trouble at the inn c 0

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Trou ble At Th e In n (C -0)

Trou ble At Th e In n (C -0)

En c oun t er 1

En c oun t er 1

It has been a long day of travel...

However, you're finally out of the thick of the forest
and fast on your way to Arhynn, as the last signs of the
sun disappear on the horizon. Luckily, the chimney of
a big old structure looms over the trees in the distance.
It's the Meat and Mead Inn! Located just half a day's
walk west of Arhynn, many adventurers spend the
night here on their way out or into the city.

A spirited conversation sparks as you all remember
tales of nights spent at the inn. Drunken brawls and
songs of valor, you have been regular customers back
then. The banter between you suddenly comes to a
halt, as you enter the courtyard and realize the
complete silence around you.

The inn is dark and lifeless. You feel like someone is
watching, as you slowly approach the building. The
leaves above your head gently move, was that just a
breeze or was it something else?

Suddenly you hear a branch snapping and someone
yells "Ambuuush!". Goblins pour out from every side!

"Draw your weapons, defend yourselves!"

"Run for the inn!"

Mon s t e rs

Mon s t e rs

Goblin archers . Zombies . 1 open group.

S e t up

S e t up

Heroes place their figures on the Courtyard in the
unique s paces marked with an "X."

Place the goblin archers on either the entrance or the
overgrown garden divided as the Overlord wis hes .

The zombies and the open group are not placed
during s etup.

Place s earch tokens bas ed on the number of heroes .

S p e c ia l R ul e s

S p e c ia l R ul e s

A m b u s h !

A m b u s h !

Before the heroes take their firs t turn the Overlord
activates a number of goblin archers equal to the
number of heroes . After this play proceeds normally.

T h e I nn

T h e I nn

The inn door may only be open and clos ed by heroes .
Once the inn door is opened for the firs t time the
Overlord places 1 mas ter zombie and 1 minion
zombie on the inn (not adjacent to the door), than read
the following:

"Breathing heavily you barge into the gloom of the inn.
You can hear the goblins getting closer, however
something stirrs in the darkness. Horrified you see
Gerald, the fat inn owner and his wife Muriel coming
towards you, thier faces white as snow and their dead
hungering eyes."

The mas ter zombie is Gerald and has +2 Health per
hero, the minion zombie is Muriel and has +1 Health
per hero. The door to the cellar is locked and Gerald
has the key. Once Gelard is defeated the heroes have
the key and may open and clos e the door to the cellar
entrance. Then read the following:

"A final blow to the head and the fat corpse finally
stops moving, but a scream from somewhere below
doesn't give you a pause - you grab the keys and head
down to the cellar as quickly as you can!"

Bar r i c ad e

Bar r i c ad e

If all heroes are ins ide the inn a hero may s p e nd a n

s p e nd a n

a c tio n

a c tio n and attempt to b a rric a de

b a rric a de the inn door by

performing a ∂ check. When 2 ∂ checks are pas s ed
the door is clos ed and barricaded and cannot be
opened any more. Furthermore, the goblin archers
become ina c tive

ina c tive .

T h e C e llar

T h e C e llar

Heroes may exit the map at the cellar entrance for 1
movement point and place their figures on one of the
"X" marked locations on the cellar s tairs . Once the
cellar door is opened the Overlord places the open
group on the cellar s tairs .

The chamber door may be attacked by mons ters and
has 15 Health, but rolls no defens e die. Heroes may
open and clos e the chamber door as normal. When the
chamber door is opened for the firs t time (or
detroyed) Ariel joins the heroes and the goblin archers
become active again. Then read the following:

"You enter a room unlike any you have ever seen,
potions, books and scrolls everywhere, magic teaming
in the air. At the center a young woman stands trying to
put on a brave face. Seems the monsters where trying
to get her. "Quick" she says, pointing to a trap-door
on the ceiling."

Arie l

Arie l

Speed - 4 Health - 8

Defens e - 1 Gray

Ariel cannot attack and cannot s uffer fatigue to move.

Ariel acts las t, after all heroes , and is controlled by the
las t hero to play. She is cons idered a hero, but has no
attribues and fails all checks .

Se c r e t P as s age

Se c r e t P as s age

Heroes may s pend 1 movement point and move
between the blue ques t markers as if they are adjacent
only after they have entered the s ecret chamber.


T i m e I s Ru nni ng Ou t

T i m e I s Ru nni ng Ou t

At the s tart of each overlord turn (do not count the
ambus h) the Overlord places 1 fatigue token in his
play area.

At the s tart of the turn in which he places the 5 th

5 th

f a tigue

f a tigue token, he places his open group on the s tairs

and may activate that group as normal (if he has not
done s o already).

At the turn in which he places the 8 th f a tigue

8 th f a tigue token

the goblin archers become active and have dis covered
the s ecret entrance. From that moment on goblin
archers may us e the s ecret entrance.

R e in f orc e m e n t s

R e in f orc e m e n t s

At the s tar of each overlord turn in which the goblin
archers are active, the Overlord may place 1 goblin
archer on the overgrown garden and 1 on the entrance
igno ring

igno ring group limits .

V ic t ory

V ic t ory

If Ariel leaves the map through the entrance read the

"In the distance you can still hear them, but surely they
will not catch you now with the outpost in sight. You
realize that person you just met is little more than a

When you finally reach the outpost she tells you her
name and insists you must press on to Arhynn tonight.
"We must find uncle, we must find uncle..." she keeps

Heroes win this ques t!

If Ariel is knocked out s he is fatally wounded, read the

"The monster's delight was great as Ariel collapsed.
Sensing their job was done, the minions dispersed as
quickly as they have appeared. You feel awful that you
couldn't protect her as she must have been important

As you kneel to her there's the slightest movement,
quickly you check her pulse - she still hangs on! Maybe
there's hope yet, if you can get her to Arhynn before

The Overlord wins this ques t!

R e w a rd s

R e w a rd s

Both the heroes and the Overlord gain 1 XP.

background image

Trou ble At Th e In n (C -0)

Trou ble At Th e In n (C -0)

En c oun t er 1

En c oun t er 1

Document Outline


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