Drea Becraft [Mystic Kind 01] The Thrice Princess

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Drea Becraft


Drea Becraft


Secret Cravings Publishing


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Drea Becraft

A Secret Cravings Publishing Book

Erotic Romance


Copyright © 2011 Drea Becraft

E-book ISBN: 978-1-936653-50-8

First E-book Publication: APRIL 2011

Cover design by Beth Walker

Edited by Ariana Gaynor

Proof read by Belinda Barton

All cover art and logo copyright © 2011 by Secret Cravings Publishing

ALL RIGHTS RESERVED: This literary work may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any

means, including electronic or photographic reproduction, in whole or in part, without express written permission.

All characters and events in this book are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead is strictly



Secret Cravings Publishing


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The Thrice Princess



This book is dedicated to all my friends at Heat Wave, without you I would have never been
introduced to the world of ebooks to begin with, thank you.

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Drea Becraft

Copyright © 2011

Chapter One

It was the end of his days. If the arrow currently protruding out of his chest wasn‟t enough

warning, then the seven-foot Dergon demon hovering over him with his sword aimed at his neck

was a pretty significant sign. Devlin had lived just a little under three hundred years and had

never been this close to death.

“You have taken your last drop of blood, leech.”

The last of his blood seeped through the hole in his chest, blurring the edges of Devlin‟s

vision. Out of no-where, a glint of silver crossed his vision. A thud filled his ears as the demon

fell clutching his neck tightly. Pondering what had happened to the demon, Devlin very slowly

turned his head to see a beautiful woman.

A human woman.

Crouching down to him, she looked at the arrow sticking out of his chest and began to

speak. “I think it‟s out for the count at the moment. Let‟s see what we can do about this sharp

pointy thing sticking out of your chest, shall we.”

Making slow persistent movements, Devlin turned to stare at his beautiful savior. Curly red

hair settled around her heart shaped face. The length gathered back in a ponytail at the base of

her neck, easily reached her shoulder blades. Startling green eyes looked down at him in worry,

such eyes could belong only to a goddess. High cheekbones set off by a jaw line that brought

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more definition to her luscious lips—the bottom lip slightly bigger than the upper. A mouth made

perfectly for his kisses, which is not something he should have been thinking about at that


“Hey there big guy, I need you to stay with me so we can figure this out. At this point, would

it be better to leave it in or pull it out?” she asked, pointing to the arrow sticking out of his chest.

Trying to keep an eye on the Dergon demon lying not five feet from them, Devlin spoke in a

whisper to keep his chest from moving. “Pull it out.”

“Okay! I am gonna try my best, it looks like it‟s in there pretty good.”

Shifting slightly she pulled the thoroughly worn sweater over her head, rolled it into a ball

and left it at his side. Removing it left him with the tantalizing view of only a spaghetti strapped

tank top to cover her cream-colored flesh. “We need something to keep pressure on the wound.

You‟ve lost enough blood as it is.”

Grabbing the arrow just above his chest, she braced herself to pull, but hesitated, fear and

uncertainty shown in the depths of her eyes as she removed her hands from the arrow. Dropping

them to her sides, the expression on her face changed with the contemplation of her choices.

Hissing in frustration of laying at anyone‟s mercy who happened upon them, Devlin pulled

his lips away from his teeth slightly elongating them. Studying him, she made no move to run.

“Please, just pull it out!” His chest felt like it was on fire.

“Are you sure this is the route to go? I don‟t want to hurt you anymore then you already are.

Judging by the fangs, it‟s obvious that you‟re not human.” Looking down with beseeching eyes,

letting out a sigh, then with a shake of her head, she continued, “I just don‟t want to kill you.”

That she would even be worried about his welfare was humbling. Devlin gasped as he made

the mistake of trying to lift his head off the ground. “Wont… hurt…worse…than…now.”

“Okay. Don‟t go getting your boxers in a twist.”

Determination played across her face as she grasped the arrow again. Devlin braced himself

as she pulled the arrow out of his chest in one swift move.

Devlin howled in pain as his body involuntarily arched off the pavement. His blood now

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flowed down his chest and sides, easily seeping through the thin material of his shirt.

“Oh, I am so sorry! Are you okay?” came her startled reply as she reached for the sweater.

Soft plump breast brushed his chest as she put her sweater in the place where the blood

continued to flow. Biting her full bottom lip, she applied more pressure in an attempt to stop any

more blood loss. Looking up and releasing the poor tortured lip, her gorgeous green gaze roamed

his body.

“That came out easier than I thought. Then again, I don‟t make it a habit to go around

pulling arrows out of chests on a regular basis either.” At this point, she was talking more to

herself than him.

The ramblings of a nervous woman would normally bother him to no end, but her voice was

soothing and comforting when pain racked his body.

His superior hearing alerted him to footsteps approaching. Thinking only of her safety he

grabbed her arm and pulled her to his ear. “You need to run fast and far, I can hear someone


Pulling back just a little and looking into his eyes she whispered back “I‟m not leaving you

here by yourself. If it has escaped your notice you‟re about to pass out from lack of blood. How

do you intend to defend yourself?”

Not seeing how she, being mortal, could help him much, she did make a valid point. What

good would it do if he were too weak to protect himself much less the beautiful creature in front

of him and both of them died in the process?

“This is not the time to be brave! Run far away. With any hope they will see me as an open

target, and you will be safe.”

“Oh, I hate it when men go all barbarian on me.” Removing herself from his side he

followed her movements slowly with his gaze. Grabbing the sword of the Dergon demon, who

lay face down in his own blood, she returned to the spot where he laid defenseless on the ground.

Sword now raised she shifted her feet shoulder width apart, straightened her spine and looked

around scanning their surroundings.

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Without even knowing who or what he was, this female was willing to stay there and fight

for him, die for him. Which no doubt would happen if the steps approaching turned out to be

another demon. So many thoughts went through his head and amongst them were, she was one

brave female. Why stay behind and risk her gorgeous neck? It would be stupid for her to remain.

Heavy footsteps turned the corner and stopped mere feet from where they both resided. The

man stood in a defensive pose wearing black boots and chaps topped off with a well-worn leather

jacket. Only warriors garbed themselves in such outfits. Devlin was either saved or really


“Easy female. No need to be pokin‟ me with that sword. I am only here to help.” A deep

timbered Scottish brogue replied.

Devlin recognized the voice of his younger brother Ian. Releasing the breath he didn‟t know

he‟d held, relief washed over him. Ian stepped into the light of the nearby street lamp, and Devlin

could vaguely make out the features of his brother‟s face.

Surprise was all that came to mind as the female stood strong. Ian‟s presence never even

made her waver from her stance to save him. Standing strong with the sword still pointed high

she kept those beautiful eyes trained on her target.

“No offense, but I don‟t know you for shit. How do I know you‟re not out to stake him and

chop him up too?”

“Shit, he‟s been staked. You must let me pass I need to be seein‟ to his wounds lass.” Ian

took a step forward only to have the female put the sword to his throat.

“Not really a stake, more like an arrow, but you still get the picture.”

Devlin managed to move his hand to brush the skin on her long legs. Satin over muscle

greeted him, so soft and feminine. Woman warrior that she was, she never took her eyes off her

mark, but shifted the leg he touched lightly. Making it known she felt his touch. “It‟s okay he‟s

my brother.”

“Brother huh? How come he‟s got a different accent than yours?”

Patience had never been a strong suit for his little brother. Devlin could tell by Ian‟s facial

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expressions that he was growing weary of this little female guard.

Looking into Devlin‟s eyes Ian sent a mental message. We don’t have time for this. We’ve got

to get you home where you are out of danger.

In typical Ian style, he again shifted his eyes to scan the surroundings, once a warrior always

a warrior. That‟s when he spotted the Dargon demon still laying with the pocketknife sticking out

of its neck. “Is that the fucker who put the arrow in his chest?” Looking back and forth between

the female and Devlin, he waited for a reply.

The female spoke first her voice steady and strong. “Yeah, and you see how that ended up

for him. Hurt him, and I won‟t stop at a pocketknife in the neck.”

Not even a flinch as she threatened bodily harm to Ian, a man twice her size and not even


Knowing that his strength was waning, Devlin sent a mental message to his brother, She

saved my life by killing the demon. Be kind and stay out of her head I will deal with her.

Some vampire myths were true and some were so off, the Vampire Society appalled, at

where they turned. In this case, vampires did have the capacity to go into a mortals mind and

alter memories but only alter not completely erase. Most vampires used it only to alter memories

of feedings, making the human feel as if it were nothing but a dream. The thought of Ian messing

with this female‟s mind didn‟t sit well with Devlin.

Another light touch to her leg and the female moved to make room for his brother to come

to Devlin‟s side. Using his peripheral vision to track the female, Ian crouched down to assess the

damage. “Krutis, brother you have lost a lot of blood. I am afraid to teleport. You may not make

it to the destination.”

“Teleport. As in poof you‟re there and then you‟re gone?”

Ian‟s chuckle reverberated in his ear. “Yeah somethin‟ like that. You know, for a mortal, you

are taking this in stride. You must be familiar with Mystical Kind.”

Turning stunned eyes to Ian, she spoke in a calm voice. “Mystical Kind? No, can‟t say that I

am; this is the first time I‟ve ever seen a being not of my species. But, I always believed there

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were more on this planet than humans.”

Her voice sounded confident but her face told a different story. It looked more confused, and

maybe a bit scared.

“Yes, teleporting is our preferred means of travel, but in big brother‟s condition, I don‟t

think he would make it back to our destination.”

“Why not?”

“The loss of blood is too great.”

Bringing the sword down to rest at her side, still standing over them both, she took a hesitant

step forward. Devlin could see the look of determination and maybe fear in her eyes. “How much

blood does he need to make the trip?”

“Ye offerin‟ lass?”

“Look, I didn‟t save his ass from that horrendous thing.” Shivering slightly she paused for a

second. Shock of the situation seemed to set in but she continued, “Only to have him keel over

before he can get the help he needs. You don‟t have to kill to have blood do you?”

“No lass, we do no‟ have to kill. If you‟re offerin‟, soon would be good. He‟s about to pass

out and then it will be too late.”

Showing no fear, she handed Ian the sword. Nothing seemed to shock him more than her

open invitation to give Devlin what he needed.

“I‟ll just be dispatching the demon while you help big brother there.” Ian moved from his

spot at Devlin‟s side. Seconds later, the sound of the demon‟s permanent dispatching filled his


“How do I do this? Do I need to cut myself?” Licking her lips with the tip of her tongue

slightly showed how nervous she must be.

“He has teeth lass. Just give him your wrist. He‟ll be doin‟ the rest.”

Devlin watched as she got down on her knees cradling his head on her lap. Smelling of

honeydew and a bit of perfume, she put her wrist to his mouth. Now, this is what heaven feels

like, he thought to himself. Knowing he was on the verge of death, her scent still intoxicated

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“You have to drink so your brother can take you to get all fixed up. I‟ll be okay.” She looked

down at him with beseeching eyes.

Devlin felt his teeth elongate and descend past his lips. Readying himself to take the

offering he grabbed onto her forearm, all the time wondering if she tasted as good as she smelled.

Adjusting her wrist to make sure to hit the main artery, he ran his tongue across her skin, tasting

the saltiness of her skin then looking into her eyes. He maintained eye contact as he bit down

into her wrist.

Her blood tasted like pure ambrosia, the best he had ever tasted. After taking three long pulls

his mind began to spin and his heart started to beat rapidly. The life giving blood flowing through

his mouth started to meld itself with his own leaving a burning path in its wake.

Feeling his soul take flight as it merged with hers, Devlin felt warmth after many years of

cold. Never noticing the expanse of the void until this beautiful creature allowed him a peek into

her very being. Lights as bright as the stars filled his body, sparking energy into every nerve


Could it be at the most unpredictable time in his existence that he had found his bonded

mate? Elated he embraced the sparks and closed his eyes in bliss. Only to open them and stare

into the eyes of the one meant for him for all eternity.

This beautiful, human female was his mate and he didn‟t even know her name. Devlin

started to blackout from the exertion of not only his near brush with death but also, the bonding

to the beautiful woman offering herself to him without hesitation.

Slowly, the edges of his vision began to go dark. Releasing the warmth and ecstasy of her

wrist, he licked the wound and laid his head onto her lap. Keeping eye contact, he raised one

hand to stroke her cheek.

Smiling sweetly, she rubbed her face into his hand like a content cat. Half expecting her to

purr he was surprised as a single tear tracked down her cheek and onto his hand.

Mine, screamed in his brain, his instinct to protect and provide strong. Closing his eyes, he

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heard his brother‟s curse in the background as the world around him went black.

* * * *

Anastasia Gruff had never been so confused or scared in her entire life. She loved it! The

blood pumped wildly through her veins, her breast heaved up and down, as her breathing grew

more frantic. She always believed that there had to be supernatural beings out there and the proof

had just released her wrist and passed out.

“Shit, we got more demons heading this way.”

“How do you know?”

“I can smell them.”

Thinking they had to be vampires. What other species lived off blood and had elongated

teeth? Hearing about vampires and seeing them were two very different things. When the

vampire latched onto her wrist she expected to feel pain, what she truly felt was on a totally

separate spectrum. Her body still hummed from the sparks flying through her nerves only

seconds ago.

Millions of thoughts ran through her head. Before he had passed out, she had noticed that his

eyes had turned bright red, and he growled something she couldn‟t understand.

Wondering if that was normal she looked from the vampire in her lap to the one who now

stood towering above them. Knowing that she would have to live with what little she knew. Her

thought went immediately to the vampire who currently lay still, with his head in her lap.

Danger was approaching and they needed to get him out of here, and they needed to do it


“Take him and get him help. I can lose them.”

“Lass, those are demons, if they catch ye‟ you‟ll become either their slave or meal.”

Shivering at the thought of being a meal to a demon, she stroked the hair of the vampire in

her lap. They stood a better chance splitting up then staying put. Taking a deep breath through

her mouth and out her nose, she raised her eyes to meet the other vampire‟s gaze.

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“I can take care of myself I know these streets like the back of my hand.”

After living in them most of her life, she had no doubt her knowledge of these streets would

keep her alive. At the crucial age of sixteen, she turned to the streets as an alternate to group

homes and even worse, foster homes. Living in alleyways under boxes or in abandoned

buildings, she knew every good hiding place. Every nook and cranny permanently burned into

her head. The knowledge made it all too easy to hide from anything.

“Don‟t worry about me, get him out of here. You have to go. I stand a better chance if you

leave now. If we stay here, we will all die.”

Expressions played across his handsome face. With ease, she could tell that he was having a

hard time leaving her behind. “We can‟t teleport while you still hold him lass.”

Leaning down she brushed her cheek across his, wiping away the last of her tears. The

feeling of losing her best friend seemed an odd sensation after such a brief encounter, but nothing

about this evening felt rational. Raising her head slightly she brushed a kiss on his forehead, and

removed his head from her lap, laying it gently on the cement.

Knowing that things were, more than likely, about to get weirder, she stood and nodded her

head letting him know it was time to go. The big man lightly picked up the now unconscious

vampire cradling him in his arms. Nodding to her, he disappeared.

Still staring at the spot where both men stood not two seconds ago, she let out the suppressed

breath she didn‟t remember holding. Now, if only she had that skill, she wouldn‟t have to run.

Sensing the time had come, she shook off the shock of seeing two grown men disappear, and

turned to run down the alley.

Searching for the best escape route, she went left at the next juncture. The neighborhood

consisted of mostly worn down factories. New clubs had opened up in the area, but they were

very few. Getting a bearing on her surroundings, she took another left then took a right at the

next building. The fire escape was still there as she remembered. Jumping up and grabbing the

bottom step, she used all her weight to pull it down. Succeeding, she climbed to the first floor

and pulled the steps back up. If reality was anything like the books she read, it wouldn‟t stop a

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demon, but a girl could hope.

Climbing up the remaining flights, she headed to an old squatting spot she felt safe in. She‟d

spent many nights staring at the stars wishing for a little luck and a better life. But it no longer

looked like it used to. Her secret place had become a beautiful garden, filled with all sorts of wild

flowers, that until now, she‟d only seen in magazines.

Low on energy from not eating, plus the blood that had just been donated to a worthy cause,

she stumbled into the middle of the garden. The cobblestone under her feet made her steps

unsteady. Not watching her steps caused her to stumble, but again she managed to stay on her


Suddenly, there was a burning in her left forearm. Watching with astonishment as the

burning turned into black swirls before her very eyes. Stasia watched as an ornate tribal tattoo

with a crest in the middle took form along her forearm where the vampire had bitten her.

“What the hell?”

The tattoo started to become fuzzy. No matter how close she held it to her face she couldn‟t

make much out anymore. Her legs began to shake as if her body weight was too much to hold up

any longer. She turned at the last moment as her body collapsed, landing on her side. Pain

radiated from her hip and shoulder where they‟d hit the roof. More of her vision began to go as

she blinked to try a restore what little she had left.

Beginning to wonder if she was going to make it or if the demons would find her and kill

her, she heard movement off to her side. Holding her breath, she expected to see more big bad

monsters. Instead, to her surprise, there was a beautiful woman who shimmered in the moonlight

with blue gossamer wings adorning her back. Bending down, the woman gently lifted her now

tattooed arm and studied it.

“Well this is interesting.”

Still blinking, Stasia could do nothing but stare. Hoping the woman would help rather than

harm, she took in one last breath. Her body began to shake in uncontrollable shivers and the rest

of her vision turned to black. Letting her body go slack, she succumbed to the blackness.

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Hanging on to the vision of the vampire who‟d just changed her life forever.

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Chapter Two

Three months later

“I can‟t believe I let you talk me into this, Jazzy.”

Anastasia had come a long way in three months. Thanks to her new found friend and her

introduction into the Mystical Kind world.

Jazzabell, her new best friend, stood in the doorway of their shared apartment. She also

happened to be the moonlight fairy that saved her life, on the rooftop, the night her whole world

turned around.

“You want to go as much as I want you there. remember. As much as I like you, it is time

you found your bonded mate. What better way than a Mystical Kind Bar Halloween party.”

“I just feel uneasy going.” Uneasy was putting it mildly. Her stomach riled as butterflies

threatened to make her lose her lunch.

“It‟s not as if you haven‟t been there before.”

“Yeah, but tonight there will be more immortals in the room, together, than I have ever laid

eyes on.”

“You‟ll do fine.”

“Tell that to my stomach. If I‟m lucky I won‟t puke all over a dragon and he turn me to


“Dragon shifters will be in human form. Not even humans are stupid enough to believe

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that‟s a costume.”

“I was joking, Jazzy.”

Grabbing her keys, out of her purse and locking the door, Stasia turned to head in the same

direction. Jazzy held the door open to the elevator, pushing the button for the roof. Stasia had

moved in with Jazzy almost immediately after she found her in the garden. They hit it off so

well, Jazzy even found her a job typing in a small business owned by a witch. It was perfect; she

didn‟t have to be near others and therefore, didn‟t have to worry about getting any unexpected

and unwanted visions.

“No dragon, demon, or nymph will touch you with that mating mark. It‟s some unwritten

rule that once you‟re mated you belong to no one else. All factions of Mystical Kind are that


“Are you sure it‟s wise to leave without it being covered.”

“You‟ve had me use glimmer on it every night since you started leaving the house. How do

you plan on finding your mate, if you don‟t show it?”

“I just don‟t know if it‟s safe. Remember, I‟m still only human. Really easy to kill. Then it

won‟t matter if I find my so called mate or not.”

Exiting the elevator, they opened the small door to the roof, to stand in the middle of Jazz‟s

beautiful garden. The flowers only blossomed at night, which suited a moon fairy‟s garden, since

they very rarely go out into sunlight. Glimmer hid it from view from overhead, so humans

wouldn„t get curious and come to explore. Immortals strived to keep themselves quiet from the

human world.

Fairies in general, needed nature to keep themselves in balance. Since Jazzabell lived in the

middle of Portland, Maine, she made a garden for herself.

Looking across the roof, they headed toward the nearest portal.

Portals were only visible to mystical kind or so Jazzy said. Stasia, for some unknown reason,

could see the portals. It was a gift she‟d had since childhood, along with the ability to read

people‟s minds with a simple touch, and sometimes seeing their futures.

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The portal opened to a hidden room, on the top floor of the club known as Le sang Rêve,

which means blood dreams.

Upon stepping into the room, Stasia could feel the music three floors down vibrating the

soles of her feet through her through her shoes. This could be a long night. Luckily, this being

Halloween and the bar mostly being immortal, they all have created blocks on their minds.

Stasia really hated that gift, the one enabling her to read anyone‟s mind. She feared touching

others, not wanting to see what the future had in store for them. Her gifts worked very well on

mortals, but immortals, she could only see the future in a select few, and she liked it that way.

She now felt like she could belong somewhere. They didn‟t stare at her as if she were a freak

if she suddenly got a glassy stare and started spewing nonsense about dying in a car crash! She

made that mistake once and her foster parents would not believe her and her gifts. They swore

she did something to cause the accident that killed their oldest boy. Never mind the fact that he

was high on coke and driving at breakneck speed. Her biggest mistake had been telling the boy

that he would die in a car accident soon if he did not lay off the drugs. It wasn„t long after the

accident she struck out on her own.

Two burly men stood at the door guarding the club from what came through the portal.

Stasia knew these two very well. They spent many nights sitting at the bar after their shi ft

talking to her, answering her questions with honesty and openness. That‟s how she discovered

what species they were.

Dash, a were-bear, had the ability to change into a grizzly bear at will. He looked like a

body builder, all muscle on top of muscle. Brown hair hung to his shoulders, showing off his

sharp jaw line and strong nose. His forehead sloped slightly, to bushy eyebrows, and large deep -

set eyes the color of burnt amber. He was handsome in a rough and tumble kind of way.

The other man, Jac, was a were-panther. His build, more lean and subtle muscle. Black hair

buzzed on the sides but slightly longer on top spiked up on its own. His strong cleft chin and

hawk like nose only made his almond shaped eyes more handsome.

“Hey Dash. Hey Jac. Sounds like the party has already started.”

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Jac met her eyes and shared a heated look. Then his gaze roamed along the fitted satin dress

she had chosen that night. It fit like a glove and hung in all the right places. A deep V-neck

showed off her B cup breast. Pure white in color; the dress captured the eye with its rhinestone

accents. Jazzy had come home one night with the idea to make Stasia a Greek goddess. After

serious thought, she agreed.

“You know, you keep staring at me like that, your eyes might pop out of your head.”

“Baby, in that dress, it would be well worth the loss. What do you say I take you home and

show you how much you‟re missing?”

Shaking her head with a laugh, that were-cat sure knew how to tease. Jac often shared in

sexual banter with her. Usually sexual men put her off and she would blow it off. Jac was a

whole different story, it was empty implications and she knew it, but all is fair in love and horny

were-creatures. “Sorry, Jac I‟m not into pussy. Thanks for the offer.”

Dash checked her out from head to toe and added, “Well honey I ain‟t no pussy, one hundred

percent bear in the sack over here.”

Shaking her head and wagging her finger, she gave him a half smile. “Yeah well fur is a

bitch to get out of the teeth so I think I‟ll pass on you too.”

Dash‟s deep timber laugh reached her ears as she turned to go down the steps to the club.

Stasia came to the landing of the stairs leading to the floor of the club. The massive dance

floor a collection of Mystical beings. There were demons, weres of all kinds, fairies, vampires,

and even the occasional mortal thrown in the mix. All without the disguises they normally

adorned in the eyes of mortals. Halloween was the one night they could let their true selves be

shown and not attract attention. It had to be liberating to let loose after spending the majority of

the year in hiding.

Even though she had been to this club every Friday and Saturday night since finding herself

thrown into the immortal world, she‟d never seen it this packed. Her stomach did another dance,

and she couldn‟t help but think, maybe tonight was the night she‟d find her mystery vampire.

As if sensing her, Sam the bartender, looked up at the top of the stairs and gave her a

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beautiful smile. Sam had been her confidant since she had started coming to the bar.

Even though he owned Le sang Rêve and could just as easily sit on the sideline, he served

his patrons every night. She asked him one time why he was always tending bar. To which he

told her that at two hundred and twenty-five he enjoyed hearing the various stories that came


Stasia guided down the stairs to go to the bar. Shifting and turning to make a beeline to get a

drink, noticing the stares as she passed. Had she known the clubs dress code was black on black,

she would have chosen another costume. Man, she stuck out like a sore thumb.

Finally, mulling her way through the gyrating bodies on the dance floor she made her way to

the bar snagging the only stool available. A strawberry daiquiri with sugar on the rim was set in

front of her.

“See, this is why I like you so much, you know how to treat the ladies,” she winked at Sam,

gaining her another heart-stopping grin.

“Beautiful, in that dress, I will give you anything you want.”

“Oh really, and here I thought of you as a nice guy. And, all the time, you were a pervert old


That got a soft chuckle out of Sam “There may be a lot of miles on these tires honey, but hop

on its well worth the ride.”

“Okay where ever you got that cheesy pick up line forget it.”

“Not that good was it?”

“I‟ve heard better.” Scanning the bar, she searched her surroundings.

“Man, this place is packed.”

“Halloween is the night when immortals come out to play.” Sam said, while pouring another

customer their drink.

“Maybe I‟ll find who I‟m looking for.”

With that statement, Stasia put her foot in her mouth. Never in all the conversations they‟d

shared did she tell Sam the reasons for her frequent visits. The mating mark was always

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magically covered and she just let everyone wonder why she came so often. Which wasn‟t the

case tonight. Wanting to find the one who left it overshadowed the need for safety.

“So you are in here looking for someone. I was starting to wonder if you were here just to

stalk me.”

This man was going to make some woman a very good mate. Unfortunately, she was already

taken. Or at least she thought she was—no clue since Mr. Vamp went dental and then vanished.

Stasia leaned over the bar and kissed Sam on the cheek.

“While you are defiantly stalk-worthy, I am here about this.”

It was now or never. The man was a vampire and a very old one at that, maybe he would

know the symbols and be able to help her. Holding out her arm, she turned it over to reveal the

ornate tattoo that took prime real estate on her forearm.

Sam‟s face went pale and he looked up to stare into her eyes.

“What is it?” Trying to pry her arm away, she continued, “Listen, I only woke up with the

thing I can‟t be responsible for the things it brings.”

Sam said nothing, just stared. Stepping off the stool Stasia started to shift back and forth on

her feet. Yanking on her arm, she tried to free it from Sam‟s grasp. After three pulls he released

her making her loose balance for a second before righting herself.

Becoming nervous and a little scared, she scanned the room. Where was Jazzy when she

needed her? Using her mind Stasia tried to scan the bar to link up with the moon fairy‟s mind.

Meeting with emptiness, her heart dropped to her stomach.

Concentrating on trying to locate Jazzy, Stasia never heard the man walk up behind her.

Strong hands banded around her upper arm. Startled, her first reaction was to fight. Trying to free

her arm, she turned around yanking as she went.

“Easy female, I mean ye no harm.”

Deep Scottish brogue filled her ears. Recognizing the voice almost instantaneously, she

looked up to meet his eyes. Sure enough, it was the same vampire from the alley three months


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He still looked the same. Big, hard, and now more scary then the first night she crossed his

path. The leather garb had been ditched for the more usual black T-shirt and jeans. The T-shirt

only showcased his massive build, and made her stomach flop, adding more nausea.

“Bet you wouldn‟t ever have thought you would hear that from me again did ye‟, lass.”

“Not really, no. Then again, I hoped I never had to.”

“Well I am afraid you have no choice.”

No one seemed to notice what was happening as they went along with their business. Either

that or they didn‟t see the point in helping a mortal. Relief swamped her as Dash and Jac come

down the stairs to stand just behind her.

“What‟s going on?” Jac asked.

Taking her eyes off the man holding her, Stasia turned to address Jac. “Big guy here won‟t

let me go.”

“Is that so? What did you do to get in trouble?”

“Not a damn thing.”

“Except carry our brother‟s mark,” Sam said circling to stand in front of the bar instead of


Stasia turned to Sam, “How did you know that he was the brother to the one that left this?”

She looked down to indicate the tattoo on her arm. A collective gasp, from all t hings male

standing around her, filled her ears.

“I knew because you‟re sporting my family‟s mating mark and since I am not mated and Ian

is not mated then that only leaves Devlin.”

So big brother and little brother now have names Devlin and Ian. Oh, how she loved the

name Devlin, but wait, did he just say family? She turned and locked gazes with Sam.

“Wait, so you two are Devlin‟s brothers?”

“Yes. Devlin‟s the oldest, Me in the middle, and Ian„s the baby.”

Her head began to swim with all the new knowledge being given. All this time, the answer

she searched for about her mate was right under her nose.

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Stasia shifted and looked at Dash and Jac. “Why are you two staring at me like I have

leprosy or something? You were just hitting on me a few minutes ago.”

The vampire brothers seemed to turn in unison to stare at the were-bodyguards. “You hit on

her? You must have a death wish.”

Hastily putting up his arms, Dash quickly said, “Hey man, I didn‟t notice the mating mark,

hell she‟s been coming in here for months and this is the first I‟ve seen it. If I had known who

she belonged to, I would have been cordial and been on my way.”

Getting her purse off the bar stool Stasia started to retreat to the door, holding her tongue to

keep from screaming she didn‟t belong to anyone.

“You know guys, it‟s been fun, but I think my Halloween just took a nose dive. I‟m going to

go home and pretend this was all a really bad dream.”

With that she made a dash past Ian. Who immediately grabbed her upper arm and pulled her

to his body.


Why did she have to be so little? Looking up at him, she stared into his eyes hoping that her

anxiety didn‟t show in her face.

“Let go of me now,” she forced out between clenched teeth.

“I am sorry lass, but I can‟t just be lettin‟ ye leave. Ye see, big brother‟s been lookin‟ for ye.

And we need to be bringing you to him.”

No. No. No. Not good, she didn‟t want to go with them, they were big and scary. She

couldn‟t use her gifts on them either and that put her in even more distress.

Sending out a message to Jazzy in her head she practically screamed. Help me please! They

want to take me away. I need help!

Please let Jazzy hear and come to her rescue. The moon fairy had not been seen since the

portal. Used to it, Stasia didn‟t let it bother her, but she needed her now. Where was she?

Almost as if on cue a feral growl came from behind. The hairs on the back of her neck stood

straight up. Pivoting around to see who it was, Stasia noticed the face of the being making such

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“I suggest you take your hands off of her right now vampire before I detach them


“This is none of your business Mathis, leave now.” This coming from Sam as he bared his


“Anything doing with Stasia is my business, Sam so if you want your brother to keep his

limbs have him release her.” Not even a flinch as he stared down the vampire who looked so

feral that everyone in the vicinity backed up a step.

Making a wise decision Ian dropped her arm. Immediately, Stasia was across the few feet

that separated them, throwing herself at Mathis.

Mathis had saved her from the streets years ago. Giving her everything she needed without

asking much in return. Being here now, only showed how much he adored her.

Taking in his features as she still hung in his arms. The first things noticeable were his

horns, seeing them on Mathis was more a surprise than anything. The sight of horns no longer

scared her, since she‟d seen so many over the past couple of months. Other than the new

addition, his face still looked the same—all hard planes and sharp features. He was scary

handsome, but only to those who didn‟t know him.

“Mathis, what are you doing here?” Stasia asked as he set her back on the floor.

“I heard your distress call, so I came. What kind of trouble have you gotten yourself in now

little one? I swear only you could be in a bar about to be abducted by a bunch of vampires. To

think you mortal.” Mathis just shook his head.

“I come in here all the time. I‟ve never had a problem until tonight. I didn‟t expect them to

go postal over this.” Stasia then held out her arm to show him.

“Bucala mostialis!” It didn‟t take a genius to figure out that curse.

“That bad huh.”

“When did you get this?”

All eyes were now on her. Her skin began to crawl, and her breast began to heave as her

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breath increased. Mathis‟ attention on the mark only made her more nervous. “Uh, about three

months ago. I saved a vampire from a demon and this was my consolation prize.”

“What do you mean you saved a vampire from a demon? How?”

“I kinda threw the knife you gave me into its neck while it stood over the vampire, who gave

me this, with a sword.”

“You went up against a demon with only a pocket-knife to save a vampire, are you nuts?”

“Not just any type of demon, a Dergon Demon.” Ian added.

“Are you completely mad?” Anger showed in Mathis‟ face as he all but yelled at her.

“Hey! I won thank you very much. Demon dead and vampire saved.” Raising her tone a bit

as nerves gave way to anger.

“That still does not explain how you bear his mark.”

“Well, he was too weak to teleport and I had to give him a little of my blood.” Stasia bit her

lip. A sign of weakness but she didn‟t care much at the moment.

“You gave the vampire your blood?”

“Didn‟t I just say that?”

The nervous feeling was almost gone—anger and impatience now taking its place.

“I leave you alone for a couple of months and you go and get mated to a damn vampire.”

“Well I didn‟t plan on doing it.”

Both vampires stayed quiet while she and Mathis argued. They only stared at each other, and

every so often one glanced at her.

Curiosity getting the better of her, Stasia felt out with her mind and was blindsided with a

feeling of such hatred and anger that she stumbled on her feet.

Mathis moved forward to catch her by the arms and hold her upright. She didn‟t understand

what she did to get such anger from those two but it made her very uneasy. As if noticing her

intrusion they both turned angry stares in her direction.

Fear had her stepping around Mathis. Peering over to one side to meet the stares of two very

pissed off vampires.

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“How did ye do that?” Ian asked between clenched teeth.

“How did I do what?” She played innocence.

“Ye know damn well and good what I‟m talkin‟ about.”

Grabbing straws, Stasia found her voice. “I was born with it.”

“Ye were born with the ability to get into immortals minds?” Ian raised an eyebrow and

turned his head slightly.

“Actually, I have a harder time getting into immortal minds. Mortals are an open book. More

so if I have some kind of contact.” Licking her suddenly dry lips, she continued, “But, even

without reading your minds I can defiantly pick up on your damn vibes. You‟re seriously pissed,

and I have no idea why.”

With that, good-natured Sam exploded. “You want to know why we‟re so pissed right now?

Really, do you?” His English accent was more pronounced.

“Well are you going to spit it out or leave me to wonder? Because I can think of at least a

million other places I would like to be other than here right now.”

Sam stepped forward baring a massive set of teeth and fangs. “You go nowhere,” he said

with a growl.

Mathis bared his teeth and hissed in Sam‟s direction mimicking his actions. If Stasia didn‟t

know she was perfectly safe with Mathis she would have ran for cover.

“One more step vampire and I will use your bones as tooth picks for the next century.”

“She‟s been gone for three months. No one could find a trace of her. She is bloody well

going to our home. No matter who I have to kill to get her there.”

Stasia thought for a moment. What the hell did it matter how long she was gone?

It wasn‟t her that fed and disappeared. It wasn‟t him that was left to run from demons and

hide on a roof.

Thank god for Jazzy or Stasia could have very well have been dead and no amount of time

would be good enough. Just thinking about it pissed her off. Anger took over every other

emotion in her body.

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Stepping around Mathis, she stormed toward Sam. Stepping on tiptoes and getting in his

face teeth exposed just like him. She‟d be damn if they would intimidate her.

“Don‟t you dare threaten me after I saved your miserable brother‟s life. If it weren‟t for me,

he would have died with an arrow in his chest. Bleeding out in the middle of the god damn

alley.” Resting back on her heels, she put some space between them.

“I saved his fucking life. What did I get for it?” Raising her voice and using her arms to

elaborate she continued,

“I had to run from demons hell bent on killing me. A fucking mating mark which I sure as

hell didn‟t ask for. And thrown in a damn world I have no fucking idea how to figure out.”

Putting her hands on her hips, she stared him straight in the face.

“So get off your damn high horse and tell me what the fuck I did to construe this hatred?”

Mathis cut in. “Your brother left his mate behind?”

Stasia answered before either brother could. “He passed out not long after I fed him. He was

probably as shocked as I was, but he obviously didn‟t care much anyways.”

“You don‟t know anything about our kind do you?” Sam inclined his head looking down his

nose at her.

“I know that you survive on blood, and that you apparently leave a mating mark, as evident

on my arm.” Stasia rubbed the mark on her arm. “That is why I have been here every night. I

have been trying to find him.”

Taking a deep breath, she continued to rub her arm. “I haven‟t been flashing this around. I

figured it was safer for me to keep it a secret, seeing how I am mortal and can die pretty easily.”

She could have sworn she heard Mathis mutter, “Not for long.”

Stepping forward Mathis took her hand and turned her to look into his face. “You haven‟t

seen him in three months? Not even to feed him?”

“No, I haven‟t laid eyes on him since the night in the alley way.”

“Shit!” Mathis looked from her to the two vampires behind her.

“What am I missing?”

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“Stasia, honey, once a vampire finds his or her mate they can only feed from them. Devlin

has not had blood in three months.”

Something close to panic took over, she barely knew the man but she was connected to him

that much could be felt deep in her body and soul. This had disaster written all over it.

“What does that mean?” Her body began to shake with her strong emotions.

Turning to look at Sam she asked, “How long can a vamp go without blood?”

His features seemed to soften a bit at the graveness in her voice. “We need to feed at least

twice a month. Sometimes more, depending on how much energy we have dispersed. Or if we

are injured.”

Her heart dropped into her stomach. “You mean that he has been going on no blood for three

months?” A tear tracked down her cheek. Stasia didn‟t like the thought of him hurting.

“Yes! And he is very close to death‟s door. Every day brings him closer. The only cure is

your blood. Now you know why we don‟t want you to go anywhere. You leave our brother dies.”

Stasia looked at Mathis and then to the brothers. “Take me to him.”

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Chapter Three

For the second time that night, Stasia stepped into a portal not knowing what would happen

on the other side. At least this time, Mathis was at her side.

No matter how many mental pages Stasia sent, Jazzy had yet to make an appearance since

they had arrived at the club.

Oh, both Sam and Ian threw a fit when they were told she would not be going unless Mathis

went along. Obviously, there was some underlying conflict there. Stasia would find what the

issue was and try to fix it, after she saved Devlin‟s neck again.

Devlin was such a wonderful name. The memories of him were getting fuzzier and fuzzier

as time went by. But soon, Stasia would see if the man was as deliciously good as the one she

had been dreaming about for months.

Walking out of the portal Stasia met with quite a beautiful sight. They had transported right

in the middle of a beautiful foyer of what had to be a mansion. The round anteroom had two

staircases leading up to the next floor, a beautiful crystal chandelier hung from the ceiling, and

gold leaf made a perfect border for the dome type ceiling. This place was the biggest and the

most beautiful she had ever been in.

A very handsome man stood on the landing above her watching his guest enter, mysteriously

flanked by two very big men, most likely bodyguards. He seemed cool and collected until Mathis

walked through the portal. The switch between emotions was almost instantaneous. Hatred

shown deep into his eyes.

In a blink of an eye, he went from the top to the bottom of the stairs only a few feet from

where Stasia and Mathis stood with murder in his eye. “How dare you come into my home,” he

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roared at Mathis.

Stasia took a step in front of Mathis. “He came with me.”

“Yeah and just who the hell are you?” Angry eyes met hers.

“Someone you seriously don‟t want to piss off!” She mimicked his facial features.

At that moment, Sam and Ian stepped through the portal. Faces grim and uncertain at the

scene they had walked into.

“You two…you invited that demon into my home? You know better, we have been at war

with his father for centuries. What the hell were you thinking?”

Both bowed their heads as a sign of fidelity to the man. Breaking the silence that followed,

Ian was the first one to speak. “Our apologies Father, but the lass would no‟ come with us if we

did not bring him.”

“Oh, did she now?” The elder vampire raised an eyebrow. “And, just what is so important

about you?” Turning to look her in the eye, his pale skin showed the flush of anger as he raked

an angry glare up and down her body, eyebrows bunched together his lip curled up in disgust

showing off one of his fangs.

The tone of his voice and the look on his face, as he condemned her before even meeting

her, set Stasia off. Body stiff with anger, she felt the heat crawl up her face and the sting in her

hands as she curled her fingernails into her palms.

“Well if you would shut the fuck up for one damn minute, and ask nicely maybe you would

get some answers.” In hope of keeping her smart mouth in check, she bit the inside of her cheek.

Devlin, laid somewhere within these walls and she had every intention of going to comfort him,

but no way that would happen if she didn't keep the outbursts in check.

Hearing gasps and a couple of chuckles covered by coughs, he glared at Mathis then her.

Apparently, you didn‟t tell this man to shut up, and by the look on his face he didn‟t approve of

the chuckling either.

Before he could spew off again, Stasia continued. “I am assuming what makes me important

is this.” Then she held out her arm to show the mating mark on her forearm.

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Stasia took notice that his was on his neck. Made her wonder why hers was in a different

place. Yet another question to ask her so called mate, if she could ever get to him.

The vampire stared at her arm and then looked up into her eyes. A mixture of relief and

anger showed in the depths of his eyes.

Great another vampire pissed at her, Stasia thought with dread. And it wasn‟t as if she really

deserved it. How was she supposed to know that Devlin needed only her blood to survive?

“Your Devlin‟s mate. Where the hell have you been, were you intentionally trying to kill my


“First off I saved your son‟s life after knowing him all of two seconds.” His arrogance ticked

her off.

“This just showed up minutes after, while I was running for my damn life from the demons

I saved him from. So, I will be damned if you make it out as if I was looking forward to making

him suffer.” Putting her hands on her hips and glaring at him, she continued.

“Secondly, as you can plainly see I am mortal, up until three months ago, I had no idea

vampires even existed. How the hell am I supposed to know that once they are mated, they need

the mate‟s blood to survive?” Taking a step forward, she pointed a finger at him.

“And thirdly, if you don‟t quit yelling all your questions and being rude, I will walk my

happy ass right out that portal. Saying the hell with it.” The threat was an empty one, but he

didn‟t need to know that.

Giving an exasperated sigh and stepping forward, he offered his hands in attempt to keep

the peace. “I am Sir Edward Miconis, King of the Vampire Society.”

Stasia only looked at his offered hand and nodded. “No offense, but in my experience lately,

it‟s safer for me to keep my hands and other body parts to myself.”

What had she gotten herself into now? Panic exploded through her body, as her run instinct

took over. The wanting to belong was so strong, but in no way, shape, or form did she want to be

the damn queen of the vampires. This was too much for one person to handle.

“Well you really are in for a surprise if this is too much.” Mathis spoke up.

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Stasia mistakenly spoke her thoughts out loud. Just great, now everyone in the room knew

what was going through her head, and she really didn‟t like it. Mathis would have to explain that

comment after all the mate business settled.

“Well, now that I know why you and your sons are so pissed that I haven‟t been here, I can

assure you I had no knowledge that Devlin needed me or I would have been here. I didn‟t save

his neck in that alley to have him die now. Take me to him so I can heal him.” She gestured for

him to lead the way, and strong arms grabbed her from behind as she stepped forward to follow.

Turning she met the weary eyes of Mathis.

“You need to wait. We are about to have a visitor and its probably best if it‟s here and

nowhere near your ailing mate.”

“What do you mean visitor?” boomed the king, signaling his men to get to the ready, for a

war. They pointed their swords at Mathis.

“Drop the swords,” Stasia yelled at the guards and king.

“Give me one reason why I should. He is obviously plotting my demise.”

“Because, he‟s my brother, and you do not fuck with family.”

Every eye in the room turned to her. Even Mathis looked surprised. So was she five years

ago, after overhearing his conversation with what had to be their father. Stasia always kind of felt

they were related somehow. Two people didn‟t have a connection like theirs if they weren‟t.

Keeping her mouth closed was hard over the years, while waiting patiently for him to tell her, but

having his life threatened by being with her; it was now or never.

Mathis released his hold on her and spun her around to look in his eyes. “How did you


“I overheard a phone conversation to; I believe our father or someone. You said that you had

to protect me, not only because of the prophecy, but because I am your little sister and that‟s

what brothers do.”

Another collective gasp filled the room. The thud of metal hitting the floor reached her ears

as swords hit the floor.

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Looking around to see that all the vampires in the room were kneeling and looking at the

floor, Stasia then saw the source of the bowing. A woman with curly red hair and alabaster skin,

wearing a teal gown, which clung to a glorious figure. A heart shaped face set off beautiful

features, and beautiful blue eyes met her stare. The glow from her skin sent a halo around her as

bright as the sun.

“Kremara, goddess we are humbled to have you in our presence,” the king said as he knelt

on the floor.

“Humbling as that is, you made a huge mistake at pointing your swords at my daughter

Edward.” Her voice was light and airy.

Shock registered as the lady glared at the vampire King. Stasia couldn‟t believe that after

twenty-five years, she was finally able to set eyes on her mother. Much less that, her mother was

obviously not human.

Taking the opportunity to glare down at Edward, Stasia said with a snort, “See I told you not

to fuck with family.” Stasia turned around to face the Kremara again. Shielding her eyes from the

bright light, Stasia could barely make out a resemblance.

“That‟s because while you have my hair and figure, you have your father‟s features.”

Had she talked out loud again?

“No my dear, I am a god, I can read your thoughts as they come. You are not immortal yet,

so it is hard to block me out, and even then, not many can. But, I believe you will be able.”

“Well if you can read my thought so well, why don‟t you dim the light show, you‟re killing

my eyes.” Her voice dripped with sarcasm.

All eyes lifted to her. Apparently, you do not talk to a goddess like that. Gulping loudly

Stasia took a step closer to Mathis.

Laughing as the halo of light disappeared around her. “Do not fear me daughter. I would

never harm you.”

“Yeah? Well, I will have to take your word for it, since this is the first time I‟ve set eyes on

you.” She couldn‟t quite hide the slight anger in her voice.

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There was too much pain in her heart from all the years spent wondering why she‟d been

abandoned, to give in to the joy of finding her mother. Maybe in time, but it would take awhile.

Kremara, obviously reading her thoughts sighed, and turned to address the vampire king.

“You may all rise. Edward, tell your guards to stand down.”

Promptly her orders were followed.

“I also need you to invite Merdon into your home. We have business to attend to.”

“Yes, your grace. Merdon, I herby receive you into my home.” Edward did not look happy

while delivering that little speech, but did not argue.

“That is because I am the goddess to their people my dear. They worship me, for I created

them. They do not question for they know, I would never cause them harm. I protect and keep

them whole.”

“Who is Merdon?”

“That would be me. And, the answer is your father.”

Spinning around to see her father‟s face for the first time, Stasia froze in shock at the sight

of her father. Tall, maybe six and a half feet, with a very muscular build, and dark brown hair

pulled into a ponytail at the nape of his neck. Green eyes, the same shade as hers stared back,

doing their own little navigation.

“Well, nice to finally put a face to a person. Seeing how you were both to busy in your lives

to raise me.” Bitterness from all the years of living in homes no one should have to endure

bubbled to the surface. “So, why all a sudden have you decided to take such an active role?”

Kremara and Merdon stared at each other then Merdon met Mathis eyes. After what seemed

like forever, Mathis nodded.

“I„m going to try to explain the best I can.” Mathis stared into her eyes.

“Let‟s hear it.”

Mathis glared at her.

Stasia sighed. “Sorry.”

Nodding in acceptance he continued, “Father and I are demons. But we are not just any

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demons, we are Trisotalist demons—the highest in power. Sort of like the royal family of the

Dark world, making him king and me his heir.”

Stasia stared wide-eyed at him. She looked at her father with the same expression. “I‟m still

not getting it?”

“That makes you a princess of the underworld.” Merdon gave her a half smile.

“Yes, but that‟s not all. Your mother is Kremara, the goddess of light. Her brother Krutis, is

the god of the moon. Together they rule the Light world.” Mathis continued.

“Which makes me a princess of the Light World, too.” Not liking where this conversation

was going, she shifted slightly, starting to get uncomfortable in her own skin.

“Yes and you are also mated to a prince of the vampires, which makes you the princess of

the vampire society.” Fear and excitement showed in the depths of Mathis‟ eyes as he stared into

hers. “Your fate, with his mark, has been set into motion.”

There were collective gasps in the room. All eyes were on her showing various emotions,

some fear, some shock, and some pure excitement.

“I‟m still lost. What does this have to do with anything?”

That‟s when her mother‟s musical voice came out of nowhere “When the period arrives,

when once again great carnage brinks in the Mystical Kind Realm. The Savior shall come forth;

she shall be a lover of peace and justice. Born from both darkness and light, she shall return

peace to the immortal world. Those who oppose her shall fall, for there is no one more powerful

than she, the Thrice Princess.”

“What is that suppose to mean?”

“That is the prophecy given to us during the last great war, by a priestess who spoke them

with her last breath.” Kremara smiled, her pride shining strong in her features. “It‟s you she

spoke of, my daughter.”

Taking a minute to let it all settle in, Stasia looked around the room. The information slowly

began to link in her mind. She was surprised and a little scared at the same time.

Through her thinking process, one thing took the forefront. “But if I am so powerful, why

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am I mortal? This makes no sense.”

“We wished to give you a normal life. So we stripped away your immortality and your most

powerful powers. To gain when destiny decided so,” Merdon answered.

“You wanted me to have a normal life? Is what you called my childhood a normal life?”

Anger blazed through her veins.

Merdon‟s face changed to sadness, only for a few seconds, then his face became unreadable


“I had no clue what was going on, until it was too late. By then, you had already recovered

yourself enough. I sent Mathis to watch over you, to ensure nothing so vile befell you again. For

not being there for you, I will forever be sorry.” Merdon said while clenching his hands.

Stasia turned to her mother. “Where were you? I needed a mother more than anything in my

life.” Tears began to fall freely from her eyes.

Stasia felt such grief at her lost childhood, not understanding how any parent could leave

their child.

“I tried to help you as much as I could. But your father and I made an agreement. Once we

set you into a mortal existence. We would not intervene. When we found out what had been

happening to you, it was a joint decision to have Mathis become your guardian.” A tear fell down

her cheek. “Not introducing you into Mystical Kind, but protecting you from mortals. Until the

time you were to be awarded your gifts.”

“And let me guess. As if there wasn‟t enough going on in my life at the moment, you decide

now is the time to give them to me and make me immortal.” Letting out a sigh, Stasia looked at

both her parents.

“We feel it would be best if you did not go into a room with a starving vampire. It would be

more appropriate for you to become immortal. Thus, insuring you shall stay alive. To provide the

prophecy set for you.” Kremara stared at Merdon with such longing in her eyes.

Wondering if it was love her mother showed, Stasia‟s thoughts began to swamp her. Needing

more questions answered she opened her mouth to speak.

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Without warning Kremara and Merdon closed in on her. Kremara stood in front of her while

Merdon stood at her back.

“What are you doing?” Stasia voice shook a bit.

Neither answered her question. They both stared at each other in some kind of trance.

Fear kicking in and her need to run coming on strong, Stasia tried to move away from them.

Kremara placed her hand on Stasia‟s chest, and suddenly her body becoming immobile. She

was still able to feel everything yet unable to move anything but her lips. “Please, I‟m scared. Let

me go.” Her voice shook.

“We mean you no harm. Relax daughter.” Merdon said into her ear, as he placed his hands

between her shoulder blades. Parallel to where her mother‟s lay on her chest.

That‟s when she felt it. A great power surging through her making her inside fill with a great

light and a bit of shadow. Pain followed mere seconds after. So horrible that she crumbled to the

floor rolling into the fetal position crying out for help.

No one stepped forward.

No one said a word.

Not knowing what else to do, Stasia curled more into herself, trying to ride the violent waves

of pain.

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Chapter Four

Devlin awoke to a pained filled cry. Lifting his head slightly he tried to clear the cobwebs

out of his mind.

The last three months had been hell.

When he woke up refreshed and discovered his mate not beside him all kinds of things went

through his mind. Elation at finding his other half, but also fearing they may never be at each

other‟s side.

The first two months were filled with night after agonizing night of searching for her. Each

night going back to the alley in hopes she would come. Every night a little more of him died

when she didn‟t. Her scent no longer lingered where they had parted. Therefore, hindering him

from following the path she took that night. Interrupting his thoughts, another scream rent the air.

Seconds later his brother Sam all but ripped the door off the hinges, fear playing across his

face. Devlin had never seen his brother that scared in his entire life.

“Do you think you have the strength to lean on me?”

The awful scream once again filled his ears. It pitched to high to be male. Annoyed, Devlin

looked his brother in the eyes.

“I am not sure if I am able or not. What is that scream I continue to hear?” Scooting up

slowly in bed, Devlin cocked his head to the side and stared at his brother.

“That, big brother, is your mate.”

The mating instinct kicked into high gear, and gave him a newfound strength he didn't know

he possessed. Getting out of bed and to the door took no time at all.

Vampires were known to be very possessive over their mates. Most never let them out of

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their sight. Many vampires went hundreds of years before they found their other half, some never

did, which usually led to vampire madness.

Vampire madness was nothing to fool with. The victim often killed every person they fed

from, and hardly ever covered their tracks. By doing so, they broke the cardinal rule of all

Mystical Kind—Never reveal yourself or any mystical being to the mortals. This is why the

world saw vampires as monsters and not as they actually were.

Devlin had felt a little bit of the madness a few weeks ago. Taking it out on Ian, who he felt

was responsible for his mate not being there. Ian had apologized profusely, explaining he did not

realize she was his mate until it was too late to find her.

It took his father, brother, and his mother to talk him down. Devlin hadn‟t left his room

since. Ian continuing the search for her after Devlin didn‟t have the strength to leave home


Apparently, he had been successful because his mate was now here in the family mansion in

upstate Vermont. More screams filled the air as if terrible pain racked her body.

“Where is she?” he knew his eyes were glowing red with his emotions on high.

“She‟s in the foyer. They instructed me to come get you. Do you need me to help you


The words were a blur as Devlin streaked past his brother at full vampire speed. The need to

reach his mate overpowered everything else. Wanting to protect her from the unknown threat,

he'd failed so miserably at doing so lately.

Once making his way to the bottom of the steps Devlin stopped to look onto quite a scene.

His mate lay on the floor in the fetal position. Around her were his father and his other brother

Ian. Also, there were the two leaders of the Trisotalist demons, both males looked as if they

wanted to hold her and help, but kept their distance.

Then he saw the goddess of light kneeling on the floor beside his mate, talking in her ear.

She looked up and met Devlin‟s stare. Quickly, he looked down ashamed with himself.

You do not look the goddess of light in the eyes for any reason, Devlin chastised himself.

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“Raise your eyes to me prince.”

Doing as she commanded, Devlin looked into her beautiful face in awe. The depiction in

pictures and books did her no justice. Her features so strong, mere mortals would fall to their feet

in worship. Long red hair tumbled down her shoulders to the middle of her back. Yet, a s

beautiful as the goddess may be, it paled in comparison to his mate, who clutched her head and

released another painful cry.

Devlin had a moral dilemma. Did he go to his mate and risk the wrath of the goddess, or did

he remain still and endure the pain felt seeing his mate in agony? The goddess addressed him

before he could choose.

“You must come! Only your touch can sooth her pain now. She needs her mate, for the pain

will not last long, but magnify with each second.”

She didn‟t have to tell him twice. Before she could change her mind, Devlin hurried to his

mate‟s side, not caring that he still didn‟t know her name. She was his now, and he would soothe

her and protect her for the rest of their lives.

Kneeling he touched her bare shoulder breathing a sigh of relief as she too sighed and

arched into his touch. Putting an arm around her waist and one under her knees, he lifted her onto

his lap. Her body quivered, but more slowly than before and then her face buried into his neck

while another sigh filled the air. Slowly, he rose to stand facing the crowded room holding her

cradled in his arms.

The poor woman couldn‟t weigh more than a hundred and twenty pounds soaking wet.

Relief set flight in his veins that his was able to hold her and not show weakness.

“She needs to feel you on her skin; the contact relieves the pain of her turning. Only you, her

mate, can do that. If you need, I will help you carry her to your room, where we will give you

privacy.” This came from the dark world king.

“No need, I can carry her on my own. No one is to touch her.” The last came out a growl,

low in his throat. Devlin would not let her within an inch of the demon king. They had been at

war for centuries, which made him trust the demon very little. Certainly not enough to hand over

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his mate.

Letting a growl out himself Merdon said, “Watch your tone with me, vampire.”

Not caring why Merdon was here, in their family home, Devlin only had one thing on his

mind. “She is my mate.”

“And also my daughter. The only reason I am not tearing your neck from your body is the

fact that you are her mate. That only goes so far, so watch your tone when you are talking to me


Before Devlin could say anything, Merdon was flung across the foyer. He slammed into one

of the columns not too far from the portal, only to land in a heap on the floor.

Devlin faintly registered his mate stirring in his arms. “Put me down.”

Dev saw the conviction in her face, so he lowered her to the ground. She stood up straight,

spine as stiff as he‟d ever seen, facing Merdon. The man was severely pissed. Massive wings had

sprung from his back, his fangs bared and eyes red.

None of that scared the beautiful woman in front of him. If anything, she stood more straight

and poised.

Staring straight into the powerful demons face, she never wavered simply stated in a calm

voice. “No one. I mean no one. Is to threaten him again, or you deal with me.”

“You are in no position to make threats, daughter.”

“Oh really? I‟m the one going through a change, yet you‟re the one who just had himself

thrown on his ass.”

If at all possible, the demon king looked more pissed. Standing up from his landing spot on

the floor, Merdon looked into his daughters face. Tremors began to shake her body, but pride

made her stand straighter to face her father.

Merdon‟s anger seemed to dissipate rapidly, as he watched his daughter struggle to stay


Looking from her to Devlin, he spoke, “I will return to the underworld. But my daughter;

your brother remains. He and only he will bring the information I seek about your well being.”

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Scanning his mate‟s face, Merdon looked sad. The brief look of weakness from the demon

king shocked Devlin.

“I am sorry for causing you more pain.” Merdon shared a soul deep look with his daughter

then vanished.

Sensing that the threat had been extinguished his mate slowly crumbled back into his

embrace. Her eyes closed and her body once again convulsing with pain.

“What the hell is going on?” Devlin asked hoping for answers. Nothing had made any sense

since he stumbled onto this little scene.

“There is no time for an explanation. You must take her to your room and strip her down.

Lay with her, she needs the contact. Have her contact me when she is able.”

The goddess turned and addressed his father, her voice showing great authority. “Mathis is

to stay and be treated as a valued guest. He is now family after all.”

Staring at his mate, a tear tracked down the goddess‟s cheek and then she disappeared.

“Anyone care to tell me why the goddess of light was here?”

“She‟s your mate‟s mother.” His father told him.

“Well nobody ever said Devlin did things easy.” His mother said as she moved into the

room, from her waiting place in the library doorway.

Lillith crossed the room to stand in front of him. “You must do as the demon king said. Take

her to your room. We can catch up on everything later.” She cupped his cheek looking into his

eyes. Then looked down at his mate. “She‟s beautiful. You did good in a mate.”

“Thank you Mother.”

Turning towards the stairs Devlin made his way towards his bedroom, taking the stairs two

at a time. As he headed down the hallway, he looked down at her face. She lay in his arms, eyes

closed and nestled into his chest.

Even though he knew she was in great pain. Nothing but happiness coursed through hi s

veins. Snuggling her more closely, he took in the scent of her hair.

Devlin would never let her go ever again. Never again would she know such pain, if he

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could help it.

Finally, reaching his doorway of his room and making a beeline to his bed, laying her gently

down then pulling away, he stared at her in awe. But soon she was shivering again as pain

registered across her beautiful face.

The goddess told him to get her naked and nothing sounded better than that very idea.

Seconds later, he registered the sound of heavy footsteps entering the room. Mathis led the

pack while Ian, Edward, and Sam followed close behind.

Remembering there were four other males in the room, Devlin hesitated reaching to take off

her dress.

“It is all right, I have it from here.”

His fathers and brothers all nodded and left the room, leaving only himself and Mathis.

“I can protect her, you can go.”


Devlin cut him short. “She is my mate. I can no more hurt her than hurt myself.”

“Stasia has been through a lot in her short life. Mortals raped and beat her. If she wakes up

to you lying next to her, it may cause her to be afraid and accidentally harm either you or herself.

Her powers are unstable until she properly learns how to use them.”

Someone had forced themselves on her and beaten her. Devlin wanted to rip them apart with

his bare hands then feed their body parts to the were-wolves.

As if reading his thoughts through his face, Mathis said, “Once I found out. The man who

raped her did not see the light of day, nor the moon again.” Looking down at his sister with

tenderness in his eyes, he continued, “As for the ones who had beaten her, they were mere

children themselves. Afraid of her gifts and acted out. I felt that, at the time, punishment was not

the way to go. Plus, by then she had already run away and was supporting herself.”

With a nod Devlin looked over at the woman still shivering in his bed. More pain registering

in her facial expressions.

Looking into Mathis eyes, he said with conviction, “I will not harm her, you have my

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promise. As for her jarring awake scared, I seriously doubt that is an issue. Hell, she was half out

of it when she sent your father flying across the foyer and landing on his ass. I think, deep down,

she knows I would never harm her so she shouldn't be scared.”

At, what Devlin could only hope was the thought of having Merdon thrown across the room

like a rag doll, Mathis laughed. Devlin had never had any problems in the past with Mathis. Then

again, they never really socialized that much.

“She knows who and what I am, so everything should be okay.” Devlin said giving the other

man a half smile.

“I must first explain a few things. She needs the closeness during the change. The touching

of your skin to hers will soothe things. If anything happens, if either of you need me for any

reason, simply say my name and I will be here.” With that, Mathis nodded, looked over at his

sister once again and disappeared.

Devlin quickly headed back to the bed removing his clothes in the process. Not that he was

wearing much, the drain of not having blood made many things difficult, even the mundane

things like dressing himself took too much effort. For now, the lack of clothes had turned out to

be a godsend.

Putting his weakness on the back burner, Devlin reached the side of the bed and tilted her to

the side. Trying to find the zipper to get the dress off, he got frustrated at not being able to find it,

grabbed both straps in the back and yanked, tearing the dress clean in half.

“Jazzy is going to kill you when she sees what you just did to one of her favorite dresses.”

She managed to say with a weak smile.

“And Jazzy is?”

“The one who guarded me from the demons after we split.”

He would buy this Jazzy, as many dresses as she desired, just for protecting her.

With another weak smile, she said, “Don‟t even think, or say that out loud in her presence.

You‟ll be wishing she‟d left me on the roof. That fairy knows how to shop.”

“You knew what I was thinking?”

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Shrugging she looked up into his eyes. “Guess some of my powers are coming in stronger,

while the rest are awakening.”

With that statement, another powerful shiver racked her body.

Devlin immediately rolled her over and removed what remained of the dress, turning her

gently from one side to the other, only to be greeted by one of the best sights he had ever seen.

Not only did she have flawless skin, her breast were supple yet perky, with nipples two shades

darker than her skin tone and the most beautiful pink. Her hips were not super model skinny but

well toned, and her stomach was flat, leading down to a pierced belly button. She wore a barely-

there white thong. Lean legs finished off her flawless form.

Reaching down to remove her panties, she stopped him by grabbing his wrist and a shake of

her head. Not wanting to argue because there was more than enough skin revealed for the

transition, he climbed in and pulled the covers over them.

Spooning his front to her back felt like heaven after a long stay in purgatory. Devlin looked

over her shoulder and noticed the same look of ecstasy on her face. Moving her hair and sticking

his nose in her neck, the smell of her beautiful blood running through her veins filled his senses.

“I know you‟re famished, but do you think you can wait till I am a little bit better before you

take my blood?” She said between shutters.

“I am only appreciating the smell angel. I would not dream of taking from you right now,

but you smell heavenly.”

He took another smell and removed his face from her neck. The restraint that he held on

himself would only last so long and her safety meant more to him than his own. So, the restraint

wasn‟t too hard. But even he wasn‟t masochist enough to press his luck.

She grabbed his left arm holding it in front of her face. “You have one too.”

Small fingers lightly traced the mating mark on his arm, as she placed her arm beside his to

compare the marks. Devlin had never seen such a grand sight as both marks together. Although

not his intention, his cock stirred and grew rapidly along her beautiful ass.

Hopefully, she would understand some things were out of his control. She totally surprised

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him by nestling closer.

“I take it, you like the site of our marks together.” It wasn‟t so much a question as a


“Yes, very much. I have been searching for you all my life. Seeing them together makes my

body awaken in so many ways. Not only my cock, but my heart and soul.”

She looked over her shoulder into his eyes. He could see the reflection of his feeling in their

depths. Taking her eyes from his, she looked at his mark again, still tracing the tribal swirls

around the crest.

“I noticed your father‟s was on his neck. Why is his there and ours on our arms?”

“It all depends on the first place you bite your mate. In his instance the bite was on my

mother‟s neck.” Emphasizing his words by putting his nose back to the side of her neck.

“I bit you here.” Devlin used his hands to trace her mark. “Mine, mirrors yours. It‟s our

kind‟s way of letting the world know who is mated to whom.”

She became still and silent, staring at their arms. Devlin peeked over to look at her face and

noticed tears streaming down her cheeks.

“Are you okay?” He dropped their arms and snuggled closer, knowing that skin-to-skin

contact was what she needed. “Do you need anything? I can have them bring up water or food.”

“I let you suffer for three months. Here I am in a little pain and you‟re babying me, it‟s

hardly fair.”

Devlin looked back over and met her eyes. “Did you know I was in pain?”

“No.” Yet another tear fell.

“Then what have you got to be guilty for? I am not mad nor am I holding a grudge. Not only

did you save my life by killing that demon and giving me your blood, you stood up for me with

your very life to make sure I was safe. I know that had you known I needed only your blood, you

would have been here to provide it for me.”

“How can you be so cool about this?”

“Many years of practice.”

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“How many?”

“I was born June 14, 1732.”

“Okay, I am not good with math on a normal day, let alone when I am going through pain.

How many years is that roughly?”

Devlin laughed in response. “I am two-hundred and seventy-eight years old.”

“Wow, father time. You‟re putting a whole new meaning to being with an older man.” The

laugh that followed was weak.

Devlin hoped that her try at humor meant things were getting better.

“And how old are you my dear? Since you‟re so interested in age difference.”

“Tisk. Tisk. Didn‟t you mother ever teach you it‟s not nice to ask a lady her age?”

Chuckling, he touched the tip of her nose. “That, my mate, is only for older mortals who

show their years. For those of us who remain young so long, the years mean little.”

“Well then I‟m twenty-five. What does it feel like lying naked with practically an infant?”

Devlin nestled closer as his cock pushed harder against her ass. “Oh, right about now, it feels

like perfection.”

“But you don‟t even know my name.”

That didn't sit well on his conscious. Leaning down, he let his breath tickle her ear and asked

the question she was hinting not so subtly for him to ask.

“What is your name, bandia?”

“Anastasia, but I prefer Stasia.”

“Anastasia, a name fitting a half goddess-half demon, it suits you.”

She actually blushed at the complement. It made her face even more beautiful, if that were

possible. “Devlin suits you too. I really love that name. Irish right?”

“My parents were in Ireland at the time of my birth, yes.”

“That explains the accent. Let me guess, Ian is from Scotland and Sam is from England.”

“Yes, and since we tended to stay in our home country after birth, during the centuries, we

have adapted the accents to go with them. We only recently all joined in one home, here in the

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states. We figured by putting all the monarchy in one place, we could be easier to protect.

Modern weapons have made killing us easier.”

“Yeah, no need for a sword when you can use a gun, or a bazooka.”

Devlin laughed. “Guns have hardly any effect on us other than the loss of blood at entry

point. We are very hard to kill.” Gently, Devlin stroked her sides.

“I noticed a stake through the heart doesn‟t make you go poof,” was her reply as she

simultaneously arched into his movements.

“Ah, the wonderful world of mortal perception. We can be killed with a stake but only from

the blood loss. Blood loss and decapitations are the only two ways we can truly be killed.”

“So, the sun doesn‟t make you turn to dust?”

Oh, how he hated the modern world‟s version of his people. They depict them as soulless

monsters who would simply poof at so many things. If there wasn‟t a law against Mystical Kind

revealing themselves fully to mortals, he would change the world‟s view quickly.

“No, we do not evaporate into dust when the sun hits us, but we do get severally burned.

Causing our body to fix the affected areas, which causes the need for more blood. That is why

our people tend to be nocturnal creatures, less feedings means less exposure and less work.”

“Huh. Garlic, holy water, crosses?”

“Garlic, no. Holy water no more affects me as it would you, and I don‟t know where for

Christ sake mortals came up with the cross thing. I mean really that is just insane. Especially

seeing how there are gods, plural.”

“Most believe there is only one, and I think it‟s more to make you all out as monsters. Most

people tend to turn things they don‟t understand into vile repulsive things.” At that, she shivered


“Enough talk for now. You need to get your rest, or as much as you can. Let your body heal

and grow.” He kissed her temple.

With the touch of his lips, she closed her eyes and snuggled closer. Whether she knew it was

futile to argue, or if she was just too tired to, Devlin didn‟t know. He also closed his eyes as his

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blood exhaustion finally caught up with him. Relishing the fact he now held his mate, he fell into

a much-needed peaceful sleep.

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Chapter Five

Stasia woke up with her muscles sore and her head pounding. Slowly taking stock one

muscle at a time, starting at her toes and working up to her neck, she rotated and squirmed until

most of the kinks were out. After each body part was stretched to satisfaction she turned onto her

side to take in the room.

Staring aimlessly around the room Stasia arched her back and met a hard body behind her.

Warm and hard, it took only seconds for fright to make her limbs contract and ready to blot from

the bed. As if sensing her distress, strong arms banded around her waist.

“It‟s all right, it‟s just me, you are safe. I would never harm you, my Bandia.” The deep

timbre of his voice comforted her.

The memories from the night before slowly leaked into her mind. One by one, the dots

began to connect, remembering being carried to Devlin‟s bedroom, being stripped down and him

lying beside her, skin-to-skin helping to alleviate the pain of her turning.

Loosening her muscles, she slowly turned in his arms to look at his face. Handsome wasn‟t

enough to describe him.

Slowly lifting her hand to trace his nose, Stasia watched him with weary eyes, as she

continued to his lips and down his strong jaw to the side of his neck.

“I can see the gears working.” Devlin spoke while rubbing his face onto her hand. “What‟s

going on in that beautiful brain of yours?”

Before she lost the nerve, Stasia ran her hands down his chest next stroking her way to his

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Removing his hand from her hip, he caressed her lips gently with his index finger following

each touch with a kiss. Making his way slowly down her neck, he nipped and licked while

cupping one of her breast in his hand, making her nipple stiffen in response.

Fireworks shot through her body, and every nerve ending felt like pure lightning shot

through. Feeling most of the heat concentrated on her now wet pussy, Stasia rubbed into his

touch, grinding her hips against his long hard body.

Releasing a strangled moan, he looked into her eyes. The ice blue of his irises seemed to

darken into a more aqua blue. The most astonishing part of them were his corneas, they now

glowed bright red.

The sight should have scared her, but only added more arousal to her already drenched

panties. Grabbing his hand from her breast and pulling it to her mouth. Kissing each digit then

took the index finger into the recesses of her mouth. Swirling her tongue around the end and

popping it back out just as fast.

When did she become so wanton? It must be the man that did it to her., either that or the

power running rapid through her veins; Stasia secretly hoped it was the latter. With a groan, she

began to rain peck like kisses down his arm, until she reached his mating mark.

Beginning to trace the tribal design with her tongue, showing each line very detailed

attention and earning a very male groan for her efforts.

Leaning over she felt the warm air as he spoke softly into her ear. “Woman you must stop. I

can‟t contain myself if you continue to do that.”

Looking up into his irresistible eyes, she gave him the sexiest smile she could muster. “Who

says I want you to contain yourself?”

With a groan, he rolled her onto her back, and pulled her hands above her head, pinning

them to the mattress. Her nipples brushed against the hard planes of his chest, sending more of

her arousing liquid into her panties. This man did wonderful, delicious things to her body.

Wrapping her legs around his waist so his naked cock rested on her hot, wet pussy, Stasia

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ground herself against his hard length. A thin material separated them, yet allowed her to feel

every long, hard inch.

“You little minx. You were in pain not six hours ago; your body will not take the animalistic

coupling I want to give you. So, unless you plan on taking me here and now I suggest you stop

your sexual temptations.” The words came out of his mouth, but his face said something

completely different.

Devlin groaned as she ground her hips against his cock again and laid his face in the crook

of her neck. Taking in a deep breath then letting it out. Goosebumps spread over her body as his

hot breath whispered along her skin.

“I feel fine now. My body is a bit sore, but it‟s nothing compared to the rush of blood

running through my veins.”

“I am afraid I will hurt you. I never want to hurt you Bandia.” Still nuzzling her neck he

nipped then licked the sting away.

“I have never felt like this Devlin. My body has never reacted like this to a man nor woman,

ever. I want to ride the wave and feel the pleasure in it. Please don‟t stop.” With that, she ground

her sopping wet pussy against his cock, making it grow more.

Larger in girth then length Stasia continued to ground onto him riding the pleasure that filled

her with each thrust of her hips. Growing larger with each grind, she wondered if they would

even be able to fit together, he was so big, but arousal made the need to find out great.

“Please Dev, I need you!”

Her skin felt as if it was about to burst from her body. Each tingle and caress brought new

feeling to her already overloading brain. Arousal was a new feeling for her, never before ha d she

felt such strong tingles for another being.

One poor childhood experience had made it hard to get close to anyone or feel safe enough

for lovemaking. Devlin however, made her feel things she didn't know she was missing.

* * * *

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Devlin had never wanted a woman so much in his entire life. Her curves pressed in all the

right places making his body beg to hammer into her until both of them were screaming each

other‟s names. The fear of not being able to control himself made him hold back—not just his

sexual hungers but also his bloodlust.

“Bandia are you sure you are ready?” Devlin asked in almost a whisper close to her ear, as

he nipping her lobe.

Another cock-stirring moan released itself from her lips. The wench then ground her wetness

against his erection, and stirred his blood even more. The smell of her arousal filled his nose with

the strong scent of honeydew in spring. The smell was an intoxicating combination and Devlin

would never get enough.

“I have never been so sure of anything in my life. Please. Please. Please.” She started to

swish her head side to side once again grinding onto his hard length.

With the pleading in her voice, the last of his control severed. Releasing her wrists, Devlin

used his now unoccupied hand to roam her body. Down her elegant neck to dip where her

shoulders met, then proceeded down her collarbone to the top of her breast. With each nip and

lick of her skin, he grew more addicted to her flavor, wanting each new lick more than the last.

Moaning filled his ears with each nip of her gorgeous neck. Stopping just above the vein,

Devlin sucked gently simultaneously relishing in the feel of her body as it rose to rub against his

own. “Like that do you? I can‟t wait to have your blood in my mouth while inside your willing


Removing himself from her neck, Devlin continued to rein kisses down to her beautiful

chest to rest a hairs breath from her nipples. Then he sucked one perky peak into his mouth,

immediately releasing it to blow a warm stream, watching it grow hard in response. Showing the

other breast the same attention, the need to bury himself deep within her grew. With every touch,

her heartbeat raced faster and faster. Heavy breathing caused her breast to rise and fall rapidly

making his mouth water to show her more. Beautiful and so responsive, it made him envious of

all those who may have touched her before, but with one touch of her pussy, her body filled with

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a blush almost the same shade of red as her hair.

“Bandia, how many men have you been with?” Devlin asked between laps of her rosy



The heartfelt truth made his heart ache.

Knowledge that she felt safe enough to allow him access to her body made his body and

mind soar in triumph. For the rest of eternity, he would work like mad to take the awful

memories away from her, leaving only delicious ones in their wake. Feeling as if there was no

time but the present to begin his journey, he kept up the delicious foreplay.

Making his way slowly down her body, he ran his tongue through the valley between her

breasts and over her taut stomach. The ring in her belly button jingled under his tongue as he

licked around the top ball. “This is so sexy,” came out on a purr as Devlin made his way to the

edge of her thong, leaving a wet trail in his wake.

The lacy edge of her white thong beaconed to him to lick along the edge, not stopping until

he licked her slit through the thin material. Whether it was instincts or embarrassment, Devlin

didn't know, but the second he went to move the panties aside to taste her dewy lips she grabbed

his hair and forced his eyes to meet hers. Panic and uncertainty showed in the depths of her eyes

causing his heart to stop.

“It‟s all right, I won‟t hurt you.” Devlin said, as he gently pulled the material aside. “Krutis,

the smell of you, I could stay here forever. I promise you will like this, trust me Bandia I swear I

will make it good.”

The uncertainty still played on her face, but nodding slowly, she lowered her hands from

their resting place in his hair, laid her head back on the pillow and closed her eyes. Pulling the

panties aside, he stared at her pink core for seconds then back up into her face and met her gaze

and she gave up yet another delicious blush at being caught watching.

Sticking his fingers on both sides of her pussy, he spread her wide to his gaze. There was no

better sight in the world than her pink flesh so wet and waiting for his every ministration.

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Licking his lips in anticipation, Devlin nuzzled his nose right in her warm heat.

“Oh, that smell! It‟s pure heaven.” Following his word with a deep breath, the shudders she

gave in response only turned him on more.

He began to lick slowly around the opening of her body. Devlin traced her slit with his

tongue and followed up by sucking her clit into his mouth. Letting out a small gasp, Stasia

looked down at him with wide, curious eyes. With a wicked smile and holding her stare, he

sucked her clit in again and then flicked it with the end of his tongue.

Staring into her eyes while pleasuring her was an even bigger turn on. It soon ended though

as her hold on her neck gave out. Once again, she rested her head on the pillow beneath it.

Closing her eyes as her face contorted in pure ecstasy.

“Please. Please Dev.”

It was a sign of respect amongst vampires to call each other by proper names, even more so

when you were heir to the crown, so the nickname she used caught him off guard. The sound of

it on those beautiful lips was heaven and for once, Devlin was glad that his mate knew little of

their customs.

Adding one finger into her opening, up to the knuckle, he swirled the top of his finger

around. After a few swirls, he then pushed the entire digit into her welcoming heat and added

more fingers in to join the fun. “So tight and hot for me. I am going enjoy feeling you around my

cock really soon.”

Continuing to use his fingers, he pumped in and out in haste, making the need to be buried

in her greater with each thrust. Unable to control the need to kiss her, Devlin moved up her body,

taking her mouth with savage thrust of his tongue.

His bloodlust and sexual need had escalated to unstoppable proportions. While continuing to

ravish her mouth Devlin scissored his fingers to prepare her to take him.

Taking his mouth from hers, he raised his head to stare into her eyes. “Are you ready?”

With a nod of her head, he removed his fingers and put the head of his erection at her

opening. Gently, he pushed inch by glorious inch into her welcoming heat, slowly working in

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and out until fully seated within her core.

“Your eyes are red.” She said as they stared into each other‟s eyes.

“That happens when we are really turned on or when we need to feed.”

“I forgot you were in need of blood. God, how selfish of me.” Moving her hair from her

neck and tilting her head to one side, she gave him free access to her neck.

Following her action with the sweep of his eyes Devlin felt his teeth elongate slightly.

Holding back from the offering, he looked away from her neck and back into her eyes. Bloodlust

roared throughout his entire body, but to give in would only mean an animalistic coupling and

that was the last thing his mate needed.

“Who said I didn‟t want it that way?”

Her response to his mental dilemma startled him. “How did you know what I was thinking?

Never mind, I don‟t care.”

Devlin opened his mouth flashing his already descended fangs. Sudden wetness greeted his

fully covered dick. “Like the site of my fangs do we?”

“Oh yeah.” Raising up she extended her tongue running it across one fang then sucked it

into her mouth ever so gently avoiding the tip, then switched to the other fang and did the same


The combination of her mouth and the wetness generously covering his cock shredded the

last string of his control. Lowering her onto the bed, Devlin lowered his mouth to her neck then

licked above her vein relishing in the feel of blood coursing through it. Opening his mouth and

slowly running his teeth against her skin the shudders coming from her made it even more

arousing. Giving into temptation and striking quick his fangs sliced into her neck filling his

mouth with her glorious blood.

A moan of pure ecstasy escaped her lips at the same time she contracted around him in

immediate orgasm.

Unable to help himself he slid himself almost completely out of her and hammered back in.

Repeating the process over and over each thrust matching the pull of his mouth.

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When his blood lust was sated, Devlin released his fangs from her neck and licked the

wounds shut. Raising his face to hers and touching the tip of their noses together, he relished in

the look of pure joy still etched into her beautiful features.

Once again, he started to thrust savagely searching for his own release. Tilting her hips in an

attempt to make his cock go deeper, Devlin ground his pelvic bone onto her clit adding pleasure

for both of them with each stroke. The need for orgasm grew stronger with each of her moans as

he alternated angles until he found her G-spot.

Feeling her on the brink of another orgasm, he ground his teeth to keep in his own release

until she shattered one last time. The pure pleasure in her face was almost his undoing, but just as

his control was about to snap, he started to feel the contractions of her orgasm milking him.

Bowing her back off the bed, she dug her fingers nails into his back, the pain setting off his

pleasure more.

With one last thrust, Devlin lost himself in her, as his hot seed jetted into her, marking her

with his scent. The primal part of his nature screamed in triumph as she milked every last drop

from him.

Collapsing under the monumental pleasure of his release, Devlin rested his weight on his

elbows and laid his face on her chest connecting every inch of skin together.

Both of their chests heaved as they jointly tried to collect the air they needed. Still buried

deep within her, he closed his eyes listening to her fast beating heart as his head bobbed up and

down with each of her deep breaths. Raising from his perch, looking down into her eyes, he

couldn't resist the call of her beautiful lips and lowered to greet them with his own. Breaking

apart, she stared into his eyes giving a weak smile and then a yawn.

With regret, Devlin removed himself from her warm heat and rolled onto his back tucking

her into his side. Small hands played with the hairs on his chest while his roamed up and down

her back in slow, even strokes.

He continued to stroke till the sound of her light breathing reached his ears.

Reaching for the comforter, he covered them both up then closed his eyes taking a deep

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breath. Their mingled scents filled the air bringing a satisfied smile to his lips. With the thought

of going to sleep like this every day for the rest of his life adding a peaceful calm to his already

fully sated body, he fell into a peaceful slumber.

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Chapter Five

Anastaia woke to the smell of eggs and bacon wafting into her nostrils causing her belly to

rumble with hunger, but that was not the only hunger weighing on her mind, there was also the

hunger for the feel of her mate on and in her body. She had never been a wanton woman, but the

idea of spending every second she could exploring his gorgeous body, was all it took to make

those hungers rise.

“Now if you don‟t quit those thoughts, you will never leave this room and you have guests

waiting for you downstairs.”

Looking up and into the eyes of her mate, Stasia smiled the most wicked grin she could


“Now, who could possibly be more important than spending time in bed with you?”

“Your brother and I assume your friend.” Searching her eyes, he smiled. “I don‟t believe we

have had a moon fairy in the mansion before. Mother is so happy to have so many new beings in

the house she‟s practically glowing with joy, but I think fathers going to pop a vein soon if he

doesn‟t calm himself.”

Setting the tray down on her lap, he gestured for her to eat. Once again her stomach

rumbled, so taking that as a clue, Stasia began shoveling food into her mouth. Not very lady-like,

but she was too famished to think about manners.

Taking a gulp of her orange juice, she wiped her mouth and asked, “How did Jazzy know

where I was?”

“When returning to the club after your distress call, and not finding you there, she became

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frightened and contacted Mathis somehow. Needless to say, Mathis looked very unpleased when

he teleported back to the house with her.”

Jazzabell had likely made the whole ordeal hell on Mathis. Jazzy came off as an airhead, but

when pissed, or panicky, she became increasingly annoying and everyone around her fell victim.

Luckily, Stasia knew Mathis would never harm her best friend.

“Jazzy is very smart she just acts flighty. Saves her from getting attached to people.”

Grabbing her fork and stabbing into her eggs, Stasia continued. “I am the only one she hasn‟t

been able to chase away and because of it, she clings like glue.”

Putting the eggs in her mouth, she took time to savor, chewing the mouthful and chasing it

with the juice.

“She taught me as much as she knew about Mystical Kind and introduced me to as many

immortals as possible. It„s the only time I have ever felt normal.”

“What do you mean you never felt normal?” Devlin crossed the room to sit in the armchair

close to the window.

“Even as mortal, I had what you would call gifts.” Pausing to take a sip of her juice, she

continued, “I could read the thoughts of anyone within arm‟s reach of me. Even worse, I could

tell people‟s fortune by a simple touch. For a kid in foster care, that was not a good thing.”

Stasia looked up to gauge his reaction to her confession. “I was often passed up for homes

because I was labeled psychotic in my files, when I was actually really seeing and hearing the

things they were calling hallucinations. They put me in a psychiatric hospital until I was fourteen

and released me to a group home.” A tear tracked down her cheek as sadness took over her heart.

“I prayed that someone would take me into their home and give me the family I always dreamed

about having. Trying to learn to keep my mouth shut no matter what was about to take place, was

the hard part, still no one wanted me.”

“Did you ever get a home?” Devlin‟s whole face radiated compassion, which helped relieve

some of her nervousness.

“Yeah, I finally got placed with a great family. Bell, the mother, was so nice and caring,

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helping me catch up in school and always babying me. Both her boys were in college, only

coming home some weekends and holidays, so most of her attention was solely spent on me.”

Stasia paused enough time to eat a little bit more and drink some of her juice then continued.

“Then one weekend her oldest son came home high, and had been for months. Failing out of

college, he came home to tell his parents about dropping out which didn't make either of them

happy. I accidentally touched his arm one morning during breakfast and was flooded with a


Laying her fork down, she pinched the bridge of her nose. Frustration and remorse ran

through her thoughts and heart.

“I could feel the alcohol and drugs running through his veins so clearly, as if I were actually

there. Swerving in and out of lanes, he was driving way too fast, and ca me around a curve, lost

control and sent the car rolling into a field. The vision sent me into a full-fledged panic attack.

That was the first vision I had of someone dying and it was so vivid, there for a second, I forgot

it wasn't me who was behind the wheel.”

It felt good to tell another her story; it lifted the weight slightly off her soul.

“I knew it would hurt Bella so much to lose her boy that I told him about my vision. He told

me that I was crazy and that he would never stop what he was doing. It made him feel alive and

carefree. I knew I had to tell Bella, I couldn‟t let him die on her.”

A tear tracked down her cheek and she pushed the remainder of her food away. The contents

in her stomach fluttering making it a little queasy. “I cried as I told her what I had seen and what

his thoughts had been like since he had been home. She didn‟t say I was crazy, she sat there and

listened and comforted me.”

In an attempt to try to lose some of the memory of Bella‟s face, Stasia shook her head and

sighed. “She had a fight with him, not only for him leaving college, but also, for the drinking and

the drugs, which set him off and he left in a huff for the local pub. Later that night, Bella got a

phone call. They found her sons car upside down in a field, not three miles from their house.”

Just the memory of losing the best and only home she had, up until now, made her so sad

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that the tears couldn't be contained. “Bella blamed me, saying I made everything up, knowing

what would happen and causing him to leave, saying I was jealous and that she couldn‟t bear to

look at me anymore.”

Using the sheets to wipe her eyes and nose, Stasia kept her gaze on her folded hands

continuing in a hushed tone, “The next day, children services took me away to a new foster

home, which was the polar opposite of the one I was previously in.”

Anger and dread now took over her mind. “One night my, foster father came into my room. I

woke up to him taking my clothes off.”

The memories made her chest heave up and down. “I screamed and fought back as he beat

and raped me.”

The savage growl that came from Devlin, along with the savage memories of what had

happened to her, scared Stasia more than she cared to admit. As if sensing her fear, his face

changed from savage to calm, as he removed himself from the chair and crossed the room in no

time. Moving the tray from her lap to the floor, he climbed in bed beside her, and pulled her onto

his lap. Stasia took comfort in his strong fingers stroking her hair.

“I am sorry if I scared you. But when I think of anyone doing those things to you, it makes

me want to tear them limb from limb.”

Stasia looked up into his handsome face, seeing the truth in his features. The need to get it

all out in the open, so he knew what he was getting into, was playing strong on her mind. Their

being mated meant he needed to know what baggage she came with. “I woke up the next

morning bruised battered and bleeding.”

His arms tightened around her, not enough to hurt, just to give her the reassurance and

strength to continue. “I knew then I would never trust my life in anyone‟s hands, except my own,

from that day forward. I ran away from there and lived on the streets for months. Doing things, I

don‟t even want to remember, to survive. One night Mathis found me in a box in the alley not far

from where I found you.”

Stasia remembered the relief she felt when he gave her a place to stay, no strings attached,

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but it still took her awhile to trust the relationship.

“He took me in and gave me a job in his office. I never knew why he did it, but I will forever

be grateful that he did. About seven months after he saved me, I heard him on the phone with

someone I assumed was my father, talking about never leaving his sister behind. I knew we were

connected, somehow my intuitions told me so, but hearing it from his mouth was comforting and

also scary.

“I stayed with him for three more years and then decided to try to make it on my own

without his influence. I bombed big time, a couple of times. Took some bad jobs got some good

ones. It was hard to get into a world where you knew what your co-workers were thinking, and

god forbid I ever accidentally touched one and got their fortunes, I tried to avoid people and that

made me a freak in their eyes. Three months ago, I was out looking for a job, so I could get out

of the crowded apartment I lived in with three other girls, when I stumbled across a demon

standing over a vampire with a sword. The rest is kinda history.”

Stasia took a quick breath then looked up into his face while tears escape her eyes and

tracked down her cheeks. “Immortals had the gifts that I had so they guarded their thoughts,

giving me peaceful quiet I have very seldom had in my life. I haven't had a vision in months no

matter how many immortals I touched, which makes me feel this is the world I was meant to be

in. I am no longer the freak in the corner everyone hides from, I feel so right in this world and

now I know why, I was born and meant to be an immortal.”

With a light laugh, she said, “If anyone treats me like a freak now, I‟ll just blast them

through a wall or something.”

* * * *

Her revelation was very hard to hear. Devlin sat there and just held her in his lap stroking

her hair, as he rocked back and forth trying to sooth her tears away. When Mathis told him she‟d

had a rough life, he wasn't joking, but so long as Devlin lived, he vowed she would never know

that type of pain ever again.

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Thank Krutis she had not been killed before he met her, and he had to remember to pay

Jazzabell and Mathis back for all the things they did for her, Devlin would be forever in their


“Thank you for trusting me enough to tell me your life story. I promise no one will ever

harm you again, you‟re mine now and I protect and provide for what is mine.”

Stasia looked up at him, her eyes now tear free, giving him one of the biggest smiles he had

ever seen. Reaching up, she tangled his hair in her hands, and brought his head down to her

mouth for a kiss. Sneaking her tongue in, she assaulted his mouth with such passion. Indulging

for a few more seconds before he pulled back with light feather kisses to her nose and each eye.

“None of that, you have guests downstairs waiting for you and without a doubt if we

continue down that road, we‟ll be in here for awhile. Just hearing about your friend, I know she

would probably march up here demanding answers. We don‟t want her walking in on anything

do we?”

Stasia blushed a pretty shade of pink, and climbed out of his lap, getting out of bed.

She had one of the best asses in the universe, which made him regret telling her it was time

to get out of bed. “Go get in the shower. I will bring up some of your clothes Jazzabell brought

with her while you're in there.”

Turning, she made her way to the adjoining bathroom. Leaving the spectacular view of her

heart shaped ass for him to feast on.

Hearing the water turn on, Devlin opened the door and with vampire-speed went to retrieve

her bag where it set perched on the glass tabletop not far from the library.

Crossing to retrieve it and hurry back to the room, something caught his eye glittering by the

screen door leading outside. The heir to the fairy throne stared out into the forest. Gossamer

wings shimmering beautifully in the moonlight, she was an epitome of fey beauty that one just

couldn't help looking at.

“She‟s gonna be okay right?” Her voice a mere whisper.

“I believe so, yes. She has got a lot of things to learn; but I believe she will be just fine.”

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The moon fairy then turned to look him in the eyes. Beautiful blond hair hanging down to

her waist, in two small braids, which pulled her hair away from her pointed ears. Her wings were

an aqua blue, very beautiful they shimmered in the light. Some man was going to be lucky to

land such a beauty. Hopefully, they would know how to deal with a fairy with a demi-god as her

best friend.

“I am four hundred and sixty-five years old and I have never been so afraid as I was when

she was nowhere to be found. I want to thank you for saving her and bringing her here, I would

have been devastated had something bad befell her, she is the only family I have. As you know

fairies are near extinction, only a few of us remain, and I am the only one left in the royal line.”

Fear showed in the depth of her eyes.

“I swear my fidelity to you and your family; you need not fear me or my court ever again.

On this, I give you my word.” She then bowed her head as a sign of trust and fidelity.

Devlin had heard that the fairy queen did not mesh well with others of Mystical Kind, the

last great war of immortals nearly wiped out her entire family. Her father was ruthless in seeking

riches and power. During one of his many attempts to get all the power he could, he fought with

the vampires for their land and gold.

More than likely, she remembered this, and wanted to assure him she mea nt his family no

harm, by continuing to bow.

Devlin respected her and her honesty, knowing deep down that she would do anything for

his mate. She had saved her from the demons the night he could not and for that, he would allow

her to be there for both his people and his mate.

“Stasia said you found her on the roof the night we were separated?”

“I came upon her in my garden, and she told me that she used to stay there when she lived

on the street. Having the portal so near made her feel safe knowing she could be gone in


“She could see portals?”

“She told me she could see them from childhood. Apparently, she made the mistake one

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night of stepping into one and ended up in a totally different state. Scared and alone she found a

hospital and when she told the doctors what had happened they sent her to the psychiatric

hospital where she lived most of her childhood. From that day forth, she knew what they were,

but would never go into them unless absolutely necessary. ”

“So, she went to the roof to use the portal to escape the demons, not knowing where she

would end up?” Anger seeped through his veins. Stasia should never have to go into something

she feared because of him.

“Stasia is very smart for her young age. Unfortunately, she did not make it to the portal, only

making it to the middle of my moonlight garden, so pale and exhausted that she hit the roof and

blacked out. I noticed the mark on her arm right away. I don‟t know your people very well. I‟m

afraid that I stayed away out of fear, but I know that you revere your mates as the highest

priority, as do most in Mystical Kind. Knowing that, I knew something bad had happened or you

would have never left her on her own. I lifted her into my arms using glimmer to hide her and

brought her into my apartment to tend to. She‟s been my only friend ever since.”

Looking up into Devlin‟s eyes, he could see her tears swimming in their depths. “I had been

alone for so long, I didn‟t know if we would mesh well once she woke up, but she has been

nothing but understanding and caring since.” A tear escaped.

“She is my best-friend and I love her and will do anything for her. I promise you I will never

harm her. I only want to be here for her. I know your father is not happy with me in his home and

I will leave once I assure myself that she is all right, but with your permission, I would like to

still stay in contact and come and visit whenever she pleases.”

“My father will soon no longer be king and as next in the royal line, I will stay at peace with

you and your people until I have no other choice.” Stepping a little closer to her he continued,

“As a thank you for saving my mates life, when I could not, you are welcome in my home

whenever you please. Granted that you give us ample warning seeing how we are newly mated.

Wouldn‟t want you to walk in on something not meant for those pretty eyes of yours.” He gave

her a devilish grin.

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With a sigh of relief, she said, “Thank you. When will she be down?”

Leave it to a female to be impatient. “She should be finishing her shower. I was just taking a

few of her clothes up so she would have them.” Hefting the bag over his shoulders Devlin

walked to the stairs.

“I‟m going to send someone to collect the rest of her things. Is that okay?” He asked over

his shoulder.

“No need you hold all that she owns. The stubborn little thing would not allow me to buy

her things, often times she would just borrow my clothes if needed. That is what she came to my

home with.” Small fingers followed her words, pointing to the bag in his hand.

“Not for long. I trust you can talk her into buying more?” Stepping onto the first stair,

Devlin turned and winked.

“You want me to take her shopping? You must really like me.”

“I believe I owe you for the dress I tore off her last night. She said it was one of your

favorites, this way you can replace it and get her to buy more at the same time.”

The confession seemed to make her mad as hell. Devlin watched as she stormed out the door

and opened her wings, rising to the sky and setting off for the forest surrounding the mansion.

With a laugh, his vampire-speed took him to their room.

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Chapter Six

Anastasia got out of the shower and found a terry cloth robe hanging on the back of the door.

Wrapping it around herself, she exited the bathroom. Devlin stood in the closet, hanging the

minimal amount of clothing she had, one at a time. For the first time in her life the feeling of

shame washed over her at not having something nice to wear for his family and friends.

“That will change. I apologized to Jazzabell for ruining her dress last night, and told her I

would buy her a new one if she would take you shopping.”

Had she said her thoughts out loud?

“No your powers are growing and now you‟re telegraphing your thoughts. Give it time you

will learn how to keep them to yourself. As long as you keep the most private ones behind closed

doors you should be good for now.”

With a humph, Stasia sat on the corner of the bed. “I have a feeling there are a lot of things

I'm going to have to learn not to do. I kinda busted a bulb in the bathroom.”

Walking to bathroom Devlin looked at the floor and noticed the glass on the floor. His

nostrils flared, more than likely smelling the blood where she had cut her foot on the broken

bulb, then looked into her eyes.

“You‟re hurt.”

Immediately at her side, he started to search her body for the source of her bleeding. Lifting

both arms and hands working himself down her naked legs and to her feet, he searched every

inch of her skin for the source of the bleeding.

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“I‟m okay I just stepped on a piece of glass. No biggy.” Stasia held up her foot for his

inspection. “See, it‟s already healed. Guess that‟s thanks to the immortal thing, huh?”

“I would guess that has something to do with the god half of you. They tend to heal

immediately, most immortals do require time to heal, nowhere near as much as mortals, but still

some time.”

Devlin brought her foot to his mouth and kissed the bottom of it. Wow, who knew the foot

would make her flood with liquid heat again. She really needed to get her body under control.

“No you don‟t, but if you keep having those thoughts we are never going to leave this


Blushing, she grabbed a shirt, panties, and shorts heading straight for the bathroom leaving

the door open.

“I do not know why you must go to the other room to change. I have kissed, nibbled, and

licked every part of that delicious body of yours. No need to hide it from me.”

“Yeah, but if I change in front of you, we will never get out of this room, and I don‟t know

about you, but I need some damn answers about what the hell is going on with me.” Lying easily,

hoping he didn‟t see through it, in truth she had spent too many years being by herself and

avoiding everything male to be comfortable changing in front of him.

Stasia dressed and headed down the stairs in record time. Her body still sore from her

transformation but the knowledge she was no longer mortal was a huge weight off her mind.

Over thinking everything had been one of her vises when she was a mortal, but now as an

immortal with super abilities, the load tripled. Most had stared at her, thinking her a freak in her

previous years, now she couldn't help but wonder if it would be more so in the immortal world.

In her ear, Devlin whispered, “You were never a freak bandia, just in a world which you did

not belong. I assure you that you will always be revered in this world as you so deserve.”

Pausing to nibble her lobe then kiss away the sting, he intertwined their fingers and started back

down the hallway. “As for what fate awaits you; you‟re not alone, we will face it together as

mates should.”

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Trying her best to take her mind off her fate, Stasia squeezed their still joined hands to get

his attention. “What does bandia mean?”

“It means goddess in Gaelic.”

“Oh. I like it, even more, coming out in that beautiful Irish brogue of yours. How is it that

you‟ve lived so long yet keep your native accent?” With a wink, she continued down the hallway.

I return to Ireland every sixty years or so to live until I reach an age where mortals would

start to notice me not aging and move away again.”

“When is that? I mean when you stop aging?”

“I was twenty-eight years when I grew older no longer.”

“You look older then twenty-eight.”

“Yes, well that my dear bandia, is because I have lived centuries and they show in my face.

But, I find myself looking younger and younger every time I look at you.” Winking and giving

her one of his handsome grins with the tip of his fangs lightly peeked out between his full lips.

“So, am I going to look like I do the rest of my life?” Raising her free hand, she rubbed it up

and down her face.

“I do not know, but more than likely. Why? Do you not find yourself lovely?”

“No, I just don‟t look forward to being carded for the rest of eternity.”

“I assure you my dear, you will have no need to be, carded as you put it, once you learn your


“What if I don‟t want to learn how to use my powers?”

“Why would you not?” Halting them with a slight jerk of their joined hands, he stopped

them just outside the library door.

“My whole life people have looked at me in fear and disgust because of the minimal amount

of gifts I had before. Now that I am supposed to be all-powerful, how do you think they are

going to look at me? I feel at home in Mystical Kind, but once word gets out of my so called

fate. No one is going to be like they have been. I just want to be normal, not some god demon

creature that is supposed to rein peace on earth.”

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“My sweet, you will never be looked at as a freak. Mystical Kind is unlike the mortal realm,

we worship power in an individual, we show high respect for those in powers. Your fate will only

make you held more in esteem; no one would dare treat you bad.”

“Yeah, out of fear.” With that, she opened the door to where her friends and family waited.

Mathis stood by the fireplace talking with the vampire king. Not only had he been her rock

for so many years, he was also her brother and one of her best friends. Stasia knew she would

have been lost a long time ago without him, and it was great that he and the vampires were

getting along just to appease her.

Jazzy sat by the window basking in the moonlight like she did many nights. Her wings

standing proudly out in the open, Jazzy almost never let her wings show. It was nice to see her

friend actually comfortable enough to let the world see them.

Stasia felt Devlin‟s breath before he even spoke close to her ear. “This power and prestige

you are fighting so hard against, is what has allowed your family and friends to be in the open

without fear. Mathis and your father have been at war, on and off, with our people for centuries.

And, I dare say, it has come to an end with our mating. As for Jazzabell, she knows she is now

safe here and that no one will harm her for what she is. If not for you bandia, this would never

have happened.”

Yeah, but without her, they wouldn‟t be in the extra danger her power may bring. Oh, she

wasn‟t fooled by Devlin‟s speech back in the hall that some immortals may revere her, but others

would fear her for her powers. Some would even go hungry for it and no doubt try to take it for

their own, and where did that leave her family and friends? Right in the line of fire.

* * * *

Devlin could see the gears turning in her head. She had already, somehow, stopped

telegraphing her thoughts. Whether it be on purpose or just the way her powers were developing

quickly, he did not know, but she had a great block around herself that no one could penetrate,

which was a blessing. He hated that he could no longer get into them and help reassure her

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Devlin stood back and watched as his mate went over to the window and lightly tapped the

moon fairy on the shoulder. Never in his wildest dreams had he imagined that he would have the

royal heirs to both the dark world and the fairy world under his roof—most definitely not at the

same time. His mate was going to reign peacefully in Mystical Kind and she did a big part just

by just being herself.

Knocked out of his musing by a thump, Devlin looked down to see the moon fairy on the

floor on top of his mate. He took a step forward only to be stopped in his tracks by Stasia‟s


“Dang it, Jazzy, you can‟t just jump on a girl like that. Give me a little warning will ya.”

Stasia laughed even louder while pushing at her friend.

Jazzy laughed stood and held out her hand. “Sorry, but I was just so happy to see you.”

“And since when haven‟t you known when I was less than a mile from you?” Devlin

watched as Stasia took the fairies hand and hefted herself off the floor, wiping her hands across

her delectable butt cheeks.

“Welcome to the wonderful world of Mystical Kind. You are masking your presence. I did

not feel you until you tapped on my shoulder.”

“Well if you weren‟t staring out the window so hard, you would have seen me come up.”

“Yeah, well you know me. I am a sucker for a good view.” She winked and then looked over

at Mathis and wagged her eyebrows.

“As if that would ever happen. You two are so nothing alike. You would kill each other

before anything good got started.”

“Haven‟t you ever heard opposites attract.”

Mathis crossed the room to stand next to Stasia to cut into their conversation. “In this

instance I think I am going to side with my sister here. No way would that ever happen.”

“Not even once? You never know what you‟re missing.” Jazzy batted her eyelids at Mathis

with a half smile.

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“No, I dated a fairy once, too ditzy for me.”

“Hey!” Both Jazzabell and Stasia shouted at once.

Being the wise demon he was, Mathis put his hands up in surrender and shut his mouth.

Turning on his heals Mathis faced his sister. Then pulled her up off her feet and swung her

around in big circles while hugging her tight.

Devlin knew they were family, but that still did not stop his mated half from growling in


Mathis put her down carefully and backed away a bit, chuckling. “I dare say, your mate does

not like me touching you.”

“It‟s not that I mind you touching her, but she just went through a lot physically and is still a

bit sore. And I know she is to kind hearted to tell you that you are hurting her.”

Putting her hands on her hips, Stasia faced Devlin. “Too kind hearted, huh. Let me tell you

something buddy, I think I can tell when I have had enough and when I haven‟t.”

“Are you hurting? And don‟t lie, I can tell by your face.”

“Okay maybe a little bit, but they are just so happy to see me. And, quite frankly, I like being

greeted this way.”

Devlin went over and kissed her on the lips. Stiff lips greeted him, but after the third

butterfly peck, she kissed him back.

Devlin loved that she stood up to him. Not many did, but in a mate, it was an excellent


The kiss did as he desired. It took the steam out of her, as she put her hands to her sides and

sighed. All too quickly for his tastes, he pulled away and put his hand at the small of her back,

steering her towards the couch in the middle of the room where everyone could talk, and allow

her to rest.

Stasia sat down and Devlin immediately sat to her left. Leaving all of two seconds before

Jazzabell sat down on her right. Whether it was to give Devlin space or Jazzabell he did not

know, but Mathis stood a good distance away. The demons eyes never left Jazzabell as she

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crossed the room and sat next to his sister.

Mathis caught him looking and raised an eyebrow. Devlin just smiled and shook his head. In

a mutual understanding, they didn't say anything out loud to avoid getting the female attention on


Devlin now turned to see Stasia‟s head turned on the back of the couch facing the moon

fairy deep in discussion.

He gave her a peck on the cheek, then rose from the couch and crossed the room to stand

next to Mathis. Neither man took their eyes from the two females on the couch.

“She‟s going to make you crazy, trust me I know.” Mathis chuckled.

“Oh, but you are implying that I do not wish to have her drive me crazy, which is not the

case, I assure you.”

“I honestly could not have chosen a better person for her to be mated to than you. I know

you will protect her with your life, as will everyone in this room. It does my heart good after so

many years of worry.” Mathis removed his eyes from Jazzabell and looked at Devlin.

“We both know that the worry has not lessened any. With great power comes many enemies

and with your sister fighting her immortality and gifts the way she is, it's going to make it harder

to protect her from those who mean her harm.”

“I should have known she would fight destiny. She never did do anything the easy way.”

“She said that now that she has it, people will treat her differently.”

“And the problem with that is?” Mathis raised an eyebrow.

“That was exactly my thought, but it seems our little goddess there is more worried about

people seeing her as a freak than needing to grow her powers.” Devlin pinched the bridge of his

nose in frustration.

“Well, between you and I hounding her about it, I am sure we can wear her down. I have

found she is quite easy to persuade.” A half smile played on Mathis‟s lips.

“You know I can hear you two, right?” Stasia said from the couch.

“Ah. See, she‟s already using her super hearing. Now, if we can teach you to use it to your

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advantage instead of ease dropping, we‟ll make a goddess out of you yet.” Mathis smiled at her.

Stasia stuck her tongue at him then turned to continue her conversation with Jazzabell.

Her spunk made Devlin chuckle. “I hate to break up your conversation, but we do have

some important things to discuss now that you are well enough to talk.”

“Yes, we must discuss how we are to deal with the melding of three worlds into one. And

most importantly the protection of the thrice princess,” Edward said as he entered the library.

Devlin‟s mother soon followed. The mates were very rarely without one another, and Devlin

hoped he and his mate would be exactly the same in the years to come.

“Good evening.” Devlin bowed his head to both his mother and father.

“Good evening, dear,” Lillith said as she crossed the room to place a kiss on his cheek.

Turning she approached the couch and stuck out her hand to Stasia. “I don‟t believe we have

met. I am Lillith Miconis, Devlin‟s mother. It‟s my pleasure having you in my home, Thrice


“Oh please, don't start calling me that.” Stasia said while shaking his mothers offered hand.

“What do you wish us to call you?” Edward sighed from his seat behind the desk.

“Stasia is fine by me.”

“That name does not befit a goddess.” Edward‟s eyes sparkled with amusement.

“Yeah, that is why I like it. I prefer to leave things as they were. I like my name. Well the

first part. The last name not so much.” Giving, the vampire king a big smile over her shoulder

“Well that will change when we have the marriage ceremony,” Lillith replied while crossing

to sit next to her mate.

Devlin knew his mother would be eager for a wedding. Having one of her sons mated, was a

dream come true for her.

“Wedding ceremony? What wedding ceremony?

“The one between you and Devlin, my dear.”

Devlin saw panic in his mate‟s eyes. Taking no offense, knowing it would take her some

time to get used to the idea, he turned to address his mother. “We're not going to be married until

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first getting accustomed to each other. Then when she has full control over her powers we shall

see about there being a wedding.”

Relief passed over Stasia‟s face as she mouthed a thank you in his direction.

“But we do need to discuss her protection. Being from three very powerful families puts her

at grave risk. And as she does not know the extent of her powers, we must assume we are the

sole guardians of her protection.” Devlin crossed his arms over his chest trying to make himself

look unmovable on the subject.

Devlin heard Stasia pfft and begin to speak. “Hey, I can take care of myself just fine, thank

you very much. Look what I did to, Merdon and I was in the middle of a transition.”

“Yes, you were able to get the one up on him, but that was because he did not know it was

coming. You won‟t be so lucky next time.” Mathis informed her while he stared at her with deep

respect shining in his eyes.

Suddenly Stasia got up off the couch and at Devlin‟s side in no time. Planting herself in front

of him mashing her back to his front leaving not an ounce of space between them and crossing

her arms over her chest.

Wondering what was going on, he snaked his arm around her waist, as he whispered in her

ear. “What is it?”

“I believe my father wishes to make an appearance at this little shin dig of ours. I can feel

him approaching.” Turning slightly she rubbed her cheek against his.

“I do not feel anything.” Devlin lifted his head lightly and kissed her on the nose.

“Trust me.”

Not three seconds later, the Lord of the Dark world appeared in front of the fireplace. His

stance was cool and strong, with a confident and arrogant look on his face. When he laid eyes on

his daughter, just for a minute, Devlin could see regret and love in his eyes, and just as quickly, it

was gone.

“So, a meeting of the minds? How little we forget the parents at this little meeting of yours.”

Merdon raised an eyebrow and looked at both Stasia and Mathis.

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Chapter Seven

“Forgive me father, I did not mean to be rude.” Mathis bowed his head at the older demon in

a sign of respect.

With a nod, Merdon looked into her eyes. Stasia did not flinch as she felt him pilfering

around the recesses of her brain.

“You‟re doing very well at shielding yourself daughter. I cannot see into your thoughts.

What is it that you are thinking about so hard?”

Merdon had no need to see the thoughts running through her head, so she lied easily in

hopes to keep her true thoughts a secret. “Just that I can take care of myself, I need no help from


“Yes, this once might have been true, but you were in nowhere near as much risk as you are

now. You will need our protection just as much as ever. Whether you like it or not.”

Oh how she would like to send his arrogant ass into the wall again. Devlin must have sensed

her feeling, because he hugged her tighter in his arms, and leaned down to put a kiss at her

temple and rub his nose in her hair in a reassuring manner.

“You know, since you‟re here, it would be only fair to bring mother in as well,” Stasia said

while rubbing Devlin‟s hands at her waist.

Not knowing until now how much his support truly helped, Stasia took in the sight of her

father as he nodded in agreement. The whole having parents thing was new to her and as

uncharted territory, it made her nervous to be in his presence, not from fear of bodily harm. No,

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what they could do was much worse, hurt her emotionally.

“You will have to locate and call her, I cannot.” Merdon looked pissed at not being able to

do so.

If Stasia didn‟t know better she would swear her parents loved each other. Both seemed to

show great longing for the other, and it made her wonder why they didn‟t stay together.

“How am I supposed to do that? I seriously doubt they have cell phones where she is.”

Mathis chuckled. “Use your mind to locate her in the heavens.”

“But I have no clue how to do that.”

“Just close your eyes and concentrate, it will come to you.”

Closing her eyes, Stasia visualized the goddess of light in her mind.

Immediately, she flew out of her body into the sky, soaring towards the heavens while her

body stayed earth bound.

The journey seemed to last forever and then abruptly, she came to a halt in the most

beautiful of rooms.

Almost Greek in design, it had columns all around the circular room. The floor stood solid

below her feet, although they appeared to take the shape of the clouds. A great fountain stood in

the middle, its clear water reflected small amounts of lights giving it an unearthly glow. White

tapestries flowed in the non-existing wind, swaying to an unheard beat. Everything was the

purest white almost as blinding as new fallen snow.

The only color was the people who congregated in what seemed like a meeting.

There were many people crowded around a table listening intently to the people speaking in

front of them. The teal, purple, and emerald colors stood out in the blankness of the rooms. No

one seemed to notice her presence.

Stasia stood for a moment watching the preceding going on, curious to know what had the

men and women looking so serious.

Kremara sat the in the center of a long delicately carved marble table. Her beautiful red hair

set in halo by the glow of her skin. No longer wearing the teal gown she had the last time Stasia

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saw her, it was now a deep forest green one that made her red curls and cream skin stand out on

display. Every so often, she would look to the man at her left who was talking to the crowd,

taking no notice of Kremara‟s subtle looks in his direction as he continued with his business.

Although Stasia couldn‟t make out his body shape from the way the table sat. The man must

have been big, for he towered over the chair in both weight and height. His hair was the same

color as both Kremara and herself, pulled back with a white strap at the base of his neck. Most

would find him handsome in an Adonis kind of way, but in Stasia‟s eyes, he didn‟t hold a candle

to Devlin.

Both Kremara and the other god were flanked by three men and three women. Not in that

order but scattered in an undetermined pattern. Finally, having enough of the scene Stasia made

her move.

Walking around the fountain, she looked around while approaching the situation with

caution. After all, she was the unknown here and had no wish to start a battle with the unknown

gods in the room. As she walked between the rows of on lookers, heading straight to the front

table, gasps and whispers began to fill her ears from the crowd on the floor.

Stopping at her desired destination, Stasia crossed her arms under her chest. Trying like hell

to calm her nerves as they took over her body.

Looking Kremara in the eyes, Stasia hoped her voice would not betray her need to appear

cool and collected. “Seems like we‟re not the only ones having a meeting today. Sorry to


“Who are you?” asked the man who was just addressing the crowd. Anger and surprise

radiated from him, showing on his face and in his body language.

“My name is Anastasia Gruff. I‟m her daughter.” Stasia pointed to Kremara.

Collective gasps were heard throughout the room. Kremaras gaze never left Stasia‟s, as tears

swam in her eyes along with grief and fear flashing across her face. Stasia had no idea what

invoked the tears but they made her even more nervous.

“You cannot be. The gods have not been able to conceive children since the great immortal

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war well over six-hundred years ago.” This came from the brunette at the table.

“Well I hate to disappoint, but I can assure you, to my knowledge, Kremara is my mother.

Well at least she says she is.” Stasia looked to her mother for agreement.

Kremara nodded her head. “She is telling the truth, she is my daughter.”

“Well, why the hell are we just now learning about her?” Again, the brunette spoke up with

disdain in her voice.

Stasia ignored the woman, who obviously never learned any manners, or felt she didn't have

to use them.

“Now that I‟ve introduced myself, care to do the same?” Addressing the man staring at her,

Stasia watched as unknown emotions played in his eyes.

“I am Krutis, god of the moon, and apparently your Uncle as well.” His eyes shone brightly

but his face stayed blank not giving away his emotions.

“It‟s a pleasure to meet you. I have family coming out of the woodwork lately.”

“The pleasure, I assure you, is all mine.” Krutis gave her a half smile. Then he turned to face

Kremara. “Why were we not told of her before?”

“I and her father thought it best to keep her hidden until she came into her destiny, which

just so happened to be last night. We thought it prudent to protect her until she came to an age

where she would be able to protect herself.” Kremara let the tears in her eyes escape while

addressing her brother.

The brunette glared at Kremara with daggers in her eyes. “How dare you keep this from us.

You had no right.” The last coming out as the woman clenched her teeth.

Anger took over Stasia swiftly. It was one thing to be rude to her, but it was an entirely

different thing to be rude to family. Whether she knew Kremara or not, she was still her mother.

Using the same power she had on Merdon, Stasia pushed the brunette chair and all, feet

away from the table, allowing the first of her power to show to the people in the room. “I don‟t

know who the hell you are, but you talk to my mother like that again and I will knock you on

your ass.”

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Another collective gasp filled the room reminding Stasia they were not alone.

“I will not have you threaten me in that way. I am the mate of Krutis. You will treat me with

respect while you are in this room.” She all but screamed.

Oh, if she only knew that following directions was not one of Stasia‟s strong suits. “Listen

lady, I don‟t really give a shit who you are. That‟s my mother your being rude to and as you will

soon see, one of my mottos is you don‟t fuck with family. So either shut that big trap of yours or

I will shut it for you.”

She gaped at Stasia and opened her mouth as if getting ready to say something, but then

wisely closed it again. The look she gave Krutis with pleading eyes seemed to silently demand he

say something to defend her.

Obviously, he did not agree with his mate about the dealings of his niece. He just sat there,

keeping his mouth shut, as the woman floundered in her attempt to rule over Stasia.

“Who is her father?” Krutis asked, addressing his sister.

“Merdon,” came out a small whisper from her mother.

Krutis turned to look at his sister with anger.

Fear took flight in Stasia‟s veins as she felt the anger rolling off him in waves. One minute

she stood in front of the table the next she stood between her mother and uncle crossing her

hands under her breast and glaring at the god.

“I assure you, he means me no harm,” her mother said in a calm voice.

“Yeah, well it sure as hell didn‟t look that way to me. He looked like he was going to tear

you to pieces and feed you to the masses.”

“I assure you, I would not harm my sister,” Krutis said, rising to his feet.

Krutis looked from Stasia to Kremara and then the crowd with a blank face. “This meeting is

adjourned until I deem fit to have it again.” Everyone disappeared from the room except for

Stasia, Kremara, Krutis, and his mate.

“Wow, neat parlor trick, I‟m going to have to learn that one.” Stasia said trying to lighten the


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Krutis chuckled. “You get your attitude from your mother, it is quite refreshing.”

“Yeah, well remind my soon to be father-in-law the next time you pay him a visit he doesn‟t

seem to like it too much.”

“Father- in-law? Your mated.” The last, more a statement than question.

Stasia held out her mating mark for him to see. Pride for her mate radiated through every

cell of her being.

Krutis‟ mate, at his side, went ram-rod stiff. “The thrice princess.”

“I take it you have heard of the prophecy.” Stasia addressed the brunette with as much

contempt as she could muster.

“Everyone is aware of the prophecy. You are the most feared being in the known universe.

Said to be the most powerful of all time.” Finally, something Stasia relished showed across the

other woman‟s face. Fear.

“Yeah, well I wish I wasn‟t, but hey, we live with what we get handed.” She tried hard not to

laugh in the woman‟s face.

Krutis looked from Stasia to Kremara and back again. “She‟s got your hair and complexion,

but she looks more like the dark world king.”

“She‟s standing right here you know.” Stasia hated that Krutis was ignoring her.

He chuckled yet again. This time addressing her, Krutis looked into her eyes. Still holding

his face in a half smile. “To what do we owe this visit? You didn‟t just break up a meeting for no

reason did you?”

“I didn‟t know I would be breaking anything up, I apologize. I just came here to get my

mother. My mate and family think I need protection and we were discussing my options and

thought she should be there.”

“Of course I should be there. If you will go back, I will be there shortly. I must discuss some

things with my brother first,” Kremara said, lightly touching Stasia shoulder.

Stasia looked at her mother. The worry must have shown on her face because her mother

added, “It‟s all right, he will not harm me. Like you said, you don‟t fuck with family.”

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Okay, that coming out of her mouth was just too funny. Stasia couldn‟t stop the laughter that

bubbled over.

Nodding her approval Stasia said, “Okay, well I guess, I will see you below.”

Turning around she looked into Krutis‟ eyes. “Nice to see you, Uncle Krutis. Don‟t be a

stranger.” Coming as a complete shock to not only herself but also Krutis, Stasia leaned up and

kissed him lightly on the cheek, earning a real grin from the god.

Stasia closed her eyes, sought out her body with her mind and flew back to Earth.

Stasia opened her eyes to her worried mate‟s face hovering over her. A grin played across

her lips as she giggled a bit at the stunned face she left on Krutis.

“I do not see what is so funny, you scared me half to death.” Devlin looked pissed.

“Good thing your immortal then, huh.” This time the giggling turned into full-blown


Her laughter became infectious and soon everyone in the room joined her as the sound

bellowed throughout the room.

* * * *

While Stasia situated herself back in the arms of her mate on Earth, Kremara had some

things to deal with in the heavens.

“If you wish to discuss this we will do it in private.” She looked at Krutis‟ mate Chloe.

“I will not leave. I have just as much right to be here as anyone,” Chloe said as she stomped

her foot like a child.

“I don‟t care for your self-imposed importance. You were rude to both my daughter and me.

Therefore, I do not want to discuss this in front of you.” Turning to her brother Kremara finished,

“Either she goes or this discussion is over.”

Krutis turned to his mate to dismiss her only to be greeted with a scowl. “You may leave

now so my sister and I can talk.”

Although she was ready to kill, Chloe bowed to her husband then to his sister and removed

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herself from the room.

“You mated with the Dark King are you mad?” Krutis asked between clenched teeth.

“No, I am in love, which I don‟t expect you to understand and quite frankly don't care if you

do not.” Kremara crossed her arms, putting her nose in the air, standing proud.

“The light and dark are kept apart for a reason.” Pure anger radiated out of his eyes.

“Oh, and what reason was that? To keep the prophecy from coming true? Do you believe

that Anastasia wishes you harm or to take your crown?”

“I don‟t think she wishes either, but there are risks involved in her birth. We should have

kept her here and protected her.” He also crossed his arms over his chest, making his already

large shoulders seem massive.

“She was safe. We stripped her immortality and powers placing her on Earth as a mortal to

grow into maturity. She just received her powers back last eve.”

“She lived as a mortal! What would have happened if she were hurt or better yet killed?”

Krutis blew the water out of the fountain with his powers.

Not even fazed by the little outburst, Kremara continued, “Merdon had Mathis look out for


“And now that she is newly into her powers, you leave her on Earth as a target?”

“Oh, how little you think of your people.” Uncrossing her arms, she flattened her dress. “Her

mate is on earth. I dare say she will not separate from him. So we go with what we must. I will

attend the meeting pertaining to her protection and any information I collect will be reported to

you when I see fit.”

“Sister, she is to change the world. I hope you know what you are doing.” His voice deflated

from anger to resignation.

“I love her! She is my child; I will protect her with my life.” With that, the goddess

disappeared, soon followed by her brother.

* * * *

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Both were too hung up talking to each other to notice the spy standing just out of view.

Excitement took flight at the thought of besting one of the most powerful families in the known

universe. With the knowledge now clearly in mind, it was time to go tell the master what was

learned. With any hope, the new turn of events would turn things in their favor.

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Chapter Eight

Four hours later, Stasia felt exhausted, both physically and mentally. The discussion had

been both intense and long and as usual no one would listen to her plight. She could take care of

herself and had been doing so efficiently the past twenty-five years.

Although many beings all stood in one room, the discussion never left the calm demeanor it

started out in. Oh sure, there were disagreements, but everyone kept a level head talking every

problem out and coming up with a solution everyone could live with.

After so many hours of seeing her loved ones talk about only her protection, Stasia wanted

nothing more than to be by herself and collect her thoughts. Leaving Devlin in the library to

discuss their self-imposed protection, she made her way to their room musing about the day‟s


Devlin would never understand her need to stay the way she was. Powers were only great if

you chose to use them and she wanted nothing to do with hers. Up till now, they had only caused

heartache, and as much as she tried to explain it to her mate, he would not get it through his thick

skull. That didn‟t mean she cared less about him, but sometimes his lack of understanding made

her heart ache.

Those heartaches took her into a whole different territory. How did she get so connected to

a man in such a short time? Quite frankly, it frightened her, she went from never needing a man,

in fact ignoring them and steering way clear of them, to totally and completely engrossed in one.

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It‟s not like the man wasn‟t one of the most gorgeous men ever. His eyes, man the color

alone was enough to make some women faint, no matter if they did change colors with his mood.

He put tall, dark, and handsome in a whole new category, and he cared about her, deeply cared,

but she was still frightened. Maybe, with time, it would change and not cause her to crash and

burn in the process.

Making it to the room, Stasia closed the heavy door behind her and crossed the distance, sat

on the bed and removed her shoes and clothes. Still in her panties and bra, she peeled the covers

back to lie down. Weary from all the taxing things that had happened to her today, she fell asleep.

Stasia felt the presence seconds before hands closed over throat. Her eyes flew open as she

clawed at the hands cutting off her air supply. Frantically kicking at the intruder‟s back while

swiveling her hips in hopes to buck him off. Her lungs burned from the lack of oxygen.

One hand moved from her throat as the other held strong. Then she felt the pain as a needle

punctured the skin of her arm and the contents pushed into her veins, leaving fire in its wake.

As she felt the liquid spread, her brain kicked into gear. No longer a mortal she had other

things she could fight with, her powers should be able to help.

Summoning up enough strength, she slammed the being across the room and into the wall.

Plaster and insulation covered the air on impact, but her attacker was on his feet in no time,

charging in her direction once again.

Stasia could only hope that maybe the commotion would reach down stairs and get her

mate‟s attention so he could help.

Summoning more of her power, she pushed into the attacker full-force, only this time

winging the attacker into the other wall and holding him there. Her head began to pound and she

knew it wouldn‟t take very long before she became vulnerable and passed out.

Just then, the bedroom door was kicked in as two very pissed off demons and a vampire

filled the room. Stasia struggled to stay awake to tell them what had happened and to reassure

Devlin she was going to be all right, but the fire through her veins was causing her vision to blur

and her powers to wane.

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Her powers gave way and the attacker disappeared immediately. Devlin roared and headed

to her side.

“Are you okay?”

Stasia couldn‟t move, couldn‟t talk, and was on the verge of fading into blackness. Using her

mind, she sought out his with the last of her strength.

The demon stuck something in my arm. I think some kind of needle. I can’t move and I’m

about to pass out. I’m sorry I ever doubted you. I should have listened when you told me I

needed protection.

A tear fell down her cheek. Devlin wiping it away as he kissed the corner of her eye was the

last thing she felt before her world went black.

* * * *

Shaking and breathing through his nose Devlin tried to calm the fury running through his

veins. Being in a blind rage would not help the situation right now, he needed to calm down and

assess the problem. Willing his brain to act before his body wanted to, he mentally counted to ten

in hopes to calm down.

Devlin held his limp mate in his arms, rocking back and forth while taking in the disaster

that was once his room.

She must have used up quite a bit of power to destroy so much. Pride went to his heart at the

thought of her saving herself when he couldn‟t.

The demon bastard was lucky she‟d lost control over him when she did. Right now, there

was a whole lot of pissed off male in this room and the little prick wouldn‟t have lasted long in

their company.

Stasia‟s father and brother walked over to where she had the demon pinned to the wall. In an

attempt to determine the identity of her attacker, they stopped and smelled the air.

Devlin knew a demon had attacked from the thick smell of sulfur still permeating every

crevice of the room. However, you could not simply tell the type of demon by smell, and he was

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too worried about his mate to get a good look at it so hopefully the others in the room would be

able to scent it out.

“Before she passed out she told me he stuck something in her arm that made her unable to

move and on the brink of passing out. What can knock a god out like this?” Grabbing the other‟s

attention, he hoped they would have an answer.

“There is only one plant that can knock a god out, and it is kept in the heavens to assure that

it is not used improperly. I do not know how a demon of any kind could get hold of it, much less

use it,” Merdon said from across the room.

“Please tell me there is an antidote.” Knowing that every word radiated the fear felt deep in

his soul.

“This, I do not know. I will try to get in contact with Kremara, she would most likely be able

to help you.” Still standing in the same spot, he smelled the air once again.

“Then by all means take your sweet time in calling her.” Devlin bellowed across the room.

“She‟s my daughter too. Do you think I would delay any longer then I had to? I will contact

Kremara when I get to the underworld it is not safe to do it here. Once I find any information on

who was behind this I will call upon Mathis.” Conviction played all over his facial features as

well as played out in his body language.

“You mean if you find information.” Devlin took very little stock in ever finding the prick.

“No, I mean when, because I will find out and then the bastards responsible will pay,” with

that said, Merdon disappeared from the room.

“Cocky bastard.” Mathis just shook his head. “You know yelling at him only enrages him.”

Crossing the room the demon came to rest at the other side of the bed. Hands curled at his

sides, Devlin had no doubt he was holding back the need to touch his mate.

“I will apologize later. I am trying to calm myself, which is rather hard while my mate lay

here unconscious.”

“She breathes so she is still alive. I have seen the gods use this stuff before, but once the

antidote is in her system she will wake up. Her memory might be foggy for awhile but she will

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“I care not for her memory only for her.” Devlin stroked her curly hair away from her face.

“Yeah, but her memory will ensure we catch the bastard before he strikes again.”

Both he and the demons wanted revenge, but he would choose her over the damn assailant

any day.

“He will not strike again. I am not allowing her out of my sight ever again. I knew it was too

dangerous for her, and shouldn‟t have let her come here alone.”

“She was in the house where it should have been safe. We all thought so. It just makes me

wonder how a demon slipped through the barrier of the protection ward on this place. Even

Father had to be invited in by name. Something just isn‟t right.”

At that moment, Kremara appeared in the room. She took in the sight of the destroyed room

and immediately went to her daughter‟s side. “I got here as soon as I could. What happened?”

“You mean Merdon did not fill you in?” Devlin asked, astonished and a bit angry.

“No, he just told me that Anastasia was in need of the antidote for the Liotis serum and you

would fill me in when I got here. As mad as he was, I did not question him. I think he is out for


“I will let Edward know you will need assistance. Then I am going underground to help

Merdon find answers before the bastard can formulate another plan,” Mathis said as he walked

out of the room.

“I will need you to lay her flat on the bed so I can administer the antidote,” Kremara said

gently, moving in closer to them.

“Not here, I don‟t want her waking up to this mess.”

Kremara waved her hand and instantly everything was the way it was before the attack

happened. No sign of the battle remained, not even a crack or peel in the paint, even the

demolished vanity was back in one piece.

“You have great power. I have never seen such.”

“Yes, but it‟s only a fraction of what Stasia wields.”

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“What good is power if you choose not to harness it?” Irritation still swirled in his head.

“I dare say, after this incident, she will want to learn how to better take care of herself.”

Kremara gestured to put her down on the bed once again.

Devlin laid her flat on the bed and allowed Kremara to climb in beside his mate. Pulling a

vile from inside her the turquoise gown, she opened the lid and brought it to her daughter‟s lips.

One drop was all she gave and screwed the cap back on, returning it to her gown. Leaning down

Kremara brushed a kiss on her daughter‟s cheek and turned to Devlin.

“There is not much more I can do. She must wake up on her own. I will go to the heavens

and see if I can figure out how some of the serum made it out. Then I will send one of my

handmaidens down when I have news.” Another kiss to her daughter‟s cheek and Kremara

vanished, leaving them alone in an uneasy silence.

Hearing footsteps approach, he went to the side of the bed to guard her as Ian and Sam

stepped into the doorway. Both wore grimaces as they looked around the room.

“We have guards going around the perimeter,” Sam said as he took his gaze from the room

to meet Devlin‟s eyes.

“Mathis said this room was destroyed, I dare say he might have been a wee off,” Ian added.

“No, it was pretty much destroyed; Kremara fixed it before giving Stasia the antidote to the

serum to avoid panic when she awoke.”

“Quite smart.” Sam nodded and looked at the bed.

Ian looked the most disturbed as he stared at Stasia. “I dare say she‟ll be more pissed off

then scared when she wakes up. That little lass has more courage than a whole army of men. I

almost guarantee if she had not been taken by surprise she would have kicked the demon‟s arse.”

“I do believe you are right. This is not going to sit well with her in the least. I got to know

her quite well from our talks at the bar and she has courage that matches no other. Never

showing fear of any being of mystic kind; she embraced them with open arms.” Sam added.

Devlin was a bit envious of Sam. He‟d had the opportunity to get to know her as she

searched for him, but Devlin had only two days to get to know her so far. Worry and violence

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filled those days, and he hadn‟t the chance to get to know her as well as he wanted.

“We will have guards posted around the grounds. She should be safe here for now. I am

going to go to the club and see if I can find any useful information.”

“Thank you Sam.” The love in Devlin‟s voice was undeniable.

“I will send you Jac and Dash to stand guard at the door. We know someone invited the

demon to the grounds, whom we are not sure, but Jac and Dash are loyal to your mate and will

protect her with their lives. Plus, when she does awaken and sees them there, she will know who

they are and hopefully will feel more secure.” After delivering his intention, Sam quickly exited

the room.

“I don‟t think father is going to like the fact of weres in his home,” Devlin said to Ian.

“If it is to guard the thrice princess, I dare say he wouldna be complain‟, or risk the wrath of

both a goddess and demon. I will be in charge of the outside guards so if you be needin‟ me just

call and I will be here.”

Devlin watched as his brother left the room. Devlin would have to remember to apologize

for the hatred he shown his little brother in the past months.

What seemed like seconds later the two weres were at the door.

“No worries you may rest with your mate, nothing will get past us.” Dash the were-bear said

from just outside the door.

Jac nodded in agreement. “Not without going through us, and trust me there is no going

through us.”

“Many thanks gentleman. I know Stasia will be most happy to see you when she wakes up.”

They both nodded before Jac shut the door.

Unbelievably, Devlin laid their safety in the hands—or should he say paws—of two weres.

Stripped down to nothing but his skin, Devlin climbed into bed, tucked her into his side and

closed his eyes.

A not so peaceful sleep followed hours later.

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Chapter Nine

Warmth greeted, Stasia when she woke up. Cradled in the arms of her new mate she

snuggled closer, and

leaned her head back slightly to stare at his sharp features, fierce even in sleep. He looked

worried and pissed off, which she couldn‟t understand. Poor man, she could think of one thing

that would no doubt make him happy.

Testing the waters, she slowly dragged her finger up and down his chest and then started to

inch lower past his belly button, through the hair leading to his erection. Still he didn‟t stir. She

took that as a challenge, and lowered her hand, wrapped it around his cock and began to thrust

back and forth, tip to balls.

As he began to wake up, his hand started to move up and down her back. Lifting herself

from his side Stasia leaned over and licked the slit at the top of his erection causing his length to

move on its own accord in her hand.

Doing it again, this time not only licking the slit but also running her tongue around the

head, pre-come glistened as she blew on his now slick skin.


“Shhh. Let me. I want to taste you.”

Following words with actions, Stasia sucked the head of his erection into her mouth and

licked the pre-come from its tip. Sweet and salty, not as bad as she thought it would be, she

sucked more into her mouth moving up and down slowly making him groan in pleasure.

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Devlin moved her hair away from her face, keeping it in his hands, which made her look up

to met his eyes. Releasing his erection from her mouth, she swirled her tongue around the head

in a slow sensual rhythm while she watched in glee as his eyes turned red causing even more

wetness to drip down her thigh. Never taking her eyes off his, she took him all the way down her

throat till the hairs at his base tickled her nose.

“Stop. I want to come in that tight wet pussy of yours not in your mouth.”

The thought of him inside her made Stasia moan deep in her throat, and in turn made him

groan. Immediately releasing his erection and making her journey up his body, she came to rest

groin to groin as she met him nose to nose.

Devlin held his erection while teasing her opening till she couldn't take anymore and

impaled herself. Slowly grinding up and down his length and finding an easy rhythm that fit

them both, she grew more frantic as her orgasm began to grow. Thrusting up and down, grinding

her clit onto his pubic bone her head swam with pleasure seconds before she orgasmed in a quick

blinding white light.

With a growl, Devlin pulled out of her and rolled out from under her. “I want you on your

hands and knees, so I can pound into your little body while I watch my cock disappear in that

tight little pussy.”

How this man could make her go on the brink of another orgasm just by his words, she

would never know. Doing as he instructed, she put her ass in the

air and opened her legs wide.

Expecting him to enter her immediately, she sucked in a surprise gasp as his hot tongue ran from

slit to clit and back again.

“I can‟t figure out which I love most your smell or your taste. I will never get enough.” He

licked her again then sucked her clit into his mouth, light at first then he gradually sucked harder.

Humming her approval, she thrust herself against his face as the pure pleasure of his mouth

made her lose her mind in ecstasy. Devlin groaned while he lapped at her juices then stuck two

fingers into her and continued to suck on her clit while their moans grew louder. Stasia rocked

with his fingers and felt the tingle of another orgasm start to build within.

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As if knowing she was about to go over again, Devlin brought himself up to his knees and

plunged into her in one swift move. Thrusting his hips harder and harder she felt his bloodlust

through the mental link they shared. Stasia raised up putting her back to his chest as he continued

to move in her alternating his hips to swivel in and out heightening their pleasure.

Stasia moved her hair over to reveal her neck to him watching as his nostrils flared seconds

before he stuck his nose to her neck. “Please Dev I need it now.”

Rearing back, he released his fangs and plunged them into her neck, taking long pulls as he

continued the sweet torment of plunging in and out of her welcoming core. The combination of

him sucking and thrusting was all it took for her to go over the brink once more.

Releasing her neck then licking the wound, he moaned her name and released himself into

her three short strokes later. She willingly milked him dry, on the end of her own completion.

They stayed that way for what seemed like eternity catching their breaths. Stasia was the

first to break the silence. “It just keeps getting better and better.”

He pulled out of her turned her around in his arms and kissed her. Not a hungry kiss, but a

nice slow loving kiss that made her toes curl.

That‟s when she felt it—the little twitch of her heart and a bit of her soul, as she fell head

over heels in love with this man.

Pulling away from him tears streamed down her cheeks, Devlin wiped away the tears with

his thumbs and cradled her face in his hands. “I am sorry, bandia, I should have been more

careful after last night. Did I hurt you?”

“The only way you could hurt me is if you left me.” Looking down at his chest to hide some

of her vulnerability at the confession, she ran her hand down his chest.

Lifting her chin with his thumbs to bring her face up, Stasia looked into his eyes. The sea

blue so beautiful she could gladly swim in them forever. “I will never leave you bandia. You are

mine. My mate, my soul, my sanity, and my heart.”

Another tear escaped her eyes as her true feelings flew out of her mouth. “I love you.”

With a growl, he took her mouth once again. The kiss started out sweet and gentle, but

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gradually grew hungry and hot before he pulled away from her mouth raining butterfly kisses

across her face and down her throat.

Lowering them both to the bed, he used the comforter to cover them up while he stared into

her eyes as unknown emotions played across his handsome face.

Her leg rested in between both of his as they lay on their side facing one another as she laid

still loving the feel of his hands as they ran through her hair. She wondered if he loved her too.

He didn‟t say the words but he did say that she was his heart and soul. That had to mean


“Do you remember what happened last night?” Devlin asked between strokes of her hair.

“Bits and pieces.”

“This is very important, bandia. Someone tried to kill you. You have to try to remember so

we can prevent them from doing it again.”

How could he go from making love to her one minute to fierce and stern the next, she

wondered while lifting the covers to scoot out of bed. He grasped her hip with his hand and put

his forehead to hers.

“I am sorry. I didn‟t mean to push. Please don‟t leave, you scared me so bad last night, I

can‟t bear to be apart from you right now.”

“I wasn‟t going to leave. I need to use the bathroom.”

Appeased she wasn‟t going to go anywhere, he kissed her cheek and she moved off the bed.

After relieving herself, she went to the sink and washed her hands. Splashing water on her

face she looked up at her reflection in the mirror, her cheeks were still glowing from her orgasm

giving her skin a sated glow.

All at once the timeline caught up with her, it had only been two days since she‟d met

Devlin and yet she had already told him she loved him. No wonder he didn‟t say it back. She‟s

lucky he didn‟t run in the other direction in fear. Hell, she was scaring herself.

Grabbing the plush robe off the back of the door, she wrapped it around herself. She reached

for the handle and opened the door to run right into Devlin. Keeping her head down to avoid his

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eyes, hoping to hide the fear she was still feeling.

“You were in there a long time. I just wanted to make sure you were all right.”

He had put on a pair of sweat pants while she was in the bathroom. Right now was not the

time to wish he was still naked, but she couldn't help but miss the sight of his naked body.

It took extra effort to scoot around him and re-enter the room without touching his

delectable chest, but she did so in haste.

Devlin looked more confused than angry at her actions, but didn‟t question her while she

took stock of the room for the first time since the attack that almost took her life.

“I‟m okay. My memory was just coming back to me is all.” She smiled hoping he would

take the lie and leave it at that.

Nodding he asked, “What do you remember?”

“After I left you and came to the room, I fell asleep not to long afterwards. I didn‟t feel him

till he was on me with his hands around my throat.”

Devlin gave a feral growl making the hairs on the back of her neck stand up. “What else?”

Stasia moved over to the window, moving the heavy curtains aside to look out. It was once

again night and the stars burned bright in the dark sky. “I started to buck to push him off. It took

me a couple of seconds to remember that I wasn‟t just me anymore, that I had powers to wing

him off. I summoned up a lot of power and thrust him into that wall there.”

Turning around she pointed to the now repaired wall. “I thought I remembered him plowing

into it and plaster going everywhere.”

Devlin crossed his arms over his massive chest. “You did. Your mother repaired the room

last night.”

“I don‟t remember seeing her…only you, Mathis, and my father.”

“She came after you blacked out. What else do you remember?”

Searching around in her still groggy mind, Stasia slowly started to pull the memories

forward. “He stood back up and I remember thinking I had to pin him to the wall until you

arrived. I knew there was no way no one heard him hit the wall and just in case you didn‟t I

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hurled him across the room into the other wall, pinning him there. I knew you would come so I

hung on until I saw you break down the door. I tried to hang on so you could get to him.” A tear

streaked down her cheek. “But he stuck something in my arm that made it impossible to move

and started to make me groggy. When I released him, he disappeared.”

* * * *

Devlin‟s thoughts continued to flow as silence took over the room.

Stasia had told him she loved him. He should have said it back but her confession had

robbed him of speech. While she sat quietly looking out the window, he made a vow to himself

that once she was safe he would show her just how much he loved her.

Devlin moved across the room to the window and took her left forearm into his hands,

pulling her mating mark to his mouth, kissing the entire length of the tattoo until he felt her small

fingers in his hair. Looking up into her eyes the love shining from her spirit was one of the most

profound things he had ever experienced in his entire life.

Just then, her stomach rumbled as the toll of the day‟s adventures finally took their toll and

demanded she replenish the energy expelled fighting the demon and healing last night.

“Come we will get you something to eat and then contact your family so they can come and

see for themselves, you are okay.”

He opened the door to usher her out and met two wary faces in the doorway.

“Oh my god,” came a startled response as Stasia took in the sight of her two guards for the

first time.

He saw his mate smile as she recognized the two weres in the doorway. “You know you

guys really gotta quit meeting me like this.”

“They stayed to guard you.” Dev felt she needed an explanation.

“You guys stood outside our door this whole time?” A blush spread over her face and crept

down her neck.

“Don‟t worry little one. We didn‟t hear a whole lot. Just the really good parts…a whole lot

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of moaning and groaning goin' on.” Jac smiled and winked at her.

Her cheeks reddened even more with embarrassment.

Devlin growled at the were-panther for making her uncomfortable. Seconds later a small

hand slapped him on the chest.

“Oh stop it, he was only kidding. He‟s been this randy with me since we first met. Honestly,

I wouldn‟t know what to do with him if he didn‟t act that way.”

“I don‟t like it.” Devlin said between his teeth.

“What do you want me to do, feed him to the wolves?” Dash asked as he tried hard to hold

back the smile showing in his eyes.

“Nah, I thought maybe the bears?” Stasia smiled at him and a winked.

Dash chuckled and patted her on the top of the head. Devlin couldn‟t control the jealousy

running through his veins at the were‟s touch of her hair. As if knowing what he felt, both men

backed up a step giving him a silent surrender.

Stasia must have felt it to because she snuggled into his side, wrapped her arms around his

waist and put her nose in his throat. “I‟m yours and only yours, they know that so calm down.”

“Sorry, I am still trying to get use to the whole mate thing.” Devlin apologized to the two

men before him.

Dash raised his hands in response. “Don‟t worry man; your species isn‟t the only one that

has mates. We know how it goes.”

With a nod Devlin hauled his mate closer and started down the hall. She pulled him to a stop

when the weres stayed standing at door. “You two are more than welcome to come down with us.

I was just about to have something to eat.”

“I could use something to eat,” Jac said, following in step behind them.

“As long as it‟s not a raw steak we're good, I don‟t think I could watch that.” Stasia shivered

a bit for effect.

Devlin chuckled so did Dash.

“We eat eggs and bacon just like you. The only time we like to eat our meat rare is when we

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change forms.” Dash added as they turned to go into the kitchen.

“Nice to know. So, when do I get to see you in your other forms?”

Devlin straightened and looked down at his mate, as big smile played across her face. The

little minx was teasing him. Devlin silently made plans to pay her back for it later.

“I think we can hold off on that little demonstration for another time, bandia. Don‟t you?”

“I was just curious is all. Although, I have been in Mystical Kind world for the past three

months, I have not spent a lot of time actually getting to know the different species.”

“It‟s totally understandable to be curious, but what do we say we wait until we get the ones

who almost killed you, before curing your curiosity?” Dash and Jac grunted agreement behind

him as they walked into the kitchen.

His mother had already been at work, being the hostess she was bred to be. She had the cook

and his helpers cooking up mounds of food for the different guests suddenly taking up presence

in their home.

Lillith looked happy to see her future daughter-in-law as she came around the counter and

hugged her. “My dear, it is so great to see you up and moving after that horrible thing last night.

Are you feeling okay?”

Returning the hug, Stasia answered, “I feel as fine as I can given the circumstances.”

“Good, good. Well if you‟re waiting for breakfast you can join the others in the dining room.

We were waiting for you to wake up.”

Devlin kissed his mother on the cheek, whispered a quick thank you and walked towards the

dining room, mate in hand, as the two were-guards followed them.

Their dining room was built for grand parties—the table alone could sit thirty people easily.

The drapes were open letting in the moonlight and the chandelier cast a little more light at the

center of the room.

Stasia took a seat next to her brother while Devlin took the seat to her right. At the table with

them sat the vampire king and queen, the demon king, two weres, a goddess, and a moon fairy all

chatting as if they were old friends. If only all of Mystic Kind could see this, there would be

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more peace between the immortal races. Devlin took solace in the knowledge his mate made this

all happen and no matter how long it took he was going to teach her the importance of her

presence in their world.

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Chapter Ten

“I‟ve been scouring the underworld since I left here last night.” Merdon said standing across

the room, leaning against the wall.

They had all shared breakfast and easy conversation knowing that afterwards they would

have serious matters to attend to.

After breakfast, they once again adjourned in the library. The room seemed to be the focal

point of her existence lately, but this time Stasia was determined to listen to the conversation.

The last time she blew it off she almost got herself killed. She may not like the powers she

was given but she did need to learn how to harness them and quickly to avoid being a victim ever


Stasia knew it wasn‟t just her that needed protection now, it was all the people in this room

and that alone was enough to set her straight. In the past three months they all wormed their way

into her heart. She needed to learn and harness the powers she was given, whether she wanted to

or not, so she could protect the family she had grown to love.

Stasia put her attention back on the task at hand.

“The bastard didn‟t leave a trail behind that I can tell.” Merdon continued, “He‟s got

someone very powerful helping him cover his ass. I have spies in just about every colony

underground and not a one has heard anything about the attack. Hell, most were shocked the

Thrice Princess actually exists.”

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“Maybe it would be wise to let the world know she has actually come into power.” Edward


“I do not think that wise until she can learn more control over them. Right now, only few

know of her, which limits the amount of enemies we have wishing to either garnish her power or

destroy it,” Kremara‟s musical voice spoke up.

“I know I have been reluctant in wanting to use my powers, for personal reasons I don‟t

want to get into, but I'm ready and willing to learn them now. I didn‟t like the thought of being

out of control.” Stasia addressed the entire room.

“My dear, learning your powers is completely up to you. You are a unique being, the first of

your kind, I am afraid that we do not know the

amount of your powers. All that we can offer is

ourselves up as practice, and knowledge of our own powers, in hopes that nothing goes wrong.”

Kremara stated.

“I can see that going bad in so many ways.” Fear and resignation took over her body. Stasia

wasn‟t comfortable using her family as guinea pigs.

“Most of your power comes from within your mind. You threw and pinned the demon well

enough without any instruction. The rest will come to you in time,” Merdon said with


“Yeah, but time is the thing we have so little of.”

“Once we find the traitor you‟ll have nothing but time, bandia. Until then, I will protect you,

I swear.” Devlin‟s eyes showed his conviction.

He was a brave and noble man, her mate. Even with being thrown into a destiny, she

wouldn‟t have chosen for herself, it was well worth it to be in the life of this wonderful man.

Kremara got up from the couch and crossed the room coming to stand next to Merdon. Her

mother and father for as opposites as they were, obviously loved one another. It seemed now that

the cat was out of the bag, they had quit hiding their relationship. Nothing made her more happy

than to watch her mother wrap her hands around her father‟s waist and put her head on his

shoulder to show him comfort.

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Stasia made a promise to herself that she would protect her family. They may have been

absent for the last twenty-five years of her life, but she was immortal now. She had forever to get

to know them, or at least until the next demon attacked and managed to finish the job.

“I was unable to find the person responsible for taking the serum from the heavens.”

Kremara sighed as Merdon rubbed her back in reassurance. “But I do know that very few have

access to that room. Only the gods and their most trusted companions can enter and of those, I

know of none that can take it out of the heavens. Even to think about it leaving the heavens and

finding itself in the hands of a demon is confusing. I am afraid to say it but we have treachery

from above and below.”

“I dare say, we must move Stasia to a different location. Somewhere that no one but us in

this room would know where to find her, until the day we find these traitors,” Merdon stated as

he turned into Kremara.

Stasia knew her father was right, but she hated to run like a coward. It pissed her off that

someone could take her freedom away. After spending so many years locked away, she didn‟t

want to spend decades that way.

“I say, I take her to my castle in Ireland. I have not lived there in over a hundred years and it

is so remote no one would think to look for her there.” Devlin addressed everyone in a cool tone.

“You want to take me to Ireland?” Stasia didn‟t want to push him into anything rash, still not

knowing the feelings he harnessed for her.

“Yes my sweet, after all it is your home now too.” Devlin ran a hand down her face.

“But our families are here.”

“My dear, how soon you forget about the portals, they can come and go as they like. We will

not be destitute, just hiding for awhile.”

“I am not a chicken. I hate the idea of having to leave and be locked away.”

“You will not be locked away. I assure you once we get there you will have full privilege of

the castle and surrounding land. It‟s secluded and I think you will love it.”

Stasia knew she probably would since one of her most precious desires was to travel—

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Ireland being one of the top three destinations, Rome and Scotland a close second and third.

“That settles it then. We leave at once. Let us go pack our things to go home, shall we?”

Devlin held out his hand to pull her too her feet.


“Yes, bandia home.”

Stasia now had a place to call home and she couldn‟t for the life of her figure out why that

made her so happy and sad at the same time.

* * * *

They stepped out of the portal and into the entry way to Devlin‟s home in Ireland. The sweet

salty air wafting in from the many open windows immediately assaulted Stasia. Hearing the

sweet melody created by the wind in the trees, calmed her nerves.

Devlin looked down into her eyes. “Are we to stand here all day or shall we explore?”

“Explore!” Stasia screeched in excitement then took off towards the back of the house.

Looking in every room asking questions about everything, she was a ball of energy looking

to discover her new surroundings. The place was even bigger than the mansion in Vermont, but

much more secluded and airy, immediately making her love it.

Devlin took her hand and led her up the stairs. “I want to show you our bedroom.”

“Oh really and what are you planning on doing with me once we we‟re there?” Giving him a

sultry smile Stasia‟s gaze filled with lust.

He just gave her a sly grin and stopped in front of the door. Facing her so he could see her

expression, he turned the knob and pushed open the door.

A king sized four-poster bed sat on a platform in the middle of the room. The room was not

square but round and other than the bed, there was very little furniture. She saw a fireplace with a

couple of chairs in front of it and a window seat but other than that, nothing.

“Okay when you said bedroom you literally meant bed-room. Where the hell is all the


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“What do you mean there‟s a bed to sleep in. Isn‟t that all you need?” An evil glint in his

eyes gave away his amusement.

“I know I don‟t have that many clothes but I am going to need a dresser, unless you plan on

making me put them on the floor.”

“Actually the plan was to get you out of wearing them at all, but since you‟re such a picky

little thing—follow me.” Devlin headed around the massive alter of a bed and headed to the


There was a hallway discreetly placed beside the fireplace she hadn‟t noticed it till she was

close. “I suppose there is a closet off here.”

“Oh my sweet, there is definitely a closet.” Devlin opened the door on her right and flipped

on a switch.

“Man, this puts Kimora Lee Simons‟ closet to shame.” Stasia said with astonishment.

There were rows and rows of unused shelves for shoe and hangers lined empty hanging

racks. “Seriously, you have to fill this thing, it‟s a crime to have something so pretty and not use

it. I thought you said you had clothes already here for yourself?” Stasia looked around only

greeted by emptiness.

“This, my dear, is your closet, mines across the hall.”

“Seriously, okay you have seen my clothes; there is no way I would even make a dent in this


“Not yet, but we have centuries to fill it.”

When Devlin said centuries it made her shiver in anticipation. When you lived that long

even getting meager things would certainly fill this closet. She was in no way a fashonista, but

by god, the thought of having so much made her happy.

Grabbing her hand, he led her to the end of the hall and opened the door to the most

beautiful bathroom.

The bathtub appeared big enough to fit at least four people with ease. Jets came from

everywhere, she sighed at the thought of spending alone time in that tub. Across the way a vanity

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with two sinks with a huge mirror spanned the length and height of the wall, hanging above them

were beautiful light fixtures on each side, finishing the look off with class. The shower was a

thing of every girl‟s fantasy, it had rain forest heads coming from the ceiling and sprayers

coming from the wall, there was even a stereo system built into the wall.

This was her fantasy bathroom. If you wanted the truth, it was her fantasy home. As a young

child in the mental hospital, she always dreamed she would meet a prince and he would sweep

her off her feet, taking her to his castle far away where they would live happily ever after.

Through the years, her dreams moved to the more practical. If she could find a man who

loved her, she didn‟t care what kind of home they would have. As long as he was there waiting

with open arms she could live in a postage stamp in the middle of the dessert.

“I love this house.” Turning in circles with her hands out to the side, happiness flowed

through her veins.

“I built it and kept building it just for you.”

“How, you didn‟t even know me?” Stasia bit her lip and turned to him.

“I built it for me and my mate. I didn‟t know when I would meet you or how, but I knew one

day we would live here together and I wanted to make it a place you would love. I see my efforts

did not come up empty handed.” He moved in front of her and put his hands on her cheeks

pulling her into a scorching kiss.

Devlin dragged his hands slowly down her body leaving fire in his wake. She l oved the

response he could rouse in her. No other man had succeeded in doing so and she felt no other

man ever would.

His roaming hands made their way down to her ass where he smacked the left cheek then the

right rubbing the sting away. Devlin then cupped each cheek and lifted her up onto his hard body.

Wrapping her legs around his waist, she tightened her hold on his neck, meshing their bodies

together. Sending shivers down her spine to the tip of her toes and back again.

Turning around he headed down the hall, crossing the room in no time and he deposited her

on the bed with no finesse at all. Bouncing on impact, she quickly put out her arms to keep from

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falling off then sat up on her elbows watched as he stripped.

Toeing off his shoes first, he nearly tripped in his haste. Pants and boxers soon followed,

leaving only the black T-shirt to cover his body. Stasia was treated to a play of muscles as he

grabbed the bottom and in one swift pull, bared himself fully to her gaze.

Looking around she laughed. “I feel like a sacrificial offering.”

“You, my dear, are a goddess, befitting to sit high on an altar and I am here to worship every

last inch of you.”

Showing no shyness, Stasia rose up onto her knees, grabbed the hem of her shirt and pulled

it over her head. Hearing his sharp intake of breath, she smiled. Obviously, the idea to go without

a bra was a good one.

Devlin started across the bed toward her and she froze him with her mind.

Fear registered on his face for a second. “Are you doing this, you little minx?”

Stasia nodded and stood in the middle of the bed as she unbuttoned her shorts, dropped them

down her legs then flung them across the room, not caring where they landed. “I wanted to

undress for you, but you are too anxious. So you sit there like a good little boy and maybe I will

release you.” He growled as she pulled her panties down her legs and tossed them over her


“Release me woman.”

“Now, not three hours ago, you were adamant about me learning and practicing my powers

but the minute I use them you growl. That‟s not a great way to get me to keep using them.” She

chuckled as his eyes turned red and his fangs elongated.

“I meant to use them on other people, not me. I do not like being bound and at people‟s


“Oh, but my love you are only at my mercy.” Stasia got down on all fours and crawled

across the bed to where he kneeled at the edge.

Bending down she ran her tongue across the end of his erection and gently sucked just the

head into her mouth. Releasing him with a pop then looking up into his face. “Now tell me you

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don‟t like being at my mercy.”

His nostrils flared and his eyes seemed to turn redder. “I don‟t mind being at your mercy but

right now, I want to worship you. Release me, bandia please.”

Using her mind, she released the imaginary bindings. Releasing him was like letting a tiger

out of its cage, he all but tackled her to the bed, legs and arms everywhere, she couldn‟t help but

laugh. Love radiated from every part of her soul, even not knowing if he loved her back.

Devlin rained kisses down her neck then used his fangs to nip her skin, but never breaking it.

She shivered all over remembering how delicious it felt when those fangs broke through her skin.

Continuing his torture, he dragged his fangs down her collarbone to the tops of her breast.

“You know I should punish you for holding me at your mercy.”

She moaned. “If your punishment has anything to do with sticking those beautiful teeth of

yours into me, I‟m all for it.”

He chuckled. “Bandia, I have every intention of getting your glorious blood in my mouth,

but first I can think of something else I would like to taste.”

Taking her left nipple into the hot recess of his mouth, he sucked lightly. As he released it,

she felt the light sting as he rubbed the hard tip with his fang then licked down her breastbone to

her belly button.

Stasia had it pierced on her sixteen birthday—a rebellion of sorts, just to prove she could do

anything to her body she wanted to. At twenty-five, she was probably too old to wear one, but

Devlin seemed to like it so she would keep it in till they both got sick of it.

He licked down her body until he finally hit her center. No amount of time spent down there

would prepare her for the sensual torture of the first lick. Devlin‟s mouth was truly talented. He

licked her clit and then sucked it into his mouth, and it felt as though a bolt of lightning shot

straight through her all the way to her head and back.

Continuing to torture her with his mouth, he stuck first one finger in then two, working them

in and out of her, as he alternated between licking and sucking on her tiny bud.

Her orgasm slowly built until his talented fingers found her g-spot, immediately bringing her

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to climax. Stars exploded behind her eyes as every muscle in her body became rigid.

Afterward, Stasia went slack on the bed, closing her eyes and savoring the moment, until

she felt a sharp sting in her thigh.

“Did you just bite me?” She asked looking down at him.

“Just making sure you didn‟t fall asleep on me before the worshiping really starts.”

“You know I can think of a better use of those pretty little fangs than an alarm system.”

With a growl, Devlin climbed up her body to look straight in her eyes. “I really wish you

would refrain from calling my fangs pretty. They are masculine and scary, you make them sound

like a stuffed animal.”

“Oh, you poor baby, did I hurt your ego?” She kissed the tip of his nose. “Does that make it


“Not quite.”

She kissed his cheek. “How about now?” she whispered seductively in his ear.

“Still, not quite there.” He gave her one of his killer grins.

Stasia kissed him on the lips then ran her tongue on the seam of his lips, giving him the

silent command to open up.

Devlin opened his mouth as commanded. Their tongues dueled until she was able to wrap

her lips around his fang and suck it into her mouth. Releasing the first fang and showing the

other the same attention, she pulled her mouth slightly away from his letting his warm breath

cover her slick lips. “How about now?”

“If that is what I am to get every time you call my fangs pretty. I dare say, I hope you do it

more often.”

Stasia laughed and ran her hands through his hair. It felt so silky under her fingers, smelling

of what she now knew as his scent—a mix of musk and Irish air. How he carried it with him all

the way to Vermont she would never figure out, but the smell was intoxicating.

“Make love to me Dev. My body misses the feel of you hard inside me.”

Eyes glowing red he pulled her thighs apart, put his erection at her opening and with one

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swift thrust, he joined their bodies

Once in her body as far as he could go, he pulled out and then thrust back. Repeating the

movement over and over, until she shattered again.

Stasia looked into the eyes of her mate and then turned her head to the side, offering Devlin

her blood. Secretly relishing in the thought of his fangs taking what his body needed.

“The way you surrender your body to me is such a turn on.” Stasia felt the warmth of his

breath on her neck.

While still thrusting savagely into her body he licked the vein then punctured her throat,

taking her blood into his mouth and into his body.

Stasia could never get used to this feeling. Every time he bit her, her body seemed to

explode from the inside out. The beginning of another orgasm built and just when she thought

her body could not take anymore, the source of her explosion released her neck. Devlin then

pumped even faster into her shouting her name as he climaxed, triggering the orgasm building

inside her. After milking him of every last drop, she went slack in his arms.

Devlin pulled out of her and moved to lie on his side. She turned to spoon with him and

catch her breath. His hand wrapped around her waist as he snuggled his nose into her hair. “That

my dear, bandia, is how a goddess should be worshiped.”

“Oh, I could get used to that kind of worship.”

The last thing she heard was his chuckle as she slipped into a deep sleep to dream up more

ways he could worship her.

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Chapter Eleven

Devlin woke to an empty bed. Immediately alert he searched his surroundings to try to find

his mate.

Stasia sat at the window looking over the expanse of their land. The moonlight filtered in,

casting shadows along her beautiful face.

Devlin wanted to have her painted with the moon highlighting every soft curve of her face

and body. Painting was such a dying art, but she was so beautiful only a true artist could capture

her essence. “A penny for your thoughts.”

She turned to look at him. “Sorry, I didn‟t mean to wake you.”

“You did not wake me.” Waving a hand in her direction, he lifted himself up in bed. “What

are you doing out of bed?”

“I needed to collect my thoughts. So far I haven‟t been able to think more than a few

minutes without some kind of distraction.”

It had been a taxing couple of days for her. Devlin only wished he could take the worry on

but knew she had to work it out by herself.

“I understand, would you like me to leave?”

Leaving her perch at the window, Stasia walked across the room, sat on the edge of the bed,

and leaned over to kiss him on the cheek. “I was just thinking about taking a walk over to the


“It‟s really not safe to be outside by yourself.”

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“I need some alone time Devlin. I can‟t be kept as a prisoner in the castle. I need the feel of

the wind in my hair. I need to be free to explore.”

“I know, bandia, but will you allow me to at least walk with you. If only at a distance?”

He watched the emotions on her face, she may not be happy but she knew she needed his

protection. “I guess, I can live with that.”

He kissed her forehead. “Thank you.”

“Even I‟m not dumb enough to go out there unprotected.”

Devlin rose and crossed the room to grab his clothes out of closet. By the time he reentered

the room, she was dressed and tying her shoes. Her hair was pulled into a ponytail showing off

the dark circles under her eyes.

“Come bandia.” Holding out his hand, she put her small hand in his and allowed him to pull

her to her feet. Expecting her to immediately let go he was surprised when she turned her palm in

his hand and interlaced their fingers. She may have said she needed time alone to think, but he

knew she needed his reassurance as well.

They walked out the castle door and then past the fortifying wall. It was not needed now a

days but he could not bring himself to tear it down, it suited the structure.

Devlin had not been home in years, but never forgot how beautiful the countryside was in

the moonlight. Catching the trees and grass glistening in the moon, he breathed in the salty air.

No matter how many miles away from any ocean they were, the smell traveled over the vast

land. Filling his nostrils with its cleansing scent helped relax the stiffness in his muscles.

The future was unknown to him and the beautiful creature at his side, and both had heavy

weights on their shoulders. After centuries of life, Devlin was used to carrying the load, but his

wee mate was not and that added more weight to his.

They stopped at the edge of the lock, it wasn‟t big by any means only a couple of meters

long and wide. The moon reflected off the water and he could see the wildlife swimming below.

In the background, the trees swayed with the wind making the most beautiful music.

Devlin heard the arrow two seconds two late.

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Pain radiating through his chest.

Looking down he saw the source of the pain. The arrow now protruded through his chest,

directly in his heart, causing it to bleed freely and his legs to give out. Trying to land on his side,

in an attempt to keep the arrow from going deeper, he hit the ground. The force rattled his

already pain filled body.

Anger coursed through his body while he lay in disbelief, once again he was taken by

surprise, but this time he was not alone.

Using what avenues he could, Devlin sent a mental message. Hoping anyone would hear it

and come to help.

“Devlin! Dev baby answer me; are you all right.” The raw fear made her voice go hoarse.

“Of course you're not all right, you have an arrow through your chest. Let me pull it out and

we‟ll get you some blood. You‟ll be okay, we‟ve been through this before. You‟ll be okay.”

Fear for her registered through his brain. “Run!”

“And leave you here to fend for yourself? I don‟t fucking think so.”

Devlin heard the rustling of the ground being disturbed around them. Taking in the air he

could not smell anything. Something caught his eye over Stasia‟s shoulder.

A brunette stood not twenty feet from where he lay on the ground wearing a robe similar to

the one he had seen on Kremara. Rage showed on her face and in her body language as she held

her crossbow at his mate‟s head.

“Now isn‟t this touching.” She looked from him and then Stasia. “Makes it almost hard to

watch the both of you die. Almost being the key word.”

Devlin tried to move to stand between the deranged woman and his mate, but the loss of

blood was too great. Only making it a quarter of the way before he collapsed once again, he let

out a growl of frustration.

“Stop that before you hurt yourself more. I can‟t worry about both you and my powers at the

same time.”

Devlin looked up at his mate, tears filled her eyes and streamed down her cheeks. “You can

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do this, bandia. Just believe in yourself you can do it.”

Those were the last words he spoke before he sank into the black oblivion, praying his mate

would live.

“Devlin!” Stasia shouted as she felt him go slack in her arms.

“An eye for an eye I say. But then again, I can‟t have you running around exacting your

revenge. Just be glad you don‟t have to live and suffer through his death like you made me do.”

“I have no idea what you‟re talking about.” Stasia growled at the woman.

“Oh yes you do bitch, you took my lover away from me. Now, I take yours from you. Only I

am going to show you mercy and make your grieving rather short.”

“I don‟t understand, I never touched Krutis,” she said to her uncle‟s mate.

Not remembering hearing her name, Stasia felt the anger rolling off her in waves.

“I said lover not mate, there‟s a difference.”

Stasia laid her mate on the ground then tried to ball his shirt around the wound to help keep

the blood he had left from spilling to the ground. Standing up straight, she stepped over him to

protect him from the woman threatening both of their lives.

“Mate and lover are supposed to be one in the same.”

“Only in your world they do, in mine it is something totally different.” Disgust played across

the other woman‟s face.

“How so?” Stasia tilted her head in question.

“You were able to choose your mate. I was forced to be with mine.”

“I hardly see you complaining.”

“Of course not, I'm not stupid. I am in the seat for ultimate power. We had a plan damn it,

and you and your damn mate ruined everything.”

“By we, I am taking it you don‟t mean my uncle and yourself.”

“No, you stupid bitch, I meant me and James. My lover, my soul mate, my everything. You

took him away and ruined our only chance at happiness.”

“I didn‟t do shit.”

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“Oh yeah, what do you call throwing a knife through his neck, then letting him bleed to

death while you saved that sorry excuse for an heir.”

No way in a million years had she seen that one coming. Her uncle‟s mate was shacked up

with a demon. Not that there was anything wrong with it, as long as you weren‟t previously

engaged, which she was.

“He shouldn‟t have been trying to kill Dev.”

“He was doing what was necessary for us to be together.”

“Oh and how was that?” Stalling the murderous witch was all Stasia could do, hoping that

her mother and father would get the mental messages she was sending them and come to her

rescue. Her powers were unstable and she needed their help.

“I admit, it was a stupid move on James‟ part. He should have never attacked the vampire

prince on his own, but he didn‟t deserve to die.”

“Well then why the hell was he on that side of town? If you, as you say were lovers, you

should have been together.”

“We were supposed to be meeting each other at a warehouse not far from where they fought

to go over the big plan.”

“The big plan?” Stasia watched the other woman getting restless. The bow that she used to

shoot Devlin still hung in her right hand. Slightly shaking as irritation set in.

Stasia needed to get the weapon away from the mad woman and send it where it could

cause no one else any harm.

“Yes, the big plan. First, we were going to kill Kremara, with her out of the picture, I would

be queen of the heavens. Then I would do the same to Krutis.”

“You kill a god.” Stasia laughed, probably not the smartest move, but the thought of this

little sprite of a woman with no powers going up against her mother was comical.

“You know the gods don‟t guard themselves as well as they used to. It would be easy to slip

the Liotis serum in say a wine glass or a piece of food.”

“You‟re the one that gave the demon that shit he injected me with.” Stasia hissed as her

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anger took over her voice.

“Yes and he obliviously didn‟t give you enough considering we‟re here now.”

“He underestimated me just like you‟re doing right now.” Stasia held her face blank, giving

the other woman something to ponder.

“Oh please, like you are any risk to me. You may be the most powerful creature of all time—

little good it does, you when you don‟t know how to use your powers. That‟s why we attack now

while you‟re weak. Once you‟re gone, what I have left of the serum I am going to use on both

your mother and uncle then I will be the leader of the light world.”

“Hate to tell you this, but just because you kill everyone off doesn‟t ensure that you get to be

ruler. You have no powers, therefore, you can never rule.”

Still pointing the bow at Stasia‟s head the woman let out a screech, she pulled the trigger to

release the arrow.

In a split-second Stasia imagined the arrow freezing in mid air, stopping it mere inches from

going between her eyes. She plucked the arrow from the air and winged it into the lock behind


“It‟s going to take more than an arrow to kill me, you bitch.”

“My name is Chloe and I have way more than that arrow up my sleeves.” She stuck her

fingers in her mouth and let out a loud whistle. The demon that had attacked her appeared from

the woods, rage for blood clearly visible on his face.

So engrossed in the thought of besting her, he never scented Mathis come up behind him.

Stasia watched as her brother raised a sword high above his head. With a strong swing, he

cut off the other demon‟s head. The demon‟s body hit only seconds before his head rolled across

the ground. Then it shimmered with a great white light and disappeared, leaving the now, even

more pissed off, Chloe glowering at Mathis.

“Like I said, it‟s going to take a lot more to take me down.” Stasia stepped forward and the

woman disappeared.

Using her mind, she felt out her surroundings. Still feeling the woman‟s presence close she

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didn‟t let her guard down.

The blow from the back came as a surprise as her assailant took them both to the ground.

Twisting and kicking Stasia tried to release herself from the woman‟s grip. She flung out with her

powers and tossed the woman into the air and across the field.

Stasia came to her feet to watch as the woman hit the ground. Chloe hit hard rolling feet

from where she landed, only to get back up and charge at her again.

This time Stasia was ready for the attack and she used her powers yet again. This time

winging her into the trunk of a large pine not far from where Mathis stood, watching the battle.

The tree groaned and split slightly on impact.

The impact did not fare so well for the woman. It didn‟t seem to faze Chloe one bit as she

shook out her hair and disappeared.

“Come out and play bitch, you started it, I only want to finish.” Stasia screamed into the

open space.

From behind her she heard the response, “Yeah, but you don‟t play fair.”

Turning around she was terrified at what she saw. The crazed brunette stood over Devlin,

sword in her hand.

Where the hell had that came from?

Fear made her freeze. Devlin could survive a lot of things, but he could not go around

without a head.

“Get away from him now.” Surprisingly her voice was calm even though her body was

screaming to save the man she loved.

The woman gave no response as she lifted the sword over her head. Before Stasia could

think of anything better to do, she flung herself straight into the woman, catching the sword in

the shoulder, saving Devlin‟s head in the process.

Stasia felt no pain only hate.

Knocking, Chloe onto her back, she raised a fist, pummeling the woman‟s face. She didn‟t

care that the brunette now lay unconscious underneath her, she kept hitting.

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Stasia never noticed anyone else until a hand lightly touched her shoulder. Acting on

instinct, she flung the being that touched her across the field and into a tree.

Hearing a grunt and then a deep voice drawl, “Damn it child, I swear you throw me into one

more thing, I am going to fling you into that damn loch over there.”

Turning Stasia watched Merdon sweeping off the bark left on his clothing and seconds later,

flashing from the tree back to his place beside her. “Let me and your mother handle the traitor,

go to your mate.”

Spying her mother coming to stand on the other side of her, she looked up into her eyes.

“She was planning on killing you and then Krutis so her and her lover could be in control of the

light world.”

“Lover?” Kremara arched one of her perfectly shaped eyebrow.

“The Dergon demon, I killed the night I saved Devlin.”

Kremara bent down and lightly caressed Stasia cheek. “She would have never successfully

reached her goals, even if you had spared the demon‟s life.”

“I know. It was my remark to the fact that started the battle you came upon.”

“Are you all right?”

Looking down at her shoulder, Stasia watched as her blood seeped through her T-shirt and

down her side. “I can barely feel it, I„m more worried about Dev.”

“Go to him.”

Stasia released her hold on the woman beneath her.

The journey to her mate‟s side was the longest in Stasia‟s life. Kneeling beside him, she took

his hand and leaned in to kiss his face.

“At least ye don‟t have a sword pointed at my throat this time,” Ian said as he knelt beside

his brother.

“The night‟s still young.”

Ian chuckled and grasped the end of the arrow. “I am gonna pull the arrow out lass. He is

way past gone to be able to bite you this time.”

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“That‟s okay.” She looked around and spotted the sword almost used to decapitate her now

unconscious mate.

“Lass, I was only joking about the sword.”

“Just wait a second before you pull the arrow out of his chest.” Laying his hand on the

ground, Stasia reluctantly left his side.

Picking up the sword, she went back to Devlin.

Contemplating how she should help, she had only one choice. Bringing the sword to her

wrist, she used it to cut vertically along the main vein in her forearm, remembering that was the

best way to get the most blood. How many times had she contemplated taking her own life this

way? Always too chicken to do so, fearing the pain she now felt like fire spreading up her arm.

Holding it over Devlin‟s mouth, she nodded her head. “Okay pull it out now.”

Ian pulled the arrow from Devlin‟s chest, and immediately covered the wound with a towel.

Still holding her wrist to his lips, she pleaded for him to hear her. “Please, Dev, drink.”

There was no response.

Frantically Stasia opened his lips and titled his head backwards, in hopes the blood would

reach his throat and start his feeding instincts.

Many agonizing moments later, Devlin‟s fangs elongated and thrust into her arm. He pulled

with greedy mouthfuls taking as much blood as he could into his body. After what seemed like

forever, he released her and again went slack in her arms.

Stasia looked up to meet her soon to be brother-in-law‟s face. “Is he going to be all right?”

“Give his body time to heal. I assure you, he will be fine.”

Too weak to protest, she watched as Ian lifted Devlin into his arms and started for their


Stasia now knew what a home felt like, but it wouldn‟t be much of a home without him


With another burst of pent up anger, she turned towards the traitor lying at her mother‟s feet.

“What are we going to do with that?” Stasia pointed her finger at Chloe‟s prone form.

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“I‟m going to take her to the heavens and imprison her until we reach an agreement as to

what to do. Most likely death, but as your uncle‟s mate, there is protocol to follow.” Kremara

answered in a calm rational voice.

“Or, I could just kill her now.” Stasia took a step forward only to have Merdon block her.

Mathis came to her side, sliding his strong arms around her waist to halt the pursuit for


“Let your mother and I deal with her. Go with Mathis and see how your mate fares,”

Merdon said, remorse flowing through his deep timbre.

Turning to head towards the castle, Stasia stopped fighting Mathis. Her brother released his

grip and took a step back. Gliding his hand to the small of her back, they headed for the castle.

Stasia took two steps forward, then before she could think anything other than what she was

feeling she launched herself into her father‟s arms as tears streamed down her face. Hugging him

tight, she leaned back and looked into his face. “Thank you for coming to help me.”

“I only wish I had been here sooner.” Tears also filled his eyes.

“No, you were right on time.” Stasia kissed him on the cheek and lowered herself to the


Going over to her mother, she gave her a hug, then reached up and wiped the tears streaking

down Kremara‟s cheeks.

Not knowing what to say, Stasia leaned in and kissed the same cheek as Merdon, and bowed

her head in appreciation, then turned around and walked with Mathis to the castle.

Watching over her shoulder as her father kissed her mother, then disappeared taking the

traitor with them.

Halfway to the castle fatigue started to set in, her legs began to wobble under the stress of

her body.

Sensing her distress, Mathis turned and captured her in his arms, carrying her the rest of the

way to the castle. Any other time she would argue, but she was too tired and worried to put up

much of a fight. Laying her head on his shoulder, she went along for the ride.

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The Thrice Princess


They made it back to the bedroom, where she‟d shared such wonderful lovemaking with

Devlin just four hours ago.

Devlin lay on his back, stripped down to only his pants. His pale skin was covered in a light

sheen of sweat, as his body continued to repair the damage left behind by the arrow.

Ian‟s face showed just how worried he was as he kept adding gauze and wrap to the wound

on Devlin‟s chest.

Stasia swatted at Mathis‟ chest to let him know to put her down. Doing as requested, he

lowered her gently to her feet.

Slowly walking around to the other side of the bed, Stasia climbed in very carefully and

situated herself next to Devlin.

Pushing the hair from his face, he stirred a bit. “Dev, honey can you hear me?”

His eyes slowly opened to look into hers. “Anastasia.”

“I‟m okay baby, save your strength and get better. Ian and Mathis are here, which means the

rest of the family is not far behind.” She caressed his face, resting her cheek on his.

He ran his hand up her arm along her mating mark.

Lifting her head Stasia looked into his eyes, and saw tears to match her own.

Devlin raised her arm to bring her hand to his lips. Kissing her palm, he looked up to her and

whispered, “I love you.”

Just when she thought she couldn‟t cry anymore, tears streamed down her face. Using both

of her hands, she cupped his face, kissed him then whispered, “I love you too.”

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Drea Becraft


It took three days for Devlin to fully recover. During that time, their home in Ireland filled

with vampires, demons, weres, and one moon fairy, all taking their turn, trying to help the couple

out. All of them growing to know one another and creating lasting bonds.

The biggest argument amongst them all was where to hold the wedding in the fall.

Stasia and Devlin choose to be married at the castle in Ireland by the loch. Starting their

lives together replacing the memories of terrible night they almost lost each other.

The family planned a grand affair where every species in the Mystical Kind realm was


Not knowing what the future held, they hoped all would attend and remain peaceful but then

again, there was no doubt that it wouldn‟t turn out all right.

For the marriage was for the thrice princess and as the prophecy had said; “When the period

arrives, when once again, great carnage brinks in the Mystical Kind Realm, the Savior shall

come forth; she shall be a lover of peace and justice. Born from both darkness and light. She

shall return peace to the immortal world. Those who oppose her shall fall for there is no one

more powerful then she, the Thrice Princess.”

This was Anastasia Gruff‟s destiny.

Both god and demon.

Despised by some and feared by many.

That no longer bothered her, for now, she had her prince. The one she dreamed so many

lonely nights about, so long ago.

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The Thrice Princess


Anastasia knew that no matter what, Devlin would give her the happily ever after she


*The End*

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Drea Becraft

About The Author

Drea Becraft lives in a little town in Northwestern, Ohio. Married to her high school

sweetheart, she has spent most of her adult life devoted to her kids and husband. As a stay-at-

home mother of three growing girls, she often spends her downtime reading anything and

everthing she can get her hands on. Until her overactive imagination decided to give way to

really good ideas for stories of her own. So In-between taking care of her children and running a

very busy household. She began typing away at the keyboard. Watching what is inside her head,

as they are being molded into grand adventures, has been exhilarting.


Other Titles by Drea Becraft

Live For The Todays

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The Thrice Princess


Secret Cravings Publishing



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