The Biker's Needs (Satan's Beas Sam Crescent

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Copyright© 2020 Sam Crescent

ISBN: 978-0-3695-0283-4

Cover Artist: Jay Aheer

Editor: Audrey Bobak


WARNING: The unauthorized reproduction or
distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. No
part of this book may be used or reproduced

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permission, except in the case of brief quotations
embodied in reviews.

This is a work of fiction. All names, characters, and
places are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual
events, locales, organizations, or persons, living or
dead, is entirely coincidental.

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Satan’s Beasts MC: Nomad

Chapter, 2

Sam Crescent

Copyright © 2020

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Chapter One

“You look fucking jealous,” Skull said, taking

a seat beside Ape.

Tipping his beer back, Ape averted his gaze,

not interested in having to deal with any of his club
brothers right now. They’d been traveling for four
days straight and this was their first real break.
Hanging out around a beat-up motel that had seen
way better days, with free pussy and lots of drink,
he wasn’t feeling it. Sure, his dick ached to be
inside a woman, but he couldn’t do it.

His prez, Colonel, had carried his old lady into

one of the rooms where they would no doubt stay
for a couple of days. Whenever there was a long
time spent between rests, Colonel and his woman
always needed a few days catching up and fucking
each other. Running a hand down his face, he
slammed his fist against Skull’s arm. “Fuck off. I
don’t want the company.”

“Either you’re jealous of the prez, or you’ve

got a thing for his ass, or maybe you’ve got a thing
for Piper.”

Ape stood and walked away, Skull laughing as

he went. It wasn’t like they weren’t used to having
a woman on the road with them. He was. After
throwing his bottle into the trash, he headed away
from the motel. There was no way he was going to
enjoy a night’s sleep. The place looked like it had

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As he walked down the street, the quiet of the

night washed over him. The town itself looked all
right. He’d clocked the big houses on arriving and
there was also a small town center.

He loved small towns. People were constantly

entertaining, especially some of the “posh” people.
They often behaved like they wanted to be rid of
them as if they carried some disease. Then there
were always a few of the groupies who believed
riding with the club was the key to a good life.
Most of the time, the women got bored of being on
the back of a bike. Sure, they liked having the
men’s undivided attention at night, but it was
getting to that point when the pull of the road and
freedom of riding won against pussy. For him, his
bike would always win against a woman.

Women were good for sucking and fucking,

but nothing permanent. He wasn’t jealous of
Colonel and Piper, more curious.

They’d been together for a couple of years,

married, and they were still going strong. When
Piper first came with them, he thought she’d last a
couple of weeks tops. Instead, she took the road
and the nomadic way of life easier than he
expected. She didn’t seem to mind if she didn’t
have a bathroom for a couple of days. Whenever
they stopped, she always took time to refresh in a

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He shook his head. The road wasn’t a place

for a woman.

Ever since Piper had entered the scene,

Colonel hadn’t strayed. What was it about the one
woman? He didn’t get it.

Sure, Colonel had been instantly attracted to

her, but that shit would fade.

He kicked a stone as he passed a large school

that looked more like a prison. Ape had dropped
out of school many years ago, never finished.
Never needed it in his line of work.

Coming to a stop at the edge of the long strip

of town, he shook his head again. In all of his years
of traveling, he’d come to the conclusions that
many places were alike in so many ways. Always
the divide between rich and poor. Long town
streets. People’s views of them.

The only differences were usually the wealth

that held them.

It wasn’t too late, and he saw a diner open and

a couple of other nearby restaurants still aglow.
Walking down the main street, he came to a stop as
a woman and man exited a building.

“You’ve got no cause to shut this place down,

so don’t even think about it, Calum.”

“Your place is an eyesore. People don’t like

what you do, Charlotte.”

“What I do? I’m not a damn brothel. I bet if I

was, there would be a hell of a lot more of a battle

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to keep me open. People can’t stand to have art on
their flesh but swinging tits would win out.”

“You’re being crude.”
“Don’t even try me. You think I don’t know

what you get up to in your free time? Spare me the
condescending bullshit where you pretend to be on
some kind of pedestal that you don’t deserve. That
ship sailed a long time ago.” Charlotte stepped up
into Calum’s face.

Ape, with her back to him, was turned on by

her stiff spine, curvy ass, and that mouth on her.

“Let’s face it, you’d be happy to fight for my

place if I’m willing to give a little back. Isn’t that
right?” She ran her hand down Calum’s body.

Calum didn’t move. He merely groaned as she

grabbed his dick, but that the look of rapture turned
to pain as she clearly squeezed him a little tighter.

“Get the fuck away from me, you disgusting


She spun on her heel and took several steps

away. Calum went to his knees. “You’ll regret this.”

Ape got a good look at her, and fuck him, he

was in love. Dark red hair, green eyes, nice big tits,
and curves. The clothes she wore emphasized all of
her assets, and he couldn’t find a single fault with
her. The shirt she wore was cut low, hinting at the
tops of her tits. Generous hips. Ink teased up her
arms, and he got a hint of something on her chest

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that disappeared into the shirt. Jeans hugged her
body and he wanted nothing more than to remove
every item of clothing and admire her, worship her.

“It looks to me like you could use a drink,” he

said, stepping out of the shadows.

She turned her gaze toward him. “You’re one

of the bikers that just got to town.”

“One of them.”
Charlotte glanced up and down him, pursing

her lips.

“I won’t hurt you.”
“Please, all men hurt, it’s if women let them or


“Can I buy you a drink?”
Again, a pause and then a heartbreaking smile.



Charlotte couldn’t believe she’d accepted a

drink from a total stranger. That was what he was.
Sitting at the bar, she tipped the beer against her
lips, taking a swig. She’d had a shitty day and it had
only gotten worse when Calum had turned up. He
wanted her out of town, and she wanted nothing
more to go, but he’d pissed her off, and so she was
staying, making herself miserable in order to make
his life difficult.

He was a cheating bastard, but rather than call

him out on his shit, she’d ended it and ignored him
since. She wasn’t a cheater, hadn’t even known he

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was engaged to another woman when they were
together. That little surprise had happened when he
came to town bringing the perfect wife for mommy
and daddy.

She’d felt dirty and disgusting.
Apparently, it had been all over social media,

but she didn’t have any accounts. He thought she
knew and was on board. Not a chance. She’d ended
it with him a few years ago, and since then, he’d
made it his mission to make her life a misery, and
she’d done exactly the same with him.

This was getting them nowhere, though. He

was threatening to kick her out of town.

“You okay?” the biker asked.
“I don’t know your name,” she said. “I’d

rather know the name of the guy who offered to
buy me a drink.”

“Is that a club name?”
“You know about clubs?”
“I’ve met a couple in my time.” She shook the

hand he offered.

“You want to tell me what that was all about?”
She threw her head back and laughed.

“Really? You want to know about my drama?”

“Why not? I’ve got nowhere else to be.”
“It is a lame story. You’ve got hundreds of

things you could be doing.”

“I’m happy to be right here.”

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She looked over at him and raised a brow. He

didn’t appear to want to move. “Okay, fine.” And
she proceeded to tell him the whole sordid detail of
her relationship with Calum. She was halfway into
a second beer when she realized she’d finished.

“I guess it’s not that long,” she said. “Sorry to

bore you.”

“I’m not bored. Were you in love with this


She snorted. “Hell, no, and I’m not just saying

that as a woman scorned or anything. I actually
mean it. The sex just happened, and it became a
regular thing, and it wasn’t that good.” No, Calum
become more like a bad cough around her neck. He
just didn’t seem to want to take the hint and leave
her alone. “Believe me, I’m not sad or anything.”

“What are you then?”
She shrugged. “I guess right now I’m stuck in

a rut. He’s trying to kick my ass out of town. I
know if I was to sleep with him again, he’d be all
for me staying and fight for my ‘art.’” She air
quoted the last word. “But I won’t do it. I don’t
believe in cheating. Tell me now you’re not with

“I’m not. I’m free.”
“Phew.” She laughed.
“It wasn’t your fault. The moment you saw

the wife, you called it quits, right?”

“Hell, yeah. Just knowing I was helping a guy

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cheat made my skin crawl. I’m not a bad person.”

Ape chuckled. “You need to stop carrying

around this guilt. It’s not on you.”

“You don’t think I should have tried to find


“How could you have done that without acting

like a crazy woman and going to stalk his ass? An
ass you didn’t really want, and if you ask me, didn’t
want to upset him by kicking him to the curb.”

“You’re just trying to make me feel better

because you want to get into my pants.”

“And what makes you think that?”
She laughed and turned to give him her full

attention. “You’re just passing through. You’ve
been on the road for a long time. I’ve dealt with a
great deal of bikers in my time and they’ve been
kind enough to tell me exactly what they’re looking
for on that first night. You got in this morning. I’m
not that bad at math. Also, you keep looking at me
like that.”

“Like what?”
“Like you want to tear my clothes off.”
“Does that upset you?” he asked.
“Then what are you thinking about right


“I’m wondering if I should give you a

chance.” She couldn’t believe she’d just said that,
but it was out there in the open. The words had

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easily spilled from her lips.

She kept her attention focused on him.
Ape touched her leg. His fingers drifted up her

thigh, going toward the apex. She didn’t stop him,
and all it had taken was that one touch to make her
feel so many different things. It had been a long
time since she’d been with a man.

For the longest time, guilt had weighed her


This man. Her mysterious biker, he was

releasing things within her that were getting hard
for her to ignore with every passing minute.

Licking her lips, she put the bottle of beer

down and thought about it. She could let him ride
out of here and in years to come, maybe even hours
after the fact, she’d be flooded with regret for not
taking that single chance to be with him. Or she
could be rash, take what she wanted, and still regret

There’s nothing for you to lose here.
All she had to do was gain.
Finishing her beer, she got up, grabbed her bag

and Ape’s hand. “Come on,” she said.

For once, she was going to live and not think

about all the reasons this was going to be a bad

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Chapter Two

Charlotte had a nice place.
Ape glanced around. She didn’t have a whole

lot of furniture and there were no real roots put
down. He couldn’t see a single picture of her or
family. Nothing that could give away anything
about the person who lived here.

He liked it. It was different.
She’d left him in the sitting room to go and

freshen up. After removing his leather cut, he
draped it over the sofa and kicked off his boots.

The sound of a door opening had him turning

around, and he watched Charlotte come out of the
bathroom, wearing a robe. She didn’t stop and
stepped up to him. “Do you have condoms?” she

“I’ve got them.”
“Good.” She grabbed his shirt and pulled him

down. At first, he wasn’t exactly sure how to
approach this. The last thing he wanted was for this
woman to start screaming rape at him, but as she
kissed him, he knew exactly what to do. Charlotte
wasn’t giving mixed signals. Some women on the
road had given some of his club brothers mixed

Sinking his fingers into her hair, he pulled her

close, smashing his lips to hers and groaning as he
did so.

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“You taste so good.” Sucking on her lip, he

plunged into her mouth. Her hands moved up from
his chest, wrapping around his head.

Running his other hand down her back toward

her ass, he gripped the supple flesh. She was so soft
and all curves, and he couldn’t get enough. He let
go of her head and picked her up with both hands
on her ass.

“Bedroom,” he said.
She pointed behind her and he moved in that

direction. He was still wearing too many clothes.
After kicking the door open, he placed her down on
the bed. The robe she wore wasn’t doing a great job
of keeping everything in. As he watched her, he
removed the rest of his clothes.

Charlotte stood and opened up the belt. The

robe fell from her shoulders in a delicate wave, and
his cock answered the call.

Nice, big tits, and soft, curvy hips with more

than a generous handful to hold on to. Ink
decorated her body. There was nothing about her
that wasn’t perfect. All he wanted to do was fuck
her. To take her.

He put his hands on her waist, seeing the rose

thorns up either side, and that was the ink he’d
caught a glimpse of earlier. “You did all of this?”

“I drew it and got a friend to ink my body. He

was good.”

Pulling her close, he kissed her hard, tasting

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her on his lips. He pushed her to the bed and spread
her legs, cupping her.

She was already so wet for him.
Her moans filled the air and he broke from the

kiss, trailing his lips down her body. He stopped at
her tits and pushed them together, flicking his
tongue across each peak before sucking it into his

She cried out, arching up.
He let go and went down toward her pussy.

She spread her legs even wider, and he just couldn’t
resist. Swiping his tongue through her slit, he
swirled over her clit then went back down to tease
across her entrance.

“Oh, fuck, that feels good.”
Sucking her whole clit into his mouth, he used

his teeth to create a bite of pain that had her
arching up.

He pressed two fingers inside her, feeling how

tight she was. He started to stretch her, wanting her
to be ready for when he fucked her because he
wasn’t a small man.

“I could lick this pussy all day,” he said.
“And I’d be quite happy to let you.”
He flicked her clit, glancing up her body and

watching her as he drew her closer to the peak of
orgasm, but he wanted to feel her tight cunt
wrapped around him. Ape let her go just as she was
about to come. He smiled to himself as he dropped

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her to the bed.

Charlotte let out a cute little growl.
He’d already grabbed a condom, and now he

tore into the packet and started to slide it down his
dick. Holding on to her hips, he nudged her up the
bed, making her fall against the pillows, but before
she had any real time to protest, he was there,
moving inside her.

They both groaned, their sounds mingling


“You feel good.”
“Fuck me,” she said.
He took hold of her hands, pinning them to the

bed. “As the lady requests.” He pulled out of her
only to slam back inside her. Fucking her to the
bed, he gave her several thrusts before he released
her and spun her around, going to her knees. He
spread the cheeks of her ass, admiring her cunt as
well as that puckered asshole. One day. If he was
here long enough, he’d take her.

In one smooth thrust, he was balls deep inside

her. He slid a hand between her thighs and started
to stroke her clit, drawing her back to the edge as
he worked his length deep within her pussy.

She moaned his name, the sound echoing off

the walls.

It had been so long, and he was determined to

last until after she came. The moment her pussy
started to squeeze him as her orgasm took over, he

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had no chance.

With a few short thrusts, he joined her, pulsing

into the condom with his cum. He hated having the
damn thing on and would have gladly come within
her naked walls, filling up her womb. He didn’t
know why he cared so much.

They were both panting as he kissed her neck.

He didn’t pull out of her yet. He let go of her pussy
as they both collapsed to the bed.

“That didn’t take long,” she said.
“Give me five minutes, I’ll show you how long

I can last.”


Charlotte giggled as Ape wrestled her to the

bed. She moaned as he captured her beneath him.

“I have to go to work,” she said.
“You own the place.”
“Yeah, and if I keep odd hours, it’s another

reason for them to shut me down.” She closed her
eyes as he kissed down her neck. This had to be the
single most reckless thing she’d ever done and yet
she didn’t feel an ounce of regret. Why should she?
This was amazing.

She moaned his name as Ape kissed down her

body, going straight to her tits, where he did pay
particular attention to her. He certainly loved her
body and with the way he was constantly touching
her, kissing her, and taking her, she wasn’t going to

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Four times they fucked last night.
She was ready to go again.
Tackling him to the bed this time, she

straddled his waist, lifting up.

“Shit,” she said. As she reached behind her,

Ape grabbed her hips, keeping her steady. She
grabbed a condom, tore into it, and worked it over
his length.

“I’m clean, woman,” he said.
“I’m not on the pill and if you think you’re

riding out of town with the chance of me carrying
your kid, you’ve got no chance.” She gasped as she
slowly sank onto him.

Ape wasn’t small.
No, he was big and each inch lit her up from

the inside. It felt so fucking good. Better than good.

She put her hands on his chest, using them for

guidance as she started to work up and down his
length, taking him as deep within her as she could.

His hands went to her tits, fingering the

nipples before sliding down, going over her ass,
cupping the flesh, then back to her hips. He
slammed up into her, drawing her down at the same
time, bouncing her on his cock.

“Fuck,” he said. “Yeah, take my cock. Fuck.”
He appeared to like the word fuck and she

wasn’t upset by it either.

Suddenly, he sat up, his hands in her hair,

drawing her down to kiss her. He bit her lip and he

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trailed kisses to her neck, licking over the pulse
before biting down.

He was going to leave a mark as he sucked the

flesh, and she whimpered, desperate for more. She
reached down, stroking her clit.

“Yeah, come all over my cock. That’s what I

want. I want you to give it all to me. Let me feel
how tight you get riding me, baby. I want to feel it.”

She sank her teeth into her lip, but even after

all the orgasms he’d given her before, she came.
With his cock balls deep inside her, it felt different,
and she wasn’t about to complain.

His name spilled from her lips, and Ape took

over, fucking her harder, using her pussy until he
finally thrust within her, coming deep. The condom
was their only protection. She was sure if they
hadn’t been using anything, she’d have already
been knocked up by now.

Wrapping her arms around his neck, she

giggled. “As much as I love doing this with you,
I’ve got to go.”

She climbed off his cock and quickly pulled on

some clean underwear.

“The guys and I are staying in town for a

couple of days,” he said.

“You are?”
“Yeah. I want to pick you up tonight,” he said.
She pulled her shirt over her head and spun

around to smile at him. “Be careful, Ape, I might

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start to think you’ve got a thing for me.”

“And what if I have?” he asked. “Would that

be such a bad thing?”

“Not to me, but I’m not the one leaving, am

I?” She tugged on her jeans and put her hand on his
chest, kissing him. “I’ve only got the one key. You
need to get dressed.”

She went to move away, but he captured her

hand, drawing her back. Giggling, she tilted her
head back.

“I like you.”
“I like you too.”
He stroked her cheek with the back of his

knuckles. “Why don’t you live a little?”

“Ape, I’ve lived a little last night and if my

memory serves me well, I didn’t say no, now either.
What would you like to do tonight?” she asked.

“You can come and hang out with me and

some of the guys.”

“Taking me to meet the family already?”
“Yeah, I guess I am. I’m a good judge of

people. I like you and I think you like me.” He
cupped her face. “What do you have to lose? Like
you said, they’re already trying to get rid of your

“Ape, I’m not going to use you to piss people

off. I’ll come and hang out because I want to. Even
though all we’ve done is have sex, I like you. I
don’t know why, but I guess I like your dick, and

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we’ll see if you’ve got what it takes to keep me
entertained when there’s no bed.” She went up on
her tiptoes and kissed him. “Now, I’ve still got a
couple of appointments that haven’t canceled.
They’re a couple of out-of-towners. Come on, get
dressed. I’ll buy you coffee and a pastry.”

She patted his chest and quickly left the

bedroom. She had to play it cool.

This was the first time ever in her life where

she’d actually taken a complete stranger home. It
was so weird. Where there were times with Calum
it didn’t feel right and she hated it, with Ape, it was
the most natural thing in the world.

His touch set her body on fire for all the good

reasons whereas Calum had left her feeling cold.

Her life had gotten pretty hectic, no doubt

about that. As much as she wanted to piss Calum
off, she wasn’t going to be the kind of woman to
use another man to do it. If she was going to piss
him off, she’d gladly do it all by herself.

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Chapter Three

“Where have you been?” Colonel asked as

Ape took a seat.

He’d gotten the text a few minutes ago that

they were all at the diner, enjoying breakfast.

“What does it matter?” Ape asked. He nodded

toward the waitress who came and poured him a
cup of coffee. “You ordered?”

“Not yet. I’m waiting for Piper to decide,”

Colonel said, leaning into his woman to kiss her

“Not me.” She rolled her eyes. “I’ve decided.

He needs a few more minutes to think.”

Ape picked up his menu and perused the

items. “Waffles and the works for me.”

The waitress turned to Colonel.
“You order for me,” he said.
Piper chuckled, shaking her head, but doing as

he asked. “You need to learn to start ordering your
own food.”

“It’s what I’ve got a woman for.”
“You’re so bad,” she said.
Colonel and Piper started to kiss again.
“I’m surprised you two can even be seen out

in public. Only a few hours since we landed, and
you’re ready to see the world again,” Ape said.

Colonel broke from the kiss, Piper’s arms

wrapped around him. She was a lot younger than

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“You got a problem?” he asked.
“No, I don’t.”
“Before we get into the whole Ape-has-an-

issue-with-Piper again,” Skull said. “Where were

“Why does it matter?” Ape asked.
Colonel slammed his hand down on the table.

The entire diner went silent. One look from Colonel
and they all started to eat again.

“I’ve had it with this bad attitude, Ape. It’s

not justified and to be frank, it’s really starting to
piss me off. We need to know as we’re club. I need
to know where you are and what the fuck you’re
doing. Now, I don’t give a shit what you think.
Piper is here to stay. Where were you?”

He took a deep breath. “I met a woman last

night. I was at her place. I’ll be bringing her by for
you guys to meet.”

Skull whistled. “Do we think another chick

will be claiming the back of a bike?”

“Not happening,” Ape said. He’d lost his

appetite. “I’ll meet you guys later. I’m heading over
to the motel.”

Climbing out of his seat, he left the diner.
He’d already had a coffee and pastry, and he’d

pick up a sandwich as he made his way back to the

“Ape, wait,” Piper said.

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He tensed up.
“You don’t have to follow me.”
“Look, I get it, you don’t like me. Tell me

what I’ve got to do in order to get you to like me.”

He spun around to face her. “First, you don’t

need me to fucking like you, Piper. Don’t even for
a second think you have to do or change anything
to get people to like you. If they don’t like you,
screw them.”

She frowned. “Okay, but … we’ve been riding

together for a couple of years and you still don’t
like me. I don’t care about everyone else, but
you’re family. You’re club. I want you to like me. I
don’t like it when you and Colonel fight.”

Ape folded his arms. “What makes you think I

don’t like you?”

“I don’t know? I guess, I’m not really sure.

The way you can’t seem to be in a room with me
for more than a couple of minutes without glaring
at me or leaving.” She pointed at him. “Look at you

“I’m waiting for you to disappoint.”
“This is all a fun adventure for you. Sure,

you’ve lasted a lot longer than some of the other
women, but when are you going to give in to the
reality? We’re not settling down. You won’t have a
home or kids. This is going to be the life.”

“And that is the life I want. I don’t want kids

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or a home. I’m in love with Colonel, and call me
selfish, but he’s the only man I want to be with. The
only person I love.” She laughed. “Is that your
problem? You don’t want to get attached because
you think I’m going to break his heart?”

“Just … don’t, okay?”
“I won’t. I promise. I look forward to seeing

your date.”

He shook his head. “I’m still heading back to

take a shower.”

Piper pulled out a set of keys. “I cleaned the

tub in our room if you’d like to feel like you’ve
actually had a wash.” She giggled. “See you later,

She turned on her heel and walked away.
He wasn’t going to be okay with her.
With keys in his hands, he walked away,

whistling to himself. He’d left his bike back at the
motel and he rather liked the walk, seeing some of
the moms quickly move out of his way, scared his
rebellious ways will rub off on their kids.

He stopped at a bakery, picked himself up a

sandwich, and headed back to have a quick wash.

What he tried not to think about was

Charlotte. Her sweet laugh, charming smile, and of
course her smoking hot body.

The way she looked riding his cock.
He certainly tried not to think about how good

she would look riding on the back of his bike. That

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would be a complete mistake, allowing himself the
luxury to even think of having her there. Her arms
wrapped around him as the wind rushed through
her hair. This town had her trapped and he knew he
could set her free.

It was stupid.
Women were not supposed to be on the road.

Piper had lasted longer than he thought she would,
but she’d leave. It was why he never allowed
himself to be with a woman long enough to get

All that would happen would be a broken

heart, and he wasn’t going to leave a woman he
loved behind.

Whatever was happening with Charlotte, it

wouldn’t last, and he was more than okay with that.


Two of her clients had canceled on her. That

didn’t come as much of a shock, seeing as Calum
said he’d make life even more difficult. Her out-of-
town clients who’d heard of her work through
gossip, they’d still stayed, and there was nothing he
could do about that.

Charlotte locked up her shop and took a step


This hadn’t been her dream.
All she’d ever wanted to do was get the hell

out of town, to be on the road, as far away from
this place as possible, but instead, she’d stuck

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around. First, because her mom had been sick, but
then she’d been sick all the way through high
school. It had hurt when she died, but she’d been
there, right by her side.

“Promise me, Charlotte, don’t waste a

moment of life. It’s too damn short and we don’t
ever get enough of it.”

She’d made that promise and yet was still


It had been in her blood for so long. Holding

on to her jacket, she took a step back and screamed
as an arm moved around her waist.

“Whoa, baby, I’ve got you.”
She pulled away from Ape, glaring at him.
I’m not jealous. You can’t expect anything

from a man you’ve only known for two minutes.

Even though she tried not to glare at him, she

couldn’t help it. “Thanks.” She started to walk
down the street, which was in the opposite
direction of where she was supposed to go. There
was no way she was turning back to let him know
he was getting to her. No way at all. She’d simply
walk a little further away. That was all she needed
to do.

“Hey, hey, I thought we were going to hang


She stopped and turned toward him. “What

did I tell you less than twenty-four hours ago? I

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don’t deal with cheaters. I’m done with them. I
don’t allow men to … stray!” Damn, the words
were just not coming.

Spinning on her heel, she turned back to the

right direction of her place and kept on walking.

“Hold on just one fucking minute,” Ape said,

grabbing her arm.

“Let go.”
“Fuck, no. I don’t know what the fuck is going

on but I can tell you, I ain’t no cheater.”

“And you really expect me to believe you?”
“Yeah. I haven’t given you any cause to

believe I am a cheater.”

She laughed. “Oh, really, so the woman I saw

throwing keys at you. She wasn’t a girlfriend?”

“What?” Ape frowned, shaking his head.
“I’m not going to do this with you, or with any


“You’re on about Piper. She’s not my wife or

my girlfriend. In fact, my club president would fuck
my face up if I even looked at her.” He started to
laugh. “She’s his wife. I’ve never touched Piper.
I’ve never even considered her as someone I want
to be with. Believe me, she’s not the woman I want
to be with.”

“Oh,” she said.
He chuckled and stepped up to her.
Now she felt like an asshole.
Ape pressed her up against the brick wall.

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“You got jealous.”

“No, I got cautious.”
He sank his fingers into her hair and tilted her

head back. “I’ve got no problem with you wanting
me. In fact, I like it.”

Before she had a chance to protest, his lips

were on hers, kissing her, harder.

She moaned his name. Gripping his shoulders,

she had every intention of pushing him away, only
it didn’t happen like that.

Ape moved them and suddenly they were

around the corner of the building, in the shadows.
Her bag and jacket on the ground as he ran his
hands up her body, cupping her tits.

“We shouldn’t be doing this.”
“I don’t give a fuck about what we should or

shouldn’t be doing.”

He spun her around and she pressed her hands

to the wall; he held her back so she didn’t hurt
herself. Ape tilted her hips as he released the catch
on her jeans and tugged down the zip. He pulled her
pants to her knees, taking her underwear along with

Stroking over the curves of her ass, he spread

her, grazing past her asshole to touch her pussy.

“So wet for me. You’re going to make me

become addicted to this cunt, baby,” he said.

“Yes,” she said then moaned his name.
He groaned. His teeth sank into her neck and

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he bit down, licking and sucking. She heard his
zipper lower and then the tip of him was touching

He cursed but she stayed still as he quickly

pulled one on. “We’re going to get you on the pill
so I can fuck you.”

Her response was to cry out as he slammed

balls deep inside her, taking her by surprise. The
pleasure was instant, all-consuming, and she
couldn’t stop, nor did she want to. He grabbed her
hair, tugging her back, and then his lips were on her
neck. His other hand held on to her hip, keeping her
firmly in place as he slowly started to rock inside
her, fucking her.

Anyone could come by at any minute and see,

but with how good he felt inside her, she didn’t
care. Didn’t want this to ever stop. It was better
than she ever imagined.

As she moaned his name, he fucked her

harder, riding her. He swallowed down her pleasure
and the hand on her hip delved between her thighs,
touching her.

“Come all over my cock. Come right here in

the street where anyone can see us,” he said,
whispering the words and filling her mind up with
the teases that just wouldn’t go away.

She came for him, exploding on his dick as he

fucked her harder. It felt incredible, and Ape rode

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her until he spilled within the condom.

This shouldn’t have happened, but there was

no denying just how incredible it was. Whatever
happened, she had to keep her heart in check.
There was no way she could fall for Ape. He’d be
leaving soon.

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Chapter Four

“I don’t think I should do this.”
“Why?” Ape kissed her head. He was still on

cloud nine. He’d already come deep in her pussy
and was looking forward to doing it again, and
again. Piper had his room cleaned today, so he had
no problem with Charlotte spending the night with

The guys were going to rib him for bringing a

woman back. But Charlotte wasn’t going to be
shared by the guys. Nope, she was here all for him.

“They’re your family and I’m a woman

you’ve just met. Won’t they be like, I don’t know,
mad at you or something?”

“You’re putting way too much thought into

this one, baby,” he said, kissing her head. “The
guys won’t care.”

“Because you move around a lot?”
“Yeah, we won’t be staying for long.” He

glanced over at her, wondering if she would even
consider coming on the road with them.

What the fuck are you doing? There’s no way

this woman would come on the road with you. Are
you nuts?

Ape didn’t like the feeling swirling in his gut

that came from the thought of leaving her behind
and never seeing her again. It sucked, in a big way.

Rubbing the back of his head, he looked

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toward her, wondering what he should do or say.
Nothing came to mind.

He was a complete and total blank. Kissing her

head, they walked into the motel grounds and saw
that the guys had already set up a fire. The motel
wasn’t exactly well supplied with customers so a
little extra money changed hands for them to turn
the other way.

Women were already dancing around them.
“You’re never short on company.”
“And yet, I came to you.”
“I know I’m nothing special.”
“You’re really underestimating yourself, and I

don’t like it. You’ve got to learn to live a little.” He
kissed her again.

This was starting to unnerve him a little. Here

he was, kissing her, touching her, and he truly
couldn’t get enough of her. No woman had ever
made him feel like that, and he wasn’t sure if he
liked it or not. He used women and always made
sure they knew the score. Even Charlotte knew he
was going to be leaving town. All he had to do was
wait for Colonel to say the word, and they were out
of there.

“My man, it’s about time you came back,”

Skull said. “And who is this delightful woman?
You’ve been keeping yourself something hot.”

Skull held out his hand and Charlotte took it.
“This is Charlotte. Back off, she’s not here to

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be shared.”

Skull pouted. “He always gets the best ones.”
Charlotte chuckled. “Nice to meet you.”
Ape introduced her to the rest of the guys and

just as he was finished, Colonel and Piper came out
of the hotel room. Both looking happy and
thoroughly fucked.

He leaned in close. “See, she’s not mine but

belongs to him. Colonel,” he said, nodding at his
club president. “I’d like you both to meet

Piper smiled and rushed over, drawing

Charlotte into a hug.

“It’s so good to see you. You’re the reason

Ape finally has a smile on his face.”

Colonel shook her hand.
“It’s nice to meet you both,” Charlotte said.
“I hate to break this up, but I’m starving.

Enjoy yourself, Charlotte,” Colonel said.

He already had his hands on Piper’s shoulders

and was marching her to the barbeque pit. His
stomach rumbled and Charlotte turned around and
put a hand on his chest. “I’m sorry.”

“What for?” he asked.
“For being a … judgmental bitch.” She

shrugged. “I know. This shit with Calum has
messed with my head.”

“Stop thinking about him. He’s been in your

head for far too long. It’s time to let him out and to

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not give him the air space.”

She sighed. “You’re right. I’ve got a few things

to think about with work and stuff.”

His curiosity was piqued. “What kinds of


“It’s nothing.”
“Tell me.”
“The lease on my shop. It runs out in like two

weeks. I don’t know if I’m going to bother to apply
for another or to continue paying. I’ve got some
decisions to make.” She shrugged. “Come on, I’m
starving. Let’s eat.”

He dropped her bag by one of the chairs. With

the guys around, no one would dare touch it.

Her lease was up.
Decisions had to be made.
Why was his first instinct to offer for her to

come and join him? To spend time with him? Would
it be so bad?

Licking his lips, he glanced at Colonel.
He’d only just met Charlotte, but his president

had only known Piper for a couple of days before
he’d decided he wanted her with him. The couple
was inseparable, in love. So much in love it made
them all a little embarrassed.

There was no way he could ask her. It would

be a giant mistake, especially if he fucked up and
they weren’t compatible. A few rolls in the sack
didn’t exactly determine a great future relationship.

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Far from it.

Sitting down, he kept his ass firmly planted,

but he couldn’t help but wonder, if even for a
moment, what it would be like to be with her. To
feel her around him as he rode his bike.

He joined her at the line for some food, his

mind filled with thoughts and possibilities.

If it worked for Colonel, why couldn’t it work

for him? He had what it took to make a relationship
work. He wanted it to work.

After he got his food, he watched Charlotte

with Piper and with the rest of the guys. They were
all talking, enjoying conversation. She mixed well
with all of them.

The real question was, did he want her enough

to keep her?


“Are you drunk?” Ape asked.
In response, Charlotte closed the door with her

foot and kissed him. “No, I’m not drunk. Not even
a little tipsy.”

She’d had one beer.
Nothing else.
Ape picked her up and spun her around,

making her giggle as he did so.

“Do you have any idea what it is you do to

me?” he asked. As he sank his teeth into her neck,
she moaned his name. He carried her over to the

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Within seconds, he had her clothes off and she

fought to get him naked too.

No man had ever made her feel this way. So

reckless and consumed, like she could do anything.

“Kneel on the bed,” he said.
Turning away from him, she knelt on the bed.
“Put your head down, ass up, let me see you,

all of you.”

She followed his instructions, becoming more

aroused with every passing second.

“You look so fucking pretty,” he said. “Your

pussy is so wet.” He stepped up behind her and ran
his finger from the top of her slit, sliding inside her,
but he didn’t stop there. His finger grazed across
her asshole.

She tensed up.
He chuckled. “I take it no man has ever tried

to fuck you here.” He pressed against the puckered
hole. “Relax. Tell me.”

“Tell you what?”
“Who has known this asshole?”
“No one.” She glanced over her shoulder.

“Just you.”

“Oh, it’s going to be only me, baby.” He

pushed his finger inside her and she cried out.

The sensation was a strange one. She wanted it

to stop but also not, to feel him all the way around

He added a second finger to the first and

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started to stretch her out. His other hand went to
her pussy, sliding three fingers inside her and then
drawing them up to stroke her clit.

“I feel how wet you are for me, baby. I’m

going to fuck your ass, claim you, and no other man
is ever going to know how tight your asshole is. It’s
going to be stamped with my name. You’re only
going to know me.”

She whimpered as he pinched her clit, hard.
Wanting more of him. Desperate.
Several times, he brought her close to orgasm.

Adding a third finger to her ass, he only continued
torturing her with what he did to her clit.

“Please, Ape, please,” she said.
“Do you want to come?”
He released her body and she went cold from

the lack of touch.

She watched as he tore open a condom and

slid it onto his cock. At first, he slammed to the hilt
inside her, making her cry out.

“Fuck, your pussy is so ready, but tonight, I’m

making that ass belong to me.” He pulled out of her
pussy and the tip of his dick was right against her

She moaned as he slowly started to sink inside


“Push out,” he said, growling the words.
As she followed his instruction, he pressed

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forward. Inch by inch, he filled her ass. One hand
on her hip, the other on her clit, stroking her.

“Now, you can come and I’m going to feel it

all over my dick.”

“Please,” she said.
“Come for me.” He stroked over and around,

going back and forth, teasing her until she was so
close to the edge, there was no way she could deny
him. The moment she came, she heard him growl,
but it didn’t matter. The strange sensation of having
her asshole filled and the pleasure consuming her
body was just too good.

Even before the final pulses of her orgasm

were finished, he had hold of her hips and started to
rock inside her, going deeper with every passing

He took her ass slowly, letting her become

accustomed to him. The sheer size of him alone
startled her, but he took his time, building her up,
and when she thought he was ready to come, he
surprised her by stroking her pussy again.

Ape brought her to a second orgasm and

followed her into the abyss of pleasure. Afterward,
they collapsed together on the bed. Both panting,
needing air, but neither of them moving.

“I want to take you to the shower,” he said.

“But I don’t know what state it is in. Piper said she
cleaned it, but if Colonel distracted her, it may still
have bugs in it.”

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“I can’t move right now.”
They were silent.
She heard the ticking of a clock somewhere.
“That was incredible,” she said.
His cock was still inside her ass, but he

propped himself up. One hand wrapped around her
waist. “What will you do?” he asked.

“What do you mean?”
“If you don’t continue with your lease?”
“I don’t know. Probably do what I promised

my mom I would.”

“Does your mom live in town?”
“She passed away a few years ago. She was

sick for a long time.”

“I’m so sorry.”
“She was ready, even though she said life was

way too short. She wasn’t the greatest mom in the
beginning. For a long time, she lived her own life.
When she got sick, and I took care of her, she
became … someone I knew I’d miss.”

“What did you promise her you’d do?” he


“It’s stupid.”
“Tell me.”
She licked her lips. There was nothing to lose.

“I told her I wouldn’t stay in town. That I’d go and
have an adventure. As a kid, I was always
wandering off, doing whatever the hell I wanted.
When she got sick, I stayed in one place. It was

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never my intention to still be here.” She shrugged.
“Life throws us bumps in the road. We’ve just got
to try and keep up. At least that’s what I keep
telling myself.” She sighed. She lifted her arms
above her head, trying to do anything to distract
him from the very serious conversation. “Let’s go
and see about that shower.”

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Chapter Five

Ape checked over his bike as Piper came

toward him. It had been four days since they had all
met Charlotte, and each person said how great she
was. She’d certainly fit in with the group. The
morning after, she’d gone to the bakery and came
back loaded up with coffee and baked treats. The
guys would fall in love with any woman who
brought food, especially if they didn’t have to go
and get it.

Charlotte was a good woman. He liked her a


“Hey,” Piper said.
“Where’s Charlotte?”
“Probably working, why?”
“No reason.”
He glanced over his seat and looked at Piper.

She sat on the ground, cross-legged, biting her lip.

“What is it?”
“I’m just wondering if you’re going to invite

her, you know? To come with us in a couple of

“What’s happening in a couple of days?” he


“You don’t know?”
“Clearly not.”
“We’re moving on in a couple of days. I

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figured you and Charlotte had hit it off and, you
know, I don’t see why she couldn’t come because
she was talking about not continuing her lease, and
getting the hell out of town—”

“Wait, what? When did you have time to talk

to Charlotte?” he asked.

“While you were talking to Colonel. It’s not

like it was a secret. We were sitting there chatting.
Did you know how miserable she is here? Then
there’s that guy. C something. Carl? No, that’s not

“Calum?” he asked.
“Yeah, I heard about what that bastard did to

her. Can you imagine? He’s been making her life
miserable all because she won’t sleep with him
again. How sucky is that?”

Ape clenched his jaw. He’d seen Calum a few

times around town. On his arm had been the
woman Charlotte had described. What he’d also
noticed was the way Calum always looked at
Charlotte. The bastard may have a different wife,
but that didn’t mean his yearning for his woman
had dissipated.

His woman.
Since when had Charlotte belonged to him?
He needed to clear his head. Get his shit


“Anyway, I just figured that you might invite

her to join us,” Piper said. “It would be fun to have

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another woman on the road.”

“Not all women are like you,” he said.
“Then you need to talk to Charlotte because

regardless of what you say, I think she’d be a really
good fit. In fact, I don’t just think it, I know it. She
craves traveling. What are your feelings?” Piper

He started to laugh. “I don’t have to tell you.”
“I’m a friend and I can offer you advice.”
“No offense, but you were stuck in a town

being treated like crap, and it was only when
Colonel showed up that you even got out of that
situation. I don’t need advice from you.”

“Whatever, I got out, and I’m the happiest

I’ve ever been. What’s to say you won’t find the
same kind of happiness, if you merely gave it a
shot? I know you don’t think a woman’s place is on
the road, but I’ve got a hunch Charlotte knows
what she’s doing. You might want to ask her before
you assume.” She got to her feet, and without
saying anything more, left.

“She does like to throw a little wrench in the

works doesn’t she?” Colonel said, coming up a few
seconds later.

“You heard the advice I was getting?”
“Why didn’t you stop her?”
“She had a point.”
“No, she didn’t.”

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Colonel laughed. “You’ve always been a

stubborn asshole. Why not think about how it feels
to be around Charlotte? I’ve seen you with her
these past few days, and it’s the first time in years
you’ve actually looked happy. Honest-to-God
happy. Like you couldn’t imagine being anywhere
else but with her.”

“I don’t love her. It’s just sex.”
“Okay, fine. So, you don’t mind leaving her

behind. Thinking of that man—Calum, is it?—
wearing her down until he gets her as his own
personal fuck toy.”

“Stop it,” Ape said.
“You feel that anger, that rage. The need to go

and pummel the shit out of that asshole, or better
yet, to go and grab your woman and mark her so
everyone in the world knows who she belongs to.
That’s important, Ape. It’s not to be ashamed of.
We’re leaving in a couple of days and we’re never
stepping foot back here again. Make sure you can
walk away and not regret it.”

Colonel turned on his heel and got a few steps

before Ape called out to him.

“How did you know with Piper?”
“Know what?”
“This would work with her. That you could

give her this life.”

“Damn, you’re even more fucking clueless

than I thought.” Colonel laughed, shaking his head.

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“I didn’t know this would work. I didn’t think
about the future, Ape. What I knew was I didn’t
want no other man touching what belonged to me,
and Piper, she’s mine. Everything else didn’t
matter. I couldn’t leave her behind. If you can walk
away from Charlotte, imagine her with another
man, and you don’t care, then leave her be. If it
kills you and you want to go and murder the
bastard, then you’ve got a choice to make. I’m not
making it for you. So, tell me, Ape. What are you
feeling right now, imagining that guy or any guy,
making her smile, touching her, being with her?”

“Fuck off,” Ape said.
“Then that’s your answer and it’s up to you to

see what you do about it.” Colonel followed after
Piper and it didn’t take a genius to figure out what
those two would be doing. It wasn’t like they
needed a bed to do it either.

Sitting back against his bike, he thought about

Charlotte. The jealousy that filled him at imagining
that asshole taking her, he didn’t like it.

She was his and there was no way Ape was

going to walk away from it.


Charlotte glanced at the time to see Ape

would be picking her up in thirty minutes. The last
of her clients had already left, and she was alone,
packing up the rest of the shop. She’d already
packed up the equipment and phoned ahead to

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cancel any other appointments. The sign had been
removed outside and she was slowly packing up a
time in her life that hadn’t exactly filled her with

Seeing her clients happy with the artwork and

displaying her pieces for customers to see, and for
them to pick to have permanently marked on their
skin, that was an achievement. Those were the few
moments she’d miss more than anything.

She could still draw and practice. Running

fingers through her hair, she gave a turn around and
rather than be sad with her decision, she was happy
she’d made it.

Moving behind the desk, she bent down to

grab her bag as the doorbell rang, letting her know
someone had entered the shop.

She stood with a smile but it dropped when

she caught sight of Calum.

“I’m closed.”
“I can see that. What is going on?


“Nope,” she said. She folded her arms beneath

her breasts, waiting for whatever snide comment he
had to make. “What do you want?”

“I came to see why the sign was gone. All

your artwork.”

She laughed. “You’re kidding, right? You’ve

been trying to get me to move my ass out of here
and now you want to know why I’m doing exactly

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“Our last meeting, you told me to get fucked

and that you weren’t going anywhere.”

“Oh, times change. I decided that I don’t need

to stay here. I’m moving on. The lease for this
place is up. There’s no way in hell I’m going to pay
twice as much for the same space. Also, while
we’re at it, the lease on my apartment is also up. I
will be a problem you won’t ever have to face
again.” She smiled, happy, exhilarated.

“What about your mom?”
“My mom wanted me to get out town, long

before now. I just kept sticking to the same norm.”

“Look, if there’s money you need, I can give it

to you.”

“Hell, no. I’d like you to get out. Until Friday,

this place is still mine, and I don’t want any
cheating scum setting foot on my property. So, off
you go, leave.” She didn’t want him anywhere near
her, and the further away he got, the better she
would be.

“You know I didn’t mean to hurt you.”
“Oh, my, can you even listen to yourself?” she

asked. “I’m not hurt. I don’t even care. It sucked
because I felt guilty for your wife, but you? She can
have you. Believe me, there was nothing better
than having an excuse to end it with you.”

He glared at her. “You loved me.”
“Delusional. I never loved you, Calum. Ever.

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You were … hard work.” She shrugged. “Now, I
can move on and live my own life.”

“You mean with that biker club?” he asked.

“Yeah, I heard they’re leaving as well, but seeing as
not one of them is here, I guess they don’t want
your fat ass with them.”

She smiled. His mean words weren’t exactly

new to her. Calum liked to belittle her when he
wasn’t getting his way. One moment she was
beautiful, the next, an ugly fat cow. The guy needed
some serious therapy. What did hurt was knowing
Ape was leaving and he hadn’t told her.

What they had wasn’t … special. They were

having some fun, even if she had started to enjoy
waking up to his kisses and being in his arms.

It didn’t stop her plans. She was moving on,


“Are you done? You’ve got a wife at home

who probably needs you to pet her some more.”
She pulled her bag up her shoulder, grabbing her

“Baby, please,” Calum said. “I know I

screwed up, but it’s you I’ve always wanted. Just

She rolled her eyes. “No, it’s not going to

happen. You think I don’t see this game you’re

Calum touched her arm and tried to pull her

close, but she pushed him away. “Stop it.”

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Before she could knee him in the balls,

someone pulled him back and she watched as Ape
had Calum in a chokehold. “Who the fuck do you
think you are trying to touch my woman?”

“Ape, stop,” she said. The last thing she

wanted was for Ape to get into trouble for hurting a
guy who meant nothing. She grabbed his arm.
“Please, he’s not worth it.”

“He’s not worth it, but you are. The way he

treated you and I heard what he said, Charlotte.
You deserve so much more.” He glanced back at
her. “You don’t deserve second best.”

“I know, but you don’t deserve to go to prison

for this asshole. Come on, Calum won’t tell a soul,
will you?”

Calum got redder with every passing second.

This was getting way out of hand.

“Come on, please,” she said.
She was moving on with her life and the last

thing she wanted was for it to be ruined because of
Ape. That would just make Calum’s day if he could
somehow trap her here. She finally saw the mistake
she’d been making. She’d given him all the power
by sticking around, playing into his need to control.

No more. She was moving on. Leaving this

town and not looking back. She was going to make
the most of her life.

Slowly, Ape let go of Calum and she breathed

out a sigh of relief.

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Calum collapsed to the ground, his hand going

to his neck. “I will sue you for this,” he said.

“Go ahead. Sue him. I’d love to see how that

wife of yours loves you when I tell the entire town
that you like to fuck around on her. I wonder if
she’d be happy to share her very rich life with you
after that.”

“You wouldn’t dare.”
“Come after him and let’s see if I do dare.”

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Chapter Six

Ape stared around Charlotte’s apartment,

seeing the few boxes she’d already packed up.
“What’s going on?”

“I’m out of here. I’ve got another week, but I

intend to be gone and I won’t look back. I want out
of this town.” Charlotte had gone to the kitchen but
she peeked her head around the door. “You want

“Sure. You’re wanting out of town?”
“Like I told you before. It was never my

intention to stay for so long.” She walked back into
the room with a cell phone attached to her ear. He
listened as she made the order for enough pizza to
fill the entire club. She hung up. “I’m starving. I’m
really sorry about Calum. He shouldn’t sue.”

“You think he’s the first rich prick I’ve upset?

I do it on a regular basis. It’s like a hobby.”

“Still, it must not be nice being threatened.”
“Would you do it?”
“Tell the entire town?”
He nodded.
“Hell, yeah. I can’t stand him. He’s gotten on

my nerves for the last time. I don’t want you to be
hurt because of me. I’d have loved to see you
choke him to death. That would have been a lot of

He laughed and watched as she tucked some

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hair behind her ear. “So, er, he did mention that you
guys were moving on.”

“He did?”
“Were you going to tell me?”
“I only found out this morning.”
She stared at him and he gritted his teeth.
“I’m thirsty.” She turned her back and he

watched her go.

What the fuck are you doing? Just ask her to

come with you.

“What’s happening with your shop?” he


“The lease is nearly up. I’ve canceled all my

clients before they have a chance to. I’m free. I’ve
got nothing to take with me. Most of this is going
either into storage, or I’m thinking of donating it.
Then I’m done.” She smiled at him. “Where do you
think you guys will go?”

“I don’t know. The open road. Destination is

always unknown.”

“Sounds like fun.”
He stepped up toward her and she tilted her

head back. “It is a lot of fun. You don’t know when
your next stop is going to be. No bathroom. Just
rest stops if we’re lucky.”

She smiled.
Sinking his fingers into her hair, he tilted her

head back. “It’s not a place for a woman.”

“Piper deals.”

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“I know.”
“What are you trying to say?” she asked.
He slammed his lips down on hers. As he slid

his tongue across her mouth, she opened up and he
plunged inside. She tasted fucking exquisite. He
couldn’t get enough of her. One taste was never
going to be enough. The past week and a half
weren’t enough.

Going to her jeans, he opened the catch and

slid the fabric down her thighs. After tearing off her
panties, he picked her up off the floor and placed
her on the counter, spreading her thighs.

He slid his zipper down, pulled out his cock,

grabbed a condom, and rolled it over his erection.

Within seconds, he was inside her, filling her

tight cunt.

They both groaned, the sounds they made

surrounding them.

She wrapped her legs around his waist and he

cupped her ass, fucking inside her hard and fast,
taking her.

“Fuck, you feel so good.” He growled the

words next to her neck. He pulled out of her and
slammed inside.

The counter wasn’t good enough, so he held

her in his arms and moved her toward her bedroom.
Dropping her to the bed, he pushed her shirt up and
cupped her heavy tits. The red nipples were already
hard. He pinched them, and she cried out. The

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small bite of pain was what she needed.

He dropped his hands down to her hips,

holding them as he pounded inside her tight pussy,
watching her open up beneath him. There wasn’t
going to be another woman quite like her.

So thirsty for his cock. Open to his sexual

appetites. When he’d gone into her shop and saw
Calum with his hands on her, he’d nearly lost it.
There was no one else he wanted to see. Was this
what Colonel was talking about? The possessive
need that overtook all common sense? He wasn’t
used to feeling this way about a woman.

He’d never experienced love.
The only feeling he had was on the open road

and his club. Women had always come into his life
and left so easily. They didn’t matter to him.

Yet, he couldn’t think of a night without

Charlotte. She’d gotten under his skin. Could he
really invite her along? What if she hated it? What
if this was just moments of passion because they
both craved something they knew they couldn’t
truly find with one another?

He pulled out of her, flipped her over onto her

knees, found his way inside her again, and wrapped
his fingers around her neck, tilting her head back,
and kissing her hard.

The angle was odd but he delved between her

thighs, stroking her clit, wanting to feel her come all
over his dick.

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He was obsessed. This kind of feeling wasn’t


There was no way he was going to ask her.
“Please, Ape,” she said.
He fingered her pussy, teasing her to the point

of release and only when she couldn’t take another
moment, he pushed her over the peak, following
her into orgasm. All the while knowing the choice
he had to make was one he found difficult.

You’re a fucking coward.
You could have Charlotte and keep her.
Even still, as he pulled out, he knew he wasn’t

going to ask her. Watching her walk away or her
hating him, that was just too hard for him to bear.


Ape was gone.
Charlotte had no job. No home. No anything.
She glanced up at the shop one final time and

smiled. It was time for her to move on. Calum
hadn’t sued Ape, which was a good thing, seeing as
he wouldn’t have gotten very far.

With her bag high up on her shoulder, she

turned toward her car. She had no idea how long it
was going to last, but so long as it got her out of
town, she didn’t care.

Throwing her bag into the back seat, she

climbed into the front. Each second that passed, her
heart broke a little more.

Love was supposed to take a long time to

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develop. There was no possible way she could love
a man she barely knew. Ape wasn’t hers to love. He
wasn’t hers to do anything with.

Now he was gone.
Tears filled her eyes and she hated the feeling.

Despised it more than anything in the world. She
turned over her ignition, fired up her engine, and
took off, heading right out of town without looking
back. There was no sense of direction. She had
nowhere else to go. No one waited for her. No one
cared about her.

She was free.
Only, she didn’t feel free.
She felt like she was dying inside.
Why did Ape have to come out of nowhere

and do this to her? She wiped the tears away, trying
to pretend they never existed, but no matter what
she did, she knew. In a short time, Ape had come
into her world, and now she wanted him around.
Loved him. It wasn’t just sex, but she could
continue to kid herself it was all there was. It
wasn’t. There was so much more between them.

“Stupid!” She slammed her palm against the

steering wheel, hating herself more than anything.

She’d fucked up so much in her life, but this,

this went beyond anything she’d experienced

“I’ll get over him. I’ll find a new life, one far

away from him. One where I don’t care at all.

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There are plenty of other men.”

But the truth was, none of them were Ape.
She’d given herself a few seconds to believe

there was more between them, but there was
nothing. Ape was gone. Riding off with his biker
club without a single care in the world, but what did
she have? Nothing.

Nothing but heartbreak.
The sound of a roaring bike pulled her out of

her thoughts and she looked into her rearview
mirror to see a bike coming toward her. The man on
the bike slowed down and rode near her window.

Winding it down, she glanced out to see Ape

riding along beside her.

“Pull over,” he said.
“What are you doing?”
“I said pull the fuck over. I’m not going to ask

you again.”

“Fucking asshole,” she said, screaming.
She found a safe spot and pulled over, keeping

the engine ticking over. Climbing out of the car, she
glared at him, hating that he’d see her tear-stained
eyes. “What the fuck are you doing?”

“Me? What about you? Fuck.”
“I have no idea what you’re talking about, but

I have nowhere to go. You knew I was heading out
of town.”

“Well, I didn’t expect you to go so freaking

fast!” Ape glared at her. “Damn it, Charlotte. I was

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coming back for you.”

She paused. “You were?”
“Hell, yeah.”
“I … oh.”
“Yeah, oh. Imagine that. Me coming back for

you. I want you to ride with me. Your place is on
the back of my bike and you know it. This thing
between us isn’t going to go away.”

“And if it does?” she asked. She wasn’t going

to play dumb with him.

“It won’t. Love doesn’t disappear.”
She gasped.
“That’s right, babe, you heard me.”
“Ape, I don’t…”
He stepped up toward her. His hands cupped

her face. “You do. You love me, which is why
you’ve been crying. You didn’t think I was coming
back for you, but I was. I will always come back
for you. Always. I just, I needed to know I could do
this. Your place is on that bike, wearing this.” He
went back to his bike, lifting up a bag flap, and
pulling out a leather cut.

When he opened it up, she saw the wording

that proclaimed she belonged to him. Property of
Ape, Satan’s Beasts MC: Nomad Chapter

“Be my woman, Charlotte. I want you at my

side, at my back, for the rest of our lives. This is
what I’m offering you. I’m granting you the chance
to have forever, with me.”

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She’d never felt so happy.
She stared at Ape and rather than talk to him,

she wrapped her arms around him and kissed him.

In the distance, she heard more bikes, knowing

his club had come to have his back.

“You brought your calvary?” she asked.
“I needed to make sure you knew you were

wanted. The guys can’t wait for you to join and
well, Piper told me to stop being a weak asshole
and to just let you come with us. To admit we
wanted you.” He stroked his fingers down her arm,
teasing her. “And I do, I want you here.”

“Good, because I love you too and I want to

go with you.” She didn’t know how long this was
going to last or where it would take them.

She only knew that going her separate way

wasn’t an option. Driving away had already made
her miserable, and her feelings for Ape, they were
new, exciting, and she wanted the chance to know
where it was going to go.

The only way to do that was to go with him.
“We’re selling your car at the nearest place,”

he said. “Then you’re riding on the back of my

He gripped the back of her neck, drawing her

in and kissing her.

She was more than fine with that.

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One year later

“Ape, we need to help,” Charlotte said.
“They can do all of that crap. I haven’t been

inside you in two days.”

She giggled as her man, her husband, carried

her further into the woods. The guys had rented out
a tent and were setting up a barbeque pit.

“I get to at least fuck my wife once before we

head out on the road again,” Ape said, finding a

He pressed her up against it. Due to his

pressing demands, she’d worn a skirt so he didn’t
have to keep fighting layers upon layers of clothing.
He liked it when she was easily accessible.

“Touch yourself, baby.”
They’d been married for one week. Their

travels had taken them through the city of Vegas,
and along with it, they had decided to make their
feelings for one another official. She belonged to
Ape in every single way.

Reaching down her body, she touched her

aching pussy as Ape groaned. “Fuck,” he said.

With them constantly being on the road, she’d

also started to take the pill regularly. They’d
forgone condoms for a long time now. He pulled his
cock out, and within seconds, he was deep inside

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She closed her eyes, feeling him. She wrapped

her legs around him, holding on to him tighter but
also touching herself, feeling her orgasm getting

“I love you, Charlotte, I fucking love you so


Her orgasm hit her hard and unexpectedly.
Ape took hold of her hips and pounded inside

her, hard and fast. She moaned his name. The
moment he came, she felt the pull of his cock inside
her. He collapsed against her, his hands all over her.

“I love you,” he said.
They were words she never got tired of


Their life was on the road, and to many, it

wasn’t ideal, but for her, she loved it. There was
nothing better than holding him close for hours at a
time, curling up against him, even if they slept in an
open field or the side of the road.

They were living an adventure. One she

enjoyed every second of every day.

“Fuckers, come help and stop screwing. Some

of us need to take a piss at some point,” Skull said.

Ape laughed. “Are you hungry?”
“Good, we get food, then we go for round


It sounded perfect to her.

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The End

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Other Books by Sam Crescent:

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If you enjoyed this book, you may also like:

Saint’s Fall by Winter Sloane

Flow by Liz Crowe

The Punishment Club by D.A. Maddox



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Breeding Season, 5

Sam Crescent

Copyright © 2020

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Sample Chapter

Pierce Casey, or Forge as most of his club

called him, took a long, deep draw on his cigarette
and waited for Peterson to arrive. His crew, Hell’s
Slaves MC, were behind him, waiting for the son of
a bitch to turn up. He didn’t like to be kept waiting.

Peterson owed him a lot of money, and he was

tired of the excuses. The only reason he put up with
the bullshit was because he happened to find the
old man entertaining. The son of a bitch was mayor
of this town and happened to have a serious
gambling problem. Forge was all about helping
those in need. The mayor liked to use his club to
deal with certain problems, old skeletons in the
closet, and being the nice guy he was, Forge was
more than happy to oblige at a cost.

Now the debt was overdue, and Forge and his

crew had done what was necessary to keep
Peterson’s reputation squeaky clean.

He was bored of the entertainment, and it was

time to step it up a notch or two, or even three. He
didn’t have any problems hurting the bastard, and
in fact, would rather enjoy hearing him squeal.
There hadn’t been enough bloodshed in his life of a
late, and he was growing tired of being nice.

Just as Forge was about to give up and head

back to his clubhouse to plan his strategy with his
men, three black cars slowly pulled up across the

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abandoned plot. He took a final draw on his
cigarette before throwing it to the ground and
stamping on it.

Stepping forward, he knew two of his men

were by his sides, Dog and Hound. Dog was his VP
and Hound his enforcer.

There was no doubt his other men were

waiting, hands poised on weapons, prepared to
make this very bloody if they had to. Before the
night was over, if Peterson had fucked with him,
he’d slit the bastard’s throat.

One of the guards opened the back door and

Peterson, with all his airs and graces, climbed out,
buttoning his jacket as he did.

“You think this is a fucking joke?” Forge


The door of the car remained open as Peterson

stepped forward. If Forge didn’t recognize terror so
well, he would have assumed the man before him
was cool as a cucumber. But he wasn’t. The telltale
shaking, the pale face, and overall fear dripped off
him. He liked to make men nervous and well, this
fucker was exceedingly so. Even with his band of
security, it didn’t mean he was safe.

“I apologize for my lateness,” Peterson said.
“Where’s my money?”
“I … I don’t have it.”
Forge tutted. “You know I don’t like it when

someone tries to take the piss.” He grabbed

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Peterson by his jacket, pulling him forward so they
were nose to nose. “You better call off your men
now!” He spoke slowly.

Peterson’s guards had all drawn their

weapons, ready to shoot to kill. Forge had no doubt
his men were in exactly the same stance. He trusted
them to aim and take their enemies out. What he
didn’t know was if Peterson’s men were properly
trained or designed to look like fighters. Most of
them looked a little too young for his tastes.

“It’s fine. Back off. Lower your weapons,”

Peterson said, his voice shaking.

“Now, I’m thinking I break a couple of your

arms. Maybe even your legs. I want to hear you
scream. Hell’s Slaves are not to be made a fool of,
do you understand me?” He’d gladly hear the
sound of breaking bones.

“Wait, wait,” Peterson said. Perspiration

dotted his brow.

“You think you can order me around?”
“It’s … I have an arrangement that may be

suitable for you.”

Forge laughed. “You think you can buy me?

The only thing I want is my money.”

“But what if there was something else?

Something that is so hard to come by in this day
and age. Something only you will ever be able to
claim. To own. To possess.”

He hated being a curious bastard. There was

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nothing he didn’t know about this son of a bitch
and yet, here he was, offering him something more,
and he was interested.

“Go on.”
“You’re going to need to let me go long

enough to arrange it.”

Forge thrust him away from him but didn’t let

him go. “This is as far as you’re getting.”

“Fine. Fine.” Peterson looked behind him. His

entire body shook as he nodded at one of his men.

Glancing over the man’s shoulder, he watched

as someone entered the car. He heard a muffled
scream and in the next minute, a woman was pulled
from the car. She wore a robe and someone had
tied a piece of rope across her mouth, stopping any
sound from her.

He noticed how blonde her hair was. It was

almost white and it looked soft, silken to the touch.
Next, her eyes. They were blue, like a clear ocean,
only these were swimming with tears. She wore no
makeup. Tears traced down her cheek and he didn’t
know why seeing her scared sent a wave of
protective need rushing through him. He wanted to
protect her.

The man restraining her held her up.
“What is this?” he asked.
“This … is my bastard daughter. No one

knows about her but me. This is Beth Peterson. The
result of an unfortunate affair with the nanny. As

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far as anyone is concerned, she works for me. Only
those closest to me know who she truly is.”

“And why would I want the offspring you

won’t even claim?” Forge asked. “I can get any
pussy I want.”

“Exactly. You can have any. I can have a

doctor confirm my daughter is … a virgin. No man
has ever touched her and I know, I’ve made sure of
it. I knew one day she’d come in useful and seeing
as you’re surrounded by very loose women, I
figured something tight and hot would do the trick.”

With each word Peterson spoke, Forge

watched the daughter. She hung her head in shame.
She didn’t like her father and what he was doing
scared her, but there was something else. She was
used to this kind of treatment.

“Open it,” Peterson said.
Without waiting, the guard tore the robe off

Beth’s body, showing her to everyone, including his

Forge gritted his teeth as he wanted to bash

Peterson’s head in. When she tried to cover herself,
the guard held her arms out, stopping her from
doing exactly that. He wanted to slam his fist into
the bastard’s face but he wasn’t going to get the
satisfaction. Not today.

Beth’s body was beautiful. Curves in all the

right places. Heavy tits. Nice rounded hips. The
kind designed to lure a man to hold on to. Breeding

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hips. For a moment, he wondered how she would
look with a nice rounded stomach, full of his child.

“And she’s a virgin. No man has ever touched

her. If you’d like, I can get this confirmed for you.
You’ll be the first and only man to ever be between
her pretty thighs.”

It wasn’t her virginity he was after, or even

her body, even though he intended to have both.
What Peterson didn’t realize was that he was about
to give away a wealth of knowledge. After this,
Forge intended to do whatever it took to bring this
bastard to his knees. He didn’t like bullies, or any
man who thought they could use power like this to
fuck with others.

She sniffled.
He wanted to protect her.
“And what do you hope to get of this?” Forge


“The debt wiped clean.”
“No,” Forge said.
“Do you have any idea how much a virgin

would gain at an auction?” Peterson asked.
“Millions of dollars.”

“I’m taking the girl and I’ll be getting my

money. You like your cushy life, don’t you? The
power you wield. If you think to take the girl after
giving her to me, you’ll be out of office by the
morning and your wealth, what little of it you have
left along with the power, will be wiped out.” He

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stepped up close. “Do you want to try me on this?”

“An extension is all you get. Nothing more.”

He looked toward Beth, seeing her shake. “You lost
any power of reducing the bill when you allowed
others to look at her. Cover her up.”

The guard quickly put her robe back on and he

nodded, satisfied. Holding out his hand, he waited
for her to step toward him.

“Do we have a deal or do you want to test my

patience even more?” Forge asked.

“Fine. Yes, an extension is exactly what I

need. Go, Beth. Be a good girl like I’ve told you to
always be.”

She was shoved toward him and he held her

close, feeling just how scared she was.

Her tremors angered him. He would take care

of her and she was going to tell him every single
detail about her father and his business.


“You’re nothing but a whore. You were made

with a whore and that’s exactly what you are.”

All her life, Beth knew how much her father

despised her and his wife. They couldn’t have her
mother running off and telling the media how he
took advantage of her. So, they’d kept her at home
during the whole pregnancy, only for her mother to
die giving birth to her, and Peterson had seen it as a
way of making millions of potential viewers loving

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him. He had designs for the big job and to do that,
he had to be memorable. So he took in his nanny’s
child, and Beth, she rarely went out. They wouldn’t
allow her.

She was nothing more than a slave within the

Peterson household until there was a need for her
to smile at the camera and to pretend everything
was okay. She hated pretending. Forcing a smile to
her lips so people assumed she was happy.

Glancing around the room she’d been locked

in, she felt sick to her stomach.

Her father hadn’t lied.
She was a virgin.
No one had ever given her the time of day.
She let out a sniffle, wiping beneath her nose.

If she didn’t do exactly as her father wanted, he
was going to kill her. She’d been told to distract
Forge. To give him whatever he wanted.

Before being dragged into the car, she’d been

forced to watch porn. Saw a woman deep throat a
man, take him into her pussy and then her ass,
before sucking on his cock again. They’d made her
watch and told her what she had to do.

She closed her eyes, sitting on the edge of the

bed, holding the bathrobe closer to her. Back at the
Peterson mansion, after her chores, she had her
own little room down at the end of the yard. It
wasn’t much. A small house. One bedroom, one

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kitchen, one bathroom. She loved it. Every single
evening, she would leave and pretend like she was
only going to a job. Not that she was a prisoner.
One day, she hoped to be free. To be far away from
the Petersons and to have a life where no one
dictated to her what she had to do. She’d yet to
achieve that but she had hoped. She always did.

There was no reason to even think about

giving up.

Now though, locked in the MC Prez’s

bedroom at his clubhouse, she felt even more
afraid. He’d looked so angry as he took her. Riding
on the back of his bike was one of the most difficult
things she’d ever done.

Covering her face, she hoped her body

stopped shaking soon. She had to keep telling
herself it would all be fine. Her father threatened to
have her killed multiple times a week. This was no
different. He couldn’t hurt her here.

What if Forge and his men were meant to be

the ones to finally kill her? To clean up his twenty-
four-year-old mess.

The door to the bedroom opened and Forge,

the man who now owned her, stepped inside. He
held something in his hands but she couldn’t make
it out. The light coming from the lamps didn’t cast
enough glow to show every single corner of the

She lowered her hands and stared at him,

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feeling frozen to the spot.

“Did you offer to come here? Is this all an

act?” He pointed at her body.

At first, she didn’t know if this was a trap. If

she told him the truth, would he tell her father?
Would he beat her? She’d been on the other end of
a belt before. If there was one thing she knew, she
didn’t like to be hurt, to be whipped. Even being
slapped. She hated it all.

“Look, I’m not going to hurt you. I’m not a

monster,” he said. “I’ve brought you some clothes.
I want to know the truth. Do you get off on this sort
of thing?”

He held out two items of clothing. They

looked like jeans and a shirt.

“You want me to wear clothes?” she asked.

Her voice didn’t sound like hers.

“Yeah, I do. Does that surprise you?”
“I don’t know.”
“I figured you’d be hungry. I haven’t eaten for

most of the day. We’ve got the grill fired up, and
you’re welcome to join us.”

“I am?”
Forge laughed. “Exactly who are you?”
“I’m no one,” she said, answering quickly.
“Something tells me you’re way more than


She pressed her lips together, not wanting to

give anything away.

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“Fine. Your secrets are your own. I won’t pry

just yet.” He shook the clothes. “Here, take them.”

She got off the bed, grabbing them.
Forge then surprised her as he turned, giving

her some privacy. “Get changed. I’ll escort you
down. Not all the boys were there when I picked
you up. They need to know not to mess with you.
You belong to me.”

He was being … kind. She wasn’t used to

anyone caring.

“I didn’t offer to be this,” she said, quickly

pulling the jeans up her body and the shirt over her
head. “You can look.” She folded her arms across
her chest, trying to hide herself.

Forge removed his leather cut and handed it to


“What is this?”
“It’s for you.”
“It is?”
“Yes. Wear it. It’ll make you feel more

comfortable.” He held it open and she stepped into

The warmth of his body surrounded her and

for the first time all night, she felt safe. Warm.
“Thank you.”

“Do not mistake this kindness I’m offering

you as any weakness. You belong to me, Beth.”

She nodded, feeling the smile fall from her. Of

course. There was no chance of her ever being

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happy. She was surrounded by men determined to
hurt her. Who only wanted to use her for their own

Her father had made sure she wasn’t near any

men growing up, believing her virgin state would
help his cause. He’d been right. Look at where she
was now. In the middle of nowhere, surrounded by
an MC club she didn’t know, with instructions to
keep him happy.

The first time she saw a naked man was on a

television screen with her father right beside her
and his men. It had been so embarrassing. She was
sure if there had been more time, he’d have even
forced her to practice. The humiliation washed over

“Now, are you hungry?”
She nodded her head. It was easier not to talk.

To just nod her head. Be the quaint little submissive
everyone wanted her to be. Not to put up a fight or
to pretend she wanted her own life.

Forge took her hand and she tried to ignore the

heat coming from him. Even as he’d brought her
swiftly down to the real world, he still felt safe and

They left the bedroom, walking down the long

corridor, going toward the stairs. There were
several rooms on the floor, and they were on the
third floor. Forge had told her on the way up. They
went to the main clubhouse floor. Men and women

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were singing, dancing, laughing, drinking, having a
good old time of it.

Forge didn’t linger. He pulled her toward the

kitchen where the counters were laden with food.

Her mouth watered.
He let go of her hand but didn’t walk away. He

handed her a plate and she took it, staring at the

She had always been on a diet at Peterson’s

house. The family cook had to prepare her meals
and she never felt full. Of course she never went
hungry but she’d never been satisfied and if
Peterson’s wife felt like it, her rations were often
cut in half.

Just another reminder of the whore’s daughter

she was.

Pushing those feelings aside, she walked with

Forge and put food on her plate.

“You can have whatever you want.” Forge

turned toward the women in the kitchen. “She
belongs to me. You give her any trouble, you
answer to me. I won’t have you fucking with her.
Understand?” His voice filled the space of the
kitchen. He was so loud and commanding.

The women nodded and within seconds, they

were gone. They’d rather clear out of the kitchen
than risk being near her.

No, she felt miserable. No one would ever

background image

take the risk to be her friend.

Once her plate was full, she took a seat beside

Forge, but her appetite had disappeared. She
grabbed her fork and began to work through her
food. Her hand shook and she tried to stop it. She
didn’t want to draw attention or anger him.

“Those women, they’re club pussy. You don’t

need to get mixed up with them. They’ll never be
your friends.”

“I didn’t … why did they leave?” she asked.

Could he read her mind?

“Because they know not to be around me

unless I want them. Don’t ever be alone with club
pussy. I’ll introduce you to some of the old ladies.
They will more than likely be your friend.”

Did she even want a friend right now?

End of sample chapter

Document Outline


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