email subjects

# This is the email subjects that will be used in sending emails out.
# Change them as you wish. But please remember to ONLY EDIT ANYTHING BETWEEN THE |
# Failure to so may cause the program to corrupt.
$SUBJECT{ad_approved}=qq|Your ad has been approved|;
$SUBJECT{ad_deleted}= qq|Your ad has been deleted|;
$SUBJECT{ad_denied}= qq|Your new ad has been denied|;
$SUBJECT{ad_expired}= qq|Your ad has been expired|;
$SUBJECT{ad_posted}= qq|Your new ad has been posted|;
$SUBJECT{ad_replied}= qq|Someone respond to your ad|;
$SUBJECT{ad_updated}= qq|Your ad has been updated|;

$SUBJECT{activated}= qq|Your Account has been activated|;
$SUBJECT{admin}= qq|Someone has registered at your site|;
$SUBJECT{approved}= qq|You've Been Approved!|;
$SUBJECT{bill}= qq|Here is your billing information|;
$SUBJECT{credit}= qq|You account has been creditted|;
$SUBJECT{deleted}= qq|You account has been deleted|;
$SUBJECT{denied}= qq|Application Denied|;
$SUBJECT{expired}= qq|Your Account has expired|;
$SUBJECT{lost}= qq|Here are your account information as your reqested|;
$SUBJECT{pending}= qq|Your application has been recieved and waiting for reviewed|;
$SUBJECT{remind}= qq|Your Membersip Information at|;
$SUBJECT{registered}= qq|Thank you for your registration!|;
$SUBJECT{unexpired}= qq|You account has been unexpired|;
$SUBJECT{updated}= qq|Your account has been updated|;
$SUBJECT{validated}= qq|Please validate your account|;
$SUBJECT{welcome}= qq|Welcome|;

# DO not remove the 1 below.
return 1;


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