxious to

get me naked. I‟m starting to think you‟re trying to form a nudist camp.”

“I am. Wait until you see what activities I have planned.”
She looked at his huge bed, which looked awfully alluring with the

comfy tan cover and overstuffed fancy pillow.

“Scuba diving?”
He moved closer to her as she slipped her panties down until they fell

around her ankles. “Nope, too predictable. I thought we‟d have a fashion

Her head snapped up. “Oh? Sounds interesting.”
With a salacious grin, he walked over to his nightstand and opened the

drawer. He brought out two silk scarves. “I think so too, and hopefully,
you still will after you find out how I want you to model them.”

Gaea‟s eyes widened. “Now wait a second—”
“Do you remember the first question I asked you that night at


“Um, yes, I do.”
“I was going to do this after dinner, but I‟m willing to reverse the


Her gaze stayed on the silk scarves. They looked soft. But being tied


He walked back over to her, and his arms slipped around her waist.

“It‟s going to be magnificent,” he murmured. “All you have to do is lie

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back and let me take care of you.”

“I don‟t know about this, Bas. I like having my hands free.”
“Which is a good thing. You have lovely hands. However, tonight is

going to be about you. All the pleasure you can handle. Nothing but earth
shattering things are going to happen to you. I swear.”

She stared up into his eyes, but she already knew that he was telling

her the truth. He would never do anything to hurt her. Completely the
opposite. Bas was the most caring lover she‟d ever had. Which didn‟t
mean he couldn‟t take on his dominant persona on occasion. She liked it a
lot. He was considerate and without restraint, and boy, he had some

“Okay then,” she said, caressing his back. “I‟ll agree to this. Do with

me what you will.”

He tried for a wicked chuckle, but the effect was ruined when he

kissed her. She felt the hardness of his erection against her hip and it
occurred to her that they probably should speed things up a little.

Bas clearly had the same idea because he led her over to the bed. She

went to sit on the edge, but he stopped her, instead lifting her up into his
arms and placing her carefully in the center of the humongous bed.

After she was settled, naked, exposed, he lifted her arms up and over

her head, toward the posts. Her heartbeat sped up as he secured her right
wrist, making sure that the scarf wasn‟t too tight, but that she couldn‟t
escape. She tested it a few times, almost called it off, but then figured she
had nothing to lose by taking a chance.

When he wrapped the scarf around her other wrist, she realized there

had never been another lover in her past she‟d trusted enough to do this.
And definitely no other man had made her this aroused and antsy. Gaea
squeezed her thighs together, but it didn‟t help. Only one thing would ease
her ache.

She squirmed on the duvet as he moved to the end of the bed, smiling,

taking in the sight of her vulnerable body with clear excitement while he
removed his boxers. His erection was as hard as she‟d ever seen it, and she

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felt more attractive than ever that she could have this effect on him.

Then he crawled onto the bed.
Her pulse raced, and in spite of her willingness to try something

different, her hands tugged at the bonds. It was hard to lie completely still,
especially when he grasped her left leg in his hands and kissed the arch of
her foot.

“Relax,” he whispered. Then he kissed the top of her foot, and with

indescribable composure and extreme gentleness, he moved leisurely up
her leg, licking, nibbling, kissing. Gaea had never thought of her leg as an
erogenous zone, but obviously, she‟d been misinformed. Because every
caress made her insides almost melt.

“Stop wiggling,” he said.
He stopped moving until she met his gaze. “You can. You will.”
She comprehended what he was doing, and it thrilled her. Tonight, he

was calling the shots, not her. Of course, she was the only beneficiary of
his attention, which wasn‟t actually a burden, but still, she wasn‟t used to
giving up power. In fact, her days were completely designed around the
idea of acquiring power.

Yeah. She could do as he asked, for now.
After she obeyed his request, he still didn‟t go back to his

ministrations until she lowered her gaze. Fascinating. A little strange, but

Especially good because he traveled rapidly up her leg, sucking her

flesh, kissing, nibbling. All the spectacular things his mouth and tongue
could do.

But that was only the beginning. The star attraction came a few

moments later. His hands spread her legs. She felt incredibly exposed,
totally worshiped, and a little self-conscious until she saw the lust in his

That‟s all it took. That and his skilled tongue, of course. He knew

exactly what to do, exactly how hard to lick, when to slow down. He

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teased her until she pleaded, then rewarded her with the focus and
attention that was out of this world.

She didn‟t come just once. That would be too easy. If she‟d had her

hands free, she would have rearranged herself. Given him something as
good as she was getting. But that wasn‟t what he wanted. In the end, it
clearly wasn‟t what she wanted either.

Gaea cried out loudly as she came. They probably heard her in Fort

Worth. Several times. She lost track of how many times she climaxed. But
Bas didn‟t stop. Not until she was so wiped out that her voice cracked and
her vision dimmed. Then he raised up. Gaea struggled to open her eyes
enough to see his contented grin. But a bigger surprise was when her gaze
traveled down to his waist. He wasn‟t erect any more.

Bas noticed her bewilderment. “It‟s okay. The comforter is washable.”
Then she understood. He‟d experienced his own orgasm without a

single caress from her. Bas had climaxed because he‟d made her cry out in
happiness. Because he...

“Oh my,” she whispered, lowering her head back to the pillow.
Gaea still struggled to breathe normally, and her body continued to

tremble and quiver as residual quakes of her orgasm rolled through her.
She was positive that all of the pleasure receptors in her body were on
overload, had combusted several times. Which was a very wonderful

In the back of her mind, she felt him free her hands, and then he was

next to her in the bed with his arms and one leg around her. He nuzzled
her neck with his kissable mouth, and she sighed her contentedness.

“Tell me, what did you think?” he asked.
Gaea chuckled. Well, as much of a chuckle as she could squeeze out.

“You don‟t know?”

“Yes, but my male ego wants to hear you say it.”
She turned her head until her eyes met his. “You‟re a magnificent man.

I‟d sign up for your fashion show anytime.”

“So the scarf thing works for you?”

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Gaea nodded. “Maybe not as an everyday thing. But on occasion...”
“I like the sound of that.”
She laughed. “I don‟t know what I‟m going to do with you, Bas.”
He lifted his head and winked. “Do you actually want me to answer


Gaea remained silent for several long seconds, the butterflies in her

stomach fluttering just enough to make her very aware that she knew what
he was going to say. But she nodded anyway.

“Yes. Tell me.”
“You can marry me,” he said. “Gaea, I love you. I want to come home

to you every evening, go to bed with you every night. I want to wake up to
you every morning, cook you breakfast, pack your lunch, and pick out
wedding invitations. I want to hear everything about your day, each day.”

She looked into his gorgeous face, the honesty shimmering in his

green eyes. He loved her. There was no doubt about it. He‟d shown her in
every possible way.

What Bas didn‟t know was that she‟d been doing some research of her

own, which didn‟t involve her job in any way. She‟d checked out a few
books and articles on love, marriage and what it takes to make a
relationship work, especially the ones written by his mother.

What she found was that there was no perfect answer. Just as Bas had

no chance of figuring out the secret to understanding women, she stood no
chance of finding the exact formula to happily-ever-after.

There were no rules to follow, no master plan to formulate. The only

specifications she had were her own. What did her heart tell her? What her
gut told her about the man holding her. This future?

She turned a bit further, raised up on one elbow. “Can I be completely


“This is what I know. I‟ve never been in love before, so I have no idea

if I‟m doing it the right way. I‟ve definitely never trusted anyone with my
heart. You‟ve seen how I am, what I do, and all I‟ve received from you is

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understanding, love and support.”

“I sense a but coming...”
She grinned as she leaned forward and kissed him softly on the lips.

“So what do you say, Sebastian Fuller, that we go up to Wyoming to
celebrate our engagement as well?”

For several heartbeats, his expression didn‟t change. No response.

Then he grinned. Oh, what a smile.

“Are you sure?” he asked.
She nodded. “Are you sure about me?”
“I‟ve told you once before that I want to spend the rest of my life

unraveling the mystery of you. I haven‟t changed my mind. I never will.”

Gaea exhaled softly. Shifted once more so she was safe in the warmth

of his arms. His breath caressed her cheek. As her eyes drifted closed, she
felt something different, something wonderful. A heartbeat later, it
dawned on her. She was where she always wanted to be.


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Two years later

Gaea couldn‟t ever recall being this nervous in her life. Not when she

accepted her new position at Begum and Guinn. Not when she and Bas
traveled to Wyoming and announced their engagement. And not when she
walked down the aisle to begin the rest of her life with Bas.

He grounded her. Kept her calm when things were chaotic. She‟d

made the best decision in her life when she said yes to Bas. In return, he‟d
kept his promise to her. He showed her he loved her every day. Most
importantly, she hadn‟t had to choose between her career and her man.
She was handling both very well.

The alarm on her cell phone startled her. She looked down at the

counter for a long time and tears sprang to her eyes. Taking a deep breath,
she tried to collect herself. Bas was in the living room waiting on her.
While he typically had the patience of a saint, Gaea wasn‟t positive that
would be the case today.

A short time later, she made her way to Bas. He rose from the couch

when he heard her enter. One look at her face and disappointment
flickered across his expression, but he opened his arms. She rushed into
them with hesitation. Resting her head on his shoulder, she was content to
let him hold her. Finally, she lifted her head to look at him.

“Bas, we‟re going to have a baby.”
Bas went completely still. “But—”
“These are tears of happiness,” she murmured.
His knees buckled slightly as he eased down to the floor, holding her.

He cradled her on his lap and held her tightly to his chest.

“I can‟t believe it,” he said over and over. “Thank you, love. Thank

you,” he whispered hoarsely.

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Her hands cupped his face as she kissed his lips. Seconds later, she

began to cry as they shared another joy that neither had ever experienced
in their lives. A joy that she hoped to share with Bas for many years to

The End

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Sugar and Spice Press

Where romance is everything nice.


Document Outline


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