Enter the Succubus (Midsummer's Nightmare) Kate Roman

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is not my boyfriend!” Gavin declared,

hitching an impatient shoulder at his best friend, Manny.
“He’s just helping me out with my lit paper. If you’d signed
up for the class like we talked about last semester, it’d be
you helping me out.”

“Shh.” Manny looked around the nearly empty library,

then leaned back in his seat and reached for the book lying
on the table. “‘White knights,’” he read aloud. “‘White knights
appear as the saviors and guardians in myth and in many
old, long-forgotten religions. Anyone placed under the
protection of a white knight is bound to the knight in an
eternal cosmic union no man, god, or demon can sever.’
Come on. A course about fairy tales? I couldn’t take that
instead of the extra physics credits.”

“They’re not all fairy tales,” Gavin said, bristling a little.

“Lance says that a lot of this mythological stuff has basis in
fact, and that—”

“Lance says, huh?” Manny waggled his eyebrows

suggestively. “For someone who’s not your boyfriend, you’ve
been spending a lot of time over at his place. And correct me
if I’m wrong, Lance is a pretty good-looking guy?”

“Lance isn’t my type. And even if he was, he’s not

interested in me. Hell, I don’t even think he’s gay.” Gavin
frowned. “I’ve got to pass this course if I want to graduate,
and it’s a lot harder than I thought it was gonna be. It was

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just my good luck I got paired with him in the first tutorial.
He really gets this stuff.”

“Yeah, yeah.” Manny turned the pages, shaking his

head. “I can see how you’d struggle with this. Her, for
instance.” He leaned forward, pointing to a drawing of a
sinuous, dark-haired woman dressed in a blood-red gown.
The woman’s eyes glowed green. Gavin shivered.

“‘The lamia is a type of succubus. Part woman, part

snake, she shapeshifts at will, preying on virgin youths and
stealing their souls.’“ Manny cackled. “Yeah, I can see how
that’d be hard to swallow.”

“Shut up.” Gavin blushed, snatching his book back and

stuffing it into his backpack. “Manny, I just need the credits,
okay? And anyhow, I’m not a virgin.”

“Hand jobs don’t count!” Manny slapped him on the

back. “Come on, I’m just kidding you. Let’s get out of here,
huh? Before a lamia gets us?”

“You want to borrow that book if you like it so much?”

Gavin retorted, giving Manny a friendly punch on the arm.

“Oh no. You and Lance might need it for bedtime

reading.” Manny picked up his bag and headed for the exit,
grinning cheekily over his shoulder.

Gavin caught up with him at the door, just as Jefferson,

Manny’s blond, athletic boyfriend jogged up the steps toward
them. Swallowing the rest of his protest, Gavin managed a
cheery greeting, but his thoughts remained with his lit
paper… and Lance.

What he’d told Manny was true. Lance wasn’t his

boyfriend, and as far as Gavin knew Lance wasn’t interested.

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But Gavin couldn’t stop thinking about him. The evenings
they studied together, sprawled comfortably on the couch in
Lance’s tiny studio apartment, eclipsed everything else in
Gavin’s life. Lance’s deep blue eyes, the way his full lips
parted when he smiled, the curve of his muscular arms—
everything about the guy turned Gavin on.

Especially the way Lance leaned in close, looking over

Gavin’s shoulder at his notes and patting him on the back,
Lance’s low, sexy voice, close to Gavin’s ear.

Gavin took a deep breath. Every time Lance encouraged

him, Gavin felt electrified, powerful. And when Lance
followed up the words by squeezing his shoulder and smiling
into his eyes, Gavin felt electrified in an entirely different

Manny and Jefferson’s animated conversation suddenly

ended, and Gavin looked up, startled. They were looking at
him expectantly. “Huh?”

“I said, I’m having a few friends over tonight for some

drinks,” Jefferson said. “Gavin, why don’t you come along? It
should be fun.”

“Yeah, it’ll be fun. C’mon,” Manny chimed in, and Gavin

shifted from foot to foot uncomfortably. He’d planned to work
on his paper tonight and make sure he had some sensible
questions to ask Lance at their study date the next day, but
if he told Manny that he’d never hear the end of it.

“Well, sure, guys,” Gavin agreed. He’d go for an hour,

and who knew, maybe it would even be fun.

“Great, Gav, see you at seven.” Manny slung an arm

over Jefferson’s shoulders, and the two of them headed off

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toward the street. Gavin turned the other way, heading for
his bus stop. Lance wasn’t the only cute guy on campus.
Hell, maybe Jefferson had a friend so cute he’d forget all
about Lance Ritter.

“Hey, Gavin!”

Forgetting his handsome study partner wasn’t in the

cards for the rest of the afternoon. Lance bounded up,

Gavin swallowed hard. He always got tongue-tied

around Lance, at least until they’d worked for an hour or so
and had a beer together, and today… Lance was obviously
out for a run. Tight blue shorts draped his ass like a second
skin, and a muscle shirt hugged his broad, defined back. His
skin gleamed with a sheen of sweat in the late afternoon
sunshine. “What’re you doing tonight?” Lance asked.

Gavin’s mouth went dry. “I—uh….”

Lance carried on as though he hadn’t spoken. “When I

get home, I was gonna call for pizza. D’you want to come
over, split a pie, watch a movie or something?”

Gavin’s head spun. Was Lance asking him on a date?

“We can go over those other questions you had too. I

figure that way, we can bail on tomorrow. Who wants to
study on a Saturday night, huh? Not you, right, guy?”

“Oh,” Gavin said again, the frenzied pounding of his

heart slowing. He struggled to keep his voice steady. “Uh,
Lance, I would’ve, pal, but I told another friend of mine I’d go
to his party tonight. I’m real sorry about that.” He took a
deep breath. “But we can skip tomorrow anyway. I—I’ve sure
got better things to do on the weekend, you’re right.”

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Lance ran a hand through his dark hair, and Gavin saw

a flash of something unreadable in his eyes. Then Lance’s
smile returned. He clapped Gavin on the shoulder. “I’ll give
you a call, man, maybe we’ll do it Monday?”

“Sure, Lance… sure, Monday’s good.” Gavin struggled to

keep his smile from slipping. “You—you have a good time

“Yeah, Gavin, thanks. You too. Enjoy your party, huh?”

Lance paused, and his smile, warm and a little wistful,
started Gavin’s heart pounding again. “I guess it’ll be a lot
more fun than studying.”

“I dunno….” Gavin stumbled over the words, kicking

himself for telling Jefferson he’d go. A night hanging with
Lance—he’d take that any day over uncomfortable small talk
and cheap wine.

Gavin’s heart dropped as Lance’s grin faltered just a

little. “I better get going. Got another mile to cover yet. See
you Monday, pal.”

“See you.” Gavin watched Lance break into an easy run,

muscles rippling smoothly in his powerful legs. With a sigh,
Gavin turned in the direction of home.

Once there, Gavin found his roommate Wayne had

obviously just vacated their shared bathroom. Clothing and
wet towels covered the floor, and a litter of hair care
products were scattered across the counter. Gavin kicked
the clothing into a corner and climbed into the shower,
spinning the dial around to hot and turning beneath the

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He lathered himself quickly, chuckling as the label on

the body wash caught his eye. In large white letters, it
proclaimed itself “Invigorating.” He was invigorated all right,
but it had nothing to do with the body wash. Gavin slid a
hand over his cock, hardening in an instant, gasping at the
familiar jolt of pleasure.

Gavin leaned back against the slick, cool tiles of the

stall and spread his legs wide. He stroked himself slowly,
closing his eyes and lowering his head, warm needles of
water raining over the back of his neck. His body channeled
the water so that suds ran in warm rivulets over his
shoulders, down his chest and into the hand that gripped
his throbbing cock.

Gasping, Gavin thrust into his hand, consumed with the

thought of Lance as he’d just seen him. The wide, warm
smile that had been just for him…. Gavin bit his lip,
moaning softly and thinking of Lance’s tanned skin gleaming
in the sun. The burnished, muscled shoulders…. Gavin
groaned again, imagining the swell of them under his hands,
the strength and power in Lance’s arms. The taste of his
skin, salted with sweat, Lance’s low, sexy voice crying out in
pleasure, crying Gavin’s name.

Gavin stroked faster, cock swelling in his hand as he

imagined the hand on him was Lance’s, the warmth of the
water rushing down his chest becoming the warmth of
Lance’s body. Gavin felt his load rise, and he bit back a
whimper, fucking his fist with urgent, desperate strokes,
Lance’s hand driving him faster, Lance’s voice urging him

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Gavin’s cock jerked in his hand, and he arched back

against the wall, swallowing a yell. His seed spurted over his
fingers, puddling at his feet for an instant before being
washed away by the shower. Gavin milked his softening
cock, gasping his pleasure. “Lance….”

Gavin shook under the water, leaning against the wall

for support. The explosion of pleasure had left him weak at
the knees, and he squeezed his eyes shut, unwilling to let go
of the vision he’d conjured up.

Hammering at the door tore rudely through his reverie,

and Gavin jumped, nearly slipping, grabbing wildly at the
shower rack for support. The body wash clattered to the floor
of the shower along with several other plastic bottles.

“Get out of the bathroom, bitch!” Wayne bellowed on the

other side of the door. “I’ve got a hot date tonight. Hurry it
up in there.”

“Won’t be long,” Gavin called, scrabbling on the floor for

his shampoo. He’d learned that life was simpler and a lot
more pleasant if he just stayed out of his roommate’s way.



Gavin arrived at Jefferson’s small garden apartment,

he felt better. The lilac shirt he’d chosen was in keeping with
what everyone else was wearing, and by the time he’d seen
the third guy checking out his ass, Gavin felt quite at home.
He poured a second glass of wine and headed across the
room towards Manny.

“Hey, sexy.” A nameless chill went up Gavin’s spine, and

he froze, turning in trepidation. A stunning brunette rose

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from her perch on the arm of a chair and walked toward
him. She was older than him, although it was hard to judge
her true age, and she had small, defined features and
startling green eyes. “I’m Lana. And you must be Gavin.”

Gavin’s eyes widened and he glanced over his shoulder.

“Uh—hi, Lana. I—I’m Gavin, that’s right. Do I know you?”

“No.” Something about Lana’s breathy laugh made

Gavin’s stomach clench. “Not yet, anyway. But I hope you
soon will. Come on.” She reached out and clasped Gavin’s
wrist, pulling him towards the French doors.

The small paved courtyard was still pleasantly warm,

and Lana steered them to a small bench. Lana sat down next
to him, very close, and Gavin shifted uncomfortably, feeling

“I’ve heard a lot about you.” Lana’s voice was a low,

throaty murmur, and she slid her hand up his arm.

Gavin gulped. “I—I haven’t heard anything about you?”

“Well then, you’ve got a lot to learn.” Lana’s predatory,

satisfied smile didn’t waver, but her hand tightened on
Gavin’s arm.

Gavin looked down at her blood red nails against his

shirt, feeling the pinch of her fingers through the thin cotton.
He tried to draw away, but Lana held him fast, her bright red
lips curving wider. Desperately Gavin tried to think up an
excuse to get away but found himself unable to tear his gaze
from Lana’s green eyes, twin pools he could drown in, lose
himself in.

“That’s right. Now we’re getting to know each other,

Gavin. We’re going to be good friends, I can tell.”

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“Hey Gavin! Who’s your friend?” Manny’s voice,

inquisitive and full of enthusiasm, rang loud and real in
Gavin’s ears.

Gavin shook his head slowly, drawing in a deep lungful

of the evening air. His throat felt thick and clogged, and he
coughed violently.

“Hey, are you okay?” Manny grabbed his shoulders, and

Lana reluctantly released his arm.

The coughing fit abated and Gavin looked up at Manny

with watering eyes. “Yeah, I’m good.”

“Hey! Where’s your friend going?” Manny asked, and

Gavin blinked, clearing his vision. Lana, red dress swirling
around her legs, was stalking angrily away across the patio
and back into the apartment.

“She’s not a friend. I only just met her. Her name’s

Lana, but—I don’t know who she is.” Gavin felt the nameless
chill creep up his spine again and shivered. “She was kind of
weird, Manny.”

After the strange encounter, Gavin’s enthusiasm for the

party waned. After he’d looked over his shoulder for the third
time, thinking he’d seen a flash of red from the corner of his
eye, he decided to call it a night.

Walking home through the twilight, Gavin checked

behind him time and time again. He’d had girls hit on him
before, but he’d never felt so trapped, so powerless as he had
with Lana. He couldn’t stop his mind from going to the
beasts he’d been reading so much about. He couldn’t shake
the feeling that something had come looking for him.

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His apartment was cold, dark, and quiet, and Gavin

realized Wayne must still be out on his date. It was barely
nine, and Gavin thought unhappily of the way his evening
could have gone if he’d accepted Lance’s invitation instead of
Jefferson’s. He pictured himself curled up in one corner of
the old checkered couch in Lance’s cozy studio, one bar of
Lance’s electric heater and Lance’s smile keeping him as
warm as he’d ever need to be.

Moodily, Gavin headed for the kitchen. He’d hardly

finished making himself a coffee when voices and the scrape
of a key in the lock alerted him to his roommate’s arrival.

Gavin clutched the warm mug anxiously. He’d hoped to

be safely ensconced in his room before Wayne and his date

“Hey, sexy.”

Gavin spun around with a high-pitched cry. Lana, her

red lips still curved in that predatory smile, stood in the
kitchen doorway. “It’s unfortunate we were interrupted.”

The coffee cup slipped from Gavin’s nerveless fingers,

shattering on the tile floor. Gavin grabbed at the counter,
backing away.

“Fucking hell, Gavin, have you broken another mug?”

Wayne shouldered his way into the kitchen, grabbing a bag
of chips and a half-empty bottle of whiskey from a top

Gavin looked from his roommate to Lana in confusion,

and then, as Wayne took Lana’s arm, understanding
dawned. Lana was Wayne’s date.

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“C’mon honey. Let’s you and me leave this loser and go

get better acquainted.” Wayne started out of the kitchen and
Lana followed, but her gaze lingered on Gavin.

With shaking hands, Gavin cleaned up the mess he’d

made. The image of Lana’s predatory green eyes and curved,
blood-red smile wouldn’t leave him.

A quick glance into the living room showed Wayne’s date

perched daintily on the couch and no sign of Wayne.
Quickly, Gavin started across the room, but before he’d
taken two steps, Lana stopped him, her voice creeping over
Gavin’s skin like oil. “Stay awhile, Gavin,” she said. Just as
it had at the party, her voice froze Gavin in his tracks, and
he found himself turning to face her.

“I—I’m tired,” he said.

Lana fixed him with her mesmerizing gaze. “No, you’re

not, Gavin.” Gavin saw the glint of white teeth. Cold terror
clamped around his chest like an iron band.

“I’ve got to go.” Gavin tore himself away, swinging

quickly around. Wayne stood directly in front of him, and
Gavin stepped back with a gasp.

“That’s right.” Wayne grinned mirthlessly. “The lady

wants you to stay. And you know, it’s polite to do what a
lady wants.”

Gavin looked into his roommate’s spiteful eyes and

knew he could expect no help from that quarter. Whatever
Lana had planned, Wayne would be a willing participant. He
swallowed a whimper of fear and turned back.

Lana stood up slowly, uncoiling from her position on the

couch like a serpent and gliding across the room. Gavin

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trembled, glancing back toward the kitchen, searching for an
escape route. Wayne stepped lazily sideways, and Gavin
realized he was trapped. “What is it you want from me?”

“Don’t be silly, Gavin.” Lana’s low, caressing voice

sounded cold in his ears. “I just want you to join us for a
drink, that’s all. After all, you and I had just gotten started
when we were so rudely interrupted earlier.”

Gavin looked wildly from Lana to Wayne, who smirked.

“That’s right, Gavin,” he said. “We got something special
planned, and you’re just gonna love it.”

Gavin saw the unnaturally bright glimmer in Wayne’s

eyes, and panic rose in his throat. Lana opened her mouth to
speak, green eyes glittering, but she was interrupted by a
thunderous pounding on the front door. Gavin shrank back
against the wall. If Lana had brought reinforcements, he had
no chance of escape.

“Do nothing,” Lana instructed Wayne softly. “Be quiet.

He will go.”

The hammering came again, more sustained this time.

“Gavin! Gavin! Open up!”

The voice was muffled by the thick front door, but Gavin

would have known it anywhere. “Lance!” Gavin dived for the
door, tearing at the locks. Wayne grabbed his arm, twisting,
but Gavin managed to get to the door handle, and as Wayne
dragged him back, the door swung open.

Lance, disheveled and anxious, charged into the room.

He took one look at the scene and barked a word Gavin
couldn’t catch. Lana answered him, a single guttural word in

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no language Gavin had ever heard, then Lance pulled him
free of Wayne’s grip.

Gavin stumbled, trembling, and Lance caught him, a

strong arm pulling him close. “Take it easy,” Lance said

Gavin looked nervously around the room. Wayne was on

the floor looking dazed, but there was no sign of Lana.
“Where’d she go?”

“I don’t know.” Lance shrugged. “I told her to go and she

left.” He tightened his arm around Gavin. “Are you okay?”

“I guess so.” Gavin held on tight to Lance’s reassuring

solid bulk, burying his head against Lance’s shoulder. “How
did you know? Lance, why did you come?”

“Oh….” Lance stopped, then shrugged and pulled a

notebook out of his back pocket. “I found your notebook and
figured you might need it. I thought I’d drop it off on my way

“Thanks.” Gavin shivered and straightened up, suddenly

aware that he was leaning on Lance heavily, aware of his
friend’s arm wrapped around him. “I’m… real glad you did.”

“So am I.” Lance regarded Gavin carefully for a minute,

then looked down at Wayne. “Listen, you want to come back
to my place? It seems like your apartment isn’t too healthy

“Would you mind?” Gavin took a deep breath, relief

flooding through him. The thought of spending the night in
the apartment alone with Wayne only a room away and Lana
still at large was terrifying. “I—I’d really appreciate it.”

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“I wouldn’t mind at all.” Lance smiled broadly, his deep

blue eyes on Gavin’s. “C’mon, man.”

Gavin looked nervously over his shoulder as they

descended the dark staircase.

“Don’t worry.” Lance’s arm tightened around Gavin’s

shoulders. “Nothing’s gonna hurt you now, all right?”

“Sorry.” Gavin shivered, glancing sideways at his friend.

“I guess I’m kind of rattled. Are you sure she’s gone?”

“Yup.” Lance stopped at the bottom of the stairs, and

when Gavin made to reach for the door, Lance stopped him
with a warm hand on his arm. “Wait a minute.”

“What is it?” Gavin peered anxiously through the glass

door then looked back at Lance. “Is something wrong?”

“Oh, no.” Lance’s smile spread slowly across his face.

“Gavin, there’s nothing wrong.” He leaned in close, raising
one hand to touch Gavin’s cheek.

Surprise, disbelief, and excitement warred in Gavin’s

chest, and then Lance’s lips were on his, sweet and perfect.
Gavin melted against Lance’s body, feeling Lance’s arms
strong and hard around him, and he let himself fall, holding
on as he lost himself in the deep kiss.

“C’mon,” Lance whispered finally, nuzzling Gavin’s ear.

“Let’s go home, okay?”

“Okay.” Gavin hung onto Lance’s arm as they left the

building, and Lance ushered him towards a beat-up Honda.
His head was whirling with the night’s events, but the
dominant thought in his mind was Lance. Lance had arrived
in time to save him from whatever had been about to befall

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him, and now it seemed his own feelings for Lance were
returned in full.








interminable, and by the time the car was parked and they
were in the elevator, Gavin couldn’t wait any longer. He
pushed Lance against the wall, hands scrabbling at his shirt,
desperate to touch skin. Lance reciprocated eagerly, pulling
Gavin close, tearing roughly at the buttons of the lilac shirt.
Gavin heard a pop as one tore free, and then he collapsed,
moaning, against Lance’s chest at the touch of Lance’s hand
on his bare stomach.

They stumbled inside, grabbing at each other. In

moments they were on the wide, soft, checkered couch, both
of them shirtless, and Gavin groaned with desire as Lance
climbed on top of him. Gavin’s cock strained against his too-
tight jeans, and he whimpered, shifting, reaching for Lance’s

Lance leaned down, claiming Gavin’s mouth again,

harder. He ground his hips against Gavin’s. Gavin rolled his
hips back, gasping with a desire so strong it took him by
surprise. “Lance,” he whimpered, and Lance kissed him
again, then bit gently at his ear.

“You’re so beautiful,” Lance murmured, lowering his

head to kiss Gavin’s neck.

Gavin blinked. Lance, dark and gorgeous, with skin the

color of molten bronze, thought he was beautiful? “Lance,”
he muttered, raising himself up. “You. You’re beautiful.

“Hush.” Lance pushed him back down on the couch and

backed up his words with a deep, thorough kiss.

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Whimpering, Gavin lost his train of thought, giving

himself over to the explorations of Lance’s bold, clever
tongue. He felt Lance’s hands sliding under his waistband
and moaned against his mouth.

Getting Gavin’s tight jeans off caused them both a

momentary struggle, and Gavin wished Lance would just
tear the cloth and be done with it. But at last he was naked,
and Lance pushed him back on the couch, crawling between
his spread legs and dropping a soft kiss on his parted,
willing lips.

“Lance,” Gavin whimpered, and Lance smiled into his

eyes, stroking his cheek.

Gavin moaned, eyes falling shut as Lance’s mouth

closed firmly over his nipple. He bucked at the scrape of
Lance’s teeth, thrilling and sensual, and then Lance’s hand
was exploring his inner thigh.

Gasping in the grip of pleasure and sensations stronger

than any he’d experienced before, Gavin thrust against
Lance’s body, whimpering helplessly. His body thrummed,
taut and expectant, balls high and tight and throbbing, his
aching, ready cock twitching, leaking his seed onto his skin.

Gavin sobbed as at last Lance’s hand found his cock,

light and teasing, stroking the length of his shaft.

“Yes, Gavin.” Lance growled, low and thrilling, and

Gavin felt the noise resonating at the base of his spine. He
moaned helplessly, bucking upward, feeling Lance slide
down his body.

Lance’s warm, wet mouth on the head of Gavin’s cock

was nearly more than Gavin could bear. He cried out wildly,

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arching up off the couch, panting with need as Lance
swallowed him deep.

“Lance… Lance!” Gavin moaned, shuddering, Lance’s

tongue encircling his head, teasing his slit, everywhere all at
once. Sensation grew, a throbbing ache in his belly that
expanded, filling him until it was more than he could stand.
Gavin choked out a wild cry as his orgasm exploded through
him, stronger than anything he’d ever felt before, intense
pulses that made him sob and writhe in ecstatic agony.

“Easy, baby. I got you.” Lance let him go, crawling up

his body to pull him into his arms, and Gavin hung on tight
as the last waves of pleasure ebbed and flowed.

“Lance,” he whispered and felt Lance’s soft lips on his

forehead. “Lance…. I never… Lance….”

“Hush, Gavin. I know, I know. I got you, all right?

Always.” Lance nuzzled Gavin’s cheek, and Gavin raised his

He found himself looking into Lance’s eyes. “Lance,”

Gavin said quietly, his gaze never leaving his lover. He knew
he had something important to say, something to tell Lance
that wouldn’t wait, but he couldn’t find words to describe the
feelings that had him in their grasp.

But Lance didn’t seem to need the words Gavin couldn’t

find. His blue eyes smiled, understanding and gentle.
“Hush,” Lance said again and followed it up with a deep,
searching kiss.

Gavin gave himself over to the heat and passion in that

kiss, his spent body tingling. He bucked against Lance,

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pressing their bodies together, moaning as he felt the heat of
Lance’s cock against his hip.

Lance groaned softly, and Gavin opened his eyes,

reaching down to fumble with Lance’s open jeans. He tugged
them down, rising up onto his knees between Lance’s spread
thighs. Gavin freed Lance from his shorts, then paused for a
moment to admire Lance’s proud, ready cock. He wet his lips
in anticipation, loving the way Lance throbbed in his hand,
savoring each soft, breathy whimper. “Oh God, Lance,” he
muttered. “Oh yes.”

Lance lifted his hips with a cry, and Gavin bent his

head, lapping gently at the wine-dark crown. The slick salt of
Lance’s precum sent thrills down his spine, and Gavin
moaned, running his lips along Lance’s shaft.

“So good,” Gavin whispered. Gently, carefully, he took

Lance into his mouth.

Lance arched, whimpering, and Gavin grasped the base

of Lance’s cock in his hand, stroking him short and slow
while his tongue teased and explored. The taste of Lance, the
thrill of his hard flesh was like an electric current, and Gavin
took Lance as deep as he could, sucking greedily. Lance
cried out, and Gavin felt Lance’s cock pulse and swell in his
hand. He redoubled his efforts, tonguing him softly, seeking
his sensitive pleasure centers, and Lance cried out again,
head falling back as his body tensed.

Lance’s juice spurted over Gavin’s tongue, and Gavin

swallowed eagerly, lapping at the last drops, desperate to get
it all. Lance sobbed and moaned, writhing under Gavin’s
touch. Releasing his softening cock with a final gentle kiss,

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Gavin dropped down beside his lover, and Lance turned,
reaching for him.

Gavin curled into Lance’s arms, burying his head

against his shoulder. Being with Lance was better than he’d
imagined, better than anything he’d ever felt. He only hoped
Lance felt the same way.



. Gavin!”

Gavin jerked back to awareness, tensing at the

unfamiliar room. Then Lance’s face came into focus, leaning
close, and the evening’s events came flooding back. Gavin
sat up, smiling shyly at Lance. “Sorry. I guess I fell asleep.”

“S’okay.” Lance sat up next to him, rubbing a hand over

his jaw. “C’mon, can’t stay here all night.”

“Oh….” Cold fear rose in Gavin’s gut, and he bit his lip,

looking away. “You’re right. I should—I should go.” He felt
sick. Lance had only wanted a night of pleasure, and Gavin
had stupidly mistaken it for something more.

Gavin swallowed hard, fighting to breathe as he swung

his feet to the floor, leaning down and reaching for the tight
jeans. They’d gotten him laid, he thought numbly. That was
what he’d wanted, wasn’t it?

“Please don’t go.” Lance’s hand was on his arm, light

and hesitant, and there was confusion in his voice.

Gavin lifted his head and looked into Lance’s

questioning blue eyes. “You don’t want me to go?” he asked
softly, a flicker of hope starting in his chest.

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“Of course I don’t want you to go.” Lance leaned

forward, serious and pleading. “Gavin, I knew you were
special the first time I met you. What’s between us… I’ve
never felt anything like this before. Tell me, man…. Tell me
you feel it too?”

Gavin caught his breath, gazing into Lance’s face,

reading everything he’d hoped for there. Relief flooded
through him, and he sucked in a deep breath. “Oh Lance,”
he whispered. “I do.”

Lance pulled him close, wrapping his arms around him,

and the jeans fell unheeded from Gavin’s hands. “C’mon,”
Lance murmured, close to his ear. “You ready to go to bed?”

The bedroom was simply a cozy alcove off the lounge,

hidden by a curtain. Lance snapped on a lamp and pulled
the curtain behind them, and Gavin crawled under the
comforter, looking around appreciatively. In the soft
lamplight, the space was warm and den-like, a quiet
sanctuary. Lance slid into the bed beside him, reaching for
him, and Gavin relaxed into his arms. “Thank you,” he said

“For what?” Lance pressed a kiss against his ear.

“Tonight. If you hadn’t come… I don’t know what

would’ve happened.”

Gavin felt a tremor run through Lance’s body. “Yeah,”

Lance said quietly. “I’ve met that… girl… before. Lei—uh—
What’d she say her name was?”


“Lana.” Lance sucked in a long breath. “I’ve seen her…

hurt… other guys before. I couldn’t let that happen to you.”

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“I couldn’t stop thinking about the succubus in the

textbook. The lamia. Something about her…. I dunno, she
just gave me the creeps.” Gavin looked up at Lance, half-
questioning, half-apologetic.

Lance grinned at him reassuringly and kissed his lips. “I

don’t know about that. But what I do know is that anyone
after you, whether it’s Lana or a lamia or your Neanderthal
roommate, they’re gonna have to come through me first. You
got that?”

Warmth and security flooded through Gavin, and he

reached a hand up to cup Lance’s cheek, smiling. “Yeah, he
said softly. “I got that.”

Lance moved in closer, kissing him again, and Gavin

snuggled into his lover’s warm embrace. Lance’s hands
moved gently on his back, soothing and gentle, and Gavin let
his eyes close.



woke up alone in Lance’s bed, and his heart dropped.

Staring around wildly, Gavin clutched the sheets around his
bare body. “Lance? Lance?”

The curtains across the alcove hung crookedly askew,

and Gavin’s voice echoed strangely around the studio. Biting
back rising panic, Gavin forced himself up, the wood floor
cold and smooth against his bare feet. He briefly considered
forcing himself back into the tight jeans but grabbed a worn
terrycloth robe instead, belting it quickly around himself.
“Lance!” He ran into the middle of the small studio, fighting
back sick waves of fear. “Lance? Where are you?” There was

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no sign of him, and the tiny bathroom and kitchenette were
both empty. Gavin cracked open the front door, peering
anxiously out.

Outside, Lance’s quiet neighborhood was dark and

deserted. The sedate old apartment buildings lining the
street seemed to have all turned a blind eye, and Gavin crept
a few steps out into the street, searching the night. “Lance?”

There was no response. A crisp, crackling noise at the

end of the block drew Gavin’s attention, and as he watched,
a lone leaf blew across the entrance to the cul-de-sac,
spinning and dancing across the cobblestones, borne by an
icy wind.

Gavin felt himself drawn towards the street’s mouth,

barely registering the bite of the frost-rimed cobblestones on
his bare feet. The leaf moved tantalizingly ahead of him,
skipping and skidding away into the darkness. Gavin’s heart
beat faster as he realized he was standing at the entrance to
a vast, forbidding courtyard that was cloaked in thick, cold
mist. Tall, gray-bricked buildings loomed over him, their
windows dark and shuttered as if in disapproval, their roofs
crenellated with carved stone figures in tortured, hideous

“Lance?” Gavin’s voice came out as a frightened whine,

and he wrapped his arms around himself, shivering.

“I know something that will keep you warm.”

At the sound of Lana’s voice, Gavin spun, terrified. She

stalked toward him across the frosted cobblestones. Her
bright green eyes glowed against pale, almost translucent
skin. Gavin wanted to run, to fight, but all the strength had

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gone from his limbs, and he stood stock-still as Lana moved
towards him.

A hideous, misshapen creature scuttled at her feet, and

Gavin stared at in terror. The deformed, twisted features
were eerily familiar. Somehow, his roommate Wayne had
become this demonic being. With an angry hiss and a flick of
a long, forked tongue, the thing bounded away. Gavin
watched, terrified, as it climbed the wall of the nearest
building with inhuman speed and ease until it perched on
the cornice, chittering with manic, gleeful laughter.

Lana spoke a word, pointing one long finger, and Wayne

gave a scream that froze Gavin’s blood in his veins. He
stared, unbelieving, as the creature’s face solidified into an
agonized grimace, transforming the features until they were
no longer recognizable, turned to stone. Gavin whimpered,
spinning back to face Lana.

She stared back coldly. “His seed was unworthy.”

Gavin struggled for a response, his breath coming in

short, halting gasps. “But you, virgin child,” Lana continued,
“your seed I will spill deep in my barren womb, and you will
be bound to me until the end of time.” Her full red lips
curved into a mirthless, chilling smile.

Gavin stared at her in horror, desperately trying to force

his leaden limbs to move. But his body would not respond,
and Lana stalked closer, slowly undoing the front of her red
satin dress. She pulled the tie at her waist, and the bodice
fell open, exposing her breasts to him. At the tip of each one,
a forked tongue flicked hungrily at him, grotesque and

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Lana bent towards him, letting the dress fall past her

shoulders, reaching for the tie of his robe. Struggling to get
away, Gavin fell onto the slick, iced cobblestones with a
terrified cry. He thought hopelessly of the strong arms that
had held him, the safety Lance had promised him. But Lance
had disappeared.

There was a groan from one of the buildings nearby,

then an awful crack. Wayne’s gargoyle toppled from the roof,
falling in helpless slow motion. Gavin threw an arm over his
face as the statue smashed on the ground, pelting him with
shards of rough stone.

Lana’s cold fingertips brushed Gavin’s arms, the chill

spreading to his flesh, and Gavin gasped. He batted
ineffectually at her hand, but her grip was like steel. “No,
please no!” Gavin tried to crawl away, but Lana pinned him
down, climbing on top of him. Her dress had fallen away
entirely, and she pressed her ice-cold flesh against him. With
a quiet hiss, she extended a long, forked tongue to lick his

“I like it when they fight,” she hissed. “It makes the

taking that much ssssweeter.”

Gavin screamed. “Lance!”

Lana forced him down against the freezing cobbles, and

Gavin screamed again in earnest.

There was a rumbling from deep under the ground, like

thunder at a distance. The thick mist rolled back as slow,
measured footsteps crossed the courtyard, and Gavin
trembled, straining his eyes to see who—or what—was
coming. Lana hissed angrily and then threw her head back
to scream at the sky.

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At last the mist cleared enough for Gavin to see. Lance

stood in the center of the courtyard, a blazing sword in his
hand. His image rippled somehow, shining silver in the dim

Lance shouted something that sounded like a challenge,

and Lana leaped to her feet, shrieking. “How came you to
this place?”

The flaming sword in Lance’s hand burned with a clear

white light, brighter and brighter as Lance swung his sword
arm. “I was called, Leilani. I was called and you have failed.
He is mine.”

Lana howled as the flashing sword ripped through the

cold wet air towards her. In an instant, her form shimmered
and was gone, and Gavin screamed as a small black snake
slithered toward him. For an instant, he saw venomous
green eyes glowing in its diamond shaped head, and then it
turned and fled across the stones.

Lance dropped the sword to the icy ground. “I’ve found

you. Gavin, I’ve found you.”

Gavin managed a whimper, raising a trembling hand

toward his rescuer just as everything went black.



. Gavin!” Lance’s voice and touch summoned Gavin

back to awareness, and Gavin opened his eyes slowly.

“Lance?” he whispered, quivering with fear. “Lance?” He

stared around him in terror. The memory of Lana’s icy skin
still haunted him.

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“I got you, Gavin. It’s all right, baby. I got you.”

Gavin slumped against Lance’s body in relief as he took

in the warm-toned walls of Lance’s bedroom alcove and
realized that, rather than the cold, haunted courtyard of his
dream, he was safe in Lance’s warm bed, in Lance’s strong

“I got you,” Lance repeated, his lips soft on Gavin’s

cheekbone. “Nothing can hurt you here, Gavin. Okay?”

Trembling, Gavin lifted his head, looking into the warm

concern in Lance’s eyes. “I guess I was dreaming. Lana… she
was some kind of demon… a lamia. I… I couldn’t move—and
she said I’d be bound to her until the end of time—” His
breath caught in his throat, and he buried his head against
Lance’s shoulder.

“Take it easy,” Lance said, very low, right against

Gavin’s ear. His arms tightened around Gavin, holding him
close, drawing him into the shelter of his body. “Lana’s gone,
all right? I told her to get away from you, and she left. And
man, something tells me she isn’t coming back.”

Gavin looked at the sincerity in Lance’s face and smiled

slightly. “You did. You saved me. In my dream, I mean.”

Lance smiled back gently. “Of course I did. And I always

will, all right?”

Gavin’s smile widened and he leaned in to claim a kiss.

Then Lance was claiming his mouth hard, insistent tongue
exploring Gavin’s mouth even as his hands explored Gavin’s
body. Gavin let himself be pushed onto his back, moaning
his hunger as Lance pushed his legs apart.

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“That’s it,” Lance murmured, and Gavin whimpered

helplessly. Lance’s hands were light and gentle, caressing
him softly, his abdomen, thigh, and finally his straining,
aching cock.

Gavin gasped and thrust into his lover’s hand, his hips

coming up off the bed. Lance’s hand kept up its steady,
gentle stroke, and Gavin whined, rolling his hips back.
Lance’s other hand roved lower, cupping Gavin’s tight sac,
thumb teasing his perineum.

The touch was electric, setting off sparks at the base of

Gavin’s spine, and Gavin moaned, pressing against Lance’s
hand. He’d never been touched there before, and he drew up
his legs, spreading himself to give Lance better access.

Lance’s fingers kept moving, tickling, and stroking,

while his other hand worked Gavin’s shaft. Gavin moaned
and sobbed, helpless under Lance’s touch. Nothing in his
past encounters had prepared him for the ache in his loins,
the burst of pleasure that started at the base of his spine
and made him arch up off the bed in near-painful ecstasy.
“Lance,” he whimpered.

“Hold on, man.” Lance’s stroking fingers disappeared

and Gavin whined his disapproval. “Easy now.” Moments
later they returned, now cool and slick with lube, and this
time they probed gently and unerringly between his cheeks.

Gavin’s eyes flew open as Lance’s fingers found his

pucker, circling gently on his tender flesh. He shuddered
with a combination of nerves and anticipation as the ache in
his loins became a tangible, urgent need. Gavin wanted to be
fucked, and even more than that, he wanted Lance inside
him, taking him, owning him.

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“Okay?” Lance’s fingers played gently over Gavin’s hole,

stroking and teasing, not yet seeking entry. Gavin gasped.
His body was on fire for Lance; he needed him now, but he
was nervous.

“Yeah—” Gavin moaned and fixed his eyes on Lance’s.

“Lance… I want this, I want you, but I’ve never—” He
stopped, struggling to find words, then gave in and kissed
Lance with everything he had.

Lance kissed him back harder, and as he did so, his

slippery, teasing finger pressed firmly in the center of Gavin’s

Gavin mewled, his eyes opening wide, and then he was

gasping his acceptance, moving his hips as Lance probed his

“Feel okay?” Lance asked him softly.

“Better than okay.” Gavin groaned as Lance pressed in

further, and then with a final push, Lance found Gavin’s
pleasure spot. Gavin cried out, writhing as Lance stroked
him deep inside and waves of pleasure broke over and
through him.

Gavin rolled his hips back further, spreading his legs as

wide as he could, and Lance rewarded him with a deeper,
longer stroke. Lance’s hand was on his cock, Lance’s fingers
were inside him, and Gavin had never been so turned on in
his life.

Lance’s finger left his passage, and Gavin whined his

loss until the cold touch on his pucker made him realize
Lance had simply added more lube. And this time, two
fingers worked his ring, stretching his entrance until they

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could enter his warm passage and find the spot that made
him buck and sob Lance’s name.

“I got you, Gavin.” Lance’s voice was hoarse with need,

and Gavin moaned as the fingers left his ass again, but this
time, they were replaced with Lance’s blunt cockhead.

Gavin felt it, fat and hot against his gel-cooled hole, and

he whined in urgent anticipation. “Please, Lance.”

“Slowly, man.” Lance leaned forward and kissed him,

hard and long, and as he did, the pressure on Gavin’s ring

Gavin moaned as he felt his tight muscle giving, and

then Lance’s cockhead was suddenly opening him,
stretching him. He felt every one of Lance’s infinitesimal
movements as he pushed inside, pausing for Gavin to adjust.

The penetration stung for a moment, and then Gavin

was flying, pleasure exploding through him as Lance’s cock
pressed against his prostate. “Lance,” he yelped, bucking,
and Lance fell forward onto his chest, wrapping his arms
around him. Then Lance started to move, short slow strokes
that gave Gavin time to adjust and squarely hit his pleasure
spot with every movement.

Gavin shuddered, moving in time with Lance’s thrusts,

his body on fire with the thrill of Lance inside him. He
groaned, arching up, his own body pressed against Lance’s,
and cried out as his cockhead slid slick and hot across
Lance’s skin.

Pleasure exploded through him, ebbing and flowing in

his veins until his world consisted only of Lance on him,

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inside him. Every touch, every movement took Gavin higher
until he lost control with a harsh cry.

Gavin writhed and gasped, bucking helplessly against

Lance, sobbing in ecstasy. He’d never felt anything like the
thrilling waves of pleasure that crashed over him, and when
Lance gasped his name, dropping onto Gavin’s chest, Gavin
cried out too, arching up again in a final spasm. Lance
growled softly, and Gavin felt his lover’s lips against his jaw.

“Lance.” Panting, Gavin eased his legs down and turned

his head to find Lance’s mouth.

Lance’s lips were warm on his, reassuring and sweet,

and Gavin’s ragged breathing steadied. Lance was still inside
him, and Gavin welcomed the feeling, moaning softly into
Lance’s mouth.

They lay together, kissing gently, until Lance’s cock

finally softened and slipped from Gavin’s body. Gavin
whimpered softly, moving beneath his lover, and Lance rolled
to the side, pulling Gavin close. Gavin snuggled into his

“So now you really are my white knight,” Gavin

murmured, kissing Lance’s collarbone.

Lance smiled gently, and Gavin looked into Lance’s

intense blue eyes, his heart leaping. Lance dropped a kiss of
his own on Gavin’s forehead. “Yes, Gavin. There’s nothing in
this world or any other that can take you from me now.”

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et more stories from

The Dreamspinner Press 2010 Daily Dose

package of thirty stories is available at


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About the Author





is an adventurer, a scribe, and a hopeless

romantic. A native of northern California, she divides her
time between dreaming of beautiful, heartbroken men and
the men who love them and working in IT support. She’s
ably assisted by one cat, three dogs, and four rabbits and
doesn’t want to talk about the shameful state of her garden.
She also reads more books than can possibly be healthy and
can be reached at romankate@gmail.com.

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Enter the Succubus ©Copyright Kate Roman, 2010

Published by
Dreamspinner Press
4760 Preston Road
Suite 244-149
Frisco, TX 75034

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are the product of the
authors’ imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead,
business establishments, events or locales is entirely coincidental.

Cover Art by Paul Richmond http://www.paulrichmondstudio.com
Cover Design by Mara McKennen

This book is licensed to the original purchaser only. Duplication or distribution via any means is
illegal and a violation of International Copyright Law, subject to criminal prosecution and upon
conviction, fines and/or imprisonment. This eBook cannot be legally loaned or given to others. No
part of this eBook can be shared or reproduced without the express permission of the publisher. To
request permission and all other inquiries, contact Dreamspinner Press at: 4760 Preston Road, Suite
244-149, Frisco, TX 75034 http://www.dreamspinnerpress.com/

Released in the United States of America
June 2010

eBook Edition
eBook ISBN: 978-1-61581-486-2

Document Outline


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