Elodie Parkes The Summer Heat [Evernight] (pdf)

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Evernight Publishing ®


Copyright© 2014 Elodie Parkes

ISBN: 978-1-77130-950-9

Cover Artist: Sour Cherry Designs

Editor: Karyn White


WARNING: The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this
copyrighted work is illegal. No part of this book may be used or
reproduced electronically or in print without written permission,
except in the case of brief quotations embodied in reviews.

This is a work of fiction. All names, characters, and places are
fictitious. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or
persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

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Elodie Parkes

Copyright © 2014

Chapter One

“Watch out, Nate. That thing’s lethal.” Evan burst out

laughing as the chainsaw blade bounced off the tree stump and onto
the grass, forcing his friend to cling on tight to the handle.

“Fucking thing has a mind of its own.” Nate turned the

chainsaw off and laid it down on the gravel path. “I reckon the trunk’s
short enough now to dig the roots out.” He picked up a spade that
leaned against a neighboring tree.

Evan grinned. “Maybe we need to take the two remaining

branches off.” He ran a hand over his forehead and took off the clear
framed, safety glasses he wore. After tossing them down on the grass,
he pulled off his T-shirt. Sweat trickled down between his muscled
shoulders, and he wiped the back of his neck with his shirt, a frown
creasing his forehead. “It’s already hot. Let’s get this finished.” He
strode around Nate to the path, and retrieved the chainsaw. Within a
few moments, the tree stump stood devoid of the remaining branches.

Nate shook his head at Evan. “You should be wearing the

glasses and the gloves I gave you.”

Evan grunted. “It’s done. Don’t fuss.”
Nate grinned broadly at his friend’s gung-ho dismissal. “Hey,

it’s not fussing. A flying sharp splinter could take your eye out.”

Evan’s returning grin held affection. “Yeah, I know, I just

wanted it done.” He placed the power tool on the path and picked up
one of the bottles of water standing next to Nate’s supply of work
gloves and safety glasses. He poured some over his face and then took
a drink. “Warm.” He grimaced at Nate, put the bottle down, and
picked up a spade.

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Nate shrugged and then drove the edge of his spade into the

soil around the tree.

Evan joined him digging silently at the base of the tree stump.
The tree grew on the edge of their garden, and they’d had

complaints from people because it dropped branches on the sidewalk.
Nate had dutifully hired a tree doctor who discovered disease caused
by a virulent beetle pest. The prognosis for the tree was bad. It needed
cutting down, and the tree doctor informed Nate they were lucky the
other trees hadn’t contracted the beetle.

The Saturday morning sun blazed in the June sky. Heat

shimmered off the sidewalk. Nate and Evan were the only people out
in their front yards. The noise of their work tools were the only
sounds, as not even the seagulls that often wheeled overhead ventured
from the cool of the ocean yet.

Nate and Evan’s house was one of the largest in the rows of

three story houses built along the river in a modern development
unimaginatively called Riverside Mews. Narrow lanes that led to the
river path separated the rows. Somehow, patches of white sand
always settled on the paths, though the nearest beach was a mile
away. Each house had its own river access, through a gate at the end
of the back yard to a riverbank public path, but there was no boat
access, no jetties. The public path wound along by the river from the
seaside town close by and on into the countryside. The house to the
right of Nate and Evan’s place was occupied by a small family, but
the house to the left had been empty and for sale all year.

The roar of a large van engine broke the hot, morning silence

as it turned into the street and thumped over each speed hump in the
road, until it drew up in front of the empty house next door.

Nate gave the van a cursory glance, but Evan leaned on his

spade and watched as two men leapt out of each side of the van. He
read the name of a removal firm and their logo emblazoned across the
side of the vehicle and discovered it was from a city in the north of
the state. It piqued his interest, so he continued with his unashamed

The men who’d alighted from the cab walked to the back of

the van and opened its double doors, just as a pale blue, old model
Mustang drove up and parked a short distance away.

A young woman got out of the Mustang.

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Evan liked her shapely body right away. He straightened up

for a better view and admired the swing of her hips. Without taking
his eyes off her, he murmured to Nate. “Check her out.”

Nate stopped hacking at the sun-baked soil around the

remaining tree trunk and looked around. He gazed at the young
woman for a few seconds and then turned back to his job. “Sexy.
Don’t stare.”

Evan resumed digging, but he stole glances as the two workers

unloaded the items from the removal van. When the young woman
walked up her front path, Evan took in the attractive sight of her
thighs in the cutoff jeans she wore, and then raised his gaze to her
pretty face.

Her eyes met his.
Evan’s stomach muscles clenched. Surprise at the reaction in

his gut and a shock of sexual attraction spiked through him.

The young woman’s expression held a hungry, lonely look

that woke dormant emotions deep inside him.

She’d been halfway down the street, when Annabel saw the

two guys working in their front yard. She took in the muscled torso of
the guy who openly stared at the moving van, and the hard bottom of
the guy digging. They’re yummy.

Edgy with pent up sexual energy, Annabel longed for a man in

her life. The summer heat didn’t help. She eyed every guy with his
shirt off. Every couple kissing on the beach or in the park as she
walked caught her attention. In the six months since she’d split with
her then boyfriend, she missed sex the most. She didn’t miss his
moods and his lazy ass around her apartment. She didn’t miss waiting
up for him at night, hoping he’d make love to her, only to find he’d
sleep on the couch. When he’d confessed he’d found someone else, a
kind of relief had flooded her. She wanted something different, real
love, a passion so consuming she’d be rocked by it.

Annabel checked out the two gorgeous guys working in their

garden again. She knew “bare chest guy” said something about her to
“gorgeous denim clad ass” because he immediately looked around at
her. She gazed back at the one whose admiring stare sent waves of
pleasure through her as she went up the path to her new house. A
huge pull of attraction to the men startled her, and as she opened her
front door, she considered them. They’re so hot, wonder if they’re

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single. Maybe they don’t even live there. Maybe they’re gardeners. I
hope not. I hope they live there. Even if we’re only friends, they’re
someone beautiful to look at.

Her house waited cool and quiet. She raced through it,

relishing the space, and the white walls where the sunlight bounced
back and dazzled her as she pulled up the roller blinds. She opened
the patio doors and dashed out, down the path, and through the gate to
the riverside. The water, dappled in brilliant greens, sailed by, looking
cool and deep. The river widened there on its way to the sea, and
across it lay open countryside. Annabel had loved the house as soon
as she saw it. She loved the street, the funny little access lanes, the
palm trees in her back yard, and close to the lovely seaside town
where she’d found her new job, the house exuded a welcoming
atmosphere. Everything was perfect.

Annabel didn’t have much furniture and instructed the

removal men about where to place it. She’d dropped into the place a
couple of days before and turned on the built-in Westinghouse, piled
bottled water in there and two six packs of beer, and then looked out
at the river. The street had been silent, except for bird calls, and she’d
assumed all the residents were at work. She was on vacation. Annabel
went to the fridge and took out two bottles of water and two beers.
She met the removal men in the hall as they placed the last item of her
furniture there, an old, solid oak hall table.

“I guess you two could use a drink.” She held the bottles up

against her chest, and as she handed them to the men, damp patches
appeared on her T-shirt from the condensation on the bottles.

The younger of the two men gawked at her nipples peaking in

the dampness and the cool of the air-con.

Annabel folded her arms over her breasts as she realized this.

She gave them a polite smile. “Thank you. You’ve done a good job.”
She directed a question at the removal man who’d taken charge of the
proceedings, “Anything for me to sign?”

“I need to get the paperwork from the van.” They both turned

to leave.

She followed them out of the door. As she walked down her

path, she glanced over at the neighboring garden. Her breathing
quickened at the sight of the gorgeous guys, both without shirts now,
as they tugged at the tree stump. She hurriedly signed the form the
removal man handed to her on a clipboard, and remained on the

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sidewalk as he and his assistant got in the van and started the engine.
The van pulled away from the curb.

Annabel sauntered back to her front door. The noise of the van

engine must have caught the attention of her possible neighbors. They
both stopped work to look. She took the opportunity. With a smile,
Annabel stepped across her lawn and crossed the narrow path to stand
a short distance from the two men working in their garden.

“Hi, I’m Annabel, I’ve just moved in.” She waved at her new

house unnecessarily, and continued, “Do you live here, are we
neighbors?” As she said this, her gaze traveled over the naked torsos
of first one man and then the other. Their faded and ripped jeans rode
low on their hips. The taller man’s jeans hung especially low and a
hint of his dark pubic hair showed. Annabel could hardly take her
eyes off his hard stomach. Licking her lips, she tore her gaze away to
look into the other man’s eyes as he shielded them from the sun with
a gloved hand.

He’s lovely. Holy hell they’re gorgeous, both of them. I

couldn’t choose one. I wouldn’t … it’d be both … if
Annabel waited for an answer, heart pounding. Being so
close to such perfect specimens of manhood played havoc with her
condensation-primed nipples, and she crossed her arms to hide the
obvious hard peaks.

One of the men answered. His eyes held a smile, his voice,

deep and breathtakingly sexy.

“Hi, yes, we live here. I’m Evan, this is Nate,” and he gestured

at his companion.

Nate took off his work glove and offered his hand to Annabel.
She shook his hand, looking into his blue-gray eyes. Annabel

soaked up the texture of Nate’s skin and the sexual heat in his
expression. She enjoyed the quick clench that occurred in her pussy as
he smiled invitingly. He’s delicious.

“Hi Annabel, it’s good to meet you.”
Then Evan offered his hand.
She left Nate’s sensual grasp reluctantly and put her hand into

Evan’s. He cradled it, and his fingertips skimmed the inside of her
wrist. The effect was so sexy her pussy drenched her panties. Fuck,
I’d like to drag him down onto the grass and do wild things. It made
her smile a little, when the thought, with both of them, popped into her

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Evan gently let go of her hand as he spoke. “We didn’t think

the house would ever be sold. These places go quickly usually, but
that one lingered all year.”

Unable to help herself, Annabel stared wistfully at his lips and

then into his eyes. Are they single? She questioned inwardly, but said,
“I can’t think why it took so long to sell, but I’m glad it did, so that I
could buy it. I love the place.”

Evan smiled. “We love it here. Close to our work, close to

beaches, great place. If you need a hand with moving in let us know.”

A thrill of pleasure coursed through her at his kind offer.

“Everything heavy is in place. The removal guys did that. I just have
boxes to unpack. It’s a warm day. Do you want to come over for a
cold drink when you’ve finished that job?” She nodded at the tree
stump. “I’ll probably know if there’s anything I need help with by
then, and need a break. Thank you so much for offering.” She glanced
at Nate as she said this to make sure he knew she meant them both.

Nate answered. “Love to.”
She smiled at him. He’s so lovely. Both men had dark hair and

blue eyes. Are they brothers? It’s too soon to ask. “Great, I’ll let you
get on with digging out the tree.”

She left them and crossed the path to her house. Her heart

beating fast, elated by the encounter, she sighed with longing. They’re
both so attractive and seriously sexy. Imagine making out with one of
them, or both. I definitely couldn’t choose which one. I’m desperate to
kiss Evan or Nate, yeah … desperate.

Evan watched her walk away, and when she’d gone into her

house, he let out a low whistle.

“She flirted with me. Did you see that, Nate? She kept looking

at me and licking her lips.”

Nate stared at him for a moment. “She looked right into my

eyes with meaning when I said we’d go around for a drink. I actually
felt it in my balls. She’s hot. I might ask her out.”

A twinge of annoyance put a fleeting frown on Evan’s face. “I

might ask her out.” Then he softened. “We’ll have to share her.”

With a laugh, Nate gave him a playful thump on the arm.

“Let’s get this tree stump dealt with, and then we’ll go around to her
place, and make ourselves indispensable.”

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Evan accepted what Nate said, but as he dug, he determined

that at the first moment an opportunity arose, he’d ask Annabel out.
She sparked something in him. A deep need floated in his heart, and it
made him want to see her again soon. Just set eyes on her.

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Chapter Two

Annabel closed the front door and stood still for a few seconds

in her hall to consider what had just happened. She probably wouldn’t
need any help, but she wanted to get to know Evan and Nate. She
knew deep down she’d felt a real connection with both those men just
by looking into their eyes. I don’t remember ever having such a
strong reaction to a guy, scratch that…guys.
She gave herself a little
shake and started unpacking the moving box in the kitchen.

An hour later, when only the big carton in her study remained

to unpack, the doorbell rang. A lurch of anticipation tightened her
stomach. She took a deep breath and went to open the door on shaky
legs. Calm down, she told herself.

Nate and Evan stood side by side on the doorstep. They’d

obviously showered. Their hair still wet, Evan’s curled enticingly at
the ends around his ears. They wore fresh T-shirts and board shorts,
showing off muscular chests, arms, and legs.

A wave of complete desire left Annabel weak as she looked

from one to the other.

“Come in.” Her voice wavered as nerves took over. She

opened the door wide.

They walked in smiling.
Nate turned to close the door for her. His hand brushed hers.
A sexual charge from the connection forced her eyes closed

for a second. She pulled herself together. “Do you want to go down to
the kitchen? I’ve got cold beer and some juice. How did the tree
stump digging go? Did you get it out?” She knew she gabbled, but
couldn’t help it. Their nearness set her heart beating fast again. Her
initial confidence when she’d met them was gone in the face of just
how hot they were. Suppose they have girlfriends already and are just
being neighborly? Suppose they don’t find me attractive in that way?
Then she read the expression in his eyes when she offered Evan a
bottle of beer. He likes me just fine. She touched her fingertips to his
as she gave him the cold bottle. Rivers of sensation ran up to her
elbow, and her thighs clenched involuntarily but deliciously.

Annabel turned her attention to Nate. “Beer, Nate?”
He nodded, and his eyes darkened at her as he came forward

to take the drink.

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Wow, he likes me. The thought brought a smile, and she

sparkled at them both. “I’ll just get a glass of juice, and then we can
go to the back room. It’s more comfortable there. We can sit and you
can tell me all about the town. Have you lived here long?”

Nate answered. “All our lives, except when we went to

college. We were born here.”

Annabel poured cranberry juice into a glass filled with ice

cubes. “Really, are you brothers?”

Evan’s smile held pleasure. “No, friends, we’ve known each

other forever. We grew up together. My parents still live in town,
Nate’s have moved further down the coast. Where are you from,

“Further north. I moved here for work. I needed a change,

both work and home.” Annabel didn’t want to talk about her mom and
dad’s divorce, or her inability to accept her dad getting married again
so soon. She certainly didn’t want to say the boyfriend she’d helped
financially through college had dumped her for someone else. She
looked at Evan and then at Nate.

Nate gazed at her with his lovely eyes.
She saw kindness in them as well as obvious attraction to her.

She forced her gaze away to Evan’s hopeful face. “Let’s go sit down.”
Annabel led the way down the hall to the room next to the patio. She
put her glass down on the coffee table beside an armchair. “Take a
seat.” She nodded at the sofa.

Evan sat in the armchair by the window, and Nate sat down on

the edge of the sofa. He cradled his beer bottle. “Where’s your new

His voice, soft and deep, sent shivers of anticipation up her

spine. Annabel sighed inwardly. She wished time away to when she
already knew them both well, could touch them, kiss their delicious
mouths, and run her fingers into their dark, glossy hair. She wanted
Nate’s kind gaze on her all the time just as much as Evan’s heated,
appraising stare. She replied, “I’m working in ‘Spangles Advertising
Agency’ in the Regency Center. It’s a big office. Do you know it?”

Nate grinned. “Yeah, I work on the next floor. I’m ‘Nate

Spellman, Architect.’ Did you see that on the plaque in the center

Annabel gave a little nod, happy to find they shared a work

location. “I have seen it. You own your own business. That’s great.”

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“Took the chance straight out of college and it’s worked out

well … thankfully,” he added endearingly.

A risk taker, I like that, but not arrogant. Annabel gave him an

appreciative smile.

“What’s your job in the advertising agency?” Evan’s voice

broke into Annabel’s thoughts as she pictured meeting Nate for lunch
and kissing him when they parted on conveniently deserted stairs of
the office building.

“I’m a graphic artist. How about you, Evan? What do you


“I take fishing parties out onto the ocean or up the estuary. I

have a couple of boats. I also give sailing lessons. I have a couple of
catamarans.” His manner diffident as he quietly listed this, the
achievements impressed Annabel.

Admiration filled her tone. “Wow, so you must employ people

to help with the boats.”

“I do. I’m taking this weekend off because it’s been so hectic

since the end of March.”

Their rush of initial questions answered, the conversation

halted, and they all fell silent, just looking at each other.

Annabel glanced at Nate and then back at Evan. Evan stared at

her in a different way from Nate, his look forceful as if he wanted to
eat her. Nate’s gaze roamed sensually over her. A melting sensation
sent wet heat into her panties. I need to settle down … they’re so
unbelievably sexy.
She tried to cover her overwhelming desire for
both men as it waved over her. “You’re interesting guys … I mean
you have cool businesses.”

“I’ve been lucky. My dad gave me a start after college.” Evan

picked up his beer and drank some.

Nate joined the conversation. “Is there anything we can help

you with?” He gestured around the room, smiling. “Everything looks
under control.”

“There’s nothing right now. Thanks for asking. Catching up is

great. It’s lovely to know I have friendly neighbors.” She wanted
them to know she liked them, but didn’t want to frighten them off. It
was a hard balance and one she didn’t want to get wrong.

Nate stood. “We’ll let you finish unpacking. Come on, Evan,

let’s get going.” His smile charming Annabel, he went on, “We’ve
been asked to go to Evan’s parents’ house for a barbeque.”

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Evan reacted slowly and stood after a few seconds.
He doesn’t want to leave yet. That’s good. I don’t want them

to go. Annabel pushed away disappointment that they had to go.

Evan smiled at her. “Yeah, we do need to go. Thanks for the

beer. It’s great to meet you.”

Her stomach flipped. He’s so handsome.
They carried their beer bottles to the kitchen and put them on

the drainer side of the sink.

Annabel stood close to Nate. She wanted to soak up the

gentleness in his body movements. As he turned from the sink, she
looked into his eyes, wanting him, his arms around her, and his lips
against hers.

Then she walked close to Evan as they went down the hall to

the front door. She brushed up against his muscled chest as he stood
near when she opened the front door. Her entire body tingled as a
shock of sexual desire throbbed between her legs. “Maybe we can get
together sometime next week. I make a great steak. It would be good
to share a meal with someone.” She battled to keep her voice even.

Nate turned to her as they stood on the path. “That’s a good

idea. Let’s do that. Drop into my office anytime and we’ll arrange it.”

Annabel nodded. She wanted to say, “Stay, I’ll be spending

another Saturday night alone,” but she couldn’t of course, and so she
remained silent.

Evan and Nate walked across the lawn and the path to their


Annabel went into her house and closed the door. She wished

she hadn’t sounded so desperate when she suggested a meal. She
picked up the beer bottles to stow them in the re-cycle tub and
discovered they were both still almost full. She put them back on the
drainer to deal with later, went to her study, and started unpacking the
box there.

Her neighbors didn’t go inside their house. Evan opened the

garage door. He and Nate climbed into Nate’s SUV. They were going
to drive to Evan’s parents’ house right away. Saturday his parents
usually had some kind of social event at their place. Often he had to
explain he was working or had other things on, but it was good to be
close to family. Nate’s family had grown distant after their move
down the coast.

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Evan waited until they were on the road before he spoke.

“She’s really nice, huh?”

Nate glanced at him and then back at the road ahead. “She’s

gorgeous. I want her bad.” He laughed at his comment, and then said,
“She gave me ‘the look,’ you know. I reckon she’d say yes if I asked
her out.”

Evan grunted. “She gave me a few looks. Maybe she’s just a


Nate didn’t answer.
Evan looked out of the window. He wanted Annabel bad. He

hoped she wasn’t going to be a source of friction between him and
Nate. They had an enviable friendship. They could have lived in
separate houses, but it was great to have a buddy around. They’d said
when either of them met a girl they wanted to marry that would mean
the end of their late night game watching and laid-back camaraderie,
and so they lived in the same place until then. It had worked well …
so far.

He decided not to talk about Annabel any more that night.

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Chapter Three

Three and a half weeks went by, during which Annabel and

Nate casually had lunch together several times. They flirted and
touched each other on the arm, the shoulder, brushed each other’s
hands as they walked together, and generally gave off, “I want you”
signals. Annabel considered just asking for a kiss.

Evan and Nate went around to her place for the steak dinner

she’d promised them. Both guys responded as she flirted heavily with
each of them. They all talked about ordinary things as if they were
just friends, but the unresolved desire laden atmosphere sparked with
sexual chemistry. Annabel didn’t know what to do about the situation.
She loosely planned that the first of them who asked her out on a real
date was the one she’d be with, because it didn’t matter who it was—
she pulsed with sexual need when either of them touched her. Even a
soft sigh Nate gave near her ear, as she passed him in the hall, made
her nipples harden.

She accepted an invitation to go on one of Evan’s boats for an

evening sail down the river when Nate had a late client meeting. It
wasn’t a date. Two other people were there. She stopped short of
kissing Evan goodnight as they stood together on the dock afterwards.
His face paused so close to hers, and the pull of attraction was so
strong, her pussy throbbed and clenched. He smelt divine, like the
ocean mingled with his masculine pheromones. She hoped he’d kiss
her, make a pass at her, but he just gazed at her with his eyes dark and
full of lust.

Tuesday lunchtime of the fourth week since she’d moved into

her house, she opened the door of Nate’s big office intending to ask
him out for lunch and she’d coolly suggest a real date as they ate.

Nate’s friendly receptionist grinned at her. “Hi, Annabel.”
Annabel smiled. “Is Nate free?” She nodded toward the

smoked glass door of his personal office just as he opened it and
called a hello.

“Hi, Annabel, I was just thinking about calling to check if you

had lunch plans.”

They went to the usual café on the quayside. Nate told her he

and Evan often had lunch there when Evan wasn’t out on the ocean or
the river.

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Annabel gazed at Nate. She’d chosen a table with a sun

umbrella to shade and hide them as they talked, wanting to try a kiss
on Nate’s cheek. She sat as close to him as she could. She passed him
the menu and deliberately touched his fingers. She ran her tongue
over her lips, looking at his mouth, and then … he kissed her.

The sensation of his mouth on hers sent a throb of longing

through her clit. Her nipples peaked, and her thighs tightened. She
slid her hands into his hair and held his head to hers. A low moan
escaped her as she savored Nate’s sexy, searching lips. His tongue
touched hers. Her pussy soaked her panties with wet heat. She sighed
against his mouth when they caught a breath. “I needed that kiss so

His murmured answer soft, incoherent, he kissed her again.

His hand strayed to her breasts, and through her cotton shell-top, he
tenderly circled her pebbled nipples with his thumbs.

Annabel groaned into his mouth, holding his head. His soft

hair tangled around her fingers, his lips, firm, and then gentle, his
nose against hers, all so overwhelmingly sexy, soft melting sensations
drifted down her stomach to soak between her legs. I might come just
from his kiss and his touch on my breasts.

When Nate nibbled on her bottom lip then drew away to


She sighed the words, “I want you so much.”
He glanced around at the other customers, and then back at


“I want you too. Have dinner with me tomorrow night.” His

eyes misted as if he’d just surfaced from a dream, and he gazed
intently at her.

Annabel took his hand. “I’d like that. I can hardly wait.” She

didn’t know how to tell him she would want him in her bed after
dinner. She smiled happily. At last, one of my lovely neighbors has
made a move on me. Thank heavens.
Practically desperate to have sex
with either of them, she wanted them both equally, and this mystified
her into less assertive behavior than she might have used. She’d never
had a problem asking a guy out, but Evan and Nate were so gorgeous,
such lovely, kind men, she fantasized each night about having both of
them, singly, and then together in her bed. Desire coiled in her
stomach threatening to consume her.

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Nate held her hand as they walked to the Regency Center

offices after lunch. His hand, strong and cool around hers, proved
addictive, and she didn’t want to let go when they reached the

He whispered to her on the stairs. “Tomorrow night, seven-

thirty, I’ll pick you up.”

“Yes, please.” Her breath caught as his lips grazed hers.
He left her at her office floor.


The next day, Nate and Evan had arranged to meet for lunch.

Evan arrived at the café first and watched a small group of tourists at
a nearby table. He’d been doing some accounts in his quayside office
and breathed in the scent of the sea, happy to escape into the open air
at one of the café’s patio tables.

He ordered coffee and a BLT. He’d taken a bite of his

sandwich when he saw Nate approach along the path, smiling.

The night before Evan had been late home from a boat trip,

almost midnight, so he hadn’t seen Nate. He’d stayed in bed an extra
half-hour that morning, knowing he only had office work to do, so
he’d missed seeing Nate at breakfast. One of Evan’s employees had
taken a boat out with two clients to do some fishing in the river. Now,
Evan grinned at Nate as his friend reached the table.

“You look extra happy. Work going well?” Maybe Nate had a

new and lucrative building design to do. They’d always encouraged
each other. Even as two high achievers, professional jealously never
entered their relationship. They both worked hard, and in their own
way, each cared for the other.

“I got a date with Annabel.” Nate grinned and gave Evan a

friendly punch on the arm.

Evan’s voice betrayed his disappointment. “No. Hell, Nate, I

was just about to ask her out to dinner. You know how much I like

Nate hesitated. “I told you I like her. She’s been giving me

interested signals since she moved in. I left it as long as I could
stand.” He pulled out a chair and sat down.

“She’s been giving them to me too. Seriously, every time I see

her, she stands close, touches my arm, stares at me, and, Nate, I know
when a woman wants me.”

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Nate picked up the menu in the little plastic container from the

middle of the table. He stared studiously at it, even though the two
friends often had lunch there and he knew what was available. After a
moment, he sighed. He wanted Annabel, and yet he knew Evan did
too, and if he was honest, he’d seen her giving Evan encouragement
in just the same way she gave it to him. They’d talked about her often
and he knew how Evan felt, but they’d drifted along in the
comfortable threesome friendship they’d developed, neither doing
anything about their feelings for her.

“You’re right. She’s been coming on to both of us. I don’t

know what that means, but Evan, I feel something deep for her. She’s
so lovely, so … different. I think I could be falling for her.”

Evan sighed and looked away from him across the bay.
Seagulls called, and the waves slapped on the concrete side of

the quay.

Nate took a deep breath of the ocean air and watched his

buddy, knowing Evan was disappointed. He tried to fix things with
his lifelong friend.

“Let’s just see what happens. She might go out with me once

and back off. I’m sorry, Evan.”

Evan sighed again and brought his gaze back to Nate’s eyes.

“Sure, but this is the kicker, Nate. I feel something for her, too. I think
she’s special. I’ve never felt like this before.” He picked up his coffee
and drank.

Nate couldn’t say more. The waiter approached, and Nate

ordered a chicken sandwich and coffee. He watched the waiter walk
away to pass in his order, and then he spoke to Evan again.

“I do have a new client.” He started to tell Evan about the new

commission, hoping ordinary conversation would take the edge off
the situation.

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Chapter Four

Nate walked across the path to knock on Annabel’s door. His

happiness at seeing her that night was tinged with sadness for Evan.
He worried a surprising amount about Evan spending the night alone
and upset. As he waited for Annabel to answer the door, he suddenly
understood it was because he knew how he would feel if it had been
Evan taking Annabel out that night without him. They’d done most
things as a threesome so far, and this was a new departure, worse still,
a romantic departure.

Annabel opened the door.
Nate stared at her for a moment, drinking in the sight of her

lovely thighs in her short black dress. Over the sexy, scooped
neckline, he glimpsed the rounded tops of her breasts.

“Hi.” Her eyes sparkled at him.
“Hi, Annabel, are you ready? I booked a table for eight.” His

composure slipped away, his cock stirred, and he fought down a
strong surge of desire.

She turned giving him a view of her curvy hips. The dress

dipped low in the back. He enjoyed the splatter of freckles along her
shoulders and the way stands of her hair swirled around the back of
her neck. An urge to grab her hips, pull her against his growing
erection, and nuzzle wet kisses along her soft skin made him shake.
He crushed down the feeling and stepped back.

He took her hand to walk to his SUV parked at the curb, and

opened the door for her.

Annabel smiled at him. “Thank you.”
He detected genuine pleasure in her eyes when he helped her

into the high cab, and a warm feeling flowed over him.

On the way to the restaurant, Annabel told Nate about a design

she was working on, a new logo for a music company. He listened,
interested in the process, as she talked about it.

The restaurant overflowed with patrons, and Nate was glad

he’d booked ahead. Tourist season always meant the place hummed.
He caught Annabel’s hand in his as they followed the host to their

Annabel squeezed his fingers a little.
Nate smiled at her in appreciation. The host beat him and

pulled out a chair for Annabel before he could. Nate took a seat for

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himself opposite and gazed at her. He imagined kissing her again. The
kiss they’d shared at the café on the quayside had taunted him in the
night. He’d woken with a massive, aching erection.

She put her hand along the table toward him.
He recognized the invitation to touch her fingertips. He traced

her fingernails with the tip of his finger, trailed up and down her
fingers to her knuckles as he gazed longingly at her lips. He pushed
aside a small bowl of flowers situated in the middle of the table, and
leaned to kiss her, unable to wait any longer for the treat.

Annabel met him halfway.
As soon as her lips pressed against his, streaks of sensation

raced through his balls. His cock stirred and filled out. He sucked her
bottom lip into his mouth as the kiss ended, not wanting to let go.
When he finally leaned away to gaze at her, pure desire teased him in
her darkened eyes. His cock lengthened and completed his erection.
He swallowed, trying to compose himself.

“You look lovely. I feel strangely unable to think of a thing to

say. All I want to do is kiss you.” He knew his voice wasn’t his own.
It belonged to some guy who had fallen in love and whose feelings
were running riot. He’d flirted with Annabel in response to her long
gazes and brushing of fingertips, but now all he could think of was
sex, raw, heated, mind-numbing sex. I want … no, need the kind of
sex that makes my legs feel like jelly and we both drop to sleep still
tangled up, with my cock still inside her. Then when we wake up, we
make love to each other again...

Nate hadn’t ever been in love. He’d been close and he’d had

the kind of sex so good that it drove him nuts for more, but wanting a
woman the way he wanted Annabel was new. His emotions were a
bizarre jumble for him. He wanted to fuck her hard, love her slowly
so that she melted against him with pleasure, protect her, keep her
with him all the time, possess her, and yet give her anything she
wanted, all at the same time.

He took a deep breath.
Annabel’s expression held love as she looked into his eyes.

She glowed with it. She licked along her lip that he’d sucked into his
mouth, and then smiled.

Nate stared at her, hypnotized by the sight of her tongue.
Their menus lay in front of them on the table where the waiter

had placed them, before he discreetly disappeared.

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Nate picked his up. “We should eat something now we’re


Into his mind came a picture of him lifting Annabel’s dress

high around her waist, pulling down her panties, licking her pussy and
teasing at her clit with his teeth, sucking it until she came calling his
name. He stared hard at the menu, barely able to concentrate. When
the waiter came back, Nate ordered steak not knowing what else was
on there.

Both of them picked at their food giving each other desire

soaked glances as they tried to talk about work, a movie they’d both
seen, and then … Evan.

“How’s Evan?” Annabel asked Nate, as she pushed lettuce

around on her plate.

Nate looked into her eyes, trying to gauge the depth of her

interest. Why has she brought up Evan? He held his fork still, halfway
to his mouth, in order to answer her.

“He’s okay. He works too hard.” What am I going to say?

He’s annoyed as hell that I’m out with you. He wants you too.

She must have recognized he didn’t want to talk about Evan

because she reached across the table, and traced a fingertip over the
back of his hand. “Do you want dessert? We could have coffee at my
place. I’d like to be closer to you, not across a table.”

Nate blinked in surprise at this sudden and obvious invitation.
She waited for his answer with passion written all over her


He put his fork down. “I don’t want dessert. Let’s get the bill.”

He looked around and caught the waiter’s eye.

Annabel sat in silence as they drove back to her house, but she

rested her hand on Nate’s thigh.

It gave Nate shocks of sensation all the way up into his balls.

He looked straight ahead and tried not to shuffle in the seat, as his
cock filled his suit pants and his heart hammered in his chest.

They got through her front door before they leapt on each


Nate didn’t know how they got their clothes off. The haze of

lust at the deliciousness of her kisses fogged his brain. They were in
Annabel’s living room, and he was already pounding into her.

Her lips brushed against his ear. Her whispers and moans

mingled with his moaning.

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He held her under the ass and fucked her hard as she clung to


Her hands on his shoulders, she met his thrusts with her hips


His orgasm started with his balls tightening so that he thrust

into her as deep as he could. Into his heart dropped the need to make
sure she came. He slowed down, kissed her lips, nibbled down her
neck, and sucked there.

She bucked her hips to his.
He ground his cock on her clit as he slid into her again.
She moaned into his mouth.
Her pussy clenched around his cock as she pressed her body

against him, and he knew she was coming. It filled him with love. He
didn’t need to pound into her to come. His orgasm flowed over him as
he kissed her. It buckled his knees and weakened his thighs as the
ripples of sensation jerked his cock inside her. Nate groaned as
Annabel’s tongue touched the tip of his. He pressed his stomach
against her enjoying the pressure and satin texture of her skin on his.
A melting sensation drifted over him, and he rested his forehead on
her shoulder.

“How do you feel?” He whispered against her ear.
She made a little sound, not quite a word.
He interpreted it as pleasure. That’s what it sounded like to

him, as if she’d tasted something good. He lifted his head and kissed
her tenderly. “Next time, maybe we can slow down, but I needed that
so bad.”

She traced her fingertips up and down his back.
It sent shivers through him.
“I needed it, too, but slow and all night will be great.” Her

breath brushed temptingly against his lips.

Nate smiled in amusement against her mouth. “Don’t know if

all night is on the menu. I got up at six,” he teased her and grazed his
teeth on her lips. Their softness ensnared him and he kissed her hard
for a few moments, relishing the taste of her, the welcome of her
mouth on his.

Their kisses turned gentle, touches of lips and noses, teasing

with their tongues, sighing as they stroked and caressed each other’s

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“We could go to bed.” Annabel murmured the words between


Nate nodded to her suggestion close to her face, and he kissed

her again, hardly able to stop. “Sorry, I guess the floor is hard.”

He was still inside her. Resting on his forearms, he’d captured

her there beneath his body to kiss. Little throbs of pleasure ran
through his cock, and he sighed as he pulled out of her.

He helped her stand and kissed her again quickly, before he

picked her up. An arm around her waist and one under her ass, he
snuggled her against his chest.

She slipped her arms around his neck. “I’m too heavy to carry


Nate grinned. “No, you are not, and anyway Evan and I lift

weights in the gym a few times a week. Don’t tell me you haven’t
noticed. I’ve seen the way you look at us with our shirts off.” He gave
her a soft little bite on her bottom lip.

She nestled against him as he carried her up to her bedroom.

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Chapter Five

The next morning they woke up wrapped in each other’s arms.
Nate pushed his erection between her legs, but didn’t mean to

make love. He liked the soft enclosure. He figured she had to be sore.
They’d gone at it most of the night after all. He grinned,
remembering, as he nestled his face into her breasts.

She ran her fingers into his hair and brought his head to hers.
“I have to get ready for work.” She said it between kisses.
Nate hugged her. “I know. I’ll get going. That way we can

both get ready for work without me grabbing you and…” He didn’t
finish. He kissed her. He lingered then whispered. “I’ve got a client
lunch, but I’d love to see you tonight. We could go for a walk along
the sea front. Have a drink and then…”

Annabel smiled. She kissed him gently. “I’d love that, all of


Nate let her go with a sigh.
She scrambled away out of bed smiling.
“I’ll let myself out. I’ll drop by around about seven tonight.”

He leapt out of bed. Somehow, the night had made him feel strong.
He felt loved. He ran down the stairs and picked up his clothes strewn
about the hall. He dragged on his suit pants and carried the rest.

As he crossed the lawn and then the path, dew went between

his toes, and white sand stuck onto his feet. He took a deep breath.
The smell of the river and the ocean mingled. The sun was already
warm on his bare, muscled shoulders. Happiness bubbled around
inside him.

Evan was in the kitchen when Nate went down after taking a

quick shower.

“So you stayed the night then.” Not really a question, or even

an observation, this was an accusation.

Nate’s happiness dampened. “I did.” What am I going to say?

That I already feel half in love with Annabel? That she’s so damn sexy
in bed that I couldn’t stop making love to her? That she’s great?

Evan grimaced. “Sorry, I don’t know what’s wrong with me. I

can’t stop thinking about her. The way she gazes into my eyes, you
know, it’s as if she really wants me … wanted me.”

Nate sat down with the cup of coffee he’d just poured. He

slumped. “I know. I’m sorry. I actually do know how you must feel.”

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Nate and Annabel grew emotionally closer over the next few

nights. On the morning of what would be the fourth night they were to
spend together, Evan faced Nate at the kitchen counter holding the jug
of hot coffee from the percolator. His eyes held a sadness Nate had
never seen before. He didn’t appear to notice the steaming coffee
sloshed dangerously close to spilling.

An unfamiliar lurch happened in Nate’s stomach as Evan


“I’m moving out. I’m taking a houseboat further down the

river, near the next town. You and Annabel can fall in love in peace
without me mooning over her like some idiot, like some complete

This declaration stunned Nate into silence for a couple of


Evan obviously remembered the jug of coffee in his hand and

slid it back onto the hot plate of the percolator.

Nate sadly watched Evan pick up the coffee that he hadn’t

topped up after all, and throw the cold liquid down the sink. Only
when it was clear Evan was about to leave for work did the shock of
losing his friend force words from Nate’s mouth.

“Fuck that, Evan, don’t go. You love this place. You’ll have to

contend with the highway full of commuter traffic in the next town. A
houseboat is cool for a vacation, but you like space. I know you do.
That’s why we took this house since it’s the biggest in this row.” He
waved his hand around to show off the space. The impending loss of
his friend brought a feeling that strayed close to fear. It hadn’t ever
occurred to Nate that he loved Evan, not in a sexual way, not
romantically, but like family. They’d been through some stuff
together, not stuff they dwelt on, but suddenly Nate knew that he
couldn’t let Evan leave like this. It’s supposed to be happy when we
finally live in our own place with the woman we love. It’s supposed to
be that we’re still close friends, still care about each other. It’s
supposed to be different.
It’s because he loves Annabel too.

Nate stood and approached his friend. He’d never actually

comforted Evan physically, only with words or help. On a holiday
activity gone wrong, they’d dragged each other up a mountainside in
heavy fog once, but he’d never extended physical affection. He put
his hand on Evan’s shoulder. “I wish you’d reconsider. I hate this.

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Meet me for lunch. Let’s talk this out. Shit, Evan, we’re nearly thirty.
It was bound to happen soon that we fell for a woman.”

Evan shrugged Nate’s hand off his arm. He looked at it as he

stepped away.

Nate recognized it as a “don’t touch me” warning.
Evan replied in a low voice. “Yeah, but not the same woman,

not we both fall for the same woman.”

“We’ve known each other since we were born. Don’t do this.

Meet me for lunch.”

First off, Evan shook his head, and then he nodded. “Okay, the

usual place, but I don’t know what it will achieve.”

Nate waited for Evan to arrive at the café. He ordered coffee

for both of them expecting Evan to dash as up as he sometimes did
having leapt off a boat to meet him.

He sipped his own drink. The sun beat down that day, and his

coffee smoked with heat. Maybe I should have got iced water. Nate
loosened his tie and rolled up the sleeves of his business shirt. At least
it’s linen.
He sighed, looking around. Is Evan walking along the
quayside? Maybe he’s fucked off to a houseboat already. Crap, this is
fuckin’ awful.
Maybe Annabel will let us share her. Shit, what kind of
idea is that? Yeah … maybe she will let us share her. That happens
doesn’t it? I’ve read stuff, unless Evan won’t share her. I would. I
will. I just want him, and Annabel, happy, but I can’t give her up.

He gazed down into his coffee cup. The scrape of the chair

opposite told him Evan had arrived, and he looked up.

Evan sat, an expression of amusement on his face, and then he

picked up the coffee Nate had ordered for him, and drank some.
“Funny how you still want a coffee, even when the weather is

He sounded normal to Nate, so Nate grinned. “Yeah.” He

waited for Evan to speak again, and then when Evan remained silent,
Nate glanced off into the distance for a few seconds before he spoke.
“How are you feeling? I thought that maybe we could watch the game
tonight. Have a beer and get things out in the open.”

Evan narrowed his eyes with suspicion. “Not seeing Annabel

tonight then? Look, don’t stop seeing her for me. Don’t think you
have to keep poor, lonely, Evan company like I’m some lame duck.”

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Nate winced. “That’s not it. You’re still my best friend. You

think you’re in love with her don’t you? Maybe you are. Ask her out,
check out your feelings.”

Evan snorted. “Will you stop? Maybe this, maybe that. I’m not

happy about the way I feel. It’s a fucking shock if you must know.”

Nate pushed his coffee cup to one side and leaned close to

Evan. “Don’t screw up our friendship. She likes you. We’ve said she
gave us both come on signals. Test it out. Don’t storm off from where
you live to a houseboat on the river.” He cast around for the right
words as he compared the usually happy, even-tempered way Evan
met life with his outburst. “This isn’t like you. Hell, Evan, frankly I’m
… distraught.”

Evan silently stared into Nate’s eyes, until Nate looked away.
He traced a wrinkle in the blue checked tablecloth with his

finger. “Evan, I’m just saying. I love her, but I could stand to see you
with her, too. You’ve noticed she’s attracted to you. We could both
see her. It happens.”

Evan stood abruptly, gave Nate a look of incredulity, and then

stormed off along the seafront toward his boat sheds. His coffee cup
rattled on the saucer as the table shook from the force of his

Nate took a deep breath. Well, that went just fucking great.

About to return to his office, he froze when Evan strode back and
dragged the chair to the table from the yard or so away he’d tossed it
on leaving.

“Let me get this straight. You’re saying you wouldn’t mind if

I asked Annabel out … that we could both see her. Assuming she
wants that. You do know I’d make love to her? We’d share her? I
don’t know how I feel about that … yet, but we could try it. Once it
started though, I couldn’t go back to not seeing her. Just sayin’.” Evan
frowned and ran his hands through his hair.

Nate nodded. “I wouldn’t mind …if she agreed. I love her, but

hell, look at the shape you’re in. You mean a lot to me. We might as
well be brothers. There are things I couldn’t have got through without
you being around.”

Evan leaned back in his chair, his frown gone. He picked up a

napkin and blotted the coffee splashed on the table top.

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Annabel found Nate and Evan at the quayside café having

coffee as she was out for a walk, their heads together, obviously deep
in conversation. She approached happy to see them. I’m sure I heard
my name.

Nate suddenly glanced at her as she neared. He mouthed

something to Evan.

Evan turned and looked at her.
By the time she stood alongside the table, they were silent,

their conversation halted. They were definitely talking about me. “Hi,
I saw you over here and thought I’d join you, unless you’re busy. Is
that okay?”

Nate stood and pulled a chair along next to his. “Sure,

Annabel, sit down.” He smiled at her.

The chair, placed opposite Evan, allowed Annabel to study his

expression as she sat down. What’s going on? It’s as if I’m back in
high school and I’ve stumbled on friends saying mean things about

Evan gazed at her silently, unusually subdued.
A painful crease formed between her eyes. She turned to Nate.

“Am I interrupting something? You both look so serious.”

“No. Do you want coffee?” Nate’s smile faltered, and he

hurriedly gestured at the waiter attending a nearby table.

After a moment, the waiter came over and took Annabel’s


Unable to let it alone, she looked from Nate to Evan and back.

“What’s going on? Evan, are you okay?”

He nodded. “Sure, just tired. I’m off now. I have work

waiting. See you both later.”

When Evan had walked a distance down the path, Nate took

Annabel’s hand, pulled her close, and kissed her.

“It’s great to see you. How’s everything?”
Annabel kissed Nate softly before she answered. “Lovely, it’s

great to see you too. Will you come over tonight?”

Nate smiled. “Four nights running, I’d love to, but I can’t

tonight. I need to do some work.”

He’s lying. Something is wrong. “Are you tired of me

already?” She let the hurt creep into her voice.

Nate shook his head, emphasizing his answer. “Absolutely

not, I like you a lot.” He sighed and ran a hand across his forehead.

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Annabel waited, instinctively knowing he was going to

confide in her.

“It’s Evan, he’s … he’s going through a rough patch. I want to

stick around home tonight.”

Worry instantly filled her. She liked Evan very much, as much

as Nate, even if she’d never kissed Evan, never been completely alone
with him. It upset her immeasurably to see Evan hurting. She pictured
his blue eyes full of sadness as she’d looked into them a few minutes
ago, and she put her hand on Nate’s arm.

“What is it? Can I help? I like him so much. It’s horrible to

think of him being unhappy.”

Nate leaned back from her. He studied her for a whole minute.
The frown returned to her forehead. “Let me help, Nate.”
Nate’s expression changed from contemplation to hope. “You

want him don’t you? You want him in the same way as you want me.”

Annabel deliberately looked away from Nate’s gaze. She

stared absently at the seagulls pecking up bits of a sandwich someone
had thrown to them along the quayside. I want to tell him he’s right,
but then what if I lose him? I’m falling in love with him, if I’m not
already in love with him. I crave his touch.
His gentle loving was
unlike anything she’d ever experienced. Three nights they’d seen each
other, falling into bed every time, and fucking each other senseless.
Only it’s not just fucking, is it? We make love. We talk about so many
things, share ideas … no, it’s love.
After their first intense session, the
sex went on most of the night, slow caresses, languor-inducing kisses,
until they merged and had the most delicious orgasms, two, even three
sometimes, in a row. A melting sensation formed deliciously between
her legs just considering it. She squirmed in her seat and looked back
into Nate’s eyes. “Nate, I … I do like him, very much. I don’t want to
lose you. I feel as if we belong together, but I like Evan, too. I hate
that he’s upset.”

Nate fell silent. He turned his coffee cup around a few times

on the saucer. He looked out over the ocean and sighed.

Annabel waited.
“He likes you very much. He’s upset because I asked you out

first. He was going to and I knew that, but I like you so much I
wanted to have you with me, be mine. He can’t get you out of his
mind. I wish it wasn’t true, but I think he feels the same way about
you as I do. If he’d asked you out first it would be me, you both

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discussed now. It would be me stalking off upset because I’d missed
out on you. I don’t know, Annabel, maybe you and he belong
together. You like him.”

Annabel stared at Nate with a pained expression.
After a few moments, he pulled away from her, and shifted his

chair so that he sat opposite.

She didn’t like that and dragged her chair closer to his. She

took his hands, leaned toward his face, and kissed his delicious lips.
“Nate, I can’t lose you. Are you dumping me?”

He flinched, his voice low, he answered, “No, nothing like

that. The truth is I think I love you. That’s how it feels. I know it’s a
little soon to say,” he added, his tone apologetic.

She kissed his last words away and smiled against his lips. “I

think I love you too.”

Nate held her face and kissed her.
His hands in her hair, his nose against hers, his gentleness

surrounded her, and then he deepened the kiss, his sexy masculinity
completely overwhelming her. His kiss proved irresistible, heavenly.
Wet heat rushed to her pussy. She leaned into him and sighed with
pleasure as he let her take a breath.

He drew back, but kept hold of her face. He kissed her quickly

on the tip of her nose.

“Annabel, you like Evan. Be honest. What does that really


She slid her arms around his shoulders so that he couldn’t jerk

away. If she could have Evan and Nate, she would. She didn’t even
feel greedy. She held a deep feeling that it was right. They both
belonged with her, and she belonged with them. This is something
weird and wonderful, too.
They’d only known each other five weeks,
but she’d never been surer about anything. The way Evan looked at
her he had to care for her. They’re nice guys, intelligent, caring guys,
so nice.
The word “nice” didn’t do justice to how great they were to
talk with, to watch a TV show with, relax with, and they’d discovered
they all loved a lot of the same songs. Everything fell into place. They
gelled, as if she’d come home.

“I could care for him the way I care for you. The moment I

saw you both I felt this pull … to both of you.” She looked into
Nate’s eyes, and instead of the horror she expected to see, she saw
gentle speculation.

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“He’s my best friend, like the brother I don’t have. I can’t

imagine us not being friends, and yet that’s what he’s proposing. He’s
saying stupid things such as he should get out of the way because you
and I need space … that he’ll leave the house and live elsewhere. I’ve
never seen him so weighed down, so in need.” His voice wavered.

Annabel stared at Nate. “I don’t know what to say.”
Nate took a deep breath. “If you want us both, I could handle


Annabel’s heartbeat sped up. She could handle that. The big

question is, can Evan?

“What about Evan? Could he handle that, or does he want me

to himself?” She whispered the question close to Nate’s face.

“I don’t know. I don’t think he does yet. Maybe you should

find out.”

Annabel closed her eyes and nestled her face against Nate’s

jaw. “Will you be hurt?”

He raised her face with his fingertips to look into her eyes. He

traced her lips with his thumb. “I don’t know. It might be hot. A love
triangle might be the answer.”

Annabel kissed his thumb. “No, I think that means an unhappy

situation. We’d be together happily. I’d love you both, and you’d both
love me. We’d all know and agree.” As she said the words, her pussy
clenched. How delicious to have them both making love to me. She
grabbed his head, her hands fisting in his hair, and kissed him

When she let go, Nate smiled mischievously. “Mmm, you like

that, huh, the idea of us both fucking you?”

Annabel closed her eyes and kissed him again.
Nate took over the kiss. His tongue slid against hers. He ran

his fingertips up and down the back of her neck.

She broke the kiss. “Nate, if I can’t see you tonight, how about


He smiled. “Okay. Evan’s on his boat this afternoon. Let’s


Later, when Nate had left, Annabel slipped on shorts and a T-

shirt. Sated, happy, and sleepy, she took a glass of orange juice out to
drink as she sat on her patio in the late afternoon sun. She loved Nate.
She’d told him so as they made love that afternoon, but she wanted

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Evan as well. She wanted to take the sadness out of his eyes. She
wanted to have the happy conversations back that they all shared. It
will be horrible if he moves away.
She wanted to run her hands along
his muscled chest and kiss his sculpted lips. Tomorrow I’m going
after him. One way or another I’m going to find out if a threesome
relationship could work.

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Chapter Six

Evan opened the door. “Hi, Annabel, Nate’s not home yet.

Come in. I was just about to get a cold drink.” He couldn’t help
looking her up and down. She wore a sleeveless blue dress that
showed off her pretty legs. It didn’t cling. Instead, it flared, sexily,
just above her knees. Her lovely hair, elegantly swept up in barrettes,
shone. As she passed him in the hall, he closed his eyes, breathing in
the light fragrance that surrounded her.

Annabel walked down the hall toward the kitchen door. Evan

gazed after her. Her ankles looked good enough to suck on in the
extremely high, strappy sandals she wore. Once again, he wished he’d
asked her out before Nate had. He’d been calmer since he’d told Nate
how bad he felt, but the sight of Annabel shook his newfound

He went into the kitchen after her. “Have a seat. Can I get you

a drink?” He put ice cubes into his own glass and poured orange juice
over them.

“Thank you, water will be great. It’s still hot out.”
She smiled at Evan so sweetly his stomach flipped.
He went to the fridge and brought out a bottle of cold water

for her. Damn, forget the weather. She’s the hot one. He looked in the
dishwasher for a clean glass. He turned to Annabel.

She gazed at him, a communication in her eyes. She stared at

him with such an invitation to kiss her in her expression that he
looked away in confusion.

Evan brought the water and the glass to her. It sent a jolt up

his arm when she brushed her fingers over his as she took the water
from his hand.

Her pupils wide, dark pools, she stared at him.
Evan knew the look. It surprised him, but he knew for sure she

wanted him sexually right then. He leaned on the table edge and bent
his head to hers. If she returns my kiss, I’m making love to her.

He watched her eyes until his face was close to hers, and then

a breath away from her lips he stopped to give her time to withdraw.
Her mouth enticed him. He waited, hoped, and then she slid her hand
along his jaw and touched her lips to his.

Evan kissed her gently. The softness of her lips felt so good,

that a fleeting thought about her being Nate’s girl, despite what Nate

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had said, was forgotten. Evan couldn’t leave her mouth. He grasped a
handful of her hair and deepened his kiss.

She opened her mouth to his tongue.
He drifted in a haze of lust. Her fragrance filled his head. His

stomach clenched so hard a spear of sensation hardened his cock.
Evan moaned softly. He delighted in the pressure of Annabel’s arms
as they slid around his neck when she kept the kiss going. A soft
whimper reached his ears.

Annabel moved her mouth from his to whisper, “Evan,


He drew back. Let go of her.
Her arms fell away from his neck.
“Sorry. I know you’re with Nate. I…”
Annabel shook her head, a pleading expression on her face.

“Not please stop, please give me more.” She pulled the shoulder
straps of her dress down. Her naked breasts were displayed for him as
the bodice ruffled to her waist.

Evan’s cock leaked at her words. His mouth just about

watered at the sight of her peaked nipples. He brought his gaze back
to her face. He saw the tip of her tongue run quickly over her top lip.
He watched hypnotized as she stood.

She pressed against him in seconds.
Evan dragged her closer. He grabbed her ass and thrust his

erection onto her. When her arms went around his neck and her
tongue slid along his, he groaned with sheer sexual need. His cock
grew so hard it ached. The sweetness of her mouth and her body
molded to his were too delicious a temptation. He picked her up in a

Her legs wrapped around his hips.
Evan felt her hot and wet through the rip in his jeans. He’d

only pulled on his faded Levis after his shower. She’s not wearing
panties. Fucking hell.

Her wet pussy contacted his upper thigh.
His breath left him.
“This is killing me. You have to know that. What about

Nate?” His voice rasped huskily as he carried her to the wall and
thrust against her. Even though he’d just asked that, he bent his head
and sucked a nipple into his mouth. “Mmm.” He licked along her

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breast after grazing his teeth against her nipple. He wanted an answer
and looked into her eyes.

“I want you. I need you. Don’t think about Nate, he’s cool.”

She reached between them and dragged the zipper of his jeans down.

Evan sighed into her neck. Maybe he talked with her the way

he did with me yesterday … maybe this can all work out. He accepted
what she said about Nate. He so desperately wanted her, loved her for
sure the way he shuddered with need right then. He hoisted her higher
as she pulled his leaking cock from his jeans, and in a move that
surprised the hell out of him, leaned back on the wall and brought his
cock so close to her pussy, it would only take him one thrust to be in.
He moaned as he pushed into her.

She held his bare shoulders. Her fingers dug deliciously into

them as he pumped his cock up into her slick pussy.

He closed his eyes and fucked her against the wall. His ass

tightened as he took both their weight on his thighs. It added to the
raw, sexual heat for him.

Annabel nuzzled against his shoulder.
Her pussy clenched, and she softly bit his neck. “So, so good.”

She left trails of wetness along his shoulder as she kissed there and
rocked her hips as she climaxed.

Evan’s orgasm burst through him. He jerked up into her

uncontrollably. His thighs weakening, he leaned on the wall with one
hand, so that Annabel held him more tightly around the shoulders in
an effort not to slip. His long groan, torn from his throat as the ripples
of orgasm flowed through him, echoed in the kitchen. Everything felt
so great that he fucked her even when his orgasm finished until his
knees threatened to buckle.

Her whisper sent shivers through his ear, and aftershocks of

the orgasm throbbed through his cock.

“Kiss me. Let me down, but kiss me first.”
Evan brought his mouth to hers. He kissed her, soaking up the

feel of her lips on his. He didn’t know if he could move to let her
down. Every muscle in his body completely relaxed so that he thought
they might slide to the floor in a crumpled heap. He smiled against
her mouth after the kiss.

“Careful.” He couldn’t say more. He lifted her. His cock slid

deliciously out of her. Even that gave him an orgasm aftershock, and
his ass clenched.

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She brought her legs from around his waist and stood.
Her dress fell around her knees with a soft rustle.
She gazed at him. “I think I should visit the bathroom.” She

picked up her dress.

Evan watched her leave the room.
Naked, with her high heels clicking sharply on the floor tiles,

she looked back at him, and smiled.

Evan sighed and fumbled with his jeans, dragged them up, and

zipped them. He ran a hand over his forehead into his hair. A film of
moisture from his skin made it stand up at the front of his head. He
turned and walked to the fridge. His legs felt like jelly. A smile spread
over his face as he took water from the fridge, ran the cold bottle
against his face, and then drank. Fucking hell she’s as hot as … but
there’s Nate to think about. What was that about him being cool? We
need to discuss that sharing plan of his. She asked me, she said
please, maybe it’s been me she wanted all along or…
The smile
disappeared. Evan tried to ease the guilt that crept into his heart as he
considered that despite everything already said he might have
betrayed his best friend.

He heard the front door open. Nate’s home, damn. I never

even considered he might catch us.

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Chapter Seven

Nate walked to the fridge. “You’re home early. I thought you

had a charter.” He’d been relieved that Evan stopped talking about
living on a houseboat the night before. He took a bottle of beer from
the fridge and yanked his tie off. He opened the bottle, took a drink,
and then put it onto the table. He’d unbuttoned his shirt and pulled
that off too, when Annabel walked into the kitchen.

Though surprised at her presence, Nate smiled at her.

“Annabel, where did you appear from?”

“The bathroom, I arrived about ten minutes ago. How was


Nate looked from Annabel to Evan and saw it. They’ve had

sex. Okay … how do I feel? Yeah, okay… do I… yeah, I’m okay, I
don’t mind. She looks happy. So does Evan.”

He sat down and pulled the beer toward him. “Hasn’t Evan

offered you a drink?”

Annabel glanced at Evan and then back at him. “Yes, I called

by to check if you were home.”

Nate rolled the cold beer bottle between his palms. He had no

idea what to say next, and then he nodded. “I’m going to take a
shower and then what about we all go out for a meal, or what if we
cook up some steaks on the barbeque? There are some in the fridge,
huh, Evan?” He heard his own voice, even and calm. It didn’t matter
that he was certain Evan and Annabel had sex. The wild look
habitually on Evan’s face in the last six weeks had disappeared. His
friend looked as if he was back to the normal, happy guy he used to
be. Nate glanced at Evan.

Evan leaned on the kitchen counter. He gazed over at

Annabel. Then he grinned at Nate.

“We could do that. I’ll get it going if you want to shower.”
Nate stood and left the room. He took the stairs two at a time.

He wanted to talk to Annabel, but that would have to wait. Just as
long as she still loved him, things were cool. If she loved Evan, too,
things were cool, just as long as Evan didn’t want her all to himself.

Nate luxuriated in the water as it washed away the day’s work,

the summer heat, and any worry he had about Annabel. I’m sure she
loves me, and that’s all that matters.

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Lost in the glow of that thought, he didn’t hear her come into

the bathroom until she opened the sliding door, and put her arms out
to him.

Nate leaned toward her.
She held his face and kissed him. “I love you, Nate. I do so

love you,” she whispered to him as she let him go.

Splashes of water sparkled in her hair.
“I love you, too.”
She left him then, her pretty dress swishing around her knees.
Nate finished his shower, convinced that if Evan would go for

a threesome, they could both have the woman they loved in their
lives. As he toweled dry and padded to his wardrobe for shorts and a
T-shirt, he grinned. It would actually be hot as hell to see Annabel
come with Evan’s fingers inside her.
His cock stirred deliciously. He
pictured her naked with her head thrown back riding his cock as Evan
sucked on her nipples. He’d never thought about sharing a girl before
this situation with Annabel. The idea gave him shivers of desire.

He walked slowly downstairs to give his cock time to shrink a


In the hall, he could hear Evan and Annabel talking. The patio

doors were flung wide open, and Evan already turned steaks on the

They ate together. They talked again like friends, only this

time the air was charged with love and not electric with sexual need.
It felt good to Nate. He watched Annabel and knew she was happy.

When he walked with her around to her place much later, he

cuddled her to his chest. He stroked her hair down her back and
kissed her tenderly.

“I won’t stay tonight. It was great to see Evan happy again.”
She held him tight. Hugged him quietly and then she kissed

him. Her kiss so full of love, it sent a soft melting sensation all the
way through his body.

“Evan and I … we…”
Nate cradled her to his chest. “I know. I could tell. How do

you feel now?”

Annabel slid her arms around his neck.
He kissed her inner elbow and looked into her eyes.
“I love you. I probably love him as well. I want to be with you

both. I hope we don’t all lose each other. How do you feel?”

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Nate lingered over a kiss before he answered. He soaked up

the texture of her lips on his, the light fragrance of her skin, the way
she held him possessively around the neck. This is good.
“I feel okay. I don’t feel jealous.” Nate took her kisses and held her
close. He wanted to talk to Evan. “Tomorrow night I’ll stay.”

He waited until she closed the front door and then walked over

the path to his place.

Evan was loading the dishwasher. He looked up at Nate.
“I might get an early night.” He closed the door on the

machine and went off to his room.

Nate watched. Hell, he’s not going to talk about anything.


The next morning Evan had already left the house when Nate

got down to the kitchen. The coffee still bubbled in the percolator.
Nate poured a cup and stared out the window at the blue summer sky.
So much for talking to Evan. I hope it’s not going to turn into some
kind of rivalry for Annabel. I can’t see why we couldn’t all be

Nate drove to work singing to the CD in his SUV. He felt

okay. He’d been surprised at how acceptable a love threesome would
be to him. I’m more laid-back than I knew. He grinned as he parked in
his reserved spot. Who knows, maybe love does this to you, settles you
into some kind of compassionate, evolved being?

That night when he lay in Annabel’s arms, she traced a trail

around his chest muscles and down his stomach with her fingernail.
He kissed her softly. They’d made love to each other, and his body
relaxed, weighted down with satisfaction. “I have to ask you this.
Would you let Evan and me share you? Seriously, Annabel, I know
we’ve alluded to it, but now I’m saying how it could be. If we were a
threesome, it would need to be a serious agreement, no sneaking
around. I would have you to myself sometimes. Evan would
sometimes, and if it went that way, we might end up making love to
you both at the same time. So is that scary, or shocking, or would you
like me to leave now?” He smiled, hoping she wouldn’t say, “Go right

He raised himself on his elbow to look into her eyes.
“Yes. I want that. I want Evan, and I want you. I love you


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Nate took a moment to consider what she said. “Do you know

how he feels yet? He hasn’t talked to me, and doesn’t appear to want
to, although he’s stopped talking crazy. I’d like to ask him about the
idea, sort things out, but…”

Annabel ran her hand along his jaw. She guided his face down

to hers and kissed him.

“No, I need to find out. I think it’s up to me to ask him. Maybe

there’s a way to show him you two can share me. I don’t know. I have
the day off tomorrow, so I’ll think about it then.”

They kissed each other until Nate’s cock hardened again. He

hugged Annabel to his chest and rolled with her so that she straddled

She held his cock and guided into her slick pussy.
The action took Nate’s breath away, and when she started

rocking on him, his mind emptied of any thoughts.

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Chapter Eight

Annabel had decided to tame the huge tangle of wisteria that

grew along the fence by the patio. She’d told Nate as they talked
before falling asleep that she’d start the job on Friday since she had a
leave day from work because of her relocation. She was supposed to
go and borrow the stepladder from the guys, but she started without it.
Nate was coming over to help later that evening. Annabel had pruned
out some of the old growth in the hedge, when she heard the doorbell.
She stepped down from the wooden crate she was using to reach some
of the hard to reach vines and went to answer it.

Evan leaned on the doorframe, looking gorgeous. His faded

jeans, ripped near the top of his thigh, showed off a muscle. His eyes
darkened as he smiled at her.

“Hi, babe.”
Annabel took his hand and pulled him into the hall. She loved

that he called her babe.

He grabbed her around the nape of her neck with his free

hand, and bent his head slowly to hers, looking into her eyes all the
time, until his mouth was on hers, when his eyes closed. She closed
her eyes as his kiss sent her drifting into a haze of lust. He pulled his
hand from her grasp and cupped a breast through her sundress. His
kneading brought her nipple into a peak and made her long to have
the other breast fondled. She arched into him and ran her hand down
the front of his jeans. His cock already a hard column, she stroked
along it with her fingertips.

A huge throb thrilled between her legs as she listened to his

low moans. She broke away from the kiss. “Evan, I’m in the middle
of pruning the plant that runs along the dividing fence. I promised
myself I’d thin it a little because then the patio table can fit better. Get
a drink, and come outside with me.” She intended to talk to Evan the
way she’d told Nate she would, and before they fell into having sex,
because she loved Nate, and even though she knew right then she
loved Evan too, and wanted him desperately, she had to try to sort
things out.

“Babe, you’ve just set my cock leaking. Okay, I’ll help. That

way I can get you into bed quicker.”

Annabel grinned at his pained expression. “What’s going on

anyway? Isn’t Friday afternoon one of your busiest times?”

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“I knew you had the day off and so I decided to take a few

hours for myself.”

Annabel speculated how he knew and then guessed Nate had

told him. “Nate told you, huh? Do you guys talk about me a lot?”

Evan slipped his arm around her waist as they went along the

hall to the kitchen.

“Yeah, we swap stories about fucking you senseless.”
Annabel stopped walking and turned to him. She hoped that

was true. It would help the situation. Then she saw his grin and
guessed he was kidding her along.

“Evan, that’s not even slightly funny.” She felt almost

annoyed they didn’t talk like that.

He picked her up to kiss her. Then let her slide down his body

so her feet reached the ground after he’d pressed his erection against

Annabel took his hand to lead him into the kitchen and to the

fridge. She took out a beer and offered it to him.

He shook his head. “No thanks, water is good.”
Annabel handed him two bottles of spring water, and he

followed her onto the patio carrying them.

He helped her cut out some more of the old vine growth, and

then as she stood on her box at the end of the bank of climbing blue
flowers she heard Nate call her name.

“Annabel, is that you? I can hear you hacking away at that

wisteria over there.”

She glanced at Evan, and he shrugged.
Annabel pushed the crate along a little to a gap in the creeping

plant. She leaned on the fence that separated the gardens. She stood
on the upturned box so that her forearms rested on the top of the fence
and stared into Nate’s eyes. The fence measured six feet, about Nate’s
height, maybe a little more, but she knew he couldn’t see over, and
that was a blessing because now Evan stroked up the backs of her
bare legs.

She fought to keep her composure as his fingertips traced

circles there. Evan skimmed the curve of her ass with his thumbs, and
Annabel stared into Nate’s face with just one thought on her mind—
sex. She smiled at Nate.

“Hi, how come you’re home early from work? What are you

doing in your garden?”

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Nate grinned mischievously. “I put some barbeque charcoal in

the shed. I knew you had the day off and wanted to see you. How
about I come around and we can cuddle up?”

Annabel stared at Nate because as he spoke Evan had started

to trail his hands up and down her legs. It felt great, but was
distracting to say the least. A sigh escaped her. Evan’s fingers teased
high on her thighs in the V shaped space between them. His soft
stroking there sent throbs through her pussy that pulsed a drench of
desire into her panties.

She gazed at Nate. “Kiss me.”
Nate held the top of the fence. He leaned toward Annabel’s

face and captured her mouth in a kiss that sent streaks of hot sexual
need down to her nipples.

As Nate kissed her, Evan eased her thighs apart with a soft yet

insistent pressure. He pulled the gusset of her panties aside. His
fingertips searched along the wet folds of her pussy, coating them
with her cream, and he brought them to circle her clit.

Annabel sighed as Nate drew away from the kiss. Her pussy

clenched when Evan pinched her clit. She reached her hand out to
Nate and held him around the neck to pull him back to her mouth. Her
hips thrust as Evan pushed two fingers into her saturated pussy. She
slid her tongue along Nate’s as he opened his mouth to her.

Evan pumped two fingers of one hand in her pussy and circled

her clit hard with his other fingertips.

Annabel gasped into Nate’s open mouth when Evan’s tongue

played on her hip as he placed wet kisses there. Her dress up around
her waist and her panties pushed aside, she writhed with the
overwhelming need to come.

“Annabel, I’ll walk around, and we’ll ease that need I know

you’re feeling. You’re practically whimpering.” Nate’s whisper
reached her through a fog of lust as he eased his mouth away to

“No, kiss me.” She pressed her breasts against the fence and

grabbed Nate around the neck as Evan brought her closer to orgasm.
She jerked down on his fingers and rocked alternately. Evan’s lips on
her thighs as he finger fucked her and his thumb stroking hard on her
clit, sent her over the edge. She came with a low moan into Nate’s

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He pulled back with a puzzled expression on his face. “Did

you just come? That’s how it sounded. Now my cock’s about to

Annabel smiled with satisfaction as she dug her fingernails

into his shoulders and kissed him once more.

“Let me see it. Let me see your cock.”
Nate groaned and took a step backwards. “Fuck, you know I

can’t do that. Someone might see.”

“Like who, Nate? You’re standing between the shed and the

box hedge. People will need a periscope. Even from an upstairs room
they couldn’t see. I can only just see down to it now you’ve stepped
back. Let me see your cock now.”

Nate unzipped his jeans and pulled out his cock. He groaned

as he sheathed it in his fist and stroked up and down the hard length.

Evan’s fingers were still inside Annabel’s pussy, and she

squeezed her muscles around them. His other hand slid around her
stomach, and his mouth dotted her hip with wet kisses.

She gazed at Nate’s cock. “Do it, Nate. I love the way you

look right now. Come for me.”

Nate pumped his cock leaning on the fence with one hand, his

breath coming in gasps he jerked and moaned as cum streaked up his
stomach. “Fucking hell that was intense.”

Annabel smiled.
Nate slumped on the fence. “I better go and get cleaned up. I’ll

be round there in ten minutes.”

Evan took his fingers from her pussy in gentle, smooth move.
She stepped down from the upturned box.
Evan grabbed her against his chest and thrust his hard cock

against her stomach. He growled into her mouth as he grazed her lips
with his teeth. “I’m fucking you now. Bend over that box and tip that
ass up.”

Annabel pressed close. “Evan.” She whispered his name.
He let her go and turned her. She leaned against the box, her

palms flat on the top, her head down, and her ass up. Her pussy
throbbed, and a drench of wetness coated the tops of her inner thighs.

Evan dragged her panties down around her knees. His strong

hands on her hips gave her thrills of raw need through her body. He
thrust into her pussy from behind, hard, fast, and deep, over and over,
until he came with a long moan. He held her so hard onto his cock

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Annabel had another orgasm, strong, and overwhelming. She couldn’t
breathe. She threw her head back in a silent moan.

Evan pulled out of her.
Annabel groaned with the loss of his cock in her pussy.
“If Nate is coming around I’d better get going.” Evan lifted

her against his chest and kissed the back of her neck.

She shuddered with the waves of pleasure that brought and

leaned back on him.

“I don’t want you to go. Stay, Nate knows I love you as well

as him.”

She turned in the circle of his arms. His muscles hard against

the sides of her soft breasts felt heavenly.

He kissed her gently. “We need to fix this situation.” He

walked away then, down the side of the house.

Annabel watched him and then ran into her house through the

patio doors. She ran upstairs, changed her damp panties, and looked at
herself in the mirror. That was exquisite…

She opened the door to Nate as soon as the doorbell rang.
“Hi, that was a quick clean up.” His hair was wet, and she

wished she’d had time to take a quick shower. Pollen covered her
arms and shoulders. There has to be a lingering scent of lovemaking
about me.
She stepped back, and Nate walked in. Annabel couldn’t
help feeling that she was somehow deceiving Nate if she didn’t tell
him about Evan, and so she didn’t move.

They stood awkwardly in the hall for a few moments.
Annabel took his hand. “Evan was just here, and we … got

close again.”

She watched Nate’s eyes. He looked amused.
She reached up on tiptoe and kissed him. “He was here when

you kissed me over the fence.”

Nate opened his mouth to speak when the doorbell rang again.
Annabel opened the door with a small smile of apology at


Evan stood on the doorstep, looking freshly showered and

innocent. He smiled at Annabel.

“You’re back, come in, Evan. Nate has just arrived.” She

closed the door as he stepped into the hall and there they were, all
three of them standing in the hall simply looking at each other. To add

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to her puzzlement, a little prickle of annoyance ran through her mind
that she was the only one of them who looked hot and sticky.

“Let’s go to the kitchen and get some cold drinks.”
She turned and led the way pondering what was going on.
Nate and Evan stood around silently as she opened the fridge.
She held out bottles of spring water, and as Nate took one

from her, he gave a tiny shrug as if to say he had no idea what was
happening with Evan.

A little smile tugged at the corners of his mouth, and his blue-

gray eyes sparkled.

Just what is going on? There’s something. Annabel’s instincts

kicked in.

Evan took the water Annabel handed to him, but put it directly

on the table. He kept up his mysterious air for a moment. Then he
broke into a huge smile. “I’m back to say that was one of the hottest
things I’ve ever experienced. Let’s do it again.”

“Did you two arrange what just happened? How did you know

I’d go for it? What did just happen?” She unscrewed the cap on her
bottle of spring water and took a drink.

“I didn’t know if I could be in any kind of three-way. Nate

said maybe we could ease into it through a low level encounter.”

“So you arranged it, but I could have decided against pruning

the plants.”

“We didn’t plan what actually happened. That just evolved.

You were supposed to borrow the stepladder, and we had a plan for
me to happen upon you and Evan, and join in with just kisses. Pretty
much the way it all just happened, only the fence wouldn’t have been
there, and me jerking off probably wasn’t supposed to happen.” Nate
laughed and sat down on one of the pale wooden chairs.

Evan smiled. “I can’t say I blame you. It was incredibly sexy

when Annabel came on my fingers as she kissed you.”

“So are we okay? Have you two talked? I don’t have to choose

between you, and we can accept we’re all three together?”

Evan suddenly turned serious. “I want to hear that you love

me. I want that said right now.” He gazed at Annabel.

“I do love you. I love you. I love Nate and you. I wanted you

both the minute I saw you digging out that tree stump. We can all be

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Evan walked to her and crushed her to his chest in a hug. He

kissed down her neck.

“Then we’ll do that. I want to. It’s hot as hell, and I love you.”

He held out a hand to Nate, in an open invitation to join the hug.

Nate joined them and nuzzled her ear.
Annabel sighed. “That feels great, but I need a shower.

Wisteria is poisonous you know, and you’re both licking up the

“Only the seeds.” Evan smiled as he let her go.
Annabel took Nate’s hand and slipped her other arm around

Evan. She kissed Nate gently and then turned to Evan and kissed him.
“This is perfect, but I still need a shower.”

“Go take one. We’ll see you later. Have dinner with us. We’ve

already booked a table for seven-thirty,” Nate said happily.

“I’ll pick you up,” Evan added.
Annabel walked with them to the front door, and they left. She

stood at the bottom of her stairs for a moment processing what had
just happened and then ran upstairs happily and took a shower.

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Chapter Nine

Nate and Evan didn’t talk until they were back inside their

house, and then they both started talking at once.

“I told you she’d go for it…”
“I can’t believe what we just did…”
Nate grinned at Evan and nodded. “Go ahead, what don’t you

believe about it?”

“She totally wants us both. I love her, and I know you do, and

she loves you too. That’s quite something. You know how we’ve
always been like family, well, that’s how I feel when we’re all
together, a weird thing I know, but I can’t imagine not having both
you and Annabel in my life now. It’s good, Nate. We can share her. I
still had that little seed of doubt until this afternoon, but I can’t wait
for us all to be together again.”

They’d reached the kitchen, and Nate got a glass of water.
“I feel the same, Evan. You’re sure you didn’t feel any

jealousy or anything negative about sharing Annabel did you? I have
to ask, because I feel as if this is a forever thing. I’m not letting her
go, and I don’t want you diving into something you can’t see lasting.
We can’t both marry her, but we can both give her a ring and a
promise that we love her.”

“No, nothing negative, and no jealousy, but then I didn’t see

much of you kissing her, but no, like I just said, I felt good that she
had you too. It was hot. I nearly spilled my load when she told you to
jerk off. She’s very sexy. I feel the same as you about loving her
forever. That’s why it’s been so hard for me. Truth is, if we weren’t a
threesome, I’d ask her to marry me, but yeah, she can’t marry two
people. I don’t want a timetable, but we can see her alone as well as
together? That is in your thoughts? ” He stopped talking and grinned
at Nate.

Nate considered Evan’s happy face for a few seconds, and

then smiled. “Exactly right, we see her alone and as a threesome. Just
let it happen. Okay, I have to go back to my office for a couple of
hours. I’ll meet you at the restaurant this evening.” He gave Evan a
brotherly punch on the arm.

“I need to go back to work for an hour too. See you later.”
They split up and went back to their work.


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Evan called at home to change after he’d finished work. He

looked forward to the night to come, hoping everything would be
okay. He loved Annabel, and wanted her. If this worked out
everything would be good, but he’d already decided that if she felt in
any way uncomfortable, he’d back off. He loved her too much to do
anything else.

He left his car on the drive and walked over the path to

Annabel’s house.

She answered her doorbell immediately and held him to kiss.
Evan soaked it up. Her arms around his neck, her body pressed

up against his so that she could reach his mouth sent a flow of
happiness through him. She’s pleased to see me. He hugged her close,
cupping her ass with one hand and cradling her around the back with
the other arm.

“Thank you for that lovely welcome. I’m here to drive us to

meet Nate and have some dinner.” He kissed her again. “You taste
like mint. Your skin is so soft?” He squeezed where he cupped her ass
and kissed down her neck.

Annabel laughed. “Let’s go before we find something else to

do that will make us late.”

They walked hand in hand to the car.
Evan leaned over the transmission and kissed Annabel again

before he started the engine.

They arrived at the restaurant, to see Nate arrive at the same


Evan remarked on it, “Nate’s over there.”
Annabel held Evan’s hand, and they walked toward him so

that when Nate got out of his car. Annabel kissed him, and took his
hand, too.

Evan didn’t feel even the slightest bit weird when both he and

Nate held hands with Annabel until they had crossed the car parking
lot to the restaurant door, when they let go. It was so easy, so
comfortable to be with Annabel and Nate.

Evan enjoyed the evening. The food was good, they all talked

together about work, about the tourist season, the summer heat, about
a movie they all wanted to see, and would rent the DVD to watch
together, and lastly about the situation.

Annabel took their hands across the table.

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“This is so good. I never dreamed when I bought the house

and moved to this town that I’d find real love. I hoped for something,
but meeting you both is … incredible.”

Evan brought her fingertips to his lips and kissed them.
“Are we ready to go?”
“Sure, I am.” Nate let go of Annabel’s hand and looked

around to get the bill.

“I’ll travel back with Nate if that’s okay?” Annabel said softly

to Evan. A pang of loss stung him that she wouldn’t travel with him,
but then she stepped around the table, and kissed him gently on the
lips. “I love you.” Her whisper comforted him.

The journey home was relatively short, and Evan practically

tailed Nate and Annabel because the traffic was heavier coming into
town than going out.

He parked on the drive at his place. Annabel and Nate waited

for him at her front door. The warm, sea-scented night air caressed his
face, as he walked happily across the path to them.
Heart hammering with desire he entered the hall. Urgency gripped
Evan, and he slipped his arms around Annabel’s waist as he followed
behind her. The heady atmosphere soaked through his senses.
Annabel leaned back in his arms as he kissed her neck, his hands
caressing up and down the curve of her hips. Through semi-closed
eyes, Evan glimpsed Nate’s hands on her breasts, and the sexy sight
sent need flaring in his balls. His rock hard cock strained at his pants,
and a drop of pre-cum leaked from the tip. His pleasure compounded
by Annabel’s appreciative sighs, he sucked on her earlobe and slid a
hand between her thighs at the back where her short dress rode up
against the pressure of his thighs.

She turned in Evan’s arms to kiss his mouth and stroke his

erection through his suit pants. The fragrance of her hair filled his
head. She nibbled his lips and kissed along his jaw, grazing her mouth
along his slight stubble. Shivers tingled down his neck, and he
inwardly questioned if he should have shaved again, but then she
softly sighed into his mouth.

“That’s so sexy.”
It spurred him. He held her face to kiss her, thrust his tongue

into the soft depths of her mouth, and her low encouraging groan sent
waves of pleasure through his body.

Her tongue slid deliciously on his.

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His erection pushed at his suit pants, and Evan thrust his hips

to crush her onto it, desperate to be inside her pussy.

Nate closed the front door with a click. It woke Annabel and

Evan from their spiral into complete lust.

Evan raised his head from kissing Annabel.
She gently escaped from his grasp and turned to face Nate.
Evan watched, entranced, as she kissed Nate, a hand along his

jaw, but with her other hand, she still traced the shape of Evan’s
erection through his pants, as he stood close. Evan closed his eyes and
savored the stroking, until he felt both her hands glide on his chest.
He opened his eyes.

“I think we should move from the hall.” She took his and

Nate’s hands and led them to bed.

Evan undressed Annabel, kissing along her skin as it became

available to his lips, until Nate took her from him. He watched Nate,
who was naked now, running his hands all over Annabel. Nate’s
whispers to Annabel sent exciting spikes of desire down Evan’s
stomach. He’d never imagined this.

“I’m going to suck your nipples until they’re so hard. I want to

watch Evan fuck you. Open your mouth. Open your legs.”

Evan’s cock leaked and jerked against his shorts when

Annabel’s sighs became moans. He feverishly dragged off his clothes,
but kept his gaze on the riveting sight of Nate’s fingers trailing
between Annabel’s thighs. A moan of sheer need rose up from his

Annabel came to him then and pressed close. She took his

hand and sucked on a fingertip. It nearly drove him crazy, and he
picked her up, laid her on the bed, and opened her legs wide.

As Nate kissed her mouth, Evan licked and sucked on her clit,

his hands tracing up and down her inner thighs. Her satiny skin
against his palms and her hard little bud in his mouth sent him reeling
with pleasure.

Annabel writhed on his tongue as he pushed it high into her

wet pussy. He tasted her juices registering the spicy freshness, and
then he replaced his tongue with his fingers and pumped them into
her. He glanced up from her gorgeous mound and lower stomach.

Nate had moved from kissing Annabel’s lips, to nuzzling and

kneading her breasts.

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She gazed over Nate’s head to give Evan a look laden with

love as she ran her fingers into Nate’s hair.

Evan fell deeper into a haze of lust and love. Annabel’s moans

filled his head. He wanted her so bad his balls ached with the streaks
and jolts of sensation spiking through his cock. It was exotic to see
Nate’s fingers on Annabel’s peaked nipples.

He kissed her stomach, licking and kissing slowly along it to

her pussy. His stomach muscles tightened. Tingles ran down his neck
from his ear when she reached her cool fingers down and caressed
there. The air charged with their combined desire. He breathed in the
scent of her creaming pussy, so potent with sex it sent shudders of
desire all the way through his body. He slid his fingers deeper into
her. Her groan of pleasure filtered through his dreamy fog of raw
sexual need. His cock swelled and throbbed. His balls tightened and
lifted as his orgasm hovered so close he sweated almost crazed.

His voice hoarse, he whispered. “I’m not going to last.” He

slid his fingers out of Annabel’s pussy.

Nate pulled Annabel up onto her knees. His voice, low, and

gentle, he told Annabel, “We need you now.”

Evan thankfully watched as she moved silently, licking along

Nate’s stomach, and then she pushed Nate to lie beside her as she
kneeled. She grabbed Nate’s cock and sucked it into her mouth. Nate
groaned, grabbing fistfuls of her hair.

Annabel sucking on Nate’s cock was nearly the last sight Evan

could take. His cock pulsed and leaked against his stomach at the
erotic scene. He groaned and held his erection in his hand, knowing
he’d pump out his seed very soon just from watching Annabel.

She moved her lips from Nate’s cock and turned to Evan.
“Fuck me.” Her soft plea gave him a huge clench in his

stomach muscles.

She turned to suck on Nate’s cock again and raised her ass to


Nate’s whisper reached Evan’s ears. “That’s so good. You’re

so lovely.”

Evan found it hard to breathe he needed to fuck her so badly.

He pushed two fingers into her pussy from behind, and she pressed
onto his hand. He removed his fingers, grasped her hips, and slid his
huge, aching, cock into the tight, slick, sheath of her pussy. He
couldn’t go slowly. He rammed into her, jerked, pounded, moaned,

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and gasped as his orgasm tore through him. Captured by the delicious
waves of orgasm, everything felt dreamlike. Evan vaguely heard Nate
groaning and opened his eyes to watch.

Nate threw his head back as he came into Annabel’s mouth.
Evan found Annabel’s clit with his fingertips as he bent over

her back, collapsed from his intense orgasm. He slid his still hard
cock in and out of her slowly, pressing and circling her clit with his
fingers, until she was rocking her hips to his thrusts.

Evan’s breath caught as he saw Annabel stop licking the drops

of cum she hadn’t swallowed off Nate’s cock. She held the V of
Nate’s hips and threw her head back gasping and murmuring, as she
came on Evan’s cock and fingertips. Evan’s cock filled out in
response to her moans, and he grabbed her hips to thrust hard. He
came again, the pleasure almost pain.

They stilled. The heaving sound of them all trying to catch

their breath made Evan smile. Aftershocks of orgasm throbbed in his
cock. A soft glow of satisfaction and happiness flowed over his entire
body. He kissed along Annabel’s spine, rubbing his face on her satin
skin, and she turned her head to have his kiss on her lips. He kissed by
the side of her mouth and smiled again.

“Missed your lips, babe,” he whispered.
Evan pulled out of her then, and she turned to kiss him. The

tip of her tongue on his lips sent tingles through his body. His thighs
quivered, as weakness overtook him.

When Annabel crawled to lie down, he snuggled against her

on one side, and Nate snuggled against her on the other side. Evan
sighed against her neck.

“I feel so good. I hope you both do.” Evan raised his head a

little to reach Annabel’s mouth. He kissed her gently, and then lay
down again. His arm across her hips, he cuddled her close for a

“I’m completely happy. How about you, Nate?” She turned to


Evan let go of her as she draped half over Nate and kissed

him. A glow of love warmed Evan’s stomach as he observed their

Annabel stopped kissing Nate and returned to trace her

fingertips up and down Evan’s chest.

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Nate answered sleepily. “I’m great, and about to fall to sleep,

but when I wake up, look out…” Nate nestled against Annabel’s

She lay with Nate cuddled close on one side and Evan on the

other side. She whispered into Evan’s ear as he relaxed against her.
“We fit together so well. This is such heaven.”

“I know, and I love it, and you, babe, so much.” Evan closed

his eyes and drifted. Things were definitely going to be good.
Three months later

Annabel hummed as she drove home. She was making dinner

that night for both her darling men. The diamonds in her rings on each
hand sparkled as the autumn sunshine beamed through her
windscreen. Her life was full of so much love, companionship, and

Sometimes Evan would seek her out, and they made love to

each other in a heated, wild surge of sex. He called her babe, and she
always felt a thrilling dip in her stomach when he said it in his
gorgeous, low voice.

Sometimes Nate spent the afternoon with her on Saturday

when Evan was out on a boat. They spent the time in a slow, dreamy
way, making love, showering together, and then usually making a
meal to share with Evan when he came home.

More often, the three of them slept together in her place or

theirs. Annabel sighed with pleasure recalling how her men shared
her. They made love in a haze of complete lust. They told her they
loved her all the time, melting her with desire the way they told her
what they were going to do to her in bed, and she made sure they
knew how much she loved them both.

The next day they were going to look at a bigger house, a

place where they could all live together. They’d settled their future
plans. They would get a huge place because Evan loved space, with a
garden full of palm trees, because Annabel loved palm trees, and a
double shower in each bathroom because Nate made love to her in the
shower, and said water washed away his work stress and the summer

Annabel parked her car on her driveway. She glanced across at

the garden where she’d first seen Nate and Evan digging out the tree
stump. Love and happiness flowed over her. She stood on the path

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and smiled. How fantastic and blissful that the house hadn’t sold so
that she could buy it and meet the loves of her life. She made a wish
aloud for the next person who bought the house. “Let them find as
much happiness here as I have.” She continued up the path and
opened her door, and a note fluttered on the mat. Nate had pushed it
through the door on his way to a client meeting. Love and kisses, see
you tonight, darling.
She put it into her pocket to save with the others
he’d sent her.

As she changed into jeans and a T-shirt, she sang a few lines

from a song they all loved.

The End


Other Books by Elodie Parkes:


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An Outlaw Wedding by Jenika Snow

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