HOME Sexteen CD (Jagjaguwar) JAGBR006jagbr006

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Home began when Eric Morrison (piano) and Andrew Deutsch (guitar), high school friends with a mutual love of making movies,
moved to Tampa, Florida and traded their cameras for instruments. Soon they met Brad Truax (bass) and Sean Martin (drums).
The foursome moved into a house up the street from Busch Gardens and began to record music at a voracious clip beneath the
din of the Python. They released 8 2-track and 4-track recorded albums on home-dubbed Radio Shack cassettes, available exclu-
sively in a cookie jar that sat on the counter of the local record shop. Somehow, one of these cassettes wound up at Relativity
Records, who bought them a van and an 8-track recording deck to record “Home IX”. The band went from a jar of cassettes to an
“A-” in Entertainment Weekly overnight. Sadly, Sean left the band before their 1st national tour.

Future and reigning drummer Chris Millstein first played with Home on this trip. In the following years, Brad, Eric and Andrew
pushed on to record Home X, XI, 13, XIV and 15 (which saw the return of Chris) for various labels. With the exception of XIV,
which was produced by Dave Fridmann at Tarbox Road, the band continued to self-record and expand its Devil’s Isle WetLab
Studio, which Eric now runs out of his basement in the northwestern suburbs of New York City.

After nearly a decade apart, Sean Martin reappeared suddenly with a stunning collection of songs he had written and recorded by
himself on a 4-track, “Songs of Love and Related Topics”, which was released by the Home boys on their own limited edition CD
boutique, “100 Club”. When Home visited Florida in 2005 for the annual Screw Music Forever “Come the Freak On” festival, they
had Sean sit in for a set of songs and the notion of reuniting to record a new album became inevitable. Sean suggested a concept
album about fucking and it took little time for all to agree. They wrote nearly 50 songs on the subject, which were whittled down
to 20 and recorded in a marathon 3-day weekend recording blitz. Chris shared drumming duties with Sean, while everyone
switched up instruments as needed. The wide stylistic differences between the writers bleed across song borders and gelled into an
overall sound that is difficult to categorize but easy to recognize as fuck-friendly. The very sweet dudes in Oneida took an interest
and offered to release it in their corner of Jagjaguwar, Brah Records. Home graciously accepted.

Other Times (Solar) • Teasin’ and Pleasin’ • Raging Angel • Juicy Ass • Straddle Me • Push •

Deep Inside • Bubble • Slide • Fucking • Cry • Driving and Paralyzing • Rushing • Baby Yeah •

Come Like You’re On Fire • Tim’s Entry • Moonkiss • Monkeybear • Other Times (Lunar)

Home “Sexteen”

on BRAH RECORDS, catalog no: JAGBR006

Release date: May 9th, 2006

Format: CD

CD BOX LOT: 25 units

CD UPC: 656605420622


56605 42062



1. Home will be touring the Eastern US in June 2006 for the first time in 3 years.
2. Promo copies of the record and promo posters available to retail.

An imprint of Jagjaguwar


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