Vampire Movie Night (Midsummer's Nightmare) S Blaise

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Vampire Movie Night



smiled as he walked into the living room, greeted by

the sight of his boyfriend Julian rearranging and plumping
pillows, the lights already dimmed. He took a moment to
admire the slim form with its milky skin and tawny,
dandelion fine hair that no amount of hair products could
tame. Julian straightened up, spying Terry, and if the look
on his face was anything to go on he seemed just as
appreciative of Terry’s own pale olive complexion and black
locks. Smiling at being caught, Terry sauntered over and
practically threw himself onto the couch, disturbing Julian’s
careful arrangements, but Julian didn’t seem to mind. The








“entertainment area” as well as a bedroom, and was almost
as big as an apartment. Terry was still getting used to the
space he now had since coming to live with Julian and his
family. Julian plunked down next to him with a grin.

“You ready?”

Terry settled the small bowl of popcorn he’d been

carrying on his lap. “Sure; what’re we watching?” Julian
grinned again, holding out a stack of DVDs for him to
inspect. Vampires, vampires, zombies, vampires…. Terry
really hated it when it was Julian’s turn to choose for movie
night. It didn’t help that he wasn’t a big fan of scary movies,
either, no matter how much Julian tried to convert him.
“Okay, no to Lost Boys again,” he said with finality.

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“Anything else is up to you.” He resigned himself to another
night of not so much watching the movie as glancing at the
screen during the tamer parts and cowering against Julian
for the rest, not that his boyfriend ever seemed to mind. He
read through the blurb on the box as Julian inserted the
DVD. Something about college kids going to live in a house
owned by vampires and trying to escape while being picked
off one by one. Joy.

“How can you watch this stuff?” he asked in disdain.

“Having all these vampire movies, isn’t it a little weird? Not
to mention a little too much.”

Julian shrugged. “Not really. It’s interesting seeing the

different ways vampires are interpreted. What’s weirder is
those people who actually believe they are vampires and try
to act all dark and Gothic and shit. The movies are usually
funny more than anything else.” He turned to Terry, leaning
in close with a wide smile. “Don’t worry, I’ll hold you close if
you get friiiiiiighteeeened,” he teased, drawing out the last
word in a way that was probably supposed to sound spooky
but just made Terry whack his arm.

“Like you need that as an excuse,” Terry muttered.

“Like you complain,” Julian returned easily.

They settled down to watch the movie, Terry crunching

some of his popcorn. Julian eyed the bowl with distaste.

“How can you eat that stuff?” he asked, in much the

same way Terry had questioned his taste in movies.

Terry looked at the bowl and took a few more flakes. “I

don’t know; I just like the taste of it.”

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Julian shook his head. “Just don’t let any of the others

see you eating it; you know how they feel about that sort of
thing. Lucky for us they’re all out.”

Terry said he wouldn’t, and they turned their attention

back to the movie, both of them rolling their eyes a little at
the set-up. A group of friends needed a cheap place to stay
while at college and read an ad for a house which had a rent
that seemed too good to be true. The house, when they
viewed it, was also appropriately old and creepy and oooooh,
something seemed Not Quite Right about the house and its
owners, three gaunt, black-clad brothers. More eye-rolling
came when it was evident that the large, gloomy Victorian
style house was in an otherwise vibrant and cheerful small
college town. It stood out like a wart on a beauty queen.

Julian tilted his head in puzzlement. “Why do movie

vampires always seem to have to live in creepy old houses or
castles and wear black? I mean, what if there are no big,
creepy houses in the place they want to live? What do they
do then?”

“Not live there?” Terry suggested. “But they always

manage to find one somehow; maybe they have really good
estate agents.”

Julian mimed talking on a telephone. “Yeah, ‘I’m looking

for a house, something large, old and creepy, with extra
creep, please,’ something like that.” His voice returned to
normal after doing his best Christopher Lee impression; it
still made Terry smile no matter how many times he’d heard
it before.

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“Or if they’ve been around long enough, they could have

built the house when that style was in and just left it that

“Maybe; but someone should tell them that blending in

is more important. They should move with the times and find
a new place.”

“They’re not as bad as the kids, though. All the warning

signs and they still rent the house anyway?”

“Aww, but they’re young and foolish. Besides, they’re

going to college; they need to save money where they can.
You remember what it was like to be in their shoes, right?”

Terry looked at him askance. “I was never quite ‘in their

shoes’ and my college days are long over; I don’t need to be
reminded of them.”

Julian smiled, pinching his cheek. “You could still pass

for a college kid, though, with that face. Though, no, you
were nothing like these idiots, if memory serves.” His smile
grew fond for a moment before he glanced critically at the
screen again. “I think the vampires and students should
have made a deal. The kids could have said, ‘Look, we know
you’re vampires. Let us live here and instead of paying rent
with money we’ll pay you with blood instead.’ I mean, that’s
one thing that really bugs me about vampire films—”

“Only one thing?” Terry snorted, but Julian ignored him.

“The human body holds eight to ten pints of blood; how

can anyone think a vampire could drink all that at once?
Even if blood is like food and drink to a vampire I challenge

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anyone to drink ten pints of anything at once without
throwing up.”

“Plus you’d be sucking on the vein for a while,” Terry


“Yeah, exactly. It would work out great for the students;

they’d only need to take a little from each of them a couple
times a day.”

“It would make sure they didn’t fall into arrears too,”

Terry agreed dryly. “But there’s always a risk of others
finding out about it.”

“Oh yeah, ’cause a bunch of kids being found dead in a

house owned by the three Brothers Grim isn’t at all

“There’s ways to cover that up, though, right? Covering

up one of the kids talking about them would be a lot more
difficult.” Terry liked debating and denigrating the movie like
this, it kept his mind off what was happening on screen,
where the “Brothers Grim” as Julian had aptly named them,
had claimed their first victim.

“There’s ways of covering that up as well. Although I

guess it would be more difficult, but who’s to say anyone
would believe the one who talked anyway? That’s not very
likely; and if the vampires found out about it….” Julian did
not finish the sentence, nor did he have to. “I don’t see why
they want to feed on students anyway. Their diet is hardly
the healthiest, there’s all the drink and drugs they do,
diseases they might have, it all affects the blood…. Now, old
people, sure they might be taking medication, which

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wouldn’t taste nice, but they generally look after themselves
and nobody suspects too much if they drop dead.”

“Maybe so, but in terms of a horror flick, what do you

think people would rather see? Some busty blonde co-ed
being chased down an alley or through a house, or some old

The tension was escalating, as it tended to do in horror

films. One of the girls living in the house, the obligatory
blonde, was walking down a dimly lit hallway. Julian made a
comment about changing electricity supplier. The girl was
nervous, moving carefully, her eyes darting into dark
corners; she spun at the sound of a faint noise coming from
behind her but there was nothing there and she turned
back. The camera slowly panned round to show her front
again, and one of the vampires was standing on the ceiling,
his face not half a foot from the back of her oblivious head.
Terry jumped; Julian sniggered.

“Vampire man, vampire man, does whatever a vampire

can,” he sung to the theme tune of the old cartoon show.
Terry kept shivering as the vampire followed the clueless girl
as she continued toward the stairs. Julian glanced at him.
“Come on, how can you be scared by this? It’s not real. You
know it’s not real. It’s not like it can hurt you.”

Terry shrugged helplessly. “I know that. I can’t explain

it, I just don’t like horror films, okay? It doesn’t matter that
it’s vampires; it could be cute, fluffy kittens, but if they’re
slaughtering people in horrible and creative ways I don’t
want to watch it.”

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“Note to self: never let you watch Pet Cemetery,” Julian

said cheerfully, but slung an arm around Terry’s shoulders
and pulled him closer all the same, not saying a word as
Terry turned his head and pressed against his chest,
shrinking and leaning further into him as if trying to take
refuge under his shoulder when the girl met her expected
but unfortunate and fairly gory end a few moments later.

“You can look now,” Julian commented. Terry risked a

peek but let out a disgusted cry and hid his face again as the
screen showed a close-up of the girl’s mutilated corpse
covered in blood. Julian laughed in glee, pleased his trick
had worked so easily.

“You know I hate the sight of blood!”

“I know!” Julian howled. “And I can’t believe it, that you

still do even now. That’s not even real blood. You don’t faint
anymore, though, that’s progress at least.”

“Asshole,” Terry grumbled, sitting up and crossing his


“I’m sorry, I’m sorry. How about I take your mind off it,”

Julian offered. “You think the three vampire brothers are

That at least got Terry’s attention away from the events

on screen as he stared at Julian, aghast. “What? They’re

“And? What’s your point?” Julian asked calmly, subtly

pulling Terry to lean against him again. “Besides, who’s to
say they’re blood-related?” He grinned while Terry groaned at
the terrible pun but didn’t move away from him. “They never

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have gay vampires in movies, either, and they should. It
would make things a lot more interesting.”

“You should write to Hollywood and complain,” Terry

said; Julian couldn’t be sure if he was joking or not.

“I wonder what the whole fascination with vampires is,

anyway. I don’t see what the big deal is.”

“Well, of course you wouldn’t.”

Julian noticed the uncomfortable tone and smirked.

“Don’t worry, I won’t ask you to explain your vampire fetish
to me.”

“Vampire—you’re the one with all the movies!” Terry


“Yeah, I like watching the movies; I’m not obsessed with


“I am not obsessed. And I wasn’t obsessed before,


“Oh, I never said it was a bad thing,” Julian purred,

pulling him even closer and shifting to face him.

He nuzzled Terry’s ear, nipping the lobe before moving

down to the enticing stretch of skin below it. He licked
delicately, concentrating on one point where a faint scar was
only obvious to those who knew where to look, kissing and
nibbling the sensitive skin. Terry shivered, but this time it
was for a different reason than fear.

“Always so fixated on my neck still,” Terry moaned, not

quite able to bring himself to be really annoyed about it.
“Just like a vampire….”

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Julian chuckled. “What can I say? I’m a neck man. Your

neck was one of the things that attracted me to you in the
first place, and you know it.” He continued paying attention
to the area, in between his muffled words.

Terry turned his head for better access. “Aren’t you—

watching the movie?”

“This is a boring bit, don’t need to really pay attention

for at least another ten minutes,” Julian informed him,
taking advantage of being able to explore new areas,
although by now it was all well-known territory to him.
“Besides, movie’s not that great anyway. Cheap all round,
predictable, horrible acting….”

“What’d you expect? That’s what you get when you







“And yet it still scared you,” Julian teased, sparing a

moment to shrug. “Can’t complain; this is much more

Terry had relaxed back on the couch, the empty

popcorn bowl abandoned to the floor. He felt practically
boneless and yet tense, unable to think of a reply to the
taunt and not really wanting to as Julian’s lips ravished his
neck. His hands, cool to the touch, had sneaked under
Terry’s shirt and were gliding over his skin, paying particular
attention to his nipples and flirting with the waistline of his
jeans. Slender fingers skimmed over the hem but never tried
to venture beneath it. Julian always had been a tease, but
then again, Terry couldn’t bring himself to care as long as
Julian didn’t tease for too long. He moaned and rocked his

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hips up in a not so subtle hint as he felt blunt nails cross his
stomach once more, below his belly button. Julian only
chuckled, easing Terry’s T-shirt upward and coaxing him
into moving so it could be pulled up further and discarded.
Julian surveyed the exposed skin as though it were a feast to
be savored; Terry frowned at his expression.

“Careful, you’re drooling,” he remarked with heavy


“It’s because you look so very delicious,” Julian told

him, making Terry look more annoyed.

“You do realize you sounded like a cheesy horror flick

there? Or maybe that should be porn movie?”

“Horror porn! There’s not nearly enough of that,” Julian

exclaimed in delight. He leaned closer, intoning in a bad
“European vampire” accent, “I vant to suck your… cock.”

Terry exploded into a fit of laughter. “I don’t remember

you using that line on me when we met! Thank God—I
would’ve run a mile. Forget sexy and mysterious, you
sounded like The Count from Sesame Street.”

“Ugh, now there’s a thought I didn’t need,” Julian

huffed, silencing Terry’s continued laughter with a kiss.
“Lucky for me you didn’t run, huh?” he murmured.

“Oh, no, I ran,” Terry corrected. “Lucky for you I came


Julian nodded in agreement. He kissed Terry again, but

made a face. “Ugh. You taste salty. And not in a good way,
either.” He winced as Terry’s hand smacked his head.

“I’m sure you can learn to deal with it!”

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Julian chuckled at Terry’s glare, rolling so he was lying

on the couch, easily lifting Terry on top of him. Terry often
forgot that Julian was stronger than he looked, not that he
minded. He took advantage of the new position, tugging at
the buttons of Julian’s shirt, almost snapping them off in his
haste, sliding his hands over Julian’s chest and stomach
when it was revealed. He scratched over a nipple with his
nails, making Julian hiss, and suddenly their positions were
reversed again, both of them being careful not to tumble off
the cramped space of the couch. Julian was kissing him
deeply, plunging his tongue into Terry’s eager mouth, teeth
scraping his lips. It seemed to go on forever as they pressed
and rubbed against each other, hands wandering and urging
more clothes off. Julian’s shirt, Terry’s jeans, followed by
Julian’s pants were awkwardly and gradually discarded in
the need to get closer, to feel more. Julian attacked a nipple,
sucking and biting harshly. Terry’s rough cry drowned out
the terrified screams emanating from the forgotten movie.

“That’s it, I’m going to make you scream louder than

anyone in a horror movie could, but for very different
reasons,” Julian told him, his voice ragged and deep.

“That sounds—good to me,” Terry moaned, pulling

Julian down for a kiss again.

But of course, Julian being Julian, he had to tease Terry

first. Biting and sucking at different areas of his skin, but
never going near where Terry wanted him the most. It was
frustrating, but at least it still took his mind off the movie.
Terry decided it was time to turn the tables and do a little
teasing of his own.

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He arched up toward Julian again, stretching his body

to show his sleek muscles. “Julian, please,” he moaned, “I
need you. You know I do. The kissing and touches are
driving me crazy, they’re never enough when all I want is you
inside me, claiming me again, please…..”

“Impatient,” Julian growled, but the words had their

desired effect as Julian ripped off his lover’s boxers, literally,
as though they were so much tissue paper, before doing the
same with his own.

Terry took a moment to laugh. “We’ll run out of

underwear if you keep doing that.”

Julian leaned in close, smirking. “You say that like it’s a

bad thing.”

The lube was produced, kept in the pouch hanging off

the arm of the couch that usually held remotes. Terry wasn’t
sure that was such a good place for it, but he wasn’t about
to get into a discussion about it now. Julian’s movements
were quick but thorough, plunging inside as deep as he
could. He was obviously past the point of wanting to draw it
out with teasing, and Terry reveled in his ability to do this to
the other man.

“Love that you get so worked up you can hardly wait to

take me,” he gasped. “Normally you’re so cool and

“Not when it comes to you,” Julian replied, which was


Terry’s legs were lifted, and Julian slid into him, both of

them gasping. They were quick and rough, Julian getting his

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wish to hear his lover scream, crying out with him. Julian
collapsed, and Terry stroked his back, neither caring about
the chilling stickiness between them, for the moment. They
kissed and languidly stroked the other’s skin, both turning
their attention lazily to the screen once more. Only a male
and female character were left, the main guy and the
bookish girl who had turned into a total babe thanks to
ripped clothes and losing her glasses.

“Oh, so now they’re moving out?” Terry remarked. “Not

when, say, the first of their housemates mysteriously

“Hey, they’re students remember? Moving during the

middle of a semester would be tough. Besides, they might
have lost their deposit.” The couple on screen had set the
house on fire, destroying the vampires trapped inside. “Okay,
they’ve definitely lost their deposit now.”

After the credits had finished rolling (Julian and Terry

had kissed through them, not wanting to move just yet)
there was a brief epilogue. Earlier in the movie, the girl left
alive had been seduced by one of the vampires but had
thought it had been a dream. She was shown holding a
pregnancy test with a positive result, a shocked and fearful
look on her face.

“Oh, God, don’t tell me there could be a sequel to this

abomination?” Terry groaned, covering his eyes.

Julian laughed. “Don’t worry, I think that was put in

there because they were hoping to be able to make one more
than anything else. It really was a horror, wasn’t it? Just not
in the way the people responsible for it intended.”

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They reluctantly got dressed again (sans underwear)

and cleaned up, Julian frowning as his foot knocked the
popcorn bowl, spilling a few unpopped kernels onto the
carpet. “I still don’t know how you can eat that stuff. It’s not
exactly filling.”

“I don’t need it to be filling. I told you, I like the taste.

Just because I changed doesn’t mean my taste buds did.”

Julian sighed, shaking his head. “It’s just habit; you’ll

grow out of it eventually. But now I’m going to take you out
for a proper meal.” He grinned; his long canines seemed to
gleam, even in the dim light.

“I wish you’d stop referring to them as meals,” Terry

complained, his own teeth lengthening automatically. He
was hungry, not that he would tell Julian that, but at least
they were more humane, if such a term could be used for
them, than most of the vampires portrayed in fiction.

Terry was relatively young, for a vampire. He had been

born in 1950 and had only been a vampire for about thirty
years now. Julian was at least a hundred years older than
him. They had met when Terry was in college. He had
discovered what Julian and his family were and he had been
frightened, yes, but in the end Julian had saved his life. He
could never regret what had happened when it had led him
to this. He had a family now, a place he belonged, and
Julian. He couldn’t imagine his existence without Julian,
even if he did have strange taste in movies. A vampire who
watched vampire movies? And Julian thought he was weird?

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“You ready?” Julian asked, interrupting his musing. “We

can’t go out for too long; even here the nights are still

Terry nodded. “I don’t mind so much, though; at least

we can see the sun for a little bit when it isn’t very strong.”
Julian shook his head at his “human” notion, but Terry only
kissed him, several more minutes slipping away.

“What was that for?” Julian asked.

“I need a reason to kiss you?”

“Guess not,” Julian smiled. “One of the benefits of being

us, not having to worry about stopping when we’re kissing to
catch our breaths.”

Terry laughed, kissing him again. Yes, being a vampire

was a small price to pay for getting to be with Julian.
Eternity together wouldn’t be long enough.

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et more stories from

The Dreamspinner Press 2010 Daily Dose

package of thirty stories is available at

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About the Author




has loved reading and creating stories for as long

as she can remember, but first got into the “male romance”
genre through fanfiction. She found slash and yaoi quite by
accident (honest!) and began voraciously reading stories
online in many fandoms, finally getting up the courage to
have a go at writing some fanfics herself before shifting to
original fiction. She has lived on both sides of the Atlantic
and so can write about Caribbean summers as easily as
Scottish winters, since she has experienced both.

She loves sci-fi/fantasy, murder mysteries, comic books,
anime, and yaoi manga, which she spends far too much
money on while still having so much more to get. She’s a
creature of nocturnal habits but really wishes story ideas
would stop jumping around in her mind at three in the
morning when she is finally trying to sleep.

Visit her blog at

Find more stories by









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Vampire Movie Night ©Copyright S. Blaise, 2010

Published by
Dreamspinner Press
4760 Preston Road
Suite 244-149
Frisco, TX 75034

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are the product of the
authors’ imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead,
business establishments, events or locales is entirely coincidental.

Cover Art by Paul Richmond
Cover Design by Mara McKennen

This book is licensed to the original purchaser only. Duplication or distribution via any means is
illegal and a violation of International Copyright Law, subject to criminal prosecution and upon
conviction, fines and/or imprisonment. This eBook cannot be legally loaned or given to others. No
part of this eBook can be shared or reproduced without the express permission of the publisher. To
request permission and all other inquiries, contact Dreamspinner Press at: 4760 Preston Road, Suite
244-149, Frisco, TX 75034

Released in the United States of America
June 2010

eBook Edition
eBook ISBN: 978-1-61581-505-0

Document Outline


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