Lekcja 16 Praca w Hiszpanii

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Lekcja 16: Praca w Hiszpanii



Lekcja 16: Praca w Hiszpanii

Być może Hiszpania kojarzy się nam głównie z niedawnym kryzysem gospodarczym i leniwą sjestą, jednak to
tylko jedna strona medalu. Jest to kraj oferujący coraz ciekawsze perspektywy na rynku pracy, głównie w
sektorze turystyki, logistyki i letnich wyjazdów zarobkowych. Może warto więc zapomnieć o krzywdzących
stereotypach i rozejrzeć się za pracą w krainie tapas i flamenco?

Spain may make us think of the recent economic crisis and of a lazy siesta, and yet this is but one side of the coin. It
is a country that offers increasingly interesting opportunities in the labour market, mainly in tourism, logistics and
summer employment. So perhaps it is worth to forget about unjust stereotypes and look for a job in the land of tapas
and flamenco?

Spain covers an area of over half a million km2 and has a population of approximately 47 million people, not including
the additional 60 million visitors per year, many of whom are Europeans residing there for a long time. Nearly 12% of
the census population is made up of foreigners, of which 47% are of European origin.

Spain, despite being the fifth largest economy in the European Union and the twelfth in the world in terms of nominal
GDP, has suffered various consequences of the crisis, including negative growth and high job losses, which trend
was observed throughout the past year. The crisis also created serious problems for the labour market, resulting in
high youth and long-term unemployment, very low-level education, poorly oriented towards employment, helped by a
high level of temporary jobs.

However, the Bank of Spain forecast a GDP growth, mainly due to foreign and tourism sectors. The progress is further
enhanced by a significant number of large companies with a strong international presence, which stimulate the
mobility of workers. On 1 May 2006, after two years of restrictions, Spain opened its labour market for Poles.
Weakened economy, credit crunch as well as decrease in both consumption and investment in the first quarter of
2009 had a negative impact on the labour market, although such professions as doctors, surgeons, physiotherapists,
dentists, drivers and mechanics are still sought for. Moreover, the spring and summer season offers jobs in
agriculture, tourism and forestry. Spanish law allows oral agreements, yet most contracts are concluded in written
form, mandatory in case of apprenticeships, training, construction works and services, part-time contracts, permanent
full-time contracts and contracts for temporary work longer than 4 weeks. Also, contracts involving foreigners as a
party should also be made in written.

Maximum working load per week is 40 hours and it may not exceed 9 hours a day, unless both parties agree
otherwise. In this case, however, the employee is entitled to 12 hours of rest between workdays and at least one day
and a half of weekly rest. Each year, the minimum wage is set mined by the government. In many sectors, there are
also general payroll terms, determining wages for each professional group; any employment involving wages lower
than the minimum is considered unlawful. The contract of employment can be terminated for example if both parties
agree to do so or upon completion of specific contractual tasks or services.

Spain is also increasingly willing to do business with Poland, which was greatly promoted by the European
Championships in football. Spanish TV broadcast many reports showing it as a land of milk and honey, inhabited by
as smiling, hard-working and resourceful people. Even if it is perhaps a slightly upbeat vision, it's worth to use the
opportunities it laid open. Spanish employers are more and more often looking for Polish employees, with a good
command of spoken and written language. Most offers may be found in the north of Spain and in the capital. They are
targeted at those working in customer service, logistics and telecommunications, as well as teachers of Polish,


specialists and accountants.

Tekst pochodzi z portalu Gazeta.pl -


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