Fabricated Christmas Christma Glenna Maynard

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Christmas of Love Collection
About Glenna
Also by Glenna Maynard

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Fabricated Christmas Glenna Maynard ©2020 All Rights


This is a work of fiction. Names characters, places and incidents

either are the product of the author’s imagination or used fictitiously

and any resemblance to actual people, alive or dead, business,

establishments, locals or events is entirely coincidental. Any

reference to real events, business, organizations or locals is intended

only to give the fiction a sense of realism and authenticity. All rights

reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a

retrieval system, or transmitted by any means – electronic,

mechanical, photographic (photocopying), recording, or otherwise –

without prior permission in writing from the author.

The author acknowledges the copyrighted or trademarked status and

trademark owners of the word marks mentioned in this work of


Cover: Alluring Write Productions

Created with Vellum

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Rule #1 - Never date your boss.

Rule #2 - Under any circumstances never ever

sleep with your boss.

Rule #3 - Rules were meant to be broken.

Finnick Wilder is rude and conceited. He's a

jerk with a capital J who also happens to be

devilishly handsome and my boss.

I despise him, but when he says jump, I ask how


Him dropping to one knee and proposing ranks

way above how high I can jump.

His demand for a fake fiancée crosses the line

between fiction and reality. Yet, it seems like fate

under the mistletoe.

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Welcome to Santa Claus, Indiana where Christmas

isn’t just a holiday, it’s a way of life. Join these 12

amazing authors with 11 wonderful books as they

bring you some instalove, a little mystery, and

maybe some thriller, for a romance filled holiday!

The community of Santa Claus was designed in

1849. The story of how it received the name of

Santa Claus has roots both in fact and legend. In

January 1856 the town applied for a post office to

be installed.

On June 25, 1895, as part of a nationwide

standardization for place names, the post office

name was changed to the one word Santaclaus.

The town's unique name went largely unnoticed

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until the late 1920s, when Postmaster James Martin

began promoting the Santa Claus postmark. The

name was changed back to Santa Claus on

February 17, 1928. It was then that the Post Office

Department decided there would never be another

Santa Claus Post Office in the United States, due to

the influx of holiday mail. The growing volume of

holiday mail became so substantial that it caught

the attention of

Robert Ripley

in 1929, who

featured the town's post office in his nationally


Ripley's Believe It or Not!

cartoon strip


Learn more about this unique town here:


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To finding love in unexpected places.

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applications I let out a breath and

scrub a palm over my face. The blades of the small

fan on my desk whir, blowing the corners of the

papers up.

“Still no luck?” My mom dips her head through

the doorway of my private office.

I lay my hands over my chest knitting my

fingers together as I lean back in my black leather

chair. “Nope.”

“What about that one…you know,” she presses,

making the motion of big boobs over her chest.

I shake my head. “If I hire Amanda, Sean won’t

get any work done for staring at her ass all day.”

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“Gross.” Auden darts past Mom.

“Hey, meanness. How was school today?”

“Boring.” She rolls her eyes. “We have to

memorize a gazillion words for the spelling bee. I

don’t like it.”

“I tell you what. You ace the list and I’ll think

about letting you have that sleepover you’ve been

going on about for your birthday.”

“Really?” Her eyes light up, stars dancing

behind her green orbs.

“Why not?”

Her arms sling around my neck as she climbs

into my lap. “You’re the best.”

I give her a hug. “Go get started on your

homework. We’ll head home in about an hour once

I finish up.”

Auden runs off, and Mom hesitates to follow


“What? Whatever it is, spit it out. We both

know you’ll call me later to gripe if you don’t get it

off your chest. So out with it. Let me have it.”

“When are you going to put yourself out there

again? It’s been three years.” Her voice lowers.

“Kenya remarried and is having another baby.”

“I know. Auden informed me she’s getting

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another brother.” My ex-wife is on her second

husband since our divorce was final three years

ago. And she’s on baby daddy number three.

Another reason we fight about custody so much.

She’s not setting a good healthy example for

Auden. I don’t want her being raised to think you

trade your men out like worn shoes. Thankfully the

judge thought I was the better parent and gave me

full custody with her having access to Auden every

other weekend. It doesn’t hurt that I am well versed

in the law being I make my living as a divorce

attorney. And because I’m not a complete dick, we

alternate holidays and birthdays.

“Don’t you want to find someone to share your

life with?”

“You mean like hiring Amanda.” I chuckle. “No

thanks. I am happy. I’ve got my career and Auden.

I don’t shit where I eat.” What my mother may or

may not know is I’ve fucked Amanda a few times

over the years since I’ve been single, but she’s not

the kind of woman a man settles down with. I knew

the minute I saw her application what she was up

to. She’s been hinting for months that she wants

more. A relationship. I’m not going there. She’s

good for letting off steam and getting off but

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nothing more than that. Wife material. I think not.

Fuck buddy is pushing it.

I’ve tried to cut loose of her for months, but she

keeps popping up when she knows Auden is at her

mom’s place like a crazy ass stalker, and I know

them when I see them. I cross crazy assed bitches

constantly in my line of work.

“I worry about what will happen to you and

Auden. You need a good woman to take care of

you. Both of you.”

My brow shoots up. “And you think Amanda is

gonna be that woman?”

“I don’t know. I worry about you being lonely.”

Mom pushes any woman that even looks at me

longer than ten seconds, on me. Wanting me to

settle down, give her more grandkids. She should

have had more kids herself if she wanted so many

grandchildren. One kid is plenty.

“I’m a grown ass man. I can take care of


“You’re right, son, but no matter how old you

get as your mother it’s my job to worry after you.”

“I love you, Mom. Now get on home. I’m sure

the old man is waiting on his supper.”

“All right.” She gives me one last exasperated

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glance before she goes.

I knock the stack of applications into the trash

can that sits next to my desk. I don’t know what my

problem is. I should get it over with and pick

someone but none of them feel right for the job or

the office. Sean’s girlfriend was doing a decent job

holding down the secretary role but when their

relationship went sour, I had to let her go. I would

have kept her on, but she was causing shit in the

office any time a female client came in with a case

and Sean had to meet with her in or out of his

office. I couldn’t have a hostile work environment,

no matter how well she did her job. I hesitated to

hire her in the first place because I knew that shit

would happen. It’s been three weeks. I need to

replace her and fast. Only problem is no one is

qualified enough who has applied for the position.

It’s not easy to convince anyone who isn’t from

Shamrock to move here willingly. Paralegals don’t

just magically fall out of the sky either.

I stroll to the doorway of my office. I glance out

to see Auden sitting at the reception desk frowning

over her textbook.

The bell to the front door chimes. I give up on

finding someone to replace Mallory to see who’s

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coming in at closing. I’m ready to get home and

kick back with a beer. I stroll to the main entrance

and my blood boils at the sight of Amanda with a

basket of cookies from Brina’s bakery.

“Hey there.” She shoots Auden a fake smile

and my girl stares back at her scrunching her nose

up at the big busted, raven-haired woman like who

are you. “I brought your dad and you some treats.”

She places the basket on the edge of the desk.

Auden has never seen me with anyone but her

mom. She’s used to having daddy all to herself.

“Outside now,” I growl, not wanting to make a

scene in front of my daughter.

“Okay…” Amanda draws the word out but

saunters out the door swaying her hips like I’m

supposed to be hypnotized by the jiggle of her ass

in those tight jeans she’s wearing. So damn tight I

wonder how in the hell she even got them on in the

first place. Shit must be difficult to breathe in.

Outside she leans against the side of the red

brick building. “What’s up?” Her thin red lips

spread into a smirk.

“How many times have I told you not to come

around my kid? We had a few good times but that’s

all we had. Stay away from me.”

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“What do you mean? I thought we had

something good going, Finn. I came by because I

figured you’d made a decision about hiring me so

we could spend more time together.”

How did I never notice how clingy this chick is?

“Aren’t you listening? I said stay away from me

and stay the hell away from my daughter,” I snarl in

her face.

She frowns. “I don’t get it, it’s been months, it’s

time she knows we’re together, especially if I’m

going to be her stepmom someday.”

Hearing her refer to herself as Auden’s

stepmom makes me lose my cool. “Listen, you

need to stay away from my daughter. We were

never a couple. I fucked you. That’s it. Take your

psychotic fucking ass off my property. Don’t set

foot back in my office. Lose my number. Now.”

“But I need you to escort me to my family


“Not my problem. You crossed a line today.”

“You’re being ridiculous.”

“Don’t give a shit. Now get gone.”

“Wow.” She laughs. “You’re a real prick. Did

you even hire someone?”

My gaze lands on this chick strolling down the

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sidewalk toward us with her nose buried in the

Shamrock Gazette. Something about the red and

black polka dot dress she’s wearing makes me

smile. Looks like a damn ladybug. Everything

about her seems out place. “Yeah. Her.” I stroke

my chin and step into her path. “There you are.

You need to finish your paperwork.”

“Huh?” The newspaper drops and I’m met with

a gorgeous face partially hidden by thick black


I motion my head slightly. “Come on, we need

to get this wrapped up so you can start next week.”

Her brows knit, but she folds her newspaper,

tucking it under her arm as Amanda gapes at us. I

take the woman by the hand, noticing how soft her

skin feels against my rough palm, and tug her into

the office. Amanda glares at us but thankfully gets

in her car and leaves.






misunderstanding…I don’t know you.” She purses

her lips together and shoves her sunglasses up her

forehead resting them on the top of her blonde hair.

She’s got the prettiest smoky gray eyes I’ve ever

seen. They remind me of clouds in a thunderstorm.

Fuck me where did this tempting angel come from?

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She’s gorgeous.

“Can you answer a phone?”

“Well yeah.”

“Good.” I grin. “You’re hired.”

“I didn’t apply.”

“Don’t care. I need someone. Are you


“For?” She’s looking at me like I’m crazy and

hell maybe I am, but I know one thing right now

and that’s that I want her ass in my chair answering

my phone.






appointments to start with.”

Her lips roll inward. “I guess so.” She stares

past me at Auden. Her eyes wide, face pale. If I

wasn’t so pissed off right now, I would laugh. “I

don’t babysit.”

“Not part of the job. All I need is you to have

my coffee ready and hot when I get here in the

mornings and to answer my phone.”

“That’s it?”

“Yeah. The pay is shit and the hours can be

long if I have a big case.”

“Can I have weekends off?”

“If you agree to make sure I get lunch at noon

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every single day.”

“That’s fair. Is that my desk?”


“Can I dress how I want to?”

I take in the sight of her legs in them heels she’s

sporting that say fuck me six ways to Sunday. Fuck

yeah. “Yeah sure, whatever. So you’ll do it?

The intriguing woman glances around making a

weird face that I can’t get a read on. “Why not.

When do I start?”

“Monday, be here at eight sharp.”

“Okay then. So since you’re my boss, what’s

your name?”

“Finnick Wilder. You?”

“Maisy Carsten.”

“Welcome to Wilder’s.” I grab the cookie

basket and hand it to her.

“I don’t eat sweets.” Maisy presses the basket

back into my chest.

“Who the hell doesn’t eat sweets?”

“I don’t.”

“Why not?”

Her body tenses, posture going straight.

“Because I just don’t.”

“You aren’t from around here, are you?”

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“Not exactly, why?”

“Because everyone and I do mean everyone

loves Brina’s cookies. People come from all over to

get them.”

“Then I guess I’d better try one then.”

“But you don’t eat sweets.” I snatch the basket

away as she goes to reach for it.

“Dude, seriously?”

“I don’t think you deserve a Brina cookie. You

don’t like sweets, so you won’t appreciate it.”

Auden gives me a funny look. Shit, I’m flirting in

front of my kid. This never happens to me. I never

get all twisted up over a woman, but something

about this Maisy gets me all riled up.

“I said I don’t eat them, not that I don’t like


“Give her the cookie, Dad,” Auden chirps,

giving me a toothy grin.

“Fine,” I say with a huff and hand a plastic

sleeve over. I watch her take her time to open the

wrapper. Bringing the chocolate chip goodness to

her nose she inhales the scent before taking a bite.

Her lips stretch wide, a moan slipping between

them that sounds so damn erotic the sound travels

straight to my cock. It pisses me off. I shove the

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basket toward her. “Here. See you Monday.” I

stomp off to make sure I don’t do anything stupid

like hit on her in front of my kid. What the hell did

I get myself into?

I shake my head and text Kenya to see if she’s

going to be picking Auden up from here or the

house. It’s her weekend.

I don’t need to be getting tangled up with my

new hire, but damn if she isn’t pretty to look at and

fun to spar with.

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eaven explodes in my mouth. It’s

been so long since I’ve had real sugar

or anything sweet that I’ve almost forgotten how

good chocolate tastes. This barbarian of a man

shoves the basket of cookies in my arms and

stomps out of the reception area. The little girl

sitting behind the desk shares his gorgeous green

eyes. Grinning at me while twirling her pencil

between her fingers she stares at the cookies.

“Would you like one?”

Her chin lifts and she nods.

“That guy. The suit. Is he your dad?”


“Is he always like that?”

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“Pretty much.”

“Right. I guess we’ll be seeing a lot of each

other then if I’m going to work here, huh?”

Another nod.

I hand her three cookies. “What’s your name?”


“That’s pretty. You can call me Maisy.” The kid

doesn’t say anything more, and I take it as my sign

to leave. I leave the basket of cookies on the edge

of the desk and exit the building. This morning

when I woke up, I was hoping to find something to

do with my time in this small town. When I chose

Shamrock, I didn’t realize just how small town this

place truly was. They have like four streets. I

dressed up and walked to Main Street from my

motel to get a late lunch at the local diner. There I

acquired a newspaper to start looking for a job and

a place to live. I don’t really need a job, but I think

it’d be suspicious for a single woman to move to

nowhere and not have employment. Working at an

office answering phones isn’t my idea of fun, but I

had asked the universe to give me a sign and well I

guess this is what the world is giving me. Finnick

Wilder. A devilishly handsome man with a bad


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Now that I have a job secure the only thing left

is finding a place to rent. I didn’t take this into

consideration either and the listings in the

newspaper were nonexistent. I did see an

advertisement for a realtor. I’m hoping I can catch

them in office before they close for the weekend. I

take out the newspaper again and check the

address. I’ve only been in town for two days and

haven’t a clue where anything is even though it’s so

small. I’m used to having everything at my

fingertips or paying someone to get what I want or


Being on my own is refreshing and utterly

terrifying after being a socialite under my father’s

thumb for my whole life it feels good to break free.

A motorcycle roars by and it takes me a moment to

recognize my new boss and his daughter rolling past

me. He doesn’t dress like any biker I’ve ever met

but he sure has the attitude. Not that I have

encountered any in real life. I’ve only watched

them on Tv and in movies. I continue down the

street glancing at the signs on the businesses as I

stroll toward the fire station. I arrive in front of the

red brick two story building and a couple of guys

are spraying down a rescue vehicle. “Hi, can you

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help me with something?”

The tall guy controlling the hose shuts the water

off, shooting me a grin, popping his handsome

dimples out at me. Dressed in his navy-blue tee and

coveralls he tugs on one of his red suspenders.

“Sure thing. What can I do for you?”

“Can you tell me where Shamrock Reality is?”

“I can do you one better and escort you there


“If it’s not too much trouble.”

“Not at all. Comes with the job, serve and

protect and all that.”

“I thought that’s what cops say.”

“Well still applies.” He drops the hose. “Yo,

Phil. I’ll be back. Got a pretty lady here needing


The other man, tugs on his graying beard.

“Yeah sure. Meet me at Bud’s when you’re done.

I’ll finish up here. You’re buying first pitcher.”

“You got it. Follow me.”

He steps in stride next to me, leading me down

a side street. Any other time I’d be scared the guy

is guiding me somewhere private to do his worst,

but this isn’t a big city. Firemen are the good guys

anyway. But that doesn’t stop fifty scenarios from

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playing in my head. What if he drags me behind a

dumpster to strangle me? Or throws me in a van to

sell me to sex traffickers?

“So the office is in an alley?” I hedge.

He chuckles and runs a palm over his sandy

brown hair that curls around his ears. “No, just a


“Oh. Right.” I shake my head feeling stupid and

slightly embarrassed for having such terrible


“So, you new around here or simply passing

through Shamrock?”

“New that’s why the realtor. I’m looking to rent

or buy a place.”

“Amy will take good care of you. Just don’t tell

her you know me.”

“Why is that?”

“I dated her daughter when I was in high school

and it didn’t end well. She holds a grudge.”

“Oh. Noted. Though I don’t know your name.”

“Branson Wilder.”

“Any relation to Finnick?”

“He’s my brother. How do you know Finn?”

“He um sort of offered me a job at his office.”

His lips tip up into an even bigger smile.

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“What’s with that look?”

“Nothing. Here you are. Nice to meet you…”


“Maisy,” he rolls my name off his tongue then

smirks. “See you around.”

“See you.”

Branson salutes me and jogs back the way we

came from. I look to the realtor office across the

street only to find it closed. Shoot. Guess I will try

again tomorrow or call on Monday. The Shamrock

Inn is okay, but I want to be in my own space.

I sigh and take the long way back to the Inn.

It’s the only place to stay in town. I think it hasn’t

been updated since the day it opened fifty years

ago and that’s being kind. It’s like I moved to

Mayberry or some fictional sitcom from the 1950s

where the streets are lined with gorgeous flowers

and the streetlamps light up as soon the sun sets.

There’s not even a cigarette butt on the ground.

Big change from New York and the constant

shuffle from luncheon after luncheon and dinner

party after dinner party on showcase to sit pretty

and show the world I was a perfect daughter who

did as Daddy told her to. That all changed when the

old man tried to force me to do the unthinkable. He

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tried to force me to marry the son of one of his

potential investors to seal a deal. I never thought

my father viewed me like one of his real estate

properties but that’s exactly how I felt when he

tried to persuade me to marry for the better good of

his company.

Shamrock Inn opened its doors in 1965. The

building sits on the last street before the suburbs

begin next to a gas station. Not like a corner store.

This is a full-service pump station. They even sell

homemade fudge and rock candy at the register.

I enter the lobby and Vina is working the desk

tonight. She checked me in when I first arrived

here. “Hey, girl. Love that dress.” She smiles,

pushing her thick black glasses up the slope of her

nose and closes her book.

“So, what do people do for fun around here on

a Friday night?”

“Bingo at the rec center. The drive-in movie

theater normally but they won’t have another

showing until they start their ten nights of

Christmas in December. Some go to the diner or hit

up Bud’s for a drink.”

That’s the second time I’ve heard Bud’s

mentioned. “What kind of place is it?”

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“Loud, but um do you own any jeans? You’ll

stick out like a sore thumb in the dress. At the bar

tell Josie I sent you. That’s my sister-in-law. She’ll

watch out for you.”

I start to tell her I’m a big girl, but I think Vina

is only being sweet. These small-town people sure

are talkative and friendly. “Thanks,” I mutter and

head upstairs to my room. I fish the key out of my

clutch. It’s a real key attached to a black shamrock

key chain. No plastic key card or passcode. I twist

the knob and it sticks some. I have to push in on it a

little with my shoulder. Who knew something so

basic could excitement me? Kicking off my peep

toe heels I unzip my dress, dropping it to the ugly,

brown, worn utility carpet covering the floor. While

the place is outdated, they do keep it clean. Well

decent enough that my skin doesn’t crawl when I

get under the sheets.

I go to the closet where my rolling luggage is

stored. I wheel it out and sit it up on the small table

by the window that overlooks the parking lot.

Digging through my clothes, I find what I’m looking

for. My skinny jeans and a black top that hangs off

the shoulders.

I sweep my blonde hair up into a ponytail and

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freshen my makeup. That fireman from earlier was

pretty dang hot. I’m not looking to hook up, but I’m

not against a little shameless flirting either. I touch

up my makeup, add a second coat of mascara, and

pop my lips, massaging the ruby red matte lipstick

into my skin.


I return to the closet and debate on shoes. My

gaze zeroes in on my black stilettos, but Bud’s

doesn’t sound like the kind of place a woman wears

heels to, so I settle on my black ballerina flats. I

should probably walk, since I intend to drink but

this town doesn’t strike me as the type to have a

cab or Uber or any of those services. Three drinks

max then I’ll switch to water.

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stand at the end of the driveway with

Auden as we wait for her mother to pick

her up. “Hey, Dad?” she asks, finally looking away

from the game she’s playing on her phone. A phone

she only has so that she can contact me at any time

when she’s with her mother, otherwise I wouldn’t

have let her have it.


“How come you’re not married?”

“I was, to your mother.”

She rolls her eyes. “I know that, but she’s

married to someone else now. How come you’re


I shrug. “Just haven’t found someone I see that

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with yet.”

“That woman you hired today is pretty.” I look

down at her, eyes narrowing as she grins up at me.

I see what she’s doing.

“She’s way prettier than that other lady that

came into your work earlier. She had on way too

much eye makeup.” She’s got that right. “I bet

she’d want kids. I’m tired of waiting for a sister.” I

keep my mouth shut. I know what Auden is trying

to do here. Not gonna work. She’s been spending

too much time with my mother instead of her own.

It’s a damn shame, but it’s the way things are.

Kenya doesn’t have custody of her other kid, so

when she does get her time with that one, it’s

usually on an opposite weekend of Auden’s visits. I

try my damnedest not to speak ill of Kenya to our

daughter, but its damn hard sometimes.

“Hey look, there’s your mom.” I quickly

change the subject once I see Kenya’s Mustang

turn down the street. It used to be mine, but I gave

it to her in the divorce, it was one of the only things

she asked for. I hated to see it go, though I wanted

to be rid of her more than I loved the car. I never

drove it anyway.

“Hey. Sorry I’m late. My doctor’s appointment

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ran over,” she calls out through the passenger

window. I bend down, giving Auden a hug goodbye.

“Bye, Dad.”

“Sunday, at four. Don’t be late.” I glance at


She waves me off. “Don’t worry, I know.


I step back as they drive off, and I scratch my

head. Was Kenya just acting like a normal human

being? Normally she glares at me or argues about

every little fucking thing. Then I remember she’s

pregnant. That always makes her somewhat


“Finn.” I glance over my shoulder as I start

walking to my house to see it’s my brother cutting

across my lawn.

“Hey, Bran, what’s up?”

“Heading to the bar, you coming?”

“Yeah, let me get changed.” Inside my house I

pass through the living room and make a left going

down the hallway under the stairs to the master

suite. Auden has the upstairs to herself except for

my home gym I set up in one of the spare

bedrooms. When I purchased the two-story modern

farmhouse, I thought Kenya and I would have at

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least two more kids. Now the place seems a bit too

large for just Auden and me, though I can’t bring

myself to downsize. I guess part of me keeps

holding out thinking one day I will find someone to

share all this with. I trade my suit for jeans,

preparing myself for another Friday night doing the

same shit I always do. Have a few beers and shoot

a couple games of pool with my brother.

Hard rock belts from the jukebox of Bud’s. Some

new shit that makes my ears want to bleed. Place is

the only bar in town. It’s usually just us locals but

when summer rolls around so do the tourists who

camp at the lake and rent out the summer cabins

and homes. We get even more traffic around

Christmas from tourists going north to Santa Claus,

Indiana. Another month or so and this place will be

so damn packed with the Christmas loving crazies

the fire marshal will be doing head counts.

Tonight it’s only the usual locals and the new

chick in town. My new hire. My brother seems to

have taken a liking to her. The moment we arrived

he went straight for her. I didn’t know they knew

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one another. It shouldn’t get under my skin that

he’s chatting her up and no doubt making a play,

but it does. Branson and I have always been a bit

competitive so this shouldn’t be any different.

Jaw muscle ticking, I glare at Branson and

Maisy. I suck in a deep breath and exhale. Taking

another gulp of beer, I start feeling pissed. Why the

fuck am I getting jealous? I don’t know her. I

shouldn’t care that my brother is leaning way too

fucking close to her for my liking. Gets me even

more pissed off when she laughs at whatever the

hell he’s whispering in her ear.

Her infectious giggle rings out over the music. I

shake my head and take another hard pull off my

beer bottle. I signal Bud to get me another.

“Finnick,” a sultry voice purrs into my ear as

hands with fake red fingernails roam over my


“For fuck’s sake,” I mutter, twisting in my seat

to glare at Amanda. Her black hair curls over her

shoulders hugging her big tits as they spill out the

top of her tank top. “What’d I say?”

She pouts, making her look like she’s

constipated. “Oh, stop that, you know you want to

come back to my place and fuck my brains out.”

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I grimace at the thought of my dick going

anywhere near her again. We had our run. I got

what I needed, and she did too. Bud slides my beer

across the bar and grabs my empty and tosses it in

the bin behind the bar.

“Come on, Finny pooh.”

“Don’t fucking call me that.” I gently push her

away from me, not giving a fuck that she loses her

balance almost crashing to the floor before righting

herself. “Stay the hell away from me.” I vacate my

stool at the opposite end of the bar before she can

do anything else and storm towards my newest hire.

“Save me,” I grumble into Maisy’s ear as I drop

down to the empty stool next to her.

Her brows shoot up. “Why am I saving you?

Didn’t I save you earlier from some psycho?”

“Same crazy chick.” I peel at the corners of the

label on my beer. Condensation drips down the


Maisy’s head whips around, gaze settling on

Amanda glaring at her and she laughs. She shrugs

once she turns back around. “Not my problem.

That’s all you, boss man.”

“Come on. Don’t feed me to the viper. I can’t

shake the crazy bitch. She won’t leave me alone.”

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“What? Are you going to tell me you’ve got a

magic dick or something?”

“Maybe. Fuck, I just need her to get gone. I

don’t care how you do it.”

“You’ll owe me.”

“What will it cost me?” I almost groan. I don’t

want to owe her shit, but she’s right. I do owe her

for saving my ass twice now. And hell, to be honest.

Owing this gorgeous creature wouldn’t be too


“The realtor office was closed when I went

by…I’m looking for a place to rent. I’d prefer to

buy but will settle with renting until something

better comes along. You know of any places around

for me?”

“If you’re looking for a place, where are you

staying right now?”

“The Inn.”

What the fuck? That place is a damn shit hole.

“I’ll call around tomorrow. Find you something.” I

have a place, but I already have her working for

me. I don’t want her living on my land too. That

would be inappropriate. When I bought my house,

it came with a mother-in-law apartment attached

over the garage. I use it for poker night and hosting

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fight night. Sure I could easily offer it up for Maisy

to rent, but this town…I don’t need the headache

that’d come from the gossip. I try to set a good

example for my kid, but maybe it’s time I put

myself out there for real and start considering

serious prospects for a woman in my life.

“Another shot?” Branson looks to Maisy, and I

cut my eyes at him. “Or not.” He shoves away from

the bar and stomps toward the pool tables. I hate to

shut little bro down. I know he needs to get laid,

only tonight Maisy is mine. I need her to keep

Amanda’s stalker ass the fuck away from me.

“Okaaayyyy…” Maisy draws the word out,

staring after him, and it boils my blood. I don’t

know what the hell my deal is. I know nothing

about her but everything inside me is screaming

she’s mine.

“Fuck. Here comes crazy.” I let out a groan as

Amanda traipses toward us.

Maisy pushes away from the bar, abandoning

her stool, to place an arm around my shoulder.

Leaning in close, her lips nearly brush the shell of

my ear. “Hey, boss man. You promised to give me a

ride on your Harley.”

“Finn,” Amanda snaps.

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We both turn toward her. I lick my lips

wondering how the hell to get away from crazy

pants without starting a fight.

“You ready to go?” Maisy questions, ignoring

psycho bitch, tugging on my hand.

I knock back the rest of my beer and toss a

twenty on the bar.

“Finnick Wilder, if you leave here with this out

of town skank, we’re through.”

“Can I get that in writing?” I chuckle, going to

my feet. I latch an arm around Maisy’s waist.

She gazes up at me mouthing the words, “kiss


Shit. I glance back at Amanda while sensing

everyone in the bar watching our scene go down. I

know I have to drive the message home that there

will never be anything between us, but lip locking

with my new hire doesn’t seem like the best idea

and not in front of the whole damn town.

Amanda taps her foot and shoots me a

murderous look. Jesus. I can’t handle another

minute of her crazy.

Screw it. If I cause a scene so be it. Won’t be

the first time I’ve been the topic of gossip. Kenya

had my name in the mouths of everyone in town for

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years until they got shot of something else to

whisper about. I dip my head, bringing my mouth

down on Maisy’s. I close my eyes and press my lips

against her plush red ones, tasting her fruity

cocktail. The flavor of peaches and strawberries

explodes on my tongue. Hell. I didn’t mean to slip

her the tongue but fuck me can she kiss. Mouth so

damn sweet and tempting. She tastes like mine.

Which is insanity.

“I hate you, Finn,” Amanda screeches before

rushing to the bathroom.

Maisy pulls back wearing a sexy as sin smirk.

“You’re welcome. Don’t forget, you owe me, big

guy. Sooner rather than later.”

“Yeah. Yeah,” I grunt feeling relieved and like

the world’s biggest asshole for having to take things

this far, but that kiss was hella nice and

unexpected. I escort Maisy out the bar, hoping

that’s the last either of us see of Amanda. “You

good to drive?”

“Yup. I’m tip top, boss man.”

“Stop calling me that.”

“Then what should I call you?”

“Call me Wilder .”

“All right, Wilder. I’ll see you Monday but if

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you happen to find a rental for me before then, call

me at the Inn. Room thirteen.”

“I’ll do that.”

“You better.” She starts down the street,

stumbling in the direction of the Inn, and I shake

my head.

I look around the parking lot, did she walk

here? “Where’s your car?”

“I can walk a straight line,” she says, throwing

a small wave up, nearly tripping over a crack in the

sidewalk. Like hell I’m letting her walk there alone.

Shamrock is safe enough, but it’s still late at night.

She’s a new woman in town who appears to be

single, and I’m not a complete asshole despite what

everyone might think. Besides, maybe I’m not

ready for this whatever it is to end. I don’t want to

admit it because it’s been a damn long time since

I’ve felt this pull to someone new, but I like her.

She’s feisty and sexy. I decide what the hell. I’ve

got nothing to lose. “Maisy?”

She stops in her tracks, throwing her hip out,

giving me a come hither crook of her finger. I close

the gap between us, take her in my arms, and kiss

her. Her arms cradle my neck, and I shove her

against the nearest car wanting to explore this

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connection I’m feeling. Fuck she tastes sweet and

smells like paradise.

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don’t know whose car we’re against but

right now I really don’t care. Wilder’s

hands roam over my backside as his tongue dances

with mine. When was the last time I was intimate

with a man? I start counting back in my head, but

my concentration is cut off by the angry woman he

keeps trying to dodge.

“Finn, this is your last chance,” she shouts as

Wilder finally stops our kiss. Our extremely hot kiss

I should point out. I think her head is going to start

spinning at any second now.

Wilder shakes his head as I look up at him in a

daze. He smirks at me, bends at the waist and

suddenly I’m over his shoulder as we walk away. I

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must confess he showed up at the bar tonight

looking fine as hell. The man is legit sexy in the

whole rugged, mountain man appearance he’s got

going on tonight. The complete opposite of when he

was in that suit today at his office. Even sexier with

his dark brown hair that is thick and wavy on the

top but clipped short on the sides. You know…

perfect for running your fingers through and

yanking on when he goes down on you. He’s tall

with broad shoulders, muscular though not in that I

spend every minute of my life in the gym way, but

as in I’m active and fit. He takes care of himself.

And sweet mercy does he smell good. Too good. I

don’t know what kind of cologne the man wears

but I swear it exudes sex pheromones because right

now with the way he kisses and his scent I’m like a

bitch in heat. I would climb him like a tree if I

weren’t already hanging over his shoulder.

“Get her out of your system, Finn. Tomorrow

you’ll be back to being mine,” she calls out after

him, and as I glance up, she stomps her foot like a

toddler. Wow. He doesn’t strike me as the kind of

man who’d put up with her antics. Based off my

impression of him I’m shocked he was sleeping

with her to begin with.

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It doesn’t take us long to get to my room at the

Inn, and Wilder finally puts me back on my feet. I

fish my key out of my purse but its tangled with the

shamrock key ring. Impatient, he grabs my hand

and takes the key chain from me, opening the door,

and shoving me through. The door slams with him

kicking it shut with his foot.

I thought the whole ‘get psycho woman away’

scene was over, but nope apparently not. He grabs

me again, pulling me tight to his body and crashes

his mouth back down on mine. Man can he kiss.

Fire blazes in my belly and I know one thing and

one thing only. Boss or not, I’m going to have sex

with him. It’s been way too long, and he’s fucking

hot despite being a bit of an asshole. Moving my

hands down from his shoulders, I seek out his

zipper, and quickly undo his jeans. Everything

moves at warp speed. Once he realizes his jeans are

undone, he strips me faster than I’ve ever been rid

of clothes and has me on the bed ready and

anticipating his next move.

Dipping his head down, he comes in with

another fantastic kiss. Hard and deep full of tongue

and wet. My inner voice warns we really shouldn’t

be doing this, especially since I’m about to start

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working for him on Monday. However when he

grabs my throat, shooting me this wicked grin that

says tonight you belong to me, and gets down to

business teasing me with his hands, all coherent

thought leaves my body. Finnick Wilder is a man

who doesn’t waste time. I appreciate that in a lover.

I can’t even remember the last time I slept with

anyone other than my battery-operated boyfriend.

Living life under my father’s rules, afraid to bring

any scandal to the family name, I played things

safe. Keeping my private life out of the tabloids and

off gossip sites online. Appearances are everything

to my family. Here though in this small town, no

one knows the name Maisy Carsten. I doubt they

know who my father is, but in New York City he’s

a real estate mogul and developer who has more

money than God.

My attention snaps back to Wilder when he

moves those hands lower and starts humming on

my clit as he makes a come here motion, hooking

his thick digit inside me, hitting the right spot.

Clutching the sheets, I hold on tight. This man is

going to bring me to the big O in record time. Faster

than BOB ever has or anyone else for that matter. I

don’t know whether to pray or cry because my

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body has never experienced anything like the way

he’s making me feel. All I know is I want more of

that talented mouth on me, doing all the dirty things

I’ve only ever dreamed about. Hollowing my back,

I grab hold of his hair, giving him a playful tug

pulling him back to where I crave him.

His face jerks up, his gaze burning into mine.

“Don’t stop,” I snap. His lips curve into an amused


“Sweetheart, I’m just getting started.” Boy is he

ever. “So damn wet and tight. Such a pretty and

tasty pussy.” He works his thick fingers in and out

my pussy while using that skillful tongue on my clit

once more. Oh God, he’s good. Too damn good.

He’s the kind of man who fucks you so good you

want to scream out I love yous even if you don’t

mean them. Biting my tongue, I throw my head

back on the pillows, arching my back, hips bowing

up, taking all that he gives.

My body shivers and shakes, as he continues

his torturous assault on my pussy and teasing his

thumb against my asshole. Muscles clenching, I

can’t hold back. No one has ever made me come so


I grin down at him as he snakes up my body and

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kisses me deep—his tongue tasting of my essence.

I break away. “Condom?” I breathe heavily into

his neck, inhaling the scent of his cologne. It’s dark

and spicy with a hint of musk but reminds me of

something exotic. On Finnick Wilder the

combination is intoxicating.

“Fuck,” he mutters and grabs his jeans off the

floor digging for his wallet.

“Please tell me you have a condom.” I pinch his

ass and he yelps.

“Easy.” He chuckles, flashing a foil wrapper at


This man is infuriating but sexy as hell. I wait

impatiently as he rolls the rubber over his erection.

My eyes go round at the sheer size of him. I glance

down at my vagina wondering how that massive

cock is going to fit inside me. My brain is

envisioning trying to shove a watermelon through a


Settling back over me, he grips his thick cock,

rubbing the head back and forth, dragging it over

my pussy lips, teasing me. “Fuck me,” I purr at

him, needing him more right now than I’ve ever

needed any man in my life. I’m desperate for it. I’ll

do whatever he wants right now.

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Finally, he pushes the tip in and stares down my

pussy stretching around him. He barely fits. Wilder

pushes deeper in then stops before drawing back

out and thrusting harder.

He shifts, muttering a curse under his breath.

“What’s wrong?”

He jerks out of me. “Condom broke.” Of course

it did, he’s huge, I’m surprised he got it on in the

first place without choking the life out of his dick.

“You have another, right?”

He shakes his head. “Nope.”

“The gas station across the street?”

“Closed.” He drops his forehead against mine.

“You wore protection with crazy bitch though?”

“Yeah? And before that?”

“I was married.”

“Right but you’re clean?”

“Yup. You?”

I nod. “Mhmmm. You’re the first guy I’ve slept

with in like a year or four. I lost count, though I’m


“Birth control?”

“I’ve been on the pill since I was a teen.”

“You want this?” he tosses the broken condom

over his shoulder.

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“Fuck me, Wilder.”

He grins and kisses me. Then he gives me what

I crave, sliding back inside, thrusting deeper,

driving into me so hard I’m going to feel him for

days maybe weeks.

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wake up pinned to the bed, an arm over

my chest, and a smooth leg thrown over

mine. Shit, I fucked up. Maisy was hot as hell last

night and even more beautiful when she comes. I

should have left her at the door to her room and

walked away. But no. Her swollen lips called to me

and the second I shoved her into this room, I had to

have her. I had a taste of heaven between her

thighs and couldn’t stop until I fucked her brains


“You still here?” is mumbled out as Maisy

moves, disconnecting her body from mine. Feeling

her limbs leave my body I almost pull her back, but

I stop.

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“Was just getting ready to leave actually,” I tell

her as she nuzzles a pillow.

“Okay. Thanks for such a warm welcome to

Wilder’s,” she grumbles with a yawn and snuggles

deeper into the mattress.

I grab my jeans from the floor and tug them on.

“Maisy, we should talk.”


I sigh and sit on the edge of the bed to tug my

boots on. “Last night shouldn’t have happened.”

There I said it. Felt like shit coming out of my

mouth but it’s the truth. I crossed a line I shouldn’t

have. I can’t even blame it on being drunk. Wish I

could. I wanted her. Now that she’s out of my

system I can move on and I hope she doesn’t make

shit awkward for me. I’d hate to fire her before she

starts on the job.

“I get it. You don’t need to have the talk with

me. Besides it got Psycho Barbie off your butt.”

She waves an arm, basically dismissing me.

I don’t know why it stings. The act sucker

punches me straight in the gut. I’m the one who

gives the brush off not the other way around. I’m

not sure I like it.

I glare at her, although she can’t see it. “It

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won’t happen again.”

Maisy yawns. “Obviously. It was a onetime

thing we can blame on getting caught up in playing

our roles. Rule number one—don’t date your boss.

Rule number two, never ever sleep with your boss.”

She grins lazily into the pillow.

Rule number three. Rules are meant to be

broken. I start to say but stop.

“Rule number three,” she continues, “we never

speak of last night again.”

Why do I suddenly want to punch a hole in the

wall and yell at her? I grind my teeth. “So we’ll just

forget it happened?”

“That’s what you want isn’t it?”

I stare at her sexy backside a few seconds

before tugging my shirt over my head, my jaw

clenching. “Well, good, see you Monday,” I grunt

out and leave her room.

Her flippant attitude pisses me off. I almost

expected her to get flirty and try for another go, but

it was almost like she was disappointed I was still

there. I know it’s for the best, but it happens to piss

me off all the same. I make the walk of shame

down the sidewalk, going toward Bud’s where I left

my truck.

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I glance at the driver’s side door. What the

fuck? There’s a long scratch deep in the door.

Fucking Amanda. Crazy damn bitch. I’ll deal with

this later. What a damn fruit loop. I can’t believe I

ever fucked her and more than once. That’s what I

get for thinking with my dick.

I fish my keys out of my pocket and climb into

the cab of my Chevy. I start up and head over to

my folk’s for breakfast. I need to ask Mom a favor.

“Someone looks rough this morning,” Mom muses

as she slides me a plate of biscuits and gravy

topped with sausage crumbles as I slouch into the

high back chair at the dining table.

I chug my coffee and ignore her. Branson grins

at me from across the table while Dad just ignores

us all and reads his morning paper.

“Heard you spent the night at Shamrock Inn,”

my brother announces looking all smug. I kick him

under the table, nailing him in the shin. “Ow, shit,”

he howls.

“Was it with Amanda? I heard she made quite

the scene last night,” Mom interjects. “That girl has

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it bad for you from what I hear. Guess she thought

you were going to put a ring on her finger.”

I swear to fuck that woman needs her head


“She’s the definition of crazy. Hope you wore a

rubber,” Dad barbs.

“Jesus. Can we not discuss my sex life over

family breakfast?”

“Well my phone has been ringing off the hook

all morning. You know how the girls are. Ha. Ha.

Ha.” Mom’s high pitched laugh pierces my damn


Her girls as she calls them are nothing but shit

stirrers who have nothing better to do than spread

rumors while they knit and garden. They need to be

worried about their own lawns before they talk

about how I water mine. I dig into my food and

groan. Nothing beats my mom’s cooking.

“You guys rent out the cabin yet?”

“Yes, you know the moment summer is done

the hunter’s stake their claim. Why?”

“New girl I hired needs a place to rent or buy.”

“What about Mrs. Donahue’s place. She was

just moved into the senior home. I always loved her

backyard. That view of the town, just priceless.”

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“And she had like twelve cats. Place is nasty

and reeks of piss. You can smell it when you drive

by. Gonna be months before Curtis has it rentable

or up on the market.” The property is great, but that

house probably needs a complete renovation. The

cats had taken over. The animal shelter didn’t even

have room for all the furballs and had to find

fosters for a few of them.

“So, you wanted us to rent the cabin to her?

What about your apartment over the garage or one

of your spare bedrooms?”

“Not happening. I won’t even let Branson move

in and he’s not half as pretty.” I chuckle.

Mom frowns. “You know your brother gets his

good looks from me. What are you trying to say

that your poor old mother is ugly?”

“Jesus, Louise.” Dad folds his newspaper and

shakes his head. “Give the boy a break.”

Boy, I snort to myself. I’m thirty-five years old.

He shoves his chair back, goes to the counter,

and pours himself another cup of coffee from the


“You like this chick, don’t you?” Bran accuses.

“No. I owe her after she rescued me from

Amanda. Twice.”

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“That’s not how I saw it last night. I would’ve

been taking her home last night if you hadn’t

interrupted us.”

“Home to where? You live here, little brother.

When are you going to stop sucking on the tit and

get your own place?” No way Maisy would have

been leaving with him. I start to argue my point but

think better of it.

“Boys!” Mom snaps and a dish clatters in the

sink. “I won’t have you talking filth at my table.”

“Yes, ma’am,” I mutter, smiling into my coffee

cup. Grown ass man and still getting called to the

carpet by my mother.

“Branson knows he always has a place here.

Though, son, it would be nice if you started

thinking about your future and finding you a nice

girl instead of picking up floozies at bars. Same for

you, Finnick. I’m sure this Maisy is a nice girl but

sleeping with her the first night doesn’t sound that


“Who said I had sex with anyone? And even if

I did, I’m a grown ass man who can decide where I

stick my—”

Whack. A hand knocks the back of my head

hard. “Don’t finish that sentence.” Mom stands

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behind me ready to hit me again if I don’t listen.

“Now eat up. I’m going to go get dressed and tidy

up the apartment over your garage. I heard she’s

real pretty.” She claps and lets out an excited

squeal. “You know it’s the only decent place

available right now. You can’t leave her at the Inn.”

She shakes her head, giving me an exasperated


Dear God, what have I done, I wonder as she

unties her apron that says: Kiss the Cook, with a

picture of Miss Piggy ironed onto the center?

Maisy won’t know what hit her when my

mother gets her hands on her.

I finish up with breakfast and say my goodbyes.

I need to get home and hop in the shower before I

call on Maisy to show her the apartment. I’m telling

myself this will only be temporary. She’s new here

and might not even stick around. No sense in

getting so damn flustered and yet all I can think

about is how damn good she felt in my arms.

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’m just finishing pulling my hair up when

there’s a knock at the door of my motel

room. “Just a second,” I call out, as I get another

bobby pin to pin this darn flyaway piece down.

Walking over to the door I open it and am face

to face with Wilder. “Hi. Not to sound rude, but

what are you doing here?” I hope he doesn’t think

last night means the start of something between us.

“Grab your purse and a jacket, got a place to

show you, and if you like it you need to fill out the

paperwork and have the first month’s rent.”

My brows shoot up. “Great, one second.” I rush

over to the desk to grab my purse, slip on my UGG

boots, and yank my coat off the back of the desk

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chair before we head out. It was all sunshine the

other day and now its windy and cold again. This

weather is giving me whiplash. “So where is this

place? How much a month? What’s all included?” I

start to ramble off.

“Just wait until we get there, I have all the

paperwork and shit.” He opens the passenger door

of his big black truck to let me in first. I’m

surprised by the gesture since not many men do this

sort of thing anymore unless they get paid to. I

shrug it off and climb in, the second my butt hits

the seat he shuts the door.

“Drive takes about twenty minutes, longest

drive in town probably. The apartment is small but

it’s in a safe neighborhood,” he tells me once he’s

in the driver’s seat.

“Okay. I can do small. I’ve been staying at the

Shamrock after all.”

“There’s a house that should be coming up for

sale soon. I know the owner and will talk to him

about it if you’re serious about sticking around.”

So far around town I’ve noticed but one place

for sale. An older home that needs some serious

restoration that would be way out of my budget.

When I left New York, I left without a good chunk

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of my inheritance. My father cut me off when I

went against his wishes.

“The property is set back a bit, lots of privacy,

and the backyard if you walk about five minutes

down the path leads to a secluded part of the lake

with a private beach.” He turns down a dirt road, I

would have missed it if I came myself because it’s

hidden in the trees. Wow, he wasn’t kidding, this

place is secluded.

Getting out of the truck before he makes it

around to open my door, I see a plump older

woman standing on the front porch of a huge

farmhouse, practically jumping. “You must be

Maisy. I’m Louise, Finnick’s mother.” Her blonde

streaked with silver hair is cut in a fashionable bob

that curls around her heart-shaped face.

Louise’s happy energy and broad smile is


“Nice to meet you.” I hold a hand out for her to

shake, and she brushes it away, coming in for a hug.

Oh my. I’ve heard that small town people are

friendly, but I’ve never experienced it until now.

“None of that silly handshake stuff. We’re a

town full of huggers.” She turns to look up at

Finnick and gives him a wink, which has him

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shaking his head. “Now, let me take you inside to

show you around before you sign anything and

hand over money. No point in renting this place if

you don’t like it.” She leads me to a two-story

garage situated away from the house.

The tour doesn’t take long. One bedroom, one

bath, a living room, a kitchen that is way nicer than

I expected.

“What are you looking for as far as rent and

what all is included?” I ask her when she drags me

back to the kitchen grabbing the paperwork from

Wilder and puts it on the marble countertop in front

of me. “Four hundred a month, everything’s

included, but anything extra like internet or cable

you’ll have to hook up on your own or discuss it

with my Finnick here.” That’s way too cheap. I

almost feel like she’s downsizing what she wants

me to pay.

I look to Wilder.

“Um, apartment is mine. Auden and I live in the

house over there.” He hooks his thumb toward the



“Is there a problem, dear?” Louise shoots me a

smile that makes me wonder if she knows I slept

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with her son last night.

I glance over the lease, it’s month to month,

which is perfect. Everything appears standard.

“You have a pen?” she plops one on the paperwork

and I get to filling all vital information out. I write

out a check to cover the deposit and first month’s


“Any questions?” Louise glances between the

two of us.

“I’m good, I guess. It was nice to meet you.”

“You too, Maisy. I’m always around. My house

is two driveways down on the left. I bring lunch

most days to the office, but now with you there I

suppose Finnick would rather you do that for him.”

She smiles and gives me an over exaggerated wink

before looking to her son.

Oh God. She knows we slept together.

“Why don’t you round up that brother of yours

and some friends with trucks so we can help Maisy

move in. We can have a party at my place.”

Wilder groans. “Mom, she has maybe two

suitcases in her hotel room, she probably doesn’t

need any help at all.”

I bite my lip. “Um. Is there a furniture store in

town or nearby?”

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“Oh yes, just the next town over in Santa Claus.

Why do you ask?”

“I don’t have any furniture.”

“Oh well you leave that to me. Finn, dear. Your

father and I have all that stuff in storage from

where we change stuff out at the cabin. I just know

it’d be perfect for Maisy.”

“How much shit we talking about?” Wilder asks

bluntly, appearing annoyed.

His mother slaps him on the arm. “You shush,

get on your phone and make some calls. Maybe call

Bodie. That couch is heavy.” She looks to me and

smiles while rolling her eyes.

“Well, I appreciate any help that can be given.”

I don’t want to offend her. She seems to have her

heart set on doing this for me. “I could have the

party here that way I can say thank you to

everyone by paying them in food and drinks?”

She waves me off. “No, no, dear. I’m sure the

place will be a mess until you can unpack and

everything. Let me throw it. I’ll call it a welcome to

town party.” Then she lets out a squeal. “Oh, this is

just wonderful. I can introduce you around, we

have so many single men around here.”

“Mom,” Wilder growls out at her, glaring.

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Putting her hands on her hips she glowers right

back. “What?”

“No setting people up. You know we all hate

that shit.”

Her brows go up. “Have you seen how stunning

Maisy is? She needs a man, a good one. A

handsome one. Oh my, the babies would be


Wait, what? Babies? What on earth. My face

grows hot as all color drains away. This town is

crazy. His mom is a crackerjack, but I like her. She

makes me smile a lot. I’ve never met anyone quite

like her.

“No, put those boxes in the bedroom. Can’t you

read, Branson?” Louise shakes her head then looks

to me. “I swear he got all my looks but the brains of

a rock.” Her lips tip into her big goofy smile then

she lets out a laugh that sounds like a cackle. “Ha.

Ha. Ha.” The woman is a riot. I can’t believe

Wilder is even related to her.

The man is seriously so broody I think he might

be hiding a stick up his ass.

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“Now I noticed on your application you didn’t

put down a phone number.”

“Oh, I don’t have a cell phone. I’m going to get

a landline hooked up when I call the cable

company to set up the internet.”

“No cell phone? I thought that was all the rage

with you youngsters.”

I lift a shoulder. “I guess. I don’t really like

getting caught up in all that social media stuff.” Not

owning a cell phone has been one of the hardest

things ever. I was so used to always being

connected. It’s nice to be unplugged and not keep

up with everything going on in New York and it’s

one less way for my father to track me or try to

control my life.

“Well, let me know when you have your

number. So, what do you think?” Her elbow nudges

me in the rib, and she winks.

“The house is great.”

“Not the house, silly. The guys. Look at those

ripped muscles. We have some fine single men,


“I’m not really looking to be on the market.”

“Nonsense. Pretty single girl like you. New to

town. You’re not one of those you know…”

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“Oh goodness no. Feminist that thinks she

doesn’t need a man.”

“Men definitely have their uses.” My gaze flits

to Wilder as his muscles bulge and flex under the

black fitted tee as it stretches with his movements

and my mind flashes to how good I used him the

other night. My cheeks flush, and I turn my head,

clearing my throat.

“I think the guys have this under control. We

have a party to get ready for. Follow me.” She

waves a hand over her shoulder, grabbing her purse

as she moves toward the door not bothering to wait

for me to respond. Okay then. She doesn’t waste

any time. I wasn’t expecting her to organize

everything so fast. I only signed the rental

agreement yesterday and today she has Wilder

moving in beautiful furniture and has a full menu

for this party.

“Thanks, guys. I appreciate the help. Wilder,

can you lock up? Bring me my key to your mom’s,

and I’ll supply the beer?”

“Sounds good,” Wilder says on a grunt without

looking my way. I don’t know why the fact that he

won’t even look at me since he got here bugs me,

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but it does. We both agreed that our entanglement

was a onetime deal, and I’m good with that. Better

than fine with it, and yet I wish he’d at least

acknowledge my presence.

“See you around, Maisy.” Branson smolders at

me doing some weird thing with his eyes. I want to

ask him if needs some eyedrops but then Wilder

finally glances my way and my stupid heart does

this silly fluttering thing. I need to get out of here.

Too much testosterone and sexy muscles in one


“Right.” I grab my purse and find Louise

waiting by her car.

“You can ride with me. Finnick can give you a

lift back. No sense in you two wasting gas taking

two vehicles. It’s better for the environment. You

know with you working for him you should

probably carpool to the office too.”

“I’ll keep that in mind.”

No way. I will give her this once but after I’m

driving myself everywhere. My father was reluctant

to let me get my license. Said he didn’t understand

when I had a paid driver to take me anywhere. He

never understood my desire for independence.

But I’m finally gaining it.

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stand out front of my parent’s place,

arms folded over my chest. I sent Kenya

a text earlier to bring Auden here at four instead of

my place. She’s thirty minutes late. I’ve sent her

two more text messages. All have gone

unanswered. I’m getting pissed. Blood boiling in my

veins, I pace the length of the driveway. She knows

to keep to our schedule unless she clears it with me

ahead of time.

I can’t believe my mother is going to so much

trouble for Maisy. It can only mean one thing. She

likes her a lot and sees her as one of us.

Finally, the roar of the Mustang barrels down

the road. The tires screech to a stop. The passenger

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door opens and my daughter files out the back.

“Bye, Mommy. By, Mickster,” she coos at her little

brother who is strapped in his car seat.

I shoot Kenya a look through the open door as

Auden hands me her backpack. “You’re late.”

“I know. I would have texted, but my phone

died, and Jerry said I could have Mickey, so I took

him and Auden to the park so they could spend

some time together. Time got away from me. You

know she loves her brother.”

Yeah I know. Auden loves getting to see her

little brother and it’s rare that she does since she

lives with me full time and his dad has custody of

him. I swallow back my anger. Kenya’s trying to do

better. She doesn’t need me ragging on her.

“Have you guys ate yet? Mom has a shit ton of


“Did she make her lasagna?”

“That and her fried chicken and pasta salad.”

“Well, I mean, I guess we could come in for a


“All right. Unbuckle Mickey, and I’ll take him

on in. You park.”

“Thanks, Finn.”

“Don’t mention it.” I hated Kenya for a long

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time but as much as I can’t stand her most the time,

she does make cute kids.

She leans around her seat, her bulging belly

bumping against the console. “Go with sissy and

Finn,” she tells him.

Mickey is a rambunctious three-year-old that’s

meaner than hell. He’s all grit and loves to play in

the dirt. Hell, there was a time I thought about

taking him when her and his dad were going

through their shit, but Jerry stepped up and got

clean for him. Divorced Kenya after he left rehab

and went through parenting courses to get full


He gets out of the car and I shut the door. I

swing him up on my shoulders and take him inside.

Kenya isn’t my mom’s favorite person or anyone’s

for that matter, but we all tolerate her for Auden.

“Oh, well hello there, little guy,” Mom coos at

Mickey. Looking to me she quirks an eyebrow and

shakes her head while mumbling under her breath,

“Great, now we all have to pretend to like that

woman.” I glance towards Auden and sigh in relief

that she’s gone over to say hi to Maisy and didn’t

hear my mother talking about Kenya. To be fair

though, my ex hurt our family a lot. Hell, she stole

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and pawned my mother’s diamond earrings and

matching necklace the old man had bought her for

their twentieth wedding anniversary. Mom can hold

one hell of a grudge or be the best woman you’ll

ever meet. Kenya earned herself a permanent spot

on her shit list.

Maisy says something that has Auden giggling.

Looks like they are making friends fast. I don’t

know that I like it. I’m not used to the whole dating

and being a single dad thing, but I guess I’d better

get used to it since Mom has made the woman her

next pet project. Maybe it’ll work in my favor, and

I’ll get to know more about Maisy in the process. I

know what I said about the other night being a

mistake and her working for me complicates things

but there’s something about her that has me


Moving her in wasn’t that difficult, but Mom

wasn’t lying. That couch was a bitch to move. I

hope Maisy got enough beer for us as thanks. Bodie

and Branson can put it away when the mood strikes

them. I had to make them start bringing their own

to poker night.

“Down!” Mickey shouts from my shoulder as

he starts to see more people. He takes off wobble

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running, the sight giving me a chuckle.

“He’s not overly sturdy but at least he’s a boy,

doesn’t seem to care.” Kenya laughs sounding

nervous. “Thanks for the invite, I’m gonna say hi to

your dad and get some food. We won’t stay long.”

Dad still has a soft spot for Kenya. Hell, I think

he took our divorce harder than anyone. He saw

her as his daughter. Him and her father were close

growing up and he always thought it was his

responsibility to look after her since Tim died. He

moved here with Kenya when Dad gave him a job

working for him when his wife passed away

suddenly in a car wreck leaving him a single father.

He passed away about two months after Auden’s

birth. Cancer. Kenya took his death hard, and I

think that was the beginning of our end. She

spiraled and shut me out.

I shrug. “Stay and have a plate or not. Makes

no difference to me either way.” I amble over to my

brother. The second he sees the annoyed expression

I’m wearing he’s popping the cap off a beer and

hands it over.

“She bought the good shit. Have to hand it to

her. She has good taste and hell, she’s damn pretty

to look at.” He stares over my shoulder, letting out

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a chuckle. “You might want to rescue her. Mom has

been dragging her around in between bites of food,

literally talking to every single dude that showed


I grunt, taking a gulp. “Shit. She looks scared,”

I point out as Mom whips her around to another

guy, practically giving her whiplash. “Damn it, I’ll

go save her.”

“Yeah, thought so.” Branson lifts his bottle to

his lips trying to hide his laughter. Fucker. I feel set


Auden skips to me before I can make it to

Maisy’s side. “Hey, Dad. I didn’t know we were

having a party.”

“Yeah, you know your Gramma, found out

Maisy was new around here, and wanted to throw

her a welcome party.” Which reminds me. I

should’ve asked Auden how she’d feel about Maisy

living over our garage until she finds something

else. “Listen. You know the apartment over the


“What about it?”

“Maisy’s going to rent it out for a while.”

Auden’s face lights up. “Maisy is pretty cool.

It’ll be nice having a girl around to do fun stuff with

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on weekdays.” I want to correct her. Don’t want

her getting her heart set on the two of them being


I frown at her. “You don’t even know her.”

Damn, the woman is putting her spell on all of us.

She shrugs. “Sure, whatever you say. I think she

is going to love it here.” I watch her as she glances

back at Maisy. “Gramma is trying to line up dates

for her. So far lots have asked, but she only said yes

to Bodie, probably just to get Gramma to stop.”

I clench my fists, God damn it.

I move closer to Mom and Maisy, ruffling my

kid’s hair as I move away.

“Maisy, I meant to ask earlier. Would you like

to go shopping with me in Santa Claus this week for

stuff for your new apartment?”

“Um… sure. Why not.”

“Now, since you don’t have a cell phone for me

to call when I’m on my way, I’ll pop into the office

and see when that son of mine will let you have an

early evening off.”

I get a funny tickle in the back of my throat.

“You don’t have a phone? What the hell are you

thinking?” A single woman, in a town she doesn’t

know, by herself, she has to have a damn phone.

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“Finnick Wilder, you watch your mouth.”

Ignoring my mother, I glare at Maisy, who is

glaring right back at me. “You’re getting a phone.


She shakes her head. “Not sure how it’s your

business, but you’re right, I am getting a phone.

When I call on Monday to get my cable and

everything set up. So, I’ll have a phone when I

have a phone.”


A hit to the back of my head forces me to

stumble. “He being a dumbass?” my dad asks,

joining us.

Rubbing the back of my neck I scowl again at

Maisy even harder.

“Go help your brother man the grill, do

something useful,” he tells me.

“You’re getting the phone.”

Maisy rolls her eyes and turns to my dad to

introduce herself as I walk away.

Fuck me, she’s under my skin, and I don’t know

what to do about it. I want to throw her ass over my

shoulder and take her upstairs to work out my

frustrations. She’s damn near driving me crazy. One

taste of her and I can’t escape her. My mind flashes

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the other night in her hotel room, and I shake my

head. I need to get a damn grip.

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ilder walks away and I let out a sigh

of relief. Sure, he’s hot, but he ticks

me off more than anything. Why is it any of his

business whether I have a phone or not?

“My boy’s a good one, but don’t let him walk

all over you. Sometimes he just needs a swift kick

in the ass,” Mr. Wilder tells me before clamping me

on the shoulder and walking away. He’s tall like his

sons. I’m betting he looked a lot like Finnick in his

younger years. They both have dark hair and green

eyes, where Louise and Branson have lighter hair.

This party is interesting. I’ve met a lot of

people, and highly doubt I’ll even remember their

names in about five minutes. There’s just so many

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of them. I don’t know where they all keep coming

from for Shamrock to be such a small town.

“Now I know you’ll say no, but you and my

Finn have something crackling between you.”

“There’s a fine line between love and hate.” I

shoot her a cheeky grin and she howls.

“Oh, now. Silly girl. Give it time. But for now, I

have someone else I think you should meet.”

I try not to roll my eyes because Louise is truly

so sweet.

My arm still firmly grasped in her hold she tugs

me forward. I say a quick prayer for someone to

rescue me as she steers me towards another man.

“Bodie, this here is Maisy,” she quickly states.

I glance up at him. Shit he’s tall. Taller than

Wilder. And handsome. He’s got these big thick

arms that I just know he’d give teddy bear hugs. He

runs a hand through his wavy dark hair and my

mind flashes to the way I pulled on Wilder’s the

other night begging him to fuck me. My cheeks

glow red at the memory. A bead of sweat breaks

across the back of my neck. Am I old enough to be

getting hot flashes?

Bodie grins flashing his pearly whites. He has

nice straight teeth. “I know, we’ve met,

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remember?” he was one of the men that helped

move the furniture in at the apartment.

“Well, yes, but this is different, before you were

all sweaty and doing heavy lifting.” Louise lets out

another one of her high-pitched laughs. “Bodie is

my nephew. Son of my sister Linda Lou. He’s just

as handsome as my boys, but I’m the prettier

sister.” Her eyes twinkle. “He’ll give Finnick a run

for his money.”

I can feel blush creeping down my neck and

spreading across my chest. I shake my head slightly.

Bodie chuckles under his breath as he looks at me.

“Since Maisy is new in town, I was thinking

you should take her out. Say Tuesday evening?”

I start to protest, again as Bodie looks over my

shoulder and smirks. “Sure, why not.” Shooting me

a wink, he grabs a pen and paper off the nearby

table. He scribbles something down. “Call me.

Anytime day or night.”

“Right. I’ll do that.”

“Be sure that you do,” he tells me, promising to

talk more later but he needs to do something first.

“She’ll call this week. I’ll make sure of it. She

doesn’t have her landline setup yet, but we’ll get it








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matchmaking. She turns to me waiting for me to

add to the conversation.

“Okay. I’ll call.” I agree to a date only because

I really don’t want to meet anymore single guys.

For a town so small there sure is a lot of them here


I’m pretty sure Bodie is taking one for the team

anyways, especially since he gave me a wink while

handing over his phone number. Heck, he didn’t

even ask me for the date, Louise volunteered him.

After agreeing to this ridiculous setup, I move away

to get myself a drink and a plate of pasta salad,

when a heavily pregnant woman comes up next to


“You must be new in town and the pretty lady

my daughter went on about all weekend.” She

beams at me with glowing cheeks holding her hand

out for me to shake.

“I’m Maisy.”

“I’m Kenya, Auden’s mom and Finnick’s ex.

Don’t believe everything you hear about me. I’m

not liked very much.” Wow, blunt.

“Um, well, that sounds unfortunate.” What else

can I say to that?

She waves it off. “Nah, I deserve it. I wasn’t a

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good wife, barely a good mother, but I’m trying to

be better,” Kenya confides, as she rubs her belly.

“This one makes baby number three.” I stare at her,

looking for similarities between her and Auden.

They share the same smile, but other than that I

think Auden takes after her father.

“Congrats. Third times a charm, right?”

She lets out a laugh. “I like you. You’re funny.”

I shove a bite of pasta in my mouth, not sure

how to handle this. I slept with her ex. I now work

for him and am now his tenant. “This is really

good.” I decide talking food seems safe enough.

“Louise is an amazing cook. I burned that

bridge, but she’s a good woman. Slightly nutty.

Doesn’t take no for an answer. How do you know

the family?”

I don’t know how much information to disclose

here but I might as well be honest since she is

asking and will find out either way. “Oh, um I’m

working for Wilder and renting the apartment over

his garage.”

“Oh. You should go for him.” She nods toward

her ex-husband. “He’s hot. I don’t say that because

I’m still hung up on Finn, because he’s a bit of a

jerk. But honestly, he’s a great guy under that tough

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exterior. Branson’s great too but he has some

growing up to do still.”

“Oh, I’m not interested in either. I’m not

looking to start anything. I just moved here, and the

last thing I need is a man complicating things.”

“Says the woman Finnick has stared at for five

minutes solid.”

I swallow hard and when I catch his eye, he

quickly turns his head.

I go to chat her up a little more, trying to

change the subject since she seems nice, when the

crazy chick from the Bud’s shows up. Crap, this

isn’t going to be good. “I’m sorry, looks like I might

need to help with that.” I point to the girl.

Kenya snorts. “She really should be in a mental

hospital. The girl is nuts, even when I was married

to him, she kept trying to turn his eye. But one

thing about him that I respect is that he’s loyal.

When everyone talked shit about me though he

knew there was truth to it he stood by me.”

I move off feeling weird and all kinds of

awkward like his ex-wife was trying to sell me on

him. Tossing my paper plate in the trash I shake the

conversation off and slide up behind him as he goes

for another beer. “Hand me one of those will you,

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Wilder?” He jumps when I put a hand on his arm.

“Uh…what are you doing?”

I cock my head to the side. “You’ve got

company. Crazy Barbie at one o’clock.”

“Fuck,” he mutters and glances out the corner

of his eye. He hands me a beer then pinches the

bridge of his nose. “I don’t know how many ways I

can say get lost.”

“Yeah, she’s a bit stalkerish.” I take a long


“You’ve got to help me get rid of her, but I

don’t want to make a big scene. My kid is here, and

this is my parent’s house. That bitch has no

boundaries. Someone keyed my truck last night,

and I’ll give you one guess who was behind the


The last thing I need in my life is to deal with

more of his crazy stalker fling or whatever she is. I

need to shut this spark I feel with him down fast.

“Quite the predicament you’re in here, boss man.”

I start to walk off and he grabs my wrist.

“Where are you going?”

“I’m going to get away from Psychotic Barbie

and go hang out with your mother or even your ex-

wife. Both are much better company than whatever

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situation you’re trying to drag me into.” I tilt my

head in Amanda’s direction. “I gave you a head’s

up. I don’t owe you anymore favors.”

I go to make my escape, but he pulls me in

close. “Stay.”

“Would you stop it? Your mother has already

asked me a million and one times what I thought

about you. She’s on a serious matchmaking quest,

don’t give her any ideas.”

“Too late, if you don’t help me out now,

Amanda will know it was all to piss her off. I’ll

explain to Mom later.”

I fight back a groan. “I don’t need to be cozied

up to you. I don’t want anyone getting the wrong

impression. Especially not your daughter. I’m

already working for you and now living over your

garage. Your ex-wife was telling me to date you not

even five minutes ago. Next thing you know your

mother will be planning our fictitious wedding and

for fear of breaking her heart I’ll be forced to marry

you or something.”

His eyes light up.

“What? I don’t like the look you’re giving me.”

“Nothing. Just please do this for me one last

time. Let me worry about my kid.”

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“I think you might be a crazy person. Maybe

you and Amanda belong together.”

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’m pissed at myself for ever getting

involved with Amanda. That’s what I get

for thinking with my dick. All I needed was a

woman like Maisy who understands no strings

attached sex. Too bad she didn’t move to town

sooner. She could have saved both me and my dick

a lot of grief. But hell, if she had been around, I’d

want more than sex and one night. Because now

that I’ve had her I know that one time will never be

enough. There’s something about her that makes

me want to get to know more. And fuck, the sex

was that damn good. Never had such an attraction

to anyone in my life. I keep telling myself its lust

and nothing more, but I get this stupid tight pain in

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my chest every single time I think about her.

I shuffle a little closer, not near enough for

Amanda to see me, but to overhear what is about to

be said as Maisy stalks toward her. “Amanda, what

are you doing here? I didn’t realize anyone invited

you to my party.”

“Finnick will want me here. Ask him.”

“What’s this?” my mother steps between them

sensing the tension.

“I was hoping to speak with Finn,” she says, in

her fake as shit sweet voice. She even toned down

her sexy clothing which is surprising. Her tits aren’t

hanging out of her top for once. Amanda is all tits,

and she knows it. Uses it to her advantage to get

what she wants. I fell for it a time or two only I

know better now.

Maisy glances at me, and I mouth thank you.

Her eyes roll, and I’m afraid she’s going to rat me

out. “I’m sorry, but the last two times you’ve tried

to speak with him, he hasn’t wanted to. This is his

family’s home. You need to respect his wishes and


Amanda narrows her eyes at Maisy. “You can’t

tell me what to do.” She glares at her so hard I

think lasers might shoot out her eyeballs. “You’re

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not even from here. Why are you even here? And

what did you mean your party?”

“Didn’t you key his truck? Are you stalking


“Answer my question. Why are you here?”

Mom steps between them. “Now, Amanda. I

always thought you were a sweet girl, but if my boy

doesn’t want to be with you, you need to leave.”

Mom gives her the talk now or you are in big

trouble look. “Did you key his truck?”

Putting her hands on her hips, Amanda’s jaw

clenches. “He does want to be with me, he’s just

playing hard to get. We’re perfect together. He’s

just confused. I’m trying to get that into his head.

And I know you agree with me, you’re always

trying to push us together. You can’t trust the word

of this stranger. We don’t know anything about her.

Maybe she keyed his truck.”

Mom’s brows shoot up. Probably noticing the

crazy side of this bitch I’ve been trying to tell her


“Yeah. That makes perfect sense. While he was

with me all night, I snuck out to key his truck.”

Amanda practically has steam blowing out of

her ears hearing confirmation from Maisy we spent

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the night together.

I glance around for Auden, but she seems

occupied with her brother.

Dad stalks over to them, gives Amanda a look

then shifts to Mom. “Who invited her?”

Amanda gasps at how rude it comes out, and I

want to laugh but keep quiet. I don’t want to draw

her attention to me. She hasn’t spotted me, and I

want to keep it that way.

“No one did, Harold. She’s being quite rude if

you ask me,” Mom tells him with a sigh. I rub the

back of my neck. “Apparently she keyed Finn’s


Dad looks to Maisy. “What’s this got to do with


“Nothing really. Your son’s a nice guy who has

done a lot for me since I arrived, and I wanted to

repay the favor by keeping crazy pants here from

making a scene in front of his family and friends,

but she can’t seem to take the hint.”

One of the old man’s rare grins spreads across

his face. This isn’t good. My old man likes her. He

doesn’t like anyone, not since Kenya which means

he’s probably going to help Mom with the crazy

matchmaking bullshit she loves to do. I need to put

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a stop to it all because I want her for myself.


“But, Mr. Wilder, sir,” Amanda stammers.

Dad shakes his head. “My house, my rules.

Take it somewhere else. If Finnick wants to talk to

you, he’ll reach out. Don’t show up uninvited

again. I know your mother raised you better than


Amanda doesn’t fight it. Most of the people in

town fear my dad. Although I have to say he’s all

bark and no real bite. Her shoulders sag as she goes

out the front door. I sigh in relief when I hear a car

door shut and it takes off.

Maisy is now in front of me smirking. “See.

There wasn’t no crazy blow out drama. She went

peacefully. And I didn’t have to be all over you for

her leave.”

No, she didn’t. Part of me knows it would have

been nice having her in my arms again.

Her elbow digs into my side and I get a whiff of

her perfume, remembering how good she smelled

when I buried my face between her thighs. Like a

tropical paradise. “Now you owe me another

favor.” Her lips quirk up spreading into a sexy

smirk. Maisy is gorgeous. Short enough that she can

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wear heels and not tower over me. Sexy as sin

curves. Big tits and a perfect ass to match.

She’s feisty and a bit on the sassy side.

She’s fucking trouble is what she is. I like my

life and she’s been in town all of a week maybe and

blown my comfort all to hell.

“Name your price. What do you want?”


“Everyone wants something.”

“Listen, I’m sure you’re a nice guy, but I don’t

know you all that well and this woman really has an

axe to grind. You said she keyed your truck. What

will she do the next time?”

“She’ll cool off once she finds a new man to

hook her claws into.”

“You sure about that?”

“She won’t be a problem.”

“Okay. Fine. Get your mom off my back with

all this matchmaking business. I was able to get out

of the first few dates she tried to wrangle me into

but couldn’t get out of the last one. A man is the

last thing I’m looking for right now.”

I clench my fists. Bodie came to me gloating

about he had a date with her, and it pissed me off.

Asshole wanted to rub it in my face. When we were

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moving all her shit him, and Bran kept going on and

on about how hot she is. “There’s only one way

she’ll leave it alone.”

“What’s that?”

“Get coupled up with someone.”

Her face pales. “Um and who am I going to do

that with?”


“Excuse me? Uh…did you not hear the thing I

said about not wanting a man complicating my life

right now.”

I shrug. “You heard me. We could pretend to

date for a few weeks and then we tell her it didn’t

work out. She’ll leave you alone if she thinks

you’re undateable.” Only I plan to show her that

we could have the best of both worlds. She’ll get

my mom off her back, Amanda will get off mine,

and maybe there will be more hot sex in it for the

both of us. We had a good time. I’d definitely like

to hit that again even if I know I shouldn’t go there.

“No thanks. I’ll take my chances.”

“And why the hell not?”

“I don’t shit where I eat.”

“I could fire you.”

“For what? I’ve not even started yet.”

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“Calm down, tiger.”

“And why would I be the one that’s

undateable? You’re the one who is a grumpy

asshole that attracts crazy women, and I’m not like

Amanda. I’m not your type. You’re not mine

either,” she tacks on.

Those orgasms I gave her screamed otherwise,

but I keep the comment to myself.

“Whatever,” I mutter and stomp off. What the

fuck was that just now? I’m a damn catch.

I go to the kitchen and check out the desert

selection before I stick my foot further in my

mouth. I bump into Kenya. “Maisy seems nice and

she’s really pretty.”

“Don’t you start on me too.” I cut off a piece of

cheesecake and hand it to her.

“Thanks. I’m just saying that you’ve not really

dated seriously since me, and I know it’s not

because you’re hung up on me. I wasn’t the love of

your life, Finn. You married me because I got

pregnant.” I glare at her. “Don’t get defensive. Just

hear me out. Auden thinks you’re unhappy. I agree

with her.”

“Did she tell you that?”

She nods, swallowing, then taking a drink of

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water. “She thinks you won’t date because you’re

worried about her not liking them.”

“Kid is too smart for her own good.” I shake

my head and scoop out some whipped cream for

my apple pie.

“You should ask her out.”


She rolls her eyes. “Duh. Maisy.”

“Nope not happening.”

“So, you like Amanda?”

“Fuck no.”

“But you slept with her?”

“I’m not getting into this with you.”

“I only want you to be happy. You deserve to

be with someone who appreciates you. You’re a

little rough around the edges but deep down, you’re

a good man. Any woman would be lucky to have

you. I know I ruined us, but we weren’t meant to


I grunt. The last thing I want to discuss with my

ex-wife is my love life or our failed marriage.

“How’s things with you? When’s this baby due?

Jack still working out of town a lot?”

“Stop changing the subject. I never in a million

years thought you’d end up with a woman like

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Amanda. You’re better than that. I mean, you were

married to me.” She grins and I laugh.

“I wasn’t with her. I slept with her a couple

times, nothing major never even bought her a


“Stop being such a man and thinking with your

other head.”

“Yeah. Yeah.”

“You know I’m glad we can talk like this. I

never thought we’d be friends and maybe we never

will be, but I like this. Us communicating.”

“Me too, Kenya. Me too.” I never thought we’d

reach this point. I stare at our reflection in the back

door in the kitchen that leads out to the back deck.

We look normal. Not ready to tear out one

another’s throat. Maybe things are changing

between us for the better.

Auden skips into the kitchen with Mickey

stumbling behind her. She skids to a stop and smiles

big at us. “Can Mickey and I have some dirt


“Yeah, princess.” I push off from the counter

and grab the bowls.

“Mickey and I will be leaving soon. Come give

me a hug.” Kenya tosses her plate in the trash and

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opens her arms to Auden.

I find myself smiling at the sight. Kenya was in

a bad place for a long time. I’m glad to see her

getting back to her old self. The woman I thought I

loved once upon a time. Happy and sober looks

good on her.

“Okay. You were right,” Maisy interrupts, and

Kenya smiles to herself.

“Come on kids. Let’s take your pudding to the

dining room.”

“You ready to make a deal?”

“Your mother tried to set me up with her

garbage man.”

I chuckle. “You want to rethink that whole fake

dating thing?”

“I…” Her tongue darts out and wets her bottom

lip. The sight makes my cock twitch remembering

how sweet her mouth and the rest of her was Friday


Her words die on my lips as they capture hers in

a tongueless but tasteful kiss since we are in my

folk’s kitchen.

“You were saying?” I rub my chin, knowing

damn good and well she enjoyed that as much as I

did just now.

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“Why did you do that?” she hisses.

“Well then Bodie, I guess you won’t be needed

after all,” I overhear my mother.

I stare Maisy down. “A simple thank you will

do, sweetheart.”

“Thank you,” she says through her clenched


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aisy stayed back at my mom’s to

help her clean up from the party. I

stopped by my office to grab a file for this case I

have court for Wednesday. My firm mostly handles

small town family stuff. Affairs. Annulments.

Paternity stuff.

“Dad, this isn’t going to work,” Auden sasses at

me as she stares at what will be Maisy’s desk.

Narrowing my eyes at her, I shake my head.

“What did you mean by it’s not going to work?”

She throws a hand out motioning around the

room. “Maisy is a girl. She needs a nice office. This

is a boy’s office.” She crinkles her nose.

Folding my arms, I ask, “And what would you

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“Well, colorful folders or sticky notes for one

thing. Pens. A pen holder. Maybe a label maker,

plants, that smelly thing with oils that mom has.” I

start going cross-eyed as she speaks.

“Auden, this isn’t that kind of office.”

She flops into the worn leather chair behind the

desk. “Doesn’t matter, she’s nice, and should be

comfortable here. Right? This chair sucks. It’s all

hard and it’s peeling.” Her lips spread into a

mischievous grin. “I have a great idea. Let’s go

shopping, I’ll pick everything out.” Her head bobs

up and down.

“Don’t you have homework or something to


“Nope,” she pops the P and grins bigger at me.

“Come on, Dad. Let’s go. I bet if she shows up and

you have everything all nice for her she’ll like you

a lot more.”

Chuckling as I walk to the door, I give in. Kid

knows how to work me. “Fine, lead the way, boss.”

“Awesome, let’s hit up Staples. That way we

won’t have to go anywhere else.”

I hold back a groan. Going into the city, forty

minutes away, wasn’t exactly something I planned

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on doing today, or any day for that matter.

“Can we get Taco Bell when we’re done?”

“We’ll see.”

“This is going to be so much fun. Can I get

some stickers and a new notebook? Oh, and I need

pencils. Maybe some markers.”

Perfect. Now my kid wants me to not only shit

all my insides she wants all new stuff too. Like she

doesn’t already have enough stickers and junk at


Auden gave me command of the shopping cart

while she forces me to follow her down just about

every aisle in the store. “We done yet, kid?” I don’t

think Maisy we need all this shit to answer phones,

but what do I know?

“Just one more thing. You need to get her a new

computer, because the one in there now, you’ve

had it in there for as long as I’ve been alive, at

least.” She’s not wrong. And now I feel like an

idiot. That’s something I should have replaced

years ago, but my last office girl didn’t complain

about it, so I never even thought of it.

We hit it up Best Buy for the computer after I

shelled out two hundred bucks for some damn chair

that Auden insisted I buy for Maisy saying how

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could I expect her to work if she wasn’t


Kid is trying to make me go for broke, but she

has a point. The office hasn’t had any upgrades or

changes in years. Not since Sean came on to help

out after Auden was born.

Another grand later she has me in Taco Bell

telling me about the latest playground gossip. “So

Lenny dared Marta to jump off her swing and she

stuck her tongue out at him and started swinging

higher. Oh man. Anyway, she was determined to

prove that girls can do anything boys can but


I shake my head and shuffle the meat and

cheese around in my taco bowl.

“So, there she was singing, boys come from

Jupiter because they are stupider. She went to make

her big leap only her skirt got caught on the chain

the swing hangs on and she face planted right in the

dirt with her Care Bear panties flashing to the

whole fifth grade.”

“Jesus,” I mutter.

“Right?” She laughs, lettuce flying out her

mouth. “Now everyone keeps calling her,

underpants bear.”

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“That’s not nice.”

“No, but it’s funny. She doesn’t care. She just

flips her hair and says yeah so what?”

“Finish your food. It’s getting late.”

“Can we get a milkshake?”

“Not tonight. I don’t need you bouncing off the

walls when we get home.”


Maisy should be showing up any minute now. I left

before she did but could sense movement over the

garage when I took Auden to the bus stop. I finish

getting the stuff placed on her desk though I’m sure

she’ll want to arrange everything in her own way. I

don’t know what my problem is, but my stomach

keeps flip flopping. I’d like to blame it on last

night’s dinner, but I already was up half the night

paying homage to the porcelain throne.

Auden tried to worm her way out of school this

morning saying I needed her to set up all the junk

we bought and get the computer running.

I stare at the desk at all the feminine crap

wanting to vomit.

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The door chimes. I turn around and my breath

catches in my throat at the sight of Maisy. Wearing

this form fitting black skirt and white blouse, she

smiles at me brighter than the damn sun. “Morning,

boss man.” She hands me a bag from Brina’s and a

to go coffee cup. “You okay? You look a little


“I’m good, thanks,” I grumble, wanting to take

her in my office and bend her sweet ass over my


“What’s all this?” She smirks staring at the new


“Auden. She thought you’d like new shit.”

Her fingers trail the top of the new computer

monitor. “She did good. Thank you.”

“Thank the kid.”

“All right I will next time I see her.”

I take a sip of the coffee and peek into the bag.

“The hell is this?”

“A bran muffin.”

“No way. I don’t eat that healthy shit.”

Maisy drops into the chair and lets out a moan.

“This is comfy.” She gives it a spin.

“Today you’ll mostly be answering the phone

and getting a feel for the place. I’ll need you to

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transfer and update the customer files on the new

system. If you run into any trouble, I’ll be in my

office. If you get any calls about a new client take

down their name, number and the nature of their

case. Tell them you will return their call to schedule

an appointment. Later you’ll email me a list with

their information then I will email you back to let

you know who to schedule them for me or Sean.”

“Got it. Wait. Sean?”

“My partner. He’s out of town on personal

business. You’ll meet him later. You good?”

“I think so.”

“Welcome to the team.”

“Thanks.” My gaze lands on her pretty kissable

red lips. “Wilder?” My head snaps up. “Was that


No. I want to tell her she needs to give me a

taste of that sweet tempting mouth again. “Uh


“You sure?”

“You getting settled in okay at the apartment?”

“Yup. Everything is great. Your mom has been a

huge help.”

“I bet she has.” I chuckle. If my mom and all

the crazy with Amanda doesn’t send her packing

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maybe my pursuing her won’t either.

“Oh and one more thing. I agree to your terms,

but I think because we work together and I rent

from you we need to have boundaries of what is

acceptable and what isn’t when it comes to displays

of public affection.”


“If I’m going to be your girlfriend, I want

treated to dinner at least one night a week. I like

flowers. I want to be handled with respect. No

gross groping or heavy petting. If we kiss there is to

be no tongue involved. We need to keep this as

platonic as we can while making our relationship

believable. Also I get to be the one who breaks up

with you. Most important under no circumstances

will we be having sex again ever.”

I do my best to mask my disappointment, but

it’s probably for the best we don’t sleep together.

Sex complicates shit. I have enough on my plate

navigating Kenya’s shit and sharing custody of

Auden with her.

“If that’s it then I’m going to get started with

my day, sweetheart.”

“Oh. No pet names.”

“Sure, whatever. You need anything. Well I’ll

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be in my office. I’ll take you to lunch later.”

“Sounds great but it doesn’t count as my

weekly meal.”

“Right. Got it.”

I shuffle down the hallway to my office with

my tail between my legs, but every bone in my

body aches for me to march back in there and

prove that we could make friends with benefits

work. Things went south with Amanda because she

expected more but with Maisy there are no

expectations. Maybe I can bring her around to my

way of thinking sooner rather than later.

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look up from my computer finding

Wilder staring at me with his permanent

scowl. I wonder what made him so grumpy? His

divorce? Or is it merely his personality? I confess

part of me looks forward to finding out what makes

this guy tick. I’ve been working for him a week

now and it’s not as bad as I was expecting. Things

around here can border the tedious side but

watching him squirm whenever he sees that crazy

chick is fun.

“You ready to go?”

“Give me a second to make a visit to the little

girl’s room.” I push back my chair and grab my

purse from the bottom drawer.

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“Hurry up.”

“I will only be a minute or two tops.” He was in

court a lot last week, so I rarely saw him. This week

things are slower. I move past him and he grabs my

wrist. My heart skips a beat when I inhale a good

whiff of his cologne. Stupid hormones. That’s all it

is. One night of good sex and my body thinks it’s

now go time whenever he’s near.

“In case I forget to tell you later. Thanks for the

help with Amanda.”

“Don’t mention it. You’re helping me out too.

Your mom is on a mission to marry me off to every

good-looking guy in town.” I smirk and he lets me


In the privacy of the bathroom I give myself a

mental pep talk. I can do this. It’s only lunch and

coworkers eat together. Sure, Wilder is great in bed

but what’s a few kisses to get us both what we

want. I like this town and the people make me smile

more than I ever did back in New York. I finally

found a place where I might fit in. Except for

making an enemy my first week here in Amanda

but that’s to be expected. I can’t like everyone, and

they won’t always like me. It’s a part of life.

I wash and dry my hands then rejoin Wilder

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outside the office. He lets out this strangled noise

from the back of his throat. I glance across the

street and see Louise about to cross the road. I grab

Wilder’s hand, and he gives me a funny look.

“Couples hold hands in public,” I remind him.

“Right.” He curls his fingers around mine.

“Well you two seem to be getting along.” His

mother eyes our joined hands.

“Wilder is about to treat me to lunch if you

want to join us.”

The panic on his face makes me want to laugh

but I hold it back.

“Goodness no. I don’t want to intrude. You kids

have fun. I’ll be by sometime to discuss our plans

for thanksgiving. I won’t take no for an answer.”

“Okay. Thanksgiving.” My father’s idea of a

family Thanksgiving was a catered diner and

hosting his rich business partners while I sat in my

assigned seat looking pretty.

“All right. If he’s taking you to Joni’s today’s

special is roast beef and gravy. It’s a little dry for

my taste. Ha. Ha. Ha.” Her laughter is infectious.

“Mom, we need to get going or we’re going to

miss the special.”

Her lips tip down. “Well don’t let me keep you.

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Maisy, it was nice to see you again, dear.”

“You too, Mrs. Wilder.”

“Call me Louise.”

“Bye, Louise.” Wilder tugs me forward,

practically dragging me down the sidewalk. “Would

you slow down? Geez. Are you starving or

something?” I’ve ate there a few times on my own,

but last week I packed my lunch almost every day.

It’s something I had never done in my life. And

well this is my first job. I haven’t told my boss that

though. He didn’t ask me for any references.

Though I suppose he was desperate to get rid of his

stalker at the time.

“No. I want to get the special before it runs


“Your mom said it’s not that great.”

“That’s because it’s the one thing Joni cooks

better than her.”

“Oh. Okay. Do they have a longstanding roast

feud I should know about?”

“Mom and Joni were partners back in the day.

They were best friends to be exact.”

“What happened?”

“Joni accused Mom of stealing my father out

from under her.”

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“Oh my. Go Louise.”

Wilder rolls his eyes. “It’s not that dramatic.

The old man came to town to build a new

courthouse. He’d go to the diner for lunch and

dinner. He saw my mom and knew she was the one.

Asked her out and when the job was done, he

decided to stick around and started his own

business. Mom and Joni stopped being friends and

mom sold her part in the business. After that she

married Dad, became a stay at home mom.”

“It’s a little sad that they lost their friendship.”

“I guess.” He shrugs and drops my hand to

open the door to the diner.

Joni’s is one of those places when you enter

through the door you know you’re welcome there.

The décor is what I’d call farmhouse rustic. Tin

roosters and signs about fresh eggs. Joni advertises

that a lot of her food is made with organic produce

and meat from local farmers. My father wouldn’t

step foot in the town at all. To him it’d be too

country for his taste. I love the homey feel of it all.

The home cooked food. The friendly people. They

all know each other. I’ve never experienced

anything like it.

Wilder ushers me to a booth by the front

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window and slides in next to me instead of sitting

across from me.

“You’ve got to be kidding me,” Amanda

screeches and slaps two menus down in front of us

on the table. “You brought her here?”

“I honestly didn’t know you work here. I’m just

here for the special.”

“It’s my first day, but I’m ready to come work

for you anytime.” She licks her lips. “I was hoping

we could talk.”

His voice drops low as he says, “We’ve already

talked, and I’ve already said all I wanted to say.

You just don’t fuckin’ listen.”

“No, you talked, and nothing you said made

sense, you wouldn’t even hear me out.”

“There’s nothing to say. I’m seeing where

things take me with Maisy. You need to move on.”

“We’re meant to be together, Finn. You didn’t

even give me a real chance to prove it.”

Wilder shoots me a look and a minuscule part

of me almost feels bad for Amanda. However, we

made a deal to help each other, so I need to uphold

my end of the bargain. “Look, Amanda. You seem

like maybe somewhere deep, and I mean way down

in there you might be a decent person. He doesn’t

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want to be with you, it’s that simple. Give it up

already, desperate is not a good look on you. You

could find a man who really wants you if you’d

stop chasing the ones who don’t.”

“No one asked you.” She snatches our menus

back and stomps off toward the kitchen without

taking our order.

“That went well,” I note and Wilder squeezes

the top of my thigh. My cheeks burn at his touch.

I’m going to need to get a handle on my physical

reaction to this man. The effect he has on my

hormones is insane.

“I’ll just order at the counter. What do you

want to drink?”

“I’ll take a diet soda. Unless…you don’t think

she’d spit in our food, do you?”

My grumpy fake boyfriend groans. “How do

you feel about a sandwich from my kitchen?”

I grin. “Why don’t we skip lunch and have an

early dinner.” I confess the idea of going to his

house alone makes me nervous. His bed is there.

“Can you cook?”

“Why? Don’t you?”

“I kind of grew up with a private chef.”

“A chef?”

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Jesus. What are you doing in Shamrock?”

“A fresh start. The desire to make a life of my

own choosing.”

“I respect that.”

“Thank you.”

“I’ve got Auden this evening but you’re

welcome to join us for some tacos. We do tacos

every Monday night.”

“If you don’t think it will be awkward for you.”

“You’re already next door it’s not a big deal.

You’ve got to eat, don’t you?”

His kid will be there, it’s not like I’ll jump him

in front of her. “Okay. I’m in. Should I bring


“Just your appetite.” He slides out of the booth

and holds a hand out to me. “Let’s grab a coffee

from Brina’s to hold us over.”

“Coffee sounds good.”

“Not as good as roast beef and gravy,” he


“I’ll make it up to you sometime.”

“You gonna cook a roast for me?”

“I’m sure I can figure it out. It can’t be all that

hard.” I bet Louise would be glad to give me a

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lesson in her kitchen and show Joni up at the same


“I’m going to hold you to it.”

We leave the diner, and he takes my hand in his

again. Butterflies flutter in my belly. I do a glance

all around us and drop his hand. “No one’s

watching us right now.”

“Right.” His mouth twitches like he wants to

say something, but he leaves it there.

Brina’s isn’t as busy as it was this morning

when I stopped by to get my coffee and muffin. I

didn’t bother getting one for Wilder since he tossed

the others in the trash last week, grumbling about

how he doesn’t eat the healthy shit. I grab us a

table while he orders our drinks. The door chimes

and Bodie walks in. He sees me and approaches the

table. “Want some company?”

“Hi. I’m actually here with…” I start to point

toward the register where Wilder is, but Bodie

helps himself to the chair opposite me.

“How’s it going?”

“Good. I guess. Just getting a coffee. On week

two at my new job.”

“That’s right Finnick hired you for the phones.”


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“You sure you know how to use one. You never

called me.”

“I’ve not had time to call you,” I tell him a

white lie not wanting to hurt his feelings. He seems

nice but I don’t want a boyfriend right now. I

already have a fake one I can hardly juggle.

“Well you should call me sometime.”

“I don’t have a phone yet.” It’s not a lie. I

didn’t get one hooked up yet since Wilder already

had cable going to the apartment, so he said not to

worry about switching to my own plan.

A shadow looms over me as Wilder leans right

in and plants a coffee breathed kiss on my lips. He

looks over at Bodie. “Hey, man. Didn’t see you

sitting there.”

“Hey. Guess I’ll see you around, Maisy. Cuz.”

he gives Wilder a chin lift and hightails it out the


Wilder drops to the empty chair and slides a

coffee across the table to me.

“What was that about?”

“You looked like you needed saving.” He

shrugs and takes a drink.

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ad, why are you being so weird?”

I pause from dusting the Tv stand.

“Just tidying stuff up.”

“You’ve been running around like Gramma

does when she’s in a tiff. Cleaning and muttering to


“Maisy is coming to dinner. She should be over


“Is Maisy your girlfriend? This is the third time

you’ve invited her for dinner.”

“Um… she’s a friend.” Shit. I didn’t think about

how I’d explain this to Auden. She’s a smart kid.

Sometimes too damn smart. “Just want her to feel

welcome and since she’s new she hasn’t made a lot

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of friends yet I’m being neighborly.”

“Uncle Bran thinks she’s pretty. I bet he’d like

to be her friend. Or Bodie. Gramma told him to

take her to dinner.”

“Go set the table,” I grumble, wondering why

the thought of Bodie taking Maisy anywhere irks

me. When he hit on her at the bakery, a few weeks

ago I wanted to punch him and tell him to back off.

Auden darts to the kitchen to grab the plates, and I

take one more look at the living room. After the

divorce Mom came in and redid everything. Said

she wanted to clear out all the negative energy left

behind by my failed marriage to Kenya. We

compromised on the furniture. No floral shit.

Ding dong.

“I’ve got it, Auden.” I stuff the dust rag and can

of cleaner into one of the bins on the entertainment

stand while hoping I don’t have the orange scent of

it clinging to me. Peering through the peephole, I

spot Maisy. Fuck me she’s gotten even prettier

since I last saw her only hours ago. I glance at my

watch. Right on time. Clearing the tickle from the

back of my throat, I swing the door open to greet


“Hi.” Her wine-colored stained lips curve into a

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sexy smirk. Something shifts inside me as I stare at

her standing on my front porch. The urge to kiss her

overwhelms me. I’m in deep shit here. “Am I early


I shake my head, not understanding the strong

attraction that takes over me when she’s near.

Something I’ve not felt in a long time. Not since I

got with Kenya and maybe not even then. I don’t

know if this was a good idea to keep inviting her

over and letting everyone think we’re a couple.

“Come on in.”

“Thank you.”

I move back only enough for Maisy to enter

wearing these dark jeans that hug her hips. My

mind flashes to digging my fingers into the dimples

above her fine ass. Heat spreads down my neck.

Her body rubs against mine as she struts past me

smelling intoxicating. I groan inwardly and close

the door. This is a terrible idea. I know better than

to mix business and pleasure and yet part of me is

glad she’s here. The other half of me wants to fire

her and run her out of town. I know how this ends.

It starts out fun and then the crazy or the drama

will soon follow. Things are never simple when the

opposite sex is involved.

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What the fuck was I thinking? Fake dating. I

stare at her and deep down I know there is nothing

fake about the way I feel. It’s insanity. I am still

getting to know her, but it’s as though I always

have on some deeper level I can’t explain.

“Maisy, you’ve gotta sit here by me.” Auden

grabs her hand and tugs her toward the dining

room. “Dad dusted for you and everything.”

Jesus. Way to call me out, kid.

“You dusted for me?” her smirk returns.

“No,” I growl and shoot my daughter a scowl.

“What do you want to drink?”

“What are you drinking?”

“Dad always has a beer,” Auden volunteers.

“Beer’s good with me.”

“I’ll grab you one.” I enter the kitchen and let

out a breath. I never invite women to dinner with

the kid and me. I’m not used to having anyone

around outside of family or the guys for poker

night. Occasionally Sean would bring his woman

over, but this is different. Maisy is becoming a

permanent fixture, and I enjoy having her around

more than I should.

“Uncle Bran,” I hear Auden squeal with

laughter. Great.

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“Hey, Bodie,” Maisy’s soft voice filters over

my kid’s laughter.

I grab a six-pack and return to the dining room.

“I don’t recall inviting you. Either of you.” I put

the beers on the table and fold my arms across my


“Bro, its taco night, and there’s going to be a

game on,” Branson says with a shrug of his

shoulder then grins at Bodie. Assholes.

“Did someone say tacos. Ha. Ha. Ha.” My

mother walks through the front door dragging my

father behind her. “Don’t worry I brought extra

food. I was making tacos too. When Bran said he

was coming to your place I thought why not make

it a family meal. Your father likes your Tv better


“We do that every Sunday,” I mutter.

“Oh dear. Maisy’s here. Are we interrupting a

date? You say the word and I’ll take everyone back

to my house including Auden to give you a little

alone time.” She winks a few times, and I wish the

floor would open up to take me on to hell.

“No date. Only dinner. Just two people sharing

a meal.”

“Well then I guess Bodie has a shot after all. I

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thought there was something special between the

two of you. Guess I misread that spark.”

Maisy goes pale at her words, then glances to

me with an expression that cries help.

Fuck. Guess its time for me to uphold my end

of this little arrangement we’ve got going on. She’s

been great keeping Amanda away from me. “Maisy

isn’t going out with Bodie or anyone else you’re

thinking of setting her up with.”

My mother plants her hands on her hips. “And

why not?”

Maisy stares at her shoes. Auden stares at her

while Bodie and Bran grin at me. I scratch the back

of my neck. “Because we weren’t going to tell

anyone yet, but we’ve been talking online for

months. I asked her to move here to give the real

thing a shot.” I fire off the first lie that pops into my


“Hmmm.” My mother eyes me then Maisy. “Is

what my son says true? The two of you were trying

to keep things a secret?”

Maisy licks her lips then grabs my hand.

“Certainly is. I wasn’t sure if things would be

different once I came here but to be honest my

feelings are stronger than before. Wilder is all I

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hoped for and more. Aren’t you, honey?” she kisses

my cheek.

“Completely. Which is why…” I drop to one

knee not knowing what in the hell is possessing me

to be so damn stupid and change the terms of our


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ropping to one knee, taking my free

hand in his Wilder stares up at me with

this funny expression on his face.

“Um…what are you doing?” My stomach

plummets to my toes. What the hell is he doing?

“Maisy, my love.”

His what?

“The moment I first kissed you I knew you

were the woman I’ve been waiting for. I can’t go

another day or a single moment without asking you

one very important question.” Mischief glitters in

his eyes. My pulse races. Heart stuck in my throat.

Stomach dropping to my feet as he says, “Do me

the honor and make me the happiest man alive. Be

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my wife.”

“What are you doing?” I hiss between my teeth

then plaster a fake but uneasy smile on my face. I

think I’m going to vomit right here. “Is it hot in

here? Can someone open a window or something?”

“Ladybug, don’t leave me hanging here.”

He’s insane. That’s all there is too it. Did he

really call me one of those disgusting bugs? They

stink. I told him no pet names. Marry him?

Ladybug? I must be dreaming. Any second now I’m

going to wake up from this I mean wouldn’t call it a

nightmare. Wilder is sexy and great in bed. I could

have worse prospects, but I don’t even know that

guy that well. ‘But you had sex with him already,’

the devil on my left shoulder whispers. ‘And you

loved every hot, sweaty, orgasmic second of it too.’

I did. I so would do it again if I thought it

wouldn’t make things worse.

“I…” I glance around as sweat beads on the

back of my neck. His family stares at me waiting

for me to answer. I have two choices here. I can

humiliate Wilder who drives me insane or I can go

along with his crazy whatever this is to keep

Amanda from harassing him and his mother trying

to set me up for marriage, but if I agree I am putting

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myself into the exact situation I am trying to get

away from.

I meet Wilder’s gaze. God, he looks so damn

sincere. Like a damn puppy dog. Granted he’s

probably having some weird alpha macho dominant

reaction to his mother suggesting I go out with

Bodie and this is his way of peeing on me to mark

his territory because I did sleep with him. I let out a

big breath. He’s going to owe me big time for this.

“Yes, Finnick Wilder, I’ll marry you.” He comes up

and pulls me into a tight hug, choking the air out of

me, planting a sloppy kiss right on my mouth. Oh.

My. God. What did he just get me involved in?

Why did I say? What is wrong with me? I should

pack my bags and go running back to New York

first thing. I need to check myself into a psych

ward. There’s got to be something wrong with me.

Louise claps her hands together.

“Well isn’t this wonderful. Harold.” She smacks

his father in the chest. “Go get the food.” Harold

rolls his eyes but forces Branson to help him. Bodie

takes a seat and Louise points to the kitchen.

“I should go help her.”

“Okay. Should I come with you or…? I feel like

we should talk.”

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“Probably.” We go to the kitchen to salvage the

rest of our lie.

“Lying to your own mother.” She shakes her

head at Wilder. “Why didn’t you say something?”

“Like Maisy said we weren’t sure if this would

work out or not.” The lies keep coming. He’s really

digging us into a pile now.

“I suppose not and there is Auden to consider.

But why have her over the garage and not living

with you since you brought her here?”

“I’m not ready for that much commitment.”

“Her moving here to a new town and Shamrock

of all places sounds serious to me. And now you’ve

proposed. I’m so happy I could burst.”

“Me too.” I smile but not in the way she thinks.

I’m going to strangle him the first chance I get.

“Can I have a minute alone with Maisy?” he

kisses his mother on the cheek and gives her a hug.

“My son.” She rolls her eyes. “Do you even

have a ring, you silly goose?”

“I hadn’t got that far.”

“Men,” she mutters.

“All right. Just so you know I like Maisy a lot

but no more secrets. You can’t build a future based

on lies.”

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“Got it. The secret is out. No more pretending.”

I glance at him and try not to glare. I can’t believe


We leave Louise to handle the food and Wilder

takes me out back through a patio door that leads to

a deck that overlooks the water of Shamrock lake.

“Wow this view is gorgeous.”

“Yeah it is.” I turn toward him, but he’s not

staring out at the water. So cheesy. He thinks he is

so smooth.

“Want to tell me what the hell that was in


“I don’t know.” He shakes his head and leans

over the balcony. “I didn’t know what else to do to

convince her that this…that we’re the real deal.”

“But we’re not.”

“No,” he agrees, and disappointment washes

over me. I should be relieved, but I don’t know.

There’s something kind of romantic about the

proposal he gave me.

“We should get inside. We’ll talk about this


“Right. Later.”

We return to the dining room, and I notice

Auden is sitting off to herself wearing a scowl.

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I nudge Wilder in the ribs. He frowns. “Hey,

kiddo. Living room.”

She shoots us a nasty look and sulks all the way

there. I sit next to her on the couch and her dad

drops to his knees to be eye level with her. “Hey,

what’s up with you?”

“You say we’re always supposed to tell the

truth, but you lied and so did Maisy. You said she’s

not your girlfriend and Maisy pretended not to

know who you were when I first met her. You two

both acted like strangers. And now you told

Gramma that you’re getting married, so which is


She’s smart. I keep quiet because I don’t think

it’s my place to intervene.

“Listen, adult business is complicated. When

you’re older you’ll understand. For now, all you

need to know is that Maisy will be around a lot and

if things take a serious turn, you’ll be the first to

know, okay?”

“Like getting married?” She scrunches her


“Right. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you. This is all

new to me and Maisy too.”

I offer him a weak smile in support, but this is

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“Fine, but you owe me a sleepover with all my


“You got it.”

Can I go eat now?”

“Right. Let’s go eat.”

Shit just got more complex.

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ere. You’ll need to wear this.”

Wilder places a blue velvet box on

the edge of my desk.

“What’s that?” I lick my lips and take a drink of

water. I’m still not recovered from that stunt he

pulled last week in front of his whole family. All we

were missing was his ex-wife and Amanda.

“Your engagement ring. And you’ll need to

coordinate with me on your dress color.”

Dress? Oh. God. He isn’t going to attempt to

persuade me to marry him, is he? I mean I hear he’s

a great lawyer but surely, he can’t mean we go

through with this and so soon. “For?” I take

another big drink. My head gets all fuzzy and

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swimmy inside. I need an aspirin.

“Our engagement photo shoot.”

“Don’t you think you’re taking this a bit too

serious? And what the hell? Photoshoot? You only

proposed last week.” Since then I have gone out of

my way to avoid everyone. Burying myself in my

new job, learning the ins and outs of working for a

lawyer. Shopping for my new apartment. Anything

that keeps me from situations exactly like this one.

Playing the loving girlfriend.

“You’ve met my mother. She thinks we’re

engaged. In her mind we’ve been a thing online for

months. Once Amanda leaves me alone and my

mother finds her next project, we’ll break things

off. We’ll tell them whatever you want.”

“But the truth,” I whisper, staring at the jewelry

box. “Maybe the engagement will finally push

Amanda to move on?” I scowl but curiosity has me

opening the box. “This is your mother’s ring.” I

only recognize it because she was showing it off to

me that crazy night during dinner.

“It’s on loan so take care of it.” He has this soft

expression to his gorgeous green eyes that if this

wasn’t pretend might make me melt.

“I promise.” I slide the gorgeous princess cut

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diamond ring on.

“Perfect fit.”

“Yeah it is.” I frown, staring at the ring. His

mother’s beautiful and perfect ring that fits me as

though it was made for me.

“What’s wrong?”

“Nothing.” I shrug. “I just always thought that

when I was proposed to it’d be real.”

One Week Later

“Remind me again why we’re doing this,” I grit

through my teeth as the wind whips my blonde hair

in my eyes.

“I told you. My mother did this not me. She

wants a photo for the announcements in the paper.”







announcement in the newspaper. Are you serious

right now?”

“It’s not a big deal and it will convince Amanda

to stay away. She came by the office again while

you were out on another one of your shopping

excursions with Vina.”

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I may have bargained for a day or two off

earlier than normal to get out of doing a family

dinner with his parents. Twice. I hate lying to them.

They are such nice people. And not to mention

every time Wilder kisses me I like it way more than

a lot and then my insides get all gooey and warm

and I start thinking about his hands and mouth

touching me all over and I get all hot and tempted

to drag him into the copy room at his office and do

dirty bad things like give him a blowjob.

“Then maybe you should get a restraining order

and we can knock all this crap off.”

“Put your hand a little lower,” the photographer

directs, interrupting our conversation. Wilder’s left-

hand floats down my back coming to rest on my

ass. Heat shoots up my spine. The musky scent of

his cologne washes over me. Dear Lord, why does

he smell so dang good? “Perfect.” The camera

clicks. “Maisy, stroke his jaw. Slower.” My fingers

tremble as I glide them along his stubble.

“Am I making you nervous?”

I suck in a breath. “What? No. Why?” I yank

my hand away before I do something stupid like

grab his nice ass. It really looks good in those slacks

he’s got on. Ugh. Why does my fake boyfriend

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slash boss have to be so attractive it physically


“Your pulse. I can practically hear your heart

thumping out of your chest.”

“I’m ready to get this over with. This whole

thing is dumb and not cool at all. I don’t remember

this being in our terms.”

“Hmm,” he muses, staring at me with such

intensity in his green eyes I’m finding it hard to

breathe or focus on what I was saying.

“Perfect. Hold that expression.” Click. Click.

The photographer shifts positions. “Now lean in.

Closer. You can’t live without her. You want to kiss


Wilder parts his lips, his fresh minty breath fans

over mine. Brushing a thumb along my lip, he holds

my gaze. I swallow hard. A gust of wind swirls

leaves all around us. Shades of red, yellow, orange,

and brown. If his actions weren’t all for show the

scene would be epically romantic.

“What are you waiting for?” The woman snaps

more shots.

“Don’t you dare,” I hiss in warning.

“It’s not a big deal. Just my lips on yours. I

promise I won’t stick my tongue in your mouth if

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that’s what you worried about,” he murmurs,

coming closer. So close in fact that his lips graze

mine and I whimper, praying he didn’t hear the

sound but of course he did his face is attached to

mine in a lip lock.

I mean he has a point but I’m not going to tell

him that. It’s not like we haven’t kissed before or

slept together, but we both swore to never mention

it again.

Palms sweating, knees quaking, I wait for him

to close the deal while praying I don’t throw up.

Light and soft as a feather he presses his mouth to

mine. I freeze. My pulse races, but I stay in place

hating my body’s reaction. This is Finnick Wilder.

My jerk boss. Our relationship is supposed to be

fake, so why is my blood humming in anticipation

for more?

“Come on, guys. Show me the passion. I want

to see electricity. The sparks. Kiss her like you

mean it.”

“This is stupid.” I go to pull away when Wilder

shifts his hand from my ass to my midback and dips

me out of nowhere. A grin spreads across his

handsome features. In slow motion his mouth

descends to mine, claiming my lips. Stars burst

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behind my eyelids. My body is a traitor. Warmth

flows through my veins settling low in my belly. I

can feel the curve of his smile as he tugs my bottom

lip between his teeth.

“You promised,” I remind him.

His tongue slides between my lips, taking full

control. My fake fiancé kisses me hard and deep,

like he did the night we slept together.

Stunned, I pull back.

“So maybe I lied.” He flashes me his signature

smirk then turns to the photographer. “We good?”

“Yes. I think I have everything.” She snaps one

more shot. “I’ll send the edits over soon.” Her

cheeks bloom pink, and I don’t think it’s due to the

chill in the air. He has that effect on every woman

he comes in contact with it seems.

“Put a rush on it. I’ll pay the extra fees.”

“I’ll add it to your tab, or we could do dinner.”

I don’t miss the hope in her sickly-sweet tone.

Ugh, rude. We’re supposed to be getting

married. I mean, not really but she doesn’t know

that, or does she? Did he tell her? She must be

another of his special friends like Amanda. In the

weeks I’ve been playing his fiancée he’s made it

clear he doesn’t do relationships. He has what he

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calls casual acquaintances. Women he can call any

night of the week to tickle his pickle. Though I

confess other than Amanda and his ex-wife he

hasn’t dated anyone else that I’m aware of unless

this photographer bitch is his latest conquest.

Maybe they slept together when he went to Bud’s

with his brother. He did pick me up there. What is

wrong with me? It’s none of my business who he

sleeps with and yet I don’t want people to think

he’s cheating on me.

“I already have plans. Bill me whatever you

consider fair.” He grabs my hand. “Shall we,

ladybug?” The nickname he coined me with makes

my belly do this stupid dip.

“Umm.” I stumble forward catching my heel on

a rock.

“So damn clumsy. Try not to sprain something. I

promised my mother we’d do Thanksgiving


Oh no. Louise. If we miss another one of her

dinners, she may kill us both. I don’t know if I can

get out of it this time.

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t’s barely six in the morning when my

doorbell starts chiming. Ding dong. Ding

dong. Jesus. Someone better be dead. I roll out of

bed and scrub a palm down my face. I’m surprised

Auden didn’t wake up. I shuffle down the hallway

to the front door. Maisy is standing on my porch

with wet hair, her body wrapped in nothing but a

towel. She must be out of her mind. It’s freezing. I

throw the door open, and she charges in, teeth

chattering. I close it back behind her, wanting away

from the bite of the chilly air filtering in from


“My hot water isn’t working, and I have

shampoo caked in my hair. I’m supposed to be at

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your mother’s house in a few hours to help her with

Thanksgiving.” Her gaze drops to my bare chest

then drifts to my charcoal boxer briefs.

“You forget your clothes and shoes?” I suck in

a breath, observing how little that towel she’s

clinging to covers.

“No.” she scowls. “I just need you to do

whatever it is you do to get the hot water working


“I will but first you need to go wash that shit

out of your hair, and I’ll make us some coffee. My

shower’s down the hall. Master bath is in my

bedroom. You can borrow my robe and my



“And Maisy?”

“What?” she jerks, turning back to face me,

nearly losing her towel giving me a peek at her

nipples. Fuck me. Fuck her. I want to throw her

over my shoulder, carry her to my bed, and fuck

her brains out, but I stop myself.

I cough. “You prefer bacon or sausage with

your pancakes?”

“Bacon. I like it crispy but kind of chewy.” She

stomps down the hall.

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A man could get used to seeing a woman

walking around his house like that. What I really

want is to go crawl back in bed and get another

hour of sleep or jerk off because I’m getting hard at

the thought of her naked, soapy body in my shower

all slick and wet. With a sigh I trudge on to the

kitchen and flick the start button on the coffee

maker. Letting out a yawn, I continue with my

morning routine, grabbing two mugs instead of one

and placing them side by side on the counter. I

should get dressed and head over to the garage to

see if the breaker slipped but first caffeine. I need

to put on a shirt and pants wouldn’t hurt either.

While waiting on the coffee I go to my room to slip

in and grab some clothes. I wouldn’t want Auden

getting the wrong idea if she wakes up while Maisy

is still here and finds us both barely clothed.

She likes Maisy but is still getting used to the

idea of us being engaged.

I’ll just get in and out. Maisy won’t even know

I’m here. The minute I open the door I realize my

mistake. The bathroom door is wide open, and I

have a full view of Maisy’s naked backside in my

shower. I know it’s wrong to stare, but I can’t look

away. My cock twitches as I watch her run her

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hands along her sides and through her hair. I’m

entranced at the sight. Completely taken in by her


“Oh, my God. Perv!” She shrieks moving her

hands over her breasts and pussy, failing miserably

to cover either.

“Nothing I haven’t already seen.” I smirk and

grab my flannel pajama pants off the end of the

bed. I turn my back to her to slide them on and

leave her to it. Perhaps I should be sorry I gawked

at her but I’m not. The only thing I’m apologizing

for is not acting on the desire to fuck her again.

I start banging around in the kitchen taking my

sexual frustration out on the pans and the pancake


“You beat that batter any harder and it’s going

to file charges.” Maisy stands on the opposite side

of the counter wearing my robe, hair wrapped up

on her head in one of my towels.

“Someone woke me up too damn early and put

me in a bad mood. What can I say? I’m cranky

before I’ve had my coffee.”

“Noted. Is there anything I can do?” the corners

of her mouth lift into a wicked smirk. She’s an

infuriating sexy little devil. Maisy knows exactly

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what she’s doing. Taunting me to do something

about my reaction to that scene moments ago—her

in my shower all tempting and gorgeous.

I want to tell her what she can do is get on them

knees and blow me but I don’t think she’d take to

well to me speaking to her like that so instead, I

say, “Pour us some coffee.”

Maisy comes around the bar and squeezes past

me smelling of my soap. This scenario I’ve found

myself in is one of pure torture. Somehow, I

manage to make it through preparing breakfast

without bending her over the counter and fucking

her till we’re both on the verge of death.

Like clockwork, Auden comes bouncing into

the kitchen the second the food is ready. She stops

abruptly seeing Maisy seated at the table. Her eyes

go big as she glances back and forth between us.

“Did you guys have a sleepover? That’s not fair. I

never get to have sleepovers.”

Maisy chokes mid-drink. “No.” Cough. “My

shower is messed up and your dad let me borrow


“And his robe?”

“Hush and eat, rotten tail,” I bark and pour her

orange juice. The three of us eat breakfast quietly

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without the need to fill the silence with small talk.

It’s natural and easy, her being here. As though we

do this often and I find myself wondering if maybe

we should start.

Auden excuses herself to get dressed leaving

me with Maisy. “Once I drop Auden with Kenya,

I’ll check out your hot water situation.”

“Thank you. I’ll um…give this back later.” She

tugs at the robe.

“May want to call my mother and let her know

you’ll be late though.”

“Oh and why is that?”

I step into her space, debating whether or not I

should make a move and kiss her for the hell of it.

Not because anyone is watching but because I want

to. I want to tell her she’s spending her morning in

bed with me instead of helping cook.

“Hey, Dad.” Auden stomps back down the

stairs. “Have you seen my purple shirt with the

white cat on it?”

“Yeah. Laundry room,” I answer, stepping

away from Maisy trying to gauge if that’s

disappointment on her face or relief I see.

“I’m going to get ready. See ya at dinner.”

Maisy gives me a quick wave and rushes out of the

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house as though it’s on fire.

Auden returns from the laundry room now

changed into her purple shirt. “When are you and

Maisy getting married?”


“Yeah. You guys haven’t said when you’re

getting married. I heard Gramma telling Uncle Bran

that she’s throwing you guys a surprise engagement

party soon.”

Shit. I need to do some damage control, but

once my mom sets her mind to something there is

no stopping her, and I don’t know if I really want


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re you sure there’s nothing else you

want me to do?”

“Heavens no. Honestly I only wanted the

company and well if you’re going to be in my

family, you’ll need to know how my guys like their

food.” She smiles. “Have you and my son set a date



“The wedding. You’ve not mentioned anything.

And well we need to get a start on planning. Now, if

you ask me, a winter wedding would be gorgeous.

Silver and blue perhaps for the colors. Brina makes

lovely cakes, and I’ll make an appointment with

Ginger to look at dresses. She makes the most

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beautiful gowns.”

I’m going to kill Wilder.

He strolls through the back door and shoots me

a wink. I glare at him but he ignores my annoyance

to pull me into his arms for a quick kiss.

“Just look at that,” I hear Louise. “Aren’t they

the most beautiful couple, Harold? I saw some edits

from the engagement shoot. This town isn’t ready.

It’ll be the wedding of the century.”

Wilder chuckles against my lips but I’m not

laughing. This isn’t funny. He knows how serious

his mother takes her parties.

“Where’s my granddaughter?”

“With Kenya at her in-laws.”

“I don’t know why she wouldn’t accept my

invitation to eat with us. Auden belongs here with

her family.”

“You don’t even like Kenya,” Wilder grumbles.

“That’s not the point.” She shakes her head.

“Never you mind. Tell your brother that dinner will

be ready soon. He stayed out all night. Didn’t drag

in till early this morning. I think he has a new lady

friend.” She smiles big then lets out her silly laugh.

“Ha. Ha. Ha.”

The doorbell chimes. “Be a dear and answer

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that will you, Maisy?”

“Sure.” I’m glad to get away. I adore Louise but

this wedding talk is making me feel like the worst

person on the planet.

“Hey.” Wilder grabs my hand and tugs me

backwards once we are out of the kitchen.

“What?” I snap a bit too harshly.

“You okay?”

“I’m fine but she was talking about dress

shopping. She’s so sweet. I never had that with my

mom and when she finds out this is all a lie…”

“I promise you no one will know. It’ll work


“You can’t know that.”

“Trust me.” He brings me in close, resting his

forehead on mine. His breath washes over my lips.

Part of me wants to bridge the gap between us and

kiss him. The other part of me knows I need to hold

back before his mother isn’t the only one getting

hurt by our deceit.

His dad walks past us.

“Don’t mind me. I’ll get the door.”

“You better go wake your brother.”

The front door opens and Louise’s sister, Linda

Lou and Bodie walk in.

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Wilder goes tense then plants his lips on mine.

“Ignore the lovebirds. They can’t keep their

hands to themselves,” Harold announces, and I


“How long do we intend to keep this up?” I arch a

brow at Wilder. He has me pressed against the side

of his SUV because Amanda just walked out of the

diner. I don’t think she even cares anymore. I’ve

noticed her talking to his cousin Bodie a lot lately.

Since our engagement announcement ran in last

Sunday’s paper.

He shrugs. “Why? Have you met someone?”

“No. Please. There is no one in Shamrock that

I’m interested in.”

“Give it time. You’ve only been here what a

month or so?”

I sigh. “That’s not the point. Don’t you want to

I don’t know date someone who actually wants to

be your girlfriend?”

“You say that like it’s such a hardship for you.”

“That photographer was into you.”

“I’m not interested in her.” The way he looks at

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me I wonder if that means he’s interested in me for

real and not only pretend.

I’ve done great resisting Wilder and his stupid

good looks, but since walked in on me in the

shower, I find myself thinking about it and having

to finish myself off. I want…no I need sex. Sure

he’d be up for it but things have already gotten

muddled enough between us. “I mean we survived

faking it through Thanksgiving and our lovely

engagement party, but Christmas is coming, and

your mom has been quite vocal about us spending

the holiday with them.” Enough is enough already.

“You don’t like my family?”

“Your family is great, better than great, but I

think your mom has these ideas about where our

relationship is heading. She was asking me about

monogrammed towels.”

Wilder chuckles and nuzzles against my neck.

“It’s not funny, asshole. She probably thinks

I’m pregnant or something. I don’t know how much

longer I can put her off dress shopping and cake


“No one thinks you’re pregnant.”

“You didn’t see that little twinkle in her eyes. I

think she’s buying us the towels for Christmas.”

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“Fine. I’ll tell her no towels.”

“I’m glad you find it so amusing.”

“If you don’t want nice towels with my initials

on them then who am I to stand in your way.” He

taps the tip of my nose then kisses me. Lately

we’ve both grown a little too accustomed to trading

kisses whenever we see his mother or Amanda

around town. I’d never tell Wilder this but it’s easy

to lose myself in the land of make believe with him.

Then there’s his family…and his daughter. I’m

growing attached and the longer we keep this

charade going the harder it’s going to be to let them

go. I’m afraid I’m falling in love with the idea of

this relationship. I know he doesn’t see me that

way. He’s made it clear that he only sees me as his

friend who he happens to not mind kissing in

public. Why else didn’t he make a move when I

was naked in his shower?

“What are you doing tonight?”

“I have a bottle of wine and there’s some new

Christmas movies on Netflix I added to my list.

Why?” I don’t tell him I plan on having a date with

BOB while thinking about him that’s for sure. He’s

probably doing what he does every Friday night

and going to Bud’s for wings and beer with Branson

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and Bodie.

“Kenya has Auden tonight, so I thought I’d

head to Santa Claus to get our Christmas tree. You

want to go?”

“Get out of Shamrock for the evening? Uh

yeah. You can help me find something for your

mother. I have no idea what to get her.”

“All right. We’ll need to swap vehicles with my

old man first then we can go.”

“What about work? We don’t close the office

for another four hours.”

“That’s a perk of dating your boss. Besides, like

you said, it’s almost Christmas and no one wants to

file for divorce or breakup during the holiday.

That’s too damn depressing.”

Is that a hint that we are spending Christmas

lying to everyone?

“I guess so.” I look over his shoulder. “She’s



“Amanda. Though I’m not sure we have to

keep pretending. I think she has her eyes set on

someone else.”

“You trying to breakup with me?”

“We aren’t together,” I remind him.

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He takes my hand, lacing his fingers with mine.

“No, we’re engaged.” He chuckles and kisses my

palm with such tenderness my knees go weak.

Damn him. Is he doing this on purpose? Being all

sweet and boyfriendy like we’re the real deal? Does

he know I caught feelings? Is he teasing me?

My stomach drops. I don’t know how to tell

him I can’t do this anymore. All the lying and

pretending. I don’t know that I want to pretend

with him, and it scares me.

Wilder drives me crazy. He’s bossy and can be

a bit of a jerk but he’s growing on me. I like him. A

lot. More than I should. When this ends, I’m going

to be left with a broken heart.

“Come on. Help me lock up.” He tugs me back

to the office. I shut down my computer since it’s

Friday and I won’t need it again until Monday.

“You ready?”

“Yeah. I think so.” I go over my mental

checklist and think I covered all the basics. Wilder

doesn’t have any active cases right now. He’s not

due in court until after the first of the year that I’m

aware of.

He drives us to his parent’s house to swap his

SUV for his dad’s pickup truck. Harold answers the

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door. “Good you’re here.”

I glance at Wilder and he lifts his shoulder.

“What’s up, old man?”

“Can I see you in the kitchen?”

“I’ll be fine. I’ll just go over here and admire all

your and Bran’s photos on the wall.”

Wilder goes to the kitchen with his dad and I try

hard not to eavesdrop but find myself gravitating

toward the wall that divides the living room and


“Your mother is driving me up the wall. I

wasn’t supposed to say anything, but she thinks

Maisy is pregnant and that’s why you proposed.

Now what I want to know is there any truth to it?

We’ve been down this road before with you and

Kenya and we saw how that worked out.”

I peek around the corner of the wall. The

muscle in Wilder’s jaw ticks. “My marriage failed

because we weren’t right for each other. Maisy

isn’t pregnant. It’s not like we’re getting married

anytime soon.”

Or at all I want to add but keep quiet.

“You might want to try telling your mother that.

By my estimation she’s planning a Christmas


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Guilt pools in the pit of my stomach, and I

move away not wanting to hear anymore. I look to

the coffee table and see bridal magazines with

sticky notes and a wedding binder with our faces

glued onto some couple. How did she? When did

she? I suck in a breath. Louise thinks we are really

getting married. How will I ever look her in the

eyes and tell her the truth? She’s been so sweet to

me. All of them really. They accepted me no

questions asked into their family without even

really knowing me.

Wilder returns, shooting me an uneasy smile. Is

he feeling guilty too? “Let’s get on the road.”

“Is everything okay?” I don’t want him fighting

with his dad because of our careless lie.

“All good. The old man just wanted to remind

me to refill his gas tank.”

I let him feed me the lie. It’s easier than

confessing that I’m too selfish to put a stop to this

because I’ve started to fall for him, and I don’t

want to give up this life we’ve created even if it

isn’t real.

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ince we pulled out of my parent’s

driveway Maisy’s been silent. Too quiet.

“What’s got you being all weird?”

“I’m not being weird. You’re weird.”

“You always have something to say. What


“Nothing. Let’s just go get this stupid tree.”

“You want me to take you home? I can do this

alone tomorrow if you aren’t into it.”

“Aren’t you tired of the lies? How do you do


“What? Lie? I’m a lawyer. I get paid by the

hour to lie every day.”

“Well sorry that it doesn’t come natural to me

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and I hate it.” She puffs up and stares out the

window at the scenery.

“Are you mad at me? Did I do something or

offend you in some way?” Everything was going

great until…my dad. “You were eavesdropping.”

“Not on purpose. Okay maybe only a teeny bit.

I stopped listening once you started talking about

your marriage.”

“It’s not polite to listen in on private

conversations, but I don’t know what you’re so

upset about. I told him you aren’t pregnant.”

“What if I was? We had sex. Unprotected, hot,

sweaty, filthy sex.”

“Are you sexually frustrated? Is that what this


“What?” Her nose scrunches as her mouth

screws into an adorably pissed off pout. “You’re


“No. You’re horny.”

“Am not.”

“Look at me, ladybug. There’s nothing wrong

with needing or wanting sex. I’m happy to fulfill

that need. All you gotta do is say the word.” We

pass a billboard for Santa’s Lodge. ‘”We can get a


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“Are you for real? What makes you think I

want to sleep with you?” Her fingers slide through

her blonde hair. “Unbelievable.”

“You seemed to enjoy it the last time.” I shrug.

We’re almost to Santa Claus. Every year we come

to Jack Frost’s Christmas Tree Farm, to cut down

our own tree. I usually bring Auden, but Kenya is

doing her Christmas this weekend since she has

Mickey too, and she’ll probably be in labor next

weekend. She’s ready to pop any minute now. I

only hope once this kid comes she doesn’t return to

being a mega bitch.

“You’re disgusting.” Maisy folds her arms over

her chest, but all the action does is draw my

attention to her tits. Her perfect tits that I want to

caress and suck on. Fuck. I’m getting hard thinking

about it.

“You like me enough to let everyone believe

you want to marry me so you must not find me all

that repulsive, sweetheart.”

“I’m done. I’m not playing along with your

little game anymore.”

“Who said I was playing a game, Maisy?” We

pass another sign, this one for Holiday World &

Splashin' Safari. One of Auden’s favorite places.

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“What are you even saying, Wilder?”

I turn off the exit when the truck makes a weird

noise and smoke starts coming out from under the

hood. Damn it. I pull onto the shoulder and shut the

truck off. I get out and I can’t even touch the hood

to open it, the metal is so damn hot.

Maisy gets out. “What’s wrong with it?”

“Not sure. We’re going to have to call for a


“A tow? Like we’re stuck here?”

“I don’t know. Maybe for the night. I won’t

know anything until I can get someone to look at

it.” I pull out my cell phone and the damn battery is

dead. I didn’t think about making sure it was

charged before we left. The cigarette lighter in the

truck doesn’t work anymore, so I didn’t bother to

bring an adapter to use it as a charger. “You got a

cell with you?”

“No. I don’t. I never got a new one when I

moved over the garage. I didn’t see the need…until

now. Oops.”

“Guess we’ll have to walk. There’s a bar not

from here. I’ll call a tow truck. We can grab a

drink, some food, and talk. We’ll get the tree after

we know if we’re stuck for the night or not.”

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“Yeah. Sure.”


“What?” she snaps.

“I know we have a lot to talk about.”

“I’m currently talked out.”

I step in stride next to her, walking toward some

of the main attractions in town. “Okay. No talking.”

I slide my palm over hers. She starts to jerk away.

“Hey.” I stop abruptly forcing her to do so as well.

“I can’t hold your hand now?”

“What’s the point? No one is here to watch.”

I swallow. “You like me.”

“No.” She makes an eww gross face but I’m not

buying it.

“Admit it.”

“You’ve lost your mind.”

“That’s what this is about. You feel something

for me.”

“Yeah. Right now, I’m strongly annoyed, and

I’d really like to get a drink.”

“You want a hot chocolate or something?”

“I think I’m going to need something a lot

stronger than chocolate,” she says with this vibe

that I’ve never felt coming off her before that I

can’t get a read on.

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I keep hold of her hand as snow starts pelting

the ground and melting into our clothes. “Yip,”

Maisy yelps, nearly wiping out on a patch of black

ice. I steady her in my arms and gaze into her eyes.

“Maisy, there’s something you should know—”

Honk. Honk. A car pulls up alongside us. “Need

a lift?” a little old lady calls out.

“Please. If you could drop us at Rudy’s that’d

be great.”

“Well, don’t just stand there. The two of you

get in out of that cold and snow. It’s going to be a

cold one.”

I didn’t even think to check the weather

forecast. “You expecting a lot of snow?” I ask her

as Maisy and I slide into the backseat.

“At least four inches. I doubt you’ll get a tow

for that truck tonight. Your best bet is to get a room

at Santa’s Lodge if there are any openings.” She

stops in front of Rudy’s. A bar a lot like Bud’s but


“Thanks for the ride.”

“Glad to help.” She gives us a waive once

we’re out the car.

“Do you think she was right?”

“About the snow?”

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Maisy nods.

“Let’s find out.” We enter Rudy’s greeted by a

hostess dressed like a sexy elf. “Table for two.”

“Right this way.”

Maisy and I get seated. I order us a few beers.

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o you want the good news or the bad

news first?” Wilder resumes his seat

next to me in the booth. He went off about twenty

minutes ago to find a phone.

“Does it matter?” I know by taking one look

out the window we aren’t going anywhere tonight

and possibly the rest of the weekend the way that

snow is coming down.

“Okay. First the good news. I reserved us a

room and found a tow for the truck. Bad news is

the mechanic is home with the flu. Once we get

settled in at the room, I’ll call the old man and see

when he can pick us up, but I doubt he’ll come


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“I wouldn’t want him or anyone out driving in

this.” I take another drink of my Jack and Coke.

“Did you want to order something to eat?”


“Finish your drink then and we’ll get checked


I down my soda and liquor and make a quick

trip to the bathroom, wondering if I’ve gotten

enough liquid courage to tell Wilder the truth. I

don’t want to pretend. I want to be with him. No

strings. No games. Only question is does he want

something real with me?

By the time we’ve made it to our lodging two

inches of snow has fallen. Wilder opens the door to

our room. There’s only one bed. “One bed?”

“We were lucky they had this. If you want the

shower first, I’m going to call home to check in

with the old man and find out when we can get a

ride out of here.”

“I don’t have any dry clothes.” I shrug my wet

jacket off and kick off my boots. My toes are

freezing and numb. Taking a seat on the edge of the

bed I remove my socks.

“I’ll go get you something.”

“No. it’s fine.”

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“Babe, it’s not a big deal. You need warm, dry

clothes. I do too. They have a gift shop. I’ll be

back. Go ahead and get in the shower, and I’ll sit

your stuff on the sink.”


“Good. I’ll be back.” He leans down, brushing

his lips over my forehead. Wilder leaves me on my

own, and I should be getting in the shower, but he

called me babe and kissed my forehead. Both

actions are something a boyfriend would do. I can’t

fight the smile that spreads over my face. Maybe he

does care for me. With my toes thawed out, I shove

up off the bed and make use of the shower.

The hot water sprays down on me and all the

stress of earlier washes away, until the lights flicker.

I tell myself it’s only the bulb going bad, but the

wind howls against the roof. I finish up, with only

two tiny towels to dry my body and wrap my hair

in. Wilder isn’t back yet with dry clothes but at

least the room is warm enough. I start using the

complimentary hair dryer when the power goes out

completely, and I am left in total darkness and

naked. Perfect.

By some miracle I make it to the bed and curl

up under the covers. I wish Wilder would come

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back. I’m not sure how much time has passed when

a knock sounds at the door. “It’s me. Key card

won’t work. Let me in.”

Finally. I secure the flimsy towel the best I can,

noting that my whole, right side is basically on

display and if it weren’t dark Wilder would be

getting quite the peepshow. I open the door, and he

shines a flashlight at me. “Ugh. Watch it.”

“Sorry. Bad news is the power is out but good

news they hope to have the backup generator on

soon. Also, I got some flannel pajamas, but I’m

thinking I like you as you are.” The beam of light

from his flashlight shines on my body. I’m glad he

can’t see that I’m blushing right now.

“Clothes please.” I move further into the room,

allowing him to enter. The door closes behind him.

“We’d keep warmer with body heat.”

“Ha. Funny.”

“I’m not laughing.” His gruff voice grows closer

and then his hands are on me. Lips to my ear he

says, “I’m done pretending, Maisy.”


“You heard me, ladybug. What we got is real.

I’ve known you were mine since I first kissed you.”

His lips find mine in the dark. The towel drops to

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my feet and is forgotten. Wilder’s the only thing on

my mind. I return his kiss, completely lost to my

desire to be had by this man. He walks me

backwards slowly, till we find the bed. He makes

quick work of kicking his boots off. He may be the

only lawyer I know who will wear jeans and flannel

looking like a sexy lumberjack to the office.

I take my time unbuttoning his shirt and ridding

him of his pants. I don’t want to rush this tonight. I

want to savor every second. All I want for

Christmas this year is him. This handsome jerk who

drives me crazy. I moved here wanting to find

myself, but I found something even better. I found

Finnick Wilder.

Those skillful fingers roam my body as he

peppers kisses down the column of my throat. He

loves me like a man should with gentle touches and

rough kisses. Teasing all my senses. The roughness

of his facial scrapes over my breasts as he travels

further south. I take a deep breath and let him in.

I’m scared of the fall but even more afraid not to

take a chance and put my faith in him.

Deep down I know he’s meant to be my man.

We share a connection that feels natural. As though

we’ve always been a part of each other. We’ve

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both fought it since we met, but now I think we’re

both done fighting. I’m ready to explore what we


I need him to know I want him as much as he

does me. Taking control, I signal for him to roll to

his back. I tease, stroke, taste, and suck him until

he’s on the verge of coming.

“Fuck, Maisy,” he breathes out my name,

gripping my hair, and pulling me off him. “You

don’t stop that I’m going to come before I ever get

inside you, and I can’t have that.” He grins and

hooks his big hands under my arms to drag me up

his body.

I line up with his erection, sinking down on him

eagerly. One hand grips my hip and the other

squeezes my ass. Our bodies move together in

perfect harmony.

Rolling my hips side to side I spell out his name

knowing there’s no turning back now. He has my

heart whether he wants it or not. Wilder flips me

onto my belly to take me from behind then

missionary style. As he looms over me, I stare up at

him and it hits me. I’m in love with him.

Stroking his finger along my jaw he smiles. “I

love you, Maisy.” My stomach dips at his

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confession. “You’re all I want and what I’ve been

missing and waiting for.” Sliding out to the tip he

slams back inside me in slow deep strokes hitting

me in all the right places.

“I love you.”

He kisses me soft and sweet, making love to me

till I get off with his release soon following mine.

Wilder lays to my side, curling his body around

mine to keep me warm through the night.

The following morning the power’s been

restored, but I don’t want to leave the comfort and

warmth of his arms. Last night we were under the

spell of the snow and darkness. Will he still feel the

same when we return from the magic of Santa

Claus to Shamrock? Back to where our fabricated

relationship began.

“Morning,” he whispers in my ear.

“Hi,” I whisper back, doing my best to avoid

blowing my morning breath in his face.

He laces his fingers with those of my left hand,

finger brushing over the borrowed diamond ring I

wear. “I think today we need to go shopping and

get you your own ring.”

“Then you’d better ask me again.”

“I meant every word. Told you, ladybug, I knew

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the moment I kissed you in Bud’s you were mine.”

“Is that so?”

“Yeah.” He comes in for a kiss and I pull back.

“I need to brush my teeth.”

He growls at me and pulls me in closer to him,

touching his nose to mine. “I’m going to kiss you

often anytime I want to, get used to it.”

“Is that a promise or a warning?”

“Maybe its both.” He rolls over top me, using

his knees to spread my thighs apart. “I think we’ll

get married on Christmas Eve. Be our present to

my mother.”

“Like next year?”

“As in next week.” He rubs his cock over my

pussy lips.

“Are you insane?”

“Yup and it’s too late to back out now. You

already confessed your undying love for me.” His

lips meet mine.

“You’re really bossy, you know that, right?”



“Stop talking.” Wilder pushes inside me, and I

give up arguing with him. As long as he keeps

kissing me and fucking me stupid, I’ll give him

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anything he wants.

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Next Christmas

veryone get in front of the fireplace,”

my mother shouts over the noise,

waving her arms around. “Bodie and Amanda

scooch in next to Kenya.”

Maisy shoots me a smile as I place my arms

around her, hands resting on her baby bump.

Auden, Mickey, and baby Austin are seated in front

of the tree wearing their matching pjs their mom got

them. This year my mother insisted everyone do

Christmas at her house so here we all are. One big

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happy family. My ex-wife Kenya and her husband,

the father of her third child, Branson and some

chick he started dating around Halloween, and

oddly enough Amanda and Bodie got married this

past summer.

My wife and I are expecting our first child

together next month, and we’re celebrating our

one-year anniversary soon. Maisy and I married on

New Year’s Day. Auden is excited to finally get a

baby sister. She only has one stipulation and its that

she doesn’t do diapers. Kenya asked her to help

with her little brother Austin once and that was


“Hurry up, Louise, or I’ll have to reset the

timer,” my old man complains, but there’s no doubt

when he looks at my mother that he loves her as

much if not more than he always has. They share

the kind of love I know I have with Maisy.

“I love you,” I vow, kissing her cheek right as

the camera snaps our family photo.

Mom rushes over to look at the preview on the

camera screen. “Isn’t that just perfect.” She claps

her hands, smiling at every single one of us.

“Simply beautiful.”

Dinner is served. The turkey is carved. Bellies

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are full. Presents are exchanged. I have everything

I never knew I wanted. No one knows we began

our relationship on a fabricated whim. It’s our little

secret. Not that it matters now anyway. In the end

everything worked out exactly as it should.

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Other books releasing in the Christmas of Love

collection are as follows and can be read as

complete standalone stories in any order.

13 Nights of Christmas by Emily Rose

Coal For Kiera by E.M. Shue

Fabricated Christmas by Glenna Maynard

Finding Mistletoe by AJ Alexander

Finding Mrs. Claus by Leaona Luxx

Holiday Wishes by S.L. Sterling

Holly’s Knight by KL Donn

Merry & Bright by Mayra Statham

Secretly Sant by B.L. Olson

The Christmas Proposition by Mika Jolie

Wedding Bell Rock by Annelise Reynolds &

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Dawn Sullivan

Find all information about each book on the

Alluring Write Productions website.

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First off, I gotta do a shout out to my fellow

Christmas of Love Collaboration author friends,

especially our organizer, KL Donn. Without her this

book wouldn’t be here. It was a real pleasure to

work with all the ladies involved. Teamwork makes

the dream work.

Dawn, my bestie and partner in crime. Thank

you for all the help with Maisy and Finnick. You’re

the best. Nickie and Andi ya’ll kept me going and

made sure I finished on time. I adore you both more

than you know. Tina, you kept my ass in line and

kept me from killing all the characters. I know I’m

a pain at times, but you are always there when I

need to chat or a good kick in the ass. Morgan you

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know I couldn’t do this author life without you.

All my readers and bloggers who read, share,

review, and support me on this journey. Thank you

for believing in me and loving my characters as

much as I do if not more at times.

Brett and my kiddos you guys are my

everything and why I never give up.

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Glenna Maynard is a USA TODAY & Wall Street

Journal Bestselling Author most known for her

gritty Black Rebel Riders' MC saga.

She has a passion for writing antiheroes but

occasionally takes a walk on the sweeter side.

Bikers, Rockstars, the boy next door, Glenna writes

them all.

When she isn't arguing with the voices in her

head or drinking reader tears, she enjoys watching

classic TV shows with her two children and

longtime leading man. Her favorite books to read

change with her mood, but she always enjoys a

good historical romance.



for more

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Available Now

Black Rebel Riders’ MC

Grim The Beginning





Heart of A Rebel

A Rebel Love

A Rebel In The Roses

Blood of A Rebel

The Devil’s Rebel

Devils Rejects MC

Hades’ Flame

Boogeyman’s Dream

Reaper’s Till Death

Cupid’s Arrow

Uno’s Truth

Cocky’s Fight

Black Rebel Devils MC

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Moonshine & Mistletoe

Guns & Roses

Sex & Cigarettes

BRRMC Roadhouse Tales

Devil Dick

Pecker Wrecker

Cock Blocker

Sassy Pants

Sons Of Destruction

Dark Paradise: The Apocalypse

The Cruel Love Series

Cruel Love Book 1

Cruel Love Book 2

Royal Bastards MC

The Biker’s Kiss

Lady & The Biker

Tempting The Biker

Keeping The Biker

Stand Alone Titles

Beauty & The Biker

Snow White & The Biker

Born Sinner

Lil’ Red & The Big Bad Biker

Making Her Mine

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Dirty Love

Dirty Truth

Don’t Let Me Go

Jameson’s Addiction

My Best Friend’s Girl

Calder & Maggie

Falling For The Bad Boy

Cowritten with Dawn Martens

You Wreck Me (Prospects)

You Break Me (Prospects)

You Kill Me (Prospects)

Sacking The Player

Document Outline


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