Erotic Lesbian Stories

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Erotic Lesbian Stories

Connie Eubanks was feeling a little low that morning, and no matter how hard she tried, she couldn’t get
into her job, and constantly had to remind herself to get back to work! Even while taking phone calls,
her mind would wander and she had to ask several clients to repeat what they had just said because she
wasn’t paying any attention! At about 11:15 her phone rang and it was her best friend Millie calling to
see if they could have lunch together. “Sure Mil,” Connie replied, “why not, I’ll meet you by the
elevators in five minutes.” When they hit the lobby Millie asked where Connie wanted to go for lunch.
Connie thought about it for a second and replied, “Ya know Mil, I’m feeling a little blue this morning, so
what I’d really like to do is go for a quick shave if that’s all right with you!?!” Millie laughed and
answered quickly, “Fine by me, let’s go!” The two women entered the salon and went directly to the
hostess who was busy taking reservations. “Do you think you could get two of us in for quick shaves,”
asked Connie hopefully?” Do you have a reservation,” asked the hostess? “No,” Connie shot back
quickly, “we hoped you could slip us in, it’s really important!” “Let me see,” said the hostess, while
glancing over her reservation book, “okay girls, follow me, I think we can squeeze you in!” When they
got to the shaving room, the hostess called out to two barbers, “Jane, Erica, can you take care of these
two right now, they really need it bad!?!” “Jane nodded yes, and motioned both Connie and Millie into
the two reclining barbers chairs. Both women quickly seated themselves, leaned back, and then waited
for the two barbers to begin. “Okay, hon” said Jane, “lift your butt!” Connie lifted her ass off the chair
and Jane reached under her dress and tugged off her panty hose and panties in one quick motion.
Connie looked over at Millie, who also was having her under things removed by Erica! Both women then
hiked their skirts up around their waists exposing their vaginas to watchful eyes of the two barbers, Jane
and Erica. Around the room, other women were going through the same process, so that they also could
get ready to have their pussies shaved! “Okay, Connie,” said Jane, “I’m going to lather you up and let it
sit for a few minutes to soften up your bush, would you like me to finger you while we’re waiting!?!”
“Oh please,” Connie begged, “I need it so bad, finger me hard!!!” Jane laughed and proceeded to lather
up the hairy cunt, taking great pains to rub the palm of her hand all over the bulging mound of the
middle aged woman. “There, that should do it,” announced Jane, “now let’s finger that pussy!!!” Connie
sighed when Jane let her index finger poke its way into her now very wet vagina. “Is that what baby
wanted,” asked Jane in a little girls voice!?! “Oh god,” that feels so good, I think I’m going to cum
already!!!” “Go ahead, baby,” Jane cooed softly, “cum for mama, make a nice orgasm for her!!!” Hearing
the young woman talking so babyishly, Connie felt her vagina convulse several times, and a very hard
climax raced through her needy little twat! “Sweet jesus that felt good,” Connie panted, “did I ever need
that!” “Glad you liked it,” replied Jane, “I think we can give you that shave now, it seems to have
softened up quite a bit!” Out of nowhere Jane produced a triple track razor and began expertly shaving
off all of Connie’s thick pubic hair. The razor felt cold against her sensitive skin, but the feeling was
incredible and Connie started to get that familiar feeling in the pit of her stomach again, that of an
impending orgasm that was building like a tsunami after an earthquake! When Jane got down to the

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final strokes, Connie was in a state of almost sexual hysteria! The cool air on her now bare vagina,
coupled with the constant manipulation by Jane on the folds of her pussy was causing Connie’s cunt to
quiver and shake on the edge of a massive orgasm! Connie looked over to see how Millie was

coming along, and what she saw drove her even closer to the orgasmic edge! Erica, Millie’s barber, was
busy tonguing her now bare pussy, wringing out every ounce of sexual energy that was stored up in the
head of her hard little clit!!! Jane carefully wiped the excess soap from Connie’s pussy and then asked,
“Dear, would you like me to tongue you today!?!” Almost unable to speak, Connie croaked an
affirmative, and immediately Jane’s mouth was attached to Connie’s gaping cunt! Mille and Connie were
very close to cumming, and they reached out a hand and gripped each other tightly as their cunts
exploded in unison while the two barbers tongued them relentlessly!!! Both women stuffed their
panties and panty hose into their purses and headed back to the office, their bare cunts feeling free and
wild after the shave and oral worship from Jane and Erica. Riding up the elevator alone, Connie lifted her
skirt and showed Millie just how puffy and full her lips had become! Not to be out done, Millie did like
wise, exposing her own mound, and even dropping her hand to her crotch and giving her pussy a quick
fingering!!! “Look at my pussy, Con,” moaned Millie, “I can’t help it, I’m gonna cum again!!!” Seconds
later, her friend, now leaning up against the elevator wall for support, shook all over while her body was
being ravaged by another climax! Connie quickly hit the stop button on the elevator, and while still
exposing herself to her friend begged, “Please Mil, eat it for me please!!!” Millie didn’t need another
invitation, and quickly dropped to her knees and began tonguing her friend’s wet pussy! Connie was
certainly right about one thing, she had extremely puffy cunt lips, and Millie savored the thickness and
texture of her friend’s labia! It was Connie’s clit, however, that was driving this bus, and Millie wasted no
time in boring in on her little stiff target! In a flash, Connie’s cunt spasmed out of control and flooded
Millie’s mouth with a torrent of orgasmic juice! Both women, now totally spent, struggled to regain their
lost composure! Back at her desk Connie was still finding it hard to concentrate on her work, but at least
it wasn’t as the result of sexual tension!!!


"DG? Deej, honey? Are you awake?"

I slowly opened my eyes. Cindy was crouched over me, her face framed by the waving fronds of a palm
tree, the glossy sheaf of her hair brushing softly against my cheek. There are much, much worse sights
to wake up to. I was napping, or had been napping, on the warm sands of a remote tropical island. Cindy
and I were stranded in paradise, you see. "What is it, babe? Headhunters? A tiger?"

"I want a coconut." "So have a coconut."

"I can't find a nice one on the ground. Can you climb up and get me one?"

I sat up with a sigh, and found myself facing a stretch of ocean so blue it should smell like chlorine
instead of brine. It wasn't easy working up any sort of indignation in this setting, but I gave it a shot, just
for forms sake.

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"You want me to risk my neck climbing up into a palm tree like a giant monkey, when there's fruit all
around us? You can't walk ten feet without tripping over a kumquat. You could swing a dead cat
anywhere on the island and knock down a week's supply of bananas."

She wrinkled her nose in that adorable way that she has. "But I'm thirsty. I've got this wild craving for
coconut milk. Come on, you did it yesterday."

This was true. Like a big show-off, I had demonstrated the proper technique for clambering up into the
dizzying heights of a coconut palm. My fellow castaways - writers, pleasure seekers, and various
hangers-on associated with the esteemed Guild of Internet Erotica Writers - had been duly impressed.
They had enjoyed the coconuts I cut down, anyway.

I stood up and stretched, casually surveying the picturesque little inlet we had discovered. Sheltered
from the steady pounding of the big Pacific rollers by a crusty wall of coral, shaded from the strong
tropical sun by overhanging palm trees and mangroves, it was a quiet little slice of heaven. We had
taken off on our own after lunch to do a little exploring, just wandering aimlessly, and had chosen this
secluded spot for a swim, and that had segued quite naturally into a siesta. Now it was late afternoon,
and I realized I was hungry.

I said "All right, I could use a snack too. You go pick us some of the easy stuff, and I'll go after that most
dangerous of all prey, the coconut in its lair."

"You won't regret it," she said with a smile, bumping her warm hip against mine. "I'll make sure of that."

Cindy was wearing my white cotton undershirt, and nothing else.

I was wearing silk boxer shorts and a dress shirt with the sleeves ripped off. One problem with being a
castaway is that you don't get to select the outfit you're going to wear.

When the whole ruckus had started, we had been enjoying a formal dinner on board our cruise ship.
Cindy had dressed up in a tight little black sheath that was totally impractical for rowing a lifeboat, or for
any activity more vigorous than lifting a fork to her mouth. I had been wearing a beautifully-cut
gabardine wool suit that made me feel like James Bond. I could cry to look at it now - you don't want to
know what sea water does to gabardine.

Anyway, Cindy has a talent for making any outfit look terrific, and my undershirt was no exception. I was
particularly fond of the way her perky nipples poked against the soft, sheer fabric. The fact that it just
barely covered her ass was nice too. I watched her fondly as she strolled off into the jungly
undergrowth, admiring the way her slim, tan legs and dark hair contrasted with the white cotton. Cindy
was one delectable female, unless you happen to prefer the full-figured type.

I grabbed a short length of rope with a loop on each end and found a palm tree that looked promising.
The trick, which I picked up from the Nature channel, is to put your wrists through the loops with the
rope around the tree, as if you'd been arrested by the beach patrol. Then you can easily hold yourself in
position by putting your bare feet against the trunk and leaning back against the rope. You climb the

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tree by sliding the rope up the trunk in quick little twists as you take small steps. Just don't look down,
and don't do it on a windy day.

I made it to the top of the tree and managed to hack off several ripe coconuts with the knife
conveniently supplied in our lifeboat. Then I took a moment to enjoy the view and get my bearings.
Shading my eyes against the glare, I spotted the larger cove where we had made our landfall and set up
camp, a few miles away. Here and there along the ribbon of white beach were little groups of people
chatting and relaxing, playing in the surf, and generally enjoying themselves.

The Guild's annual Spring Workshop is really just an excuse for a bunch of hedonistic friends to get
together and party, and we're not about to let a little thing like being stranded on on a tiny island
interfere with our fun. As my buddy Bear put it, people pay through the nose for adventure travel these
days, and we're getting to experience the real thing for free.

Officially we're still lost and awaiting rescue, but I don't think anyone is in a big rush to be found. No
ragged "HELP" signs are laid out on the beach with rocks. No towering bonfires are waiting to be lit at
the first sight of a ship. I overheard Taria talking furtively on a cell phone yesterday, rescheduling her Lit.
101 class, but I'll bet she hasn't called the coast guard. A plane flew overhead this morning, and from the
way people ducked out of sight you would have thought it was a Japanese Zero making a strafing run.

As I was preparing to climb back down, I noticed some strange activity in a nearby clearing. What
appeared at first glance to be the death struggles of a huge, fleshy insect turned out to be one of my
male colleagues engaging in an athletic, sweaty bout of

our favorite recreational activity with two of the nymphomaniac cheerleaders Bear had invited along. I
made myself more comfortable and tried to pick up a few pointers.

My eavesdropping was rudely interrupted when Cindy called up to me. "DG! Come on down, I got us all
sorts of stuff. What are you looking at?"

"Non-indigenous wildlife," I said as I shimmied back down the tree. "Here's a riddle for you: what has
twelve tangled limbs, four bouncing breasts, and lots of school spirit?"

"Ah yes, the cheerleaders," she said, raising an eyebrow.

"Don't they ever sleep? I have no idea how they manage to keep their grades up." I couldn't tell whether
she disapproved or not

- Cindy can be hard to read at times.

I looked with interest at the piles of freshly-picked fruit laid out on the sand. Ripe bananas, tender
kumquats, furry little kiwis, luscious mangoes, and various other juicy delicacies that we haven't quite
identified, none of us being a botanist or a chef.

"Check out those bad boys," said Cindy, pointing proudly to what looked like bananas fed on Miracle-

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"I think they must be plantains," I said, examining the bunch.

Each shiny, yellow-green fruit was easily twice the size of an average banana. "Not good eating unless
you cook them. I can certainly see how they might catch a young woman's eye, though."

"Hah. How about these?" She pointed to some oval green fruit with a dull, waxy skin. "Pussyfruit," I said
with a lewd grin.

"Exsqueeze me?"

"You heard me - pussyfruit. That's what Kim calls them, anyway.

Go ahead and cut one open, they're yummy."

Cindy took the knife and sliced the end off one. The inside meat was a lovely, dark pink color, with a
moist, rubbery texture. The open fissure running down the center of the fruit added to the resemblance.
Cindy laughed and scooped out a glistening glob with her finger. "Mmm, it is good. Tastes a little like

"I always knew you'd like pussyfruit." "OK, wise guy, lets eat."

I punched holes in a few of the big hairy coconuts, and we settled down to our high-fructose picnic.
Cindy put a coconut to her mouth and tilted her head back for a long drink. Milk dribbled down her chin
and throat. "Ahhh," she said finally.

"That hits the spot."

"Careful of my undershirt," I said around a big mouthful of mango. "I'm thinking of dressing up for the
big luau tonight."

She giggled fetchingly and then, after delicately licking her fingers clean, she peeled off the t-shirt,
folded it neatly, and set it aside.

"Much better," I said, suddenly a little hoarse. Despite the fact that we had been skinny dipping together
just a few hours ago, the sight of her naked, loose-limbed form sprawled casually

on the sand made my chest tighten and brought a familiar straining feeling to my loins.

As she daintily stuffed juicy mouthfuls of fruit into her mouth, she gazed knowingly at my shorts.
"Whatcha thinking about, big guy? Those naughty cheerleaders?"

"Nope. Actually, I had this sudden mental picture of your cute little face all flushed and contorted with
the joyful confusion of lust as I reamed your tight, hot cunny with one of those plantains."

"Is that right?" Cindy's used to me blurting out stuff like that. As a writer, I try to get overripe baloney
like that out of my system quickly so it doesn't end up in my work.

"Yeah, pretty silly. Sorry."

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"Hmm," she said noncommittally. I saw her steal a glance at the plantains.

"I mean, being so petite and all, you couldn't really handle something that big, it would spread you open
like a..." The metaphors never come fast enough when I really need them. " a chicken laying a
goose egg."

"Shows how much you know. Just because you're not hung like a plantain, don't think I wouldn't enjoy

I smiled. "Hung like a plantain, I like that. Very colorful."

We looked at each other and started to laugh. Then she took a fresh coconut and tipped it up over her
head. The stream of coconut milk missed her mouth by a mile, splattering against her throat and
dribbling down her chest.

"Oops," she said. "Now look what I've done."

"Allow me." I eased her back onto her elbows and began to lick the milk off her neck, working my way
down along the channel between her firm little breasts. The cloying sweetness of the milk blended
nicely with the tang of sea salt and the familiar taste of Cindyskin.

More coconut milk splashed against the side of my face and coated her right breast. Some of it went
into my ear.

"Damn, this one just doesn't pour straight. Sorry about that."

"Let me try." I took the nut and upended it over her torso, liberally coating her breasts and stomach and
making sure that plenty dribbled down into the furry little crevice between her thighs. "Jeez, what a
sticky, sloppy mess," I said, tossing the coconut aside.

"You really know how to flatter a girl." She pulled my head down and held it firmly against her elegant
bosom. I licked the milk off her breasts with long slow strokes of my tongue, making sure to occasionally
bump against the hard, protruding nubs of her nipples.

"How do I taste?" she asked, a little breathlessly.

"Delish. Kinda sweet, though. You need a little something." I found a ripe little kiwi fruit and squeezed it
over Cindy like I was wringing out a sponge. She shrieked in mock

horror as green kiwi juice and pulp spurted everywhere. Then she rubbed it into her skin, giving her
nipples an extra little pinch in the process.

I took my time lapping up the fruit cocktail, running my tongue all over her smooth tan skin until she was
shiny and clean. She spent most of the time giggling and squirming, especially when I ran my tonguetip
along the taut bumps of her ribcage, but when I was done I could see in her eyes that her motor was
warmed up and idling fast. The most casual of observers would immediately note that the same was
true of me.

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"Your turn," she said. She selected another coconut and carefully poured a thin stream of milk onto the
swollen head of my cock. It trickled down my shaft and around my balls, following the path of least
resistance all the way down into the crack in my ass. Yes, it tickled.

Cindy knelt in front of me and sucked eagerly on my coconut- flavored lollipop, quickly cleaning off the
milk. I picked up the nut and poured on a fresh coating, and she sucked and licked and slurped happily
as I splashed the sweet, sticky juice onto my cock and balls, getting plenty of it on her face.

Finally she released my happy organ and looked up at me with a wet, sticky smile. "OK, I think I've finally
satisfied my craving for coconut."

My cock strained up toward her mouth as if of its own accord.

My balls twitched impatiently. "That's nice for you, but..." I looked down meaningfully.

She got a mischievous look in her eyes. "What you need is some pussy...fruit." She picked up the one she
had sliced open earlier, and slid it over my cock. The inside felt cool and slick, with mushy little ridges.
Not much like the real thing, but pleasant just the same.

"Interesting vacation this is turning out to be," said Cindy.

She started moving the fruit up and down on my cock, making a pulpy squelching noise. "I thought I'd be
shopping, getting my nails done, and hanging out by the pool, and here I am on a deserted island
helping my husband sodomize a helpless piece of fruit."

"Well, you make your own fun. A little faster, please?"

Cindy picked up the pace, and I leaned my head back and groaned, trying to push myself over the edge.
But the fruit was disintegrating on the inside, disgorging a juicy, sloppy mess all over my balls and thighs,
and despite my best efforts, I couldn't quite manage to get off.

"I'm afraid you've worn this one out," said Cindy, tossing the loose, waxy skin aside. "You were just too
much of a man for that poor -"

"Enough! I need it bad, woman - can't you see that? Do something!"

"Don't you want to see me fuck a huge banana first?" she asked sweetly.

I swallowed hard.

"When you put it that way..." I grabbed the bunch of plantains and broke off a relatively straight one. I
hate to belabor the point, but it was much bigger than what Cindy was used to. As far as I know,

She eyed it a little uncertainly. "I think I need to warm up on something a little more manageable." "Like
a banana?"

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She put her hand on my chest and pushed me back. "Don't be silly." She lifted a leg over my bent knees
to straddle me, and then slid down the slope of my upper thighs until we made contact.

A sinuous little wriggle, and she smoothly impaled herself on my sticky coconut palm. Her pussy was a
decadently tight embrace of warm velvet, and I let out a moan and strained up against her. We moved
together in our familiar coupling rhythm for a delicious few seconds and then she cruelly stood up,
leaving me high and dry.

"That ought to do it, thanks hon."

"All right, bitch," I growled. "I'm gonna give you a fruit- fucking you'll never forget."

With the menacing überbanana gripped in my fist, I guided her onto her back and spread her thighs. "Be
gentle," she squeaked.

I was, in fact, quite gentle as I pressed the head of the waxy, yellow-green plantain against her moist
pink slot. She twisted and shifted a little, making fine adjustments, then said "take me."

I pressed a little harder, and the phallic fruit slid smoothly into her muscular confines.

"God," she said. And then, a little louder, "Oh God!" "Meaning?"

"Meaning keep going."

The huge organic dildo slid in a few more inches, spreading apart her moist pink folds in a fascinatingly
obscene way. I slid it back out, and then slowly worked it back in even farther, as she continued to
loosen up and adjust. "Oh Gaawwd!" she moaned.

"So is this like a religious experience, then?" "Shut up and fuck me."

I obediently shoved the plantain in and out of her pussy, and a pleasantly hydraulic sucking sound began
to accompany her guttural grunts of pleasure. A few times her eyes shut tight and her body stiffened,
but I couldn't tell if she was really coming or not.

After a few minutes of groaning, heavy breathing, and terse instructions ("faster," "slower," and "stop
twisting, dammit!" are the ones I remember) she finally pushed my hand away and let the plantain
squirt out onto the sand. "Had enough?" I asked.

She shook her head. "It's driving me crazy, DG. It feels good, but I can't get all the way off. I need to
come. I mean, I really need to come."

I could have said "Join the club," but I went with "What's your pleasure?" instead, figuring she would
want to be mounted and I could finally release the pent-up tension in my balls.

"Eat me." She spread her legs in lewd invitation. "Please."

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I selected a ripe banana and began to peel it, trying to appear casual. "Lemme just grab a bite first."

"OK, OK, just a second. I've got an idea." I took the peeled banana and pressed it against her crotch.

"You're not going to satisfy me with that," she protested. "Hey, that tickles!"

I finished pushing soft banana up inside her pussy. "How does that feel?"

"Sticky and mushy and not very satisfying."

"Maybe if I ate the banana now?"

Her face lit up with anticipation. "Now you're talking. Chow down on my banana split, big guy."

"I thought banana split is what happened to you before," I said with a grin. She wasn't much in the mood
for wordplay, though, so I sprawled forward and went to work. I licked up all the little chunks of banana
that I could reach with my tongue, and then I took mercy on her and moved up to her sensitive, swollen

"Oh yes..." she whimpered, as I swirled around it. "Right there, sweetie."

She came with a shuddering groan, and I was rewarded with a

mouthful of warm banana mush as her pussy clenched and spasmed.

For some reason, I was reminded of the experiments where the pigeons learn to peck on a lever to get a
food pellet. I slurped up the banana and then went back to her clit. Sure enough, the same thing
happened again, this time accompanied by a full- throated cry of pleasure.

After a record-tying fifth orgasm, the banana was completely gone and so was Cindy. She lay in a limp
puddle on the soft sand with her eyes half-closed, staring at me with a look of utter bovine satisfaction
on her face.

"Tha wush great, hon. Gonna take...little nappie."

"What! What about me?"

She grunted, and one shoulder twitched in what I could only assume was a shrug. " whatever you
wan. So....shleepy."


I rolled her onto her side, and spooned myself in behind her. My aching erection quickly buried itself in
her wet, sticky pussy, and I wriggled into a position where I could drive myself into her tight cunt with
short little thrusts.

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After thirty seconds or so Cindy started to come out of her coma and push back against me, grinding her
cute little ass into my groin. Almost immediately, I felt the delicious burning rush move up my shaft and
then the beach seemed to spin around us in slow circles as I pumped about three gallons of semen up
inside her.

After a short breather, Cindy arched her long neck around and gave me a kiss. "We better go for a swim
before the juice dries and we get permanently stuck like this," she said. "People would talk, even here."

So we helped each other to our feet and walked hand in hand into the clear, refreshing water of our
own private corner of paradise.


Well, this is it! I finally convinced Sue that a threesome would be fun

& exciting! We decided to go out of town and find a good night spot, close to

a hotel, with a young crowd.

We found a hotel with a great sounding night club about 100 miles from

home and checked in. After we got into our room, Sue started getting ready for

the evening. She put on her black garter and panties set, a knee length skirt

with a slit up one side, a tight fitting sweater, no bra and a pair of spiked

heels. She looked great!!

We headed down to the club, and I couldn't help feel a sense of pride and

excitment at the looks she was getting from guys we passed on the way. After

we found a table and got some drinks, we started looking around the room for a

likely person to share our fantasy with. Sue spotted a good looking guy,

sitting alone at the bar, and asked what I thought of him. I said he looked

ok, and asked her if she wanted me to invite him over to our table. She said,

very nervously, OK. I went over and introduced myself, he said his name was

my wiaaawas wanting to dance, but I had hurt my back and she wondered if he

would like to dance. He said sure, he'd love to.

He came over to the table with me, introduced himself and asked her if

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she'd like to dance. I gave her a reassuring wink, and she said she'd love to!

As I watched them head for the dance floor, I noticed Denny eyeing my wife's

fine figure and all the leg she was showing through the slit in her skirt. The

first dance was a fast one, and Sue was really starting to enjoy herself. Her

firm breasts were swinging and bouncing, and every once in awhile, you could

catch a glance of garter as her skirt swung around. The next dance was a slow

one, and Denny had her held very close. As they danced longer, he started

massaging her lower back and working his hands down over her ass. By now I was

really getting excited and from the look on Sue's face, she was really enjoying it too!!

When the dance finally ended, they both came back to the table, and Sue

asked Denny to sit with us. He said great!, and sat ond one side of her, while

I sat on the other. We had sat there for awhile, making small talk, when I

noticed Denny's hand was under the table and Sue was having trouble keeping up

her part of the conversation. I caught her eye questionably, and she just

smiled and winked!! With that, I suggested we all get another drink and go up

to our room. When we got there, Sue excused herself to the powder room, and

Denny and I talked. I explained to him we had never done anything like this

before, and that Sue was going to want to take this slowly. He said fine, he

knew just how to handle it.

When Sue returned, Denny and I were sitting in chairs and she went over

and sat on the bed facing us. You could tell by the look on her face, she was

very nervous!! I gave her a reassuring wink and told her Denny and I had

talked and he would take good care of her. She started to relax a little and

crossed her legs, showing alot of great looking leg.

Denny said, 'why don't we get things started, why don't you take the

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skirt off, Sue?'. Sue, starting to get into the swing of this said, ' I'd

rather you hold me and give me some TLC first'! With this, they both got up,

and Denny put his arms around Sue's waist and started gently rubbing. I came

over and kissed her, told her I loved her, and everything was going to be OK.

Sue then put her arms around Denny's neck, snuggled in close and told him she

loves back rubs. Denny started moving his hands lower, slowly rubbing the

cheeks of her ass. He then reached around and undid her skirt, letting it fall

to the floor. Sue undid and removed his shirt. He then pulled her sweater

over her head, allowing her breasts to swing free. She moved in close,

pressing her breasts into his chest and rubbing his back. He says 'mmmmm, that

feels good. She starts running her fingers over his chest, playing with his

nipples and he kisses her neck. 'Mmmmmmmmmmmm', says Sue. He flicks his tounge

softly on her earlobe, and reaches down for her soft ass, squeezing gently.

She responds by moving her hands shyly over his ass.

He says, 'how about some help with these pants'? She says, nervously,

'have patience'. After some more rubbing and squeezing, she shyly and slowly

unzips his pants. He is running his hands down inside her panties and

squeezing her cheeks. She pushes his pants down as he brings a hand up and

over a breast. They begin french kissing while he gently massages her tits.

She takes his head and lowers it over a breast. He takes the nipple in his

mouth and sucks softly. Sue begins to moan lowly and arching toward him. He

moves over to the other tit and begins to softly nibble on it. Sue moves her

hands down his legs as he licks and sucks the valley between her breasts.

Denny starts kissing lower and lower, licking and sucking as he moves

closer to her waist. Dropping to his knees, he pulls her panties down. Sue

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lays back on the bed, as he begins to kiss her thigh. I finnaly can't stand it

any more, and removing my clothes, I move over to suck on a breast. Denny

looks up and smiles, saying' Ah, we think alike!' Sue is moaning lowly now, as

Denny continues to lick and kiss her thighs, moving closer to her crotch. He

buries his face into her mound and licks slowly, back and forth, up and down.

'Mmmmm, good', he says. Sue spreads her legs wider and arches up, to allow him

greater access to her clit. He licks and suck on her clit untill she begins to

buck wildly, having the first of many orgasms!! 'Faster and harder', she tells

him. 'Ohhhh, that's great!!', she says, as she begins to come back down.

Denny then moves up and sits over her face, with his cock hanging right over

her face. I move down to take over where Denny was. As I begin sucking and

licking her clit, I hear Denny say, 'Mmmmm, suck me!'. I look up and see my

wife sucking on his cock! Sliding it in and out, and swirling her tounge

around it, like she does for me. Denny is moaning loudly, and reaches down to

massage her breasts.

'Don't stop now!!', he screams, 'I'm getting real hot'!

I move up between her legs to stick my cock into her hot, wet and tight

cunt! Sue is going wild now, trying to arch her cunt up to meet me, and at the

same time sucking Denny wildly!! I can tell she is really getting turned on by

all this attention, because she almost bucks me off!!

Denny takes her hand and places it on his cock, so she can pump him at

the same time. She reaches around and squeezes his ass while still sucking and

pumping him. 'Oh Yes!!', he says, 'make me cum!' I give a final push and

exploded inside her, filling her with my hot sperm!!! She is bucking against

me wildly, having another massive orgasm!! I slide off and sit back, exhausted

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to watch her finish Dennyd off. 'C'mon, make me explode in your mouth!, that's

it, blow me!!, he cries. She takes a finger and sticks it up his asshole,

while bucking wildly against him!. 'Feels sooo good', he says. 'Cum in me!!',

she screams, and continues to suck even harder and faster!! Denny is now

moaning loadly and bucking against her! 'Getting closer', he cries! Sue gently

squeezes his balls, while still playing with his asshole. 'I'm cumming!!! he

screams! Sue sucking harder gets every drop that comes out!! Licking him

clean, we all collapse onto the bed, totaly exhausted!!!

I lean over to my wife, smile, kiss her deeply and tell her, 'I told you

this would be great'!! All she can do is smile back and say 'I love you too'!


Joe had been a janitor at Wickman College For Girls for about three years, and while the pay wasn’t the
greatest, but being a young single guy he didn’t have many needs. Besides, the scenery at the school
was nothing short of spectacular! The little bitches who attended the exclusive private school never
even gave him a second glance. As far as they

were concerned he didn’t even exist! That was O.K. with him, because it gave him the perfect cover for
his one and only hobby, trying to see these little sluts with their panties down! Their were really only
three places that Joe knew the girls took off their clothes, in their own dorm rooms, in the bathroom,
and in the main shower area and locker room. After careful evaluation, Joe soon figured out that the
shower was by far the best place to make his attempt. The first reason was that in the shower all the
girls would be totally nude.

The bathrooms had stalls and the girls wouldn’t be totally disrobed, and it would be almost impossible
to see much in the dorm rooms, and it would be much too risky for the limited rewards. The shower had
several other things going for it, the first being that the large janitor’s closet was directly adjacent to the
shower and could be used as the nerve center for his spying activities, and also since he was the janitor,
he could go into the shower room and make any modifications he needed to carry out his plan.

Joe decided that the best way to see the girls was to use a hidden camera shooting directly into the
shower room. The problem was how to disguise it! It would be easy to drill a hole up by the shower
room ceiling through to the janitor’s closet, the trick would be hiding the hole and the lens of the
camera. Along the ceiling in the shower was a hot air duct that was on the same wall as the closet. By
drilling a hole from the closet through the duct work Joe was then able to fit a remote control camera
behind the metal grid on the air duct. When the system was operational it was nearly invisible to the
naked eye! Joe now had a perfect view of the whole shower room! He set up a portable VCR and

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monitor in the back of his van. With a range of 300 feet, Joe could park a good distance from the
gymnasium and still get good reception! Before he would get out of his truck in the morning, he would
flip on the recorder with and eight hour tape. Now any action that took place would be taped for later
viewing at his leisure.

The first time Joe rewound the tape to see what was on it he was almost shaking like a leaf!

Soon the figures of totally naked females were casually walking into the shower! All shapes and sizes,
every girl in the school was eventually caught by Joe’s secret camera. Being as the girls were mostly
eighteen to twenty years old{a few were older}, Joe was surprised at the huge differences in tit shape as
well as the different thicknesses of pubic hair. The blond girls tended to have less hair and this allowed
you to see some very pouty pussy lips!

There was one girl named Chris that must have shaved her cunt because her pussy was completely bare!
Her lips were very full and her clit seemed to protrude out of her puffy lips. She had a small but very firm
chest with nipples that seemed to be constantly hard! She quickly became one of Joe’s favorites! A dark
haired Italian girl named

Jenny, on the other hand, had big boobs and a really hairy snatch box. She was obviously proud of her
chest as she never covered it with a towel when she entered or left the shower area.

As it turned out one of the best things to see the girls do was when they shaved their legs

or they trimmed their bushes! Since most of the girls swam, they all pretty much had to shave some fur
so it wouldn’t show in a bathing suit. Watching a seventeen year old crouched down with her legs
spread wide apart and using a razor to trim back he hair was the most unbelievable sight! Another time
Joe caught two lesbians giving each other a bath. They both soaped and scrubbed each other and finally
ended up sucking each

other’s tits! One of the best things to see, however, was when one of these little sluts would wash her
pussy! The little blond with the shaved bush and big clit would always first use a wash rag and then a her
finger right inside her lips. Once when she was alone she friggered her clit to an orgasm! You could
clearly see her clit protruding from her crack, and it was the biggest clit Joe had ever seen in his life!
Probably the most exciting thing that happened, was a very unexpected visitor to the girl’s shower. One
time after everyone had left for the day, Joe was startled to see Miss Jameson, the volleyball coach,
stroll in and use the public showers. She was in her mid thirties and had an incredible body! On many
occasions Joe had fantasized about how she looked in the raw, and now here she was standing under a
stream of hot water rubbing and scrubbing her beautiful body unaware of the prying eyes watching her.
This was too much even for Joe, so he pulled his dick out right in the van and blew a load watching the
pretty teacher cleaning her cunt! Most of these girls were from rich households and seemed not to have
a care in the world! If only they could knew that they were being recorded during their most intimate


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Debbie Warren sat quietly in her large easy chair when she was interrupted by the ringing of the phone.
She quickly bent back the corner of the page, closed the book, and crossed the room to the desk where
the phone was located. “Hello, this is Debbie, how may I help you?” A soothing feminine voice on the
other end of the line replied smoothly, “Miss Warren, my name is Miranda Gaines, I work for a company
that specializes in doing survey work for large companies all around the world.” “I was hoping that you
could take a few minutes to answer a few questions on your shopping habits.” “I guess,” Debbie replied
while sitting down at the desk, “if it doesn’t take too long.” “Good,” the voice replied easily, “I promise it
will be totally painless!” “Shall we begin?”

Debbie made herself comfortable and waited for Miranda Gaines to begin. “First of all, how old are
you?” “I’m twenty six.” “Married or single?” “Single.” “Do you live alone or do you have a room mate?”
“Alone.” “So you’re in charge of all the shopping?” Miranda asked. “Exactly, I do all the shopping,”
Debbie replied. “How many times a week do you shop for groceries?” “Ummmmm, about one and a
half,” Debbie replied, “you know, one big trip and maybe a short stop for milk or bread, you know how it
is.” “Of course I do,” Miranda replied quickly, “and for clothing, how often do you shop for your
apparel?” “Well, that depends, you know on the time of year and if something gets worn out.” “Okay,
for example, what about panty hose, how often do you purchase them?” “Oh that’s different,” Debbie
replied, “they don’t last long at all, I’d guess I buy at least one pair every two weeks, maybe more!” “And
what brand would that be?” Miranda went on. “Ladie’s Choice,” came the immediate reply.

“Let me make sure I get this down on paper,” Miranda muttered softly, “okay, now as for color……..”
“Nude, always nude,” Debbie answered. “What size?” “Uh, size B,” she replied. “Crotchless?” Even
though she was alone and only speaking on the phone Debbie felt a little color rising in her cheeks but
she collected herself and reply firmly, “No, the full paneled kind!” “Hmmmm,” Miranda hummed, “that’s

why is that?” Debbie asked. “Well,” Miranda replied gently, “more than sixty percent of the women go
for the crotchless model.” “Don’t you find it a bother to have to tug down your hose every time you use
the potty?” Now growing even more flustered Debbie stammered, “Well, er, I guess I’ve never really
thought about it.” “Then think of this for a moment,” Miranda asked. “Can’t you ever remember a time
when you barely made it to the john and had to struggle to get your panty hose down before wetting
your panties?”

Debbie had a moment when she felt like hanging up the phone but for some reason she remained on
the line and replied, “Well, yeah, I suppose I have, sure, who hasn’t?” “That’s exactly my point,” the soft
voice continued, “by wearing the crotcheless model you can prevent embarrassing accidents!” “I guess,”
she replied, “that sounds reasonable.” “Of course it does, dear, and another thing, it makes it much
easier if for some reason you need to get to your vagina!” By now Debbie’s cheeks were literally burning
red, but she managed to ask, “And why ever would I need to do that?” The line was silent for a moment
until in a very sexy voice Miranda asked softly, “Come now, dear, haven’t you ever had to insert a
tampon or adjust your panties?” With her breathing was now becoming slightly labored Debbie replied,

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“I-I don’t think that’s any of your business!” “It’s my job to ask these questions,” Miranda Gaines
interjected quickly, “now please, answer me!” Now totally taken in by the smooth talking woman
Debbie whispered, “I guess it would be easier to, you know, if I had the other kind.” “No, I don’t know,”
Miranda replied evenly, “what would be easier?” Debbie made an audible gulp before whispering, “You
know, to change a tampon…….”

“That’s better,” Miranda said gently, “now about those tampons, have you ever considered trying pad
instead?” She desperately wanted to hang up the phone but something kept her frozen in place while
she heard herself asking, “Why, is there something wrong with tampons?” “Not really,” Miranda
answered, “but the sensation of having a thick spongy pad against your vagina is very arousing,
especially if it is held in place by a pair of skimpy little panties!” With sweat now breaking out on her
forehead Debbie listened intently while Miranda Gaines went on. “Just imagine that you’re sitting in a
room full of people and under your skirt is a crotchless pair of panty hose and a huge sanitary napkin
pressed hard against your bulging lips while being held firmly in place by a pair of transparent bikini
panties!” “While no one is the wiser you flex your vaginal muscles until you have a very satisfying
orgasm right in front of everyone!” “Your pussy bulges open obscenely as it spasms out of control while
it convulses over and over again until you’re totally and completely satisfied!”

Debbie used the sleeve of her shirt to wipe the perspiration from her brow while Miranda asked gently,
“Now, tell me, dear, is your vagina in need of attention right now, I mean is it in dire need of sexual
gratification?!?” She was too far along now to offer any resistance at all, so with a wavering voice she
stammered, “Y-yes, it needs it badly!”“Of course it does,” Miranda replied smoothly, “and now we’re
going to do something about it, aren’t we, dear!?!” “W-what?” Debbie croaked. “What are we going to
do about it?” “Well naturally you’re going to stand up and remove your jeans and panties,” Miranda
replied a matter of factly. “Now do it,” she ordered almost harshly. Almost like a robot Debbie stood up
and removed her things leaving her totally naked below her waist!

“Have done as you were told?” the voice in the phone asked. “Yes,” came Debbie’s soft reply. “Good,
now tell me, are you dripping wet?” “D-dripping,” she intoned in a barely audible tone. “Very good,
dear,” Miranda replied gently, “now be a good little girl and flick your finger over your hard little clit!”
Miranda didn’t have to ask if Debbie had performed the required task as her ear piece was soon filled
with the long low groan of a woman who was desperately close to orgasm! “Again you follow orders
well, my dear,” Miranda said softly, “now be a good little girl and finger yourself to your orgasm!” By
now Miranda had slipped her hand inside of her panties and began furiously frigging her bulging clit
while at the same time listening to Debbie moaning out loud as her climax rushed towards her! “I-is it
good, dear?” Miranda stammered into the receiver. “Are you going to have a big one!?!” By now Debbie
was on automatic pilot! Her fingers literally flew in, out, and around her gushing pussy while she
blubbered into the mouthpiece, “S-so close, so fucking close, cumming now, cumming so fucking
hard!!!” The walls of both women’s vaginas began to wrench almost simultaneously while orgasms of
brutal ferocity whip sawed through their crotches, leaving them both panting and spent almost unable
to speak!

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After a few more minutes of hard breathing Miranda managed to offer, “And that was the last question
for our survey, our sponsors wish to thank you for your help, good bye!” It took Debbie several attempts
to hang the phone back up in its cradle while she struggled to her feet. Not quite sure exactly what had
just happened she pulled on her panties and jeans before flopping back down on her chair to continue
on with her book. Before she had even gone through one paragraph, however, she smiled to herself and
muttered softly, “Tomorrow I’m going to go crotchless!!!”


Zoey slowed her car to crawl as she checked the house numbers as she slowly rolled down the quiet
shaded street. “Let me see now,” she muttered under her breath, “115, 121, 127, ahhhhhhh, here we
are, 133!” She parked her car in a under the shade of a large oak tree, and after checking to make sure
that she had everything in her black attache case she headed up the front walk to the large colonial
house that stood proudly amongst the large stand of trees surrounding the property. She checked one
last time the name on the order form and rang the bell and waited. A few moments later a pretty red
haired pregnant lady of about thirty or so answered the door and invited her inside. “You must be
Zoey,” she said with a smile while extending her hand. “And you must be Mrs. Gordon,” Zoey replied
while setting down her brief case. “Call me Lisa,” the rotund woman answered while ushering Zoey into
the large well appointed living room, “please, have a seat.” Zoey picked out a large plush easy chair and
plopped herself down while Lisa did the same on the long sofa. “I was a little reluctant to call your
company,” Lisa began, “but it’s gotten to the point where I just need some help!” Zoey smiled her
radiant smile and replied gently, “Well, it’s good that you called us, that’s what we’re here for!” “How
long have you been with the company?” Lisa asked. “I’m a senior at State U.,” Zoey replied, “this is just a
summer job, but I certainly enjoy it, so what do you say we get down to business.”

“So, what exactly is it you want me to do?” Zoey asked softly. “Well, uh, you see it’s like this,” Lisa
stammered. “My husband is a very busy man, and since I became pregnant…….” “Since you became
pregnant,” Zoey interjected, “he’s become shall we say less attentive to your needs.” “That’s exactly
right,” a grateful Lisa replied. “Do you think you can help me?” Of course I can,” the young woman
replied, “that’s what I’m here for, so if you don’t mind I’d like you to remove all of your clothing!” “Y-you
mean right here?” Lisa asked nervously. “Why not?” Zoey asked. “Are you expecting someone else?”
“Er, no,” a red faced Lisa replied, “I guess not.” “Okay then, let’s get started,” Zoey ordered. Lisa
struggled to her feet and began removing her clothing. When she was finally naked she revealed a pair
of huge breasts that rested on her distended belly, which in turn hung over a crotch full of fiery red
pubic hair. Zoey crossed the room and ran her delicate hands all over Lisa’s lush body, taking extra time
to examine her huge boobs. Right away Zoey could see that the first thing that needed to be done was
to ease the pressure in Lisa’s incredibly engorged breasts via the use of a breast pump. “Please sit
down,” Zoey said while fishing the pump out of her bag, “this should make you feel better right away!”

After the hoses where firmly attached to Lisa’s turgid nipples Zoey flipped on the pump.Almost instantly
the milk began surging through the hoses and into the collection bottle.“Oh, my” Lisa sighed, “that feels
so nice, you can’t believe how heavy they feel.” Zoey sat down on the couch next to Lisa and while
gently caressing her round tummy asked, “How may months are you along now?” “Ohhhhhh, about

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seven and a half,” the overly ripe woman replied. “You look very beautiful,” Zoey commented. “When’s
the last time you and your husband made love?” “Over two months ago,” Lisa replied sadly while tears
welled up in her eyes, “I don’t think he loves me anymore!” “I’m sure that the pregnancy has thrown
him off his game,” Zoey replied, “now just relax and let Zoey take care of everything!”

With the pump humming softly in the back ground Zoey reached into her bag of tricks and produced a
short but very thick dildo that had a small vibrator hidden inside. “Now I’m going to help you get rid of
all that pent up tension,” Zoey whispered while gently pushing the red head’s thighs apart, “and I think
this will do the trick.” She carefully spread the hairy mound apart and slowly worked the fat head inside
of the now drooling organ. “O-oh goodness gracious!” Lisa moaned. “That feels just wonderful, please,
don’t stop, more, more!!!” Zoey always used a short dildo in the cases where pregnant women were
involved, but it was the diameter that usually got them going as it was at least two and a half inches
thick! With about four inches of rubber cock stuck in Lisa’s pussy, Zoey caressed her cheek and
whispered, “Now, how does this feel?” At that moment Zoey turned on the mini vibe, sending poor
Lisa’s pussy pin wheeling completely out of control! Lisa automatically arched her back and shoved her
fat cunt forward as a tidal wave of orgasms build deep in the pit of her stomach!

“So that feels good, huh?” Zoey asked softly. Lisa was barely coherent, but she managed to nod her
head in the affirmative as a small river of drool ran out of the corner of her mouth! Zoey continued to
push the thick little invader in and out of Lisa’s pussy, and just as the passion was building to a
crescendo pitch Zoey whispered into the panting

woman’s ear, “Do you remember the day you got pregnant?” With her head spinning like a top, the
poor woman could hardly comprehend a thing Zoey was saying and stammered, “W-what did you
say?!?” “I just ask if you could remember the time when you hubby made you pregnant?” Lisa made and
audible gulp as the suction on her nipples and the humming in her pussy drove her ever so close to the
edge, but after giving it a moment’s thought replied, “Y-essssss, I remember, it was after a party, Dan
took me right inside of the entry way, we never even made it to the bedroom!”

Zoey gave the dildo a couple of quick thrusts before continuing on, “Did you cum hard, I mean when he
stuck his cock into your pussy did you have a big one!?!” “Oh yes,” she gasped, “h-he came in my mouth
first though, and then after just a minute or two he leaned me face first against the wall and fucked me
doggy style! “Is he hung?” Zoey asked. “Does he have a nice big cock!?!” “God, you should see it,” Lisa
panted, “he’s eight inches long and thick as my wrist, he makes me cum so fucking hard!!!” “Do you love
his pecker?” Zoey asked. “O-oh yesssss, I just love his big cock, it makes me feel like such a pussy!” Lisa
stammered. Lisa was now so close to orgasm she could almost taste it! Zoey sensing that this was it,
flicked the little vibe to the high setting and watched in wonder as the pregnant woman’s eyes nearly
popped out of her head while a devastating climax literally shredded her poor pussy into confetti!!!

Lisa was so shell shocked that she was unable to move even a muscle! Zoey turned off the breast pump
and detached the suction cups from puffy nipples and then carefully removed the fat dildo from the red
haired cunt! “Thank you so much,” Lisa managed to mumble softly, “y-you don’t know how much I need
that!” “I think I do,” Zoey said with a smile after putting everything back into her bag. “Shall I put you

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down for the same time next week?!?” With her pussy still gaping wide open Lisa sighed, “Same time,
same channel!!!”


“Hello, Heather,” the smartly dressed middle aged woman said while ushering the twenty year old
student into her living room. “And you have you been this past week, dear?” “Mmmmmm, pretty good,
ma’am,” Heather replied softly. “That’s good,” Marie McDonald answered while directing her young
charge towards the rear of the large house. “Are you ready to have some fun?” Marie asked. “Yes,
ma’am,” Heather quickly replied, “I’m ready if you are.” “Good, then let’s get you out of those
clothes!”The fortyish woman quickly took over and in a manner of a few seconds had the young woman
standing completely naked in the middle of the room. “My you have a lovely body,” Marie sighed while
caressing Heather’s full chest, “tell me again what size bra you wear.” “A 34D,” Heather replied with a
little smile. “Is that okay?” she asked softly. “Oh my yes,” Marie moaned, “you have beautiful breasts.”
“I don’t know,” Heather said doubtfully, “sometimes I think that I look top heavy.” “Ohhhhhhhh no!”
Marie replied quickly. “They’re just perfect!” “Wellllllll,” Heather said softly, “if you say so.”

“Okay, dear, up on the table,” Marie ordered. The lithe young woman easily hopped up onto the leather
padded table and waited for further instructions. “I think that it’s time for mama’s baby to have her
vagina and bottom washed,” Marie said firmly, “and then we’ll put on a diaper.” “Okay, mommy,”
Heather answered in her best little girl’s voice,“please

wash my pussy for me.” Marie quickly slapped Heather on her bare ass and scolded, “We don’t use such
crude gutter language young lady, we call it a vagina!” “I-I’m sorry, mommy,” Heather replied with her
head hanging down. “That’s better,” Marie said softly, “we want to grow up to be a nice young lady.”
“Yes, mommy,” Heather answered in her little girl’s voice, “a nice young lady.” By now Marie had taken
a warm wash cloth and was carefully washing every square inch of Heather’s very hairy cunt. “My, my,”
Marie offered, “my little one is very bushy, very bushy indeed.” “Is that bad?” a wide eyed Heather
asked. “Of course not, dear,” Marie said with smile, “it’s just unusual for such little girl to have such a
hairy vagina.” “Do you like my vagina all hairy?” Heather asked innocently. “Of course I do, dear,” Marie
replied thickly, “you have a perfectly lovely vagina.” “Mmmmm, thank you, mommy,” Heather replied,
“I’m so glad that you like it.”

After making sure that Heather’s ass and cunt were clean as a whistle, Marie had the young woman lift
her butt off of the table whereupon she deftly put on an oversized diaper. As soon as the diaper was in
place Heather complained, “Mommy, I’m hungry!”“I’m sorry, dear,” Marie replied, “it’s past time for
you afternoon feeding.” Marie helped the young woman down off the table and led her over to the sofa
that was up against the far wall of the large den. Marie said down, and with her arms held out stretched
pulled the young woman down onto her lap. “Hurry up, mommy,” Heather said in a babyish voice, “I’m
so hungry.” “In just a minute, dear,” Marie said while unbuttoning her blouse and unhooking the clasp
of her front opening bra. Soon Marie’s huge tits spilled out, ready and available for Heather’s hot eager
mouth! Without wasting even a moment Heather grabbed a huge boob in her hands and guided an

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already hard nipple into her waiting mouth! “Ohhhhhhh myyyyyy,” the older woman sighed, “that’s a
good girl, suck mommy’s big nipples for her.”

Marie was in absolute heaven! Here she was nursing a large breasted young woman who was playing
the role of her little baby to perfection! Heather licked and sucked the two big nipples for the next
fifteen minutes or so before announcing, “Mommy, I’ve been a bad girl!” “Oh dear,” Marie replied
softly. “Have you gone potty in your diaper?!?” “I’m sorry, mommy,” Heather whined, “I didn’t mean to,
it just happened.” “That’s okay, dear,” Marie replied gently, “let’s go back over to the table so we can
change you.” Seconds later Heather was back on the table where Marie quickly removed the sopping
wet diaper. “You went pee pee,” Marie said with a smile, “now mommy has to wash baby’s vagina
again.” After she had again bathed the young woman’s pussy, Marie leaned over and kissed each of her
large pink nipples and announced, “I think that baby’s pussy needs some attention.”

“What kind of attention?” Heather asked in her best baby voice. “Baby’s vagina seems to be all wet and
gooey,” Marie replied, “I think her vagina needs a toy to play with.” “What kind of toy, mommy?” “I
think baby’s vagina needs a big fat penis to calm it down!” Marie replied hoarsely. “D-do you have a big
penis for me?” the young woman stammered. “Of course I do, dear,” Marie replied smiling, “I have it
right here.” With that she reached into a drawer on the side of the table and produced a stunningly
large black rubber pecker that must have been at least nine inches long! “Oh, noooooooo, mommy,”

Heather cried, “it’s gonna hurt my little vagina, please don’t.” “I’m sorry, dear,” Marie said firmly, “but
sometimes mommy knows what’s best for her little baby, now be a good girl and spread your legs for
me.” With tears filling the young woman’s eyes she slowly separated her thighs, exposing her tight little
hair pie to Marie’s ravenous eyes! “That’s a good little girl,” Marie said gently while rubbing the massive
head up and down Heather’s drooling slit. “Are you ready to have your vagina tended to?” she asked in
a wavering voice. “Y-yes, mommy, I’m ready!” Heather stammered.

With her huge breasts still hanging out of her blouse, Marie slowly inched the huge dildo into Heather’s
tight little pussy. Even though they were only playing a game, the size of the fake pecker was truly
immense, and it took all of Heather’s concentration to relax her vaginal opening enough to allow it
access inside of her! When almost all nine inches were finally buried deep in her pussy, the walls of
Heather’s cunt began contracting wildly as the first of many orgasms slammed into her helpless muff!
“How does that feel?” Marie asked softly. “Does my little baby feel all better!?!” Heather’s head was by
now rolling back and forth on her pillow, and as she attempted to reply another orgasm racked her
body, causing her to shake like the proverbial leaf! “Is it good, dear, does your vagina feel nice and full?”
“G-god yes!” Heather gasped. “I feel so fucking full!!!” Do you think that this would make it feel even
better?” Marie asked just before shoving the hard dick in and out of Heather’s cunt at and unbelievable
rate of speed.

Heather’s eyes nearly popped out of her head as the black hammer pummeled her into complete and
total submission! Her little pussy was being brutalized in a most vicious fashion, and yet it was inducing
untold number of climaxes with each and every stroke!See the hairy little muffy engulfing such a
murderous weapon as well as her cute tits bouncing freely to and fro was just too much for Marie as she

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shoved her hand up under her dress, wildly fingering her super hot pussy until she slipped to the floor in
a stunning climax of her own! Both women lay in a shocked state of silence, with their heavy breathing
the only sounds to be heard. As she lay on the table with her legs splayed open, the huge black prick
slowly slid from Heather’s gaping slit as her senses finally returned to normal!

“D-do you need any help getting dressed?” Marie asked. “I can get it,” Heather giggled as she looked
down at the shell shocked older woman. “Are you sure you want me to come back?” Heather asked
while slipping on her blouse. “You don’t look so good!” Marie reached into her pocket and extracted a
one hundred dollar bill, and after handing it over to Heather replied, “Don’t worry about me, same time
next week?!?” Heather pocketed the cash and replied, “Okay, same time next week!!!”


Joanne looked helplessly in the mirror at her thick bushed crotch. Never in her wildest dreams had she
figured something like this would happen to her. It started about three months ago after she started
working out at the health club. Now as she looked back on it she couldn’t believe she had been so
stupid! Like a lot of first timers she had literally thrown herself into her workouts. When the desired
results were a little slow in coming, well she decided to take a short cut and use some oral steroids. She
was still staring at her

pussy when a knock on her bedroom door knocked her back to reality. "Who is it?" she asked almost
sullenly. "Who do you think it is?" her best friend Amy ask while shoving her way into the room. "Hey,
girl," Amy said quickly, "you’d better get a move on or we’re gonna be late!" "I know, I know," Joanne
replied a little dejectedly, "keep your shirt on." Amy plopped down on the bed and began paging
through a magazine while asking almost absentmindedly, "You’ve been acting kinda strangely for the
past few weeks, you got something bothering you?" Joanne pulled a blue sweater over her head and
was reaching for her plaid skirt when she burst into tears and replied, "God, Amy, I’ve really done it this

Amy looked up with a quizzical look on her face and asked softly, "What, what have you done this
time?" Amy had known Joanne for most of their eighteen and a half years and was used to her
emotional out bursts, but this time her best friend seemed to be really stressed out! "Y-you promise not
to laugh or tell anyone?" Joanne sniffled. "Sure, of course I do," Amy replied quickly. "I mean it, Ames,"
Joanne shot back, "I don’t want anyone to know!" "Know what?!?" Amy shot back in exasperation. After
taking a deep breath Joanne turned to face her Amy and then without warning spread her legs and
thrust out her pussy towards her stunned friend’s face! "See," Joanne wailed, "what am I gonna do?!?"
Amy’s mouth sagged open as she gazed at the huge clit that forced its way through the forest of
Joanne’s super hairy pussy! "Good grief," Amy intoned softly as her voice trailed off, "I-I’ve never seen
anything like it…………." "See what I mean?" Joanne asked. "And it’s still growing!"

Amy stared for another long moment at the incredible organ, and after clearing her throat looked up at
Joanne and asked, "But how, why?" Joanne plopped down on the bed next to her friend and explained,
"You know when I joined the health club last summer and went hog wild working out and running?"
"Yeah," Amy replied, "you wanted to get in shape for basketball." "Well," Joanne continued, "I did a

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pretty stupid thing!" "What?" her friend asked nervously. "What did you do?" After rolling her eyes and
shrugging Joanne replied, "Well, I took some steroids to improve my muscle mass!" "You what!?!" Amy
asked in total shock. "You mean you injected yourself with drugs?!?" "Nooooooo," Joanne replied
quickly, "I took some powder and mixed it with juice, it seemed safe enough!!!" "But one of the side
effects was an enlarged clit?" Amy asked."Yeah," Joanne replied sadly, "a super enlarged clit!"

The two of them sat there more a moment without speaking until Amy whispered, C-can I see it again?"
"I guess," Joanne replied, "I don’t see why not." "Does your mom know?" Amy asked while Joanne stood
up. "Are you nuts or something!!!" Joanne replied quickly. "If she ever found out that I’d taken drugs, I
don’t even wanna think about it!!!" "I see what you mean," Amy replied while staring again at Joanne’s
super engorged clit. "A-are you turned on, I mean, you know?" "Yeah, I know," Joanne replied tiredly,
"and yes, all the time, I can’t even wear panties cuz they rub against it and give me orgasms all day." "Y-
you’re kidding," Amy replied as her own pussy drenched it self with cunt juice. "C-can I touch it, please?"
she asked. "Okay," Joanne answered, "but be gentle, it’s super sensitive!" After taking a deep breath to
regain her composure Amy gingerly let her finger tip brush over the little glans. Almost immediately
Joanne’s legs buckled slightly and a long low groan escaped her throat and she begged, "P-please, suck

Amy moaned softly to herself as she carefully pushed Joanne’s forest of dark brown pubic hair from
around the erect organ. "It almost looks like a tiny cock," she said softly. "You can see the head and
everything, it’s just incredible!!!" "Y-you’re telling me something I don’t already know?" Joanne replied
through clenched, "now please, do me!" Over the years the two girls had felt each other up, but this was
definitely a first for either of them! Amy sniffed in the aroma of Joanne’s super heated pussy, and after
taking another deep breath leaned forward and sucked the little "pecker" into her warm mouth.
"Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh fuck that’s good!" Joanne moaned while grabbing Amy by the back of the head to
keep her firmly in place. "T-thatta girl, suck my huge fucking clit, make mama have a nice hard one!!!" So
this is what a pussy tasted like," Amy said to herself while devouring her friend’s clit. Mmmmmmm, so
nice and sweet, just like she had always imagined!" Realizing how late they were running, Amy shoved
her tongue into over drive and scraped it roughly over her the super hard clit, inducing what was an
incredibly stunning orgasm from Joanne’s over heated cunt!!!

Joanne tumbled back onto the bed panting like a steam locomotive as her blood pressure began to
return to normal. She looked thoughtfully at her friend and was about to say so when she realized Amy
had shoved down her pink bikini panties and was furiously fingering her fat blonde haired pussy. "Jeeze
Louise," Joanned moaned softly while watching her friend’s fingers disappear into hr beautiful triangle,
"I-I’m gonna cun again!"Without even being aware of it she had begun to do her own pussy while
staring at Amy’s super drenched cunt! The two seniors thrust their hips forward in a wanton display of
teenage sexuality while brutal orgasms built up deep inside of them! Amy’s head rolled back and forth
on her shoulders and she stammered, "I-I just love your clitty, j-just look what it did to my cunt!!!" Both
girls were now long past the point of no return! Their fingers were literally flying over distended clits and
burying themselves deep inside convulsing vaginas! It was Amy who first gasp, "I-I’m cumming, I’m
fucking cumminggggggggg!" Joanne’s eyes rolled back into her head as her own climax sent her over the

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edge to her own earth shattering finale and the two of them shook out of control as their hot pussies
took them for a fantastic ride!!!

Amy finally looked over at her now satiated partner and said weakly, "You know were a half hour late,
Sister Leah is gonna kill us!" "I know," Joanne replied with a smile, "but it was worth it, don’t you think?"
Amy began pulling up her panties and replied with a wink, "Yeah, hon, I think!!!"


Ann Carroll strode forcefully towards her car that was situated at the far end of the fenced in teacher’s
parking facility. She tossed her brief case onto the passenger seat and after adjusting her seat belt
wheeled the big Olds towards the street. She stopped at the cross walk to allow several pedestrians pass
by, and just at the last moment she recognized one of her students literally sobbing as she made her
way down the side walk. “What the heck…….,” Ann muttered while rolling down the driver’s side
window. “Cheryl, come here, I want to speak with you!” Cheryl Bond slowly turned her head to see who

calling her name. When she realized that it was Miss Carroll she quickly wiped away her tears and with
her head bowed walked slowly over to see what her Civics teacher wanted. “What’s wrong, child?” Ann
asked gently. “It can’t be all that bad!” Cheryl fought back her tears and with a quivering voice replied,
“I-it’s nothing, Miss Carroll, it’s really nothing at all.” Ann was about to let it go at that when all at once
another spate of tears gushed down the poor girl’s cheeks! With concern in her voice the fortyish teach
ordered, “Get in the car and I’ll drive you home!”

Miss Carroll tossed her brief case into the back seat and seconds later it was replaced by the cute little
brunette. For the next minute or so they drove along in silence until Ann asked gently, “Now, are you
going to tell me what’s going on?” “You might as well come clean because you’re not getting out of the
car until you do!” Cheryl was totally mortified! The last thing she wanted to do was spill her guts to a
teacher! She squirmed uncomfortably trying to organize her thoughts until she finally began, “Well, uh,
you see it’s like this……” “Don’t hem and haw!” Ann snapped. “Say what you have to say, it can’t be that
bad!” With her head bowed Cheryl offered softly, “I-it’s my chest, the other girls tease me about how I
look like cow!” After taking a moment to let what the eighteen year old had just said Ann asked, “And
that’s it, you’re crying because the other girls tease you about the size of your breasts?” “Come now,
child, you have to be tougher than that!” “T-that’s not all, Miss Carroll,” Cheryl sniffled, “t-they call me
monkey girl because, you know…….” “I’m afraid I don’t know,” Ann replied, “please, be more specific.”
Ann looked over at the red faced girl as she replied, “I-it’s because of my pubic hair, it just grows

Ann drove along slightly dumbfounded at the young woman’s confession! She thought about it several
minutes before replying evenly, “Well we’ll just see about that, I’m taking you to my place to get this
straightened out!!!” A shot of dread shot through her like a rifle bullet and she blurted in a pleading
voice, “Please, Miss Carroll, let me take care of this myself, I really don’t need your help!” Ann Carroll
wasn’t too familiar with most of her students, but she remembered vaguely that last year Cheryl’s
mother had passed away quite suddenly leaving just she had her father. With no female at home to

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explain the ways of the world, it was a wonder something like this hadn’t occurred sooner! Ann ignored
the young woman’s protestations and headed straight for her apartment. She parked the car in front of
her building and demanded, “Okay, here we are, grab my brief case and bring it along, and make it

The two of them rode up the elevator in silence while Cheryl shifted her weight nervously from foot to
foot. A few moments later they were standing in the middle of Ann Carroll’s living room, and after taking
off her coat and putting it in the closet the teacher said, “Okay, dear, let’s so what we can do to help
you!” Ann came over to the frightened girl and after looking her over carefully ordered softly, “Take off
your skirt and blouse!” “O-oh no, I just couldn’t,” a stunned Cheryl replied. A hardness quickly swept
over Ann’s face, and with no pity what so ever she demanded, “I’m not going to tell you again, now do
it!!!” After gulping audibly Cheryl slowly began undoing the buttons on her blouse. Ann Carroll tapped hr
foot impatiently and said evenly, “Hurry it up, we don’t have all day, I have a ton of papers to grade
tonight!” With her face red from embarrassment Cheryl shrugged her shoulders allowing her blouse to
slip from her

shoulders! Ann was completely unprepared for what came into view! It was obvious from her outward
appearance that she was large busted, but underneath the loose fitting blouse was a simply massive
chest that over filled the poor fitting bra! “S-see what I mean?” she said in barely a whisper. “I am a

Ann’s heart was literally breaking for the poor little soul, and impulsively she grabbed the blubbering
teenager and gave her a big hug! “You are not a cow,” Ann replied sternly. “Now off with your skirt!”
Seconds later Cheryl’s plaid skirt was in pile around her ankles, leaving her standing their in her bra and
men’s boxer shorts!” At that moment Ann was truly puzzled! Why on earth would a cute girl like Cheryl
wear such unbecoming underwear? While Cheryl simply stared at the floor in shame, Ann carefully
unhooked her bra and let the young woman’s huge breasts swing free! They were absolutely
incredible!!! Like two big balloons on her thin chest, defying gravity as it they were filled with helium!
The dark pink nipples instantly erected themselves as the cool air caressed the massive globes of tit
flesh! Now it was Ann’s turn to lose her breath! With her hands wavering slightly, she reached out and
gingerly tugged the pale blue boxer shorts down over Cheryl’s lean hips! With her eyes almost popping
out of her head, Ann Carroll looked on in total awe at Cheryl’s amazing crotch! The thickest, most
luxurious patch of pubic hair stood out in stark contrast to the young girl’s pale white skin! The vee was
wide, almost from hip bone to hip bone! And if Cheryl had bent over, Ann would have seen it meander
all the way to her cute little asshole! Now in utter shame the young woman sobbed, “See, a cow and a

Ann instinctively took Cheryl into her arms to hold her tight! She hadn’t even planned on it, but just as
naturally as you could be the two women opened their mouths and kissed deeply, allowing their
tongues to intertwine! It had been a long time since Ann had had any sexual contact with another
person, and as a result her pussy drenched itself almost immediately in anticipation of a much needed
orgasm! For Cheryl this was a first as well! Being nearly ostracized by her classmates, her only sexual
release was from her own girlish attempts at masturbation! The sensation of having her naked chest

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pressed against another human being was to say the least incredibly arousing! Ann let her hands roam
up and down Cheryl’s petite backside, but when she couldn’t stand it another second she pushed away
from the surprised student and quickly stripped in front of her! While her chest wasn’t in Cheryl’s class,
it had large rubbery nipples and sagged slightly as time and gravity had taken their toll. It was her pussy,
however, that captured Cheryl’s attention, because as hard as it was to believe, it was just as furry as
her own!!!

Ann Carroll stared at the young beauty and whispered, “Just do what I do, okay?” Cheryl nodded her
assent and gently cupped her breasts, copying just what her teacher was doing! Both women hefted
their heavy chests in their hands, taking time to tweak and twist their swollen nipples! Ann stepped
closer to the young girl, and with a soft smile on her face allowed their nipples to barely touch, bringing
deep sighs from both of them! “T-that feels wonderful!” Cheryl gasped as her hard nipples flicked back
and forth over Ann’s hard nubs. For the next several minute the two of them whipped themselves into
an absolute frenzy until Ann let her boobs fall from her hands as she dropped to her knees and while
taking one of Cheryl’s big nipples into her warm mouth! “Ohhhh, god!” the

young woman gasped. “S-so that’s what it feels like!” “Mmmmmm,” Ann hummed,“you taste so
sweeeeeeet!” Cheryl grabbed her teacher by the back of the head and pulled her hard to her breasts,
gasping again when the older woman switched nipples!For the next five minutes the Ann feasted on the
young woman’s tits, when out of the blue she let her hand slide up between Cheryl’s legs whereupon
she slid a finger into her now boiling pussy!!!

“Ohhhhhhhhhhh myyyyyyyyyy!” Cheryl groaned. “Oh yes, do it right there!!!” Ann skillfully let her
fingers caress the young woman’s vagina until it came to rest on her hard little clitoris! “You like that?”
Ann asked in a husky voice. “I-I think I’m gonna have and orgasm!” Cheryl gasped as her legs wobbled
unsteadily. “An orgasm?” Ann giggled softly. “We say cum, I’m gonna have a nice hard cum!” “O-okay,
I’m gonna cum, I’m gonna cum like a rocket!” Cheryl managed to reply. Ann let her mouth find the one
of the hard nipples, and as she nipped at it roughly, the poor girl’s pussy wrenched hard, as a climax of
stunning proportions knocked all the wind right out her sails, leaving her a disheveled mess as she slowly
slipped to the floor in a heap! Now laying on her back, a small smile spread over Cheryl’s face as she
gently caressed her huge tits in her arms. She was so out of it she never even noticed when Ann Carroll
positioned herself over the prostrate woman while letting her hairy muffy slowly lower itself towards
her unsuspecting mouth!

It was the incredible aroma that hit her first, then a moment later followed the soft fur, only to then
have her mouth covered by Ann’s bulging vulva! “Oh yeah!” Ann grunted while squatting down hard on
the poor girl’s open mouth. “Mama took care of you, now you take care of mama!!!” For a brief moment
Cheryl panicked at the thought of suffocating to death, but after few seconds she realized her nose was
clear and she took to the task of sucking Ann Carroll’s over developed clitoris! Even though it was just
her first time, she had a real affinity for cunt lapping, and in must a matter of a few minutes brought the
old bitch to a stunning orgasm! Or as she had just learned a stunning cum!!!As the last vestiges of her
climax ebbed out of her still shaking body Ann rolled onto the floor along side her prize pupil and

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whispered, “And neither a cow or a monkey could do that!” Cheryl leaned over and gave Ann a gentle
kiss on the nipple and replied, “And she thanks you from the bottom of her heart!!!”


The sudden lurch of the train pulling out of the station roused Gwen from her momentary cat nap. As
they slowly picked up speed she watched in silence as the city turned into suburbs which in turn became
fields of lush green corn and soybeans, mixed in with an occasional patch of golden brown wheat. The
gentle motion of car and the barely discernible clickety-clack of the steel wheels were quite calming. She
was just about to doze off again when a feminine voice asked softly, “Do you mind if I sit across from
you, most of the other seats are taken?” Gwen quickly looked up at her inquisitor and nodded for the
stranger that it was all right with her. The woman easily tossed her duffel bag into the over head
compartment and slid effortlessly into the seat opposite Gwen’s. She wasn’t pretty, exactly, more
wholesome with smooth pink cheeks and a short shock of blonde hair that made her look younger than
she probably was. While it was hard to tell

exactly, the blonde appeared to be taller than average with a chest that was almost dominating! Gwen
wasn’t really up for conversation but the blonde quickly extended her hand and introduced herself by
saying, “Hi, my name’s Steffi Grand!” “Uh, my name’s Gwen,” she mumbled while shaking the woman’s
hand, “Gwen Porter.” “Nice to meet ya, Gwen,” Steffi replied while flashing a radiant smile. “Where’re
you headed, I’m going to New Orleans?” “Me, too,” Gwen replied while warming up to the conversation,
“I’m from Chicago.” Gwen found out that they were both from the Big Windy and really had quite a lot
in common. They traded information about themselves until it was time for dinner when they retired to
the dining car to get a bite to eat.

For the next forty five minutes they made small talk about work and all the other things new
acquaintances talk about. As the evening wore on and the bottle of wine the two of them had split was
nearly empty Steffi casually asked, “Do you have a compartment for the evening?” “Uh, no,” Gwen
replied, “it was too expensive, I’m just gonna sack out where I was sitting.” Steffi took a last sip of her
wine and offered softly, “No use doing that, I have a compartment with plenty of room for both of us!”
Gwen was about to protest that she would be fine in the coach car, but before she could reply Steffi had
taken her by the arm and was leading her into the sleeper car! “Here we are,” Steffi said while unlocking
the sliding door and slipping inside, “all the comforts of home!” Once inside Gwen looked around and
had to admit that this would be quite a bit more comfortable than the seat in the coach. “Good,” Steffi
answered quickly, “it’s all settled then, go get your stuff and we’ll get settled in!”

Five minutes later Gwen tapped lightly on the door and waited a but only a second before Steffi slid it
open and let her back inside. She was a little taken aback, however, because Steffi had removed her
blouse and was standing there in her jeans and bra! “Just put your stuff over there in the corner,” the
big blonde ordered, “I’m gonna take a shower if it’s all right with you?” “Uh, sure,” Gwen stammered
while trying not to stare at Steffi’s massive bust, “go right ahead, I’ll just put my things away!” Gwen
quickly turned her attention to unpacking her suit case, but out of the corner of her eye she watched in
stunned silence as Steffi casually slid off her panties and jeans with one shove, leaving her stark naked in

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the middle of the room! She quickly averted her eyes away from the blonde Amazon, but a tap on the
shoulder nearly made her faint dead away! “I couldn’t help but notice,” Steffi said, “I have one just like
that!” “L-like what?” Gwen replied unevenly while keeping her eyes to the floor. “One of these,” Steffi
replied while reaching out and holding a white sleeveless tee shirt, “A shirt just like this one!”
“Oh,”Gwen replied weakly, “that’s nice.” “Do you mind if I try yours on?” Steffi asked. “Sure, go right
ahead,” Gwen answered while turning to face the buxom blonde. Steffi quickly slid the undersized shirt
over her shoulders and tugged it down over her enormous chest! It barely reached her midriff while her
huge pink nipples poked through the straining material like two oversized thimbles. Gwen’s face had by
now turned six shades of red as the Nordic giant took in a deep breath that threatened to split the thin
cotton material in two. “Whataya think?” Steffi asked with a giggle. “A little on the tight side, huh?!?”
“Just a little,” Gwen managed to reply. “Here, let me try these on, too,” Steffi said while grabbing a pair
of Gwen’s nylon bikini panties and pulling them on over her big thighs. The front barely covered Steffi’s
huge hairy triangle while the back disappeared into the deep crevice between her massive cheeks. “I
look like a real slut,

don’t I!?!” Steffi snickered as the wine over took her mind. Gwen was still trying not to stare when all at
once Steffi asked huskily, “You wanna feel them don’t you, hon!?!”

Gwen’s mind was spinning like a top and even though she knew it was wrong she offered no resistance
when Steffi took her hands and placed on her huge chest and the other on her bulging mound! Gwen
was frozen like a deer in the head lights of a semi, but the low moan escaping Steffi’s throat left little
doubt about the course the events were now taking. With both of their breathing growing more
shallow, Steffi deftly pulled the tight shirt up over her breasts allowing them to swing free only inches
from Gwen’s gaping mouth! “You know what to do,” Steffi said huskily, “please hurry!” Gwen stared up
into the ice blue eyes of her new friend, and after seeing them burning with desire she lowered her
mouth to a hard nipple and hungrily sucked it into her eager mouth! “Oh, god,” Steffi gasped, “s-suck it
harder, suck mama’s big fat nipple!!!” For the next five minutes Gwen’s mouth was like a vacuum
cleaner ass he sucked and licked the big nipple and tit like there was no tomorrow! Steffi was quickly
being driven over the proverbial edge, but just as the fury in her pussy threatened to bubble over she
pulled away from a startled Gwen and pulled open the lower birth and jerked back the covers!!!

“What are you doing that for?” asked a very nervous Gwen. Ignoring the question completely, Steffi slid
the panties and tee shirt off of her voluptuous body and ordered, “Okay, baby, of with your stuff, mama
wants to suck some pussy!!!” “Oh, I couldn’t,” Gwen replied while moving back against the wall. With
out a word of warning Steffi moved in and began pulling Gwen’s things off with a powerful nonchalance
that was almost frightening!!! When she had Gwen stripped bare she stood back for a moment to
admire the shaking woman’s petite body before taking her by the arm and leading her over to the bed.
“No, no,” Gwen protested softly, it’s wrong, we shouldn’t be doing this!” “Doing what?” Steffi asked
quietly while taking her place between the Gwen’s trim thighs. “Y-you know what I mean,” Gwen
stammered. “You mean this?” Steffi replied while pressing her mouth against the frightened woman’s
bulging mons while letting her tongue probe into the now drooling slit. “Ohhhhhhhhhh, fuck that’s
nice,” Gwen gasped while shoving her pussy hard into Steffi’s hungry mouth. “Do you want me to stop?”
Steffi asked between licks. “Yes, I mean no, ohhhhhhhhhhhh god I don’t know what I want,” she panted

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while an orgasm of brutal dimensions bore down on her pussy like a tidal wave! When it finally hit her it
was so stunning that she thought she was having a heart attack! Over and over waves of passion
coursed from her clit throughout her shaking body until she was nearly unconscious and shell shocked
with her legs splayed wide apart and Steffi’s face resting against her very satisfied pussy! “M-my god,”
she finally managed to groan that was unbelievable! Steffi chuckled softly under her breath and slid up
along side her new lover and whispered into her ear, “And remember, it’s still a whole day ‘til we get to
New Orleans!!!” Gwen curled up with one of Steffi’s nipples in her mouth and cooed, “Mmmmmm yes,
still a day away!!!”


“What a day,” Pamela Watkins sighed while filling her brief case with paper work.It had been a long day,
court appearances, lunch with a client, and an afternoon of dictating letters to her secretary, Kari. It was
well after six o’clock and all she could think about

was having a tall cocktail and not thinking at all about the law for at least an hour! She exited her office
building and hailed a cab and gave the cabby an address on the near north side. Ten minutes later she
was standing in the lobby of her favorite after work hangout waiting to check her coat. She stopped in
the restroom to freshen up before making her way towards the long bar at the far end of the room. The
soft music playing in the background was already having a soothing effect on her psyche. When she
neared the bar the regular hostess, Fran, smiled broadly and offered, “Good evening, Mz. Watkins, and
what may we do for you this evening?” She hadn’t realized how really tense she was, so after a
moment’s thought she replied softly, “I think I’ll have a spike and a pussy!”

“Very good, Ma’am,” Fran replied smoothly, “please follow me!” Down at the far end of the bar were
several empty stools. Fran nodded to a tiny waitress who quickly outfitted one of the stools with a
massive nine inch dildo. After it was firmly attached and sticking up from the middle of the seat, two
young women appeared out of nowhere and lifted Pamela’s skirt above her trim waist. Then Fran, after
giving Pam a knowing smile, dropped to her knees and removed the lawyer’s panties leaving her totally
nude from the waist down! The cool air quickly caressed Pam’s smoothly shaven lips causing her to gasp
slightly while she stared at the monster latex cock that would soon be buried in her pussy! Fran stood up
and took a deep whiff of the damp panties and nodded to the women to get on with it. Even though
they were quite petite, they had no trouble at all hoisting Pamela up in the air before letting her now
gaping cunt down on the thick invader!

As each inch slid inside of her now out of control vagina a string of absolutely brutal orgasms flooded
her satiated cunt! When she was completely impaled, the two girls let her skirt fall back into place,
hiding any evidence that she was getting the fucking of her life! Then just as quickly as they had
appeared the two women were gone while the bartender placed a Tom Collins in front of her on a
napkin! Fran touched her arm and whispered softly into her ear, “Now there, does our vagina feel all
better now!?!” Pam’s pussy was trying desperately to grip the massive organ, and with each attempt her
pussy lurched a little bit farther towards another climax! With sweat breaking out on her forehead she
managed to stammer, “I-it feels wonderful, so full and thick, I just love getting fucked like this!” “Of

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course you do, dear,” Fran replied gently. “I have a confession to make,” Fran went on. “What is it?!?”
Pamela gasped as a her cunt ratcheted closer and closer to climax. “T-tell me, what is it?!?” “Ohhhhhh,
not much,” Fran answered casually, “just this.” It was at that point that the young hostess produced a
small remote control device. Then after giving the poor woman a quick wink, hit the button, causing the
fat dildo buried deep inside of her to buzzing!!!

The dildo was a giant vibrator!!! Fran had to grab a hold of Pam’s arm to keep her from falling off the
stool as orgasm after orgasm shredded her innocent pussy into confetti! When she was sure that she
couldn’t take anymore Pam’s head rolled to one side while begging for Fran to turn it off! “Had enough,
eh?” Fran asked a matter of factly. She quickly shut off the screaming little monster while Pam leaned
forward in a heap on the bar with her pussy still crammed full of hard rubber cock!!! “Jesus,” Pam
gasped, “w-what the heck was that?!?!?” Fran giggled and replied, “We’ve made some minor

improvements since your last visit, do you approve?” “Good grief, yes!” Pam sighed.Fran gently
squeezed Pam’s arm and whispered, “I have to get back to the other customers now, are you ready for
your treat?” She was still slightly stunned but managed to reply, “Yes, let’s go for it!”

After taking a sip of her drink, Pam casually glanced down the bar and watched as at least fifteen other
women were in the process of having their pussies reamed by the monster dildos that were connected
to their stools. A tall blonde was just about to get her gun when Pam heard a soft voice say, “I’m ready
when ever you are, ma’am, and by the way, my name’s Lena.” Pam turned back, a sitting on the bar in
from of her was the cutest little eighteen year old she had ever seen in her life! Short blonde hair, tiny
breasts, slim hips, and of course a completely shaven vagina! The blonde sat on the bar with her legs
spread and an expectant look on her pretty face. “Do you like getting sucked?” Pam asked while casually
brushing her fingers over the little vulva. The little girl gasped at even the slightest touch to her pussy,
and with a little laugh Pam added, “I guess that means yes!” With her eyes now glazing over, the little
blonde shoved her cunt forward in a wanton display of lewdness that made Pam’s convulse several
times as it whipped itself into another frenzy!

With her own cunt on fire, Pam finally leaned over and pressed her warm mouth against the sweetest
vagina she had ever tasted! The young woman groaned loudly while Pam’s tongue gently lapped at her
now bulging labia. Succulent!!! That was a perfect description for Lena’s pussy!!! Everything about her
was tiny, that is except for her clitoris which was by now sticking out past Lena’s very engorged pussy
lips! She wasn’t quite sure, but Pam couldn’t remember ever having seen a clit that was so fat and long!
Even though the light was dim, it was clearly evident that Lena’s clitty had a head that reminded you of a
tiny cock! Pam just stared at the little darling for a second or two, before finally gently licking the head
until the poor girl shrieked as her orgasm whistled through her excited cunt! It was time for her too as
Pam bounced her ass up and down on the bar stool, pounding the monster dildo in and out of her well
fucked pussy until her own cum racked her vagina for one last time! She nearly devoured Lena’s pussy
and clit while her cock filled cunt spasmed out of control!!!

A few minutes later several of the attendants came over and helped Lena off the bar and off to the
dressing room. Pam tired to dismount the huge cock that was still buried in her snatch, but her legs

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were too far gone and she had to have the attendants lift her off her stool and cock! When she was
finally out retrieving her coat Fran stopped by and asked, “So, was everything all right!?!” With her
pussy still twitching like crazy Pam replied, “Perfect, hon, absolutely perfect!!!”


Brenda Olsen stood a little impatiently in line while waiting to register and get a key to her room.
“Finally,” she muttered under her breath, “my turn!” “How may I help you?” the ditsy looking blonde
behind the counter asked brightly. Brenda was about to give the woman a zinger but thought better of it
and replied, “Olsen, Brenda Olsen, I have a reservation for three nights.” “Uhhhhhh let me see,” the
blonde said while punching in

her name on the reservations computer terminal. “Hmmmmm, I don’t find it here, let me check one
more place………” Brenda nervously tapped her foot while the clerk searched for her name. Finally with
her head shaking from side to side the blonde offered slowly, “I’m sorry, ma’am, but I don’t find your
reservation anywhere, and unfortunately we’re all booked up.” “What?!?” Brenda snapped. “I’ve had a
standing reservation at this hotel for three years, I demand to speak to the manager!” Brenda could
hear the grumblings from the other people in line, but dammit it couldn’t be helped!She had a
reservation and demanded that they live up to it! Ten minutes later after the assistant manager had
explained that there was nothing they could do, a feminine voice from the middle of the line said softly,
“I have reservations for a double and wouldn’t mind sharing it with you.”

On there way up the elevator to the fifteenth floor Brenda offered, “I really appreciate this, I don’t know
what I would have done with the whole city filled up with conventioneers!” “No problem at all,” the
middle aged woman replied, “I just hope that if I was ever in your predicament that someone would do
the same for me, by the way my name’s Amanda, Amanda Cross!” Brenda reached out to shake
Amanda’s extended hand and replied, “Brenda Olsen, oh good, here’s our floor.” “Nice room,” Amanda
commented while dropping her bags in the corner. “I always stay at the Elsinore,” Brenda replied, “the
service is always top notch, that is until today!” The two of them laughed for a moment before Amanda
asked, “Do you mind if I take a shower, it was a long flight and I feel pretty grungy?” “Not at all,” Brenda
replied, “you go right ahead while I unpack.” Brenda then proceeded to open her suitcase while in the
back ground she could hear the sound of water running in the bathroom.

“It’s all yours,” Amanda said while coming out through the bathroom door. Brenda turned around to
answer but her chin practically hit the floor when she saw a totally naked Amanda standing in the
middle of the room toweling herself off! “Go ahead,” the big titted older woman said casually, “the
water’s hot!” Brenda quickly regained her senses and replied, “T-thanks, I think I will.” Once under the
stingy rays of water Brenda forgot all about the incident with Amanda and luxuriated in the warm
gushing water. “Ohhhh that feels so nice,” she said to herself as her mind drifted off into space. She was
in fact so relaxed that she never even noticed when the door to the shower slowly opened and Amanda
joined her inside. “Mmmmm, you look so sexy under that spray!” the older woman whispered. “W-what
are you doing in here?” a befuddled Brenda asked shakily. “I just thought that you might need some
help,” Amanda replied gently while reaching out to caress the younger woman’s smooth belly. Now

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recoiling with a little bit of fear Brenda answered a little more forcefully, “I can assure you that I am
quite capable of taking my own shower, thank you!”

“I’m sure that you are,” Amanda replied smoothly while letting her hands roam all over the frightened
woman’s firm breasts, “but you look so sexy I just couldn’t help myself!”“W-well just help yourself out of
here,” Brenda stammered, “I don’t go in for this type of thing!” “Really?” Amanda asked softly. “Just
look at your nipples, they seem to be “going for it”!” Amanda quickly moved closer to her target and
forced her hand between the stunned young woman’s legs and began firmly fingering the smoothly
shaved pussy. “O-ohhhhhh,” Brenda gasped, “s-stop that this instant!” “You mean stop this?”Amanda
asked softly while flicking her finger over the mewling woman’s hard clit.

Brenda was now pinned up against the shower stall wall and with little or no chance of escape closed
her eyes and let the fiftyish dyke have her way with her! The tension in Brenda’s pussy was now growing
to a fever pitch! She was trying desperately not to enjoy the experience, but knowing how sensitive her
pussy was to any kind of stimulus she knew instinctively that she would do what ever Amanda asked of

Now hovering on the ragged edge of orgasm, Brenda’s eyes literally were rolling back in her head when
Amanda kissed her on the ear and whispered, “Have you ever sucked a pussy?” “N-no!!!” Brenda
recoiled, for the first time figuring out exactly what was going to happen next. “That’s good, real good,”
Amanda cooed while pressing her heavy chest into Brenda’s perfectly shaped B-cups. “I just love having
a virgin mouth do my hairy cunt, it’s oh so exhilarating!!!” “I don’t want to,” Brenda cried weakly, “p-
please, don’t make me!” “Please don’t make me,” Amanda mimicked in high pitched little girl’s voice.
“Now get your ass down there and suck me off, little bitch!” Seconds later Brenda was on her knees
staring at the hairiest pussy she had ever seen in her twenty seven years of life! Amanda grabbed her
roughly by the head, and with little or no fanfare pulled her mouth directly to the bulging slit.

Secretly Brenda had always wondered what it would be like to orally satisfy another woman and now
here she was actually getting her chance! Of course she had tasted her own juice on the peckers of her
lovers but this was totally different and much more intense! Gingerly at first she let her tongue slip up
and down Amanda’s plump outer lips, taking special care to flick across her erect clit! Hearing the older
woman moan with each stroke emboldened the neo-cunt lapper! Now reaching around to grab
Amanda’s fat ass cheeks for leverage she bored in hard, alternating between tongue fucking the old
bitch and driving her wild with hard licks on her distended clitty. “G-good fucking god,” Amanda moaned
while grabbing the towel bar for support, “you’re a fucking cunt lapping genius!” Brenda would feel a
change coming over her as the old woman rocketed to a leg wobbling orgasm! She could tell instantly
that this would not be the last pussy she would suck while Amanda literally ground her spasming cunt
lips into her wide open mouth!

Amanda gasped for breath as her blood pressure slowly returned to normal. Come with me,” she
ordered while pulling Brenda to her feet. After drying off Amanda led the aroused young woman to one
of the beds and had her lay down with her legs spread wide apart. Brenda closed her eyes and softly
twisted her hard nipples while waiting for her new lover to bring her to a cum of her own. “Now we’re

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ready,” Amanda announced while towering over the bed. Brenda slowly opened her eyes only to feel
her heart leap to her throat as she stared at a monstrous strap on dildo hanging menacingly between
the old cunt’s legs!!!

Even though she was terrified at the thought of such a huge organ penetrating her vagina, she could
only whimper softly while Amanda mounted her while pressing the giant head against her now straining
opening! “B-be gentle,” Brenda gasped, “please, don’t hurt me!” Amanda smiled at the shaking woman
and replied softly, “But the pain can be so gooooood!” And then without any warning at all, she
slammed her hips forward, driving the rubber and latex spike nine inches deep into her unsuspecting
pussy! To keep her

from screaming out loud Amanda put her arm over Brenda’s mouth and began powering in and out of
the helpless cunt like a battering ram! Unbelievably, true to Amanda’s prediction the mixture of
pleasure and pain soon became lost in a gigantic orgasmic cauldron that roiled hotter and hotter by the
second! When it became apparent that she wouldn’t scream, Amanda removed her arm only to have
Brenda beg, “Oh, please, h-harder, fuck me harder!!!” A broad smile spread over Amanda’s face and she
whispered, “my little baby is going to have a big one, no!?!” Brenda attempted to answer, but it was too
late. At that very moment her cunt collapsed around the invading monster while a climax of unreal
dimensions slammed into her cunt like a guided missle!!!“I-I’m fucking cummmmmmming,” she finally
managed to moan, “so fucking hard!!!”

Then it was over. The two of them lay together for a long time with the huge dildo still buried deep in
Brenda’s over heated cunt! “I’m absolutely shell shocked,” Brenda sighed while caressing one of
Amanda’s large breasts, “that was just incredible!!!” Amanda kissed the now satiated woman on the
cheek and replied softly, “And remember, we still have three more days!” “Mmmmmm, yes,” Brenda
sighed, “three more days, and don’t forget the nights!!!”


“Okay, that’s enough about your grades,” Virna Finch, said while placing Betsy King’s file down on her
desk, “so, now let’s discuss your personal life.” “Ma’am?” Betsy asked her guidance counselor. “You
know, dear, about your relationships with boys.” “Uh, I’m not sure exactly what you mean……,” the red
face senior replied nervously. “Just what the question implies,” Virna Finch answered gently. “Do you
have a boyfriend?” “Not a steady one,” Betsy King replied. “That’s good,” Virna added quickly, “a girl
your age is too young to get too close to a boy.” The two of them sat their silently for a moment until
Virna Finch asked softly, “Have you ever let a boy put his penis in your vagina?” Betsy’s head was
literally swimming at such an intimate question, but after taking a moment to regain her composure she
managed to stammer, “Uh, no, I haven’t!”

With her eyes cast down Betsy didn’t notice that Virna was breathing shallowly and the next question
came like a thunderbolt that nearly knocked her for a loop! “Answer me this, dear, have you ever seen a
boy’s penis?” “M-miss Finch,” Betsy mumbled, “I hardly think that’s a proper question for a teacher to
be asking?” “Don’t question me,”Virna snapped evenly, “now please answer my question!!!” Betsy
made an audible gulp before replying, “I’ve seen one.” “Just one?” Virna shot back. “Uh, yes, just one,”

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Betsy replied quickly. “Who’s was it?” Virna questioned softly. “I-it was Tommy Goldman’s,” Betsy
whispered. Under her dark gray skirt Virna could feel her vaginal lips bulging against her panty crotch, so
after shifting her weight and pressing her thighs hard together she continued on, “Was he large, I mean
did he have a big organ?” “I’m not sure,” Betsy whispered, as her own breathing wavered unevenly.
“Was he erect?” the teacher asked. “You mean was he hard?” the eighteen year old asked. “Oh my,
yes,” Betsy rejoined, “he was very hard!” “And you didn’t let him put it into your vagina?” Virna pressed
on. “No, I didn’t,” Betsy replied while shaking her head from side to side. “Then what did you do?” Virna
asked softly. “W-well, I guess you could say that I used my hand until he came,” Betsy replied red faced.

Both women were now flushed and panting, and after taking a moment to let it all sink in, Virna asked
softly, “And did he use his fingers on you?” “I wouldn’t let him,” Betsy replied almost proudly, “but he
really wanted to!” “Didn’t you want him let him?” Virna asked while the fury in her pussy roiled on
unabated. “Y-yes, I did,” she replied softly, “but I was afraid to.” “Wasn’t your vagina all wet and
squishy?” the teacher asked gently. “Yes,” Betsy whispered, “it was.” “Did you do anything about it?”
Virna Finch asked. “W-when I got home,” Betsy answered in barely a whisper. “And what did you do
then?” Virna asked with a slight shudder. “I-I used my fingers……..,” Betsy trailed off. “How did you use
your fingers, child?” Virna asked. “You know,” Betsy answered with her eyes focused on the floor. “No, I
don’t,” Virna replied evenly, “I’m afraid you’re just going to have to show me!”

The sexual tension permeating the room was so thick you could have cut it with a knife.Betsy tried
desperately to collect her thoughts, not quite sure she had heard her teacher quite correctly. "Y-you
want me to show you……?” Betsy asked before Virna cut her off and ordered, “I want you to pull up your
skirt, take down your panties, and masturbate for me!” “I just couldn’t,” a horrified Betsy replied. The
fiftyish teacher eyed the young girl for a moment before replying, “You can and you will, but just to
make it easier for you, I’ll get the ball rolling and do myself first, okay?!?!” It was really a rhetorical
question that required no answer, so with her jaw hanging wide open and her eyes the size of saucers,
Betsy simply stared while Virna Finch stood up and hiked her skirt up and over her wide hips, exposing
white panties that failed miserably in an attempt to cover the profusion of dark fur that covered the
older woman’s crotch! “Are you as wet as I am, dear?” Virna whispered. “I’m simply dripping!” Betsy
gulped audibly, and while her mouth was moving, not one sound escaped her throat! Chuckling at the
young woman’s predicament, Virna took one hand and slipped the white satins down over her plump
thighs until they were all the way down around her ankles. “Now,” Virna said with a sigh while plopping
her fat bottom on the front edge of her large desk, “let mama show you how it’s done!”

After leaning back slightly, the old woman closed her eyes and sighed while three fingers disappeared
into her cavernous organ. “Ohhhhhhhh my does that feel nice,” she moaned softly while discovering her
erect clit with her middle finger, “oh yeah, that feels so nice, I just love fingering my hot wet pussy!!!”
Betsy had a serious case of cotton mouth, and without asking she reached out and poured herself a
glass of water and swallowed a mouthful down, all without taking her eyes off of Virna Finch’s wet hairy
cunt! “I think that it’s time, don’t you, child?” Virna asked with a groan while her huge chest heaved up
and down. Again Betsy didn’t reply, but when Virna beckoned her between her wide spread thighs the
young woman offered no resistance and dropped to her knees with her face just inches from the
steaming organ! “You’re a smart girl, Betsy,” she whispered, “now do me with your pretty little mouth!”

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Betsy was now on automatic pilot. Her nostrils flared wide while drinking in the sensuous aroma of Virna
Finch’s over ripe pussy, which caused her own pussy to lurch spasmodically with each breath. Now
growing impatient, Virna dropped her hand from

her wet box and used it to pull Betsy’s mouth that last few inches until positive contact was made. “Oh,
christ that’s good,” Virna gasped while the tender lips and tongue caressed her fat labia, “oh my yes, lick
it up and down my crack!” If a person could get drunk from eating a wet pussy Betsy would have soon
been totally smashed! Her tongue slithered in and out of every nook and cranny of Virna’s hairy lipped
cunt in a futile attempt to devour the succulent treat! “God, you’re a hot mouthed little cunt, aren’t
you?” Virna Finch moaned while shoving her pelvis forward into Betsy’s open maw. With her orgasm
building to a crescendo pitch Virna grabbed her quivering breasts through her blouse and bra while
squeezing them tightly. “I-I’m almost there,” she gasped, “just a little more, oh, oh, ohhhhhhhhhhhhh
fuck there it cums!!!”

As one of the best climaxes she had ever had slammed into her twat, Virna bucked her hips up and
down and let loose with a long low groan that came from the very pit of her belly! Betsy fought to keep
her mouth attached to the wildly gyrating hair pie until the shaken woman finally collapsed in a heap
with her legs splayed wide open and her spent pussy oozing cunt juice like it was going out of style!
“Wow,” Betsy offered while covering the hairy slit with tiny little kisses, “you are one hot lady!!!” “An
you’re a hot mouthed little cunt lapper,” Virna answered dreamily, “the best I’ve ever had!” Betsy
looked at the clock on the wall and jumped to her feet while saying, “Good grief I’m late for my next
class, but I’ll stop in after school and we can continue our “talk” later!!!”A second later she was out the
door leaving the satiated counselor still half on and half off the desk. With a smile on her face she
struggled to her feet and smiled to herself, “Like the lady said, “Later!!!”


Mary Pekin sat in the back row of the high school class room almost unable to look any of the other
women in the face. This was so embarrassing! She had lost complete control over her sex drive because
of her over developed clitoris! She had been to six doctors and each and every one of them gave her the
same diagnosis: Hyper Clitoral Dysfunction. Good grief, she had never even heard of it until her own
organ ballooned up until it actually looked like a little penis! There were at least twelve other women
present, and Mary wondered if they were stuck in the same leaky boat as she was. Her last doctor had
recommended she attend this special class to help her cope with her problem. This was the first of
seven scheduled meetings and Mary was nervous to say the least! Several of the other women were
talking in subdues voices when a firm voice resounded, “If we could all take our seats, we can get

Mary looked up to find the location of the voice and was a little taken a back when she discovered that
the voice belonged to an absolutely stunning blonde of about thirty five or so! The group quickly quieted
down as everyone’s attention gravitated to the blonde. “Good evening ladies, my name is Veronica
Knight, but since this will be an informal class you may call me Roni!” “You’re all here for the same
reason, so we might as well get down to it right away!” It was so quiet you could have heard a pin drop

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as everyone in the class stared impassively at Veronica Knight! “I’ve found that best way to get
comfortable with the situation is for everyone to remove all their clothing from the waist down,” Roni
said evenly. So if everyone is quite ready, let’s get started!” Red faces began popping out all across the
room and no one made a move to remove any clothing.

“Come now ladies,” Roni admonished, “let’s get on with it!” With their heads hung down the women
slowly began taking off their skirt, dresses, and slacks before sliding panties down and over their hips. If
anyone had cared to notice, Veronica Knight was joining in and taking off her clothes as well!

When everyone was naked, Roni suggested, “Now let’s form a circle with our chairs so we everyone can
see everyone else! “That’s better,” Roni offered gently, “now let’s all spread our legs so each of us can
see what everyone’s got hidden down there!” As they had been instructed in a letter received earlier, all
the ladies had shaven their vaginal lips smooth, leaving each of them especially vulnerable as well as
available!” No one said a word, but the sound of shallow breathing soon filled the room! As everyone
looked at everyone else vulvas gradually puffed up and each and every clit became extremely engorged!
Mary thought that she had it bad, but a couple of the women had clits that were truly stunning! Mary’s
protruded a good inch past her gaping lips, but she was no match for a cute little red head who had a clit
that must have been two inches long! It was also apparent that the red head was having a difficult time
controlling herself as sweat had broken out on her forehead and her breathing had become increasingly
labored! Roni stepped over to the distraught woman and in a soft voice asked, “What’s your name,
dear?” The red head swallowed hard and finally replied, “I’-its Jan!” “Well, Jan,” Roni replied easily, “you
seem to be on the verge of orgasm!” “Is that right?!?” Jan gulped again before managing to stammer, “I-
I’m so close, I can’t stand it another second……”

Roni dropped to her knees and began caressing Jan’s inner thighs while asking softly, “Do you have a
boy friend, Jan?” She nodded her head vigorously that she did while Roni went on, “Does he take care of
your needs, I mean does he keep your clitoris satisfied?” This time she shook her head from side to side
and replied in a strained voice, “No, he doesn’t, but I don’t think anyone could!” “Are you aroused
often?” Roni asked as her fingers closed in on Jan’s gaping box. “A-all the time,” she groaned, “I can’t
help it, it just stays hard all the time!” “Do you wear panties?” Roni asked gently. “Of course I do,” Jan
gasped, “I-I’m a good girl!” “Of course you are,” Roni replied smoothly. “But don’t the panties chafe
against your clitoris, arousing you even more!?!” “I-I guess so,” Jan answered in a confused voice, “Oh
god, please let me cum, I’m so fucking close!!!” Jan’s clitoris was now bulging proudly for everyone to
see, and obviously was in a state of incredible arousal! Roni leaned her head forward, and after kissing
the inside of the trembling red head’s thighs let her mouth open slightly, allowing the huge clit to slip
easily inside!

Within only a matter of seconds Jan was bucking her hips forward in an attempt to get Roni to suck her
harder! Now it was the blonde’s turn to get hot as she simply devoured the incredible organ, bringing
the poor woman to an unbelievably stunning climax! She groaned loud and long as her cum radiated out
from her clit until her entire body was captured in its grip! All around the room the other women were
now frantically masturbating while watching the cute little red head get her pussy sucked to pure
heaven!!! The aroma of aroused vaginas wafted through the air, adding even more excitement to the

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already incredibly arousing situation! When everyone had come down from their high, only Veronica
Knight was left unsatisfied, and after laying down in the

middle of the circle with her legs wide apart she asked haltingly, “W-who wants to finish me off?!?!?”

Everyone was in a state of shock at the rapid turn of events, but Mary was quickly becoming turned on
all over again as she stared at Roni’s bulging sex organs! Instead of doing her with her mouth, however,
Mary climbed on top of the stunned instructor and after kissing her deeply on the mouth, ground her
own cunt into Roni’s until their huge clits were pressing hard together! “G-good fucking god in heaven,”
Roni gasped as her own clit was being strafed by Mary’s own monster, “it’s just like you were fucking
me!”The rest of the class stared slack jawed while Mary’s cute ass bounced up and down while she
raked her clit over and over again across Roni’s bulger!!! Mary was close to having her second cum in a
matter of only several minutes, but she certainly wasn’t alone as the rest of the class paired off and
began taking turns feeding on each others overly developed clits! Several of the women were so turned
on that they opened up their tops to expose their hard nippled breasts to anyone who cared to look!
Mary didn’t quite see how this class was going to help her with her “problem”, but as she fucked her
teacher with her gigantic clit, they both stiffened at the same moment as cums of brutal proportions
slammed into their groins like freight trains on the loose! Over the next several minutes the rest of the
women had cums of their own until each and everyone was totally and completely satiated and ready to
go home!!!

After everyone had dressed Roni announced softly, “Same time next week, ladies, I think we’re making
progress!” Mary smiled to herself as she made her way to the car while saying to herself, “Progress
indeed, progress indeed!!!”


The girls in the senior Home Economics class were milling around and talking as the bell to start the fifth
period rang. “Okay, ladies, please take your seats,” Mrs. Wells ordered, “and make it snappy because we
have a lot of ground to cover today!” A few moments later when everyone was in their assigned seat the
fortyish teacher offered, “That’s better, now where were we in our last lesson?” Jenny quickly raised her
hand and after being recognized by Mrs. Wells replied, “We were discussing first sexual experiences and
how to handle them.” “Very good, Jenny,” Sally Wells replied with a nod of her head. “And why is it
important to know what to expect during our first sexualencounter?” “So that both ourselves and our
partners have a memorable first time,” came a voice from the back row. “That is of course correct,” Sally
answered. “And what is the first thing that a boy will probably want to do?” For the first time no one
was ready with the answer to Sally Wells went on, “Don’t you think that he’ll want to feel your

Barb raised her hand and offered, “I know for a fact that’s what happens because my boyfriend has felt
me up a lot of times!” Several other girls nodded in agreement which made it easier for Sally to suggest,
“Since we all agree that breast play will more than likely be the first step in a relationship I think that we
should all remove our blouses and bras and do a some preliminary research!” Everyone looked around a
little nervously but after only a moment’s hesitation all twenty eighteen year olds stripped to the waist.

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There was a wide disparity between the size and shape of each girl’s chest, all the way from an A-cup to
what appeared to be a double D! As she always did in this class Sally Wells also

removed her own blouse and bra to reveal her own 36D’s to the class. The cool air immediately made
it’s presence know as all of the nipples shriveled up into hard little erections! “Okay everyone,” Sally said
softly, “now do just as I do!” Twenty pairs of eyes stared intently as their teacher cupped her full chest
before gently twisting her hard nubs between her thumb and forefinger! Each girl them mimicked her by
caressing and then pinching her own nipples.

The room was soon filled with soft sighs as the girls manually manipulated their firm girlish boobs. “How
does it feel, ladies?” Sally asked quietly. “U-uh very nice,” Gina replied while cupping her full breasts, “it
feels just wonderful!” “Well, as good as this feels it is a far cry from having them sucked,” Sally intoned,
“so each girl pair off and take turns nursing each other!” The sighs increased in tone and intensity as
warm wet mouths attached themselves to fat little teenage nipples. For most of the girls this was the
first time that they had ever had any type of oral stimulation, so it was especially arousing to see them
growing more and more excited by the second! After five minutes or so Sally ordered the girls to switch
so that everyone would have a chance! While she had no partner to suck her, it was easy for Sally to lift
one of her massive breasts upward, allowing her to suck her own pink nipple with her own hot mouth!
This was one of her favorite lessons of the year! There was just nothing quite like a good nipple sucking
to get a girl ready for a nice big cock!!! It was obvious from the sounds coming from deep in their throats
that all of them were really turned on! Sally gave them another two minutes before ordering, “All right,
ladies, that’s enough nipple sucking, let’s take off our slacks and panties and have a vagina inspection!

Again all of the girls quickly followed directions and removed their remaining things, leaving them totally
naked except for their socks or stockings! This was incredibly exciting in it’s own right, seeing a cute little
girl like Karen with her knee high red socks, cute little breasts, hard nipples, and of course her nearly
hairless vagina! Sally’s pussy drenched itself just looking at the delectable little muffin, and after clearing
her throat continued on. “W-we all seem to be ready, so let’s spread our legs and carefully probe our
private parts, just to get the feel of it!” Eyes quickly closed and fingers disappeared deep into puffy
vulvas as each and every girl began gently masturbating!” The sighs had grown more fervent and were
soon substituted with loud moans and groans! Cute little asses were soon bouncing up and down on
their chairs as the girls began furiously fingering their clits and gaping pussies! Julianne was the first to
go as she sighed deeply before letting loose with a guttural moan that simply filled the room, while at
the same time igniting the fire in all of the other girls! Sally was still sucking a hard nipple and fingering
her own cunt when out of nowhere Karen appeared at her side and whispered, “Would you like me to
suck your vagina, ma’am?” “I’d be more than happy to!”

Sally was in such a state of arousal that she had trouble speaking, but with a hard nod of her head the
little brunette got the message and took her place between her teachers big thighs! Sweat had by now
broken out on her forehead, and at the first contact of pretty little mouth to cunt Sally threw her head
back and lurched her hips forward into Karen’s obviously ravenous mouth! Karen’s mouth was like a
vacuum as she hoovered Sally’s distended clit for all it was worth! With the little cunt lapper firmly
attached to her wide

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open pussy Sally managed to look out to the now relaxed class and stammered, “T-this is what a woman
lives for, to get her vagina eaten and her clit sucked!” “T-there’s nothing quite like having a mouth and
tongue pressed against your open pussy,” she gasped, “so let’s pair off and suck each other off!” Again
the room was filled with the moans of young women having their pussies licked for the very first time
while several of the girls with large breasts were sucking their own nipples while as their pussies were
being eaten! Sally was running on the ragged edge of orgasm as she stared out at her senior class being
sucked for all they were worth. Several girls in the front row had taken it upon themselves to drop to the
floor and begin and impromptu session of sixty nine! This was all that Sally needed as she used her arm
to clean off her desk and lay back down while pulling little Karen up and on top of her! “T-turn around,
child, and put your pussy on my face,” Sally whispered hoarsely, “and hurry!!!”

Seconds later Karen’s little bare muffy was pressing down hard onto Sally’s wide open mouth!!! What an
incredible taste and aroma that the this young pussy possessed! Quickly Sally snaked her tongue around
until it found the girl’s hard little clit! It only took a few hard licks of her tongue to induce a stunning
orgasm aroused young woman’s dripping cunt! Around the room screams and groans bounced off the
walls while sweet young vaginas convulsed in brutal orgasms that left them quaking and spent! Sally’s
own pussy lurched hard several times while little Karen gobbled and licked her to unbelievable ecstasy!
Her hairy snatch spasmed hard in Karen’s mouth until it was literally rung out like an old wash cloth!!!
God this little bitch could suck!!! Sally rolled her head to the side and was stunned to see that there
were only two minutes left until the period ending bell!!! She pushed Karen off of her face and after
sitting up she offered, “That will be all for today, class, next time our lesson’s on sanitary napkins and
tampons, good day!!!”


Valerie Rydell stood nervously in front of the Underground Bar while trying to decide if she should go
inside. It was cool in Chicago, and to protect herself from the brisk wind whipping in off of Lake Michigan
she pulled her trench coat tight around her body while contemplating her decision. She must be out of
her mind! Never in her wildest dreams would she have thought it would come down to this! A happily
married forty six year old woman with two beautiful children trying to make up her mind whether to go
into a rather notorious lesbian hangout! It was now or never, so with a great deal of trepidation she
gingerly pushed open the heavy door and slipped inside.

Her eyes took a moment to become accustom to the low light level, but after a minute or so she could
clearly make out a few women sitting at the bar nursing their drinks while in along the far wall several
couples sat together in the eerie darkness. After taking a deep breath Valerie made her way over to the
bar and ordered a Tom Collins. She was a little disappointed that the place was so quiet. She had half
expected to find women in various stages of love making, but except for the fact that it was bereft of
men, the Underground could have been any neighborhood booze joint! She took a long sip on her drink
and was taken quite by surprise when a level voice right behind her said, “I’ve never seen you in here
before, do you mind if I sit down and join you?” Valerie turned around and replied, “It’s a free
country…….” A tall heavy set woman of about thirty or so took a stool next

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to her and said to the bartender, “Give me the usual, Gayle!” A shot of whiskey and bottle of beer
instantly appeared in front of her, and before she said another word the powerfully built woman
downed the shot and took a long drag from her long neck. “My name’s Melinda, but everyone calls me
Lindy,” the woman said in introduction. After taking another sip of her TC Valerie replied softly, “My
name’s Valerie, it’s nice to meet you.” They sat in silence for a moment until Lindy offered softly,
“You’re new at this aren’t you, you stick out like a sore thumb?” “It shows?” Val asked. “Like you’re
wearing a neon sign,” Lindy said with a laugh.

Lindy took another swig of her beer and asked, “Have you ever even been with a woman?” Valerie
shook her head no and replied, “But I’ve thought about it a lot, and today I just couldn’t stand it
anymore and came down here to do something about it!” “Well, you came to the right place for that,”
Lindy laughed while hopping of her stool and taking Valerie by the arm, “come on, follow me!” “W-
wait,” Valerie stammered as she stumbled along behind the big lesbian, “where are we going?” “Here,”
Lindy replied when they reached a booth at the far back of the bar, “now slide in.” Valerie’s heart was
racing a mile a minute! She was at the same time terrified and transfixed by the dominate dyke, but
Lindy’s tone of voice left no doubt that Valerie had better do what she was told! Once in the booth,
Lindy slid in along side of her and quickly pressed her self up against the shaking woman. “Now, let’s see
how big these babies really are,” Lindy muttered while pawing at Val’s big chest. “Mmmmmmm, nice
and heavy, just the way I like’em,” the big bitch sighed, “now let’s open up the blouse and let me

A slightly stunned Valerie pushed Lindy’s hand away and replied in a hushed tone, “Not here, what if
somebody sees us?” All at once a Lindy’s whole demeanor changed while her voice took on a decided
edge. “Don’t you ever push me away again,” she said evenly, “now open your fucking blouse or I’ll rip it
off!!!” Valerie was at that very moment wondering what she had gotten herself into but like a robot she
unbuttoned her blouse and offered no more resistance when the big dyke ripped open her bra and
buried her face in the massive mammaries! “Ohhhhh,” Val gasped when Lindy bit down on her hard pink
nipple, “t-that hurts!” “It’s supposed to hurt,” Lindy shot back while alternating between the two big
tits. “Wanna suck on mine?” the dyke asked. This was it, this is what she had been fantasizing about for
years and now the moment was at hand! “O-okay,” Valerie replied shakily. Lindy quickly unbuttoned her
plaid work shirt and then without further or do unhooked her front clasping bra and offered her big
boobs to Valerie’s gaping mouth!

“Are ya gonna look or suck?!?” Lindy asked impatiently while Valerie just stared at the dark nippled
mountains. Before she could reply Lindy grabbed her by the back of the head and guided her mouth
directly to one of her straining nubs. “Ohhhhhhh yeah,” the big dyke sighed, “suck it just like you were a
baby!” Valerie was in heaven! It was better than she had ever imagined! The softness, but most of all
just the feeling of closeness to another woman was incredibly arousing. Lindy let her hand roam up and
down Valerie’s back and ass which only stoked the fire burning in her pussy to even hotter! “You ready
for the big prize, cunt?” Lindy asked. “W-what’s that?” Valerie panted softly, while knowing in her heart
exactly what the “big prize” was. “This, you dumb bitch,” Lindy replied while hopping up onto the table
after shoving down her jeans and panties with

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one motion. There it was!!! A dark hairy pussy only inches away from her face!!! “Do it!!!” Lindy
snapped impatiently. After rolling her eyes while twisting her hard nipples, Valerie leaned forward
gingerly and let her mouth rest softly against the furry mass of pubic hair!!!

Of course she had tasted her own sex on her fingers and her husband’s cock, but they were only poor
excuses for the real thing! Absolutely luxuriating in the aroma and taste of Lindy’s incredibly savory cunt,
Valerie’s own pussy raged out of control as and orgasm of unbelievable dimensions built up like water
behind a dam! “Thatta girl,” Lindy moaned while pushing her cunt hard into Valerie’s open mouth, “my
clit, ohhhhhhh yeah, do mama’s big hard fucking clit!!!” The little nub sticking out between the
drenched folds of the dyke’s huge hair pie was such an inviting target that Valerie’s tongue literally
attacked it with complete and utter abandon! Seconds later a low guttural moan turned into a loud roar
as the dyke’s fat ass bounced uncontrollably up and down while her climax ripped through her loins until
she was left gasping for breath in a post orgasmic glow!!! While Lindy’s big chest heaved with each gulp
of air Valerie covered the dripping pussy with hundreds of little kisses and licks along the now wide
bulging crack. She was so mesmerized by the hairy muff that she didn’t notice that a tall thin red head
had taken her place next to Lindy while unzipping her slacks.

“Now it’s your turn,” Lindy whispered softly while pulling Valerie to her feet and kissing her deeply on
the lips, “I want you to meet Mona, she’s gonna finish you off!” “W-why not you?” Valerie mewled while
eyeing the tall red head. “Because I’m not wearing one of these,” Lindy replied while a huge black strap
on dildo popped out of Mona’s boxer shorts. “Oh noooooooo, not that,” Valerie begged weakly while all
the time knowing that it was hopeless to fight it. “Come on, baby,” Mona urged while Lindy pulled up
Valerie’s skirt and tore off her bikini panties before laying her back down on the table top with her legs
spread wide apart. “Don’t you like fucking your husband?” Lindy asked while fingering Valerie’s drooling
organ. “Y-yes,” she stammered in reply. “Then this should be a piece of cake,” Lindy retorted. With her
eyes nearly popping out of their sockets Valerie stared a the monster hanging menacingly between
Mona’s slim legs and moaned, “But she’s so huge, she’ll rip me apart!” “Honey,” Lindy whispered while
removing her fingers from Valerie’s pussy, “that’s the whole idea!!!”

“Do it,” Lindy ordered evenly, “and I mean fucking hard!” Mona slid easily between Valerie’s plump
white thighs and pressed the head of the black monster against her bulging slit. “Relax, baby,” Mona
said with an evil grin, “if you fight it it will only make it worse!!!” Valerie took three or four quick lungs
full of air while trying desperately to relax the opening to her fat pussy. Pressure, all she could feel was
unbelievable pressure when all at once the gigantic head slipped inside of her which immediately
induced an orgasm of mind bending proportions in her unprepared cunt! “Look at her,” Lindy offered
while fingering her own pussy, “she fuckin’ loves it, don’t hold back, lay the dick to her!” That was all the
encouragement Mona needed, because only a second or two later she shoved her slim hips forward,
driving the massive invader balls deep into Valerie’s helpless pussy!

The pain was literally blinding! Never in her forty plus years had she had such a huge object assaulting
the inside of her! And that’s exactly what it was, and assault!!! With piston like precision Mona drove
the two inch thick spike in and out of her until the pain and pleasure were so intermingled that Valerie
couldn’t tell where one began and the other ended! All she knew was that she was being satisfied like

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never before, and it was absolutely incredible!!! “F-fuck me, fuck me harder,” she moaned through
clenched teeth, “I’m gonna cum again, oh fucking christ in heaven I’m fucking cumming!!!”While Lindy’s
fingers were flying in and out of her wet pussy a glazed look came over her face as the two women
crashed together on the rocks of orgasmic satisfaction! When they were both totally satiated Mona let
the fat dildo slip from Valerie’s pussy inducing one last moan from the shell shocked woman!

Ten minutes later Valerie was out in front of the bar hailing a cab on legs that would barely support her.
As she settle down in the back seat a small smile crept over her face as she thought about Lindy’s last
words, “Same time, next week!” With her cunt still throbbing from the brutal fucking she said to herself,
“Same time, next week!!!”


Cindy lay in the tub and relaxed as the jet propelled water wafted over every inch of her lean sun tanned
body. What a day! It felt good just to not have to move! She was startled when the door to the
bathroom door literally burst open as her mother hurriedly plopped down on the john and let loose with
a audible sigh as a river of hot pee gushed from her pussy. I’m sorry, hon,” she apologized while she
wiped her damp crack, “I just couldn’t hold it another minute!” “That’s all right,” Cindy replied while
looking at her mothers bare vagina, “if ya gotta go……..” It wasn’t exactly her mother’s pussy that had
drawn the eighteen year olds attention, it was more what was attached to it! “Mom, can I ask you a
question,” Cindy asked softly? “Why sure, dear,” the older woman replied while tugging her bikini
panties over her hips, “ask away!” “Well, uh,” Cindy stumbled, “it’s just that I was wondering about
your, you know, your ring!” MarilynCase looked down at her pretty young daughter, and in a subdued
voice asked softly, And which ring would that be?” With her face and pert breasts flushing red Cindy
replied almost inaudibly, “You know, the one down there, on your vagina!”

Instead of pulling up her slacks, Marilyn left them down around her ankles while answering gently,
“Well, what is it you want to know?” “I dunno,” Cindy said softly, “I was just wondering what it feels like,
I mean to have something like through your lips.”“Well, it’s not actually through my lips,” Marilyn
replied while pushing her panties back down, “as you can see it actually is piercing my clit!” This was the
first time she had seen her mother’s ring this close up, and unbelievably it was true, her mother’s clit
was being pulled from its hood by the tiny stainless steel piece of jewelry! “M-my god,” she gasped, “it’s
beautiful, but doesn’t it hurt, I mean that’s a pretty sensitive spot?!?” “Mmmmm, no,” her mother
replied, “it feels wonderful to have something tugging on me all of the time!” Cindy hadn’t even realized
she was doing it but as she stared at her mother’s incredible pussy her own hand had slipped between
her legs and she began gently probing her teenage muff!

Marilyn groaned softly while eyeing her daughter’s luscious body, and involuntarily her pussy drenched
itself as her super engorged clit began to throb spasmodically! “M-mommy, you have such a beautiful
vagina,” Cindy gasped. “I wanna get a ring for my clit too!” Cindy had by now buried her fingers deep
into her white hot quim, and while her mother looked on in wide eyed wonder, furiously masturbated
her clitoris until her back arched and an orgasm of mind bending proportions slammed into her helpless
pussy like a locomotive running down hill without brakes! “Sweet jesus, you’re on fire,” Marilyn

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whispered to her daughter while at the same time moving over to edge of the tub! “Now be a good little
girl and show mommy what a nice mouth you have!” Cindy’s head was spinning out of control but with
her mommy’s incredibly puffed up pussy only inches from her face, she swallowed hard, and after only a
moments hesitation leaned forward and let her tongue slip into her mommy’s steaming crack!

Marilyn closed her eyes while Cindy’s tongue worked its magic on her bulging organ. Subconsciously she
opened her blouse, unhooked her lacy white bra, and after roughly twisting her nipples pulled one of
the bright pink nubs to her mouth and began sucking on it greedily. If anyone would have walked into
that bathroom they surely would have been stunned to see a pretty young woman with her mouth
attached to the over ripe pussy her mother! A deep groan gurgled up from deep inside of Marilyn’s
throat as a tidal wave of passion began welling up deep in the pit of her belly. With Cindy gently tugging
at her clit ring with her teeth Marilyn’s legs nearly buckled as her cunt was attacked with series of mini
cums that only stoked the fires in her pussy even hotter! If she hadn’t known better she would have
figured her daughter was an experienced cunt lapper, but as far as she could tell this was probably her
first experience at sucking the bearded clam! Cindy’s own fingers were now literally flying in and out her
gaping labia while both women were now shamelessly thrusting their cunts forward as they climbed
aboard the “Climax Express”!

Cindy had always figured that her mommy had a hot pussy, after all anyone who wore a clit ring was
probably somewhere around the bend sexually, but she was finding out the her mother had a hunger in
her loins that was absolutely ravenous! “Thatta baby,” Marilyn moaned, “suck my fucking pussy you hot
cunted little bitch!!!” That did it!!!Just hearing her mother begging for it in such descriptive language
was more than the poor girl could take, so without giving it a second thought the young woman grabbed
a bottle of shampoo and rammed the thinner end deep inside of her pussy! “G-good fucking christ, your
fucking yourself,” Marilyn gasped! “Oh yes, fuck it harder, fuck that little red hot pussy!!!” By now Cindy
was trying to devour her mommy’s pussy while at the same time ramming the bottle neck in an out of
her helpless cunt like a trip hammer! Marilyn let her boobs fall free so she could use her hands to grab
her daughter’s head and force her mouth harder into her gaping slit! Cindy’s pussy began to buck up and
down as the hard plastic bottle induced a stunning orgasm in her tight little cunt, while at the same time
her mommy’s crack convulsed hard several times while filling her mouth with a gusher of sweet hot
pussy juice!!!

Both women were momentarily shocked at the strange turned of events, but after only a second or two
Marilyn’s legs finally gave out as she slid helplessly to the floor with her

legs splayed wide open and her clit ring glistening with a coating of Bartholin’s fluid!!!“My goodness,
mommy,” Cindy cooed while softly caressing her own breasts, “I can’t wait to get a ring of my very
own!!!” Marilyn smiled, let out a deep sigh, and replied, “Mmmmmm, and I’ll make the appointment!!!


“God, what a day,” Brenda commented to fellow sales girl, Rene, “it’s just been one customer after
another!” “Going back to school will seem like a vacation!” “I hear ya,” Rene replied while totaling up
her sales for the day, “it’s a lot of work but we were lucky to get such good jobs over Christmas

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vacation!” “Yeah, you’re right,” Brenda replied with a sigh, “but my feet are still killing me!” The two
nineteen year olds spent the next five minutes adding up their sales when at just the stroke of six the
front door to the store flew open and a fiftyish woman burst inside and asked, “You’re still open aren’t
you, I mean the door was unlocked and all?!?” Brenda half rolled her eyes to her friend before
reluctantly replying, “Of course we’re open, how may I help you, ma’am?” Rene gave a nod and a wink
before slipping out the side door leaving Brenda alone in the store to close up. “I’ll be with you in a
second,” Brenda said to the well dressed woman, “I have to lock the front door.” “No problem,” the
woman replied, “take your time.” After locking the door, pulling down the shades, and hanging a closed
sign in the front window, Brenda returned to the rear of the store and asked politely, “Now, what can I
help you with?”

“Well,” the woman replied, “I need some lingerie, mostly panties and bras.” “We have a nice selection
over here,” Brenda offered while leading the woman by the arm to a display along the back wall, “I’m
sure that we can find something that meets your satisfaction.” “Now, what size do you take?” “I’m not
sure,” the woman replied, “you see I’ve put on a little weight……..” “Well, let’s measure you and see
where were at,” Brenda replied smoothly while pulling a cloth tape measure from her pocket, “if you’d
like to remove your coat, I can measure you up!” “Oh, certainly,” the woman answered quickly, “by the
way, my name’s Emma.” “It’s nice to meet you, Emma, my name is Brenda.” She waited patiently while
Emma removed her jacket and was a little taken aback by the size of the older woman’s chest! To say
the least she was very busty indeed!Brenda was about to take the bust measurements when just as calm
a cool as you please Emma also slipped off her silk blouse, leaving her standing their in her bra and skirt!

Momentarily flustered, Brenda’s hands shook slightly but she managed to slip the tape around Emma’s
massive chest whereupon she said aloud, “Forty four inches on the bust, now for the hips!” Again she
was taken by surprise when Emma quickly slid off her skirt and slip leaving her in only her panties and
bra. “Since you locked up I don’t think anyone can see me,” Emma whispered. “Uh, no, that’s okay,”
Brenda stammered, “no problem at all, now just let me slip the tape around your hips……..” “Forty two
inches,” Brenda intoned, “is that about what you’d figured?” “Mmmmmm, pretty close,” the woman
replied while looking at her profile in the mirror. “Do you think my boobs are too big?” she asked while
jutting her chest out. “Ma’am, I really don’t know,” Brenda replied awkwardly, “they look just fine to
me.” “What size do you wear?” she asked the young woman casually. “I-I don’t see how that’s any of
your business,” Brenda replied red

faced. Emma turned back to face the sales girl, and in a low voice replied, “The reason I ask, is because I
want to try on a bra that’s your size.”

Brenda’s shivered a little at the low sultry tone Emma was using in their conversation, but after taking a
moment to regain her composure she asked in a shaky voice, “W-why would you want to do that?” “I
just do,” Emma snapped, “now get me a low cut white satin bra in your size, snap to it, girl!” The
forcefulness of Emma’s tone was enough to make Brenda jump a little, but after only a moment’s
hesitation she retrieved a size 36c cup bra and handed it to the near naked woman. “Now, help me with
mine, please,” Emma ordered, “that’s a girl, undo the catches for me!” Seconds later Emma’s huge
mammaries flopped out of her bra and down onto her round soft belly. Involuntarily Brenda gasped at

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their incredible size which brought a small smile to Emma’s almost impassive face. “See what I mean?”
Emma asked. “They make me look like a cow!”“Oh, no,” Brenda replied quickly, “they’re pretty big, but
they look really beautiful!”“Why thank you, child,” the older woman replied with a smile, “now help me
with this bra.” Gamely Brenda tried to force the huge tits into the c cups, but it was more than useless.
“I’m sorry,” a nervous Brenda replied while her shaking hands tried to maneuver the huge udder into
the tiny bra, “they’re just too big!”

I guess you’re right,” Emma said softly. “I have a better idea, why don’t you suck my nipples for me?”
“Just look at how hard you’re made them!” All at once the store seemed very warm and Brenda’s head
was spinning like a top! “O-oh no,” she replied weakly while staring at the pink tipped monsters, “I’ve
never……….” “You’ve never tasted another woman’s nipples, is that right?” Emma asked gently while
cupping them in her small hands. Now almost unable to speak, Brenda merely nodded her head in the
affirmative while beads of sweat ran down her cheeks and onto her chin. “Mmmmm, that’s all for the
better,” Emma enthused, “I just love it when an inexperienced young woman sucks my tits!” Emma then
stepped right up next to the stunned young woman and as if on automatic pilot offered no resistance
what so ever when she was fed a fat nipple into her gaping mouth!”

Emma sighed contentedly as the young woman sucked gently on her bulging breast. “You have such a
nice mouth, now let’s try this one for a while!” Without missing a beat Emma switched nipples and let
Brenda nurse on the other one for a few minutes. Brenda couldn’t believe any of this was happening to
her!!! What was truly incredible was that she hadn’t even tried to stop it from happening! Instead she
just stood there like a statue and did as she was told! What was even more frightening was the fact that
having her face buried in the bosom of the big titted stranger was incredibly arousing, a fact which she
was sure was not lost on the dominant old bitch! And she was just about to find out just exactly how
much the old woman knew, because as the glassy eyed girl looked on, Emma gently pushed her away
and without further of do slipped off her panties and plopped down on a chair with her legs spread wide

Even in her state of stunned arousal this was too much for Brenda to take! “W-what are you doing?!?”
she gasped while ogling the hairiest pussy she had ever seen in her young life. “I’m not doing anything,”
Emma replied softly, “but you are!!!” “Now wait a

minute,” Brenda recoiled, “if you think I’m gonna……..” “Gonna do what?” Emma interrupted. “Y-you
know,” a slightly confused Brenda replied. With a bemused look on her face Emma answered gently,
“No, I’m afraid I don’t know, please, explain it to me.” Brenda couldn’t pull her eyes from the bulging
organ that puffed obscenely towards her, and much to her consternation she realized that she had
absentmindedly begun rubbing her pussy through her jeans! Emma smiled sweetly at the frightened
young woman, and with a come hither to gesture stuck out her arms and beckoned Brenda to come to

It was really like a magnet! The incredible attraction of Emma’s fat pussy was literally over powering!
With a shudder rumbling through her, Brenda dropped to her knees between the old woman’s open
thighs and without so much as a hint of hesitation pressed her mouth directly into the dense hair pie!

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“Oh fuck that’s good,” Emma groaned, “mmmmmmm, baby, that’s it, do mama’s fat clit for her!!!”
Emma just love having young women orally satisfy her, and Brenda was fast on her way to becoming a
prized pupil! While the overheated little slut ate her drenched vagina, Emma pulled one of her huge
nipples to her mouth and began sucking it in perfect time with Brenda’s lappings!For the next ten
minutes it was all Emma could do to keep from losing her nut right then and there! For a beginner
Brenda had a fantastic affinity for clit licking, and while she tried to hold back, it was only a matter of
time before her big cunt spasmed hard two or three times before wrenching a mind blowing climax
directly into the mouth of the hot tongued cunt lapper!!!

“G-good god,” Emma gasped while still in a state of total and utter satisfaction, “you are a fucking
wonder, I’d love to take you home with me!!!” After giggling nervously while wiping Emma’s pussy juice
from her chin, and her own pussy begging for release, Brenda shoved down her jeans and panties and
buried three fingers deep inside of her over heated muff! Seeing the slim young woman frantically
masturbating only several feet from her was more than Emma could take! Dropping her own fingers into
her cunt she joined Brenda as the two of them fingered themselves to orgasms that left them both
gasping for breath and wondering if their hearts would burst through their chests!!!

When she finally regained her senses Brenda asked quietly, “Now, would like to try on a bra your own


Bay carefully backed her car into a vacant parking space and then checked to make sure that she had all
of her class supplies organized before heading into the building. This was second to last natural child
birth class and she wondered why this was a mother only class and all husbands and boyfriends were
banned for this particular night. With her huge belly leading the way she waddle up the stairs before
making her way to the cafeteria of the old grade school that was being used for evening adult education
classes. She was almost to the door when a voice from the far end of the corridor sounded out, “Hey,
Bay, wait up and I’ll sit with ya!” Bay turned to see who was calling her name and was happy to see that
it was Patti. Bay marveled at how petite Patti still looked even though she was already seven and a half
months pregnant. “God, I’ll be so glad when this is all over,” Patti said when she approached Bay, “I feel
like such a cow!” “Youuuuuu?!?!”Bay

exclaimed. “You’re a string bean compared to me, just look at my boobs, they’re literally bigger than
your head!” Patti giggled her infectious laugh and replied, “Well, let’s just say we’re both a little on the
hefty side!” Bay nodded her head and led the two of them inside where at least twenty other pregnant
women were already sitting down on their mats doing stretching exercises.

Up in front of the room Mz. Ellyn Crawford, the teacher of the class, sat going over some papers before
she stood up to address the women. “Let me see,” she intoned while scanning the room, “I think we’re
all here now!” “Good,” she said while going over and locking the door, “let’s get started!” She returned
to the front of the room and went on, “Some of you are probably wondering why we have excluded
your husbands and boyfriends from tonight’s class, well there is a perfectly good reason for it!” The
room had quieted down the moment Mz. Crawford spoke and everyone waited anxiously to find out

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what was going on. “Tonight is going to be different than any other phase of our training,” she
explained. “There will be a bit of nudity involved with our lesson and I think that having the men in the
room would have made some of you very uncomfortable”There was a slight murmur when Ellyn
Crawford mentioned the word nudity but everyone sat still waiting for her to explain further.”

“Having a baby is a wonderful experience,” she went on, “but tonight we are going to actually simulate
that experience by stripping nude below the waist and having a partner play the doctor or nurse!” The
women looked at each other nervously, but when Ellyn Crawford ordered them to pair off they did so
without question! Bay and Patti paired up, but even though they had become friendly over the course of
the last few months, neither one of them were quite ready for what was going to happen next! “Okay,”
Ellyn ordered, “one of you take off your things and lie down on your mat with your legs tucked up to
your butt and your legs spread as wide apart as you can get them!” “Geesh,” Patti said nervously, “you
wanna go first?” “No, but I will,” Bay replied softly while taking pulling up her loose fitting dress and
removing her over sized panties.”

After she had taken her position on the mat Patti tried not to stare but was totally stunned at the
amount of pubic hair that covered Bay’s groin area!” “Okay, ladies, those playing the role of the doctor
carefully probe you partner’s vagina to check for the amount of dilation!” Several of the women seemed
frozen and unable to move but a sharp rebuke by Ellyn Crawford had all of the “doctors” carefully
fingering their “patients”! “Ohhhh,” Bay gasped softly when Patti’s cool finger slid easily into her now
very wet pussy. “I’m sorry,” Patti said quickly, “I didn’t mean to hurt you, I’ll be more careful!” “Y-you
didn’t hurt me,” Bay replied softly, “I-it just surprised me!” “Come on, ladies,” Ellyn said evenly, “some
of you aren’t doing the job at all, feel those vaginas like your doctor would!” All around the room soft
sighs had turned into very audible groans as the pussies of the women began to roil with sexual tension!
“That’s very good,” Ellyn Crawford said gently, “now “doctors” press your fingers in as far as they will go
while the “patients” should begin to push as if they were having their baby!”

Following Ellyn’s orders, Patti shoved two fingers in to the hilt while Bay gritted her teeth and began
flexing her vaginal muscles in an attempt push out the imaginary baby! Almost immediately Bay’s pussy
began to lurch out control as a major league orgasm

rushed through her pussy causing her to buck up her hips and groan out loud as it completely
overwhelmed her!” And she wasn’t alone! From around the room women everywhere were
experiencing orgasms of such intensity that some of them were nearly passing out! The smell of fresh
pussy juice filled the air, adding an even more sensual aura to an already sexually charged situation!
“That’s very good,” Ellyn said softly, “now please exchange places and repeat the process!” This time it
was Patti’s turn to have a finger jammed deep into her burning cunt, and just like her partner, Bay, her
vagina convulsed hard, inducing a brutal orgasm that made her cry out in utter and total satisfaction!

The women lay on their mats shell shocked from the incredible turn of events that just had occurred
only moments before! At this point what ever orders Ellyn Crawford gave them would have be obeyed
with out question! So when after giving them five minutes to recuperate she told the women to face
each other and them interlock their vaginas so that their pussies were pressed together, not one peep of

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protest could be heard! In fact, it seemed that most, it not all of them were almost eager to follow her
crude bidding! “I-I don’t believe I’m doing this,” Patti stammered as her almost hairless little organ was
being devoured by Bay’s huge hair pie! “Me neither,” Bay replied tightly as both of them maneuvered
around so as to connect their aching clits! “I can see that everyone seems to be getting with the
program,” Ellyn said softly, “now be good “doctors and patients” and make sure that all of your hard
little clits are pressing together!”

Soon each pair of women was grinding their pussies together like there was no tomorrow!Hard little clits
were now scraping back and forth over each other, literally driving each other insane with pleasure!
Patti and Bay had no problem what so ever making clitoral contact, and over the next ten minutes or so
each of them had at least three or four massive orgasms! Ellyn had by now lifted up her own skirt only
to reveal a pantiless pussy that bulged obscenely open and ready for business! With her ass on the edge
of the front table she motioned for a cute twenty something red head to take a place between her wide
open legs! The young woman obediently dropped to her knees, and after a signal from the panting
instructor buried her mouth into the smoothly shaven quim! With most of the class looking on almost
slack jawed, the little red head licked and sucked EllynCrawford to several stunning climaxes that
resulted in covering the young woman’s face with a layer of her sweet pussy juice!!! When she was
completely sated she flopped back onto the desk and just lay there with her open cunt brazenly gaping
to anyone who card to look!

After a taking but a few minutes to recuperate, Ellyn sat up and out of nowhere produced a giant strap
on dildo. With a look of wanton desire on her face she asked for a volunteer!A huge breasted black
woman with a gigantic ass waddled up and without even bothering to put it on, grabbed it out of Ellyn
Crawford’s hand and rammed it into her unsuspecting pussy with brutal ferocity! The scream that came
from deep inside of her throat would have wakened the dead, but in a matter of seconds she was
begging the big assed woman to fuck her even harder! Soon the women on the floor were calling
encouragement to their comrade, demanding that she fuck the hot pussied teacher to within and inch of
her life! When she could see that she couldn’t take it anymore, and to

the cheers of her classmates, the black woman gave Ellyn one last hard fuck and left the monster pecker
buried deep in the well fucked pussy of the stunned instructor while she made her way back to her mat
to the applause of everyone in the room(that is except for Ellyn who was too far gone to even move)!!!

Now walking back to their cars Patti piped up, “Now that is a class I’d like to take even if I weren’t
pregnant!!!” Bay shivered a little against the cold and replied, “You and me both, hon, you and me


“Hi,” Dani said to the knew girl while extending her hand, “my name’s Dani, Dani Noonan!” “Nice to
meet you, Dani, I’m Becky Rice, man this is a big school!” “Yeah,it is,” Dani replied while closing her
locker. “Where’re you from, it must be tough transferring in the middle of your senior year?” “I’m from
a little town down state,” Becky replied as the two girls made their way through the lunch time throng
of students.“My dad got a new job and we couldn’t afford to have two houses at the same time, so we

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had to move.” “Bummer,” Dani replied as the two of them went through the lunch line. They found an
empty table at the far end of the room, and after getting situated they ate their lunches and gabbed
away like girls do. “What’s your next class?” Dani asked while finishing off her pie. “Yuck, I’ve got gym
class,” Becky said while making a face. “I do too!” Dani replied quickly. “And you’re right, yuck!!!” Becky
took one last sip of milk before leaning over and whispering, “I just hate getting undressed in front of
room full of girls!” “Well, we’re both in the same boat,” Dani responded. At that moment both girls were
giving each other the once over until Becky asked a little sadly, “Do they tease you, too?”

Dani sighed softly and replied, “Not too much, but once in a while someone will act like a jerk!” The two
girls got up from their table, and after dumping their garbage made their way to the locker room. “This
way,” Dani said over her shoulder, “no one can see us from here.” It was then that the two seniors
began undressing. Both of them were extremely self conscious about getting naked because both of
them tipped the scales at well over two hundred pounds! While both of them had pleasant enough
faces, they also had huge tits, round tummies, big fat asses, and of course heavy thick thighs! “We
almost look like twins,” Becky giggled nervously. “Except for out nipples,” Dani whispered a little
hoarsely, “mine are pink and yours are brown.” They were quiet for a few moments, and when neither
one made a move to put on their gym clothes Becky asked softly, “What size bra do you wear?” “42DD,”
Dani replied quickly. “What about you?” “About the same,” Becky shot back. “Can you suck your own
nipples?”“I can, watch this!” With her eyes as wide as saucers Dani stared with her mouth hanging open
while her new friend casually lifted a fat nipple to her mouth and began fervently sucking it! After a
minute or so Becky let the wet nipple slip from her mouth while whispering, “Come on, you try it!”

“A-are you crazy?” Dani hissed. “What if somebody sees us?” “They don’t even know we’re back here,”
Becky shot back, “come on and try it, it feels wonderful!” After peeking around the corner to see if
anyone was around, Dani gingerly took one of her huge boobs in her hands, and after rolling her eyes
towards the ceiling, she opened her

mouth and easily sucked her bright pink nub! While she sucked her own nipple, Dani watched in wide
eyed wonder while Becky sat down on the bench and spread her thick heavy thighs wide apart before
burying a finger deep into her very hairy honey pot! “Do you masturbate a lot?” Becky gasped softly. “I
do it everyday, I just can’t help myself!”With her nipple in a state of pure excitement from her own
sucking, Dani’s pussy lurched several times while watching Becky brazenly finger herself like an absolute
slut! “Have you ever been fucked?” Becky asked with a moan. Now Dani was getting turned on like
never before, and in a halting voice replied, “N-no, never, I’ve never been with a boy!”“Me neither,”
Becky answered, “but I have a candle I use in place of a cock!” “Y-you use a candle in your vagina?” Dani
groaned. “Not in my vagina,” Becky shot back, “in my fucking pussy!”

Becky continued thrusting her fingers in and out of her overheated pussy while Dani sucked on her big
fat nipple. When it appeared that Becky was on the verge of her cum she stunned Dani by grabbing her
by the arm and pulling her face towards her huge cunt.“W-what are you doing?” Dani gasped. “What
does it look like?” Becky whispered hoarsely. “I want you to eat my fucking pussy!!!” “Oh noooooo,”
Dani moaned, “I-I just couldn’t!” Becky’s grip was like a vise, and when Dani tried to pull away she found
it was useless to struggle and allowed the fat titted bitch to guide her mouth directly to her gaping cunt!

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Never in her life had she had any type of sexual contact with another human being, and as much as she
abhorred the thought of being a lesbian, the lure of Becky’s sweet smelling vagina absolutely
overpowered her senses! Instead of fighting it Dani let her mouth rest comfortably against the sopping
wet organ while her curious tongue meandered up and down the slippery labia!

Becky threw her head back and thrust her pussy forward while gasping, “S-sweet jesus in heaven, you
are a cunt lapping wonder!!!” Dani didn’t know about that, but she did know that from that moment on
she was a confirmed cunt sucker! After a few minutes of exploring Dani finally settled her tongue on
Becky’s hard little clitty! With devilish abandon she worked her magic, slowly driving the big assed bitch
into a state of sexual delirium as she snaked the end of the tongue all over Becky’s “little man in the
boat”! Adding to the excitement was that the other girls in the gym class were changing on the other
side of the bank of lockers, completely unaware of the sexual frenzy that was occurring only a few feet
away! Becky grabbed her huge pair of bikini panties, and shoved them into her mouth to muffle the
sounds of her impending orgasm! With the uncontrollable urge to devour her new friend’s pussy, Dani
threw her mouth and tongue into overdrive in an attempt to bring the shaking eighteen year old to an
earth shattering climax! Just as Becky’s cunt began spasming with wild contractions, Dani shoved Becky
to the floor, and after spreading the stunned young woman’s legs, quickly mounted her in the classic
sixty nine position!!! As she buried her face back into Becky’s gaping pussy, she boldly forced her own
hair pie down onto the shocked girl’s face! Now raking her open cunt all over Becky’s lips, Dani’s own
cunt quickly ignited like a wild fire as her own orgasm rocketed through her pulsating pussy! Feeling and
tasting Dani’s pussy exploding in her mouth, Becky’s clit lurched hard as her own orgasm washed
through her like a tidal wave crashing on shore!

Both girls were now totally spent as they gently tongued each other clean! With the shouts of the other
girls echoing from the gym Dani said softly, “Now that’s what I call a workout!”

The Girls Locker Room

It is the last class of the day and you are tired. Being a phys-ed instructor at the local college is a
demanding job and the girls have been giving you a hard time. Spring probably has something to do with
the rambunctious nature of your charges but all their energy is wearing you out. Also, just looking at
their young limber bodies, just budding into womanhood has you kind of horny. You don't usually think
about such things while you're working but seeing those girls today in their tights as they went through
their exercises turned you on. Your pussy has been hot and wet all afternoon and your nipples seem to
be in a constant state of erection.

The last class that you currently have doing gymnastics is the freshmen class. The eighteen and nineteen
year-olds are stretching their bodies into a variety of sexual contortions. In one corner, the girls on the
mats are doing split after split and looking at those long legs stretched so far apart makes you imagine
one of them tied up in that position, totally helpless to prevent the stimulation of her body. On the
trampoline, your eye catches sight of one of the bustier girls as her breasts bounce up and down. Her
hard nipples are prominently displayed through the thin fabric of her Danskin and you are embarrassed

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to catch yourself thinking about what it would be like to suck them. This is crazy, you think to yourself;
these girls are innocent teenagers who don't know anything about sex. The day will prove you wrong.

The bell sounds and the girls quickly tidy up before heading to the locker room. It will be a good 20
minutes before they've showered and changed and you are able to close the place up. You decide to
take the opportunity to go to your office and masturbate to release some of this nervous energy. You
enter your office and lock the door behind you. In the bottom drawer of your desk are a large vibrator
and an envelope containing a magazine on your favorite fantasy: bondage. You open the envelope and
take out the bondage mag. Flipping through a couple of pages, you stop at a story about teenage girls
being kidnapped by a band of dominant women who then train them. The pictures on the page show
young girls being restrained in a variety of exposing positions. Some with their legs held wide apart,
others with their hands tied to the ceiling. In some, you see nipple clips pinching their nipples. In others,
you see a dildo much like yours pushed into their pussies. One young girl is getting a bare bottomed
spanking by her mistress. The pictures turn you on a little more and you push your danskin to the side to
allow access to your pussy for your vibrator. The humming sensation is electric and you let out a quiet
moan as the tip of the artificial cock touches the hood of your clitoris. You rub the vibrator up and down
the edges of your sensitive pussy lips and let the feelings run through your body. You push just the tip of
it into your now soaking pussy and you hold back for a moment before pushing it deeper. You imagine
yourself tied to a bed and being totally helpless. Whoever was in control would determine when the
dildo would

penetrate you. You would have no say. You hold the vibrator there wanting it deep inside you but
imagining that you can't have it. You don't last very long. Soon the long thick dildo is sliding in and out of
your wet slit. On each stroke, the vibrator feels like it is filling your body totally.

You decide to prolong the sensation until you can get home and really do something about it. You turn
the vibrator off but you leave it deep in your pussy. You feel completely filled as you adjust your Danskin
and stand up slowly. You want to come so bad and the anticipation is bittersweet. It has been about 25
minutes since your students finished their class and you go to take a last look in the locker room before
closing up. As you enter the locker room, a familiar sound has you stop dead in your tracks. There is the
clear, distinct sound of a girl panting, close to coming in the room. You can also hear the sound of the
shower and the girl's voice is coming from there.

One of the girls must be masturbating in the shower, you think to yourself. Your pussy automatically
tightens around the thick dildo still lodged in there. You move slowly and silently toward the shower
area, determined to find out who it is and perhaps take a look at her having an orgasm. As you turn a
corner, the sight is very different from what you expect and the sight has you gasp as your heart starts
to race. There are FOUR naked girls in the shower not one. Three of the girls are holding a fourth captive
and are teasing her helpless body. One of the girls standing behind her and is holding the helpless girl's
hands tightly behind her head to expose her pretty breasts. One of the others is standing in front of her
and playing with her very long pink nipples. A third is on her knees at the feet of the restrained teenager
and is running a bar of wet soap back and forth through her crack. The girl who is being held doesn't
seem to be struggling as these three girls tantalize her body with their hands and tongues. You see one

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lick her nipples as the other slides one finger first deep into her pussy and then deep into her obviously
lubricated bottom. Your own hand has moved to your pussy almost of its own volition and is now
pushing gently at the end of the vibrator sticking out, pushing it deeper into you. The girl on her knees is
now licking the helpless girl, whose name is Julie, and a moment later, Julie starts to come in long
sobbing gasps. The other three girls hold her and caress her until her orgasm has subsided and she is
able to stand on her own. Julie looks at them and giggles, "That was the BEST ever! Who's next?" Suzie
says, "Oh, let me."

The girls go right into action. This time, the girl is held lying on her back with her legs spread up and wide
apart. From your vantagepoint, you can see that her pussy is completely shaved! You can see the
delicate pussy lips gently being spread open to reveal the hot pink interior and below that her pink,
crinkled bottom hole. The girl holding Suzie's wrists starts licking and biting her tiny nipples and the
Suzie stars writhing right away. One of the girls begins playing with Suzie's ass and gently sliding her
finger into it while the third starts playing with Suzie's pussy lips with her tongue. It does not take long
before Suzie is begging them to let her come. They hold her off time and time again just on the brink of
an orgasm. Finally, one of the girls positions herself so that her legs and Suzie's legs scissor each other
and their pussies begin grinding together. Suzie immediately begins coming like a freight train and you
join her. The

sight has been too much for you. You reach down and turn on the vibrator and your pussy tightens itself
around it as the artificial intruder brings you to yet another orgasm.

You pull the vibrator out of your body and turn it off. You have decided it is time for these girls to be
found out. The girls have, meanwhile, switched partners again and the next victim, Courtney, is now
being held on her hands and knees with her knees held wide apart waiting for her ass and pussy to be
violated from behind. Stepping out from your hiding place, you walk straight up to them. "Well, girls,
what is going on here?" you ask in a stern voice. The girls leap to their feet, "Oh, nothing miss. We're
sorry. We should be on our way now." "Not so fast," you say. "Courtney, get back down on your knees."
The girls are disbelieving as you have them all watch as you gently position Courtney to best expose her
most private area. You instruct the girls to hold her legs and her wrists tightly so that she cannot escape.
Then you pull out your vibrator. You turn it on first and begin running it over her body. First along her
arms and legs, then you let it touch the sensitive breasts and nipples hanging down from her body.
Courtney's breathing is a little heavier when you finish playing with her tits. Now you move behind her.
Courtney is anxiously awaiting the touch of the vibrator but you make her wait. Finally, you slide the
thick vibrator deep into her soaking pussy in one long delicate stroke. Courtney cries out at the exquisite
sensation and your own pussy tightens with desire as you remember the feeling from just a few minutes
ago. You begin sliding the vibrating cock very slowly in and out of her clit. Soon she is taking full strokes
in and out and begging for more. You lubricate one finger of your other hand in the soaking juices of
Courtney's pussy and then you gently slide its full length into her bottom. The moan from her coupled
with an additional wriggling of her bottom is enough for you to know that it was the right thing to do. All
of this stimulation will have her come soon so you have one of the girls lie down under Courtney and
begin licking and biting her nipples. This final sensation is too much and she begins shaking in an orgasm
that has her scream out in pleasure.

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A couple of minutes later you are all back in your office talking about what happened. "Are you all
submissive?" you ask. The girls nod their heads shyly. Now that the action has stopped, they have
reverted to the shy introverted people they make out to be. "Very well," you say, "I shall not report this
on the condition that you all report here once per week for some personal instruction on being totally
submissive. The girls look up disbelievingly. The smiles on their faces tell you that you are in for some
interesting times before the term is over. Before the girls leave the office, you have them all get on their
knees before you and lick your pussy! The quick lick from the four of them is enough to turn you on all
over again but now you decide to take your libido home anxious to tell me all about this latest

My Kinkiest Sex Experience

My name is Wendy, I'm a 30 year old Lesbian and although I've had a lot of Lesbian lovers in my time, I
never really been into kinky sex. However, I've got to tell you about my Kinkiest sex experience – god my
pussy gets wet just thinking about it! I'll start by

describing myself. I'm 5' 5", 145 lbs., with brown hair and green eyes. I measure 44-34-38 (I can be
described as Rubinesque). My breasts are huge as you can tell and they are very sensitive. I have above
average body hair. I keep my pussy hair well trimmed, although I sometimes let it, as well as the hair
under my arms grow. I love the sight of a woman with lots of hair under her arms.

My kinkiest sex experience involves a woman I met at work named Kim. She is nearly the same size as I
am, except she has curly blond hair. We became good friends at work and had gotten together after
work a couple of times for drinks. I suspected that she might be a Lesbian or at least Bi, but I didn't want
to approach her about it. If I were going to have sex with her, then it would happen eventually.

One Saturday, Kim was coming over to go shopping with me. She said that she would be here at noon,
but she was a half-hour early. I had just gotten out of the shower and had to throw on a robe to answer
the door. Kim was wearing a sweat suit and had a clothes bag with her. She said that she had just
finished her workout. She said that she wanted to take a shower before we left for the mall. I showed
her to the shower in my bedroom. She walked into the bathroom and started to undress right in front of
me. I was surprised but did not try to leave. She smiled and kept right on telling me about her workout.
When she got her top and bra off, I couldn't believe my eyes. Her tits were as big as mine, with large
pink nipples - Uhm! They looked so good. I wanted to suck on them so bad. I felt my pulse quicken and I
gave a barely audible sigh. Kim then took off her pants and her cotton panties. I have never seen a
hairier pussy in my life. She had a small trail of hair all the way up to her navel. She turned her back to
me as she kicked off her panties and I could see that she had very light hair all along the crack of her ass.
But then I happened to notice her underarms. My God!! They were covered with hair. I swear I almost
came just looking at her underarms. My pussy was dripping by now. When she turned around, she could
tell that I was turned on.

She said "Would you like to shower with me?" I couldn't get out of my cloths fast enough. I got into the
shower with her and we started rubbing each other's breasts. With the warm water running down us, it
felt so good. I leaned over and kissed her mouth, our tongues entwining. I was now so hot that I would

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come soon. So I decided to get down on my knees and get a better look at her pussy. I ran my fingers
over her slit. Her cunt lips were puffy and spread apart already. I pulled her lips as far as I could and
licked the entire length of her pussy. I then sucked her large erect clit into my mouth and twirled my
tongue around and around on it. She was moaning and started to buck on my face. She must have had a
real workout earlier because I could smell her musky sweat, especially around her pussy. After a few
more tongue-lashings, she started to talk dirty to me. "Oh suck my pussy, you beautiful cunt". "Lick it…
oh yeaa... right there... you bitch... you're making me come with your tongue... you slut". She then
started to jerk around and started coming on my tongue. Her juices squirted into my mouth and I drank
it all in. We then washed each other up and got out and dried off. I started to dress, when she stopped
with a soft whisper in my ear - "Now it's my turn to suck your pussy, baby".

She then licked my ear and pushed me onto the bed. She got between my legs and spread them wide.
She then started licking my thighs and rubbing my bush with her hands. I was still so hot, that I had to
have her tongue in me now. I grabbed the back of her head and pushed her face into my pussy. She
pulled back and said, "Wait, baby. Let me do this my way". She then spread my pussy lips and put two
fingers in me. She said, "Oh, Wendy your pussy is so big, I think I can get my whole fist inside". At that
point, I didn't care what she put in my cunt - I was so damn horny. She worked two, then three, then
four fingers into my hole. She said, "Come on Wendy, loosen your pussy for me". She then tucked her
thumb into her fist and slipped her entire fist into my now gapping hole. I have never felt a sensation
like it before. My pussy had never had anything that big in it before. I humped my ass into the air to
meet her thrusts. Kim said, "Wendy, my fist is inside of you and I'm fuck-ing you". I said, "Oh Kim, fuck
me faster, you fist fuckin' cunt". She said, "Get on your knees, baby. I want to lick your asshole while I
fist fuck you". I got on my hands and knees, all the time keeping her fist in me. Kim spread my ass cheeks
with her other hand and ran her tongue over my asshole. I screamed, "Ah, Kim, baby, put your tongue
up my ass". She worked her tongue into my asshole all the way. When she did this, I came and came. My
pussy was contracting on her fist as the walls of my anus contracted on her tongue. She said, "I'm gonna
fist fuck your asshole too". I swear I came again just hearing her say that. She worked two fingers into
my ass and I felt my sphincter loosen up. Then three fingers, and then four, and then tucked her thumb
into her fist and all at once she rammed her fist all the way up my ass. I screamed in pain, but the pain
soon turned to pleasure as she worked her fists in and out of my pussy and ass. I soon started coming in
waves. Again and again, over and over, so many that I lost count. She then slowly pulled her fists out of
my pussy and asshole. All of the fist action had left my pussy slightly soar and left my asshole gapping
open about an inch. She said, "Oh Wendy, your asshole is stretched out so big". She then licked the rim
of my ass very lightly. It felt sooo good. My pussy was so wide open that she was able to lick way inside
me, farther than I could have imagined. She was actually licking the walls of my cunt. I t was heaven. I
came so violently that I almost broke her nose! I collapsed beside her. I then nuzzled up to her and said,
"Thanks Kim, that was wonderful".

I'm So Horny

I'm writing this letter for a very important reason. I'm horny. Horny enough to know I'd like to get laid or
at least fool around, but not horny enough to take off my panties and play with my cunt. I know that if I
write to you and tell you how horny I am, I'll get hot enough to pet my pussy 'til I come. Here's what I'm

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doing right now. I've got my pen in my right hand and my left leg is up on the couch. I'm sitting at a
folding table. I've just now taken off my panties. I haven't touched my cunt yet, but I can feel cool air
circulating around it, and it seems my clit is already kind of hard. I think my cunt's a little wet, too. I just
ran my middle finger up and down my slit, real gentle, not even opening up my cunt lips. Mmmmm, I did
it again, only this time I stuck my finger into my slit. It's kind of moist, and when I sniff my finger I get the
most delicious sexual

armoa. Right now I'm holding my pussy lips open with my index and third fingers, and I'm using my
middle finger to rub my clitoris. Ooooh, it feels so good! My cunt's pretty wet now, and I'm getting really
excited. I've got my make-up mirror nearby, and now I'm looking at my cunt, and it's very pink and shiny,
and I'm going to sign off now so I can watch myself masturbate . . .

Wedding Day Bliss

I attended a wedding reception with my boyfriend who was a fraternity brother of the groom. The event
was at the home of the bride's parents in an exclusive neighborhood in upstate New York. It was
fascinating to move among all these polite and well-dressed people. We slowly walked down the
receiving line as introductions were made and hands were shaken. I'd never remember all those names
and faces.

I remarked to myself how beautiful the bride was--all blonde in satin and lace. When we were
introduced and shook hands, electricity sparked. She and I were both a little shaken by the experience. If
the tremor that went through my pussy was the same as touched hers, I knew I had to act on it. Looking
her directly in the eyes, I thanked her for being invited. She said she hoped to talk to me later during the
reception. Sure enough about thirty minutes later as I was stepping away from the champagne fountain,
she approached me. I told her that her parent's home was beautiful. She said that she had to go freshen
up and would I like to see the upstairs as she did so. I walked up the stairs with her making small talk.

She led me in her bedroom and locked the door behind us. I was all over her in a flash. I took that pretty
blonde head between my hands and pushed my tongue down her throat. She moaned in ecstasy. As she
spread her legs, I reached down and under all that satin and lace and found her pussy. I rubbed her hard
as she screwed her ass against the door. I put my hand inside those little lace panties and made contact
with her hot flesh. The panties held my hand in place as I finger-fucked her to orgasm. My tongue was
still ravishing her mouth as she came as she came. I eased my fingers from her pussy and licked them
clean as she watched whimpering. She seemed to want more fucking, so I happily obliged her. Leading
her to a chaise lounge, I pulled up the back of her wedding dress and draped it across the back of the
lounge and eased her down and back. I had her raise and hold the front of the dress up as I found her
lace-clad pussy with my tongue. I sucked her pussy lips through the lace as she screwed against my
mouth. She came again in record time. In the throes of glorious orgasms, she let the dress fall from her
hands over my head. Not to worry. I was sucking her pussy and that's all that mattered. I could feast in
the dark as well as the light. I pulled the little lace panties to one side and sucked her clit. She bucked
and thrashed and came yet again in very little time. This sweet bride was hot and I was not yet finished
with her. I tore the little lace panties at her slit, stuck my tongue through the hole into her pussy and

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gently licked her insides. She screwed my tongue as she moaned. I was so turned on that I grabbed her
ass and plunged my erect tongue deeper into her pussy over and over, fucking her, fucking her. When
she came,

very loudly and very, very hard, clasping my tongue inside her, I came with her. I forced myself from
between her legs and under her dress. I looked down at the lovely bride that I had fucked on her
wedding day even before her husband did. She was rosy and glowing and looked very satisfied. A good
fuck will do that. I went to the other end of the chaise, got on my knees, told her that she was a
beautiful bride and fucked her mouth with my tongue.

Leaving her to freshen up, I slipped through the bedroom door back to my date. Her mother, who
looked remarkably like her, stopped me at the bottom of the stairs to ask me if she was all right. She had
seen us going upstairs on her way to the kitchen with the caterer. My pussy tingled as I licked my lips
lightly and said she was great. Our eyes met and held several times during the rest of the reception. The
glow that I had put on her face was still there as she moved among her guests. When she sets up her
household after the honeymoon, I hope she invites me over for "tea." There are all kinds of wonderful
things I can do with her minus all the lace and satin.

"If you want to do anything worthwhile today, 'do it' with a woman."

Return as the Nurse

One day we are on a walk in the park and I say, "Are you ready to be trained again?" You look up at me
with a mixture of fear and excitement. I laugh, "No, no, it will not be like last time. You have long since
graduated beyond that." You are a little confused. "Tonight," I say, "a young girl will be initiated as you
were in the doctor's office several weeks ago. You can assist in her training if you wish." You are
immediately excited by the prospect. You remember the nurse who once touched your body and who
tied you up for the first time. "Alright," you say, "what do I have to do?" "You will be the nurse tonight,"
I explain. "We'll go to the doctor's office tonight."

That afternoon I bring you the nurse's uniform. I sit down on the bed and watch as you get dressed.
When you move to put on white stockings I stop you. "No. You must be completely naked under the
uniform. For the evening to be successful, you must be as hot as she is." Following my instructions, you
wear nothing under the tight uniform. You pause only to annoint your nipples and shaved pussy with
perfume. The touch of your fingers on your body and the thought of the night to come makes your
nipples hard and your pussy wet. "Let's go," I say. We go into the office building you remember so well
and proceed directly up to the 14th floor. Three men are there. You recognize two of them including the
doctor. They smile and ask you to sit down. It is the doctor who seems to be organizing the evening.
"The whole intent here," he says, "is to have her be more sexually excited by the time she enters the
room than she's ever been before." He looks directly at you, "You are the key element in all of this. Just
as it was for you, she must feel embarrassment, restraint and helplessness. However, during it all, we
will care for her sexually. She will have our total attention. There are no restrictions on what you can do
to her. The only criteria is that when you turn her over to us she be more turned on than you can
imagine." The doctor shows you downstairs to the office on the 12th

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floor and tells you to wait in the examining room. "You can expect a ten to fifteen minute wait," he says.

With the door open, you know you will hear her enter the waiting room. You are getting more and more
excited yourself just waiting. You look around the room. The examining table is just like you remember.
The stirrups at the end of the table cause a little shiver to go up your spine. Suddenly, you hear the
office door open. "Sit here." says a man's voice, "Someone will be here shortly and you must do exactly
what you are told." "Okay.", says a girl. The door closes and you wait an extra few minutes remembering
that the anticipation excited you when it was you in the waiting room. You stand up finally and take a
last look in the mirror. You straighten your uniform and then you go quickly to the waiting room. She is
about nineteen years old, blond with a good figure. She is startled by your entrance. "Follow me.", you
say in your most business-like manner. Without waiting to see if she is following, you turn and head back
into the examining room. Upon entering, you turn around. She is right behind you. You don't say
anything for a moment as you look at her. She is bustier than you thought at first and she seems quite
shy. She can't meet your eyes but rather, keeps looking at the floor. "Get completely undressed," you
say. "Remove your outer clothing, your underwear, even your jewelry. When you have done that, put on
this gown. I will be back shortly." You leave the room and close the door.

You are flushed with excitement. To have this young innocent girl under your complete control turns
you on. You are sure she would do anything you asked. You wait a couple of minutes to make sure she's
had time to change and then you return. She is wearing the flimsy hospital gown and you look at her for
a moment. "Clasp you hands behind your head.", you say. She does so. You know how vulnerable she
must feel so you don't do anything for a moment. "Turn around slowly," you say. The girl begins to turn
around. As her ass comes into view, naked beneath her gown, you say, "Stop". You wait a long moment,
looking at her cute tight little bottom then you tell her to continue. When she is facing you again, a deep
blush is on her face. She is obviously embarrassed. "Stand still.", you tell her. In one quick motion, you
pull the hem of the gown right up to her neck. Her face turns a deep red and she gasps. You hold the
gown up for a moment and gaze at her exposed body. Her large breasts are firm and well shaped. They
are topped with cherry-sized nipples that are dark brown. They are already hard just as yours are. She is
a true blond and her curly blond pubic hair is neatly trimmed for summer bikini wearing. You let go of
the gown and tell the girl to follow you. You leave the office and head right for the elevator. The girl
follows you nervously. When you have entered the elevator, you tell the girl to face one of its mirrored
walls. "Raise your gown and touch your nipples to the wall.", you say. She follows your instructions and
you leave her in this position until you've reached your floor. Covered again, the embarrassed girl
follows you down the corridor to the doctor's office.

You bring her right into the room where the four of us are waiting. We eye the blond appreciatively. The
doctor tells you to take her into the examining room. You open the side door and follow her in. You pick
up a thermometer and standing right in front of her so she can see what you are doing, you lubricate it
in a jar of vaseline. She eyes the

thermometer apprehensively. "I'll have to take you temperature now," you say. "Please turn around and
bend over the table. She does as you ask and the folds of her gown fall naturally to the sides to expose
her bottom. Despite her dark tan, her bottom is, in contrast, very white. You take a moment to admire

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her tan line. Then, holding her buttocks apart with one hand, you gently insert the thermometer. When
it is almost completely in, you begin moving it in and out and twirling it around. You hear her stifle a
moan. Obviously you are having some effect on her! You keep it going for a minute or two and then take
the thermometer out.

"Stand up and remove your gown", you say. Blushing furiously, she does so. You take your time, hanging
up the gown and returning. "Please lie down on the table." The blond lies back. Her heavy breasts are
firm enough that they continue to stick up. You see the nipples are rock hard. "Slide down to the end of
the table.", you say. The girl hesitates a moment. You can see that she is eyeing the stirrups and knows
that they'll soon be used to expose her. You help her place her feet in the stirrups and then you take out
the leather straps. The girl's eyes are wide as saucers as you attach the straps to her ankles, wrists and
just above her knees. You use the straps to fasten her feet to the stirrups and to hold her knees wide
apart. Then you take her hands and stretch them tightly to the top of the table. Through all this, she lies
there passively. You've already seen that she is very wet, just dripping in anticipation. You're wet
yourself. Your nipples have been crying out for attention for a half-hour. When you finish attaching her
you pause to look over your handiwork. She is stretched out, completely at your mercy. You can't resist
teasing her a bit more.

"Do you have sensitive nipples?", you ask. "Yes.", she whispers. You reach over and pinch one in each
hand. "Which gives you more pleasure?", you say as you stroke the long brown nipples upward gently,
"stroking your nipples lightly like this, or", as you pinch the nipples very hard, "squeezing them very hard
like this?" "Very hard.", she gasps. You smile and then pull the nipple upward until the breast is
distended. You then let go and the breast falls back. The girl closes her eyes she is so turned on. You
reach under your skirt, unable to resist touching yourself. You are soaking wet. You slide two fingers
deep into your hot pussy and just about come. You touch the girl's lips with your fingers. "Lick them.",
you say. The tip of the girl's pink tongue extends to lick your fingers. The feeling is exquisite. You move
to the end of the table and take a good look at her pussy. You reach down and take one pussy lip in each
hand holding it tightly between finger and thumb. Gently but firmly you spread her lips apart as wide as
they will go until the pink interior of her dripping pussy is completely exposed. You reach down and
touch the tip of her hard clitoris with the tip of your tongue. Her stomach tightens and her hips jump off
the table at the sensation. A loud moan escapes her lips. Unable to restrain yourself any more, you
stand up and leave the room returning to the doctor's office.

"She's ready for you now", you say. You take my hand in your and whisper "Let's go!" You are so turned
on that we make it only as far as the elevator before you are all over me. In the elevator, you pull off
your uniform and naked, on the floor of the mirrored elevator, we make love until we both scream in a
mind-blowing orgasm.


Jill knew that she was in trouble the moment she heard the sharp voice of Miss Norton ordering her to
halt! It was way past curfew and here she was out in the hall trying to sneak back to her own room.
“Hold it right there, Miss Penice!” the head of school security barked. “Do you know what time it is?”

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“Uh, yes ma’am,” Jill replied with a sinking heart. “The why are you where not supposed to be?” Petra
Norton intoned evenly. “Well uh, you see it’s like this,” Jill stammered. “Like what? Petra asked harshly.
“This is the third time this semester you’ve broken curfew,” Petra Norton went on, “the last time you
promised not to let it happen again!” Jill stood there with her head hung low, wishing for all the world
she was anywhere but right here. This time it is going to be different,” Petra said firmly. “Now, follow
me to my office, we’re gonna get it all straightened out!”

As they wound their way through the maze of corridors Jill tried one last time to reason with Petra
Norton. “Can’t we just wait until tomorrow, Miss Norton, I-it’s so late?” “I guess you should have
thought about that before flaunting the rules,” Petra said coldly as they approached her office. “Now sit
down and shut up while I try to figure out what to do with you!” Miss Norton’s office was spartan to say
the least, with bone white wall, a small metal desk, and several straight back chairs for visitors! If it was
designed to makea person feel unwelcome it was doing good job of it, cuz Jill was dreading every minute
she was in there! Petra Norton plopped down in her chair and interlaced her fingers and held them
behind her head while staring at the young woman on the other side of the desk.Jill shivered as the
older woman looked right through her, but even she couldn’t have imagined what was about to happen

For several minutes it was quiet as a church mouse, so the crack of Petra Norton’s voice nearly scared Jill
to death! “I’ve come to a decision,” Petra said a matter of factly. “Come around to this side of the desk,”
Petra ordered, “and make it snappy! Jill shuddered for a moment, but knowing it was useless to protest,
slinked around until she was standing right in front of Petra Norton. “When’s the last time you were
spanked?” Petra asked softly. “S-spanked?” Jill asked fearfully. “Is there something wrong with your
hearing?” Petra shot back. “When was the last time you were spanked!?!” “I-I don’t know exactly,” Jill
whined. “Well, after tonight you’ll be able to tell anyone who asks exactly the hour and the minute you
got you fat behind tanned, so take down your pants and lie across my knees!”

“P-please, don’t spank me!” Jill pleaded. “I promise never to be late again, I really do!”“Of course you
do,” Petra replied smoothly, “and after I’m done with you, I can be sure of it!!!” When Jill still didn’t
make a move to remove her jeans, Petra’s hands shot out, and with a mighty tug pulled bag pants down
to around the stunned you woman’s ankles!“That’s better,” Petra Norton said softly, “now, over my
knees with you!” With her entire body shaking, Jill slowly lowered herself down until she was laying
directly over Petra’s firm thighs! Her panty covered ass was now rested at a perfect angle for the
security officer to commence with her spanking! Petra took her right hand and softly caressed Jill’s big
bottom through her white cotton panties and commented, “You have a very plush ass, it’s a shame to
waste it on such a utilitarian pair of undies! “I-I don’t

know what you mean,” and embarrassed Jill stammered as the hand touching her bottom grew more
and more intimate.

“I’m afraid that these panties have to go,” Petra said softly. “W-whataya mean by that?” Jill asked
nervously. “Don’t worry, dear,” Petra replied gently while reaching into a drawer for a pair of scissors,
“you’ll never even miss them.” Jill was about to ask another question, but her train of thought was

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interrupted by the noise of her panties being snipped apart by the sharp clippers. “What are you doing
to me?” the poor girl wailed.“I’m doing you a favor,” the older woman answered lugubriously as she
began caressing the frightened girl’s bare fat bottom. “You young girls have such sweet asses,” Petra
sighed while bending over and kissing each cheek tenderly, “and you have such a hairy pussy for such a
young woman.” With the evil woman’s fingers brushing ever so softly over her exposed lips, Jill gritted
her teeth and tried desperately to put her mind somewhere else, but in the end it was hopeless as her
cunt slowly but surely became whipped into a frenzy! Then just when she thought that an orgasm was
about to wrench through her pussy, she was stunned with a sharp jolt of pain as Petra Norton’s bare
hand crashed down hard on her unsuspecting bottom! “Yeeeeeeeeoweeeeeeee!” Jill screamed as
Petra’s hand rained hard slaps on her milky white ass. “Y-you can’t do this to me!” she groaned as a
feeling of warmth spread across her burning cheeks. “Oh really?” Petra asked softly. “And who’s going
to stop me?!?”

For the next two or three minutes Petra gave the poor girl the spanking of her life! Jill tired in vain to
slide away from the vicious blows but the old bitch was much to powerful for her, until finally she
stopped struggling and took her punishment as best she could! Then just as quickly as it had started, the
room grew quiet, except that is for Jill’s soft sobs that echoed eerily around the small office. “There,
there,” Petra said soothingly while gently caressing the two burning globes of red flesh, “it’s all over, just
relax and it will be all better soon.” Finally after another several minutes the pain actually became
numbing, and again Jill began to relax only to be stunned once more by and unexpected assault! Again
Petra took the poor girl by surprise when she roughly shoved a nine inch long dildo balls deep into her
drooling pussy! Although she felt a lot of pain from the massive intruder, in less than two or three
strokes she was rushing towards an orgasm of epic proportions!

Never in her short eighteen years of life had Jill been violated in such a brutal manner! Sure she had
used candles and the such to masturbate with, but they were generally thin and tapered, allowing for
easy entry into her tight teenage pussy! Now, however, her poor little vagina was being absolutely
ravaged by a cock that would have literally choked a horse! Incredible as it may have seemed, Jill was
soon meeting each and every stroke as she shoved her ass backward, hoping to get the maximum effect
from each plunge into her molten pussy!!! Sensing that the young woman was nearing her climax Petra
rammed the marauding pecker in and out of the little pussy with such force that she was sure that the
poor thing would soon be begging for mercy! Just when she didn’t think she could take one more stroke,
Jill’s pussy collapsed around the murderous hardon, gripping it tighter and tighter as it spasmed
completely out of control while an orgasm of crushing ferocity carried her away on a cloud of supreme

When it was over Jill lay on Petra’s lap with the fat cock still hanging from her hairy fuck hole and while
her heart pounded like it was going to pop through her chest! While the old bitch gently rubbed her
burning bottom she offered softly, “Now, see what happens when you break the rules?” A small smile
spread over Jill’s face as she replied, “I guess I’ll have to do better in the future, won’t I?” Petra chuckled
a bit and replied, “Yes, I guess you will!”


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Dallas Cotter snuggled into her sleeping bag as the wind howled and the snow swirled menacingly
outside of her tent! To an outsider, Dallas would have been considered out of her mind to go camping in
the High Sierra’s in the middle of January, but for the past ten years she had looked upon it as a
challenge to face everything “Mother Nature” could throw at her and keep coming back for more! So
adept was she at surviving in this harsh climate, she thought nothing at all at spending two or three
weeks at a stretch without any human contact of any kind! So as she curled up in her arctic rated
sleeping bag and was just about to drift off to sleep when she snapped to attention at the sound of what
she was sure was a very large wild animal! After quietly opening her bag, she slipped on her boots and
grabbed a trusty .45 Colt before carefully unzipping the tent door and peering out into the darkness! The
embers from the fire still glowed brightly in the fire pit, and as she strained to see what was out there
she was absolutely stunned to see young woman lying face down in the snow not more than ten feet
from the tent!!!

Dallas shoved the automatic into the waist band of her pants while making her way over to the
unconscious visitor. “Hey, honey,” Dallas said urgently, “wake up, you’re gonna freeze to death!” A long
low moan gurgled up from the throat of the prostrate woman, and after turning her over onto her back
she whispered, “…..lost, no food, no water, c-cold, so cold……” After those few words she slipped back
into unconsciousness and with a great deal of effort Dalas dragged the woman through the snow and
into her tent! She struck a match and lit the propane lantern and got her first look at lost stranger! “My
god,” she gasped, “she’s just a kid, not more than eighteen or nineteen years old!” After sticking her
hand inside the young woman’s shirt to check her body temperature, Dallas realized immediately that
unless she got warm in a hurry, there was a good chance she would die! It took a good five minutes, but
she was finally able to strip the cold wet clothing off and tug the young woman into her sleeping bag.
She zipped it up tight and proceeded to make a cup of hot coffee to help in the warming process. She
gently slapped the young woman’s face, and after she opened his eyes Dallas offered, “Okay, honey,
take a sip of this, it’ll help take the chill off!” Still shaking like a leaf in a wind storm, the freezing woman
took a tentative sip before asking, “W-where am I?” “Babe, you’re a long way from anywhere,” Dallas
replied, “now take another drink and we’ll talk about it in the morning, and by the way my name’s
Dallas!” “T-t-thanks, Dallas,” she shuddered, “I-I’m Tomi!”

Dallas decided to leave the light on to provide additional heat to the inside to the tent, and after
thinking it over for a moment decided that it would be best if she climbed into the bag with Tomi to
offer some additional heat to bring up her low body temperature! After quickly stripping off all of her
clothes she hurriedly opened the bag and slid in behind the

naked woman! “Good grief you’re so cold,” Dallas whispered into the young woman’s ear, “snuggle up
close so you can warm up faster!” “O-oh thank you,” she stammered, “you feel so nice and warm!”
Dallas was trying not to think about it, but when she had stripped the young woman of her clothes, she
couldn’t help but notice that she had a simply lovely body! Slim and trim without a trace of fat, hairless
of course except for the silky blonde pubic hair that puffed out around her bulging pussy, and just the
cutest little bottom he had ever seen! Dallas pressed herself against the length of Tomi’s body while
instantly drenching her cunt! “Jesus,” Dallas muttered to herself, “this can’t be happening to me, get a
hold of yourself, girl!” She knew that this was neither the time nor the place for it, but dammit, the kid

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was just so fucking beautiful!!! She was just about to pull away and distance herself from the blonde
cutie pie when in soft low voice the Tomi asked quietly, “Dallas, are you going to finger my pussy for me,
I need it soooooooooo bad?!?”

Dallas was stunned to hear Tomi’s question, but in a hoarse voice asked, “Are you sure, I don’t even
know you!?!” For the first time she showed some signs of life and replied quickly, “Don’t worry, honey, I
live with an older woman who has ten inches of hard rubber pecker she fucks me with, now please,
hurry!” Dallas snuggled back close and began nipping an licking Tomi’s ear while at the same time
slipping her hand between the little beauty’s thighs and began gently fingering the tight little cunt hole!
“God, you’re so fucking tight,” Dallas whispered, “you were just made for fucking!!!” “That’s what my
mama says,” Tomi sighed while being penetrated by Dallas’ insistent middle finger, “she keeps me naked
all of the time and fucks and sucks me when ever she gets the urge!” By now Dallas was pressing her
own pussy against Tomi’s cute little bottom, and while kissing the young woman’s neck, let her free
hand wander over her firm little breasts and down over her flat belly. Tomi simply had a wonderful
body, perfectly designed for fucking and sucking! “If you’re wondering,” the blonde pretty woman said
with a moan, “I’m almost there!”

Dallas’ own pussy was by now drooling uncontrollably as she nibbled and fingered the hot little bitch
that had stumbled into her camp. “I want you on me,” Dallas whispered urgently while rolling over onto
her back and pulling the little slip of a girl on top of her. Tomi’s cute little breasts squished into Dallas
large boobs and the two woman kissed deeply while grinding their red hot pussies hard together! “Oh
myyyyyy,” the young woman gasped as their clits finally found each other, “I just love riding a big titted
woman, it makes me feel like such a little pussy!” Dallas let her hands roam up and down Tomi’s back
and ass, relishing in the sensation of the firm young bottom in her experienced hands! Tomi moaned
loudly as her orgasm wafted throughout her burning pussy until finally going limp in Dallas loving

“Mmmmmmmmmm, that was so nice,” Tomi said with a sigh, “I’m just glad you found me in time!” “M-
me too, dear,” Dallas gasped through clenched teeth. “I don’t wanna bother you but I’m right on the
razor’s edge!” “I’m sorry,” Tomi whispered hoarsely, “would you like me to suck your pussy?!?” “Oh
yessssssssss,” Dallas hissed, “p-please, suck me!” The little blonde kissed Dallas once more on the lips
before slowly sliding down the older woman’s full lush body until her mouth was only inches from her
dripping organ. “I can feel your heat,” Tomi groaned. “now I’m gonna eat you up!!!”

That was the last thing that Dallas could remember as the voracious mouth of the young cunt lapper
went into over drive! “G-good fucking god,” Dallas shrieked, “you’re fucking eating me alive!!!” Tomi’s
tongue quickly found her over ripe clit, and in a series of little nips and hard sucks brought the shaking
woman to an absolutely stunning climax!!! Her hips bucked up like a wild horse but the hot mouthed
little cunt had attached herself like suction cup to her over heated pussy and wouldn’t let go until every
last bit of energy was drained from the satiated cunt! When she was sure that Dallas was totally satisfied
Tomi slid back up and let Dallas take her arms and offer her a nipple as both woman drifted off into a
deep satisfying sleep. The last thing Tomi thought about before slipping off into dreamland was the she
certainly wasn’t cold anymore!!!”

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Julia Foxx slammed down the receiver and muttered under her breath, “Idiots, the world is full of
idiots!!!” She rifled through the multitude of papers that were spread all over her large desk, and finally
in exasperation punched the intercom button and ordered,“Marge, get in here, I need some help!”
Marge Owens set aside the letter she was typing and went directly into Julia Foxx’s office. “What’s up
boss?” she asked brightly.“You remember the Cambridge file?” Julia asked without looking up. “I know
it’s here somewhere, but for the life of me I just can’t find the damn thing!” Marge slipped back out the
door and retrieved the needed document from her own desk and returned while asking, “Is this what
you’re looking for?” “Thank god,” Julia said while slumping back into her chair, “I was certain that I had
left it at home.” Marge walked over around the back of desk and began rubbing Julia’s shoulders while
whispering softly, “I think you need a break, your so tense!” Julia closed her eyes for a moment and
sighed, “I don’t know how that fool Roberts ever became and attorney, if I ever have the urge to get
involved with him again just shoot me!” “Let’s not think about him,” Marge said soothingly, “in fact, isn’t
about time you went potty?”

“Ohhhhh, you’re right,” Julia replied while getting to her feet. “I do have to go!” The two women
disappeared into Julia Foxx’s private washroom, whereupon Julia pulled up the hem of her skirt,
allowing Marge to carefully pull down her frilly white panties! “Mmmmm,” Marge hummed, “I don’t
believe I’ve ever seen these before, they’re very pretty!” “Thanks,” Julia replied while sitting her plump
bottom on toilet seat, “I just got them last weekend.” With her legs spread wide apart Julia sighed as
Marge gently opened the lips of her smoothly shaved vagina and held them apart while a stream of hot
golden pee rocketed from her full bladder! “Feeling better?” Marge asked softly. “Ohhhhh, yes,” Julia
said, “so much better!” As the last bit of pee dripped from Julia’s labia, Marge took a piece of tissue
paper and gently dabbed at the full lips until it was clean as a whistle. As was usually the case, Julia
caressed the young woman’s head in her arms while guiding her mouth directly to her bulging cunt!
“Okay, baby, be a good secretary and suck Julia off!” “Of all the fringe benefits this job offered, “Sucking
Julia Foxx’s pussy was number one!” Marge could never get enough of the over developed organ, and
after taking in a deep breath of her intoxicating aroma she let her tongue slither into the gaping slit and
find it’s way directly to her hard engorged clitty!!!

What was even better was how Julia Foxx framed her perfect pussy! Instead of wearing drab old panty
hose she always wore a garter belt coupled with a shear pair of silk

stockings! It was as if her pussy were in a picture frame, and even though she was on the north side of
forty years of age, Julia Foxx had the kind of body that simply oozed sensuality! Slightly plump with a
firm legs, a full ass, rounded tummy, almost huge breasts, and a very pretty face framed by a long mane
of dark brown hair! On the occasions when she let her pussy go to seed, an incredible forest of pubic
hair would cover her crotch from her ass hole all the way up to a super wide vee and then to a thin trail
of fur up to her cute navel. It was her huge clit, however, that drove Marge completely mad! When it
was engorged to the hilt it stood proud and strong, poking it’s glans out from between the folds of
Julia’s pussy practically begging to be sucked! Marge bored in on the erect little organ, and while

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wrapping her tongue around it’s head, Julia’s body tensed up while long low moan escaped her lips as a
stunning string of orgasms wrenched her pussy until it was totally spent!

”Good grief, someday you’re gonna kill me when you do that,” Julia Foxx sighed while the tingling in her
pussy slowly subsided. “And what a delightful way to go,” Marge giggled while leaning up to kiss the her
big titted boss full of the lips. “Mmmmmm,” Julia hummed while her secretary probed her mouth with
her insistent tongue. “I have and idea,” Marge whispered after pulling their lips apart!” “W-what, what
idea?” Julia asked hoarsely. “Hurry up and tell me!” “It’s just this,” Marge replied breathlessly while
unbuttoning her boss’s white silk blouse. “I think it would be heavenly to rub our nipples together, don’t
you?” “Oh yessssss,” Julia hissed through clenched teeth, “let’s do it!” Every time Marge saw Julia’s
massive breasts encased in her sheer bras was just as exciting as the first time, and as a result she
sucked a gulp of air and moaned softly while caressing the massive mammaries through the pretty
fabric! “L-let me see yours,” Julia gasped, “hurry up and take your top off!!!”

As much as she loved Julia’s chest, Marge was sure that Julia loved hers even more! It was a game they
never tired of playing, that being Marge teasing her boss with a slow strip tease that literally whipped
her into a frenzy! First came the jacket, then the blouse, and then ever so slowly the black bra that
contained her perfect 36C’s! “Jesus I love your boobs,” Julia said while reaching out to caress the pink
nippled wonders. “I’m sure that you do,” Marge said lightly while backing up just out her boss’s range,
“but you have to promise me one thing!” “W-what, just tell me what you want,” Julia stammered,
“anything, just please let me touch them!” “Wellllllll,” Marge replied sweetly, “it’s just a little thing.”
“Good fucking god, tell me!” Julia begged. “Ohhhhh, all right,” Marge teased while lifting the hem of her
own skirt, “it’s just this, I want you to masturbate my clit with one of your big nipples!” At the sight of
her hairy muffy Marge was sure that Julia would pass out, but instead she frantically ripped off her bra
and offered a huge nub for her secretary’s use!

A wild look covered Julia’s face while she panted, “Here it is, come and get it from mama!” Julia’s
normally pink nipples had taken on an almost purple hue as they stood out hard as little cocks, as if
begging for attention! Marge’s pussy lurched at their mere sight, and as much as she wanted to keep on
teasing her boss, she knew that it was hopeless to resist any longer! She sighed deeply, and after giving
Julia a sweet little girl’s smile, stepped forward with her legs spread wide apart allowing the big titted
bitch to run

her huge dig up and down her hairy crack! The sensation was incredible! Julia’s hard nip snapped back
and forth over erect clit, causing an electric shock to whip through her with each stroke! Now the shoe
was on the other foot, so to speak, and it was Julia’s turn to have her way with the sassy cunt! While the
fury in her pussy roiled out of control, Julia took her time and purposely avoided connecting her hard
nipple with Marge’s hard clit! Desperately Marge tried to maneuver her pussy around to get positive
contact, but the wily older woman managed to keep her nipple just out of reach! Finally in desperation
Marge grabbed the fat tit from her boss and guided the excited nipple where it would do the most good,
directly on her needy clit!

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When it happened it washed over her like a waterfall as her pussy convulsed out of control leaving her
crashing on the rocks of orgasm city! With her legs wobbly and her knees weak Marge let the huge boob
slip from her hands as she leaned heavily against the wall for much needed support! Both women had
the dazed look of a deer caught in the head lights of a semi, but Julia managed to pant, “And that is
what it’s all about!” Marge dropped her skirt and began helping Julia put herself back together while
sighing, I guess that will make you forget about Roberts, huh!” “Roberts who?!?” Julia replied with a


“What a crummy way to spend a nice spring day,” Linda thought to herself while staring out the window
from her sixth period math class. Her mind was quickly snapped back to attention, however, when the
sharp voice of Sister Mary Marie cracked, “Are you ready to join us now Miss Burton!?!” “Uhh, no, I
mean yes,” Linda stammered, “I was just thinking, that’s all……….” “Well think about this,” the nun
replied harshly, “if you don’t get with the program you’re going to be taking Algebra II all over again, do I
make myself clear???” “Yes ma’am,” Linda answered quickly! She was getting ready for yet another
verbal assault from the old biddy when thankfully the bell sounded ending the period. “…….problems 1-
25 on page 77,” Sister Mary Marie called out to her exiting group of students while at the same time
taking Linda by the arm while indicating for her to remain behind. “Shit,” Linda said to herself, “how
long’s this gonna take?”After everyone had left leaving only Linda and the nun alone in the old class
room, Sister Mary Marie turned to face the eighteen year old and offered evenly, “I’ve just about had it
with you young lady.” “I-I’m sorry, Sister,” Linda replied contritely, “I promise to do better, I really will!”
“I’m afraid that’s not good enough,” Sister Mary Marie replied, “so I’ve been thinking about it for a
couple of days now and feel it’s time that I gave your mother a call and explained the situation to her

“My mother,” Linda asked nervously, “w-why do we hafta talk to her?” The old nun stood with her arms
crossed and an impassive look on her face while replying, “Because it seems that’s the only way to get
your attention!” A feeling of desperation swept through her, and in a last ditch effort to keep her mom
from becoming involved Linda blurted out helplessly, “Please, Sister Mary, I’ll do anything you asked,
just don’t call my mother!” The Sister stood silently for a few moments while giving the whole matter a
bit more consideration before asking, “Anything, you’ll do anything that I ask?” Sensing a ray of hope in
the nun’s tone Linda literally blithered, “Oh, yes, anything, just name it!!!” The fiftyish women eyed the
young woman for a moment while reaching out to gently

rub her bare arm. “You’re a very pretty young woman,” the nun offered quietly while continuing her
caressing, “and I’ve always had a weakness for pretty young women.” Linda was in a state of near shock
at the sudden turn of the conversation since she had hardly expected a woman of the cloth to talk in
such a trashy manner! “Now, as for the “anything” you were talking about,” the old nun said evenly, “I
think that I have just the chore for you!!!”

“W-what are you doing?” Linda asked weakly while being led around the back of the nun’s large desk
where she was pushed back down into the swivel chair. “I’m just making you more comfortable,” the old

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woman replied a matter of factly, “while I do this!” The “this” as she called it caused Linda’s eyes to
widen like saucers, because as the young woman looked on with her mouth hanging open, Sister Mary
Marie sat down on the edge of the desk and proceeded to pull the hem of her habit above her waist,
exposing the hairiest pussy she had ever seen in her short life!!!” It was almost like witnessing an
accident-everything was in slow motion but you were powerless to do anything about it! That was
exactly how Linda felt when the old nun reached out and pulled her mouth directly to her gray haired

“Mmmmmmm, you young things know just how to make a pussy purr,” Sister Mary Marie sighed while
holding Linda’s mouth tightly to her mons. The eighteen year old senior tried desperately to catch her
breath, but all she managed to inhale was the semi acrid aroma of the older woman’s drooling organ.
Her nose was thrust directly againstthe nun’s huge clit while her tongue probed in and out of the
cavernous pussy. Loud sighs of pleasure escaped Sister Mary Marie’s lips as her young charge sucked
and licked her steamy labia, and within only a matter of moments her pussy wrenched hard as an
orgasm simply crushed her into submission. “Oh my god,” she sighed while savoring the wonderful
sensation of young mouth on mature hot cunt, “you are indeed a wonder, child!” As Linda was
beginning to regain her senses she pulled her mouth from the dripping snatch and said softly, “I-I think
I’d better be going.” “Not quite yet, dear,” the nun replied sternly, “we still have some unfinished
business to attend to.” “Like what?” Linda asked nervously. “Well, since you did such a wonderful job on
me, it’s only fair that I return the favor,” the sister whispered urgently.

Sucking the old crone had been bad enough, but picturing in her mind the old biddy between her own
legs made Linda nearly blanch. “Uh, that’s okay,” she replied quickly, “I’ve really got to be going!” “I
wasn’t giving you an option,” Sister Mary Marie replied evenly, “now lift up your skirt and let me take off
your panties!” Linda shuddered and closed her eyes while lifting her blue plaid skirt high above her
waist, easily exposing her plump vagina which was encased in a pair of white cotton panties.“Very nice,
very nice indeed,” the old nun muttered under her breath while dropping to her knees, “you seem to
have a very well developed vagina, very puffy!!!” Linda kept her eyes tightly shut while trying not to
think about what was happening in her nether region, but she moaned softly when the sister kissed her
softly through her panties right on the lips. With her hands slightly shaking Sister Mary Marie hooked
her fingers in the elastic waist band and tugged the skin tight undies down over Linda’s smooth slim
thighs until they were down around her ankles. “S-sweet mother of god,” the old nun gasped when
Linda’s mons

came into view, “almost as smooth as a baby’s bottom!” And it was too, nearly hairless and bulging with
her clit poking out obscenely between the folds of labial skin. “I’ve never seen anything quite so
beautiful,” the sister sighed while leaning forward to plant several soft kisses on the young woman’s
now dripping crack. Linda’s body stiffened for a second, but only for a moment as seconds later the
sister’s warm tongue slithered into her crack and contacted her now very distended clitoris. “Oh, my,”
the young woman gasped, “oh, oh, right there, yesssssss, right there on my clit!” Sister Mary Marie may
have been and old woman, but she could suck pussy like nobody’s business and that is exactly what she
proceeded to do! Like a bitch in heat she literally devoured Linda’s clit as she voraciously licked, sucked,
and slurped her hard little organ! Wantonly Linda thrust her hips forward, offering her pussy to the

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hungry cunt lapper dressed in a nun’s habit! Wrapping her girlish legs around the sister’s neck, Linda
locked her in place and began bucking her hips as her climax roared through her cunt, leaving her
shaking and mewling like a new born baby!!!

With Linda still gasping for breath, Sister Mary Marie stood up and after lifting her habit out of the way,
pressed her hairy cunt against Linda’s and began humping her for all she was worth! Both women were
soon moaning together as their clits snapped back and forth over each other until in unison their bodies
stiffened and simultaneous orgasms over took them both!!! “M-my god that was unreal,” Linda
whispered into the nun’s ear, “just unreal!!!” “Mmmmmmm, yes it was,” Sister Mary Marie replied, “it
was the best ever!!!” Both of them were quiet for a moment as they collected their thoughts, but finally
the sister said softly, “Now, about calling your mother………..”


Computer Lab

At the time I thought he didn't notice me. Later I found that just the opposite was true. I had been
watching him for maybe two months trying to decide what it was about him that made my hormones go
wild. When seated next to him I got so wet that I was worried about leaving a stain on the chair. I had
read about pheromone in relation to animals, but never thought that people were subject to the same
influences. Why we frequently found ourselves in such close proximity was another story. The English
department where I taught did not think a lowly adjunct needed a computer. In fact, they didn't even
think I merited a desk. In reality, I didn't need a computer as programming was just a hobby for me
catches you, he will hang you by your thumbnails and tattoo Mac icons on strange parts of your body."
Alex laughed and said<"There's madness afoot at the Circle-K this eve">, "Oh, Herman and I are good
buddies. I teach Pascal using the Mac and I frequently have to ask him questions. Actually, I make up the
questions so I can stay on his good side." After the ice was broken, we began to talk every day. On about
the third day, I found out about HIS OFFICE. Since he was an instructor, the university deemed to give
him an office. It was a hasty sheetrock affair of about 70 square feet and a very large Steelcase desk. On
the downside. Despite these limitations, it had a door with a lock. This was not the point when I began
to formulate MY <5 YEAR>PLAN, but I am sure that it

was an inspiration. MY <5 YEAR>PLAN took its focus the day Alex and I were on the elevator together. It
was the typical cattle car scene. We were jammed in like sardines and the only redeeming factor that
when pressed against each other I realized that Alex was sporting a very big hard on. After this
revelation and a few later surreptitious glances, I realized that he had an constant erection whenever we
were together. He seemed to have the same chemical reaction to me as I did to him. This discovery was
the impetus which led me to even think about anything as risky as THE PLAN<9 From Outer Space. by
Edward Woodie>. A few very innocent lunches, laced with a lot of heavy sexual tension, followed. As
inconvenient as the location of his office WAS, it turned out that we were both married. This came as
not a really big surprise, as I was fully cognizant of my own marital status and since he was not a kid, the
probabilities were that he was married too. Although I had anticipated the fact, it presented
problemsme. His office therefore became the most likely location. As I mentioned before, its only assets

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were the large desk and the locked door. The walls were paper thin. Since I generally cum loudly and
frequently, after contemplation, I decided I had better begin my homework. While Herman beamed
awaykey word. Herman was very protective of his little apples. The actual programming was done at
home thanks to a Mac on loan from a friend>Steve Jobs>. (When it comes to programming, I am very
patient.) Finally, after weeks of debugging, I was able to write and load a nifty<NIFTY! a I Hee. girl!
just...such Aren?t little program that would render the Mac server useless for the hour or so I hoped I
needed. After what had seemed eons, the day of execution arrived. This was not exactly the type of
program you could Beta test so I just <VHS'ED itcrossed my fingers and hoped I could prove myfather
proud. Although we were definitely running on the same track, I didn't want Alex to suffer cardiac
arrest. In preparation for what was to come, I strolled into his office humming the tune of My Favorite
Things from the Sound of Music. When I began to sing my lyrics to the song, a broad grin crossed his
face. (If this is beginning to sound like a scene from an Indian movie, you're right, but stay tuned. One
with his pants off, his size is amazin'! A horse with a hard on suspended by strings * These are a few of
my favorite things When the clap hits, when his pud drops, and I need it bad I simply remember my
favorite things, and then I don't feel so sad * This line inserted in honor of Catherine the Great, and the
new Russian democracy!<NAY! After my vocal recount of MY favorite things there wasn't much
resistance (none, maybe?) when I knelt down in front of him and unzipped his jeans. Having waited for
what seemed centuries, I immediately began to savor the

contents. As my tongue rolled around the head of his penis, in a voice tempered with both
extesy<OUCH! and panic, he murmured, "Jesus, Clarissa<HARLOWE!, we can't do this here." Before the
not to worry reassurance crossed my lips both of us heard a shaken Herman pounding his fists on a
nearby keyboard. Putting two and two together Alex began laughing so uncontrollably that I found it my
civic duty to silence him. Retaking appendage in mouth I began to suck it for all it was worth. Not being
slow on the uptake, Alex slid his hands into my blouse and discovered I was not wearing a bra<HOO-ER!.
In fact, since it was a special occasion I had dispensed with all underwear. Taking this as his cue, with a
quick switch of positions we found ourselves on his large Steelcase desk. He began by running his tongue
along the curve of my small but well formed breast, and down my belly. Bearing right at <68
degrees>my navel, he shortly found his tongue wading through my short and curlies. I sucked him
deeper into my mouth as his tongue

hit my clit. He had one hand twiddling my clit between tongue laps, while his tongue was exploring my
wet cunt, darting in and out, tracing my lips all the way back where he lightly nibbled that very sensitive
area between cunt and anus, and then he gave my hole itself a gentle brush . The <BIG, sucking his
pumping cock deeper into my eager mouth. His tongue finally returned to my clit. God the walls were
shaking! I could have continued with this game for a long, long time, but as if out of no where a condom
appeared. My heart, already pounding double time, started doing little flips. My clitty, so recently being
ministered to by tongue, started pounding in anticipation of what it knew was coming. I took the packet
from him and ripped it open. Now, with both of us sitting on the edge of that steelcase, I gently grasped
his member [I just HAD to] in one hand and unrolled the sheath with my other. I realized that the
wrapper was still in my hand<20 more and I could get a Bazooka Joe decoder ring>. As I reached across
the desk to the trash, I felt a hand on my back, and then another reaching around my waist to my hot

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pussy. I knew what was coming<SOON...WE'D PADIDDLE!, and I reached back to help guide his flesh
missile into my anxious (but not hardened) target. Help wasn't needed however, and before my hand
found its target, his missile found mine, and with a grunt of satisfaction he started his journey home.
With a long slow push I felt myself filling up <WITH...SEMPRINI??!. Then his hand came around me and
started to caress my clit. Then finger twiddle, slow stroke out, fingers, fast push in. My clamping him
tight on each outstroke was driving us both to a frenzy . With each beat of the penetration, the cycle of
pleasure began all over again. As if upon mutual agreement, a soft languid cry flowed from our lips and
could have been heard if anyone had been listening. Serendipitiously, a loud wail from Herman was
produced on the opposite side of the wall. I wish I could describe the sound of 12 Macs crashing
simultaneously, but it really isn't very interesting. RICHH credits to RDC for that whole Alex Trebeck
ruling the world thing

Professor, The

I take my profession as an educator seriously. I feel that I owe my students more than the mere contents
of a History course. I feel I owe it to some of them to impart some knowledge of life, as it really is
outside of the classroom. Because of this avocation, I have feasted on the firm, taut, nubile flesh of
freshman coeds for years. At 45, still fit, with salt and pepper hair, I've been a college professor for
nearly 20 years, and in that time, I have sampled the hungry mouths, the milky breasts and arousal-
hardened nipples, the firm, ivory thighs, the slick, slippery cunts, and even sometimes, the tight,
resisting asses of more young coeds than I can count - and I've loved every minute of it. I have perfected
my search and selection techniques into a science, and I can predict, almost infallibly on the first day of
class, which sweet, innocent young girl will be mine before the end of the semester.

The search begins late in the summer. I am seeking a special girl and willingly invest the time to find her.
Eighteen, and probably away from home for the first time in her life, the freshman coed can make the
most wonderful little lover a man can ask for. As Dean of the Department, I always choose to teach two
of the first- year survey courses that are mandatory for incoming freshmen. My colleagues revere me for
being so democratic and taking two of the least wanted courses, but I have my reasons. I carefully
examine the student folders for the girls enrolled in those two courses. Because the courses are survey

in nature, the enrollment is high and I have numerous candidates. I eliminate the commuters - I want a
girl living on campus, away from nosey parents. I also reject those with an erratic academic record in
high school - I want the young scholar who has never failed a course. Being on Financial Aid or a
scholarship is a plus in my selection, because of the added pressure to perform well in college. I often
eliminate the obviously wealthy student, because she has grown up learning that a short phonecall to
Daddy can usually resolve a problem in her favor, and I don't want my little selectee to feel she has any
easy solutions. I prefer an oldest child, or even better - an only child, so that their older siblings haven't
"shown them the ropes" about college. By the first day of class, I have a pool of six to ten "possible" girls
in each of the two classes, and I am ready for the first face-to- face meeting. I carefully and slowly call
roll, associating faces with the names. This process is tricky, for I am searching for an intangible, a
feeling. I want the girl to be attractive, of course, but in a quiet, natural way. I shy away from the flashy
and the "slutty" looks. I tend to concentrate on the "sweet and innocent" look. The girl who has dated

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one boy seriously in high school, and now finds herself away from him, and is feeling insecure about
how they can stay a couple. She's aware of her sexuality, but not experienced. She's known the
"romantic" love of a high school sweetheart, and the passion of that love, but is yet to discover lust.

Last year began as typical, but didn't stay that way, for long. It was also the year of my "Irish Lasses." At
the end of the first day of class, I returned to my office enthusiastic with the number of "candidates" I
had selected. There were four lovely girls in "Ancient History" and three in "American History." Now,
after close inspection of their student folders, and meeting them in person, it was time to enter "Phase
Three." My reputation on campus is impeccable. Dean of the Department, published, and a favorite of
the students, my elective courses are always filled quickly. Of course, the freshman don't know this, but
word of mouth spreads fast, and they soon feel lucky to have me for a required course. I'm known as fair
(and fairly easy when it comes to grades), and an interesting lecturer. My assignments are reasonable,
my classroom is relaxed and my office door is always open. I'm almost another "Mr. Chips!" The only
thing my freshman students have to complain about is the weekly written assignment - an essay on the
major points of the week's lectures and reading material. I have a very good reason for assigning this
essay - it is "Phase Three." By the end of the third week, five of the seven "candidates" asked for
appointments to see me to discuss their failing grades. I had failed all seven, all three weeks. Grading at
the University is "blind." That is, the students place only their last five digits of their student ID number
on all written assignments and tests. All grading is done by number, without a student's name ever
becoming associated with the product, unless the student permits it. However, as department head, I
had already copied down the ID numbers of all my "possibles" during my initial selection process. Now, I
was about to meet them "up close and personal." Debbie was the first, and I immediately scratched her
off the list. She was irate and aggressive about her "F's" and demanded I review each point and discuss
the deficiencies. After teaching the material for so many years, it's easy to refute any freshman's
arguments, but it still pissed me off to have to do it with Debbie. I assured her that her grades would
undoubtedly improve as the semester went on. Colleen was second, and was a definite possibility.
Blonde, blue- eyed, she was pretty and fresh and had a dazzling smile. She was timid and nervous about
her grades, hanging on every word of advice I gave her. I was charming and she was appreciative, and I

see the possible beginnings of that special something some students feel for some professors. She was
thrilled with the time and attention I was giving her. Susan was next and I took her off the list, too.
Maybe she just didn't compare well with Colleen, but I felt no electricity, no excitement with her. The
fourth appointment was with Heather, and she made me wonder if I made too quick a choice with
Colleen. The classic Irish lass, Heather had beautiful, heavy, glossy reddish-auburn hair framing her milk-
and-honey complexion from which her luminous green-green eyes virtually shone. She was breathtaking
and I wanted her. I wanted to part her red pussy hairs with my cock.

The last girl only made my life more difficult. Bridget was not as beautiful as Heather, but it was her full,
lush body that I craved. I wanted to fill my mouth and hands with her full breasts, to crawl between her
perfect legs to taste her sweet pussy. Colleen, Bridget and Heather - my choice had never been so
difficult! Over the years, I had had two girls going during the same semester, but it was always a
possibility that one would discover the other, and the results would be disastrous, so I didn't risk it very

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often. Now, here were three girls I wanted - all young, beautiful, shapely, and possessing the "right"
personalties to make taking them a real possibility, and they were only freshmen for a year! Not
knowing which to concentrate on, I continued to fail Heather and Bridget, and tutor Colleen twice a
week, in the hopes that they would help me sort it all out. By the end of mid-term exams (all essay
questions, of course), all three of the girls had a failing grade, without a prayer of receiving any higher
than a "D" for the course.

Bridget cracked first. She appeared in my office just as I was about to leave for the evening. She was
dressed in a sweater and short denim skirt, white socks and sneakers, and I could taste my mouth
watering as I ravaged her body with my eyes. "Professor, can you please spare me a few minutes?" "Of
course. Come in, let me, isn't it?" She beamed at my recognizing
her. "Yes, Professor. I came to see you, before, but I'm in even bigger trouble, this time." By the time she
had finished telling me about her 3.75 GPA (if she didn't count my course) and how she just didn't
understand how she could be doing so poorly, she was in tears. I wanted to put my arms around her and
pull her warm body close, but I fought the temptation. My years of experience at this game would carry
me through. I asked her permission to examine her grades, and took several moments (and several
"Hmm..."'s) studying the book. "Bridget, I can understand your concern. I don't know what steps you can
take to achieve a respectable grade. To assign extra-credit work, I would have to be fair about it, and
give the entire class the option, and this wouldn't help you, at all." She nodded and looked at me, wide-
eyed and sincere, "I'd do anything for a respectable grade, Professor." "Bridget, I think you should be
careful how you phrase offers like that. You don't mean `anything.'" "Yes, I do, Professor." I gave a small
chuckle, "With an offer like that, you better watch out. I'll have you raking my leaves and cleaning my
windows. Please don't make offers like that, Dear. After all, I'm only human." She locked her eyes on
mine, "Professor, you must understand. I am prepared and willing to do ANYthing." "Do you know
where I live, Bridget?"

Bridget arrived on time, wearing sweater and jeans. I had an aromatic fire warming the room, Anita
Baker on the stereo, and a very nice, white wine chilled. She was truly beautiful in the firelight. Her skin
was radiant, her eyes clear, her lips full and moist. We sat together on the sofa, tasted the wine, and
began talking. After I refilled her glass, I placed my arm on her shoulders and she leaned into me. She
was still tense, but seemed

determined to be cooperative. We talked about her small home town, and the one boyfriend she had
gone steady with in high school - he went to a large private college on the opposite coast, joined a Frat,
and wasn't calling very often. I was gentle, and a good listener. Soon, she was lying on the sofa, with her
head on my lap, and I was gently stroking her cheek and hair. I could feel her relax little by little, sipping
wine (we were now sharing one glass), and talking. I put the wine down and placed my hand at her
waist. I moved it up, under her bulky sweater, until I felt her warm, smooth skin above the waist of her
jeans. She tensed as my hand rose along her bare tummy, and halted at her bra. "I'm a little scared and a
lot nervous, Professor." "I am, too, Bridget. But I won't deny that I'm enjoying this very much." She
smiled a weak smile, "Me, too. More than I hoped." I lifted the sweater up and she helped me remove it
over her head and arms. Her bra had a front clasp and I opened it and lifted the soft cups off her burning
flesh. Her breasts were magnificent. Even lying on her back, they thrust up, firm and proud. Her skin was

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wonderful - smooth, warm and white. Her nipples and areolae were small and round and centered, with
just a hint of hardening. She was blushing under my inspection. She let a tiny moan escape her lips as I
brushed my fingers lightly over her nipples. They hardened and looked like two pencil erasers. I caressed
all of her breasts with my hands, pressing, gently squeezing. Her breathing became rapid as I slowly
lowered my face down to her nipple, and she moaned loudly as I sucked it into my mouth, between my
teeth. She tasted clean and dry. I shifted out from under her and knelt beside the sofa. She closed her
eyes and turned her head into the pillow as I opened her jeans and slid them and her panties down and
off her hips and legs. Naked, Bridget's body was even more spectacular than I had imagined - it was
flawless. I knew I was truly going to enjoy the rest of the school year! I returned my attentions to her
breasts, licking and sucking on one nipple, while caressing the other breast with my hand. My other
hand slowly traced its way over her flat tummy, her navel, until, finally, it entered her curly pubic hairs.
She groaned as I softly pushed a finger into her already-wet slit. Her legs relaxed and she allowed my
hand to part her thighs. I found her clit and her hips immediately began a subtle humping against my
touch. A second finger joined the first, gently squeezing her hard, slippery clit between them. She
tensed - and then in one strong release, she came. Her toes curled, her thighs locked tight on my hand,
she tried to pull her breasts away from my caresses as she cried out into the pillows. Slowly, so slowly,
the wave receded and her body settled loosely into the sofa cushions. I was hard and excited and I
wanted her. I stripped off my shirt and dropped my pants and underwear. I stood beside the sofa and
brought Bridget's hand to my cock. She jerked it away, as though burned, and pushed her face deeper
into the pillows. I understood. Her legs offered no resistance as I crawled between them and licked my
tongue into her still-wet pussy. I heard her gasp as I found her clit and buried my tongue deep inside of
her. Her legs spread wider, until I felt them settle on my shoulders, and her hips pumped onto my
mouth. When I could tell she was again nearing orgasm, I lifted myself over her body and paused.
"Should I wear protection, Bridget?" Her head made a tiny nod and I opened the condom and quickly
slipped it on. I resumed my position, with my cockhead resting at her cuntlips. Almost immediately, her
hips thrust up off the sofa to take my cock into her, and I cooperated by thrusting my hips down into
hers. As I buried my cock to the hilt up her hot, tight pussy, her head snapped out of the pillows, and her
eyes opened and looked at me. And then, she wrapped her arms around my neck, her legs around my
waist, and we fucked. Later,

when the wine was gone and the fire was just a red glow, we dressed. With her clothes back on, Bridget
was again the shy freshman, no longer the lusty little wench that had just fucked me dry - twice. "What
should I do now, Professor? Do I keep coming back? I'm new at this." I held her hand, "I'm new at this,
too, Bridget. I don't know what happens, now. I'm really quite embarrassed that this happened at all.
But, I want you to know, Dear, that I am NOT sorry that it happened. These last several hours were the
most exciting of my life. I really don't want to think, right now, that what we just enjoyed was based on
some tawdry barter for a grade. I just don't want to think about tonight like that. It was too special for
me." Bridget smiled and nuzzled her face into my neck. "Me, too! I was so scared and nervous about
tonight that I can't believe I'm feeling so wonderful, right now. If it would be alright with you, I think I
would like to visit you, again." "I was hoping you would say that, Bridget. It's against every rule I've made
for myself, as an educator, but I want to see you, again, too. But, you have to promise me that you'll still
study and read the material." Bridget nodded, giggled a little girl giggle and left. Ah! Success, again!

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I didn't realize how successful, until the following Saturday. I had been tutoring Colleen since our first
meeting about grades. She was the classic high school over-achiever, doing extremely well there, but
not able to keep pace in college. Her grades were the opposite of Bridget's and she was desperate to
improve her standing in as many courses as possible. The tutoring was boring and Colleen lacked the
analytical skills to draw conclusions, but she was still a beauty to look at, and was obviously developing a
crush on her brilliant, patient, caring Professor - me! But now, after the success with Bridget, I saw no
need to carry Colleen any longer. I would discontinue the tutoring sessions, award her extra credit for
her effort, and fairly grade the remainder of her assignments. After class on Friday, I told her my
decision and encouraged her to try studying on her own, and I assured her that I had great confidence in
her abilities. She seemed surprised, but nodded and hurried down the hall. At eight o'clock, Saturday
morning, my doorbell rang, interrupting my breakfast. In my robe, I answered the door to see Colleen
standing there with a tear-streaked face. "Colleen? What's wrong?" "Oh, Professor! Please! I'm so
sorry!" "Come in. Now, sorry for what?" I asked, as I closed the door. "Sorry for whatever I did, that you
don't want to tutor me anymore!" "Colleen, Dear, you didn't do anything. I just think you're capable of
doing good work on your own." "Don't you like me, anymore?" Tears were rolling down her cheeks as
she looked at me. Her sky-blue eyes were flooded with them. Without thinking what I was doing, I
reached out to her face and caught a tear on my thumb. "Of course I like you, Colleen. Please don't cry."
To my utter and complete surprise, Colleen rushed to me, hugging me in her arms and pressing her
cheek to my chest. My involuntary physical reaction to her closeness was all too obvious, but instead of
pulling away, Colleen pressed her hips against my raging erection. "Oh, no," I thought, "the timing on
this is terrible!" I didn't have much time to think because Colleen's warm hand snuck under my robe and
wrapped around my naked cock. I lifted her chin up and pressed my lips to hers. "Oh, Professor! Please!
Please make me happy!" I didn't care what she called it, but I knew it was going to make me happy, too.
She slid to her knees and didn't hesitate as she opened her lips and filled her mouth with my hardness.
She was very good - maybe among the best I had ever had - licking and sucking and nibbling. Finally, she
could tell when it was time, and proceeded to fuck my cock with her hot, wet mouth. It didn't take long.
I began to come and started

filling her mouth with my cum. She continued until I stopped coming and then very delicately emptied
her mouth into her hand. She stood and wiped her hand with a tissue and then stood close to me,
seeking a kiss. "Colleen, how did this happen? We can't do this - as wonderful as that was for me - it's
just not ethical. You're a student and I'm your teacher." "I don't care, Professor. Isn't it obvious to you?
Can't you feel how close we are? I've felt it since our first meeting, Professor. I really think I've fallen in
love with you!" The red light started flashing and the alarms were ringing in my head. "Colleen, it's just
not possible." The tears started flowing, again. "But, I DO love you! You're so kind and caring. You're the
only one on campus that treats me like I'm special." "Well, you are special to me, Dear." I looked at her
beautiful face, and thought about that wonderful, talented, sexy mouth of hers. I felt my dick stirring,
again, and thought that maybe later I could explain to her about student crushes on teachers. At that
moment, there was something else on my mind. I opened my arms and she pressed into me. I walked
her down the hall, to the bedroom. Her eyes searched my face as I opened her jacket and removed her
blouse and jeans. She was smiling when I opened her bra, revealing her small, round breasts, with tiny,
almost red nipples, and she giggled as I lowered her panties to the floor and buried my nose in her soft,

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sparse, blonde pussy. She sat on the bed and watched me as I opened my robe. "Oh, Professor! You are
going to make me SO happy, aren't you?" And I tried. For the next two days, I tried my very best to make
her happy. I had never had an easier assignment. She was a hungry partner in bed - lusty and
uninhibited. Not shy about anything. We fucked and sucked and fingered each other until we were
exhausted. Between fucking, she paraded around my house naked, washing up, fixing our lunches, doing
my dishes. What a find she was! And, what a dilemma I was in! Colleen and Bridget were not in the
same class, and none of the girls had the same major or dorm (part of my selection process), but
maintaining a relationship with both of them - something I very much wanted to do - would be tricky
and difficult (and exhausting!).

Colleen spent the night, and Bridget visited me again on Monday evening, and that made my decision
easy - I would try to keep both of them. I would miss the exuberance and lust (and, oh! that mouth) of
Colleen and Bridget's perfect (and her yet to be truly explored) body too much to say goodbye to either
of them. I resolved myself (poor me!) to the fact that I had both of them in my life for the time being.

I had an appointment with Heather scheduled for late Tuesday afternoon. She was stressed-out and
there was no reason to prolong her agony over her grades, and I was going to let her off the hook. Even
knowing that my coed selection had already been made for the year and she was no longer a possibility,
Heather still made me silently gasp as she walked through the door, and I could see the truly radiant
beauty that she was. Even with her eyes downcast and a frown on her face, she was gorgeous. After she
was seated, I explained that I had been watching her progress in class and on the essays and was very
pleased with her effort. I told her that it was unusual, but that I was going to disregard her current
grade, start from scratch, and give her a final grade based on her work for the remainder of the
semester, and the final. To my surprise, she didn't smile or look relieved. "I came in here expecting you
to tell me that it was hopeless, and I might as well stop coming to class. Why are you doing this,
Professor?" "I just explained my position, Heather. I'm pleased with your progress and I respect your
effort. Please don't look a gift horse in the mouth." There was something I thought was fire in her eyes
when she looked at me. "And I guess I'll have to repay you for your kindness?" "Don't be

ridiculous, Heather. I think this meeting is over." Her voice was trembling, but she stood and leaned
forward on my desk. "I know what you want. You men! You want me to give myself to you, don't you?
You want me to surrender to you, so you can make me do disgusting and humiliating things for you." To
say I was shocked would be an understatement! Then, in a flash, I realized what was going on. In nearly
20 years of teaching, I had met only one truly submissive girl and my school year with her had been a
little heaven on earth for me. If I was right, I was finding my second. I didn't want to loose this
opportunity. Colleen and Bridget were forgotten for the moment. "Have other men made you do
disgusting and humiliating things, Heather?" She nodded a tight nod. "Yes. A teacher in my senior year
and my boss at my summer job. It was just the same as it is now. The teacher threatened to flunk me
and my boss threatened to fire me. I had to cooperate. I had to submit, or face the consequences." "But,
Heather, I haven't threatened you about your grades. Just the opposite." She cried out in dismay, "But, it
IS the same!" Quieter, she continued, "Don't you understand? I know what you expect me to do to
repay you for your `kindness.'" "Heather, have you dated anyone on campus?" She shook her head.
"Boys. They're all boys. They only want one thing and then they're gone." I knew I had a beautiful young

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lady standing before me, and that she might have some head problems, but hey, I'm no psychiatrist. I
preferred to think of it as her sexual preference and decided to "go for the gold." "Of course you're
right, Heather. I do expect a lot from you. I think it's time your `extra-credit' work begins, don't you?"
Meekly, she nodded. "Lock my door and come bend over my desk." When she did, I stood behind her
and slowly raised her plaid wool skirt over her hips, exposing her white, cotton panties. My cock felt like
it was about to burst out of my trousers, and I hurried to open them and let them fall to the floor.
Heather looked back at me, "Aren't you going to force me to kiss and lick your `thing,' and force me to
suck it into my mouth?" As tempting as the thought was, I wanted to fuck her. My cock was poised at
her cunt, and I could feel her heat. "Should I wear a condom, Heather?" "Why are you asking me? Just
take me the way you want me. Please!" I wasn't gentle. I shoved my cock into her and pounded her hips
into the edge of the desk. I was hot and so was she, groaning with every stroke. She soon began to come
and I was surprised with its intensity. "Use me! Fuck me! I'm a worthless slut, so fuck me hard!" Maybe
if I hadn't been building up to my own orgasm, I would have thought more about the severe hang-ups
this girl had for being so young, but, instead, I enjoyed feeling my cock plow into her tight pussy, finally
shooting its warm cum into her. When I was done, I pulled myself away and sat in my chair. "Now,
Heather. I want you to suck my sticky cock clean in that pretty little mouth of yours, right now." She
almost collapsed to her knees and positioned herself between my spread legs. She looked up at me, her
eyes seeking mercy.

"Suck my cock, slut." And she did. Then, and later, back at my house. That night I shot my cum in her
mouth, her pussy and her ass. She called herself a slut and repeatedly earned her reputation. Between
the sex, she told me about her bizarre adventures at the hands of her teacher and boss.

On the night after her eighteenth birthday, her high school English teacher ordered her to come to his
office. He berated her for her falling grades and threatened her with an "F" that would ruin her chance
at a scholarship. He suggested that she become his "special pupil." Heather said it was obvious what he
was interested in, but, for the first time in her life, felt herself becoming sexually aroused. It was the
teacher's forceful personality that

was exciting her. She willingly submitted to him, and what followed were several months of bondage,
domination, spankings and humiliating sex. Instead of reporting the teacher, Heather found herself
hooked on him, impatient between rendezvous, welcoming his abuse. Their relationship ended soon
after graduation, when the teacher moved out of state. That Summer, she was working in a fast-food
restaurant. Badly needing the money, she was working well over 40 hours a week. One night, after
midnight, exhausted and helping the manager close up for the night, Heather dropped a large container
of cooking oil, spilling it all over the floor. She said the manager "freaked out," yelling and screaming at
her, calling her worthless, and firing her. He must have seen the spark he was igniting in her, because he
grabbed another container of oil and poured it over her head. She stood there, dripping the pungent
grease, humiliated. "Take that uniform off. You don't deserve to wear it," he shouted at her. She
unbuttoned it and let it fall to the oil-covered floor. Her bra and panties were soaked through and darkly
transparent. "And those," he pointed. Her bra and panties fell to the floor. "Now clean this mess up!"
Heather got a bucket and a de-greasing cleaner and began to scrub the floor on her hands and knees.
She said she was totally degraded - naked, her tits swaying and bouncing with her exertion, the oil

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dripping from her hard nipples, her ass in the air. Soon, her boss was behind her. She felt him slip his
prick into her cunt as he poured more oil over her bare back. Heather's orgasm was immediate and so
intense, she collapsed. Her boss rolled her over on to her back and re-entered her, this time pouring the
warm oil on her tits as he fucked her. Heather said she was resigned to her "perverted sexuality" from
that night on. Her boss assigned her the "shit" jobs at the restaurant and berated her, constantly.
Whenever he felt like it, he would call her into his tiny office, and have her suck him off or bend over as
he fucked her cunt or ass. He was always rough and callous with her, and she loved it. One night, her
boss took her out back and watched the two big, black deliverymen fuck her in the cab of their truck,
and several times, ordered her over to his apartment and she was used and abused by him and his four
poker buddies for hours. She left the restaurant the day she left for college and had an abortion the
week after school started.

Now, she was naked in my bed and was telling me she was glad she found me, that she needed me. My
sane, rational mind was saying that I should put as much distance between myself and this lovely, but
very screwed up, girl. That she was carrying more baggage than I wanted to get involved with. However,
at that moment, she again lowered her hot, wet mouth over my hardening cock, and I forgot all my good

What a year! My schedule began to look like an old "bedroom farce" movie, but I managed. Of course,
all three girls received "A's" for both semesters, but I hope they got more than just a good grade from
their experience. Bridget flowered into a dynamic lover, relaxing and enjoying all the pleasures I could
show her. She became quite adept at the skills of love, giving slow, sexy handjobs, and actually savoring
my cock with her mouth. I knew I was going to miss her and her luscious body, and I have. Colleen finally
admitted to herself that she was feeling infatuation and not love. We enjoyed each other's company for
most of the year - until Spring Break, when she returned from the islands "in love" with a junior. Our
final fuck was sweet and tender. She thanked me for making her feel special and helping her enjoy her
freshman year. I thanked her for her discretion, fond feelings, and helping me to enjoy her freshman
year, too. Finally, there was Heather - probably the most beautiful girl ever to grace one of my
classrooms. I soon learned that

I didn't have what it took to satisfy her needs for debasement and humiliation. I played at bondage for
her, but I wasn't cruel enough. I couldn't bring myself to spank her, and I certainly wasn't going to invite
the marching band to join us in bed. She drifted away from me, and I let her - hell, I welcomed it. But, I
did follow her adventures through my student and graduate assistant contacts. She soon became a
campus legend - entertaining entire Frats in one evening, taking on the whole basketball team at a
party, fucking the swim team in the locker room. Unwilling to see her doing that to herself, I talked her
into seeking therapy. Through a friend, I arranged for an off-campus shrink to see her and bill me. I think
the therapy may have helped. When she was going home in the Spring, she stopped by to thank me for
my concern. She said that her therapist had recommended someone in her home town, and that she
was not going back to her old job. I told her I was glad to hear she was on an oil-free diet, and we both

The Summer is finally over and classes are about to begin. I can't wait!

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First Class Sex

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On a Continental Airlines redeye from LA to Houston, the flight attendant in first class was caught having
sex with a guitarist for an Eighties glam-rock band. A fellow crew-member remembers the loud and
raucous nocturnal voyage well. During descent, he went looking for the guitarist and stewardess,
missing from their respective seats. When he walked into the front galley, the one closest to first class,
he didn't see anyone, and the lavatory door said unoccupied. Then he heard the banging and thumping
and grunting emanating from within. Abruptly, the DC-10 tittered and lurched as the landing gear came
down. The lav door popped open, exposing the stewd with her navy blue skirt hiked up to her waist.

"That skirt looked like it was rolled up in a ball for a month," her co-worker recalls. "It was a definite
coitus interruptus moment." The flight attendant's blouse was completely soaked in the back. "Oh
yeah," she said later. "I was up on the sink. Every time he thrusted, my back would hit the faucet,
turning it on."

Girl's Locker Room, The

It is the last class of the day and you are tired. Being a phys-ed instructor at the local high school is a
demanding job and the girls have been giving you a hard time. Spring probably has something to do with
the rambunctious nature of your charges but all their energy is wearing you out. Also, just looking at
their young limber bodies, just budding into womanhood has you kind of horny. You don't usually think
about such things while you're working but seeing those girls today in their tights as they went through
their exercises turned you on. Your pussy has been hot and wet all afternoon and your nipples seem to
be in a constant state of erection. The last class that you currently have doing gymnastics are the grade
12s. The eighteen and nineteen year-olds are stretching their bodies into a variety of sexual contortions.
In one corner, the girls on the mats are doing split after split and looking at those long legs stretched so
far apart makes you imagine one of them tied up in that position, totally helpless to prevent the
stimulation of her body. On the trampoline, your eye catches sight of one of the bustier girls as her
breasts bounce up and down. Her hard nipples are prominently displayed through the thin fabric of her
Danskin and you are embarrassed to catch yourself thinking about what it would

be like to suck them. 'This is crazy', you think to yourself, 'These girls are innocent teenagers who don't
know anything about sex.' The day will prove you wrong. The bell sounds and the girls quickly tidy up
before heading to the locker room. It will be a good 20 minutes before they've showered and changed
and you are able to close the place up. You decide to take the opportunity to go to your office and
masturbate to release some of this nervous energy. You enter your office and lock the door behind you.
In the bottom drawer of your desk is a large vibrator and an envelope containing a magazine on your
favorite fantasy: bondage. You open the envelope and take out the bondage mag. Flipping through a
couple of pages, you stop at a story about teenage girls, being kidnapped by band of dominant women
who then train them. The pictures on the page show young girls being restrained in a variety of exposing
positions. Some with their legs held wide apart, others with their hands tied to the ceiling. In some, you

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see nipple clips pinching their nipples. In others, you see a dildo much like yours pushed into their
pussies. One young girl is getting a bare bottomed spanking by her mistress. The pictures turn you on a
little more and you push your danskin to the side to allow access to your pussy for your vibrator. The
humming sensation is electric and you let out a quiet moan as the tip of the artificial cock touches the
hood of your clitoris. You rub the vibrator up and down the edges of your sensitive pussy lips and let the
feelings run through your body. You push just the tip of it into your now soaking pussy and you hold
back for a moment before pushing it deeper. You imagine yourself tied to a bed and being totally
helpless. Whoever was in control would determine when the dildo would be penetrate you. You would
have no say. You hold the vibrator there wanting it deep inside you but imagining that you can't have it.
You don't last very long. Soon the long thick dildo is sliding in and out of your wet slit. On each stroke
the vibrator feels like it is filling your body totally. You decide to prolong the sensation until you can get
home and really do something about it. You turn the vibrator off but you leave it deep in your pussy.
You feel completely filled as you adjust your Danskin and stand up slowly. You want to come so bad and
the anticipation is bittersweet. It has been about 25 minutes since your students finished their class and
you go to take a last look in the locker room before closing up. As you enter the locker room, a familiar
sound has you stop dead in your tracks. There is the clear, distinct sound of a girl panting, close to
coming in the room. You can also hear the sound of the shower and the girl's voice is coming from there.
'One of the girls must be masturbating in the shower.', you think to yourself. Your pussy automatically
tightens around the thick dildo still lodged in there. You move slowly and silently toward the shower
area, determined to find out who it is and perhaps take a look at her having an orgasm. As you turn a
corner, the sight is very different from what you expect and the sight has you gasp as your heart starts
to race. There are FOUR naked girls in the shower not one. Three of the girls are holding a fourth captive
and are teasing her helpless body. One of the girls standing behind her and is holding the helpless girl's
hands tightly behind her head to expose her pretty breasts and chest. One of the others is standing in
front of her and playing with her very long pink nipples. A third is on her knees at the feet of the
restrained teenager and is running a bar of wet soap back and forth through her crack. The girl who is
being held doesn't seem to be struggling as these three girls tantalize her body with their hands and
tongues. You see one lick her nipples as the other slides one finger first deep into her pussy and then
deep into her obviously lubricated bottom. Your own hand has moved to your pussy almost of its own

and is now pushing gently at the end of the vibrator sticking out, pushing it deeper into you. The girl on
her knees is now licking the helpless girl whose name is Julie and a moment later, Julie starts to come in
long sobbing gasps. The other three girls hold her and caress her until her orgasm has subsided and she
is able to stand on her own. Julie looks at them and giggles, "That was the BEST ever! Who's next?" Suzie
says, "Oh, let me." The girls go right into action. This time, the girls is held lying on her back with her legs
spread up and wide apart. From your vantage point, you can see that her pussy is completely shaved!
You can see the delicate pussy lips gently being spread open to reveal the hot pink interior and below
that her pink, crinkled bottomhole. The girl holding Suzie's wrists starts licking and biting her tiny nipples
and the Suzie stars writhing right away. One of the girls begins playing with Suzie's ass and gently sliding
her finger into it while the third starts playing with Suzie's pussy lips with her tongue. It does not take
long before Suzie is begging them to let her come. They hold her off time and time again just on the

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brink of an orgasm. Finally, one of the girls positions herself so that her legs and Suzie's legs scissor each
other and their pussies begin grinding together. Suzie immediately begins coming like a freight train and
you join her. The sight has been too much for you. You reach down and turn on the vibrator and your
pussy tightens itself around it as the artificial intruder brings you to yet another orgasm. You pull the
vibrator out of your body and turn it off. You have decided it is time for these girls to be found out. The
girls have, meanwhile, switched partners again and the next victim, Vivian, is now being held on her
hands and knees with her knees held wide apart waiting for her ass and pussy to be violated from
behind. Stepping out from your hiding place, you walk straight up to them. "Well, girls, what is going on
here?", you ask in a stern voice. The girls leap to their feet, "Oh, nothing miss. We're sorry. We should
be on our way now." "Not so fast.", you say, "Vivian, get back down on your knees." The girls are
disbelieving as you have them all watch as you gently position Vivian to best expose her most private
area. You instruct the girls to hold her legs and her wrists tightly so that she cannot escape. Then you
pull out your vibrator. You turn it on first and begin running it over her body. First along her arms and
legs, then you let it touch the sensitive breasts and nipples hanging down from her body. Vivian's
breathing is a little heavier when you finish playing with her tits. Now you move behind her. Vivian is
anxiously awaiting the touch of the vibrator but you maker her wait. Finally, you slide the thick vibrator
deep into her soaking pussy in one long delicate stroke. Vivian cries out at the exquisite sensation and
your own pussy tightens with desire as you remember the feeling from just a few minutes ago. You
begin sliding the vibrating cock very slowly in and out of her slit. Soon she is taking full strokes in and out
and begging for more. You lubricate one finger of your other hand in the soaking juices of Vivian's pussy
and then you gently slide its full length into her bottom. The moan from her coupled with an additional
wriggling of her bottom is enough for you to know that it was the right thing to do. All of this stimulation
will have her come soon so you have one of the girls lie down under Vivian and begin licking and biting
her nipples. This final sensation is too much and she begins shaking in an orgasm that has her scream
out in pleasure. A couple of minutes later you are all back in your office talking about what happened.
"Are you all submissive?", you ask. The girls nod their heads shyly. Now that the action has stopped,
they have reverted to the shy introverted people they make out to be. "Very well", you say, "I shall not
report this on the condition that you all report here once per week for some personal instruction on

being totally submissive. The girls look up disbelievingly. The smiles on their faces tell you that you are in
for some interesting times before the term is over. Before the girls leave the office, you have them all
get on their knees before you and lick your pussy! The quick lick from the four of them is enough to turn
you on all over again but now you decide to take your libido home anxious to tell me all about this latest

Put Me in Coach

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Ylang <>

Thanks to airline amenities, the inventive passengers need not sneak back to the closet-sized bathrooms
to get it on. Right there, in the comfort of their own seats, passengers with polyester blankets, courtesy
of the airlines, can engage in X-rated foreplay.

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Karen, a longtime flight attendant with Sun Country Airlines, says chartered members of the mile high
club are getting more ballsy every day, bringing their unmentionable behavior from the lavatory to the

"It was in the middle of the afternoon on a DC-10. I guess you don't need the dark anymore," says Karen,
who stumbled upon a thirty-ish man with a skimpy in-flight blanket draped over his lap. His female
companion's hand was buried underneath the blankie, jostling in a fevered up-and-down motion. Karen
ignored it, which means passengers can just go for it. The likelihood of getting punished for mile high
hanky-panky is minimal. The worst case scenario is a slap on the wrist. Let's just say that on a recent
cross-country flight, I took part with my fiancé, soaring over the Grand Canyon.

Going Down in the Galley

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Half-empty late-night flights are a good breeding ground for flight attendants. The cabin is dimly lit,
casting shadows down the rows of reclined seats. The turbo engines drone on, rocking passengers to
sleep. And the flight attendants, finished with service, have free time on their hands.

Jenny, a Southwest Airlines employee, recounts a flight in which a stewardess and a steward used the
aft jumpseat of a 737 for a love connection. They turned the lights off in the back galley. He unzipped his
pants, and she leaned down into his lap.

"He was having trouble getting it up, he was so paranoid," Jenny says. "He kept looking out into the aisle
to see if anyone was coming."

Backseat Drivers

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Gina has worked for Southwest Airlines for five years. When she spotted a guilty pair in the back of a
near-empty flight from LA to Las Vegas, she interrupted them. "They were in row 15 and nobody was
behind them," says Gina. Walking aft, she spotted a brunette ponytail bobbing up and down between
empty rows of seats. The woman was sitting in the aisle seat and the man in the middle. His face was
contorted, and he was gripping the chair in front of him with one hand.

"When I get up close to them, she's clearly giving the guy a fucking blow job. Can you believe it? Right in
the middle of the airplane. He has one eye half-cocked, but he's not saying anything. I said, 'Excuse me,
excuse me. This is going to have to stop.' I lied and said this is against FAA policy."

The woman kept going, chomping on the man, so Gina jabbed her in the shoulder with her finger. The
woman stopped, raised her head and said, "Yeah?" Later, Gina went to the cockpit to inform the pilots

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about the incident. The captain of the aircraft turned slowly around to face her and asked, "Why didn't
you just let them finish?"

One Woman, One Jumpseat

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And it's not just passengers getting it on in these extra-friendly skies. I know a flight attendant, a
woman, who regularly masturbates on the jumpseat. She's quite a tease, and men on the plane adore
her white-blonde hair and long legs. When she swaggers through the cabin, her hips often brush against
sinewy arms and shoulders jutting out into the aisle. She's always boasting that some guy wants her
"furburger." For her, the fuselage walk-through is foreplay before she settles down on the fold-down
seat in the aft galley. She has this nifty trick of squeezing her thighs together, rubbing her crotch with
her thumb and getting off.


Homework - Part I

Anne carried her load up from the laundry room. Even though all she had on was a tank-top and a pair
of ragged shorts, she was dripping sweat. The dryers in the dorm laundry room were supposedly vented
outside, but it was obvious that most of the heat they produced stayed in the laundry room.

If the dorm were coed, Anne wouldn't have worn the cutoffs; they weren't really decent, having more
than a few rips that revealed what she didn't wear under them. They were comfortable, though, and in
the nearly empty halls of the dorm on a Saturday morning, they were just right.

After she dumped her load of laundry on the bed, Anne looked outside at at the swirling snow. It was
February, and looking out at the blowing snow from the warmth of her dorm room made her feel very
secure. After pausing to let the feeling soak in, she set to work putting her laundry away.

She was in the middle of folding a sheet when there was a knock on her door. "Who is it?" she asked.

"Jacob." A pleasantly male voice called.

If it had been anyone else, Anne wouldn't have opened the door.

"I thought we'd get an early start on our project for psych class," he said as she let him in. He saw the
laundry dumped on her bed and looked sheepish. "I guess I should've phoned first."

"That's OK," Anne said, finishing folding the sheet and putting it in a drawer. "Tell you what, you help
put my clothes away, then we'll get to work."

It was only after she said it that she realized that she might have put him in an embarrassing situation.
He blushed, and and she noticed as he did that his eyes were

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locked on her less-than-decent cutoffs. Anne had seen men look at her like that before, but she'd never
really known how to respond. People told her that she was pretty, but she didn't usually pay attention
to such things.

Anne felt herself blushing in the long silence that followed, but Jacob was blushing too. He finally broke
the silence. "I'll go if you want, let you finish putting your stuff away, then come back in half an hour."

Anne was mad at herself for the way she was reacting. "You're welcome to stay. We're both grownups,
or at least, that's what we're supposed to be."

"OK, I'll stay," he said, looking awkward as he hung up his coat. "What can I do to help."

"You know how to hang up jeans?" she asked, and handed him a handfull of hangers. With his coat off,
Anne thought he looked cute. He wore snug but comfortable looking corduroy jeans, topped off with a
bulky looking turtleneck.

Anne set to work folding sweaters and tops while he hung up her jeans, and in no time, all of her laundry
was put away. While they worked, she noticed that, as often as not, Jacob's eyes were on her. Although
she was usually indifferent to men's stares, she realized that she liked the way Jacob looked at her.

After the clothes were all put away, they set to work on the psychology project. It wasn't due until the
end of the semester, but Anne was glad that Jacob had suggested that they get started early. The psych
class they shared was an advanced course, and both of them felt a bit out of place there, since neither
was a psych major.

Half the students in the class were grad students, and most of the rest were majors. A friend of Anne's
had taken the class the year before and said it was fun, and Anne had suggested it to Jacob, not realizing
that the project component of the course wasn't just a term paper, but a real experiment they would
have to plan and carry out over the course of the semester.

They'd been sitting on the bed cross-legged with their notes spread out between them for more than an
hour when when Anne noticed Jacob's stare. At first she didn't understand what he was looking at, but
when he saw that she saw him looking, he blushed.

"What's the problem?" she asked. Anne wasn't used to seeing him blush, and now, in one day, he'd
blushed twice when he looked at her. She was sure this revealed something new about him, but she
couldn't quite pin it down.

He paused and swallowed. "Are you trying to, well, turn me on?"


"The way you're dressed, the way you were sitting. Were you showing me your breasts on purpose?"

"What?" Anne said, and then she realized what was happening. The tank- top she wore was loose, and
she'd been leaning forward giving him a good view down the inside of her top. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean

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it; I hope I didn't bother you. I didn't really mean to upset you, I mean ..." She stopped talking when she
realized that she didn't know what she meant to say.

"I like what I saw," Jacob said quietly. "They're very pretty. I hope you're not upset."

Anne's mind was in turmoil. All these years, she'd never dated anyone, and she'd turned down the few
guys who'd ever asked her out. Jacob had never asked, and she'd always thought that was part of the
reason they got along well. At times, she felt a bit depressed when she heard other girls talking about
their social lives, but she usually rationalized her lack of a social life by thinking about the problems she
was avoiding.

Now, as Anne looked at Jacob, she realized that she needed him. She was aware of him as she'd never
been aware of him before, it was almost as if, for the first time, she realized that he was a man. They'd
talked with each other in the past about sex and dating, but always in a very abstract way, with no sense
of personal involvement in the subject.

"How long have I known you?" Anne asked, almost whispering as she spoke.

"About two years. Remember that rhetoric class?"

Anne studied him. She debated with herself briefly, then leaned toward him, this time fully aware that
she was giving him a clear view down the open neck of her tank-top. "In those years, did you ever want
to ask me out or make a pass at me? We were lab partners and we studied together, but you were
always chaste. Why?"

He swallowed. "I guess I didn't have the courage to ask a girl out. I like you alot, you know, more than
any other girl I know. You know how awkward I am about girls."

"I like you too," she said, surprising herself. "You've told me how you feel frustrated sometimes, and I've
told you as much about myself, but here you are, alone with me in my dorm room."

"But you're different!" he said, almost defensively.

"Am I?" she said, acutely aware that his eyes were locked on her exposed breasts.

He looked awkward for a moment, then looked up at her face. "Would you like a kiss?" he whispered,
sounding very tentative and shy.

"Nobody's ever asked me that before," she said as she moved their books and notes from the bed. She
stood by the desk and looked at him sitting on her bed; he looked helpless and lost, and she felt an
almost motherly urge to hug him and help him find his way.

She felt the seriousness of the situation as she sat down beside him and almost whispered her reply.

He kissed her tentatively on the cheek, and she felt a warm sensation in her body, a tingle that reached
from her fingertips to her toes. Did he feel her reaction? She didn't know, but she kissed him in return,

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first on the cheek, and then on the lips. When her lips touched his, she felt something new in her,
something she'd imagined and wanted, but something she'd never felt before.

She held him tightly as she kissed, and without really planning it, she kissed him with her lips apart and
tasted the tip of his tongue against hers. She put her arms around his neck and felt the warm comfort of
his hands against her back, but that wasn't enough. She pressed her body up against his as she thrust
her tongue into his mouth, but she wanted him to touch her even more.

"Anne?" Jacob said, in a very quiet and hesitant voice. "Do you want me to touch your body?"

"Yes," she said, backing away. Before she really thought about it, she pulled off her tank-top, then
looked down at her cutoffs and hesitated. She felt a warm tingle of anticipation as he looked from her
breasts to her tattered shorts. She looked up at him. "You know I've never done anything like this
before, do you mind?"

"No," he said, his eyes fixed on her. "It's new for me too, but you've got a beautiful body, and I'd like it if
... well, if you took off your pants too. I'll keep mine on."

"Jacob, you're a gentleman," Anne said as she slipped out of her shorts. In one of their impersonal
conversations about sex, she remembered that they'd agreed that they wanted

to remain virgins until marriage. "You know," she said, "I think I'd trust you with your pants off, if you
want it that way."

"I don't trust myself," he said, smiling weakly. "Anne, don't you worry about your roommate? Where is

"Home for the weekend," she said. "Come on!"

She lay beside him as he sat on the edge of her bed, her body tense with anticipation. He very
tentatively touched her nipple with a finger tip, then slid his hand gently down her side to her hip and
thigh, lingering there before touching her other nipple.

"Does this feel good?" he asked.

"Yes," she whispered. As she said it, she realized that she'd secretly wanted him to touch her that way
for a long time. She looked up at him as he stroked her and briefly tried to figure out how long she'd
wanted him. She was sure her memory was tricking her because as she looked at him, she was sure
she'd wanted him from the day they first met, but she knew that wasn't right.

He bent down and kissed her as he gently touched the smooth skin between her legs. She reached down
and held his hand there as she returned the kiss, then reached up to hold him. As he kissed her neck,
she felt a wave of warmth sweep over her, and it intensified as he worked his way down to her nipples.

She found herself hugging his head to her breast as he kissed. A wave of anticipation swept over her,
and she realized that she was grinding herself against the pressure of his hand between her legs. He

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changed from kissing her nipples to sucking on them, and as he did, it released a wave of pleasure
through her body. The waves continued, each one more intense than the one before, until she found
herself relaxing in a state of infinite pleasure, looking up at him as he looked at her.

She watched silently as he sat up beside her. As he took his hand from between her legs, she was aware
that she'd had an orgasm, but she wasn't able to react. She watched silently as he looked at the
moisture on his fingers, sniffed his hand, and tentatively tasted it.

"I hope you enjoyed it," he said. "I did."

"I did," she whispered, finally feeling her ability to control her body returning. "It was nice, but I didn't
mean to, well, have an orgasm. I hope you don't feel, well, icky."

"I'm still horny," Jacob said, "but what's there to feel icky about?"

"Your hand; I get pretty stinky and gooey down there when I'm excited."

He sniffed his fingers again as she sat up. "I sort of like the smell."

She looked quietly at him for a long time, then sat up beside him and hugged him. With her free hand,
she gently touched his chest before she spoke. "I never imagined this would happen to us."

He kissed her briefly. "I didn't either. I've always liked you, but I guess I've always tried to suppress my...
my sexual reaction to you."

"Thanks for not suppressing it this time," she said, kissing him gently.

He took his time responding. "Anne, would you like me to take off my clothes for you after you put
something on?"

"Yes," she said. She got up and got a pair of jeans from her closet.

Jacob looked at her as she slid into the tight denim pants. "Don't you wear underpants?"

"You helped me put away my laundry, did you see any panties?"

He looked puzzled. "No, but ..."

"I haven't worn underwear since I was seventeen," she said as she zipped her jeans. "I guess it started as
an invisible rebelion against my mom. does it offend you?"

"I guess it intrigues me," he said, pulling off his turtleneck sweater. "Did you start shaving your pubic
hair then too?"

"No, that goes way back. I guess Professor Jenkins in our psych class might say I was trying to avoid
puberty by shaving down there, and once I got in the habit, it was easier to keep shaving than suffer
while the stubble grew back."

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He took off his pants while she spoke. She was surprised by the size of his erect penis when he took his
underpants off, but she didn't say so. It wasn't as much a matter of shock as it was a matter of intrigue.
She knew that all men have a penis between their legs, but the way men dress hides the fact well
enough that she rarely noticed anything to remind her of it.

She found that she wasn't as sexually attracted to his penis as she was to his chest; at the same time,
she wanted to know more about his penis. "Tell me how it works," she said as she tentatively touched it
with the tip of one finger. It grew visibly as she touched it, and then just as visibly, it began to shrink.

She sat beside him confused about what she wanted to do. "Should I give you an orgasm?"

He looked up at her from the bed and smiled. "If you want, but I don't want to pressure you. I didn't set
out to give you one, you know."

His reply was gallant, and she realized there was only one answer, so she bent over and kissed him
gently on the mouth. As she did, she felt herself reacting sexually again, and what she'd intended to be a
gentle kiss became pashionate. She felt her bare breasts softly resting on his chest as she kissed him,
and as she moved, the feeling in her nipples as they slid across his skin was echoed by a pleasant tingle

She kissed his chest, and discovered that sucking on his nipples seemed to excite him. She stroked her
hand down his muscular stomach and felt her arm brush his penis. She felt its shape with one hand as
she kissed his chest, then began to gently massage it. It expanded and stiffened in her grip, and he
hugged her tightly against him.

She let go of his penis and lay on top of him, grinding her hips against it. She felt the warm pressure of
his penis against her pubic bone as she kissed him, and with each thrust of her hips, the pressure sent a
wave of pleasure through her body. He slid his hands gently across the smooth skin of her back in
rhythm with her thrusts, but as she began to thrust harder, he held her hips firmly against him.

As Anne reached her second climax, she kissed Jacob deeply. The second climax wasn't as all
encompassing an experience as the first, and as it ended, she sat up next to Jacob and looked down at
him feeling both very content and ready for action. "I'm sorry I didn't give you an orgasm," she
whispered. "I guess I just got too horny to pay much attention to you. I hope you're not too

He chuckled quietly, and as he spoke, Anne could see his penis relaxing. "You saved yourself a mess, you
know. I'm content to know I can really turn a girl on." He paused and looked up at her. "I guess I've
always felt I had a lot in common with Woody Allen, and being able to excite you is a real ego boost."

"Want to get dressed and go to lunch with me?" Anne said.

"Sure," he said, smiling as he sat up. "Um, can I ask you out to dinner this evening?"

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"You can," Anne said, realizing as she said it that she was accepting a date, something she'd never done
before. Anne looked seriously at him, enjoying the way he looked sitting naked on her bed. "You know
what? I don't know what love is, but I think you might be the one I need to help me learn."

Homework - Part II

Anne walked back to her dorm room Friday evening after dinner, and found Jacob waiting by her door.
"Hi," he said. "I brought over my work from psyche class."

"Good," Anne said, letting him in. She thought he looked good in jeans, a flannel shirt, and a turtleneck
sweater. She watched him while he set his load of books and papers on her bed and sat beside them.

"No laundry for me to sort?" he asked, joking about the last time they'd worked together on their
psyche project.

"Nope," she said, "but my roommate's away for the weekend again, if that helps." She grinned. Their
last meeting had ended with heavy petting, and she intended that this one end the same way, at the
very least.

He looked up at her plaintively. "Look, I've been meaning to talk with you about last weekend, I don't
want you to feel guilty about anything."

"I don't," she said. "Do you?"

He paused with a puzzled look on his face. "No, but ..."

"Then let's get to work and not get hot and bothered."

They sat opposite each other on the bed, with their books and papers in a heap between them for
upwards of an hour, working on their joint term project. It was still early in the spring semester, so they
hadn't done much of the work, but the project looked like it woud be interesting.

While Anne worked, she occasionally glanced up at Jacob, thinking about the wonderful surprise she'd
had last weekend. She'd never been a very social person, and in recent years, she'd begun to wonder if
there was something wrong with her. She'd never had a boyfriend, at least, not before a week ago.

She'd known Jacob since her first year in college, but until a week ago, their relationship had been
platonic. He'd come over to work on their psyche project, and somehow, the meeting that had begun
with two friends studying together had ended in passion. She'd never as much as kissed a boy before,
and in that one stormy morning, although all they'd done was heavy petting, she'd had the first two
orgasms of her life.

Anne liked Jacob, she'd known that for a long time. The question on her mind now was, how far should
she go with him. From the brief mention he made to their meeting the week before, he sounded
awkward about what had happened, but she wanted more, and she hoped he did too.

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Sometime around eight, Jacob locked eyes with her and she realized she'd been looking at him for what
must have been five minutes. "Having a bit of trouble concentrating?" he asked.

"Yup," she said. "Sorry."

"Thinking about last weekend?"

She blushed a bit, then wished she were wearing the loose tank top she'd worn then. The turtleneck she
wore now showed her figure well, but she liked the way she'd been able to lean forward in a tank top so
he could see her nipples. "Yes," she answered, and then, impulsively, "would you like to spend the

He put down his notebook and looked at her with an expression she didn't understand. "Anne, you once
said you wanted to remain virgin until you got married, I don't know if I still value my own virginity, but I
don't want to hurt you. Anne, please don't ask me to do something that you'll regret tomorrow."

Anne smiled at him. "Don't worry, I've made up my mind," she said, glad that he was still such a
gentleman. "I want to stay a virgin, but only technically. Other than that, I'd like to do everything with

He looked at her for a long time. "What do you mean, everything?"

She leaned forward. "I mean anything other than you putting your penis in my cunt; anything you want
to do, that is. I've been reading some in the library, about the options that gives us; there's plenty of
stuff we can do."

Jacob sat on her bed with a stunned look while she cleared the books and papers off the bed. "Well?"
she said, sitting next to him.

"I'd like to spend the night, but ..." He looked pained. "I don't have a toothbrush or my PJ's..."

"Borrow my toothbrush," she said. "As to PJ's, who needs them? I don't wear them any more than I
wear underwear." She paused to watch him. He looked confused, so she put an arm around his shoulder
and gently kissed his cheek.

He looked at her for a few seconds, then returned the kiss. "The hell," he said. "I give in, yes, I'll stay and

He kissed her again, this time eagerly on the lips. She ran her fingers through his hair and tasted his
mouth, pressing her hips against his as they knelt on the bed, savoring the warmth of his body against

He broke the kiss and sat back on his heels, holding her by the hips as she knelt before him. "Can you
take off your sweater?" he asked.

"Take off yours too," she said, removing her sweater. She tossed it on the back of her desk chair while
she watched him, feeling a tingle run through her as his eyes locked on her exposed breasts. He got up

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as he took off his shirt and turtleneck, and she enjoyed watching the expanse of his exposed skin as he
set his clothes over her roommate's chair.

She lay back and smiled at him as he walked back to the bed. He sat on the bed beside her and looked at
her, then gently touched his fingers to her breasts, fingering her nipples and running his hands down the
smooth skin of her side. "I still can't get over the fact that you're letting me do this," he said.

"I'm not used to it either," she said, her voice almost a whisper as a a warm muzzyness spread through
her body. "I like it, though. Want to kiss my tits?"

He kissed her quickly on the mouth, then kissed his way down her neck to her nipples, kissing them
gently at first, brushing his lips over them, teasing them with his tongue. She held his head in her hands
and pulled him closer, and as he began sucking her tits, she moaned gently as the senstation overcame
her. The noise was almost a catlike purr.

"Like it?" he asked, pausing briefly.

"Yes," she whispered. "Please!" As he sucked, the warm muzzyness that had spread over her began to
concentrate itself in her neck, nipples and groin, and she knew she wanted him to touch her cunt.

"Jacob?" she moaned. "Take off your pants, could you?"

He sat up and looked at her briefly, then unbuttoned his jeans, freeing his erect penis as he slid his
underpants off. She undid her jeans and tossed them over her chair, then

looked at Jacob. Taking off her jeans had distracted her from the sexual tension of the moment, and
looking at Jacob's nude body, she decided it was her turn to excite him.

"Lie down, let me kiss you," she said.

She kissed him, letting her breasts drag gently on his chest. He hugged her, then used his free hands to
fondle her breasts while she kissed her way down to his nipples. "Jacob?" she asked, between kisses.
"Can I do something for you?"


"I've been reading." She paused to suck on his nipple, and the slight quivver that ran through his body
told her he liked it. "Last week, you said it would be too messy if I gave you an orgasm. It doesn't have to
be; could I try giving you a blow job?"

"Are you sure?" he said, running his fingers through her hair and gently caressing her breasts. "I mean,
I'd be grossed out by putting my mouth over someone's cock, and I just assumed you'd react the same

She sat up and looked at him. "Please let me decide what I think is too gross for me, OK?"

"OK," he said, then chuckled. "So much for romance."

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Anne smiled down at Jacob. "Do you really call your penis a cock?"

"That's my word for it," he said. "You want me to use Latin and sound like a doctor?"

"No," she said, giggling. "I just, ... well, does it upset you to call my vagina a cunt? That's the word I've
always used."

"I'm surprised," he said, sitting up. "I always thought it was sort of a male word, disrespectful ..."

Anne giggled. "So much for romance. So do you want me to try to give a blow job?"

"I guess so," he said. "I gather that the best way's supposed to be if I try to return the favor, kissing your,
uh, cunt while you do my cock."

She looked at him, sensing his mixed emotions but eager to try some of the things she'd read about.
"You want to try?"

He smiled at her. "I guess I've had a bit of a fantasy about what some guys call eating pussy for a long

She looked at him. His penis had been huge a minute ago, but while they were talking, it had shrunk
noticibly. "OK, let's try. How?"

He looked thoughtfully at her. "How about trying it this way. I lie on the bed on my back and you kneel
over my face facing towards my hips and bending down to do my cock. I'm no expert, so don't quote

"May as well try," she said laughing. They experimented, and with a few minor readjustments, they
managed to find a position where each was able to reach their target without too much work.

Jacob tentatively stroked her fanny while she tentatively bent down and kissed the tip of his penis.
"You're a bit wet," she said, tasting him with her tongue. "Tastes pretty good, actually. Want to try me?"

He held her around the hips and tentatively licked her cunt. "I'm glad you shave down here," he said,
and then kissed her gingerly. You taste salty; can you come down a bit farther?"

She adjusted her hips a bit, then began to experiment seriously with his penis. It grew rapidly as she
played with it, sliding her lips down it and, as the book had suggested, pretending it was a lollypop and
licking and sucking it. His tentative experiments kissing

her cunt intensified, and as his tongue explored her clitoris, the intense feeling she'd felt earlier

He broke off as she tried sliding her mouth down over his cock. "Oh God that feels good Anne!" he said,
sounding intense.

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"Don't stop!" she said, then slid her lips down his cock again, feeling it's rigid length press into her
mouth. He began thrusting his hips in rythm with her, and his hands around her hips tightened as he
pulled her down over his mouth. She felt a wave of exstacy sweep over her, not the intense exstacy of
an orgasm, but close.

She slid her mouth down over his penis again, and as he thrust his hips at her, Anne felt him come,
squirting a small mouthful into her. For a moment, she was distracted from what he was doing to her
cunt while she savored the new taste in her mouth. The flavor was slightly sweet, only a bit salty, and
almost a bit soapy in texture.

His penis was still stiff, so she continued to suck on it as he kissed and licked her cunt. She felt a wave of
pleasure surge through her with each probe of his tongue, and then in an explosive flash, the feeling of
pleasure engulfed her as she came.

She rolled off his face, still hugging his hips and sucking the last of his juices from his now limp penis.
"God, that felt good," he said. He gently stroked her hip with his hand. "Did I do it right?"

She let go of his penis almost reluctantly, savoring the lingering taste as it fell from her mouth. "You sure
did. Let's do it again!"

Sorority Pledge

I'm a college co-ed at the present. Pledge indoctrination usually takes place in early Fall. The house I'm
with goes for the good lookers; the ones who can really make the guys on campus drool. Each
established member gets one pledge in her charge. Mine this year was a real peach named Jennifer.
Sorority girls can do anything they want to pledges, so spontaneous spankings are frequent and
commonplace. Luckily for pledges this hazing period lasts only two weeks. In the evenings, after classes,
I'd make Jennifer strip down to her bra and panties or make her wear some equally humiliating outfit
while she slaved away at the chores given to pledges. If the assigned chores weren't satisfactorily
completed (which was nearly always) it meant going over the barrel for a spanking. The "barrel" is a
large drum shaped cylinder on short legs with handles and fastening straps. Girls are put naked over the
barrel with their ankles strapped in place and their bottoms are in the uppermost position. This is a
terrific device for impromptu punishments as well as ceremonial spankings. An interesting variation on
the barrel is one that I used frequently with Jeniffer I'd make the pledge straddle the device lengthwise
as though riding horseback and have her lie forward and hug the barrel to keep from sliding off. This
position naturally stretches the bottom good and tight and is extremely embarrassing for the "rider". I
never inflicted any permanent damage to Jennifer. I usually would hand spank her until she'd start
crying. As a deviation of the above sorority practices I'd like to relate the sexiest and most memorable
incident of spanking that's ever happened to me. After a boring day of classes I was itching for some
entertainment in the form of spanking Jennifer's all too appealing bottom. In order to make the
experience an intimate and exciting one, (for me, anyway) I left word for my little pledge to report
directly to my room. In time the coquettish underling appeared as commanded. Jennifer is a petite little
dumpling with rich brown hair shortly bobbed in a becoming hairstyle. The girl was still

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in her street clothes and carried a handful of books. Faking a truly bitchy mood I ordered her to lock the
door behind her and to strip naked. Knowing the punishment for disobedience to a superior, Jennifer
began to instantly undress. In two minutes she was standing before me in her birthday suit. She was
especially nervous and trembling visibly. I told her to bring me the hairbrush from my bureau and to
drop face down across my thighs. She did so with a gasp of mixed fear and humiliation. She had never
been spanked over my lap like this and was obviously terrified. I applied the first spank with great vigor,
the hairbrush smashed down on one tender bottom. Jennifer flinched. I then announced that she must
count aloud each spank and thank me for it! "SMACK!! One...Oh, t-thank you...SMACK. T-Two. Thank
you...," and so on. This was kept up to my great delight for nearly thirty hair- raising spanks. By now the
pledge was crying and stammering, but I didn't let up. At last the despondent pledge begged for mercy
and offered to do anything else rather than have the spanking continue. The girl stimulated my curiosity
and I asked her what she'd be willing to do to have me stop spanking her. I was surprised when she
offered to lick my toes for an hour. I was justly intrigued by the depravity of her suggestion. "You'll have
to lick more than just my toes," I responded. "All right, anything. ANYTHING!," cried the unhappy pledge.
This was too good to be true. I immediately had Jennifer stand up. Her bottom cheeks were solid red. I
quickly kicked my shoes off, then pulled off my knee socks. I lifted my skirt and lowered my panties,
removing them. I lay back on the bed with my legs spread wide and pointed to my snatch, ordering the
girl to lick me. A most obedient Jennifer quickly knelt down in front of me and without the least
hesitation buried her face in my crotch! She began working her tongue around like a pro. That girl really
knows how to eat hair pie. Jennifer does it better than any guy on campus. I came in two minutes flat. I
had made a friend for life. I felt so good I wished to reciprocate, but I couldn't bring myself to perform
oral sex on another woman. Jennifer said she'd be satisfied if I diddled her with my finger. The only
trouble was that her bottom was so sore that she couldn't lie on her backside. Thinking quickly I told the
girl to climb in bed on all fours. On hands and knees Jennifer scampered onto the bed with her legs wide
apart. From behind I fingered her slit and gave her a real cool finger-fucking with one hand, while I reach
around with the other and squeezed her nipples. It was wild. I never thought I would get off on this sort
of thing. Jennifer clipped when she came. Her hips were going a mile a minute. She was actually fucking
my finger instead of the other way around. You'll think I'm nuts, but we were going at it so hot and
heavy that the windows of the room were getting fogged. As you can see I made a lasting friendship all
because of my participation in spanking. I can't even think of spanking in any other terms but sex now.
Every time I see a girl's ass being spanked, it really turns me on thinking of the subsequent possibilities.
Jennifer is a full fledged member of the sorority now, but she still visits my room on those occasions
when I don't have a date.

-The End-

Note: This publication contains the opinions and ideas of its author. It is intended

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to provide helpful and informative material on the subject matter covered. It is

sold with the understanding that the author and publisher are not engaged in

rendering professional services in the book. If the reader requires personal

assistance or advice, a competent professional should be consulted.

The author and publisher specifically disclaim any responsibility for any liability,

loss or risk, personal or otherwise, which is incurred as a consequence, directly or

indirectly, of the use and application of any of the contents of this book.

Sencerely, Mario Solak

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