KULT LAMA Fr Pelicanus Apostles Of Akefalon EN

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Fr. Pelicanus




It happened this year, 1998 e.v., when Mercury entered the sign of Aquarius, that one of my friends,
Fr. Milosh, a Chaos Magician, during one of his workings was contacted by an egregore (so described
by him) and was given a magical word for me. It came up to be an interesting, 151 days long, Magical
Working of KHLUX, and it brought me close to my Holy Guardian Angel and to LAM. I can say that this
formula KHLUX is a boat of Deucalion, son of Prometheus, and it was my weapon for stepping upon
my spiritual path. Communication with both entities happened spontaneously, helped with various
magical practices and meditations that I performed during this period.

I once wrote to my friend from "The Company Of Heaven", Fr. VAL 419,:

"Re. KHLUX, it is still developing, I

’m constantly exploring it and it reveals to me its nature, and my

nature. I developed few practices based on this magical Formula that I use beside my regular Middle
Pillar exercise (with addition of meditation on whole Tree Of Life) and SaMeKh that I perform daily.
After some time it brought me in contact with LAM whom I still cannot differentiate from my own HGA.
Also as I used Khlux as a yogic mantra, combined with other practices it brings me in certain
state, for few seconds every day, that I perceive as total liberation. In these seconds "I" am stripped of
my body, my mind and emotions, all that I perceive is empty space filled with glorious stars and
unconditioned unity with it. This state is diametrically opposite to my vision of HGA who appears as
pure light, without a shape, appearance of this light is ecstatic, and entrance in

‘Khlux’ state is relief of

liberation from everything. And yes I’ll continue to work on it."

It was written few days before I realized the difference between these visions. Actually as this state
continued I was able to determinate the state of light and it

’s nature and this void of empty space with

stars. I realised that the mediator between this light and this void was Lam, and it was very curiously,
since it seemed to be several things at the same time. The light was

‘outside’ and the void was ‘inside’

Lam, and Lam was the gateway from light into this void, and vice versa, and Lam was emanating this
light, and this void that was inside Lam was also

‘endless’ as it was this light. And Lam was never

seen as on Crowley

’s drawing, similar but also empty. Foolishly I’m trying to explain this.

I realised this Light to be my Angel, the light of The Star of my inner self, and I enjoyed this liberation
into void beside that, and Lam was the silent Initiator. I communicated with this light, but beside that,
my mind was never able to understand this void since I always left it outside...


This time I will write only about Lam since IT continued to appear to me from time to time giving the
‘suggestions’ and kind of ‘confirmation’ of IT’s nature. I will first give the analysis, and what I
understood intellectually,

‘what and who’ Lam is (and I’m sure that analysis can go much further than



’s start with Math (I’m using only Hebrew qabalah):

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LAM = 30+1+40 = 71 = "OA" or "AO". That is: Lamed + Aleph + Mem = A

’Ain + Aleph ...

Libra + Air + Water ... Capricornus + Air... Lamed is duality (in balance) of multitude, Aleph - multitude
is through unity returned to Zero, and Mem - Light and darkness are permeating in the Great Sea of
Consciousness. This describes the process of return to Supernals, from

‘where’ purity fills all, even

lower spheres. What is reached on

‘heights’ then shines and feeds the lower. "He" is group

consciousness in unity, who is a guide for those

‘lower’ on a path of seeing that ‘higher’ It is all about

exceeding the restrictions and remembrance of one

’s own divinity. As 71 - The Devil and the Fool - the

Eye and the Ox, I see it as Swastika in the eye, or a point in the eye (of the

‘God’). ‘A’ as the peak

towards "1", and "O" as a peak of streaming towards "6" - Tiphareth and Kether - Male phallic powers
that release the divine spermatozoon of self. This

‘spermatozoon’ is "Talam" and "Malat" that depends

of kind of magical current and unity of path and the truth.

About correspondences in "777" we find for 71 the following:

“Your horror; nothing; ghost, illusion;

silence; lead; level of water, vision; dove, plenty; fullness...

” that is: AIMK, ALIL, ALM, HVKN, IVNH,

INVH, MLA, ANK ... etc. For 71 these corresponding words thoes have specific meaning for various
levels of understanding it. AIMK is the horror of ego, who is bound to itself, of dissolution into


ALIL means that the images (even as HVKN) are just illusions of forms on two different levels; one is
deceptive, other imperative; IVNH and INVH are spiritual influences, inspiration of Phallic and Kteic
nature, an aspect of the

‘Holy Ghost’. LAM - spiritual path (Lama is he who goeth, in

Tibetan), ALM is silence, MLA is fullness. LAM is usually

‘described’ as The Voice Of Silence, it is

mostly expressed as

‘male’ aspect, phallic, to bring the impulses from silence of Nothingness (AIN -

LA). M is as a lamp in the sea-water, a mediator of "LA". The white light is breaking, through a prism,
into a various colours... but there

‘is’ a light so pure that it is ‘perceived’ as darkness.

L + AM = Balance + Mother, thus Maat - Binah.
LA + M = Nothing + water, thus: Great sea of Nothingness.
AL + M = All + water - from

‘A’ springs out and through balance it manifests.

A + LM = AO (even as 70 it is

‘silence’), The egg of Spirit in the night (LIL), or ‘The fool and its



MLA - The great sea is All in Nothing (LA), Water is the continuum of consciousness, the current of

M - Hoor is the lord initiating; "The warrior lord of the forties" (and M=40=4x10...)
L - Maat as the balance to Horus.
A - The Spiritual seed in the centre; The Child of Hoor and Maat.
This seems like IAO formula, but it is different.

L - A - M : "The truth of spirit is in Hoor

’s current" or "The scourge takes the Ox across the waters."

71 as 7 + 1 = 8 (eight) ...

’ Wanted, intended’, - this is the intent of moving, going on the Path; ‘wanted,


’ - Spiritual urge and love towards inner core and light; ‘then’ - stepping out of the moment into


‘beyond’; ‘doorway’ - passing to the ‘other side’; being worried, grief’ - The Hogher is Overseeing

the lower, unperfected, restricted;

‘love, beloved’ - (DD) inner unity of opposites and emanation of

energies of that unity from emptiness (of AIN) to fullness; the notaricon of Zauir Anpin - this is the
connection with the

‘highest’; ... 8=2x2x2 – the House manifested through three spheres; 2 as

Chochma and Beth, 8 as Hod; also of The Chariot ATU VII; this all express the idea of emanation the
word or voice from the silence...

One night I meditated, with LAM as mantra - that was in my sleep also - and just in the morning I
experienced the flash of light when I realised the following: "... and let Asar be with Isa, who also are
one. But they are not of me. Let Asar be the adorant, Isa the sufferer;..."

– and what was interesting is

that ISA who is also ASI is also 71, as 1+60+10. Osiris and Isis are

‘black’ gods, that means that they

are related to Sephyrah Binah, it is their unity, and it is confirmed as:

‘they are NOT of me’; NOT being

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LA, Nothing, AIN, whose reflection is Binah. Asar is active component,

‘adorant’, and he is also of

Chokmah, while Isa is passive,

‘sufferer’, of Binah (the pain and suffering are attributed to

this Sephyrah). Thus we have specific connection of Lam, Isis and Binah, but Isis as

‘reflection’ of Nuit

does not have direct connection with the

‘mystery’ of Hoor. In another case Isa can be seen as Jesus,

with what we have shown double aspect of the past Aeon - Osirian (patriarchal adoration) and
Christian (suffering). Jesus as

‘Christ’ represents the bringer of Light of Logos, the Lucifer, but it is

more Gnostic concept than of

‘historical’ Xtianity, and the relation with Lam is through the image of

Hanged Man of Mem.... After this insight I fell back in sleep with name of Lam as mantra and, again,
suddenly, experienced an energetic shock in first, then a radiant energy fulfilled me and I saw LAM
being the source of it.

To mention few things beside this analysis. The meditations on Lam that I performed were in several
‘forms’. I always used the name of Lam as a mantra, and visualised the image of Lam, only difference
in meditations was the choice of particular chakra upon which I concentrated. I gave up of rites of
invocations because of the present living conditions, and fully concentrated myself on those night-
astral workings. Also, through years of work I came to a point that still puzzles me a little, and it
concerns the contact with extra-terrestrials or

‘Masters’, point is that I feel and believe that they can be

‘reached’ by two ‘ways’, one is the Invocation and aspiration towards The ‘Highest’ and another way is

‘call’ them particularly. It seems to me that if you successfully aspire to the Highest, they appear to

teach you and lead you, and when you call them for

‘help’ they might appear... anyway I prefer the

first, we do not aspire to know

‘Masters’ but towards the Gnosis of Inmost Unity with Divine.

Then again, after some meditations on LAM I had few dreams that further described IT

’s nature. It

came up that LAM

’s name is giving more about it. L- multitude, crowd (of people), A- all of this

multitude (of people) does have a Child, and I had strong impression that this child is bloodless and
toothless (that means without DM, and Shin, blood and Spirit); M- sea (with red boats on it). This
means that Multitude is through attaining knowledge of the inner child is arriving to the shores
of the Great Sea. I saw this also as, L- multitude, A- unity, M-dissolution into Nothingness, and
dwelling unbound in multitude. Also: L- multiple human nature in the outer, A-concentration on any
and all particular entity, M- exceeding any situation. Also: L- purification, A-dedication and M- Initiation.
L- creating the Illusion, A- living the Illusion, and M- transcending Illusion into

‘Liberation’ and

Understanding. This kind of interpretation of Lam

’s name bears similarities with IAO formula, but L is

not I, nor M is O (only if we see it as Nuit). IAO acts as Phallos-Proktos-Kteis while LAM is different (to
me, as I see it). L is like the sign of Libra, rising of the Sun upon the horizon, A is Adonai, Augoeides
(of Adepti) , and M is

‘Mastership’, Magister Templi. As a Magical Formula, in first time I thought that

LAM in its M holds

‘SHT-AL’, but I saw also that every letter could stand separately for: L-LA; A-SHT;

M-AL... but as triple name it could bare the similarity with all Formulas of Trinity. For instance, L-
ABRA, A-HAD, M- ABRA, through which we can see that Sun is the Father in the outer, and that it is
out Star-Father and Inner Sun-Father.

I can connect energies of LAM with three chakras more than others, L with Manipura, A with Anahata
and M with Vishudi, that is the Way of attaining full

‘vision’of LAM in Ajna. Lower chakras I attribute to

Mother of Lam, due to one of visions of Alphabeth of Daggers, and Sahasrara I suppose to be
Akefalon, the Headless.

After a while, through a dream came

‘understanding’ that L is preparation, A- (as Anubis appeared)

opening of the way, realisation, and M as exceeding of

‘situation’ through realisation (that there are no

Good or Evil gods). L is balanced disposition of all elements that you

‘posses’ (on the Altar); A is that

what others curse and despise is actually their resistance towards the

‘un-known’ and thus it is the bar

(their resistance) for knowing the essence of being, the essence of elements (from the Altar). M is
understanding of this process. M are the

‘tears’ and use of certain powers which are emanating from

non-resistance, and freedom of usual life conventions. Anubis is

‘the opener of the ways’ and Lam is

the Way. The worship of Anubis might be another key for attaining knowledge of Lam. And, it seems to

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me that in the Haal of Maati of Egyptian book of dead

’ LAM bears similarity with triad Thoth-Anubis-


I see LAM as a key-

way of attaining the critical Grades of A.’.A.’., and this can be seen as ascending

and descending process: Malkuth-L-Astral-A-Mental-M-Spiritual; and, Malkuth-M-Astral-A-Mental-L-
Spiritual. (Of course, Astral, Mental and Spiritual are spheres of three Grades of Order of Thelemites,
Man of Earth, Lover and Hermit). In first, L is the need for equilibrium of being, A is spiritual aspiration
that governs the elements and leads to one

’s Angel, and M is dissolution in the sea of Understanding

(The babe of the Abyss). The second

‘process’ is M as self-sacrifice in aspiration, A is The Holy Angel


‘innocence’ in attaining ‘knowledge and conversation’); L is the ultimate equilibrium that

destroys the duality, from which springs the Truth (Maat) in Understanding.

Back to numbers, LAM is 71, but with final M, it is 631, that is correspondent with

‘Hidden Mystery’.

Also, LMD+ALP+MM = 265, and it is architect, broken, the crying of the heart (remember that I

‘tears’), sorrow, worry... that can be connected with Lam’s nature. 265 is thus RSH (that

looks like Resh), thus Sun-Sagittarius-Aquarius. 265 gives us 2+6+5 = 13 that is Love and Unity, and
1+3 is 4, thus Daleth - Door, Gate-Way.


Now, I would allow myself to give a little comment on part of article of M. Staley. I have read few of his
articles that are available on Internet and found them to be interesting and informative, and a bit
inspiring of course. Those articles are, by my opinion, really good, but some of given thesises were not
elaborated and

‘proved’ in a scientific way. I mean in the first place a theory about ,so called,

"Egregore-Chains", that sounds interesting but represents solely mathematical-theory structure in
which are used

‘mystic’ names, mixed on unknown basis to fulfil certain calculation that seems

‘spiritual’, and that is not given with any kind of ‘communication’ of nature that emanates from these
‘egregores’ and not from Mr. Staley’s mind. Mixing of various magical names that came to us from
various magical systems and traditions with use of just enochian qabalah is rather suspicious, but this
is obviously due to Keneth Grant

’s influences. The Names and Numbers used are ‘important’ to

Thelemites, but for the same cause could be chosen completely different terms to prove these
equations, and to be used as

‘important’ magical egregore that can bring us to Gnosis. I suppose that

everyone of us should find our own egregore-chains.

For instance, M.Staley, shorty elaborates on his theory of egregore-chain LAM+AIWASS+OLUN=418.
BUT! That would mean that for knowledge of state of consciousness described as

‘418’ one who

follows this chain must attain the essence of all three of this

‘egregores’ and by its unity attain to ‘418’.

Problem is the use of mixing different sorts of qabalah, so I can say that OLUN is 156, that is
BABALON, who is in Binah, above the City of the Pyramids, and thus the path of Cheth, that values
418 is

‘only’ leading to Binah and OLUN. Why should we add to it Lam and Aiwass to be 418 when it is

already exceeded? I conclude that the Direct Knowledge, The GNOSIS on every of this

‘entities’ is

necessary for us to assure ourselves that these egregore-chains are

‘valid’ and ‘truthful’. We all know

that communication even with one of this

‘entities’ remarks a high attainment as being very

complicated as process, so I conclude that this kinds of

‘chains’ represent a possible way of

attainment for one person, in this case Michael Staley, and that these are not the Universal principles
functional for all. We should not aspire to these beings, but to The Highest, and if some of



‘pop up’ on someone’s Path it can only (maybe) help in this Voyage to the Highest. I

think that Samadhi clears this kind of


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Finally, for conclusion I

’m presenting further ‘proof’ of nature of Lam, for you to think of.

"...It's all in the egg" said Amalantrah.

"...[This is of the 4: there is a fifth who is invisible, & therein am I as a babe in an egg.]" said Hadit in
Liber AL vel Legis.

The Master gave us a clue on

‘ babe’ and that it is all. The Egg is the fifth element - Spirit - Akasha

(beside four: earth, air, water and fire) that it is symbolised with Black Oval of Akasha.

‘ALL’ is 61, that

means that AL is LA, Nothing. Thus the babe is Nothing, thus it is

‘silence’. This means that fifth

element is invisible, and that essence of it is a babe. This is a top point of Pentagram, and thus the
four elements are permeated with that invisible in which is a babe.

So, Here HADIT speaks that

‘he’ manifests as HOOR-PAAR-KRAAT, that means as a babe in an

EGG, and that Egg is Akasha-Spirit and obviously the HEAD of LAM (as we all know it

’s image... also,

in connection with Pentagram it is no wander that I intuitively on my Aeon card draw the image of LAM
for Shin, that is later confirmed by Lam and that just

‘now’ I realised the true meaning of this all).

RA-HOOR-KHUIT is the visible object of worship, he gave us four

‘tests’,that not only correspond to

four Sephirots of the Middle Pillar of the Tree of Life, but to essence of four elements - that concerns
the understanding of the Book of Law; while

‘others are secret’, means hidden in invisibility of Akasha-

Spirit. The Path - Gateway is the EGG of LAM

’s HEAD in which is babe Hoor-Paar-Kraat, in whom is

hidden Hadit.


The pioneers of modern science, like G.E.Lemaitre, Einstein, Riemann, G.Gamow, E.P.Hubble, and
others gave us ideas of how science interprets the universe as been manifested from the Cosmic Egg,
even as thethinkers of the past were telling the similar philosophies. The fathers of modern psychology
and psycho-therapy, Freud, Jung and Reich did developed understanding of human mind and psyche
in a way so advanced in comparison to past times, and even they saw the human self as an
egg-sphere as a whole, containing sub-conscious, conscious and super-conscious

‘parts’ with all

dynamics and energetic correlations. It is upon us, the scientists of the Spiritual, whose science is
Magic, to give further explorations and proofs of true nature of Universe and the our own nature, with
methods and aims that will unite the vast knowledge of separate methods of science and clear all and
any unclearness on the nature of The EGG. The Egg that contains All.

Lam, Lam Family, Archetypes of Apostles, Zodiacal mind warp, Invaders from Neptune, Initiators from
our past and future operating from Sirius and Orion, The Headless God, Zothirian conspiracy,
Octopodic Hierophants of Nemiron, Lam-Urian ancestors, extra-terrestrials, Underground swelling
of Luciferian Gnosis, Secret Masters..? Huh!?... Fantasy, Ilusion, lies, mistakes or truth of yours truly
(Fr. Pelicanus.

’. aka Fr. ALION.’.) – you will have to judge by your own experience and knowledge on

this matter.

My story presently stops here, and I have only one sentence to add:

"Success is your proof!"


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