How To Stay Younger Longer or How To Delay Aging

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Living Longer

How To Stay Younger Longer

The One Secret You've Never

Been Told

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How To Stay Younger Longer


How To Delay Aging

by Dr. Howard Mieith*

This will be a short book. In fact, you can probably read it in less than an hour. It’s not how many

words you are paying for when you bought this book, but what it can do for you and how well it can


I only want to ask you this, because I know that some of you in seeing how short this is in relationship

to what you have paid may feel “gypped”... “If we can present you with a technique and information

that works; keeps you feeling and looking younger longer, and possibly avoiding many medical bills;

helps you truly enjoy life maybe 10 years longer.. what would THAT be worth to you?” In that

perspective, I suspect you’ll say, “If this information does that for me, I got a bargain”. Trust me, what

you are going to learn here works. I know. I’ve shared this with others pre-publication and I’ve lived it

myself. And I have medical tests at my age to verify it. And I can suspect that once you know this, if

you can muster the courage to ask a few of your closest “apparent non aging friends” about what you

are about to learn, that if they are honest, they will tell you “sure”.. or “how did you learn that secret?”.

You see, what you are about to learn has never been widely put into print for many reasons. You can

speculate what they might be.

It may also be the 1000th book on the subject in the market, but our market research in preparing for

the writing of this book has shown us that in all the other books and items we researched, we have not

found the ONE ultimate “secret” that this book will reveal.

Some of you who are reading this will come to the secret and be turned off. You may completely

disregard the information and possibly even find it offensive. Now don’t worry up front. It’s not going

to be some occlutish ghoulish thing like going out and sacrificing some virile animal and either eating

part of their body parts or drinking their blood.

Nor is it going to require any extreme sacrifices. Some sacrifices for some of you, yes. Some possible

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behavior change.. yes.

We will present our information to you on both a scientific level as well as a “big picture / Universe

Creator” level. Some of us prefer to call the “Universe Creator” level God, but for people of many

cultures, God takes many forms and the Judeo Christian model is but one. The purists of that faith will

argue that God is the ONLY God; depending on your denomination of that, starting if you are in the

Christian or Jewish faith “camps” you may even believe that there is a “Triune God”. Yet others in the

world will feel as strong as their “God” is the one and only true “God”.. Buddhists, Islamics, and we

can go on. It makes no difference... at least for this book or theory. Whether there is A god or THE god

is of little consequence, as all tend to ascribe “creator” attributes to their God.

The BASELINE of aging..

We could begin with the theory that our bodies all have a certain amount of initial age built into them.

Of all the causes of the ages, we can probably make a case that genetic makeup creates this certain age

which we will call our “Baseline Age”

In a perfect world, this Baseline Age may extend well into, and past the “100s” and indeed, there is

evidence in early Biblical times that the lifespan of mortals carried far into this upper limit.


Since then, many things have changed, and we’ll call these “Baseline Modifiers”. There are both

positive and negative baseline modifiers.

You’ll recognize most of them, but we’ll cover them again here. If we were to think of our body as a

machine with some moving, connected, and possibly rotating parts, we could say sand or some other

abrasive thrown into those parts would be a negative baseline modifier. It would accelerate wear. Of

course, friction where parts touch would cause some “normal” wear and can not be truly avoided. But it

can be reduced. Oil or other lubricant (compatible with the materials of construction of the in-contact

rotating services) that reduces that friction would be a positive modifier.

Lastly, there’s stresses and operating the machine within the design limits and guidelines. Operating a

passenger car to pull a 6 bottom plow on a farm or run the Daytona 500 is one example of not using the

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machine within it’s design limits.. and that would be a negative modifier.

Then lastly, as we are talking “machinery” that so many of us know about, we know that one of the

other significant (machine) life modifiers is not to use the machine at all. It’s amazing but the ideal

machine simply put on the shelf, only to be brought into a normal performance environment after many

months or years of storage just doesn’t want to work.. or at least work as it did when new! And

ironically, it may never have been used at all.. but now, when called upon.. it just doesn’t work right.

Our bodies are so much like this machinery!


There are many that are so common. Let’s review these in some detail .

Smoking. This is an easy one to start with. I think everyone would agree that this is a negative modifier.

The reasons and effects are obvious. First, the smoke itself , even before entering our lungs has a

deleterious effect on our largest body organ.. our skin. Do you have to be a “rocket scientist” or trained

dermatologist to see the difference in the skin of a chronic smoker vs a non smoker? Then we get into

the lungs.. and I suspect strongly that the general public has never really ever been told all the truly

negative effects of the molecules of smoke within the body.. and that’s prior to blood absorption! Sure,

we see the warnings... but do you think the money behind big tobacco might have a way to keep the

really ugly truths from the general public? What would the impact be on the economies of the tobacco

producing states if complete production were to come to a halt? Then the ancillary companies that

produce tobacco based products? And finally the impact on the GNP of the USA itself? A well known

radio talk show host is famous for his words we quote here, “Follow the Money”.

Certainly this is a negative modifier. It takes years off our baseline! To stay younger longer, eliminate


ALCOHOL. This is in a way only one form of the larger category, “FOOD”. Is it true we are what

we eat? You know what this can do. We promised this would be a short “book”.. and easy read, so

we’re not going to say any more other than this is generally a negative modifier. Don’t argue with me

here about the benefits of the anti-oxidants in red wine. There’s exceptions to everything.

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PROCESSED FOODS. OK, in our society today, not enough of us to count are living where we can

have access to unprocessed foods. Ideally, and in “master designer” days, we all ate unprocessed foods,

and quite often ate them raw. They were grown (or in the case of animals, raised themselves) on soils

that had natural nutrients. Today, the base nutrients of grown food is virtually non existent. Our

farmlands are devoid of natural life giving nutrients, and instead, our foods are commercial and mass

fam produced on lands carefully “seeded” with “designer fertilizers”. Designed for what? Production

numbers! And we need them to feed ourselves and the world. But the nutrients, when present, are

people produced, and are these as healthy? Our meat and poultry based foods, which fall into the

processed category, are “designer bred” to go from conception (often artificial insemination) to

commercial production (slaughter house and packing) within target limits that can be predicted within

days and often hours. For business, it HAS to be this way. We are lucky. We may not like pricing, but

we can almost always go to the supermarket and depend upon finding an ample supply of chicken,

meat, and to some extent, even fish.

But what are we eating? The chemicals that make this production possible and accelerate the growth of

the animal for example.. it that chemical, and for simplistic sake, we’ll call it a “hormone”.. does it stop

or disappear with the animal, or is there a certain part that resides in the meats we eat, and carries over

to we consumers? And if it’s growth causing, might we ask, “What’s the difference between controlled

growth and cancerous, or uncontrolled growth?” Is there evidence the layman can see that supports

that there’s probably a connection? Are our youth growing larger in the last few generations? Are girls,

for example aging and growing faster? You don’t have to be a serologist to but notice the vary obvious

in the chest size of younger girls every year! And lastly, is there a greater or lesser rate of cancer in our

population today? And is cancer a life shortened or a life extender.. just because something is growing?

Yes, these are really dumb and stupid questions.. but they need to be focused on because the majority of

the foods we eat are negative baseline modifiers. Yes, we NEED to eat, but if we want to live longer

and healthier, then we need to be first more educated and secondly, more selective.

EXERCISE: Recall a page or so back when we talked about the machine that was never used, and then

when put into service, just would not work. Well, the same is true of our bodies. “Way back when” man

(as a race, not to exclude women) did not sit all day. They were upright, moving, using their parts. Lack

of exercise, almost to the point of “none”.. and walking to the coffee dispenser at work is NOT

exercise... is certainly a negative life modifier. It can be turned into a positive life modifier if one gets

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at least “baseline” amounts.

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STRESS and Emotional factors. Lives of most all members of a industrialized, commercialized,

modern society are probably much more stressed than our early ancestors. We can’t say that for sure as

times of war, plague, pestilence probably had their roles.. but were ALL people exposed to these? And

if we kick it back even a few centuries to they days we were cavemen and lived tribally? Were there as

many stresses? No one can answer that for certain. What we can answer today is that 1) We are exposed

to many stresses, 2) Stresses play a major role on how our body acts, and 3) Stress can be controlled

and managed to a degree. Uncontrolled stress is a negative modifier. You can learn and practice Stress

control and management and it becomes a positive modifier.

SLEEP. A fairly recent addtion to the factors impacting aging, especially the concept of “how much is

enough?” and what are the effects of sleep deprivation? The first question is answered by the fact it's

an individual number and it can vary. “Enough” is when you awake feeling essentially refreshed.

“Enough” not only considers time but quality, ie, how much of the time you spend in REM sleep. If

you don't get enough (and today, most Americans don't!), you go “into the hole” in sleep deprivation.

The good news is that this deficit can be made up.. initially you'll need more, but as you fill the deficit,

you need less and less until your own body's “sleep equilibrium” is met. What we do know is that the

proper amount of sleep negates effects of stress and other factors that contribute to aging, and that not

having enough accelerates aging by acting as a time where your cells do not sufficiently regenerate and

you have all the other factors working against you that sleep corrects. Entire volumes can be studied on

this subject. All you need to know from this book is that it is a factor and you need to get enough to

wake up rested at the end of your sleep period.

So far, you have not learned any new secrets, I suspect and you may even be wondering, “When Am I

Going to Get the Part I paid good money for?” “I knew all this other stuff”.

It’s coming up next, but one more warning: To some readers, this will be offensive. To some others,

possible pure bull crap.

Go get a cup of coffee, a soft drink, and come back and be prepared to learn..

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This is from the “Master Creator” viewpoint:

When man was created, we (particularly as men) were created first to continue the race and to

duplicate and multiply ourselves. Our bodies were set up to give us those tools and abilities.. first to go

and find food. That meant out hunting, fishing, etc. We were created with the muscles and body senses

to protect ourselves from enemies. As long as we were in this reproduction mode or period of our life,

our Master Designer provided us with the resources to be young and healthy to support and protect our

new families. Actual chronological age had little or no influence on that.. Christians, as evidence, read

your Bibles and see how many “leaders” became fathers and leaders into their late 80s and even 100s.

We don’t see as much evidence for the women, but there are cases such as Sarah!

So how do we translate this into something we can use today to stay younger longer?

We can’t go around and having new babies all the time.. and that (result) is totally irrelevant! What is

relevant is that we keep our bodies active in the reproduction mode DAILY. That’s a short and polite

way of saying “Have a sexual experience to orgasm every day. Don’t miss a day. Use it or lose it”.

Now you can see why this book has generally never gotten previously into print. In fact, in older days,

male masturbation was thought to cause blindness! That’s a negative. It carries a strong moral


Now there’s two ways to have that sexual experience to orgasm, my friendly readers who are still with

me... and not among the certain percentage to burn, destroy, or otherwise get rid of this book.

The one way, which would be nice (and maybe Bill Clinton WAS on to something!) (OK, lost another

5% of the readers) would be to have a sexual relationship with a partner. You know the other way. The

importance is to have that experience to climax.. ejaculation in males; you females know how you

experience it. It is THAT physical event that extends life and starts your clock age ticking new daily.

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Now in the beginning we talked about medical evidence. Some studies have been done on the human

body effects after a sexual experience to climax. We know muscles relax. We know certain chemicals

such as endorphins are released. We know that for a temporary period cardio vascular events speed up

and exercise the heart and lungs. We can simply look at the female and see the very apparent changes

(to most eyes) in her skin tone, “brightness” of the eyes. The evidence is clear!

What has kept this “secret” out of the public journals and print so long? Mores and morality. That’s

about it.

Today’s lifestyle of work, stress, etc, even with married couples keep even those otherwise capable of

“getting together” daily! You know all the reasons.. too tired, not enough time, the proverbial headache,


In that case.. if you want to live longer and healthier, take some action. You know the secret. You’re in

control. Do it yourself. Now do be careful of the emotional aspects and do not use this as a substitute

for the close bonding a normal physical relationship can bring, but treat it as a body daily necessity

right up there with eating, breathing, exercising, and going to the bathroom. Make this a part of your

daily routine! Ideally, share this book with your romantic life partner and agree that “For our own

health and living honey, we gotta give this a priority!”. I won’t say or advocate it justifies hiring a

sexual surrogate, but maybe it will .. but never expect your preventative medical insurance plan

(HMO?) to cover it.. although if you could ever get a doctor to agree on the preventative health benefits

of the daily organism; get the insurance company to agree that they are first involved in preventative

medicine, then get them to pay for that.. this would be a true break through.


This can NOT be emphasized strongly enough. It’s a catch 22. Ideally you should share this concept

and action with your significant other, male or female. There’s a couple of reasons: First, assuming it

works (and it does), if only one of you participates in the “daily exercise” and the other doesn’t, one of

you will age more quickly (normally in today’s world), the other won’t. Over time, the one who has not

aged (you) is not only going to have less than compatible appearances, by your energy is going to be

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higher than your non participating significant other. You’ll want to do other things. You’ll feel younger,

vibrant, and he’ll (or she) will just want to sit around and watch TV or something. You will be

mismatched in 10 years like never before. Secondly, let’s say you end up “sexually exercising” alone;

you have not shared the concept with your SO, and one day he or she catches you. How do you

explain? What if your love life was a bit shaky anyway and the partner feels somewhat neglected... you

are wasting your “talents” on yourself, by yourself, rather than sharing the emotion, the closeness, etc.

with them. Who are you thinking about when you do this for or by yourself? Is there someone else

you’d RATHER be doing this with? You get the big picture. But there’s a catch 22 in sharing this: For

some people...even if we do not categorize the “self help” method as a vice, due to the mores and

morality in our society today... people who have all kinds of vices such as drinking, smoking, maybe

even doing a little pot.. consider touching themselves one of the world’s sins against nature and God.

They can get drunk but they could never masturbate! So if you share this with them, depending on the

personality, you could be like holding a gun to their head. Only it’s their value system. This could be

one of those true “Dammed if you do; dammed if you don’t” situations. Only you can determine if this

is worth the risk to share.. and trust me, for most of you readers, it is a risk.

The rewards can be great, but every reward does carry with it a risk. This is no exception. Just be sure

you are aware of it because in this book, you are venturing into deeply potentially dangerous

psychological waters just as your author, I am. It’s for this reason, I’ll be going to near extremes to

conceal my real identity.

Well, that’s about all. The only thing to conclude with is that it’s never too late to start. You probably

can not reverse the baseline age you’ve attained, but in some cases, we’ve seen a few in our select

research group reporting “feeling younger” and from what we see, “looking younger’.

They have included certain positive modifiers as well such as quitting smoking; being more selective

about what they eat and drink... but alone, that won’t do it.

We hope you have enjoyed this book. It’s written in a truly serious vein. Consider it’s wisdom

thoroughly; experiment if you wish; practice is better. If you have the courage, write us with your

testimony (from just a medical point, please).

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Happy Non-Aging to All!

Dr. Howard Mieith*

The Author


Dr. Howard Mieith is strictly a publishing name. He or she obviously exists, but for reasons cited

within the text, the true identity must be concealed. Society and Dr. Meith’s circle of friends and

business acquaintances is simply not ready for acceptance of him (or is the “him” a “her”?). The

material is factual; based on personal experience and the experiences of a very close group of intimate

friends and acquaintances. The concept was first shared when Dr. Mieth was in the military service and

stationed in the far east, and developed a friendship with an aged.. but apparently young.. civilized

English speaking native. Over several hours of socializing and a few libations, the subject came up of

“how do you retain your evident youth in spite of your calendar years of age?” and that lead to

discussion which is the foundation of this ebook. After finishing the military service, Dr Meith (Dr is in

a Ph.D. field, not MD) obtained employment with a leading American pharmaceutical firm as a

professional outside sales representative. In that capacity, he formed a friendship with an MD which

lead to discussion on the subject. At that time Dr Meith had started the practice but had not yet shared it

with their significant other. The salesperson/MD relationship was a good friendship and extended

beyond the doctors office , hospital, or practice, and nearly any subject was fair game for discussion.

The reaction was “I’ve known about this for some time, but the ethics and mores of my profession

would never allow me to mention it; the medical association would find all kinds of reasons to disbar

me and I could lose my license.. but I know it works, because I too practice it”. At that time, he was 53

but could easily pass for late 30s or early 40s. He suggested I write this book. That was over 25 years

ago, and I’ve never had the courage to do so. At that time there was no quiet way to publish, no

internet, no think like an ebook. Now there is, and the timing has been right. So as Paul Harvey says,

“Now you know the rest of the story”.


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