The Littlest Assassin Shifters A asin B00EAOMBMC t

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~The Littlest Assassin-Shifters~

Sandrine Gasq-Dion

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To my Family

Jennifer Jacobson

Kim Webb- Balan

Jen Fornes

My LRO readers and the newest ones.

Kenneth Carter for the cover.

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©Copyright 2013

This is a work of fiction and any resemblance to persons, living or dead, or business

establishments, events or locales is coincidental. All Rights Are Reserved. No part of this may be

used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission. WARNING: This book

contains material that maybe offensive to some: Violence, graphic language, homosexual relations

and adult situations.

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Table of Contents


~Chapter One~

~*Chapter Two*~

~*Chapter Three*~

~*Chapter Four*~

~*Chapter Five*~

~*Chapter Six*~

~*Chapter Seven*~

~*Chapter Eight*~

~*Chapter Nine*~

~*Chapter Ten*~

~Chapter Eleven~


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Mateo rolled over and felt the empty space where Riley should be. He lifted one lid and looked

into purple fur and rounded white eyes with huge black pupils. The purple hippo. Sunlight gleamed off
of something on the hippo’s ear and a note was sticking out of its mouth. Mateo pulled the hippo over
and noticed a platinum band hanging from its ear. He sat up quickly and snatched the note.

I know you said you would ask me, but I’m not the most patient person. I love you and I want to

marry you right away. Please say yes.

Love, Riley.
PS. Merry Christmas Eve and Happy Birthday!

Mateo smiled and picked up the hippo. Riley and his purple hippo. He shook his head. It had

been a fixture in their bed since the day Mateo had won it for him at the state fair.

That was the day they’d gone to meet Mateo’s boss, James Pruitt, to discuss moving Riley to a

safe house because someone was trying to kill him. The fair in Arizona came around once a year, and
Mateo had taken Riley with him. It was the same day they’d met the fortune teller – the one who had
said Riley was Mateo’s love.

Mateo rolled over and grabbed his sweatpants. Christmas music flowed from the kitchen and

Mateo smiled at the sound of Riley humming along. He quickly splashed his face and brushed his
teeth, then made his way to the kitchen.

Six months he’d been living with Riley, and those six months had been the best of his life. He

loved the man like no other. He’d spent most of his life avoiding commitment; now he couldn’t see
living without it. Riley was shaking his ass as he kneaded dough on the kitchen island. He looked so
damned adorable.

Mateo coughed, getting his attention.
“Good morning, handsome,” Mateo grinned, twirling the ring around his index finger.
Riley swallowed hard, and stopped kneading the dough. He turned to face Mateo and wiped his

hands off on a towel.

“I know you said you would ask when you were ready, but I just can’t wait anymore. I want to

be Riley Esposito.”

Mateo shook his head and walked toward Riley.
“No?” Riley’s shoulders slumped.
“You will not be Riley Esposito. You’ll be Riley Flynn-Esposito.” Mateo waited for the

information to sink in. He wasn’t disappointed. Riley’s face lit up like the Fourth of July. Lord, the
man was beautiful.

“Really?” Riley whispered, wiping at his eyes.
“Of course!” Mateo crossed the kitchen to Riley and took him into his arms. “I know I’ve been

an ass about marriage; I just didn’t want to lose what we have.”

“We won’t.” Riley wrapped his arms around Mateo’s neck. “That will never happen, and do you

know why?”

Mateo grinned and kissed Riley’s nose. “I’m sure you’ll tell me.”
“Because we were destined to meet and fall in love. You heard the fortune teller: I’m your love.

And that day on the roof, when you were supposed to kill me – you knew I was innocent. You couldn’t
pull the trigger; then you saved my life.”

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Mateo smiled at the memory. Weird, but true. That day, he’d known something was off. He had

been sent on a mission to kill Riley Flynn. It turned out to be a set-up, but he quickly put that out of
his mind.

While Mateo awaited the specific instructions for his mission, he blew off some steam at an

area gay club. When the mission was aborted and he and Riley went on the run to protect the Flynn
Electronics CEO, he discovered that Riley had been the anonymous man he had become obsessed with
in the club’s curtain room. That was a double bonus.

Mateo pulled Riley into a kiss and slid the band into his hand. “Put it on for me, and get down

on one knee,” he whispered.

“Seriously?” Riley breathed against Mateo’s lips.
“Nope,” Mateo smiled and slid the ring on. “You have one for yourself?”
“Yes, I bought them as a set.”
“Where’s yours?”
Riley’s cheeks heated and he pulled a neck chain from under his shirt. An identical band slid

down the gold chain. Mateo took the chain off and removed the ring. He got down on one knee in front
of Riley and held his left hand. Riley’s shocked gasp made him smile.

“Riley, please do me the honor of becoming my husband.”
Riley sniffled and wiped at his eyes.
“Yes, I’ll marry you, Mateo.”
“Right now?” Mateo grinned.
“Like…now?” Riley stammered.
“It’s my birthday; I want to be married by midnight.”
“I’ll get on the phone.”

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Mateo stood on the deck of the Staten Island Ferry and gazed into the eyes of the man he loved.

He had no idea how he’d gotten here, but thank God he had. Riley looked absolutely breathtaking in a
tux, his soft hair blowing in the breeze. His cheeks were slightly red from the cold and his blue eyes
sparkled. The ferry sat in the middle of the water with a view of the Statue of Liberty in the
background. Another landmark Riley had never seen.

God he loved this man.
“Do you, Riley Patrick Flynn, take Mateo Romeo Esposito to be your lawfully wedded


Mateo glared at his best friends and fellow assassins, Josh Montgomery, Troy Bishop and Sam

Waters. The three of them had started snickering. Their immediate boss, General Derek Jacobs, was
being shushed by James Pruitt. Riley was biting his lip.

“I do.” Riley managed to hide his chuckle.
“And do you—”
“Yes, I do.” Mateo raised his brows at the official.
“By the powers vested in me by the state of New York, I now pronounce you married. You may


Mateo hauled Riley into his chest and crushed their lips together. Riley moaned softly as their

tongues met. Mateo broke the kiss and looked into his husband’s eyes.

“Not one word,” he warned playfully.
Riley chuckled.
Mateo turned to his friends, eyebrows raised.
“Anyone have anything to say?”
Josh raised his hand.
“No.” Mateo glared at the tall, buzz-cut blond.
“Well,” James smiled at the group. “Let’s get back on dry land.”
“Yeah, so Mateo can get Riley into a bed.” Troy waggled his eyebrows.
Mateo threw his hands in the air. “I have no idea why I put up with you guys.”
“Because we are so awesome,” Josh winked.
Mateo eyed Sam. “What? Nothing to add?”
“I’ll wait until we get on shore. This boat isn’t big enough to outrun you.”
Mateo smirked and turned his attention back to Riley. “Mr. Flynn-Esposito.”
“I love the sound of that.”


Mateo took in the impressive size of the royal suite at the Waldorf Astoria. Yet another place

Riley had never been and wanted to stay. Looking at the marble bathroom, Mateo couldn’t argue. They
had sex on every damn surface of the room. His balls were aching and his ass hurt. Mateo chuckled.
Riley had come a long way from the meek and mild man behind the curtain of the Diabolique club.

“Oh Romeo...where – ”
“Don’t finish that sentence,” Mateo growled playfully. “I thought you said you asked Derek

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personal questions about me?”

“I asked him about your birthday,” Riley said, coming up behind Mateo in the bathroom.
“That’s it?”
“That’s all I wanted to know.” Riley kissed Mateo’s shoulder.
Mateo turned and gathered his husband into his arms. “Do you know what day it is?”
“Our wedding day?” Riley grinned.
“It’s now Christmas day.”
Riley wrapped his arms around Mateo. “Merry Christmas, Mateo.”
“Best one I’ve ever had.”

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~Chapter One~

“You can run, but you’ll only die tired,” Mateo whispered, zooming in on his target. A man was

running away from the building they had just infiltrated – a building that was used for kiddie porn.
This had to go down perfectly.

“Sam, tell me what I need to know.”
Sam gave him all the info he needed and Mateo squeezed the trigger slowly. A muffled pop

went off and the man flew forward into the ground. A few seconds later, the ground team was
surrounding him. Mateo’s mic crackled and then Josh’s whistled signature “Another One Bites the
Dust” met his ears.

Mateo grinned and set his sniper rifle down. Grabbing his canteen, he shot a grin at Sam. He,

Sam, Josh and Troy had been together for over twenty years. They made a great team because they
knew how the others thought. Now they made an even better one since Troy and Sam had become
werewolves within the extremely powerful Maccon line.

Mateo ran a hand through his short hair and thought about his husband. They’d been apart for a

week but it felt like a year. In all the years before Riley came into his life, the one thing he had never
wanted was a relationship.

Now he had a husband, and twins on the way.
His life had drastically changed from the moment he walked into the curtain room at

Diabolique. That night, he’d met Riley – although he hadn’t known then it was Riley. His mission to
assassinate Riley had gone down the shitter the second he figured out Riley was innocent, and he was
being played. They had gone on the run to protect Riley, spent some serious one-on-one time together,
and Mateo had fallen hard and fast.

His mic crackled again and Josh’s voice flooded his ear.
“Yo, Esposito.”
Mateo chugged his water and smiled.
“What’s up, Grant?”
“Stop calling me that,” Josh chuckled. “Although it’s way better than your middle name.”
“How can I help you today?” Mateo packed his sniper rifle back in its case as Sam put their

equipment away.

“Vince and Dimitri are still inside. And I think I hear whistling.”
“Is it ‘One of These Things Is Not Like the Other’?”
Josh tilted his head, listening. “I think so. Isn’t that a ‘Sesame Street’ song?”
“Well, Vince and Dimitri do have children,” Sam snickered. “They may be grown now, but I

think all this baby talk has their dads regressing.”

“You should have heard Dimitri at the last human trafficking mission. He was singing the other

‘Sesame Street’ song, you know, the one with all the numbers? I think it’s called ‘Twelve?’ He had his
automatic rifle,” Troy laughed.

“You mean the one, two, three, four – ” Mateo started.
“Yeah, that one. How’d you know?” Troy chuckled.
“Wyatt. He’s been telling me and Riley some of the stuff he watched as a kid.”
“Knowing your kid, he’ll be watching the military channel all day,” Josh cracked up.
“Well he can’t watch Lifetime constantly like you do,” Mateo shot back.
There was a collective laugh over the mic and Mateo smiled over at Sam. “Let’s pack it in,


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Two hours later, they were in a restaurant booth, drinking beer. Sam and Troy sat across from

him and Josh. Mateo sat back and looked at his partners. Sam and Troy were in their forties, but still
looked thirty because of the werewolf gene. Mateo sighed. He was getting up there in age, and with
twins on the way…

“Where’d you go, Mat?” Sam kicked him under the table.
“I’m just thinking.”
“Whoa, watch out guys; earthquake coming.” Josh covered his head. He got a jab in the ribs

from Mateo. “Ow.”

“It’s just that… well – I look at you two and I have to wonder, you know? I mean, by the time

the twins are ten, I’ll be well into my fifties.”

“Yes, but think of the senior citizen discount.” Troy pointed at Mateo with a grin.
“Fuck off, Bishop.” Mateo cracked a grin.
“You thinking about making the change?” Sam sat forward, a serious look on his face.
“I don’t know,” Mateo sighed. “I can’t handle the thought of Riley going before me. Now we’re

having twins.”

“And one of them could be born with the gene,” Troy nodded. “Since the surrogates are


“Mark said if our child with Fiona is a werewolf, he wants to be changed.” Josh sat back,

crossing his arms.

Mateo twisted to look at Josh. “Really?”
“Yep,” Josh nodded.
“What do you think?” Mateo asked.
“I’m not allowed to think,” Josh cracked up.
“I see Mark’s point,” Sam agreed.
Troy yawned and looked at his wrist. “Shit, I forgot my watch. What time is it?”
“It’s “Adventure Time”!” Josh, Mateo and Sam said together.
Troy sighed in frustration. “I swear, you get caught watching that show one time and you never

live it down.”

The whole table laughed.
“What about you and Sawyer, Troy?” Mateo sipped his beer.
“We’ve got Ryanne as our surrogate. The hardest part is waiting to see how everything goes

down when your kids are born. Sawyer wants a child, like, yesterday. He is not good at waiting.”

Mateo looked over his team. They’d fought side by side for as long as he could remember and

now they were all going to be parents. Never in a million years did he see them all getting married,
much less himself.

“You’ve gone to that place again,” Josh grinned, elbowing Mateo.
“I’m just thinking how much shit has changed. When we first started out, it was just the four of

us, with Derek and James calling the shots. Now we’ve got all the werewolves, plus the Santorno
team. It’s freed up a lot of time for all of us. We’ve got half the guys in Washington, a lot of them in
Texas and more sprinkled throughout.”

Josh nodded. “Wayne won’t leave Alaska, but I think I’m ready to make a move. I know Mark

is.” He eyed all the men staring at him. “What?”

“You’re leaving Fairbanks?” Sam asked with raised brows.
“I just feel that Mark needs to be closer to his friends. He’s never complained, but he’s good

friends with Riley and Dakota. Even though we have the jet that takes us back and forth, I know he
wants to be closer.”

“How’s it going with him coming along on some of your missions?” Troy asked with a grin.

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“He’s been great! He hangs with Reece and Brett a lot; makes sense since they’re all doctors. I

can’t believe how tough Reece Costa is. The mission before last, he was actually shot at. I thought
Lorenzo was going to tear the guy apart,” Josh snickered.

Mateo nodded. “That guy is huge. I mean I’m six foot two, but isn’t he, like, seven feet tall?”
Sam laughed. “Nah, he’s my height, but he’s intimidating, and that’s saying a lot coming from


“Makes you wonder, doesn’t it?” Mateo played with his pint glass. “How fate decides who gets

whom. I look back at shit now and I wonder how I held out as long as I did with Riley in the
beginning. From the moment I set eyes on him I was attracted, and then everything about him made
him even sexier. He makes me feel young.”

“Because he’s younger than you,” Josh pointed out.
“Not what I meant, but thanks,” Mateo snarked, shoving him.
“So.” Sam sat back, smiling. “No more missions for us for a while. We’re going to be fathers.”
Mateo smiled wide. “I can’t wait.”
Troy sat back in the booth. “God, I love this job.”
“What’s not to love?” Sam popped a pretzel in his mouth. “No rules of engagement – ”
“No rules period,” Josh cut in. “We have free reign to do what we have to do. A very big

difference from the Army.”

“Yes, and with James in charge, the other higher ranking officials can claim plausible

deniability. James takes all the heat for everything and he likes it that way.”

“No one ever called James a pussy,” Josh chuckled.
“No one who actually lived,” Mateo laughed.
“Can’t wait to see your kids, Mat.” Sam threw a pretzel at Mateo.
“Back atcha, Sam,” Mateo winked.


The sound of metal slamming behind him made Riley jump. He walked through a door and

waited as the light above him turned from red to green. Another door opened in front of him and two
armed guards stood on either side. Riley nodded to them and they escorted him into a visiting room.
Once he was seated, both guards took their place on either side of the door and faced straight ahead.

Riley looked around the visitors’ room. It seemed cold. Bare white walls and grey tile didn’t

scream comfort or welcome. When he’d gotten the call from James, it had taken him a minute to
process the words.

His father wanted to see him.
Incarcerated for treason, Edgar Flynn would be spending his remaining years behind bars. He

was lucky they hadn’t killed him, although Riley couldn’t remember the last time someone had been
killed for an act of treason in the United States. The fifties? The door buzzed and Riley sat up straight.
His father walked in and, suddenly, Riley felt twelve again. Grey hair covered most of his father’s
head now. Worry and stress lines weaved through his face. Riley stood up as his father neared the

“Edgar,” Riley nodded.
“Son.” Edgar nodded to the chairs and they both sat.
“So, why is it you wanted to see me? You haven’t even wanted me to visit you.”
Edgar sat back and eyed his son.
“I didn’t want you to see me in here. I have no choice now.”
“Meaning what?”
“I’m dying, Riley. Prostate cancer.”

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Riley stiffened. “Have you seen a doctor?”
Edgar nodded. “It’s well past what they can cure. I’ve accepted it and I just want to say a few

things to you.”

Edgar smiled weakly at his son. Riley had grown into a fine man. His hair was short, cut in the

newest style, and his eyes blazed blue. He’d filled out a bit as well.

“First off, you need to make sure you see a doctor regularly.”
“I do. I’m sure you didn’t bring me here to discuss medical advice.”
“No. I brought you here to apologize. God knows I wasn’t the best father; I had no idea what to

do with you once your mother passed away.” Edgar noticed his son’s smirk. “Yes, I know I could have
handled things better. It killed me to know how much she loved you. It was like I didn’t even exist. I
had to fight for her attention when it came to you.”

“It’s called being a parent, Edgar.” Riley crossed his arms.
Edgar raised his hand. “Trust me; I’ve had a lot of time to think in here. I do love you, Riley; I

always have. I was raised in a different time; homosexuality was wrong. I lost out on too many years
with you because of the way I was raised.”

“So what? Now you’re just fine with me being gay? I’m sure my husband will just love hearing

that since he didn’t give a rat’s ass what you thought of him to begin with.”

“You’ve got a good man, Riley. He loves you.”
Riley started in the chair.
“Oh yes, he came to see me when I asked. Was a lot rougher than you, though,” Edgar chuckled.

“He’s quite scary.”

Riley couldn’t help the smile that rose to his lips. “Mateo can be very scary when he’s mad.”
“Well, he tore me a new asshole that’s for sure.” Edgar tilted his head, regarding his son. “He

loves you something fierce. I didn’t get that before; I get it now. I want to leave in peace, Riley. I want
to go knowing that I tried my best to mend things with you. I love you, Riley, and I’m so sorry I didn’t
show it enough.”

Riley took a deep breath and tried to hold back the flood of tears threatening to spill. No matter

what, this was his father.

“How long?” Riley whispered.
“Three months? Maybe?” Edgar reached across the table for his son’s hand. One of the guards

coughed. “Could I, please?”

Riley grabbed his father’s hand. It was cold and Riley looked into his eyes.
“I forgive you, Dad. I’ll get in touch with some doctors, okay? We’ll get a second opinion, hell,

even a third one if we have to. Mateo and I are going to be parents; I want you to meet your

“Children?” Edgar’s mouth dropped.
“Yes,” Riley beamed. “We’re having twins. A boy and a girl. We’re naming the girl Maggie.”
Edgar nodded. “After your mother. And the boy?”
Edgar’s brows rose. “That was your idea, wasn’t it?”
Riley flushed. “Yes. I wanted to name him after Mateo, but a friend of ours said if we have

another namesake in the group, he’s leaving the country for good.”

Riley had to smile. FBI agent Devin Lyons had recently found out he was actually Tanner

McKinley, an associate of the Youngbloods. The Youngbloods group was a very close-knit unit
involved in the same line of work as the Skull Blasters and their colleagues – ridding the world of the
most hideous criminals. When he’d gone to Texas to meet the group, he’d found out most of them
were named after their fathers or grandfathers or some other male relative or friend. Too many people

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with the same name had given Devin a headache and he forbade Riley to name their son Mateo.

So, Matty it was.
“So you have to hang on, okay?” Riley squeezed his father’s hand.
“I’ll try, I really will.”


Riley sat in his car and let the tears come. His father was going to die within months. He caught

his reflection in the rearview mirror. Time was marching across his features, as well as Mateo’s, and
now they were having twins. He’d spent a lot of time with Dakota over the last few months. The
younger man had stopped aging the day he’d been turned into a werewolf. Sam still looked young, for
the same reason.

Riley fingered the lines by his eyes and brushed a hand through his hair. How long would he and

Mateo be around? Since their surrogate was a werewolf, there was a good chance one of their children
would carry the gene – which meant they’d be around for God knows how long. Riley looked at his
watch. He had a meeting at work and then he would go home. Riley started the car and sighed. He
wished Mateo was back from his mission. He really needed him right now.


Riley stood at the head of the table and eyed his team. They got shit done, and they got it done

faster and better than anyone else. April was right around the corner and the military had just placed
another guidance chip order with them. He lifted a brow at Mitch Devan and the younger man stood
and handed out papers. Nothing needed to be said. Not really. Riley didn’t waste time and he expected
his time not to be wasted.

The men all grabbed at the papers, looked them over, nodded, and then left the room one by one.
Riley crossed the room to the coffeemaker and poured a very large cup. Mitch was still sitting

at the conference table, head tilted to the side. He had been Conner Maccon’s administrative assistant
before coming to work for Riley. Since Mitch was mated to Locke, one of the werewolves, he’d
moved to be closer to the man.

But they hadn’t even been out on one date. Locke, who spent a lot of time hunting rogue wolves,

was so worried about Mitch being fatally bitten by a rogue seeking vengeance, he was working
overtime trying to protect him.

“Locke talking to you?” Riley grinned.
Locke Renfro was the alpha of the Boston pack – and Mitch’s mate. The fates – or gods –

whichever one you want, had decided that the humans mated to werewolves would be given the power
of telepathy. It was their way of keeping the humans of the pack safe. Mitch seemed to snap out of his
daze and smiled at him.

“Yes, he’s so worried about me.”
“Can’t be helped, not with that Petey guy on the loose.” Petey, or Peter, Kransisky was a rogue

wolf, and was once Pierce Barnes’ right hand man. Pierce had been the leader of the rogues,
unbeknownst to his ex-boyfriend, Chance Christianson. When Pierce tried to get back into Chance’s
good graces so he could take advantage of the young warlock’s powerful skills, his plan fell apart and
he went after Chance’s mate, Logan. Angered beyond control of his powers, Chance had incinerated
Pierce; Petey and his lackey, Carl, had gotten away.

“You ever worry about them coming after you?” Mitch asked.
Riley shook his head.
“Nah, not really. Mateo taught me how to shoot a gun – among other things.” Riley had to

smile; Mateo had taught him how to use a grenade launcher. Thank God they had been in the middle

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of the desert.

He smiled at Mitch. “Thanks for staying overtime last week. With the whole office sick, we had

to play catch up.”

“No problem. Since I didn’t get the bug, I felt I should be here.”
“You got lucky. That was the worst two days of my life and the rest of the guys had it for a


A knock on the door interrupted his thoughts and he turned to face it.
“Come in.”
Mateo strolled into the room and looked around. His eyes landed on his husband and lit up.
“You’re back!” Riley ran to Mateo and jumped on him, wrapping his legs around his husband’s


“So, I’ll just…’” Mitch stood up and quietly left the room, closing the door behind him.
“God, I missed you so much,” Mateo growled against Riley’s lips.
“I missed you, too. I need you so much, Mateo,” Riley breathed.
“Let me just lock the door.”
Mateo held Riley’s ass as he walked backwards and turned the lock on the conference room

door, their lips never separating. The office windows were tinted; you could see out, but not in. A
large couch occupied one wall and Mateo walked over to it, Riley still affixed to him like glue. They’d
been apart for a week. It felt like a year.

Mateo eased Riley onto his back, and then climbed on top of him, his fingers making quick

work of Riley’s button and zipper.

“I love you in your power suit,” Mateo nipped at Riley’s lips. “I love you even more out of it.”
Riley’s hands were all over him, unzipping his pants and then pulling at his shirt, like he

couldn’t make up his mind which piece of clothing he wanted off first. Mateo helped by dragging his
T-shirt over his head, leaving Riley’s hands to work with his zipper. His jeans slid over his ass and
Riley’s hands were stroking his cock.

Damn, it felt good.
Mateo dragged Riley’s suit jacket off then yanked his pants down. His teeth made quick work of

the buttons on Riley’s dress shirt. Riley moaned underneath him as he spit one of the buttons across
the room.

“I’ll buy you a new shirt.” Mateo took Riley’s mouth.
They kissed as if they needed each other for nourishment, and Mateo knew that’s exactly what

he’d found in Riley. They rolled off the couch naked and Mateo landed on top of his husband. His
fingers searched his jeans for the small packet of lube he’d stashed in a pocket and Riley broke the
kiss with a smile. In his hand, he held a bottle of flavored lube. Mateo’s eyebrows rose.

“Where did that come from?”
Riley popped the lid and dropped some into his hand.
“I hid some in the couch cushions.”
“Smart man,” Mateo grinned, taking Riley’s lips again. Cold lube spread over his cock and he

inhaled sharply through his nose as Riley’s hand stroked him, pulling him closer to his hole. “Riley,
it’s been a week; slow down! I don’t want to hurt you.”

Riley rolled them over again and straddled Mateo. “Butt plug all week.”
And with that, Riley lowered himself onto Mateo.
“Oh fuck!” Mateo grabbed for purchase on the conference room carpet.
His husband’s flushed face was beautiful as he lowered himself slowly, clenching his ass

muscles tightly. Mateo held Riley’s hips as they started to move together. Riley’s fingers played with

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his nipples as he rode him slowly.

The man who had been a virgin when they met was a fucking expert in driving him crazy now.

Mateo spread his legs out further and pulled Riley’s thighs in. He snapped his hips, jerking them
upward faster and faster. Riley’s cock bobbed on his abs leaving a sticky trail of precome.

Riley’s eyes were closed, and a fine sheen of sweat beaded his temple. His mouth was partially

open, moans of ecstasy escaping. Damn, the man was beautiful. Mateo gripped Riley’s cock and
stroked upward, while Riley covered Mateo’s hand with his own.

“Gonna come without it…harder,” Riley rasped. “Faster!”
Mateo gripped Riley’s hips harder and slammed into him. His own orgasm coiled in his spine

and he let loose with a loud cry; Riley came undone on top of him, jets of cream spurting up his abs
and chest. His hair was matted against his temple with sweat and his breathing was labored. He
collapsed on top of Mateo and sighed. Mateo chuckled, kissing his neck.

“Now that’s a welcome home.” Mateo held his husband close. “What’s wrong?”
“What makes you think something’s wrong?” Riley buried his face in Mateo’s neck.
“I’ve been married to you for over ten years. I know when something’s wrong.” Mateo lifted

Riley’s face with his fingertips. “Talk to me.”

“I saw my dad,” Riley whispered.
Mateo frowned. “Did he upset you?”
“Yes, but not in the way you think. He’s dying, Mateo. He wanted to see me one last time to


Mateo held Riley closer to him. “I’m so sorry, babe.”
“He said you went to see him.”
Mateo nodded. “Yes, he asked me to and I went out of curiosity. He wanted me to talk to you on

his behalf and I told him no. Whatever he needed to say, he’d have to say it to you. He owed you that.”

“Well now I know,” Riley sighed.
“Something else is bothering you.” Mateo searched Riley’s eyes.
“Just knowing he’s going to die – it brought up my own mortality, you know? What if one of

our kids is a werewolf and the other isn’t? One child will live a long life having to watch us all die.
What if I get sick the same way my dad did? I can’t stand the thought of leaving you and our kids

Mateo sat up and looked at Riley closely.
“You want to be changed.”
“I hadn’t really thought about it too much up until now. I’d want us to both agree, though; it has

to be mutual. We do this together.”

Mateo’s brows furrowed.
“Making love to you forever? There’s a choice?” he grinned.
“Let’s not rush into it, okay? We’ll talk about it some more and look at the pros and cons.”
“All right.” Mateo looked at his watch. “We need to head home.”
“Shower time?” Riley waggled his brows.
“Oh, hell, yeah.”


Once they had gotten cleaned up and dressed – Riley always made sure he had an extra set of

clothing in his office – they made their way out into the building. Most of his workers knew that when
Mateo came back from a ‘trip,’ Riley was not to be disturbed. Mitch smiled at them as they made their
way by his desk.

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“Don’t work too late, Mitch. It’s Friday,” Riley said.
“You bet.”
Riley’s cell phone rang and he looked at the caller ID. Maccon, Wayne. His head snapped up to

find Mateo, and the hand holding the phone trembled.

“What is it?” Mateo looked at Riley’s phone. “Well? Answer it.”
Riley pushed talk and closed his eyes. After months of waiting to see his and Mateo’s children,

he couldn’t take it if it was another false alarm.

“Hey, Wayne.”
“Y’all better get your asses to Ireland. The women are getting restless and Evangeline says

Josephine is contracting. I don’t know all the mumbo jumbo about childbirth, but I guess something’s
happening with her cervix.”

“We’ll be right there. Did you call Dakota and Sam?”
“Nope, figured you’d want to call Dakota, seeing how the two of you have gotten so close.”
Riley grinned. He and Dakota had gotten closer. They were both on pins and needles waiting for

the birth of their children. They talked at least once a week, usually more.

“I’ll call,” Riley said.

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~*Chapter Two*~

Dakota rolled over to watch Sam sleep. Damn, his husband was fine! Dakota couldn’t help the

small chuckle that left his lips. Being married to Sam Waters was the best thing that had ever
happened to him, and now they were having a child together. A child who would be pure werewolf.

Dakota ran a finger down Sam’s expansive chest, trailing lower to the dark patch of hair at his

pelvis. He’d never forget the night they met. Sam had hit him with his truck as he crossed the street in
his wolf form. It was fate that put him in the middle of the road that night – he knew that now. He was
destined to marry Sam Waters.

Sam’s copper-colored skin shimmered in the sun that peeked through the curtains. Dakota

moved closer, his hand reaching out to touch the face of the man he loved. Sam’s eyes opened slowly
as Dakota explored his face.

“Hey,” Sam smiled, his hand gliding over Dakota’s hip.
“Morning.” Dakota leaned in and touched his lips to Sam’s lightly. “I didn’t hear you come in

last night. Everything go okay?”

“Yeah, Mat and I worked with Josh and Troy, so of course it all worked out well.” Sam smiled,

palming Dakota’s face. “I missed you, though. How was it hanging out with Sawyer?”

“How is it anytime I hang out with Sawyer?” Dakota chuckled.
Sawyer Quinton Bishop was married to Troy. Their love story had begun the minute Troy had

stepped foot back on the reservation and spotted Sawyer. Troy hadn’t been aware of the werewolf
population at the time. Now he was a werewolf himself. Changed at the cusp of death, Troy had
embraced the werewolf lifestyle – just as Sam had. It had become custom for the humans of the Skull
Blasters to be paired with a werewolf on all missions.

“I saw Preston’s Jeep out front. He and Wyatt visiting?” Sam stretched out in the bed.
“Yes, your mom begged and you know how Wyatt is; he’d do anything for Nay.”
Wyatt was the youngest of the four Quinton boys. He’d been mated to Preston Dalton at the

tender age of seven, when Preston was thirteen. After a rocky start many years later, the two of them
had come together for life.

“Well, she had a big part in raising him.” Sam pulled Dakota on top of him and cupped his face.

Dakota was absolutely breathtaking. His light eyes stood out against his dark hair. His skin was soft as
silk. Dakota grinned and Sam realized his thoughts were ‘on.’

“You’re not so bad yourself.” Dakota kissed Sam’s nose. His hair was longer, reaching the tips

of his shoulders. Sam’s Native American roots shone in his features: high cheekbones, full, sensual
lips and a thin nose. The minute he’d laid eyes on Sam Waters in the middle of the road, he’d felt a
connection. Sam had taken him in as a wolf and had treated him better than his own parents had as a

Dakota closed his eyes, thinking about the day he’d come out to them. He’d been kicked out of

the house immediately. He had seen his parents since then. He and Sam had run into them in
Fairbanks. It still hurt now. He wasn’t sure he’d ever want to speak to them again, even though they
had shown they might want that.

Dakota sighed and snuggled into Sam’s neck. Their child would be accepted no matter what.

He’d make damn sure of that.

“He has us as parents, Dakota. He’ll never want for anything,” Sam whispered.
Dakota’s head shot up. “He?”

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Sam closed his eyes with a loud sigh. “Crap.”
“You know? I thought we said we’d wait!” Dakota sat up on Sam’s hips. “When did you find


“Well it’s kinda hard to miss the gigantic penis hanging from our boy,” Sam chuckled.
“Could have been the umbilical cord.” Dakota raised a brow. They’d been with Samantha at her

ultrasounds as often as possible. Dakota wanted to see their child growing. The last one was at eight
months along and Dakota had made a point not to look too closely. He wanted to be surprised.

“Nah, it was a penis. I do know what they look like,” Sam laughed softly.
“A boy.” Dakota smiled.
“Yes, a boy.” Sam pulled Dakota to his lips. “Kane Waters.”
“I’m glad you took my advice and shortened it,” Dakota laughed, nipping at Sam’s lips. Sam

had gotten to choose the baby’s name since Dakota won the ‘who’s going to father the baby’ debate
and convinced Sam to do it.

Sam had come up with Kaneonuskatew – one that walks on four claws.
“Well, I have to thank my parents for ‘Sam’.”
“I don’t know, I like Sakima,” Dakota grinned.
“You do know what it means, right?” Sam rolled them over and hovered over his husband.
“King.” Dakota pulled Sam down. “Now show me how you rule.”
Dakota’s back arched as Sam gripped his hard prick, giving it a good stroke as he devoured his

mouth. Dakota sighed in bliss. He’d never get tired of making love with Sam. Heat tore through him
and he gasped at the burning sensation in his ass. Sam filled him to the hilt and then stopped. Dakota’s
eyes flew open to see Sam looking at him.

“I love you, Dakota.” Sam nuzzled his nose.
“I love you, too.” Dakota raised his head to catch Sam’s lips. Their tongues met and Dakota

didn’t know which one of them moaned louder. Sam’s hips snapped back and forth, filling Dakota
until it felt like his chest would explode. God, he’d missed this. His fingers buried in Sam’s hair, and
he arched his hips, meeting Sam’s thrusts. His balls filled and Sam’s cockhead brushed his prostate.
Warmth filled his ass and then Dakota was coming with a loud, drawn out cry, his own prick jetting
streams of cum up his chest. Sam kissed him as they both came down from their orgasms.

Dakota let out a heady sigh and opened his eyes. Sam’s were filled with love.
“I can’t wait to be parents,” Dakota smiled.
The loud knock on their door made Sam groan.
“I’ll give you one guess as to who that is,” Sam smiled, rolling off of Dakota and grabbing his


“Open up!” Nadine giggled out front. “I know you’re in there!”
Dakota laughed and got out of bed. He pulled his own sweatpants on and made his way to the

front door. Nadine stood grinning on the front porch.

“Morning, Nadine.” Dakota stepped aside, letting her in.
“I just came by to remind you that I’m making waffles and pancakes this morning.”
“Bacon, too?” Sam sauntered into the kitchen and kissed his mom on her cheek. “Morning,


Nadine almost snorted. “Of course! I know how much my boy loves bacon.”
The phone on the wall rang and Dakota reached for it. He looked at the caller ID and grinned.
“Hey, Riley!”
“We need to go to Ireland,” Riley blurted, almost out of breath. “Wayne called—”
“It’s time?” Dakota held his breath.
“So he says!” Riley said excitedly.

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“Okay, um…”
“We’ll swing by and get you!”
“Are you sure? That’s kind of out of your way.” Dakota slapped Sam’s hand away from the

phone and mouthed “baby.” Sam’s eyes widened and he turned to look at his mother.

“Don’t be silly, Dakota. It’s no problem,” Riley insisted.
“Breakfast on the go?” Sam asked his mother with a grin.
“Oh my God! The baby?!” Nadine squealed.
Riley laughed on his end. “See you in a couple hours!”
Dakota hung up the phone and grabbed the kitchen counter. The baby was coming. It seemed

like they’d waited forever.

“Get packed!” Nadine shouted, the front door slamming behind her.
Sam pulled Dakota into his arms and kissed him.
“Ready to be a family?”
“I’ve been ready for years.”


Wayne was in Ireland to meet them at the airstrip. He had a huge grin on his face and Conner at

his side. As the alpha of the created ones, Wayne would be present at the birth of the children being
carried by female werewolves. Conner stood next to his mate, smiling from ear to ear, his golden aura
shining brightly. Riley stepped off the plane and was immediately engulfed in Wayne’s arms.

“Welcome to Kerry!” Wayne smiled.
“It’s good to be back.” Riley hugged Conner.
“Nadine, you look lovely as always.” Wayne kissed her cheeks.
“And you look young as always,” Nadine palmed Wayne’s face. “You all have Oil of Olay beat,

don’t you?” Nadine giggled.

Wayne laughed. He hugged the rest of them and then they all piled into the truck that would

take them to the females’ enclosure. Riley looked out the window as they drove the dirt roads. Ireland
at any time was beautiful. He loved it here. Wayne was talking about the females and Riley perked up
when Sebastian was mentioned.

“Sebastian’s here?”
Sebastian Stevens was a rare breed, a werewolf born of a female werewolf. His mother had been

bitten by Wayne’s grandfather, Taber, as she was dying of the plague. Sebastian’s mate, Nicholas, was
born of two werewolves. Wayne thought it best if both were on site in case Riley and Mateo’s twins
were born with the female gene. They had been told that their son – if born a werewolf – would have
the sight. The ability to see the future was given to male werewolves born of females within the
Maccon line. So far, Sebastian was the only one with the ability.

“Yes, he’s up at the main house with Nicholas,” Conner answered.
“I look forward to seeing him.” Riley took Mateo’s hand.
They pulled up to the gate fifteen minutes later and the massive enclosure came into view. The

gates were something out of “Jurassic Park,” at least twenty feet high at their tallest point, and
electrified. The truck stopped in front of the main house and Riley and Dakota got out to look around.
The front door of the house opened and Sebastian stepped out with Nicholas at his side.

“Hey, Sebastian,” Riley smiled, pulling the younger man into a hug. Sebastian stiffened slightly

in his arms and Riley pulled back a bit. Searching Sebastian’s features, he tilted his head.

“Everything okay?”
“Yes, just nervous about the births.” Sebastian pulled Riley back into a hug. “Sorry.”
Riley grinned. “Um, squishing me.”
“Oh! Sorry.” Sebastian let up a bit and patted Riley on the back. “It really is good to see you.”

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Wayne grinned at all the men hugging each other. “Well, let’s get inside. Fiona’s making lamb

stew. Mark and Josh will be arriving tomorrow.”

“I’m so excited!” Dakota squeezed Sam’s hand. “Can we see Samantha?”
Wayne looked nervously between Dakota and Riley. “Well, they’ve been a little…”
“Mean?” Conner provided with a grin.
“Yes, mean is the word I was looking for.” Wayne narrowed his eyes at Conner and then

addressed the others. “Let’s just say they’re uncomfortable and letting it be known.”

Nadine snorted. “Can you blame them? Let me kick you in your privates as hard as I can.”
Wayne grimaced and declined.
“That’s just one more reason for Dakota and me to go say hi. They’re uncomfortable because

they’re carrying our children.” Riley took Nadine’s hand and squeezed.

“Yes,” Dakota nodded. “They’ve sacrificed a lot for us. Riley and I will go see them before


“Well, I’m staying here.” Mateo planted himself on the couch arm. “Last time I saw Josephine,

she threatened to make me a eunuch.”

“She was kidding,” Riley said in exasperation.
“Um, no, she wasn’t.” Mateo crossed his arms.
Nadine raised both brows. “Really? And here I thought assassins were so tough.”
Wayne laughed and motioned to the kitchen.
“Come on; let’s see if Fiona needs any help.”


Mateo wiped his mouth and contained a burp. Dinner was excellent – lamb stew with soda

bread. He watched his husband sipping away at his Guinness as talk flowed around the table. Riley and
Dakota had been to see the females before dinner; Mateo and Sam had stayed in the corner of the
room. He might be a bad-ass assassin, but Josephine scared the shit out of him. Mateo eased his
husband out of his chair and winked at the table.

“See you all in the morning.”
“But I’m not tiiired!” Riley whined.
“No, but you are drunk,” Mateo laughed and hauled Riley over his shoulder.
“Am not,” Riley sighed and looked at Mateo’s ass. He gripped the cheeks and grinned. “I love

your butt.”

Dakota stifled a laugh as Mateo sighed. “Night, guys.”
“Night.” Mateo left the kitchen with his babbling husband.
“I’m off as well.” Nadine stood and all the men stood with her. “Goodnight.”
“I say we call it a night.” Wayne stretched out his arms. They had talked mostly about the

babies throughout dinner. Sebastian had been quiet through most of the meal, keeping close to his
husband. Wayne didn’t pick up any thoughts from the younger werewolf, but he knew something was
eating at him. Conner leaned into him and Wayne absentmindedly threaded his fingers into his mate’s
hair. “I’ll be up early to check on the females. Evangeline says they are coming along.”

Dakota nodded. “Yes, Samantha’s dilated to three, which is a good sign. We’re so blessed to

have doctors like Evangeline and Alexander who know about werewolves.”

“I can’t wait to see our little one.” Sam kissed Dakota’s forehead.
“Well,” Nicholas rose from the table. “We’ll see you all in the morning.”
Dakota met with Sebastian’s eyes – there was sadness there. “Sebastian? Is everything okay?”
“Yeah, fine. Goodnight.”
Dakota watched them leave and shot a look at Wayne. “Why do I feel like he knows


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“I think he does, but you and I both know the rules. Sebastian’s gift can be a curse.” Wayne

rubbed his face with his hands. “And your child will be blessed with that same gift. I shouldn’t have
bitten the females.”

Dakota took Wayne’s hand. “You did what you felt was right; Sam and I will help Kane through

this. I have total faith in my soon-to-be-son.”

Wayne smiled. “Well, let’s get to bed. You get to hold your son tomorrow.”
“Can’t wait,” Dakota beamed.

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~*Chapter Three*~

Riley looked out over the mountains of Ireland and the wind caressed his face. Mateo stood next

to him, along with Sam and Dakota. They all stood silent as the wind whispered through the valley. It
seemed like years they had waited to see the birth of their children. Unbeknownst to them, fetuses of
female werewolves took a bit longer to gestate.

Josh had made a crack about puppies being born in two months and had almost gotten his head

clawed off by a very angry Josephine. Samantha – to her credit – had merely growled, making Mark
drag his husband out of the cottage. Pregnant female werewolves were pretty vicious; it was enough
that most were feral even when they weren’t pregnant. Riley shivered.

The only thing Riley could be thankful for was Dakota’s calm reserve. Both Josephine and

Samantha had a crush on the smaller werewolf and went easy on him. He and Dakota doted on both
women and were extra pleasant with them. When Mateo and Sam came around, however, the female
werewolf gene made itself known and their hormones went berserk.

Mateo was lucky enough to get out of the cottage with his penis intact.
After some time spent gazing at the scenery, a hand slid into his and Riley turned to look at his

husband. Mateo’s black hair was cut short again, tapered on the side with barely enough to grab onto
at the top. His hazel eyes were full of love and Riley felt his insides melt. They had never been so

The first ultrasound they had been allowed in on had shown the twins sucking their thumbs.

Both he and Mateo had fertilized Josephine’s eggs and she had been implanted with both, in hopes that
one would take. Both did. One was Riley’s biological child, the other Mateo’s.

Sam and Dakota had argued relentlessly over who would be the father of their child. In the end,

Dakota had won and Sam’s biological child had been implanted into Samantha.

It wasn’t until the eighth month that Alexander, a werewolf as well as a doctor, had figured out

the problem. Well, not really a problem, just that the females would be pregnant longer than nine
months. Now, at almost a year, the time had come. Both women were experiencing contractions.

The enclosure had been fitted with an emergency hospital. It wasn’t a huge building, but it

housed everything they would need for births, as well as emergency surgeries.

Evangeline had been helping with the females, and Reece Costa and Brett Trevino had

volunteered their services as well. Even though Reece was a cardiac surgeon, he knew how to deliver a
baby, seeing as he’d done it before for his own group of Santorno assassins. Brett was a pediatric
doctor since his husband had a knack of scaring away every doctor they’d come into contact with
regarding their son.

A loud whistle pierced the wind and they all turned to look in the direction from which it had

come. Wayne was waving his arms at them with Nadine at his side.

“Well,” Riley took Dakota’s hand. “Here we go.”
“Maybe Mateo and I should stay outside?” Sam shifted nervously.
“You’re an assassin!” Dakota sighed in frustration. “You can’t handle a woman giving birth?”
“I’ve seen someone’s intestines spill,” Mateo shivered. “But birth? I don’t know, man…”
“Oh for cryin’ out loud!” Riley huffed and turned on his heel, making his way towards the

enclosure. “Assassins! Hmfp!”

“Both of you get your asses moving now!” Dakota barked.
“Okay! Okay!” Sam barely missed his husband’s slap to his ass. “I’m going, but I’m giving you

fair warning! If goo comes out of Samantha, I’m not responsible for what happens!”

“Sheesh,” Dakota frowned, shaking his head. “You see blood all the time!”

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“That’s different,” Mateo piped up.
Riley stopped and tapped his foot at Mateo. “How is that different?”
“Well,” Mateo’s brows pinched in thought. “I know my targets are going to die. And they

deserve to. Kind of changes how you feel about it.” Mateo looked at Sam for help. “You know?”

Sam nodded. “Yeah, what he said.”
“Move it, Waters!” Dakota pushed Sam in the back.


Wayne escorted them into the birthing room. He was sticking around in case the females got a

little rowdy. Josephine was covered in sweat and swearing up a shit storm. Riley cringed when she let
out a bloodcurdling scream. He looked over at Alexander, who was performing an ultrasound.

“Is that normal?” Riley asked with a little uncertainty.
“Perfectly normal,” Alexander nodded, moving the wand around on Josephine’s abdomen.
“Isn’t normal at all!” Josephine howled as another contraction wracked her body. “One of them

is determined to split me in half!”

“Probably Esposito’s,” Sam murmured.
Alexander chuckled and moved between Josephine’s legs.
“All right, Josephine,” Alexander placed a hand on her upper thigh. “It looks like the boy wants

to make an entrance. You are ready to push now.”

“Oh, thanks for tellin’ me what I’m ready for!” Josephine snarled. “Where’s yer lady?”
Alexander backed away as Josephine’s canines elongated. “Evangeline!” he shouted.
“I’m right here, Alex, calm down,” Evangeline grinned. “Josephine, you wouldn’t be hurtin’ my

man now, would you?”

“I might,” she growled.
“Go check on Samantha, she’s a bit calmer.” Evangeline smiled at Alexander. Turning her

attention back to Josephine, Evangeline pulled up the sheet and smiled. “I see some black hair down

“Yup, it’s Esposito’s,” Sam chuckled.
“Come on, Sam. Let’s go be there for Samantha.” Dakota pulled his husband from the room.
“You’re doing well, Josephine. The girl is moving down as the boy is heading out. We won’t

have to do a C-section, I’ll bet.” Evangeline tried to keep Josephine calm as she pushed through her
contractions. Riley was at the head of the bed, holding her hand.

“Thank you so much for this, Josephine. I can’t tell you how grateful Mateo and I are.” Riley

smoothed her hair from her brow.

“Just be a good dad, yeah?” Josephine huffed and gripped Riley’s hand. “Oh no, another one’s


A gush of fluid hit the floor and Mateo held onto the wall, his stomach twisting as the puddle

spread outwards.

“Don’t you dare pass out!” Riley pointed at Mateo.
“Ohhh! Oh that hurts!” Josephine howled.
Riley wanted to cover his ears at the swear words leaving Josephine’s mouth. The long,

agonizing moans and howls were hurting his heart. He knew it was all part of the birthing process, but
still. Ouch. Riley looked up to see Mateo white as a sheet staring between Josephine’s legs.

“Mateo! Look at me!”
Mateo tried to look away from the train wreck going on between Josephine’s thighs, but he

couldn’t. A head full of black hair was sliding out of the female.

“That’s right! Here he comes, Josephine! Give him one final push!” Evangeline readied herself

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for the boy.

A loud, drawn-out cry resounded around the room and then Josephine fell back against the bed.

A soft cry filled the air and Riley wiped his eyes. Their son had been born.

“Mateo, would you like to cut the cord?” Evangeline handed the scissors to Mateo.
Riley threw his hands up in the air. “Mateo! Snap out of it!”
Mateo blinked, and then smiled at the squirming, screaming baby in Evangeline’s hands. He

took the scissors and snipped the cord. Evangeline handed him off to Reece, who cleaned the baby up.
Riley hadn’t even realized Reece was in the room; he had been so quiet. Reece weighed Matty, and
then measured him.

“Say hello to your son. He’s a healthy one; seven pounds, eight ounces and twenty one inches

long. Unusually big for a twin,” Reece said, handing the baby to Mateo.

Mateo looked down at the perfection in his arms. The feelings he had were unexplainable. Jet

black hair and blue eyes looked at him in fascination.

“He’s so beautiful,” Mateo whispered.
“Now we find out if he’s got the werewolf gene,” Evangeline said over her shoulder. “A blood

sample will be taken right away.”

Mateo held the baby closer to him and backed away.
“You’re going to stick him with a needle?” he asked, eyes wide.
Reece sighed. “Oh no, here we go. I thought only our guys were crazy.”
“We need to find out if he’s got the gene, Mateo.” Riley shook his head in exasperation. “Trust

me, he’ll be okay.”

“Um, I think he’s got the gene.” Mateo looked down at his son as tiny canines broke through

pink gums and teeny claws flared from his son’s fingertips.

Reece poked his head over Mateo’s shoulder. “Oh, wow. Yeah, I’d say he’s a werewolf.”
Mateo smiled at his son, who was emitting tiny growls. “Hi, Matty. I’m your dad.” Mateo

kissed his son’s forehead. The canines receded, as did the claws. Mateo held his son closer as he
whined softly.

“I think he’s already hungry.” Mateo looked into his son’s eyes; they were changing from blue

to orange-red. “Um, is that normal?”

Reece looked at the baby. “I’ve given up trying to figure out what’s ‘normal’ with your group.”
Evangeline snapped her fingers at them.
“The girl is making her way out. It’s almost over Josephine; you can do this.”
Riley gripped Josephine’s hand, smiling at her.
“Watch your child being born, Riley.” Josephine gave his hand a small squeeze. “It’s all right.”
Riley kissed Josephine’s forehead and moved to the end of the bed. A head came into view and

Josephine howled. And then it was done. His daughter was screaming at the top of her lungs. Riley cut
the cord and Reece took her to clean her up.

“That’s the best sound I’ve ever heard,” Riley whispered through his tears.
“What’s her name?” Evangeline asked, as she helped Josephine.
“Maggie, after my mother.” Riley wiped at his eyes. Reece handed him his daughter and he

looked into the face of an angel. Her eyes were pure blue and she had his nose. “Hi, Maggie,” Riley

“She’s a good weight as well,” Reece looked at his chart. “Nineteen inches long, and six pounds,

five ounces.” Reece took Josephine’s hand. “You did well.”

Matty was squirming in his grip and Mateo moved to stand next to Riley. Matty immediately

calmed down in Maggie’s presence.

“Aw, look.” Riley grinned as Matty reached for Maggie’s hand.

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“You better be watchin’ out over him. He gets a good bite on your daughter and that’s the end of

human life for her.” Josephine flopped back on the bed and closed her eyes. “I’ll need some rest.”

Riley walked to the bed, smiled at Josephine and leaned down to hug her. “Thank you. I’ll never

know how to repay you for what you did.”

Josephine looked at the perfect child in Riley’s arms. “You just did. Be happy.”

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Samantha had a vice grip on Dakota’s hand. He winced at the strength the female displayed. He

wasn’t weak by any means, as Sam had figured out immediately. Although Sam was taller than him,
and outweighed him in human form, Dakota was twice Sam’s size in wolf form. He’d proven more
than once he could take care of himself.

Samantha let out what sounded like a garbled scream and Dakota stiffened. Sam was holding

onto the wall, taking deep breaths as fluid leaked onto the floor from Samantha.

“It’s just her water breaking, Sam,” Dakota drawled.
“Lord, boy!” Nadine smacked her son in the bicep. “It’s birth! Get over it!”
Alexander looked over his shoulder at Sam. “You had better pull yourself together; your son is

on his way out.”

Dakota opened his mouth to speak when the cottage trembled. His head snapped up and he

locked eyes with Sam. The ground shook beneath them, and pictures fell from the walls.

“What’s going on?” Dakota gripped the wall.
Wayne stepped back as a crack formed in the floor. Part of the ceiling collapsed just inches

from the bed and Sam tried to protect Samantha from the falling debris. Wayne pulled Nadine away
from the walls.

“What’s going on!?” Sam shouted.
A bright, almost blinding, light shone into the room and centered on Samantha’s belly. A loud,

animalistic scream left her lips and then a cry could be heard in the room. The light ebbed away and
Alexander held a baby in his hands. The newborn was glowing.

“What the…?” Sam stepped closer as the light faded slowly, revealing a baby with black hair.
“We’ll discuss what happened after, yes?” Alexander waved his hand in front of Sam’s face.

“Would you like to cut the cord, Sam?” He handed Sam the scissors.

Sam stepped forward and carefully cut the cord. Alexander gave the baby to Brett, who cleaned

him up immediately and took his length and weight. He smiled and handed the baby to Sam.

“He’s healthy as a horse. Eight pounds, and twenty-one inches.”
“He’s so beautiful,” Nadine whispered.
Sam held his son. His heart raced as feelings of protectiveness overwhelmed him. Orange-red

eyes regarded him curiously, then softened as the baby realized who he was. Sam held his son close
and closed his eyes.

“Hello, Kane.”
Dakota wiped his eyes as he watched Sam with their son. He sniffed and Sam opened his eyes.
“Come meet your other father.” Sam crossed the room to Dakota and wiped the tear from his

husband’s cheek. “He’s finally here,” Sam whispered. Sam handed the baby to Dakota and watched as
Dakota held him close to his chest. Dakota rubbed his son’s back and that’s when Sam saw the
birthmark on Kane’s neck: A perfect paw print.

“What the…?” Sam reached out to touch it and Kane turned his head just then, his eyes

searching Sam’s.

“He’s an alpha.”
Sam jerked at the new voice and turned to find Taber Maccon, along with Roane – Wayne’s

grandfather and father.

“What?” Dakota whispered.
“Your son is the next alpha of the created ones. He’s got the mark,” Taber explained.
“An alpha,” Nadine smiled at her grandson.

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Kane squirmed in his arms and Dakota held him at arm’s length. He was beautiful, an exact

replica of Sam. Tiny whines escaped Kane and Dakota smiled.

“You hungry?”
Tiny canines elongated and little claws flared from his fingers. Dakota blinked and Kane had

shifted fully. He was holding a tiny werewolf pup. Dakota’s jaw dropped.

“That’ll be happening a lot by the way,” Roane put his hands out. “May I?”
Dakota handed Kane to Roane.
“I think you should also know that they’ll be growing a lot in the next six months.” Roane held

Kane in his arms.

“Pardon me?” Dakota narrowed his eyes.
“The first six months bring a massive growth spurt, then they level out.”
“Explain level out.” Sam put his hands on his hips and narrowed his eyes. “And why are we just

getting this info now?”

“It’s been years since a werewolf child was born to females,” Taber sighed in exasperation. “We

had to do our homework. It takes a while.”

“Nadine, would you like to hold him?” Roane handed Kane to her.
Nadine held her grandson to her chest. “He’s beautiful. I love him so much already!”
They were interrupted by sounds of squealing from the room next door. Taber motioned them to

follow him and they entered Josephine’s room. Mateo was holding his son, who was already in wolf
form and Riley was feeding his daughter. Dakota crossed the room to Riley and hugged him. He
looked down at the baby in Riley’s arms.

“She’s beautiful, Riley.”
“Were you remodeling next door?” Mateo raised his brows at Sam.
“Kane’s an alpha,” Sam said proudly.
“No shit?” Mateo said mouth ajar. “What…when…?”
“I’ll tell you later,” Sam grinned.
“Would you like to hold Maggie?” Riley asked Dakota, who nodded and put his arms out. Riley

handed Maggie to him.

“I think Matty wants to see his dad.” Mateo took his squirming son to Riley.
Riley held Matty close to him. The little pup was whining into his neck.
“Aw, what’s wrong, Matty?” Riley asked, rubbing Matty’s back.
It happened in the blink of an eye.
Riley stiffened, and then his mouth opened in a silent scream. Mateo grabbed Matty before

Riley dropped him, and shook his husband.

“Riley! What’s wrong!?” Mateo searched his husband’s face, and then noticed the blood on his

shoulder. “Oh God, he bit you!”

Riley collapsed on the floor and his body jerked.
“What the hell!?” Mateo handed Matty to Wayne and got down on his hands and knees by his

husband. “Talk to me!”

“So hot…” Riley croaked.
“Get Riley to the main house!” Wayne roared. “Mateo, stay with him.”
“Like I’m going anywhere without him??” Mateo growled. He picked up Riley, who was

already covered in sweat and seizing.

Evangeline stood and looked at all of the men standing around, mouths agape.
“Go! Reece, Brett and I will take care of the females!” she shouted.
Nadine pushed Sam in the back. He was still standing with his mouth open.

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~*Chapter Four*~

Mateo ran as fast as he could as Riley’s body jerked in his arms; his cries of pain were hurting

his heart. He slammed the door to the cottage open and Sebastian stood up, along with Nicholas.

“What happened?” Sebastian asked wildly.
“Matty bit Riley,” Mateo took Riley to the nearest bedroom and gently eased him onto the bed.

“Tell me what to do, Riley. I can’t stand seeing you in pain.”

“Hot, just…so hot.”
“I’ll get some ice.” Sebastian placed a hand on Mateo’s shoulder.
Mateo smoothed Riley’s sweat-soaked hair from his forehead.
“Why?” Riley croaked. “Why did Matty bite me?”
“I don’t know, babe,” Mateo said soothingly.
“He doesn’t like me,” Riley sobbed. His back snapped and he howled in pain as bones broke in

his legs and arms. “Mateo…”

Mateo tried to hold Riley’s hand, but his body flailed on the bed and loud, piercing cries

resounded around the cabin. Mateo’s heart broke for the pain his husband was suffering.

“That’s not true, Riley. Matty loves you,” Mateo insisted.
“Here,” Sebastian handed a bowl of ice to Mateo.
Riley screamed, and then his body shifted. He panted on his side in full wolf form – which took

up most of the queen-sized bed. Mateo threaded his fingers into Riley’s chestnut brown coat. Blue
eyes regarded him with sadness.

“Aw, babe.” Mateo buried his face in Riley’s neck.
“He survived.”
Mateo turned to find Wayne in the doorway.
“Yes, he did. Why Matty chose to bite him, I’ll never understand!” Mateo shouted.
“I can tell you why,” Sebastian said quietly.
Mateo stood up and advanced on Sebastian. “Oh can you, now? Please, explain to me why my

son thought biting his father and turning him into a werewolf was a good idea!”

Sebastian raised his eyes to Mateo’s. “Because a year from now Riley would have been killed

by rogues. That’s why.”

Mateo stepped back. “What?!”
“I saw it.” Sebastian looked over at Riley on the bed. “I saw you die in my vision. Matty must

have seen it, too. You died as a human, Riley. Matty must have seen it and changed your fate. He
didn’t bite you because he hates you; he bit you because he loves you. Matty wanted to save his dad’s
life, so he did what he thought was best.”

“He’s a newborn!” Mateo shouted.
“It doesn’t matter,” Sebastian shook his head. “He has the sight.”
Matty squirmed in Wayne’s grip and Wayne put him down on the bed. His tail between his legs,

Matty curled up next to Riley and whined softly.

“I think Sebastian’s right,” Wayne smiled at the sight of Matty nuzzling Riley.
“Is everything okay?” Dakota stood in the doorway with Maggie. He gasped as Riley lifted his

head. “Oh God, Riley!” Kane yelped in Sam’s arms and Dakota’s brows furrowed. “What is it, Kane?”

Sam set his son down on the bed and Kane pounced on Matty, rolling them over. He brushed his

muzzle along Matty’s jaw and nuzzled his face.

“Oh shite,” Wayne whispered.
“Now what?” Mateo sighed in exasperation.

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“Kane is marking Matty.” Wayne rubbed his face with his hands.
“Meaning?” Mateo’s voice rose.
“They’re mated,” Dakota whispered.
“What?” Mateo leaned against the wall. “Well now, what else can happen?”
“Please don’t say that,” Sam sighed.
Mateo looked over at Riley, who seemed to be almost asleep. He looked back at Sebastian and

pointed at him.

“You, in the living room. Now.”


Mateo paced the room as Sebastian and Nicholas stood quietly. Matty was still in the bedroom,

nestled into Riley, along with Kane, and Dakota was taking care of Maggie. Mateo stopped pacing and
glared at Sebastian.

“How long have you known?”
“Since the mission in Germany,” Sebastian sighed. “You have no idea how hard it is for me to

see the future knowing I can’t change it.”

“So what? You would have let Riley die?!” Mateo shouted.
“Watch your tone, Esposito,” Nicholas snarled.
“You watch yours, Stevens,” Mateo shot back.
“Whoa, boys.” Wayne stepped in between them. “Let’s calm down for a second.”
“I would have tried to do something!” Sebastian cried. “I wouldn’t have just let him die. I

would have tried to keep him away from that fight! I would have done something, rules be damned!”

“Well now you won’t have to,” Wayne took Sebastian’s hand and patted it gently. “I know this

is hard on you, but Matty took matters into his own hands.”

“Thank God for that!” Mateo threw his hands up in the air in frustration. “My own son did what

had to be done!”

The front door of the cabin swung open and Conner walked in – Josh and Mark right on his


“I’ve brought Josh and Mark,” Conner called out cheerfully. His eyes scanned the room; the

stress and anger was palpable. “Um, did we miss something? Oh my God – the babies?”

Dakota came into the main room with Maggie in his arms and motioned to Mateo. “Riley needs

you; he’s fighting the shift back.”

“Huh?” Josh looked from Mateo to Sam to Sebastian, who looked like someone had taken his

favorite toy away. “What’s going on?”

A puppy ran into the room and stopped right at his feet. It looked up at him and Josh furrowed

his brows.

“Why is a red-eyed puppy looking at me?”
“That’s Matty, and it’s orange-red,” Mateo smiled faintly. “I’ll be back.”
Josh’s eyes widened. “This is tiny Esposito?” Josh bent down to pick Matty up. A growl stopped

him and he looked over to the side to see another pup, canines in full view, hackles rising.

“That’d be my son,” Sam contained a chuckle. “Kane, that’s Josh and his husband, Mark; they

are the good guys.” Kane lowered his lips and padded closer to Josh and Mark. Head tilted, he looked
like he was assessing them both.

“Oh, by the way, Matty and Kane are mated. That’s probably why you got the death stare from

my son when you tried to pick up Matty.”

“Already?” Mark crouched down to look at the werewolf pups. Matty approached him carefully,

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sniffing the air. Mark stilled, letting the pup sniff him out. When Matty seemed sure he wasn’t a
threat, he rubbed his muzzle against Mark’s knee.

Conner gasped as Kane moved even closer to Josh and Mark. A white paw print was on his

back. He turned to look at Wayne and Roane.

“Is that what I think it is?” Conner asked.
Wayne nodded. “Kane is the next alpha.”
“No shit?” Josh’s mouth fell open. “Sam’s kid is a created one?”
“Sure is,” Roane nodded.
“They’re kind of big for newborns aren’t they?” Mark picked Matty up carefully. If he went by

puppies, Matty looked about four weeks old.

“Yes, they are, aren’t they?” Sam raised a brow at Roane.
“I know,” Roane lifted his hands in defense. “I’ll get the diary my dad and I found, okay?”

Roane felt eyes on him and narrowed his own at Josh. “What?”

“I’m just trying to figure out if you guys are ghosts or something.” Josh tilted his head.
Roane smiled and slapped Josh across the cheek.
“Ow!” Josh massaged his cheek.
“See? You felt that,” Roane chuckled.
“Yeah, well, I felt my dad’s too when he came to see me but he was a ghost.” Josh stopped in

thought. “I think. I was able to hug him, though.”

“We move between both worlds, Josh,” Roane said. “We are not dead. Our line never really

dies. Does that help?”

Josh shrugged. “I guess.”
“I hope Riley’s okay.” Sam looked towards the bedroom.


His muscles pulled and bones shifted. Riley fought it as hard as he could. The pain was

excruciating. Dakota sat on the edge of the bed with Maggie in his arms, trying to soothe him. Mateo
closed the door to the room and nodded to Dakota.

“Can you take Maggie into the other room? I don’t want her to see this.”
Dakota nodded and leaned over to Riley. “Just let it come naturally, okay? If you fight it, it

hurts twice as much.”

Mateo waited for the door to close, and then sat on the edge of the bed. He ran his fingers

through Riley’s soft coat. Riley whined softly and Mateo moved to his side. They faced each other and
Mateo gently brushed his muzzle.

“Well, I guess our talk about becoming werewolves is settled now, huh?” Mateo leaned in to

kiss Riley’s nose. “I have no idea what you’re going through, but I’m here. We’ll deal with this
together. Just know that Matty bit you because he loves you.”

“Yeah? Well it hurts like hell,” Riley snorted.
Mateo’s eyes widened. “Holy shit!”
Riley lifted his head. “You heard me?”
Mateo smiled warmly at his husband. “Yes, I did. Look, I think you might need Dakota. As

much as I would love to say I know what you’re going through, I can’t. But Dakota does.”

Riley closed his eyes and tried to send a message to Dakota. Seconds later, there was a soft

knock on the door and Dakota peeked in.

“Need help?” Dakota closed the door behind him.
“Yes, he does,” Mateo made room for Dakota on the bed. “As much as I’d love to say Riley

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only needs me, in this case, he needs another werewolf.”

“You’re a good man, Mateo.” Dakota palmed Mateo’s face. “Riley will need you here; you’re

what keeps him calm. Get up by his head and just let your fingers soothe him, okay?”

Mateo did as he was told and Dakota took his place beside Riley. He faced him on the bed and

threaded his fingers into Riley’s coat.

“I know it hurts; God knows I do. But the longer you fight it, the more painful it will become.

Just try to breathe in and out slowly, okay? Imagine your body transforming; see yourself as a
human,” Dakota said softly.

Riley closed his eyes and imagined himself as a man. He concentrated on his fingers and toes as

his spine seemed to lengthen – pulling at the muscles in his back. He let out a soft whine as bones
snapped and realigned themselves. Pain shot through him and then he opened his eyes to see Dakota
smiling at him.

“Is it over?” Riley croaked.
Dakota covered Riley with the blanket on the bed and smoothed his hair back. “You did great.”
“Thanks, Dakota,” Mateo wrapped Riley in his arms.
“No problem. I’m going to bring Maggie in, okay? She’s been fussing for her dads. So has


Riley perked up. “I want to hold them both.”
“I’ll get them.” Dakota got up from the bed and regarded Riley in Mateo’s arms. “Matty loves

you. Don’t ever think he doesn’t.”

Riley sighed as the door closed. At some point during all of the uproar, the guys had managed to

tell him why Matty had bitten him. He snuggled into Mateo’s arms. He could hear everything from the
room next door. Josh and Mark were talking with Sam about Kane. Conner was helping Dakota get a
bottle for Maggie as Roane chased Matty through the cabin. He chuckled as Roane sighed in

“I think Matty is going to be a handful.” Riley smiled up at Mateo.
A half hour later, the four of them snuggled on the bed. Riley fed Maggie her bottle and Mateo

fed Matty – who had shifted back to human form to eat. Mateo looked down into his son’s eyes. They
were blue again. He knew they’d change to hazel at some point. In wolf form, they would change to
the orange-red color now and then – the color of a child with the sight, Wayne had explained.

He had already grown exponentially in the last few hours. Now Matty was ten pounds. The

growth spurt would continue up until 6 months of age, when it would level out. Mateo put the bottle
on the nightstand and put Matty over his shoulder. A loud burp escaped and Mateo chuckled.

Maggie wiggled in Riley’s lap, letting out little sounds that got Matty’s attention. They had

formed a bond in the womb and it had carried over. Mateo had a feeling Matty would never bite his
sister – somehow he knew that would be devastating to her.

Riley leaned into him; resting his head on Mateo’s shoulder as Mateo put his arm around his

husband. They were a family now.

“I can hear you,” Riley chuckled.
“Really?” Mateo kissed Riley’s head.
“Yep.” Riley nodded. “It’s so weird.”
Mateo’s nose twitched. “Oh my God, what is that smell?”
Riley chuckled. “That would be our kids.”
Mateo picked Matty up and held him at arm’s length. “How does something so cute make

something that smells so bad?”

“I can change him; I think Maggie has left us something, too.”
“No, you just rest, okay?” Mateo kissed Riley’s forehead. He got up and walked to the table in

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the corner that Conner had set up. Diapers, wipes and powder all sat in a neat row on the shelf above
it. When he turned, Matty was on the floor of the room in wolf form – his dirty diaper face up beside

“Ew.” Mateo tried to grab his son, who ran under the bed. “You come back out here! You need a


Riley chuckled and got out of bed slowly. “I’ll change Maggie; you get him into a tub.”
“Matty Esposito!” Mateo got on his hands and knees and lifted the bed skirt. “Come out here.”

Matty was at the head of the bed, right in the middle.

“Ugh.” Mateo slid under the bed and reached for his son, who moved further back and out of his


“Oh, you want to play that?” Mateo grinned and crawled back out from under the bed. He

opened the bedroom door and looked at Dakota and Sam.

“A little help here?”
Sebastian stepped forward tentatively. “I might be able to help?”
Mateo opened his mouth to argue when Riley piped up behind him.
“Thank you, Sebastian, any help would be appreciated.”
Mateo turned and glared at his husband.
“Stop it.” Riley narrowed his eyes at Mateo. “You can’t be mad at him, Mateo. He’s forbidden

to tell anyone what he sees in a vision; you know that. It’s hard enough as it is for Sebastian; please
try to understand.”

Mateo huffed, but relented. “He’s under the bed.”
Sebastian looked at Conner. “Do you have any of that venison jerky?”
Conner nodded. “Yeah, I’ll grab it.”
Sebastian stood right outside the door and waited for permission from Mateo before entering.

The older man sighed and a small smile formed on his lips. Sebastian relaxed as Mateo pulled him
into a hug.

“I’m so sorry,” Sebastian whispered.
“Don’t be. I get it and I’m sorry. I should have never gone off on you like that.” A short cough

came from behind Sebastian and Mateo smiled at Nicholas. “I know, I know. We cool?”

“Yeah, we’re cool.” Nicholas put his hand out and Mateo shook it and pulled the detective into a


“Here’s the jerky.” Conner handed the dried meat to Sebastian. “You going to lure him out?”
“Yup,” Sebastian grinned. He entered the room and sat on the floor next to the bed with his back

resting on the frame. He tore a piece of jerky off and chewed.

“Oh wow, this is really good,” Sebastian mumbled, waving the jerky back and forth.
Claws clicked on the wood underneath the bed, and then a little furry snout stuck out from

beneath the bed skirt. Riley covered his chuckle as Matty’s nostrils sniffed the air curiously. Sebastian
lowered the jerky just a bit so that it hovered above Matty’s nose.

“So tender,” Sebastian groaned taking another bite.
A paw came out, then another, and then Matty’s face. He sniffed again and crawled out from

under the bed. Mateo grabbed his son who immediately squirmed.

“Ha! Got ya!” Mateo crowed triumphantly.
Sebastian stood up and gave the piece of jerky to Matty – who swallowed it whole.
“Bath time, little man.” Sebastian rubbed behind Matty’s ears.
“Oh wow,” Sam waved his hand in front of his nose.
“Yeah,” Mateo plugged his nose. “Bath, like, now.”
“Um, Sam?” Conner called from the living room.

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“Yes?” Sam poked his head out the door.
“Kane is getting ready to, um, urinate?” Conner laughed.
“We’re going to have to get a hold of Wyatt. He was the one who practically lived in wolf form

growing up,” Sam sighed.

“I’ll be dealing with that?” Nadine stood by the couch, hands on her hips. She narrowed her eyes

at her grandson and pointed to the door.

Kane whined, but padded to the door. Sam stood, jaw dropped, as his mother ushered his son

outside to do his business.

“She’s going to be a great babysitter,” Josh grinned.

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~*Chapter Five*~

Mateo soon discovered that bathing Matty was a two person job. The pup ran from him at every

opportunity, and then splashed so much in the bath that Mateo was soaked. He scrubbed shampoo into
his son’s thick coat and rubbed his belly. Matty relaxed a little and Mateo smiled.

“Ah, so I’ve figured out what you like, huh?” Mateo rubbed Matty’s belly some more and in the

blink of an eye Matty was human again. Mateo picked his son up and held him to his chest. “You
smell so much better. Are you ready to eat again now?” Mateo laughed as Matty squirmed and cooed
at him.

He wrapped him up in a towel and headed for the bedroom that he and Riley were occupying.

Riley was sitting up in bed with Maggie in his arms. Mateo leaned up against the doorframe watching
his husband.

“Hey,” Mateo said quietly.
Riley looked up with a smile. “Hey, yourself.” Riley’s eyes scanned his husband’s soaked

clothing. “Did you get in with him?”

“No, but we’ll both bathe him from now on.” Mateo sat on the edge of the bed. Riley’s hair

seemed especially lustrous, his eyes brighter. He looked younger.

“Oh my God, babe.” Mateo reached out and palmed Riley’s face.
“What is it?”
“You look twenty-four again.” Mateo smiled warmly. Riley leaned over and their lips met

softly. “I love you.”

“I love you, too. What do we do now? I mean, we said we’d talk about it, but Matty didn’t really

give us much choice. I’m a werewolf now. I can’t bear the thought of not being with you forever.”

“I’ll change for you, babe. You know that.” Mateo leaned over and kissed Maggie on her

forehead. “In all the excitement, I haven’t been able to spend much time with my daughter.”

Riley handed Maggie over to Mateo and took Matty into his arms. The baby searched his eyes

and Riley kissed his forehead. “I’m not mad at you, Matty,” Riley whispered. “I love you so much.”

Mateo watched as their son touched Riley’s face in awe. Riley gave him a bottle and Matty

sucked it dry in minutes. He was asleep seconds later. Mateo looked down at Maggie, sleeping in his
arms. She was an exact replica of Riley. She was beautiful.

“Well, at least we know who he ends up with, huh?” Riley ran the backs of his fingers over

Matty’s soft cheek.

“Mated as newborns,” Mateo shook his head. “How weird is that?”
A knock sounded on the door and Mateo looked over his shoulder.
“Come in.”
Mark cracked the door open and smiled at them. He entered the room with Josh trailing after

him. Mark peeked at Maggie in Mateo’s arms, and then looked at Riley with Matty. He gasped as
Riley looked up at him.

“Oh my God, Riley. You look so young!” Mark exclaimed.
“That’s it,” Josh sighed. “Mark and I are going to become werewolves because Botox is


Mark looked over his shoulder at his husband.
Josh shrugged. “What?”
Mark sat on the bed and looked over Riley’s features. It was amazing. Any small wrinkles he

had were gone; Riley looked the same way he had the day they met.

“It’s remarkable,” Mark whispered.

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“So, Mat,” Josh looked at his buddy. “I take it you’re joining your husband in wolf land?”
Mateo nodded. “Yes, I am.”
“Won’t that be fun?” Josh snorted.
“No, it won’t,” Riley sighed. “But it’s worth it.” Riley held Matty to his chest and breathed him

in. He smelled like fresh rain. Another scent wafted up his nostrils and Riley’s mouth actually
watered. Mateo smelled… Riley’s eyes shifted and his canines dropped.

“Oh shit,” Mark backed away. “Um, Mateo?”
Mateo looked over at Riley and shivered. “Um, could you guys take the kids? I think it’s going

to get a little loud in here.”

The door hadn’t even closed and Riley was on him. His wet clothes were torn off his body by

Riley’s claws and then Riley was feasting on his ass, thrusting his tongue inside Mateo’s hole. Riley’s
strength was amazing. Mateo was on his hands and knees as Riley slicked him up good and proper.

“Fuck, you smell so damn good,” Riley growled.
Mateo’s back arched as Riley slammed into him full force. His ass was aflame as Riley’s

massive cock tore through him. Mateo reached for the headboard as Riley started pounding him into
the mattress.

“Have to mark you,” Riley gasped. “Want to.”
Mateo squeezed his eyes shut. “Do it.”
Riley’s hips snapped and he filled Mateo to the hilt. “Mine!”
A blast of heat engulfed him and Mateo cried out, fingers gripping the headboard. Riley roared

and collapsed on top of him as Mateo’s orgasm ripped through him. Pain seared his shoulder and
Mateo cried out. Pictures fell from the walls as Riley kept thrusting, canines lodged in his husband’s

“Ohhh, fuck!” Mateo shouted. The pain was immediate; it hurt less to get shot. The heat tore

through his body as Riley’s lupine bite coursed through his veins. The first bone broke in his thigh and
Mateo let out a loud, garbled shout.


Josh turned toward the room as glass broke. He raised his eyebrows at Wayne, who just

shrugged. More glass broke and then there were thumping noises. Sam covered a chuckle as low
growling noises came from the bedroom. He knew what the first mating was like, as well as the first
shift. Mateo was in for some horrific pain.

Shouts floated through the wooden door and Sam could hear Riley apologizing in low,

whispered tones. Mateo’s thoughts became clear; the man was in agonizing pain. Sam held Dakota’s
hand as they all faced the bedroom door, almost in a trance. It seemed like hours had gone by before
the door handle turned and Riley cracked it open. He poked his head out and motioned them.

“You have to see this.”
The group crowded behind Riley into the room. Mateo was on his side, eyes closed, panting. His

black coat shone in the light from the window. He was massive. The bed dipped in the middle from his

Matty ran into the room and yelped by the side of the bed. Riley picked him up and placed him

on the mattress. Matty carefully approached his father, sniffing the air. He snuggled into Mateo’s side
and rested his head between his paws.

“They’re so cute!” Riley whispered.
“One big, happy werewolf family,” Mark smiled.
“Except for Maggie,” Riley reminded them. “She needs to stay that way. Female werewolves

are essentially feral, no matter what you do.”

The front door opened and Nadine entered with Kane – who ran straight for the bedroom and his

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mate. Sam had to laugh when Kane tried to get up on the bed. He was still too small to make the jump.
He picked his son up and put him down next to Matty. Kane sniffed Mateo, and then settled in next to
his mate.

“How long does the paw print stay there?” Sam looked over at Wayne.
“Mine started fading when I turned one hundred. Don’t get me wrong, it’s still there, under my

hair, but it’s faded. Kane will wear the mark for a long time.”

“Yes, and you had better start reminding him who’s in charge right now,” Roane said with a

smile. “Even though Wayne would take the place of alpha, I still had to show him who was boss.”

Wayne rolled his eyes.
“I think we better get some food going,” Conner said, eyeing the werewolves on the bed. “You

guys are going to get very hungry.”

At the mention of food, Mateo’s head lifted. Conner grinned.
Mateo shifted on the bed, spreading his hind legs out. A loud cracking sound filled the room and

Mateo whined.

“He’s shifting back,” Wayne sat on the edge of the bed and studied Mateo’s face. “You have to

let it come naturally. I know your first instinct is to fight it tooth and nail, but that only makes it
harder. The babies can shift back and forth more easily because their bodies are still pliable. You
don’t have that luxury.”

Riley sat by Mateo and put his head in his lap. “I’m right here. Just breathe, babe, nice and


“Let’s give them some privacy, huh?” Dakota picked Kane up and smiled when he whined.

“You want Matty, too?” He kissed his little ear. “Don’t worry, we’ll get him.” Dakota motioned to
Sam to get the other pup.

As soon as the door closed, Mateo let out a whimper. Oh fuck, he was in for some serious pain.
“I know. I just went through it,” Riley whispered, petting Mateo’s head.
You heard that?” Mateo sighed. “Of course, you did.”
“Well, now we don’t have to discuss the pros and cons, huh? Guess Matty decided his parents

should be werewolves.”

“He had to have known if you were changed, I would change as well. There’s no way in hell I’m

living my life without you in it.”

Riley closed his eyes as Mateo’s pain became much worse. He tried to soothe him with his

hands and speak quietly to him. Mateo jerked on the bed and then it was over. Riley covered him up
with a blanket and placed a kiss on his forehead.

“Get some rest, okay? I’ll bring dinner in when it’s ready.” Riley walked to the door.
“Could you bring Maggie in?” Mateo grinned.
“Yes, I can do that. Close your eyes for a bit.” Riley blew Mateo a kiss and walked out into the

living room. Sam and Dakota were sitting on the couch watching Kane chase Matty around. As he
neared the couch, Dakota looked up at him with a smile.

“How’s Mateo?” Dakota asked, moving over on the couch to give Riley room.
“Tired,” Riley rubbed his face with his hands. “We were just talking about this before we came

out to Ireland. I went and saw my father in prison. He’s dying,” Riley sighed sadly. “When I saw my
face in the mirror, I couldn’t help but think about aging.”

Dakota nodded. “I know. Sometimes I think I’ll talk to my parents again someday. They’re still

my flesh and blood, no matter how much they hurt me.”

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Sam sighed as Kane came to a sliding stop by the couch and tilted his head at him.
“Could you please change back?” Sam picked his son up and held him.
“I think he prefers being a werewolf,” Dakota chuckled.
He tilted his head to the side, sending a mental message to Wyatt.
“Sup, guys?” Wyatt snickered.
“You want to give us a heads up as to why our werewolf children run around in wolf form all the

time?” Dakota drawled.

“Well, gee, let me think. Lying on your back all day in a crib staring at some weird crap going

around in a circle over your head, or running around free and getting to smell and see exciting new
things. Hmm, wonder why I was always in wolf form?”

“Well, when you put it that way,” Dakota laughed.
“Can’t wait to see my nephews and niece!” Wyatt chuckled.
“Thanks, Wyatt. I don’t know why we hadn’t thought about that.” Sam smiled at Kane pulling

on his pant leg. He was making small growling noises.

“So, an alpha, huh? I bet you didn’t see that coming,” Wyatt laughed loudly.
Dakota turned to Riley and grinned. “Oh, there were a lot of things we didn’t see coming.”
“I heard. Riley and Mateo haven’t been taught to turn their thoughts off yet. I’ll be scarred for

life,” Wyatt snickered.

Riley’s face heated. “Oh, God, you mean…?”
“It’s all good, Uncle Riley. I’ll get some therapy and be good as new,”
Wyatt laughed.
Riley sighed loudly into his hands. “Oh, shit.”
“Yeah, um, thanks for the info, Wyatt. We’ll get in touch with you later, okay?” Dakota rubbed

Riley’s shoulders.

Riley stood up. “I’m going to get Maggie for Mateo. Do we have an ETA on dinner?
“Conner said about twenty minutes or so,” Sam provided.
“Okay, good. That will give me time to throw myself off a cliff in embarrassment.”
Dakota chuckled as Riley made his way to the kitchen. Wayne stepped into the living room and

Kane sat down immediately at his feet. Wayne grinned and picked him up. Even in wolf form, Kane
resembled Sam. His first growth spurt had already happened.

“Well now, I bet you’re hungry, aren’t you?” Wayne held Kane to him closely. “I miss them at

this age.”

“I still can’t believe he’s going to be the alpha,” Sam shook his head. “And he already chose his


“I’m not surprised. Two great warriors side by side. It makes sense,” Wayne mused. “We don’t

know what’s coming in the future; they do.”

Dakota sighed looking over his shoulder at the bedroom Mateo was occupying. “I wonder if

they saw that?”

“I would think Matty knew what Riley would do,” Sam took Dakota’s face in his hands. “It’s

what I would have done.”

Wayne set Kane back down and he immediately jumped on Matty, pinning him to the floor. The

two of them rolled around on the floor nipping at each other.

“They are so cute,” Dakota whispered.
“Destined to be together from birth,” Sam squeezed Dakota’s fingers. “They are going to have

one hell of a love story.”

Wayne crossed his arms. “I believe they will.”
“Wayne,” Conner poked his head out of the bedroom.

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“What is it?”
“Get Riley, Mateo and the babies,” Conner said mournfully. “They have someone to talk to.”


Riley sat in front of the computer with Mateo and the twins. The screen was black and then his

father’s image became clear. He was lying on a bed in what looked like the infirmary. Riley
swallowed the lump in his throat and held Maggie up to the webcam.

“Look, Dad – doesn’t she look like mom?”
“She’s so beautiful, Riley,” Edgar tried to smile. “Let me see my grandson.”
Mateo held Matty up – who thankfully was in human form at the moment.
Edgar clasped his hands together. “They are just beautiful. You four make a beautiful family.”
“We’ll be back soon, Dad, and then you can hold them,” Riley said, touching the screen.
Edgar shook his head sadly. “I’m so sorry, son. I don’t have that long.”
“But you said – ” Riley croaked.
“I know, son; I didn’t want you to feel sorry for me. It’s my time.”
“But I can help you!” Riley sobbed.
Edgar put his hand on the screen where his son’s was. “I’ve lived my life. God knows I could

have done so much better with you and I’ll regret it when I’m gone, but this is my fate, son.”

“I can get you out of there! I can fix you!” Riley shouted. Mateo’s arms came around him and

Riley sobbed.

“Oh, Riley,” Edgar wiped at his eyes. “I’ve seen my grandkids; you and Mateo are happy, that’s

all that matters. I deserve to be where I am.”

“James can get you out of there, Edgar,” Mateo offered quietly.
“No, he can’t. Treason is something even James can’t fix,” Edgar pointed out.
“But you don’t understand, Dad. I can cure you!”
“Even if you could, son, then I’d be locked away until my last days. I want you to be happy, you

understand me? I love you, Riley, with all my heart and I’m so damn proud of you.”

Riley broke down in Mateo’s arms and Mateo tried to smile at Edgar. The twins started crying

and he held his family closer to him.

“I’ll protect them with my life, Edgar,” Mateo vowed.
“I know you will, Mateo. You’re a good man; I’m proud to call you my son-in-law. Riley

couldn’t have chosen a better husband. You take care of those kids.”

“Dad, please!” Riley pleaded. “We can be a family now.”
“You are a family, Riley. Cherish each other. I love you; never forget that.”
The webcam cut out and Riley grabbed the computer. “No! Dad!”
Mateo held Riley as his body shook with his sobs. Matty was wriggling for his father and Mateo

put him closer to Riley. It occurred to him that Matty may have seen this coming, too. They sat there
for what seemed like hours. Wayne came into the room and ran his hand through Riley’s hair.

“He’s in a coma, Riley.”
“I want to go home,” Riley sniffled. “I want to see him.”
“Don’t even think about trying to cure him. He will die, Riley. He’s too far gone and it wouldn’t

be fair to him, even if it did work.”

“Why not?!” Riley shouted. “Why does life have to end for him but not for me?!”
“You really want to cure him and have him stay in prison until he dies? What kind of life is


“He’ll be here, with me and I can see him.”

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“That’s selfish, Riley.” Wayne shook his head.
“I don’t care!”
“Riley,” Mateo said softly. “You’re scaring the twins.”
Riley sucked in a breath. Maggie’s eyes were huge and on the verge of spilling over with tears.

Matty’s bottom lip trembled.

“Oh God,” Riley whispered. “I’m so sorry.” Riley picked up the babies and held them close.

“I’m so sorry.”

“I think we should head to bed.” Mateo stood and put his arm around Riley. “I’ll bring dinner to

the room, Riley.” Mateo waited for Riley to leave before turning to face Wayne. “Edgar could be
cured with our blood.”

“He wouldn’t want that,” Wayne shook his head. “James tried; believe me he tried to get Edgar

out, or even negotiate a shorter sentence, but treason isn’t something the United States takes lightly.
Even with all the power he holds, James couldn’t get Edgar out. He offered it anyway, and Edgar said

Mateo blinked. “He what?”
“He said he didn’t deserve to be let out. This was what he wanted. He has a DNR.”
Mateo sighed and ran his hands through his hair. “Okay. I’ll do what I can with Riley, but this is

going to hit him hard.”

“It already has,” Wayne said sadly.

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~*Chapter Six*~

The night hadn’t gone well. Mateo woke up groggy and plastered to Riley’s back. The twins

were in front of Riley, both nestled into his chest. Mateo ran his hand over Riley’s hip. It had been a
long, emotional night.

Riley had cried for hours and Maggie had cried with him. Matty seemed to understand what was

going on and tried his best to soothe his father by staying in human form, snuggled quietly beside him.

Mateo slid out of bed quietly and went to the bathroom. He splashed some water on his face and

looked in the mirror.

His mouth dropped as he looked at his reflection. Not one grey hair was present and all his

laugh lines and other wrinkles were gone. He looked thirty again. He tilted his head from side to side.
It was amazing. His hair was lustrous and solid black again. Mateo took one more look, and then crept
back into the bedroom.

Matty’s eyes were open and he was fidgeting. Maggie was sound asleep in the crook of Riley’s

arm. Mateo picked his son up and kissed his nose.

“Morning,” he whispered. Matty made a soft sound and then a quiet knock on the door followed.

Mateo cracked it open to see Sam in his boxer briefs with Kane in wolf form.

“Hey,” Sam said quietly. “I think Kane wants to see his guy and get a run in. You up for it?”
Mateo’s brows furrowed. “Why are you in underwear?”
“Because they’re cheap and I won’t miss them when I ruin them shifting. I could have come

naked – ”

“Yeah, no thanks,” Mateo waved his hand in the air and stepped out of the room, closing the

door gently behind him. “I’ve seen enough of you guys naked; in fact, I’ve seen more nakedness in the
last ten years than I have the entire time I was in the Army.”

“That’s saying a lot,” Sam snickered.
“I know,” Mateo followed Sam outside. The weather was slightly chilly, but nothing teeth

chattering. Matty wiggled in his arms, then shifted.

“That must be so nice,” Mateo sighed.
Sam put Kane down and he immediately ran for Mateo, jumping on his legs. Mateo put Matty

down and Kane jumped on him, biting his ears. Both pups ran in the direction of the enclosure and
Sam’s voice boomed across the land.

Kane came to a sliding stop and glanced back at his father.
“You don’t go near there, understand?” Sam put his hands on his hips. Kane took another step

forward, all while watching his father intensely. Sam raised a brow and then shifted fully. A loud snarl
left his lips and Kane backed up into Matty with a yelp.

“Well now, seems Roane was right. You have to establish who’s boss with your own son,”

Mateo chuckled. Sam huffed and flipped Mateo with his tail.

“Shift, ya big baby.” Sam bumped Mateo in the thigh.
Mateo crossed his arms, shaking his head. He wasn’t a pussy by any means, but the pain that

came with shifting? Oh, hell no. He’d put it off for as long as he could.

Matty yelped suddenly and Mateo’s head snapped toward the enclosure. One of the females was

stalking his son.

It was like taking a breath – it didn’t even hurt. Mateo shifted fully and released a growl so loud

it shook the fencing. The female back-pedaled with a yelp of her own.

“Nola!” Wayne’s roar cracked the earth in front of him.

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Mateo grabbed his son by the nape of his neck with his teeth. Kane was staring down the

female, teeth barred, fluffy fur on end. Sam nudged his son in his hindquarters and they moved away
from the fencing.

“Go on guys, I’ll just have a chat with Nola.” Wayne narrowed his eyes at the female. She was

still a bit green to the female werewolf life. She hadn’t been one as long as the rest of them had. He
approached the fencing and stared her down. “Were you going to hurt him?”

Nola blinked. “I just wanted to play. The others are too old.”
Wayne chuckled. “Don’t let Josephine hear you say that.” Wayne sobered and searched Nola’s

eyes. “I have your word you weren’t going to hurt the pup?”

“I would never hurt a child intentionally,” Nola huffed.
Wayne raised his brows. “Go inside and shift. I need to speak with you.” Nola’s tail went

between her legs and Wayne smiled. “I promise I won’t yell.”

Nola snorted, but did as she was told. Wayne leaned up against the gate and waited. Nola came

back out in a T-shirt and jeans. He raised a brow and smiled.

“How old were you when you were changed, Nola?”
She put her hands on her hips and gave Wayne a stern look. “It is a bit impolite to ask a lady her


Wayne grinned. “Well?”
Nola sighed. “When I was human I was changed at eighteen.”
“And how old are you now?”
Nola frowned. “I don’t know. Sixty or so? I’m not celebrating,” she snapped.
“You seem calmer than the other females. Why is that?”
Nola glanced from side to side.
Wayne narrowed his eyes. “Nola?”
“It’s all right, Nola. I’ll take responsibility.”
Wayne turned at the sound of Evangeline’s voice.
“You’ll take responsibility for what?” Wayne demanded.
“I’ve been injecting Nola since I came here to be with the pregnant females.” Evangeline

walked over to Nola with a smile. “She’s taken quite well to the meds.”

“What meds? You didn’t think to ask me first?” Wayne moved closer to the female and eyed

her cautiously.

“It’s a combination of Xanax and bipolar medication, along with some other mood enhancers.”
“Define enhancers.” Wayne crossed his arms and glared at Evangeline.
Wayne’s eyes widened. “You doped up the females?”
“No, just Nola,” Evangeline laughed. “I only did that once to see how she would respond.”
“I ate a lot,” Nola grinned.
“So now what? You inject her daily or something?” Wayne stepped closer.
“No, once a week she gets a combo of drugs. The Xanax and bipolar medication seem to work

the best, although in much higher doses than initially.”

Wayne eyed Evangeline, and then turned his attention back to Nola. “Go on back inside; I need

to speak with Evangeline.” Nola paused and looked between the two of them.

“I’m not gonna yell,” Wayne smiled in assurance.
He waited for Nola to go inside the cottage before turning back to Evangeline. “Why are you

doing this? It’s because of Alexander, isn’t it?”

Evangeline sighed. “I’m not going to lie. I want to be with him for the rest of my life, but I

can’t do that. If he turns me, I’ll end up feral and then God knows what will happen. What if his true

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mate comes along? What if I lose him?”

Wayne smiled and tilted his head. “What makes you think you’re not his mate? You’ve been

together a long time. So what on God’s green Earth makes you think you’re not? He loves you with all
his heart and he would never leave you, Evangeline, not for anyone.” Wayne studied Evangeline’s
face. “You know him.”

Evangeline opened her mouth to speak, when Alexander’s voice floated on the wind. She turned

to see the man she loved walking her way. At six foot three, Alexander stood well above her and his
black hair and green eyes melted her as he smiled. She loved him. She always would.

How did I get so lucky?
Evangeline stepped back, her mouth dropped open in surprise. “Alexander?”
Look at her eyes. You are a very lucky man Alexander Romasko. Maybe later I can convince her

to do that one thing –

“Alex!” Evangeline hissed.
Alexander stopped and looked at Evangeline’s beautiful face. Her cheeks were red with


Oh God. Did she just hear me?
“Yes, I did,” Evangeline smiled. “I heard you. Oh God, Alex, I heard you!”
Alexander stepped back. “You…heard me? But that would mean…”
“We’re…mated,” Evangeline whispered.
“Say something to me.” Alexander took Evangeline in his arms.
“I love you, Alex”.
Alexander sighed in relief. “I heard you, my love. It is true, you are my one and only.”
“Seems the fates decided you two had waited long enough.” Wayne smiled at the two of them

together. “It would appear your mate decided to go behind your back and work with Nola.”

Alexander frowned. “What is he talking about?”
“Thanks, Wayne.” Evangeline glared at him. She turned back to Alex and palmed his face.

“Let’s go talk?”

“Yes, among other things,” Alex smiled mischievously.
“No biting.” Evangeline pointed at him. “Yet.”


Mateo ran, the wind whipping his coat. God, he’d never felt so free before. He could hear

everything, see for miles, and smell everything around him – fresh grass, the brine of the ocean. It was
unbelievable. Sam ran at his side, the boys a little ahead of them, galloping side by side.

Even though Kane was an alpha, he treated Matty as his equal. Once they reached the beach,

Mateo ran into the icy water, Matty right at his side. They played for hours until the boys seemed to
almost pass out from exhaustion. Mateo grabbed Matty by the nape of his neck and carried him back
toward the cottages. Kane was asleep in Sam’s mouth.

It was adorable.
As they neared the enclosure, Mateo noticed Riley with Maggie watching the sun making its

descent. He followed Sam into the cottage and placed Matty gently on the bed before getting down on
the floor to shift back. God, the pain was still excruciating.

Bones cracked and Mateo tried to keep quiet as he shifted back to human form. Matty was

huffing softly in his sleep and Mateo smiled at his son. He kissed his nose and pulled some jeans on.
Conner was with Wayne, Sebastian and Nicholas in the kitchen and Dakota was on the couch, with
Kane in his arms.

“You going to see Riley?” Dakota whispered.

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Mateo nodded. “I think we’re going to leave in the morning. He wants to see his dad.”
“He’s going to need you more than ever, Mateo,” Dakota said sadly.
“And I’ll be here.”
Mateo walked out to the fencing and put his arms around his husband. Riley leaned back against

him and sniffled.

“I’m so sorry, Riley. I don’t remember much of my parents, but I know this must be hurting you

beyond belief.”

“It was so much easier when he hated me,” Riley tilted his head back to look at Mateo.
“That’s just it, Riley. He never did.” Mateo pulled Riley around and held him close. Maggie

hiccupped and Mateo kissed her forehead.

“We’re a family now, we always will be.”


The minute they landed in Tucson, they were on their way to the prison. James was meeting

them there, as they would need special visitors’ passes. As they pulled up, Mateo noticed Derek’s
truck was parked next to James’ car. He helped Riley out of the car, and then grabbed the diaper bag
and lifted Maggie out of her car seat as Riley held Matty. They were met at the front desk by Derek,
along with two uniformed guards.

“Wow, look at them,” Derek smiled broadly, looking at the twins.
“You want to hold Matty?” Riley grinned, handing the boy to Derek.
Derek held the baby in his arms and looked up to see Mateo and Riley smiling at him. He

narrowed his eyes, and then his mouth dropped as he realized they both looked much different. Mateo
seemed to know what he was thinking and put a finger over his lips.

Derek cleared his throat.
“Follow me.”
Riley held Mateo’s hand as they walked down the long hallway. They took a left at the end and

the infirmary came into view. Riley noticed James standing outside his father’s room, and the anger
rose up in him before he could stop it. He lunged at James and pushed him halfway down the hall.

James landed on his ass with a grunt.
“You could get him out! But you won’t, will you!?” Riley snarled.
Guns flew out of holsters and Mateo turned on the guards behind him.
“Do it, and I swear I’ll kill you all slowly.”
“Put your weapons away!” James shouted. He stood up and righted his jacket. Looking at both

guards, he motioned to the door. “You can go, I’ve got this.”

“Sir?” one of them asked incredulously, looking at Riley.
“I said go,” James repeated slowly. Once the guards had left, James turned his attention back to

a very upset Riley.

“I did what I could, Riley. I tried.”
“Did you? Did you really?” Riley growled, stepping towards James.
“I like you, Riley, I really do,” Derek said quietly. “But if you attack my husband again I’m not

going to sit back and watch it happen.”

Riley spun and glared at Derek.
“Riley.” Mateo stepped in between his husband and his general. “Calm down and reel it in. You

know James and Derek are on your side. You know James did everything he could.”

“I asked him if he wanted me to try to get him out. He said no. I still tried, even after that,”

James said, walking towards Riley, arms raised in front of him, palms out. “I tried, Riley. I did

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everything I could and talked to anyone I could. I’m so sorry.”

“I want to see him,” Riley whispered.
“Of course.” James stepped aside and motioned to the door.
“Give me Matty.” Riley put his arms out to Derek.
“Riley,” Mateo lowered his voice.
“Come with me?” Riley put his hand out to Mateo.
James stood back as Riley brushed past him with Mateo, and he glanced over at Derek.
“Turn off the security cameras in the room.”
Derek raised his brows. “What?”
“We never know what’s going to happen, and if something … supernatural … does happen, I

don’t want to try to explain it. Unless I’m wrong and they both went to a Swiss clinic and took an anti-
aging treatment, they’re both werewolves now.”

“How did you figure it out?” Derek asked. “The lack of wrinkles?”
“Our sweet Riley just made me fly twenty feet.” James cocked an eyebrow.
“Right, I’m on it.” Derek stopped mid-walk. “We should probably warn Riley and Mateo about

that. They’ll have to make people think they did go to a Swiss clinic.”

James chuckled.

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Riley sat on the edge of the bed and held his father’s hand. Matty squirmed in his grip and Riley

smiled down at his son.

“This is your grandpa.”
Riley squeezed his dad’s hand. “Look at your grandkids, Dad. Just open your eyes and look at

them. Please don’t leave me, not now.”

Fingers squeezed his, and Edgar’s lashes fluttered. His eyes opened and a small smile curved

his lips.

“Dad,” Riley smiled. “Look at your grandkids.”
Mateo sat forward with Maggie and Edgar looked from one child to the other. He smiled again

then closed his eyes. The heart monitor beeped and then stopped – showing a flat line scrolling across.

Riley burst into tears and Mateo held his husband as he sobbed. Both Matty and Maggie seemed

to try and comfort Riley as well, reaching up to him. Riley took Matty into his arms.

“We could change him; there might still be time,” Riley whispered.
“Riley.” Mateo shook his head and pressed a kiss to Riley’s temple. “It’s too late, babe. I’m so


“He wouldn’t want that anyway, sweetie.”
Riley froze in Mateo’s arms and his breath caught. He knew that voice. He’d know it anywhere.
Riley opened his eyes to see his mother standing by the door to the room.
“How…?” Riley stammered.
“Let’s just say the fates have been known to grant some favors,” Margaret smiled at her son.

“You look so good. Being a werewolf agrees with you.”

“Mom? But…?” Riley’s mouth was agape.
“So, Mateo, seems you still have full use of your faculties,” Margaret smiled at her son’s

husband. “Riley has done well. Aren’t you a looker!”

“Thank you?” Mateo stared at Riley’s mother.
“Look at my grandkids! Oh! They are so adorable!” Margaret beamed at the twins. “I’m so

happy for you, Riley. I know things were hard on you for a long time and you felt alone. I’ve always
been with you. Even if you couldn’t see me, I was there. You have a great love, just as your father had
in me. He went about things the wrong way, and Lord knows I’ll beat his ass for it.” Margaret smiled
as Riley’s mouth still hung open. “Honey, please close your mouth.”

“But…you’re gone. I mean you have been for years. Why now?” Riley stood and walked to his


“Because you needed me. You need to know that this was how your father wanted it. James

Pruitt argued for your father; I was there, I know. Your father didn’t want to be released. With money
comes power, and to abuse it means crossing the line between good and evil. Your father made a
mistake and paid for it. You ended up paying for it as well. You’re a strong man, Riley. I always knew
you would be. The day of the accident, I begged for you to be spared. My prayers were answered.
You’ll live a long life, just as the fortune teller predicted, with your beautiful twins and your husband
at your side. Your father and I will continue to watch over you. Just know that you are loved.”

“You’re both gone now,” Riley wiped at his eyes.
“We are,” Margaret nodded. “But we will always be close. I’m so proud of you Riley, of the

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man you’ve become. You’ll be a wonderful father.”

“Yes, he will,” Edgar said, appearing by his wife’s side.
“Dad,” Riley fell back and into Mateo’s arms.
“You’ll be a much better father than I, son. Take good care of your family. I’m so sorry, son;

you’ll never know how much.”

“He does, don’t you Riley?” Margaret placed a hand on Riley’s cheek.
Riley gasped at the touch of his mother’s hand. “I can feel you.”
Margaret pulled her son into her arms and inhaled his scent. This was her little baby all grown

up. Mateo handed the twins over and they had a group hug.

“Take care of each other.”
His mother began to fade and Riley put his hands out. “Wait, don’t go yet!”
“We’ll always be around, Riley. We love you,” Margaret’s voice floated around the room.


His parents faded and Riley turned in Mateo’s arms. Warmth and peace flooded him as his

husband held him. The twins snuggled into both of them and Riley closed his eyes. He had gotten to
see his parents one last time.


Out in the hall, Derek watched with his jaw hanging open. He should be used to it by now, he

supposed. Living with werewolves and witches had taught him quite a few things. But dead people

James glanced over at Derek. “See? Told you we needed the cameras off.”
“So it wasn’t just me? You saw that, too?”
James nodded.
“I’ve been thinking,” Derek took James into his arms.
“Oh God, that’s never good,” James chuckled. He searched Derek’s face. “You’re thinking

about being changed, aren’t you?”

“We’re not getting any younger.” Derek caressed James’ face. “Although you still look thirty.”
“Now I know you’re high,” James laughed.
“You saw Riley and Mateo. They look young again.”
“Is this about your mortality? Or are you being vain about your looks?”
“Neither. This is about us and the fact that I want to be with you forever. We started so late in

life, James. I want more time with you – a lot more, and if that means enduring some horrific pain for
a few minutes, then I’m all for it.”

James searched Derek’s face.
“You’re serious.”
Derek nodded.
James thought about what that would mean. Being a werewolf gave them special abilities,

abilities that could help others. He wrapped his arms around Derek’s waist.

“We’ll talk to Wayne soon, okay?”
Derek leaned in, brushing his lips against James’.
“Werewolf, huh?”
Derek stiffened in James’ arms. He turned slowly and gasped.
“Hello, son.”
“Dad?” Derek whispered. He could see himself reflected in the older man’s eyes.

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“Oh my God,” James said slowly. “You look just like him.”
“Hello, James. It’s very good to meet you.”
“Mr. Jacobs.” James put his hand out.
“Oh, hell no, you can call me Dad – or Derek if you prefer.” Derek shook James’ hand and

looked at his son. “By the way, couldn’t care less that you’re gay.”

Derek smiled.

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~*Chapter Seven*~

Mateo leaned against the kitchen wall, watching as Riley rummaged through the cabinets in the

kitchen as he hummed along to the music from the living room. His husband’s ass was bouncing up
and down as he pulled out pots and pans. Mateo grinned as Riley bent over.

God he loved that ass.
It’d been a week since Edgar had been buried and Riley seemed at least a bit better. Seeing his

parents together had given him a sense of peace, he guessed. He had apologized profusely to James –
and Derek – for his accusations and aggressive behavior.

Matty had gone through another growth spurt and now weighed fifteen pounds. Maggie was

sound asleep in the crib down the hall while Matty was chasing the babble ball that Wyatt had given

They were going to have their friends over tonight for dinner. It was Riley’s way of celebrating

his parents’ lives, the birth of their twins and their transformation into werewolves. Sawyer and Troy
were coming, as well as Wyatt and Preston, along with a few others from the group.

Things were, well, weird ever since Riley’s parents had shown up. Mateo didn’t know if it was

his new werewolf abilities, or something else – but something was different.

He could hear most of the guys in his head and it had been annoying until Wayne had taught

him how to turn it off. The fates and gods created an alpha every hundred and fifty years or so,
according to Taber Maccon. Wayne would be in charge until Kane became of age to lead the packs.

Something had been gnawing at him for a few days now and he couldn’t put his finger on it.

Riley turned and Mateo smiled at him. Riley crossed the kitchen and stood in front of him.

“Why do you look like that?” Riley searched Mateo’s eyes.
“Is it wrong for me to watch my husband? I think you’re sexy.”
You’re a good doggie!
Matty slid across the kitchen floor as his talking ball bounced against the wall. Matty batted at

the ball with his paw, sending it back through the kitchen and out into the living room. A bright light
appeared in the kitchen corner and then Aidan took form.

“Hi, Aidan!” Riley said cheerfully.
“Hello,” Aidan smiled at both of them. “I’m just stopping in to say there’s a celebration going

on up there,” Aidan pointed upwards. “Some, um, interesting things are going to be happening over
the next week.”

“Like what?” Riley asked.
“Well, you know, loved ones long gone visiting? I think the fates and gods are appreciative of

all of your hard work and are rewarding you the only way they know how. So, on that note, I’m off to
warm some others.”

“What do you mean warn?” Mateo cocked an eyebrow.
“I think he means us.”
Mateo spun around and backed into the wall with a shout.
Riley’s eyes widened. A man and a woman were smiling at him and Mateo. Riley stepped

forward and searched their faces.

“You’re… Mateo’s parents. I can see him in both of you.” Riley said softly. The woman had

hip-length black hair and the clearest green eyes; the man had jet black hair and hazel eyes. It was like
looking at Mateo – but an older version.

“It’s so good to meet you, Riley. I’m Adrianna and this is my husband, Romeo.” Adrianna

smiled at the shocked look on her son’s face. “Oh come now, Mateo, it’s not like you haven’t seen

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other things just as freaky.”

“Mom?” Mateo stepped away from the wall and approached his parents. He didn’t remember

them very well, but the pictures he did have looked like the people in front of him. “Dad?”

“Look at you, son. You grew up big and strong just like I always said you would. We’ve been

around now and then, just keeping an eye out. You know that sixth sense you have?”

Mateo nodded slowly.
“That’d be me kicking you in your ass,” Romeo winked.
Matty ran back through the kitchen and skidded right into Adrianna.
“Look at my grandbaby!” Adrianna squealed in delight, picking him up. “Although, he’s a bit


Matty huffed.
“You know about all this?” Mateo waved a hand in the air. “Werewolves?”
“We do keep some good company.” Romeo scratched behind Matty’s ear. “Can we see you as a


Adriana handed Matty over to Riley and he shifted immediately.
“He’s so beautiful! Oh, Mateo, he looks just like you!” Adrianna clapped her hands together in

delight. “I’m going to go see my granddaughter.”

Adrianna disappeared.
“She does that a lot.” Romeo smiled at his son with his husband. “I’m so proud of you, Mateo; I

always have been. Your mother and I are so happy you found love with Riley.” Romeo turned his
attention to the man at Mateo’s side. “You’ve been the best thing to ever happen to him. You’re a
good man as well, Riley. We’ll never be too far away, and we will look in on you from time to time.
I’m looking forward to seeing you all live a long, long life. Now, I’m going to go see my

Romeo disappeared and Riley looked over at Mateo. “This is—”
“She’s so beautiful!” Adrianna reappeared.
Riley jumped in surprise.
“Sorry about that. She looks just like Margaret! It’s uncanny!”
“You know my mom?” Riley whispered.
“Of course I do,” Adrianna smiled and reached out to Riley’s face. “She loves you.”
Warmth caressed his cheek, and Riley smiled. “Thank you so much.”
Adrianna put her hands out to Mateo. He looked a bit uneasy. “I’m not going to bite you. I may

spank you.” Adrianna grinned when Mateo scowled. “Come here.” Adrianna pulled Mateo into her
arms and held him close. She had missed him so much. Romeo appeared and pulled Riley into their
hug. Adrianna placed a kiss on Riley and Mateo’s cheeks, as well as Matty’s.

“We have to go now.” Adrianna turned to Mateo. “I love you, Mateo. I always will. Just know

that we wanted you so much. I couldn’t have children, and then you surprised us. A medical miracle
they said,” Adrianna laughed. “You were meant to be. Take care of each other.”

Mateo pulled himself together. He looked at his parents. “I miss you both. I love you, too.”
“Be happy,” Adrianna said with a smile.
Riley pulled Mateo into his arms and held him as his parents faded. Matty cooed in between

them and Mateo put his arms around them both. Riley buried his face in Mateo’s neck. He knew the
emotional toll the visit had taken on his husband.

“I love you, Mateo,” Riley whispered.
“I love you.”


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Troy grabbed his suitcase and walked into the hall. Sawyer’s suitcase was already by the front

door. They were headed to Riley and Mateo’s house in Arizona. Now that the babies had been born
healthy, he and Sawyer could proceed with their own implantation. Troy could hear Sawyer in the
kitchen and he headed in that direction. Sawyer was bent over the dishwasher and Troy tilted his head,
looking at his ass.

“I never get tired of seeing that,” Troy sighed comically.
Sawyer looked over his shoulder and wiggled his butt. “Yeah?”
“Oh yeah,” Troy waggled his eyebrows. Sawyer’s eyes went wide and Troy’s hair rose on end.
“What is it?!”
Sawyer pointed and Troy turned around.
All ability to speak left him and he stood staring at his parents.
Aidan took form in the corner of the kitchen and looked from Sawyer to Troy, then at Troy’s


Raymond and Celia Bishop stood together, hands clasped, smiling at their son. Aidan grinned

and winked.

“Well, got here a little late,” Aidan sing-songed. “Surprise!”
Celia chuckled. “Hello, Aidan.”
“Celia, Raymond,” Aidan nodded. “I’ll leave you be now.” Aidan turned to Sawyer. “Your

mother will be visiting you.”

“My…mom?” Sawyer leaned against the kitchen counter for support.
“Yes, I should go now. You all enjoy your visit.” Aidan faded away.
Troy stood in front of his parents. They looked as they did the last time he saw them – young

and vibrant. He cleared his throat, but no sound came out. Sawyer’s hand threaded into his and he
squeezed it for support.

“Look at you,” Celia whispered. “You are so handsome, honey. I knew you’d be a big, tall


“A werewolf and an assassin,” Raymond smiled wide. “I’m so damn proud of you, son.”
“You…know what I do? Who I am?” Troy stammered.
“Of course we do! We’ve been watching over you, son.”
Troy looked down at his feet. “I’m so sorry I didn’t do more that day. I could have done

something, I could have saved you.”

“There was nothing you could have done,” Celia shook her head. “We did what we had to do to

protect you. I knew that man robbing the store would see you, so I stood in front of the aisle. I’d do it
again, Troy. You’re my son.”

“Let’s not talk about that.” Raymond stepped forward and smiled at Sawyer, standing dazed

beside Troy.

“Look at little ‘what does this do?’,” Raymond chuckled as Sawyer’s face heated. “You were

destined to be with my son, Sawyer. I couldn’t be happier with the fates’ choice.”

“You knew they were werewolves?” Troy’s mouth dropped open.
“Of course we did. I’ve known John Quinton all my life. I wasn’t born a werewolf, just like Joe

wasn’t, but we were all friends.” Raymond reached out to his son. Troy stepped into his arms and
Raymond finally got to hold him again. Celia joined in, pulling Sawyer in with her.

“Yes, well,” Raymond coughed, clearing his throat. “I’m looking forward to seeing my

grandchild. You two take good care of each other. Your mother and I love you, Troy, we always will.
Be happy and know that we are always nearby.”

“You are such a good man, Sawyer. I’m so glad you and my son fell in love.” Celia stepped

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back and stood next to her husband. “Love you both.”

They faded and Troy grabbed Sawyer, holding him tightly.
“I didn’t want to interrupt.”
Sawyer looked up to find his mother standing in the hall. Long black hair flowed around her

face, and emerald eyes smiled at him.

“Mom?” Sawyer whispered.
“Hi, baby.”
“Isabelle.” Troy smiled at Sawyer’s mother.
“Well now, Troy Bishop.” Isabelle put her hands on her hips. “Look at how handsome you

turned out to be. Almost as good-looking as my son.” Isabelle winked at Sawyer.

“Have you seen Dad and the boys yet?” Sawyer stepped closer to his mother. She looked so


“I’m headed that way. I have a lot to say and not a lot of time to say it in. We got a little pass

from the fates; I just happen to have a lot more people I need to speak with.”

“I miss you so much, Mom.”
“I know. I miss you, too, baby. But I’m never too far away. You all grew up so handsome. I’m

so happy for you, Sawyer. You saved yourself for your mate and now you’ll be having a child of your
own. Cherish every minute of it and know that I will always love you.”

Sawyer held his mother. It had been so long, and he’d never gotten to say goodbye.
“I have to go see your brothers and your dad.” Isabelle palmed her son’s face. “I can’t wait to

see your child.”

His mother’s form faded and Troy’s arms encircled him. Sawyer closed his eyes as Troy kissed

his neck.

“You okay?” Troy nuzzled Sawyer’s ear.
“Yes, I’m good. I’m so glad I got to see her.”
“I know what you mean. I’m sure Wyatt and the others are going to be just as happy.”


Wyatt tilted his head to the side and smiled, listening. Gage was supposed to be taking a nap.

Right now, though, he was certainly not sleeping. They’d had Gage for over six months and both he
and Preston wanted to adopt him. It was all up to Gage, though, whether he wanted to be with them.
They’d had the long talk about what it meant for him and Preston to adopt him and Gage seemed
really happy about it. Wyatt couldn’t wait to have Gage for good. He heard a soft hiss from the back
bedroom and turned around on the couch.

“You’re not sleeping are you?”
“I’m trying.”
Wyatt snickered; he could hear the game Gage was playing. “Oh, really? So who’s telling you

that you have an infection?”

“You can hear that?”
Wyatt chuckled. “I’m a werewolf just like you, Gage. I can hear everything. You should be

trying to nap.”

Wyatt jumped off the couch as a female voice spoke behind him.
“Really now? From what I saw, you weren’t good at taking naps either, Wyatt Owen Quinton.”

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Wyatt lost the ability to speak. There, right in front of him, stood his mother. The emerald eyes

regarded him with mirth but he was shaking.

“You’ve grown so much, Wyatt. You’ve found your mate, and now you’ll have a child to raise.

I’m so proud of you.”

Gage walked into the room and looked from Wyatt to the woman. Wyatt looked scared to death.

Gage shifted and stood in front of Wyatt, growling a warning at the woman.

“He’s so adorable,” Isabelle smiled at the pup. “I would never hurt Wyatt, Gage. He’s my son.”
Gage shifted back and looked up at Wyatt. “She’s your mommy?”
“Yes, she is.” Wyatt whispered. “I’m so sorry, Mom.” Wyatt wiped at his eyes. He’d started

crying and didn’t even realize it.

“For what, sweetie?”
“I…killed you when I was born.”
Isabelle crossed the space between them and took Wyatt into her arms.
“Don’t you ever say that! I loved you then and I love you now. I always told your father that if it

came down to me or my baby, I wanted the baby to live. I wanted you to have a life. Please don’t ever
think anything else. You were so worth it, Wyatt. I wouldn’t have had it any other way. Now, I’ll be
keeping my eye on you.” Isabelle narrowed her eyes at her son with a grin. “Just remember, you
weren’t so easy at his age either.”

Isabelle knelt down to Gage and palmed his face. “You’ve got a great man there, Gage. He’ll

protect you with his life and love you more than anything.”

Gage nodded. “He’s my poppa. My mommy came to see me; she said I would be happy here.”
Wyatt’s breath hitched. Gage had always called him and Preston ‘uncle.’ To hear ‘poppa’ meant

everything. Wyatt picked Gage up and held him to his chest. He looked at his mother with a smile.

“Thanks, Mom.”
“Anything for you, at any time. I love you so much, Wyatt.” Isabelle noticed her son’s mate

walk into the living room and she blew him a kiss. “Take good care of each other. I’ve got to go see
your brothers!”

Preston rubbed his eyes, but the woman was gone.
“Was that…?” Preston stammered.
“Yeah,” Wyatt smiled, taking Preston into his arms. “It was.”
“Yes, Gage?” Wyatt nuzzled Gage’s neck.
“I’m naked,” Gage giggled.
“Yes, you are. You should put some clothes on.” Wyatt set Gage back down. Gage looked up at

him with his big blue eyes.

“Do I hafta nap?”
“Nope,” Wyatt chuckled. “I think nap time is over.”
“’Kay!” Gage ran back to the bedroom.
Preston watched as Gage ran down the hall, his giggles reverberating around the apartment.
“Did he just call you poppa?” Preston asked quietly.
“Yeah, he did. Took me by surprise.”
“Are you ready for that?” Preston cupped Wyatt’s face in his hands.
“Are you?” Wyatt searched Preston’s eyes.
“Oh, yeah, Wyatt. I’m ready for all of it.”


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John hung up the phone with a huge smile.
Isabelle had visited Xander and Grayson. Their husbands, Jagger and Taylor, had also gotten a

visit from their mother. Grayson said it was the best thing for Taylor as he had always blamed himself
that his mother had died from her cancer.

Looking out over the ocean, he felt a kind of peace in knowing that his sons had all gotten to see

their mother. Isabelle had done a wonderful job raising Sawyer, Grayson and Xander. He didn’t think
he could have done it better.

“Oh, but you did, honey.”
John stiffened. He glanced over his shoulder to see Isabelle smiling at him. She looked like she

did the day of their wedding. Absolutely beautiful.

“You haven’t aged a day, John Quinton. You still look as handsome as the day we took our

vows.” Isabelle motioned towards the beach. “You always did love it here.”

“I proposed right here.” John smiled as his wife walked along the sand towards him.
“I remember. I don’t think I’ve ever seen you so nervous. Well, except for the day you told me

you were a werewolf,” Isabelle chuckled.

“You laughed at me.” John raised both brows.
“Well? Some guy tells you he turns into a wolf, your first rational thought isn’t. ‘Oh, okay. No

biggie, I’ll just buy some Kibbles and Bits and we’ll be good.’”

John chuckled. “You always did have a great sense of humor; Sawyer gets that from you.”
Isabelle looked out over the water. “I’m so proud of you, John. All four of our boys are gay and

you didn’t even bat an eyelash when they came out to you. They’re so very lucky to have you. Jagger
and Taylor, too. You treat them as your own.”

“Because they are,” John turned to his wife. “Just like Preston is. Those boys are mine. They

didn’t deserve what was done to them by their own families.”

“I love it when you get feisty,” Isabelle winked.
“Jesus, Iz, you haven’t changed a bit.”
“No, but you have.” Isabelle took John’s hand. “You have another chance to be happy, John.

That’s all I want for you, you know that, right? It’s time for you to move on and find love again.”

John shook his head. “There will never be anyone like you again.”
“There will be, and you need to be open to it. You have to let me go, John. You deserve so much


“I had that with you. I don’t want to go through that again, don’t you understand? Any woman

I’m with will eventually die. I can’t change her, she’ll end up feral.”

Isabelle cupped John’s face. “You were the greatest love of my life. You gave me four beautiful

boys and I was happy, John. You can make someone else happy and in turn, they’ll bring love back
into your life.”

“God, please don’t leave. I miss you so much,” John whispered, closing his eyes.
“I’ll always love you, John.” Isabelle brushed her lips softly against her husband’s. “Be happy,


The warmth left his lips and John opened his eyes slowly. Isabelle was gone. A gust of wind

swept across his face and a whisper floated on the wind.

Be happy.

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~*Chapter Eight*~

Mateo watched as their house filled with people – and laughter. All of the men had gotten visits

from loved ones long gone. Isabelle had even visited Nadine and thanked her for helping John raise
her boys. They were emotional meetings for all involved and Mateo had to thank the gods and the
fates for allowing him to see his parents again. Riley was in better spirits as more people showed up.

Sam and Dakota had come with them from Ireland to Arizona and stayed. With Matty and Kane

as mates, they’d wanted to give them more time together before separating them. Riley spent most of
his time in the kitchen baking and Mateo had tried to drag him away more than once.

Gage and Ethan were chasing Matty and Kane around the house, with the babble ball bouncing

off everyone and everything.

Ethan was in the process of being adopted by Tristan Miles and Scott Delange. They were

getting married in a few months and Ethan was going to be the ring bearer. Both little boys had lost
their parents to rogues and now both had found families.

Mateo scanned the room, looking at all the men occupying it. Hayden and Ross were in the

corner talking, while Jude stood with Justice and Jaxon Salvatore on the other side of the room. Now
that he was a werewolf, Mateo could sense arousal, among other things, and a huge wave of it was
emanating from Jude every time he looked at Hayden.

Mateo snickered and directed his thoughts at Jude.
“Just give in, Brooks.” Mateo smiled as Jude stiffened and eyed him, glaring.
“Shut up, Esposito.”
Mateo winked and walked into the kitchen. Riley was crouched down looking into the stove.

Four perfectly browned quiches were ready to come out.

“Wow, what else did you make?” Mateo sniffed hungrily.
“A huge rack of lamb and a turkey.” Riley stood up and smiled.
“That’s it?” Mateo chuckled.
“Nope, I ordered fifty pizzas.” Riley’s stomach growled. “God, I’ve never been this hungry!”
Mateo eyed Riley from head to toe. “Me neither.”
Riley chuckled. “Later, baby. We can break the bed again.”
“It can’t hold out much longer. It’s already on the floor after we broke it last time.”
Mateo had to smile. Because they’d kept the broken bed, it sat on the floor, which made it easier

for Matty to jump on it and wake them up. Riley was having a doggie door put in for Matty in the next

Everyone sat around the table, laughing and enjoying the feast. Riley held Matty in his arms as

he ate. Maggie was curled up in Mateo’s arms, sleeping peacefully. At almost two weeks old, she was
very intuitive.

Riley smiled at Dakota with Kane. They had waited so long for kids, and had finally gotten their

wish. He could never thank Josephine enough. Talk around the table turned to the visits from their
loved ones.

“It was weird,” Tristan sighed sadly. “I know they sacrificed themselves for me, and I never

understood it,” Tristan looked down at Ethan in his arms. “I get it now.”

Scott leaned into him and Tristan nuzzled his mate’s hair.
“I know what you mean.” Wyatt looked over at Gage, asleep in Preston’s arms. “I’d do

anything, kill anyone, to protect him.”

“Wyatt’s a dad.” Sawyer grinned at his little brother. “Who’d have thought you’d beat me to

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“You’ll be a father soon enough.” Wyatt took his brother’s hand across the table.
“Sooner or later, we all will.” Troy looked around the table. He smiled at Hayden, who seemed

to inch back a bit.

“What’s wrong, Hayden? Not ready to be a dad?”
“Kind of need a wife first,” Hayden mumbled.
“What?” Jude spluttered.
“Oh!” Mateo laughed. “Surprise, surprise, Hayden! None of us had a wife and we still had kids.

Oh, I forgot you’re bi.”

“So did I,” Jude groused. He looked up to see all the guys looking at him. “What?”
“Nothing,” Scott coughed into his hand.
“So, Vince,” Riley turned to Vince Markov and his FBI agent husband, Keegan. They had gotten

married a while back, after Keegan was assigned by James to go undercover in an attempt to bring
Vince into the folds of the Skull Blaster unit. Vince and his group of assassins kept showing up at the
Blaster’s assignments, and it made sense to James for them to work together. With Keegan as bait,
they got Vince’s attention in a hurry. The mission had not only been successful, it had earned Keegan
a husband. Notorious assassin Vicious Vince was still vicious, he just happened to be in love, too.

“I heard you both got a visit.”
Vince grinned, pulling Keegan into his side. “I did. My mom, dad and sister. Keegan’s dad

came by, too.”

“I told my dad I was gay. Even though he probably figured it out, since I had a husband.”

Keegan’s face heated. “I’d always been afraid of telling him.”

“So, what did he say?” Riley sat forward with his chin in his hands.
“He said ‘duh’.” Vince answered for his husband.
“He told Keegan he always knew and couldn’t have cared less. Then he told me I’d better watch

his son’s back.” Vince kissed Keegan on his forehead and stood up. “Anyone else want a beer?” All
hands went up and Vince laughed, walking into the kitchen.

Kane stirred in Dakota’s arms, yawning and stretching out his legs.
“Uh oh, I think someone’s getting ready to shift.” Sam eyed his son.
Dakota held his son at arm’s length and smiled. Kane shifted in seconds. Vince came back into

the dining room with the beers and stopped.

“Aw, look at Kane; he’s so cute,” Vince said with a grin.
Kane’s ears flattened on his head and he growled softly. Dakota snickered.
“Oh, what’s wrong, Kane? Don’t like being called cute?” Vince put the beers on the table and

cocked an eyebrow at Kane. “How about adorable?”

Kane’s lips lifted as he bared his tiny teeth.
“Cute, adorable little puppy!” Vince chuckled.
Dakota laughed as Kane snarled, wiggling in his grip.
“He’s going to get me!” Vince backed up, his hand on his chest, a look of mock horror on his

face. “Oh, no!”

Dakota set Kane down and he ran straight for Vince, who promptly snatched him up and

covered his face in kisses.

“He’s going to lick me to death,” Vince chuckled.
Sam drew Dakota into his side and smiled at Vince Markov with his son. Kane had spent the

last few days in the presence of the notorious killer and had loved every minute of it. Vince really had
a way with kids.

Keegan sipped his beer, watching his husband play with Kane. Both ‘werepups’ loved Vince.

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Keegan couldn’t blame them. His husband could be a huge sap at times. But he had a feeling it was
more the fact that they sensed a great warrior in Vince.

Keegan smiled at Maggie in Mateo’s arms, sleeping sweetly.
“So, I read in the paper something’s happening in Phoenix this week?” Keegan grinned.
“Oh, yes. I think we should all go. Don’t you?” Riley raised his brows.
“What’s going on?” Tristan narrowed his eyes.
Scott went to the front room and came back with the newspaper. He opened it and put it in front

of all the guys.

“This is.” Scott put his hands on his hips.
“Oh, we are so going!” Wyatt laughed loudly.
“I’m totally going to love this.” Mateo rubbed his hands together.
“I love going every year.” Vince gave Kane one last smooch and put him back down.
“Yes, we know, Vince,” Keegan sighed.
“Well, we’ve got a booth set up for the outreach centers so we have to go anyway.” Riley looked

at the whole group. “We should all be there for that reason alone.”

“Yeah, but the other reasons are so much more fun!” Mateo cracked up.
“Lord,” Riley rolled his eyes. “Here we go again.”
“Let’s go sit by the pool for a bit. It’s beautiful out.” Mateo took Riley’s hand.
The group sat out on lounge chairs staring at the star-filled sky. Sounds from the canyon echoed

around them. Riley sipped his strawberry daiquiri and looked over the pool, glowing with lights.

“God, it’s so beautiful out here. I can’t wait to run in the canyon,” Riley sighed.
Vince tilted his head, looking at the pool. “Wasn’t this yellow at one time?”
Keegan snickered.
“Yeah, it was.” Mateo raised his brows.
“I wonder how that happened?” Vince sat back in his chair with a grin. He pulled Keegan into

his chest and nuzzled his hair.

“Probably the same way yours turned red,” Riley chuckled.
“I’m really going to miss this.” Dakota snuggled into Sam. “All of us hanging out.”
“Well, we’ve got more outreach center parties coming up.” Riley leaned his head back and

smiled at Mateo.

“It’s going to be hard to beat the Valentine’s Day party,” Vince smiled. “Nikolai really set the

bar high.”

“Who knew he could sing so well?” Keegan laughed, remembering his stepson’s performance.
“Well, July Fourth is right around the corner. We’re having that party at the Seattle center, then

another one for Christmas at the Phoenix center.” Riley closed his eyes as Mateo’s lips kissed his neck

“That is so cool,” Sawyer sighed happily. “All those kids have somewhere to go, and have

people who care.”

“Yes, well,” Vince chuckled. “We’ll be taking over the planet soon.”
“Planet of the Gays?” Keegan snickered.
“I like it.” Troy pulled Sawyer closer to him.
Riley’s head felt heavy on his chest and Mateo caressed his cheek. “Tired?”
“Yes, I guess I am.”
“Well, let’s head in. We’re going to need all our energy tomorrow if we’re going to take over

the world.” Vince stood up.

“That’s planet.” Keegan pointed at his husband.
“Well,” Mateo cocked his head to the side. “We are kind of an army.”

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“Hell, yeah!” they all shouted in unison.
“Nite,” Riley laughed, walking inside.


Riley ran around the house packing up the diaper bag and stroller. Mateo was chasing Matty

down. Again. The last three days had been spent with the guys, relaxing around the pool and
barbequing at night. They’d had a full house for almost a week now.

Not only were Sam and Dakota staying with them, but Sawyer, Troy, Josh and Mark were as

well. Vince and Keegan, as well as James and Derek, were putting up the rest of the guys at their

Riley loved it. He’d lost his parents, but had gained so much more over the years. A husband,

good friends and now their children. All of their kids would grow up together.

They figured out pretty quickly that Matty and Kane could communicate with each other. They

would sit and stare at each other for hours. It was so cute.

While Sam and Dakota were there, the boys were inseparable. Maggie would sit in her carrier

and drool while watching her brother run around. The moment Maggie would cry, Matty would be at
her side. Riley smiled as his son ran by him and into the kitchen.

“Matty!” Mateo called out from the hall.
Riley chuckled softly. “He’s in the kitchen.”
Mateo came into the living room and leaned against the wall. “Thank God I’m a super-strong

werewolf. I swear he’s going to kill me.”

“If you’d use your inside voice,” Riley snickered, “he might stop running.”
Mateo raised his brows. “Are you saying I yell?”
Riley smiled and shook the travel-size bag of Cheerios. “Matty? You want a snack?” Riley

covered his laugh as claws clicked on the kitchen tiles. Matty poked his head around the doorway.

Mateo knelt down and put his arms out. “Come here, Matty. Don’t you want to go play at the


Matty’s ear perked up at the word ‘play’.
Kane came barreling through the living room and pounced on Matty. Dakota threw the diaper

bag over his shoulder and smiled down at his son.

“He was scratching at the bedroom door.” Dakota knelt down and put his arms out. “We have to

go out with people, Kane. So you need to be human, okay?”

Kane tilted his head and padded over to his father. Dakota picked him up and Kane shifted

seconds later. Matty made his way over to Mateo and sat down at his feet. Mateo grinned and picked
him up.

“Let’s go put your big boy clothes on, okay?” Mateo kissed Matty’s forehead.
“Yeah, Kane’s not too keen on clothes,” Sam said, walking into the living room.
Maggie squealed and Riley laughed, picking her up out of the carrier.
“Maggie wants to see people?” Riley blew bubbles on Maggie’s cheek.
Sam looked at his watch then over his shoulder. “Bishop!”
“Which one?” Sawyer grinned, walking down the hall.
“Either,” Sam said with a laugh.
There was a quick rap at the front door before it opened. Keegan’s face poked inside.
“We’re ready.” Keegan walked in and broke into a grin at the sight of the babies. “Aw! They are

so cute!”

“Good morning, Mr. Markov,” Riley winked at Keegan

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“Morning, Esposito clan.” Keegan held out his arms for Maggie. “How’s my girl?”
“Fed and changed and happy.” Riley handed her over. “Oh! Mateo, I almost forgot! I got us

some of those stick-people decals for our rear windows! Look: Two dads, a boy baby, a girl baby, and
a puppy for when Matty’s a wolf! Isn’t that a hoot?! Mine’s already on the Land Rover; go put yours
on the Impala.”

“Um, no?” Mateo raised an eyebrow.
“Seriously? It’s us! It’s our family.” Riley narrowed his eyes.
“Trust me, my refusal to defile a classic car with vinyl doesn’t make me a bad father,” Mateo

laughed, dodging Riley’s swipe.

“Well, don’t blame me when they end up in therapy,” Riley snorted.
Mateo doubled over with laughter. “Oh, trust me; there will be plenty for them to bring to the


Just then, Vince stepped into the house with a huge grin.
“Who’s ready to go fuck with people?”
They all raised their hands.


They looked like a parade driving down Pima Freeway. The streets were quickly flooding with

people as the morning sun made its way up. Even in April, Arizona was scorching. Riley took the exit
for East Indian School Road and looked in the rearview mirror as they turned onto Hayden Road.
Hayden sat quietly in the seat, watching the landscape go by. Riley grinned.

“Hey, Hayden. We’re turning onto your road,” Riley chuckled.
Hayden sat up in the seat and smiled. “That’s kind of cool. Maybe I should move out here?”
“I don’t think so,” Jude huffed.
Hayden turned in the seat and looked right at Jude.
“Did you forget that Ross and Noah live with you? What about them?” Jude narrowed his eyes.

Okay, that was kind of lame, but the thought of Hayden moving out of Washington gave him a feeling
of dread in his gut. What the hell was wrong with him anyway? This was Cox the cock, his grade
school tormentor, his mortal enemy. Wasn’t it?

Riley quietly observed the men in the backseat. Matty and Maggie’s heads bobbed back and

forth between the conversations.

“I think Maggie likes you, Hayden,” Riley said with a smile. His daughter was staring

myopically at Hayden, drool dribbling from her pink little mouth.

“She’s such a cutie,” Hayden touched Maggie’s cheek softly with his fingertip. “Aren’t you?

You’re such a beautiful little girl.” Hayden looked up to see all eyes on him, mouths dropped in

He cleared his throat and sat back.
“Nothing.” Jude looked out the window with a smile.
Riley pulled into the lot and parked his Land Rover, followed by the rest of the guys. Mateo was

out, grabbing the stroller, and Riley unbuckled Matty from his car seat. Maggie wiggled and made
squealing noises.

“You’re going, too,” Riley laughed at his daughter’s sounds.
Sam held Kane in his arms and took Dakota’s hand. The rest of the group piled out of the cars

and helped grab coolers. Riley put Maggie and Matty in the twin stroller and they headed toward the

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“Happy pride!” a man said, handing them a brochure.
“It is that!” Riley grinned. He was wearing his signature ‘Get over it!’ shirt, which pictured two

men kissing. Mateo’s shirt said ‘I love my husband.’

Vince wore his ‘I’m with him’ shirt that featured an arrow pointing at Keegan. Keegan’s was

identical, but the arrow pointed the other way, towards Vince.

Wyatt and Preston wore matching rainbow shirts, with flames on the back. Gage had on an ‘I

have two daddies, and I love it’ shirt. He walked between them, holding both their hands. Ethan was
on Tristan’s shoulders. They made quite a group.

Riley waved at James and Derek Jacobs manning the Camp Pride and outreach center booth.

The rest of the guys approached the booth and took the shirts being handed out by James. They’d wear
them the rest of the day to bring awareness to the camp and all the outreach centers.

Hayden pulled on one of the shirts and looked around the festival. There looked to be thousands

of people roaming around, smiling and laughing.

The usual protestors were across the park. Hayden shot them a look and turned back to James

and Derek.

“I can man it for a while if you guys want to go mingle.”
“I’ll stay, too,” Jude said, walking behind the information booth table.
Scott raised a brow at his brother but said nothing. He looked at Ethan and took his hand.
“You want a hot dog?” Ethan nodded and Scott took Tristan’s hand, leading them toward the hot

dog vendor.

“I see cotton candy!” Gage jumped up and down in between Wyatt and Preston.
“Oh, a kid after my own heart,” Josh sighed comically.
Wyatt grinned and walked in the direction of the cotton candy machines.
Josh turned to Mark with his saddest puppy-dog eyes.
“Oh all right!” Mark sighed, following Wyatt.
“I swear you are like a giant child, Montgomery,” Derek laughed, leaning against his husband.
Wyatt grabbed the cotton candy and handed the vendor his money. When he turned to give it to

Gage, he realized he wasn’t there. Panic set in and Wyatt looked around wildly.

“Gage!?” Wyatt shouted.
Preston scanned the crowd, alarm rising in him as well. “Gage!? Where are you?” Preston

grabbed Wyatt’s hand.

“Where is he, Preston? Oh God, maybe someone took him!”
“Calm down, babe,” Preston soothed, trying not to panic completely. “He couldn’t have gotten

that far.”

“What if some homophobe took our son?!” Wyatt frantically scanned the crowd for the little


“There!” Tristan pointed. “He’s over there!”
Wyatt ran, relief overwhelming him. If he didn’t reel it in, he was going shift in front of


“Gage!” Wyatt shouted.
Gage turned around at the sound of his fathers’ desperate calls. He looked at the man in front of

him again and scowled.

“I thought God loved everyone?” Gage demanded, small hands on hips. “It’s in the Bible.”
“Gays are different, son. You should be with a mommy and daddy,” the man said. “It’s not

natural to have two daddies.”

“I had a mommy and a daddy. They died. Now I have two daddies.” Gage grinned wide. “They

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love me and I love them.”

“Oh, thank God!” Wyatt swept Gage up into his arms and held him close. “Don’t scare me like

that again.” He inhaled his son’s scent, letting it wash over him and calm him.

“If you touched my kid,” Preston began, growling at the man with the protest sign.
“He said he had something to tell me.” Gage held onto Wyatt’s neck tightly.
“Oh, I’ve got something to tell you,” Wyatt snapped at the man.
Tristan walked in between them and looked over his shoulder at the protestor.
“Don’t bother, Wyatt. He won’t hear it. It makes sense, therefore he won’t understand it. Come

on, let’s go have fun.”

“I don’t like him, Daddy.” Ethan narrowed his eyes at the man with the sign.
Tristan froze. He looked down at Ethan, his mouth hanging open.
“W-what?” Tristan knelt down to be at Ethan’s level.
“I said I don’t like him, Daddy. He’s mean.” Ethan crawled into Tristan’s arms. He looked up at

Scott and put his hand out. “Let’s go, Dad.”

Scott nodded slowly. They walked away from the protestors and Tristan set Ethan down. Both

men knelt to be at his level and Scott palmed Ethan’s face.

“How come you look sad?” Ethan put his hand on Scott’s.
“Not sad, Ethan. We’re actually really happy.” Scott turned his head and wiped at his eyes.
Tristan smiled as Scott tried to hide his tears. He’d never seen Scott cry. He had to admit, Ethan

calling him ‘Daddy’ almost had him breaking down. As it was, he could feel the heat in his cheeks and
his eyes pooling.

“Was it okay I called you Daddy? My mommy and daddy came to see me; they said I would be

loved.” Ethan looked from Tristan to Scott.

“It’s more than okay, Ethan. I just want you to know that I’ll never try to replace your real

father. Your parents will always be remembered in our house.”

Ethan threw his arms around Tristan, and held his hand out to Scott.
“We’re a family,” Ethan declared.
“Yes.” Scott kissed Ethan’s cheek. “We are.”


Wyatt didn’t want to let go of Gage. Those few seconds of not knowing where he was had

scared him to death. He held his son in his arms as closely as he could.

Wyatt sniffed and pulled away slightly. “Yes?”
“I’m sorry I scared you. I won’t let anyone take me. I have claws,” Gage grinned.
Preston snickered.
“Yes, yes you do, but we talked about that right?” Wyatt asked.
Gage nodded his head. “Uh huh, you said I can only show them to people who are like me.”
“That’s right,” Preston took Wyatt and Gage into his arms. “We’ll protect you with our lives.

We have a special secret.”

“That man said we’re not a family.” Gage scowled. “I don’t like him.”
“People have their own beliefs, Gage,” Preston said. “We can’t judge them for how they feel or

we’re just like them. We have to show them we’re better by being nice.”

“I don’t want to be nice.”
Wyatt closed his eyes and tried not to laugh.
“Neither do I, little man,” Preston laughed. “Neither do I.”

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~*Chapter Nine*~

Thankfully, the rest of the day went without too many problems. Vince and Mateo had way too

much fun fucking with the protestors, and even got Troy and Sam in on it.

Dakota sat at the outreach booth with Jude, watching Hayden and the guys playing football.

Maggie was in the carrier asleep, sucking on her pacifier while Kane and Matty napped in the playpen.
The day had gotten sweltering as it progressed, and they had set up fans in the booth.

Dakota watched Sam cock his arm back and send the pigskin forty-five yards and into Riley’s

hands. Riley shook his butt and was tackled by his husband.

“Thank God they were changed; that would have hurt,” Jude laughed.
“Hey, how’s your dad?” Dakota looked over at Jude.
Jude shrugged. “He’s okay, I guess. Trying to fill his days. He’s going to be making the move to

Seattle soon from Oregon.”

“Really? I didn’t know that.” Dakota sat back in surprise.
“Yeah, he said he wanted to be closer to me and the guys,” Jude grinned. “But I know the real


“Jackson moved last month,” Dakota nodded knowingly.
“Yep and he’s been showing my dad available real estate – which I find hilarious, since that’s

what my dad’s job was way back when. Now he’s acting like he knows nothing about it,” Jude

Dakota’s brows pinched. “What did Jackson do for a living?”
“You don’t know?” Jude smiled broadly. Dakota shook his head and Jude grinned. “Dad doesn’t

know, either. Jackson Murphy was career Navy. He’s a former SEAL just like the guys in his pack.”

Dakota’s jaw dropped. “Your dad doesn’t know that?”
Jude shook his head. “Nope. He just thinks Jackson was in the Navy as a cook.”
“Who told him that?” Dakota searched Jude’s face and smiled. “You did?”
“Yep. Can’t wait to see his face when Jackson tells him the truth.”
“You’re evil,” Dakota laughed. He sobered and turned his attention back to the football game.

Hayden was shirtless, sweat rolling down his perfect torso in rivulets. Tattoos of skulls ran down his

“Wow, Hayden sure is muscular,” Dakota commented innocently, keeping his laughter in check

as Jude basically drooled. “Isn’t he Special Forces?”

“Shhh,” Jude whispered. “They don’t exist.”
Dakota laughed. “Oh that’s right. Like the Roswell aliens.”
Jude eyed Dakota. “You believe in aliens?”
“Uh, I’m a werewolf?” Dakota raised an eyebrow.
Jude cracked up. “I think it’s amazing how much information we’ve become privy to since

working for James. Of course, we’re all sworn to secrecy but still. It’s cool.”

“Well, we trusted them with our secret, so they’re trusting us.” Dakota peered in on Matty and

Kane, still sleeping. “So, you want kids someday?”

“Maybe,” Jude said quietly. “I’d have to find the right person, though. Someday I hope to find

my mate.”

“I think you have already.” Dakota nodded towards Hayden.
“That will never happen.” Jude crossed his arms over his chest.
“Hayden told me everything,” Dakota said sadly. “How he picked on you in school, about his

parents dying, being changed into a werewolf. Everything. I know it still hurts him to think of how he

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treated you back then. He’s a different person, Jude. I think you know he’s tried to make it up to you.”

“I’m trying to see him as someone other than that Hayden, but it’s hard. Every time I look at

him, I see the bully who shoved me into my locker.”

“Try to give him a chance, Jude. I think you’ll find that this Hayden Cox is nothing like the kid

you knew.”

“Maybe,” Jude tilted his head, watching Hayden. The man was beautiful, even covered in sweat.

Men and women had stopped to watch the football game and Jude’s hackles rose as one man
approached Hayden after the play was over. He strained his ears to hear the conversation.

“Are you eavesdropping?” Dakota chuckled.
“Oh? Well, I am. Hayden’s telling him thanks, but no thanks.”
“Really?” Jude turned quickly to look at Dakota. A small smile played at the other man’s lips.
“Dammit, Dakota,” Jude grumbled.
“Just admit it; you find him attractive. You always have. I’m being sincere; he really did just

say that.”

“Shh, kids are coming.” Jude stood up and grabbed a handful of fliers.
As far as Dakota was concerned, this was the best part of the day, letting kids know there were

places they could go, places where people actually cared about them if they found themselves without

They had videos of Camp Pride and handed them out to all the kids, as well as business cards

listing all the outreach centers in the surrounding areas. Dakota looked over his shoulder to see Kane

“Jude, can you get Kane a bottle for me? It’s in the diaper bag.”
“Sure, no prob.” Jude looked through the bag and found the ready-made bottle. He picked Kane

up out of the playpen and held him in his arms. The baby smiled up at him and cooed.

It was hard to believe he was holding an alpha. At some point, he would be taking orders from

the child in his arms. Kane grabbed at the bottle in his hands and Jude put it in his mouth.

“It’s so hard to believe one day Kane will be ruling us.”
Dakota smiled down at his son and looked at Jude. “You look good with a kid.”
“Will you stop?” Jude chuckled.
“Hey guys, is there a bottle of water back there?”
Jude looked up and clamped his mouth shut. Hayden stood in front of the table, chest heaving,

covered in sweat. Jude licked his lips.

“Sure is.” Dakota flipped open the cooler and handed Hayden the cold bottle.
Hayden leaned over Kane, running his fingers on the baby’s cheek. “Hey, little man. How ya

doin’?” Hayden laughed as Kane grabbed his fingers. The baby tugged on them until they rested on
Jude’s hand holding the bottle.

Hayden looked up quickly and backed up just as quickly. “Well, uh, thanks.”
Dakota watched as Hayden almost ran back to the game. He looked over at his son with a raised

brow. Kane had the sight; did he see something in the future for Hayden and Jude? Dakota smiled.
God, he hoped so.


By the time they left, the sun was setting and the entire group was worn out. Riley pulled into

the driveway and rolled out of the seat in total exhaustion. The twins were fast asleep, as was Kane.

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The day had taken its toll on everyone. Sam grabbed the carrier and helped Dakota out of the car.
Mateo grabbed Matty’s carrier and the diaper bag, as Riley picked up Maggie. They all dragged
themselves to the front door. The house was ice cold and Riley sighed in bliss.

“So tired,” Dakota groaned, leaning against Sam.
“Me too, babe. See you guys in the morning.” Sam patted Mateo on his back.
“Yup.” Mateo walked down to the twins’ bedroom with Riley right behind him. He took Matty

out of the carrier carefully and put him down in the crib. Riley put Maggie in right next to him and
they curled up together.

“Look how cute they are,” Riley whispered, stifling a yawn. “I’m going to go shower.”
Mateo nodded. “Okay, I’ll lock up.”
Riley stood in the shower with the water pounding his back and shoulders. The day had taken a

toll on him. He didn’t have a clue as to what he’d do if one of his children was taken from him. Wyatt
and Preston had suffered incredibly and Gage had only been missing for seconds.

Riley smiled to himself. Little Wyatt was now a dad, as was Preston.
He took a long, deep breath and it caught in his chest as Mateo’s mouthwatering smell invaded

the shower stall. Riley closed his eyes as hands trailed down his sides. Fingers feathered across his ass
cheeks and dipped into his crack. Riley spread his legs out, as Mateo’s mouth sucked on his shoulder.

“You’ve been restraining yourself.” Riley leaned his head back to meet Mateo’s lips.
“I wanted to give you time; you were going through so much,” Mateo breathed across Riley’s


“It had to have been hard on you. I know the instinct to take me has been there this whole time.”
“It has,” Mateo agreed, kissing Riley’s neck as his fingers stroked Riley’s ass lovingly. “But I

love you; I can wait.”

“I can’t,” Riley growled. “Take me.”
“Riley, it’s—”
“I know what it is. You want to take me, pound me into the fucking wall, then bite me and own


The growl from Mateo echoed around the bathroom and Riley’s mouth watered. His canines

elongated and claws flared from his fingers.

“Fuck me, Mateo,” he demanded. “Hard.”
Mateo thrust into him and Riley’s claws broke through the tile wall. Mateo’s arms were around

his upper thighs, holding him up as he pounded into him. Riley tilted his head back, letting the water
slide over his neck. This was what he had needed all along; he needed Mateo to complete him in a way
no one else ever would. Mateo’s fingers wrapped around his dick and Riley almost screamed as the
pleasure came crashing down on him.

He came with a violent shudder, his long, drawn-out cry echoing in the bathroom. Mateo came

with a roar and lodged his canines in Riley’s neck. Another violent orgasm raced through them both as
the connection melded them together.

Mateo’s arms wrapped around him, pulling him back. Riley tipped his head back and licked

Mateo’s bottom lip.

Mateo chuckled.
“My turn,” Riley growled.
Mateo’s head spun as Riley whipped him around. His normally soft-spoken and laidback

husband was quite forceful these days.

Damn. That was just sexy as all hell.

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He barely had time to grab onto anything as Riley spread his ass cheeks apart and speared his

ass. That tongue was replaced seconds later by Riley’s hardened cock.

“Oh Jesus!” Mateo gripped the shower wall.
“Yeah?” Riley growled against Mateo’s neck. “I’m just getting started.”


Dakota stifled a giggle as the sounds from Riley and Mateo’s bathroom filtered through the

house. Kane was snuggled in between him and Sam, sleeping peacefully.

“Wow. I think they need to soundproof their room,” Sam laughed. “I’m afraid I’m finding out

WAY more than I ever needed to about my Army buddies.”

Kane sighed softly and Dakota kissed his forehead.
“Are you ready to head home? I know Nadine misses Kane already.” Dakota ran his fingers

through the baby’s silken hair.

Sam pulled Dakota closer to him, mindful of the baby, and kissed him.
“Yes, my mom loves having the baby around. I’m glad Riley and Mateo are going to visit with

the twins. She jokes about how they make her feel young.”

Dakota searched Sam’s eyes. “You want to change her and your father, don’t you?”
“I won’t lie. The thought of losing my mom and dad hurts me. I look at all the guys who have

lost their parents and I realize how lucky I am to still have both of mine.”

Dakota closed his eyes with a sigh. “You want me to contact my parents, don’t you?”
“I think if you don’t, and something happens to one of them, you’ll regret it for the rest of your

life. At least try to mend the fence with them. If they still won’t have any part of you – well, at least
you tried.”

Dakota pulled Sam to his lips. “I love you, you know that, right?”
“I do. I love you, too.”
“We should get some rest. Another long day awaits us.”
Sam nodded, looking down at his son sleeping peacefully. “Yes, now we get to the part where

we have to separate Matty and Kane.”

“Well, we know they can communicate, so hopefully it won’t be too bad. Besides, they’ll see

each other very soon.”

“Yes. I can remember when we were contemplating moving to Arizona on the off chance Riley

and Mateo’s child was a werewolf and they needed our help. Now that they are both changed, they can
actually handle him.”

Dakota chuckled. “I’m sorry, have you not seen Matty with Mateo? Those two are exact replicas

of each other.”

Sam smiled wickedly. “Oh, I know. It’s about time Esposito got a taste of his own obnoxious


“You are so evil, babe,” Dakota laughed quietly.
“I know.” Sam grinned.


Mateo woke up to the soft sounds of music in the room. Rolling over, he eyed the clock. Two in

the morning. He rolled back over to see the purple hippo staring at him blankly. He smiled and
reached over to turn the volume up on the baby monitor. The sound of Cheap Trick and “The Flame”
softly flowed from the small speaker.

Mateo grinned and got out of bed. He crept down the hall to the babies’ room and peeked in.

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Riley had both twins in his arms and was swaying back and forth to the music. Mateo leaned against
the wall, just watching his husband. Riley was made to be a father. He was so loving – so patient.

“Hey,” Mateo whispered.
Riley looked up and smiled. God, that smile. Mateo crossed the room and took Riley and the

twins in his arms. They swayed together, all four of them, to the music.

“Remember this song?” Riley whispered.
“Of course I do. It was the first time I kissed you.” Mateo smiled at the memory.
“It was also the night that you made love to me for the first time. Although you played it off as


“Yeah?” Mateo grinned. “And you had a fit.”
Riley pouted. “Did not.”
“Did, too. In fact, I specifically remember you yelling at me and telling me to fuck off,” Mateo

chuckled softly.

“Well, you were being an asshole.” Riley kissed Mateo’s lips.
“My specialty back then.”
“Yeah, well, I took you down with little to no effort,” Riley grinned lasciviously.
“Because you were you.” Mateo caressed Riley’s cheek. “I knew something was off that day.

Now I know it was my dad’s voice telling me not to pull the trigger.” Mateo closed his eyes and
inhaled the scent of his husband and kids.

After years of being alone, he had Riley and the twins. He leaned back and studied Riley’s

youthful appearance.

“I’m not going to shift a lot.” Mateo looked into his husband’s eyes.
Riley nodded. “You want to work off your own abilities. I had a feeling you would.”
“Don’t get me wrong, it makes it easier with Matty, but I’ve spent most of my life perfecting

my craft. Even Sam and Troy stay human on missions. Well, most of the time. The werewolf thing is
cool, but it’s not going to be a huge part of my life. I’ll shift when I have to, mainly for Matty.”

“I understand.” Riley smiled up at his much taller husband. “but I’m so going to have fun with


Matty yawned and stretched out between them. His eyes opened and he studied Mateo’s face

slowly. Mateo leaned in and kissed the small forehead.

“You are going to have one heck of a life, little man.” Mateo brushed the hair from Matty’s


“What about Maggie? I know Evangeline is working on some form of medication for the


“We’ll have to wait and see. Besides,” Mateo kissed his daughter’s cheek. “We have years to

figure that out.”

Mateo pulled his family close to him and sang the words softly into Riley’s ear.
“You learned the song?” Riley whispered.
“It’s our song. Of course I did.”
Riley snuggled into Mateo’s chest. “I love you, Mateo Esposito.”
“I love you, too.”
Once the twins were safely in their crib, Mateo took Riley back to bed. He rolled over on top of

Riley and framed his face within his hands, kissing him softly. With all the guests in the house, they
hadn’t had much one on one time. Well, except for their romp in the shower earlier.

Mateo smiled while kissing Riley.
“What are you chuckling about?” Riley breathed against his husband’s lips.
“I’m thinking about earlier. You surprised me.”

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Riley bit Mateo’s bottom lip. “Oh, the shower? Yeah, something about being a werewolf makes

me horny.”

Mateo laughed softly. “You’re always horny.”
“Well, look at who I’m married to.” Riley gently touched Mateo’s bottom lip with his finger.

His cock hardened as Mateo sucked the finger in, rolling his tongue around the tip. “Don’t get me
started,” Riley growled.

Mateo sucked Riley’s finger in deeper, twirling his tongue around the digit. Riley’s canines

elongated and Mateo released the finger slowly.

“You were saying?” Mateo ground his cock against Riley’s.
A loud growl resounded around the room.


Dakota sat up in bed. “Oh come on, not again.”
Sam chuckled.

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~*Chapter Ten*~

Mateo opened the door to Antarctica. The house was freezing, and he expected to see a polar

bear at any moment. Or a penguin.

The stereo was on full blast and Riley was dancing to the music as he vacuumed the living

room. Mateo had left the house early in the morning for a meeting at the FBI office with James and
Derek. Somehow Lucas Cain, James’ old Bureau partner, had gone off the grid. James had called
Brody Blackthorn – Lucas’ supposed boyfriend, only to hear that he also had no clue where Lucas was.

Something was off, and James didn’t like it one bit. Neither did Mateo.
The twins were growing fast. In wolf form, Matty was the size of a four-month-old puppy.

Maggie was progressing as well. She would get irritated when she couldn’t grab something, or keep up
with her brother, but Matty would always come back to her and wait. They’d gone to the reservation a
few weeks back to see Dakota and Sam. Kane pounced on Matty the second he saw him; it was like
they’d never been apart.

Mateo grinned at Riley singing and shaking his ass.
“Hello!” he shouted.
Riley turned with a huge grin.
“Why is the music so loud? Where are the twins?”
“Sleeping!” Riley shouted.
“Through this?” Mateo shouted back.
“Yes! You have to get them used to a lot of noise instead of creeping around all the time.

Nadine told me!”

Mateo shook his head with a chuckle and dropped his bag off by the front door. He smacked

Riley’s ass on his way down the hall to the twins’ room. Peeking in, he smiled at Matty, snuggled up
into Maggie. Both of them were sound asleep.

“I told you,” Riley said.
Mateo jumped. “Jesus! Don’t do that.”
“I spooked you? I spooked the badass Skull Blaster?” Riley guffawed.
Mateo grabbed him around the waist and kissed him. Even after being married to the man for

years, he’d never get tired of him, and now they had so many more years to be together.

“What are you thinking?” Riley bit Mateo’s lower lip softly.
“I’m thinking I like where this is going.” Mateo grabbed Riley’s butt cheek and pulled him


“Yeah?” Riley slipped his hand into Mateo’s pants. “Oooh, commando.”
“I have a mission.” Mateo walked backwards with Riley’s ass in his hand.
“Well, make that mission quick because we only have another half hour of twin sleeping.”
“Half hour?” Mateo sighed loudly. “Oh, all right.”
“Big baby,” Riley laughed softly, wrapping his legs around his husband’s hips.
“I’ll show you my something big.”
Riley grinned.


Sam stretched out on the sofa and closed his eyes. The 3 a.m. feedings were almost over.

Because Kane was a werewolf, he ate twice as much as a normal baby. He and Dakota were running
themselves ragged. His mom had taken Kane on more than one occasion just so he and Dakota could

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Sam smiled as Dakota came in the front door.
“I hear you,” he called out.
“Well, then come help me. I have a truck full of groceries.”
“You’re so domesticated,” Sam chuckled. A low growl came from behind and then Dakota

sprang on top of him and rolled over into his lap.

“Domesticated, eh?” Dakota bit Sam’s bottom lip.
“You are just as sexy as the first day I saw you.” Sam cupped Dakota’s face in his hands.
“I was in wolf form.” Dakota raised his eyebrows.
“You were still sexy, even then. That first night at the bar, when you kissed me – I felt that all

over my body. I had to get more; I wanted you so much. I still want you.”

Dakota kissed Sam softly as they stretched out on the couch. “I feel the same way.”
A growl came from behind the couch and Dakota chuckled. “Kane?”
“And he’s back in wolf form,” Sam sighed.
Kane jumped on the couch and sat down on Dakota’s butt. He eyed both men, his head tilted to

the side.

“Hungry?” Sam asked.
“He probably is. Why don’t you come help me and we’ll sit down to dinner together.”
Sam looked at his son. Kane’s head was still cocked to one side.
“I think he and Matty are talking.”
“We need to get them back together soon. I can always tell when they start missing each other.”
“It’s like me when you’re gone,” Dakota sighed and snuggled into Sam’s chest.
“I’m not going anywhere for a while, not if I can help it.”
“So, Ireland this summer,” Dakota yawned and closed his eyes.
“Right after the Fourth of July. You like going there, don’t you?”
“Mmm hmm.”
Sam moved a stray strand of hair from Dakota’s face and kissed his forehead. He moved slowly,

trying not to move Dakota too much.

“Get some sleep; I’ll unpack the groceries.” Sam smiled, already hearing Dakota’s soft snores.

He looked over at Kane and motioned to his son.

“Come on, kiddo. Bathroom break.”
Kane trotted to the door and sat down. It was like seeing Wyatt all over again. Except his son

was an alpha. Sam smiled at the thought.

They stepped out onto the porch and Kane went around the side of the house. Sam unloaded the

truck and waited for Kane to come back. Having a child was definitely an experience. Having a
werewolf child was an even bigger one. Kane came back around the house and sat by the front door.
Sam crouched down and petted Kane’s head.

“You miss Matty, don’t you?” Kane whined and nuzzled his hand. “I know, we’ll see them soon

though, all right?”

Sam picked up Kane and laughed when he let out a growl at Sam’s dog, Rocky. The poor dog

whined and tucked his tail between his legs.

“Aw, it’s okay, Rocky. Kane just needs to be fed. Come on, boy.”
Dakota was stirring on the couch and Sam looked at the time. Dinner would be done soon. They

had discussed calling his parents, but Sam knew he’d have to push the issue.

“Dakota?” Sam sat down on the edge of the couch.
“I know, I heard you.” Dakota sat up and stretched out.
“I’ll be right here. I promise if they say anything mean, me and the guys will fly out to Alaska

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and kick their asses.”

Dakota chuckled. “Hand me the phone.”
Dakota had found out his parents still lived in the same house in Fairbanks. The telephone

number hadn’t changed, either. Dakota hoped it was because maybe someday they hoped he would
call. He dialed the number and held his breath. On the third ring, the phone was picked up and a
female voice came over the line.

Dakota’s hand shook as his mother’s voice floated over the miles and into his ear. His breath

hitched as the night his parents kicked him out of the house for being gay resurfaced in his memory.

“Dakota? Is that you? Please say it’s you!”
Sam nudged him and Dakota finally opened his mouth. “It’s me.”
A deep sigh came over the line and Dakota gripped the phone more tightly.
“I so hoped you’d call someday. I’m so sorry, Dakota. Your father and I are so very sorry for


Dakota’s eyes pooled and he sniffed, wiping his nose.
Sam held Dakota close to him. His husband deserved to be loved. And dammit, he’d make sure

he always was.


The morning’s rays penetrated the thin curtains in the room. Sam rolled onto his side and

looked at Dakota’s peaceful face. The conversation with his parents had gone well – so well, in fact,
they were going to come and visit. Sam placed a soft kiss on Dakota’s lips and smiled when he
whimpered softly. He eased out of bed and looked at the time. It was nine in the morning and Kane
hadn’t woken them up.

Sam slid his slippers on and padded down the hall to Kane’s room. The door was open and Kane

was sitting on the floor, eating the bedroom rug. He sighed and picked up his son.

“That’s the second one, Kane. What’s wrong with the hambone we bought for you?”
Kane huffed and nuzzled him. Sam looked around the room; the hambone from last night was

nowhere to be found. Sam eyed his son.

“Did you eat the whole thing?”
Kane whined softly and Sam held his son more tightly.
“Hey, let’s go see what Grandma’s making for breakfast, okay?”
Sam left a note for Dakota and shut the front door quietly. He’d let Dakota sleep a bit longer.

The whole ordeal from last night had taken a mental and emotional toll on his husband. The smell of
bacon greeted his nostrils as he neared his parents’ house. Kane wiggled in his grip and Sam put him
down. His son ran right through the doggie door of his parents’ house.

“I’m not feeding you until you shift!”
Sam chuckled at his mother’s tone of voice. It was the same one she had used with him, as well

as with Troy and all the Quinton boys. Sam stepped into the kitchen he’d grown up in. His mother
stood by the stove in her apron, looking down at her grandson.

“Morning, Ma.” Sam stepped over to her and kissed her cheek.
“Morning. Your son is just as stubborn as you were.”
“Yeah? But he’s a lot cuter. Look at that face.” Sam bent down to grab his son. “You just can’t

help but give into his pout.” Sam stuck his bottom lip out at Kane.

“That right there will have your son ruling over you. Alpha or not, he is still your son and you

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have to make sure he knows who’s in charge.”

“Oh he knows, don’t you, Kane?” Sam said, remembering Ireland and Kane testing him. Kane

nuzzled him and yipped.

“Good.” Nadine pointed at Kane with her spatula. “Now shift.”
Kane shifted and cooed.
“Much better!” Nadine laughed.
The sound of tires in the driveway caught Sam’s attention. He tilted his head, listening. The

sound of Wyatt and Preston talking to Gage floated down the driveway.

“You expecting company?” Sam smiled.
Nadine’s brows furrowed.
Nadine dropped the spatula and ran to the door. Her smile widened as Wyatt, Preston and Gage

made their way to the house. Another car was coming down the drive and Nadine clapped her hands at
the sight of Grayson and Xander with their husbands.

“What’s all this?” Nadine wiped at her eyes. She had missed the four Quinton boys.
“We figured since you wouldn’t be going to Ireland this time, we’d come visit.” Wyatt took

Nadine in his arms.

“Hey, Ma!” Grayson waved, getting out of the truck.
Nadine held a hand to her chest. These were her boys, all grown up. The visit from Isabelle

Quinton had given her peace. She’d never wanted to replace Isabelle in the boys’ lives, and Isabelle
had assured her that she was nothing but grateful for the sacrifices Nadine had made for her sons.

“Look at you boys!” Nadine put her arms out.
“Hey, wait for me!” Sawyer jogged over to join his brothers.
“Pfft, you live here. She sees you all the time.” Xander ruffled his brother’s hair.
“I can still kick your a—”
“Sawyer!” Nadine scolded.
“Butt,” Sawyer finished.
Nadine eyed Gage, holding Wyatt’s hand. “Look at you! You’ve gotten so big.”
“Hi Gramma!” Gage threw his arms around Nadine’s legs.
Wyatt smiled at his son holding Nadine’s thighs. Her eyes were watering as she picked him up

and held him.

“You need help with breakfast, Nadine?” Jagger offered.
“Come here you two!” Nadine put Gage down and opened her arms for Taylor and Jagger

Drake, Grayson and Xander’s husbands. “It’s so good to see you all. I’ve missed you so much!”

“We missed you, too.” Taylor hugged Nadine.
“Now get your buns in the house so we can eat.” Nadine motioned to the house. Sam stood on

the front porch, looking into the distance. Nadine approached him and took his hand.

“What’s on your mind, Sam?” Nadine motioned to the glider on the porch and they both sat


“Dakota’s parents are coming for a visit.” Sam turned to look at his mother. Anger flared

behind her deep brown eyes. “They want to make things up to him.”

“As they should!” Nadine huffed. “Treating Dakota the way they did; they should be ashamed of


“They are, Mom.” Sam sighed and ran a hand through his hair.
“That’s not all of it, is it?” Nadine searched Sam’s face.
“I don’t want to lose you and Dad, Ma. I look at all the guys who grew up without their parents

and I know I’m so lucky to still have you and Dad. I’m going to live for a long time; I don’t want to

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have to watch you die.”

Nadine patted Sam’s hand. “But that’s what life is – you are born, you live the best you can and

then you die. I’ve had a wonderful life. I found love with your father, had a wonderful son and raised
wonderful boys who had lost their own mother; and Troy, who lost both his parents. I’ve lived a full
life, honey.”

“I don’t want to lose you, Mom.” Sam wiped at his eyes.
“Honey, you will have Dakota and Kane for a very long time.”
Sam stood up. “I know that - I want you and Dad for a very long time, too!”
Nadine stood and took Sam’s face in her hands.
“I know you’re scared; everything will work out. I promise.” Nadine pulled Sam into her arms

and held him.

Sam looked up to see his father walking toward the house with John Quinton.
“Dad,” Sam grinned. “You have a full house.”
Joe sniffed the air and smiled.
“So I smell.”
John patted Sam’s shoulder as he entered the house.
Joe eyed his wife and son. Both had red eyes.
“What’s going on? Everything okay?” Joe stepped up on the porch.
“It’s going to be.” Sam hugged his parents tightly.

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~Three months Later~

July in Seattle was in full swing.
Riley stood and surveyed the newest outreach center. He, Wayne and Caden Fournier had

bought the building a year ago and had torn it down and rebuilt it. It was in a perfect location – right
across the water from Gas Works Park, and Fairview Park was right up the street. The best part? They
were right next to the water, and Derek Jacobs had given them access to his boat. Austin Jacobson, a
Seattle firefighter and part of the gang, was bringing his pontoon boat for the day’s activities as well.

Streamers in red, white and blue lined the walls, and more patriotic decorations filled the room.

Riley was proud of their efforts, but – as much as he loved Seattle – his home was in Arizona. He and
Mateo, along with Vince and Keegan, planned to push the acceptance of gay marriage in the state.
They had a long way to go.

Vince and Keegan were running the outreach party in Phoenix this year. It was nice to know

they had friends who would help any time they needed them. James Pruitt-Jacobs was also staying in
Phoenix with Derek, to help run the outreach center’s party.

Jagger, Taylor, Grayson and Xander Drake, along with Wayne and his husband, Conner, were

running the party in Anchorage.

Strong arms wrapped around him and Riley leaned back into his husband. They’d been back and

forth to the Queets reservation for the last two months. Nadine loved having all the kids together and
had given them tons of clothes for Maggie.

Sawyer and Troy, along with Josh and Mark, had flown to Ireland in June to start the

implantation process with their surrogates. Riley knew that Sawyer and Mark had wanted a child for a
long time. He couldn’t wait to see what happened when their children were born.

Josh and Mark were contemplating being changed if their child was born with the werewolf

gene. He couldn’t blame them. Riley glanced at his watch. The world travelers were arriving right
before the fireworks, and Riley couldn’t wait to talk to Mark about their visit.

“The place looks great, babe. You did a wonderful job.” Mateo nuzzled Riley’s neck.
“I had help,” Riley chuckled.
“Oh, that’s right. Nikolai and Colin got dragged into it, didn’t they?”
“Well, Nikolai did such a great job on Valentine’s Day. He brought Chance with him this time

and, boy, can that warlock make a room sparkle,” Riley chuckled. Somehow, Chance’s spell had gone
awry and the whole room glowed for a good half hour.

“I see you dragged the football players into it as well.”
“I did,” Riley nodded. “They didn’t complain much. Sebastian’s their quarterback and they

follow his lead. Besides, they all volunteered at Camp Pride; they love helping these kids. Sebastian
and Nicholas helped; so did Casey.”

“Shit,” Mateo laughed. “You got hardened Irish Detective Casey O’Shea to help?”
“I told him I’d bite his ass.” Riley leaned his head back, meeting with Mateo’s lips. “Where’s


“Jude’s got her. I swear she loves Hayden and Jude.”
“So does Matty,” Riley chuckled. “I love the way he growls and yanks on Hayden’s pant legs.”
“Ha, ha.”
Mateo looked over his shoulder to see Hayden, hands on his hips. Matty ran through the room

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with a streamer clamped in his little jaws.

“Weren’t you supposed to be watching him?” Mateo raised his brows.
“I am. See? I’m watching him run with the decorations.” Hayden smiled wide.
At four months old, Matty was getting faster and stronger. It was taking Mateo longer to find

and bathe him. As it was, he and Riley had to set snack trails to lure him into the bathroom.

Maggie was figuring out how to sit up – kind of. She rolled her way around the house and loved

her swing, but most of all she loved having her Uncle Nikolai sing to her. The twins were inseparable,
and even when they went to visit Kane, both pups would stay close to Maggie.

Kane flew by his uncles seconds later and tackled Matty, grabbing the streamer. They rolled

around on the floor, yipping at each other. Riley grinned at the sight of his son with his mate as Sam
and Dakota came in carrying coolers.

“Who’s got boat duty?” Sam asked, opening the lid on one of the coolers.
“That would be me and Jaxon.” Justice strolled into the room and looked around.
“Lucky you!” Dakota clapped his hands and laughed.
“Hey, I get to be out on the water on Derek’s bad-ass boat. I do consider myself lucky,” Justice


“So, Austin and Tucker are manning the pontoon boat.” Riley walked to the table and grabbed

the clipboard. “We’ve got quite a few kids signed up for the water skiing, Justice.”

“Can I see that?” Justice walked over and scanned the list. Skylar Foxx’s name was on the list

for Austin’s pontoon boat. He hadn’t seen the kid since Valentine’s Day. Somehow, he’d disappeared.
Justice scanned the remaining names and smiled. “Well, lookie here. Elijah Newman is signed up for
water skiing.”

Riley chuckled.
A loud crash behind them made Riley spin around. Matty and Kane had knocked down a tray of

raw steaks.

“Hey! That’s a no-no!” Riley took off with Mateo right on his heels. He grabbed the tray and set

it back up on the table, and then turned to find Mateo wrestling with Matty for a steak.

“Matty Esposito! Drop it!” Riley narrowed his eyes at his son.
“You might as well let him eat it now,” Hayden put a hand over his mouth to hide his smile.

“He’s already chewed it in half.”

“Some babysitter you are!” Mateo scoffed.
Kane was running in the opposite direction with a big steak hanging from his canines. Dakota

reached to grab him, but Jude snatched up the little pup in his free hand. Maggie was resting on his hip
and let out a happy squeal.

Jude hoisted Kane onto his other hip. He was slowly chewing his way through the enormous

steak in his mouth.

Riley sighed and threw up his hands.
“Thank God we have another platter of steaks.” Riley smiled at his daughter. “Are you having

fun with Uncle Jude?” Maggie drooled and cooed as she looked adoringly up at Jude.

“She sure is,” Jude kissed Maggie’s forehead. “Although, we had a powder accident.”
Mateo’s brows rose. “She grabbed it when you weren’t looking.”
Jude nodded. “Yup.”
“Let me see my little girl.” Mateo put his hands out and Maggie wiggled in Jude’s grip. Jude

handed her over and Mateo held his daughter close to him.

“You are getting so big!” Mateo kissed her cheek.
Riley looked at his watch. “We have to get the grills going. I think Caden and Kellan are at the

park by now.”

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Jude nodded. “They are; I saw them on my way in. Kellan’s there with the ambulance, showing

the kids all the cool stuff.” Jude laughed. He, Scott and Kellan were paramedics, and sometimes he
forgot how awesome the equipment was.

“Don’t let them shock each other,” Riley pointed at Jude.
Jude pouted.
Riley laughed and picked Matty up. “You need to shift, buddy. Way too many people are

coming and they might freak out, okay?”

Matty huffed, but shifted.
They all looked to Kane, who was still chewing on his steak. He eyed all the people looking at

him and continued to chew.

“I don’t think he’s going to shift until he finishes his meal,” Hayden said with a smile.
“Well, let’s get going.” Mateo hoisted the diaper bag over his shoulder.


The sun was high in the sky and the day’s heat was coming to a peak. The kids were spread out

among the center, the park and the water. Nikolai Markov and his boyfriend, Colin Greystone, were
helping on Derek Jacobs’ boat. They were taking kids water skiing in intervals. Mateo had volunteered
as well. They watched as one of the kids struggled to get up on his skis. They were out far enough to
avoid running into other boats anchored near Gas Works Park to catch the fireworks show.

Mateo clapped as the kid finally got up on the skis. Justice took a straight shot out further into

the water and they glided across calm waters. Mateo sat back and looked around the crowded boat.
One of the kids who had been at Camp Pride had joined them this year. Mateo’s brows furrowed as he
tried to remember the kid’s name. It was something uncommon.

“You look like you’re about to explode.”
Mateo snapped out of his daze. The kid he’d just been thinking about stood with a small smile

in front of him. Short brown hair styled in spikes and doe brown eyes looked at him.

“Oh, funny you should say that – ”
“It’s Stone,” the young man grinned.
“How did you know?”
“Well, you were staring right at me with this look of either constipation or deep thought,” Stone


Mateo patted the chair next to him and Stone sat down. The kid was maybe seventeen, but he

looked younger. Wayne was paying for him to attend a private school for the gifted after his parents
had refused to move, or send him to a new school, when he was bullied at his public school.

“How have you been since camp?” Mateo sipped from his bottle of water.
“Good,” Stone nodded. “I’m going to the regular high school next year with Elijah.”
Mateo sat back in surprise. “You are?”
“Yep. I moved in with Skylar after school got out this year. I appreciate what Wayne has done,

but he knows and understands about this. Skylar’s been real nice to me; so have Ryder and Elijah. We
have a lot in common so…” Stone trailed off and looked out onto the water.

“Were you being bullied at the other school?” Mateo asked quietly.
“No, I just felt – I don’t know. Weird or something? It’s like those other kids didn’t know how

to be kids, ya know? I mean they didn’t play video games or anything like that. I have some good
friends there and even they are thinking of switching back to public school.”

“Well, you do what makes you happy, okay?” Mateo mussed Stone’s hair.
“Not wearing a uniform would make me happy,” Stone chuckled. “I can’t wait to wear ripped

jeans and a freakin’ T-shirt.” Stone motioned to Elijah. “Something’s up with him lately.”

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Elijah was sitting by himself, just staring out at the water. Mateo got up, getting ready to make

his excuses for interrupting, but then noticed Jaxon was making his way over.

A sly smile curved his lips. Elijah had a crush on the older Salvatore brother and it was

entertaining to watch. Mateo sat back to catch the show.


“Hey.” Jaxon sat down next to Elijah.
The teenager had been quiet and reserved all morning. Jaxon was starting to think something

was wrong; Elijah hadn’t even hit on him. At all.

Elijah looked over and nodded.
“Are you okay?” Jaxon scooted closer to him.
“I’m fine,” Elijah said quietly.
Jaxon leaned in closer and noticed Elijah’s jaw clench. “You don’t seem fine. You’re very quiet.

It’s not like you. Normally, you’d be feeling my ass and asking me to kiss you,” Jaxon said teasingly,
barely bumping Elijah’s shoulder with his.

“It won’t happen anyway, so what’s the point?” Elijah moved over on the bench.
Jaxon sat back and regarded the younger man. “What’s wrong, Elijah?”
“I said nothing, okay?”
“No, it’s not okay. Is everything okay at home?” Jaxon put his arm around Elijah. A soft hiss

escaped the younger man and Jaxon pulled back.

“Did I hurt you? What’s wrong?”
“I said I was fine!’ Elijah stood up and backed away, wary of the confined space.
Jaxon searched the young man’s features. His eyes caught what looked like a black mark on

Elijah’s upper arm, right under the sleeve of his T-shirt. Jaxon stood up and immediately crossed the
space between them. He reached for the sleeve and Elijah backed up again.

“What are you doing?” Elijah looked around in a panic.
“Let me see your arm,” Jaxon requested calmly.
“I don’t have to show you anything.” Elijah made his way to the back of the boat. He felt a hand

around his bicep and swung around. Jaxon had a hold of his sleeve and gently pulled the fabric up.

Elijah froze as a murderous look crossed Jaxon’s features.
“Who did this?” Jaxon seethed through clenched teeth.
“It’s nothing. Just got hurt in gym.” Elijah removed his arm from Jaxon’s grip. “You know

those dodge ball games are brutal.”

“Don’t lie to me, Elijah.” Jaxon raised his eyes to Elijah’s. “If someone is hurting you, I want to

know about it.”

“Like I said. Gym.” Elijah backed away again.
The feel of the boat slowing down caught Jaxon’s attention. He had to go reel in a skier. He

turned back to Elijah.

“This conversation is not over.”
Mateo waited until Elijah was out on the water before approaching Jaxon. The anger coming

from the man was palpable. He’d caught some of the conversation, but not on purpose. Damn,
werewolf hearing was spectacular. Mateo sat next to Jaxon on the stern.

“So, what do you think? Bullies or parents?” Mateo asked softly.
Jaxon sighed. “I don’t know, but I don’t like it.”
“You care about him, don’t you?” Mateo looked over at Jaxon. He stiffened and Mateo patted

his shoulder. “Hey, don’t worry about it. He’ll be eighteen soon, and legal. Riley is younger than me.”
Mateo grinned as Jaxon shot him a look.

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Justice’s loud whistle brought them out of their talk and Mateo waved out to Elijah who gave

them a thumbs up. The boat reared up and then shot like a cannon through the water, pulling Elijah up
on his skis.

The kid was a natural. Mateo whistled and clapped as Elijah sped through the water on the skis,

even putting one foot up and showing off.

“He’s good,” Jaxon smiled.
“Watch out!” Justice shouted.
To Mateo, it seemed to happen in slow motion.
A speedboat came out of nowhere and headed straight for Elijah. And then, right before his

eyes, a huge wave rose up and pushed the speedboat out of the way.

Mateo’s mouth dropped as Elijah skirted right between the boat and the wave, coming out the

other side unharmed.

“What the hell?”


Austin could hear the frantic cries on the other boat. The group on the pontoon watched in

horror as a speedboat came from nowhere and headed straight for someone on the water.

“Oh my God! They’re going to hit him!” Austin shouted.
His husband, Tucker, blinked – then blinked again as a wave rose from the calm water and

knocked the speedboat off its course.

“That’s Elijah!” Tucker gasped.
Austin ran to the back of the pontoon boat to check on the kids who were swimming. Skylar

Foxx seemed to be in a daze as he watched the speedboat veer away from the skiers.

“Skylar? Are you okay?” Austin crouched down on the ladder.
“Huh?” Skylar looked up at Austin’s worried face.
Austin could hear Tucker calling in the speedboat to the Seattle Police Harbor Patrol. Someone

had consumed too much alcohol and was careless enough to get behind the wheel.

“Why don’t you climb back in; we’re going to go meet up with Justice and his group.”
Skylar frowned. The last time he’d seen Justice Salvatore, he had overheard the man call him

‘horrible.’ He really didn’t feel like seeing him face to face again.

“Can’t you drop me off? Or I could swim?” Skylar offered.
“It’s going to take two minutes and we’re going to take the kids who have already skied back to

shore. Come on.” Austin smiled, putting his hand out.

Skylar nodded and took the offered hand.
They met up with the other boat and picked up the kids. Elijah climbed on board and Austin

pulled him into a grateful hug. Elijah stiffened in his arms, and Austin pulled back.

“Are you okay?” Austin looked Elijah over.
“Oh, yeah sure. Just hit the water kind of hard.” Elijah mumbled, making his way to the other

end of the boat.

Austin shook Justice’s hand.
“Nice job out there.”
“We got lucky. If that wave hadn’t knocked the speedboat out of the way, I’m sure Elijah would

have been clipped.” Justice’s eyes fell on Skylar Foxx. His black hair was wet and clung to his face.
He was eyeliner free today, but his eyes were still so dark it was frankly mesmerizing. Justice couldn’t
stop staring at that perfect face.

“Hi, we haven’t met yet.” Justice put his hand out. “Justice Salvatore.”
Skylar looked at the offered hand and backed up.

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“Yeah. Nice to meet you.” Skylar turned and walked away.
Austin’s brows furrowed.
“That’s weird. He’s usually not like that. I mean, he used to be stand-offish, but he’s become a

lot friendlier since camp.” Austin tilted his head at Justice. “Although, you are quite intimidating.”

“I am?” Justice glanced over at Austin.
“Well, you’re what? Seven feet tall?” Austin snickered.
“I’m six-four,” Justice scowled.
“Whatever. Look at your biceps. They’re huge and you have tattoos all over you.”
“You think I scare him?” Justice asked quizzically.
“I think you’re sexy,” Austin chuckled.
“I heard that!” Tucker shouted from the bow.
“Well, let’s head back in for food. I think the kids are hungry.” Austin yanked a thumb over his


Justice looked along the railing. Skylar had acted like he had the plague or something. Maybe

he’d be able to talk to him once they got back on dry land.



The party was in full swing. Between the park and the boats on the water and the overflowing

center, July Fourth was going to rock.

Riley sat on the park bench with Maggie, feeding her a bottle. Mateo and Sam were playing

touch football with some of the outreach center kids. Matty and Kane had been spending time with
Hayden. Riley noticed Dakota and Chance making their way over. Dakota sat down on the bench, out
of breath.

“What happened to you?” Riley asked.
“Had to catch Kane. He’s quick.”
“He shifted?” Riley’s eyes widened.
“I caught him just as he was going into a room full of people. Hayden was dealing with Matty.”

Dakota laughed softly. “I’m telling you, based on what I’ve heard, that kid is just like Mateo. Anyway,
thank God Chance was standing there and cast a spell in case Kane got too far.”

“I do have my moments,” Chance grinned.
“I so need some grown-up time,” Riley sighed. “I feel like all I do all day is talk to babies. I

need some grown-up conversation and a nice tall drink.”

“Why don’t you go out with us tonight?” Chance offered.
“Where?” Riley asked.
“Cuffs and Stuff. It’s a gay bar up on the hill and it’s awesome. Good music, great people,

perfect for you and Mateo. You and Sam should go too, Dakota.”

Riley looked over at Dakota. “What do you think? Grown-up time?”
“Sounds good to me,” Dakota nodded.
“Wait,” Riley sighed. “We can’t. We have the twins.”
“I can watch them if you want,” Jude offered with a grin. “They’re pretty well behaved for me. I

can take them to Nicholas and Sebastian’s house; they have a fenced-in yard.”

Riley looked over at Dakota. “Well? What do you think?”
“Don’t you trust me?” Jude raised his brows.
“We like you, Jude. That’s why we’re contemplating letting you have our kids for more than

just an hour. They have a way of running you ragged.”

“Well, I’m sure Sebastian will help. He loves the kids.”

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“Don’t say we didn’t warn you,” Dakota chuckled.
“It will be dark soon; they’re getting ready for the fireworks show. Let’s get our blankets.”
Hayden came through the bushes with a wiggling Kane and Matty. Dakota took his son and

kissed him. Matty was barely in a diaper, and was trying to crawl over Hayden’s massive shoulder.

“Hey, you,” Riley grinned at his son.
Kane was in human form, but Dakota heard a low growl rising from his son’s throat. He looked

around the park; kids were spread out all over. Dakota leaned into his son’s ear.

“What is it, Kane?”
Chance stiffened. “Someone’s using black magic.”
“What do you mean? How do you know?” Riley held Maggie closer to him.
“There’s a shift in the atmosphere.” Chance closed his eyes.
“Can you tell who?” Dakota asked.
Chance shook his head. “No. Someone is hiding it very well.”
Matty’s head swiveled, and a low growl rose from his throat as well. Hayden stepped in front of

both of the babies and scanned the area. Skylar and Elijah were walking towards the parking lot. Elijah
had his head down and Skylar was rubbing his back. A couple was waiting by a parked car.

Hayden narrowed his eyes.
“Isn’t that Elijah’s adoptive parents?” Hayden glanced over at Jude.
Jude’s eyes scanned the park and parking lot. “Yes it is. Jaxon’s headed that way, too.”
“Something’s up.” Dakota held Kane closer to him. His son was not happy about something.
Jaxon ran across the grass to catch Elijah. The kid had gotten away from him after the boat had

docked. He spotted Elijah’s parents, and his hackles rose. If they were the reason Elijah was bruised,
someone was going to die painfully.

“Elijah!” Jaxon called out.
The couple by the car grabbed Elijah by the arm and hurried him over to the passenger door.
“Elijah! Wait!”
Elijah shook loose and came around the front of the car. Jaxon finally reached him and put a

hand out to him. Elijah shrank back, and Jaxon almost growled. What had happened to him?

“Hey, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to scare you,” he said calmly.
“Um, I hafta go, okay?” Elijah moved back toward the car.
“Come on, Elijah! We’re going to be late,” the woman snapped.
Jaxon took Elijah’s hand and searched his eyes.
“Is everything okay?” he asked in a lowered voice.
This time it was the man who had spoken and Jaxon looked up. Something wasn’t quite right

with either one of them.

“I’m fine, just please go.” Elijah lowered his voice. “Please?”
Jaxon searched Elijah’s face. “This isn’t over, not by a long shot. Something’s going on with


Jaxon stood by helplessly as Elijah was carted off by his parents. Every single nerve in his body

was telling him something was very, very wrong.

“Something’s going on with him.”
Jaxon looked over his shoulder to see Skylar frowning.
“I noticed it today on the boat. He has a bruise on his arm.” Jaxon turned to face Skylar. “Has he

said anything?”

“He just keeps telling me that everything’s fine and I should keep my distance from him, that

he’s not safe to be around.”

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“What the hell does that mean?” Jaxon’s brows furrowed.
“I don’t know, but I don’t like it.” Skylar eyed Jaxon. “Why do you care?”
Jaxon started at the question.
“Why wouldn’t I care? Of course I care!” Jaxon almost growled.
Skylar grinned.
“Oh shut up,” Jaxon grumbled. He noticed Justice approaching and smiled at his older brother.

Skylar glanced over his shoulder.

“I have to go,” he said quickly.
“Wait, why? Aren’t you going to stay for the fireworks?”
“I’m going to go find Ryder. Later, Jaxon.”
Skylar stepped away and began quickly walking toward the beach. His flight was interrupted

when a very large form came into view, almost blocking out the sinking sun. Skylar stepped back in

“Hey,” Justice said, a little winded. Yeah, he was fit and a werewolf, but Skylar walked at a very

brisk pace – almost a run. “I’ve been trying to find you.”

“Well, you’ve found me. Now excuse me.” Skylar brushed past the man.
“Hey, wait a second.” Justice stepped back into Skylar’s path. “Have I done or said something

to you that makes me a dick? I’ve only spoken to you once and that was today.”

Skylar looked up at the man in his way. Jesus, Justice Salvatore was tall – and oh, so very hot

and yummy. Too bad he thought Skylar was a horrible slut; at least that was how Skylar had
interpreted the words he overheard at the Valentine’s party. Hell, what else could he have meant?

“I have to go.” Skylar stepped around Justice again. A warm hand landed on his shoulder and

Skylar whipped around. Justice stepped back, hands in the air.

“Whoa, hey, I’m not going to hurt you. I was just wondering if you wanted to watch the

fireworks with me.”

“Look, whatever game you’re playing – I don’t want to play with you. I know exactly what you

think of me, so stop pretending you want to hang out. I’m sure Riley will excuse you from having to
play nice with me.”

Justice’s mouth fell open. “W-what?”
“I have to go.” Skylar ran. He didn’t know what Justice Salvatore was up to, but he’d heard the

man with his own ears. He thought Skylar was horrible. That had been the very word he used.
Horrible. Hot tears ran down his cheeks as he ran for the parking lot. He ran into Ryder and stopped.

“What’s wrong?” Ryder took a crying Skylar into his arms. He’d never seen Skylar cry and it

was freaking him out.

“I just want to go home. Can we go home?” Skylar sniffled and wiped his eyes.
“Yeah, sure.” Ryder wrapped his arm around Skylar’s shoulder. “Whatever you want.”


Justice was dumbfounded. What the hell was that? He felt a presence next to him and looked

over to see Riley wearing a look of concern.

“I swear I didn’t say anything mean. I even asked him to watch the fireworks with me,” Justice

said quickly.

Riley nodded. “I know, I heard. I wonder what he’s talking about.”
“I don’t know,” Justice crossed his arms. “But I’m going to find out.”


Mateo sat back with Riley and the twins. The fireworks were about to go off. Dakota and Sam

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sat on the other side of them with Kane. The twins were awake and Matty was holding his sister’s
hand. They were making noises at each other.

Mateo smiled down at his kids. Riley’s head leaned against his shoulder and Mateo kissed his

forehead. The music started and cheers and whistles erupted around the Sound as the first firework
shot high into the air. A burst of red followed by blue and white lit up the night sky. A high-pitched
scream came from Maggie, and then the full-blown hard crying began.

Mateo took his daughter and pointed up at the sky.
“Look, it’s pretty! Daddy will never let anything hurt you, okay?” Mateo whispered in Maggie’s


Matty snuggled into Riley and Kane was pointing up at the sky from Dakota’s arms. Neither one

of them showed any fear whatsoever. Dakota nuzzled Kane’s face.

“That’s my big warrior.” Dakota leaned into Kane’s ear. “Daddy loves you.”
Sam held his family close, placing a kiss on Dakota’s head. He and Mateo locked eyes and both

of them smiled.

Life was good.

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~Chapter Eleven~

Mateo stepped into Cuffs and Stuff and eyed the place carefully. Music blared from the floor-

to-ceiling speakers and half-dressed men writhed in a pile on the dance floor.

The heavy scent of testosterone was in the air. Riley’s hand slipped into his and they walked in

further, making a path through the wall-to-wall people with Sam and Dakota right on their heels.
Mateo recognized the firefighters and the cops in their group and waved.

Jesse Salvatore, the bouncer, was sitting at the bar with Ross Collins.
“You got here just in time!” Jesse shouted over the music.
“Oh? For what?” Riley shouted back.
Jesse motioned to the DJ. “He’s about to play the beloved firemen/cop dance song.”
“Oh, is that right?” Mateo leaned against the bar, pulling Riley against his chest.
“This should be good!” Sam laughed, leaning in to take the beer Jesse was handing him.
Dakota leaned back against his husband as the men formed a line on the dance floor. The music

skipped, then started again and the men on the floor began removing their shirts.

“Well, I didn’t see that coming!” Riley laughed.
The screaming, shouting and whistling were deafening. Mateo looked over at Sam with a raised

brow. A loud voice boomed through the music and screams.

“Well, hell! We came to the right place!”
Mateo groaned and looked over by the door. Josh Montgomery stood with Mark, and Troy and

Sawyer. The world travelers had arrived.

Riley grinned and waved at them. “Come here, guys! Glad you got my text!”
Josh surveyed the dancing men on the floor. He’d worked with some of them, hung out with

most of them, but seeing them dance was new.

“So, what did we miss?” Mark sat on one of the stools.
“Not much,” Riley sipped his beer. “Fireworks, kids shifting in public.”
Mark’s eyes widened and he leaned into Riley’s ear. “Were they seen?”
“Nah. Matty and Kane get close, but never blow their cover,” Riley chuckled. “I swear it’s a


“You guys should get out there,” Sawyer winked at Troy.
“Us? Oh, we’d so put those guys to shame,” Troy laughed.
“Yeah, remember that strip club in Thailand – ” Josh began.
“Shut up, Josh!” the other Skull Blasters cried in unison.
Josh chuckled.
“Put your money where your mouth is, guys.”
Josh looked up to see Wyatt wearing a huge grin.
Josh lifted his chin and started walking towards the DJ booth. Mateo sat back against the bar

and looked at his team. They’d danced before in public when they were on a mission. They could do it

“Well?” Troy waggled his eyebrows.
“I’m up for it.” Sam stretched his arms out and stood up.
“This should be good.” Dakota rubbed his hands together.
“A dance-off?” Jesse laughed. “I’ve got my money on the firefighters.”
“Oh is that so?” Riley narrowed his eyes. “I’ve got my money on the Skull Blasters.”
Mark nodded, as did Sawyer.

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Riley sat up higher on the stool as the music started. Josh, Mateo, Troy and Sam lined up on the

floor across from the firefighters and cops. The club exploded in pandemonium as “Battleflag” by Lo
Fidelity Allstars began to shake the floor. Mark was shouting at the top of his lungs as Josh’s shirt
flew off, exposing his broad chest and huge biceps. One by one, the men of the Skull Blasters removed
their shirts in interesting and sensual ways. Mateo’s shirt slid between his legs and he pumped his hips
forward all while sliding the shirt back and forth.

Men were shouting, whistling and catcalling as the firemen responded in kind. Riley grabbed

Mark and Sawyer, and they stood on the bar cheering their husbands on. Shirtless, sweating and
gyrating, the Skull Blasters pushed the firemen back, all of them grabbing their crotches and shaking
their asses.

“Holy shit!” Jesse shouted. “They’re good!”
“Imagine that in bed!” Riley laughed.
“Yeah, don’t imagine mine there, please,” Mark shouted.
“I think all these guys are imagining your men in bed,” Jesse cracked up.
Ross raised his hand. “Not all of them. Just one.”
Jesse waggled his eyebrows. “Cole?”
Ross laughed.
“Come on, baby!” Dakota shouted.
Sam shook his ass at his husband and winked. The four of them swung their hips lower and

lower as they neared the floor. Josh threw an arm back on the floor and pumped his hips, the rest of
the guys following in a line. Water sprayed from the ceiling and Riley jumped at the wetness
showering all of them. Jesse was standing by the wall with a smile.

“I think it’s getting too hot in here!” Jesse shouted into the microphone. “I believe we have a

tie! The sexiness in this club is off the charts! Make some noise for the guys!”

Riley jumped down off the bar and ran to his husband. Mateo caught him and their lips met in a

hungry kiss. The water cascaded down on them and Riley held Mateo tight.

“I love you!” Riley shouted.
“Always will, babe.” Mateo slipped his fingers into Riley’s hair. “Always.”


The club had calmed down – somewhat. The floors had been mopped and people were back

dancing on it.

Ross leaned back against the bar and eyed all the half-naked men dancing. Preston had gone to

get them a drink and was waiting in line behind men clad in leather. He shot Ross a look and nodded
discreetly at the man standing in front of him. He wore a thong and chaps. Ross restrained himself
from laughing out loud and winked at Preston.

The stool next to him was suddenly occupied by a very large body and the man’s cologne

wafted up his nostrils.

Ross glanced to the side to see the man he had been thinking about for weeks smiling at him.

Damn but the man’s eyes were so blue! His black hair was styled with product and was now wet,
making it stick up in different directions on the top of his head. The faded blue jeans did nothing to
hide the bulge in his pants and his wet T-shirt stretched across his broad shoulders and chest.

“Come here often?” Cole drawled.
Ross sat back and met with Cole’s eyes. His dick almost sprung free from his pants looking at

the man’s rugged face.

“Seriously?” Ross arched an eyebrow.

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Cole licked his lips, eyeing Ross’ tight jeans.
“I bet you’re a bossy bottom.” Cole let his eyes wander north to Ross’ face. The blue eyes were

regarding him quizzically, and his beautiful lips were slightly parted.

Ross sat back and leaned one arm on the bar. He gave Cole a once-over and then stood up.

Wedging himself between Cole’s thighs, he leaned into his ear.

“Let me guess,” Ross breathed heavily. “You want to take me home, get me down on my knees

to suck your cock – which I’ll do quite well by the way – then you’ll bend me over and rim my ass
until I scream for you to fuck me. Then you’ll shove what I’m sure is the most fabulous cock in my
ass and ride me until I don’t know my own name.”

Cole swallowed hard and nodded his head slowly.
“Something along those lines, yeah.”
Ross smiled, running his hand up Cole’s inner thigh and resting it right along his cock. The

smell of testosterone and arousal was emanating from the firefighter.

“I’m sure it would be a religious experience. I have to say, you are one of the most gorgeous

men I’ve ever seen.” Ross pulled away and backed up. “And then you opened your mouth.”

Ross fanned his nose.
“I smell a ho, and as much as I’d love to take that trip to naughty land with you, I’m afraid my

stop is right here. So keep that thought in your head of what it would have been like. Nice seeing you
again.” Ross smiled and made his way over to Preston.

Cole finally snapped out of his daze and stood up.
“Hey, Ross.”
Ross looked over his shoulder. “Yeah?”
“I love a challenge.” Cole waggled his eyebrows.
“Consider me Mount Everest and move on, sweetie.”
Ross narrowed his eyes and followed Preston to a booth.
Cole crossed his arms and licked his lips, thinking about Ross’ words. Hot damn that had

awakened his cock. Chaz was making his way through the crowded dance floor. Cole sat back down
and grinned at his friend.

“Uh oh. I know that look.” Chaz studied Cole’s face. “What happened?”
“That Ross guy just shut me down. And let me just say he did it in fine fashion.”
“Yeah?” Chaz grinned. “Wait, if he shot you down, why are you smiling?” Chaz narrowed his

eyes at Cole. “Oh no.”

“Oh yes. The gauntlet has been thrown, my friend.”


Dakota swayed in his husband’s arms, his head leaning against Sam’s broad – and now wet –

chest. Sam’s arms tightened around his waist and Dakota got a nice feel of Sam’s hardened cock on
his hip. He chuckled and got on his tiptoes.

“Is that for me? Or did that guy in chaps do it for you?”
Sam chuckled.
“You are the only man who does it for me, Dakota. And you always will be.”
“Are you ready to go home? I miss Kane.”
Sam smiled. Even though Kane was his biologically, Dakota thought of him as his own son. He

loved that about his husband.

“Because he is my son.” Dakota smiled up at Sam. “He’s part of you, and I love all of you.”
“Stop listening in,” Sam chuckled against Dakota’s lips.
“Let’s go home and make love.”
“Hell, you don’t have to ask me twice.”

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They stopped by the rest of the group on their way out. Sam extended his hand to his guys with

a wink.

“I think it’s time for us to go. We’ll see you soon though, right?”
The other three men put their hands out and Sam laid his on the top of the pile.
“Always together,” Mateo said, looking at his guys.
“Hell, yeah,” came the response.

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“Mateo, see anything?” Josh whispered.
“I see everything, jackass. I’m wearing night vision goggles,” Mateo whispered into his mic.
“I don’t get why you don’t just use your wolfie abilities,” Josh remarked.
“Because he’s old school,” Troy whispered into his mic with a chuckle. “Emphasis on the


“Shove it, Bishop. Just because I’m a werewolf doesn’t mean I’m going to throw years of

training out the window. I was a first-class assassin before I became a werewolf,” Mateo huffed.

“Hey, Larry, Mo and Curly, we have hostiles making their way in now,” Sam interrupted.
There was a loud thud behind him and Mateo shook his head with a smile. “Hello, Nikolai.”
“Dude, how did you know?”
“Testosterone,” came the reply from Sam and Troy through the mic.
Nikolai sighed loudly.
“Okay, so anyway,” Nikolai peered down the hallway. “I took out assholes one and two by the

north side entrance.”

Mateo looked over his shoulder at the younger Markov. He was covered in blood. Again.
“What the hell happened to you?”
Nikolai grinned.
“Well, asshole one decided he didn’t want to tell me shit. So, I offered him quick and painless

or slow and torturous. He chose the latter.”

“And?” Mateo raised his brows.
“I jumped rope with his intestines. Did you know that the small intestine is twen—”
Mateo raised his hand to stop Nikolai’s words. “I get it. Okay, so we got the snipers outside, the

expendables in the middle, and now we have the big bad at the end.” Mateo looked at his watch. “So,
after this we get a beer?”

Josh chuckled into his headset, keeping a close eye on the guards.
“And pizza.”
“The rest of the guys are spread out on top for runners.” Nikolai looked up at the ceiling. “I’m

going through the vent. See you on the other side.”

“Make it hurt, Nik,” Mateo winked at the kid.
“It’s my specialty,” Nikolai grinned.
Mateo leaned back against the wall and crouched down. They were back at work. After the

babies were born, Mateo didn’t think he’d be going out on missions for a while. But Riley had
basically kicked him out of the house, saying that he was bitchy and needed to go kill something.

Mateo chuckled softly at the memory. There were so many reasons he loved Riley.
Another set of guards moved through and Mateo motioned to Josh at the other end of the hall.

They both moved forward in silence.

Mateo drew his knife from its sheath and crept around low to the ground, his eyes following

Josh’s movements. Even though Josh was still human, he was quick. The guards never saw them
coming. Mateo sprang out, grabbing the guard across his neck and pulling him backwards. He slid his
knife into the man’s lung.

“Shh,” Mateo whispered. “You’ll wake everyone.”
Josh came around the corner with his own guard. He was dressed in all black, blending into the


“We got two over here.” Troy dragged his own guard into a room. “I found an empty space to

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hide the bodies.” Troy chuckled as the man he was holding struggled in his grip. “You make one sound
and I’ll cut your tongue out.”

“Sam?” Mateo dragged his man down the empty hall.
“Coming to you now.”
“Someone’s going to have a nasty cleaning bill.” Josh shook his head.
Mateo cocked his head to the side. He whipped around, his knife leaving his fingers at lightning

fast speed. Another guard flew against the wall as the knife pierced his heart.

Josh grabbed Mateo’s guard and motioned to the knife. “Werewolf ability?”
“Nope, that was all me,” Mateo grinned, pulling his knife from the man’s chest. He shook his

finger at the man. “It’s not nice to sneak up on people.”

“I’ve got the door open.” Sam looked around. “We have a problem.”
“What’s up?” Mateo dragged the men into the room Troy had secured.
“The cross bridge is pulled in. It’s at least fifty feet across, if not more.”
Mateo looked at Josh. “How much do you weigh?”
Josh shrugged. “Two fifty?” He noticed the raised eyebrows from both Troy and Mateo. “What?

Mark’s a great cook.”

“Okay,” Mateo sighed and ran a hand through his hair. The mines that joined Arizona and

Mexico were a lot deeper than the ones near Tucson. There were drops everywhere into nothing but
blackness. They had also been around longer and someone had gone to great lengths to make them
very liveable – including air ducts running throughout. They had come to this one just to check it out
and had found half naked women, as well as small children, in horrible condition.

It made Mateo’s blood boil. Now that he had children of his own, it made him that much more


Mateo looked at the only live man and smiled.
“I think this one needs to talk.”
Josh threw the man into a chair and straddled one across from him. Troy dragged a table in

between them and stood off to the side with a smile.

Josh took his knife from its sheath and held it up. The serrated blade caught the faintest hint of

light and glinted.

“How are your math skills?” Josh ran the blade between his fingertips.
“No hablo ingles!” The guard’s eyes went wide.
“He doesn’t speak English?” Josh leaned forward. “Now that is a shame. What’s five minus


The guard looked from Mateo to Troy, and then back to Josh, shaking his head.
“No?” Josh slammed the knife down on the man’s pinky. “It’s four. Guess what my next math

question is?”

Mateo slapped his hand over the man’s mouth and leaned into his ear, the whimpered screams

trying to escape through his fingers.

“He’ll keep going until you have none. Now, how many more guards and where is your boss?”

Mateo took his other hand and slid his knife between the man’s thighs. “What’s two minus one?”

“Okay! Okay!”
“Now that’s more like it,” Josh grinned. “Now we’re getting somewhere. Although I was really

enjoying taking your fingers off.”

Troy patted Josh’s back. “It’s okay. The next mission we’ll find a real stubborn one.”
Information in hand, they met up with Sam at the cross bridge. Mateo looked down into

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absolute darkness. The ceiling was rock; they had no idea if it would hold them even if they did try to
swing across. Sam backed up and eyed the space. He ran at top speed and jumped. Sailing across the
open area, he landed on both feet on the other side.

Josh whistled softly. “Now that was awesome.”
Troy followed soon after, and Mateo grabbed Josh.
“Whoa, wait a second.” Josh looked over the side. “How do you know we’ll make it?”
“I don’t.” Mateo threw Josh over his shoulder.
“Mat, wait!” Josh grabbed Mateo’s belt loops and closed his eyes. Wind rushed across his face

and then he was back on his two feet, swaying.

“I hate you,” Josh managed.
“But we loooove you!” the other three answered in unison.
Josh narrowed his eyes at the three of them.
“Well, back to work.”
They all heard shouts and then the door flew open. Nikolai stood, with a feral look in his eyes.
“Let’s get this party started!”
“After you,” Mateo gestured to the door.
“I like him SO much!” Troy sing-songed.
“We’re missing Derek,” Sam smiled.
They all looked at Mateo.
In Derek’s absence, Mateo yelled “Fuck it!”
They moved into the room and did what they did best: eliminated the enemy. Some were

human, some not. Mateo made quick work of the guards and kept a close eye on Josh. They cleared the
room within minutes and Mateo took a hall down to the left.

This one hadn’t been cleared out like the others. Rocks protruded from the ceiling and sides. He

came to a sliding stop halfway down the tunnel. Rocks fell into the gaping hole below.

An arm came around his neck and pain sliced into him as a knife slid in below his ribs and a

body weighted his back. Mateo shifted his weight and threw the body off of him. It sailed across the
air and seemed to roll mid-flight. Feet hit the ground on the other side of the drop. Mateo trained his
gun on the person across the way, who had his own gun trained on Mateo.

His eyes widened at the person standing across from him.
“Nikolai?” Mateo’s jaw dropped. “What are you doing? We’re on the same side!”
Mateo slid one of his hands to his back and touched the hole between two ribs, his werewolf

abilities closing it up almost instantly.

“Are we?” Nikolai tilted his head.
“Of course we are! We have been for a long time, remember? We kill the bad guys?” Mateo

shouted. The sound echoed throughout the caves. “Put the gun down!”

“You put yours down first.” Nikolai held the gun on Mateo firmly.
“Nik, what is wrong with you?!” Mateo shouted.
Mateo started at the voice behind him.
“That’s not me.” Nikolai narrowed his eyes at the man standing across from him.
“How do I know you’re you?” Mateo kept his eyes on the other man, still holding a gun on him.

A snorting sound filled the cave.

“Please. Dude, my ass is so much nicer than that.”
Mateo couldn’t help the grin. “Yep, that’s our Nikolai.” He looked behind the younger man.

“Yeah, yours really is better.”

The man in front of him seemed to shimmer and then change. The leather pants he wore

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stretched around his massive thighs. The leather jacket that was a replica of Nikolai’s morphed into a
trench coat and rested right above the ground, sweeping his black combat boots. Long black hair
concealed his eyes and full lips turned into a grin.

“Who. Are. You?” Mateo growled.
“You can’t kill me,” he said. “I’m not human.”
“Neither am I, asswipe. Now put down your gun.”
The man seemed to assess them both. His eyes darted behind Mateo and another feral grin

spread across his lips, revealing white teeth.

“Well, it’s seems your friends have arrived. Two werewolves. And that one,” he pointed to

Nikolai, “is not normal either.”

“Of course I’m not ‘normal’; I’m extraordinary,” Nikolai scoffed. “Who do you work for?”

Nikolai crossed his arms.

“I work for no one.”
“Well, we’d like to ask you a few questions then.” Mateo dropped his gun slowly and put it back

in its holster. He put his hands up and motioned to the gun the other man still held on him. “Trust is

“I don’t trust anyone but myself. I’m not here to make friends; I’m here to kill anything that

reeks of immorality.”

“Do you have a name?” Josh blurted.
“Killian,” the man responded.
“What, no last name? Are you like emo or in a rock band?” Nikolai asked sarcastically.
The man lifted his arms in the air and started to shimmer. A large raven spread its wings and

flew down into the shaft below.

“Damn!” Nikolai whispered. “That was so cool! That was a shape shifter!”
Mateo turned to look at Nikolai with raised brows.
“A what?”
“I read about them in Chance’s magic book. They can become anything they want,” Nikolai

grinned. “Cool, he wanted to be me.”

Mateo shook his head with a smile and pressed ‘talk’ on his mic. “James?”
“Right here, what’s up?”
“We have a problem of sorts.”
“Well tell me when you get up top. We cleared out a good mile of mine and Hayden set the

charges. So get up here and give me the whole report.”

“Roger that.” Mateo clicked the mic off and looked at the men in front of him. “Let’s get the

hell out of here.”

Once they had gotten to high ground, Mateo filled James in on what he’d encountered below.

James was intrigued, to say the least. A shape shifter that could become anyone or anything he
wanted? That was good news and bad.

The fact that the man apparently didn’t answer to anyone also had James interested.
“So, he knifed you thinking you were a rogue?” James’ brows furrowed.
Mateo nodded. “I would think so. Rogues don’t smell any different than we do; it’s their yellow

eyes that give them away.”

“And you’ve never seen him before?”
“I think we would have remembered,” Mateo deadpanned.
“Maybe, maybe not. It stands to reason that if he can become anyone he wants, he may have

been at other missions. We need to keep a close eye out for this guy from now on. I really want to sit
down and have a chat with him.”

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“He doesn’t seem like the tea and cookies kind of guy, James,” Mateo drawled.
“Neither was Vince and look how that turned out.”
“So what? We lure him with a pretty face? I don’t think that will work with this guy.”
James shielded his eyes from the sun and sighed. “We’ll have to think of something else then. A

shape shifter on our team,” James smiled. “Can you imagine the damage we could do?”

Mateo grinned. “Oh, yeah.”


Riley ran down the hall after his son, the purple hippo hanging between rows of razor-sharp


"Matty Esposito! You drop daddy's purple hippo right now!" It wasn't often that he yelled, but

in this case, it had to be done. Matty was exactly like Mateo. Stubborn to the bitter end.

"Matty!" Riley barked out.
Matty came to a sliding stop and turned to face his father, the hippo clamped between his


"Drop it." Riley put his hands on his hips.
Matty opened his jaws a fraction and the purple hippo slid out and hit the floor, drool

accompanying the stuffed animal.

"Ew." Riley picked up the hippo by its ear. He regarded his son with a stern look. "What did

daddy say about the hippo?" Riley had to smile as Matty huffed, dropping his head.

"Aw, daddy will buy you another chew toy, okay? Just don't eat your father's combat boots


Riley winced at the sound of Mateo’s voice.
“Ooops. Go hide!” Riley whispered to Matty. Riley turned to face Mateo, who was stomping

down the hall. “Hi, honey! You’re back.”

“Don’t ‘hi honey’ me.” Mateo searched the hallway. “Where are you, Matty?”
“Inside voice, Mateo.” Riley raised his brows.
“I’m trying, I really am, but when he’s peeing on all the furniture and eating my gear, I gotta

put my foot down, babe!”

Riley wrung his hands. “He’s just marking his territory.”
Mateo’s mouth dropped open. “Really? Ya don’t say?”
Riley narrowed his eyes and shifted. He pushed Mateo back toward the end of the hallway and

kept pushing him until he was in the living room. Maggie looked up from her spot on the floor and
clapped her hands together, squealing. She pointed at Riley.

Riley stopped and swung his head in the direction of his daughter. Maggie was squealing and

clapping all while pointing at him in wolf form. He’d never shifted in front of her. He and Mateo had
thought it might scare her. Now he realized Maggie was a lot smarter than they had both thought.

“Dada, dada, dada!” Maggie squealed.
Riley padded over to his daughter and settled down next to her. She was dwarfed by his size.

She looked like a little baby doll. Mateo smiled at the scene and looked down to see Matty at his feet,
tail wagging.

Mateo bent and picked up his son.

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“Did you miss me?” Mateo laughed as Matty licked up the side of his face.
“I missed you, too.”
“Feel better now? Riley huffed. “You got some aggression out on your last mission, didn’t


Mateo nodded. “And then some.”
Maggie cooed and sunk her fingers into Riley’s coat. Mateo sat down next to them both and put

Matty down. Maggie’s big blue eyes looked up at him and he smiled, picking her up.

“Daddy missed you too, sweetie. You’ve grown.” Mateo looked his daughter over. Chestnut

curls covered her head and her little cherub face looked back at him with a drooling smile. “I love you,
Maggie.” Mateo held her close.

“Dada.” Maggie tightened her arms around Mateo’s neck.
Mateo’s eyes widened and he pulled back to look at his daughter. She was smiling, her little

hands on his cheeks.

“Dada!” Maggie squealed and slapped Mateo’s cheeks.
“Yes, I’m your dada.” Mateo leaned over and kissed Riley’s nose. “We’re a family.”
Riley sighed in contentment. He’d lost his mother and his father, but he’d gained a husband and

children and loyal friends. Whatever the future had in store for all of them, he knew he’d face it head
on, with Mateo at his side.


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Start the ride from the beginning with: A Marked Man, Alaska with Love, By the light of the

moon, Half moon rising, Best Laid Plans, For the love of Caden, The General’s lover, Russian Prey,

An Ignited Passion, Reflash, The Red Zone, Irish Wishes, Pleading the fifth , Betrayed, Summer of

Awakenings, Into the Lyons Den and Nik of Time.

And a paranormal love story, Second Time Around.

Also, books from Wilde City:

A Betting Man

A Marrying Man

Join me on my Facebook pages!


Document Outline


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