daily routine life of God

background image

A day in the life of Goda


The following sentences are in the wrong order. Number them so they are in the right order.

_____ Goda watches TV for one hour.

_____ She has dinner at 6:00 PM.

_____ She brushes her teeth and eats breakfast.

_____ She has lunch at 12:30 PM.

_____ She does her homework after watching TV.

_____ She has Math and English lessons in the morning.

_____ She goes to bed.

_____ Her mother picks her up after school.

_____ Goda gets up in the morning.

_____ She has music and computer lessons in the afternoon.

_____ Her mother drives her to school.

_____ She has a sound sleep.

_____ Goda turns off the lamp.

_____ She reads a story book in bed.




Copyright © 2007

Futonge Kisito


background image

A day in the life of Goda 

Answer Key:

Goda gets up in the morning.
She brushes her teeth and eats breakfast.
Her mother drives her to school.
She has Math and English lessons in the morning.
She has lunch at 12:30 PM.
She has music and computer lessons in the afternoon.
Her mother picks her up after school.
She has dinner at 6:00 PM.
Goda watches TV for one hour.
She does her homework after watching TV.
She goes to bed.
She reads a story book in bed.
Goda turns off the lamp.
She has a sound sleep.

Copyright © 2007

Futonge Kisito



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