DeRicci Diana Under One Roof

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Under One Roof

Diana DeRicci

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eBooks are not transferable. They cannot be sold, shared or
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Perfect Strangers Collection

Copyright © 2012 DIANA DeRICCI

Cover art by Amanda Kelsey

Edited by Trinity Scott

ISBN: 978-1-936387-39-7

ISBN 10: 1-936387-39-5

All Romance eBooks, LLC

Palm Harbor, Florida 34684

This is a work of fiction and any resemblance to persons,

living or dead, or business establishments, events, or locales is

All Rights Are Reserved. No part of this may be used or

reproduced in any manner whatsoever with out written
permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in
critical articles and reviews.

First All Romance eBooks publication: February 2012

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Chapter One

Korbin tapped the wheel, singing to the radio. His

foot even bounced a little, trying to keep the beat while
paying attention to the road. Where is that stupid stop
Aha! The tree branches moved in the breeze and the
stop sign appeared. He slowed and made the stop, the lone
car at the four-way, then pressed for gas.

A sudden and very loud pop made him startle as he

reached the other side. Then his car wobbled and thunked.

“You have got to be kidding me.” He smacked the

wheel with a fist.

Checking his mirrors more out of habit than there

being anyone else on the road, he limped to the side, then
put the car in park on the shoulder. After releasing his
belt, he raised his left arm out of the way to snag the door
handle with his right fingers. Once the latch was loose, he
pushed with his shoulder and the door swung open. It was
a practiced move, and had been for the last two weeks.
The cast on his arm was a hindrance he’d learned to
maneuver around.

He walked to the front of the car and groaned, then

cussed a little under his breath while he was at it. Now
there was no doubt he was going to be late to meet the

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renter for the interview at his house. Korbin kicked the
tire and flinched at the shot of pain that lanced his toes.

“Smooth, dummy.” Why doncha break a foot and an

arm? Well, nothing to be done about it now. Maybe if he
was lucky, the guy he was meeting was desperate for a
place to stay and would wait.

He could hope.
Leaning through the car window, he popped the trunk

and turned on the flashers. The tick-tock of the lights
blinking made his teeth clench. Today was not a day he
needed this to happen.

What sucked was he was off the beaten path, a back

road to his place that would have saved him about ten
minutes, making it to his house before his visitor easily.
That cushion of time was now destroyed.

Rummaging through the trunk, he pulled the floor

cover out of the way to expose the wheel well. He was
bent over the trunk lip with his rear in the air when the
sound of a car right behind him had him peering over his
shoulder. He straightened, taking in the bright blue, small-
size pickup.

The man behind the wheel gave him a welcoming

smile and opened his door with a metal creak. “Need
some help?” he called, standing to his feet on the ground.
Korbin had become used to the accents of the area since
coming to live there, but this man’s was rich and robust,
pure southern hospitality.

“Depends. I don’t have any money.”
The guy standing beside the truck blinked and

gripped the door, not coming any closer. “Money? I
thought you needed help.”

Korbin crossed his arms and leaned a hip on the car’s

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bumper. “Unofficially, I do. I have to change a tire and
this makes it difficult.” He dropped his chin to his healing

A gaze of sympathy swept over the guy’s face. “Oh,

man. What happened?”

“Me and a ladder had a disagreement. The ladder

won by dumping me twelve feet.”

The man behind the open truck door winced. “Sorry,

but ouch.”

Korbin chuckled. “No biggie. I’m a klutz by nature.”
“Well, I can help with that,” he said, meaning the tire

with a pointed look to the car. “And I won’t charge you,
though if you could tell me how to get to Honeyhock
Road, I’d appreciate it.”

“I can do that,” Korbin replied, though he was more

afraid of being mugged than having to pay for the help.
The man smiled again and Korbin took in his friendly
appearance, still on his guard. A man doesn’t move out of
the big city and forget everything he’d learned because he
was now in some small everyone-knows-everyone
country town.

As he approached, Korbin admitted he was good

looking. Solid shoulders with a body that tapered to snug
jeans and a firm waist. He was probably a few years older
than Korbin. From the distance he couldn’t make out his
eyes, other than they sparkled and he tended to squint a
little when he smiled. Thick brown hair was trimmed over
his ears and was most likely finger combed more than not.
It looked rugged but good on him.

“Let’s see what we have to work with.”
Korbin stepped to the side, out of arm’s reach as the

man neared.

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“I’m Cage.” He offered a hand. Korbin’s hesitation to

shake didn’t go unnoticed and Cage let his hand fall. “Are
you sure you’re okay? You seem awful skittish.” Green
eyes regarded him. Now that he was closer, Korbin could
tell they were definitely green.

“Sorry. I guess I am.” He wasn’t about to tell this

stranger why.

“No worries. Let’s get you going again.”
Then Cage got to work, unbolting the tire from its

well in the trunk to tug it out. He rolled it to the front of
the car, then came back for the jack. He didn’t try to make
more small talk, and for that Korbin was sorry and
grateful. He wasn’t a damsel in need of rescue, and could
changed his own tire. It just would have taken about
four times as long as Cage was knocking it out. He was
sorry because he actually liked the sound of Cage’s voice.

Even better, with the speed Cage had, he might be

able to salvage the meeting he was now definitely late for.

Less than ten minutes later, Cage dropped the flat

into the trunk, ensuring the jack was settled, then smacked
the top down.

“I do appreciate this,” Korbin said, trying to sound

maybe a little more welcoming than he had in the
beginning. “Honeyhock Road is three miles up and a left

“Great. Thanks.” Cage didn’t try to shake again,

rather giving him a smart salute over his eye and climbing
into his truck. He pulled away with a final wave and with
him departing, Korbin relaxed enough to give him a
broader smile of thanks.

“Probably thinks I’m the world’s largest dick,” he

muttered, climbing into his car, then starting the engine.

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Driving onto his street, he took in the full oak trees,

the one large magnolia in front of Mrs. Steiner’s, and the
single tire swing that hung lazily in the mid-morning heat.
He loved living there. It was quiet, he had zero visitors
and no one ever called except for his agent. Korbin was
perfectly fine with that. His mother had passed away five
years before and he couldn’t remember his father, though
he guessed he had one. His mother never really spoke
about it.

Nearing his house, his mouth fell open, jarring him

out of his thoughts. “You have got to be kidding me!” he
choked out, then laughed at the cruel joke.

Sitting in his driveway was Cage, leaning against the

fender of his truck, punching buttons on his cell phone.
Slowing, Korbin pressed his forehead to the wheel,
muttering more curses. He’d already blown any chances
at a first impression with his potential renter by simply
having bad luck.

* * * *

Cage checked the address again, then frowned.

Where was the guy? He glanced at his watch. He wasn’t
early and he wasn’t late. Cage didn’t think anyone was so
strict as to penalize him for three minutes. He huffed, then
crossed his arms and legs to wait. There wasn’t anything
else he could do. If the owner didn’t show, then he was
screwed back to square one.

The grind of approaching tires had him whipping

around to investigate. His eyes widened disbelievingly at
the car pulling in behind him. Then he laughed. Son of a
He should have known. He didn’t move, well
aware—now—his new landlord, if all went well, was not

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“We meet again, Mr. Bond,” Cage drawled with a

grin when the other man approached. “Korbin Myers,

Korbin sighed wryly. “Yes. That is me, but Cage

isn’t Quinton,” he offered in answer with a hint of

“Quinton is what’s on my birth certificate and my

degrees. Cage is what I go by. Less pretentious if you ask

Korbin chuckled, apparently relaxing. “Parents. What

can you do with them? Come on inside and you can tell
me what you think. When do you start at the Constable’s

“Next week. Gives me a few days to get settled,”

Cage answered. “Beautiful house, by the way. I was
raised in one like this.”

Korbin opened the front door and held it for him to

go first. “I was raised in southern Michigan.”

“Long way from home and family,” Cage mentioned.
“No family.” Korbin shut and locked the door. “This

way to your rooms. You do get free run of the house. All I
ask is that you leave the office alone. You’re welcome to
use the computer and fax or whatever, but it’s where I
work and I hate when things are out of place.”

“Not a problem. I have my own laptop, but the fax is

a nice touch.” Cage trailed Korbin through the house,
taking in the white-washed walls and faint accents in the
corners. The molding was beautifully done and looked to
have been an addition. Gauzy spring curtains hung
gathered on ties allowing light and air flow through the
large, open windows. Polished wood floors were sparsely
covered with an occasional rug, and shone beautifully in

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the sunlight. Cage had a lot of good memories from his
childhood home and this one was like walking back
through time.

Climbing the stairs to the second floor, Korbin led

him to his rooms. “This floor is yours, including the
bathroom and extra room for whatever you need. Mine is
downstairs. I sometimes wake with writing insomnia and
I’ve found it’s just safer to avoid the stairs when I’m
stumbling through the dark.” Cage smiled at Korbin’s
poking fun.

“I’ve never known an actual author.” Cage walked

into the bedroom, running a hand over the furniture as he
went. It was cared for and had been recently painted. That
was one of the reasons he’d liked this offer. It came
furnished. He’d left a lot of things behind; the reasons too
deep to want to think about. “What do you write?”

“A little of everything,” Korbin replied dismissively.

“It pays the bills. Is the rent comfortable for you?”

Cage studied him. Was he about to ask for more?
He held his hands in front of him, obviously reading

his silence. “Because if it’s a stretch just starting, I’m

Cage heaved in light relief. “No, it’s fine. I have

some savings and a moving stipend.”

Apparently happy with that, Korbin said, “Come on

downstairs. Let me show you the rest and the backyard.”

Korbin went to turn out of the room, but Cage

stopped him before he cleared the doorway. “Korbin?” He
paused and gazed right at Cage with the most stunning
brown eyes he had ever been privileged to know. His gut
clenched as heat filled his veins. He drew a slow breath
through his nose to calm the burst of wanting. Not good!

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Not that it helped. He’d sensed an attraction when he’d
first spoken to Korbin on the roadside, but under the
circumstances had left it behind. The fact that the man
and the attraction were both well and within reach were
going to take some control. Especially since he didn’t
know and couldn’t tell if Korbin was gay. It hadn’t been
on the application or discussed. And one thing he’d
learned was not to advertise. It just wasn’t safe.

Cage came to stand at his shoulder. “The rest doesn’t

matter. If it works and doesn’t bite, I’ll be happy here.”

Korbin’s smile was off the Richter scale. Cage

followed Korbin downstairs as he chattered through the
details, though he only heard about half of it. He was too
busy arguing with himself while staring at the nice buns
in the cargo pants.

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Chapter Two

Cage moved in and, between them, they hit a rhythm

over the next few weeks. Cage worked the overnight shift
as the new guy on the payroll. Korbin wasn’t a noisy day
person, so Cage could sleep while Korbin wrote, which
meant Korbin had the house to himself most of the time.
Korbin was actually very thankful for the polar opposites
of their schedules.

He never did fully explain what he wrote. He’d only

told one person and his agent.

Korbin was still friends with his agent.
Larissa handled his mainstream work, the name the

science-fiction readers clamored for. She knew about his
alter ego and encouraged it, even though she didn’t handle
that part of his writing. He wrote gay romance for a small
epress. Money was money the way he saw it, and he had
bills just like every other adult.

The different style of writing was a brain break when

the rest of his writing froze, or when worlds and species
and rules became cluttered. That and he just liked giving
someone in his life a happy ending without laser
shootouts or bloody wars and body parts being thrown all
over kingdom come. Oh, and sex. Because he definitely

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wasn’t getting that, either.

A light tap on the door frame dragged him from his

computer screen. “Hey, Kor. Thanks for leaving me some

“Anytime. Though how you can eat spaghetti at

eight-thirty in the morning…” Korbin shrugged.

Cage smiled, sipping on a glass of soda. “It’s pretty

easy when you’ve been up for fourteen hours. I’m going
to go catch a nap. Can you wake me in a few hours? I
have to run to the store.” The green of his eyes sparkled
with the life that he’d learned was Cage, though he looked
drained. Working nights wasn’t for everyone.

“Sure. Is it something I can get for you?”
Cage scratched his chin, the small cleft there in need

of a shave. “Not this time. Are you still going to be
around tonight?”

“Should be,” Korbin replied.
Cage looked relieved. “Good.”
“Is something wrong?”
“Not really. My sister is driving through and wants to

say hi.”

“Is that code for wants to check out the pad?”
Cage gave him a boyish smile. “You could say that.

She’s a little protective of her younger brother.”

“This is the same brother who’s a cop, right?”
“That would be him.”
Korbin stretched his arms over his body, yawning

through a laugh. “Go get some zees. I’m going to get
another cup of coffee.”

Cage unbuttoned the from top of his uniform to the

hem, the black splitting to reveal the white T-shirt
beneath. Korbin caught a glimpse of hard chest beneath

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the white. Dazed, he shook himself, realizing he was
alone and Cage had vanished several moments before.

Get a grip. Korbin palmed his coffee cup and walked

to the kitchen for that refill. Obviously ogling and
enjoying Cage’s body parts meant he needed to be more
awake. And if he had been, he might have seen the wall
when it jumped out and smacked him in the face instead
of looking over his shoulder, hoping for a last peek at the

His coffee cup tumbled from his hand and shattered

on the floor. Korbin skidded then landed on his ass with
an oomph and a few stars. “Damn it!”

“Korbin!” Bare feet thudded down the stairs. “Are

you okay?” A strong, gentle hand curled around his arm
and helped him stand. Cage eased one of Korbin’s arms
over his shoulders and led him to the kitchen. “Here. Sit.
You’re bleeding.”

“I am?” Korbin didn’t think he’d cut himself. It

wasn’t like that had been the first cup to be sacrificed by

“Yes. Tip back.” Cage pressed a towel beneath his

nose. “Give me your hand.” Korbin did. “Pinch here.”

“Okay,” he answered, muffled. He blinked to clear

his vision, and almost swallowed his tongue and not out
of pain. Cage was strutting around the kitchen in
underwear. Just underwear. The man was magnificent.
Korbin heard him often working with his weights and it
showed. Arms toned and defined, a flat stomach that
proved he wasn’t a stranger to sit-ups and the way those
underwear clung… Korbin held his nose and prayed,
because he hadn’t seen that hot of a sight in a long time,
and never in his own home.

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Cage hunted around for the broom and dustpan then

vanished, returning a moment later to put the shards in the
trash. He put it all away then washed his hands.

“Here. Let me see.” He eased away the towel. “You

clocked yourself good.” He replaced it, grinning
crookedly. Korbin followed him as Cage filled a clean
hand towel with ice and made him switch, still pinching
his nose and staying tipped on his neck.

Cage pulled out a chair and sat with him, knee to

knee. Green eyes danced with humor. “You weren’t

“Total klutz,” Korbin reiterated. “Not the first cup to

die at my hand, either.”

Cage’s shoulders shook. “Poor cups. Think of the

families!” he joked.

“I do. I only use the left handed ones.”
Cage blinked, then curled over in laughter at the

monotone response.

Korbin slid his cast covered arm onto the table to

brace himself. He couldn’t wait to get rid of the stupid

“Okay. Let’s see what it looks like now,” Cage asked

when he could talk sensibly.

Korbin let Cage remove the towel then released his

hand and slowly straightened. “Still bleeding?”

“No. How sore is it?”
Korbin ran delicate fingers over the bridge and along

the eye that bore the brunt of his inattention. “Doesn’t feel

“Has it been?”
“Another wall?” Cage asked, with understanding

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“No, not that time.” Korbin let his gaze slide away,

not wanting to answer any questions about it.

Cage didn’t press, puttering and mothering for a few

more minutes. “Keep the ice on it to keep your sinuses
from swelling and you should be okay in a couple hours.”
Cage stood and tucked the chair under the table. “See you
in a few.” He patted Korbin on the shoulder then
sauntered out of the room.

Even after running face first into a wall over the man,

Korbin couldn’t stop himself from watching him leave.

* * * *

Cage rubbed a hand over his eyes and groaned.

Stupid dreams. Rolling over, he caught the time on the
clock. He should get up. He burrowed down into the
blankets, unwilling to go through with it. With Korbin’s
help, he’d blacked out the windows so daylight was
muted and the dim light made it easier for him to sleep.
Too bad the lack of light didn’t keep him from dreaming.

Ever since he’d met Korbin, his dreams had been

messing with him, playing on his desires. Seeing him this
morning in a lightweight pair of cotton sleep bottoms and
a plain T-shirt hadn’t helped any. He was an average
build, not too thick but with a nice chest and smooth
arms. He even had a nice ass, a little round and absolutely
nibble worthy.

It was the smile, though, that did him in.
Every time Korbin smiled, Cage wanted to melt

through the floor. He couldn’t name one man who’d hit
him with lust so deeply or quickly in his life. Korbin
wasn’t bad looking. Quite the opposite. Brown eyes on
many were boring, but not his. They were golden brown,

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like brown sugar mixed with melted butter. He snorted at
the comparison, remembering where he’d seen that.
Baking cookies with his mother when he was still a kid.
He had a shock of brown curls for hair, tight little loops
that he kept close to his nape. Cage sighed when his
fingers stretched, wanting to dig into that thatch and feel

A light knock on his door popped him out of his

thoughts and his warm cocoon.

“Cage? It’s after two. Ready to get up?”
“Yeah,” he called, his voice a bit rusty. He

swallowed, and tried again. “Yeah. I’m awake.”

“Okay.” The slight scuff of feet vanished quickly.
Cage stretched, then tossed off his blankets to scrub

his face with stiff palms once he sat at the edge of the bed.
Shower, then the rest of the world.

Cage washed on autopilot, letting his mind wander.

He’d almost turned down the position because of the
living situation. He’d never roomed with anyone, not
counting his brother, but when he’d learned about Korbin
hunting for a roommate through his supervisor, he
thought it wouldn’t hurt to at least talk to him, find out
about him. He’d liked the town and wanted the job. If it
wasn’t what Cage wanted, he’d just make a very focused
effort to find his own place as soon as possible, even if he
had to get an apartment in the next town.

They’d chatted a few times through email. That was

when Cage learned he was an author and worked from
home. He had this huge house and had only recently
decided to open it to a renter. An extra body and a little
extra money.

Korbin had admitted one night not too long after

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Cage moved in that he’d been very careful about who
knew about the room offer. He hadn’t wanted some sleazy
squatter moving in. Cage hadn’t even minded when
Korbin said he’d run a background check and verified his
pending employment. Cage knew it was a common
practice to verify information on an application.
Apparently Korbin took care of it personally. He’d joked
about being the one to live with the new person, he sure
as heck wanted to know what he was getting into.

Cage didn’t really believe in fate or the cosmos, but

almost immediately, he’d felt…something. Like this was
where he was supposed to be. It was the smile then, too,
that hooked him and he chose to accept the rental

Of course, that would be when everything became

difficult because he very definitely found his landlord
attractive. If he’d been a smarter man, he would have
turned tail and ran instead of accepting Korbin’s offer.

Rinsing his hair, he ducked under the spray and

twisted his head to get the good spots with the hot water.

And tonight, Patty was coming by. Cage knew she

was just worried about him, the same way he looked out
for her. His sister was a traveling consultant for the
natural disaster division of one of the largest insurance
agencies. Cage checking in with her was like trying to
catch the wind. Sadly, this had been a very busy year for
her and they hadn’t been able to connect often. At least
with him settling into his position, he wasn’t going
anywhere any time soon.

Out of the shower, clean and dressed, he heard the

muted clicking of the keyboard coming from Korbin’s
office. Korbin didn’t close the door all the way, leaving it

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about two inches open so, if necessary, he could hear.
Cage had already learned when Korbin was working, he
was almost deaf to the outside world.

Cage was very impressed by Korbin. The man was a

workaholic and wrote six days a week. How he could
keep that kind of mental stream going without fail was
beyond him. He’d told Cage his pen name for his science-
fiction, and when he’d had downtime in his cruiser, he’d
Googled the name.

Saying what Korbin wrote paid the bills was modest.

His book list was at least a dozen books long. What Cage
hadn’t told Korbin was he’d secretly ordered one that
sounded really good and was reading it when he could.
The man’s imagination blew Cage away. Of course, he
didn’t tell anyone the two were the same person. If
Korbin wasn’t sharing, then neither was he.

Strolling into the kitchen, he smiled as his senses

came alive. Korbin had made a fresh pot of coffee. He
knew Korbin wasn’t doing things specifically for him, but
it was working well that their needs synced so well to
work for them both. Dinner at sunrise. Coffee mid-
afternoon. Korbin had even helped Cage set up his
weights in the extra bedroom. Korbin as a roommate was
working out better than he’d ever expected.

After his first sip, he reversed direction to say hi to

Korbin and to see if there was anything he could get the
other man on his store run. He hoped Kor didn’t mind, but
Patty had asked him if he’d cook and knowing how rarely
she ate anything not processed, he’d agreed.

The office door was partially opened and he pushed it

in quietly. The office was empty. The computer was still
on, so he knew Korbin would be right back. Also

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knowing what the man wrote, and reading it himself, he
was curious about what was knocking around in his head
for his latest.

Cage walked in the four paces to stand behind the

office chair. He took a slow sip of his coffee and read.

Ben’s fingers trailed over Joshua’s strong shoulder

to his smooth chest, eliciting a short sigh of pleasure.
Joshua delved between Ben’s muscled thighs, caressing
the skin of his sac with the blunt nails that he knew drove
Ben mad with need. Lying together, teasing flesh with
faint nips of teeth and fleeting kisses was just an appetizer
to what they knew would come.

Ben kissed a path beneath Joshua’s chin, licking the

faint scar around his throat. The only sign of his captivity.
He cherished that scar, even when Joshua had the
nightmares, because Ben would have never found his
mate if he hadn’t been captured for the slaves’ auction.

Joshua tilted and Ben gave what his man needed,

sucking at the hollow of his throat, kissing the hard,
erratic beat of his pulse beneath golden skin. Joshua’s
growled moan sliced a shiver of lust into Ben, and his
cock thickened, aching for more. Ben gasped when
Joshua finally—

“What are you doing?”
Cage gulped, swallowing the coffee that had been

forgotten in his mouth, spinning on a heel. His face
burned with guilty heat.

And an undeniable ache in his jeans that he had no

way to hide.

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Chapter Three

Korbin heard Cage moving around upstairs, running

water and the unmistakable sounds of life. He supposed
he should go dress himself. He was still in his pajamas
from that morning. Korbin had no complaints that he was
living with someone, though he missed being able to stay
in his PJs all day. He prayed that when Cage came back
downstairs he was in more than his underwear, though.
That was just plain torture.

After Cage strolled by the office for the kitchen,

Korbin finished the last paragraph he was on and made a
scurried dash for his bedroom when the coast was clear.
His room was smaller than the ones upstairs, meant as
either a secondary or guest room, but Korbin didn’t care.

He wasn’t crazy enough to walk down stairs at night,

half asleep, when his brain was focused on anything and
everything except ambulatory motion and his
surroundings. He’d whacked enough toes, elbows and
fingers to know better at his age.

Once he was dressed, he tussled his hair to massage

his scalp a little, a stretch following right behind it. He
really needed to get out of that chair more often. He was
smiling at his self scolding when he reached the open

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door of his office.

And froze. Cage was reading off his screen. Oh shit!
“What are you doing?” Korbin demanded while sour

heat swirled through his stomach.

Cage whirled, his eyes wide. “Hey. Uh… I— I

wanted to ask—”

Korbin dashed forward and hit the power button to

his monitor. “How much did you read?”

“I wasn’t—”
“Don’t lie to me, Cage!” Korbin backed up. He really

didn’t want to be punched again.

Cage’s shoulders bowed in. “Okay. I read a little, but

it was really good.”

Korbin blinked. “What?” His heart raced. He knew

what he’d last written.

“I didn’t want to say anything, but I’m reading Star

Mercenary. I know you’re private so no one knows the
connection, but I liked the sound of it. I’m already
halfway through it.”

“You’re reading my science-fiction?” Korbin

sounded like a shocked third grader and he knew it.

Cage rolled a shoulder. “Why wouldn’t I? It’s

damned good and I do read.”

Korbin trembled. “I just… I guess…” He couldn’t

put a coherent sentence together.

Cage walked up to him. “Don’t worry, Kor. Your

secret is safe with me.” He gave Korbin a gentle smile. “I
did need to ask you something.”

“Oh, okay.” Korbin was still stuttering through the

last five minutes. Cage wasn’t going ballistic over what
he’d read? He had to know what that was. Two men in
bed was not your typical type of writing, science-fiction

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or otherwise.

“Do you mind if I make dinner tonight? I promised

Patty I would.”

“Mind?” Korbin blinked, whipping from the

computer to Cage. “Dinner?”

Cage tipped his head, concern starting to build in his

eyes. “Korbin, are you okay? If it bothers you that much,
I’ll never read off your screen again, but I reserve the
right to read it when it’s published.”

“You want to read that?”
“Why wouldn’t I? I told you it sounded good.”

Confusion tinged his voice.

Korbin slid another step away. “Because it’s gay

erotica.” Flashbacks of Tony’s fist right after he’d said
those exact same words, believing his closest friend
would be thrilled for him, made his heart trip. Tony
hadn’t known then that Korbin was gay. He did after that.

“And your point is?” Cage sipped his coffee.
“Gay. As in male-on-male sex.” Like he was

explaining it to a challenged person. Maybe it was Korbin
who was lacking, because Cage didn’t seem upset by this
newsflash at all.

“I know what gay erotica is, Korbin,” he intoned

dryly, a slight hitch to one eyebrow over those incredible
green eyes. “Never could read the lesbian style. I guess
it’s too far apart from what I prefer.”

Korbin’s throat was tightening up. “What you

prefer?” Could he manage anything except to repeat
Cage’s answers as questions?

Cage sighed, letting his hands fall to his sides,

holding his cup within the brace of his fingertips by his
thigh. “Korbin. I’m gay. I didn’t say anything because I

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didn’t want it to mess up our situation. I hope it still
doesn’t.” He drew then let out a steeling breath, standing
straight. “If it’s okay with you, I’ll cook tonight.” End of

Korbin answered automatically, still trying to

assimilate this enlightenment. “Of course it’s okay. I’m
not Paula Dean, for heaven’s sakes.”

“No, but you haven’t eaten my grub either,” Cage

teased back. He went to walk out of the office. “Korbin. I
really hope we can still be friends.” Then he was gone.

Korbin staggered to his chair and pulled it out, sitting

down weakly. He turned the monitor on and read what he
knew Cage must have been reading. Had been liking.

Because Cage was gay.
He buried his face into his hands. Korbin was so


* * * *

Korbin didn’t come out of his office for the rest of

the afternoon. Cage hoped that wasn’t a bad sign and that
he’d just been swept up into whatever it was Ben and
Joshua—lucky shits—were getting to do. He made his
trip to the grocery store without any problems, finding
what he needed for the meatloaf he had planned. He
wasn’t Paula either, but he could keep people from
starving if they weren’t too picky.

With the loaf in the pan and the potatoes seasoned

and loaded, he put them both in the oven to cook. The
ingredients for the gravy were waiting for him. A trick
from his mother was to add some of the fat from the meat
into the gravy for more flavor. His stomach rumbled just
thinking about it. It had been a while since he’d cooked,
and nothing beat a plate of Southern comfort food.

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After pouring a glass of soda, he backtracked to the

office and knocked. The door was definitely closed now,
and it was his fault.

“Come in.”
He stuck his head in. “I brought you a drink.”
Korbin blinked, rubbing his eyes. He twisted on his

chair to face him. “You did?”

He walked in, offering a smile. “I am sorry, Korbin.

It doesn’t bother me that a straight guy is making a living
doing this. We all have to do what it takes to make it,
right? Heck, at least now I know who to read,” he teased
lightly, and he meant that. He’d love to know about Ben
and Joshua. He handed over the drink. “Dinner will be
ready in about an hour or so. I talked to Patty and she
should be here by then.” When Korbin took the drink in
his hand, Cage retreated, closing the door behind him
respectfully. He just prayed his straight landlord didn’t
have a problem with his gay tenant.

Leaving Korbin alone, he shuffled to the living room

to watch TV while waiting for his sister to show up. He’d
lost count of the channels he’d numbly flipped through
when there was a knock on the door.

Cage knew he was grinning like an idiot when he

opened it. “Patty!” He wrapped his arms around her and
swung her around, hearing her laughter fill the front of the

“Put me down, you horse!” She slapped his shoulder

when he did. “It’s not like I never see you.”

“Close,” he corrected her, letting her enter through

the door to shut it behind her.

“Not my fault. You moved again.”
“Yeah.” Cage sighed. “It was better for everyone.”

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She ran a hand over his bicep. “I know. Sorry. Didn’t

mean to bring it up.”

“It’s okay.” He shook off the melancholy of the

memories, replacing it with a broad smile. “Let me get
Korbin. You have to meet him. He’s great.”

Her focus flicked beyond Cage. “You mean the guy

standing behind you?”

Cage whirled. Chuckling, he said, “That would be

him. Korbin, Patty.”

She held out a hand. “Patricia actually, but Patty

won’t get you hurt.”

Cage leaned close as Korbin let her go. “Just not

Peppermint Patty.” Then he cackled evilly and dashed out
of range when she lifted a hand menacingly.

“How old is he again?” he heard Korbin ask in a

lowered voice.

Korbin laughed and Cage hoped that meant he’d been

forgiven. He really didn’t want to be on Korbin’s bad

* * * *

Korbin was trying to figure out which of the siblings

was the milkman’s baby. Where Cage had green eyes and
thick, straight brown hair, Patty had hazel eyes and nearly
blond hair. Cage was six feet of well-muscled stud, and
Patty was a diminutive five feet, maybe a little more.

Patty walked at Korbin’s side as they strolled to the

kitchen, which was where Cage had dashed after his little

“Cage said you were driving through and that you’re

a disaster assessment agent,” Korbin said, opening up

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“I am, on both counts. I’m on my way to Texas at the


Korbin nodded. The entire state had been in the news

most of the summer. “Why do you drive?”

“I get deathly sick when I fly. Can’t do it.”
“That sucks,” Korbin sympathized. “I guess you’re

not going to Europe then, huh?”

“Not unless I can stowaway,” she replied with a

cheeky wink.

“Here you go.” Cage held out two glasses, giving one

to Patty and the other to Korbin. He reached for a third on
the counter. “It’s diet. I didn’t forget.”

“He’s so well trained,” she remarked, accepting the

drink. “It only took thirty years.”

“Bite me,” Cage retorted.
“No thanks. I don’t know where that ass has been.”
Cage and Korbin both choked and snorted their


“Not nice!” Though Cage gurgled with rough

laughter. He grasped a towel to hand to Korbin and wiped
his face with a second.

“It smells good,” Korbin said, changing the subject.

He really didn’t want to be thinking about Cage’s ass.

“Mom’s recipe. I hope I didn’t screw it up.”
“I’m sure it’ll be great.” The smile Cage gave Korbin

lit up the kitchen. Korbin’s heart stammered and kicked.
He gulped a drink from the glass in his hand to try to hide
his reaction.

Cage was his tenant, and regardless if he was gay, he

thought Korbin was straight. He knew that was for the
best. He’d been just fine with the status quo, alone before
Cage arrived. Korbin would be fine once he left. He had

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never mentioned staying permanently, or if it was even an

The idea that Cage would eventually be leaving

dulled the afternoon. Korbin should have just stayed in his

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Chapter Four

“So, have you two hooked up?”
Cage blinked, taken aback and lost. “Who?”
She smacked his chest. “You and the Lone Ranger.

Korbin, you idjet.”

“But he’s straight.” Cage rubbed a flat hand over

where she got him. Tiny was just an illusion for his sister.

“Cage, he’s as straight as an S curve.” She dug the

keys out of her purse, hitting the button once they were in
her hand. The car lights flashed and locks snapped. She
gazed up at him. “You really don’t see it, do you?”

“Patty, you are way off on Korbin.”
She opened the door and tossed in her purse. “Let me

do this. When Mac died you had choices, right?”

He frowned, not wanting to be reminded. “Thought

you weren’t going to bring that up?”

“I wasn’t, but I think you need to stop living with

your eyes closed. What are the chances that you would
find the perfect roommate, with the best job ever, when
you needed it the most?”

“Have you been reading the horoscopes again?”
“Every day,” she replied, without a hint of guilt. “It’s

why I wanted to meet him.”

“I thought you wanted to see me.” That stung and he

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“Cutie Q, you know I do. Any and every time I get

the chance, but I’ve been watching and I think this is
where you’re supposed to heal. And he’s damned cute. If
he were straight, I’d be all over him.”

“But I rent—”
“So find a new place.”
“Patty.” He shook his head and leaned forward to

kiss her forehead. “He’s a good guy, has been a great
friend. I’m not leaving just on the chance he’s gay and
may like me.”

Patty smirked. Cage hated that look. Whenever it

came out, he was inevitably proven wrong.

“Just open your eyes. I know it hurts, but Mac is

gone. I know you loved him. He would have been a
fabulous cop, just like you, and a wonderful partner for
you. Except…”

“He’s not here,” he whispered, stuffing his hands into

his pockets. His head sagged some. “I know. Okay, but
I’m not jumping his bones just ’cause you think he’s the
one for me.” He’d figure that much out for himself, thank
you very much.

She wound a hand up into his hair and tugged him

south, kissing his cheek. “Love you, Q. I know you’ll be

“I’m happy now,” he told her.
“You’re content now,” she corrected him. “Happy is


“Where’s your happy, then, Miss Know-it-all.”
A secret smile slipped over her lips. “That’s for

another day. You’re closer to your happy right now than I
am.” She shook him. “Go get it. Oh, and quit letting the

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man walk into walls. He looks like an extra for
Braveheart with that bruise.”

Pulling his hands free of his pockets and shaking his

head at her impertinence, he gathered her close. “Thanks,
sis. Love you.”

“I know. Love you too.”
He let her go and she climbed into the car, shutting

the door. Cage waved as she backed up and she blew him
a kiss, making a phone motion by her ear before she

Yeah, he knew she’d be calling. Probably very, very


When she was gone, he turned to go inside and clean

up. Dinner had gone over really well. Korbin had eaten
two helpings of everything, moaning when he was done
that he was going to pop. The man needed more than toast
if he thought Cage’s cooking was good, but he liked it
when Korbin smiled, so he wasn’t going to argue.

Entering the kitchen, he found Korbin in front of the

sink, humming as he rinsed the dishes for the dishwasher.
He was doing a good job of keeping his cast out of the
way. A few more days and then it was a trip to the
doctor’s to get the stupid thing removed. He was surprised
Korbin hadn’t tried to gnaw it off himself.

“You don’t have to do that,” Cage said walking up

behind him.

Korbin shrugged. “You cooked. I don’t mind. I put

the leftovers away. There’s enough for a lunch for your
next duty day.” Korbin slid him a sideways glance when
he reached the same counter and started helping with the
larger dishes. “I like her. You two are a pair, I’ll give you

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“She loves to stop and see me. Since she does drive

everywhere, she can usually sidetrack to do it.”

“That’s nice,” Korbin murmured.
“You don’t have any family?” Cage grabbed another

plate, waiting.

“No.” Korbin scrubbed a pan. “I left Michigan when

I was twenty-four. There was no one left behind.”

“Quite the change.”
“Why did you have to move?” Korbin blushed,

pinching his lips together. He unclenched his shoulders.
“Sorry. You don’t have to answer that.”

Cage paused in loading the dishwasher. “You heard

her earlier, didn’t you?”

Korbin stopped scrubbing and twisted on a hip,

giving him a full view of those brown eyes. “Yeah, sorry.
I’d just walked out and heard her.”

He knew this was what Patty had meant. Didn’t mean

he had to like it, or agree with her, but he couldn’t change
the past. Mac was gone. Like a Band-aid. Cage drew a
breath and let it spill out. “My lover was attacked outside
the gym and beaten to death. I didn’t have to move, but it
was better to leave, for everyone.” Cage had decided it
was for the best when it began affecting his work and who
he felt he could trust because even if he’d wanted it kept
under wraps, after the trial, everyone knew he was gay.
He may go home eventually. He’d have to see how it felt
in a few years. Maybe.

Korbin’s jaw dropped open as horror darkened his

gaze. “Gay bashed?”

Cage nodded, swallowing. “Yeah. We were both

about to graduate the academy. Some didn’t like the idea
that a gay man was going to be a cop. We met in college

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and joined the law enforcement academy at the same
time. You know the type. Big plans, full of ourselves,
thinking we’d be heroes.” A shudder rocked him as
memories flooded his mind. “There were at least five that
night, and two of them had chains.”

Korbin twisted, forgetting all about the dishes, drying

off his hands then turning off the water. “Were they

“Eventually.” He grunted rudely. “Two of them were

classmates. How fucked up is that?”

“Oh, God, Cage,” he whispered. Cage went blindly

when Korbin brought him into his chest. “That is the
worst thing I’ve ever heard.” Korbin caressed his spine
with caring sweeps. “And you’re still a cop?”

Cage’s arms encircled him naturally, his cheek

resting on a shoulder. “I did it for him in the beginning,
but learned to enjoy the work for me. It’s what I had
wanted to do, why I trained in the first place. I just had to
find that in me again.”

After a few minutes of comfortable silence, Cage

heard, “That really makes a punch in the face seem so

Cage straightened to study him, thinking he’d heard

wrong. “Someone punched you?”

Korbin’s eyes slid away and he chewed on his lip as

he debated something. He nodded then licked his lips,
softening the slightly abused spot. “When I told my best
friend I’d had my writing accepted. The erotica. He was
appalled that I’d been writing it to begin with, angry when
I was already making a name for myself, then…”

“Then?” Cage prompted, lifting a hand to run through

his hair. Tight curls that welcomed him, clinging to his

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fingers, coils of softness. It was everything he’d imagined
and more. Korbin didn’t flinch or anything. He almost
pushed into the caress. Fuck, I am so going to kill Patty.
The witch was right. Again.

Korbin’s gaze rose and locked with his. “Then… He

asked if I was gay,” he whispered faintly.

“He hit you when you said yes.”
Though it wasn’t a question, Korbin nodded.
“Damn, Kor,” he murmured, molding them closer

together. “That’s why you didn’t want to be touched in
the beginning.” Why he didn’t deny being straight.

Korbin lowered his chin, a light tremble vibrating

Korbin’s chest. “I’m sorry.”

Cage lifted him from his hiding with a free hand. His

chest swelled at the warm trust gazing at him. He never
wanted to hurt Korbin, never wanted to see him hurt
again. “Never apologize for someone else’s stupidity.”
Cage drew a shaky breath, feeling himself be sucked into
the brown of Korbin’s eyes. Longing simmered beneath
his skin. “Can I kiss you, Korbin?”

With a hesitant hitch, Korbin crept forward a

fraction, his gaze sliding from Cage’s eyes to his lips and
back again.

Cage closed the distance when he didn’t retreat.

Korbin melted beneath Cage. There was no other way to
describe it. Lashes lowered, hiding his expressive eyes.
Cage held him close, held him tight and Korbin did the
same. His lips were soft and smooth, and so perfect.

Cage licked the curve of his upper lip with the tip of

his tongue and Korbin whimpered, opening hungrily for
more. Cage gave it, thrusting deep and tangling with

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He pulled away a few minutes later, trying to breathe.

Blood pounded against his ears, a heady rush he hadn’t
felt in years. He hadn’t wanted to feel. Korbin was killing

“Not right,” Korbin was saying. “You are my tenant.

So wrong.” Strong hands rose and cupped Cage’s jaw, a
sense of desperation in his trembling body. “Cage, if this
is going to blow up in my face, tell me, because I want
you so much right now.”

“I’ve wanted you since I met you,” Cage admitted.

“Thinking you were straight kept me from attacking you.”

“Attacking me?” Korbin’s chest staggered and his

whole body stiffened within Cage’s embrace.

“From throwing you to the floor and sucking the life

out of you through your dick.”

Korbin’s lashes fluttered. “Oh, God.” Gathering

himself, he put a steadier palm on Cage’s chest. He tried
to make a rational argument. “You haven’t even been here
a month.”

“Then I guess I’ll have to make sure you never need a

renter again,” he stated with a firm growl.

He claimed Korbin’s lips and kissed him until he

went pliant again. He loved that, feeling Korbin languid
against his body.

“You’re staying?” Korbin gasped the next chance

Cage let him breathe.

“Babe, I’m staying, you’re taken and I’m going to

keep you naked as often as possible.” He drifted from
Korbin’s lips to his throat, licking beneath his ear. “Want
you. Dream about you. It was harder than hell watching
you and knowing you work in your damned PJs.” He
dropped a hand and formed it to Korbin’s butt. “The way

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this looks.” He shivered. He had a lot of mental snapshots

“Me?” Korbin cried. He gave a light shove, glaring

though not strongly when Cage gave him an inch of
space. “You and your damned underwear.”

Cage grinned crookedly. “Really?” When Korbin just

stood there, Cage felt his heart lighten. Korbin wanted
him. Cage could see the desire flaming brightly in brown
eyes. So much for his personal gaydar. “Honestly, I
should have figured it out,” Cage muttered.

“If you think it’s because I write what I do, you’d be


“Oh?” That’s exactly why Cage…
“I’ll show you the authors I know of. You’ll be

surprised.” Korbin smirked.

“More hot stuff like yours?”
Heat suffused Cage.
Korbin’s hands slid down Cage’s chest. Things had

slowed down enough for the both of them to think. Cage
was sorry but knew he couldn’t push Korbin.

“Do you mean it?” Korbin asked.
Cage captured Korbin’s hands and brought them to

meet behind his back, circling Korbin again with his own.
“Unless you don’t want me, then, yes, I want to see what
we have.”

Korbin rolled his eyes. “Really? Not want you?” He

moved his hips to press a hardness Cage couldn’t mistake
against him. “You weren’t paying attention.”

Cage chuckled, a throaty sound that he was pleased

to see got Korbin’s pulse jumping. “Oh, trust me,
gorgeous. I noticed.” Leaning close, right before Cage

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kissed him he murmured, “If it’s you, I notice

Korbin sighed and Cage caught the sound with his


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Chapter Five

Korbin whimpered. A strong hand slipped from his

waist to cup his butt. After weeks of dancing around and
denying the attraction for Cage, he was being kissed. Not
just kissed. Devoured.

He moved readily when Cage spun them, pinning

him against the counter. Keeping the cast-encased arm
around Cage’s waist, he threaded the other through thick
strands of hair. “How are you so dark and your sister is
blonde?” he wondered aloud when Cage released him to
kiss his chin.

“We’re adopted.”
Korbin blinked, studying him. “Really? But you’re so


“She’s only eighteen months older than me. You’d

love my mom.” Cage lifted a hand and stroked Korbin’s
chin where he’d just kissed him, a feathery touch that shot
shivers down Korbin’s body. “They’re going to love

“You want me to meet your family?” Korbin’s head

was spinning.

“Not now, later. You’ve already met Patty,” Cage

said, caressing his jaw. “Darrel and Hanna still live near
home.” Cage moved in again, teasing at Korbin’s throat

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with a hot tongue. “I love the way you taste.” Hot breath
fanned over Korbin. He moaned before he could catch it.

“This isn’t to get out of paying rent, is it?” Korbin

shivered when the hand on his rear was joined by its mate
on the other side.

“Definitely not. If it’s too fast, we’ll slow down.”
Korbin heard the wanting and disappointment in that,

though. He just wasn’t sure what to think.

“Wanted you since the minute I saw this cute ass

sticking in the air out of your trunk. When I saw you…”
Cage murmured between kisses. “I was only looking for
directions, didn’t know you had a flat until I stopped.”

“What were you doing on Posey Road?” Korbin had

always wondered.

“Stan at the Constable’s office gave me directions

from Main Street.” He offered a quirky smile and a shrug.
“I’ve learned since then to not get directions from him.
He can get lost going around the block.”

Korbin smiled, then gasped. His eyes shot to Cage’s

when those same hands clutched and lifted to prop him on
the counter, with Cage sliding into the vee of his legs

“We’ll take this as slow as you need and want, Kor,

but I won’t lie to you. You’ve been getting to me a day at
a time.”

Korbin rested his free palm on Cage’s chest, feeling

the way it trembled beneath his touch, the hard rise and
fall of Cage’s aroused breathing. “It’s been a long time,
Cage,” he whispered. He swallowed and shook his head
when Cage opened his mouth. “As in never.” He didn’t
have the courage to see what was happening behind those
green eyes again.

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Cage sighed his name, then leaned forward to claim

Korbin’s lips in the softest kiss of his life. Korbin’s heart
did a little flip. He heard a small whine, a hungry
whimper. It took a second to realize he was the one
making it. Korbin’s arms looped Cage’s neck. A heartbeat
later, Cage pinned them chest to chest, lifting him from
where he sat.

“Hang on, baby.”
Korbin gulped but did as asked. Held in the frame of

strong arms, he was carried out of the kitchen, then past
his office down the short hallway that led to his room.

Cage kissed him as he laid him on the bed. “Only

what you want, Korbin. I promise.” Lying side by side on
the bed, Cage toed off his sneakers and Korbin did the
same. Little whipped flicks of his tongue teased Korbin’s
earlobe. He arched, offering himself, panting and unable
to focus. Korbin fisted cloth into his hands and he realized
it was Cage’s shirt.

“Have you had boyfriends?” Cage asked gently,

sucking lightly on his ear.

Korbin nodded. “One. He left…me, broke up.” He

moaned, his spine tightening as delicious shocks careened
up his back.

“Left you?” Cage paused, gazing down at him, the

light stroke of tender fingers continuing on Korbin’s

“I didn’t trust him, and I was right not to.” Focusing

to find Cage, he explained, “I learned after he lost his
patience with me, he had another guy on the side. Then
the fight with Tony happened. I said enough and moved
here.” When there was more time, he’d explain it better,
but right at that moment his answer seemed to satisfy

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Cage’s question.

Cage crooned in understanding, that southern burr

that so many did naturally. Korbin loved it. He wanted to
bottle it.

“I was working and writing part-time, so every spare

minute I had was put into my career. I went dancing if I
needed a break.”

“I bet you made every guy there hot.” Cage ran

questing fingertips into Korbin’s hair.

“I don’t know. It was to blow steam, not get laid, not

after what happened with the ex. I think after the first
month or so, that got around and they left me alone.”
Korbin honestly had guessed it was more likely that he
hadn’t appealed to any of them. He was skinny, pale, and
definitely not ripped, which seemed to be a necessity to
catch anyone’s attention for more than a five-minute

Cage wriggled until he rested above Korbin, looking

down at him. “I can guarantee you make me hot.” He
sipped a kiss from Korbin’s lips. “I look forward to seeing
you every morning when I come home, just to talk for a
few minutes. And you were always so cute when I found
you, your brow scrunched up as you thought over what
you were writing.” He rubbed a thumb between his
eyebrows, soothing the imaginary crease. A shudder
shook Cage and chest to chest, Korbin couldn’t miss it.
“Those PJs. Especially the blue ones. I dreamed almost
from the first time I saw you wearing them of running my
hands all over you, taking them off and making you moan
and scream with licking you all over.”

Korbin was panting again. “You have?” God, Cage

was making him throb.

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“Korbin,” Cage said solemnly, looking right into his

eyes. The green was so dark, so intense, Korbin couldn’t
look away. “I’ve been half in love with you since I moved
in.” He huffed and a half smile tipped the corner of his
lips. “Patty even suggested I find another place to live so I
could date you. If you really want me to, I will. I don’t
want you to think I’m interested in you because you gave
me a roof over my head.”

That floored Korbin. “You’d move out?”
“Tomorrow, if that was it took to prove that being

here and being with you are not the same thing, not to

Korbin raised his hand, the one that had been

gripping Cage’s shirt and slid over his neck. “Cage?”

“Kiss me.”
Korbin moaned when he did.

* * * *

Cage trembled. He needed to learn to keep his trap

shut, though if he hadn’t by this age… At least Korbin
wasn’t freaking out. He’d never been able to curb what he
felt, unlike his brother Darrel, who was as tightlipped as
Scrooge was tightfisted.

Korbin’s free hand was digging and clutching

through his hair, pinning him close. Then Korbin twisted
his hips and Cage shifted to straddle his leg, a thigh
rubbing against his groin with each harsh, panted breath.

“Feels so good,” Korbin gasped.
A thud hit Cage’s ribs, interrupting the lip-fest and he

glanced down.

“I’m sorry!” Korbin quickly dropped his arm to the

bed. “I forgot about it.” He glared at the cast. “I wish it

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was gone.”

“Shh. It will be soon. It’s not bothering me.” Cage

took the momentary distraction to glide Korbin’s shirt up.
“Sit up a little. I want to see you.”

Korbin’s cheeks heated, but he did as asked. “I’m not

much to look at,” he warned.

“Let me be the judge of that.” Cage tossed the shirt

and admired all the pale skin beneath him when Korbin
stretched out. “How did you get such curly hair?” He
even had a thin smatter of pencil-tight curls on his chest.
Cage smiled, tugging his fingers through them.

“Irish blood. It’s why I’m as pale as Casper.”
“Oh, no, baby. This isn’t pale. This is beautiful.” He

leaned forward and licked right up Korbin’s sternum. He
grunted in answer, his eyes slamming shut as sensation
stole over him. That’s beautiful, Cage thought in awe,
watching Korbin become lost. He sipped soft kisses
across his bared chest, hovering over one of his pink buds.
He bathed the skin in hot breath. Korbin’s body clenched
in response, from his shoulders to his calves. Holding him
by the shoulders, Cage bent at the waist and formed a hot,
wet circle around the flesh, slowly stroking over the peak
with the flat of his tongue. Korbin whined, sweet little
sounds that shot surges of need through Cage’s blood. He
didn’t rush, giving caring attention to every inch of
viewable skin.

Sliding down his body, he deftly released the button

on Korbin’s jeans. Korbin’s stomach jumped and twitched
with every kiss and caress. He grunted when Cage dipped
his tongue into his belly button, sucking on the sweet skin
of his stomach. Cage was far from being inexperienced,
but he’d never run across anyone as sensitive or

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Under One Roof


responsive as Korbin. His heart was beating so hard, Cage
could make out the pulse in his chest. Korbin’s smooth,
milky skin was flushed and rosy from his rising passion.

“I’m going to take these off you, Korbin.” When

Korbin gasped and nodded, he eased them off, tugging
Korbin’s socks with them until he lay like a sleek god on
the bed. His hardened length reached for his stomach
from a nest of curls as dark and tight as those on his head,
not too thin and perfectly formed, with a flat head that
cried to be licked. “God, Korbin. You’re amazing.”

Cage jerked off his shirt and shucked his jeans,

reversing the journey he’d just made, dropping kisses
everywhere he could until he hovered over those lips

“You’re so strong, Cage.” Korbin ran a learning hand

up his side, cuffing his arm with a snug palm and
caressing it. Lashes lowered. “I’ve imagined you when
you’re working out. Drives me nuts.”

Cage pressed into Korbin’s shoulder and growled.

“God, man. You kill me.”

He lowered himself between Korbin’s splayed thighs

to blanket Korbin’s frame, holding his weight on his
knees and elbows. When their shafts rubbed, he thought
he’d explode right there. Nothing had ever felt so
heavenly. Sensation rocketed through him.

“Hook your legs below my ass.” Cage sucked at

quivering skin under his lips to smile when shivers rolled
down Korbin’s length. No one like you, Kor.

When Korbin was braced, he rocked on his arms in a

slow sawing motion. A guttural hiss and groan slipped
from Korbin, his body undulating in answer. Fire was
building, climbing from the inside. He’d wanted Korbin

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Diana DeRicci


for weeks even if he’d never acknowledged it, avoided it.
Now, with their lengths side by side, he was slowly going
out of his mind. Silken steel and heated suede. “How does
that feel?” He had to grit his teeth.

Korbin whimpered. His head was tossed back, his

eyes pinched shut while gasping and moaning.

“Shit, Korbin.” Cage groaned and covered his lips,

thrusting between and staking claim to him entirely.
Korbin’s whimpers began to grow desperate. His
unencumbered hand clawed at him, gripping his back, his
ass, anything, as desire and need crashed through them
both. “That’s it. Let me feel it. Want you so bad.” Cage
knew if skin to skin felt this incredible, when he fully
loved Korbin he was going to melt from the inside out. He
didn’t have a prayer, and he didn’t want one.

“Oh! Oh! Cage!” Korbin stiffened, his hips thrusting

erratically against Cage and the heated silk of his release
coated Cage’s groin and abdomen.

Cage ground down once more, a hand cupping

Korbin’s hip as bliss coursed up his spine, holding them
together as his brain became mush. Sparks sizzled,
popping across his vision as he pulsed his seed. He
groaned and collapsed, holding half his weight above
Korbin to not crush him.

“What was that?” Korbin managed, raw and breathy

a few minutes later.

“That was utterly amazing,” Cage rasped, panting,

his damp forehead pressed to Korbin’s temple. He lipped
over the shell of Korbin’s ear, unable to hide the smile
when Korbin giggled.

A contented sigh said it all when Korbin relaxed,

holding Cage close and not letting him go, even when he

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rolled to his side to ease his weight off him.

He drifted light fingers through Korbin’s tight curls,

caressing his jaw to do it again. Cage only left him to get
a damp cloth to clean them both up. His heart kicked and
he warmed clear through when Korbin lifted an arm and
welcomed him right back to where he’d been.

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Chapter Six

Korbin reached, focused on the loose shutter, only

half-hearing the noises around him. Birds were singing in
the trees, and a few kids were out on the sidewalks, riding
bikes or playing catch. Those didn’t give him a second’s
pause. Though a certain voice right below where he
dangled had him overreaching and gripping the ladder at
the low spoken admonishment.

“Babe, what are you doing?”
Korbin clenched his eyes, clinging to the ladder,

waiting for the collapse of all mankind as he stiffened and
swayed. Slowly, he blinked open an eye. The world
hadn’t tilted. He hadn’t made a communal thud with the

He looked down into the patient face of his lover.

Green eyes gleamed up at him. “Uh, hi.” He wiggled his
fingers in a playfully embarrassed wave, not wanting to
release the ladder.

“Hey there, gorgeous. Trying to find another reason

to see Dr. Hubst?” Cage had a strong hand wrapped
around the ladder, holding it steady. “You and this ladder
should not be allowed to play together.”

“The shutter was driving me nuts. The storm last

week knocked it loose.”

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Under One Roof


“Tell me next time, okay?” Cage whispered in that

voice that made Korbin melt into his shoes. His best
friend and his lover. Cage took care of him like no one in
his lifetime. “The cast hasn’t been off a month yet. Let’s
see if we can go two.”

Korbin rolled his eyes, but didn’t argue. Except for a

bruised knee, he’d been doing pretty good since Cage had
moved in, not counting the wall episode. But Korbin still
put that solely on Cage’s fantastic shoulders for causing

Cautiously taking the rungs one at a time, he almost

made it to the bottom when he slipped. He cried out,
feeling himself fall backward. Strong arms wrapped
around his middle and pulled him away in a twirl. Korbin
winced when the ladder made a metallic clang on the

“That’s just not fair,” Cage was saying, pinning him

against his hard chest, putting Korbin on his feet slowly.
“You in shorts.” A hand hidden between their bodies
caressed Korbin, making it clear which part of him Cage
liked the most.

“Please. I’m fish belly white.”
Cage chuckled. “We’ve had this argument. You’re

like cream, and I’m the cat that likes to lick you clean.”
Cage kissed at his neck gently before letting him go

Korbin faced him, unable to restrain his smile.

“You’re the gorgeous one. I love you.”

Cage stuttered to a frozen stop, his face a flat pane of


Korbin swallowed, his throat tightening. He tried to

sidestep, to run though his feet refused to move. Fear and

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Diana DeRicci


uncertainty nipped at his heels. “Cage, I…” His heart was
pounding painfully into his ribs. And not in any way he’d
liked in the past. He’d never said that to anyone. It had
tripped off his tongue as easy as his own name.

And he couldn’t take it back.
Cage captured a wrist in an unrelenting clutch and

pulled him into the house, smacking the door closed
behind them, rattling the wall. The ladder was forgotten.

Cage thrust Korbin against the door. Arms were steel

pillars, blocking Korbin in, pinning him to the door.

“Say it again.” Something elemental and consuming

burned in Cage’s eyes.

Korbin’s heart was flitting like a hummingbird

against his ribs. Finding his voice, he said, “I love you.”

Cage’s body caved forward, covering Korbin chest to

knee. “God, Korbin.”

His kiss was heaven, sweet, gentle and so intense,

Korbin forgot everything. His name, the broken shutter,
the ladder out front. He dug clinging fingers into Cage’s
thick hair and held on.

“I’ve hoped, Korbin,” Cage whispered, panting above

his lips. “I knew I was falling hard. Love you so much. So
damn glad I found you.”

Reality was filtering through. “You’re not mad?”
Cage’s chuckle was hoarse. “No, baby. You shocked

me. Just out of the blue, and when you said it… I will
remember that smile for the rest of my life.”

“My smile?” he echoed, tipping his chin. Cage had

moved from his lips to his throat, warm lips delivering
mind-sparking shocks and adoration.

He made that humming sound, the one that drove

Korbin insane. “Your smile. First thing I fell in love

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with.” More relaxed, he drew Korbin off the door with
tender arms and Korbin sank into his hold. “Fell for all of
you under this roof.”

“Let’s go to bed.”
Korbin didn’t have to ask twice.

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About the Author

Diana DeRicci is the sexy, flirty pen name of Diana
Castilleja. A romance author at heart, DeRicci’s writing
takes you into a saucier spectrum of sensuality and sexual
adventure, where a happily-ever-after is still the key to
any story. Diana lives in Central Texas with her husband,
one son and a feisty little Chihuahua named Rascal.

For more information on other books by Diana, visit the
author’s official website:


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Also by This Author

A Fated Love, Delany's Catch

Document Outline


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