Tory Richards [Wild Marauders MC 01] Lynch (pdf)

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Copyright © 2015 Tory Richards

All Rights Reserved.

Published by Tory Richards

This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only, and is a work of fiction. Names,

characters, places, and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used

fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons living or dead, business establishments,

events, or locales, is entirely coincidental.

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner

whatsoever without written permission from the author except in the case of brief quotations

embodied in critical articles or reviews.

Tory Richards:

‘Author’s note: All characters depicted in this work of fiction are 18 years of age or


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I swore beneath my breath and steered my car to the shoulder of the road. At the back of

my mind I cursed myself for ignoring the engine light that had come on a week before, but I'd
had too much to do before my job interview at the Crows Feet Clinic. Now, on the very day of
the interview, I’d broken down. I switched off the ignition and glanced over at my boyfriend,

I held back my anger. I could tell by his tone and the look on his face that he wasn't going

to be much, if any, help. I didn’t know why I put up with him. He wasn't even that good in bed.
Plus he was lazy, thinking that because he was a lawyer it excused him from anything and
everything that might get his hands dirty. Fuck, give me strength.

"You're not even going to look at it?"
"If by ‘it’ you mean the engine, then no. You know I don't know anything mechanic."
I released a sigh. Neither did I, but I knew where to put oil, gas, and water when it needed

it, and I knew where the battery was. I felt myself beginning to tremble with anger. As I
continued to stare at Ben he continued to stare back until I wanted to scream at how useless he
was. Why, oh why, had I let him talk me into letting him come with me today?

"So, you're not going to get out and at least look like you're trying to help?"
"Do you know how much this suit cost?" was his asinine response. "No, sorry."
Totally useless jerk! What did I ever see in him?
I gritted my teeth and opened the door, exiting my car with a promise to myself that this

was it—this was the day that I was going to break-up with that asshole and get him out of my
life. Getting the job at the clinic would help with my justification for ending our relationship,
considering that I'd have to move a whole county over from where we currently lived. With as
much strength as I could muster, I slammed the door shut behind me while reaching inside my
leather jacket for my phone. Thank God for AAA, this made the phone call short and sweet.

As I prepared to wait the hour or so for someone from AAA to get there, I leaned against

the back of the car, so over Ben. At about that time I heard a motorcycle approaching, and to my
surprise the driver pulled over and came to a stop right next to me. I tried to control my
expression because the guy was hot, and I mean panty-wetting hot. Everything about him
screamed “fuck me now”, and I knew by his tight, faded jeans, black tee-shirt, boots, and leather
cut that he was a real bad-ass biker, the dangerous kind who belonged in a club. His cut was
covered in patches. He was smiling.

"Need help, beautiful?"
Even though his compliment seemed sincere it made me feel uncomfortable. I knew I

was attractive, but I'd never considered myself—and my womanly curves—beautiful. The way
that his dark-as-midnight eyes moved over me backed up his comment. I knew when a man was
undressing me with his eyes. Excitement raced through me. It’d been a long time since a man
had looked at me in the way that he was looking at me now.

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I became aware that he was still waiting for my response. "No thank you, I just phoned

AAA and they're sending someone."

I reached up to push back a stray strand of hair away from my eyes. I knew that my

casual style wouldn't hold up for long. I'd dressed professionally for the interview, in a slim-
fitting, light brown skirt and a cream-colored blouse that, if you looked hard enough, revealed
the lacy bra that I wore beneath it. I resisted the urge to pull my leather jacket over my breasts.

He was looking hard enough that I was surprised my blouse didn’t catch fire.
"You live around here?" he asked with a sexy quirk on his lips.
I hoped to soon, but decided to keep that to myself. I mean, the man was handsome and

sexy, if you liked big and rugged, but he could still be a serial killer or something. "No."

"Too bad," he said. His gaze roamed with slow interest down my legs to the stilettos on

my feet. I knew they made my legs look long and shapely. Something like regret covered his
expression. “Heaven.”

“Excuse me?” Did I want to know what he was thinking?
A slow, cocky smile spread across his slightly whiskered jaw. “Those gorgeous legs,

baby,” he began, capturing my gaze again. “I bet they go all the way up to heaven.”

Holy shit! It wasn’t his words that had shocked me, but the path of his gaze, which had

dropped and then stopped, as if he could see right through my skirt. I caught my breath as my
body responded in a very wet way. My nipples hardened at the intensity of his hard stare, so
much so that they hurt. I wanted to reach up and soothe them. The tingle that settled spread
throughout the rest of my body. His smile never wavered. He knew exactly what he was doing to
me! What the fuck?

“And I like those back scratchers.”
I had no idea what he was talking about. "What?" I glanced down at my feet where he

was looking now, not even sure what I was looking for.

He chuckled. "Your fuckin' heels, baby." Like that explained everything. "I like the feel

of heels scratching my back when I'm fucking a woman."


He didn’t!
My jaw dropped from the visual he'd created in my head, of the two of us doing just that.

I’d never had a stranger talk to me in such a filthy way before. Yet, even as it shocked me, it
caused a firestorm of need inside me that took my breath away. My libido meter went off the
fucking chart, and for a minute I forgot we were standing on the side of a road.

I was saved from having to come up with a response as his gaze moved to my car, where

Ben was sitting in the passenger seat, oblivious to everything that was going on around him.
"Shit, baby, looks like you got yourself a ride." Why did I get the feeling he was talking about
something naughty, and sexual? His gaze swung back to mine, and then he was shaking his head.
He took a deep breath. "Well, then, if you're sure you're okay I'll be off."

Just like that, his interest seemed to have disappeared.
"I'm good, thank you for stopping." I tried to smile but couldn’t muster one. I was so hot

and horny now that if Ben hadn’t been stagnating in the front seat I would have dragged the biker
into the back and had my way with him. Something told me that he would have been all for it. I
couldn’t be sure, but the front of his jeans looked like it was holding an impressive hard-on.

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After the biker left I glanced at where Ben was sitting, completely oblivious to what had

just taken place between me and the biker. Shit, the guy could have forced me on his bike and
ridden off with me, never to be seen or heard from again.

And I would have liked it.
As I waited for AAA, I thought about what life was going to be like now.
In a new job.
In a new town.
Without Ben.

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Chapter 1


Three weeks later…

“What the fuck?” I stopped when I heard the familiar rumble of a motorcycle and glanced

down the road to see Chicken riding our way. Sitting precariously across his bony lap was what
looked like a rolled up carpet. As he grew nearer, I could see the shit eatin' grin on his ugly face.
He was proud as shit about something.

The brothers behind me stopped because I had, and we waited for Chicken to reach us. I

shook my head and crossed my arms, fixing a lethal look on him. The prospect lost his smile and
came to a cautious stop before us. So far he’d been one big fuck-up and it didn’t look like things
were getting any better.

“Before you go all crazy on me, prez, I did what you asked. Just wait!” He pushed the

carpet to the ground, got off his bike, and proceeded to grab the end of it. “I had a little trouble,
but I improvised.” Jerking the end of the carpet, he began to unroll it until a woman was

Holy Fuck!
Even upside-down I recognized her.
She was the woman.
The very one who’d plagued my fucking dreams for the last few weeks, the same one

whose face I saw on every sweetbutt I fucked, ever since the day that I’d stopped to help her on
the side of the road. I’d hit on her, hard, until I saw the fucking suit sitting in the passenger side
of her car. She’d declined my offer of help, but I had a feeling that she would have let me kiss
her, and more, in the backseat while waiting for AAA to arrive if we’d been alone. I can still
remember how fucking hot she’d looked that day.

She might be dressed down right now in tight jeans and a clinging tee-shirt, but she

looked even hotter in casual clothes because they clung to her full curves, revealing that she had
plenty of the good stuff to hold on to while banging her. Then I noticed her feet, no shoes. That’s
right, the chick was barefoot. I gave her a lazy, appreciative look. Sweet Jesus, she was all tits
and ass from what I could tell. I felt my cock twitch.

“Goddamnit, Chicken!” Lenny, my VP, swore before I could. “What the fuck have you


Chicken was tall and thin but he held his ground in the face of the older, bigger biker. “I

did what I had to!” he defended himself. “The clinic was closed for a medical emergency at the
hospital and she was the only one there.” He crossed his arms.

The woman in question was still on the ground, unwittingly bringing attention to her

large tits as she lay on her backside panting. Her wild blonde hair was half-up, half-down, and
with a huff she brushed it out of her face and eyes, which were shooting daggers of blue
lightning up at us. When my gaze returned to hers, she had enough fury in her eyes to damn me
to hell and back. If she recognized me she didn’t show it.

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I shouldn’t have, but I smiled.
She got to her feet on her own steam and headed straight for Chicken. “You dumb shit! I

couldn't breathe!” It was clear that she was going to hit him, which just wouldn’t do. No one hit a
brother, even a prospect, and got away with it. Chicken actually took a step back, producing
laughter from Wizard and Tank. It was clear her attack had caught him by surprise. “You could
have killed me!”

Just as she raised her hands to hit him I stepped forward and wrapped an arm around her

waist hauling her off her feet and back against me. I immediately noticed the difference between
her and the skinny whores that hung around club. Thicker waist, curvier hips, and right now her
fleshy ass was rubbing against me, and any time I had something this sweet against my dick I got

“Who the hell is in charge here?” she snapped, digging her nails into my arm and

struggling wildly, obviously too angry to appreciate her situation. “Kidnapping is against the
law, you jerks!” She tried to pull my arm from around her waist, throwing her head back with

She wasn’t scared, just mad as hell.
Her attempt to head-butt me produced a chuckle from the guys. I was six-foot-six and her

head barely reached my chest. There was nothing she could do to hurt me physically, but that
didn’t matter. Just the fact that she was trying to hurt me was cause for immediate action. As the
president of the club I had a reputation to protect. My crew might be amused at what was
happening, but they still expected me to put her in her place and show her who was boss. As she
continued to wiggle against me, the clip holding her hair popped open, releasing long, wild hair.

The kind of hair a man could grab a hold of when pounding into her from behind.
Fuck me. Not a vision that I wanted right then.
“Let me go, asshole!”
I had a feeling that her hysterical command was the result of my hard cock. Unless she

was dead from the waist down, she had to feel it against her ass. I was harder than a steel rod
from her movements, and I’d always liked a woman that looked like a woman, with curves I
could sink myself into. Another thing affecting my libido was the way she smelled, clean and
fresh. I was used to the smell of cigarettes, booze, and sex on the whores that I slept with.

“Take your filthy hands off me!”
That did it. She needed to be taught a fucking lesson. There was an old, broken down jeep

close by and I threw her up against it, pushing her there with my body. Ignoring her gasp of pain,
I fisted a hand in her long hair and jerked her head back roughly, enough so that our eyes could

“Give me anymore trouble and I’ll show you how filthy I can get. It won't be a hardship

to rip your fuckin' jeans off and fuck you into submission right here in front of everyone." I
snarled the words against her ear and decided to back it up with a kiss. I ground my mouth over
hers, not giving a shit if my roughness was hurting her. Her mouth was full and fucking soft,
keeping my cock as hard as fucking stone.

I heard the laughter and crude sexual remarks from my brothers in the background, but all

that soon faded into nothing as I forced her to open her mouth for my tongue. Sweet fucking
The next thing I was grinding was my cock into her ass, fighting the urge to flip her
around and follow up on my earlier threat. My dick wanted inside her cunt so bad it was driving
all other thoughts from my head. I forgot why the hell I was kissing her. Oh, yeah, I was showing
her who was boss.

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Her bottom lip was just too tempting, and as I ended the kiss I bit down on it enough to

make it hurt. I opened my eyes to hers, smiling in the face of her speechless anger. No fear, just
fucking spunk. This woman either didn’t know about the Wild Marauders and what we were
capable of, or she was just that stupid.

In spite of her fucking curves, she was no bigger than an elf compared to me. Most of my

brothers and I had a good foot on her, and a hundred plus pounds. I examined her flushed face
and bruised, wet mouth. My cock ached, and I couldn't stop myself from pushing it against her
ass again. She gasped, reminding me why my hand was still twisted in her hair and why I was
pinning her against a rusty vehicle.

“I remember you.” Her tone was barely above a whisper, the look of recognition in her

eyes backing up her comment. I expected to see fear there, but instead I saw something else that I
couldn’t quite figure out. I’d wanted her that day on the road, that hadn’t changed, but right now
I had a situation on my hands that took priority.

“Don’t test me, baby, that was just a sample of the damage I can do to you.” I yanked her

away from the jeep and shoved her toward my brothers.

Lenny was still glaring at Chicken, probably because he knew the trouble Chicken’s

screw-up could cause us. I knew it, too, and though she was pretty trouble, no cunt was worth the
risk of putting my MC in danger. The last thing we needed were the cops coming around. Not
after all the money we’d donated to the town to keep the law, and upstanding town’s folk off our

“What’s your name?” The anger in her pretty eyes amused me. She was still showing

defiance, but I didn’t have time to deal with it in the way that I should, or wanted.

“Katherine Riley.” She crossed her arms. My gaze fell to her big tits. “What’s your


My crew laughed and I knew it had more to do with her sass than the actual question. I

had a hard time pulling my interest away from those hard little nipples poking through her tee-
shirt, wondering what they would taste like on my tongue. My dick was still damned hard,
craving a piece of her, but I ignored it, and her question. Time for play later. “Are you a nurse?”

She shook her head. "I'm a nurse's aide."
I looked at Chicken with irritation. Fucking mess up!
"She said she was a nurse," he grumbled.
"I told you I was a nurse's aide, asshole." She slapped her hands on her hips and directed

her scowling gaze on me. "You can't keep me here against my will."

I grinned, fighting the urge to kiss the sass off her mouth. "You'll soon find out what I

can and will do." I looked at Chicken. "My office, now." I turned and began walking. “Wizard,
take our guest to one of the vacant rooms upstairs.”

I knew I could trust the grizzled old man to keep his hands to himself. The last trouble we

needed was someone crying rape.



I couldn’t believe the rugged hot biker who’d stopped to help me almost a month ago was

standing before me now, and seemed to be the one in charge. My reaction to his dangerous
appeal was the same as it had been then, and it had my practical sensibilities balking. I didn’t

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want to find him attractive, but it was damned hard not to when the man reeked of barely-
contained sexuality, and my body wanted a taste.

This wasn’t me.
I liked safe and predictable.
Boring like Ben
Wait! What?
What I hadn’t counted on was my reaction to the rough treatment by his hands combined

with his raw filthy language and scorching looks. My libido hadn't stood a chance. His attack had
left me speechless, my brain scrambled, and my pussy wet. That I hadn’t expected, nor had I
anticipated the hard-on pressed against my butt. Especially from a man who, in his position,
probably had any woman that he wanted. He exuded sex just in the way he looked and carried
himself. I had a feeling that his bad biker-ass attitude wasn't just for show.

He wasn’t drop-dead handsome, he was rugged, commanding, and jagged around the

edges, but his hard blue eyes ripped at a woman’s weakness and I wasn't immune. I had a feeling
that fucking someone like him would be nothing short of mind-blowing. For just a second, when
he'd pushed me up against that truck and leaned into me, something crazy inside me had
wondered what it would be like. His threat would have shocked and degraded a more innocent
woman. I was no innocent, but I wasn’t a whore either.

I'd heard all about the local motorcycle club, had even seen them drive by the clinic a few

times. Word was that they were involved in a lot of illegal activity disguised by the few legal
businesses they owned. Folks went out of their way to avoid having anything to do with the club,
and turned a blind eye to their goings on. Even the law in our small, cow-poke town seemed to
give them a wide berth, letting them handle their own problems. All of this was according to my
co-worker. It didn’t take a genius to know that you didn’t give them trouble. The basic rule was
you leave them alone, they leave you alone.

So why had I been kidnapped?
At the moment I had no choice but to let Wizard take me by the arm and lead me away. I

wasn't about to put up a fight when I knew that I would be the only one to get hurt. The situation
I’d found myself in could turn bad real fast, and I felt a very real threat from their leader, in spite
of our mutual misguided attraction. I’d expected a slap for my smart mouth, I was used to that
and could handle it, having grown up with an abusive aunt and uncle that hadn’t really wanted
me around. They'd dished out slaps like they were treats, and after a while I had grown numb to

I hated my aunt and uncle, and hadn’t looked back once I’d left.
Since he and Chicken were walking ahead, my eyes roamed over his perfect backside. To

say that the man was in shape would be an understatement. His wide shoulders and back tapered
down to lean hips, thick, powerful thighs, and a tight ass, emphasized by the jeans he was
wearing. His sleeveless cut sported the MC logo. There was nothing cute about the one-eyed
skull that was their insignia. It was pure evil looking. His pointed teeth were clamped onto a
knife that was dripping blood. The bandana around his bony head, along with his one good eye,
was blood-red, as were the words written above that said, “Wild Marauders MC”. The words
beneath the devil’s head stated their location, Crows Feet, Maine.

The vest revealed the bulging muscles in his arms and the shaggy black hair that lay

against the back of his thick neck. I recalled the hard muscles he’d pressed against my backside
when he’d held me against the jeep, and that had been before I looked at him, really looked at

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him, and realized who he was. He wasn’t wearing a shirt beneath his cut, and the split down the
front had revealed a hard, well-sculptured torso, I’d never seen abs like his before, not in person
anyway. Ink covered most of his right arm. My fingers itched to trace the black, intricate lines.

I’d only moved to the rural town of Crows Feet two weeks ago, to accept a job as a

nurse’s aide at the small clinic right outside of town. They didn’t usually close up until five, but
today, at around two o’clock, Dr. Putter had been called to the hospital. Something about an
eight-car pile-up on the interstate. Left to close up the place, I took a quick shower and changed
like I sometimes did before going home. The building was an old house that had been converted
to a clinic, but the upstairs had been left alone.

Just as I had finished getting dressed, the bell sounded over the entrance doorway,

alerting me that I'd forgotten to lock the door and that someone had come inside. I flew down the
stairs, coming face-to-face with Chicken. My first thought, after looking him over and
determining that he wasn’t injured, was that he might be there to see Stella. She was a staff-
member who liked bikers, and had been known to date a few.

The first red flag came when Chicken asked me if I was alone. I’d briefly explained what

had happened to the doctor and told him that we were closed. “Are you a nurse?” he’d asked.
Once I'd clarified that I was a nurse’s aide, he'd demanded I come with him. I had refused. The
office had recently had new carpet installed, and Chicken had obviously seen a piece left over
sitting against the wall, because the next thing I knew I was rolled up in it like a hot tamale.

With no idea of what was going on I wasn’t surprised to see that he’d taken me to the

biker clubhouse. I’d never been there, hadn't even known where it was located, until today. The
bikers’ presence screamed danger and trouble, but seeing them up close and personal for the first
time, I could understand why Stella was drawn to them. The bikers I’d seen so far were hard-
muscled, tattooed Gods in jeans and boots, sporting chunky rings and chains. They looked rough,
and capable of anything.

Their leader didn’t say much, but maybe he didn’t need to. It was obvious that he was a

man of action and few words. The look he’d turned on Chicken when he ordered him to his
office had spoke volumes. Reaching the entrance door, Chicken opened it and stepped inside. As
I moved to follow I was stopped when an arm shot across the open doorway, blocking my way. I
glanced up to meet the sexy biker’s lethal eyes. If he thought his stony expression was going to
intimidate me, he was in for a surprise. I didn’t scare easily.

I waited for him to speak, ignoring the erratic pounding of my heart.
It had nothing to do with fear and everything to do with my awareness of him.
How close we were.
“I hope you’re going to be a good little girl until I sort this shit out.”
I stiffened. I was anything but little. Sure, I was short, which made for a fuller figure than

I would have liked. At twenty-seven I was comfortable with it, until someone brought attention
to it by making a comment. In the old days I'd run away to cry in a corner somewhere when the
skinnier girls, like the stuck-up cheerleaders I’d gone to school with, had called me fat. These
days, a reference to my full figure didn’t bother me. It was the “good little girl,” part that fired
me up, and if I was going to be honest, my unwanted attraction to him.

I tossed my long hair over my shoulder. “Then maybe you’d better take me home now

and save yourself some grief. I’ve never been a good little girl, and I don’t intend to make things
easy for you.” It was a threat and we both knew it. They were only words, empty meaningless
words that I knew deep down I couldn’t possibly back up. The only thing I had going for me was
my smart mouth, brains, and a nature that wouldn’t let me give in without a fight.

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The slightest curve of his sensuous mouth didn’t fool me into thinking that he’d found

my comment funny. His gaze zeroed in on my boobs, and I felt an immediate and unwelcome
response from my nipples. Traitors! If that wasn't bad enough, something warm and wet flowed
from my core to my panties. Fuck!

“I’m not afraid of you,” I said, drawing his attention back to my eyes. I was only afraid of

what he made me feel. I couldn't understand where it was coming from, but I had a feeling that
he had this affect on every woman.

The corners of his mouth turned up even more. “Don’t piss me off,” he said in a deep,

even tone. “Or you’ll find out what I’m capable of, and I promise you, you won’t like it.”

Another threat? “I’m sure you’re very skilled in all kinds of violence against women.”
He remained quiet for a moment, and I felt a flicker of unease. I knew better than to taunt

someone I didn’t know, but it was too late to take it back now.

“I’m also very skilled in all kinds of different ways to fuck a woman.”
Fuck! The man didn’t beat around the bush. A flush of heat spread over me but I refused

to let him see how his blunt words turned me on. He dropped his arm and I quickly joined
Wizard, where he was patiently waiting. As we walked down a hallway Chicken took a turn,
which I assumed was to the office, while Wizard and I kept on walking. I followed him up a
flight of stairs and down another hallway until he paused at one of the doors. I watched him
reach above the door jamb, extracting a key that he used to unlock the door. He pushed it open
for me and motioned me inside.

“My prison.” I took a few steps into the center of the room, and then stopped and turned

to face him.

“Shouldn’t be here long,” Wizard said in his grizzly tone. With his long hair and full

beard it was hard to tell how old he was, but I was guessing around sixty. “It’s for your own
safety that Lynch wants you locked up.”

So, Lynch was his name. I released a huff and crossed my arms. A prison none-the-less. I

couldn’t believe they were going to lock me up. I started a list in my head.

Roughed up.
Locked up.
Held against my will.
Oh, and, let’s not forget Lynch’s sexual assault on my senses.
“Look,” he said, hesitating as if he couldn’t make up his mind about something. “I

wouldn’t try anything if I were you. We have some new boys who might mistake you for one of
the sweetbutts around here. You find yourself cornered by one of them and you can count on
giving up some pussy.”

“Thanks for the warning.” I wasn’t shocked by what I was hearing. I’d heard the

clubhouse was not only home to the MC and their old ladies, but to the prospects hoping for a
place in the club and the women who hung around to dance and entertain the men. Thank God
Stella liked to talk.

Wizard closed and locked the door and suddenly I was alone. I glanced around at my

sparse surroundings. The room had only the necessities-- a bed, a dresser with a mirror, and a
small table with two chairs. The walls were bare, and there was one small window. I rushed over
to it. Two stories hadn’t seemed that high in my mind until I glanced down onto the bare ground.
Several motorcycles were parked below, and through the open window I could hear faint voices

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drifting up from below.

Still, an escape wouldn’t be impossible, even barefoot. There was a small ledge outside

the window, and closer inspection revealed that it continued all the way to the end of the
building. With a little luck I might make it to another room with a window, one where the door
wasn’t locked. It was a risk, but one I was willing to take. I had to try.

Smiling, I thought about what Lynch's reaction would be when he discovered me gone,

and I wished I could hang around long enough to see his face once he realized I’d also made off
with one of the motorcycles. Of course I'd see that it got returned.

No harm done.

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Chapter 2


I climbed out the small window and tested the ledge before putting all my weight on it.

Once I was satisfied that it would hold, I carefully moved inch by inch until coming to another
window. I listened for any noise inside before taking a peek. It was empty, so I climbed through
the opening. The room was a lot different than the one I had just left. It looked like someone was
living there. It was cluttered with personal items, clothes thrown everywhere, and a bed that had
stained bedding and pillows on it.

I wrinkled up my nose, identifying the stink as a combination of cigarettes, perfume, and

sex. Jesus! I was probably in one of the sweetbutt’s rooms, and that gave me an idea. I’d have a
better chance of getting out of there if I looked like one of their women. As much as the thought
of putting someone else’s clothes on disgusted me, I knew it was necessary. I glanced around the
room, but everything looked dirty, smelly, and probably had body fluids all over it. At the very
least germs and the thought of bugs made me shudder.

The beat-up dresser caught my eye and I rushed to it, pulling open a drawer. I yanked out

several items and held them up, then tossed them aside because they were too small. “Damn it to
hell!” After plucking out more stuff I finally came to something that might work. It was actually
a white silk night gown with spaghetti straps. It would make do as a slutty blouse.

Quickly shrugging out of my shirt, I pulled the gown over my head, groaning when I

realized that my bra would have to go. That was quickly taken care of, and then I tucked the
extra material into my jeans. Oh Jesus! I glanced at the finished product in the cheap, smudged
mirror over the dresser. Slutty was an understatement. The garment was snug over my boobs,
grazing across my nipples and making them hard. A lot of cleavage was showing, too, and when
I squinted I could make out my slightly darker areolas. Oh well, I wasn’t hanging around long
enough for anyone to notice them anyway.

Glancing down at the junk covering the dresser, I found a rubber band and quickly pulled

my long hair into a ponytail on the top of my head, and then twisted it into a soft knot. I moved
to the door and put my ear to it. I knew it would be too much to hope that the bikers I’d seen
earlier wouldn’t be downstairs, but I wasn't going to let that stop me. Don’t over think it and just
I told myself. Deal with it when it happens. I opened the door and peeked around. There was
no one in the hallway, so I slipped out and rushed to the stairs, pausing to glance down. No one
was there! I made my way down, feeling my heart pounding hard at the risk I was taking.

The noise coming from below grew louder as I neared the bottom step. I'd seen the large

bar area when I’d first come in, and I knew that it was at the end of the next hallway. Seeing no
one around, I quietly tip-toed as far as the turn that led to Lynch's office. Flattening myself
against the wall, I listened to the noise coming from the bar, working up the nerve to continue. I
looked in the direction of the office to see that the door was open and the room appeared empty.
Breathing a sigh of relief, I scurried past.

One more hurdle and I’d be home free, or so I thought. The closer I moved to the main

entrance door the more confidence I got. I had to pass the double doors that led to the bar, and

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judging from the noise, the place sounded packed. Deciding that the only thing I could do was
just walk past and pray I didn't draw attention to myself, I took a deep breath and then took that
first step.

I made it halfway to the other side before I heard a loud whistle and then, “Hey brothers,

looks like we have a sexy new sweetbutt!” Another whistle followed, and then the sound of a
chair scraping across the floor. “I call first dick lick!” someone said crudely, followed by a burst
of male laughter throughout the room.

Dick lick?
With my heart in my throat, I reluctantly looked into the room. It was packed with Wild

Marauders and their women. I made eye contact with the biker that was making his way toward
me. He looked way too happy, and the lusty gleam in his red eyes warned me that he had one
thing on his mind. He leered at me and grabbed the front of his pants. “Hey baby!”

Oh hell no!
“Polo!” a sharp voice bellowed out, bringing the man, and me, to a dead stop. The noise

in the room turned down considerably and all heads swung in one direction.

I swallowed hard, my eyes locking onto Lynch's. There was a naked woman on his lap

and he dumped her onto the floor and left his chair with a determined look on his face that I
didn't like. It was a nonverbal threat of what he was going to do to me if I didn’t stop. All it did
was make me jump into action and I exited the building with only one thought on my mind—
grab the first bike I saw and ride the hell out of there.

More than two dozen motorcycles, most of them modified choppers, or Harleys, unique

to a particular rider, all covered in Wild Marauders logos, dust, and sporting saddle bags, were
parked in front of the building. Thank goodness for an ex-boyfriend who’d taught me how to
ride. I grabbed the first Harley and swung my leg over the leather seat. I had the engine rumbling
to life just as the club door swung open and Lynch stepped outside. The look on his rugged face
was grim and the coldness in his eyes promised retribution.

I glanced away before losing my nerve, maneuvered the bike around the others, and

without looking back gunned the engine and left the clubhouse spewing dirt and gravel. I think I
heard the start of another bike, but I wasn't about to look behind me. Common sense told me that
I didn't stand a chance of escaping, but I was determined to try. Once I was on the road I brought
the bike up to a dangerous speed, too dangerous for a dirt road filled with rocks and holes.

I didn’t have a plan, hadn’t thought past the minute I was in. I came to a sharp curve and

slowed down, and that was when I realized that someone was coming up behind me, fast. My
heart began to race, and when the road straightened out again and another bike came into my
peripheral vision I reluctantly glanced over.

His long hair flying out behind him, Lynch looked ready to kill.
“Pull the fuck over or I’ll run your ass off the road!”
Shit! I sensed he’d do it, too, and it was all I could do to keep the bike steady. Nothing

but fields of tall grass and wildflowers were on either side of us. How hurt could I get? But
continuing under the circumstances was stupid.

Obviously angry at my hesitation, he yelled, “Do it, NOW!”
Our gazes clashed, and I pressed my lips, reluctantly slowing down to pull over. I’d

barely kicked the stand down when Lynch was on me like a mad dog, his lip curled in a snarl.
His large hands wrapped around my upper arms and he jerked me up and off the bike until we
were nose to nose.

“You crazy bitch! Do you realize what you just did? I’ve killed for less than this.”

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I wondered if he was talking about my borrowing the bike or my pitiful attempt to

escape. I tried to remain calm but my heart felt like it was about to pound out of my chest. “I’m
sorry if I don’t know biker club etiquette, but I was kidnapped this morning so I borrowed the
motorcycle to go home. I had every intention of returning it.” I could hear other bikes coming
closer but didn’t take my eyes off the lethal look in his.

Lynch shook his head. “It doesn’t matter,” he said between his teeth. “You’ve just fuckin'

sealed your fate, baby.”

What did he mean by that? Before I could ask, three other bikers showed up, one of them

riding double. They came to a stop on the road next to us. Their expressions looked seriously
grim, and for the first time I began to fear that they might actually kill me.

“You need us, prez?”
Not taking his angry eyes off of me, he ordered, “I’ll meet you back at the bar. Take

Tully’s bike back with you.”

The man riding double slipped off the bike and walked to the chopper Lynch had used to

catch up to me. Without further conversation his men were gone as fast as they’d appeared. My
heart was still pounding wildly because he hadn’t released me. His hands were hurting me and I
knew there would be bruises. I almost laughed at the absurd thought that a few bruises wouldn't
matter if he put a bullet in my head. As the sounds of the other bikes grew faint, I tried to pull
away. His hands tightened, his fingers biting into the fleshy part of my arm, causing even more

"Ouch! You're hurting me!" In spite of being too aware of him as a man I was beginning

to get pissed at the whole ridiculous situation.

"This is nothing," he snarled down at me.
“I really was going to make sure the bike was returned,” I began, “And and I wasn’t

going to go to the police.” As the words left my mouth I realized that I meant them. They hadn’t
hurt me, not really, and I had the feeling that my circumstances were the result of a stupid
misunderstanding. My admission didn't soften the look in his eyes, but thankfully the muscles in
his powerful arms relaxed a little. “Wouldn’t you have tried to run?”

“This is about you, not me. We were going to let go but that was before you stole a bike.

Your fuckin' impatience is going to cost you.”

My disbelief and anger got the best of me. "What? More bruises? Another groping or a


"It's not that fuckin' easy. We have club rules, bylaws which we live by. As the president

I'm expected to enforce them, and you took something of value without permission. No one
touches our bikes without our permission, no one.”

"So slap a fine on me and I'll pay it," I responded without thinking. I had a little money in

the bank, hopefully enough to cover it.

"You'll fuckin' pay," he barked. "And at the hands of the owner of the bike you took."
I thought about what he was saying, and memories of my childhood flashed in my head.

“I grew up being slapped around and unwanted by people who were supposed to love me. After a
while I grew numb to it.”

His nostrils flared, the anger still gripping him. “We don’t abide by civilian laws and

penalties. Punishment can come in any form, baby. He could have you pay on your fuckin'

“He can try.” He didn't need to elaborate, and I knew as soon as the words came out of

my mouth it was the wrong thing to say. But I’d never been one to back down, and when I was

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backed into a corner I lashed out. They had no right to take me, keep me, or make me do

“Oh, he will, baby. I happen to know he likes pussy, and you’re just his type.”
His smirk worried me. “People will come looking for me.” I thought about the isolation

of the clinic outside of town. As far as I knew, no one had seen my abduction. I thought about
my elderly neighbor and landlady, Grace, a sweet, senile old woman who talked to her cats and
answered back for them. The only people I could call friends were the people I worked with, and
they wouldn’t notice me gone until Monday. Fuck! At that moment I was screwed.

“Wild Marauders donated a hundred and fifty grand to Crows Feet last year. As far as the

law goes, they let us handle our own problems.”

Payoff money, which to a one-street town must have felt like a million bucks. I pulled free

from his grip and rubbed where he’d held me. “So, is this Tully a cruel man?”

For the first time Lynch looked at me with something other than anger. I could almost see

his mind working, as if trying to figure out how I knew the man’s name, and I could tell by his
expression the second he figured it out. His grin scared me almost as much as his anger had.
“You didn’t steal−”

“Borrow,” I cut in.
Steal--,” Lynch insisted firmly. “Tully’s bike.”
I looked at him, confused. “Then who’s bike did I st−borrow?”
There was a long pause before he said, “Mine, sweetheart.”

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Chapter 3


I enjoyed the flush that came over Kat’s pretty face. She wanted to run, hell, I wanted her

to run so that I had another reason to put my hands on her. But then, since when did I need a
reason to put my fucking hands on a woman? Sweetbutts fucking begged for it, only lately I
hadn’t been as interested. Maybe I was just getting tired of the same old pussy, and I sure as hell
was getting tired of having to check for fucking STDS, even though I used condoms. Some of
the girls had been at the club for years, still hoping to become someone's old lady.

Shit. If that didn't happen early on it usually didn't happen at all.
As I moved toward Kat she flinched, yet held her ground. She was gutsy, and that turned

me the hell on. I heard her breath catch when I reached for her loose bun and roughly tugged it
free, snapping the rubber band. She had beautiful hair, thick and silky, and the vision of it
wrapped around us while I was pounding into her made my dick jerk. I was pretty fucking sure
that I was going to fuck her. But it was going to be on my terms, and when I had the time to lick,
suck, and bite every delicious inch of her.

Another reason I wanted to keep her around for a couple of days.
“I want your hair down at all times,” I ordered. When she opened her mouth I was fairly

certain that she was going to protest. I wasn’t in the mood to fight with her over it, so, fisting my
hand into her hair, I pulled her into my hard kiss. It was intended to subdue her, give her a
sample of the harsh treatment I was going to hand out, but once our tongues began to battle for
supremacy, I went a little mad and lost control.

Her small hands came up and pushed against my chest but I wasn't going anywhere. I

moved my mouth roughly over hers, wanting to suck the defiance right out of her. Fucking her
mouth with my tongue, I listened to her low whimpers and smiled inwardly, wondering if she
was aware that she was digging her nails into me. I liked the pain, it fucking turned me on, and
she was going to get her fair share. Rough sex brought the beast out in me, and I expected to
consume her when the time came. I expected no less from her.

I pushed her away from me, just enough to see the sparkle of defiance in her eyes, and

something else. A little bit of hate? Good. Her breathing was labored, and I was panting. Her
face had deepened in color, and her eyes were brighter. Her bottom lip was swollen and wet and
I leaned in to nibble and suck on it a little. “Get on my bike.” We weren’t going far and I wanted
her in front of me, against my dick.

I climbed on behind her, pulling her ass hard against my erection. Ignoring her gasp, and

attempt to straighten away from it, I started my bike and headed back to the club. The whole way
there her sweet ass rubbed against my dick until I thought I was going to fill my jeans with cum.
Once we were back at the club I switched off my bike, taking a moment to grind my dick against
her backside.

I sucked in a breath.
“Fucking sweet ass,” I growled low into her ear before tugging on it with my teeth. She

stiffened, cried out, and shivered wildly against me. I grinned inwardly, dropped my hands from

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the handlebars, and covered her tits, squeezing the luscious mounds. Jesus, I wanted to tear at the
thin straps holding her top up so I could touch her bare flesh, but there would be time for that

Lenny, Tank, and Wizard were standing outside the door, enjoying a smoke, silently

watching. Smiling, I swung my leg over the back of my bike and pulled Kat off. “Gonna have to
see about getting you some shoes.” I said, pulling her behind me toward the door.

“Smoke?” Lenny asked.
I shook my head. Another bad habit I was trying to cut back on. Shit, first whores and

then cigarettes, but both were for health reasons. At thirty-four I wasn’t getting any younger, and
I’d seen what years of abuse had done to some old timers. I didn’t intend to look like a grizzled,
worn out piece of leather, coughing up a lung when I was sixty. Now whiskey, that was a whole
other demon, and one I wasn't ready to give up.

“Everything is set for tonight, prez,” Lenny continued, taking a last drag and tossing the

butt away.

“It fuckin' better be.” I pulled the door open. “I don’t want anything going wrong with the


I took Kat to my office and continued through the room to where my bedroom was

located. Pulling her inside the room, I slammed the door shut and released her. She turned to face
me, slamming her hands on her hips. I crossed my arms over my chest, dropping my gaze to her
tits. Sweet fuck! Her nipples were practically cutting holes through the silk covering them, and
with her hands on her hips it only stretched the material tighter. But what really fucking got to
me was the arousal on her flushed face. I was glad to see that I wasn’t the only one confused
over the fucking lust hammering at us.

I looked her up and down. “Take it off.”
Her jaw dropped, eyes growing round. “What?”
“Take it off. It doesn’t belong to you.” I glared pointedly at her top. She was going to

have to learn to stop taking things without asking first. As far as I was concerned, this was a
fucking lesson. One I was going to benefit from.

“Where’s my shirt?” she asked, looking around the room.
“Your shirt belongs to the club now. You belong to me. Now take it off.” I could tell she

didn’t like what I said.

"I'm not a fucking piece of property!" she hissed. "I don't belong to anyone."
She was horny but apparently she wasn’t going to acknowledge it. I could see the

stubbornness in the tilt of her chin. For a moment we stared each other down. Jesus, she was a
pain in the ass. I had half-a-fucking-mind to give her to Chicken to take care of.

"You're crazy if you think I'm going to strip for you!" she hissed. "You're a pig!"
I narrowed my gaze at her insult, raising an eyebrow. "Is that the best you can do?" I

don't know why I was putting up with her shit. The whole situation with her was turning into one
big fuck-up.

With a huff she swung around and proceeded to pull the top out of the waistband of her


“No, baby.”
She turned her head enough to look over her shoulder at me.
“I want to see those tits.”
She turned back to me. If looks could kill I’d have been dead, but I didn’t let it bother me.

Once the top was free of her pants, she reached for the hem and brought it up and over her head.

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She threw the garment at me, her large tits bouncing with her angry movement. By the time I
caught the garment and glanced back she’d crossed her arms over my favorite parts. With a snarl
I tossed the top aside and went to her.

"Don't touch me!" she said, backing up with nowhere to go. A gasp escaped her when I

backed her up against the wall.

“I told you I want to see your tits, and that includes your nipples.” I grabbed her wrists

and jerked her arms apart, my gaze zeroing in on her magnificent, big-nippled tits. Shit, I knew
they were the real deal. I reached forward and covered them, shaping and weighing them with
my palms.

She slapped me.
I lost control and pinned her against the wall, glaring into her eyes, breathing loudly

through my nose. I’d never felt such rage, but I didn’t want to hurt Kat, I wanted to fucking own
her. I slammed my mouth down over hers, ignoring her whimpers and attempts to push me away.
I ground my mouth against hers until our teeth connected and she had no alternative but to open
up for my tongue. Then my tongue was doing to her mouth what my dick wanted to do to her

When I was done kissing her she was weak and breathless, her eyes shimmering. My

gaze shifted to the tits that were grazing my chest and I knew that I had to have a taste. I picked
Kat up easily, bringing her breasts at level with my mouth. All I had to do was stick my tongue
out and holy shit, her brown, puckered nipples were caressing it, and then I was devouring as
much as I could get into my mouth.

"Fuckin' sweet," I growled around the warm flesh in my mouth. I was so turned on that

my dick ached.

“Oh!” Her hands fell on my shoulders. "Please−"
I didn't know if she was asking me to do what we both wanted, or if she was begging me

not to. I didn't give a fuck which. Closing my lips around a nipple, my gaze rose in time to see
her eyes roll back and her pretty lips part with a loud sigh. That was all the fucking invitation I

“Wrap your fuckin' legs around me, baby,” I ordered roughly, which she did without

hesitation. I brought my arms around her hips and cupped her butt, burying my face between her
tits and breathing in deeply. The warm natural scent of her musk produced a feral snarl from me.
My cock pounded behind my zipper, demanding to get inside her.

I needed relief.
I wanted to slide into her pussy and fuck her hard and fast.
"Are you wet for me, baby?"
She just moaned.
Fuck it! I took the few steps to my bed and dropped Kat on it. My hands went to my belt

as I looked down at her. “Get those fucking jeans off!” I was already undoing my zipper and
pushing down my jeans. I could see the indecision in her eyes, warring with her excitement.
Desire won.

I watched her lift her hips and pull her jeans down. My cock did a little bob when her

pretty cunt came into view. I fisted my dick at the root and worked my hand up and down while
she kicked her jeans and panties aside. I almost came when she locked her pretty eyes onto my
cock, and then, fuck yes she licked her lips.

She wanted it as bad as I did.
My gaze barely skimmed over her neatly trimmed bush before I fell between her thighs.

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Next time I’d take it slow, but right now I wanted to feel her wet heat wrap around me. I wanted
to glide into her slickness and feel her muscles squeeze me into a fucking orgasm. With my dick
poised at the entrance to her pussy I tested her readiness with my finger. Fucking shit, her folds
were swollen and saturated! And as the intoxicating scent of her sex drifted to me I pulled my
finger out and replaced it with my mouth.

“Oh!” she whimpered, thrusting up against me.
I inhaled deeply, kissing her mound before slipping my tongue between the seam and

delving all the way inside. Slick, warm, wet heat covered my tongue. Her soft whimpers drove
me insane. It didn't take long to discover her clit, which was swollen and rock hard, and the first
time my tongue glided over it Kat's hips rocketed off the bed. I took the bud into my mouth and
pulled on it, putting my hand on her belly to hold her down when she tried to wriggle away. I felt
her hands pulling my hair.

"I can't take it." She twisted and squirmed against my hold, her breathless tone sounding


"Fuckin' come for me, baby," I encouraged around the bundle of nerves. I buried two

fingers inside her cunt and began to fuck her. Each time she lifted her hips off the bed, straining
further into my mouth and hand. "Do it, NOW!" I sucked hard on her clit, pressing my tongue
and holding it.

Kat screamed when she came, and I kept sucking long after she crested and I knew she

couldn't take it anymore. She was still convulsing and gasping when I climbed up her body. I
took a moment to run the swollen head of my cock up and down the seam of her pussy lips,
bathing the engorged tip in her juices, before reaching for the drawer in the nightstand next to the

I pulled out a condom and handed it to her. "Open it, baby."
I watched her trembling hands open the package and pull the latex out, all the while

continuing to tease her with the head of my dick. Christ, what I wouldn't fucking give to just ram
into her and ride her bareback. I nearly came when she rolled the condom down my dick, and I
didn't waste any time in positioning myself over her again. Our eyes met.

“Are you ready for me, baby?”
I ran my mouth along hers, catching the breath that rushed out of her, teasing her clit with

the head of my cock. “Next time I’m going to suck the sweet juices right out of your cunt,” I said
against her mouth. “But right now I need inside you.”

I slammed my mouth fully over hers, at the same time that I penetrated her all the way. I

felt her slight resistance and forced myself to remain still, letting her grow accustomed to my
size. Her nails dug into my back and intensified the feeling of being surrounded by her heat. I
pulled back from her mouth, staring down into her dazed, half closed eyes. Shifting my hips, I
pushed even deeper. Her breath caught, and she retaliated by clenching her muscles and nearly
making me come.

My name came out as a sharp whisper, and damned if the sound of it didn't turn me on


“Is this my punishment?”
I stopped short. Seriously? She was asking me that at a time like now? I should pull out

and leave her wanting, I could always find a sweetbutt to take care of my needs. But I knew I
wouldn't do that, I didn’t have the strength, and she felt too fucking good.

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I scowled. "Does this feel like punishment?" She colored and lowered her gaze, clearly at

a loss of words. Well, fuck, she should be. “How do you want it?” I knew how I wanted it, and
why the hell was I asking her? She already thought this was payback for stealing my bike. "Fuck,
never mind," I snarled. "You'll take it the way I want it."

Fast and furious.
I wanted to feel my balls slapping against her ass. I wanted to fuck her so hard and deep

that she'd have a hard time walking. She was fucking tight. I pulled back, sliding out of her tight
cunt and inhaling the pungent scent of our combined sex. It was a powerful aphrodisiac. I
slammed back in, then out again, picking up speed until it became clear we were heading to a
fast and explosive outcome. Reaching between us I found her swollen clit. Her response was
wild as she arched into my hand. The echo of mutual pleasure and heavy breathing surrounded
us. The pressure built up until any control I had left was taken away and I knew I was going to

"Come for me, baby." I pinched Kat’s clit. "I want to feel your cunt hug my cock and

pump it dry." My words helped send her over the edge. She screamed her release and convulsed
beneath me, digging her nails into the muscles in my arms.

Her cunt did exactly what I wanted, squeezing my dick tightly until I followed her

climatic release. I groaned as my cock filled the condom, wishing there was nothing between us
and I was filling her pussy. Reaching beneath her, I buried my hands into the flesh of her ass and
pulled her tighter. “Shit,” I rasped after collapsing on her. “My fuckin' heart is going to explode
out of my chest.”

We lay there for a few moments. I knew I had to go but, hell, I couldn’t move for shit. I

hadn’t come that hard in a damned long time. Gradually our breathing calmed, and I slipped out
of Kat and got to my feet. I removed the condom and tossed it into the trash, and then proceeded
to get dressed, keeping my eyes on her. “You have a fuckin' hot body, baby.” I pulled on my cut.
“There’s nothing I’d like more than to stay and fuck the shit out of you, but we have a run to

“What makes you think I’d let you a second time?”
I laughed at her attempt to act like there wasn’t something going on here, between us.

Something neither of us could explain, nor understand. It started that day on the side of the road,
a tiny spark that hadn’t faded away over the three weeks separating our last encounter. Fuck,
there’d been women I’d wanted on the spot before, but out of sight out of mind.

This one had invaded my fucking dreams.
“Are you going to tell me that you didn’t think about me once during the last three

weeks? Didn’t wonder what it would be like to get all hot and sweaty−”

She answered too quickly. The color staining her cheeks told me that she was lying. Plus

she couldn’t look me in the eye. I laughed again, watching as she pulled some of the bunched-up
sheet next to her over her body.

“So, what’s a run?”
She wanted to change the subject? Fine by me. "Business." I sat down on the edge of the

bed to slip on my boots. “And we don’t talk club business with the women, Kat.” I tossed her a
look over my shoulder. “The less you know the better. It’s safer that way.” I stood up. “Look, I
won’t be around to protect you. As long as you stay here, you’ll be safe.”

"In this room?" she asked. "Like a prisoner?" I nodded. "So, is that my fine? I’m to stay

locked up in this room like I’m in jail?"

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Damn, she was persistent. "Your punishment has to be public." My crew would expect to

witness it. I could tell she didn't like the sound of that but too bad.

"So you're going to beat or humiliate me?"
I frowned. "Fuck, baby, we don't hurt women, and if by humiliate you mean cooking or

tending the bar, then probably, but you’ll be expected to do something. I haven't decided yet."

"Look, I know the whole kidnapping thing was a mistake, Lynch, and I already said I

won't go to the police, so why don't you drop me off at the clinic and be done with it? Then you
won't have to worry about me anymore."

She made it sound so fuckin’ reasonable and in truth, I would have done that. But I

wasn’t going to lose face in front of my brothers for what was considered a serious offense by
letting her off completely. "Is that why you let me fuck you? Thinking you could talk me into
letting you go?"

She turned red."I didn't let you fuck me!"
"Well, you sure as fuck didn't fight me. Should I stick my dick inside you again and

prove you wrong?" I snapped. It wouldn’t be a hardship.

I frowned, staring down at her. I could tell she was madder than shit by the way she was

clutching the sheet in her fisted hands. That, and the look she pinned on me.

"What more do you want?" she said with irritation.
"Maybe I want more of you," I smirked, looking at her tits. "I don't fuckin' have time to

deal with you right now. Get some sleep while I’m gone."

I had enough on my fucking mind without worrying about her. We would be making a

protection run through Phantom Riders territory that night. Even though our two clubs got along
any time an MC cut through another MC’s area it was good practice to notify them. Showed that
we had respect for their club. Usually that guaranteed safe passage, but there was always the
possibility that we’d come across some of their club members who didn’t know what the fuck
was going on. When that happened the situation could turn to shit, fast.

I wasn’t anticipating any trouble, I was just tagging along. We were being paid top dollar

to provide safe escort over state lines, and I’d learned a long time ago that there was safety in
numbers. A show of force was a good deterrent to stop something before it began.

I didn’t lock the door behind me. Lessons were better learned the hard way, and if Kat

defied me by leaving my room then I would hear about it. I left orders with Tiny, Wizard’s old
lady, to make sure Kat got breakfast the next morning, and then we were off.

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Chapter 4


After the door clicked shut I lay there wondering what the hell had just happened. What

I’d just let happen. Spontaneous combustion? I'd certainly felt like I was going to explode at any
given moment. I was stunned at how eagerly I'd responded to Lynch's rough treatment, and how
quickly it had turned to pleasure. When his mouth and hands were on me, all rational thought
had left my brain except how good it all felt, and how I didn’t want it to end. That was crazy! I
knew little to nothing about him yet I'd wanted to consume him in a moment of complete

His technique should be bottled, and sold in stores.
Hard and fast.
A little biting.
Just the right amount of roughness to turn pain into pleasure.
I turned on my side, dragging the sheet with his scent still on it, with me. My body ached,

but it was a pleasant reminder of how fervently Lynch had possessed me. His uncontrolled
hunger led me to believe that he was a man with a sexual appetite that was off the charts, and as
the MC President I couldn’t imagine him going for very long without a woman. Considering he'd
had one on his lap earlier I was thankful he'd used a condom.

I clenched my thighs to stop the light tickle still buzzing my clit. But the itch soon turned

into arousal. It didn’t help that his manly scent seemed to be everywhere. I punched the pillow
realizing that I was still thinking about him. He was no good and probably on an illegal drug or
weapons run right now. I didn’t need that kind of man in my life.

Groaning, I closed my eyes and willed myself to sleep.

A sharp rap at the door was the first thing I heard early the next morning. The door

opened before I had a chance to give permission to come in. I sat up, bringing the covers with
me, watching as a woman who appeared to be around fifty breezed into the room. She didn’t say
anything until she had set a tray down on the small table, and then turned to face me.

“I’m Tiny, Lynch asked me to make sure you got some food this morning.”
That was nice of him. As if on cue my belly rumbled, reminding me that I hadn't eaten

dinner the night before. “Thank you, Tiny.” I looked around the woman, who was anything but
tiny, to see a cup of what I hoped was coffee, some kind of juice, and a plate of scrambled eggs
and toast. “Did Lynch say anything about clothes for me?” I offered her a smile.

“Nope.” She shook her head, and then snickered. “Knowing him he'll want you to stay

the way you are."

I ignored that. “Do you know what time he’ll be back?”
“Nope.” She shook her head again and headed toward the door. “You eat up now.”
“Tiny−” I hesitated. Tiny didn’t seem to be in the mood for talking.
She paused at the door, her face softening a little. “Look, I got a few other mouths to see

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to and then I’ll come back after breakfast and we can talk.”

“Thanks.” I said before she was gone.
Eying the food, I pulled the sheet around me and made my way to the table. God, I hadn’t

realized how hungry I was until I started eating. In a matter of minutes my plate was empty, I
was full and sipping coffee.

The sound of approaching motorcycles drew my interest to the window. I watched as a

half dozen or so bikers turned into the drive and parked their bikes. As they removed their
helmets, one of them noticed me watching from the window and smiled, elbowing his friend to
look my way. My instinct was to move away from the window, but before I could there was a
knock on the door and Tiny was entering the room again.

“This is really good coffee,” I smiled, as Tiny sat down opposite me. She’d brought her

own cup.

Tiny nodded her head in agreement. “That’s one thing the boys demand is good coffee.”

She looked out the window. “They’ll screw skanky whores but God forbid you serve them bad

I couldn’t help but smile. “Is that some of the men returning from the run?”
“Nah, they didn’t go out on the run last night. Not everyone lives here. Some of the guys

have families and their own homes.” She took a big slurp of her coffee, watching me over the
rim of her cup with eyes that revealed a wisdom that came from experience. “You screwed up
yesterday, taking Lynch’s bike.” Her tone revealed that she was amused over it. “If you’d been a
man, well—” Tiny caught herself from saying more. “Never mind, my old man says I talk too
much.” She winked.

“Tiny, do you know why I was brought here?”
She brushed my question off with a wave of her hand. “That was a mistake. The club has

their own doctor but he’s out of town right now, so Chicken was sent to get the clinic doctor.”
She shook her head with obvious disgust. “Dumb shit, he figured bringing someone back was
better than no one, and he thought you were a nurse.”

“Nurse’s aide, I told him.”
“Well, don’t matter now. Boy took too much lead to be helped.”
My heart fell. “Boy?”
“They’re all boys to me. He was young, though, but a man just the same.” Tiny clarified.

“Peewee was a prospect. He fucked up and it cost him. Chicken is a prospect, too. He fucked up
but the brothers will give him a chance to redeem himself.” Something in my expression must
have conveyed my confusion because she added, “A prospect has to earn his way to be patched
into the club. After a year or two of doing grunt work club members will vote him in or out.”

“Have you been here a long time?” I took a sip of my coffee.
“I’ve been under the club’s protection since I was in my early twenties, started out

working for them in one of their legitimate establishments in town. That was way back when
Cutter was president.”

“Legitimate establishments?” I grinned at that.
Tiny shrugged. “Probably shouldn’t have said that. The only reason I know what’s going

on around here is because my old man has an even bigger mouth than I do. Lynch has strict
orders about the brothers talking business and shit to any of the girls.”

“Hey, Tiny!” Someone yelled from outside the door. “We need you out here!”
Tiny got to her feet. “You stay put and do what you’re told and you’ll be okay. I’ve never

seen Lynch get physical with any woman, but there’s always a first time.”

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She’s apparently never been at the receiving end of his cock, I thought, while watching

her leave. I finished my coffee. Stay put and do what you’re told. I knew Tiny’s comment was
meant to be a friendly warning, but I didn’t have to like it. Seemed like my whole life had been
shaped around those words. My aunt’s face came to mind. How many times a day had she
screamed at me to do what you’re told?

I had always done what they’d wanted, I’d had no choice, it just hadn’t been fast enough,

or good enough. A day hadn’t gone by when I hadn’t felt the sting of a hand against my cheek.
Not having any children of their own, my aunt and uncle had used me like cheap labor, giving
me room and board as payment—if you could call the tiny storage area beneath the stairs a room.
Having been sent to live with them when I was only ten, I guess they hadn’t heard of child labor

A moment of weakness grabbed my heart, and I struggled to hold back tears. I'd been so

happy to learn that I had an aunt and uncle after my mom had died. Happy I wouldn't have to go
into foster care, because I had family that wanted me. It hadn't taken me long to realize that my
mother's brother and his wife didn't really want me. I’d only been there a day when I'd received
the first slap across my face for not eating my peas at dinner time.

Because of my upbringing I’d learned early on that I might have to take abuse at home,

but I didn’t take it anywhere else. I’d refused to let my aunt and uncle break me down and turn
me into a weak and mindless woman. My smart mouth and badass attitude had gotten me what I
wanted in life, turning me into a fighter for the things that were important to me. It’s what had
given me the courage to just up and leave that hell-hole once I’d graduated from high school. I
wondered if my aunt and uncle ever wondered what had happened to me. Probably not. It wasn’t
their fault they had no hearts.

I was about to get up when the thunder of motorcycles caused me to pause. Another

group of riders pulled into the parking lot. There was no disguising that Lynch was leading the
way, and I recognized his Harley. They all had the Wild Marauders logo on the fuel tank, but
there were dark flames on the fender of his Harley. I had to admit that he was a sight to see on
his bike. There was nothing insignificant about his larger than life stature, dressed in leather, all
in black. The man was magnificent. He radiated power and confidence. I watched the heavy
muscles in his arms flex as he easily controlled his bike.

Looking at him was foreplay.
He looked my way and I grew warm, stepping away from the window. I was secretly glad

that he was okay, wondering what it meant for me now that he was back. Maybe if he’d had an
uneventful run and was in a good mood I could talk him into letting me go. I’d meant what I said
about not going to the police, especially now that Tiny had confirmed that it had been a mistake.
If what Lynch said about the law was true, they’d probably brush me off as having over reacted
to a situation that hadn’t amounted to anything more than a one-night stay at the club. I sat down
on the edge of the bed, pulling the sheet tighter around me.

I didn’t have to wait long before the door opened and Lynch stomped into the room. I

stood up nervously, the racing of my heart revealing that his larger than life, raw masculinity was
already affecting me, most especially my libido. I faced him and met his eyes, his gaze turning to
slight surprise.

“You still here?”
What? He was kidding, right? I stared at him like he’d sprouted horns. Was he saying that

I’d been free to leave?

Then his face broke into a smile. “Did you miss me, baby?”

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“Like the plague,” I responded to his misplaced humor.
Laughing, he tossed a brown paper bag onto the bed. “I got you some clothes and shoes.

Take a shower if you want and get dressed. I’m putting you to work.”

I caught my breath, pushing down the anger I felt rising inside me. “Work?” I asked as

calmly as I could manage. I didn’t mind work, but not the kind that I thought he had in mind.

"Yeah, I think you'll make a popular sweetbutt. You've got the fuckin' tits and a−"
What? I drew myself up, ready to blast him. I didn’t mind working to pay off some weak,

fabricated fine to satisfy his big-boy club rules but if he thought I was up to anything other than a
little cleaning then Lynch was in for a rude awakening. “If you think I’m going to whore around
for you−”

Lynch chuckled. “Relax. I’m going to put you to work with Tiny. She needs help in the

kitchen and with keeping the bar clean.” I relaxed at his words, surprised at his unexpected
humor. “We have enough sweetbutts.” He reached up to brush his hand over my hair, the look in
his eyes turning lazy. “I’m the only one who’ll be fucking your pretty pussy.”

He may as well have set me on fire, his words igniting a fireball of lust that engulfed my

body as well as my senses. He took a lot for granted. I reached up to brush his hand away, but he
caught my wrist and jerked me against his hard chest. Gasping, I automatically braced my other
palm against the rippling strength of Lynch’s abs, which was naked beneath his open vest.

His flesh was hot and smooth, and I unconsciously moved my hand up until I could feel

the beat of his heart beneath my palm. I couldn’t pull my gaze from his, captured by the mixture
of amusement and awareness turning his blue eyes darker. As I sucked in air, it was all Lynch
filling my lungs—his body heat, the leather he was wearing, and the subtle scent of smoke and
motorcycle grease.

I felt overwhelmed; confused at the power he yielded over me. I had never been one to

like a dominant man. They were too controlling and bossy, and usually turned me off. Yet
Lynch's brand of brutal dominance turned me on like nothing else. He was a drug I’d become
addicted to at the first taste. As much as I wanted another taste I fooled myself into believing that
I wasn’t bothered by his presence.

Licking my lips, I asked, “Where can I take a shower?”
Hr raised a brow, his gaze moving to my mouth. “Aren’t you going to kiss me hello


Damn, his teasing got to me and I found myself looking at his mouth. “Why is this a

game to you?”

“Do I fuckin' look like I’m fooling around?”
No, not anymore. He looked like he was done. He wanted to devour me. Angry that he

had such a strong affect on me, I curled my hands around the open edges of his vest and gave
him a sharp pull. He wanted a kiss? I’d give him a kiss! I lifted on tip toe and smashed my lips
against his like I knew he wanted it, wet and hard. I’d intended to keep it short but when I went
to pull back Lynch had other ideas. He wrapped his arm around my waist and crushed me against
him with an animalistic sound that went straight to my core.

I moaned the moment he took control. My hands moved up his chest and around his thick

neck, locking together. Lynch straightened, lifting me off the floor. His mouth moved roughly
over mine, sucking a heated response from my body that equaled his. I bit at his bottom lip, and
then ran my tongue over the injury to soothe it, his groan telling me that he liked it. I moaned
deeply when I felt his cock growing against my belly.

He growled with hunger, the sound vibrating against my lips and traveling through my

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blood stream like a freight train out of control. With one arm still wrapped around my waist, his
other moved between us so his hand could caress my breasts. I could feel his frustration with the
sheet before he yanked it down to expose the bare flesh he sought. His large hand squeezed and
kneaded my boobs, his fingers pinching my nipples and causing another flush of wet heat in my
lower body.

Wet heat I could feel between my legs.
By the time he pulled away I was dazed and panting heavily. He let me slide down his

aroused body, and for a long moment our gazes locked. I wondered what Lynch was thinking. In
spite of his arousal his expression was guarded, and slightly withdrawn, as if he was undecided
about something and trying to figure it out.

“There’s a bathroom through that door.” He motioned over my head. I’d seen the door

but hadn’t checked out what was on the other side. “Come to the bar when you’re done.” With
that he turned and left the room.

I stood there for a second, almost stunned. I should have been glad that he’d decided not

to finish what he’d started, but part of me was disappointed. All I could do was watch him leave.
My whole body was thrumming with arousal. He’d been as turned on as I was, yet he’d walked
away without any trouble. It occurred to me that he could very well be going to one of the club
sweetbutts for his needs. I quickly shook the image of Lynch with another woman out of my
head, convincing myself that I didn’t care.

I opened the bag and rummaged through the contents while making my way to the

bathroom. I was surprised, yet pleased, to see that he'd included some toiletries. I frowned at his
choice of clothing, pulling out the short denim skirt and cropped top, neither of which I would
have ever picked out for myself because of my full figure. His choice of sexy undergarments
didn’t surprise me either. At the very bottom of the bag was a pair of slutty heels. I rolled my
eyes. It was going to be a miracle if every man in the place didn’t get a peek of my tits and ass
before the night was over.

I just hoped that everything fit.

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Chapter 5


I was sitting at a table close to the bar with Lenny, Wizard, and Yank, discussing our run

the night before, and trying to keep Kat and her fuckin' sexy curves out of my mind. I should
have fucked her instead of walking away. Christ, my cock was still hard, but I'd wanted to show
her that she wasn't going to control me by giving me her body, even if we both wanted it. I did
shit my way, and in my own good time. I might want her like fuck but I was just strong enough,
and mean enough, to deny myself.

Yeah, I was a real bastard.
Yank, my treasurer, had just confirmed that the payoff we'd received was the full thirty

grand as guaranteed. I had a strict rule that once the goods were delivered and we were handed
the payoff that we got the fuck out of there, and that included protection runs. Most of the time
what was being transported was illegal as shit. We didn’t count the money until we were back at
the club. Never could tell if the cops or feds had been tipped off and were on their way, or a rival
club waiting to ambush us. I knew if the money came up short, we’d get it one way or another,

“Good payoff for a short ride,” Yank said, leaning back in his chair. “I’d like more of


“The best fucking kind,” Wizard agreed, reaching for his beer.
Yank and I exchanged grins. It wasn’t like the old coot went on any jobs these days, what

with his arthritis. He still got a cut of the payoff though, everyone did. Wizard pulled his weight
in other ways, mainly running shit at the club, and that included keeping the bar and kitchen
stocked, schedules for the bar, and scheduling the prospects for cleaning detail.

“We’re free until New Hampshire.” I downed my beer and held up the empty glass.

Almost immediately one of the club's sweetbutts, a tired-looking brunette with too much makeup
and not enough clothes hurried over with a replacement. I ignored her blatant attempt to catch
my interest. “What’s the total in the safe?”

Yank didn’t hesitate. “Including last night’s take, sixty-seven thousand.”
I nodded, satisfied. “Make sure our affiliates in town get their cut, pay the brothers, and

give Peewee’s widow a couple grand.” I didn’t need to ask Yank what would be left, I trusted
him with the club’s money. He ran his own accountant business on the side. The man was good
with money, and stock savvy.

“Peewee was a loyal brother.” A moment of silence followed Lenny’s comment as each

remembered the fallen brother in their own way. “To Peewee,” he followed up, raising his drink.
The rest of us did the same.

A shrill whistle echoed through the bar, followed by several unintelligible remarks that,

in a crude biker’s way, were meant as a compliment for the recipient. I watched Tank’s eyes
grow round, Ripper’s jaw drop, his beer paused in mid-air on the way up to his bearded mouth,
and Fat Boy slap his beefy hand over his heart, before I turned to see what the fuckin' fuss was
all about. I released a hiss, my gaze falling on where Kat was standing in the entranceway, no

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doubt looking for me.

Fuck me she was hot!
My dick stood to attention, remembering what it felt like being squeezed by her tight

cunt. The clothes I’d picked up for her outlined her lush curves, revealing that she was a
delicious handful. Most of her shapely legs were bare, as was her midriff and one shoulder where
the top had slipped down. I grinned, noticing that she’d used the lip gloss I’d provided. The
thought of having those full shiny lips close over my cock had me groaning. I wondered if she
knew how fucking sexy she was in that tight skirt. It hugged her hips low enough to give us a
peek of her bellybutton.

Her gaze finally landed on me, and she began to make her way in our direction, doing a

good job of ignoring the crude remarks and leers of the other men. Once in a while she was
forced to dance out of the way of reaching hands. The whole time our eyes remained connected
until she was finally in front of me.

She definitely gave off attitude.
“Where do you want me?” Her innocent question drew loud laughs from my surrounding


I could think of a lot of places I’d like her, on my lap, bent over the table, in the shower,

every image with me fucking the hell out of her. I inhaled her clean, sensual scent, letting my
gaze slide down to her tits, which were at eye level. A couple inches and I could lock my mouth
around that hard little nipple poking through her blouse. “That’s a loaded question, baby." I met
her eyes again. "Where do you want to be?”

“Home,” she fired back with sass. “I think this whole thing is ridiculous.”
I ignored that, and the urge to crush her spunk. She would need it later. "Maybe you

should have thought of that before stealing my bike."

She rolled her eyes, and released a huff.
A female laugh sounded above the others, and we all turned toward the brunette who’d

served my beer. “Honey, Lynch isn’t picky. When he wants you, he’ll fuck you anywhere. He
even fucked me on his bike once.”

“Shut the fuck up, Candy.” I knew the other woman was just trying to stir up trouble.

There was a smile on her face but I knew it was as fake as her tits. I might have found her
attractive once, but the years of alcohol and spreading herself to any man that would have her
had taken an ugly toll. She looked years older than she was.

I returned my gaze to Kat, unable to decipher the guarded look in her eyes. Then she

lifted that obstinate chin of hers and gave Candy a response that, for some strange reason, made
me fucking pleased. “Maybe we can get together later and compare notes.”

Laughter broke out, and the look crossing Candy’s face was anything but amused. She

was fuming and glaring retribution at Kat. I didn’t have any doubts that if Kat were closer the
bitch would have reacted with violence. “Go ahead and enjoy your time,” Candy said in a hard
tone. “It won’t last. It never does. Fresh meat spoils fast around here.” With that she sashayed

I reached up and toyed with Kat's exposed bra strap. “Don’t worry, baby, I have a feeling

you’re going to outlast all the others.” What the fuck was I saying? She'd be out of my life by
Monday, and I’d be moving on to my next fuck.

Shit, I should just let her go now, screw that she took my bike. Only I wanted to pull her

onto my lap and kiss her until she couldn't breathe. What the fuck was I waiting for? I was the
president of Wild Marauders for Christ’s sake; I could do whatever the fuck I wanted. But then I

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thought about the business we needed to deal with at the end of next week. Club business always
came first. Our Dark Menace brothers in New Hampshire needed some extra muscle and backup
against a rival club. We never turned down a club we were friendly with when they asked for

“Tiny’s in the kitchen in the back.” I drew the eye of the sweetbutt who’d just finished

fucking Hulk a few tables over. “Marla, take Kat to the kitchen.”

"Kitchen duty!" Fat Boy barked out loudly, his beady eyes running over Kat thoroughly.

"Ain't that a fuckin' crime to waste a body like that in the kitchen?"

What he and every brother present were thinking. I watched Kat turn and follow the other

woman without speaking. I stared at the sway of her tight ass, and how the denim was stretched
across it, as she walked away. My cock reminded me that it was still fucking hard, but I ignored
it and returned my attention to Wizard and Lenny.

“Tell the brothers we have church in thirty minutes.” Lenny nodded, got up and left right

away. I swung to Yank. “Get with the prospects and tell them to be in my office in an hour.”
Once Yank was gone it was just me and Wizard at the table.

Something was on the old timer’s mind. I knew the signs. I’d known Wizard all my life.

He was one of the oldest and most respected members in the club. The only reason he’d never
made president was because of Tiny. She’d threatened to take their son and leave if he took the
dangerous post, a choice that often ended in prison, or death. It had been the one and only time
I'd seen Wizard bend to his old lady’s will.

“Fuckin' say it,” I demanded bluntly.
Wizard leaned back and took a breath, then shrugged. “Just wondering about the girl, and

you putting her to work in the kitchen. That her penalty for taking your bike?”

I shrugged. "She stole my fuckin' bike, man. She's got to pay by doing something." I

didn’t have to explain myself to anyone, but I did it out of respect more than anything else. "You
got a fuckin' problem with that? I figured Tiny could use the help." He must be getting soft in his
old age.
I laughed. "I doubt she wants to pay by working on her back."

Wizard narrowed his eyes and studied me for a moment. “How long you gonna make her


"If it'd been up to me I would have fuckin' let her go, but I knew the boys wouldn't go for

that shit. I'll keep her ass around till Monday. Why? You worried about something?"

“Hell, yeah, an unclaimed female around here belongs to the club and its members. You

know what that means.”

Everyone would want a piece of the new girl, but the guys knew how I felt about that

shit, and I wasn't Cutter. Cutter, the Wild Marauders’ last president, initiated the new girls in the
club, whether they were sweetbutts or not. They'd pull a train and the men would line up, taking
turns at them. If they had stamina, and were a good fuck, they were kept around. Kat wasn't a
new girl, and even if she were, I wouldn't be passing her around. I didn’t follow every rule that
had been set in place by Cutter. I didn't believe in mistreating women. If they put out pussy it
was their choice, and my brothers knew there was no fucking getting around that.

I’d have to make it clear at the meeting that no one touched Kat unless she wanted it.

Fuck, scratch that. I didn't want anyone touching her but me. She was mine while she was here,
whether I fucked her again or not. “Relax, she’s under my protection.”

I got up to head to my office. As I started to turn a flash of red caught my attention. It

was Chicken. He’d wrapped a red bandana around his head. I wondered what the prospect was
up to. The club had four, and right now Chicken was at the bottom of the list. He had four

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months to go before we voted on whether he stayed or not, but if he kept fucking up he wouldn’t
make it in.

"Do you think Peewee would still be alive if that asshole had brought back the doc?"

Wizard grumbled, watching the prospect walk through the room.

I took a deep breath and shook my head. "Nah, Peewee was shot up too fuckin' bad. He

died before Chicken got back." I thought about the unmarked grave Peewee was lying in back in
the woods.

“I don’t trust that fucker,” Wizard said once Chicken had exited the room.
That was saying a lot. Wizard was usually a good judge of character. “Then watch him.”
Wizard nodded, and I walked off. I had a call to make before church.


I brushed the hair out of my face with the back of my arm for the hundredth time,

reaching for the pot holders next to the stove. I’d been working non-stop all afternoon, first
washing a boat load of dishes left over from the night before, and then scrubbing out an old
metal cupboard brought in for additional storage. Tiny worked right alongside me, looking just
as frazzled from the heat, fixing the evening meal. The small kitchen had three appliances—a
stove that looked like it hadn’t been cleaned, ever, and a refrigerator and freezer that were
stocked with food. Metal industrial looking shelves lined one wall, stocked from floor to ceiling
with canned goods and other edible supplies.

Tiny told me that they kept a huge stockpile in case there was ever a lockdown, and that

they prepared a meal in the evenings to feed the brothers and sweetbutts who lived there
permanently. That news surprised me, though I don't know why. Did Lynch live here, too?

I opened the oven door and jumped back as a cloud of black smoke billowed toward me.

After fanning it away I reached inside for the huge pan of meatloaf Tiny had made. Setting it on
top of the counter, where the other burn marks were, I looked down at it, smiling. The dome
shaped loaf barely looked edible, but should go good with the brown mashed potatoes. Brown
because Tiny had let the water boil down, burning the bottom. It wasn’t until after she’d scalded
the several cans of gravy she’d opened up that she confessed she’d only been working in the
kitchen for a short time, and that cooking was not her thing.

“Elly used to have kitchen duty, but Boomer went and made her his old lady,” she said

while spooning the lumpy potatoes into a large bowl.

“Aren’t you someone’s old lady?” I asked her, taking a spatula to the bottom of the meat.
“Yeah, but I’m getting up there. Not much else I'm good for but kitchen duty. I want to

do something, can't sit at home all day.” She gave me a long, thorough look. “Kinda surprised
Lynch put you in here with me. You got a look the boys will go crazy for.” I bristled at that but
said nothing. Tiny paused from what she was doing and stared off for a moment. “I remember
those days, having all the brothers hot for me. A few even fought over me.” Tiny was smiling.
“Then Wizard came along and it was love at first sight.” She looked at me and winked. “Lust at
first sight, really.”

I thought about Lynch and me. That pretty much summed it up. If I were honest I’d admit

that the only reason I was still there was because I wanted a little more of him. Okay, a lot more.
He irritated the crap out of me, but his hands and mouth on me managed to wipe out everything
except the ecstasy of his possession. The man knew how to make a woman feel like she was the
only one.

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I managed to scrape the spatula between the burnt pan and meat enough to lift the loaf

out of the pan. I plopped it down on a platter while Tiny poured the gravy into another bowl.
From the noise that was coming through the saloon-style doors, it appeared that the bar was
filling up fast.

“This is all they get?” There were plenty of meat and potatoes, but nothing else.
“They’re lucky to get this,” Tiny chuckled, picking up a stack of chipped and cracked

plates. “Grab the utensils, sweetie.” She swung around and exited through the saloon doors, and I
had no choice but to follow. As soon as we entered the bar the catcalls and suggestive comments

“Hey, baby! Are you our appetizer? You look fucking good enough to eat!” someone

yelled out.

I ignored the asshole.
“Yeah, man, I’d like to take a bite out of that sweet ass!” Everyone within hearing

distance laughed. “Then I’ll move on to those nice, big titties.”

I felt a blast of heat crawl up my neck into my cheeks.
I knew if I was going to survive I’d have to grow some thick skin, just like in school, and

hoped they kept their hands to themselves. In the mean time, I recognized the importance of
putting on a strong front, and showing them that they didn’t bother me.

The room was packed, every table full, every stool at the bar taken. I saw a sea of bikers

of all ages and shapes, all wearing patched cuts, jeans and biker boots. Some with long hair,
short hair, some with beards, some wearing skull caps and bandanas, and most covered in ink.
All looked tough as nails and dangerous mean. Their women appeared tough and rowdy, too.

“Show us those tits, baby!”
My ears were burning. The cropped top was clinging to me, and I knew a few inches of

fabric was all that kept my boobs covered. As their crude insults continued, I made a point of
glaring at them and then dismissing them as inconsequential. My gaze landed on one leering man
in particular. He was young, and would have been handsome if he’d spent a little more time on
his appearance. His long, stringy hair and scraggly beard made him look dirty and unkempt. The
look on his face said he thought he was God's gift to women.

He gave me what he probably thought was a sexy grin, the light in his eyes glazed from

too much beer, drugs, or both. “Come on, baby,” he coaxed in a softer, more intimate tone.
“Show me some tits.”

I glanced away with disgust, my gaze landing on Lynch. He was sitting at the same table

that he’d been at earlier that day, a glass half-filled with amber liquid in front of him, and a half-
naked sweetbutt with her boobs in his face standing next to him. It was obvious she was flirting
with him, and when she reached up and cupped his cheek jealousy reared up its ugly head inside
me. It happened so fast and without warning that it left me standing there, stunned. Before I
could collect myself he glanced my way.

No fucking way I was jealous.
Our eyes met, and something in his wouldn’t let me look away. His intense stare was on

me, his weathered expression giving nothing away. Without taking his stare off me he said
something to the sweetbutt, and she shot me an angry look before turning away. Then, and I
knew she did this on purpose; she leaned down and gave him a kiss, making sure to brush his
cheek with her boob.

What a dog!
Okay, to be fair he hadn’t returned her kiss. In fact, it didn’t appear Lynch was affected

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by her at all. I held back my inward smile of triumph as the slut walked off, glaring at me the
whole time.

When I returned my gaze to Lynch, I decided that I had to ignore him, and the way that

he made my traitorous body feel. I should have fought him earlier, but it was too late to do
anything about it now. Besides, I’d wanted him with an unnatural fierceness since I first set eyes
on him. Many times during those lonely and horny weeks, he’d entered my thoughts and dreams.
Pulling my gaze from his, I slammed the silverware down next to the plates Tiny had placed on
the counter.

She gave me a strange look but didn't say anything. When she turned to go back into the

kitchen I followed. My gaze strayed to the women who were on top of the bar, shaking their
naked assets in the faces of the closest men. Their movements were vulgar and clearly intended
to drive the men crazy with lust. When they were grabbed and pinched they squealed, but didn’t
seem to mind. One man even pulled a woman down onto his lap and she laughingly curled her
arms and legs around him, dry humping him as he got up and walked away.

“After we drop off the food grab yourself a plate and take a rest.” Tiny grabbed the

potatoes and gravy, leaving the meatloaf to me. None of the food looked appealing to me, but I
kept quiet.

We set the food down on the bar next to the plates and silverware. Some of the men got

up and headed toward us. I danced out of their way, nearly colliding with a table where a man
and woman were fucking like there was no tomorrow. I watched for a moment, disbelieving
what I was seeing, thinking my eyes were deceiving me, until the sweetbutt lifted enough for me
to see her sliding down on the man’s cock. I gasped and looked away, straight into the dark,
assessing eyes of Lynch.

Before I could look away he motioned me over. For a moment I wondered what he’d do

if I shook my head, but the truth was that I was tired, and at that moment felt that the safest place
for me was with him.

He raised his brows at my less than friendly tone. What did he expect? “Sit the fuck

down, baby, you look done in.”

I turned toward the empty chair next to his with the intention of doing just that, but he

grabbed my arm and pulled me down onto his lap instead. Angry that he was taking a lot for
granted, I made a move to get up. His hand tightened around my arm, and the next thing I knew
his mouth was against my ear.

“Don’t make things harder for yourself.”
He spoke directly into my ear, his warm breath giving me a shiver I couldn't control.

"Threat heard and noted," I said softly. I forced myself to relax. “Should I take off my top and
bra so I can rub my boob all over your face?”

His laughter drew the attention of those who were sitting close to us. “I won’t stop you,”

he responded. “You have nice tits.”

His grip loosened and I felt his teeth nibble on my ear before he ran his tongue along the

edge. I tried to replace my growing arousal with anger, but it wasn't working. This was a totally
new experience for me, and I couldn't help but wonder what made Lynch so different. He was
nothing like the other two men I'd had in my life. My responses to them, even at the most crucial
intimate moments, had been mediocre. At the time I'd placed the blame on myself, but now I
could clearly see that it had been their pure lack of magnetism.

Lynch wasn't even trying that hard and he was turning me on.

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"Don’t fight me, baby.” His breath was warm against my ear. I closed my eyes and held

back a groan. “I’ve wanted to get my fuckin' hands on you all day.” He kissed the sensitive area
behind my ear. “I want to suck your nipples until they can fucking cut glass, coat my tongue with
your sweet cream and fuck you with it until you scream my name.”

Oh, God! Wet heat made its way to my panties and I clenched my thighs to relieve some

of the ache. The visual he created became almost too intense to bear.

“I think I’ll eat you for dinner,” he continued.
My breath caught as his rough words conjured images that had nothing to do with food. I

could feel my nipples turn hard and fought the urge not to rub my arms over them to ease the
tingle. Lynch's mouth was branding the flesh on my neck, and then he moved beneath the fall of
my hair, alternating between biting and kissing. There was nothing soft about what he was doing.
There was no reason for me to feel pleasure when I was pretty sure his teeth were leaving marks
on my skin, yet I couldn't deny the fire rushing through me, settling between my legs.

"No…" Even to my ears the husky note sounded false.
I felt his smile against my skin. “Let me change your mind.”
Was he serious? “No!” He wouldn’t have to try very hard, which is why I pushed against

him. My palms fell against his naked chest and it was like trying to move a stone pillar. His hard
muscles rippled beneath my pitiful attempt to slow things down.

“Don’t be afraid, baby. All I want to do is make you feel good.”
His hands moved to the bare skin of my sides and squeezed. I couldn't look away from

the raw arousal in his eyes, and his nostrils flared as he moved his hands upward beneath my top.
I gasped with anticipation, waiting for him to complete the journey, and then he did. His large
hands cupped my boobs and then his thumbs were flicking over my nipples. I closed my eyes,
shutting out everything around me. Big mistake! It only emphasized what he was doing to me,
what he made me feel. When I felt his erection beneath my bottom everything inside me turned
to liquid.

"Sweet fuck," he snarled into my ear, lifting his hips and grinding his cock into my ass.

"Do you know how fuckin' easy it would be for me to slip my cock inside you without even
leaving this chair?"

Oh, God, I could feel myself growing wetter and my clit began to buzz. For a crazy

second I almost told him yes, please!

"All I'd have to do is unzip my jeans—" He kissed my jaw. "Slip your panties aside—"

Grazed the side of my neck with his teeth. "And slide inside your sweet pussy so hard and deep
you'll feel the root of my cock banging your clit."

His breath seemed harsher in my ear, probably matching mine, when I was actually able

to draw a breath. I just managed to hold back a sound of frustration when suddenly his hands
were gone. In the next instant he was fisting a hand in my hair and pulling my head back, taking
my mouth with a growl. I didn’t even think about pushing him away, I couldn’t think about
anything but opening my mouth to his probing tongue and enjoying the sensual attack.

Lynch was a good kisser, and for a few seconds I forgot where we were. The noise

surrounding us dulled over time, and it became just the two of us as I took in the addicting flavor
of his mouth. Smokey heat and a hint of something wild. It was intoxicating. Sometime during
our kiss I felt his hand drop to my bare knee and slowly glide up the inside of my thigh. I could
feel my heart pounding at his lack of hesitation, and when he flicked his finger over my pussy
my body pulsed, releasing more liquid.

It didn’t appear that Lynch was going to stop there either. I was shocked to feel his thick

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finger slip beneath the elastic of my panties and directly into my cunt. Oh, sweet fuck! My body
quivered and clenched around the invasion that could bring me to heaven. But in the next second
I wrapped my hand around his wrist and pulled back just enough so we could make eye contact.
He didn't give me time to say anything.

“Shit, you’re already wet for me, baby.”
His finger found my clit. I closed my eyes as a rush of pure pleasure overwhelmed my

senses. I held back a groan, unwilling to reveal how much his touch was affecting me, especially
in a room full of people. “Please,” I looked around. “Not here.”

Lynch grinned. “Not into public displays?” I shook my head. “Relax, no one is


He was right. Were these people so used to open displays of debauchery that they no

longer noticed when it was happening, or was it simply viewed as lewd entertainment? I scanned
the room, noticing that others were involved in various stages of shocking public displays, if not
downright fucking. Some of the bikers had brought their own women with them, and they were
the loudest and most obvious in their raunchy behavior.

I met the intent in Lynch's aroused eyes. Lust obviously gripped him, and it didn't look

like he was going to be denied. His expression was stretched tight, nostrils flaring, jaw clenched.
His finger continued to pump into my pussy in a slow and steady stroke that turned up the heat
for me until I was quivering wildly against him.

He added another finger. “So fuckin' wet,” he whispered, touching his lips to mine. “Give

it up to me, baby,” he coaxed in a tone that I couldn’t ignore. “Let me feel you come apart.”
Hooking his fingers, he located my G-spot, and attacked it with vigor.

Oh God! I uncurled my fingers from his thick wrist, giving myself up to his demands and

the moment. What did it really matter anyway? We were in a room filled with people getting it
on in one way or another. Before I realized it my hips were moving to meet Lynch's fingers as he
slowly, expertly stroked my body to a fevered pitch. At the same time my butt rubbed against the
ridge of his hard cock. Remembering the feeling of his dick inside me, stretching me, pushed me
over the top. Losing control, I turned my face into Lynch’s chest to drown out the sounds of my
intense climax.

With my nose pressed against him I sucked in the pleasant scent of natural musk and

slight perspiration on his warm skin. He kept his fingers buried deep inside me until my
convulsions had calmed and I was able to turn my face away. Too embarrassed to look around, I
focused my gaze on his eyes. He slid his fingers out slowly and then shocked me to my core by
bringing them to his mouth.

It was incredibly erotic to watch him lick my spilled cream off his fingers, and something

I wouldn’t soon forget. Lynch was good at keeping the embers hot, every look, every move
designed to keep me wanting him. In spite of my recent orgasm I was still horny, and I knew

I wanted his cock inside me.
I. Wanted. It. Now.

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Chapter 6


I kept my eyes locked onto Kat, cleaning her sweet cream off my fingers. My dick was

about to break right through my fucking jeans to get to her, and I knew if I kept rubbing it
against her ass I would come. Fuck, I wanted to come. I wasn't shy. I'd fucked plenty of women
in the bar, and I was about ten seconds away from bending Kat over the table and putting on a
show when the mood was abruptly broken by the sound of my cell going off. I lifted enough to
get it from my back pocket.

"Yeah?" I snapped into the receiver, frustrated at the interruption. It was Red, one of the

prospects. He'd gone with a few brothers to the warehouse to unload a shipment. As soon as I
heard the panic in his voice, I knew there was fucking trouble.

"Prez, some of the fucking Red Devils showed up!" he began, out of breath. "We're under


I could hear the sound of gunfire in the background. Fuck! I set Kat on her feet, not

bothering to explain, and got to mine, cramming my phone back into my pocket. "Lenny, Hulk,
Yank, trouble at the warehouse!" I shouted while heading toward the door.

The Red Devils were the same MC our brothers, Dark Menace, were having trouble with

in New Hampshire. Lately they'd been intercepting runs and raiding warehouses because they
were too fucking lazy to work their own connections. They used the drugs they dealt in, and ran
skanky whore houses where the girls were barely legal, and I was pretty fucking sure they dealt
in human trafficking. Our two MC’s didn’t stand for that shit and if we had our way the fucking
Red Devils would be taken down soon.

"Who's at the warehouse?" Hulk asked as we charged to our bikes.
"Red, Digger, and Bushy." I kicked my kickstand back and started my bike, listening to

the other bikes start-up. We peeled out of the yard and headed for the back trail to the warehouse.
There was a dirt road that led to it, but the trail through the woods was quicker and would let us
get closer to the fucking Red Devils before they saw us.

I was going to kill every last one of the fuckers. How the fuck had they found the

warehouse? It was in the middle of fucking nowhere, on a dirt road to fucking nowhere. Anyone
stumbling upon it would see it for what it was, an old, abandoned hen house. Cutter had
purchased the property twenty years ago and done nothing with it, but I'd always seen the
potential in it.

Once I'd taken over as president we'd built another building inside the original metal

structure, with one main entrance and an emergency exit at the opposite end. The entrance
blended in with the rest of the building because I’d had it made out of the same metal, and it
opened up like a garage door. Whenever my brothers went there the orders were to bring the
bikes inside, and keep it closed at all times, so that it always looked like it was abandoned and no
one was there.

The building was used for storage. It was big enough to store the vans we used on long

runs, and for client storage, items that they wanted kept secret and hidden from any records. We

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also kept new bikes there. The underground storage held the illegal shit we dealt in, along with a
soundproof interrogation room. Shit! The discovery of the warehouse wasn’t good news. As we
neared the back of the property we stopped at the end of the trail, still under cover of the trees,
and cut our engines. Once the noise died down I could hear the sound of rapid gunfire.

"Fuck, man." Lenny pulled his gun. Hulk and Yank did the same. "Do we know how

many Devils?"

It sounded like a fucking army, but I knew my brothers were holding their own. "Red

didn't say." I listened for a moment. The Red Devils were on the roadside of the warehouse out
front. The hen house had been abandoned for fifty years, but there weren't any fucking trees
around it that would give us cover. The surrounding area was covered with thick, overgrown
grass that resembled a hayfield. If we got lucky it just might give us enough cover to sneak up to
the back of the building.

"Four or five," Hulk said. We made eye contact. "I texted Bushy."
I nodded. "Stay low," I grumbled, already making my way out of the trees. I knew we

wouldn't be able to get in through the back entrance because it would be secured. But if we could
make it close enough, and then spread out using the overgrowth for cover, we could hit the
Devils with a surprise attack. I didn't like that we'd have to hide—I liked facing the enemy when
they were about to die.

"Fuck!" We halted. The shooting had stopped. "Hulk, text Bushy and tell him to give the

Devils all they have." If they kept the rival club busy with gunfire it would give us a better
chance of getting closer without being seen.

"Done," Hulk said.
No sooner said than the shooting began again. We moved forward and didn't stop until

we were flush against the metal of the building.

"What's the plan?" Yank asked.
"There's no fuckin' way we can get in a position to come up behind them," Lenny stated

the obvious.

"Text Bushy and tell him to give up." I could feel the sudden tension of all three brothers.
"That's fuckin' suicide, man," Hulk finally said.
"Think about it." I made eye contact with my Sgt. of Arms. "The Devils like torture.

Have you ever fuckin' heard of them shooting a brother down when they had that option?"

There was a minute of silence. "Prez is right," Yank said. "A couple months ago the Red

Devils and the Storms got into a showdown. Knowing they were outnumbered, the Storms called
for a truce—"

"There are no truces—"
"I fuckin' know that, Lenny," Yank grumbled. "Anyway, once the Storms surrendered

and shit, the Devils fuckin' tortured and burned them alive while videotaping it."

"Sick fucks," I said. My phone buzzed and I pulled it out of my pocket. It was from


You fucking sure about this, prez?
Trust me brother, I know how the Devils think.
Me and the boys don't want our balls cut off. We heard some bad shit about them fucking


Got you covered. Once the Devils step out they're dead. Got me?
It took a while before Bushy responded back. I didn't blame him. The Devils were bad

news and the kind of MC you went in shooting first and asking questions later.

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We got ya.
Good. Let's end this shit.
I looked at my crew. "Hulk and Lenny, you cover the right. Give the fuckers five to come

out and get close enough so you don’t miss. Last one on the right, we shoot to wound."

With that I turned toward the left of the building and moved to the edge. Yank was right

behind me. The shooting stopped, and I could hear Bushy yelling from the front. Something
about being out of ammo and giving up followed by toss your weapons and come out with your
hands up. The fuckers weren't going to come out of hiding until they had my brothers unarmed,
and out in the open. Helpless. I fucking hated that. I didn't let myself consider that this might be
the one time the Devils did something out of character and came in shooting.

I didn't hear any more shouting, and when five minutes was up I knew that we'd have to

move quickly and quietly toward the front. I cocked my gun and took off, hugging the side of the
building. The closer I got I was able to hear the Devils talking. My brothers were quiet. Just as I
reached the edge of the building I heard laughter. Holding my gun ready, I peered around the

Red, Bushy and Digger were on their knees in front of the entrance, hands in the air and

guns on the ground around them. There were six Red Devils facing them, guns focused on my
brothers. I glanced back at Yank. "We go out shooting."

Everything happened in record time once we stepped out in the open. I knew we’d only

have the element of surprise on our side for a few seconds before all hell would break loose.
Hulk and Lenny rounded the corner of the building about the same time that we did. I aimed my
gun at the first Devil swinging my way, ending him with a head shot. Before I could shoot the
second man he was hitting the ground with a bullet to the side. A shot from Yank splattered his
brains all over the ground. A bullet whizzed past me drawing my gaze to the old farmhouse
across the street.

Fuck! One of the Devils had remained behind, hiding out in the ruins of a barn. “Across

the street!” I yelled a warning to no one in particular. I fired when I saw movement, shattering
some of the rotten wood. A few seconds later when I saw a head pop up I took aim and watched
the force of the bullet shove the Devil backwards. Silence followed. Only one Red Devil was still
alive, moaning and twisting on the ground at Hulk’s feet.

"Fuck, man, I don’t ever want to do this shit again," Bushy complained while picking up

his weapon. "Fuckin' hate being helpless like that."

"I hear ya, brother." I went to the wounded Devil and kicked at his foot; he glared up at

me and made a pitiful attempt to spit. I grinned. "How did you find this place?"

"I got nothin' to say, fucker."
He was young, too young, and full of hate and defiance. Probably the kid of a member

that had been in the club for a while. You didn't get the kind of consuming hate that radiated off
him overnight without growing up around it.

Hulk applied pressure where the kid was bleeding. "Answer the fuckin' question."
The Devil twisted and cried out until Hulk removed his foot. "Fuck you!" he spit out.
I thought for a moment. He knew he was as good as dead, and his refusal to talk told me

that I was wasting my time. I gave Hulk the look and turned away, glancing at Red and Yank.
"Remove their fuckin' cuts and burn them." A shot went off behind me and I knew Hulk had
finished the guy off. "Hulk, Bushy, take care of the bodies. Digger, bring their weapons in and
take care of the blood."


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I glanced over at Lenny.
"We got fuckin’ trouble." I nodded, knowing what he was thinking. “Think we have a

damn snitch.” It wasn’t said as a question.

“Yeah.” I thought about who it could be. If there was a fucking leak it could be coming

from the brothers at Dark Menace, too. “There’s no way an MC as fuckin’ inept as the Red
Devils found our warehouse by chance.”

“Agreed,” Lenny said, nodding. “Any ideas?” He pulled out his pack of smokes and lit

one, offering one to me.

I took one, needing it. “None of our patched-in brothers, I trust them.”
Lenny nodded in agreement. “A prospect, then?” He blew out a stream of smoke.
“Don’t know.” I was pretty damn sure we could trust Bullseye, Snake, and Red, but

Chicken was another matter. Wizard’s words came to mind. I was glad I’d told him to keep an
eye on Chicken.

“What about Dark Menace?”
They were the only club that knew about the location of the warehouse. I shrugged. “I’ll

call Stone.” My gut told me it would be a waste of time.

I turned and stepped inside the huge warehouse. Three plain, commercial vans were

parked back to back, black for obvious reasons, with dark tinted windows, because most of our
work was done at night. We took one when we went on any trips, loaded down with extra
supplies and parts for our bikes, and shit for clean-up. Sometimes they came in handy for
transporting wounded or dead brothers.

I took a deep drag of my cigarette and flicked what was left out the door. Kat’s tight

pussy would help me unwind a hell of a lot faster than a couple puffs on a cigarette. Maybe later
I could lose myself in her again. Right now I needed to talk to Stone. I pulled out my phone,
pulled his number up, and hit send. I didn’t have to wait long.

“What’s up, bro?”
“Hey, man, the Red Devils paid us a little visit at the warehouse today.”
“I fuckin' hate those bastards!” he swore.
We both did. “You or any of your brothers share the location with anyone?”
“Hell, no,” Stone said, and I could hear the anger in his tone at my even suggesting it.

“Anyone get hurt?”

“Yeah,” I laughed, “Seven Devils are fuckin’ dead.”
“A drop in the bucket for those pricks.”
I ran a hand over my face and released a long breath. Stone was right. The worse fucking

MC in the country, and they had the biggest numbers. But that was because they weren’t
particular with who became a fucking member. They boasted that they were one percenters, but
they were ten times worse. They had no boundaries, no morals of any kind. Even their own
members turned on one another without retribution.

“I’m hoping we’ll change that when you brothers come out here,” Stone said. “I’m tired

as fuck of them coming into my town and stirring up shit, disrupting our business with Covacks.”

I could hear the deep irritation in Stone’s tone. He had a good thing going with Covacks.

Something any MC would like to get in on, the man paid top dollar for their services, whether it
was a weapons run or muscle at one of his nightclubs. The problem with Covacks was that like
any criminal dealing in black market weapons he didn’t give a fuck who he got to handle his
runs. He used Dark Menace because it was their town, but the truth was he’d use any MC in that
town to get the job done.

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“We’ll be ready for them.” I thought about the up-coming war.
We disconnected. I glanced back at Lenny, who was leaning against the door frame with

his arms crossed. “Contact your friends at Johnson Brothers. I want this place fenced in with
twelve-foot high chain link and three feet of barbed wire, one double entrance gate at the front,
and one at the rear of the property by the trail.” Lenny nodded. “Then I want security cameras
and alarms all over the fuckin’ place. Until the security features are put in place I want two
prospects here twenty-four-seven.”

“Got it.”
I should have done that a long time ago but hadn’t wanted to bring attention to the

building. No one had any business coming down the dead-end road. Now it was time to secure
the place. If we couldn’t protect our paying client’s property we would lose a big chunk of our
income. We charged a lot for storage according to what they wanted stored, how long they
wanted it stored, and how bad they wanted it kept a secret. The only rule was, nothing living, and
yes, there was a reason why we had to come up with that stipulation.

Lenny turned sideways as I stepped through the doorway and back outside. “First, contact

Kirby about what went down here.” Kirby was one of our prospects that we’d sent to infiltrate
the Red Devils about eight months ago. “Someone told the Devils about the warehouse, and I
want to fuckin’ know who.”

Lenny acknowledged with a short nod. “I’ll get right on it. We still going to New

Hampshire at the end of next week?”

“That’s the plan, brother,” I said, taking another look around to make sure we didn’t miss

anything. The guys were moving quickly and efficiently. “I’m going to head back to the bar. It’s
Saturday night. Don’t want to miss any of the fun.” Kat’s face flashed before my eyes. Come
Monday I’d let her go, but until then I was going to get my fill of her.

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Chapter 7


I finished wiping down the counter and hung the dish towel over the cupboard door

beneath the sink to dry. Tiny had made it clear that folks had one hour to eat dinner, and then
we'd be cleaning up in readiness for the night crowd. I was surprised to see that the food we'd set
out was completely gone. I guess bikers weren't particular with what they put in their bellies, a
fact backed up by the few sitting at the bar drinking their meals.

We'd spent the last hour cleaning up. I'd stuck to Tiny like glue, feeling out of my

element when the bar began to fill up with rough bikers, and their friends. It was one thing to be
there as a customer, and something very different to be there working, even though I'd convinced
myself that I was paying a stupid fine for taking Lynch's bike. Stella had told me something
similar about the police department being on the MC's payroll, which was one of the reasons I
hadn't pressured Lynch to let me go.

That, and the fact I'd been thinking about the hot biker every day since that day on the

side of the road. Dressed in my interview clothes I'd been hot, uncomfortable, and royally pissed
at my then-boyfriend, Ben. It wasn't the first time his selfish indifference to someone else's plight
had gotten to me. He'd refused to even try and figure out what was wrong with my car, whining
about getting his clothes dirty. I knew that he really meant his hands because Ben was a pretty
boy, always worried about his appearance.

I’d known we weren't going to make it, and I was glad I’d decided to break up with him.

What an asshole, Ben's reaction to the breakup was to say that I was giving up the best thing to
ever happen to me. The funny thing was that he actually believed what he was saying. Jerk!

A woman's shrill laughter coming from the bar brought me back to the present. I saw

Tiny digging around inside the freezer for something. She yanked out some kind of meat that
was covered in frost and probably had freezer burn, and then slammed it onto the counter.

"What now?" Judging from the noise level outside the kitchen it sounded as though

Saturday night was turning wild.

"Honey, I'm done for the day. Dirk needs some help at the bar, though, probably the

safest place for you. Saturday nights are busy and it gets rowdy. The bar isn't exclusive to bikers,
and some of the locals, mostly the young ones, come here, so don't go off with anyone. Things
don't usually wind down until two in the morning."

As soon as we entered the bar I could see what Tiny was talking about. Every chair was

taken, including the line of stools in front of the wood bar that lined the back wall. Some laps
even served as chairs for some of the women. Bikers were easy to identify by their rough
appearances and cuts. I was a little surprised to see that not all of them were Wild Marauders. I
also saw cuts from Iron Invaders, and Death Challengers. I glanced around the room, unsure
what I was looking for.

Tiny left me standing at the end of the bar, next to the kitchen doorway. There were two

guys working behind the bar. I assumed one of them was Dirk. Both men were wearing Wild
Marauders’ colors, and faded jeans. One was completely bald, with a neatly trimmed beard and,

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from what I could see of his upper body, covered in brightly colored tattoos. The other man had
his long blonde hair pulled back into a ponytail, his handsome face was clean shaven and only
one arm was covered with ink. Both men were tall and muscular, powerful looking, and served
up drinks with no nonsense attitudes.

Movement drew my gaze upward to the women dancing on top of the bar. I recognized

Marla and Candy from before. They were wearing little to nothing, showing the guys exactly
what they were getting. The two girls were painfully thin, their ribcage and hip bones sticking
out as they swayed and gyrated vulgarly to the music slamming through the room. The excessive
amount of makeup they wore made it difficult to guess their ages. The third girl, the one I hadn't
seen before, was younger and had a beautiful, exotic face. She was slender with curves, and like
the other two, had large breasts and long hair.

I felt fat compared to them and couldn't remember ever having seen my hip bones. Being

five feet three inches didn't help. I was a size twelve, and Ben used to tease me that I had a Dolly
Parton shape, back before she lost all the weight. The asshole had complimented and insulted me
in the same breath. In my estimation there'd never been anything wrong with Dolly's figure, and
Ben sure hadn't minded when he was fucking me. During all ten minutes of it.

I was about to get the attention of the man behind the bar, the one closest to me, when I

heard someone shout my name. I glanced around the room, but it was so crowded with people
moving around that it was impossible to zero in on anyone.

"Kat! Over here!"
I followed the sound to where Stella was sitting at a table with some bikers. One of them

had his arm across her shoulders and his hand was dangling over her nearly naked boob. My eyes
widened with surprise, and shock, because this wasn't the Stella I was used to working with. She
looked natural sitting there in a skin tight leather corset, her hair loose and looking wild, and
wearing heavy makeup. In turn she was giving me the once-over, and so were the men she was
with. She motioned me over.

"Ohmygod! Look at you, girl!" Stella squealed when I neared the table. She was all

smiles, but there was something else in her eyes that I couldn't decipher. I didn't know her well
enough. The clinic we worked at was always busy, and there wasn't much time for personal
conversation. "Lookin' sexy!" she laughed. "What are you doing here? Decide to check out the
biker scene for yourself?"

"It's a long story—"
"Sit down, darlin'."
Without warning I felt an arm slide around my waist and I was pulled down onto a biker's

lap. I moved to get up but his arms locked around my torso like prison bars. Everyone at the
table thought it was funny, which only made me more determined to get up. The more I
struggled, the tighter his arms became, and the only thing my wiggling accomplished was giving
him a hard-on.

"Hey, Rocky, don't scare my friend away," Stella laughed, giving me a wink that I didn't

appreciate. "She's probably a biker virgin."

What the fuck? Was Stella drunk? I scowled at her, then lifted my gaze to meet the

amused gaze of the man whose lap she was practically sitting in. He grabbed her boob and
squeezed. Stella threw back her head and parted her lips, moaning loudly, an invitation to the
man who leaned forward and kissed her.

I rolled my eyes, and tried again to get off the biker's lap. "Please—"
"Is that true, pretty lady?" The arms holding me pressed against my boobs and then his

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mouth was touching my ear. "Never been fucked by a biker, baby?"

I tried to pull away when I felt his tongue lick me. The two other bikers at the table

snickered, and their lady friends just smiled, but it was far from friendly. I had a feeling they
were looking at me as competition. Well, I'd had enough. I managed to twist around enough to
slap the man's face. "Let. Me. Go." The sound of the slap was lost in the noise of the room, but it
hadn't gone unnoticed.

"Teach that bitch a lesson, brother!" someone from another table shouted. Laughter

erupted and several men nodded their heads in obvious agreement.

I couldn't see the eyes of the man I'd slapped, but I could definitely feel that he'd grown

tense, and I wondered if he was going to retaliate. I hadn't got a good look at his cut, so I didn't
know if he was a Wild Marauder or not. Stella and her boyfriend stopped kissing to watch what
was happening. I glared at her, deciding that she must have split personalities. I made up my
mind that when Rocky released me I'd head straight to Lynch's room and lock myself in.

The music ended and another song began with barely a pause in between. I recognized

the Guns N' Roses hit from the late eighties, Sweet Child O' Mine. A quick glance around the bar
revealed several scenes straight out of a porn flick. The three women who'd been dancing earlier
were now all involved with several of Lynch's men. The air was thick with cigarette smoke, and I
could also pick up the smell of pot.

I glanced toward the doorway to see more bikers entering the bar. Lynch was right behind

a group of them, but I didn’t get the impression that he’d come in with them. He began to walk
through the room, responding to several inquiries along the way. I couldn't help but notice that
he was scanning the room as he went. Was he looking for me? I wondered what his reaction
would be when he saw me sitting on the lap of a biker.

I glanced at Stella. She was on her feet and waving to get his attention. Lynch looked our

way but didn't change direction, until his gaze landed on me, and then he pivoted sharply our
way. Our eyes met and held, and I could see the muscle working in his clenched jaw. Stella
circled the table we were at and threw herself into his arms just as he reached us. His arms didn't
close around her, and he didn't take the hot intensity in his eyes off me.

"I've been waiting for you, handsome!" Stella was totally oblivious that Lynch wasn't

paying any attention to her. "I kept myself open for you tonight."

Well, that was obvious.
"You enjoying the fuckin' hard-on my woman is giving you, Rocky?" Lynch's grim tone

revealed that he wasn't happy.

"Your woman?" The question came from Stella, her tone slightly stunned.
"I was." Rocky's arms fell away from me, though, and suddenly I had the plague. "Hey,

prez, I didn't know she was your woman. She never said shit."

"I'm not anyone's woman," I snapped. Before I could move Lynch grabbed my upper arm

and hauled me to my feet. "Take—" I caught my breath when he jerked me up against his hard,
unyielding body. "You can give every one of my brothers a fuckin’ hard-on, babe, but I'm the
only one who'll be sticking his dick inside you."

I stiffened at his crude comment, and opened my mouth to ask him who the hell he

thought he was, when he took the opportunity to slam his mouth down on mine. It was a
possessive kiss that showed he was clearly staking his claim, right there in front of everyone in
the room, and I didn’t like it. But even as I told myself that, my traitorous body was screaming
the opposite.

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Why the hell didn’t I have any control of my senses when I was around him?
Stella's gasp seemed as loud as a gunshot blast. After that nothing else registered except

that Lynch's mouth was devouring mine. Now I knew what it felt like to be struck by lightning.
The bolt of electricity spiraling through my body from his was like nothing I'd experienced
before, leaving me buzzing with need against his hardness. I was oblivious to everything around
me because I was coming undone in his arms. Why did he have such a strong effect on me? I just
couldn’t understand why this outlaw biker turned me on to where he was the only thing that
mattered. I felt his hand fist in my hair and heard his low groan as our kiss intensified, fueled by
the feel of his cock throbbing against me.

I was breathless when he finally released me. For several seconds he glared down into my

eyes, his face a mask of raw emotion. Panic raced through me as I considered that he just might
lose control and fuck me right there in front of everyone. Because seriously, what stopped a man
like Lynch from doing whatever he wanted, wherever and whenever he wanted? Gradually I
began to notice the noise and activity going on around us.

"Well, isn't this fucking nice," Stella hissed in a voice full of venom. I turned my head

and found her standing there with her hands on her hips, her pretty face a twisted parody of
jealousy and disbelief. The angry glare in her eyes moved back and forth between me and Lynch.
"Are you planning on fucking us both?"

Ohmygod she didn’t!
Lynch's reaction was instant. His expression turned to stone, eyes narrowing like shards

of broken glass that promised to cut, and cut deep. I could feel the tension go through his body.
He moved me aside gently, surprising considering that the anger was rolling off him in palpable
waves. I could tell by Stella's face that she knew she'd gone too far. She took a nervous step

"I don't recall making plans to fuck you tonight," he said in a low snarl, crossing his

muscular arms over his massive chest.

I winced and actually felt bad for Stella.
She turned pale. "You said to dress hot and keep tonight open—"
"And your interpretation to that was that I wanted to fuck you?"
"Well, I thought—"
"You're a fuckin' hang-around," Lynch interrupted, his tone sharp as a knife. "Trying to

worm your way into the club for a long time. Tonight we're gonna see if you make the cut." His
gaze locked on to the man whose lap I'd been sitting. "Starting with Rocky." The corner of his lip
curved upwards, but it was a far cry from a smile. "Since you already have a hard-on, brother,
put your dick to good use and initiate Stella into the ranks of sweetbutt."

A lusty grin came over Rocky's face showing he was willing and up for the task.
Stella gasped. "Lynch—please! That's not what I was hopeful for, and you know it!"
"No, you were looking to become my old lady, but you're last week's fuck. Get it through

your fuckin' head that I'm not interested, and if you want in the club a sweetbutt is all you'll be,
unless another brother decides to take you as his old lady."

Last week's fuck? That was harsh and revealed a lot about who Lynch really was. It

warned me that after this weekend I'd probably never see him again, that whatever it was that I
thought I was feeling had better amount to over active hormones and nothing more.

"Do you want to be part of the club or not?" Lynch asked her point blank, not swayed one

bit by the hurt on Stella’s face. The slightest nod confirmed her answer. "Then have at it." His
comment had been directed at Rocky.

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We didn’t hang around to see what happened next. Lynch grabbed my hand and pulled

me from the room. As soon as we were in the hallway and away from nosey eyes I asked
heatedly, "Do you fuck every woman you come in contact with?"

In the blink of an eye he pinned me against the wall. "You want me to fuck you right

here, for anyone to see?" he snarled down at me.

That wasn’t the response I was looking for. "No," I whispered, captured by his searing

gaze. I could feel his need coiling through him, keeping Lynch on the edge. Everything about
him was hard and dangerous.

"Then shut the fuck up, baby." He kissed the tip of my nose.
Resistance didn’t enter my mind when he jerked me away from the wall and began

pulling me behind him again. Why did Lynch think that he could just screw me any time he
wanted? Would he stop if I said no, or put up a fight? The man seemed so sure of himself, so
confident. Like he deserved to get whatever he wanted, and without a protest. I guess not too
many people told a six foot six giant no.

He took me all the way through his office and into his room, shutting and locking the

door behind us, and it was then that I realized I didn't want to tell him no. Why should I deny
myself the pleasure of being with a man who wanted me, especially a man who made me feel
alive like he did when I was in his arms?

When he was in my body?
I’d had too many years of mundane sex, and relationships with men that I realized now

had been lacking, and boring. Wasted years when there’d been someone out there so much more
exciting, and dangerous. How was I ever going to go back to what I’d let myself accept before
Lynch? One time in his bed and he’d ruined me for anyone else.

"I need to wash the grime off. Let's take a shower." He slipped off his vest and draped it

over the back of a chair, then reached for the bottom of his tee-shirt and brought it up and over
his head. God, the man was ripped. I ate him up with my eyes. I'd never grow tired of looking at
him. When I lifted my gaze to his he was smiling. "Like what you see?" His hands went to his
belt buckle.

I decided not to feed his ego, reaching for the hem to my tee-shirt. I tugged it up over my

head, but before I could slip it off my arms Lynch reached forward and grabbed me around the
wrists. I was trapped in my shirt and suddenly pushed up against the wall. I caught my breath
when he leaned his hips into me.

"It's all right, babe, I like what I see, too." His face moved closer until our mouths

touched. It wasn't exactly a kiss. Lynch ran his tongue along the seam of my lips, before gently
nibbling on them, and finally slipping his tongue behind my lower lip. One hand held my wrists
together above my head while the other moved over my body.

I was growing frustrated. This was another, softer side of Lynch I hadn't seen before. The

thickness of his cock was riding the ridge of my pelvic bone, right at the top where my clit was
hiding. I bowed my lower body, moaning deep while trying to entice him to kiss me fully.
"Lynch, kiss me, damn it!" I was tired of his teasing.

His deep laugh was cut short when he slanted his mouth fully over mine. It was the match

that ignited the dynamite. Lynch's free hand reached for the front hook closure of my bra and
with a flick of his fingers, the cups exploded off my full breasts, leaving my flesh jiggling in his
hand. Next he moved his hand to the back of my skirt where the zipper was located. As he
slowly lowered it, I stepped out of my heels.

Once the zipper was all the way down the skirt fell to the floor, leaving me in nothing but

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my panties. All the while Lynch's mouth moved over mine, his tongue exploring every corner of
my mouth. His gentleness slowly disappeared, and everything he did was a mind-blowing
combination that began with stinging pain and ended with satisfying pleasure. I struggled against
his hold, needing, wanting to touch him, too. Nothing was getting through to him, so I bit down
hard on his lip.

Lynch jerked away enough for our eyes to meet. "I like pain," he snarled. We were both

breathing heavily. Holding my gaze captive, he reached for his belt. As I sensed him working his
jeans open I took in the blood gathering on his bottom lip. My whole body trembled and felt like
liquid fire had replaced the blood in my veins. I couldn't remember ever wanting to fuck
someone as much as I wanted Lynch at that moment. The emotion flooding my senses was raw,
and basic, animalistic in nature.

I wanted to consume him.
Suddenly I felt the velvet heat of his cock against me. Lynch fisted the massive muscle,

forcing it between my slit and over my buzzing clit. Holy fuck! I strained against him, crying out.
"Lynch!" God, I needed him inside me, now. He ran the bulging head over and over my clit
without mercy, until my orgasm peaked, and I exploded in breath-stealing contractions. That was
when Lynch lifted me against the wall and rammed his cock into my body with one, deep

I cried out sharply at his initial penetration until the slight sting of pain turned into intense

pleasure, and then he was throbbing inside me. He lifted my leg and draped it over his hip,
making him go even deeper, if that was possible, until I felt the head of his cock hit my cervix.
My head fell forward to his shoulder. Through the haze surrounding me I recalled his admission
in taking pleasure from pain and I clamped my teeth into his shoulder.

"Fuck, baby!" He jerked and retaliated by pulling his cock all the way out, only to slam

forward again. The feel of his balls pounding against my butt raised my pleasure level to
dizzying heights. "You're mine, Kat," Lynch grated, grazing the side of my neck with his teeth.
"No one else is going to have this pussy, baby. Say it."

I was afraid that if I said it that it would become true. He was certainly claiming my

pussy, but to admit that I was his? I sensed in Lynch's world that meant exactly what the words
implied, and I was afraid to give him that power.

"Say it, Kat," he snarled. He flipped me around so that my breasts were smashed against

the wall, and pulled my lower body away from it. Rough hands grasped my hips as he entered
me from behind. He was ruthless in his possession of me, and I knew I wouldn’t come away
from this without his brand on me.

"Say. It."
Oh, God! He reached around the front of me and zeroed right in on my clit, stroking it.

"I'm…yours," I panted, climbing the wall with each thrust of his body.

"Say all of it," he insisted, biting down on the hollow between my neck and collarbone.
"No…one…else…is…going…to…have…my…pussy!" Oh fuck! I wasn't prepared for

the impact of speaking those words out loud, and truly meaning them, had on me. I urged my on-
coming orgasm closer to the edge. At that moment I did belong to Lynch.

"That's it, baby. Your body knows it belongs to me."
He fucked me relentlessly. Every crevice of my pussy filled with his magnificent cock. I

felt him swell even more, thinking he was about to come, but he pulled out and drew me over to
the bed. He pushed me face down against the covers, and then he pulled me at the edge of the

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"On your knees and raise that pretty ass," he ordered.
I did as he wanted, raising my butt as high as I could. His breath was hot against the

cheeks of my ass. I held my breath when he parted the mounds, afraid he was going to stick his
cock there. I didn't know if I was ready for that. But all Lynch did was nibble the flesh around
my sensitive hole.

"Christ, babe, I love your ass. It was made for fucking, and some day I'm going to fill it

with my dick." He explored the rim of my anus with his finger, sinking just the tip inside the
dark opening. "Would you like my cum in your ass, baby?" He sank a little more of his finger
inside, It didn’t hurt, and the slight pressure was mildly pleasant. "Answer me, Kat."

"Yes!" The word rushed out of me as another finger joined the first. He scissored his

fingers, widening my opening. There was more pressure, but again I felt no pain.

"Fuck! I've got to get away from here before I lose control and ram my cock inside of


He squeezed my butt cheeks before moving on. His bedroom talk alone kept me hot. I

nearly came when I felt his tongue lick me from my clit to my anus.

"So fuckin' good," Lynch rasped, before burying his tongue all the way inside my body.
I jerked forward but he easily pulled me back. At the same time he slipped a hand

between the bed and my body to my lower belly, and pressed. His fingers replaced his tongue
and Ohmygod when he did that the pressure he applied on my G-spot was so fucking good that
my first orgasm ripped through me. I cried out against the bed, trembling as wave after wave
rippled through my pussy onto his fingers.

Lynch didn't give me time to come down. I felt him rise from the floor, grab my hips and

jerk me backwards onto his cock. As he slid into my still quivering body another moan escaped
me, and then I was pushing back with his every thrust. He moved so hard and fast, and with his
hand still pressing my belly, the head of his cock brushed against my G-spot with welcomed
results. A second orgasm rolled through my body and exploded around his pounding flesh.

"Lynch! Oh fuck, oh fuck!" I screamed, losing control. The intensity of climaxing while

his cock was still fucking me took my breath away. I'd never experienced an orgasm with a
man's cock inside me before and it was mind-blowing.

It didn't take long for Lynch to follow. His hands clenched hard against my hips.

Grunting low, he held himself stiffly and I felt ribbons of cum release inside me. Gradually he
collapsed, pulled out and rolled next to me.

Our eyes met.
"You're mine."
I didn't deny it. It was crazy, but it seemed right, and while I was afraid to acknowledge

it, Lynch wasn't.

He reached over, grabbed a handful of my hair and jerked me to him roughly. "Fuckin'

say it, baby," he demanded in a possessive voice that sounded like he'd swallowed sandpaper
coated with honey. “I need to hear the words.”

"I'm yours."
He growled and slammed his mouth down on mine.
I meant it.

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Chapter 8


Holy fuck!
I thought my head was going to explode I came so hard. Kat's cunt had

squeezed my cock like a tight fist and wouldn’t let go, and I couldn't think of anything that
equaled the feel of fucking her. She was better than scotch. Better than taking a hit off a joint.
Whether she realized I meant it or not, she was mine.

My tongue fucked the inside of her mouth like I'd just fucked her body. Sweet Jesus, I

was getting hard all over again. Did she realize she was purring like a cat beneath my mouth and
rubbing against me, seeking more?

I pulled away. "No one else will have this cunt," I growled, inserting two fingers inside

her spongy slickness. She arched with a long moan. "Before the night is over I'll own your mouth
and ass, too." She cried out softly and closed her eyes.

Her body was already responding to me, twisting and lifting to my fingers. I tunneled as

deep as I could, seeking more of her cream. I knew I could bring her to orgasm again, could feel
it building inside her. Her muscles tightened around my fingers as if in protest as I slowly
withdrew. I paused long enough to tease her G-spot, and then moved on to thumb her clit. Her
hips left the bed.

"You're killing me!" she said in a smoky, breathless voice.
I couldn't help grinning. "What a fuckin' way to go, babe."
"Yes!" she cried.
I felt the change in her body and knew she was about to come. Gliding down her sweet

fucking curves until I got to her cunt, I lashed out at her clit with my tongue. "Put some sweet
cream on my tongue, baby." I clamped her swollen clit between my teeth and gently rolled it.
Kat's body grew taut, and then she exploded with a series of short, jerky movements and moans.
I was determined to get all of her tasty juices and thrust my tongue deep, groaning at the warm
stickiness coating it. My cock was hard as a rock and I was steady dry humping the edge of the

Screw that! I crawled up Kat's body until my knees were on the bed on either side of her

head. My dick was right beneath her chin. I fisted it at the base and brought it up to her lips. She
opened her mouth before I had to say anything and took my aching flesh inside. I rolled my head
back with a sound of satisfaction, and closed my eyes.

"Suck it, baby."
I moved my hips back and forth, pushing a little more of my cock inside until I hit the

back of her throat. She swallowed, her throat closing around the head and squeezing. "Oh, fuck,
baby!" I wasn't going to last long. She began using her tongue, curling it around my dick and
dipping it into the slit. That made me shudder and release. I'd always spewed like a fucking
geyser and wondered if she'd be able to take it all. No way was I moving unless she looked like
she was in distress.

Kat swallowed everything I gave, keeping my dick in her mouth until it stilled and began

to soften. I pulled out and moved next to her, waiting for my body to calm. "Jesus…I'm fuckin’

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drained. You wipe me out, babe."

"You should talk," Kat said. "I think you own my mouth now, whatever the hell that


"It means exactly what you think it means."
"And what do I think it means?" she fired back with spunk. "I'm just a visitor here,

Lynch, paying a fine. Tomorrow I'm going back to work if I have to walk."

"You won't have to walk. I'll bring you back to the clinic first thing."
She leaned up on her elbows and looked over at me. "I don't understand you. One minute

you're saying that you own me, and the next you're fine with taking me back."

My gaze went to her big tits. They were thrusting forward because of the way she was

holding herself. The nipples peaked like little fucking jewels just begging for my mouth to cover
them. I rolled, covering the top half of her body and forcing her back down on the bed before
giving in and cupping her flesh. I moved forward until I could latch my mouth on to her hard
nipple. Sweet candy. That’s what she fucking tasted like. Kat whimpered and all resistance left
her body.

"I'll explain it to you," I said, talking around the tasty nipple in my mouth. "I'm claiming

you, babe. That means this−" I flicked my finger through her wet pussy, "this−" I slipped my
hand beneath her ass and squeezed, "this−" I squeezed her tit, "and this−" I ran my finger along
the seam of her slightly swollen lips. "All belong to me. No other man will have access to this
body." I could see the surprise in her eyes.

"You're kidding, right?" I shook my head no. "You can't just claim someone, Lynch. It

doesn't work that way."

"It does in my world. My claiming you protects you, babe. No one messes with an MC's


"I don't need protection," she argued. "Except from you and your club, and I'm not your

woman. After I leave here I don't plan on coming back."

I narrowed my eyes down at her. "Really?" She had no fucking idea. "Would you like me

to prove you wrong?" I ran the tip of my finger down between her tits, and watched as little
goose bumps covered her flesh in response. She shivered. The look in her eyes revealed her
worry. "I barely touch you, babe, and your body comes alive."

“That’s called lust.” She pulled away and sat up. "I need a shower."
I let her go, watching her shapely ass jiggle as she walked away. Damn, fucking that

sweet, puckered hole was going to be the icing on the cake. I couldn't wait. Kat was filled out in
all the right places, giving me soft, voluptuous curves to hold onto when I was fucking her. She
wasn't fat, but she made the too-thin sweetbutts look unhealthy as shit. I could see why they
would resent her.

I'd already made up my mind to take her home in the morning and give her a little space,

but it wouldn't end there. No fucking way I was letting go of the best thing to come along in a
long time. I’d known the moment that I saw her pacing on the side of the road that I wanted her.
She could deny that she belonged to me all she wanted, and I would have the pleasure of proving
her wrong every chance I got.

Shit! I heard the shower running and jumped from the bed. The bathroom was filled with

hot steam, the glass shower cloudy and distorting her figure. I narrowed my eyes, watching Kat
arch her neck while she worked the shampoo out of her hair. When she began to run a soapy
cloth over her shoulders and breasts I opened the door and stepped inside.

She gasped and stopped what she was doing. I stepped closer to her, letting my eyes eat

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her up. She stepped back until she was up against the tiled wall, a teasing smile spreading across
her face. The spray of water was between us, and I stepped underneath it. Once I was as wet as
she was I reached for the cloth. "Turn around and I'll do your back."

She hesitated, looking at me as though I were dangerous, or something. "You look like

you're getting ready to bite."

Losing patience, I took Kat by the shoulders and spun her around. I leaned in and

whispered into her ear, "Oh, I bite, baby. The right kind of pain intensifies pleasure." I ran the
cloth over her shoulders, and down her back, continuing over her luscious ass and down the back
of her legs. On the way back up I took my time running the cloth between the crack of her butt.
A soft moan escaped her when I spread her cheeks to make sure that all the soap was gone.

Son of a bitch! I knew it was a mistake as soon as I did it. Seeing that tiny, puckered hole

made me want to fuck it. I fell to my knees and buried my face against her slick flesh, and stuck
my tongue where I wanted my dick to be. Kat let out a small cry and jerked, probably in surprise.
I reamed her out good, until she was squirming and gasping. When I got to my feet again I
pushed my hard cock against the forbidden opening.

"See what you fuckin' do to me, Kat?" I grabbed her by the hair and pulled her back so I

had access to her throat. I grazed my teeth along her flesh, feeling her wild shudder. "You're my
woman, babe, get used to it."

I thrust against her several more times, teasing but not entering her. When I'd had enough

I pulled her around and threaded my fingers through her wet hair. "Say it." I rubbed my nose
against hers. She shook her head no. "Stubborn bitch." I laughed before angling my mouth over
hers. I was brutal but she held her own, opening her mouth and meeting my tongue with hers.
She raked her nails down my back, purring like a cat.

Shifting my hands to her tits, I rubbed and squeezed the massive mounds, and then

tweaked her nipples. She quivered, clenching her hands into my ass. My cock jumped, and I
knew there was only one place that would satisfy it. I picked Kat up. She automatically wrapped
her legs around my waist, giving me easy access to her sweet cunt. I plowed forward and buried
my dick into her. She transferred her hands to my shoulders and held on as I began to fuck her
fast and furious. Each time I buried my dick as deep as it could go, and each time her body
clenched around me like a fucking vice.

"Sweet hell, you're so fucking tight, baby."
"You have a monster cock," she gasped in return.
"Hell no."
She sank her teeth into my shoulder and I fucking blew. Her pussy tightened and swelled,

sucking my orgasm from my balls. For a couple of minutes I was helpless, unable to manage the
violent convulsions that controlled my body as I filled Kat with cum. As soon as I was able to
move I reached for her clit, rubbed and pinched it until she climaxed.

"Christ, babe, you drain a man's balls." I reluctantly slipped out of her.
Kat smiled. "Complaining?" She slowly lowered her legs.
"Hell no." I turned her toward the water. "Let's finish our shower."
Kat finished before me, since she'd practically been done before our fuck episode. She

stepped out of the shower and reached for a towel. Through the frosted glass I could see her wrap
the towel around her body and leave the room. My hand was on my cock, giving it a good lather.
Woman drained me of everything I had and still my dick wanted more of her pussy.

I wondered if I could get her out of my system before the morning. I needed to keep a

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clear head for the shit that was coming up with Dark Menace. Both of our clubs wanted to get rid
of the Red Devils. Stone’s inside man had got a message to him saying the Devils planned on
showing up at the next underground fight in the small town of Last Hope. It was supposed to be
neutral ground, and Crosby, the man who ran it, had plenty of muscle-men on his payroll to keep
things organized, but more often than not fights broke out and brothers ended up dead. Because
the place was out in the middle of fucking nowhere, the law wasn’t a problem.

The Devils knew Dark Menace had their own fighters in the event and would be there,

and they wanted to take out as many brothers of Dark Menace that they could. They wanted to
take over the lucrative business Stone’s club was doing for Covacks. Word was they were going
to have help from another local, small time MC, the Predators, an MC too inexperienced and
powerless to handle gunrunning.

Wildman was lazy, greedy, and he couldn’t be trusted. It wouldn’t surprise me if he

wiped out the other club at the same time, killing two birds with one stone. What the Devils
didn’t know was that we were going to be there as back-up for Dark Menace, hoping to turn the
tables on them. If we were lucky we'd take out some of the key players and leave the club
crippled. If the Predators had joined the Devils we’d take care of them, too.

I hoped the information we’d received was accurate. I was reminded that I still needed to

find out what the fuck happened to Kirby. He was usually reliable. I reached to turn off the
water, and stepped from the shower. As I was wrapping a towel around my hips I heard female
voices coming from the bedroom.

"What the fuck?" I walked into the room to see Stella and Kat sitting on the bed.
"It's okay, Lynch," Kat said, drawing my gaze to her. She was still wearing nothing but a

towel. "Stella and I work at the same clinic and know each other. She was just apologizing to me
for the way she acted last night."

I glanced at Stella, who was doing her best to look remorseful.
"It's true, Lynch. I, I guess I went into shock or something. I'm sorry for the way I acted. I

guess I was hoping that we would be more."

I wasn't buying it. Stella had been coming around the bar for a while now. She'd made it

obvious from the beginning that she wanted to become part of the club, and someone's old lady,
and her sights had been set on me. It was one of the reasons I ignored her blatant attempts to get
me to notice her. My fucking mistake had been giving in to her one night, hoping that my cruel
selfishness in bed would set her straight on what kind of a bastard I was, and scare her away. I
didn't kiss her once during our fuck, didn't go down on her, and had treated her like a whore.
Apparently some women thought when a man fucked them like that it meant that he liked her.

It’d been all about getting off.
Nothing more.
Remaining silent in the face of her comment, I glared at Stella until she rose nervously to

her feet.

"Well, I suppose I should leave now." She glanced back down at Kat. "Thank you for

accepting my apology. I'll see you at work tomorrow."

I waited until she left before saying, "How well do you know Stella?"
"Not very well, really. We work in different areas of the clinic, so we don't get to spend

much office time together."

"Watch your back with that one."
Kat raised her brows in surprise. "Why?"
I held her gaze. I wished I could tell her but the truth was that it was just a gut feeling that

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I had. I'd learned to never ignore my instincts. Stella's turn around didn't fucking sit right with
me. The woman I'd come to know was driven, conniving, and a bitch. She was not one to back
down when she wanted something. I'd seen her in action.

Maybe Kat saw a completely different bitch at work. Hell, maybe the whole thing was

just an act. I reached down and pulled Kat to her feet. "Just fuckin' do it, baby. I don't want to see
anything happen to you." She laughed, the husky sound going straight to my dick. What was it
about this woman? Shit, I didn’t know if I liked it.

"Why are you worried about me? After tomorrow we'll probably never see each other


Did she really believe that? "Like fuck. I'm a long way from done with you. What do you

think about that?"

She turned her head away from my mouth. "I think you're crazy. You kidnap me,

practically run me off the road when I try to escape, fuck me with no regard to what I want, keep
me here to pay some bogus club fine. Speaking of fine, am I all paid up?"

I grinned against her neck. She was going to be pissed. "A couple more fucks should do

it." Who was I kidding? I couldn't get enough of her. Since she'd been on the scene I hadn't once
craved another pussy.

She pushed me away. "Are you ever satisfied?"
"With fucking?" She nodded. "Baby, you have the sweetest, tightest, cunt I've ever sunk

my dick into. I might never be satisfied again." Kat laughed and shook her head as if to say there
was no help for me. "Come on, I’ll get you a shirt to sleep in."

I went to the dresser and pulled out one of my tee-shirts. She held it up after I tossed it to

her. It was black and had the club's logo on it. She let the towel fall, and I let out a wolf whistle,
letting her know that I thought she was hot, and that I liked what I saw. Kat wasn't shy, I'd give
her that. She liked my eyes on her, and took her fucking time slipping my shirt over her head,
even giving a little wiggle so it would slip over her tits and down her torso. Fuck, she filled it out
nice. It fell to the middle of her fleshy thighs.

My dick didn't stand a chance.
Her smile said she knew what she was doing to me.
I had to get back out onto the floor. Shit happened on Saturday nights, and I liked being

there when it did. My dick wanted another shot at Kat but it would have to wait. Club shit came
first, always.

"Get some rest. I have business to attend to." I pulled out another shirt and slipped it over

my head, and then from another drawer yanked out a pair of clean jeans. Ripping off the towel, I
slipped them on. My boots came next.

Kat was still standing there when I stood. I went to her, curled my hand around the back

of her neck and pulled her against me for a quick kiss. "I'll be back."

"I'll be here."
I kissed her again, this time longer, deeper, a mistake because it made it that much harder

to let her go. In a moment of lustful madness I reached back and gave her ass a squeeze,
growling against her soft mouth. I almost pushed Kat from me. "I gotta get out of here."

She laughed huskily.
I didn't look back.

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Chapter 9


"Wake up baby! Time to go." I felt something hit the bed next to my head. "Better call

the clinic and tell them you're going to be late."

I tried to open my eyes to see what he'd thrown, reaching around blindly for it even while

not knowing what it was. It was my phone. "What time is it?" My voice had that scratchy, just-
woken morning sound that, any other time, would be sexy. I sat up, pushed my hair out of my
face and tried to focus my eyes. Lynch stood over me, fully dressed, reminding me that he hadn't
come to bed the night before. Had he found someone else to spend his time with? I didn't want to
think about it.

"Six! I won't be late. We don't even open until eight."
"I figured you might need time to go home and change, or something," he explained.
I thought for a second, and shook my head. "I can just use the clothes that are already


His brows shot up. "You usually leave clothes there?"
"No. But I usually bring a change of clothes. There's a shower upstairs and sometimes

after work I go out."

"As in dates?"
Very rarely, but I said, "Yes." He looked like he was going to say something but then

thought better of it. "Since you have my phone I assume you have my purse."

He pointed to the dresser, where it sat on my folded jeans. "I sent someone back to get

them, and lock up the clinic."

That news surprised me. "Thank you. I would have had a hard time explaining an

unlocked door this morning." I pulled back the covers and got to my feet. "I'll get dressed." I
wanted to ask him where he'd spent the night, but forced it down. It wasn't any of my business.
There was a knock at the door and Lynch turned to open it.

It was Marla. She glanced past Lynch to me and the smile on her face quickly vanished.

"Hi, baby. I just wanted to thank you for last night."

Well, I guess I didn't have to guess where he'd spent the night. I ignored the heavy

fullness in my heart, questioning the reason for it. I shouldn’t care, but I did. I guess I thought
he’d felt something, too. Not love, Christ, but something.

"You've thanked me already." He closed the door and swung back to me.
Pretending not to care, I slipped into my jeans, ready to be gone. There was really

nothing more for me to do so I grabbed my purse and forced myself to meet his eyes. "I'm ready
to go." He took a step toward me. "Don't touch me," I hissed. Until that second I wasn't even
aware that I was angry. He stopped short, a question in his eyes. "Just take me to the clinic and
then go back to your whores."

"What the fuck?" he snarled, his expression turning dark. It was obvious that he didn't

like my change in attitude.

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Well, that was just too damn bad. He'd spent two and a half days fucking me senseless at

every chance he got, and then he went to Marla last night? It was my fault for forgetting that to a
man like Lynch; sex wasn’t anything more than the means to an end. He was a man-whore, and
remembering his words to Stella the night before, I was just his weekend fuck. We stood there
staring at each other, the anger simmering between us.

Finally he said, "I know what you're thinking, and you can fuckin' stop it right now. But

know this, babe; I don't explain myself to anyone."

He made me so mad that I wanted to scratch his eyes out. But that would be showing

Lynch too much emotion, and put me at a disadvantage. "I didn't ask you for a fucking
explanation," I said, heading toward the door. "And don't expect to get inside my pants again."
What the hell? The words slipped out of my mouth before I could stop them. I was glad he
couldn't see my face as I reached for the doorknob.

Before I could open the door Lynch spun me around and pushed me up against it. I

caught my breath, meeting the fire burning in his eyes. It was hard to determine if he was just
that angry, or if he was aroused.

It was probably a little of both.
"Try and stop me," he snarled down at me. "I told you Kat, you're mine." Hadn't that been

spoken in the heat of the moment, and everyone knew that it didn't mean anything then. "I don't
fuckin' play around baby." He pressed against me.

I dropped my purse and struggled mildly, thinking about him fucking Marla."No, you just

fuck around," I said, digging my nails into him. I should have remembered that Lynch liked pain.
He grunted and grabbed my wrists, pinning my arms above my head with one hand, while his
other circled my throat. He held me with just enough pressure to get my attention, and keep me

"I'm not going to apologize for liking to fuck, Kat." His saying my name told me just how

angry he really was, but I could see the lust in his eyes, too, could feel his cock pounding against
my belly. "Do you honestly think I went to a sweetbutt after satisfying myself in your pussy?"

My heart was hammering. "You said you might never be satisfied," I reminded him.
"With you, babe," he growled with annoyance. He slammed his mouth down on mine and

I tried to ignore the warm, minty taste of his kiss. His lips were almost punishing, but his tongue
caressed the inside of my mouth with slow, even strokes that fanned the desire in my belly.

Before I knew it the hand around my throat slowly glided down to my boobs. Lynch

wasted no time in squeezing and pinching my nipples until they were painfully hard. I
whimpered with pleasure, wishing I had the strength to ignore what he did to me. When he was
done with my boobs his hand continued down my body. His fingers lifted my shirt and slipped
beneath to where my jeans were closed. Without hesitation he expertly pulled the snap and
lowered the zipper.

I began to squirm against him, realizing what his intentions were. His cock has like a

solid steel rod against me, and I couldn't help but roll my hips into him. Groaning, Lynch started
to dry hump against me, while slipping his hand inside my pants. His fingers tugged at the hair
covering my pussy, teasing the slit by running up and down the seam. My moans turned louder,
as my whole body quivered, releasing a flush of excitement just as his finger dipped inside me.

"Oh, fuck, baby," he growled against my mouth. He began chewing on my bottom lip,

working another finger inside me. "Your body knows it belongs to me."

"Fuck—" I gasped, why was it so important that he own me? When he raked over my clit

I tried to break his hold.

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His laugh was low and sexy. "Hell no, I want you at my fuckin' mercy."
"Lynch." It was my turn to chomp down on his lip, only I wasn't gentle about it. He paid

me back with a pinch to my clit. "You're driving me crazy."

His mouth kissed its way to the side of my neck where he latched on and began to suck

hard, drawing the blood to the surface. More liquid flowed around his fingers and I knew I was
going to come soon, felt the telltale spiral as it sparked deep inside my core before catching fire.
I moved my hips in rhythm with his fingers, reaching for the ultimate ecstasy. Held helpless
against the door, Lynch picked up speed and became more focused on my G-spot and clit.

As his fingers curled, applying continuous pressure to my G-spot, his thumb tortured my

sensitive clit without mercy. It all became too much and I peaked, crying out. I didn't care if they
could hear me at the bar. I lost all control, trembling wildly with my release. Lynch didn't let up,
drawing out my orgasm until I collapsed and would have fallen to the floor if he hadn't been
holding me up with his body.

His satisfied grumble vibrated through my limp body. When I was able to open my eyes

again it was to look directly into his. My boobs were heaving as I panted. At that very second I
think I hated him.

"You're mine, and don't fuckin' forget it." He released me, bent and scooped up my purse.

I slowly lowered my arms, taking it from him when he held it out. "Are we clear on that?"

I nodded.
"Say it."
"We're clear."
"All of it, Kat."
"I'm yours!"
"No one else gets inside your pussy."
"No one, else."
He stared into my eyes for what seemed a long time, as if deciding for himself if I was on

board with what he said. Well, I was, but under one condition. He wasn’t the only one who had
rules. "The same goes for you, Lynch." I wasn't going to spell it out for him.

He seemed almost pleased. "Is that what you want?"
"Done. Now let's go."
Well, that was easy. He reached around me and opened the door. He followed close

behind as we exited his office and stepped into the hallway. Muted conversation could be heard
the closer we walked to the bar, and we were almost to the main door when someone called out.

"Hey, prez!" We stopped to see Lenny walking toward us.
"I have some fuckin' news about Kirby." His gaze shifted to me and then back to Lynch.

"It's not good, man."

"Fuck," Lynch swore. "Get with me after I get back."
He ushered me outside and onto his bike. I could tell by his movements that he was eager

to be off so he could get back. It wouldn't take long to reach the clinic, especially with how fast
Lynch was going. It was early morning and still cool out so I burrowed behind his large body for
protection against the wind, holding on tightly.

As we pulled into the parking lot I was glad to see that my car was still there. Lynch

stopped directly in front of the glass doors leading into the clinic. With his help I climbed off,
and removed the helmet he'd given me. Our eyes met when it was time to say goodbye.

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I smiled. "Thank you for the ride back."
He reached up and brushed my hair back behind my ear. "Have to leave town on business

at the end of the week. Don't know when I'll be back."

What about the few days before that? I decided not to say anything, just nodded, already

missing him. Or, maybe it was just the sex. "Club business?" No, it wasn't just the sex. Lynch
was unlike any man I'd ever met or been involved with. He might be crude and dangerous but I
had a hunch that he'd do anything for his club, and the people he cared for.

"Yeah, babe. Always." He wrapped his hand around the back of my neck and guided me

toward him for a kiss. "If I can get by before I leave, I will. If you need anything I've
programmed my number in your phone."

That news surprised me and gave me hope, making me feel good inside. "Okay."
"Anything, Kat. You got me?"
"I got you," I smiled
He kissed me again and then sped away without a backward glance. I took a deep breath

and turned to unlock the clinic door.

What a weekend!



I walked into the clubhouse, and yelled for Lenny as I continued to my office. He'd know

where to find me. My gut told me Kirby might be dead, and if he’d talked before they’d killed
him, that would explain how the Red Devils had located our warehouse. If he wasn’t dead, then
he’d joined them, and sold us out. I ran my hand over my face as I walked around my desk.

By the time Lenny walked through the doorway I was sitting. I got right to the point.

"Kirby dead?"

Lenny shook his head. "Worse than that, prez. The fucker's been patched-in."
Now that was something I hadn't been expecting. I leaned back in my chair, anger

seething through me. “Fuck me.”

"I'd say he did it to keep up with the pretense that he wanted in their fuckin' club if it

hadn't been for the warehouse incident." I nodded at Lenny's assumption. "Now I think he's
betrayed us."

"Fuckin' looks that way." I thought about all of the things Kirby had been part of and had

knowledge of as a prospect. He'd never been allowed to attend church, but his job as an inside
man with the Devils had made him privy to much more than the other prospects. Shit. We were
fucked, and so was Dark Menace. “Who did you talk to?”

“Rebel, Stone’s inside man, but here’s the thing, I talked to Kirby first. He said he didn’t

know shit how the Devils found the warehouse. Then I filled him in on the plans to go to New
Hampshire this coming weekend to give Stone back up against the Devils. Five minutes later
Rebel calls me with his news.”

I closed my eyes and let out a heavy sigh. This wasn’t good. Kirby’s betrayal meant he’d

probably told Wildman about our plans. "I wonder how much of the shit he's been feeding us is
real." It wasn't a question.

"Fuck," Lenny said, taking a seat.
As something occurred to me I reached forward and dialed Stone's number on the

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conference phone. He was not going to be a happy brother. "Stone needs to hear this shit." He
picked up on the third ring.

"What's up?"
"You're on speaker phone, can you talk?" I heard him tell someone to shut the door on

their way out. "My inside man with the Red Devils just got patched-into their fuckin’ club."

"Shit, man."
"Yeah, all the way around, brother."
"Well, now you know how they found out about the warehouse," Stone snarled.
"That makes me wonder about the rest of the shit Kirby's been feeding us." I gave Stone a

minute for it to sink in. "I think we’re being set up."

"You think the fuckers are planning to hit your club when you’re out of town?" Stone


"Without a doubt." I slammed my fist down on my desk. "Fuckers! I bet they never had

plans to go to New Hampshire.” No, they were probably going to hit the clubhouse when we
were gone. Shit. I thought about the few brothers we’d planned to leave behind, the old ladies,
and sweetbutts. The Red Devils left no one behind, or alive. We would have returned to
complete devastation.

I wanted to get my hands on Kirby.
“What has your guy told you?” He had to be privy to the same information as Kirby.
As if knowing what I was thinking Stone replied “Rebel hasn’t been there as long as


I nodded even though Stone couldn’t see me. “Thank fuck we never told Kirby that Rebel

was your brother.”

"Amen to that. You know, we need to rethink this whole fuckin’ thing." Stone's ruthless

tone cut into my thoughts.

"Way ahead of you. I’m thinkin’ we won’t be making a trip to New Hampshire after all,


"I have an idea," Lenny cut in for the first time.
He was sitting with his arms crossed and a look of stone-faced anger twisting his features.

I nodded for him to continue.

"I say we make a show of leaving for New Hampshire as planned, it’s what Wildman is

expecting. But then we double back and come in through Cutter's Pass behind the warehouse.
We hide out there until the Devils make their move. It won’t take us ten minutes to get back

I thought about it for a minute, working it out in my head. The hardest part would be the

waiting because we had no idea when Wildman would make his move. One thing was fucking
clear though, it would have to be between Friday and Sunday while he thought we were away.
Lenny's idea had merit.

“It would work, Lynch.” Stone decided to put in his two cents. “Wildman’s gonna think

you’re in New Hampshire. He can hit us anytime but he wouldn’t pass up an opportunity to take
out your club when you’ve made it so easy for him.”

He was right. "Okay. Can we count on you for backup?"
Stone didn’t hesitate. “Be there Friday night.”
“Don’t come to the club,” Lenny began, “We’ll meet you at the warehouse. Know the

back way?”

"Send me a map, and we’ll find it."

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That's what I liked about Stone. He fucking jumped right into shit to help out. He was all

about club life. We ran our MCs similarly. Had plenty of legitimate businesses to keep the local
cops, Feds, and IRS off our asses, and offered protection and support to the small towns we
called home. Sure we did some illegal shit, but that's what brought in the biggest payoffs, and
that's what allowed our members to live a better life.

"Lenny will fax it to you within the hour." I gave Lenny a meaningful look. "Church,

fifteen minutes." With a nod of understanding Lenny got up and left.

"I guess I better make plans for my own club," Stone said. "They'll go on lockdown while

were gone. We’ll come up using the back roads."

“Kirby doesn’t know we’re on to him so as far as he’s concerned the information he got

about us going to New Hampshire is the truth. Just to be on the safe side, I wouldn’t let your man
know shit’s been changed and that you’re coming here.”

“I trust Rebel,” Stone said firmly.
“Yeah, well, we thought we could fuckin’ trust Kirby,” I reminded him. I could hear him

release a deep breath.

“I’ll tell him what he needs to know.”
"Okay, then, that's it for now."
I ended the call, feeling good about shit, in spite of Kirby switching sides. If Wildman

thought we’d left the club unprotected, he might not show up with too many men. I didn't really
give a fuck, as long as I ended him and Kirby, and if we got really lucky, we'd take out his
officers too. Nothing disbanded a club faster than having no one with the balls to run it. I wasn't
the only one who thought once Wildman was taken out that the club would fall apart. Getting to
him wasn't easy, though. For a crazed lunatic he was damned lucky.

I sat back and waited for my brothers. My eyes fell on my cell and I thought about Kat. I

picked it up and began to text.

You there?
A couple minutes went by before she responded. Yes.
How's your day goin'?
Good so far, busy.
I grinned like a stupid school boy. Miss me?
Miss your big fat cock.
Shit! I didn't expect that. You’re a tease baby.
You left me all wet this morning.
Fuck! My dick was growing hard at her comments. Should have said something, we had

time to fuck.

You’re insatiable, lol
Only for you babe.
Sure, and pigs fly. Gotta go, bye.
About the time we disconnected I heard the guys approaching. I'd brief them on the

change of plans. After that all we'd have to do was wait.

And I knew just how to kill some time.

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Chapter 10


"Hey, baby."
Lynch, sitting on his motorcycle, looking all rugged and sexy in leather, was the first

thing I saw when I pushed through the clinic door after my shift. We'd been texting regularly but
I hadn't seen him in two days. Seeing him now, with a sexy smile on his face, made my heart
race, and my panties wet. I walked straight to him, anticipating his kiss, and his touch.

I wasn’t disappointed.
"Hi—" He didn't let me finish, but grabbed me and pulled me in for a long, panty-melting

kiss. A sharp curl of need uncoiled inside me, turning me all soft against him. I was aware of his
smooth lips slanting over mine, the taste and texture of his tongue when I opened my mouth to
let him inside. We both moaned hungry for each other.

“I need to get my dick inside you,” he rasped once he pulled away. "Get on before I fuck

you here in the parking lot."

"It's only been two days," I laughed; secretly glad he was taking me somewhere to have

sex. I was eager to have his huge cock inside me again. Damn, one weekend with him had turned
me into a greedy slut.

"Feels like two hundred." His no nonsense tone revealed his impatience, and that he was

on edge. He revved his bike.

“Where are you taking me?” I soon found out that mounting a bike while wearing a short

skirt was near to impossible. “Lynch,” I tried again but the material refused to cooperate.

He looked back. “Lift your damn skirt up, baby, and get the fuck on,” he ordered.
Well, hell, I could have figured that out on my own, but I was trying to retain a little

modesty. With a huff I did what he suggested and climbed on, hoping that no one in the clinic
would catch me. The doctor and a couple of nurses were still there, and then of course Stella
walked out just in time to see us. She tried to hide it, but I caught the look of resentment before it
turned into a stiff smile.

I glanced away, pretending I hadn’t noticed. I could imagine how it felt being hung up on

someone who didn’t give a crap about you, other than for sex. I hoped in time that Stella would
move on, but instinct warned me that that was a long way off. I’d been half-listening to her gush
over someone at the club since I’d started work there, but I hadn’t paid enough attention to
realize that the man was Lynch. The girl was obsessed with him.

Lynch didn’t need to tell me to wrap my arms around him and hold on. I'd just barely

linked my hands around his middle when his bike shot forward. It all happened so fast that he
hadn’t even seen Stella.

Wherever he was taking me was off the main dirt road. He veered onto a barely-there

trail in some tall grass, taking us through a field and deep into the woods. I buried my face
against his strong shoulder when the sting of the wind became too much. There was nothing I
could do to stop the vibration of the bike between my legs, stimulating my sensitive clit like a
giant dildo. The intense feeling was a hundred times more powerful, keeping me just on the edge

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of an orgasm. As Lynch slowed his bike I glanced up and over his shoulder, seeing a lake in
front of us.

Lynch assisted me off first. His gaze zeroed right in on the exposed triangle between my

legs. I felt myself blush because I knew my pussy was wet and therefore my panties were, too.
Before I could push my skirt down he reached forward, curled his fingers around the silk
covering my pussy and yanked me closer to him. My gasp was cut short when he slammed his
mouth over mine. It was brief but satisfying nevertheless.

“Get these fuckin' clothes off,” he grumbled and he dismounted.
“Do you have to be so bossy, and abrupt?”
“It’s the only way I know, babe.” He removed his vest and laid it carefully over the seat

of his bike. “There will be times when all I want is sex, hot...hard…and fast.” He kicked off his
boots. “There won’t be any finesse. I’ll fuck you before you even have time to get your clothes
off. I'll fuck you raw. I'll fuck you until you scream my name and can't walk. Sometimes after a
particularly long and dangerous run my adrenaline will be flying off the chart. The only thing
that brings me down is fucking it out of my system.

"You make it sound like I'm going to be around for a while.”
He turned to me, completely naked, his cock fully erect and seeming to reach out for me.

He looked like a warrior, his tanned torso and arms revealing scars that proved he wasn’t afraid
of a fight. Under his quiet stare I reached for the hem to my top, pulling it up and over my head
and letting it fall to the ground. When I moved on to my bra his gaze dropped to my breasts, just
like I knew they would.

“You have beautiful tits.” Lustful appreciation burned bright in his eyes. “Now let me see

that cock clencher.”

As usual his unfiltered, coarse language got to my libido. I wasn’t used to a man saying

what he wanted so bluntly, at least not outside the bedroom. My hands moved to the waist of my
skirt and I slowly wiggled it down my hips, thighs and legs, the whole time aware of his intense
stare. I stood and faced Lynch in nothing but my tiny panties.

His nostrils flared like a wild stallion taking in the scent of his mate, and he came to me.

Rough, calloused hands cupped my breasts, massaging them vigorously. My nipples hardened
with one sharp pinch that drew a gasp from me.

“Touch me, baby.” He kissed me hard, plunging his tongue inside my mouth. “I want to

feel your hands on my prick.” His mouth nibbled on my bottom lip, before leaving a slow trail of
fire along my jaw.

Sighing, I reached forward and wrapped my hand around his thick length. Ohmygod! His

cock felt like hot steel. I moved my hand slowly over his blood engorged muscle, relishing in
Lynch's long shuddering snarl.

“Yeah, that’s the way.” He closed his eyes, pumping his dick into my fisted hand.
I glanced down, seeing the white pearl of pre-cum glistening in the slit, the head of his

cock shining almost purple. I licked my lips, not realizing how badly I wanted to taste him until I
fell to my knees and took him into my mouth. Curling my tongue, I scooped the salty thickness
into my mouth, moaning when the wild flavor overwhelmed my taste buds. With a snarl, Lynch's
hand clenched in my hair as he started to control my movements.

Moaning around a mouth full of the biggest cock I'd ever seen, I was prepared to let

Lynch come into my mouth. I wanted it, and thought he wanted it too until he pulled away and
guided me to my feet. His kiss nearly snapped my neck under the pressure, his hands roamed
over my body roughly, stimulating me into a frenzy of feral, desperate need. I opened my mouth

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to his demanding tongue, hearing him growl with satisfaction when I gave him access to my

I strained into Lynch's incredibly hard cock as it throbbed against my belly, gasping when

his hand moved down my body to slip between my thighs. His finger outlined the seam of my
pussy lips, before dipping inside to run teasingly along my labia. A shiver escaped me when he
circled my clit.

"So fuckin' wet," he growled against my swollen mouth. He began to flick my clit with

more vigor, causing my legs to quiver and my breathing to pick up.

It felt so good I almost fell to my knees! I spread my legs, giving him greater access.

Lynch didn't hesitate to slip a long, thick finger inside my cunt, while continuing to play with
me. I cried out in pleasure and dug my nails into the muscles of his arms but it wasn't enough. He
was driving me insane and I wanted him to feel my frustration. I bit his chest, getting the reaction
I needed.

Lynch pulled me back by my hair and snarled, "You'll pay for that." He slipped his hands

beneath my bottom and picked me up.

I instinctively wrapped my legs around his waist. Without hesitating he grabbed hold of

his cock and rubbed the head over and over my clit, before penetrating me with one, rough
plunge. I caught my breath but had no time for anything else when Lynch turned and pinned me
up against the nearest tree. The rough bark was soon forgotten as I was overcome by Lynch's
hard thrusts. Each plunge caused me to ride up the tree while his cock hit the core of me with
exquisite, mind-numbing pleasure.

My first orgasm drew a scream from me, and my release had me clenching

uncontrollably. He never let up pounding into my body, if anything his thrusts became faster and
more intense. His grunts sounded next to my ear, and I knew that he was about to come when I
felt his cock swell even more. With an animal-like sound he clamped his teeth down onto my
shoulder and let go, filling my body with unrelenting jets of cum.

"No!" I screamed, realizing he hadn't used a condom. I tried to push him away but he

didn't budge. In fact, much to my surprise, his cock was still releasing inside me. Damn, it felt
good, but I wasn't happy that we hadn't used protection.

I knew I was safe, but had high doubts about Lynch. His way of life was reckless and

dangerous, and I'd seen the way his crew just grabbed and fucked any woman within reach. What
made him any different? As we continued to gasp heavily against each other I became aware of
just how painful fucking against a tree actually was, now that I didn’t have something else
occupying my mind. My back felt raw.

"Jesus!" I finally said after a few minutes, and I felt an occasional squirt from his cock.

"How much cum do your balls hold?"

Lynch's body vibrated with silent laughter. He pulled away to meet my eyes, leaving his

cock nestled deep inside me. It was definitely softening, but still big enough not to slip out

I met his smirk. "That was good.” I bit my bottom lip to keep from smiling.
"Good?” He sounded insulted. “Seemed like you were into it." He leaned down enough to

take a nipple into his mouth.

More than into it but I wasn’t fool enough to admit it.
I rolled my head back against the tree and moaned. My body was betraying me and it

wasn't fair. Denying it was true would be an obvious lie. Lynch, and everything about him,
turned me on. He began licking his way to my other breast, and the mild thrust of his hips

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revealed his cock was hardening while still inside me.

Oh my God! I didn't stand a chance. It felt fucking good when his cock swelled and

lengthened inside of me. Glancing down to where his mouth was locked onto my nipple, I tried
again to push him away.

"No, I−" I barely got the words out when he pulled me away from the tree and lowered us

to the grass.

His mouth attacked mine; his hands squeezed my breasts, his cock turned hard as a rock

in the space of a few minutes. Before I was aware of what I was doing I was touching him all
over, taking in the hard muscles and planes of his form. I would never get enough of his ripped
torso and bulky arms. His neck was thick and straining with his forceful kiss. Everywhere my
hands wandered revealed that he was a powerful, strongly-built man.

He began to move his hips slowly, pulling his cock all the way out to the tip before

sliding back in. I shivered violently beneath him. It seemed like every nerve ending inside my
body was alive and being teased by Lynch's huge dick, penetrating me in a way that had his flesh
gliding against the tiny cluster of nerves between my legs with ruthless accuracy. I bowed up in
pleasure, while his rough hands guided me to meet his thrusts.

He tore his mouth away. "Fuck, baby. Your body hugs my dick good." He continued his

slow movements. Bringing his hands up to my hair, he brushed a few strands out of my face,
looking into my eyes almost tenderly. Well, as tenderly as the president of a one percenter
motorcycle club could.

I didn't know what possessed me to reach up and bury my hands in his dark hair. I pulled

him closer to my face, and licked his bottom lip. His reaction was so minimal that I was sure I'd
imagined it. Lynch wasn't into tender. I already knew the hard-ass biker liked to feel it, and he
liked it rough. So I sucked his bottom lip into my mouth and chomped down on it with my teeth.

He pulled back, a lustful fire flaring in his eyes. He picked up speed, slamming his hips

forward, in, out, in and out. I felt like he was trying to fuck me into the ground. The breath left
me in grunts. Without warning Lynch pulled out. He grabbed me by the waist and pulled me up
and over his body while he switched places with me. Once he had his back on the ground he
slowly lowered me over his cock.

His growl sounded loud in the silence surrounding us. He clenched his teeth when I

began to move, bringing his hands up to caress my breasts. I cried out softly when he pinched
and tugged on my nipples until they were burning. Then his hand moved to my clit.

"I'm going to fuck you until you're screaming my name," he said. "Come for me, baby."
I leaned back, putting my hands on his thick thighs. I was so close to climaxing, and his

throaty, self-assured words, along with his expertise at manipulating my clit, pushed me up the
summit until I maxed-out. With a cry of overpowering pleasure I let my orgasm take over,
content to ride the torrent spiraling out of control. Halfway through Lynch came, adding
longevity to my ecstasy while his body bucked against me until it was depleted.

We lay there panting heavily, our bodies glistening with sweat, and twitching

occasionally. The muted sound of a cell phone had Lynch nudging me to get up. He followed
and went to his jeans where he pulled his cell out.

I scrambled to my clothes, picking them up and arranging them in front of me. Lynch

smirked at my modesty, standing there without a shy bone in his big, beautiful body. He wasn't
saying much, but he was getting an earful, considering the non-stop talking that I could hear
coming from the other end. I watched the growing scowl on his face.

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"Sorry, babe. The swim I had planned for us will have to wait. Get dressed."
"You didn't wear a condom," I accused, slipping my skirt back on. My panties were

ruined, so I tossed them into the bushes.

Lynch laughed gruffly. "I like riding bareback, and it wasn't our first time screwing

without protection." I gave him a scathing look, racking my brain at trying to remember when I
had been so careless. He shrugged. "I'm clean."

"How can you be so sure? Do you fuck every woman bareback? And how do you know

that I'm clean?" I pulled my blouse on.

Lynch snarled at me as he pulled his jeans up. "No, I don't fuck every woman bareback. I

wear condoms when I'm with a sweetbutt." He zipped up his jeans with an agitated movement.
"Are you clean?"

"Yes, but−"
"Well, now I know." He mounted his bike and started it. "Get on."
Oh, he was so infuriating! So, so alpha! And just like a man, insensitive to a legitimate

concern. I was getting tired of him always ordering me around, just expecting me to be available
to him at all times, and deciding when to have sex, like today. Sure, I'd been happy to see him
and had anticipated the sex. Lynch was amazing in that department. But the rest of him could do
with some improvement. He couldn't just expect me to drop everything the second he showed up.
He needed to know that I had a mind of my own, and my own wants, and I had questions.

Mainly, I needed to know what to call this thing going on between us.
I held back, slapping my hands on my hips. When he realized I wasn't climbing on

behind him he turned and looked at me.

"What?" His tone said he didn’t have time for this.
"I need to know what this is, Lynch." The frown between his eyes told me that he had no

idea what I was talking about. "Between us? Am I just this week's fuck, am I a friend, am I your

He looked me over and grinned. "I don't fuck my friends."
"Well, then, that leaves fuck of the week or girlfriend." I tried to keep my anger in check.

"You're secretive when it comes to club business, but that doesn't include me. You can't just
expect me to be at your beck and call. You can't make all the decisions for me. You don't own

His expression darkened at my last comment. He was clearly not happy over my rant.

"You think not? I've fuckin' owned you about half a dozen times over the last week."

"Does everything boil down to sex?"
"In my world it does, baby. Sex ranks right up there with money and freedom. Just be

glad I'm willing to give up other pussy for you. Now, get on."

He’d said it like it was a big deal, maybe even a hardship for him. I had no doubt that it

was, but his comment made me see red. If Lynch thought that I was going to make myself
available whenever he wanted he would soon learn differently. I wasn't going to just continue to
put out, he was going to have to work a little more to gain access to my body.

With little help I climbed on behind him. I wrapped my arms around his waist and we

were at the clubhouse in five minutes flat. Some of Lynch's men were on the porch, smoking and
joking around. I recognized Hulk, Tank, and Chicken, but no one else. A few of the men that I
hadn't seen before looked at me with curiosity, as if wondering what I was to Lynch. Chicken's
narrowed gaze made me feel uneasy.

Lynch parked his bike and reached around to assist me off first. I was embarrassingly

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aware of the fact that I wasn't wearing panties, but there was nothing I could do about it.

"What the fuck, Lynch, you finally got yourself a woman?" a man I hadn't seen before

asked around the cigarette dangling out the corner of his mouth. He was dressed like the rest, and
there was no guessing his age from the shaggy beard covering most of his face. He was huge
though, not fat, but heavily muscled. Most of the Wild Marauders I’d seen so far were healthy
and in top form, and I couldn’t help but wonder if that was a requirement for them becoming a

I couldn't hear Lynch's reply. Whatever it was caused laughter. As I followed him toward

the door someone reached out and grabbed my ass. More laughter erupted and I swung around
and glared at the man.

"You sharing?" the same man asked, ignoring me and laughing.
"Fuck no."
I followed Lynch up the steps, and just as he was about to open the door it opened from

the other side, and Lenny came out. “Hey, man, did Stone call back?” Lenny nodded, and then
looked at me as if he had more to say but wasn’t sure he should. “Say it,” Lynch said.

“He and his crew are already here.”
Fuck, they were a couple days early. “At the warehouse?”
“Close. I sent Fat Boy over with a key. They’re gonna hang tight until dark.”
“Cutter’s Pass, at the edge of the woods.”
Lynch nodded and I could tell that he was satisfied with what Lenny was saying. “Okay,

let’s get ready to roll out.” His gaze shifted briefly to me. “First I want you to take Kat home.
Have two prospects follow you and get them set up. I want them there until they hear from me.”

“What? Why do I need someone staying with me?” I asked in confusion.
“I’ll go get Red and Bullseye.”
Lenny went back inside and Lynch pulled me away from the door. “Listen, serious shit is

going to go down, and I want you away from here, and safe.”

“Club business?” He nodded. “I’m not connected to the club,” I said. Even still, Lynch’s

comment about ‘serious shit’ had me thinking all kinds of dangerous, ass-kicking stuff, and none
of it good.

“You’re connected to me, you’re connected to the club, babe.” He wrapped a hand

around the back of my neck and pulled me against him. As soon as I came in contact with his
hard body a sharp need uncurled inside my belly. “Please just fuckin’ do what I say, Kat. I don’t
want to worry about you while this shit is going on.” He’d said please. I knew it was bad. Before
I had a chance to respond Lynch’s demanding mouth was on mine and his hands were cupping
my ass.

Damn him, he didn’t play fair. I didn’t need a babysitter, but the longer we kissed and his

hard-on pounded against me, it wiped my mind clear of everything but him. It was easy
forgetting that we were still on the front porch until laughter and crude remarks penetrated the
daze surrounding my brain.

“Red and Bullseye will be with you more to ease my mind than anything else.”
“What about my job? I can’t just have two bikers follow me around all day.” Although

the girls in the office wouldn’t mind it, I thought, especially Stella.

Lynch smiled, tucking some hair behind my ear. “They know how to stay out of sight and

still get the job done.” Lenny, followed by two bikers, pushed open the door, and stepped out
onto the porch. They immediately turned our way.

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“When you get back we’ll head out,” Lynch said to Lenny, who nodded silently. Then he

made eye contact with Red and Bullseye, his expression turning to stone, and an unfathomable
darkness filled his eyes that sent a chill through me. “Anything happens to her, it falls on you.” It
was a threat if I’d ever heard one. I wasn’t exactly sure what he wasn’t saying, but the
expressions on the prospects’ faces revealed that they knew, and they took his warning seriously.
“We clear?”

“Clear as fuck, boss,” the one with red hair responded. I assumed he was Red.
Lynch took my face in his hands and forced me to meet his eyes. “I was hoping to spend

some time with you but this is business.” He kissed me long and hard. “Whatever the fuck
happens, babe, you do what they say, no questions. Okay?” I nodded, which turned the corners
of his mouth up. “Good girl. Lenny will take you home in a cage.”

Lynch gave me a last hard kiss, turned away, and disappeared into the club.
I glanced at Lenny, confused. "A cage?" When he began walking I followed, conscious of

the two prospects behind me.

"The cage is what we call a vehicle," he explained. "Most bikers don't like being in a cage

because it makes us feel closed in, but sometimes they come in handy."

"Like now," I said, more to myself than him. I glanced around the yard, surprised to see

so many motorcycles parked there. Whatever shit Lynch referred to must be big.

"Yeah. Prez doesn't want you on the back of anyone's bike but his."
Lenny gave me a smile over his shoulder. "He's possessive as fuck."
"Until he's done with me." I could hear the bitterness in my tone.
Lenny stopped so short that I plowed into him. "You're the first woman prez has fuckin'

kept for himself that I can remember, and I've been here for almost ten years."

"And that makes me special how?" We came to an SUV and he opened the driver's side

door and clicked the lock so that I could open mine. Once we were settled inside and on our way
I said, "You're not going to tell me?"

Lenny shrugged. "I don't know why that makes you special," he cast a quick glance at me

and smiled, "You're not my fuckin' woman."

I couldn't help but return his smile. I had a feeling that even if he did know he wouldn’t

have told me. There were a couple of things I’d learned quickly about the Marauders, and that
was they were fierce, protected their own, and were loyal to Lynch.

I was surprised when Lenny dropped me off next to my car in the clinic parking lot, but

didn’t say anything. It was obviously that he and Lynch had worked out some plan. He waited
until I was inside, and then pulled behind me once I pulled onto the road. It was clear that he was
going to follow me, even with Red and Bullseye tagging along.

As I drove the fifteen miles to my home, a lot of things went through my head. What was

going on at the club, what Grace was going to think about my company, but most of all, when
was I going to see Lynch again?

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Chapter 11


I slammed my empty bottle down and motioned for a sweetbutt to bring me another beer,

while waiting for Lenny to return. I’d just gotten off the phone with Stone, and everything was
falling into place. As soon as night fell he and his crew would make their way to the back door of
the warehouse, where Fat Boy was all ready waiting to let them in. Thank fuck the warehouse
was large enough to accommodate hiding our bikes, too.

Any old ladies that had been hanging around had already been sent away to a safe house.

The sweetbutts lived at the club but at the first sign of trouble they would lock themselves in the
panic room. One of the first things I’d done as the president was to have one built behind a closet
in the back storage room. A well placed camera on the outside of the hidden door would allow
anyone inside to see who was there. Kirby knew about its existence as did all my brothers, but
without the code there was no way to get inside. The code had been changed that morning.

Normally during lockdown everyone, including families of club members, stayed there

for protection. Lockdown was serious, no one got in and no one got out until the threat was gone.
This time the only ones’ staying were a few members of the crew, just enough to hold the Red
Devils off until we could make it back here.

Any eyes Wildman had on us would report back that they'd seen us take off for New

Hampshire. The plan was to get on the interstate, and then get off the next exit and head back to
the warehouse. Waiting for Wildman's move would be tough, though. We were men of action
and liked to face shit head on, get it sorted, and go on with our lives. Waiting and not knowing
made the men antsy, and Wildman could hit the club anytime once he thought we were gone. If
he was planning to—there was still a possibility that nothing was going to happen.

Candy sashayed over with my beer. There was an invitation in her heavily made-up eyes

that I couldn't miss. I let my gaze drop to her tits, which were huge fakes but tits none the less.
For some reason the sight of them jiggling close to my face did nothing for me. Kat was the one I
wanted. How could one little woman ruin it for me with other women in such a short fucking

"Want a little company, boss?" She took it for granted that I did and started to sit on my


I almost took her up on it just to prove to myself that I could, but instead my hand

clamped around her arm to hold her back. "I didn't invite you to sit." I took a sip of my beer.
"Get lost." Her huff as she turned and walked away didn't faze me. Neither did the sight of her
skinny ass.

Kat’s fleshy backside flashed in my mind and my dick jerked. She wanted to know where

we were heading. Most women who knew anything about biker life knew that just because we
liked to fuck them didn’t mean we wanted to give up our lives for them. I sensed that she knew
some things about club life, but what she didn’t know was just the tip of the iceberg. If I told her
the cold stark truth she’d run and keep right on going. The women in my world knew and
accepted the shit we did, without question. In some perverse way it turned them on.

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It was too soon to know if Kat would accept me for who I was, and could handle the

sometimes dark shit the club got messed up in. Hell, we didn’t like it either, preferring to keep
life simple and easy. It was the assholes and rival MCs out there who felt they had something to
prove by challenging our club, and thinking they could take over our town. Whether or not Kat
became a permanent fixture in my bed depended on if she could witness the occasional fighting,
handle threats of danger, and yes, sometimes a fucking murder, without running to the cops.

Fuck, when was the last time a woman entered my thoughts for anything other than a

place to get my dick wet? I’d screwed more than my fair share of sweetbutts, here and at other
clubs, and knew my status could get me any woman I wanted. There was always something
about a hard-ass biker in leather that attracted attention and seemed to get a woman’s panties
wet. The women who looked at us with lust in their eyes, and let us fuck them behind the bar or
in a back alley were the same bitches who complained about our presence in town, and the
dangers we presented to their virgin daughters.

Virgins were over-rated anyway. Fears and tears I didn’t need. Give me a wet, pretty

pussy that knew how to hug my dick tight and could take my rough pounding any day. Someone
who could wrap their legs around my waist and hold on until I satisfied us both. I thought about
Kat’s nails raking down my backside during orgasm. Yeah. She was what I wanted.

Exactly what I needed.
She was perfect.
I was sitting here with a hard-on. Normally that wasn’t a problem, but the clubs three

sweetbutts no longer tempted me and hadn’t for some time. I’d only used them because they
were convenient. Maybe that’s why I couldn’t get enough of Kat. She was fresh meat, as Candy
had so crudely put it the other day. Only I didn’t want to give her up anytime soon. I grinned,
thinking about her outburst at the lake earlier. Maybe I should make her my old lady.

What the fuck? A smiling Lenny walked into the room breaking my concentration. I

shook my head to clear it of the insane thoughts going through it, of having an old lady and what
that would mean for me. I liked my freedom and tying myself down to one woman would
definitely screw things up. I didn’t know if I was ready for that.

“Kat good?” I stood as he neared the table, anxious to be off.
“Yeah, brother. When I left she was introducing Red and Bullseye to this sweet little old

lady who offered them lemonade.”

I could imagine the looks on their faces. “I thought she lived alone.”
“She does. The old lady has a loft apartment built over a detached garage next to her

house. Kat’s renting it out, pretty nice, too.”

“It look secure?”
Lenny shrugged. “One way in, one way out. I noticed windows, but the apartment is built

up high, so I don’t see any easy threat there.”

I nodded, thinking about having a security alarm installed at her place. I patted him on

the back of the shoulder. “Let’s hope this shit is over soon.”


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I glanced out the side window that faced Grace’s small house, and couldn’t stop the ear to

ear grin from spreading across my face. There was something funny about seeing two big, tough
bikers with full beards and long hair, sitting beneath Grace’s tree, drinking lemonade with her.
What was even funnier was that the three of them appeared to be having an in-depth
conversation. I figured Red and Bullseye either loved her home made lemonade, or they were
afraid to hurt the eighty-year-olds feelings by declining her hospitality.

It had seemed strange introducing the bikers as friends. I knew nothing about them other

than their road names, and the obvious. When I’d told Grace that they would be staying with me
for a couple of days she just smiled and started talking to them like they were old acquaintances.
She kept a few lawn chairs beneath the old maple tree next to her house for when she had
company. Many times I’d come home from work to find her and someone else sitting there,
talking and laughing.

Reluctantly, the guys had let me come inside without them. I suppose they’d been told

not to leave my side, so Lenny had walked through my apartment to make sure that no one was
hiding in any closets, until they knew I was safe. Besides, there were some things I had to do on
my own, like shower and get ready for bed, which I did as soon as I was inside. It was early, but
for some reason the thought of two strange men inside my apartment while I showered made me
feel uneasy.

I slipped into a pair of boy shorts and a long tee-shirt that almost reached my knees, and

braided my hair before deciding to make a pot of chili. Once I put all of the ingredients into a pot
I made a pan of sweet cornbread to go with it. When everything was done, I went back to the
window, opening it to let in some fresh air, and to get everyone’s attention.

“I made a pot of chili and some cornbread. Would anyone like some?”
“Sounds good.”
“Yeah, please.”
Both prospects were smiling and they seemed to be more at ease now than when they’d

first got here. They’d put away their bad-ass attitude but I knew it wouldn’t take much for their
biker personas to be back.

“No chili for me, dear,” Grace began, “but I’d love a piece of your cornbread.”
“Coming right up.” I turned back to the kitchen, took out a tray, put three bowls on it and

filled them up with chili. The cornbread I cut and put onto a plate. I grabbed spoons and napkins
and headed outside. “There’s more if you want it,” I said as Red and Bullseye each took a bowl.
They both mumbled thanks while reaching for a piece of bread.

Silence followed for the next few minutes as we focused on eating. Red looked at me,

chewing a mouthful, and bobbed his head in appreciation. Bullseye just gave me a thumbs up.
Grace nibbled at her bread, staring off at something that held her attention. I glanced in the same
direction to see a beautiful butterfly flying around the flowers against her house. The sun was
slowly going down and the drop in temperature was noticeable.

I began to worry about Grace, and her arthritis, noticing that she didn’t have her walker

with her. “Grace, let me help you inside, it’s getting a little cool out here.”

“Nonsense, dear, one of these big strappin’ boys can help me. That way if I fall I won’t

crush anyone.” Bullseye jumped to his feet when she made an attempt to get out of her chair.

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Grace grinned and gave me a wink. A wink! All I could do was watch her accept Bullseye’s arm
and begin her slow shuffle toward her door.

“You said there’s more?”
Red’s gruff voice drew my gaze to his. “Yes.” I got to my feet. “Let me get you another


“Nope. I don’t want you waitin’ on us. Appreciate the meal though.” Before I knew it

Red was right behind me as I walked up the stairs to the door. “Think it’s time you go inside

I hadn’t been outside that long. I turned to him after we entered my apartment, wondering

where they intended to sleep while they were there. I didn’t expect them to sleep outside, but
where else was there? “I’m sorry, but I don’t have a spare bedroom.”

“We won’t be doin’ much sleeping,” he said, surprising me. “Bullseye and I will take

shifts but we’ll be outside most of the time.”

I stared at him with confusion, glad that I didn’t have any neighbors close enough to

wonder why there were two bikers hanging around outside. Luckily Grace’s house was located
far off the main road, and was hidden behind a row of thick hedges and trees. “What will you be
doing outside?”

“What prez ordered us to do.”
I didn’t mention the obvious, that it was going to be cold and dark out there. The door

opened and Bullseye stepped inside. He walked silently to the two windows and pulled the
curtains closed.

He turned my way when he was done. “Is there a window in your bedroom?”
“One.” I usually cracked it open at night because the cooler air helped me sleep better.
“Keep it shut, locked, and the curtains drawn.”
I felt safe living on the second floor, but supposed if someone wanted in they would find

a way. I acknowledged Bullseye with a nod. “Would you like more chili?” Red was at the stove
helping himself.

“Maybe later,” he said. “What time do you go to bed?” His gaze moved over me as he

asked it, and I suddenly felt self-conscious of what I was wearing.

“Usually around nine on a work night.” The clock over the TV said that I had a couple of

hours. Well, there was no way I was going to stay and watch TV with them here—I planned on
going to my bedroom and watching TV there. The whole situation was uncomfortable. I don’t
know what they thought they were protecting me from.

When Red was done filling his bowl I decided to put the food away and clean up. My

apartment had an open concept except for the bathroom and bedroom, so I was able to see Red
and Bullseye at all times. The sink was facing the living room so as I was washing the dishes I
was able to observe them standing, with their heads together as they mumbled something back
and forth. After that Bullseye walked to the front door and left. At about the same time Red
walked over with his empty bowl.

“That was good sweetheart.” I took the bowl from him. “A lot better than some of the shit

Tiny serves up.”

I had to grin at that, recalling the meal I’d helped her with when I was there. He turned

from me when his phone began to ring. It didn’t take me long to finish cleaning up and then I set
the coffee maker up for the morning. Usually I made my lunch, too, but on Thursdays the clinic
was closed for two hours because the Doctor liked to have lunch with his ailing mother at her
retirement home. The rest of us drove into town and had a long lunch at Mama Kay’s Diner.

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With nothing left to take care of, I headed to my bedroom, closing the door behind me. I

started to lock it, hesitated, and ended up locking it. I turned my bed down, and just as I had
flicked the TV on my phone buzzed, letting me know that I was receiving a text. It was Lynch. I

You there babe?
Lol. All good?
What you doin’?
Playing with myself.
I laughed, waiting for his response. Silence followed. I waited some

more. You there?

You’ll pay for that next time I see you.
That sounds like a threat. What took you so long?
Couldn’t get my zipper down.
Are you playing with yourself, too?
Have a big one thinkin’ of your fingers in your pussy.
My pussy’s wet thinking about your tongue there.
Fuck! I can almost taste your sweet juices.
Before I knew it I was laying back against my bed, lifting my shirt and slipping my hand

inside my shorts. I parted my pussy lips and slipped my finger inside.

Fuck I’m so wet!
How many fingers?
Add another one.
I did. I was a lot slower texting with my left hand but I managed to type, Feels so good!
Wish it was your hand on my cock.
I chuckled. Wish it was my mouth.
Fuckin’ tease! Where are you?
On the couch in the living room, entertaining your boys.
Make sure you treat them right.
He didn’t fall for it. Fuck babe…
Silence. I didn’t know what was going on but my clit was so hard and sensitive and ready

to blow. I closed my eyes and pictured Lynch there, fucking me with his tongue, deep, while
rubbing against my G-spot. When I came I had to bite my lip to keep from making a sound.
Certain noises were easily identifiable and there was no mistaking the sounds of a woman
climaxing. Or a man for that matter. But I had to worry about Red and Bullseye, and the last
thing I wanted was to face their knowing smirks in the morning.

I’m here.
I just came like a fuckin’ geyser thinking about you.
I was still trying to catch my breath. Did I want to confess that I’d climaxed, too, and

give him that much power over me? He already thought he owned me.

Baby? You still there?
Trying to catch my breath. I had my own orgasm thinking about some bad-ass biker.
Lol. Go to bed. You’re safe with Red and Bullseye.
Thank you.
For what?

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I thought about it for a second. For caring about me. Silence. Goodnight Lynch.
He didn’t respond. I tried not to let it get to me. I knew he cared about me, why else

would his men be here? I got up, turned off the TV, cleaned up, and decided to turn in early. I
just wanted the next few days to be over with.

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Chapter 12


I yawned behind my hand as I closed the door to the examining room where Ronald

Simpson was waiting for Dr. Putter. In spite of the presence of Bullseye and Red the night
before, I hadn’t slept very well. It had nothing to do with not feeling safe and everything to do
with comfort. I’d grown used to having cool air come in through the bedroom window, and
keeping it closed had made my room stuffy. Several times during the night I had woken up,
either too warm from being covered up, or too cold from being uncovered.

Glancing at the clock, I was glad to see that the morning was going by fast. Maybe I

should head home during lunch and grab a nap. The extra hour would come in handy. But then, I
always enjoyed our Thursday lunches in town. It gave us girls’ time to unwind, and get to know
one another a little better.

Today of all days we’d had two call-ins, so I was acting receptionist and nurse’s aide.

With only one doctor, the clinic wasn’t all that big. Most of our clients were locals who didn’t
have insurance, or people with non-emergencies. We didn’t take appointments so there were lulls
when it was too quiet for someone operating on too little sleep. I moved around as much as I
could, without actually breaking out in exercise, to try and stay alert, and had drunk several cups
of coffee. The problem with coffee, for me, was that it usually didn’t affect me until much later
in the day.

Mandy, our regular receptionist, had the flu, and Polly, another nurse’s aide was tending

to her sick mother. They would probably be out again the next day, but at least it was Friday. I
had the whole following week off. I frowned, thinking to myself that I probably should have
changed it, and not taken the time off, but at the time that I requested it Ben and I had made
vacation plans. Even though Dr. Putter didn’t have to honor the plans I’d made at my last job, he
was kind enough to let me have off. Breaking up with Ben, and having to find a new place to live
in and get settled had made me forget about the week off, until I was reminded of it this morning.

“Oh my God, somebody slap me,” I spoke through a noisy yawn.
“Ten more minutes and we go to lunch.”
“I might just go home and take a nap.”
“You can’t!” Stella practically yelled. “I mean, this is the first time we will all be able to

make it. It will be fun.”

Sounded like a lame reason to me, and she’d obviously forgotten about the two call-ins,

but who was I to point that out? Since the incident at the club, she’d been going out of her way to
be extra friendly towards me, going beyond the lack-luster good mornings and minimal office
chit chat. Though she’d attended our Thursday lunches, she hadn’t made any real attempts to get
to know me, willing to let the other girls dig into my background.

Yeah, she’d talked about the local MC eagerly enough but, thinking back, it’d been about

the only thing she’d contributed to the conversation at the table. Once she began she became the
center of attention as we all listened with intense interest to anything she shared about the outlaw
bikers, which was never very much. Still, some of the women in the group hung on to her every

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word, and looked at her in awe.

Now I could understand why. The short time that I’d been there had shown me that Stella

hadn’t embellished her stories. The men I’d seen so far were hardened, modern-day outlaws,
wearing their bad-ass personas as obviously and easily as the leathers, chains, and boots that
adorned their weathered, muscular bodies.

“Even Rose and Bonnie?” Book keeper Rose never joined us, preferring to meet her

husband at home for lunch, and Bonnie was saving for her big cruise to Europe and always
brought her own lunch.

“Yep,” Judy confirmed. “Rose’s hubby flew out to Florida for some fishing tournament,

and Bonnie won big at bingo the other night and has decided to give herself a treat.”

Should I tell them about Red and Bullseye? I didn’t know where they had disappeared to,

but I was sure that they were some place close by. Ten minutes later, Dr. Putter walked through
the office. “See you ladies in two hours.” That was our cue to flip the sign on the door showing
that we’d be back at two, and lock up.

“There are six of us, so we’ll need to take two cars. Who’s turn to drive?” This coming

from Judy.

“Why don’t I drive since I hardly ever get to go?” Rose offered.
“Then I’ll drive, too,” Bonnie said. “Seems only fair.”
As we split up I glanced around for Bullseye and Red. They were nowhere in sight as I

climbed into the backseat of Rose’s car. “Wake me when we get there.” I’d said it as a joke,
settling back against the soft leather of the seat. The drive to town was about twenty minutes
away. I didn’t expect to doze off, but that’s exactly what I did. The power nap was just what I
needed, and by the time we reached the restaurant I was somewhat refreshed and ready to face
the afternoon.



After only one night of being cooped up in the warehouse I was going stir crazy, and so

was the guys. We couldn’t go outside and walk around or take in some fresh air, in case
Wildman had someone watching the warehouse, too. It wasn’t so much the fact that we were
enclosed behind four walls that was driving us crazy; it was more an impatience to get this shit
over with. I wanted to put Wildman and as many of his crew as possible into the fucking ground.

With close to forty brothers inside, it didn’t take long for the warehouse to fill up with

smoke from cigarettes and weed. Booze was limited which didn’t help the mood of anyone. Most
of them busied themselves with playing cards, checking their weapons and catching up on
bullshit between the two clubs.

Making the move from the clubhouse to the warehouse had gone off without a hitch.

Everything had been done under the cover of darkness. Going on a hunch along with years of
experience, we had stopped at a rest stop right before getting off at the planned exit to see if
anyone was following us. I was glad that we did. A lone motorcycle carrying two riders pulled in
not long after we did. There’d been nothing obvious about them, no colors or cuts, yet something
hadn’t jived with me. I’d learned to trust my instincts a long time ago.

They were an older couple, both dressed in the typical riding gear. After glancing briefly

in our direction they had dismounted and walked to their perspective bathrooms. I glanced at
Hulk, giving him a lift of my chin and a jerk of my head in the direction of the bathroom. He

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dismounted and followed the man there. Then I glanced at Lenny.

“Spread the word that we’re going to bypass the next exit and get off at the next one

down the interstate.”

Hulk and the man exited the bathroom at about the same time.
“You good now?” We made eye contact and Hulk gave me a barely noticeable chin lift. It

was his way of letting me know that he thought we had something to worry about.

“Yeah, prez.”
“Next time don’t drink so fuckin’ much before we go on a run.” I said it loud enough for

the other biker to hear in case he’d found it suspicious that we’d stopped so soon after taking off
from Crows Feet. My next thought was to wait and see if they left before or after us. Digging
into my pocket, I pulled out a few ones. “Get some snacks.” I handed the money to Yank and Fat

As they got off their bikes and walked to the vending machines, the woman left the

restroom and joined the man. They didn’t mount their bike, but stood talking. When they glanced
in our direction I didn’t pull my gaze away. I wanted them to know that I was looking at them. I
wasn’t the one trying to be inconspicuous. Fat Boy and Yank came back, handing out a few
snacks to some of the other brothers along the way.

“Candy bar, boss?”
I shook my head without looking at Fat Boy. I’d give the couple ten minutes to leave

before us, and if they didn’t, I’d have my answer. They didn’t. No sooner had I motioned to my
brothers that it was time to take off, than the couple mounted their bike. They tried to make it
look natural, but I noticed that the man purposely controlled his movements to coincide with ours
so that he eventually followed us out of the rest stop.

They got off at the exit that we were originally supposed to get off, and I figured they’d

made up their minds that we were going all the way to New Hampshire. By the time we got off
the interstate, darkness had fallen. We rode the back way to Cutter Pass, taking a couple back
country roads before cutting through the same trail in the woods that we’d used the day of the
warehouse shooting. The only way that we could have been seen making our way to the
warehouse back door is if someone was using night vision goggles. There wasn’t a moon or star
in the sky.

“You’re a fuckin’ cheat!”
I swung my head to see two brothers kicking their chairs back and getting to their feet in

anger. They’d been playing poker from the looks at it; the other guys at the table were leaning
back and crossing their arms. The tense atmosphere surrounding them said that they were about
to fucking explode.

“I don’t have to cheat, you fuck!” This came from one of my brothers, Joker.
As the two men lunged at each other I crossed my arms and waited. Normally I didn’t

interfere, and let the brothers fight it out and settle their own differences. I could trust my men to
act reasonably, and after they got a few licks in and felt better, they would back off and go about
their game. Only now the brothers rolling on the floor weren’t both Wild Marauders. I searched
for Stone, locating him not far away, and doing the same damned thing that I was. We exchanged
looks and laughed. Everything was going good until the rest of the guys at the table got involved.

My phone started vibrating in my pocket. Christ, I was glad I’d set it to ring and vibrate

because I’d barely heard the ring. I gave Stone a signal and walked away from the noise to better
hear Wizard. A gut instinct warned me that this was it.

“Yeah?” I could hear gunfire and glass breaking in the background. Fuck!

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“Fuck, boss, you were right! Those Devils are here and we’re under attack!”
I didn’t bother responding, Wizard knew we’d be there as soon as we could. I crammed

my phone back into my pocket and swung around. A full-on brawl met my gaze, brothers
working off steam because they had nothing else better to do. Shit just got real, and I knew we
didn’t have time to waste. We needed to get our asses back to the clubhouse. Without giving it a
thought I pulled my weapon out and shot a couple of rounds over their heads. The result was
instant. All activity halted and every eye swung my way.

“Let’s mount up! We go in fast and we go in shooting!”
My words produced what looked like chaos, but I knew better. Men scrambled to their

bikes, and it seemed that the warehouse shook with the rumbling sound of so many bikes starting
at the same time. Someone hit the button to the rolling metal door and bikers poured out onto the
dirt road in front of the building. I made my way to my Harley, mounted, revved the engine, and
squealed out of the warehouse along with Dark Menace and my brothers. Jesus, I knew some
were going to get hurt tonight. Some would die. But so would many of the Red Devils. Fucking

Right now they probably thought they had us. I didn’t want to think of what would have

happened if we hadn’t found out about Kirby being patched-in. My brothers and I pushed our
bikes as fast as we could go, unable to go full throttle like we wanted. We didn’t have time for
accidents. A cloud of dust trailed behind us as we raced toward the clubhouse. I could hear
gunfire in the distance, and I pulled my gun as we got closer. Brothers at the very front were
already shooting their weapons.

“This is it, brother!”
I looked over to see Stone, the thrill of going to war evident on his face. He fucking loved

this shit. Who was I kidding? I did, too. This is what club life was all about, territorial wars,
partying hard, easy money. The adrenaline high was like nothing else. I knew that if I died that
night I’d die knowing that I’d lived my life the way that I wanted. I knew my brothers all felt the
same way.

It was fucking anarchy when we arrived at the clubhouse. Red Devils were everywhere,

easily identifiable by their filthy, scruffy appearances and the Red Devils on the backs of their
cuts. We went in shooting, aiming for anything that moved on two legs. That we’d caught them
by surprise was fucking evident by the way they were running in all directions, as suddenly they
were being fired upon by the enemy from both sides. Shouts and screams filled the night air,
mixing with the whizzing noise of passing bullets and loud motorcycles.

That would teach the Red Devils to fucking underestimate us.
I jumped from my bike and let it hit the ground, automatically looking for Wildman and

Kirby. Some of the windows had been shot out at the clubhouse and I saw smoke coming from
somewhere out back. Shit! That told me that the garage was on fire. It wasn’t connected to the
clubhouse, but a little gust of wind, a spark, and the whole fucking thing could go up. I raced in
that direction, taking out a couple of Red Devils along the way. My gaze lit on some of my men.

“The garage is on fire!” I hollered.
“Red Devils have surrounded the place!” I heard someone yell.
As soon as I rounded the corner of the building I was fired upon. I swore, skidding to a

halt and throwing myself behind a dumpster. Their relentless shooting told me that they wanted
to keep us away from the burning building. Fuck! I thought about the small fortune of
motorcycle and car parts that was stored in there, as well as the few vehicles that we were
working on for clients. As I edged my way around the dumpster to see where the shooters were,

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I was joined by Lenny, Joker, and Yank.

“What the fuck is burning?” Joker asked.
“The garage.” I peeked around the dumpster and got shot at. “Fuckers! Don’t want us

reaching it to put it out.” I glanced at the shit going down out front to gauge where we stood.

There were a lot of bodies on the ground, and I watched as a few Red Devils ran across

the road toward the woods on the other side. They must have their bikes stashed in there. I
chanced another glance at the same time that a Red Devil decided to make a run for it. He was
shooting blindly as he raced toward the front of the club, apparently seeing his brothers
retreating. I took aim and fired, hitting him.

“I’m fuckin’ tired of this shit.” I gave Hulk a glance. “Come with me. Lenny, Yank,

cover us.” The four of us stepped out from the protection of the dumpster, and Hulk and I ran
toward the garage, shooting at anything that moved as we went, while Lenny and Yank opened
fire in the direction of where the remaining Devils were hiding. When the shooting stopped I
knew they’d taken care of them, and that the threat was over.

By the time we made it to the garage a few other brothers had arrived from the front side

of the club and were working at putting the fire out. Wizard and Dirk came running out of the
back door, carrying fire extinguishers. Joker and Fat Boy began battling the flames with some
old packing blankets that were stacked on the ground, and one of Stone’s guys showed up with a
water hose that was connected to the side of the clubhouse. Thank fuck the fire was put out
quickly and that we were able to save the contents of the garage.

I turned to Wizard. “Everyone okay inside?”
He nodded. “Yep. Got a fuckin’ mess to clean up, though. They busted out some

windows. Lot of shit is shot up.”

“Hey, Lynch.”
I looked up. Stone was walking toward me, his gun dangling from his hand. “The Red

Devils took off. Couple of your boys has rounded up some of their wounded.”

“What about our losses?”
“We were fuckin’ lucky, surprise was on our side. I have three men down, but it looks

like they’ll pull through. I’ve seen a couple of your guys limping. Red Devils aren’t very good

“No, but they’re good at torture. Trust me, brother, you ever get caught by them, do

yourself a favor and put a bullet in your head.” I glanced back at the boys near the still-
smoldering garage. “You brothers stick around and make sure this is good and out.” I turned to
Stone. “Wildman among the wounded?”

“Nope, saw his ass running for the trees early on.”
“I know. I want him as bad as you do.”
“We have to take care of him.”
“We can work on it,” Stone said. “But for now I want to head back home in case the

fucker decides to retaliate on my club. We’re on lock down, but most of my brothers are here
with me.”

“I hear ya. If you ever need us for anything . . .” I exchanged a meaningful look with him.

“I mean anything, call. You hear me?”

“Loud and clear, brother.”
We reached the small gathering of wounded Red Devils. A quick glance revealed that

Kirby wasn’t with them. “Kirby among the dead?” I asked Moody. He shook his head no. I

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growled with disappointment. “How many dead?”

“Eight.” He took out a pack of cigarettes and offered one to Stone and me before lighting

one for himself.

I watched him blow out a cloud of smoke. “Thirteen,” I corrected, taking in the five

wounded. “Lenny!” I hollered.

“Coming!” he yelled back. “Yeah?”
“Get a van for the dead, including these five. You know what to do with the bodies. But

first, remove their cuts and burn them. Take a couple of brothers for help.”

“You’re going to fuckin’ kill us?” one of the wounded asked. He made a pitiful attempt

to spit at me. “Fucker!”

I stared down at the man, smirking. “A bullet between the eyes is a lot quicker than

anything you would have done to any of my brothers.”

“I’m not even patched-in,” said a younger man, clutching his side.
He looked about eighteen. I shook my head with disgust. “Tough luck, kid.” I turned my

attention to Stone. “I know you want to get back home but why don’t you stay the rest of the

“You think Wildman will come back?”
“Not any time soon. He’s a fuckin’ coward and likes to plan his attacks when he thinks

his rivals are at their weakest. Right now he’s lickin’ his wounds, realizing he’s been mislead by
my inside man who he was stupid enough to patch-in. With any luck he’ll take care of Kirby for

We both laughed.
“Kirby?” This coming from the kid on the ground.
I narrowed my gaze down at him. “What do you know about Kirby?”
The kid shrugged, and then winced in obvious pain. “He—”
“Shut the fuck up kid!”
I kicked the Red Devil trying to intimidate the boy, keeping my eyes on the kid. “What’s

your name?”

“Deke,” he said
“Tell me what you know about Kirby, and I’ll let you live.”
“I’ll fuckin’ gut you myself,” said the man I’d kicked. What the fuck, did he think that he

was going to get out of this mess alive?

My gun was still in my hand. I raised it, pointed it between his eyes, and fired. He

flopped back to the ground, dead. Deke’s eyes rounded and he turned pale. I glared at him. “Tell
me what you know.”

“I don’t know much. I overheard some guys talking about Kirby being sent to pick up

something for Wildman.”

I had a bad feeling about this. “Something or someone?”
He thought for a second. “Someone, I think.”
Fuck! “When?”
His eyes were glazing over and I knew he was in some serious pain. “Now.” He coughed,


Stone and I exchanged looks. “Fucking hell,” I growled.
“Who?” Stone was the one who asked.
Deke shrugged. “I don’t know. I heard something about collateral. In case—in case we

messed things up tonight.”

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Collateral…fuck! My first thought was Kat. “A woman? Did you hear a name? Fuck, kid,

think!” I snarled, moving closer to him. It made me sick to think of Kat in Wildman’s clutches.
But Red and Bullseye were with her, and I knew that they’d protect her with their lives. Just in
case, I was going to call them.

“I—” The boy looked like he was about to throw up. He shook his head, actually

appearing sorry.

“How old are you, kid?”
He was going to die before he had a chance to live. I reached for my cell.
“Any ideas?” Stone asked me, pulling me away from my thoughts.
I glanced over at him and nodded, and then started to scroll to Red’s number.
“Wait!” Deke rushed out, drawing my attention back to him. “They mentioned a clinic.”
Motherfuckers! I hit Red’s number. “My woman,” I said to Stone. His expression turned

grim. After six rings without an answer I dialed Bullseye, but got the same response. “Fuck!
Fuck! Fuck!” I swore, panic rushing through me. I thought for a moment, and then texted Kat. I
needed to know what we could be walking in on.

Kat, you awake babe?
A couple of minutes went by before she responded. Yes.
It’s late. Not tired?
I’ve been thinking of you.
Thinking about that time we fucked in the lake?
The water was sure cold, huh baby?
You kept me warm.
I closed my eyes and clenched my jaw. Kat wasn’t the one texting me back. Be home in a

few days, babe, I texted, just in case Kirby hadn’t heard yet that I’d never gone to New

I had to get to her. “They have her,” I told Stone, turning in the direction of my bike.
“I’ll go with you.” Stone was right behind me.
Lenny pulled into the lot with a van. “What’s up, prez?” He frowned.
“Kirby has Kat.” Then I remembered Deke, and paused. “See that kid with the red hair?”

Lenny took a look and nodded. “Don’t kill him. Lock him up in one of the rooms inside until I
decide what to do with him. Round up some of the boys and tell them to meet me at Kat’s!”

I reached my bike and pulled it upright. Stone was already on his and revving the engine.

He pulled over to where I was and we rode off together. I’d never been to Kat’s house, but I
knew her address and had programmed it into my GPS. As soon as we left the dirt road and were
on smooth asphalt I went full throttle. My heart was pounding full throttle, too. I’d rather see Kat
dead than in Wildman’s hands. I could only hope that we made it in time, because once she was
gone I might never get her back.

Fuck…I had to get her back!

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Chapter 13


As soon as I got home from work I headed to the shower. Bullseye and Red remained

outside, smoking and doing whatever it is they do. Grace wasn’t sitting under her tree and her
house seemed quiet so I assumed that her great granddaughter must have come by to take her for
the day. I’d only met Lizzy a few times. She was a sweet and attentive girl who came by a couple
of times a week to take Grace out to lunch or to doctor’s appointments. If Lizzy didn’t spend the
day at Grace’s house then she took Grace to spend the day wherever she lived.

I toweled dry and slipped into a pair of boy shorts and a tank. Dinner would be easy that

night. Leftovers from lunch would be enough for me, and Red and Bullseye had stopped at Super
Subs on the way out of town. Two huge subs took up a shelf in my fridge. I glanced out the
window to see them sitting beneath the tree. I watched as Lizzy’s little Volkswagen Beetle pulled
up to the house. It was a vintage one from the early seventies that she’d recently had painted a
bright yellow.

I watched Red and Bullseye, to see what their reactions would be when Lizzy got out of

her car. She was a tiny little thing, pretty, with full curves and blonde hair down to her butt. She
had the most amazing hazel eyes. Sometimes they were greener than brown or vice versa,
depending on what she was wearing.

Lizzy exited her car, looking more like a twelve-year-old girl than the twenty-three year

old woman I knew she was. Of course, her curves were eye catching and gave away her mature
age. I chuckled at the immediate reaction of the two bikers sitting in Grace’s chairs. They perked
right up, elbowed each other, and put their heads together as they talked.

“Hi, boys.” She gave them a smile as she walked around the front of her car.
“Boys!” The two men laughed, but Bullseye was the one who spoke. “Darlin’, you better

look closer.” He got up from the chair and began to saunter toward the still smiling Lizzy. “I
haven’t been a boy in a long time.”

She laughed softly, clearly undaunted by the big biker stopping directly in front of her.

“Did I offend your fragile ego, big boy?” Lizzy glanced my way. “Hi, Kat.”

“Hi, honey. Where’s Grace?”
“Gram’s in the hospital, she had a little episode. She’s okay; they just want to keep her

overnight. I’m here to pick up a few things.” She turned away and slammed bodily into Bullseye.

His hands came up and wrapped around Lizzy’s upper arms. The look on his face had

gone from playful to intense. Their eyes met. “You call me a fuckin’ boy again, darlin’, and I’ll
be forced to show you the difference.”

Just as I was about to tell Bullseye to leave her alone a shot rang out, and then another. I

was too stunned to move at first, thinking that I must have imagined it. Bullseye grabbed Lizzy,
pulled her to the ground and covered her with his body. Red swore harshly, jumping out of his
chair and pulling his gun. He ducked behind the tree. A third shot rang out, and he returned fire
in the direction of the shooter. Bullseye used the interaction to force Lizzy to crawl toward the

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door to Grace’s house. He kept his body half over hers until she was able to open the door and
slip inside.

I moved away from the window. My first instinct was to lock the door, but I was afraid to

lock Red and Bullseye out, should they try to come in. My second thought was to call Lynch. I
remembered the phone he’d slipped me, but as more gun-fire erupted outside I was frozen in
fear. It sounded like a small army out there, and I’d never felt so helpless or frightened. There
was only one way in and out of my apartment, so it wasn’t as if I could run out a back door. All
of a sudden the window I’d been standing at was shot out. Screaming, I hit the floor.

I could hear yelling outside but couldn’t make out if it was Bullseye, Red, or someone

else. The gunfire seemed to slow down and then cease all together. My heart was pounding and
instinct warned me to crawl to the door. I reached up and turned the lock, holding my breath and
waiting, listening. The muted voices were getting closer, and then I heard the pounding of feet
coming up my stairs. If it were Red and Bullseye wouldn’t they call out to warn me that it was

I got up and ran to my bedroom, fully intending to jump out the window. Just as I shut

and locked the door someone kicked in my front door. My purse was on the bed and I grabbed it,
realizing that my phone was inside. There was no time to dig it out and use it as I ran to the
window. I heard the door knob turn to my bedroom door and I froze, watching as the door was
kicked in so violently that half the door frame went with it as it hit the back of the wall. Two men
stormed into my room and one of them continued in my direction.

I couldn’t help the cry that escaped me. I turned back to the window. I’d opened it earlier

to air out my room. All I had to do was push out the screen and jump.

“Get her before she jumps!”
I felt a hand in my hair and screamed as I was pulled away from the window. I was

swung around violently until I was facing the man who’d spoken. He hadn’t moved away from
the doorway. I strained against the asshole holding me, but he easily forced me forward. The
other man just stood there, a smirk covering his face as his eyes raked over my skimpy attire.
Before I knew it I was inches away from him.

I cringed when he reached up and touched me cheek. “Lynch’s taste in women has

fuckin’ improved,” he smiled.

I didn’t like the look in his eyes. “Don’t touch me!” I hissed, turning my face from him.

“And I’m not Lynch’s woman.”

The man behind me laughed. They were bikers, dressed just like the others I’d met. Only

something was different about these two men.

“Then why did we just kill two of his brothers out in the yard?” he asked smugly.
Red and Bullseye, dead? No! Before I could think of what I was doing I lunged for him,

breaking free of the man gripping my hair. I hit him with my purse and when that fell to the
floor, raked my nails down his face, tearing his flesh. His laughter fueled my anger and I began
to punch him wherever I could. Within seconds he had managed to grab my wrists and yank me
up against him.

“Bitch!” he snarled into my face. “I like pain.” His hands tightened around my wrists

until I thought the bones would break. I gasped. “I like inflicting it, too.”

“Her purse is vibrating,” the man behind me said. I turned my head enough to see him

scoop it up. He located my phone and handed it toward the man holding me.

I found myself pushed back violently. “Bitch gives you any more trouble, knock her out.”

My eyes grew round and I instinctively knew he wasn’t kidding. I watched him glance down at

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my phone and grin before looking back up at me. “Lover boy.”

Lynch. I felt tears gather in my eyes and watched helplessly as the man and Lynch texted

back and forth. When he was done he tossed the phone onto my bed, then cocked his head and
gave me a speculative look that made my skin crawl. My heart began to race because I knew that
they could do whatever they wanted to me. I began to struggle. The only thing I gained from it
was a cruel squeeze and then a crushing arm around my waist that jerked me back against a hard
cock. The man behind me laughed and began to rub his hard-on against my butt.

“Pig!” I swore, squirming wildly.
The man in front of me chuckled and gave his friend a knowing look. “Got a woody for

our pretty friend here?”

“Fuckin’ know it, why do you think they call me Boner?” he grumbled. “We got time?”
“Wildman is expecting us; we’ll have time to play later. Let’s get the fuck out of here.”
I dug my heels in and struggled every step of the way, determined not to make it easy for

them. The man grunted and forced me ahead of him and out the door. I could barely breathe; his
arm was so tight around me. He used his bulky body to bump me every step of the way. Halfway
down the stairs I dug my nails into his arm, ripping at his skin. It pushed him over the edge,
because he leaned forward and bit down on my shoulder like a rabid animal.

I screamed in pain, and then found myself tumbling down the rest of the steps by a

violent push. Hitting the ground hard took my breath away. I lay there in agony, watching him
continue down the stairs toward me.

“Fuckin’ cunt!” he growled to his friend, kicking me in the ribs. “Bitch needs to be taught

a lesson.” His hands went to his belt.

“Not now, Boner.”
I don’t know where I found the strength, but as he reached down for me I lashed out at

his bearded face, catching him beneath the eye. He yelped and jumped back before lunging for
me like a vengeful bear. The look on his ugly face said he couldn’t believe that I was still
fighting him. I couldn’t escape the hands that squeezed around my upper arms and hauled me
roughly to my feet. I gasped in pain, wondering if I’d broken something while falling down the
stairs. Boner clearly didn’t care. His intent was to hurt me as much as possible.

He pushed me roughly up against the end of the wooden rail until I writhed in pain as the

rail dug into my back. It became almost unbearable when he leaned his bulky body over me and
put his face close to mine. I bit down hard on my bottom lip to keep from crying out, but I
couldn’t stop the tears from leaking out.

“Boner!” the other man barked in a warning tone, which Boner ignored.
“I’m going to fuck her up, Kirby,” he gritted down into my face.
The man, Kirby, came over and pulled Boner off me. I sank to the ground as the two

faced off. Oh, God, it hurt. I was pretty sure one of my ribs was cracked where he’d kicked me.

“Not now, man. We get her back to Wildman as planned. If there’s anything left of her

when he’s done, we’ll both get a piece of her ass. Right now we need her for collateral. When
Lynch and his pussies return from New Hampshire and see their clubhouse destroyed they’re
gonna be out for blood.” They stood glaring at each other for a couple of seconds.

Boner glanced down at me before grabbing me up by my hair. He ignored my cry of pain.

“Come on, bitch.” He began dragging me.

I reached back at the hand in my hair, trying to ease up the pressure. Kirby took a step

into my space. “Be ashamed to mess up this pretty face,” he began, running the back of his hand

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over my cheek. “If I were you I’d come willingly.”

I spit in his face. I’d never done anything like that before in my life but frustration and

panic was threatening to cripple me. I didn’t have time to enjoy the small feeling of satisfaction,
because in a split second move he back handed me. He hit me so hard that my teeth cut into the
inside of my cheek, and blood filled my mouth.

What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger. I don’t know who said it originally, but

suddenly it’s exactly how I felt. If they were going to kill me I’d already be dead. In my mind
Lynch was on his way, and if I could stall the two bikers determined to get me to someone
named Wildman, then I would do what it took. I could take a little roughing up if I had to, I
could handle the pain inflicted by their hands. Red and Bullseye had given their lives to protect

My tear blurry eyes scanned the area for them. Red was on the ground next to the bullet

ridden tree he’d been sitting under. I didn’t see Bullseye, and then my thought turned to Lizzy.
Was she all right? God, I hoped so. There were no lights on inside the house. Her car and the
side of the house had several bullet holes in it, and a window was shattered above Grace’s pretty

“You fuckin’ ready to behave?” Kirby snarled.
“Go to hell!” I managed. “Lynch will kill you!”
The darkness filled with their evil laughter, but Kirby was the one who spoke. “By the

time Lynch gets back from New Hampshire his club will be burned to the ground and his
territory will be under the Red Devils’ control. Wildman will have you as leverage to run what’s
left of the Wild Marauders out of town for good.”

“You’re wrong. I’m not that important to Lynch.”I truly felt that way. We had a

connection, a strong mutual attraction that had led to some out-of-this-world sex, but that’s all it

My feelings for him were complex and sometimes confusing, but I kept them to myself.

Some men didn’t want to hear how you felt about them. It made them feel uncomfortable and
trapped. I knew that if I wanted to keep Lynch in my life I’d tread carefully before exposing
myself like that. His club came first and always would.

I saw the look in Kirby’s eyes as he contemplated what I said. He finally laughed. “Baby,

I know Lynch, and the only women he fucks more than once are his club whores. He never fucks
a woman outside the club twice. Never, unless they fuckin’ mean something to him.” I cringed
away from his approaching hand but all he did was push the hair out of my face. “He’s been
spending a lot of time with you.” The softness of his touch and tone didn’t fool me.

I shook my head in denial, but remained silent as the impact of something he’d said

earlier hit me. Lynch was in New Hampshire? No wonder they didn’t seem to be in any hurry to
get away from there. I was on my own. Before I had a chance to fully comprehend the
ramifications of that, three other bikers tore through the trees.

“We couldn’t find him,” one of them said, directing his comment to Kirby.
“Did you check the fuckin’ house?”
“It was the first place we checked. No sign of the chick, either.”
Ohmygod they had to be talking about Bullseye and Lizzy! I glanced at the darkened

house again.

“They didn’t just fuckin’ disappear!” Kirby snapped angrily. “Rip the house apart! They

have to be there somewhere. Find them and end them.”

The three men stormed toward the house, and then I saw lights come on. I watched them

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through the broken window until they disappeared further into the house. Other lights were
flicked on as they went. Where were Bullseye and Lizzy? I’d only been in Grace’s house a few
times, and only as far as her living room. The noise of doors being opened and slammed shut,
and things being thrown and broken, caused me to wince.

“You’d kill an innocent girl?”
Kirby shrugged indifferently. “No one’s innocent.” His gaze shifted behind me, to Boner.

“Let’s head the fuck out.”

I tried to pull out of Boner’s arms, but he tightened his arm over my breast and the hand

in my hair snapped my head back. “Want another bite, bitch?” he threatened in my ear. I jerked
against him and tried to gouge his eyes. He laughed cruelly and easily subdued me.

“No one fuckin’ move!”
I turned my head as much as possible to see Lynch and another man step out of the

bushes, guns aimed at us. Pure relief flooded me, although I knew that a lot would still have to
happen for the situation to be over. It was five against two, and my first thought was that I
needed to warn him about the men inside the house. “Lynch−” Boner slapped his hand across my
mouth, and the next thing I knew a gun was being pointed at my temple. I stiffened.

Lynch didn’t even look at me, keeping his narrowed gaze on Kirby, who was staring back

at him with stunned surprise.

“You’re screwed,” Lynch said in a deadly tone to Kirby. Then he shifted his eyes to

Boner. “You’re fuckin’ dead for touching my woman.” Lynch’s dark gaze moved over me before
he finally met my eyes. His jaw clenched. I could only imagine what I looked like.

Movement drew my gaze to the window in Grace’s house, and I saw one of the bikers

coming back into the room. I had to warn Lynch somehow. The only thing I could think to do
was to go limp. Boner must have thought I’d fainted, because his arms relaxed and I slipped to
the ground at his feet.

“Three others are inside the house!” I rushed out. Movement above me had me looking

up. Boner had recovered from my deception and was pointing his gun down at me, a look on his
face that resembled that of a wild animal, and I knew then that he was going to pull the trigger. I
shut my eyes, hearing a shot ring out almost immediately.

Several more shots followed, and I cringed each time until I realized that I was okay. I

opened my eyes to see Boner on the ground, a neat bullet hole in the center of his forehead. Then
I saw Kirby down, next to the car, but I couldn’t tell if he was dead or not. Lynch and his friend
ran toward me. The other bikers exited the house with their guns drawn at the same time that
several Wild Marauders rode up, shooting as they came. Lynch reached me and threw himself
over me.

I closed my eyes again, shaking wildly as gun-fire erupted all around us. For a minute it

sounded like war, but it was over quickly. I could barely breathe with Lynch’s large body
covering mine, and a tiny seed of hope opened in my heart that maybe, just maybe, I meant
something more to him than just sex. But this was hardly the time and place to explore those
feelings. Right now I was just thankful to be alive.

All too soon he was getting to his feet and pulling me with him. For a minute our eyes

locked, and the back of his hand came up to smooth gently over my face. His glance lingered on
a couple of places, and I knew that my face showed the signs of Boner’s rough treatment.

“He fuckin’ do this to you?” He motioned to the man at our feet. “You must have put up

a good fight.”

I nodded, forcing a smile. “It probably looks worse than it is.” Or so I hoped. I was

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actually more worried about internal injuries from my tumble down the stairs. I didn’t say
anything to Lynch. He glanced over my head, taking a survey of the commotion going on around
us. “How did you know to come?”

His eyes returned to mine. “We’ll talk later, babe.”
“Red’s dead, prez!”
God, no! We both turned our head at the same time, to see the biker I knew as Yank in

the process of standing up after examining the downed man. “Lynch,” I waited until I had his
attention. “Bullseye, they said he was dead too, but I think he’s hiding somewhere with Lizzy.”

He frowned. “Wild Marauders don’t hide, and who the fuck is Lizzy?”
“She’s Grace’s granddaughter. Grace lives in that house. They searched the house but−”
“Hey, prez, we found Bullseye!” This came from one of Lynch’s men, who were just

stepping around the corner of the side of the house. “We found them in a dried-out well. He’s in
bad shape!”

Lynch looked down at me, then around again, obviously searching for someone. He

didn’t speak or call out, just gave a sharp nod.

“Yeah, boss?”
Lynch reached for something in his pocket. “I want you to take Kat to my house, here’s

the security code to get in.”

“We’ll clean up the mess here. Go with Moody. You’re hurt, and I want you out of the


“Baby, please, just fuckin’ do it.” He kissed me gently, and pushed me toward Moody.

“Take it slow, and stay with her until I get there.”

I was surprised that he didn’t say to take me to the clubhouse. Then something Kirby said

about a fire came back to me. Was there even a clubhouse anymore? My gaze shifted all around
us. I remembered the broken window and the door in my apartment, minor damage compared to
what I saw outside. I knew Grace’s house would be a mess inside, too. My stomach turned at the
images of the dead men lying on the ground. I knew biker life was dangerous, that they did
illegal shit, but I wasn’t prepared for this. The impact of what had just taken place began to sink
in, and I felt mind-numbing fear. I began to shake uncontrollably; realizing shock must be setting

I wanted to run away.
I couldn’t deal with this! It was too much for me to comprehend and make sense of. The

world I’d been raised in didn’t include raw and gritty bikers who had their own rules and way of
dealing with situations that the law normally handled. I was vaguely aware that Lynch was
barking out orders. Moody was staring down at me, and I could see the sympathy in his eyes. I
didn’t know if it was because of the way I looked, or if he understood what I was suddenly

He took me by the arm and led me to his bike. I waited for him to get on before mounting

behind him. “Sweetheart, wrap your arms around me and hold tight,” his rough voice ordered. I
nodded, clearing it of the daze I was swimming in. With everything else that had happened I
didn’t need to add falling off the back of a motorcycle to the list. I did as Moody said. “That’s
good, darlin’. We’ll be at the prez’s house in about ten minutes.”

It was the longest ten minutes of my life. I wanted to be anywhere but where I was at that

moment. A hot tub, a comfortable bed, back in a peaceful and safe life. Even as I yearned for

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that, the realization that Lynch wouldn’t be part of it felt as though someone were plunging a
knife into my heart. It hurt. It had only been a couple of weeks, and already it felt as if he’d been
part of my life far longer.

Before I knew it, Moody was taking us up a long dirt drive that seemed to wind like a

snake through the woods. The road was only big enough for one vehicle, which told me that
Lynch was probably the only one who lived out there. I wasn’t surprised when we came to a
dead end that barely opened up enough to reveal an isolated, cedar two-story house. It was
beautiful, and not at all what I’d expected.

Moody came to a stop directly in front of the double led-glass door, which was artfully

unique in that it had the Wild Marauders MC club logo embedded in the thick glass. There were
three parts done in red and black against a clear background. The top had the name of the club,
Wild Marauders MC, the bottom said Crows Feet, Maine, and in the center was a skull with a
bandana around his head and one eye. Clamped between his pointed teeth was a bloody knife. It
was an exact replica of the logo on the backs of their cuts.

Moody reached back to assist me off the bike, and then followed suit. I walked behind

him as we headed for the front door of the house. Pulling out the paper Lynch had given him, he
punched in the security code into the keypad next to the front door, and then we were inside. I
stood there for a minute, taking in the layout of the open concept, as Moody made sure that the
door was secure and the alarm set again. Rustic, masculine, comfortable all came to mind.
Sparsely furnished, but I could tell that the few pieces that were there were of good quality. The
focal point in the main room seemed to be a huge, stone fireplace that went from floor to ceiling.
All in all Lynch had a beautiful home.

I swung back to Moody. “What now?”
He shrugged. “Prez could be a while. I’m gonna go into the living room and watch TV.

You can join me, or do whatever the fuck it is that you women do.”

Nice, I thought. I was tired, but with everything that had happened, I knew that I wouldn’t

be able to sleep. Besides, I wanted to talk to Lynch when he came home. I sighed and followed
Moody into the living room. I wasn’t about to make myself at home in a place that I’d never
been before, so I went to the sofa and sank down into the soft leather. Moody flicked on the TV,
and I reached for the pillow stuffed in the corner.

Moody didn’t have any problem getting comfortable in the big arm chair, bringing his

feet up and slapping them on top of a matching ottoman. It didn’t take him long to get caught up
in some wrestling program, so I reached for a throw hanging on the back of the couch and
brought it over me.

I was fully prepared to wait for as long as it took for Lynch to get home.

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Chapter 14


Shit! I could see it in Kat’s face. She was thinking too hard. I couldn’t fucking blame her

considering what she’d been through. I decided that the best thing I could do was get her out of
there and deal with it later. Right now we had two fucking messes to clean the fuck up, the
clubhouse and here. Once shit settled down I was going to make it our mission to take Wildman
out and disperse his fucking club.

Damn, another brother lost inside a month. I watched two of Stone’s men put Red into a

canvas bag. He would be buried with his cut on. His only family was his club brothers, which
meant a secret burial in the mountains somewhere. It never felt good losing a brother, but it kept
things easier when they didn’t have a woman and kids. There would be no monthly stipend to set
aside for a widow, as we had done for Peewee’s old lady.

Yank and Fat Boy came around the back of the house carrying an unconscious Bullseye

between them. A petite girl with womanly curves followed close behind. I took time to notice
that she was pretty and clearly scared shitless.

I didn’t give her any time to look around and start realizing that she might be in some real

trouble. “Do you have a bedroom we can use?”

She glanced up at me with big eyes. “I−I, um, this−”
I bent slightly so my face was closer to hers. “Sweetheart, I have a man who’s dying


That news seemed to wake her up. “This is my grandmother’s house but she has a spare

bedroom,” she was walking as she was talking. “It’s downstairs next to the kitchen, so you won’t
have to carry him far.” She opened the front door to the house and the guys followed her inside. I
was right behind them. A quick glance showed me the house was clean and homey, except for a
few misplaced and broken items.

“Lizzy, right?”
She showed her surprise. “Yes.” She led us into a small bedroom and quickly pulled

down the covers. Bullseye let out an agonized groan when he was placed on the bed. “Are you
going to phone for an ambulance?”

“No. No ambulance. Our doctor has been called and will be here soon.” I leaned over

Bullseye to assess his injuries. Judging from his color and the two bullet holes in his torso, it
didn’t look good. I pulled his cut aside.” I need scissors.” The girl disappeared into another room
and returned within seconds.

I cut Bullseye’s tee-shirt open and pulled it apart slowly. The black material was

saturated in blood and sticking to his wounds. Both bullets, thank fuck, had gone straight
through, so at least there wouldn’t be any digging, but blood was pouring out of him. Before I
could say anything, Lizzy went to the attached bathroom and returned with some towels to
staunch the flow.

“Do you want some peroxide or something?”

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“Fuck no. I’m not touching him until the doc gets here.” I’d just wanted to see how bad it

was. I moved away from the bed, for the first time noticing that Yank and Fat Boy were still
here. “You brothers go help the others.” They took off without speaking.

“Is Kat okay? And who were those men?” Lizzy asked, sitting on the edge of the bed and

beginning to remove Bullseye’s boots. “I’m so thankful grandmother wasn’t here for all this.”

It didn’t surprise me that she didn’t ask who we were—everyone in the area knew about

the Wild Marauders. “Kat’s good,” I said. “Look, there’s a good possibility Bullseye will need to
remain here for a while. He’s going to need care−”

“Yes.” Lizzy said simply.
I paused, scrutinizing her carefully. She didn’t look like any of the hang-arounds who

visited the club looking for biker cock. She looked sweet and fucking innocent. I ran my hand
over the bottom half of my face, wanting to make sure there were no misunderstandings. “Yes?”

“I can care for him,” she explained. “I have a job, but I have a lot of vacation time saved


I narrowed my eyes. “You understand who we are, right?” She nodded. “You keep your

fuckin’ mouth shut and take care of him. Whatever you need, you call me, right?” Again she
nodded. Fuck, what was she, an angel? “Why?” I barked the word.

She shrugged. “My dad is on the town board. And it’s been in the paper how much the

resident motorcycle club has helped our town and kept us safe.”

I nodded slowly. It was true, and this was just one time that it was paying off. It was a

“you scratch my back, I scratch yours” kind of arrangement. “My crew will clean up any messes,
broken windows, shit like that.”

“Thank you and, I’m sorry about Bullseye’s friend.”
“It happens. You just make fuckin’ sure you give him the care he needs.”
Dr. Carr came shortly after that. He was retired, but helped us out and kept shit quiet.

Back when Cutter was alive, he’d walked in on an attempted rape and stopped it. Turned out the
woman was the doctor’s daughter. Out of gratitude, Dr. Carr told Cutter that any time the Wild
Marauders needed a doctor for issues that we wanted to keep off the record, and under the radar,
to call him. It kept us from having to answer a lot of fucking questions.

As Dr. Carr worked on Bullseye I pulled Lizzy from the room. “Someone will be by

tomorrow to repair your window. Two brothers will stay here tonight−”

“Will they be back?” Her eyes grew round with obvious worry.
“No, the Red Devils won’t be back because I have what they want. You helping Bullseye

might have saved his life. We repay our depts.” There was a small black board on the wall next
to the fridge, and I walked over and jotted down my number. When I turned back around, the doc
was coming out of the bedroom.

“He’s lucky.” He walked to the kitchen sink and washed his hands. “But he’s not out of

the woods yet. I cleaned out his wounds and bandaged him up. Infection is what we have to
watch for. Need to keep him from moving around too much.” He wiped his hands on a towel
draped over the cupboard door beneath the sink. When he swung back around his gaze fell on
Lizzy. “You going to be his nurse?”

Dr. Carr pulled a couple of pill bottles from his pocket. “I gave him morphine and a dose

of antibiotics, so he should be good for a while. Give him two of these every four hours until
they’re all gone.” He handed her the first bottle. “And one of these for pain every six hours.
Don’t worry about feeding him until he asks for it, but make sure you keep the liquids going into

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Lizzy examined the bottles he gave her. “What about the bandages?”
“Don’t worry about those. I’ll be back to check on him in a couple of days. If he starts to

run a fever, call me right away.”

A low moan pulled Lizzy away, and I had a hunch that Bullseye was in good hands.
“Anyone else I need to see before I head home?” Dr. Carr asked me.
“You might want to head to the club and check on a couple of brothers.” I walked with

him to the door and then outside. “We had a situation.”

I knew he wouldn’t question me. He never did, just nodded and kept on going. As he

walked to his car I made a quick sweep of the area. The guys were quick at cleaning shit up. I
had to give them credit. The body van was already gone. Seeing Stone, I walked to where he was
talking to some of his crew who’d showed up with my brothers.

“What a fuckin’ day, huh?” he said around his cigarette. “How’s Bullseye?”
“Doc says the next couple of days will tell.”
“He staying here?”
The smirk on Stone’s face told me he’d seen Lizzy. “You know a faster way to get a

brother on his fuckin’ feet than having a fuckable nurse around?”

We both chuckled. “Christ, I’m getting too old for this shit.” I ran my hands through my

hair, wishing for a strong drink and a warm woman to sink into. Kat’s beautiful face immediately
came to mind. She was a whole other problem.

“You and me both, brother,” Stone agreed. We were both in our late thirties and had been

part of a MC since our teens. He took a long drag off his smoke and dropped it to the ground,
crushing it out beneath his boot. “Speakin’ of fuckable women, you’re not doing too badly in that

Smiling, I shrugged. “I have a feeling what happened today is going to be a game

changer.” I thought about Kat waiting for me. This was a fucking first for me, bringing a woman
to my house. The image of her in my bed made my dick jerk. “So, why don’t you and your crew
finish out the night at the clubhouse, booze and pussy on us.” He was nodding before I finished
my comment.

“Few more hours won’t matter so I think I’ll take you up on that.” He grinned. “Besides,

I could use some pussy to unwind.”

I made a call to Lenny, and by the time we arrived back at the clubhouse sweetbutts were

pouring in. Dark Menace brothers didn’t waste any time getting a bottle from the bar and
disappearing into one of the rooms upstairs with a willing woman. Motioning for Lenny to
follow me, I headed to my office. As we sat down, he handed me a drink.

“Thought you could use it,” he grinned.
“Fuck, yes.” I threw the whole thing back, enjoying the raw burn of the whiskey as it

poured down my throat. “I don’t want another fuckin’ day like this anytime soon.”

“I heard about Red. Fucking shame, he was a good brother. What do you think about

Bullseye, he gonna make it?”

“Let’s hope so. What about the two brothers who were wounded here?”
Lenny shook his head. “Superficial. Sweetbutts made them feel all better after the doc


“Thank fuck.” I gave him a hard glare. “I want Wildman dead, brother, and we’re not

going to wait around for another fuckin’ surprise attack. Next time, we go after him. If we hadn’t
found out about Kirby, Wild Marauders would have fuckin’ ended tonight.”

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Lenny nodded his agreement, his expression grim. “At least we don’t have to fuckin’

worry about him anymore.”

“Send a couple prospects to Kat’s place tomorrow. Repairs are needed to her apartment

and to her land lady’s house. Get with Johnson Brothers and tell them there’s a fuckin’ bonus in
it for them if they get the work done in one day.”

“What about the garage?”
“They can come by and take a look at it, see what it will take to repair it.” I stood up.

“Right now I want to get home to my woman. We’ll hold church in the morning to discuss the

“Ten o’clock?”
“Yeah, see you then.”
He followed me out of the office and took a left while I went right, towards the entrance

door. Knowing Lenny, he had a fucking sweetbutt waiting for him in his room. It hadn’t been
long ago when I would have had a sweetbutt waiting for me in my bed, and I wouldn’t have
cared who it was. I was just looking for a willing body to sink my cock into to help relieve the
fucking stress of the day.

The club had five regulars who were available for the brothers at all times. The other nine

held down civilian jobs but made themselves available for special events and club parties. The
girls hung around and gave their bodies away willingly. Some went on to become old ladies, but
most didn’t. The cold, hard fact was that when a brother was ready to settle the fuck down he
didn’t want a whore who’d been with his brothers multiple times.

The fact that I’d quit using club whores made me wonder if that was what was happening

to me. Was I ready to settle down? I’d gone through most of my life content to be free and, with
the exception of others I hadn’t worried about a fucking damn thing. My life was the club, it was
all I knew, and I loved it. I loved my brothers, and I didn’t want for anything. Civilians had no
idea how lucrative MC businesses were. Their preconceived ideas were all the same. All they
saw were outlaw bikers, heavy into drugs, prostitution, and other illegal shit, when the fucking
truth was that we held down jobs, owned our own businesses, and contributed to our community.

The day I’d met Kat I’d been returning from checking out a bar that was for sale on the

other side of town. The first time that I’d looked into her eyes my dick had wanted her. That was
nothing new, my dick liked pussy. But the circumstances weren’t in my favor, and I’d left her on
the side of the road thinking that I’d never see her again. When later she’d been dumped at my
feet, I knew she’d be mine. In fact, she’d done me a favor by stealing my bike.

The shit that had gone down at her place was fucking serious, and not something civilians

handled well, which was one of the reasons that I’d wanted her removed from the situation as
fast as possible. If her injuries had been worse I would have had doc look her over, but my gut
told me that more damage had been done to her mentally than physically. She’d been frightened
and stunned, and I knew a gamut of other emotions would soon follow.

My house was completely dark when I pulled up the drive. Moody’s hog was parked in

front of my front door. I continued around to the back of the house where the garage was. The
door was already opened by the time I got there. I pulled inside next to my truck and hit the
garage door opener so it would close behind me. Then, punching in the alarm code to the
entrance door leading into the kitchen, I went inside.

I could hear the TV and went to the living room to find Moody watching it in the dark.

Flipping on a light, my gaze zeroed in on Kat. She was sound asleep on the sofa, wrapped up
tight in the throw. I glanced back at Moody, who was in the process of standing up.

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“Kat have anything to say?”
Moody stretched and shook his head. “Not a fuckin’ word, prez.”
I didn’t know if that was good or bad. I went with him to the front door to take care of the

alarm. “See you in the morning, brother.”

I returned to Kat and stood looking down at her. Jesus, I didn’t want to wake her, and

whatever she wanted to say could fucking wait until the morning when we were both refreshed. I
decided to leave her there on the couch and went upstairs to get a shower. When I was done I
went in and pulled the covers down on my bed before going back downstairs to get her. No way
in fucking hell I was going to leave her on the couch to possibly wake up during the night and
panic because she couldn’t remember where she was. I wanted her besides me, where I knew she
was safe.

Where I could keep her safe.
I lifted her carefully and carried her up to my bedroom. She didn’t wake, not completely

anyway. Her soft breaths were against my throat as she nuzzled closer against me. My dick
twitched, but I didn’t care how hard I got, I wasn’t going to fuck her. She moaned low, and then
her lips were teasing me.

“You’re home,” she said in a sleepy voice.
I glanced down, but her eyes were still closed. “Go back to sleep, baby.”
“Where are you taking me?” she mumbled.
“To my bed.”
After that Kat didn’t say anymore. I felt her relax in my arms and I knew that she’d fallen

back to sleep. Even though she was still wrapped up in the throw, I pulled the covers over her
after laying her down. I crawled in next to her and pulled her against me. It dawned on me that
she was the first woman that I’d ever had in my bed, or house for that matter.

I released a heavy breath.
I was screwed.

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Chapter 15


I opened my eyes, realizing immediately that I wasn’t in my bed. I lay there, letting my

mind rewind to the previous days happenings until it all came back to me. The shooting, the
deaths, falling down the stairs, Lynch.

Lynch. I was in his house, his bed.
Sensing another presence, I turned my head, falling deep into his warm, dark eyes.
“’Bout time, Sleeping Beauty.” He leaned forward, kissed me briefly, and pulled back.

“How do you feel?”

I was almost afraid to move, and couldn’t help but wonder if he’d asked because my face

looked bad. I tried to smile. “Do I look that bad?”

“No, baby. You’re as fuckin’ beautiful as ever.” Reaching forward, his fingertips moved

lightly over my cheek. “Just a little swelling and bruising.” He moved on to the corner of my
mouth. “A tiny split here.”

“I tried to stay awake to talk to you last night.”
“I was late getting in.”
I started to turn Lynch’s way and sucked in my breath. “Jesus, that hurt!”
He pulled back the covers. “Where?” I pulled up my tank, exposing my side to him.

“Fuckin’ hell!” he snarled, his expression turning dark. “What the fuck did the bastard hit you

“The stairs,” I responded, unable to see what he was looking at. “He pushed me down the

steps after giving me this.” I moved my shoulder enough so Lynch could see the bite mark.

It was a mistake.
I felt his whole body go taut. His jaw clenched so hard that I worried it might crack under

the pressure. But the look in his eyes is what frightened me the most. There were no words to
describe the intense emotion churning in them, turning them so dark that they appeared like
glittering black ice. He literally looked like he was going to explode.

Before I could say anything, he turned and left the bed, butt-ass naked and perfect, even

if he did look like he wanted to kill someone. It was obvious that he was struggling with what
had happened to me, as he stood silently looking out the window. His hands were fisted tightly at
his sides, and even from where I was I could see his knuckles turning white. What was he
thinking? After a couple of minutes he swung back around and said between tightly clenched
teeth, “I’ll be right back.”

My gaze followed him out of the room, and then I released a breath unaware that I’d been

holding it. I began to move, slowly, testing the rest of my abused body. Other than that first
initial sharp pain, probably due mostly to lying in one position all night, there was just a dull
ache in my back. I slipped from the bed and walked over to the full length mirror standing
against the wall.

“Wow,” I said beneath my breath. The deep purple bruise adorning my side was about

the size of a small dinner plate. I turned my shoulder to examine the bite. It looked just like what

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it was—a bite mark. I could clearly see the indentations in my skin of the top and bottom teeth,
and there was bruising around it. Thank God the skin hadn’t been broken! Then I lifted my shirt
at the back to find that there was also another bruise there.

Lynch came up behind me, and our gazes met in the mirror. “Come with me, babe.” He

reached for the hem of my tank and pulled it up and over my head.

It landed on the floor, and I watched his face tense as his gaze moved over my body. His

fingers gently touched everywhere that there was discoloration, and then his lips kissed the areas
gently. His quiet tenderness brought tears to my eyes. This big, hard-ass biker with the unfiltered
language and violent way of life was touching and kissing me like he worshiped me. When he
was done, he wordlessly slipped my boy shorts down my legs.

I was completely naked, and although I could see a slight glint of lust fill Lynch’s eyes, I

instinctively knew that he wasn’t going to touch me. Not in a sexual way, at least. His next move
drew a soft chuckle from me, as he carefully swept me up into his arms and took me toward the
same door he’d disappeared through earlier. We entered a connecting bath. My gaze landed on
the huge roman tub.

“You fixed a bubble bath for me?” I asked with pleasure.
“The best thing to ease your aching body.”
Lynch slowly lowered me into the tub. The bubbles swallowed me up to my shoulders

and the hot water felt heavenly on my battered body. I smiled up at him. “Are you going to join
me?” His hesitation made me add, “It really looks worse than it is, Lynch. Sure I’m sore, but the
bruises just make it look worse.”

“Just soak for a little while, babe.”
He turned and left, and as he did I felt something unexpectedly twist in my heart. I felt

like I was losing him, which was ironic, considering that last night I’d thought about telling him I
didn’t want to see him anymore. While Moody had been engrossed in the TV I’d been deep in
thought about everything concerning Lynch and me. I had gone back and forth with my
decisions, coming to the conclusion that life was too short to worry about the what-ifs. I wanted
Lynch, and if that meant leaving my safe, boring life behind and living a little more on the edge,
then so be it.

I sank further beneath the water, leaned my head back, and closed my eyes. I could feel

the heat seeping into my bones and soothing the aches away. A small noise alerted me that
Lynch had returned. I kept my eyes closed. I didn’t want to acknowledge the distance I’d
recognize in his.

“As long as this water is hot I’m not getting out.” I smiled.
“Good, I’m glad it’s making you feel better. Here, I brought you some coffee.”
Forced to open my eyes, I reached eagerly for the cup. “Thanks.” I took a cautious sip.

“Sure you don’t want to come in?” I teased. “You look like you need some relief, too.” He’d
slipped into boxers that outlined his perfect ass and the bulge of his cock.

“Baby, that tub might be fuckin’ big enough for the both of us, but I don’t want to hurt

you any more than you all ready are.”

“You won’t.”
“I will,” he said slowly, and with a finality that I couldn’t ignore.
My heart sank. Damn, he was withdrawing faster than I could keep up. “Why do I get the

feeling that you’re not just talking about sex?” I tried to keep my tone light, but the emotion was
too close to the surface. I was surprised when he sat down on the edge of the tub. He was going
to tear my heart out, I could feel it. I wasn’t stupid. He was going to throw us away, like I’d been

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going to do the night before.

“Look, Kat, I’m not one to fuckin’ beat around the bush. After what went down

yesterday, I think it’s pretty fuckin’ clear that this isn’t the kind of life for a woman like you.”

A woman like me? “I didn’t know I was in the life,” I said, trying to keep calm.
“I told you before, if you’re connected to me−”
“I know what you told me, Lynch. What makes you think anything will change if we stop

seeing each other?”

His brow furrowed as he looked at me long and hard. “Because word that I’m done with

you will get out, babe. We’ll watch over you for a short time to make sure the message gets

My heart was racing. I took another drink of my coffee, feeling the anger slowly rise at

his assumption that he could make all the decisions, especially concerning me. “No.”

He just glared at me.
“No,” I snapped. “What’s the matter Lynch, not used to hearing ‘no’ from a woman?”

Oh, God, I could see him getting angry, I could see the fierce look come into his eyes, but I
couldn’t stop myself. “If you’re ending it, then it’s done.” I was actually shaking.

“The fuck it is,” he snarled.
“You know what’s funny, Lynch? I was going to do the exact same thing to you. I was

scared shitless last night. Things happened that I’ve only seen on TV. I was convinced that the
only thing to do was tell you to get lost and go back to my normal, sane, dull life. Only−” I
stopped to take in a calming breath, fighting back tears of emotion. “Only after hours of thinking
things over, I realized that even when you’re pissing me off, no one’s ever made me feel as alive
as you do. I don’t want to live life worrying about what might happen, because before I know it
life will have passed me by and I won’t have lived at all.”

The raw emotion on Lynch’s face told me that some of what I’d said had hit a nerve. His

eyes became polished glass that cut right through me, unmoved by my outburst or the tears that I
refused to let fall. The man who stood was every bit the hardened, bad-ass biker who wasn’t
going to let an emotional woman sway him. That was painfully clear. He’d made up his mind,
and I sensed why he was doing it.

“You’re doing this to protect me.” I’d said it like an accusation, feeling slightly ashamed

because I was going to do it to protect me, too. Not him. I knew that was fucked-up. It didn’t
mean I didn’t have feelings for Lynch. It was more complicated than that.

“I’m doing it for a lot of reasons,” he began, staring down at me. “I’m not cut out to be a

one woman man.” That hurt, but I kept quiet. “The club comes first, Kat, in everything. I fuck a
sweetbutt and I don’t have to worry about her when she leaves my bed. She knows the life. Last
night made it clear that I don’t have time to worry about you.” He paused, and then stuck the
knife into my heart. “I don’t want to.”

I don’t know how I remained sitting there, keeping my expression from revealing what

his words were doing to me, when I felt like I was drowning. Lynch might have been expecting
tears, a breakdown, or some kind of begging, but I wasn’t going to give him that. I could lose it
when I got home. I was going to show him that I was stronger than he gave me credit for. I
practically bit right through my cheek before I realized what I was doing. I sucked in a deep
breath and finished my coffee.

“I’m fuckin’ sorry you got hurt, Kat.” I just looked at him, blinking. “By the time you get

home, the repairs will be done on your apartment.”

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“It doesn’t matter.” I forced a smile. “My vacation starts after I call-in today. I’d already

made plans to go away.” As soon as the words left my mouth, I realized that they had nothing to
do with what was going on with us now.

Lynch looked at me with surprise. “Where are you going?”
I was lying to him. I hadn’t made any plans to go away. But now that I thought about it,

going away was probably a good idea. “I’m not going to tell you that,” I said, rising carefully
from the tub. “After I leave here−”

“Don’t fuck with me, Kat. I’m not in the mood.” I thought I’d heard all of Lynch’s

varying tones of authority, but this low, gritty pitch was a new one. It fucking turned me on.

It was frightening.
It was edgy.
It was menacing.
The man clearly didn’t deal well with defiance. The timbre of his voice revealed the level

of anger and aggravation that he was feeling, diluted with a good measure of lust that he couldn’t
hide. Too bad, because I hadn’t asked to be put in this situation, I hadn’t asked him to fuck me.
As we stood there facing off, he took a threatening step closer, as if that would intimidate me. I
didn’t think he would hurt me. Not physically, anyway. I knew Lynch didn’t like being argued
with or questioned, that he was the boss in all things, but I wasn’t going to make it easy for him.
If he was ending it, I didn’t owe him anything.

“Neither am I in the mood, Lynch.” I handed him my empty cup. “Thanks again for the


I started to reach for the towel hanging over the towel bar when his hand shot out and

stopped me. His gaze moved down my exposed body, and back up again. Lust flashed in his eyes
until they came to rest on the bite on my shoulder. His jaw clenched with something close to
disgust, and he released me. Did he think I liked another man’s mark on me? I snatched the towel
and brought it around my body.

A small sound escaped me when I suddenly realized my situation.
“I don’t have any clothes. I don’t want to put what I had back on−” Just the thought

caused a shiver to go through me.

“I’ll find you something.”
Watching Lynch disappear into the other room, I wondered what I could do, if anything,

to change his mind, and whether or not I even wanted to. I felt sure that we had something
between us, something worth exploring. But obviously he didn’t care enough to keep me in his
life. Fine. That knowledge hurt like hell, but I had experience with people who were supposed to
love me and didn’t.

Where had that insane thought come from?
“These will work until you get home.”
He handed me an old, faded black tee-shirt with his club logo on it, and a pair of gray

sweat pants. I waited a second, but it didn’t look like he was going to leave so I dropped my
towel and stepped into the baggy pants, drawing the tie tight around my waist. Lynch’s gaze was
hot on me, and I knew that he wanted me. He couldn’t hide that fact. I felt my nipples harden,
and took my time pulling the tee-shirt over my head and down my torso, knowing that his eyes
were eating up my flesh as I slowly covered it.

I pulled my hair out of the back of the shirt and looked up at him. “I guess I’m ready to

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go.” I let my gaze roam down his impressive frame. “I’ll wait for you downstairs, or would you
like me to call a cab? That way you can get rid of me faster.” His expression hardened. I wasn’t
sure why I’d said that last part. Hurt, maybe. It sucked.

What sucked more was Lynch standing there looking all cold and unaffected when I was

weeping inside, and confused, because Lynch had seemed fine when I’d first awakened. Then
something had changed, and I was supposed to just accept it? God, I tried. Tried to be just as
uncaring as him, but in reality I wanted him to feel what I was feeling. I wanted to hurt him.

Could the president of the Wild Marauders MC be hurt?
“Do you want me to call a cab?” I repeated when he didn’t respond.
He crossed his massive arms over his wide chest. “No one comes down my fuckin’ drive

but me and my brothers.”

I was going to lose it. I turned before he could see the tears flood my eyes. I don’t know

why it mattered so much, but it did. I practically ran down the stairs and to the front door, just
managing to stop myself from opening the door when I remembered the alarm. Then I heard a
noise behind me, and I spun around with a gasp to see Lenny walk into the room from the

“You okay, sweetheart?” The corners of his mouth turned up slightly after his gaze ran

over my attire.

“Lenny!” I wiped at my wet cheeks and moved closer to him. “I didn’t know you were


“Yeah, prez asked me to stop by sometime this morning.” How had he gotten in? I must

have given him a speculative look, because he added, “I have the alarm code.”

I forced a smile, feeling my bottom lip quiver. “Oh.” I touched his arm. “Lenny−will you

please give me a lift back to my house?” I kept my voice down.

His frown told me that he didn’t know what was going on. I could hear Lynch moving

around upstairs. Lenny’s gaze shifted upwards before coming back to mine.

He hesitated, and I could tell that he was debating it. I could also tell that he wasn’t

worried about pissing Lynch off. I’d seen the interaction between them before, and they’d treated
each other like equals. The respect and affection that they held for one another was obvious. I
knew the club members considered themselves brothers, but with Lynch and Lenny it seemed
like there was more than that, like they had a long history together.

Lenny glanced down to where my hand was still touching his arm, and then back up into

my eyes. The frown never left his handsome face. I bit my bottom lip, refusing to ask him again.
Finally, he relented.

“Let’s go.” I silently followed him through the kitchen and out the door. We came to his

bike. “Prez is gonna fuckin’ explode when he finds out that you were on the back of my bike, but
I’ll deal with it.”

“I don’t think he’ll care.” I accepted the helmet that he handed me.
“Fuck,” he said quietly. “I had a feelin’ this was gonna happen.”
“What?” I made sure that the strap was tight beneath my chin.
Lenny shook his head. “Sorry, Kat, not my place to say.”
Then he shouldn’t have said anything to begin with. He swung his leg over the seat of his

bike and I slipped on behind him. I wasn’t sure where to hold on, but Lenny just reached behind
for my hands, bringing them around to his front. I linked my fingers and willed the ride back to
my apartment to go by quickly.

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When we pulled into the drive I wasn’t surprised to see several guys working on

repairing the damages to Grace’s house and my apartment. The window had already been
replaced and one of the men was working on repairing the bullet holes in the house. I wondered
where Lizzy was, her car was gone.

Lenny came to a stop and I dismounted. “Thank you. I hope you don’t get into too much

trouble with Lynch.”

He actually laughed. “Been in trouble before, not worried.” I handed him my helmet,

which he stowed away. “Listen, prez can be a fuckin’ ass sometimes, but when shit goes down
like what we’ve had to deal with lately he tends to make shitty decisions concerning his personal

“I’ll be okay. Lynch isn’t the only fish in the sea.” I was proud of how carefree and

believable that sounded.

Lenny’s brows arched with surprise, he smiled, and then took off. I turned back to my

apartment, wondering what I was going to do with the up-coming week of my vacation. I
needed to go somewhere and just get lost.

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Chapter 16


I tossed my VP a beer and took a seat opposite him. Since returning from dropping Kat

off he hadn’t said much. He didn’t need to, his glare and the shaking of his head spoke fucking
volumes. I knew that he didn’t like the way I’d handled my situation with Kat, but I didn’t give a
fuck. It wouldn’t be the first time we didn’t agree on something I’d done.

I lifted my feet and plopped them down on my coffee table. Lenny was going to fucking

explode if he didn’t speak his mind. I knew him. We’d grown up together. He threw his head
back, chugging down a fair amount of beer before meeting my eyes again. He wiped his mouth
with the back of his hand.

“Say it,” I snapped. I was still pissed at him for giving Kat a ride home without checking

with me first.

He shrugged. “Say what, prez? It’s your fuckin’ life.”
“That’s fuckin’ right,” I snarled.
“It’s not your fault you let a good thing go. Fuck, I wasn’t too keen on Kat in the

beginning, but she was good for you.”

“I’m not good enough for her. This life is too fuckin’ dangerous and unpredictable for a


Lenny leaned in. “Do you ever fuckin’ see yourself settling down with a sweetbutt?”
“Fuck no.”
He shrugged and leaned back. “You’ll have to let a civilian in sometime then.” He took

another sip of his beer.

I sat there frowning. “Not gonna happen, bro. Seeing Kat hurt, knowing that I couldn’t

fuckin’ protect her--” I hesitated, thinking about the nasty bite on her shoulder. The thought of
what she must have gone through, the pain and fear that she must have been in before my crew
had arrived, made me sick.

“I know what you’re thinking,” Lenny said. “Fuck, I can even understand why you

pushed her away. But did you give her a chance to decide for herself if she wanted to be part of

“Part of what?” I snarled. “The only thing I wanted from Kat was her wet pussy.” I was

fucking lying.

Lenny’s brows arched with surprise. “She has a sweet pussy? Fuck, man. Since you don’t

want her anymore maybe I’ll go after her. Felt fuckin’ nice having her legs against mine and her
hot cunt flush against my backside when we were riding to her place.”

I just glared at him as the anger inside me came to a boiling point. Anyone else and I’d

have flown over the table separating us and bashed his fuckin’ head in. What’s more, Lenny
knew it, but still dared to put that fuckin’ visual in my head. He was the only brother who could
get away with something like this, and if I’d thought for a minute that he was serious I would
have fuckin’ killed him.

“Yeah, that’s all you wanted her for,” he finally said, obviously satisfied that he’d proved

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his point. “I pity the first fucker you catch her with.”

I finished my beer and crushed the can, keeping my gaze on Lenny. “I never told Kat that

I didn’t want her.”

“Well, your fuckin’ actions did. You think she’s fuckin’ safe now? Wildman isn’t stupid,


Something that Lenny said reminded me of what still needed to get done. “I’m having a

security system put in at her apartment. I also want her under observation for a while, but at a
distance. If Wildman has eyes on us I don’t want them to see that Kat’s still under our

He nodded in understanding. “Speaking of Wildman, when do we make our move?”
“When the shipment of explosives comes in. We might not get close enough to take them

out with gunfire, but they won’t escape that. When we hit their compound I want to make certain
we do as much fuckin’ damage as possible.” I jumped to my feet. “Let’s head to church, it’s
almost ten. We’ll work out the details there.”

I didn’t let Kat enter my mind again until Lenny and I were on the road heading to the

club. I was a fucking bastard, but better I hurt her now than her end up dead because I was a
selfish prick. I’d rather have Kat alive and hating my guts. Lenny was right though, I’d probably
fucking lose it if I ever saw her with another man. Maybe when this war with the Red Devils was
over…no, there would always be another fucking rival club to watch out for. Territorial wars,
illegal runs, shootings, death, was all part of MC life. Better I stick to club whores. Fucking them
didn’t mean I had to settle down with them.

Getting Kat out of my mind wasn’t going to be easy.
In record time she’d wormed her way into my fucking heart.
We arrived back at the club to see some of our brothers outside smoking and talking.

After parking our bikes and dismounting, we headed inside. The crew knew that we had church
at ten o’clock, so there was no need to round them up. No one liked paying the stiff fine for
walking in late.

“I got time to get us some drinks?” Lenny asked as we neared the bar.
“Always time for drinks,” I said, thinking that I could use a good stiff one.
I wasn’t surprised to see several brothers sitting at the table when I entered my office.

The rest of my crew began to trickle in, and by the time that Lenny returned all of the chairs
around the table were occupied. I took the whiskey he brought for me, swallowed it in one gulp,
and then slammed the glass down on the table. That fucking got everyone’s attention while
letting them know that church had begun.

“I’m fuckin proud to call you my brothers,” I began, looking around the table. Nods and

murmurs of acceptance followed. “We crippled the Red Devils by taking out a third of their
crew, including that fuckin’ scumbag Kirby. Unfortunately we lost Red.”

“Good man.”
“Fuckin’ shame.”
Others just nodded with grim expressions. The biker life we lived was dangerous and

cruel, but there wasn’t one brother at the table who didn’t know the score and accept the
consequences. Losing brothers like Peewee and Red hurt like a bitch, and we each grieved in our
own, hard way.

“Bullseye?” Wizard asked.
“Hanging on, and being cared for by a pretty nurse.” Everyone laughed. “Doc says he’ll

check on him in a couple of days.”

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“When are we hitting Wildman’s fuckin’ compound?” Hulk asked in a strong voice. He

wanted revenge. “They need puttin’ in their place.” His jaw was taut.

“Yeah, ten feet under,” someone else added.
“We have a shipment of explosives arriving in two days,” Lenny says. “We’ll only get

one chance at a surprise attack, so we need to go in, and go in fucking strong.”

“How about we send in a couple of cages?” Yank cuts in. “We can set the explosives to

go off on impact. At least take out a couple of their buildings.”

“I know where we can get a couple of junkers.” We all turned to Fat Boy.
“Running junkers?” I asked.
“Fuck, yeah. My old lady has an uncle who owns a junk yard in Boyton. He gets a lot of

vehicles still running. Once he strips them of usable parts he crushes them.”

“Could we get a couple here in two days?” He nodded. “Get on it,” I ordered. “Yank’s

idea has merit.”

“They won’t know what fuckin’ hit them,” Moody said in a tone of satisfaction. He

crossed his arms over his wide chest. “Fill the fuckin’ cars with explosives and cook their asses.”

“Yeah, and while they’re dealing with that shit we go in and take out as many of the

fuckers as we can,” added Fat Boy.

“We gonna hit them at night?”
“Best fuckin’ time,” Hulk growled, responding to Moody. Their murmurs of agreement

and the expressions on their weathered faces told me that everyone was on board with that.

“Dark Menace brothers gonna hang around for this one?” Wizard questioned.
I shook my head. “They’ve done enough for us. We fuckin’ owe them.” Everyone

nodded their heads in agreement. “The Red Devils underestimated us this time, but now that they
know Dark Menace helped they might fuckin’ retaliate against them.”

“We’ll be ready.” Lenny’s comment vocalized what everyone else was thinking. I knew

my crew, and they were always ready.



I slammed my door in the face of one of the Wild Marauders and locked it, furious that

Lynch had ordered a security alarm for my apartment without consulting me. I couldn’t afford
one, and I wasn’t about to let him pay for it. I had let his men replace my broken windows and
repair and paint the door frame damage to the entrance door and my bedroom because it needed
it. I didn’t need an alarm.

I’d only been home for two hours, and it was obvious that Lizzy must have notified

Lynch that that I was back. After Lenny had dropped me off that morning, God, a week ago, I’d
tossed some things into a suitcase and made for the East Coast Greenway. I spent the week
biking, hiking, and traveling through some of the small towns that I passed, shopping and
sampling some of the local food. I’d needed to get away, and with a week off of work already
scheduled, I wasn’t going to sit around my apartment and sulk.

I didn’t blame Lizzy for telling Lynch. I’m certain that he hadn’t left her any choice. She

was put in the middle, and as far as I knew she was still taking care of Bullseye. I noticed her car
was back, minus the bullet holes. In fact, everything looked like it had been replaced and

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repaired while I was gone.

I pulled the towel from my wet hair and shook out the damp strands. The first thing I’d

done was unpack, put a load of clothes in the washer, and take a shower. I’d also opened the
windows to air the place out. I went to the fridge to see what groceries I’d need for the upcoming
week. The first thing my eyes landed on when I opened the door were the two huge subs on the
second shelf.

Crap! I was immediately brought back to the day of the shooting, and I thought of Red

and Bullseye, and what Red had looked like the last time that I’d seen him. Gagging, I shut the
door again, then turned and rushed to the bathroom. I was so sure that I was going to be sick, but
all I did was gag. After a while I went to the sink and splashed some cold water on my face.

I glanced up into the mirror, watching droplets of water run down my face before

realizing that some of them were tears. Fuck Lynch! I didn’t need him. I hadn’t cried once the
whole week, so why now? A knock at my door had me reaching for a towel to dry my face off. It
must be Lizzy. Good, I could give her the tee-shirt I’d bought her.

It didn’t occur to me to check to see who it was before opening the door, and suddenly I

was face to face with Lynch. I’d barely noticed the bruises and abrasions on his face when
instant fury took control of my emotions. His hardened expression warned me that he was feeling
the same way.

“I don’t want you here.” I tried to shut the door in his face, but his hand came up and

slapped against the wood, forcing it open enough so he could walk in. I rushed to the center of
the room, where I felt safer. “But do come in,” I said sarcastically in a bitchy tone.

“Where the fuck have you been?” he snarled, advancing on me.
“None of your fucking business,” I hissed, taking a step back for every one he took

forward. “I’m no longer your concern, remember?” I’d never seen Lynch this angry. It was
palpable, and my heart raced.

His expression was raw, animalistic, and real fear raced through me as I realized that this

must be the face that his enemies saw when confronted by him. It may be the last face they saw
before dying. I picked up speed because he had, and before I knew it he had me against the wall.
I gasped, looking up at him, feeling trapped, even though he hadn’t touched me. But in the next
instant he took hold of my hands and brought them over my head, pinning them against the wall
with one of his.

“I’ve just spent a fuckin’ week worried as hell about you. Now I’ll ask you one more

time, where the fuck have you been?”

“Or what?” I’d heard the threat in his tone, and the challenge in mine. “What will you


“Damnit, woman!” His hand applied pressure where he was holding me. I winced. “Tell.


I wanted to tell him I’d just spent a fantastic week at the beach screwing a different man

every night, but the truth was that I’d been alone and had kept to myself. “I went to the east coast
for the week.”

Really, this was too much. “I thought we were done, Lynch.”
“Yes!” This time I tried to pull my arms down, but he was too strong for me. “I don’t

know why you should care.”

“I care.” His eyes blazed glowing fire down at me. I swear smoke billowed out from his

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flared nostrils like an angry bull.

“Well, you can’t have it both ways. You can’t tell me you don’t want me and then worry

if I’m with someone else. It doesn’t work that way.”

“I never told you I didn’t want you, Kat.” His face inched closer to mine. I didn’t even try

to struggle. My fear had quickly morphed into an all-consuming lust at the feeling of his hard
muscles pressed against me. He may have been angry, but he was also turned-on, because there
was no disputing the huge hard-on he was sporting.

It got to me every time.
“The hell you did, are you forgetting our last conversation?” I knew that I was playing

with fire, but I didn’t care. I arched my lower body into his. Ohmygod! The thought of having
his cock inside me one more time made me tingle all over.

“I said you aren’t cut out for the kind of life I lead and I don’t want to worry about you.

That’s why I pushed you away.”

“How’s that working for you?” I hissed.
For a minute I didn’t think Lynch was going to answer me. He just stood there, staring

down at me, his mouth tight. I wet my lips and his gaze dropped there, and he groaned as if in
pain. “It fuckin’ isn’t.” He closed the distance between us and slammed his mouth down on

I creamed in my panties.
I knew it because I could feel the wet warmth spread as it leaked out of my aroused body

and soaked through. God, I’d missed this, missed Lynch’s mouth on mine, his big body against
me. He made me feel alive, even when I was angry and wanting to hurt him like he’d hurt me. I
was a fool for giving in to him, and strained against his strength, knowing I was his captive.

His kiss was savage, full of teeth and tongue, forcing my lips to part so he could move his

attack inside. The moans surrounding us were mine, and when his free hand cupped my pussy,
applying the pressure I needed, they turned into needy whimpers. It wasn’t fair! I wanted to
touch him and couldn’t. Lynch kept my hands pinned to the wall and tortured me at will. As his
hand rubbed between my legs I was ripped apart by an orgasm that sucked the breath out of me.
Liquid fire escaped my twisting body and the deep growl in his chest told me that he’d felt it,

He pulled away as if to catch his breath. “Christ, it’s only been a fuckin’ week,” he

snarled. “And all I can think about is ripping your fuckin’ clothes off and sticking my dick in

Yes! I screamed to myself, wanting that too.
“I want to fuck you so hard and deep that you’ll still feel it tomorrow.” His breath was

hot against my neck. “Fill your sweet cunt with cum. Tell me you want it.”

I was melting! Lynch’s raw words turned my whole body to liquid, scorching need. It

was a good thing he was still holding me against the wall, otherwise I’d have floated to the floor
at his feet. He jerked away, and our gazes met for an instant before he pulled me away from the

“Lynch, no!” I was surprised I could even talk. I knew what he wanted. “You’re not

going to show up, fuck me senseless, and then walk away.” My words had no affect on him as he
continued to pull me through the room toward my bedroom. “I won’t let you!” I wasn’t sure
how I was going to stop him, though.

“No,” he growled, pulling me into my bedroom. “You’re mine, Kat.”
“I’ve heard that before.” At this point I wasn’t sure what that meant.

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Lynch pushed me down on the bed, following me. “God fuckin’ help me,” The blaze of

emotion in his dark eyes actually frightened me. I was looking into the fierce eyes of a bad-ass
biker who was setting down rules. This was real. “Not gonna happen again. Fuck me. I’m staking
my claim, babe, and in public when we get back to the clubhouse. I fuckin’ went crazy all week
trying to find you. Not gonna let you out of my sight again.”

Did that mean I was going to be his old lady? I wanted clarification, but I also wanted to

fuck Lynch. His hard-on was steady pounding at the juncture of my legs, keeping me hot and my
breath uneven. He wanted to fuck, too, but not before he said what he needed to.

Lynch ground his hips against mine, groaning low and deep. “You’re gonna learn what

it’s like to be a biker’s woman, babe. What it’s like to go through the fuckin’ bad times, and the
good. What it means to go on lockdown when shit comes around, what it fuckin’ means to have
the club’s protection, my protection. I’m fuckin’ putting my brand on you, babe.” I caught my
breath at the fierce passion behind his words.

He lowered his face.
“Starting now.”

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Chapter 17


Before Kat had the chance to bombard me with questions and the other shit that was

going through her mind, I slammed my mouth down onto hers. I would tell her whatever she
wanted to fucking hear later. Right this second the only thing on my mind was fucking her. I’d
gone a week without sex before, hell, I’d gone months when I was in the county jail, but going a
week without Kat wasn’t working for me. She’d been on my mind since I’d seen her sweet ass
on the back of Lenny’s bike as they rode away from my house. Not being able to locate her for a
week after that had been fucking hell.

I never wanted to go through that hell again.
Her mouth was soft beneath mine, the sweetness inside teasing my tongue to explore

every delicious corner. I was still holding her arms above her head, knowing that I could
probably let her go, but hell, I was enjoying the rush of dominance in my blood that came with
claiming a woman in the most raw and basic way.

My woman.
I was going to fucking own her.
All of her.
My cock was about to explode in my pants, and dry humping Kat between her legs

wasn’t helping. I needed inside her. As I made my way down her body I squeezed and tweaked
her tit through the thin tee-shirt she was wearing, losing my fucking mind when she arched the
hardened tip into my hand, and whimpered. I pinched her nipple roughly, and then lifted her shirt
so I could take the abused bud into my mouth. I sucked on it hard, drawing the blood to the tip
until it was as red as a strawberry.

“Lynch−” she cried when I shaped her tit to get some of it into my greedy mouth. Kat

was so responsive, her body twisted and moved sensuously beneath mine, begging for more. If
she were on a dance floor doing these same moves on a stripper pole, the men would storm the
stage to have a piece of her.

I locked my mouth around her tit and while I nibbled, sucked, and tongued the pliant

flesh, my hand continued down her body to the waistband of her boy shorts. It was so fucking
easy to slip beneath the elastic, going straight for her swollen, pink pussy lips. I teased the seam
open and slipped inside heaven. Fuck!

Swallowing her moans, I added another finger and began to move them in and out,

making sure to glide over her swollen, sensitive clit. Each time I touched the tiny package of
nerves Kat shuddered and strained against the hand holding her captive. I let go and she was like
a fucking wildcat. Even with my cut on I could feel her nails digging into my back. Not good
enough. I wanted them on my naked flesh, so I could feel her passion as it tore my flesh.

I sat up, straddling her, and quickly removed my cut and the black tee-shirt under it. Our

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eyes clashed, glazed with lust. “Get your fuckin’ clothes off now, babe.” I realized that my
demand sounded nothing like a lover’s, but didn’t care. I wasn’t a sweet talker. When the urge
came over me, I could fucking tear the place down with my bare hands.

Kat moved fast, as fast as she could while I was still straddling her. When her top came

off my eyes went straight to her plump tits. Christ, they were perfect, heavy, round, and with
nipples hard enough to score glass. My hand went to the front of my pants. My dick was hard
enough to tear her up. She shoved my hands aside and began to undo my jeans. While she did
that I easily removed her shorts, lifting my leg so that I could pull the material all the way down
her leg.

I glanced down, seeing that my jeans had been opened and pulled down and my dick was

in Kat’s little hand. She sat up and then gave me a hard push back. As soon as my back hit the
bed she was up and over me. I raised my head to see what she was going to do with the hard
muscle she was caressing. Watching her half-closed eyes focus on me, the tip of her tongue
darting out to wet those pretty, plump lips, and that slow, sexy smile moved over her flushed
face, warning me that I might not survive.

“I’m going to make you come so hard you’ll think your head is exploding.”
I had to chuckle at her threatening tone.
Her tongue came out and licked the bulbous head, causing me to lay back with a long

groan. After that all I did was feel, feel what her talented tongue and mouth was doing to my
dick. She ran her tongue up and down the length, curling it around before swallowing it whole. I
had to fight hard to keep from coming too soon, but it was right there, ready to explode from my
balls. My hand dropped to her hair so I could control her speed and how much of my dick she
swallowed. Nothing turned me off quicker than hearing someone gagging over me.

“Fuck, baby, suck it hard.” I shifted my hips upward, pumping them slowly to match her


She moaned softly, picking up speed. I tried to remain conscious of not forcing too much

into her mouth. I knew I was bigger than most and not every woman could take my length and
girth. Kat surprised me by fighting the hold I had in her hair and going down the length of my
dick until I felt the tip at the back of her throat, and her chin against my balls.

Holy. Fucking. Shit.
No gagging.
Just pure pleasure as she mouth-fucked my cock, her cheeks hollowing as she sucked it

with the force of a vacuum cleaner. I knew I wasn’t going to last with the way she practically
swallowed me, then worked her throat muscles and squeezed. She paused long enough to take
my balls into her mouth and roll them around gently. The feel of her tongue exploring
underneath the flap of flesh circling the head of my dick did it for me.

“Baby, if you don’t want to swallow you better fuckin’ pull away!”
I tried to hold off, but the tightness in my balls released the pressure, and I knew that

there was no going back. Kat ignored my warning, her movements becoming almost frantic. As
an orgasm ripped through my body I arched high off the bed, forcing Kat’s mouth further down
until I was at the back of her throat. My legs stiffened as I filled her mouth with cum.

I couldn’t fucking move. Kat swallowed as much as I gave her and then took the time to

clean up every bit that had escaped. I was still semi-hard when she pulled her mouth away.
Reaching for her, I grabbed her arm and pulled her up my body to rest against my chest.

“Good?” I could feel her smile against my chest.
“Fuckin’ good, babe, you would have killed a lesser man.” Christ, my heart was about to

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pound out of my chest. I ran my hand down the back of her body to her luscious ass, slipping my
fingers between the crack. At first she stiffened at my exploration, until I reached lower, between
her legs, flicking my finger between her wet slit. Feeling her twitch made me smile.

I fingered there for a few minutes, tracing her labia, slipping between the spongy walls of

her spongy cunt, circling her clit. Each new discovery brought a moan from Kat, and it wasn’t
long before she was moving with me. Her breath was coming in rapid pants, and her nails were
digging into my sides.

“Fuck me, Lynch.” Kat’s husky voice went straight to my dick. “Make me your woman.”
I intended to. I twisted my body so that she ended up on her back, following by covering

her body with mine. My dick was as hard as if I hadn’t just had a mind-blowing orgasm. I fit my
erection between her legs, running the tip up and down her slick slit. Holy Christ, the woman
was hot! There was no way I would be able to hold out once I was thrusting inside her tight
body, but before I allowed that sweet hell, I wanted Kat to come.

She was trembling beneath me. Her hands were all over me, touching, exploring,

clenching into my flesh. Soft sighs escaped her pretty lips, and she lifted her head and placed
them against my neck. I fuckin’ lost it when she sank her teeth into me, hard enough to turn the
pain into pleasure. Her hips began lifting faster, her breathing became labored, and I knew she
was close. I applied more pressure.

“Come for me baby.” I nibbled my way to her quivering tits. “Come on my dick so I can

fuck you proper.” I sucked the tip of one into my mouth.

“Lynch!” she screamed.
I knew she was coming, and I slammed my cock all the way inside her. As she

whimpered and convulsed I rode through her orgasm, showing her no mercy. “You’re mine,
babe, fuckin’ mine!” Kat’s body constricted around my hardness, punishing my cock for not
waiting, for daring to take her while she was in the throes of climaxing. Her wetness surrounded
me and I heard our bodies slap together as I hammered my flesh into her.

I grabbed her leg and brought it over my hip. The change in position allowed me to reach

even further inside, hitting all her fucking sweet spots without mercy. One spot in particular got a
wild reaction out of her, coupled with a wide-eyed look. I went back to it time and time again
until her body swelled around me and I knew that she was getting ready to come again.

“Open your eyes.” I wanted Kat to be looking at me when we came together. I was

pounding into her so fast and hard that every thrust pushed her body further toward the edge of
the bed. Her tits were bouncing all over the place. I reached down and drew one to my mouth. As
I suckled the nipple, biting it gently, I felt Kat’s claws clenching into my ass. I fucking lost it,
growling, “Now, babe!”

The pressure in my balls lessoned as I came like a fucking geyser inside of Kat. The room

filled with sounds of our release, and the steam of heavy breaths. We stared at into each other’s
eyes until the pleasure of letting go became too fucking much. Gradually, the tremors slowed to
an occasional ripple, and then we collapsed against each other in total ecstasy. I reluctantly
pulled out of Kat and rolled to the side so that I wouldn’t crush her.

“Well, I’d say that I’ve been fully claimed.”
I smiled at her teasing tone, reached over, and pulled her against me. “Don’t fuckin’

forget it, babe.” I planned on claiming her every day, as often as possible. She had one more hole
I planned on claiming before she could boast she’d been fully claimed, but I wasn’t going to tell
her that.

“What if I do?”

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I glanced down at her. She looked fucking cute with that just-fucked glow going on.

“You won’t like the consequences,” I grinned. “There’s more than one way of staking a claim.”

“That sounds like a threat,” she laughed. “What exactly does it mean to be claimed by the

president of Wild Marauders?”

“Seriously, babe? You want to fuckin’ talk about this now?”
I felt her shrug. “We could always talk about what happened to your face.”
Fuck. The last thing I wanted to do was put her in a bad mood, but I knew sooner or later

that she was going to want to know why someone had used my face for a punching bag. I
thought about the Red Devils, and how shit had gone down a few nights before.

The trouble was that it was club business. Kat had a lot to learn about biker life. She

wouldn’t like everything she heard, she would balk at some of the things we did to keep our
women and families safe. Fuck, she would probably fight me every step of the way, but she
would learn soon enough, the hard way, that everything we did was for a reason, and kept us

“So, what happened to your face?”
“I’m not going to talk club business with you, baby, except to say that some serious shit

went down the other night and that Wild Marauders came out on top. That’s all you need to
know.” I felt her tense, and I tried to soothe her by rubbing my hand over her sweet ass.

“I’d like to see the other guy,” she mumbled in a low tone.
No she wouldn’t. I thought about the hit that had gone down at the Red Devils’

compound. For the most part everything had gone the way that we’d planned. Once our moment
of surprise was over, a bloody hands-on fight had followed until the sound of sirens had forced
us to get the fuck out of there. My brothers and I knew going in that the explosions caused by the
car bombs would probably be heard all the way to town, and they had been. We’d done as much
damage as we could in the time that we had. Our goal of taking out Wildman hadn’t happened
unless the fucker had been inside one of the two main buildings that were blown up.

I realized after a few minutes that Kat’s breathing and lack of movement revealed that

she’d drifted off. Good. It would give me a chance to make a couple of calls and check on
Bullseye, who was still recovering next door. I carefully slipped out from the warm softness of
my woman and left the bed. Yanking my jeans on, I reached for my burner as I made my way out
of the bedroom.

I hit Lenny’s number. He picked up almost immediately. “Yeah?”
The background noise revealed that he was in bar somewhere. “Where are you?”
“At Manny’s with a couple of brothers getting a bite.”
Manny’s was a civilian biker bar located on the border of Crows Feet and the next town

over, run by a hulk of a man whose only rule was that any bikers were allowed, but all fights
were to be taken outside. Most of the time if a MC saw the colors of another MC in the parking
lot they kept going, but once in a while a fucking fight broke out, and Manny backed up his rule
with a shotgun that he wasn’t afraid to use.

“Hear anything yet?” He hesitated, and I knew that something was up. “Can’t talk?”
“Yeah, later.” The following click told me he’d ended the call.
Shit. Two days since our attack on Red Devils, and still nothing on fucking Wildman. I’d

sent Lenny out to snoop around for any information that he could find. I walked toward the front
door, dialing Stone’s number, knowing that news of what had gone down would have reached
him by now. By the time I hit the bottom of the stairs I knew that he wasn’t going to pick up, so I
ended the call. Fuck, I hated the waiting game!

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Taking the few steps to the main house, I knocked on the door before turning the knob to

let myself in. Thank fuck Bullseye was healing up nicely. As I headed toward the bedroom I
heard muffled sounds coming from the room. Moaning and groaning, and I knew they weren’t
the sounds of pain. A smile covered my face as I realized what I might find when I reached the
doorway. I halted in front of the door. Just as I fucking thought. Bullseye was getting lucky! Shit,
if the man could fuck like he was right now, he was good to return to work.

I watched for a moment. Little Lizzy was riding Bullseye’s cock with vigor, while his

hands played with her tits. I cleared my throat. Lizzy let out a squeal, jumped off, and grabbed
the sheet to cover herself. Bullseye let out a groan, this one sounding like pain, and made brief
eye contact with me before saying, “Baby, you almost broke my dick.”

I gave him a smirk. “No need to ask how you’re feeling,” I said.
Bullseye shrugged, wrapped his arm around the back of Lizzy’s neck and pulled her in

for a hard kiss. The expression on her face still revealed her shock at seeing me. “This little girl
has been a fucking angel, prez,” he grinned.

“So I see.” I glanced at Lizzy, who quickly looked away. I wanted to talk to him about

business, but it could wait.

“You just missed the doc.” His comment drew my interest back to him. “Said to take

another week and I should be fucking good to go.”

“Will be good to have you back at work, brother.” I nodded. I glanced at Lizzy, and this

time she made eye contact with me in spite of the blush on her pretty cheeks. “We owe you, girl.
You’re under the club’s protection now. You ever need anything, you come to me.” She and
Bullseye exchanged a meaningful glance before she gave me a brief nod. Interesting. It struck
me as the kind of move a girlfriend would make. In our lives it made sense to move fast.

Thinking of girlfriends, I was eager to get back to Kat. I didn’t want her waking and

freaking out that I wasn’t there. Not after her fucking words about me fucking her and then
leaving. “I just wanted to check in with you, bro. Let me leave you to your fun.”

“Thanks, prez.”
Before I even left the house my phone was buzzing. It was Stone. “Hey, man,” I said.

“Did you hear?”

“Fuck, yeah. Talk is wild in the biker community. Would have loved to have been in on

that shit.”

“Shit, you’ve done enough, and we weren’t waiting. Wanted to hit Wildman while his

guard was down.”

Stone chuckled. “I’m sure the fucker wasn’t expecting retaliation so soon after his hit on


“We took out a lot of his guys but still don’t know if Wildman was in one of the

buildings we blew up.” I was making my way up the stairs leading to Kat’s.

“Well, if he made it out alive the Red Devils are keeping it quiet. Some of his guys have

been seen around town.”

I frowned, stopping just outside of Kat’s door. “You think they’re trying to get in with the

Predators?” The Predators might be a new MC but they still had muscle, and numbers.

“Fuck, I don’t know.” Stone’s tone was hard. “They could have just been passing


“Hey, brother, do you ever think about getting out of this fuck life and living like a


He grunted, “Hell no, brother! MC life is all I know.”

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We’d both been born into the MC life. I was with Stone. I might think about a different

life on occasion when shit got tough, but I’d never give up the life I loved. It ran through my
veins. Every run, every business deal, every fucking fight was the life source in my blood.

“How’s Bullseye?” he asked.
“Good, thank fuck. I was just over there. His cute little nurse was giving him a workout.”

I opened the door and entered Kat’s apartment, surprised to see her in the kitchen. She swung
around, saw that it was me, and went back to what she was doing. “Look, I gotta go man. Call
me if you hear anything, and I’ll do the same here.”

“Will do.”
I slipped the burner into my back pocket and walked to the kitchen. Kat was cutting

chunks off a block of cheese.

“Would you like something to eat?” she asked, not looking at me. “I can’t offer much

until I go shopping, but what I have is yours.”

I slipped my arms around her waist from behind. She caught her breath and stopped

cutting for a minute as I pulled her back against me. I nuzzled the side of her neck, breathing in
deep her unique scent. Sighing, she tilted her head so that I had better access to run my mouth
along her flesh. My dick was already twitching against her ass, and I couldn’t stop myself from
rubbing it against her. She surrendered with a shiver and a sigh.

“You’re so fuckin’ soft,” I said with my lips against her skin. “Smell so fuckin’ sweet.” I

licked her from where her neck met her shoulder, up to where her ear met her jaw. “Don’t know
why I thought I could let you go.” I clamped my teeth into her just enough to make the sting of
pain dimmer into a sliver of pleasure.

Slipping one hand beneath the hem of the oversized tee-shirt she was wearing, my other

fisted in her hair as I pulled her head back. Her pretty mouth opened into a gasp, and I took her
lips in a kiss of rough passion. As I ground my mouth against hers, my other hand slid up her
quivering thigh to her pussy. Discovering how wet she was for me I fucking lost control. We
were both out of breath when I swung her around and picked her up. She wrapped her legs
around me.

“Fuck food,” I growled, pulling her shirt up until I bared her tits. I went for a hard nipple,

sucking on it hard.

“Lynch!” she cried out, tightening her thighs against my sides. “Shit−”
“Say it, babe.” She was quivering wildly, her movements against my dick almost causing

me to come in my jeans. “Fuckin’ say it,” I snarled. She began to pump her pussy against me.
“Tell me you want me to fuck you, Kat.”

“I want you to fuck me,” she said, panting.
“And you want my cum inside your cunt,” I continued, loving her tits until they were

wet, swollen and chafed from my whiskers.

“I want, your cum inside me.”
I gave her a little shake. “Your cunt, baby” I rasped. “When I hear you say those words

they fuckin’ turn me on.”

“My cunt,” she cried. “Yes! Fuck me, Lynch. I want your cum inside my cunt.”
I had a wild woman in my arms and thought it was a good thing that I wasn’t wearing my

cut. Her nails raked over my skin, the sharp burning sting giving me more fucking pleasure than
she could know. I wanted her to mark me. Claim me as her man. Fuck, when her teeth began to
graze over my neck and shoulders I knew that I’d never make it to the bed. I didn’t want to waste
my load in my pants.

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I slammed Kat against the nearest wall, reached between our bodies to undo my jeans,

and freed my cock. In the next instant I thrust into her body, going hard and deep. She cried out,
and didn’t lose any time moving her hips back and forth, fucking herself on my dick. I let her
have control for a few minutes before grabbing her hands and pinning them against the wall. My
body held her in place, and I plowed into her hot softness like a fucking jackhammer. My free
hand found the little bud that would make her come, and I worked it as fast as I was fucking Kat.
I wanted her with me.

“Fuck, baby, give me your cum,” I rasped, feeling my balls tighten. I was going to blow

any second. I gave her clit a tug. “I need you to come now, Kat!”

As she climaxed her walls squeezed around me and I came hard. My orgasm seemed to

last a long time as I pumped my seed deep inside her body. For a few blinding moments we
convulsed against one another until pleasure became exhaustion.

“Hold on, baby.” I walked us to her bedroom and we collapsed onto the bed. Christ, the

woman was going to kill me. I couldn’t remember the last time I’d come like that, maybe never.
Gradually Kat’s legs dropped from around my body and I rolled off her.

“Will you be here when I wake up?”
She sounded like she was more than halfway sleeping already. I reached for her and

pulled her tightly to my side. “I’ll be here.”

There was nowhere else I wanted to be.

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Chapter 18


“I want you to move to the clubhouse.”
It was more of a demand than a question. “Why?” We were still in bed. Lynch had his

arms around me and I was resting my head on his chest. I glanced up at him. “I like living here.”
It was my own private little world.

“I can protect you better there.”
“Do I need protection?”
“You’re mine, babe. A lot of enemies will go after you to get to me and they’ll take

pleasure in hurting you any way they can.”

I shuddered, trying not to let my mind go there, but I couldn’t stop the images of what

had happened a week ago. I couldn’t forget Red and Bullseye, nor the dead I had seen littering
the ground. Lynch’s reasons for wanting me out of his life made more sense to me now, after
having a week to think about it. I could only guess why he’d changed his mind. He was a hard
man to understand, and there was still so much that I didn’t understand about MC life. Much of
what Stella had said about it hadn’t registered because it hadn’t involved me.

“What are you thinkin’?”
I smiled and ran my open palm over his sculptured chest, finding his skin warm and

feeling the beat of his heart. “That I should have paid more attention to what Stella has been
talking about all these months.”

Lynch’s scowl confused me. “Like what?”
I could feel the tension grow in his body. How many times had he shut me down when it

came to discussing club business? I didn’t want to get Stella into trouble. “She mainly talked
about how sexy the men were and how she wanted to become a member, specifically an old

“She fuckin’ had her sights on becoming my old lady,” Lynch admitted.
I hesitated. “You slept with her.”
“I fucked her.”
“Same thing,” I said.
His hand clenched in my hair and he pulled me further up his body. “I’ve fucked a lot of

women, babe. That’s the MC way of life. We all do it, it means nothing. The sweetbutts on hand
know what they’re there for and it keeps the men stress free and happy.”

“Even the ones with old ladies?”
“Seems to me we’ve been over this,” Lynch growled. “I don’t plan on fucking anyone

else but you, babe, as long as you keep me happy.” I stiffened at that, but he kept on talking.
“Most of the brothers with old ladies are faithful, but there are a few who also take a sweetbutt
on the side.”

I didn’t like the sound of that, and decided right then that if Lynch ever decided to do that

to me it was over between us.

For good.

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“I can see your mind working,” he said. He gave me a hard kiss that was in no way

unsatisfying. A ribbon of need uncurled inside me, surprising me, considering that we’d spent a
good part of the night fucking like bunnies. I was fairly sore, but knew if he rolled me over and
buried his cock inside me again that I wouldn’t complain. “Don’t fuckin’ worry about what’s not
happening. If the day comes when you no longer satisfy me, I’ll give you warning.”

Gee, that was nice. “What if you no longer satisfy me?”
His slow grin was cocky as hell. “Not gonna happen, babe.” A loud knock at the door

broke us apart. “I’ll get that. Most likely the guys are here to install that security alarm.”

I watched the movements of his magnificent body until his words registered. “But−”
“Look,” he began, pulling his jeans on without underwear. “I get that you don’t want to

move out to the clubhouse, so we’ll keep this place just in case it doesn’t work out. I’m also
having an alarm installed on the house.”

I wondered what Grace would have to say about that. “That’s nice of you.”
He was in the process of zipping up his jeans when he stopped, glancing up. “Don’t say

that, I’m not a nice man. I’m not kind, or sweet, or fuckin’ forgiving. Any good deed done by a
civilian for the club influences my decisions within the club. That sweet little girl over there took
a week from her life to take care of a brother. She’s under our protection for life, and that
includes her family.”

Once he left to deal with whoever was at the door I slipped into the bathroom to take a

shower, using the time alone to think. In less than a month my life had taken a turn that I’d never
expected, and I still wasn’t certain if it was for the good. My feelings for Lynch were
complicated. I knew that I was in lust with him, and I cared for him, maybe even loved him a
little, but he was so wrapped up in his club. What I’d seen so far left me wondering if it wouldn’t
be better, certainly safer, to ask him to go away and leave me alone.

The trouble was that I didn’t want to. Maybe I should talk to Stella more about what she

knew. It wouldn’t be hard getting her to open up about a subject she loved, and she thrived on
talking about something the others knew nothing about. But did I really want to go to a woman
Lynch had slept with to pump her for information? I mean, we had to work together in the office,
but we hadn’t become good friends in the way that I had with the other girls. Yet, since her
apology that morning in Lynch’s room, she’d gone out of her way to be nice.

I finished up, turned off the water, and slid the glass door open. Just as I was reaching for

a towel Lynch walked into the bathroom. He leaned against the door frame and crossed his arms,
smiling like a wolf. I felt the heat of his gaze slide over me. God, the man was too sexy for his
own good. I couldn’t help smiling in return.

“Fuck, babe, you’ve got one gorgeous pussy.”
I felt myself blushing. “You sweat talker, you.”
His smile widened. “You up for a ride?”
I wondered if that was a trick question. “Sure. I’ll be out after I’m dressed.”
“Babe, it won’t bother me in the least if you want to go the way you are.”
“I’ll bet.”
Lynch chuckled and left. I quickly dried off and dressed in jeans and a tee-shirt that said

‘Don’t Mess with Me, I’m Dangerous’, with a picture of a Chihuahua on it. I pulled my hair into
a ponytail and slipped into sneakers. By the time I walked out into the main room Lynch was in
the kitchen area with another Wild Marauder. I couldn’t hear what they were saying, but
something must have alerted them that I had entered the room because they both turned my way.

“Ready?” Lynch walked around the counter and came toward me with amusement in his

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eyes. I realized that he was reading my tee-shirt.

“You hungry, babe?”
I mostly wanted coffee. “A little.”
“I want to check on some work being done at our warehouse, and then I’ll take you out to

breakfast. Can you wait till then?” I nodded. “Good. Let’s ride.”

I didn’t know where the warehouse was, but once we took a turn onto the old cemetery

road I had a pretty good idea where Lynch was taking me. Other than a few scattered farms and a
run-down cemetery from the eighteen hundreds, the only place I could think of was the Miller’s
old farm and hen house. The farm was long gone, abandoned for as long as I could remember,
but I knew that the huge building that had once been a thriving chicken plant was still standing.

As we neared the building I took note of the construction vehicles and new fencing that

surrounded the area. Lynch pulled in next to two other bikes, kicked the stand down, cut the
engine, and reached back for my hand to assist me off.

“Hey, prez!”
One of his guys was motioning him over.
“Be right back, babe.” He glanced down at me, grinning. “Stay out of trouble.”
“I’ll try,” I responded, returning his smile.
As Lynch walked away I wandered to the open entranceway of the building and took in

the activity going on around me. The inside of the warehouse was huge, some of it sectioned off
into what looked like rooms, only the walls were steel and the doors weren’t ordinary, either.
They were also steel, and appeared to have combination-type locks. On the other side of the
building there were rows and rows of bikes lined up as if it were a showroom at a dealership. I
could tell they were all new. Not like the vans parked down the center of the room.

This was truly a warehouse, and it housed a small fortune. When Lynch had said that we

were going to the warehouse I hadn’t known what to expect. I could see long, cafeteria-type
tables leaning against the walls, and stacks and stacks of folding chairs. Just inside the doorway
was a small area that had been set up like an apartment. An old sofa and a few chairs, a table,
there was even a small TV, microwave, and fridge.

I took a step further into the room, coming to a jerky halt when I saw Chicken emerging

from what I guessed was a cellar. As I watched him close the trap door my thoughts drifted back
to the day that he’d kidnapped me. I hadn’t seen him much since. The look on his face when he
finally noticed me was almost that of dislike, and I wondered if he’d gotten into trouble for his
mistake. Did he blame me for it? He made me nervous, the way his eyes narrowed over me.

Then, without warning, he turned and went toward the back. It was then that I realized

that most of the workers inside were Wild Marauders. They weren’t wearing their cuts, but I
recognized them from the bar. As I watched them work it dawned on me that they appeared to be
skilled at what they were doing, as they mounted security cameras throughout the building.

“Ready for breakfast?”
I felt an arm go over the back of my shoulder and I turned my face toward Lynch.

“Coffee,” I clarified. “Looks like a lot of your men are working here.”

“Yep.” He began to lead me back outside. “Every brother brings a trade to the club.

Those who don’t have one are taught. It’s one of the requirements of being patched-in. Most can
do construction, mechanic work, but Lenny is an accountant, Fat Boy and Yank can do electrical,
and Hulk used to be a wrestler.” Lynch smiled down at me. “He’s good at security, tracking, and
being the muscle when we need it.”

I could just imagine. I turned to him when we reached his bike. “What are you good at?”

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I teased.

His hands dropped down to beneath my butt and he pulled me up sharply against him. “I

could tell you the many talents I have, but I’d rather show you instead.”

He covered my mouth with his, drawing a moan of deep arousal from me. For a change

Lynch’s kiss was tender, giving, almost sweet as his lips moved slowly, coaxingly over mine,
teasing me mercilessly until I grew weak. It was full of warmth and protection, while striking a
fire in the pit of my belly that did a slow burn through my core. It was a good thing that he was
clutching me to him because otherwise I’d sink to the ground; his sensual kiss was that potent.
Most of the time when Lynch kissed me it was rough and needy, fueled by lust, but this kiss was
different. This kiss revealed so much more.

My heart swelled and something opened up inside me. It scared me. I didn’t want to

acknowledge what it could be. He pulled away, a slight frown on his face, the look in his dark
eyes unfathomable. I couldn’t help wondering if it had just dawned on him the kind of emotion
he’d just revealed. The man wanted me there; there was no question of that. We lusted for one
another. But that kiss told me that Lynch cared for me. I knew better than to question him--he’d
only brush it off. No, I’d have to bide my time until Lynch was ready to reveal what he was

“Let’s go.” He handed me a helmet.
Just as I’d thought, he was going to pretend that there was nothing different about that

kiss. Okay, Mr. bad-ass biker, I could wait. In the meantime, I would do everything in my power
to show him that it was okay to reveal his emotions, to love. Okay to give his heart. He didn’t
have to be afraid. If I was willing to embrace his kind of life, he should be willing to share it with
me. I smiled inwardly, slipping on behind him.

He took us into town, to a restaurant called ‘Mom and Pops’, an old diner that specialized

in serving up food sourced fresh from the neighboring farms. The small businesses of Crows
Feet were good at supporting each other by buying local goods for their shops and restaurants. It
helped keep them in business next to the few larger chains around town.

With his hand at the small of my back Lynch guided me into the restaurant. The bell

chiming above the door drew the attention not only of the people working there, but also of the
patrons. Every eye seemed to turn our way, and while Lynch handled it with indifferent ease, I
felt a definite change in the atmosphere. There was a kind of trepidation mixed with a curiosity
that they couldn’t hide. Though some of them tried not to be obvious, I saw the sidelong glances
coming our way.

The waitress couldn’t wait to serve us. We’d barely sat down in one of the booths against

a window when she rushed over with the menus. She was young, maybe around twenty, and
wearing a uniform that was a little too short and tight. The top few buttons were undone,
showing a good amount of cleavage, and she had eyes only for Lynch.

“Hi, Lynch,” she said with a big smile, her tone flirtatious and seductive. It may not have

been noticeable to him, but as woman I heard it plain as day. “Know what you’d like, yet?” I
rolled my eyes. We hadn’t even looked at the menus yet. “I’ve missed seeing you around lately.”

Fuck. Was she another of his women? She was pretty, with bottle blond hair and heavily

made-up blue eyes. Her lips were red, and she kept licking at them as if she was about to have a
tasty treat. Bitch! Could she have been any more obvious? I couldn’t believe that she was
making a move on him right in front of me. She didn’t know if we were together or not.
Jealously began to eat away at me as I began to imagine all kinds of things that may have gone
on between the two of them.

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“Hi, Jan,” he replied, smiling up at her briefly before his eyes fell to her cleavage.
Her smile grew bigger.
The green I was feeling turned to red.
Lynch was totally oblivious.
“Do you think you can bring me a coffee while we look over the menu?” I asked with a

fake smile. The urge to tell her to take her eyes off my man was so strong that I had to bite down
on my lip.

She barely gave me a glance. “Oh, sure. You, too, honey?” she asked Lynch. He nodded.

“I’ll be right back.”

She winked! The bitch actually winked!
Lynch’s gaze dropped to her ass as she walked away. Bastard! I opened my menu and

pretended to look it over. What little hunger I had was gone now, but I decided I needed to eat
something since I hadn’t eaten anything for dinner the night before. I had started to make
something, but Lynch’s demands on my body had worn me out. He must have put the stuff away
sometime during the night, because when I woke the counter had been cleared.

“Something wrong?”
I glared at him, only because he still had his nose in the menu. “No, why?”
“You sighed.”
“Stop it.” This time his gaze shifted up to meet mine. I wanted to slap him for the humor

I saw dancing in his eyes. “I know what you’re thinking, babe.”

“Well, you’re so good at everything, else I’m not surprised. And for your information, I

saw the way you looked at her. I don’t need to read your mind to know that you’ve probably
fucked her.”

Lynch closed the menu and put it down. “I didn’t think you were the jealous type.”
“I know you’re a man-whore, I−” I stopped, realizing that I’d gone too far. His eyes

crystallized, sending a chill down my spine. His square jaw clenched. Thankfully the waitress
returned with our coffees.

“Ready?” Jan asked sweetly.
He never took his eyes off me. “I’ll have the number eight.”
This time the waitress glanced my way, pen ready to write. “I’ll just have toast, please.”
God, why was I so jealous all of a sudden? Lynch was right, it wasn’t like me. Maybe it

was because of the kiss we’d shared earlier, the one that told my heart that he loved me. How
could I be so stupid to think that a man like him could love any one woman? Lynch could have
any woman he wanted, and right now I just happened to be the flavor of the month. He’d claimed
me, but I wasn’t wearing his cut. I remembered what Stella had said about when a biker made
you his woman.

“Look I’m sorry. I don’t know what’s wrong with me. You’re right; I’m not the jealous

type usually. It’s your business who you fuck.” I held my hand up when he opened his mouth to
speak. “Just know that I won’t share you. If you fuck another woman while you’re with me, it’s
over between us. You made a big deal out of claiming me, well; I’m claiming you the same way.
It’s only fair. Unless you want an open relationship, in which case we can both sleep with other
people.” I could tell that comment didn’t go over very well with him.

“Fuck that,” Lynch growled. “Listen, babe, I’m glad you want me to yourself. It tells me

that you’re committed to us. But let’s get one thing clear—no matter where we go there’s going
to be women who act like Jan, and not always because I’ve fucked them. There’s something

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about being with a bad boy that gets their panties wet. They let their imagination run wild,
thinking we live an exciting life. They come out to the club parties and see the wildness that goes
on and they want to be part of it, when the truth is they don’t have a fuckin’ clue.”

Jan, with the ever present ear to ear smile for Lynch, brought our plates over. “Let me

know if you want anything else, Lynch.”

Her singling him out caused his gaze to lift to hers. “Don’t you see that I’m with

someone?” he asked in a hard voice. She nodded slowly, her smile disappearing. “The next time
you fuckin’ ignore someone who’s sitting at my table I’ll be talking to pops.” He waited a few
seconds for his words to sink in. “Understand?”

“Ye-yes! I’m so sorry!” She turned worried eyes to me. “Is there anything else you’d


Wow. I hadn’t realized that I’d been holding my breath. A serious Lynch was scary. I

shook my head. “No, thank you.”

Lynch waited until she was out of ear shot before asking, “Do you want to know what I

was thinking when I checked out her ass?”

All I could do was nod quietly.
“That it wasn’t near as sexy as yours.”
“You checked out her boobs, too,” I reminded him.
His sexy as sin smile covered his face, and my body responded in the usual way, melting

like a damned candy bar on a hot sidewalk. “Babe, they’re tits, and they were hanging out. A
man’s gonna look at what’s in his face. What matters is what he does, or doesn’t do, about it.”

With that Lynch reached across the table, wrapped his big hand around the back of my

neck, and pulled me halfway across the table until our mouths met. Right there, in front of
everyone, he gave me a long, thorough kiss, with tongue, until my panties were wet and my
nipples tight. The look in his eyes when he released me told me that he knew exactly what he
was doing to me. For a minute all I could do was stare at him while I tried to catch my breath.

“Do you want to know what I’m going to do to you when I get you home?”
I nodded.
“I’m going to fuck those sweet tits of yours until I come all over them. Then I’m gonna

flip you around and fuck that sexy ass. Before the end of the night, babe, you won’t have any
doubts about who I want, or what I want.” I know I must have looked like a frozen statue to him.
“Okay, sweetheart?”

All I could do was nod and remind myself to breathe.

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Chapter 19


Monday morning I arrived at work forty minutes early. Stella had phoned the night

before saying that Doctor Putter wanted everyone in at seven thirty instead of eight for an office
meeting. It wasn’t the first time that he’d made that request, so I didn’t think anything of it.
Being that it was only seven twenty it didn’t concern me when the only other car in the parking
lot was Stella’s, and she was still sitting in it. I parked a couple of spots before her car and turned
off the ignition,

I glanced over, realizing for the first time that she wasn’t alone. A motorcycle was parked

on the other side of her car, and a biker, whose face I couldn’t see yet, was leaning into her
window, talking to her. He straightened at the same time that Stella gave me an enthusiastic
wave. I wasn’t surprised to see that her friend was Chicken. My guess was that she would do
whatever it took to become a member of the Wild Marauders.

Grabbing my purse, I opened my door and exited. I had every intention of going inside

the clinic when Stella called out to me.

“Hey, Kat, come here for a second!” I stopped and turned around, pasting a smile on my

face. “Can you come here, please? I need your help with something.”

My gaze met Chicken’s smirk, and I felt a moment of uncertainty. Maybe even fear. His

thorough inspection of what I was wearing left me feeling dirty and exposed. I got the feeling
that he got off on making me nervous, and that he was doing it on purpose. I tried not to think
about the day that he’d forced me to go with him to the club. While my instinct said to run, my
common sense said that I was reading more into it than there really was. Thank God Stella was

I walked around the car to her opened window. Chicken stepped back to give me room.

“What is it?” I asked, glancing inside and around her. Other than her purse I didn’t see anything
she might need help with. I frowned.

Her smile didn’t quite reach her eyes. “Well, maybe I said it wrong. What I really meant

to say is, ‘have you met my brother?’” She waved her hand in Chicken’s direction. “He’s here to
take care of a little problem I have.”

Everything in me froze, and I knew then that I’d walked into a trap. The look of gleeful

triumph on Stella’s face and the flash of dislike in her eyes said it all. Before I could do anything,
Chicken moved up behind me and I felt something sharp poke into my back. I didn’t move,
barely breathed, as I contemplated what to do, coming up with nothing. We were the only ones
there, and with dread, I realized that the others probably wouldn’t be arriving until eight o’clock.
Without warning, my keys were yanked out of my hand.

“Why?” I asked her, my heart pounding.
“I want Lynch,” she replied sharply. “Once you’re out of the picture he’ll come back to

my bed, where he belongs.”

I looked at her as though she were delusional. “He’ll come looking for me.” Maybe if I

stalled long enough one of the other girls would show up early, but then I thought about the

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danger they would be in, and I didn’t want that.

Stella shook her head, her expression confident. “You overestimate your worth. He might

look for you for a minute, but he won’t find you. Besides, I’ll keep him busy and before you
know it, I’ll be wearing his cut.”

Remembering Lynch’s reaction to my disappearance the week I’d gone away on

vacation, it sounded to me like Stella was the one underestimating Lynch and what he wanted.
“So you’re going to have your brother kill me?”

Chicken moved close so that I felt his breath against the back of my neck when he

laughed. “I’m not gonna kill you, bitch, but by the time we get done with you you’ll wish you
were fuckin’ dead.”

I wondered who ‘we’ was.
“You better get going; I don’t want anyone from the office to see you leaving in her car.”

Stella’s comment was meant for Chicken. “I’ll hide your bike behind the dumpster and then head

Chicken slammed me up against Stella’s car. When I felt him begin to tape my wrists

together I started to struggle wildly, knowing that once he got me into my car I would be in
serious trouble. I swung around and went to gouge his eyes but he was ready for me and blocked
my attack. When I caught sight of the knife in his hands I froze, and he used that to his
advantage, turning me back around and bending me over the trunk.

“You bitch!” He panted, pinning me with his body and grabbing the back of my hair.

“Try anything else and I’ll make you fuckin’ bleed.”

No, thank you, I thought, but he still applied enough pressure with the knife against my

back that it cut through my clothes and pierced my skin. I gasped at the sting of pain, wincing
when he bound my wrists together tightly with the tape. Then he jerked me away from the car
and dragged me over to mine. I stumbled in my heels, but he didn’t care. He opened the trunk,
and that’s when I felt tears stinging my eyes. I wanted to beg him not to put me in there, but I
couldn’t bring myself to expose my terror of small, closed-in spaces. Then it was too late, as he
slapped a piece of tape over my mouth.

He forced me down into the trunk roughly, bound my ankles together, and slammed the

lid. I closed my eyes against the darkness and willed myself to take in slow, deep breaths. I could
survive this. I just needed to remain calm and think. Lynch would come for me, he would find
me, and all I had to do until then was stay alive.



Fuckin’ hell, Wildman was still alive. I’d just got off the phone with Stone. Word going

around was that he and what was left of the Red Devils were joining forces with the Predators.
His appearance in New Hampshire put Dark Menace in lockdown, and now it was our turn to
return the favor of help. We weren’t fuckin’ paranoid; we just knew how crazy dangerous
Wildman and his bunch were. Even the Mexican cartel gave them a wide berth.

So far there was no word on the Red Devils retaliating, but we weren’t stupid enough to

ignore the possibility. Stone had prospects listening to talk on the street about what, if anything
was going down. He was worried, though. He had a few brothers out there on protection runs,

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and they were prime targets for an ambush, which Wildman and his bunch was known for. Being
short of men left Stone’s club vulnerable.

I ran my hands through my hair, meeting each and every one of my brothers’ eyes as I

glanced around the room. When was this shit ever going to end? Hell, I knew the answer
already—it wouldn’t end until we put Wildman in the ground, maybe Killer, too, if we wanted
peace. The Predators were babies compared to the evil of the Devils. Hopefully they could be
reasoned with, if and when the time came to parley.

“How many Red Devils survived our hit?” Wizard asked in his gravelly tone.
“Does it fuckin’ matter?” Hulk snarled. “If the Predators are being patched-over by the

Devils then Wildman’s numbers are right back up to where they were before we hit their

Hulk was right. I wondered if Killer fully understood what being patched-over would

mean for him and his club. If the Predators went through with it.

“So, are they being patched-over?” Yank asked, the look in his eyes slightly wild.
“Doubt it,” Fat Boy responded. “Killer is doin’ Wildman a favor by joining forces with

him, but he won’t give-up his presidency. From what I’ve heard he’s a controlling fuck.”

“Fuckers! Those two need to be put in the ground.” Lenny was only saying what

everyone else was thinking. Agreement sounded throughout the room. “So what’s the plan,

As expected, all eyes turned toward me. I leaned back in my chair, watching as some

pulled out cigarettes and lit them up, others swallowed drinks. I crossed my arms. The plan was
always the same when it came to shit like this. We went to war.

“Before we talk about that we need to take a vote on patching in our prospects, because

we’ll sure as fuck need more men going in to New Hampshire.”

“Well, I’m not voting in Chicken,” Wizard spoke up gruffly. “Been watching the little

bastard, and he’s a sneaky devil.”

It seemed more likely that Wizard just didn’t like Chicken. Chicken was a fuck-up, and if

we didn’t vote him into Wild Marauders it would be on that merit alone. It didn’t matter if we all
liked a brother or not. No one wanted to say out loud that perhaps Wizard was just too fucking
old to keep up with the younger brothers, but the expressions on the faces of some of the other
brothers made it clear that this is what they were thinking.

“All right, how many want to vote Chicken in?” Not one brother raised their hand.
“We need more time with him prospecting,” Hulk said. “I agree with Wizard, he’s too

fuckin’ secretive.”

“What about Bullseye?” I glanced around the room. “I think he’s earned his right as a full

patched member.”

“Yeah, he took two fuckin’ bullets for the club,” added Lenny.
“Let’s vote. How many think he should be patched-in?” Everyone raised their hands.

“What about Snake?” He was the newest prospect, and so far he’d fuckin’ shown that he could
handle himself in a fight. “He just came back from a fight in Last Hope, and brought the club in
thirty-five grand.” Nods of agreement were followed by hands in the air. “Done.” I glanced at
Moody. “Get their cuts ordered.”

“Man is good in the rink,” Lenny agreed. “Earning us thirty-five grand in less than fifteen


“Do we want Snake to finish church with us?”
Fat Boy’s suggestion was a good one. Including a newly patched-in member in church

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was not something that we normally did, but with the shit coming up it would be easier than
filling him in on the plan later.

I gave Fat Boy a nod. He scooted his chair back and went out to get Snake. The newly

patched-in member walked into the room with a huge smile on his whiskered face. Once
congratulations went around the room, a spare chair was pulled up to the table and Snake took a

“Next up, I want Yank and Moody to take a ride to the Devils compound and check out

what’s going on. They still have buildings on the property, but I want to know if it looks like
they’re rebuilding or packing up shit to leave. Get a fuckin’ head count if you can.” I didn’t
expect any responses other than their head nods.

I reached for the whisky in front of me and downed it in one swallow. The slow burn was

just what I fucking needed to keep me on track. It sharpened my thoughts. I looked at Fat Boy. “I
think it’s time we move Bullseye here. Take Snake with you and pick him up in a cage.”

“Do we bring his sweet little nurse with him?” Snake joked, getting a few laughs from

some of the guys at the table. Most of the brothers knew about Lizzy, and it was obvious from
their responses that Bullseye must have shared a few things about her to them when they’d

I shook my head. “Not unless she wants to tag along. Check in with Chicken on your way

past the clinic, make sure that Kat’s okay. And don’t say anything about him not being patched-

“Will do,” Fat Boy said.
“She your old lady now?”
I glared at Snake. Since he was new I’d cut him some slack. I’d claimed her, but I wasn’t

ready to make it official yet. “Have you heard any fuckin’ announcements?” His smile
disappeared and he shook his head. “That doesn’t mean she’s up for grabs, either.” I wanted that
to be clear to my brothers.

I caught Lenny’s knowing smile and wanted to fucking knock it off his face. “The club


“I know what the fuckin’ club rules say,” I snarled.
“So what’s the hold up?” My VP was the only one who could get away with goading me

the way he was. We went too far back and knew each other too well. “She has a fuckin’ hot bod,
knows how to cook, ride a bike−”

“Shut the fuck up.” Lenny sat back and crossed his arms, a shit eatin’ grin on his face. It

was time to talk about the shit that was coming up. “It’s not a matter of if we go to New
Hampshire, but when. Dark Menace brothers are already on lockdown. Stone will let us know
when he needs us, and when that fuckin’ happens we move fast, so everyone stay close. We owe

“Lockdown?” Dirk spoke up for the first time.
“Fuck yes, brother. We don’t take chances with our families. Everyone stays here this

time too; this isn’t a joy ride we’re goin’ on. Wizard and Snake will stay here with you.”

“You worried Wildman will try another attack?”
I leaned forward and gave Snake a look of approval, glad to see that my earlier snarl at

him hadn’t deterred him from asking the questions that needed to be asked. “Not really, but I
wouldn’t put anything past the fucker. He and his boys have been spotted in New Hampshire, but
that doesn’t mean he didn’t fuckin’ leave some of his crew here to do just that.” I made eye
contact with Hulk and Joker. “You’re still on protection detail for the Jonesy brothers. We’ve

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been paid and they’re expecting us. Get back here as fast as you fuckin’ can.” Both men
acknowledged my demand with a chin lift. I kicked back my chair and stood. “That’s it for now,
brothers. Fat Boy and Snake, hang back.”

I waited until the room was quiet again and it was just the three of us.
“What’s up, prez?”
“I don’t like what I’m hearing about Chicken. Until he can be trusted I don’t want him on

Kat. Stop at the clinic on your way back from picking up Bullseye.” Glancing at Snake I added,
“I want you to change places with him.”

“Sure, prez.”
I walked out of the room with them, but as they continued forward I swung into the bar

for another drink. My thoughts lingered on Chicken. Fuck, maybe I should just turn him loose.
Dirk saw me coming and had a whiskey waiting for me by the time I reached the bar. I gave him
a chin lift, picked up the glass, and downed it while sitting down on a stool. In the mirror behind
him I could see one of the sweetbutts making her way toward us. When she reached us she
brushed up against me.

“Hey, baby.” She leaned in and caressed the side of my neck with her nose. “You haven’t

come to visit me in a while.”

“Another one,” I said to Dirk. I turned slightly and met Lola’s half-closed eyes. “I

haven’t been to visit anyone.”

“You must be--” her hand glided down my arm and around to cover the zipper area over

my dick, “hurting for a little relief,” she cooed. “Why don’t you come to my room?” When I
didn’t move, she pleaded, “Come on, baby.”

“Not interested.” I reached for the glass Dirk set down in front of me. Her hand on my

dick wasn’t doing a fucking thing for me.

“I could do you here,” she suggested, running her lips up and down my neck. I knew it

was coming, but before I could stop her she bit me.

“Fuck!” I pushed Lola away in anger, meeting her confused look. The girls knew what

turned me on, but this time her bite pissed me off instead of getting my dick hard. The only one I
wanted biting me was Kat.

I didn’t know why I was holding off making it official when it was obvious that she was

the only one who fucking got to me these days. Christ, she didn’t even have to be there; just the
thought of her did the trick. Who knows, maybe I was fucking ready to settle down.

I let my gaze run the length of Lola’s naked form, lingering on her tits and shaved pussy,

wondering how many other brothers she’d already satisfied that day, how many dicks she’d
sucked off with her talented mouth.

A slow smile spread across her heavily made up face. It was obvious that she

misinterpreted my lingering look. “I thought you liked it hard, baby.”

I ignored her innuendo, “Find someone else, Lola. Stay the fuck away from me.”
A distinctive noise had me swinging back to Dirk. He’d placed another shot in front of

me, grinning. He shrugged. “I know the feelin’ brother.”

I grabbed the glass and left to go back to my office.



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I didn’t know how long we’d been traveling when the car slowed down, made a turn, and

then stopped. All I knew was that I was cramped, scared shitless and dripping sweat from the
panic attacks I’d struggled with the entire ride. The attacks were coming out of fear of the
situation, and because I didn’t like dark, enclosed spaces. Being bound made it a hundred times

Relief was instant when the trunk door was opened. I sucked in the fresh air, my gaze

squinting up at Chicken. I was surprised to see that it was still daylight out. My best guess was
that it was late afternoon. What little I could see gave me no clue as to where we were. Trees
were trees. I moaned in pain, hoping to get Chicken to remove the tape from my mouth. I was
dying of thirst and had to use the bathroom.

He stared down at me and smiled, pulling a phone out of his back pocket. Fucking

bastard! I could tell he was taking cruel delight in my situation. Leaning his butt against the car,
he hit a programmed number and waited.

“Hey, I’m here but I don’t see anyone around.” He waited, and then chuckled and looked

back down at me. “Yeah, trussed up like a pretty Christmas package. Right now I’m giving her
some fresh air.” He laughed at something they said. His hand came down to squeeze my breast. I
tried to jerk away. Chicken became angry, but it appeared to be from something that was said to
him on the phone, and not from my reaction to his touch. He straightened. “Fuck that, man! The
deal was I grab her at the clinic and deliver her here. I want the bitch off my hands.”

As I listened to Chicken’s side of the conversation I tried to move into a new position, but

only managed to roll from my side onto my back. I moaned silently, the pain in my body made
worse by my weight being shifted onto my arms and hands. I rolled to my other side, my gaze
landing on the crate where I stored everything that might come in handy if my car broke down.

It was my car emergency kit. Narrowing my gaze, I looked for something that might help

get me out of this situation. In the mix of oil, tire repair stuff, a fire extinguisher, and bungee
cords there was a small first aid kit. Was there a pair of scissors in there? I thought back and
shook my head, thinking probably not. I saw a jumper cable, tire gauge, a can of Magic Tank,
and a small selection of tools. In the selection of tools was a box cutter. I got excited.

“Look, man--” the panic in Chicken’s voice drew my attention back to him. “This bitch is

Lynch’s old lady; you got what the fuck I’m sayin’?” He listened. “Okay! Okay!” he sounded
resigned. “I’ll do it,” he growled between his teeth. I heard the loud snap of him closing his

“What the fuck are you doing, bitch?” His hands were brutal as he rolled me back toward

him. He ripped the tape off my mouth. The man was clearly angry and taking it out on me.

“Please, I’m thirsty and I need to pee.”
“You’re lucky you’re still alive.” He pulled me up into a sitting position and reached for

the tape around my ankles. “You try anything, anything,” he glared into my eyes, “and I’ll cut
you.” When he was done he moved up and removed the tape from around my wrists.

Oh, God. I rubbed my wrists and shook my hands to get the circulation flowing. That’s

all I had time to do before Chicken grabbed me by my hair and arm and pulled me out of the
truck. I cried out, but he wasn’t in the mood to show any kind of mercy, still seething.

He yanked me close to him and snarled, “You see that tree over there?” I shifted my gaze

to where he was looking. “You got five fuckin’ minutes to do your business and I’m coming for
you.” He gave me a shove in that direction.

I didn’t need five minutes. I just needed to pee, and I did it as fast as I could, glad that I’d

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decided to wear a skirt that day. My empty bladder was appreciative, too. As I made my way
back toward the car I took in my surroundings. Nothing looked familiar. We were behind a
cluster of trees and shrubbery next to a billboard sign that was so old and faded that I couldn’t
make out the advertisement. I figured that we were on the interstate though, as I could make out
glimpses of vehicles racing past on the other side of the trees.

Getting close to Chicken, I wondered if he had something to drink. “Why are you doing

this?” Instinct told me that there was more to it than just eliminating competition so that Stella
could get in good with Lynch.

His laugh sounded evil. “Get back in the trunk,” he ordered, ignoring my question. It was

then that I saw the roll of tape in his hand.

“Please don’t tape me again, it cuts off my circulation. It’s not like I can go anywhere in

the trunk.” He reached for me anyway. “Please,” I said again, purposely turning my voice soft in
the hopes that it would persuade him.

Chicken hesitated, and I could tell that he was thinking it over. I didn’t like how his gaze

suddenly moved over me, seeming to linger on my boobs. I resisted the impulse to cross my

“What will you give me?”
I swallowed. I knew what he wanted, but said instead, “A kiss?” The thought repulsed

me, but I knew that I had to offer something more substantial than a promise. At least he looked

His grin had nothing to do with humor. He said nothing, just crooked his finger for me to

move closer. Shit, I didn’t want to kiss him, but the thought of being bound again so that I
couldn’t move scared me more. Besides, if I was going to get my hands on that box cutter I
needed them free. Heart in my throat, I reluctantly stepped closer, and then quickly, before I lost
my breakfast, I kissed his nearly non-existent lips. Just as I was about to pull away a hand
twisted in my hair, and Chicken held me to him, grinding his mouth over mine.

Everything in me rebelled against him. I was going to throw up. Before I could react, he

pulled me back by the hair and forced me into the trunk with a triumphant laugh. I’d barely lain
down before he slammed the trunk closed. He was still laughing when he walked away, but I
didn’t care, grateful for this small victory. I rubbed my hand across my abused mouth to wipe his
kiss away, shaking wildly. I didn’t even care that I hadn’t gotten the drink that I needed.

Hearing the engine start up, I let out a breath of relief. At least now I could move around.

The interior of the trunk was pitch black, but it occurred to me that there may be a flashlight in
my emergency crate. I laughed at the irony of the fact that I needed a flashlight in order to find a
flashlight. Maybe I was losing it. There was nothing funny about my situation.

Recalling where the tools were located, I began to feel my way through the items to the

bottom. My fingers felt the cool metal of screwdrivers and wrenches before coming to the thin
plastic handle of the cutter. God, please let there still be a blade in it. As I worked my hand back
out I felt the round, cylinder handle of a small flashlight. Soon a small light illuminated the
trunk. A flashlight, a box cutter, and then my hands were untied and my chances of escape were
looking better.

All I had to do now was wait to make my move.

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Chapter 20


“Hey, prez, you’re not gonna like this.”
I detected the reluctance in Fat Boy’s voice and frowned, knowing that this wasn’t going

to be good. “What?”

“We’re here at the clinic and they haven’t fuckin’ seen hide or hair of your lady all day.

Chicken ain’t here, either.”

“Fuck!” Barely covered how I really felt.
“Fat Boy!” I heard Snake give a yell at him in the background, and waited. Whatever he

said next was mumbled.

“Shit, man,” Fat Boy was back to me on the phone. “Chicken’s bike was stashed behind

the fuckin’ dumpster!”

I slammed my fist down on the bar top, drawing the attention of everyone in the room.

“Get the fuck back here.”

I was going to fucking explode. Anger and fear for Kat raced side by side for control. My

mind ran with all kinds of fucking possibilities of why she hadn’t made it to work. And where
was Chicken? He was supposed to be watching her. The fact that his bike had been hidden
behind the dumpster explained a lot. It was obvious that he was involved in some way. That
fucking little prick was dead.

“Prez, what the hell?” Lenny commented, moving next to me.
I barely gave him a look, slipping off my stool. “That was Fat Boy, looks like Chicken

has taken Kat. Call Miles at the sheriff’s office. Tell him to put out a search for her car, possible
abduction.” Miles was on our payroll to handle ‘special’ jobs. We were heading to my office,
where I kept a file on everyone connected to the club.

“Unofficial,” I snapped. “If Chicken has her I want to deal with him myself. Make sure

you tell Miles that.”

We’d reached my office and I went directly to the file cabinet behind my desk. Kat’s file

would have her license number. Why the fuck hadn’t I had a GPS tracker installed on her car a
long time ago? Because the truth was that until a couple days ago I hadn’t wanted to admit that
she was in my life, that’s why.

“Any idea where he might take her?”
I stopped and looked at Lenny. Shit. Had Chicken sold us out? Was he taking Kat to

Wildman? Thoughts hopped around in my head like the fuckin’ pieces of a puzzle that wouldn’t
line up. Grabbing Kat’s file, I slammed the drawer shut with enough force to make the whole
cabinet shake. I fisted my hands, crumbling the file in the process.

“Easy, Lynch.” Lenny put a hand on my shoulder, his other taking the folder out of my

grasp. “We’ll get her back.”

I released a deep breath and fought to compose myself. Going off in a blind rage

wouldn’t help anything, but I wanted to explode. I wanted to hurt someone. I wouldn’t allow

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myself to even consider that anything bad had happened to Kat. I knew that she was strong, and
she was a fighter. Fat Boy, Snake, and Bullseye walked into the room then, drawing our

I narrowed my eyes on Fat Boy. “Who did you fuckin’ talk to at the clinic?”
“Stella saw us come in and she came over to find out what we wanted.”
Stella. I reached for my cell and scrolled through the contacts until I found what I was

searching for. I hit the number and glanced up in time to see Lenny step out of the room,
probably to call Miles.

The phone rang three times before being picked up. “Hey, doc.” Dr. Putter was a friend

of the club and we only used him when Dr. Carr wasn’t available, and only then in cases of

“Lynch? It’s been a while. What can I help you with?”
“Quick question, did you have a staff meeting at 7:30 this morning?”
“Staff meeting?”
The sound of confusion in his voice told me all that I needed to know. “Never mind.” I

hung up and ran my hand over my face. Stella was involved. The bitch hadn’t known that I’d
been with Kat the night before when she’d called informing Kat of an early morning meeting. I
was glad that Stella wasn’t in front of me in that moment, because my hands itched to close
around her conniving neck.

Lenny walked back into the room. “Miles has a contact with the highway patrol that’s

going to keep watch on the interstate, too.”

“We need to get Stella −”
“Stella? I just saw her walk into the bar while I was outside making a−”
I was out of my chair before Lenny could finish his sentence, and reaching the bar within

seconds. It was early still, so the place was fairly empty. My gaze found Stella sitting at the bar
with Lola. Lola saw me approaching before Stella did, and the look on my face must have
frightened her because she immediately took off. I took hold of Stella’s arm and swung her
around on her stool.

“Where the fuck is Kat?” I snarled.
The expression on her face revealed surprise and alarm. “I−”
“I know you’ve got something to do with her disappearance.” I squeezed her arm,

uncaring that I was hurting her. “I was with Kat last night when you fuckin’ called.” I lowered
my face into hers and growled, “There was no meeting, bitch. Now where the fuck is she?” I
jerked her off her stool.

“I made a mistake.” Her voice wobbled, but I was certain that it was an act.
“Back off!” I snapped at Lenny, ignoring his attempt to calm me down. “She fuckin’ lied

to get Kat into work early this morning, and Chicken took her!”

Fat Boy spoke up, directing his comment to Lenny. “We found his bike parked behind

the dumpster at the clinic, and Kat’s car’s gone.”

“Fuck,” Lenny said, obviously realizing the significance of that information.
“Okay!” Stella cried out in a teary voice, drawing everyone’s attention to her. “I did lie!

But it was just to get Kat in early so we could talk privately.”

I watched the tears fall down her cheeks, narrowing my eyes. I wasn’t ready to believe

her shit. “Talk about what?” I said the words through my teeth.

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“You! We talked about you,” Stella sobbed. “I’m pregnant, Lynch, and the baby is


What the fuck? “Bullshit,” I snarled in her face, breathing through my nose like an angry

bull. “We used a condom,” I ground out. There was no way in hell I was going to believe her.
She sounded too desperate, and I knew how badly she wanted to become my old lady.

“It’s true, Lynch,” she insisted, sniffling. “And condoms have been known to fail.”
I shook my head, glancing up at Lenny. “I’m not listening to any more of her fuckin’ lies.

Have a sweetbutt go to the store and get a fuckin’ pregnancy test.” I glared back at Stella. “You
better hope that you’re fuckin’ pregnant, because if you’re not, I’ll be back, and trust me when I
say you won’t like me.”

I couldn’t stand to look at the lying bitch after that. I didn’t want to be in the same room

with her, afraid of what I’d do. She wasn’t pregnant, and if she were, the father could be any one
of ten different guys. If it turned out that she wasn’t lying and a paternity test proved that I was
the father then I’d deal with that when the time came. But it wouldn’t be in the way that she was

I needed to be out looking for Kat. I wanted to get on my fuckin’ bike and ride, do

something to find her. Frustration caused me to punch a hole in the wall.

“We’ll find her, prez.”
I turned my head toward Lenny and nodded, unable to speak.



I wasn’t sure how I managed to fall asleep, but I did. The sound of gravel crunching

beneath the tires woke me. The car came to a stop, and I could hear voices outside. I held my
breath and strained to hear what was being said, but the sound was too muffled. They were men
though, I could tell by their deep tones.

Sensing that the trunk was about to be opened, I reached up and made sure that the box

cutter was snug where I’d hidden it in my bra. I heard them come to the back of the car, and then
I was looking up at a starry sky and the faces of three scary looking bikers.

“Well, well. I’d heard Lynch’s old lady was a beauty,” one of the men said, smiling down

at me. He was tall and lean, but his strength was obvious in the definition of his bare arms. “The
face that’s gonna take out the Wild Marauders.”

“You can have her.” Chicken pulled me up and out of the trunk roughly. “I expect extra

for bringing her all this way. It wasn’t part of the fuckin’ deal.”

“You’ll get what you fuckin’ deserve,” said the heavyset biker. He looked like a big

grizzly bear with long thick hair and a braided beard. “Wildman said to make sure of that.”

I didn’t like the way that he and the other man laughed. It reeked of insincerity and gave

me chills. It was as though they knew something that no one else knew. It didn’t seem to bother
Chicken though, as he pushed me toward them. It was obvious that he was focused on getting rid
of me and getting out of there.

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“Did you tell anyone where you were bringing her?”
Chicken shook his head. “Not even my sister.”
“Good,” said the big man, shaking his head. “Good. Here’s your bonus.”
He raised his arm and I saw something flash, right before he buried a knife in Chicken’s

belly. My scream was cut short when the other man grabbed me and covered my mouth with his
gloved hand. I squirmed against him, watching helplessly as Chicken was killed in a gruesome
way, a slow, steady stream of blood pouring out of the hole in his gut. It all happened so fast that
he fell to his knees with a look of stunned surprise on his face, the knife was sharply pulled out
of his chest by one of the men, and then Chicken keeled over.

My heart was pounding so fast that I thought I was going to have a heart attack. I

couldn’t seem to suck enough air into my lungs as I clawed at the hand over my mouth. The man
wrapped an arm around my waist and secured me against him, until exhaustion and shock took
over and I went limp.

“Put him in the trunk and dump the car in the lake. I’ll deliver our pretty package to

Wildman and Killer and meet you back at the bar,” he said over my head.

I watched Chicken’s body picked up and dumped into the trunk as though he were

nothing more than garbage. Then my car was driven away.

“Woowee, Rebel, she’s purty.”
I followed the sound of the voice and nearly had my second heart attack. At least six

bikers were sitting on their bikes, just watching and waiting in the shadow of the building that
they were parked by. I hadn’t noticed them before. Dark surrounded us, there no street lights of
any kind. I could tell that we were at an old gas station that appeared to have been closed down
for years. The windows were boarded up. What landscaping there’d been was overgrown and

“We gonna get a taste of that pussy before we give her to Wildman and Killer?” the same

man asked.

“If you fuckin’ want it to be the last pussy you ever have,” Rebel responded.
Wildman. I vaguely remembered hearing his name mentioned during the attack at my

apartment, but Killer was one that I’d never heard before. I began to suspect that Chicken had
brought me to a rival MC. The man holding me removed his hand from my mouth and began to
push me toward a parked truck.

“You don’t have to do this.” For some reason I sensed a reluctance in this man, as if he

weren’t completely on board with what he was doing. Woman’s intuition, maybe? When he’d
held me while Chicken was being murdered it hadn’t been as brutal and degrading as I’d been
expecting. “You can let me go.” I knew I was pleading, but I didn’t care.

“No can do.” He opened the passenger side door. “I want to keep my balls where they

are. Now get in.”

I had no choice but to do what he said. Now wasn’t the time to try and escape with six

bikers on our tail. I had no idea where we were, nothing looked remotely familiar, I was starved,
thirsty, and had to use the bathroom again. I took in our surroundings as we drove down a dark
road, but could only guess that we were somewhere in the country.

“Can you at least tell me where we are? I’ve been in a fucking trunk all day.”
“New Hampshire.”
I lay my head back against the seat and closed my eyes. New Hampshire. What was in

New Hampshire? “What’s going to happen to me?”

“That’s up to Wildman.”

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I shivered. “You’re going to turn me over to someone with the name ‘Wildman?’”
He shrugged, giving me a quick look as he turned the engine over. “Either him or Killer.”
“Killer? Well, that’s even better.” My sarcastic tone wouldn’t get me anywhere, but the

day’s events were starting to sink in, revealing how hopeless my situation really was. The only
thing that kept me going was knowing that Lynch would be looking for me.

He didn’t say anything. As we drove down a dark road I could hear the bikers following

us. It was easy to tell from the shadowed landscape we passed that we were in the country. Once
in a while we passed a house and farm, and on one occasion a small country store. My belly
growled as if it knew that we’d just passed a source of food.

Rebel made a movement that drew my attention back to him. He opened up a middle

console, and I could see him withdraw something from it. I couldn’t tell what it was in the
darkness of the cab, but when he thrust a bottle of water and a package of crackers at me I let out
a heavy sigh of relief. He must have heard my stomach rumble.

“Thank you,” I said in a low tone, too hungry and thirsty to throw it back at him. I didn’t

want to accept anything from them, but I had no idea how long I’d be held captive, so I decided
that refusing any food or water would be a stupid mistake.

Again, Rebel said nothing. I tore open the package, which turned out to be peanut butter

and crackers, eating a couple squares before taking a drink. I wasn’t a huge fan of peanut butter,
but I scarfed it down as though it tasted like succulent lobster soaked in butter, thankful for the
protein. In about ten minutes all of the crackers were gone, and I felt much better.

Except now I really had to use the bathroom.
“I have to go,” I said.
“We’re almost there.”
Oh. In a matter of minutes we pulled into a trailer park. At the entrance there was a large

building with the lights on, few windows, and a neon sign flashing on top that read, ‘Wet
Willies’. Rebel pulled into the parking lot and came to a stop at the end of a row of motorcycles.

He turned off the engine. “Get out.”
My first thought after he exited the vehicle was to stay inside and lock all of the doors

and refuse to get out, but what would that gain me, other than possibly abuse at their hands? My
anxiety level began to rise when I forced myself to do what Rebel ordered. I shut the door,
ignoring the bikers pulling up besides us. Thoughts of what awaited me inside the bar almost
made me lose the insubstantial contents of my stomach.

I took several deep breaths, releasing them slowly, but it did nothing to calm my nerves.

When Rebel opened the door and waited for me to precede him, I stood back, unable to take the
step that would lead me into the chaos and loud music coming from inside the building. I
reluctantly met his indifferent gaze.

“Do what you’re told and you might get through this.” His comment was anything but


Before I could make the decision for myself, one of the bikers moved up behind me and

butted me through the open doorway with a hard movement from his hips. Laughter followed as
I shrugged off Rebel’s steadying hands.

“Don’t touch me!” I hissed to the biker before I could think. I was shaking so badly, and

if I didn’t get to a bathroom soon I was going to embarrass myself. “Please,” I pleaded in a low
tone, looking up at Rebel, “I have to go.”

He indicated a small hallway and I looked over to see the restroom signs. I also noticed

an exit sign at the end of the hallway. Without waiting I hurried to the ladies room and took care

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of business. Oh, God, that had been close! I noticed the window when I exited the stall, but it
was too small for anyone to squeeze through. I thought back to the exit door that stood at the end
of the hallway. How far could I get before they caught up to me?

I knew that I had to make a run for it. Until now I’d been too cooperative, mostly because

I was waiting for the right time to make a move. I had no experience in abduction protocol, but
instinct warned me that they might let their guard down if I let them think that I was frightened
and subdued. I wasn’t faking the frightened part, though, even knowing that Lynch was out there
looking for me,

The woman staring back at me in the mirror as I washed my hands looked pale, tired, and

wrinkled. My hair looked bedroom wild. My blouse, besides being dirty, was torn. Little specks
of something on the material, upon closer inspection, turned out to be splatters of blood. Blood?
Then I recalled that I’d been close to Chicken when he’d been killed. I shuddered with repulsion.

I jumped at the knock on the door. “Let’s go!”
I opened the door with every intention of turning left and dashing out the exit door, but

when I turned I ran smack dab into Rebel. Damn him, he’d known! He grunted at the impact,
swung me around and pushed me toward the opposite direction. It all happened so fast that I
didn’t even have time to react.

The bar was crowded and looked like every other bar I’d been in, plenty of patrons sitting

around tables, and bikers. Women were dressed in the skimpiest of outfits, some naked at the
poles. The room had a smell of cigarettes, booze, and body odor. I ignored my surroundings as
Rebel pushed me in the direction that he wanted.

We came to a halt at a booth in the back. Two men dressed in similar black clothing and

biker gear stopped talking and glanced up at us. One man was around fifty, completely bald, and
tattooed up with colorful ink. He had so much on his face that it was hard to find his eyes, but I
knew that they were there because I could feel his silent appraisal. He was big, but not fat, and
creepy. For some reason he made me think of the circus.

The second man was just as scary. His long hair was pulled back into a man bun. He had

tattoos too, but they were black lines and images, combined with small gauges in his ears, and
piercings in his eye brow and lip. Unlike the other biker, I could see his eyes and expression
clearly, and fear chilled my blood at the way he was staring at me. He gave me the impression of
a predator. When Lynch looked at me that way it excited me, and it usually ended with us having
hot sex, but this man scared the shit out of me. He looked ready to destroy something with his
hands, and I sensed evilness about him.

I assumed this was Killer and Wildman.
“So you’re Lynch’s woman.” Yellowish teeth appeared in a face of blues, reds, and

yellows. “What’s your name, bitch?”

I had a feeling that he already knew. “Kat.”
“He’ll come for you,” the other man said, reaching forward and running his hand down

my lower arm. Rebel’s presence behind me prevented me from backing up. “Nice and soft.
Lynch is a very lucky man.”

My skin was crawling. Because my gaze was focused on the monster who was speaking,

I didn’t see the rapid movement of the other man until he’d reached for the top opening at my
blouse and ripped the fragile material down the front. I heard the buttons hit the floor and did
back up this time, finding my arms grasped from behind to hold me still. I tore out of Rebel’s
hold, reached across the table, and slapped the laughing man’s ugly face.

He jumped from the booth and backhanded me so hard that I would have fallen to the

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floor if Rebel hadn’t caught me. This time he pinned my arms behind my back and gave me a
warning jerk. I struggled against him, realizing by the change in mood in the two men at the table
that I was in serious trouble.

“I’m about to fuckin’ find out how lucky Lynch is,” growled the man who’d slapped me.

He pulled the edges of my blouse open and squeezed both of my breasts until I cried out. His
eyes shifted over my head to look at Rebel. “By sticking my cock between your legs. Take the
bitch to my room.”

“Wait a minute−”
“You’ll get your fuckin’ turn after,” the tattooed man snapped at his friend.
“Well, don’t fucking hurt her too much,” his friend said. “Save some of her fire for me.”
Keeping my wrists pinned to the small of my back, Rebel ushered me through the room

and down a hall behind the bar. My gaze landed on several patrons, my eyes pleading for help,
but they didn’t move, didn’t as much as blink. Either they were used to this, were too afraid to
step in, or they simply didn’t care.

“You know what they’re going to do to me.” I pushed against Rebel to try to keep from

moving forward, but it was no use, he was too strong. He stopped at a door, opened it, and
pushed me inside. I heard the turn of a lock after he closed the door. How could I have ever
thought he was anything other than what he was, a cold-blooded killer and accomplice?

I stood in the middle of the room. It was filthy, and smelled like cigarettes and stale sex.

The sheets on the unmade bed looked like they hadn’t been changed, ever, and the outline of
several stains were obvious. My gaze flew to the closed, dirty window. It was big enough to get
through, but I saw the wire around it indicating that it was wired with an alarm.

I swung around when the door suddenly opened. The tattooed man walked in, slammed

and locked the door behind him. His teeth were showing, which meant that he was smiling at me.
I followed the movement of his hand as he cupped his hard-on. My heart began beating out of
control as panic set it, and I backed up until the back of the bed hit my knees.

“I hope your pussy’s as yummy as your fuckin’ tits, bitch.” I pulled the edges of my

ruined blouse together, eliciting an evil laugh from him. “After I fuck you we’ll take a fucking
picture and send it to Lynch so he’ll know I’m takin’ good care of his woman.”

My stomach churned with revulsion. I watched as he lowered the zipper of his pants and

whipped out his penis. He ran his hand up and down the uncircumcised dick and started to walk
toward me. I curled my nose up when a sour stench assailed my nostrils, telling me that he hadn’t
bathed recently.

“Get down on your fucking knees.”
Oh hell no! “Fuck you!”
He growled and threw himself at me. We fell to the bed, and for a moment I felt

smothered beneath his heavy weight. His beefy, hurtful hands seemed to be everywhere at once,
squeezing my boobs, my butt, and then reaching down for the hem of my skirt. When I felt his
hand pulling it up my legs I began to buck and claw at him with my nails, fighting him with all
my strength. He slapped me several times and then returned to my skirt. As I lay there stunned, I
felt him pull my panties down, and then the feel of his disgusting dick was against my thigh. No!
Tears fell down the side of my face as I tried in vain to push his heavy body off me.

I leaned forward and sank my teeth into his chin. He yelped and swore, punching me in

the face. I saw stars and knew that I had to fight the dizziness or he was going to rape me. His
cheek was my next target, and I bit down so hard that he jerked his upper body back in pain. In
the few seconds that followed I dug for the box cutter that was buried in my bra, and brought my

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arm down on the bed next to me.

“You fuckin’ cunt!” The man was so enraged that he wrapped his hands around my throat

and began to squeeze. “I’ll fucking kill you!”

I felt his blood drip down onto my face, but took little pleasure in his injury because he

was still choking the life out of me. Maybe that was for the best. I’d rather die than be raped.
Lynch’s face swam before my clouded vision, and I realized that he would never know how I felt
about him. Just as a peaceful, floating feeling began to drift over me his hands were gone.

I lay there; somewhere in between consciousness and a dark void that threatened to suck

me under. Big hands were moving over me again, pinching and squeezing a trail of pain through
my body. Someone was whimpering, and I realized that it was me. I tried to open my eyes. I
could tell that the man on top of me was moving his hand down to his dick. I knew what would
follow. I would only have one chance. Fighting to remain conscious, I slipped the box cutter out,
and then forced myself to remain awake by pushing out the retractable blade and cutting the side
of my leg

I slowly brought my hand up and opened my eyes to look at him. I was glad to see the

blood on his face caused by my teeth, and I knew that if I was lucky I would make him bleed
more. It came down to me or him, and I was going to have to kill him. I doubted that the box
cutter would cause much pain, so I decided that there was only one place that would guarantee
his death.

Moving quickly, I brought the blade across the side of his neck, going in long and deep,

realizing by the spray of blood that followed that I’d severed his carotid artery. His reaction was
instant as he groaned, jerked, and brought his hand up to cover the wound, his eyes bulging with
disbelief. Dragging me with him he rolled off the bed, we landed hard on the floor at the same
time. I ended up on top, and quickly rolled off and away from him. All I could do was lay there
and listen to him gurgle as his life’s source pooled around him.

I closed my eyes, unable to move.
And then there was silence.

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Chapter 21


Full throttle.
It was dangerous as hell.
It was fucking exhilarating.
It was the fastest way to turn a five-hour ride to the location in New Hampshire into

three, maybe less. Even if the cops spotted us on the interstate they wouldn’t be able to pull us
over because catching us would be impossible. We were flying down the interstate. Besides, I
wouldn’t stop. Once Stone called to tell me where Kat was located, getting to her was the only
thing on my fucking mind. I tried not to think about what she could be going through in
Wildman and Killer’s hands. I just wanted her to survive. We could overcome the rest.

Fucking Chicken, if he wasn’t already dead I would have gutted him myself. He deserved

to die like he had, fucking coward. Even the rival MC’s didn’t trust him enough to let them into
their clubs. When Stone called to tell me that he knew where Kat was, I’d fucking lost it. Thank
fuck Stone had a man inside the Red Devils club.

I knew that he couldn’t help Kat because it would give him away and he’d already taken

a huge risk by calling Stone from the Predators’ clubhouse. The club came first, always, and
some members lived, breathed, and died for it. But there were always exceptions for the number
one universal bylaw, and Kat was that exception for me. The girl had crawled right into my
fucking heart and set up house. We had something good together, and when this shit was over I
was publicly claiming her as my old woman.

I kept my mind clear, focused on getting to her. My brothers were right behind me. I had

no doubt that Wildman and Killer would know that we were coming. You didn’t steal another
MC’s woman, and then just sit back and negotiate for her release. It never worked that way.
They would be prepared for retaliation as much as they could be, but we were going in shooting.

Thank fuck Stone and his brothers were going to meet us there for backup. He’d be

waiting for us right off the exit for Coös County. Then we’d finish the trip together, taking the
back roads. The Predators clubhouse was located at the front of a trailer park they owned and
lived in. I’d only been there one other time, back when Cutter was the president and I’d just been
a prospect. You didn’t go to a rival’s home unless it was serious shit, and the shit that was about
to go down today was as serious as it gets. Brothers were going to die.

Our exit was coming up. As I slowed to make the right turn I could see Stone and his

crew waiting on the side of the road. I acknowledged him with a signal, but didn’t stop. He
pulled up next to me and we continued. He knew what the plan was. Just before reaching the
Predators’ clubhouse we pulled over and hid our bikes in the trees.

“Everyone loaded?” I was anxious to get in there to Kat. “Remember, we go in shooting.

If you can take out Wildman and Killer, do it.” I looked at Stone. “Was your contact able to
locate Kat?”

He nodded. “Said she’s in the last room behind the bar, and, brother--” I could tell that

Stone didn’t want to say what he was about to. “She’s been back there for a while, and she’s not

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“Fuck!” I snarled low. “Let’s go!”
We made our way to the trailer park, slouched down behind the shrubbery and weeds that

grew along the road. I glanced back one last time to see that everyone had their guns out and
ready. Going in shooting meant exactly that. Giving the signal, we ran the rest of the way, firing
on anyone we saw in a cut or carrying a weapon. In a second the whole situation turned into one
big, fucking chaotic scene.

Men were running in every direction, some firing back at us. Shouts and gunfire filled the

air. So did the screams. I saw a guy dive behind a sign and fired when he stuck his head around
to fire at me. He got off a shot before my bullet struck him in the forehead. I ignored the burning
sting on my arm, figuring his bullet had just grazed me, too pumped up on adrenaline to stop. I
couldn’t reach the door to the clubhouse fast enough, and when I did I threw the door open and
ran inside.

Shots erupted throughout the room, but I was ready and instantly hit the floor, rolling. As

I came up I grabbed one of the tables and pulled it down in front of me. My other brothers
followed close behind, facing the dangers of being shot head on. Like any war, there wasn’t time
to fucking take careful aim. Gunfire began to slow as members of the Predators began to fall
back and take off when they realized that they were outnumbered. It was too soon to know if the
Red Devils were still there, and so far I hadn’t seen any of their cuts.

I let my brothers take over, and began to make my way in the direction of the bar. My

heart felt like it was going to bust out of my fucking chest. I didn’t know what I was going to
walk into, and had never been so scared of anything in my life, Stone was right there with me.

“Brother,” he put a restraining hand on my arm as we made our way down the hallway

behind the bar. “You let me go in first?”

“No fuckin’ way.”
I tried the knob, but it was locked. Standing back, I brought my leg up and kicked the

fucking door open. I barely acknowledged the bang it made when it crashed into the wall. My
gaze took in the scene before me, first Killer, lying on the floor in a pool of blood, and then Kat,
beaten and bloody next to him. I saw the wound on Killer’s neck, the box cutter next to him, and
knew what had occurred. Stepping through the doorway, I went straight to her.

“Kat, baby.” I leaned over her, checking for a pulse. Thank fuck I found one. “Baby, can

you hear me?”

“She fucking killed Killer?”
I could hear Stone’s awe behind me. I didn’t care about Killer right then. I took in Kat’s

condition, gently running my hands over her body, searching for anything that didn’t feel
normal. She moaned softly, and I glanced up to see her lashes fluttering.

“Fuck! Let me find something for her face.”
I could hear Stone leave the room. Kat was trying to open her swollen eyes.
“He didn’t rape me,” she mumbled. “He didn’t rape me.”
“Fuck, baby, I don’t care,” I said in a voice filled with too much emotion that sounded

nothing like me. I kissed her gently. “Where do you hurt?” She just moaned.

“I found a first aid kit,” Stone said, rushing back into the room. “Everything’s good out

front.” He handed me the kit. “Looks like Wildman and his crew took off right before we got

I acknowledged him with a nod, opening the dirty kit. “Fucking cowards,” I snarled. I

took out the antiseptic wipes. “I need to wash her face first, get me a wet cloth.”

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He returned almost immediately, also carrying a bottle. “This might help with the pain.”
I gently ran the cloth over Kat’s bloody face, feeling slight relief when the damage

revealed wasn’t as bad as I’d thought it would be. It was mostly dried blood, and when it was
gone what were left behind were a cut and a swollen lip, bruises, a swollen eye, and a gash on
her cheek that had probably been caused by one of the rings on Killer’s hand.

Thank fuck.
“Kat, baby, wake up.”
“He didn’t rape me,” she said before opening her eyes.
“I know, babe. Open your eyes for me.”
She blinked several times, one eye remaining closed. “Is he . . . ?”
“Dead? Yes, you did good. You took out a rival club’s president.” I found myself smiling

at that, proud as fuck. “Can you sit up?”

“I had to kill him, he tried to kill me.” I helped her sit, my eyes landing on the finger print

bruises surrounding her throat. “I knew you’d come for me.” She threw her arms around my
neck. “Thank you.” I barely heard her raspy whisper.

I held her as tightly as I dared. “Did you fuckin’ doubt it?”
I felt her shrug. “With you it’s hard to tell.”
That hurt like hell.
I pulled back to meet her eyes. “Fuck that, babe. Don’t ever doubt that I’ll be there for

you. I’m not letting you go, Kat. I’m putting my cut on you for all to know you fuckin’ belong to
me, and I belong to you.” I kissed her gently. “Understand?”

Her smile was my answer, but the tears fucking tore me up. I reached up and thumbed

them away. “Babe, we have to get the fuck out of here. Do you think you can ride? I have a van
coming, but they won’t be here for a while.”

Kat glanced down at her skirt, clutching her ruined blouse together.
“Fuck that. We’ll take one of their cages,” Stone cut in, “I think under the circumstances

they’ll be glad to see us leave.” He smiled.

“What do you wanna’ do about Killer?”
Stone laughed. “Nothing. By the time they find out they need a new prez we’ll be at my

club. I’ll go get a cage.”

Just as he left Lenny walked into the room. His worried gaze went straight to Kat. “You

okay, sweetheart?”

She nodded, giving him a shaky smile.
Lenny and I exchanged glances. “Give it to me straight.”
“Wildman must have super human instincts or he’s just that fuckin’ lucky, because the

fucker took off about a half hour before we got here. The Predators took off when they realized
we were fuckin’ serious and they were outnumbered. The element of surprise and coming in hot,
fuckers didn’t stand a chance.” We both laughed. “They’ll be back, though. Far as I can tell three
of their men are down, don’t know how many wounded. We have two wounded.”

“Joker and Moody. Not bad, they’ll be okay.”
“Thank fuck.”
Lenny gave a nod in the direction of the dead president of the Predators. “Who did Killer


“You’re looking at her,” I responded.
His gaze flew back to Kat, filling with admiration. “No shit!”

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“She fuckin’ did Dark Menace a service−”
“Sure the fuck did,” Stone interrupted me as he walked back into the room. His gaze went

briefly to Kat before returning to me. “Got a cage waiting out front, one of my guys will drive.
We need to get a move on before the Predators regroup.”

I nodded. “Let’s go.” I scooped Kat up before she could take a step, knowing that it

would be faster if I carried her. It surprised me when she didn’t protest, but wrapped her arms
around my neck and buried her face against me.

She was being uncharacteristically needy, but that was fucking good with me. I wanted

her against me, and I wanted to take care of her. She wasn’t leaving my sight anytime soon. I’d
made arrangements to spend the night at Stone’s clubhouse, and when we got there I was going
to bathe her and love her like she deserved. But first she was going to be looked at by a nurse
friend of Stone’s. I wasn’t taking any fucking chances. She’d taken a beating, and I wanted to
make fucking sure that nothing was broken or bleeding inside.

We made it out to the cage without confrontation. I arranged Kat in the back, wincing

every fucking time she gasped or moaned in pain. “Fuck, I don’t want to leave you, babe, but I
have to drive my bike.”

She gave me a shaky smile. “I’m okay, really.” Someone, probably Stone, had put a

bedroll on the seat so that Kat could use it as a pillow or blanket.

I kissed her gently, conscious of her busted lip. “We don’t have far to go, we’re staying

with Stone.” I started to draw back when she grabbed my cut and pulled me in close, kissing me
this time. I let her control the pressure. There were tears in her eyes when she released me.

Fuck me.
She took something from me before letting me go.
My heart.
I didn’t want to leave her, but I shut the door and stood for a second, my gaze scanning

the area over the top of the car. I’d feel better if I knew one of my own brothers was with her.
“Fat Boy!” He heard my voice and looked over. “I want you to ride shotgun, we’ll come back for
your bike later.” Waiting until he reached the cage, I added, “Take care of her.”

“I will, boss.” He climbed in the front and I backed up when they rolled away.
I let out a shrill whistle, drawing the attention of my crew and a few of Stones’. Signaling

that we were done, I turned to head back to where our bikes were hidden, setting a hurried pace.
So far things had gone our way. The fact that I didn’t hear any sirens didn’t fool me, though. We
were deep in the country, and Stone had warned me that their sheriff and his officers didn’t
always use their sirens. Especially if they knew a situation involved an MC.

I sighed, shaking my head when I reached our bikes. Normally it wasn’t the law that we

had to worry about, most of the time they just left us alone to handle our own problems.

Stone came up behind me. “What are you thinkin’, brother?”
“That with Killer gone, we just dropped the Predators a new president.”
“Yeah, been thinkin’ the same thing. Your woman took care of one problem and left me

an even bigger one.” There was humor in his tone. “You sure you didn’t fucking plan this?”

I chuckled. “Hey, I’ve had the Red Devils almost exclusively in my back yard for fuckin’

too long, bro; I’m just sharing the wealth.”

“That kind of wealth can kill me.”
I nodded, thinking about what Yank and Moody had reported when they returned from

checking out Wildman’s compound. By the goings on it was clear that the Red Devils were on
the move. This was good for Wild Marauders, unless they moved somewhere close by. Wildman

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always managed to stay right on the border, close to another MC.

With Killer out of the picture, that left a fucking opening for Wildman to step in and

combine the two clubs. If that happened Dark Menace would be in real trouble. Maybe some of
the Predators would drop out and look for other clubs to join, something not unusual when a new
president took over.

As the rest of our crews reached us I took note of Moody and Joker, looking them over.

They’d been hit, but were walking on their own steam. That was good. Joker had a bloody
bandage wrapped around his upper arm, but I couldn’t see anything on Moody. Some of the guys
were laughing and making jokes while readying their bikes to take off.

“What the fuck?” I frowned, meeting Moody’s eyes.
“Don’t ask,” Moody grumbled, wincing as he pulled his bike forward.
“Lenny said you were wounded.”
“I should have been clearer. His pride’s been wounded.” I glanced back and forth

between him and Moody, my gaze coming to rest on my VP for an explanation. He shrugged and
said with a smile, “A couple of their bitches got involved when their men started running and
Moody kind of took a hit of buckshot in the ass.”

I glanced at Moody, who seemed to be ignoring the whole exchange. As he brought his

leg over his seat his expression revealed how much pain he was in. Once he sat down the pain
was coupled with a low groan and a few ‘fucks.’

“Fuck, that sucks,” I said to no one in particular. I turned and mounted my own bike.

“Let’s get the fuck out of here.”

I wanted to get back to Kat as fast as I could.

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Chapter 22


I lay my head back against the edge of the tub and closed my eyes. My abused body

needed this, and the hot soak was doing its magic. Once I’d arrived at Stone’s clubhouse, I’d
been brought to a nice room with an adjoining bath, and brought some clean clothes. I didn’t
have to be told to strip down and get a bath; I couldn’t wait to wash Chicken away, and the
tattooed man. I wanted to forget the whole damned day, and scrubbing it away seemed a good
way to accomplish that.

Someone knocked on the bathroom door. I knew it wasn’t Lynch because he would have

just barged in. I gathered the bubbles around me to make sure that nothing was showing before
telling whoever was out there to come in.

It was Rachel. She’d taken one look at me when I’d arrived and taken control, as none of

the other women present had stepped forward. Though she was dressed like them I got the
impression that she wasn’t with them. Maybe Stone had called her. Anyway, she’d been kind and
sympathetic to my needs.

“You already look better,” she said with a smile. “I brought you a first aid kit and left you

something to eat and drink in the other room.”

“Thank you for everything that you’ve done, Rachel.” She was a beautiful woman, about

my age, I guessed. I couldn’t help wondering what she was to the club. Was she Stone’s old
lady? I’d seen the way they looked at one another when we’d first arrived.

“I also wanted to let you know that Ginger will be in to take a look at you when you’re

ready. She’s a nurse and a friend of the club.”

“I don’t think that’s necessary, this hot soak has taken care of a lot of issues.”
Rachel laughed. “Well, that’s up to you, I’m just the messenger.”
“Are you Stone’s old lady?” The words slipped out before I could stop them. The smile

Rachel turned my way seemed lacking in sincerity. The corners of her mouth were turned up, but
it didn’t disguise the sadness in her eyes. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have—”

“No, it’s okay. I, it’s complicated. Is there anything else I can get you?”
I shook my head. “No, thank you.”
After Rachel left I sighed and went back to what I’d been doing, staying that way until

the water cooled. I pulled the plug reluctantly and got up; reaching for the towel Rachel had left
earlier. It was a body towel, so I just wrapped it around me and went to stand in front of the

Okay, maybe I did feel better, but I didn’t look any better. My face was bruised and

slightly swollen on one side, and I had a black eye. My eye was almost swollen shut, but I could
still see out of it. Stepping closer to the mirror, I examined the cut on my cheek. I would
probably have a tiny scar, but I could live with that. The bruises around my neck would
disappear and my lip would heal.

Lynch’s appearance behind me in the mirror drew my attention to him. “You look like

shit, babe, seriously.”

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I just stared at him for a moment, at his serious expression, and then burst out laughing.

Another man would have said the opposite just to make me feel better, but not Lynch. He said it
how it was. The slow smile forming on his face told me that he knew what I was thinking, too.
He walked further into the room, coming to stand directly in front of me.

His hand was gentle beneath my chin as he forced my face to tilt. I could feel his gaze on

me, not missing anything. I felt the burning sting of moisture fill my eyes. “You could look like a
fuckin’ child of Freddie Krueger and I’d still want you.”

An unexpected chuckle escaped me as a single hot tear rolled down my cheek. It was not

because my face was a little messed up, fuck, in time that would heal. No, it was because that
was saying a lot for Lynch, telling me how deep his feelings were for me without having to
admit anything that made him look too soft or vulnerable. If all Lynch could do was show me
how he felt, that was good enough for me.

“Let me check the rest of you out, since you’ve refused to see Ginger.”
I opened my mouth, quick to defend myself. “I said I didn’t think it was necessary. The

hot bath really did take care of a lot of the aches and soreness I had. I know nothing is broken,

“Relax, babe, and take a breath,” he smiled, slowly unwrapping the plush towel from

around me. “I just need to see for myself.” The towel fell as his eyes lifted to mine. “Okay?”

I nodded. I would probably do the same thing to him if the situation were reversed. I

stood there while he made a slow trip around me, knowing that he wasn’t going to find much.
My face had taken the worst of it. By the time Lynch came full circle his expression had
hardened considerably. The anger in his eyes made them appear almost black.

“Fuckin’ pig, I’d like to kill him all over again.” He touched a spot on the outside of my

leg that caused me to pull away. “How did this happen?”

I glanced down to see what he was talking about. I’d forgotten all about cutting myself

with the blade. “I did that.” I could see in his eyes that he wanted more of an explanation. “When
I was being strangled there was a time when I felt myself going under, and I knew if that
happened I’d never wake up again. So I cut myself in order to feel something, anything that
might take my mind off the hands around my throat, and help me stay alert.”

“Christ, babe.” He slipped his fingers into the hair at the back of my head and pulled me

into his chest. “That was fuckin’ smart, and just might have saved your life.”

“It certainly took my mind off not being able to breathe for a second,” I admitted, smiling

against him. “I wouldn’t want to test it again.”

“I’m fuckin’ proud of you, Kat.”
“For killing a man?”
“For a lot of things, babe, mainly for not falling apart when most women would have.

You did what you had to do to survive, and you trusted me to come get you. I’m making you my
old lady, babe.”

“Because you’re proud of me?”
“Fuck, no. Because I love your tits and ass.”
Was he kidding me? I pulled back to look up into his eyes. He was and he wasn’t. It was

hard to tell until I saw the smile in his eyes. I pushed him away. I was beginning to feel self-
conscious, standing there completely naked while he was fully dressed.

“Go eat and let me get a shower.” He slapped me lightly on the rump. “And don’t get


I glared at him. “You think I’m in any condition for what you have in mind?”

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That slow, sexy-as-sin grin went straight to my core. “You have no fuckin’ idea what I

have in mind.”

While Lynch stripped and showered I wolfed down the ham and cheese sandwich Rachel

had left for me. I was so hungry that I could have probably eaten two but I wasn’t about to ask
and make a pig out of myself. The apple and glass of iced tea topped it off.

I sat back on the bed when I was done, pulling the sheet up to cover my nakedness, and

listened to Lynch finish up in the bathroom. When he immerged he was naked, glistening, and
made me hungry all over again. His cock was semi-hard, as it seemed to always be in that state. I
felt my pussy clench, like it would do if he were inside me. His knowing expression told me that
he was hungry, too.

“Feel better?” he asked, his gaze shifting to my empty plate and then back to me.
“Much better.”
He wrapped a towel around his waist and walked toward the bed. “Uncover and lay down

on your front side,” he ordered. “I’m going to make you feel good.”

No doubt, I smiled to myself, doing as he said. I thought I knew what he was going to do

until I heard what sounded like a jar being opened and then something cold being put on my
back. I gasped loudly.

“Relax, baby.” He knelt down on the bed next to me and began to rub the cool, soothing

cream into my skin. “Ginger gave me this to rub onto your body; she said it will help soothe your
aches and pains.”

“God, that feels good.” It not only felt good but it smelled good, too. Whatever he was

using left my skin feeling a curious sensation of cold and hot as the subtle scent of lavender
floated around us. He’d begun with my back, neck and shoulders, spending a lot of attention
there before moving on to the backs of my legs, working the lotion into the muscles.

“I need to tell you about Stella.”
“I know all about that fuckin’ bitch. She won’t be bothering you or Wild Marauders


His tone sounded so final that it frightened me. “You knew about her connection to


“She confessed everything before we headed up here.”
I frowned. That didn’t sound like Stella. She’d been very determined to have Lynch when

I left there. “Just like that? She told you everything?”

“I know you don’t like to discuss club business, Lynch, but this concerns me. I have a

right to know.”

He released a heavy sigh. “Stella is gone. I gave her a choice. Tell me the fuckin’ truth

and live, or keep on with the bullshit and die. She chose to live. Once she confessed her
involvement with your disappearance I told her to pack a bag and be on the next bus out of town.
One of my men went with her to make sure that she didn’t forget anything.”

“She wanted you, maybe she loved you. Women in love make terrible decisions.” What

the hell was I doing making excuses for her?

“Fuckin’ tell me about it. She also said she was pregnant with my child. She failed that


I had to ask, because Lynch had told me that I was the only one he had ever fucked

bareback. “Could she have been?”

His hands stopped moving over me. What little of his body that was touching me tensed

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enough for me to know he didn’t like the question, and that he didn’t want to respond to it. He’d
told me once that he didn’t have to explain himself, but if he had nothing to hide…

“I was with her once; she said the fucking condom broke.” His hands began to move over

me again, slow and steady. “Don’t question me again about fucking a woman bareback. I told
you that you’ve been the only one.”

Thank you, God, I thought to myself. I didn’t like being lied to any more than he liked

answering questions. His anger was obvious, though, and I didn’t need to see his face to know
that it was drawn tight. Well, too bad, he’d get over it. I was the one who’d suffered at the hands
of Stella and her brother.

Now it appeared that I was going to suffer a little at Lynch’s hands. His administrations

were suddenly rougher, giving me a deeper tissue massage that drew moans from me. His touch
brought a mixture of pain and pleasure, the kind of feeling that made your eyes roll back in your

“Flip over for me, Kat.”
I smiled at that. There was not an ounce of my lustful lover in his tone. He was focused

on what he was doing, soothing away the terror and the filth of the last twenty-four hours. Lynch
was making me whole again, putting me first. Healing my mind and body with his strong, yet
tender touch.

“I love your hands,” I said softly as they worked the fragrant cream into my flesh. My

eyes were closed.

“What else do you love about me, babe?”
I could hear the smile in his voice. “Your hair. I love pulling it and burying my fingers in

it when we’re in the moment.”

Lynch chuckled gruffly. “We’re always in a moment. What moment?”
It was my turn to smile. “The moment. You know.”
“You’re not going all shy on me, are you?”
“No. I just don’t want you to stop what you’re doing. It feels so good.” God, I could fall

asleep so easily. The scent of lavender, along with Lynch’s soothing touch was lulling me into a
lazy, dreamy state that had me feeling calm and safe. My brain was shutting down.

The last thing I remember was the tender kiss on my forehead.

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Chapter 23


Two weeks later…

I walked with purpose into the clubhouse, rocking the jean shorts, thigh-high leather

boots, and black sleeveless corset that laced up the front. It was the first time I’d been brave
enough to wear anything so revealing, and sexy, so biker babe looking. But I’d promised Lynch
that I had a surprise for him tonight. He in turn said that he had one for me, too, so it was only

The whistles and catcalls from the men in the bar brought a smile to my face and gave me

the confidence I needed to hold my head high. I’d pulled my long blonde hair back and secured it
with a comb at the back top of my head, letting the bulk fall down my back. Lynch liked it down
and I liked pleasing him. The last couple of weeks, when club business didn’t get in the way,
we’d spent time getting to know one another.

I scanned the room but didn’t see him anywhere. Come to think of it, I didn’t see any of

his crew either. They must have been in a late meeting, or church, as I’d been corrected more
than once, although it would have been unusual for a Friday party night. The place was jumping
as usual, with bikers and regulars from town.

Dirk waved me over from behind the bar. As I made my way I saw Tiny come out from

the kitchen, carrying two bottles. She set them down at the bar next to a wrapped box about the
size of a shirt box, and then turned around and went back into the kitchen. Someone must be
celebrating something.

“Hi, Dirk.” I slid onto a stool.
“Hi, sweetheart. Church is running a little late, Lynch will be out shortly.” He set a beer

down for me. “You’re gonna knock him over in that outfit.”

“Thanks,” I said. “Think he’ll like it?”
Dirk snorted. “Fuck yeah, he’ll like it. What man wouldn’t?”
“Hi, Tiny!” I waved at her when she reappeared from the kitchen. She waved back with a

big smile. “I’m surprised to see Tiny working this late,” I said to Dirk.

“She’s not really working.”
Before I could question him I saw Lynch and his crew walk in and come straight toward

me. Giving Dirk a wink, I spun around on the stool and stood up, putting my hands on my hips. I
tilted my hips, knowing my stance was both sexy and challenging, especially in a room filled
with alpha men high on testosterone and always on the edge. Lynch’s eyes grew round when he
realized it was me. I could almost see his pupils dilate. His smile remained, but it didn’t hide the
hungry beast behind it.

“Holy, fuck!” I heard Lenny say behind Lynch. He gave me a thumbs up. It didn’t seem

to matter that I was Lynch’s woman; the VP took his time looking me over before whistling his
approval loudly.

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His comment opened the door to a barrage of compliments and comments from the others

that were directly behind him. Lynch came to a stop a few feet away from me. Instant heat
flushed through my body from the way his gaze raked over me, lingering on the swell of my
boobs above the corset. I felt my nipples tighten against the leather.

“Fuck, babe,” his voice was hoarse, aroused, “You shouldn’t have worn that tonight.”
“You don’t like your surprise?” I asked teasingly.
“I like it so fuckin’ much that all I can think about is getting it off you.”
His words turned me hot, because I knew what would follow once he got me naked. He

stepped closer, grabbed the back of my neck, and pulled me in for a long, wet kiss. As the
pressure increased, I opened my mouth so that his tongue could slip inside. Everything inside me
responded to his rough possession and I slipped my hands up to grip his cut. His other hand
curled around my waist and he held me tightly, while he ground his cock against me.

“Jesus, someone take me away from her before I fuckin’ do her right here in front of


Laughter erupted but I knew no one would dare. I loved it when Lynch lost control. I

loved it when he talked dirty. His husky words were said low, against my mouth. My grin caused
him to grin. He leaned his forehead against mine, and then took a step back and gave his head a
vigorous shake, as if to clear his mind. He directed his gaze to something at the other end of the
bar, and then looked back at me.

“Come on, time for your surprise.”
Taking my hand, he pulled me with him. Tiny was still waiting at the far end of the bar,

close to where the kitchen was, and she had been joined by Wizard. The music stopped without
warning, and the girls gyrating on the poles stopped, as well.

“Everyone, quiet!” Hulk surprised me with his announcement when we reached Tiny and

Wizard. His voice boomed throughout the room, drawing everyone’s gaze to him. As the club
muscle, it wasn’t surprising to see how quickly he was obeyed. When the noise quieted down he
added, “Prez wants to make an announcement.”

“Thanks, brother,” Lynch said to Hulk. The next thing I knew he pulled me closer against

him. With everyone looking at us I began to get a little self conscious over my new look. “For
anyone who doesn’t know, this beautiful woman is Kat, and tonight, Kat becomes my old lady.”

Lynch handed me the wrapped box as the room filled with clapping and cheers. I was

pretty sure what was in the box, but nothing prepared me for the look and feel of the beautiful
leather cut. Smooth and buttery soft, the leather already had a worn look about it. On the back
were the words, ‘Property of Lynch,’ followed by the club’s name at the bottom. I ran my hand
over the raised lettering.

“Put it on, baby.”
“It’s beautiful, Lynch.” I felt tears fill my eyes as he helped me slip it on. I turned my

back to the room so everyone could see it.

“Next round of drinks are on the club!” Lynch announced.
Once the cheers died down, he took the edges of my cut and held me in front of him. “It’s

official, Kat. This cut tells everyone that you’re my old lady. You can’t begin to fuckin’
understand what wearing this means to me, to the club.”

“So tell me,” I responded eagerly. I wanted to know everything Lynch would let me

know. He gently wiped my cheeks with the pads of his thumbs.

“In time, baby.” His gaze dropped down to my cleavage, his hands slipped beneath my

cut to right below my boobs. I caught my breath when his thumbs came up to graze my nipples.

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“You’re so fuckin’ beautiful, and I’m so fuckin’ lucky.”

“Yes, you are,” I agreed, kissing his chin. My nipples were sending tiny lightning bolts of

pleasure down to my core.

Lynch’s nostrils flared. The intense look on his face told me that he was close to losing

control. “And I want to fuck you so badly right now.”

His comment made me tremble. “What’s stopping you?” My words came out in a breathy


“Not a damned thing.” He grabbed one of the bottles Tiny had put on the bar earlier,

along with my hand, and then we were flying out of there.

Lynch had no trouble weaving his way through the maze of tables, chairs, and people

until we reached the doorway. Taking a sharp right, I was surprised when we bypassed his office
and continued further down the hallway until we were in the shadows.

“What−” I didn’t have time to finish. Lynch set the bottle down on the small table

situated between two doors. In the same instant he backed me up against the wall. “Lynch−”

“There’s something so fucking exciting and taboo about doing it where anyone could

catch us,” he whispered against my ear. “I’ve wanted to fuck you in public since the day we met
on the side of the road.”

I sucked in air, shivering wildly at his admission. I’d never thought about having sex

where there was potential for an audience, had never thought about how it would feel if someone
were watching Lynch fuck me. But the way he said it, and the visual it gave me, turned me hot
like nothing else.

“Right now I’m gonna fuck my old lady, in her sexy biker chick clothes, and her

‘property of’ cut, against the wall where anyone can see us.”

Lynch didn’t give me time to protest. He attacked like a hungry animal, wild and

starving. This wasn’t going to be a slow seduction of the senses; this was going to be fast, hard,
and mind-blowing. Lynch’s libido was jacked up to full throttle, and nothing was going to slow
him down or come between him and what he wanted.

His rough attack turned-up the heat melting my insides. His mouth and hands seemed to

be everywhere, worshiping my flesh in a hot combination of pain and pleasure. Squeezing,
caressing, pinching as his palms smoothed over me.

“Lynch!” I rolled my head against the wall when he palmed the area between my legs and

pressed hard. His teeth grazed the length of my neck, moved down my chest and to my cleavage,
where he tongued between my breasts. I thought I was going to lose my fucking mind.

I twisted against him wildly, breathing so hard that I worried that I was going to

hyperventilate. Sounds of our passion echoed through the hallway, fading away with the music
coming from the bar. The corset I was wearing laced up in the front, but that didn’t stop Lynch
from grabbing the edges and pulling it down in a sharp move that bared my breasts. Burying my
hands in his hair, I held his head against me as he nipped, licked, and sucked at my naked breasts
as if they were a new and tasty delicacy he was sampling for the first time.

“Oh, God!” I whispered, when his hands began to work the snap to my shorts.
“You look so fuckin’ hot in these ‘fuck me now’ boots,” Lynch said as he dropped to his

knees and kissed the strip of skin showing between my top and the waistband of my shorts.
“Wearing my cut and fucking you in it for the first time is driving me mad.”

A soft laugh managed to work its way out between pants, but I didn’t have enough air to

say the words.

He glanced up at me. “This isn’t going to be slow and easy, baby.” My jeans undone, he

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worked the material down my hips enough to bury his face into the hair covering my mound. I
could feel the tip of his nose bump against my clit, and then he began to slide his tongue between
my slit. “Fuck, you taste good.”

Groaning, I slapped the palms of my hands against the wall and began to move my hips

in rhythm with Lynch’s tongue action. I was so turned-on that I knew it wouldn’t take me long to

“I had to have a taste, babe, but let’s get these fucking shorts off so I can fuck you


I was glued to the wall and couldn’t move except to lift my feet when I felt my shorts

there. Lynch tossed them aside and reached for his jeans. In seconds he had them undone and his
cock out. I looked down, taking in his huge erection, which was already dripping pre-cum. He
fisted his cock at the root and pumped it a few times before picking me up. I instinctively
wrapped my legs around his waist and Lynch guided his hard flesh to the opening that led to

With a grunt he thrust forward, impaling himself with one plunge. I cried out with the

pleasure that ripped through me.

“Christ, baby, you’re so fuckin’ tight for me. I’m gonna fuck you until you scream my

name. Until everyone in the whole fuckin’ bar hears you and knows I’ve just laid claim to my
old lady.” His thrusts forced me further up the wall.

Our mouths crashed together, and suddenly we were devouring each other. I slipped my

hands beneath Lynch’s cut and dug my nails into his shoulders, clenching my muscles around his
pounding flesh. He groaned low into my mouth, his hips picking up speed. Every inch of his hard
body was grinding against mine, leaving in its wake a hunger to be pleasured and satisfied that I
never knew I had. The depth of emotion I felt at that moment was overwhelming.

All consuming.
Earth shattering.
Lynch may not have known it, but he owned me, heart, body, and soul. I knew there

would never be anyone else for me. His passion when he was doing something, anything, was
intense and complete. It was real, and right now he was showing me without words how much I
meant to him.

I was his old lady.
When we were done consuming each other’s mouths I slammed my head back against the

wall. I was out of breath. My heart was racing. The orgasm speeding through my blood was hot
and nonstop, in a race to reach completion. Lynch’s cock filled my every need. I almost cried out
when he pulled out, but he only took his cock by the hand and ran the hot, swollen tip over and
over my clit. We both shuddered at the pleasure.

I rolled my head back and forth against the wall, the pleasure so intense that I wasn’t sure

how much more I could take. “Fuck, Lynch, I’m going to come,” I whispered, feeling the
greatest pleasure rise hotly to the place of no return.

“Let it go, babe. Put some cum on my dick, and I’ll let you clean it off with your tongue.”

He gave my clit a few more flicks and then sank back into my body. I felt his hands move
beneath my butt. “Fuck, Kat. I’m gonna fill you with my seed. Fuckin’ come now!”

He crushed my lower body against his loins and I let go, forgetting where we were and

screaming when my orgasm crashed around his cock. Losing control, I clamped my teeth into his
shoulder. Lynch tensed, I felt a series of short, hard jabs, and then he was releasing inside my

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“Fuck.” Lynch collapsed against me, resting his forehead against mine as we both gasped

for air.

Beads of sweat dotted our skin and the air surrounding us was thick with a hint of sweat,

leather, tobacco and sex. Not unpleasant. When I couldn’t hold my legs around Lynch’s waist
any longer, I unlocked my ankles and lowered them to the ground. He stepped back enough to do
up his jeans, and then picked up my shorts. Our gazes remained locked when his hand sliced
between my pussy lips right before he pulled my shorts up over my hips.

“Lynch—” I gasped, shuddering wildly.
“This is my cum leaking out of your beautiful cunt, baby. It fucking turns me on.” All I

could do was smile weakly. “You okay?”

I nodded. “That was intense.”
He pushed wet strands of hair out of my face and kissed me. “You’re fuckin’ beautiful,

you know that?”

“For an old lady?” I teased. He surprised me by picking me up.
“Grab that bottle, babe.”
“Where are we going?”
“I’m taking you back to our room where I’m going to drink wine off your body, and then

fuck you again wearing nothing but your cut.”

“What about the party?”
“We’re gonna make our own fuckin’ party,” Lynch growled. “It’s not every day that I get

an old lady.” He made the turn to his office. “I want to break you in all proper.”

I stared at him, wondering what he meant by breaking me in. In the same breath I told

myself that I didn’t care.

I loved him.
“Thank you.”
“For what?” He kicked the door opened to his bedroom and carried me over the


“For making me your old lady.”
He stopped, capturing my gaze with the burning passion in his. “Baby, don’t you know

by now that I fuckin’ love you?”

I swallowed hard, not expecting to hear those words come out of his mouth, that it would

probably be the only time that I heard them.

“Now you got two minutes to get out of those fuckin’ clothes before I start tearing them

off you.” He turned and shut the door.

I only needed one minute.

The End

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Please continue reading for a snippet of Dark Menace MC…coming 2015!

Dark Menace MC


Blurb - Rachel offers herself to Stone, President of Dark Menace, as collateral for her

family, and becomes the target of a rival motorcycle club, the Red Devils. Their president wants
her, but so does Stone, and he’ll do whatever it takes to protect her.

Stone - unedited excerpt
The door opened and a group of college aged kids came inside. I glanced at the clock.

Yeah, it was about time they started showing up. Things were about to get loud and busy. Rachel
should have had time to shower and change by now. I got up and headed back to my room. It
didn’t even occur to me to knock when I reached my door. I opened it, pausing in the threshold
when my gaze fell on Rachel. She was jumping up and down to get into her skin tight jeans. Her
large tits were bouncing, too. Nice. If they’d been naked it would have been fucking nicer.

“Don’t you believe in knocking?” she bitched, zipping up her jeans.
I closed the door with a smile, taking in her shiny complexion, and the soft thickness of

her hair. Black hair and green eyes, what a fucking combination. “I don’t knock on my own
doors.” She was wearing a black shirt with the shoulders cut out, and it tied at the waist. Sexy as
hell but I wanted sexier. She’d need new clothes.

Her gaze focused on the front of my pants. “I see you’ve been relieved.”
“Rita has a tight cunt.” Something flickered in her eyes but it happened so fast that I

wasn’t sure if I imagined it. I walked further into the room. “Sit.” I indicated the bed.

She moved hesitantly, like she was nervous of being on the bed with me. Good. I wanted

her nervous. No, I wanted her frightened of me. I did bad shit, and though I didn’t want to break
her spirit I needed her to listen when I said something. I patted the spot next to me.

“Well,” she slowly began to lower her sweet ass down. “Since Rita has already taken care

of you I guess that I have nothing to worry about.”

The second her ass settled on the bed I grabbed hold of her and pushed her down onto the

bed, rolling on top of her. She sucked in a breath, her eyes growing round, and her curvy body
was straining beneath me.

“Get off me,” she said between her teeth.
Green fire sparkled in her eyes, as she tried to twist free. “You seem to be worried about

my needs, and you should be. I’m not an old man, sweetheart. I like sex, and believe it or not, I
can get it up more than once an hour.” I was beginning to wonder if she was even listening to
me, she was so focused on getting me off her. “I’d stop wiggling if I were you.”

“Then get off me,” she hissed again. She arched her lower body against mine in an

obvious attempt to throw me off. Didn’t she know that never worked? Stilling instantly, she
glared up at me, breathing hard.

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Oh yeah, she definitely knew I was hard as fuck, and that worried her.
“Have I got your attention, now?” She nodded. “Let’s get some shit settled, sweetheart.”

Fuck, it was hard to think with my dick nestled nice and snug between her legs. “If I wanted to
fuck you, I would.”

“You said you don’t rape women—”
“I don’t. When the time comes you’ll want it as much as I do, I’ll make fucking sure of

that.” I watched her mouth tighten, which I took as a challenge to do something about. I leaned
in closer and ran my tongue over the tight seam, tasting her angry defiance. “Loosen up,
sweetheart. It won’t be that bad.”

Her lips parted on a gasp, and I slipped my tongue inside her warm mouth. She bit down

on my tongue sharply, sending a current of quick lightning straight down to my aching dick. I
jerked back, and glared down into her eyes for a second. She wanted to play rough? I took her
bottom lip between my teeth and tugged on it, ignoring her whimper of pain. Then, because she
tasted so warm and sweet, I ground my mouth down on hers.

Fucking hell, I wanted more, and Rachel did, too, because after her initial stiffening she

softened beneath me and began to kiss me back. I knew I could easily persuade her into letting
me fuck her. I wasn’t vain, but I knew how to please a woman in bed, and something told me
that she was fighting herself more than she was fighting me.

I ground my dick into the crevice between her fucking thighs. Her responding moans just

revved my engine to full throttle. If we had time I’d strip her bare and make her scream my
name. I pulled back reluctantly.

“You’re a fake, sweetheart,” I whispered against her swollen mouth. “I could have you

naked and riding my cock in a fucking minute.” She began to shake her head, causing me to
smile against her lips. “Yes.”

“No.” Her tone was low and weak.
I laughed out loud. She could say no all she wanted, but her soft, welcoming body was

screaming yes. For now, though, I wouldn’t force the issue. I’d let her have her small victory
until a better time presented itself. I didn’t want to rush our first time, as thoughts of licking,
kissing and nibbling every fucking square inch of her luscious body was worth the wait.

Besides, the club’s needs came before my needs. It always had, and always would.
I pulled back far enough to meet her eyes, which looked cloudy with arousal. “Time to

go, sweetheart, you’re going to be working behind the bar. What you don’t know Ty will teach
you.” I pushed myself away from her body, and got to my feet. She took my hand and let me pull
her off the bed.

“Is that what I’ll be doing while I’m here?”
“Among other things,” I replied, noticing the slight trembling of her bottom lip, which

was still swollen from my nibbling. “You’ll do what needs to be done. Right now Ty needs help
behind the bar.” I tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. “You ready?”

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Tory Richards often describes herself as a grandma who likes to read and write smut.

Known for her hot erotic romances, she’s also penned erotic paranormals, and contemporary
suspense romance. Writing is a hobby for Tory. It thrills her to be able to share her stories, and
she loves seeing her characters come to life with each new book cover. Though published with a
few epubs like Ellora’s Cave and Liquid Silver Books, she also self-publishes her stories on
Smashwords. All of Tory’s books are available on Amazon.

Tory began writing short stories on notebook paper when she was only ten. At thirteen

she received her first manual typewriter, a few years later an electric one, and not until she was
forty-five did she get her first computer. For many years writing was a secret hobby as well as
therapy for Tory. She didn’t submit to a publisher until her daughter and niece encouraged her to
pursue her dreams.

Originally from Maine, Tory has spent most of her life in Florida. She’s retired from

Disney and spends her time between family, friends and writing. Besides writing her likes
include: spoiling her grandchildren, any kind of sandwich, sweet iced tea, good coffee, traveling,
going to the movies, watching Syfy, taking care of her four cats, and naps.

She loves to hear from readers so you can email her at:


Amazon Book list

Passionate Encounters

Hot Spot

The Mercenary Way
All the Right Moves

The Promise

Out of Control
The Mating Ritual

Touch Me

Scent of a Wolf’s Mate
Bishop’s Angel

Up in Flames

Someone to Love Me
The Cowboy Way

Instant Attraction

Happy Birthday, Baby!
SEAL of Approval

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Kiss Me!

The Evans Brothers Trilogy
A Perfect Fit

Wicked Desire

Breathless Surrender
Her Hands-On Man

Talk Dirty to Me

Yield to Me
Nothing but Trouble

Surrender to Desire

Serve and Submit Series (1-5)
Pulled Over
On Fire
Under Cover
Party Time


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