Evans , Gabrielle Lawful Disorder 2 Strip Tease and Search

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Lawful Disorder 2

Strip: Tease and Search

After witnessing a brutal and terrifying murder, Kellen Ross has

nowhere to turn. Something doesn’t feel right about the police

department’s lack of interest, but what does he know? Alone and

shaken, he has no idea that his life is about to change forever.

Fed up with the senseless violence, Michael Hunter lays down his

badge and walks away from it all. When he receives a call for help

just hours later, he finds that he can’t deny the enchanting voice.

Kellen is all the things he’s ever wanted in a partner—except the

fact that he’s a man.

Kellen knows better than to fall for a straight guy. But with

someone prowling about the city, determined to silence them both

once and for all, he has no choice but to depend on Michael to

keep him alive. Now, if he can just convince the man to keep him


Genre: Alternative (M/M or F/F), Contemporary
Length: 56,843 words

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Lawful Disorder 2

Gabrielle Evans



Siren Publishing, Inc.


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IMPRINT: Everlasting Classic ManLove

Copyright © 2012 by Gabrielle Evans
E-book ISBN: 1-61926-323-8

First E-book Publication: January 2012

Cover design by Jinger Heaston
All art and logo copyright © 2012 by Siren Publishing, Inc.

ALL RIGHTS RESERVED: This literary work may not be
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All characters and events in this book are fictitious. Any resemblance
to actual persons living or dead is strictly coincidental.

Siren Publishing, Inc.

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Dear Readers,

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Amanda Hilton, Publisher



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To everyone, especially Jo, who pestered me relentlessly for

Michael’s story. It was a long time coming, but thanks for the push I
needed to finally get it finished.

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Lawful Disorder 2


Copyright © 2012

Chapter One

“Why don’t you head home, Kellen? We’re done here. I’m going

to count out the register and then head out myself.”

Kellen Ross smiled at his manager and nodded. “Thanks, Brian.

Want me to take these bags out on my way?” He motioned toward the
two trash bags sitting by the back door.

It was nearing three in the morning, and Kellen was beat. His feet

ached, his hips hurt, and his eyes felt like someone had poured sand in
them. He didn’t particularly like shaking his ass for the drunk and
belligerent, but as clubs went, Infinity wasn’t the worst.

The drinks were cheap and the entertainment cheaper, which

meant they pulled in a large crowd on most nights. Brian made sure
his customers kept their hands to themselves, and the dancers were
free to accept or decline offers of more private parties. Kellen did
three numbers a night, four on weekends, and took his turn table-
hopping or pouring drinks.

Maybe it wasn’t the most respectable profession, but he was good

at it, and it paid the rent. It even gave him a little money to put back
and save for a rainy day. He had a feeling that dreary day would be
upon him sooner than he expected, too. It just seemed to be the way
his luck went.

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“That would be great.”
Kellen shook himself out of his musings to see Brian point to the

two trash bags beside the door. He’d completely forgotten his offer,
but at his boss’s prompting, he smiled and nodded. “No problem.”

“I appreciate it, kid. You got a ride home?”
That was Brian. He always looked out for his boys, but not in a

creepy, call-me-Master kind of way. He was just a good guy trying to
make an honest living. He treated his dancers with respect, and Kellen
figured he couldn’t ask for more than that.

“It’s not that far.” Kellen rolled his eyes. They had the same

discussion at least once a week. “And I’m not a kid.”

Brian chuckled and shook his head. “You’re twenty-three. That’s

a kid in my book.”

Kellen didn’t argue as he grabbed the two bags of trash and

nudged the push bar on the door with his back. He didn’t take it
personally, either. Brian was nearing forty and seemed to think that
anyone under the age of thirty was fresh off their mother’s tit. Kellen
just figured the guy needed to spend less time working and more time
scouting out the prime ass that walked into his club on nightly basis.

It wasn’t any of his business, though. Brian was an attractive guy

with his dark tan, darker hair, and tightly packed physique. He was
the boss, though, and that was a line Kellen wasn’t willing to cross.

Thinking about nothing more than a hot shower and a soft bed, he

walked down the dimly lit alleyway to deposit the garbage in the
receptacle. The walk home was only a few blocks, but with his feet
howling in pain, he definitely wasn’t looking forward to it. Maybe
one day he’d save up enough money for a car, but that day wouldn’t
be any time soon.

The sounds of grunting and scuffling had him whipping his head

around to the other side of the alley. One man was pushed against the
bricks of the building while another, much larger man, covered his
back. Kellen smirked and averted his eyes, setting the two bags on the
ground beside the overflowing dumpster. Just because he wasn’t

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getting laid tonight—or any time in the foreseeable future—far be it
for him to begrudge someone else.

Then the larger man spoke, his voice low and gravelly, and it

chilled Kellen’s blood. “Where is it, Kenny?”

“I don’t know,” the man pressed against the wall answered. His

voice sounded strained, desperate, and he was obviously scared
shitless. “Please, I swear to you. Marco was supposed to deliver it
today, but he never showed.”

Kellen’s heartbeat quickened as he pressed himself into the

shadows behind the trash bin. Whatever he’d walked up on, it wasn’t
some lovers’ tryst. Easing down the wall, he squeezed himself
between the dumpster and the brick wall, peeking around the corner
of the container just as the aggressor turned his head to check where
Kellen had been only seconds before.

The security light was busted for the third time that month, and

the only light illuminating the alley came from the neon signs perched
atop the buildings. There were no discernible features that Kellen
could pick out in the darkness, but he could see enough to know the
man was over six feet tall and built like an NFL linebacker.

Kellen estimated the man currently kissing the bricks of the tattoo

place across the alley was about his size. His hair was light, and
Kellen guessed it to be blond. He was small in stature and looked
miniscule next to his attacker.

While he knew he should go for help, Kellen couldn’t move. He

had no illusions of being some great hero, and he’d probably get his
ass beat before he even made it to the back door of Infinity. His
mouth was dry from fear, and his muscles quivered nervously. Hell,
he’d probably fall to the ground the minute he stood up and tried to

Apparently satisfied that they were alone and uninterrupted, the

big man turned back to his captive and growled as he wrenched his
slender arm farther up his back. “Don’t fuck with me, Kenny.” He

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fumbled with his belt, and Kellen felt the bile rise up his esophagus.
Was he really going to rape the man right there in the alley?

A moment later, he pulled a knife from his belt, the dim light

glinting off the long blade, and held it to the other man’s throat.
Kellen pressed the heel of his hand to his mouth and bit down on it to
keep from whimpering. This was bad. This was so very, very bad.

“I’m not, I swear!” The guy named Kenny started to sob, but he

made no effort to try and free himself. “I’ll find out for you. I’ll make
it right. I promise.”

“That’s not going to be good enough,” the muscle-bound guy said

with a sneer in his voice. “I need those files.”

“I don’t have them. Please,” Kenny pleaded. “The police took all

that stuff from Granddad’s office.”

“You’re lying.” He jerked Kenny’s arm again, causing the smaller

man to cry out.

Kellen inched farther into his hiding place and stretched out on his

stomach, trying not to gag from the stench of rotten food and who
knew what else. There was even a soiled condom on the ground, just
inches from his nose. Nice. He continued to watch the two through the
slat beneath the dumpster, praying he’d get out of there alive.

“I’m not lying! I swear! I’ll find Marco, but I don’t have those

files.” There was a feral growl, a soft yelp, and two sets of feet rushed
toward the trash cans. The metal vibrated, and a loud clang echoed
around the alley. Kellen assumed it was from Kenny’s head meeting
with the receptacle, and he squeezed his eyes closed, biting down on
his tongue until he tasted blood to keep from crying out.

“Please, oh shit, please,” Kenny sobbed. “Don’t. I swear I’ll fix

this. Please, Gor—” His pleas were cut off, replaced by a muffled
scream that was no less terrifying for its lack of volume. After only a
second, the scream morphed into a wet gurgling, and then there was

Kellen slapped a hand over his mouth to hold in his sobs when the

guy he assumed was Kenny fell to the ground, his sightless eyes

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staring straight back at him through the slat under the dumpster. A
river of blood oozed from the open wound in his throat and another
along his flank, just under the ribcage.

The knife clattered to the ground beside the man’s head, and his

murderer crouched down to search through the pockets of Kenny’s
pants. Not finding anything, or at least not what he was looking for,
he stood and kicked the dead man in the thigh. “Told you not to fuck
with me, Kenny,” he said nonchalantly, as if he’d done nothing more
than give the guy a slap on the wrist. Then he disappeared down the
alley, whistling to himself.

Kellen waited until the footsteps had died away. Then he waited

another ten minutes. Finally, when he couldn’t look into Kenny’s
sightless eyes a moment longer, he pushed up on his hands and knees
and crawled out of his hiding place. Crouching beside the trash can,
he checked the alley in both directions several times before rising to
his feet and sprinting to the back entrance of the club.

He pounded on the back service door as he glanced over his

shoulder, sure that someone would be coming for him. When the door
flew open, Kellen jumped back and shrieked, almost falling on his ass
when his legs began to shake, and his head started to spin.

“Kellen?” Brian reached out and took him by the wrist, dragging

him into the building. “What the hell is going on? What happened?”
He grabbed Kellen around his upper arms and leaned in to sniff him.
“Oh, you smell like a sewer.”

“Kenny’s dead,” Kellen said in a shaky whisper.
“What? Who the hell is Kenny?”
Kellen looked up, fighting back the tears that burned in the

corners of his eyes. “Some guy in the alley, by the dumpster. He’s
dead. He slit his throat.”

“Who slit his throat? Who’s dead?” Brain shook him roughly,

anxiety creeping into his voice. “Kellen, you’re not making any

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“Call the police. Brian, we have to call the police!” The dam

broke, and Kellen began to sob hysterically as he struggled to pull
himself out of his boss’s hold.

“Okay, okay. I’ll call.” Brian led him to his office and steered him

into the chair behind the desk. His hands were shaking, and he looked
pale, but at least he wasn’t falling apart like Kellen was.

Kellen sat there, staring at the desk but seeing only the lifeless

gaze of a man named Kenny.

* * * *

“Is that him?”
Detective Michael Hunter didn’t even glance up at his partner.

Resting his hands on his hips, he stared down at the wide-eyed gaze
of the young man sprawled on the grimy asphalt of the alleyway.
“The medical examiner will have to confirm, but that’s him.”

Eight months of chasing after Kenneth Dean, following every

lead, no matter how insignificant, and this was where it had led
them—some crap hole strip club on the city’s east side. Their sole
suspect was dead. They had nowhere else to go with the case. While
he should be happy that he could put this one behind him, he wasn’t.

He was fucking pissed. It wasn’t a rational reaction, but damn it!

Why was it that every time they started getting close to finding
answers, their suspects turned up dead? It would probably help if they
didn’t have to wade through miles of red tape or bang their heads
against a brick wall every time they got a new lead. It seemed like the
top brass was doing everything to trip them up.

His partner, Ryder Ward, shook his head and pushed a hand

through his long dark hair, but didn’t say anything. Michael knew
how he felt, though. They’d wanted this one. They’d wanted it bad.
For Ryder, it was personal because of his lover, Sidney. It was
personal for Michael as well, and much for the same reason.

“Detective! Detective! Can you answer a few questions?”

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Glancing over his shoulder, Michael groaned at the reporters

already lined up beyond the police barricade. Why couldn’t they shut
down an entire block when something like this happened? Reporters
and journalists were the last people he wanted to deal with—ever.
God, he hated those damn hyenas.

“How did they even get here so fast?” Ryder growled under his

breath. “The call came in twenty fucking minutes ago.”

Michael didn’t bother to justify the question with a response.

Ryder knew as well as he did that money exchanged several hands
around their department for such information. “Let’s just do our jobs
and get out of here.”

“Detective.” One of the uniformed officers greeted him with a dip

of his head while CSU crawled around the scene, bagging this and
swabbing that. “We’ve got the witness inside. He’s pretty shaken up,
but we did manage to get a few details from him.”

“Witness?” There was a witness? Why the fuck hadn’t anyone

told him?

“Easy,” Ryder said, squeezing Michael’s shoulder. “You want to

do this here or at the precinct?”

Michael hesitated. He wanted all the details while they were fresh

in the witness’s mind, but the last thing he needed was for someone to
come down on him for not abiding by protocol. “Tell me what you’ve
got,” he said to the officer instead.

“Kellen Ross, age twenty-three, works here at Infinity as a dancer

and bartender. He was taking out the garbage after his shift when he
saw two men across the alley over there.” He pointed toward a piece
of wall across from the body. “He assumed they were lovers until he
heard the other man threaten the victim.”

“He didn’t go for help?” Ryder asked.
“No, sir. He hid behind the trash cans. He’s a little shaky on the

details, but it sounds like he witnessed the entire thing.”

“Did you get a description of the suspect?” Michael asked.

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The officer shook his head. “I asked, but he clammed up. I’ve got

the paramedics checking him over now. I think he’s in shock.”

“Are they transporting him to the hospital?”
“I left another officer with him when they radioed that you’d

arrived, so I don’t know.”

Michael bobbed his head. “Where is he?”
The officer turned and pointed toward the open door of the club.

“We’ve got him in the manager’s office and cleared everyone else

“Did the manager see anything?” Ryder asked.
“He’s the one that made the call, but as far as we can tell, he

didn’t see anything.”

“Okay, thank you, Officer.” Michael sighed and pinched the

bridge of his nose. “Get me a list of everyone who worked last night
and what time they left the bar. If the EMTs don’t take the witness to
the hospital, I want him and the manager escorted to the precinct and
held until I can get there.”

“Yes, sir.” The officer nodded curtly and hurried away.
“Ward,” Ryder answered his ringing cell phone before Michael

could say anything else. “Right.” His eyes narrowed as his face
mottled an angry red. “I got it.” Then he flipped the phone shut and
clipped it back on his belt. “The sergeant wants to see us in his office.
Lancaster and Marks are taking over here.”

“This is bullshit,” Michael said with a growl in his voice. “We

took the call. Not to mention we’ve been working this case for almost
two goddamn years.”

Ryder didn’t look any happier than Michael felt. “I don’t like this.

Something’s up and it smells rotten.”

Pulling a roll of antacids from his pocket, Michael popped two in

his mouth to appease his burning gut. Maybe he was getting too old
for this shit. Maybe it was because he was tired of getting shut down
at every turn. Whatever it was, he was two steps away from saying
fuck his pension and disappearing to Hawaii.

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“I quit.”
Ryder chuckled darkly and shoved him to get him walking. “You

don’t quit.”

No, he probably wouldn’t, but everyone needed a dream.

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Chapter Two

“What the fuck do you mean he’s not here?” Michael exploded.
“Calm down, Hunter.” Sergeant Eric Cross rested a hip on his

polished mahogany desk and crossed his arms over his chest. “I didn’t
say the witness wasn’t here. I just said that you won’t be seeing him.
Kenneth Dean is dead, and so is your case. You’re being reassigned.”

“With all due respect,” Ryder said, though his tone held little in

the way of respect, “the case is not dead. Our main suspect might
have bit the big one, but there’s reason to believe that his murder is
directly connected to the deaths of those boys in the harbor.”

“Lancaster and Marks are taking over the investigation at Infinity.

If they feel that the two are related, we’ll look into it. As of now,
we’re treating it as a separate entity.”

“Don’t push me, Ward.” Cross stood straight and let his arms drop

to his side. “You’re too close to this case as it is. You’re lucky the
Chief pulled some strings for you, because I’d have had your ass
reassigned so fast it would make your head spin.”

While Michael knew that was true, he also knew that there was no

one else better suited to work the case. When young men had started
disappearing from the streets and winding up dead in the harbor, he’d
thought the department would never get the break they needed. Then
Sidney Kessler showed up in the hospital, starved, beaten, and scared
of his own shadow.

Maybe they hadn’t done things exactly by the book, but a good

detective knew when to bend the rules a little. And when someone
like Ryder Ward fell in love, the rest of the world had better move out

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of the way. They’d been friends for years, and Michael didn’t trust
anyone like he did his partner. What they had, though, was nothing
compared to the fierce loyalty and protectiveness Ryder had for

“You can’t pull us off this case. We’ve logged the man hours and

know this thing inside and out. Lancaster is an idiot, and Marks is still
wet behind the ears.” Michael knew his words had fallen on deaf ears
when the sergeant merely glanced at him before returning his
attention to Ryder.

“I’m not going to argue with you on this. You’ll be briefed on

your assignment in the morning. Go get some rest.”

“No.” Michael fisted his hands at his sides and glared. “You’re

making a mistake.”

“Are you challenging me, Hunter?” Cross stepped closer, trying to

use his height and girth to intimidate. It wasn’t working.

“Yes. This is bullshit, and you know it. I don’t know who’s

leaning on you, but this is our case.”

The sergeant sighed and shook his head, deflating right before

Michael’s eyes. “Good-bye, Hunter.”

“Sarge, don’t pull us off this case.” It wasn’t begging. It was a


“My hands are tied.” Cross turned his back and strode around his

desk. “Go home, boys. There’s nothing else that you can do tonight.”

For nearly two years Michael had felt the sneaky suspicion that

there was something shady going on within the department. Now he
was sure of it. Pulling them off a case they’d been working on for that
long and handing it over to someone fresh off the beat not only made
zero sense, it just wasn’t done.

He kept trying to do his job, and the brass kept trying to make it

virtually impossible. He was tired, fed up, and worn down. He
couldn’t keep fighting the bad in the city and his superiors.

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Removing his gun from its holster and his badge from his pocket,

he placed both on Cross’s desk and slid them forward to the middle.
Without a word, he turned on his heels and marched out of the office.

Footsteps hurried up behind him, and Ryder fell into step at his

side. “A little dramatic, don’t you think?”

Michael sighed and pushed a hand through his shaggy hair. He

needed a haircut. “I’m tired of pulling kids out of the harbor or
finding them raped, beaten, cracked-out, or dead in the alleys. Every
day I watch parents lose their children, husbands grieve over their
dead wives, and kids left orphaned all because bad things happen to
good people. In this job, we don’t just see the bad. We see the very
worst. I’m exhausted, Ryder.”

“You’re a damn good detective. What are you going to do now?”

There was no judgment in his voice. Ryder was simply curious, and
maybe a little concerned.

Unfortunately, Michael didn’t have a good answer for him. “I

became a detective because that’s what was expected of me. My dad,
my granddad, my great-granddad—you get the picture. It was what I
was supposed to do, but I’ve never loved it like you. To be honest, I
just don’t think I’m cut out for it. I don’t know what I’ll do, but
anything is better than seeing one more set of sightless eyes and
knowing I can’t help them.”

“You know this means that I’m going to have to break in a new

partner. I ought to kick your ass for that.” Ryder bumped their
shoulders together and grinned at him. “You gonna be okay with

That was just like Ryder. Always looking out for him. “I’ve got

some money put away. It’ll last me until I figure out what I want to
do. I do like the investigative part of the job. Maybe I’ll look into
getting my P.I. license.” There wasn’t much else out there that he was
qualified for other than flipping burgers or running security detail at
the clubs in town.

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“Well, come by for dinner tomorrow. I know Sidney has been

wanting to see you, and Nana is bringing her new boyfriend.”

Michael grimaced. Claire Ward was like his own grandmother,

and the thought of her dating made him uncomfortable. She was the
sweetest woman in the world and deserved someone who made her
happy. Michael just wasn’t sure if there was anyone out there good
enough for her.

“She’s bringing her famous chocolate cake, too,” Ryder added.
“I’m in.”

* * * *

“I can go?” Kellen frowned as he was led out of the small

interrogation room. He’d witnessed a brutal murder, and they were
just going to send him on his merry way after a few questions? That
didn’t seem right at all.

“Just talk to the officer at the front desk about getting a ride

home.” One of the detectives gave him a little nudge in the direction
before turning around like Kellen had never even been there.

Fumbling nervously with the buttons on his shirt and feeling self-

conscious about the stains covering it, he walked through the precinct
until he came to the desk the detective had pointed toward. “Excuse
me?” he asked the handsome officer behind the desk. “I’m supposed
to talk to you about getting home.”

The man looked up at him and frowned. “Name?”
“Kellen Ross, sir.”
The officer—O’Dell, his name tag read—tapped at the keyboard

and scanned the computer screen. “You’re not in the system.”

Kellen didn’t have a clue what that meant, so he didn’t know if it

was good or bad. “Umm, well could you maybe just call me a cab? Or
is there a pay phone I can use?”

“Why were you brought in?”

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He really didn’t want to relive the entire episode again, so Kellen

just gave the shortened version. “I was here to answer some questions
about something that happened over near Club Infinity.”

O’Dell’s eyes widened, and he looked over his shoulder—for

what, Kellen didn’t know—then turned back around in his chair. He
stood and walked around the desk, grabbing Kellen around the upper
arm and leading him toward the exit. “There’s a pay phone right
across the street,” he said a bit too loudly.

“O–Okay,” Kellen stuttered as he was dragged out the doors and

down the steps of the police station. Why the hell were these people
acting so strange? The detectives had barely asked him any questions
and didn’t look as though they were even listening when he answered

Once down the steps, O’Dell changed directions, pulling him

toward the parking lot and behind a row of police cruisers. Kellen
started to panic. What the hell was going on? Had he done something
wrong? “What are you doing?”

“Keep your voice down.” O’Dell stopped and searched the

parking lot, clearly checking to make sure they were alone. Then he
dug a small notepad and a pencil from his pocket and began
scribbling on it. “I don’t know what’s going on, but something isn’t

“I was kind of thinking the same thing,” Kellen admitted quietly.
O’Dell ripped off a piece of paper and pushed it into his hands.

“Don’t go home. Go straight to that pay phone and dial this number.
Ask for Michael Hunter. He’s a detective here, and you can trust him.
He’ll help you.”

Kellen stared at the piece of paper then back up at O’Dell. “Why

are you doing this?”

“Just go.” The officer scanned the parking lot again. “I’ll stand on

the steps and watch you until you finish your call. After that I want
you to go straight inside that convenience store until Hunter comes to
get you. Got it?”

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“What are you going to say if someone asks why you’re standing


“I’ll tell them the truth. You were scared and it’s dark. I was just

keeping an eye on you until you could get inside. That’s what we’re
here for after all.” O’Dell offered him a half smile and pushed his
shoulder gently to get him moving. “Get going.”

Nodding once, Kellen shoved the piece of paper into his pocket

and jogged across the street to the pay phone just at the corner of the
small building. Lifting it from its cradle and pressing it to his ear, he
was almost shocked to hear a dial tone.

Digging in his pocket again, he extracted a handful of coins and

the phone number the officer had given him. He really hoped he
wasn’t making a mistake by trusting the man. Depositing the quarters
and punching in the numbers, he held his breath as he waited for
someone to pick up on the other end.

“Hunter,” a deep, rich voice answered on the third ring.
“Michael Hunter?” Kellen asked cautiously. “Detective Michael


“No title, but yeah, I’m Michael. Who is this?”
“My name is Kellen Ross. I don’t really know what’s going on,

but an officer named O’Dell gave me your number and said you could
help me.”

“Rayce gave you my number?”
“Well, I didn’t get his first name, but I guess so. Look, I’ve had a

really shitty night. I’m tired, cold, and I’m scared. I don’t know why
he told me to call you or how you can help me, but if you can, I’d
really appreciate it.”

“What are you at the police station for?” He didn’t sound eager to

jump in and play the white knight, but at least he was still talking.

“I witnessed a murder behind Club Infinity. Some officers brought

me to the police station, and then these two idiot detectives pretended
to interrogate me. After that, they just told me to go home.” Kellen
took a deep breath to steady his nerves. “What if someone saw me?

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What if they know who I am? Is it really safe to go home?” His
bottom lip trembled, and his voice was quivering by the time he’d
finished speaking. He couldn’t remember ever being so scared in his

“Yes?” he whispered back.
“Where exactly are you?”
“Across the street at the all-night convenience store. Officer

O’Dell said I should go inside and wait once I’d finished talking to

“Where is O’Dell?”
Kellen looked over his shoulder to find the man standing on the

steps of the precinct, right where he said he’d be. He relayed the
information to Michael.

“Hang up the phone and go back to the station. You stick to

O’Dell like glue until I get there. Got it?”

He bobbed his head. Then realizing that Michael couldn’t see him,

he said, “Yeah, I got it. He said I should stay here, though.”

“Kellen, go back to the police station,” Michael said, slow and

coaxing. “I’m going to help you, but you have to trust me, okay?”

“Yeah, okay. Will you be here soon?”
“Ten minutes tops. Now hang up and walk across the street. I’ll

give you one minute. Tell O’Dell to expect a call.” Then the line went

Kellen hung up the phone and strode back across the street as

directed. He could read the frown on the officer’s face before he even
made it to the steps. “Michael says to expect a call in one minute, and
I should stick to you like glue until he gets here.”

“Then come with me. I’ll get you some coffee that’ll knock down

a horse and put hair on your chest.”

“I’m a dancer, so no thanks,” Kellen said seriously.
O’Dell gave him a strange look as he held the door open. Then he

shook his head and chuckled under his breath. “Not another one.”

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“Another what?”
“I know someone—” The man cut himself off and waved a hand

in front of his face. “It doesn’t matter. Have a seat over here by my
desk. Do you have family or someone you need to call?”

Kellen shook his head. “No family. It’s just me.” It didn’t make

him sad, nor did he feel sorry for himself. It was just a fact. So it
confused him when the officer gave him a look full of concern. “I was
never close to my parents, and I took off once I got the money saved
up. It’s not a major loss.” He didn’t know why he was telling the guy
this. Maybe it was so he wouldn’t have to see that look in his eyes
anymore. It was a little too close to pity, and Kellen didn’t need
anyone to feel sorry for him.

Before either of them could speak again, the phone rang, right on

schedule. O’Dell hurried around his desk to answer it, and Kellen
settled into the wooden chair, wondering what was going to happen to
him next.

His thoughts strayed to the warm, sexy voice of Michael Hunter,

and he shivered involuntarily. He had no business thinking about the
man in any way but professionally. Hell, he didn’t even know what
Michael looked like.

If his appearance in any way matched his voice, though, Kellen

was in trouble.

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Chapter Three

Pulling into the parking lot to the side of the station building,

Michael once again debated the wisdom of his decision. When he’d
turned in his badge and his weapon, he hadn’t expected to be
returning quite so soon. Then again, he hadn’t expected the phone call
he’d received, either. The simple fact that Kellen Ross had witnessed
a heinous murder and been free to call him half an hour later only
deepened his suspicions that something awful was going on within the

The cop in him wanted to interrogate the man with the soft,

musical voice. He’d only been a civilian for an hour or so.
Apparently, it wasn’t something he could just shut off on a whim.
He’d have to work on that.

Another part of him, a part he didn’t want to analyze too closely,

had responded to the fear in Kellen’s voice and wanted to protect him.
If someone had asked him which reason had him stepping out of his
vehicle and striding toward the front doors, he’d have lied and said
the first.

Officer Rayce O’Dell laughed and shook his head, his eyes intent

on the man sitting beside him behind the desk. Was that Kellen? He
looked so young, and it broke Michael’s heart that the kid had seen
what he had in that alley. Stepping to the side of the double glass
doors, Michael peeked inside, watching the two men together.

Kellen’s pin-straight hair fell down just past his shoulders and was

so blond that it looked almost white. He was small in stature, his face
soft and round, making him look even younger. He had a smile on his
face as he spoke to Rayce, waving his hands around animatedly to

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emphasize whatever point he was trying to make. It was kind of cute,
and Michael found himself smiling softly.

He couldn’t stand on the front steps all night, though. Pushing

through one of the doors, he pulled his baseball cap lower over his
eyes and strolled casually toward the front desk. With any luck he’d
be able to get Kellen, say a couple of words to Rayce, and get the hell
out before anyone noticed him.

Their conversation came to a halt when Rayce saw him. He patted

Kellen’s arm and gave a subtle dip of his head to indicate Michael as
he approached. Both men rose to their feet, and Rayce greeted him
with a handshake. “Thanks for coming,” he said quietly. Then he
turned to the guy beside him to make the introductions. “This is
Kellen Ross. Kellen, this is Michael Hunter.”

Rayce looked at Michael curiously. Michael knew what was

coming and hurried to head off the questioning. Undoubtedly, the
officer had heard the rumors by now. “We’ll talk later.”

“Yeah, all right. I hate to drag you out like this, but…” Rayce

trailed off and glanced around to see if anyone was eavesdropping.

“I get it.” Michael cut him off, knowing better than anyone that

just because they didn’t see them, didn’t mean that someone wasn’t
watching, listening, and judging every move they made. “We need to
leave.” It didn’t escape his attention that Kellen hadn’t spoken a
single word since he’d arrived, but just then, he didn’t have time to
worry about it. “How bad is it?”

Luckily, he didn’t have to spell it out. Rayce knew exactly what

he was asking. Just how many of their coworkers—his former
colleagues—were going out of their way to ignore protocol and not do
their jobs?

“I don’t know. I’d guess not good.”
That was all Michael needed to hear. Either way, it wasn’t his

problem. He’d keep an eye on Kellen, make sure he didn’t wind up in
a different, though similar, alley somewhere. He was just doing it
until he could get in touch with Ryder. The guy would definitely want

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to question Kellen and possibly see if he could find a connection to
Kenneth Dean that could get him back on the case.

That was what Michael told himself anyway.
His desire to keep Kellen safe had nothing to do with the lost,

lonely, and vulnerable look in the man’s hazel eyes. That would be
ridiculous. Just from looking at him, Michael could tell that Kellen
was in desperate need of a protector and a champion. He’d have to
keep looking, though, because Michael was neither of those things.

“We should go.” There were a few people at their desks, and no

one was paying them much attention. Shift change would be coming
soon, though, and Michael wanted to be long gone before that

He didn’t think he’d spoken gruffly, but Kellen flinched like

Michael had raised a hand to strike him. The smaller man looked up
at Rayce as though he was seeking confirmation or perhaps approval.
Whatever it was, Michael didn’t like it.

It was on the tip of his tongue to say something less than cordial,

but Kellen nodded and chose that moment to look him right in the
eye. There was fear there, but also an underlying trust that Michael
wasn’t sure he deserved. Clearing his throat and shifting
uncomfortably from the scrutiny in those shining eyes, he nodded to
Rayce then jerked his head toward the exit. “Let’s go.”

He didn’t wait to see if his new ward would follow him but turned

on his heels and marched right out of the precinct into the slight chill
of the early morning. He didn’t gulp in air, but it was a close thing.
What the hell had just happened? Why was he feeling like someone
had punched him in the gut?

“Detective?” a quiet voice asked from his side. “I’m ready.”
“I’m not a detective,” Michael replied without looking at his

companion. “Just call me Michael.”

“Okay, Michael.”
Oh, that had been a bad idea. The sound of Kellen’s soft, easy

voice speaking his name did strange things to him, and his belly

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fluttered uncomfortably. He didn’t like it. With a grunt, he took off
across the parking lot toward his midsize pickup.

Kellen hurried along behind him, his shoes scuffing over the

pavement and sending tiny pebbles scattering with every step. “Thank
you for this,” Kellen whispered. “I know it has to be inconvenient for
you. I’m scared, though, and I didn’t know what else to do.”

Michael didn’t say anything until they were both settled in their

seats and buckled in. Still silent, he started the engine, backed out of
his parking space, and turned the truck toward home. When he slowed
to a stop at the first red light, he finally looked over at Kellen and
sighed. “Where do you live? I don’t know when you’ll be going back
there, so we’ll swing by and grab what you need for say a week.”

“A week?” Kellen’s eyes rounded, and his lower lip began to


Michael didn’t know what the hell to do with that. He just hoped

the guy didn’t start crying. He’d never been good with tears. They
made him nervous. “Well, a week is a good start. I know you don’t
like it, but I don’t think it’s safe for you to stay alone until we know
for sure what’s going on.”

“I’m not upset about that.” Kellen shook his head slowly. “A

week doesn’t seem like much time, though. Do you think you can
catch this guy by then? I don’t like pain, Michael, and I like being
dead even less. I’ll do whatever you tell me to do if it means that I
don’t have to experience either of those.”

There was that blind trust again. Only this time, it didn’t make

him feel quite so uneasy. He didn’t want to make promises that he
couldn’t keep, though. “I’ll do my best,” he responded eventually.
“Now, where do you live?”

Kellen rattled off an address just a few blocks from the club he

worked at. Michael groaned internally. If the guy wanted to avoid
pain and death, he definitely needed to find a new place of residence.
Someone as young and soft-spoken as Kellen wouldn’t survive a year
in that neighborhood.

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“How long have you lived there?”
“About six months.”
Michael sighed again, his suspicions confirmed. How much

longer would it be before Kellen became just another statistic?

* * * *

Ten minutes later, they pulled into Kellen’s complex. “It’s the last

building on the end there.” He pointed through the windshield.

Michael frowned as he surveyed the run-down buildings. “Do you

want me to come up and help you get your things?”

Kellen knew it wasn’t the best place in the city to live, but it was

what he could afford. After he’d gotten sick and missed an entire
week of work, he’d lost the lease on his old place. His boss, Brian,
had tried to give him the money up front, but Kellen had refused. He
also hadn’t been willing to dip into his savings. So, he’d packed the
few things he owned, and here he was. The roof didn’t leak, no one
really bothered him, and it was warm. What more did he need?

“I think I can manage.” He didn’t want to be more of a burden

than he already was. Besides, it wouldn’t take him long to grab some
clothes and throw them into a bag. “You can wait in the truck. I
promise I won’t take long.”

“Just for the record, which unit is yours?” Michael pulled up

behind the parked cars in front of Kellen’s building and put the
transmission in park. He scanned the parking lot, his face neutral, but
Kellen could see the tightening around the corners of his eyes.

“At the top on the left. I’ll be right back.” He opened his door and

slid out, but paused before going any farther. “Just…just don’t leave,
okay?” He didn’t know what the hell he would do if the former
detective decided to bail on him. Maybe he could go to Brian? He
didn’t want to bring trouble to his boss, though, and the guy was in no
way qualified to be his bodyguard—not like the gorgeous man who
was currently sitting behind the wheel and smiling at him.

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Michael turned off the engine, pocketed his keys, and stepped out

of the vehicle. “How about I just come up with you? It will go faster
that way.”

Since it would be rude to decline the offer a second time, Kellen

nodded and began the trudge up the dark, stone stairwell. The heat at
his back from Michael’s larger body made him tremble, and the
musky scent of the man had his cock twitching inside his boxers.

From the moment Michael Hunter stepped up to that desk at the

police station, Kellen knew he was in trouble. Michael wasn’t overly
large, maybe six-one if that, but he held himself in a way that meant
business. The ratty baseball cap covering his head couldn’t hide the
dark curls that peeked out around his ears and fell over the nape of his
neck, and Kellen found his fingers itching to find out if it was just as
soft as it looked.

That wasn’t what had him fighting back his desire, though.

Creamy skin, a rugged five-o’clock shadow, and a toned, fit body
were gorgeous, but it was Michael’s dark, storm-cloud-gray eyes that
held Kellen mesmerized. Though well hidden, there was a pain there
that made Kellen’s chest clench whenever the man turned his gaze on
him. Maybe it was years of seeing people at their worst because of his
job, but Kellen didn’t think that was it. Someone, at some time, had
hurt Michael Hunter in a way he hadn’t yet recovered from.

Reaching the top landing, Kellen dug around in his pockets for the

key to his apartment. “It’s not much,” he said lamely, as if his
companion gave a damn about where he lived. Unlocking the door, he
pushed it open and started to step forward but froze when Michael
wrapped an arm around his waist and jerked him back.

His back met with the wall just beside his door, and Michael

pressed up against him, covering him from head to toe. A huge hand
came up to cover his mouth, and Kellen’s eyes went wide as his heart
galloped with fear.

Light spilled out of his apartment to illuminate the landing,

casting them in shadows where they stood pressed together. Had he

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left the light on? He didn’t think so. That was extra money on his
power bill that he really couldn’t afford. Maybe he’d just been in a

A loud crash from inside made him jump, a quiet whimper

bubbling up in his throat as he began to shake in earnest. Someone
was in his apartment, and from the sounds of it, they weren’t there to
throw him a surprise party.

A muffled voice cursed from somewhere toward the back of the

apartment, barely loud enough for Kellen to hear it. Very slowly,
Michael backed away from him and looked right into his eyes,
pressing a finger to his own lips. Then he removed his hand from
Kellen’s mouth, took his wrist, and pulled him toward the stairs.

Jerking his head and giving him a little push, Michael indicated

that Kellen precede him down the steps. Too scared to think of a
reason to argue, Kellen moved as quickly and quietly as he could,
gripping the railing to keep from falling. He didn’t stop when he
reached the bottom, but sprinted straight for Michael’s pickup,
dancing from foot to foot when he found the door locked.

The click of the locking mechanism sounded unusually loud in the

empty parking lot, and Kellen almost jumped out of his skin. Getting
himself under control, he jerked the door open and climbed inside,
retaining just enough presence of mind not to close the door until his
rescuer joined him.

It seemed to take forever, but Michael eventually emerged from

the stairwell, keeping low as he jogged to his pickup and continuously
checked over his shoulder. Once he was inside with the engine
started, Kellen closed his door, buckled his seatbelt, and scrunched
down as low as he could in his seat, wrapping his arms around his
chest to keep from shattering into a million pieces.

“Who was that?” he whispered as they pulled out of the complex

and onto the main road.

Michael shook his head. “I don’t know, but whoever it was,

they’re no friend to you, Kellen.”

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Funny enough, Kellen had worked that much out on his own.

“How did they find me so fast?”

Michael pressed his lips together firmly and shook his head once.

If the man knew something, and Kellen thought he might, he wasn’t
sharing. So, what did they do now? Where would he go? Was
anywhere safe for him?

He’d witnessed a murder, been treated like shit by the people who

were supposed to help him and protect him, and now he most likely
had a target right between his eyes. Things had never been easy in his
life, but this was more than he could handle.

He was just a regular guy who shook his ass on stage to make a

living. He wasn’t strong or brave or any of those qualities that heroes
possessed. “I can’t do this,” he whimpered.

“You can,” Michael replied with finality. “Nothing is going to

happen to you.”

“Shouldn’t you be calling the police?” Kellen didn’t want to tell

the guy how to do his job, but it seemed like the obvious course of
action to him.

Michael ignored him, however, speeding along streets that Kellen

had never been down before. Deciding that the former detective knew
what he was doing, Kellen closed his mouth and looked out his
window at the buildings they passed.

His whole life was on a nosedive to hell, and all because he’d

offered to take out the garbage. He didn’t know what he’d done or
who he’d pissed off, but his karma needed a whole new makeover.

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Chapter Four

Without his gun, Michael felt naked and vulnerable. Amazing

how he’d always taken his weapon for granted. It was an extension of
him, and he’d never had to worry about it being there when he needed
it. Well, he’d certainly needed it back at Kellen’s apartment, and he’d
almost gone into a panic when he’d reached for his holster and found
it missing.

Kellen’s suggestion to call the police was well founded, but

Michael was growing more paranoid by the second. How on earth had
they found the guy so fast? He’d caught only a glimpse into the
apartment, but what he saw was utter destruction.

More disturbing, he was almost positive he’d recognized the dark

blue of a police uniform when the man had stomped past the open
bedroom door. Whoever was there had come to send Kellen a
message, and it wasn’t a pleasant one.

Pulling into the drive of his small, one-story home, he cut the

engine and pushed open his door. “Well, c’mon,” he urged Kellen
when the man didn’t move. Michael didn’t blame him for being
scared, but he couldn’t sit out in the pickup all day.

The first rays of morning were just beginning to lighten the sky,

and Michael felt every one of the last twenty-four hours in the aching
of his muscles and the pounding in his temples. He needed a shower,
food, and sleep—in exactly that order. Then he needed to figure out
what the hell he was supposed to do with Kellen Ross.

Hesitantly, Kellen climbed down from the truck, shut the door

quietly, and moved close to Michael’s side. His big, hazel eyes darted

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back and forth, and his shoulders were rounded as though he was
trying to make himself a smaller target.

Leading the man up the porch steps, Michael unlocked the door

and ushered him inside. “Thank you,” Kellen said quietly, standing
just inside the entryway and shaking like a leaf.

“Are you hungry?” If he was playing host, he might as well go all


Kellen shrugged. “I’d like to take a shower if it’s not too much

trouble. I smell like a sewer.”

Yeah, he did, but Michael felt it would have been rude to say so.

“No problem. I have to make some phone calls, but it’s right down the
hall and on the left. There’s soap and towels and stuff in there. I’ll
leave something for you to wear outside the door.”

Nodding his thanks, Kellen disappeared down the hall and into the

bathroom. Michael watched him go, waiting until the door closed
with a snick, and then dug his cell phone out of his pocket. The first
phone call he made was to Rayce, outlining the situation and what had
gone down at the apartment. He didn’t have to spell it out or go into
great detail for the officer to know what needed to be done, and for
that he was grateful.

After hanging up with Rayce and deciding to wait until later in the

day to call Ryder, he shuffled into the kitchen to stare blankly into the
fridge. It was bare as always except for a half gallon of milk and a
few eggs that may or may not have expired. He had butter, though,
and bread in the pantry. “Toast it is,” he mumbled to himself as he set
about making it. Not the breakfast of champions, but it was better
than nothing.

“Umm, Michael?” Kellen spoke hesitantly from the doorway, and

Michael turned to find him with his arms crossed over his slim chest
and a towel slung low on his hips. His hair hung limply down to his
shoulders, still damp from his shower.

“Shit, sorry.” He knew he’d been forgetting something. “C’mon,

and I’ll see what I can find for you to wear.” Nothing he owned would

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even come close to fitting the guy, but he probably had a pair of
sweatpants with a drawstring that they could work with.

Preceding Kellen down the hall, Michael dipped into his room and

dug through his bottom dresser drawer. He didn’t have any sweats,
but he did find a pair of black, fleece pajama bottoms that Sidney and
Ryder had given him for Christmas. They were a little tight in the
thighs, so he’d never worn them, but they’d do the trick now. “You’ll
still have to pull the string tight, but I think these will work.”

Kellen jumped, obviously not expecting Michael to sling the pants

across the room at him. He caught the pajamas, but his quick
movement unknotted the towel from around his hips, and it fell to the
floor to pool around his ankles. His nudity didn’t seem to bother
Kellen, and it wasn’t like Michael had never seen a naked man before.
Still, he felt his cheeks heat and turned around quickly to offer the
man a bit of privacy.

“You can look now,” Kellen said, and there was a smile in his

voice. “Sorry about that. I’m used to it, so I tend to forget that not
everyone is comfortable with nudity.”

“You didn’t make me uncomfortable,” Michael lied smoothly. “I

was going to make some toast before I take a shower and go to bed.
That’s about all I have, but you’re welcome to it.”

“I’ll take care of the toast if you want to get in the shower. It’s the

least I can do.” Kellen dipped his head and grinned shyly, his damp
hair falling forward to cover one eye.

“Uh, thanks.” Michael grabbed a white undershirt from his top

drawer and tossed it toward his houseguest as well. “The bread is in
the pantry. There’s butter, and I might have some kind of jam.”

Kellen giggled as he pulled the shirt on over his head. “I got it,

Michael. Don’t worry, I know how to make toast.” Once dressed, he
drifted out of the room, leaving Michael standing there alone.

Michael didn’t know what the hell was wrong with him, but he

needed to get his shit together in a hurry. Probably he was just tired,
and things would be better and make more sense once he got some

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sleep. Kellen was just leaving him feeling a little off-kilter. Or maybe
it was because he’d quit his job. They’d also walked into a potentially
life-threatening situation. Those kinds of things had a way of making
a man feel less than stable.

None of those excuses explained why his dick had swelled inside

his pants at the sight of Kellen’s naked body, though. They also didn’t
explain why he’d gone rushing off into the night to rescue someone
he’d never met because the sound of his voice had been almost

He wasn’t a bigot by any means. The way he saw it, people were

free to love or lust after whoever they chose. Hell, Ryder was his best
friend in the world, and Michael adored Ryder’s partner, Sidney. He
was beyond thrilled that they’d found each other, and he was even a
little jealous of the love they shared.

More than anything he wanted to find that kind of love, but with a

woman. Looking at the downside of an eight-month dry spell, he’d
settle for getting laid in the foreseeable future—with a woman.

Kellen Ross was not only his new ward, but he was definitely not

a woman.

* * * *

The thought of Michael wet, slippery, and oh so naked in the

shower was distracting. The more he told himself that the man was
off-limits, the more unbidden thoughts popped into his head. By the
time he was finished with the toast and carried it to the small kitchen
table, Kellen was shifting uncomfortably while trying to tame his very
interested cock.

Maybe if he hadn’t seen the flare of interest in Michael’s eyes

earlier in the bedroom it would be easier to tame his runaway lust.
Blaming it on his new protector made him feel better about his
reaction to the man, so that was what he did. When someone had gone
as long as he had without having another body pressed against him in

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the throes of passion, it was only natural to get worked up over a look
like that.

It didn’t hurt that Michael was the most mouthwatering thing he’d

seen in ages—which was also his fault. Nibbling at his toast, Kellen
continued erecting a mental list of all the ways he could blame his
current predicament on the homeowner.

There was the little unwelcome fact that he shouldn’t be lusting

after anyone at the moment. He’d almost died twice in less than
twelve hours, and his time would be better served figuring out how to
avoid another incident like the one in his apartment. If not for
Michael, he probably would have walked right through that door and
ended up with a bullet hole in his head.

Then again, if it wasn’t for Michael, he wouldn’t have been so

distracted and would have recognized the danger instantly. Well, that
was what he told himself. The pure and simple fact was that his life
had drastically changed in that alley, and Michael Hunter was a
distraction that he didn’t need. Hell, the guy probably wasn’t even
gay, and he was just getting himself worked up over nothing.

“Wow, I guess you were hungry.”
Kellen jerked his head up as the object of his unrequited desire

walked into the room. He followed Michael’s gaze to the stack of
toast on the table and felt the blush creep up his neck, over his cheeks,
and straight to the tips of his ears. Lost inside his own head, he hadn’t
realized he’d ended up toasting the entire loaf of bread. “Sorry,” he
mumbled inadequately.

Michael chuckled and pulled a chair out from the table. “Don’t

sweat it. I’ve been meaning to go shopping for a while now anyway.”

Mmm, he has a great smile, and his laugh is even better. Kellen

took another bite of toast and looked away quickly, not wanting to
fawn all over the man like he was seconds away from doing.

Those dark curls he’d glimpsed earlier were damp and mussed,

giving him a very disheveled look that Kellen found sexy as hell. He

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could think of a dozen different reasons for Michael’s hair to look like
that, and every single one of them ended in a blinding orgasm.

Picking up his water glass, Kellen casually dropped his other hand

to his lap and tugged on his balls, desperately trying to deflate his
throbbing erection. Whatever fantasies he was spinning inside his
head, that was exactly where they would stay.

“Are you seeing anyone?” Michael asked seriously.
Kellen’s heart tripped into a gallop. “No.”
Michael nodded firmly. “Good.”
He inched to the edge of his chair and leaned forward over the

table a little. “Why do you ask?”

“I just want to make sure that no one is going to be looking for

you when you don’t go back home. You’re going to have to take
some time off work, so you’ll need to call your boss later today. What
about family? Friends? Anyone to miss you?”

Kellen slouched back in his seat and tried not to let the

disappointment show on his face. “No boyfriend, friends, or family.
Brian and the other dancers would notice I was missing, but I’ll call
Brian like you said.”

He really couldn’t afford to take the time off work, but what

alternative did he have? If someone was looking for him, they were
bound to start at Infinity when he didn’t return to his apartment. God,
his life sucked.

“Hey, did I say something wrong?” Michael tilted his head to the

side and studied him intently. “What’s going on inside your head?”

The man had welcomed him into the safety of his home, and

Kellen didn’t want to seem ungrateful. He had no clue when he’d be
able to return to work, and Brian couldn’t wait on him forever. There
was the very real likelihood that he’d have to expend his savings, and
the thought made him want to hurl. Like everything that had
happened to him, though, he really didn’t have a choice in the matter.

The best he could do now was suck it up, smile, and bear it.

“Nothing’s wrong. I guess I’m just a little tired.”

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“I hear ya. I’m fucking exhausted. Whenever you’re ready, I’ll

show you where you’re sleeping.”

“Just let me clean up here.” Kellen jumped to his feet and began

clearing the table. There was a crapload of toast left, and he couldn’t
bring himself to trash it, so he ended up placing the entire plate in the
oven for safekeeping.

When he finished and turned around, he found Michael standing

in the doorway, watching him with a strange look on his face. It
passed so quickly, Kellen had to wonder if he’d imagined it.
“Ready?” Michael didn’t wait for an answer, but turned and strode
down the hall at a fast clip.

Jogging out of the kitchen to catch up, Kellen kept telling himself

that he was being ridiculous. No matter what he wanted to see in
Michael’s eyes, he doubted it matched the reality.

He could hope, though. And since life seemed to kick him down

each time he started to climb the proverbial ladder, hope was about all
he had left.

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Chapter Five

The pounding at his front door woke him from a dead sleep and

did very little to help the throbbing in his forehead. With a loud,
disgruntled groan, Michael rolled out of bed and stumbled down the
hall. If someone wasn’t dead, then whoever was banging on his door
was about to be.

“What?” he growled as he wrenched the door open.
“Hello, sunshine,” Ryder greeted him with a beaming smile.
Michael whimpered and went to close the door. “Go away.”
Of course he knew he wasn’t going to get off the hook that easily.

Ryder’s arm shot out, his palm landing on the edge of the door, and
pushed it open easily. “Is that any way to treat a friend?”

“You are entirely too happy for this early in the morning.”

Michael grumbled all the way to the kitchen. Coffee. If he was going
to have to deal with Ryder, he definitely needed coffee.

“It’s almost four o’clock in the afternoon.”
“What’s your point? It’s still too early.” It had taken him forever

to fall asleep, and once he had, it had been a fitful rest, full of tossing
and turning.

“Rayce called.”
“Good for him.” Michael grunted as he dug through the cabinets

in search of the coffee filters. He hoped Ryder got to his point soon.

“I want to talk to him.”
“You just said he called you. I don’t know why you need my

permission to talk to him.” His friend wasn’t making a damn bit of

“Not Rayce, dumbass. Where’s the kid?”

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Michael paused in the act of measuring out coffee and turned

slowly to face Ryder as the reason for his less than stellar sleep came
rushing back to him. He suddenly didn’t feel very tired anymore, but
he didn’t want to talk about Kellen, either. “Is this official or off the

“It’s not my case,” Ryder growled back. “Hell, I didn’t even get

the report about the break-in. That passed over Lancaster’s desk, and
that’s exactly what I mean. He scanned the file and literally tossed it
to the side. What the fuck is going on?”

“Who wrote up the report?”
“Rayce worked his magic and got one of the rookies dispatched.

From what I know, the place was trashed and there were pictures of
the tenant tacked to the wall of the bedroom.”

“Kellen,” Michael interrupted. “His name is Kellen Ross.”
Ryder eyed him for a minute but continued with his rundown. “I

kind of swiped the report when Lancaster went to lunch.” He
shrugged unconcernedly. “Those pictures? They were taken at the
crime scene and show officers leading the kid to one of the squad

Michael wasn’t as surprised by the information as he probably

should have been. It all added up to what he’d pieced together so far.
Someone knew Kellen was in that alley. Why else would they have
destroyed his apartment? If he’d been correct about that “someone”
being on the city payroll, that explained how they’d found Kellen so
quickly and possibly where the photographs had come from.

Rayce had been careful, and Michael didn’t think anyone had seen

him enter the station to retrieve Kellen, but he couldn’t be sure. The
one thing he was learning very quickly was not to assume anything.
“He’s going to have to go.”

“How did I fuck up this time?” a quiet but indignant voice said

from behind Ryder. “I was sleeping this whole time.”

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Michael couldn’t help but smile as he sidestepped Ryder to face

his houseguest. “You didn’t do anything wrong. I have my doubts as
to whether or not you’re safe here, though.”

Linking his hands behind his back, Kellen just blinked at him.

“Then where will I go? I can’t go back to my apartment.”

That was another thing that Michael didn’t like. No one had even

tried to get in touch with Kellen about the vandalism to his apartment.
“Do you have a cell phone?”

Kellen dropped his head and stared down at his bare feet. “I don’t

have any kind of phone. It’s a luxury that I can live without.”

While Michael watched Kellen watch his feet, Ryder pulled his

own phone from his pocket, pressed a button, and held it to his ear.
“Hey, baby.” God, it was almost nauseating to see the lovesick grin
spread over his face. “Are you busy?” He bobbed his head as he
listened to Sidney’s reply. “I have a better idea. How about you bring
those boxes by Michael’s place, and then we can go grab some
Chinese from that place on the corner you like.” He paused again.
“Great. See you in a few.”

“What was that all about?” Michael asked after his friend had

disconnected the call.

“Sidney decided his wardrobe needed a makeover, so he boxed up

half his closet and was going to donate it to the Red Cross. I figured
Kellen could use them, so Sid’s bringing them by.”

Kellen’s head shot up, and his lips parted in surprise. “He’s

bringing me clothes?”

“I think there might be a couple pairs of shoes in there as well.”

Ryder shrugged. “Sid’s pretty laid-back, so they’re nothing fancy.
He’s about your size, though, and since you can’t get your stuff from
your place, I just—” He cut off when Kellen threw himself at the big
detective and squeezed him around the waist.

“Thank you,” Kellen whispered, his voice quavering.

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Michael didn’t really understand the reaction, but Ryder’s eyes

softened, and he rubbed Kellen’s back with his big hand. “You
remind me a lot of my Sidney. I think you’ll like him.”

Releasing him and stepping back, Kellen linked his fingers

together again and smiled shyly. “Sorry about that. I’m not so good
with personal boundaries sometimes. I really appreciate you doing
this for me, though.”

Michael went back to making coffee to hide his frown. He’d

invited the man into his home, fed him, given him a place to sleep,
and he’d barely gotten a bit of mumbled gratitude. Ryder arranged for
a box of hand-me-downs, and Kellen acted like the guy had given him
the keys to a new Porsche.

And why the hell did he care? Why was his blood pressure rising

just from the look on Kellen’s face as he stared up at Ryder? Michael
didn’t understand his reaction, and he didn’t like it. He was acting as
though he had some kind of claim to Kellen. Furthermore, he was
acting like he wanted to have a claim to him, and that wasn’t right at

Ryder and Kellen moved to the kitchen table, chatting away like

best friends, and neither noticed Michael’s turn in mood. That was
fine by him, though. He wasn’t feeling like himself, and anything he
said would probably come out sharp and growling.

There was a knock at the door just as he was pulling down mugs

for coffee. Smiling to himself, Michael grabbed a fourth cup while
Ryder jumped up from the table and jogged toward the living room.
As he expected, a moment later the front door opened and a quiet
moan reached his ears. The men just couldn’t keep their hands off
each other, no matter where they were or what was going on.

“I guess Sidney is here,” Kellen said casually, but there was a soft

smile on his face when Michael turned around to take him his coffee.
“I like your friend. He kind of gets me, I think.”

Quelling something that felt a little too much like jealousy,

Michael set the two mugs on the table and slid into his chair. “He

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understands your situation.” He didn’t offer any more than that. It
wasn’t his story to tell, and he’d never betray Sidney’s trust like that.

“Yeah, I kind of got that.” Kellen’s attention snapped to just over

Michael’s shoulder, and his mouth fell open as though he’d seen a
ghost. “Sid?”

“Kell? Oh, my God!” Sidney released Ryder’s hand and flew

around the table, wrapping Kellen up in his arms as the man stood.
“Where the hell did you go? You just disappeared!”

Kellen’s eyes looked a little misty as he clung to Sidney. “I just

had to go. I can’t believe you’re here.”

“Do you get the feeling we’re missing something?” Ryder asked

from Michael’s side.

Releasing his hold on Kellen, Sidney stepped back and wiped

roughly at his eyes, though he was beaming from ear to ear. “We used
to work together back before either of us was really even old enough
to be doing what we were doing.”

Michael didn’t like the sound of that, and a whole list of sordid

thoughts trampled through his mind. He couldn’t bring himself to ask
for further details, though. Some things were just better left unsaid,
especially considering how volatile he felt at that moment.

“You definitely need some new clothes.” Sidney wrinkled his

nose and tugged at Kellen’s shirt that was at least two sizes too big for
him. “I’ve got all kinds of stuff out in the truck.” He didn’t ask, but
Ryder immediately nodded and hightailed it out of the room to go
retrieve the box.

He was back a minute later, arms laden with not one, but three big

boxes. “Where do you want these?”

“Wow,” Kellen breathed, eyeing the boxes with a little

apprehension. “I don’t need all that. You should take some of it to the
Red Cross like you were planning to do.”

Michael rolled his eyes. The man was more like Sidney than he’d

originally thought. Getting either of them to accept help or an act of

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kindness was like pulling teeth. “Just take them back to my room.
You two can go through them and decide what stays and what goes.”

Sidney bounced around the table and bent to kiss his cheek. “You

never come by anymore,” he chastised. “We miss you.”

He tapped the end of the younger man’s nose and winked. “I’ll

come by and have dinner soon. How about that?”

Beaming brightly, Sidney nodded enthusiastically. “Make it soon

because I know that you haven’t been eating right. In fact, I bet you
don’t have a crumb of food in this kitchen, do you?”

“There’s an egg in the fridge,” Kellen quipped with a teasing light

in his eyes.

Michael found himself chuckling at the brat. “I’ll order pizza. You

two go play dress-up.”

With that, the friends disappeared from the kitchen, chattering all

the way down the hall as Ryder followed them with the boxes.
Michael just sat there alone and stared down at the table. He really
needed to get laid. His strange reaction to Kellen was simply months
of pent-up sexual frustration. Once he got that out of his system,
everything would go back to normal.

That was what he told himself, anyway.

* * * *

“This is so good,” Kellen moaned around a mouthful of melted

cheese. It had been a long time since he’d had pizza that didn’t come
frozen in a box. Just like a telephone, delivery pizza was a luxury, not
a necessity.

Michael made a noise in the back of his throat and shifted in his

seat. The man had been unusually quiet, and Kellen was beginning to
get the feeling that he wasn’t welcome there. He didn’t know where
he’d go, but if he was making Michael uncomfortable in his own
home, he’d find somewhere else to be.

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“Kellen, I was wondering if I could ask you a few questions.”

Ryder placed his hand over Sidney’s and squeezed when his lover
glared up at him. “Please?”

Every muscle in his body tensing, Kellen slowly placed his pizza

back on the plate and stared down at it for a long time. For a little
while he’d been able to forget the hell his life had become, but he
couldn’t run from it forever. The faster they found the man they were
looking for, the sooner he could get back to how things had been.

“Hey,” Michael said next to him. His voice was soft and coaxing,

something he’d undoubtedly perfected during countless
interrogations. “We just want to help you, okay?” His big, warm hand
settled over Kellen’s, sending electricity zapping up his arm.

“Okay,” he whispered shakily. Staring into Michael’s eyes, the

world seemed to stand still, blurring around him until he could see
nothing but the man sitting next to him. He’d say anything, do
anything, if Michael would just keep touching him. His response was
neither rational nor logical, but he couldn’t stop from giving Michael
whatever he wanted.

The questions weren’t hard, and he’d already answered most of

them more than once. The only difference was that Ryder and
Michael really listened to him unlike the other detectives had. He
gave a physical description of the suspect as best he could.

“It was dark, and I couldn’t see that well,” he said apologetically.

“He was big, bigger than even Ryder, and he had facial hair. A
baseball cap, but I don’t know what color it was. Oh, and his boots,
they weren’t like working boots. They were really shiny.” He frowned
down at his forgotten pizza. It was such a strange thing for him to

“That’s good,” Ryder praised him. “Can you tell me what was


So, Kellen rehashed the brief conversation between the men as

best he could remember. “The guy that…that…”

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“The victim,” Michael supplied quietly, still holding Kellen’s

hand for support. “What about him?”

“He said someone’s name. This guy was supposed to bring him

something, but he never showed up.”

“Do you remember that name?”
Kellen’s eyebrows drew together as he concentrated. “It started

with an M, I think. Mason…Mark…Marcus.” He closed his eyes and
wracked his brain. “Marco. His name was Marco, and he was
supposed to deliver something.”

“Can you remember anything else?” Michael asked, rubbing his

thumb over Kellen’s knuckles.

Kellen doubted the man even realized he was doing it, but it felt

so good, and he wasn’t about to draw attention to it. “The bigger guy
wanted some files. He didn’t seem as worried about whatever Marco
was supposed to bring as he did those files. The…victim said
something about his grandfather and that he couldn’t find them.
That’s when things…that’s when…”

Trailing off, Kellen began to shake as the events of the previous

evening crashed against him like a tidal wave. He’d been so scared,
sure he wouldn’t leave that alley alive. While he was sorry for what
had happened to the blond man, he was mostly just thankful that it
hadn’t been him. What kind of person did that make him?

“I think that’s enough for now.”
Kellen turned his attention to Ryder to offer his thanks, but the

man wasn’t looking at him. He pushed back from the table and held
his arms open, sighing softly when Sidney crawled right up in his lap.
As Ryder stroked his lover and whispered softly in his ear, Kellen felt
his chest tighten at the display of love and understanding.

He’d been only seventeen when he’d met Sidney. They’d both

been working as dancers in a shitty, run-down club. Neither had been
old enough to be taking their clothes off for money, but they did what
had to be done to survive.

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The place wasn’t like Infinity, and his old boss was a bastard.

Invites to private parties were not to be turned down, and often times,
they weren’t exactly private. When one of those little parties left him
beaten, broken, and shattered, Kellen finally decided that he’d had

So, he’d disappeared without a word to anyone, worked a few odd

jobs until he’d landed the position at Infinity, and had worked every
day since then to put it behind him. He’d wondered about Sidney over
the years, though, and prayed the man had gotten out before
something awful happened to him.

Watching him in Ryder’s arms, Kellen had a feeling that he

hadn’t. But he was safe now and had a man who cherished him.
Kellen couldn’t ask for more for his friend. Everyone had secrets in
their past and scars they had to bear. Whatever Sidney’s were, he had
someone strong enough to lean on now.

That was all Kellen had ever wanted, but he’d learned quickly that

the only person he could really depend on was himself. Staring down
at his hand still encased in Michael’s, he wondered if that was all
about to change.

Following his gaze, Michael cleared his throat and released

Kellen’s hand quickly, jerking away as though he’d been electrocuted.

Sighing under his breath, Kellen picked up his cold pizza and

began eating again. No matter what Michael was doing to help him,
he was still essentially on his own. He was used to it, but damn, it was

Glancing back toward the couple across from him, he found

Sidney staring back and offered him a crooked smile. Sidney didn’t
smile back, though. “You don’t have to be alone,” he said softly.

“I’m better on my own,” Kellen replied, still smiling, though he

was sure it now had a sad edge to it. Maybe it was because he knew
he was lying. If he was better on his own, what was he doing there,
placing his trust in a man he barely knew and hoping with everything
in him that Michael wouldn’t push him away?

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Chapter Six

“Just keep those clothes in the boxes for now,” Michael said as he

leaned against the door just inside Kellen’s room. “They’ll be easier
to carry.”

Kellen nodded slowly as he continued folding the clothes that

Sidney had given him, but his heart hammered wildly inside his chest.
Was he being asked to leave already?

“I’ll have to get food and some other supplies, so we can get

whatever else you need then,” Michael went on, oblivious to Kellen’s
churning stomach. “The place only has one bedroom, but you can
have it. I’ll just crash on the couch.”

Huh? Kellen looked up and tilted his head to the side. What on

earth was the guy going on about? “What place? Are we going

Michael chuckled and shook his head. “Have you been listening to

me at all?”

In truth, he hadn’t. His mind was a labyrinth of twisted and

jumbled thoughts that not even he could navigate. “I’m sorry.”

“If they don’t already know, it won’t be long until whoever is

after you figures out that you’re here. Ryder’s grandmother, Claire,
her new boyfriend has a little cabin upstate right on the lake. The deed
is in his son’s name, so I’m not saying it couldn’t be done, but it
would take some time for anyone to trace it back to me and make a
possible connection.”

“And we’re going to this cabin?” Just the two of them? Kellen

didn’t know whether to smile or whimper at Michael’s nod. Being

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holed up in some remote cabin alone with Michael sounded great—
except for the annoying little detail that the guy was straight.

Kellen had no illusions of love, commitment, and forever after.

Michael was hot, though, mouthwateringly so, and it had been too
long since anyone had touched him sexually without slipping a dollar
bill into his G-string afterward.

Knowing that he had no shot with the man didn’t cool the fire

burning in his groin, either. It only made it that much harder to
pretend that he had no interest other than strictly platonic. He’d spent
most of his life pretending, though, so it was harder, but not

“I see,” he responded just to have something to say and hoping it

would get Michael to stop looking at him that way. Kellen still didn’t
know how to interpret those looks, and it made him nervous.

It was as if Michael was constantly on the edge of saying

something that he just couldn’t force past his lips. Either way, his
stupid, straight ass had no business looking at Kellen like that. Didn’t
Michael know what it did to him?

“The sooner we leave, the better. If we can get on the road in the

next hour or so, we should be able to reach the cabin in plenty of time
to go for supplies.”

“This is all I have.” Kellen waved his hand over the boxes of

clothes, shoes, and belts. “So, I guess I’m ready when you are.”

“I’m sorry about your apartment.” Pushing away from the door,

Michael stepped farther into the room with his hands shoved into the
pockets of his jeans. “Did you lose anything important?”

“No. I rarely stay in one place very long, so it doesn’t make sense

to acquire things that I’ll just have to move.” Lifting his head to give
his host a reassuring smile, Kellen froze when he found Michael had
moved much closer than he realized. If he could unlock the muscles in
his arm and lift it, he’d be able to touch those hard, sculpted
abdominal muscles.

“That sounds rough. Haven’t you ever had a home?”

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Home. He wasn’t even sure what that word meant, so he doubted

he’d ever had one. “We better get going,” he said instead of
answering the question. “Is there running water there, or should I take
a shower now?”

Michael studied him for a long time with that look that Kellen

both loved and hated before stepping away. “You can shower when
we get there.”

Blowing out a breath he didn’t know he’d been holding, Kellen

lifted one of the boxes into his arms—only to have it removed by
Michael. He said nothing, but turned and strode out of the room,
taking the only possessions in the world that Kellen owned.

Not knowing what else to do, Kellen lifted the second, smaller

box and followed. He didn’t know what he’d said or done, but
Michael hadn’t looked very happy when he left the room. The hot and
cold treatment was giving him whiplash, and Kellen began having
reservations about this whole cabin idea.

Without any other options to pick and choose from, he was just

going to have to make the best of it, though. And that started with
burying his growing lust. Stepping into the living room just in time to
see Michael move the box under one arm, the muscles bulging and
straining against the soft cotton of his T-shirt, Kellen realized that it
was going to be a lot easier said than done.

* * * *

“Michael, you’re much bigger than me,” Kellen argued. “You

should take the bed, and I can sleep on the couch.”

Michael shook his head stubbornly. “I’ll be fine out here. I need to

be close to the door in case something happens.” He hoped it
wouldn’t, but he had his personal handgun in the drawer of the end
table just in case. No one was getting through that door without him
knowing about it.

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“Do you think that’s likely?” Kellen asked as though he’d picked

the question right from Michael’s brain.

“I hope not, but I’m prepared if it does.” He hated the worry on

Kellen’s face, but it was better to be honest and up-front with the guy.
There were too many unknowns in the equation for him to offer
promises of their safety.

“We should probably get some food and whatever else we need

here.” Kellen spoke calmly, but Michael didn’t miss the slight
quivering in his small frame.

It had been a long drive, taking longer than it should have because

Michael had doubled back several times, paranoid of being followed.
With dark bags under his red eyes, and a pale pinched look to him,
Kellen appeared drained.

He wanted to suggest that Kellen stay there while he ran into

town, but he couldn’t do it. If they’d been followed, if anything
happened to Kellen because he’d abandoned him, Michael would
never forgive himself. “Okay, let’s go.”

The trip into town was silent and uneventful, mostly because

Kellen had nodded off only a couple of minutes into the drive. He
looked so young when he was sleeping with his delicate cheek
propped up on his fist. His white-blond hair fell over his face, fanning
out softly with each slow exhale. Michael gripped the steering wheel
tighter to keep from reaching over and brushing the locks back so that
he could better see Kellen’s face.

He still didn’t understand where the urge came from, and it was

beginning to drive him insane. Every thought he’d had lately had
somehow revolved around the man beside him, whether he was
thinking about Kellen specifically or worrying about why he was
thinking of Kellen. He’d still yet to come up with an answer, either.

From the moment he’d heard the younger man’s soft voice over

the phone, Michael knew he had to meet him. The first glimpse of
Kellen through the glass of the station doors, and all he could think

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about was getting closer. When he’d finally looked into those hazel
eyes, it was as though he’d been struck over the head with a mallet.

Pushing away those unwelcome thoughts as he pulled into the

mostly deserted parking lot of the small market, he reached over and
finally gave in to his desire to touch Kellen. Curling his fingers
around the man’s slim shoulder, he shook him gently. “Kellen, wake
up. We’re here.”

With a soft moan that made Michael’s cock twitch in his jeans,

Kellen’s eyes fluttered open, and he sat up straighter in his seat. “Oh,
crap. I’m sorry, Michael. I didn’t mean to pass out on you like that.”

God, he loved the way the man said his name, but he really

shouldn’t. Clearing his throat and pulling his hand away, Michael
opened his door and stepped out into the parking lot, hoping the cool
night air would clear his head.

It worked for a minute, until Kellen stepped out of the pickup as

well and met him at the front of the cab with a smile. He looked tired
and disheveled with his mussed hair and wrinkled clothes, but it
wasn’t a bad look for him according to the bulge in Michael’s jeans
where his cock pressed against his zipper. Fuck, what was wrong with

Jerking his head toward the entrance of the market, he led the

way, growing more agitated with every step across the asphalt. He’d
always been confident enough in his heterosexuality to admit that he
found another man attractive. None of those men had ever had such a
direct effect on his libido, though.

Whatever it was about Kellen that drew him in like a moth to a

flame, it had to stop. He didn’t lust after men. He had no problem
with those who did, but it wasn’t something that had ever happened to
him before, and he didn’t know what to do about it.

“Do you think we should get refrigerated stuff or stick to


Michael just grunted at the question. He didn’t trust himself to say

anything or interact with Kellen just yet. The guy asked a couple of

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other questions, but when they were met with the same response, he
eventually got the hint and stopped talking.

He was quiet and distant as they browsed the aisles, filling their

shopping cart with enough provisions to last at least a week. It wasn’t
the guy’s fault that Michael was all twisted up inside. He hadn’t done
anything, hadn’t made any kind of move on him. He was just alone,
scared, and in need of help.

When the silence became almost deafening, Michael couldn’t take

it anymore. He was being a dick, and Kellen hadn’t done anything to
warrant the treatment. “I mostly can’t cook for shit, but I’m pretty
good with breakfast stuff. Do you like pancakes?”

Kellen shrugged, still not looking at him. “I’m not picky.”
“How about eggs and bacon?” He tried again.
“That’s fine. I’ll eat whatever you put in front of me.” Kellen

sucked his bottom lip between his teeth and ducked his head as he
walked half a step behind Michael.

“Okay, so what do you like to drink? We’ll get a case of bottled

water, but what about juice or soda?”

“Water is fine.”
Michael couldn’t take it anymore. Stopping in the middle of the

bread aisle, he turned and slipped two fingers under Kellen’s chin,
urging his head up with gentle pressure. When the man finally looked
at him, Michael sighed at the sad and scared look on his face. “I was a
prick, and I’m sorry. I’m just tired and have a lot on my mind, but
that’s no excuse for taking it out on you.”

Kellen chewed his lower lip again and dipped his head once. He

met Michael’s eyes briefly then darted them away quickly. “No big
deal.” He shuddered visibly, but Michael didn’t know why. Was
Kellen afraid of him?

Giving in to the urge he’d had all night, he brushed the soft

strands back from Kellen’s face and tucked them behind his ear. “It is
a big deal. Don’t hesitate to call me on it when I’m acting like an ass,

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The corners of his lips curled a little, and Kellen finally looked at

him full-on. “I know you didn’t ask to have to babysit me. I’m just
trying to stay out of your way as much as possible. You’re just a little
grumpy, not really an asshole. I get it. Don’t worry about me, okay?”

While it sounded like a good strategy, Michael knew it wasn’t

going to happen. “So, about those pancakes?”

Kellen finally smiled, slow and shy. “I love pancakes. I do know

how to cook if you’re interested, though.”

“Oh, thank fuck,” Michael said reverently. “You’re hired. What

do you need?” The quiet giggle he received in reply surprised him and
made his stomach flutter. It was going to be a really long night.

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Chapter Seven

The next couple of days were a test in willpower, and one Kellen

was losing with every passing hour. Standing on the back porch in the
waning light of the setting sun, he struggled to calm his racing heart
and make his cock behave. He hadn’t meant to walk in on Michael
while he was changing clothes after his shower, but now the image
would be forever burned into his memory.

Sweet baby Jesus, no one should be that damn tempting.

Michael’s creamy skin glistened with the water drops that still clung
to him, and Kellen hadn’t been able to stop his gasp. While he hadn’t
gotten to see a front view, what he had seen made his dick go rock-
hard so fast that the blood rushing from his brain left him dizzy.
Michael’s ass was sexy enough encased in denim, but bare and
pointed in Kellen’s direction as he bent over to pull on his jeans was

“Hey,” Michael called as he stepped through the back door and up

beside him. “Sorry about that.”

Kellen waved a hand around airily. “I’m a stripper, Michael. It’s

not like I’ve never seen a naked ass before.” He’d never seen one that
had him wanting to grab, grope, lick, bite, and fuck until he passed
out, though.

“Well, now that we’ve both seen each other naked, I guess we’re

back on even footing.” Michael was teasing, but Kellen didn’t think
he’d ever feel like he was on solid ground again—at least not until he
could put some distance between him and the former detective.

“I guess so.” Kellen backed away toward the door. “I should

probably get dinner started.”

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“Would you like some help?” Michael made a move to join him,

but Kellen held up a hand to stop him.

“I’ve got it. Why don’t you sit out here and relax for a little while.

I’ll bring you a beer and then call you when dinner is ready.”

“Are you sure? It’s not any trouble.”
God, he was cute, but Kellen needed some space and a little time

to get himself back under control. “I’m sure.” He smiled to take some
of the sting out of his rejection. “Sit. I’ll be right back.”

Though hesitantly, Michael relented and eased down into one of

the chairs on the porch. Kellen nodded his approval and hurried inside
to get the man a beer. He’d taken over most of the chores, and he had
no idea how Michael had survived for so long on his own. He
couldn’t cook to save his life. His idea of cleaning was to move the
mess around so that it looked less cluttered.

He was completely hopeless, but he tried, and Kellen found it

endearing. He didn’t mind taking care of Michael. It made him happy
to be needed. It made him happy that Michael needed him most of all.

Grabbing a beer from the fridge, he used the bottle opener bolted

to the wall to pop the cap off and carried it out to his companion.
Michael took it with a bright smile, and Kellen felt warmth start in his
chest and tingle out to his extremities.

“Thank you, Kellen.”
His smooth, clear voice wrapped around Kellen like a caress,

making him shiver with want and desire. Had he imagined the way
Michael cradled his name on his tongue, holding it just a tad longer
than the other words?

Unfortunately, the answer was probably yes. In the three days

since they’d arrived, Michael had given no indication that he was
anything but one-hundred percent hetero. It was a damn shame, but
those were the facts.

“You’re welcome. Have you checked in with Ryder since we’ve

been here?” Part of him hated to see his time with Michael end. He
knew it was for the best, though. Not only was he dealing with a

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permanent case of blue balls, but he was actually beginning to like the
man. He wouldn’t be doing himself any favors to start developing
feelings for a man he could never have.

Michael shook his head and took a long swallow of his beer.

“Ryder said he’ll call if anything comes up.” His smile turned
mischievous. “Why? Are you tired of me already?”

Fighting the desire to dive into the man’s lap and lick his very

sexy dimples, Kellen shook his head quickly. What grown man had
dimples? And since when was something like that almost moan-
inducing? God, he needed to get laid.

“No, nothing like that,” he babbled. “I just thought I’d check. I

have to go stroke the chicken.” Had he really just said that? “Uh, I
mean, stuff the cock.” Yeah, that was even better. “I…I mean…I have
to go.” Then he spun around and bolted for the safety of the kitchen.

* * * *

Michael knew he shouldn’t laugh, but he couldn’t help himself.

Kellen’s red cheeks and the way he fidgeted when he was flustered
was adorable. Still, he hoped Ryder called with good news and soon.

He was becoming entirely too comfortable with Kellen, and it

scared the bejesus out of him. The cabin didn’t have a television, so
they spent their nights playing card games and talking about a range
of different topics. Kellen knew a vast amount of useless knowledge,
but Michael found it fascinating. He loved listening to the little blond

They never discussed the case or what had happened in that alley.

They also didn’t talk about Kellen’s past prior to when he began
working at Infinity. Michael had tried to probe once and had been
shut down hard. It had been several hours before Kellen spoke to him
after that, and he didn’t make the mistake again.

The curiosity was eating him alive, though. Michael had seen just

about every vile and despicable thing there was to see. What could be

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hidden in Kellen’s past that was so horrible that he’d stomped out of
the kitchen and hadn’t emerged from his bedroom for almost four

The wind picked up as the sun finished its descent, and Michael

shivered from the chill in the air. Picking up his empty bottle, he rose
from his chair, stretched lazily, and made his way into the house. The
smells wafting to him as he stepped into the kitchen made his mouth
water, but not nearly as much as the sight of Kellen’s firm ass
wiggling back and forth as he danced to the music drifting from the
stereo on the counter.

Grabbing that thought in a choke hold and body slamming it to the

back of his mind, Michael dropped the glass bottle into the trash can,
creating enough noise for Kellen to know he was there. The smaller
man whipped around, immediately stopped moving in that way that
screamed sex, and hurried to turn the volume down on the radio.

“Sorry,” he said as his cheeks tinted. “I didn’t hear you come in.”
“It smells good in here.”
Kellen fidgeted nervously and ducked his head. “Thank you. It’ll

be another forty-five minutes or so until the chicken is ready. Would
you like me to make you something while you’re waiting?”

“I’m fine.” He wasn’t. Kellen was wearing the tightest jeans he’d

ever seen. They hugged his hips, his ass, and his thin thighs like a
second skin, highlighting the prominent outline of his cock. The soft,
gray sweater dipped low at the collar, revealing a nice patch of
smooth, creamy skin.

His bare feet poked out of the bottom of the faded denim, small

and dainty with long, elegant toes. Those long, blond locks fell over
one eye in a way that always had Michael’s fingers itching to push it
back from his face.

More than just physically attractive, he was kind and sensitive,

beautiful from the inside out. While he had problems of his own,
problems that no one should ever have to face, his first concern was
still for others. He inquired about Sidney, Ryder, and Michael’s

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parents. He worried that his boss, his fellow dancers, and Rayce
would be in trouble for their involvement with him.

Kellen Ross was grace and beauty, gentleness and benevolence.

He embodied the good in the world, the reasons Michael had fought
so hard as a detective to make the city streets safe. Now, if only he
were a woman, he’d be perfect.

“You’re looking at me funny,” Kellen murmured, twisting his

fingers together in front of his belly. “Did I do something wrong?”

“No,” Michael assured him, his voice hoarse and gravelly. “You

didn’t do anything wrong. Why don’t you come sit down while we’re

Kellen bobbed his head hesitantly and shuffled across the room to

stand by one of the kitchen chairs. “Here or on the sofa?”

The way he spoke, his body language, and the darting of his eyes

made him look like he was about to face a firing squad. Michael just
wanted to talk, though, to get to know the enigma that was Kellen.
“Let’s move into the living room. It’ll be more comfortable.” And
hopefully it would feel less like an interrogation and calm Kellen’s
nerves a bit.

“Is something wrong? Can you please just tell me what’s going

on?” Kellen chewed his bottom lip as he eased down on to the sofa
and looked up at Michael with troubled eyes. “You’re making me
nervous and not in the usual way.”

Michael sat in the armchair across from him and smiled. “And

what is the usual way?”

“Forget it.” Kellen shook his head quickly and crossed his arms,

wrapping them around his midsection.

“Are you cold?”
“A little,” he confessed.
Pushing up from his seat, Michael retrieved a blanket from the

cedar chest behind the sofa and settled it over Kellen’s back and
around his shoulders. Kellen pulled the soft fleece around him more

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tightly and curled his feet under him as he settled back into the
cushions. “Thank you.”

“So, where are you from originally?” Michael asked as he

resumed his seat.

“I grew up in different ghettos in and around New York City


Michael tilted his head to the side and frowned. “How the hell did

you end up in Rhode Island?”

Smiling crookedly, Kellen shrugged as though it wasn’t a big

deal. “I got my first job when I was fourteen and started saving
money. Then one day, I just left. Hopped on a bus and went as far as
my savings would take me. I wasn’t quite seventeen yet, so obviously
it wasn’t far.”

Michael still didn’t get it. “Why not go west?” Isn’t that what

most people did when they ran away? They headed out west, slowly
making their way across the country to California.

“I wasn’t looking to be an actor or a rock star. Why would I go


He had a point, but Michael couldn’t see why anyone would

willingly and voluntarily move to Rhode Island. He’d lived there his
entire life, and it was home. He just didn’t see the appeal it had to

Kellen was finally talking about his past, though, and Michael

wasn’t going to rock the boat by questioning his choices right off the
bat. “Did your parents come looking for you?” He knew it was the
wrong thing to say as soon as the words were out of his mouth. He
could see Kellen shutting down and pulling away.

“I can take care of myself.”
“I know you can,” Michael agreed while he mentally searched for

a new conversational topic. “Where did you learn to cook? You’re
really amazing.”

The tentative smile Kellen gave him allowed Michael to release

the breath he’d been holding. “After I pay my bills, there isn’t much

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left over. Dining out doesn’t happen often, so I had to learn to cook or
live off of mac and cheese. I’m a fan, don’t get me wrong, but it gets
old when you eat it for every meal.”

“I imagine it would.” Michael didn’t know what else to say. He’d

grown up with two loving parents in middle-class suburbia where
he’d never wanted for anything. Seeing the lonely, broken, and
desolate wasn’t the same as living the experience, and he didn’t know
how to relate.

“Stop it.”
Michael lifted his head and looked at Kellen. “Stop what?”
“You’re feeling guilty, and it’s ridiculous. I’m glad that you had a

great childhood and an amazing family. Be thankful for it, Michael.”

It wasn’t really guilt, though. He was very grateful for the life his

parents had given him, but that didn’t stop him from feeling sorry for
the life Kellen had endured. Maybe he still didn’t know all the details,
but Kellen’s lack of communication on the subject told him all he
needed to know.

“The water is probably boiling by now. I should get the potatoes

started.” Kellen stood from the sofa and began folding his blanket
carefully. “Don’t feel sorry for me, Michael,” he added quietly.

Could the man read his mind? Or was he just that easy to

decipher? Michael didn’t know, but it unsettled him that Kellen
seemed to know him so well after only a few days. “I don’t feel sorry
for you exactly,” he said, rising to take the blanket from Kellen’s
hands. “I wish life had been easier for you, and I’m sad for the little
boy you were. It’s not really the same thing.”

Kellen just smiled and started to back away toward the kitchen.

“You keep telling yourself that. Let me know when you finally
believe it. I’m okay, though. I’m always okay.” Then he turned and
disappeared through the doorway.

Sighing to himself, Michael finished folding the blanket and left it

on the end of the sofa in case Kellen was cold again later. A loud

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crash sounded from the kitchen, followed immediately by a high-
pitched yelp.

With his heart lodged in his throat, Michael hurried to the kitchen,

stumbling to a stop when he found Kellen kneeling on the floor,
surrounded by water. The big stock pot was turned on its side near the
oven, and steam rose off of it in little clouds.

Kellen’s eyes were squeezed shut and his lips pressed together in

a thin line. The right side of his sweater was soaked, and he cradled
his hand against his stomach. Without stopping to think about it,
Michael strode across the tiles, lifted Kellen into his arms, and
whisked him down the hall to the bathroom.

“I’m fine,” Kellen said, wiggling in his arms.
Michael could hear the strain in his voice, though, and feel the

heat radiating off of his side. “Just be quiet.” Setting Kellen on the
counter near the sink, he turned the shower on, adjusting the
temperature so that the water was cool, but not freezing cold. “Strip,”
he said as he turned to face the injured man.

Kellen’s eyes went wide, and he started shaking his head. “I’m

fine, Michael.”

With a grunt of annoyance, Michael grabbed the hem of the wet

fabric and jerked Kellen’s shirt over his head. Just as he’d expected,
the skin looked red and angry. “You can lose the jeans, or I’ll dump
you in the shower with them still on. Your choice.”

When Kellen made no effort to remove his jeans, Michael grunted

again, lifted him off the counter, and deposited him into the shower,
pants and all. Kellen gasped and sputtered, wiping the water from his
face as he pushed his wet hair out of his eyes.

Then he turned on Michael and glared. “What the hell?”
“Shut up and let me look at this.” Sitting down on the side of the

tub, he skimmed his fingers along the burned flesh, checking for signs
of blistering. His relief was palpable when he found none. “I think
you’re going to be okay, but we’ll put some aloe on it and watch it.”

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His fingers trembled as he continued to gently poke around

Kellen’s hip. He’d thought his heart would crawl out of his throat
when he’d first seen Kellen on the floor. Even though he knew the
man was going to be okay now, he was still having trouble calming
his rapid pulse.

It took him a moment to realize that he hadn’t received a response.

Figuring the man was just pissed about being dumped in the shower,
Michael looked up to apologize, but nearly swallowed his tongue

Kellen’s head fell forward on his shoulders, his eyes were closed,

and he was shaking from head to toe as the water cascaded over his
lithe body. As Michael watched, Kellen swallowed hard, but it didn’t
stop the quiet moan that escaped through his slightly parted lips.

Sitting as he was, Michael was almost at eye level with Kellen’s

groin, and therefore, didn’t miss the sizeable bulge that grew behind
the zipper of his sodden jeans. Michael might be straight, but he was
still a man, and had no problem understanding what it meant.

Kellen was attracted to him. How had he not seen it before? Not

that it mattered because there was nothing he could do with the
information. He wasn’t even sure how he felt about it. While part of
him preened because Kellen wanted him, the other part of his brain
rebelled at the idea of having a man want him.

His long, envy-inducing eyelashes fluttered against his cheeks

before he finally opened his eyes, rendering Michael speechless from
the heat and desire burning in those hazel depths. “I’m cold,” Kellen
whispered after a long, tense pause.

Licking his dry lips, Michael stood and turned off the shower.

Grabbing a towel from the cabinet under the sink, he tossed it to
Kellen and shoved his hands in his pockets. “Umm, do you need
anything else?”

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Kellen stepped out of the tub and began blotting the water from

his hair. “I got it from here. Thank you for worrying about me,

It probably made him a coward, but Michael was feeling

claustrophobic standing so close to Kellen in the small bathroom. So,
leaving Kellen to tend to his injuries, he spun around and practically
sprinted down the hall, through the kitchen, and right out onto the
back porch.

Ryder had better find something soon, because Michael didn’t

know how much more he could take before his whole world came
crashing down around him.

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Chapter Eight

“Who was that?” Kellen asked when Michael walked in through

the back door, stuffing his cell phone into his pocket.

Excitement got the better of him, and Kellen bounced across the

kitchen until he was standing directly in front of Michael. “Did he say
anything? Did they catch him? Can we go home?”

Since that shower three days before, things had been tense.

Michael avoided him as often as possible, and Kellen made no effort
to seek him out. Meal times were usually silent, or the conversation
was stilted and forced.

He hadn’t been able to stop his body’s reaction when Michael had

touched him, and the guy had totally freaked. Kellen couldn’t blame
him, but it made for a stressful living situation, and Kellen just
wanted his life back.

Michael’s smile was quick and easy. “They arrested someone who

matches the description you gave. He came into the club asking about
you, and Brian called the police.”

“So, it’s over? We’re going home?”
“It’s a long way from over, but it looks good. We need to get this

place cleaned up, but since nothing has happened since we left, I think
we can go home in the morning.”

Kellen threw himself at Michael, hugging the man hard. “That’s

great! Thank you for everything!” His actions caught up with him a
moment later when he felt Michael go stiff in his arms. Dropping his
arms, he backed away quickly, damning himself for being an idiot.
“Sorry,” he mumbled.

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Shifting uncomfortably, Michael looked like he’d been clubbed

over the head. “No reason to be sorry. I’m glad things are looking up
for you.”

With his head ducked, Kellen’s eyes traveled unbidden to

Michael’s groin, and he stopped breathing when he saw the
undeniable bulge straining against his fly. The sight of Michael’s
obvious arousal had his own cock swelling in response, and he
inclined his head to look up at the object of his desire. The man had
starred in every one of his dreams recently, and the idea that he might
return Kellen’s interest was short-circuiting his brain.

Michael wasn’t looking at him, though. In fact, he appeared as

though he wanted to be anywhere but standing so close to him.
Understanding dawned. The former detective might be attracted to
him, but he didn’t like it. It was disappointing, but Kellen understood,
so he decided to let the man off the hook.

“I’ll get started with the cleaning if you want to go get us packed

up. If we hurry, we could probably even leave tonight.” The sooner
they could get away from each other, the happier they’d both be.

Not bothering to hide his relief, Michael grinned and nodded

eagerly. “Yeah, that sounds like a good plan. I’ll help you clean once
I get the truck loaded.”

It really didn’t take too long to get the cabin cleaned, the

perishables tossed out, and the truck packed and ready to go. Kellen
was grateful and a little impressed that Michael had thought to leave
him a change of clothes out so he could shower and change before
they took off.

Speeding along the highway shortly after lunch, Kellen folded his

hands in his lap and gazed out his window. It had been over a week
since he’d been to work. Would Brian still have a place for him? Or
would he be looking for a new job when he got back? He’d paid his
rent before he left, but was his apartment in any condition to live in

“What are you thinking about so hard?”

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Maneuvering around in his seat so that he could face Michael, he

tilted his head to the side, trying to decide how much of his stress he
should unload on the man. “Will I be able to go back to my
apartment? I haven’t seen it, so I don’t know what kind of condition
it’s in or if I have anything left inside.”

“I’ve been meaning to talk to you about that.” He glanced over at

Kellen and then quickly back to the road. “I know that place is close
to where you work, but it’s really not safe.”

“It’s all I can afford,” Kellen answered defensively. “It has four

walls and a roof. I don’t need any more than that.”

“Kellen,” Michael said slowly, “we’re friends now, right?”
Unsure of where the conversation was going, Kellen nodded

hesitantly. “Yes, I guess we are.” He wanted to be so much more, but
he’d take what he could get.

“As a friend, I’m telling you that neighborhood is dangerous. I

don’t want to find you dead in an alley somewhere, okay?”

Kellen didn’t want that, either, but there was little he could do

about his place of residence. “I can’t move, Michael. I don’t have the
money for it, and I couldn’t afford a nicer place even if I did. I don’t
have a car, and it’s the closest I could find to Infinity. What else do
you expect me to do?”

“You…you could stay with me. I have plenty of room, and I can

drive you to work.”

“No.” No way could he coinhabit the same space as Michael and

not want him desperately.

“Stop being a brat,” Michael said gruffly. “You need a place to

stay, and I have one. Just quit arguing and say thank you.”

“Kellen.” Michael turned his head and smirked. “I can do this all

day. It’s really easier to give me what I want, because I’m going to
win anyway.”

It was hard to say no since it was exactly what he wanted, but

Kellen knew nothing good could come from it. He’d go right on

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wanting Michael, and Michael would continue to deny that he wanted
Kellen back. It was such a bad idea.

“Please,” Michael said quietly, still looking through the


It wasn’t fair. Kellen had little resistance to the man as it was, but

he had no defenses against that soft pleading. It wasn’t going to end
well. They were probably going to end up hating each other.

“Just until I save enough money to get a nicer place.”
Michael smiled crookedly and dipped his head once. “That works

for me.”

* * * *

“Damn, I’m exhausted.” Michael trudged into his house, glad to

be home. He didn’t know what he’d been thinking asking Kellen to
stay with him. The thought of the man going back to that cesspool
wasn’t an option, though.

“Are you sure about this?” Kellen stood just outside the door on

the porch, making no move to enter the house. “You’ve done more
than enough for me. You don’t have to do this, Michael. I’ll be fine
on my own.”

There was his out, but Michael couldn’t bring himself to take it. “I

wouldn’t have asked if I wasn’t sure. Just get in here and take your
crap to your room. We need to go shopping again, and you’ve got
dinner to make.”

“Oh, so I’m going to be your maid and your cook. Is that it?” He

wasn’t angry, though. There was a teasing glint in his eyes, and the
smile on his face could light an entire city block.

“That’s right. Ryder always said I need a keeper. I guess until I

find some poor woman to take pity on me, you’re it.” Michael
regretted the words when he saw Kellen’s face fall, but he wanted it
clear that there could be nothing between them besides friendship.
They were roommates, nothing else.

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“Then I guess it’s a good thing you have me.” His smile was back,

but it looked a little forced. “Is it okay if I hang my clothes?”

“It’s your room, and I imagine you’ll be using it for a while. Do

whatever you like with it. If you want to rearrange the furniture, then
go for it.”

“I need to call and see if I even still have a job.”
Michael motioned for Kellen to follow him to the kitchen where

he pointed out the house phone that he rarely used. “Go ahead and
call. I need to talk to Ryder, and then we’ll head to the grocer.”

Waiting for Kellen’s nod, Michael left him to make his call and

took off toward his bedroom, pulling his phone from his pocket as he

“Ward,” Ryder answered on the second ring.
“Hey, Ry. I just wanted to let you know we’re back. Kellen’s

going to crash here until he can save some money to get a better
apartment. I didn’t think it was safe for him to go back there.”

“That’s probably a good idea.” If Ryder had suspicions about

Michael’s motives for asking Kellen to stay, he hid them well.
“They’re going forward with the case, but I’m not convinced that this
is our guy. Either way, they want Kellen to come down to the station
for a lineup, so it’s good that you’re back.”

Sighing heavily as he dropped down on the edge of his bed,

Michael propped his elbow up on his knee and shoved a hand through
his hair. It had all seemed too easy, too convenient to him. “I was
afraid of that.”

“Don’t stress it, man. We’re going to find this guy. Sidney would

be devastated if anything happened to Kellen.”

Sidney wasn’t the only one, but Michael kept that bit of

information to himself. “He’ll be safe here.”

“I really wish you’d come back to work. It’s not the same without

you, and I only get half the work done.”

Michael chuckled quietly. “They haven’t assigned you a new

partner yet?”

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“Yeah, but the guy is a total tool. I try to ignore him as much as

possible. Just…just think about it, okay?”

“Maybe I’ll get this P.I. business up and running, and you can

come work for me.” He said it jokingly, but he wouldn’t mind having
Ryder as a partner again.

“I might just do that. I know Sid would be a lot happier if I wasn’t

out there getting shot at. Hey, hold on.” There was a muffled voice in
the background that he assumed was Sidney, and Ryder was back a
moment later. “Oh, you and Kellen are invited to dinner Sunday
night. Nana and Patrick are coming, and Patrick is bringing his

Michael could just see Ryder waggling his eyebrows suggestively

on the other end of the line. “I’ll see what I have going on.”

“Cut the crap. We both know that you have nothing planned for

Sunday. Just bring your ass over here and clean up so that you don’t
scare the girl. Who knows, maybe you won’t leave alone. Stranger
things have been known to happen.”

“Well, I’ll have to bring Kellen back with me,” Michael

responded without thought.

Ryder just snorted at him. “That wasn’t what I meant, dumbass. If

it looks like things are going well with you and—what’s her name?”
Sidney said something that Michael couldn’t hear. “Right. If things go
well between you and Becca, then Kellen can crash here for the

Was he so pathetic that he needed his best friend to find a date for

him? Then again, maybe Becca was just the distraction he needed
from his never-ending thoughts of all things Kellen. “We’ll be there
Sunday. Do you want me to bring anything?”

“You can bring the beer. We both know that you can’t cook for

shit.” Ryder laughed long and hard at this.

Michael grinned and shook his head. “I can’t, but Kellen is pretty

amazing in the kitchen. I’m sure he’ll want to bring something.”

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“He can bring whatever he wants, but don’t forget the beer. Later,


Michael hung up the phone without a good-bye, but he knew

Ryder wouldn’t be angry. They’d been friends for a long time, and
that was just how their relationship worked. Pushing to his feet, he
shuffled back down the hallway, suddenly very tired.

He found Kellen in the kitchen, still yammering into the handset

and waving his arms around wildly. “Brian, I really appreciate that
you’re willing to let me come back to work, but I just got back into
town. I’m not at my apartment, and I don’t have a car. I just can’t get
into work tonight. I promise that I’ll be there tomorrow, though.”

Noticing Michael’s entrance, Kellen glanced at him quickly

before closing his eyes and pinching the bridge of his nose. He
bobbed his head a couple of times in an exhausted way that said he
was listening but not liking what he was hearing.

“Yes, I’m still staying with the detective, and no I can’t ask him to

drive me.” He paused again. “I don’t have the money for that.”
Another pause, this one longer than the last. Then his shoulders
sagged and his chin dropped to his chest. “Fine. I’ll take the bus.
What time do you want me there?”

After that, he said his good-byes and turned to face Michael with

apology in his eyes. “I’m sorry, Michael. I couldn’t get out of it. I still
have time to make you dinner if we hurry to the market, though.”

“Will you have more time if I drive you?”
“Yes, but you don’t have to do that. I didn’t realize a bus route ran

through here. I might as well get used to it now.”

“I’ll drive you.” Michael started backing out of the kitchen.

“We’ll go get some groceries and just pick up Chinese on the way
home. That way you’ll have time to nap before work.” Whatever he’d
said earlier, he didn’t honestly expect Kellen to take care of him,
especially not if he had to work long hours.

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Kellen looked like he would argue, but Michael placed a hand

over his mouth and glared. “I always win, remember? Now just accept
it and thank me so we can get out of here.”

When he removed his hand, the corners of Kellen’s lips curled

into a shy grin. “Thank you.”

Michael merely grunted in response. He’d always had the desire

to take care of people, and right now, Kellen needed that care. It was
just one more excuse in a very, very long list of excuses that he’d
been telling himself all week.

Since the only other option was that he was truly attracted to

Kellen, his lame explanations for his behavior were all he had, and he
intended to cling to them until everything made sense again.

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Chapter Nine

The music bumped and wailed from the speakers, competing to be

heard over the loud shouts of the remaining customers. Kellen gyrated
his hips and threw his head back as he caressed both hands down his
nude chest and over his hips. Half an hour, and he could finally go

It had been a long night, starting with Kellen behind the bar and

ending with him on stage, swirling his hips and shaking his ass in
nothing but a scrap of fabric that covered his cock and balls.
Something that had never even fazed him before, now, suddenly,
made him feel cheap and dirty. He blamed it all on Michael.

All through the night he’d been able to do nothing but think about

the man and his concern about where Kellen lived. Michael’s warning
about winding up dead in an alley played through his mind on a
constant reel, rewinding when finished and taking it from the top.

While he’d once felt indifferent about taking his clothes off for

money, he now fought not to cringe at every beefy hand that groped
him. The only hands he wanted touching him were Michael’s, but that
wasn’t ever going to happen. It was just a fantasy that would never
come to fruition, while the smoky club and strobe lights were his

The song ended, and Kellen gave a little wave to the thinning

crowd as he started to back off stage. They all called for him to stay
as usual, but what didn’t happen every night was the big, muscled,
and very drunk man who jumped up on stage and grabbed him around
the wrist. Kellen smiled pleasantly, not resisting the asshole’s hold.

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“You need to let me go now,” he said calmly. It might not happen

every night, but he did have to deal with drunken belligerents
regularly. “Why don’t you go have one last drink at the bar, on me?”

“How about you come have that drink with me?” the guy

countered, not slurring his words in the least. A wicked smile curled
just one side of his mouth, and his eyes were wide and filled with heat
as he stared down Kellen’s body.

Looking toward the bar, Kellen searched for his boss. This wasn’t

something Brian let his patrons get away with, so where the hell was
he? “Let me go change, and I’ll meet you there.”

“Let’s have a drink at my place. You don’t need to change for

that. In fact, you could lose the G-string if you want.”

Kellen had heard enough. This guy wasn’t so much drunk as he

was just self-entitled and stupid. “I’m not going home with you. Now
let me go!” He tried to jerk his arm away, but the man held him in an
iron grip, laughing at his efforts. Whoops and laughter rang out
around them as the other customers egged the guy on, wanting to see
just how far he’d take his little forced seduction.

“Don’t play hard to get. We both know you want it.”
Kellen hated men like this. Why did they always assume because

they were big and somewhat attractive that the world just bowed
down before them? Squaring his shoulders, Kellen prepared to teach
the man a little lesson in manners, but he never got the opportunity.

Another body appeared on stage with them, and Kellen’s

unwelcome admirer went flying backward, landing on top of several
guys gathered around the stage. Then Kellen’s wrist was grabbed
again, and his big, angry protector dragged him backstage in a huff.

It was nice that Michael had been concerned for him and came to

his rescue, but he hadn’t needed it. The way the guy manhandled him
afterwards was uncalled for as well, and Kellen found himself getting

“What are you doing?”

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“Saving your ass,” Michael grumbled as he released Kellen and

crossed his arms over his broad chest. “Is it like this every night?”

“No, it’s not, but that’s none of your business. This is my job,

Michael! You can’t just come in here and start beating up the

“He could have done anything he wanted to you, and no one was

going to stop him.”

“I would have stopped him.”
Michael scoffed and rolled his eyes. “What were you going to do?

Talk him to death?”

He might have said more, but Kellen had already heard enough.

Grabbing Michael’s wrist, he executed a half-turn, ducked low, and
sent Michael sailing over his head to land on his back a foot away.
Before he could get his wits about him, Kellen dove on top of him,
straddling his hips and pressing his forearm against Michael’s

“You were saying?” Michael’s eyes were wide with surprise, but

there was a smile working its way across his lips. Sitting up straight,
Kellen took the pressure off his friend’s windpipe and arched an
eyebrow. “I can take care of myself, Detective.”

“I’m not a detective,” Michael countered, but he was still smiling

like a Cheshire cat. “I’m sorry I doubted you, Kellen.”

“You can’t do that again, Michael. I have to work here. I

appreciate that you wanted to slay my dragon, but it’s not necessary.”
As he spoke, a hard ridge began growing against his bottom, pressing
between his bare ass cheeks as Michael stared up at him and licked
his lips. Kellen mirrored the action, moistening his lips while he tried
to think of something to say. “Michael?”

Big, warm hands caught his wrists and jerked him forward so that

he sprawled over Michael’s chest, landing with their lips just a breath
apart. “You make me crazy,” Michael whispered roughly. Then his
hand was in Kellen’s hair, jerking him down so that their lips crashed
together in a hot, hungry kiss.

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There was no finesse, no hesitation, and no tender journey to

discovery. Passion and desire born of need fueled the kiss—primal,
savage, verging on brutal. There was no invitation, no permission
sought. Michael pressed his thumb on the top of Kellen’s chin and
pried his mouth open so that he could plunge his tongue deep inside to
lick and explore. In response, Kellen moaned, wanton and
uninhibited, throwing himself into the kiss and shoving his tongue
into Michael’s waiting mouth to twist, twine, and duel with the

No matter what Michael said, no matter that he’d quit his job and

left the force, he was always going to be a detective. It was ingrained
in him, part of who he was, and Kellen not only respected but adored
that about the man.

They nipped, licked, and explored, leaving no crevice

undiscovered, and Kellen thought he’d come in his thong as he rocked
his hips, grinding his erection over Michael’s hard midsection.
Sucking Michael’s bottom lip into his mouth, he bit and pulled on it
with his teeth, crazed with lust for the man beneath him.

His hands roamed and explored, touching every part of Michael’s

hard, quivering body that he could reach. He’d been dreaming about
this moment for over a week, but it was far better than anything he
could have imagined. Time stood still, and the world faded away,
nothing mattering besides getting Michael naked as quickly as

“Oh,” a surprised voice said from somewhere behind them.

“Sorry.” There was a giggle and then hurried footsteps as whoever it
was retreated.

It was too late, though. The damage had already been done. That

little interruption seemed to bring Michael to his senses, and he jerked
his mouth away, his eyes big and terrified. His big frame began to
shake and shudder, and he scrambled out from beneath Kellen as
though he was in danger of being bitten by a poisonous snake.

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“Michael.” Kellen spoke quiet and soothing, trying to coax the

man to look at him. “It’s okay, Michael.”

“We…we should get going. Your shift is over, right?” He

sounded a little hysterical, and his eyes kept darting around as though
looking for an escape route.

“Yeah, my shift is over.” It killed him to say his next words, but

Michael was about to fall apart if he didn’t do something. “Hey, it
was just the heat of the moment. It doesn’t mean anything, okay? It
doesn’t change anything.”

It appeared to help, because Michael finally met his eyes. “Yeah,

the heat of the moment. Doesn’t change anything.” Bless his heart, he
still sounded like a stiff wind would knock him over, and it made
Kellen’s chest constrict.

He could only imagine the emotions that were coursing through

the bigger man. That one kiss had turned his world upside down,
leaving him questioning everything he knew about himself. Kellen
had known he preferred men since he was fourteen, but that wasn’t
the case for Michael. The detective had never questioned his
sexuality, never had reason to doubt that he was anything but
completely and utterly heterosexual.

It had to be scary for him, and for that, Kellen sympathized. He’d

known better. While Michael had probably laid pipe to numerous
women in his lifetime, Kellen was the more experienced one in this
situation, and he should have done something to stop it. He didn’t
want to lie, but he couldn’t leave the man floundering after all he’d
done for him.

“I’m sorry,” he whispered. “I shouldn’t have done that. I’ll find

another place to stay if you want.” It didn’t matter that Michael had
initiated the kiss. This was what he needed, and Kellen would give it
to him.

“No.” Michael shook his head, but he seemed to be calming some.

“No, you can stay. It was just a kiss. No big deal, and like you said, it

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doesn’t change anything. We’re still friends, right?” He sounded so
uncertain, and there was still a little fear hidden beneath his façade.

The guy was breaking Kellen’s heart. “Yeah, we’re still friends.

I’ll just change and meet you outside.”

“I’ll wait for you,” Michael said firmly, his eyes cutting back to

the curtain that led to the stage.

Not knowing what else to do, Kellen bobbed his head and hurried

away to dress.

* * * *

Michael’s insides vibrated like he’d just become a human paint

mixer. His head spun, his heart raced, and his blood roared in his ears.
He needed to sit down before he fell on his ass, but he wasn’t going to
leave Kellen again.

When he’d walked into the dimly lit club to pick Kellen up from

his shift, he’d seen red. All rational thought had fled when he’d
witnessed the big gorilla climb up on stage and grab the mostly naked
dancer. It wasn’t that he considered Kellen to be his. He just didn’t
like someone bullying his friend. His excuse was sketchy at best, but
he hadn’t stopped to examine it before barreling through the crowd
and jumping up on the platform.

With his adrenaline pumping, it had taken only one look at

Kellen’s angry face for his cock to go stone-hard in the span of
seconds. The guy was a regular little spitfire and incredibly sexy
when he was pissed.

When he’d taken Michael down and pinned him to the floor, it

had awakened something primal inside of him. His actions after that
were a bit of a blur. All he could see was Kellen’s sweaty, flushed
face and feel his tight, firm ass rubbing over his groin.

The next thing he’d known, they’d been locked together at the

mouth, each trying their damndest to crawl inside the other. It had

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been hard, fast, demanding, and Michael had come close to
embarrassing himself by discharging in his boxers.

Kissing Kellen was like sticking his tongue to a car battery and

revving the engine. His entire body had exploded, and if they hadn’t
been interrupted, he wondered just how far he would have taken their
impromptu tryst.

No matter how heated things became, there was no way he could

have ever kissed a woman that way. They were soft, yielding, and
needed care and consideration. The minute their tongues touched,
Michael knew he could have done anything he wanted to Kellen, been
as rough as he wanted, and the man would have done nothing but beg
for more.

Then everything had come crashing down around him when his

brain finally caught up with his body. He was kissing a man. Kellen
might be small with delicate features and hair any woman would
envy, but the hard, swollen cock that had ridden along Michael’s abs
was anything but feminine.

“That was so hot,” someone murmured from his right.
Michael turned to see a man not much bigger than Kellen standing

beside him, dressed in nothing more than a bright red thong. He was
built similar to Kellen as well, his chest smooth and his legs slim. His
hair was a bit shorter, sandy-brown to Kellen’s blond, and the biggest
brown eyes Michael had ever seen.

The guy did absolutely nothing for him. Michael could appreciate

his beauty, but nothing stirred inside of him at the sight of the nearly
nude man. “What is that?”

“Oh, don’t play coy with me.” He slapped at Michael’s arm and

giggled. “I didn’t know Kell was seeing anyone, but he picked a good
one.” His slender finger curled around Michael’s bicep and squeezed.
“God, you’re big,” he said, practically swooning. “I’m so jealous.”

“We’re just friends.”

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“Yeah, that looked like just friends. I had to run to the back room

and jerk off just from watching you two kiss. I thought the place was
going to go up in flames around you.”

Michael shifted uncomfortably, his cheeks heating with

embarrassment. He couldn’t even imagine what they must have
looked like, rolling around on the floor and pawing at each other. It
was another first for him. Never had he lost it like that and attacked
someone in a public place.

“What’s your name, sugar?” The dancer stepped in front of

Michael and began groping at his chest, practically eye-fucking
Michael where he stood.

“Get lost, Ember.” Kellen marched right up to them and shoved

the dancer away. “He’s not here to play with you.” Turning back to
Michael, he looked up and smiled. “I’m ready when you are.”

“You don’t really intend to keep him all to yourself, do you?”
Kellen spun on his heels and growled. “I said back the fuck off!”
It shouldn’t have turned him on, shouldn’t have mattered to him at

all, but the vehemence in his voice sent all the blood rushing to
Michael’s groin, hardening his dick for the second time that night.
He’d just established that Ember did nothing for him. He hadn’t even
looked twice at the other dancers or any of the men in the club. So,
why Kellen?

Ember threw his hands in the air and huffed before stomping

away, swaying his hips from side to side as went. “Is that really his
name?” Surely it had to be a stage name.

Kellen sighed and scrubbed at his eyes tiredly. “Yes, it is.

Apparently his mother was setting him up to be a stripper from birth.
Who the hell names their kid that, and especially if that kid is a boy?”

For the first time since their interlude, Michael found himself

smiling. “Let’s get you home. You look dead on your feet.”

“I’m exhausted and my hips hurt.” Kellen groaned and leaned into

him when Michael settled a hand on his lower back and began
kneading the muscles there. “God, that feels good.”

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Michael didn’t know what the hell was going on with him, had no

clue what to do about Kellen, and still hadn’t sorted through his
feelings about that kiss. He had every intention of keeping Kellen
close until he figured it out, though.

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Chapter Ten

“Oh, you must be Kellen. Sidney has told me all about you of

course.” The small, grandmotherly lady grabbed him and squeezed
him to her bosom. “Now, let me look at you.” She held him at arm’s
length and eyed him critically. “You could do with a few good meals,
but just look at those cheekbones. My heavens, you’re beautiful.”

Kellen felt his cheeks heat and ducked his head to look at her

through his eyelashes. “Thank you, ma’am.”

“There will be none of that. My name is Claire, but you just call

me Nana. I hear you’re staying with our Michael. That’s all well and
good, but don’t you let him walk all over you. He’s a good boy, but
Lord knows he needs a keeper. That doesn’t mean you’re his maid,

Glancing sideways to peek at Michael, he saw the man roll his

eyes. Kellen smiled and nodded. “Yes ma—” He cut himself off when
Claire glared at him. “Yes, Nana. I’ll keep him in line. Don’t worry.”

She patted his cheek lovingly. “That’s a good boy. Michael, I

know you’re not rolling your eyes at me,” she added without looking
away from Kellen.

“I wouldn’t dream of it, Nana.”
“Don’t you sass me, young man. You’re not too big for me to

bend over my knee.”

Michael laughed, loud and exuberant, before stepping in between

them, wrapping his arms around Claire, and lifting her off her feet. He
gave her a big smacking kiss on the cheek and set her down gently.
Then he bent forward and whispered something in her ear that made
her giggle, even as she blushed to the tips of her ears.

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“You behave yourself, Michael Hunter.”
“Stop flirting with my grandmother,” Ryder growled as he

stomped into the room with Sidney in tow.

“Looks like I have some competition,” an older man with salt-

and-pepper hair said around a smile as he stepped forward and
extended his hand. “Good to see you again, Michael.”

“Patrick.” Michael bared his teeth, but Kellen couldn’t exactly call

it a smile. What the hell was that all about?

“Ryder and Michael don’t think anyone is good enough for

Nana,” Sidney whispered as he sidled up to him and bumped their
shoulders together. “I like him. He’s good to her.”

Kellen could see that with just one look. The man had goo-goo

eyes every time he looked at Claire, and always had to be touching
her in some way. It wasn’t sexual, but it was sweet, and it made
Kellen smile. “They’re cute together.”

“Yeah, they are. Oh, there’s Becca.” Sidney hustled forward to

greet the raven-haired beauty as she walked in through the open front

Fisting his hands at his sides, Kellen cut his eyes toward Michael

again, trying to gauge his reaction to the woman. She was stunning,
all long legs, slim lines, and a brilliant smile. The jeans she wore had
probably taken a crowbar to get her into them, and the shirt left very
little to the imagination as it dipped low to reveal her ample cleavage.

As he expected, Michael’s full attention rested on the goddess,

and his mouth hung open just slightly. Then he shook his head,
plastered a winsome smile on his face, and hurried over to introduce

And things just went downhill from there.
Through the entire night, Michael seemed to be completely

enraptured with the woman. They talked and laughed, though Becca’s
laugh was more like the high-pitched call of a hyena to Kellen. She
touched him all the time, subtly brushing her breasts against him or
causally touching his arm.

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It shouldn’t have bothered him. He knew he didn’t have a chance

with Michael, but that didn’t stop the jealousy from bubbling up
inside of him. When Michael picked up his napkin and reached over
to wipe a bit of spaghetti sauce from the corner of Becca’s mouth,
Kellen gripped his fork so hard that he actually bent it.

“Kellen, could you help me in the kitchen?”
Jerking his gaze away from Michael, Kellen nodded at Sidney,

stood from his seat, and followed him into the kitchen. “What do you

“I need you to tell me what’s going on,” Sidney said, rounding on


“I don’t know what you mean,” Kellen lied.
“You look like you’re about to throw yourself across the table and

rip that girl’s hair out by the roots. And when you’re not looking,
Michael keeps shooting these glances at you that make my heart hurt.
Did something happen?”

Kellen definitely wanted to scalp the busty bitch, but he hadn’t

seen any of those looks from Michael that Sidney talked about.
“Nothing is going on.”

Sidney grabbed both cheeks in his hands and stared right into

Kellen’s eyes. “It’s me. You can trust me, Kell.”

His anger drained, leaving nothing but weariness behind. “We

kissed the other night when he came to pick me up from work. Then
he freaked out and has been acting weird ever since.”

“Oh, honey.” Sidney’s arms went around him, holding him close

and comforting him. “He’s probably confused and going out of his
mind. As far as I know, he’s never wanted another man before. Just
be patient with him.”

Kellen shook his head, but he hugged his friend back. “He doesn’t

want me, Sid. He’s very happy right where he is, and he looks good
with her, even if it makes my stomach cramp to see it. That’s the kind
of life he’s supposed to have. I get it, but I can’t change how I feel
about him.”

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“How do you feel about him?”
Kellen pressed his lips together and didn’t say a word. From the

moment he’d heard Michael’s voice over the phone, there had been
something alluring and almost addicting about him. That hadn’t
changed once he’d met him, and during the last couple of weeks,
those feelings had intensified. After the kiss at the club, Kellen
couldn’t think about anything else besides the handsome detective.

“You love him, huh?” Sidney eased back and wiped away a stray

tear that Kellen didn’t know he had shed.

“Don’t be ridiculous, Sid. I’ve known him for two weeks. I think

he’s hot, and I wouldn’t mind getting him naked.”

“Stop it,” Sidney chided quietly. “You don’t have to pretend with

me. I fought it tooth and nail, but I knew Ryder was it for me from the
first moment I met him.”

“He’s never going to love me back.” How could he have let

himself fall for a straight man? It was a road filled with nothing but
pain and heartache. “I don’t want to feel this way, Sid. Make it go

“I wish I could, Kell. There’s something there, though. You’re not

the only one feeling it, either. Don’t give up on him.”

“I have to.” He was miserable, and he hated it. “He’s no good for

me, Sid.”

With a deep sigh, Sidney pushed his hair back from his face and

bobbed his head. “We have a spare room, and I can drive you to and
from work. Maybe you just need a little space to work things out in
your head.”

“I can take the bus.” Kellen grabbed his friend’s hand and

squeezed it in gratitude. “What’s Ryder going to say?”

Sidney snorted and rolled his eyes. “Like he has a choice.”

* * * *

“We should get together sometime and have a drink.”

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Michael grinned and nodded, though he wasn’t really paying

attention. There was something wrong with Kellen. After he’d
reemerged from the kitchen with Sidney, he’d been very quiet, and his
eyes were red as though he’d been crying.

“How about tomorrow?” Becca prodded.
She really was a gorgeous woman, and Michael would be a fool to

turn her down. He’d been trying so hard all night to feel something
for her, even a stirring in his loins, but the harder he tried, the more
thoughts of Kellen slipped into his head.

He had to get over whatever infatuation he had with the man,

though. “Sure, tomorrow sounds like fun. Where would you like to

Becca rattled off some little jazz club close to Michael’s place

then her own address. “You could pick me up about seven.”

“Sure.” It was what he’d wanted, to find a woman to distract him

from Kellen. So, why did he feel less than thrilled about the prospect
of taking this woman out? Looking across the table to find Kellen
staring back at him with a lost, vacant expression on his face was all
the reason he needed.

He tried to convince himself that something other than his flirting

with Becca was the reason for Kellen’s downward shift in mood, but
he knew it wasn’t the case. He’d changed the rules with that kiss, and
now they were both paying the price.

Throughout the night, Michael had watched Ryder and Sidney,

trying to see them as anything more than friends. There was nothing
there, though. He’d gone on the Internet the night before and looked
up gay porn. It had done very little for him until he’d imagined him
and Kellen in those same positions. Then his cock had gone hard, and
he’d jerked off to the sounds of men panting while he imagined the
moans of ecstasy belonged to Kellen.

He felt confident in saying that he definitely wasn’t gay—with

one very real exception. No longer could he deny that he wanted
Kellen, but he was still confused as to why. What was it about the guy

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that had him questioning everything he’d always known about

As the night went on, he threw himself into playing the role of

admiring potential boyfriend with Becca. It wasn’t easy, though. She
was boring, laughed too much and too loud, was abrasive, bordering
on offensive, and every time she opened her mouth, he had to fight
not to cringe.

When everyone finally said their good-byes, he walked her to her

car, confirmed plans for the following evening, and kissed her cheek.
He knew she wanted more, but he just couldn’t bring himself to do it.
Maybe once they were alone—and away from Kellen—it wouldn’t be
such an issue. He hoped so anyway.

Trudging back to the house, he was met on the front steps by

Ryder. He didn’t look very happy, either. “I’m going to take Kellen
into the station tomorrow morning for the lineup.”

Michael shoved his hands in his pockets and nodded. “Let me

know what time, and we’ll meet you there.”

“No.” Ryder shook his head. “You need to stay out of this.”
All Michael could think about was how nervous Kellen would be

in that dark room alone. “I don’t think that’s really up to you. Have
you asked Kellen what he wants?”

Ryder nodded, eyeing Michael in a way that was less than

friendly. “He’s going to stay here so I can take him in the morning.”

It was like being punched in the gut, but Michael kept his face

impassive. “Okay, then. Are you going to bring him by the house
afterward, or do I need to pick him up?”

“Michael, he’s not going back.” Ryder crossed his arms over his

chest and frowned. “I don’t know what happened or what’s going on
between you two, but you need to figure out what it is you want.”

“Where is he going to stay?” Michael’s hands trembled, and his

heart kicked hard against his ribs.

“He’s going to crash here for a while. I’ll keep an eye on him.”

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It wasn’t the same, though. Ryder didn’t know Kellen like

Michael did. Still, to admit that he didn’t want the man to leave was
to admit he had developed feelings for him. So, Michael swallowed
hard and nodded once again.

“He has to be at work at six tomorrow night. He’ll tell you that

he’s not picky, and he’s not, but he’s partial to seafood. Caress body
soap gives him a rash, and he’s allergic to cinnamon. Remind him to
dry his hair before he goes to bed or he’ll bitch in the mornings
because it’s sticking up all over his head.”

Ryder’s eyes softened, and he eased out of his defensive posture.

“I’ll remember.”

“Oh, and leave a light on in the hall or the bathroom. He won’t

admit it, but he’s afraid of the dark. He has nightmares sometimes, but
if you talk to him quietly and stroke his hair, he’ll settle down.”

“I got it,” Ryder said softly. “What else do I need to know?” He

sounded probing, as though he was leading Michael toward

“He gets sick if he has too much caffeine, but he loves coffee. He

doesn’t like socks, but his feet get cold a lot. I’ll bring his slippers by
with his clothes tomorrow.” Michael kept reminding himself it was
for the best, but something inside of him already felt cold and hollow.
“Oh.” He dug into the pocket of his jeans and extracted a small, shiny
cell phone and passed it over to Ryder. “I was going to give this to
him when we got home.”

“I’ll make sure he gets it.” Ryder tucked the phone into his own

pocket and patted Michael on the shoulder. “Go home, man. Get your
head on straight. I won’t let anything happen to him.”

Michael hesitated for a moment, wanting to see Kellen before he

left, but in the end, turned and strode out to his pickup.

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Chapter Eleven

A loud wolf whistle met his ears as he descended the stairs, and

Kellen winked, popping one hip out and resting a hand on it. “You

“Damn, you look hot,” Ryder said with a wicked smile. “You

doing drag tonight?”

Kellen abandoned his pose and chuckled. “Yeah, we do it every

Halloween. It’s fun, but I hate these damn heels.”

“Yeah, but they make your legs look awesome,” Sidney said as he

flounced into the room from the kitchen.

Kellen snorted and rolled his eyes. “It’s just a costume. I have no

desire to actually be a woman. It does give me a lot more respect for
them, though. I have no earthly idea how they walk around in these
damn things all the time.” He looked down at his feet, turning his
right foot one way and then another to show off the four-inch heels.

So much had happened over the last few weeks, beginning with

that horrible incident in the alley. Halloween had kind of snuck up on
him, and he’d had to scramble for a costume. Most of the good ones
were already gone from the shops, but he’d found a short, black,
leather dress, matching knee-high boots, and a long, black wig. A pair
of black, glittery wings, some fake fangs, a little makeup, and some
costume jewelry, and he was ready to present himself as a vampire

“You want a lift?” Ryder asked, just as he’d done every night

since Kellen had moved in.

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“I’ll take the bus, but thanks.” He was already enough of a burden

without adding transportation to the list. “Have you heard anything
else from Rayce?”

The police department was being pretty tight-lipped about the

case, especially with Ryder, so most of their information came from
Officer O’Dell. Kellen thought he’d throw up when they’d marched
him into the room for the lineup earlier in the week. It had been even
worse when he hadn’t been able to point out any of the men standing
on the other side of the glass.

They had all been big, muscular, and had facial hair, but he was

sure none of them was the man from the alley. Even as big as they
were, the man he remembered that night would have dwarfed them in
comparison. He didn’t have a full beard, either. It had been more of a
goatee connected to a mustache.

“The DA didn’t have enough evidence to try him, so they had to

let the suspect go.” Ryder pushed his dark hair back from his face and
frowned. “I’m sorry, Kellen. I know that’s not what you want to

It wasn’t, but he’d known it was coming. “It’s not your fault. I’ll

just have to be more careful.” It suddenly dawned on him why Ryder
kept offering him rides to and from work. If someone was going to
come after him, he figured he’d already be dead, though.

“There is evidence missing from the Dean case,” Ryder continued.

“Marshall Dean’s laptop is the biggest, but there are some case notes
missing as well.”

Kellen didn’t know what he was talking about, but he did

recognize the surname as that of the now dead Kenny from the alley.
“Surely you have backups of all that stuff, right?”

Ryder frowned and shook his head. “We should, but it’s all


“It’s someone on the inside then.”
“Yes.” Ryder growled in frustration. “I thought Michael was just

paranoid, but this proves it. No one else has access to those files or

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the evidence locker. Worse yet, I don’t think it’s only one guy. I just
don’t know how many people are in on it or why.”

“Is there anything else missing, anything not related to that case?”

Sidney asked, his eyebrows drawn together in concentration.

Ryder smiled, pulled his lover to him, and kissed his lips. “I love

that beautiful brain of yours. I’ve got Rayce and Jasper looking into it
now. Apparently, I’ve been blacklisted, but no one suspects those two
know anything crucial.”

Sidney’s eyes lit up, and he nodded eagerly. “He’s Rayce’s

partner at the department. He’s a total sweetheart, really cute, and
recently single.” He winked mischievously. “Maybe we can invite
them over for dinner soon.”

It was nice of Sidney, but Kellen wasn’t ready for that just yet.

“I’ll let you know.” He tried to smile but gave it up quickly. His heart
just wasn’t in it. “Has anyone told Michael about this? I know he’s
not a detective anymore, but he might be able to help.”

What he really wanted to ask was if anyone had seen or talked to

the man. How as he doing? Was he still seeing Becca? Was he happy?

“He’s out with Becca right now,” Ryder said as he looked down at

his watch. “I’ll give him a call later and fill him in, though.”

Kellen’s heart shattered and his stomach cramped painfully, but

he finally forced a smile to his lips and nodded. “I’m sure he’d
appreciate you keeping him included. I gotta get going, but I’ll see
you guys in the morning. The club is open late on Halloween, so don’t
wait up.”

“Kell, wait.” Sidney jogged over to him and led him out onto the

front porch. “Don’t let what Ryder said bother you. It’s only their
third date, and according to Nana, Becca is bitching because he hasn’t
even kissed her yet.” Sidney wrinkled his nose. “Nana doesn’t like her
very much.”

“I just want him to be happy.” That much was true. Kellen just

wished Michael could be happy with him.

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“He’s not.” Sidney shook his head, a frown marring his features.

“He’s absolutely miserable. I went by after class the other night to
check on him because he hasn’t called. He looks like he hasn’t slept
all week, and the house is a disaster.”

“Well, Michael isn’t exactly a neat freak.” Kellen shrugged, going

for casual, but he didn’t think he pulled it off by the look on Sidney’s
face. “Sid, what do you want me to do? He made his choice.”

“Call him. He misses you.”
“No.” Kellen stepped away and shook off his friend’s hold on

him. “Look, I have to go or I’m going to miss the bus. Thanks for
worrying about me, but it’s not necessary. Just give me a little more
time to lick my wounds, and I’ll let you set me up with the cute
officer you were talking about.”

Sidney sighed, obviously not convinced, but he didn’t comment

on it. “Be careful and call if you see anything suspicious.”

“I’ll be fine.” He always was.

* * * *

Becca huffed and shifted in her seat in the booth when Michael’s

cell phone rang. He ignored her. “Hunter,” he answered on the third

“Are you still out with Miss Priss?” Ryder asked, not bothering to

hide his dislike for the girl.

Surprisingly, Michael smiled. He didn’t much like her, either.

He’d thought she’d be a nice distraction from Kellen, but being with
her only made him miss the man more. Hell, it was their third date,
and he couldn’t even bring himself to kiss her cheek again.

“Yeah, but it’s cool. What’s up?”
“I was just going to go over some stuff about the case with you

and see if you had anything new to add. A fresh set of eyes, ya know?
Call me when you take her home.”

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“It shouldn’t be much longer. Just meet me at my place in an

hour.” He started to hang up, but he couldn’t stop himself from asking
his next question. “How’s Kellen?”

“Okay, but not great. He looked hot as hell in his Halloween

costume, though. He’s going to set that damn club on fire.”

Kellen didn’t need a costume to do that, but now Michael’s

interest was piqued. A rude snort from his date recalled him to the
moment, though. “Okay, well, I’ll talk to you in an hour. You still
have your key?”

“Yeah, I’ll see you then.”
They both hung up, and Michael tucked his phone back into his

pocket. “Sorry about that. So, what were you saying?”

“My company has a Christmas party every year at the Sheridan. I

was hoping you’d want to go with me.” She sat up straighter, pushing
her breasts out and batting her lashes.

Michael had no intentions of seeing her again after this date, and

here she was planning months into the future. While he hadn’t been
mean or harsh, he thought he’d dropped enough hints for her to
understand that they were at a dead end.

He’d known women like her before, though, and he wasn’t

interested in causing a scene inside the restaurant. So, instead he
asked where she worked and what she did for her company. Then he
pretended to listen with half attention as she rambled on about
corporate mergers or something like that. All he knew was it sounded

Maybe after he talked to Ryder he could drive down to Infinity

and see Kellen dance. He was very interested in this costume Ryder
had mentioned. He hadn’t seen the guy in almost a week, and his
house was very lonely with just him there.

Sidney had dropped by and read him the riot act. He’d been very

adamant about Michael pulling his head out of his ass before it
became permanently lodged there. It was his mention of Kellen
moving on and finding someone who deserved him that had hurt the

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most, though. Still, it hadn’t done anything to propel Michael into
doing something about it.

Becca was still babbling on when his cell phone rang for a second

time. Extracting it from his pocket, he frowned at Ryder’s number on
the display screen. “Did you miss me already?” he teased.

“Kellen didn’t show up for work.”
“Wait, what? Didn’t you take him?”
“No, he won’t let us drive him. He takes the bus.”
That was the difference between them. Michael wouldn’t have

settled for a no. Either Kellen would accept his offer or he’d sit his ass
at home. “When was he supposed to be there?”

“His shift started twenty minutes ago, but he should have been

there twenty minutes before that.”

“I’m on my way.” Michael disconnected and pulled out his wallet.

He laid two twenties on the table to cover dinner then pulled another
twenty out and passed it to Becca. “That’s for a cab. Sorry, but I have
to go.”

“You’re just leaving me?” she asked indignantly.
“It’s important. Kellen is missing.”
“Well, call the police. Or let Ryder go look for him. He’s not

really your concern.”

If she’d been a man, he would have decked her. “Look, this you

and me thing, it’s not going to work. I hope you find someone who
makes you happy, because it’s not going to be me.” Then he slid out
of the booth and jogged toward the exit, leaving her spluttering
behind him.

Once he was in his truck and speeding toward Ryder’s house,

Michael grabbed his phone, opened his text messages, and sent one to
Kellen’s number. A minute later, a map popped up on the display
with a little red dot blinking close to where the club was located.

While it was meant mostly for people who’d misplaced or had

their phones stolen, Michael hadn’t been able to resist downloading

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the location app on Kellen’s phone—just in case. It had been a mere
whim at the time, but now, he was damn glad he’d done it.

It wasn’t an exact address, but it was close enough. Clearing the

screen and pulling up his call list, he dialed Ryder again. “I’ve got
him,” he said as soon as his friend answered. “Approximately two
blocks from Infinity. I’ll be pulling up to your place in about three
minutes. Be ready to go.”

“Rayce and Jasper are patrolling that neighborhood tonight. I’ll

call and give them the heads-up. We’ll find him, Michael.”

Yes, they would. Michael just hoped they found him in time.

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Chapter Twelve

Kellen groaned as his eyes fluttered open. He tried to reach for his

pounding head, but his wrist met with resistance and wouldn’t move.
Blinking to dispel the grogginess, he surveyed his surroundings,
trying to remember where he was.

A shaded lamp illuminated the small, simple, almost sterile room

in an amber glow. It held nothing more than a bed, a dresser, and a
nightstand, giving Kellen no hints as to where he was. His clothes had
been removed, his shoes, his wig, everything.

He was completely nude on the queen-size mattress with his

wrists restrained over his head to the slats in the headboard with
handcuffs. His legs were spread wide, each ankle bound with silk
scarves that connected to the wooden bedposts at the foot of the
mattress. Kellen tried to bend his knees, twisting his feet and pulling
on the bindings, but the knot only seemed to grow tighter.

He didn’t know whose room he was in or who held him, but he

knew he wasn’t leaving anytime soon. Panic roiled through him,
making him tremble as he struggled to breathe through the
constriction in his throat. He remembered beginning the two-block
trek to the club, but he couldn’t remember if he ever made it or not.
Judging from his current predicament, he guessed not.

“Ah, you’re awake.” The voice came to him, nasally, winded, and


A man not much taller than Kellen, but twice as wide, stepped

closer to the bed. The thick, plastic frames of his glasses did nothing
to hide the crazed look in his eyes. His skin looked oily, greasy, as did

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what little hair he possessed. He wore nothing but a plain cotton robe,
much too short for Kellen’s peace of mind.

Kellen recognized the man as one of the club regulars. He didn’t

know his name, but the guy showed up early every night, parking
himself right in front of the stage. He had never caused any problems,
never made any type of advances toward the dancers, and Kellen had
thought him kind of shy.

“Who are you?” This apparently was the wrong thing to ask.
Mr. Crazy growled at him, a feral sound from deep in his throat.

He moved quickly toward the bed, standing over Kellen and huffing
like an asthmatic. “Marion, as you very well know!”

“Right, right, I’m sorry, Marion. I can’t see very well.” Kellen

spoke calmly, soothingly, but he felt like he was going to vomit from
all the shaking his insides were doing.

Marion relaxed immediately. “Oh, I’m sorry. I didn’t think.” He

crawled up on the edge of the high bed and began stroking Kellen’s
stomach with his pudgy fingers. “I’m sorry I doubted you, my love.”

Kellen managed to keep his face immobile and not cringe, but it

was a close thing. He had to think, though, to figure a way out of the
mess he was in. “What do you want from me, Marion?” Speaking the
man’s name seemed to calm him, and Kellen could use all the help he
could get.

“I think you know what I want. You stand on that stage every

night, shaking your beautiful ass, taunting me with your luscious
curves. I admit I was angry with you when I found out your secret.”
Marion growled a little, but Kellen had no idea what secret he was
referring to. “I’ve had time to think while you were sleeping, though,
and I’ve decided I don’t care. It doesn’t matter that you betrayed me
with that detective. I still love you.”

With his arms and legs bound, no weapon, the pounding in his

head that dimmed his vision occasionally, Kellen was completely
helpless. His best chance lay in appeasing the man that was staring at
him as though he was the last cold drink in a hot desert.

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Mistaking his shudders of fear and revulsion for something more

pleasing, Marion continued stroking his midsection, purring in
delight. “You like how I touch you? I’ve never pleasured a man
before, but I’m sure I’m up for the task.” He spread his legs, revealing
just how up for it he was.

Kellen ran his tongue over his parched lips and nodded, even as he

fought not to wretch. “Why don’t you untie me? That way I can play,
too,” he crooned.

His captor looked uncertain for a minute before he smiled. “You

won’t try to run?”

Kellen just smiled in return. He’d never been a very good liar.
Pulling a small key from the pocket of his robe, Marion moved up

the mattress to unlock one set of handcuffs. Kellen let his right hand
fall limply to the bed when it was released, smiling seductively as he
jiggled the other handcuff still attached to the bed. Marion nodded
eagerly and leaned across Kellen to unlock it.

Seeing his opportunity, Kellen swung out immediately,

connecting a solid blow to the asshole’s nose. The man cried out and
cupped his face, but he didn’t go down like Kellen expected. Roaring
in rage, he swung his leg over Kellen’s body and sat heavily on his
chest as he delivered several sharp blows in rapid succession.

Kellen tried to fight back, flailing his arms, pushing with his body,

trying everything he could to dislodge the man from on top of him.
The next hard punch caught him under his jaw, snapping his head
back and blurring his vision further. Hurting and disoriented, Kellen
blinked, trying to get his bearings back, but that meaty fist landed on
the top of his head, sending him spiraling into darkness.

* * * *

The next time he woke, it was to find himself once again

handcuffed to the bed. He wasn’t surprised, but he was a little
shocked to realize that he was still alive. His face hurt, his jaw ached,

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and his head threatened to split in two or leak his brains from his ears
and eye sockets.

“You lied,” Marion said calmly.
“Fuck you,” Kellen slurred.
“Language,” his attacker admonished. Completely nude now, he

sat on the edge of the bed with his back to Kellen. “You will need to
be punished. I don’t want to, but I can’t tolerate your behavior. You
understand, don’t you?” He twisted from the waist, not looking at
Kellen but admiring the silver scalpel in his hand, the way the light
from the lamp reflected off of it when he turned it.

Kellen’s eyes rounded, his pulse raced, and he began to shake in

earnest. “What are you doing?”

Instead of answering him, Marion turned completely and leaned

over, bringing the blade to rest on the inside of Kellen’s left thigh.
Then he flicked his wrist, slashing the blade over the tender flesh.
Kellen bit his tongue hard to keep from crying out as he watched the
blood well up and trickle down his skin from the cut.

He brought the scalpel back, this time to Kellen’s stomach, and

flicked his wrist again. Over and over his tormentor sliced into his
skin—not hard enough to cause serious damage, but deep enough to
draw blood. It hurt like hell, and his body quaked, but Kellen didn’t
make a sound.

Eventually, the small, sharp blade came up to rest in the hollow of

his throat. Fear seized him, and Kellen swallowed reflexively,
wincing when the sharp point pierced his skin. Marion applied more
pressure, his eyes wide and crazed and his nostrils flaring as he drew
a slow line from throat to sternum.

Kellen groaned, biting a hole in his cheek to keep from screaming

in pain as the bastard sliced him open. There was a moment of pause
where nothing happened, and Kellen simply sagged against his
restraints, panting and praying for it to be over.

Then the feel of cold steel was back, pressing into the tender flesh

of his belly, and he knew it would be over soon. Michael had tried to

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warn him about the neighborhood he lived and worked in, but he
hadn’t listened. Now he’d never have a chance to tell the man he was
right. It would have made him smile, too. Michael always liked being
right, but somehow Kellen doubted he’d feel too overjoyed about it
this time.

Loud pounding came from the front of the house, causing both he

and Marion to jump. The scalpel nicked his skin just over the belly
button, but the relief that flooded Kellen overrode any pain he might
have felt.

“Police! Open up!”
“Help!” Kellen screamed, but quieted immediately when Marion

backhanded him.

The guy was panicked. Kellen could see it in his eyes, the tensing

of his jaw, and the way his fingers clenched and relaxed around the
handle of the scalpel. “You’ll talk,” he whispered frantically, moving
the blade back to Kellen’s throat, just beneath his left jawbone.

“The heart,” Kellen said with a gulp. “It will be quicker. I can still

talk with a hole in my throat.” He didn’t think that was technically
true, but he wanted the sharp metal away from his neck.

Marion nodded and moved the scalpel to rest over Kellen’s heart.

“I’m sorry. I do love you.”

A loud crash echoed throughout the building, and thundering

footsteps pounded across the floor, clearly moving in their direction.
In the next instance, the bedroom door burst open, and Officer O’Dell
stood in the doorway, his gun trained on Marion’s head. “Drop your

Though crazy, Marion obviously wasn’t stupid. He dropped the

blade to the mattress and slowly lifted his hands in the air. Another
officer and Ryder rushed into the room, tackling him off of the bed
and pinning him to the floor as the officer Kellen didn’t know
wrenched Marion’s arms behind his back.

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Kellen closed his eyes and sagged back against the pillow, letting

out a shaky breath in relief. “The key is in the pocket of his robe,” he
told the men. He hoped it was still there anyway.

“I got it.”
Kellen’s eyes snapped open, and he whipped his head to the

doorway. “Michael,” he breathed, watching as the man dropped the
cotton robe to the floor at his feet.

Michael didn’t look at him, though. His hands were fisted at his

sides, and his chest heaved as he stared murderously at Marion. “I’m
going to kill him.”

“Get him out of here,” Ryder said, jerking Marion to his feet and

shoving him toward Rayce. “I’m right behind you.” He passed by
Michael and clapped him on the shoulder, whispering something to
him that Kellen couldn’t hear.

It didn’t matter. Michael was there. He’d come for him, and that

was all that mattered. Hell, he didn’t even care why the man was
there. It was simply enough that he came.

Michael waited until Ryder left the room behind the uniformed

officers before crawling up on the bed and releasing Kellen from his
restraints. Sitting up and rubbing his wrists, trying to encourage
circulation to his numb fingers, Kellen watched Michael cut away the
scarves on his ankles, aching to reach out and touch him. He just
didn’t know if he’d be welcome.

“Michael?” he asked again, desperately wanting to burrow into

Michael’s skin and take up residence. He’d been so scared, so
terrified that he would die in the crappy little room. The emotions
he’d been fighting against swamped him, overwhelmed him, and tears
sprang to his eyes as he tried to choke back a sob.

Moving back up the mattress, Michael sat on the edge near

Kellen’s hip and held his arms open wide. Kellen didn’t hesitate. He
launched himself into Michael’s lap and clung to the man’s neck like
a leech. Burying his face against the warm skin of Michael’s throat,

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Kellen shook as everything finally caught up with him and came
pouring out in a torrent of emotions.

“Shh, baby, I got you.” Michael stroked his hair, using his other

arm to clutch Kellen to his chest. “How bad are you hurt?” His voice
was tight and strained, barely recognizable as the usually confident
detective that Kellen knew.

He shook his head but refused to release his hold on Michael’s

neck. “Not bad. The long cut on my chest may need stitches, but the
rest are just superficial.”

Michael swallowed hard, his Adam’s apple bobbing along the

column of his throat. “Did he…did he hurt you?”

Pulling back to look up into Michael’s eyes, Kellen felt his heart

skip a beat at the worry and fear on the man’s face. He had no trouble
following Michael’s train of thought, but thankfully, he could give
him some good news. “No, he didn’t hurt me like that.”

Michael nodded, his eyes glistening with their own tears. “I was

so scared,” he whispered thickly. “I didn’t think I’d find you in time.”
Both palms came up to cradle Kellen’s face, and Michael stared at
him for a long time before he finally dipped his head and pressed their
lips together.

The kiss was slow, tender, and heartbreakingly sweet. His hands,

his lips, his entire body trembled as he made love to Kellen’s mouth,
and Kellen thought he’d pass out from the sheer joy of it. “I’m okay,”
he panted a long time later, trying to reassure and calm Michael’s

“You’re going to the emergency room,” Michael said in his no-

nonsense voice that meant he wasn’t going to argue about it. “You’ll
file a report with Rayce. Then you’re coming home.” He closed his
eyes and sighed, resting his forehead against Kellen’s. “I need you to
come home. Please.”

Like he would say no. “What about Becca?”
Kellen pressed his face into Michael’s throat again to hide his

smile. “Good answer.”

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Chapter Thirteen

Michael tried not to laugh while he listened to his little man rant at

the doctor in the emergency room. His man. He never thought he’d
utter those words.

He fought hard against the feelings he harbored for Kellen. He’d

done everything in his power to deny them. Once Kellen had gone
missing, nothing else mattered but finding the man he cared for.

“I do not need to stay for observations,” Kellen grumbled at the

doctor. “It’s just a few scratches. I didn’t even get stitches. I’ll be

“Mr. Ross, I really must insist.”
“No,” Kellen said flatly. “I’m going home.”
The doctor sighed and turned to Michael. “Can’t you do


“Nope,” Michael said with a chuckle. “He’s a grown man, doc.”

In all honesty, Kellen’s injuries weren’t nearly as bad as he’d feared,
and he just wanted the man home with him.

The doctor huffed out a breath and shook his head. “Fine, I’ll have

a nurse bring your discharge papers.”

He waited until the doctor left the room before standing and

making his way over to Kellen. “Are you sure you’re okay?”

In answer, Kellen spread his knees and pulled Michael forward by

his hips until he nestled in between those slim thighs. “I am now,” he
whispered huskily.

The sound went straight to Michael’s dick, causing it to swell with

need and push against his zipper. “God, I want you,” he whispered

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back, finally admitting it to not only Kellen, but to himself as well.
“I’m so damn tired of fighting you.”

Kellen closed his eyes and groaned. “I’m not sure you’re ready for

what I want to do to you.”

He probably wasn’t, but Michael’s pride wouldn’t let him say so.

The minute he’d decided that Kellen would be his, he’d committed
himself, and there was no going back. “Bring it on.”

Kellen placed a soft kiss over Michael’s heart and sighed. “Later.”
It took twenty minutes to get him discharged and on his way, and

Michael held him in his arms the entire time, afraid he’d disappear if
he let go for even a second. Even when they were in his truck and
headed home, Michael still couldn’t stop touching him. Reaching
across the console, he took one of Kellen’s hands from his lap and
wrapped it up in his own, bringing it to his lips to brush a kiss over
the knuckles.

“I don’t know anything about being with a man,” he confessed.

“I’ve never been attracted to men before, and I still think that’s true.
It’s just you, Kellen, but you’ll have to be patient with me.”

Kellen opened his eyes and sat up a little straighter in his seat to

smile at him. “Don’t worry. I’ll take good care of you. I’m sorry if I
messed up your date with Becca.”

He didn’t sound sorry in the least, and Michael found himself

smiling. “Kind of bitchy, but I like it.”

Kellen just shrugged. “How did you find me?”
“Cell phones are a marvelous thing.” Michael looked over and

winked at the smaller man. “I downloaded an app on your phone
when I bought it. I just text a word to your phone, and it gives me the
GPS location of wherever your phone is located.”

He looked a little confused for a minute but then shrugged. “Well,

thank you. I really thought I was going to die in that place.”

“I’m just glad I got there in time.” Michael’s gut tightened

painfully at the thought of what might have happened if he’d been
even five minutes later. “You’re not going back to that club, though.”

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He held his hand up when Kellen glared at him, opening his mouth as
if to argue. “I understand that you need to work, but there are other
jobs out there.”

“Very few that I’m qualified for.”
He could flip burgers for all Michael cared. “I have enough

money put away to take care of us until you find something closer to
home and that doesn’t involve you being mostly naked or working
until three in the fucking morning. Now, just smile and thank me
because you’re not going back.”

Kellen huffed but slumped back in his seat. He didn’t smile, but

he did offer his thanks. Michael knew he’d won, so that was good
enough for him.

A few minutes later, he pulled into his driveway and cut the

engine. “Home sweet home,” he announced. It hadn’t felt like home
since Kellen had left, but the man was back now, and things could
return to normal—whatever constituted normal.

“We’ll get your things tomorrow, but I’ve still got those fleece

pajama bottoms. Those should do for tonight.” He’d never admit it,
but he liked seeing Kellen in his clothes. He figured anything was
better than the awful hospital scrubs he was currently wearing.

Kellen nodded but didn’t say anything as he climbed down from

the truck and walked around to meet Michael at the front door. He
looked lost in thought, and Michael decided to leave him to it as he
unlocked the door and ushered him inside.

“Are you hungry?”
“No, just really tired.” Kellen yawned hugely, emphasizing his


“Come on then. We’ll get you cleaned up and tucked in.” Michael

motioned the man to follow him down the hallway. He wasn’t sure
where their relationship stood at this point, and it seemed premature
and presumptuous to think that Kellen would want to share a room
with him. So, he led Kellen to his old room and opened the door.

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“Thank you,” Kellen mumbled before yawning again. “I’m going

to shower and go to bed. I feel like I could sleep for a week.” He
backed out of the room and crossed the hall but paused just inside the
bathroom doorway. “We need to talk, but can we do it in the

Michael swallowed around the lump in his throat. What the fuck

did that mean? He had put himself out there, gone against everything
he had ever believed he was. Had Kellen changed his mind? “Sure,”
he managed to choke out. “I’ll grab those sleep pants and leave them
on the bed.”

The smile he received went a long way in calming some of his

anxiety. “Thank you for everything, Michael. I’ll see you in the
morning.” Then he slipped into the bathroom and closed the door
behind him.

* * * *

An agonizing scream woke Michael from a restless sleep. Bolting

upright in bed, he reached out blindly for the lamp, turning it on just
as another scream reached his ears. This time it was followed by a
low moan that dwindled into a frightened whimper.

Launching himself out of bed, Michael didn’t even bother to dress

before racing down the hall to Kellen’s room. He threw the door open
and hurried inside, his heart pounding a mile a minute.

Kellen writhed and kicked, flailing his arms and moaning as he

fought off an imaginary attacker. The moonlight filtered through the
window, glistening off the tears that streaked down his soft cheeks as
he begged for the tormentor in his dreams to leave him alone.

Having been through this on a few different occasions when

Kellen stayed with him before, Michael rushed to the side of the bed,
caught the man’s hands, and held them in one of his own. Then he
pushed the blond locks back from Kellen’s damp forehead as he
crooned to him softly.

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“Wake up, Kellen. It’s a bad dream, baby. Just a bad dream. I’m

right here.” How easily he’d taken to calling the man by that
particular endearment. While it should have felt strange to him, it
didn’t in the least. It felt right and warmed him, especially when he
received that special, heart-stopping smile in return.

Kellen stilled, but he didn’t ease back into a peaceful sleep as he

normally did. Instead, his eyes snapped open, his mouth fell into a
little O, and he sucked in a deep, shuddery breath. He looked so
terrified with his eyes wide and his muscles tense that it was all
Michael could do to keep from gathering him into his arms and
promising him the world.

“Breathe, Kellen. It was just a bad dream, and it’s over now.

Nothing is going to hurt you again.”

Kellen surprised him by wrapping his arms around Michael’s

shoulders and pulling him down to the bed. Then his fingers tangled
in Michael’s hair, jerking him closer as he crushed their mouths
together in a hungry, searching kiss that set Michael’s blood on fire.

Sinking into the kiss, Michael rolled carefully until he covered

Kellen from head to hips, thrusting his tongue into the man’s mouth,
taking over and dominating the kiss. His hands roamed the lithe body
beneath him, his palms smoothing over soft, creamy skin. When he
reached the gauze that covered the cut on Kellen’s sternum, Michael
jerked his hands away and pulled out of the kiss quickly.

Kellen was having none of it, though. He kept his hands fisted in

Michael’s hair, trying to pull him closer as he arched his hips and
grinded against him.

“I don’t even know where to touch you. I don’t want to hurt you.”
“I don’t care,” Kellen panted raggedly. “Nothing would hurt more

than not having your hands on me right now.”

An internal battle warred in Michael’s brain. He fought against

what he knew was right and what his body demanded that he take. His
cock throbbed painfully, jerking between his legs and leaking pre-
cum from the slit. Never had he been so hard in his life, and he

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wanted to bury himself inside Kellen’s tight little body and never

His eyes traveled over the shallow scratches, the gauze bandage,

the bruises and abrasions on the face he adored. “I don’t want to hurt
you,” he repeated.

“Please,” Kellen whimpered, arching his back again, pushing his

naked cock toward Michael. “Please, touch me.”

Groaning loudly, Michael dropped his forehead to Kellen’s chest.

He had given the man clothes. The least the stubborn shit could have
done was wear them. All that sweet, velvety skin chipped away at
Michael’s control, and he reached out tentatively, skimming his
knuckles along the satiny flesh covering Kellen’s hip.

Dropping his head back to his pillow, Kellen moaned and released

Michael’s hair as he stretched his arms over his head. “More,” he

With a lot of excitement and a little apprehension, Michael

reached between them, wrapping his fingers around the leaking flesh
of Kellen’s dick, and squeezed. It felt hot and heavy in his hand, the
same as his, but not. A little longer, thinner, Kellen’s cock jumped
and pulsed, dripping more drops of clear liquid from the tip.

He played a little more, just getting used to the feel of another

man’s dick in his hand, and then he stroked the turgid flesh slowly
from base to crown. Kellen’s breath hitched and his body vibrated
under Michael’s inexperienced touch. Gaining confidence from the
sweet sounds coming from his lover’s mouth, Michael set up a steady
pace, a rhythm he had performed a thousand times on himself.

Pre-cum seeped freely from the head, and Michael dipped his

thumb in it, smearing it over the spongy tip and down the hard-as-
steel shaft. The more he watched his hand traveling up and down
Kellen’s cock, the more he wanted to taste. He had to know what
Kellen felt like on his tongue, to know the taste of his seed.

It was strange and foreign, something he’d never thought to feel

or want. That seemed to be the norm when it came to anything

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regarding Kellen, though. The man brought out something in Michael
that he supposed had always lurked deep within him, but he’d never
recognized or explored until Kellen came along.

Inching backward until he could sprawl out between Kellen’s

thighs, he held the base of his lover’s cock in one hand and flicked his
tongue over the crown, moaning as Kellen’s essence exploded over
his taste buds. It was salty and sweet all combined, and Michael
wanted more.

Having never been in this particular situation before, he wasn’t

sure of the protocol, so he looked to Kellen for permission and
guidance. “You don’t have to, Michael,” Kellen whispered, his voice
vibrating with barely contained need.

Michael took that as a yes. Slowly, hesitantly, he bent again and

wrapped his lips around the head of Kellen’s cock, running his tongue
under the helmet and sucking lightly. It wasn’t so bad until Kellen
cried out, flexing his hips and pushing his cock further into Michael’s

He took as much as he could until his gag reflex kicked in. When

his lover didn’t ease up, Michael grabbed his hips and pinned them to
the bed, pulling off the rigid length in his mouth until he was sucking
on just the head again.

It was different than anything he’d ever done, but it was amazing.

It didn’t feel strange or unnatural. It didn’t even freak him out like he
thought it would. Maybe that had something to do with the moans
pouring from Kellen’s lips. The louder the man voiced his pleasure,
the more it spurred Michael on. He’d always been an overachiever,
and while he didn’t have a clue what he was doing, that didn’t stop
him from wanting to push those sweet moans to loud cries of ecstasy.

The feel of Kellen’s cock filling his mouth and sliding heavily

over his tongue had his own cock swelling and aching, demanding the
same kind of attention. The freshly showered scent mixed with the
natural musk on his lover made his head swim and threatened to send
him over the edge before they even really got started.

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Working the base with his fist and suckling on the tip, he reached

down to gently roll Kellen’s balls between his fingers. He might not
have ever given a blow job before, but he’d gotten enough of them to
know what he liked. He figured it wasn’t an exact science, and he
trusted Kellen would tell him if he did something wrong.

Then he skimmed just one finger over Kellen’s taint before

gliding it along the crease of his ass, teasing them both with promises
of more to come.

His lover moaned and writhed, squirming to get closer. His ragged

breathing, the soft moans coming from his slightly open mouth made
Michael feel like a king. Though he had zero experience, was mostly
working off of what he’d watched and felt women do to him, it
seemed to be enough for Kellen. Everything boiled and bubbled,
building to a crescendo, until Michael found himself humping his
throbbing dick against the sheets, searching for the sweet friction that
would send him over the edge.

“What do you want, baby? Tell me what you want,” he mumbled

against the inside of Kellen’s thigh before sucking the skin into his
mouth and marking it.

“You, I want you,” Kellen pleaded. “Fuck me.” A loud moan

burst from his parted lips when Michael flicked his tongue over the
sensitive flesh around Kellen’s hole. He’d never done that before
either, but he found that he liked it, especially when it produced such
erotic sounds from his lover.

“Not tonight.” No matter how much he wanted to see Kellen’s

pert ass wrapped around his dick, he wouldn’t do anything that might
hurt the man. “Just let me take care of you.” Then he went back to
work, dragging his lips up and down Kellen’s cock while he
continued to grope and massage the tight sac in his hand.

What he lacked in knowledge, he made up for in enthusiasm, and

it didn’t take long for Kellen to pant out a warning. Michael wasn’t
moving, though. He wanted Kellen to come in his mouth. He needed
to taste him fully, to know what he’d been missing.

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“Ah, Michael!” Kellen screamed, bowing his back as the first

splash of semen bathed Michael’s tongue and trickled down his

To his surprise, Michael found he loved the taste of his man. Or

maybe it was just because he’d put that look of total bliss on Kellen’s
face. Whatever it was, he sucked greedily until Kellen slumped back
to the mattress with a contented sigh. Then he licked him clean and
kissed the head of his flagging erection.

“That was awesome,” Kellen mumbled sleepily.
Smiling, proud and cocky, Michael crawled up beside Kellen and

kissed the back of his neck. “I’ll get better.”

“You were perfect. Let me catch my breath, and I’ll take care of


“I don’t need it.” His cock was hard and throbbing, but he felt a

satisfaction at giving Kellen pleasure that he’d never felt from finding
his own release before. It was the best compliment he’d ever received,
and he needed nothing more at the moment. Leaving his lover to rest,
Michael went to roll out of bed, but Kellen’s hand on his arm stopped
him. “What is it, Kellen?”

“Stay,” Kellen whispered. “Just stay with me.”
Since it was exactly where he’d wanted to be all week, Michael

had no problem giving the man what he asked for. Slipping under the
covers, he molded himself against Kellen’s back and pulled him into
his arms. He fit so perfectly there, as though he was made just for

Nuzzling into Kellen’s hair, Michael smiled in utter satisfaction as

he closed his eyes and let the exhaustion claim him.

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Chapter Fourteen

Waking up surrounded by strong arms and his face nestled against

Michael’s warm chest, Kellen froze. His entire body went rigid, and
he choked back a groan of pain when every muscle in his body
protested the movement.

Michael’s fingers stroked through his hair while his other hand

smoothed up and down Kellen’s spine. “Shh, baby. Go back to sleep.”

He sounded so calm. Kellen distinctly remembered having his

cock in the man’s mouth sometime during the night. Why wasn’t he
freaking out? Kellen was definitely freaking out.

“Kellen, relax.” Michael’s voice was deep and commanding,

washing over Kellen and making him shiver.

“Why aren’t you hyperventilating and spazzing out?”
His lover chuckled and dropped a kiss on the top of his head.

“Partly because you’re doing enough of that for the both of us. To be
honest, I kind of thought I’d be having a heart attack right now, but
this feels right.” He pulled Kellen even closer.

He knew he should just accept it and let it go, but he couldn’t.

“You totally lost it after that first kiss. I don’t understand, Michael.”

“I didn’t know what I wanted then. I was all tangled up, and I

don’t deal well with being confused. I thought I was dying last night
when you went missing.” His voice lowered, just barely more than a
whisper. “I don’t want to ever feel like that again. I’m no good
without you, Kellen. Once I figured that out, it wasn’t so scary

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His words were sweet and made Kellen’s heart swell, but he still

didn’t get it. “You were a straight man on a date with a woman less
than twenty-four hours ago. You should be falling apart right now.”

Michael eased back and cupped the side of Kellen’s face,

smoothing his thumb over the tender flesh under his left eye. “You’ve
got a nice shiner going on there.” His eyes flashed with anger, and his
whole body tensed.

“Michael!” Yes, his eye probably looked bad, but he couldn’t care

less about it at the moment.

Sighing heavily, Michael dipped his head and placed a gentle kiss

on the bruised flesh. “Now you listen to me, Kellen Ross. Maybe I
don’t know what I’m doing. Okay, I know that I don’t know what I’m
doing. I’m not saying that I’m going to start marching in parades or
hang a rainbow flag from my front porch. Right now, at this very
moment, I know that I’m not the same when you’re not with me, and
that’s enough.”

It wasn’t enough for Kellen, though. He’d just been handed

everything he’d wanted, but it all seemed too easy. He wasn’t one of
those people that just had happiness fall into his lap. He had to work
at it, and most times, it still slipped through his fingers before he
could grasp it.

“Hey,” Michael whispered, tilting Kellen’s face up so he could

look into his eyes. “I’m too tired to fight with you right now, so knock
it off. In fact, I’m exhausted. It took a lot of energy to try and deny
how I feel about you. Just let me enjoy it for now. I might lose it later,
but that’s not going to be today.”

That was exactly what Kellen was afraid of, though. He was

already in deeper than he wanted to be. What happened if Michael
woke up the next morning and realized he’d made a mistake? Would
he blame Kellen? In his experience, when people blamed him, it
usually ended with him getting his ass beat. He already felt like he’d
been hit by a locomotive. More pain in the near future was not an
appealing thought.

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“Everything is so confusing right now,” Michael continued as if

Kellen wasn’t completely losing his mind. “I don’t have a problem
with two men being together, but it isn’t something I ever saw myself
doing. I don’t want to fuck this up.”

Kellen kissed the underside of his lover’s jaw, urging him to

continue. This sounded more like how Michael should be feeling.

“I’m going to make mistakes, baby. I’m not always going to know

what I’m doing or how to act.” His dark gray eyes pleaded with
Kellen to understand. “I’m not going to hide that I’m with you, but
I’m not sure I’m ready to let everyone know yet.”

“You can have all the time you need.” Michael didn’t like men,

but he liked Kellen. The knowledge went a long way in soothing
some of his doubts and uncertainties about this blossoming

“Just let me get my head wrapped around it. I’ve always been the

kind of guy who faces things head-on.” He kissed Kellen’s nose, each
cheek, his forehead, and finally his lips. “I don’t care if you’re a man,
a woman, or a purple giraffe. I’m not ashamed of being with you. I
just need to figure out how to tell everyone else, including my

Yes, that was the Michael Hunter he knew. To him, Kellen—and

his resulting attraction to him—was a puzzle that needed to be solved.
He’d navigated the maze and fit the last piece into place. Now, to
him, all that was left was to glue that sucker to a piece of cardboard
and slap it up on the wall for everyone to see.

Kellen cupped Michael’s cheek and smiled. “I’m not going

anywhere.” Where would he go? He had everything he wanted and
some things he hadn’t even thought to ask for. He just hoped that
when everything came out in the open, Michael would still feel the
same way. “I’ll be beside you, or behind you, or even right next to
you huddled in the closet for as long as you want me there.”

“Good,” Michael said simply before pressing their lips together

once again. He seemed to be fascinated with Kellen’s lips, or maybe it

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was just the newness of kissing a man. Either way, it wasn’t as if
Kellen was going to complain about it. When he pulled back, there
was a smirk on his face, and he reached up to push Kellen’s hair back.
“You didn’t dry your hair last night.”

Kellen groaned. “It’s sticking up everywhere isn’t it?” He tried to

lift his arm to feel for himself, but it hurt, so he gave up and sighed. “I
bet I look ridiculous.”

“It’s cute.” Michael chuckled when Kellen glared at him. “Come

on. I’ll wet it down and put some mousse in it.”

“You’d really do that?”
Michael frowned at him. “Of course I will. I have no clue how to

do it, so you’ll have to talk me through it.” He gripped Kellen’s chin,
forcing his face up. “All you ever have to do is ask. If I can, if it’s in
my power, I’ll give it to you.”

Kellen supposed he should have known this. Michael was fiercely

loyal to the people he cared about, and he was definitely someone
Kellen wanted on his side. Once he allowed someone into his life, his
circle of trust, there wasn’t anything he wouldn’t do for them. It was
just one of the many things that Kellen admired about the man in his

“You’re kind of amazing, you know.”
Michael chuckled and climbed out of bed. “Well, be sure to tell

my mother that when you meet her. She thinks I’m a slob.”

“You are a slob.” Kellen yawned wide and rolled to his back,

watching his lover intently as he shuffled across the hall to the
bathroom. Then the first part of that sentence caught up with his
sleepy brain, and he almost choked on his tongue. “Did you say I’m
meeting your mother?”

“Well, not today, but yeah,” Michael called from the bathroom

just before Kellen heard the shower come on. “I mean, you’re going
to have to meet my folks eventually.”

Settling back against his pillow, Kellen thought over the

implications of meeting Michael’s parents. It absolutely reeked of

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commitment. While he wasn’t against the idea of being in a loving
monogamous relationship, was Michael ready for such a big step?

Life was so much less complicated when he’d liked other gay

boys. So, why did he have to go and give his heart to a straight man?

* * * *

“Can I talk to you for a minute?”
Michael looked over his shoulder and nodded at Rayce. “Keep

writing. I’ll be right back,” he whispered to Kellen before pushing up
from his chair and following Rayce from the room.

They’d come to the police department for Kellen to give his

official statement about the events of the previous evening. Michael
knew he probably should have had Ryder bring Kellen in, but he
hadn’t been able to stomach the idea of being away from his lover
when he knew how much Kellen would need him.

“What’s going on?”
“That guy we brought in last night?” Rayce rested his hands on

his hips, just above his belt, and sighed. “He has one of those tattoos
from Claw and Dagger on his inner arm.”

Claw and Dagger had been one of the city’s most exclusive

BDSM clubs, entrance permitted by invitation only. It had closed its
doors the previous year when the owner, Marshall Dean, blew his
brains out and had remained closed ever since. Considering the place
had been a guise for hiding the underground passages that lurked
beneath it, Michael imagined not many would want to associate
themselves with the place.

It was in those rooms beneath the club where Michael had

watched his partner and best friend gut-shot and left to bleed out. It
was also where they’d found several young men and women, barely
older than children, chained up and locked away until Marshall Dean
could return to resume their training as sex slaves.

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They were whipped, beaten, burned, starved, and tormented in an

attempt to mold them into subservient perfection. Those who failed
their training were of no use to Dean and found themselves bound,
gagged, and tossed into the harbor to drown. Not a one of them had
survived the ordeal—no one except Sidney Kessler. It was no wonder
that Ryder was so overprotective of his lover.

“Are you listening to me?”
Michael shook himself out of his musings and gave the officer his

full attention. “You shouldn’t be talking to me about this, and
definitely not here.” He glanced around the office to see if anyone
was close enough to overhear them. “See what the sergeant does with
the information first. If he pushes it under the rug, go to Ryder.”

“Ryder quit.”
Michael’s mouth dropped open, and he fumbled for something to

say. He’d just spoken with Ryder the night before. The man had given
no indication that he wasn’t perfectly happy doing just what he was
doing. It wasn’t that he needed Michael’s permission or approval, but
he could have at least said something.

“When did this happen?”
“About an hour before you brought Kellen in. He had it out with

the Sarge, and then he threw his shield in the man’s face and stomped
out of here like a wounded elephant.” Rayce hung his head and
sighed. “I’ve put in for a transfer.”

Shit was going to hell in a handbasket around the place. While

Michael had become distrustful and paranoid about the department,
his departure had been for more personal reasons. That didn’t seem to
be the case for Ryder or Rayce. “Where?”

“I didn’t specify, and I don’t care. Internal Affairs is snooping

around, and I just want as far away from this shit as possible before
they try to pin me with something that I didn’t do.”

After what he’d witnessed and the rumors spreading like wildfire,

Michael was surprised Internal Affairs hadn’t been brought it long

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before now. “You know I’ve got your back, no matter what happens,
but we can’t talk about this here.”

Rayce bobbed his head. “I appreciate it. I don’t know what’s

going on around here, but I wouldn’t be surprised if they found a way
to take me down with them. Jasper’s already put in his written

“Jasper quit, too?” What the fuck was happening? Exactly how far

up the chain did this go? “Come by my place after work and bring
Jasper. I’ll get Ryder and Sid to drop by as well.” They needed to talk,
and it needed to be soon. Two detectives and an officer quit, and then
another officer just happens to file for a transfer a couple of weeks
later. They’d all worked the Dean case to some extent, and the whole
thing was bound to look suspicious.

“My shift doesn’t end until two.”
“It doesn’t matter. I’ll put some coffee on. Just bring your ass

when you can.”

Rayce nodded again, doing his own checking of the vicinity.

“That guy worked him over pretty good, huh?”

Glancing over his shoulder toward the closed door behind him,

Michael grimaced. “He’s tough. He’s going to be fine.” Physically,
that was true. Michael worried about the emotional impact the
incident would have on his new lover, though. “Do you think he’s

“You got somewhere to be?” Rayce teased.
“Yeah.” Michael turned back to the officer and sighed.

“Anywhere but here.”

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Chapter Fifteen

“You look tense.” Kellen scooted across the cushions so that he

could press himself against Michael’s side and peered up at him in
concern. “Anything I can do?”

Smiling softly, Michael tucked a stray lock behind Kellen’s ear

and kissed the tip of his nose. “I’m fine, Kell. I just have a lot on my

Not a lot of people called him by the nickname, and Kellen found

he liked it best from Michael. Still, his big detective looked wound
tight and about to break. Whatever thoughts chased themselves
around his head, they weren’t happy ones. Maybe he needed a

“Can we watch a movie? Maybe that would help get your mind

off of it.”

“Sounds like a plan. What would you like to watch?”
Kellen shrugged. He didn’t watch much television, so he didn’t

really have a reference as to what was good or not. “Why don’t you
pick. Are you hungry? I could make us some sandwiches.” He
scrunched his nose and mentally picked through the ingredients in the
kitchen. “I could cook, if you’d prefer.” He’d do anything to get that
look off of his lover’s face.

“Sandwiches are fine,” Michael said distractedly, obviously lost

inside his own head.

Knowing when to give up, Kellen pushed up from the cushions

and started for the kitchen. Going straight to the fridge, he began
pulling out what he needed, humming under his breath as he worked.

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Placing the mayonnaise on the counter, he closed the refrigerator door
and turned around, only to bump up against a wall of solid muscle.

Michael’s arms came around him and pulled him close, just

holding him as he rested his chin on the top of Kellen’s head. “I’m

Sighing in contentment, Kellen wiggled closer, rubbing his cheek

against the soft cotton of Michael’s T-shirt. “What are you sorry for?”

“I’m just worried about stuff. I didn’t mean to ignore you or make

you think that you’re not important.”

Kellen hadn’t felt that way at all, but it was nice for Michael to

make amends for a perceived wrong. “It’s okay, Michael. I know you
have a lot on your mind. I just want to help if I can.”

“It’s a nice feeling to know that you want to take care of me, but

you don’t have to, okay? You do a lot around here, but I don’t see you
as a maid or servant. I just wanted you to know that I appreciate

If the man kept it up, Kellen was going to melt into a big puddle

of mushy goo right there at his feet. “I know you do. At first, I was
helping out because it was the only way I could pay you back. After
the first couple of days, I found that I just really like taking care of
you. It makes me happy to know that I can make your life easier.”

Kellen yelped when he was lifted off his feet and placed on the

counter. He tried to wiggle forward, but Michael held him in place.
“Be still.”

“I’m squashing the bread, you big oaf!”
“I don’t give a damn about the bread. We’ll order pizza. Just…just

look at me, okay?” A tempest of emotions swirled in Michael’s eyes,
and his fingers flexed and relaxed, kneading the flesh around Kellen’s

Ceasing his struggles, Kellen swallowed hard, his heart pounding

at the battle raging inside his lover. “Talk to me, Michael.” The
meltdown was coming later than Kellen expected, but he could guess
what had Michael so twisted into knots.

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“You know a lot about me, right?”
Well, that threw him for a loop. He had no idea where this was

going now. “I know some, I suppose.”

Michael shook his head and growled. “You know how I like my

sandwiches. You always put my clothes away exactly the way I
would do it myself. I never said anything, but you know that I always
read the comics first. Every morning, you bring the paper, opened to
the comics.”

“Is that bad?” God, he was so confused. Was he being

reprimanded or thanked? Michael was being a little vague on the

“My clothes smell good.”
Uh, okay. “Well, you don’t want to smell like a barn animal, do


Michael apparently wasn’t paying any attention to him, though.

“My socks always have matches. My keys are always right where I
can find them. My razor had a new blade on it this morning.”

It suddenly struck Kellen that he might have overstepped his

boundaries. He’d only been trying to help, to make the man’s life a bit
simpler. The guy wasn’t exactly Mr. Organizational. It hadn’t really
occurred to him that those were things a lover or partner would know
and do. Perhaps that was why Michael was freaking out. Maybe it
was all too soon too fast.

“Do you know my middle name?”
“Nathan,” Kellen responded immediately. “I heard Nana say it at

dinner that night.”

Michael nodded as though confirming something to himself. “I

don’t know your middle name.”

Kellen was starting to get dizzy from all the ’round and ’round

Michael was doing. “Michael.”

“Hmm?” Michael asked, finally looking at him.
“I’m listening.”

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Kellen chuckled and rolled his eyes. “My middle name is


Michael blinked twice before joining in Kellen’s laughter. “See, I

should know things like that. I don’t know anything about you.” He
paused, and when he spoke again, his voice was low and a little sad.
“I don’t know how to take care of you.”

Ah, now they were getting somewhere. He was completely wrong

of course, but they’d get to that in a minute. “We’ve technically been
in a relationship for less than a day. You don’t have to know
everything right away, Michael.”

Shaking his head like the stubborn fool he was, Michael growled

again, the sound rumbling through his chest like rolling thunder. It
was probably meant to be a sound of annoyance or frustration, but
Kellen thought it was sexy as sin, and his cock agreed fully.

“Deep inside, I knew you were going to be mine from the moment

you looked at me with those big, sad eyes. The rest of me just had a
little trouble catching up. Besides, you know all those things about
me. I should know something.”

The man was talking himself right into a blow job—and maybe

more if he kept going. Kellen couldn’t remember a single time in his
life when he’d ever mattered so much to anyone. No one cared what
he liked or what he wanted.

Then there was Michael, the least likely person in the world to

want him or need him. Kellen had felt the connection immediately,
but he’d never entertained the idea that Michael would be his. Yet,
he’d been proven wrong when Michael took that plunge, leaving
behind everything he’d ever known himself to be, and fell right into
Kellen’s arms.

He was damn happy to be wrong, and even happier to prove his

man wrong now. “You know more than you realize.” He smirked
when Michael looked disbelieving. “Ryder told me the list you gave
him of how to take proper care of me. While I’m not a puppy, and
believe it or not, I can take care of myself, it was sweet.”

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“I don’t think you’re a puppy,” Michael said indignantly. “And I

wasn’t really telling him how to take care of you. I just knew that you
wouldn’t speak up for yourself, so I want…” Michael trailed off,
dropped his head, and groaned. “Okay, I was telling him how to take
care of you.”

Kellen laughed and wrapped his arms around the man’s shoulders.

“It’s fine. It made me feel special, like maybe you really did care.
And see? Hey, look at me.” He slid his knuckles under Michael’s chin
and urged his face up. “See? You do know what I need and what I
like. The rest will come.” Well, it would if Michael decided to keep
him around that long.

This seemed to appease Michael, though, because he smiled and

nodded firmly. “You’re right. It will.”

Kellen gave a mock shudder and moaned. “Oh, I like how you say

that. Say it again.”

Michael’s breath stuttered against the side of his neck as he

chuckled, and Kellen shivered for real this time. “You’re right,” his
lover whispered, trailing his lips up the column of Kellen’s throat.
“You’re always right.” He sucked Kellen’s earlobe into his mouth and
bit down lightly. “Whatever you want, Kell. Whatever you need, I’ll
give it to you.”

It wasn’t like he was trying to test that theory. His brain was

shutting down, his body taking over, and he just didn’t have enough
functioning cells to censor his words. “I want you. Please, Michael.”

Michael tensed and eased away from him. Kellen wanted to

whimper, but he managed to choke it back at the last second. His
lover didn’t look angry, though. He looked thoughtful. His fingers
came up to trace the abused flesh around Kellen’s eye, and then down
over his collarbone to lightly brush over his shirt where the gauze
bandage was hidden beneath.

“I’m fine,” Kellen hurried to assure him. “Please. Don’t worry

about all of this.”

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“How can I not?” Michael closed his eyes and when he opened

them again, there was a need there that took Kellen’s breath away.
There was something else there, though—something that told him he
wasn’t going to get what he wanted. “Say you’ll go with me to the
clinic tomorrow.”

Kellen froze, his mind racing for the correct response. It was a

huge step, one he’d never thought to take with another person. It was
even bigger for Michael. Was he ready for that? “You know what
you’re asking, right? You know what that will mean?”

“Yes.” Michael bent and pressed their mouths together, tickling

the seam of Kellen’s lips with his tongue and then delving inside
when Kellen opened to accept him. “I’m asking you to be mine and
only mine. I’m asking you to belong to me, Kellen Ross.”

“You haven’t even told your parents that you’re gay,” Kellen

argued. “I’m not completely sure you’ve accepted it in your own head
yet.” He didn’t want to play devil’s advocate, but there was just too
much that could go wrong with this scenario. “It’s easy now because
no one knows. What’s going to happen the first time you have to
introduce me to someone? Will I be your friend or your partner?
These are things you have to think about, Michael.”

It wasn’t totally unexpected, but it still hurt when Michael

straightened and pulled away from him. “I know what I want. If
you’re not sure, just say so, but don’t try to push this off on me.”
Then he turned around and strode out of the kitchen, but not before
Kellen saw the pain and rejection etched into the lines of his face.

* * * *

Michael marched to his bedroom and slammed the door closed

behind him. He paced the carpeted floor, flung himself down on the
bed, jumped right back up, and began pacing again. Was he
overreacting? Kellen had brought up legitimate points.

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Would Michael choke the first time he was faced with announcing

to the world that he was in a committed relationship with a man? He
didn’t think he would, and therein was the reason for his agitation.
Hadn’t he explained it to Kellen? Didn’t he get it?

Sure, he’d floundered for a while. Kellen Ross had blown into his

life and rocked him to his core. He’d shaken things up and left
Michael feeling dizzy. Not only was it a new and unprecedented
situation in his life, but it had happened so suddenly that he’d been
left scrambling for a hold on his reality.

That was then, though. He knew what he wanted and what was

important now. He didn’t need a fucking label or for society to place
him into a nice little box for its own comfort. Gay, straight, bisexual,
asexual, or Martian, what the hell did it matter? He loved a man—the
kindest, sexiest, most amazing person he’d ever met.

He hadn’t fallen for the penis between Kellen’s legs. He’d

tumbled over the edge into no return because of the goodness inside
his heart. He’d lost himself in Kellen’s optimism, his silly quirks, his
love of life, and his adorable need to take care of everyone around

The man had become the reason Michael woke up in the mornings

with a smile on his face. He represented all the things Michael had
ever hoped to find in a partner and then some. The week they’d spent
apart had been miserable. Why would he ever want to go through
something like that again simply because Kellen didn’t have breasts?

He didn’t, and he wouldn’t. Kellen might have valid concerns, but

only if Michael let those worries stand between them. He’d voiced his
own concerns the previous night, but that was before he realized how
much Kellen’s rejection would hurt. Obviously he wasn’t doing
something right if Kellen was still holding back from him.

“Michael?” A quiet knock followed the whispered sound of his

name. “Please open the door.”

Rolling his eyes at his childish behavior, Michael hurried to the

door and pulled it open. “I’m sorry,” they each said in unison.

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“I really want this to work,” Kellen hurried on. “I…I care about

you, but I can’t give you everything until I know you won’t wake up a
week from now and decide that I was just a phase. If I give you
everything, when you walk away, I’m left with nothing.” His eyes
shimmered, his lower lip trembled, and his voice cracked twice during
his monologue, allowing his insecurities to shine through the brave
façade he presented.

In one swift move, Michael had Kellen in his arms and pressed

against the wall, anchoring him there as he ravished his mouth with a
deep, possessive kiss that had his cock hardening and his pulse racing.
He hadn’t realized it, but he’d been battling those same niggling
doubts. Once Kellen had given voice to them, though, Michael knew
it was already too late.

He’d been afraid of his life changing, of sacrificing who he was in

order to be with the man in his arms. Things changed, though. No
matter how much he wanted it all to remain unmoving, he couldn’t
bend the world to his will.

As he pillaged the warm, sweet depths of Kellen’s mouth, he

thought maybe he didn’t want to. How could something that made
him feel so good be wrong? He’d been a detective, and a hot-headed
rookie before that—a problem-solver by definition. His feelings for
Kellen weren’t something he could analyze and apply logic to,

They were without rhyme or reason, needing no solution. Easing

out of the kiss, he pecked at Kellen’s lips before lifting his head to
look into Kellen’s eyes. Dropping all of his walls, he laid his heart
and soul bare, hiding nothing that he felt inside.

“Don’t,” Kellen whispered. His eyes glistened again, but he

couldn’t stop the tears this time. They pooled in the corners of his
eyes and slipped down his soft cheeks to curve around the delicate
line of his jaw. “If you say it, if you give me that hope, I’ll die when
you leave.”

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Michael wasn’t going anywhere, though. He’d finally found

where he belonged, and it was right beside Kellen. All his adult life
he’d been searching, not knowing what he was looking for, but
feeling as though something in his life was missing.

“It was you,” he whispered back. “You’re what I was missing.”
“Michael.” Kellen swallowed hard and his body quivered, but his

eyes said everything that Michael needed to know. “Please don’t do—”

“I love you, Kellen. Let me prove it to you.”
Kellen closed his eyes, spilling more tears down his cheeks before

dropping his head to rest his brow against Michael’s. “You had to say

“It’s how I feel,” Michael countered with a smile. He was so close

to getting what he wanted.

“You can’t take it back now.”
“I don’t want to.” His man was right there. Just a little more.
“This is forever. You know that, right?”
“That’s all I’m asking for.” It didn’t seem like too big of a request

to him.

“If you break my heart, I’m going to kick your ass.” He was

breaking down, edging toward the words Michael needed to hear.

“I’d expect nothing less, but I’ll never take you for granted or let

you down.”

Kellen sighed, winding his arms around Michael’s neck and

dragging him closer so that their cheeks rested together. So close.
Almost there. Michael could feel the sweet surrender in the relaxing
of his lover’s muscles, but he needed to hear the words.

“I love you,” Kellen whispered in his ear, barely more than a

breath on the wind.

Sagging in relief and elation, Michael finally released the breath

he’d been holding as he clutched Kellen to his chest. Nothing would
ever be the same after this, but he looked forward to the journey.

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Chapter Sixteen

“I got it.” Sidney jumped up from Ryder’s lap and jogged over to

answer the door. It was a good thing, too, because Kellen wasn’t
about to move. He was too warm, too comfortable, and too content
curled into Michael’s side where he was.

Rayce stepped in with a smile, a man Kellen didn’t know

following close behind him. Rayce took one look at him and Michael
and burst into exuberant laughter. “I knew we’d bring you over to the
dark side!”

“I don’t think we had anything to do with it,” the other man said

with a smile of his own. He smacked Rayce in the back of the head
and shoved him in the back to move him out of the doorway. “You’re
such an ass.”

“Are they together?” Kellen whispered up to Michael. If not, it

wasn’t for a lack of attraction. They moved together like two parts of
a whole with the ease and grace of longtime lovers.

“Nah, they’re just both idiots,” Michael whispered back before

raising his voice to introduce Kellen to the new member of their little
group of friends. “Officer Jasper Denton, this is Kellen Ross.”
Michael’s arm tightened around his shoulders, and he kissed the top
of Kellen’s head. “He’s mine.”

Kellen rolled his eyes and elbowed the man in the ribs. “Ignore


Michael grunted and poked Kellen in the side, causing him to

jump when it tickled. “Well, you are.”

“Yes, honey, but you don’t have to announce it like that every

time you introduce me to someone.”

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“Well, how else are they supposed to know?” Michael asked


Rayce and Jasper were falling against each other, sliding to the

floor and howling with laughter. Sidney had a hand over his mouth,
trying to muffle his giggles, and Ryder’s face was so red from trying
to contain his mirth that he looked in danger of stroking out.

“I’m pretty sure the fact that I’m practically sitting in your lap and

you just kissed me didn’t go unnoticed. They’re fairly bright
individuals. I think they figured it out.”

Michael huffed and actually dragged Kellen into his lap so that he

straddled his lover’s thighs before wrapping his powerful arms around
him. “I don’t like how Rayce is looking at you.”

The man had his eyes squeezed closed and was struggling to drag

in air to his lungs. “And exactly how is he looking at me? With his X-
ray vision?” This only sent everyone into more peals of laughter until
Kellen was afraid he was going to have to start performing CPR if
they didn’t start breathing.

“He always looks at you funny.”
“Maybe he wants to know who does my hair.”
Michael tilted his head to the side as though he was trying to

figure out something. “You’re messing with me, right?”

Ryder finally lost it, wrapping his arms around his midsection as

he roared with unrestrained laughter that bounced off the walls. It was
so infectious that Kellen found himself chuckling along, but Michael
didn’t appear amused.

He was saying all the right things, and his possessive attitude

made Kellen all warm and tingly inside. Given the opportunity, he’d
shout it from the rooftops that Michael Nathan Hunter belonged to
him. It was just too easy and so much fun to tease the brooding man,

Bending from the waist, Kellen kissed his lover’s pouty lips and

sighed happily. “I love you.” Michael nodded firmly as though Kellen

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damn sure better love him after all the trouble he was causing. God,
he was adorable.

“I like him already,” Jasper gasped, using Rayce as leverage to

push to his feet. The action sent Rayce falling back on his butt, and
Jasper kicked him in the thigh once he was standing straight.

He took half a step but made it no farther before Rayce grabbed

him around the knees, sending him crashing to the floor. Then they
were rolling around in the entryway, growling like a bunch of
grizzlies while each attempting to throw the other off of him. They
probably thought they looked like two regular guys roughhousing and
having fun. To Kellen, however, the sexual tension between them was
thick enough to cut with a dull knife.

“Okay, cut it out,” Michael called, tapping Kellen’s hip to get him

to move off his lap. “I didn’t ask you to come over so you could
wreck my house.”

Rayce finally shoved Jasper off of him and jumped to his feet,

panting a little from his exertion. “Trust me. It would be an

“Are they always like this?” Kellen whispered to Sidney, unused

to the playful banter and impromptu wrestling matches.

Sidney shrugged. “This is kind of tame, to be honest.” He reached

over and patted Kellen on the knee with a smile. “Don’t worry. You’ll
get used to it.”

Kellen wasn’t so sure about that, but he hoped he’d be around

long enough to find out if their raucous behavior would become
second nature to him.

“Let’s move this into the kitchen,” Michael suggested as he stood

and twisted to the side so that his cotton shirt pulled tightly over his
muscles as he stretched. Kellen watched enraptured, his mouth going
desert dry with every flex of Michael’s shoulders and abs. Was there
anyone on earth more gorgeous than his detective? He seriously
doubted it.

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“Quit drooling and c’mon,” Sidney teased him. He leaned closer

and whispered conspiratorially, “He’s really hot. I’d totally tap that.”

Kellen growled, but he doubted anyone heard it over Ryder’s

rumbled annoyance. Sidney just laughed at the pair of them and
sashayed into the kitchen, pausing at the doorway to blow a kiss over
his shoulder at his lover.

“He’s a fucking brat,” Ryder grumbled, but he had a smile on his

face, and his eyes were soft and warm as he stared after Sidney.

“You guys are disgusting,” Rayce huffed and then shoved Ryder

roughly before jogging to the kitchen, his laughter ringing throughout
the room.

“As much as I hate to agree with him about anything—and I do

mean anything—he’s got a point.” Jasper sighed and pushed a hand
through his light brown hair. “You guys are nauseating.” His dark
blue gaze landed on Kellen, including him in the statement.

“What did I do?” he demanded.
“Get your candy asses in here!” Rayce called. A loud crash

followed his words only seconds later.

“Oh, Jesus Christ, fuckhead!” Michael yelled in frustration.

“You’re like a bull in a china shop.”

“Or a jackass in a tin barn,” Sidney quipped just loud enough for

them to hear in the living room.

Ryder and Jasper looked nonplussed by the exchange, but Kellen

decided he’d never met a stranger set of men in his life. They were
loud, brash, rude, crude, and socially unacceptable. And he’d never
seen a group of people who cared so much for each other.

He wanted to be part of that. Best of all, he could.

* * * *

“Why the hell did you resign?” Michael asked, cutting straight to

the chase.

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“I didn’t.” Ryder crossed his arms over his chest and leaned back

in his seat with a scowl on his face. “I was suspended from duty for
falsifying records.”

“What records did you falsify?” Kellen asked, earning him a glare

from every man in the room apart from Michael. “What?” He shook
his head and rolled his eyes. “Let me rephrase. What records are they
claiming you falsified?”

Michael knew what his lover had meant, and he was a little

peeved at everyone else for jumping to conclusions. Not just his
feelings, but his thought process wasn’t exactly rational where it came
to Kellen, though, so he was glad he’d kept his mouth shut instead of
jumping to defend him immediately.

“The Dean files,” Ryder growled.
“Wait.” Michael held a hand up and shook it. “The case that we

were thrown off of? The files that they haven’t let you touch since
then? Those are the ones that you’ve supposedly tampered with?”

Ryder nodded curtly. “Sergeant Cross also tried to accuse me of

being involved with that evidence going missing. He has no proof of
either wrongdoing, though. So my ass is basically canned, pending an
Internal Affairs investigation.”

“And how much do you want to bet that there won’t be an

investigation?” Rayce propped his elbows up on the table and
dropped his face into his hands. “We’re being set up.”

“Yep,” Ryder agreed. “How’s that transfer going?”
Rayce sat up and shook his head. “Denied.”
“And your notice of resignation?” he asked Jasper.
Jasper just shrugged. “Not much they can do about that. They

can’t refuse to let me quit. There’s still ten days for them to trump up
charges to file against my ass, though.”

“They can still file charges against you after you quit,” Kellen

said quietly. “I mean, just because you’re not an officer anymore,
doesn’t mean that you can’t be a criminal.”

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Luckily, everyone knew where he was going with it this time and

didn’t jump to the conclusion that he was being a dick. Michael still
had no idea what to do about any of it, though. “What about me?”

“I haven’t heard anything yet,” Ryder assured him. “That doesn’t

mean you’ve been forgotten, though.”

That was what Michael was afraid of. “Have they said anything

about Kellen or the murder outside of Infinity?”

“Everyone is pretty close-lipped about the whole thing, but I’ve

heard talk that they’re now questioning whether or not Kellen was just
a witness and not the actual perpetrator.”

Michael whipped around to stare in shock at Jasper. “You’re

fucking kidding, right?” He could tell from the look on the man’s face
that he wasn’t, though. “This is bullshit.”

“Not really.” Kellen clasped his hands together on the table and

stared down at them. “It makes sense if you think about it. There was
no one else in that alley besides me and the dead guy when the cops
showed up. Since they have no leads on a suspect, it seems natural
that they would start pointing the finger at me.”

“You watch too much television,” Sidney said jokingly, but he

looked worried.

“Did they scrape your nails or take a DNA sample?” Rayce asked.

“Tell me they at least got your fingerprints. I know they didn’t take
your clothes.”

Kellen shrugged. “They took fingerprints. That was it.”
“Are you thinking what I’m thinking?” Ryder asked, staring

across the table at Michael.

“Someone in the department knows who killed Kenneth Dean in

that alley, and they’re trying to cover it up.” Michael had harbored
suspicions all along, but he hadn’t wanted to believe it. “So, what do
we do now?”

“I think it’s safe to say that Marks and Lancaster are in on this.”

The chair scraped across the linoleum as Rayce jumped to his feet and
began pacing in agitation. “After what happened with Ryder, I don’t

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think we should dismiss Cross as having a hand in the cookie jar,

“The Sergeant,” Kellen gasped.
Unfortunately, it didn’t surprise Michael. Lesser men wanted

power, and powerful men wanted more power. It was the way of the
social order since the dawn of time. He just didn’t know what the
prize was in this case. What the hell did they all want so badly?

“Can we get a list of the Claw and Dagger exclusive members?”
Rayce paused long enough to glance at Michael before he shook

his head and resumed prowling about the kitchen. “I’ll try, but I can’t
make any promises.”

“Did you ever find out if any other evidence has gone missing?”

Michael directed his question toward Ryder.

“I dug around as much as I could, but I didn’t find anything.”

Ryder pushed his dark hair back from his face and growled.

No one seemed to know what to say after that. Rayce continued

marching back and forth, grumbling under his breath. Ryder was
looking at the back door, but his eyes were vacant as he if he was
staring at something inside his own head. Jasper’s head was bent, and
his eyes were closed. Sidney and Kellen just looked like they were at
a complete loss.

Banging on the door directly behind Michael pulled them all out

of their inner wonderings in a hurry, though. Rayce spun around, his
hand going for the gun that was no long attached to his hip now that
he was off duty. Jasper and Ryder jumped to their feet with such
violence that their chairs went crashing to the floor.

“Go,” Michael ordered Kellen and Sidney as he jumped up from

his seat as well. Waiting until they’d obeyed his command, he crept
toward the door, keeping to the side as best he could in the limited
space, and pulled the curtain back just a centimeter.

A large, muscled man with long blond hair and a frantic look on

his face continued banging on the door, checking over his shoulder

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frequently as though he was expecting someone to jump out of the
shadows and gun him down.

“If he was here to murder us, he wouldn’t be knocking on the

door,” Jasper said reasonably, though Michael noticed he had taken
up a defensive stance, partially blocking Rayce from the back door.

“Who are you, and why are you here?” Michael demanded.
“FBI Special Agent Javier DeMarco,” the stranger announced.

“Open the fucking door!”

“Let me see your identification.”
Agent DeMarco growled but pulled a strip of leather from his

pocket and pressed it up against the glass pane of the window.
Michael studied it carefully but quickly before unlocking the door and
pulling it open.

Pushing his way inside, DeMarco looked scared but determined as

he faced them all down. “You have to leave.”

“Excuse me?” Ryder asked dangerously.
DeMarco held his hands up and shook his head. “We don’t have

time for this shit. They’re coming for you, and we have to get the fuck
out now! I am not the goddamn enemy!”

Maybe it was the vehemence or the passion in his voice, or

perhaps it was the underlying plea, but Michael believed him. “Kell,
Sid, get in here!” He hurried to the living room, the other men
following right behind him.

Kellen and Sidney came running from the direction of his

bedroom, Sidney pressing himself against Ryder’s side as he stared
wide-eyed at DeMarco. Kellen wasn’t quite as subtle about his fear,
sprinting into the room and throwing himself at Michael while his
whole body shook violently.

“Is this everyone?” DeMarco asked, glancing around the living

room. At Michael’s nod, he started toward the front door. “Then let’s

“Why should we believe you?” Rayce demanded. “Who the fuck

are you anyway?”

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“I don’t have time to explain. I’m trying to save your life!”

DeMarco barked back. “I’ll tell you what I know when we’re far
away from here.”

Rayce shook off the hold Jasper had on his shoulder and

advanced, his upper lip curling over his top teeth in an impressive
snarl. DeMarco wasn’t intimidated, though. He looked merely

“Can we go, please?” Kellen whispered against Michael’s chest.
“Yes,” Sidney said, grabbing Ryder’s wrist and trying to drag him

toward the exit. “I want to go. Something doesn’t feel right.”

As it turned out, the little runts had the right idea. Michael just

wished he’d realized it before the gunfire started.

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Chapter Seventeen

Kellen thought he was going to piss himself when the back door

exploded inward and a massive mountain of a man stood there,
dressed in black from head to toe. No, no, no! Shit like this did not
happen in real life.

The enormous beast masquerading as a man was quickly joined

by three other men who were just as large and menacing—and that
was before Kellen saw the guns in their hands. They were all going to
die. He knew it with a certainty when his blood went cold as though
preparing for the inevitable.

The next several seconds passed so fast, Kellen wasn’t sure

exactly what happened. Gunshots rang out, reverberating around the
room—though he couldn’t have said who fired first since he was
pinned facedown on the floor with Michael surrounding him like a
human shield. Clamping his hands over his ears, Kellen curled into
himself, trying to become as small as possible as the once welcoming
home became a battle zone.

“Stay down and don’t move,” Michael ordered him when the

gunfire ceased.

Kellen wanted to grab him, to beg him to stay there with him on

the floor, but Michael was gone before he could even roll to his back.
Scrambling into a sitting position, Kellen pressed up against the end
of the sofa and peeked around the side of it, desperately trying to find
his lover.

The first man who’d burst into the kitchen was sprawled just

inside the back doorway, and Kellen felt his stomach roll, positive
that the guy was dead. Another of the masked men was sitting on the

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floor behind one of the kitchen chairs, clutching at his leg while
copious amounts of blood ran from his thigh and pooled beneath him.
He had no idea where the other two were.

He did find his detective, though. Michael kept low to the ground,

doing some strange crouching walk toward the fireplace. Once there,
he grabbed the fire poker, lifted it to his shoulder like a baseball bat,
and crept toward the wall dividing the living room from the kitchen.
With his back to it, he inched closer to the doorway, taking his eyes
off of it for only a second to glance at someone on the other side of
the sofa.

Kellen rolled on his bottom, peering around the other side of the

couch, and found the man he didn’t know ducked behind the upturned
coffee table, his gun trained on the doorway. Where the hell was
everyone else? Was anyone injured? Dead? The panic sped through
him like a runaway locomotive making his arms and legs shake while
his throat constricted until he could barely breathe.

“Stay down,” the man said to him without turning.
He wasn’t about to move from his hiding place, but he needed to

know that Michael was okay. So he moved once again, keeping as
much of himself hidden as possible while he watched with just one

“No one has to get hurt!” one of their attackers called from the

kitchen. He really wasn’t very good at lying. Even as scared as he
was, Kellen could hear the deceit in his voice.

Sure enough, in the next instant, the man spun into the doorway

with his arms extended and the barrel of his gun pointed straight at the
man behind the coffee table. He got off one shot before Michael
sliced through the air with the fire poker, hitting the man in both
forearms with it.

Another report rang throughout the room, the shot going wide and

shattering one of the front windows before the gun clattered to the
floor and the guy howled in pain. A swift uppercut with the iron
poker, and he was out for the count.

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Three down and one to go.
Apparently the final man standing wasn’t as stupid as his

companions, because Kellen shifted his attention to the back door just
in time to see the guy flee through it, but not before taking one last
shot over his shoulder. A loud pop from his left made him jump, and
he heard more than saw the last of their attackers go down on the
wooden patio.

“Is anyone hurt?” Michael called.
“There’s still one more,” Kellen answered, pointing toward the

kitchen and the man still propped up against the chair.

“DeMarco?” Michael asked, pressing himself back against the

wall again.

Kellen didn’t a have a clue who DeMarco was until the man

crouching behind the coffee table stood and shook his head. “He’s not
going anywhere.” He was right. Upon closer inspection, Kellen
realized the bad guy had either passed out or bled to death.

“Rayce is shot,” Jasper called from the hallway as he emerged

into the living room, helping a limping Rayce along with one arm
around his waist.

“It just grazed me,” Rayce assured them. “Bleeding like a bitch

and stings like hell, but I’ll live.”

“We’re fine,” Ryder announced, dragging Sidney out from where

they’d been huddled near the television and helping him to his feet.
“I’ve got the SUV out front. We can all fit in that. Let’s get the fuck
out of here.”

Kellen couldn’t agree more. His body was still locked in place

there on the floor, and no matter how much his brain screamed for
him to move, he just couldn’t do it.

“C’mere, Kell,” Michael said gently. As though it was a magic

spell releasing him from his invisible chains, Kellen popped up off the
floor, sprinted across the room, and jumped at Michael, knocking him
back a step with the force of the impact.

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His arms and legs wound around his lover, squeezing tight and

holding on for dear life. “Are you okay?”

“You’re fine,” Michael whispered in his ear. “I’ve got you, and

you’re just fine.”

Kellen frowned. That wasn’t what he’d asked. Leaning back so

that he could see into Michael’s eyes, Kellen grabbed his face and
frowned. “Are you okay?”

Michael dipped his head. “I’m not hurt, but we need to go before

reinforcements show up.”

“Aren’t you going to call the police?”
His man looked at him like he’d grown a second head. “Who do

you think sent these guys in the first place?” He nodded toward the
gun on the floor a few feet from them. “That’s a standard issue .40 cal
Beretta, Kell.”

Yeah, like he knew what the hell that meant. He trusted Michael,

though, and if the guy said no police, then Kellen wasn’t going to
argue. “So, we should get out of here like now. I’m pretty sure one of
the neighbors has called the cops by now.”

“Good point.” Michael dropped him to his feet and pushed him

toward the front door. “Straight to the SUV on the curb and don’t
look back. Now go.”

Determined not to be a complete chickenshit, Kellen did as he was

told, opening the front door and hurrying through it, his eyes locked
on the back door of Ryder’s SUV. Jumping down from the porch, the
smell of leather assaulted him as an arm was wrapped around his
waist and cold metal pressed against his temple.

“Don’t move,” a voice above his head growled. “I’ll splatter his

brains all over the walkway.” He started walking backward, dragging
Kellen along with him while Michael and the others looked on from
the front porch.

While Kellen expected Michael to look scared, that wasn’t the

case at all. The man looked royally pissed off, and he didn’t want to

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see what would become of the man holding the gun to his head once
his detective was finished with him.

“Drop the gun, Lancaster,” Michael snarled, descending the first

porch step.

“You just couldn’t keep your fucking nose out of it, could you?”

Lancaster yelled back, the gun against Kellen’s temple wobbling a bit
in his anger. Kellen appreciated that Michael wanted to rescue him,
but he kind of wished he’d just shut his damn mouth. “Where’s

“I’m going to guess that was his .40 cal,” Ryder mumbled out of

the side of his mouth. “Fucking idiot.”

God, they were making things so much worse. No one seemed to

be giving much consideration to the man with the gun, which Kellen
didn’t find very amusing at all. Maybe that was because it was his
head that would have the gaping hole in it if they didn’t shut it.

“I’ve always said you two were top-notch,” Michael drawled, his

tone dripping his sarcasm as he descended another step. Kellen was
going to kill him if he got out of this alive. “How the hell did you ever
make detective? You blow the examiner?”

Kellen closed his eyes and groaned under his breath.
“Stop moving!” Lancaster shouted, but there was a note of

hysteria in his voice.

“What are you going to do? Shoot him? You know you’re dead

the minute you do.” Yes, and that was all well and good for them.
Kellen wasn’t really okay with that plan, though. “How you’ve
managed to live this long is beyond me. Now, who sent you?”
Michael demanded, stepping off the stairs and onto the walkway with

“Stop!” The gun left Kellen’s temple and darted out in front of

him, aiming at Michael’s chest. The detective’s grip was so shaky
Kellen was surprised he still had a grip on the firearm.

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Michael finally stopped and held his hands up in surrender, but

the smile that stretched his lips was wicked and promised retribution.
“You’ve got me.”

The guy didn’t have shit. Kellen had been scared before with the

gun trained on him. Now, seeing it pointed in Michael’s direction, he
was pissed. Adrenaline and rage fueled him as he drove his head
back, wincing when it smashed into Lancaster’s chin. It had the
desired effect, however. The detective grunted, his entire body shifted
back, lifting his arm so that when he fired the next shot it went high
and wide.

Without pausing, Kellen grabbed the wrist that held the gun,

tightened his grip, and jerked the same arm downward as he dropped
to one knee and kicked his other foot out behind him. Executing the
same move he’d used on Michael at the club, he had Lancaster on his
back with a knee in his throat a heartbeat later.

“You really are stupid,” he snarled down at the asshole.
Police sirens wailed in the distance, shaking Kellen out of his

rage. A strong but gentle arm wrapped around his waist and pulled
him to his feet. “Let him go,” Michael said quietly. “He’s not worth

“Move!” Ryder commanded, sprinting past them with Sidney in


By the time Kellen climbed into the third row seat with Michael,

Ryder already had the engine started and the headlights on. Once
Jasper dove in beside Rayce and slammed the door, the SUV shot
forward, speeding down the neighborhood street at dangerous speeds.

“Where are we going?” Ryder asked.
DeMarco shifted slightly and sat forward in his seat. “Take a left

and head toward the Warehouse District.”

Kellen wasn’t sure if the guy had meant the very next left, but

apparently it was the one that appealed the most to Ryder. He turned
the vehicle sharply, barely letting up on the gas, and Kellen found
himself sprawled over Michael’s lap.

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“Hey,” his lover said, grinning down at him. “Come here often?”
Only Michael Hunter could still be smiling after almost being

gunned down in cold blood. “You’re crazy.”

Michael just winked and helped him to sit up in his seat. “Love

you, too, baby.”

“Were all those guys really police officers?” Sidney asked from

the front seat.

“Nah,” Rayce answered, tilting his head back to lean against the

headrest. “Just Marks and Lancaster. While those two have never
been brilliant, the other three were dumber than mud.”

“They really tried to kill us,” Kellen whispered, the magnitude of

the situation finally catching up with him. “We could have died.”

For a change, no one spoke, leaving him to fall apart in silence.

Michael pulled him across the bench seat and wrapped him up in his
arms. “It’s going to be okay, Kell.”

Shuddering so hard that his teeth clacked together, Kellen didn’t

say anything, but he highly doubted that was true. Maybe not those
men, but ones like them would come again. They’d keep coming until
they’d done their job. They’d keep coming until Kellen or someone
he cared about was dead.

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Chapter Eighteen

The SUV came to a stop behind one of the warehouses, and

everyone began piling out of the vehicle. Michael helped Kellen out
of the backseat and wrapped an arm around his shoulders when he
was standing beside him.

“I have an apartment of sorts in the loft,” DeMarco informed

them, nodding toward a building farther down the row. “We can talk

“We’ll catch up,” Michael said, grabbing Kellen around the upper

arm when he made to follow the others.

Ryder turned, opening his mouth as though to argue, but Michael

held a hand up to cut him off. “This isn’t smart,” Ryder said anyway.

“We’ll be right there,” Michael responded. “No one followed us.”

He knew. He’d been watching. “I just need a minute with Kellen.”

“C’mon,” Sidney said softly, tugging on Ryder’s hand. “Give

them some privacy.”

“What’s going on?” Kellen stepped in front of Michael, turning

his back on the rest of the group and crossing his arms over his chest.
“What do you need to talk to me about?”

Without pre-warning, Michael grabbed Kellen’s ass in both hands,

spun them around, and pressed his lover against the side of the car.
Urging Kellen’s legs around his hips, he fisted one hand in his man’s
hair, jerked his head back roughly, and attacked his mouth with all the
pent-up emotions swirling around inside of him.

He’d nearly lost his mind when the gunfire had started. If

anything happened to Kellen, Michael had no doubt that it would
leave him as a shattered shell of a man. Their relationship had started

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fast, sneaking up on him and blindsiding him, but the feelings ripping
through his body were as real as the air he breathed.

“I’m so damn proud of you,” he whispered raggedly as he licked

and nipped the side of Kellen’s throat. He’d wanted to rip Lancaster
apart with his bare hands when he’d seen that gun pressed to Kellen’s
temple. Underneath all that rage was a healthy dose of fear that had
nearly paralyzed him.

Kellen had handled himself well, fighting vehemently when

Michael’s life had been threatened. Still, some of the fear lingered
with him, and he needed to reaffirm that Kellen was alive, safe,
unharmed, and very much his.

“Don’t do that to me again,” Kellen panted, squirming in his arms

as he rocked against him.

“I promised forever, and I always keep my promises.”
“Nothing lasts forever,” Kellen responded, his answer sounding

automatic as though he’d been telling himself that all of his life and
actually believed it.

“Then I’ll have to prove you wrong.” He looked forward to the

challenge, too. He’d been twisted up and confused in the beginning,
but as if the stars had aligned and tangible enlightenment had shone
down on him, Michael knew exactly what he wanted now. “I get
tested every six months for the department. My last test was two
months ago, and I haven’t been with anyone in almost a year.”

Kellen went still, and his muscles tensed beneath Michael’s

roaming hand. “Brian makes us get tested at the club. Mine was last
month, and it’s been nearly three years for me. I’m clean, but you
shouldn’t just take my word for it, Michael.”

“You saved my life. Why would I have any reason not to trust


“This is a big step,” Kellen continued to argue, though he was

losing conviction and his hips started rocking again. “You can’t take
it back if we do this.”

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Deciding actions spoke louder than words, Michael bit the side of

Kellen’s neck hard, causing him to gasp and distracting him while he
popped the button on Kellen’s jeans. Moving quickly, Michael had
his zipper down and his pounding cock in hand before Kellen even
stopped shivering.

He stroked slowly from crown to root and back up, teasing the slit

with his thumb and smearing the pre-cum that gathered in the slit.
Kellen moaned, dropping his head back to the window behind him
and jerking his hips so that his rigid length slid through Michael’s fist.

“Say yes,” Michael growled, leaning up and capturing Kellen’s

lips before the man had a chance to answer. Forcing his tongue
through his lover’s parted lips, he stroked in and out of Kellen’s
mouth, teasing him with a rhythm that promised all kind of carnal
delights if he just let go and gave in.

“Yes,” Kellen breathed in surrender with Michael finally released

his mouth to gasp for air. “I can’t say no to you.”

Michael grinned in triumph. He’d have to remember that. Keeping

one hand firmly on Kellen’s ass, he reached out with his other, almost
whimpering in relief when he found the passenger door unlocked.
Pulling it open, he lifted Kellen into his arms and moved him easily,
laying him on his back in the front seat.

Knowing his friend all too well, he popped open the glove

compartment and smirked when he found a small, half-empty bottle
of Astroglide nestled between the car manual and registration papers.

While he retrieved the lube, Kellen shimmied and wiggled until

he’d pushed his jeans down his slender thighs, pulling his knees to his
chest so that he could kick his shoes off and yank the denim away
completely. “Hurry,” he demanded. Apparently now that he’d
committed himself, he was anxious to get on with it.

With his cock throbbing painfully inside its confinement, Michael

agreed wholeheartedly. While their admittance of their relationship
was brand new, the feelings had been building for weeks and had

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finally reached their peak. More than that, however, he had the
strange sense that he’d been waiting on this moment for his entire life.

He didn’t have a damn clue what he was doing, though. He wasn’t

anywhere close to being a virgin, but all of his previous partners had
been women, and not a one of them had been willing to indulge him
in a little anal play. “Tell me what to do.” It piqued his pride to have
to ask for help, but he knew Kellen wouldn’t judge. Besides, he
wouldn’t risk mucking this up and hurting his lover.

“Get me ready.” Kellen flipped over on his stomach, pulled his

knees under him, and pushed back until his ass hung off the edge of
the seat. “You have to stretch me, and do a good job of it, because it’s
been a while.”

Michael looked between the tube of lube and Kellen’s ass,

glowing almost white in the moonlight. This was it. Once he did this,
there was no going back—not only with Kellen, but as his status as a
straight man.

“We don’t have to do this if you’re not ready.” There was no

judgment or condemnation in Kellen’s voice, but his eyes were sad as
he peered over his shoulder and up at Michael.

Shaking his head, disgusted with himself for even the briefest

moment of doubt, Michael swatted Kellen on his upturned ass and
popped open the cap on the lube. “Head down and don’t move,” he
ordered, steel slipping into his tone. His life had become chaotic, and
he needed to take back some control, even with something as simple
as dominating his partner.

Kellen’s deep groan as he eased his chest back to the seat

surprised him, as well as the shudder the rippled down his lover’s
spine. Michael had never been a particularly dominant or aggressive
lover, preferring a more laid-back and casual approach to sex.
Everything with Kellen was different, though—heightened, more
intense, almost consuming.

A deep, primal, and long-forgotten instinct rolled through him,

insisting that the only way to ensure that Kellen never leave him was

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through the man’s submission. The urge to mark his lover, claim him,
and declare to the world that Kellen Ross belonged to him was
overwhelming. No other person had ever invoked the feelings of
possessiveness that Michael felt as he skimmed his slick fingers along
Kellen’s cleft and dipped between the rounded hills of his ass cheeks.

When his searching fingers encountered the tight, fluttering

muscles of the star he sought, Michael groaned as he caressed
Kellen’s opening, rubbing his fingers in small, precise circles.
Pushing in carefully with the tip of just one finger, he paused at the
first knuckle, unsure of how fast, how much, or how hard he should

“More,” Kellen instructed, rocking back on his knees and

impaling himself to the base of Michael’s forefinger.

The tight suction around his finger sent an electric current racing

through his body and straight to his straining cock as he imagined the
glorious heat wrapped around his hard length. He started to ease his
finger out of Kellen’s velvet-lined channel, but his lover rocked
forward, doing the job for him, then slammed backward again.

Delivering an open-handed swat to Kellen’s ass, Michael growled,

the sound rumbling through his chest. “Do. Not. Move.” He
emphasized each word with another smack to Kellen’s flesh, smirking
when his little man went completely still other than the quivering of
his muscles and the rapid rise and fall of his back as he panted for

With Kellen finally cooperating, he was free to concentrate on

stretching him at his own leisurely pace. He pumped his digit in and
out of the silky heat a few times in slow, languid glides before pulling
all the way out and reentering with two. Controlled and deliberate, he
twisted his wrist and spread his fingers slightly, awed by the sight of
Kellen’s hole clenching around his fingers.

By the time he had three fingers sawing in and out of Kellen’s ass,

his lover was writhing again, the sweetest moans and whimpers
spilling from his mouth to permeate the air around them. Michael’s

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cock pulsed angrily, leaking copiously so that he could feel the wet
stain spreading over the front of his jeans.

Needing relief before he caused permanent damage, he used his

free hand to undo his pants, push them down around his hips, and free
his engorged erection. Still pumping his fingers into Kellen’s hole, a
little harder and faster now, he snatched the lube off of the floorboard
and turned the bottle up, generously coating his entire length.

Stroking his dick to spread the slick, he shuddered once and

groaned, already so close to falling over the edge. He’d be damned if
he’d fall alone, though. Gently extracting his fingers, he pushed
Kellen’s shirt up to his shoulders and nibbled kisses along his spine
until he was covering his lover’s back and his lips rested next to
Kellen’s ear.

“Last chance to say no, baby.”
“Fuck me,” Kellen countered breathlessly, the strain evident in his


“Why?” Michael asked, lining up the purple crown of his cock

with Kellen’s entrance and teasing the muscles with minute nudges.

“I need you.”
“Why?” Michael asked again, flexing his hips so that only the

crown popped through the guarding ring before pausing. “Tell me
why this feels so right, why you need me so much.”

“I belong to you,” Kellen whispered almost like a prayer while

every muscle in his body relaxed and he melted into the seat. “It’s
right because we belong together, and I’ve always been yours.”

“Yes,” Michael hissed, surging forward until he was encased in

the tightest, most perfect heat he’d ever felt. “This is right.” His hands
settled on Kellen’s hips, gripping them firmly as he pulled back
slowly and thrust home with more force. “You are mine.”

“Michael!” Kellen shouted, his inner walls clamping down on

Michael’s cock until he thought his eyes would cross.

Sliding his hands down to cup Kellen’s pert ass, he parted the

muscled cheeks and nearly swallowed his tongue as he watched his

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wet dick glisten in the moonlight and then disappear into Kellen’s ass.
His lover’s hole stretched around the invading length, contracting and
relaxing in waves that massaged Michael’s cock and pushed him
closer and closer to orgasm.

Increasing his tempo, he thrust harder, driving into Kellen as

though he could reach his soul if he could just get deep enough
penetration. When the smaller man began inching across the seat with
each forceful thrust, Michael grabbed the tops of his shoulders,
pulling him back onto his cock with each hard snap of his hips.

His balls ached, his sac tightened, and a wildfire raged through

him as his climax barreled down on him. “Come for me, Kell.”

“Wait!” Kellen’s head popped up from the seat, and he tried to

crawl away.

Confused and disoriented, Michael let him go, gasping when his

cock slid from its warm sheath. “What happened? Did I do something

Kellen spun around in the seat and launched himself into

Michael’s arms, twining around him like an octopus. “No,” he panted.
“I just want to see you when you come.”

With a primitive growl, Michael stepped to the side, pinning

Kellen against the back door of the SUV, and attacked his mouth like
a wild beast. Maneuvering his elbows into the crook behind Kellen’s
knees, he tilted the man’s ass upward, pleased when his dick needed
no guidance to find Kellen’s slick, loosened pucker.

Without relinquishing his claim to Kellen’s lips, he pushed

forward, plunging into Kellen’s welcoming depths until his balls
brushed against his lover’s ass. So hot, so tight, he never wanted to
leave. Another savage growl rumbled in his chest, and he slammed his
hand against the top of the vehicle while his other arm remained
securely around Kellen’s waist.

He hadn’t thought it could get any better, but he’d been wrong.

Being face-to-face with his man, breathing in his warm scent, feeling
their tongues twist and duel was a hundred times better. Unable to

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stop himself, Michael’s control snapped, and he drove into Kellen in a
hard, demanding pace that rocked the vehicle that held them up.

Wrenching his mouth away from Michael’s, Kellen threw his

head back and cried out to the night sky. His hands slid under
Michael’s shirt, his fingers clawing at Michael’s hips and lower back
while the most erotic sounds issued from his kiss-swollen lips.

Dragging his shirt over his head to give Kellen’s roaming hands

more room to play, he tossed it over his head, unconcerned with
where it landed. It still wasn’t good enough, though. He needed
more—more skin, more flesh, more Kellen.

Pushing Kellen’s shirt up his chest, he finally managed to yank

the soft material over his lover’s head and sent it flying as well. Ah,
that was what he’d wanted. Kellen’s damp, flush skin glistened, the
paleness a beautiful contrast against Michael’s darker hand.

Finally skin to skin with the lithe dancer, it was too much, and

Michael couldn’t hold back any longer. “Come for me, baby. Strangle
my cock and come all over me.”

Kellen’s sharp intake of breath and sudden tensing were the only

warning before hot, creamy strings of semen jetted from his tip,
splashing against Michael’s chest and stomach before running down
the rivets of his abdominal muscles.

“Fuck,” he groaned, burying his face into the side of Kellen’s

neck and shuddering through his own orgasm. His cock erupted,
spilling his seed into Kellen’s depths and filling him to overflowing
until his own cum trickled down his still-twitching cock and over his

“God, that was fantastic,” Kellen panted, clinging to him while

they both struggled to catch their breath.

“Say it again,” Michael whispered, placing a soft kiss on the side

of Kellen’s throat. “Just one more time.”

“I’m yours,” Kellen whispered, the smile evident in his voice.

“But you belong to me, too, Michael Hunter. Don’t forget it.” He

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paused and went very still before he started giggling. “We have
company, and he doesn’t look very happy.”

Lifting his head and glancing over his shoulder, Michael couldn’t

help but smile. “Hey.”

“I swear if you got jizz on my seats, I’m going to make you lick it

off,” Ryder called as he marched toward them.

“No jizz, but I think there might be lube in the floorboard.”
Ryder rolled his eyes and threw a wet hand towel at him,

smacking him right in the face with it. “Get cleaned up and get your
asses inside.”

“Ryder, are you really mad?” Kellen asked quietly.
With a deep sigh, Ryder rested his hands on his hips and shook his

head. “I’m just jealous. I tried to maul Sidney in the bathroom, but he
wouldn’t let me.”

Michael smirked and kissed Kellen’s temple. “Thanks for letting

me maul you, baby.”

Kellen smiled back and winked. “Anytime.”

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Chapter Nineteen

“How did the feds get involved in the first place?” Michael asked.
Kellen didn’t understand most of what they were talking about,

but he was content to curl into Michael’s side and just listen. It wasn’t
as though he had much to offer on the subject anyway. He just wanted
to keep his ass alive, and preferably unmarred.

“Long story short, we busted this guy on federal kidnapping

charges a few months back, and he struck a deal. It turned out that he
didn’t like the idea of being someone’s bitch in prison.”

No, Kellen imagined that he wouldn’t. He’d never had so much as

a written warning for any kind of violation, and he preferred to keep it
that way.

“How long have you been undercover?” Rayce asked, wincing as

he lifted his right foot and propped it up on the coffee table.

“Four months,” DeMarco replied.
“So, what happened?” Michael shifted a little, but his arm

remained around Kellen’s shoulders. “I mean, you’re not exactly
keeping a low profile.”

“Something happened a few weeks ago, and they tried to pull

me.” DeMarco shrugged, but his eyes looked haunted and his
shoulders were tense. “I’m not walking away from this one.”

“We’ve all got our asses in the frying pan here.” Ryder leaned

forward and rested his elbows on his knees, clasping his hands
together between his legs. “I appreciate what you did back there, but I
don’t have time for secrets. You obviously wouldn’t have saved our
asses if you didn’t think we could help. So, whatever is going on, I
think you need to spit it out.”

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“I got in as a middle man. It was my job to meet the kidnappers at

a prearranged location, and transport the captives to this estate south
of here. It started off with young men and women, though mostly
men. I’d be surprised if any of them could legally get a drink in a

“Why did they try to pull you from the case?” Michael asked,

fidgeting once again. It was obvious that he wanted to skip all the
backstory and jump straight to the good part. Kellen understood his
impatience, but he figured the more they knew, the better chance they
stood of getting out of this crap alive.

“I was supposed to meet the guys at midnight down by the docks

to pick up the next guy or girl. So, they’re already there when I pull
up. They’re waiting beside their SUV, but I don’t see a victim, so I
get out, ready to ask what the hell is going on. Before I can say
anything, though, one of the guys turns and opens the back door and
pulls this kid out—a little dark-haired, eight-year-old boy.”

At this point, DeMarco had to stop and take a deep breath. He was

shaking, his hands were fisted so tight that his knuckles had turned
white, and Kellen thought he was going to completely fall apart at any
second. “Who was the boy?” he asked quietly when no one else

“I was so shocked that I couldn’t move. I couldn’t say anything. I

had no way to warn him.”

“You knew him,” Kellen surmised. “You knew that little boy.”
DeMarco closed his eyes and breathed deeply through his nose,

letting it out on a shuddering sigh. “The minute he looks into my eyes,
he starts fighting, trying to get to me. He just keeps screaming,
‘Daddy!’ over and over.”

The tears came fast and unexpected, and Kellen wiped roughly at

his eyes. He didn’t know what he’d expected, but this certainly wasn’t
it. The rest of the group was quiet, but they all had the same hard,
menacing glare in their eyes. All except Sidney, who climbed into

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Ryder’s lap and wept quietly while he waited for the agent to

“I don’t know if they knew before then, but that’s all the

affirmation they needed. The gunfire started, Andy was thrown into
the backseat, and I haven’t seen him since. I went by his mother’s
house, but she’s gone. I don’t know if they have her, too, but…” He
trailed off, a determination burning in his dark brown eyes as he
looked around their circle. “I have to get him back.”

“So, that’s why they tried to jerk you off the case,” Michael said

matter-of-factly. “And I’m guessing they’re not going to jeopardize
the entire case just to get your kid back.”

Javier DeMarco nodded numbly. “I’m not leaving without my

son. I’m not stupid, though, and I know I can’t do this on my own.
After what happened with Marshall Dean, these guys are careful.”

“Plus, they have half the damn police force in their pocket,”

Rayce grumbled.

“Not quite that many.”
“DeMarco?” Kellen asked, something tickling at the fringes of his


“Call me Javier.”
“You’re Marco.” Kellen closed his eyes, remembering the man in

the alley swearing that Marco had never delivered the package. “You
were supposed to deliver something to Kenny.”

“Marco Gutierrez,” Javier said with a dip of his head. “And no, I

never made it to the estate with Andy. How do you know that?”

“I watched as Kenny was murdered in an alley.”
“Did you see who killed him?”
It was a reasonable and logical question, but it rankled for some

reason. He opened his mouth to say something scathing, but Michael
squeezed him and kissed his temple, effectively shutting him up
before turning back to the agent.

“Who from our department is involved?”

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“Lancaster and Marks, though you knew that already. Sergeant

Eric Cross is a little higher on the totem pole. I’ve only seen him
once. I’ve never personally met Chief Antoine Fowler, but I’ve heard
his name mentioned once or twice.”

“The Chief?” Jasper looked so stunned that Kellen thought his

eyes were going to pop right out of his skull. “The Chief is part of this

Javier nodded solemnly. “I just don’t know who’s at the head of

this. If we get to him—”

“Or her,” Kellen interrupted.
“Yes, or her, then we can blow this thing wide open.”
“You know where they’re keeping the victims, right?”
Looking over at Michael, Javier grimaced and shook his head. “I

do, but that place is locked up tighter than a steel drum. We’re not
getting in there without a fucking tank.”

“And you don’t want them getting antsy and offing everyone,”

Sidney said, speaking for the first time since they’d arrived in the
small apartment.

Javier looked at him with an arched eyebrow, his lips crooking up

in the corner on one side. “No, we don’t want that, either.”

“Okay, so what do we do now?” Jasper asked.
Kellen voted for sleep. It had to be almost sunrise, and he was so

exhausted that he felt it right down to his soul. “Maybe we should get
some rest and start fresh afterward.” To his surprise, no one argued
with him.

“I think that’s best. We can’t do anything right now, anyway. I’ve

got sleeping bags, and both sofas pull out into full-size beds.” Javier
glanced across the coffee table to Ryder. “We need to move your
vehicle inside before someone spots it.”

Nothing had been said, and it was beyond obvious that he and

Michael were together, as well as Ryder and Sidney. Still, Kellen
wanted to be sure that it wasn’t going to cause any problems if he
shared a bed or sleeping bag with his lover. Unsure of how to broach

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the subject, he just blurted out what he was thinking. “You know I’m
gay, right?”

Javier paused in his trek to the stairs and turned slowly. “Yeah, I

kind of figured it out when your detective there had you pinned
against the SUV outside.” He glanced at Sidney still curled up with
Ryder. “And that might have been a giveaway as well.”

“Is that going to be a problem?” Ryder asked, helping Sidney out

of his lap so that he could get to his feet.

“It’s not a problem.” He looked like he would say more, but

pressed his lips together and shook his head. “I don’t care who you
sleep with. I just want my son back.”

“Well, before we all start painting each other’s nails and passing

around the secret handshake, I’ve got a question.” Everyone turned as
a unit to stare at Rayce. “How the hell did you know they were
coming for us tonight?”

Kellen had vaguely wondered the same thing, but Javier was an

FBI agent, so he hadn’t pondered too long on it. The guy just knew
stuff. Since he’d saved their butts, that was a good enough
explanation for him. In retrospect, he probably shouldn’t have just
taken it for granted that Javier’s intentions were honorable.

Javier didn’t look at all upset by the question, though. “I’ve been

watching Marks and Lancaster for weeks.” He dropped his head and
shook it as though amused about something. “Those guys really are
idiots.” His head lifted, and he went around the room, looking each
man in the eyes. “I’ve been watching you, too. I’ve read the case files,
and you are the only ones who can help me. You can’t do that if
you’re dead, though.”

“So, you only alerted us tonight because you need us to help you

save your son.” Michael moved so that he was sitting on the edge of
the cushions and tilted his head to the side, studying their host.
“Beyond that, you couldn’t give a shit what happens to us.”

Javier shrugged and turned back to the stairs. “I need allies, not


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That one simple statement put things into perspective for Kellen.

Javier wasn’t necessarily the bad guy, but he wasn’t one of the good
guys, either.

* * * *

With Rayce’s leg bandaged and apparently throbbing if all his

whining was any indication, he and Jasper ended up on one of the
sofa beds. DeMarco disappeared into his room, and somehow or
another, Kellen had talked him into giving the other bed to Ryder and

“I’m too damn old to be sleeping on the floor.” Michael rolled

again, trying to get comfortable inside his sleeping bag. The only
good part of his situation was that they were able to disappear into
one of the corners, offering at least the illusion of privacy.

“You’re not that old.” Kellen chuckled and slapped at his chest.

“Now, stop moving. I’m trying to sleep.” He wiggled around a little
and rested his head on Michael’s shoulder before draping his leg over
both of Michael’s thighs. “Better,” he sighed happily.

As long as Kellen was safe, Michael guessed that was all that

mattered. He didn’t have a child like Agent DeMarco, but he couldn’t
imagine there was anything that he wouldn’t do to get Kellen back.
So, in some way, he understood the man. If helping him get his son
back meant removing the threat that was hanging over their heads, he
was onboard with that as well.

“Do you trust him?” Kellen whispered.
“We need him,” Michael said neutrally.
“That’s not what I asked.”
Sighing, Michael tugged his lover closer and kissed his forehead.

“I don’t know. I still have a lot of questions, but I don’t think he’s
going to do anything to risk losing our help right now.”

“Are you worried about your parents?”

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Michael thought it over for a minute and shook his head. “They

don’t know anything.”

“What if they try to use them to get to you, though?”
It was a close thing, but Michael managed not to laugh. “It doesn’t

work that way, baby. These guys want me dead. They don’t want to
negotiate. Remember that some of them are policemen as well.
Sergeant Cross is a mean bastard, but he’s smart. No matter what they
say, they’re not going to let my parents go just because I surrender.
He’ll know that I know that. It’s a waste of time.”

Kellen pushed up on his elbow and looked down at him in the

dark. “You’d still try to save them, though, right? You wouldn’t just
let them die.”

This seemed very important to him for some reason, but Michael

didn’t understand the vehemence in his voice. “Kell, my dad is a
retired homicide detective, and one of the most paranoid people I
know. He can handle himself and keep my mom safe. Don’t worry.”

His lover didn’t say anything, but eventually he lowered back to

the floor and rested his head on Michael’s shoulder again. He was
quiet, but the tight set of his muscles said that sleep would be a long
time coming.

“Hey, what’s going on in that head? Are you worried about your

own parents?”

“I don’t know who my dad is. My mom was always too busy

whoring around to worry too much about what I was doing. I tried
calling her after…right before I moved here. The line had been
disconnected, so I don’t even know where she is.”

It was the first time Kellen had spoken of his past, but Michael

had been able to guess at a story similar to the one he told. “When did
you try to call her, Kell? After what?”

Kellen tensed and shook his head quickly.
With a deep sigh, Michael turned to his side and tilted Kellen’s

head up so he could brush their lips together. “You have to trust me,
baby. There is nothing you can tell me that will make me walk away.

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What happened?” What had happened to Kellen that he’d severed
association with everyone he knew and disappeared?

Kellen rested his forehead against Michael’s and sniffed. “I don’t

want you to look at me different.”

“Not going to happen.”
“Do you want the long or short version?”
“Whatever you’re comfortable with telling me.” Slipping his

fingers into Kellen’s hair, Michael massaged the back of his neck,
trying to relieve some of the tension there while he waited patiently
for him to begin.

“Some guys paid the manager of this club I was working at for a

private party with me in the back. I’d done a few before, so I
agreed—not like it mattered if I did or not. Anyway, usually all I had
to do was dance, maybe a nude lap dance, and let them touch me a
little.” His voice dropped even lower until Michael had to strain to
hear him. “Sometimes they wanted more.”

Determined to allow Kellen to get through this at his own pace,

Michael kept his emotions on a choke leash and continued rubbing at
Kellen’s neck. “This was one of those times.”

Kellen shook his head, and Michael felt the wetness of his lover’s

tears fall to splash against his neck. “They didn’t want sex. I mean,
that’s how it started out. The manager made me strip, and then he
blindfolded me and led me to one of the back rooms. They started
touching me, and it wasn’t so bad at first. Then one of them says
something about hating how much he wants me.”

When Kellen stopped talking and sniffled again, Michael couldn’t

take any more. Pulling the man into his arms, he cradled him against
his heart and stroked his back tenderly. “I can guess what happened
after that. You don’t have to keep going.”

Apparently Kellen needed to purge his demons, though, because

after a few seconds of silence, he finally found his voice again. “They
beat me until I thought I would die. I wanted to die.”


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The man ignored his quiet plea, though. “When they were done,

one of the guys leans close to me and tells me if I ever say anything,
they really will kill me. Then there was a lot of yelling and running
footsteps. I didn’t understand what was going on until later, though.”

Against his better judgment, Michael had to ask. “What


“Turns out they were three off-duty police officers. The story they

told was that they’d been cutting through the alley on the way to their
car when they heard me scream. They came in through the back door
that was right next to the room I was in just in time to see a man
running in the opposite direction. Two of them went in pursuit while
the other stayed behind with me. They were heroes.”

Michael’s stomach rolled, and it took a full minute before he felt

like he could speak without vomiting. “The manager?” was all he
managed to get out.

Kellen shook his head. “That’s who they pinned it on. I tried to

tell the truth, Michael, I swear. They were policemen, though, and I
was an underage stripper with a concussion. The doctors, nurses,
police—everyone—said I was confused and should be thanking those
men for saving my life.” He inhaled deeply and exhaled slowly. “I left
the hospital three days later, took all the money I had, and left. I got a
job bartending at this sports bar, and that’s where I met Brian. After I
saved up a little money, I enrolled in some judo classes, and, well,
you know the rest.”

“I lied,” Michael breathed into his lover’s ear. “I do see you

differently now.” Kellen tensed beside him and tried to move away,
but Michael prevented his escape by tightening his arms. “You are the
bravest, strongest person I have ever met, and if it’s possible, I think I
love you even more. You’re kind of a miracle.”

It wasn’t a physical strength that Michael admired, either. The fact

that Kellen could trust anyone, let alone a straight detective, was
nothing short of phenomenal. No matter what happened in the
future—no matter if they couldn’t make it in the long run—Michael
promised himself then and there that he’d never betray that trust.

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Chapter Twenty

For what was maybe the first time in his life, Kellen felt like

everything might be okay. Reliving that night had been painful, but
purging himself of his long kept secret was like sucking the poison
out of his life. Suddenly things that seemed impossible before weren’t
only possible, but easy.

Like loving Michael.
They talked about forever and happy endings because that was

what people did in the beginning of their relationship when
everything was new, exciting, and wonderful, and they never wanted
it to end. It was that amazing, though naïve, optimism that all couples
shared when the high of new love made them feel invincible and
untouchable by the world around them.

They’d eventually come back down to earth where all kind of

different problems intruded onto their happiness. The only difference
was that it didn’t seem quite so scary anymore. They’d make it or
they wouldn’t. Kellen hoped they lasted, but if not, he’d still be
grateful for the time he had with Michael. Instead of sitting around
and waiting for the man to leave, he’d focus on just enjoying each day
he stayed.

And that was the miracle.
“I lied, too.”
“How is that, Kell?”
“I have a little money saved. I could have gotten my own place as

soon as we came back from the cabin.”

“But you couldn’t leave me,” Michael teased him before pressing

a kiss to his temple.

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While subconsciously that may have been true, that wasn’t the

main reason. “I knew I could trust you, and I needed that money to
stay where it is.” He smiled softly as he leaned forward and swirled
his tongue around Michael’s nipple.

“You needed a backup plan in case you ever needed to run again.”
The man understood him so well it was scary. The money in his

savings was his safety net. Even when he’d spent a week living on
corn chips and ramen noodles, he’d never once considered using that
money. It didn’t make much sense. It wasn’t as though having that
cash would prevent him from getting his ass beat again, but it made
him feel as though he had some control over his future.

“I grew up with nothing, and I still have most of it. I used every

cent I had to get here—just two towns over—after I left the hospital
and spent three months in the shelter downtown. I won’t ever be that
helpless again.”

“Baby, I seriously doubt anyone would ever use that adjective to

describe you.”

Oh, he just said all the right things that made Kellen’s insides melt

and feel all gooey. Kellen had been careful, always allowing Michael
to make the first move so that he wouldn’t feel uncomfortable. He
understood that it was all new and confusing to his lover, and he
hoped that allowing him to initiate any physical contact would help
him feel more in control.

Michael wasn’t making a move now, though, and Kellen wanted

his detective like people in hell wanted ice water. Smoothing his hand
down Michael’s bare chest, he teased the waistband of his lover’s
boxers with his fingertips. When Michael didn’t stop him, he slipped
his hand inside the fabric and skimmed his knuckles along Michael’s
hot, hard length.

He loved how much the man wanted him. It was the one thing he

couldn’t fake and couldn’t hide. Pushing upward until his lips were
just a breath from Michael’s ear, he palmed the man’s rigid flesh and
squeezed. “I want you,” he murmured seductively.

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Michael groaned softly as his hips jerked, driving his cock

through the circle Kellen made with his fist. “I can’t think when you
do that.”

Kellen didn’t want him to think, though. If he started thinking, he

might remember that there were people sleeping just on the other side
of the room, and then he’d say no.

Tracing the outer shell of Michael’s ear with his tongue, Kellen

continued pumping lazily with his hand. Then he sucked the lobe into
his mouth and bit lightly while dipping his thumb into the slit of
Michael’s cock simultaneously. The deep shudder that he received
from his partner made him smile as he humped his own hard dick
against Michael’s hip.

He’d gotten a taste of the passion that lurked inside his man, and

he’d known instantly that he’d never be able to get enough of it.
“Fuck me, Michael.”

“No lube,” Michael said practically, though he sounded a bit


If he could think in terms of practicality, then Kellen obviously

wasn’t doing his job correctly. Shimmying beneath the covers, he
dragged Michael’s boxers down his thighs quickly before the man
could protest, grabbed his dripping cock by the base, and wrapped his
lips around the engorged head. Salty and a little bitter, Michael’s pre-
cum burst over his taste buds, and he moaned longingly around the
flesh in his mouth.

Michael’s thighs bunched and his hips flexed, pushing his cock

further into Kellen’s mouth while his hands found their way beneath
the blanket to tangle in his hair. It was a start, but Kellen was
determined to make the man lose control.

Employing every trick in his arsenal, he began a steady rhythm of

hand, tongue, lips, and even a light scrape of his teeth until his whole
world centered on the gorgeous cock nudging against the back of his
throat. He could hear Michael’s heavy breathing, feel his dick pulse
against his tongue, and taste the increased flow of pre-cum.

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Suddenly, the cover was whipped away, and Kellen found himself

on his back with Michael hovering over him before he even knew
what was happening. His underwear was practically ripped off of him,
and two slick fingers found their way between his ass cheeks. Without
preliminaries, they pushed right in to his hungry, quivering hole. He
guessed Michael had found the little gift he’d left under his pillow.
Just call me the lube fairy.

“Is this what you wanted?” Michael growled into his ear. He

pumped hard and fast before adding a third finger. His mouth crashed
down on Kellen’s, rough and demanding, muffling his cries of

Then those long, talented fingers were gone, leaving Kellen

feeling empty and needy. Before he could protest, though, Michael
jerked his leg up, winding it around his hip, and pushed into his
loosened hole in one swift plunge. Kellen barely noticed the burn as
his body exploded, a maelstrom of intense pleasure battering against

Sucking his bottom lip between his teeth, he bit down until he

tasted blood so as not to scream at the ecstasy overwhelming him.
He’d never been filled so completely before. His inner walls stretched
and strained, wrapping around Michael’s invading length and
squeezing. Instead of pulling out, Michael grinded his pelvis against
Kellen’s, rocking his hips in small, tiny nudges that sent Kellen out of
his mind at the unrelenting prodding of his prostate.

It was too much. There was absolutely no way one person could

experience as much pleasure as he was receiving and still live. So, he
did what anyone in his position would do. He grabbed Michael
around the neck, jerked him down so that their lips met once more,
and begged for more.

Their damp bodies slid together, rubbing his aching cock between

their abs and setting his blood on fire. Each time Michael pushed
forward, Kellen arched up to meet him. When his lover retreated,
Kellen contracted his muscles, trying to keep him inside.

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Still buried to the root inside his ass, Michael wrapped Kellen in

his arms and sat back on his heels, pulling him into his lap. One arm
stayed around Kellen’s waist while the other fisted in his hair, pulling
his head back on his shoulders and exposing his neck. With his center
of gravity shifted and having no leverage, Kellen had little choice but
to curl himself around his partner and accept every glorious thing he
did to him.

That strong, muscled arm tightened around his hips, lifting him

easily and dropping him over Michael’s slick cock, impaling him over
and over until Kellen could barely breathe. Michael’s teeth grazed
down the curve of his throat. His tongue glided back up the same
path, soothing the slight sting.

Their warm, panted breath mingled as they undulated together in

the dark, each chasing his own orgasm. Kellen clutched at his lover’s
slick shoulders, digging his fingers in and dragging them down
Michael’s back. Michael responded by thrusting hard and jerking
Kellen down on his cock while his long, strangled groan vibrated
against the side of Kellen’s neck.

Their pace quickened, the need for release too great to be ignored

any longer. When his spine tingled and his dick swelled, heralding his
impending climax, Kellen grabbed a fistful of Michael’s hair and
slammed their lips together. Releasing his hold on his partner’s back,
he reached between them and palmed his throbbing dick, jerking
himself in lightning-fast strokes as he moaned and whimpered into
Michael’s open mouth.

Just when he thought he couldn’t last for another second, Michael

yanked his mouth away and gave him the final push over the edge.
“Come for me, Kell.” A finger slid down his crease and curled,
pushing into his clenching hole alongside Michael’s cock, and
fireworks exploded behind Kellen’s closed eyelids.

His next breath caught in his chest, and he shuddered hard as hot,

sticky ropes of cream splashed between them, covering Michael’s
clenching abs. Pumping fast and shallow through his own release,

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Michael clutched Kellen to him and growled as he filled Kellen’s
tunnel with reams of molten lava.

Neither of them moved for a long time afterward, content to just

sag together while they tried to catch their breath and slow their heart
rates. “Do you think anyone heard us?” Michael asked, though he
sounded completely unconcerned about the answer.

“I think they would have said something if they had. They’re not

exactly shy.” Kellen winced as he felt Michael’s cock slip from his
hole and cum dripped down the backs of his thighs. He really hadn’t
thought this out very well. The bathroom was on the other side of the
room, and he was going to have to parade naked right past the sofas to
get to it. Giving in to the inevitable, he sighed and climbed out of
Michael’s lap. “Let’s get cleaned up.”

“I’ll wait here. Just bring me back a washcloth.”
“Asshole,” Kellen shot back.
Michael just chuckled and pushed to his feet, giving Kellen a

smack on his backside to get him moving. “You’re such a sweet-

The man was absolutely incorrigible, and Kellen wouldn’t have

him any other way. Tiptoeing away from their corner of the room, he
paused and tilted his head to the side when a strange, rhythmic noise
reached his ears.

“Why are you stopping?”
“Shh.” Kellen pressed his finger to his lips to quiet him. “Do you

hear that?”

Michael mirrored his pose with a frown on his face, but eventually

a slow, wicked smile spread over his lips that was easy to see even in
the dark. “I guess I’m not the only one with a reason to smile

“Oh,” Kellen breathed, lifting his hand to his mouth to muffle his

giggles. Oh, poor Sidney never had a chance. “I guess Ryder just
couldn’t help himself.”

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Michael’s grin grew even bigger if possible, and he shook his

head slowly as he pointed toward the two sofas where they faced each
other in the center of the room. Kellen had no idea what the man was
trying to tell him, and Michael was having hard time reining in his
amusement to say any more.

“What?” Kellen demanded, squinting into the darkness, trying to

determine why Michael was cackling like an idiot. “I don’t see what’s
so funny. Ryder and Sidney aren’t doing anything that we didn’t just

Michael gasped in a lungful of air, but he was still shaking as he

wound an arm around Kellen’s waist and bent to whisper in his ear.
“That’s not Ryder and Sidney’s bed.”

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Chapter Twenty-One

Michael didn’t know what he expected to find when he woke up,

but Rayce sitting at the small table in the kitchenette and staring down
into his coffee cup as though it had horribly offended him wasn’t it.
Jasper sat across from him, glaring at his own cup. Apparently, that
was some damn evil coffee. Michael made a note to skip the caffeine
that morning.

He and Kellen dressed in silence, shooting each other glances and

smirking. Things might be tense between the two officers now that
the sun was up, but Michael’s night had been amazing. Making love
to Kellen was well worth the sore back and aching hips he felt from
sleeping on the floor.

It didn’t escape his notice that the man was moving a little

gingerly, though. “Are you okay?”

Kellen pushed up on his toes and kissed Michael’s cheek. “I’m

fine, just a little sore. It happens.”

He pulled his shirt over his head and strode toward the table of

death. Well, that was what Michael was calling it because it looked as
though anyone who approached would be glared at until they left or
their heads exploded. It didn’t faze Kellen, though.

“Good morning,” he said brightly, picking Jasper’s cup out of his

hand and taking a sip. “Coffee tastes great.”

“I was drinking that.”
“No you weren’t.” Kellen wrapped both hands protectively around

the mug and pulled it closer to his chest. “You were pouting over it.
No need to let it go to waste.”

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“You’re awfully chipper this morning,” Rayce commented. He

didn’t sound as though that was exactly a good thing, either.

“Yes, and you should be as well. How’s the leg?”
“I’m fine.”
“Are you always so bitchy after sex?”
Michael nearly choked. He knew Kellen could be feisty when he

felt strongly about something, but he never dreamed the guy would
call Rayce out like that. Considering the murderous glare the officer
was giving him, Michael decided his little man had some damn big

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
It was a tie between who looked angrier at Rayce’s denial—Jasper

or Kellen. Beneath all of that contempt on Jasper’s face, there was a
hint of sadness that made Michael want to smack Rayce upside the
head. It wasn’t any of his business, though, and he had no desire to
get tangled up in their affairs when they had more pressing concerns
to worry about.

Kellen, however, had no such qualms about butting his nose in

where it didn’t belong and certainly wasn’t welcome. “Stop being a
douche bag. You don’t just slide your dick into someone’s ass and
pretend like it never happened the next morning. You especially don’t
do it when that person is your friend, your partner, and sitting right
across from you.”

“Who said his dick did the sliding?” Jasper asked with a smirk.

His cocky grin turned to a full belly laugh when Rayce started
coughing and sputtering.

“Oh. My. God!” Sidney hurried into the room and right up beside

Kellen. “You two had sex like three feet from me, and I didn’t even
know it!”

“Am I the only fucking person who didn’t get laid last night?”

Ryder grouched from one of the sofas that had been put back to

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“My right arm got a workout,” Javier announced as he stepped out

of his bedroom. “I’d guess it wasn’t nearly as satisfying as what went
on in here, though.”

“Can we just drop it and talk about something else?”
Michael had never seen Rayce looking so flustered. It was kind of

fun to witness, but the guy had a point. “We need a plan.” Everyone
sobered instantly, and Rayce was off the hook for the time being.
Michael hadn’t said it to do the man any favors, but he figured he
could still pull the “you owe me” card later. “Let’s talk more about
this estate. Whose name is on the deed?”

“Records show that it’s owned by a realty group out of Albany,

New York.” Javier disappeared back into his room, emerging a
moment later with a document box in his hands, which he brought to
the table and placed in the middle of it. “This is everything I have.”

They spent the next two hours going through case notes, property

records, and photographs. “This guy,” Michael said, pointing to one
of the photographs. “This is the asshole who kidnapped Kell.”

“Marion Shoemaker,” Javier supplied. “He’s a reporter for The

Colonial and a Claw and Dagger lackey.”

“You mean the club?”
Javier shook his head. “The club was just a financial front. The

group itself is Claw and Dagger.”

Michael didn’t really care what the sick bastards called

themselves. “If this Shoemaker guy is a reporter, then that would
explain where the photographs of Kellen at the crime scene came

“Most likely,” Javier agreed as he pulled three more photographs

and a map from the box and spread them out on the table. “This is the
estate.” He pointed to a spot on the map. “It’s about forty miles south
of here and backs up to the Atlantic.”

“Security?” Jasper asked.
“Out the ass.” Javier pointed at two of the photographs depicting

what looked like a satellite view of a very large house situated on

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several acres of manicured lands. “Electric fences surround the
perimeter. Motion and heat sensors, along with surveillance cameras,
are situated every hundred feet along the fence, as well as around the
house itself.”

“I’ve counted eight that live on the grounds.”
Michael frowned and rubbed at the back of his neck. “That’s a lot

of security for one man. Who the hell is this guy?”

Javier just shook his head. “That’s what we need to find out.”

* * * *

Kellen was bored.
It had been three days, and they were no closer to having a plan of

attack than when they started. There was very little he could offer to
the discussions, so he spent most of his days with Sidney, flipping
through the thirteen fuzzy channels on the television.

At present, it was Sidney’s turn to play Couch Commando and

control the remote control. Kellen didn’t care. While he appreciated
that Michael’s job was demanding, even if he wasn’t technically on
the force any longer, he missed his lover. He saw him every day, yet
the only time they really had time to talk was at night when everyone
went to bed. By then, Michael was so mentally drained that he usually
passed out within minutes of his head hitting the pillow.

They’d gone through almost every possible scenario they could

think of, and they still had nothing. Oh, they had plenty of theories of
who was at the top of this diabolical pyramid, but there was no
evidence to back any of their suspicions.

All five men were huddled around the table where they spent most

of their time. Every once and a while, one of them would break away
from the group to start pacing and mumbling under his breath. The
fun part was when they started arguing. It was highly entertaining to

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watch five enormous men snip at each other like boys on the

“He’s so cute,” Sidney sighed.
“Yeah, he is,” Kellen said distractedly as he tracked Michael’s

movements from across the room. He was contemplating just how
much trouble he’d be in if he just walked up to the man, unzipped his
pants, and sucked him off right in front of everyone. It wasn’t
something he was normally into, but it had been three very long, very
unsatisfying days since Michael had done more than kiss him.

“Not Michael,” Sidney said with a chuckle. “Though, he is very

attractive as well.” He pointed toward the television screen. “I meant
him. Governors really shouldn’t be so handsome.”

Kellen finally focused on the television and smiled. “Yeah, I see

what you mean.” Governor Mitchell Landry was still fit, trim, and
utterly gorgeous even though he had to be pushing fifty. He’d once
been a movie star, though, so that probably explained it. “Who are all
those guys around him?”

“His security, I think. They look kind of like Secret Service,


“Wow, that’s a lot of security for a governor.” Kellen didn’t really

know how those things worked, but it seemed a bit excessive to him.
Maybe the level of protection also had to do with the man’s superstar

“They’re pretty hot, though.” Sidney looked over his shoulder and

stuck his tongue out when Ryder growled at him. “I’m just looking.
Don’t get your panties in a bunch. Maybe we can get you some of
those sunglasses. I bet you’d look really sexy in them.”

“What are you watching?” Michael asked, leaving the table and

sauntering up behind the sofa they were perched on.

“Some conference thing with the governor,” Sidney answered

with a shrug. “There’s not really much else on.”

Kellen tilted his head back to receive a kiss from his lover and

sighed in contentment when their lips met in an upside down kiss. His

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happiness was short-lived, however, when he turned his attention
back to the television just in time to see the camera pan to one of the
governor’s bodyguards.

The man was enormous and looked more suited to the gridiron

than to security detail. His square jaw was outlined perfectly by the
dark, trimmed goatee and mustache. His black, closely cropped hair
glinted in the sunlight, and though Kellen couldn’t see his eyes
through the sunglasses, he knew they were cold, hard, and calculating.

Kellen felt the blood drain from his face as he began shaking so

violently that he thought he’d vomit. His stomach rolled, his heart
thundered inside his chest, and his muscles tensed as though preparing
to flee from some imaginary threat.

Suddenly, he was no longer in the loft apartment over the

warehouse, but a dark, grimy alley behind Infinity. The threadbare
sofa didn’t press into his back, but the hard, rough bricks of the
building behind him. The smell of freshly made coffee that permeated
the air around him vanished, replaced by the stench of the
overflowing trash receptacle that shielded him from view.

“Don’t fuck with me, Kenny.”
“I’m not, I swear! I’ll find out for you. I’ll make it right. I


“That’s not going to be good enough. I need those files.”
“I don’t have them. Please. The police took all that stuff from

Granddad’s office.”

“You’re lying.”
Coming out of his memory, Kellen found Michael crouched in

front of him, both of his hands cradling Kellen’s face. He looked very
worried and maybe even a little scared. “It’s him,” Kellen whispered.

“Who’s him? Baby, what’s wrong? You’re pale and shaking, and

you’re scaring the shit out of me.”

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“That guy, the bodyguard, it’s him.” Kellen lifted a shaky finger

and pointed toward the television screen. “That’s the guy from the
alley, the one who killed Kenny.”

Michael’s eyes went as wide around as saucers before he spun

around and dove toward the television, getting so close to it that his
nose almost touched. “Are you positive? Without a doubt, you’re sure
that’s him?”

“I’m never going to forget him,” Kellen answered quietly. The

man haunted his dreams.

“He’s not at the top of this,” Javier said slowly, coming over to

join them. “He’s just hired muscle.”

“Besides, the guy in power never does his own dirty work.” Rayce

sidled up beside Javier and crossed his arms over his chest.

“And as a personal bodyguard for the governor, I don’t see him

having time to be doing a lot of jobs on the side,” Ryder added.

They all had thoughtful looks on their faces and were building to

something, but Kellen was still shaken and having trouble following
their train of thought.

“It would take an awful lot of power and money to do something

like this as well as having the security to keep it all quiet.” A slow,
cocky grin was beginning to work its way across Rayce’s lips.

Javier nodded slowly. “How do we get in?”
“We have an eyewitness,” Jasper answered, pointing at Kellen.
Ryder shook his head. “Kellen saw the bodyguard. We can bring

him down, but we still don’t have any evidence against the governor.”

The governor? Holy fucking shit! “Maybe this guy would turn on

him like your other informant.”

“I doubt it.” Javier shoved a hand through his hair and growled in

frustration. “We have got to get something on Landry.”

“Well, if his security detail is implicated, can’t you use that as

probable cause to search his residence?” Sidney asked. Apparently,
he’d paid attention when Ryder talked. It sounded smart and like a
really good idea to Kellen.

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The other men in the room looked a bit more skeptical, though. “It

would be reason to search the bodyguard’s residence. Unless we
could find something there to link him to the governor in the case, it
would be pretty hard to get inside Landry’s mansion,” Jasper

“Besides,” Michael said, rising to his feet, “the murder case still

belongs to Lancaster and Marks. We have no evidence to tie in human

“Okay, so how do we get the FBI in on this?” Sidney asked,

shifting around in his seat to face Javier.

“Well, if there was a threat to the governor, like an attempted

kidnapping or a bomb threat, the feds would be called in to

A wicked smile lit up Kellen’s face as the gears in his head began

to turn. “If there was a bomb threat at the governor’s mansion, the
FBI would have to search the place from top to bottom to ensure there
were no explosives, correct?”

Javier’s smile matched his own as he nodded. “Correct.”
Feeling more settled and excited to finally be getting somewhere

with this, Kellen rose to his feet and looked around the group. “Then
someone needs to get me in touch with the feds. I’m afraid Governor
Landry’s life is in serious danger.”

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Chapter Twenty-Two

They drove all the way into Connecticut for Kellen to call in the

bomb threat from a pay phone because Michael wasn’t taking any
chances of having the call linked back to his lover. By the time they
made it back to the warehouse, Javier was gone.

“I thought he was off the case,” Kellen said, curling up on the

couch and pulling his knees close to his chest.

“Technically, he’s just without backup,” Ryder answered with a

shrug. “It’s not like he was suspended or anything.” His eyebrows
drew together, and he frowned. “I think. I never really thought to

“So, now we just wait.” Michael didn’t like it. By all rights, this

was their case, but with him off the force, Ryder on suspension of
duty, and someone trying to kill them, he really didn’t have a choice
but to lay low and wait for Javier’s call. “I’m going to shower.”

“I’m coming with you,” Kellen chirped, earning him several

chuckles from the others. It didn’t seem to bother him, though. He just
smiled brightly and flipped them off before bouncing across the room,
slipping past Michael, and strutting right into the bathroom.

The man really was something else, and Michael knew exactly

how lucky he was to have him. Once this shit was finally over and
they could get on with their lives, he was looking forward to
introducing Kellen to his parents. They might be a little shocked at
first since he’d never given any indication that he liked men before,
but he had a feeling that his mother was going to fall in love with the
little man.

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His dad was another story, but the man had always been fair and

understanding, so Michael remained optimistic that he’d welcome
Kellen into their family. Even if his father resisted at first, Kellen just
had a way of winning people over with his charm and charisma.

“Are you coming?” Kellen called, shaking Michael out of his

inner contemplation.

With as much dignity as he could muster amidst the wolf whistles

and perverted comments thrown his way, Michael marched into the
bathroom and locked the door behind him. Kellen already had the
water running and was stripping out of his clothes while he waited for
it to warm.

With every inch of creamy skin he revealed, Michael felt his cock

swell just a little more until he was hard enough to pound railroad
spikes and his cock was begging for release from its confinement. No
matter how many times he saw Kellen’s nude body, it never failed to
make his stomach flutter and his heart beat just a little faster.

Lean waist, slim legs, and the most perfectly shaped ass, Kellen

was incredibly gorgeous. Needing to feel the man against him,
Michael wasted no time in shucking his clothing before moving closer
to mold himself against Kellen’s back. “I’ve missed this.”

“You’ve been busy.” Kellen looked over his shoulder and smiled

softly before stepping into the shower. “I hope it all pays off, Michael.
I really do.”

The water was warm and felt like heaven as it cascaded over their

bodies, washing away some of Michael’s weariness. His hands
roamed Kellen’s wet body, and their lips touched in a sweet, tender
kiss. There was no urgency, no all-consuming fire like he normally
felt. It was more of a deep-down burn that smoldered in his belly, and
instead of wanting to jump Kellen and molest him, Michael only
wanted to reestablish that closeness that they’d been missing.

Well, until Kellen moaned and rocked against him, grinding his

jutting cock on Michael’s hip. Then all those good intentions and
gentle thoughts fell by the wayside, the embers ignited into a raging

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inferno, and that urgency he thought had vanished reawakened with a
savage, clawing need.

Some instinctual part of his brain took over, and by the time

Michael was able to recall some of his self-control, he had Kellen
pressed up against the shower wall and three soapy fingers sawing in
and out of his tight ass.

The sound of his partner’s pleasure, the quivering of his muscles,

and the clenching of his ass sent Michael into a frenzy once more
until nothing mattered but burying his aching cock to the hilt inside
Kellen’s silky heat. Flipping the smaller man around, manhandling
him just the way he knew Kellen liked, Michael lifted him easily and
anchored him against the wall.

Their mouths locked together in a heated duel at the same moment

he surged into Kellen’s yielding body. It was hard, fast, primal, and
intense. Lips, tongues, and teeth battled for dominance while their
hands roamed, frantically mapping every dip and curve of the other’s

With one arm around Kellen’s back and the other hand pressed

flat against the wall beside his head, Michael thrust harder, deeper,
moving his lover up the wall with each forceful snap of his hips.
Kellen’s cries of ecstasy turned into a loud, animalistic growling that
bounced around the shower stall and spurred Michael to increase his

His own feral grunts bursting through his lips, Michael felt his

cock swell within the snug hold Kellen’s inner walls had on him.
“Gonna,” he warned. He couldn’t stop it and could only hope that
Kellen was right there with him.

“Do it. Come in my ass.”
With a roar loud enough to shake the entire damn room, Michael

pumped his hips furiously as his orgasm ripped from him, draining his
balls and leaving him feeling almost shattered. Kellen’s cry of
completion rivaled his own as his body tensed, and his cock
discharged, painting the space between them with his seed.

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“Holy shit,” Michael panted. “I think I died.” There for a brief

second, while a million tiny explosions wracked his body, he’d
honestly questioned if he’d live through that amount of pleasure.

“I don’t think I can move.”
They rested against the wall, Michael somehow managing to hold

Kellen up as well as himself, as they laughed breathlessly. “I’m
definitely keeping you.”

“Well, I should hope so,” Kellen deadpanned.
“Not just because of the sex,” Michael hurried to clarify.
Kellen only chuckled again. “I know, big guy. We should

probably go ahead and get clean now in case someone else wants to
shower as well, though.”

Right on cue, there was a loud banging on the bathroom door.

“Get your asses out here,” Ryder demanded. “You’re going to want to
see this.”

Washing quickly and dressing even faster, Michael was still trying

to button his jeans when he darted out of the bathroom. “What’s going

In answer, Ryder pointed toward the television and ordered

Sidney to turn up the volume.

“City officials as well as federal agents responded earlier this

afternoon to allegations of a bomb threat to Governor Mitchell
Landry’s personal residence. While there was no evidence of
explosives found on the property, agents made another startling
discovery…” The off camera reporter continued rambling on as the
cameraman zoomed in on Landry and several of his guards being led
away in handcuffs.

“We did it,” Sidney whispered. “I can’t believe that actually

fucking worked!”

Then they were all whooping and hollering, slapping each other

on the backs and hugging as they celebrated their victory. It wasn’t
over yet, but things were headed in a good direction.

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While Sidney and Kellen chattered a mile a minute with huge,

shit-eating grins on their faces, Ryder’s cell phone rang. He dug it out
of his pocket and pressed it to his ear, immediately offering his
congratulations to Agent DeMarco. Everyone quieted, watching
Ryder anxiously as they waited for news.

“Right. Got it. We’ll meet you there.”
“What?” they all demanded in stereo when Ryder hung up the


“They found the missing evidence in Landry’s personal safe. It

was just by fucking luck that they found the safe at all. It was hidden
beneath the floorboards in his library. One of the agents tripped over
the damn rug covering it.” Ryder stopped and rolled his eyes at this
before continuing. “There wasn’t just the Dean evidence, but get
this…Landry kept the IDs of every one of his victims. DeMarco said
there had to be at least fifty different state-issued IDs in that safe.”

“Did he get his son back?” Kellen asked soberly.
Ryder smiled, looking very pleased to be able to offer some good

news for a change. “Yes. He got his son back. They also caught up
with the Chief, Sarge, Lancaster, and Marks. According to Javier, the
Commissioner is about ready to blow a fucking gasket.”

They all got a good chuckle out of this before Ryder called them

to order again. “So, anyway, we’re supposed to get cleaned up and
meet Javier down at the station.”

“Are we being commended or getting our asses handed to us?”

Jasper asked with a wince.

Ryder shrugged. “I guess we’ll find out.”
“I’m taking Kellen and going home,” Michael announced.
“The hell you are.” Ryder crossed his arms over his chest and

glared. “Kellen has to go make the identification.”

“You both know that there’s going to be miles of paperwork and

processing before they need him at the station to point the finger. I
don’t work for the department any longer, and I have no reason to be

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there.” He pulled his T-shirt on over his head and smiled crookedly.
“I wish you the best of luck with the Commissioner.”

“Really?” Kellen popped up off the sofa excitedly. “We really

don’t have to go to the station?”

Michael held a hand out for his partner and tugged him forward

until their chests bumped together. “Really. Let’s go home.”

* * * *

“Where are we going?”
Michael smiled and reached across the seat to take Kellen’s hand,

giving it a reassuring squeeze. “It’s time you met my parents.”

“Now?” Kellen squeaked. “Like, right now? Have you lost your

damn mind?” It had only been a week since Governor Landry’s arrest.
Things had calmed down considerably, but still…

“Relax. My mom is going to love you.”
Kellen wasn’t reassured. “Yes, but your dad is trained in the use

of a handgun.”

“And several other kinds of firearms,” Michael added with a

smirk, not helping Kellen’s anxiety in the least. “Baby, my dad is not
going to shoot you.”

The vehicle began to slow, and Kellen started sweating. “Why are

we stopping? We’ve only been driving for five minutes. Your parents
can’t live this close.”

“Home sweet home,” Michael sang, pulling up in front of a house

that looked very similar to his own. Tugging on Kellen’s hand, he
pulled him closer and brushed a kiss over his lips. “Just be yourself,
and they’ll love you as much as I do.”

Kellen highly doubted that Michael’s parents were going to be

exceedingly gracious to the asshole kid who turned their son gay. He
knew if he wanted to be in Michael’s life that he’d have to eventually
meet the man’s family. He’d just assumed it would be somewhere
very…very far down the road.

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Michael laughed while he climbed out of the pickup and walked

right up to the front door, leaving Kellen to scramble after him. He
gave a perfunctory knock before pushing the door open and walking
right in. “Mom! Dad!”

“Oh, Michael!” A very pretty woman with short, brown hair and a

teeny-tiny little waist came hustling out of the kitchen, dressed simply
in jeans and sweatshirt. “I was beginning to think that you’d dropped
off the planet.” They embraced, and Michael kissed his mother’s

“Hey, Momma. What smells good?”
“Chili, and yes there’s more than plenty.” She patted Michael’s

cheek affectionately and turned to Kellen. “Hello,” she said with a
beaming smile. “I apologize for my son’s rudeness. I swear I tried to
teach him manners. I’m Cynthia Hunter, but you just call me

Kellen held his hand out to shake, but the woman wrapped her

arms around him, crushing him to her and patting his back. Michael
just laughed and shrugged as though it was a perfectly natural
occurrence. “Momma, this is Kellen Ross.”

“Well, welcome to our home, Kellen. Would you like something

to drink?”

“I’m fine. Thank you, ma’am.”
“There will be none of that nonsense in my house. You’ll call me

Cynthia or nothing at all. And you look thirsty. Come to the kitchen.”
Her gray eyes, which looked so much like Michael’s, twinkled before
she turned and marched out of the room.

“You’ll get used to it,” Michael whispered in his ear, giving him a

little push between the shoulder blades to get him going. “There’s no
use in arguing, either. She’s not truly happy unless she’s taking care
of someone, and you just scream that you need a little motherly love.”

Kellen wasn’t sure if he should be pleased or insulted by the

comment, but with his stomach twisted in knots, he decided it wasn’t
that important. The moment he stepped into the kitchen, a glass of

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lemonade was pushed into his hands, and Cynthia stroked his cheek
before floating across the room to stir something on the stove that
smelled like heaven.

“Boy, where have you been?”
Kellen jumped and almost dropped his glass at the booming voice.

A man that looked a lot like Michael stepped into the kitchen through
the patio door and arched an eyebrow at Kellen’s lover.

“Long story, Pops. I have something else I’d like to talk to you

about, though.”

Kellen swallowed hard, his hands shaking so badly he had to set

his glass down before he spilled the contents all over his shirt. He was
going to vomit or faint, and neither sounded like a good first
impression. He couldn’t make his lips work to argue against his
lover’s asinine plan, though.

“Well, then I guess you better sit down and tell me.” His eyes

travelled to Kellen, and he shoved his big paw toward him. “Gregory

“Kellen Ross.” Oh, God, he was going to puke and faint.
“Good to meet you. Have a seat, son.” Gregory pointed toward

one of the kitchen chairs before sliding into his own. “So, what’s all
this about?”

“Mom, could you come sit down as well?” Michael asked.
His mom hurried right over and slipped into the seat beside her

husband. “Are you in some kind of trouble, honey?”

“Actually, I’m great.” Michael smiled as he reached for his

mother’s hand and squeezed it. “I’ve met someone who makes me
very happy.”

“Oh.” Her mouth fell open, and her eyes flickered toward Kellen.

“This is very sudden, Michael. Are you sure?”

Yes, Michael, are you sure? Kellen was just waiting for the

fallout, for the explosion where Michael would have to choose
between him and his family. It would be an easy decision, because

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there was no way Kellen would stand between the man and his

“I’ve never been more certain about anything. I know it’s a little

shocking and maybe confusing, but I can’t help who I choose to

“Love?” Cynthia’s eyes went wide, and she kept looking between

Michael and Kellen.

“What the hell is going on? Cyn, why are you looking at him like


“My baby is in love,” she whispered before bursting into tears.
“Is he?” Gregory frowned in confusion. “With who?”
“With that young man right there, you idiot,” Cynthia huffed at

him while she smacked at his arm. “Don’t you ever pay attention?”

“You’re in love with a man?”
Kellen wanted a hole to open up in the floor and devour him. This

was not going exactly the way he thought it would go, but it was
pretty damn close.

“Dad, don’t start,” Michael warned. “I’m sorry if you don’t

approve or if you think I’m insane, but it doesn’t change anything. I
love him.” Michael wrapped an arm around Kellen’s shoulders and
pulled him close while he stared his parents down.

“I didn’t say anything, did I?” Gregory wagged a finger in his

son’s face. “I won’t deny that I’m shocked, but I don’t give a good
goddamn who you want to sleep with as long as you’re happy. You’re
a smart boy, level-headed, and you don’t ever do anything without
thinking through all of the ramifications first. If you say you love this
boy, then I believe you.”

“Oh, good grief.” Cynthia sighed and hurried around the table to

pull Kellen into her arms, pressing his head against her ample bosom.
“You two are scaring the poor boy to death.”

“So, that’s it?” Michael sounded just as confused as Kellen felt.
“Honey, we love you and want you to be happy. We’ve always

taught you that you should love the person, not what color their skin

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is or how much money they have. That goes for what naughty bits
they have as well. It’ll take a little while to adjust, but it’s not like
we’re going to disown you for being in love.”

“Thank you,” Michael said thickly. “I love you both, but I won’t

give him up.”

Cynthia finally released Kellen and pushed his hair back from his

face. “And that’s the way it should be.” She focused her attention
solely on Kellen, looking him right in the eye. “Do you love my son?”

“With all of my heart,” he answered immediately. “Even if that

means your husband is going to shoot me now.”

Loud laughter went up around the room, and Gregory reached

around his wife to pat Kellen on the shoulder. “I like you just fine,
son. We’ll save the guns for if you break my boy’s heart.”

“Gregory!” Cynthia gasped.
Kellen didn’t mind, though. That was the way it should be.

Besides, he wasn’t too worried about that day coming. “I promise that
I’ll take good care of his heart.”

And just like that, Kellen had a real family.

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“Hello, Investigator.”
Michael looked up from his desk and grinned as Kellen strolled

into his office. “What are you doing here?”

It was amazing how much his life had changed in the four months

since he’d met Kellen. With Governor Landry and most of his lackeys
in custody and awaiting trial proceedings, the dark cloud hanging over
their heads had finally lifted, and things were as close to perfect as
they could be.

“Well, you see,” Kellen began as he strolled about the room,

running his finger along the spines of the books on the shelf closest to
him. “I have some evidence that I think you’d be interested in

“Oh?” Michael’s cock was already swelling inside his slacks at

the seductive quality of Kellen’s voice. “And what would that be?”

He’d had his Private Investigator’s license for two months, had

opened his office doors only three weeks prior, and already he had
three cases. When Ryder, Rayce, and Jasper had wanted to join in his
venture, Michael had been skeptical at first. In the end, they’d worn
him down, though, and now he was damn glad they had. Though
things had eventually worked out at the department, they were all
done with it. Since it was a win-win situation, Michael had seen no
reason to disagree.

It had been Rayce’s idea to offer bodyguard services as well as

investigative. As it turned out, it had been an excellent suggestion,
bringing in even more business. So far it was only security for special

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events and fundraisers, but it was a start. It was nice and less daunting
to have men he liked and trusted working alongside him as well.

The fact that he owned his own business was definitely a perk,

especially when Kellen paid him special visits like now. “Where is
this evidence?” he asked when he realized Kellen had never answered
his first question.

“It’s concealed on my body.”
Michael arched a brow and pushed back from his desk. “Maybe I

need to perform a strip search.” He looked right into Kellen’s eyes as
he unzipped his pants and fished his dripping cock out, stroking it
slowly from root to crown.

“I have a better idea,” Kellen rasped, abandoning the game. “It’s

been a while since I’ve danced. Maybe you deserve a little striptease.”

With Kellen’s warm and welcoming personality, it had been a no-

brainer to bring him on as their assistant. He did all of the scheduling
and pre-interviewed clients, compiling a list of their needs before
Michael and Ryder ever spoke to them. It saved him a lot of hassle
and headaches.

“You do the stripping. I’ll do the searching.”
A devious grin curled the corners of Kellen’s lips as he started

swaying his hips. It was slow, delicious torture watching Kellen
gyrate in the middle of the room, swiveling his hips and arching his
back as he danced to some nonexistent beat.

With every article of clothing he removed, Michael had to fight

the urge to dive across his desk and tackle the man to the floor. Every
one of Kellen’s actions was sensual, graceful, and designed to tease
and torment until Michael was out of his mind with lust.

When the last piece of fabric was gone—a bright red thong that he

shimmied down his long legs—Kellen sashayed toward him, rocking
his hips from side to side as his gorgeous cock jutted proudly from his
nest of curls.

Once he was close enough, Michael went to reach for him, but his

hands were batted away. It didn’t take him long to figure out why

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when Kellen propped one foot up on the arm of his chair and began
rolling his body in a slow, exotic dance.

Michael jerked his cock faster, dipping his thumb into the slit and

groaning as Kellen undulated above him, spinning around, whipping
his hair over his shoulder, and running his hands all over his body.
He’d had a few lap dances in his life, but none as arousing as the one
he was currently witnessing. Kellen could have been completely
uncoordinated, and Michael would have still found him the sexiest
person on earth.

As it was, Kellen’s body moved fluidly, each motion flowing

effortlessly into the next until Michael was panting and squeezing the
base of his cock to stave off his orgasm. “Come here,” he ordered. “I
still need to find this evidence.”

Instead of moving closer, Kellen backed away until he bumped up

against the desk and turned slowly, bending until his chest rested
against the smooth wood, presenting his ass for Michael’s viewing

“Oh, shit,” Michael groaned, reaching forward to grip the black

silicone base of the butt plug nestled between Kellen’s ass cheeks. “I
think this evidence will be very important.”

“No more playing,” Kellen panted, arching his back when

Michael pumped the toy in and out a few times. “I need you, now.
Fuck me!”

Too close to the edge to deny his lover, Michael pulled the plug

from his hole and tossed it to the side, replacing the toy with two of
his fingers as he fumbled in the drawer beside him for the lube.
Slicking his cock quickly, he allowed Kellen to fuck himself on his
fingers for another minute before he rose from his chair and extracted
his fingers.

Holding the back of Kellen’s neck to keep him in place, Michael

lined up the engorged crown of his cock with Kellen’s entrance and
pushed in hard and fast. Kellen cried out and pushed against him, so
eager for him that it made Michael’s head spin. He’d never tire of

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Strip: Tease and Search


how much Kellen wanted him, how much he craved his lover in

It took him only a handful of thrusts to realize something wasn’t

right. He wanted to see Kellen’s face, watch him fall over the edge
and into bliss. Pulling out, he flipped Kellen quickly, pushing his
knees to his chest before surging back into his quivering hole.

Kellen knew exactly what he wanted because he kept his eyes

wide open, never looking away. Too wound up from the little
striptease his man had performed for him, it didn’t take long for
Michael to feel his climax bearing down on him. “Close, baby. I
just…I can’t.”

“Come for me,” Kellen whispered, palming his own cock and

jerking quickly. “I love you so much.”

Those words did more for him than any dirty, provocative thing

Kellen could have said. Losing himself in those beautiful hazel eyes,
Michael growled his release, shivering as he painted Kellen’s inner
walls with his seed. At the same time, Kellen finally let his eyes fall
shut, threw his head back, and groaned as ropes of warm cream
erupted from his slit.

As they slumped together and panted for breath, Michael thought

back to those first few weeks after he’d met the man in his arms. He’d
fought so hard against the things he felt for Kellen, and he was a
damn idiot for it.

Things weren’t always going to be perfect. There would be those

who whispered behind their backs, and some brave enough to say it to
their faces. They were just words, though, and they had little effect on
the happiness that Kellen brought into his life.

“I love you, sweetheart,” he breathed, placing a soft kiss on the

side of Kellen’s neck right over the jumping vein there. For better or
worse, until he took his last breath, this was his life now, and he
wouldn’t change a single minute of it.

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Gabrielle Evans



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Gabrielle Evans grew up in a small town in southern Oklahoma.

We are talking one red light that may or may not work depending on
the day of the week. She married her high school sweetheart and the
rest is pretty much history. They have two very active boys and one
high-strung wiener dog that keeps her constantly on the go. For now,
she parks her car in central Indiana, but who knows what tomorrow
will bring.

Gabrielle believes in love at first sight, falling hard and fast,

taking chances, and grabbing your happy-ever-after with both hands.
Most importantly, she believes that a great cup of coffee can cure

Also by Gabrielle Evans

Siren Classic ManLove: Lawful Disorder 1: Lipstick and Handguns

For all other titles, please visit


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Siren Publishing, Inc.


Document Outline


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