Sam Crescent Pure Filth [Evernight] (pdf)

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Evernight Publishing ®

Copyright© 2015 Sam Crescent

ISBN: 978-1-77233-243-8

Cover Artist: Jay Aheer

Editor: Karyn White


WARNING: The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this
copyrighted work is illegal. No part of this book may be used or
reproduced electronically or in print without written permission,
except in the case of brief quotations embodied in reviews.

This is a work of fiction. All names, characters, and places are
fictitious. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or
persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

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Sam Crescent

Copyright © 2015

Chapter One

Rule one: No sex without a condom
Rule two: No sleeping together
Rule three: No kissing on the lips

The pussy wrapped around James Smith’s cock wasn’t

anything special. She was one in a long line of clients who knew
exactly what they wanted and that he could give it to them, for the
right price.

“Yes, do it harder.”
Gripping her hips, he pounded inside her, feeding all of his ten

inches into her warm cunt. He wore a condom, but there was no
mistaking how turned on she was. Mrs. Delores Johnson was his latest
client, and she loved to pay for the entire weekend with him. His fee
was large as he gave the best service imaginable. There were only
three rules he lived by. He had his own separate room, which he’d use
the moment Delores passed out. She was in her late fifties, but with
all of her plastic surgery she looked a little younger. The woman still
liked to fuck and paid his fee without complaint.

“Fuck, yeah, baby, hit the spot.”
Grinding his dick into her tight sheath, James reached around

her to finger her swollen clit. Within seconds she drenched his cock.
Slamming inside her twice more, he exploded into his condom,
grunting out his response as sweat dotted his brow.

He needed to check his cell phone when he finished cleaning

her up. Delores liked to be taken care of after sex. She was too much
of a lady to let anyone else touch her.

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Sliding out of her, he walked into the bathroom, removing the

latex from his dick. He washed himself down, grabbing a small bowl
with a washcloth inside.

When he walked back into the room, Delores was waiting for

him, smoking a cigarette.

James was a male escort. He didn’t work for anyone, not

anymore. When he’d squandered all of his father’s inheritance ten
years ago, he had no choice but to work for someone else. He’d
started at a young firm as one of their escorts, offering his dating
service. James had never been good at dating. He’d been born with a
silver spoon in his mouth. With nothing to his name, no money, no
house, no car, just bankruptcy, he’d learned how to date. He’d treated
all of the women who asked for his service with care and
consideration, but over the months, he saw another guy, Tristan
Pierce, make a huge name for himself. The only difference between
them was Tristan fucked his clients.

At the end of the week, James had seen his paycheck and

happened to catch a glimpse of Tristan’s paycheck. The amount had
been easily ten times more than what James picked up for taking
women on dates. Offering Tristan a drink, James had made it his
mission to find out exactly what the other man did.

“I do whatever the woman asks me to. I’ve got limits, but

they’re small limits. There are a lot of lonely women out there.”

After a large drinking session, James had gone back to the

corporation and requested he be put on the different service, the
service that offered more. The following week he had been booked
morning, noon, and night. He quickly forgot about Tristan living up
the life. By the end of the first week, he had been able to find a decent
apartment to rent within the city. The second week came, and James
had realized he wanted more. If he was going to earn a shitload of
money, he was going to offer it all.

James became everything. He started a friendship with the

woman who controlled the client list. The chart of demands and
expectations had been her responsibility. She had told him what
women were seeking—and not only were women demanding
company but a select few men were as well.

Over the next year, James had learned how to become a

Dominant man within the bedroom. He’d learned everything he knew
from an exclusive club known as Club Kink. The Doms in charge had

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taught him how to handle a whip, paddle, all of the toys for this kind
of play. He’d loved it, relished it, and found a calling within him that
he was in fact a Dom. James didn’t expect to get a submissive. His
career choice wouldn’t be easy for anyone. He was paid to have sex
with other women.

He didn’t allow himself to go out with anyone but his clients.

Working everyday he didn’t have much time of a social life, apart
from his friends who hadn’t turned their back on him. David Edge
was one of his best friends and knew what he did for a living. Not
many of James’s friends knew, but David was his closest, and James
had confided in him, especially when he bought his own home two
years into working for someone else.

“If you love it, you should consider going out on your own.”
David’s words had stuck with him. Now, James worked alone.

He didn’t ask anyone else to work for him, but he’d been approached
by other escorts, male and female. His company had started up, Pure
Filth. There was nothing dirty about him, but the moment he typed the
words into his website, there was just something catchy about the
name “Filth”. People looked at it. The word caught their eye, and after
a week of no work while he set up his own business as a personal
escort in everything, he was hooked. His slogan, “I have No Limits”,
was just perfect for him.

The second week, he’d gotten a call for work. In no time at all,

he was filling the beds of lonely women—and men. James did
everything. He took subs, and once even became a sub himself, which
he never did again. There was no way he was answering to anyone
else in the bedroom. Within two years he took on another two
employees, escorts called Dan and Eliza. He’d hated employing Eliza
and was going to refuse until she broke down and told him she didn’t
have a choice. To him, with women escorts, he felt a little like a pimp,
and he didn’t like that feeling. When he’d worked for other people, he
saw many women break down because of what they did, not all, but
some. He didn’t hate the job he did, but he also knew how dangerous
it could be out there. He’d not worried about Dan because the other
man had been upfront about loving the business and looking forward
to earning. Eliza was more reserved.

James didn’t know much about Eliza as she was always very

private. At first, he’d paid careful attention to her to make sure
nothing bad was happening with the clients. Over time, she begged

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him to stop treating her with kid gloves. She didn’t like or want the
extra attention from him.

Dan, Eliza, and himself had become friends over the years. He

owned Pure Filth, but the other two were the closest friends, after
David, that he could trust. All three of them had something to lose if
anything happened to Pure Filth.

They all played their part in Pure Filth, and Eliza made sure to

run checks on most of their clients. She helped to organize his life,
creating a well oiled machine.

In the last seven years Pure Filth had built up with him taking

most of the variety of clients. There was enough for his company of
ten escorts. He was selective, and he was also wealthy once again.
The difference between then and now was he cared more about the
money he earned, and he took care of it. He didn’t spend it on lavish
parties or fucking any woman he could throw a few dollars at. The
women he fucked now, paid him a large fee.

Pulling out of his thoughts, he wiped the folds of Delores’s

pussy. Her husband was probably away with one of his many
mistresses. James remembered the Johnsons from when he was part of
that circle. They were wealthy, disgustingly so.

“Can I not lure you into my bed for the night?” Delores asked,

running her hand down his naked chest.

“I’ve got rules, baby.” He took her hand, pressing a kiss to her

knuckles. “I don’t break those rules.”

“Rules, pfft, they’re nothing. I’ll give you two thousand more

for the night.”

He shook his head. No amount of money would lure him into

any woman’s bed. He had his own space, and no one else was going
to break him. Three simple rules were all he lived by.

Once he was done and Delores snored softly in the large bed,

James dressed into his suit jacket, making his way toward his own
room. Closing the door softly, he flicked the lock to assure his own

Going to his phone, he checked through his messages. Eliza

had gotten home safely, and the money she made had gone straight
into his bank account. Tomorrow he’d wire it to her. Flicking through
his messages, he saw three from three submissives who liked his
brand of punishment. They owned a dungeon, but he always took the
bag of toys he kept with their names on. The women were lawyers

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and business CEOs who liked to have the control taken from them in
the bedroom. He owned a bag for each woman filled with toys for
their special needs. Accepting their custom, he set a date over his cell,
lining up his next week of clients.

Once he finished with business, he took a long shower,

washing all traces of the women from his body. Back in his bedroom,
he saw a message was waiting for him on his cell phone. Picking it
up, he saw David had left him a message.

David: Just got engaged. You will be best man. I don’t care

what you think.

James chuckled. Where most had gotten rid of his number and

all memory of him when his money was gone, David made sure he
was still a friend. At least he had someone in his life.

“You can’t stay a virgin forever,” Clara said, sitting beside her

on the sofa.

“What makes you think I’m a virgin?” Haley Ronald asked,

wincing at her high-pitched voice. She hated this, the inquisition that
Clara gave her every Friday night.

“We made a pact out of high school that we’d tell each other

when we lost our v-card.”

“You didn’t last prom. It doesn’t count.” Clara had gotten laid

prom night, losing it to the most popular boy in school. Haley, yeah,
she was still a virgin at twenty-five years old, her larger than average
figure repelling any chance of her getting a man or her even trusting a
man enough to get naked with him. She’d had boyfriends, but none of
them had been worth the stress of sleeping with. One of the guys
she’d really liked, and even fallen in love with—Charles. He worked
on Wall Street and was sweet, charming, and she’d fallen in love with
him. They had dated for six months, and he hadn’t pressured her for

One night, she’d decided to surprise him only to find him

fucking another woman in his apartment. She rubbed at her chest
remembering the pain of what she’d witnessed. Charles had used her.
Apparently she was family material, not fucking material. He wanted
to use her to get further up the ladder, but he never actually wanted

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He’d been dumped, and she made a pact with herself to never

allow love to rule her judgment. No men, no love, no sex, and she was
happy with that.

“Honey, you’re twenty-five years old. You work hard for your

boss, and you spend your days baking for your neighbors.”

“I like baking for my neighbors.”
“You refuse to go out to nightclubs or to just let yourself go.”
“I’m a virgin, Clara. I can’t do it. I just—I can’t trust anyone

with myself.” Tears filled her eyes as she remembered the humiliation
that Charles put her through.

Clara pulled her into a hug. “I tell you, I’d castrate the bastard

if it wouldn’t send me to prison. Bastard deserves to become another
man’s bitch.”

Wiping away her tears, she stared at her friend. Her lifetime

friend. “Who would want to sleep with me? It’s—I can’t do it.”

“Haley, you’re a gorgeous woman.”
“I’m fat.”
“No, you’re full and curvy. There are men out there who’d

love to get their hands on you. We were in the Italian place, and ten
men had their eyes on your ass. I tell you, they were imagining you

“They weren’t. They were wondering if my ass was covered

with cellulite.”

Clara frowned. “Okay, you really don’t have a clue what men

think about. I assure you, cellulite isn’t one of them. You’ve got to
put yourself out there.”

“I can’t do it. I can’t just sleep with anyone.”
“I’m not telling you to just sleep with anyone. Damn, I hate

that man.”

“I’m happy not having sex. I don’t know what I’m missing out


“Exactly, you don’t know what you’re missing out on.” Clara

threw her hands up in the air. “Do you want to have sex?”

“This has to be the weirdest conversation we’ve ever had.”
“Do you?” Clara asked.
“Then, we’ll find a way.”
Haley frowned as Clara grabbed her tablet from the coffee


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“What are you doing?”
“The internet provides us with everything. There has to be a

way for you to lose your v-card without the fear of being humiliated
or expecting anything from you.”

“Why is this so important to you?”
“I saw the supply of dirty books in your closet, Haley.

Someone who doesn’t want to have sex doesn’t read sex books.”

“They’re good books.”
“You want to have sex. I’m your best friend, and I tell you

everything. I know what you want.”

Haley couldn’t deny it. Sex intrigued her. She’d even started

to watch the porn channel to see what all the fuss was about. Shame
swamped her. She was a full grown woman, a virgin woman, and
didn’t know what sex was like. It was pitiful. She couldn’t even bring
herself to orgasm. Haley had tried, but nothing happened.

She wasn’t doing it right.
Maybe she was flawed. The first woman in the world who

wouldn’t know sex if it hit her in the face.

“What about an escort?” Clara asked, breaking into her


“A what?”
“An escort. You know, you pay a guy for sex.”
“That’s tacky.”
“It’s necessary and perfect. He’s paid not to expect anything

else. You pay him, you meet up, you have sex, your virginity is gone,
and there’s no question about that when you date.”

Clara handed her the tablet.
“I don’t think so. I couldn’t afford something like this.”
“You come from money, Haley. Your grandfather left you a

pretty big inheritance because he knew your parents would try to
force you into marriage.”

That was true. She came from wealthy parents who only cared

about money. Haley had gone home after high school graduation to
find a man older than she was waiting for her. He was her fiancé,
she’d been told. The man had been in his late thirties, a shipping
tycoon or something like that. Horrified, she’d run. Her grandfather
made sure she never had to worry about money again. She’d
graduated high school, gone to college, and was now working as a
secretary at Edge Industries.

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Her inheritance was large. She didn’t have to work at all if she

didn’t want. Haley liked to work. She was nothing like her parents or
her other siblings, who liked to organize parties, have facials, or do all
the boring stuff.

“Please, let me know you’ll consider it.”
“I don’t know, Clara. I think I’d rather stay a virgin.” She

stared down at the tablet, closing the screens down. “Here, I’ll figure
something out.”

“You’re really killing my buzz. Anyway, let’s watch this

movie so I can pass out.”

Chuckling, Haley picked up her wine glass. There was only

soda in the glass, but Clara refused to let her drink from the can.
Sipping at her soda, she watched the romance story unfold, wishing
for something similar to happen in her own life.

Men like that were not real. A man in real life wouldn’t lay his

heart on the table or change just for a woman. She’d seen men,
listened to them at work. They liked variety. She had even heard that
some of the men in the office who were married, like to fuck the new
temps. Haley hated them and had started to hate them being near her.
The men at work were one of the reasons why she was still a virgin.
They talked all the time about their latest conquests. She didn’t want
to be the talk around a coffee machine.

“Come on, Clara,” she said, helping her friend to her feet.
“I love you, Haley.”
She smiled. Clara had had one too many to drink. She stripped

her friend down to her underwear, helping her into the bed.

“I love you, too, Clara.”
Leaving the bedroom, Haley left the door open in case Clara

became ill throughout the night. She cleaned away their glasses,
putting the empty wine bottle into the trash. Going into her room, she
dressed for the night, but she still wasn’t tired.

Cricking her neck, she pulled her own tablet out of the drawer

beside her bed. Curiosity got the better of her. Were there real male
escorts around?

Typing in the words “male escort”, she was shocked by what

came up. Scrolling through the titles, she winced, wishing she hadn’t
done so. Blowing out a breath, she glanced across the room to see her
lonely reflection.

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“I’m all alone. I’m a virgin all alone on Friday night. This is


On a whim, she typed in “lonely woman looking for fun”.

Scrunching up her nose she was about the close the window when two
words caught her attention.

“Pure Filth.” Hovering over the link, she shook her head. “No,

it’s wrong.” Before she could stop herself she clicked on the link. “I
have no limits.” Her body tingled all over. Something about those
words struck a chord with her. No limits, it would mean no limits for
virgins either.

“A crash course in fucking a virgin.” Shaking her head once

again, she kept looking through seeing the list and prices.
“Satisfaction guaranteed. Discretion, privacy, and pleasure are our

Licking her lips, she thought about the books in the bottom of

her closet. She wanted to have sex. Haley really wanted to have sex, a
lot of sex, but her pesky virginity was a problem. A big problem.

“Contact us. Why the hell not?” Again, without really thinking

Haley pulled up the contact box.

“Hello, I would like to book one of your male escorts for the

evening. Dinner and…” She paused. What else could she say? Crap,
this is awful.
“More.” She put in her contact details and sent the
message into cyberspace. The moment the message was gone, Haley
dropped her head into her hands.

This was what her life had come to. She doubted anyone

would answer.

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Chapter Two

The following day James licked Delores’s pussy until she was

screaming in ecstasy. He was about to fuck her when her cell phone
rang. The moment he heard her husband on the line, James made
himself scarce. There was no way he wanted to be part of that
conversation. The couple was not on the best terms. He imagined it
had to do with both of their indiscretions. Grabbing his phone, he saw
an email waiting in his inbox. He didn’t know why, but something
tugged at his gut as he saw the name, Haley_Ronald01. There was
something so unexpected about the message. He hovered over it
looking toward the door with a frown as he heard Delores’s raised

“You cheating fucking bastard. Don’t you dare tell me what I

can or cannot do.”

Tuning out her voice, James clicked on the email. He read

through her information, short and sweet. “Something more” made
him smile. She wasn’t used to dealing with escorts. The name seemed
familiar to him.

Typing back a response, he waited.
This was the first time in his life where he’d waited for a


His phone chimed, and he looked down. The email was from


Scrolling through the email he found that she wanted dinner

and for it to continue to the bedroom. She didn’t use the words fuck or
make love. Was she a total novice?

James moved from the bed toward his bag that he kept with

him at all times. Pulling out his business diary he saw he had next
Friday clear. Usually he left the new clients to Eric. The younger man,
twenty-four, knew how to handle the darlings. There was just
something about this email that struck him.

In her contact details she’d left her number. Unable to resist,

he dialed her number. James rarely took calls for initial clients.

“Hello,” Haley said. He imagined it was Haley.
“Is this Miss Haley Ronald?” he asked. The sound of her voice

did something to him. James didn’t have a clue what was happening.
In the other room was another of his clients, a very lucrative client,

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yet he was more interested in this mystery woman who’d emailed his

“Erm, yeah.”
“This is James Smith, the owner of Pure Filth.”
“Crap, have I done something wrong or illegal? This is insane.

I’m so sorry.”

He smiled. Her nerves were refreshing. The women he dealt

with knew the deal. They were hard core with hearts as cold as ice.

“You’ve not done anything wrong. I just want to make sure

you’re aware of what my company provides.”

There was a pause. He heard her breathing down the line, and

he smiled.

“Satisfaction guaranteed along with discretion. I would like it

to be private. I don’t wish for anyone to know what, erm, what we’re
doing. I know what you provide.” She blew out a breath. “I would
like to warn you, I’m on the bigger side.”

James was charmed. No woman had ever warned him against

her weight.

“Would you like me to send you a picture in case none of your

escorts would like to, erm, to be with me? I would hate for them to be

This woman was breaking his heart.
“How old are you?”
“I’m twenty-five.”
Sharing pictures was never necessary, but he wanted to see

this little angel. He needed to put a face to her.

“If you would feel more comfortable sharing a picture then

please send me one.”

“Okay, two seconds. I’m just doing it now. My friend is

passed out. I’d hate for her to see what I’m doing. Not that she’d care.
She was the one who suggested this.”

Again, this was another strange trait. Would she even be able

to afford his services?

Pulling out his second cell phone, he brought up his emails

and started to look through for her email.

“Damn, I’m sorry. I can’t hold a phone and do this.”
Before he responded, he heard the clattering of the phone.

Haley Ronald was an interesting woman.

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In the background he heard Delores shouting even more.

Moving toward his bathroom, he pressed the lock, giving himself
more privacy. For the first time in his life he really didn’t want to be
here. Blowing out a breath, he saw her email and clicked on it.

“Do you have it?” she asked.
James stared at her picture. She was stood beside a Christmas

tree with her arms folded. Haley didn’t look happy to be having her
picture taken. She had the most beautiful blonde hair he’d ever seen.
In the picture he saw how the curls tumbled around her body, and the
length was long. There was more than enough length to wrap her hair
around his fist as he fucked into her hard.

The picture showed off her blue eyes. They were like the

ocean, clear, and full of danger. His cock thickened harder than ever
before. Her body was curvy, filled out in all the right places.

“You’re perfect,” James said. The words stumbled out of his

mouth without even meaning to.

“Friday. I’m free and would love the opportunity to have

dinner with you and more.” God, did he want more. He wanted so
much more.

Placing the phone on the back of the toilet, he ran a hand

down his face. He needed to get his emotions under control or he was
going to seriously lose it. Staring at his reflection, he reminded his
image that he was a professional. He didn’t behave like a horny boy.
This was what he did for his living.

“Yes, I would like that.”
He named a restaurant that also held hotel rooms. “I’ll email

you the details.”

“You’ll know who I am. Should I just turn up and wait?” she


So innocent.
“Yes. I’ll make the other arrangements.” Delores was no

longer shouting. James said his goodbyes, hating the fact he had to
hang up on her. Exiting the bathroom, he moved toward the door,
opening the door that separated their rooms, he held onto the frame
above his head. “Is everything okay?” he asked.

She was packing a suitcase, throwing her clothes into a small

vintage looking bag. “No, everything is not okay. My husband has

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demanded that I go back to him now. It’s not like he spent the whole
of last night fucking his mistress. Damn,” she said, storming toward
the bedroom. “I was really looking forward to this weekend.”

“I can offer you a refund. You paid for the week.” He’d wire

her back the rest of her money.

“No, there’s no need. It’s my ass of a husband that did this.

Maybe next time you’ll give me a discount.” She walked toward him,
wrapping her arms around his waist. Delores went onto her toes going
for his lips.

Turning his head, James took over, kissing her cheek.
“You never kiss me. I always hope you’ll change for me.”
“I’ve got simple rules, Delores. They keep me sane. I don’t

break my rules for anyone.” He stroked her cheek, pulling away.
James never allowed them to believe he wanted more from them than
what he was willing to give.

“You always break my heart.”
She’d need a heart to start off with before he broke it.
“I’ll pack my bags,” he said, talking to her as he moved

toward his room.

He listened as she huffed and cursed with each item of

clothing thrown into the bag. James folded his clothes, relieved to no
longer having to spend more time with Delores. She wasn’t the easiest
woman to listen to. Her constant complaints and gossip about the
people he was once friends with hurt. Within ten minutes he was
packed and stood in his suit, waiting for her to leave. He took the
keycard. It was his responsibility to see to the room.

“I really wish I could spend the weekend with you,” she said

as they entered the elevator.

“I do as well.” The lies were easy to tell. He’d been telling

them for ten years. The short conversation he had with Haley had
unraveled him on the spot. James didn’t know what it was about her.

When he went in a separate way from Delores, he climbed

into his car. Before he started up his car, he pulled out his cell phone
to have another look at her. Haley was a beauty, there was no denying
it. Some men would overlook her because of her added curves, but he
liked a woman he could hold onto.

Cursing his stupid thoughts, he put his cell phone away. He

wouldn’t be having daydreams about anyone, least of all a new client.

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“Shit, I did it. What the hell is wrong with me?” Haley

dropped the phone and pressed her face into the bed. “Why did I do

“Why did you do what?” Clara asked, standing in her

doorway. It was past ten, and Clara rarely got up an hour before that

“Nothing.” Haley’s face was flaming hot. It had to be. She felt

the heat starting to work its way up to let her know her problem.

“You’re sounding a little crazy, and I was the one drinking last

night. Anyway, disregard everything I said last night. I’ve got another
crazy idea for your v-card.”

Great, because your last idea wasn’t bad enough. You’re

wanting to tell me more.

Forcing a smile, she watched as her friend walked a little

unsteadily toward the bed.

“How about we sell your v-card on the internet? What’s the

name of that website when you can sell anything?”

Groaning, Haley put away her tablet and phone so Clara

wouldn’t be tempted to snoop.

“I tell you what, why don’t we stop talking about selling my v-

card and concentrate on getting you sobered up? It’s Saturday, and
you stink of wine and garlic. It’s disgusting.”

“Oh, will you do me pancakes with chocolate chips and


“Yes, if you don’t breathe on me.” Haley urged her friend out

of the door. “Go wash, shower, hose down or whatever. I’ll go and

Haley waited until her friend was safely away before she

headed into her kitchen. She collected together the usual ingredients
to make up pancakes but paused as she realized that she’d done
exactly what her friend suggested. Shit, fuck, what the fuck?

Her palm grew sweaty as she held onto the skillet.
“I’ve just arranged to sleep with an escort.” Glancing around

the kitchen, she gulped at the same time as her body grew hot at the
thought of being with him. He had a nice voice, dark and husky.
While they’d been talking over the phone, he’d sounded amused. She
didn’t find anything amusing, at least not about herself. This was

Should she cancel?

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Part of her really didn’t want to cancel. The thought of saying

no was just too downright depressing.

She wanted to have sex, but she didn’t want it to involve the

talk of the men at the copy machine. There was no way she’d live that

The only way for her to have sex and still be able to look in

the mirror was by using Pure Filth. Absolute discretion and
satisfaction guaranteed. Pressing her hand to her face, she groaned.

“I’m an idiot.”
Would he even know if she was a virgin? Would it matter?
Crap, so many questions and so little time. Hearing her friend

sing, she quickly started working so Clara wouldn’t ask why she was
standing still, staring into space. She’d made pancakes so many times
that she really didn’t need to measure any of the ingredients. The
recipe was easy for her to use.

Clara appeared ten minutes later looking refreshed as Haley

put on the first pancake. “You look better.”

“I feel better. Damn, I think I drank the entire bottle last


“I’m afraid you did.”
“It’s the movie. No wine for me for at least a week.”
Haley giggled. Her friend loved wine, but seeing as her

parents pretty much lived on the stuff, Clara regulated her drinking so
she wouldn’t become addicted.

“They smell good.”
“Does it hurt?” The words blurted out of Haley’s mouth

before she could stop them.

“Does what hurt?”
Cringing inside, she looked at her friend wishing she hadn’t

said anything. “Losing your virginity? Does it hurt?”

“See, you’re curious. This is why I think we should seriously

consider the escort thing.”

“Please, stop talking like that. I want the truth as a friend.”
“You want to know if it hurts?”
Haley nodded. She flipped the three pancakes that she fit into

the skillet. If the ground could open up and swallow her, she’d be

“It can hurt. I know it’s different for everyone. On prom night

it hurt for me, but it was also nice. It depends on the man or boy in my

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case. Some men know what they’re doing, but others, they’ve not got
a clue what a vagina is or a dick.”

She smiled. “Do you think I should tell anyone?”
“Where has all this curiosity come from?”
“You. Your suggestions last night. You’ve had sex, and you

know what it’s like.”

Clara pushed some of her hair out of her eyes. “Okay, serious

conversation. If you love the guy you’re with then tell him you’re a
virgin but wait until you get to know him. Some men see it as a
serious competition screwing a cherry. It’s going to hurt at least a
little. Haley, you’re twenty-five, and it’s pretty old to be considering
losing your v-card.”

Heat filled Haley’s cheeks. She wasn’t going to tell James. He

did say his name was James.

Who was she kidding? She remembered the dark tone of his

voice with the way he talked.

“After it hurts though, Haley, I promise you, you find the right

man and wow.” Clara looked up to the ceiling, closing her eyes. The
expression on her face looked like one of rapture. “Let’s just say you
find the right man who pushes all of your buttons, then there is no
wanting to leave the bedroom. I’ve done it. I’ve spent the entire
weekend being fucked into oblivion.”

“No, seriously, Haley. You’re missing out.”
Serving Clara her pancakes to shut her up, Haley did the next

batch for herself. She wanted to experience that look. After she fed
Clara she said goodbye to her friend and spent the rest of her weekend
wishing for the week to go. Several times she picked up her cell
phone intending to cancel her appointment with Pure Filth. Each time,
she hung up before anyone answered.

She wasn’t going to cancel.
On Monday she made her way into the office and picked up

the ringing phone. She took several calls before she even made it
toward the coffee machine. Edge Industries helped with the buying of
smaller companies and either splitting them up or making them into
something bigger and better. There were times she hated her job. Men
and women would come through the doors looking defeated and leave
looking even worse. Then on a rare few times she’d see the magic of

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the business world as people would leave looking like they were on
cloud nine.

Picking up Tricia’s cup, she headed toward the coffee

machine. Four guys who worked on the fourth floor were standing

Haley paused, wishing she’d come before now.
“I tell you her tits were fucking huge and the way they

bounced as I fucked, unbelievable. I’ve got a picture. Look.”

Scrunching up her face as the guy showed his friends a picture

of his latest conquest, Haley was disgusted. These men put her off
searching for a man of her own. She hated men in all of their forms.
The escort was a damn good idea.

Entering the room and hating the way they looked at her,

Haley ignored them as she did her coffee first. Their talk turned into
hushed whispers. She kept her back to them even as they giggled like
schoolboys. The men in the room were not men—they were boys,
childish boys who were legally allowed to fuck.

Haley wasn’t looking for a boy. She was looking for a man.
“What about you, sweetheart? You got any stories for us to

hear?” One of the men grabbed her ass, making her squeak.

Whirling around, she glared at all of them. “Don’t touch me.”

She didn’t want any of their hands on her. Haley didn’t know who’d
touched her, but the thought of any of them putting a hand on her
sickened her.

“What’s the matter, baby? Can’t handle the heat?”
Shaking her head, she finished Tricia’s coffee. Tricia was one

of the women who ended up being the target for their conversation.
She’d given into one of the men only to regret it.

“I’m not interested in sloppy seconds. I feel sorry for the

woman you’re talking about.”

She grabbed the two coffees and left the room. The escort was

the best solution of all. No one would ever talk about her around the
coffee room. Handing Tricia her coffee she didn’t let her know what
happened in the coffee room. Haley tapped her fingers onto the
computer, but her thoughts were on Friday night. What should she
wear? Every time she entered the coffee room she saw one of the men
who’d been talking around the coffee machine. She didn’t even know
his name, but he made her skin crawl.

“Hey,” he said.

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Ignoring him, she made the two cups of coffee.
“I understand why you don’t want to talk to me.”
Again, she ignored him. There was something about this

man’s latest interest that she didn’t trust. Her woman’s intuition was

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Chapter Three

Friday night

James stared at his reflection as he put on his most expensive

Italian suit. He’d been looking forward to this day all week.
Throughout his appointments with clients she’d enter his head all the
time. It was hard for him to think of anything else. He didn’t have a
clue what it was about her, but she’d gotten to him and he’d not even
seen her in the flesh.

“You’re a professional.”
Picking up his jacket, he made his way down the long corridor

toward his car. He never paid for a limousine driver. Going through
all of his old expenses he’d discovered he’d wasted over a million
dollars just in drivers and expensive cars. James learned from all of
his past mistakes. He drove himself everywhere, and his lifestyle was
modest. The suits were purchased for work, but when he didn’t work,
he didn’t wear name-brand clothes.

Within twenty minutes he was outside the restaurant and hotel

where she was waiting for him. He wondered if she was going to
make it or if she was going to leave him hanging. This was the first
client he wanted to impress more than anything.

He handed the keys to the valet and walked inside the lavish

restaurant. The woman on the desk looked at him.

“Hello, Mr. Smith, your date is waiting for you.” She smiled at

him as he passed.

James didn’t mix business with pleasure even though Evie had

offered her body to him many times before. He’d always turned her
down, not interested in having sex with anyone outside of his work.

Glancing over the romantic restaurant with the soft lighting

and live band in the corner playing love music, James spotted her. She
sat in the back, tucking some of her blonde curls behind her ears. The
dress she wore looked to be a simple black cocktail dress. He’d
already been notified that the funds had been transferred to his
account. He didn’t know what it was about her that intrigued him.
Several people looked her way. A couple of women looked at her
with pity as if she’d been stood up. Some of the men looked at her
with interest. She was an enigma in the room.

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He moved toward her, and she didn’t even look up as he

approached. Her gaze stayed on the drink in front of her. What was
she drinking? Wine, spirits, beer? Her glass was clear, but he saw
bubbles against the glass. Soda?

“Sorry to keep you waiting, baby,” he said, taking hold of her

hand and kissing her knuckles. He never did this for any of the other

“James, right?” she asked.
Her cheeks had gone a beautiful shade of red. He loved the

color red, and it looked good on her.

James didn’t glance around the room. He reached over and

took her glass. Taking a sip, he smiled. “Soda?”

“I don’t like anything alcoholic. I swear I’m over the age of

consent.” She glanced down at the table. “God, I’m sounding like a
total loser.”

“Not at all.” He chuckled, handing back the glass. The waiter

approached their table. “I’ll have the same as she is.”

“What about food, sir?”
“We’ll call you back when we’re ready to order.” James didn’t

want to rush dinner. He wanted to enjoy her company just a little
more. The waiter left them a second later.

“You can drink if you’d like.”
“No, I’m happy to remember every moment of this.”
“Oh.” Her cheeks went an even deeper shade of red. Damn, if

he could he’d take plenty of pictures to remember the way she looked
in this moment.

“You’ve not done this before, have you?”
“No. I’ve not. This is all new territory to me.” She lifted her

glass to take a sip. He saw she was trembling. Reaching over, he took
hold of her free hand and gave her a gentle squeeze. “Whatever
happens between us, happens, Haley. There’s no rush or pressure.”

She tucked her hair behind her ear again. He wanted her

nerves to stop. This was his role, and he was a master at making
women relax.

“Close your eyes,” he said.
“Close your eyes.”
Haley let out a breath but closed her eyes.

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“We’ve known each other a long time. We’re the best of

friends. You’re Haley Ronald, a beautiful woman who is out on a date
with your friend, James Smith. We’re seeing where this is going.
We’re going to learn more about each other, eat good food, and drink
perfectly good chilled soda.”

She laughed. The sound came out a little like a snort.
“Now, open your eyes.”
When she did, he saw the sparkle back in her eyes. “You’re

good at this.”

He bowed his head.
“So, what would you like to know?” she asked.
“How old are you?”
“I’m twenty-five years old. You?”
“I’m thirty-six years old.” He’d come a long way in the last

ten years. From bankrupt, broke, and homeless, to rich escort and
businessman, all within ten years.

“Erm, okay I’m going to be a little honest here. I’ve never

really been on a date. I mean, this is really complicated.”

There was something more to the red blushes. He didn’t know

what they were, but by the end of the night he’d find out.

“You’ve never been in the company of an escort?”
She shook her head. “No. It’s—I don’t know. Maybe I have,

but I’ve never known about it. When I was looking I saw a lot of ads,
and by a lot, I really mean a lot. There was so much to take in, and
I’m waffling, aren’t I? I just keep talking when I really should be

“I like listening to you talk.” It was refreshing. She wasn’t like

any of his other clients. Her innocence seemed to shine through.
There was no way this woman was a virgin. Her innocence was
refreshing and showed her ignorance of the ways of the world. She’d
not been broken yet or hurt, but there’s no way any woman would use
an escort service to rid themselves of their virginity. He couldn’t
believe it.

“Yeah, well I talk too much. Tell me about yourself.”
“You’re not a cop, are you?”
“What? No, no of course not. Do I look like a cop? Shit, that’s

what all cops would say. I watch too many movies.” She pressed a
hand to her face. He finally noticed she wasn’t wearing any makeup.
“Do I have something on my face?”

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She started to wipe across her cheek.
“No, nothing.” He smiled picking up his wine glass. James

was charmed by her. “What would you like to know?” he asked.

“Well, erm, do you have any hobbies or is there anything you

like?” She leaned forward, staring at him.

“I like watching sports like every other guy.”
“I don’t want your trained answers, James. Is that your real


“Yes, it’s my real name. Is Haley yours?”
“I’ve not got a secret life to hide.”
James glanced down at his wine glass. This was entirely too

personal. Usually he kept the women talking about themselves. “I
don’t do a lot to be honest. You know what I do. Most women don’t
ask this.”

“You’re not going to name names are you? I’ll ask for my

money back.” Her hand went over her mouth. “Shit, sorry.”

Chuckling, James lost himself in her glinting blue eyes. With

her, and he’d been with her ten minutes, this felt like a real date. Had
he ever been on a real date before? He couldn’t remember. When he
had money girls flocked to him, but did they flock to him because of
him or his money? Fuck, where was all this analyzing coming from?
It didn’t matter. The past didn’t matter.

“I don’t watch sports. I visit the gym to keep in the peak of

health and fitness. I lift weights, I run, and I swim.” Everything he did
in life was to make sure his business remained the best. He demanded
it of all of his employees as well. Pure Filth was a reputable business,
second to none. “I also make it my personal mission to explore all
themes of pleasure. Everyone deserves to live out their fantasies.”

She licked her lips, and her blush had turned into a flush. Her

eyes were dilated, and she was aroused.

“What fantasies?” she asked.
“Anything and everything.” How far could he take her? “I’m a

professionally trained Dom.”

Her eyes went wide.
“Do you know what that is?”
“Yeah, I do. I think everyone knows what that is, and if they

didn’t they do now.”

Recent erotic books had brought him a lot of business. He

wasn’t going to complain.

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The entire room fell away, and the only person she saw was

him. Haley’s heart raced. James was an escort, and yet, in those few
moments she saw someone else.

“You’re a Dom?”
“Are you a sub?”
“I don’t know what I am.” She tucked her hair behind her ears,

wishing for something to do with her hands. This was possibly the
worst idea Clara had ever had. There’s no way she could lose her
virginity here, but she wanted to more than anything else. James
didn’t look at her with disgust, which was a first.

All week at work had been crazy. It was busy like always, but

one of the guys who hung around the coffee pot exchanging their
sexual conquests, had started to be nice to her. She didn’t trust him.
Something was going on, and she wasn’t an idiot. It involved her.

“Don’t worry. I wouldn’t put you through anything you didn’t


She smiled, taking a sip of her soda. “Would you like to

order?” Her stomach was in knots and she didn’t know if she’d be
able to stomach anything, but she’d try.

“I could eat.”
He took the menu and handed her one as well. When she

opened up the menu she saw there were no prices. “Shouldn’t I have
the price menu? This is on me?”

“No, the fee included dinner, Haley.” He reached out and took

her hand. Staring at his suntanned fingers locking with hers, her heart
started to speed up. She needed to remember this wasn’t an actual
date. He was here because she’d paid him.

Clara had warned her to never eat a lot before sex. She really

wished her friend had kept her advice to herself. Every now and then
she kept hearing Clara’s voice like a warning bell through her head.

“Do you see anything you like?” he asked.
“I’ll just have the roast chicken salad I think.”
“Are you sure?”
She glanced up to see him looking at her.
“Yes, I’m sure.” Haley wasn’t about to tell him she was a

nervous wreck. James signaled the waiter ordering her chicken salad
and a steak for himself.

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What should they talk about now?
“You’re nervous,” he said. It wasn’t a question.
“This is all new to me.”
“Then just talk to me like we’re friends.”
“I don’t have many male friends.” Then a thought struck her.

“Actually, you could help me.” She began to tell him about the guys
at work, about the way they stood around the coffee stand in the
morning discussing all of their sexual escapades. James listened as
she told him about one of the guys, whose name she still didn’t know,
was trying to talk to her, to draw her into a conversation. “I don’t trust
him or what’s happening. You’re a guy, so maybe you can tell me
what’s going on.”

She stopped as the waiter brought over the dinner. Haley

thanked him with a smile before returning her attention to the man
before her.

“I’m not one of these men. I don’t know what game they’re

playing even if they’re playing a game.”

“It does sound strange though, doesn’t it?” It wasn’t in her

head. She took a bite of her chicken salad. The meat was succulent
and juicy.

“Yes, it sounds strange. It could be the man is only noticing


“The guy’s a creep.”
“Are you treating me like your girlfriend?” he asked.
“I didn’t know what else to talk to you about. Sorry.”
He chuckled. “Don’t be sorry. This is your night. I wouldn’t

trust him. I’d steer clear of him.”

“Are you gay?” she asked.
“No, I’m not gay, but I have been with men.”
She frowned. “How does that work?”
“The usual way.”
“No, I mean, how does it work if you’re not attracted to men?”
His face seemed to shut down as if all expression had closed

off. “We all do things that we have to do.”

Closing the conversation off, she turned the topic around to


Food was easy to talk about. It didn’t involve personal,

uncomfortable life experiences. She finished her salad and declined

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“If you would like I have a room for us upstairs?” James


This was it. She could turn around and go back home now.

Nothing had happened. They’d had a date. A strange date, but a date
all the same. Or she could take his hand and allow him to take her
upstairs. She stared at his hand thinking about all of those books in
her closet, the need building inside her but never allowed to break
free. Haley hadn’t experienced an orgasm or sex. She wanted to more
than anything.

Placing her hand within his, she followed his lead. He’d paid

for their dinner. She kept her gaze on the ground, afraid to look up in
case they were the object of stares. Once they were free of the
restaurant, James took the lead toward the elevator. Stepping inside,
Haley stood beside him. They were reflected in the box of the elevator
taking them upstairs. He was handsome, magazine cover handsome,
while she looked more like an advert for how to get fit.

Nibbling her lip, she wondered what she should do. This

wasn’t her. She didn’t pay men for sex. The less she had to do with
men the better. Her heart raced, and she gripped the back of her neck.
Haley knew deep in her heart that she needed to call a stop to this.
This was wrong. It wasn’t fair to her or to James.

“Screw my fucking rules,” James said, growling out each


Before she got chance to say anything, he pressed her up

against the elevator, sinking his hands into her hair. She gasped at the
sudden bite of pain from his strong grip. In the next second his lips
were on hers, feasting on her. He held the power in his grip. There
was nowhere else for her to go. She was at his mercy. James pressed
her against the wall. The rock hard ridge of his cock made her aware
of how happy he was to be there.

“Open those lips for me.”
She did as he ordered without a second thought. He plundered

her mouth with his tongue, making her very much aware of the whole
of him. Dropping her hands to her sides, she reached out to touch him.
She held onto his sides, wishing she had the courage to explore him.

Her inexperience showed through as he ravaged her mouth.

There was nothing more for her to do other than accept his kiss. He
bit her bottom lip, not enough to draw blood but enough for her to

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When she opened her eyes, she saw him looking back at her.

“I can’t wait to get you alone in a room to fuck.”

Nodding her head, she gasped as the elevator pinged. She

couldn’t remember the ride up to whatever floor he’d picked. How
long had they been kissing? Her lips were tender from his kiss.

She followed him out of the elevator without a fight. He

squeezed her hand. Was he offering her comfort? The kiss in the
elevator was that part of his act?

None of it made sense.
You’re paying him for this role.
He pressed the key-card into the lock, and the door opened.

James didn’t speak as he tugged her into the room. She didn’t say a
word as the door closed, and he flicked on a light. The curtains were
already drawn, leaving them alone and in private. She liked privacy.

Stepping into the hotel room, she closed her eyes when he

wrapped his arms around her waist. His breath across her neck
brought goosebumps erupting all over her flesh. Her pussy was slick,
soaking wet just from the kiss. She’d never been so aroused in her

His hands moved down, and she opened her eyes staring

across the hotel room. She zeroed in on the large bed, and heat spilled
from her legs.

“Are you ready for me?” He pulled her dress up exposing her


“Yes,” she said. No, she wasn’t ready. There were so many

questions she had, but she didn’t dare tell him the truth of why she’d
decided to lose her virginity to a complete stranger she’d paid for the

No one knew where she was, not even Clara. Fingers stroked

up the inside of her thigh cutting off all of her thoughts about her
friend. “Shall we see how ready you are?” He cupped her through her
panties. She wore her simple black lingerie so nothing would show
through the dress. “I can feel how wet you really are, baby. Your
panties are soaked. Do you want my cock in this little pussy?”

She nodded her head.
He nudged her toward the bedroom. This was it. She was

going to lose her virginity.

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Chapter Four

James had already broken one of his firm rules, and he

couldn’t believe it. Watching her in the elevator had been his undoing.
He’d wanted to fuck her right then and there. First, he’d needed to
taste her lips. The way she nibbled her bottom lip had done something
to him. He was hard as fucking rock at the thought of driving deep
inside her sweet cunt. It had been a long time since he’d been this
turned on. Sometimes he held out with foreplay so that he’d get into
the mood.

He left the door to the bedroom open so that she could leave at

any time. Haley needed to feel safe and secure in his company. He
liked her. They’d known each other a matter of hours, and yet there
was a connection.

“Trust me, Haley. I’m going to give you the time of your life.”

He wasn’t acting. This was all of him. He wouldn’t give her a show.

Lifting her dress up and over her head, he groaned at the

simple underwear. She was perfect, beautiful, and all natural. There
was a time he’d have gone for the fake tits with the skinny, bony ass.
Not anymore. He loved her curves. Running his hands up and down
her body, he released a groan. “You’re beautiful.” Kissing her
shoulder, he turned her around. Her eyes were wide. “Undress me,

Her hands shook as she started to remove his clothing. He kept

his gaze on her, not wanting to look away. She kept biting that bottom
lip, which was driving him crazy with need.

His jacket fell to the floor, and she was shaking too much to

deal with his shirt.

“Take your bra off,” he said, taking over.
She reached behind her, snapping the catch. Haley did this

lovely little wiggle to release her bra. When the material fell to the
floor, she covered up her breasts by crossing her arms. He’d never
known anyone so shy in his life. Removing his shirt, he wrapped his
arms around her.

“Don’t ever cover yourself up in my company.” He kissed her

shoulder, waiting for her hands to move out of the way.

James was forgetting who he was. He didn’t want this to be

about business. Pushing those thoughts aside, he focused on the
woman in his arms. Not just any woman, Haley. The name suited her,

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and he couldn’t wait to have her naked and begging for his cock. All
he had left was her panties.

Slowly her hands lowered, and he drew her closer to him. He

closed his eyes when the tips of her breasts grazed his chest. His cock
got even harder, making it painful in the confines of his trousers.

“Take my pants off.” She responded to his orders as he

whispered them against her ear. Her fingers began to tug at his belt.
She’d clearly not taken off many belts either. He started to wonder
what she had actually done in the bedroom. James was tempted to ask
her but decided against it. He didn’t want to listen to what other men
had given her. This was about them, no one else.

With his pants down, he kicked off his shoes then his pants.

Kneeling before Haley, he worked her pants down until she stood in
front of him naked. There was a small patch of blonde curls at the
apex of her thighs. Her womanly shape put all of the other women to
shame. The only person he wanted was Haley. Standing tall, he led
her back to the bed.

“Sit down and open your legs.”
She didn’t put up a fight, spreading her thighs wide.
Going to his knees, he pressed his hand against her chest to

push her back against the bed. Opening the lips of her pussy, he saw
her swollen clit. Leaning forward he inhaled her musky fragrance.
Unable to resist, he licked around her clit going down to tongue her
entrance. She cried out.

He quickly removed his boxer briefs to relieve the pressure

from his cock. Gripping his cock, he worked from the root up to the
tip. Copious amounts of pre-cum had already leaked out, and he
smeared the natural lubricant around his cock. Teasing her clit, James
tongued her pussy, bringing her closer and closer to the brink of

Her moans increased, getting louder with every passing

second. He swallowed down her cum as her pussy was soaking wet.

“Fuck, please, yes, please,” she said.
James heard the need in her voice. He didn’t prolong her

agony. Flicking her clit, he kept up the pace, and within seconds,
Haley splintered apart, crashing over the edge of bliss. James relished
every sound that came from her lips, knowing he’d been the one to do

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After several seconds, he gave her a final lick before pulling

back. He couldn’t wait any longer. James needed to be inside her. It
was a desperation now.

Moving her up the bed, he dropped a kiss to her lips. She

didn’t withdraw from him even though he had the taste of her pussy.

He held onto his cock, smeared the tip through her cream,

aligning his cock to her entrance. Unable to hold back, he entered her
pussy, and when he was sure he wouldn’t hurt her, he slammed all of
his cock into her pussy. On the way inside he hit something. He was
sure he hit something.

Haley went from responsive beneath him to tense. She

screamed out but not in pleasure, no in pain.

She pushed at his chest as if trying to get away.
“Ouch, it hurts. Stop.”
He took hold of her hands before she injured him, pressing

them to the bed on either side of her head.

“Haley, what’s the matter? What’s going on?”
The tears that glistened in her eyes finally fell out. She was

hurting, and it all suddenly clicked inside his head.

He’d just taken this woman’s virginity.


Haley had never been in so much pain before. She’d heard it

was painful to lose it but not like this. This was just, ouch.

“You’re a virgin?” he asked.
Shit, crap, fuck, what do I do?
She nodded her head. What else could she do?
It was the first time she’d heard him swear. Haley whimpered

as he pulled out of her.

“Please,” she said, not sure what else she could say to him.
“Fuck, there’s blood.”
He left the room. Haley didn’t know what to do. Climbing off

the bed, she grabbed her dress and started trying to pull it on. Her
virginity was now gone. There was no need to worry about anything

“What the hell do you think you’re doing?” James asked,

coming back through to the bedroom. Glancing over at him she saw
he held a cloth.

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“It’s okay. I’m leaving.” She started pulling the dress over her


He stopped her by picking her up.
“Hey, let me go. You’re going to hurt yourself.” She tried to

fight him, but the dress on her body made it difficult. Hitting the bed,
there was nowhere for her to go when his big body came over her.
The dress was snatched out of her hands and thrown aside.

“Don’t try to run from me. You owe me an explanation.”
This had taken all of the fun out of it. It was the last time she’d

ever listen to her friend’s advice again.

“I’m happy to leave. I’ve paid you.”
“And I’ve yet to fucking deliver.” He was angry. “Now,

you’re going to let me clean this blood up and then you’re going to

He moved off her. She was tempted to make a run for it but

decided against it seeing as he was faster than she was. James opened
her thighs, and tears sprang to her eyes once more. This was totally
humiliating. He began to wipe at the lips of her pussy and thighs. She
stared at the ceiling wishing she was back at home in the safety of her
bed reading a damn good book. Anything would be better than this

“Now, you’re going to tell me what the hell just happened.”
“I don’t owe you an explanation.”
“Yeah, you do. I’ve never taken a woman’s virginity before. I

could have seriously hurt you. With the way you reacted, I did
seriously hurt you.”

“It doesn’t matter.”
“How were you still a virgin?”
Closing her eyes, she pressed a hand to her head. “Do you

really want to know?”

“I don’t trust men, okay? I don’t trust them. I don’t like them,

and the thought of being naked in front of one scares the living
daylights out of me. I’ve seen the men at work. The way they talk
about the women they’ve been with. I don’t want to end up like that.
There’s a woman I work with, it happened to her.”

“Not all men are like that.”
“So far, I’ve not found any good ones.”
“Why an escort service?”

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She leaned up on her elbows to stare at him. “My friend

thought it was a good idea. She suggested it, but I was the one who
found your company on the net. I thought it was a good idea as well.
There was no chance of you talking around a coffee pot about me.”

Chancing a look at him, she saw he was deep in thought.
“You should have told me you were a virgin.”
“Would it have mattered?”
“Yes, it would. I’d have been better prepared for this.”
Tears leaked out of her eyes, and she tried to wipe them away.

“It doesn’t matter. I made a mistake. A really big fat mistake.”

“You’re not leaving this room, Haley. You’ve given me your

virginity, and I’m going to prove to you this wasn’t a mistake.”

“What do you mean? You’re angry?”
She saw his jaw tense up.
“I thought I’d hurt you, seriously hurt you. I’m not a small

man. I’ve got a big cock, Haley. The very thought of hurting you, I
don’t like it. I wasn’t prepared for you to be hurt.”

She swallowed the lump in her throat. “I’m sorry.”
He threw away the towel he was holding. “I’m going to make

it better. I’m going to have you screaming in pleasure. Satisfaction
guaranteed, remember?”

Haley nodded. He reached out cupping her hip.
Looking away from him was impossible. “I’m honored that

you’d allow me to have something so precious.” He pressed a kiss to
her lips. “Now I’m going to ask you to trust me to make this even
better for you.”

“I trust you.”
She did.
He eased her up the bed until she lay amongst the pillows.

Licking her dry lips, she smiled up at him.

“Open your legs.”
She spread her legs wide for him, and a second later his

fingers stroked through her pussy.

“You’re still soaking wet for me.”
His cock rubbed through the lips of her sex, coating him with

her cream. He bumped her clit, and she cried out at the instant hit of
pleasure it created. James did this several more times, arousing her.

Haley tensed up as the tip of him brushed her entrance. “This

shouldn’t hurt anymore. I’m going to take it slowly.”

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James started to enter her, slowly, inch by inch, giving her

time to get used to the feel of his cock inside her. There was no pain,
and when he told her she had all of him, there wasn’t anything but a
feeling of fullness because of him.

“Are you with me?”
“Yes, it doesn’t hurt. I’m fine.” She gave him a smile, hoping

he’d do something to end the ache it had started.

“You’re happy for me to move?” he asked.
“Yes. I want you to move.” The pain had been replaced by

something more, something incredible. He’d given her an orgasm,
and now she wanted to know what else to expect.

James started to move, pulling out of her body. She didn’t

want him to go. He slammed right inside her, hitting deep. She cried
out, gasping when he didn’t stop but kept going.

“Wrap your legs around my waist.”
She did as he ordered, wrapping her legs around him. He went

deeper still inside her.

“You’re so tight and fucking perfect.” He claimed her lips,

plunging his tongue in deep. He kissed down to her neck.

Everything was happening all at once. She couldn’t make

sense of what her body was doing. Biting onto her lip, she gasped
then moaned, screaming.

“Yes, that’s it, baby, squeeze my cock. Show me how much

you want it.”

“Please,” she said.
He reared back from the bed, gripping her hips as he pounded

away inside her. She reached up, pressing her hands against the
headboard to stop herself from hitting her head against the board.

Her orgasm built inside her as he continued to pound. “It looks

so fucking good seeing my dick slide inside you. I want to fuck you
damned hard, baby. Come all over my cock.”

She screamed as he took her over the edge, slamming inside

her. In the distance she heard him roar out his release and felt his cock
jerk inside her until he collapsed over her.

After twenty-five years she’d finally had sex, and now she

wanted it again.

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Chapter Five

Two rules James had broken in a matter of hours. They were

his two rules, and he’d used them to keep women at arm’s length.
Haley, she wasn’t just any woman. She was a virgin. He opened his
eyes and saw she had her own closed. Her hands were resting on her
stomach in the aftermath of their lovemaking. She’d reached orgasm
twice in his arms. He was ready to go again. His cock was thickening
for another chance to be inside her pussy. He’d kissed her and hadn’t
used a condom. Fuck, he could get her pregnant, but he didn’t want to
ruin this moment with her. Going against reason in his head, he didn’t
ask her if she was on anything. He knew he was going to regret this.

Caressing her cheek, he waited for her to turn to look at him.
A second later she turned to smile at him. “Thank you,” she


“No, thank you.”
His chest squeezed tight. He was clean, and with her being a

virgin, he knew she was clean. She hadn’t lied about her virginity. He
understood her reasoning for wanting to use his services. The thought
of anyone else getting the opportunity to touch her left a bad taste in
his mouth. Haley was his woman, no one else’s.

What the hell are you doing?
Haley wasn’t his woman. He was a damn escort, a male


Running his thumb along her bottom lip, he smiled.
He could teach her, show her everything there was to know

about sex.

“Are you ready to go again?” he asked.
“Yes.” She licked her lips glancing down at his hardening

cock. “Could you show me everything?”

“You want to be my student?”
Her smile brightened up his whole world. Closing the distance

between them, he pressed his lips against hers. “Then I guess I better
start your training.”

Moving to a kneeling position beside her, he gripped his cock.

“Touch yourself.”


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“You heard me, baby. Touch your body. I want to see how

you touch yourself.”

She lifted her hands from her stomach going up to cup her full


“I love your tits, Haley. They’re so large and ripe. I could fuck

them all day long. It’s all I want to do to you.” Running his hand up
and down his shaft, he groaned at the pleasure he found from simply
touching his cock. “Pinch your nipples.”

She pinched her nipples, her gaze on him as he gave her


He loved being in control, and what he loved more was seeing

her submission to him. Haley was a submissive. She may not
necessarily need the spanking and Domination, but she would give
him what he needed in the bedroom.

“Do you feel good?” he asked.
“Yes.” She closed her eyes.
Cupping her pussy, he watched her open her eyes as he

slipped a finger inside her cunt. Unable to resist he looked at his
finger to see his cum spilling out of her body. He shouldn’t be happy
with what he’d done, but he was. James wanted her dripping wet with
his seed, screaming out her pleasure for everyone to hear. He didn’t
want it to end, only to continue on.

“Yes,” she said, crying out.
“I want you to touch your pussy where I am.”
Her arms jerked, but she did as he asked. She placed her hand

over her mound, her fingers unmoving. James didn’t stop fingering
her pussy. He worked his finger in then out, waiting for her. “Touch
yourself. Help me bring you pleasure.”

She bit her lip, which he loved. He wanted to suck that lip into

his mouth.

Haley worked a finger inside her pussy, and together they

pumped his seed into her pussy. Did she know what he was doing?

Another thought gripped him. Was she on the pill? Shit. He

pushed all of those thoughts aside. He didn’t need to think about them
now and spoil their night together. Taking hold of her hand, he
worked their fingers up until he pressed her clit.

“This is how you touch yourself.”
“I’ve never been able to do this. I can’t do it.”

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“I’ll show you how to.” He guided her finger over her pussy,

working her until she found the right pace for herself. “You’ve got to
be gentle and don’t put too much pressure on yourself. This is your
body, Haley. You know what you like.”

She followed his directions, using gentle strokes to touch her

clit. Slowly, he eased away from her pussy to simply watch her. When
she was close to the edge, he stopped her.

“Please, I want to come.”
“You will. When I tell you to.” He climbed off the bed,

standing at the edge. “I want you to come here.”

She crawled toward him, almost making him come there on

the spot.

“On your knees with your ass in the air.”
“Are you sure? I’ve got a big ass.”
He took hold of her hips, flipped her over and swatted her ass

twice. “Don’t ever say mean things about your ass. Your ass is
perfect, and don’t let anyone else tell you differently.” He ran his
hands all over her rounded ass. Spreading her cheeks apart he saw the
tight puckered hole of her anus. She tempted him in ways no other
woman could. He was ready to fuck her again. One night was not
going to be enough to satisfy this craving she’d started up inside him.

Gripping his naked cock, he aligned the tip to her entrance. He

watched himself disappear inside her. The walls of her pussy
contracted around him, trapping him tight within her warmth.

He held onto her hips and fucked inside her so hard they were

both crying out from the instant hit of pleasure. Gritting his teeth,
James counted to ten in an effort to keep his arousal at bay. He made
it to twenty then thirty before Haley began to wriggle on his cock.

“Hold still,” he said, biting out the order.
“I’m going to come if you don’t stop.” He forgot all about his

job, only focusing on their combined needs. Haley made him forget
about his profession. She made him think of himself as a human
being, not a piece of meat to be used and discarded.

Haley stilled even as her pussy squeezed him like a tight fist.
“Touch your pussy, Haley. This time I’m not going to last.”
The moment she started to finger her clit, James fucked her

harder than ever before. His balls hit her pussy as he fed his cock into
her hungry cunt. He couldn’t look away as their combined releases

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exploded onto his cock. The only sounds in the room came through
the slapping of their bodies.

Her pussy went tighter than ever before.
“That’s it, baby. Let me have your cum.”
She screamed out her release. Her pussy locked down on his

dick. Slamming into her twice more, he erupted inside her, filling her
cunt with his spunk. He growled out as he went dizzy, seeing stars
from the pleasure of his orgasm.

When it was over, he pushed Haley to the bed, following

behind her. He wrapped his arm around her keeping her close to his
side. He didn’t want to let her go. She was amazing, responsive,
innocent, out of this world, and he never wanted it to end.

Their breathing slowed down, and he pressed a kiss to her


He needed to rest for just a moment to regain his bearings. She

was the first woman to leave him like this. When he woke up, he’d
show her more pleasure. He would have her addicted to him so no
other man would ever be able to compete.

Within seconds he broke his third and final rule as he fell

asleep with Haley in his arms.
The following morning

Haley tiptoed around the hotel room. Last night had been

amazing. When they’d first fallen asleep together, she’d figured it was
the end of their night together. That hadn’t been the case, far from it.
James had woken her up around midnight. He’d taken her to the stars
under his gentle guidance.

After they had showered together, she’d been too intrigued

and had sunk down to her knees before him. Looking up at him she’d
asked if she could suck his cock. James had told her exactly what he
liked. Last night had been a load of firsts for her. Her first orgasm, her
first sex, taking it from behind, sucking cock, and swallowing his
cum. Now that last one had been strange for her. He’d warned her that
he was going to come, but instead of pulling away, she’d wanted to
taste him. Seeing and feeling him lose control had been one of the
most erotic things of the night.

He’d taken her hard in the bedroom making her come twice

before finally fucking her to completion.

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She couldn’t find her bra or panties. Pushing her dress down

her legs, she glanced back at the bed. James was still sleeping
soundly. Part of her wanted to wake him while another just wanted to
leave. She didn’t want the morning after routine. Last night had been
a job to him, and no matter what happened she couldn’t forget that.

Leaving the bedroom, she made her way along the corridor.

Her body ached in all the right places. Her pussy was incredibly sore.
Pressing the button on the elevator she stared at her reflection, really
not recognizing herself. Who was this woman staring back at her? She
had bruises along her neck from his rough kisses.

Her lips were swollen, and when she saw herself in the mirror

she had marks from his fingers. James hadn’t been easy on her, and
yet he had. She had no doubt that some men would have been too
rough making it painful whereas James had taken his time. He’d
listened to her.

She was pulled out of her thoughts as the elevator pinged


Stepping out, she walked toward the front door aware of the

gazes on her. Ignoring their stares she stood outside and waited for a
cab. When five minutes passed, she decided to walk home. It took her
an hour to walk home, and when she arrived she was shocked to see
Clara waiting for her outside.

“Where the hell have you been? I’ve been worried sick about

you,” Clara said.

“I was out.” Heat filled her cheeks as she thought about

exactly what she had been doing.

“You were out on a Friday night?” Clara followed her into her


“I went out.”
“Okay, I was on a date, and you never leave your home unless

you have to. Why are you suddenly doing the walk of shame?”

Closing her door, Haley tried to do everything to stall her

friend’s interrogation. “Do you want a drink? I bet you must be

“Stop it, Haley. Talk to me.”
Entering the kitchen, she grabbed a cup from inside her

cupboard before turning to stare at her best friend. “What do you want
to know?” Haley asked.

“Where were you last night?”

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“I went out.”
“Do you know how angry I am right now? I’m your best

friend, and yet you won’t even consider going out with me. The least
you could have done was ask me out and I’d have loved to have gone
dancing with my best friend.”

Clara went on and on, and it was hurting her to see her friend

so upset.

“I used an escort,” Haley said, shouting the words to get her to


It worked. Her friend went silent.
“I did what you suggested. I’m no longer a virgin. I hired an

escort. We had a date of sorts, and then we had sex.” Haley turned her
back to her friend, trying her hardest to work the coffee pot. How did
you work this blasted thing? Every other day she knew how to get her
coffee without a fault, yet today she couldn’t figure it out.

When she finally got it working, she breathed out a sigh of


Turning back to her friend, she saw the concern on Clara’s


“What?” Haley asked.
“That was a stupid idea of mine. I didn’t think you’d actually

go through with it.”

“I went through with it, and now I’m no longer a virgin. He

took it, and it was amazing. Well, it didn’t start out so great, but by
the end of the night, wow.” Her cheeks were growing hotter as her
friend stared back at her. “What?”

“You used an escort service to rid yourself of your virginity?”
“Yes. Your idea, so don’t even think to question me.”
“That’s so fucking dangerous. I didn’t have a clue where you

were. What if it was a kidnapper, huh? Or some mental person intent
on killing you? I wouldn’t have known because you didn’t tell me.”

Rounding the kitchen, Haley held onto her friend’s hand.

“Stop, Clara. I mean it, stop. You didn’t have to worry about me.
James, he was so sweet and kind. The perfect gentleman. I promise
you. It went great.”

“You said it didn’t start great,” Clara said.

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“Let me make a coffee and then we’ll talk.”
“Okay.” Clara disappeared into Haley’s sitting room.
Letting out a breath, she finished making their coffees. Her

cell phone went off in her bag. She placed the two cups on the counter
and reached inside.

James: Where r u?
Haley stared at her phone. She didn’t expect him to text her.

What was the proper protocol for last night?

Haley: Thank you for a wonderful night. I went home. I

didn’t know what to do this morning. So, I went home.

She waited a few seconds for another message to come in.

When one didn’t she turned her phone off and started toward the
sitting room.

“I can’t believe you’re no longer a virgin,” Clara said, taking

the cup from her hand.

“You and me both.”
“How was it, really?”
Sitting beside her friend, she blew along the surface of her

coffee. “It, erm, it started out wonderful. He was attentive, and for
quite a bit I forgot that he was an escort.”

Her cheeks could easily cook a three course dinner, they were

so hot.

“That good?”
“Well, he gave me my first orgasm.”
Clara whooped. “That’s what I’m talking about. I need to meet

this guy and give him a pat on the back. It’s about time my girl saw
what she was missing.”

Chuckling, Haley took a healthy gulp of her hot coffee.

“When he, erm, entered me, that’s where it went bad. He didn’t know.
I didn’t warn him or anything. I figured I’m a big girl. I could handle
the little pain. Big mistake, huge, actually. It hurt, and I screamed and
begged him to stop.”

“Did he stop or did he hold you down and fuck you anyway?”

The dreamy look in Clara’s eyes confused her.

“Er, he stopped. There was some blood. He was pissed off,

angry. I tried to leave, but he wouldn’t let me. He demanded to know
why I’d use an escort service to get rid of my virginity.” She
explained everything that had happened leading up to him saying
thank you.

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“Are you sure he was a real escort?” Clara asked.
“Yes, why?”
“He doesn’t sound like an escort I’d imagine.”
Leaving the sofa, she grabbed her tablet from the inside of her

bedroom drawer. “Here, have a look.”

She pulled up the link for Clara to read through the Pure Filth


Finishing off her coffee, she walked back into her kitchen to

have a refill. Her phone called to her to pick it up and answer. She
refused. There was nothing between them. James was being a
professional, and this was where she needed to realize the difference
between paid sex and sex with love. She didn’t have sex with love to
compare it to, but she had her books.

“Have you read through this site?”
“Yes, I did. Well, I saw a little of the site. When I hit

discretion I kind of didn’t read anymore. I didn’t read James’s
profile.” Leaning her head back against the sofa, she let out a sigh. “It
was perfect, Clara. Please, don’t mention it again. I want to remember
what I liked about that day, not what I paid for, okay.”

When Clara left a couple of hours later, Haley deleted the

website from her history and favorites link. She had two days to get
back to normal before she went back to work. Taking a long shower,
she refused to touch herself. She now had to forget all about James
and his magical touch and kisses.

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Chapter Six

Monday morning

“So you had a woman that paid for your services and she left

you?” David said.

“I broke all the rules for her, David,” James said, running

fingers through his head. Since Saturday morning he’d cancelled three
of his appointments and given them to Gavin instead.

“All three rules?”
“Yes, I kissed her, fucked her without a condom, and then

slept beside her. She’s gone, and I don’t know how to tell her she
could be pregnant.” He counted them off on his fingers. This was
something he’d never done before, talk with David about his own
personal business. He didn’t like this, not one bit. Haley Ronald. He
hadn’t told David her name and didn’t intend to. She was the first
woman he’d broken all the rules for. He was the one who texted her
the morning after when he found her no longer in his bed.

This was driving him insane. He didn’t know how to cope

with the thoughts running around his head. Turning down work
wasn’t like him nor was thinking about the same woman, over and
over again.

“I’d say you got it bad. Now, are you coming with me for the

cake testing or not?” David asked. “Sandra’s busy and asked for me to
take care of it. I don’t mind eating a load of cake, but you’re coming,

“Yes, I’ll come.”
Sandra was a sweetheart and a florist. At times he couldn’t

believe his friend had snagged the kind-hearted woman. David Edge’s
family was not known for being nice. In fact, they were known for
being downright fucking cruel at times. Sandra had won them over, or
David had warned them all to be nice.

“Good. Go and get yourself a coffee. I need to take care of this

call first.” David ushered him out of the room as if he was a child.
Shaking his head, James left the office. Several women’s gazes were
on him. Ignoring each and every one of them, he made his way
toward the coffee area. He liked coming to David’s workplace. It
reminded him of why he started Pure Filth in the first place. An office

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job would never have suited him. He hated being confined in one

“Did you get anything from her?”
“No, she won’t even talk to me.”
“Come on, man. It’s not like she’ll be hard work.”
James paused outside of the coffee room listening to the men


“I told you, a hundred bucks if she agrees to date you, two

hundred for a kiss, and three hundred for a picture of her naked. You
can do this.”

He hated men like this. They made their sex look like total


There had been a time when he was exactly like them.

Wincing, he paused as they all muttered something and went silent.

“She’s coming.”
He was sure he heard that.
Shaking his head, James rounded the corner and collided with


“Oomph,” she said, falling on her ass.
“Crap, I’m so sorry.” He looked down into the blue eyes that

had been plaguing him all weekend. “Haley?”

Aware of the men’s eyes on him, he helped her to her feet.

“How have you been?” he asked.

Her face had gone a bright red. She clearly didn’t want to keep

talking. Taking hold of her elbow, he led her away from their
wandering gaze. He knew the layout of David’s building like the back
of his hand. James didn’t give her the chance to leave his side.
Entering the women’s bathroom, he flicked the lock on the door, and
pressed her up against the door. “What are you doing in here?” he

“What? This is where I work. Do you work here? Was Friday

a big misunderstanding?” Her eyes went wide, and she pressed a hand
to her mouth. “Oh my God, you’re with them, aren’t you? The men
who talk about all their famous conquests? How could I have been so
fucking stupid?”

“I’m not with them. Friday night was real, okay. It was all

fucking real. My best friend is David Edge.”

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“I work for your best friend? How come I’ve never seen you?”

she asked.

“Sheer fucking luck, that’s how.” He would have remembered

Haley if he’d seen her in the building. “I’m helping him pick out cake
for his wedding.”

“Does he know what you do?”
“Yes, he knows what I do.”
He couldn’t resist touching her. She was so fucking beautiful

that she made him ache. Cupping her cheek, he ran his thumb across
her plump bottom lip. He knew what it was like to have those lips
wrapped around his cock.

Fucking hell, she’d been a virgin a couple of nights ago. She

worked for his friend. What were the odds of that?

“You left.”
“I told you why in the text.” Her voice sounded off. Staring

into her eyes, he saw they were dilated. Glancing down at her nipples,
he saw they were pressed to the front of her shirt. She was aroused.

“No, you didn’t.”
“I didn’t know what to do. You were asleep, and I didn’t want

to wake you.”

“I wanted you to wake me up, Haley. One night with you, it

wasn’t enough. I need more.” Taking her hand, he pressed her palm
against his cock. He was hard as fucking rock.

Slamming his lips down on hers, he silenced all of her

protests. Grabbing both of her hands, he pressed them either side of
her head, locking her against the door and his body. He needed to feel
her softness. She’d been driving him crazy. He either needed to get
rid of the memory of her or remember she was like every other
woman. Closing his eyes, he let himself go. She moaned into his
mouth, opening up. He plundered her mouth at the same time he
placed her hands together, keeping them above her head in one of his
hands. Gliding his hand down her shirt, he stroked her nipple before
going down to the edge of her skirt. He pulled back to see that she
was with him every step of the way. Lifting her skirt up, he skimmed
his fingers along her thigh, going up until he came to the edge of her

He pushed the fabric to one side, sliding his finger through her

creamy slit.

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James was the only one who’d been inside her. The only cum

her pussy had known was his. He’d been the first man to give her an
orgasm, to pop her cherry, and to have her screaming for more.

Working two fingers inside her cunt, he groaned. “You’re

soaking wet, Haley. You want me, baby?”

“You’ve got to stop this,” she said. She didn’t put up a fight to

stop him from touching her.

“Then you’ve got to stop what you’ve done to me. I can’t get

you out of my head. I want you, Haley. No other woman is ever going
to satisfy after what you’ve done to me.”

“I’m not going to stop wanting you.” He claimed her lips once

again and rubbed his thumb over her swollen clit. Kissing down her
neck, he sucked on her exposed flesh. He needed to mark her. Those
men, they were the ones she was talking about at dinner. They had a
bet going on to see if one of them could get into her pants. He’d warn
her, but first he needed to relieve this ache that she’d started.

Her body was so soft against his.
“Please, James. I need you inside me.”
He didn’t make her wait.
Releasing her hands, he pulled his zipper down, taking out his

cock. Lifting her up, he placed her on the smallest counter near the
sinks. Lifting her skirt up to her waist, he tugged on her panties. They
were his, along with her other underwear, which he’d taken from the
hotel room.

Sliding his cock through her juices, he got himself slick before

placing the tip of his cock at her entrance.

He gripped her hip and watched as his cock slid inside her.

There was no pain anymore. He’d taken care of that on Friday. She
groaned as he filled her up. When he was at the hilt, he stared up into
her beautiful blue eyes. He couldn’t walk away from her even though
he had to. There’s no way she’d ever accept his job, and yet, he
couldn’t even do his job.

Tightening his hold on her hips, he started to pull out of her

only to pound back inside. Her pussy tightened around his dick, and
he didn’t want to leave her body. “Your cunt wants me, Haley. You
can’t deny me.” He slammed inside, swiveling his hips to get deeper.

“Yes, James, please, fuck me.”

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It didn’t matter they were in the ladies’ bathroom at her work.

He needed to mark her, to show every other man who she belonged
to. Nothing made sense in his world. No other woman had this kind of

His virgin client.


This couldn’t be happening, and yet it was. James, her escort,

was best friends with the owner of the company she worked for.
She’d bumped into him, and now they were fucking once again, only
this time in the ladies’ bathroom.

Haley loved it. She loved how big his cock was and the

pressure of his hands on her hips. He’d left bruises, and with his touch
now, it would just darken the fading ones.

He leaned forward, licking her pulse before nibbling along her


“When I get you naked, I’m going to feast on your tits, Haley.

I’ll worship this beautiful body and show you exactly what needs to
be done to it.”

She whimpered.
Her orgasm was so close. She didn’t want him to stop.
“This isn’t enough.” He pulled out of her, taking over and

getting her to lean over the sink. She stared at their reflections,
shocked by the difference in her. The happy, helpful secretary had
disappeared to be replaced by a wanton woman. She looked fucked.
He kicked her legs open a little wider.

She closed her eyes as he fucked every inch of his dick inside

her. He spread the cheeks of her ass open, and she knew he was
watching. On Friday he’d told her how much he loved watching his
dick slide inside her.

“Open those eyes, Haley. Watch me as I fuck you.”
Doing as he ordered, she watched him start to move. It was the

most intense sensation she’d ever experienced. The pleasure was
unlike anything she’d ever felt before. His cock was long, thick, and
plunging inside her with each of his thrusts.

One of his hands left her hips, and she cried out as his fingers

teased over her clit. Biting her lip, she tried to contain the groans that
were building, demanding to be heard.

“Let it go, baby. Let it all go.”

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He stroked over her nub, and her orgasm washed over her,

making her scream out.

“Yes, you’ve got to bite that lip, baby. I don’t want anyone to

hear you scream but me.”

His thrusts got harder as he neared to his own completion. She

watched him plunge inside her once more. He growled out, and his
cock jerked within her. The sounds of his release echoed around the

What the hell had they done?
Panting for breath, she dropped her head down so she couldn’t

see them in the mirror. It was too much. She’d just had sex in the
bathroom at work.

“Stay where you are,” he said.
She couldn’t move even if she wanted to.
Cool air met her ass when he moved.
What am I doing?
He returned, wiping away her arousal. Haley suddenly froze.

She hadn’t given it any thought Friday night or now.

“You’ve never used a condom,” she said.
“I know.”
“No, you didn’t use one Friday or now. You’ve not used a


She lifted her head to see him looking at her. Haley couldn’t

read his expressions. What was he thinking? This was bad, dangerous.

“I’m clean, Haley. I’ve never fucked a woman without using a

condom. I got a clean bill of health last week if you’d like to see it.”

“I’m clean.” She breathed out a sigh of relief.
“I know you are.”
“How do you know?” she asked.
“You were a virgin. It makes sense that you’ve not gotten

anything.” He shrugged. She was touched by his consideration as he
pulled her skirt over her ass. Haley stood about to step away from
him. He stopped her by arranging her skirt and putting her back into
some kind of order.

“Thank you,” she said. “I could still get pregnant. I’ve, erm,

I’ve not been taking anything. I’m not on the pill.”

“We’ll handle that when we come to it.” He didn’t let her go.
James ran his fingers down her arms until he caught her hands.

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She was confused now. This wasn’t like her. The thought of

being pregnant didn’t scare her. She could do anything alone. Having
a child without worry about a man would be easy, or at least she
hoped it would.

“Those men you were telling me about at dinner?”
“Don’t trust them. They’ve got a bet to see who can get you

into bed first.”

Scrunching up her nose, Haley felt sick. “They’re assholes. I

can’t stand them.”

“Stay away from them.”
“I don’t know what’s going on here. This isn’t Friday. I didn’t

book you. We’ve had sex, and there’s a high possibility I could be
pregnant.” She rubbed at her temple. “What are we doing?”

He held her face. “Stop worrying.” He glanced down at his

watch. “Fuck, I’ve got to go with David to go and taste cake. What
time do you finish work?” he asked.

“Five, I’m like everyone else.”
“Good. I’ll pick you up at five, and we’ll work this out.”
“What’s there to work out? Do I have to pay for now? What is

going on?”

He winced. “You don’t have to pay, baby. I promise. This is—

it’s something I’ve got to work out.” James dropped a kiss to her lips.
“Don’t leave without me.”

She watched him leave the bathroom. Turning to stare at the

mirror, she waited for her reflection to tell her what to do.

“What are you doing?” she asked.
When she didn’t have an answer, she left the bathroom. On the

way back to the coffee machine, she saw James getting on the
elevator with David. When he caught sight of her, his smile
brightened. Her heart raced as he looked at her.

Forcing herself to move away, she went for the coffee before

the elevator doors even closed.

You can do this, Haley. It’s just an escort who’s best friends

with your boss. It’s nothing to be concerned with.

Clara was right. This was a dumb idea. She just wished she

hadn’t gone through with it. Standing at the coffee machine, she was
thankful the group of men was not there. Haley smiled. She’d been

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right. That guy wasn’t after her for anything other than to use her. It
wasn’t something she was happy about, but she could handle him

On the way back to the front desk, her thoughts returned to


What did he want from her? What scared her more was she

didn’t know what she wanted from him.

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Chapter Seven

At five o’clock James stood outside of David’s building

waiting for Haley. He watched several women already leave. One had
approached him to see if he was lost. The interest in her eyes didn’t
bother him. His dick only got hard for one woman. Spending most of
the day eating cake had left a bad taste in his mouth. Waiting for
Haley gave him something to look forward to.

He’d already booked all of his week’s appointments with his

employees. Some of the women who liked him had been
disappointed, but he’d informed them he couldn’t keep their
appointment. He had already sent them back payment.

Haley walked out of the building, and his heart pounded inside

his chest. She looked a little lost as she stood outside of the building.
Her hands were locked together in front of her.

She looked at the parked cars, and she looked at him before

moving past him. Removing his sunglasses, he waited for her to spot
him. Seconds passed, and he walked toward her. Haley stared right
back at him, biting her lip. She looked adorable.

“I’m waiting for you.”
“I don’t think I should go with you. This is a mistake,” Haley


Taking hold of her arm, he led her away for the building.

“You could be pregnant with my kid. Come on, I want to talk to you.”
She’d tensed up underneath his touch. He cursed his mouth for not
being nicer about it. Helping her into his car, he rounded the vehicle
until he got behind the wheel.

“Do you want my address?”
“No. I’m taking you back to my place.” He had a feeling she’d

try to get him away from him. They had a connection, and yet she was
doing everything to deny it.

“What? I don’t want to go with you. I want to go home,” she

said. He locked the doors, pulling away from the curb. “Hey, you did
that on purpose.”

“We need to talk, Haley. My place is the best place to talk.”
“It’s private.” He pulled into traffic, and she tapped her fingers

on the door. James had already put the child lock on the door so she
couldn’t leave without him opening the door.

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“I’ve never done something like this,” she said.
“Like what.”
“You told me that. I should have asked you more about your

situation before I took it further. It was my mistake.”

“I don’t regret what we did, James.”
“Good. Neither do I.” He was breaking every single rule he’d

put in place. What he was doing was entirely unprofessional and
wrong. “I want you to know that I’ve never done this with another

“Done what?”
He glanced over at her. Her blonde hair was tied to her neck.

Marks from his kisses dotted her pale flesh. “I’ve never followed a
woman up like this. I’ve never texted the morning after, nor have I not
used a condom.”

“Why have you done all of those things with me?”
“You were different.”
“No, I wasn’t.”
He took hold of her hand, pressing a kiss to her knuckles.

“Yes, you were.”

She didn’t argue with him nor did she talk on the ride to his

apartment. He didn’t mind. The silence helped him to collect his
thoughts. While eating cake he’d been thinking long and hard about
Haley. What she was giving him with her presence was unlike
anything he’d ever experienced before in his life. He wanted her,

Parking the car, he watched her try the door.
“Very mature,” she said, staring at him. He walked around the

car toward her side. James opened the door and smiled at her. “You
could have left the lock off.”

“I didn’t know if you’d try to run from me.”
“I’m not stupid. I wouldn’t leave a moving vehicle,” she said.
Chuckling, he took her hand as she left the car. “I was being


She didn’t pull away from him as he led her toward the stairs.

The elevator was a dangerous place for him when it came to her. He
didn’t want the chance of being alone with her where there was a risk
of them being filmed.

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Walking up the stairs, he kept hold of her hand going toward

his floor. He didn’t rush even though he wanted to. She followed him
up without complaint. Pulling out his key, he entered his apartment
and closed the door behind them.

“This is my place. I never bring anyone here,” he said.
“Not even your girlfriends?”
“I don’t have girlfriends.” He flicked the light on. “Come on,

make yourself at home.” James walked toward his whiskey decanter.
“Can I interest you in a drink?”

“I don’t drink alcohol. I don’t like it.”
“So you were drinking soda because you actually didn’t want

a glass of wine?” he asked.

She nodded. “I like soda, not wine or beer.”
“Okay.” He placed his decanter back and walked toward the

fridge. “Here.” He took out two sodas.

“You don’t have to drink soda for me.”
“I want to.” He wanted Haley at ease in his company.
“So, erm, how did you become an escort?” she asked, opening

her can and taking a seat on his sofa.

“I spent my inheritance. I was broke, homeless, and I didn’t

have a cent to my name. I became an escort for an agency, and after a
few years I branched out on my own.”

“Do you like it?”
“I’ve made a lot of money from doing what I do.”
“That doesn’t answer my question.”
“I like aspects of it. Sometimes I hate it, and other times,” he

turned to look at her, “no, not other times. You’re the first person I’ve
met who makes me wish for something else.”

He saw her swallow.
“I don’t know what to say to you or what to even think,” she


“I’m going to lay my cards on the table for you,” he said,

turning toward her so all he saw was her. “I want you, Haley. I don’t
want us to stop. I’ll use a condom or you can get on the pill. I want to
know if you’re pregnant.” He put his soda down. This wasn’t going
how he wanted to.

“I can’t afford to pay—”

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“This isn’t about the money, baby. I’m not asking for you to

pay for my services. I’m asking for the chance to give you everything
you’ve missed out.”

“What do you mean?”
“Friday night, you were a virgin. I’m asking you for the

chance to give you everything. Every new experience, pleasure,
desire, I want to be the one to give it to you.” He didn’t want to go
back to fucking other women.

“No, hear me out. You go up in flames in my arms. I’m not

going to stand around a coffee pot betting on how I can get into your
pants. I’m in your pants, Haley. Everything you’ve ever dreamed can
be yours. I offer you nothing but pleasure and to show you everything
you’ve missed out on. I’ll take you on a sexual journey you’ll never

“What do you want from me?”
“Your complete and total surrender to me. Put yourself in my

hands and I’ll give you everything you’ve ever dreamed of.”

There was so much he wanted to show her.
“I’m scared.”
“You don’t need to be scared, Haley. It’s me. There’s no fear

here. I’m with you every step of the way. I promise you.” He twirled a
strand of her escaping blonde hair around his finger. “You’ve got
underneath my skin.”

“Your job?”
“I’m a whore, Haley. I give sex for money. I’m every

woman’s desire, but I own Pure Filth. There won’t be another woman
in my life while you’re mine.”

She licked her lips, and all he wanted to do was claim them.

This woman set his blood aflame from the smallest of actions.

“There are no other men in my life, nor do I want to be with

other men. If I agree to this, it’s between you and me. I don’t want
David Edge finding out about us. I don’t want to be the laughingstock
at work.”

“I won’t do that. My career is private. No one knows me.”
“My family comes from money. I’ve been cast out. I want to

lay that down for you.”

He frowned.

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“My family—the Ronald Foundation? They’re wealthy, but

I’ve been cast out. I refused to marry a man that they chose for me.
My grandfather gave me my inheritance for me to live off. I’m
wealthy, but I’m not mega rich or anything. I’m rambling on again,
making no sense whatsoever.”

“You came from money?”
“Yes. I’m not part of their world anymore.”
“Haley, I’m not making this about you or where you come

from. This isn’t about the money. This is about you and me.” He’d
gladly pay her back the money she’d paid on Friday. What was going
on between them went far deeper than any money ever before.

“All I’ve got to do is give myself to you.”
“Yes, trust me.”
“I don’t want to sleep with any other men.”
“I’m not going to be offering you to any other men. I’ll be

with you every step of the way.”

“You’ll be mine?”
“Do everything I say?”
“Good, we start now. Take your clothes off.”


“Now? You want me to take my clothes off.” Haley asked.

They were moving fast and yet not fast enough.

“Yes. You’re dressed for business, Haley. No woman of mine

stays dressed for business very long. I want you naked.” He got to his
feet, moving the coffee table out of the way. “Strip for me, beautiful.”

Standing up, she stared back at him. He’d seen her naked.

There was no laughter in his eyes. Starting at the top button, she
worked her way down. She kept her gaze locked on his, not daring to
look elsewhere.

“That’s right, keep those pretty blues on me. I don’t want you

to look anywhere else but at me.”

She dropped her shirt to the floor.
“Take your bra off next.”
Reaching behind her, she wriggled the bra down her arms,

waiting for it to fall down on the floor.

“Fuck, baby. You’ve got the nicest tits I’ve ever seen.”

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“Is this what you do for all of your clients?” she asked,

needing to bring some focus to what was happening.

“I’m not acting a part with you. This is who I am. You’re

getting the real me. The man I hide from everyone else.”

“You’ve never had a girlfriend?”
“I’ve never needed a girlfriend.”
She shoved her skirt down, stepping out of the modest heels.
“Take your hair down.”
Removing her hair from the bun, she shook her hair out until

the whole length was cascading around her. She didn’t like to cut her
hair. It was long, and it took her ages to get right.

“Turn around.”
Haley turned around. Her pussy spilled her cream, soaking the

tops of her thighs. He stood up abruptly, and she paused in turning

“Do you have any idea what you do to me?” he asked.
“You drive me crazy with wanting you.” He pushed some of

the hair off her shoulder. “My dick is so fucking hard. I want inside
your tight little pussy.” He ran his hand down the front of her body to
cup her pussy. “You’re so fucking wet for me. Do you like me talking
dirty to you?”

“I’m going to awaken your world, Haley. I’m going to show

you things you’ve never even dreamed about.” He took her hand.

She watched him lick the fingers that had been inside her

pussy. He led the way, moving toward a room.

“This room, I use for training,” he said.
Frowning, she watched as he flicked the light, and she saw

everything. The room had a single bed inside and was covered in

“How do you use this for training?” she asked.
“This is where I look from every angle. I see what I need to

see.” He pulled her in front of him. “I like to watch everything, Haley.
I like to see everything.”

She stared at all the mirrors. She stood naked while he

remained fully clothed. James was the master while she merely his

“Sit on the bed,” he said.

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Walking into the room she imagined was like walking straight

into the devil’s lair. Sitting on the bed, she gasped at the chill of the
silk blankets.

“Spread your thighs wide.”
Opening her legs, she stared at him, refusing to look in the


“Look at yourself, Haley. See that pretty, slicked pussy that I

want to taste,” he said.

“I can’t.” She bit the words out through clenched teeth.
“Yes, you can. I say you’re beautiful. You’re the most

beautiful woman I’ve ever seen. Look at how amazing I find you.
Stare at your pussy, see how pretty you are. Every woman should see

She couldn’t stop herself and started to look at her reflection.
Haley stared at herself with her legs splayed. The light showed

how wet she was.

“Now, put your ass to the edge of the bed and open your legs

wider.” James didn’t move from his spot beside the door.

Doing as he asked, she moved to the edge of the bed, using her

legs to keep herself balanced. She opened up her body, showing off
her glistening pussy.

“Touch yourself, Haley.”
Watching herself, she touched her slick pussy, groaning at the

instant shot of pleasure working its way throughout her body.

“Pinch your clit.”
She cried out from the shock of pain.
“Show me how wet you are.”
Lifting her fingers up, she stared at him.
He stepped closer, moving toward her. She watched him

advance, getting hotter than ever before. James took hold of her hand
and sucked on her digits.

“You taste amazing. Give me more.”
She pressed her fingers inside her pussy, and he continued to

lick her cream from her fingers.

“Kneel on the bed.”
Haley knelt on the bed and watched in the mirror beside her as

he moved behind her. James didn’t take any clothes off. He unzipped
his pants, easing out the length of his cock.

“You need to use a condom.”

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She watched as he left the room returning minutes later

covered in a latex condom. He stood behind her, and she was shocked
by the view she got in the mirrors.

“I’m going to fuck you and you’re going to watch.”
Unable to look away, she watched him work the tip of his

cock inside her. Before she got used to the tip of his cock, he thrust
every inch inside her so that he hit the top of her womb. Crying out,
she closed her eyes trying to absorb every new sensation he was
creating within.

When her hair started to be pulled, she opened her eyes and

saw him wrapping the length around his fist.

“Keep those eyes open and watch.”
Nodding her head, Haley screamed as he used her hair for

leverage to fuck inside her harder than ever before. She couldn’t look
away even if she wanted to. The thick length of his cock appeared in
the mirror and disappeared with each of his slams inside. The only
sound to be heard was that of their bodies slapping together.

“If I didn’t have the condom on, I’d fill your tight pussy,

Haley. I’d watch my cum leave your pussy. I watched my cum spill
from your lips on Friday. I pushed it back inside. I wanted you to be
filled with my cum. I’ll load you up every chance I get.”

She pressed back against him, wanting his cock, wanting his

cum. He’d awakened something inside her, and now she didn’t want it
to stop nor did she want it to end.

“That’s it, Haley, fuck me back. Show me how much you love

taking cock, my cock.”

He no longer needed to use her hair for leverage. Haley thrust

back, taking every inch of his cock and begging for more.

“I’m going to show you everything. I’ll take you to the stars,


She gave herself to James in that moment, breaking through

her fear to show him how desperately she wanted to be herself. For
years she’d been hiding, too afraid to really show what she wanted.
No other man had ever given her this chance.

James, he was offering her fantasies she’d only ever read

about. In the mirror she watched him finger her pussy, bringing her to
a screaming orgasm. At the same time, James shouted out his release.
With the condom on it was different, and she missed the feel of his
cum inside her.

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Collapsing to the bed, Haley pressed her face against her

hands. It was only Monday. She didn’t know what to expect of the
rest of the week.

“You’re more than I ever imagined.” He kissed the back of her

neck. She saw the tender kiss in the mirror and closed her eyes.

This is not love. This is not love.
She said the mantra to herself, reminding her body that he was

paid to make a woman feel good.

He’s not making you pay right now.
James confused her more than any person had ever confused

her. Blowing the hair out of her face, she turned to look at him.

“What’s happening now?”

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Chapter Eight

James whistled as he made his way into the private office of

Pure Filth. No one knew what the business was about and they kept
their offices modest. They rented the top floor in a building that
housed over ten small companies. He knew he was the most profitable
of those companies.

Haley had spent the night in his bed again. He liked the way

she fit against him in bed. She didn’t push him away, and he liked
holding her as she slept. This morning, he’d been the one to wake
first, preparing her coffee as he also washed her clothes for the
coming work day. He liked her blushes whenever she looked at him.

Flicking his keys between his fingers, he thought about what

he could do tonight for her. She was still new to sex, and he’d already
fucked her in a bathroom. He wanted to explore everything, but as he
was walking down the long corridor, he realized it wasn’t just sex he
wanted. James wanted her to have it all.

When he entered the office he saw Dan and Eliza were waiting

for him.

“What’s up?” he asked, walking toward the back office where

he kept a record of their finances.

“We’ve had six women call to complain that you’re not

allowing appointments. You’re the most popular male, and you own
the company,” Dan said.

“I’ve already had to turn down ten other clients, James.

What’s going on? Do I need to start looking elsewhere for work?”
Eliza asked, placing a hand on her hip.

In the last few years Eliza only took appointments with her

regular clients that she trusted. Most of her time was spent in the
office handling bookings and talking through new clients. She should
have been the one to assign Haley, not him. He liked to keep focused
on his work.

Since meeting Haley, he’d not even gone to the gym for his

regular workout.

“Are we suffering?” James asked, looking at Eliza.
“No. The women who only wanted you promised to phone

back. Others, they’ve booked with other men.” Eliza ran her fingers
through her hair. She was a beautiful woman and had brought in a

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“Then we don’t need to worry.”
“Yes, we do. This is a business that you started up, and we

asked to be part of it with you. We deserve to know if you’re going to
quit on us,” Dan said, taking a seat across the desk. Eliza leaned on
the desk, looking ready to bolt.

“I’m not quitting the business. We’ve got seven other people

working for us. Look at the files we’ve been sent. Employ another
male and female to pick up the slack. I’m not taking on any clients for
the foreseeable future.” He opened the drawer and picked out the
stack of files on other prospective escorts.

“Why?” Eliza asked. “What’s happened?”
He thought about lying then decided against it. “I’ve met


Silence fell on the room.
“Is it that much of a shock to everyone?”
“You don’t meet people, James. You’re all work. You don’t

give yourself time to meet someone.” Dan laughed while Eliza looked

“She’s a client. She was a client.”
“What?” they both asked at the same time.
Holding his hands up, James looked from one to the other.

“She’s different.”

“You’ve broken all of your rules for a client?” Dan asked.
“I didn’t say I’d broken all of my rules.”
“Years ago when we were talking about our strict rules you

said the only way you’d date a client was if they got you to break all
of your rules. You’d not met a woman who’d done that yet,” Dan
said, pointing a finger at him. “You met a woman to break all the
rules you set yourself?”

James nodded. “I met the woman.” It had only taken him ten

years to find her. Haley, she made him feel something he’d never felt
before in his life.

“Damn, she must be pretty special.”
The alarm on Dan’s watch went off.
“Fuck, I’ve got to go. I’ve got a balls wax to go to. Handle

this, Eliza.”

Dan left them alone.
“Say what you’ve got to say,” James said.

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“I’ve got nothing to say to you, James. I hope you find a lot of


“Don’t you ever wish to find that one special person?” he

asked. Eliza was walking toward the door of the office. She stopped,
turning around to stare at him. Her arms were folded across her chest.

“I’m never going to find that special person, and I’ve accepted

that, James. I’m an escort. I sleep with men for money, and I’ve got a
boy at home I need to care for. I’ve not got a chance of letting anyone

James frowned. “The boy, is he a client’s?”
“No, he’s the reason I became who I am. I’ve already had my

true love.” She left the office before he could ask anything more.
Eliza had always been private. She kept her personal life and business
life separate. He’d not even known about her kid.

Sitting back in his seat, James looked around his office. This

was the life he’d built up for himself. He wasn’t going to turn his back
on it, but he also wasn’t going to take back his promise. There
wouldn’t be any other woman while he was with Haley. Spinning
around in his chair, he stared out of the window overlooking the city.
What was she doing right now? Was she thinking about him? He’d
destroyed her panties yesterday in the bathroom, and she wasn’t
wearing any today. His cock began to thicken at the thought of her
sitting with no panties, thinking about him.

He’d promised to buy a pregnancy test kit in a couple of days

to see if she was expecting. Getting to his feet, he left the office to go
to the pharmacy. He wanted to be prepared for all eventualities,
including pregnancy.

The very thought of Haley pregnant … James stopped. He

expected to be scared, terrified, concerned, alarmed, everything that
he should be feeling, and yet he wasn’t.

Staring at the array of pregnancy tests on display, all he saw

was Haley pregnant with his baby. In his mind he saw her hair pinned
back, her wearing a maternity dress while he picked out the color of
the wallpaper. Rubbing his eyes, he tried to get rid of the image, but
the moment it was there, it refused to leave.

Walking out of the pharmacy without a test, he forced himself

to think about work. He needed to get Haley out of his system and

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“So, are you dating now?” Clara asked.
Sipping on her milkshake, Haley stared across the table at her

friend. They were out for lunch in a burger joint where the best meal
was served. “I think so. I mean, he’s said he’s not going to be taking
on anymore clients. He doesn’t want me dating anyone either.” She
picked her loaded cheeseburger and took a bite.

“I see you’re wearing the same work clothes as yesterday.”
“I told you, I spent the night with him. It’s no big deal, really.”

She wiped the sauce from her lips before returning her gaze to Clara.

“I’m concerned, Haley. You’re not right in the head at all.”
“Clara, stop.”
“No. You don’t hire an escort and then sleep with him after

you’ve paid him. You don’t date them. It’s like dating a fucking porn
star for Christ’s sakes.”

“This was your idea.”
“No, losing your v-card to an escort was my idea. Dating the

escort, not my idea. I’m not taking the blame for his.” Clara stopped
talking to eat a fry.

Breathing out a sigh, Haley stared at her friend. “I thought

you’d be happy for me.”

“Happy for you? God, Haley, do you even know how many

women he’s been with? How do you know this isn’t an act? He’s paid
to be every woman’s fantasy man. How the fuck can you be okay
with that?”

“I told him about who I was, that I came from money.”
Clara threw her hands up in the air. “You really don’t

understand the meaning of the word cautious, do you? God, you’re
acting stupid.”

“I’m not, and I’m cautious.”
“I was right not to believe that guy’s sudden interest in me at


“What?” Clara asked.
“You know the guy at work who was being overly nice to


“It turns out he had a bet going on with all of his friends to see

if he could get me into bed.” She slapped her hand on the table. “See,

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“And who told you this?” Clara asked, raising a brow.
“James, but that’s not the point.”
“You’re being unreasonable. This man uses his dick to get

what he wants. He’s used to women like you, and he’s taking
advantage. I bet he takes women’s virginity as if it’s his own personal

Women like me? Dropping her food back onto her tray, Haley

lost her appetite. “I think I should get back to work.” She picked her
tray up and dumped the food into the trash.

“Fuck, Haley, don’t walk away,” Clara said.
Haley kept on walking. Tears filled her eyes as all of her

insecurities came rushing back.

“Stop.” Clara rushed toward her, stepping in front of her.

“Look, I’m sorry.”

“I’m doing something that is fun. Yeah, it’s completely crazy,

stupid, illogical, but I like it. I like him, and I don’t want it to end. I
thought out of everyone you’d be supportive. This is the craziest thing
I’ve ever done, and I’m sorry that you don’t approve.” She pulled
away from Clara’s hands.

She needed space.
“Haley, I’m sorry. I’m worried about you. Something like this

is not going to end the way it does in the movies.”

“I don’t expect it to.” She shook her head, staring past Clara’s

shoulder. “I just wanted your support right now. Forget it. I’ve got to
get to work.”

Turning her back on her friend she made her way back toward

work. She wasn’t making a mistake. No one was going to lose their
heart or mind. This was completely between them. They were just two
people taking the next step.

He was her teacher while she was merely his student.
Once she got back to work, Haley wasn’t happy with what had

gone down between her and Clara. Out of everyone in her life, Clara
was supposed to be there for her without any arguments. She
understood her concerns. Who didn’t? Haley wasn’t an idiot. There
was no way it would last with James. His work needed him.

Pushing those thoughts aside, she dug in with her work. By

three o’clock she was hungry and thirsty. “I’m heading to the canteen.
Do you want anything?” she asked Tricia.

“No, I’m good.”

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Leaving her desk, she made her way toward the canteen,

determined to eat something. She decided on a horrid looking
sandwich and a strong black coffee. Taking a seat in the back, she
pulled out her cell phone to find a text from Clara.

Clara: Be careful. You don’t know him.
Letting out a sigh, she shook her head, placing her phone

back on her desk. She refused to argue with Clara a moment longer.
Sipping at her coffee, she looked up to see one of the men from the
little sex group.

“Is this seat taken?” he asked.
“Yes.” She wasn’t in the mood to be nice.
“No one is sitting there.”
“I don’t want you to sit there.” She picked up her coffee and

began to drink. The last person she wanted to be with was him. What
was his name?

“You’re not being very nice.” He took a seat anyway. “The

name’s Ben.”

“You’re not even listening to me.” This was the man who was

like all of those other men, bragging about the women they slept with.
She felt sorry for the women they slept with.

“Come on, baby. Let me take you out for dinner. I can show

you a good time.”

“And you can tell all of your friends how you took me out and

get money out of it?” she asked, tilting her head to the side. Before
she met James she wouldn’t have dreamed of calling him out. She’d
have brushed him off, pretending it wasn’t really happening.

“What? What the hell are you talking about?”
His mere presence had ruined all of her appetite once again.

Grabbing her tray for the second time that day to put it into the trash,
she glared at him. “I know what you’re trying to do and I’m really not
interested, so don’t even bother trying. Use another woman to get
your damn money.”

She stormed away, throwing her food in the trash. This was

not like her at all.

“What’s the matter?” Tricia asked when she got back to her


“Nothing.” She didn’t want to tell her anything of what was

happening in her life. Her best friend thought she was making a

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mistake, and now a bunch of men were betting on getting her into
bed. She wasn’t in the mood for small talk.

By the end of the day she was so upset with everything she

was tempted to call the whole thing off with James. It wasn’t worth it,
not really. It was sex.

Exiting the building at five she was about to call James to

cancel but stopped in her tracks. He leaned against the side of the
building looking sexy as hell.

“Hello, beautiful,” he said.
Her heart sped up as she made her way toward him. He lifted

his hand for her to take. “What’s going on?”

“Come with me.”
All thought of leaving him fled her mind as she took his hand.

She didn’t fight him. This was what she wanted to do. Neither of them
spoke as he made his way through the center of the city. The roads
were busy with a lot of traffic. She noticed he was going to a nature
preserve where there was also a picnic spot and a park. The place was
peaceful and tranquil. She’d visited it often with Clara.

“I thought about you a lot today,” he said.
They entered the gates, and she didn’t like how happy she was

with his response.

“Didn’t you think of me?”
“I always think of you.” She admitted the truth even though it

scared her, and it did. They’d known each other a handful of days,
been in each other’s company a handful of hours, and yet, she was
arguing with her friend about him. It didn’t seem the least bit fair to

They walked along the trees that surrounded the main field of

the park. Through the trees she saw several couples and families
dotted around the grass, enjoying the warm sun.

All of a sudden, he stopped and pressed her up against a thick


His lips were on hers. Wrapping her arms around his neck, she

gasped into his mouth as his hands were all over her. She gripped the
collar of his shirt, tugging him tighter to her. He stroked over her
nipples, sliding his hands down until they landed on her skirt.

“I love you in skirts. It makes it easier for me to do this.” He

cupped her pussy but stopped to tut. “You bad girl. Not wearing any

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“It’s your fault.”
She cried out as he pressed a finger through her slit, touching

her clit. “Oh, baby, you’re wet for me.”

“Please, James.”
“Do you need to come?”
“Yes.” She bit onto her lip as he plunged two fingers inside

her and caressed over her clit with his other.

In the distance she heard men and women yelling at each

other. Instead of frightening her, it only turned her on more. They
could be caught at a moment’s notice.

“It turns you on, doesn’t it, baby? Someone could come and

watch us. Someone could see how slick you are, waiting for my dick.”
He worked a third finger inside her.

“Yes. Please, James. I need you.”
Two weeks ago she wouldn’t have dreamed of having sex

against a tree. This was insane, but she couldn’t let him stop. Her day
had been awful, and the only way to pick it up was with James.

He released her pussy and reached into his back pocket.

Whimpering, she missed his touch.

Glancing down, she saw him working his zipper down. His

cock sprang free, and in quick movements he had the latex over his

James surprised her by lifting her off her feet, and telling her

to wrap her legs around his waist.

“I’m too heavy.” She stopped complaining on a groan as his

cock filled her up.

“What were you saying, baby? Do you want me to stop? Shall

I pull out?”

“Don’t you dare,” she said, crying out as he hit her to the hilt.
“Fuck, baby, you’re so fucking tight and perfectly.” He

slammed into her, and his hands were squeezing her ass.

With her back to the tree she couldn’t see anyone, but she

heard them.

“I can see them, Haley. They don’t have a clue that you’re

getting fucked against this very tree. I’ve been thinking about this
tight pussy all day long. I couldn’t wait to get us to an apartment.”

She gripped his back, holding onto him tightly as he pounded

inside her.

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“Yeah, fuck, squeeze my dick. I wish I wasn’t wearing a

condom, Haley. I’d come inside you. Fill you up so every time you
walked, you wouldn’t forget who was fucking you. I’d leak out,
filling those panties you love so much.”

Closing her eyes, she reached down between them to stroke

her clit.

“Beautiful, come all over my dick, baby. Let me feel how

much you’re loving this.”

She caressed her clit in the way James had showed her.

Opening her eyes, she stared back into his dark ones that held her still.
His cock drove in and out of her. She couldn’t look away nor did she
want to. He put his spell over her.

“Come for me.”
Three simple words and she cried out. James silenced her with

a hand over her mouth. He drove harder and deeper inside her. Within
seconds he’d come, grunting out his release.

When it was over, she heard him panting like she was. Maybe

Clara was right, she was making a mistake. James was turning her
into something she didn’t recognize.

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Chapter Nine

Tying the condom, James wrapped it in a piece of tissue he

kept. He put Haley’s skirt back down to give her some modesty.

She bent down to grab her bag from the ground. The moment

he came and the only sounds that could be heard was their breathing,
she’d withdrawn from him. Had he taken things too far?

“Is this where we leave?” she asked, turning back to face him.
Her hair was loose from her bun, cascading around her. He

removed the remaining clips from her hair until the whole length of
blonde hair fell down around her in waves.

“No, I don’t want us to separate. I thought we could take a

walk and you could tell me what has been bothering you.” He offered
his hand, which she took.

“Nothing has been bothering me.”
“Something has. You’re not as happy as you were the other


“Last night was a mistake,” she said.
James stopped. “This isn’t going to work unless you’re

completely honest with me.”

“What’s not going to work? What are we actually doing here?

I don’t know what’s going on. Clara was right. This was a mistake.”
She tried to pull away from him, but he wouldn’t let her. “Let me go,

“No, I’m not letting you go. You’re going to be honest with

me and not cut me off. I want to know the fucking truth.”

“Truth? You want the truth? I’m doing something with an

escort, and my friend—I’m arguing with my friend because she thinks
this is crazy, and you know what, she’s right. It is crazy. It’s crazy
and stupid. I can’t believe I’ve been arguing with my best friend who
has been with me through everything.”

He silenced her with his lips on hers. James had listened to

enough. Seeing the pain in her eyes was tearing him apart. Holding
her close, Haley tried to fight him, but he refused to let her go. He
couldn’t let her go, not now, not ever. She meant too much to him,
and they’d known each other a handful of days. The very thought of
losing her left him sick to his stomach.

“Let me go, James.”

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“I’m not letting you go. I’ve just been deep inside your pussy,

and I’m not going anywhere.” He kissed her neck, closing his eyes
while he waited for her to calm down.

“This is insane.”
“I know.”
“You sleep with women for money.”
“I know.”
“I don’t know if I can do this.”
He leaned back so she could see his face. “I don’t know how

to stop doing this, Haley.”

“Is this all an act?”
“No. I promise you. With you, I’m not acting. I wasn’t acting

on Friday, and when I’m with you, I don’t want to act.” He couldn’t
act with her. From the moment he saw her picture, he’d not been able
to act. Stroking her cheek, he sank his fingers into her hair, holding
her in place. “I don’t know what you do to me, but I’m not the same
man with you.”

“I can’t stand the thought of you being with someone else.”
He saw the tears in her eyes and wiped them away as they

started to spill.

“I’m not with other women. I own Pure Filth, Haley. I’ve

assigned all the other customers to someone else. This is real between
us. I don’t want to push you, but I want to give you everything you’ve
missed out on.” He leaned forward to kiss her lips. “You’re the first
woman I’ve wanted to be open with. There’s nothing false here.”

“Your friend. She thinks this is wrong?”
Haley nodded. “She’s worried. It’s dangerous. I don’t know

much about you, and she’s worried that I’m going to lose myself.”

“I’ll meet her.”
“I’ll meet her. If you’re happy for me to meet your friend, I’ll

put her mind at ease.”

“You’d really do that.”
Tilting her head back, he stared into her blue eyes, losing

himself in her gaze. When it came to her, he’d do anything to keep
her with him. “Yes.”

She smiled, dropping her head against his chest, groaning.

“Thank you. I hate being angry with Clara.”

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“I look forward to meeting her.” Taking her hand, he stepped

away to give her more space. His cock was rock hard, demanding
more attention to be inside her cunt.

“Wait, my panties,” she said, jerking on his hand.
“I’ve got them.” He tugged her back toward him. “When do

you want me to meet Clara?”

“Do you want to meet her tonight? We’ve never argued like

this, and I don’t like how we left things—”

“Go ahead and organize it,” he said, interrupting her before

she could finish.

He watched her pull her phone out of her purse. She didn’t

phone Clara but texted her. “I appreciate what you’re doing for me.”
She rested her head against his arm. Moving out of the trees he
paused when he saw one of the women who was a regular client of
his. Steering Haley away, he stared at the ground so the other woman
would realize he wasn’t to be approached.

“James?” His name was being called at the same time that

Haley’s phone went off.

The cell phone didn’t distract Haley as she turned around to

see who was shouting. “Do you know her?”

“James … James…”
There was nothing else for him to do other than to wait for the

woman to come toward him to deal with her. Gritting his teeth, he
watched Natalie cross the field. She was a rich man’s daughter who
stayed out of the limelight. Natalie wasn’t married but liked to be
dominated in the bedroom, ordered around. She didn’t like being
whipped or chained, but she did like all control taken from her.

“Natalie, this is not appropriate,” he said.
Haley wasn’t even looking at her phone.
“I’ve been trying to book an appointment with you, and I’ve

been told you’re not taking any clients right now. Is that true?”

This was the first time this had happened. He never took any

of his clients out for a general walk. James booked restaurants, always
different for the client.

“You’re taking clients.” Natalie pointed at Haley.
“I’m on a date, Natalie.” He spoke the words slowly so he

wouldn’t show his anger at being approached like this. The whole ten
years of being an escort and he’d never once been approached like
this. “There are other men who can take care of your needs.”

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Natalie pouted. “You’re the only one I want.”
Staring up at the sky, he shook his head. “I’m not taking any

clients. I’m on a date, Natalie. If you don’t wish to continue with the
service Pure Filth provides then I’m sure you’ll find other companies
elsewhere. You continue to harass me in public or embarrass me, I’ll
consult a lawyer.” He grabbed Haley’s arm, leading her away.

“Erm, Clara’s happy to meet you tonight for dinner. She’s

asked if I’d cook, but I’m not sure that’s a good idea.”

He stopped. “I didn’t know she’d be here.”
“Is she a regular?” Haley asked.
Taking a deep breath, he turned toward her. Her saw the

sadness in her eyes, and he wished he could take it away more than

“Yes. She was a regular. I told you, no more clients. You’re

my only focus, Haley. I’ve never had that happen to me before.”

“I knew what you were before we even set about this. I’m not

angry, James.” She squeezed his hand, shocking him further. “I
believe you when you say there’s no other woman in your life. I don’t
want to live in fear or be angry at what you do to earn money. I look
forward to you meeting Clara. She’s protective of me.”

He cupped her cheek, tilting her head back to look at him.

“You’re amazing, you know that right?”

“I’m not amazing.” She took his hand, dropping several kisses

to his knuckles. “I just accept people for who they are.”

Locking their fingers together he walked her out of the park

and headed back toward his car. He was parked in the parking facility
at her work building. David didn’t mind him leaving his car there.

Helping her into the passenger seat, he started the car, and

waited for her address.

“We’re really doing this,” she said, when he asked her for her


“If you’d rather not do this?”
“No, I want to do this. Ignore me. You’re the first guy I’ve

taken back to my place. It’s all new.”

She gave him the address, and he didn’t try to talk her out of it

either. He headed toward her home, knowing he was about to enter a
part of her life she rarely shared with anyone. This woman was unlike
anyone he’d ever known. She was innocent, charming, sexy,

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beautiful, responsive to him. Being inside her was like finally coming

Before he hit bankruptcy, he’d been a complete and total

bastard to everyone around him. He used to be mean, nasty, and
didn’t care who he hurt in life. Being alone at the bottom of his life,
James had finally discovered what it was like to have nothing and to
be nothing. No one wanted to help him. The only person he had was

It had changed him for the better. He no longer took what he

had for granted as if he had some right to it. James wasn’t the same
man he’d started out, and he had a feeling, Haley was going to change
him even more.

Haley locked her hands together. They were shaking so bad as

they entered her modest apartment. She liked the space. It was homey
and gave her a feeling of belonging. The moment she’d entered the
apartment over five years ago, she had known this place was for her.

“Erm, what do you think?” she asked.
James hadn’t said a word since they entered her apartment.
“What do I think?”
She nodded.
“It’s great, Haley.”
“Okay, erm, I’ve got to get started on some food. Clara should

be here within the hour. Be warned. She’s going to interrogate you.”

“I can handle whatever she’s got to throw at me.” James

tugged her close to him.

She stared up into his gaze and moaned as his lips brushed

against hers. “I’m not used to this.”

“I’ll handle Clara. She’s worried about you, and I’m not

surprised. She’s going to be in for a shock.”

“No friend should even have the idea of using an escort to take

her friend’s virginity. I’m pissed off, angry about that.”

“Don’t argue with her.”
“I’ll argue if she starts on me. I’m not going to hurt you,

Haley.” Before she could protest he dropped another kiss to her lips.
“Now, we’re not doing anything wrong. We’re both consenting
adults, and we’re both going to be having some fun, okay.”

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Nodding her head again, she hugged him close. She forgot that

James was an escort. “Do you want a beer?” she asked.

“No, you don’t drink the stuff, and I don’t want to. I’ll have a


He followed her into the kitchen. She bent down in the fridge

to grab them both a soda.

“Fuck, baby, you’ve got to stop doing shit like that.”
His hands landed on her ass, and she jumped, turning back to

look at him.

“You’re going to have to learn that I love this body of yours.

Take care of it or your friend is going to find it being fucked.” He
moved underneath her skirt to tease her pussy. “So wet.”

“Stop, James. I don’t want Clara to see me like this.”
“Pity. Maybe she’d see you differently.”
She held onto the sodas, closing the fridge with her ass. Heat

swamped her core as she watched James lick the cream from his
fingers. “Tasty.”

“Stop.” Heat filled her cheeks.
“What’s the matter, Haley? You want me.”
He took a step closer to her. His scent invaded every part of

her senses, and she dropped the soda onto the floor.

“Tell me to stop, Haley. Push me away.”
She couldn’t do it. Going onto her toes, she pressed her lips

against his. James lifted her away from the fridge and landed her on
her ass on the table in the center of the room. He lifted her skirt up,
and Haley cried out as his tongue attacked her clit, flicking over it

“You taste so fucking good. I could lick this pussy all day


Gripping the edge of the table, she closed her eyes while he

brought her to the peak of pleasure.

He fucked her with his tongue before gliding it back to her

clit. Within seconds she splintered apart, calling out his name. James
didn’t give her a chance to come down from her orgasm as he pushed
his trousers down and stroked his cock. She watched him shakily slide
on a condom. In the next moment, he was between her thighs, sliding
his dick so deep inside her.

“You’re so tight, baby. I love the way you feel when I’m not

wearing a condom.” He pulled out of her only to slam back inside.

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James fucked her hard on the table, but the moment it started

to move, he got frustrated. He pulled out, grabbing her hand and
leading her back into the sitting room. He sat down on the sofa, lifting
his cock in the air.

“What do you want me to do?” she asked.
“Sit on me. I’m going to push my dick inside you, and you’re

going to sit down on my length.” His cock was covered in her cum,
and he was using it to work his hand up and down the entire length.

Licking her lips, Haley glanced from his cock to his eyes then

back to his cock. She didn’t know what to do or what to say to him.

“Come on, Haley, trust me.”
Stepping closer, she placed one knee on the sofa and straddled

his lap. This position opened her up to his gaze. He rubbed the tip of
his cock over her clit before sliding inside her. Haley groaned as she
moved over his cock, he filled her to the brim.

“You’re the one in control here, Haley. Ride me, baby. Show

me who’s boss.”

She bit her lip as she slowly worked over his length, not taking

him too deep but also getting used to the new position he’d put her in.
Resting her hands on the sofa, she couldn’t find it comfortable.

“Put your hands on me. I only bite when you want me to.” She

gripped his shoulders and started to ride his cock. “If we were back in
my room, I’d see how hot you looked taking my cock in this sweet
little pussy.”

She picked up the pace, slamming down on him as the need to

come again drove her higher and higher.

“That’s it, Haley. Ride my cock. It’s all yours. I don’t want

anyone else’s pussy. Only yours.” He gripped her hips, taking over to
drive up into her as she came down. The new pressure of him pushing
up, drove him deeper inside her where he was hitting her cervix.
Crying out, Haley stroked her clit and rode his cock hard. “You’re
mine, Haley.”

There was no argument. She’d never been this way with any

other man. He was driving her crazy with this need that was bursting
inside her, demanding attention.

She’d been without sex so long, and James had awakened that

kind of need within her.

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“I’m going to come, Haley. I’m waiting for you.” She

screamed out at the same time as James drove inside her. They came
together. Their moans combined together and echoed off the walls.

James stroked her back while she caught her breath.
“It’s okay, baby.” He rubbed at her back, and she didn’t know

if she was ever going to be okay. This thing with him, it wasn’t acting
nor was it messing around. She liked him, liked him a lot. Closing her
eyes, she tried to stop the fear that was working its way up inside her
from taking effect. She didn’t want to think about what was going to
happen in a couple of weeks or a month.

“I need to take care of the condom.”
Easing off his length, she pointed in the direction of the

bathroom. Tucking hair behind her ear, she made her way to her own
room. She heard him in the spare bathroom that she usually let Clara
use. Staring at her reflection in the mirror, she wondered what the hell
she was doing.

Cleaning between her thighs, she let out a breath before going

back to her kitchen. She could get through this.

James joined her in the kitchen, kissing the back of her neck.

She put him straight to work, peeling potatoes as she made up the
chicken and biscuits. Every now and then she forgot about who he
was and thought about him being more. He wasn’t a boyfriend or
even a lover. Was he a friend?

Glancing over at him, she knew he was. James was a friend

who happened to be an escort and whom she fucked. Crap, this is
getting out of hand.

When her door was knocked on, she was pleased to be getting

away from her own thoughts. “Excuse me.”

She opened the door to find Clara waiting.
“I’m sorry. Okay. I’m an awful friend, and I don’t ever want

to argue with you again. I was wrong.” Clara launched herself at

Chuckling, Haley held onto her. “I hate arguing, too.”
“It’s the worst. I used to watch it on the television thinking it

was funny. It’s not. Girl, I’ve missed you.”

“I’ve missed you as well. Come on, there’s someone I want

you to meet.”

She closed the door, taking Clara’s hand. James had already

walked out of the kitchen, wiping his hands on a towel.

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“Clara, I’d like you to meet James. James, this is my friend,


“Fuck me. No wonder you’re an escort.” Clara slapped a hand

over her mouth. “Just ignore me. I can’t talk properly.”

“I’m an escort, but I’m not in service at the moment.” He

gripped the back of Haley’s neck, pulling her close. “I hear you’ve
got a problem with us.”

She watched Clara swallow.
“You’re an escort—”
“Well, you see, Clara. I’ve got a problem with you. First, you

advise your friend to use an escort agency to get rid of her pesky
virginity, and then you argue with her because we’re dating?”

Haley tensed up. This was all news to her. She couldn’t deny

the happiness that came over at him mentioning them dating.

“You can’t be dating her. You’re an escort.”
“So? I’m not fucking any other woman right now. I’m not

taking money from Haley to be dating her. In fact, Haley, I wired the
money you paid for me on Friday back to your account. I don’t
consider what we have a job, an act, or a chore.” He dropped a kiss to
her lips, staring at her intently. “I’m not going to hurt Haley. I’m
going to do everything I can to take care of her. Do you understand?”

“I don’t want her to lose her heart to you. Your profession is

not one that women accept,” Clara said.

“My profession is between Haley and me. You’ve got nothing

to say about it. I’ll take care of Haley. Don’t interfere.”

Haley was shocked. She’d never known her friend to back

down from a fight. James and Clara shook hands, standing down from
their little fight.

“Okay, so who wants dinner?” she asked.

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Chapter Ten

One week turned into two, two weeks to three, and before

James knew it he’d been with Haley over two months. After the
second week, she took a pregnancy test to discover she wasn’t
pregnant. He was really disappointed about her not being pregnant,
but there would be time for that later. In all of his life he’d never been
with a woman longer than a couple of days, even before his escort
days. He liked spending time with her. She was fun to be around,
exhilarating even. James liked making her laugh, seeing her eyes
twinkle when he did something special to her.

They could be walking through the park, holding hands, and

he’d kiss her, which would bring about the sparkle.

“This can’t go on,” Eliza said. She sat opposite him at their

office as they’d entered their third month. They had a lot of angry
women calling asking when he was going to start offering his services

“I’m not starting up again.”
“James, this isn’t how our world works.”
He dropped his gaze as he was unable to look her in the eye.
“What is it about this woman? What makes her different?

She’s the same as all the others, and she uses you. She pays you for

“No, she doesn’t. She’s not paying me, Eliza.” He stood up so

that he was staring into her eyes. “She picked me, okay. Haley, she
picked me. She was a fucking virgin, but she picked me and she likes
to spend time with me. It doesn’t even have to be about the fucking
sex. She likes me.” He’d started yelling, and he slapped himself on
the chest. “When she looks at me she doesn’t see how she’s going to
get off, or how much it’s going to cost her to get me to do something
else.” Running fingers through his hair, he rounded his desk to face
Eliza without any space between them.

“Fuck me, James, you’re in love with her.”
He stopped to look at Eliza. The shock on her face was clear

to see.

“Yes, I’m in love with her.” The moment the words left his

mouth, James felt this great wave of relief lift from his shoulders.
“I’m in love with her.”

“This is bad, James.”

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“No, it’s not. It’s downright fucking brilliant.”
“You’re an escort. Haley, she started out as a client. You can’t

do this.” Eliza touched his arm, giving him a little shake. “This isn’t
meant for us.”

“I’m not giving her up.” He couldn’t give her up even if he

wanted to.

“Think about this.”
“I’ve thought about it. The business is in profit. We’re running

a respectable business. I don’t need to be one of the men. I can’t even
get it up for another woman, Eliza. How do you expect me to

Eliza opened her mouth then closed it.
Several seconds passed where neither of them spoke. “You’re

really going to do this? Put yourself on the line like that?”

“I’ve not got a choice. I love her. I can’t live without her. I

don’t want to spend the rest of my life wondering what would have
happened if I just gave it a shot. Haven’t you ever just wanted to take
a chance?”

“My chance ended long ago, James.” She smiled at him. “I’m

glad you’re happy.”

She turned on her heel and made her way out of the office.

Rounding his desk, he fired up the website and removed himself from
the escort service, deleting his profile. The moment he hit delete he
was happier than he had ever been. This was one part of his life that
he’d never regret, yet wouldn’t look back with yearning. He’d fucked
hundreds, if not thousands of women, learned everything he needed.
Now he was ready to move on, to find some peace in the world with

He paused, thinking about his woman. She was the first

woman he’d ever considered a future with. First he’d need to find out
what she thought of him. Gripping the edge of his desk, James was
overcome by a wave of fear. What if she only saw him as an escort?
Someone to use but not actually have fun with? Shit, now he was
sounding like a pussy, and he never sounded like a pussy.

Grabbing his cell phone from the desk, he dialed her cell


“Hello,” she said, sounding breathless.
“Hello, beautiful.”
“James, how are you this morning?”

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He heard the smile in her voice over the line. “I’m fine.

Missing you.” Leaning back in his chair, he heard the sound of
David’s office in the background. “Did you just get your morning

“Those jerks giving you trouble?”
“No, you were right. The moment I called them out on their

crap they left me alone. I’m happier for it. What about you? How’s

He stared at his computer screen that had the website up. His

image was no longer there.

“I did something radical today,” he said.
The pinging of the elevator came across the line.
“I deleted my profile from the website. I’m no longer listed


“Really? Is that good?”
“It means I’m not taking on any clients. I’m out of the

business, Haley.”

She was silent on the line.
“Are you still there, baby?” he asked.
“I was talking to Clara. She told me you broke all of your

rules. Is that true?”

Rubbing at his temples he nodded his head then realized she

couldn’t see him. “Yes.”

“Why would you do that?” she asked.
“We need to talk, Haley. A real talk.” An idea entered his

head. “I’m going to pick you up from your place tonight. I want to
take you somewhere.”

“It’s a surprise. We’re going to have a little fun, and then

we’re going to talk.”

“O-okay, I’ll be ready.”
“Dress sexy, Haley. I want you to wear a dress, no panties.”
She hummed her agreement on the phone. He wondered if she

was still alone or if she had company.

“I’ll pick you up around seven.”
He said his goodbyes then quickly dialed David’s number.

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“I know you don’t actually work properly, but some of us

have real jobs.”

“I’m in love with someone, and I’m going to ask her to marry

me. I don’t even know if she loves me or not,” James said, speaking
fast to his friend.

“Wait, what?”
“You heard me.”
“Fuck, James. I didn’t even know you were dating.”
“Long story short, I met a client, she was a virgin, I broke all

the rules, and now we’re dating. I’ve not been with another woman
since I took her. I’m in love with her. I don’t want to lose her, David.”

Again with the silence. Why was it such a shock to everyone

that he was in love? He was getting pissed off with their reactions.

“Okay, wow, that’s a lot to process in a few seconds of

talking. Not that I did any talking.”

“She works in your building.”
“This is getting weirder by the minute. Am I being pranked?”
“I’m being fucking serious here, David. Her name’s Haley


David groaned over the line. “I know who you mean.”
“You know her?”
“Yeah, she works as a secretary here, but I know her family.

They’re coming to my wedding, James. The Ronalds are very
powerful people. They were pissed when she refused to marry some
kind of tycoon. This is going back a few years.”

“I know what happened. She told me.”
“Her family was even more pissed to learn the grandfather had

given her everything in his will. Pissed a lot of them off.”

“Why are you telling me this?” he asked.
“Just because Haley’s not been around her family, you turning

up with her at my wedding, it’s going to create a buzz. I’m warning
you. This could hit the mags.”

“I’m not interested in that shit, David. I told you. I’m past it.

My only interest is in Haley. If she accepts will you be my best man?”
He was putting a lot on the line right now.

“You don’t even know if she loves you?”
“No, I don’t.”
“You’re willing to put your heart on the line for a woman who

paid you to have sex?”

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“Yes, it’s more than just sex with her.” Even though the sex

was off the charts as far as he was concerned.

“Fine. I tell you what, you get her to agree to marry you and

we’ll have a double wedding. I never liked the Ronalds anyway. It’d
be amusing to see them sitting there watching their daughter marry

James didn’t take offence. He’d gotten the bad reputation all

on his own. “Thanks, man. You better order a bigger cake.”

He hung up the phone, smiling bigger than he ever had in his


Tonight was going to be the night to tell her.


“Wear something sexy, he said. What is sexy? Some men find

jeans sexy, but there’s no way I’m wearing jeans with no underwear.”
Muttering to herself, Haley looked through her wardrobe settling on a
red cocktail dress that Clara made her buy on one of the sales.

She showered quickly, taking careful attention to shave her

legs. Once she was done, she blow dried her hair so that it was
straight and tied it up on top of her head with some hair spilling out.
She decided against makeup, settling for a natural look. After all, she
hated makeup.

When she was done she wriggled the dress up her body, and

doing up the zipper with the use of a hanger and a locking mechanism
she’d learned at fairs with her grandpa. When it was over, she stared
at her reflection. Her heart was pounding inside her chest, trying to

“You can do this, Haley.”
James always made her heart go aflutter when he took her on

dates. They were actually dating, but that wasn’t what had her heart
going rapidly tonight. No, he’d removed all of his details from the
Pure Filth website, and he’d called her at work to tell her about it.
This had to be the next step in their relationship. There was no way
someone would call for nothing.

Haley knew she was in love with him. Clara’s fears had come

about. She loved spending time with him, getting to know the man he
usually kept to himself. He took her to the gym where he worked out,
showing her the tight regime he kept. All she did was sit and watch
him with a soda. He didn’t want her working out there anyway, too
many men. The only place James hadn’t taken her was to his office.

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She didn’t mind. Over the past couple of months he’d given

her a part of himself, which she was sure was more than most women
got. When Clara told her about his strict rules that were written on the
website of his page, she hadn’t believed it. She’d looked that up
herself before he removed all data of himself. He had three rules, and
within one night he’d broken them all for her.

They had a connection, a connection that was more than

anything she’d ever felt before in her life. She didn’t want to lose that.

Someone knocked on her door, and she blew out a breath,

running her hands down the dress to work out any wrinkles. “Here we

She opened the door to find him looking sexy in a suit.
“Hello, beautiful.”
At first she’d hated it when he called her beautiful, but now

she loved it. It was part of him, and she loved the fact only he ever
called her that.

“Where are we going today?” she asked, grabbing a jacket

from the sofa.

“It’s a surprise. Another learning curve and then we’re going

to talk.” He held out his hand. “Are you willing to come with me?”

A shiver worked up her body. She wondered if this was how

Eve felt when the snake offered her the apple. James wasn’t any kind
of snake. Placing her hand within his, Haley knew she was willing to
follow him anywhere.

He took her hand and waited as she locked her apartment. “I

missed you today.”

“I missed you, too.” She rested her head on his shoulder.

These moments were the most natural to her when she was around

Within minutes they were inside his car, driving toward their

mystery destination.

“This place you’re taking me, have you taken other women?”
“This place is somewhere I’d visit alone. It’s intense, and I’ve

never wanted to share it with a client. You’re not a client, Haley.
You’re my girl.” He took hold of her hand, pressing a kiss to her
knuckles. Her heart flipped over. She was his girl? It seemed so
surreal to her.

She smiled, glancing out of the window at the passing city.

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Her heart raced at what was coming this night. She didn’t have

the first clue what the talk was going to be about.

“If at any time you get uncomfortable, tell me. We’ll leave


He pulled into an underground parking facility. Glancing

behind her, she watched the gate lock behind them.

“Where are we?”
“We’re at a sex club, Haley. I’ve been a member for some

time now. It’s something I want to show you.” He parked up and
turned toward her. “I’ve never brought a woman here, but I’ve hooked
up with a few here when I’ve arrived.”

“I don’t understand. Are we going to some kind of orgy?” she


“We’re going where people enjoy watching. You know I like

to watch, and I’m going to share it with you.” He climbed out of the

Her heart was pounding now.
“Am I allowed to come here?” she asked.
“You’re my plus one. Don’t talk about what you see here, and

everything will be fine.” He took her hand, leading her toward the
entrance of the building.

Did she want to be part of this? Did she want to take this next

step? She loved it when they went to his room with all the mirrors, but
surely this was taking things a little too far? Her nipples budded
against the fabric of the dress, and her pussy was slick with arousal.

They were taken up to the floor, and as the elevator opened the

throng of sexually driven people hit her. Bodies, semi-naked and
naked, filled the room. Moans, cries, and screams all filled with
promise were heard over the music. No one stopped them as James
took her hand.

He tugged her into the only available secluded corner in the

room. She stared up at him, unable to deny the need clawing its way
up inside her.

“I’m not sharing you with anyone. I don’t want any of these

women. I only want to fuck you and watch others fuck, Haley.” He
leaned in close, kissing her neck. She gasped, arching up into his
touch. Haley wanted his touch. She was on fire with need.

He took the zipper and lowered it, easing the material past her

breasts. She didn’t try to cover herself as he revealed her skin to his

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gaze. James lowered his head, sucking her nipple into his mouth as he
stared back at her.

Biting her lip, she couldn’t hold back and stared out at the


Had he picked this corner on purpose? She saw so much going

on. They had entered and joined in the energy of the room. There was
a woman close to them on a sofa, and she was being fucked by three
men. Haley saw her taking one man in her pussy, another in the ass,
and she sucked the third man into her mouth. James stood up to kiss
her lips. His fingers brushed the inside of her thigh, and she cried out
when he grazed her clit.

“Look at them, Haley. Do you see how fucking gone they are?

They want to be fucked and to be watched. Your pussy is so wet.”

She was getting turned on by watching. The man at the

woman’s mouth grunted out his release, and Haley moaned as she
watched the woman swallow his cum. He moved away, and Haley
was shocked as another took his place.

“This is what they’re all searching for here, Haley. They can

be free here. I can give you this without fear of it being used against
you,” he said, whispering the words against her ear. He slammed two
fingers inside her, and Haley forced herself to look at him. Did she
want this? Was this what she’d been searching for?

Staring into James’s dark gaze, she knew deep in her heart, it

was. He’d taken her under his wing and showed her a side of herself
she didn’t know existed.

Wrapping her arms around his neck, she tugged his head

down. “Fuck me, James.”

She slammed her lips on his, needing to get as close to him as

possible. They both moaned, and he moved her away from the corner,
leading her toward something else. The back of her legs hit
something, and she dropped down. He’d found an empty spot on a
sofa. The other side was occupied by another woman.

“Eyes on me,” James said.
Returning her gaze to James, she focused on him and him


She watched him loosen his belt and lower his pants down to

his knees. She was getting more turned on by the second. This was
not what she expected from her night out with him. James surprised
her all the time, and she truly hoped he never stopped doing so.

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He grabbed a condom, tore it open, and slid it over his rock

hard cock. She bit her lip, waiting for him to fuck her. With
everything she’d seen and felt, she was desperate for his dick inside
her cunt.

James aligned his cock to her entrance, rubbing the tip through

her cream so he was slick with her arousal. He slammed inside her
hard, and Haley screamed out at the sudden burn and pleasure of his

“You’re so tight. My little virgin, my cunt to fuck.” With each

word he spoke, he pounded inside her. He gripped her hips tighter
than ever before. Haley stared at him, loving every second of his hard
claiming. He took her hands inside his, pressing them on either side of
her head.

“Look at them, Haley,” he said, dropping kisses along her


Turning her head, she stared across from them. She saw a

couple—they looked like a couple with the way they stared at each
other—positioned in a way that they could see his cock appearing and
disappearing within the woman’s pussy.

“I want to share this with you, Haley. Only you. I’ve quit Pure

Filth. I own the company, but I’m not an escort anymore. I won’t be
taking on anymore clients.”

He paused inside her, staring into her eyes. Haley couldn’t

look away as she looked at him. This was the talk he’d mentioned.

“What do you mean?”
“You know what it means, Haley. No more women, no more

wasted sex. I’ve never shared this with anyone. You’re unlike any
woman I’ve ever seen. You left your family who were wealthy
beyond their wildest dreams so you didn’t have to marry a man you
didn’t like. You work as a secretary even though you don’t have to
work.” She couldn’t stop him from talking, and if she was honest with
herself, she didn’t want him to stop talking. “You were a twenty-five
year old virgin, and you gave yourself to me. You’ve been the woman
I didn’t even know I was looking for, Haley Ronald. I’m in love with

Her heart stopped beating. It had to have stopped beating.

There was no way it could keep working right now.

“You love me?”

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“More than I even fucking realized. I want you in my life. I

want to be a husband to you, love you, fuck you, be with you, do
everything I’ve ever dreamed with you. I can’t let you go. I can hand
over the business to someone else. I will quit if it will make you
happy, Haley.”

She pressed a finger against his lips to stop him talking. He

was silent, and the room faded away to nothing as she stared up into
his eyes.

“You’re proposing to me in a sex club?”
“I wanted you to remember this moment.”
Haley chuckled. “I’m never going to forget.” She took a deep

breath and cupped his cheek. “I love you, James. I know I shouldn’t,
but I do. I love you with all my heart and soul. I never want to be
without you. You don’t have to leave Pure Filth for me, just don’t
sleep with any other women.”

“I’m looking for a secretary to help me with the work. Do you

think you can handle it?”

“You want me to work for you?” she asked.
“I can assure you fucking the boss will get you everything.”
Pressing a kiss to his lips, Haley silenced him so he wouldn’t

spoil it. He slammed inside her. His dick was still incredibly hard.

“I take it that was a yes.”
“Yes, James. I’ll marry you.” She laughed, looking up into his

eyes. “Now, fuck me.”

He didn’t make her ask him twice. James slammed inside her,

going deeper than ever before.

This was a proposal she was never going to forget. James

fucked her while they watched other people lose themselves in each
other. It was a complete mind fuck but of the best quality. James
fucked her twice before they found their way back to his car. Later
that night, Haley lay beside him, running her fingers along his naked
chest as he stroked her back.

“When are we going to get married?” she asked.
“I’m thinking in a month. David agreed for us to have a

double wedding. There is one problem though,” he said.

“Your parents are going to be there. They may have a big

problem with us getting hitched.”

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Haley looked down at the man she loved and smiled. “I’ve

never been afraid of my family. We’ve never gotten on, and I couldn’t
think of something more wonderful than marrying you, an ex-escort
in front of them.” She leaned down, taking his lips as she also
straddled his waist.

“Are you trying to seduce me, future wife?”
“I’m not trying to. I am.”

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Two months later

Their wedding was the talk of the city. David had warned

James about how it would blow up and his cover as an escort was
blown. James stared at the paper as the latest news about his wife was
plastered over the papers.

“They know,” he said, looking up at his wife. They were at

Pure Filth where Haley now worked for him. They’d been married a
month and discovered Haley was pregnant with their first baby. The
night he proposed they had stopped using condoms, and if the date the
doctor gave them was correct they’d gotten pregnant on that very
night when Haley straddled him in bed. The memory was a good one,
the best memory of all.

“It was only a matter of time before they found out about it.”

She placed her hand over his where they held onto their unborn child.
They didn’t know the sex, and James didn’t mind if it was a girl or

“Hey, lovebirds, heard the news?” Dan said, walking in with

Eliza trailing after him.

“What?” James asked, tugging Haley into his lap.
“Our client base has trebled since you got hitched and the

papers did an exposé on our company.” Dan grabbed an apple from
the fruit bowl that Haley always kept topped up. She wasn’t coping
well with morning sickness, and the fruit seemed to help her
throughout the day.

Eliza smiled over at Haley. The two women were the best of

friends, and even Clara liked her. James found it refreshing to see the
other woman smiling for a change.

“So business is booming, and everything is okay.”
“Well, you’re still the most asked for escort, but I think

women are trying to catch the settled man up to no good.”

Since he’d married Haley all the shit from his past—the

parties, the drinking, the bankruptcy—had come to light. He’d talked
about it long into the night with Haley, and she didn’t mind about his
past. Like him, she was only looking forward to their future.

“Leave us,” James said.

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His cock was getting hard at the feel of his wife on his lap.

Her rounded stomach just showed another element of his claiming to

“You were mean,” Haley said, when the door to the office


He lifted her up onto his desk. “You’re the one not wearing

panties to work like a naughty girl.”

She raised a brow. “I didn’t have a choice. Boss’s orders, and

what the boss says, I’ve got to do.”

He loved Haley the temptress.
James loved every single part of her. She was his other half,

his soul mate, the one woman he wanted more than anything. Locking
their fingers together he saw the wedding band he’d bought her on her

She was his, and he was hers.
The papers didn’t believe they would last the year. Seven

months later Haley gave birth to their first son, and the papers were
still putting a date on the divorce.

After ten years and three children, they were starting to doubt

the couple’s separation.

Thirty years, a strong marriage, five children in total, there

was no more room for doubt. They loved each other, and no one was
going to tear them apart.

The End

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Other Books by Sam Crescent:

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Kidnapped by a Warrior by Ravenna Tate

Rescuing Cade by Elodie Parkes

Stalking the Pharmacist by Tamsin Baker

Evernight Publishing


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