BA Tortuga Spurs and Saddles 02 Bits of Leather

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Spurs and Saddles: Bits of Leather

Copyright © 2007 by BA Tortuga

All rights reserved. No part of this eBook may be used or
reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written
permission except in case of brief quotations embodied in
critical articles or reviews. For information address
Torquere Press, Inc., PO Box 2545, Round Rock, TX

ISBN: 978-1-60370-096-2, 1-60370-096-X

Printed in the United States of America.

Torquere Press electronic edition / July 2007

Torquere Press eBooks are published by Torquere Press
Inc., PO Box 2545, Round Rock, TX 78650.

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Will hummed to himself as he saddled Blue. The old boy
needed some exercise, and Will was in just the mood to
give him some. He didn't really want to run, just wanted to
ride, and Dean was off who knew where mending
something. Will grinned. Dean was always fixing

Sometimes him.

He got the saddle on and cinched and, just about the time
he was ready to head out, he heard Dean whistling.

"Hey, Cowboy. Want to go for a ride with me?"

"Sounds good. Gypsy's leg up for a ramble? There's rain
coming in from the northeast, but it's not supposed to hit 'til
after supper." Dean ambled in, all peaceful smiles and
covered in sawdust.

That was a look he was fond of. Right fond. "She'll do. I
bet she's raring, and with Blue she won't be as apt to try and
run on you. What have you been into?"

He got a grin, cheeky and teasing. "Now, now. Someone's
birthday's fixin' to show and telling wouldn't be fun."

"Oh." Will grinned back, pleased as anything that Dean
would make his gift by hand. "Well all right then. Want a
hand with Gypsy?"

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"Surely." He got a kiss as Dean headed for the tack room,
warm and sweet as all get out.

He tied Blue off and went to get the grumpy girl. He
dodged the bite she tried to give him and laughed. "Be
good or no sugar."

"Gypsy-girl! That butt's mine." Gypsy's head swung,
looking for Dean and the carrots and apples she knew the
cowboy had.

Will took the chance to clip the lead to her halter and haul
her out. "She's frisky as all get out. Kinda like me."

"She just needs a good, hard ride." Oh, ho! Butter wouldn't
melt in Dean's mouth.

"Uh-huh." He took the bridle, slipped it over Gypsy's ears.
"And what do I need, Cowboy?"

Those lean cheeks turned bright red, but Dean held his
eyes. "Me, I reckon, and a good, hard ride."

"Well, that's good to know. I'll keep you to it." No sense in
disappointing the nags, though, and they led the horses out
in the yard and swung up, heading out at a walk. "So how's
old lady Bennigan? Her leg better? I heard you call this
morning, forgot to ask."

"She's still laid up. Jimmy and them are trading off feeding
with us. Tomorrow's our day." Dean looked fine, relaxed
and easy, thighs stretched wide.

"All right. Bless her heart." Will shook his head. One of

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their closer neighbors, Miz Bennigan was a nice old lady.
She made good cookies. Least they could do was help out.

"Barb and Lacey Jo have a supper thing set up with the
church ladies. She'll be fine."

"Oh, good." Will nudged Blue on a bit faster, not really
trotting, just moving a bit. Gypsy didn't need to test that leg
too much. "I tell you Roy called?"

"Nope. What did he need?" The wind felt good, the pups
running and playing around them.

"Oh, he just wanted to let me know Shannon is pregnant
again." Lord, his brother sure was making up for him being

"Again? Good Lord. Don't they know what causes that?"

"I'm thinking not." He laughed, looking at the sky, noting
where the clouds hung. They had a good while. "Wanna
take a turn down to the old gate?"

Dean nodded, smiled. "Well, we'll have to send another
card and another gift card to one of them stores, though
what they don't have I wouldn't know."

"Well, hell, Dean. Maybe this one will be a girl." He
hooted, making Gypsy sidestep under Dean. Fussy lady.

Dean didn't even flinch, just settled her right up. "Oh, that
would make your momma pleased as punch."

"It would. I think old Roy might panic." They headed
around and down the fence line, easy as anything, and Dean

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just looked so fine and happy that Will found himself
grinning like a fool.

"I'd not give for that look on you, Ace." Dean's eyes were
shining, glinting at him.

"I just like the view, Cowboy. So much I might just bust."
It was silly, maybe, but his cowboy just made him shine.
Will nodded toward a twisted old tree. "Let's have a break
and some water. I got a bottle before we left."

"Oh, you are a brilliant one." Dean grinned, headed toward
the bois d'arc, nice and easy.

"I do try..."

They got on down, Dean checking Gypsy's hock.

"How is she?"

"Looking good. She'll never be what she was, but she'll be

Will nodded, letting Blue's reins trail. Blue wasn't much on
mischief these days. He'd be all right. Will went over on the
side of Dean that wasn't facing Gypsy and leaned for a kiss.

"Oh, hello." Dean's smile could have lit Dallas, one hand
coming to cup Will’s jaw. He took himself a long look --
there was a touch of gray at the temple and in that
mustache, the laugh lines beside those muddy colored eyes
deep and fine. There wasn't nothing like his man, nothing
like his cowboy, at home and happy, holding onto him. "I
been needing me some of this."

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"Yeah? Well, I got plenty, just for you." He did. He was
Dean's, lock, stock, and barrel. He kissed Dean again, lips
and tongue moving slow. Oh, now. There was something
about this -- loving his man on their land, on their place.
Made him understand again how Dean could leave the
traveling life.

Made him know that he was right there, where he belonged.


Will was feeling lazy.

Real lazy.

Sitting round-backed on the end of his spine on the couch,
beer in one hand resting on his bare belly, he contemplated
turning on the TV, but he just couldn't manage to get up,
and their old set didn't have a remote. Damned if he didn't
feel a little guilty, sitting on his ass while Dean was at the
kitchen table balancing the checkbook, but he knew better
than to get in the way when that was happening.

Better to wait Dean out and reward him after.

The scratching and figuring and fingers tapping on the table
went on a bit, then the chair squealed as it was pushed back
and the refrigerator door opened. "You want a beer, Ace?"

"I'm good. But you could come and drink with me." He
grinned, sucking down a long drink, watching Dean come
on toward him.

"That's a mighty fine offer." Dean gave him a smile, eyes

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dragging over his body. "I'm thinking we might oughta start
thinking on building our stock up, Ace. Maybe get a little
filly and get Gypsy mounted."

He patted the sofa seat next to him, grinning wide. "That
sounds good. We've got the space."

Dean settled down, drinking deep and nodding. "And the
cash, right now. I'm thinking it'll be a good long-term
move. Big Boy's damned long in the tooth."

"True enough." His beer was about to turn off flat, so Will
finished it off and set the empty on the side table. "You
know anyone likely to have something for us?"

"Hmm... I'll talk to Jimmy Dale. He's got that Arabian that's
a runner. Hear tell that there's an old man selling everything
in Greenville. Might get a deal."

"You just tell me when to hitch up the trailer and make
room in the barn." A good hard worker he might be, but
Will was no businessman. Hell, he hadn't owned more than
a saddle since he'd had to sell his horse to pay off medical

Dean nodded. "Not tonight. Tonight? My poor pea brain's
done enough."

"Oh, good." That was all the invitation he needed to let
Dean finish of that beer. He admired Dean's throat working,
before setting Dean's empty aside and turning to slide up
and over, straddling Dean's lap.

"Hey there."

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Those heavy-lidded eyes smiled up at him, hands dragging
up his legs. "Hey."

"Oh, now, I like that look on you, Cowboy." Resting his
hands on Dean's shoulders, Will leaned down, kissing
lightly, letting Dean's moustache tickle. Thumbs drew
circles on his inner thighs, Dean licking and nuzzling,
keeping the kisses light.

Good. Just like his own mood. Lazy. Will stroked Dean's
hair, feeling it tickle his fingers just like the moustache
tickled his face. Dean's smile felt damned good, the easy
way their bellies rested together, better.

The fan circled overhead, cooling them right off as they got
overheated, letting them move slow and easy together
without setting too big a fire. At least to start.

"You feel good, Cowboy."

"Yeah, there's nothing like touching you." Dean's hands
were exploring, moving so slow, finding good spots and

Will gasped, body doing a slow roll, fingers sliding to
Dean's nipples to pinch and pull. "Nothing at all, Dean."

Dean moaned into his lips, fingers cupping his ass and
tugging him in a little closer.

The kiss went deeper, harder, the lazy feel changing
steadily to something more. Something needy. Will pushed
against Dean's belly, feeling the friction of his jeans, the
heat of his cock. It was a sharp contrast to Dean's soft skin.

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"Hotter than a tin roof in August." Dean was panting now,
fingers gripping his hips.

"Mmmhmm." Dean's collarbones called to him, sticking
out that way, and Will bent, sucking the skin just above one
hard enough to leave a mark. That turned those pants into
low, raw moans, Dean shivering beneath him.

He did some shivering of his own as Dean's hands
tightened on his ass, pleasure shooting right up his spine. It
was all he could do not to buck like he was on a bronc.

"I want you, Will. Need to, even." Dean worked his pants
open, fingers sure, brushing over the tip of his cock.

"Oh, God." He shook, his cock just moving under Dean's
hand. "Anything you want. How do you want me,

"Want you to ride me." Dean still blushed when he said it,
going all sweet and pink.

"Oh, hell yes." That blush. Lord above. Will kissed each
cheek, laughing. "Love you, Cowboy. And I will ride you
better than the best eight seconds you ever had."

"I'm thinking you're right." Dean blushed darker, but still
managed to get his jeans wide open.

Dean wasn't so good at the dirty talking, but Will loved any
effort anyway. He knew Dean loved his mouth, too, and he
wasn't gonna blush. He stood, just long enough to strip off
the jeans, shucking them slowly. "Need to get me ready,

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Dean groaned, hands turning him right around, mouth
tickling at the top of his cleft, thumbs spreading. "I reckon I
can do that."

A deep moan echoed in Will's chest, and he bent, planting
his hands on his knees. "I knew I could count on you."

"Always." Oh, that tongue might not talk dirty, but it sure
could drive him mad, sliding down over his hole, Dean
making a low, horny sound.

Thighs shaking, balls swinging, Will worked back and
forth, meeting Dean's mouth on every pass. The blood was
rushing to his head, making his ears ring, and he was
panting, gasping, lazy gone all the way round the bend.
Dean's fingers circled his balls, stroking, petting, tongue
spreading him, wetting him.

"Oh, God, Dean. Please. Need you." He was ready. So
damned ready. No way was Dean gonna let him up before
the man was done, though. His cowboy was thorough.

Hard kisses pressed into one cheek, the small of his back,
the sound of Dean's zipper lowering loud. "Yeah. Yeah,

That was his cue. Will groaned, moving to sit on Dean's lap
again, wiggling to get into position. "Ready for you. Want
to feel you in me."

Dean was nodding, eyes on their cocks, watching as they
got settled together, got that blunt heat rubbing against his
hole. Raising up just enough, Will got Dean all lined up
and then pushed down, wanting that sweet cock in him,
wanting to feel them joined. The slow glide was enough to

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make him grunt, low and raspy, the sound pure sex even to
his own ears. Dean's head leaned on back, resting on the
couch, throat working. "Oh. Oh, hold up for a second, Will.
You'll make this old man blow his top."

"I'll try, Cowboy. But oh..." Yeah. He could feel Dean
moving in him, even as they sat still, trying to breathe. The
muscles of Will's belly jumped and twitched, and his hips
wanted to move, so bad.

"Sweet heaven, you're tight." Dean swallowed a couple
times, then took a deep breath. "Oh. Oh, need you to move
now. Want to see."

"I can do that." Hell, yes, he could, and Will moved, hips
starting slow, up and down, pushing Dean in and out.
Dean's hands settled on his hips, helping him move,
bringing him down a little harder, a little faster.

"Fuck." Fireworks, right there in his brain and in his cock.
Will really got with it, finding a rhythm, just like a rocking
chair as they always said. 'Course he'd never had a horse or
a chair that did what Dean did to him.

Dean just watched, licking his lips like a starving man, hips
meeting Will's, driving them higher and higher together.
Reaching for his cock, Will leaned back a bit, searching for
just the right spot when he came down. Oh. Oh, yeah.
"Dean." It came out long, drawn out, maybe more a moan
than a word. He was gonna blow any minute.

"Oh. Oh, yeah. Show me." Dean curled, hips jerking, those
hands almost bruising on his hips.

His brain shorted out, ass grinding down, and Will gave

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Dean his show, shooting hard enough to hit Dean's belly
and chest, panting as his hips kept moving and twitching.
Dean's moan was low and rich, quiet as heat filled him.
Head falling to Dean's shoulder, Will rested, petting Dean's
arms and sides, listening to Dean's breath. "Damn,

"Hell, yeah." Dean's fingers stroked his hips, his lower
back. "Hell of a ride."

"You know it." He chuckled, the sound just beating out the
yawn that tried to take him. "We should go nap a bit and do
it again."

"Yeah, 'cept that means moving."

"You got a point there." They could sit for awhile.
Wouldn't hurt anything. A little laziness was okay, as long
as you had someone to share it with.


Will was feeling... frisky. Randy as a ram. Heel kicking as
a new foal in the late spring. Maybe it was the fine weather.
Or maybe it was the fence mending they'd done early in the
day, getting to watch Dean with his shirt off and his gloves
on, straining and sweating.

Hoo boy.

Whatever it was, Will was finally giving into it, heading for
the barn, where he'd seen Dean disappear. Dean just drew
him, like a magnet to true north.

The barn was warm, the scent earthy and damp, dust motes

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dancing on the sunbeams that came in through the open
door. It was like one of those pictures from a fancy
Hallmark calendar. Except Hallmark didn't put half-naked
Dean's in their pictures, more's the pity. Will slid right up
behind Dean, putting the glass of lemonade he was using as
his excuse for not cleaning the kitchen and coming out to
see Dean instead against the small of Dean's back. Just
above that fine cowboy ass.

Dean jerked, ass pushing up for a second, like a sweet
damned offer, then Dean whirled around, grinning. "That's
plumb chilly, Ace."

"Thought you might could use a cold drink." Will grinned
back, wanting to just bounce, he was so happy in his bones.

"That's mighty friendly of you." Those gray eyes were
happy, warm and dark under the bridge of Dean's straw hat.
One little drop of condensation dropped on Dean's belly,
making those muscles jump.

Torn between dropping to his knees and licking that drop
off and just pushing Dean up against the wall and humping
like a naughty puppy, Will grinned back, sharing a bit of
the lemonade. "I thought so. Thought we might get even
more friendly here in a bit."

Dean took a deep drink, tongue sliding out to clean off the
mustache. "I could get into friendly."

"Yeah?" He crowded Dean, moving forward until Dean
moved back against the wall. "I could too."

Will slid a hand over that flat belly, the other coming up to

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cup Dean's cheek and pull him in for a kiss. Dean breathed
into his mouth, tongue sliding in easy as pie to taste him.

"Mmm." He just loved that, how they fit together, Dean
just tucking right in and their mouths moving right
together. Will petted and stroked, hips pushing forward to
rub. Warm square hands pushed into his jeans, cupping his
ass and bringing him close. Tongue and groove, that's what
they were. Oh, That was a good idea. His tongue, Dean's
mouth. His hands, Dean's ass. He reached in for that hot,
tight ass, sliding between skin and denim.

Dean moaned for him, wiggling a little, ass pushing into his
touch. He wiggled some too, pressing his zipper to Dean's
and giving them some friction. "Damn, Cowboy."

"Yeah. You get me from ninety to nothing in no time."
Dean tickled his jaw with that mustache, nose brushing his

"Love." Will went searching for that mouth again, kissing
and then kissing some more. "You make me hotter than a
wood burning stove in August."

"Yeah?" Dean's hands squeezed, pulling him in tight.

"Hell, yeah." Dean's throat tasted like salt and hay and
Dean, and Will licked and sucked, drawing up a mark.

"Oh..." Dean leaned back, throat working, hips working
against him. "Oh, damn. Damn. Will."

That felt good enough to do it again and Will pressed his
tongue against the mark, moving it back and forth. Dean's
belly rippled beneath him, Dean's breath coming up soft

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"God. Need to get you naked." Scrabbling at Dean's jeans,
Will pulled and tugged and shoved until Dean's cock came
free before kneeling to see if he could still find a trace of
that tiny drop of water he'd envied before.

"Fuck, Will, you're a sight. Make me ache." Dean's hand
brushed through his hair.

"Mmm. Smell good." Dean smelled better than good. Made
his head spin right around. Will licked at the tip of Dean's
cock, finding a different kind of moisture there and licking
it right up.

Dean arched a little before settling, thighs parting for him.

Sweet. That way he could get to Dean's balls, just running
his fingers over the sacs, teasing as he put his mouth all the
way down, sucking hard.

"Oh. Oh, Will. Will." The words filled the barn, whispered
low like the horses would tell tales.

"Mmmhmm." He encouraged Dean with his hands and his
mouth and his own sounds, low moans that echoed against
Dean's skin. Damn it was heady, knowing he was making
Dean happy, knowing he was pleasing his cowboy as much
as he was himself.

"Shit, Will. Gonna make me come. Love your mouth,
hotter than fire."

Yeah. Yeah, he wanted Dean's taste. Wanted it so bad. He
backed off, sucking just the tip of Dean's cock, tongue
running under the head as his hands pulled and worked.
Dean's head fell back, giving him the full long look at that

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fine body, cock pulsing and filling his mouth with come.
Will took it all down, his mouth working to hold it all in,
his own cock jerking and twitching and filling his jeans
without him even touching it.

"Oh, sweet Christ. Will." Dean groaned, stroked his hair.
"You're good to me."

"Needed you. Always seem to." He smiled up at Dean,
leaning his chin on one hipbone. "You make it easy."

"You make me easy." Dean winked. "Want to go for a
twofer in the shower, Ace? Something nice and slick and

Struggling to his feet, Will grabbed Dean's jeans and pulled
them up, kissing hard. "Yeah. I'm all sticky. We can have
some lemonade, too. Since it looks like we spilled yours."

"Mmm. Sounds like a plan, Ace."

"Yeah." He took Dean's hand and they headed out into the
warmth of the sunny day, and Will was glad for whatever
kind of rising sap it was that made him go after Dean.
There just wasn't anything better than the time they spent


Dean wandered through the house closing windows against
the rain. Spring storms hit loud and fast and the last thing
they needed was buckling floors. He reckoned he ought to
dig up candles and matches too, just in case. God knew, the
damned lights went off like a virgin under the bleachers.

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He went ahead and put the leftover roast and potatoes on
the oven on low, looking out the back door for signs of
where Will'd got himself off to. One of the barn pups was
sitting right there, bone in between her paws, tail wagging.
"Hey, Lady. Where'd Ace go? He in the barn?"

He got a tail thump and a lifted-ear head tilt for his
question, those blue eyes just as empty as his Granny's

Like he'd conjured him right up, Will came out of the shed,
pulling his hat down against the rain and making tracks.
Hitting the stoop and reaching down to pet Lady's ears,
Will grinned at him. "Looks like we'll be in for it."

"Looks like. Channel eight says four or five days, maybe."
He nodded, not real worried. They were on a bit of a hill
and didn't grow crops to worry on. "The rye'll love it."

Will nodded, crowded into the doorway with him, damp
shirt brushing his arm. "You know how amazing it is to me
still to hear it might rain for days?"

"Yeah?" He turned to get a kitchen towel, handing it over.
His desert cowboy. "I can sort of get it. Especially now,
when it doesn't feel like it’s rained in a month of Sundays."

"Yeah. I still love the way it smells." Once he was all dried
off, Will moved close, hand sliding around Dean's waist.
"So what are we going to do to amuse ourselves?"

He chuckled, let his hips rub a little. "Checkers?

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"Ride 'em cowboy?" Oh, that grin was right down cat and

He chuckled, hands sliding up that flat belly. "Eight
seconds out of the gate?"

Will's hands slid down, around, slipping into his back
pockets. "Mmm. I was thinking something longer than

Oh, that voice set a dull heat to building in his belly, those
hands making his hips want to move. He leaned in, lips
brushing along the pale stubble on Will's jaw, letting it

"You like that idea, huh?" The muscle along the side of
Will's jaw twitched, and those hands tightened on his ass.
"Nothing I like better than spending an evening with you,
Dean. Any way I can get you."

"Well, you got choices, Ace." He grinned, lips sliding
against the hollow of Will's eyes. Hell, they could find the
bed, the sofa, the shower, the kitchen table, if they moved
the plates.

"Yeah? Like what?" Eyelashes fluttered, Will's mouth
sliding against his chin.

"Law and Order or Will and Grace or..." He chuckled and
jumped as Will goosed him.

"Oh, you're gonna pay for that, Cowboy." Will kissed him,
tongue pushing in for a minute before Will spun away,
patting his ass. "But not here in the doorway." He laughed,
following Will into the kitchen, admiring those long legs.

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Those legs and that fine ass were thrown into sharp relief as
Will bent to check the oven. "Oh, hey. That looks good.
And looks like it gives us a little time to get busy."

He found himself standing behind Will, hands sliding over
that fine ass, down those legs.

"Well, hey." Will wiggled, laughing. "Gonna cook me for
dinner too?"

"Mmm, now there's a thought." He chuckled, squeezed,
stepping up to rub a little. "Cowboy casserole."

"Cowboy in a blanket." That chuckle was downright merry.
"It's always about the food with us, Cowboy. Won your
heart with cobbler, sold my soul for a steak."

"Best deal I ever made, Ace." His hands moved up, rubbing
Will's back.

"Best bargain I ever got from some blackberries and
cream." Easing up, Will turned and slid long arms around
him. "Thought I was gonna bust 'cause I couldn't have you.
Saw you that one day. Whew, Cowboy. Hot."

He felt his cheeks turn red. "Yeah, I was sorta... involved."

"Sorta kinda." Cupping his hot cheek with one hand, Will
grinned, those eyes just twinkling. "I could watch that again
and again."

"Watch what? Me wanting you?" His belly went tight,
johnson going diamond-hard in his jeans.

"Yeah." It was Will's turn to blush, tanned cheeks going

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dark all the way up to that blond hair. "But I mean the
other, too. You touching yourself, you know?"

Oh, the wicked things Will said.

The heat in his belly went from aching to white hot and he
walked them back until Will was against the wall, mouth
dropping onto Will's like a ton of bricks. Damn. Just...


He got a deep moan, could feel it vibrate against his
sternum, and Will grabbed ahold of him, mouth opening
under his so easy. His hands found the wall on either side
of Will's chest, hips pushing in, rubbing hard and heavy.
God, he'd needed so bad that day, riding his own fingers,
palm slapping, thinking of Will...

"God. Dean." Will rubbed right back, hands hard on his
shoulders, breath coming fast and shallow. "Want to see
that. Want to see you."

"Shit. I... Drive me crazy, Will." He was close, just like
that, hot off the mark like a young stud on his first go

"S'mutual." He could see it in Will's blue eyes, the heat, the
admiration. The white hot need. "Want you. Right here,

"Yeah. Now." He got a hand between them, rubbing and
squeezing, too far gone to manage things like working
zippers and buttons.

"Oh, damn." Will's head banged back against the wall and
his hips rolled, cock rubbing against the back of Dean's

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hand, that long throat working as Will yelled and shot. He
leaned before, lips fastening on Will's throat as he jerked,
the taste of Will's skin sending him over the edge. They
settled, leaning against the wall, both of them wheezing.
"Oh, damn, Dean. That mean we're gonna do that?"

He nodded, blushed hard, but he couldn't deny the throb his
cock gave. "I reckon."

A hard kiss and a squeeze were his reward, Will grinning to
beat the band. "Hot damn."

"Yeah? Shower? 'm all sticky." He kissed that grin, feeling
damn near young.

"You bet. And some dinner to keep your strength up. I
mean to keep you at it until I look my fill."

He made a low sound, rough and raw and hungry,
manhandling Will into the bathroom. The man kept that up,
there wouldn't be any roast tonight.


They showered. They made out like fuck-starved
jackrabbits. They stopped and ate dinner somewhere in
there because Will's stomach growled so loud it broke them
right up with laughter.

It was time for the show.

Will grinned, sitting back in his chair with his feet crossed
at the ankle, wondering if just mentioning it would get him
dragged off to the bedroom. Because damn.

"So, Cowboy. You ready?"

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"Ready?" He got one of those teasing, half-embarrassed
grins, Dean shifting, the lightning flashing like mad
outside. "You really think this old man can get it up again?"

"Oh, Hell yes." Dean wasn't as old as he thought he was.
But sometimes he needed a little reassurance. "And even if
you can't get going enough for a full round? Watching you
try is gonna make me explode."

"Oh." There went that flush again, dull red and dark and it
wasn't but a few tics before Dean's fingers twined with his
and his ass was heading down the hall, damn the dirty
dishes. Oh, yeah. That was the ticket. He went along easily,
loving how damned fine Dean looked, and anticipating
loving it even more.

They got to the bedroom and Will pointed Dean toward the
bed, pulling out their little chair and setting it up. "I'd better
start out over here, Dean, or I'll be all over you."

"That's a bad thing?" Dean started working his shirt open,
looking fine in bare feet and old jeans, a dusting of hair just
visible as the buttons slid open.

Lord, that was already hitting him like a sucker punch. Will
blinked, plopping his ass right down in the chair. "No. But I
want to watch, Cowboy. Want it bad."

Dean twitched -- he could see it, that heavy cock leaving a
wet spot on the almost-white denim. "The things you say,
Will. Plumb wicked."

"I try, Dean. I do try." Will spread his own legs to make
more room, hands firmly gripping the arms of the chair.
Watching. Waiting.

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The old flannel got shrugged off, then Dean popped the
button on his Wranglers and sat, legs sprawling, knees bent,
leaning against the old headboard. A clear bottle of their
slick stuff was dug out, set aside. Then Dean starting
touching that flat belly, one hip, cock bobbing from where
he'd freed it. "I didn't reckon on you catching me that day,
you know? I was just aching with it."

"And I acted like such a green kid, stammering and all, and
really I just wanted to jump on you." God, that was hot. His
eyes were just glued to the gap in those jeans, and his
mouth was hanging open like a dog's in July heat.

"All I could think was that I'd been moaning your name."
Dean wrapped one hand around his cock, not pumping yet,
just stroking and he knew how those fingers felt, sliding
and rubbing, the calluses dragging a little. "Well, that and
that I was riding my fingers, yeah?"

"That stick was all that kept me from joining you. I was
gonna hit the ground and start humping my fist." The only
thing keeping him from doing that right now was his desire
to see it all. If he started in, he'd get distracted from Dean's
hand and Dean's cock and that would be a shame.

"Oh..." Dean's hips rocked up, pushing a little now, the tip
dark and wet. Will could see a little hole, right between
Dean's legs, the pink skin of those heavy balls just visible.
"Oh, I'd've gone right off."

He laughed, the sound rough and low. "I would have too.
Hell, I almost did, after. When you told me I was fine
looking. I was hard all through breakfast."

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Those days were something else. Jesus, had he been that
young? He'd jacked off in every shower from Oklahoma to
Texas. He probably had.

"And then at the lake, you all hard and fine snuggled up
against me, rubbing my back? Shit, Will. That's a year's
worth of fantasy all made right." Dean's voice was getting
raw around the edges, husky. The jeans were pushed down
a little, Dean's free hand pushing into the denim to cup and
rub, roll his balls.

He had to clear his throat to get words out. "Hell, yes. Oh,
damn, Dean." His hips were just rocking away, his prick
pressing against his zipper. Dean was unbelievable.

Dean looked across the bedroom at him, eyes hot, lips
parted, legs all spread. "You're mighty fine to me, Will

Oh. Oh, hell. Will unzipped, pulling his cock right out and
wrapping his hand around it. So much for control. "Gonna
come over there soon. Want to see you get yourself ready
for me first."

Oh, but didn't that earn him a sweet, deep groan, Dean's
head falling back against the headboard, throat working.
"Oh. Oh, shit. Yeah, Will. Yeah."

Dean wiggled out of his jeans, then slicked up his fingers.
Then he raised up his knees, spread wider, and twisted,
slicking that tight little hole. Will almost swallowed his
tongue. That was the hottest thing ever. Nuclear meltdown
hot. Arizona summer hot. Moaning, he scrunched down in

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the chair and shucked his jeans, panting for it but wanting
to watch just a few minutes more.

Dean was moving between his own hands, fingers sliding
deep, throaty sounds filling the air that sounded like his
name and this time? Dean knew he was watching. The
waiting was gonna kill him. Will let go of his cock and
stood on shaky legs, making a beeline right for Dean. His
cowboy. "I. Oh, God, Dean. Gotta touch you."

This time? He could.

Dean's eyes dragged over him, hot, so hot he could feel
them. "Come on. I'm ready. Needing now."

He got close enough and Dean's slick hand circled his cock,
started rubbing, those hips still moving, still riding three

"Oh-hh." The sound came out broken. Need didn't begin to
cover it. Will was so ready he was going to bust. He pushed
close, pressing Dean back, letting those long fingers pull
free. "Can't wait."

"No waiting." Dean's hand guided him right where he
needed to be, his cowboy leaning up to mash their lips
together -- no sweetness, no slow exploration, all need.

After a moment of hesitation brought on as he got caught in
that kiss, Will slid right in, pushing deep, body on fire. He
met Dean's eyes as he pulled back to thrust again, watching
them widen, watching them get darker. So hot. Dean rolled
up, rocking, moving into each thrust, the sound of the storm
and the flashes of lightning seeming to make everything
even more, even bigger.

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That sweet cock was against his belly, pushing up as he
moved, and Will reached for it, bracing himself on his other
hand. He got to see Dean touch it, and now he got to, and it
was smooth, hot and damp. Perfect.

"Will." Dean's hands found his shoulders, squeezing
holding on, his cowboy making low, harsh needy sounds.

"Yeah. Yeah, Cowboy. Gonna soon." They kissed again,
lips scraping over their teeth, tongues moving in and out.
Will rocked and pulled, gave Dean his all.

He felt it when Dean reached the edge, body going hot and
tight as a fist, breath whooshing out over his lips like a cry.
His hand tightened on Dean's cock, and Will watched,
wanting to see, holding off as long as he could. "God.

"Will!" Those eyes met his, stunned and happy and looking
for him as heat poured over his fingers.

He shook, his whole body just shuddering, watching Dean's
face, memorizing that look. Then he lost it, hips pumping
one, two more strokes before he shot, filling Dean right up.
Those familiar, callused hands slid over his back, keeping
him close, keeping them together.

"Damn." That? Was hotter than hot. Will nuzzled, grinning
a little, petting Dean's sides. "That was a helluva show."

Dean's mustache tickled his temple as he got a long, slow
grin. "I'm thinking that was something else, yessir."

How lucky was he to have this man? Pretty damned lucky,

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he figured. Will chuckled. "I sure do like this better than
checkers for a rainy night."

Dean laughed. "We'll have to remember that, next time it

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By the time he dragged his ass home, he wasn't worth a
plug nickel. The damned truck had blown its water pump
on 34 halfway to Flats, he'd burned the shit out of his hand
trying to fix it, then melted in the goddamned sun trying to
wait for a ride to town for parts.

He? Was tired.

And grumpy.

And his hand hurt.

And he was going to kill something if they were out of

Will met him at the door, eyes dark with worry, face
clearing as he stepped into the kitchen. "You look beat,
Cowboy. What can I do?"

"Tell me we're not out of beer and that we've got Bactine."

"We've got both, Dean. Along with beans and cornbread
and cobbler. Come on and sit." Hands warm on his arm,
Will led him to the kitchen table, guiding him to a seat and
pressing him down. "Beer first?"

Oh. Cobbler. Cornbread.

He nodded, settling with a sigh, so glad to be home.

Faster'n he could blink he had a longneck, set on the table
in front of him, and Will was bustling around, gathering up
towels and damp cloths and Bactine, coming back over to
pull out a chair across from him and get a gentle grip on his

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bad hand. "Oh. Damn. Could be a lot worse, though. Got
to watch those hands, cowboy. I'm right fond of them."

"Water pump blew on the Ford. Steam everywhere. Took a
hundred and eighteen to fix it." He leaned forward, lips
brushing the top of Will's head. "Cobbler smells fine."

"Damn. Definitely could be worse." Those eyes flashed up
to his, Will leaning in for a kiss. "It ought to be damn fine.
It's blackberry. You want that before or after dinner?"

He got a wink, that face telling him he deserved every bit
of spoiling he was getting.

"Oh, there's ice cream in the freezer, too..." He grinned,
took that kiss. "That'll wait 'til after supper, though."

"Mmm." His hand got a final swipe, and his fingers got a
kiss, Will bussing his lips again before getting up to get
him a plateful of food.

"Hey, Ace." He reached out, tugged Will into his lap for
another kiss. "Supper'll wait 'til after this."

"Yeah?" Straddling his thighs with those long-assed legs,
Will grinned down at him, hands coming up to rest on his
cheeks. "Appetizer am I?"

"Mm-hmm. Better than jalapeno poppers any day."

"Oh, now, I know how you love those, so I must be good."
That got him a big bright grin, and a kiss that curled his
toes right up in his boots.

Oh, now that? Made his day go from worthless to livable in
one fell swoop, his hand curling around the finest neck in

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Texas. Will bent to deepen the kiss, and he tasted berries
and cornbread. Will never cooked without sampling it as he
went. He moaned, opening up, tongue sliding alongside
Will's, hips shifting, just a little.

"Oh, damn, Dean. You watch that hand, now, okay?" Will
shifted right back, licking at his lip just below his
moustache, nipping at his lower lip before pushing that
tongue right back into his mouth and tasting him.

Hand? What hand?

He groaned, letting Will kiss the day's garbage off his
shoulders. Damned if Will didn't too, opening his mouth
right up and pushing deep, hand moving from his cheeks to
his neck to his shoulders, massaging lightly.

"Oh, that's fine. Just fine." He nodded, gasping as their lips

"You've had a tough one." Grinning, Will dug in deeper,
working his sore muscles.

"I have. That damned engine's built tight as a virgin."

"And hot as the town harlot." Those narrow hips and that
tight butt pressed down against him, Will's legs squeezing
tight. "Your beer's getting warm."

"Beer's not the only thing..." Still, he reached out, took a
long, deep swig, letting the chill hit his belly.

Will nodded seriously. "Yeah, but sometimes, it's what
does." Rocking a bit more, Will went from rubbing his
shoulders to rubbing his back, long, slow strokes. Gentle
and soothing.

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"Oh..." He just melted, back having hurt so long he'd

"Oh, Cowboy. You finish up that beer and dinner can wait.
You're having a shower first, nice and warm and I'm gonna
work all those kinks out."

The warm weight of Will's body left him, moving off to
bustle some more, one last kiss pressed on him. He had just
enough time to do as ordered and draw the rest of the beer
out before Will was back, tugging him up and toward the
bathroom, where steam was already billowing out.

He followed, sort of dazed. Will was so good to him,
spoiled him. Treated him like he was...



"You're good to me, Ace."

"It goes both ways, Cowboy. You spoil me rotten. Tonight
it's your turn." Will got them both naked in a flash, got him
in the shower, easing him into the hot water. Oh, oh damn.
Between the water and Will's hands rubbing the knots out,
he was going to melt.

He just rested his head against the tile, moan echoing, all
raw and husky.

"That's it, Dean. That's it." He was about as upright as a wet
noodle when Will pulled him out and dried him off,
hustling him to bed and stretching him out, hands still
moving on him. "Better?"

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"Uhn..." He nodded, blinking, feeling as sharp as a bag of
wet mice.

Will curled next to him, wet hair dripping on his shoulder,
pulling the covers up over them. "Get some rest, Cowboy.
Dinner will wait in the oven. And I'll be here when you
wake up."

He was going to argue, say he had shit to see, places to go,
a lover to do, but by the time he opened his mouth to talk?
He was already sound asleep.


He grabbed a few bottles of lemonade and a couple sleeves
of cookies and some pears, popping them in a satchel with
some lube and a hand towel in along with.

The sun was shining. The wind was blowing. The day was



The perfect type of day to light out to the back forty and

He grinned out the kitchen window, watching Will pull Big
Boy and Gypsy out of the barn. Yeah. Perfect.

Dean grinned as he headed out. "Y'all ready to go play?"

"I sure as hell am," Will answered with a returned grin.

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"Them? I don't know if I want them playing with us.
Horses are damned big."

"Smartass." Dean laughed all the way through packing a
saddlebag and swinging up into Big Boy's saddle.

Will eased up on Gypsy, both of them taking it easy until
they were well out of the yard, then giving the horses their
heads and letting them go for a bit. Had to be careful they
didn't overheat, but Gypsy girl loved to run, and Big Boy
was all about moving that big rangy body. Besides, it was
damned fine to watch Will ride.

They moved through the yarrow and paintbrushes, Mexican
heather a violet blur as they moved.

There was freedom in it, the wind and the speed and the
feel of a powerful animal under him. Will was feeling it
too, he could hear it in the whoop Will let out, could see it
in the flushed cheeks will turned his way when they pulled
up to let the horses walk.

"You're a fine looking cowboy, Ace." He let his gaze trail
over Will, let Will see what all he was wanting.

"You think?" Bright blue eyes peered out at him from
under Will's hat, a smile splitting that dear face near in half.
"You're the fine one, as far as I'm concerned."

"I'm an old bull rider, but if you're willing to keep me? I'm
happy as a pig in shit." He winked, laughing as Gypsy

"Willing? Hell, Dean. Hot to trot. Now let's find a likely
place and have some lemonade." Will calmed Gypsy with a

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pat and a few soft words, and he got another of those grins,
Will as happy as he was.

"There's that nice bit of flatland by the pond." Will nodded
and they headed that way, moseying, both relaxed in the
saddle and sharing some of those long, sweet looks that
were all full of want. By the time they got there, they were
side by side, not quite close enough for legs to touch, 'cause
Lord knew, Gypsy was unpredictable, but he could feel
Will's warmth and the weight of Will's gaze, even hotter by
the minute.

He slid down, stretching and letting his back pop. Letting
Will get a nice, long look at his ass.

Before he could even settle good on his heels Will was
behind him, hands sliding over his butt and around his
waist. Leaning on his shoulder, Will nipped his ear. "Now
that was plain mean, Cowboy."

"Mean? Why Ace... I don't know what you're going on
about..." He grinned wide, leaning back into Will's arms.
God, he loved playing with this man. It was better than

"Oh, uh-huh. You got no idea what that tight, tiny heinie
does to me. Right." He could feel what it did to Will, even
through their jeans, just like he could feel Will's smile
against his neck.

He could no more hold in his grin than he could turn into a
turkey buzzard, so he let it loose, ass wiggling against Will.
"You mean this heinie?"

A low moan was his reward. "You bet your sweet bippy."

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Will cracked up too, hands sliding down to cradle his
crotch for half a sweet moment before Will slid away.

"Horses settled first, yeah? Then we can get comfy."

Dean nodded, whistling as they worked together, tying
Gypsy down and tying a rope to Big Boy's halter before
giving them both a little feed and spreading out a blanket.
Will got the lemonade and the fruit and they stretched out
together, rubbing elbows and knees and being easy
together. He spent a good long time touching, one hand
trailing over those long fine legs, that flat belly.

Pretty much purring for him, Will shifted into his touch,
rubbing lightly, not pressing it. One of Will's hands started
returning the favor after a bit, though, sliding over his hip
and ribs, all the way up to his throat. Oh, that was sweeter
than honey. He cuddled in a little more, letting his leg rub
against Will.

"Mmmm." He figured Will must like that pretty well, what
with the humming and squirming and finally leaning
forward to kiss his mouth. Even sweeter still, that kiss,
opening his lips and letting him taste lemons and pears and
Will's heat.

There was nothing finer than this. Nothing. Will close and
warm, the scent of early summer on the air, sound of
grasses blowing.

"S'real good, Dean. Just fine." Pulling back, Will licked at
his lips, that hint of stubble rubbing at his cheeks and chin.

He nodded, hand cupping Will's hip, lips chasing Will's
tongue. Kisses sweet and slow, growing deeper by the

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moment, pressed against him and into him, Will's thigh
pressing against his, hand sliding over him. Slow and easy,
they just let the heat grow, let the kisses and the touch drive
them both higher.

Their loving was like the day, warm, breezy, happy as
anything. Will moved against him, legs shifting and
rubbing as Will moved, one hand slipping into Dean's
waistband to stroke the fine hairs at the small of his back,
the top of his crease. That made him shiver, made his cock
jerk in his jeans and his damned hips couldn't decide
whether to jerk away or press close.

"Love that. How you move when I touch your skin." Will's
breath was warm and fruit sweet on his cheek as that hand
stroked lower, as far as it could go with his jeans still on.

"You make me feel so good, Will. Make me need." He
started working open Will's belt, needing some skin on

"Good. That's the idea, Cowboy." Will helped, wiggling
until the jeans were down around Will's thighs and then
reaching for Dean's own fly. His hands waltzed right over
Will's skin, belly sucking in so Will could work him free.
Will moaned, finally getting him out, and pulling at his hip
to move them together, cocks sliding along each other.
Hotter'n the fourth of July.

"Oh." He cupped one of Will's asscheeks, tugging him

"Mmm. Yeah. Feels so good." They moved together so
well, like the good team they were, Will's hand slipping
between them to pull them together and rub. "So good."

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"Always does. Always has." He leaned in for a kiss,
nuzzling. Kissing. Needing.

Nudging and pushing, will turned him on his back,
crowding over him, kissing hard and pulling their pricks
with nice long strokes. The angle gave them better friction,
better access. His hands landed on Will's ass, squeezing in
time. "Perfect. Ace."

"Uh-huh. Damn. Solid." He got a deep kiss, a nip to his ear,
a long slow suck to his neck, Will moving on him all the

"Uhn. Close, yeah? Close." His heels dug into the blanket,
hips pushing up.

Suddenly it wasn't lazy or slow or anything but hot damn,
right now, Will nodding and moaning and pressing down.
Those long legs bracketed his thighs, squeezing even as
Will thumbed the head of his cock. He stretched out, body
going taut as a lead wire, head snapping back as he shot,
squeezing Will tight.

"Dean! Yeah." A few more pushes of Will's lean hips and
he wasn't the only one bucking and groaning and covering
them with spunk. Will was coming just as hard, panting and
resting heavily on him when they were done.

Oh, this was something else -- Will and wind and sun and
him all wrapped up together. Mighty fine.

As if echoing his thoughts, Will chuckled, nuzzling right in
and licking at his sweat. "Nothing better, Dean. Not a
damned thing."

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"Amen to that, Will. Good Lord's good to us cowboys,

"Yeah. Real good."

They still had the lube, and the cookies, and more
lemonade to boot. And all of the time in the world before
they had to get back and feed the animals.

He just couldn't think of a more perfect day.


There was something to be said for hard work, and sweat,
and the twinge of a muscle that had seen good use.

There was also something to be said for being clean, and
smelling good, having your best boots and hat on, and your
one state championship belt buckle shined up right nice for
a night out.

Thing was, Will was in a dancing mood, and there were
precious few places a man could do-si-do with a man and
not get kicked out or ass-kicked. His cheeks heated as he
thought of how Dean was going to react to what he'd done
while Dean was driving into town to get them a bucket of
chicken and some bar-b-que and a six pack of longnecks.
The weather was warm, but fine, so Will put up a dining fly
on a flat piece of ground and set up his little boom box up
with some CDs of good dancing music.

He also put out the wee folding table they had, and a couple
of chairs, and gussied up with a vinyl tablecloth and some
Christmas lights.

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Made him feel like a mushy fool, but Dean? So worth it.
Now he just had to wait for his cowboy to get home.

The truck blew up dust, Dean pulling up beside the house,
tight little ass sliding out of the Dodge, pretty as you
please. A big old grin stretched Will's face, just like it
always did when Dean came along. Lord he had it bad. He
intercepted Dean at the kitchen door, taking the boxes and
bags of food.

"Hey there, Cowboy."

"Hey, Ace. How's it hanging?" Dean gave him a smile,
eyes shining, admiring him.

"Real well, Dean. Hey, how about I set up supper while
you get the dust off. Want a beer?" He was hoping like
crazy that Dean wasn't in a noticing mood, not yet, anyway.
Just to be sure, he gave Dean a kiss, that mustache tickling
his upper lip.

"Mmm..." Dean moaned right into his mouth, hand cupping
his jaw, fingers stroking his face. "Yeah. Okay. 'Nother kiss

Sure enough, he could do that. That tight little ass fit right
into Will's palms as he pulled Dean close, kissing deep,
tasting his favorite appetizer. Dean was all blinky and sloe-
eyed when their lips parted, going easy as Will nudged him
toward the shower.

"Go on, now. I'd come in with you, but I'm hungry enough
to need to eat first." He patted Dean's butt, giving him one

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last push, then headed out to put the beer in the big cooler
and set the dinner up.

It didn't take long, Dean's tuneless whistle sounding as the
screen door slammed, his cowboy in a pair of jeans, a tight
white t-shirt, graying hair still damp and showing comb

Damn. His favorite entree, too. "Hey. Supper's ready."

"Oh. Oh, Ace. Well, I'll be..." Dean just grinned wide.
"You... This is pretty as a picture."

"I wanted to take you out for dinner and dancing. 'Cept
dancing's a bit iffy in town, you know?" That smile made
all of his embarrassment fade. He figured he wasn't so
goofy after all, if he could make Dean grin like that. "So, I
gave us a place here."

"Well aren't you just the most brilliant thing living?" Dean
walked right up into his arms, hand sliding over his thighs,
squeezing just a little. "Thank you."

"You're welcome, Cowboy. Of course, you provided the
grub." Will took him a kiss, savoring the lingering grin.

The kiss was long, sweet as honey and twice as fine.
"Mmm. If we're gonna eat, we'd best do it. Kisses like that
lead to cold suppers."

"And no vertical dancing." He led Dean to the table,
settling across from him. The space between them was
small enough to rub knees and hold hands if they wanted,
and it was all the better for Will not having to cook it. They
chatted about the cattle and the land, made plans about

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what to do with the back acres. They laughed and ate and
put back a couple beers a piece, Dean looked relaxed and
easy, younger than he'd looked in a while.

Will felt younger too, the constant ache in his leg easing,
his full belly lulling him. "That was some good bar-b-que.
We'll have to tell Leon next time we see him."

"Hell, yeah. Nice and spicy, but not tearing a hole in my
belly." Dean winked over. "Your tater salad's better,

"Flatterer." His salad was better, but he'd never tell Leon
that. "And holes in your belly are not allowed. Holler at me
when you're ready for a dance."

Lazy and happy, he was ready to just sit for a bit, but
holding Dean was never a bad thing.

"Mmm... Sounds good. Let's let the meat settle for a bit."
Dean's leg rubbed against his.

Laughing, Will settled back, hands on his belly, the toe of
his boot nudging Dean's foot. "Yeah, else it'll sit like lead."

"You remember the first time you knew you wanted to?
Dance with another fella, that is?"

"Lord." Grinning, Will tipped his head back and looked at
the sky, which was brilliant, the sun just heading down. "I
was, oh, fifteen? There was this boy, Robbie Alvarez. His
daddy worked with mine, and he started working picking
when he was maybe twelve. He was seventeen when I
noticed him, though."

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"Yeah? There's nothing like an older man when you're that
age, is there?"

"Yeah." He could still see the sun shining on brown skin
and black hair, and the way Robbie's shoulders and back
moved as he worked through a field. Damn. "'Course,
almost everything looks good at that age. What about you,
Cowboy? When did you figure it all out?"

"Oh, good Lord..." Dean stretched, belly tight and fine
under the soft cotton. "There was a cowboy rode the bulls
when I was on the junior circuit. He had a bit of a
reputation, a bit of a wild hair. He, uh, sorta took me under
his wing."

That brought out a chuckle, low and fond. "Now that
sounds right familiar."

"Yeah." Dean grinned, cheeks a little pink. "I learned a
thing or three about riding bulls, yessir."

"I just bet you did." There was not much better than
sharing stories with Dean, and they did just that until the
sun was just a memory and Will was hungry again, this
time to touch. He hoisted himself to his feet and turned on
the CD player, smiling as some smooth old country came
right on out. "You ready to dance, Dean?"

"Hell, yes." Dean stood, slid right into his arms like it was
meant to be, one arm sliding over his shoulders, the other
twining with one of his. They fit together so good, Will's
arms settling into place too, one around Dean's waist, the
other coming up so he could hold Dean's hand. They went
right together like bread and butter, and Dean was warm

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and firm against him, all soap and bar-b-que sauce and

Dean's cheek rested against his own, his cowboy humming
along with the radio. They had the night sky and the
twinkling of their little lights and he had Dean against him,
moving sweet and slow. There was nowhere else he'd
rather be, not in town or back on the circuit or anywhere.

They danced through Alan Jackson and Garth, George and
Jim Reeves, Dean rubbing and sliding against him. Oh, that
was nice. That was better than nice, it was damned fine, as
Dean would say. Will rubbed right back, pulling Dean
closer, nuzzling against Dean's ear.

"Oh. That's fine." Dean's voice was all suede and sex,
rough and raw.

"Mmmhmm." So fine. His hand slid from Dean's waist to
his butt, squeezing a little. Dean rocked back into his touch,
that pretty ass rubbing into his hands. Will rocked forward,
pushing against Dean, moaning at the feel of them together.
No one had ever felt that good against him. Dean's
mustache brushed against his jaw, Dean licking, tasting

The music changed, something faster, livelier, and Will
was afraid it would ruin the mood, so he kissed Dean, hard,
his other hand falling to join the first. Dean opened right
up, a groan sliding into him, those callused hands cupping
his head.

They turned in slow, lazy circles, Will not even hearing the
music anymore, Dean filling all his senses. This was what
he was wanting, what all of the silly planning and scheming

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was for. Dean against him, sounding happy and feeling
good, relaxed and right. That mustache tickled, soft against
his lips, making him chuckle, making him moan.

"We should get the food cleaned away before the pups get
into it, then take this dancing thing inside." He hated to be
pragmatic, but sure enough the dogs were nosing at the
leftovers when they weren't looking.

"Mm-hmm." Dean took another quick kiss. "Skeeters'll be
out soon, too."

"Yeah. I would rather eat you than let them have you." One
last regretful squeeze to Dean's ass, and they were moving,
working together to clean up their fine supper and turn out
all the lights. He'd do the rest tomorrow.

Dean was whistling, sort of dancing still as they worked,
giving him long, warm looks. Made him happy, deep down,
made him hurry up a bit, throwing the pups little bits of
chicken to show them how good they were, stacking the
rest together and hauling it inside. Dean grabbed the boom
box, the bag of trash, bumping hips with him as they
bounced in the kitchen, not having to talk about where they
were heading. It didn't take any time at all for clean up
detail, and Will caught Dean at the door to the living room,
swinging him around in a little flourish.

Dean chuckled, whooping just a little, playing with him.
They did a cotton eyed joe down the hall, and were
laughing their asses off by the time they got to the
bedroom., Will turned right into Dean for a kiss.

Thumbs hooked into his belt loops, tugging him right up
into Dean's heat, going from zero to sixty just like that.

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Will moaned, tilting his head down to kiss Dean's lips,
tongue pushing them open to get inside and taste, hands on
Dean's shoulders. Dean's tongue met his, sliding in to do-si-
do with his, then backing off.

Damn, that slow burn that flared hot was a good feeling.
His cock swelled, aching as it pressed on his zipper, and
Will rubbed, pushing against Dean's thigh. He let the kiss
go deep, go hungry, searching for more. Dean knew what
he wanted, what he loved and gave it all to him.

Dean's hands slid up his back, pulling his shirt free, finding
his skin. The touch went all the way up his spine, zinging
right into his brain. Felt so good. The only thing that would
feel better would be Dean's skin, and Will went looking for
it, tugging the t-shirt. Those ropy scars felt fascinating
under his hands, and Dean grinned breaking the kiss so
they could lose the shirts. As soon as the soft white cotton
was gone, Will was back, touching Dean's skin, fingers
digging into the muscles underneath. Damn. "Love how
you feel."

"Yeah? Good, 'cause that's a sweet as pie." Dean pressed
against him, bellies warm and bare, sliding together just

"It is. Warm as it's right out of the oven, too." Will went
looking for another kiss, rubbing their lips together side to
side, letting the friction heat them up. That mustache
tickled again, Dean licking and teasing, fingers working
open his belt.

"Oh." He loved that tickle, loved those hands just as much,
and he pushed his hips back and pulled his belly in to give

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Dean a better angle. He slid his own hands between Dean's
belt and the soft skin at the top of Dean's ass.

Dean chuckled, nodded, ass wiggling for him. "Mmm... So
fine, Cowboy. So fine."

"We always are together." They were just dancing again,
even if there wasn't any music. Will grinned, then moaned
as his fly opened under Dean's hand and he moved his hips,
pushing in.

"Mmm... this for me?" Dean ran callused fingers along his
shaft, dragging long and slow, feeling him.

If anything, he got harder, a tight ball of need settling in his
belly. "Yeah. Make me hot, Cowboy." Dean's fingers hit
the base and Will gasped, biting his lower lip.

"Oh, I'm liking that, Will. Yessir." Those fingers circled the
base, just brushing his balls. Heaven knew, he liked that
too, but he wanted more even as he pushed into Dean's
hand like a green kid begging for it. Dean's belt gave way
under his own hands, and he went straight for that sweet ass
again, this time getting a double handful of skin.

"Gonna dance with me, Will? Gonna..." His cock was
pumped, ass wiggling in his hands. "Dance?"

"God, yes. My favorite thing in the world to do."

Will's legs spread, his stance opening as wide as it could
with his jeans still around his thighs. They swayed together,
his cock in that callused hand, letting Dean feel the rhythm
of his heartbeat, his own fingers pushing Dean's jeans
down, curling into the crease between those tight cheeks.

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"Bed, Ace. So we can get comfortable." He got another
kiss, a grin. "So we can get busy."

"You got it."

The jeans had to go, and they both stripped off, stumbling
over boots and belts but finally making it, and Will shoved
Dean down, stretching out half on top, half beside. One leg
draped over the top of his, Dean's hands drawing him down
for another kiss. Every lean muscle and bony point pushed
up against him, and the heat of Dean's cock against his hip
was like summertime. Will gave that kiss and then some,
fingers playing on Dean's throat and chest, finding each
little nipple and tugging. Dean purred into his mouth, his
cowboy's hands stroking his shoulders, his sides.

They could just be like that all night, kissing and petting,
but the fire was getting to be urgent, Will's cock twitching
and needing, and he grinned at Dean, kissing in between
words. "Want me to fuck you, Cowboy? Or would you
rather have me? I'm easy."

"That's what they say about you down at the jail." Dean
grinned, eyes dancing, his cowboy playful. "Want you,
Will. Love the way you love my ass."

"When were you down at the jail without me? I'm jealous."
Laughing with Dean, Will nipped at Dean's chin, lips and
tongue easing the sting. "But I can surely do that."

He did love that tight little cowboy bubble of a butt, and he
rolled off to one side to grab the lube from the bedside
table, knowing he wasn't going to be able to wait and give
Dean the full mouth treatment. He heard the bedsprings

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creak and when he turned, he found Dean on hands and
knees, hips rocking, body moving for him.

"Oh, God." That made his whole body ache, just looking at
it, but in the best way. Will snuggled up behind, stroking
Dean's back, rubbing against that fine ass like there was no
tomorrow, fumbling to get the damned bottle open. Dean
rippled for him, hips rocking like they were taking a long

Yeah. Just like that. Will got his fingers good and wet, the
other hand still petting, soothing as he slid two fingers right
into Dean's tight heat.

"Mmm... I like that, like the way you touch me." Dean sort
of crawled up the headboard, riding his fingers.

"Good. Because you feel so damned good I can't not touch
you, Dean. Gonna feel good on my cock, too." He knew
Dean liked the things he said, loved it that Dean was
talking to him these days, too. He moved his fingers,
stretching and opening, letting Dean really feel it. Dean
hunched, then shifted, spine twisting like a copperhead on a
stick as he moved. So damned pretty. Better than anything.
Will shifted, let another finger slide in just long enough to
test Dean's readiness. "You ready to ride, Cowboy?"

"You know it. Saddle up and we'll go." Dean squeezed his
fingers, held him tight.

Moaning, Will pulled his fingers away, lining up his prick
and pushing in, smooth and easy. Wasn't anything better.
Tight, hot, Dean bore down and opened up to him, and Will
felt his eyes roll, trying to hold on long enough to get a
rhythm going. One of Dean's hands reached back, stroked

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his thigh, sort of petting it like the man would gentle a
horse. Gentling him. Will gasped out a chuckle, leaned
down to nuzzle Dean's neck before grabbing those leans
hips and moving, starting slow and easy, sliding in and out.

"Oh..." Dean sure rode easy, entire body into it, working it,
soft moans sort of sliding through the air. They fit together,
a damned fine team, and Will sped his motions, hips
starting to drive for it, reaching for it. His cock just damned
well ached.

"Shit, Will. I need..." Dean slipped a little, sliding, then
gasping loud. "Oh. There. Right there."

"Yeah." Oh yeah, he could feel what that did to Dean,
could see it in the flush rising on that leathered skin. Will
slipped one hand around to anchor against Dean's belly,
holding him in place and drilling him while the other found
that long cock and started stroking.

Dean gave him a long cry, body clenching around him.

"Uh-huh. Close, Cowboy. So close." His chest was tight,
and he was panting, hips snapping like a bull rider on the
seventh second. "Love."

"Uh-huh. Yeah. Yeah, Will. Now." Dean shuddered, body
stilling, riding it out, heat pouring over his hand.

"Oh, oh, Dean!" He sounded like something out of a porn
movie, but that was the way Dean made him feel. Hotter
than a firecracker. Shuddering, Will pushed in one last
time, filling Dean right up, everything pouring right out of

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Dean slumped against the headboard, breathing hard, just
panting like a dog in August.

Will was just as out of breath, and he leaned against Dean's
back, kissing the nape of Dean's neck, licking at the sweat.
"Hell of a way to end a dance, Cowboy."

"You got that right, Ace." They settled down into the
sheets, moaning a little.

Will turned, snuggled, let Dean feel his happy smile right
against those soft lips. Sure, they couldn't go to town and
tear up the dance floor. But nights like this? He never
missed it, preferring their own kind of dancing any day.


No one could call Will lazy.

Not even his brother, who often teased him about well,
everything. He worked like a dog if given half a chance.
But late summers in Texas? Were gonna kill him some day.

By late August, mornings where he came from were cooler
than this. And nights cooled way down so a man could
sleep. Here, it was just brutal hot.

The only good thing about it was it meant Dean was up and
out well before Will was, and on mornings like this one he
got a wonderful sight to wake up to. Dean was out in the
yard, shirt off, straw hat low on his head, scrubbing the
truck, pups dancing at his boot heels. It was enough to
make a man believe that God had a plan when he made
Texas so damned hot.

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Grinning at himself, Will grabbed a little travel cup thing of
coffee and headed out to tell his own personal cowboy
good morning. He wandered out, waiting for Dean to drop
the hose before going over to offer the coffee and trace the
scars on Dean's back with his free hand.

"Mornin' Glory." There were suds on Dean's thigh, a
bubble caught on the short hairs on that trim belly.

"Morning." He handed over the coffee, utterly distracted by
the little shiny bubbles. He popped the one on Dean's belly,
laughing. "It's hot."

"It's August." Dean drank deep, throat working, sun just
shining on that sweat-sheened skin.

"Yeah, but it's also still early in the day. Should be cooler."
There was no real heat in his complaint. Will was too
damned focused on Dean's little dark nipples, on the way
Dean's belly muscles worked.

"Give it a couple months, Ace. Hell, give it three and we'll
be watching the sky for blue northers." Dean smiled, licked
the coffee off that graying mustache. "Truck's looking
good, huh?"

"Something's looking good, Cowboy, and it's not the
truck." Damn, his man looked fine in the sun.

Dean's cheeks turned a sweet, dark red, granite-chip eyes
shining at him. "You know what they say about flattery,
don't you?"

"More interested in what you say about it." He grinned,

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hooked a finger in Dean's belt loops and pulled the man
close for a kiss. He just couldn't help himself. Dean's mouth
was hotter than the sun, flavored with coffee, just slightly
bitter. Will slid his arms around Dean's waist, tongue
pushing right into Dean's mouth. Now that was the best
way to get his morning coffee. Couldn't beat it.

Dean stepped close, those arms snuggling right against his,
rubbing. Those old jeans were soft as anything, Dean's
hand hot on the back of his neck. Damn, he loved being
able to do this, just stand out in their out place and kiss
Dean in the sun. A few errant bubbles settled on Dean's
back and he rubbed at them with his fingers, running the
slick soap residue up and down Dean's spine, just licking
and sucking Dean's lips like there was no tomorrow.

Dean leaned back against the truck, drawing him in
between those warm legs, cradling him. Dean's prick was
awake and paying attention, hard on his leg. Will pressed
forward, pushing his leg between Dean's, pressing his own
cock against Dean's leg. Giving them both some friction.
He licked his way down Dean's throat, groaning at the salt
and heat taste. "Damn, Cowboy."

Two hot hands landed on his ass, squeezing, pulling him
tighter than white on rice. "Yeah. Will. Damn."

They moved together so easily. It always amazed him,
whether it was working or dancing or loving how they just
knew. Will nibbled lightly at Dean's neck, teasing with his
teeth, hips rolling down below.

Dean's chin rubbed his temple, his own personal cowboy's
breath speeding up like a freight train. He managed to
dislodge a hand from Dean's hips and push it down

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between them, rubbing over warm denim and copper,
pressing against Dean's cock. Felt good, made them both
moan. He was just on fire, not sure he could even get either
one of their jeans open before he came all over like a

"Mmm... Good morning, Will. Making me need things."
That low drawl was sweet, hot as fuck.

"Yeah. That's good. Saw you out here and had to come get
me some." He grinned against Dean's neck before turning
to get another kiss, Dean's mustache tickling his lips,
making little shivers run up and down his back.

"Always ready for you." The words were whispered against
his lips, Dean's hands getting a little harder, pulling a little

"Mmm. Yeah." They were always ready for each other. It
was something they had in common. Damn. Will humped,
the muscles in his bad leg pulling a little, but not enough to
make him ease up. He just adjusted his stance, making his
prick slide and push, making him gasp. He squeezed at
Dean's cock, encouraging, needing. Dean grunted, tongue
pushing deep and fucking his lips, serious as a heart attack.

God. Will moaned, hips pumping, rubbing him against
Dean so hard. His eyes rolled, head falling back until all he
could see was bright sunlight as he shot right in his jeans,
little happy noises coming from his throat. Dean made a
soft little sound, hands moving him faster, harder, that old
truck rocking on its springs. He pushed the heel of his hand
against Dean's cock, fingers moving, giving Dean what he

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"Oh. That's just it, Will. Just it."

"Come on, Dean. Come on." He could see again, even if he
did have little red dots in front of his eyes, and the look on
Dean's face... Jesus, it was almost enough to make him hard
again. He rubbed hard, encouraging Dean to come for him.
Dean arched, hips pumping, lips parted as he shuddered
and jerked.

"Oh. Oh, Dean." Yeah. That was the way to wake up. Made
him forget he was even sweating in the heat until it was all
over, and even then the sticky mess in his jeans was worse.

"Shower? Nice and cool?" Dean's voice was low and

That? Was the best suggestion he'd heard since... well,
since yesterday when Dean'd made lemonade and they'd
had it naked, in bed. "Yeah. You done with the truck?"

"I'd just rinsed it." Dean's grin was lazy, hot.

"And we did a little buffing." He grinned right back, patting
the side of Dean's hip. "I'll even cook a real breakfast

"Ooooh. Sausage and biscuit?"

"You bet." He finally peeled Dean off the truck, kissing
him briefly before starting to haul him inside, just stopping
to turn off the hose. Much as he loved seeing Dean half
naked in the sun, it was still damned hot.

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Of course, completely naked Dean in the shower making
fuck-me eyes? Rivaled the sun any day.

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Every time Will went fishing he thought of Dean. He used
to think of his dad taking him up to Ruidoso or Elephant
Butte, but every since he and Dean had gone camping that
first time... well. He thought of Dean.

The memory of Dean on his knees, hands working his cock
and ass? Lord, that was enough to make Will almost come
in his pants. It was enough to get his bait stripped nine
times out of ten and make him realize that if he and Dean
were gonna have fish for supper on this camping trip he'd
better get his ass in gear and catch some.

It hadn't been easy to persuade Dean to go. Hell, it had
been hard for Will to leave the critters and the land for a
four day weekend. But the Gentry brothers were good boys,
and they needed the experience, and their daddy would be
checking in on them, so Will had managed it. And damn, it
was nice.

Peace and quiet. Fishing. Dean in paper thin jeans and an
old, soft t-shirt. They had a little fancier stuff this time
around, an air mattress instead of just a sleeping bag, and
Sadie wasn't with them, but the three beasts they had were
about as good, and Will hadn't enjoyed himself so much in
an age.

He finally reeled his line in and gave up on fish. They
could eat eggs and potatoes for supper, or sloppy joes as
they had some meat and canned tomatoes. He was wanting,
and fish wasn't what he wanted.

Will wandered over to Dean and plopped down next to him

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on the bank, leaning right up against the man's side. "Hey,
Cowboy. I was just thinking about you."

Dean gave him a slow, sweet as molasses smile. "Yeah?
Good thoughts, I hope?"

"Yeah. I was thinking about the very first time I saw this."
Feeling downright naughty, Will slid his hand down to
Dean's crotch, pushing against the fly of those jeans,
feeling Dean's cock move under his palm.

"Oh. Then those are real good thoughts." Dean arched up
into his hand a little, rubbing, just starting to rock.

"We sure were embarrassed at the time. I ever tell you what
I did after?" Oh, that was fine. Just fine.

"No, what?" Dean's mustache brushed his jaw, his cheek.

"I went back to the truck and jerked myself right off." He
rubbed his cheek against Dean's, finally finding the button
of Dean's jeans and popping it open. The sound of the
zipper coming down was loud as hell.

Dean gave a soft little whimper, lips parting against his
skin. "Oh. I... I'd have given a fortune to see that."

"Yeah. I wanted to see you, you know? It's just burned into
my memory, Cowboy." God, it was hot, his hand in Dean's
pants, them both remembering that day.

"I'd been needing, just thought if I took the edge off, I
could keep from touching you..." Low, pure gravel, that
voice as it poured over him.

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"I'm glad we finally got over that." Will laughed, loving
how that voice scraped down his spine, loving how hot and
sweet Dean felt in his hand. "Want you, Cowboy."

Dean chuckled, shifting to slide one hand down Will's
belly. "I'm yours, Will. Right here."

"Mmm. Yeah. I do love it when you touch me." He arched
a little, turning to give Dean better access even as he
shoved Dean's jeans down, carefully, to get more skin. His
shirt was opened, those callused fingers on his skin for a bit
before sliding down to slide into his jeans.

"Oh. Dean." Damn. Those hands. He could still see them
working Dean's cock. It was something, feeling them work
him at the same time. "Love your hands."

"I know. You make me need." Dean's lips found his, tongue
sliding in to taste. The kiss was nice and slow, warm in the
sun, so good. He rolled his hips, pushing into Dean's hand,
stroking Dean nice and strong. Dean tasted sweet, petting
him, fingers sliding around his cock. He almost pushed
Dean right down and climbed on top, but that would be hell
on the man's back and hard on his leg besides, and anyway,
he kinda liked the idea of just jacking each other. He slid
his thumb over the head of Dean's cock, dipping into the

"Oh!" Those stone-gray eyes went wide, hot, then Dean
dove right back into the kiss. Made his belly so tight. His
cock jerked, and Will humped up, thighs hard as rocks. He
stroked Dean's back with his free hand, fingers digging in
to the tight spots. Oh, those sweet low sounds slid straight
down his spine, vibrating through his cock.

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Everything about Dean turned him on. Just every little
thing, from the way he smelled like sun block and Old
Spice to the way Dean's hand felt around his cock. He
stroked Dean a little harder, the sides of his fingers pressing
against Dean's balls on the down stroke.

Dean kept watching him, motion of that hand starting to
hiccup, move harder. "Will..."

"Yeah. Dean. Need." He needed, all right. Needed more
pressure, needed more friction. More. He leaned close,
kissed Dean's mouth, moaning deep. Dean pushed, damn
near in his lap, both of them rubbing and rocking together,
tongues pushing hard.

Oh, hell. Will grunted, a low, desperate noise as he came
hard, hips snapping, rocking into Dean. Dean groaned,
watched him all the way through his orgasm. Then drew
that hand up, licked it clean, eyes going dark.

"Oh, fuck, Cowboy." Will caught his breath, whole body
just shaking. Then he scooted around and bent down and
swallowed Dean whole.

"Will!" Dean rippled, hand landing hard on his shoulder.
"Oh, sweet fuck. Yes."

Yeah. Oh yeah. So hot, flavored with salty sweat and pre-
come, and Will licked and sucked like there was no
tomorrow, knowing how Dean tasted when he came,
needing it so bad. It was just a heartbeat before Dean was
bucking, low cry echoing.

He took it all, licking Dean clean, swallowing his cowboy

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right down. God, so damned good. Will stroked Dean's
thighs, soothing, praising.

"Oh. Oh, damn. Yeah." Dean's fingers were trembling,
shaking, petting his head.

"Mmmhmm." Will straightened up, smiled as he leaned in
for a kiss, mingling their flavors.

Dean's fingers slid around his head, tilted him for a deeper

They kissed long and lazy, tongues pushing and tasting. He
couldn't ask for better.

Even if he wasn't catching fish.


There was nothing like Inks Lake in October. Warm
enough to be comfortable, the tourists all gone, the
evenings cool enough to enjoy a hot meal and a fire. As
hard as he'd fought it, Will'd been right. This was a fine,
fine fucking idea.

Dean stretched, socked feet propped up on the fire ring.
The mornings were still cool enough to make the coffee
good, to make the way it poured into your stomach feel
damned good. One of the pups came up, head-butted him in
a search for a treat, big ole ears just flopping as he whined.
"Hush, now, Tink. I'll start bacon in a bit. Will's still

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Will and the other two pups, Taylor and Sky, were all piled
up in the sleeping bags, snoring away, Will's bare ass kinda
sticking out into the air.

He poured himself another cup of coffee, laughing as
Tinker got tired of waiting and went over, grabbed his
sister's tail, and started tugging that fat little hound dog out
of the tent. The baby girl fought to keep from losing her
spot next to Will, kicking and howling to beat the band,
which made Sky start barking his damn fool head off.

"What the fuck?" Will came tumbling out of the tent, naked
as a jaybird, hair standing up everywhichways. "What?"

Oh. Oh, shit, that was funny. "Tinker! Tinker, let her go!"

Or galumph all over Will and send the man crashing. Good

Flailing and cussin' up a storm, Will turned in circles like a
flipped turtle. The dogs put footprints all over that tanned
skin, just romping on Will. He let it go a bit, then waded in
and started scattering chickens, rescuing those long old legs
for himself.

"Thanks, Cowboy." Clinging to him, panting, Will grinned.
"I needed savin'."

"Yeah, yeah. You need coffee." Still, he had himself a
sweet, naked Will in the prettiest fall day he'd seen in a
month of Sundays. "Mornin'."

Oh, hell, that was a fine, fine kiss. By the time they were
done, he couldn't even hear the dogs. All he knew was
Will, all but crawling up him to rub and moan. That

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morning wood was a little more insistent this morning, hot
and firm against his belly. He got his hands around that
pretty ass and tugged Will in closer, enjoying the hell out of

"Oh, hey." That smile was something, those eyes just
sparkling for him. Will rubbed some more, kissing him like
the man meant it. Really.

"Hey." They headed south, sorta tumbling into the mass of
sleeping bags. Oh. Horizontal. Better. Much better. Dean
chuckled, rolling over the top of Will, one hand sliding
down the length of those long, long legs.

"You know, you got a Jones to pet, there's other things
besides my legs." Hell, yes. One of them was poking his

"Pushy, pushy. I figured this one wasn't real yet." Still, he
wiggled some, heading down to get ahold of that fine bit of

"Wasn't... Oh. It always is with you, Cowboy. Even in the
morning..." The 'morning sorta trailed off into a moan.

"Uh-huh." He got his lips where they needed to be, tongue
pressing flat against the slit, drawing up that salt that was
special to his Will.

"Oh. Oh, God!" Bucking for him, Will pushed into his
mouth, sliding right in, then out again. Dean slid his hands
right under Will's ass, pinkie fingers nudging the little hole
while he tugged Will in deeper. Fuck, the man smelled
good - still all male and musky from sleeping, from them

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"Uhn." That deep grunt made him chuckle, made him suck
harder. Will surely did let him know when he was doing
good. His chin bumped Will's balls every thrust in, the soft
blond curls there soft as hell against his face. Moving faster
and faster, Will pushed into his mouth, the scent getting
stronger, sweat and musk and salty, bitter drops of pre-
come all in him and on him. Damned fine. Dean closed his
eyes, just focusing on the pressure and the flavor, the pure,
sweet fucking heat. He slid his tongue down along Will's
shaft, tracing veins before sucking hard and dragging so-
slow, all the way back up.

"Dean... Oh, jeez. Gonna, soon." That rough tone in Will's
usually smooth voice let him know just how close Ace was.

Up and down, up and down, just like he was sucking a big
popsicle. Come on, Ace. Come on, now. Will arched right
up, cock going deep in his throat, that man coming for him
like there was no tomorrow. Like they didn't have all day to
love on each other.


Damn, that was fine.

Real fine.

Dean took Will right on in, tongue and throat just working

When Will stopped shaking, those hands landed on his
shoulders, rubbing sweet-like. "You just... I. Damn,

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"Uh-huh." Damn.

"Come here, huh? I need to tell you good morning, too."
Grinning, looking dazed and lazy, Will pulled him up and
wrapped around him.

Dean nuzzled in, nose in Will's hair as he chuckled.

"Hey. You got something for me, too?" One of those lean,
brown hands slid down his chest, all the way down his
belly, pressing against his fly.

"Always." His eyes rolled like thrown dice. Fuck him, he
did love that man's hands.

"Oh, feel that." Those fingers fumbled a little, but Will got
his zipper open, pulling his cock right out. "Hot. Hard.

"Uh. Uh-huh. Will." His head fell back, Will's mouth on his
throat, the morning sun through the trees dazing him a

"I got you, Cowboy. Gonna make you feel so good." Will's
thumb rubbed up along the underside of his cock, then
pressed against the slit, making his toes curl.

"You..." His thighs parted, balls drawing up tight. "More."

Nodding, Will kissed him hard, his lips tingling even as
that hand started working him, up and down. Strong
stroked had his hips moving, pushing. Begging. Better than
a ninety-point ride. Fuck him. Will made him feel like a
teenager again.

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"Come on, Dean. You're so hot. So pretty." Pretty. An old
cowboy like him. But Will meant it; he could see it in that
hot stare, daring him not to come. His belly went tight as a
board, heels thrumming on the ground as he shot, his
fucking soul pouring out of him. "Oh. That's it, honey.
That's perfect." He got himself a kiss, then, sweet as honey
and hot as a summer day.

Lord. He just went all boneless and lazy, the sun promising
a perfect day -- for fishing, for loving, for just goofing off.

"Oh, you're much better for rolling around with than the
pups, Cowboy." Looked like Will was ready to laze about a
bit, too.

"Man's gotta have a talent, Ace."


The kitchen smelled damned fine if Will did say so himself.
Chili and lemonade were ready to go, and there was
gingerbread and heavy cream with just a bit of sugar, one in
the oven to stay warm, one in the fridge.

He'd worked like a demon to get all of his chores done so
he could sneak off to the house and cook, and just about
now Dean should be getting finished up too, and looking
for him. So Will checked to make sure he wasn't all floury
or smelling like chili, and headed on down to the barn to
collect his cowboy. Dean was there, bent over, pushing the
dirt around, and Will figured it looked all over but the

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So he grinned wide and pinched Dean's ass. How the hell
could he resist?

Dean peeped and grinned wide, ass shaking, wiggling a
little. "Hey, Ace. You're looking fine as pie supper. How's
it going?"

"It's going pretty well." He stepped up close as Dean
straightened, hooking his hands in Dean's belt and turning
him. "You 'bout finished?"

"I look to be, yeah." Dean gave him a grin, skin beside
those eyes wrinkling up. Damn, his cowboy did happy just

"Good." He grinned back, happy as a pup with two tails.
"You've got two choices, Cowboy."

"Ooh... choices? Do tell." Dean wrapped those hands
around his waist, head tilting.

He took a kiss, lips sliding along the side of Dean's mouth.
"Well, we could go get clean and gussied up, head into
town for steaks and beer and pool. I could tease you all
night that way."

"Mmm... that starts in the shower. Sounds all wool and a
yard wide." Dean's voice was husky, lips chasing his. "My
other choice?"

Chuckling as Dean's moustache tickled his upper lip, Will
nipped a bit. "We go on in and have some chili and
lemonade and gingerbread and put on some music so we
can rub belt buckles. Then you can strip me down and

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throw my legs over your shoulders and have your way with

"Oh." He felt the tremor against his thigh, saw those dark
eyes go from happy to horny just like that. "So... teasing
and listening to Buster bitch about his mamma cow's udder
infection or your chili and loving on the sofa..."

"That would be the choices, yeah." He wiggled his fingers
under Dean's belt, licking at that strong throat.

Dean's chuckle was sweeter than stolen honey, breath
brushing against his ear. "I've got a hankering, Ace, and it
don't involved Buster McBride or his Holstein's teats."

"Oh, good." Good thing Dean was so good at making
decisions. "We should probably work up an appetite for
that chili, then."

Will kissed Dean hard, pushing his tongue into that hot
mouth, showing Dean exactly what he wanted to happen
later. Dean's hands slid down his back, cupping his ass and
squeezing drawing them tight together. Talk about
polishing belt buckles. They pressed together from hips to
knees, Will pushing against Dean to deepen the kiss,
tongue sliding in and out. The back of Dean's shirt was
damp with sweat and Will smelled manure and sweet feed
and earth. God he loved it.

Dean felt just right, hard and hot against his thigh, hips
rocking just enough to make things spicy. His own cock
was snuggled up against Dean's hip, pressing in every time
Dean moved and it was like dancing, only better, the music
the creak and stamp of the barn, the rhythm provided by his
own heartbeat. "Damn, Cowboy."

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"Yeah. Mighty fine." Dean's lips traced his cheeks, his jaw,
mustache tickling and tingling.

"We should get on inside." He hated to give up the close
contact, but the barn floor was hard on the knees, especially
when one knee had been busted up, and that's where they
would end up if they didn't move along.

"Yup. There's lemonade in there." Dean nodded. Didn't
move, but nodded.

"There is. Gingerbread and cream. Sofa." They were still
rocking back and forth, hands moving, and he decided they
could have one more kiss before they had to walk.

"Mm-hmm. Sofa. Cream." Dean was licking at him, moans
tickling his lips.

"My knees can't take the barn floor, Cowboy. Neither can
your back." Will swayed, tilting his head back to give Dean
better access.

"Mm-hmm. 's hard. Oughta..." Dean's tongue slid against
his throat, dragging over his skin.

"Yeah. Ought to, for sure." Will looked around, searching
for an empty stall or a bale of hay. Those clever hands
started working at his belt, his cowboy's mouth getting
harder, hotter, threatening marks.

"Oh, damn." He could move, and proved it, pulling Dean
with him, right over to the tack room, where at least he
knew they had a chair. Bingo. He pushed Dean down and
straddled him, going right back in for a kiss.

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Dean fed him a long, low cry, hands tight on his hips.
"Will. Damn."

"Yeah, Dean. You're hot as hell and twice as sinful.
Nothing should be as good as you." Will grinned, kissing
Dean's lips and chin and cheeks.

Those callused fingers stroked the tip of his cock, slipping
past the open button of his jeans. "You're hotter than blue

"Oh. Oh yeah." Will spread and leaned back, giving Dean
room to move. "Want to see you."

His cock was fished out, Dean rubbing nice and easy,
humming low.

He rose into the touch, hips lifting. His hands found Dean's
shoulders, clenching tight. "Gonna make me shoot,

"Yeah." Dean licked his lips, eyes hot, watching. "Shit,
yeah. Will."

Will moved into that sweet hand, putting on a show, letting
his legs fall even wider, trusting Dean not to let him fall.
He could feel ever scrape of Dean's fingers over his skin,
could feel his pleasure climbing up his spine. Dean's breath
came faster, thighs tensing under his butt, tongue licking
and lapping at those lips.

"Oh, God, love. Yeah." Will let it go, hips snapping as he
took the edge off, shooting hard into Dean's hand, loving
the look in those dark eyes.

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Dean's hand slowed, the way nice and slick and hot. "That's
damned fine, Will."

Blinking, he looked at Dean, shaking his head to clear it.
"You melted me."

Dean chuckled, brought that slick hand up and...



Dean licked it clean, eyes just shining.

Oh. Damn. He leaned in and kissed that mouth, tasting
Dean and him and heat. Then he squirmed, sliding back and
off, knees be damned. Two could play that game, and Will
went to work on Dean's jeans from his spot on the floor
between Dean's legs, wrestling them open. Dean helped,
sucking in, wriggling, heavy cock pushing against the
zipper like a calf pushing at the pen door.

There! Will got his hand around that thick cock, pulling it
right out and practically drooling over it. This man got to
him, no doubt about it. Will rubbed his cheek against the
head, letting Dean feel just a hint of his stubble.

That got him a low cry, harsh and real and meant only for
him, Dean's hips coming right off the chair.

Moaning, Will licked, tasting Dean's damp skin, loving the
heat and tang of it. The scent was heady, strong, and Will
sucked Dean in, pushing down so he could get more of it.
His cowboy arched, boots slip-sliding on the floor, hands

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wrapping around the edge of that old chair and holding on.

"Mmmm." He hummed, nodding as much as he could as he
pulled back. There was nothing he loved more than to see
Dean go crazy, nothing like looking up into those eyes and
seeing pleasure that he put there. Dean groaned, panting a
little, eyes rolling like a bronco needing a ride. Pulling at
Dean's jeans, Will got enough of an opening to stroke
Dean's balls, licking and sucking all the way down the shaft
and swallowing.

"Fuck. You make me. I need. Shit, Will. Hot." Oh, there it
was, stuttering and stammering and begging, hips moving
faster, pushing deep. They were in that last bit of the eight
seconds, now, the part where all you have to do is hold on.
Will held on, petting, stroking, running his tongue along the
underside of Dean's cock before sucking him deep again.
Dean went quiet, right before the ride was over, focus so
sharp there was only a soft grunt, a jerk, and the splash of
salt on his tongue.

Will took it all, licking Dean clean when he was done,
resting his head on Dean's thigh. "Talk about fine."

Dean stroked his hair, nodding, breath slowing. "Finer than
cream gravy."

He got a slow, wicked wink.

That made him hoot. "Better than blackberry cobbler." His
stomach growled, making them both laugh. From one need
right to another. "We gonna go eat now?"

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"Hell, yes. You promised me chili and a dance." Dean
helped him up, grin stretching ear to ear.

"I did at that." They both got their jeans hoisted up, and
Will gave Dean a kiss, leaning on him for just a moment.
"And you owe me a fucking."

Dean pinked, nodding quick. "There's a debt I'll be running
to pay."

"Well, then, let's go on. I'm thinking lemonade and dinner,
and then you can have me and your gingerbread for

"Sounds perfect." Dean took his hand, fingers twining with

They headed up to the house together, hips bumping,
holding hands like kids. Will was looking forward to
dinner, dancing, and some more of Dean's particular brand
of loving.

He was sure as Hell glad Dean hadn't decided on pool and
Buster's damned cow.

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The clouds were barreling down from Oklahoma, steel gray
and heavy. Dean shook his head, Will had laughed at him
this morning when he'd taken the chili meat out. Ace
wouldn't be laughing in an hour.

He went to check the barn, take a look at the cattle, whistle
up horses and get them fed.

"That? Is one ugly looking storm." Will was still out there,
working up a sweat from the looks of it.

"Gotta love that first blue norther." He smiled, winked. "It's
thirty-forty degrees colder behind that front."

He got a look. "If you say so, Cowboy."

"I'll take a bet on it." He pitched in his load, helping out.

"Okay." Will went back to work, winking over his
shoulder. "What do you want if you win?"

"Blackberry cobbler." He chuckled. "With the chili and
cornbread we're having for supper."

"You got it." He got a damned nice view of Will's denim-
clad ass as he bent over to haul some more feed out. "And
if I'm right, I get a massage."

"More than fair." Hell if that wasn't a win-win situation,
whether he won or lost. He grabbed the pitchfork and
settled out Gypsy's stall.

They worked well together, easily moving around each

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other, no need to talk. It was good. Homey. They got done
just about the time the wind picked up, started to get evil.
Dean shivered, chuckled as the critters started barreling in,
looking for shelter.

Will looked out the barn door, frowning to beat the band.
"Damn. That's cold, Cowboy. You might just be right after

"Go figure." He winked, shook his head and grinned. "I
should've asked for a massage too."

"Oh, we can arrange that. Looks like we'll be inside
tonight." Will grinned right back, coming over to wrap an
arm around him. The cold front came in like a freight train,
eating up the miles and sucking the heat right out of the air.

"Fuck. Do we need to do anything else, Cowboy? Or can
we go in and get warm?" Will was shivering, reminding
him that he was a desert boy.

"Get on in. I'll grab an armful of firewood for later on."
Dean swatted Ace gently, starting him moving toward the
house. "Go on now."

"See you there. I'll start that cobbler." Oh, yeah. Will made
the best cobbler.

He nodded, grabbed a load of wood and stacked it near the
backdoor, then went back for one for the inside box. When
he got inside he could smell coffee, bless Will's heart. Will
was at the kitchen counter, mixing up stuff, and he stopped
to pour Dean a cup. "Damn. That's raw."

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"It'll settle back out in a day or two." He winked, rubbed
their shoulders together. "I'll get the chili meat started."

Will turned, gave him a light kiss, nose still colder than his.
"Cool. I'll get this done. Then we can snuggle on the

"Sounds like one hell of a plan." He got the peppers and
onions going in the big pot before dumping the meat in and
stirring. The wind was whistling in harmony, the song low
and strong.

Will was humming, mixing up berries and sugar, making
up his batter, getting everything dumped in the dish and
stuffed in the oven. It always looked haphazard as hell, but
came out tasting like a dream. He got the tomato sauce and
chili powder and flour all mixed together, turned the flame
down to let it cook. They finished about the same time,
Will grinning over at him, grabbing their coffee and
wandering out into the living room, ass swaying.'

Flirt. Fine damn little flirt. Dean loved the shit out of him.
"You coming, Cowboy?"

"I hope so, Ace, eventually." Did he just say that? Damn.

"Well, me too." Will was all sprawled on the couch, arms
out for him.

He settled into those arms, hand sliding right along Will's
belly, just petting.

"Mmm." That flat belly vibrated with Will's happy noises.
He got a kiss for his trouble, Will licking along the seam of

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his lips, opening him up. Oh, that was right fine. He let
Will in, hands rubbing, making sure his Will was warm all
through. Will warmed up under his touch, twisting to get
more of his mouth, tongue pushing into his mouth.
Moaning, will pulled him even closer, hands rubbing up
and down his arms.

He groaned into the kiss, fingers tilting Will's head so they
could deepen the kiss. It worked. Will kissed him
breathless, tasting him thoroughly. Will, in turn, tasted like
coffee and heat. For this? That wind could just keep
blowing, keep going and he'd spend forever right here.

One of Will's hands came up to cup the back of his head,
lips sliding down to smooth over his chin, his throat. "Love
the way you taste, Cowboy." He blushed, hands clenching
at the compliment, pleased deep down. Their cheeks rubbed
as Will came back up to nibble his ear, laughing a little.
"You're warm now."

"You have that effect on me." He grinned, cheeks heating
even more. "Damn, but you just set me afire."

"It's a good thing, Dean. Because you get me all hot and
bothered." The buttons on his shirt gave way to Will's
fingers, that warm palm sliding in to flatten against his

"Mm-hmm." He pushed up into the touch, his own hands
working Will's belt buckle open. Will sucked in for him,
belly pulling away from the waistband so he could have
more room to maneuver. Will stroked his chest, fingers
searching out his nipples and pressing.

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"Oh." His fingertips brushed the wet tip of Will's prick, just
sliding over it.

"Mmm." That made Will hum some more, spread for him.
Touch him all down his breastbone to his belly, stroking
the fine hairs there.

"Yeah, Will. Love your hands."

"Yeah? I love this." That little line of fuzz got traced all the
way to his jeans. "And this." Will reached down, cupped
his cock through the tough denim.

"Damn." He pushed right up, fingers trembling as he
worked Will's zipper down.

Will arched up to help him get in, that sweet, long cock
pushing up into his hand. Touching him, pressing against
him, Will leaned in for another kiss. They moved together,
pushing and rubbing, tongues sliding together. Finally Will
got his jeans open too, pushing in to touch his cock, fingers
sliding, dipping into the slit.

"'s good, Will. Damn." He shifted, slid until he got their
cocks brushing together, fingers twined.

"Yeah. Really good." Shifting closer, Will helped him,
wrapping them together and stroking. They worked
together like a machine, rubbing and pumping, noises just
loud as the wind. Neither of them was cold anymore, that
was for sure. Will was hot, so hot against him, breath warm
on his neck. That clever hand worked them hard, squeezing
and pulling.

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"Love..." He murmured the word, hips jerking, pushing

"Yours, Cowboy. All yours." Panting, humping, Will came
for him, so damned easy, so pretty. His eyes rolled as he
shot, cock sliding easy against Will's.

"Oh. Damn, Dean. Love." Will pulled him close, cuddled,
just as promised. His arms wrapped around Will, fingers
stroking that long line of spine. "Mmm. I'm glad you've got
more weather sense than I do. I'd still be out there

"Nah. You'd eventually have reckoned it, when your balls

"Oh, you're not funny a damn bit." Nipping his neck, Will
laughed with him. "Still, in here with you and having
cobbler and chili? Is a damned good thing."

"And a fire after. We'll be snug as bugs."

"Yeah." Will petted him, nuzzled in close. "What was it
you said? Gotta love that first blue norther."

"Hell, yes." He smiled, settled in his bones. Yessir.


He wandered into the house -- hands full of the mail and a
couple of Wal-Mart sacks and a bag of puppy food. His
brother had written, inviting them for Christmas. There
were some flyers. An invitation to the next meeting of the
co-op board. Electric bill. Normal stuff.

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He put the mail and his hat on the kitchen table. "Ace? You
home? We got plans for Christmas?"

"Hmm?" Will's voice floated to him from the hallway.
"Don't think so. Why?"

"Howard wrote. Wants us to come. Sorta hoping we had
other plans, I guess." He really hated Houston and he
wasn't hugely happy in that big old house where he and
Will ended up sleeping in separate beds.

"Oh. Well..." There was a bang, and a muffled curse. "I am
hanging Christmas lights. I guess that sorta presupposes
some plans to stay here with you and do Christmas things."

He chuckled, grabbing one of the sacks and heading toward
that voice. "Yeah? 'Cause I bought us a Garth Christmas
CD and some of them icicle lights and big old praline pie
from Puddin' Hill..."

"Oh, put on Garth." Will came into view, standing on the
stepladder, stringing up lights and tinsel that reminded him
of his Gramma's house when he was five.

"Sure enough." He took a long, slow look, admiring those
long old legs, then went to put the music on, the warm
sounds of carols filling the air.

"That's the ticket, Cowboy." Will hummed along, more
enthusiastic than melodious.

Dean wandered over to the ladder, letting his hand slide up
along those legs, thumbs pressing along the insides. Oh, so
fine. Yessir.

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"Shit, Dean! Gonna make me fall off." Will's laughter had a
breathless hitch to it, and Will's legs jerked, making his
lover totter.

"Careful!" He steadied the ladder. "You can't go putting
something like this in front of a man and not expect him to
take it, can you?"

"Well, now that you've got it, what are you going to do
with it?" Will had his balance back sure enough, because
Will wiggled a little, legs and ass shifting.

He gave into temptation and squeezed that tight little ass,
lips brushing the small of Will's back. "I reckon I can think
of a thing or three."

"Good thing you're a smart fella." A soft moan ended that
sentence, Will pushing back at him.

"Yep. You picked good." He stepped in, rubbing them
together, careful not to jostle the ladder.

"Oh, damn, Dean. Let me down." The last light got hooked
to the ceiling and Will rubbed right back, making them
both gasp.

He reached around, just tracing the line of Will's cock,
touch feather-light. "You feel good."

"So... oh. So do you." They swayed as Will leaned.

"They've got Christmas trees for sale out by the flea
market. Thought we could go to breakfast early at the

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Waffle House, pick one up then..." He was talking, but his
hands were loving.

"Yeah. You get me waffles and sausage and I'll haul your
tree, Cowboy." Long fingers covered his, helping him open
Will's jeans, pushing his hands inside to the heat of Will's

"Oh... Oh, that's what I needed." He started stroking, lips
traveling over the muscles covered by thin, soft flannel.

"Yeah. Dean. Feels... oh. Definitely have other plans. Want
to stay here and have Christmas with you."

"Yeah. Want to sleep in our bed. Want to be home. Want
your blackberry cobbler." He moaned low, reaching to roll
those soft balls, cup them. "Want you."

"Mmm. Yeah. Cobbler and heavy cream, and I'll make us a
big old roast, and maybe a ham... oh damn, Dean. Please."
Will was rocking like to knock them both over, pushing
into his hands like crazy. He pulled Will down, leaning
them together, his mouth on Will's nape, hand working that
sweet, long cock.

"Oh, oh, damn, Cowboy. You're hotter'n July." They
moved so well together, like the team they were, Will's ass
pushing back into him, Will's cock pressing up into his

"You make me need like nothing going." He was breathing
hard, cock aching against the zipper of his jeans.

"All yours, Dean." Damned if Will didn't push those jeans

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down and bend for him, that tight little ass just begging for

"Oh, sweet Lord..." He knelt down, hands spreading his
lover wide, tongue sliding down to get Will wet for him.
Get Will hot for him. A sharp, desperate sound was his
reward, that and Will leaning down over the ladder,
opening to him so easy, so good. That pale, fine skin was
hot and soft against his lips, and the scent was rich and
earthy. Dean licked and lapped and tasted, one hand
working open his buckle and fly before the damned things
strangled his johnson plumb to death.

Gasping, willing, Will begged him with words and body.
"Need you, Dean. In me. Want you so bad."

"God, yeah." He stood, a little wobbly from moving so
quick with every bit of blood flooding south. He managed
though, pushing up against Will, cock pushing at that slick

"Unh." Spreading for him, bracing them, Will pushed back,
body taking him deep. Oh, hell. Hot and tight, Will
squeezed him, made him crazy. He made a weird sort of
grunting-wheezing-moaning sound, burying himself in
perfection, holding Will's hips in his hands.

"Dean! Damn, love. Gotta move." Starting to rock again,
Will moved them both, finding a nice easy rhythm, like
riding a really solid pony. He went with it, loving Will with
good, strong thrusts, feeling the pleasure settled deep in his
balls. Each thrust was returned eagerly, Will just giving and
giving, fine skin taking on a sweet flush. They were
sweating hard, really working for it. He leaned, wrapped
his hand around Will's prick and squeezed, whimpering as

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Will tightened around him. "Oh, hell, Cowboy. Yeah. Like

They sort of lost the rhythm after that, Will going graceless
and jerky, hips snapping.

"Shit, yes." He just rode it out, let Will drive things higher
and higher.

That sweet cock pushed into his hand, so hot and hard, and
Will hollered, shooting all over, ass clamping down on him
good and tight. He raised up on his toes, boots creaking as
he shot, eyes rolling as bad as a mad bull, feeling it down in
his knees.

"Oh. Oh damn."

They sagged, but stayed upright be force of will, panting
and sweating.

"Love you, Dean."

"Mmm... same here, Will." He held on tight, catching his
breath. "'s good, me and you."

"Yeah. And we got plans for Christmas now. Gonna stay
home and do this. You call and tell your brother that." Will
laughed, the sound bright and happy.

He snorted, chuckles shaking. "Hey, Howie? Have you
seen Will's ass? Yeah? Well, I have plans with it."

That set Will into gales of laughter, rocking that silly ladder
until they both toppled to the floor. "Don't care what you
tell him, Cowboy. So long as we stay here together."

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"Reckon I'll tell him the truth, Will." He kissed the top of
Will's head. "Want to stay home with my family."

Will turned, pushing into his arms and kissing him back.
Looked like Will approved, and who could blame him.
They had the best Christmas plans he'd had in years.


The lights were turned way down low, the glow of the
Christmas tree still sparkling. They'd have to take that
down tomorrow, so as not to take the old year into the new,
but tonight Will didn't much care. The storm outside had
meant a hellacious amount of work during the day. The ice
had taken them all by surprise, building up on roofs and
roads, making shit almost impassable. Slippery.

They'd planned on going to the steakhouse for their New
Year's Eve supper, but they were both bright dogs, so
they'd come up with a roast and some potatoes and carrots,
and Will had whipped up an apple crisp.

"You ready to eat, Cowboy? I'm all set."

"Smells good, Ace." Dean had the fireplace blazing, the
man looking good in those old jeans and a flannel shirt.
"Listen to that ice come down."

"No shit." He had to wander over and take himself a double
handful of Wranglers, just because. "Nice and warm in

"Sure is. We got plenty of wood and feed. It can just go a
while." That was a satisfied look if he ever saw one. Dean

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wasn't above enjoying a forced vacation, being stuck in the

Will loved it, too. Much as he liked going out to show Dean
off, staying in and loving on his cowboy was even better.
"Give me an early happy New Year's, lover?"

He was needing a kiss.

Dean stood, leaning right on up and giving him just what he
needed. Those lips were hot, soft, tinged with a hint of
whiskey from the bottle out on the coffee table.

"Mmm." Yeah, that was a fine hello and howdy. Will
smiled against Dean's mouth, fingers stroking the short hair
at the back of Dean's neck. Dean stepped right in close, one
hand on his hip, the other on his belly.

"Oh, I like that. It's like Christmas all over again." Some
days were just full on cowboy heaven.

"Mmhmm. All cold out there, toasty in here. Music.
Supper. Twinkling lights." Dean's mustache tickled the hell
out of his lips.

"Uh-huh. I tell you, Dean. Ice storms are scary, but
sometimes they can be good." Ice storms weren't so much
the thing where Will came from. Once a year they might
have gotten snow.

"We got the water dripping and we got fuel. Thank the
good Lord we were both home." Dean two-stepped him in a
lazy circle. "We got ways to ring in the New Year, yessir."

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"We do." Dancing was one of them. He loved dancing with
Dean with a fiery passion. They twirled again, just smiling
at each other.

"Mmm." Dean's lips slid down, nuzzling the side of his
throat, tongue slipping out to taste, so careful. Will turned
Dean a bit so they could have another kiss, a long, slow
meeting of tongues and lips. Supper wasn't gonna get cold.
It was still in the Crock Pot. He could feel those thick, ropy
scars on Dean's back, right through undershirt and button
up. They fascinated his fingers, that proof of how fucking
strong his stubborn cowboy was.

"Love how you feel, Dean. Just love it." Okay, he was a
little babbly, but he was happy. Deep down, gut happy.

"Mmm. Good thing, given that you're mine, Ace." That
grin just tickled him deep. Jesus, that stupid-satisfied look,
it was all his, balls to bones.

"You know it. All of me." He laughed hard when Dean
started singing an old song by the same name. Dork.

That got him another kiss and one more, the two-step
turning into polishing belt buckles, just like that. His hands
cupped Dean's ass again, just like that, squeezing, testing
the muscle. So good. And the front wasn't bad either, all
hard under that zipper.

"Mmm. Tease." Dean chuckled, that butt wiggling side-to-
side, fitting in his hands like a tongue in a groove.

"Not even. I have plans." They rocked together, warming
up nice and slow, swaying side to side.

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"They include your old man?"

"They do. And some coffee with whiskey, and maybe some
whipped cream from the apple crisp." His cheeks heated,
because that still felt naughty, even after all this time. Dean
made him bold.

"Mmm. Sounds way nicer than staring at you across a
table, wishing I could kiss you."

"There you go. We do need to eat, though. Keep our
strength up for later." He thought on it a minute. "We could
eat on the couch."

"Surely. We could find a movie, just make a whole evening
of it." Dean rubbed their noses together. "There ain't a thing
wrong with us just being us for the New Year."

"Not one thing." Kissing that fine mouth one more time,
Will patted Dean's ass before wandering off to get them
supper. Dean could set up the TV trays.

The ice was just hitting the windows, good and hard. It
made him smile a little, knowing that the critters where up,
the fire was going. Humming like June Cleaver on steroids,
Will got the roast cut up, filling a plate for him and Dean
both, putting extra gravy on Dean's. "You want bread or
leftover biscuits?"

"Bread's good. We'll have biscuit and honey in the
morning." Dean wandered in, pouring them both a glass of

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"Sounds like a plan. 'Sides, we got dessert, too." Balancing
plates and cups, the made their way back to the front room,
flopping on the couch.

"Mmm. Sweet." Dean smiled at him, patted his thigh as
they settled and then handed him the remote to the new TV
they'd bought themselves for Christmas.


It must be love.

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