kitchmill A Family Affair

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Copyright Page

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on August 26th, 2013, based on

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The content in this book is copyrighted by kitchmill or their authorised
agent(s). All rights are reserved except where explicitly stated otherwise.

This story was first published on March 15th, 2013, and was last updated on
July 2nd, 2013.

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Table of Contents


1. Chapter 1
2. Chapter 2
3. Chapter 3
4. Chapter 4
5. Chapter 5
6. Chapter 6
7. Chapter 7
8. Chapter 8
9. Chapter 9
10. Chapter 10
11. Chapter 11
12. Chapter 12
13. Chapter 13
14. Chapter 14
15. Chapter 15
16. Chapter 16
17. Chapter 17
18. Chapter 18
19. Chapter 19
20. Chapter 20
21. Chapter 21
22. Chapter 22
23. Chapter 23
24. Chapter 24
25. Chapter 25
26. Chapter 26
27. Chapter 27
28. Chapter 28

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29. Chapter 29
30. Chapter 30
31. Chapter 31 - Epilogue

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An older woman has always been the object of Edward's desire. But age is not the

only obstacle in their way. Bella is not only married, her sister is Edward's
stepmother. When she needs a shoulder to lean on, will Edward be able to stay
away? *3rd Place, Judges Vote winner in the Taste of the Forbidden II contest.

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Chapter 1

A Family Affair

Taste of the Forbidden II

Pen Name: kitchmill

Rating: M

Genre: Hurt/Comfort

Word Count: 6,650

Pairing: Bella and Edward

Summary: An older woman has always been the object of Edward's desire. But

age is not the only obstacle in their way. Bella is not only married, her sister is
Edward's step-mother. When she needs a shoulder to lean on, will Edward be able to
stay away?

Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of

their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of
Stephenie Meyer. No copyright infringement is intended.

A/N: This story was an entry in the Taste of the Forbidden II contest and won 3rd

Place in the Judges Vote. Thanks to my beta, quietdrabble, for helping make this
story better, and for leaving crazy comments in the margins.

A Family Affair

"Fuck," I grunt, looking down at the beauty whose lips are wrapped around my

dick. Her big, brown eyes stare back at me with so much passion I have to look away
so I don't blow my load too quickly.

Sensing I'm holding back, she triples her efforts—sucking harder, going deeper

and fondling my balls. I grunt again as I wrap my fingers tighter in her long,
mahogany locks and guide her head just the way I want it.

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My hips start thrusting and I'm about to lose it when she swallows around the

head of my cock, but a sudden noise distracts me from my pleasure.

I try to ignore the noise, focusing back on her hot, wet mouth, but the noise gets

louder and won't let up. I continue pushing my dick into her mouth, but it's no use.
Instead of her hums of appreciation, all I hear is beeping.

I turn my head into my pillow as reality seeps in. My hand slams down on the

alarm clock, and I curse under my breath. I should be relieved that the alarm clock
saved me from cuming in my sleep like a fucking fourteen-year-old, yet I'm still
pissed because my favorite fantasy was interrupted.

It's been a while since I've seen her—two years, to be exact. Ever since that dick

of a husband of hers got a new job and made her move halfway across the country.
They stayed in town through Christmas, to have one last holiday with our family,
before packing up and never looking back.

I saw the sadness in her eyes that last Christmas, though. She tried to hide it, but

she couldn't hide it from me. She didn't want to go, didn't want to leave Esme. The
two of them are thick as thieves and all that's left of their family.

Esme has my dad now, and me by extension—not that we've ever been too

close—but that will never make up for the loss of her parents or her sister moving

I was sixteen when my dad married Esme. Mom died when I was young, and I

never begrudged my dad finding someone new. It was easy to see he loved Esme
with all his heart. But, at sixteen, I was used to it being just my dad and me, so I
didn't have much need for a mother figure. I left for college two years after they got
married, only returning after I graduated this past June, so it's not as if she had
much time to parent me anyway.

The best part of dad and Esme getting together is her. Bella. Even at sixteen, I

knew she was the most beautiful woman in the world, both inside and out. She was
always sweet to me, not in a condescending way, but as a friend. We used to sit and
chat, laughing together for hours. I would do anything to make her laugh, to see her
smile light her up from the inside.

That last Christmas, before he took her away, there was no light.

My fantasies of her have changed throughout the years. What started as a

schoolboy crush has morphed into an unrequited love for my brown haired beauty.

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Sure, I've dated plenty, but I have yet to find anyone who will measure up to my

The alarm clock blares again, signaling the end of my time in bed if I want to get

to work on time. Begrudgingly, I slink out of bed, knowing I will have to finish what
my dream started, all by myself, in the shower. Again.

**A Family Affair**

"Carlisle, did you fix the faucet in the hall bathroom?" I hear Esme ask my dad as I

approach the kitchen. I really need to start looking for my own place after the

"I did it last week, Es," my dad tells her.

I grab an apple out of the basket on the table before either of them notices me.

"Oh, good morning, Edward," Esme says when she turns from the sink.

"Morning," I grumble. Nothing good about it.

She hands me a cup of black coffee, which I take to sit at the table. My

extracurricular shower activities didn't make me too late, so I'm able to enjoy the
hot brew before I leave.

"Are you going to be home this week, or are you working?" Esme inquires.

"I'll be home. I lose the vacation time if I don't use it," I tell her, wondering where

she's going with this. "You're not planning to put me to work around the house, are

She rolls her eyes before answering. "No. But we're going to have company, so I

just wanted to make sure you'd be around."

I cock an eyebrow at her, my curiosity peaked.

"Bella's coming to stay for a while."

The coffee currently going down my throat somehow makes its way up my nose as

I absorb that information. I sputter and cough, hoping no one recognizes the look of
shock on my face before I can wipe it away.

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My dad's hand is on my back, pounding hard while I regain my senses.

"You okay?" he asks.

"Yeah," I choke out. "Just went down wrong."

Once I can breathe normally again, I look at Esme. "You must be excited. It's

been—what—two years since you've seen her?" I ask, feigning nonchalance.

Esme gets a wistful look in her eyes. "Yeah, I'm glad she's coming." There's more

to it, I can tell, but pushing for answers will only make me look like the love-sick fool
that I am.

I excuse myself, and my apple and I make our way out the front door.

**A Family Affair**

I am barely able to concentrate at work, with my mind reeling from the news of

Bella's impending arrival. Thankfully, work is slow as most real estate transactions
don't happen around Christmas.

I wonder how I'm going to make it through any amount of time with her staying in

the same house. When she lived in town, I saw her often before I left for college, but
she always had her own home to return to. Now, she'll be sleeping right across the

Her husband will be with her, I remind myself. It's not like she'd want me anyway,

but having Jasper around will certainly put a damper on my lust for her. Watching
him touch her will be difficult, when I want it to be my hands on her.

I know I shouldn't hate Jasper, but it's not something I can help. He was family

long before Bella came into the picture, and other than marrying her, he's never
done anything to me. He and my mother were cousins, but after she died, we didn't
see much of him until he started dating Bella. I was seventeen at the time, and I
remember the instant jealousy the first time she brought him to dinner.

When five o'clock rolls around, I pack up the last of my things and make sure my

office is cleaned up enough for my vacation, before shutting down my computer and
heading out.

I make a quick stop at the convenience store before going home. I don't smoke

often, but the upcoming stress definitely calls for a cigarette. I'm hitting the pack

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against my palm as soon as it's paid for, and I flip one into my mouth the moment I
step out of the store. Leaning up against the brick wall next to the door, I light it up
and let the nicotine course through my system, clearing my head momentarily.

The house smells wonderful when I get home, and I assume that Esme has been

cooking up a storm for the holiday. I find her in the kitchen, her normally perfect
hair slipping out of an elastic band, towel thrown over her shoulder and her apron
marred with remnants of whatever she's been cooking.

"Do you need some help?" I offer, stepping into the kitchen and witnessing the

unusual disarray.

"Oh, Edward!" She startles with her hand over her chest. "I didn't realize you'd be

home so soon. Your dad went to the airport to pick up Bella, and I've been trying to
get most of the cooking out of the way before she gets here." She surveys the
damage before looking back to me. "Guess I got a little carried away."

I laugh at her understatement, and offer my help again.

"Believe it or not," she tells me, "I have everything under control here. Could you

be a dear and get some towels from the closet and leave them in the guest room for

"For Bella and Jasper, you mean," I correct her.

Her eyes shift a bit before she turns back to the oven. "No, it's just Bella," she says


I curse internally, and then tell Esme I'll take care of the towels.

After dropping some towels on the dresser in the guest room, I head straight to

my room and slam the door, flopping my body on the bed and running my fingers
through my unruly hair. I wonder why Jasper isn't coming to visit, and how I'm going
to keep my hands off Bella. The woman is twelve years older than me, and obviously
married. I know she would never have any interest in me, but that doesn't stop my
runaway fantasies. Having her so close will be extremely difficult.

Eventually, I drag myself off the bed and change out of my work clothes into some

jeans and a long sleeved shirt. I am attempting to tame my hair when I hear the
front door open, and my heart drops to my feet.

She's here.

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My lungs start to burn, and I realize I'm holding my breath. I let the air out and

inhale deeply, trying to calm my nerves. It's no use—I have to see her. Now. Calm or

I walk into the hallway and start down the stairs, wondering if my memories of her

have been accurate. Maybe I've built her up so much in my head, remembering the
woman my sixteen-year-old self originally idolized, that my more mature
twenty-two-year-old self won't be as intrigued. Which is ridiculous because I saw her
two years ago, and she was still simply breathtaking.

As I reach the bottom of the steps and turn the corner into the living room, I know

I'm wrong. She's every bit as beautiful—if not more so—as she was when I last saw

Her mahogany hair is a bit shorter, but probably not noticeable to most people. It

still flows down her back and over her shoulders in thick waves. Her legs are long
for her 5'4" frame, and look fantastic in her tight jeans. So fantastic, I feel my own
jeans tighten a bit. She's wearing a thin, navy sweater that highlights the porcelain
skin peeking out of the V at her neck. Her face is flawless, as always—minimal
makeup doesn't hide her natural beauty.

It's what I see in her face that startles me. She's smiling at Esme, but it barely

leaves her lips. And when she turns towards me, I know there's something wrong.
There is no spark in her deep, brown eyes. They are completely flat and lifeless.

She keeps the fake smile on her face as she turns and notices me. "Edward! Look

at you, handsome as ever," she says with minimal emotion in her voice.

I feel my cheeks heat at her words, but I know this is not the Bella who left here

two years ago. It's like the life has been sucked right out of her, leaving only a shell
of the former person.

Bella walks toward me with open arms. "It's great to see you," I tell her as she

approaches, grasping her tightly as soon as she is near enough. I try to keep the hug
polite and proper, but I feel her arms tighten around my neck so I squeeze her a
little more. God, she feels good.

I can't help but inhale her unique scent while my head is buried in her hair. It's a

scent that has haunted me for ages—slightly floral but not overpowering with a hint
of spiciness. My dick reacts to it immediately.

She steps back from our embrace, and I grip her hand, giving it a little squeeze.

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"You look wonderful, Bella," I say quietly.

Her eyes light momentarily, but just as quickly, the spark is gone.

Esme interrupts, asking me to take Bella's bags up to the guest room. I grab the

two heavy suitcases sitting near the door and wonder how long she plans to
stay—how long I'll be tortured. This seems to be a bit much for a holiday visit.

When I return downstairs, Esme is setting the table. "Go catch up with your sister

while I take care of this." I take the flatware from her hands.

"Thank you, Edward." Esme retreats to the living room.

I hear my dad in the kitchen pulling food out, but I focus my efforts on the women

in the other room. Their conversation is quiet, and I can't make out any words.

Dad begins bringing food in to the dining room, and I stop him before he makes a

return trip. "Is everything okay with Esme and Bella?" I ask quietly.

He seems perplexed at my question, furrowing his brows. "Of course, what do you


"I don't know," I confide. "Esme seemed a little out of sorts earlier, and frankly,

Bella looks like a zombie."

He chews my comments over for a moment before responding. "Well, as far as I

know, there's nothing wrong between the two of them. Bella seemed happy as ever
to be here, and Esme was probably just making herself crazy since she was excited
to see Bella."

"You're probably right," I concede. I brush off my concern for now, figuring I have

plenty of time to see if I'm reading the situation right or not.

Dinner is rather quiet. The majority of the conversation revolves around how good

Esme's eggplant parm is. We share a few bottles of wine while we eat, but it does
nothing to loosen the mood.

Dad and I clear the table while Esme and Bella clean up in the kitchen. As I walk

into the kitchen to deposit some more dishes, I hear Bella's quiet voice. "… rather
just stay here. I'm not really up for any social events."

"What party are we missing out on?" I interrupt.

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"Oh," Esme answers. "I was just trying to convince Bella to come to the hospital

Christmas party with us tomorrow night. You know you're still welcome to come,

I laugh at Esme's attempt. "How many years have you been trying to get me to tag

along, Esme? You know I hate Dad's work functions."

"It's always worth another try, sweetheart."

I smile, but shake my head at her.

Not wanting to feel like I'm intruding, I spend most of the night in my room while

"the adults" are catching up. I turn on my iPod and find a relaxing play list while I
settle my laptop on my thighs and lean against the headboard of my bed.

I check my email and Facebook accounts, catching up with a few friends here and

there. Although there are some high school friends returning to town for the
holiday, I have no interest in getting together with any of them. A Facebook
relationship is close enough for me.

Noticing the green light next to Emmett's name, I quickly decide that a chat with

my best friend is a good idea. Although he still lives in the area, Emmett went to his
parents' house a few hours away for the holiday.

"She's here." I don't need to say any more. He'll know what I'm talking about.

Emmett's response is quick. "How the hell did that happen?"

"Visiting her sister for the holiday, I guess. Haven't really had a chance to talk to


"Is she everything that you remember?"

Ah, I knew he'd get it. "All that, and more. And her husband is MIA."

"Good luck with that, man."

I snort at his comment. I'll definitely need all the luck I can get.

When I hear a song come over my iPod for the second time, I look at the clock and

realize I've been messing around for three hours. It's time to turn in for the night, so
I tell Emmett I'll talk to him later.

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I walk into the hallway and see that all the lights in the house are off, so I assume

my dad, Esme and Bella have gone to sleep.

As I step towards the bathroom, I hear a quiet noise coming from the guest room.

I lean my head onto the closed door and the noise becomes slightly louder. It's
sniffling … and gasping.

My heart breaks for Bella and whatever she's going through, but I try to push that

aside and give her some privacy. I reluctantly walk away from her door and take
care of my business in the bathroom.

After I've finished, I can't help but be drawn back to her door on my way back to

my room. She's still crying. I momentarily debate with myself, but in the end, the
need to comfort her wins.

My knuckles tap twice on her door and the sniffling stops, but she doesn't answer.

Knocking again, I quietly say, "Bella, it's Edward. Can I come in for a minute?"

Again, she doesn't answer, but I hear her moving around after a few seconds and

eventually the door opens. She moves back to the bed quickly, facing away from me,
as I step into the room. I close the door behind me and walk around the bed,
kneeling in front of her.

She is a mess, but no less beautiful than ever. Her hair is in a sloppy bun with

stray pieces falling around her face, eyes red and puffy, and a tissue clutched tightly
in her hand. She's wearing a pink tank top and black shorts, and I have to remind
myself not to dwell on her perky breasts or lean legs.

"Do you want to talk about it?" I offer, putting a hand on her cheek and wiping

away the latest tear to fall.

She looks up at me with wide eyes, as if noticing me for the first time. "No, I'm

fine," she says, shaking her head and closing her eyes.

"You're not fine, Bella. I could see it from the first moment I saw you downstairs."

She takes a deep breath and looks at me again, steeling herself to act like there's

nothing wrong.

Clearly she doesn't want to talk, so I offer her another out. I rise from the floor

and sit gingerly on the bed next to her, wrapping my arm around her tiny body and
pulling her close. She is stiff and hesitant at first, but relaxes into my embrace as I

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rub her back and shoulders.

For a long while, I just hold her. Her tears are soaking my T-shirt, but she's quiet

and somewhat content. I'd let her stay in my arms forever if that's what she needs.

Eventually she sits up and looks at me with sorrowful eyes. "I'm sorry, Edward.

You should go."

"Hey, now," I shush her. "I'm not going anywhere. I'll hold you all night if it will

make you feel better." I cup her cheek and look deep into her eyes, fighting the urge
to kiss her perfect bow-shaped lips.

She laughs a humorless chuckle. "As good as that sounds, that would probably

make the situation worse."

My brows furrow. "What do you mean?"

She takes a deep breath and lets it out noisily. I can see her internal battle over

whether she wants to talk or not. My silence and patience must make the decision
for her.

"Nothing seems to be going right for me these days, and I miss my sister. I

thought coming here to visit would help, but it's just making me more confused."
She quietly fidgets with the tissue in her hands, and I can see that she's not going to
say any more. I wonder if her confusion has anything to do with Jasper's absence.

"I'm really sorry to hear that, Bella. You're a wonderful woman and you deserve to

have everything you want in life. If you want to talk, I'll be here for you."

More tears trail down her cheeks, and I swipe them away with my thumbs. Her

face is soft under my hands. I pull her back into my chest and hug her tightly.

"Thank you for listening, Edward," she says with another sniffle.

"Any time, sweetheart." I run my fingers through her hair as she clutches my


I am trying but failing to keep my arousal at bay, and I can only hope that she

doesn't look down to see the tent in my sleep pants. It only gets worse when I feel
her fingers tighten on my back. My mind floods with images of her doing that while
I'm hovering above her, thrusting deeply.

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My hands move without my permission—one skimming the bare skin of her

shoulder, and the other on her waist where her top has ridden up. She lets out a
quiet whimper, and I wonder if it's leftover from crying or in response to my touch. I
get my answer when her hands move down my back and under my shirt, gripping
my skin and setting me on fire.

I try to hold out, but it's no use. I take a deep breath, inhaling her intoxicating

scent, before holding her jaw in both hands and attacking her mouth with my own.
She stiffens and lets out a squeak. It doesn't take long for me to realize that she's
not kissing me back, and I'm making a total fool out of myself.

I pull back and immediately apologize. "I'm sorry, Bella. I shouldn't have …" I can't

even look at her as I get up and leave the room. She needed a friend, not some
hormonal asshole taking advantage of her.

Sleep doesn't come easy for me after my epic fuckup. I stare at the ceiling for a

while before putting my iPod on to try to quiet my mind. All I can think about is how
I've ruined everything. Having Bella as a friend is better than not having her at all,
and now she probably hates me. I mean, who does that? She's obviously upset and I
kissed her? I'm sure that is just what she was looking for.

Music isn't helping to turn off my mind, as all I can think about is the feel of

Bella's lips on mine. I don't quite understand how I misunderstood her signals. I
doze off here and there, but end up on the back porch, pack of cigarettes in hand, as
dawn starts breaking over the yard. It's cold as fuck out here. Maybe I'll catch
pneumonia and have to stay in my room for the rest of Bella's visit.

Voices in the kitchen eventually draw me back into the house. I'm sure Esme is

making a huge breakfast, so I walk in quietly, avoiding all eye contact, and slip back
up to my room. I can feel Bella's eyes on me as I walk, making the hairs on the back
of my neck stand up. I don't even want to imagine the disgust she's glaring my way.

I do join everyone for breakfast, but keep my head down and focus on my meal. I

know I'm being immature about this, only giving Bella more reason to be revolted by
my actions, but I'm afraid everyone will see through me if I even look in her
direction. It's best to keep our interaction to a minimum in front of anyone else. I'm
sure I'll be able to have a mature conversation with her—at some point—in private.

I spend most of the day either in my room or on the back porch, allowing the

nicotine to soothe my frayed nerves. Late in the afternoon, I finally fall into a
dreamless sleep.

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A knock at my door wakes me, and I look at the clock to realize it's dinner time.

"Yeah," I call out in a gravelly voice.

"Esme just wanted you to know there's plenty of food for dinner," Dad says as he

opens the door and steps inside dressed in a suit. "We're leaving for the party in a
few minutes. Everything okay?" he asks with a quizzical look.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just didn't sleep well last night."

"Alright, well call me if you need anything. Bella's not coming with us. I'm sure

she'd love some company if you're not going out tonight."

"Sure, Dad."

He closes the door, and I stare up at the ceiling, doubting she'll want my company

any time soon. When I hear the garage door close and Dad's car drive down the
street, I grab my jacket and head back out to the porch.

Taking a long drag of my smoke, my eyes are unfocused on the vast yard and

surrounding woods. My mind wanders, trying to come up with something to say to
Bella, when the air around me becomes heavy. I didn't even hear her come outside,
but she's suddenly standing next to me.

"Do you mind if I …" she says, gesturing to the pack of cigarettes on the railing.

"Help yourself." I pull the lighter out of my pocket and flick it, holding it out to

light her cigarette. "Didn't know you smoked," I comment quietly.

"Not often," she says softly. I watch her plump, pink lips wrap around the butt as

she inhales a drag. We're both quiet for several minutes before she breaks the
silence. "Were you going to keep ignoring me?"

I sigh and take the last drag of my smoke before dropping the butt into a tin can.

"I wasn't ignoring you." I pause, making sure what comes out of my mouth is worded
properly. "I didn't think it was a good idea to talk with anyone else around."

She nods in understanding.

"Look, Bella," I say, turning towards her and watching her put out her smoke. "I

shouldn't have kissed you, and I'm sorry about that. You needed a friend, not an
asshole trying to take advantage of you."

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"Edward—" she starts, but I cut her off with my hand held up.

"No, Bella. I have no excuse. You've always been wonderful to me, and I want to

be there for you. I got carried away with my feelings, but it won't happen again."

She looks at me with fire in her eyes before speaking. "Are you finished now?"

"Yes," I say, chuckling at the spitfire that I know and love.

"Edward, look … I'm the one who should be apologizing right now. The problem is,

well, what you did was much more welcome than it should be. It scared me. I spent
most of the night debating whether I should go to your room or not."

She sighs and looks down at her admission, while my eyes are about to pop out of

my head. My mind races before finally realizing that it's now or never. I need to tell
her how I feel—how I've always felt.

"Bella …" My fingers go to her chin, lifting it slowly so she'll look at me. Quietly, I

open myself up to her fully. "I've wanted you since the day I met you. I know back
then, it was just some silly crush, but believe me when I tell you it's much more than
that now. Every woman I have ever been with, I've compared them to you. And none
of them have even come close." Her eyes widen at my confession, but I'm not

"You are the most wonderful, beautiful, intelligent, sexy woman I have ever met. I

know you're not in a good place right now, but whatever you need from me, I'll give
it to you. If you need a friend, I will be a friend. If you need a lover, I will gladly
show you what it's like to be worshipped."

I am completely surprised when her arms wrap around my neck and she pulls me

towards her, attacking my lips with ferocity. My mouth moves over hers, sucking
first her top lip and then the bottom into my mouth, running my tongue over the

A guttural groan leaves my throat when I feel the tip of her tongue against mine,

and I push her body against the railing as we continue to assault each others'

My lips move to her jaw and neck, tasting the sweet skin I have longed for as long

as I have known her. Her moans fill the air and I whisper in her ear. "I've wanted to
hear those sounds for so long." I nibble on her ear lobe and then soothe it with my

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Her breath catches in her throat before I feel her pushing against my shoulders.

"Edward, wait." She shakes her head and looks up at me with a mix of lust and
confusion. "We can't do this. I can't take advantage of you like this."

I chuckle under my breath. "Take advantage of me?" I ask, leaning down to

capture her eyes. "Bella, we're two consenting adults. I am fully aware of what I'm

"But …" she stammers. "I'm twelve years older than you. And … I'm your aunt!"

I stop her with another kiss, and then look directly into her eyes. "I don't care how

old you are. I'm old enough to make my own decisions. And frankly, I have never
seen you as my aunt."

"Edward, I'm married."

I look at her again and see the indecision written all over her face. I know this is

wrong as much as she does, but I'm willing to live with the consequences. "I know
you can't offer me more than tonight, Bella. But, if you want me, I'm here. Let me
take your pain away," I say, smoothing the hair back from her face. "Let me help you
forget everything, just for tonight."

"Shit … you really want to be with me?"

"I want you more than I have ever wanted anyone else," I answer honestly.

"Oh god, I want you, too," she admits quietly.

"Let's go inside." She nods and I take her hand, leading her through the kitchen

and up the stairs. I pause momentarily at the top of the stairs before deciding that I
may as well fulfill my every fantasy tonight—that includes taking her in my bed.

I pull her through my bedroom door, shutting and locking it behind us. The desk

lamp is the only light in the room, casting a soft, orange glow across the space. Still
holding her hand, I lift it up to my mouth and kiss each of her knuckles, enjoying the
shiver I feel go through her body.

When I release her hand, I quickly push the jacket off her shoulders, letting it

drop to the floor with a soft thud before I cup her face in my hands and kiss her as
I've always wanted to. She removes my jacket for me as I start to walk her back
towards the bed. When the backs of her knees hit, I gently lay her down and scoot
her up, crawling above her without breaking our contact.

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My mouth moves down to the creamy skin of her collar bone as my hands drag her

flimsy tank top up, ensuring that my fingers maintain contact with her body. As I
move across her chest, I can see her hardened nipples begging for my attention.

I whip her shirt off and immediately attack her breasts with my hands and

mouth—pinching, pulling, sucking and biting. Her whimpers urge me on, and I don't
give her any time to second guess this. I want her. I need her.

Her fingers dig into my scalp and pull on my hair, causing me to grow painfully

harder and jerk my hips into her leg. Her back arches, forcing her breasts further
into my hand and mouth. Growling against her skin, my free hand moves down to
the waistband of her soft pants.

"I'm going to make you feel so good, Bella," I say as I move back up to kiss her

beautiful mouth.

"Please, Edward," she begs quietly.

My fingers wiggle under the elastic to find her bare, hot, and wet for me. I don't

waste any time as I dip down to her center and gather her wetness, spreading it
around her clit as I rub tight circles.

Her hips buck and she whispers out, "Fuck!" at my touch. I could easily bring her

to orgasm with just my fingers, but I'm greedy and I want more. If this is my only
chance to be with Bella, I need to taste her.

I slip down her body and remove her pants as I go. I don't waste any time before I

dive in to savor her, licking from her entrance to clit in one smooth motion, groaning
against her hot flesh as the divine flavor hits my tastebuds.

I latch my lips around her nub and suck gently, eliciting moans and whimpers

from Bella. I grind my cock into the mattress once, looking for any kind of relief, but
lift onto my knees knowing I want to save every stroke and thrust for her.

Two fingers find their way to her entrance and push inside. "Fuck, so tight," I grit

out. I can't wait to be inside her heat. I curl my fingers, rubbing the spongy patch
repeatedly as her body writhes in my arms.

My free hand reaches up to grab hold of one of her beautiful tits. They're not too

big, but I always thought more than a mouthful was a waste. Bella's tits are perky
and perfect. I massage first one, then the other, before pinching and rolling her

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Just the tip of my tongue circles her clit until I feel her inner walls start to flutter

around my fingers. I flatten my tongue and increase the pressure, causing her to
shatter around me. Her legs shake as her muscles clamp my fingers, pulling them
further inside.

"Oh, god … yes!" she screams out.

I look up to see the sight I have dreamed of for six years—Bella letting go with an

orgasm I gave her. It's even more beautiful than I could have imagined. Her chest is
heaving, head thrashing from side to side and her entire body is flushed to a
beautiful pink. This image will be forever burned into my brain, even if I never get to
see it again.

Without giving her much time to recover or to back out, I crawl up her body

removing my clothes as I go and kiss her again, pushing my erection through her
folds and getting it wet in her juices.

"Are you on birth control?" I ask quietly.

She nods her head. "The shot."

"I'm clean," I promise. I've never even wanted to have sex bare before, but this is

Bella. I don't want anything between us. She nods again, and that's all the
permission I need.

I push into her slowly, allowing us both to enjoy every second of this. Her fingers

dig into my back, and it's pleasure bordering on pain, but she can mark me all she
wants. I'm already hers. I always have been.

My eyes close, and I breathe deeply once I'm buried balls deep in her. I'm far from

inexperienced, but there is no experience like being with Bella, and I'd like to make
it last.

Once I'm relatively under control, I open my eyes and look at her while I pull most

of the way out and slowly push back in. Her gaze locks on mine and the intensity
ratchets up a notch or twelve. Our hips move in tandem, slowly, savoring every bit of
our connection.

Bella grabs the back of my head, pulling me down for another deep kiss while our

bodies speed up slightly. Our tongues battle for dominance, but this is one fight I am
not afraid to lose. I let her command the kiss and anything else she wants until we
finally break for oxygen.

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"So fucking good," I tell her.

I lean on my forearm to free a hand for exploration. Starting at her hip, I work my

way up her exquisite body, stopping to cup her breast, ending with my fingers
buried in her hair. I hold her head while my tongue and lips discover every inch of
her neck.

I whisper in her ear when her breathing starts to pick up. "I want to feel you cum

on my cock, Bella."

"Fuck!" she hisses out through clenched teeth. "Harder, Edward!" she says

through erratic breaths. "More!"

Hearing her beg is almost my undoing. I immediately comply.

I can feel the tightening in my balls and know I won't last much longer. My hand

snakes between our bodies until I reach her clit, and I rub in time with the
movement of my hips. "Come on, baby. Let go for me."

My words seem to do the trick. She lets out a breathless scream as her walls

clench and shudder repeatedly on my cock. I let the feeling of her orgasm take over
and spill inside of her, shooting four long streams before stilling my hips and
collapsing on her tiny body.

I take a moment to recover before I roll us sideways so I don't crush Bella,

keeping our connection intact. Her head rests on my bicep while my arm wraps
tightly around her waist, pulling her body as close as possible. If it were up to me,
I'd never let go.

Our breathing returns to some semblance of normal, and I kiss the top of her

head. I'm rewarded with her lips on my chest.

She hisses slightly as my limp dick slips out of her, breaking our connection. When

she rolls away from me and gets out of bed, I figure my time is up. As much as I
want her to stay, I can't be pushy. I'll give her whatever space she needs.

"I'm just gonna …" she says, grabbing my shirt and pulling it over her head. "I

need to clean up." She looks around the room nervously before her eyes land back
on me. "I'll be right back?" she asks more than tells me.

"I'll be right here," I assure her, relaxing a bit now that I know she's coming back.

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She lets out a breath before darting out of the room. I hear the bathroom door

close, and my mind replays every detail, every sound, every second of the last hour.
I must be lost in thought, because I don't hear her come back into the room. Her
warm hand on my chest and her little body snuggling up to me reassures me that it
was all real.

"I have a confession," she says quietly.

"Oh, yeah?" I laugh quietly through my nose. "It can't be any worse than mine."

She takes a deep breath, leaning her chin on my chest to look up at me. I slide my

fingers through her hair when I look down at her. "I've wanted you for a long time,

I give her a crooked grin. "Well, you've got me for as long as you want me."

A/N: I've had a few requests to expand this, so let me know your thoughts. If there

is enough interest, I may expand. I'd love to hear from you!

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Chapter 2

A/N: The overwhelming response was that everyone wanted more, so I'm

giving you more! I don't have a set schedule for updating, but I will try to
update about once a week.

Chapter 2

Waking up groggy, I reach across the bed in search of Bella's body but find only

cold sheets. I roll over and bury my face into the pillow she slept on and groan
loudly. I know she stayed for a while because I woke up several times to cuddle her
body closer. Her scent lingers on the pillow and sheets, reminding me that last night
was not a dream.

Today, I have to face reality though. I don't know exactly what is going on with

her, and there is a distinct possibility that last night was a one-time thing. As
disappointing as that is, she did say she wanted me—has wanted me for a while
—last night. I'll have to put my frustration aside and let her lead wherever this is

I throw on some pajama pants and a T-shirt and make my way downstairs. Bella is

sitting at the kitchen table with Esme when I enter, both women nursing cups of

"Good morning, Edward," Esme greets. "The coffee's still hot."

"Thanks," I reply, noting how Bella is keeping her back turned to me. I know I

have to try not to read into every miniscule interaction and act normally around her,
but it's easier said than done. I'm not exactly sure I even know what "normal" is.

I pour myself a cup of coffee and take a bagel from the counter, bringing it all to

the table where I sit down across from Bella. "Morning, Bella." I keep my head bent
over the bagel as I spread some butter on it, trying for nonchalance with my

"Morning," she returns.

The women go back to their discussion of last night's Christmas party, with Esme

imparting the latest gossip about our small town's residents. I tune them out while I

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eat and drink my coffee, other than sneaking glances at Bella across the table a few
times. God, she's beautiful. Even first thing in the morning, she's the most alluring
woman I've ever seen.

I only catch her looking at me once, but it's enough. She's quick to hide her face

behind her hair. If nothing else, at least I know that last night had some effect on

Gathering my dishes, I stand up and move to rinse them in the sink before placing

them in the dishwasher.

"Will you be around today, Edward?" Esme asks.

"I'll be home in the afternoon. I actually have an errand to run this morning."

"Okay, that sounds good. Your father will be home later, and we were planning to

keep things low key tonight. We'll probably just watch some Christmas movies after
dinner if you want to join us."

My eyes shift to Bella's momentarily, and I see her nod her head minutely.

"Sounds great. I'll see you ladies later, then."

I shower quickly and get myself ready for the day. As much as I hate last minute

shopping—or shopping, in general—I have one more gift to purchase today.

I steer my car down to the small shopping area in town, but head away from the

large retailers that will be packed to the gills on Christmas Eve day. I know exactly
where I'm going.

Buy The Book is a small book store set away from the other retailers, and it will

have just what I need. I don't know the exact title that I want, but I know I will find
it here.

The bell above the door jingles as I walk in, and immediately I get lost in the scent

of old books. This place sells a mix of new and used books. I've never been
disappointed when I browse in here. As expected, there are only a few customers
milling about. A woman I recognize approaches me as I start down the aisles.

"Edward, it's good to see you," Mrs. Cope says. Shelly is old enough to be my

grandmother, and just as sweet as if she were. She and her husband have owned
this place for years. Some days, I don't know how they keep it running with the
competition from large chains and the internet, but it seems they have a good deal

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of support from our small town.

"Hi, Mrs. Cope." I greet her with a kiss to her cheek. "You look lovely, as always."

"Such a shameless flirt," she says with a smack to my arm and a blush on her

cheeks. I give her my best crooked grin. Shaking her head, she asks, "What can I
help you with today, dear?"

"I think I'm just going to browse for a bit, if that's okay. I'm looking for a gift, and I

have a feeling I'll know it when I see it."

"You go right ahead, and holler if you need me." She leaves me with a pinch to my


I make a beeline for the Classics section and start browsing through the used

books. It doesn't take me long to stumble onto the perfect gift: a three volume,
leather bound collection of Shakespeare's works. Placing it on the table behind me, I
continue browsing, although I'm fairly certain I won't find anything better.

I spend about half an hour looking over the shelves, finding a few new editions for

my own library, but nothing to beat the gift I've selected. I take my selections to the
counter where I find Mrs. Cope saying goodbye to another customer.

She looks over my purchases and sighs. "You found my hidden Shakespeare."

"Indeed, I did. You didn't think you could hide it from me, did you?" I say with a

quirk of my eyebrow.

"I'll never understand how you're still single, dear," she says, patting my hand.

"Such a handsome face, and the intellect to back it up … You sure I can't get you to
change your mind about my Jessie?"

I laugh and shake my head at her. "You know as well as I do that Jessica and I

would never work." I've known her granddaughter for ages, and the girl doesn't
have an intellectual bone in her body. She's sweet and would never harm a fly, but
I'd be bored to tears, and Mrs. Cope knows it.

"Can't fault an old woman for trying. You'd make a wonderful grandson."

"Thank you, Mrs. Cope. But, the books are actually a gift for a special lady."

She rings my purchases up and hands my credit card back to me. "Well, she's a

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lucky young lady, then. I hope she's good to you, because you, my boy, are one of a

I smile and thank her again, taking the bag with my purchases before making my

way back to my car.

I return home after stopping for a few other errands—including another pack of

cigarettes, because lord knows, my stress isn't going to lessen as long as Bella's in
the house. Dad's in the living room, while Bella and Esme are in the kitchen. I run
up the stairs, taking them two at a time, and toss my purchases into my room.

It's late in the afternoon by the time we all gather in the living room with mugs of

eggnog and bowls of popcorn. My dad lights the fireplace, while Esme and Bella go
through the extensive selection of DVDs, finally settling on Christmas with the
. I'm happy their selection isn't something sappy and overplayed. I have a
feeling this has something to do with Bella's mood.

Esme and my father settle down on one of the two couches, so I make my way next

to Bella on the other couch, bringing a blanket with me.

"Care to share?" I ask with a quirk of my eyebrow, holding up the blanket.

She gives me a small smile before answering. "Sure, thanks."

I try not to be too obvious about sitting close to her, but figure it's somewhat

acceptable since we're sharing a blanket and a bowl of popcorn. The blanket gets
tossed over both our laps. There's still a respectable amount of space between us,
and I place the popcorn bowl half on my leg and half on hers as the movie starts.

About forty-five minutes into the movie, I'm tired of holding the bowl that neither

of us is eating from, so I move it to the coffee table along with our mostly untouched
eggnog. As I sit back, I pull the blanket up further and move my body closer to Bella.
I'm not at all surprised when I see her shift her body and snuggle up under the
cover, moving closer to me.

Her hand lands on my thigh, and my entire being unwinds at her touch. I cover

her hand with mine and squeeze gently before lacing our fingers together.

As the movie plays on, our bodies inch closer to one another. There's no funny

business—just being at ease and relaxing with each other. It feels like it was meant
to be this way. Her body is a perfect fit against my side. My arm wraps comfortably
around her. The skin of her side feels like silk under my fingers.

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Which is exactly why I should have known it was too perfect to last.

When the doorbell rings at 5:30 on Christmas Eve, both Bella and I both tense up.

My dad gets up to answer the door, and the voice I hear causes me to suck in a
lungful of air. One look at Bella has me believing she's not breathing at all. Her body
is frozen solid and her fingers are digging into my thigh.

"It looks like we have an unexpected visitor!" my dad announces happily as he

walks back into the room.

Jasper follows him around the corner, and I feel like my world just came to an end.

"Well, isn't this cozy," he sneers in Bella's direction.

I'd love to hear your thoughts. Reviews inspire me to write faster.

Don't forget to find me on Facebook. I'm Kitchmill Fanfic. I like to post

teasers and RobPorn.

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Chapter 3

A/N: Although I have no set schedule for updating right now, I'm hoping to

update once or twice per week. It will all depend on how far ahead I can
write, and you know your reviews inspire me to write faster!

I'm looking for a beta for this story, so if you are one or know one who has

some time to help me out, send me a PM.

I have a one shot entered in the Happily Ever After Twific Contest. Check

out all of the entries at www dot fanfiction dot net / u / 4523690
/TwiHEAcontest. Entries are anonymous, but read them all and vote for your
favorite. Voting starts on March 30, 2013.

Chapter 3

It's been an hour since Jasper arrived and I've been pulling at my hair so much,

I'm surprised I have any left on my head. Sitting in the kitchen with my dad and
Esme, it's difficult not to listen to Bella and Jasper's loud conversation in the living

He's accusing her of leaving him for another man.

And she continues to reiterate that she will no longer look the other way while he

fucks his secretary.

A growl slips out under my breath. I have to sit on my hands to keep myself from

going in there and punching that asshole in the face. What kind of idiot would cheat
on a woman as wonderful as Bella?

My dad hands Esme another tissue while he tries to comfort her. We've discussed

making ourselves scarce to let Bella have some privacy with Jasper, but where is
there to go on Christmas Eve? I won't volunteer this information, but there is no way
I am leaving Bella alone with him now anyway.

Eventually, Dad and Esme go upstairs to their room and I make my way to my new

favorite spot—the back porch. Smoking is doing nothing right now to calm my
nerves. All I want to do is go to Bella, hold her, and tell her everything will be okay.

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After about a half hour on the porch, I hear the front door slam followed by the

slamming of a car door. The car starts up and screeches off down the street. My
breath hitches, wondering if that was Jasper being kicked out, or if it was Bella
running away.

The answer comes quickly when the back door opens and Bella steps out. Her

cheeks are tear-stained and her face is red. I pull out another cigarette and hold it
out in her direction. She accepts it with a small smile on her face as I light it for her.

I give a gentle tug on the sleeve of her jacket, pulling her from our spot by the

railing over to the lounge chairs closer to the house. She follows willingly. I sit first
and then pull her onto my lap, wrapping my arms around her waist and holding her

She inhales and exhales the smoke quietly for a few minutes until there's nothing

left except the butt. I don't say anything, letting her have whatever time she needs. I
hope the comfort of my embrace is helping in some way.

Finally, I feel her shift in my arms and take a deep breath. "I quit my job last

month," she says quietly. "I finished up the semester, but knew there was no way I
would be going back to Arizona once I left."

"That must have been hard for you," I comment. Bella's a second grade teacher

and has always loved her job. I can't imagine what it was like for her to leave the
kids in the middle of the school year, even though she was only there for a year and
a half.

She reaches up and wipes some tears from her face. "Oddly enough, it was harder

to leave the kids than it was to know I was leaving Jasper." A bitter laugh escapes
her throat.

"Bella," I say gently. "You don't have to tell me, but I will listen if you want. I don't

want you to feel pressured to talk to me. I can go get Esme if you'd feel more
comfortable talking to her."

"No," she says. "If you don't mind, I'd rather talk to you right now."

I nod my approval and pick up her hand, giving it a squeeze of reassurance, noting

that her rings are no longer on her finger.

"Things with Jasper have been going downhill for a while. He was married to his

job even before we moved, and the promotion only made things worse. I've wanted

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kids … well, I've wanted them since before we were even married, but that just
wasn't in the plan for him when his career was taking off. He kept telling me 'soon'
or 'once I get settled' or some other timeframe that never happened.

"That would have been fine if I was still an important part of his life." She sniffles

again and turns her body to face me, keeping her eyes on her lap. "I understand not
having time for a kid, but don't you think you should make time for your wife?"

I nod my head in agreement before she continues.

"After a while, I felt like I was only there to make a good impression on his boss

and coworkers. I rarely saw him, unless he needed me to attend one of his work
functions and play the dutiful wife. He worked long hours, often times not coming
home until after I was asleep.

"It was at one of those ridiculous work functions in September—right around my

birthday—that I noticed something was going on. At first, I thought I was imagining
things … the slight flirtation from his secretary, the way he was touching her just a
little too familiarly. I tried not to read too much into it, you know? But, it didn't take
long for me to get confirmation.

"One morning, Jasper was in the shower while I was getting ready for work and I

heard his phone buzzing. I figured it could be important, so I picked it up and saw a
text flash across the screen. 'Need you now, I'm so wet for you' is what it said," she
says bitterly. "I dropped the phone and ran out of the house."

I hold her a little tighter while she takes some deep breaths. When she settles

herself, she continues.

"It didn't take long to confirm everything, but it took me a while to get my mind

wrapped around it. When I finally did, I knew that I'd be coming back here. I've
missed Esme since the moment we moved and knew I needed to come home. But,
you have to understand, Edward … I'm not a cheater. As strained as things were in
my marriage, I never once sought comfort elsewhere. And, even with you …" she
looks right into my eyes and holds her hand on my cheek. "My last words to Jasper
before I left for the airport were, 'I want a divorce. I'll send for the rest of my
things.' I didn't even tell him where I was going, but obviously, it didn't take a
genius to figure out that I'd come here."

"So, he chased you down to get you back," I confirm.

"Yes." Her fingers twine together as she fiddles with them in her lap. "But, I've

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already made my decision. I thought long and hard about this before I left, and I
don't want to stay married to him. I could never forgive what he's done—what he'd
been doing for a while."

I place my hand over hers to stop the fidgeting. "Have you told Esme what's been

going on?" I ask gently.

She nods. "She's known since I started to suspect something, and she's been

completely supportive. I didn't tell her that I was leaving him for good until I got
here though."

"You know you have my support, whatever you need, right?" I squeeze her hands

in reassurance.

"I do know that," she says, looking into my eyes as more tears begin to fall. "I'm

sorry I didn't tell you about this last night, though. You probably think I used you to
get back at Jasper."

"Hey, now." I cut her off gently. "I don't think that at all. You needed comfort and I

offered it to you willingly." I hug her close again. "I'm here for you, Bella," I murmur
quietly. "Anything you need."

"I wish I could tell you what it is that I need right now, but I really don't know,"

she mumbles with her face buried in my chest.

"That's okay, sweetheart. I'm not going anywhere."

We sit quietly for a while, arms wrapped around each other, until Bella speaks


"I don't think he's going to give up so easily."

"Well, he's going to have to go through all of us to get to you," I promise.

With a deep sigh, she lifts her head and looks at me. "Thank you for

understanding, Edward. I know I've put you in a bad position, and you have every
reason to hate me. I know there's more that we should talk about—"

"Not now." I kiss the top of her head before adding, "Not until you're ready. I'll be


She gives me a relieved smile before standing up and reaching for my hand.

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"Come inside?" she requests, and I comply.

We make our way into the kitchen and each grab some food, before sitting down

and talking about everyday things while we eat. The conversation is light and
easy—how it always has been between us—and I suspect Bella needs this to get her
mind off of her troubles. When we finish eating, it's almost as if there's an unspoken
agreement that we part ways.

I watch her as she closes the door to the guest room, and with a sigh, I head into

my own room.

I don't know how long I sit on the end of my bed with my fingers gripping my hair.

My mind is in a million different places. I know I should be upset with Bella. In a
way, she did use me. But I can't bring myself to feel anything other than relief that
she allowed me to comfort her. At some point, we will have to discuss whatever is
going on between us. For now, though, I'll be here for her—as I promised—in any
way she needs me.

It's entirely possible that she will continue to use me. Sadly, I'm okay with that.

I'm sure the emotional attachment I have for her is not the same as what she feels
for me, but since every other intimate experience I've ever had has left me
completely unfulfilled, I'm happy to offer her whatever part of myself I can. It seems
she's the only one capable of filling the empty space that's always been in my heart.

When I finally get myself together, I grab the bag from my earlier shopping trip

and pull out the books. I carefully place them in the gift bag I purchased, along with
some tissue paper and the other item I bought. Regardless of what is going on in
Bella's life or between the two of us, I want her to have this.

A soft knock sounds at my door just as I've crawled into bed.

"Come in," I call out quietly.

The door opens and a hesitant Bella is on the other side.

"Hi," she says nervously.

Knowing what she needs, I lift the covers and motion her over. She bites her lip

before closing the door with a quiet click. I smile at her as she climbs into bed with
me. As soon as I click the lamp off, I pull her into my arms and hug her close.

"Thanks," she says before kissing my cheek.

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"You're welcome." I run my fingers through her hair as she settles on the pillow

next to me. My movements don't stop until I know she's sleeping soundly, and only
then do I allow myself to close my eyes and relax.

I'd love to hear your thoughts. Leave me a review! And, come find me on

Facebook so we can play! I post teasers, story recs, and pics of Rob.

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Chapter 4

A/N: Keeping up my end of the bargain, here's another chapter since you

guys were so awesome with reviews for the last one! I love each and every
review, favorite and follow. They inspire me to keep writing.

Don't forget to check out the stories entered in the Happily Ever After

Twific contest. One of them is mine, but I can't tell you which one. Voting
starts tomorrow.

Chapter 4

Bright sun filters through the blinds of my window on Christmas morning, waking

me long before I would otherwise get up. When I feel a hand trailing up and down
my chest, I wonder if it was really the sun waking me, or a certain someone who I've
held close all night.

The arm that is still wrapped around Bella squeezes her tight to my body. "Good

morning." My voice comes out gruffer than I expect. I feel her cheek lift in a smile
against my chest while her hand continues to explore over my T-shirt.

"Sorry to wake you," she says in a small voice.

"It's fine. Are you okay?" I lift my head to kiss the top of hers, letting her know I'm

here if she needs me.

"I'm fine," she says as she slips her hand down to the hem of my shirt. Without

fanfare, she slides her fingers underneath and begins to stroke the skin just above
the edge of my pants. Waking up with morning wood and a beautiful woman
wrapped around you is bad enough. Her hot fingers on my bare skin are about to
send me over the edge.

I gently grab her wrist and stop its movement. "I'm about three seconds away

from not being a gentleman," I warn gently.

She takes a deep breath before lifting her head and looking me in the eye. "Maybe

I don't want you to be a gentleman."

"Fuck," I curse under my breath. Without warning, I flip us over so she's trapped

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beneath me. "Last chance, Angel." My hand slides up her ribcage, along the silky
skin under her tank top as I speak.

Instead of answering, she wraps an arm around my neck and pulls my face down

to hers. Our lips meet in a frantic kiss, tongues lapping and teeth nipping. Her hot
mouth is doing insane things to me. I give up on holding my body over hers, and
grind my hard-on into her. She moans into my mouth and I pull away.

"You're gonna have to be quiet, baby," I whisper in her ear as I kiss my way up

and down her neck. "You want this?" I ask, grinding into her again to illustrate my

"Please," she begs in a moan.

"Then you're gonna have to keep it so only I can hear those wonderful noises."

I nip at the junction of her neck and shoulder before moving down her chest.

Bella's fingernails dig into my shoulder blades as she grabs fists full of my shirt

and pulls it over my head. I do the same with her top, dropping my chest to her
stomach to feel her bare skin on mine while my mouth begins working her tits over.

I cover her entire areola with my mouth and suck hard, earning a quiet groan

from Bella. My fingers pinch and pull at her other nipple, and her hips thrust up
against me.

"Oh god," she whispers, as my other hand makes its way into the waistband of her

tiny shorts.

Her fingers tug on my hair as mine make contact with her wet center. "Fuck, baby

… so wet for me," I say against her breast.

I circle my fingers around her clit a few times and then swiftly push two inside

her. Her hips lift off the bed as she moans.

"I need you, Edward," she says. I feel her feet at my hips, trying to push my pants

down. She's as eager as I am, so I don't waste any more time as I rid her of her
shorts and follow with my pants and boxers.

I crawl back over her naked body, but Bella surprises me with her strength as she

pushes on my shoulders and switches our positions, straddling my lap. I give her
half a smirk before pulling her down and kissing her for all I'm worth.

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Her wet center slides over my cock several times before she puts us both out of

our misery and takes me inside her. Our moans are muffled by each others' mouths
as my dick is fully encased in her heat. My hands roam her body as she rocks her
hips back and forth. She sits up fully, placing her hands on my chest for support.

"So fucking beautiful," I tell her quietly as my hands latch onto her hips and I

stare at the erotic vision above me.

She only whimpers in response, and that little noise sets me off. I sit up quickly

and pull her legs around my waist, latching them behind my back.

"Hold on, baby. This isn't going to be gentle," I warn.

"Oh, god," she squeaks out, wrapping her arms around my neck.

I place one hand on the bed for leverage and use the other to hold her hip while I

begin pistoning into her from below. She holds herself steady for a moment and then
begins to meet my thrusts from above. As soon as we find our rhythm, I let go of her
hip and bring my hand around to her clit. I need to see her fall apart, and I'm not
sure I can wait much longer.

She gasps as my thumb presses on her and circles around, bringing her mouth

down to mine to muffle her moans. Our tongues mingle momentarily, but just as
quickly, the kiss is forgotten as we both struggle to breathe. With our lips touching,
I watch her face as she begins to orgasm. Her face flushes and her eyes roll back
before squeezing shut tightly.

"That's it, baby. Just feel me," I whisper.

Her inner walls tighten and I grunt in pleasure, unable to hold back any longer.

Her mouth drops open and I can tell she's struggling to keep quiet as her muscles
clench around me. My own orgasm rips through me, and I shoot my load forcefully
inside her, biting my lip to keep from screaming. After a few more pumps, I still our
bodies and wrap my arms around her tightly, leaving no space between us.

I bury my forehead in her shoulder, panting my breath across her chest while

Bella's face is burrowed into my hair. I can feel her chest rising and falling rapidly.

Rolling us sideways, I lay us down with our bodies still entwined so we can catch

our breath.

"Fuck," she breathes. "So good."

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Forget breathing. I kiss her deeply for that comment. I hope someday she'll

understand just what she does to me—what she means to me—but for now, I'll have
to settle for showing her whenever I can.

We eventually come up for air and decide we should show our faces since it's

Christmas morning. I couldn't care less who knows about us, but for Bella's sake, I
know she's not ready to tell her sister that she's sleeping with her step-son. She
tiptoes across the hall after we agree it's time to part, while I plan on staying in my
room for a while to defer any suspicion.

I grab my laptop, intent on seeing if Emmett is online. Who am I kidding? He's

always available to chat through Facebook on his phone.

"Merry Christmas. Things are getting interesting around here."

"How so?" he responds.

It takes me a moment to decide how to reply. "We've been together … twice … but

her soon-to-be ex showed up last night."

"Holy shit! Details, bro!"

I explain to him everything that happened as quickly as I can, and though I expect

some kind of comment about how I should stay away from Bella, I'm surprised that
he's nothing but supportive. He tells me a little about how his holiday is going
before I log off and prepare myself to face my family.

I head downstairs with Bella's gift in my hand and place it under the tree while

everyone else is in the kitchen before I join them. Esme's breakfast is amazing, as
always, and we eat and talk while avoiding the subject of Jasper's visit last night.

Once breakfast is cleaned up, we make our way into the living room and my dad

announces that it's time for presents. He hands something to everyone, and since
there are no little kids anymore, we take turns opening our gifts. Esme opens a
beautiful necklace from Dad. Bella receives a leather planner for school from Esme.
Dad opens a package of golf supplies from me. The large package in front of me
contains several designer shirts that Esme knows I like to wear for work.

When just about everything else has been opened, I grab my gift for Bella and

hand it to her. She looks at it and then smiles at me, telling me I shouldn't have
gotten her anything.

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"I wanted to, so just open it," I tell her with a shrug.

Digging into the bag, she pulls out the books and gasps. "Edward, this is

wonderful! Thank you so much." It's the most joy I've seen on her face since she
arrived, and I'm happy to be the cause of it.

"You're welcome, Bella. I knew you'd like them as soon as I saw them. There's

something else in the bag, though."

She reaches in and pushes the tissue paper around for a moment, before

withdrawing her hand and looking at the keychain. "Welcome to Forks," she mouths
with tears filling her eyes.

I'm by her side on the sofa in a flash. "It wasn't supposed to make you cry," I say


She laughs lightly and turns to me. "I'm sorry. It's perfect. Now, I really feel like

I'm home."

"That was really sweet, Edward," Esme says, approaching Bella's other side and

wrapping her arm around her sister. "You know you always have a home here,

"Thanks," Bella says through sniffles. "This is all just what I needed … Christmas

with my family and starting over. Starting over at home."

Thanks for reading! I love hearing what you think, so send me a review.

I'm still looking for a beta, so if you're interested, send me a PM.

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Chapter 5

A/N: Thanks again for all of your reviews. They mean the world to me! If

you're not signed in, I can't respond, but please know that I read and
cherish each and every one.

Don't forget to check out the Happily Ever After Twific contest entries and

vote for your favorites. One of those entries is mine, but I can't tell you
which one. Voting is now open.

Chapter 5

Late in the afternoon on Christmas Day, Dad approaches me while I'm alone in my


"I'm going to take Esme and Bella to the cemetery. Do you want to join us?" he


I take a deep breath before responding. I want to join them for several reasons,

but I stick with the simple one. "Yeah, I'd like to visit mom."

He nods and tells me they're leaving soon, so I get myself together quickly and

meet them at the front door.

The car ride is short and quiet. Dad parks the car near Esme and Bella's parents'

graves and we all get out. As much as I want to be there for Bella right now, I know
it's not my place since she has her sister. Without a word, I walk in the opposite
direction and easily find my mother.

I haven't been here in a while, but I'm certainly no stranger to this place. When

Mom first died, Dad used to bring me here often. He always told me I could tell her
anything. Although I was young when she died and I don't remember much about
her except what my dad has told me, I still feel an unexplainable connection to her.

I haven't visited as much over the last few years, but I still make a point of coming

whenever I feel the need. And though Christmas is as good a reason as any, I know
there's more to my visit than that today. I'm glad Dad stayed with his wife and hasn't
joined me yet.

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"Hi, Mom," I say quietly, dragging my fingers across the letters of her name.

Elizabeth Masen Cullen—a beautiful name for a beautiful woman. "I'm sorry it's
been so long since I've been here. Last time was my birthday, and today, it's
Christmas. But, you already knew that." I chuckle to myself. "Just as I'm sure you
already know what's been going on for the last few days."

I think to myself for a minute, contemplating how my mother would feel about this

situation I find myself in. One thing I know about her, one thing my father always
told me, was that they both only ever wanted my happiness.

"I doubt you'd approve of what's been going on, Mom, but I have to tell you that

nothing else has made me this happy. I know the situation is all sorts of messed up.
But being there, being able to comfort her, being able to hold her … I don't know if
anything could give me greater happiness.

"I wish I'd known you longer. I love Dad, and Esme's great, but I'm pretty sure

that having a mother to guide me would have been nice." Squatting down in front of
her headstone, my fingers linger over the word "mother."

"I don't know, Mom. I wish you could tell me what to do." I chuckle deeply.

"Although, I'm pretty sure I wouldn't like it. And then I'd probably do whatever I
wanted anyway. I just want to be there for her and show her how much she means
to me."

Out of the corner of my eye, I see my dad walking over. "I love you, Mom," I

whisper, kissing my fingers and placing them over her name. Standing up, I give
Dad a hug when he reaches me, and then walk back toward the car to give him a
few minutes.

Before I make it to the car, I see Bella standing stoically by herself in front of her

parents. Esme must be in the car already. Without thought, I head directly for Bella.

She turns as she hears me approaching. Her eyes are dry but red, as if she's

trying desperately to be strong. Her parents were killed by a drunk driver five years
ago, just before she started dating Jasper, and I don't think she's ever gotten over it.

Her eyes widen as she sees me, and her bottom lip quivers before she takes it

between her teeth. She's trying to be tough but needs to understand that she doesn't
have to be.

"You shouldn't—" she says when I get close enough.

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"Stop," I tell her gently. Dad and Esme always knew that Bella and I were friendly.

I don't see anything wrong with this. I pull her into my arms as soon as I'm able to
reach. "There's nothing wrong with needing a shoulder to cry on," I say quietly.

And then the dam breaks. Sobs wrack her tiny body, and I don't think she'd be

standing if not for my arms around her.

"Let it out, sweetheart," I say into her hair. "Let it go."

Her sobs continue for a few minutes before she gets herself somewhat under

control. Through sniffles, she speaks into my neck. "They'd be so disappointed in

"No, baby." I rub her back. "You've done nothing wrong. They'd be proud of you." I

pull back a little so I can see her face, showing her how sincere I am. "You're a
wonderful teacher, just like your mother. And, you're a strong woman who found
herself in a shitty situation through no fault of your own. But, you're taking control
and doing what you need to do."

I cup her chin in my hand before I continue. "You're doing the best you can with

the hand you've been dealt. I promise you, they'd be proud …" I nod my head in the
direction of her parents' headstones. "And we're all proud of you," I say, thumbing
back toward the car where Dad and Esme are waiting.

Bella sniffles again as more tears stream down her face. "Thank you," she says


"Do you need another minute alone?" I ask. "Or, would you like me to stay with


"I think I'd like a minute alone if you don't mind," she says as she reaches for my

hand and squeezes it.

I nod and tell her I'll be in the car. As I'm walking away, I could swear I hear her

say something that sounds like "see what I mean," but I tune it out and let her have
some privacy with her parents.

When I climb into the car, my dad and Esme each give me curious looks, but I just

shake my head at them. Bella joins us a few minutes later, taking my hand in hers on
the drive home. I rub my thumb across her knuckles and give her a smile in
reassurance as her sniffles die down.

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At home, Esme engages Bella in cooking for a while. Dad and I take some beers

into the living room to watch TV.

After about a half hour of silence, he startles me when he speaks. "That was a nice

thing you did for Bella back there."

I hum in acknowledgment. "She's trying to be so strong, but I could see that she

just needed to let it out."

"Did she tell you what was going on with her and Jasper?" Dad asks.

I can't tell if he's fishing for information or if he really doesn't know, so I keep it

simple. "She just told me she's divorcing him … other than what we all overheard
last night."

He nods. "I don't know how long she'll be staying here, but I know Esme's glad to

have her back—even if the situation isn't ideal."

"Yeah, I'm glad Bella has her sister to help her through this." I want to add "and

me" but bite my tongue to keep from saying too much.

We continue watching TV in silence for a while until Esme joins us. She flops

down on the couch next to Dad with a huff—completely unlike her usual self.

"I can't convince her otherwise," she says quietly to Dad.

"You have to let her make her own choices, Es." He pulls her close and kisses her

head. One thing that has never been lacking in this house is affection.

"I just hate the thought of her being alone," Esme responds. A few minutes later,

she addresses me as an afterthought. "Edward, you could probably help her out."

"Hmm?" I question, drawing my eyes away from the TV as if I hadn't been hanging

on their every word about Bella.

She speaks in a soft tone, clearly trying to avoid having Bella overhear the

conversation. "Bella insists that she needs to find her own place to live as soon as
possible." My heart drops at her words, but I keep listening. "I know you were going
to look for an apartment after the holidays, and you have good connections in the
real estate business around here. Maybe you can help her find something."

"Of course," I tell her. "I'll help any way I can." Bella already knows this, and I

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wonder if she was planning to ask for my assistance.

"Thanks. I better go check on dinner. We should be ready to eat in about a half


"We'll set the table, honey," Dad offers.

Dinner is delicious and pretty laid back with small talk and laughter, until Esme

decides to address the elephant in the room.

"Bells, you know I would really prefer it if you stayed here, at least for a little

while …"

"Es, please don't start again. I just really need to start my life over," Bella says

with a huff.

"I'm not starting anything, I promise. I was actually just going to tell you that if

you insist on finding your own apartment, Edward can probably help."

"Oh," she says, with a look of surprise on her face. She turns to face me with wide

eyes before a smile breaks across her face. It's one of the few genuine smiles I've
seen her with since she got here.

"Yeah," I chime in, finishing the bite of food in my mouth. "I was planning to look

for my own place after the holidays, and I have some contacts that can help us … I
mean, help me, and help you," I add nervously. I didn't mean for it to come out that
way, and I hope no one noticed my blunder.

"That would be great," she says, smiling wider now. "If you have someone who can

help us." I don't miss the teasing she added to the word "us." My mind instantly
starts plotting ways to pay her back for that teasing later, but I shake it off because
playful Bella is definitely a step in the right direction.

We finish dinner and clean up after we've all agreed to take a break before

dessert. I head back toward the living room when I feel a tap on my shoulder. I look
back to see Bella tilting her head in the direction of the stairs. Waiting a few
minutes, I follow her up and find her sitting on her bed with one of the Shakespeare
books open in her lap.

I close the door quietly behind me and she gives me a small smile. Not the

genuine one from earlier.

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"What's up?" I ask gently.

She pats a spot on the bed next to her, so I cross the room and sit. "I wanted to

ask you a favor."

"What do you need?" I take her hand in mine and link our fingers together.

"Esme found me a lawyer already, and I have an appointment with him tomorrow."

Her honey eyes are pleading with me. "Can you come with me? I mean, you don't
have to come into the appointment, but can you just be there with me?" she asks all
in a rush.

"Absolutely," I tell her. "I'll be there for you."

Thanks for reading, favoriting, alerting, and reviewing!

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Chapter 6

A/N: I'm so glad you're sticking with me on this. Thanks for all of the

reviews, alerts and favorites. I love all the reviews, and those of you who
have reviewed every chapter have a special place in my heart.

A few of you have been concerned about when they will tell Carlisle and

Esme. I wanted to point out that it's only been a few days since Bella arrived.
Things are happening quickly, but remember that B&E have not yet
discussed exactly what is going on between them. Give B some time … she
arrived in town on Friday night, and this chapter takes place on Tuesday.

I'm not a lawyer, and by no means an expert on divorce law in Washington.

I did some research, but it's fanfic, so you'll have to excuse anything that's
not 100% correct.

FFN took out all of my formatting when I uploaded this chapter. Hopefully

I put everything back. Grr!

Chapter 6

Bella didn't stay with me last night, and I didn't ask her why. I know she has a lot

to work through so I'm trying to leave her to it. But, seeing her late last night with
Shakespeare and a smile certainly put a grin on my face.

As much as I want to have a lazy morning today and sleep in on my vacation, I

don't get the chance. Bella's appointment is at ten o'clock and the lawyer's office is
almost an hour away in Port Angeles.

Dad and Esme have both left for work by the time I enter the kitchen so I don't

hesitate to walk right up to Bella and wrap my arms around her waist from behind,
nuzzling my nose into the hair on her neck. I feel her hum more than hear it before
she turns in my arms and embraces me. No words are exchanged as she hugs me
tight. I inhale her scent and let it calm me, hoping she can find some comfort in our

In the car, Bella holds my hand tightly over the center console throughout most of

the drive. She's quiet and biting her lip, so I take a chance and break the silence.

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"Do you want to talk about it?" I ask gently.

She sighs before answering me. "There's not really much to talk about. I just need

to know what the procedures are and how quickly everything can be done."

"Bella," I interrupt. "I meant how you're feeling about this. Regardless of what

happened between you and …" I struggle to keep the anger out of my tone as I say
his name. "Jasper, I know this isn't easy for you."

When I glance over at her, I can tell she's trying to hold back the tears again.

"You're right. It's not easy." A tear escapes and she's quick to wipe it away. "I feel

like such a failure. I never pictured myself getting divorced, but here I am. I feel
like, somehow, I should have known better … that I should have known he wasn't
the right one for me."

I bite my tongue to keep from interrupting her.

"I just … I don't know. I want it to be over so I can start again. I wish I could just

snap my fingers and make it go away. I want to find an apartment and a job and just
get back to living my life. I know this all just happened, but to me, it feels like it's
been dragging on for a while. Once I made my decision, I just wanted it to all be
done, you know?"

"I understand," I say, rubbing my fingers over her knuckles. "As far as being a

failure, you know no one else sees you like that, right?" She nods unconvincingly.
"I've told you before and I'll tell you again. You're a strong person, and you'll get
through this and be even stronger."

"I know," she sighs.

"One step at a time," I offer. "How about we start by meeting with that lawyer?" I

use my head to indicate the building in front of us, letting her know we've arrived.

After taking a deep breath, she squeezes my hand. "Yeah, let's go. I'm ready."

Just as we get out of the car, I hear another car door slam not too far away.

Turning to my right, I see Jasper approaching at a rapid pace. He glances at the
building in front of us before looking back to Bella. Before she can even blink, I'm
over at her side and ushering her toward the building.

"Bella, wait!" he yells.

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I feel her cringe at my side, but she turns around anyway.

"What do you want, Jasper?" she asks with a huff.

"Can we just … go somewhere and talk, please?" He seems almost remorseful, and

my anger builds quickly. I can't understand why he feels he's owed anything.

"There's nothing to talk about. I've made my decision, and I don't want to be

married to you anymore."

I can see the anger seeping into his expression.

"There is someone else, isn't there?" he says gruffly.

"There was no one else for me, Jasper." I don't miss her emphasis on the word

"was" but I wonder if Jasper did. "You've made it clear that I'm not what you want,
and frankly, I deserve more than how you treated me even before you started
fucking your secretary!" She's yelling by the time she's finished.

"Come on, let's go in," I say quietly, putting my hand on her back and guiding her

toward the door.

"You're not even going to listen to what—" His words are cut off by the closing of

the heavy front door.

I can feel Bella trembling beneath my hand, so I look around the lobby and pull

her over into a corner away from any windows. Drawing her into my arms, I tell her,
"You were great out there. Can you take some deep breaths for me?"

She does just as I've asked with her face buried in my jacket. I hold her tight,

rubbing her back and kissing the top of her head.

After taking a minute to compose herself, she announces she's ready and takes my

hand as she leads me over to the receptionist.

I flip through several law magazines that I have no interest in while I wait for

Bella. I'm not really seeing what's in front of me anyway, since my mind is occupied
with thoughts of Jasper waiting outside to ambush Bella again.

She comes out of the office with a smile on her face after only a half hour,

although it felt like forever to me. I look at her questioningly, but she shakes her
head and says, "Let's go. I want to get out of here."

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As soon as we step outside, I look around for Jasper or signs of his rental car. I'm

relieved when I don't see either. Bella looks relieved, too, so we get in the car and
head home with me constantly checking the rearview mirror to make sure he's not
following us.

Once we're on the highway, Bella starts talking.

"This just might be easier than I expected," she says in a rush.

"How so?"

"According to Mr. Jenks, since I'm not asking for anything and we don't have any

children or joint property, there's nothing that Jasper can contest. Washington is a
no-fault state, which means if one person says the marriage is irretrievably broken,
the divorce decree will be granted. I may be oversimplifying, but it sounded like
once the papers are served, an uncontested divorce should go through in ninety


"Yeah. The only catch is that I have to establish residency here. I could claim I'm

living with my sister, but that's harder to prove and Jasper could fight it. The lawyer
agreed that getting my name on a lease was the best option."

It doesn't take me long to decide how I can help. "Can you grab my Bluetooth out

of the glove compartment?"

Bella's brow furrows but she does as I ask.

I turn it on and place it in my ear, pushing the button and stating, "Call Tanya

Denali cell."

Tanya answers after only one ring. "Edward! To what do I owe this pleasure?"

"Hi, Tanya. I hope you had a good holiday." As much as she creeps me out with all

of her flirting, I figure she's more likely to help me if I'm nice to her.

"Not too bad … and you?"

"It was fine. Listen, I was hoping you could help me out with something."

"I'll do my best. What do you need?"

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"I'm looking for an apartment in town, but the favor is really for a friend who also

needs to find a place. She needs something as soon as possible." I look to Bella for
confirmation, and she nods. "Would you have some time this afternoon to show us
some places?"

"You're in luck. My afternoon is completely open thanks to the holiday. Why don't

you come to the office after lunch and we'll discuss what you and your friend are
looking for and then go from there?"

"That's great, Tanya. I owe you one. We'll see you around one thirty."

"See you then, Edward."

I end the call and tell Bella the good news, watching relief spread across her face

and her shoulders relax.

Bella and I get home in time for some lunch, which we eat together. After cleaning

up, we still have some time so I pull her into the living room and down onto the
couch. She falls easily into my arms with her head on my shoulder, and I rub my
hands up and down her body.

"Thank you for going with me today," she says in a small voice. "I don't know what

I would have done if you weren't there."

"No thanks are needed," I tell her, planting a kiss on the top of her head. "I told

you, I'll be there for you however you need me."

"I know. I just … I don't think you know how much this all means to me. I wish

there was some way I could make you understand."

"Bella," I say, putting my hand on the side of her face. "I'm just glad you're letting

me help you. Trust me, there's nothing more that I want than to put a smile back on
your face." My thumb traces across her cheek before dipping down to glide over her
bottom lip.

She purses her lips and kisses my finger before her beautiful brown eyes lock onto

my blue ones. Moving slowly, she leans in and kisses me softly, her lips lingering
over mine long after the kiss is complete.

"We should go."

"Yeah," she agrees.

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It takes a few minutes before either of us actually moves, but we eventually make

our way back into the car and to Tanya's office.

Tanya greets me with a kiss on my cheek and I cringe. She's made no secret of the

fact that she wants to go out with me, but I've always turned her down politely.
She's tall with strawberry blond hair and a killer body—what most men would call
beautiful. But, as our paths have crossed quite a few times in the six months I've
been working at my job, I've found her personality to detract greatly from her

She is clearly shallow and would never be caught dead without perfect makeup

and perfect hair. When we first met, she told me we would make a beautiful couple
and couldn't understand why I didn't want to go out with her. I also know her
reputation, and although I'm no saint, my morals have certainly changed since my
early college days.

I introduce Bella and notice Tanya openly appraising her as if she's competition. I

wish I could just tell Tanya that there was never any competition. She would never
measure up to my Bella.

Bella takes my hand as we make our way into a conference room, and I'm thrilled

that she's subtly staking her claim—not that she needs to. I squeeze her hand and
give her a smile anyway.

Sitting with Tanya, we start by going over what Bella's looking for in an apartment

as well as what she can afford. Bella explains that she has some savings which will
hold her over for a while, but doesn't yet have a job.

"Hmm," Tanya states with a discouraging look. "That could be a problem. Any

owner of a decent complex is going to want to run a credit check and ensure you
have adequate means to cover the monthly rent. You might need to wait until you
find a job."

Bella's face falls as she slumps back in her seat. "I'll be looking for a job as soon as

the schools open again, but even though I still have my Washington accreditation,
it's not a quick process. I really can't afford to wait. What kind of places won't
require a steady income?"

"Not the kind of places suitable for a single woman," Tanya says frankly. I know

she's only being honest and doing her job, I can't help feeling that she's getting
some sort of sick satisfaction out of this.

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My mind starts going over options as I watch Bella bite her lip. I can't come up

with any way to get Bella the income stream she needs, but I might have something
else that will work.

"Tanya, can you give us a minute?" I ask.

"Sure. Just come find me when you've made a decision." She walks out with her

designer heels clicking on the wood floor, closing the door behind her.

Turning to Bella, I take her hand and rub it between mine. "I have an option that

might work …" I say hesitantly.

"What is it? I'll do anything to just get this all moving along," she says with a

hopeful look on her face.

"We move in together."

A/N: Sorry for the cliffie! Leave me a review and let me know your

thoughts. What do you think Bella should do?

And, yes … this Edward has blue eyes. We're already OOC, so I thought I'd

make him more Rob-like.

Come find me on Facebook … Kitchmill Fanfic

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Chapter 7

A/N: Once again, you guys blow me away with your reviews. I try to answer

questions as best I can without giving away too much. Don't forget, if you're
not signed in, I can't respond.

Once again, FFN is screwing with my formatting once I upload. Hopefully I

caught everything!

Chapter 7

"We move in together."

Bella looks at me with wide eyes, so I hurry to continue my explanation.

"I know it sounds crazy, but a two bedroom apartment is going to cost less than

two separate one bedroom places. I've been at my job for six months and I have a
steady income, so I can probably cover the credit check with no problem. But, your
name will still be on the lease and at the end of the day, that's what you really

Her mouth drops open as she continues to stare at me. I want to say more, but

bite my tongue and let it sink in.

"You'd …" she starts, then stops and shakes her head. "You'd do that for me?"

"Yes," I say simply. When her eyes don't move from mine for another minute, I go

on. "Why don't we just see what Tanya can find and then go from there? If you're
uncomfortable with the idea, we don't have to do it."

I feel like I've lost her when she still doesn't say anything. She closes her eyes for

a moment and then opens them and takes my hand. "Okay," she finally whispers.

A smile breaks out across my face. I squeeze her hand and stand. "Let me go find

Tanya and let her know that we're changing the direction of what we want to look

She nods and doesn't move, her eyes gazing blankly at something over my

shoulder, so I hurry out of the room and into Tanya's office.

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"Hey," I say as I knock on the frame of the open door. Tanya looks up at me with a

slightly sinister smile. "We're ready, but we need to change the criteria of what
we're looking for."

"You're going to send your friend," she sneers, "to the dregs of town?"

"Uh, no. We'd like to look at some two bedroom places."

Her eyes widen and she looks me over from head to toe, sending a shiver down my

spine. "You're going to move in with her?"

"Not that it's any business of yours, Tanya," I say, adding some venom to her

name. "But she's a close family friend and I'm helping her out. Now, are you going to
work with us or not?"

"Sure, whatever you want," she says with sarcasm in her tone and a roll of her

eyes. She gets up from behind her desk and we head back to the conference room.

Bella still hasn't moved so I put my hand on her thigh and rub it under the table.

She turns to me and smiles, mouthing "thank you" before looking back to Tanya.

A few minutes later, Tanya pulls up a list of two bedroom apartments that fit the

new criteria we've laid out. Bella and I look them over and decide on a few we'd like
to see so we all grab our coats and head out.

Bella and I follow Tanya in my car. She's familiar with the neighborhoods and

knows the town so we discuss the pros and cons of each location. She knows it
doesn't matter much to me, other than being in a decent neighborhood. Everything
in town is within a twenty minute drive anyway. Bella's the one who still has to
worry about finding a job.

We stop at the first place and decide pretty quickly that it's not what we want. The

only available location is on the ground floor, but it's halfway underground so it
seems like a basement. We take a tour of the layout anyway, just in case a similar
model opens up somewhere else in the complex.

The second apartment is much better. It's on the second floor and has a private

entrance and balcony. The master bedroom is large and there is a master
bathroom—something the first place didn't have. The second bedroom is smaller but
decent, with the other bathroom just outside. We both like the spacious living room,
but the kitchen leaves something to be desired. I think that's something we'll have to
deal with though. There's no way we'll get a luxury kitchen in an apartment.

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Tanya calls the landlord when we tell her we like it. He lets her know that the

place is available immediately, pending credit check, so she tells him we'll have an
answer for him by the end of the day.

We check out the third place on the list and find it to be decent and acceptable,

but Bella points out the parking situation. The lot in front of the building is small
and relatively packed. Although there is another lot at the back of the building,
there's no entrance there. I don't like the idea of Bella having to walk around the
building at night by herself.

Bella and I sit in the car to try and make a choice.

She looks at me skeptically for a moment. "Are you sure you want to do this?"

"Bella," I sigh. "You're the one who has to be sure. I offered. I'm fine with it.

Frankly, I can live anywhere. If you're worried about what people will think, don't
be. This is just one friend helping out another friend. I told you, we don't have to
deal with anything else until you're ready, and I promise you no matter what
happens, I'm always going to be your friend."

"Are you worried about what Carlisle and Esme will say?"

"Are you?" I counter with a quirked eyebrow.

She laughs, but it's forced. "I'm only worried Esme will be mad that she's not the

one who gets to help me. Like you said, everything else can be explained."

"She'll get over it. She only wants what's best for you. Once you explain that you

need your name on a lease to file the divorce petition, I'm sure she'll be supportive."

She lets out a sigh and nods. "You're right. Okay," she starts with more

confidence. "So, we liked the second place best, right?"

"I think that's the best option," I agree.

"Alright, you'll take the master bedroom and—"

I cut her off with a laugh, shaking my head. "I don't need the master bedroom.

Look, we'll deal with the details later, okay? Let's just talk to Tanya and make this

With a sharp nod of her head, she takes my hand and says, "Okay. Let's do this."

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It doesn't take long for us to get to the landlord's office, fill out the application and

credit check, and return home. The landlord promised that he'd have the results of
the credit check the next day, so Bella and I are on pins and needles when we get
back to the house.

Bella starts on dinner, either hoping to help Esme out or to keep herself busy.

From the living room, I hear something drop and then Bella's muttered curse. I run
into the kitchen and find her staring at a mixing bowl on the floor with her hands
shaking in front of her.

"Hey," I say, pulling her into my arms. "It's going to be okay." I rub her back while

she relaxes into me.

"I know. I think this whole day has just been a bit much."

"Why don't you go relax for a little while? You know you don't need to do this," I

say, gesturing to the food on the counter.

She sighs and pulls out of my embrace. "Cooking is usually a good stress reliever

for me. I just need to get my mind back into it."

"If you're sure …" I keep her hands in mine while my eyes search her face.

"I'm sure," she says, just as we hear a throat clear from the doorway.

Bella and I turn to find Esme standing there, looking from our joined hands to the

bowl on the floor. "Hey, Es," Bella says, dropping my hands and bending to pick up
the bowl. "I tried to get dinner started, but I'm afraid I'm not doing a very good job."

With furrowed brows, Esme asks if everything is okay and I start to walk away to

let the sisters talk. Bella surprises me when she asks me to stay.

Addressing Esme, she says, "Everything's fine, but it's been an interesting day."

She launches into the story of Jasper showing up at the lawyer's office, everything
the lawyer said, and meeting Tanya to look at apartments.

We've all taken seats at the table by the time Bella takes a deep breath and says,

"Edward is going to help me out and we're going to get an apartment together."

Esme looks at me, confusion clearly written on her face. "What do you mean,

'you're going to get an apartment together?' I thought you were both looking for
your own place."

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"It started out that way," I chime in. "Until Tanya told us that no decent landlord

would accept a renter without a steady income, regardless of how much money she
has. So, it was either rent from a lowlife landlord in a less-than-desirable part of
town, or look at two bedroom places where I could cover the credit check."

"Well, this is …" Esme pauses. "Awkward."

I roll my eyes and continue. "The place is actually really nice and has plenty of

space, so we won't be stepping on each others' toes. I know Bella's good for the
rent," I chuckle. "And, I've lived with my share of sloppy roommates. Bella will
definitely be a step up." I turn to Bella and smile.

"Honestly," Bella starts. "This is my only option aside from having to go back to

Phoenix and find a lawyer there. I have no idea how long it would take to get
everything settled, and that would keep me from moving on with my life." Her eyes
plead with Esme to understand. "I just want to move on. Edward was nice enough to
help me solve a problem, and actually, sharing the rent and utilities will save us both
some money. Besides, weren't you the one who didn't want me to be alone?"

Touché, Bella. Nicely done.

Esme contemplates for a minute before shaking her head and closing her eyes.

"You're both adults, so it's not like I can tell either one of you what to do, but I hope
you know what you're getting yourselves into."

Bella looks at me and gives a slight nod. "Yeah, I think we do."

A/N: Does she really know what she's getting into? How about Edward?

Don't worry, their talk is coming up soon … just a few other things to take
care of first.

Come find me on Facebook … Kitchmill Fanfic

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Chapter 8

Chapter 8

My dad turns out to be quicker than I expect to accept our potential living

situation when we discuss it over dinner.

"You're both welcome to live here as long as you want," he tells us. "But I

understand the situation and I'm glad Edward's able to help you out, Bella. Please
let us know if there's anything we can do to help."

Bella thanks him and smiles at me across the table.

Later that night, I begin to take stock in what we'll need for the apartment,

assuming we're approved for it. I start making a list of everything from bedroom
furniture to bath towels.

I'm interrupted by a knock on the open door frame and look up to find Bella

standing in my doorway.

"Hey, come on in."

"Thanks," she says, smiling at me and taking a seat at my desk. Glancing quickly

at my list, she says, "It looks like we're thinking along the same lines tonight. I was
just considering what I'll be able to take from the condo."

Dread settles in my chest as I think about her words. "Will you have to go back

there?" I ask, trying to keep the emotion out of my voice.

"I don't think so," she answers, screwing up her face a bit. "I'm going to call my

friend Angela tomorrow and see if she can help me out. I think if I'm really detailed,
she can pack my things for me and have them shipped up here."

"Will Jasper be pissed?"

"Maybe, but I don't really care. I was thinking that as long as I'm fair about what I

take, I can just send him a list of what I want and we'll go from there. We both put
money into the belongings, so we should split everything as close to equally as we

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I reach across the space separating us and put my hand on her knee. "You're sure

about doing this?"

"Yeah, I'm sure," she says without hesitation. "The more I think about it, the more

I feel good about this option."

"Okay." I nod decisively at her. "Well, there won't be any rush to physically move,

so we can still stay here until we figure out what we need and wait for your stuff to
be shipped. But, hopefully, you'll have a permanent address tomorrow that you can
give to the lawyer."

She closes her eyes and smiles. When she opens them, she looks right at me. "I

really hope this works."

With a squeeze of my hand, she untangles our fingers and stands. "I'm gonna go

read for a bit," she says, thumbing over her shoulder toward the hallway.
"Shakespeare's waiting."

I return her smile and nod. "Goodnight, Bella." I walk over to her and hug her

close, inhaling her floral scent before letting her go.

"Goodnight." She hugs me back tightly for a moment, then slips out of my

embrace and crosses the hall to her room.

The ringing of my cell phone wakes me in the morning. I glance at the clock and

see that it's nine thirty already. I must have been more wiped out from yesterday's
events than I realized.

Reaching over to the nightstand, I pick up the phone and look at the display. I

don't recognize the phone number but answer it anyway.

"Hello?" I clear my throat to get the morning grogginess out of my voice.

"Hi, Edward?" the voice asks.


"This is Garrett Sullivan from Heritage Apartments. How are you this morning?"

My heart skips a beat, knowing this call will either fix Bella's problems or throw us
back to square one.

"I'm good, Garrett. How are you?"

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"Good, good," he says. "I know you and Bella were anxious to sign a lease quickly,

so I wanted to let you know right away that your credit check came back already.
Everything looks good, and the apartment can be yours as soon as you're ready."

I let out an audible gust of air as he continues. "If you need some time before

starting the lease, I'll just need you to leave a deposit so I can hold it for you."

"I don't think that will be necessary, Garrett. I'll just check with Bella and most

likely we'll come by today to sign the lease and pick up the keys." I jump out of bed
and pace across my room momentarily before deciding to go look for Bella.

"Okay, I'll be here all day, so come in any time. If I'm not around, I usually leave a

sign on the door to say when I expect to be back since my assistant's on vacation
this week. I look forward to seeing you both."

Reaching the living room, I find Bella curled up on the couch with a cup of coffee

in front of her and Shakespeare in her hand. She looks up as I enter the room.

"We'll be looking forward to it, too. Thanks, Garrett."

As soon as I end the call, I look at Bella and see she's wide-eyed, waiting for me to

tell her what's going on. "That was Garret," I say, gesturing unnecessarily to my

"And?" she prods.

"And, the apartment's ours as soon as we want it."

She lets out a shriek before the words finish tumbling out of my mouth and jumps

up, tossing her book on the floor. Crossing the room in two steps, I meet her halfway
as she leaps into my arms, wrapping her legs around my waist.

"Oh my god, this is so great!" she exclaims. "Thank you, so much, Edward. Thank

you, thank you, thank you!" She peppers my cheeks with kisses while I hold her,

I set us both down on the couch, but she continues to hold on tight to my neck,

burying her face in my shoulder. I feel her hot breath cover me like a blanket as she
sighs, and my arms tighten around her.

Realizing we won't get anything taken care of if we stay tangled up like this, I give

her a little nudge. "Garrett said we could come over any time today to sign the lease

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and pick up the keys. What do you say we go get dressed, head to his office, and
then I'll take you out for a celebratory lunch?"

Sitting back on my lap a bit but keeping her arms on my shoulders, Bella says, "I

have a better idea. How about I pack up some sandwiches, we go to Garrett's office,
and then we have a picnic in our new apartment?"

"That sounds great." I can't contain my smile as I tap her on the ass and we both

get moving.

It takes about forty five minutes for us to get ourselves together. Bella has a few

blankets and pillows in her arms as she comes down the stairs. She shrugs when I
look at her quizzically.

"I thought we'd need something to sit on for our picnic."

"Ah, good idea," I comment. "Do you need me to grab anything?"

"Uh, yeah. If you don't mind, there's a small cooler in the kitchen that has our

sandwiches in it. Can you grab that?"

"Sure. I'll be right out." I open the front door and point my key fob at the car to

unlock it for Bella then make my way into the kitchen.

I see the cooler on the counter and decide to peek at what Bella packed for us.

There are sandwiches wrapped in foil with napkins and forks on top. Moving the
sandwiches to the side, I see two bottles of water underneath and a container that
looks like cut fruit.

Making a decision on impulse, I quickly repack everything into a larger cooler and

add a few extras to the mix.

When I walk outside and put the cooler in the back seat, Bella leans over with a

confused look. As soon as I sit down, she says, "That's not the right bag."

"I know," I tell her nonchalantly. "I added a few things."

She lets it go and we head over to our new apartment complex.

It takes about a half hour to go over the terms of the lease and sign everything,

and we then head over to the apartment with Garrett for a walk-through to make
sure everything is in order. He points out our two labeled parking spaces, which

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thankfully are relatively close to our entrance. Once we confirm that there are no
obvious problems with the space, Garrett hands us each a set of keys and officially
welcomes us to the complex.

As soon as we hear the door at the bottom of the stairs close, Bella lets out a sigh

of relief. I turn toward her and smirk.

"Welcome home, Bella."

She rushes at me and throws her arms around my neck. "This is so great," she

squeals into my neck. "I'm so excited!" Stepping back, she says, "I better call Mr.
Jenks so he can get started on the paperwork."

"I'll go move the car into one of our spots and bring our lunch in while you call


It only takes a few minutes to get back to the office and move the car. I throw the

strap of the cooler over my shoulder and juggle all of the blankets and pillows in my
arms as I make my way back to the door of apartment 1635. I struggle with the door
knob momentarily but eventually make my way inside.

Bella's still on the phone with her lawyer and must have wandered into the

kitchen, so I lay out the blankets and toss the pillows on the floor. Opening the
cooler, I pull out the sandwiches, fruit, napkins and forks but leave the water bottles
inside. Instead, I take out two clear plastic cups and a bottle of champagne.

She ends the call and walks back into the living room, speaking as she goes. "He's

got almost everything drawn up and said it should be done by … Edward!" she
admonishes as she takes in the bottle of champagne.

"This is a celebration, right?" I ask, opening the cage on the bottle top.

I'm rewarded with one of the smiles that lights up her face. "Yeah, it is." She plops

down next to me on the blanket as I rip the foil off of the cork.

"Ready?" I push my thumbs against the cork and wiggle. Bella grabs the cups and

holds them up. The pop of the cork echoes off of the empty apartment walls and she
laughs as some champagne spills from the bottle, but she's quick to get a cup
underneath it.

I fill both cups and place the bottle on the edge of the blanket when Bella hands

me one.

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Holding my cup up, I offer a toast. "To our new home, and the start of something


"Cheers," she says with a grin, tapping her cup against mine.

We both sip from our cups, but our eyes remain locked on one another. I take a

deep breath as I look at her over my cup and make a decision. This time, I'm not
waiting for her. Gently setting my cup down, I slowly lean in, with every intention of
kissing her.

A/N: Once again, your reviews blow me away and keep me writing! We

broke 100 reviews with chapter 7! Thanks for all the love.

I'm hoping to start posting teasers on Mondays on The Fictionators in

addition to my Facebook page.

Come find me on Facebook … Kitchmill Fanfic

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Chapter 9

A/N: Welcome to all the new readers! I hope you enjoy my little story.

Please leave a review to let me know what you think.

This chapter is dedicated to LayAtHomeMom and her awesome story, In

Your Room.

Chapter 9

Gently setting my cup down, I slowly lean in, with every intention of kissing her.

Her eyes close as I get close. I put my hand on her neck and pull her to my lips.

She kisses me back, hesitantly at first, but it only takes a moment for the kiss to turn
desperate. Our mouths part and tongues meet in the middle, completely in synch as
if we've done this dance thousands of times before.

I moan when I feel her tongue become more forceful against mine and she shivers

in my hold. I take the champagne from her hand and move the cup away. My body
meets hers while I start to lay her down, grabbing a pillow from the side and moving
it under her head. I hover above her, not wanting to crush her tiny body with mine,
but her arms wrap around my shoulders and she pushes until we connect.

This time, I hum as I feel the contact of her body lined up with mine. Our mouths

keep each other busy while my hand explores, finding a breast which I massage,
eliciting a moan from Bella accompanied by the arch of her back.

Wanting more, I slide my hand down and under her shirt so I can feel her velvety

skin against my fingers. My kisses move to her neck and I breathe in her scent,
solidifying the uncomfortable situation in my jeans. My hand roams upward until I
grasp her breast again, pulling it from the cup of her bra. I lean my head down to
capture her blush nipple my mouth.

Bella quickly sits up, pushing me back on my haunches, as she whips her shirt off

over her head. I lean around her and snap the clasp of her bra open. With a little
shake of her shoulders, it slides down her arms until she takes it off and tosses it

I try to move my mouth back to her tits but she stops me by pulling the hem of my

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shirt out of my pants and taking it off for me. Her arms wrap around my waist,
drawing our bodies together and she kisses and licks along my collar bone.

"I love feeling your skin against mine," she tells me roughly in between kisses.

"You're always so warm … so perfect."

"It feels like you were made to fit here," I say quietly, tightening my arms around

her. My hand glides up her back and sweeps the hair off her neck so I have better
access to kiss the delicious skin there. She obligingly angles her head while
continuing to kiss my shoulder.

Her kisses begin to move down, covering my upper peck with her hot breath and

tongue. When she reaches my nipple and swirls her tongue around it, a groan slips
out of my throat.

I lay her back and work my way down her body, stopping to worship her breasts

and lap at her belly button before my hands move to the button of her jeans. I glance
up at her and she nods her head with a quiet "please" slipping through her lips.

My hands fumble momentarily but recover enough to open her jeans and slide

them down her legs along with her underwear. I pull the little ballet-like shoes off
her feet. She returns the favor as soon as her clothing has been discarded, pushing
my jeans and boxers down, and I bend down to untie my boots and kick everything

With her hands on my hips, she licks her lips before kissing her way across my

chest and descending downward. My cock twitches in anticipation as her mouth
nears it and her silky hair glides over it.

"Lay down," she orders, bringing a pillow behind me. I happily do as I'm told,

watching her intently as her mouth drags from one hip to the other. My breathing
falters as I feel her hot breath fan over my erection. She hasn't even touched me yet
but I can feel the pre-cum leaking from my arousal.

Ever so slowly, her mouth lowers to the head and she places a reverent,

open-mouth kiss over top. I twitch again as her wet lips linger.

Without warning, her mouth fully encompasses me and I feel her tongue and lips

gliding up and down the length as her head bobs. "Fuck," I mutter, trying to keep
my hips from bucking. One of my hands clenches the blanket underneath me tightly
while the fingers of the other tangle in her hair.

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She hums around me when my grip on her hair tightens, causing my hips to thrust

involuntarily. The sensation rockets through my body with force, and I know I'll have
to stop this soon if I want to be buried inside of her.

I lift my head to see Bella hollow out her cheeks as she increases the suction,

drawing me toward that orgasmic edge quickly. I groan loudly at the vision I have
fantasized about for years. "God, that feels good, Angel."

Her eyes meet mine and I stop her before I hit the point of no return by gently

placing my hands on her jaw. I sit up and our lips meet again so I suck her bottom
lip into my mouth, giving a little bite before letting it go.

She straddles my lap, her body hovering over mine. While we continue to kiss, I

slip my hand between us, feeling the slick wetness covering the area between her
legs. She whimpers when my fingers graze over her clit, but I don't give her any
pressure. Instead, I slide them further and push two inside. Her whimper turns into
a moan as I begin thrusting them in and out, finally letting my thumb rest on her

She begins bucking against my hand, her movements causing friction right where

she wants it. "That's it, baby," I say roughly in between kisses. "Ride my hand."

"Fuck!" she screams, turning her head and dropping it to my shoulder. Her breath

is coming in short pants, and I know it won't be long before she orgasms.

My fingers begin tapping on her g-spot while my thumb starts rubbing furiously

over her clit. Her walls tighten around me as she bites my shoulder and lets out a
muffled scream. She holds her body still and lets the orgasm take over.

A moment later, I remove my fingers and lay her back, placing her extended legs

on my shoulders. I enter her quickly with one hand on her hip and the other going
straight back to her clit. She's impossibly tight, still quivering from her orgasm, and
I don't give her any time to recover as I begin thrusting my hips and rubbing the
already sensitive bundle of nerves.

"Ah!" she cries out. "I'm still … I … holy shit!" Her walls tighten further, and it

feels like instead of dying down, her orgasm has picked up intensity.

I was so close to losing it when her mouth was on me, so this vice grip on my dick

means I won't last very long. My finger continues circling while my cock hits deep
inside her in this position. The sound of our bodies slapping together fills the
apartment. My vision starts to go as my balls tighten and I'm pretty sure I grunt out

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a few choice curses. My spine tingles and muscles clench. After a few more thrusts,
I explode with white spots dancing in front of my eyes.

I still my hips and take a moment to come back to my senses when I feel Bella

drop her legs. She pulls on my arms so I fall forward onto her.

"You okay?" I ask making sure I'm not crushing her.

"Hmm," she breathes out with a still heaving chest. "More than okay."

Her fingers run through my hair and scratch lightly at my scalp, and I give a little

hum of my own. "Welcome home," I offer, dropping down to kiss her thoroughly.

Her eyes shine up at me when we pull apart. "Welcome home," she replies, with a

beaming smile on her face.

After lying tangled together for a while in the quiet apartment, my stomach growls

loudly. Bella's body shakes against mine with her silent laughter.

"Time to feed the beast?" she asks.

I chuckle and kiss her head. "Yeah, guess I never got around to eating breakfast

this morning."

"I'm gonna go clean up," she states, grabbing her underwear and shirt before

heading in the direction of the bathroom.

I put my underwear and pants back on and straighten out the blanket, which is

now a rumpled mess from our activity. Bella emerges from the bathroom just as I
start unwrapping the sandwiches.

"Well, it's a good thing the previous renters left some toilet paper. I didn't even

think about that before I went in there." She's laughing and shaking her head as she
sits next to me and takes the sandwich I hand her. "Of course, they had it on the
holder upside down. I had to fix it. I mean, who the hell wants to pull toilet paper
from the bottom?"

I'm full-on laughing at her comment, never having thought Bella would have such

strong opinions about toilet paper rolls. She looks up at me with wide eyes and
gasps. "Don't tell me you pull from the bottom! That could be a deal-breaker for this
living arrangement!"

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Now I'm near hysterics, seeing the dead serious look on Bella's face as she

worries that I'm a bottom-puller. I'm hunched over, trying to catch my breath when
she slaps my shoulder. "Are you laughing at me?"

I look up at her and try to control the laughter, but it's a losing battle. Seeing the

expression on my face causes Bella's lips to twitch, then set in a line, then twitch
again before she breaks out into loud guffaws.

We're both laughing uncontrollably and my heart thumps harder seeing Bella let

loose and having fun. I love seeing her like this and hope it happens more often now
that she has a plan in place to move on with her life.

When the laughter finally dies down, I tell her, with as straight a face as I can

muster, "Don't worry, I promise to always put the roll on so it pulls from the top.
Scout's honor." I hold up my fingers to prove my point.

She shakes her head at me and smiles. We both get to work on our sandwiches.

Bella opens the bowl of fruit and sets it in between us, handing me a fork and taking
one for herself.

We enjoy our champagne lunch in silence for a while before I jokingly ask, "So, is

there anything else we need to talk about before we move in together?"

The weight of my words settles in my chest and my lunch feels like a lead weight

in my stomach as I see the playful expression disappear from Bella's face. Replacing
it is a serious, almost remorseful look.

"Yeah, we probably should have that talk now, huh?"

A/N: Are we ready for that talk now?

If you haven't read LayAtHomeMom's In Your Room, you should do that

now while you wait for the next chapter of A Family Affair. She shares my
view on toilet paper placement, dirty talking Edward, and crazy humor. IYR
is complete, so go check it out and leave her some love.

I'm going to try to keep posting Monday teasers on Fictionators, with a

link on my Facebook page.

Come find me on Facebook … Kitchmill Fanfic

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Chapter 10

A/N: Time to clear the air and figure out what they're doing! Oh, and why

don't we meet Emmett while we're at it?

Chapter 10

"Yeah, we probably should have that talk now, huh?"

"You know that's not what I meant, right?" I ask calmly, wanting her to know

there's no pressure to do this now.

"I know. But, there are some things I want to say."

My teeth dig into my lip as I search her face, trying to decipher what she's

planning to say. I put the remains of my sandwich down on the foil and take a deep
breath, steeling myself against the possible rejection. "Okay, go ahead."

She lets out a noisy breath and looks down at her fingers, which are now picking

apart the bread in her hand. "This … thing between us," she starts, still not meeting
my eyes. "I don't know how to define it, or if I want to define it.

"I want you to know that in my mind, my marriage to Jasper has been over for

months. Even before I decided that I wanted a divorce, we were basically living two
separate lives. Like I said before, I barely saw him, and when we were together, we
still weren't really together."

She looks up and finally shows me the emotion on her face. Her eyes lock on mine

before she starts again. "Being with you has felt more comfortable than anything has
ever felt before. The night I got here … when you kissed me … I think I was less
stunned that you kissed me, and more stunned that it felt so right."

I want to grab her hand and tell her how right it feels for me, but this is her show.

I bite back my emotions and let her continue.

"I don't know if I'm ready for a relationship, or what that even means." She

chuckles a bit at herself. "And, I guess part of me feels like it should be too soon
anyway, but another part of me feels like I've waited forever to be as happy as you
make me." Her eyes are pleading with me, but I'm not sure what for. "I think what

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I'm really trying to say is that I have no idea what to do."

"Bella," I say, taking her hand in mine now that it's my turn to talk. "First of all, I

want you to know that you make me happy, too. The things I feel with you …" I
shake my head, smiling to myself. "I've never felt with anyone else. But I'm willing to
take this as slow as you want. Just because we're living together doesn't mean
anything has to change. Although if you told me that you needed space, I would
understand and would give it to you.

"I won't delude myself into thinking that having a 'real relationship'—whatever

that even means—will be easy, or that we won't have to deal with people who
disagree, but I'm prepared to wait if you need me to, and to work at it if you want

Her fingers lace with mine. "So, nothing has to change?" she asks me.

"Not if you don't want it to."

"I don't want it to."

"Thank god," I say, pulling her across our picnic and into a hug. We both laugh in


"At some point," she starts with her face buried in my neck. "We'll have to tell

Esme and Carlisle."

"I know," I say on an exhale. "How about we wait at least until we're all moved in

here? That way, if they're really against us, we won't be able to hear them yell from
across town."

Her giggles erupt into full blown laughter. "Good point," she says when she calms


Smiling down at her, I run my thumb over the blushing swell of her cheek. "God, I

love to see you smile." I lean in and kiss her lips softly.

She hums as we break apart. "You've made me smile more in the last few days

than I have in the past two years."

We eventually finish our picnic and put the remainder of the champagne in the

refrigerator, leaving the pillows and blankets piled up in the living room. After
getting dressed, Bella sends Esme a text to let her know we got the apartment and

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were getting some things set up, but that we'd be home for dinner.

Using a napkin, we start making a new list for the apartment. Instead of furniture

and bedding, this list contains the true essentials: toilet paper, a coffee pot, food
that won't spoil. The small general store in town is our next stop for the day.

Bella pushes the cart and directs me on what to grab from the shelves. We work

our way up and down the aisles, acting like a well practiced team. I'm amazed that
we fill the cart in no time, and then head back to the apartment to unload our

Once we have everything put away, Bella takes a few pictures on her phone to

show Esme. I assure her that Esme will probably want to come over tonight to see
the place for herself so she can help decorate, but she wants the pictures anyway.

We head back to the house around four o'clock and Bella tells me she's going to

call her friend in Phoenix. During our trip to the store, we talked a little about what
furniture she wants to have shipped and what I have from my college apartment, so
we've made a mental list of what we'll still need to buy. We've got our own bedrooms
covered—I convinced her to take the master bedroom—and decided we'll each outfit
our own bathroom. She is fairly certain she'll get her dining room set, so the only
major things left will be for the living room. We plan to just split the cost of
whatever we buy to furnish it.

I send a quick text to Emmett asking if I can borrow his truck one day when he

gets back. His rapid response lets me know he's already in town and I can use it
whenever I want. I decide to invite him for drinks tonight since we haven't seen each
other in a few weeks, and I also need to butter him up a bit to borrow his muscle in
addition to the truck. He readily agrees, so we plan to meet at The Rat, a
hole-in-the-wall bar in town that we like, at eight o'clock.

I laugh over dinner when Esme insists on going over to the apartment with Bella

tonight to check it out, claiming she wants to help us decorate so she needs to see it
for herself. I tell them to have fun on my way out the door to meet Emmett.

He's already at the bar, beer in hand, when I arrive. We give man hugs and back

slaps, and then Emmett signals for another beer from the bartender. Once my beer
has arrived, we make our way to an empty table off to the side and out of the way.

"So, you're moving in with the little woman already?" Emmett doesn't beat around

the bush.

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I chuckle at his candor and begin to explain the situation. "Yeah, she needs her

name on a lease to prove residency in order to file the divorce petition. With no job
lined up, there was no way she could pass a credit check, so I offered to help."

He sips his beer and I watch his reaction carefully, but he doesn't give anything

away. "Have you guys talked about what's going on between the two of you?"

I nod and take a large gulp of my beer. "We talked some today," I tell him while I

pick at the label on the bottle. "Essentially, it boils down to the fact that we're both
happy with the way things are right now so we don't plan on changing anything.
We'll tell my dad and Esme once we're moved in and everything is settled down a
bit. Hopefully, the divorce papers will be filed by then, too."

"Let me get this straight," he says, narrowing his eyes. "Your wet dream, since you

were sixteen, is going to live with you and is willing to fuck you on a regular basis?"

I close my eyes and laugh loudly at his assessment. "Yeah, that pretty much sums

it up."

"Well, fuck me, man!" he exclaims, slamming his hand on the table and causing

several people to look in our direction. "You're living every man's dream!"

His antics cause me to laugh again. Leave it to Emmett to break it down like that.

Our discussion moves on after that and I finally get around to asking for his help

with moving some of my stuff, which he readily agrees to. I have a lot of things
stored in the basement of the house from my last apartment in college, so Emmett
suggests we get it done this weekend. This way, whenever Bella's stuff arrives from
Phoenix, we'll be finished and able to help her out.

We end the night early since Emmett has to work the next day, with plans to start

the move on Saturday morning.

Esme and Bella are at the dining room table when I get back to the house. Bella's

got a list in front of her and a laptop off to the side.

"Hey," I greet, taking a seat at the table. "What did you think, Esme?"

"It's really nice, Edward. More spacious than I expected."

I smile at her assessment, hoping that makes her more comfortable with the

situation. Turning to Bella, I tell her, "My friend, Emmett, is going to help me move

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my stuff out of the basement on Saturday. He's willing to help whenever your stuff
gets here, too."

"Thanks, that's really nice of him," she replies. "I don't think it'll be necessary,

though. I spoke to Angela today, and she's going to pack my personal things, but I'm
going to have to hire movers for the furniture anyway. It'll just be easier to have
them move everything in when they get here."

"That makes sense," I agree. "Any idea when she'll be able to do it?"

"I'm hoping in the next few days, since she's got the time off before school starts

back up." She bites her lip and pushes her hair behind her ear before continuing. "I
called Jasper earlier, too," she says quietly. "He tried to fight me at first, but once I
told him that the divorce would be filed any day and he's free to be with Alice, he
kind of gave up. He's back in Arizona, thankfully. I guess he couldn't ditch work for
too long."

I let my shoulders sag in relief. "That's good. So, we don't have to worry about him

showing up out of nowhere anymore?"

She nods and Esme takes her hand. "Yeah, I'm glad he's gone. Anyway, I gave him

a general idea of what I wanted from the condo and told him I'd email him the list,
which is what we're working on now."

"Cool. Well, I'll leave you ladies to it, then." I tap my hand on the table and stand,

wishing them a good night.

"Edward," Bella addresses before I can leave the room. I turn to look at her,

seeing a shy smile on her face. "Thanks again … for everything."

"It's no problem, Bella. None at all."

A/N: If I missed replying to your review, please accept my apologies.

Fanfiction has a new security feature which causes errors more than it
should. You know I love each and every review, and I will always try to

I will be posting teasers on Fictionators on Mondays and Fic Central on

Thursdays. Links to the teasers will be available on my Facebook and Twitter
accounts: Kitchmill Fanfic on Facebook or kitchmillfanfic on Twitter

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Also, if you haven't checked it out yet, my entry for the Twific Happily Ever

After contest is now posted under my profile and is being expanded. Chapter
1 of Bass Instinct (the original one shot) and chapter 2 (new chapter) are
already up.

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Chapter 11

Chapter 11

On Thursday morning, Bella and I decide to take a drive and look for some

furniture while I'm still on vacation. We head out early to hit some consignment
shops as well as regular furniture stores. Bella emailed her list to Jasper last night,
and he already agreed to give her what she wants from their condo, so we're set
with only needing to outfit the living room.

The first two consignment shops are a bust, but in the first large furniture retailer

we find a sectional sofa that we like. The floor model is marked down for a quick
sale so we decide to take it. We also find an entertainment unit in the same store,
and delivery is arranged for the next day.

The next stop is an electronics store where we purchase a new flat screen TV. The

stereo from my bedroom will go in the living room of the apartment, but I want to
leave my TV at the house in case my dad and Esme have guests.

Our last stop for the day is Ikea, where we make out like bandits. We buy a coffee

table and matching end table, some lamps, a set of dishes, bathroom accessories
and lots of little things for the apartment.

After dropping everything off, we head to the house where we both start packing.

Bella doesn't have much, but she says she wants to be ready to take her things over.
Angela and her husband, Ben, were able to get into her condo today and said they
would ship things as they were packed, so Bella's belongings will begin to arrive

The moving company is also arranged already. They'll be picking up the furniture

under Angela's direction tomorrow, and it will arrive on Sunday. I'm somewhat
amazed at how quickly everything is moving. We'll be settled into our apartment
before we ring in the new year.

Friday is my day to hang out at the apartment. Bella drops me off there in the

morning to wait for the furniture delivery, while she takes my car to go to her
lawyer's office and sign all of the paperwork. It looks like the divorce will be filed
before the year is out, too.

Bella will have a clean slate in the coming year.

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While I'm waiting for the delivery truck, my first order of business is figuring out

how to use the new coffee contraption we purchased. It's called a Keurig or
something, and Bella said it was great and she's always wanted one. We splurged on
it, so I really hope it lives up to the hype.

I find out quickly that not only is it easy to use, it really does make a perfect cup of

coffee. And, brewing one cup at a time is perfect for us. We'd never drink a whole
pot between just the two of us.

The next order of business is assembling the coffee table and end table. Like

everything Ikea-made, they go together in no time so I place them out of the way for

The furniture arrives around ten thirty, and the two guys have no trouble carrying

everything up the stairs and putting the entertainment center together. After
inspecting everything for damage, I sign off on the delivery and tip them well. The
coffee table and end table are put in place, along with a floor lamp and table lamp.
Looking around the room, I'm very happy with the way everything has turned out. I
take a few minutes to enjoy the view from what I'm sure will become my favorite
spot on the couch before getting back to work.

Up next is setting up the TV and stereo system. I work on that until the doorbell

rings, first with a shipment of five boxes from Phoenix, and next signaling the arrival
of the guy from the telecommunications company. He quickly hooks up our TV and
internet service, showing me how everything works and making sure I'm satisfied.

Once I finish with the stereo, I kick back with another cup of coffee and the TV

remote, feeling right at home on our new couch. I hear keys in the door right around
noon, letting me know that Bella is back. We discussed this morning—well, I insisted
and Bella agreed—that our door is always to be locked. There's no way of getting
around Jasper having Bella's new address once he receives the divorce papers, and I
don't want to constantly have to worry for her safety. I was glad she didn't put up
too much of a fight. I also made her promise to always park in the spot closest to our
door. The other assigned space isn't far, but I'd rather be safe than sorry.

"Everything's signed and on its way to the court house," she greets with a smile. I

return her greeting with a searing kiss.

"I'm so happy for you."

Emmett arrives early on Saturday morning and we get to work on pulling my

things from the basement. Bella and Esme help out by dumping my clothes in

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garbage bags and packing up my car. While Emmett and I make several runs back
and forth between the house and the apartment, the ladies start unpacking at the

By the time we have my bedroom set, bed, desk and a hutch for the dining room in

place, they have unpacked most of my clothes as well as Bella's hanging clothes and
the kitchen items that Angela sent. When the delivery truck arrives with Bella's
furniture tomorrow, it will also contain the last few boxes that Angela packed for
her. I am amazed at how quickly everything is coming together.

My dad arrives from work, handing me a case of beer just as we're finishing up.

We all kick back for a little while in the new living room, enjoying the fruits of our
labor. I watch Bella laugh at something Esme says to her and a feeling of
contentment washes over me. I hope she's as happy with all of this as I am.

I decide to stay at the apartment on Saturday night even though Bella goes back

to the house with my dad and Esme. Her bed isn't here yet, but mine is. We don't
expect the delivery truck too early, but just in case, I'll be here.

Waking up in the empty apartment is awkward but okay. I'm actually kind of glad

that we decided to move in together. As much as I wanted my own space, I think I
would've been lonely if I lived by myself. Having Bella here will be nice for
companionship, yet we'll each still have our own space.

I utilize the new coffee machine and lounge around in my PJs for a while, enjoying

the homey feeling we've created. Looking around, I see a nice mix of Bella and
myself. Nothing is too girly, but it's definitely comfortable.

After a breakfast of champions—otherwise known as Pop Tarts—I get in the

shower to start my day. Closing my eyes, I let the hot water soothe my aching
muscles. I'm thankful that all of the heavy lifting is done, and that Bella paid the
movers to bring all of her stuff in.

Thinking of Bella while in the shower probably isn't the best idea. My dick stands

at attention when I realize that as of today, we live together. Once her furniture
arrives, she's here to stay. My mind drifts to images of her prancing around in her
tiny pajamas, or coming into the kitchen with wet hair after taking a shower.
Without my permission, my hand grips my length and I let out a groan at the relief it

I give a few gentle strokes before grabbing the soap and lathering up, cursing at

the feeling of my warm, slippery hand gliding over my cock. I groan louder this time,

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leaning my other hand on the shower wall and dropping my forehead to my
extended arm.

A knock at the door startles me and I jump when I hear Bella's voice. "Edward?"

she calls timidly.

"Yeah?" I answer, probably an octave too high.

"Just wanted to let you know I'm here." She pauses. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah … just some sore muscles." It's partially the truth.

"Okay, I'll see you when you're finished."

I thought my cock would have deflated at the interruption, but if anything, it's

throbbing harder at the thought of Bella almost walking in on me. Thankfully, it
doesn't take long to finish the task, and I bite my lip when I cum to make sure Bella
doesn't hear me.

I guess that's one strike against having a roommate, but considering I won't need

my hand too often if things keep up between us, I think I'll be able to deal with it.

Bella's sitting on the couch with her coffee when I emerge from my room after

getting dressed.

"Hey," she says in a chipper voice. "The movers called a little while ago. They

should be here in about half an hour."

"Cool. I'm glad the heavy lifting is done," I comment. "At least I can help you

unpack stuff today."

"I was thinking I would go food shopping later on. Can I borrow your car? Esme

dropped me off here." Her car won't be arriving until Tuesday.

"Yeah, that's no problem. But, I can go with you if you want."

She shrugs. "That's fine. I'm gonna make dinner here tonight if you want to join

me. I mean, I don't know if you have plans or whatever …" she stutters nervously.

I turn to face her on the couch and chuckle. "I don't have any plans, Bella. Emmett

invited me to a club in Port A, but he's got a new woman each week and I hate being
a third wheel. A quiet dinner here, with you, sounds perfect." I reach over and graze

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my thumb across the blush of her cheek.

She gives me a shy smile. "Sounds good. I guess it'll be good if you come shopping

with me so I can figure out what you like to eat."

"Bella," I chide. "There's not much I won't eat, especially if someone else is doing

the cooking. You'll quickly learn that I can't cook to save my life. But, I can wash
dishes like nobody's business!"

I get a full smile from her. "Okay, I cook, you clean. I think we'll get along just


"I think this living arrangement is going to work out perfectly," I tell her before

kissing her softly.

A/N: Your reviews have been amazing! Thank you so much. Also, I have

another story going right now called Bass Instinct if you'd like to check it

Come find me on Facebook (Kitchmill Fanfic) or Twitter (at

kitchmillfanfic) where I'll post links to my teasers and more fun stuff!

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Chapter 12

Thank you to staceleo for making me an awesome banner for A Family


Chapter 12

The truck with Bella's belongings arrives right on time. Within an hour and a half,

we have a dining room table and chairs, a desk in the corner of the living room, and
Bella has a bedroom. I make quick work of the boxes of kitchen and bathroom
supplies while she unpacks the rest of her belongings.

After a light lunch, we both decide to relax on the couch for a little while before

going food shopping. It's amazing how quickly all this unpacking can wear you out,
and I have a feeling Bella hasn't been sleeping too well with everything she's had on
her mind lately. Without planning to, we end up asleep on the
too-comfortable-for-our-own-good couch.

Two hours later, I wake up with a sleeping Bella in my arms. The TV is still

humming quietly in the background, casting a soft glow over her face, and I take
some time to really look at her while she's completely at ease. Her face looks so
peaceful, with no signs of the stress I know she's carrying. I can only hope that as
time goes on, some of that outward stress will begin to disappear from her waking
moments as well.

I run my fingers through her long hair, enjoying the silky texture while she

continues to doze. Ten minutes later, she stirs and shifts her body to face me,
burrowing her face into my chest. She hums before fully waking, wrapping her arm
around my waist.

"How long was I asleep?" she questions groggily, looking up at me.

"Not sure," I tell her, while my fingers continue to play in her locks. "I was out for

a while, too."

"So comfy," she mumbles with her head back on my chest, and I wonder if she's

talking about me or the couch. Either way, I agree with her. I could stay here all

After a few more minutes of snuggling, she asks if I still want to go food shopping.

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We both take quick trips to the bathroom and then head out.

We make a stop at a liquor store first, where I pick up another bottle of

champagne and some scotch. Bella chooses a few bottles of wine. I remind her we
still have beer left, too.

The grocery store takes longer, since we're not only getting dinner for tonight but

also stocking up on food in general. We make our way through the aisles, both
picking things up along the way. Once Bella double checks to make sure she has
everything for tonight's dinner, we finally get out of there and head home.

Home. I like that.

She starts working on dinner as soon as everything is put away. About fifteen

minutes later, I join her in the kitchen and make good on my promise, washing
dishes as she uses them. Once again, we work seamlessly together, even stepping
around each other in the small space as if we're constantly aware of each others'
needs. And, I guess we are.

I'm leaning against the counter when Bella closes the oven door after placing the

tray of enchiladas inside. She throws a kitchen towel over her shoulder and smirks
at me, reaching her hands out to my belt loops and hooking her fingers inside. She
pulls my hips off the counter and my body willingly follows, meeting her in the
middle. Tilting her head back to look at me—god, she's tiny—I lean down and
capture her offered lips in a chaste kiss.

"Thanks for helping," she says with a sexy smile.

"Any time," I answer with a smirk of my own. "I was thinking we could watch a

bunch of movies tonight, if you want."

"That sounds good. We've got time before dinner will be ready if you want to start

something now."

"Definitely. Go pick something out, woman," I say, smacking her ass and turning

her around. "Whatever you want."

"You don't mind a chick flick, do you?" she calls out as I grab a bottle of wine and

two glasses. She picks out a stack of movies, enough to take us until well after
midnight if we watch them all.

"Not at all," I say, figuring all of the movies were mine anyway. None of them can

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be that bad. Settling down on the couch, I pour the wine while she puts the first
movie into the Blu-Ray player.

She plops herself next to me and picks up her wine glass. "Thanks," she says,

gesturing with the glass. "I think this couch might be too comfortable."

I laugh with her. "Yeah, we picked a good one." I put my arm around her

shoulders and pull her into my side, getting comfortable as the movie starts.

We watch until the oven timer goes off, and then take a break for dinner. Once we

finish eating, I grab an empty beer can to use as a makeshift ashtray and go out onto
the balcony for a smoke.

"Mind if I join you?"

"Not at all," I tell her, handing her a smoke and lighting it for her.

We chill outside for a little bit, and all I can think about is how comfortable

everything feels. It's like there's no effort at all when I'm around Bella. I wonder idly
if she feels the same.

The movie plays on when we return to the couch. We watch a few more after that,

taking breaks now and then but always returning to cuddle on the couch. The
evening flies by, and before I know it, it's ten minutes until midnight.

"Should we take a break and watch the countdown?" I ask, running my hand up

and down Bella's arm.

"Yeah, sure. Do you want some champagne?"

I nod, so she goes into the kitchen to retrieve the open bottle and some fresh


With the movie turned off, I switch to that ridiculous Ryan Seacrest show. I will

never understand all the hype about this guy, but I will always love watching the ball
drop in New York City so I suffer through him.

"Perfect," Bella says when she walks back into the room. She hands me a glass

and sits down next to me. "I love to watch the ball drop."

I chuckle and pull her closer, amazed at how we're always on the same wave

length. I kiss the top of her head as we settle in and watch the crowds gathered a

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few hours previous on the other side of the country.

We both have champagne in hand as the countdown begins. I keep one eye on the

TV and the other on Bella, seeing the excitement grow in her eyes and her face glow
as the ball nears the bottom. When the shouts of "Happy New Year" come from the
TV, she turns to me and taps her glass against mine. We each take a sip of the
delicious liquid with our eyes locked on each other.

"Happy New Year, Bella," I say quietly with my hand on her cheek.

She absentmindedly puts her glass on the coffee table and I follow suit. A blush

creeps up her cheeks and I can't resist running my finger over it.

"Happy New Year." Her words are almost a whisper, but she's close enough for

me to hear it.

Her tongue brushes out across her lips before she leans in and kisses me sweetly.

My hands anchor her face to mine as the kiss deepens, our tongues sweeping
against each other gently, exploring and cherishing. She tastes like the sweet
champagne, but I can still taste her underneath it.

Our touches remain gentle and unassuming as we continue to kiss on the couch

for several minutes, until Bella pulls away and meets my eyes.

"Do you want to come in my room with me?" she asks shyly.

"Yeah," I whisper. I smile at her and give one more kiss before we stand. "I'll be

there in a minute. Let me make sure everything's locked up."

She nods and I follow the sway of her hips until she disappears into her room.

Shaking my head to clear it, I carry our mess into the kitchen, leaving the dishes in
the sink until morning. I double check the sliding glass door of the balcony and the
front door, making sure they are bolted, and then turn off all of the lights.

Bella's door is partially closed when I reach it, so I knock just in case.

"Come in," she calls out quietly.

I push the door open and suck in a lungful of air as I take in the sight before me.

Instead of being in her usual sleeping attire, Bella is laying on top of the covers in a
very revealing midnight blue negligee. Her long tresses flow over her shoulders as
she leans back on her elbows.

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"God, you're beautiful," I tell her, running my hand up the length of her leg as I

approach, hearing her breath hitch from my touch. "You know you don't have to do
stuff like this for me, right?" I sit on the bed next to her lithe body, my fingers now
running leisurely circles over her stomach.

"I mean, don't get me wrong …" I chuckle. "I love it. But I love your tank top and

shorts just as much, or even your jeans and T-shirts. You don't have to try to impress
me," I tell her seriously.

She nods and sighs. "I know. I guess I just wanted to feel sexy and wanted," she


"Believe me, you are extremely sexy and very wanted," I tell her seriously. "And

I'm very much looking forward to tearing this off of you." I smirk at her, and her
eyes light up.

"I just don't want you to feel like you have to be anybody but yourself," I say,

shifting the mood back momentarily. "You're absolutely perfect just the way you

"Thank you." She catches my hand and brings it to her lips, kissing first my

knuckles and then my palm softly.

"Just be yourself," I whisper, closing the distance between us and kissing her neck

lightly. "And, if being you means wearing sexy lingerie around the apartment," I
start, returning to joking mode. "Then, by all means, feel free to do so."

My fingers move to her shoulder and slip the strap down slightly, with my lips and

tongue following. "But right now … this needs to come off," I growl against her skin.
My hands grasp the hem of the material and lift, while Bella lifts her hips to help

We kiss and touch lazily, finally able to enjoy each other without fear of

interruption. The mood between us is unhurried, and when Bella removes the last
article of my clothing, I pull her body to mine and spoon her, savoring the feel of her
skin against mine.

While kissing the back of her neck and shoulder, my hand runs over the curves of

her body feeling the perfection next to me. She lets out a soft moan when I lift her
leg and enter her from behind, then she takes my hand and pulls it over her heart.
Our hands remain there, clasped together, while I thrust with slow, deep

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Being completely connected like this is an amazingly sensual feeling. When we

climax together, it feels like nothing I've ever felt before.

We remain wrapped around each other for a long time and my mind whirls with

thoughts of this wonderful, broken woman. I realize that my heart and soul are hers
for the taking, and that I will never willingly walk away from her.

After some time, I think that Bella must have fallen asleep, though her grip on my

hand hasn't lessened. Quietly, she asks, "Will you stay with me tonight?"

I take a deep breath and soak in the scent of her skin before answering her.

"Yeah," I whisper, kissing where her neck and shoulder meet.

We break apart only to get under the covers, then our bodies twine back together

face to face on one pillow.

"Can I ask you something?" I question in a hushed tone, running my fingers

through her hair. Something's been on my mind since that first night we were

"Of course," she answers just as softly.

I continue playing with her hair while I try to word my question. Her eyes never

leave mine while she waits. "The first night we were together, you said you had
wanted me for a long time, too. Was that the truth?"

She bites her lip and gives me a small smile. "Yeah, it was." And then she

proceeds to tell me her story.

A/N: So, do we want to hear Bella's story or what?!

Thank you for all of the reviews, favorites and alerts. You guys are the

best! I also have another WIP called Bass Instinct if you'd like to check it

Come find me on Facebook (Kitchmill Fanfic) or Twitter (at


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Chapter 13

A/N: Thank you so much for the love you've been showing this story! I

know everyone wants to hear what Bella has to say about Edward, so enjoy!

Chapter 13

She bites her lip and gives me a small smile. "Yeah, it was." And then she

proceeds to tell me her story.

"I wish I could pinpoint a time when it started," she says. My hands run over her

body gently while we're wrapped up in each other, encouraging her to continue
talking to me. "But, I know I can't. I just remember that even when I first met you,
when Carlisle and Esme started dating, we always had a good time together."

"Yeah, I remember that, too." I smile at the memory.

"Sometimes we'd be goofing around, and other times we'd have serious literature

discussions," she continues. "I mean, most adults wouldn't talk Shakespeare with
me, but here I was having the best chats about The Bard with a sixteen-year-old."

I laugh with her, remembering some of those lengthy discussions.

"I don't know …" she says with a sigh. "I guess at some point, I went from seeing

you as a kid to seeing you as an intellectual. I remember the night of your
eighteenth birthday, when Esme made a huge dinner and it was just the four of us.
Then, later that evening some of your friends came over. I remember looking at you,
sitting with one of the girls that were there. This one was hanging all over you but
you didn't seem to care."

I laughed lightly, thinking back on talking with Mrs. Cope last week. "I remember

that. It was Jessica Stanley, and I never could stand her. She's a nice girl, but not
much upstairs, if you know what I mean."

"That never was your type, was it?"

I shrug in response. "Not really."

"I think that was around the time when I really looked at you, you know? I was

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suddenly seeing a handsome, young man instead of a scrawny kid. You were so
grown up, so different but yet, so much the same.

"Of course, Jasper and I were engaged by then, and I never really thought much

about it. I just knew I was always drawn to you whenever we were around each
other. I always felt like there was some kind of connection between us."

I smile at her and kiss her gently. "There was."

Smiling back at me, she continues. "When we were at the house for the Christmas

party before we moved away, I remember watching you from across the room."
Funny, I think to myself, because I was watching her from across the room. "I was
miserable that night because I really didn't want to move. I already told you that
things weren't great with Jasper by then … ugh, I should have known better!" she
ends with a shout.

"Hey, none of that now," I soothe her.

"Sorry … anyway," she says before taking a deep breath. "I just kept looking at

you, and what I was seeing was so different from what I thought I should be seeing.
Is it weird to say that all I wanted that night was a hug from you? That I knew no
one else's hug would make me feel as good as yours would? I knew I couldn't just
walk over to you and hug you like I wanted, but it was like somehow you knew.
Whenever I was feeling that urge, I'd look over to you and you'd give me a smile.

"I thought about you a lot while I was in Arizona. It's not like I let my fantasies run

away with me or anything, but I just thought about you, you know? Some days, when
I was feeling really down, I would think that if you were there, you'd kiss me and
everything would be better. I don't even know how I got from needing your hug to
wanting to kiss you, but once it was in my head, it wasn't going anywhere."

Her beautiful eyes lock on mine. "That's why I was so confused that first night."

"I understand," I tell her softly. "And, I don't think it's weird at all. If I'm being

honest, I think we've both felt this connection, but we had no choice except to wait
until the time was right … until we were both in the right place in our lives."

"You really are one of a kind, you know that?"

"I could say the same about you, Bella."

Our conversation ends for the night when we snuggle back together under the

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covers. I certainly didn't want to assume anything, but I am so glad she asked me to
stay. Having her wrapped in my arms while we both drift off to sleep is one of the
most amazing feelings I've ever had.

Esme and Bella go shopping on New Year's Day because Esme insists on buying

us some decorations for the apartment. I gracefully bow out of that trip, trusting
Bella's taste in whatever she wants to pick out, and spend the day getting things
straightened out at home.

Before I know it, I'm back to work. I hate leaving Bella on Tuesday morning, but

feel much better knowing that her car is arriving today. She promises to call me if
there are any problems, and thankfully there aren't.

That night, she tells me that she spoke to the Principal at Forks Elementary

School, where she used to work, and they may have a job for her. One of their
teachers is about to go out on maternity leave, and they need someone to fill in. It
would be a temporary position, but Bella is thrilled about the possibility. And, it
sounds like the Principal was happy to have her back.

Unless something happens, the job won't start for three weeks. It will last for a

minimum of two months, possibly more if the woman decides to extend her leave.
The Principal assured Bella that he would look for another place on staff for her
once the temporary job is over. The best part is that she won't need to go through all
of the background checks since she already worked there before.

We celebrate in my bed that night with Bella on top of me. I watch her as we move

together, and I can see the happiness in her features and the stress melting away.
My heart soars as I see her fall asleep with a smile on her face.

As the week goes on, Bella and I develop a routine. Although things will change

once she starts working, everything is pretty much perfect between us right now.
She cooks and I clean, and she has even taken to packing me lunch for work in the

The divorce papers have been served on Jasper, so now we're just holding our

breath that he doesn't try to contest anything. I have a suspicion that he won't,
because he's not a stupid man. If he consulted a lawyer at all, he will know that
Bella can prove his infidelity. Should he contest the divorce, she could not only drag
him through the mud, but she can also ask for spousal support. Right now, he's got
it easy since she really doesn't want anything from him.

In the middle of our second week of living together, Bella gets a call from the

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school asking her to start work immediately. It seems that the woman she's
replacing needs to be on bed rest, so they need a substitute sooner than expected.
She's thrilled to begin working—one more step in her new life.

I take her out for dinner to celebrate after her first day, and then shower her with

orgasms when we get home. She cums first on my fingers, then on my tongue, and
finally I take her from behind and she cums on my cock. It's a good night for both of

We do have nights where we're not together and we sleep in our own rooms. I

have no hard feelings about this at all. I know we both still need some space as we
figure everything out.

Towards the end of January, after Bella's been at work for a few weeks, my dad

and Esme invite us over for dinner. Bella and I hadn't discussed when we'd tell them
about our relationship, but this ends up being the perfect opportunity. We can't hide
this forever.

Especially not when I want to be able to hold her hand or kiss her in public.

I can't say I'm not nervous about tonight. Not because I'm ashamed of our

relationship, but I'm nervous for Bella. She values her sister's opinion and
desperately wants to have her support. I wish I had a clue of what Esme's reaction
will be.

We have a brief discussion before we go, and Bella decides she will take the lead

when we talk to them. We both agree that we'll be honest with any questions they
ask, but we're not necessarily going to offer up specifics, like when we first got

We arrive for dinner and walk right in to the house, greeting my dad first and then

finding Esme in the kitchen. As usual, I jump right in and help set the table while
Bella offers her help with the food.

Dinner is full of talk about Bella's new job. She's animated when she speaks about

her kids, and she's thrilled to be back with some of the teachers she was friends
with before moving. She's also met a new teacher, Rose, who she seems to have
become very close with in a short amount of time.

It's not until we sit down for dessert—Esme's famous Chocolate Pudding Pie—that

the real fun begins.

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"There's something we wanted to talk to you about," Bella starts, looking from

Esme to my dad and back again. I silently take her hand under the table in support.
"Um, you know I came back to start my life over again, and, well … I have."

"And I'm so proud of you for doing that, Bells," Esme says before taking a sip of

her coffee.

Bella pushes her hair behind her ear with her free hand before she continues.

"There's more than just a new job and a new apartment. I'm dating someone." I
squeeze her hand.

Esme's face lights up, but I watch my dad sit stoically beside her, his eyes moving

rapidly between the two of us. Before Esme can jump in and start asking questions,
Bella speaks again.

"It's Edward."

The room becomes deathly silent as the look on Esme's face drops. Several

moments go by where no one moves. Esme eventually breaks the silence.

"Did you just say you're dating Edward?"

A/N: How do you think Carlisle and Esme will take the news?

If you're looking for another Sweetward, check out my other stories! Bass

Instinct is a WIP that currently updates on Mondays and Thursdays. One
Lonely Night is complete.

Come find me on Facebook (Kitchmill Fanfic) or Twitter (at

kitchmillfanfic) for teasers, story recs and lots of fun!

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Chapter 14

A/N: Thank you so much for all the wonderful reviews. I'm so glad

everyone is enjoying this story.

I really hate it when FFN eats my formatting when I upload a document.

Hopefully I didn't miss anything when I fixed it.

Here's an extra long chapter to make up for the last cliffie!

Chapter 14

"Did you just say you're dating Edward?"

I hear the shock in Esme's voice and squeeze Bella's hand a little tighter.

"Yes," Bella answers confidently. "We started dating a little while ago, and I

honestly think that Edward's the best thing that has ever happened to me."

I look over at her and give her an encouraging smile, letting her know I feel the


"But what … how did … I don't understand," Esme stutters out. She takes a deep

breath and tries again. "I mean, I know you two have always been friendly, but
you're twelve years older than him." She points at me. "He's my step-son!" she says
loudly, rising slightly from her seat.

"I know, Es. This isn't something that we planned," Bella defends calmly. "But

you're right, we've always been close, and now we've gotten closer." She looks back
and forth between her sister and my dad. "Edward was there for me when I needed

Esme cuts her off in an outrage, turning her fury on me. "Did you take advantage

of her?" she yells toward me.

I open my mouth to say something, but Bella beats me to it.

"He did not take advantage of me, Esme. I'm a grown woman and I make my own

decisions. Edward is also an adult, and very capable of making his mind up for

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himself." Esme tries to get a word in, but Bella holds her hand up and continues. "I
understand that there will be questions—between my marriage just ending and our
age difference—but I want you to know that he makes me happy, which is what I
need right now. And, if I'm not mistaken, I make him happy, too."

She turns to me and I nod in agreement, not really feeling like I have anything to


"But, Bella …" Esme starts, only to be silenced this time by my father who I had

almost forgotten was at the table.

He's the picture of calm and collected, always the reasonable man, as he puts his

hand on her elbow. "Esme, sit down and let's talk about this instead of jumping all
over them."

"Thank you, Dad," I chime in.

"Look," Bella starts back up. "I know this seems somewhat … unconventional, but

we've talked …" She waves between herself and me. "And this is something we want
to pursue. Neither of us can predict the future right now, but we'll deal with
whatever comes our way. Esme, you know I love you and your support means the
world to me, which is why we chose to tell you instead of keeping this quiet. I'll
understand if you can't accept this, for now, but I do hope that you'll come around."

Esme huffs but doesn't say anything.

After a few moments of silence, Dad jumps back in. "I can't say I'm thrilled about

this, but you're both adults and have clearly thought this out, so I doubt there's
anything I can say that will change your mind. Edward, I know I raised you right and
I can trust you to be respectful. I expect you to treat Bella properly." He gives me a
pointed look.

"Honestly, Dad," I start, glad to finally have a say. "That's one of the reasons I

wanted you both to know about this. For one thing, I'm not ashamed of dating Bella
and don't want it to be a secret. Also, I'd like to be able to take her out on a proper
date." I turn and smile at Bella, whose expression softens immediately.

"What happens when this doesn't work out?" Esme asks, clearly not on board yet.

"What about your apartment?"

Bella fields this one. "We're taking things slow right now, and we'll work through

whatever comes our way. At the moment, we're still roommates who happen to be

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dating. We both have our own rooms and we function as two adults who share an
apartment. I understand your concerns, but I really would like you to give us a
chance to work through everything on our own."

Esme sits back in her chair and crosses her arms. "I still don't like it, but obviously

my opinion is not going to change your mind."

"You're right, Es. But I would still like to have your support."

Bella's last comment does the job of softening her sister. "You'll always have my


"That's all we're asking for," Bella says, smiling at her sister and ending the


We stay for a little while longer, but decide to leave when things start to feel

strained. Even though they know about our relationship now, I think Bella and I are
both unsure how to act in front of my dad and her sister.

Returning home, I feel like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders. I pull Bella

down onto my lap after I flop on the couch.

"So, about that date," I say as her arms circle my neck. I feel her fingers tangle in

my hair before she kisses me lightly.

"Mmhmm?" she questions.

"May I take you out tomorrow, Ms. Swan?" I ask with formality.

"I'd love that."

I spend Saturday morning planning our date, mostly on the internet but also

making a few phone calls.

"Bella," I call out from the living room.

"Yeah?" she answers, walking in from the kitchen.

"Do you have anything you need to do tomorrow?"

She thinks for a moment then answers. "Not really. Why?"

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"We'll need to stay over somewhere tonight for where I'd like to take you. Is that


"That's a little presumptuous for a first date, isn't it, Mr. Cullen?" she says


I smile at her as I walk over and grab her waist, pulling her close. "I promise to be

a perfect gentleman," I say quietly.

"I don't know if you need to go that far," she retorts playfully.

"Is that a yes?"

"Just tell me what to pack," she says, smiling brightly.

I explain that she'll need a cocktail dress for tonight and whatever comfortable

clothes she wants for tomorrow. She'll have plenty of time to get ready when we get
there, so she goes to pack up while I firm up the plans.

An hour later, we're packed and in the car. After begging me for the first hour of

the trip, I finally relent and tell her we're going to Seattle, but I don't give her any
other details.

Bella's jaw drops when I pull up at the valet of the MarQueen Hotel. It's a

charming, historic building that happened to have a last minute deal when I looked
for bookings this morning. We check in and are shown to a beautifully appointed
room with a king size bed and a kitchenette.

Once Bella showers, I take my belongings into the bathroom to get myself ready

and give her some privacy while she dresses. I shower but leave the stubble I know
Bella likes, and then get dressed in a charcoal suit with a lighter grey shirt and a
brown tie.

"You decent?" I call out as I knock on the bathroom door before exiting.

"You can come out," Bella responds.

My breath gets caught in my throat when I see her reflection in the mirror as she

finishes applying her lipstick. Her hair is mostly up, but long, brown waves flow over
one shoulder. She's wearing a black dress with beads and sequins on a lacy overlay.
Her décolletage is on display and it takes all my control not to drag my mouth across

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"You look stunning," I tell her as I approach from behind. My hands find her waist

as I drop a kiss in the crook of her neck.

She sucks in a breath before responding. "Thank you. You look pretty good,


Remembering the gentleman I promised to be, I offer her my arm once she's ready

to leave. We walk the few blocks down to Prelude, the restaurant I reserved for
dinner. We share a delicious meal and light conversation, but I can't help staring at
the beauty before me. I use any excuse to hold her hand or touch her during the
meal, and she doesn't seem to mind.

We finish dinner right on time, making our way across the street to Intiman

Playhouse. Bella looks at the marquee as I step up to the box office to pick up our

"Edward," she says with shock in her voice. "You didn't …"

When I look back at her, she's smiling brightly, and I know she's happy that I did.

I walk back to her and show her the tickets. "Two for The Taming of the Shrew."

Her smile gets impossibly wider and she shakes her head. "You couldn't have

planned a better first date," she says, standing on her toes to kiss me on the cheek.
She stays there and whispers in my ear. "And, you just may get lucky later."

I laugh and offer her my arm once again to escort her into the theater.

As expected, Bella and I both enjoy the play. It's even more enjoyable because

we're together, and I don't think it hurts that she leans into me and holds my hand
most of the time.

We walk back to the hotel in comfortable silence, with Bella tucked under my arm

right where she belongs. As soon as the hotel room door clicks closed, I turn to drop
the key on the desk but Bella surprises me by pushing me up against the wall.

She pulls my head down to hers and kisses me deeply. "Thank you for a perfect

first date," she says as soon as our lips part.

"I'm glad you enjoyed it as much as I did," I respond with a smile.

"Now, I'm pretty sure I promised something along the lines of getting lucky," she

says as her hands work to open the buttons on my suit jacket. As soon as she pushes

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it over my shoulders, it drops to the floor and she pulls on my tie, loosening it just
enough to slip it over my head.

I hum in agreement when she starts working on the buttons of my shirt with one

hand, the other hand dragging down my chest over the exposed skin. My head falls
back against the wall as her lips follow the same path her hand just took and my
shirt joins my jacket on the floor.

Wrapping my arms around her, my fingers feel for the zipper of her dress and

begin pulling it down her back. I lean over and place kisses on her neck and across
her shoulder, enjoying the bare skin once I've slipped the strap down her arm. Once
the zipper is fully open, I lean back to enjoy the view of her dress pooling around her

"Beautiful," I whisper as I take in the sight of her black strapless bra and lacy

underwear, my hands ghosting down her arms. She turns around to open the clasp
of her bra and I realize she's wearing a thong. I reach out once again and slide my
hands from her ribs to her waist, ending on the full flesh of her ass. I groan as she
bends over to remove her underwear.

Still wearing her heels, she walks over to the bed and sits on the edge, crooking

her finger in a "come hither" way. I'm off the wall in a flash and moving toward her.

"Leave them," I command in a voice I don't recognize when she starts to take off

the shoes.

She looks up and bites her lip as I stand between her parted legs. I make quick

work of the rest of my clothing while she watches. Her lips make contact with my
chest and she wraps her hand around my cock, causing me to groan in appreciation.

I push her body gently so she's lying on the bed and I hover over her, kissing a

fiery trail down her neck, across the flawless skin of the décolletage that's been
taunting me all night, and finally covering a perfect breast with my mouth. She
moans as my teeth gently nip at her taut bud, and again when my fingers find her
wet center.

"Mmm, so wet for me, Angel," I tease before slipping two fingers inside her.

Her breath catches before she whimpers, her hips shifting against my hand. "I

need you, Edward. Now," she whispers.

"Anything you want, baby." I slip my hands under her shoulders and slide her up

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the bed, dropping my body on hers and gliding my flesh through her wetness.

She reaches between us and takes me in her hand, guiding me to where she wants

me and shifting her hips so I enter slightly. Following her lead, I thrust quickly,
stilling when our hips meet.

"So good," she mewls.

I kiss her deeply as our hips begin to work in tandem, pushing and pulling and

meeting perfectly in the middle. When our breathing picks up to where we are no
longer able to kiss, I pull back and watch her closely. Her beauty, both inside and
out, astounds me. Her eyes are squeezed shut and her mouth is open, panting
breaths escaping as she focuses on our movements.

Her eyes fly open and lock on mine when my fingers reach between us to heighten

her pleasure. I continue watching her while our tempo increases. Her face and chest
flush when I feel her orgasm start, and I hold myself back so I can enjoy seeing her

"God, you're beautiful when you cum," I tell her through gritted teeth.

When her eyes finally close, I let myself go. With a few erratic pumps, I spill deep

inside her, throwing my head back and screaming her name in ecstasy.

I come to my senses and look down at her, finding her smiling at me. She reaches

out and cups my cheek. "You're pretty beautiful, too."

A/N: No cliffie this time! Please let me know what you thought.

Come find me on Facebook (Kitchmill Fanfic) or Twitter (at


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Chapter 15

Chapter 15

The weeks after our first date pass by quickly, and Bella and I fall into a

comfortable routine. We go out on more dates and have a good time continuing to
get to know each other better. The more I'm around her, the more I realize how
deep my feelings for her truly are.

I make sure to give her some space though, because I know she's not ready for

more than what we have. And, I can live with that. For now.

Bella makes an effort to spend some time with Esme as well. She tells me that

although there is no rift between them, she understands that Esme still isn't fully
supportive of our relationship. I'm just thankful for the fact that Esme is not hurtful
to Bella because of me. Bella assures me that it will just take time for Esme to
accept us being together, so I resolve to let it happen naturally.

One Saturday night, Bella and her friend Rose plan to go to a local bar and she

invites me to come along. I invite Emmett to join us as well, hoping to have a fun
evening with my best friend, figuring the girls will be occupied together. Bella and I
arrive first, so I grab beers while she finds a table for us.

Emmett saunters in shortly after I sit down next to Bella, and loudly makes his

presence known. "What up, E?" he greets. Turning to Bella, he says, "Looking lovely,
as always, B."

"Good to see you, Emmett," she says before kissing him on the cheek.

We sit and chat for a few minutes, with Emmett ordering a beer from the waitress

when she checks on our table. Not much later, I see a striking blonde heading
toward our table. She's definitely a looker, appearing to be in her late twenties, but
not my type. I'm not surprised when she steps up to the empty seat, asking, "Is this
seat taken?"

Bella smiles brightly before jumping up and hugging her. "I'm so glad you made it,

Rose!" She turns back to the table to introduce us. "Rose, this is my boyfriend,

I'll never tire of hearing her introduce me that way. I get up and step around the

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table, shaking Rose's hand. "It's nice to meet you, Rose. I've heard a lot about you."

"You, too," she says sweetly.

Bella then turns to Emmett to introduce them. When I look at his face, I swear I

can see the little cartoon hearts floating around his head as he gapes at Rose. He
stands up, takes Rose's hand and kisses her knuckles, then says, "Where have you
been all my life?"

A look of amazement crosses her face, and I bite the inside of my cheek to keep

from snickering out loud. Out of the corner of my eye, I see Bella doing the same.
Rose hasn't said anything, but Emmett pulls out a chair for her and pushes it in as
she sits.

My best friend, the self-proclaimed player, is completely smitten with this blonde


Rose and Emmett hit it off immediately and end up ignoring Bella and me for most

of the night. Bella looks on happily at her friend though, so I leave well enough alone
and end up spending more time with my girlfriend than I thought I'd get.

We stumble home from the bar, after watching Rose and Emmett leave together,

giggling and acting silly the whole way. This is the first time we've gotten drunk
together, and I love seeing the playful side of Bella, which she seems to let loose
more and more each day.

"You know," Bella starts once we're in our living room. "Watching Emmett and

Rose stare at each other all night was like free porn." She laughs at her own joke
and I can't help but join in.

"Oh, Ms. Swan, are you a dirty girl?" I say in my huskiest voice. "Did it make you

hot to watch their foreplay?"

I stalk toward her as she continues to laugh, letting out a squeal as I get almost

close enough to grab her. She turns on her heel and sprints to her bedroom, but I'm
faster. I grab her around the waist before she makes it to her bed and pull her back
into my body.

"Tell me, Isabella," I whisper in her ear. "Are you wet for me right now?"

Her giggles stop and turn into a moan.

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"I want to hear your words, baby," I say before placing an open mouth kiss on my

favorite spot below her ear.

"Yes," she moans out.

"Yes, what?" I demand.

"Yes, I'm wet for you," she concedes in a small voice.

I growl and turn her around, tossing her body lightly onto the bed and follow her

down. "That's good," I tell her. "Because I'm so hard for you right now." I punctuate
my words with a thrust of my hips, grinding my erection into her.

Clothes begin flying and my hand is between Bella's legs while her jeans and

panties are still around her ankles. I groan loudly and bury my face in her chest
when I realize she wasn't kidding about being wet. "Fuck," I mutter as I move down
her body, intent on replacing my hand with my mouth. "I need to taste you, baby."

She kicks her feet to get her clothes the rest of the way off, but I ignore that and

get to work. I lick up her slit with force and she moans, then I suck her clit into my
mouth and flick it with my tongue. Just as I'm really getting into the action, she
squirms out of reach and sits up.

"What's the matter?" I ask, my eyes wide, wondering if I've done something


She shakes her head. "Nothing. Just lay down."

Her wish … my command.

I groan again when she straddles my face and leans over. I get back to work

quickly, but hiss when she sucks my cock deep into her throat. With my hands on
her thighs, I pull her further down on me, burying my face in her pink flesh as I
continue to lick and suck, pleasuring her the way she's pleasuring me.

When my fingers enter her, she hums around me and speeds up her movements. I

can't control the noises I'm making or the slight bucking of my hips when her hand
reaches down to fondle my balls. Her oral skills are making it difficult for me to
concentrate on one of my favorite things and I think tonight might end up as only a
thirty-four and a half. But I persevere, adding a third finger and making sure to hit
her g-spot on every thrust.

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As soon as I feel her orgasm start, I slow down my movements and kiss the inside

of her thighs. "Fuck, I'm gonna cum, baby," I warn her. She's swallowed the few
times she's done this before, but I feel like I should give her the option.

Thankfully, she doesn't remove her mouth and takes me slightly deeper. I moan

and start to cum when I feel her throat muscles constrict around me. She continues
to suck and lick until I'm empty, finally releasing me with a pop.

My head falls back against the bed in exhaustion as Bella scoots around and

snuggles up to me. Another perfect night with my perfect girlfriend.

On a random weeknight after work near the end of February, Bella asks if she can

talk to me after we finish dinner. Of course, I say yes, but not much more of my meal
goes down as I worry over what she might want to talk about. Crazy scenarios run
through my head, like she's found someone else or I put the toilet paper roll on
upside down and she doesn't want to live with me anymore.

Finally, once the kitchen is clean, we sit in the living room with the TV off.

"So, what's up?" I prompt.

She pushes her hair behind her ear and bites her lip, both signs that she's

nervous. "There's not really a good way to say this, so I'm just going to come right
out and say it." Well, that's not making me feel very good. "Remember the first night
we were together, when I told you I'm on the birth control shot?"

I gulp and nod, worried about where this is leading. But, she has to know I'll stand

by her no matter what.

"Oh, god! Don't worry. I'm not pregnant or anything!" she blurts, probably taking

in the whiteness of my face.

I let out a breath. "Okay, so what's this about then?"

She huffs lightly. "I'm due for my next shot, and I don't want to get it," she states,

swallowing audibly. "I just … I mean, I thought this was something you should know

A little chuckle escapes me, and I pick up her hand in relief. "Yeah, probably

something I should know. I guess … condoms?"

She nods. "Yeah, for now."

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As thrilled as I was that we haven't needed condoms before now, using them is not

really the end of the world. Then I take in Bella's words.

"What do you mean, 'for now'?" I ask.

"That's the other thing," she says, biting her lip again but not continuing. After

several moments, I'm getting increasingly worried.

"Bella, whatever it is, you can talk to me, okay?" I implore. So far, we haven't

hidden things from each other, and I don't want to start now.

"I know. This just … it isn't easy because it'll probably change things between us."

"Just talk to me, please," I say nervously, pulling her sideways onto my lap and

hugging her close.

She lets out a sigh. "You know one of the reasons I was unhappy with Jasper was

because I wanted to have kids and he wasn't ready." I nod and hum my
acknowledgement with my head against her hair. "Well, I still want to have kids, and
I'm not getting any younger. At thirty-five, I'll be considered 'advanced maternal
age' and it may already be difficult for me to conceive.

"Look, Edward," she says, pulling from my embrace to face me but staying on my

lap. "I'm not asking you to have a child with me or anything, which is why I said it
might change things. This is something I'm prepared to do by myself … maybe not
today, but not too far in the future, either. I had an appointment the other day and
my doctor advised that I needed to give my body a few months to normalize after the
shot anyway, but after that," she shrugs. "I don't know."

I chew on the inside of my cheek for a moment while I process her words. She

wants to have a baby. Soon. She's prepared to do it by herself, but is that what she
really wants? What does she want from our relationship if she's going to have a baby
by herself? What do I want?

"Where exactly does that leave us?" I finally ask her with a gulp.

"I guess that depends on you. I mean, like I said, it's not going to happen today,

but I needed you to know in case you don't want to be in a relationship with a single

"And, you'd do this with a sperm donor or something?"

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"Most likely," she says hesitantly.

My mind flits about for a moment with all of the options. I don't have a clue at this

point what I want because I haven't had a reason to think that far ahead, but I don't
think I'd ever forgive myself for letting her go just because she wanted to be a
mother. I know I have to ask.

"What about doing it with me?"

A/N: Hmm … what do we think about that?

Thanks to Robsmyyummy Cabanaboy for coining and allowing me to use

her awesome term of "thirty-four and a half." If you aren't reading her story
Tip of the Spear
, you don't know what you're missing!

I'll see you on Facebook or Twitter (Kitchmill Fanfic or at kitchmillfanfic)

with teasers, pics, story recs and more!

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Chapter 16

A/N: I was honestly surprised at how many of you immediately wanted

Edward to be the baby daddy. Let's see what they decide …

Chapter 16

"What about doing it with me?"

Her eyes widen at my question, so I continue on with my explanation. "Look, this

is obviously a big deal and something I'd have to think about—we'd both have to
think about. But I guess I'm just curious to know if you'd even consider it. If you're
set on doing this alone, I'd understand, but it's hard for me to figure out where I fit
in this equation if you don't tell me where you want me."

Although we've definitely grown closer over the last two months of living together,

I'm still following Bella's lead on the pace of our relationship. I think now would be
an appropriate time to discuss things in a bit more detail since she tossed this out

She shifts off my lap and returns to her spot next to me. "I don't really know," she

admits with a shrug. "I only thought far enough to figure that you probably wouldn't
be interested at your age, and then moved on to other options."

"Don't you think that should be my choice?" My words may be harsh, but I try to

keep my tone gentle. I have to admit that it hurts that she would dismiss me so
easily, as if our relationship doesn't mean very much to her. "I've been following
your lead in this relationship because I knew you needed to go slow. But, maybe it's
time for you to figure out what you really want. You were the one to point out to
Esme that I'm an adult and can make my own decisions. So, please, take some time
to think about it and then let me be the one to decide what I want for my life."

She's looking down and hiding behind her hair by the time I'm finished speaking.

"I'm sorry." I hear a small sniffle after she speaks.

"Bella, I'm not mad at you." I try to lift her face, but she keeps it angled down,

hidden behind her hair. "Look at me, please," I beg. When she finally looks up, I see
her eyes are red and glassy. "I stand by my promise that I'll be here for you, no
matter where our relationship goes, okay? I need you to remember that."

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At her slight nod, I continue. "I just don't think it's fair for you to make decisions

for me, just as I wouldn't make them for you. Please, take some time to think about
what you want, not what you think I'll want. Let me do that. And then we'll figure
out where we go from there, together."

With a watery smile, she nods again. "Okay."

The discussion ends there and we both go our separate ways for the night. I spend

some time in my room, just thinking, and hoping that Bella is as serious about me as
I am about her.

It doesn't take me long to come to an important conclusion: I'd rather have Bella

in my life than not in it.

Any way I look at it, that's what it boils down to.

Do I love her? Yes, with all my heart. Do I want to see her happy, even if it's not

with me? Absolutely.

Throwing a child into that equation doesn't change things much. I want to be the

one by her side in every situation. I want to be the one holding her hand, comforting
her when things are tough, and sharing in the joys of life.

Am I ready to settle down and have kids right now? I don't know the answer to

that instinctively, but when I think of the various scenarios in my head, I constantly
come up with the same response. I want to be with Bella and I want to give her the
world. I love her and would love any child that she has, whether it's part of me or
not. So, why not make it part of me in the first place?

I can't find a good reason not to.

Except … if that's not what she wants.

The next few days pass with some tension in the air. I kiss her the first morning

and tell her to let me know when she's ready to talk. She agrees, and we go our
separate ways to work. We still spend time hanging out in the evenings, but there's
definitely a strain between us.

Finally, on the third night after our discussion, I can't take it anymore and decide

to talk to her over dinner.

"I know I said I'd give you some time to think about everything, but I can't stand

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that it's coming between us like this already."

She looks up from her plate with wide eyes, probably not expecting me to jump

right in like that.

I set my fork down and plow on, undeterred. "Whatever you want to do, it won't be

for a few months, right?" When she nods, I continue. "So, there's no reason we have
to make any hard and fast decisions today."

I pick her hand up from the table and thread our fingers together.

"I thought you wanted a decision so you can figure things out," she says timidly.

"I do, but not at the expense of ruining what we have right now." I grip my hair

with my free hand in frustration and then rest my elbow on the table. "I do need to
know what you want out of this … us," I say, waving my hand between the two of us.
But I don't want us to pull away from each other while you think about it."

And then, it dawns on me.

"Unless …" I gulp. "Unless that's what your decision is."

She looks at me with a pained expression before her eyes widen again. "Oh, god

no, Edward!" She jumps out of her seat and moves around the table to sit next to
me, our hands still twined together. "That's not it at all! I'm sorry, I didn't realize
you were so worried about that."

I laugh without humor. "I wasn't, until a minute ago," I admit. "I wanted to give

you some space, but I feel like we haven't connected since that conversation."

She quickly turns her chair to face mine and I do the same, close enough that our

knees touch. "Do you want to know what I've been thinking?" she asks, and I nod. "I
know you want me to think about what I want and not think about what is right for
you, but I can't seem to get passed the fact that you'd be doing something for me
that you wouldn't do otherwise. And I know you … you'd do it just because you care
about me."

I take a deep breath and let it out slowly. I think we've hit the point of no return


"Bella," I say, scooting forward on my chair and releasing one of her hands so I

can touch her face. "I wouldn't be doing it just because I care about you." I take a

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deep breath before continuing. "I'd be doing it because I'm in love with you."

Looking deep into her eyes, I plow on. "Every way I think about this, all I come

back to is that I want to be with you. If you have a baby, I'd still want to be with you.
If you never wanted to have kids, I'd still want to be with you then, too. And when I
think about you having a baby and me standing by you, all I can think about is that
although I'd love your child no matter what, I'd love for it to be a part of me as well."

Her mouth is open and I think I've stunned her, so I give her one last thing to

think about. Running my thumb across her cheek, I tell her, "All you have to decide
is if you want that part in your life to be filled by me."

Without giving her a chance to respond, I kiss her cheek gently and then quickly

stand, taking my plate into the kitchen and dropping it in the sink. She's still sitting
in the same position when I pass back through the dining room, so I leave her to her
thoughts and head into my room. When she's ready, she can come talk to me.

I lose myself in music for a while, turning up the volume on my iPod so I can't hear

or think about anything else. My eyes are closed as I lay on my bed with hands
clasped behind my head and my ankles crossed. I'm not sure how long I've been in
my room when I'm startled as something touches my elbow.

My eyes flash open to find Bella standing by the side of my bed looking nervous

with her lip caught between her teeth.

"Sorry," she mutters as I pull the ear buds out of my ears. "I knocked, but you

didn't hear me."

"That's okay," I tell her, scooting up to a sitting position with my back against the

headboard. I pat the bed in front of me, inviting her to sit.

She sits down and crosses her legs, pushing some long hair behind her ear that

has escaped her ponytail. We sit in silence for a few beats with Bella staring at the
bedspread and me staring at her. She made the decision to come in here, so I give
her the time she needs to gather her thoughts.

Still staring down at the bed, she speaks so quietly I almost have trouble hearing

her. "Did you really mean it?"

I'm not exactly sure which part she's referring to, but it doesn't matter. "Every

word," I tell her confidently.

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She finally looks up at me with tears in her eyes. "Even the part about—"

I cut her off by putting my fingers up to her mouth. "All of it."

She takes a deep breath when I remove my fingers and nods, more to herself, I

think, than to me. "I was worried about this being too much for you, tying you down
when you're so young. I was afraid my feelings were too strong," she says before
biting the inside of her cheek.

I know what she's not saying, and if she needs more time to actually say it, I can

give her that.

"Bella, let me ask you something." She nods. "When you were twenty-two, did you

know that you wanted to have kids?"

"Of course," she answers quickly.

"So do I. It may not be something I thought about becoming a reality just yet, but

that was because before now, there wasn't anyone that I would have wanted to
share it with." I finally grab her hand and pull her into my lap. "We've got some time
to figure out the details. But, if you want me to be part of your life, then I'm all in."

I kiss her lips gently, wanting so much more but pulling back before things get out

of control. When I look down at her, she's smiling.

"I want you to be part of my life. Nothing would make me happier."

I smile and close my eyes, leaning in to kiss her again. Just before our lips touch, I

hear her whispered words. "I love you, too, Edward."

A/N: I hope that was what you were all hoping for! Leave me your


Come find me on Facebook (Kitchmill Fanfic) or Twitter (at

kitchmillfanfic). Teaser on Monday at Fictionators (links on Facebook and
Twitter), and the next update will be Tuesday.

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Chapter 17

A/N: I am blown away by the love you guys had for the last chapter.

Writing the ILYs always makes me nervous, so I was thrilled with all the
positive reviews. Thank you!

Chapter 17

Things have been damn close to perfect between Bella and me since the night we

confessed our feelings to each other. These days, we share a bed more often than
not, even if there's no sex involved. It seems we're both cuddlers, and we sleep
better when we're wrapped up in each other.

The only real difference for us would be the addition of the condoms. After having

Bella with nothing between us, I can admit to hating the latex these days, but it's a
necessary evil. So, I've conveniently stashed them all around the apartment. You
never know when the mood will strike … and we've already christened most areas of
our place.

Since we're still working on having Esme accept our relationship, Bella decides to

invite her and my dad over for dinner. We tend to both be a little uncomfortable
when we're in their house, so Bella thought we might be more at ease, more likely to
act like ourselves, if they came here.

Before they arrive for dinner, Bella tells me that she's done putting on a show and

she plans to be as affectionate with me as she usually is. I'm more than happy with
that decision, and interested to see how it plays out.

Dad and Esme arrive with two bottles of wine and some kind of pie for dessert. I

take their coats while Bella takes the food and drink into the kitchen.

"Make yourselves at home," I tell them, waving my hand at the couch. "I'll go open

the wine."

I walk into the kitchen, which can be somewhat seen from the living room.

Figuring this is as good a time as any to start, I step behind Bella and reach around
her to get a bottle of wine off the counter, sweeping her hair off her neck and
kissing it in the process. I feel her cheek lift in a smile against the side of my face.

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"Love you," I say quietly.

She turns and pecks my lips. "Love you, too." I'll never tire of hearing those words

from her.

I take the wine and grab the opener while Bella gets the glasses out. When I turn

back to the living room, I see both Dad and Esme watching us. Neither says a word
about our exchange when Bella and I hand them their glasses of wine.

The topic of conversation before and during dinner is the exciting news of Bella's

permanent job at Forks Elementary. The teacher who was on maternity leave
decided not to return, instead wanting to be a stay at home mom for a few years.
Bella was offered the job first, and accepted it with no hesitation.

I make no qualms about putting my arm around Bella's shoulder while we're

talking, and she shows no discomfort at my touch. I can see Esme still isn't thrilled
with it, but thankfully she withholds any comments. Dad seems to take it all in

Esme eventually steers the conversation into dangerous territory. "Have you

heard anything from Jasper?" she asks innocently.

Bella makes a face but stays calm. "No, but according to Mr. Jenks, there's no use

worrying about it. Technically, he can contest right up until the day the petition is
granted, so just because we're close to the deadline doesn't mean he's not going to

"That must be rather nerve-wracking," Esme adds. It seems like she's trying to

draw a reaction out of Bella.

"Actually, I've essentially put it out of my mind for now. There's nothing I can do

but wait, so I'm just living my life in the mean time." She turns and gives me a smile.
"Besides, I really don't think Jasper will be stupid enough to contest when he was
the one who was unfaithful and he knows I can prove it."

"Hmpf," Esme mutters, clearly not getting the reaction she wanted.

I don't necessarily think she's against our relationship, but at the same time it

feels like she's trying to point out anything that could break us apart. Too bad Bella
and I have already been through these topics, and we're stronger for it.

We continue with holding hands and touching whenever possible throughout the

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rest of dinner and dessert, and things seem to smooth out with normal conversation
for the rest of the evening. I notice Esme giving Bella an extra long hug before she
leaves, so I question Bella about it once we're alone.

"She apologized for bringing Jasper up during dinner," Bella tells me. "And, she

said she could see I'm happy, so she's happy for me."

I breathe a sigh of relief at that, hoping that Esme is now one step closer to

accepting us as a couple. I understand how strange the situation is—I mean, if Bella
and I ever get married, Esme would be her step-mother-in-law in addition to being
her sister. But, that's still a long way off.

As March drags on, I can tell that Bella is getting more and more nervous about

the divorce petition. When we talk about it, she admits that she's partly expecting
Jasper to pull some last minute move just to make her life difficult. The fact that she
hasn't heard from him in a while is what scares her the most.

"Whatever happens, we'll face it together," I promise her as we lay in her bed

together one night. For no specific reason, her bed has become the one we spend
most of our nights in. I couldn't care less, as long as I have her next to me.

"Thank you," she says with a sigh. "For always understanding."

I kiss her forehead and pull her body tighter to mine. "Do you want to talk about


"No," she says. "I just want to be here … with you."

"Want me to take your mind off of it?" I ask with a wicked grin and a waggle of my


She laughs. "What did you have in mind?"

"Why don't I just show you, instead?" With that, I pull the covers up over my head

and scoot my body down the bed. Grabbing her legs, I roll her onto her back and
pull her knees up in one smooth motion. She's already naked since we tend to forgo
any type of pajamas these days, so I don't waste any time burying my face in her

"Oh, god … Edward," she moans out as I suck her clit into my mouth.

I moan at her taste, which is something I will never tire of. "You taste so good,

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baby," I tell her as my fingers play near her entrance. Slipping one inside, I hum
against her at the feeling of wet heat surrounding it.

I get her good and worked up, and then slow my movements when her hums and

whimpers tell me she's close.

"Please, babe," she whines, causing me to chuckle against her body.

"Not yet," I tell her, increasing my motions only slightly.

After a few more minutes, when I can tell she's getting close again, I switch up my

tactics. My tongue enters her heat and the thumb of my free hand rubs circles on
her nub. When her moans increase a little more, I use the finger still wet with her
arousal to rub her back entrance.

She jumps at the contact. "Edward," she says reproachfully.

I pull the covers off my head. "Just relax, baby. Let me make you feel good. I

promise to stop if you don't like it."

I apply a little more pressure when she nods her head slightly, and let my tongue

get back to work in her pussy. As I work her over some more and feel her body
relaxing again, I slip my fingertip inside. Her muscles automatically clench, but I
keep up my other movements and she eventually relaxes.

"Okay?" I ask.

"Yeah," she responds breathlessly.

I continue working and slip my finger in a little deeper, swirling it around a bit in

the process. Her hips are bucking against my face, so I know she's getting close. I
rub harder and tongue faster until I feel everything clench around me.

"Oh, fuck … Edward!" she cries out as her orgasm takes over.

I pull my finger out gently but continue rubbing her lightly, extending the

pleasure as long as I can. When I look up at her, she's breathless and flushed with
her eyes closed in bliss. I love being the one to make her look like that.

I leave her momentarily to come down from her high while I slip into the

bathroom to wash up. When I come back to bed, she's completely sated and

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"Feeling okay?" I ask, chuckling as I crawl in next to her.

She turns to me with a goofy smile. "Yeah, definitely didn't expect to enjoy that."

"See?" I say defensively. "This is why you have to just trust me to take care of


She laughs loudly and slaps my chest. "Okay, you've convinced me," she says

finally. "I'm willing to try whatever you want."

"Whatever I want?" I ask, wiggling my eyebrows.

She smirks before amending her prior statement. "I always have veto power."

"Always, baby," I agree, kissing her passionately.

The night before the deadline for the divorce petition, Bella tells me that she's

planning to take the day off from work.

"I just don't think I'll be able to concentrate on the kids all day, knowing my phone

could ring at any time and have bad news," she says.

"Or good news," I remind her. "But I understand. Do you want me to stay home

with you? We could just relax together."

"You don't mind?" she asks with hopeful eyes.

"Not at all, Angel." I kiss her forehead and hug her tight to my body.

We both play hooky the next day and sleep in late, making love in the morning

before getting out of bed. I love feeling her warm body pressed up against mine, and
I hope the orgasms I gave her helped her to relax.

Much of the day is spent on the couch, watching movies and eating junk food,

cuddled up under a blanket. We laugh together and forget about the outside world
for a while. I massage her shoulders, hoping to keep her body relaxed throughout
the day.

When her cell phone rings at two fifteen, she stares at it and bites her lip. "It's still

early in the day," she says quietly. "That could mean bad news."

"Do you want me to get it?" I offer.

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"No," she sighs. "Here goes nothing …" she says as she reaches for the phone.

A/N: Sorry for leaving you with a cliffie! Let me know what you thought.

Teasers and more on Facebook and Twitter … Kitchmill Fanfic or at


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Chapter 18

Chapter 18

"No," she sighs. "Here goes nothing …" she says as she reaches for the phone.

My thumbnail goes into my mouth as I watch her nervously slide her finger across

the screen to answer the call.

"Hello? … Yes, this is Bella."

She's quiet for a few moments as she listens to whoever is on the other end of the

phone. My eyes are on her face, looking for any kind of clue as to what the news is,
but her expression remains stoic.

She chews on her bottom lip before finally speaking. "Okay, thank you for calling

and letting me know. I'll look for it next week. I appreciate your help, Mr. Jenks …
You, too."

Her hand is shaking as she ends the call and puts the phone down. When she

turns to me, her eyes are glassy. My heartbeat picks up and jumps into my throat
while I wait for her to tell me what happened.

"He got a call from the court earlier than he expected," she says in a shaky voice.

"It seems the judge didn't wait until the last minute to enter his ruling. My petition
has been granted."

I let out the breath I was holding while I watch the tears slide down her face. "It's

done?" I ask, slightly stunned.

"It's done," she states as a smile graces her face. "I'm free. We're free!" she

amends. The tears are still flowing, but they are clearly happy tears.

I scoop her up in my arms and nuzzle my head in her neck. "That's wonderful

news, baby!" My voice cracks and is muffled by her hair, but she's nodding her head
so I know she understood. "I'm so happy for you." My own tears are burning my

A sob escapes her chest. "I can't believe it," she forces out. "God, I'm so happy

right now, I want to scream." She laughs at herself and I join in.

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"Go ahead and let it out, Angel."

She shrieks and kicks her feet against the sofa, still laughing with tears on her

face. She's so beautiful in this moment and I hope it never ends.

When she finally calms down a little, she hugs me again, sighing into my neck.

"God, I love you, Edward. Thank you for sticking with me while I fixed the mess I
made of my life."

"I love you, too, Bella. And, there's nowhere I'd rather be."

I lift her face off my shoulder and kiss her passionately. She returns it tenfold. It

doesn't take long for us to get lost in each other. My hand threads through her hair
and holds her to me while her fingers dance up and down my back, scratching
lightly through my shirt.

Needing to feel more, I reach behind me and pull my shirt over my head. Bella

gets the idea and removes her own. My hands cup and explore her bra-covered
breasts while I kiss along her jaw, finding the spot behind her ear that drives her

She rakes her fingers up and down my chest for a while, humming in appreciation

as my tongue swipes at her earlobe. Reaching between us, she deftly opens the
button and zipper of my jeans, freeing my aching cock.

"I want you, babe," she says before taking the skin of my neck between her teeth.

I hiss and buck into her, and then stand up with her body wrapped around mine. I

toss her down on the couch then remove my jeans and underwear, watching Bella do
the same with the rest of her clothes. While she finishes undressing, I reach into the
drawer of the end table and grab a condom, slamming it closed with a little more
force than necessary in my haste.

"How do you want me?" I ask lowly, licking my lips as I enjoy the sight of her

naked flesh. I quickly tear open the condom and roll it on, and then approach her
like a lion stalking its prey.

"Sit down," she orders, moving her feet to indicate where she wants me. I comply,

knowing that there is no bad position, as long as I'm with Bella.

She scrambles onto my lap and immediately sinks down on me, causing me to

groan when I feel her tightness and heat. Her arms wrap around my neck and mine

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go around her waist so I can feel every inch of her upper body pressed tightly to
mine. She begins moving over me and her nipples rub against my chest with every

"Oh, god," I moan in between licks and sucks of her collarbone.

"Yes," she hisses out as I start meeting her movements from below.

I pull back slightly from our embrace and look into her eyes. "I love you," I tell her


Her eyes close momentarily from the force of my last thrust, but then open and

lock with mine. "I love you, too … so much." A few moments later, she looks at me
again. "Edward, I need you to fuck me … hard."

"Oh, baby," I coo, standing up and depositing her on the floor. "Gladly."

I step behind her and carefully push her upper body down so her forearms are

resting on the seat of the couch. Her ass is in the air and on perfect display for me. I
slide my hand through her folds a few times to tease her, gathering her arousal on
my fingers. I push three inside quickly and she moans out her approval. I tap her
g-spot a few times, causing her to twitch, before I remove my fingers and slam my
cock back into her.

"Fuck!" she yells.

"Is this what you want?" I ask as I thrust into her swiftly. "You like it like this,

don't you?" My hands roam her pert ass.

"Yes," she says mid-moan. "More," she whimpers.

"My pleasure," I tell her, leaning my body over hers and kissing down her spine.

When I stand back up, I slide one of my arousal coated fingers into her back
entrance while I maintain the deep, hard thrusts of my cock. She moans long and
low as her hips begin pushing back against me with each thrust. "That's it, baby.
Take what you want."

We keep up the pace until I feel her walls begin to flutter around me. I decide to

give her a little boost, so at the same time that I begin rubbing her clit, I add a
second finger to her ass.

"Oh, fuck! Edward!" she screams as her pleasure takes over.

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The feeling of her squeezing my cock sets me off every time, and I willingly follow

her into oblivion, erratically thrusting my hips until I'm completely empty. I hug her
body tightly around her waist as I collapse over her back. When her knees buckle,
we fall to the floor, still connected with Bella's upper body lying on the couch.

She turns slightly and hums as our breathing begins to even out and I kiss her lips

lightly. I may be considered in my prime at twenty-two, but I doubt I'll ever get
enough of her.

After a nice, long nap to recover from our celebratory activities, Bella calls Esme

and Rose to share the good news. I don't know who she's talking to at the moment,
but her laughter fills the apartment, causing me to smile.

I think about her words from earlier. "We're free," she had said. My mind focuses

on the "we" part. She is finally free of Jasper, but we are now free to move forward. I
can't help but wonder where exactly she wants to go from here. No matter what,
we'll be able to do it together.

I hate that my thoughts automatically drift to marrying her, but I haven't been

able to stop thinking about that since we had the discussion about having a baby
together. Not that marriage is a necessity in this day and age—I just think that it
would make everything that much better.

But, Bella is literally just coming out of a divorce. I don't know if she'd ever even

consider marriage again. What's the appropriate amount of time to be divorced
before getting remarried? I'm guessing there's no right answer to that, and like the
rest of our relationship, we'll do things our way anyway.

I push those thoughts to the back burner for now, intent on just enjoying the night

with my girl. I'm taking her to Port Angeles for dinner to celebrate.

Bella calls out to me from her bedroom as I'm in her bathroom trimming my beard

down to the stubble that she loves. "Babe, when you're done in there, can you get
my red heels from the top of my closet? I think they're on the far right side."

"Sure," I respond. "I'll get them in a minute." I don't know why she insists on

keeping her shoe boxes on the top shelf when she can't reach them. This is not the
first time I've had to retrieve shoes for her.

I finish in the bathroom and clean up all the little hairs around the sink, stowing

my beard trimmer under the sink. I still marvel at how much of my stuff has slowly
merged into Bella's room and bathroom. It wasn't planned, but we tend to shower

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together a lot so it made sense when my trimmers and other toiletries ended up
staying in here.

Bella's closet is in the hallway between her bedroom and the bathroom, so I stop

on my way to get her shoes. I've already learned that each box needs to be put back
facing out in order to see the shoe description and easily locate what she's looking
for. I shake my head at the number of shoe boxes lining the shelf.

Looking in the far right corner, I see two boxes that say "red" on them, each

picturing a different type of shoe. I reach up to grab the one farthest to the right,
assuming that's the one she indicated. As the box moves forward when I start
pulling it down, the contents shift and I hear rattling inside. It doesn't feel like a pair
of shoes.

"Sweetheart, I don't think this is what you're looking for," I call out as I pull the

box down.

"No, wait! Don't …" I hear her yell, but I've already opened the lid and I freeze

when I see what's inside.

I look up to see her standing at the end of the hallway with wide eyes and a red


My cheeks turn up in a smirk. "Well, well, well … somebody's been holding out on

me," I taunt, my eyes devouring the contents of the shoe box.

"Oh, god," she sighs in resignation. "It's been a long time since I needed any of

that. I forgot that box was there."

"You may not have needed any of it, but I certainly think we can have fun with it,"

I say, holding up a small vibrator. I drop that back into the box and then pick up a
purple dildo, turning it in my hand to examine it before replacing it and fingering
through the remaining items. "Oh, yes. We'll definitely be using this shoe box later."

A/N: I hope everyone is happy that Jasper is finally out of the picture! Let

me know what you thought of the chapter. I am loving your reviews for this

Don't forget that I post teasers and more on Facebook (Kitchmill Fanfic)

and Twitter (at kitchmillfanfic). The next chapter will post on Tuesday, with

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a teaser on Fictionators on Monday.

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Chapter 19

A/N: If you're looking for plot, you might want to skip this chapter. Just a

reminder that this story started out as an entry for the Taste of the
Forbidden II contest, and well, yeah…

If you aren't following me on Facebook or Twitter, you missed the fun

yesterday. I posted snippets of this chapter throughout the day.

Chapter 19

"Oh, yes. We'll definitely be using this shoe box later."

Dinner in Port Angeles is a lighthearted affair. Bella and I celebrate with a bottle

of wine and some delicious dinner. We try not to go too overboard, since I still have
to drive us home and we both have to work in the morning, but we do take
advantage of the relaxing atmosphere.

"Open, baby," I say, lifting a fork full of decadent chocolate cake to her mouth.

She closes her mouth around the tines and accepts the shared desert, humming

her appreciation as I remove the fork.

"You've got a little chocolate on your mouth," I tell her as I lean in and kiss it off.

Her eyes bore into mine with apparent lust as I pull back, intent on feeding her

another bite.

"My turn," she demands, taking the fork from my hand and cutting off a rather

large piece. I gladly accept the offered food, but she pulls the fork upwards as she
takes it out of my mouth. "Oh, you've got some icing …" she says with a playful pout
before moving forward and licking my upper lip.

I catch her with my hand on the back of her head before she can move away,

pulling her closer for an intense kiss. Our tongues twine together and the taste of
Bella mixed with chocolate drives me wild.

"Mmm," I hum. "One of these days, I'm going to eat chocolate off your naked

body." I watch her shift in her seat, clearly as aroused as I am. "But tonight, I have

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plans for that shoe box of yours."

"Shit," she says before biting her lip.

"You ready to go?"

As soon as she nods, I take her hand and lead her outside, having already paid the


The car ride is quiet and the air is filled with sexual tension. I watch Bella shift in

her seat a few times from the corner of my eye before deciding to have a little fun
with her.

My hand starts on the bare skin of her lower thigh, past where the hem of her

dress ends. I rub gentle circles on the inside of her leg with my fingers. Her legs
drop apart slightly to accommodate my hand and her head drops back against the

Ever so slowly, I inch my hand up, taking her dress with me.

"I love the feel of your hands on me," she whispers, as if she's afraid to break the

atmosphere in the car with her regular voice.

"And I love the feel of your skin under my fingers," I tell her just as quietly while

my fingers continue to move up.

When I eventually reach her center, I find that the satin of her underwear is

soaked. Her legs have spread quite far, and I know she's dying for me to put her out
of her misery. I rub her center lightly through her panties, but don't give her enough
pressure to make a difference.

After a few minutes of this torture, I hear her whimper and then a small "please"

slips through her lips.

"Please, what?" I ask, playing dumb to what I know she wants.

"More," she moans out as her hips try to shift against my hand.

I lighten up my touch and tell her, "Oh, you'll get more. This is just the appetizer,


When I slide my fingers under the edge of her underwear and touch her wet lips,

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she whimpers again. Although I'm now touching her flesh, I avoid her clit and only
rub the rest of her lightly. I want her seriously worked up when we get home, and
we only have a few minutes left in the car.

"Edward," she whines as she continues to try to shift and get my fingers where

she wants them.

"Not yet," I tell her gently as I push the heel of my hand against her pelvic bone so

she stills. My fingers also still and she quickly understands that I'll stop everything if
she keeps moving.

"Fuck!" she screams, as one finger lightly grazes her bundle of nerves. "Please,"

she begs again.

"Patience," I tell her as I withdraw my hand so I can properly pull the car into my

parking space. "We're home."

When she turns to look at me, her eyes are hooded and glassy, and I know she's

about ready to explode. Perfect.

We race into the apartment and straight to her bedroom. "I need you now," she

states in a husky voice, pushing my jacket off my shoulders and going straight for
my pants.

I push on her shoulders and turn her around, unzipping her dress while I plant

kisses on her shoulder and neck. "I told you, I have plans for tonight, sweetheart."

I finish undressing her quickly and tell her to get comfortable on the bed, which

she does with no complaint. I remove my clothes, but instead of joining her on the
bed, I head into her closet. It doesn't take long to find what I wanted—a soft, blue

I return to the side of the bed and instruct her to put her hands above her head in

a husky voice. She complies immediately, and her eyes widen as I move toward her
with the scarf. Leaning over her body, I tie her hands together and then to the rail of
the headboard. "Just say the word and I'll stop, okay?" I whisper in her ear. When
she nods, I continue. "But, I plan to give you plenty of pleasure tonight."

She whimpers at my words and I kiss her thoroughly, my hands exploring her

body at the same time. My fingers pull on her taut nipples before caressing her
sides, moving down to her hips as my mouth begins to descend down her body as

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I suck a nipple into my mouth and then blow on it, enjoying her moans of pleasure

before giving the other side the same treatment. Stepping away from her
momentarily, I reach into the "box of pleasure" as I've begun to call it, and pull out
the bullet vibrator and a bottle of lube.

I hold the vibrator up in front of her and ask, "Is this one of your favorites?" At her

nod, I continue. "Perfect. I have a feeling I'll like it, too." A smile spreads across my
face while Bella bites her lip.

I turn it on the lowest setting and just feel it in my hand for a moment. A glance at

Bella tells me that she's getting needy with anticipation, so I put her out of her
misery. I hold it up to her clit and she treats me to a long moan, her hips squirming
to get more pressure.

"More, please," she begs.

"You'll get more," I promise. "But first, I need a taste." I move the vibrator away

and dive in with my tongue and lips, rubbing, sucking and licking her clit.

"Oh, god!" She moves her hips again, but I pull back.

"Be a good girl and stay still for me. I promised you pleasure, didn't I?"

She whimpers again and nods, biting her lip, so I go back to work. After a minute

or so, I bring the still buzzing vibrator to her opening and slip it inside. Her body
practically jumps off the bed and she starts chanting, "Ohgodohgodohgod!"

I let her enjoy this for a bit while I grab the bottle of lube and work some over my

fingers. I turn the vibe up a notch as one finger begins rubbing her back entrance,
gently pressing forward until it slips inside.

Her chanting has turned into a continuous moan, so I figure it's time to put her

out of her misery. I turn the vibe to the highest setting at the same time as I add a
second finger and use my tongue more forcefully. It doesn't take long before I'm
rewarded with her cries of pleasure and the beautiful sight of her falling apart.

I let her come down gently, kissing my way over her body to make my way back

up to her lips. She sighs into my mouth and I kiss her slowly but deeply.

"Are you going to let me take care of you now?" she mumbles against my lips.

I shake my head, dragging my lips across hers in the process. "I'm not done with

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you yet, sweetheart."

She shivers at my words and I see her arms try to move, most likely itching to

touch me. Instead of freeing her, I go back to using my mouth to worship her body,
making sure I stop at all of her favorite places; behind her ear, her navel, across her
hips and behind her knees. I even spend some time massaging her feet while
running my lips over her legs, to keep her body relaxed and sated.

With the box of pleasure now next to me, I reach inside and take out a small dildo.

No need for the large ones tonight, since I plan on pleasuring Bella with my own
version soon. Moving my mouth back up to her neck and covering her body with my
own, I run the toy through her folds, letting her get a feel for what's in store next.

"Do you want me to stop and untie you?" I ask quietly, making sure she's still

comfortable with what I'm doing.

"No," she breathes out.

A smug smile covers my face and I continue rubbing her with the toy. When she's

moaning again, I slip it inside, gently at first but building up speed and pressure. I
move myself between her parted legs, angling the dildo to ensure it hits her g-spot
on each thrust and placing my free hand flat on her pelvis.

She cries out when the thrusts become harder, and I continue the rapid pace. This

is something I've read about and always wanted to try, so I eagerly watch her face
and body for signs of her impending orgasm. I see her tensing up and her cries
become louder.

"Let it go, baby," I urge, and she does. She squirts as she screams out my name. I

kiss her lower body as she recovers from the intense orgasm.

"Holy shit," she says on a panted breath.

"That was beautiful," I tell her and then kiss her lips.

My cock is hard as steel, but I give her a few minutes to catch her breath,

knowing that my pleasure is coming soon. When she's recovered enough to kiss me
back, I quietly ask, "Are you up for one more?"

She gives me a bright smile. "Yeah."

I flip her body over and move her up so she can rest comfortably on her forearms

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and knees. "Okay?" I ask.


As soon as I roll on a condom, I position myself behind her and kiss my way down

her spine, running my hands gently over her backside. Without much teasing, I
enter her from behind and we both gasp. Her walls are still quivering around me,
and I can only hope I'll last long enough to bring her to orgasm one more time.

With slow, deep thrusts, I begin moving in and out of her, listening to her moans

of pleasure. I pick up the tiny vibe, still wet with her arousal, and gently slip it in her
back entrance. I don't think she realizes what it is until she feels both of my hands
running up and down her body. When my speed starts picking up, I turn the vibe on
and we both groan. I can feel the vibrations from inside.

"Oh, god," she mumbles, and I feel her pushing back against me, meeting each of

my thrusts.

We get faster and faster and I do my best to hold back, wanting her to cum first. I

turn the vibe up to the highest setting and feel her explode around me. Only two
thrusts later, I release with an intense orgasm, screaming her name and collapsing
over her body.

After gently removing the vibe and myself, I make quick work of the scarf and

clean everything up. When I return from the bathroom, I pull her body close to me
under the covers, massaging her arms and shoulders.

We're both quiet for some time. "You okay?" I whisper.

She looks up at me with bright eyes and a smile. "Definitely okay." She laughs. "I

really didn't think I'd be using those toys again."

"Mmm," I hum. "There's always room for toys."

"Yeah," she sighs. "But you're still my favorite."

I chuckle and pull her closer, kissing her forehead before we both drift off to


A/N: So, in case you were wondering, that's what 2,100 words of smut

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looks like. I promise there will be some plot in the next chapter. Leave a
review and let me know what you thought.

Come play on Facebook (Kitchmill Fanfic) or Twitter (at kitchmillfanfic).

Teasers will be posted on Fic Central on Wednesday night.

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Chapter 20

Chapter 20

As soon as Bella's divorce is finalized, time seems to start flying by. Spring is a

nice mix of routine and fun, where we get together with Emmett and Rose several
times. They have been inseparable since the night they met, and I couldn't be
happier for my long-time friend.

I get to know Rose better and find that she's quite the ball-buster, but a perfect

complement to Emmett's crassness. Somehow, she finds a way to keep him mostly in
line. And the most surprising detail is that he appears to enjoy it. I appreciate the
fact that neither of them even remotely care about Rose being seven years older
than Emmett.

Bella and I also spend more time with my dad and Esme, who finally warms up to

our relationship after realizing that it's not going to end any time soon. This is how
we find ourselves out to dinner with them on my birthday in June.

"How's work been?" Dad asks me once we've placed our orders.

"It's going really well," I remark. "I actually just had my annual performance

review with my boss the other day, and he said he's working on a promotion for me.
If all goes well and he can get the owner's approval, I'll move up from Assistant
Underwriter to Underwriter soon."

"That's great, Edward," Esme chimes in. "I'm sure you're pleased with that."

"Definitely." I feel Bella squeeze my hand under the table. "It'll mean more face to

face interactions with the clients, so I won't be stuck behind a desk all day."

"And, more money, too, I'm sure," Dad adds.

"I'm sure it'll come with a pay raise, but we haven't talked specifics yet. Hopefully

sometime next week."

Conversation moves on to other topics while we eat, including Bella's part-time

summer position. She'll be teaching two classes of summer school for advanced kids
whose parents want to further their education. Since her regular position became
permanent, I don't think she needs the money, but she told me she didn't want to sit

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around and feel useless during the summer.

As dinner goes on, I find my eyes drawn to my father and his wife. Like Bella and

I, they're constantly touching or sharing loving glances. I know how happy they've
been together, and I can only hope that someday, I'll have the same happiness in a
marriage—preferably with Bella.

My eyes drift over to Bella and I see a smile gracing her face. My own grin grows

as I realize that her smile is there more often than not these days. I know cutting all
ties with Jasper and having the divorce finalized lifted a weight off her shoulders,
but I can't help wondering if I have anything to do with how much she smiles now.

After dinner, Bella and I head home to finish packing. She surprised me with a

weekend getaway for my birthday, so we're heading out in the morning to a cabin on
the water. I don't know much about the place, other than I will have her all to myself
with no interruptions.

I drive while Bella directs me throughout the two hour journey to the resort. When

we arrive, I see "resort" is a loose term. Although there are some activities that you
can take part in, the place isn't much more than a collection of cabins housing the
guests and a main lodge.

Bella checks us in since she made the reservation, and the clerk tells us about

boat rentals, fishing expeditions and the like. Bella nods and thanks him politely but
doesn't sign us up for anything at the moment.

As we walk back to the car to drive to our cabin, she asks, "Would you be

disappointed if we don't do any of that stuff?"

I chuckle and put my arm around her shoulder, pulling her to a stop and turning

her to face me. "I'm happy to just spend the entire weekend with you,
uninterrupted." I wiggle my eyebrows at her and she smiles back cheekily.

"Perfect." She gives me a quick kiss before taking off toward the car.

It only takes a few minutes to find our cabin, so Bella heads to the door to unlock

it while I get our bags. I'm quite surprised when I step inside. Although small, the
cabin is well appointed. It's essentially one large room, although I see a door that is
likely a bathroom toward the back. To the left of the entrance is a fireplace, with a
cozy looking couch and two chairs surrounding it.

On our right is a kitchenette with a simple table and chairs for the eating area. In

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the back of the room against the far wall stands a king size bed, decorated with lots
of fancy pillows and a canopy. There are nightstands on either side of the bed as
well as a small wardrobe against a wall.

A large window spans the wall between the sleeping area and the sitting area,

providing a perfect view of the water. There's a small, rocky beach area at the
water's edge and I notice a couple walking by. There are also several boats out in
the distance.

"What do you think?" Bella asks once I've put down our bags.

"It's great." I pull her close and kiss her gently.

She steps back and smirks at me. "Wait, this is supposed to be the best part." She

takes my hand and drags me toward the door in the back, opening it and stepping

My eyes widen at what can only be called another room. Although technically a

bathroom, the dimensions rival the living space. There are the standard two sinks
and a toilet, but that's where the similarities to a regular hotel room end.

On one side of the room is what appears to be a large Jacuzzi tub, probably big

enough to fit six people. The back of the room houses a glass enclosed shower, but
again, it's large enough to be its own room. There are two benches inside the tiled
shower and enough nozzles to hit you from every angle.

"This is why I booked the place," Bella says.

I turn back to her still gaping. "This is fantastic! When can we get in that tub?" I'm

not really kidding. When I see her smile widen, I jump into action. "I'll get the water

"I'll go get my bathing suit," she says, and I grab her arm to stop her.

"Who said anything about bathing suits?"

"Mmm," she hums after I kiss her thoroughly. "You might be on to something.

Besides, it is your birthday."

I'm giddy as I turn and start the water, letting it reach the right temperature

before pushing down the stopper. When I face her again, I see she's put her hair in a
bun, gotten towels out and is now starting to unbutton her shirt.

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"Let me," I implore, taking over where she left off. Her hands grip my waist as I

finish with the buttons and then move my mouth to love on her neck and shoulder
once her top has slipped down a bit. She releases me long enough to let it fall to the
floor before untucking my shirt and pulling it over my head.

My hands explore her beautiful torso for a moment before grasping the clasp of

her bra and releasing it. She pulls our bodies together tightly and we kiss again,
tongues touching gently and retreating as I swallow her moans.

I turn her around and sit her on the edge of the tub so I can remove her shoes and

pants, but my mouth keeps constant contact with some part of her body. I'll never
get enough of the way her skin tastes, sweet and salty and pure Bella. She lifts her
hips to help me remove her jeans and underwear. As soon as she's free of them, she
stands and opens my jeans. I quickly kick my sneakers off, and then allow her to
remove my pants and boxer briefs. She uses flat palms to push everything down,
rubbing her hands all the way down my body in the process.

Taking her hand, I help her into the tub and then climb in behind her once I've

flipped the switch to turn on the jets. Although the tub is huge, we remain stuck
together as if we were in our own small tub back home.

"This is nice," she sighs.

"Yes, it is," I agree. I rub my hands up and down her ribs, enjoying the feel of her

wet skin under my fingers.

I also take advantage of her hair being up by placing open mouth kisses all over

her neck. She hums her appreciation and I feel her hands gripping my legs as they
surround her.

I move my hands to cup her breasts, rolling her pert nipples between my fingers

until they are stiff peaks. In response, her fingernails drag up my thighs causing my
legs to squeeze her tighter. My mouth continues its journey up and down her neck,
pausing to swirl my tongue around the spot behind her ear that drives her wild.

Eventually, one hand trails lightly down her torso while the other crosses to her

far breast, still massaging it but also holding her body to me. My fingers dip down to
her center, finding the slippery evidence of her arousal.

"Ung," she moans as I gently slide two inside. I feel her attempting to turn around,

but my arm holds her in position as I lazily thrust my fingers while my thumb rubs
her clit. Her moans grow louder as her hips begin moving against my hand. "Oh,

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Edward," she calls out softly.

I give a little bite to the crook of her neck and she bucks wildly, setting off her

orgasm. Her walls flutter around my fingers as her body shakes and she cries out
her pleasure.

"I love to watch you cum," I declare quietly once she's come back to earth.

She hums again as her body goes limp against mine. Wrapping both my arms

around her, we relax in silence for a while.

My mind wanders back to the night before, watching my father and his wife and

their affection for each other. It causes me to think about marriage … and Bella. I
have yet to broach the topic with her, but it's something I want to talk about before
we go down the road of trying to have a baby.

Of course, I know I'd be fine if she wasn't interested in marriage at all, having

been turned off of it by her first marriage. Having a child out of wedlock these days
is certainly not a big deal. I recognize that it's only been a few months since the
divorce was finalized, so even if she's not opposed to the idea, she may not be ready
for it for some time.

But, like all other things in this relationship, the key will be discussing it …


I'm not afraid to tell her where I stand; I'd marry her tomorrow if she was

interested. However, I won't know what she wants unless I ask.

"Can I ask you something?" I request, breaking the peaceful silence.

"Of course," she responds, turning slightly in my arms to face me and shifting her

body across my legs.

I'm glad for the closeness. I think it makes these types of conversations easier.

"How do you feel about marriage?"

A/N: Another serious discussion is up next!

Links to a teaser for Tuesday's chapter will be posted on Monday on

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Facebook and Twitter. Or, you can go directly to Fictionators to find the

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Chapter 21

Chapter 21

"How do you feel about marriage?"

Bella's brow furrows momentarily before she speaks. "What do you mean? How do

I feel about it in general, or how do I feel about it personally?"

"Both, I guess," I tell her with a shrug.

She chews on her lip before answering my question with a question. "What

brought this on?"

I take a deep breath and let it out. "A couple of things, I think." She moves off my

lap but doesn't go far. "Do you want to get out of the water?" I ask, realizing that
we're starting to prune.

She laughs lightly and nods. "Yeah, we probably should."

I stand up and grab a towel, handing it to her once she's standing. I dry myself off

somewhat with the other towel before stepping out of the tub to finish the job. Once
Bella gets out, she empties the tub and turns off the jets.

We leave the bathroom with our towels wrapped around our bodies, but remove

them and slip under the covers of the luxury bed together. I pull her back into my
arms as soon as we're lying down. I don't know what it is about the two of us, but
our most important conversations seem to take place in bed … many of them while
we're naked.

I start talking again, since I brought up the topic. "I guess it's just something I've

been thinking about lately, and I realized that I had no idea how you felt about it. We
haven't talked about the timing of trying to have a baby in a while, but it's definitely
been on my mind. It's been a few months since your shot wore off, and I didn't know
when you'd be ready.

"But that got me thinking about marriage. Not that we have to be married or

anything. I just want to know where you stand on it." I realize I'm close to babbling
so I decide to shut up for now.

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"Wow," Bella starts. "I didn't realize you were thinking about that."

"Well, that's why I'm bringing it up," I say, pulling her closer and kissing the top of

her head.

She sighs before speaking. "I guess to answer your original question, I'm not

opposed to marriage. I mean, yeah … I don't have the greatest opinion of the
institution right now, but I still believe in it."

"But, you're not ready to jump right back in to it," I finish for her.

A frown appears on her beautiful face. "No, I'm probably not ready to jump back

into it yet. But that doesn't mean that I won't ever be ready to trust in it again."

"Okay," I say, tightening my grip on her body. "That's all I really needed to know."

At least I know where I stand now.

She surprises me with her responding question. "How about you? How do you feel

about it?" I watch her expression for a moment as she bites her lip before
continuing. "I mean, if that's something that you want, I don't want to be holding you
back," she adds nervously.

I chuckle a little at her comment. "Bella, the only person I'd be interested in

marrying is you, but I don't need a piece of paper for us to know that we're
committed to each other."

I can feel the relief seep out of her as her shoulders sag, so I continue. "There are

plenty of happy couples out there these days … with children … who aren't married.
I don't see anything wrong with that. Don't get me wrong, I'd love to be married to
you some day, but honestly I just wanted to know how you felt about it."

She gives me a small smile. "Okay."

With a deep breath, I ask the next burning question. "So, do you know when you

want to start trying to get pregnant?"

She smirks up at me. "Anxious, are we, Mr. Cullen?"

I laugh loudly. "Not necessarily. Just curious."

Her hands begin to roam my back, scratching lightly at my skin and causing a

wonderful shiver to flow through my body. "Well, my doctor suggesting waiting until

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I've had three regular cycles, and I've only had two so far." Yes, I remember them
well since she was extremely crampy with the first one and had no interest in being
intimate during either cycle. "So, I guess we have a little more waiting to do."

"Okay." I kiss her lightly.

"Are you really okay with doing this so soon?"

"I told you that I'm committed to you, Bella. And I meant it. There's no one else

that I'd rather be with, and honestly, the thought of creating a little person that's
part you and part me … I really can't think of anything more wonderful than that."

Her eyes close and she smiles. "Yeah, that does sound pretty wonderful."

"Maybe we should get to practicing," I growl lowly as my hand roams down to her


I attack her neck with my lips and she squeals, but it turns into a moan as my

fingers reach her center. "Yeah … practice," she says breathily.

As planned, we spend most of my birthday weekend in the cabin—in bed, or in the

tub or in that fuckawesome shower. We do take a long walk along the shore and
make it to the lodge for dinner, but end up ordering breakfast in our cabin the
following morning. Most of our time is spent "practicing," because practice makes

At home, we spend many of our evenings on the balcony, enjoying dinner in the

warmth of summer. Bella cooks amazing meals for us, and even goes back to
packing leftovers for me for lunch since she has more free time. I constantly tell her
that she doesn't need to do that—although I show her plenty of appreciation for
it—but she insists that she enjoys taking care of me.

I don't argue.

One night in early July, we find ourselves curled up on the lounge chair, cuddling

and looking at the stars. My fingers are gently running through Bella's hair when
she interrupts the silence.


"Hmm?" My eyes drift down to her, finding her looking up at me instead of the


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"I know when we moved in here, we both still needed our own space," she says

softly. "But I was thinking … will you move in with me?"

My brow furrows as I contemplate her words. "We already live together and share

a bed every night," I puzzle out loud.

"I know." She sighs. "I just … I don't know … want it to be more official?" she says

as more of a question.

"Do you mean you want me to move all of my stuff into your room?" My cheeks

begin to lift at the thought.

"Yes," she says definitively. "I want you to move your stuff into our room."

My smile could light up the night. I kiss her gently and suck her lush bottom lip

into my mouth. "Consider it done," I say quietly, feeling her smile against my mouth.

Eventually, I go inside to clean up from our dinner and Bella runs off to our room.

I load the dishwasher and hand wash a few items, leaving them in the drying rack to
dry. Leftovers are stored in Bella-approved containers and the counters are wiped
down. Once I'm satisfied that everything is as it should be, I head to the bedroom to
find my girl.

"Bella?" I call out, wondering what she's been doing for the last half hour.

"In here," I hear her shout, though the sound is muffled.

I find her practically buried in a mound of clothes in her closet. The place looks

like chaos, which is completely unlike her.

"What are you doing?"

"Making some room for you," she says with a shrug of her shoulder. She's sitting

on the floor, attempting to fold some of the clothes that she's pulled off the hangers.

I chuckle at her exuberance. "Well, in that case …" I trail off, turning on my heel

and heading for what used to be my room. I head into my closet and grab the first
armful of clothes that I see, hurrying back and quickly placing the hangers in the
empty space she's made. "There. Now it's 'ours.'"

She smiles up at me and I can't resist. Plopping down next to her and the pile of

unfolded clothes, I thread my fingers through her hair and pull her face to me,

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meeting her in the middle for a searing kiss. She hums her agreement.

Before we can get too caught up, she breaks the kiss. "I wasn't sure how much

room you'd need. I was thinking I could put my winter stuff in the closet in the other

"Honestly, baby … I don't need much space. Just the fact that you asked, that you

want this, is enough for me." I smile at her and peck her lips chastely. "Now, how
about I help you clean up some of this mess?"

With a deep sigh, she says, "Yes, please."

We get to work folding the clothes and piling them up while my mind wanders

through logistics. "You know," I start. "My armoire will probably fit against the far
wall. I know it doesn't match, but this way you won't have to move too much of your
stuff for me."

Looking into the bedroom, she eyes it up. "That'll work."

"Good," I tell her, standing up with an armful of folded clothes. I plop them on top

of her dresser and walk back to where she's sitting. "Because right now, I'd like to
make love to my girlfriend instead of moving things."

Her eyes sparkle as she looks up at me. "I think that can be arranged."

We move over to the bed and fall on it, laughing and making out like horny

teenagers. Hands roam and clothes fly until we're skin to skin and tangled up
together. Lying on our sides facing each other, I kiss her passionately. Our tongues
touch and retreat, moving in synch with one another.

I pull back and admire Bella for a moment; her flawless skin, the curve of her

nose, the fullness of her lips. When her eyes flutter open and meet mine, I whisper
to her. "I love you."

The corners of her mouth turn upward, and happiness shines in her eyes. "I love

you, too. So much," she tells me.

We make love slowly, enjoying every movement, every sound and every caress. I

continue whispering words of adoration to her while our bodies are joined together.
Our combined climax sends fireworks throughout my body, piercing my soul. I know
I will love this woman forever.

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Eventually sated and happy, we climb under the covers together with our fingers

entwined. I'm about to drift off when I feel Bella pull away.

"I'm just going to the bathroom," she says quietly. "Go back to sleep."

I hum lazily, immediately missing her warmth, but drifting off into dreamland.

In my semi-conscious state, I feel her creep back into bed, resuming her earlier

position. My arms encircle her without any thought and I pull her close.

"Edward," my foggy mind hears her say quietly. I hum with my eyes still closed.

"My period just started."

Even half asleep, I register her comment. A smile takes over my face and my lips

search out hers, finding them quickly. "We're gonna make a baby," I say, still smiling
and squeezing her tighter.

A/N: *ducks for cover from stones being thrown at my head* I know many

of you want them to get married right away. Patience, please! I promise that
it will all work out, so stick with me and let me know what you thought of
the chapter.

I'll apologize in advance if I don't get to every review reply this week. You

know I love each and every one, and love replying, but this will be a busy
week for me with end of the year school activities, plus writing 2 stories and
working as a beta. I'm trying to stick to posting twice a week, which means
my review reply time may be cut down in favor of writing time.

I am also participating in the Fandom For Oklahoma cause, donating my

services as a beta. There are lots of wonderful authors who are writing for
the cause. Please check out the website and make a donation. oklahoma .
fandomcause . info/

Teasers and more on Facebook and Twitter.

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Chapter 22

Chapter 22

"We're gonna make a baby," I say, still smiling and squeezing her tighter.

The month of July keeps us busy with hikes, picnics and lazy days spent together.

We also spend a weekend helping Emmett move into Rose's townhouse. I am
amazed to see the change in my best friend, who went from serial dater to
committed relationship in the blink of an eye. But, it's easy to see that Rose has him
wrapped around her little finger. They are good for each other, and I'm happy for

It's also nice that Bella has such a close girlfriend, and that the four of us can

hang out together and have a good time.

With my promotion now fully in effect, I start saving some extra money in

preparation for whenever Bella and I are successful in our baby-making attempts.
We haven't told anyone that we're trying, figuring it will be better to not have to
hear anyone else's opinion on the subject. Obviously, we expect Esme to take issue
with this, and we hope that she'll be a lot more accepting if we just announce that
Bella's pregnant when the time comes.

Bella explains to me that she thinks Esme will be extra sensitive to the issue,

sharing something about my step-mother that I never knew. I was aware that Esme
was married before my dad, but had no idea that she had a baby—a son—who only
lived a few days. Without going into specifics, Bella tells me that there were
complications at birth for both mother and baby, leaving Esme without the ability to
carry another child.

Learning that about my step-mother is a shock to me, and I have to trust that

she'll love and cherish our baby and not resent it.

Bella doesn't want to chart her cycles or anything like that yet, preferring to just

go with the flow for now instead of stressing about it. So, we continue with our usual
activities, and there's definitely no shortage of baby-making attempts.

Unfortunately, Bella's cycle starts right on schedule at the beginning of August. I

have to admit that I was also getting excited about the prospect, but I try to be
realistic, knowing that it can take several months in the best of circumstances. I can

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see the disappointment in her eyes and do my best to comfort her.

"Are you okay?" I ask, knowing the answer but wanting her to talk to me about it.

"Yeah," she says unconvincingly. "I know it's stupid to be upset about this. I

shouldn't have even gotten my hopes up."

"Hey," I say, putting my arm around her shoulder and pulling her close while we

walk along the trail behind our apartment. "It's alright to be upset about it. We know
it's not likely to happen quickly, but that doesn't mean you're not allowed to feel
what you feel."

She sniffles while looking down at the ground. "I know."

I kiss the top of her head, which is leaning on my shoulder. "Does it help to know

that I'm upset about it, too?"

She looks up at me with wide, red eyes. "You are?"

"Of course I am." I stop walking and turn her to face me, keeping my hands on her

shoulders. "I want this, too, Bella. I'm just trying my best to not let it consume me,
and I'll continue to enjoy being with you no matter what." I shrug.

"Thank you," she says, hugging my waist and laying her head on my chest. "That

does help."

August passes in much the same fashion, with the exception that Bella has started

preparing her classroom for the new school year. She's excited that this year the
classroom will officially be hers, and is doing everything she can to make it feel like

One morning at the end of the month, I roll over in bed and find her spot cold and

empty at an ungodly hour. With my eyes half open, I look toward the bedroom door
and see the light of the TV flickering in the living room.

I throw on some underwear and stumble toward the door, intent on finding out

why she's out of bed so early. In my sleep-hazy state, I stub my toe on the door
frame and end up in a wobbly hop most of the way into the living room.

My heart breaks into a thousand pieces when I finally spot Bella curled up on the

couch with a wad of used tissues in front of her on the coffee table, the pain in my
toe immediately forgotten for the one in my chest. I make my way over to her and sit

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down, lifting her head and placing it on my lap. I run my fingers through her hair
and she turns into me, her arms winding around my waist, holding me tight. I don't
have to ask her what the problem is.

She sniffles and buries her face in my stomach while I shush her, telling her that

everything will work out and that I love her.

She finally speaks with a shaky voice. "I don't know why I keep getting my hopes

up." Her fingers dig into my back as if she doesn't want to ever let go.

"I wish there was a way I could take the pain away, Angel," I tell her quietly. "You

should have woken me up. You don't have to go through this alone."

"I know." She sniffles again. "I just feel silly for getting so worked up over it. It's

only been two months."

I pull her body up so she's cuddled on my lap. "I don't know much about female

hormones, but I'd venture to guess that they play a big part in being so emotional."

She chuckles through her sniffles, and I'm glad to see I'm at least able to make

her smile a bit. "You're probably right. I'm sure I'll be fine in a few days."

"It's okay, Bella. You're allowed to feel like this. And you definitely don't have to

hide it from me." I kiss her forehead. "How about we get back in bed and I can hold
you close in there."

She smiles up at me and nods, so I turn off the TV and carry her to our room,

where I hold onto her tightly for the rest of the morning.

September starts with Bella going back to work full time and our daily lives

continue as they had been before. My thoughts occasionally drift back to the
conversation that Bella and I had about marriage, about how she may be ready at
some point. I make a decision, determined that I will wait for her but that I will also
be ready whenever she is.

With that thought in mind, Emmett and I take a trip to Seattle one Saturday. He's

always been my wingman, so when I decide to go ring shopping, he's my obvious
choice for support.

It doesn't take long for me to second guess my decision—not my decision to marry

Bella when she's ready, but my decision to bring Emmett with me.

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"How about this one?" he asks for the thousandth time. We're only in the first

store, and he's determined that each ring is the ring.

"Em, man, I need something that's Bella's style. Not just the biggest rock I can

find," I say with a huff.

"Well, how the heck do you know what that is?"

I shake my head at him. "I don't know, but I have a feeling I'll know it when I see


We continue browsing for a bit before determining that it's time to move on to

another store. The second store is just as much a bust as the first one, and I can tell
that Emmett is getting annoyed with me.

"I guess I just don't know anything about ring shopping," he says dejectedly while

we take a break for lunch.

"I don't know anything, either," I tell him. "But, everything I look at feels like

something's missing. I don't know how to explain it, other than you'll know what I
mean when you're looking."

"Well, what do we have to compare to?" he asks as the waiter clears our plates. "I

mean, what was her ring from Jasper like? Maybe you can just go with the exact
opposite of that." We both laugh.

"I think it was a pretty big stone, so going with the opposite is a good idea. She's

so dainty. She needs something that will look right on her hand. But, I want it to
have meaning, too."

"Okay, so, on the smaller side. I can work with that." He thinks for a moment

before his next question. "What does Esme's ring look like? I'm sure your dad knew
what he was doing when he bought hers."

"Esme's ring has a lot of stones," I start, before my mind goes off in another

direction. Thoughts of my dad buying a ring lead me back to the idea of it having
meaning. I want it to mean something, not just for Bella, but for me, too.

"I see the wheels spinning, Edward. What are you thinking?"

A smile creeps up on my face. I can't believe I didn't think of this before. "I'm

thinking we're not going to find it in Seattle."

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"What?" he asks, perplexed.

"My dad gave me a lot of my mom's jewelry a few years ago. He told me he

wanted me to have it for when I had someone special to give it to, even if I saved it
for my future kids."

"What does that have to do with buying a ring for Bella?"

I shake my head at him. Sometimes he really is thick. "I'm going to give her my

mother's engagement ring."

"Oh!" he exclaims. "Do you think she'll like that?"

I can picture the ring clearly in my head. "Yeah, I think she'll love it. It's simple,

but elegant. And most importantly, it has meaning. The fact that it means something
to me will make it mean even more to her."

"Well, then that's settled. This was a complete waste of time." Leave it to Emmett

to not hold back his true feelings.

"Maybe not. There's one more store I want to go to. I still need to get a birthday

present for Bella."

Bella's birthday present is much easier to pick out, and Emmett even ends up

finding something for Rose. All in all, the trip is worthwhile.

He drops me off at home and I know I only have about a half hour before Bella

gets back. She spent the day with Rose, so I imagine as soon as Emmett walks
through the door she'll be on her way home. Not wasting any time, I go into the
closet in the spare bedroom and immediately open the fireproof safe that's on the

The safe is mostly empty, only holding the few boxes of my mother's jewelry, our

copy of the lease and our renters' insurance policy, and one box of Bella's that she
asked me to put away for her. I quickly locate the ring and open the box, finding it
more beautiful than I remembered.

It's a raised solitaire, weighing just over one carat, set in platinum with channel

set diamonds in the band. The ring doesn't have a scratch on it, but I look it over
contemplating whether I'll need to get it sized.

I grab the back of my neck, trying to figure out how I'll be able to get Bella's ring

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size without her knowing. Just as I'm about to give up and close the safe, I notice the
box that Bella put in there. I pull it out quickly, hoping I have enough time before
she gets home, and open it to find exactly what I need. Inside the box sits her
engagement and wedding rings from Jasper.

First, I hold up the two engagement rings together, eyeballing to see if there is a

difference in size. They appear to be about the same. Then, I slide her old
engagement ring onto my pinkie, making note of exactly how far I can push it down.

When I take that ring off, I slide my mother's ring on the same finger. It moves to

the exact same spot and stops.

A perfect fit. I knew this ring was meant for her.

A/N: I hope you all enjoyed the chapter! Please leave a review to let me

know what you thought of it.

I posted a pic tease of the ring on my Twitter and Facebook profiles

yesterday. Make sure you follow/friend me if you want to see stuff like that
in the future.

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Chapter 23

Chapter 23

A few days before Bella's birthday, she tells me that she doesn't want to make a

big deal out of it this year. I'm a little disappointed because I feel that the day she
was born is definitely a day to celebrate, but I promise to respect her wishes.

To keep it low key, we decide to just go out to the bar for dinner and drinks with

Emmett and Rose. We have a good time with them every time we get together, and
Bella's birthday is no different. Emmett is as boisterous as always, keeping us
entertained. I notice that Rose is wearing the necklace Em bought in Seattle.
Clearly, he couldn't wait for a special occasion to give it to her like he said he would.
But that's just Emmett.

When the night winds down, Bella and I make our way home and lounge in the

living room together. She's cuddled into my side in her usual position on the couch.

"Can I give you your birthday present now?" I ask while the TV plays some chick

flick that I'm not paying any attention to.

"I told you that you didn't have to get me anything," she says, pulling herself up to


I shrug. "I had already bought it, and I want to give it to you."

She rolls her eyes but agrees, so I run into the spare bedroom and retrieve the


"Edward," she admonishes, taking in the signature blue bag with a smirk on her


"Stop it," I say, sitting down next to her and placing the bag in her lap. "It's

something I wanted to get for you, so just quit your complaining."

With a huff, she starts digging in the bag, taking out the tissue paper and then

finding the slim, square box. She opens the box and her eyes go wide as she looks
over the charm bracelet. "Wow, it's beautiful," she says quietly.

"An apple for the teacher," I say, pointing to the first charm. "And, a book for our

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love of literature that brought us together. I figure I can always add to it later." I
don't tell her that I already have my eye on a few other charms, with hope for the

"I love it." She throws her arms around me, hugging me tight. "Thank you."

"You're welcome, and happy birthday." I kiss her head and breathe in her

delicious scent. "There's something else, but it's not really a birthday present," I tell
her nervously.

She pulls back and looks at me. "Oh?"

I rub the back of my neck, looking for the words I have thought about saying to

her for a while. Letting out a breath, I start talking, hoping what I'm about to say
won't put too much pressure on her. "It's more of a promise." I pause, trying to make
sure I get this right. "A few months ago, we talked about marriage, and I understand
that you're not ready … and that you might never be ready. I want you to know
that's okay. I honestly would be fine if we don't ever get married.

"But, I also wanted you to know that I'd be ready if you ever are. I love you so

much, Bella." I cup her cheek and look straight into her soulful eyes. "I want nothing
more than to spend my life with you, making you happy the way you make me
happy. So, instead of proposing to you, I'm telling you that I'm committed to you one
hundred percent, and if you ever say the word, I'll be down on my knee before you
can blink."

She lets out a little chuckle even though her eyes are watery. "Thank you. I don't

know how you do it, but somehow you always know exactly what I need. Thank you
for loving me and understanding me."

"Believe me, the pleasure is all mine," I state before pulling her close and kissing

her passionately.

Eventually, we make our way into the bedroom and start pulling off each others'

clothes. I take my time, worshipping her body the way she deserves with kisses and
gentle caresses for as long as I can before she tells me she wants me.

We lay on our sides facing each other and Bella throws her leg over my hip. I drag

my erection through her slick folds momentarily before positioning myself at her

With one hand on her hip and the other tangled in the back of her hair, I look deep

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into her eyes. "I love you," I tell her as I push inside slowly.

Her eyes close momentarily in pleasure. When she opens them, there are tears

gathering. I still our bodies when I'm fully buried inside of her. "Hey, no tears,

"They're happy tears," she tells me with a smile. "I never thought I'd love someone

as much as I love you, or feel this much love in return."

"Get used to it, because it's not going to stop," I promise as I start moving in and

out of her slowly.

She continues to gaze into my eyes while our bodies come together, but after a

few minutes, her hand moves from my hip to my ass. She stills me when we're
completely joined.

I look at her, trying to figure out if something is wrong, when she finally speaks.

"Marry me."

My eyes go wide, sure I misheard her.


"Marry me," she repeats simply. "You're it for me. This feels more right than

anything else ever did. I want this … I want us, forever."

My smile is so huge it feels like it could break my face. "Yes," I breathe out. And

then I kiss her.

We make love slowly, enjoying each other and savoring every moment. I feel like

I'm floating on a cloud and I never want to come off it as we lay sated in each others'

My fingers entwine with Bella's and I bring her hand up to kiss her knuckles when

I realize there's one more thing I have to do. I jump up and get out of bed, startling
Bella in the process.

"What are you doing?" she asks as I find my underwear and put it on.

"Put something on," I tell her, tossing my T-shirt at her. I don't wait for her

response before I leave the room. I'm back in a flash, having grabbed what I needed

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from its hiding spot in the linen closet.

She finishes pulling my shirt on, sitting on the edge of the bed and looking at me

with confusion as I rush back into the room. "What—" she starts, but I cut her off by
holding up my hand.

Her eyes widen as I drop to one knee in front of her.

"I told you I'd be ready whenever you were," I say quietly, taking her left hand in

my right. "Isabella Swan, I have loved you from afar for as long as I've known you.
But the last nine months have been the best of my life since you've allowed me to
love you properly. And, knowing that you love me too has made me happier than I
ever thought possible.

"I want to share my life with you, loving you every day and supporting you through

good times and bad. I want to have a family with you and grow old together. Will you
marry me?"

"Yes!" she gasps out, choking back a sob although the tears are already streaming

down her cheeks. "Yes, yes, yes!" She drops down off the side of the bed, onto the
floor in front of me and clings to me, hugging me tight.

I now know what she meant by happy tears earlier, as I feel them start to sting my

eyes. "I love you," I say just before she kisses me. "Do you want to see your ring?" I
mumble against her lips.

She laughs and pulls back to look at me. "You weren't kidding when you said you

were ready."

"No, I wasn't kidding," I say seriously but with a smile. I sit down on the floor

before we both fall over, and she follows, half on my lap.

I hold the ring box up between us and open it. She gasps when she sees the ring

inside. "Edward, it's stunning."

"Do you really like it?"

"Absolutely. It's perfect."

"It was my mother's," I tell her softly as I pull it from the box. "But I want you to

have it. Since family has always been so important to both of us, I thought maybe we
could start a tradition and pass it down to our daughter or granddaughter some

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I slide it on her left ring finger as she wipes more tears away with her right hand.

"Just when I thought I couldn't love you more …" she laughs out.

As expected, we get mixed reactions to news of our engagement. Emmett and

Rose are extremely happy for us, inviting us over the next weekend for a
celebration. We get drunk with them and have a blast while eating take-out Chinese
food. Emmett, in all his infinite wisdom, lets it be known that Rose won't have to
wait too long for her turn at engagement. She just shakes her head at him and
laughs, knowing this is just part of his personality.

On the other hand, my dad and Esme are quietly contemplative when we tell them

that we're getting married. Understandably, Esme asks Bella if she's sure that this is
what she wants. Bella emphatically replies that she's completely certain. They are
accepting and supportive, although I can still see the questions swirling around their
minds. Only time will prove to them that we are in this for the long haul, so I try not
to let it bother me.

Bella, however, seems to take her sister's reluctance a little harder. In early

October, I come home from the market on a Saturday afternoon and find her staring
at the TV with tears in her eyes.

"Everything okay, babe?" I ask nonchalantly, figuring she's watching some sappy

movie or TV show. She just nods as I move through the living room and deposit the
grocery bags in the kitchen, starting to unload them.

It's not until I have everything put away and walk back into the living room that I

realize she's not crying over the TV. Friends is on, and I know there's nothing sad
about that show.

"What's going on?" I ask as I sit next to her on the couch.

"Hmm?" She turns to look at me as if she didn't even realize I was there.

"Why are you crying?"

She sighs and drops her head onto the back of the couch. "I just got off the phone

with Esme."

"Oh," I say, immediately understanding. "What did she say?"

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"Nothing specific, but I just know she's still not thrilled. I don't know, I must just

be hormonal or something."

I pull her close and hug her. "Is your period coming?" I ask quietly, getting used to

the routine now.

She shrugs. "Probably. It's still not totally regular so it's hard to tell."

I hum my understanding. She returns my hug for a minute before sitting up


"What's today's date?" she asks with her brow furrowed.

"October seventh. Why?"

She rolls her bottom lip in her teeth for a moment before responding.

"I'm late."

A/N: A lot going on in this chapter! I hope you enjoyed it.

Don't forget that teasers and other stuff will be posted on Facebook and


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Chapter 24

Chapter 24

"I'm late."

"You're late?" I repeat dumbly.

"Yeah, I think so," Bella says, nodding at me with wide eyes. "I mean … I'm not

entirely sure since I haven't been regular, but so far my cycles haven't been longer
than thirty-two days."

"So, you're late?" I say again, apparently incapable of saying anything else.

"I don't know. Maybe it's just stress, or the excitement of our engagement."

"Bella, shit …" I look around the apartment frantically, trying to remember where

I left my car keys. I spot them on the table near the stairs—where I always leave
them—and get up to grab them.

"Where are you going?" she asks nervously.

"To get you a test!" I exclaim. "You need to take a test. What kind do I get? I don't

know the first thing about pregnancy tests."

"Edward," she says with a smile, stopping my nervous movements and babbling

before I can get out of control. "Calm down."

I nod and let out a breath. "Okay."

"I have some tests that I bought a few months ago. Let me just go check them


"Okay," I say again, back to repeating myself. I follow her through the apartment

and perch myself on the side of our bed while Bella rummages through the cabinet
under the sink in the bathroom.

"Here they are," she says triumphantly, holding up three different boxes. She

comes out of the bathroom and sits down next to me.

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"So, what do we do?"

"Well, I'm assuming I have to pee on one of them, but give me a minute to figure

out which one to use."

"Okay," I agree. My heart is pounding furiously in my chest. This could be it, the

moment we've been waiting for.

I watch as Bella scans the three boxes for a minute. "This one seems to detect

pregnancy the earliest. Since I don't know for sure if I'm late or just irregular, I
think I should start with this one."

"Okay." I really am an eloquent fucker today. She stands to go back into the

bathroom, but I pull her back before she can get too far. I kiss her quickly. "I love
you," I mumble against her lips. "No matter what."

She smiles at me. "I love you, too."

She walks back into the bathroom and shuts the door while I sit on the bed and

bite my thumb nail. Only about a minute passes before she calls out for me.

"Yeah?" I answer, jumping up and rushing to the bathroom door.

"I need a favor," she huffs. "Can you come in here?"

I open the door and find her sitting on the closed toilet lid with the contents of the

box spread out on the counter. "What's wrong?"

She laughs to herself. "My hands are shaking. I'm afraid I'll drop the damn thing

in the toilet. Can you find me a cup or something?"

"I'll be right back." I quickly run to the kitchen and start pulling open cabinets,

eventually finding a small, plastic cup that looks like it was a salad dressing take-out
container. "How's this?" I ask when I reach the bathroom again.

"That'll work."

I look at her again and realize that she's really nervous. "Do you want me to stay?"

She laughs again but looks at me with pleading eyes, nodding her head. "Is that

really weird? Do you mind staying with me?"

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I chuckle a little, too. "I don't mind as long as you don't mind me in here." We

pretty much have adopted an open-door pee policy, but we don't specifically set out
to be in the bathroom when the other person is going.

Bella gets to work and I peruse the instructions that are laid out on the counter,

still biting my nail. When she finishes doing her business, she sets the cup on the
counter and we both just look at it like it's going to do something on its own.

"What now?" I finally ask.

"The instructions say to hold it in the stream for five seconds, so I guess I should

just dip it for five seconds?" she asks more than states.

"Sounds good," I agree with a nod.

She dips the test and caps it, setting it down on a piece of toilet paper. "Three

minutes," she states.

"Okay. So, what should we be looking for in three minutes?" I ask, looking over

the instructions again.

"Two pink lines means pregnant and one line means not pregnant," she rattles off

as she starts to wash her hands.

Out of the corner of my eye, I can see the test although I'm trying to ignore it. I

totally fail, and instead watch as the window appears to get saturated, like the liquid
is soaking up through the stick. I gulp as the liquid continues to move and one line
appears in the area that's already wet. About ten seconds later, the liquid has
completed its journey through the window.

"Bella," I choke out, my voice cracking. "You mean two pink lines, like this?" I

point to the stick, where two thick lines show prominently, looking like an equal

She turns around still holding the towel she was using to dry her hands and gasps.

Her eyes widen and her mouth drops open.

"Breathe, baby," I say quietly, putting my hands on her shoulders.

All the air rushes out of her. "We're having a baby!"

I pick her up and swing her around, as much as the small space will allow. "We're

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having a baby," I mumble into her neck, feeling a stinging in my eyes. "Fuck! I love
you … so much!"

"I love you too, Edward." I can hear the tears in her voice, but at least I know this

time, we're both crying happy tears.

I finally put her down and start kissing her, so excited about this development that

it takes my mind a minute to register when she pulls away from me.

"What's the matter?"

"What if the test is wrong?" she asks with worry in her eyes.

"Can they be wrong?" I'm confused.

"I don't know," she says, shrugging her shoulders. "But what if it is? I don't want

to get my hopes up and then go to the doctor and find out that we were wrong."

She's biting her lip, looking like she's ready to cry sad tears again.

"Wait! You have two more tests," I conclude. "And a cup full of pee! We can take

the other tests and see if we get the same result."

Her eyes brighten. "You're a genius!"

"Eh, not really." I shrug. I'd just do anything to comfort her right about now. Plus,

I really want to know and now she has me doubting the damn pee-stick.

"Okay," she says, ripping into box number two. "This one says 'hold for ten

seconds and results should appear within four minutes.' Here, you dip it."

I take the stick from her and dip it into the cup, counting to ten in my head. Bella

rips off a piece of toilet paper to set it on, and I place it on the counter.

"All right, what are we looking for on this one?" I ask.

"Um …" She looks back to the instructions again. "A plus sign for positive and a

minus sign for negative. Makes sense." She shrugs. "Oh, but it'll be blue on this

"Geez, why can't they all just be the same?"

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"I have no idea," she sighs. "Guess they just like to keep us on our toes, because

waiting for a pregnancy test isn't nerve wracking enough."

Bella's still looking at the instructions when I glance back at the newest test stick.

I'm not patient enough to wait the full four minutes before checking it out. Heck, it
probably hasn't even been two minutes yet.

A smile creeps onto my face. "Okay, that's two out of two," I say, waving my hand

in the direction of the blue plus sign that has already appeared. "Should we go for
the trifecta?"

She laughs. "We may as well!" She rips into the last box and pulls out the

contents. "This one couldn't be any easier. 'Hold for five seconds and results will
appear digitally within three minutes,'" she reads off.

"Would you like to do the honor?" I ask, moving out of the way so she can reach

the cup.

"Sure." She steps over and dips the stick, placing it on the toilet paper next to the

last one. Reading from the instructions again she says, "It'll either say 'pregnant' or
'not pregnant' and beep when it's done."

The words are barely out of her mouth before a beep sounds.

"You look," I tell her, nudging her in the shoulder.

She turns to face the now crowded counter and lets out a breath. "Three out of


I look over her shoulder to see "pregnant" clearly displayed on the digital screen.

"I think that's what they call 'irrefutable evidence,'" I tell her.

"Yeah," she says, smiling widely. "I can't argue with three tests."

"We're gonna have a baby," I say quietly, pulling her close and hugging her tight.

Her arms wrap around me and squeeze as she lets out a sob. I hold her a little

tighter and kiss her head. "Happy tears, I promise," she says through the sobs.

"I know, Angel. Mine are, too."

Once we've finished celebrating the news, we talk about what comes next. The

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first thing we decide is that we're not going to tell anyone for a while. Bella's
worried about complications because of her age, although I assure her she's
perfectly healthy and takes good care of herself so she shouldn't worry. Regardless,
she plans to call her doctor first thing Monday morning.

"You'll let me know when your appointment is," I make her promise. "I want to go

with you."

She agrees and snuggles into my side on the couch.

Out of nowhere, she says, "We should get married soon."

I sit up and look at her, confusion clear on my face. "How soon?"

"I don't know … a few weeks? It shouldn't take long to plan." She sits up more and


"You don't want a big wedding?" I ask.

"No. Do you?" Before I can answer, she's already apologizing. "Oh, gosh! I didn't

even think that you might want something big. I'm so sorry, Edward!"

I cut her off with my hand over her mouth, laughing. "I don't want a big wedding,

Bella. I thought you would want a big wedding," I say, removing my hand. "I'm a
guy. As long as you show up, I'm happy."

She laughs and hugs me, sighing in relief. "I'm glad to hear that. I've done the big

wedding, and frankly, it wasn't worth it. I was thinking that all we really need is our
family and closest friends."

"That works for me. It can just be a family affair."

A/N: This is one of my favorite chapters so far. I hope you enjoyed reading

it as much as I enjoyed writing it!

Teasers and more on Facebook and Twitter. Links in my profile.

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Chapter 25

Chapter 25

Bella and I easily agree that a no-frills wedding suits both of us. Neither of us has

much extended family that we would invite, so an intimate ceremony followed by a
nice dinner is what we decide on.

The guest list is simple: Esme, my dad, Emmett and Rosalie.

Breaking out a calendar, we decide on Friday, November eighth for our wedding,

which is only four weeks away. Instead of a traditional honeymoon—mostly because
Bella's pregnant and won't be able to enjoy any drinking on a true vacation—we plan
to find a nice hotel to spend the long weekend at. The following Monday is Veteran's
Day, so we won't even miss any work.

My father's close friend, Benjamin, is a County Judge, and I plan to ask him to

perform the ceremony for us. There are some nice restaurants in Port Angeles that
we'll check out in the coming weeks. We hope to find a place that has a private room
where we can hold the ceremony first and then have dinner.

No bridesmaids or ushers, DJ's or caterers to worry about. Just the love of my life

and our closest friends and family.

On Monday morning, Bella texts me as soon as she gets off the phone with her


"First appt. Thurs 3:00 – xB"

"I'll be there. Can you take off earlier? – xE" I quickly respond.

"Probably, why?"

"Courthouse is only open until 4:30, but we can get marriage license before appt."

Yeah, I already looked into it.

"Works for me!"

"Can also check out restaurants after if you want."

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"For a groom, you're really on top of things."

"I love you and can't wait to marry you. *shrug*"

"I love you, too."

Thursday arrives quicker than I expected, and we leave for Port Angeles around

one o'clock. It takes about ten minutes and fifty-eight dollars to be legally ready to
get married. If it weren't for the three day waiting period, I might have asked if a
judge was available right then.

We stop at a coffee shop for a snack before Bella's appointment. I can tell she's

nervous, so I do my best to soothe her.

"Don't worry, baby. It's just a check-up and I'm sure everything will be fine."

"I know. I just can't help the nerves."

I hug her close as we sit on a couch together. Kissing the top of her head, I try to

take her mind off of the appointment. "Any idea what restaurants you want to check
out later?"

Talking about the wedding does seem to help her relax a little, and before I know

it, we're heading to the doctor's office.

Bella checks in and we both take seats in the waiting room. There are a few other

women waiting, but since the office has multiple doctors, I hope we won't be waiting
too long. She flips through a magazine while I handle some work emails from my

"Isabella Swan?" a nurse calls about ten minutes later.

Bella closes the magazine and throws it on the table with a little more force than

necessary. I grab her hand to help her calm down as we follow the nurse into the

The nurse introduces herself to us as Siobhan, weighs Bella and then asks her to

pee in a cup. She explains that this will be the standard procedure for every
appointment for the duration of her pregnancy.

After that is taken care of, we're led into an examination room and Siobhan takes

Bella's blood pressure. She requests that Bella undress from the waist down,

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explaining that Dr. Newton will perform an ultrasound to date the pregnancy.

The nurse leaves while Bella undresses and places the sheet over her lap on the

table. I sit next to her, holding her hand for support—hers and mine.

A few minutes later, the nurse returns with a man who introduces himself to me

as Dr. Michael Newton. He gets right down to business once pleasantries are over.

"Okay, Bella, first things first. Your urine test did confirm that you're pregnant, so

that's definitely good news."

Bella smiles and laughs lightly. "I took three tests on Saturday and they all turned

positive quickly, so we were pretty sure of that fact."

He nods. "Like we discussed before, we'll follow you a little closer than other

pregnant women just because of your age. I don't mean to alarm you, because
there's nothing in your health history to indicate any problems, but it's standard
procedure once a woman turns thirty-five. Frankly, it's a fairly arbitrary number,
however I feel that it's better safe than sorry."

Bella and I both nod, accepting his explanation before he continues.

"There are a few extra tests that we'll run, and you'll likely have more ultrasounds

than most women, starting with today. Since you said your cycles weren't exactly
regular yet, today's ultrasound will help us date the pregnancy and allow us to
follow the fetus' growth."

The first thing he does is draw some blood, telling us that he will check hormone

levels to make sure everything is in line. The nurse takes the vials once he's finished
and leaves the room momentarily.

He then turns to the ultrasound machine and presses a few buttons before putting

a condom-like guard on something that strangely resembles a dildo. After loading
the wand up with clear gel, he inserts it inside of Bella.

A few more clicks of the keyboard and the room fills with a strange sound. It's

kind of like a fast whoosh of water or something. Dr. Newton turns a monitor toward
us and Bella's grip on my hand tightens.

"This, right here," he says, pointing to a blob with something flashing in the

center. "Is your baby." I feel my own hand tightening around Bella's. "The flickering
is its heart beating, and the sound you hear is the heartbeat."

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I am utterly amazed, and I can feel the tears stinging my eyes. Bella smiles at me

with her own tear-filled look. Leaning over, I kiss her quickly. "That's our baby," I
mumble against her lips. She nods and smiles harder.

I hear Dr. Newton clicking away on the keyboard. "I'm just taking some

measurements but we'll be done in a minute."

My eyes stay glued to the screen for as long as our baby appears on it. When the

doctor finishes, he hands me some pictures of the baby, and I continue to stare at
them while Bella sits up on the table.

"Okay, Bella. Based on the measurements, you are currently six weeks, two days

pregnant, which actually tracks perfectly with the date of your last period. Your due
date is June sixth, and I would venture to guess that you conceived somewhere
around September thirteenth."

My ears perk up at this news. I look over at Bella and her smile is now as wide as

mine. Yeah, we both realize that we conceived this child on her birthday, the night
we got engaged. If that's not meant to be, then I don't know what is.

The doctor goes over some additional information about foods to avoid, what Bella

can and can't do and gives her a prescription for prenatal vitamins. Once she's
dressed, we make our way to the front desk and schedule our next appointment for
four weeks from now.

Yes, I plan to be at every appointment I can with her.

We head out onto the streets of Port Angeles, thankful that the night is clear and

not raining even though it's slightly chilly. The October air is actually refreshing
after an emotional hour spent in the doctor's office.

We walk to the first restaurant because it's only a few blocks from where we're

parked. Unfortunately, a quick conversation with the hostess has us backtracking to
the car. They don't have any private rooms, so it's a no-go.

The drive to the second restaurant is only minutes long. I know I've been here

before, but it's been a long time so I take in the atmosphere as we step out of the
car. Even from the outside, the place appears intimate and fancy, with candles
glowing in the windows of the stone structure.

Inside proves to be a direct extension of the outside. There are soft candles

burning on every table, dark colors creating a serene atmosphere and multiple stone

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fireplaces throughout the large room.

A hostess dressed classically in a white blouse and long black skirt greets us. Bella

softly explains what we're looking for, and with a smile, the hostess offers to have a
manager show us their private rooms.

Minutes later, we are greeted by a gentleman who introduces himself as Franck,

complete with an accent and mannerisms that remind me of Martin Short's
character from Father of the Bride.

"Let me show you our private dining rooms and then you dine with us tonight,

yes?" he states or asks, I'm not quite sure which.

We agree and follow him to the left of the hostess stand and through a door that

leads into a hallway. Franck opens another door and we enter a private room. It's
nice, but not what we're looking for.

Bella must be on the same wavelength as she speaks up. "This is beautiful, but I

think it's a little too large for us. We're actually only planning to have six people,
including us, so we were hoping for something a little more intimate."

"Ah," Franck says with a nod. "We have perfect room for you!" He claps his hands,

bouncing in place before leading the way further down the hall.

As soon as he turns on the soft lighting in the small room, I know that we've found

the right place. We step inside and see a few tables set for two spread throughout
the room, but I can easily see them pushed together on one side of the room to
accommodate our group. Sconces that look like real candles are spread at even
intervals along the walls, casting a subtle glow on the space. At the far end of the
room stands another fireplace with a stone hearth, a perfect backdrop for us to
exchange our vows.

Bella stands in the middle of the room and spins around slowly with a smile on her

face. When her eyes meet mine, I am sure that we agree. My own smile mirrors hers
and I nod.

"It's perfect," my future wife exclaims.

"You have dinner here now, on house," Franck demands. "I go get server while

you relax." He departs the room rapidly, clearly on a mission.

I walk over to Bella and wrap her in my arms. "I can't wait to marry you here," I

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tell her in a whisper. Dropping down to my knees, I lift her shirt slightly and place a
kiss on her still flat belly, which is something I've taken to doing frequently since
those positive pregnancy tests on Saturday. "Your mommy and I are going to make
us a family soon," I say to our child. "I love you … and your mommy."

I drop her shirt and hug her waist with a sigh, turning my head to the side and

resting it against the baby growing inside of her—the baby made from our love.

A/N: I think my ovaries just exploded.

I can't say it enough, but your awesome reviews mean the world to me. I

love every one of them. Fanfiction was a fail over the weekend, so if I didn't
respond to your review, it's because it didn't go through. Hopefully we won't
have that problem again!

I'm participating in Fandom for Oklahoma as a beta. Please check it out.

There are a ton of awesome authors writing for FFO. oklahoma dot
fandomcause dot info

Don't forget, teasers and more on Facebook and Twitter!

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Chapter 26

Chapter 26

After securing the venue for our wedding and enjoying their delicious food, Bella

and I make one last stop for the evening. We walk into a jewelry store, hoping to
find wedding bands.

We browse for a few minutes before a saleswoman approaches, offering to show

us whatever we're interested in.

"Do you see anything you like, baby?" I ask Bella.

She wrinkles her nose a bit. "I'm not sure."

The saleswoman, Judy takes one look at Bella's engagement ring and pulls out

some wedding bands with matching channel set diamonds. Bella is quick to shake
her head at those. "I'd actually rather have something that matches what you get,"
she says to me.

After huffing under her breath at not making a sale on diamonds, Judy replaces

the first tray with another that has men's and women's versions of the same rings.
Bella and I both look them over, and I honestly can say that nothing jumps out at
me. I don't currently wear any jewelry, so I don't really have a preference, other
than something to symbolize our love and union.

"What's this say?" Bella asks Judy, pointing to a ring that has some Hebrew

lettering on it.

"Oh, that's actually one of my favorites," Judy tells us. "In Hebrew, it says 'Ani

L'Dodi V'Dodi Li' which means 'I am my beloved's and my beloved is mine.'"

I watch Bella's face light up. "I love it." She turns to me asking, "What do you


"I think the sentiment is absolutely perfect." I put my arms around her from

behind and lean my chin on her shoulder to look closer at the rings. They are thick
bands that appear to be white gold, with a thin strip on the top and bottom and the
raised Hebrew lettering in the middle. "What would you do about your engagement
ring?" I ask her. "I don't think you can fit both on one finger."

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"I can just wear it on my right hand," she says, shrugging.

Judy hands a ring to each of us to try on and Bella moves her engagement ring to

her right hand. I slip the ring on my finger. "Hmm, that doesn't feel as weird as I
expected," I muse. "I thought it would feel heavy and uncomfortable."

"Wow," Bella marvels at the same thing as she admires the women's version on

her finger.

"Now, these actual rings can't be sized because of the lettering, but we make our

own jewelry here so we'd just make them for you in the right size. That also means
we can make them from whatever metal you choose."

"What do you think?" Bella asks, turning to me.

"I love it," I say confidently.

Judy sizes us both and we order the rings in white gold. She tells us that they

shouldn't take more than a few days, but she'll call us when they're ready.

We drive home that night with a marriage license, a place to get married, wedding

bands ordered and our first photo of our baby. All in all, I'd say it's been a good day.

Bella had been exhausted for about a week before we found out she was pregnant,

and it's hitting her even harder now. A few days after her appointment with Dr.
Newton, the morning sickness kicks in.

Actually, Bella will tell you that the term "morning sickness" is a misnomer. For

her, it happens all day.

We're sitting on the couch watching a movie and I literally watch the color drain

from her face before she bolts for the bathroom. I hear the toilet flush and then her
brushing her teeth. She comes back and snuggles up with me as if nothing

"I wish there was something I could do, babe," I tell her sympathetically while

rubbing her back. She shrugs and waves me off.

"Would it be weird if I said I didn't mind it?" she asks.

"Um, yeah," I say with a chuckle. "Why don't you mind it?"

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With another shrug she tells me, "I guess I just feel like the pregnancy symptoms

are proof that there's something going on in there." She puts her hand over her
abdomen. "Without it, I'd probably be worried that something was wrong."

"I can understand that." I pull her closer and kiss her temple, resting my hand on

top of hers on her stomach.

"Maybe you can just take my mind off of it for a little while." She has a sly smirk

on her face.

"Oh, really?" I ask, pushing her back and hovering over her. "And what exactly did

you have in mind?"

"A little of this," she says, pulling on my shirt until our lips meet.

"Mmm," I hum. "I think that can be arranged." With that, I kiss her deeply and

drop my weight onto her body. She welcomes me with her tongue exploring my
mouth and her hands roaming my body.

I work my way down her neck, licking, kissing and sucking just the way she likes.

Her moans of appreciation spur me on. I whip her shirt off and toss it on the floor
while my mouth descends to the valley between her breasts, humming as I gently
squeeze her slightly larger mounds in each hand.

Bella's fingers tangle in my hair, scraping her nails along my scalp and pulling

softly, and turning me on even more. I continue making my way down her body. My
hands glide over her ribs and settle on her waist momentarily before I move them to
the button of her jeans.

Just as I'm about to pop the button open, Bella stiffens and yells out, "Get up!"

I sit back on my haunches, completely startled and worried that I've hurt her. But,

one look at her face lets me know it's nothing I've done. She runs back into the
bathroom and throws up again.

She looks at me sheepishly when she returns. "Sorry," she says, hanging her head.

"Maybe that wasn't such a good idea right now anyway," I placate. "How about we

try to get some food in you?"


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"What do you want? I'll go get it."

Bella decides to just have some crackers and ginger ale, not wanting to risk a

heavier meal on her delicate tummy. I bring it back from the kitchen and sit on the
couch next to her while she nibbles.

Figuring I may as well make myself useful, I pick up one of the books from the

coffee table and begin to find out what we should expect when we're expecting.
Using the index, I try to find some tips on morning sickness that Bella hasn't tried
yet, but there doesn't seem to be anything earth shattering in that book.

I plop it back down and pick up another book, which has something to do with

girlfriendly advice. Skimming through that one, I actually find something useful.

"Hey, Bella. Did you read this part about constant eating?"

"Hmm?" she asks, looking up from the book that was in her lap. "I haven't gotten

to that book yet. What does it say?"

"It says that keeping something constantly in your stomach helps to keep the

nausea down. Seems counterproductive to me, but if the 'girlfriends' say it …" I say
with a shrug and finger quotes on "girlfriends."

"I am feeling a little better right now, so maybe there's something to it." She puts

the box of Wheat Thins on the table and leans back on the couch with her book.

Dropping my book, I lean over and rest my head in her lap. I lift her shirt and pop

the button on her jeans, followed by the zipper. My fingers run lightly over her skin
as I start talking. "Listen, little one. Mommy and Daddy love you, but I need you to
take it easy on Mommy. She's giving you a nice, comfy home for the next several
months, so maybe you could be good to her and let her keep some food down."

I feel Bella's fingers run through my hair and I look up at her. She's looking at me

with a smile on her face.

"Well, if the crackers don't help, Daddy's little chat certainly will," she says before

leaning down to kiss me softly.

"I just wanna make sure you're both okay." I shrug and sit up, resuming my

perusal of The Girlfriends' Guide to Pregnancy.

It's not that I don't think Bella will read the book on her own, but I have this

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overwhelming need to do whatever I can to help her. I love her and the baby more
than anything else in this world, and I want to do everything I can to protect them.

In the end, I do find a few important pieces of information to help her. For one

thing, I read that the pinching and pulling that she's been feeling are normal parts
of the expansion of her uterus as well as the embryo burrowing in and making itself
comfortable. I also find out that her sex drive is likely to increase in the second
trimester. Not that our sex life is lacking anything at the moment—puking
interruptions aside—but I'm a guy, so I look forward to any increase in her libido.

Turns out that the tip about keeping something in her stomach helps, and over the

next few weeks Bella takes to carrying around a bag of Wheat Thins everywhere she

As we get closer to the wedding, more and more things start falling into place.

Bella has a successful shopping trip with Rose and manages to find a dress for our
big day. I get in touch with Benjamin, who readily agrees to perform the ceremony
for us. Our rings are finished and I pick them up, so excited about the prospect that
I want to wear mine already. Bella insists that I wait until it's official, and I
reluctantly agree.

We both attend her second appointment a few days before the wedding and we

are blessed with hearing the baby's heartbeat through a Doppler. Dr. Newton
assures us that everything looks good and that Bella's growth is on track.

To the outside world, she's not showing yet, but I am easily able to see the

changes in her body when she's undressed. Her breasts are definitely fuller—a fact
that has caused her to buy bras in the next size—and there is a little, bitty bump on
her lower abdomen. When I put my hand on it, I can feel the firmness.

She's taken to wearing her looser clothing, saying that her normal pants feel very

constrictive. Since she's always been very thin, it's easy to understand why this little
bit would be noticeable to her. I kiss the area and talk to our baby every chance I
get, loving how I now have something physical to put my hands on.

The day of the wedding arrives and I am a bundle of excitement. Even though it

wasn't necessary, I end up taking the day off from work, knowing there is no way I'd
be productive. But that leaves me with an empty apartment and nothing to do while
Bella is busy getting ready with Rose and Esme.

In my head, I rehearse my vows repeatedly, making sure I won't mess up what I

want to say to Bella. I gather the rings, marriage license, camera and other

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necessities to make sure I don't forget anything, loading it all in the car so it's ready
to go.

The day passes slowly, but eventually it's time for me to get dressed. I put on my

freshly pressed black suit, crisp white shirt, black tie and a pair of silver cuff links
that Bella bought me for the occasion. Once I'm ready to go, I send a text to Emmett
to let him know I'm on my way to pick him up. I don't care that it's early. I just want
to get there.

I pull up in front of his house and honk, knowing I'm not allowed to go in. Rose

will be driving Bella to the restaurant when the ladies are ready.

My heart speeds up when the door opens, hoping that I'll get a glimpse of Bella,

but I have no such luck. Emmett swiftly walks out of the door and closes it behind
him, hopping in the car with a big smile.

"Have you seen her?" I ask in lieu of a greeting.

"Yep," he says, smiling like the cat that ate the canary.


"Well what? You'll see her soon enough. You ready for this?"

"More than I ever thought possible."

A/N: We have a wedding to go to next! I hope you're ready!

Some of those pregnancy tidbits were taken from real life. I should own

stock in Wheat Thins for how many I ate throughout two pregnancies. And,
The Girlfriends' Guide
is really the best book out there.

Teasers and more on Facebook and Twitter. I posted a picture of the

wedding rings, and Bella's dress will be posted sometime before the next
chapter goes up.

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Chapter 27

Chapter 27

Emmett and I arrive at the restaurant early and find Franck waiting at the hostess

stand. He starts talking to me a mile a minute and I hear Emmett snickering under
his breath at Franck's accent and mannerisms.

"Room all ready for you. I know you will love. Come see, come see!" Franck claps

and starts walking.

I don't care about the guy's strange ways. He knows what he's doing and that's all

that matters. Emmett and I follow him down the hall to the room where I will be
getting married shortly.

When we step inside, I feel like we fall into a fairy tale. Since it's November, there

is a fire that wasn't there last time crackling in the fireplace. Above the fireplace
and hanging down the sides are beautiful white and purple flowers mixed with
vibrant greenery, creating the feel of an altar instead of just a hearth.

The sconces on the walls are lit at a low level and a table set for six sits on the

near side of the door. The same flowers that adorn the fireplace form a centerpiece
on the table, with petals scattered throughout.

There are no chairs by the fireplace, which is exactly how we requested it to be.

With only four guests and a short ceremony, we decided our guests could stand with
us. This way, it will also be like they are standing for us since we don't have any
bridesmaids or groomsmen.

"It's perfect, Franck. Thank you," I tell him sincerely. "Exactly what we wanted."

"I just knew you love," he responds, clearly happy that I'm happy. "I send in your

server. You need drink!"

With that, he disappears.

"Wow, this place is great," Emmett tells me. "I don't know what I was expecting,

but this wasn't it! You guys did a great job."

"It was all Franck," I inform him. "We just picked the room and told him what we

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were looking for."

A server steps into the room through a panel in the wall that you wouldn't know

was there unless you were looking for it. It leads directly to the kitchen, and keeps
the traffic flow as unobtrusive as possible.

"Good evening, Mr. Cullen," Sally greets. She was our server when we ate here

last time. "Welcome back to the Olympic Ristorante. We have your selection of
champagne for dinner chilling, but can I get you a drink to start with?"

I order a scotch on the rocks to help relax me a bit and Emmett does the same.

Benjamin arrives while we're waiting for our drinks, dressed in a suit, and greets

me with a friendly hug.

"Thanks so much for doing this, Benjamin. We really appreciate it." No matter how

many times I offer to pay him, he insists that it's not necessary and he's happy to do
this for us.

"I'm glad I could be here, Edward." He orders a drink when the waitress returns

with Emmett's and mine, and we make small talk while we wait for everyone else to
arrive. "You've got the marriage license and the rings, right?" he asks.

"Absolutely," I tell him. I pat my pocket that holds the rings before showing him

the marriage license that's sitting on the table.

"Well then, we just need a bride and we'll be ready to go."

I smile when I think of my bride arriving.

The time passes quickly while we chat, and before I know it, Franck is escorting

my father and Esme into the room.

Dad greets me with an extra long hug. "I'm really happy for you, Edward," he says

quietly. "Even if I haven't always shown it, I can see you and Bella are happy
together and that's all I want for you."

"Thanks, Dad. We are happy, and I know that she's it for me." The perma-grin on

my face is testament to that.

"Well," he says, announcing to the room. "I'm pretty sure I saw Rose pulling up

when we were walking in, so I think it's time to get this show on the road."

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The butterflies in my stomach take flight, knowing Bella is moments away from

walking through the door. There are no nerves or cold feet to be found—just pure
excitement. I can't wait to be married to her.

Rose joins us, greeting me with a hug and Emmett with a kiss. I hear him tell her

how beautiful she looks, and once again, I'm struck by how much my best friend has

We quickly take places in front of the fireplace and Franck comes in to cue up

some music. The door is closed, but I stare at it, willing it to open so I can see my
bride. My hands are clasped in front of me as I try to prevent myself from fidgeting,
while my heart is beating so rapidly I can hear it in my head.

Finally, the door opens, and all the air escapes my lungs when I catch my first

view of Bella. She steps into the room with a wide smile matching my own. I don't
know what I expected, but as usual, her beauty surpasses everything I ever dreamed

She is a vision in a long, simple white dress that gathers under her bust and flows

like a dream down to the floor. Her hair is swept up off of her face with curls flowing
down her back, and her radiance shines from every inch of her. She carries a small
bouquet of flowers in her hand that match the ones in the room.

I nearly have to hold myself back from running across the room to her. She

approaches slowly, and finally, finally I am able to reach out and take her hand.

"You're perfect," I tell her quietly.

Her eyes on mine are already glassy when she mouths "I love you" to me and I

return it in a whisper.

Benjamin starts the ceremony, though I don't hear much of what he says. It feels

as if Bella and I are the only two in the room, and I can't take my eyes off of her.

I do hear him ask me to recite my vows. I have to clear my throat of the lump that

has formed there before I can begin.

Still holding Bella's hand, I give it a small squeeze and take a deep breath. "Bella,

having known you for the last seven years has been a privilege that I will never take
for granted. When you walked back into my life eleven months ago, I thought the
fates were conspiring against me, taunting me with something I could never have.

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"As it turns out, fate did play a role in bringing you back into my life, but as a

blessing, not a curse. We were destined to be together, in this time, in this place. We
were exactly what one another needed, at exactly the time we needed someone.

"Your smile lights up my life, just as your intellect lights up my mind. Every day, I

promise to love you more than the last. I will cherish you each day for eternity. I
promise to be with you through joy and sorrow, and to share my life with you as my
best friend, my partner and my lover."

A tear escapes Bella's eye as she listens to my words, but she doesn't bother to

wipe it away.

Benjamin turns to her, asking for her vows.

She smiles at me before beginning. "Edward, you have been a steadfast and true

friend through good times and bad, always knowing how to support me when I didn't
even know what I needed. As our friendship blossomed into something more, you
changed my life for the better, bringing me joy and laughter. Every day with you is
better than the last, and I look forward to the years ahead of us.

"I promise to be by your side through good times and bad, to love you and to be

your partner and lover for all the days of my life. I am yours, in body, mind and

My joy at her words is so intense, I feel like it is rolling off my body in waves.

Benjamin asks me for the rings, and I reach into my pocket and hand them to him,

listening carefully to his next words. "Wedding rings are an outward and visible
symbol of an inward bond that unites two loyal hearts in endless love, sealing the
vows that Edward and Isabella have made to each other. Their unbroken circle
symbolizes never ending love when it is freely given. May these rings always remind
you of the vows you have given to each other.

"Edward, place the ring on Isabella's finger and repeat after me."

With a shaky hand, I place the ring on Bella's finger and recite the words

Benjamin has spoken. "I, Edward, give you, Isabella, this ring as a sign of my love
and devotion for as long as we both shall live. I am my beloved's and my beloved is

Benjamin turns to Bella and recites the same words.

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Her tears are flowing freely as she places the ring on my finger. "I, Isabella, give

you, Edward, this ring as a sign of my love and devotion for as long as we both shall
live. I am my beloved's and my beloved is mine."

I squeeze her hand once more as I feel my own tears threatening to overflow.

Benjamin continues, "By the power vested in me by the State of Washington, I now

pronounce you husband and wife. Edward, you may kiss your bride."

Relief washes over me as I realize that we are now officially united. I pull her

close and dip down to kiss her deeply. She returns my kiss tenfold as our friends and
family cheer for us. Both of us are smiling as I pull back to look at her.

"I love you, Mrs. Cullen."

Her smile is blinding as she returns my words. "I love you, Mr. Cullen."

We turn and accept congratulations from our guests with hugs and kisses all

around. When I reach Esme, I see tears in her eyes. "You take care of her," she tells
me quietly as she hugs me tightly.

"I promise, Esme. And thank you for supporting us."

"I love you, Edward. Just as much as I love her."

"I love you, too." I'm not sure my stepmother and I have ever exchanged those

words before, but I mean them with all my heart.

We eventually sit down at the table once Benjamin quietly takes his leave. The

champagne glasses have been filled, and Emmett lifts his in toast.

"Edward, Bella, your love for each other sets an example for the rest of us to

follow. I wish you all the happiness in the world as you embark on this next journey
together. To the happy couple!"

We all raise our glasses—Bella's filled with sparkling cider—and tap them

together before taking a sip.

I turn to Bella and kiss her again. "Now?" I ask quietly. She nods and smiles, so I

stand up with my glass raised again, taking Bella's hand as she sits next to me.

"First of all, I want to thank everyone for being here and supporting us. Your love

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means the world to us, and we're stronger for having you in our lives." I look at the
smiling faces around the table. "Emmett's words have more meaning than he
realizes, as our next journey will include more than just our union as husband and
wife. It seems that we have been blessed with not only finding love and happiness in
each other, but we are also blessed to be expecting our first child."

I see eyes go wide but smiles abound as everyone once again offers their

congratulations. I look to Esme and find a watery smile as she gets up and makes
her way around the table to hug Bella. By the time she reaches me, her tears are

I'm nervous for her reaction, but she surprises me with another intense hug. "I'm

so happy for you both. I will love this child with everything that I have."

"Thank you, Esme. That means the world to both of us."

A/N: I wish we could have gotten to the honeymoon, but I had to cut things

somewhere! I hope you enjoyed their wedding just as much as I enjoyed
writing it. A picture of Bella's dress can be found on my Facebook profile,
'cause, you know, Edward's a guy and can't explain dresses for crap.

Just so you know, we're nearing the end of this journey. There are three

more chapters plus an epilogue, and then this story will be complete.

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Chapter 28

Chapter 28

After enjoying a wonderful celebratory dinner with our guests, Bella and I

anxiously get into my car where our bags are already waiting. We hit the road and
head toward Seattle, where I have booked a suite at Hotel 1000 for our honeymoon.

I continually look at Bella as I drive, completely amazed that this woman is now

my wife—and carrying my child.

A year ago, I was living a mediocre existence in a small town with slim

relationship pickings and no possibility of connecting with the love of my life. Yet,
she walked back into my life and turned everything upside down in no time at all.

She smiles a shyly as I glance at her once again. "I'm so happy, Edward," she says


My cheeks lift in a grin, because once again, we're completely on the same

wavelength. "You took the words right out of my mouth." I lift our entwined hands
and kiss hers gently.

Within two and a half hours, we are checked in and have reached our suite. I tip

the bellhop and allow him to take our luggage into the room, but ask Bella to wait
outside for a moment.

As soon as the bellhop leaves, I sweep her off her feet and carry her into our

room. She laughs, but goes along with me, placing her arms around my neck and
laying her head on my shoulder.

I skip right over the foyer and sitting room, taking her immediately into the

bedroom and setting her on her feet without letting go of her body. "You are so
beautiful," I tell her quietly before my lips meet hers.

Our kiss heats up as she opens her mouth to mine and whimpers. I move to place

kisses along her jaw and neck while my hands explore her bare shoulders and back.
She doesn't waste any time in getting my clothes off, starting with my suit jacket
and moving right to the buttons of my shirt. Eager to feel our bodies connect, I help
her out and am bare before her in no time.

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"As much as I love this dress, I need it off of you now," I practically growl at her.

She turns around and lifts her hair, allowing me to untie the straps around her neck
before I lower the zipper. The dress pooling at her feet reveals a sexy, white corset
and lacy thong. "Exquisite."

I help her step out of the dress and then pick it up, placing it on a nearby chair.

When I turn back to her, my hands immediately run along her curves, drinking in
every inch of her body, while my lips latch onto her neck. I feel her nails digging into
my shoulders. As I work my way down her neck and across her collarbone, my hands
find her full breasts, gently massaging the sensitive swells. I kiss down to the
exposed tops before pulling the corset down to grant me better access.

While I lick and suck on her perfect tits, my fingers begin working on the lacing of

the corset behind her back. One of her hands manages to get between us and she
begins to stroke my swollen cock. I grunt into her breasts as my hips buck into her

Once I have the corset free of her body, I move us over to the bed, lifting her

petite form and placing it in the center. I grasp the sides of her thong and pull it
down her legs, caressing them as I go. I remove her underwear but leave the
shoes—because let's face it, her legs look sexy as fuck with heels on—and begin
kissing my way back up.

"I need you, baby," she moans as I reach her inner thigh.

"Soon," I tell her, pushing her knees apart and spreading her lower lips with my

fingers. "I need to taste you first."

I lick around her outer lips, enjoying the taste of her abundant arousal, while she

moans and writhes, trying to get my mouth where she most wants it. Without
preamble, I fully suck her clit into my mouth and give a gentle nip with my teeth.

"Fuck!" she yells out before begging. "More, please."

Two fingers enter her soaked core while I use my tongue on her most sensitive

area. Her hips move against my hand and face. "I want you to cum for me, Angel," I
tell her quietly, curling my fingers inside to rub the spot that drives her wild.

My tongue goes back to work and she moans again. "Harder," she squeaks out,

and I comply.

It doesn't take long for her orgasm to wash over her, and I move back to kissing

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her legs while she comes down. I love giving her pleasure. To me, it's just as good as
my own pleasure.

When she finally opens her eyes, she has a predatory look on her face. She springs

up to her knees, causing me to sit back on my heels. Bella quickly straddles my lap
and kisses me hard. I moan at the thought of her tasting herself, and enjoying it if
her moans are any indication.

She grabs my erection and guides it to her center before sinking down and fully

enveloping me in her heat.

I place my hands on either side of her face, fingers tangling in her hair, and speak

softly. "I love you, Bella. You and our baby mean the world to me, and I'm so
honored that you're my wife."

Gently, I pull her face to mine and kiss her passionately. Her body begins to rock

over mine as we set a slow, steady rhythm of love. Her hands are in my hair, pulling
and scraping, driving me wild. My hands skim down her neck and shoulders, over
her ribs and eventually rest at her hips.

Our lips break free from each other as we attempt to catch our breath. "I love you

so much, Edward," Bella tells me breathlessly. "I've never been happier than I am

The speed and intensity of our movements pick up as hands wander and our

foreheads connect. Our eyes stay locked as we make love to one another, not just
with our bodies, but with the connection of our souls.

When I begin to feel like I can't hold back much longer, I reach between us and

rub my thumb over Bella's clit. She moans long and low, and the vibration rocks
through my body.

"Fuck, you're so beautiful," I tell her, because it's true.

"Harder," she whimpers.

I pick up my thrusting from below and rub her more forcefully, biting my lip to

keep myself from cumming. In a matter of moments, I feel her orgasm start, so I let
myself go. We climax together with groans and some curses, and I hold my girl's
spent body tightly in my arms.

We collapse on the bed, still tangled in each other and taking a few minutes to

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catch our breath. "Do you want to take a bath?" I ask her.

"Hmm, maybe tomorrow. Too tired," she says sleepily.

I push her hair off her face and kiss her softly. "Sleep, Mrs. Cullen."

She smiles with her eyes closed and her breathing evens out only seconds later. I

take a moment for my nightly chat and scoot down a bit until I'm level with her

"Hi there, little one," I say, placing my hand over the tiny bump and giving it a

quick kiss. "It's Daddy again. I just wanted to let you know that we're all a family
now. Not that we weren't before, but today Mommy and I made it official. We're
going to give you the best life you could possibly have."

I kiss the bump again and lay my head down just above it, before drifting off into

the most blissful sleep I've ever had.

We don't have anything planned for the few days we're in Seattle, other than

enjoying the luxury of the hotel and each other. I have the best wakeup call in the
world on the first full day of my married life; I wake up to find my dick in Bella's hot,
wet mouth.

"Oh, God, baby," I groan out in my sleepy state. "So good."

Bella hums around my cock and continues bobbing her head over me. I tangle my

fingers in her hair while I lay back and enjoy what she's offering. It doesn't take long
before I'm shooting hot spurts down her throat.

When she crawls up my body and kisses me, I flip her over and return the favor.

We eventually make our way to the sitting room for the room service breakfast

that we ordered, but we don't bother putting on clothes. Even the robes we're
wearing are only necessary to answer the door.

The room phone ringing startles us, but I quickly answer it so I can get back to my

wife as soon as possible.


"Good morning, Mr. Cullen. This is Maggie from the concierge desk," a polite

voice greets me. "I wanted to let you know that a couple's massage has been

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arranged for you at eleven a.m. today."

"We didn't request massages," I tell her, furrowing my brow and wondering how

this mix up could have happened.

"No, sir. It was arranged for you by Mr. McCarty and Ms. Hale as a gift."

"Oh, wow. Okay, I guess we'll be down at the spa at eleven."

"Very good. I hope you're enjoying your stay."

"Thank you, Maggie. We're enjoying it very much," I say, winking at my wife. "Oh,

wait! My wife is pregnant. Will they still be able to do a massage?"

"Congratulations, Mr. Cullen," she says cheerfully. "Yes, we have therapists who

are trained in prenatal massage. If you arrive a few minutes early, you'll be able to
discuss any specific needs with the therapist but I'll be sure to let them know now."

"Thank you very much."

"Have a good day, sir."

As soon as I hang up the phone, I turn to my wife who is sipping some tea. "Looks

like Emmett and Rose arranged for a couple's massage for us."

Her eyes light up. "That sounds wonderful."

And it is. We thoroughly enjoy the side by side massages in the serene spa setting.

A massage is never something I would have thought about for myself before, but I
will be thanking Emmett and Rose for this indulgence.

We do get dressed up to treat ourselves to dinner in the hotel's upscale

restaurant, but return to the room immediately after that, having no interest in the
nightlife other than each other.

Bella looks radiant in a navy blue dress and another pair of sexy heels and teases

me all throughout our meal with her foot on my calf and comments laced with sexual
innuendo. It seems my little kitten is getting her energy back.

As soon as the door to our room closes behind us, I push her up against it and

devour her mouth with my own. "Your teasing has been driving me insane, Mrs.

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"It's not teasing if you plan to follow through," she tells me as she reaches for my

belt buckle and starts opening it.

My cock is already rock solid and weeping for her, so I decide that there will be no

more waiting. I reach under her dress and pull her panties down, helping her step
out of them. Standing up, I bunch the material of her dress up to her waist and lift
her up, trapping her body between mine and the door, and plunging inside swiftly.

We fuck in a frenzy against the door until we both cum, shouting each others'

names, and then fall into a heap on the floor. What a beautiful new life we've
embarked upon together.

A/N: There was some plot in that one, right? Whatever … I know you pervs

love it when there's no plot anyway.

The countdown is on! Two more chapters plus an epilogue.

Teasers and more on Facebook and Twitter, as always!

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Chapter 29

Chapter 29

Three days before Christmas, exactly one year since Bella walked back into my

life, we find ourselves sitting in the hospital waiting room going out of our minds
with worry.

Earlier in the day, Bella started feeling some cramps and tightness. At just over

sixteen weeks gestation, it's way too early for contractions. All of the signs point to
Braxton Hicks contractions, or "practice contractions," but Dr. Newton always tells
us better safe than sorry, so I convince Bella to call him.

Once she describes the pain she's feeling, he concurs that it is most likely Braxton

Hicks but wants her to go to the hospital to get checked out just in case.

Thankfully, Dr. Newton calls ahead and we don't have to wait long to be seen.

Bella is taken back after only about ten minutes, and I follow with a tight grip on her

"Okay, Mrs. Cullen," the nurse starts, and I smile like I always do when I hear

someone call her that. "If you could just change into this gown, we'll get you hooked
up to the fetal monitors and see what's going on."

The nurse leaves the room while Bella changes and I help her up onto the bed.

Only a few minutes go by before the nurse returns with some equipment. She has
Bella sit up while she puts some kind of elastic belt with a paddle attached around
her waist, followed quickly by a second belt.

"These are monitors, so we can see what's going on inside your uterus," she

explains. She flips a switch on the machine and moves one of the paddles around
until the familiar sound of our baby's heartbeat fills the room. "That sounds like a
nice, strong heartbeat." She smiles at us while she positions the other belt.

"This one will monitor any contractions. It will give us an idea of the intensity and

frequency. I just need you to lay here and relax for a little bit, and a doctor will come
in to check the readout once we have some data."

Bella gives a timid "okay" and I move the chair over next to the bed and sit, taking

her hand in mine again.

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We sit quietly, drawing comfort from each other's touch, for about fifteen minutes

before a doctor enters the room.

"Good afternoon, Mr. and Mrs. Cullen. I'm Doctor Gerandy," he says, offering his

hand which I shake quickly. "I've spoken to Doctor Newton and I understand you
may be having some contractions that we need to check out."

"That's correct," Bella says softly.

Dr. Gerandy looks at the monitor and printout before speaking again. "Well, it

does look like what you're feeling are contractions …" Bella and I both cringe but he
continues on quickly. "But based on the intensity of them, I am pretty sure they are
only Braxton Hicks contractions. Most people don't even feel them, but some feel
them constantly. Just to be sure, I'm going to do an ultrasound to check for changes
to your cervix. As long as there's no shortening or opening of the cervix, you won't
have to stay with us any longer."

Switching off the machines, the doctor removes the monitors. He covers Bella's

lower half with a blanket and lifts the gown so her slightly rounded abdomen is
peeking out, and then he squirts the now familiar ultrasound gel on her.

With a wave of the magic wand, we are once again looking at our baby on the

screen. The doctor confirms that the heartbeat is good and growth looks on target
before moving on to check Bella's cervix. He takes a few measurements and snaps
some pictures.

"Based on the information I received from Dr. Newton's office, there's been no

change to your cervix. It's measuring exactly the same as it did at your last

Bella lets out a breath of relief before looking contritely at the doctor. "I feel so

stupid, coming in for no reason."

"Please don't feel like that, Mrs. Cullen. There's no way you would know the

difference, and we always believe it's better to be safe than sorry, which I'm sure is
what Dr. Newton told you. Unfortunately, you'll probably continue to feel these off
and on for the rest of your pregnancy. You'll just need to be on the lookout for any
change in intensity or frequency."

Bella and I nod in understanding.

"Now, on the bright side, would you like to know what you're having?"

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I look at Bella with shock on my face. We hadn't even discussed that yet. "You can

tell?" I ask the doctor.

He gives a knowing smile. "Yes. It was probably too early at your last ultrasound,

but I can tell you for sure now if you want to know."

"Do you want to know?" Bella asks me.

"I'm fine either way," I tell her. "It's kind of exciting to wait, but at the same time,

I'm excited right now to find out."

She laughs and says, "Let's find out."

At my nod of approval, the doctor moves the ultrasound wand again to find the

right angle. I can see it before he even says anything. "Mr. and Mrs. Cullen, meet
your baby boy."

My smile is a mile wide, and I look over to see tears in Bella's eyes. I wouldn't care

what we were having, but somehow knowing makes it all that more real.

"A boy," Bella says quietly with a smile on her face.

We leave the hospital about a half hour later with pictures of our son and

instructions for Bella to drink more water to help with the contractions.

"Let's stop at Carlisle and Esme's," Bella suggests and I agree.

Ever since we announced the pregnancy, Esme has been so excited about the

baby. She even taught herself how to knit, telling us she wanted to be able to make
something for her grandchild.

That was another interesting discussion, when Esme told us she wanted to be the

child's grandmother. Technically, she'll be his aunt by blood and only his
grandmother by marriage. In such an odd situation, I wasn't sure where that would
leave her. But, she insisted that she wanted to be a grandmother for two reasons.
For one thing, her husband would be a grandfather no matter what. And the second
reason, which of course made Bella cry both tears of joy and sorry, was because
Bella's parents weren't around to fill the role.

We walk into the house unannounced, as we always do, and find Esme in the

kitchen making dinner.

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"To what do we owe this pleasure?" she asks with a smile when she sees us.

"Is Carlisle around? We have some news that we wanted to share with you guys,"

Bella responds.

"I think he's in his office. I'll go get him. You'll stay for dinner?" Esme calls out as

she heads toward Dad's office.

"That sounds great, Esme. Thanks," I answer.

Esme returns with my dad and we all exchange greetings.

"So, what's going on?" Esme asks eagerly.

Bella starts explaining. "Well, we had to stop at the hospital today. Before you ask,

everything's fine. I was having Braxton Hicks contractions so my doctor just wanted
me to get checked out." I can see the relief on both of their faces. "Anyway, while we
were there, we got a few new pictures of the baby."

Bella hands each of them one of the photos with "It's a Boy!" written at the top

and an arrow pointing to his goods.

Esme laughs out loud and my dad smiles widely. "This is great," Dad offers. "This

was probably the first time they could tell, huh?" Ever the doctor, I'm sure he knows
that the gender isn't visible until about sixteen weeks.

"Well, she had an ultrasound two weeks ago and they didn't say anything," I say.

"Today, Dr. Gerandy was able to see it clearly though."

"This is wonderful!" Esme exclaims. "Now we can start to plan the nursery and get

you registered …"

My wife goes off into the kitchen with her sister to start planning, and I can't wipe

the smile off my face. Dad and I head to the family room while we wait for dinner.

After a few minutes of idle chit chat, Dad turns serious. "You know, I wasn't sure

how Esme was going to handle news of a baby boy."

I look at him, surprised that he's bringing this up with me. He's never mentioned

it before, but I guess there was never a reason to.

"I don't know if you're aware," he continues. "But, Esme had a son that died a few

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days after birth."

I nod and take a deep breath. "Yeah, Bella mentioned it a while ago, but she didn't

give me any details. I think she was concerned about how Esme would react to our
news initially, so she wanted me to know what was behind it."

"There's not really much to tell," he says softly. "The complications during his

birth left her without the ability to carry another child and ultimately led to the
demise of her marriage. But, she came to terms with it all a long time ago, and I
really believe that she's excited for you both."

"I don't doubt that. She's going to be a wonderful grandmother."

We sit quietly for a few minutes, each of us lost in our own thoughts, until I have

another question.

"Hey, Dad," I say, waiting for him to acknowledge me. "Do you know what her

son's name was?"


I nod and hum.

We spend most of the evening at their house, staying after dinner to play cards for

a while. Ever since the wedding, things have gotten so much easier between us and
we truly enjoy our time with them, so we're actually almost regretful when we have
to leave because Bella's getting tired.

Surprisingly, she attacks me almost as soon as we walk in our door.

"I thought you were tired, babe," I say questioningly between her frantic kisses.

"I seem to have caught my second wind."

"Well, then … allow me to take advantage of that second wind." I smirk as I lift her

up and carry her into our bedroom.

Once I have her naked and lying on the bed, I sit back and gaze at her. If I thought

her body was perfection before, it has nothing on her shape while she's carrying our
child. Her breasts are fuller and her hips slightly wider, but what I can't get over is
the slope of her belly.

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I run my hands over the roundness, which is just starting to remain showing when

she's lying flat on her back. Bella's fingers thread through my hair as I kiss her belly,
cherishing every inch of her perfect skin with our child tucked beneath it.

"You're so sexy when you're worshipping our child," she says quietly.

"There's nothing sexier to me than you carrying our child … our son," I correct.

She gives me a blinding smile before I move my worship lower. I swear her taste

is even sweeter now that she's pregnant, and I take every chance I can get to enjoy
the flavor.

She moans when I hum against her lower lips, and groans when I tongue her

repeatedly. My fingers work their way inside her slippery channel, and before long,
she's panting out her release.

I quickly move above her, careful not to drop my weight on her belly, and slip

inside her inviting warmth. Resting my weight on one arm, I hitch her knee over my
other. Bella mewls as my thrusts go deeper, and I angle myself to hit her sweet spot
on every pass.

Before long, she quivers around me, calling my name through her orgasm. With a

few more deep thrusts, I release inside of her and still our bodies while we're fully

Dropping her leg, I fall to the mattress in exhaustion and pull her tightly against

my side. She immediately curls her body into me and rests her head on my chest.

After a few minutes of rest, we start chatting about the crazy day we've had while

Bella's fingers play with the sparse hair on my chest.

"Are you happy it's a boy?" she asks.

"I'm happy he's healthy and safe," I respond. "I wouldn't have cared either way,

but knowing makes it exciting."

"Yeah, that's kinda how I feel, too." She lets out a deep sigh. Lifting her head, she

smiles brightly at me. "Hey, now we can start thinking of names!"

"Do you have anything in mind?"

"Not yet," she answers. "But it'll be fun to think about it."

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"What do you think of Jacob?" I ask.

"I like it, but where did that come from?"

I let out a breath and run my fingers through her hair. "My dad told me that

Esme's son's name was Jack. I thought maybe we could honor him."

"I think that would be wonderful."

A/N: Almost the end, peeps! I hope you enjoyed this chapter. The last

chapter will post on Friday, and then the epilogue will post next week.

Teasers and more are always on Facebook and Twitter!

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Chapter 30

Chapter 30

I never really believed the saying "time flies when you're having fun" before, but I

sure do now. The last few months of Bella's pregnancy have flown by, thankfully
without any more drama.

Bella continues to have Braxton Hicks contractions on a regular basis, but after

the first few days of them, she became able to recognize the signs. She has learned
that the contractions mean that she needs to slow down, drink more water and put
her feet up.

All of the extra testing that we went through points to a healthy baby boy, and we

couldn't be happier.

At one week before her due date, she is a glowing picture of perfection. It's an

uncharacteristically hot Saturday, so we're taking advantage of the apartment
complex's pool, and I'm taking advantage of the view of my wife in a bikini. Her belly
is ripe with our child. I've never seen anything sexier.

Bella is floating on her back in the pool, something she found helps with the aches

and pains of pregnancy. Although I rub her back and feet whenever she asks, there
are some pains that you can't get around having.

"Babe?" she calls out.

"Yeah?" I respond from my lounge chair on the pool deck.

"Are you coming in? You gotta feel this!" One of her hands is resting on her

stomach, so I know she's talking about our son's movements.

I'm off my seat in a flash and cannon balling into the water. I swim underwater

until I reach her side and pop up right next to her.

Laughing at my entrance, she takes my hand and places it right where hers was.

"Holy cow!" I exclaim. "What the heck is he doing in there?" I can clearly feel one of
his appendages—lord knows which one—poking constantly like he's trying to break
out, Alien style.

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"I think he's trying to make a break for it. You've got another week in there,

buddy," she scolds, looking down toward her belly.

Even with all of the aches and pains, the Braxton Hicks contractions and the extra

testing, Bella has never once complained about being pregnant. Most women by now
would be whining about getting the kid out, but she takes it all in stride, happy to be
able to carry our child to term.

With my hand still resting on her belly, I feel it begin to tighten up. "Is that a

Braxton Hicks contraction?" I ask, but quickly get concerned as I watch her face
contort in pain.

She breathes deeply for a moment and drops her feet to the bottom of the pool

while waiting for it to pass, and I feel her muscles loosen up as her face relaxes.
"Hmm," she breathes in relief. "That one was a little more intense than they usually
are. Will you help me out so I can get some water?"

She swims to the ladder on the side of the pool with me following behind her. I

help push her up the ladder and wait until she's safely on the deck before I climb

As I watch the adorable way she waddles over to our chairs, I notice something I

hadn't seen before. Her belly looks much lower than it did a few days ago. She's
carried high this entire time, essentially looking like she had first a basketball, then
a watermelon, shoved up her shirt since she didn't gain weight anywhere else but
her belly. But today, I'd swear that watermelon is sitting several inches below where
it used to be.

Bella grabs a bottle of water and begins chugging it as soon as she plops down on

the lounge chair, almost emptying it in one go.

"You know, it looks like he's dropped some," I tell her as I sit down on the chair

next to her.

"Yeah, I'm pretty sure he has 'cause I can feel it in my bladder. It feels like every

movement he makes is a direct hit right there," she says, pointing to said organ.
"Guess he's getting ready to come out soon."

"One more week," I tell him sternly, feeling him wriggle around in his limited

space under my hand. "Man, he's really on the move today."

I'll never forget the first time I felt him move. Bella started feeling him not long

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after we found out he was a boy. She said it felt like bubbles popping on the inside,
but we were both disappointed that we couldn't feel it from the outside.

One night, only about two weeks later, I was having my daily chat with my son

when I felt pressure against my hand. Bella's eyes were as wide as mine as she felt
the stronger movement internally. I was so happy to be able to feel him—I might
have cried a little.

"I know," she confirms. "He's not usually this active during the day. Wonder if it

was something I ate."

As soon as she finishes her water, she picks up her book and starts reading. I go

back to the crossword puzzle I was working on, and we enjoy the warmth of the sun
and the quiet.

Only a few minutes later, I see her hand fly to her stomach and her face twist in

pain again.

"Another one?" I ask unnecessarily.

She nods her head and tries to breathe calmly like we were taught in the

childbirth class.

"Maybe we should go inside," I offer. "Maybe the sun's too much?"

As soon as the pain has left her face, she lets out one last deep breath and nods.

"Yeah, that's probably a good idea."

I quickly pack up our belongings and then help Bella to stand from her chair. I

honestly won't ever understand how a woman as tiny as she is can carry around
something that large in her belly, but she makes it work.

She moves to step into her flip flops and I hold her hand so she won't topple over.

Before she can get her second foot in her shoe, she calls out, "Oh, shit!"

I look down and see she's standing in a puddle that did not come from her wet

bathing suit or hair.

"Did your water just break?" I ask, my voice about an octave higher than usual.

She's gripping her stomach with both hands and breathing hard again.

"Considering I can only hold about an ounce of pee at a time these days, I'd have to

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say that was not pee."

"Hang in there, buddy," I say, bending down and kissing her belly. "We're gonna

get Mommy to the hospital!" I kiss Bella once, too, before taking her hand and
leading her out of the pool area.

We slowly make our way home, call Dr. Newton and get ready to go to the

hospital. After quick showers, I gather our pre-packed bags and load them into the
car while Bella calls to let Esme and Rose know we're on our way.

Since the moment her water broke, the contractions have picked up in frequency

and intensity. I feel horrible for the pain she's in with every bump of the car on the
drive over, but I do my best to get her there quickly.

Once at the hospital, we head straight for the maternity floor. A nurse greets us

and gets Bella checked in. Thanks to Dr. Newton's call, we're shown to a room
instead of triage since Bella's water has already broken. I help her into a gown and
then she's hooked up to the monitors.

The nurse quickly explains to me how to read the contractions on the monitor so I

can help Bella through them, but it doesn't take a genius to figure them out by the
pained look on her face.

When the nurse leaves, I sit by Bella's side and take her hand in mine. "What do

you need, Angel?"

"Nothing, Edward," she says in a rare contraction-free moment. "Just don't leave


She's near tears and looks frightened, so I lean over and kiss her. "I'm not going

anywhere. I'll be here every step of the way."

A tear slips out of her eye but I'm quick to wipe it away while she lets out a bitter

laugh. "I can't believe I thought about doing this by myself. I don't know what I'd do
without you." Her hold on my hand tightens.

"Well, you're never going to have to find out. You're stuck with me, Mrs. Cullen."

"I lo—" she starts, before she's cut off by the pain of another contraction.

"I know, baby. I love you, too," I say soothingly, trying to help her through it. I rub

her back gently when she leans forward over her belly, and talk her through until I

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see the spike on the monitor start to drop. "The worst is over. It's coming down

She flops back on the pillow when she's able to breathe normally again, just as Dr.

Newton enters the room with the nurse.

"Bella!" he says animatedly. "I understand we're having a baby today."

"Looks that way, Doc," Bella jokes. I'm happy to see that even through the pain,

she's able to make light of the situation.

"Okay, I'm just going to check you out and see how close we are to delivery." He

puts on some gloves and moves to the foot of the bed, preparing for an internal
exam, while I stay near Bella's head and hold her hand.

She winces a bit as he begins the exam and then moans as another contraction

starts. Thankfully, he finishes quickly.

"Well, it looks like this little guy is eager to meet you. You're already seven

centimeters and seventy percent effaced. Shouldn't be too long, now."

Dr. Newton leaves the room with a promise to send in the anesthesiologist and

come back to check on her soon. Only about ten minutes later, the anesthesiologist
arrives and administers an epidural, the relief immediately showing on Bella's face
once it's been placed.

We relax quietly, chatting about the excitement of our son arriving until a knock

on the door announces the arrival of our family. Rose, Emmett, my dad and Esme all
enter together.

My dad and I engage in a somewhat technical medical discussion while the girls

talk about Bella's labor.

"So much better now that I have the epidural," I hear Bella say. I smile, thankful

that she's not in so much pain anymore.

After about an hour, I look up at the monitor and notice that the contractions are

almost on top of each other. I'm about to call for a nurse when one enters the room.

"Good afternoon, Mr. and Mrs. Cullen," she says politely. "I'm Kate, and I'm pretty

sure I'm going to be helping you through delivery very shortly. I've already called
Dr. Newton. He should be here momentarily."

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As soon as the doctor arrives, everyone else is ushered out of the room. Dr.

Newton looks over the printout of Bella's contractions before addressing us.

"Kate called because she saw how close your contractions were getting. I'm going

to check, but I'm pretty sure you should be just about ready to start pushing."

He does another internal exam before wordlessly breaking down the bottom of the

bed. "This guy really wants out! He's already at plus three station."

I know that means something, but with my mind on the fact that our son will be

here shortly, I can't process it to figure it out.

Kate and Dr. Newton get busy with their preparations, and as instructed, I stay

near Bella's head and hold one of her legs while Kate holds the other. Kate watches
the monitor and tells Bella when to start pushing, counting for her and telling her
when to breathe. I whisper encouraging words in her ear as she sweats and groans
while giving birth to our son.

"Come on, baby. You can do it. You're the strongest woman I know."

"Dad, you wanna take a peek down here?" Dr. Newton asks.

Bella gives me a nod in between pushes, so I lean over and see the dark hair on

the top of my son's head peeking out.

"He's almost here, baby. You're doing great," I tell her, the tears already

threatening to spill from the corners of my eyes.

Kate resumes her counting. Bella resumes her pushing. Dr. Newton asks her to

stop for a moment, and she groans again.

"It burns!" she calls out. "I need to push!"

"Okay, go ahead," Dr. Newton tells her, having done whatever he needed to do

down there.

With the next push, our son slips free from Bella's body and my eyes go wide as I

see his tiny form for the first time. Dr. Newton places him on Bella's stomach while
Kate rubs him with a towel. I hear the most wonderful sound in the world—my son's

Kissing the side of Bella's head, I whisper, "You did it. He's wonderful. I love you

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so much."

"Dad, would you like to cut the cord?"

I nod and take the scissors from Dr. Newton with a shaky hand, cutting where he

shows me and severing the tie between mother and child.

Kate wraps him in a blanket and takes him over to the bassinette while I hug my

wife. The tears are now flowing freely.

"Go with him," Bella urges through her tears. "Make sure he's okay."

I do as ordered, although I'm torn between wanting to stay by her side and

wanting to be with our son. I watch as Kate cleans him up, weighs and measures
him, puts a tiny bracelet on his ankle and takes his footprints. As soon as she's done,
she wraps him up and places him in my arms.

I am amazed, staring at this beautiful creature in my arms that Bella and I

created. I place a kiss on his little face and breathe him in. Slowly, I walk over to
Bella and place him in her arms.

She smiles blindingly at him and then at me. "I love you," she says. "He's perfect."

She kisses his forehead just as he starts to nuzzle around toward her body.

"I think somebody's hungry already," I tell her.

It's amazing how babies instinctively know what to do. Bella offers him her breast

and he immediately latches on, sucking like he's been doing it for years. I feel like
my heart is going to explode with love as I watch my wife and son together.

Once she's finished and the medical staff has cleared out, Bella asks me to go get

our family. I jog out to the waiting room and usher everyone back to Bella's room.

There are smiles and congratulations all around. Finally, with my son in her arms,

Esme asks, "What's his name?"

I nod at Bella, and she makes the announcement. "Everyone, we'd like to

introduce Jacob Charles Cullen. Es, I hope you don't mind, but we wanted to honor

Esme shakes her head, the tears streaming down her face making it near

impossible to speak. "Perfect," she chokes out.

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"Rose, Emmett," I start. "We were hoping you would be Jake's Godparents."

Rose nods, biting her lip. She wipes a tear from her face, and I watch as her

engagement ring sparkles when it catches the fluorescent lights. Emmett, on the
other hand, speaks up. "Dude, this little guy is going to be so spoiled!"

Jake gets passed around through all of the arms in the room as I sit on the bed

and hold my wife. I watch all the love pouring out from everyone—love for us, for
each other, and most importantly, for our son.

As I take it all in, I realize that my life has never felt as complete as it does at this

moment, surrounded by the most important people in the world to me—my family.

A/N: **wiping tears** I'm sad to say that this is the last regular chapter of

A Family Affair. The epilogue will post on the regular schedule on Tuesday.
There might be a little surprise in the epi.

I've decided to contribute an outtake for A Family Affair to Fandom for

Oklahoma. I would love it if you would donate to this worthy cause, which
can be found at Oklahoma dot fandomcause dot info. For those of you who
want to know what happened to Jasper, this is where you'll find it! I'll be
posting a teaser in the next few days, but there are plenty of awesome
contributions with teasers already posted, so please check it out. The
outtake will not post here until sometime in September.

As always, I'm on Facebook and Twitter.

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Chapter 31 - Epilogue

Chapter 31 – Epilogue

"Who's a stinky boy? Did my Jakey make a mess?" I ask in a singsong voice. My

son looks up at me from his place on the changing table and smiles. "It's okay,
sweetie. Mommy loves you even when you're stinky."

I finish changing Jake's diaper and quickly put his clothes back on since we're

already running slightly behind schedule. I lift a squirming seven-month-old into my
arms and turn to find my handsome husband leaning in the doorway, smiling at us.

Some days, I still find it hard to believe that he is mine—that this life is mine.

"Let me take him while you wash your hands. Everything's in the car and ready to

go," my amazing husband tells me.

I do as he says, wandering into the bathroom with my mind focused on how we got

to this point in our lives.

Just two years ago, I hated my life and thought I would never be this happy again.

I was married to someone who loved his job more than me, and he was cheating on
me to boot. But once I made the decision to leave him for good, that was when my
life really started.

I vividly remember the way Edward looked when I arrived in Forks, so grown up

and incredibly handsome. And the way his first kiss felt on my lips still sent my heart
rate into overdrive. Sure, I had been crying over my failed marriage and was scared
for the future, but little did he know that I was also crying because I just wanted to
be loved by someone like him.

Somehow, Edward always knew just what I needed and made no apologies over

giving it to me. When we talked after the disastrous first kiss, he had no idea that
his words were the exact thing that I needed to hear at the time.

"If you need a friend, I will be a friend. If you need a lover, I will gladly show you

what it's like to be worshipped."

And worship me, he did. It was just what I needed. Even if it was wrong, I couldn't

find it in me to care. This beautiful, smart, sexy man put me first and acted as if I

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were the most important thing in his world.

Then, he never stopped. Every day since then, he's treated me like I'm precious to

him. Falling in love with him was so easy that I almost didn't even realize it had

"Babe? You coming?"

I shake myself out of my memories and join my family in the living room. I smile at

my two men, who mean the world to me. They are practically carbon copies of each
other, with the exception of Jake's darker hair, although his is just as wild as his

"Ready," I announce, picking up my purse and putting on my winter coat.

The drive over to Carlisle and Esme's house is short, and before I know it, Edward

and I are saying goodbye to our son for the next two days.

"You be a good boy for Poppop and Mimi," I hear Edward tell him while I give

Esme instructions.

"You know how to thaw the breast milk, right? And don't forget to mix it up

because it settles. He really likes table food better than the baby food, but I left
plenty of that just in case …"

Esme cuts me off with a smile and a hand on my shoulder. "We'll be fine. I take

care of him every day, and you'll only be a phone call away," she reassures. "Now,
go! Enjoy some quiet time with your husband." She turns me around and pushes me
toward the door.

Of course, I sneak back in to give Jake one more kiss, finding Edward doing the


"All right, sweetheart. Let's go now, or else we'll never get out of here," he says,

leading me to the door.

We get in the car and make the almost four hour drive to Hotel 1000 in Seattle.

We weren't able to come back for our anniversary since I was still nursing Jacob too
often, but decided to make the trip now that he only nurses twice a day.

And although it's not our wedding anniversary, it's another anniversary of

sorts—the two year anniversary of when I returned to Forks, and two years since the

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love between us grew.

We're only staying for two days, so we'll be back in time to celebrate Jacob's first

Christmas with him and our family. But, in the hustle and bustle of daily life, having
a baby and returning to work, Edward and I are in desperate need of some alone

Thank God Esme and Carlisle were more than willing to take Jake for two nights. I

have no doubts that Uncle Emmett and Aunt Rose will make an appearance at their
house as well. They love spending time with their Godson, and frankly, I'm pretty
sure they're practicing for when it's their turn.

When we walk down the hallway toward our room, I realized that somehow

Edward was able to book the same exact suite that we stayed in for our honeymoon.
God, I love this man!

He takes our bags into the bedroom, and I follow him in. My arms go around his

neck as soon as he's put everything down, and I just hug him tightly, thankful for the
time alone with him. I love being a mother and couldn't possibly love Jake more, but
I am so ready for some time with my man.

"The first thing I wanna do," he says quietly as he holds me to him. "Is get in that

bathtub with you." His hands rub up and down my back gently.

"Mmm, that sounds fabulous," I tell him with my head resting on his chest.

We strip rapidly, both of us used to hurried sexcapades these days since there's no

way of telling when we'll be interrupted, and then make our way into the bathroom.
Edward gets the tub going while I start teasing him a little, hugging him from
behind and running my hands up and down his torso.

He turns and kisses me soundly while the tub fills with hot water and scented

bubbles. "There's no rush tonight, Mrs. Cullen," he tells me with a sly smile. I realize
this means he has some teasing of his own planned.

Bring. It. On.

We slip into the water together and I lay with my back on Edward's muscular

chest. Using a washcloth, he rubs the bubbles into the skin of my neck and
shoulders, massaging a bit as he goes. I hum in contentment, enjoying how he
always knows just how to take care of me.

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Before I know it, he's kissing my neck and running his hands over my body under

the water. That's just one more thing I appreciate about Edward; I may no longer
have the same body I had before Jake, but he constantly tells me how sexy my new
curves are, and he takes every chance he can get to appreciate them.

He's getting me good and worked up, so I spin around and straddle him, capturing

his mouth with my own. We kiss passionately for what seems like hours, enjoying
the freedom to do so.

When I start grinding my center over his, he gently pushes me back a little. "Baby,

we can't in here. We need a condom."

I look at him shyly and bite my bottom lip in nervousness. "What if I don't want to

use a condom?"

"What are you saying? You're ready?" His eyes light up in excitement.

Edward's made no secret of the fact that he wants more children and would have

started trying as soon as the doctor cleared me to have sex again. Surprisingly, I
was the one who needed to wait a little while. Between nursing, then starting back
to work and trying to get into a routine, it took me some time to get into the swing
of things. Edward's a fantastic father and helps out wherever he can, but middle of
the night feedings belonged to me no matter what. Even if Edward gave Jacob a
bottle, I'd still have to get up to pump.

Now that things have settled down, I'm ready. There's nothing more in the world I

want than to give Edward the full family that he desires.

"Yes," I say quietly. "I'm ready."

He cups my cheeks in his hands and draws my face in for a gentle kiss. "I love you,

Bella. You know I'd wait."

"I know," I tell him. "But I don't want to wait anymore."

With that, our talk is over. We kiss passionately, our tongues mingling in a

practiced rhythm, as Edward pulls my body over his.

I slowly slide down his erection until our bodies meet. The feelings of fullness,

completion and love threaten to overwhelm me as we push and pull, give and take,
until we're both crying out in ecstasy.

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No matter how wrong it might have been when we started out together, there is

nothing more right than being with Edward—my love, my life, my family.

A/N: Thank you all for taking this journey with me. What started out as a

sexy, little one shot has morphed into a story of love and family. I appreciate
each and every one of you who took the time to read my words. I truly
enjoyed writing them for you. Thank you for all of the alerts, favorites and
reviews. Those of you who took the time to review every chapter hold a
special place in my heart. And, some of your
crazy words kept me inspired.

Although this story is now marked complete, don't forget that I'm

donating an outtake—which includes Jasper—to the Fandom for Oklahoma
(Oklahoma dot fandomcause dot info). A teaser will post there soon, and I'll
also post it on my Facebook page. Please consider making a donation to this
worthy cause. You'll not only get my outtake two months earlier than
everyone else, you'll also get the full compilation of amazing contributions.

I had planned to take a break from writing when I finished A Family Affair

and Bass Instinct, but inspiration has struck again and I'm already working
on my next story. I don't know when it will begin posting, but keep me on
alert so you can find out.

And, you can always find me on Facebook or Twitter. Come play!

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Document Outline


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