Billion Dollar Milkmaid Simone Holloway

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Billion Dollar Milkmaid: The Complete Series

Simone Holloway

Copyright ©2013 Simone Holloway

First published by Simone Holloway 2013

Distributed by Amazon

“Do you understand the terms of the contract?”

Mr. King sat across from her at a desk. His deep green eyes cut through her with an air of severity that
made her squirm. He was intense, serious, methodical, and now, he was her new benefactor.

All of this began with a quirk of science; a rare condition that enabled her to pump milk from her
breasts continuously. Amy had never had a baby and was often at pains to explain the embarrassing
condition to friends and lovers when she had an accident.

An accident, in this case, being leakage. Her breasts would become swollen and heavy with milk and
on occasion leak. This led to many awkward moments throughout Amy’s life. But, her meeting with
Mr. King wasn’t about the bad times; it was about the good times to come.

She was first introduced to Mr. King through a website. Amy came across a posting on a message
board for people with her condition. It was a story from a fellow sufferer about a wealthy man with a
fetish for breast feeding. He paid top dollar for the pleasure and was looking for new girls.

Amy worked as a secretary. Her job made her miserable. Her boss treated her like a slave, the pay
was awful, and there was no hope for advancement. She was drowning in debt and all alone.

Amy had been on several dates in the past year, but her insecurity about her condition always held her
back. To come across this internet posting felt like a godsend.

She could pay off her debt, maybe even quit her job. In truth, it wasn’t just about the money for Amy.
She craved attention. She didn’t want to be looked at as a freak; she wanted to be desired.

Amy made contact with the original poster and was given Mr. King’s phone number. They hastily
arranged a meeting at his downtown office.

As Amy entered the busy building she wondered if the people who worked there knew the kind of
business their boss was conducting. She smiled to herself as she rode the elevator to the top floor.

Mr. King invited her into his office immediately. Amy was struck by how handsome he was. She

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wasn’t sure what she had been expecting, but Mr. King was perfect. He had a strong jaw, high cheek
bones, intense eyes, a muscular athletic body. It was too good to be true.

Mr. King shook her hand and eyed her double D breasts appreciatively. When he released her hand,
he rubbed his face. His fingers lingered over his lips, in an unconscious gesture of desire. He was
momentarily seized by a craving Amy didn’t understand. She stood silently, shifting her feet and
waiting for him to speak.

“Forgive me,” he said, “please have a seat.”

They hashed out the details of the arrangement. Twenty thousand dollars a session. A session would
consist of Mr. King breast feeding directly from her as well as additional sexual, “stimulations,” as
the contract called it.

He also asked that she pump her breasts and send him the milk, from time to time. These additional
services would be met with additional fees.

All in all, Amy would make more money in one session then she did in a year. She could only stare at
him in disbelief as he matter-of-factly ran through the contract.

“Do you understand the terms of the contract?” he repeated himself. Amy had zoned out. She was in
awe of the opportunity.

She nodded and replied weakly, “Yes.”

“Good. Now, before we sign, I’ll need to examine your breasts. Test the merchandise, so to speak.”

Amy raised her eyebrows. She hadn’t anticipated starting so quickly. She stood in front of him and
began to unbutton her top. He watched her with a clinical eye. Amy removed her top and cleared her
throat. “I’m ready,” she said.

Mr. King rose from his seat and approached calmly. His eyes were trained on her breasts. “Remove
your bra,” he instructed.

“Would you like to do it?” Amy hoped he would say yes. If he touched her, it might make it easier, she
thought. She felt extremely attracted to him.

“No,” he replied. “This is just a cursory exam.”

Amy smiled as if she understood, then reached behind her and unhooked her bra. She let it fall to the
floor unceremoniously.

Mr. King’s chin rested in his hand. His thumb ran over his mouth.

Her creamy, round breasts were on full display. They were firm and plentiful with two large cherry

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nipples that called out for a pair of lips or a tongue, to explore their surface and plunder the sweet
milk inside.

Mr. King only stared.

“Would like to touch them?” Amy asked coyly.

For the first time since she’d undressed his eyes met her own. “Would that be a problem?”

She shrugged nonchalantly. “Of course not.”

Mr. King hesitated, then reached out timidly. He cupped her breasts, feeling her velvet soft skin. Then,
he squeezed gently and ran his thumb over her nipples, the same we had over his lips.

“Does that hurt?” he asked.

Due to the excess of hormones in her body, her nipples often did become very sensitive, even raw, but
his touch was gentle and soothing. Amy was surprised he cared enough to ask about her comfort.
Maybe the arrangement isn’t quite as formal as it seems, she thought.

She shook her head no. “You can taste them if you want.”

Amy stood perfectly still. She had never had a man, or for that matter a child, breast feed from her.
She had no idea what it would feel like.

He went down on his knees in front of her like a supplicant. This rich and powerful man was
suddenly a beggar at her mercy.

Amy knelt in front of him and stuck out her chest expectantly. The words were unspoken, but in their
own way he was asking and she was giving permission to continue.

He moved towards her slowly. His lips curled around her nipple. Amy’s whole body tensed. He ran
his tongue over her nipple and she giggled. The tension was too great.

Mr. King pulled away from her and smiled. “Relax.”

Amy took a breath and composed herself. “Go on.”

“I had a taste, that will suffice for now.” He rose and walked behind his desk.

‘A taste,’ Amy thought puzzled. She hadn’t felt anything. She looked down and saw a small drop of
milk leaking from her nipple. When sexually stimulated Amy’s breasts often began lactating on their

“It was very good.”

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Amy looked up flustered. “Sorry?”

“The merchandise,” he smiled. It was the wicked grin of a sinful boy, who knows he’s gotten away
with a dirty deed. “You may get dressed.”

Embarrassed, Amy realized she was still on her knees. She picked up her shirt and buttoned it

Mr. King pretended to reread the contract, flipping through papers absentmindedly. In truth, he didn’t
want her to feel ashamed or shy, so he took on a professional, disconnected air.

Inside, he was thrilled; not only was she beautiful, but her breast milk was sweet like butter cream.
After they spent some time together, he hoped, Amy would be more relaxed and open to the
experience. They were all a bit nervous at first. Some quit after a few sessions, but he saw a great
potential in Amy. They were going to enjoy this together.

He cleared his throat. “All in order. Are you ready to sign?”



Amy left the office as if floating on a cloud. It had been a surreal afternoon: a strange opportunity, a
handsome man, a weirdly erotic encounter, and now her first check.

After they signed the papers Mr. King decided to give her a signing bonus, to the tune of twenty
thousand dollars. He’d told her to buy something nice for herself and then it was over. They shook
hands, arranged their next meeting and she left.

Amy wasn’t sure where to begin. Should she quit her job? No, too soon, she decided. Instead, she
bought a nice dress; a tight black number with a plunging v-neck to highlight her mammoth breasts.

She stood in front of her mirror admiring her body. She ran her hands over her breasts and thought of
Mr. King: his strong gaze, his soft lips. She felt a connection to him; she wondered if the feeling was

The doorbell rang. As she walked to the door she took a breath. Best not to get ahead of myself, she

The car ride was short. A chauffeur drove her to a large estate on the outskirts of town. The house
was hidden in the woods and couldn’t be seen from the road. Every light in the house was on, making
the trees glow. From a distance, Amy thought it looked as if the woods were on fire.

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The driver let her out in front of the house and drove off. Amy approached the house cautiously; she
suddenly felt nervous. She stopped in front of the door, straightened her dress and raised her hand to
knock, when the door flew open. Amy jumped. Mr. King stood in the doorway.

“Sorry,” he said, “I didn’t mean to startle you.” He cleared his throat in an attempt to stifle his
laughter. He didn’t want to embarrass her. It was their first time together and he could only imagine
how awkward this must be for her. “Please, come in.”

Amy walked into the large entryway and stood in awe. The house was like something out of a
magazine. “Your home is beautiful.”

“Thank you.” Mr. Kings’ hands were to her shoulders pulling her coat off. They slipped down her
arms, gently brushing her skin. Amy felt a slight chill at his touch. “Are you cold? It’s freezing out

Amy smiled and said, “Yes it’s chilly.”

“Maybe we should go into the living room, by the-” Amy turned to reveal her dress and his words
were cut short.

Mr. King’s eyes were drawn straight to her breasts. The dress propped them up and accentuated them
in a way Amy knew he would appreciate. They looked like a gift begging to be unwrapped.

To Amy’s surprise, Mr. King’s eyes began to move lower, examining her legs and hips. He seemed
attracted to the whole package, not just her breasts.

“-by the fire,” he said, finishing his thought. “This way.”

He placed his hand on the small of her back and led her into the room.

They stood in front of the fire together. Amy crossed her arms under her breasts and pretended to have
the chills. It was an excuse to squeeze her breasts together, showing off her already ample cleavage.

Mr. King smiled. He knew what she was doing, but he still appreciated the show. “Would you like a

Amy nodded. He walked away and returned with a bourbon. Amy drank hers down in two gulps, she
was more nervous than she’d realized. The bourbon felt nice and warm inside her though. She could
already feel herself relax.

“Another?” he asked. He didn’t wait for a reply; he fetched her another drink, which she immediately

Mr. King searched for a way to gently introduce the matter at hand, but failed to find an entry. To his

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surprise, Amy found it for him.

“Shall we begin?” she asked.

Even though they had discussed what would be required of Amy, and had signed a contract, Mr. King
still worried she wouldn’t be ready. Those fears proved unfounded as Amy took the thin shoulder
straps of her dress in hand and pulled them down, completely exposing her breasts. In truth, she
wasn’t as confident as she looked: her heart pounded in her chest, but the bourbon gave her a small
amount of liquid courage.

“Would you like me down on my knees?” she asked. “Like in the office? Or do you have another

“On your knees is good,” he was taken aback by how forward she was being.

She went down on her knees before him. Mr. King followed suit. He knelt a foot away from her,
staring covetously at her chest.

Amy ran her hands down between her breasts and beneath them. She took the large flesh, swollen
with milk in her hands and massaged them gently.

She didn’t want to repeat the awkward scene in the office. She wanted this to be good for the both of

“I’m all sore. My breasts are too full.” Her voice was low and breathy.

Amy peaked down and saw that Mr. King’s pants had grown tighter. A large bulge ran down his leg.
She suddenly had the urge to wrap her lips around his cock and suck. She wondered if this was
similar to how he felt about her breasts. “Are you going to milk me?”

He inched closer and wrapped his arms around her waist. Amy held her breasts in place and waited.

A small drop of milk dripped down from her left breast. When Mr. King saw it he lost his composure.
He buried his face in her breast and began to suck.

Amy inhaled sharply. The sensation was different than earlier in the day, now he acted forcefully. Her
nipples felt pinched, as he sucked the milk from her breast. It was a new feeling, one she couldn’t
quite qualify, but it wasn’t displeasing. In fact, Amy felt a growing sense of arousal. The way he
stimulated her nipples kindled a dormant passion inside her. A passion she never would have guessed
she possessed.

By the time Mr. King had emptied her left breast and moved onto the right, Amy was breathing hard,
her heart racing.

When he took her other nipple in his mouth, she moaned. She ran her fingers through his hair and

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pushed him towards her breast encouraging him on.

A tingling sensation started in her nipple and spread throughout her breast. The feeling continued
down, deep inside her, until finally the first jolt of an orgasm shot up and down her spine. Her body
was wracked with little earthquakes. She began to writhe and groan in ecstasy as the chills emanating
from her over-stimulated nipples flooded her body.

Mr. King wrapped his arms around her, grabbing her ass. He squeezed tight while he sucked on her
breast. Her body had a mind of its own and he was having difficulty feeding from her while she
contorted and wiggled. Not that he didn’t appreciate her enthusiasm. He was thrilled to find a partner
who took as much pleasure from breastfeeding as he did. Long after, he’d drained her breast, he
continued to suck. He enjoyed watching the pleasure it gave her.

When she climaxed he pulled away. His cock was stiff and hard in his pants. He usually came while
feeding, but he worked hard to hold off. He sensed there was something more in store for them that
evening. He was right.

Amy kissed him between gasps for breath. She could taste her milk in his mouth. It was sweet and
strong. Her tongue ran over his lips and prodded his mouth.

Mr. King forced her onto her back and pulled up her dress. Amy spread her legs wide. She hadn’t
worn underwear that evening. He stared down at her bare vagina. It was pink and wet.

Without hesitation, he buried his face between her legs. He sucked on her clit just as enthusiastically
as he had her nipples.

Amy felt a second orgasm coming on. Her fingers dug into the rug she lay on, desperate for something
to grip.

His tongue passed over, under and around her vagina. Amy moaned.

Mr. King unzipped his pants and began to masturbate himself while he ate her out. He found himself
moaning while he went down on her. Amy giggled as he juggled between pleasuring her and himself.
He managed it well though, she had to give him credit.

His soft full lips sucked her vagina. His long tongue explored deep inside her. Its wet surface slipping
over her g-spot, making her cry out to stop, while really she meant the opposite. He continued on until
finally they had both come.

They laid together in front of the fire trying to catch their breath. Amy stole a glance at him. He looked
back, and they both burst out into laughter.

“Why are you laughing?” he asked.

“I don’t know why are you laughing?”

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They got control of themselves and fell into an awkward silence. “That was amazing,” Amy said
seriously. “I never thought- I just never thought…” She smiled. She had no idea of how to describe
the experience. There was nothing to compare it to.

Mr. King kissed her. “I could eat you for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.”

Amy caught herself biting her thumb, the same way Mr. King had. She felt herself blush like a school

“Oh,” he said, “I bought you a present.” He jumped up.

On the coffee table was a box wrapped and tied with a bow. He sat it down on the floor beside her.
“For you,” he said.

Amy sat up and stared at it. It had been ages since she’d received a gift. An envelope was tucked into
the bow. She pulled it out.

“Oh wait,” he said. “Open that last. The present first.”

Amy pulled the bow off and tore the paper, revealing a box with a strange image on the front. She
pulled it closer to the firelight to better see it. There was a plastic mask-like contraption with tubes
on the cover. Amy squinted.

“It’s a breast pump,” he said. “For when you’re at home.”

Amy looked at him dumbfounded, then started cracking up laughing. “You can’t be serious.”

Mr. King’s smile faded. “It’s part of the arrangement.”

“Yes, I know. I just wasn’t expecting it. I thought maybe- never mind. I’ll get to work right away
boss.” She winked at him and began laughing again.

“Well, open the envelope.”

Obediently, Amy opened it and peaked inside. It was a check. She took it out and saw the figure of
forty thousand dollars, twice the amount they had agreed upon.

“I knew that would make you smile,” Mr. King said and kissed her.

“Thank you, I don’t know what to say.”

“Don’t thank me. It’s business and you’re very good at it.”

Right, business, she thought sadly.

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Mr. King watched her closely. He stretched out on the rug like a cat. Coming to some conclusion, he
rubbed his face and clapped his hands. “Well it’s getting late. You should be off. You need your sleep.
I’ll call and arrange for another session soon.”

“Of course, a session.” Amy felt dispirited. She dressed quickly and headed for the door.

“The driver will take you home.”

Amy avoided his eyes.

“Hey,” he said. He brought her face to his and kissed her. “This is only the beginning.”

Amy smiled. It wasn’t much, but it was a start. Plus, she had her check and lest she forget, her breast
pump to keep her company. She began to laugh again.

He studied her closely. “You are a curious creature.”

“Curious, is certainly one of many words I could use to describe you,” she said.

Mr. King smiled and shrugged. Amy left the house and walked to her waiting car.

“Another session soon! Don’t forget,” he shouted. Amy waved the check in the air and blew a kiss to


Amy rubbed her breasts and sighed. They ached when they were full of milk. She glanced at the box
containing the breast pump, then quickly looked away.

Outside, the first snow of the season had begun to fall; small flurries stuck to the window, peppering
the glass with melting ice.

She thought of Mr. King longingly. She could see his lips: full and soft. She imagined his mouth on her
nipple, gently sucking.

A tingling sensation filled her breasts and began to spread through her body.

Her fingers passed over her nipples lightly. The skin was raw. It cried out for a moist tongue.

Amy closed her eyes. She went back to the room in front of the fireplace. Mr. King’s long tongue was
between her legs. She felt herself grow wet.

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She squeezed her breasts hard and suddenly she felt warm. She opened her eyes and looked down.
The front of her shirt was wet: she had begun to lactate.

Amy took off her blouse and through it the ground in frustration. Mr. King’s secretary had called
earlier that morning to schedule a ‘session’ with Amy later that night. She’d found the call amusing as
she was fairly confident that his secretary had no idea as to what sort of ‘session’ she was scheduling.

Now, she found nothing amusing about her predicament. She didn’t want to use the breast pump, she
wanted Mr. King. The pump made her feel like an animal. It was mechanical and impersonal. It made
her feel like a freak.

But, she was out of options. Her meeting with Mr. King was hours away and she needed immediate

Amy pulled apart the box and removed the pump.

She studied the suction cup. It was plastic and cold, definitely not the most inviting sight. She turned
the machine on and the room was filled with a low hum.

She closed her eyes and tried to go back to that place in front of the fire with Mr. King.

She put the cup to her nipple expecting a sensation similar to that which she had experienced with Mr.
King. Instead she was greeted by a sharp pinch.

She pulled off the cup and looked at her breast. The nipple was cherry red with a small drop of milk
balanced on its tip. The tube leading to the cup already had a tiny amount of milk in it.

At least it works, she thought.

She sighed and put the pump back to her breast. She tried to think of how happy Mr. King would look
when she presented him with a cocktail of her fresh milk later.

And the money! How could she forget: twenty thousand a session, plus a bonus for additional
services. One glass of freshly pumped milk would net her a bonus five thousand dollars.

Amy was still in denial about the money. It was strange to go from being broke to flush with cash
overnight. The first thing she did was pay off her debt. Now that she was free and clear of the debt
collectors she didn’t know what to do.

She thought of Mr. King’s mansion and what it would be like to live in a place like that. She
wondered if there was a Mrs. King.

All of the sudden there was a sharp pain in her breast. She looked down to see that the suction cup
was no longer sucking milk. It must have emptied her while she was daydreaming.

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She moved it to the other breast and examined the milk. It was a small amount, maybe four or five
tablespoons. She was surprised to see how little there was. She shook the cup swirling the milk

Tonight, she thought and settled back into her daydreams of Mr. King.

Amy stood outside the door to Mr. King’s mansion shuffling from one foot to the other. It was below
freezing out and all she wore was a trench coach and thigh-high boots.

She’d spent the afternoon modifying a bra, so that it had a removable piece on the front. It was like a
nursing bra except sexier. It supported her breasts while also sporting a strap that ran over and below
her nipple, giving it a bondage flair.

Before, leaving she stood in front of the mirror posing and adjusting her lingerie. She wanted to look
perfect for Mr. King. She thought he would be pleased with her work.

When Amy heard the latch on the door click, she felt butterflies in her stomach. She hadn’t anticipated
being so excited to see her new benefactor. Was he just a benefactor though? He gave her money in
exchange for a service, but she found herself thinking about him in ways that were less than

The door swung open and Amy’s face dropped. A woman stood before her grinning from ear to ear.
She wore a tight red cocktail dress, bright red lipstick, and had platinum blonde hair.

“Oh,” Amy said startled.

“You must be Amy!” the woman said with, what Amy thought, was too much enthusiasm. “Come in.
We’ve been so eager for your session tonight.”

It was clear to Amy that the woman was putting on a show, but for whose benefit?

Amy mimicked the woman’s smile and stepped inside. She could play along, if it meant keeping
things on an even keel. After all, she didn’t want to blow this amazing opportunity. How could she
crawl back to her old job after this? Not to mention she’d be in a lot of trouble financially. And as for
Mr. King, well a relationship between the two of them was probably nothing more than a pipe dream.
But, Amy thought she had sensed a connection between them. Had that been her imagination?

“So,” the blonde woman said clearing her throat. “You’re here to…service Mr. King?”

Amy thought it was a bizarre way to phrase the question. The woman must know about their
arrangement and why was she calling him ‘Mr. King?’

“I’m his girlfriend. It’s not important that you know my name. In fact, I’d prefer it if you didn’t.”

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Amy kept her smile frozen on her face. She didn’t want to give the woman any indication of how
angry she was at being treated this way.

“I’d really prefer if you didn’t know… Mr. King’s name either, but…” She raised her hands in the air.
“It appears the cat’s out of the bag.”

She moved in closer to Amy, to speak confidentially. “I just want you to know, I don’t approve of any
of this. I do what has to be done to keep him happy.” Her smiled turned to a grimace. “And be sure
that you make him happy, but not too happy.” Her words were sharp, an obvious threat.

Amy blinked. “I’ll do as Mr. King wishes.”

It was at that moment that Mr. King entered the room. He paused when he saw the women standing
close together. Their body language was less than friendly.

“Girls,” he said smiling, “I see you’ve met.”

“Yes. She’s exactly as you’ve described.” She gave Amy look that implied Mr. King had had quite a
lot to say about her, none of which was flattering.

Amy tried not to take it seriously. She figured the woman was just playing head games with her. But,
she couldn’t help wondering what Mr. King had said.

“I’m just leaving.”

She walked across the foyer and kissed Mr. King on the lips long and hard. When she pulled away,
she shot Amy a venomous look.

Mr. King cleared his throat and awkwardly told her to have a nice evening.

When the woman left the temperature in the room rose by about twenty degrees. Amy was suddenly
burning up. She was dying to get out of her coat.

Mr. King sized her up. She trained her eyes on his and walked across the room slowly, one foot in
front of the other, just the way she’d practiced.

After, closing half the distance between them, Amy began to undress.

She pulled loose her coat and let it hang around her freely, giving Mr. King a peek at what awaited
him underneath.

Amy stopped a few feet away from him. She put her hands on her hips, revealing her lingerie clad

Mr. King examined her, stem to stern. He passed his hand over his face, rubbing his beard.

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Amy waited for him to come to her. She shifted her weight to her left side, cocking her hip out.

His eyes darted down over her long legs, then back up drinking in her curves. His sharp green eyes
lingered over her breasts.

Amy breathed in deeply and sighed with pretend impatience. Her chest heaved. She felt the bra
stretch tight around her large breasts. She hoped the seams didn’t tear. Earlier when sewing the bra,
she measured herself after pumping. Now her breasts were swollen and ached to be drained of the
sweet fluid inside.

His eyes met hers. He walked up to her, his face within an inch of her own.

For a heart stopping second Amy thought he would kiss her.

He licked his lips and pulled open her coat. After surveying her body one last time, he turned and
walked into the sitting room.

At first Amy felt rejected but then she understood: he wanted to be chased; to be desired, just as she

She followed slowly, not wanting to come across as too eager.

Mr. King smiled. He took off his jacket and threw it across a table. Then he sat down in a chair and
looked on expectantly.

Amy took off her trench coat, letting it fall to the floor around her feet. She approached Mr. King

The top of his shirt was unbuttoned, revealing his chest hair. Amy ran her hand through it carefully,
letting her fingers get lost in the dark mane. Then, she slid them down slowly. When she reached his
crotch, she moved her hand over his thigh down between his legs, without touching his cock.

She bent over, smashing her breasts together as she ran her nails down his leg.

Mr. King watched her, an amused grin on his face.

Amy carefully positioned herself over him, her knees resting on the couch as she straddled him. If she
sat down, his cock would meet perfectly with her vagina. She resisted the temptation. Business first,
she thought.

She pulled off the left panel on the specially designed nursing bra.

Mr. King’s mouth opened. Amy teased him, keeping her breast above him, out of reach.

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In her excitement, her breast began to lactate. A small drop ran from her nipple and down the curve of
her soft flesh. It collected on the edge of her bra and dripped down into his hungry mouth. He licked
his lips greedily.

Amy squeezed her nipple and a stream of milk shot out hitting Mr. King in the face. He laughed as he
wiped his face and licked his fingers.

Tired of playing games, he grabbed her by the hips and pulled her down on top of him.

Amy sat right on his cock. She squirmed rubbing against the hard bulge beneath her as Mr. King put
his mouth on her breast.

When his lips made contact she gasped. He began sucking right away. The motion was more forceful
this time. She felt a tingling sensation and a sharp pinch.

The pinching was uncomfortable and pleasurable at the same time; it was an odd feeling Amy
couldn’t quite quantify.

The tickle she felt in her breast spread quickly through her body. Amy arched her back and closed her

Mr. King indulged his unique palette wantonly. His soft lips formed a perfect cup around her nipple.

When he had finished on her left breast he licked and bit at her nipple playfully, sending Amy into a
fit of giggles.

Amy removed her bra completely offering him another creamy white breast. Mr. King didn’t start to
suck immediately. Instead, he unzipped his pants and ripped Amy’s underwear. He threw them to the
side and sunk down into the chair. Then, he angled Amy over him, so he could fuck her and feed from
her at the same time.

Amy sat down quickly, taking his cock deep inside her. She fucked him hard. Her large tits bounced
freely with the motion.

Mr. King grabbed her hips steadying her. He controlled her movements. Settling on a fluid rhythm, he
started fondling her breasts. He massaged them slowly then brought one down to his mouth.

Amy braced herself against the back of the chair and leaned over him so he could suck easily. Luckily,
her breasts were large and she didn’t have to lean over too far.

Mr. King took her nipple into his mouth. This time he alternated between drinking and flicking his
tongue playfully around her areola.

Amy tried to stifle her giggles as she rode on top of him. He fucked her slowly, in time with his

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Amy groaned and ran her fingers through his hair. She pushed his face to her breast, smothering him.

“Do you like that?” she laughed.

His response was muffled between her ample breasts. Amy shook her chest, and laughed.

Mr. King began fucking her harder. He leaned back in his chair and watched her bounce on top of him.

Amy ran her nails down his neck scratching him. A memento for his girlfriend, she thought and smiled
wickedly. She wished she could see the look on her face when she caught sight of the mark.

A deep satisfying groan escaped Amy’s mouth. She threw back her head and ran her fingers through
her hair. She rode him hard.

Mr. King moaned one final time before coming inside her.

He grabbed her by the neck and pulled her in close for a kiss. Amy bit at his lips playfully. She
sucked and ran her tongue over his mouth the same way he had over nipples.

Mr. King laughed. Kissing her neck and breasts he shifted her to the side and rose.

“Where are you going?” she asked. “I have a surprise for you.”

She’d carefully packed the milk she’d pumped earlier that day. He wasn’t expecting it and she knew it
would make him happy. Plus, she would get a bonus on her next paycheck.

“I was going to fetch your money.”

Amy found it slightly irritating the way he insisted on paying her straight away. A part of her hoped
their arrangement would become more than business. If only she could get rid of that wretched
girlfriend, she thought.

Mr. King walked to the bar and began to pour a drink.

“Oh! Don’t drink that,” she called after him.

He stopped and looked at her questioningly.

“You’ll ruin your appetite.”

Amy stood and crossed the room to where she’d left her bag. She turned and bent over, in full view of
Mr. King. She wanted to make sure he could see her ass. She pulled out the jar of freshly pumped
milk. Holding it out in front of her as if it were a prized possession, she presented it to him.

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He held it up to the light and examined it closely. “Is it from today?”

She nodded her head and smiled like a child eager to please their parent.

He opened the lid and smelled the liquid inside. Satisfied, he upended the glass and swallowed the
milk in one swift motion.

“I’ll add the money onto your check,” he said, before turning back to the bar.

Amy felt defeated. She had expected him to pleased with her.

“Are you happy with the-” she still struggled to call it what it was: milk. She remembered back to
their first meeting when he had, ‘tested her merchandise. “With the merchandise?” she said.

Mr. King laughed and said, “Yes, it is top quality.”

It suddenly struck her that she wasn’t the first woman he’d done this with. Amy sat down on a bar
stool and leaned onto the counter. She crossed her arms beneath her breasts propping them up in Mr.
King’s direct line of sight. She never wanted them to be far from his mind.

“Do I make you happy?” she asked.

“Amy…” He sighed. “You make me very happy.” His face was twisted as if the idea of happiness
brought him pain. “Too happy maybe,” he added quietly.

That phrase again: ‘too happy.’ It gave her the chills. What did he see in that awful woman he called
his girlfriend? She wondered.

“Your girlfriend seems friendly.” As soon as the words left her mouth she wished she could take them

He looked up at her from the drinks he was mixing. It felt as if the temperature in the room dropped by
about twenty degrees.

“Yes,” he said, “she is.” His voice flat, but slightly strained. It sounded like he was speaking through
gritted teeth.

“Does she make you happy?”

Amy had no idea what possessed her. She knew she was treading in dangerous territory. One false
move and she could lose Mr. King forever.

He put the lid back on an empty liquor bottle and reached into his coat pocket. He pulled out his
checkbook and scribbled an amount.

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“I think we’re done for the night,” he said crossly.

He tore the check free from the book with a bit too much force and handed it to her. “You should get
dressed. I have an early morning.”

Amy felt like she’d been swallowed by quicksand. She was terrified to move or breathe. Somehow
she made it across the room to her clothes. Her hands shook as she dressed. She hoped she hadn’t
ruined their arrangement.

Suddenly, his hand was on her elbow and he was leading her out of the house. At the door she
stopped and turned on him.

“Mr. King, I apologize if I overstepped my bounds. I didn’t mean to pry. I want this relation-” she had
to stop herself before she said ‘relationship,’ “this arrangement, to work.”

He sighed and looked beyond her, deep in thought.

Amy ran her hand down the front of his chest. “I think we have something special? It would be a
shame to throw it away. Let’s start over?”

Mr. King’s face turned stern. “Alright. I’ll need you this weekend. I have something a bit more
adventurous in mind. Do you think you can handle it?”

“Yes,” she said automatically, though she had her doubts.

“Good,” he said as he closed the door in her face. “And, don’t say I didn’t warn you.”


Amy paced the room like a caged animal. She was completely naked except for stilettos, crotchless
panties, and the modified nursing bra she’d sewn herself. Mr. King had requested she wear it for the
night. It was what he deemed a “special occasion.”

He had left her completely in the dark as to the nature of the event he was planning. It made her
extremely nervous. She had the sneaking suspicious that he liked seeing her vulnerable to his whims.

Amy normally, would have no problem with this except that now, as she walked the length of the
room, back and forth, she could hear the chatter of people.

A party raged on the other side of the door. From what she could hear, it sounded mostly like men.

They were laughing and drinking; their conversations indistinct over the general hum of the room.

Amy was afraid that she’d be expected to perform some sort of show for the men. As much as she

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enjoyed the attention of Mr. King, she wasn’t much of an exhibitionist, at least she didn’t think she

A situation like this had never presented itself to her before. If she was being totally honest a part of
her was intrigued by the idea of having the full attention of the party.

The question though, was would they view her as an object of sexual desire, or a freak? If it was the
latter, Amy knew she would flee in tears. She couldn’t take the mocking and the laughter. But, if it was
the former, well…

She felt a wet spot on the front of her bra. She looked down to see a small stain. When she became
aroused she lactated, but it also happened when she was extremely nervous. Right now, she existed in
some limbo between the two.

It would be a miracle if she even had enough breast milk left to entertain the men. Amy laughed to
herself. It was the first time in her life she’d ever hoped for the ability to lactate.

She took a deep breath and tried to calm herself. She exhaled slowly and began to rub her breasts.
They ached and tingled, her nipples were rubbed raw. She longed to feel Mr. King’s wet, full lips
close around them. The pleasing pinch as he sucked; the tickle of his tongue passing over her areola…
It made her wet to think about it.

Her thoughts were interrupted by a giggling woman who came busting into the room. She was
completely naked except for a red tie she wore around her neck.

She slammed the door behind her and looked over Amy’s body.

“Rowdy crowd tonight,” she said. “You’re new aren’t you?”

Amy nodded shyly.

The woman snickered. “Oh, they’ll love you. You’ve got a real Ms. Innocent-Girl-Next-Door thing
going on. You’ll probably remind them all of their mothers-or what they imagine their mothers to be.”

She winked at Amy and turned to a mirror. The woman straightened her back and propped out her
breasts, examining her reflection.

“Wh- What do I do?” Amy asked. “Out there, I mean.”

She looked at her incredulously. “What you were paid to do. Jeez, you new girls, I swear…”

“I mean, I don’t have to perform or…?”

“Perform?” she laughed. “Sweetie just make the rounds. Walk around the room, pay a little attention
to each man make them feel special. Give them a quick-” The woman grabbed her breasts and

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pinched her nipples. “You know.”

Amy started laughing. The whole situation was beyond absurd. The woman stared at her out of the
corner of her eye. “You’re a strange one.”

Before she could respond, the door opened. A woman dressed in a sequined black and white bra and
striped fishnets peered into the room. Amy thought she looked like some sort of stripper in a cabaret

“You,” she said pointing at Amy. “You’re on.”

On? She thought. Mr. King’s words from their previous meeting haunted her: “Don’t say I didn’t warn
you.” What was she getting herself into?

Still, she wanted to meet Mr. King’s challenge. She knew the connection between them was real.
Maybe, he didn’t realize what he had? She thought.

Perhaps, this was a unique opportunity to show him what he would be missing if he decided to let her
go or mistreat her? Amy smiled, readjusted her bra and confidently strolled out into the party.

The room was smaller than she’d imagined. There were between twenty to twenty-five men seated
around the spacious ballroom. They were dressed formally in business suits and ties, a few wore
cravats. They looked as if they’d stepped off a yacht or the pages of GQ.

It was clear they were all businessmen. The inner circle of the wealthy friends and colleagues Mr.
King socialized with.

As much as Amy was worried about keeping Mr. King to herself, another part of her was calculating
dollar figures. He hadn’t mentioned money, but she figured there was a lot of cash to be made tonight.
If she played her cards right, she could be walking away with a hefty sum.

Amy scanned the room, trying to decide where to start. Several girls walked around nude. They
carried drinks- alcohol and milk from what Amy could see.

The girls would sit on the men’s laps and tease them, rubbing their breasts in their faces.
Occasionally a man would bite and suck on the nipples of one of the girls or give them an indulgent

To Amy’s surprise, many of the men seemed preoccupied with conversation or card games. The
women were almost ornamental. She knew she would have to work hard for tips.

A man in the corner caught her attention. He was older, in his late fifties as well as Amy could judge.

He wore a suit without a tie. His button-up shirt lay open as if he’d just come from the office. He had

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silver hair, blue eyes and a sly grin.

Amy was immediately drawn to him. She adjusted her bra one last time, propping her breasts out. Her
cleavage was deep and long, creating an inviting line between her full breasts.

Her anxiety turned to excitement as she put one foot in front of the other and walked across the room
to the man.

She trained her gaze on him, hoping to catch his eye.

When he saw her approach he examined her stem stern, taking in her long legs and large breasts.

The man looked pleased with what he saw. His hand ran over the inside of his thigh and he spread his
legs slightly, as if he were inviting her to come sit on his lap.

Amy was feet away from the man when she noticed she’d caught the eye of someone else in the room
as well. Mr. King sat across from the silver haired man. He was engaged in conversation with another

When he saw Amy approach he stopped mid-sentence. His mouth fell open at the sight of her. He
rubbed his face nervously, then quickly looked away.

He resumed his conversation with the man as if he had never seen her. It was obvious he was going
out of his way to ignore her. Trying a little too hard, in fact, Amy thought. The idea filled her with
confidence: Mr. King wasn’t lost to her yet.

Focusing her attention back on the silver haired man, she pouted slightly and stopped in front of him.

“You look lonely,” she said in a low, kittenish voice. “Would you like company?”

“From you sweetheart? Nothing would make me happier.”

Amy smiled and sat down on his lap. She wrapped an arm around his neck and turned towards him,
so that her breasts were directly in his face.

Out of the corner of her eye she could see that Mr. King was watching them. She inched closer to the
man’s crotch. She wanted to feel how big he was and to make Mr. King jealous.

As she moved closer she bounced slightly, making her breasts shake. She looked down to see her left
nipple was exposed.

“How clumsy of me,” she said.

The man licked his lips.

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“Oh, could you help me with this?” she asked.

She offered her bare breast to the man. He gripped her by the hips, holding her tight. Then, he kissed
the top of her breast lightly. His lips were soft and youthful for an older man. Amy found herself
enjoying his touch more than she had anticipated.

His long tongue snaked its way out of his mouth, around her areola and over her nipple.

Amy bit her lip in a fruitless attempt to suppress a giggle. The sensation was arousing, but ticklish.

His wet tongue left a glistening sheen over her cherry nipples that felt soothing. Her dry skin ached
for a soft touch.

A small drop of milk appeared at the tip of her nipple.

Before Amy could turn to give Mr. King a better look at what he was missing, the grey-haired man’s
mouth was on her.

He sucked greedily. It felt as if every nerve end in her body was tingling.

The man’s movements were crude and vulgar. The pinched feeling in her breast was painful and yet,
oddly arousing. Amy felt herself grow wet.

She ran her fingers through his salt and pepper hair, pushing his face to her breast.

The noise of the party seemed to stop. It was like they were the only two people in the universe.

She smothered the man in her chest as he sucked obscenely. She felt the familiar warmth spread from
her breast throughout her body.

Amy whimpered. She could feel an orgasm rising inside her. She closed her eyes and threw back her

The man’s hand went between her legs. He wasted no time. His fingers went straight to her vagina.

He inserted three fingers inside her and began moving his hand in and out of her roughly.

Amy stiffened and cried out.

Suddenly a hand was on her arm and she was being lifted up and away from the man. She opened her
eyes to see Mr. King standing before her, a look of barely contained rage on his face.

“Hey! I wasn’t finished,” the man protested.

Mr. King ignored him. He pulled Amy through the tangle of men and women to a door hidden behind a

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large curtain.

As he dragged her inside the hidden room, Amy couldn’t stop a smile from spreading across her face.
She had been right- Mr. King did have feelings for her. He was clearly jealous.

Amy walked across the room and sat down on the bed. She crossed her legs and waited for Mr. King
to speak.

He paced the room before finally coming to a stop in front of her.

She had called his bluff and won. He knew now that she was not the kind of girl to shy away from a

Amy, however, only had a moment to savor her victory. Without saying a word, Mr. King jumped on
top of her, knocking her flat on the bed. He kissed her hard.

All thoughts of their tug-of-war fled her mind as he ripped off her bra and panties. He began kneading
her breasts.

It didn’t take long before his lips were secure around her nipple.

Absently, Amy noted that he avoided the breast the grey-haired man had fed from. He obviously
didn’t like to share.

He sucked on her nipple harder than he ever had before. Amy arched her back, pulling away from Mr.

He pulled on her nipple with his teeth, then released it. A boyish, mischievous grin spread across his

Amy petted his head gently and smiled sweetly. He looked at her with what Amy thought was genuine
affection. It warmed her heart, but it felt dangerous. Mr. King seemed to scare easily.

She wrapped his hair around her fingers and pulled.

Mr. King looked amused. She pushed his head to her breast smothering his laughter.

He began sucking again.

Amy slid her hand between her legs. She began fingering her clit. She moved her fingers quickly,
rubbing her g-spot hard.

Amy writhed underneath Mr. King. Her fingers passed between the folds of her vagina quickly. She
longed to feel his cock inside her, but he was fixated on her breasts and the sweet milk inside.

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Suddenly, he grabbed her wrist. He pinned it above her head, preventing her from touching herself.
His hands gripped her roughly.

Amy squirmed beneath him, frustrated that she was left out.

Mr. King abruptly released her nipple and lifted his head from her chest. He breathed in deeply as if
he had been holding his breath. He ran his tongue over his full lips. They were bright red from the
exertion of sucking.

Amy had the sudden urge to taste her breast milk. She pulled Mr. King to her and kissed him deeply.

Her tongue prodded the inside of his mouth. She could taste herself on his lips. The milk was rich and
sweet, full of vitality and life. Her tongue probed deeper, eager to taste the smooth nectar. The taste
faded and a new desire overtook her.

Mr. King situated himself between her legs. Amy lay limp she wanted him to have his way with her.

He grabbed her legs and spread them apart. Then, with the quick motion of an experienced lover, Mr.
King was inside her.

He loomed tall over her, his back as straight as a cadet.

He fucked her hard. The sound of the headboard crashing into the wall echoed around the room.

Amy clawed at the mattress.

Mr. King slammed into her over and over.

Her full breasts bounced on her chest under the force of his thrusts. He watched, mesmerized as they
moved back and forth.

He straightened his back and fucked her faster. His cock glided in and out of her with ease.

The flesh of Amy’s breasts tingled with arousal. She began kneading them as her sore nipples cried
out for Mr. King’s touch.

His eyes never strayed from her soft milky flesh as he came inside her.

As he laid beside her his hands drifted over her chest. He longed to drink from her breasts again, but
feared she was tapped out.

He leaned into her. Unconsciously, his mouth opened. He longed to feel her soft nipple between his
lips. At the last second he pulled away.

“What?” she asked.

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Amy felt drowsy as if she’d been slipped a drug. She ran her hands through Mr. King’s hair. It felt like
a luxury to simply lay beside him.

“Nothing,” he said quickly.

His hand went to his face and he began to rub his jaw. His finger would occasionally pass over his
mouth. She had become familiar with the gesture. He often touched his lips when he wanted to feed.

Amy took a deep breath and turned to him. Her hand passed over her neck and moved slowly down
between her breasts.

“Are you hungry?” she asked. Her words were barely louder than a whisper.

He watched her eyes closely. He seemed to argue with himself before finally coming to a decision.
Wordlessly, he leaned in and took her nipple in his mouth.

In truth, Amy was a little disappointed. She wished they could enjoy some quiet time, just the two of
them. But, she had to remind herself, it was not what she was being paid for.

His movements were slow and languorous. He took his time enjoying the sweet milk that flowed slow
like honey from her breast.

The pinching sensation was replaced by a soft pressure. It felt like an intimate kiss.

Amy sighed and felt her whole body go slack. She stroked his back as he fed.

Outside she could hear the sound of the partygoers laughing; a girl screamed playfully. She wondered
what they were doing out there. What had become of her silver fox?

Her mind wandered to the money she would make for the evening. Perhaps, she thought, she should
look up the grey-haired man. He looked like the kind of guy with deep pockets.

When she looked back down Mr. King had finished. He stared up at her, his chin resting on her left
breast. He had such an intense look on his face Amy wondered if he had asked her a question.

“Hmm? Did you say something?” She had been lost in thoughts of money and images of wild parties.

He shook his head and rolled off of her. Turning his back to her, he began to dress.

As much as she longed to be with Mr. King, a part of her wanted the attention of the other men as
well. She had spent most of her life being treated like a freak because of her condition and now she
was the unique position of being desired by men.

Knowing that there were men on the other side of the bedroom door that would treat her like a

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goddess made her impatient with Mr. King. His mood swings were unpredictable, like that of a
spoiled child. As he gave her the cold shoulder she considered abandoning him and rejoining the
party. It couldn’t be that hard to find a new benefactor, could it?

She put on her bra and underwear. She was fixing the bra, making sure her cleavage looked deep and
inviting when she looked up to find Mr. King watching her.

“You’re unhappy,” he said.

In truth, yes, but she wasn’t paid to be honest about her feelings. “All that matters is that you’re

“That’s not all that matters,” he muttered. “You’re thinking about going back to the party. You’re
probably thinking they’ll take care of you.” He scoffed derisively.

Amy wasn’t sure where he was going with this. “You don’t want me to see those men?”

Mr. King ran his hands through his hair and began pacing the room. “No, I don’t. They won’t treat you
right. They’ll throw you away once the novelty wears off.”

The word ‘novelty’ made her stomach drop. “Is that all I am? Just a novelty act, a sideshow?” She
rose and began to leave.

“No, wait.” He grabbed her by the arms and turned her around. “Not to me. That’s the point. I want-”
He looked away. Amy felt he was on the verge of admitting something, but she wasn’t sure what.

“I’ll pay,” he said, “for exclusivity. Name your price, whatever you want. Three? Four times as
much? Fine.”

He abandoned her and began digging through his coat pockets for his checkbook. Amy felt depressed
that he had shied away from being honest with his feelings. Instead, he had fallen back on to the safety
and control his money brought him.

He furiously scribbled a figure on a check and handed it to her. Amy didn’t look at it. She folded it
over twice and stuck it in her bra.

“Whatever you wish Mr. King.”

She felt a heaviness settle in the pit of her stomach. She wanted to get out of the room and away from
the house. She needed time to think.

Amy turned to leave, when she heard a scream. It was a sound of rage. Suddenly, the door flew open.
Blocking Amy’s exit was Mr. King’s girlfriend.

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A cool chill shot through Amy’s body. She opened her eyes and sat up with a jolt. The room began to
spin around her.

She was laying on a couch, but when she closed her eyes she felt as if she were on a ship being tossed
around by the sea.

A masculine arm wrapped around her shoulder, giving her strength. He held her steady as she pitched
from side to side.

“There, are you alright?”

The voice echoed inside her skull. She put a hand to her head as a sharp pain shot through her jaw and

Amy closed her eyes tight. Nausea and vertigo threatened to overtake her. She breathed in slowly,
held her breath, then exhaled.

When she opened her eyes she realized she was in the room where all the gentlemen had been
drinking and talking. Hours, or minutes before, (Amy wasn’t sure how much time had passed) the
room had been full of half-naked women.

They worked the men, soliciting them for money in exchange for sex, specifically breastfeeding.

At first Amy had found it odd, but after her experiences with Mr. King she’d come to find it
exhilarating and deliciously taboo.

“You should lay back down. You may have a concussion.”

The man gently eased her back down onto the couch. Amy was surprised to see that it was the silver-
haired, older man from earlier that night.

He leaned over her and brushed her hair out of her eyes. He looked handsome hovering above her. He
had a nice well-defined jaw and soulful blue eyes. Amy smiled up at him.

“Are you feeling better, sweetheart?”

Amy tried to nod, but the pain returned.

“Take it easy.”

He took her hand and petted it gently. They looked remarkably youthful and well-manicured. Amy
wondered how old he was. The grey hair made him look like he was in his late fifties, but he could

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have been younger.

She rubbed her brow. Why was she worrying about how old this man was? And where was Mr.

The last thing she remembered before blacking out was his girlfriend’s insane scream as she hit Amy
with a blunt object. The whole situation made Amy’s headache return. She needed to talk to Mr. King.

Amy tried to relax. A heavy coat rested over. She pulled it around her snugly before realizing that it
belonged to Mr. King. Where was he?

“Mr. King?” she asked the silver-haired man expectantly.

“He’ll be in, in a minute.”

“What’s your name?”

If he responded, his words were lost to Amy. Sleep reclaimed her before she had time to process

When she woke she was in a dark room. She blinked once, then rubbed her eyes. She was laying on a
bed, the covers pulled up to her neck. Underneath, the blanket she was completely nude.

Amy wondered if the man was the one who undressed her. The thought made her blush.

Mr. King seemed so possessive though, she could hardly imagine that he would allow him to do such
a thing.

Still, there was the matter of Mr. King’s girlfriend. She had attacked Amy. What if Mr. King sided
with her instead of Amy? It could mean that she’s out of a job.

Suddenly, she didn’t feel so guilty about having feelings for the silver-haired man. If Mr. King took
the side of his girlfriend, Amy would stop seeing him.

It didn’t matter if their relationship was professional. She couldn’t give pleasure to a man that treated
her in such a way.

Amy turned on her side, still unwilling to rise.

When she moved a voice beside her murmured. Amy froze. The voice startled her. It was a big bed
and a dark room, she hadn’t realized that she wasn’t alone.

The figure rolled over; an arm wrapped around her and pulled her close. She could tell by the strong
masculine arms that it was a man. But was it Mr. King or the man? Would handsome stranger just
crawl into bed with her, though? Amy didn’t think so.

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She snuggled in closer and ran her fingers through the man’s hair and down over his face. She felt
high cheekbones, a sharp nose and a strong jaw. It had to be Mr. King.

“Feeling better?”

His voice made her jump.

“Hey,” he said, “it’s me.”

He put his hand on her face and ran his thumb over her lips.

Amy wasn’t sure how to react to Mr. King. She couldn’t see his face but he sounded genuinely

“I want you to know how sorry I am. Whatever it takes, I’m going to make it up to you. What she did-
it’s inexcusable.”

Amy felt her heart race. Deep down, she hadn’t expected a full apology.

She snuggled in closer to him. His face brushed against hers. He had a slight five o’clock shadow that
scratched her skin. It tickled her face making her smile.

There was something about being close to Mr. King that made the troubles of the evening disappear.
Her headache was gone and his psycho girlfriend forgotten.

Amy pressed her breasts against his chest. Mr. King squeezed them gently, kneading the soft, milky

Amy moaned lowly and sighed. It felt amazing when he massaged her sore breasts.

She wondered how long she had been asleep. It had been a while since she was last alone with Mr.
King. Her breasts felt fuller and rounder than usual.

Amy took his face and pulled it down to her chest. Mr. King found her nipple with ease.

It was as if they were old lovers, overly familiar with each other’s bodies and experienced in one
another’s needs and desires.

When she felt his soft lips curl around her sensitive cherry nipple she squealed with delight.

His tongue tickled her as it passed over her areola. He began sucking gently.

A pleasant warmth spread throughout her breast and down her spine. She grinded her hips into Mr.
King. His cock sprung to life hard against her thigh. She wanted him inside her, but thought it was best

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to let him finish first.

Amy ran her fingers through his hair and pushed his face into her chest. She smothered him with her

She wrapped a hand around his neck, forcing his face to her breast, while the other pulled his hair.

A low groan emanating deep his throat echoed through Amy. It was an animalistic, guttural sound that
sent vibrations through her chest.

Amy rubbed her legs together impatiently. The sounds he was making triggered a need inside her she
felt long deprived of. It was hard to quantify; it was a mixture of a need for intimacy and love,
combined with long repressed sexual desire.

All of her inhibitions were slowly melting away. It was exciting, but dangerous. Where would this
new path lead her? She wondered.

When Mr. King finished with her right breast he moved onto her left, without hesitation. He sucked
harder now. It felt like he was building up momentum towards something.

Amy writhed and moaned with pleasure. Her whole body felt alive and electric.

With his lips firmly wrapped around her left nipple, his hand went down between her legs. He
fingered her while sucking.

Amy gripped the mattress and cried out.

He pinched her clit and massaged her g-spot. It was everything Amy could do to stay still enough so
he could continue feeding.

She felt unleashed. She wanted to roll him over, pin him to the bed and have her way with him, but
some part of her kept cool and in control.

She allowed Mr. King to finish before grabbing him by the shoulders. She flipped him onto his back
and kissed him. His lips tasted sweet like butter cream.

Her nails dug into his hard shoulders as she positioned herself over him. His cock parted the wet,
juicy lips between her legs easily.

In one confident thrust he was inside her. Amy pushed against him, taking his cock deeper.

She sat up straight and rode him hard. Mr. King held her hips as she moved like a woman possessed.

The throbbing between her legs reached a fever pitch. Amy grabbed her breasts and kneaded them as
she fucked Mr. King. The room was too dark for him to see, but she didn’t care.

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He entered her over and over. She thought he was near coming, when he suddenly flipped her onto her
back. He pulled out his cock and began rubbing it between her breasts.

Amy giggled and pushed her breasts tight, inclosing her full milky chest around his cock. It passed
between them, back and forth.

Mr. King withdrew only to cum on her breasts.

He rolled to the side and turned on a small lamp by the side of the bed. The dim light shown on Amy’s
heaving chest.

Mr. King wiped his cum off, then passed a finger over her mouth. Amy licked her lips and tasted his
salty cum. She purred like a cat with cream.

Mr. King kissed her deeply. His tongue passed over her lips and inside her mouth. Amy could still
taste the breast milk.

She moaned as he pulled away.

He kissed each of her breasts before settling in next to her. Amy laid on her back. Mr. King was
stretched out on his side; his hand rested on her chest. His long soft fingers caressed her nipple and
passed over and between her breasts. The motion was delicate and soothing; it made Amy feel
drowsy. She fought to stay awake, they needed to talk about what happened earlier.

Amy didn’t know where to begin. She suddenly wished she knew his first name, addressing him as
“Mr. King,” felt too formal, given the circumstances.

Amy wasn’t sure what the status of their relationship was, but to wake up in his bed felt like a good
thing. It felt like they were growing.

As much as she hated to admit it to herself, she wanted to be his girlfriend. She wanted to hear him
call her his girl.

Amy sighed and said, “And I don’t even know your first name.” She hadn’t meant to say it out loud.
Her face felt warm; she knew she was turning red.

Mr. King laughed. “It’s Patrick.”

“Patrick,” she repeated. She said the words slowly, as if it was a precious thing to know his name.

“Your girlfriend-” she began.

“Anna Belle.”

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Amy smiled to herself. Anna Belle would be furious if she knew Patrick had mentioned her real
name. She was obsessed with secrecy. Given Patrick’s habits of stepping out on Anna Belle, Amy
didn’t really blame her.

“Will she be back?”

Patrick sighed. “What do you mean ‘back?’”

“Are the two of you…still together?”

Patrick rubbed the stubble on his cheek. Amy wasn’t sure if it was a gesture of frustration or just

“I don’t know…” His voice trailed off; a far away look clouded his eyes.

Amy was struck by the feeling that he was holding back something.

“She won’t be bothering you again. That’s what’s important.”

He wasn’t as confident as Amy would have liked. She knew she would see Anna Belle again. The
thought sent shivers up her spine.

Amy’s head began to ache again. When they first met, she didn’t suspect Anna Belle of being the
violent type, but here she was nursing a bad headache and a minor concussion.

“Where did I go wrong?” Amy said more to herself than to Patrick.

“You haven’t done anything wrong.”

Thoughts of the silver-haired stranger flooded her mind.

“Who was that gray-haired man? The one who-” Amy stopped herself. She didn’t want to remind
Patrick of earlier that evening when she let the older man taste her wares. Patrick had become jealous
and territorial, leading her off into a private room. At which point she’d been ambushed by Anna

Amy couldn’t stop herself from thinking that if she’d stuck with the gray-haired man the night would
have turned out differently.

Patrick studied Amy’s face with a grave expression. “I assume you mean Hunter?”

“When I woke up on the couch he was there... I would like to thank him. He seemed nice.”

“Amy, Hunter is Anna Belle’s father.”

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Amy felt a sinking feeling in her stomach. “Her fucking father?” Her voice was shriller than she
would have liked.

“Yes. I thought you knew.”

“How would I know that? I didn’t even know your first name until a few minutes ago.” She jumped
out of bed in anger. “Where are my clothes at?”

“Why are you mad at me?”

It was a good question.

“I’m just- it- it’s the whole situation.” Amy felt a sudden urgency to get away from the house. “I need
time to think.”

“Are you sure you’re not pissed because your knight in shining armor turned out to be Anna Belle’s
father?” Patrick’s face was cold and his words hinted at danger.

Amy was beyond feeling threatened by him.

“Pay me now.” She wasn’t sure where the words had come from, but money was the one element she
had control over. “I want my money and a bonus for the shit I’ve had to put up with.”

Patrick’s eyes never left hers as he picked up a pair of pants off of a side table. He pulled out a
billfold and several crisp one hundred dollar bills.

He held them out to Amy, but when she reached for them he pulled his hand away. She reached for the
money again and he grabbed her wrist.

“How bad do you want it?” he asked.

“Fuck you.”

Patrick laughed and handed her the money. After a moment of hesitation she took it.

Amy knew that she should leave, but she felt planted to the floor. A burning intensity radiated
throughout Patrick. It drew her in and consumed her like a moth to the flame.

Her chest heaved as she breathed heavily. Amy felt hot and rabid. She wasn’t sure if she wanted to
kill Patrick or fuck him.

Without counting the money, she grabbed Patrick’s trench coat off of a chair and put it on. She shoved
the money into a pocket and wrapped the coat around her. She turned to leave, when Patrick grabbed
her sleeve and spun her around.

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“Tell me you don’t love me,” he said.

Amy blinked. It was the last thing she had expected to hear him say.

“In truth… I don’t know.”

Her feelings about Patrick were confused and disorganized. One minute he was the cure to everything
that ailed her, the next he was the source of all her troubles. The more she thought about him the
murkier her feelings became.

Patrick nodded. “You’re not going to look for Hunter, are you?”

“Would it bother you if I did?”

She knew it would, but she needed to hear him say it. Hunter seemed like an inviting alternative, at
least until she’d learned he was Anna Belle’s father.

A mischievous side of her thought making a conquest of Hunter would be all the sweeter, knowing that
it would drive Anna Belle insane. It would suit her right. Hunter was handsome and considerate. Amy
wondered how he managed to raise a daughter as crazy as Anna Belle.

Patrick released her coat, snapping Amy back from her thoughts.

“No,” he said stubbornly. “Go.”

His jaw tensed and his normally full lips were set in a straight, rigid line. He looked like an angry

Amy laughed. “Are you going to pout?”

Patrick sighed and began to protest. Thinking better of it, he took her hand gently. His features
softened. The glint returned to his eyes. His face seemed younger, almost boyishly cute. It was a stark
contrast to the classically handsome man she’d encountered on their first fateful meeting.

“It’s been a long day. Whatever you choose to do…” He hesitated. “I’ll accept. I’ll see that you’re
taken care of.”

For a split second Amy wondered what ‘fully taken care of,’ meant. Staring down at his nude
muscular frame stretched out on the bed, it hardly seemed to matter. In fact, her mind painted a dirtier
picture of the implications of his promise.

Amy took off her coat and let it drop to the floor. She put one knee on the bed and crawled towards

“You’ll take care of me?” she asked in a low kittenish voice.

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His only response was to brush the hair out of her face and behind her ear.

Amy kissed his chest. He smelled of sweat and sex. It conjured images of naked bodies intertwined in
a frenzied orgy.

Amy was suddenly hit with the understanding of how hard it would be to walk away from Patrick, if
and when the time came.

Now, it didn’t matter. She lived for his striking eyes athletic frame.

Amy bit Patrick lightly. He winced playfully, making Amy laugh.

She ran her tongue over his nipple, then took it between her teeth and pulled gently. Patrick breathed
in sharply. He ran his fingers through her hair and twirled it around his fingers.

“Does it hurt?” he asked. “When I…”

Amy smiled and shook her head. “No, it feels wonderful.”

He took her chin and lifted her face towards him. His lips met hers with a soft and easy touch. It felt
intimate in a way Amy had never been intimate with a man before.

“Tell me you don’t-” he began again.

Amy kissed him hard, smothering his words. She didn’t want to talk about love. She couldn’t think
about it right now.

She wrapped her arms around his neck and slid to the side, pulling him over on top of her.

Patrick’s cock was hard. It throbbed with desire.

Amy spread her legs. His cock entered her slowly in a measured, delicate move. He stared deeply
into her eyes. It pleased him to see her face twist in pleasure.

He began to move faster. Amy groaned as she felt her second orgasm that night build up inside her.
Patrick’s thick cock hit her in all the right places.

She dug her nails into his hard biceps. She hadn’t meant to scratch him, but she couldn’t help herself.

“Tell me,” he whispered in her ear. “Tell me…” he repeated the phrase over and over.

He began fucking her harder.

She wrapped her legs around him, squeezing him between her thighs.

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He crashed into her again and again. Amy hoped it would never end, but even through the rapture of
her climax, his words haunted her.

Finally, she cried out, “Yes,” just as she came.

“Yes?” he asked out of breath.

“Yes, I love you.”


Amy watched the dark and white liquid swirl together in the glass. She smiled as the milk dissolved
into the coffee. Patrick liked the overpowering sweetness of the breast milk best of all.

She tapped the spoon on the edge of the glass and turned around to take the coffee mug into his private
home office. As she headed down the hall the sound of murmuring voices stopped her in her tracks.

Amy pressed her ear to a closed door. She could just make out the sound of a man and woman
arguing. She strained to hear them, but couldn’t make out what they were saying.

A sudden shrill scream of frustration made Amy jump. She recognized the petulant whiny voice
immediately: Anna Belle.

Amy headed down the hall quickly. The last thing she wanted was another confrontation, but before
she could duck into a room the door behind her opened.

Anna Belle marched out into the hall. Amy stopped, took a breath, and turned to face her.

Anna Belle’s eyes burned with fury, but what surprised Amy was the sight of Hunter behind her.

“Amy,” he said. His voice was friendly and charming, with a hint of an accent.

Amy smiled. Her mind reeled. She didn’t think Anna Belle would attack her in front of her father, but
Amy knew she was seething with rage.

“Hunter!” Amy greeted him as if they were old friends. She knew it would drive Anna Belle crazy.

Hunter pushed past his daughter. When he reached Amy he took her hand between his and brought it to
his lips. His soft lips met her flesh in one smooth delicate motion.

Butterflies fluttered around in Amy’s stomach. Hunter had an old-fashioned charm you didn’t see in
men today.

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“You’re better, sweetheart?”

“Yes, thank you.”

Amy peeked over Hunter’s shoulder at Anna Belle. She was watching the conversation like a
predator sizing up its prey.

“You were so gentle with me.”

Amy added an inflection to her voice to make it sound like she was implying something more. She
knew Anna Belle would hate it and, in truth she was turned on by Hunter.

Before Patrick had whisked her away to a private room, she had shared an intimate moment with
Hunter. It lasted minutes, but she kept replaying it in her head.

Hunter smiled enigmatically. He had a few wrinkles around his eyes and laugh lines around his
mouth, but it only added character to his face. For a moment, Anna Belle and Patrick were completely

“It’s my pleasure to help a lady in need.”

Before releasing her hand, Hunter slipped Amy a small white paper. He winked and turned to Anna
Belle. She was poised to say something, but Hunter grabbed her elbow and led her down the hallway
and out the door before she could open her mouth.

As soon as they were out of sight Amy unfolded the paper. The letter H was written in cursive above
a phone number.

Amy crushed the paper in her fist. She looked around nervously. The thought of meeting with Hunter
made her heart race, but what about Patrick? In the heat of the moment, she had confessed to loving
him, but did she really?

Amy felt ashamed of herself for being attracted to Hunter. She was still receiving money from Patrick
for providing her unique, ‘service.’ Somehow this made her feel better about seeking out Hunter.
After all, her relationship with Patrick was still largely professional, and he’d never said that he
loved her.

Amy sighed. She knew it was a tangled web full of rationalizations and bad excuses, but this was the
first time in her life that she’d had any man, let alone, two, fighting for her attention.

Amy opened her hand and straightened out the paper. The cursive H stared up at her.

“It couldn’t hurt to let him take me out to dinner,” she said out loud to the empty hallway.

In fact, she thought, I’ll invite him to dinner to thank him for looking out for me. Resolved to see him

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again, Amy slid Hunter’s number into her pocket and headed for Patrick’s office.


“Yes, yes… Mr. King…” Amy’s voice rose high as she climaxed.

Patrick sucked greedily on her breast while fingering her clit.

Amy pulled him close, smothering him. She felt a sharp pinch as he sucked the last remaining drops of
milk from her.

She released him and he fell back into his seat, exhausted.

Patrick licked his lips as he watched Amy button her top and straighten her skirt. She smiled down at
him and bit her lip.

“I should be heading out now,” she said.

“Out where?”

Amy suddenly felt nervous. She’d arranged for Hunter to come over to her house for dinner. She
wasn’t sure what would happen between them, (if anything) but she thought it was wise to keep her
options open.


Amy turned her back and began to walk away, when Patrick grabbed her arm. He spun her around to
face him.

“You don’t have to run off.”

Actually, she did. She was running late. Amy kissed him quickly, then stepped away. “You’ve had a
long, hard day. You should rest.”

Patrick took her hand as she tried to slip away and pulled her close. “I don’t want to rest, I want you.”

Amy felt her temper flare. She hadn’t mentioned seeing Hunter and Anna Belle in the house earlier.
She thought it was best to avoid all discussion of Hunter, but the fact that Anna Belle had been in the
house with Patrick drove Amy crazy. He hadn’t mentioned a word of it.

Amy understood that she was being paid for these ‘sessions’ but Patrick was acting greedy. The more
she thought about sneaking off to meet Hunter the better she felt about it. In fact, it might be a good
thing if Patrick found out about her date with Hunter. He could use a little humility.

It was a dangerous gamble though. What if Patrick decided she wasn’t worth fighting for? The idea of

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two men fighting over her made her blush.

Amy shook her head. She doubted either man would fight for her. On the other hand, Patrick had
become extremely territorial when he saw Amy with Hunter at the party, so anything was possible.

“What’s wrong?” Patrick asked.


“You’re all red.”

“Nothing. I’m not feeling well. It’s best I go home.”

Patrick looked deep into her eyes. They burned with an intensity that gave Amy the chills. If anything
could convince her to stay, it was his captivating gaze.

Patrick released her hand and stepped towards her. He pushed her hair out of her face and kissed her
forehead. “Get some rest.”

Amy smiled and turned to leave. Just as she was reaching for the doorknob, he called out to her. She
froze. Why did she feel like a fugitive? She was free to do what she wanted, whenever she wanted.
Amy turned, prepared to tell Patrick off.

“You forgot this.” He held out a check. She took it and nearly fainted when she saw the amount.

“It’s more than we agreed on,” he said, somewhat shyly.

“I’ll say,” Amy muttered.

“Well, have fun with it.”

Amy watched him closely. He seemed nervous. It wasn’t a side of him she was used to seeing. She
took his face in her hands and kissed him. Then, she folded her check, placed in her pocket, and left
for her dinner with Hunter.

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Hunter was waiting for her when she pulled into her driveway. Feeling suddenly shy, Amy
approached him slowly. His face lit up at the sight of her. Amy felt her spirits rise.

He met her halfway to her front door and kissed her gently on the corner of her mouth. The kiss wasn’t
exactly intimate, but it wasn’t strictly friendly either.

“I hope you don’t think I’m being too forward.” Hunter held up a bottle of wine.

“No, that’s perfect. Let’s go inside and open it.”

As Amy struggled to open the bottle, she glanced up at Hunter. He’d removed his coat and rolled his
shirt sleeves to the elbow. His shirt stretched tightly across strong, lean muscles.

Amy bit her lip. All thoughts and concerns about Patrick were forgotten.

“Let me help you with that.”

Hunter took the bottle from her and pulled on the cork. Amy watched his hard biceps tense and strain.
She was overcome with the urge to push him against the kitchen counter and have her way with him.
She had to stop herself; making the first move made her nervous.

With a loud ‘pop’ the cork came out of the bottle. He poured the red wine into two glasses and offered
her one. Hunter watched her closely as she sipped the rich drink.

“So…” he said.

“So…” she mimicked him. They both laughed at the awkwardness of the moment.

“Oh shit,” Amy said, “I’m supposed to be making dinner.”

She’d completely forgotten that she’d invited Hunter over for a meal. Amy had been so swept away
by the idea of alone time with Hunter that she hadn’t planned on cooking. Her refrigerator was largely

Hunter laughed. “No worries. We’ll figure something out.”

His voice had a slight lilt to it, that implied more than Amy was capable of processing at the moment.
She took a big sip of wine and put the glass down.

“Should we order in?”

Amy began to walk towards the phone. As she passed Hunter he wrapped an arm around her waist.

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Her heart raced. He rested his hands on her hips.

“What’s the rush?”

His mouth was an inch from her ear. She could feel his hot breath on her neck. Amy turned towards
him so that they were face to face. She wanted him to kiss her, but he hesitated. Was he nervous? she
wondered. Or was he teasing?

Something inside of Amy snapped. She didn’t want to be the girl that was always waiting for
something good to happen to her. The new Amy would take what she wanted and make her own

Amy kissed him hard. He pulled her to him and pressed his body against hers. She began clawing at
his shirt like a wild animal. Hunter unbuttoned it quickly and threw it to the floor.

He picked up Amy around her waist and lifted her onto the countertop.

His hands found their way up her skirt. Amy giggled as he slowly pulled her underwear down. It gave
her time to admire his chest. He had the body of a man half his age.

Hunter spread her legs apart and positioned himself between them. Every inch of Amy’s body ached
for his touch.

He kissed her neck and grabbed her around the waist, pulling her closer. Amy lifted herself off the
counter and leaned into Hunter just as he plunged his cock into her. She arched her back and cried out.

He fucked her hard. Amy had to brace herself against the cabinets above her head.

She felt completely enraptured in the moment. If any small part of her had doubts about hooking up
with Hunter, it had been extinguished under the force of the orgasm coursing through her body.

Regrets are for tomorrow, she thought. Tonight is about Hunter.

He fucked her high and hard. His cock was thick and long, almost too big.

Amy wrapped her legs around him tight. She squeezed him between her thighs and dug her nails into
his back.

Patrick was amazing in bed, but Hunter brought an older man’s confidence and experience. Amy was
amazed by his stamina. His hard cock drove into her over and over. He lasted longer than a man half
his age would have.

She didn’t want the moment to end, but when they came together Amy felt a flood of ecstasy and relief
wash over her.

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Hunter leaned against her, breathing heavily. She began to jump down from the counter when Hunter
pushed her back. She looked at him questioningly and he smiled.

Her nipples were cherry red and erect, too inviting for the man to ignore. He held her tightly around
the waist as his mouth found its way to her breast.

He bit the creamy white skin below her nipple gently. Amy felt tingly all over. When his mouth made
contact with her sensitive breasts, fresh aftershocks of mini-orgasms shot through her body.

He kissed her softly before taking her nipple in his mouth. His tongue tickled her. Warmth radiated
throughout her chest and spread through her body.

The man sucked lightly.

A gently pinching complimented the waves of pleasure shooting through her body nicely. She found
herself moaning again.

Amy put her hands between her legs and began masturbating. She was wet and juicy from the sex. Her
fingers slid in and out of her vagina quickly.

Hunter sucked harder, draining her right breast empty. He wasted no time in moving on to her left. As
he sucked on the left, he massaged the right, kneading it roughly.

His lips latched onto her with force. He worked greedily. Amy was reminded of Patrick. She hated
thinking about him now, but she couldn’t push his face out of her mind. She wondered what he would
say if he knew how much he had in common with Hunter. The thought made her smile.

When she looked down, Hunter was looking back at her. He had finished with her breast and now
watched her closely.

“Do you enjoy it?” he asked.

“Mmm,” she purred.

Amy hopped down from the counter. Hunter watched her as he dressed.

“Patrick doesn’t know I’m here, does he?”

Amy’s face grew red. She turned her back to him and concentrated on buttoning her top.

“I shouldn’t think it matters.” Amy cleared her throat. She thought she heard the sound of Hunter
laughing behind her.

“It will to Patrick.”

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“Are you going to tell him?”

Suddenly she felt alarmed. She hadn’t realized how scared she was of Patrick finding out she’d been
with Hunter. It would surely humble him, but it might also drive him away. And, she thought, God only
knows what he’ll do to Hunter.

All of her relationships had become a tangled mess: with Patrick, it wasn’t strictly professional; with
Hunter it was more than just sex. But was it? She was startled to realize how much she enjoyed
Hunter’s company. She could see herself with him. If he would have her. But she wanted Patrick too.
Amy sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose. She felt a migraine coming on.

“Not if you don’t want me to.”

Amy nodded. “Thank you.”

“It’s just as well, I don’t want to see my business with Patrick compromised.”

Amy suddenly remembered that both Hunter and Anna Belle were in Patrick’s house earlier that day.
“What were you discussing with Patrick, this morning?”

“The wedding.”

Amy felt a hard coldness in the pit of her stomach. “Wedding?”

Hunter looked up at her as he buckled his belt. “To Anna Belle. Patrick’s marrying my daughter.”

Amy looked away. Rage boiled inside her. She balled her hands into fists and dug her nails into her
palms. She’d believed Patrick and Anna Belle were on the verge of breaking up, not committing
themselves to a life together. Amy turned her anger on Hunter.

“You know my relationship with Patrick. It doesn’t bother you that he’s marrying your daughter?”

“I understand that the two of you have a….unique arrangement.”

“ ‘Unique?’ I fuck him for money.”

She was shouting now. In truth, her relationship with Patrick was far more complicated than ‘sex for
money’ but she’d lost her temper. She was furious at Patrick for deceiving her and angry at Hunter for
not caring.

“My business dealings with Patrick are important. There’s a lot of money at stake. And my daughter…
well, you’ve seen how volatile she is. Being with Patrick calms her-some.”

Amy couldn’t believe she was hearing these weak rationalizations from Hunter. She had thought of
him as the reasonable, level-headed one.

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“You’re a real piece of work,” Amy said with disbelief.

“Now look…” A darkness came over Hunter, she wouldn’t have guessed he was capable of. “You’re
not going to cause trouble.” It wasn’t a question. He was threatening her.

Before she could answer he cut her off. “Because if you did, well… you’re not the first girl in a
position like this. You don’t want to know what happened those who came before you.”

The hair on Amy’s arms stood on end.

“Patrick’s not going to find out about this, or any of the rest. He’s going to marry my daughter and
business will continue as usual. Some cheap whore’s not going to change that.”

Amy was frozen in place. Her mind reeled in a hundred different directions. She couldn’t tell how
serious the threat from Hunter was. Was he threatening to cut off her access to Patrick and the money?
Or was he threatening something more sinister?

What about Patrick? Did he know about the kind of man he was dealing with- the family he was
marrying in to? Anna Belle’s vicious temper suddenly made more sense. Hunter was more controlled,
but he was just as cutthroat.

Hunter took out his wallet and pulled out several one hundred dollar bills. He folded them and ran
them down her face and between her breasts.

“I can see why Patrick likes you.” Hunter’s voice was low and gravelly. She had once found it sexy,
but now it made her skin crawl. Amy closed her eyes and prayed for him to disappear.

“Just keep Patrick happy. Don’t do anything to rock the boat.” Hunter stuck the money between her

When Amy opened her eyes he was gone. She pulled the money out of her top and threw it. She
leaned against the counter and slid down to the floor.

What had she gotten herself in to? She wrapped her arms around her legs and felt utter despair. Then
she remembered the promise she’d made to herself: she would make her own happiness. The old Amy
would get bullied and shoved around. The new Amy would take control of her life.

First, she had to find out what Patrick knew. Next, she had to learn everything she could about Hunter
and his business, while avoiding Anna Belle at all costs. Then, she would strike.


Amy ran her thumb over Patrick’s lips. They were full, moist and tender. A small droplet of milk hung
on the corner of his mouth. Amy couldn’t help wiping it away.

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Patrick smiled at her, amused by the maternal gesture. He licked his lips and motioned for her to sit.

Amy watched him carefully. She hadn’t mentioned her encounter with Hunter, or her knowledge of
Patrick’s impending nuptials to Anna Belle. And in turn, Patrick hadn’t said a word about his
engagement. She wondered how long he planned on keeping up the lie.

As she watched him finish up paperwork at his desk, she couldn’t help marveling at how well he
juggled his life. He had a way of compartmentalizing people that gave her pause.

She desperately wanted to believe he was nothing like Hunter, that his engagement to Anna Belle
wasn’t true, but the evidence suggested otherwise. Amy frowned and rubbed her forehead. She felt
another tension headache coming on.

“What’s wrong?” Patrick asked.

He’d been unusually clingy and concerned for her well-being lately. Normally, Amy would have liked
the attention, except that it was her mission to sort out the affairs of Patrick and Hunter. The way
Patrick followed her around like a lost puppy made it difficult to investigate. Not to mention, that she
was always on the look out for Hunter and Anna Belle. She didn’t think she could contain her rage if
she was around either of them again.

Amy had no idea what she was thinking when she slept with Hunter. The whole fiasco left her feeling
deeply ashamed. It made her all the more resolved to find out the kind of person Patrick really was.
She wanted to believe there was someone worth fighting for in this whole mess.

Suddenly it occurred to her that there was: herself. For a long time Amy had struggled with her self-
esteem. If anything good came out of this it was that she learned to fight for herself. She wasn’t going
to let anyone use her or make her feel worthless again.


Amy’s mind had wondered off. “Sorry?”

“You seem distant.”

Amy shrugged.

Patrick rose and walked around the desk. He crouched on the floor in front of her and took her hand.
“I know what it is.”

Amy’s heart raced. “You do?”

“Of course. It’s about the other night…when you said you loved me. We haven’t discussed it. I want
you to know that you can tell me anything.”

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Amy wanted to scoff, to laugh in his face and walk out. The idea that she was supposed to be totally
open, but that he could keep his secrets was insulting.

“I know I can count on you to speak just as freely.” Amy kept her voice even. She didn’t want him to
know what she was really thinking, but it was hard to hide the bitterness in her words.

Patrick’s eyes narrowed. He examined her closely. She was constantly amazed at how expressive his
eyes were. They were vulnerable and boyish one minute, then fierce and dangerous the next. Now he
stared at her with a mixture of curiosity and worry.

“I haven’t been totally honest with you.” No shit, Amy thought. “But I’ve never held back without a
good reason.”

“What reason would you have?” She tried to sound sweet and innocent, but somehow came across
more abrasive than if she’d slapped him.

“You know about my engagement, don’t you?” Patrick laughed.

Amy looked around nervously. “I really don’t think it’s funny.”

Not only was he engaged, but he was laughing in her face about it. Amy considered walking out the
door and forgetting having ever met Patrick or Hunter or Anna Belle.

“No, I’m sorry.” He tried to compose himself, but couldn’t erase the smile from his face. He turned to
make sure his office door was closed. “Look, I shouldn’t be discussing this with you,” he said
confidentially, “but I’m not marrying Anna Belle.”

“But H-” Amy stopped herself. She almost gave away that she’d been with Hunter. Luckily, Patrick
ignored her.

“It has to appear that I’m marrying Anna Belle. My business with her father is complicated. He’s a
paranoid man. He tries to ensure complete loyalty from the people he does business with. In my case,
that means marrying into his family and well… you’ve seen what they’re like.”

Amy nodded. She winced at the memory of Anna Belle attacking her. She suddenly threw herself into
Patrick’s arms. He held her tight. Tears came to Amy’s eyes.

As scared as she was of Hunter, she had been more afraid of discovering that Patrick was just as bad.
Discovering that his engagement was a ploy gave her relief. It was devious, but Hunter’s family was
crazy. Hopefully, she thought, Patrick knows what he’s doing. As precarious as her situation might be,
it was nice to know she had an ally.


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“I did something horrible.” It was now or never. She couldn’t continue deceiving him. If they were
going to move forward together they had to trust one another- and she didn’t want Hunter to have any
leverage over her.

Patrick still held her, but his body stiffened. “Go on.”

“Last night… I was with Hunter.”

Patrick didn’t move. His silence was worse than if he’d flown into a rage.

“We slept together… and he told me you were marrying Anna Belle. Then he called me a whore and
threatened me…I-”

The words came flooding out of her. She began to cry. It was a huge relief to get the burden off of her
chest, even though she hated herself for hurting Patrick.

An agonizing minute passed before Patrick reached up and ran his fingers through her hair. He was
gentle, but Amy could feel the tension radiating off of him. She knew he was furious, but he was trying
to control himself.

He wiped a tear from her cheek.

“It’s not your fault,” he said through gritted teeth.

“Of course it is. I betrayed you because I thought you were betraying me. I know it’s no excuse… I
just… Please don’t hate me. I do love you.” Amy realized in that instant that it was true: she loved

“I know.”

It was all Patrick said before leading her upstairs to his bedroom. He helped her into bed and pulled
the covers up, around her.

It was late and Amy felt emotionally drained. She wanted Patrick to lay down with her, but instead he
sat in a chair by the bed.

“You aren’t going to lay down?” she asked timidly.

“I have something that I need to do.” His words gave Amy the chills. “I’ll stay with you until you fall

Amy fought against sleep. She didn’t want Patrick to leave, but she was too exhausted. Eventually, she
drifted off and when she woke with a start in the middle of the night, Patrick was gone.

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Amy walked through the big house aimlessly. It was early morning and the house was dark and empty.
Somehow, it felt heavy and oppressive. It made her uncomfortable. She felt like a lonely ghost
haunting an abandoned home.

Finally, she stopped in front of Patrick’s office. He was gone and it was a rare opportunity to

She wanted to know more about his business, but she also wanted his trust. It was severely damaged
if not destroyed, now that he knew she’d slept with Hunter. Snooping around his office was not the
way to win back his confidence, but she couldn’t help herself. Amy needed to know more about
Patrick’s business with Hunter.

She opened the door and tiptoed inside. “I’ll just take a quick peek,” she said to herself.

Amy was suddenly reminded of standing in the hall and rationalizing her date with Hunter. If only she
could take it back. Too late, she thought.

Amy closed the door behind her and sat down at Patrick’s desk. She turned on his computer, but
stopped when she saw that it was password protected.

She shut it down and began looking through several papers on his desk. Most if it was meaningless to
her, but one document gave her pause. It was a memo from Hunter to Anna Belle. Cryptically, it asked
that she check on the ‘arrangement.’

The arrangement of what, Amy couldn’t say. The memo was dated yesterday morning, making it the
day after her encounter with Hunter.

She put the paper back exactly as she had found it and rose from the desk. She suddenly realized she
was going about this the wrong way. She had to convince Patrick to open up to her. He had to
understand that they were in this together.

She rubbed her face and sighed. “He’ll be the death of us all,” she said out loud.

“Yes he will.”

Amy jumped out of her seat. Patrick stepped out of the shadows. “I assume you were referring to
Hunter.” His voice was cold.

“I was just-”

“Digging for dirt.”

Amy didn’t know what to say. She’d been caught red-handed.

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“We can’t go on this way.” Patrick rested against the desk and put his head down. “In all honesty, I
don’t blame you for the things you’ve done. I’ve pushed you away and put you in danger. This is my

Amy walked around the desk and stood before him. “I shouldn’t have slept with Hunter. It was wrong.
Don’t apologize for that. If you want us to be close then you have to tell me what’s going on. Why am
I in danger? What business dealings do you have with Hunter that are so important that you would
keep up this charade? I mean, all of these lies and games over money?”

“It’s not just about money. My families’ legacy is at stake.”

“I don’t understand.”

“My family doesn’t have much anymore, except our name- a name that used to mean something.”

Amy was having a hard time following him. “All of this is over your family name?”

“My family and Hunter’s family have a long complicated history. The recession wiped us out and this
deal is a chance to restore what we once had.”

“So you’ll marry Anna Belle then, for your family?”

“I told you, I have no intention of marrying her.”

“And what? I’m supposed to take your word?”

“Believe me, don’t believe me, but understand, I’ve only done what I think is in the best interest of my
family and you.”

Amy was beyond arguing the motives of Patrick’s actions. At this point, all she wanted was a plan of
attack. She needed to feel some degree of control in this whole bizarre situation she found herself in.
“What do we do now?”

“We wait.”

“Will you tell Hunter that I’ve come clean with you?”

“No. He needs to believe everything is proceeding as he planned it. We should carry on as if nothing
has changed.”

“But they have changed, haven’t they?”

Patrick stepped close to her and ran the back of his hand down her arm. His touch never failed to send
shivers up and down her spine.

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“You’re the wildcard in all this,” he whispered. “I need you, but I can’t guarantee your safety. I know
you wonder…”

He swallowed hard and looked away. Amy tried to hold his gaze, but he wouldn’t meet her eyes. She
couldn’t read his expression. Patrick had a way of retreating into his mind and blocking her out. She
found it maddening.

Amy touched his face and ran her finger along his jaw and over his lips. His eyes searched her face.
Could it be that he found her as enigmatic as she found him? The thought made Amy blush.

Suddenly, his mouth was on hers. He kissed her softly. It was a delicate, intimate gesture. One, rarely
experienced in life and made twice as tender by the hard road they faced. Times were difficult but it
gave Amy hope to know that they were in fact in it together.

He grabbed her by the waist and lifted her onto the desk. She felt as if she weighed next to nothing in
his arms. He untied her robe and rested his head on her chest. Amy ran her fingers through his hair,
petting him gently.

It suddenly weighed heavily on her mind how much stress Patrick was under. She hadn’t stopped to
consider the pressure on him.

Maybe, she thought bitterly, it was because he didn’t let her in. She wanted to share his burden, but he
closed her off.

As she felt Patrick’s hot breath on her skin, she realized that as much as she wanted to stay angry at
him, she couldn’t, he was the lost piece she’d been searching for; the indefinable part of herself that
had been missing.

He suddenly pulled away from her and took her face in his hands. He hesitated. Amy wondered why
he lingered. It was as if there was something in him that wanted to resist her.

Whatever part of him said no, lost. His lips met hers hungrily. A wave of aggression overtook him as
his kissed her feverishly.

His desire was infectious. Amy found herself afflicted with the same wanton need that haunted

She bit at his lips and ran her tongue in and out of his mouth. The feeling of his full lips pressed
against hers lit a spark in her. Warmth radiated from deep inside her, spreading up through her breasts
and down between her legs.

Amy pulled off her robe and threw it to the floor. She separated from Patrick long enough to lift her
slip over her head and discard it.

He grabbed her legs and spread them wide. Before she could wrap them around his waist, he plunged

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his cock into her.

He fucked her hard. The desk shook with the force of his thrusts. Amy clung him to like a drowning

The pleasant warmth and tingling inside her exploded into a ravenous exultation. She squeezed him
between her thighs, challenging him to fuck her harder. He met her demands and easily exceeded

His thick cock set a punishing rhythm as it entered her again and again. It felt perversely cleansing to
have him fuck her so roughly. It was like she was atoning for cheating with Hunter, except that she
loved every moment of Patrick’s ‘punishment.’ She felt with every thrust as if some wall between was
breaking down.

Amy could feel him work through his anger. A part of her felt slightly guilty about enjoying the
experience, but he was amazing in bed. Plus, she’d spent most of her life being taken advantage of, to
suddenly have the upper hand was exhilarating and new.

Amy fucked Patrick hard; she eagerly moved as aggressively as he did.

His stamina was unyielding. It was like they were in a competition to see who would come first. It
was Amy that relented. Make no mistake, she was happy to lose that battle.

When she came she felt as if she had been reborn. A new life lay ahead, but what it entailed she was
still yet to know.

Patrick came shortly thereafter. The two kept their bodies pressed together: face-to-face, arms
wrapped around one another; their limbs tangled like Siamese twins.

When Patrick released her Amy saw something on his face she’d never seen before: contentment. His
face was normally a kaleidoscope of emotions, but peacefulness usually didn’t figure into his

The moment was short-lived. A dark cloud settled in his eyes. Amy didn’t know what he was
thinking, but the brief respite from their difficulties was gone.

Desperate to recapture the moment, Amy ran her hands between and under breasts suggestively.

“You’re not finished, are you?” she asked, kittenishly.

Patrick stared at her chest and smiled. There was something about his grin that excited Amy. It was
boyish and lascivious; intelligent and perverse, all at the same time.

He pressed her breasts together and squeezed. He took a second to admire her large creamy, white
mounds before passing his tongue over her left nipple.

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They’d done this act several times, but it never failed to catch Amy by surprise.

She giggled girlishly at the sensation. It was ticklish and arousing; she’d come to love it.

Sometimes, when she was alone at night she would pinch her nipples and run her fingers over them to
try and recreate the feeling, but it wasn’t the same. Patrick had the magic touch that drove her wild.

His lips fit around her nipple perfectly. Amy’s areola tingled with anticipation. Patrick hesitated. He
loved teasing her; it drove her mad in the best possible way.

His tongue flicked over her nipple, sending a spasm of pleasure throughout Amy’s body.

“Don’t stop,” she moaned.

Her breasts began to ache. They were full of milk and fit to burst. Sensing that his teasing was turning
into torture, Patrick began sucking. He sucked gently at first, letting the sweet milk drip over his

It wasn’t long, however, before his passion defeated his restraint. He began to suck greedily.

On a less experienced woman, it might have been a painful sensation, but Amy loved it. The pinched
sharp feeling mingled with her pleasure to create an entirely new, entirely unquantifiable sensation. It
was like discovering a sixth sense related to sex.

Patrick finished her left breast and moved on to the right. He wasted no time. He emptied it, just as
Amy felt herself climax for the second time.

Amy looked down at him and laughed. A wave of relief washed over her. She slapped his face
playfully and rose.

“Where are you going?” he asked.

Amy smiled and walked around his desk to where Patrick kept his checkbook. She pulled it out of the
desk drawer and waved it in front of him.

“I don’t want to do this anymore,” she said.

“What?” he asked, his face growing serious.

“The money. I don’t want to be on the payroll.”

“Don’t you think it’s easier this way? Less complicated?”

Amy sighed. As if things could possibly be any more complicated, she thought. “We’re in this together

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now, right?”

Patrick nodded reluctantly.

“Good. Then let’s teach Hunter and Anna Belle a lesson in trust.”


Amy brushed the back of the man’s shoulders with her fingertips. Delicately, she traced the hard
muscles on his back, her touch as gentle as a feather.

She smiled when he suppressed a shiver. Amy would be lying to herself if she said she didn’t find the
man attractive. He was athletic and handsome. His skin was warm; his muscles thick and well-

Amy swallowed hard. She had to stay focused. She thought of Patrick and their future together. If, she
thought, they have a future together it will depend upon several factors, one being the man sitting
before her.

She had a plan. A plan, she’d run over and over with Patrick. It was important to her that he know
everything. No secrets, not anymore. If they were going to forget the mistakes of the past and move on,
they had to start now by moving forward together.

The man suddenly grabbed her hand and brought it to his lips. He kissed her fingers sweetly and
smiled up at her. His smile physically pained her. This man, Jack, was Hunter’s son. He was like his
father in every way except for one: he was innocent.

Where his father was greedy, Jack was generous; when he was cutthroat, Jack tried to be the
diplomat. It broke Amy’s heart that a genuinely good man like Jack was caught in the middle of this.
But it wasn’t her fault, it was Hunters. At least, that what she kept telling herself. Still, she couldn’t
shake the guilt. Here she was using Jack and he was completely clueless.

Jack kissed the palm of her hand, then released her. “What’s wrong?” he asked.

Amy blanched. She found it hard to hide her feelings. Her guilt must have been written all over her
face. She forced a smile and a soft laugh.

“Nothing, I was just thinking how sad it is that we have so little time together.”

Jack’s eyes lit up. He suddenly looked very young, like a boy with his first girlfriend. It broke Amy’s
heart. She resolved to do whatever she could to make sure Jack was treated as gently as possible
throughout this whole ordeal. She wanted him to come out of this as unscathed as possible.

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Patrick hated Hunter’s family, but he was uncertain about how to feel about Jack. She hoped the three
of them could work out a peaceful agreement after they destroyed Hunter.

Amy and Patrick had fallen back into old roles. At least, that’s what they wanted it to look like.
Patrick took Anna Belle back. Their relationship was the best it had ever been. The two of them were
gleefully planning their wedding. Or so everyone believed.

It made Amy laugh how easily Patrick ingratiated himself with Anna Belle and Hunter. They were the
most narcissistic people Amy had ever met. All Patrick had to do was stroke Anna Belle’s ego and
constantly defer to Hunter’s ‘brilliance’ in all business matters.

Amy discovered it was easy to manipulate egomaniacs if you told them lies they believed to be true
about themselves. In the case of Hunter, he was convinced that he was the best businessman in the
game; a man with sophisticated taste and an unimpeachable record.

Anna Belle was even worse. She was vain, ignorant and convinced she was ‘special’ in some
indefinable way. She had a princess complex that made Amy want to vomit, but it at least made Anna
Belle predictable. As long as Patrick kept her occupied with wedding details and compliments she
wasn’t a threat.

Jack rose and put on his shirt. His sexual proclivities were fairly conventional. He saw Amy’s ability
as a curiosity. He wasn’t repulsed by it, but he wasn’t turned on by it either.

She’d offered him her breasts and he laughed. Amy felt slighted by his reprieve, but his prowess in
the bedroom made up for it.

Earlier, he’d thrown her on her back and fucked her hard. His cock was thick and long, bigger than his
fathers, Amy thought mischievously. He was good in bed. In truth, he was exceptional, but Amy felt
uncomfortable enjoying their time together too much.

The plan was on shaky ground with Patrick. He wasn’t happy about her sleeping with Jack, but he
understood it was necessary if they were going to get intimate knowledge of Hunter’s plans. Plus,
when Anna Belle and Hunter discovered Amy was sleeping with Jack, they would be furious.

As much as Amy tried to stay detached she couldn’t help liking Jack. As she watched him dress, she
bit her lip deep in thought. Revenge against Hunter and Anna Belle gave her pleasure, but at what
cost? It wasn’t Jacks fault that Hunter was his father. We don’t get to choose our families. Things
would only get worse before they got better, that was guaranteed.

“You have that look again,” Jack said, “like you’re somewhere else.”

Amy smiled and shrugged. She stretched out on the bed and patted the mattress. “Why don’t you lie
down… remind me of what’s real.”

Jack shook his head. “You’re evil,” he said playfully.

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He crawled across the bed towards her. She wore only a thin slip with no underwear. His hand found
itself between her legs. The movement was so natural and free from self-consciousness that it gave
Amy pause. They interacted with the ease of old lovers. It was immensely enjoyable, but Amy was
struggling to keep her head in the game.

She closed her eyes and tried to imagine that it was Patrick with his hand between her legs. Jack’s
hands however were larger than Patrick’s. His fingers were longer and more delicate, like a

He massaged her clit slowly. His movement were deliberate and soft. Amy tried to hold Patrick’s
face in her mind, but failed. Finally, she gave into the moment. She relaxed and let Jack take her.

She began breathing rapidly. Her large chest rose and fell as she felt a growing burst of ecstasy
radiate deep inside her. She began squeezing her breasts and rubbing them roughly. They ached and
tingled, desperate for the release Jack’s full supple lips could bring her.

Without thinking, she pulled down her slip and grabbed Jack’s head. She pulled him to her breasts
forcefully. There was a moments hesitation, then Jack’s curiosity got the better of him. His lips found
their way to her right nipple slowly. Shyly, he flicked her nipple with his tongue, sending Amy into
fits of laughter. Embarrassed, Jack moved away from her.

“No!” Amy protested. “I love it. It’s just… ticklish, sometimes.” Now it was her turn to feel
embarrassed. “You don’t have to if you don’t want to,” she added quickly.

Jack smiled and grabbed her legs. He pulled her closer, positioning Amy beneath him. Amy found the
way he pulled her across the bed exciting. He was young, but he wasn’t inexperienced. He had a
natural instinct in the bedroom. He knew exactly when to be rough, when to be gentle and now, when
to be kinky.

Jack pulled her slip off, leaving her completely nude. Amy felt oddly vulnerable and exposed. Maybe,
she thought, it was because this was the first time Jack had fed from her.

Jack took his time. He ran his hands over the curves of her body. His fingers explored the inside of
her thighs and ran over her stomach.

He gathered her breasts in his hands and kneaded her large, milky flesh gently. Amy gasped slightly.
The way he delayed and teased drove Amy wild in the best possible way.

Patrick and Hunter were enamored with her breasts. When she was with them they jumped at the
opportunity to feed from her, but for Jack it was unexplored territory. He wanted to examine every
inch of her- to prolong the moment, for the both of them.

Finally, he bent over her and kissed her chest gently. Goose bumps broke out over her body. Amy felt
shivers cascade up and down her spine. Usually it took more than just a kiss to get her this worked up.

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Her body was reacting in ways that made her nervous.

Jack’s tongue snaked down around her areola and passed over her nipple once, before his lips found
their way onto her. Timidly, he began sucking.

He was so gentle that her breasts produced no milk. He drew her nipple into his mouth further and
started again. This time, her milk flowed easily.

He pulled away from her and swallowed. For a heart-stopping second Amy was terrified he would
judge her- call her a freak for enjoying this. Instead, he took her nipple in his mouth and drank

Amy gripped the sheets of the bed and moaned loudly. She tried to remain still, so as not to disturb
Jack, but her body moved as if possessed. Her back arched, her hips moved rhythmically; warmth
radiated from her breasts down through her body. An intense orgasm racked her body.

When she opened her eyes she was surprised to see that Jack had finished and moved onto her other
breast. She had been so consumed by the moment, she hadn’t felt him take her left nipple into his

Her cherry nipples tingled and sang with electricity as he drained her breasts. She came just as he

Out of breath, they laid beside each other on the bed. Amy felt speechless and exhausted. It was as if
her life essence was depleted.

Jack rolled onto his side. He ran his hand over her stomach gently.

“Was that too much? I didn’t hurt you? I mean, you liked it, right?” His words came fast. He delivered
them nervously.

Amy laughed. Jack was always so eager to please her, especially now. Now, she thought, now was
the time.

Amy touched Jack’s face, tracing the outline of his jaw.

“It was amazing,” she purred. “You are amazing.” Jack smiled boyishly. “Can we meet again soon?”

Amy already knew the answer to this. Jack had explained earlier that he would be stuck hammering
out the details of the his father’s merger with Patrick for at least the next week. Amy asked anyways,
simply to shift the topic of conversation to business.

“Sweetheart, you know I can’t. I would give anything to get out of work and spend the week with you,

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Amy shook her head and looked away, feigning sadness. “What’s so important at work to keep you
away from me for so long?”

He lifted his eyebrow ruefully. “That’s top secret. I’m not allowed to tell anyone.”

Amy pouted and pushed Jack onto his back. She climbed on top of him, straddling his cock.

“But…” he said.

“But?” Amy asked.

“Well, I don’t know. Can I trust you?”

His tone was light. He was teasing her, but his words stung. No, Amy thought, you can’t trust me. She
suddenly felt deeply ashamed. ‘The ends justifies the means,’ was an ugly philosophy. One, that she
did not want to live by and yet here she was.

She couldn’t bring herself to say yes. Instead, she nodded. Coward, Amy thought. She had to fight the
urge to run out of the room.

“Well, in that case…”

Jack flipped Amy onto her back and rolled on top of her. Up close, his blue eyes were striking. She
couldn’t help enjoying the way he looked at her. His feelings seemed, pure, innocent.

“Dad’s got it in for your old boss.”

By ‘old boss,’ he meant Patrick. Jack didn’t know that Patrick paid Amy for sex, she left that part out.
Instead, she told him they’d worked together until Patrick had fired her when his company decided to

“He’s planning on taking Pat’s business to the chop shop.”

“What?” Amy asked, confused.

“Patrick thinks the merger means Dad’s company will absorb Patrick’s making them one. But really,
Dad’s going to lay off everyone that works for Patrick. Probably raid their pensions then sell off
what’s left of the company to its competitors. Somewhere along the line, Patrick will get the axe too.
Of course, Dad’s planning on throwing a couple million his way to shut him up. But with his family’s
debts, Pat will probably be out on his ass this time next year. As for my dear sister…”

“Wait,” Amy said, pushing Jack off of her. “This whole time Hunter’s been lying? He’s going to
destroy Patrick and his family’s wealth?”

“Sweetie, that money’s long gone. His family’s got nothing. As for the company,” Jack shrugged, “it’s

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just business.”

“Is that what you think? People are going to lose their jobs, their livelihoods.”

It’s strange, Amy thought, how a person can reveal their true colors with a few simple words. Jack
clearly wasn’t as innocent as she’d thought, at least when it came to business anyway. He talked about
the destruction of Patrick’s company in cold, clinical terms. He wasn’t joking when he said, ‘it’s just

“You’re right,” Jack said, chastened. “It was wrong of me to talk about it like that. This is going to
hurt a lot of people. You have to understand, I’ve spent my whole life watching my father work. He
does this all the time. It makes you jaded. I wish there was another way.”

“If you know it’s wrong, then why don’t you try and stop it?”

“Amy, Patrick was the one that drove his company off a cliff to begin with.”

“And you and your father are here just here to do what? Scavenge through the wreckage?”

Jack sighed. She hadn’t intended to attack him like this, but his attitude upset her. Still, not all hope
was lost. She believed Jack when he said he wished things were different. A lifetime raised in the
shadow of a man like Hunter would leave anyone a little messed up. But Amy believed he could be

A sudden mad urge to bring Jack in on their plans flashed through Amy. She had to fight the impulse to
tell him everything. He couldn’t be trusted, not yet.

Jack ran his hands through his hair and frowned. He looked stressed. Amy had him all worked-up and
not in a good way. She was supposed to be gaining his trust so that he would open up to her with
details of his father’s business. It was important that she make him happy. In time, he would see the
error of his ways, but for now he was part of the problem.

“Baby,” Amy cooed, “I’m sorry. I don’t know why I get so worked-up some times. I know the kind of
man you really are.”

Jack put an arm around Amy and pulled her close. She rested her head on his chest.

“You’re the best thing to happen to me in a long time,” he said. “I’d hate to lose you now.”

It hurt Amy to hear him talk like this. She loved Patrick. On the surface he was temperamental and
rash, but Amy saw the good in him and the potential he had yet to fulfill. Jack reminded her of Patrick
in this way, but her heart was spoken for.

“Why would you lose me?”

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“I lost my mother at a young age.”

He paused. Amy waited for him to continue, but he let his words hang in the air, unable or unwilling
to finish his thought.

She ran her fingers through his chest hair and kissed him on the corner of his mouth.

The sound of a clock in the hall striking midnight caught her attention. She needed to meet Patrick and
tell him everything she’d learned tonight, but she couldn’t bring herself to leave Jack.

And, if she was being totally honest, she wasn’t up for listening to Patrick’s jealous complaints. She
couldn’t blame him for being upset. She was fucking another man after all.

Still, Patrick was territorial and Amy worried that when this was over he would try and retaliate
against Jack. She had to proceed with a delicate balance if she was going to bring Jack through this

“I’ve been thinking,” Jack said, “you and I, we have something special.”

Amy suddenly felt nervous.

“I think well, I mean, I don’t want to get ahead of myself, but I would like for you to meet my father
and sister.”

Amy froze. She was waiting for the perfect moment to reveal herself as Jack’s girlfriend. She knew it
would send Hunter and Anna Belle through the roof with anger, but if the truth was uncovered too
soon it could ruin their plans to save Patrick’s company.

However, Amy knew she couldn’t refuse Jack’s offer. It would upset him and push him away at the
exact moment when she needed him close.

“I would love to meet them,” Amy said.

“Yeah? That’s great. I was a little worried that well, never mind. I mean, I think when you meet my
dad you’ll really like him. I know you disapprove of the way he runs his business, but you’ll see who
he really is.”

Amy didn’t know whether to laugh or cry. Her mind flashed back to her encounter with Hunter in her
home. She had been seduced by his charm and confidence only to be left fearing for her life. Jack
appeared to be under a similar spell.

“And my sister,” Jack continued, “you’ll love her. She’s crazy.”

He said this in a joking way, like it was part of her charm. His family had really done a number on
him, Amy thought. He didn’t seem to have the slightest clue about the kind of people they really were.

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“She’s about to marry your old boss, you know?”

“Yeah.” Amy cleared her throat. “I heard.”

“She’s got him wrapped around her finger. He’s spending all kinds of money- money, that he doesn’t
have- to give her a fairytale princess wedding.”

Jack rolled his eyes and laughed.

It was true, Patrick was catering to Anna Belle’s every whim to keep her happy. Amy couldn’t help
feeling a little jealous. She knew it was a way of placating Anna Belle, but part of Amy wished that it
she and Jack were the ones planning their future together. She supposed in a way that this scheme
they’d cooked up was a plan for their future.

However, it offered little comfort. She suddenly felt she deserved these pangs of jealousy. She
couldn’t imagine how Patrick felt. He knew she was sleeping with Jack for information. She had the
feeling that Patrick was barely holding it together.

Sadly, she realized she would never have it both ways. She wanted Patrick and Jack to be happy, but
one of them was going to be left a loser.

“Your father is okay with marrying his daughter off to a loser like that?” There was an edge to Amy’s
voice she couldn’t control.

“I thought you didn’t like him?”

“Of course not.” Amy rose and began to dress.

He considered her for a moment then asked, “When should I schedule dinner with my family?”

Amy was growing frustrated. “I’m not sure- whenever you like.”

She would have to come up with an excuse later, for now her priority was getting out of Jack’s house
and getting in touch with Patrick.

“You don’t have to leave,” Jack said.

He took her hand and kissed her fingers. Amy ran her thumb over his lips and cheek. The first hints of
a beard brushed against her skin. She pulled her hand away quickly.

“You’ve got work in a couple of hours. It’s going to be a busy week for you. I’ll see you at the end.”

“A week’s a long time.”

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Amy didn’t respond.

“After the merger’s done,” Jack continued, “I’ll introduce you to my father and sister.”

Amy hastily agreed to Jack’s proposal with the hope that by then, Patrick’s business would be saved
and the wedding canceled. She assumed that she wouldn’t have to go through with the dinner, since
their biggest problems would be resolved, or so she hoped.

As she turned to leave Jack pulled her close and kissed her deeply. His soft lips were firm and sweet
with the taste of milk.

When Amy pulled away he kissed her breasts playfully. It made Amy blush. The longer she stayed
with him, the more aroused she grew.

“I have to go,” she said. Jack looked at her suspiciously. “Or else,” she added quickly, “I’ll never be
able to leave.”

She smiled suggestively and darted out of the room before Jack could stop her. She knew she
wouldn’t be able to resist if he wanted to fuck her again.

After her car was a safe distance from Jack’s home she phoned Patrick. The first thing out of her
mouth was: “Can you talk?” It was important that no one know they were still in contact.

“Yes,” Patrick sighed, “I wasn’t sure you were going to call. I was beginning to worry. Are you

The concern in his voice almost brought her to tears. It had been a stressful couple of weeks. She
wanted this experience behind her so that she could start planning her life with Patrick.

“I’m fine.” Her voice broke a little. She cleared her throat and tried to sound strong. “There’s been a
new development.”

“I know, I’ve been trying to get in touch with you.”

“You know? But-”

Jack cut her off. “Listen to me, you need to get away from Jack. He’s not who you think. The things
Hunter’s company is involved in… just get over here. I can’t go into it all over the phone. Be care-”

Headlights suddenly flashed in Amy’s mirrors. A car rammed her from behind.

She didn’t have time to think. She dropped the cell phone and grabbed the wheel. Her car swerved
out of control on the road. She came to a stop in the ditch.

The last thing she remembered before blacking out was her car door opening and Jack shining a

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flashlight in her eyes.


When Amy woke she was laying face down in a shallow puddle of water. Rain fell lightly on her
back. She coughed once and tried to turn over. A bolt of pain shot through her neck and down her
spine. She felt dizzy; her vision blurred.

For a second, she couldn’t remember what had happened, then the sound of voices jolted her memory:
a car accident. She had been forced off the road by Jack. She closed her eyes tightly, feeling hurt and
foolish. Once again, she had been betrayed by a man she trusted.

She tried to force her emotions down. She was going to have to steel herself for what was coming.

Amy opened her eyes. She was laying in a ditch beside her wrecked car. She didn’t know how much
time had passed, but it couldn’t have been more than a few minutes.

Two men stood by the road talking quietly. They seemed to be having a disagreement, though Amy
couldn’t make out what they were saying.

A car passed, flooding the men with its headlights. For a brief moment Amy could make out the
silhouette of Jack. He was standing in profile, his arms crossed in front of his chest. The sight of him
filled Amy with disgust.

She pushed against the soggy ground and was able to slowly rise with minimal pain.

She didn’t have a plan. Her best bet was to run, but to where? The area they were in was pretty
isolated. She wasn’t even sure where the nearest house was. Then she remembered her cell phone.
She’d been talking to Patrick when the wreck happened. It must still be in the car, she hoped.

She began to slowly ease up the embankment toward the open door of her car, when the sound of a
man’s voice stopped her.

“Everything okay?” he called out.

At first Amy thought it was the other man with Jack, that he was taunting her. She quickly realized that
it wasn’t the mysterious stranger, but a good Samaritan. A man that had stopped to see if anyone was
hurt. She was trying to decide if it was wise to call out to him for help, when she heard a familiar

“Just a little fender bender. No worries. Thanks for stopping.”

Amy’s breath caught in her throat. She looked up just as the car drove on. It bathed the men in light

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again before pulling away. This time the light was from a different angle, it lit the faces of the men on
the road.

Amy nearly cried out in shock when she saw that the man on the hill wasn’t Jack, but his father

The men looked almost identical in profile. Amy was overcome with mixed emotions. Part of her was
happy that Jack wasn’t involved, while another part of her was terrified of Hunter.

Questions raced through her mind: how long had Hunter known she’d been sleeping with Jack? Was
Jack a part of this? Amy didn’t think so. He could be ignorant about the affects his father’s business
had on people, but he wasn’t cold blooded.

Amy pushed the thoughts out of her mind and focused on her cell phone. She crawled slowly up to the
open car door. The men were distracted by something. They didn’t notice her until she reached the

When Hunter saw Amy he ran around the car to grab her. Amy jumped inside her car and closed the
door behind her. She locked it just as Hunter pulled on the handle. He hit the window with his hand
and glared at her.

Amy smiled triumphantly. He pounded on the window again and called for the other man to help him.

Amy reached for the ignition, but keys were gone. She didn’t think the car was in driving condition
anyway, but she couldn’t help cursing at her rotten luck. She began feeling around in the dark for her
phone. Finally she found it on the floorboard of the car.

The phone still worked, but the screen was broken. Frantically, she tried dialing 911, but a huge crack
ran through where the nine was located on the screen. The phone refused to dial.

A loud crash to her left startled Amy so badly she dropped the phone. The second man with Hunter
was hitting the driver’s side window with a large flashlight.

Expecting the glass to shatter Amy covered her head. The glass however didn’t break into a million
pieces like she thought. It was fractured, but remained whole.

The man raised the flashlight to hit the window again when a thought shot through Amy’s mind: Why
doesn’t he just use the car keys to open the door? She had assumed the car keys were missing because
either Hunter or his companion had removed them. Maybe, she hoped, they had actually fallen to the
floorboard in the crash?

She began feeling around the soaked carpet. The man hit the window again. A couple more hits and
the window would give. She searched frantically, but found nothing.

A loud boom suddenly shook the car. Amy, Hunter and the other man all stopped and looked at each

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other uncertainly. The sound came again, louder this time. It was coming from the back of the car.

She turned in time to see the trunk fly open. Hunter and the other man ran for the back of the car as a
shadowy figure emerged.

Hunter rounded the back of the car and was promptly knocked down by what looked like a tire iron.
The second man shied back away from the third, obviously afraid of being hit.

Amy looked on in shock. Why was there a man locked in her trunk? And why was this man attacking
Hunter? The answers soon revealed themselves when the mysterious stranger stepped towards Amy.
It was Patrick.

Amy wanted to run to him, but the second man lunged at Patrick, swinging his flashlight.

The man reached inside his coat, searching for what looked like a gun. Amy froze, unable to scream
or move. Patrick acted quickly. He hit the man’s face, then the back of his legs, forcing him to his

Patrick reached inside the man’s coat removed the gun, and hit the man in the face with the barrel,
knocking him unconscious. Without hesitation he kicked the man to the side, pushing his body into the

Patrick threw open the car door and jumped inside. Amy wrapped her arms around him and buried
her face in his chest. He held her tight.

Amy began to shake, the shock of the crash was finally catching up to her. She wanted Patrick to hold
her and never let go, but they needed to leave. He released her and pulled out the car keys from his
pocket. Amy felt confused. Before she could ask any questions Patrick was starting the car and
driving away from the scene.

“Are you okay?” he asked.

“I’m pretty far from okay,” she answered honestly.

He took her hand and held it as they sped through the night. Amy was unsure of their destination.

“What happened back there?” she asked.

“After the line went dead I got in the car and headed towards Jack’s. When I saw your car on the side
of the road… I don’t know what came over me. I just reacted. Hunter and his pal were in the process
of moving your body into the ditch. At first, I thought you were dead.”

Patrick swallowed hard. He suddenly turned down a side street and stopped the car.

“Like I said, I just reacted. I stopped my car and went after them. There was a third man who took me

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by surprise- cold-cocked me from behind. He took my car and left; Hunter and the other man locked
me in your trunk.”

Amy took his hand. She was still confused about Hunter’s plans. Did he think he could kill the two of
them and still pull off the merger?

“I think Hunter was planning on holding us hostage,” Patrick said, as if reading her mind. “Forcing, or
forging, my signature on the contracts; waiting until the deal was finalized, then quietly disposing of
the two of us.”

Amy wrapped her arms around Patrick and buried her face in his chest. He rested his head against
hers and rubbed her back slowly. His touch was so soothing that for a moment Amy almost felt safe.
Her shame however, kept her from getting too comfortable.

Hunter had threatened her in the past, but she now realized that deep down she didn’t take the
situation seriously. A part of her thought of this as a game.

Her mind couldn’t handle the idea of Patrick dying. It was too much. She foolishly wanted to believe
that they would win and Hunter would quietly disappear, chastened by defeat.

Now, for the first time, she understood the gravity of the situation. They had almost died and they may
not make it through the night.

With the urgency of a condemned woman, Amy grabbed Patrick’s face and pulled it down to hers. She
kissed him hard; he offered no resistance.

Their kisses were feverish and hungry. She felt as if they were drowning, but his warmth and strength
could save them both.

The car was small and cramped, but Amy managed to climb on top of Patrick. She pulled at his
zipper, freeing his cock. It slid inside her fast and hard. They fucked with a frenzied passion. They
pushed and pulled at one another, looking more like fighters than lovers.

The windows steamed. Amy reached out to brace herself, leaving a blurred handprint on the
fractured glass.

She fucked Patrick harder. Her hips grinding against him like they were possessed. She felt oddly
detached from the moment. Even as pleasure rocketed through her body, she couldn’t escape the sense
of a loss of control.

Her response was to move faster and harder.

She pulled her top off and pushed her breasts into Patrick’s face. He bit her nipple hard. His teeth
sank into her sensitive flesh pinching her roughly. She cried out, half in pleasure, half in pain. The two
sensations were quickly becoming one in the same for Amy.

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She dug her nails into his back as he began to suck.

The pain and fear suddenly fled her body. Her movements slowed. A deep moan of satisfaction
escaped her mouth. At first Amy didn’t recognize her voice as her own. The sound was rich and
hearty, the cry of a woman indulging in forbidden carnal delights.

Amy closed her eyes and stopped moving her hips. Patrick’s cock was still hard inside her as his lips
and tongue worked at her breast.

He released her and breathed deeply like a swimmer emerging from a dive. He licked his lips and
moved onto her right breast. His soft, full lips cupped her nipple gently.

Her body sung with the sweet chill of the orgasm reverberating through her.

When Amy opened her eyes Patrick was finished. He watched her closely. She tried to divine what he
was thinking from his eyes, but it felt as if his thoughts were just out of reach. She wondered if he was
trying to figure out her own thoughts.

Headlights flashed across the windshield illuminating the interior of the car. Amy jumped for fear of
Hunter’s return.

Patrick coolly slid her to the side and picked up the gun he’d taken off one of the assailants earlier.

Amy dressed quickly with shaky hands.

The car, however, moved on. Patrick waited for her to finish dressing then started their car. He pulled
out onto the main street and headed North.

“Where are we going?” Amy asked.


“But that’s the first place they’ll look for us.”

“We don’t have a choice. All of the documents related to the merger are there. We have to get to them
before Hunter does. Many of them are signed, but nothing’s final yet- unless he gets his hands on them

“Jack told me they were planning on chopping up the company- leaving you broke.”

Patrick nodded. “They’ve lied to me every step of the way. I knew it was too good to be true, but I
never thought they would destroy the company.”

“How does Anna Belle fit into all of this? Hunter wanted you to marry her. Why would he leave his

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daughter married to a broke, ruined man?”

“Well, thanks.”

Amy sighed. “You know what I mean, he was planning on ruining you.”

“I think it was a kind of a contingency plan. We weren’t planning on finalizing the deal until after the
wedding. If I found out about his plans early- well, his daughter would be my wife. He might have
been planning on blackmailing me. ‘Do what I say and I’ll take care of both you and Anna Belle.
Don’t do what I say and I ruin you,’ that sort of thing. Plus, Anna Belle could just divorce me, or have
the marriage annulled at any time.”

“Hmm, maybe.“ Something else was bothering Amy though. “You didn’t tell me Hunter was waiting
until after the marriage to finalize the deal. Were you going to marry her?”

Patrick had promised Amy that he wouldn’t go through with the wedding. Of course, it wouldn’t be
the first time they’d misled each other.

“No. I promised you and I meant it. I would have figured out some other way of fixing things.”

“And now? Are things, ‘fixed?’”

Patrick regarded her seriously. Amy didn’t mean to be harsh with him. Things were fucked, to put it
bluntly, but they were in this together.

“Patrick, I’m sorry. I-”

“Don’t. You don’t have to apologize. Much of what’s happened is my fault. I brought you into this and
I’m sorry for that. You deserve better.” He took her hand and kissed it. “I promise you, I’m going to
make this right. You and I will have a long vacation when this is over.”

Before Amy could respond, Patrick slowed the car and turned off the headlights. They were nearing
his home.

“Let’s get out here,” he said.

Amy stepped out of the car cautiously. The night was dead silent; the streets were empty. Either
Hunter and his men hadn’t arrived yet, or they were good at hiding. Both scenarios filled Amy with

Patrick led her to a small opening in the hedge surrounding the estate. He pulled back the overgrowth
and motioned for her to enter.

Amy slipped inside. Patrick followed close behind. They traveled quietly in the shadows until they
reached the house. Patrick led her to a side entrance used by the house staff.

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As they entered Amy held her breath. She listened closely for any hint that they weren’t alone, but the
home was silent as a grave.

She followed Patrick down the hall to his office. The large room was cloaked in darkness except for
a square of moonlight gently illuminating the desk.

Patrick moved quickly, but Amy lingered at the door. She remembered when Patrick had caught her
snooping. She hadn’t even realized he was in the room it was so dark. The thought of Hunter or one of
his men hiding in the shadows feet away from her gave her the chills.

Amy hugged the wall and waited for Patrick to find what he was looking for. It felt like ages passed
before he finally found the contracts.

He began to walk away from the desk towards the door when he stopped in his tracks. The distinct
sound of a round being chambered in a gun froze Amy’s blood. The sound came from somewhere to
her right.

She’d known they’d be waiting. A part of her couldn’t help being upset at Patrick. They should’ve
waited until sunup, come up with a plan. Too late now, she thought bitterly.

“You just couldn’t let us get rid of the girl, could you?” Hunter’s voice echoed from the darkness like
a ghost.

It took Amy a second to understand he was talking about her. When realization dawned on her,
something inside her snapped. She was tired of being treated as a pawn. She was more than just, ‘the
girl.’ The time to end this was now.

A small, but heavy statue of a stag rested on a pedestal to her left. She picked it up and began inching
her way in the dark towards Hunter. She was working blind. The darkness was impenetrable.

Afraid of running straight into him she stopped short and waited for him to speak again. She needed
his voice to guide her.

“No,” Patrick replied. “I don’t just dispose of people.”

She heard Hunter breathe in forcefully as if he was suppressing a laugh. She moved towards the

“Did you know that your precious girl was fucking my son?” Hunter said.

It was all Amy needed. Before Patrick could respond or Hunter could move away, she raised the stag
and swung as hard as she could in the direction of his voice. Her arm wrenched painfully as she made
contact with Hunter’s body.

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A shot rang out.

Suddenly Patrick was there, fighting Hunter. She couldn’t see them, but she could hear them wrestling
in the dark. Amy ran back to the wall and began feeling along its surface for the light switch.

A second shot rang out. The room was silent. The men had finished fighting. With a unnatural degree
of certainty Amy knew one of them was dead. Her shaking hands found the light switch. She closed
her eyes and flicked the switch. Slowly, she turned and braced herself for the worst.

Patrick stood over Hunter’s lifeless body. It was a relief to know Patrick was alive, but a part of her
couldn’t help feeling sad over Hunter’s wasted life. He was one of the smartest, most successful men
she’d ever met, but greed and power had perverted him.

Amy ran to Patrick. He wrapped his trembling arms around her. She wasn’t sure if he was shaking
from fear, or adrenaline, but his arms steadied as they closed in around her.

He led her out of his office and into the living room. Patrick deposited Amy on the couch and left to
call the police from the kitchen phone.

She felt a sense of peace. As horrific as the situation was, it was over. Amy ran her hands through her
hair and inhaled deeply.

She wondered what was taking Patrick so long, when movement out of the corner of her eye caught
her attention. A man was watching her from the corner. Amy began to yell for help when she
recognized the figure as Jack.

It startled her at first- she thought it was Hunter. But Jack moved towards her quickly, his hands out to
show he meant no harm. His face was twisted with confusion and grief.

Amy could tell just by looking at him he’d seen his father’s body in Patrick’s office.

Jack sat down beside her and buried his face in her chest. Amy wasn’t sure how to respond. Her shirt
was wet with his tears. She pitied him, but the situation was more than a little strange.

“What are you doing here?” she asked.

Amy tried to keep her voice as neutral as possible. She didn’t want to sound accusing or judgmental,
but she really wished Jack wasn’t there.

For one thing, it would be hard for Patrick to see him, and for another it would look suspicious to the

Maybe he was involved, Amy thought, feeling suddenly alarmed. She assumed he was innocent, but
she’d been wrong about so much…

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“I followed you here,” Jack said. “I tried to call your cell and you didn’t answer. I got worried. When
I drove out along the main road I saw my father fighting with Pat. I hung back first, unsure of what to
do. Then Pat knocked dad out and jumped into the car with you. I couldn’t figure out what you were
doing there. I followed the two of you to that alley…”

He paused as if struck by a painful memory. Amy shamefully realized that Jack had witnessed the
intimate moment she shared with Patrick in the car.

“Anyway,” he continued, “then I followed you back here. Imagine my shock when I saw my father
sneaking into Pat’s house. And now he’s…”

Jack swallowed hard.

“The police are on the way,” Amy blurted out. She wasn’t sure why she said it, other than to change
the subject. Jack only nodded and stared off, a faraway look in his eyes.

When Patrick entered the room Amy felt immense relief. She didn’t think she could stand to be alone
with Jack a second longer.

“What are you doing here?” Patrick asked, his voice severe.

“He followed us,” Amy answered for him.

She rose and moved to Patrick’s side. “He doesn’t know about his father,” she whispered. “Please,
try to go easy on him, for me.”

Patrick regarded her from the corner of his eye. She could tell he was less than pleased with this turn
of events, but he seemed to relax. He walked to the bar asked Jack if he wanted a drink.

Jack numbly nodded and took the drink that was pressed into his hand. He didn’t so much as look at it
before downing the whole thing in one gulp.

“The police will be here shortly,” Patrick said. “Do you know what your father’s done?”

Jack looked at him, obviously confused.

“To Amy, to me, to my company and the people who work there?” Patrick added.

Amy could see he was beginning to lose his temper.

Jack looked to Amy for the answer. His face was blank as if he was in a state of shock.

“We’ll get it all sorted when the police arrive,” she said.

“It was all lie.” It wasn’t a question. Jack was simply stating a fact. “My father lied.” He looked

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pointedly at Amy. “You lied.”

Amy felt the weight of guilt crush her. Patrick moved beside her. He put his hand on the small of her
back and began rubbing her gently.

“We’ve only done what needed to be done.” Patrick spoke as if he was trying to be conciliatory, but
his voice still had a hard edge.

Jack’s eyes narrowed. “And what do I need to do? Perhaps, I should follow through with my father’s
plans? I’m his sole heir. I can make life very difficult for you Patrick.”

Patrick’s jaw clenched. “You do what you have to do, just remember: you’re half the man your father
was and he couldn’t stop me.”

Jack only smirked, rose and exited the room. Amy braced herself and prepared for the next fight.


“I know you don’t mean that.”

Amy had Jack cornered. The dramatic events of the last few days left her feeling beaten, but not
broken. Jack’s threat to carry out his father’s plans and destroy Patrick left her feeling more exhausted
than afraid.

She was convinced Jack’s threat was insincere. He was hurt, grieving, and now that Hunter was dead,
alone to make important decisions involving countless lives and obscene amounts of money.

Amy was sure that his words to Patrick were emotional and reactionary. She refused to give up on the
belief that deep down Jack was one of the good guys.

When Amy discovered that Jack was hiding out at Anna Belle’s house, she drove their immediately.
Patrick protested, but she had to speak to Jack alone.

She’d waited outside of Anna Belle’s house for hours until she was sure that Jack was home alone.
She snuck inside, eager for a confrontation.

When he saw Amy he immediately threw up his hands and said, “It’s done. Don’t even bother. Your
boyfriend’s finished.”

He turned and tried to flee the room.

“I know you don’t mean that,” Amy repeated herself, stepping in front of Jack blocking his exit.

Amy found herself chastising him like she was his mother. “We’re not through yet.” She stood in his

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way, preventing him from leaving.

“We are beyond through, sweetheart.”

He tried to push her aside, but Amy refused to move. “That’s cute. I like it when you call me
sweetheart,” Amy said sarcastically.

Jack smirked. “I’m happy I entertain you. Now, if you’ll kindly move out of my way. I have my
father’s funeral to plan.”

His words stung. Even though Hunter was corrupt and dangerous he was still Jack’s father. As far as
Amy knew, he was good to Jack. It was no wonder Jack hated her.

“I’m not going to pretend that I understand how you feel right now.” Amy felt on the verge of tears.
She didn’t want to care about Jack, but she did. She hated to see him suffering, especially since it was
partly her own doing.

Her vision blurred as tears filled her eyes. Amy looked down shamefully. “I just wanted…”

What did she want? Peace, for one. Happiness and financial security for Patrick and herself. In the
face of everything that had happened the money seemed trivial.

“I don’t want you to hate me.” Her voice faltered, but she managed to get the words out without
breaking down.

Jack sighed heavily. “Amy…”

At the sound of her name on his lips she began crying. Sobs wracked her body. She covered her face
and moved away from the door. If he wanted to leave she wouldn’t stop him.

Instead of running away, he gently wrapped an arm around her and led her to the end of the bed. As
she sat down he handed her a handkerchief from his pocket. Amy rubbed the tears off her cheek. Her
face and eyes were red and her mascara was smeared. She knew she looked a mess, but there was
nothing she could do. Here she was, warts and all.

It felt oddly comforting to be so naked in front of Jack. If Jack could look at her in this state without
judgment, he couldn’t be all bad.

“Amy, I don’t hate you. I wish it was that simple.”

“You should hate me. I lied to you… used you to get at Hunter. But you have to understand, the things
Hunter was doing- to me, to Patrick. He threatened me, ran me off the road and tried to kidnap me. Do
you know he was planning on getting rid of me when I was no longer of any use to him? He would
have done the same with Patrick and as for you… Well, I don’t know how you fit into his plans,

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Talking about Hunter made her angry, she was beginning to babble. “I didn’t want anyone to get hurt-
including you, especially you,” she added lamely.

“You have a funny way of showing it.”

Amy swallowed hard and looked down at her feet. Tears began to well up in her eyes again.

“Hey, don’t cry.”

Jack sat down on the floor in front of her. He rubbed her leg slowly. It was meant to be comforting,
but Amy felt a different emotion burn inside her. His touch aroused her. Her nipples grew hard under
her thin blouse.

Guardedly, her hand went to her chest. Again, she felt naked in front of him- only now she felt self-

She started to rise to her feet. She felt as if she had to flee. The agreement Patrick had reluctantly
conceded to, allowed for Amy to sleep with Jack until they had resolved their business issues.

Sleeping with Jack now would be cheating. Of course, Amy thought, their business dealings weren’t
really finalized. Jack could still cause a lot of problems for them.

She knew she was rationalizing the situation. She wanted to fuck Jack, but she didn’t want to hurt
Patrick. If she could convince herself it was for the greater good, then maybe she wouldn’t feel

Jack rose in front of her and placed his hands on her shoulders. “What’s wrong? Are you okay?”

Amy only nodded.

“You look like you’re about to pass out. Sit back down.”

Amy obediently followed his instruction.

“Just breathe.”

Jack inhaled deeply and motioned for Amy to do the same. Amy followed suit. He began rubbing her
arms as he exhaled slowly.

“Good,” he whispered.

A new look crossed his face. It was a look Amy was familiar with. It was an expression of need and
desire. She could tell he wanted to kiss her. Instead, he swallowed hard and looked down.

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His hands found their way to her legs. He began caressing her thighs. He moved up and down her legs
stopping at her hips.

Amy began to breathe heavily. She felt herself grow wet.

His hands suddenly went down to her lower legs. She was wearing a tight pencil skirt. Foolishly,
she’d chosen it earlier with the belief that it look professional, unattractive. But now she was
extremely aware of how tightly it accentuated her curves.

Jack began moving his hands slowly up her legs. Goose bumps broke out on her skin. Tiny shivers of
anticipation shot through her body. She wanted him, there was no denying it. She couldn’t lie to
herself anymore.

Jack’s hands stopped at the hem of her skirt. He looked into her eyes. She knew he was looking for
disapproval. He was waiting for her to say no, but she couldn’t.

He never broke eye contact with her as his hands slid up her skirt and gently parted her legs.

Amy gripped the bed as if she was anticipating a great blow.

Jack’s hands caressed the inside of her thigh, excruciatingly close to her vagina. She inched forward
on the bed, encouraging him onward.

Something in Jack’s eyes seemed to change, a fire burned behind them. They gleamed brightly with

Amy’s pulse raced. He began caressing her over her underwear. It was a cruel tease. She wanted him
inside her, but he was making her wait.

Amy began to feel hot. She unbuttoned her blouse and let it fall to the floor. Jack watched her undress
with hungry eyes.

When he caught sight of her large breasts he began fingering her roughly. Amy arched her back and
moaned. She spread her legs invitingly, but Jack lingered. He was playing a game Amy couldn’t

Foreplay was of no interest to her, she wanted him now. She unhooked her bra and began squeezing
her breasts. Suddenly Jack was on top of her, pulling at her underwear. He began kissing her neck as
he unbuttoned his pants.

Before he entered her, Amy pushed his head down to her breasts. Jack eagerly took her nipple in his
mouth and began sucking. Amy wrapped her legs around him and squeezed. She wanted to hold onto
the moment forever.

His lips held her firmly as he drained the sweet milk from her body. Amy felt her whole body go

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slack as Jack emptied one breast and moved on to the next.

She sighed deeply. It was a sound of peace and satisfaction, known to too few people. By the time he
slid his cock into her, Amy had already come.

He moved languidly as if under the influence of a drug. His movements were gentle and delicate. Amy
could smell the sweetness of her own body on his breath. In that instance Amy knew this was the end.
She could never see Jack again after this. Her heart belonged to Patrick.

The sense of urgency that had overwhelmed her now faded to a bittersweet moment of indulgence.
Even now as Jack moved gently in and out of her, her mind drifted to her next meeting with Patrick.

She would miss the sex with Jack, there was no doubt of that, but she needed more than just physical
gratification. Patrick understood her in a way that no one else ever had. He accepted her, treated her
as a partner and wanted to build a future with her. Jack was young and sheltered, sweet, but naïve. In
many ways he was still a boy, where Patrick was a man.

“You’re thinking about him, aren’t you?” Jack had finished and moved to her side. Her mind had
drifted away.

“We can’t see each other again,” she responded.

Amy avoided directly answering his question. She knew it would upset Jack and she wanted to part
on good terms.

“So what was this? Your way of negotiating?”

“What?” Amy was genuinely confused.

“You want me to forget my father’s plans for Patrick’s company, right? So you come here, seduce me,
and leave with what you want?”

“Jack, I came here to talk you out of it. What happened here was…” She was at a loss for how to
explain it without sounding cheesy. “Look, I don’t want you to hurt Patrick or the people that work for
him. The last time we were together you told me that you wanted to do the right thing. This is your
chance. I know you’re a good person.” Unlike your father, she thought.

“If you think I came here to fuck you so you’d do the right thing, then just forget it. Do what your father
would have done: destroy the company, the lives of the people that work there, Patrick, me- it won’t
make you any happier.”

Jack swallowed hard. Amy felt a small twinge of guilt when he looked away. It was like scalding a
small child.

“You should do the right thing because it’s the right thing to do, not out of revenge or greed… and so

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should I. Hunter and your sister threatened me and I acted rashly. I ended up hurting you and I’m sorry.
I’ve gone about this the wrong way from the beginning… but I want to end it right.”

Amy rose and dressed.

“I like you, a lot, but this is the end. I love Patrick. If you hurt him, you hurt me too. And if you care
about me at all you’ll keep that in mind.”

Amy was starting to ramble. She suddenly wanted to leave. She’d said all she could; it was over. Or,
it would have been over had Anna Belle not chosen that moment to throw open the door to Jack’s

When they made eye contact, Anna Belle’s face twisted and turned red. She made a sound of disgust
and flew at Amy.

Amy didn’t think she just reacted. She raised her fist and smashed it into Anna Belle’s nose, dropping
her to the ground.

Jack rose and began to go to Anna Belle’s aid, when he caught Amy’s eye he stopped. He considered
for a moment then said, “Go.” His voice was barely a whisper.

Amy was sorry it had come to this, though a part of her was thrilled to give Anna Belle what was
coming to her.

“Jack!” Anna Belle screamed in a nasally voice, “Don’t let her get away.”

Ignoring her, Jack gestured for Amy to go. She walked out of the room and never looked back.


“I saw your bride-to-be,” Amy said jokingly as she strolled into Patrick’s office. She looked around
quickly, leery of any figures lurking in the shadows. Fortunately it was day and the room’s ominous
quality was washed out by sunlight.

“Oh?” Patrick had been engrossed by a financial report he was reading, but at the mention of ‘bride’
he looked up. “Are you okay?” He looked her over as if he was searching for battle scars.

“Fine. I don’t think she’ll be bothering us for a while.”

“No. Anna Belle’s not nearly as cunning as her father. Hunter was the real problem.”

“What about Jack?”

Amy immediately regretted asking. Oddly, she didn’t feel guilty about her sexual encounter with Jack,
but she didn’t want to talk about it either. That chapter in her life was closed, for good, she hoped.

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Patrick watched her closely. Amy had a hard time keeping a secret and Patrick knew her well. She
wondered if he guessed what she’d done. With time she was sure she could make him understand her
need for closure with Jack but Patrick was prone to jealousy. It would be a slow road to acceptance.
For now they had bigger problems.

“He’s just sent over the paperwork,” Patrick said.

“And? What does it say?”

“He’s going to help us climb out of debt- give us enough capital to keep operating until we get back
on our feet. He’s also left me in charge.” Patrick swallowed hard as if it pained him to admit this.

“That’s good, right?” It sounded like the best possible solution. Jack wasn’t going to dismantle the
company. Everyone they employed would keep their job and Patrick would keep his family’s

“Yes.” Patrick said flatly, then returned to his paperwork.

“I don’t understand. Why aren’t you happy?”

“After everything we’ve been through? Everything you’ve had to do? Yes it appears that everything
will work out, but at what cost? Meeting me was the worst thing that could have happened to you.”

“Patrick… I’ve never been happier in my life than when I’m with you.” Amy felt embarrassed by the
confession. “We’ve both done a lot of things…” Her face grew red. “We just have to accept it and
move on together. We can’t build a life on a rocky foundation filled with doubt and suspicions. You
do still want to have a life with me?”

“Of course, I just…”

Patrick moved around the front of his desk, placed his hands on her hips and pulled her to him.

“You and me…” he began. He sighed and rested his forehead against hers. “This work-the company,
the hard part starts now. As for us… you’ve been here for me again and again. It’s not fair to you.”

Amy couldn’t stand listening to Patrick speak this way. It sounded like he was about to break up with

“But things will get better now: Jack’s not his father; Anna Belle is a spoiled brat, but not a threat.
Life will get a lot easier. I promise.” Amy was in no position to make promises. She had no idea what
the future held, but it felt like the worst of their problems were behind them. “I can’t lose you now.”
She hated the desperation in her voice.

“Hey.” Patrick lifted her chin so she would meet his eyes. “Who said anything about losing each

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“I just thought…”

Patrick kissed her. He wanted to stop her tears and take away all the painful experiences life had
dealt her. His lips were soft, but firm. His hands held her face protectively. Amy leaned into him for
support. It was nice to be able to count on someone to hold you.

When their lips parted Amy inhaled deeply. She hadn’t realized she’d been holding her breath. The
pain was still there, but its sharpness had dulled. Being close to Patrick felt transcendent.

He ran his fingers through her hair, twisting and coiling it before tucking it behind her ear. He traced
the soft line of her jaw. His thumb passed over her mouth. It lingered there following the curve of her
full lips.

Amy kissed his fingers sweetly. She took the tips of his index and middle fingers into her mouth and
sucked gently.

Patrick’s eyes followed her closely; he licked his lips. Amy imagined she could hear his pulse
quicken. The sight of him- his heat, his energy, it aroused her in ways she couldn’t explain.

A fierce desire overtook her. It made the hunger she felt for Jack seem inconsequential. She wanted to
feel Patrick’s lips on her skin and his cock inside her; to feel his heat and taste his salty skin.

Their bodies met forcefully. Amy kissed him hard. She bit his lower lip and ran her tongue in and out
of his mouth.

Patrick pushed her back towards a couch against the far wall. His hands moved over her quickly, first
removing her clothes, then unhooking her bra and sliding her underwear off.

Amy had only managed to pull of Patrick’s coat and shirt before he had her on her back.

She ran her hands over his shoulders and down his hard chest. Amy unzipped his pants just as he
grabbed her wrists and pinned them above her head.

Patrick kissed her neck.

Amy’s breasts ached, desperate to feel his touch.

Patrick positioned his hips between her legs and spread them apart. She could feel his hard cock
against her thigh. The sensation was enthralling and maddening all at once. She wanted to push his
head to her breasts and guide his cock inside her but her hands were still firmly pinned. She struggled
against his grip impatiently.

Patrick smiled wickedly. He tauntingly ran his tongue over her nipple making it hard. Amy inhaled

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sharply. She pushed against him, grinding her body against his cock.

Patrick was stubborn. He pretended not to notice her advances. He liked to take her right to the edge
of what she could endure then fuck her hard and fast. It made Amy wild.

Of course there was only so long Patrick could hold out before his desire for Amy betrayed his
discipline and now that things had changed… Had they changed? she wondered. Yes, she was his
now. The idea excited and scared the both of them. Amy was free from Hunter and Jack’s allure.

Amy found it amusing that Patrick pinned her arms down. Where was she going to go? In truth, she
loved it. Her life felt chaotic and at times unmanageable. She wanted Patrick to tie her down, she
needed it.

When his lips latched onto her nipple she squirmed with delight. He began to suck gently. The
familiar sensation of warmth spread from her breasts down through her body.

His full lips latched onto her securely. Every once and a while his tongue would tickle her nipple
sending waves of chills up and down her spine.

The milk flowed through her into Patrick’s mouth smoothly. As he finished with one breast and moved
onto the other, she found herself wishing for the first time in her life, that her breasts produced more
milk. She could lay around all day with Patrick at her breast.

He bit her nipple playfully, taking it between his teeth and pulling. Amy started laughing and couldn’t
stop, it felt like being tickled.

Patrick released her hands and began kissing her breast sweetly. His soft hands kneaded her milky
flesh slowly.

He sucked forcefully. Amy ran her hands through his hair and held him to her. She moaned as the
pinching sensation on her nipple increased.

Her skin felt like it was on fire. Her hips moved involuntarily. She was wet and on the verge of
coming when suddenly he was above her. His hard cock entered her sharply. He fucked her high and

Amy dug her nails into his back as he crashed into her again and again. She climaxed and came long
before he finished. His stamina was incredible.

She loved the feeling of his body on top of hers: the way his hot flesh warmed her skin; the sweetness
she tasted on his lips and the saltiness of the sweat on his skin…

Patrick came inside her. He laid on top of her, breathing heavily. He pressed his forehead against hers
and kissed her lips sweetly. His hot breath gave her the chills. He stared into her eyes and smiled,
amused by some memory or quiet thought.

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“What?” Amy asked.

Patrick took her hand and kissed her fingers. “I was just thinking of how strange it was- the way we

Amy began to laugh. “Strange is one way of describing it.”

“It’s bizarre the path life takes you on. When you least expect it…” Patrick looked far away. “And
now you’re mine.” He smiled and kissed the palm of her hand.

Amy sighed. For the first time in ages she felt truly relaxed. “Life has a way of giving you what you

She ran her fingers through his hair and thought of everything they’d experienced. Suddenly she
realized she’d been wrong in assuming they were at the end. This was the beginning- this was the life
she’d fought for and almost lost.

Now as Patrick held her, her painful past receded from view. She felt as if she was drifting out to sea,
a pleasant current taking her away. Amy didn’t know where this path would take her, but she could
say with confidence that her life was finally beginning.


Discover other titles by Simone Holloway at

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