The Bare Bear Pair Caspian, Jessica

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The Bare Bear Pair

(A Paranormal M/M Billionaire Shifter Tale)

By Jessica Caspian

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Copyright 2014 A Silver Moon Romance. All Rights Reserved

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Bear Pair

“Harder!” Jennifer said. Allen grunted and started to penetrate his girlfriend harder and harder. Her
wet pussy walls felt nice, but Allen couldn’t seem to get into it. He tried hard, but with each thrust, he
realized this wasn’t what he wanted. He wanted something tighter, something that really felt good
against his hard cock and made him go crazy. However, he was with Jennifer now, and he wanted to
pleasure the woman, even though it seemed hard get in the mood after everything that had happened
recently. He had a lot on his mind, and even though Jennifer tried to ignore it, she knew that there was
something up and she wanted to know more.

“Fuck!” she screamed as he pushed deeper into her hole. This may be good for her, but for Allen he
was bored as hell. He didn’t find sex with Jennifer fun anymore, and frankly, he was worried about a
couple of things, the recent acquisition with his company being one of them.

Allen was a wealthy businessman, and that was putting it lightly. With a company that was recently
taking the spotlight over many of the Fortune 500 companies out there, it wasn’t a surprise that he was
really on top of everything and working hard. He wanted to make his life better, Allen worked hard at
making the company the best it could be, and he spent long nights burning the midnight oil doing so.
It was all worth it, but recently his company had a deal with one of the biggest companies out there
and if everything went through, he knew that he was going to wipe the other competitors in the dust.
It all sounded great and Allen loved it a lot, but it took a toll not only on his sex life, but also on his
personal life period.

Still, he wanted to make Jennifer happy and that was his goal. Jennifer and he had been together for
about six months, and the relationship had been anything but fun for him. Most of the time he saw
having a girlfriend as a chore of some sorts, and frankly he would rather be alone or in the company of
other men. He didn’t know why he didn’t just break up with her, probably because she was the perfect
cover for him. Jennifer was a model who had some serious gigs in the horizon, and she was able to
seize some of the best jobs in town. She was extremely pretty, with gorgeous brown hair and big
green eyes that would make every man swoon over her. However, Allen didn’t really find her that
attractive and he wanted to get rid of her more than anything. However, due to his own personal pride
and the fact that he did have an image to uphold, he didn’t have the guts think about it until recently.

There were a couple of other things about Jennifer that bothered him. One of the main things was that
she was a gold digger and he really didn’t know if she loved him. He got her a very nice car once, and
she didn’t even give him as much as a thank-you and proceeded to have sex with him instead. Sure it
felt good for a while, but half the time Allen felt like he was just putting up this show in order to make
everyone else feel good, to prove to everyone that he could have a girlfriend. Most of the time he was
alone, and for a while the media thought he was gay, which was the truth, but he didn’t know how to
say it to people so they would take him seriously.

That’s why he was in this mess with a woman who didn’t love him and instead used him for a career
boost. He should’ve picked a girl who was a little bit plainer and maybe had a personality, but Allen
knew that she would end up just like Jennifer. Women did that; they would be all nice to you in order
to get a little bit of your money so they could further their own damn agendas and don’t really give a
rat’s ass about you.

“Turn around. I want to fuck your ass”, Allen breathed. He hadn’t done anal with Jennifer in a long
time, and frankly, even though he didn’t really want her he still liked the feeling of her tight ass. It
was the closest he was going to get to what he wanted, so he was at least going to milk it.

“Why? I want you inside my pussy,” she whined.

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“I want you from behind,” Allen replied. He hated being so demanding, but the whining routine was
starting to get old. Plus she was a brat and honestly, he thought she faked her orgasms just so that he
could feel good and she could get more money or some other little treat from him.

She moved onto her stomach and pushed her behind up. Allen grabbed the lube that she kept in her
drawer and tried to lube himself up, but it was getting harder to be erect. He didn’t find this sexy
anymore, and frankly he wanted nothing more than to get out of here and back to his office to work.
However, he knew that if she found out she would shame him and his name would be soiled, so he
played along with her game, until he had the chance to think things over and figure out a good way to
really talk to her and get what he wanted out of it, which was a breakup. That sounded like the best
thing ever.

He positioned himself by her entrance, staying hard enough to get it inside her. She let out a little
moan as he entered, but Allen wasn’t able to maintain the stiffness in his cock. He could feel the
distraction increasing as he did this, and it was only a matter of time before he was about to go soft
and she would realize it.

He started to thrust in and out, but he could feel himself getting limp. She looked at him with an
annoyed look on her face, as if she was about to yell at him and cuss him out for his problems.

“What the fuck is this?” she asked.

Allen looked at her in an embarrassed manner and sighed. He wasn’t able to get out of it now, so it
was better now than never.

“Sorry babe. I just honestly don’t feel like I’m in the mood tonight. I have a lot on my mind with the
acquisition and frankly I just don’t feel like doing this,” he said. It was the truth, just a tiny bit
stretched. That wasn’t the only thing on his mind. He would rather have a hot guy under him than
some tawdry girl who seemed to not care about him at all. She was a whore, and he saw her as what
she was now.

“Well you’re out of the office Allen. You should just suck it up and forget about it right now. I get it
you’re worried about your company but I’m horny and frankly you should just chill out. God, you
worry about things way too much,” she replied.

“Sorry Jennifer. I just can’t get my mind off of it. I mean I love you and all, but this is one of the
biggest deals I am going to take, and I have to really keep my guard up so that I’m able to really seal
the deal and give them an offer that they can’t refuse,” he replied. It was the truth. He was worried
about the offer and the last thing he wanted was for them to decline it. If they did decline it, then he
would screwed and the competition would be able to sweep him easily. He knew the outcomes that
could some out of this, and even though he was ready to take the risks, he still had his attention on the
fact that if he lost this deal he could lose everything.

“Well you think about work way too much you know that?” she said.

“I’m sorry Jennifer. I try to take my mind off of it, but it’s very hard. I mean I do a lot and honestly,
I don’t feel much appreciated by you at all. It’s a tad bit disheartening and I hate it a lot,” he
admitted. He finally had the guts to say it, and the look on Jennifer’s face was cold and angry.

“What!? So you’re saying that I don’t do enough? I take time out of my fucking life for you, Hell I
decided to get into a relationship with your sorry ass even though I had five people tell me otherwise.
Despite their pleas for me to do otherwise, I decided to take the chance. I thought ‘hey, why not?
He’s a nice guy and he has a ton of money and I think we would be a great couple.’ Yet now I get this
bullshit. You don’t even want to do it with me anymore because of something stupid and fucked up. I
don’t get you Allen. You’re so fucking weird. I mean what kind of guy doesn’t want to do it with his

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girlfriend after they haven’t seen each other in over a week. I took out precious time and missed a
Hollywood party to spend time with you and this is the thanks I get? What the Hell! You’re nothing
but a loser and a fucking freak and honestly I wonder why in the world I ever decided to stay with
you,” she said. She was searing angry and Allen was pissed too. He didn’t need this type of treatment
from a significant other, and she was really trying his patience.

“I’m sorry okay? I’m sorry that I’m nabbing one of the biggest deals ever that could really help my
company and really make me even more successful. I’m sorry I’m such a pathetic stepping-stone in
your washed-out modeling career. You know what, I’m sorry but I don’t think we should see each
other anymore,” he said. He was happy that he admitted it, but the look on her face was that of
daggers. She was pissed, and he didn’t know that if he pissed off a woman she would remember that
from then on out.

“So you’re breaking up with me? Well fuck you too!” she said.

“I want to Jennifer. I don’t feel like you treat me with respect. I do a lot for you and I simply get a
little bit of praise and even less passion. This doesn’t feel like a relationship at all, this makes me
think you’re just being a gold digger and using your body and your pitiful position to make me stay
with you,” he replied. Allen was pissed and if this was the end then he was going to admit everything
to him.

“I don’t treat you with respect? Oh honey you have it ass backwards! I treat you with respect. You
should be happy to have me as a girlfriend. I have some of the hottest stars in Hollywood asking me if
I could dump you and go with them. I almost thought about it. But you know what? I didn’t.
Because I loved you and I really cared about you. I could see past the bullshit that you had, but now
that you’re more concerned about money and your company than you are of me I know exactly where
your fucking priorities lie. It’s sad and shameful, and I hope that the deal doesn’t get through. I
honestly don’t. Because you’re nothing but a jackass who doesn’t appreciate women,” she replied.

Allen couldn’t believe what was coming out of her mouth. She really didn’t take breakups that well,
and even though he hated her he wanted at least try to reason with her. He knew that she didn’t really
mean what she said, but as Allen tried to talk to the woman, all he got back was hatred.

“Jennifer I want to reason with you. I’m not the only bad guy in this. You are too and honestly if
you’re blaming this all on me that just proves how much of a selfish bitch you really are,” he replied.
It was a hurtful statement, but it was the truth. She was being completely and utterly unreasonable,
and frankly, Allen wasn’t going to take any of this anymore.

“Well you’re not reasoning with me as well. You know, I honestly thought this was going to work
out. I thought you might be the one for me. But I guess that’s not true. You know what? Go on your
merry way. I don’t want to see you anymore,” she said.

“How can you say that? You’re just as much to blame. I thought this might work out too, but when I
see the real colors, I know that it’s nothing but a lie. You’re a liar Jennifer, a fucking liar that has
nothing going for her. I hope your career washes up, because I’m not going to be the one to bail you
out,” Allen said. It’s the truth. If things didn’t, go her way and she was sold into some sex trafficking
business because of her career that barely counted as modeling, he wasn’t going to be the one to help.
He was done, and frankly, he was ready to get out.

“Get the hell out of my apartment. I never want to see you again,” she said.

“Let me at least get my stuff first,” he replied. She got up, grabbed his jeans, shirt, jacket, keys,
wallet, phone, and PDA, brought them all out to the front door, and dropped them all out there. She
looked at him with wide eyes that immediately screamed she was pissed at him and ready for him to

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“There you go. Everything is out there. Don’t ever come by here again,” she simply said. She
slammed the door in his face and Allen looked at her, trying to calm down and prevent the growls that
were starting to admit from his mouth.

“Of all the spoiled rotten brats in Hollywood, how the fuck did I end up with this one?” he asked
aloud. He wanted to transform, to be the true form that he really was, but he held back. Now wasn’t
the time to use that, and he had to be careful. If Jenifer saw that, she could easily send that to the
press and he would have to pay good money to get that out of the tabloids. Even then, they probably
would still publish it, ruining his name, and branding him as a freak forever. He didn’t want that, and
he especially didn’t want his company to suffer because of the misfortunes that he had.

Allen put on his clothing and grabbed his other stuff. He was happy that the woman didn’t try to
hijack his wallet. He didn’t want to have to spend the night calling various credit card companies ad
bank accounts and canceling each of them because of the foolish woman, and he wasn’t in the mood to
deal with her. Allen needed some time alone, so when he got to his Ferrari and looked up. She was at
the window giving him the look and the middle finger and he simply opened up his window and
flipped her off back. He was not in the mood for her shit, and he was ready to leave this part of her
life. He started his car, went down the road out of her place, and to the office. He was ready for a nice
night alone, and ready to have the peace and quiet that he deserved.


While Allen drove, he thought about the day he realized he was a werebear. There were only about a
thousand of them in existence all over the world, and he remembered the fateful day as if it was
yesterday. It was about 15 years ago when he discovered that he had this deadly secret and he had to
make sure that it didn’t get out lest he wanted to be scorned by everyone.

The day it happened was a weird one. He was about ten years old and he was outside playing with his
little sister. He remembered the day vividly. The sun was shining, the grass felt good, and Allen was
happy he could play soccer with his little sister. The night came, and they were out in the middle of
the field that was surrounded by forests. They had gone home, and Allen’s sister Catherine looked at
him with a worried look.

“Allen where do you think we are?” she asked. She had the cutest voice and Allen really did care
about his sister. That was the last time he would ever see her too, for it was the night that he was able
to make it back out alive and she was the one to suffer the fateful death.

“I don’t know Catherine. But the house has to be nearby. I know mom and dad told us to be home by
sunset, but I wanted to kick your butt at least once more”, he grinned. Allen was a star soccer player
before the day of the accident, and right after that; he took up football as a way to get out his
frustration without having to be reminded of his sister.

“Alright,” she said. The two of them walked deeper into the forest to where a tiny house was. There
were lights decorated everywhere and they seemed to be right on them as they walked by. Allen
grabbed his sister’s hand, who was only seven at the time, and they walked to the front of the house.
Catherine held onto his hand tighter and looked at the door.

“Should we knock?” she asked.

“I think that’s the best thing we can do. If there is someone here at least they’ll answer and they
might have a phone. We can call mom and dad and they can come pick us up,” Allen replied. Allen
was shocked that he wasn’t seen this place prior to this day. He knew these woods inside and out, but
he didn’t remember an old house. It was weird, and Allen wanted to figure out this mess before he got
even deeper into it.

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They walked up to the door and knocked on it. They didn’t hear anything for a moment and then
Catherine tugged on his hand. Allen looked at the girl and she had a look of fright plastered on her

“We need to get out of here. They’re coming,” she said.

“What are you talking about sis? There’s no one here. I don’t even see a car here, so I don’t know
how much help this place is going to be to us,” he replied. The place was completely deserted, and
Allen wondered if there were any chance he would be able to figure this all out.

Catherine looked around but Allen ignored her warning and knocked on the door again. There was
still no sign, which was weird and Allen wanted an answer. There couldn’t be some old abandoned
house with lights on and no one here.

“Hello! Is anyone here?” he asked. That was the best way to get attention at times, and he knew that
if this person didn’t hear that then they’re either dead or blind.

“Allen let’s get out of here. We can find the road or something and travel to another house,” she said

“Don’t worry about it Catherine. There’s nothing out here to hurt us. The only thing out here is the
darkness and this creepy house. Don’t worry, big brother is here too—“

Before he could say anything the place went completely pitch black, and the lights flickered two more
times before the place went dead. After a second Allen looked around, but the last thing he heard was
the scream from his sister and the sound of her being dragged before he heard a stabbing noise.

“Catherine! Where are you?” he asked. His tough demeanor was gone, replaced by nothing but fear
and shock. What happened to his sister? Was she dead? She couldn’t be dead, and Allen looked
around in a frantic manner.

After a second, he heard a snigger and looked up. He could see some shadows and he wanted to
scream, but before he did, he was knocked unconscious. The last thing he saw was a couple of bears
with humanlike tendencies. This was weird, and Allen wanted to get out of here, but after every
second, he could feel himself slipping away until he was completely lost in his own little world.

When Allen woke up, he was in the middle of the forest where the house was. The lights were off now
and it was the middle of the day. Allen looked around, and it seemed like a normal place and he was
still the same ten-year-old he was before. However, when he got up he realized that he was a bit
stockier. He looked around in shock, but there was no explanation for it. He tried to walk normally,
but after a few steps, he fell down. He got on four feet and tried to walk around, and even that was
weird for him.

“What’s going on?” he asked aloud. He looked around, but there was nothing to see except for the
forest and the house. He walked around it, and the place had signs telling him to keep out and
whatever he did, don’t try to ring the doorbell.

“Well they could have at least told me that a few hours ago,” he said. It had to have been more than
twelve hours since he was last conscious, and everything seemed clearer. He also had the weirdest
craving for fish. He looked around and saw a tiny little stream. He approached the stream and when
he looked into the water he saw something that shocked him.

“What happened to me?” he cried out. Instead of the human face Allen was used to, he had turned into
a brown bear. He had pointed teeth and thick, round ears and a stubby nose. He couldn’t believe his
eyes, and he looked at the reflection with shock on his face.

“Holy crap,” he said. He looked around and realized his body was a bear. It was very weird, but at the
same time, he was intrigued by it. After a minute or so, he looked up and saw signs pointing to the

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right and after lapping up some water he went over there. When he got there though, he looked at the
place in horror.

There was a stone pedestal, with some inscription on it. A note was attached to it and on the pedestal
laid his dead sister. She was gored completely, and all Allen saw of her was the cute face and the red
area where her heart used to be. The creatures from last night did a number on them, and Allen looked
at the place with shock.

“W-what’s going on?” he said. He saw the note and grabbed it, throwing it on the ground as best as he
could to read it.

Hello Allen,

We know who you are. Your sister was a fine sacrifice, and now you’re one of us. I hope you’re happy
with your life. Don’t worry, we won’t come after you as long as you don’t spill our secret. Every full
moon you turn into this, so make sure that you’re not anywhere around people. If you need help,
please come back you. You’ll find it. Also, you’ll be a bear for the next two days, so please make sure
that you stay out of trouble. We don’t want out newest member to have any issues now.


Allen looked at the note with shock on his face. He was to be stuck like this for the next two days.
What was he going to do about school? Or better yet, his future?

Allen thought about it, but he knew that right now the only thing he could do was live out in the wild
and hope to god there is a remedy. That’s what he did, and for the next two days he lived out there.
He moved away from the pedestal so he didn’t have to see Catherine, but with every step, he thought
about his little sister. He couldn’t believe it; it was almost too shocking to be true. Allen didn’t
believe that she was gone, and he still denied it. However, he had to fight for his survival, and after
two days, he woke up. His body was normal again, with just his jeans covering his body.

“Thank god I’m normal again,” he said. He sprinted back to his home, shocked that he was able to
remember it so easily. When he got there, he opened up the door and both his mother and father
looked at him with shock.

“You’re alive! Where’s your sister?” she asked.

Allen hung his head low and told the first lie he had ever told his parents. “I don’t know. We got
separated and now she’s gone,” he simply stated.

His parents got frantic and called the authorities. Search parties went out for the girl, but no one could
find her. That was because the place was hidden, only seen by the werebears and the prey that they
had. She was prey for these monsters, and Allen was the dumbass who brought her there.

After about a month of no results, they just gave up on her and they presumed she was dead, which
was the truth. His parents still thought that one day she would come home all happy and safe, but
Allen knew the truth. The little Catherine that knew everything and had the happy heart and the calm
mind was gone, replaced by the Catherine that was presumed missing in action with the hope that she
might show up one day or the next. It was blind hope, and Allen knew this. However, every holiday it
got awkward at dinner for they remembered the little girl who they wished was there with them but
knew wasn’t.

After the incident, Allen started to run away every full moon. He was a monster, and this got his
parents worried. He made the school’s football team as a linebacker, but wasn’t able to keep up with
it because of his disappearances. He didn’t go to college, and instead decided to move onto a small
business venture with the friends he had that would later become his paper company. When he turned
18, however Allen went back to the house and looked at the place, remembering the memories of it.

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He knocked on the door and after a second, the door opened. In it was a beautiful woman with pale
skin and a shining face.

“I knew you would be here,” she said.

“Yes. I need your help. I want to make a name for myself. I want to be normal again. Is there any
way to do that without changing?”

She smiled at him, grabbed something out of her pocket, and gave it to him. However, before she put
it in his hand she looked at him.

“You promise you will never spill our secret?” she asked.

“I promise,” he replied.

She smiled and dropped the thing into his hand. It was a silver bracelet. He looked at it with curiosity
and she smiled.

“You want me to explain this to you don’t you?” she said with a cheeky grin.

“That you be nice,” he simply said. He wasn’t in the mood for little games like this.

“Well when you wear this bracelet on either your wrist or ankles, you won’t transform. However, if
you take it off at all you will automatically do so. If you don’t put it back on you will change once a
month then. Understand?” she explained.

“I think I do.”

“Good. If you need help press the middle button and it will point you back to this place.”

“Alright. Thank you,” Allen said.

“You’re welcome. Thank you for the sacrifice you gave us eight years ago,” she simply said.

Allen nodded and walked out of the area, sickened with himself and what he did. He still couldn’t
believe it all, but now he would be able to live the life that he wanted to. After he put it on he told his
parents he was going to college and then made it into Western Valley. He got onto the dean’s list and
made honor roll as well, and was soon in possession of his business degree. His company expanded
and now it was an empire and Allen was happy. However, he still wished he could be happy and alone
in the wild as a bear. Over the years, it started to get better for him, for he accepted the life and
frankly salmon tastes great raw. But he knew that in order to keep the company he has he had to make
sure to keep his image up, and that was the sole reason for doing so. However, every single day he
thought to himself how much he wanted a simple life as a bear in the wild, catching fish in the stream
and just being happy.

Allen thought about the whole thing while driving and started to get sad. It was painful to remember,
but then he remembered the gift that he has. He realized he had a freedom at the palm of his hands
that he could grasp at any time, and if he really wanted to, he could. For now though, he wanted to
make sure that the company got what they needed, and once that was done, he would figure out how to
make his other dream come true.


When Allen got to the paper company, he felt happy but he also felt somewhat depressed. He wanted
the solitude, and getting Jennifer out of his life was a great step, but now he had other fish to fry. The
biggest one now was the deal from hell that he had to confront between his company Yakima Pulp and
Paper and the company he was making a deal with entitled McDonnel Farms. Both of them had a lot
of skin in this deal. Allen promised they would all become rich. He would be able to give their
company what they needed in exchange for the lumber to pulp into paper. It was a steal if they said
yes, for he would not only be able to take control of the timber manufacturing, but he would also be

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able to have a successful paper company as well. However, the problem was if they said no, he would
be stuck with his pants down and other companies could give McDonnel farms the deal they want, and
that could hinder his future success. If that happened, there was a strong chance the company could go
under, and that’s not what he wanted at all. Allen put years and a lot of dedication into this company,
and he didn’t know how in the world he would be able to deal with the setback of them disapproving
the deal. Allen had a nice custom house nearby but away from the city with its own swimming pool
and other great amenities. He also had major respect not only in his office, but around the other
companies as well. Allen had been the boss of things since the onset of the company, and he had a lot
of respect not only from the workers, but also even from his rivals. They wondered how he was able
to handle it all and it was due to the overwhelming perseverance that he seemed to have. It came
because he needed to change his life after the transformation into a werebear, and he needed to have a
great image of himself to ever get anywhere. Still, even though he felt good he still had the pressure
of others to worry about.

That was why he wanted to be alone. He wanted the solitude of being a bear in the forest with nothing
else around. He didn’t want the people of the world bothering him and saying how good he was, all he
wanted was to retire and live his life in the forest eating fish and having a great life. The problems of
his condition seemed to stop that however, and he was destined to have the life that he was granted.

When Allen got to the office, he felt a combination of both fear and boredom. He was sick of dealing
with the crap, but at the same time, he had to deal with it. He knew that it was only a matter of time
before things would go right, and he would just have to improvise and work with it. He parked his
Ferrari in the designated parking spot for him right by the front.

The office was completely deserted, and Allen was happy about that. Normally he would sometimes
have stragglers around, but it was 10 pm on a Saturday night, and he knew that whatever workers were
there were probably gone. He saw that the warehouse lights were off too, a sign that even the factory
had taken their leave for the evening. It seemed like the perfect night to get some much-needed work
done, for he wanted to be alone and have the peace and solitude of his office to work in.

Allen grabbed is briefcase, looking for a second at the keychain on his key ring. It was one of the few
gifts Jennifer ever gave to him. She got a dolphin keychain from a gig. She said it was stupid and
thought that he would like it. Allen took it at the time as a sign of gratitude, even though she had a
hard time showing it generally. Now he knew however that this woman didn’t give two shits about
him or his life, and she didn’t really love him. He pulled the keychain off his keys and dropped it in
the sewer, watching it fall for a second or so before he went into the building. Allen had no remorse
for dropping it. It was a symbol of the past that he wished to forget, and he knew that it was only a
matter of time before things changed.

When Allen got to the door, he opened it up, walking into the expansive lobby that the company had.
Allen remembered fondly when it was originally being built, loving the way it seemed to look in front
of him. The place had glass panes all over, with a clear view of the sky from the bottom to the
ceiling. It was one of the best things about the building, along with the fact that the desks looked both
modern but also had a traditional flare to them. That was the intention of the place, to have a young
but old look to it as if the paper company was a traditional one that was there for a long time. Allen
looked around at the other small offices, but he didn’t’ see anything else there at all. He went up to
his office in the elevator, which was at the top floor and was completely quiet.

That was the best thing about Allen’s office. Except for his secretary and the janitor, no one came up
and attempted to bother him when he was hard at work. Allen hated it when people tried to bother him
for stupid things, so he made sure that unless they were authorized personnel, they weren’t allowed
there. This allowed for a nice place that wasn’t plagued with interns coming to him every five or so

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minutes asking what to do. That was saved for the lower floors. The only other time he allowed
interns inside was when he was talking to them about possibly working for his company. He was
happy for the way he ran his office, and frankly, the lack of people was probably the reason why his
company was so strong and sufficient. He didn’t like annoying things bothering him unless it was to
his advantage.

Allen went to his desk and sat there, looking around at the place. It looked untouched, which was
weird considering the janitor was supposed to have cleaned the place a while ago. He started to do his
work, ignoring any of the weird signs that seemed to course through him about the place and focused
on the work that he had to do.

Allen booted up his laptop and looked at his office for a moment. There was a beautiful Persian rug
on the floor at his feet, and he had a perfectly made wood desk that looked pristine and beautiful. He
had a nice TV and lounge area too, that he used when he needed to take a load off and get away from
the problems for a little bit. it hadn’t been used in months since the idea of the deal came about
though, and Allen itched for the day when he would be able to live in solitude and do nothing else but
be a bear and life his life relaxing out on the couch when he wasn’t transformed. The idea was nice,
but Allen knew that in order to get there he had to work.

He also had a bookshelf as well, filled with business books and books on bears and the werebear
mythological tales. Apparently, it was a very popular topic in some romance novels, and although
Allen read them, he just didn’t really relate to them. He may have been a werebear, but at the same
time he was also a person most of the time and he didn’t feel that a stupid little book written by an
ignorant woman would do anything justice.

There was one book on the shelf that Allen got however, that was completely useful to his endeavors
on being a werebear. It was a book on werebear mythology, and it said how werebears came about.
That’s how he knew that he led Catherine to her demise years ago, and why he was cursed to transform
into a bear. He was able to control the transformation, which was something he wasn’t able to do
before, and he was happy that he was able to learn about a way to stop the transformations altogether.
He knew that the bracelet would only do so much good, but it was worth a try and he really wanted to
make sure that he could prevent any problems that might come up.

Allen thought about his other life and sighed. It was the life he wanted, even though he hated the fact
that he lost the sister he loved. In a very weird way, he really liked the idea of living young and free.
That was the only sense of freedom he got these days, and it was starting to sadden him. He wanted
solitude, to live alone, and to throw away all his adult problems.

Still, with everything going on Allen knew the only way to get to that goal was to finally get rid of the
bullshit in his life. He booted up his computer and started to work on it, thinking about the beauty of
the result of finally being able to live free.

Allen started to look over his company's stock chart, his manufacturing percentage, and his estimated
market share. There was a dip in his numbers a bit in the last week, but there was a holiday and some
people took off for those things. Frankly, Allen didn’t give a shit about them and he worked through
them, but that really effected his production on the weeks he had them. It was a problem, and Allen
wanted nothing more than to just make the issues go away. However, he had no choice but to see them
and instead of worrying about it, he started to form new strategies on how to get past them. He looked
it over and saw that if he were able to somehow double the production of last week he would be in the
clear. Sure, the paper people actually doing the work would probably hate him, but it’s their fault for
not actually taking the time and really working when they should have been. It’s their loss, and Allen
wasn’t in the mood to play games. He wanted this deal, and he would do anything to make sure that it

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Allen continued to look at things when he heard a small noise. He looked up, but there was nothing

“What the Hell is that?” he said. He looked around the room for any signs of life. If it was one of his
interns, he was going to be pissed. He wanted the solitude of his place, and the fact that someone tried
to disturb him was getting ridiculous.

Allen didn’t see anything however and went back to work again. Even though the renovations were
new, the place still had an old and eerie feeling. He was in the older part of the building and it had a
bit of a creepy air to it. Before the place was converted to the paper factory, a newspaper office had
survived a couple of fires that happened. The last one took a ton of damage, and after that, the people
weren’t able to take care of it so they sold the place to Allen and his company. The renovations were a
little pricy, but the location was ideal for where he needed to be, and it was more than enough space
for him. Plus with the addition of the factory on the place made it even better, for he didn’t have to
drive a whole lot just to make sure that everything was running smoothly. It was the ideal location but
the building did have a ghostlike and ethereal feeling when one was alone, and the older part really did
have that effect on people.

Allen disregarded the worries though and went back to work. He spent about a half hour drawing up
contracts and the different provisions when he heard another sound. He looked up again, this time
feeling a little bit uneasy.

“Okay who’s there?” he asked aloud once again. Still, there was no sound and Allen got nervous. He
lightly touched his pocket to make sure the knife was still there, and he had the bracelet on his hand
and he was ready to pull it off if he needed to. Allen got up and walked out of his office and out the
door, looking around in the dark hallway.

One of the lights was busted, so it made the place look even weirder. When he got out of the
sanctuary of his office he looked around, but there was still nothing. Something wasn’t right, and
even though Allen didn’t believe in ghosts as harmful things, he still felt uneasy. He heard another
grunt again and Allen walked to where it was. He went to the end of the hall where the figure was and
there was something else next to him. Allen walked up to the figure quickly. He would shoo whatever
it was out of the building in order to get rid of them. Even though security seemed to be lacking
tonight, Allen had the brute strength to handle whatever was out there.

“Hey what are you do—“

Before Allen could say anything else, he immediately stood facing the creature, fear present in his
face. Right in front of him was a bear holding a mop, and the creature looked at him with the same
look of shock.


Allen looked at the creature with fright on his face, and he was in shock at the way this thing looked.
He thought he was the only werebear in the area except for the ones who turned him, but lo and behold
he saw one of his kind right in front of him. Allen didn’t know whether to be scared or relieved that
this person was there, and Allen grabbed the wall for support.

“G-get out! What are you doing here? Did the house send you? Don’t tell me you’re trying to get
another sacrifice!” he bellowed.

The bear looked at him with a look of utter curiosity.

“I swear, if you ate John—“

Before Allen could say anything else he saw the familiar light of the transformation happening again,

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and soon Allen was facing the one person he least expected to be in front of him.

Right before his eyes stood the janitor of three years John Doleman. He was a very handsome guy and
Allen did have a big crush on him for a very long time. With those sexy eyes and the looks to die for,
it was no wonder that it was him. Allen was in shock still and moved away for a second before he
continued talking to the man. It was too weird, and Allen needed an explanation.

“What are you doing here?” Allen said. He was still in shock about all this, and Allen was both happy
yet sad that John was a werebear as well. He wanted the man so damn much, but he was worried about
what the man would think because of the reaction. Allen was just in shock, and John looked at him
with a smile on his face.

“Sorry for scaring you. I was just working and I didn’t mean to transform. I’m still getting used to it,
but I’m able to transform on command and stuff. It’s still a bit messy especially during the full
moon,” John replied. He was very nonchalant about it, and even though Allen was in shock he was
happy that the man wasn’t too disturbed by the way he reacted.

“S-sorry. I didn’t mean to worry you John. I was just alone, I heard the noise, and I got scared. When
I walked out and saw you, I honestly thought there was another werebear here for me. I remember the
last time they came for me. That’s how I lost my sister and stuff. Now that I know you’re not the bad
ones I’m a bit relieved honestly,” Allen replied. He tried to keep his calm demeanor, but when he
looked at John he couldn’t help but love the way the man fit into his uniform. Allen didn’t really
study him a whole lot when he was working at the office during the open hours due to the fact he
didn’t want the attention drawn to himself, but Allen saw that this man seemed to have the body that
he craved and wanted so badly. Allen could see the man’s muscular torso and strong arms easily, and
the man had soft eyes and a very sexy head of hair. He was so pretty and perfect that Allen couldn’t
help but be infatuated with him when he got a good look at him. He was completely sexy after all.

“It’s fine. So why weren’t you worried? Honestly I thought you would be scared shitless when you
saw me,” he replied.

Allen took a deep breath, wondering if this was the right thing to do. He really liked the guy, and
there was really no way out of it. He wanted to show this man his true colors, and it seemed only
fitting that he would do it now.

“Because…I’m just like you,” Allen admitted.

“What do you mean?”

Before Allen replied, he instinctively untied his bracelet off his hand. He put it on the desk and after a
second, he transformed into a bear as well. He looked at John with a bit of a shocked look on his face
for even having the gall to show this to anyone, but as John looked at him he was fascinated with this
man. He was also horny, and just thinking about the fact that he was all alone with his boss caused the
bulge in his pants to get a tiny bit bigger.

John had a crush on Allen since the day he walked into this building. He originally took the job
because he was desperate for money, and being a poor college student was getting harder with each
day. However, when the man saw Allen for the first time he was immediately tantalized, and he loved
seeing the man’s sexy face and husky body. Allen was a bigger man than he was, but Allen seemed to
see the same thing in him as John did in the CEO. They worked together, and John worked hard each
day in hopes that he would tell Allen how he really felt eventually.

After a second, Allen grabbed the bracelet and put it against his skin. Immediately a small light shone
through as he changed back into his normal human shape. He looked at John with a sheepish look on
his face. He was still nervous about showing the man his true colors, but at the same time, he was

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happy that he did. It was better to get it all out of the way now then to just live on and hope that
neither of them found out.

“So now you know,” Allen said. He hoped that John wouldn’t go to the press with it. Even though
John was one as well, he knew that he could easily get Allen in trouble and then walk out with a better
job at some rival company with the experience he had. He didn’t know about John’s true feelings
toward the man though, so that was not going to happen.

“I do. And honestly, I’m glad. It’s almost relieving because I have a very similar secret as well and
knowing that you understand it just makes thing as whole lot easier in my opinion,” he replied.

“What do you mean?”

John smiled and moved so he was closer to Allen. Even though john had been working hard cleaning
all night, he still smelled nice and Allen got a whiff of the man’s aftershave as he started to move his
body really close. John looked at Allen for a second before he asked his next question.

“So Allen I have to ask, what did you think when you saw me? Were you happy? Sad? Angry?

“I was a little bit shocked, but that was about it. Why?” Allen replied. He wanted to know what this
man was getting at, and John simply smiled at the man as he looked at him.

“Well because I want to make you happy, and I could tell that there’s something different about you
that I seem to possess as well,” he replied.

“What do you mean?”

“Well I have to say you don’t hide the fact that you’re gay very well. I was able to see through that
façade easily. I know that any straight man with a girl like her, even if she is a whore and a gold
digger, would absolutely love it and they would do anything for a precious piece of crap like that. But
you seemed to like to push her away. I was a little bit shocked by that. I was expecting a man who
would fall head over heels for a woman who seemed to not even deserve the love and attention that
she was getting, yet here you were just letting her go by the wayside and thinking more about your job
than you were about the woman. That was sign number one that you were like me. You were also
gay,” John admitted.

Allen looked at the man with a shocked expression before speaking. “So you’re gay too? And why
didn’t you rat me out? I mean you could easily turn this into some fucking scandal that could go
places,” Allen said.

“Because Allen, I stayed with you in this company for this long for a reason, and I wanted to tell you
for a while. However, when I saw you alone tonight I felt like tonight would be the chance. I wanted
to make my appearance to you as a human, but since my inability to control my transformation
prevented that it kind of ruined the impression I was trying to make and the thing I wanted to say to
you,” John replied.

“Which was?”

Before Allen got anything more out of the man John moved up to where he was. They stared at one
another for a good minute or so before john smiled at Allen. Allen was still trying to comprehend all
this, but before he could ask about anything else, John pressed his lips to his in a chaste kiss.

Allen was in shock by all this. He didn’t know what to do, but he liked it a lot. He hadn’t really been
able to explore the gay side of him in a long time, not since he’s gotten big and famous and didn’t
want to be seen by the media at a gay club or with a guy or something. However, kissing John was
something that he loved already and he was already addicted to this man. They started to kiss a little
bit harder, and Allen loved the feel of the smaller man’s rougher lips as they kissed each other hard.

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Allen started to pull the man closer to him, pushing him up against his body.

John was in heaven right now at the action, and he wanted nothing more than to keep doing this. He
was still new to kissing a guy as well, but there was something different and nice about it, that’s for
sure. They continued to lock lips with each other for a good minute or two before Allen pulled away,
looking at John with a look of desire and lust.

“So that’s what you’ve wanted to do for a while?” he joked.

“Yes. That and tell you that I love you Allen. I know that sounds weird coming from a man who until
now was just your janitor, but I’ve wanted to tell you that for a long time. I know that it might be a bit
weird to hear, but honestly, it’s the truth. I’ve been waiting about three months to say it, I just needed
the chance to do so,” the man replied. It was true, and Allen could see that the man was serious about
it. After a second, Allen smiled at him.

“Well good. I’ve always been fond of you as well John. You’re a very attractive man, and honestly
I’ve been just as interested in you as you have of me,” he replied.

“Oh really? Well then how about we dirty this area up a little bit? I haven’t cleaned it yet, and I know
that you would love to use this area a little bit more,” he cooed.

Allen smiled and locked lips with the man again, this time with a lot more passion and fervency than
earlier. They started to kiss each other harder and harder, and Allen lightly moaned as he felt the
other man’s lips on his. It was pleasurable, and Allen could feel the bulge in his pants as they started
to make out. John smiled and Allen knew what the man was thinking. It was almost like the
telepathically knew what the other wanted. Allen pushed John up against the wall and ground his body
into the other man’s causing John to moan lightly underneath him.

Allen could feel the bulge get tighter and tighter and he loved it. He started to move his hand to it and
stroked John’s needing area. John moaned, lightly bucking his hip in synchronization with Allen’s
touches of his body. They both wanted it, and Allen knew that if he gave into it now he wasn’t going
to stop.

Allen thought about a lot of things at first. He hoped that no one saw them and that security wasn’t
doing their job that night. He hoped that if the video was on he could disable the tapes and be able to
get rid of the evidence. He hoped that if someone did see this they didn’t try to go to the press with it,
for they would have a field day with something like this. However, as Allen thought of it seemed like
everything was silenced by John’s lips as they continued to kiss. Allen was in love with this man, and
even though he didn’t know it at first he knew now that he definitely wanted him more than anything.

John was in heaven with the man’s touches. It was like everything he dreamed of, and the feeling of
Allen wanting him and craving the feelings just as much as he did was utterly amazing. He didn’t
know a man would ever want him as much as he wanted them, and feeling the tender touch of him was
something remarkable. They continued to kiss more and Allen pushed his tongue into John’s mouth,
moving it and mingling it with his. John moaned at the feeling as Allen moved his lips right over the
edge of his upper lip and his tongue touched the top of his mouth. John was amazed by all this, but he
wanted more. He wanted to feel the amazing feelings he had with this man in other parts of his body.

“P-please take me”, John gasped. Allen loved the way the man sounded. He was so innocent, so
fragile. Yet he was so submissive to him that it made Allen even hornier than before. Allen moved
away from the man’s lips and to his neck, trailing kisses down it. He moved over to his vein on his
neck and started to lightly lick it and suck on it, causing a moan to escape john as he did this. Allen
loved being in control, but he loved the way John looked in front of him even more. It was remarkable
and sexy, and Allen knew that it was only a matter of time before he really got have fun with him.

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He pulled off John’s uniform shirt, revealing his taut chest. It was completely hairless and Allen
loved that. He didn’t really like hair, but he would deal with it if he had to. He moved down the
man’s body to one of his nipples, which he took in his mouth. In his left hand was the man’s other
nipple, which he started to thread through his fingers.

“Fuck!” John emitted. That was the only thing the man could say as he felt this. Allen smiled and
continued to do this, loving the way the man’s back seemed to arch and move perfectly as he did this.
Allen was having a lot of fun teasing this man, and he wanted to continue. However, he knew that this
man was soon going to be ready for more.

Allen wanted to try out a few more things however before he started to have some fun with the man’s
needing organ. He started to bite on the nipple lightly, being careful not to draw blood but being hard
enough to cause stimulation. The man moaned, his back arching up and his crotch touching Allen’s.
Allen was on the edge already and he moaned as the man grazed him, and they both knew that they
wanted more. Allen started to twist his other nipple, causing a groan to escape him as Allen smiled
while he did this. He loved the way the man seemed to go crazy with everything he did. It was
somewhat sexy in a very weird way, and he liked the pleasure he gave to John.

“You like this a lot don’t you?” Allen cooed.

‘Y-yes,” John said.

Allen smiled as he continued to twist the little bud a bit more, loving the little breathy moans that
came out of John’s mouth. He was so perfect for him, and Allen couldn’t help bit but wish he had told
the janitor he had the hots for him a while ago. This would have been even better, but Allen was
happy now.

He started to move his hands to where John’s fly was. Slowly but surely he started to unzip it quietly,
causing John to moan in anticipation. He wanted Allen so much, and Allen loved the need the man
had in his eyes. After a little bit he finally got his pants off and threw them off him and onto the
floor. He saw the bulge in John’s pants and Allen couldn’t help but lick his lips in wanting and

“You look delicious,” he said.

John flushed a little bit as Allen started to pull down the other man’s boxers. He was able to get them
off with ease, and Allen looked at the man’s hard member. He was getting even harder as well, but
first he wanted to tease John first and prepare him before he did what he was going to do.

Allen moved his body down so that his face was right at eye level with the man’s hard member. He
lightly started to push his mouth against it, sucking on it a little bit at first before getting it deeper into
his mouth. Immediately John moaned, bucking his hips a little bit and causing Allen to grin in
happiness and surprise. He started to push the hard member even deeper into his mouth, getting the
phallic organ right into his throat and taking it in. He started to move up and down on it harder,
causing John to tremble in pleasure.

“Fuck this feels good,” he said. He could barely make comprehensive sentences, so he was trying
hard. Allen could see that and smiled at the man’s attempts. It was somewhat cute in a way, and
Allen liked to see that the man was really enjoying himself.

He started to move up and down on the man’s member once again, loving the way the man moaned
and cried as he tongue started to glide over the head of his cock. Allen knew that was a sensitive part
in every man, and he loved to see the look on his face when Allen did it. Allen started to move up and
down on it in a rhythm, loving the way it felt. He wanted to do even more, and he was starting to
devise ways to give this guy even more pleasure than he expected.

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Allen thought of an ingenious way to make this man go crazy while he prepared John for the
penetration about to come. He started to snake his hand to the man’s backside, feeling his way to his
entrance. He started to push a digit into there, causing John to moan and gasp at the sudden touch.
Allen smiled and started to move it in and out of his hole slowly. He wasn’t completely in yet, but he
could tell from the way John liked the feeling at his entrance the fucking him was going to be

“Fuck this feels good,” John simply said. He had no other words for it. Even though it was good, he
felt like he needed to explain it in more detail. Allen didn’t care though and only wanted to fuck this
man and give him the pleasure that he wanted. He started to pull his finger out and pulled his mouth
off the man’s cock, smiling at him.

“Turn around. I want to feel the inside of you,” Allen said. He hadn’t ever said that to a man ever,
and in a weird way he liked the way it sounded. He heard it feels amazing. The only thing he’s ever
done however was give a blowjob in high school to a guy along with anal fingering, so he definitely
wasn’t completely experienced. However, he pretended pretty well and knew that he could so this.

John nodded and moved up against the wall. He was significantly smaller than Allen was and Allen
was happy about it. He started to lick his finger, making sure that it was lubricated at least a little bit.
He positioned himself by John’s entrance and started to push his fingers in, causing a moan to escape
John. John hadn’t been anally fucked in a very long time, so he wasn’t very used to having something
penetrate him. Allen saw this and started to move his fingers in and out of him a little bit slower,
making sure that he didn’t tear anything and was able to give this man pleasure.

“Fuck!” John said. Allen liked the way the man tightened up, and Allen was ready to really feel how
John felt inside of him. Allen started to prepare him a little bit faster, inserting another finger into the
man’s hole. He wanted to make sure he was nice and open before Allen started to have his way with
the man. John moaned as Allen did this, loving the way he seemed to fill him up in ways he hadn’t
expected. Allen smiled and pushed his fingers in a little bit deeper, causing a moan and a gasp to
escape him.

“Ahh!” he said. Allen knew that this man was completely smitten with him and he knew that it was
time to have real fun with him.

Allen started to undo his pants so that his hard erection popped out of his pants. He positioned
himself at the man’s exit and started to enter him, causing John to moan and gasp in both pain and
pleasure. He wasn’t used to it, but the feeling was still good. Allen took it slow as he inched deeper
and deeper into the man’s exit. It was nice, and the sucking sensation already made him feel like he
was about to come. However, he knew that he had to keep calm and pleasure this man a little bit
more. Allen started to move until he was completely inside of John, loving how tight it seemed to
feel. He waited a second, loving how tight he was. However, he didn’t want to hurt the man, so he
started out slowly before he started to thrust into the man.

“Are you all right?” Allen asked.

“Yes I am,” John replied. He was completely turned on by all this, and he loved the way it felt. His
cock was still completely hard with desire and Allen loved that the man was perfect for him and he
could feel how tight and lithe he was under him. After a second, Allen started to move in and out of
him, penetrating the man’s entrance even harder than before. Immediately Allen was moaning in
pleasure at all of this. He loved it a lot, and he forgot how good it was to have this feeling. Allen saw
the anticipation in the man’s face, and he continued to push himself in and out of John with even more
ferocity. He started to move into him even faster, and as he did that John was writhing underneath
him. Allen pushed him down a little bit, so he could penetrate him at a different angle, and as he did

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that, he soon found the man’s prostate.

John wasn’t able to take it a whole lot anymore. It was so nice, and feeling Allen inside of him was
already too much. After a couple more thrusts, Allen pushed his hand onto John’s cock, cupping the
organ as John orgasmed. His entrance tightened, and as it did, Allen moaned, loving how tight it was.
He thrust into him once more before he came himself. His white liquid filled up the man’s hole and
caused them both to moan. John loved the feeling of his hole being filled up and Allen felt like he
came five times when he pulled up this man. After finishing up Allen pulled out of John and looked at
him with a smile on his face.

“So what do you think?” Allen asked.

“That was amazing. I’m not going to lie. I’ve always wanted to feel it honestly and I’ve never been
able to. But now that I’m with you I have felt pleasure I never expected to feel”, John replied.

“Good. Same here,” Allen admitted. He really did feel this way, and he wanted more from this man.

After a second, John came over and turned into a bear. Allen looked at him with a look of worry, but
he knew what the man wanted to do. The thought of being taken by John as a bear made him hot, and
Allen slipped off the bracelet, causing him to turn into a bear as well. Allen hadn’t ever imagined sex
like this, but he was open to it. As he did that john came over and nuzzled him, smiling a little bit.

John moved behind him and moved his body so that he was on top of Allen. It was a bit awkward at
first, but John was able to hold himself pretty well, and Allen was able to relax. John started to
position himself by Allen’s entrance and started to slowly inch in. It was certainly tight, and Allen
growled at the feeling. He wasn’t necessarily in pain, but it was definitely something that he hadn’t

John started to push himself deeper and deep into Allen and Allen welcomed the feeling. After a
second, he could feel John completely inside him and after a moment of getting used to it, John started
to push himself slowly in and out of Allen. Allen lightly growled to convey a moan as John did this.
It felt amazing, and the best part was he could feel John getting deeper and deeper into him. He
wanted to feel the man take him and fuck him so hard until he found his prostate. He had dreamed of
something like that before, but none of his cover girlfriends ever wanted to fuck him with a strap-on.
They always thought that it was a bit weird, and none of them seemed to understand that he really
wanted it. He even tried to beg Jennifer because she liked the kinky stuff, but even she refused. After
a moment, Allen forgot about those problems, and his exes, and was focused on being fucked hard by
John. It was the only thing that mattered to him now. He didn’t need to worry about his exes who
didn’t really know jack shit, he had bigger concerns. Big cock in his asshole concerns.

After a couple more thrusts Allen could feel like he was about to come again. John noticed this and
used all his force to push into him, immediately finding his prostate. Allen roared in pleasure at this,
and he felt weak to his knees. The force was so much, and he immediately came again. John finished
up and he came as well. The load was a little bit smaller because they had already came before, but it
was still nice. After thrusting a few more times to finish, john pulled out of Allen and smiled. He
morphed back into a bear and Allen felt for his bracelet. He put it over his hand, causing him to
morph back into a human. The two men looked at each other for a second before the spoke to one

“Well now that that’s out the bag what should we do?” Allen asked.

“Honestly I want to get away from here. I’m so sick of being here, and all I’ve wanted to do recently
was just go to the forest and fish in the streams,” John replied.

“I think that’s a great idea,” Allen said. They both smiled at each other and grasped each other’s

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hands before they went back down to the front lobby of the place. The cameras were on, and before
they left Allen turned to John.

“I have to make a stop at the security office. Care to join me?” Allen asked.

“Sure,” John replied. They walked back to the security room where the video was playing. Allen went
over to where the video file for the upper area where his office was and deleted the video. The
security guard was asleep, but he didn’t want to take any risks by leaving it there.

“Well now that’s over we don’t have to worry about anyone knowing about us,” Allen said.

“That’s good. For both of our sakes. I can’t imagine what people would think if they found out you
were not only gay, but also a bear,” John admitted.

“Trust me, I’ve thought about it before but I’ve been too worried to really think about it or take any
action on it. I have just hoped that no one asked about it. So far that’s worked, but I don’t want to
take any chances. Especially with Jennifer out of the picture,” Allen replied.

“Well I’m glad she’s gone, so now we can finally be together,” John said. Allen smiled and gave the
man a peck on the lips. It was very short, but it was still sweet. After they deleted the video, the two
of them walked out of the security room and to the lobby, waiting a moment before they walked out of
the building. Allen led John to where his car was, and when they got there, Allen slid in. John saw a
look on his face that was a combination of both excitement and worry. John placed his hand on
Allen’s thigh, smiling at him warmly.

“Don’t worry about it babe. Everything will be okay,” John said.

“I know. But still.”

“Trust me. You’re so amazing and awesome that I can’t help but love you. You’ll get through this.
We both will. And once the deal goes through we could finally be together forever”, John replied. He
had the same idea as Allen did, and the fact that he did was somewhat comforting to him. He was
happy that he still had someone on his side that really did understand him. It had been a long time
since he had someone who really did care, and the fact that this man really did care as much as he did
was nice. It was refreshing to him, and he loved it a lot.

After a little bit Allen thought it was time to go. He hoped the deal would go through, as it was
supposed to happen tomorrow and he wasn’t keen to being there. His assistant was going to bring
everything to the deal and make sure that it went through, and Allen just had to hope and pray that
things worked. Allen started to drive the car out of the office area and down the road to where the
highway was. He wanted to get away from here, and he was ready to move on with his life. To hell
with work and other such things, he had the only thing that mattered to him right here. He wanted
John more than anything, and John knew that as well.

The two of them continued to drive for a long time. It was about an hour later before Allen found the
nature preserve that he loved. It was away from the city, and it was almost in the middle of nowhere.
There have been bear spottings a while back, but so far it was a nice and tranquil place that Allen liked
to go to in order to have that thing called peace and quiet. It was the only place that seemed to work
for him, and he was happy about it. Now that he had John, it seemed that nothing else mattered and all
he wanted was to be with this man and have a great and happy life. They pulled into the one parking
location, looking at each other for a moment.

“So have you transformed a lot as a bear?” Allen asked. He wondered how in the world the man was
able to control it so easily without having to use anything to help or call out of work for a couple days.

“I was born this way honestly. I was born with both a bit of werebear genes inside me, and an ability
to change back and forth. My other had a bit of werebear inside of her, and it somehow skips a

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generation so my grandpa could change but my mom couldn’t. When she saw me change the first
time she freaked out, but my grandpa was so used to it since he lived this life before that he actually
was a big help to me in this stage of my life. I was able to learn to accept myself and not be afraid,
and I was able to have control over it as well. I’ve always wanted to control this power, but I never
had the chance to until I was about twelve when my mother wasn’t able to handle my homeschooling
and gave it to my grandpa. He taught me everything, and although he gave me a bracelet at first, I was
able to control it after a while and never used it since. Sometimes I faltered though, especially when
I’m nervous and that’s why I still carry the bracelet. I was a bit nervous when I saw you and when you
saw me, but I was so relieved when you turned into one as well. I felt like you were like me as well,
and I was happier than anything honestly. I’m so glad I found you and it wasn’t completely and
utterly awkward either,” John explained.

“That’s so interesting. So did anyone ever see?”

“Only a girl I liked once. She ran around and told everyone afterwards though and although the
teachers thought, she was crazy they knew I was a weird kid and I was soon ostracized by not only the
kids, but them as well. I hated it there, but I needed to stay unless I wanted to drop out, which was not
what I wanted to do and it was illegal since I was still a kid. That’s where the homeschooling came
in. My grandpa was accepting of my awkward nature and my powers though, and he was the one who
actually said if my mother ever thought she wasn’t fit to raise me that I was supposed to live with
him. I loved the man, and I learned a lot, until the fateful day when he had a heart attack and died. It
was right in front of my eyes, but before he did, he pointed to a cabinet. In there were books that told
me everything. I learned it all, and I was able to gain the skills needed. Some people say that they
have to sacrifice to get the power and I only say that initially in order to show the person that I’m one
of them, but at the same time I feel bad because I want to tell them that it’s not always bad,” John

“That’s interesting. I was created in this way in exchange for my sister’s life. We got lost and before
I could save her, she died. It was horrible, and frankly, I hate thinking about it, but I know that deep
down I felt like fate was the one who gave me this power. I’m not a monster, but I know that many
people think I am. I feel like I was the one chosen and not her though because I was stronger. I am
the only person in the family able to handle her death. My parents still think it’s my fault, and
frankly, I hate talking about it. But when I tell you I feel at ease, and I know that you won’t judge
me”, Allen replied. He started to feel sad but John pulled him closer.

‘Trust me babe, I totally understand. There have been some big sacrifices made on my end as well. I
mean I had to give up saving my mom in order to save my own skin, and when the robbers who came
into our home killed her, I transformed into a bear and scared them off. It was too late though, they
stabbed my mom, and she died. My father went crazy, and is in an asylum, so I’m all alone. I lost
every person who mattered most to me, and I have no intention of ever losing you,” John stated.

“Likewise. You’re so amazing john and I’ve wanted to say it for a while. Even though we both have
demons to face, at least we have each other so we’re able to lean on the other when shit gets hard,”
Allen replied.

“True that. I don’t know what I would do without you,” John said.

“Same here.”

The men smiled and john placed a kiss on his lips. Allen immediately responded, kissing the man
with equal fervor. He loved the feeling of his lips on his, and it was enticing and tantalizing. Allen
started to kiss the man harder, pulling him closer to his body. They continued to make out with each
other, and they both wanted to do even more, but after a moment, Allen pulled away, smiling at his

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“Tell you what, let’s go check out this area”, Allen said. John nodded and they got out of the area,
holding hands with none another. Nothing was barring them anymore, and they could finally express
their love for the other without the worries of society on them. It was nice and relieving for both of
them, and Allen was happy with the way things panned out. Allen and John started to transform into
bears, and Allen kept his bracelet near the tree. They started to run together, not caring about the
other. After a bit Allen wanted to say something to John, so he started to use the telepathy that he
seemed to have. Allen didn’t notice it until now, but he was happy that he had this power. It made
talking a bit easier.

“How far do you think we have to go?” John asked.

“Probably about another mile or so. I’ve only been here once but I remember there is a stream
somewhere and we can go there for a little while. How’s that sound?” Allen replied.

“That’s fine with me babe. Lead the way.”

Allen smiled at his man as they continued to move quickly. It felt so freeing to be out and not having
to worry about his job or his public image made Allen feel very strong. All of those fears were gone,
replaced by nothing more than his love for his fellow man and the adoration for the one that he loved
the most.

After a little bit they went over to where the stream supposedly was. It was deeper than Allen
expected, but he didn’t care. When they got there both of them went into the water. Immediately
Allen saw some salmon and started to catch them, pulling them into his mouth and chomping on
them. They tasted so good, and Allen felt like a king getting the best feast ever when he ate them.

John watched as the man continued to eat the fish and let out a small growl in laughter. He thought
Allen was so cute and sexy when he did that and John thought it was so adorable. He always wanted to
have a good time eating fish with the one he loved, and now that he was able to he was happy. The
two of them started to catch even more fish, both of them happy and satisfied with what they did. It
was so relieving for both of them that they just wanted to stay like this forever, and Allen was smitten.

“This is amazing!” Allen said.

“It sure is,” John replied.

They continued to eat at their fish voraciously until they were both happy and full. After a little bit
Allen and John started to make their way out of the streams to where the grove of trees was. Allen sat
down and John nuzzled up to him.

“This is the life,” Allen said.

“It sure is. So do you think it will all go through?”

“I hope it does. If not, I’m not going back. They can pretend I’m dead or something. Honestly, I
don’t want to go back to the place where I have to be something I’m not. I just want to be with the one
man who is able to easily accept me and make me happier than I’ve ever been before,” Allen said.

“Same here. I feel like my life has been completely useless until I finally told you. It’s so relieving
to let the one that I love know what I think of them, and I’m as happy as a clam,” John replied.

“Well same here. I love you John.”

“I love you too Allen.” They both looked at each other and pressed their mouths and noses together,
simulating a kiss between the other. It was so cute and sweet that Allen was so happy for himself. He
finally found something worth living for, and he was happy.

Allen was already horny again and he wanted to feel what it was like to do it as a bear with John. He

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always wondered what it would be like giving it, and although he liked receiving it, he wanted to make
things different a spice things up a little bit. He moved away from John for a second before he
positioned himself on top of John. John looked at the man and gave a small growl in desire and
wanting. John liked the feeling of being under this man’s control and being his bitch and Allen knew
this. Allen started move his body so that it could be held up against the other man’s back. He was
clear at his puckered, pink anus and after a second, he pushed himself in.

He was a bit smaller down there as a bear than as a human, but it was still pleasurable. John let out a
low roar as he felt Allen penetrate him. It hurt a tiny bit, but at the same time, he liked the pain.
There was something pleasurable about the pain that made him happy with the way it felt. Allen saw
this and started to move in and out of him a little bit faster, loving how John was easily take the full
girth of his enormous cock. Allen started to move his body in and out of John, amazed at how much
power he was able to exert. He thought this much would hurt the man, but at the same time, it felt
good. John did feel a bit of pain, but it was masked by the pleasure as Allen continued to penetrate
him. This was what he wanted, and he knew that despite all his worries he was in the right place at the
right time.

Allen was happy at the way the man seemed to take it that he held onto him a little bit tighter,
allowing him to get even deeper. At one point, he pushed into him with all his force and that was it.
John let out a roar similar to what Allen did when john penetrated him as he came. He came a lot
more this time, finally getting used to the amount of force and pleasure he got when he was with
Allen. Allen loved the amount of pleasure as well, and Allen got more pleasure out of fucking John as
a bear than as a human. Sure Allen loved foreplay, but there was something sexy about John being a
bear and him taking control and using all this force without any problems that made Allen happy and
satisfied. After a few more thrusts Allen knew he wasn’t going to be able to last and although John
came, he tried to keep it together so that Allen was able to release as well.

After a few more thrusts, Allen knew it was time. Allen let out a low groan as he felt his seed spill out
of him and fill up John’s tight hole. It was so nice, and Allen loved it a lot. Allen emptied his entire
scrotum before he finished up. After a little bit he pulled out of John and smiled warmly.

“That was certainly something,” Allen said.

“It sure was. Better than anything I’ve ever felt before,” John admitted. It was the truth, and Allen
was proud that he was able to give this man that feeling. It was almost an honor for him, and after a
second, Allen smiled at him. Allen was so happy and even though he was going to live as a bear
forever, he didn’t give a damn. He wanted to be with John more than anything, and john wanted the
same. Nothing mattered to them anymore except for the love they had for each other.

After they finished Allen and John sat back under the tree, cuddling and being happy. John started to
clean off Allen’s fur and Allen smiled. It was so nice and Allen felt like he was on cloud nine. This
was the life that he wanted to have, and it was better than anything he expected. John and Allen were
finally happy with each other, and they knew that this happiness was all that they needed. Neither of
them needed big and fancy homes or tons of money, they simply needed each other to live life and be
happy. In their minds that’s all that mattered.


The happiness only lasted a couple of hours however, and this was when the problems started to arise.
After a little nap, John started to rouse from his sleep, getting up and going over to the stream to have
a bit of water. They were both tired yet happy with the other, and John was satisfied with the nap that
he had. However, he could tell that there was something around that wanted to get rid of him, and he
immediately snapped around, wondering what it was that captured his attention.

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“What’s going on?” John thought. However, his answer was right in front of him, and he knew that it
was only a matter of time before they would come and find them.

“Shit. We have to run,” John said. In front of him was a group of hunters. Hunting wasn’t allowed in
this forest, but many people didn’t really care and they still bent the rules. Apparently, rules were
meant to be broken, and this was no exception. They looked young and they had guns that would
easily take them both out. John started to run back to where the tree was and where Allen rested

John tried to nudge the man for a little bit, but it was to no avail. He wasn’t able to rouse the bear, and
Allen laid there in quiet and peaceful sleep. He looked cute when he was sleeping, that’s for sure and
John would totally relish in the way he looked if it weren’t for the fact that they were about to be
killed by the hunters. John did something that he later regretted, but right then and there, he lightly bit
on Allen’s ear.

Allen immediately roused and lightly growled. John gave him a serious look as Allen looked at him
with a look of shock on his face.

“What the hell are you doing?” Allen asked. He hated getting woken up from naps and although he
loved John more than anything, he hated being awoken a lot more.

“Shh... There are hunters around here. We need to run,” John explained.

“But how? It’s illegal to do it here. I made sure of that,” Allen replied.

“Well apparently they’re trying to break the rules. We need to get out of here though. That’s the
main problem we have right now. We can ponder on that issue later. Right now, we have to get the
Hell out of here before we’re made into rugs!” John said.

Allen nodded and immediately scrambled up. John looked around and tried to scour the place out for
them. They seemed to have disappeared for a moment, and Allen looked at John with worry.

“I don’t see anything.”

“That’s because they’re hiding. Shit we’re sitting ducks out here. We have to make a run for it. I’m
sorry Allen, but there’s nothing else we can do. We have to get out of here more than anything, and
that’s the biggest thing we need to do before we think of anything else.”

“Okay. Just be safe okay baby?” Allen asked.

“I will try to be love. I’m sorry about all of this. I should have been quieter,” John replied.

“It’s fine. It’s my fault too. I should have not growled. That probably made us sitting ducks for
them.” Allen said.

“It’s fine. We just need to get the hell out of here more than anything. It’s imperative.”

Allen nodded and they started to move, but when they did, they immediately heard the sound of a
gunshot. Allen and John looked at one another for a second, worry plastered on their faces.

“Shit what should we do? Did you see where that came from?” Allen asked.

“Yes. From the south. We need to head north.”

Allen nodded and they started to move again. Then they heard anther gunshot. Allen and John looked
at one another with fear in their eyes.

“They have both sides blocked off.”

“Yeah. Well shit, I think we’re going to have to make a run for it. If you get out meet at the car. If
the other doesn’t show up by later tonight change back into a human and take the car back. Don’t
worry; just say that the other died in a tragic accident, or say that the other went missing. Don’t let
them know about us,” Allen instructed.

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“Alright babe. I love you so much.”

“I love you too. I wish I could kiss your lips once more but I can’t’ change back yet,” Allen said.

“It’s fine. Just be safe and if things do happen live life for me. Have fun. I will be there watching
over you.”


The two men looked at each other for a second before they knew it was time to make a run of it. There
was nothing else they could do at this point except hope to God they would survive. It’s sad but true,
but they knew that it was only a matter of time before things would get bad. It was fun while it
lasted. Allen said one last prayer before they started to dart out. Even though he wasn’t Christian, he
knew that in an hour of need at least someone would hear and hopefully it would be the saving grace
for them and the way for them both to get the Hell out of here. It was worth a shot at least, and Allen
needed a prayer more than anything now.

They started to move out of the area into the stream. Immediately they heard gunshots. Allen wanted
to look back, but he knew that if he did it would be the end.

“Run” Allen instructed. Allen continued to run until he crossed the stream and got to the other side of
the forest. By this time the hunter that was there was gone and after getting deep enough into the
forest he looked back. He thought he would hear John’s panting as he ran behind him followed by the
stopping, but there was nothing around there. Allen looked around in fright at the sight.

“John! Where are you?” Allen said. He waited a minute for John to respond but he heard nothing.
Worry plastered his face as he went back to the stream. When he got there he saw the hunters, three of
them in all, and Allen looked in horror as he saw the love of his life lying there dead in front of him.

“No…no!” Allen screamed. He immediately charged over there, and the hunters looked in fright at
the bear as it got close to them.

“Shit he’s there! Kill it now!” one of the hunters said.

“I’m out of bullets.”

“Me too,” the other hunter said.

The lead hunter turned to Allen looked at him with a smirk on his face. After a second, he walked
away, scoffing at the bear. The other two hunters followed suit, looking at their boss with looks of
both interest and curiosity.

“Why did you leave it?” one of the hunters asked. She was the first one to say she was out of bullets,
and was a perky blonde with a small frame.

“He’s very protective of the other bear. I know that he’s dead. We can just leave him. We’ll come
back to get it later. I’m sure his little friend will finally fuck off. If not, we can come back and kill
both of them. They would make very nice pelts. We could make a matching pelt and rug out of it,”
the boss said.

“That’s a great idea.”

“Sure is. Now let’s get out of here. If I have to see any more of that bear, I would kill it with my
hands. I don’t want to though. Too much work,” the boss said with a cocky gesture. The other two
hunters laughed at him and they walked away. Allen watched with a very serious look on his face,
making sure they got away from him and the one that he loved. Allen looked at John, who was lying
there lifeless.

“John. Talk to me. Are you alive?” Allen asked. He didn’t hear anything for the longest time but
before he walked away her heard a very shallow voice.

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“I’m barely alive. I’m probably not going to make it through the night, but it was nice while it lasted.
I’m sorry Allen, but I think this is the end. I love you so much babe, and I’m sorry to have to leave
you like this. But I can’t hold on much longer, and I know that it’s only a matter of time before I
finally leave. I can’t move at all. I feel like my heart is about to die on me, and I wanted to tell you
one last time before I finally leave this place that I love you so much babe. You’re the best person out
there. And remember that even though I’m dead you still can live your life. I will always be there for
you. Just think about me and I’ll be there in your heart. I love you so much Allen and this last day
was the best of my life. Well, except for the hunters that is. I’m just happy I got to die knowing that I
was able to love a man a whole lot and know that I’m not some monster who could never love. I’m
happy that I’m able to finally experience the power of love once more before I leave this place.
Goodbye Allen, I love you so much. I’m happy I got to see your beautiful true self once more before I
finally leave this place. Have a good time in the afterlife. I will be thinking about you and making
sure that you’re okay. If I can ever come back to this place I will look for you, so I can tell you one
last time that I love you,” John lightly said.

“But…John!” Allen screamed. However, as he did so he looked at the body, and it laid there
completely dead in front of him. Allen looked at him once more, hooping that it was some sort of
joke. However, there was nothing else left, and Allen was left with just himself and his pathetic life.

“It should’ve been me. I should’ve been the one to take the bullet,” he simply said. It was so hard for
him to think about it, and he knew that it was going to be hard to keep on living. Allen thought about
everything that had happened over the last day. He thought about when he declared his love for John.
This was the truest relationship he’s ever had. It was the only one thus far that won’t completely and
utterly based on something trivial such as money or fame or something like that. This was one based
on love, and Allen wished that he could take back everything. He wished he had died instead of John.
He was the only true and genuine person out there, and Allen wished he was as half as good as John

Allen started to think about the impact this would have on his life. Now that John was gone he didn’t
even really want to think about his life and work at the company he was at anymore. It wasn’t worth
it, and he didn’t want to spend his life trying to work at something that he really didn’t want to work
hard at. He just wanted to be alone. He knew that death could come fast for anyone.

Allen looked around at the forest. It was starting to become noon and the place seemed like it was
starting to come alive. Even though the forest was alive, he wanted to die along with the love of his
life. He didn’t see life as beautiful anymore, but rather a very small and shallow place that really
didn’t’ have the spark that Allen was used to. Allen wanted to die, but he knew that because of the
cruel world he wouldn’t be able to do so.

It was a shitty situation, but Allen knew that there was a reason why he was here and not John. It was
too much to leave to mere chance. Allen nestled next to John and felt the last of his warm body next
to his and he started to cry. Even though it wasn’t obvious to the naked eye, he was mourning over his
friend. It was so hard for him to think about all of this, and all Allen wanted to do was simply die. He
knew the truth- that the nature of life was harsh and cruel. Allen felt his body one last time before he
got up and faced the river.

Allen looked at the place and thought about what this all meant. He wouldn’t be able to come back
here. It hurt too much think about the man that he loved and the way his life decided to go. Allen
started to let out a low growl that turned into a roar. The sound echoed through the place, and Allen
continued to roar. All of the pain, anger, and sadness that he had were placed into the utterance out of
his mouth. Allen didn’t care who heard him. He would fight them off and get rid of them if they did
decide to show up. He just wanted to have a happy life with the one that he loved, yet life couldn’t

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even give him that. It sucked, and Allen didn’t know what else to do. He continued to roar into the
day long and hard, thinking only of the man that he loved and how he lost him to the cruelty of the


After everything that happened Allen ran. He got out of there so that he could avoid the hunters. Yet
he also thought about the fact of dying with his love that night. He would be able to get rid of himself
easily and that seemed like a good thing. Yet he didn’t want to for some reason. He wanted to keep
on living. He wanted to keep going.

He didn’t know when he finally passed out due to exhaustion and overwhelm. He did know that
somehow, he passed out and he woke up in his car in his human form. Allen looked at the bracelet
that he had on and sighed.

“What the hell is going on?” he asked aloud. He didn’t know how in the world he got here, and the
only thing he did remember was the love of his life being taken away from him, and now he was all
alone here. Allen looked out the window, noticing that it was midday again. He didn’t know if he was
asleep for a day, or if everything that did happen was a lie. Allen felt a small buzzing in his pocket
and he pulled out his cell phone. He looked at his phone with a grimace on his face, and he tried to
feign happiness, but most of all he just wanted to die.

It was a message from his assistant who was the one who made sure that the deal went through. He
name was Dana and she sent him a message regarding it. Allen read it to himself, mentally thinking
that the world was against him and this was the punishment he deserved.

“Hey there Allen. I wanted to let you know that the company was shocked at how good the sales were
and even with the small dip, they’re going strong. McDonnel Farms wants to take your deal up, and
they want to work with you. They have signed the papers, and you are now in charge of them as well.
We have doubled our revenue, and now we’re able to control the entire paper market. Isn’t that
awesome! Great job on scoring the deal. You’re amazing<3. Anyways give me a ring when you’re
coming back. The boss of the farm was a little wary that you weren’t in tomorrow and we tried to call
you like twenty times, as you can see but there was still no sign of you. Let me know if you’re okay.
I’m kind of worried about you. Anyways hope you’re doing okay and I hope you’re alive and well.”

Allen read the message and although he was happy that he was able to score the deal of his life, he still
had the problem of his life to figure out. He wanted to go back to his life with John, and although he
could go into early retirement if he found the perfect replacement, it wasn’t the same. He didn’t want
to retire lone anymore, but he wanted to take the love of his life with him. He thought about
everything that happened and he didn’t want to go back to the life that he had before nor did he want
to live a life of solitude. He wanted to finally be real with himself, and he was going to do this no
matter what it took.

Allen thought about what to do, and after a minute or two he knew exactly what he was about to do.
He pulled open the text message and typed in a message to his assistant.

“Thanks sweetie. Nice job out there. I really appreciate this. Say do you think you can do me a big
favor and set up a press conference for me in about a week? I have to talk about a couple of important
things and I want to make sure that I do this before I take on such a responsibility. I feel like I need to
tell everyone the truth of the matter and I want everyone to see this,” he typed in.

He pressed send, his assistant looked at it, and she typed back immediately.

“What do you mean? I’ll schedule it, but I don’t know what you mean by the ‘truth?’ Are you really a
mobster? If so that would be so cool in a very weird way!” she gushed.

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Allen smiled at the message. He knew that Dana had a crush on him for a long time along with being
a loyal servant to him. She would do anything for the man, and Allen smiled. He typed a message
back to her with a smile on his face.

“I just have something personal I feel like I need to talk about with the press and everyone else. It’s a
personal thing, and when you find out you can make your decision regarding me as well,” he replied.

He sent it and Dana simply said an “okay”. Allen smiled as he put the phone down and looked up. He
wasn’t ready to tell them about the werebear thing, but he definitely was ready to show off his true
colors and prove to everyone that although he was gay he was ready to help the world and would do
anything for his company. It was his duty after all.

Some time had passed, and Allen felt ready to drive again. He was sad that John was gone, but there
was one thing that he thought about when he thought of the love of his life and it was the last thing
that he said. He said to go live his life and show off his true colors. Even though it was hard to
imagine his life without the love of his life, Allen was ready to show off his true self. Even if it
wasn’t the self that everyone wanted to see.

After a little bit Allen was finally back at the office. When he got there, the people bustled around
him, congratulating him about the achievements he did. He politely thanked them, but at the same
time, he wished they would all just go away. He didn’t feel like he needed all the damn praise, and
frankly, he was sick of listening to it. After a little bit everyone seemed to scatter, leaving him alone
and finally able to go to his office.

When he got up there his assistant was already there with a cup of tea waiting for him. Allen smiled
and sat at his desk. Dana looked at him with a cheeky grin, excited to see her boss that she really
cared about. Even with the crush, she felt like she really did care about this man.

“So what happened Allen? You seem like you’re off. I don’t mean to pry, but as an assistant I
sometimes have some good advice and stuff,” she asked.

“Don’t worry about it Dana. Trust me. I just needed some damn space from everything. Life was
starting to overwhelm me, and I need to think about a few things. That’s honestly all that happened,
and I didn’t want to worry you,” he explained.

“Really? Well you definitely did more than that with everyone. We all started to freak out when we
heard that you were gone. We thought you died or something. Luckily, I just said that you were sick
and they believed that and gave you their condolences, but you really were acting weird. And you
always answer your phone. What’s going on?” she asked.

‘Don’t worry about it Danna. I just had a lot on my mind and it was too much to bear honestly. I had
to get some space and some solace. I tried to work on it last night and I couldn’t. That’s why I ran
away. I couldn’t bear to face everyone when I was so stressed out, so I did the world a favor and
extracted myself from the place so that I could at least think about some things first,” he replied.

“Well you worried me and a lot of us a whole lot.”

“Sorry Dana. It’s hard being the boss sometimes. You may think working for me is hard, but I have
to worry about all of you. I care about you guys a lot and even as the hotshot CEO I have to care about
people. I just have a lot on my plate and I needed to think about a few things first before I put them
into action. That’s all. I’m sorry I worried you so much honey. You’re a great worker. One of the
best in the business and I’m honored to have you here with me,” Allen explained.

“Thanks. So have you seen John?” she asked. She didn’t know about his death, and immediately
Allen froze up when he thought about it.

“I haven’t. I’m sorry, but no one called me to tell me if something happened. He may be one of my

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hardest workers like you, but I don’t know a thing about him. I hope he is all right. He’s a very nice
guy, and as his boss, I have grown to like him over the years both as a friend and as a worker. I just
feel nervous about everything that I haven’t kept tabs on everyone still,” Allen explained.

“That’s fine. I was just wondering,” she said. She was so cute, and if Allen were straight, he would
just kiss the woman there. Dana was a dark-haired beauty with a petite yet voluptuous frame. She had
a great chest and a nice butt that even Allen liked, but Allen knew that he could never be with her. His
desire for a man was more than a woman.

“Alright. Well I’m going to wrap things up here. Do you think you can make sure that press
conference goes live next week?”

“Sure can. Be ready next Friday at 11. That’s when I’m planning it,” she replied happily. She walked
away and Allen started to fill out the rest of the paperwork regarding the acquisition. It was a lot to
take in, and Allen had to think about things. However, the only thing on his mind was to see the love
of his life again. Even though it was impossible, a man still could dream and hope that one day he
would be able to. As Allen worked though, he knew that this was the end. He would have to tell
everyone his true colors and hope to god that everyone was okay with it. He was nervous and scared,
but at the same time, Allen was ready. He was doing this for John, the love of his life and the one
person that he wanted to make happy more than anyone.

A week had passed and the office was busier than ever. People seemed to be running back and forth
trying to get everything done, and it was a lot of work trying to make sure the acquisition went
smoothly and they were able to merge. However, Allen had a cool head and was able to really keep
things in check and he didn’t have to worry about John as much when he did this. He still thought
about the guy almost constantly and dreamt of seeing his beautiful face and sexy body again, but Allen
was able to keep it in check a little bit due to the busy nature of his business.

The week had passed and it was now time for the big reveal. He was to talk in front of a bunch of
representatives, and he was nervous. He didn’t know if the people would accept him or if this was a
shot in the foot, but it was time for him to take action. He got up at the podium set up in the library
and looked at everyone with a smile on his face. He would keep himself natural and happy if that’s
what it took.

“Hello everyone. I know you may have heard from the media and other such things but last Friday
was one of the biggest days in my company. I wasn’t here due to a personal issue, but upstairs a deal
was made, and my lovely assistant Dana was able to help me get it. The deal was to marge my
company with McDonnel farms so that we are able to become an enormous conglomerate. It’s
working out perfectly, and so far we are both happy and satisfied with the way things are turning out,”
Allen said.

The people clapped and Allen smiled at everyone. He was getting ready for the next part of his speech
however, which could determine a few things.

“However, that’s not why I called everyone here today. I have been harboring a personal secret that
I’ve wanted to tell everyone for a very long time. I’ve been nervous about it because I didn’t know
how in the world people would even try to accept me after all this. However, after talking with a very
closer friend of mine who has really helped me it inspired me to do something. I am going to take my
own advice, throw caution to the wind, and tell everyone a big thing about me. If you can’t handle it
I’m sorry, but it’s my life and I want to get this out of the way before things get any bigger anomy
company grows stronger. I want to let everyone know that I am a gay man. Yes, I am gay and I have
been since the moment I was born. I love men and I don’t find women attractive for the most part. I
had a relationship with a guy in secret, but I didn’t want to go public with it so I ended it. I’m done

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hiding from the world now. This friend told me the other night that the only way to be truly happy is
to live life, and that’s what I’m doing. This doesn’t affect anything regarding the company or my own
personal stances. I am still the CEO and I’m still the same man that everyone knows. I’m just not
into banging your wife or any other such things that my lovely competitors like to do,” Allen said.
The audience laughed and most people started clapping. A couple was so angry they ran away, but
Allen didn’t care.

“So that’s it. That’s all I wanted to say. I hope everyone here understand that there is more to a guy
than just his sexual orientation. My company will still be here to service you. Thank you.” As Allen
walked off the stage, the audience cheered and Allen was so happy.

When he got off people congratulated him and they were all happy. Even Dana was, even though she
could see her disappointment. The sales started to skyrocket, and soon the company was even bigger
than before. It was true that some of his competitor companies were more interested in the other
guy’s wife than the actual job. They were soon found out and ratted out, and Allen had even less
competition. Allen was happy about the way things were going, and he felt like he was really in

That night, he looked out at the window at the skyline below. He saw his yard with the stream that he
used to catch fish sometimes when he transformed. He looked out and saw the sky with a smile on his

“You were right John. Living life is the best thing I can do right now.”

The End

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About the Author

When Jessica isn’t working part-time at a hospital, or raising her daughter, or taking care of her three
cats it is usually very late. If she doesn’t have to go to work the next day she lights a candle, pours a
glass of wine, and tells her stories. Email


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