A Series Of Conversations (4 chapters) by Freakyhazeleyes

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A Series of Conversations by Freakyhazeleyes

A Twilight Fan Fiction Story


Companion piece to my story FedEx, which should be read before this one! Edward starts dealing
with the aftermath of his little mix up. All Human.

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Chapter 1.

Edward Cullen knew he was screwed. He was up to his knees in a large pile of shit, of his own
making, but at the moment he could probably care less. He wrapped his arms around Bella and

held her tightly as they snuggled under the covers of his bed.

He was content; happy. He had the most amazing woman in his bed right now; and he completely
forgot how he got her there. He knew he would have to do some serious groveling to his sister, and

possibly to Bella in the near future, but right now he couldn‟t be bothered with worrying about it.

Especially when Bella started rubbing her hand down his back and wrapped her legs with his. She
smiled, looking at him through her lashes and reached her head up to his and their mouths met in
a breathtaking kiss. Yes, Edward would do everything over if he had to; just so he could end up
with Bella like this.

He allowed his hands to trail the length of her body and took pleasure in the shivers it produced.
He loved making her feel this way. Even after they had already slacked their thirst for each other‟s
bodies that night, he loved he could still make her want more. Because he would always want more

of her. Not just her body; he wanted everything.

He ran his lips down the lovely expanse of throat that wasn‟t covered and she whispered his name

into the darkness of the room and Edward could barely contain himself.

Yes, he was in trouble with his family. Yes, his sister would probably never speak to him again; but

all of that flew from his mind.

He was with Bella and that‟s all that mattered at the moment.


“You are my hero.” Emmett told Edward in a reverent tone. Edward rolled his eyes and let the door

to his apartment hang open for Emmett to enter and close behind him.

Emmett followed Edward to the living room and they both flopped down on opposite ends of the

couch. Edward was just grateful that Bella had gone back to her apartment already.

Emmett was still looking at him with a fierce pride in his eyes and Edward was getting a bit


“I honestly don‟t know what to do now.” Emmett continued in an awed voice. “I don‟t know if I

should give you a round of applause or get on my knees and bow down to you.”

“Emmett…” Edward didn‟t want to be given a pat on the back for his actions.

“I‟m leaning more towards the bowing down option; honestly, I‟ve been trying for years and years
to get a rise out of our little sister and you do it with one FedEx package. You. Are. My. Hero.” He

emphasized every word of that last sentence and Edward cringed again.

He did appreciate the nice respite though, he had been thinking all morning how he was going to

get back in Alice‟s good graces and this was easing the tension building at the sides of his head.

“How bad is it?” He asked Emmett, pinching the bridge of his nose between his thumb and index
finger; he was bracing himself for the murder plots he was sure Alice and his mother were


“You want the edited version or the truth?”

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Edward glared at him and Emmett just skeptically nodded his head. “Alright. But first let me just
say…I‟ve never heard anything quite like it. And that was just on the phone. Alice wasn‟t even
speaking to me; Rose had her on the phone down in the kitchen and I was upstairs; she wasn‟t
even on speaker and I could hear her clearly, she was yelling so loud.” Emmett gave a little

shudder and Edward felt his stomach contract and the blood drained from his face.

Emmett stopped there and turned to face Edward. “A vibrator? Really? What could have possibly
made you send Alice a vibrator? For her birthday present too; this just makes the whole thing,

pardon the pun, so much better!”

Edward‟s hands covered his face and he let his head fall back with a groan. He had yet to call his
parents, not knowing what type of welcome he would receive; he didn‟t even want to consider
calling Alice, or worse, showing up unannounced on her and Jaspers‟ doorstep, apology ready and
have Alice yell his ears off and leave him to Jasper. He shuddered at the thought of what his
brother-in-law was going to do to him. There was always the option of just explaining the truth
about the mix up. But then everyone would want to meet Bella and he felt another painful jab in
his stomach thinking about what would happen if she ever found out what happened. She would
leave him and rightly so. He couldn‟t and wouldn‟t fault her for that if that‟s what she chose; but at
the same time he didn‟t want to risk it. They were just getting started; he didn‟t want it to be over,

wasn‟t ready for it to be over, and may possibly never be ready for it to be over.

Bella Swan had captivated him from the very first moment he‟d laid eyes on her at the office. She
had this way about her, an attitude that he both liked and admired. She was beautiful of course,
but that only drew him into her further. But boy did she have a mouth that had a temper to match.
He had found enjoyment in getting her angry with him. He loved the fierce look of anger she would
get in her eyes and her cheeks would flush the most alluring shade of red. She was beautiful. He
had then made it his daily task to at least get her riled up once a day and it had worked like a
charm. He knew his antics had been juvenile and just on the boarder of being construed as
harassment, but she had taken it in stride; another quality he added to the list of traits he admired

in her. And then came this whole FedEx fuck up.

When she had come to his office that day, he thought for sure she was going to go over the top in
yelling his ear off, but she had surprised him. She said thank you. He‟d never been so confused in
his entire life. Why would she be thanking him for a vibrator? Was she that sexually frustrated? But
then she had continued, saying she‟d never seen a more beautiful blue color in her life. Even
though the vibrator he had picked out had been blue, he didn‟t think an adjective to describe it was
beautiful. Then he heard her say the word “cashmere” and he had felt his heart stop. His stomach
had plummeted to somewhere near the end of his intestinal tract and he broke out in sweats. If

Bella had received the sweater, then that must have meant Alice…

And he‟d heard the warning bells go off in his head. Alice must have gotten the vibrator. He was
panicking and his heart was racing. How could he have been so stupid? You always label the boxes


But then she had placed her hand over his and he felt it. The spark that came with touching her. It
had made all rational thought leave his mind. It was suddenly unimportant if his sister would allow
Jasper to murder him, or if his parents would be so disappointed with him that they disowned him.
And then he had done something to make it infinitely worse. He‟d asked her to have dinner with
him. And what had followed was the fucking of a lifetime. He‟d never felt so immersed in another
person; never had he sought to please someone else more than himself as he had that night. And
it had paid off. She wanted to be with him now just as much as he wanted to be with her. But he

was terrified that this was going to make her hate him.

Edward was pulled from his musings at a sudden hard and distinct knocking at the door. Emmett
rose with him and cracked his knuckles. Edward rolled his eyes. He didn‟t need a body guard. If

Jasper was here, then Edward would take it like a man.

He felt the nerves creep into his legs as he approached the door. He opened it all the way and

observed the person who stood on the other side.

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“Jasper.” Edward nodded his head, preparing himself for the onslaught of blows that were sure to

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Chapter 2.

Jasper stood across from Edward out in the hallway of his apartment. His face looked grim and his
posture was stiff; which was to be expected. If Jasper was anything, it was protective. He was
almost over the top when it came to the little pixie who was his wife. Edward stood looking at him,
fighting with the urge to lower his eyes in shame in what he had done. But he promised himself he
would take it like a man. So he stood there…waiting.

Jasper opened one side of his jacket and brought out a package. Edward‟s eyes shifted to it and he
felt his insides tighten. It was the package. Not the FedEx one, but the encasement for the

Jasper carefully snapped the case open and removed the light blue vibrator. He brought it out and
held it lightly in one hand as the other removed a card from the box. Edward could hear Emmett

stifling his laughter in the background and not doing a very good job of it.

Wordlessly, Jasper held out the case for Edward to hold. He took it without complaint.

Taking a deep breath, Jasper held up the card he had removed from the case and began to read.

“Decadent Indulgence #2,” He glanced at Edward and quirked an eyebrow, nodding his head.
“Made for a more comfortable fit, this Decadent is about a quarter inch thinner than the Original
Decadent. The "Hummingbird" has also been replaced with rabbit ears and arms that will "hug"
your clit.” Jasper made the quotation mark signal with the fingers of his right hand when he said

the word „hug.‟

Edward could feel his face turning red and he heard Emmett slump against the wall behind him and

fall to the floor. Probably trying to hold back tears of laughter.

Jasper was slowly shaking his head back and forth. His head slumped forward a bit and Edward

heard him take a deep breath. And then…something weird happened.

Jasper‟s shoulders began to shake. Oh no! Edward began panicking; was Jasper crying? Edward
had no idea how to proceed if Jasper Whitlock was standing in his doorway, about to, as Edward
thought, commit a murder, all the while clutching a light blue vibrator in one hand and crying now


But then Jasper lifted his face suddenly and Edward saw no tears on his face. Well, there were a
few, but Edward could see that Jasper was laughing. Feeling the relief flood through him, Edward‟s

eyes closed and he felt he could breathe again.

Jasper was still chuckling to himself and he regarded the penis shaped vibrator in his hand. He

shook his head and looked back up at Edward.

“What were you thinking?”

Edward gestured for him to come into the apartment and lead him to his kitchen. Emmett was

wiping his face with a napkin and slumped on a stool around the island in the middle of the kitchen.

Edward turned to Jasper, who was about to sit, but then seemed to remember something. He
turned to Edward with an apologetic look in his eyes and started approaching Edward, who backed

up a bit.

“I promised Alice I would do this once I got here…” He trailed off, looking at Edward.

And then, in one quick movement, Jasper slapped Edward across the face. With the vibrator. Even
though the thing was almost all made of rubber, Edward‟s cheek throbbed, and he clutched at it,

while Emmett and Jasper began laughing anew.

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“Courtesy of Alice Whitlock; who also says she hopes you get a dick shaped bruise on your face.”
Jasper said as he sat down on the stool next to Emmett.

“Edward got cock slapped!” Emmett was doubled over across the counter, heaving with the
desperate need for air.

Edward gingerly prodded his cheek, knowing Alice would get her wish. Well, at least that was
something he could do for her. Maybe this was a step towards her forgiveness.

Lowering his hand, Edward regarded his brothers across from him. He still honestly had no idea
what he was going to tell them. They were both looking at him with questions on their faces and he
knew they were waiting. Waiting for the truth or some lie he could concoct in the next few seconds.
Edward felt the bile start to rise in his throat. He wasn‟t a liar; but he had no idea how to keep this

quiet if he were to tell them the truth and risk it getting back to Bella.

The ring to his cell phone went off and Edward felt another wave of relief. He was spared for a few
seconds. He grabbed the phone and looking at the caller id he froze. It was Bella. Staring at his
phone right then, Edward made his decision. He would tell Jasper and Emmett the truth. And then
he would fight like hell to keep Bella; then he knew he had done everything he could to win her if

he failed. He slowly opened the phone and pressed the button that would send her to voicemail.

He sighed and looked back at across the counter. Taking another deep breath, Edward opened his

mouth to speak.

“Alice wasn‟t meant to get the vibrator. Bella was.”

Confusion spread across their faces for a moment, but then a dawning realization flushed that from

Emmett‟s face.

“That girl from your office? The one you‟ve been panting after for the last couple of months…like

some animal in heat?”

“I was not panting-”

“Yes, you were!” Emmett cut him off and Jasper began nodding his head in agreement.

Edward gritted his teeth together. “Fine! I was panting after her.” He spat the word out like it was
something viral and disgusting.

“And you were going to show her your affection for her by sending a vibrator?” Jasper rolled his
eyes at Edward while Emmett raised his eyebrows and picked the object up. He stood it up on
Edward‟s counter and began sizing it up. Then he made an „L‟ shape with his right hand and began
comparing them, eyebrows scrunched in concentration. Edward glared; was he honestly comparing

himself to a vibrator; of all things!

Growling, Edward hit the vibrator, tossing it to the ground of his kitchen. He began pacing in front

of the two of them, hands planted on his hips.

“Just out of curiosity,” Edward looked at Jasper, but didn‟t stop his pacing, “what did you intend for

Alice to get?”

“It was that cashmere sweater she‟d been talking about; you know the one from that catalogue…”
Edward trailed off waving his hand in the air; honestly, how was he expected to know where it was

from. She‟d left numerous hints; he‟d gone to the store in the mall and picked it out.

Jasper and Emmett nodded approvingly. “So, if I understand this correctly, Bella got the sweater,

and Alice was left with that lovely gift.”

“Basically, yes.”

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“Hmmm,” Emmett said, eyeing his brother up and down, “I don‟t think he‟s telling us the whole

Edward almost faltered in his pacing but hoped they didn‟t notice.

Jasper‟s eyes were narrowed suspiciously at Edward. “What‟s the current status of your relationship

with this Bella?”

Edward closed his eyes. This was it. They would now know just how far he had been willing to go.

“We‟ve started seeing each other.” He told them in a quiet voice.

Jasper wasn‟t going to let it rest. “Before or after you accidentally sent her the wrong…present.”

Edward stopped pacing and met the eyes of both Emmett and Jasper. He didn‟t have to say
anything; the truth was written all over his face. Jasper got a disapproving look on his face while

Emmett‟s lit up with a newfound humor in Edward‟s current predicament.

“You dog.” Emmett said, the pride back in his voice.

“Edward you fool.” Jasper said in a quiet hushed tone, and with those three words, Edward had

never felt more ashamed in his life.

“I don‟t know what to do.” Edward said shaking his head.

“I‟ll tell you what your gonna do…” Jasper began, looking at Emmett to back him up.


“Don‟t tell!”

Emmett and Jasper spoke in tandem and they glared at each other.

“Are you crazy? He can‟t tell anyone! Especially not Bella; from what I‟ve heard the saucy wench
will cut his dick off…” He trailed off as he grabbed the vibrator off the floor, and then straightened

himself, brandishing the light blue phallic shape like a weapon. “Then she really will need this!”

Jasper grabbed it from his hand and started jabbing him in the arm with it. “He has to tell! I can‟t

keep this from Alice and God knows Esme is on the warpath right now!”

He and Emmett had risen from their seats. Emmett had grabbed a banana from Edward‟s counter

and he and Jasper were engaging in some twisted cock-shaped object sword fight.

Edward was just standing there watching them, when his cell phone went off again.

Without looking to see who it was, he opened and pressed the „SEND‟ button and pressed it to his
ear. Turning away from the scene of Jasper and Emmett “cock” fighting, Edward said, “Hello?” in a

very stressed out voice.

“You are in so much trouble.”

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Chapter 3.

Pressing the phone to his ear and turning away from Jasper and Emmett, Edward said “Hello?” in a

stressed out voice.

“You are in so much trouble.”

Edward paused at those words, but then he heard Bella‟s tinkling laughter and he felt at ease


“I can‟t believe you put me through to voicemail.” Edward smiled; she was making a sorry attempt

at trying to sound like she was angry and hurt.

“I‟m sorry. I was just…” Edward looked back at Jasper and Emmett still taking swipes and jabs at

each other, “detained for a while.”

Bella laughed again and Edward felt his heart swell at the sound. He inwardly sighed; yes, he
would fight tooth and nail for this woman. His mind was racing with ideas on how he would make

this up to her, if she found out that is.

“So what are you doing tonight?” Bella asked him and Edward could hear that she was smiling.

“Well, I‟ll be with you of course.” Edward chuckled as he sat down on his couch. He was still

inwardly cringing at what he was going to do, but just with the sound of her voice, he was calmer.

Bella had started to throw around ideas of what they could do that night, when all of a sudden…

“Mine‟s bigger!” Emmett‟s enraged voice sounded from the kitchen and Edward swung his head

around to glare at them.

Neither of them saw him though. Jasper was in full duel stance; turned to the side, left arm in the
air behind his head while his right was swerving the vibrator to hit Emmett in strategic places.
Emmett, however, was just facing Jasper, gripping the banana in one hand and trying to use both

arms to assuage the attacks he was receiving.

“Yeah,” Jasper began, “well, mine has rabbit ears and arms that hug the clit!” And then he stepped

forward again on his right leg and jabbed Emmett again.

“Um, Edward? What‟s going on over there?” Bella sounded worried on the other end.

“Nothing. Uh, can I just call you later? My brothers are over and…I need to go break them up.”

Edward said standing from the couch.

“Oh! Okay, yeah, that‟s fine. I‟ll talk to you later.”

“Bye.” And then snapping his phone shut, Edward made his way over to Emmett and Jasper, who

had just activated the vibrating motions of his weapon.

“Unfair advantage!” Emmett cried.

Edward stepped in between them and yanked the banana and vibrator from both of them. He

slammed them down on the counter and resumed his pacing from earlier.

“Way to be a spoil sport.” He heard Emmett mutter.

Sighing, Edward locked eyes with both of them. “I‟m going to hell.”

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Jasper sat back down at the island and shook his head. “So you lied to get a girl to go out with
you; it‟s not like you‟re the first to come up with the idea.”

“Yeah, I know that, but I don‟t think Bella‟s gonna see it that way.” Edward said pointing his finger
at Jasper.

Emmett‟s phone suddenly went off and he looked at the caller id then smirked at Edward.

He waved his phone at him. “Mom.” And then he answered.

Edward was bracing himself against the counter; if he was afraid of Alice, then he was terrified of
his mother. Esme had raised him with much better manners than he had been exuding over the
past few months, and he felt his stomach clench painfully at the thought of his parents. Edward felt

like slapping him self for the way he was repaying them for their years of raising him.

Emmett had only been giving short grunts and sounds of acquiescence. Then he snapped his phone

shut and began advancing towards Edward.

“Mom says Jasper and I have to bring you to the house and to bring the offensive present; she said

to bring you kicking and screaming if that‟s only the way.”

Edward shook his head and went to grab his jacket. Emmett looked at him sadly.

“You‟re going quietly? Not even a little resistance? No kicking?” He grabbed the vibrator and put in

the inside pocket of his jacket.

“You want kicking Emmett? Fine,” and with that Edward delivered a swift kick to Emmett‟s calf,

“there. Let‟s go.” And with that, Edward stalked out of his apartment.

Emmett had clutched his leg and started hopping to the door, Jasper following him, holding back

his laughter.

“Son of a-”

“Do you really want to finish that sentence?” Jasper watched as Emmett stopped to process his
words and counted down from five in his head as he watched for the light bulb to go off in

Emmett‟s head. ‘Five, four, three, two…’

“It‟s my mom too.” Emmett said in a dejected voice and began walking down the hall to the

elevator, Jasper quietly following, with a smile on his face.

Edward was seated in a chair around the large oak circular dining table in his parents‟ house. He
was squirming with the looks he was receiving. Esme and Alice were seated directly across from
him, his father Carlisle next to his mother holding her hand, Jasper next to Alice, with an arm
around her shoulders. They were waiting on Emmett; he was bringing Rosalie over for their „family


Not one word had been said when he and Jasper had arrived. It was pretty clear though that his
parents were not just going to let this go. He did feel some form of hope; his dad had given him a

reassuring smile and comforting pat on the back before they had taken their seats.

The only sounds that went through the room were the breathing of the various occupants and the

tick tock of the grandfather clock that had been in their family for generations.

Edward wasn‟t even trying to think of what he was going to say; he would just answer their
questions and take their yelling and accusations with as much dignity as he could allow him self.

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Looking into his mother‟s eyes, he knew he would be severely reprimanded for his actions no
matter what reason they had been for. And he expected it; she wouldn‟t be Esme Cullen if she

didn‟t have the ability to make her children quake in fear of her motherly wrath.

He heard the front door to the house open and close, followed by the sounds of Rosalie and
Emmett making their way to the room. Emmet sat on his right, while Rosalie went to his left,

completing the seats of the circular table.

He turned to greet Rosalie with a nod of his head, but her eyes were trained on his face. She didn‟t

look too happy, but then her eyes went to his cheek and she smirked.

“A dick for a dick.” She said indicating to the bruise forming on his cheek from Jasper‟s slap earlier.
Emmett and Jasper let out guffaws of laughter, and Edward even heard his father let out a small


Edward snapped his head back to facing his parents and Alice. Esme was now glaring at Carlisle for
thinking the situation funny and he was trying to get the smile off his face. Jasper was now rubbing
Alice‟s back soothingly, and her mouth was turned up in a small smirk at Rosalie‟s comment, but

she was still seething in her seat.

Esme took a long deep breath and turned her head downwards looking at the table.

“Edward Anthony Cullen,” Oh God it’s the middle name.

“What…could you possibly have been thinking?” It was the same question Jasper had asked, but it

held a different undertone. It was filled with silent venom and reined in anger.

Edward just wanted to get this done and over with as soon as possible.

“It was a mistake.”

“Damn skippy.” He heard Emmett mutter next to him. Edward kicked his foot under the table to

shut him up.

“How do you make a mistake like that?” His mother‟s eyes were wide with consternation.

“It was the wrong package…” He trailed off as Esme‟s eyes narrowed even further.

“You mean to tell me that you were going to send that despicable thing to someone else?! Who?”

Edward hesitated then. How could he frame the words so they didn‟t make him sound like a

complete bastard?

Luckily, Jasper took care of that for him.

“He‟s in love.”

Maybe not. Edward‟s eyes narrowed at Jasper as Emmett shook with laughter next to him and his

parents sat up straighter in their seats, Alice‟s eyes narrowed at him.

“What do you mean in love?” Carlisle asked.

“With some girl from his office…”

“I‟m not in love with her…”

Esme held her hand up and silenced everyone. “What does this girl have to do with any of this?”

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Alice‟s eyes were still trained on Edward with a contemplative look on her face. Jasper was looking
at him and trying to gesture with his eyes to just spill everything. Emmett was slightly shaking his

head next to him.

“I labeled the boxes wrong…Alice you were supposed to get a blue sweater, but I sent it to the
wrong address. Bella, the girl from my office, was supposed to get…” And he gestured to the


He felt better at having said some part of the truth out loud.

Alice looked at the vibrator that was lying in the middle of the table. Then she removed a folded
piece of paper from her pocket and opened it.

Think of me…” The beginning of the note was read out loud in her soft voice and her eyes drifted
over the paper again and again until she gasped.

Her eyes snapped back up to Edward‟s face. She no longer looked angry just on the verge of
divulging some big secret.

“You are in love with her.” She whispered in the quiet of the room.

Edward‟s head tilted down as he looked at the table. He didn‟t know if he was in love, just that he

felt very strongly towards Bella.

“The girl from you office was supposed to get this then?”

Edward nodded his head silently, not looking at any of them.

“Someone needs to warn her…”Carlisle shushed Rosalie‟s comment.

“Oh, Edward. How could you ever think that something like this-”

“Mom,” His head lifted at Alice‟s voice and saw her hand was on their mother‟s shoulder. “It‟s okay.
Well, it‟s not okay, but…it‟ll be fine.”

“Alice how can you say that?”

Edward was curious too. Alice had been furious with him and now, just because he may very well

be in love with someone, she was willing to forgive and forget? Something wasn‟t adding up.

“Do you remember when Emmett first met Rosalie? How he came home almost every weekend
from college and whined and moaned over her? Well, what you guys didn‟t know is that when he
went back to classes, he would act like a complete animal around Rosalie. Making obscene
innuendos and the like to cover up his true feelings. I think he went completely overboard, but
Rosalie just did the same right back. They treated each other like pieces of meat and enjoyed it. I
think that‟s what‟s going on with Edward. I completely agree that this was not the way to go about
getting in her good graces, but Emmett and Edward act in very similar ways when trying to get
someone‟s attention. Thank God that behavioral tendency skipped me.” She said with a relieved

little laugh.

“Um, I beg to differ.” Jasper said.

Alice whipped her head around to look at him. “What?”

“Do you remember when you met me? You pursued me quite strongly.”

“You did the same right back, so what?”

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Esme lifted a hand to her forehead. “Alright. That‟s enough.”

She rubbed her head. “Edward, this is not acceptable and you will be apologizing to whoever this

girl is. And you will tell her the truth about the whole situation.”

She paused to look at all three of her children “I honestly expected better from all of you.”

And with that, she stood from her seat and left the room. Carlisle looked at Edward and smiled
reassuringly. “I‟ll talk to her. If you do feel as strongly for this girl then she does deserve to know

the truth about this whole thing. Once you‟ve worked it all out, we‟d love to meet her.”

Edward felt his stomach clench at that thought. Would Bella want to meet his family?

After Carlisle left the room, Edward looked at Alice. “What can I do to make this up to you?”

“Is she nice?”

Edward smiled. “Yes. She‟s very nice.”


“She‟s beautiful.”

Alice nodded her head. “Then Bella will be my new best friend. And,” She bit on her lip for a

minute. “I‟ll talk to Mom and Dad. Don‟t tell her. Just be happy.”

Edward was still confused with Alice‟s behavior. “Why are you being so nice about this?”

She shrugged. “I‟m a sucker for happy endings. And you‟re my brother. I want you to have one.”

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Chapter 4.

The table top was still covered with their dishes from dinner a few hours earlier. Jenga blocks were

strewn across the floor. They had knocked them over in their haste to get at each other.

Edward had held himself back the whole night, wanting to just look at her. The way she moved,
the way her hair fell over her shoulders and face, the way her eyes would light up with a

mysterious emotion he couldn‟t define.

They had set up the Jenga blocks after dinner, Bella teasing Edward that he would be the first to
knock the tower down. And he had been. Only because Bella was a fucking tease. She sat on the
opposite side of him and sipped the wine in her glass very slowly, licking her lips afterwards,
drawing Edward‟s attention away from the game. Bella would move her slender hands in graceful
ways and every so often she would make these sexy little sounds in the back of her throat that

went all the way through Edward.

He had tried to get back at her because she obviously knew what she was doing to him. Her eyes
burned into him from across the tower of blocks and for a second all he could do was take her in.
The soft, seductive smile, the light hint of pink on her cheeks. And then her mouth had parted
slightly and small sigh filled the air between them and Edward was lost. He pounced on Bella and
delighted in her high pitched laughter as his body covered hers as the sound of Jenga blocks
slapping against each other as they fell to the floor filled the air. The curves of her body molded to
fit his as he lay her gently back on the carpet and his eyes met hers; the soft dancing brown pools
were his beacon in the lust crazed stupor he now found himself submerged in.

She smiled softly up at him and he briefly returned it before lowering his face to hers, their lips
meeting in a soft kiss.

Edward knew he would never tire of kissing Bella. She was soft and pliant under his mouth, but
gave as good as she got. She ran her hands up his back and over his shoulders, playing with the

ends of his hair as she sucked his bottom lip between hers.

Edward cupped her face and slipped his tongue in her mouth, gently brushing against hers. She
wrapped a leg around his calf and Edward‟s hand traveled down her body to her thigh, circling

around the jean covered skin.

Bella sighed into his mouth and tightened her arms around his back, arching her body up into his.
Edward felt the air around them thicken and get warmer and he suddenly felt suffocated by the

amount of clothing separating their bodies.

Gingerly he removed his hand from her thigh and wedged it gently between her back and the
carpet, setting his knees on the floor and bringing them up, Bella‟s body still glued to his, her legs
wrapping around his middle so she could hang onto him better. Their lips remained pressed tightly
together and Edward felt Bella slightly lower herself down his body, her center brushing against his

erection and he groaned into her mouth.

Bella smiled against his lips before brushing kisses along his chin and cheeks to his ear, where she
nibbled on the lobe before sucking it into her mouth. Edward braced his feet on the carpet before
hauling them up and stumbling around the living room to the direction of the hallway that led to his

Once they got there, Edward kicked the door to his room shut and deposited Bella on his bed.

With one last parting heated kiss, Edward detached her legs from his waist and stood before her at
the foot of his bed. She looked up at him with that same emotion in her eyes from earlier when
they ate dinner and played Jenga.

She would take sips of her wine and watch him over the rim of the glass with that look. When he
would take a block from the Jenga tower she would watch the movement of his hand and arm with

that same look.

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And now she looked at him, spread for him across his bed, with that same, bright, wide eyed look
that had his heart racing and his palms sweating.

It had been there that first night, their first night, but at the time, he had brushed it aside in favor
of having a night of fun. In retrospect the morning after, he had decided to try and make Bella his,

but never had it all felt so real to him than right now in this moment.

Bella was his. The smile on her face, the laughter from her mouth, the look in her eyes, they were

all his, and as he looked down at her, he promised he would never give those up.

He would never give her up. Not without fighting for her. And he realized now that his past actions
where it concerned her were not the most admirable. He steeled himself against those darkening
thoughts and vowed to himself that he would change. He would treat her better, the way she


The way the woman he‟s in love with deserved.

It wasn‟t the first time he‟d thought of Bella as the woman he‟s in love with, but this was the first
time it really hit him how right it felt and how much he loved that feeling. He loved loving Bella. It

resonated within his soul and filled his chest with the realization.

And all he wanted to do now was show her how much he loved her.

He snapped out of his stupor to see Bella slowly moving to prop up on her elbows, a slight frown on
her face, her brow creased in confusion.

“Edward?” her soft voice filled the air around them. “Are you okay?”

He smiled tenderly down at her and slowly nodded his head.

He reached for the hem of his shirt and lifted it from his body, tossing it to the side of the bed. He

toed off his socks keeping his eyes locked on hers.

Bella started removing her clothes, but Edward stopped her.

“No, Bella,” his commanding velvet tone stilled Bella‟s hands on the buttons of her blouse and she

looked up at him questioningly.

He moved in between her legs on the mattress and placed his hands on either side of her head.

“Let me love you,” his plea was just above a whisper and his heart stuttered at the blush that
covered Bella‟s cheeks. At the jerk of her head that he took to be a nod, Edward lowered himself so
he was lying on top of her. She could feel his erection through his jeans and she gasped quietly
into his neck. She softly kissed him on the neck, before trailing down to his collarbone and nipping

along the skin.

Edward leaned his head down to smell the intoxicating scent of her hair; some flowery scent that
mixed with something that was simply pure Bella and it drove him crazy for her. His hands trailed
down her sides and he slipped his fingers up the hem of her blouse, brushing across the soft skin of
her stomach, and coming into contact with the button on her jeans.

He caressed her hips once he got the jeans open and was content for a few moments to just hold

her close to him with the skin to skin contact.

His fingers brushed up and down at an even pace and soon Bella was moaning softly into his ear

and he just had to keep going, still at a slow measure.

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He slid further down her body, his mouth kissing her chest and stomach through the fabric of her
blouse, his hands taking her jeans with him. Bella bent her knees when they were finally off and
Edward lowered his head to her feet and gently kissed the tops and then moved to her ankles,
pecking tiny kisses all around. He moved to her calves and then her knees where he gave one open
mouthed kiss on top of each. Bella tried to reach for him but he maneuvered away from her hands,

placing more kisses along the beautiful pale skin of her legs.

Her hands dove into his hair when he came to her thighs. He gave long, loving strokes of his
tongue up and down her thighs and occasionally his nose would brush against the lacey panties
that were covering her and she would moan above him and clench her fingers in an attempt to

keep him where he was beneath her.

Placing a few more nibbling kisses at the line of her panties, Edward lightly grasped them and drug

them down her legs, tossing them over the side of the bed.

He massaged her legs in slow circles on his way back up to her wet slit and he leaned forward,
inhaling as he went, and gave a long lick up. He felt her tremble beneath his hands and lips and he
gave another lick and then another, speeding up his pace until she became a trembling mess.

Bella was half moaning and half whining, her fingers curled in his hair, trying to keep his head in
one spot so she could move her hips at her own pace against his face. Edward wasn‟t going to have
that though, and he took her hands from his hair and placed them firmly on the mattress and held

his hips down.

His tongue began making big circles in between her lips and down to her entrance, circling there as
well. Bella was still trying to work her hips against his face, but her hands had moved up her own
body. Edward briefly glanced up and saw she was clawing at the material of her blouse, trying to
get free of it. He brought his hand off her hip and pushed his thumb against her clit and almost
laughed when her hands stilled and a loud moan tore from her throat. He circled his thumb in a

short, fast movement that had her trembling in his hands and mouth.

His tongue stroked her entrance before mimicking the thrusts his cock was aching to do. He
switched his hand and mouth, attaching his lips to her clit making her cry out and arc into his
mouth and he started fingering her slowly. He sucked her clit into his mouth and her legs wrapped
around his shoulders; Bella was looking for any way to get some kind of friction.

Running his tongue over and over her clit and gently nibbling on the sensitive nub, Edward
delighted in the moans that came from Bella‟s mouth and the taste of her underneath his tongue
and the shaking of her legs around his shoulders and the sharp arch of her back that let him know

she was close.

She started babbling nonsense words and noises in this high pitched whimper, trying to tell him
that she was so close to coming undone. She began clawing again at his hair, wanting to gain more

leverage to gyrate against his mouth.

“I‟m… Edward I‟m… fuck… oh god…ugh…Ed-…ung…” she panted, circling her hips faster.

Edward just wrapped his arms around her legs from underneath, his hands rubbing the softness of
her thighs, his lips sucking her clit with a newfound fervor. He wanted her to come; he wanted to
be the one that pushed her over the edge, the only one that could make her feel like this ever. He
wanted her to forget all the others she had been with before him; every single encounter, every

single flirtation.

She was his. Only his.

With this last thought, his tongue and fingers worked faster over her, wanting to worship her as

she deserved.

Bella clenched her legs around his shoulders one more time before her fingers scrambled to find a
tighter hold in his hair. Her back arched up off the bed, throwing her head back into his covers, her

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mouth fell open in a gasping moan of his name and Edward‟s fingers were coated with her juices as
she came.

His tongue lapped at her and his thumb gently pressed against her clit now, not pushing against it
as he had a few minutes ago. Bella was breathing heavily above him, her hands brushing her hair

away from her face, her eyes wide as she looked up at the ceiling.

Edward stood from his place between her legs and unbuttoned his jeans, lowering them to the floor

with his boxers, hissing slightly when the cool air in the room hit his erection when it sprang up.

Bella was tugging on her blouse, trying to get her arms through the sleeves, and ending up with
her right arm stuck next to her head. She fought with it for a few seconds while Edward watched, a
small smile on his face. She wriggled her top half around in half circles trying to get free from the

material until she gave up with a small huff of indignation.

She looked at Edward sheepishly through a curtain of hair and the crook of her caught arm and in

a small pitiful voice she asked, “Help?”

Edward chuckled and walked over the side of the bed, undoing a few of the buttons so she had
more room to get out of the blouse. Once she was out of the shirt, the lace of her bra teasing his
eyes and his cock, Edward threw the shirt in the corner and cupped her breasts in his hands,
delighting in the half smile that crossed Bella‟s face and her sigh of pleasure. He leaned down and
attached his mouth to the skin of her neck, gently sucking and nibbling, wanting to leave a mark

on her. He soothed all of the little love bites he left with a flick of his tongue.

Bella‟s hands ran all over his chest, leaving goose bumps in their wake. He tried to contain a shiver

but he thrilled in the feeling of having the woman he was in love touching him.

He reached behind her and unclasped the black lacy bra and tossed that to the side before cupping
her breasts and tweaking her nipples with his thumbs. She gasped and giggled lightly into his ear
and he smiled against her neck.

Laying her back in his bed, he attached his mouth to one of her nipples, his hand coming up to play
with the other one. He moved his body to rest between her legs again, his cock occasionally
brushing against her wet hot sex, making them both groan. Bella started rocking her hips into his,

creating a dizzying friction that made Edward growl lowly in his chest.

He kissed the valley in between her breasts while switching his ministrations, rolling the wet nipple

between his fingers while sucking gently on the other one.

Bella gripped his head in her hands and started tugging him up from her breasts to her face. He
acquiesced, and when their faces came level, her mouth met his in a fierce kiss and she pulled him
further down on top of her. Their tongues met and danced together and Edward began seeing
sparks behind his closed eyes. She tasted like hints of wine from their dinner earlier, a bit of mint
and chocolate as well as that lovely pure Bella taste. Even though he had had her before like this,
had tasted her before like this, it was like he was really exploring her for the first time. Really

taking the time to enjoy her for the first time.

His cock brushed against her slit again and they rocked against each other harder enjoying the
heat coursing between them. Blindly, Edward reached over to his bedside table and fumbled with
the drawer, reaching inside for a condom. Bella wrapped her entire body around his, holding onto
him and making it difficult for him to open the package, but somehow, using his teeth and a free
hand, he got it open. She had her mouth attached to the rapidly beating pulse point on his neck,
flicking her tongue all around it and messing with his concentration. All he wanted to do was push

into, condoms be damned. But he wanted to take care of her.

“Edward…” she breathed hot air into his hair that resembled his name and he was overwhelmed

with the feelings of love that filled him from that one sound.

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He managed to slip the condom in place and grabbed onto her hips, her legs curling further around
his middle.

“Bella,” he breathed into her neck. “I love you…” and then he pushed into her as slowly as he could
manage, biting his lip as her heat enveloped his cock. Inch by inch, he went in, the grip he had on

her tightening a fraction every few seconds.

Bella held her breath until he was fully seated inside of her, and then she blew it all out in a sigh of
relief. Edward placed a kiss on the pulse point on her neck and ran his hands down her trembling


Bella curled a finger under his chin and pulled his face up from her neck to look at her. Her brown

eyes sparkled in the dim light of his room and she smiled softly at him.

“I love you too,” she whispered to him and leaned in for a kiss.

With their lips connected, he began slow, shallow thrusts, Bella gasping into his mouth, short
sounds of her pleasure. Her hips began moving along with his, meeting his thrusts with her own

little movements.

Edward began to lose himself in the sounds she made, the way she felt with her legs wrapped
around him, the way the shadows of his room played on her face, the way her eyes closed for long
moments and then opened briefly and met his. The short little gasps she made when he started

speeding up his pace, wanting to give her more pleasure than she‟d ever known.

Through the white blaze of heat he was engulfed in, a low chanting was making it‟s way through to
Edward‟s ears and he glanced down at Bella‟s mouth only to see her pink lips had formed a circle,

not saying any words.

“Love you…love you…love you…”

He realized the chanting was coming from him, each new declaration punctuated with a slightly

harder thrust inside of her.

“Oh… harder Edward, hard-…mmmm…” Bella groaned, her hands grabbing the skin on his back.

Edward grabbed hold of one her legs wrapped tightly around his waist and pressed her knee
against the mattress, driving harder into her at a new angle; he wanted to meet her every need,

satisfy her every desire.

Her fingers stilled on his back in a clenching grip and the second of pain he felt was quickly
replaced by the pleasure and heat he felt when Bella tightened around his cock, ripping his orgasm

from him.

He crashed his mouth to Bella‟s, swallowing her scream and rocking in and out of her at a gentler
pace, as her body continued to shake after she came. They continued to kiss quietly as their heart
rates slowed, and Edward slipped out of her gently, leaving the bed and Bella only to dispose of the

condom in the trash can across the room.

He returned to her, climbing in bed behind her, pressing a kiss against her shoulder, and pulling
the blankets up over their bodies. Bella snuggled closer to him and pulled his arm around her
middle, intertwining their fingers together. She brought his hand closer to her face and kissed his

knuckles before whispering, “Love you.”

Edward buried his head in her shoulder, listening to her breathing even out and slow down.

Edward didn‟t sleep. He just held her close, playing with loose curls, caressing her skin softly,
wrapping their legs together gently so as not to wake her. He dozed off and on throughout the

night, Bella‟s warm smile and soft eyes alight with love keeping him company in his dreams.


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