Contract of Shame Sam Crescent

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Evernight Publishing

Copyright© 2012 Sam Crescent

ISBN: 978-1-927368-82-4

Cover Artist: Sour Cherry Designs

Editor: Karyn White


WARNING: The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. No part of this book may be used or reproduced electronically or in

print without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in reviews.

This is a work of fiction. All names, characters, and places are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is

entirely coincidental.

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I would like to thank all the team at Evernight for their support and to my family for giving me the time and encouragement to write.

To my fans who've asked for this story. Contract of Shame is for you.

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Unlikely Love, 2

Sam Crescent

Copyright © 2012

Chapter One

Richard Shaw glanced out of his rented motel room. He had plenty of such rooms placed around the city. He held a steaming mug of coffee in one of his

hands, and in the other he fiddled with the contract he’d written the night before. The distant sound of the water running from the shower let him know last night’s

lay was getting ready to leave. Richard hated the way his life had turned out. He was forever moving on from one woman to the next, never stopping for more than

an hour or two. At best they stayed in separate beds overnight.

Sissy, if that was even her real name, had been a good distraction from the party he’d attended.

His best friend, Wayne Brown, had gotten married two years ago to a charming and beautiful woman called Lily, and last night they’d celebrated the birth

of a small son. Opal, Richard’s sister, had been there, and because of how well Lily had gotten to know one of his employees, Scarlet Hughes had been invited


Cursing, Richard sipped more of his coffee finding it tasted way too bitter. How the fuck had he gotten old so fast?

The girl had been in his employ now for over a few months. She’d worked in the office building but never on the same floor as he did. He believed they’d

be approaching two years in the summer. When she’d first turned up, he thought she’d arrived straight out of college. As he’d gotten to know her he had found out

she attended night courses in between working a couple of jobs and raising her son. A single mother to boot. She didn’t deserve the kind of attention he wanted to

give her.

“I’m done in the shower,” Sissy said coming up behind him.

Richard froze. The woman may have graced his bed and used him for the night, but he wanted nothing more to do with her. Seeing Scarlet always had the

same effect on his body. Other women became a poor substitute.

“You can leave now,” he told her.

He went to the kitchen and poured the bitter coffee down the sink, followed by the rest of the dark liquid from his coffee pot..


Oh, great. A scene. “You’ve had your fun. Grab your clothes, and get out. Tell my mum she’ll have to try someone better.” For the longest time, women

had become merely products to him. Things to be used and discard as he saw fit. Not to mention the number of what his mother called “suitable women” thrown his


Richard despised the woman who’d given birth to him.

“You’re a total asshole.” Sissy threw a glass vase on the floor and stormed back to the bedroom.

Richard ignored her outburst and placed the contract in his briefcase. He wanted to go over it several more times to assure himself he had what he wanted.

“Don’t let the door hit you on the way out,” he shouted down the hall.

“Go to hell,” she said as her parting shot.

Romance dramas were really doing a number on the female population. Didn’t they understand that kind of shit didn’t happen?

He rolled his eyes. Sissy was from his circle of friends, a woman with plenty of money who could do whatever she liked. Richard thought he’d seen her

picture on a billboard on the way to work not long ago.

“I take it she didn’t take the break-up well?”

Richard jumped spilling the coffee blend all over the side.

“Opal, what the fu-hell are you doing here?” he asked his sister. Opal had been a surprise to the Shaw household. She was only sixteen, but he knew when

she grew up, she’d become a beautiful woman.

“Andrew drove me over. The parents are driving me crazy. You know they don’t think I should go to college?”

Richard finished cleaning up the mess and put a pot of coffee on to brew. He pulled out some milk from the fridge and handed her a glass.

“What type of milk is this?”

He frowned. “The one that comes from a cow.”

“No. I mean what is the fat count in this?”

Richard glared at the bottle and placed it in the fridge. “Why would my sister be wanting to know the fat count of a glass of milk?” Opal still went to high

school. She hadn’t wanted to be taught at home, and she’d begged him to talk to “the parents” about it.

“Some of the girls in my class—” She stopped and bit her lip.

“Some of the girls? Come on, Opal. You know you can tell me anything.” The battle inside her tore him up. He took her hand and kissed her knuckles.

“Tell me.”

“The girls at my school keep saying I’m fat, and I think they’re right. I’m going on a diet and only eating vegetables, no meat. I’m also thinking I should cut

dairy out. What do you think?” Her eyes were wide open, and she had a smile on her face. Richard hated young teenage girls. Not only that, but he also knew his

mother had a lot to answer for, too. Opal was young and adorable. She shouldn’t be worrying about weight and calorie count.

“Opal, you’re not fat.” He moved round the counter to grasp her in a bear hug.


“No buts.” He cut her off. “You are wonderful the way you are. No talking of dieting and not eating meat. What will you do at Christmas? Forgo Turkey?”

“It’s all right for you. You don’t date fat girls.”

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“It’s all right for you. You don’t date fat girls.”

Richard thought of Scarlet. She wasn’t fat; at least he didn’t think she was. More a full, rounded woman with curves. Nice curves. The rounded belly at the

front and the full hips, more than a handful, and giant tits he could suck on all day long. He had to stop his thoughts.

“You know you’ve just insulted a lot of women in the world. Men love a full woman ,and I don’t want to ever hear you say the fat word again. Do you

understand me?”

“But, mum—”

“I don’t give a fuck about what that woman has to say. Do you understand me?”

Opal nodded her head. “I miss you. You never come around anymore.”

“Sorry, kiddo, but that place gives me the creeps. Including the two older occupants.”

“I know.”

“Good. Let’s talk about something else. Now do you fancy coming to work with me today?”

Richard laughed when she nodded her head in agreement. In ten minutes, he changed and prepared for work.

The contract was burning a hole through his brief case.


“I’m late. I’m late. I’m so late,” Scarlet said to herself, groaning as the zipper refused to pull up on her skirt. She rummaged through her closet to find

another one. The special bargain at the supermarket on ice-cream was ruining another diet.

What woman could pass up a double discount on yummy, delicious chocolate ice-cream with a fudge sauce rippled through?

She found a pinstripe knee-length skirt, fortunately big enough to contain her ever-expanding waist line. So much for New Year resolutions. Hers were

down the drain as if they never existed.

“I think you look pretty, mummy,” Harry, her four-year old son and the reason she continued on living, said to her.

“Baby, you are the loveliest man I know.” She kissed his cheek and carried him through their small apartment to the breakfast table. Harry was such a

peaceful child. She placed him at the table and served him some cereal. It was a cheap supermarket brand, but the stuff that had some flavour, rather than the other

kind which tasted like cardboard.

“The phone is ringing, mummy.”

Scarlet ran for the phone. What would she do without her observant little guy?


“Is this Scarlet Hughes?”


“I’m sorry to inform you that day-care won’t be available for you today.” A mother’s worst nightmare.

“But I’m at work. I need to keep this job,” she said, staring at her son.

“We’ll be open tomorrow, but maintenance has had to come out.” The woman continued on with a big long explanation. Scarlet listened with half an ear as

she poured some milk for Harry.

“Okay, thank you for letting me know.”

Scarlet placed the phone back in the cradle and looked at her son. What was she going to do? The crèche at work would take him in, but they charged more

than the day centre. His prescription would be due in a couple of weeks. Could she afford the extra expense?

She saw no choice other than taking him to work. The last few bits of food were eaten, and Scarlet got Harry ready. She carried her handbag, the bag for

Harry with fresh clothes and toys, and allowed Harry to walk to the car. The bags ended up on the floor while she strapped him into his car seat.

Her hands were shaking by the time she got to work. What would people think when they saw her son?

She wasn’t ashamed of Harry, but she knew people had horrid thoughts about her being a single mother. Especially when they asked where the father is.

The crèche was located on the floor where she worked. She parked her car and walked the short distance with Harry in her arms. At four he was getting to be a

heavy bundle, and her arms ached.

Someone opened the door for her when she got to the entrance to the office building. A small blond haired girl. She looked like a teenager.

“Thank you,” Scarlet said.

“Opal, wait up.”

Scarlet tensed. The voice of her boss, Richard Shaw. Instead of turning round she smiled at the young girl and moved into the warm air of the reception.

Heads turned her way, and she blanked them out.

At the elevator she prayed for it to arrive quickly. Why did people stare at her because she had a child and no wedding band?

Wedlock was a thing of the past.

“I thought I noticed you. Hi. Opal, I want you to meet, Scar—” Richard stopped speaking, and she knew he’d finally noticed Harry.

“Nice to meet you. I’m Opal, Richard’s younger sister.” The helpful girl held out her hand. Scarlet tore her gaze away from her boss and held a hand out as

best she could for the younger girl.

“I’m Scarlet Hughes.”

Opal had a firm grip and a smile that dazzled.

“Is that your son?”

Scarlet smiled. “My pride and joy, Harry.”

All four of them got on the elevator. Scarlet, aware of Richard’s staring, tried not to fidget. Had he not seen a child before? She didn’t want to even analyse

the heat rising up in her body from his penetrating gaze. Richard was way older than she, successful, and way out of her league. A single mother could only dream

of having a man like him interested in her. Not that she wanted any kind of attention. Look what happened the last time she gave into the temptation. Temptation

had turned sour and had caused her to be in the worst circumstance of her life. She loved Harry, and she had thought she loved his father, way before Harry’d been

born. The man had turned out to be a pig of the highest order.

“Why have you brought your son to work?” Richard asked after some time.

“The day care centre was closed. There’s a crèche on our floor, so I’ll have to leave him there for the day.”

“Hasn’t he got the cutest little hands?” Scarlet smiled down at the younger girl, wishing she was as oblivious of the tension between herself and Richard as

Opal seemed to be.

“Will this be a regular occurrence?” he asked.

“No. I hope only for today.”

She licked her lips and was out of the lift as soon as the doors had opened wide enough. The red stain of her cheeks couldn’t be disguised as anything other

than embarrassment.

“Come to my office when you’re done, Miss Hughes.” Scarlet tensed, glanced behind her, and nodded.

Would he fire her for being a single mother?

Once at the crèche, Harry settled in better than at the day care centre. She spoke briefly with Linda, the lady who cared for the kids.

“He’s a charmer,” Linda said.

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“He’s a charmer,” Linda said.


“Will this be a regular thing?”

“No, just for today.” Scarlet watched Harry for several minutes before she moved to her desk.

Richard stood in his doorway waiting for her. She followed behind him and carefully shut the door.

“I’m sorry about bringing Harry.” She stopped when he held a hand up.

“What about the father?”


“Couldn’t his father care for him?” He folded his hands over his chest, observing her.

“His father didn’t want us.” Not the complete truth, but near enough and at least the best explanation her boss was going to get.Scarlet blocked out the rest

of her thoughts. She couldn’t think of that man, time, or place.

“What about your parents?” he asked, interrupting her thoughts.

“No. They’re gone as well.”

“I’m sorry for the third degree,” he said.

“You’re asking a couple of questions about one of your employees. Not really the third degree,” she said.

“He won’t stop you doing your job?”

“I’m here, and I intend to work for my wages,” She buttoned her suit jacket up. The top button beneath her breasts refused, and she left it.

Scarlet glanced up in time to see Richard staring at her breasts.

The open heat from his gaze warmed her from the pit of her stomach all the way through her body, curling her toes. She shouldn’t be having feelings like

this for her boss. No matter who he was, she shouldn’t be this affected by him.

“Is that all, Sir?” she asked.

“Yes. For now.”

She left him and made sure to close the door quietly. Without thought, she went about her duties at work. The pounding of her heart made her question her


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Chapter Two

Richard watched her leave. His cock was hard and throbbed against the tight, confined trousers he wore. Would he be able to fuck his fist before anyone

interrupted him? Shaking his head at the uselessness of his thoughts, he moved a few bits around on his desk. Opal had gone to get some breakfast and a fizzy drink

while he dealt with his morning calls.

A click of a button and his computer fired up. His inbox was packed with queries from clients and other colleagues. He hated being a lawyer at times. Most

of his cases dealt with married couples or marital disputes, but occasionally he did other styles of law, mainly within family law.

Scarlet was a distraction he could no longer risk. While she had stood in front of his desk and mentioned the father of her child, he had wanted to reach out

and take her in his arms.

He had visualised fucking her over or on every surface in his office. She’d look fucking beautiful laid across his desk with her thighs splayed open. He

wondered what her juicy cunt would taste like. Did she wax? Or was she a full, real woman with a neatly trimmed bush?

He ran a hand over his face. The lustful thoughts did nothing to compose him in starting his day.

Harry, the kid, put a spanner in the works. The contract he’d planned to use to get her in his bed would be null and void with a kid. Before today he could

imagine she didn’t have a child. Richard had thought of her as a single woman with no responsibilities and no one waiting at home. Harry was her son, and Richard

saw in her eyes the devotion and love she felt for the small boy.

He slammed his fist against the desk.

“Damn it.”

Lost, that’s what I am. Fucking lost. Women came to him begging. If not for his good looks then certainly for his money. Richard Shaw came from a

billionaire family. His grandfather had started up in the boating business, and when his father took over the boats turned to hotel chains until everything with a Shaw

label or copyright stamp was paying money.

The small boy had struck a chord inside Richard. The boy had sandy hair so like his mother’s with a small button nose, and he had smiled. The little boy

had smiled at him. So much trust in an infant. He remembered what it was like to put his trust in another person. A woman, he had a distant memory of a woman in

his childhood who’d been more like a mother to him than his real one. Like all the other nannies and people he knew, she eventually had left.

He pulled the contract out of his briefcase and thought of Harry and Scarlet. Without giving himself time to process his thoughts, he brought up her

employment details. The need inside him was getting harder to ignore. He couldn’t just invite her on a date. She was an employee, after all.

The details on her form were not great. Female, never been married. No current next of kin. Scarlet, according to the minute information, was alone in this

world. An emergency note lay at the bottom. Richard recognised the doctor. An old friend from high school. While Wayne, Tony and he had kept in touch from

their circle of friends, a few others had gone off and formed their own paths. John Barnes had been much older than them but still one of their friends. A


He picked up the phone and dialled the number on the form. Adrenaline was running through his veins.

“John Barnes, pediatrician, how may I help?” The man picked up on the first ring.

“John, buddy, how are you doing?”

“Well I’ll be damned. This can only be one of three people I know, Richard, Wayne or Tony.”

“Richard,” he said with a laugh.

“How are you doing?”

He enjoyed catching up with a very old friend. They talked about the intervening years and what they’d gotten up to. Richard learned his friend was married

with a few kids of his own.

“I take it this isn’t a social call,” John finally said.

“I’ve got a new employee, and it lists your name as an emergency contact for her son. From an old friend to an old friend, what’s wrong with her son?” he


“Richard, I can’t discuss a client with you.”

“The name of Scarlet Hughes.”

“For fuck’s sake. Leave that poor girl alone. She has enough to contend with. If I know you then I know you’ve got some fucking plan in mind.”

“I take it the boy is bad?”

His friend cut him off and eventually hung up. It didn’t matter because after doing some investigating of his own on the internet from the medical words in

her employee file Richard discovered her son suffered with asthma.

The medications would cost through the roof.

Richard hated his plan, but he had just thought of the perfect way to make his contract work.

As the day progressed, Richard got through his work with Opal appearing every now and again. He noted she spent a lot of time at Scarlet’s desk. A spark

of jealousy struck him when he saw Scarlet laughing at something Opal said.

His parents’ driver arrived around five in the afternoon to take her home. He waited while she hugged Scarlet and then him before going with the driver.

Other colleagues were beginning to leave.

A knock sounded at his door, distracting him. Scarlet stood with several files in hand.

“Hey,” he said, sitting up and stretching out the muscles in his back.

“I’ve got the files on the Temple divorce.”

“Come and put them on my desk,” he said to her. Richard got up, intent on working out the kinks in his exhausted body. “I’m sorry about my sister and

earlier today.”

“No problems. Opal is a lovely young woman, and in all fairness people who see me with a child get quite a shock.” She bowed her head and made to

move away.

He panicked. Richard didn’t want her leaving so soon.



“Why did you have a child so early?” he asked. He was not sure why he was taking such an interest when he intended to have this woman anyway.

“Let’s just say I got it handed to me and had no other way out.” A red blush stained her cheeks, and he could read how uncomfortable she’d become.

“Well, Opal sure likes you. She could use a role model right now.” He thought of his sister’s earlier comment about a diet. Scarlet was a full, gorgeous

woman. She wouldn’t need to diet.

“I don’t think as a teenage pregnant mum I’d be the best role model.”

Richard reached out and caught her hand bringing her in close to him. Her heady scent of cinnamon invaded his nostrils. She smelt like a spicy ripe peach.

“Opal is having a few problems at school. She’s sixteen and thinks she needs to diet. Her friends are calling her fat among other things.” Richard opened up.

He never talked about his sister with anyone, not at work anyway.

“She’s adorable, and soon she’ll see how gorgeous she is.” Scarlet made to move out of his touch, and he stopped her by keeping a firm grip on her hand.

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“She’s adorable, and soon she’ll see how gorgeous she is.” Scarlet made to move out of his touch, and he stopped her by keeping a firm grip on her hand.

“Why won’t you let me go?” she asked.

“I don’t want to,” he said honestly.

“I’ve got to collect Harry,” she whispered. He noticed her eyes droop, and she tilted her head back to look at him. She appeared confused as if her reaction

was natural and not forced. For so long the women in his life were fake. Fake tits, fake laugh and fake responses.

Scarlet epitomised all things natural and earthy.

“You can grab him in a second. I just don’t want to let you go.” Richard felt the pull in the pit of his stomach. Her beautiful hair was tied up in a ponytail.

He hated it and wanted to see the long blond strands flowing down her back.

He grasped the band and pulled it out of her hair. She winced from the pain of his rushed tug, but she didn’t pull away.

The layers of blond hair cascaded and tumbled around her face.

“You’re fucking gorgeous,” he growled. Richard couldn’t help himself. Scarlet was a drug in his veins. When he started tasting, he’d always want more.

“What are you doing?” she asked.

“Having you.” Not allowing her to respond he slammed his lips down on hers. He pulled her roughly against his body, the need for full body contact a

hunger he could no longer deny.

Her small hands wrapped around him, and in the process he unbuttoned her jacket and thumbed those hard nipples.

Through the fabric of her blouse and bra he felt the full round tips pucker for his touch. He wanted to get his lips on them, to be sucking them. He pulled her

roughly, moving a hand behind her head to hold her in place as he kissed her mouth. Richard feasted at her lips.

They were heaving and gasping, and Richard pulled away when he heard a noise in the distance.

He had to remember where he was. Work wasn’t the place for a seduction.

Scarlet jumped back from him and looked around her. Her hands were shaking, and when she saw her jacket undone she began to button it up. He saw the

erect points of both buds. Each of her moves was erratic and jerky. Such a shame for her to hide such beauty behind those clothes. If it was just the two of them,

he’d have her walking round the office all day naked.

Richard stared at Scarlet, at her huge tits heaved over her tight blouse. The jacket she wore buttoned up emphasised her small waist and full rounded hips.

Her ass was thick, and he wanted to peel back the skirt and smack it, kiss it.

The pent-up lust was doubling him over. He walked behind his desk and sat down. The boner he sported would not do any good in their working


“I’m sorry for kissing you,” he said, even though the words were a lie.

“Can we just forget it and move on? I don’t want to think about what happened.” Her hand wiped over those red swollen lips. Richard wondered what they

would feel like wrapped around his cock. His thoughts were becoming too fucking explicit.

“If that’s all, I think you should leave,” he said to her in a harsh tone. Scarlet went bright red as the blush spread through her, and she left his office, closing

the door on her way out. He watched as she picked up her son and left. She didn’t bother to glance back at him.

In the privacy of his office, he lost his temper. The computer and all of his files fell to the floor when he swiped a hand over the desk. “Fucking useless,” he


He didn’t want to forget about it. The kiss had started up a chain reaction within him. Scarlet was going to be his, and he knew exactly what to do to achieve


“Someone come and clean this mess up,” he shouted.

Richard placed his briefcase back on his desk and stared at the contract. His father had warned him to never let anything go and to always use the resources

at his disposal. By the end of tomorrow Scarlet was going to be his.

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Chapter Three

Scarlet put Harry to bed as soon as he finished his tea. At four years old he’d be going to school next September. She had several months to wait until that


Would Richard have kissed her if he didn’t know about her being a single mother?

She shook her head and growled at her reflection. For the past four years she’d dealt with all the insecurities of being a single parent. She couldn’t justify

one insane encounter down to Harry.

Looking away she went through her small apartment and cleared away all of the mess left behind from the night’s activities. Pasta with meatballs had been a

big hit with her son. She checked the date on his prescription and made a note to ask for some overtime at work.

His asthma treatment cost a lot of money, and during this time when money was tight, food prices rising and gas at the cost it was, she could only just afford

the rent.

Once she’d had a quick wash and changed into her nightwear she went back to her sitting room and began reading a course book she’d paid pennies for at a

bargain sale shop. When she heard Harry coughing, she went back and woke him to administer another shot from his inhaler.

Only when he settled and she went to bed did she allow her mind to drift to the night’s events. She ran her fingers over her lips. His kiss had been rough,

and she was shocked at how much she liked the possession of his mouth.

What would have happened if they hadn’t heard that scurrying in the distance? Would she have let him take her in the office? Scarlet couldn’t answer the

question. Her heart raced when she thought about him. He was over ten years older than she, but she liked his ruggedly handsome appearance and the smattering of

wrinkles near his eyes. Even though to her he seemed like a workaholic, he must spend some time with others to make him have some laughs.

His lips had been firm and demanding. Hands, oh god, his hands. She wanted them everywhere on her body, and she didn’t care how sluttish that made her

sound. For the first time in her life she could clearly see and feel why women allowed men to have anything so long as they kept touching them, making sweet love

to them.

Scarlet wrinkled her nose. She shouldn’t be thinking about that kind of action with a man. The only reason he kissed her was because she was the first

available female. Richard could have anyone. No one would want her. She was too big, her breasts too large, and worst of all she was broken inside. At least she

thought she’d been until Richard had kissed her.

Could she even stomach a man’s touch? Silly question after being in his arms, a slave to his kisses. When the clock ticked over ‘til gone ten, she put away

her bits and pieces and switched off the lamp at the side of the bed. She was nervous about going to work the following morning. With Harry at his usual day-care,

she wouldn’t have to worry with constantly looking over her shoulder.

She lay down in bed, and her last thoughts weren’t of work and her five year plan. They were of a man with brown hair with a few flecks of grey.

Richard Shaw dominated her thoughts and her fantasies.


Scarlet dropped Harry off at nursery. She was happy with the good news she’d received earlier in the morning. . He’d been accepted in one of the best

schools in the area and would be starting in September. The school had agreed to accept him and administer his medicine with a proper regime filled out by the

doctor. For all intents and purposes, she was one happy woman.

The day went by quickly. When Richard came through, he smiled and went to his office. As usual his door was left open. A blush stained her cheeks, and

she pushed down the memories of his lips on hers, the taste of him as he thrust his tongue inside her mouth. Her pussy quivered, and not used to the sensation she

ran to the bathroom to splash cold water on her cheeks. She was acting like a school-girl with her first crush.

How she managed to get through the rest of the day without constantly staring at him amazed her. But as the clock struck five she began packing away her

things. Harry’s day-care centre was only twenty minutes from work.

“Miss Hughes, can I see you for a second?” Richard called from his office.

Scarlet went in and closed the door as he asked when she entered.

“Please take a seat.”

Her hands were sweaty. Was he about to fire her? She licked her suddenly dried lips and waited to see what he had to say.

“I want to be extremely blunt with you. I’ve never done anything like I did last night. I make it a policy to never get involved with work colleagues,” he


She smiled. “I understand, and I know last night was a big mistake and won’t happen again.”

“That’s the thing. I want it to happen again. Every time I see you I want a flat surface and to bend you over it.”

Scarlet opened her mouth and closed it again, not sure what process to take.

“I don’t understand. If you don’t get involved with employees why are you doing this? Are you trying to make me uncomfortable so I’ll quit?” She loved

her job, and even though money was tight at the end of the month she couldn’t do without the pay.

“No, I don’t want you to quit.” She breathed a sigh of relief. “I want so much more from you than that.”

“What exactly do you want?”

“One week.”

She frowned and Richard handed over a file. Not sure what else to do, she opened and discovered several pieces of paper with his legible writing and

signature on them.

A contract. She held a contract with her name and his name. She began to read, some of the words confusing her muddled brain.

“I get what I want one way or the other. I want you, Scarlet.”

She understood his words, but his intent was way off. This couldn’t be what she was thinking.

“You want me to agree to give you my body for one week?”

“That’s exactly what I want.”

She began to shake.

“Can I be blunt?” he asked.

At this point she didn’t see the use in sugar-coating anything. “Please do.” She’d rather hear every sordid detail from his lips than on a piece of white paper.

“I don’t do relationships or love. I go after what I want, and to put it bluntly I want you for nothing more than a fuck. You’ve got a child without a father on

the scene. You should understand.”

His words cut deep. Why did people think she wanted to have sexual relations just because the father wasn’t in the picture?

“I’m sorry, but what you’re asking for I can’t agree to.” She flipped the file closed and handed it back to him.

“I don’t think you should do that. I want you to think about it,” he said.

“There’s nothing to think about. I don’t do this sort of thing.”

“I can make your life hard, Scarlet. Every day of your life. I’ve got the power and the contacts to do this.”

“What are you trying to say?” Scarlet gasped out as she gazed down at the contract in her hand. The trembling of her hand shook the paper.

“If you don’t agree to this I’ll make sure you can’t find a job. I’ll guarantee you’ll lose this one and every other you try for,” he said.

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“If you don’t agree to this I’ll make sure you can’t find a job. I’ll guarantee you’ll lose this one and every other you try for,” he said.

“You can’t do that. It’s sexual harassment!”

“Whom do you think a court is going to believe? Me, an upstanding lawyer with friends in high places or you?”

Similar words had been spoken to her four years ago. She was cornered, and she had no way out. Why couldn’t men ask her out like they did every other

woman? Did she have doormat written all over her forehead? Or did they like displaying their caveman freak thing with her?

“What do you want?” she asked. No point in beating around the bush. She didn’t have a choice.

“It’s quite simple. You’re a woman of the world. I want you. I think last night made that clear.”

She wanted him to shut up. To stop saying the awful words. Why did her having a child suddenly make her a woman of the world? He’d laugh in her face

and think she was lying if she admitted she’d only ever had one sexual experience. The statistics had been right. It could only take one time to fall pregnant.

“You can’t do this to me,” she said, placing the sheet back onto the desk. The thing burned her more than any shame. That was what he offered, a contract

of shame. Her shame.

“I want you to come away with me. Be mine for the next week, and in return I’ll pay you a million pounds.”

Blood pounded in her ears.

“You don’t have that much money,” she whispered. Scarlet glanced back to the door wondering when she could make her escape.

“Actually I do. Even without being a successful lawyer, my family are extremely wealthy. We can buy and choose anything our hearts desire,” he said. He

sounded so cocky and arrogant.

“And I’m next on the menu?”

Richard moved from behind his desk and stood in front of her. His grey flecked brown hair and roguish good looks seemed so out of place with the

despicable contract he was serving her. He placed a finger under her chin, and to further her shame her body responded.

The emotions and physical responses he drew from her body baffled her. In the way he was dealing with her, she despised everything he stood for.

“I want you, Scarlet. My blood boils with the need I have for you. I get everything I want. Trust me, the million pounds will set you up for life and

guarantee Harry and his asthma are taken care of.”

She pulled away from his grip. “How dare you bring my son into this?” She paced to the corner of the room, thankful the door was closed and curtains were

drawn giving them privacy.

“I told you. I’m a man who gets what he wants. I find every person’s weakness, and that boy is yours.”

“How can you use my own son against me?” She hated him. Fucking despised him. Harry meant the world to her, no matter how he was conceived. She’d

die for her boy.

“His medical history. You can save his life. His medication is costing a lot of your salary, and then there is the food and rent. I bet you’re only scraping


Cornered, Scarlet watched him pick up that shameful contract and bring it over to her.

“Give me your body for the next week, and you can give Harry the world. I’m not asking for much.”

“You’re asking me to be your whore,” she said. No way would she take the contract.

“No, baby. A whore sells her body and doesn’t get any enjoyment out of it. I intend for us to both enjoy our time together.”

No matter how much he tried to sugar-coat this contract, it didn’t detract from what it was.

“I can’t do this,” she whispered. She was shocked to find herself contemplating his contract of shame.

The shame would be on her. No man would see him for anything other than the bastard he actually was.

“Take it home with you tonight. Read it through, and then tomorrow I want you to sign it.”

The file burned her where she touched it. She nodded and left his office. Scarlet turned her computer off. She didn’t go and say goodbye to him when she

finally left the building.

Once she collected Harry they went home to their apartment. She cooked him dinner and spent the whole night watching him colour or play.

Could she sacrifice this small thing, her body, for his future? With a million pounds she could invest and make sure he was well cared for.

Scarlet tucked him into bed and read through the contract. Some of the words she looked up in the dictionary, while other words weren’t that hard to figure

out. Harry deserved so much more, and for the sake of her son, Scarlet made up her mind.


Richard had watched her leave for the night. For the first time since she started working for them, she hadn’t come and wished him a goodnight. Strange, the

small things he noticed, like the goodbye at the end of the night, and it was only missed when it no longer happened.

He pulled up a copy of the contract he’d made up. From gazing at the wording his gut twisted. He shouldn’t be doing this. Any respectful gentleman should

ask Scarlet out on a date. Shaking his head, despising his decisions, he closed down his computer and left for the night.

No-one but his father would understand his decision. As a young boy his dad had told him how the world worked. How everyone would do as they were

told in front of money.

“Son, all you’ve got to do is find a weakness and exploit it,” his father would say.

Richard made it to one of his penthouse suites and thought about his father’s statement with fresh eyes.

This contract was doing Scarlet a favour. He wasn’t exploiting her. Over and over he thought of the problems she’d face as Harry got older. Every child

deserved a good start in life. He wasn’t going to tell her, but since she’d told him about her son he’d opened up a college fund for the boy and paid a weekly

amount into it. Why he’d done it, he didn’t know.

Running fingers through his hair he grabbed a shot of whisky and walked onto his veranda overlooking the city. The hustle and bustle of the streets didn’t

calm his thoughts like usual.

Scarlet was twenty-two years old, a kind-hearted woman, and he was treating her like shit. He was nearly old enough to be her father, let alone thinking of

her as a lover.

Richard drained the glass and walked back inside. Another night of dreams plagued him. He woke up in the early hours, panting and desperate to feel her

wrapped around him.

No matter how much he tried to deny it, he was beginning to believe his obsession for Scarlet had more to do with love rather than lust.

Stupid thought. He didn’t do love. Growing up in his world, money rather than love was relied upon. Scarlet was a woman who needed something from

him. All he was doing was providing an opportunity. He wasn’t in the wrong.

Why, then, did he feel like scum?

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Chapter Four

Richard waited while she signed the contract. He wanted to stop what he was doing, but the words never left his lips. She carefully folded the piece of paper

and threw it in his face. He caught it easily enough. There was no satisfaction in the moment. Only immense guilt. His father had taught him from a young age to

always go after what he wanted and to not care about anything but what he wanted.

For the next week Scarlet would be his. Her seduction would be a challenge. He would need to show her that her time was worth every penny.

“I’ve settled the care of Harry. He’ll stay with my parents for the week.”

“I’m not leaving my son for a whole week with strangers. I want him with me,” she argued.

“No. I want you to myself. I’ll pick you up tonight.” Richard knew if he spent time with the boy he wouldn’t be able to walk away.

“No. My son’s welfare comes first.”

He cursed and tried to think of an alternative. “You’ve met my friends, Wayne and Lily?”

He was not really interested in getting his close friends involved, but he wanted his time with Scarlet to be undisturbed.


“As you know they’ve got a child of their own, and they wouldn’t mind having him. You can phone him every night and anytime you want.”

Scarlet stared at him, and she nodded her head.

“Don’t you want a copy?” he asked.

The punch in his gut had nothing to do with her look of derision. He held the document in his fingers, and the file felt dirty in his grip.

“I want no reminder of our time together. I hope you come prepared with protection. I want nothing from you.” With her words hanging in the air she

stormed out of his office and finished off her shift.

Richard wanted to burn the offensive contract. Well, he’d made his bed, and he might as well lie in it.


Scarlet made it through the day. She didn’t know how. Work, phone calls and files to be organised. Richard came out and tried to talk with her. She blanked

him. When the week was over she’d have to come back and work here. She didn’t want anyone to treat her any differently or think she’d gained special treatment.

Opal turned up at lunchtime, and she had her company for the next two hours. The young girl always stayed near her when she visited. She asked her

opinion on everything, and even with the situation with Opal’s brother hanging over her head, Scarlet found herself smiling at the young girl’s jokes.

“Hey, aren’t you supposed to be in school?” Richard came out asking his sister.

“It’s Friday. I’ve got half-day today.”

“Well, stop nagging my employees. They don’t want to hear about a school-girl’s day.” He turned to leave after ruffling her hair.

Scarlet stared back at him. “Actually this employee likes listening to Opal. It wasn’t that long ago I was a school-girl myself.”

He froze and turned back to stare at her. She knew she’d said the wrong thing. What was the point of caring? The contract had been signed, and when he

picked her up tonight for the next week she’d be his.

“He’s so bossy sometimes.”

“What’s up, petal?” Scarlet watched the girl freeze up and looked behind her. She recognised the man as being one of Richard’s oldest friends.

“I’m fine, Tony. You?”

“I’m still alive and looking forward to another day. Is the grumpy dwarf in?” he asked the young girl.

“Why do you call him a dwarf?” Scarlet found herself asking.

“A long-standing joke. Richard was a late bloomer. Tiny as a mouse through high school. Only during college did he sprout up. Well, who is this delightful

woman?” Tony took her hand and kissed her knuckles.

No spark. She felt nothing compared to the way Richard made her feel.

“Don’t go hogging my employees.”

Scarlet watched the two men embrace and leave to go into his office.

“He’s so lovely.” Opal sighed.

“Tony is a lot older than you,” Scarlet said.

“He’s like my school-girl crush. You know how loads of other girls fall in love with movie stars, but eventually grow out of it? Well, Tony is mine.”

“You managed to say all that without taking a breath,” Scarlet said with a laugh.

“What can I say? I’m young and in love.”

Scarlet smiled and enjoyed Opal’s company until her driver picked her up and took her home.

Before long the end of the day came and went. Scarlet didn’t bother to wish Richard a good night. He’d made it clear he would pick her up later that night

once Harry was picked up from day-care and she’d talked to him about staying with friends.

Harry was tired and having a coughing fit when she collected him from the day-care centre.

She phoned John Barnes, Harry’s doctor, to make sure her son would be fine.

“Administer the inhaler, and if he doesn’t settle in the next thirty minutes bring him in.”

Scarlet did what the doctor requested and breathed a sigh of relief when after ten minutes Harry settled down. She didn’t see the need to take him to the

hospital, and so she talked to him about spending some time with friends. Packing up their belongings for a week didn’t take long, and by the time Richard knocked

on her door at seven, she and Harry were waiting.

“Are you ready?” he asked.

She nodded and gathered up Harry and his car seat.

“Don’t worry about the car seat. I’ve got one installed.”

Scarlet stopped and stared at him. Why would he go to so much trouble for a boy he wanted nothing to do with? Shrugging her shoulders she accepted his

help into the car.

Harry sat between them. Richard continued to shock her when he reached out and began playing a game with her son.

She watched amazed at the transformation in the man who’d hurt her with a contract.

“Where do your friends live?”

“Just on the outskirts of the city in the country.” She held her son’s hand and waited. The journey didn’t last long, and Lily was opening the door to a

beautiful country-style house.

“This must be the little guy? Hiya, I’m Lily. How are you doing, Scarlet? It’s been so long since I’ve seen you.” Scarlet shook the other woman’s hand and

followed her inside. “The men will talk for a little bit. Let’s go, and have some tea and biscuits.”

Scarlet liked this woman already. With Harry on her hip she followed Lily through to the kitchen. The house was modest and not anything like Scarlet had

imagined Richard’s friends to own.

“So you work for Richard? I mean officially now?” asked Lily.

“Yes. I’ve been his secretary I think for one year now, but before then I just helped whoever needed an extra pair of hands,” Scarlet said. Harry went up on

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“Yes. I’ve been his secretary I think for one year now, but before then I just helped whoever needed an extra pair of hands,” Scarlet said. Harry went up on

one of the chairs near the counter.

“You’re very talkative.”

Scarlet glanced at her baby and then at the woman. She was doing the right thing.


“What did you do?” Wayne asked the moment the door closed.

“I don’t know what you mean?”

“Don’t give me that shit. I’ve seen you looking at that girl in there. All the time you can’t tear your gaze away from her. Why are you suddenly needing a


He could never keep stuff from his closest friends for long.

“She’s agreed to be mine—”

“What did you do?” Wayne asked.

“I went after what I wanted.”

“Do you have any idea who you sound like right now? You sound like your father. You remember him? The guy you despise more than anything in this

world?” Every word Wayne said spoke volumes.

“Look, I’m not like you. I can’t do the whole commitment shit. Lily is a great girl, but she’s one in a billion. Scarlet is a woman of this world. She

understands.” Since the contract had been signed, all Richard had been doing was doubting himself. The damned thing had only been dealt with a few hours ago,

and it was already the bane of his existence. The contract was supposed to initiate a relationship with Scarlet, not dominate the whole thing.

“Lily is the woman for me. Why don’t you think there’s a woman out there for you? Your parents? Come on, Richard. Explain to me why blackmailing a

woman into this relationship is any different from what I did to Lily? You opposed that, remember?” Wayne said.

“This is completely different.”

“Really. What does she get out of it?”

“For one week of her life I’ll pay her a million pounds, okay? Are you satisfied now?” Richard yelled. He checked the door to make sure none of the

women heard him.

Wayne looked like he was about to pitch a fit.

“You made her sign a contract, didn’t you?”

Richard swirled the whisky in his glass and stared at the floor.

“No. You don’t get to judge me for what I did to get Lily and then do the exact same thing.” Wayne charged up to him.

“It’s not the same thing,” Richard said again.

“Yeah? Why is it different?”

“Because you loved Lily. You wanted more from her than a quick tumble in the sheets. Scarlet and I have an agreement that satisfies both of us.”

“How many times have you chanted that same line since she signed it?”

Richard refused to answer the question. The truth was a little shocking, even to him.

“You’re going to regret doing this to her, Richard. Do you think we haven’t seen how you are around that girl? You practically glow, and you constantly

search for a glimpse of her.”

“I think you’ve been reading way too many romance novels,” Richard said. Did Wayne do that?

“When you’ve broken this woman, it’ll be up to me and Tony to pick up the pieces. I hope you know what the fuck you’re doing,” Wayne said.

Both men turned guiltily toward the door. Lily breezed in, her dark hair swirling round her face. Scarlet followed, the blond strands still restrained in a pony


“Harry has settled nicely, and I think I’ve bored poor Scarlet to tears.” Lily wrapped her arms around her husband and kissed him on the lips.


Richard turned to stare at Scarlet. She stood staring at some of Wayne’s books in the corner of his study.

She looked tense and scared, and he didn’t like to think of her feeling like that in his company.

Richard shut himself off from the doubt rolling round his mind. His father’s words always rang true. All he needed to do was fuck Scarlet out of his system,

and he could move on with his life.

“I guess we’d better get going,” he said. She stiffened more but nodded her head.

A quick goodnight to his friends and they were being driven to his penthouse suite not far from his work place. Scarlet stayed as far away from him as


“Why did your parents name you Scarlet?” he asked. He wanted to spend more time with her in the bedroom, but he also found he wanted to get to know

the woman who’d captured his attention for the past year or so. Was it really a year? Or could it have been more since she’d turned up at his office looking for


“I don’t know.”

“Did you ever ask?”

“I never saw the need in asking. Scarlet is my name, and the one I’ve kept for the past twenty-two years.” She still kept staring out of the window.

Did she mention her age as a way to throw it back at him? I know about our age difference, damn it. I don’t need reminding of it.

“What do you want to do in life?”

“Is there a purpose of all the questions?” she asked, finally giving him her attention.

“I just want to know more about you,” he said.

“Really? You want to know more about me?”

He nodded.

“Why? I thought men who wanted to know more about a woman would ask her out on a date, not proposition her with a contract so shameful I can’t

believe I even signed it. Like you said, Richard, you only want one thing from me, and it’s not chit-chat.”

“I’ve got a family who are a complete nightmare. The only decent one of the bunch of us is Opal. She doesn’t know it yet, but she’s already been bound in a

contract of marriage with someone by the name of Charles Clarke.” He opened up.

“Why would they do that behind Opal’s back?” she asked.

“Because it’s what our family do. I like the colour green; don’t know why, I just do. I prefer to drink coffee with full-fat milk, even though it’s against the

super skinny theory of today. I love my women to have an opinion and not be skin and bones.”

Scarlet sat back. He wondered if she’d open up as well. The other stuff most people knew, apart from the marriage contract between his sister and a jerk and

that he loved bigger, fuller women.

“You sound like you should be making requests on a dating site.”

“We’re here, sir,” his driver called as the car slowed down.

Richard escorted her inside and made sure none of the vultures from his world would swoop down and ruin her. Innocence and niceness were qualities that

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Richard escorted her inside and made sure none of the vultures from his world would swoop down and ruin her. Innocence and niceness were qualities that

never lasted in high society. He made sure the boutique was scheduled for tomorrow. Richard wanted to take her shopping and enjoy the next week with her.

The receptionist handed him his key card with a smile.

At the elevator he took her up to his real home. Well, what he considered to be his real home even if it was a penthouse suite.

Richard let her in and waited for her to make the appreciative noises most women would at the lap of luxury presented to them. She made no response.

Nothing held her interest. She simply turned to him and waited.

“What do you think?” he asked.

“Of what?”

“My place.”

She looked around and smiled at the works of art and the odd photo he had lying around.

“You really love your friends,” she said over one taken in college.

“We became like a family to each other. The brothers we never had,” he said. “Wayne was always so serious while Tony played at being the rebel and tried

to get all the parents to hate him.”

“What were you?”

“I.” He paused. How should he answer that question? “I stayed out of the way and tried to make my father happy,” he said honestly.

“Is that why you became a lawyer? To be honest?” Richard heard the bitter undertone to her voice.

“Look, I know you’re here through—”

“I’m here through a contract you made me sign. I’m here because I can sacrifice my body for the health and well-being of my son. I’m not here of my own

free will.”

Richard stepped closer, and she took a step back. He followed her until her movements stopped with the wall behind her.

“You may be here because you feel I pushed you into this. I probably have, but can you deny this attraction between us? Can you feel your pussy creaming

and the need to feel me driving my dick between those creamy thighs inside your cunt? Can you deny that?”

Her eyes dilated, and her breaths came in little pants.

“You’re being disgusting.”

“No. I’m telling how much I want you. I burn inside for you.” He cupped her cheek and tilted her head back.

“I’m not a thing, Richard.”

“I know. You’re so much better.” He claimed her lips and went straight to heaven. For the next week at least she’d be all his, and he didn’t want to waste

any second arguing with her. He broke from the kiss. “See, you respond to me, and I want you so damn badly.” Richard teased her mouth open and swooped in,

his tongue tasting hers. The earth stopped. Her arms wrapped round him. His leg inserted between her thighs, and he pressed up as far as her pencil slim skirt would

allow. He wanted the heat of her cunt on his leg. He wanted to feel her cum leaking out.

He growled and tore the jacket from her body. Her breasts heaved over the edge of her blouse. Those luscious mounds begged for his touch. Richard, fired

by the lust shooting through his body, pulled her hair out of the band constraining it. Tonight, he’d get to find out if she was a real blond. Unless she shaved it. His

knees went weak. Everything he wanted was in touching distance. For the past year he’d been left wanting, and in a few minutes he could have it all. Scarlet, naked

and open, begging for him to fuck her.

Her silky strands cascaded around his fist, and he tightened his hold producing a gasp from her.

The sounds she made were going straight to his groin. He had to have her.

“Stop,” she moaned even as her fingers pulled his head back for more. Her soft lips were undoing him. His fingers fumbled with the zipper of his trousers.

Cursing the person who invented clothes, Richard suddenly felt like a horny teenager with no experience.

“Please, wait,” she gasped out.

He stopped what he was doing with a hand against the wall. “Please tell me you haven’t changed your mind?” he asked. The contract had only been his

means of getting her to this point, not in keeping her.

“This is going too fast. I need time. I have to wash, and – please, if you care about me a little, you’d give me time to—”

Richard pressed his finger to her lips. “Don’t say anything. I want you to be happy while you’re here.” He meant the words.

A deep breath later he took one of her hands and led her through to the bedroom. “I want you to be comfortable, and so this is your room. I don’t want you

to feel obliged to sleep with me.”

“You want me to have sex with you but not sleep in the same bed?”

His heart constricted at her words. Why did he want her to feel more for him? Maybe Wayne was right; maybe he did feel more for Scarlet. No, he refused

to believe it. The men in his family didn’t love anyone. Richard would never force a woman into a full-time relationship with him knowing how he couldn’t love


“Sleeping holds a certain intimacy you might not be agreeable to,” he said.

“But sex doesn’t? Because last time I read sex between two people was supposed to be the ultimate intimacy.”

“Is that what you found with Harry’s dad?” he asked.

She paused, and he watched the tears form in her eyes. “That’s none of your business. If you want this to work, you don’t mention Harry’s father.”

“Every kid deserves a dad,” Richard said. Not that he was any expert.

“You had a father growing up?”

Richard nodded.

“Look where it got you. Forcing women to sign a contract to get them in your bed. If a father is the kind of man who raises a son like that Harry is better off

without one.” The passion and fire of moments ago had been lost. Richard cursed as he saw a tear fall from her eye.

“I’m sorry. I can be such an asshole at times. You’re right. I don’t know your circumstances, and I swear I won’t ever challenge your judgement again.” She

jumped when he placed his hands on her shoulders. “The bathroom is right through there.”

He watched her go, her ass still grasping his attention. The door clicked shut, and he looked in the mirror and stared at his reflection. “You’re going to screw

this up.” Shrugging his shoulder he grabbed the box off the kitchen counter and took the red negligee he’d bought several months ago and splayed it on her bed.

Richard couldn’t tell anyone about the trinkets in his safe. Ever since Scarlet had turned up in his office looking for a job the obsession had begun.

Necklaces he’d walked past displayed in designer windows or the odd present from a store. When she’d left her jacket one evening, he’d collected the size and

begun buying items of clothing he thought Scarlet would look good in. The negligee had been an impulse decision. The silk fabric would feel great against her skin.

He left it on the bed and walked through the suite to his office where he kept the large safe behind a picture.

In a small box lay a diamond engagement ring. He didn’t know why he’d bought it, but for some reason he couldn’t explain he went into the jeweller’s that

day. Richard picked the box up and opened it to stare at the small diamond-encrusted dolphin. He’d noticed the picture frames and the odd necklace she wore with

the print of a dolphin. Still, he couldn’t believe he’d brought this. Especially when he didn’t intend to use it.

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He flipped it closed and placed the box back in the safe.

Whisky, he needed a really strong whisky.

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Chapter Five

Scarlet lay back against the door and breathed a sigh of relief. Her heart pounded in her chest, and her cheeks were on fire. She went straight for the mirror

above the sink. The woman staring back at her, she didn’t recognise. Her lips were partly open, and her hair was falling around her shoulders. This was a woman

on the brink of womanhood about to partake in her true sexual experience. How ironic that the mother with a child considered tonight the night she’d lose her

virginity forever.

She ran a bath and poured in some lavender bubble-bath. Through her search she found some scented candles and dotted them about the room.

Very rarely did she get the treat of a long hot bath, and for tonight she’d treat herself. Her clothes were removed quickly. The fabric was itchy against her

skin. She glanced in the mirror and wondered what Richard saw in her.

Her breasts were big and the nipples large with a dark red colour tone to them. Her shape narrowed at the waist but expanded out, revealing large hips. On

some of the celebrities where they could put their hands on their hips and practically be touching fingers, there was a wide gap for hers. The round belly gave proof

to her once pregnant state including a few faded stretch marks.

There was no use in her fighting what nature had given her. She couldn’t count on her fingers how many diets she’s been on. The weight, regardless of

what she did, would stay on.

Instead of crying over her body she turned to the dream of the bath lying in wait for her to enjoy.

Scarlet took a long bath, luxuriating in the bubbles and scented candles. She knew what was expected of her when she went outside. Part of her hated the

idea of what she was doing, while another part couldn’t wait to be with him. Richard had forced her to sign a contract, so he owned her body for the next week.

She took the soap and lathered her body. Relaxing baths had been few and far between the last few years with Harry. She relished it like a child would a

new favoured toy.

Her hair she washed thoroughly and rinsed of soap. Only when her hands started to resemble dried prunes did she think about getting out.

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Gazing down at the bath as she stood and moved away she wondered if it would be wrong to kiss it. As a single mother she rarely had the luxury of a nice

long soak in the bath. She shook her head. This was all for Harry, and she needed to keep reminding herself why she was here in the first place. Richard might

desire her body, but Harry needed the medical care and attention. Maybe for the next couple of years she’d be able to be the attentive mother. Between work and

school she barely had two minutes to spare, let alone spend quality time with her son.

With a towel wrapped around her body she walked the short distance to her bedroom. The size of the room didn’t fail to shock her. A small negligee lay on

the bed with a simple note. Wear me.

Richard must have left it when she’d been washing. The fabric was soft beneath her fingers, and she knew it would feel like a treat to wear. She thoroughly

dried her body and made sure the fabric wouldn’t cling or be uncomfortable because of her rush to get it on.

Scarlet pushed it over her head and eased her arms through the thin straps. It fell to mid thigh. A mirror stood in the corner of the bedroom, and she went to

check how she looked. The red satin highlighted her large boobs and thick hips. Before she left, she brushed her hair and checked to see if he’d left any panties to

go with the negligee. Nothing.

Taking a deep breath, she opened the door and went in search of the man who owned her.

Richard stood in the sitting room. He sipped out of a whisky glass and was looking over a file as she walked in.

The glass and the file were placed on the table, seemingly forgotten.

“Fuck me,” he whispered.

Scarlet blushed and went to cover her chest. She searched for anything she could get her hands on.

In seconds he was there moving her hands away. “Never cover yourself. You look good enough to eat.”

She licked her lips and looked down at her body. “This isn’t me,” she said.

“You’re right. You’d look far better naked.”

Scarlet sucked in her lips and stared past his shoulder. The thoughts running riot through her mind filled her with insecurities.

“What’s the matter? What are you thinking?” he asked. A finger went beneath her chin and turned her face to look at him.

“You could have any number of women. Thin, gorgeous women. Why did you pick me?” So many women in her situation would think and ask the same

thing. She couldn’t deny her attraction to him. It was one of those bizarre occurrences that happened in life. The man had blackmailed her with a contract and forced

her to give up her body for a week. She didn’t even know if she could do it. Give him the one thing she’d never given any other man, give him her body for him to

use as he saw fit, willingly.

There was her other shame. Harry hadn’t been conceived with two willing partners, and that detail she’d take with her to her grave.

“Such dark thoughts. Why could someone as lovely as you be so terrified?”

Richard seemed to read her thoughts, to expose her insecurities and understand her. Yet his mistreatment made her wonder if he felt the hurt and underlying

pain of knowing he’d taken advantage of her.

He saw her as a willing female, here for the sake of her son. When would a man ask her to be with him, just because he wanted to be with her?

“You would never understand,” she said. “You didn’t answer my question.”

“Why did I want you?”

She nodded her head.

“Because I do.” Such a simple answer.

“You used your money and power over me to get me to do what you want,” she said.

“No matter how I got you, you’re still here, and I wouldn’t be anywhere else.” His words baffled her, and he silenced her with a kiss. She melted under his

touch. His hands cupped her face and tilted her head back to give him better access. Scarlet moaned and wound her hands behind his neck. The shirt he wore

created a rough touch against her pointed nipples.

As a hand moved back to grasp her neck, she gasped and opened her mouth. He plunged in, touching her tongue with his.

He tasted of warm whisky and masculinity. Richard swamped her in size and shape. She didn’t know who broke the kiss first. He moved down her face to

her neck, nibbling along her exposed collarbone. Her eyes shut, and she moaned as he bit down. Her neck and ears were ultra sensitive.

Her nipples pointed out against the negligee. She took a breath as he eased a strap down off one of her shoulders.

“Open your eyes,” he said.

Scarlet opened her eyes and stared into his smoky depths. He didn’t look at what he was doing but continued to gaze into her eyes. The strap went down her

arm slowly, and then he removed the other until the negligee pooled at her waist. Her breasts were exposed to the cool air. Still he didn’t look. His hand cupped

one. Scarlet broke their gazes and stared down at where he touched her. His thumb stoked along the tip of one sensitive but firm and erect bud.

“They’re so big and full,” he said. Seconds later he buried his head against her chest. His tongue glided over the tip he had aroused with his fingers.

Scarlet was shocked as she stared down at her boss’s head and became even more aroused at seeing him tongue her.


She had fucking gorgeous tits, and he wanted to suck on them all night long. The large, red nipples filled his mouth. She truly was a full woman. The indent

at her waist looked so tiny against the full, rounded hips. The red highlighted her figure perfectly, and he applauded his taste in clothes.

Never before had he picked out clothes for a woman, but with Scarlet he wanted to go that extra mile. He didn’t want faceless people dressing his woman.

Richard wanted to see her in clothes he knew she’d look stunning in. Her complexion and figure really worked in the deep red.

When she walked out of the bedroom, his cock had sprung to full attention. Even now the tip was soaked in his pre-cum, his trousers unbearably tight. He

wanted his clothes off and Scarlet on the floor with her legs wide open, so he could fuck her sweet cunt.

Richard couldn’t do it. He wanted the first time to be exquisite torture and to last as long as possible, to draw out the pleasure until they were both begging

for release.

She stood before him waiting for his next command. Didn’t she know what to do? He didn’t care. He didn’t want to think about her other partners.

The thought of her other lovers had him fisting a hand in her hair and slamming his lips down on hers. He would wipe out any and all memories of her other

men. The only person who counted was him.

By the end of this week he’d have her begging him to keep her.

Keep her? Richard paused in his seduction and stared at her closed eyes. The thought of keeping her shocked him.

He didn’t want a woman, ever. He’d been hurt by women in the past so many times that he wouldn’t be able to bear going through it again. She had a son,

and one day Harry would want to meet his real father.

Shit. He closed off all the questions and thoughts. Tonight wouldn’t be spoilt by thoughts of the potential future.

Their time together was about the fucking, about taking everything he wanted out of her body. A week. A week should be enough to satisfy this craving he

had for her.

In a quick movement he removed her negligee, and she stood before him like a goddess. He wondered if she would be adverse to him having an artist paint

her like this. Her lips were swollen and red from his dominant kisses, and her tits rose and fell with every indrawn breath. Her eyes were glazed and dilated from

desire. She looked like a woman on the verge of climax about to be fucked.

Careful not to lose her need, Richard removed his clothing. Her gaze followed his movements. The buttons on his shirt were a pain, but he drew it out and

unbuttoned every button. She bit her lip, and the red tinge to her cheeks deepened as he unbuckled his belt. Did his little siren have a thing about belts? He pulled it

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unbuttoned every button. She bit her lip, and the red tinge to her cheeks deepened as he unbuckled his belt. Did his little siren have a thing about belts? He pulled it

out of his trousers and threw it to the floor. He’d removed his socks and shoes earlier when they’d entered their room. His pants went down along with his black

boxer shorts.

He came up, and he saw her eyes widen when she stared at his cock. He had never been one for competition. He didn’t know if he was bigger or smaller

than other men. He was not one to compare sizes. He fisted it in his hand. The tip wet with his juice, he spread the juice up around the head and down the sides.

The vein stood out blue at the side.

“Do you want me?” he asked.

She shook her head in denial, and her hands covered her gorgeous chest. He wondered if she’d be adverse to him coming over those glorious peaks.

Richard had never felt this possessive over a woman. To want to see his seed all over her body like a mark.

Richard got close and brought her nakedness against his. Her nipples thrust against his chest. The sensation had him catching his breath. Scarlet was soft and

curvy and melded so perfectly next to him. He kissed her again. Her lips were so addictive. He thought about nothing other than kissing and fucking her.

“I don’t want to take you on the floor for our first time. I want the soft surface of our bed.” Richard took her hand and led her back through the doors. He’d

purposefully given her a separate room to feel safe when all he wanted was for her to share his bed.

Scarlet looked like she wanted to follow him anywhere in one minute and in the next scarper. He took her lips to make her forget her fears and to realise it

was only him with her. His hand ran down the dip in her back to squeeze the plump flesh of her ass. Breaking away from her lips he bent down to nibble her neck,

going further to circle each nipple. With his hands on her hips he got her to sit on the edge of the bed. He followed her down and was pleased to learn from the

dusting of her curls lay at the apex of her thighs that she was a natural blonde.

“What are you doing?” she asked.

She was like a virgin in her responses.

“I’m going to make you feel so good. Trust me,” he said.

He waited until she eased back on the bed. Her pussy was wet and gorgeous. Resting a foot on each of his thighs as he knelt in front of her, Richard

touched her cunt. The fine, blond pubic hairs did not disturb his view of her red, swollen clit.

Richard wanted to taste her dripping essence and bring her so much pleasure that she’d be begging for him to fuck her.

She jumped when his tongue eased along the line of her slit, the juice erupting on his tongue. She tasted of warm cinnamon and honey. Never before had he

thought of a woman’s cum as flavour. From the small taste of her sweetness he was hooked.

Her tiny clit peeked out of its hood, and he teased it, licking and sucking her until she lay writhing underneath his hands. His fingers gathered up her juice

and ran the tips round the entrance of her cunt. He pushed on finger inside her and moaned. She was so fucking tight. She hugged his finger. Her pelvis arched up,

and a moan escaped out of her. Richard stopped and nudged her further up the bed. He wanted to be inside her when she came. To have her tight pussy squeezing

all of him.

At the last minute he remembered to grab a condom out of the drawer. He didn’t want to use the damn thing. For the first time and every time he wanted to

be bareback and have her naked against him. Who cared about pregnancy? In these moments he sure didn’t, but it had been her one condition; and he respected her

enough to use one.

He tore open the wrapper and after a few attempts got the rubber on his shaft. He went over her and stared down into her pretty eyes. All day he could

happily drown in them.

Grasping his cock he found her entrance and plunged all the way inside. Richard moaned while she gasped in pain. He sat up with half of his dick inside

her. It was the tightest pussy he’d even been in.

“What’s the matter?” he asked.

“You’re a little big,” she said, the pain clearly etched on her face.

“You’re not used to this.”

She shook her head in confirmation.

“How long has it been?”

She bit her lip and turned away. Should he be ashamed his cock was still rock hard within her?

“Look at me, baby.” He turned her head so he could look at her. “Trust me. I need to know.”

“Since before Harry was born,” she said in a whisper.

“That’s over four years ago.” No way. This couldn’t be happening.

“I know.”

Something wasn’t right in all this. The gentleman part of him told him to get off and leave the sordid contract and forget everything.

However, heaven lay in his arms, and he couldn’t give that up so easily. For the past year he’d wanted nothing more than to be with her, to hold her and

taste her. Richard knew he could make it good for her.

Instead of pulling out and leaving her alone he leaned down and kissed her on the shoulder, then the neck and all the way up to her lips.

“Thank you,” he whispered and made love to her.

No fucking was necessary. He wanted the slow seduction. To have Scarlet thinking of nothing else but him. He was a selfish bastard, but it’s what he

desired most in life. The pain soon changed to pleasure. Her body moved of its own accord underneath him. He took everything she had to offer and gave her more.

His shaft not fully inside her, he teased her clit with his fingers, awakening her lust for him once more. Their lips never ceased kissing, and when she began

to quiver with her impending orgasm he drove his hips forward and thrust all of his cock inside her sweet, tight pussy.

They both moaned but didn’t disconnect from the torture of their kiss. It was the best kind of intimacy he’d ever known. Her nails ran down his back,

scoring the skin. Slowly, he took her deeper with each plunge inside her body. The beautiful curve of her belly pressed against his pubic bone, and he found himself

getting harder still. Scarlet was a full and glorious woman. His hands moved to her waist and settled on her hips, driving his cock inside her.

Richard panted as he felt his balls draw up and his semen ready to shoot. He wanted to feel her second orgasm before he hurtled over the edge.

He lifted up and placed a pillow under her hips creating a delicious angle. Her pussy and clit were on display. He licked a finger and pressed it against her

clit. Her cum already supplied enough lubrication, but with Scarlet he wanted to be careful.

In seconds her climax was screaming out of her.

“Fucking hell,” he said when her cunt got tighter with the spasms of her release. He found the headboard, held on, and fucked her hard and fast. Their cries

mingled, and as her release began to ebb away his built until he fucked inside her one final time and cried out. His muscles bulged when his hands tightened on the


Never before had he had a release that left him light-headed. The pleasure was immense almost to the point of unbearable. He felt like he’d died and gone

straight to heaven. Richard collapsed on top of her, and his face went to the curve of her neck. He inhaled her delicious fragrance and knew he’d finally come


“That was amazing,” he said when he lifted up.

Scarlet had fallen asleep. Richard stayed gazing down at her, his heart beating in his chest. Her eyes were closed, and her lips swollen from his kisses.

“What should I do with you? What if Wayne is right? It would explain all the gifts. I think if I wasn’t such a heartless bastard, I could quite easily fall in love

with you, Scarlet Hughes.” He laid a kiss against her lips and pulled out of her body. The condom was filled with his semen.

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with you, Scarlet Hughes.” He laid a kiss against her lips and pulled out of her body. The condom was filled with his semen.

He’d hoped the condom would split and, he’d have a bigger connection binding them together. He shook his head at the stupid avenue his head was going

down. Men didn’t go out to force babies onto women to stay with them. Women, blackmailing women, did that. He dispensed with the condom and went back to

bed. She’d already fallen asleep, so he wouldn’t have to deal with her getting up and leaving to go back to her own bed. For once he wanted her in his arms. The

other nights he knew he’d be yearning for her.

He got inside and moulded his body around her. In no time at all she rolled over and snuggled against him. Her heat and warmth were welcome inside his

cold heart.

At some point throughout the night he woke, needing her again. He rose above her, and kissing her awake he drove inside and sated himself. Loving her

body was becoming another addiction to him. As he fell asleep the second time, he thought about the wetness on his cock. Strange, considering he’d been wearing

a condom.

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Chapter Six

Scarlet woke the following morning, surprised to see Richard still in bed with her. Her body was sore all over from his endless loving, and she pulled out of

his arms. There was a point throughout the night where he’d lain above her, driving into her body and staring into her eyes, she’d lost herself.

The contract was all but forgotten as he made love to her. The fucking she could handle, the impersonal use of her body – but the loving. She tried to force

all of her emotions out of the equation.

She did her morning routine and ran herself a second bath. She chuckled when she thought this was her first time. The first time she’d been with a man and

found pleasure in the union. Richard had given her lots of orgasms the night before. How would he react if she told him he’d given her the first one?

Would he turn from her in shame, or be macho and play it up for all its worth?

“Hey, you.”

Scarlet turned and yelped. Richard stood naked in the doorway staring at her.

“Get out,” she shrieked and searched for something to hide her naked body. Being naked in front of him at night was completely different from during the

day. “You can’t see me like this.”

“Naked? Baby, I spent the better part of last night against this hot body.” He pulled her hands away and kissed her on the head. “Not to mention inside

you.” Richard picked her up causing her to cry out. She noticed he stared down at her pussy.

“What’s the matter?” she asked.

“N-nothing,” he said.

“What do you mean? You keep staring at it.”

“You’ve got a pretty one is all.” Before she could look down at what he’d been staring at he placed her in the warm bath and got in behind her.

“Hey, this was supposed to be for me,” she said.

“So what? Consider it an act of saving the environment,” he said.

“Please. You don’t care about the environment.”

“Yes, I do. I want to take care of this planet. At least to guarantee there’ll still be a place for when my kids grow old.”

He soaped her body, and Scarlet felt him pay particular attention to her pussy. She frowned as he washed his hands and began to massage his fingers inside


“Seriously, you want to do this now?” she asked.

“Of course not.” He pulled out and handed her the soap. “Your turn to wash me.”

“So you’re thinking of having kids?”

“It’s the expected thing to do,” he said.

“You don’t want them because you love someone?” she asked.

He scoffed. “Love can be overrated.”

Scarlet couldn’t argue with his theory. Look where the idea of love had gotten her. “Some people believe in it.”

“But you don’t, Scarlet.” Richard made it more of a statement than a question.

“I used to,” she said honestly. “I used to think one day a man would come and sweep me off my feet, and everything would be brilliant in the world. I’d

have a couple of kids and be the wife who stayed at home baking bread and cookies.”

“What changed that ideal?”

“What some young girls and kids don’t realise is that life sucks. Not all of us are destined for a fairy tale.”

Scarlet soaped his body, and they finished their bath in quiet. No words needed to be spoken.

He helped her out of the bath, and she was shocked by how easy it felt to be with him. Together they walked hand in hand to the bedroom.

“I brought the phone so you could phone Harry. I’m going to go and make both of us some breakfast.”

Her heart melted. He’d thought of her son. Did this mean anything more? She didn’t know but dialled the number he’d left on the bed into the mobile.

Lily picked up first.


Richard pulled out a saucepan and placed it on top of the hob. From the fridge he gathered some butter, eggs and bacon. He thought about what she’d said

in the bathroom. Every woman deserved a fairy tale. At least every young girl needed to know there was good in the world. He put the coffee machine on, broke

the eggs into a bowl and began to beat them up with a fork. The bacon he placed into the sizzling hot pan while some butter melted in the non-stick pan. A bit of

salt and pepper added, and he beat them again before adding them to the butter.

He didn’t want to think about what he’d seen on her thighs and leaking out of her body. Through the night he’d forgotten to put a condom on. He knew

cleaning her the way he had wouldn’t guarantee anything. Shit, I should have remembered the fucking condom. His seed had been everywhere.

Scarlet came out and handed him the phone. Richard listened to Lily’s excited chatter while he finished up breakfast and thought about the woman next to

him. Something big and dark had happened in her past, big enough to make her afraid to open up and live her life. He was pleased to find Lily liked her. Lily kept

going on and on about double dating and getting to know each other.

“You know, Richard, it’s nice to see you with a real woman and not one of the horrible stick-thin people you seemed to like so much.”

He chuckled. “I’m pleased you find my tastes have improved.”

“Very much so. And let me tell you her son is so adorable, but he’s got a nasty cough about him. Poor guy.”

“I hope I can deal with all of that,” he said.

“Excellent. Ohh, I’m so excited. So this double date?”

“Goodbye, Lily. Say hi to Wayne.”

“Okay, have fun for now.” They hung up, and he served breakfast to Scarlet.

Scarlet inhaled appreciatively. “I didn’t know you could cook.”

“One of the many perks of being me. I don’t like going to restaurants all that much. Besides, I’m usually expected to have a date, and sometimes I just want

a quiet meal.”

Richard enjoyed seeing her appreciation. The eggs he’d made sure were fluffy, and the bacon crisp but not burnt.

“This is really good.” She nodded her head and took a sip of her coffee.

“Do you cook?” he found himself asking.

“I’ve got a son. Yes, I do, and I enjoy it, too.”

“I’d like you to cook me something sometime.” To have a romantic meal cooked for him was part of his fantasies. Bloody hell, I am turning into a woman.

Next I’ll have love songs playing on the stereo.

“If you want,” she said.

They finished their breakfast off, and Richard went and gathered a newspaper from the reception area. The place was similar to a hotel, but most of the

clients purchased rooms for longer periods; and it had a small shopping area on the main floor.

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clients purchased rooms for longer periods; and it had a small shopping area on the main floor.

Around the store he picked up some chocolate and snacks. He’d brought a movie for them both to watch. A week was all he had of her attention, and he

intended to use it how he saw fit. Spending the entire week screwing might sound like fun, but he wanted more than her naked for memories when she went on her


He passed a stand with notebooks. The object that took his attention wasn’t just the notebook but the entire collection. A small blue dolphin design was

decorated on the cover, and there was a paperweight with a group of dolphins surrounded by the ocean, each design more beautiful than the next. The cost was

irrelevant, and he couldn’t resist. He picked up each one. When he got to the till and the prices were rung up he didn’t bat an eyelid. Money never concerned him.

On his way up he deposited his purchases in his safe and went to search for the woman whom he hungered for more than food.

Richard found her on the veranda overlooking the city below. “Of all the places you could live, why do you live above the city where you work?” she

asked even before he made his presence known.

He moved to her side and wrapped his arms around her waist. “I live near my offices, and it’s easier to get to work.”

“But at the weekends you could be anywhere in the world. Why here?”

“Maybe I like seeing where I am?”

“What? Sort of master of your city theory? You look over all of your subjects going about their daily lives?” she said with a laugh.

“No, not really. Being in the country would just make me realise who I truly am,” he said. Every second he spent in this woman’s company the more he

opened up and began to realise how cut off he’d become.

“And what would you realise?”

“That no matter how much money I spent I’m already lonely.” She stroked his hands where they lay on her body.

“You can fix that,” she said.

“I know, but I don’t want to.” He didn’t want to get into the horrible situation with his parents. Where Wayne’s were away, drunk on some distant island,

and Tony’s accepted everything he did, Richard’s expected to be updated on any potential Mrs. Shaw. They’d tear Scarlet apart. His father would say the woman

was mistress material. And coming from his father that was a compliment. Last time he checked, his dad treated his mistresses and any children from those unions

better than he treated his own wife and son.

A wife is the face of your life you put as a front to the world. The mistress is the true woman you want to be with but can’t ever really be with in the public


He wanted Scarlet, and because of his desire for her, not love, he would never subject her to the maliciousness of his society. She deserved much better from


“I bought us a movie to watch.”

“Not some action movie I hope.” She chuckled.

“No. A love story. I think you’ll like it.” He led her back through to his sitting room and placed her on the sofa. Richard filled pots with snacks and put the

television on. The movie started, and he coaxed her to lean up against him.

He sighed, so happy to have her close to him. Never had he watched a movie with a woman who enjoyed snacks and the relaxation. Usually they wanted to

go and shop and spend money.

Her hand reached out and took some of the cheesy snacks he’d brought. The story was a sweet one, a tender romantic love that built over time. The love

wasn’t instant, and the guy a complete jerk but gradually he came to realise he always loved the heroine. Part way through Richard intertwined his fingers with

Scarlet’s and placed a hand on her waist. When the sex scene occurred between the lovers on screen he tensed up. Scarlet stayed the same, but her breathing came

out in small pants and a slight moan escaped her lips. Richard stared down and saw her looking at him.

He didn’t know what to do. First, he didn’t want to spoil their time together watching the movie, and second he didn’t want her thinking all he wanted was


Instead of making a decision he waited for her to make the first move. The movie was forgotten as they gazed into each others’ eyes. He wondered if she

could see into his heart. Detect any of his emotions he felt for her. She still wore the dressing gown whereas he wore clothes.

“What do you want?” she asked.

“Nothing you’re not prepared to give,” he said straight away.

She stared back at the screen; another scene had started. The sex was already done and finished. He’d be happy either way. Whether she decided to

continue watching the film or change and make love, as long as she stayed in his arms, he’d be happy.

Scarlet got up on her knees and moved over him to place one of either side of him, so she straddled his lap. He kept his hands at her waist but didn’t do

anything. What was about to happen would be because she wanted it.

As soon as she got on his lap she stared at him, and her eyes glazed with an edge of panic.

“What’s the matter, baby?” he asked.

“I don’t know what to do,” she admitted.

He cupped her face and kissed her on the lips. “Do whatever you want to do. Don’t force anything.”

Scarlet nodded and kissed him back. Her fingers sank into his hair, and she moaned as she explored his lips, her tongue tracing over his bottom lip before

she tentatively glided inside his mouth. Everything happened because she wanted it to happen. Her hands moved away from his hair and down to the buttons on his

white shirt. Her small fingers undid each button in turn. By the time her small, chilled hands opened the shirt and she touched his naked torso and chest, Richard

was already on fire for more.

How he managed to keep hold of his wits was beyond him.

She undid the sash of her gown and pulled it off her body. She sat over him completely naked. He gasped when she pressed her full tits against his chest and

hugged him to her body.

They stayed like that for a while until he couldn’t resist and began to touch the curve of her back, following the line down to cup her generous ass.

“Make love to me, Richard,” she whispered in his ear.

He didn’t need asking twice. He took her to the rug on the floor. The softness would be gentle against her back. Even though he wanted to fuck her hard

and fast, he’d make sure he was gentle. The trousers were gone in seconds, and he didn’t wear underwear when he stayed at the penthouse.

A condom was pulled from the pocket, and he quickly pulled it on his hard shaft. His hand teased open the molten folds of her pussy, and he tested her cunt

to make sure she was ready for him. Scarlet was dripping wet and ready for him. Richard tried to contain his appreciation, but he couldn’t.

“You’re always so fucking wet for me,” he said.

“I want you so much.”

“I’m going to give you everything. Are you sure you aren’t still sore?” he asked. Richard didn’t want to hurt her, but the need to ram his cock so deep inside

her cunt was strong within him.

“Please. I want you,” she said.

He placed his cock at her entrance and gazing down into her amazing, soul-searing eyes he pressed every bit of himself inside her body. Her eyes widened,

and he pulled her legs back to get deeper until he was seated at the hilt inside her. Her pussy squeezed along every inch of his shaft, making him moan. His body

shook from the intense pleasure.

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shook from the intense pleasure.

“I’m in, sweetheart. You’re so warm and tight.” He kissed her before he pulled all of the way out of her body and watched as his glistening, covered cock

sank back inside her.

He’d give anything to be bare inside her. The thoughts were running riot inside his head, telling him to ignore her wishes and take her again and again until

she couldn’t move for being filled by him.

What the hell was he thinking? A baby she didn’t need. He’d promised himself he wouldn’t be a selfish bastard with her.

You’ve already come inside her body once. What does it matter if you do it again? Think about it, Richard. Scarlet, swollen with your baby.

He pushed the words and images out of his head. Life wasn’t that simple. People expected things of him. Parents, society, work. They all mattered, and his

responsibility was to them.

Richard made love to her, slowly. Savouring each delightful pull of her body as he moved within her.

He took her hand and licked her fingers, bringing her hands between them and showed her how to bring herself pleasure. Even with him thrusting inside

her, she blushed, and her movements began jerkily. Eventually he showed her how to work her body to the best advantage.

“That’s it, baby. Finger that clit, and bring yourself off. I want to feel you come around me,” he said.

Scarlet cried out, and her cunt tightened around his dick. So tight, and he imagined her dripping wet. The condom covered the wet heat. Only when she lay

supine beneath him did he fuck her hard and fast. His hands were on her full hips, and his fingers sank into the flesh as he thrust deep. Richard didn’t want to leave.

He wanted to brand her as his own, to mark every inch of flesh as Richard Shaw’s woman.

“Please, it’s too much,” she said, her fingers sinking into the flesh of his arms.

“I’ve got you. Let go,” he told her.

Scarlet gave him everything and Richard took her to the stars and showed her the magic. He held her as she climaxed and brought her down, forever

holding her in his arms.

His heart contracted inside his chest when he looked into her eyes and thought for a one second.

I want to keep you forever.


Sometime later, after they’d made love and watched a few movies together he broached the subject of double dating.

“Lily has requested a double date,” Richard said. Scarlet lay on the rug in front of the fake fire, her naked body glowing from the sparks shooting up.

“Does she know about the contract?”

That fucking contract. Every second that stupid thing was mentioned. Couldn’t he go a day without her thinking about it? The contract didn’t mean

anything, at least not to him.

“No, she doesn’t,” he said.

“Please don’t tell her. I wouldn’t be able to face her if she knew why I’m here.” Scarlet’s words pierced his heart.

“If it wasn’t for the contract would you still be here?” he asked.

She hesitated. “I don’t know.”

His hands grabbed hold of hers, and he kissed her on the lips. “I’d want you with me without the contract.”

“Why did you write it up?” she asked.

“I don’t know any other way to get what I want.” Richard waited to see if she believed him. Scarlet gave him a smile but nothing else to say she’d forgiven

him. The contract was still between them. “I’m going to take you shopping,” he said.

She grunted and turned away from him. “I hate shopping. Can’t you just have something sent up? Or better yet I packed some jeans and dresses.”

Richard shook his head. “I’d love to take you shopping.”

So shopping they went, at a boutique he’d requested to be available to him for the entire day.

Scarlet let him pick, and he noticed she tried not to look at the price tag. One dress, he observed, she’d paid particular attention to. Richard chuckled as the

tag was inspected. A blush, and then her eyes widened before she turned away. However, he hated seeing the yearning look she gave the piece.

When the assistant took her into the dressing rooms, he went and checked out the dress. It cost over a thousand. Not caring, he picked it up and found one in

her size. Thank goodness for the full figured women now becoming popular. The chains were being forced to supply for the fuller woman now. He paid and had it

gift wrapped with the promise to have it sent to him in his room.

Usually he hated taking women shopping, but he found himself seated outside the dressing room, waiting to be shown each new article of clothing.

“You must be the only man who likes taking a woman shopping,” she said.

“What can I say? With a figure like yours I love it.”

He purchased some dresses and jeans, clothes that would make her feel good as well as look good.

Naked. He’d love the next law to be passed for all women to be naked. Richard put the thought from him. He could count on Lily to make her feel


They organised to see his friends on Sunday at a casino which had a restaurant, a brand new experience, closer to home.

“What about Harry?” she asked.

“If I know Wayne and Lily, only the best of nannies will be looking after them. Either that, or her father will. Also, they’ll be staying at the hotel above the

casino, and I’ve booked us a room for the night.”

Scarlet nodded. That night after they’d made love Scarlet had moved over to her own bed. Richard spent the night staring at the empty bed replicated by the

empty feeling in his heart.

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Chapter Seven

On Sunday they met up with Lily and Wayne. Lily embraced Scarlet immediately while Wayne stared at her a few seconds before kissing her on the cheek.

Scarlet noted the age difference between the couple. She didn’t say anything as she glanced up at Richard. They had a similar age gap.

They played around a little, Lily and Scarlet talking while the men played at some of the tables. At one point Richard pulled her into his lap for good luck.

Wayne did the same to Lily. The experience was enjoyable. Towards the end of the day they gathered in the restaurant and bar area. The men went off to get drinks

leaving the girls to chat.

“How was Harry?” Scarlet asked.

“You’ve asked that several times. Harry is a darling and spending the day at the zoo with my dad. Believe me, the guy has a lot to make up for. Thank you

for agreeing to double date.” Lily placed a hand over hers.

Scarlet smiled back and thought about the last time she’d had a girlfriend. Never being the honest answer. She had never really gelled with anyone, not even

at work. “It’s nice,” she admitted.

“Wayne was constantly telling me I had to go out. In this world no one likes a woman who enjoys staying at home and being a parent.”

Scarlet nodded and looked out toward the bar.

“Richard does love you, you know?” Lily said. Scarlet placed her drink back on the table and turned to the sweet woman at her side.

“Richard doesn’t love me. He doesn’t know how to love, and he’s assured me come next Friday our time will be over,” Scarlet said. Their short time

together had been why she had moved out of his bed last night. Getting used to cuddling with him would bring more heartache when he moved onto the next

woman. He might make comments about being lonely, but Scarlet knew he liked that way of life.

Scarlet hated how much she was becoming affected by being with him. She refused to think in terms of love. Being in love got you hurt, and she couldn’t

deal with it. She wasn’t a single woman anymore. Harry was counting on her.

“I can see it, Scarlet. He’s never been this laid back with a woman before.”

I wonder what you’d think if you knew about the contract.

It didn’t matter what he’d said about that stupid piece of paper. Scarlet couldn’t let it go. She didn’t know why, but it stayed like a bruise over her heart

refusing to heal.

The men came back with the drinks. Richard handed her a small glass of wine. She didn’t have the heart to tell him she hated the stuff and smiled at him.

There was so much they didn’t know about each other. He drank his beer, and Wayne gave Lily some water.

Their love was exploding out of them. Their fingers met and locked; their eyes stared back and held. The small chuckles and the delighted squeal as Wayne

nibbled her neck – this is what real couples were like, their love a strong and powerful connection.

She could see Wayne would never hurt Lily. Richard placed a hand at the back of her chair. His fingers played with her exposed back. He’d asked her to

wear the shirt and trousers. Staring back at the happy couple and with Richard touching her, she couldn’t handle it.

“I need to go to the bathroom,” she said and moved out of the chair. Richard followed her.

“What’s the matter?” he asked.

“Nothing. I just need to go to the bathroom. Do you want to supervise?” Scarlet knew she was being unfair. She didn’t why she was behaving like a bitch.

Richard nodded in her direction and let her walk away.

Tears formed in her eyes, and she wouldn’t let them spill over. She was bigger and better than being a cry baby. Witnessing love made her want it. Why

couldn’t she be left in her own little cut-off world? She’d been getting by like always.

When the other women left, giving her a disparaging look, she splashed water on her face and stared at her reflection.

Many revelations were happening all at once. Her feelings for Richard, witnessing love between a happy couple. Suddenly, she started craving what other

people wanted. Harry hadn’t been created through love. She closed her eyes and shut out the memories. No one would help her but herself. She’d been taught a

long time ago to keep her head up and refuse to allow anyone to beat her down.

Taking a few deep breaths, she dried her face and went to face the world.

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Chapter Eight

Scarlet came out of the ladies room and bumped into the hard male chest of a man passing.

“Sorry,” she muttered as she got her footing.

“Don’t worry about it.” She tensed and stared up at the man who held her. David Buttons, the man and nightmare from her past – and Harry’s father. How

could he be here? It was like she’d been thinking about him, and he’d bloody appeared. She glanced down where he held her arm, the contact sending a shiver

through her whole body. His touch repulsed her.

“Let me go.” She stared around her at the passing people in the hopes to see Richard. He’d keep her safe. David couldn’t do anything to her. Wait, Richard

didn’t know anything about this man.

David always manipulated situations to make him look like the victim. She bit her lip and waited like always until he’d said his piece. One thing was for

sure, David loved the sound of his own voice.

“Stop making such a fuss,” he said, as if being held by him was a natural and pleasant occurrence.

“I mean it. I’ll scream.” At this moment she’d do anything for him to release her. Where is his wife? David fears his wife.

“And cause such a racket. Like I told you, Scarlet, who is going to believe you?” Her old nightmare, the other bigger shame from her past. She saw it as

clearly as if it was happening right now.

David had turned up to her house, and she’d let him in. Not knowing else to do, she’d listened to him whine and moan about his wife. Scarlet recalled

telling him it was over and that she was pleased she hadn’t gone to bed with him. David hadn’t liked her attitude, and there in her parents’ living room, he’d fought

her to the floor and taken from her what she’d never willingly given anyone else. Once he’d used her body and violated her will, he’d stood over her and said, “I

wouldn’t bother telling anyone. Who would believe you over a professional married man?” David had left, and in return she’d been punished again. Nine months

from that date she’d given birth to Harry.

“How’s Harry?” he asked.

Shit, how does he know about my son?

“Do you really think I wouldn’t have kept an eye on you? I heard everything as soon as he was born,” he said. Scarlet pulled on her arm and stared out

toward Richard. Why couldn’t she see him?

Have to get away. She scrambled her brain to try to find something to say to get him to release her. She wasn’t a stupid naive teenager anymore.

“How’s your wife? You know the one thing I didn’t know back then is something called a paternity test. Have you heard of them?” Scarlet praised herself.

Her voice didn’t wobble one bit. “I could take you to court and demand you give a DNA sample, and then let’s see who would believe what happened on that night

all those years ago.” Scarlet watched with satisfaction as he grew pale and his grip loosened on his arms. “Stay the hell away from me and my son. Harry is not


Like a bullet she was out of there and gone. She found Lily waiting near the bar, a drink in hand. “Who’s that man?” Lily asked when Scarlet called the

barman and requested some strong liquor. He placed the small glass on the bar in front of her. She downed a quick shot of alcohol and asked for another. She never

drank, but facing the man who’d raped her years ago she thought she was handling the situation rather well.

“No one,” she said.

Richard and Wayne joined them. Both men steered them back to the table. She asked the barman for a strong coffee to be sent to their table. After downing

the strong shots she’d need her wits about her. Scarlet tried to ignore the burning along her neck and force herself not to look around. Every few seconds she

glanced behind her, worried in case David hadn’t gotten the message.

“You’re a little jumpy today,” Richard whispered against her ear.

“Just tired.”

She sipped the coffee she’d requested after the shots and prayed the shakes in her hand would subside enough for her to drink it.


Richard stared intently at the woman on his arm, concerned. She looked like a cornered animal. Lily kept glancing his way, and her eyes widened.

He made some excuse and went to the bar to get himself a beer, and he wasn’t surprised when Lily joined him seconds later.

“What do you want, Lily?” He paid the barman and glanced down at his friend’s wife.

“Did you see that guy talking to Scarlet?”

Richard had seen him. Seen him and turned from the scene. The couple had looked really nice and cozy.

“Probably an old boyfriend,” he said and tried to hide his fist inside his pocket.

“That why you want to go over and slug him?”

Scarlet was supposed to be a fuck. Yet every time he got her near a bed and was inside her body, he couldn’t even contemplate letting her go.

“None of my business about her past.”

“Just so you know, whoever that man is, isn’t a friend of Scarlet. She’s been jumpy since bumping into him, and the fear in her eyes is not fake. He scares

her.” Lily took a beer for her husband and left Richard with his confused thoughts. Double dating with his friends was a big fucking mistake.

This contract that was his bright idea was also the biggest mistake of his life. No matter what he did, the contract was underlined in everything. He saw it

written in Scarlet’s face as she was near him.

Richard moved back to their table and settled in next to her. He placed an arm around her shoulders and brought her close. The waiter came to take their

order. The men had steak while the ladies ordered chicken. It was so refreshing dining with women who weren’t afraid to eat.

“I’m pleased, Scarlet. When I have to dine with Wayne’s business associates and their dates I’m stuck with women who eat celery sticks for a living,” Lily


“I think I’ve proven by the size of me I like to eat.” Scarlet smiled, but even Richard noticed it didn’t reach her eyes.

“I don’t care for the food. Once you eat a steak cooked by Lily there is no going back,” Wayne said and smiled at his wife.

Richard gulped down his beer at the love shining between them. He couldn’t do this. He wanted that kind of affection for him and Scarlet. All he could

think of was that damned contract. Late at night, when they were both sleeping, he’d wrap his arms around her and bring her close to his body. In those moments

when her barriers were down he witnessed the wonderful woman she was. Always a smile and time for him.

“You cook?” Scarlet asked.

“Yes. Every meal time. Apart from when he needs to dine to impress.” Richard could tell Lily really liked her. What would Scarlet say if he banished the

contract? Tore it up and made this thing between them real?

“Wow, Scarlet Hughes? I thought I saw you here.” He felt and saw Scarlet tense as an older woman approached. He saw the man behind her and

recognised him from earlier.

“Hello, Mrs. Buttons,” Scarlet muttered. The cup she placed back on the saucer rattled.

“It’s been too long.” The woman held out her hand. Scarlet took it, but everything about her reaction seemed off. “And you remember my husband, of


The husband placed a hand on her shoulder, and Scarlet’s hands went to the edge of the table. Her knuckles whitened from the grip she had on the damn

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The husband placed a hand on her shoulder, and Scarlet’s hands went to the edge of the table. Her knuckles whitened from the grip she had on the damn

thing. There was exposed flesh on her shoulder, and Richard noted the man’s fingers caressing her flesh.

“We haven’t seen or heard a lot from you, but your folks still live in the same—”

“That’s good. Really good. Sorry to be a pain, but do you mind? We’re about to eat dinner, and it’s a special time,” Scarlet stopped the woman and stared

forward. Lily looked concerned, and Wayne clearly had already made his judgment on the man. Richard didn’t like it one bit.

“Oh. Okay, sorry to bother you.”

They left, but an uncomfortable silence descended round the group.

“You know, I don’t feel hungry at all. I’m going to go to my room.” Scarlet bounded up, and in the process knocked over her drink into her lap of her pants.

“We need to eat,” Richard said.

“Then eat. I really can’t stomach anything, and I need to call my son.” She batted away a waiter and charged for the elevator. Richard quickly made his

excuses to his friends and joined her before the doors closed.

She wouldn’t talk to him, and she stood as far away from him as the lift allowed. A few minutes later they entered the penthouse suite.

“Who was that guy, Scarlet?” he asked as soon as they got into their room. She ignored him and went to the phone.

Richard knew she was calling Harry. Everywhere they went she called her son. He admired her for the devotion, but right now he wanted answers. “Don’t

call him.”

She stared up at him with tears in her eyes and put the phone down. “Fine, what do you want to know?”

“Who was he?”

“No one?” Scarlet stared at him, and he saw the tears in her eyes. She was so close to losing it, her emotions ready to burst.

“He didn’t look like no one to me.”

Her hands crossed over her chest, and she touched her shoulder where the man downstairs had laid a hand on her. She screamed an ear piercing squeal.

Richard jumped and watched her go into a frenzy.

“Why did you force me to wear these fucking clothes? Is this to highlight my whore status to you? To let everyone know you’re buying me for a week?”

Each scream brought about a tug and a rip of the clothes he’d bought her.

“I don’t think of you like that,” he said. A lump formed in his throat, and he hated how bitter his world tasted. He’d done that. He had caused Scarlet to

think of herself as a whore.

“What then? What more could you possibly want from me?” She collapsed in a heap on the floor. “I want it all to stop,” she sobbed.

The dam had finally burst.

Richard picked her up in his arms and carried her into the bathroom. She fought him a little when he began removing her clothing. He soothed and made

sure she knew he was only there to offer comfort.

He ran the bath and put plenty of lavender bubble bath in. Her sobs continued from the corner, and he hated the sound. She sounded so lost and afraid.

Once he seated her in the warm water he didn’t like how distant and vacant she became, and he divested himself of his clothes to sit behind her.

He pulled her back and rested her body against him. Not saying a word they lay in the bath until her tears subsided. Richard was falling in love with this

woman. He stared down at her head, and knew in his heart how much she’d come to mean to him. The contract had been a fuck-up on his part. He didn’t like

waiting. The act had been nothing more than a child throwing its dummy out of a pushchair because mummy had said no to sweeties.

“That man downstairs is Harry’s father,” she whispered.

A pause and her hands rested on her stomach. He waited for her.

“In high school I was a mess. I looked a little like Opal. Over developed for my age, and the only attention boys gave me was to tease me about my size.

Then one day a handsome young teacher came to the school, and he showed me so much respect. I thought I’d fallen in love with him. No other girl held his

interest but me.”

Richard’s heart twisted in his chest. Already, from her reaction he knew he wasn’t going to like the ending to this story.

“By the end of term we were sort of dating. We’d hang out, and one day we kissed. So magical, at least I thought at the time. Nothing happened, just a kiss,

and I was on cloud nine. Then about six months later his wife came back to town. She’d been away on some training or something. I didn’t know he was married.”

Scarlet took a deep breath.

“I ended it. I hadn’t known he was married, and I refused to help a man destroy his marriage vows. That same night when my parents were out I let him in,

so we could talk. How fucking stupid was I? We argued; and then I said something, and before I knew what was happening he’d fought me to the floor.” Her tears

returned in full. Richard held her, and his heart bled for the young woman she’d been. Nothing more than a child.

“He was your first, and he didn’t take you willingly.” He knew she couldn’t finish the story.

“Nine months later Harry came.”

Richard fisted his hands. The bastard who’d been touching her downstairs had raped his woman. He wanted to find the bastard, cut his balls off and feed

them to him, personally. Wait until he found the disgusting piece of shit.

“Don’t think about it,” she whispered.


“It won’t do any good. Like he said back then, who’d believe me over a professional teacher? Even now I’d be scorned and called a slut. I’d rather just

leave him to his wife and give Harry all of my love.”

Richard held her in his arms and tried with all of his might to tell her how he felt. He was in love with Scarlet Hughes. For the rest of his life he wanted to

love and protect and never leave her alone.

“Does that mean when you and I had—”


“Yes. Does that mean it was your first time?” She nodded. His head was running rampant with so many thoughts. The comment she’d made about no one

believing her over a teacher struck a chord with him. In the office before she’d signed the contract hadn’t he said the exact same thing? Richard cursed.

“I’m a fucking bastard.”

“Why are you?” her sweet voice asked.

“Because before I got you to sign that damn paper I said the same thing, or as near as, damn it.”

Scarlet didn’t dispute it, and he knew in his heart he’d hurt her more with that comment. In fact, he had probably hurt her as much with the comment on the

same level as the contract.

“How did you cope? I’ve heard of women having breakdowns and everything going wrong for them?”

“When it happened I think I just functioned. I didn’t try to think but keep busy. I saw him every day, but made sure I was never alone with him. Did

homework, studied, worked my ass off, and I started to feel normal. Like I could forget about it as a bad dream. When I found out I was pregnant with Harry, I

couldn’t believe it. I got sucked under by the responsibility, and everything sort of happened at once. I graduated and had Harry at eighteen. I gave birth after I

graduated from high school.” She stopped and ran a wet hand over her face. “I don’t know how I did it. Being pregnant and feeling him for the first time and then

seeing Harry on the ultrasound was the most amazing thing in the world. I didn’t see him as a result of a horrible act but as my salvation. Every day I look at him I

know in my heart, I survived.”

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know in my heart, I survived.”

“You really are an amazing woman,” he whispered and kissed her temple.

“Not really.”

Richard held her for the longest time. When the water became too cold to stay, he let the plug out and picked her up in his arms. He loved having her in his

arms. His heart broke for the pain she must have been through. No woman should ever be forced to live life afraid and forever looking over her shoulder.

The bastard had blatantly touched his woman. Richard wouldn’t let it slide.

He dried her and carried her through to his bedroom to rest. Richard tucked her in and stroked her hair. “Thank you for telling me.”

“Do you believe me?” she asked, a fresh wave of tears spilling from her eyes.

“Of course. I’d never doubt you.”

She smiled and held his hand in hers.

Eventually her tears subsided, and she fell into an exhausted sleep.

He extracted his hand and walked out of the hotel suite. Wayne had booked a room, and he’d been told Tony was currently staying there as well. His other

friend hadn’t been able to come to dinner with them at the time. He phoned through to Wayne to make sure Lily wasn’t awake. Richard needed to see and talk to

his friends. Half an hour later after checking to make sure Scarlet was still fast asleep, he moved down the hall to where Wayne had booked a room.

Wayne and Tony stood talking with a glass of whisky in hand. Richard didn’t bother to knock. He’d been told to simply enter.

“Hey, mate.” Tony went and embraced his friend. “How ya been doing?”

“Seriously, you still talk like we’re teenagers?” Richard asked, but he smiled.

He loved being with his friends, the only two to stick by him when his parents were being complete dicks.

“With you guys spending time with women younger than you, I figured you didn’t like the thought of getting old,” Tony said.

They caught up about what had been going on, laughing and joking at some of the old stuff they used to do.

“So, old Richard, what brings us here?” Wayne asked.

Richard swirled the liquid in his glass and thought about the best way to tell his friends. “You know that guy from earlier, the one who stopped by our


“The guy that made Scarlet look terrified?” Wayne asked.

“Yes. I got her to open up to me. You’re not going to like what I’m about to tell you.” Wayne, Richard and Tony despised violence against women. Never

would they hurt anyone. He told them everything. How David had charmed her and what happened when she discovered he had a wife. The fact he’d raped her

because he didn’t like her refusing him. Once he was done, his two friends looked ready to commit murder.

“The bastard raped an underage woman and then threatened her?” Tony looked livid.

“My god, no wonder she looked frightened. And she’s raised Harry all by herself?” Wayne asked.

“Yes. Even with the severe asthma. She’s asked for me not to interfere. It all happened a long time ago, and she just wants to forget about it.”

“Fuck, no. We can’t leave that shit alone,” Tony said.

“What happens if he starts hurting her?” Wayne asked.

“Which is why I think we need a little intervention,” Richard said.

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Chapter Nine

The following morning, Richard woke with Scarlet in his arms. He lay and stared at her for the longest time.

After some time she opened her eyes and smiled. “Morning,” she whispered.

“Good morning. Lily is expecting us downstairs for breakfast,” he said to her.

She moaned and stretched out. “I’m sorry for unloading on you last night.”

Richard held her hand.

“Don’t be sorry. I love the fact you can trust me.”

He kissed her lips and cupped her face. In no time the kiss deepened, and his cock hardened. “I’ve got to stop. Otherwise we’ll be here all morning, and Lily

wants to talk before they leave.”

“Well, you go down and make excuses for me. I’ll join you soon. I need to get ready and feel alive.” Scarlet kissed him of her own accord, and he waited

until the bathroom shut to leave the bed.

Richard left her to get dressed and do her business, and he made his way down to the foyer. Tony and Wayne were waiting. Wayne looked guilty.

“What did you do?” Richard asked.

“What? Nothing?”

“I’ve known you for years. You’ve got that face that tells me you told. You didn’t?” Richard cursed. He couldn’t believe how easily he could read the guilt

on his friend’s face.

“Lily heard the conversation last night. She wanted to find the guy and show him a thing or two. I told her we’ll take care of it.”

“You better have told her not to mention anything to Scarlet.” Richard knew she’d be mortified and feel like he had betrayed her trust if she found out he’d

told his friends.

“She won’t. You know Lily.”

“Why are you two standing here?” Richard asked.

“Your guy was waiting at the bottom of the stairs when us we made it downstairs. We acknowledged him. I don’t think he’s going to let up,” Wayne said.

“I didn’t like him on first sight,” Tony told him. “He went into the bathroom. We wanted to make sure you had time to get your word across.”

David came out of the bathroom a little farther down.

“We also paid the toilet attendant. He knows we’re coming,” Tony said. Ready to do some damage, Richard charged to where David was staring at the

stairs. Richard knew David was waiting for Scarlet.

The man would hurt his woman, had hurt her in the past. He wouldn’t allow it.

“Hey, David. I’ve got a bone to pick with you.” David stopped and looked at them. Richard knew they were large men.

Good. He wanted the bastard afraid.

“What do you want?” David asked.

“I take it from you staring towards the stairs you’re looking for Scarlet?” A split second was all it took. Richard saw the realisation dawn on his face, and

Tony and Wayne trapped him in.

“I don’t know what that little slut has been telling you, but she asked for everything she got.” David growled in Richard’s face.

“Big mistake,” Tony said.

Careful to make sure no one was watching, Richard charged at the man and pushed him through the toilets to the bathroom David had just vacated. Wayne

and Tony followed inside to keep watch on the door.

“You dare to call Scarlet such vile, filthy names?” He rolled up his sleeves, ready as though he were in an old-fashioned bar fight. Holding her in his arms

last night without making love had awakened him unlike any kick in the arse could.

“She was asking for it. What’s it to you? Why would you want a gash with a kid anyway?”

Richard’s fist connected with David’s nose. The other guy fell back. Wayne placed a hand on his arm to stop him taking more of his anger out of the man.

“You sick fucker,” David yelled. “You broke my fucking nose.” He got up off the floor and charged at Richard.

“You force yourself on a teenage girl, and I’m a sick fucker?” Another punch landed.

Richard was ready and waiting. David got in a few punches, but in no time at all Richard had him locked against the counter, a tight grip around his neck.

“Now you listen to me, you sick fuck. Scarlet is mine, and Harry is mine. You ever, ever come anywhere near my family again, and I’ll bring you down.

No one would even give you the time of day.” Richard’s hand tightened. “Do you understand?”

“Scarlet put you up to this,” David wheezed out.

“No. Scarlet wants nothing to do with you. You ruined her life when you raped her. I’d gladly see you rot in some prison cell, but she’s refused to stand

against you. I’m going to keep a close eye on you, and if I hear of any other girl from one of your schools suffering the same fate, I’ll find you. And you’ll be


Richard slammed David’s face against the counter and walked outside the bathroom, A smug smile was on his face – until he saw Scarlet against the wall

waiting for him.

She looked at him, and he knew he’d hurt her.

“She doesn’t look happy,” Tony said.

He watched her storm off, and without giving an excuse to his friends he chased after her.

“Scarlet. Scarlet, wait.” He ended up running up the stairs to catch her.

“You promised me,” she shouted at him. Richard followed her up the stairs.

“I couldn’t let it slide,” he said.

“You couldn’t let it slide? This happened to me, Richard. Me.” She pointed at her chest. “If I can let it go then you can.”

She stormed into their hotel room and went straight to their room where she began packing a bag.

“What are you doing?” he asked.

“I’m leaving. I can’t stay with someone I don’t trust.”

“You’ve still got a few days to go,” he said.

The contract. Why did he have to bring that up? She slammed the lid down on her suitcase and threw it to the floor. Her anger was hot and explosive.

“How dare you throw that up at me!” She screamed and charged over to him. She slapped him round the face.

Richard captured her wrist before she lashed out again. “Is this what you want? To take your anger out on me?” he growled.

“I fucking hate you,” she yelled. She pulled and tugged to be let go.

“Do you really? If that’s the case take it all out on me. Show me what you’ve got to be angry about. Go on, hit me!”

Scarlet didn’t hit him. She pushed him and pushed him again, her little hands driving him away. The wall behind him stopped him moving.

“Why did you do this to me?” she cried out. “I was doing fine, and then you came along with your stupid fucking contract and ruined me.”

Richard was about to say something, but her lips slammed down on top of his. The move was so unexpected and so raw in its approach that he held on to

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Richard was about to say something, but her lips slammed down on top of his. The move was so unexpected and so raw in its approach that he held on to

her body.

Scarlet bit down on his bottom lip and pulled at her clothes at the same time.

Both stripped down, but when Richard picked her up in his arms and made to move against the bed she stopped him.

“No. I want it against the wall. Like they did in that movie.”

He pressed her against the wall and fucked his cock inside her warm cunt. She was so wet and melting beneath his touch.

Her cries were amazing to hear. “Harder,” she moaned.

He didn’t know what brought her change of heart, and he didn’t care. He was inside her body, and he intended to make her forget all about David.

Richard fucked her against the wall, bringing both of them to a screaming climax in a matter of minutes before he took her to the bed. His shaft was still

inside her, and he wouldn’t pull out.

He kissed and teased her lips open for him. Richard felt a stirring begin in his groin even though he’d already climaxed once.

Her nails scored his back and neck. Her hands travelled down to his buttocks to grab.

“Hold it.”

Richard stared into her eyes and knew in his heart he loved her. He couldn’t describe how it happened, but he was sure.

“Stay here,” he whispered and pulled out of her body. He walked away from the bedroom with a chuckle when she cursed at him. His woman was turning

into a little fire-cracker.

His office was on the opposite side from the bedroom. He opened the safe and moved a few bits around until he found the square box. Inside were

contained a red ruby necklace and earrings, a purchase he hadn’t been able to resist two weeks ago. He hesitated when he glanced at the box with the engagement

ring inside. Should he defy his parents and take that huge leap against their wishes?

No. He wouldn’t subject Scarlet to such scandal.

Richard took the box back inside. Scarlet sat up in bed with the blanket covering her.

“I want you to wear this for me,” he said and opened the box.

She gasped, her fingers going to the edge. “They’re beautiful.”

“Will you put them on?” he asked.

“I can’t accept anything like this.” She pulled away as if they burnt her.

“No. I bought them for you. Please, you’ll make me very happy to wear them. I wanted to see you in them,” he said with a smile.

Scarlet wouldn’t touch them, and he pulled them out of the box as if they didn’t cost a thing.

She lifted her hair and he fixed the clasp. “It’s cold.” She chuckled. “I can’t keep these.”

“I want you to have them.”

“Won’t you use them for the next woman?” Her question, so innocent, hit him in the chest.

“No. These won’t be for another woman.”

No other woman will come after you.

Richard knew he couldn’t hold off his feelings forever. It was only a matter of time before he would be taken out of the game.

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Chapter Ten

Scarlet couldn’t believe how magically and beautifully the next few days passed. Richard lavished her with attention and gifts. She didn’t want them, but he

loved giving them to her. His face would light up, and he’d give her an indulgent smile. The gifts were so personal. She loved the paperweight with dolphins inside

he’d given her. No one but Harry knew how much she loved the sea creatures.

The calls to Harry upset and excited her. She loved and missed her little boy. However, when she was with Richard the contract became a distant thought,

as if it had never existed. Soon Wednesday came, and he took her to one of his older houses. She was introduced to his housekeeper, Lydia. Scarlet fell in love with

the old house instantly.

“I love this place,” she said.

“It’s been in our family for over four generations.”

“How come your parents don’t live in it then?” She knew he didn’t like talking about his parents, even though they were responsible for giving birth to him.

“This is considered a house for people lower than themselves. Everything has to be top notch and of the highest order.”

“Really? Who owned this house?”

“My great-great-great-grandfather. He bought this for his wife. My family originally came from peasant stock. I guess as we all got older it no longer

became acceptable to live in this house. My parents were going to sell it last winter. I couldn’t let them and demanded they give it to me.”

“I’m glad you did. It’s so beautiful.” Scarlet followed him down to his study. “Even though I thought you said you didn’t stay anywhere but in the city.”

“I don’t, but sometimes I like to come here to dream of something I could have.”

Scarlet closed her eyes and shook her head. “You don’t make any sense when you speak like that. You can have anything you want.”

“No, I can’t.”

“You know you behave like you own the world, and then you come out with this yearning that you want. And I don’t know what to say to you.” She

watched him go behind his desk and sit down. His pose looked so much like when he forced her to sign that contract.

She wanted to hate him so much, but if she hadn’t signed that contract she’d never know what it meant to love and maybe feel love in return.

He opened his mouth. Scarlet tensed and hoped she was about to hear something she’d wanted to hear for such a long time.

Richard had asked her a question a few days ago. If she’d have come away with him without the contract. At the time she’d answered she didn’t know, but

she did. Being at work and seeing him every day had become so important to her. She’d rather watch him from afar than have nothing at all. As much as the

contract had hurt her, she would have gone anywhere he asked her to go.

Her heart pounded whenever he was nearby, and her pulse raced. Richard was every part of her. When this week was up she knew in her heart she didn’t

want it to end.

Nothing could stop the way she felt about it. Her eyes dropped to the piece of paper he held in his hands, and the smile froze on her lips.

Please, god, no.


Scarlet smiled at him, and his whole world became clear. She was younger than he, and he’d fucked up with this shit contract. He had it in his hands right

now. Richard had purposefully brought her to his little hideaway to see how she’d react. Since her trust in him with her secret and claiming her and Harry to David

he knew what he wanted most in life. He wanted to have a family to come home to. To fall in love and not worry about what the world thought. The time to react

was at his fingertips. He’d be forever miserable if he didn’t show Scarlet how much he loved and cared about her.

This wasn’t about sex but about the rest of their lives. In life there are only a few moments, and split seconds to make decisions and he had to act now.

“I want—” He was stopped when Lydia came into his office with the phone.

“Sorry to interrupt, but it’s for you, Miss Hughes.” Scarlet took the phone and smiled at his house keeper.

“What?” she sounded panicked. “Of course, I’ll be there right away.”

Scarlet dropped the phone and ran out of the house. Her hands were shaking, and she dropped her car keys three times before she managed to get the door


“Baby, what’s wrong?”

“Harry, he’s had an attack, and they might need to operate. They’re not sure. Lily was a bit hysterical.” Richard stopped her and called for his driver. In no

time at all they were at the hospital and rushing toward the paediatric wing.

Lily and Wayne sat in the waiting area looking frantic. Scarlet passed them, and Richard knew she’d pulled away. Everything about her was different.

He followed her.

John Barnes stood waiting.

“What happened?” she demanded.

“Everything is all right. Calm down. Harry is stable. His inhaler didn’t work, and he couldn’t catch his breath. We’ve got him on oxygen at the moment, and

he should be fine. I’ll need to prescribe another inhaler.”

Richard stared past the doctor’s shoulder to the room. He saw Harry lying in the bed, weak.

He rubbed a hand over his face, and John stopped him from going further. “Only family is allowed.”

Scarlet turned round, and he waited for her consent. The look she gave him stopped him in his footsteps. “I don’t want you here.”

In those words his world died. Their time together meant nothing in face of that binding, fucking contract. John gazed at him with pity.

“Everything is paid for. Send the bill straight to me,” Richard said.

“I’ll do what you ordered, but my first responsibility is to my patient. If Scarlet asks about payment, I’ll tell her where it’s coming from.” John flipped his

papers over and walked away.

“I’m so sorry, Richard,” Lily said walking over to him. “We didn’t know what to do, and she gave us the hospital details and everything. He couldn’t stop

coughing, and getting his breath back was difficult.” He calmed her down and stared at Wayne.

“Sorry,” he said over her head. Richard nodded. He didn’t blame his friends. There was nothing they could do.

“I think it best you go home. I’ll handle everything.” His friends offered to stay and keep him company, but he refused. There was nothing else to say or to


All he could do was wait it out. Hope and pray Scarlet forgave him. He should never have taken her away from her son. Richard cursed himself.

For hours he waited outside the room. Scarlet didn’t move from beside Harry’s bed. He wanted to go in and see her little boy. To see with his own two eyes

that Harry was safe.

The nurse came by and offered him a coffee. He refused.

When the sun went down Scarlet came out of Harry’s room and moved toward Richard. “I thought you’d have left by now,” she said.

“I wanted to make sure you and Harry were safe.”

“Don’t do that. Don’t make out you care about us. The only thing you care about is what you want and how desperate you are to get it.” Her voice rose

with every word.

“I care, Scarlet.”

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“I care, Scarlet.”

“Really? You see, I’ve been thinking about it, and to be honest you’re no different from David.”

“Stop right there. I’d never force myself on you. I’m nothing like that snivelling little shit.” Usually from his upbringing he didn’t like to cause a scene. He

knew where this argument was going to lead, and he had to stop it and nip it in the bud.

“You’re right. At least David only forced himself the one time. You, you forced me to sign a fucking contract giving you complete access to my body. You

wanted me, and you couldn’t just ask me on a date like a normal person. Tell me, Richard, what is so fucking wrong with me that men can’t ask me on a date?

They make demands and force their way into my life?” The tears were pouring down her face, and his gut twisted.

At any time in his life, if he ever had any doubt about his feelings with regards to this woman, in that instant they were wiped clean.

Scarlet Hughes, the woman he’d been the biggest bastard to, was the very woman who owned his heart.

He knew the look in Scarlet’s eyes. This was it, and they were over.

“There’s nothing wrong with you,” he said. I’m the screw-up.

“I think you should leave.” She brushed away her tears.


“I want you gone. I want nothing to do with you anymore. Consider this the end of it.” Scarlet turned to leave. Richard couldn’t leave it like that.

“What about your job?”

“I quit. I’ll come and collect my things when I’m back at work next week.”

She walked away and shut the door behind her.

He ran a hand over his mouth and through his hair. In a second he’d wake up, and it would all be some nasty piss-taking dream.

Richard slapped his head.

The door still remained closed.

Not bothering to look up he left the hospital and drove home.

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Chapter Eleven

“Darling, you should have brought a guest with you.” His mother false kissed his cheeks in a sort of French style. Richard knew he looked a mess. He

hadn’t eaten, and the only reason he’d turned up is because his sister had begged him to.

Scarlet hadn’t called or sent any word, and what little information he’d gotten out of John Barnes had been the boy was stable. She refused his telephone

calls, and the gifts he had sent to her were sent back. Today was Saturday, and at least he’d see her at work on Monday. He prayed she wouldn’t quit.

“You know me, Mother.” The woman didn’t have a clue about his son.

“Well I have to say I’m pleased you didn’t bring that frump you’ve been seen round with.”

Richard tensed, his fists forming. “What did you say?” he asked.

“That woman I’ve been getting reports on. A small fat girl with blond hair. Please, darling, you can do so much better, and remember image is everything. I

mean I know Wayne’s fallen far from the tree, but that’s to be expected. and Opal has finally gone on a diet....”

He placed a finger over her lips. “Don’t say another word if you don’t want a scene at this anniversary, even if this whole load of shit is false.” Richard

smirked when his mother glanced around to make sure no one had heard him shout the last word. “Another warning. Don’t throw any of your sluts in my

direction.” He grabbed a shot of whisky from a passing waiter and went to join Lily and Wayne at the table farthest away.

Lily looked behind him, hopeful.

He sat down under their scrutiny.

“She still not phoned you back yet?” Wayne asked.

He shook his head.

“Wayne, would you take him and give him a change?” Lily handed her son over to his dad. Wayne chuckled, and Richard wanted that. He wanted to be a


“She’s not coming back, Lily,” he said to the sweet woman at his side. Richard took a large swallow of whisky while he watched his sister play with the

young children at his parents’ wedding anniversary.

“You love her?”

“Why can’t you just let it go?” He glanced around in case Wayne had come back with the little guy. The man was super protective of his wife.

“He’s gone to change George,” Lily said.

“Sorry for yelling.”

“Good. You can make it up to me by explaining what happened with Scarlet. You were so happy. I can’t accept it’s over. You spent most of your time

staring at her with love in your eyes.”

He snorted. “That was lust.”

“Don’t be fucking crude. What did you do?” she asked.

Richard stared at his best friend’s wife. He saw the concern and the worry, and he couldn’t keep it in anymore.

He told her the whole story. The contract and Harry. What had happened in the aftermath. How Scarlet despised everything about him. “I don’t get it. I was

prepared to give her the world.”

Lily sat silently at his side staring out at the sea of people dancing and laughing. “Let me get this straight. You cornered Scarlet into signing a contract to

screw her body for a week, and in return you’d pay her money which would supply all medical professionals and care for Harry?”

“Yes.” He hoped for some form of explanation into the female mind.

“And that’s different from what Wayne did to me because?”

He glared at her and thought about what she said. “Wayne was trapping you into marriage.”

“As opposed to being trapped in a loveless physical relationship that wouldn’t last any longer than a week?”

“You make it sound bad,” he said.

“No. The fact that it is bad is the reason it sounds bad. I can’t believe, when you were so against what Wayne did to me, you did worse than that with

Scarlet. At least he offered me marriage. You didn’t offer her anything.” Lily sipped her water.

“I offered her money.”

“Yes, and from where I stood she loved spending the damn stuff,” Lily said sarcastically.

“What else could I have offered her?” he asked. “If you’re so bloody wise, tell me.”

“With everything she went through with that scumbag and the way she looked at you, I’d say she would have been happier with your love. If you ask me,

Scarlet doesn’t know what it means to be loved. I saw the way she stared at me and Wayne at that casino.” She paused as Opal came over.

“Hi, big brother.” Opal embraced him before kissing Lily on the cheek. “Where’s Scarlet?”

“She stayed at home with Harry.” When his sister was about to ask more questions his mother called her over.

“You’ll regret letting her go, Richard.”

He didn’t need Lily to tell him how he’d feel. Being alone at night killed him. He couldn’t even face going to his penthouse anymore because of the

memories of her. Hours were spent gazing down at the engagement ring he’d bought her.

Richard drank his whisky and watched his parents. They didn’t stand close together, no hands touched. His father stared off in the distance staring at the


Did he want this from his life? To have a stuck-up old fish as a wife and forever to want someone else?

He swigged his whisky and stared at his friends when Wayne came back. Opal was being introduced to a man older than she. He recognised him as Charles

Clarke, another man from his parents’ society.

Another glass of whisky was swung back.

This would be his life without Scarlet.

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Chapter Twelve

On Monday morning, Richard watched from his office as Scarlet gathered her belongings. A few of the other office workers came to wish her goodbye. She

smiled at them and continued to gather her things. He couldn’t watch this. With every item she placed in the brown boxes a punch landed directly over his heart.

He fucking hated this. Erratic fingers ran through his hair, and he watched her fish out her keys and come to his office.

She didn’t look at him or say any words as the keys to the files and office landed on his desk.

“Please, don’t go,” he asked. He’d promised himself while he fought for sleep last night he wouldn’t beg or plead for her to stay. The thought of losing her

wasn’t as powerful as physically watching her leave.

How could he cope without seeing her every morning? Take away all the sex and everything he’d forced on her, and his life wouldn’t be worth living. Very

dramatic for a man of his age and his standing. Being alone he could deal with, as long as he could see Scarlet every day. Ever since she’d begun working for them,

he’d lived his life begging for the next smile or touch.

Without even realising it, Richard had fallen in love with her long before last week. Opal adored her, and his friends enjoyed her company. He was fucking

worse than David Buttons. He’d forced her and used her body’s responses against her.

“I don’t want to stay,” she whispered.

“I’m begging you. Please stay.”

“You’ll get over it soon.” She turned to leave, and he grabbed her wrist stopping her. “People will see,” she said to him.

“I don’t give a fuck what people can see. I’m so fucking sorry. Please, don’t go.” With her hand still in his he walked round the desk in front of her and

went to his knees. He didn’t care about the stares or what people would think. Scarlet, the beautiful woman before him, she was the only thing that mattered to him.

“Don’t do this, Richard.”

Her hand shook inside his. “Marry me,” he asked.

Scarlet grasped and pulled out of his touch. “Don’t do that. You didn’t want me, remember? You wanted a week. That’s all you wanted from me. You

contracted the damn thing. You made me feel like a whore.”

Her voice remained level, but the tears falling from her eyes weren’t anything other than hurt.

“I tore up the damn contract. It was the stupidest thing I have ever done. I told Lily, and she opened—”

“You told Lily? How could you do that? She didn’t know about our little arrangement. How could you have embarrassed me like that? You promised me it

would stay between us.” Richard got to his feet and went to her. Desperation was clawing at him to keep her. He cupped her cheeks in his hands. He saw the hatred

shining out at him, and before he stopped himself, he kissed her.

She struggled beneath him but soon wound her hands around his neck. A sweet victory for him.

Scarlet had to love him. His pleasure was short-lived as she pulled out of his hold. “You got the last bit of me. Now let me go.”

Richard tried to focus his thoughts. She was at his door and about to leave his world forever. “The last time we were together I didn’t use anything? You

could be pregnant.” Not using anything had been a genuine mistake.

“You did it on purpose?” she asked.

He didn’t know what the best answer would be. “No. I wanted to be with you and inside you so damn bad, protection slipped my mind. I’m sorry.” He

decided the truth would be best in this situation.

She turned back, and the hurt on her face was worse than anything he’d seen thus far.

“I asked one thing from you. I asked you to protect me from that, and you didn’t.”

“I know. What are you going to do?” he asked.

Her complexion was pale, and her entire body was shaking.

“As I’m sure you remember I’m used to taking care of other men’s messes.” The punch to the gut doubled him over. He stood and watched her gather her

things and leave his life forever.

She’d asked one thing of him, and he’d fucked up. Maybe she could have forgiven him for the contract, but forcing a baby on her? Could she ever find it in

her heart to forgive him?

Richard didn’t know how long he stood watching the empty space. Eventually his friends Wayne and Tony came in. One of his partners had called his

closest friends to help him.

“Come on, man,” Tony said, and together they helped him out of the building.

Richard went with them to his apartment. He ignored them and went straight for his strongest whisky. He pouted himself a generous glass and slung the

whole shot to the back of his throat, the burn a welcome pain. He poured another glass and took it back.

“You got me back to my place. I suggest you leave,” he said.

“We’re not leaving,” they both said in unison.

“Why? I’m a fucking bastard who fucked up. You know,” he turned to Wayne. “I criticised you for pulling that pre-nup on Lily? I pulled a contract of my

own out of the bag.” The strong drink was going straight to his head. “I forced her to sign a contract, so I could fuck her. How shit is that.”

“Richard, I don’t think you should be drinking.”

“You don’t know what I need. Do you have any idea what it’s like to be me? My dad reckons the woman you want is for mistress material while the

woman you hate is wife material. Shall I get Scarlet to be my mistress?”

Wayne went over to him and grabbed the lapels of his jacket. “Listen, you’re a better man that your father. You always have been and always will be. So

you fucked up. Either dwell on it and deal with the fact you’ve lost Scarlet, or you get up and you fight for the woman you love.”

Tears fell from his eyes, Richard never cried, but he felt them cascading down his cheeks, evidence of his weakened state of mind.

“Do you love her?” Tony asked.

“With my whole heart.” Richard broke down in front of his friends, the sobs shaking his whole body. He cried for the woman he loved and for the

unfairness of life. The way his parents had controlled him to care what society thought of him.

After some time he saw his friends out with the promise they kept his emotions a secret. They did this. He recalled opening his door to a young Wayne as

he’d taken a beating from his father and holding him while he cried to sleep. Richard had run to Tony when his parents wanted to send him to boarding school. The

three friends who refused to allow the burdens of their parents to drive them apart.

So much had gone on among them. He loved them like brothers. When he was once again alone in his apartment he went to his safe and stared at the

diamond encrusted dolphin. His heart and his life were laid in the woman who’d wear this ring. Richard picked it up and phoned the estate agent. He wanted to take

charge of his own life. For the first time he was going to live it the way he wanted. The penthouse was going.

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Chapter Thirteen

Richard went home to the place he had grown up. The house looked so harmless on the outside.

He parked his car and stared at the house most people

would dream about living in.

On the side of the house a basketball hoop lay. His mother had wanted it for decoration to show the neighbourhood they had children. Richard remembered

when he, Wayne, and Tony had started playing ball. His mum had come out yelling and cursing at them. Once inside she popped the ball in front of them all and

said they didn’t need to act like hooligans.

How could he have left Opal to all of this? She ran out of the house as soon as she saw his car. His mother was not far behind.

“Don’t run, Opal. You know it’s not ladylike,” she called.

Opal stopped, and his heart broke. She was already being designed into the perfect ideal daughter, not the person she was meant to be.

She stood in front of him and took his hand. “How are you doing, brother?”

“Don’t do that, Opal. Don’t let her break who you’re going to be.” He placed his arms around her shoulders, and they walked up to the house together.

“Where’s dad?”

“In his office. Where else would he be?” his mother said.

“I couldn’t imagine why.” He went past her up to his old room.

Richard opened the door and the past. His bedroom looked spotless as if no one ever lived inside. A few trophies dotted the walls. Books from law school

and certificates of his achievements. On the mirror pictures of his friends and Opal were placed at odd angles.

He frowned when he glanced at one with an old nanny he couldn’t recall what had happened to. Richard picked the picture off the glass. The woman had

red hair, and she smiled down at him. What caught his attention in the photo wasn’t the woman, but the hand on the shoulder of the woman.

Looking closer he saw his father standing directly behind the woman. His dad had a hand on the woman’s shoulder, and his nanny had her own placed over

his fathers.

Richard thought of his parents’ anniversary and of Wayne and Lily. He even thought about his time spent with Scarlet. People who cared about each other

and loved each other. They couldn’t help but touch.

“You’d just won a football game in that picture,” his dad said from the doorway.

“I remember,” Richard recalled the game, but he couldn’t recall the woman in the picture. “Who’s the woman in the picture?”

“Woman? Oh, her name was Natasha, I think. Nice girl.” His dad looked uncomfortable. “Your mother said you were here.”

“So I am.”

“You haven’t been here in years.”

Richard stared at the picture. “Why are you lying?” he asked. Never before had he pulled his dad up on a lie.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“Really?” He was tired of the lies. Thirty plus years, a grown man he didn’t need to be protected anymore. Richard slammed the picture in his father’s hand.

“Because the last time I checked you’ve never looked so fucking happy in any of the pictures with my mother. What was it you once said to me? Keep the woman

you want as a mistress? So I’ll ask you again. Who is she?”

“You clearly are in a bad mood and looking for a fight, so I’m going—”

“No. You’re fucking not. For too long you’ve left me in the dark. Who is this woman?”

Richard knew he wasn’t getting though, and his dad turned to leave. “I’m going to marry the woman I love. Her name’s Scarlet Hughes. She’s amazing and

has a son whom I love.”

His dad stopped at the door, his hand out to grasp the handle. “Your mother would never accept it.”

“Do you think I give a fuck what she thinks?”

“Didn’t you listen to anything I’ve told you?”

Richard stared at the man he’d listened to his whole young life, the man whose rules he’d followed without question.

“I listened, and I ended up a miserable old bastard like you. If I keep listening to your wonderful advice I’ll be married to someone I can’t stand and wish to

constantly be anywhere but at home. Isn’t that what you do? You’re with us, but you really want to be with her?”

For minutes Richard waited, but when his dad didn’t say anything he gave up. “Forget it,” he told him and went to walk out of the room.

His dad grabbed him and shut the door.

“I was already married to your mother, and you were born. I did it because my parents told me to marry her. I don’t know what happened along the way,

but we went from completely earning our keep to marrying into more and more money. It’s why the Shaw name is as powerful as it is today. Natasha Glass was the

first and only nanny we employed for you.”

Richard stood and waited.

“She was so beautiful and happy all the time. You were always happy. She used to sing and cook. I found I enjoyed coming home and got distracted at

work easily thinking about her. I fell in love with her within weeks of her being here. The job was a live-in, and one day I walked into her bathroom. She was

naked, and I couldn’t turn away.”

His dad was visibly shaking. “My life had turned into visions of her. She told me to get out, and then one night one thing led to another; and we became

lovers. Natasha hated it. She hated the fact I was married, but she didn’t want me to divorce your mother. I was stuck. Of course your mum found out and made her

life a fucking misery.”

“She lives in a house in the country, and I visit her as regularly as I can.”

“You’re a fucking coward,” Richard said. “To think I believed everything that came out of your mouth. Natasha deserves a man who isn’t afraid to cut the

shit and admit he wanted someone much better.”

He charged out of the house without looking back. Moving forward to confess and find the love of his life.

Richard had fucked up once. Scarlet and Harry Hughes were his, and he wouldn’t let them go again.

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Chapter Fourteen

“I was wondering if you could tell me where Scarlet Hughes is?” Richard asked the man behind the counter.

“I’m sorry, sir, but I’ll have to ask you to leave.”

He stood in a hotel reception in another city far away from where he lived. Richard couldn’t believe how easily she’d upped and moved from the area. It

broke his heart to think he’d caused her to move so far away. He didn’t like to think of how he’d bribed this information out of John Barnes. Only because Richard

had promised to bring her back home did John allow him to know she worked at this fucking hotel. He hated the look of the place on sight. His parents came to eat

regularly here. “Look, I know you’re not used to men coming here, but I swear I only want to talk to her.”

“Scarlet Hughes requested for privacy. I can’t give any information about her. I suggest you go and eat a nice, cozy meal. John is a friend of mine.” The

man glanced behind him.

Richard frowned at his choice of words. Giving up, he walked into the restaurant and decided to at least drown his sorrows in a whisky bottle.

The maitre d’ found him a seat overlooking the whole room. As he perused the menu the distinct scent of cinnamon overcame him, and he placed the menu

down and gazed up at Scarlet.

“What can I get you, sir?” Her voice was still as addictive as ever.

She stopped and stared at him.

“What do you want?” she asked.

“You,” he replied.

“If you’re going to take the mickey then I suggest you leave.” She turned away and as much as he liked looking at that cute ass, he had stuff he wanted to


“Where’s Harry?” he asked.

She froze. “What do you care?”

“I care. I care a hell of a lot.” Richard stared out in the crowd and saw his mother and father staring at him. His dad looked impressed as he glanced at

Scarlet, and his mother looked like she wanted to stab him.

“Go away,” she said. He caught her wrist and held her steady.

“I’m not letting you go this time.”

“Why?” she whispered.

“Because I love you.” She stopped and turned back. A few of the other couples had stopped what they were doing to stare at the commotion happening at

the front of the restaurant.

“Don’t say stuff like that. You don’t need to be here.”

He got down on one knee, his heart open and bleeding for her to see what he was trying to say.

She yanked out of his hold, and Scarlet was walking away from him. Richard couldn’t allow it to happen. He loved her, damn it.

Without thinking he began to sing. Scarlet stopped and turned to stare at him. He was singing a tune she loved to listen to. He knew this. He’d listened to

her humming and singing the song, admittedly off key, in the office. The song itself had no meaning whatsoever. But he noticed it grabbed her attention. Security

had come around and were tapping him on the shoulder. He sang louder.

“Richard, what are you doing? Stop doing this,” she said walking back to him.

“I can’t. I need you, Scarlet.” He got to his feet and took her hands in his. “I know I was a bastard for what I did to you, and I’ll spend the rest of my life

paying the price.” He got to his knee before her once more. “I want to marry you.”


Scarlet stared at Richard, on his knees in front of her. People were staring, but he didn’t seem to care. When he told her he loved her, she didn’t know how

to respond. Part of her wanted to believe him, while another part was afraid in case she opened up and was disappointed once more.

“I can’t do this,” she whispered.

“And I can’t go another day without being with you. I know you’ve been through a lot, and I’m really sorry for my part in that. When I got you to sign that

damn contract I did it because I wanted you. I wanted you so badly and didn’t know what to do to get you.”

His words enthralled her.

“My family is fucked up. I mean really messed up. In fact over there is the happy couple,” he said and pointed at a couple she’d been serving most of the

night. “Opal is the only good thing to come out of our family. When you walked into my life all I’ve ever wanted is to be with you. Until you came in I thought I’d

end up married to a woman I disliked and hate my life.”

Tears fell from her eyes as he opened up in front of her, in front of all of these people. This was a man on the edge, and she could see how much he needed

her right now.

“When I found out what David did to you, I wanted to murder him. That day you hated me for warning him, I claimed you and Harry as my own. I want

you to be my wife, and I want to have babies with you. Grow old with you and live a life where I want to come home and see your smiling face.”

She watched as he pulled a box out of his coat pocket. “I bought this a few months ago. I thought about you. I always think about you.”

Richard opened the box, and she gasped. The beautiful dolphin was dazzling to the eye.

“Scarlet Hughes, I know I don’t deserve you, but if you give me a chance I know I can make you the happiest woman on earth. I love you, and would you

do me the honour of becoming my wife and making Harry my son?”

This was the strangest thing to ever happen to her in her entire life. She never thought a man would propose to her and want to take Harry as a son.

She stared into his eyes and knew she loved him with her whole heart. How could she not?

“Yes,” she said, and the tears were freely falling.

Richard stood and grabbed her in his arms. Cheers and applause were all around. He picked her up and escorted her out of the room and to his waiting limo.

“What are you doing?” she asked with a giggle.

“To go and pick up our son and start the rest of our lives.”

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Chapter Fifteen

Scarlet could practically hear them biting at the door. Their muffles and shuffles were distinct through the wooden door.

“You know I can’t concentrate when you’re hovering this close,” she called through the thick door.

“Sorry, it’s Harry’s fault,” Richard said.

“Hey.” Harry sounded outraged.

She chuckled, and after doing her business she placed the stick on the sink counter. Scarlet couldn’t believe how amazingly her life had turned round in the

last few weeks. They’d moved into his old family house where four previous generations had lived. Harry thrived under the attention of Richard. They were a

happy family.

The date for their marriage was set for some time in the summer. The ring on her finger glinted and always managed to catch her eye.

For the first time in her whole life she knew what it was like to be loved and give love in return.

One minute left.

She wore the dress she’d seen at the store a few weeks ago. She recalled looking at the price tag and putting the design back. Richard had given it to her this

morning along with a pregnancy test. He couldn’t wait to know the answer.

The guy was like a big kid, but she loved him with her whole heart.

She rubbed her hands together and moaned in frustration. Why did two minutes suddenly seem like the longest in the world?


It was official. Richard was ringing the test companies and complaining. There was no way in hell those things had taken two minutes. Already it felt like a

lifetime. Harry sat in his lap and was reading a book to him. They sat against the opposite wall from Lydia, who was on the stairs, and they were all waiting for the


Not to mention the guests he’d invited over. Shit, Scarlet didn’t know about them yet. Tony, Wayne and Lily, his sister and few others were invited over.

Regardless of what the outcome was of this test, he wanted to celebrate them moving in together.

“She’s taking so long,” Harry moaned.

“I know, buddy. But remember to always be polite and wait for a woman to make the first move.”

The door opened, and she stood in the dress she’d wanted so much. Her tits looked really good, and he moved Harry away. Richard’s cock was already

stirring to get her alone.

“Well?” he asked.

The suspense was killing him.

Her face lit up like a light bulb.

“We’re going to have a baby?” he asked. Scarlet nodded, and he grabbed her in his arms and spun her around.

“What does this mean?” Harry asked.

“It means you’re going to have a brother or sister in a few months’ time.” Richard ran his fingers through his son’s hair.

“What happens to me? Do I get sold on?”

Scarlet and Lydia laughed.

“No, buddy. You know Auntie Opal? Well, I’m her big brother, and what it means is you’re going to be a big brother when mummy gives birth to a baby.”

“I can live with that,” Harry said and walked down the stairs with Lydia.

“Alone.” Richard growled and pinned her against the wall.

“You’ve got to be careful in my delicate state,” she said and chuckled, which sound quickly turned into a gasp and a moan of pleasure.

“Is that the case? Then I guess you’d better lie back and think of good thoughts because tonight I’m going to make love to you all night.” He nibbled her

neck, and his fingers teased her swollen nipples.

“You’ve got to stop.”

“I don’t want to. God, I love you so much,” he said. Richard took her hand and led her out into the back garden before she had time to know what he was

doing. “We’re having a baby,” he shouted at the top of his lungs.

“I hate you,” she cried, but with a smile on her face.

He watched the woman he loved being absorbed into the crowd of his friends. Richard had never been happier in his life. The diamond engagement ring

graced her finger, and he raised his glass to Wayne and Tony.

Richard made his way to his two friends.

“So, you’re getting married and having a child. However will you cope?” Tony asked.

“With Scarlet in my life, I can handle anything.”

Lily and Opal were each in turn hugging Scarlet. Harry was playing with some of the children as the barbeque was being fired up.

“Only one of us left,” Wayne said, and both men turned to Tony.

“You can keep that shit between you two. I’m really happy being a single guy.”

“Funny. I believe Wayne and I once said that.”

Richard sipped his beer and stared at his soon-to-be wife. As much as he hated the contract he’d forced her into, it sure had brought around what he wanted

most. The love of his life. Who would have thought he’d ever get love.

Unlikely, he’d thought once.

Scarlet was his unlikely love.

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Tony glanced at one of his best friends. Since marrying Scarlet and having a baby together Richard constantly looked married and smug about it. The only

other time he had looked so happy was when the adoption papers had been finalised. Scarlet’s son now had a father.

Four years had passed since his friend had taken the leap. Both Wayne and Richard were happily married with a few kids.

“What do you mean you can’t find Opal?” Tony asked.

“She’s not in any of the rooms at the church, and the priest has said she didn’t go to confession. I’ve got to find her. The parents are freaking out.” Richard

looked around, frantic.

“We’ll find her.” Tony wouldn’t mention he already knew where she’d run to.

He left his friends in their search. Past the graveyard and through the small orchard at the bottom of the church he found Opal on one of the last remaining

swings. Her white dress billowed all around her. Tears stained her cheeks, and she must have been wearing one of those water proof mascaras because it hadn’t run

down her face. For a bride on her wedding day, she looked like shit.

Her blond hair fell down in curls. He personally loved the length of her hair, and he liked that fact she kept it that way. So many times he’d seen fashion

columns criticise her for the length of her hair and the body that they described as unfashionably full.

“I thought I’d find you here,” he said moving behind her.

She jumped but calmed when she saw it was he.

“I’m sorry.”

“What are you doing here, petal? You’re supposed to be a blushing bride.” Unable to resist he ran his fingers through her curls. Pastel pink flowers had been

decorated through her hair.

“Blushing bride. That’s a laugh.” He heard the bitterness in her voice, and he waited like other times for her to talk. “Do you know why I’m getting married

today?” she asked.

Tony shook his head.

“Because it’s good for business. Most women on their big day are getting married because they’re in love or want to be with the person they’re walking

down the aisle with.”

“Is that why you’re walking down the aisle?”

“Good for business. I hate him. Charles is a fucking liar and a cheat,” she s. The tears were coming down thick and fast.

“Don’t swear, petal.”

“You know what he was doing last night?”


“While I was being convinced by my parents about how good a union is between us, he was fucking his mistress. Don’t ask how I know. I just know.

When I told mum about it, she said we make sacrifices for the men we love.”

Tony heard her snort.

“I can’t marry that man, Tony. I’ve never been with anyone. I wanted my first time to be with someone I love. Charles will jump from the bed of his

mistress to mine. I can’t do it. Please don’t make me go back.”

She turned and latched onto him. Tony held her while she cried. His heart strings were pulled by her unhappiness.

“Are you sure you won’t ever want to be married to Charles?” In truth he thought the bastard was a snivelling little shit. He couldn’t believe her parents had

set her up with him. The girl was twenty, and they’d had her life planned out from the start.

“One hundred percent. Look at me, Tony. He’ll hate me and try to change who I am. No one likes me. Scarlet told me I had to follow my heart, and my

heart is telling me to run, as far and as fast as I can.”

He couldn’t argue with that. Quickly thinking on his feet, he made a decision. Tony adored Opal, and he didn’t want to see her hurt.

“Go back to church, and I’ll help.” He held a finger over her lips and followed her back to the church. Richard thanked him, and Tony sat in the back of a


The music started up and Opal walked down with a bouquet of white roses. She stared at him with begging eyes. Tony couldn’t ignore her desperation, and

he sat and waited.

Throughout it all the bride looked like she was about to collapse.

The priest said those vital words. “If anyone in the room has cause to believe Opal Shaw and Charles Clarke shouldn’t be joined in matrimony, let him

speak now or forever hold his peace.”

Tony glanced up, and saw her staring right back at him. He licked his lips, and when the priest was about to pronounce them man and wife, Tony stood up.

Gasps and mummers erupted.

“I object, and I refuse to allow Opal to go through with this,” he said, loud and clear for everyone to hear.

Richard stood, and Opal made her way down to him.

Fuck, what had he just done?

The End

Other Books by Sam Crescent:

Blackmailed by the Beast

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Evernight Publishing


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