Indy 9 00 17 src ManualInstall

To install Indy manually, please do the following:

1. Run the appropriate batch file for your Borland Product.
Delphi 4.0 - c:\Indy\Source\Fulld4.bat
Delphi 5.0 - c:\Indy\Source\Fulld5.bat
C++Builder 4.0 - c:\Indy\Source\Fullc4.bat
C++Builder 5.0 - c:\Indy\Source\Fullc5.bat
2. In your Integrated Development Evnornment, install the DclIndy*.bpl which is located in the appropriate directory. Those are:
Delphi 4.0 - c:\Indy\d4
Delphi 5.0 - c:\Indy\d5
C++Builder 4.0 - c:\Indy\C4
C++Builder 5.0 - c:\Indy\D4
3. Add the appropriate directory from the ones listed above to your library path. To do this, click Tools|Environment Options...|Library. Just add the directory in Library path to end of the path preceded by a ";" such as:

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