KULT LAMA Fr Pelicanus Lam Double Current EN

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Fr. Pelicanus.'.



It is known that there are some double-formulas for magical and mystical invocations of Lam. These
formulas are mostly Maatian, made in accordance with Sr. Nema's Liber Pennae Praenumbra:
TALAM-MALAT and IPSOLAM-LAMIPSO. These formulas, when analysed, are giving us the clues for

But there is another double-current that I will write about, and it is only mentioned by 'Master Michael
Aquarius' (M. Bertiaux) in one article written for members of P.G.L.U.X. This is AIWASS-LAM current.
Aiwass is 'initiating' changes on global sphere, that means that those who come in contact with Aiwass
will unleash the Underground Swelling of Luciferian Gnosis to manifest on the face of Earth and thus
beside receiving the new-aeonic teachings those magicians will cause the transformation of social and
political structure of the region. One simple example are members of P.G.L.U.X., Master Leo and Fr.
ALHA, after whose communications with Aiwass happened the War in Bosnia (Bertiaux was so
prophetic in his article!), and of course there are examples of World Wars caused by publications of
Crowley's Book Of The Law. LAM is, it seems, operating on another level, initiating the individual and
personal changes.
The Underground Swelling of Gnosis is thus experienced as personal war with restrictions of one's
ego, as a quest for nudity of souls light.
Thus happens that through Aiwass magicians are receiving methods of attainment as a magical
systems, and through Lam magicians are receiving 'just' personal messages for their own work.

The Gnosis Of Aiwass-Lam is thus given in books such are Liber AL vel Legis, or the Book of Meon, or
as magical system of P.G.L.U.X., just to mention the few and in every contact with Aiwass we can see
'inverted' contact with Lam, cause VIA is Path, and the Path is GOAL.
We just have to listen quietly for the Voice Of Silence.

Speaking of SSAWIA I can also conclude that it can be understood as Path of 121, and it's no wonder
that Leo's Book Of Gnosis is published in 121 copy's. Thus Aiwass is Path of 11x11, and we know that
11 is number of Therion's Magic, and that it is eleven-lettered formula of ABRAHADABRA, thus being
strongly connected to P.G.L.U.X. and their magical system of attainment. Again we see the double
current of 11.

At this point I must mention that I am not member of P.G.L.U.X., but I did had opportunity to study their
materials and work and to practically experiment with their system. I'm deeply satisfied with results.

It is not only that those 'beings' are contacted by Maatian magic but through honest work with any
system, although I prefer to say that Thelemic and Maatian systems are 'recommended'. For that
cause we are coming to the topics of attainment and the methods of the Cult Of Lam.


I was always considering that for successful magical operation one must follow few simple 'rules', and
these are:

"...And they that sealed up the book into their blood were the
chosen of Adonai, and the Thought of Adonai was a Word and a Deed;
and they abode in the Land that the far-off-travellers call Naught."

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"Enflame thyself in praying."

"Invoke Often."

It seems that, concerning communication with Lam, we have two 'possible' ways of work. One shows
that some magicians were spontaneously involved in this communion, and thus being 'chosen' for The
Cult Of Lam by LAM Itself in accordance with their True Will. Another way is Willed attainment through
Magic. Nevertheless it is obvious that after the first one mentioned are inspired to aspire to
Lam they use this second 'method'. They actively became involved in practices of The Cult. No, this
Cult does not need the Priests and Leaders, every 'member' is aspiring towards Gnosis through Lam,
who acts as Initiator and who is 'inner' Head of this Cult. And all activities are made upon individual
understanding of the Path.

For those 'spontaneous' methods we cannot give specific practices, cause it comes through honest
work and through preparations 'of the Temple for the coming of God to indwell it'.

For willed magical aspiration it will be best to mention several possible methods that anyone can
develop for personal use in accordance to its True Will. These are Lam Serpent Sadhana, method
given in Grant's Lam Statement, of course there is simple meditation on the Portrait of Lam with It's
name as a mantra, or using, TALAM-MALAT, or IPSOLAM-LAMIPSO formulas with various
visualisations, as going through Lam's eyes or mouth. There is also method given by Master Leo, that
I mentioned in my previous article, being the 39 days long meditation on the Portrait with the use of
assumption of the shape of The Dove, with use of HRILIU Formula...
Further Magickal operations could be derived from numerical qabbalah of Lam's name and symbols
shown thereof...
...And so on.

I'm giving the 'initial' method given by Fr. Aossic Aiwass 718:


"The Magical Procedure"

The mode of Entering the Egg may proceed as follows. Each votary is encouraged to experiment and
to evolve his own method from this basic procedure:

1) Sit in silence before the portrait.

2) Invoke mentally by silent repetition of the Name.

3) If response is felt to be positive, but not before, enter the Egg and merge with That which is within
and look out through the entity's eyes on what now appears to the votary an alien world.
(Adumbrations of identity with Lam may be experienced as a strong sense of the unreality, or
"unfamiliarity, of the "objective" universe.)

4) Seal the Egg, i.e., close the eyes of Lam and await developments.

5) At the first sign of stress or failure, return to mundane consciousness by opening the eyes and by
oozing out of the Egg in a form determined by the experiences within.

6) Perform, astrally, the Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram of Earth, at the Eight Spaces, and record
all experiences in detail, paying particular attention to the lunar phases (celestial and, where
applicable, terrestrial), and any physiological phenomenon accompanying the experience.

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The invocation of Lam should be performed only in a fully protected Circle, which involves Banishing in
the Eight Directions of Space with the Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram of Earth, followed by
the Invoking Ritual of the Hexagram of Earth. Then, proceed with a silent invocation of Aiwass, and
intense aspiration to Yuggoth (Kether) and the Great Old Ones, before actual LAMeditation

It is suggested that votaries experiment with this technique and submit their Records to appointed
members of the Sovereign Sanctuary of the O.T.O. Synchronicities that are considered significant may
help to facilitate future Workings, and may be incorporated therein with the object of establishing a
more profound "rapport".

Group working is considered inadvisable. Each votary should work in isolation or only with his or her
magical partner, although IX degree Working is held to be extremely dangerous in this area, even if
both parties are officially IX degree. A similar observation applies to VIII degree Workings, and, most
emphatically, to Lunar Workings, which should on no account be performed in this context.

Each votary should work independently, and should be unaware of the identities of other Cult
members. This is important if "objective" or so-called "scientific" evidence of Contact is to be obtained.

It may take years to accumulate significant evidence of contact with Lam, and - if Lam is the Gateway -
with Those who lie Beyond. It may be that communion with the "dikpala" lies through congress with a
Priestess chosen by Lam, or one who possesses certain characteristics peculiar to this office, in which
case new procedures will have to be devised. At the present time, however, it is advisable to confine
experiments to mental and/or astral modes of intercourse. An inner Order of the Cult can - and will, if
necessary - be formed to accommodate other modes of Working."


I can only add that we does not have to agree upon all of this suggested instances, and that it is surely
most advisable that magicians generate further practices based only upon personal influences and
communication with Lam. The initial contact is so often the Initiation into this Cult, and members-
priesthood are developing the Modes of Work. Be it the Dove or the Snake... "Chose ye well!"

Now, on some of my methods:

Method 'zero': Travel astrally to Sirius.

First and most simple method is visualisation of Lam and using his name as a mantra assuming his
shape and image during meditation. This can be combined with Middle Pillar exercise in which you
can invoke Lam in all Sephiroths of the Middle Pillar.

Second is more ritualistic, and is based on making of several Magical Squares of Lam, and these are:

MLA MAL MAL ...and so on...

You could consecrate this emblems with four elements and fill them with your invocations, I prefer that
with that 'you' invoke also the 'Highest One'. Invocations of NUIT will be appropriate. For third Kamea -
it can be drawn on the ground and in the middle of it can be placed the Portrait of Lam.

Third is also 'ritualistic', with appropriate banishings, openings and closings of ritual space (I prefer

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some Enochian version, or from Ritual of Passing through Tuat). After Invocations of NUIT, there can
follow the litanies for Lam in manner of poems written on basis of numerical values, that is for 71 -
'poems' of The Devil-Eye and The Fool-Ox, for 265 there are Invocations of Lam through Sun-Art-Star
symbolism, and for 13 and 8 as Love, Unity, of Yod, Gimel and Cheth... With ritual dancing after every
group of poems.

Fourth is based on combination of one of my Nuit Meditations with special addition in certain place. It
is derived from my belief that the Cult of Lam is emerging from the Cult of Goddess Nuit. It follows:

LIBER NUT - Nuit Meditation

Perform the initial relaxation, and slow pranayama.

Visualize the shining circle around the working space, and the shining point in the middle of your
heart. Meditate on the image of Nuit as a woman in a blue-gold dress who holds the lotus-wand and
an ankh. She bears an jar on the top of her head (this head is the cauldron of the witches and the
Urn of Spirit).
Visualise Nuit in front of yourself.
Awaken the shining sphere in your heart.
Long for her.
The image of Nuit is merging with that sphere, and she is now in your heart.
Meditate on this for a while.
The image of Nuit is now growing, she becomes bigger and bigger, she fills you all, she fills your
temple, she fills the town, region, country, continent, whole planet Earth, she embraces all planets of
Solar system one by one, she is embracing the whole galaxy, whole Universe.

Then, fly upwards, Rise! Fly up!
Rise to that jar on her head, it is vastly endless too.
You are seeing the night-sky, filled with stars, the image of Nuit as a woman bent over the universe is
The blue triangle is descending from her to you, and you are becoming the red triangle. Two triangles
are merging into a hexagram of your heart. Now feel yourself inside that hexagram.
The five pointed star - a Pentagram - with a red circle in the middle is appearing (this pentagram is
black or silver when Moon is waning, and white or gold when Moon is waxing).
Nuit will reveal you own symbol that you should put in that red circle.
Unite yourself with that pentagram, the fire-red sphere is in your heart, all around is blue night-sky with
the stars.
The Lotus of your heart is now opening, and revealing the shining Star.

In the centre of that Star is a small spark.
You are that Star in endless body of Nuit!

Feel, now, that you are falling, falling in the depths of endlessness.
With fall you are dissolving all of yourself in the body of Nuit.
Embrace the silence. Meditate on non-meditation. Be an observer.
(this can last as long as you feel appropriate and suitable for you.
Return to your body, and continue for a while with slow pranayama.

In place marked with [***] you can became more aware with the jar-cauldron-urn, you can see below
the celestial waters, where white and black lotus' float, you see a Mountain, and on top of this
Mountain is an Egg. Instead of this an Egg with an Eye can appear (you can
visualise it during practice). And you can unite thyself with the Egg On entering the Egg you can see

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the Snake and the Dove, or Lion and Eagle (this will/can be chosen by your inner self) and you can
unite yourself with them and/or communicate with them. Whole vision can became
a vision of Image of LAM.


Since it is not known does any magician ever received any sacred text for the Cult of Lam particularly,
except personal instructions for one's individual path, we can conclude that we should continue further
in our con-quest for the Inner Gnosis by means and methods suitable and based on our own ingenium
and intelligence and strength of our arms. Be it through Aiwass-Lam or any other 'system' of
attainment we will never abandon our inner 'call'.

Nuit called us: "Come unto me!"
And if someone asks: "How?"
Answer is: " Through the Path! For we are the Way! We are the Going!"


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