
++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++=====================================COMMANDS & CREDITS=====================================

Ultimate OoB v.97 by EnHanCeR
based on Son Gohan by Eb

_ _
( °Oo COMMANDS oO° )
\ /

D: down = Name = Commands =
B: back ========================================
F: forward = Kamehameha = ~D, DB, B, F, y =
= Mega wave = ~D, DB, B, F, z =
= Candy Beam = ~D, ~DB, B, F, x =
= Ki Barrier = y+b =
= Light attack = ~D, DB, B, b =
= Hard combo = ~D, DB, B, F, a =
= Kick combo = ~D, DF, F, x =
= Master =~D, DF, F, DF, F, x =
= Air kick U = ~D, DF, F, y =
= Air kick D = DF, y or z =
= Rapid fire = ~D, DB, B, F, c =
= Teleport = y+z =
= Charge = a+b =
= Fireball = ~D, DF, F, c =
= Magie invisible = ~D, DB, B, c =
Oups, i forgot: fly a+x


Big thanks to these men!
-> Fred - for giving me the idea to make it
GohanSSM2 - for programming candy beam, and made command for air kick Up
Cyanide - for always trying to help me
WarriorWizdom - for all suggestions (Rapid fire)
MugenGuy - for trying to help me and suggesting me to update Charge
...and all ZGteam who helped me


Next update: new voices and sounds if i find some, master2

Note: if u think that Oob should be more little, go to U-Oob.cns (open it with NotePad winshit) and replace these lines :
xscale=1 by xscale=.9
yscale=1 by yscale=.9 but some sprites may suck, others may be funny
Go to this line too: " offset = 0,0 " and replace the value into 0,5

Contact for all suggests or any help:

(this is my first char)


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