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Midnight Matings

Hot and Cold

Technically, no one invited Theris to the gathering, because
technically he wasn’t supposed to have a mate. None of that really

mattered to him, though. He hadn’t gone looking for someone to
hook up with. Once he sets sights on Ryo, however, he’s very glad
he made the trip.

Immediately captivated by the dark angel with the bright smile,
Ryo Dantis figured it was a no-brainer to choose Theris as his

mate. Unfortunately, he hadn’t taken into account how far his
grandfather would go to ensure he upholds his familial obligations

to produce heirs for his Djinn clan.

When Theris goes missing right from their home, there are no

lengths to which Ryo won’t go to find and rescue the man he
loves. Can he save Theris in time and break the spell? Or will he
lose everything because of the greediness of others?

Genre: Alternative (M/M or F/F), Contemporary, Paranormal
Length: 35,430 words

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Midnight Matings

Gabrielle Evans



Siren Publishing, Inc.


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IMPRINT: Erotic Romance ManLove

Copyright © 2012 by Gabrielle Evans
E-book ISBN: 978-1-62241-055-2

First E-book Publication: July 2012

Cover design by Jinger Heaston
All art and logo copyright © 2012 by Siren Publishing, Inc.

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to actual persons living or dead is strictly coincidental.

Siren Publishing, Inc.

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Midnight Matings


Copyright © 2012

Chapter One

“Now, children, good luck. We expect to see each of you in

twenty-four hours. May your hunt be successful.”

The noise level in the grand ballroom rose to deafening levels as

chaos reigned among the paranormals gathered there. Leaning one
shoulder against the wall off to the side of the commotion, Theris
crossed his arms over his chest and smirked. He hadn’t technically
been invited to the party, but there was no way he was going to miss
the opportunity.

Normally, he didn’t spend much time with paranormals. They

were annoyingly immortal, but with so many gathered in one place,
especially after the kind of announcement the elders had just made,
Theris would be very surprised if there wasn’t at least one fatality in
the next twenty-four hours.

He didn’t consider himself a bad guy. On the contrary, he

provided a valuable service to those abandoned to suffer. Scenes of
mass chaos were where he thrived, and the growls, grunts, screeches,
and screams echoing around the room sounded like music to his ears.
Still, despite popular belief, he had zero control over the lives of
mortals. He was simply a tour guide.

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“Do you want me?” A cute little guy bounced in front of him, his

blue eyes almost pleading for him to say yes.

Unfortunately—or maybe fortunately—Theris hadn’t touched the

spelled champagne, and he wasn’t really sure that it would have
worked on him if he had. He also wasn’t in the market for a mate.
“Sorry, my lovely, but I’m not the one. You’ll find what you’re
looking for soon.” In fact, it was going to find him in about four and
half minutes.

Pushing away from the wall, Theris took the man’s shoulders and

turned him to face the madness going on around them. “Just start
walking, Gilbert. Everything will be fine.”

“How do you know my name?”
Theris smiled kindly and kissed the man’s soft cheek. “Go on


Gilbert nodded and started across the room, tugging on shirt

sleeves and asking anyone who would listen if they wanted him.
While most ignored him completely, there were a few who were just
outright rude to the guy. Theris greatly disliked rudeness, especially
when directed at someone as darling as Gilbert Quinby. Then again,
no one saw below the surface like Theris did.

“That was nice, but are you sure you didn’t just throw him to the

wolves?” The stranger standing beside him chuckled and shook his
head. There was the barest hint of an accent, possibly French, but so
slight that most probably wouldn’t pick up on it. “No pun intended.”

Well, hello, Gorgeous. Between his duties and the fact that he

wasn’t usually the most-welcomed houseguest, Theris didn’t have
much of a social life. The chap staring out over the ballroom was
breathtaking in a way that Theris hadn’t seen in centuries—and he’d
seen a lot of people.

“He’s going to be fine,” Theris answered, adopting a casual air. It

just wouldn’t do for him to appear too eager. Besides, he wasn’t there
to find a hookup. A mate wasn’t in the cards for him, and his new

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acquaintance needed to be out looking for a suitable partner to present
to the elders.

“Are you sure about that?” Mr. Tall, Gorgeous, and Lickable

chuckled again as he pointed across the room. “Is that what you had
in mind?”

Following his gaze, Theris groaned deep in his chest when he

spotted Gilbert bent over in the middle of the masses with his pants
down around his ankles. Luckily, he’d just spotted the lad’s rescuers
making their way toward him as well. “Just give it a minute.”

Sure enough, two big, hunky men, identical in appearance,

dispatched some idiot trying to cop a free feel, and within seconds had
the shifter whisked away to somewhere more private.

Gods, the man was enormous. Theris pegged him to be at least six

foot three, a good six inches or taller than his own much leaner frame.
Chiseled, masculine features, short, pitch-black hair that stuck up all
over his head, and a smile that could put any movie star to shame—
the guy had it all.

“What’s your name?”
“Theris Sikes,” he answered slowly. He tilted his head to the side

and frowned as he studied the man, confused as to why he couldn’t
get any kind of reading on him. “I’m sorry, who are you?”

“Ryo Dantis.” His amber eyes pinned Theris in place as he leaned

forward, stopping when they were only a breath apart. “Give it up,
Reaper. You can’t see into my past or my future. If you want to know
something about me, you’ll have to find out the old-fashioned way.”

It had been centuries since Theris had encountered one of the

Djinn. Only a couple hundred still survived, living deep in the forests
or high in the mountainous regions of the world. Very rarely did they
travel away from their homes, and it was even rarer to find one in a
large social setting such as the UPAC gathering.

“So, I guess you’re here on business,” Ryo said, leaning away to

put distance between them once more.

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“Nope.” Theris laughed as he watched a small black cat leap onto

a man’s chest and begin rubbing all over him, obviously marking the
guy as taken. “I’m here purely for pleasure. What about you?”

“Grandfather says be here, so here I am.” Ryo shrugged, but his

eyes tightened at the corners, and the muscle in his jaw ticked as
though he was grinding his teeth together.

Theris opened his mouth to comment, but before he could get the

words out, a cold chill traveled down the length of his spine and
tightened the muscles in his back. Pulling a gold watch from the
pocket of his snug jeans, he watched the second hand tick twice more
and finally come to a stop.

“Sorry there, mate, but duty calls. Good luck with…” Trailing off,

he waved a hand in a vague gesture to indicate the entirety of the
room. “Well, you know.” Then he winked, gave a little bow, and
disappeared from the room.

Materializing in a comfortably styled farmhouse living room in

central Nebraska, he linked his hands behind his back and watched
the elderly lady on the sofa for a moment. Madeline Johnson, age
eighty-four, widow of six years, no children—she’d led a long and
happy life.

“Hello, Ms. Maddie,” Theris said with a bright smile. “What

seems to be the trouble?”

The shimmering, translucent specter stared down at her body with

a frown. “This just isn’t right.”

Despite what the masses believed, there just wasn’t any way for

him to be at every bedside during every passing. He might be the
Angel of Death, but even he couldn’t divide himself or stop time to
accommodate the thousands of deaths that occurred every day around
the world. No, he was called in for much more specialized cases such
as those who refused to move on or when some clever soul decided
he’d found a way to cheat death.

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Ms. Maddie obviously hadn’t cheated death. Now it was his job to

find out why she still lingered and convince her to move on. “What
isn’t right, my dear?”

“I keep a nice, clean house. I don’t get many visitors out this way.

This is going to reek to high heavens by the time someone gets out
here to find me.”

“Ah, not to worry. I’ll take care of everything. We’ll not spoil

your lovely abode.” Theris held his hand out and smiled again,
waiting for the woman to take it.

“You’re not what I expected,” she admitted, though she placed her

wrinkled, fragile hand into his. “I reckon I’m ready, then.”

“And I thank you for that, ma’am. It certainly makes my job a

right bit easier.”

* * * *

“I apologize,” Theris said pleasantly as he reappeared less than a

minute later in the exact spot he’d vanished from. “Where were we?”
Glancing to his left, he found only open space instead of the hunky
stranger he’d anticipated. “Well, bollocks.”

Evidently, his handsome Djinn hadn’t felt like waiting, because he

was nowhere in sight upon Theris’s return. Well, that was okay. It
wasn’t like Theris was disappointed or anything ridiculous like that.

It had just been a while since he’d had a conversation that didn’t

involve the mortality of man or various reasons as to why a soul could
not remain on earth. It was a rather tedious job with crappy hours and
even crappier pay, but someone had to do it.

Voices of the past whispered inside his head, followed swiftly by

flashes of future events. All those inside the lavish ballroom were safe
for the time being, but three faces stood out from the rest, pinpointing
who would eventually suffer the consequences because of actions set
in motion during the gathering. Theris wasn’t saying any of them

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deserved to die, but he highly doubted anyone would miss them,

“Get off me, asshole!” The direction of the loathing growl was

easily distinguishable, since things were beginning to calm down as
the different species paired off and trudged up to the stage where the
elders sat. “I said fuck off!”

Spinning around, Theris spied Ryo near the double doors that led

from the ballroom, pinned against the wall by not one, but four large,
desperate men. Three held Ryo’s face pressed against the wall, his
hands locked behind his back, while the other man ripped at the
Djinn’s silk, lavender, button-down shirt, leaving it hanging off his
broad shoulders in tatters.

“Bloody hell,” Theris mumbled under his breath as he started

toward the group. It wasn’t any of his business. He wasn’t there to
play the protector or interfere in any way. Since the announcement,
he’d watched similar scenes play out all around him, so why did he
suddenly feel so protective of this one man? “Nothing good will come
from this, you damn fool,” he mumbled to himself.

Just as he couldn’t look into Ryo’s future, he also couldn’t see his

own. While intuition told him that he shouldn’t stick his nose where it
didn’t belong, that he was changing the natural course of events, he
just couldn’t stop himself. Theris did wonder why Ryo hadn’t used
his magic to dispel his attackers but assumed it was a cautionary
measure in case the men didn’t know exactly what he was.

“Hello, gents,” Theris said casually as though he was simply

greeting old friends. “You’ll probably want to let him go.”

“Get lost,” one of the men snapped at him, baring his teeth in a

threatening manner as he continued pressing on Ryo’s neck. “This
one belongs to us.”

“Is that right?” Popping one hip out to the side, Theris rubbed his

chin absently while looping the thumb from his other hand into one of
his belt loops. “Then I think we’re going to have a problem.”

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The man who’d been tearing at Ryo’s shirt whirled around,

grabbing Theris by the throat and lifting him off his feet before
shaking him roughly. “Are you deaf? Go play, little boy, before
someone gets hurt.” The gleam in his eyes said without words that
“someone” would be Theris. Poor fellow didn’t have a clue who he
was dealing with.

Allowing his hands and face to shift to the skeletal likeness most

associated him with, Theris looped his fingers around the idiot’s wrist
and began to squeeze. The guy—a vampire—yelped loudly, and
moisture sprang to his eyes as he abruptly released Theris and
stumbled back against the wall.

“Leave,” Theris ordered, smoothing the front of his bright pink

shirt. “He’s mine.”

* * * *

Rolling his eyes at Theris’s ostentatious actions, Ryo pushed away

from the wall, swinging his elbow backward as he did and grunting in
satisfaction when it connectedly solidly with the nose of one of his
attackers. While he could have easily dispatched them with magic,
he’d learned long ago the prudency of blending into the shadows.

The men wanted him because they thought he was a witch, and

revealing that he was far more powerful than what they believed
wouldn’t help the situation. Now he had a pint-sized pain in the ass
dressed in a pink shirt, skinny jeans, and lime-green boots staking a
claim on him. Gods on Olympus, he should have never left home.

“What the hell? What are you?” The vampires backed away

slowly with their hands held up in surrender. Then they turned as one
and practically sprinted in the opposite direction.

“You’re welcome,” Theris said with a gleaming smile as he

returned to his normal appearance.

While he might be an annoyance that Ryo didn’t need, he had to

admit the guy was stunning—short, curly blond hair, delicate features,

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and a lean, tightly packed body. Mesmerizing silver-gray eyes that
seemed to glimmer in the light had captured Ryo’s attention from the
moment he’d met the runt with the heavy English accent.

Ryo had no desire to take a mate. The forest where he lived

provided everything he needed, and he was quite comfortable living
alone and secluded. Now he was damning himself for not only
allowing his grandfather to bully him into attending the gathering, but
for drinking several glasses of the cursed cocktail the elders had

He was stuck, and he knew it. Already, the mating heat enflamed

him, causing perspiration to dampen his brow. Maybe death wouldn’t
be such a terrible thing. He’d lived a long time, much longer than
anyone really deserved. Surprisingly, he felt like he’d accomplished
very little in nine hundred years, though. How could he die knowing
that his whole life had been completely pointless?

So he continued to argue with himself, even waving his hands

around in the air like a madman during his internal debate. Death
seemed too easy, and it was most likely the decision his dear
grandfather had been hoping he’d make. Well, he wasn’t going to
give the old bastard the satisfaction. Hell, he’d even go a step further
and choose the most unsuitable person in the room.

Glancing behind him, he found Theris still standing in the same

position, pressing his lips together tightly as though he was trying not
to laugh at Ryo’s crazy behavior. “Have you a decision, then?”

“Yep.” Happier now that he had a plan and felt he was on more

even playing ground with the angel, Ryo grabbed the man around the
wrist and began leading him toward the dais where the elders sat.
“You,” he answered. “You are my decision.”

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Chapter Two

“Ryo Dantis and Theris Sikes,” Ryo practically yelled at the elder

as he jogged up on the stage, pulling Theris along behind him.

“I’m going to shove my hand up your arse and make your mouth

move like a bleedin’ puppet.” Theris jerked, putting on a good show
of trying to free himself from Ryo. In all honesty, he could have just
vanished from the room, and that would have taken care of

He didn’t have time to play partner or cater to a mate, but there

was something so compelling about Ryo. Theris couldn’t put a name
to the golden-brown color of Ryo’s eyes, but, gods, they were
breathtaking. They were somewhere between amber and caramel, like
a flame seen through a bottle of scotch, and those amazing eyes pulled
Theris in like ants to a picnic.

Before he could wrap his mind around what was happening,

searing pain like he’d never felt before lanced over the skin on his left
hip as though someone had poked him with a branding iron.

Ryo hissed in a breath through gritted teeth and released Theris to

slap his palm over the side of his neck. When his hand dropped away,
a small circular tattoo was revealed on his bronzed skin. At first
glance, it resembled a Celtic knot, but when Theris looked closer, he
saw they were actually letters, intricately woven together.

“Congratulations,” the elder said distractedly, not even looking up

at them as he held out a plain envelope with the UPAC seal to Ryo.
“Everything you need to know is there. Good luck.” He dismissed
them with a flick of his wrist and turned to the woman standing next
to them.

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“That was easier than I expected.” Slipping the envelope into his

back pocket, Ryo looked a bit disgruntled as he left the stage, heading
toward the exit and still pulling Theris along behind him. “Walk

“What the hell crawled up your arse?” When he didn’t receive an

answer, Theris twisted his wrist, disappeared, and reappeared in front
of his new mate. Mate. Who the hell would have thought he’d have a
mate? “Right, then,” he said as he slapped a hand to Ryo’s chest,
stopping him in his tracks. “Do you mind telling me what the hell just
happened back there?”

“Yes,” Ryo answered shortly, “I mind.”
Physically, Ryo was much bigger and much stronger than he.

Magically, Ryo could warp perception, bend time, and just about
anything he wanted to do, making him stronger in that aspect as well.
Since Theris couldn’t get a lock on him, he could vanish right there
on the spot, and he would never find the guy again.

That didn’t mean Theris was weak, though. “You made this bed.

You’re just going to have to lie in it.” Preferably, that bed would
contain both of them naked, but Theris kept that part to himself for
the time being.

“Yes,” Ryo repeated. “Bed.”
Apparently, that little brand on his neck had melted his brain,

because he wasn’t making a bit of sense. His skin was flushed, his
eyes wide and a little glassy, and he was breathing erratically through
his parted lips. If Theris didn’t know better, he’d think Ryo was
having a heart attack. Since that couldn’t be right, the only other
conclusion he could come to was that Ryo was extremely aroused.

“You drank the champagne,” he accused, though not harshly. If he

hadn’t known ahead of time, he’d most likely have consumed the
bewitched drink as well. “Is it bad?”

“I feel like I’m on fire,” Ryo answered, and he was beginning to

pant. “My skin is crawling. My head is spinning.” He cupped the

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impressive bulge behind his zipper. “I think my dick is going to snap
in two.”

“Well, are we mates or not?” It had been far too long since he’d

had a good, hot bout of sweaty, biting, scratching, hair-pulling sex.
“What are you waiting for, love?” Holding his arms out wide, Theris
pouted his lips invitingly, giving himself over in offering. “Where’s
your room?”

“Oh, sweet hell, look at your mouth.” Ryo groaned as he shoved

the double doors open and propelled Theris through them. “And that
ass,” he added, giving Theris’s bottom a hard swat and letting his
hand linger to knead the muscles of his right cheek.

“Lead the way and be quick about it.” They needed to get

somewhere—anywhere—and soon. While he wasn’t feeling the same
fabricated need from the potion like Ryo, his whole body erupted with
desire and need at the first feel of Ryo’s hands on him, the first hands
to touch him intimately in nearly a decade.

“I can’t wait.” Ryo’s beautifully formed muscles quivered, and he

began to sweat in earnest as though he was running for his life rather
than walking briskly down a stone corridor.

Theris was anxious as well, but he couldn’t help but preen a little

at Ryo’s eagerness. Not only had he gone without a warm touch for
years, but never had anyone wanted him with such intensity. True, it
was most likely related to the induction of the mating heat, but he’d
leave that part out when he told the story later.

All the air rushed out of his lungs when his back met suddenly and

forcefully with the wall of the corridor. Ryo lifted him off his feet,
anchoring Theris to the wall with his larger body and attacking his
mouth with a primal growl. Moaning into the kiss, Theris had just
enough functioning brain cells left for the proverbial lightbulb to go

Ryo had meant his claim that he wouldn’t be able to wait until

they made it to a suitable room quite literally. Whatever. It wasn’t like
Theris was going to complain about being mauled by someone as

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drool-worthy as Ryo—even if it was rather public with people
roaming up and down the hall.

The heat pouring off his mate was unbelievable, almost scorching,

but Theris gloried in every touch, every stroke of Ryo’s tongue inside
his mouth. One hand tangled in the curls at the base of his skull, right
over his nape, and tugged hard, pulling his head back on his
shoulders. Ryo’s teeth scraped down the curve of his throat, not
painfully, but hard enough to draw a strangled, ragged moan from
Theris’s swollen lips.

The Djinn’s other hand slipped between their groins and gripped

Theris’s aching cock through the confinement of his tight jeans.
“These have to go,” Ryo rasped against the damp skin along the
underside of his jaw. With only that bit of warning, there was a loud
ripping sound, and the denim along the seam split, sending cool air
rushing over his suddenly exposed hole. “No underwear. I like.”
There was definitely a smile in the man’s voice.

“Glad you approve.” Panting heavily, Theris arched his back and

rocked, rubbing his throbbing cock over Ryo’s abs. Unmitigated,
erotic desire coursed through him, burning his skin and boiling his
blood. Gods, he’d never been manhandled or dominated. No one had
ever controlled him—owned him—in the way Ryo was doing, and he
absolutely loved it.

Nimble fingers had his jeans undone swiftly, and Ryo’s warm

hand fished his prick from its trappings, giving it a long, slow squeeze
as he stroked from root to crown. The fingers tangled in Theris’s hair
released him and slid around to tap at his lips. Once he opened, Ryo
pushed in two fingers to rub over his slippery tongue.

“I’m not going to take you with just spit, cher,” he assured when

Theris furrowed his brow. “Suck on them.” The authority in his tone
held no room for argument, and Theris shuddered hard as he wrapped
his lips around the digits.

Ryo continued to jerk his cock as he watched Theris through

hooded eyes, bringing him right to the edge and then backing off

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before he could tumble over it. “That’s good, cher.” He pulled his
hand away and pressed their mouths together, tracing Theris’s top lip
with the tip of his tongue in a light, teasing brush. “You want more?”

Was the man insane? “Yes,” Theris breathed.
“Then you’re going to have to take it.” He rimmed the fluttering

muscles of Theris’s hole as he spoke, wetting them carefully before
pushing in the tip of one digit. “Unbutton me and pull my cock free.”

Again, the order sent a shock of desire straight to Theris’s groin as

he fumbled to obey. With his hands shaking and their bodies pressed
so tightly together, it wasn’t an easy feat, made even more
complicated by Ryo’s lack of help. After a few awkward moments,
though, he managed to accomplish his goal, nearly swallowing his
tongue when he got his first feel of Ryo’s impressive length.

Hard as stone yet velvety smooth, Ryo’s thick cock pulsed against

his palm. The vein that ran along the side of the shaft stood out in
sharp relief, and Theris traced it with his thumb until he reached the
spongy tip. A very unmanly whimper bubbled up in his throat as he
smeared pre-cum from the slit around the crown and Ryo growled
provocatively in his ear.

Another finger slid into his entrance alongside the other, twisting

and scissoring as Ryo stretched the guarding ring. “Close your eyes,”
he whispered a moment later as he extracted his digits and batted
Theris’s hand away from his cock.

Doing as he’d been commanded, Theris lowered his eyelids and

dropped his head back to rest against the wall behind him. The thick
helmet of his lover’s dick pressed insistently against his opening,
slowing invading his depths, and a quiet panic began to well up inside
him. “Ryo?”

“Easy, cher. Keep breathing.” Soft, moist lips fluttered over the

corner of his lips. The act was so tender that Theris melted right there
on the spot. “I would never hurt you.”

While he didn’t think that man would hurt him purposely, having

his ass reamed with no lubrication after a ten-year dry spell wasn’t

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going to be a walk in the park. Still, he kept his eyes closed and
breathed evenly, even if he was digging his fingers into Ryo’s
shoulders with enough force to leave bruises.

All of his worries were completely unfounded, though. His mate’s

length slid in easily without resistance, causing not even the slightest
twinge of pain. Once he was buried to the hilt, there was only a
second of pause before Ryo pulled out and then slammed back in,
swiveling his hips as he grinded his groin against Theris’s ass.

“Gods, I love magic.” Only a magic user would be able to produce

the slick lubrication from nothing more than air.

Ryo’s deep, rumbling laughter filled his ears as his massive body

shook around him. “I would never hurt you,” he repeated in a ragged
whisper. “Open your eyes now. Watch them watch you.”

Blinking his eyelids open, it took a moment to focus, but once his

eyes had adjusted, Theris grinned at the three men standing only a few
feet from them, watching with rapt attention. “I guess we better give
them a good show.” He wasn’t embarrassed in the least. Sex was a
natural part of life, and if these blokes wanted to watch, Theris
wanted to be seen.

“Mmm, I like the way you think.” The harder Ryo’s dick got, the

thicker his accent became, so that “the” sounded like ze.

An instant later, Theris was completely nude, his sweat-slicked

skin glistening in the overhead lights. The fact that Ryo was still fully
dressed, with only his cock exposed from his slacks, just made the
scene more erotic. Theris knew a few tricks of his own, but he was
nowhere as gifted as Ryo. He wasn’t jealous, though. It was proving
very beneficial to their relationship.

“Hold on to me, Theris.” With just that bit of warning, Ryo began

a hard, swift assault, snapping his hips in lightning-fast strokes as he
drove into Theris’s body.

Clinging to his lover, Theris cried out to the ceiling, riding the

wave of pleasure that overwhelmed him. Every plunge stretched his

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inner walls and made him tremble, while each outward glide left him
feeling empty and bereft.

Grabbing the back of his thigh, Ryo pressed Theris’s leg toward

his chest, opening him for deeper penetration as he slammed into him
with bone-jarring intensity. The next hard thrust pegged Theris’s
prostate, making lights flash before his eyes.

Grunting and growling like a wild animal, Ryo continued to ream

him, pounding into him without mercy until Theris began to feel
light-headed. The three men—two shifters and a witch—moved
closer, each rubbing at the hard ridges behind their zippers. The desire
in their eyes turned to a possessive gleam, and concern flittered
around the edges of Theris’s pleasure.

The worry was easily dismissed when Ryo nailed his prostate

again, sending him careening closer to the edge. Keening through his
gritted teeth as every muscle in his body tightened, Theris squeezed
Ryo’s huge cock, massaging the pulsating shaft with his inner walls.
“Please,” he begged, needing just a tiny nudge to rocket him into
orgasmic free fall.

Ryo took one of his erect nipples between thumb and forefinger,

pinching and tugging at it roughly. “Come for me, cher.”

The bite of pain was exactly what he needed. Theris buried his

face against the fragrant skin of Ryo’s neck, moaning loudly as
streams of pearly semen jetted from his cock, soaking what was left of
his lover’s expensive shirt and covering his own abs in the warm
cream. Fire, much like what he’d felt when the mating seal had been
branded into his hip, scorched the skin just over his heart, forcing
another orgasm from him that completely melted his brain.

“Mine,” Ryo whispered while his body jerked through his own

orgasm, spilling endless ropes of seed into Theris’s depths, claiming
him from the inside out.

Apparently, his new mate was extremely possessive. Theris had

been fucked, marked, and totally covered in the man’s scent, leaving
no doubt as to who owned him. Funnily, he couldn’t bring himself to

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mind, since it was exactly what he’d wanted for longer than he could

“My turn,” one of the shifters snarled, grabbing Theris around the

wrist and jerking him out of Ryo’s arms so that he crashed to the hard
floor. With the asshole still holding his arm, the impact not only
bruised his hip but dislocated his shoulder as well, making his
stomach roll from the sickening pain.

Uncaring of his injury, the guy yanked on his arm again, causing

Theris to cry out as he was hauled to his feet and pressed face-first
against the cool stone wall. Sharp teeth sank into his upper back—
once, twice, a third time—ripping the skin and making him choke on
the bile that rose up in his throat. Then an ungodly roar of utter rage
echoed down the corridor, swiftly followed by howls, shrieks,
thumps, and crashes.

Theris flinched and pressed closer to the wall when another set of

hands settled on his hips. Other than transporting himself anywhere he
wanted with a blink, he really didn’t have any power. Physically, he
was as weak as they came, except for when he took on his true
skeletal appearance. With the pain in his shoulder and back, he could
barely concentrate on standing upright, let alone transforming his

“Easy, cher,” Ryo said quietly while his hands slid through the

sticky blood coating Theris’s back. “Deep breaths, sweetheart. You’re
okay now.” A few seconds later, the searing in his back disappeared,
and Ryo’s hands moved up to cup his injured shoulder. “Almost
done.” Warm, soothing heat covered the muscle, and as the next
breath rushed out of him, all the pain in his body vanished.

Limp and exhausted, he rolled against the wall until he could face

his mate and practically crumpled into his strong, protective arms.
“Thank you.”

Lifting him easily, Ryo cradled him close and kissed his brow.

“Close your eyes and rest.”

“My watches. I need my watches.”

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“I grabbed them from your jeans, and they’re in my pocket. Now

rest. I’ll keep them safe for you.”

Confident that he could trust the man, Theris wrapped his arms

tightly around Ryo’s neck, rested his head on the guy’s shoulder, and
drifted somewhere between sleep and consciousness.

As they began moving down the hallway, he couldn’t help but

peek, though. A slow smile spread over his lips at the sight of his
attackers rolling around and groaning on the floor. Maybe they’d
think twice before forcing themselves on someone else. Somehow,
Theris seriously doubted it. Unable to see his or Ryo’s futures, he
couldn’t be sure, but something told him that they hadn’t seen the last
of this particular problem.

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Chapter Three

Most people experienced a raise in blood pressure and their

internal body temperatures spiked in times of anger. Not Ryo. His
blood ran cold, his skin became frigid to the touch, and if he were to
speak, plumes of vapor would puff from his lips.

When the shifter had pulled his mate away from him, he’d been

angry. When the fucker had harmed Theris, Ryo had been furious.
But when the man expressed a serious death wish by slamming Theris
against the wall as though he was going to force himself on the
smaller man, Ryo had been consumed by cold, unadulterated rage.

Even now, knowing the men had been dispatched and Theris was

safely tucked against his chest, he could barely breathe. Every cell in
his body screamed for the blood of the idiots who had attacked what
belonged to him.

Arriving at the gathering, he hadn’t been interested in finding a

mate. The contrast between Theris’s “job” and the almost meek
innocence in his smile brought out every protective instinct Ryo
didn’t even know he harbored, though. Anyone foolish enough to
place their hands on his dark angel would quickly learn the full extent
of his power.

“Are you ready to go home, cher?” He didn’t have a clue where

Theris lived, but he hoped the guy wasn’t terribly attached to his
abode. Ryo had no desire to move away from his cozy cabin in the
extensive forests of the Ardennes in Luxembourg.

“Can I get some clothes first?”
Some of the anger flowed out of him, and Ryo chuckled at the

request. “How about a shower? Then we can get dressed and I’ll show

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you your new home.” He held his breath, waiting to see if Theris
would argue with him.

“Okay,” Theris answered around a huge yawn. “Once we get

there, I’m taking a nap, though. I’m thoroughly knackered.”

It should have been good enough, and if Ryo was smart, he’d let it

go at that. Curiosity got the better of him, though. “Exactly where do
you live?”

“Where do you live?” Theris countered.
“That’s where I live, then.”
Mouthy little snot. “Okay, but where did you call home before


“Never had a home,” his mate responded sleepily as he rubbed at

his eyes. Damn, he was adorable. “I have a little flat in America, but I
wouldn’t say I genuinely live there. Stop worrying, Ry. It’s not a
bother to go home with you.”

Following the energy in the air to the wing where the different

magical beings were gathered, Ryo opened the first door he came to
and surveyed the room. “Out,” he ordered the three men lounging
about the common room of the suite. Thankfully, they appeared much
smarter than their more beastly counterparts and scurried quickly
through the exit without question.

“Is this your room?”
“I thought not.” Theris shook his head and sighed. “What will we

do with you, Ryo Dantis?”

“I only showed up for the toast and planned to return home

immediately afterward. There really wasn’t need for a room.”
Technically, there wasn’t a need now, either. He could easily
transport them back to his cabin and clean Theris there.

The same need that had him seething when the man was attacked

rose up again in a more tender way, urging him to tend to his mate
before their travels, however brief the journey may be. He didn’t

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understand it, didn’t particularly like it, but there was no denying the
protectiveness that swelled inside his chest for the small, lithe beauty
in his arms.

Striding purposefully across the room, he stepped into the artfully

designed bathroom and placed Theris gently on his feet. “Can you

“Right as the rain in Spain,” Theris answered in a quiet, singsongy

voice, proving he obviously wasn’t okay. “I feel sloshed. Are you
doing that? Have you made the floor rock, love? It’s a wonderful
trick. You’ll have to show me sometime.”

With every word out of his mouth, Ryo grew more concerned.

True, he could warp the perception of time and space, causing similar
effects like what Theris described. He wasn’t doing it now, though.
He hadn’t been overly concerned at the time, but now he grew
suspicious as to the species of the shifter who had attacked his lover.

Paranormals were remarkably resilient. They could heal from

most wounds and were untouched by human illnesses. A few shifters
were prone to specific diseases related to their breeds, and almost all
paranormals were susceptible to toxins or poisons created by others of
their kind.

“Can you tell me who hurt you in the hallway, cher?”
Theris leaned heavily against his side and dropped his head back

on his shoulders as he gazed up at Ryo with a goofy grin. “Brad
Sanders, age seventy-three, three brothers, two sisters. His mother
passed away when he was twenty.” Theris recited the information as
though reading it from some invisible book that Ryo couldn’t see.
“Reptile shifter, lizard, Komodo dragon, I’m thinking.”

Cursing under his breath, Ryo scooped Theris into his arms once

again, depositing him in the shower and using a flick of his wrist to
turn the knobs. A glance toward the showerhead had the spray
directed toward them, and he used his own clothed body to shield the
water from Theris until it had warmed.

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“I’m sorry, Theris, but this is going to hurt.” He felt like a

complete cad, especially since he’d already promised the man that he
would never hurt him.

There was nothing for it, though. The bacterium in the mouth of a

Komodo dragon shifter was often fatal to another paranormal once it
entered their bloodstream. He only prayed that too much time hadn’t

While he’d taken the pain away, the wounds on Theris’s back

were still raw, red, and oozing blood. He’d intended to seal them once
he’d cleaned his mate, but was now very glad that he hadn’t. Spinning
Theris so that the water from the shower beat against his back, Ryo
held him close to his chest, using his fingers to open the injuries
farther, encouraging the blood flow to flush out the damning toxins.

“Ow,” Theris whined. “Stop that. I don’t like it.” His voice was

weak, his words slurred, and he sagged weightlessly in Ryo’s arms.
“No. Make it stop. You’re burning me!”

“Shh, baby, just hold on to me. It’s almost over, and then I’ll take

the pain away.”

While it was possible that one of the elders would have the herbs

he needed to produce a healing salve, Ryo didn’t have time to go
traipsing through the castle. It made his heart ache and took all of his
willpower to not ease Theris’s pain right there on the spot. Clearly,
the only thing keeping the man awake was the burn, however, and
Ryo needed him conscious until he was sure the danger had passed.

Claiming Theris as his own had been foolhardy. What did he

know about caring for a partner? Hadn’t he just proven that he wasn’t
up to the task? Less than an hour after recording their names in the
big, leather-bound book, and he was already facing the possibility that
he could lose the angel.

He’d wanted no part of this, and he told himself that he’d only

chosen Theris to piss off his grandfather. Before he’d reached the
raised dais and spoken his name, however, he’d known he was lying
to himself. Maybe he wouldn’t have claimed Theris and bound them

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together so quickly, but from the time the guy had looked up at him
with those beautiful eyes, Ryo had definitely been interested in
getting to know him better.

Figuring he’d done all he could to flush the bacteria from the

wounds, Ryo lifted his mate, holding him close to his chest as he
closed his eyes, picturing his home in Luxembourg. Everything went
dark, the air was sucked from his lungs, and he had the horrible sense
of falling into nothing. It was always the same, and no matter how
many times he did it, he’d never get used to the sensation.

When he felt his feet were firmly on the ground again, Ryo

opened his eyes, orienting himself with the low lighting of his living
room before rushing Theris to the kitchen. Spreading him out over the
small rectangular table, he rolled him as gently as possible until his
front rested against the smooth wood.

“Don’t move.”
“Right, because that was priority one on my list of immediate

things to do.” Theris huffed tiredly and rolled his eyes.

While his smart mouth was something Ryo would need to address,

he let it slide for the time being. If the man was well enough to get
testy with him, that was a good sign. Stripping off his wet and ripped
clothes, he proceeded naked over to the small woodstove and
rummaged around on the shelf above it until he came back with the
tiny glass jar he sought.

Settling into one of the kitchen chairs, he uncorked the vial and

dipped two fingers into the greenish-brown salve. With any luck the
ointment would draw out the remaining toxins he hadn’t been able to
flush from the bite marks in the shower.

“This might sting a little,” he warned before coating one of the

wounds, smoothing the concoction over it evenly in a circular pattern.

Theris flinched but didn’t make a peep as Ryo continued to work.

Once he’d treated all three wounds, he set the jar aside and rose to go
wash his hands. Now, came the hard part—waiting. Patience had

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never been one of Ryo’s strong suits, but hopefully, he’d know within
the hour if the healing mixture had worked its magic.

“Do you intend to leave me here all night?”
With a wave of his hand, a dozen candles flamed to life, bathing

the kitchen and living room in their warm light. Helping his mate roll
to his side and sit up, Ryo held his hand to steady him as he slid to the
floor. “You’ll need to stay awake for a bit longer. Where would you
like to rest?”

Searching the room, Theris’s gaze landed on the fireplace. His

eyes lit up, and he practically purred as he made his way over to it and
settled onto the floor, stretching out on his stomach and rubbing his
cheek against the soft fur blanket spread out near the hearth. “Can we
have a fire?”

It was the least he could do, considering the pain he’d put his

lover through. With nothing more than a head tilt, the fireplace roared
to life. Flame danced merrily over the stacked logs, giving an entirely
different atmosphere to the almost gloomy room.

Theris smiled again and patted the blanket in a nonverbal request

for Ryo to join him. His damp hair gleamed in the firelight, a shade
darker than when it was dry. His smooth skin stretched tight over his
frame, while his lean muscles rippled with every movement, causing a
less-than-noble reaction from Ryo’s cock.

He’d had that particular part of his anatomy buried to the hilt

inside his mate’s supple body less than an hour before, but already he
wanted him again. In Theris’s current condition, it simply wasn’t
possible, but it didn’t change Ryo’s desire to be as close to him as

What was happening to him? He wasn’t the type of man to offer

cuddles and comfort. In his long string of affairs, there had never been
an emotional attachment. He wouldn’t go as far as to say he used his
partners—they always left satisfied—but he wasn’t tender, didn’t
allow himself to get attached. Out of the countless men and women to
occupy his bed, not one of them was asked for a repeat performance.

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Wanting answers to his conundrum, he surveyed the room as

though his belongings held the secrets to all of his problems. His
sodden, crumpled clothes caught his attention, and his eyes narrowed
at the bit of white paper poking out from the back pocket of his pants.
Crossing the hardwood floor, he pulled the soggy envelope free and
broke the seal, extracting a page of parchment.

The water from the shower had completely soaked the paper,

making the ink run until the words were nearly illegible. Squinting at
the smeared writing, Ryo could only make out every third word or so,
but it was enough for him to get the gist of the information.

“What does it say?” Theris asked, staring up at him in concern as

Ryo shuffled back into the room. “Is it really that terrible?”

“We need to take care of each other. You die, I die, and the other

way around.” Ryo continued scanning the letter. “Consummation of
the relationship once every twenty-four hours to ensure we remain
together until the next UPAC gathering in four years. Failure to
comply with the rules set forth by the committee of elders shall result
in yadda, yadda, yadda.”

“What are you on about, love? What precisely is the ‘yadda,

yadda, yadda’ part?” Theris pushed up on his elbow and frowned at
the sheet of paper in Ryo’s hand as though it had somehow offended

“Basically, if we fuck this up, I lose my magic, and you…well,

I’m not quite sure what would happen to you. I suppose you would no
longer get to be the reaper of souls.” Ryo didn’t see how it was a bad
thing for the man. It sounded like a horrible occupation. “Then we go
crazy and they put us out of our misery.”

“Lovely. Just fucking lovely.” Forgetting his wounds, Theris

flopped back to the blanket. Yowling in pain, he shot upright once
more, growling under his breath as he wrapped his arms securely
around his midsection and began to rock.

Tossing the letter from the elders onto the round coffee table, Ryo

settled on the floor beside his mate and caressed his soft cheek with

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the back of his knuckles. “We’re going to be okay, cher. I’m not
saying it will be easy, but we’ll manage.”

Shivering visibly, Theris nuzzled against his palm for a just a

moment before climbing to his feet. “Where are my watches?”

“You’re not leaving, not until we know that you’re going to be


“I’m feeling better,” Theris said dismissively, though he was

moving a bit gingerly. “Where are my watches?”

“Sit down,” Ryo ordered. He’d come damn close to losing the

man, and Theris wasn’t leaving his sight until he was fully recovered
from the attack. His brain selfishly argued that it was because his fate
was now intertwined with the angel’s, but his heart simply scoffed at
the notion. The concern and protectiveness had started well before
he’d read that stupid letter.

Ignoring him completely, Theris hurried into the kitchen, hissing

as he bent to retrieve Ryo’s pants and dig around in the pockets for
the two watches that seemed to mean so much to him. Pulling the
gold watch out first, he shook his head and placed it on the tabletop
before diving back in to retrieve the other.

Coal black with silver etching, the second watch looked ominous

in appearance. With a little huff, Theris shook his head again, clicked
the watch closed, and vanished right before Ryo’s eyes.

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Chapter Four

Materializing in the dark alley behind Lucky’s pub on the

outskirts of Dublin, Theris wrinkled his nose at the blood staining the
brick wall and pooling beneath the body of Sean Hannigan. It was a
violent and messy end to the twenty-four-year-old, which would
explain his soul’s reluctance to move on.

“They’ve killed me.” Dark rage settled over Sean’s face as he

stared down at his broken and lifeless body.

“Yes, that they have.” Theris didn’t bring up the fact that Sean

had met his untimely demise because he’d attempted to force himself
upon a sweet lass—the daughter of one of his attackers.

It wasn’t his place to judge. There would plenty of that in Hades.

After the injustice Hades’s lover, Miles, had endured before his
rescue, Theris couldn’t picture the god being too merciful in this
situation. He kept that part to himself as well, though.

“Well, they’ll not get away with it. I’ll hunt ’em down. I’ll make

’em pay.” Glancing sideways to Theris, Sean’s brow furrowed in
apparent confusion. “Where are your clothes, mate?”

Actually, Theris didn’t have a clue where his clothes were. The

last he’d seen of them was in the castle back in Scotland. That was
something he’d need to talk to his mate about when he finished the
task at hand. “We’ll not worry about that just now. I think it’s time
we’re shovin’ off, don’t ya think?”

“No,” Sean said, practically growling the single word at him. “Old

man Granger will not be gettin’ away with this.”

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“Ah, he’ll get what’s comin’ to him, Sean. These kinds of things

have a way of circling back around. There’s nothin’ you can do for it
now. Come be at peace, mate.”

“He’s shamed me, he has,” Sean ranted. “There I am, bleedin’ out

in some shabby alleyway. What will my family think of this?”

“Perhaps you should have thought about that before makin’ a right

tosser of yourself with Miss Amanda.” His back ached and burned,
his head was beginning to swim, and Theris was quickly losing
patience with Sean’s dawdling.

When the guy opened his mouth to argue once again, Theris

decided he’d had enough. With a menacing snarl, he transformed
right before his charge’s eyes, growing to well over six feet and
adopting his gruesome skeletal appearance. A black cloak swaddled
his bones, the hood draping around his head and obscuring most of his

“Sean Hannigan. I have no patience to play these games with

you.” He grabbed the lad around the throat and dragged him closer.
“Do we understand each other?”

Proving he wasn’t nearly as brave as he pretended, Sean

swallowed hard and bobbed his head obediently. “Aye, we’re havin’
an understanding.”

“Good,” Theris purred. “That’s very good.”

* * * *

After a quick trip to deposit Sean Hannigan on the banks of the

river Acheron, Theris flashed back to Ryo’s cabin in the forest. He
was so exhausted by the time his feet landed on the hardwood floors
that his knees buckled and he stumbled forward a couple of steps
before Ryo caught him.

“What the hell do you think you’re doing?” His mate bit off each

word through gritted teeth, not bothering to mask how angry he was.

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He’d just have to get over it, though. They might be mates now,

but that didn’t mean that Ryo owned him. Someone had to lead the
lost souls to the ferryman, and Theris was that person. It wasn’t that
he particularly loved his job, but it was his, and he had no choice but
to do it. If Ryo couldn’t understand that, they were going to have
some definite problems.

“Don’t start. I feel like death, I do.”
“Hardy har,” Ryo returned sarcastically. “You’re a barrel of

fucking laughs.” Helping him over to the sofa, Ryo sat him down
gently and waited for him to stretch out on the cushions before
covering him with a thick fleece blanket. “Just stay there and don’t

Theris had no intentions on going anywhere. Attending to two

souls in such a short period of time was unusual, and he wanted
nothing more than to close his eyes and sleep for the next few days.
“Why is it not getting better?”

“It is.” Ryo’s voice was softer, less hostile as he smoothed his

fingers over the wounds on Theris’s back. “They look better, healing
very nicely. You don’t sound so loopy anymore, either. I think the
worst is over, cher.”

“It hurts.” He could hear the whine in his voice, but blast it all. He

was a paranormal, the Angel of Death. Such things weren’t supposed
to affect him. Hell, he’d never had so much as a sniffle before this
night. “I hate that arsehole.”

Ryo’s laughter was quiet and warm, washing over him and easing

some of the tension in his muscles. “I’m not fond of the shifter, either.
He won’t bother us anymore.” Plump, moist lips fluttered over the
nape of his neck, and Ryo’s fingers slipped into his hair, massaging
his scalp lovingly. “Rest now, sweetheart. There will be plenty of
time to worry in the morning.”

A sharp bark echoed off the walls of the cabin, and Theris bolted

upright, scanning the room for the source of the intimidating sound.

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“What the hell is that?” he demanded in a squeaky voice, pointing his
finger at the huge beast near the front door.

“Danka, come.”
The enormous wolf trotted over to the sofa and plopped down on

his butt, tilting his head to the side as he observed Theris. “Uh, hello,”
Theris said uncertainly.

His mate scratched behind the animal’s ear and patted his head.

“This is Theris. He’s very special, and we’re going to take care of
him.” Danka snorted as though he understood exactly what Ryo was
saying and leaned forward to nuzzle his cold nose against Theris’s
thigh. “Good boy,” Ryo praised.

“Is he really a wolf?”
Danka looked like wolf, smelled like a wolf, and sounded like a

wolf. If there was one thing Theris had learned during his many years,
it was that a book could never be judged by its cover. For all he knew,
Danka could be as tame as a husky, or something less friendly—like
another shifter. Though he couldn’t feel any magic from the animal,
he wouldn’t dismiss the idea until he knew for sure.

“Yes. He’s really a wolf, a bit smarter and intuitive than most, but

still nothing more than an animal. Show him you deserve it, and
Danka will protect you with his life.” Ryo reached over and brushed a
stray curl away from Theris’s cheek. “I need to go bring in more
firewood and check on the supplies out in the shed. I won’t be far,
though. If you need anything, Danka can find me.”

He wasn’t a child, and he’d been taking care of himself for a long

time, but Theris couldn’t deny that it felt damn good to have someone
care for him. “I’ll be fine, Ry. Do what you need, and I’ll be waiting
right here.” Leaning forward, he placed a chaste kiss on Ryo’s cheek,
and then settled back down on the sofa to try and get a bit of rest.

“Danka, stay.”
Yelping his understanding, Danka crawled up on the cushions,

stretching out on the extra-wide sofa, and rested his chin on Theris’s

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hip. Closing his eyes, he curled his fingers in the luxurious fur on
Danka’s back and smiled in contentment.

The last sound he heard before finally succumbing to his

weariness was the clicking of the front door as his mate exited the

* * * *

The day dawned gray and overcast. By noon, the raindrops pelted

the roof and windows of the house, like a rhythmic lullaby cocooning
them in their own little world of peace. “How do you feel today,

“Oh, much better,” Theris answered with a bright smile. “Not

even a twinge.”

His color was better, his eyes had lost their glassy look, and his

words were no longer weak and slurred. Still, Ryo made a mental note
to watch him carefully throughout the day, just to be sure there were
no lingering effects from the bites. “In that case, what would you like
to do today?”

“Some clothes would be nice. I can’t be going about without a

stitch to wear.”

Ryo wanted to argue the point. It was just the two of them, and he

never had visitors. He saw no downsides to Theris wandering around
the house in the nude. On the other hand, it was still winter, and he
couldn’t keep the man locked inside all the time. Plus, there was
Theris’s irritating habit of popping in and out of the place. Ryo wasn’t
pleased about it, but if it had to happen, he’d rather other people not
see his mate naked—even if they were already dead.

“Then get your lazy bones up from this couch, and we’ll head to

America.” It had been decades since he’d set foot on American soils,
and though the trip would be a short one, he kind of looked forward to
it. “Where exactly is your apartment?”

“Atlanta, Georgia.”

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Well, of course he lived there. With the high crime rate and

violent deaths that plagued the suburbs, it would be prime real estate
for someone in Theris’s line of work. Rising from the sofa, he held his
hand out to help his lover to his feet and squeezed his hand gently.
“Lead the way, cher.”

“I like how you say that. It sounds very natural, and I like being

your dear.” That sweet, innocent smile lit his face once again, and he
bounced up on his toes to kiss Ryo’s cheek. “Right, then, on our

Everything went dark, it became impossible to breathe, and then

Ryo was falling, spinning helplessly into the void. The sensation
lasted only seconds, and when he could pry his eyelids open again, he
found himself in the tiniest apartment he’d ever seen. The entire place
could have fit into his living room, and his cabin was not large by any
stretch of the imagination.

“This is where you live?”
“It’s not so bad, love. I don’t need much, do I? This is more than

adequate for the brief time I spend here.” Theris still sounded chipper
as he more explained than defended his choice of living arrangements.
“I only need my clothes, really. It’s not as though you have electricity
for me to bring my laptop or television.”

Ryo liked his easy life—the more simplistic the better. Would it

be enough for Theris, though? While older than Ryo, it seemed he’d
kept up with the modern world. Looking about the cramped
apartment, he spotted all the comforts people had to come to expect
from the twenty-first century—microwave, refrigerator, and an
entertainment center complete with surround-sound speakers.

“This is a mess.”
“Really?” Tilting his head to the side, he peered about the room

with a little frown on his lips. “It looks rather tidy to me.”

“Oh, no, mon doux ange.” The little imp was cute as hell

sometimes. “I didn’t mean the room.” If they were to remain together
for the next four years, he would need to learn the fine art of

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compromise. While he had little interest in the outside world, he could
bend to make his mate happy. “Bring whatever you want, Theris.
We’ll make it work.”

“That’s kind, but my computer will only work for so long without

being recharged. There really isn’t a need.” His bottom lip slid out,
and he looked longingly at the laptop sitting in the middle of the
coffee table.

While his home wasn’t wired for electricity, they really didn’t

need it. His magic could power a television without needing to plug it
into an outlet. With just a wave of his hand, he could heat the entire
house, produce a five-course meal, or brighten a room with nearly
blinding light. Until Theris came along, he’d just never had a need for
such things.

“Bring what you want,” he repeated. It would be a bit of an

adjustment for him, but he’d get used to it. They were still fairly
isolated, and he didn’t have to worry about some guy showing up on
his doorstep to sell him a vacuum that he didn’t need. Snuggling
down on the sofa with his lover to watch a movie after a long day
didn’t sound like much of a hardship, though.

There was a bounce in Theris’s step as he set about packing his

clothing and gathering the electronic devices he wanted to bring with
him. It was kind of humorous to watch him pick up each of his toys
and pack them away adoringly as though he was resisting the urge to
hug them to his chest and squeal.

“All set?” Ryo asked when Theris slung a pack over his shoulder

and wiggled over to stand beside him.

“My rent is paid through the end of March, and my lease is on a

month-to-month basis. The place came furnished, and I have
everything I need right here.” He patted the bag on his back for
emphasis, and clasped Ryo’s hand in his own. “Ready when you are.”

Only a moment later, they were back in Ryo’s cozy living room,

standing before the warm flames that danced merrily in the fireplace.

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Releasing Theris’s hand, Ryo began pacing, taking in his
surroundings and making a mental list of things he would need to
change or add.

Running water and indoor plumbing were the two creature

comforts Ryo viewed as necessities. While no gas lines ran to the
water heater, he’d taken care of the problem with a little magical
flame that required no propane or other natural gas to heat his water
for bathing.

He had a wood-burning stove, and saw no need for a microwave.

They wouldn’t be eating those sodium-laden frozen dinners, and if
they wanted to reheat food, they could do it in the oven. With an extra
mouth to feed, he’d need to keep more food on hand. Perhaps he
should look into acquiring a refrigerator.

“What are you doing?”
Pausing in his pacing, Ryo looked over at his mate and had to grin

when he found the man on the sofa, surrounded by his possessions. “I
could ask you the same thing.”

“You could, but I asked you first.” Theris gave him a cheeky grin

as he powered up his laptop. “What is on your mind, love?”

Was it wrong that he adored that little pet name? He had no

delusions that it meant Theris actually loved him, but it gave him a
pleasantly peaceful feeling each time he heard the endearment. “I’m
making a list of things we’ll need. What sort of television should we

“Why on earth would we need a television?”
That one stumped him. “I just assumed you’d want one.”
“Ah, well, see, there is the beauty in owning one of these brilliant

devices.” He wiggled his fingers at the computer in his lap. “Should I
have the urge, this lovely machine is the gateway to hours of mindless
entertainment.” That special grin stretched his lips again as his eyes
strayed around the room. “I’m thinking a television wouldn’t match
the motif.”

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“Okay.” Ryo settled his hands on his hips and nodded toward the

kitchen. “What about a refrigerator?”

“How is it you keep your perishables now?”
“I don’t. If I need milk or meats, I just conjure them.” Cooking

was a secret enjoyment of his, so he did try to prepare most of his
meals by hand. His gift of magic was certainly handy, though.

“So, a snap of your fingers and Bob’s your uncle. If it works, why

change it?”

Maybe this wasn’t going to be as difficult as he first believed.

Theris wasn’t only reasonable, he seemed happy with things just the
way they were. Perhaps he hadn’t been so foolish in choice of a mate
after all. Ryo had smiled more since meeting Theris than he could
recall doing in the last five years combined.

The man had charm out the ears, and with very little effort on his

part, Ryo could see himself falling for the silver-eyed imp—a dark
angel with golden curls and a smile bright enough to rival the sun.

“Come here.”
Instead of rising from the sofa and walking to him, Theris

vanished and reappeared at his side. “Yes?”

“Show-off.” Ryo was trying not to laugh as he said it, though. Oh,

yeah, he could definitely get used to this. Cupping Theris’s cheek, he
bent slowly and pressed their lips together in a slow, tender kiss. “I’m
sorry for what I did to you. It wasn’t fair of me.”

“And what have you done to me, Ryo Dantis?”
“Forcing you to become my mate, for one.”
“Ah, but you didn’t force me to do anything. If I was truly against

your plan, I’d have told you to piss off and taken my leave. Not to
worry, love. I’m happy to call you my mate.”

Before Ryo could embarrass himself by becoming an emotional

sap over the statement, there was a loud, forceful rap at the door, as
though their guest would force his way in if not offered a willing
invite. “Who the devil is that?”

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Ryo shook his head and didn’t answer, though he had a pretty

good idea who was standing on his front stoop. “Take your things to
the bedroom and stay there until I call you.”

“I beg your pardon?” Theris looked highly affronted at the

command, but Ryo didn’t have time to explain at the moment.

“Do what I said.” He let the steel-laced authority drip into his tone

and swatted his mate’s bottom to get him moving. “Stay in that room
until I tell you otherwise. Do you understand me?”

Gathering his backpack and his computer, Theris glared at him

over his shoulder, but disappeared down the short hallway to the
bedroom. Once the door closed—with more force than he felt was
warranted—Ryo hurried to the door, took a deep breath, and pulled it
open with a scowl on his face.

“Is this your idea of a joke?” his grandfather raged as he stormed

into the house. “Our race is on the verge of extinction, and you
present a male mate to the elders? What do you have to say for

“Hello to you as well, Grandfather.”
“Don’t you dare get smart with me, young man.”
Uris Dantis loomed over him, poking a finger in his chest and

growling out his words as he spoke. As a child, Ryo had feared his
grandfather and for good reason, but now that he was grown, had
come into his own power, the elder Dantis was simply a thorn in his
side that he could live without.

“I’m not trying to be disrespectful, which is more than I can say

for you. Who I choose for a mate is none of your concern. Our
numbers may have dwindled in the last century, but we are in no
danger of extinction. That’s the beauty of immortality.”

“Is this because of that stupid mating seal?” Uris pointed to the

mark on Ryo’s neck and narrowed his eyes. “We can have that
removed. Let me talk to the elders. I can convince them to undo this
atrocity. It’s for the greater good, Ryo. You must understand that.”

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“I understand perfectly, and my answer is still no. I’ve claimed

him, Grandfather. Not just the magical binding from the elders, but in
the way of our kind. He is mine, and that is my final decision.”

“Do you even know what he is?”
“Do you?”
“I’m not going to let you get away with this. You owe our family

heirs, and I intend to see that it happens. Don’t test me on this one,

“You have no power over me, old man. Don’t come into my

house and start threatening me or my mate. I promise that you will not
like the consequences.”

“This isn’t over.” With that parting statement, Uris vanished from

the room, leaving Ryo feeling tired and angry as he always did after
conversations with the man.

“No, I’m sure it isn’t over.” It wouldn’t be the first time he had to

face the wrath of his family, and he doubted it would be the last. For
whatever reason, though, he was prepared to challenge the world if it
meant keeping Theris in his life.

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Chapter Five

“You can come out now, cher.”
Theris jumped like a startled colt and blushed guiltily, though

there was no one in the bedroom to see him with his ear pressed up
against the door. Not that there had really been a need for it. Most of
the conversation had been yelled, and residents in the neighboring
towns had probably heard the heated exchange.

Slipping out of the bedroom, he padded quietly down the hallway,

wrapping his arms around his midsection and chewing on his lower
lip as he went. Ryo had fought to keep him, but was it simply to spite
his family? Did he really mean the things he’d said?

“What are you wearing?”
Theris glanced down at his clothes and wrinkled his nose in

confusion. “What’s wrong with it?” He had on a pair of neon blue
capris and a tie-dyed T-shirt he’d picked up a few years ago in
Jamaica. What was wrong with that?

“What is on your feet?”
Sticking one foot out to the side, Theris wiggled it back and forth,

showing off his bright yellow socks with their tiny orange polka dots.
“My feet get cold,” he said, defending his choice of footwear.

“You are something else, mon doux ange,” Ryo said with a quiet


My sweet angel. Theris liked that even better than cher. The

perfect French accent wasn’t too hard on the ears, either. Oh, he liked
this man. He just hoped he could convince Ryo to ignore his
grandfather’s wishes and keep him. “Who was here?”

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“You know perfectly well who it was since you were

eavesdropping on every word.”

“I didn’t eavesdrop.” Technically, he hadn’t. “You were speaking

very loudly.” He linked his fingers together behind his back and
scuffed his toe over the wooden floor. “So, do I get to stay?”

“I’ve claimed you, haven’t I?”
Theris rubbed at the large handprint on his chest. It wasn’t really

noticeable, only a shade darker than the rest of his skin, but he’d been
wondering about it since he’d spotted it in the mirror earlier. “In the
corridor of the castle when I felt like I was being burned, that was

Ryo tensed and nodded, watching him carefully as though he was

afraid Theris would bolt. “It’s the way my kind bonds with our
chosen. I hope that’s okay.”

It was more than okay, but it did make him a little sad. “I’ve

nothing to offer you in return. No bite or special scent, nothing to
mark you as mine.” Strictly speaking, he wasn’t supposed to have a
mate, so the gods had given him no way to claim one.

His lover opened his mouth but said nothing. He tried twice more,

but whatever he’d intended to say was clearly stuck in the back of his
throat. Finally, he pressed his lips together, shook his head, and
smiled. “It doesn’t matter, cher. You’ve given me more than you

Theris wanted clarification on that rather ambiguous statement,

but before he could ask it, a cold chill worked its way down his spine,
sending him darting to the kitchen to snatch up one of the watches on
the table. The second hand came to a stop as he opened the watch, and
a name glowed up at him like a holographic projection for just a
moment before fading away completely.

With a quiet groan, he looked over his shoulder at his mate and

smiled apologetically. “I’m sorry. I really have to go. Can we
continue this conversation when I get back?”

“Go on, cher. I’ll be waiting right here.”

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Dipping his head in thanks, he thought the name, allowing the

soul to pull him to where he was needed. When the world came back
into focus, he found himself in a gleaming white room with soft blue
curtains. The sun shone brightly through the drapes, illuminating the
hospital bed where doctors and nurses worked frantically to revive
what was already lost.

In the corner of the room, a small boy watched the activity with

wide eyes as his bottom lip trembled and his body shook. “I died,” he
whispered, looking to Theris like he was seeking confirmation.

“Yes, you did, Danny.” Daniel Graemes, age seven, diagnosed

with leukemia at the age of three. These were always the worst, and
Theris’s heart broke each time he was called to help one of the small
ones. Sometimes, he really hated his job. “Are you scared, darling?”

Danny nodded slowly, pressing more securely into the corner

while he watched Theris approach. “I tried to tell the doctor that it
doesn’t hurt anymore, but I don’t think he could hear me. Why can’t
he hear me? I want my mom.” Tears spilled over and ran down his
cheeks. “Please, can you find my mom?”

Smiling kindly, Theris held his hand out and waited for the child

to take it. “I think we can arrange that. Can you tell me your mum’s
name?” He already knew everything about her, of course, but
hopefully, it would help calm Danny.

“Mary. I miss her a lot, and Daddy said that I would see her again

one day. Is Daddy going to be okay?”

Theris swallowed down the lump in his throat and hoped the boy

didn’t notice the way his smile wobbled just a bit. “Your daddy is
going to be just fine. He has some things to take care of here, but he’s
going to come see you really soon, okay?”

Danny sniffled but bobbed his head in understanding as he finally

reached out to take Theris’s hand. “You talk funny, but I like it.
Where are we going?”

Out of the mouths of babes. “Well, to see your mum, silly. Isn’t

that where you said you wanted to go?”

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Bouncing in excitement, Danny squeezed his hand and smiled

brightly. “Yes, yes, yes!”

“Hold on tight. You don’t want to get lost on the way.”
The boy took on a very serious expression of concentration and

established a white-knuckled grip on Theris’s hand. “I’m ready now.”

“Close your eyes now.” After Danny complied, Theris whisked

them away from the sterile hospital room to the banks of the Acheron
River. “Okay, Danny, you can open your eyes.”

“Oh, it’s so cold here.” Releasing Theris’s hand, he wrapped his

arms around himself and shivered. “Will it snow? I went to see my
aunt in Michigan one time, and there was a lot of snow.” He stretched
his arms out wide to indicate just how much snow he’d seen. “I like
the snow.”

Hades wasn’t a place of brimstone and fire. It was a piercing,

never-ending cold that settled into a person’s bones until they thought
they’d go mad with it. An eternity of the frigid temperatures was what
awaiting those unworthy of entering the Elysian Fields—a place
where every day was washed in the beauty of spring.

“I know something even better than snow, Danny. I’ll let your

mother tell you all about it.”

A beautiful woman shimmered into view just feet from them,

watching Danny with a mixture of sadness and longing. “Mommy!”
Danny sprinted the short distance, throwing his arms around his
mother’s waist and burying his face into her midsection. “I found

“Yes, you did, baby.” Her eyes misted as she hugged her son

fiercely. “You found me.” Her mystical green gaze settled on Theris,
and she smiled softly before mouthing the words, “Thank you.”

Satisfied that little Danny was in good hands, Theris dipped his

head once and returned home. The minute he was free to break down,
the tears came hot and fast, blurring his vision and making his chest
heave as he fought to contain his sobs. Mostly, he’d become

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desensitized to the task he’d been entrusted with. Death was just a
natural part of life, and there was nothing anyone could do to stop it.

The young ones always got to him, though. It was especially hard

in cases like Danny Graemes, who’d been in and out of hospitals his
whole life and never given the chance to experience a real childhood.
Just because he was soulless didn’t mean he was heartless. Why the
whole “reaper” thing had gotten a bad rap was beyond him.

“Am I bad person?”
Silently, his mate lifted him into those strong arms and settled

Theris into his lap as he sank down in the cushions of the sofa. “I
think the fact that you’re this upset over what happened is proof that
you’re not, cher. Do you want to talk about it?”

Cuddling deeper into Ryo’s embrace, Theris rubbed his cheek

over his lover’s bare chest and sighed. “Maybe later. You’re quite
warm.” They were an unlikely pair—one born from fire, the other
from ice. Surely they could make their differences work in their favor,

Soon, his nuzzles turned to kisses, and kisses turned to licks.

Before he really knew what was happening, he had one of Ryo’s
copper-colored nipples in his mouth, pinching it lightly between his
teeth as he flicked his tongue over the hard nub.

The groan that rumbled through Ryo’s chest vibrated his lips and

made his dick ache as it swelled in record time, pressing hard against
his zipper. Mmm, the man made the most delicious sounds when he
was aroused, and Theris’s new goal in life was to see how many of
those noises he could produce from his lover.

Sliding down Ryo’s body, he kissed a long, wet path along the

smooth, tanned skin from sternum to belly button, leaving little love
bites as he went. With an easy finesse he didn’t know he possessed,
Theris popped open the button on Ryo’s jeans and reached into the
loose-fitting denim to fist his lover’s thick, dripping cock.

The perfect, mushroom-shaped head glistened with pre-cum, and

more clear drops beaded from the slit. The hot length pulsed in his

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hand, flexing occasionally in eagerness. Theris’s tongue darted out to
wet his lips, and he was just about to taste his mate when a soft
whimper from his left drew his attention.

With his lover’s shaft still held securely, he turned his head to find

Danka staring at him, his fuzzy head cocked to the side as though
questioning what was happening. He didn’t mind people watching
him, but this was different. Covering the exposed part of Ryo’s cock
with his other hand, he looked up at his mate and frowned.

“What’s wrong?”
“The dog is watching me.”
“He’s just a wolf, Theris.” There was a smile on Ryo’s face as

though he was thoroughly amused by Theris’s predicament.

“He’s still watching me.”
Ryo chuckled breathily and caressed the side of Theris’s face.

“Okay, mon doux ange.” Then he snapped his fingers and jerked a
thumb over his shoulder. “Danka, go lay down.” The wolf huffed in
what Theris could only describe as annoyance and sauntered out of
the room. “Better?”

“Much.” With his furry audience gone, Theris returned to his task

with great enthusiasm, sucking the spongy crown into his mouth and
swirling his tongue around the tip. Deliciously sweet, Ryo’s essence
exploded over his taste buds, causing him to moan around the rigid
flesh that stretched his lips wide.

The ragged groan that fell from his lover’s mouth sent electricity

down his spine and caused the blood from his brain to rush directly to
his groin. His dick swelled larger, throbbing angrily inside his pants to
the point of pain. As he worked the clean-scented shaft in and out of
his mouth, taking it a little deeper each time, he fumbled to get his
own cock free before he did permanent damage to his favorite body

When he was finally free, the relief was nearly palpable, and he

sighed happily through his nose as he flicked his tongue along the
jumping vein on Ryo’s cock. Bobbing his head in a steady rhythm, he

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took a little more each time, working his way down to the base until
the helmet pressed against the soft lining at the back of his throat.

The first touch made his throat muscles convulse involuntarily,

squeezing around Ryo’s dick and massaging the sensitive crown.
Pulling back just a little, he took a deep breath and tried again, forcing
himself to relax and focus on the sexy noises rumbling through his
mate’s chest.

Once he had his gag reflex under control, it didn’t take long

before he was lost in his task, his own cock forgotten while his full
attention centered on bringing Ryo as much pleasure as he could. For
this reason, he was thoroughly surprised when his lover tugged on his
hair, yanking his head back until the hard length slipped from his lips.

Almost immediately, his mouth was filled with a soft, silicone

dildo with a curving base that conformed almost perfectly to the shape
of his lips. The phallus wasn’t nearly as large as Ryo, but it did make
speech nearly impossible. Looking up to his lover in question, he
swallowed hard at the heat burning in the man’s eyes as he stared
back at Theris with fiery lust in his gaze.

Theris’s clothes vanished, and though Ryo hadn’t moved an inch,

he suddenly felt a slick gel coating his fluttering hole, and unseen
fingers plunged into his channel. His guarding muscles stretched wide
to accommodate, yielding easily to the invisible digits without even
the slightest burn.

Oh, gods, he did so love magic. The ability to produce the most-

sinful toys from nowhere and the ease with which Ryo prepared him
were not only convenient but added to his enjoyment, because there
was never a pause in the erotic delights. Resting his brow against his
lover’s thigh, he panted heavily, shaking through the exquisite
torment as he tried desperately to hold back his orgasm.

Then Ryo’s pants vanished as well, leaving him completely and

delectably nude to Theris’s gaze. The head of his cock was now an
almost angry purple color, attesting to his level of arousal. Lifting
Theris from the floor, Ryo positioned him in his lap, grinning

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wickedly as he twirled his wrist and a slim, black vibrator appeared
between his fingers.

“Lean against me, cher, and not a sound.”
Choking back his whimper, Theris did as directed, resting his

palms against the cushions on the back of the sofa and pressing their
chests together as he lifted his hips, giving his mate easy access to his
hole. Ryo grunted in approval as he smacked Theris’s left ass cheek
and squeezed the muscled globe almost roughly. Holding him spread
open, he used his other hand to rub the toy over Theris’s entrance in
light, teasing strokes.

His lover’s hand landed heavily on his ass again when he began to

squirm, sending stinging pleasure radiating clear up his spine. “Don’t
move,” Ryo commanded. “You wouldn’t want me to have to restrain

Try as he may, Theris couldn’t contain his needy moan at the

thought of being bound and at Ryo’s mercy. It was probably naïve of
him to trust the Djinn after such a short period together, but instinct
told him that Ryo would never do anything to hurt him. He’d fought
adamantly against his own family to keep Theris with him. Surely that
had to count for something.

The unyielding toy slid into his tunnel, hard, fast, and without

pause. “You like the idea of being tied up, don’t you, angel?”

Theris moaned around the gag again in response. His back arched

as the vibrator pegged his prostate, causing his eyes to roll back in his
head as his cock leaked freely over Ryo’s abs. It wasn’t something
he’d ever considered before, but now, being restrained by his lover
was the only thought inside his head.

With a firm hold around his waist, Ryo stood from the couch,

holding Theris easily as he continued pumping the toy in and out of
his hole. After a short trip down the hallway, Ryo turned right instead
of left into his bedroom as Theris had expected. Pushing the second
door open, he stepped into a small room that Theris had yet to

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explore, but the very sight of it spiked his heart rate and had him
squirming in anticipation immediately.

At first glimpse, it appeared to be nothing more than a library.

Books upon books lined the built-in, floor-to-ceiling shelves on two
of the walls. It was the items that hung from pegs on the opposite wall
from him that caught his attention, however. Floggers, whips,
paddles, masks, restraints, gags, clamps, and an array of other things
that Theris didn’t know their names gleamed in the candlelight.

“We’ll start slow,” Ryo assured him, “just some wrist restraints


While excited and eager, there was a twinge of anxiety, so Theris

was grateful for the reprieve. He wanted to please Ryo, but he didn’t
want to make an utter fool of himself. Nodding slowly, he placed his
trust in Ryo, knowing the man would do what was best for both of

“I want you to get used to this room. We can have a lot of fun

here, but I want you to be comfortable,” Ryo continued, answering
Theris’s unspoken question of why the guy couldn’t have just
conjured the bindings to the living room.

Theris was placed on his feet and turned gently to face the door

they’d just entered as Ryo steered him closer with a hand on his lower

“Lift your arms.”
Doing as he’d been instructed, Theris lifted his hands above his

head, stretching them as far as they would go. Ryo kissed the side of
his neck and caressed his hip lovingly. “Good, cher, very good.”

Those strong hands smoothed up his sides and over his shoulders,

following the length of his arms until Ryo’s fingers came to rest
around Theris’s slim wrists. Two wrist cuffs dangled from the top of
the doorframe on a thin chain connected to a pulley system. They
were broad and thick, while the enticing scent of leather made Theris
sigh in longing. He wanted this.

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Once the bands were secured around his wrists, Ryo allowed the

cable to stretch taut before clicking the locking mechanism into place.
“Legs apart,” his mate said with authority. Once Theris was in
position, Ryo began a slow, mind-melting torture, using his lips, teeth,
tongue, and hands to stroke, grope, and manipulate every inch of
Theris’s body. “You are very beautiful, my angel, so very beautiful.”

The toy still vibrated inside his channel, and every clench of his

inner walls nudged the tip against his gland, making him tremble as
his moans came out muffled around the gag in his mouth. Just when
he thought he couldn’t take another second, the toy was removed,
replaced instantly by Ryo’s massive length.

Theris dropped his head forward, letting it hang limply between

his arms as a firestorm of sensation erupted inside him. “You will not
come until I say so. Do you understand?”

Answering in the affirmative was the hardest thing he’d had to do

in a long time, but somehow, Theris forced himself to nod his
understanding. As Ryo began a slow, sensuous tempo, gliding in and
out of Theris’s body in rigidly controlled movements, Theris’s sac
tightened, drawing his balls close to his groin while his dick seeped
pre-cum from the end.

His inner walls convulsed, squeezing and releasing Ryo’s cock in

waves, and as the pace intensified, Theris found it exceedingly harder
to keep his climax at bay. He refused to disappoint his lover, though.

Ryo’s thrusts slowed until he came to a stop completely, leaving

Theris confused and a little frustrated. “Breathe, Theris. Deep breaths
through your nose and relax,” Ryo coaxed.

Had the man sensed that he was quickly losing the battle with his

orgasm? Was he giving Theris a chance to regain some of his control?
Then something hard and blunt pressed against his stretched hole,
pushing insistently at his muscles alongside Ryo’s cock.

The vibrating started again, and Theris had to choke back his

panic when he realized Ryo’s intentions. “Easy, cher.” Ryo’s free
hand gripped Theris’s cock at the base and jacked the hard length

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slowly while his moist lips fluttered over the back of Theris’s neck.
“You can take it. I know you can.”

Pushing all thoughts out of his mind and focusing on the warm

hand surrounding his cock, Theris closed his eyes and relaxed his
body until he felt almost weightless. While he wouldn’t say it was an
easy fit, the toy finally popped through the ring of muscles and slid
home atop Ryo’s pulsing cock.

The burn was intense, but it wasn’t unwelcome. A flash of heat

settled over Theris’s skin, his insides vibrated, and his pulse increased
to a frantic rhythm as unadulterated pleasure swamped him from head
to toe. When Ryo began to thrust again, moving the toy in tandem
with his own length, Theris let go of everything and drifted
somewhere above his own body.

Harder and faster, Ryo pumped into his body, pushing his limits

and pulling strangled moans from deep in Theris’s chest. The muscles
in his arms began to tremble, growing tired and weak, his eyes would
no longer focus, and the sounds around him sounded muted, as though
he was hearing them through thick wool.

“Oh, gods,” Ryo groaned into his hair, slamming in deep and

swiveling his hips as he pumped fiery, wet seed into Theris’s
clenching depths.

Theris’s balls were rolled between his mate’s long fingers for just

a moment before Ryo applied pressure, squeezing them gently while
he scraped his teeth down the side of Theris’s neck. “Now, Theris.
Come for me.”

Those three magic words were all it took for Theris to buck

wildly, screaming around the dildo in his mouth as his cock erupted
into volleys of creamy, scorching seed. By the time his balls were
empty, Theris felt completely drained, barely able to even remain
upright on his shaky legs.

Both toys were removed, his wrists were released, and he found

himself in Ryo’s supportive arms. They settled into a cushy chair in

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the corner of the room, where Ryo rocked him gently and rubbed his
arms, encouraging the circulation and soothing his weary muscles.

“You did wonderfully,” Ryo praised, petting the damp curls back

from Theris’s forehead. “How do you feel?”

Before Theris could answer, a cold shiver raced along his spine

that had nothing to do with the earth-shattering orgasm he’d just
experienced. “Bloody hell,” he grumbled. “I’m sorry, love, but duty

Ryo sighed but kissed his temple and nodded. “I’ll start dinner.

Hurry back to me.”

Theris’s heart melted, and he nuzzled his nose just under his

lover’s chin. “There’s nowhere else I’d rather be.”

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Chapter Six

As they moved past the middle of March, Ryo found himself

looking forward to the mornings, eager to wake up with Theris wound
securely in his arms. For almost three weeks, he’d spent nearly every
waking moment with his lover, and instead of growing annoyed or
needing space, he felt that much more connected to the dark angel.

For that reason, he knew something was wrong before he even

opened his eyes. Theris wasn’t beside him on the mattress, but he
could feel the man’s presence close by. Whatever had driven him out
of bed in the early morning hours had nothing to do with work.

Blinking the bleariness from his eyes, the first thing Ryo noticed

was that the bedroom door was open, and candlelight from the
bathroom across the hall cast a flickering glow from the crack beneath
the closed door. The quiet groan of pain had him popping out of bed
instantly and moving quickly to the hallway.

“Theris?” He jiggled the door handle, frowning when he found it

locked. “Theris, are you okay?”

“Fine,” Theris answered, his voice weak and raspy like he’d been

gargling nails. “Go back to bed, love. I’ll be there shortly.”

Yeah, that wasn’t happening. Using his magic to open the lock,

Ryo stepped into the small room, and immediately became more
concerned. Theris leaned heavily against the wall directly in front of
the toilet, his face pale and sweaty as he clutched at his stomach.
Though he smiled, it didn’t reach his eyes, and when Ryo put a hand
his mate’s forehead, it felt cool and clammy.

Instead of launching into a million and one questions like he

wanted, he simply lifted Theris from the floor and carried him back to

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bed, placing him in the center of the mattress and pulling the blankets
up around his shoulders. “What can I do?”

Their kind didn’t get sick. Theris shouldn’t be sick. Why the hell

was he sick? Perhaps he’d eaten something that hadn’t agreed with
him. That made sense, except Ryo wasn’t feeling nauseous, and he’d
eaten all the same foods as his lover. It couldn’t be the bites he’d
received at the gathering. That had happened weeks ago, and the
marks were already healed.

“Don’t worry so much, Ry. I’m already feeling much better.”
He was lying, of course. They were just pretty words to soothe

Ryo’s fragile nerves. There had never really been anyone in his life
for him to care for or worry about, and he wasn’t at all sure that he
liked the feeling. The situation was made even worse because he
didn’t know what the hell was wrong or how to fix it.

“I’ll make you something.” He could probably conjure up a

general healing draft, but it would be much better if he knew what he
was treating. “What hurts, cher?”

To his extreme irritation, Theris laughed at him and snuggled

deeper into the covers. “Nothing hurts. Come back to bed and stop

How could he not worry? “Have you ever been sick before?”
“There was a bloke in the eighteenth century who was right

miffed about having his soul called to Hades. He tried to give me

Theris shrugged. “And nothing. I’ve not had so much as a sniffle

in my life—apart from the incident with the wee dragon.”

“Then why are you sick now?” Ryo yelled, and then instantly felt

contrite when Theris flinched at his outburst. “I’m sorry, Theris. I just
want to help you, but I don’t know how.”

“I told you. I am completely fi—” His eyes went wide, and he

slapped a hand over his mouth as he scrambled out of bed and hurried
back to the bathroom to empty any remaining contents of his stomach.

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Ryo followed quickly, wrapping a supportive arm around Theris’s

waist and holding his honey-colored curls back from his face as he
heaved. Gods, he’d never felt so completely helpless in his life.
“Please, tell me what I can do.”

Using his palm to absently stroke his lover’s stomach, he was so

worried for the man that he didn’t notice the low hum buzzing over
his hand. When it finally caught his attention, however, Ryo was so
startled that he released his mate as though the man had electrocuted
him and stumbled back against the wall. “No. It can’t be that.”

“Can’t be what?” Theris asked weakly as he moved over to the

sink and turned on the tap.

“Why didn’t you tell me?”
“Tell you what?” Theris’s voice was a bit stronger, and he

sounded agitated. “Are you mad? What the hell are you going on

“I’m not crazy. You should have told me.”
Theris rolled his eyes at him in the mirror and returned to washing

his face and neck without commenting. Maybe Ryo was going crazy.
There was no way it could be what he thought it was.

Moving slowly, almost hesitantly, he stood directly behind Theris

and reached around him to press his palm flat against the man’s
stomach. Before their skin even made contact, the thrum of energy
started again, and Ryo jerked his hand away, shaking his head in
defiance of the truth he knew. Okay, so he knew it was possible. He’d
heard rumors. He’d even seen it with his own eyes. Ryo just never
imagined it would happen to him.

“So, what’s wrong with me?”
“Nothing is wrong exactly.”
Theris rinsed his mouth out and spun around, fisting his hands on

his hips and glared. “You know something, so spit it out.”

“How do you feel about children?”
Confusion covered Theris’s face, and he tilted his head to the side.

“I love children, but what does that have to do with anyth—” He cut

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himself off abruptly and clutched at his stomach, staring down at his
flat midsection in wonder. “Seriously? How can it be?”

That, Ryo couldn’t say. He was sure it had something to do with

Theris’s magical nature, but he’d have to do a little research before he
could give a concrete answer. “Does it matter how it happened?”

“Well, I’m fairly certain I know the physicality of how it

happened.” Theris gave him a mischievous grin and wiggled his
eyebrows. “Want to try for twins?”

His angel was incorrigible, and Ryo found himself grinning from

ear to ear, even as his pulse raced out of control at the prospect of
being a father. It wasn’t that he had anything against parenthood, but
once he’d mated a man, he hadn’t given much thought to it.

The news had blindsided him, and now he just felt dumbfounded.

Perhaps after he processed everything he’d have an opinion one way
or another, but just then, all he really cared about was that Theris was

“You don’t seem particularly upset,” Theris commented, watching

him carefully. Did he expect Ryo to run screaming from the room?
That’s definitely what it looked like.

“To be honest, I’m not really sure how I feel right now. It’s

unexpected, and there will be lots of things to discuss, but I’m not
going to abandon you just because I’m a bit off kilter right now.”

“And I assure you that your cooperation is much appreciated.”

Theris rubbed his stomach again as his eyes softened at the corners.
“It’s not as though I can sack my job, and the last I’ve heard, they
don’t exactly have little Reaper day care.”

Snorting in amusement, Ryo turned his mate and patted him

lightly on the butt. “We can discuss child care options in the morning.
Right now I know of one Reaper who needs to be in bed resting.”

“Overprotective fool.”
“Mouthy pain in my ass.”

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Theris’s laughter rang throughout the bedroom as he crawled up

the mattress and burrowed under the blankets. “Where do you think
you’re going, then?” he asked when Ryo made no move to join him.

“I need to do a little research. I’m assuming you won’t have a

regular nine-month pregnancy like a human.” There were a whole
slew of things to worry about, and he doubted he’d be getting any
sleep until he had some answers. Though he’d laughed it off,
“overprotective” was a pretty accurate description of what he was
currently feeling.

“It can wait until morning,” Theris argued with a cute pout on his

full lips. “Come back to bed, love.”

Oh, it was tempting, irresistibly so. Though his brain was spinning

in overdrive, there was something decidedly serene about holding
Theris in his embrace that eased his troubles and calmed his
overactive thoughts. Perhaps his mate’s sweet scent could lull him to
sleep after all.

Besides, it wasn’t like Theris was going to have the baby in the

middle of the night. Things were going to change very soon, much
sooner than he’d like, and he’d be a fool to give up one more night of
their passingly normal relationship.

* * * *

Surprisingly, Ryo managed to sleep soundly until the sun rose the

next morning. Once he was awake, he was ready to go, however.
There were books to read, people to talk to, things to look up, and
changes to be made. He didn’t want to give up his privacy, but a cabin
in the woods was no place to raise a baby. As much as he hated it,
they were definitely going to need to start looking for a place closer to
the local population.

Thankfully, the area wasn’t densely populated, but even one

neighbor within shouting distance did not appeal to him in the least. It
wasn’t about him, anymore, though. Ryo had the distinct feeling that

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nothing would ever be about him again, and strangely, he was okay
with that.

There hadn’t been any dawning knowledge or great epiphany

while he was sleeping. Light from the heavens hadn’t filled his soul or
whatever nonsense people spouted. He still didn’t have the first clue
about being someone’s father, didn’t know if he’d even be very good
at it, but if he failed miserably, it damn sure wouldn’t be for a lack of

Maybe he didn’t know how to change diapers, prepare bottles, or

install a car seat. He didn’t see how it made him any different from a
number of other first-time parents, though. They’d all managed to
learn, and he could as well.

“Sit down,” he barked when Theris flounced into the kitchen.
His mate halted immediately, crossed his arms over his chest, and

arched one eyebrow in a sardonic expression of distaste. “I beg your

“You need to be resting. You shouldn’t be on your feet. Sit down.

Read a book. Maybe you should put your feet up. Have you felt the
baby kick?” Ryo flipped through the pages of the book in front of him
as he fired off suggestions and questions. “Are you having any lower
back aches or shooting pains in your sides? Maybe we should go see a

Theris stood in the middle of the living room, pressing his lips

together in a tight line and shaking from head to toe as his face
flushed crimson. Apparently, he found something very amusing. Ryo
didn’t get the joke.

“Ryo, love, you are vastly adorable when you worry, but I do wish

you’d stop. It’s going to give you wrinkles. I can’t believe I’m about
to say this, but I’m not the first man to have a baby. I assure you that I
am perfectly healthy, and so is our child.”

Our child. It was their child. Together, they’d created a whole

new life. The awe and amazement Ryo felt from that simple statement
couldn’t be expressed in words. Then there was Theris. His brave,

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generous, lovely angel of the night practically glowed each time he
caressed his stomach lovingly. How could anyone resist falling in
love with someone so extraordinary?

Ryo didn’t know, but he was still trying his damndest to resist. It

wasn’t like he didn’t care for Theris. He just didn’t believe in love.
Time and again he’d watched as people used the excuse of love to do
the most horrible things to one another—love for country, love for
their deities, love for self, or love for another. It didn’t matter. It all
boiled down to the same thing, and Ryo wanted nothing to do with the
emotion if that’s the road it would lead him down.

“I might know someone who can give us answers.” Looking

hopeful and a bit excited, Theris held his hand out to Ryo, nodding in
encouragement for him to take the offered appendage. “Come with
me, love.”

“Where are we going?” Ryo placed his hand in Theris’s and stood

at once. There was no question as to if he was going. He just wanted
to know their destination.

“Hades, of course.”
“And who do you know in Hades, mon doux ange?” It wasn’t a

trip that most returned from, but Ryo trusted his mate.

“Hades,” Theris repeated. “He really is a lovely man. I’m sure

he’ll help us if he can.”

Ryo had never had occasion to meet the Lord of the Underworld,

but he highly doubted anyone beyond Theris would describe the ruler
as “lovely.” However, if he could shed some light on a few things,
Ryo would be extremely grateful, and the trip would be well worth his
time. “Lead the way, Theris.”

A moment later, he found himself on the sandy shores of a great

river, watching the horde of souls wandering about the banks.
“Fucking damn, it’s freezing.” While winter wasn’t his favorite
season, he’d learned to tolerate it. The bone-numbing, skin-stinging
frigidness of the Underworld was nearly unbearable, though.

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“It’ll not be so bad once we get where we’re going. Can you not

warm yourself with fire?”

He could, but he wasn’t a damn pussy. “I’ll be fine.” The words

were barely intelligible through the chattering of his teeth, but he
wasn’t going to show weakness by carrying a fire around in his
pocket. “Where to now?”

The concern on Theris’s face was almost too much for him to see.

Luckily, his mate didn’t wear the expression for long. Squeezing
Ryo’s hand, he whisked them into a spinning, dark void once again,
coming to a stop on the front steps of a large manor. “Miles! Hades!”
Theris called.

The door opened almost immediately, and a very large man, taller

and wider than even Ryo, grinned back at them. “Theris!” Grabbing
Theris and jerking him inside the doors, the stranger lifted him off his
feet and hugged him fiercely while they both laughed like fools.

Both men paused abruptly in their enthusiastic reunion when a

low, feral snarl vibrated through the foyer, growing in volume and
dripping with danger. It wasn’t until Theris bounded over to him and
began stroking his chest, speaking to him in low, soothing tones that
Ryo realized the sound had come from him.

“I think it would be better for everyone if you stayed by my side,

cher.” It would certainly be best for the attractive stranger, because
Ryo was already contemplating a dozen different ways to kill the
asshole and make it look like an accident.

An uncommon giggle bubbled through Theris’s lips as he allowed

himself to be tucked against Ryo’s side. “He’s cute, yeah?”

“He’s perfect,” their host conceded. His hand shot out, and he

nodded his approval to Ryo. “I’m Miles. I’ve got my hands full with
my own mate, so I promise I’ve got no designs on yours. At least
Theris doesn’t have a god complex.”

Ryo shook the offered hand just as a young man appeared by

Miles’s side, his floppy blond hair falling over one eye and a bright
smile on his face. “The difference is, sweetheart, I am a god.” He

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pushed up on his toes and kissed Miles’s jawline before turning his
attention to Ryo. “Welcome. Come in, come in.”

“I’m not supposed to move,” Theris informed the tiny god. “It’s

really good to see you, though.”

Hades arched one eyebrow and smiled knowingly, glancing

between his mate and Ryo. “I understand, Theris. Congratulations, by
the way. He is certainly handsome.”

Miles grumbled under his breath as he wrapped a possessive arm

around Hades’s shoulder. “I’m hotter.”

“Yes, of course, my dear. You are the epitome of deliciousness.

How could I ever forget when you remind me daily?”

Okay, first impressions aside, Ryo liked the pair. They were very

real in a way he hadn’t expected. “Sorry for interrupting your day, but
we find ourselves in a situation,” he explained as they followed their
hosts into a lavishly furnished sitting room. “Theris here, well, you

“I’m pregnant!” Theris practically shouted, sticking his hips out

and arching his back to create the illusion of a baby bump. “I’m going
to have a baby!”

“Oh, that’s wonderful!” Hades clapped his hands together,

looking every bit as excited as Theris. “Congratulations again!”

Miles rolled his eyes and jerked his head toward the hallway

behind him. “Would you like to get a beer before they start squealing
and braiding each other’s hair?”

In truth, Ryo wanted to run as far and as quickly away from what

Miles described as his legs would carry him. He’d come for answers,
though, and he wasn’t leaving until he got them. “Actually, we were
wondering if you knew anything about this and what we should

“Nothing too different than what women experience,” Hades

explained. “The gestation period is a bit shorter than with human
women, only four months. I’d guess you probably have about three
months to go before the arrival.”

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“Four months,” Ryo whispered, struggling to choke back his

panic. Intellectually, he’d expected this. As a man facing down the
prospect of being a first-time father, he was scared shitless. That gave
him very little time to make preparations. “Okay. Thank you.”

“Everything will be perfectly okay.” Hades smiled kindly as he

leaned against his mate.

“What about Theris’s job?”
“I’m standing right here.”
Ryo ignored his lover and kept his focus on Hades. “Will he be

safe? Will it hurt the baby? What about after the baby is born?
There’s no little Reaper day care,” he blurted, using Theris’s words
from earlier as he started to hyperventilate. “Will the baby be a
Reaper? He won’t be a skeleton, right?” Gods, he didn’t know how
he’d react if Theris gave birth to a miniature skeleton.

“Relax,” Hades said around his laughter. “Reapers are called, not

born. Teleporting won’t hurt the baby or Theris. Your mate works
maybe two hours a week in total. I think you can raise a child around
that schedule, don’t you?”

“Yes, that will be fine.” Ryo didn’t even know what he was

saying anymore. He needed to get out of there and back to his cabin
before he made a total fool of himself. “Yes, that’s great. Four
months, you said. Yes, yes, that’s acceptable. Right, then. Good day
to you.” With that strange and jumbled monologue, he picked Theris
up into his arms and held him tight until they were safely inside their
home once again.

“That was very rude,” Theris chastised as he wiggled to get free of

Ryo’s hold. “Hades was a big help.”

“Yes,” Ryo repeated, feeling like a parrot. Polly want a cracker?

Or a baby? “Yes. Right. Crackers and babies.”

“Oh, love,” Theris whispered, pushing at Ryo’s chest to get him to

sit on the sofa. Then he grabbed the back of Ryo’s neck, pulling him
down and forcing his head between his knees. “Deep breaths, Ry.
Everything will work itself out. You’ll see.”

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“We need books.” As soon as the world stopped spinning and he

didn’t feel like he was going to hurl his breakfast all over the coffee
table, they were going to buy books on topics ranging from before
conception to being the parents of a teenager.

“We’ll get you some books, love.” Slender fingers stroked his

hair, his ears, and down the sides of his face. “Anything you want,

This wasn’t right. Theris shouldn’t be comforting him. He was

supposed to protect his mate, keep him safe, comfortable, and happy.
Never was he supposed to freak out and have a nervous breakdown.
What the hell was wrong with him?

Clearing his throat and sucking in a deep breath, Ryo let it out

slowly as he straightened his spine. It was time to man the fuck up
and take care of business. “I’d like for you to rest for a while. Please
don’t argue with me. It’s going to be a very busy day, and I won’t
take any chances with you.”

Theris looked like he wanted to argue, but after witnessing Ryo’s

near hysteria thought better of it and simply bobbed his head in
agreement. “Will you come with me?”

Just like the night before, Ryo highly doubted he’d be able to get

any rest. If Theris needed him there to feel protected and calm, he’d
do it, though. Besides, if by some miracle he was able to fall asleep,
well, he could certainly use the downtime.

“Try to keep me away.”

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Chapter Seven

Four weeks later, Theris was sitting in the living room of their

new home, cuddled up on the sofa with Danka while he watched
television on the flat screen. The house was situated on five acres of
land, giving them a measure of privacy, and there were more rooms
than Theris even knew what to do with. While he enjoyed some of the
perks like electricity, cable, and a microwave, he did miss their cozy
little cabin in the forest.

Ryo insisted that it wasn’t the kind of environment he wanted to

raise their child in, and if there was ever any kind of emergency, they
were too far away from help. While Theris wanted only the best for
their baby, he did feel that his mate was going a bit overboard. The
man had designed and furnished not one but three nurseries, for
mercy’s sake. What on earth did the baby need with three rooms?

Theris was no longer allowed to eat fish or eggs. He couldn’t

drink any type of caffeine, and trying to get out of the house to answer
the summons of a lost soul practically needed a letter from
parliament. Top that off with his insecurities about his rapidly
expanding belly, and Theris was in a foul mood.

Sure, the way his mate coddled and pampered him had been nice

at first. After about three days, it was just tiresome, though. The light
in Ryo’s eyes when he brought home new baby clothes, blankets,
furniture, or toys was endearing. When he’d mastered changing a
diaper on a baby doll—even setting a new record time by his
standards—it had been the most heartwarming and adorable thing
Theris had ever seen.

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He knew Ryo was trying, and therefore he tried to cut him some

slack. His back hurt, his feet were swollen, and he still had two
months of discomfort to go. “Blimey, I’m going to look like a whale
by the time this little one makes his appearance.”

Danka whined softly and nuzzled closer, giving him a sloppy kiss

on his cheek with his long, wet tongue. Laughing to himself, Theris
hugged the wolf close to his chest and rubbed his cheek over the soft
fur on the top of Danka’s head. “Are you looking forward to the baby,
my sweet?”

Danka woofed, which Theris took as affirmation. He was excited

as well, but there was also a healthy dose of anxiety mixed in there.
That was another thing that was making him cranky. Though he was
surrounded day and night by Ryo and Danka, Theris felt very alone.
How could he voice his concerns and fears when Ryo was already
going batty enough for the two of them?

Ryo always put on a smile and babbled incessantly when they

spoke of their child. He rubbed Theris’s stomach with cocoa butter
and even sang to the life growing inside him. When the Djinn thought
no one was watching, however, he’d sit near the window, just staring
off into space with a haunted look in his eyes. Did he really want this
child? Or was he just putting on appearances for Theris’s sake?

Suddenly, Danka’s head popped up, his muscles tightened, and

the fur along his back stood up. His upper lip curled over his pointed
teeth, giving him a wild, vicious appearance as he growled and
snarled at the front door.

The doorbell rang as if on cue, and Theris tried to rise from the

cushions to greet their guest. Danka was having none of it. Stretching
out over Theris’s lap, the wolf refused to budge. “What is wrong with
you, ya silly mutt? Get yourself up right now.”

Danka continued to growl menacingly at the door while he held

Theris in place with his bulk. “Good boy,” Ryo praised the animal as
he strode through the room. “Stay there.”

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His mate had barely managed to open the door when an older man

with Ryo’s height and build was forcing his way inside, waving his
arms around while he huffed like a wounded buffalo. “Is this some
clever ploy to avoid me, Ryo? Did you think I wouldn’t find you

“There was no ploy, Grandfather. I simply moved.”
The older Dantis eyed his grandson suspiciously. “Fine. That’s not

why I’m here anyway. Have you resolved the problem we discussed
on my last visit?”

“I’m sorry, I don’t know what problem you mean.”
“Why, your mating to that…that man! You can’t possibly

continue this asinine charade. You need a woman by your side, a
woman who can take care of you and bear your children.”

“Theris takes excellent care of me, thank you. Why can’t you just

be happy for me?” Ryo didn’t sound as though he expected an
answer. It was almost as if he was speaking to himself.

“If you do not produce heirs, the Dantis line ends with you. Are

you willing to sacrifice your entire bloodline for that man?”

“Yes,” Ryo responded quickly and firmly. “Sacrifice won’t be

necessary, though.” Then he turned and held his hand out to Theris,
who had until that moment gone unnoticed by their guest. “Come
here, cher. I’d like you to meet my grandfather.”

Theris would rather get kicked in the face with a golf shoe, but to

say so aloud would be rude. Of course Danka would move now—the
dirty, rotten traitor. Still, the wolf stayed close to him while he kept a
distrustful eye on Ryo’s grandfather, stopping Theris and standing
between him and the older man when they reached Ryo’s side.

“Grandfather, this is my mate, Theris. Angel, I’d like you to meet

Uris Dantis.”

“How do you do, sir?” Theris attempted to offer his hand to shake,

but Ryo caught him around the wrist and tucked his hand over the
crook of his elbow, stroking his knuckles affectionately.

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“As you can see, there is no need for a female consort. I’ve made

my choice, and I stand by it. I stand by Theris.”

“This is not a choice!” the man roared. “This is an abomination!”

He jabbed his forefinger at Theris’s rounded midsection as his face
mottled with rage. “I forbid it!”

“He. Is. Mine. I will protect him and our child with my life if I

have to.” Releasing Theris’s hand, Ryo stepped forward, crowding
Uris back against the door. “You don’t have to approve. Hell, show
all the disdain for me that you like. You will mind your tone when
you speak to my mate, however. He is twice the man you are, and you
will treat him with the proper respect.”

Even though Theris was about to shake right out of his skin, a

pleasant feeling of love and happiness washed over him as Ryo
defended him so vehemently. The feelings he’d been fighting for
weeks rolled to the surface, bombarding him with emotions until he
felt drunk with them.

Flinging himself across the minimal space, he clung to his lover’s

side, hugging him with all his strength as he attempted to crawl inside
the man’s skin and take up residency. “I love you,” he blurted without
consideration to the situation or their audience.

Uris grunted and wrinkled his nose in distaste, but that didn’t

matter when Ryo cradled the back of his head and placed a tender kiss
on his brow. “I love you, too, mon doux ange.” Then he eased Theris
away and turned him around. “We’ll talk in a minute. Go wait for me
in the bedroom.”

More than willing to get away from the hateful looks Uris was

giving him, Theris dipped his head once and hurried out of the room.
“Come on, Danka.”

The wolf gave one last growl at Ryo’s grandfather and then turned

abruptly, sticking his nose in the air, flipping his tail up, and prancing
over to Theris’s side. “Drama queen,” he whispered to his companion,
though he couldn’t help but smile at the beast’s antics.

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Danka gave a series of short chuffs in response, almost as though

he was snickering like a human, which only sent Theris into peals of
laughter as they made their way down the hall to the bedroom he
shared with his mate.

He didn’t know what Ryo wanted to discuss or why he’d

essentially been sent to his room like a naughty child, but it didn’t
matter. Ryo loved him. They were having a baby. The rest of the
world could either get onboard or piss off. He didn’t much care which
as long as everyone left them alone.

Stroking his growing stomach, he smiled to himself and sighed in

contentment. “Did you hear, little one? Your daddy loves us.”

* * * *

“You need to leave now.” Ryo was finished arguing with his

unwelcome guest. “Don’t come back. Don’t bother us. Just let me live
in peace.”

Uris narrowed his eyes and scowled in a way that meant he was

thoroughly disappointed with his grandson. Ryo didn’t give a fuck.
He’d never agreed to sire hordes of children for his family. He had no
desire to turn some unsuspecting woman into a breeding machine. It
was crazy, impractical, demeaning, and he’d have no part in it.

“You will learn your place, boy. Your father thought he could

fight me, and look where that got him. Do you really want to go the
same route as your mother?”

Cold, vengeful hatred curled in Ryo’s gut, and it was all he could

do to keep from punching the old man in his arrogant mouth. When
Ryo’s father had refused to end his relationship with his wife simply
because she was from a different clan of Djinn, Uris had stepped in to
make the decision for him.

Somewhere, somehow, he’d whispered the true name of Ryo’s

mother into a mortal’s ear, giving him the power to call her and bind
her to a vessel, forcing her to become nothing more than a wish-

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granting genie for all times. Heartbroken, his father had disappeared
into the mountains, and Ryo hadn’t seen him since.

No, he didn’t put it past his grandfather to do the same to him if

he continued to be rebellious, but he wasn’t afraid of the man.

“Do what you have to, Grandfather. Good-bye.”
With a look so cold and callous that Ryo was surprised the room

didn’t ice over, Uris growled and stormed out of the house, most
likely to begin work on his evil plot of world domination. The man
was nothing if not power hungry, and one day it would all blow up in
his face. Ryo just hoped he lived long enough to see it.

Closing his eyes and taking deep, cleansing breaths, Ryo released

the pent-up negative energy inside him, not wanting those feelings to
influence his home or the conversation he was about to have with his
mate. It was amazing to him how quickly Theris had changed his
opinions about love and relationships.

Theris would lend an ear when Ryo needed to speak his mind. He

was a comfort, a safe haven, when the world tested his endurance.
With a simple touch, a kindly whispered assurance, or even a sweet
smile, Theris had the ability to transform him into a six-foot-three,
two-hundred-two-pound marshmallow. Most importantly, Ryo liked
himself a lot more now that he had Theris in his life.

Never did the angel ask for anything in return, however. Though

he hadn’t spoken the L word, he assumed it was obvious that he had
some intense feelings for the little imp. Theris had never once used
that against him. He gave freely of his time, attention, affection, and
had shown endless patience with Ryo’s sometimes surly attitude.

He embodied all the things Ryo pictured love to be but had

seldom seen. It really shouldn’t surprise him, though. From their first
meeting, he’d known there was something special about Theris,
something below the exterior that few had taken the time to examine.
Well, their oversight was his treasure, and it was time Theris knew
exactly how important he was to Ryo.

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Stepping into the bedroom, he crossed silently to the bed where

his mate sat on the edge and knelt on the floor in front of him. Taking
both of Theris’s hands, he placed a kiss in each palm and tugged on
his wrist until he had him in his lap. “Are you afraid?”

“No,” Theris answered immediately, curling into his arms and

making his heart melt. “You’ll take care of us.”

No one had ever had so much unconditional trust or faith in him.

Ryo wasn’t at all sure that he deserved it. He didn’t have unlimited
power, couldn’t predict the future, and unfortunately, there were just
some things out of his control. Theris was right about one thing,
though. Ryo would move heaven, hell, and earth to protect his mate
and their child.

“Did you mean it?” Theris gazed up at him with a hopeful

expression, even though he was wringing his fingers together
nervously. “I’m sorry that I put you on the spot like that. It’s okay if
you just said it because of your granddad.”

“Hush now, cher. I wouldn’t have said it if I didn’t mean it.”

Slipping his fingers under Theris’s chin, he tilted his lover’s face up
for a lingering kiss. “I love you, Theris. It might have taken me a little
while to admit it to myself, but don’t ever doubt the way I feel. You
are far too special for me to let you get away from me.”

“What happened to your mum?”
Ryo had no desire to taint the moment with tales from his troubled

past. “It’s not important, but there is something I need you to know.
You can’t ever tell anyone for any reason, though. Do you

“It’s your true name, isn’t it?”
“Clever little brat.” Theris was always so intuitive. “Verselion

Dantonius. No matter where you are, no matter how far away, just
speak my true name and I’ll be able to find you.”

“Theristis ton Psychon.”
“Excuse me?”

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“Just as someone can use your true name to call you to do their

bidding, if a Reaper’s true name is called, he or she can be forced to
grant the caller a reprieve from death—with the little catch that a
Reaper must remain bound to them forever.”

Heat infused Ryo’s face as fury crashed into him. “And you didn’t

think it would be prudent to choose an alias not so closely related to
your true name to reveal to people? Are you insane?”

“Very few even know this can be done. I’ve lived a very, very

long time, love, and it has never been an issue. Please don’t be

Ryo could concede the point, but Theris had never met Uris

Dantis before. The man had a way of sniffing out information and
using it to his advantage. “I’m not angry, Theris, just worried. We’ll
not talk about it right now, though. How’s that?”

“A wonderful idea, I think. Should we celebrate?”
His life was so much richer with Theris in it. How could he have

ever thought love had to be so much work? “Exactly what are we

“The tearing down of walls and the rebuilding of a long and happy


Danka barked twice, chiming in with his enthusiastic agreement,

and Ryo’s laughter rumbled through his chest. “How about a night out
in the city?”

Theris’s face lit for only a moment before worry lines creased his

brow. His hand went to his protruding belly as he sucked his bottom
lip between his teeth and gnawed on it with vigor until Ryo finally
had to stop for him for fear he’d draw blood. “I can’t be seen like

“You aren’t that big yet, cher. I’m sure it feels that way, but it’s

hardly noticeable.” Cradling the side of his mate’s face, Ryo dipped
his head and kissed Theris long and hard, pouring every ounce of
emotion he harbored into the molding of their lips and the tangle of

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their tongues. “You are beautiful, so stop worrying. Let me take you
on a proper date.”

“How am I supposed to say no when you kiss me that way?”
Ryo wiggled his eyebrows and winked. “You’re not.”

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Chapter Eight

Dinner was an enjoyable experience, even with Ryo constantly

glaring at their server. He didn’t feel it was particularly necessary for
his mate to growl when the young man had asked Theris if there was
anything else he could get him.

The guy had eventually gotten the point and kept his distance

other than the occasional appearance to clear plates or refill drinks.
While Theris greatly enjoyed the romantic setting and the increased
privacy with his lover, he did feel that they needed to work on Ryo’s
social skills.

“Did you really need to glower so much? You nearly frightened

the lad into wetting himself,” Theris chastised lightly once they were
back in their living room.

“I didn’t like the way he kept looking at you.”
“How would you say he was looking at me?”
“Like he wanted you.”
Oh, idiocy thy name is jealousy. “You are a damn fool, Ryo, but

you are my fool. Now, come over here and give me a proper kiss.”

Theris adored their new home, but there were certain things he

missed about their cabin in the woods. Ryo had resolutely refused to
recreate the playroom, stating that it was in no way appropriate for
someone in Theris’s “condition.”

Their sex life was still scorching, but it had lost some of the

intensity. Easy, gentle loving was fine and all, but there were times
where Theris just wanted the man to pin him against the wall and fuck
his brains out until he couldn’t remember his own name.

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A muscled arm slid around his waist, and Ryo tapped him on the

forehead between his eyes. “What are you thinking, cher? Did
someone upset you while we were out?”

His lover was ready to go out and slay all of his dragons if Theris

just gave the word. He could see it in the tightening of Ryo’s eyes.
“No one said anything.” Thankfully, if anyone had noticed the
distension of his belly, they had been tactful enough to not mention it.
“I’m just missing the cabin, I suppose.”

“Do you not like it here?” Ryo waved his hand around the vast

living room with a questioning look on his face. “I thought you liked
this house.”

“Oh, I do. It’s just lacking certain…indulgences.” It was hard to

ask for the things he wanted when he was almost positive that he’d be

“It won’t be much longer.” Ryo sighed as he bent to rest their

foreheads together. “I won’t do anything to risk you or the baby right
now, but in a couple of months we—”

“We will be too busy attending to diapers, feedings, and all other

things baby related, at least for a while.” His hands slid up and down
Ryo’s chest as he swiveled his hips, grinding his hard cock against the
man’s thigh. “Please, love. Don’t say no.”

Neither spoke for a long time, but Theris did his best to plead

silently with his eyes. It just wasn’t fair for Ryo to give him that
small, teasing taste of something he never knew he wanted, and then
snatch it back from him so soon.

He knew there were limitations to what he could do now, but it

wasn’t as though he was asking the man to string him from the ceiling
and flog him red. They could save that for after the baby was born.
See? He could be reasonable.

“Remove your clothes, place them neatly on the sofa, and then go

start the shower in the master bathroom.”

Theris was so excited to be getting what he craved that his hands

trembled, making it nearly impossible to pop open the button on his

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hunter-green corduroys. Once he finally had his clothes folded and
stacked on the sofa, he fisted his hands at his sides, trying desperately
to rein in his eagerness as he hurried down the hallway to the master

Starting the shower spray, he bounced from foot to foot, waiting

for the water to warm. Ryo hadn’t told him to actually get into the
stall, but he felt awkward just standing there alone and naked.
Thankfully, his lover entered just behind him, stunningly nude and
almost too beautiful to look at.

His hard cock jutted proudly from a nest of closely cropped curls,

weeping from the tip and flexing in rhythm as though waving hello.
Theris’s mouth watered, his ass clenched greedily, and all of his nerve
endings began to sizzle with erotic anticipation.

Prying his eyes away from the glorious sight, he stepped beneath

the shower spray, groaning in delight as the heated water washed
away the stressful day and unknotted the tense muscles in his back.
With his eyes closed, he didn’t see Ryo join him, but a hand settled on
his hip, and he heard the sound of metal scraping against metal,
indicating the close of the glass shower door.

It wasn’t the light touch that lit his body on fire, but the

knowledge of what that touch represented. Whether a swift, direct
attack to his senses, or a slow, building seduction, it was no longer in
his control. He didn’t need to think, to worry, or to make hard,
confusing decisions. All he had to do was place himself in Ryo’s care,
let go, and feel.

“Turn around, cher.”
Ryo kept a firm hold on his arm, most likely terrified that Theris

would slip on the wet tiles of the stall floor. His overreactions to the
most routine daily activities could be annoying, but his heart was in
the right place, and just then, Theris found him amazing rather than

Turning his face up to the water, he pushed his wet locks back

from his face and very nearly melted down the drain when Ryo began

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kneading the muscles in his shoulders and neck. Those strong,
talented fingers worked their way down his spine and across his lower
back, leaving Theris’s skin tingling in their wake.

When Ryo had him feeling more relaxed and weightless than he

had in ages, the man then began thoroughly scrubbing him from the
top of his head to the soles of his feet and everywhere in between. By
the time he was squeaky clean, Theris was beginning to think he’d
been tricked. His cock rested limply between his thighs, and he was
growing sleepier the more Ryo continued to stroke and pet him.

“You did this on purpose,” he accused around a yawn.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about. It was a big day for you,

and your body is trying to tell you to rest. There’s nothing wrong with

No, there wasn’t, but he’d had much different pursuits in mind

when he’d stepped into the shower. “I will get you for this.” It really
wasn’t Ryo’s fault, though. Theris seemed to always be exhausted
these days. Blasted hormones. At least he wasn’t blubbering all over
the place…yet.

The water shut off, but by that point, Theris just wanted to crawl

under the covers and sleep. Luckily, he had a big, muscular mate to
pat him dry and carry him to bed. “I’m sorry, love.” His words were
slurred, even to his own ears, and he could barely keep his eyes open.

Maybe Ryo responded to him, but if so, Theris didn’t hear it. The

instant his head touched the pillow, it was lights-out as sleep
whispered invitingly into his ear.

* * * *

Two weeks later, and Ryo was finding it increasingly hard to give

Theris what he wanted when it came to their sex life. It was also
becoming more difficult for him to let his mate leave to collect lost
and tortured souls. It wasn’t necessarily dangerous work, but he just
didn’t like having Theris out of his sight.

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“This is utter rubbish, and I’m putting my foot down.”
Looking up from the stove where he was making lunch, Ryo

arched both eyebrows in question. “I thought you liked tomato soup.”

“I’m not talking about the bloomin’ soup, and you know it.

You’ve not touched me in nearly three days, and I will not stand for
it, Ryo Dantis!”

Ryo had no idea how the elders had discovered that Theris was

expecting, but they’d received a letter informing them their “every
twenty-four hours” consummation rule had been pardoned until a
couple weeks after the birth of their child. Perhaps Ryo had been
taking advantage of their brief reprieve a bit more than he should, but
he had no idea what to expect during the pregnancy, and he was
terrified of inadvertently hurting Theris or the baby.

“Fine!” Theris threw his hands in the air, huffed dramatically, and

stormed out of the kitchen, shaking his hips as he went and mumbling
under his breath. Ryo hated that the guy was upset with him, and his
dick hated him for keeping it on such a short leash, but he wasn’t
happy with the alternative.

So, he did the same as always when Theris was in one of his

moods. He ignored it and continued stirring the soup, hoping it would
all blow over soon. By that point, he probably should have known his
mate better than that. When Theris wanted something, he got it by any
means available.

Seconds after his departure, Theris returned to the kitchen,

completely naked and stroking his long cock seductively. Ryo gritted
his teeth and squeezed the wooden spoon in his hand until the handle
snapped. “What are you doing?”

“I’m seducing you, of course.” Theris rolled his eyes as though he

found Ryo exasperating. “Is it working, do you suppose?”

It was working a little too well. The minute Ryo had caught sight

of all that deliciously smooth, creamy skin, his dick had swelled,
straining against his zipper for freedom. He ached to run his hands

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over each inch of his mate, to feel that lithe body rubbing against him
and glory in that pert ass wrapped snugly around his cock.

He’d been denying himself for so long. However, he wasn’t sure

if he could hold back once he had Theris in his grasp. It had only been
a few days since he’d made love to the angel, but it had been months
since he’d fucked the guy into oblivion like he wanted. Being caught
unaware, all of his instincts kicked into gear, and he just wanted to rut
and growl like a primitive beast.

“I know it’s not sexy.” Theris rubbed the swell of his belly with

both hands and smiled sheepishly. “There’s not much I can do to
change it, I’m afraid.”

Ryo had enough presence of mind to turn the burner off under the

soup and set the broken spoon aside before crossing the tiled floor to
kneel at Theris’s feet. “Hush now. You are beautiful.” They weren’t
just pretty words. Others may find Theris’s appearance a little strange
now, but to Ryo, he had never been more gorgeous.

“While you’re down there…” Theris trailed off and wiggled his

eyebrows, shaking his naked dick in Ryo’s face.

Chuckling from deep in his belly, Ryo gave his lover a crooked

smile, pulled him forward by his hips, and swallowed his cock in one
fell swoop. The desire-filled moan he received in response made him
feel like a king. Licking and suckling, swirling his tongue along the
shaft and swallowing around the crown, he’d never felt more
powerful in his life.

Obviously, he hadn’t been attending to the man as he should,

because it took less than three minutes for Theris to begin to tremble.
His hips rocked, pushing his prick deeper into Ryo’s throat, and a
strangled groan poured from his mouth as he pumped ropes of salty
cream into Ryo’s willing mouth.

“Well, that certainly took the edge off.”
If he liked that, he was going to love what happened next.

Focusing his energy and letting it course through him, Ryo used great
care as he lifted Theris off his feet with nothing more than a thought

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and floated him across the room until his back pressed against the

“What?” The angel’s eyes went wide and frightened for only a

heartbeat before a look of excitement brightened his delicate features.
“Oh, I see.”

Ryo rose slowly, not saying a word as he prowled toward his lover

like a panther stalking his prey. With a tilt of his head, he had Theris’s
hands lifted over his head, his wrists pressed securely to the wall with
invisible bonds. Theris wiggled and squirmed in eagerness, but he
wasn’t struggling to get free. The rock of his hips and arch of his back
only enticed Ryo further, driving his lust to a fever pitch.

“Please,” Theris whispered in an unabashed plea. “Please, love.”
Theris instantly pressed his lips together, making no sound but

still begging with his eyes. This was what he needed, and this Ryo
could give. They didn’t need a playroom filled with toys. He didn’t
have to be rough or demanding with his love. Theris only needed his
strength, his dominance, and his ability to make everything disappear
for just a little while.

With a heart of gold and a giving nature, Ryo imagined Theris’s

occupation as a Reaper was far harder on him than he let on. It made
sense that the things he’d seen would haunt him, even if he’d learned
ways to numb himself. If he needed to forget every once in a while,
the least Ryo could do was provide an adequate distraction.

Giving a push of his magic, he dissolved the room around them,

creating an illusion of a beautiful, sunny island oasis. The wall
supporting Theris became a bed of damp sand, and Ryo tilted their
new dream world until his mate was lying on his back, and Ryo was
crawling toward him amidst the sounds of crashing waves.

When he finally reached his prize, settling himself between his

lover’s splayed thighs, he turned his head from side to side, using his
infinite magic to spread Theris’s arms out to his sides and pin them in
the glittering sand.

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A canopy of lush, green leaves emerged, protecting the angel’s

fair skin from the bright sun that beat down on them and cocooning
them in their own private, exotic fantasy. “Now, this is right amazing.
I’m very lucky to have such a clever mate.”

Ryo nipped at Theris’s hip in reprimand. “I thought I told you to

be quiet?”

“Oops.” The imp gave him a mischievous grin but pressed his lips

together once more as he wound his long, slender legs around Ryo’s
hips, pulling him even closer.

Ducking his head to hide his grin, Ryo continued licking and

kissing up his mate’s torso as he kneaded the flesh around his hips
and buttocks with his fingers. When he reached Theris’s lips, he gave
them only a teasing brush with his own before pulling away, doing it
over and over, loving the way Theris strained to capture his mouth.

Deciding he’d teased long enough, he crushed their mouths

together, dipping his tongue inside to explore the moist cavern. There
was no duel, no battle for dominance. Theris moved with him,
allowing Ryo to control the kiss but proving he wouldn’t be just a
passive bystander in their endeavors.

“I want to touch you.” Swollen, wet lips traveled down his throat

as Theris panted against his skin. “Let me touch you.”

It was hard to deny the man anything, but this time, Ryo knew his

refusal was the exact thing Theris wanted. “You are touching me,
cher.” The tip of his cock nudged against his lover’s entrance,
prodding insistently but not entering. “Is this not what you want?”

“You are a horrible man, and you’ve planned to torture me to


“Ah, but you just said I was clever.”
“I retract the compliment.”
Ryo flexed his hips, pushing just the helmet of his cock through

the guarding ring of Theris’s hole and sighed. “Careful, cher. You’ll
make me think you don’t love me anymore.”

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His head tilted back in the sand as the most peaceful look settled

over his face. “Ah, but how could I not?” Theris moaned breathlessly,
curving his spine to take Ryo deeper. “How do you do that? It never

“Mmm,” Ryo purred, skimming his nose across his lover’s

collarbones. “It’s magic.”

The heat encasing his cock was heaven and hell, bliss and torture,

all wrapped into a tight package that made his head spin. Holding
himself up with one hand, he slipped the other into Theris’s hair,
tangling his fingers in the silky strands and tugging lightly.

As expected, Theris went crazy, rocking in sporadic movements,

fucking himself on Ryo’s cock as his cries rose in strength and
volume. His biceps flexed, the veins in his forearms stood out against
his pale skin, and the cords in his neck bulged as he fought to free his
hands from his the unseen restraints.

Each forceful plunge into his velvety depths was met with

increased vigor, and they moved as a synchronized unit, each racing
toward a common goal. Releasing his hold on his lover’s hair, Ryo
insinuated a hand between their sweat-slicked bodies, cupping
Theris’s tight sac and taking care not to crush the delicate orbs.

With one more surge of magic, he focused his attention on

Theris’s bouncing cock, creating the deception of a hot, wet mouth
wrapped around the tip as taut lips worked up and down the rigid
shaft. Once complete, he increased the pace of his thrusts, gently
kneading Theris’s balls as he drove in and out of his convulsing

“Oh, fuck! Oh, oh, what have you done to me? Oh, gods.” Theris

continued to babble between short pants of breath while his head
whipped back and forth in the sand and he bucked upward in jerky,
uncoordinated movements.

Applying more pressure to his lover’s sac, Ryo rocked his hips in

single-minded determination. “Come for me, cher. Squeeze my cock
and come all over me.”

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A string of curse words that would make a whore blush spilled

from Theris’s parted lips before he finally screamed out Ryo’s name
and erupted like a geyser, spraying semen all over his groin, abs, and
chest. When the last bit of seed dribbled from the tip, Ryo gripped his
mate’s hips in both hands, unleashing his loosely held control and
plunging into Theris’s depths with abandon.

His spine tingled, fire burned in his belly, and the world around

him disappeared as a euphoric wave of ecstasy rolled over him,
ripping his orgasm from him as he growled out to the heavens.
Slowing his thrusts, he shuddered involuntarily as Theris’s gripping
muscles wrung the last drop of cum from his oversensitive dick.
Nothing in life had prepared him for what it would feel like to be so
intimately connected to the person he loved. From their first time to
this very moment, each time they joined was only better than the last.

He’d fight his family, UPAC, the gods, and the entirety of Hades

without apology to hang on to the dark angel who brought so much
light into his life.

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Chapter Nine

“Bloody hell and damn me, I look like a beached whale.”
“Not much longer now, though,” Hades said soothingly. “And you

don’t look like a whale. You do, however, look tired and miserable.”

That was a horrid understatement. Theris could think of a

thousand other words that would much more accurately describe how
he was feeling. With only two weeks remaining until their bundle of
joy made his or her appearance, he’d grown in epic proportions so
that he now waddled when he walked.

He couldn’t shower without needing help in and out of the stall,

and he couldn’t even see his bleedin’ toes, for the love of Pete. Ryo
coddled and pampered him more than ever, attending to his every
crazy whim without complaint.

Since he could produce anything he wished with a snap of his

fingers, Theris was suspicious, however, that his mate’s nightly runs
into town to pick up any odd assortment of food that Theris wanted
were strictly to have a few moments of peace. Not that he could
blame the man, though. He’d become so bitchy that not even he
wanted to be around himself.

“I think I have some news that might cheer you up.”
Theris seriously doubted that, but he kept his mouth closed and

waited for Hades to continue.

“Miles has agreed to take over your duties as Reaper. If you can

make it through the next twenty-four hours, you’re free.”

“I’ve been wondering about that. I am truly grateful for the help,

but what happens after the baby is here? How will I manage?” He was

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so confused and whiney. Gods, he could barely stand himself. “I’m

Hades smiled kindly and patted Theris’s knee. “It’s up to you, but

you’ve been an enormous asset to me for too many years to count. I
don’t think it’s too much to ask for a nice, quiet life now. Miles will
take over temporarily. If you want to come back, so be it. If not, there
are plenty of souls for me to call on to do the job.”

“Truly?” It was the best news Theris had heard in a while. It

wasn’t that he hated his job, but he did worry how he would react to
the young souls who summoned him after he had a child of his own.
How could he separate his feelings and not always worry that the
child he led to Elysium could have been his?

“Really and truly.”
“Brilliant! Thank you!” He didn’t throw himself into Hades’s

arms—no way that was possible with his protruding belly—but he
grabbed the man’s shirt and tugged him close for a hug.

A throat cleared somewhere behind him, and Theris looked up to

see Ryo staring down at him from the back of the sofa with a stern
expression on his handsome face. “Hello, Hades,” he said coldly.

“Behave yourself,” Theris chastised before launching into the

spectacular news. It wasn’t like he really got paid for the job, so they
wouldn’t miss his income. Besides, Ryo had gobs of money, and even
if he didn’t, he could give them just about anything they needed with
the aid of his magic.

“This is very good news, cher.” Ryo’s demeanor changed, his

eyes softened, and he walked around the sofa to kneel at Theris’s feet.
Resting his head on Theris’s thigh, Ryo stroked his belly lovingly as
he looked up at Hades. “Thank you.”

“You are very welcome. I’m sorry that it can’t be sooner, but

Miles is having some family issues. By this time tomorrow, you will
be a free man, though.”

Theris could survive one more day. Although, he was getting kind

of sick of the astonished looks he received when he appeared now.

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His charges were dead. Who the hell were they to judge him? The
petite grandmother of four who’d tried to convince him to let her be
his wet nurse had been fairly comical, though.

A cold shiver traveled down his spine, and Theris grumbled under

his breath as he tried to lever himself up from the cushions. They
were just mocking him now. “Could you be a dear?”

Ryo rose gracefully, earning him a look of pure jealousy which

only made him chuckle. Gripping Theris’s hands, he pulled him up
from the sofa and dropped a kiss on the top of his head. “Would you
like me to go with you?”

“No, no. I can handle it.”
“I could go,” Hades offered.
“It’s only one more day,” Theris reminded them. “Really, it’s

okay.” He sucked his bottom lip between his teeth and peeked up at
his mate through his lashes. “Could you get my watches, love?”

Dipping his hand into his pocket, Ryo produced both watches—

the gold and the black—watching intently to see which Theris would
choose. It was a bit funny the way the breath whooshed out of his
lungs when Theris picked up the gold one and clicked it open.

Not that he could really blame Ryo for his concern. There was a

reason that black watch looked so ominous. The stoppage of time on
those hands signaled the death of cruel, vile, and often hostile souls,
while the gold watch called him to the pure and righteous. The angrier
the soul, or the more violent the death, the easier it was for the wraith
to take on poltergeist characteristics.

Theris didn’t much like going out to retrieve spirits from the black

watch, either—especially not now that he had so much to lose. Still,
someone had to do it, and for now, that someone was him.

“Be back in a jiff. Try not to worry so, Ry.” With a wink, he

closed his eyes and vanished, squeezing his eyes shut tightly as the
vertigo threatened to bring up his lunch. He definitely wasn’t going to
miss this.

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Arriving in a dank, dark space with candles illuminating the center

of the room, Theris immediately felt the panic clawing at him. A
white circle surrounded him, binding him into place and prohibiting
him from making a hasty retreat.

The soul he’d been summoned to collect sat in another circle to

his left, clutching his knees to his chest and rocking back and forth in
fear. He wasn’t a bad person. Avery Christian, age twenty-seven and
local disc jockey, had simply found himself in the wrong place at the
wrong time.

He’d never even met the men who’d killed him before this night,

but that didn’t stop him from getting caught up in the plot to lure
Theris into their grasp. The identity of “they” shouldn’t have come as
a surprise to him. The two shifters from the gathering, accompanied
by their witchy best friend, looked incredibly pleased with themselves
as they stared at him from outside the spelled circle.

“Fancy meeting you here,” Theris said with much more

confidence than he felt. “You do realize that you won’t see the sun
rise, of course.” Their sacrifice to lure him there had him convinced
that none of them new his true name. They were all paranormals, so
they didn’t need to bind him to escape death. What did they want with
him, then?

“Theristis ton Psychon, I bind us together until I choose to release

you.” The witch stepped forward, chanting the incantation in Latin as
he infused the brick powder with salt and held a golden ring up to the
moonlight that shone in from a window high on the wall.

Well, there went the theory that they didn’t know his true name.

As his very essence was bound to the ring, Theris felt the energy drain
out of him, crumpling him to his knees inside the unbreakable circle.
Worry for his unborn child had him clutching at his stomach,
wrapping both arms protectively around his midsection.

The strong kick to his ribs he received in return was so relieving

that he almost cried out with it. He’d been complaining about his poor

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abused ribs for weeks, but the munchkin could break every one of
them if he wanted, and Theris wouldn’t protest.

“I don’t want to hurt you,” the witch whispered, nodding at his

rounded belly. “Please, just cooperate with them.”

“Don’t do this, Morgan.” It was ironic that the man would be

distantly related to the late and powerful sorceress, Morgana,
especially considering that his powers were severely limited. The fact
that he’d been able to bind Theris at all was fairly shocking.

“I’m sorry. I can’t help you.”
Coward. “You won’t get away with this.”
“Why do they all say that?” Brad Sanders, the man who’d

attacked him at the castle, asked with an annoying air of superiority.
“I promise you that I will get away with it, but I’ll give you a fighting
chance. Go ahead. Call your mate to rescue you.”

Theris was many things, but stupid he wasn’t. The only way to

call Ryo was to speak his true name. Doing so would give Brad Ryo’s
name as well, and then they’d both be fucked. “I’ll take my chances.”

He didn’t know who was behind this or who even knew his real

name to be able to give it to these thugs. It wasn’t important at the
moment, but once he was free, finding the asshole would be top
priority. First, he had to figure a way out of the mess he was in.

The trio couldn’t watch him forever. Even if they took turns

standing guard, there was a chance that he could convince Morgan to
help him. Now, it was just a matter of waiting them out. How hard
could it be?

As a painful cramp lanced through his midsection, burning the

muscles in his stomach, Theris realized that rescue had just become a
much more urgent matter.

* * * *

When Theris hadn’t returned within twenty minutes, Ryo felt a

little uneasy but didn’t think too much of it. At the hour mark, he was

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definitely growing more concerned. By the time three hours had
passed, he was frantic with worry. Theris had never been gone so
long, and with the delivery date so close, anything could have

He didn’t even know where to begin looking. His mate could be

anywhere in the world. He could even be in the Underworld.
Searching him out would be like finding a needle in a haystack, but
there had to be something or someone who could help.

Hades was his first and obvious choice, but the god had left

shortly after Theris. No one simply strolled into the Underworld, and
it wasn’t as though he could pick up the phone and place a call. Yeah,
he could see that going over well. Hello, operator. I’d like to place a
collect call to the depths of Hell. Yes, I’ll hold.

He couldn’t just sit around and do nothing, though. Something

was definitely wrong. The love of his life was in danger, and Ryo
couldn’t do a damn thing about it. Maybe…“Theristis ton Psychon,”
he shouted to the empty living room.

Nothing happened. There was no response, no flash of light, not

even a subtle, dawning epiphany. He could have been calling out to
the Pillsbury Doughboy for all the good it did. While disappointing, it
did provide some information. Wherever Theris was, he was bound,
trapped, and probably scared out of his mind.

“You won’t find him.”
Ryo whirled around with a fearless snarl, lunging at his

grandfather and grabbing the man by the front of his shirt. “What did
you do to him?”

“Calm yourself, boy.”
“Tell me where he is!”
The man began to laugh, quietly at first but gaining in volume

until the sound filled the room and bounced off the walls. “You
should have listened. I told you what would happen. I never lose,

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“We’ll see about that.” He had no clue if it would work, but he

was out of options. So Ryo looked up toward the ceiling and roared
Hades’s name.

“Do you have to shout? I’m not deaf, you know.”
“I beg to differ,” Miles quipped. “How often do we argue about

the volume on the television?”

“That’s different, love. I do it just to annoy you.”
“I knew it!” Miles reached out to grab Hades, but the smaller man

easily dodged his advance.

“Hello!” Ryo growled and shook his grandfather toward the men.

“Can we focus here?”

“Right, sorry about that.” Hades elbowed his lover in the stomach,

causing Miles to grunt and retaliate by popping him in the back of the
head. “What seems to be the trouble?” Hades asked, though he was
still glaring at his mate.

“Where is Theris?”
“He’s not back?”
At least he finally had the man’s full attention. “No, he’s not back,

and I’m pretty sure my dear granddad knows something about that.”
He shook Uris around like a rag doll. “Isn’t that right?”

“I can’t see him,” Hades responded with a frown. “The magic

that’s holding him is also hiding him.”

“You won’t find him,” Uris repeated. “Stop all of this nonsense

and let me choose an appropriate consort for you.” The snide smirk
left his face, and he looked back at Ryo seriously. “This is for the
best, and once you get over this unhealthy attachment, you’ll see it,

“I’m sorry I bothered you.” Ryo dipped his head in Hades’s

direction. “Thank you for coming, though.”

“I’ll keep trying. If I find anything, I’ll let you know. Theris is my

friend, Ryo, and I want to help him.”

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Ryo was grateful to have such a powerful ally, and even more

thankful that Theris had someone other than himself who cared so
much about him. “I’ll do the same.”

“Would you like us to take the garbage out with us?” Miles asked,

looking positively gleeful at the prospect of potential violence.

“A few thousand years in the darkest part of Tartarus should have

a definite impact on his deplorable personality.” Hades was grinning
from ear to ear, obviously eager to dish out a little justice for his

“No,” Uris rasped, sounding afraid for the first time in Ryo’s

memory. “Not Tartarus. I’ll help you. I’ll tell you whatever you want
to know.”

“Where is Theris?”
“I don’t know where they took him. I swear.”
“Who has him?”
“I don’t know their names.”
Ryo didn’t believe the asshole for a minute. For someone who

was clearly so terrified of the Underworld, he didn’t appear to have
much in the way of self-preservation. “He’s all yours, boys. Let me
know if you get anything out of him.”

“Roger that.” Miles jumped forward and grabbed Uris’s wrist,

disappearing before Ryo could say anything else.

“It’s a good thing I love that fool.” Hades rolled his eyes and

pinched the bridge of his nose. “We’ll find him, Ryo.” He leveled
Ryo with a stern look. “Don’t do anything stupid.”

That wasn’t a promise he was willing to make. Stupid, reckless, or

outright dangerous, he would do whatever it took to find his angel and
bring him home.

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Chapter Ten

He wasn’t sure how long he’d been there, but the pains were

becoming stronger and closer together. It wasn’t supposed to happen
this way. Theris refused to have his baby in the crappy dungeon while
surrounded by people who wanted to hurt him.

Unfortunately, it didn’t matter how much he protested, because he

had absolutely no say in the matter. With each passing moment, the
urge to call on his mate, his champion and protector, was almost
overwhelming. It was unfair to ask him to choose between his child
and his mate, but as the saying went, life wasn’t fair.

If Ryo was there, he knew exactly what his mate would tell him.

Ryo would willingly sacrifice himself to make sure Theris was
unharmed. If he thought there was even a remote chance that his
captors would release him once they had what they really wanted, he
might consider it. Once unbound, he’d be able to call on some very
prominent friends to rescue Ryo.

That wasn’t going to happen, though. Brad may not be very

bright, but he was cunning, knowing exactly how to fill all of the
loopholes and cover his tracks. As another burst of pain had him
doubling over and panting to keep from screaming, he was beginning
to fear that he wouldn’t have a choice.

The sky outside was beginning to lighten to a dusky gray,

heralding the rising sun. As the room started to lighten, Theris was
finally given the opportunity he’d been waiting for all night. Brad
uncrossed his legs and pushed up to his feet, yawning and stretching
as the witch, Morgan, walked into the room to take over guard duty.

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The two conversed only briefly, but it was all the time Theris

needed. While his kidnappers were distracted, he scooted around on
his knees, turning his back to them, and placed his hand over his
mouth to muffle his voice. Even with all those precautions, he still
whispered his summons, speaking just barely louder than a breath.

“Verselion Dantonius. Please hear me, love.”

* * * *

“What do you mean you can’t help?” It took every ounce of

willpower he possessed not to start throwing things around the elder’s
office. “Elder Swanson, please. You have to know something.”

“Ryo, as much as I would like to help you, I’m afraid I have as

little clue as to the whereabouts of your mate as you do.”

“There was a Komodo dragon shifter,” Ryo said abruptly. “Brad

something. He attacked Theris just after the toast. Tell me where I can
find him.”

The elder’s wicked grin stretched from ear to ear. “Brad Sanders,

you mean. I believe he has a small rental house in Kentucky.”

“Why do you seem so surprised by this?”
He didn’t have a good answer. Perhaps it was because he expected

such an exotic shifter to live somewhere as equally majestic.
Kentucky was a fine place, but he didn’t really think of it as exotic.
“Never mind. Where can I find him?”

Pulling his chair closer to his desk, Elder Swanson tapped at the

keyboard of his computer for a few seconds, nodding every once in a
while. “312 Oak Street in Lexington.” Then he stood and offered his
hand over the top of the carved mahogany. “Good luck, Ryo. Let me
know if you need any further assistance.”

“Thank you, Elder. You’ve been more help than you know.”
Releasing the elder’s hand, Ryo transported himself directly into

the living room of Brad Sanders’s disgusting bedroom. It wasn’t

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exactly where he’d been aiming to land, but as long as he was inside
the house, it didn’t matter.

“Theris!” The house was completely silent, almost too quiet. Each

room he searched was dark and dusty, giving the sense of having been
abandoned for some time—weeks, possibly even months.

Rotting food overflowed the refrigerator, dirty dishes piled up in

the sink, and the rank odor had him gagging several times. The place
was definitely deserted, and he wasn’t going to find Theris there.

“Fuck!” Roaring out his frustrations, he picked up one of the

spindly kitchen chairs and hurled it toward the far wall, taking a
measure of satisfaction in the crunching sounds as the wood shattered.

“It’s good!” Hades appeared beside him, holding his arms up

above his head like a referee signaling a touchdown.

“Knock it off,” Ryo warned. He was in no mood for the god’s

antics. “Did you find out anything?”

“Three minutes in Tartarus and Uris couldn’t get the words out

fast enough. It would seem that your dear grandfather has been spying
on you for months now.” Hades scowled and pinched the bridge of his
nose. “You Djinn have creepy skills. That’s how he learned Theris’s
real name, and then he passed the information along to those men
from the gathering.”

“I already know that.” Okay, he hadn’t known exactly how Uris

had found out Theris’s true name. Being a Djinn himself, he should
have been more cautious, checked more often for traces of magic
around their home, though. How could he have been so careless?

“Well…” Hades trailed off and huffed as he fisted his hands on

his hips. “Did you know that they’re using your grandfather’s
basement to hold him? Or that they’re waiting for Theris to reveal
your true name so that they can bind you to a vessel?”

“Motherfucker!” The thought that he was most certainly walking

into a trap didn’t bother him. He’d gladly sacrifice everything if it
meant Theris could go free. His mate had been missing for several
hours, though, and there was no telling what those fuckers had done

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to him in an attempt to get the information they wanted. “I have to go.
Did he say which house?”

Hades’s eyes rounded, and he shook his head slowly. “I’m sorry,

Ryo. I didn’t think to ask.” He paused briefly and tilted his head to the
side in a curious gesture. “Why didn’t Uris just give them your

“We can’t reveal the names of blood relatives.” Unfortunately,

mates to their kin were free game, which brought him back to trying
to find the whereabouts of his mate. He couldn’t allow Theris to
suffer the same fate as his mother.

Over the many centuries, Uris had collected more than fourteen

properties around the world, and those were just the ones he knew of.
It wouldn’t take long to search each one, but every second counted.
There was also the possibility that Uris was lying through his teeth,
and he honestly didn’t know where Theris had been taken.

Ryo couldn’t just stand around with his thumb up his ass, though.

He had to start somewhere. “Thanks for your help.”

Flashing to the closest of the properties, located in upstate Maine,

Ryo’s feet had no more than touched the stone floor of the basement
when he knew it wasn’t the right place. He was angry, frustrated,
scared, and tired. He’d not slept in nearly twenty-four hours, and each
time he teleported somewhere, it drained just a little more of his
energy. How the hell was he going to search every goddamn house
before he dropped from exhaustion?

At the rate he was going, he would be completely useless in a

fight once he finally found his mate. Why couldn’t they have a
connection like he’d heard shifters had? Why couldn’t they speak
telepathically over thousands of miles or allow some invisible rope to
guide them to one another? “Where are you, cher?”

“Verselion Dantonius. Please hear me, love.”
“Oh, thank fuck.” Ryo had no destination in mind, didn’t will

himself to move, but was simply sucked into the realms between

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worlds and deposited into a dark, cold, disgusting room that smelled
and felt of hopelessness and despair.

“Ryo,” Theris whispered, looking up at him from where he knelt

on the floor in a circle of brick and salt. Silent tears streamed down
his cheeks as he squeezed his eyes closed and hunched over his
extended belly. “Oh, love. You’re here. You’re really here. The baby
is coming, Ryo. I can’t have our baby here.”

“What the hell are you rambling about?” someone called from

near the doorway. “Unless you’re going to do what you’re told, just
shut your fuckin’ mouth.”

Fury and vengeance boiled in his blood, and Ryo eased farther

into the shadows, pressing his finger to his lips as he stared into his
lover’s eyes. Theris glanced over his shoulder before turning back and
nodding his understand. “The ring,” he mouthed.

Ryo could find the ring and break the holding spell, or he could

just kill them all. Problem solved. In his current mood, he was voting
for what was behind door number two. There was no way he was
going to allow his child to be born in a place so filled with vileness,
though, and he’d need to pick the most expedient course of action.

“How many?” he mouthed back.
Theris held up three fingers in front of his chest.
Two of the men, including the bastard, Brad, were standing near a

small wooden door on the other side of the room, talking in low
voices with their heads bent together. That still left one other, though,
and Ryo needed to find him first. Then he’d return to dispatch the
others, destroy the ring, and take Theris home.

Pressing his finger to his lips again, he dipped his head slowly and

disappeared from the room.

* * * *

Theris slapped his hand over his mouth to keep from calling out to

his lover. He knew Ryo wouldn’t just desert him, but he really didn’t

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want to be alone anymore. Ryo always had a plan, and he would trust
the Djinn to do what was best to get them out of this mess. Yes, he
would trust him, but that didn’t mean he had to like waiting on the
hard ground by himself.

Flopping back onto his butt, he used the heels of his bright orange

shoes to spin him around until he was facing his captors again. The
sweater he was wearing belonged to Ryo—he’d taken to wearing his
mate’s clothing a lot since he’d gained weight—but the black cotton
was completely lacking in character. Maybe he could bedazzle it or
something when he got out of his hellhole.

His fleece sleep pants were covered in dirt and grime, smudging

all of the cute little pictures of prancing kittens. Two of his nails were
chipped, his cuticles were embarrassing to look at, and the skin on his
hands was dry and wrinkly. Odd things to worry about while being
held captive by a psycho, wannabe dragon, but his imperfections
really did nothing to improve his mood.

“How are you feeling?”
Lost in his misery, Theris hadn’t noticed Morgan approach to

crouch down in front of him. “I’m having a baby. How are you?” No,
he wasn’t bitter or anything. “Just so you know, my mate is in a
particularly aggressive mood at the moment.”

“Ah, I thought I felt someone enter the room.” Morgan didn’t look

surprised or even upset by the news. “I know this isn’t right, but what
choice do I have?”

“You have a choice, Morgan,” Theris responded with frigidness.

“Everyone has a choice. You can choose to be a sniveling git, or you
can choose to be a man of honor. I guess we both know which path
you walk.”

“Brad is my mate. Our names have been recorded in the book.

Would you have me defy my mate?”

“If he’s wrong, yes. You’re better than this, Morgan LaRue. One

day, when you’re gone, is this really the legacy you want to leave
behind? Is this what you want to be remembered for?” Morgan was a

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spineless coward who’d never stood up for anything in his life. All
he’d ever done was follow those stronger and seek their approval.
Theris didn’t think he’d make a friend by pointing that out, though,
and just then, he needed all the help he could get.

“I didn’t want this,” Morgan whispered, glancing to the soul still

bound in the circle beside them. “I didn’t want any of this.”

But he did. He wanted the power, the prestige, and the recognition

of being the first man to ever possess a Reaper. He wanted the good
fortune and untold riches that Ryo could bring him if he could just
learn of the Djinn’s true name. Maybe he didn’t love his mate, but
he’d stick beside Brad because the man could give him what he
desired. It was actually rather sad and pathetic.

“You don’t need the boy any longer.” Theris tilted his head to the

side to indicate the spirit next to him. “Let him go. You’ve already
caused him so much pain. Let him find peace.”

Perhaps Morgan thought that his compliance would endear him to

Theris. Whatever his reasoning, he crossed to the second circle,
smeared the salt barrier, and whispered under his breath.
Unfortunately, it didn’t work, though, and the specter continued to sit
there hugging his knees.

“The Djinn cannot kill my mate.” The witch didn’t give a damn

about his mate. He was simply protecting himself, because if Brad
should perish, Morgan would follow quickly. “You can stop him,
reason with him.”

“I could,” Theris confirmed, “but I won’t.” How could the man

expect mercy from him after the things he’d done? Besides, despite
what he’d said, he wasn’t at all sure that he’d be able to reason with
Ryo when the man returned. If their situations were reversed, nothing
would stop him from exacting revenge on those who’d hurt his mate.

“Then you shall die with us.” Morgan’s expression took on a dark,

evil edge, and he lifted his hand to the faint beams of light filtering
into the room, chanting under his breath as he attempted to bind
Theris’s very life force to his own.

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“I wouldn’t do that,” came a dangerous voice from the doorway.
There he was, Theris’s mate and hero. Ryo was an imposing

presence in the small room, towering over the man he held by the
scruff of the neck. Blood trickled down his cheek from a shallow cut,
but it only made him look more formidable, like a powerful warrior
on some mythical battlefield.

Morgan’s words cut off abruptly, and he spun around to tremble

in fear as Ryo shoved Brad to his knees on the cold stone floor.
“Please, I beg you.”

Ryo growled in irritation and waved a hand toward Morgan,

instantly silencing the man. Then he turned his hand palm up and
curled his fingers inward, pulling the witch to him as though he’d
hooked him on a fishing line. “Give me the ring.”

Fisting his hands to his chest, Morgan shook his head defiantly.

That didn’t seem to bother Ryo, though. Grabbing Morgan’s wrist, he
jerked his hand toward him and wrenched the ring off his finger,
possibly breaking the digit in the process if the loud snap was any

Theris didn’t truly know what he expected, but Ryo holding the

vessel up in his palm and lighting it on fire right there in his hand with
just a blink certainly wasn’t it. Three loud cracks, a couple of hissing
sounds, and finally, an echoing pop emitted from the gold band as it
smoked inside the flames.

When the fire died away and the metal had been magically

reduced to nothing more than ash, Theris sucked in a huge breath,
feeling infinitely lighter and freer. His energy returned to him, giving
him the strength to climb to his feet, though another contraction had
him doubling over as he yelled out in pain.

A right hook to Morgan’s nose dropped him like a sack of

potatoes, and Ryo leapt over his limp body, reaching Theris in one
long stride and scooping him up in his arms. “Are you okay? Are you

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“I’m okay,” he answered through panting breaths. “This baby is

coming whether we’re ready or not, though.”

“Shh, shh, okay, cher. Let’s get you home. I need you to be brave

and hold on for just another minute.”

“I need to take the soul to Hades.”
Ryo looked at him like he’d lost his mind. “You’re kidding me,


“I can’t just leave him here. He’s lost and scared.”
“I’ll take him.”
“You can’t get into Hades without a summons. I have to do it.

Relax, love. I’ll be right back.”

“You said that before,” Ryo responded, reminding him of the

fateful words he’d uttered right before he’d gotten himself trapped.

“This is different. I have to do this.” He didn’t wait for any further

argument before wiggling out of Ryo’s arms and hurrying over to
grab the spirit around the wrist. “I apologize that I don’t have more
time to finesse this.” He pointed to his belly. “I’m kind of on a
deadline here.”

“I’m ready,” the soul, Avery, answered. “Hurry, because I

definitely don’t want to deliver that thing.”

In the next blink, they were standing on the banks of the Acheron.

Theris shoved a gold drachma into Avery’s hand to pay the ferryman
then transported right back to his mate. “See?” he panted. “Here I

Ryo rolled his eyes and lifted Theris into his arms once more.

“You’re going to be the death of me.” Then he carried him over to
where his attackers were still on the floor, placed his foot on
Morgan’s back, and fisted one hand in Brad’s hair. “Let’s go have a

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Chapter Eleven

Appearing in his living room with Theris still held to his chest,

and the two assholes at his feet, Ryo was more relieved than he let on
to see Hades and Miles pacing nervously across the carpeted floor.
Danka barked twice, bounding up to them and slobbering all over
Theris’s outstretched hand in greeting.

Then the wolf dropped low, growling viciously at the intruders

who looked as though they were going to soil themselves at any
moment. Ryo had to admit he was fairly impressed that the witch was
conscious again. He hadn’t held back an ounce when he’d punched
the idiot in the face.

The last member of the trio was already seated on Ryo’s sofa,

restrained and gagged, awaiting whatever fate Ryo decided for him.
He’d been a bit surprised to learn that the guy was also mated to
Morgan and Brad, but it held no bearing on his decision to make them
each pay for what they’d done. All it had accomplished was to
postpone the inevitable until he could get all three of them together.

“We need to get him into the bedroom.” Hades spoke urgently as

he tugged on Ryo’s arm, trying to lead him down the hallway. “Miles
and Danka will keep these three in line.”

“I’ll enjoy it, even,” Miles added with an unfriendly sneer as he

loomed over the man on the sofa.

“Ahhh!” Theris cried out, digging his fingers into Ryo’s shoulders

as his face contorted into a mask of pain. “Ryo, please!”

Darting down the hallway, Ryo kicked open the bedroom door

and rushed Theris inside, placing him gently near the bottom of the
mattress and removing his silly pajama bottoms. “What do I do?”

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Fuck, he felt like he was drowning. In all the ways he’d pictured this
scene playing out, he’d never imagined he’d be the one to bring his
child into the world. “Do we need hot water?”

Hades cocked an eyebrow and smirked. “What do you plan to do

with that water?”

“I don’t know!” Ryo snapped. “That’s what they do in the movies.

Hot water and towels. I need hot water and towels.”

Hades laughed all the way out of the room but didn’t argue with

him. Hopefully, he was going to retrieve the items Ryo had asked for.
Gods, he didn’t know what the hell he’d do with them once he had
them in his hands, but it made him feel better to be barking out orders
and at least pretending that he had a clue.

“Okay, I can do this. I can do this. Babies are born every day. It’s

completely natural.” While he babbled, he just stood here, staring
down at his mate, practically paralyzed by indecision. “Okay, we’re
having a baby.”

“I beg your pardon?” Theris growled up at him. “I believe I am

having a baby. You just get to stand there and look pretty.” Suddenly,
his face went deathly pale, his eyes widened, and he began to shake so
violently, Ryo was afraid he’d vibrate right off the bed. “Something’s

“No, it’s not.” Ryo refused to believe it. “Hades is bringing the


“To hell with the bloody towels! Something is wrong with the

baby! He’d dying, Ryo. I can feel it! Get him out! Save him!”

Ryo had no medical training, no anesthesia, and was ill prepared

to handle the crisis. “I can’t just cut you open, cher.”

“I don’t care!” Theris screamed at him. “Save him. Do

something!” Tears streamed down his cheeks, and there was a
hysterical light in his eyes that scared the hell out of Ryo. “Why are
you just standing there?”

“Easy, angel. Deep breaths. C’mon, cher, breathe for me.” Falling

to his knees, Ryo placed both hands on his lover’s naked belly,

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concentrating all of his energy on the life inside. Almost at once, he
was overcome by the sensation of choking, smothering, gasping for
air but unable to pull enough into his lungs.

“I want you to push. You can do this, Theris. I know it hurts, cher,

but you can do this. Don’t give up on me now.”

As the moments ticked by, Ryo could feel the life draining from

the sweet, innocent child as he struggled to hang on long enough to
see the world. Despair and anger filled his heart and made his throat
burn with emotions. “Almost, Theris. You doing so well, mon doux
” Ryo just didn’t know if it was going to be enough.

* * * *

“Ryo, I really have no jurisdiction over the living,” Hades tried to

explain. “It’s already been three weeks, but I can’t keep them

“Then kill them,” he said with a shrug. “I really don’t care.” His

grandfather, the witch, the shifters—he didn’t give a damn about what
happened to them as long as they suffered the same pain he had.

“You know I can’t just kill them.”
Ryo shrugged again. “Then I’ll kill them.”
“You certainly will not.” Theris gave him a disapproving look as

he entered the kitchen. “You are a better man than that, Ryo Dantis.”

“What? We should let them go so they can do this to someone

else? They know your name, Theris. Please, be reasonable.”

“I am reasonable, but believe me, there are much worse

punishments than death.”

“What exactly did you have in mind?”
“We turn the troublesome trio over to UPAC. Let them deal with

the problem.” A positively wicked smile curled the corners of his lips.
“As for your grandfather, I say we whisper his true name into the ear
of a mortal who can bind him. I imagine he’d be thrilled to serve a

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It actually wasn’t a bad idea, but Ryo wanted to be sure that

UPAC wouldn’t let Brad and his mates off with nothing more than a
slap on the wrist. “Can you keep them another couple of days?” he
asked Hades. “I’d like to speak personally to the elders.”

Hades sighed but bobbed his head in affirmation. “Sure.”
A loud wail ripped through the room, followed by a hiccup-like

cry that had become Ryo’s daily wake-up call—usually coming well
before daybreak. “Not again,” Theris whined. “He’s especially fussy
today, and I just don’t know what to do for him.”

Ryo held his hands out, accepting the small bundle and cradling

the child to his chest. “Are you giving your papa fits, my love?” He
stroked the boy’s cheek with his forefinger, uncaring that he was most
likely smiling like a lovesick fool. “There’s my boy,” he cooed when
Andon quieted but for a soft, adorable gurgle.

Never again did he want to feel the debilitating despair he’d felt in

those few moments during Andon’s delivery when he thought he
might lose the child before ever getting to meet him. It had been touch
and go for the first few seconds of his life, and Ryo had been sure
he’d lose the fight. That first indignant cry from that tiny mouth had
been the most glorious sound he’d ever heard.

“Well, that’s just dandy.” Theris crossed his arms over his chest

and huffed. “We wouldn’t want him to choose favorites or anything.”

Chuckling under his breath, Ryo looped his arm around Theris’s

waist and pulled him close to kiss his temple. “You’re exhausted and
cranky, cher. He can feel that, nothing more. It doesn’t mean he loves
you any less.”

“I know.” Sighing tiredly, Theris nuzzled against the side of his

neck, leaning heavily against Ryo’s side. “He sleeps nearly twenty
hours a day. How is it that I feel as though he never sleeps?”

“If I promise not to drop him, sit on him, or carry him around by

one foot, will you please go get some rest?”

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“You are a fool,” Theris said through his chuckles. “Fine, then.

You two have fun.” Then he gave a little wave to Hades and shuffled
out of the room with a yawn.

“You two need some time alone.”
Ryo liked the sound of that, but it wasn’t going to happen. “Good

luck. Theris takes overprotective to a whole new level. He rarely even
leaves me alone with Andon.”

“Then maybe we won’t tell him. Surely you can distract him for a

few hours.”

Ryo hadn’t been intimate with his mate since before Andon was

born. He had so much pent-up desire in him, he could most likely
occupy Theris for an entire day, and it still wouldn’t be enough. He
would take what he could get, though. “Are you volunteering to

“I’m very good with children, I’ll have you know.” The god

sniffed haughtily but ruined it by winking. “I’d be honored to watch
the little tyke.”

“Good.” Ryo stood and passed the baby over to a startled-looking

Hades. “You can practice now. I have a meeting with some
unsuspecting elders.”

* * * *

Theris woke to the sound of music and laughter. He recognized

Hades’s voice, as well as that of his mate, Miles. Danka was barking
excitedly, happy by whatever was happening in the living room. The
one voice he didn’t hear, however, was Ryo’s.

Crawling out of bed, he swiped his fingers through his hair to

tame his unruly curls and stretched his arms over his head. His body
was finally getting back to normal, but he didn’t like the little pooch
he still carried just below his belly button. Oh, well. It was worth it
for the gift he’d been given.

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Pulling on a pair of artfully ripped, bright yellow jeans and his

favorite purple tank top, he curled his toes in the carpet, trying to
decide if it was warm enough to go without socks. No matter the
temperature outside or in the house, his feet were always cold.
Digging a pair of blue-and-green striped socks from the top dresser
drawer, he tugged them onto his feet, smiling happily at all the bright,
beautiful colors.

Stepping into the living room, he couldn’t believe what he was

seeing. Hades—god of the Underworld—had Andon in his arms,
twirling him in slow circles as he laughed and sang along with the
music. Big, bad hellhound, Miles, had Danka’s front paws in his
hands, dancing from side to side as the wolf barked and yipped,
showing off what a smart animal he was.

“Theris!” Hades called when he caught sight of him. “Come join


“Where is Ryo?”
“He had something to take care of,” Miles said distractedly.

“Don’t worry about it. He’ll be back in a few. Come dance with us.”

It did look like fun, and even Andon appeared to be enjoying

himself. Reaching out to take his son from Hades’s arms, he nuzzled
against the boy’s soft cheek and hummed. “Go dance with your

“Well, if you insist.” Approaching Miles, Hades bowed low to

Danka, sweeping his arm around his midsection. “Mind if I cut in,
good sir?”

“Who said I wanted to dance with you?”
Hades swatted his mate on the ass and jerked the man forward by

his belt loop. “I don’t recall asking.”

Oh, they were a pair. Theris didn’t think he’d ever met two people

more in love—not counting him and Ryo, of course. They were so
perfectly suited for one another, and though they bickered like an old
married couple, it was beyond obvious how much they adored one

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The upbeat song ended, replaced by something slower and more

romantic. Andon yawned and rubbed his little nose over Theris’s
shoulder, a sure sign that it was nap time. Sure enough, the little guy
conked out before the chorus even began. Settling him into his
bassinet near the window, Theris patted his thigh a few times to make
sure he didn’t stir and turned around—bumping right into a solid wall
of rippling muscle.

“Would you care to dance, my angel?” Ryo literally swept him off

his feet, swirling them in a circle as he pulled Theris close, molding
their bodies together. One arm wrapped around his waist, the other
massaged the muscles at the back of his neck, and Theris couldn’t
stop the little moan that bubbled up through his lips.

“Where have you been, love?”
“Speaking to the elders. They have the perfect mortal in mind for

my dear grandfather—a little eighteen-year-old, newly practicing
Wiccan who thinks the world starts and stops with him.”

Theris buried his face against Ryo’s chest to muffle his laughter.

“A wise decision, I’m sure. How do they know his real name, though?
I thought you couldn’t tell them.”

“I can’t.” Ryo’s grin stretched from ear to ear. “My grandmother

can, however. She’s never forgiven him for what he did to my mom
and dad. When she found out he’d tried to do the same to me, she was
very cooperative.”

“Understandably so, I’d say.” Theris hadn’t met the woman, but

he imagined he was going to like her a lot. “And the others?”

Ryo was quiet for a long time before he slipped his fingers under

Theris’s chin, urging his head up for a soft kiss. “They’ll be dealt
with,” he whispered. “Don’t worry about it anymore.”

That sounded horribly ominous, but for once, Theris decided to

take his lover’s advice and push the thoughts from his mind. “This is

“It is. I miss having you all to myself, even for just a little while.”

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Theris fully agreed, but Andon wouldn’t be so little forever. “I

love you, Ryo.”

“Ah, and I love you, cher.”
They continued to sway to the music in comfortable silence,

expressing everything with their bodies rather than their lips. It was
one of those rare and special moments when nothing else existed
around them and everything was perfect in the world. Now, if he
could just figure out a way to have a few of these moments in the
nude, he’d be right as rain.

“Ah, shit,” Miles cursed. Theris glanced over just in time to see

him pull a black watch from his pocket. “I hate this shit.” Then he
sighed, kissed Hades on the forehead, and disappeared from the room.

“Have you not been able to find a replacement, then?”
Hades sighed and plopped down on the sofa. “Not yet. I’m afraid

there’s no one quite like you, Theris. It’s a job you’re called to do, not
one I can simply assign.”

Theris was incredibly happy to be free of the responsibility, but

there was a measure of guilt that his freedom was having such a
negative result for Hades and Miles. “Maybe I could help out until
you find someone new.”

“No, you won’t,” Ryo said at once. “If you think for one minute

that I’m ever letting you out of my sight again…” The Djinn trailed
off, leaving the threat open ended. It was a little theatrical and a lot
over the top, but Theris supposed the man had good reason to be so

“He’s right,” Hades agreed to his surprise. “Don’t worry, Theris.

Miles whines a lot, but he’ll be okay.”

“That’s it!” Miles grumbled, returning to the room, soaking wet

and dripping water all over the carpet. “That little shit pushed me into
the Acheron. I quit.”

“I’m sorry, love.” Hades didn’t look sorry in the least, though. In

fact, he looked like he was trying his best not to burst into peals of
laughter. “I’m sure he feels just awful about your mishap.”

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Miles snorted rudely. “I tried to help him into the boat, and he

pushed me over the edge.” His arms crossed over his chest, and he
looked so indignant that Theris had to turn his face to Ryo’s chest to
hide his smile. “He laughed.”

“I think your people skills could use some work,” Theris

suggested, shaking with the effort to hold in his own laughter.

“I don’t like people, and I still quit.” Miles pulled both watches

from his pocket and tossed them to his mate. “You know I love you,
but I’m not cut out for this crap.”

“Very well, Miles.”
This conversation was doing very little to ease his conscience

about leaving the god of the Underworld high and dry. He had a
family to think about now. Miles obviously wasn’t suited for the
position. Who, though? There had to be someone with the disposition
needed for the task.

It wouldn’t be fair to trick someone, nor would it work if it was

forced upon them. It needed to be someone sympathetic, sensitive,
and understanding. Someone like…“What about Avery?”

“Avery?” Hades looked up at him in confusion.
“Avery Christian. You know, the bloke they used to lure me to

that dungeon. He’s suffered, yet he’s still pure. He’d be perfect.”

Hades sat quietly for a long time, clearly mulling over the idea. “I

can’t force him, but I think it’s a fantastic suggestion.”

Andon began to squirm and fuss in his bassinet, signaling that

playtime was officially over. “That’s my cue.” Miles looked almost
fearful of the crying infant as he jerked Hades up, slung the smaller
man over his shoulder, and vanished from the room.

“I’ll get him,” Ryo offered.
“No, it’s fine. Besides, I’m starving, and you’re a much better

chef than I am.”

“Tricky little brat.”
Theris made kissy faces as he lifted his son and began bouncing

him gently. “You love it.”

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With a little huff and a crooked smile, Ryo bobbed his head in

agreement. “Yeah, I guess I do.”

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Chapter Twelve

“It was really nice of Hades to watch Andon for a couple of


Ryo had been able to keep the biggest surprise of the night a

secret, but he hadn’t felt right about not telling Theris where their son
was. The man would have absolutely lost his mind, and that would
have ended their night of adventure before they even had a chance to
get started.

“Did you have a good time tonight?”
“It was brilliant!” Theris wore a dopey grin on his face as he

swung their clasped hands between them. They could have just
teleported into their house, but it was such a beautiful night, clear and
warm with a nice breeze. It wasn’t often they got to be normal, either,
but what was more normal that a moonlit stroll with his lover?

So Ryo had flashed them to the edge of their property instead,

thrilled when Theris agreed that a walk was a wonderful idea. And
that was the point, after all. Everything he did was to see that
gorgeous smile, and he wouldn’t apologize for it. Theris and Andon
were his entire life, and Ryo had never had so much to be thankful

“Can you believe I’ve never seen a movie in an actual theater

before?” Theris’s brow scrunched, and he looked up with a
questioning expression. “I really expected there to be more people

Ryo’s hand twitched guiltily. “Maybe it wasn’t a very popular

movie.” Theris didn’t need to know that he’d bought every available

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ticket for the movie, or that it was because he was still nervous about
letting people too close to his mate.

“So, we still have a couple of hours before they bring the little one

home.” The dark angel slithered closer to him as they reached the top
step of their front porch and ran one finger down the buttons on Ryo’s
pinstriped shirt. “What do you suggest we do to pass the time?”

It had been nearly three months since Andon joined them, and

even longer than that since Ryo had really gotten the chance to play
with his lover. The anticipation of what he had planned was almost
too much to contain. “Let me show you.”

Taking Theris’s wrist, he flashed them to the new library inside

their home, grinning at the angel’s soft gasp. Gripping the edge of one
of the bookshelves, he pulled it back from the wall, revealing a
narrow doorway and a small room beyond.

“I adore the way you think.” Preceding him into the room,

Theris’s face lit up like Christmas had come early as he perused the
array of toys hanging from the walls. “This is fantastic, love!”

Ryo had a suspicion that Theris would like the room, but he was

pleasantly surprised at the enthusiasm with which it was received.
Closing the door behind him and waving his hand to light the candles
placed on high shelves around the room, he let the love in his heart
lead him, following his instincts to give his mate exactly what he

“No magic in here, Theris, other than to create a different setting.


“I don’t want any arguments or persuasions to try and change my

mind. Agreed?”

“Yes,” Theris repeated, sounding a little breathless.
“Then remove your clothes and go kneel in front of the rack with

your hands behind your back.”

Theris moved quickly, removing his clothes with a fluid grace as

though unwrapping an especially treasured gift. In many ways, that

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was exactly what he was doing. Ryo continued to indulge himself for
another moment before he turned away, crossing to the opposite wall
to select the tools he’d need to give Theris the most pleasure possible.

When he had everything he needed, he removed his own clothing,

setting them aside on one of the benches, and carried his toys over to
the rack where Theris knelt, his posture perfect, and his hands linked
over the small of his back. “Very good, cher.”

Placing the items in his hand on the table beside the bench, he

kept only a lubed butt plug as he motioned for Theris to rise. “Hold on
to the side bar and arch your back.”

Theris did as directed, gripping the iron bar and bending from the

waist. Then he curved his back, tilting his hips up in offering and
placing his pink rosette on clear display. Since they’d returned to their
nightly consummations, there wasn’t much preparation involved. The
minute the tip of the clear silicone touched Theris’s fluttering hole,
the muscles relaxed, opening easily for him.

The small ripple that went through his mate as he worked the toy

into his ass was sexy as sin and had his cock hard and aching within
seconds. Then, of course, there were those naughty sounds of pure
pleasure that drove him wild, but he’d prepared for that as well.

Once the flat base rested snuggly against Theris’s pert bottom,

Ryo gave him a little tap on the hip and placed a kiss on his nape. “Up
you go.”

Theris didn’t say a word, nor did his expression give anything

away, but Ryo could practically feel the excitement flowing off of
him as he clasped the leather bands around his lover’s ankles and

Brushing his fingertips down Theris’s sides, Ryo dipped his head

and placed a light nip over the mating seal on the man’s hip. It
probably said bad things about him that he so enjoyed seeing physical
evidence that Theris truly belonged to him. He really didn’t care,

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Picking up the next item from the table, Ryo held it up, presenting

it to his lover and waiting for the okay. Theris’s eyes widened
marginally, but he nodded without hesitation, even opening his mouth
to receive the rubber bit gag.

“This is thinner and smaller than regular gags,” he explained as he

slipped the long, thin piece of rubber between his mate’s teeth and
attached the strap to the large rings on the either end, securely fitting
it around Theris’s head. “This should be much more comfortable for
you than a ball.”

Task completed, he returned to the table, holding up the next three

items for Theris’s inspection. “Since this is your first time, I’ll let you
choose. Paddle.” He turned the piece of wood one way and another
before setting it aside. “Crop.” Trailing the soft tip over Theris’s
thigh, he snapped it lightly against his skin. “Flogger.”

Theris began to tremble, and his breathing increased at once. A

long, lusty moan poured out around the bit when Ryo brushed the soft
leather tails up the man’s legs and over his hips. Ah, so they’d found a

He circled the rack twice, running the supple, flexible leather over

Theris’s skin, allowing him to get used to the feel. It was a good
beginner flogger, not too thick or stiff. Maybe one day they’d be able
to work up to the latigo leather, but if not, Ryo wouldn’t complain. It
was all about mutual pleasure, giving each other what they craved,
and the soft Egyptian flogger currently in his hand suited that need

After a second time around, he came to a stop behind Theris,

rubbing his palm over the tight muscles of his lover’s ass cheek. “Are
you ready, cher?” At Theris’s curt nod, Ryo delivered the first
stinging swat to the angel’s backside.

* * * *

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Each time the flogger landed against his skin, Theris bit down on

the gag in his mouth as he fought the urge to come. His skin stung, his
muscles protested, and heat spread to all parts of his body. The
rhythmic slap of leather against his skin was the only sound in the
room, other than his labored breathing, and eventually, he felt himself

It was no longer the bindings or the rack that held him place, but

the whoosh of air, the sting of leather, and the deep, pleasurable burn
that made his dick jerk as it leaked freely from the slit. His body felt
weightless, boneless, and even his brain seemed to melt as he drifted
outside of himself.

The flogger cracked across his back, his buttocks, and the back of

his thighs. Never landing in the same place twice in a row, but
maintaining an unfailing tempo. Snap. Pause. Pause. Snap. Again and
again, Ryo pushed his limits, tested his endurance, but never gave him
more than he could take.

The man knew him so well, could interpret each subtle shift of his

body or change in his breathing. Was it a wonder he trusted his lover
so completely? He’d never allowed anyone else to have such control
over him, but with Ryo, it was as instinctual as breathing.

The strikes to his backside began to slow, becoming less intense,

less forceful, until it stopped altogether. “You did beautifully,” Ryo
praised him, stroking his heated skin and kissing up the side of his

The straps were unbuckled from his ankles first, and then his

wrists, removing the support that was keeping him upright. Theris
wasn’t worried, though. Ryo held him easily, helping him down from
the rack and keeping him steady as he attempted to stand on his
shaking legs.

“Are you ready for more?”
Theris nodded firmly, willing and ready for whatever else Ryo

wanted to give him. Leading him by the shoulders, Ryo positioned the
back of his knees against the end of a cushioned bench, easing him

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into a sitting position. “Lay back,” Ryo said, keeping his voice low,
soothing, almost hypnotizing.

Stretching out on the bench with his hands above his head, Theris

sighed as the cool leather pressed against his heated skin like a
calming balm. Before he could even get his wits about him, hot, wet
suction surrounded his cock, causing his ass to clench around the plug
still stretching him open.

Taut, moist lips dragged over the rigid length of his shaft, and

Ryo’s slippery tongue flicked over the bundle of nerves under the
head of his dick. Theris clamped down on the bit between his teeth,
arching his head back and whimpering as the pressure built inside his
tight sac.

The toy in his hungry ass was twisted and pumped, sliding

without resistance over his sensitive hole and bumping against his
prostate in an assault against his senses. Something cold, hard, and
unyielding circled the base of his prick while smooth straps cradled
his balls, holding them snuggly against his groin.

“’Ou chea’ed,” he accused around the gag in his mouth when his

jumbled brain realized that Ryo didn’t have enough hands to
accomplish all the tasks he’d just performed.

Pulling his mouth off Theris’s dick with a quiet pop, Ryo smiled

at him all cocky and pleased. “My rules, cher.”

A foam wedge was situated beneath his hips, lifting his bottom

half and causing his tired legs to fall open in surrender. Ryo continued
to tease him, though, pinching and pulling at his nipples while sliding
his heavy cock over the crease of Theris’s groin. His own dick flexed
in response, tugging against the holster surrounding his balls and
pulsing against the metal ring around the root that connected to the

“Mmm, I love the way you smell.” Ryo purred, extracting the toy

and replacing it with the thick, flared helmet of his cock. “Love the
way you feel.” The tip of his dick sank into his hole and retreated.

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“Love the sounds you make.” Ryo did it again, pushing in more of his
length this time before pulling out completely.

The man was going to drive him mad with his games, but it was

such deliciously erotic torture. Long fingers kneaded the flesh on his
hip, and Ryo’s plush lips journeyed along the curve of his jawline.
“Do you want to fly, Theris?”

Without giving him a chance to respond, Ryo finally sank into

Theris’s channel, sheathing himself to the root and groaning
gutturally into his ear. What started slow and methodical quickly
turned to wild and unrestrained. Ryo’s hips moved in lightning-quick
strokes, slamming into Theris with hard, primal thrusts.

Their damp, sweat-slicked skin slid together, creating friction

against the tip of Theris’s bound cock while the upward tilt of his hips
provided the perfect angle for Ryo to nail his prostate on each plunge.
Theris felt like the top of his head was going to blow off and his balls
would retract inside his body if he didn’t find relief soon.

Unable to form articulate words around the bit, he settled on

moaning, whimpering, keening, and mewling, rocking his body in
tandem with his lover, meeting each thrust with fervor and
enthusiasm. So close. So very close. Just a bit more, and then he could
really fly like Ryo had promised.

Suddenly, the holster and cock ring vanished, fingers pulled at his

left nipple, and Ryo bit down on his shoulder. It wasn’t hard enough
to break the skin, but it gave him that extra pinch of pain to send him
over the edge. Crying out around his gag, Theris thrashed about,
bucking and writhing in ecstasy as his balls unloaded, spilling cum
from his cock to paint his midsection.

A strangled noise, somewhere between a growl and a groan, filled

the room, echoing off the walls as Ryo went stiff above him.
Scorching wetness coated his inner walls, filling his depths until it
leaked out of his hole and dribbled down his crease.

Wrapping his arms around Ryo’s sweaty shoulders, Theris clung

to his mate as he tried to catch his breath and will his heart rate to

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return to a less dangerous rhythm. After a while, Ryo seemed to find
his strength, rising off of him with a grunt when his flaccid cock
slipped free.

“You are the most amazing creature I have ever met,” he praised

while working open the snaps and removing the gag from Theris’s
mouth. “Come with me, cher.”

“Where are we off to?” He really didn’t want to move. At that

moment, Theris was so relaxed that he imagined he could sleep
straight through until morning.

“We’re going to get you cleaned up and tucked into bed.”
“What about the baby?”
“I’ll take care of Andon, cher, but first let me take care of you.


It wasn’t often that Ryo asked for anything, and even more

seldom that he used the P word. If it made him happy to pamper and
dote on Theris…well, who was he to argue? It wasn’t exactly a
hardship to have a man like Ryo Dantis love him.

They were such an unlikely pair that it still amazed him how

they’d found their way together. He’d gone to the gathering expecting
chaos and possibly a fatality or two, and instead he’d left with the
sexiest man in the room. Hot and cold, fire and ice, and everywhere in
between, they’d somehow made it work despite those who wanted to
keep them apart or tear them down.

“Don’t fall asleep on me,” Ryo joked, cupping the side of Theris’s

face and kissing him in that special way reserved just for lovers.
“Have I mentioned how lucky I am? Or how much I love you?”

Theris couldn’t help but chuckle. There wasn’t a day that had

gone by since his kidnapping that Ryo hadn’t expressed exactly what
Theris meant to him. It was always nice to hear, though.

“I’m not sure,” he teased, stretching up on his toes to kiss under

his mate’s chin. “Maybe you should tell me just once more. Or better
yet…” He eased out of Ryo’s embrace and began backing toward the

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door as he crooked his finger in blatant invitation. “Why don’t you
show me?”



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Gabrielle Evans grew up in a small town in southern Oklahoma.

We are talking one red light that may or may not work depending on
the day of the week. She married her high school sweetheart and the
rest is pretty much history. They have two very active boys and one
high-strung wiener dog that keeps her constantly on the go. For now,
she parks her car in central Indiana, but who knows what tomorrow
will bring.

Gabrielle believes in love at first sight, falling hard and fast,

taking chances, and grabbing your happy-ever-after with both hands.
Most importantly, she believes that a great cup of coffee can cure

For all titles by Gabrielle Evans, please visit


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Siren Publishing, Inc.



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