(Bad Boys of X Ops #3) Bane Rie Warren

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And everyone wants the woman I’m teamed up with dead.

Swagger, strut, snarl. Three things I can do with both eyes closed. Oh,
and shoot the shit out of tangos. I always do my job, whether it’s
patching up a fellow operative or taking down a serious threat.
Apparently this time my job is to babysit Baby Spy.

We’ve followed the Los Reyes de Guerra cartel to the drug-trafficking
capital, Mexico City. Our orders? Get in with the guerrillas and
ultimately take them down. There’s only one problem—I have another
set of mission directives linked to Kiki AKA Baby Spy.

Should be easy enough. Except it seems I’ve developed an unhealthy
attraction to Kiki, along with an inconvenient conscience. She’s a wild
woman with an unforgiving attitude that definitely makes me bone













Yeah. They call me Baby Spy. I’m fully aware the entire T-Zone team
blames me for narking out a previous mission gone wrong. So, I can’t
understand why the powers that be assigned me to this op. Or maybe I









I know Bane wants me, but I’m beginning to think he has an ulterior
motive for keeping me close. And it’s not just the panty-melting hot sex
with the big, gruff, silent killer. There’s something incredibly
vulnerable in the way Bane watches me, like he’s looking for one last


None of that matters now. When the situation heats up, I find out
Bane’s real mission. I may have fallen in love with him, but it’s already
too late. This entire web of lies goes a lot higher than any of us ever

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imagined, and my neck is only the first one on the line.

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This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents
either are the product of the author's imagination or are used
fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead,
events, or locales is entirely coincidental.
Copyright © 2016 by Rie Warren
Excerpt from Hunter © 2015 by Rie Warren
All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof may
not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever
without the express written permission of the author except
for the use of brief quotations.


Warren, Rie.
Bane / Rie Warren - 1



l.Contemporary Romance—Fiction. 2. Alpha Male—Fiction. 3. Black
Ops—Fiction. 4. Erotica—Fiction. 5. Action— Fiction. 6.
Thriller—Fiction. 7. Military—Fiction I. Title ASIN: B01HOPZ0NK
Cover Design
By Judi Perkins of Concierge Literary Designs

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http ://www. clpromotionsky.net


By Gilly Wright


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Table of Contents

BANE Chapter One Chapter Two Chapter

Three Chapter Four Chapter Five Chapter Six Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight Chapter Nine Chapter Ten Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve Chapter Thirteen Chapter Fourteen Chapter
Fifteen Chapter Sixteen Chapter Seventeen Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen

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Chapter Twenty Chapter Twenty-One Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three Cha
pter Twenty-Four Epilogue
Books By Rie Warren
Keep reading for the first chapter of
Chapter One
Connect with Rie
About Rie

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Chapter One
Location: Mexico City November 2015
I RUSHED INTO THE crib, shouting, "Justice!"
Walker—slung across my shoulders—hung like dead weight. Blood
from his bullet wound oozed through his pants and dripped down my
back, a warm sticky reminder of how badly we'd fucked up.
The goddamn narcos.
And goddamn Walker with his big mouth.
I s houted for Justice again, but all I got in return was the stomping
sound of my own boots on the concrete floor of our Mexico City
Blaize had said she was just sending Kiki and me, but she changed her
mind at the last minute. Everyone had relocated to this kitted-out
warehouse—Walker, Justice, Storm, Kiki, Blaize, and me. Which was
A-OK on the one hand because I had no desire to be alone with the
woman we dubbed Baby Spy.

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Or maybe the prob was I had every desire to be alone with her. Really
alone. Naked, sweaty, fucking, and alone with Kiki Damage/Baby Spy.
None of the dudes had a damn clue what I really thought about the
woman. They all pretty much wanted her dead after Walker's near
mission-fail last spring. Kiki was the only possible target to blame.
Me? I'd had a huge hard-on for her since the first time I'd set eyes on
her. All bad attitude and wild, long, half-shaved hair. Those enormous
ice blue eyes. Her absolute fearlessness and the rockin' body that could
probably withstand every single thing I threw at her.
One massive reason having the entire gang in Mexico City definitely
wasn't a good thing? I'd been given private orders. Not from Blaize.
From those above her head. No one else knew. Turned out my fellow
operatives weren't the only ones who'd rather see Kiki more dead than
When I'd gotten the kill order through secret channels just before our
mass exodus from DC, I'd almost lost my shit.
I'd been tasked with killing Kiki Damage. Apparently I was the one
operative the higher-ups at T-Zone considered to have absolutely no
morals whatso-fucking-ever or a

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conscience to dictate my actions. Nice.
And even though everybody on the team, plus the boss lady, had been
mobilized for this mission, not a single motherfucker answered my
distress call as I stormed through the crib.
Walker struggled in my fireman's hold, coughing. "Put a rush job on
shit? Kinda bleeding out here, Bane."
"Justice, goddammit!" I bellowed again, my bulging mus cles finally
beginning to tax out from the weight of the heavy man stacked on my
back. "Where the hell are you?"
Stalking through the cavernous sectioned-off warehouse, I checked the
barracks, our armory, the computers and logistics unit.
Empty. Empty. Empty.
"Shit," I muttered, making it to the high-tech triage I'd outfitted like a
miniature combat support hospital.
Laying Walker down on his front as gently as possible on the
clean-sheeted gurney, I spun around to hit the operating room lights.
With the area thrown into high beams, I washed my hands in the sink.

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Walker moaned from his prone position.
Storm skidded around the corner, a frown puckering his forehead as
soon as he caught sight of wounded Walker, who'd turned pale beneath
his normally mahogany-colored s kin.
"What the fuck happened?"
Storm. Great. Just what I needed after tonight's FUBAR detail. There
was no way this night could unfuck itself now. "Where's Jus?" I asked.
"Blaize?" I dried my hands after two thorough cleansings. Snapped on
a pair of nitrile gloves.
"Kiki?" Pulling a pre-prepped surgical tray from the shelf, I set it on the
wheely-table next to Walker's side. "Dunno."
"I'm really bleeding here, dudes." Walker started shivering, maybe in
shock, but it wasn't like he'd never been shot before. "Know you hate
each other, but what say you bury the hatchet long enough to make sure
I live to see another day?"
"What the hell happened out there?" Storm scrubbed

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and gloved his hands then took up a stance across the gurney from me.
"Asshole here got shot . . . in the ass." I took the scissors to Walker's
clothes, shearing his jeans from ankles to hips.
"I'm totally not laughing." Yet Storm's shoulders shook. "Yeah. Me
We raised eyebrows at each other, my mouth twitching and Storm
chewing down on a growing smirk.
To say Storm's and my friendship—not to mention our working
relationship—had been rocky since that night so long ago in Egypt was
the fucking understatement of the century. We avoided each other as
much as possible, went out of our way to piss each other off, and
generally hated one another with two years of brewing animosity.
So whenever we caught ourselves getting along? That never lasted
"You want me to put him under?" Storm asked, hooking bags up to the
IV pole.
"Walker" I tapped him on the cheek. "You wanna stay awake for this or
not? Up to you."
"Just dull the edge. I'm good. Don't want you

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disfiguring my ass."
"Damn. Do you wax or somethin'?" Storm glanced at Walker's bare
rear—crusted in iron-colored blood—while I snipped off the rest of his
"Didn't you fucks get enough of talking about my ass in Yemen?"
Walker barely flinched when Storm sank the needle into the arm he'd
swabbed. "I'm Native American. We're smooth dudes. Unlike you
hairy fucks."
Storm rolled his eyes. "I say knock him out."
"Don't worry, Walker. Your precious ass is safe from us."
"Probably not from Jade though, huh?" Storm outright grinned at
Walker's discomfort.
"Fuck you and get on with it. I think the bullet's traveling to my nads."
"I think it's firmly lodged in your left cheek, dude." I s wis hed
Providine all over the skin surrounding the oozing bullet hole, listening
to Walker's muffled hiss.
"Serves him right. After all that talk at his wedding about shoving
dynamite up our asses." For once, Storm looked to be enjoying himself
at Walker's expense instead of mine.
He glanced at me, and I nodded. Without a word, we communicated
like we used to, and he slowly dripped more

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of the good drugs into our hurting buddy. Just like old times.
Justice was my right-hand dude when it came to patching up, stitching
lacerations, sometimes even bringing people back to life—Walker's
wife Jade, and that night in Beirut, case in point.
But Storm used to lend a willing, and adept, hand.
That had been before . . .
The two of us were probably a Jerry Springer episode waiting to air
live. Or Doc Phil. Or whoever the latest TV head-talker/train wreck
mastermind was these days.
I held out my hand, and Storm handed me the 10 blade.
Making the incision, I watched Walker's eyelids peel wide before they
drooped. Then I turned my attention to locating the bullet bored into his
ass with the least amount of intrusion possible.
"Los Reyes de Guerra muchachos didn't much like the new terms we
presented for the AKs." I passed the scalpel back to Storm, and he slid
the forceps to me without being asked.
Moving like a well-oiled machine, he packed the weeping hole with
gauze to soak up the worst of the blood.

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"And?" Storm reached overhead and adjusted the light to shine exactly
where I needed.
"Then Walker started getting lippy with jefe" Gently probing deep into
Walker's gluteous medius, I gripped the
But s hit was slippery.
Before I finished the word, Storm vacuumed up the seeping blood with
the aspirator.
"Walker talked back to Carlos? The self-proclaimed killer? You tell
him about the 50 calibers?" With a grunt of s atis faction, he pulled the
instrument away from the field of s urgery.
"Was saving the best for last. Didn't get the chance before they opened
fire. Big mouth here"—closing my eyes, I concentrated on easing the
bullet out—"just wouldn't take no for an answer."
"I'm still copacetic," Walker slurred.
"Can fix that in a second." Storm hit the plunger again.
"Shit. Liked it better when the two of you wanted to kill each other."
Walker's body relaxed completely, but his eye— the one I could
see—still blinked slowly.

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"What are you? A fucking horse? How are you still talking?" Disbelief
crossed Storm's features.
"Raise horses. In Wyoming. Where's Jade? She here?"
"Oh yeah." I chuckled. "He's feeling it."
With one quick move, I tugged the slug free and pinged it into the dish
Storm held out for me.
"Ouch." Walker half-heartedly complained.
"Shut up. Just saved your ass. Literally."
"There, there, brah. Donut cushion for you for a couple days," Storm
drawled out. Then his glance slid to me. "You sure you weren't the one
who pulled the trigger on Walker? You have a habit, y'know?"
Dickbrains. Typical Storm. Getting a dig in anytime he could.
I ignored the cunt, clanking my teeth together.
Despite his jab, he continued to assist me, anticipating my every need.
Like old days, to save a life or to get out of trouble.
Suturing up the ragged hole with neat rows, we worked quickly, in
tandem, trading off-color jokes about Walker's wounded ass while he
muttered and swore and fought against the drugs and pain to stay
awake just because he

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was such a stubborn bastard.
"You retaliate against Los Reyes?" Storm asked.
Finishing up the final stitches, I took stock of our tidy work. "Figured
since we're trying to start a trade relationship with the cocaine cartel, I
probably shouldn't kill them all on our first meet."
Storm nodded. "El capitan's wily, my man. Know that from my time
with the Blood Legion."
"You two gonna kiss and make up already?" Walker, loopy from the
drugs, rallied when we swabbed his butt clean and bandaged him.
I snorted. "What are you? A fucking matchmaker? Go. To. Sleep.
Storm and I started cleaning up, Walker watching us with glazed-over
eyes. Jesus. The man had the willpower of a fucking elephant. Or
"I'll pass out when you two finally clear the elephant from the room,"
Walker grumbled.
"What the shit? Are you a mind reader now?" Forget about being a
matchmaker. I glared at the prone asswipe.
"Shaman." He tiredly wiped a hand across his face.
Middle finger. Stiff and sent in Walker s direction.

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Scrubbing my hands, I remembered that night everything went wrong
between Storm, me, and our mission in Egypt two years ago.
Egypt: holiday destination and terrorist hotbed. That shit needed to be
on a postcard. A T-shirt maybe. Probably not a compelling slogan, but
hey, I never was good with the words.
Just Storm and me, and we'd been surrounded by the Bedouin tribe
we'd been trying to take out. A group who'd kidnapped a husband and
wife couple, American aid workers. The simple hostage-retrieval and
hostiles-takedown had gone from tits up to totally fucking ballistic in
the space of ten minutes. Our nighttime retreat from the land-locked,
mud-daub, desert buildings cut off, there'd been little hope of escape.
Storm had stashed our Land Rover a klick away, hidden in what little
brush cover we could find, but we couldn't reach it, taking heat from in
front and behind us.
Hiding out behind one mud hut with Storm holding out at the back of
another, I'd faced the advancing targets and he the rearguard coming
"No green targets. Repeat. No green targets!" Storms

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voice came over the coms unit.
The Bedouin warriors hadn t come out alone. Smart fucks. Too many
women and children mingled between, in, and around the armed men
for us to get clean shots on our pursuers.
We'd rescued the hubs and wife, but only by the skin of our teeth with
bullets flying at our heads. The two of them had been beaten and almost
executed, to be broadcast on TV. As it was, they huddled beside me,
working on adrenaline alone.
We'd only made it as far as the settlement's outbuildings, caught in the
middle of nowhere on a Hail Mary mission.
And we weren t the only ones after the natives.
Maybe the other agency was our saving grace that time.
Maybe the Mukhabarat—also sent in for the same shakedown of the
tribe—would get us well and truly fucked.
When I turned back to check on the welfare of the couple, goddamn
bullets started crackling like a hailstorm toward us. Hunkered in front
of the former captives, I provided a big, black-dressed barricade,
hefting my Sig

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Saurs and popping shots.
Mayhem. Total fucking mayhem. Storm, me, the Mukhabarat, the
Bedouins . . .
By sheer luck, I managed to keep the husband and wife unharmed.
Not Storm, though.
He went down, still firing.
During the chaos created by the other agency's volleys of shots and
shouts for order, I managed to army-crawl to Storm.
He clutched his side, a grimace on his face, blood pooling between his
fingers. I hauled him onto my back. More fire snapped around us.
I returned with my own bullets spraying, regrouped with the rescued
couple, and made a dash for safety. For escape.
I didn t care if those who remained razed each other to the ground.
We crossed the endless sandy terrain at a limp-run, me manhandling
Storm and shooting behind my back, the husband and wife huddled in
front. Every step like walking

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through wet cement the farther away we trekked. In the end, I'd been
nothing more than a human herder, continually urging the
shell-shocked and beaten-near-death couple onward. Grunting at
Storm to stay awake.
Stay alive.
Keep breathing.
The minutes it took us to reach the vehicle felt like hours. My muscles
almost gave out. Sweat dripped into my eyes.
Storm's blood dripped down my back.
Just like Walker's had earlier.
Walker wasn't the first T-Zone specialist I'd carried on my back,
humped for miles, and sewed up. By some miracle, we'd made it.
Just when I though we'd reached the safety zone, a burst of fire bit into
the sand at our feet.
"Down! Down! Take cover!" I sent the couple scrambling behind the
Storm slid off me—dizzy with blood loss. He stood, weaving, between
the target and me.
His eyes started rolling back, his arms flung outward. Could he make a
bigger fucking bull's-eye?

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"Get down, Storm!"
The last thing he had to have heard was the crack of shots fired with
him standing like a scarecrow in the middle of the African desert and
me aiming at him before he dropped.
I watched, my gorge rising to my throat, when a bullet plowed through
his chest.
Behind him, when Storm fell to his knees, I killed the last tango. Bright
crimson pooling on the sun-trapped, moonlit sand.
I'd had to arrange transport out of that shithole, Storm's specialty. He'd
been lights out and barely breathing. Touch and go. Emergency
measures. The kind of shit that gave me nightmares.
When he'd regained consciousness twenty-four hours later, stateside, in
a hospital bed I'd sat beside the entire fucking time, he'd been
immediately combative, hostile. Toward me.
And he still fucking thought I was the one who'd shot him.
In the makeshift operating room, Storm jostled beside me at the sink.

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"I know you think the renegade bullet was mine, man. In Egypt." I
tossed my dirty gloves into the hazardous waste bin. "Why would I try
to hurt you? Then do everything in my power to keep you alive?"
Storm's face never shifted from hard-edged. "The bullets came from a
P226." He rubbed his hands dry. "Your make."
"P226? Shit. That could've been anyone that night. Did you have the
bullet traced? Because it's a sidearm used by a fucking lot of operatives.
Hell, even you carry the same piece. And Mukhabarat was there. They
weren't gunning for nothing."
His scarred eyebrow notched high. "You saying you didn't do it?"
"You don't think if I wanted to kill you I'd have done so already? Point
blank and between your eyes?" I crossed my arms over my chest. "If I
was intent on your death, you'd be six feet under already."
"That's cold comfort."
"The truth."
He locked his elbows, his fingers curled around the edge of the sink.
"Why didn't you just tell me before?" "Why were you so quick to blame

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"You saved my ass out there." He turned his head in my direction,
easing up. "Seems so."
"I owe you an apology." "Looks like it." I shrugged. "Are we having a
girlfriend moment?" "I miss my girlfriend . . ." Walker bleated in the
background, still motherfucking conscious. "He's still awake?"
"Jade's your wife, douche-face. Not your girlfriend," Storm riffed.
We almost bumped fists.
We s topped and peered at one another.
"So, you didn't shoot me?" Storm asked.
"Like I said. You'd be dead if I did." Simple fact of the matter.
"You're a wild gun though."
"I don't pump holes into my own team"
"You don't share much either."
"And you do? Did I miss our Boy Scouts campout or something?
'Kumbaya' and all that crap?" I started peeling off my shirt, which was
dried and crusted with Walker's

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"You have a record. A death toll." Storm leaned back, hooking his
thumbs in his pockets.
"Didn't kill that man on purpose . . ." I looked up with my mismatched
eyes—one blue, one hazel.
That night in NYC, before my time working with Operation T-Zone.
Another battle gone wrong, that one on home turf. The illegal
cagefighting ring in the bowels of Hell's Kitchen. I'd been on a winning
streak. Muay Thai, my s pecialty. I'd been one hell of a draw by that
point, my final match.
Final, because I'd been arrested on manslaughter charges.
My opponent had gone down after I'd punched him in the windpipe.
He hadn't gotten back up. Ever.
That shit I'd remember until the end of my days—a wrong I could never
make right.
"And Blaize saved you from prison," Storm added.
"She saved me from a lot more than that, man."
He inhaled, filling a chest as big and hard as mine. "Yeah.

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She's good at that." Storm held out his fist. "Guess you saved me too."
I knocked my knuckles against his. "We solid?"
"Yeah." He shook his hair from his eyes. "What about this wanker?"
On cue, Walker-the-wanker rolled his head in our direction. "I am so
tired of being the International Poster Child for this unit."
"He's feeling better." Storm pulled the blankets over our patient.
"I think he'll survive." I checked the monitors, his IVs, his temperature.
"Can you amp up the drugs though? Knock him out cold?" Storm
asked. "Less talking . . . Good thing."
"Some fucking nursemaid you make." Walker whined, "Wan' Jade."
I hit the morphine pump, and his eyes rolled back into his head.
"Nice." Storm slapped me on the back. Then the high security locks for
the building bleeped. I looked at Storm. "Like we need another fucking
catastrophe tonight."

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"I hear that."
"What should we do about Walker?" I asked.
"Silence him with a pillow on his face."
I withheld a chuckle as we went immediately from medical
professionals to dark ops.
Wary and always on guard, Storm and I strafed through silent black
rooms, gutted of everything but our necessary equipment.
With a nod at one another, we moved, quiet and unseen as ghosts.
Rounding corners, keeping stealthy, hands on our sidearms.
Only to get jumped from behind when we neared the main entrance. I
blamed Storm's and my momentary distraction on the bro-moment
we'd just shared.
"Got you, fucker." Justice drop-rolled me to the floor, laughing with a
near-silent chuckle as our bodies tangled— strength for strength.
"Get off me, dickbreath." I held my Sig at his jaw.
Storm, likewise, had been taken—so taken—by Blaize. He was n't
fighting her off, though. No, he was groping her ass with two huge
hands while she struggled against him.
Kicking Justice away from me, I pushed up to my feet

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before lending a hand down to him. "Where's Kiki?"
"Out of pocket or what?" I glanced at Blaize, worry s kittering through
I didn't want to be worried about Kiki. Shouldn't let mys elf be
concerned about her. But—goddammit it—the woman had gotten to
me in ways I could never admit. Might never recover from.
"What does is matter to you? You're not exactly her biggest fan."
Blaize asked while Storm helped her to her feet, then helped himself to
dusting off her backside.
And she swatted at him.
"You tell me. You're the one who decided I oughtta be her bodyguard."
"She'll be back in a couple hours."
Great. What a relief. Two hours during which I didn't have to torment
myself over the woman's face, or her body, or my secret detail.
My mission wasn't just two-fold—take down both the Los Reyes de
Guerra and the terrorist cell they had armed to infiltrate American
soil—it was three-fold.
I also had to kill Kiki Damage, and she was getting more

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and more under my skin.
"Hey. Forget about Baby Spy." Justice looked between Storm and me.
"Where the hell's Walker?"
"Yeah. About that . . ."—I rubbed my jaw, squinting at Blaize and Jus
before shooting a skeptical glance at Storm —"things didn't go exactly
as planned."

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Chapter Two
STORM AND I LED the way to the triage area.
Drawing back clear plastic sheeting, I let Blaize and Justice get a good
look at Walker, laid out flat on the bed we'd moved him to.
"What'd he do now?" Blaize asked as soon as I gave her the rundown
on his vitals.
"The usual," I answered.
"Spouting off at the mouth?" Her red hair glowed by the low lamp at
Walker's side. "Copy that."
"Any explosives this time?"
"Nope." Figuring I'd do Walker a solid, I mentioned, "He tried to play
"Didn't work out so well." Storm's eyebrows twitched.
"He got shot in the ass?" Justice full-on grinned. "Gotta tell Tilly." He
pulled out his phone and started shuttling off a no-doubt
double-encrypted message to his wife of three

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"So, Walker's off recce for a week at least. That really does mean you
and Kiki are up, Bane." Blaize closed Walker's chart and handed it to
me. "Storm's already recognizable—"
"So you just brought him along to be your toy boy?" Jus tice peered
over from his cell phone long enough to put in a complaint. "How's that
fair when the rest of us have to
fly solo?"
Storm. Big middle finger. "Sucks to be you. Try auto-
"Don't think his dick's big enough for that," I cut in.
Blaize ignored us all, her famous temper on the rise. "As I was saying,
the cartel might recognize Storm. And Justice, you're too—"
"Pretty boy." I snickered.
"Wholesome." Storm colluded.
Aaand a two-fingered salute from Jus.
Blaize just carried right on. "So that leaves the aforementioned leaders
of the op. Bane and—"
"Baby Spy."
"Two street kids . . ."

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My fuck you too was the biggest of them all. But I managed a tight grin.
Pocketing his phone with a last chuckle, Jus looked from Walker's
unconscious carcass to me to Storm. "Hang on. You two worked
together? To patch him up?"
"Without killing each other?" Blaize looked equally astounded.
"Yeah. About that . . ." I smirked.
"Decided to bury the hatchet—" Storm knocked my upraised fist.
"Not in each other's skulls, for a change."
"Holy shit! I gotta text Tilly." Justice got back on his cell, grinning like
a fool.
Guessed I'd never really realized just how much tension Storm and I'd
carried around between us like a big black cloud. How much it'd
affected everyone else.
And now I needed to get off the processing my shit like I'm in therapy
Storm helped with that, saying, "Bane's still a freakshow though."
And he didn't even know about my cock piercing.

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"And you're still a Cajun cunt." I flashed a pleasant s neer in his
"I'm so proud of you." Blaize cruised into Storm's arms.
"Does that mean I can take you to bed now?"
"What about me?" I tucked Walker's chart into a slot at the end of his
bed, flicking the bottom of his dangling bare foot just to test his
reflexes and watch him snarl in his drugged-out sleep.
"Just because we made up doesn't mean I'm into sharing." Storm
ushered Blaize away. "Ever," he shot out over his shoulder.
"Great. Another night of listening to those two." Justice palmed his
phone as a message bleeped. "I'm resorting to Skype-fucking with
Tilly. And no, you can't join."
"Tell her I said hey. She up the duff yet?"
Jus walked out with a shake of his head, leaving me alone with Walker.
"Fuck if I'm spending the night with you, asshole."
I pumped him with one more bump of pain meds and
made sure he was cozy before shutting off the light.
I took a quick shower and changed into nothing but

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s tark naked covered by a damp towel before I headed to my bunkroom.
One week into this mission and we'd made no headway into the Los
Reyes de Guerra cartel. Kings of Cunts was what I called them, not
Kings of War.
Patting down my body, I slung the towel aside before hitting my cot.
And several weeks earlier I'd waited until T-Z HQ had emptied of all
but Kiki and me after the guys had hazed her during her first time in the
war room.
Couldn't tell her I thought she was better than what they made her out to
A traitor.
Couldn't show her I wanted her in the very worst ways.
But I had asked her out for a drink that afternoon.
An afternoon that turned into a night.
And a night that'd ended in a lashing, soul-searing, cock-hardening kiss
from her lips I hadn't been able to get off my mind since.
A kiss that hadn't been repeated.
The drinks at the bar had started with me feeling bad for her. I quickly
found out there was no reason for that

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mis taken sentiment. The woman had totally grifted me— Griffin
Bane—on the pool table.
She was smart. Sassy. Funny. And continuously under the gun from my
In totally civilian terms, we'd hit it off.
But that'd been scuppered as soon as I'd gotten my new orders.
I had a decision to make about Kiki, and it wasn't even mine to make
Being in the cage made a man hard, never mind being a cagefighter.
Prison was no goddamn joke.
Solitary confinement?
Did that.
Fighting was in my blood.
I wasn't about to be anyone's bitch-boy.
And I wasn't sure I was ready to cut Kiki off yet, either.
As the lead operatives, she and I bunked together. Storm was in bed
with Blaize, natch. Walker usually shared a cubicle with Justice—so
they could pine away for their wifeys no doubt—but tonight Walker
was on rack-ops in the triage, conked out cold.
I slid an arm beneath my head, imagining Kiki's smooth

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skin beneath my hands. Her kiss on my lips. Her body rolling beneath
The door creaked open, and I slit my eyes in that direction. Between the
dark and shadows, I fathomed Kiki's s lim frame entering the room.
"Where you been, girl?" I grumbled from my cot.
"Went shopping with Blaize. Got mani-pedis too. What'd you think?"
Her low voice shivered across the quiet room— the sound alone setting
my cock on edge.
I barked a laugh. That attitude. Damn. My dick stiffened even more
beneath the thin blanket.
"That's all well and good, but Blaize returned hours
"Had to get my hair blown out too." She snarked back. "Mind if I turn
on a light?"
Like fuck she got her hair done—or her nails. The woman was rough
and tumble, just the way I liked her.
"Go ahead." Hell yeah. Shine some light on her getting undressed.
I was already naked, and as the light popped on, I sat half-up. The
blanket rolled down to my hips, revealing the beginnings of the tats on
my shoulders that ranged up the

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back of my neck. A gritty design of all black ink—symbols that
resonated. Brass knuckles, a smoking gun, bullets on fire . . .
No unicorns, rainbows, or fluffy shit for me. No wise sayings or
inspirational words worn on my skin.
But—dead enter—one name hid among the other marks on my skin.
Someone I'd always carry in my heart.
Kiki's gaze took a clean sweep of me—my muscled torso, the brown
hair centered down my abs and leading to my cock below. She
probably noticed the tented fabric, too.
No mistaking a hard dick practically waving in your face.
She wore a small grin as she started shucking the sweet leather yoke
holster strapped across her chest. Kiki came included with a fucklot of
gear all attached to that yoke. KABARs she handled with skill and care,
twin Glocks she set on safety.
"You going to watch?" She asked, bending over to unbuckle her boots.
"Yeah." Rubbing a hand over my mouth, I hid the wolfish grin. "Could
do the gentlemanly thing, but I'm not really that guy." I shrugged.
She chuckled. "I can see that."

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"Oh. You ain't seen nothing yet." My grin stretched even wider if
"Really?" She whipped off the boots, letting them fall where they lay.
"You hiding something?"
She tugged her shirt over her head, revealing a simple black bra and a
mesmerizing body. The woman wasn't a classical beauty. She wasn't
BBF. She was gorgeous, edgy, different, and I liked it.
"You can come find out if you want." The words rumbled from my
chest as the heat in the room intensified with every shred of clothing
she shed.
"Maybe next time." With her belt unbuckled, she shimmied her narrow
pants off her perfect hips and lean legs. "Thought you didn't like me,
"I'm usually not that quick to judge. Been on the receiving end of
assholes' preconceived notions before." I hungrily watched as she bent
Nice ass. Firm full cheeks. Skimpy black bikini panties.
I could definitely work with that.
"So, do you have the other guys' backs or mine in this op?" She stood
before me, nothing but ivory skin, wicked eyes, nicely shaped tits.

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Very fit for a fuck. Totally in shape for a nightlong naked workout.
The pale blonde/light pink streaked fauxhawk. The inked sleeves all
the way down to the backs of her hands—black tats in delicate paisley
and sunburst designs. Too recognizable for someone in our line of
work? Maybe. But she had an instant in with the younger,
hot-on-the-button criminal element.
And with me.
Kiki usually covered her hair with a skullcap, her ink with leather
She was one fucking cool cat. I didn't care what the other dudes thought
about her.
"Your back. I've got yours." Unless I have to shoot you in the back.
I pushed my blanket even farther down, showing off the hard-worked
cuts of muscle on my lower abs. Six pack? That and more.
"Why don't you come have mine?" I invited, the words growling out.
"That bed isn't big enough for the both of us." Kiki sauntered toward
her cot. "But your ego sure the hell is

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She shuffled under the covers on her cot across from me. Reaching a
hand out from the blanket, she dropped the black bra onto the floor
between us.
"Damn," I whispered in a hoarse tone. Then a laugh thickened from my
throat. "It's not ego, girl. It's confidence."
She flipped to her side, facing me as her fingers fumbled for the light
switch. "Goodnight, Mr. Confidence. Hope you sleep well with that
boner I just gave you."

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Chapter Three
Rack-Ops or Maybe Not
THAT UNFAILING ERECTION KIKI gave me? Woke me up several
hours later. Or maybe it was the sex-noise coming from the cubicle
adjoining ours.
Goddamn Storm and boss lady Blaize.
Never would've pegged Miss Carmichael for a screamer but ho-lee shit.
The wails that came out of her made me wonder if she was getting
nailed good and hard or about to be split in two.
I didn't really want to think about Blaize like that—my wicked thoughts
centered around Kiki—but goddamn.
Were they trying to smash the cot to smithereens?
Just then I heard a blistering creak, a groaning sound of s plintering
Done broke their cot.
Shoving up from my pallet, I dragged on some clothes and hit the door.

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Justice peered out from his tiny two-roomer across the way.
"Not with your security measures." "Storm and Blaize again?"
Their door opened, and Storm stood front and center, holding his
discarded jeans in front of himself, deep breaths gusting from his
sweaty chest.
And his hair stood all on end.
"Sorry 'bout that." He pointed backward. "We were doing a little room
"Whatever." I pushed him back. "Get out of my face, fucknut."
Jus smirked. "Can't believe you two like each other again. Twilight
I hit him with a rare smile. "That Rod Serling. Now that was some
damn good shit."
"You are so out of touch, Bane."
"And you're such a pretty boy, Jus."
His goodnight? The ever-popular giant middle finger.
I continued through the interconnected rooms of the warehouse,
making a point to check in on Walker. He was

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s pending time in la-la land c/o our good friend morphine. I pulled out
my burner and texted Jade a quick update on her hubs .
She immediately pinged back and asked about Kiki, because she was
all up with the T-Zone gossip.
I had no comment, other than I wanted to get the new woman beneath
me, but that probably wasn't a possibility— or wise at all—given my
super-secret motherfucking orders.
I hit the digits on the keypad for the back entrance of the building and
stepped outside. A cool night. The bright halogen lights haloing over
acres of empty tarmac.
Cigarette in hand, I lit up. Inhaled. Exhaled. Rolled my neck.
Kiki peeked her head out the door. "Mind if I join?"
"Not at all." I shoved over a couple feet, holding the pack of smokes out
to her.
"Don't smoke. But I sure could use a drink."
She stepped beside me in combat boots flapping open and sweats with
a hoodie on top, the black sweatshirt covered in white skulls and
She'd wound her hair on top of her head, showing the shaved sides until
she shrugged the hood up, all but

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covering her features.
"I've got a bottle in the room," I said, mashing the cig underfoot.
"Ugh. Don't know if I can go back in there right now"
"Storm and Blaize going at it again?"
"Jesus. Yes."
"But Blaize likes you."
"I like her too. Doesn't mean I want to listen to her have sex for hours
on end." She peered out from the deep hood. "I thought that boss and
the subordinate
shit was just a romance cliche."
"You'd have to ask Jus about that." Chuckling, I pushed away from the
wall. "We could bunk with Walker"
"In your OR?"
I s hrugged.
"Why don't you just get the bottle, and we can drink until dawn, Bane."
"Depends." I squinted at her. "Are you a messy drunk?"
"The last time I was drunk was the first time I kissed you." She leaned
back, propping her shoulders against the wall. "Wanna try it again?"
No brainer.

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The tequila had gone down smooth, and Kiki was pretty easy to talk to
when she didn't have her back up. We'd sat outside the back door,
huddling close, sharing warmth, slugging straight from the bottle.
"So who'd win in a fight?" she asked. "Storm or
"Walker" I lit another smoke, exhaled on the slow. "He'd just blow
Storm's nads to bits."
"I'd place my bets on Storm. He's killer with a gun."
"Justice could probably take them both," I said. "Oo-rah and all that."
"Pretty boy?" Kiki curled her lip. "Not my type."
Good to know.
The stars above started glowing brighter, the night growing colder.
Couldn't much feel my toes anymore, but who cared about that? I'd
learned from being in prison freedom came with a price, and the price
was always worth it.
Kiki s itting right next to me.
I angled my head down at her. "What was your detail before you upped
with T-Z?"

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"A little cleanup mission in the Korengal." "Afghanistan?" Jesus.
Some of the worst shit in the Afghan War had happened in the
Korengal valley.
She nodded. "Yeah. Couple of specialists fell off the radar."
"Off book," she answered.
"CIA?" I persisted.
"If I told you I'd have to kill you."
"Good luck with that, Bond girl." I handed her the bottle, watching her
appreciatively as she took another swallow of the strong stuff. "So
you're a real life Sydney Bristow."
I grunted in acknowledgment. Now that shit had been good TV Almost
as top-notch as Nikita. I'd still take Kiki any day over both those spy
"What about you, Griffin?"
"What? Before T-Zone?"
Her fingers glancing against mine, she handed the tequila back. A hot
spear of want skittered through my body. After taking a burning
swallow of liquid that did nothing

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to cool the heat inside me, I deadpanned, "Mascot at Disney
With the back of her hand pressed to her mouth—her smile showing
through—she asked, "So, in a fight . . . Mickey Mouse or Goofy?"
We headed back to our room not long later.
All was quiet on the home front . . . finally. Thank fuck.
We went to bed kissless.
In our own cots.
We'd bonded, but there wouldn't be any boning tonight. This sucked.
Morning came too early in the depths of our barracks. I'd s et my damn
alarm so I could check on Walker periodically throughout the
remainder of the night. Watching him get loopy from the drugs took my
mind off Kiki and her proximity. Her crazy hair and gorgeous body and
those moments she made me laugh.
Walker's sleepily slurred confessions about Jade—her terrible cooking,
her monthly obsession with streaking her hair that weird-ass
red—made me momentarily forget I'd fallen for Kiki, the possible
traitor in our midst.

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Blaize gave no shit about Walker's wound or morning rations for our
growling stomachs before she called us into the slapdash war room,
AKA Justice's little slice of heaven complete with a bank of flat screen
monitors, cables dangling from the ceiling, and uplinks to his satellite
bounce-back wifi.
Six in the AM, and I rubbed sleep from my eyes.
Justice wheeled in Walker's gurney.
Storm drooled over Blaize like he hadn't torn up the s heets with her
into the small hours of the night.
She showed up with that goddamn leather holster, her Glocks
crisscrossed over her chest.
Wanted her to wear that hardcore gear for me and nothing else.
I glued my eyes to the computer screens in front of me as I lounged
against a desk, the muscles in my thighs jumping, and something
somewhat north jumping from my groin, too.
Was n't s ure how much longer I could maintain my defenses against
Kiki. Not while we shared a ten by ten room.
I swore sometimes that woman went braless just to

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torture me.
For the meeting, she'd pulled on tight jeans, tight boots, and braided the
multi-streaked hair into a thick twist down her back.
A cord of tresses I could wrap around my wrist when I drove into her,
doggie-style. Disgusted with the fact I couldn't shake her from my
mind, I dropped down into a chair.
"Bane, Kiki, you've got one last chance to get in with Los Reyes before
T-Zone pulls the plug, and that just isn't an option, is it? We need to
make a deal in order to start building trust." Blaize's eyes lasered first
me then Kiki. "Unfortunately, it appears Walker may have
compromised our mission."
"No more than Kiki did mine." Walker grunted from the gurney.
"At least I didn't get shot in my ass." Folding her arms across her sweet
chest, Kiki winked at Walker.
Me and Storm. Yeah. Mortal enemies. Made up. Bygones. All that.
Walker and Kiki?
They'd still rather kill each other

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"I am sick of both your shit. There are no favorites on this team. If you
don't have each other's backs, I'll just go back to my offer in DC when I
told you I can replace you top to bottom." With a finger point—more
potent than a fuck you—Blaize put on her mean face.
Which meant Storm would be fucking her into hot submission later.
"Not replacin' me," he muttered under breath, twitching his eyebrow.
Of course Blaize ignored her lover
Favorites much?
Only took the boss lady and Storm a year and a half, plus one
fucked-up mission with an outlaw MC in New Orleans, to get it
Maybe it would just take a kill order—given to me—and a fucked-up
op in Mexico for me to get it together with Kiki.
I didn't want to think about how cunting screwed up that line of
thinking was right now.
"Kiki, you ready to work the angle tonight with the cartel?" Blaize sat
down at her desk and continued flicking mugshots from Los Reyes up
onto the monitors.
"What angle would that be?" My chair legs scraped on

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the floor when I angled my face at Damage. "You're not selling
yourself or slutting yourself out to cut us a deal."
"Getting protective on me?" Kiki's lips curled in a half-formed smile.
"What are you cooking up?"
"Not meth."
"Cute," I said.
Fucking infuriating, I mean.
Blaize pounced to her feet. "Regardless of the fact we're women, we
don't rely on it." Her fingertips met the top of the desk, stabbing the
surface until her knuckles turned white. "Would I ever ask an operative
to pony up like that? No."
"What about you and Storm? You as his old lady in New Orleans?"
Justice idly scribbled on a pad of paper, probably writing more fucking
smut for the fun of it even though he'd said his sell-all, tell-all shadow
ops book was dead in the water.
Storm half stood, his face blanched for some reason I couldn't
understand. "Shut the fuck about that, Jus." Jesus.
Storm rarely lost his temper and usually only with me. Seemed
something else had gone down in NOLA.

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Reaching over, Blaize laid a soothing hand on his arm.
He sank back into his seat while Justice sputtered apologies and the rest
of us looked on with nothing short of s urprise.
Even Walker popped up on his gurney to get a closer look at the
"It's none of your goddamn business what went down with Storm's and
my mission." Blaize took a deep breath. "And we are not having
therapy hour here. That'll happen when we get back to the Beltway."
"Whatever. Like I care. Set up the meet with Carlos, and get us there." I
put the order in with Justice and Storm, kicked back my chair, and
stalked from the room.
Didn't even look back at Kiki or her braless tits.
Props to me.

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Chapter Four
Stacked and Ready to Roll
1700 HOURS.
I jerked open the door of the latrine. After taking care of biz in the
urinal in the Spartan bathroom/locker room of the barracks, I started
stripping off.
I'd gotten down to commando status when Kiki strutted in, a towel
under one arm, her kit in the other.
Spinning to face the wall, showing her a whole lot of muscular ass and
tats, I asked, "You mind?"
"Nope. Not at all."
I heard her drop her shower bag onto a bench, then the telltale sound of
a zip being lowered.
Wanted to beat my head against the concrete wall in front of me.
Wanted to turn around and watch every slip of her skin unveiled.
"Was just gonna hit the showers," I gritted out, my cock growing
rapidly hard at the idea of Kiki naked behind me as

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another swoosh of fabric hit the floor. "Me too." Goddammit.
Sharing a room with the woman? Jesus. Christ.
Now I was sharing a bathroom.
In the buff.
Showers. Unisex.
Emphasis on the S-E-X.
I hobbled to a cubicle care off my stiff cock and turned the water to
dick-shrinking, ball-curdling cold. "Don't know who's fucking bright
idea this was."
"New management."
I could only face the wall for so long, water pinging off my chest, abs,
cock, and balls before I turned to wet my back.
Kiki had chosen the stall right across from me. Fuuuck.
Maybe I needed to do a polar ice dive in order to shrivel my dick,
because the thick shaft and broad crown immediately bolted upright at
the sight of her.

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Sudsy. Sexy.
I ran one hand across my stomach, trailing soap bubbles, and reached
behind to crank up the heat on the water falling from the pipes
Licking my lips, my nostrils flaring, I dragged a soapy fist up my rigid
cock, making my balls shake.
Kiki rolled her hips and slid her fingers—her wrists and hands with all
those amazing tats—down her belly to her smooth pussy.
Steam billowed between us—not just the hot clouds forming in the air,
but the temperature of our bodies, the attraction rising, the need
swelling as fast as the come in my nuts ack.
"I like your piercing." Her eyes drifted close, her hips rolling, her
fingers slipping inside her cunt.
The Prince Albert pierced my cockhead, and when I was hard like this,
it engorged the slit at the tip where drops of pre-ejaculate welled out,
coursing through soap bubbles.
"I like your tats. Your tits." I grunted, gripping the base of my cock
mercilessly hard.

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I liked a little pain with my pussy.
Kiki gasped, and her bright white-blue eyes opened halfway—hooded
and vulnerable in the moment of her orgasm.
I couldn't. Just couldn't stay away from her Cock in hand, steam rising
from my body, I padded to her.
"You coming, girl?" I thrust up against her, so fucking horny I was
blind to anything but her.
Wrapping an arm around Kiki's waist, I hauled her to me.
Wet, slippery, slinky female flesh against bigger, harder, rougher . . .
and hotter.
I gripped her wrist and pushed her fingers hard into her cunt.
Her short nails cut into my shoulder, her teeth into my neck, and the
sounds she made unscrewed the last fierce knot inside my groin. I
spilled, sprayed, jetted over my hand, her stomach, all the way up to her
tight tits.
I grunted, harsh noises, taking her lips with mine.
She grinded against me, milked me, came again crying out my name.
Water pounded around us, the hot soaking wetness pulling us together.

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Kiki's hips released. Her hand loosened. Her body slackened, and when
she stumbled against the wall of the shower, she laughed from deep
I couldn't stop staring at the gorgeous mess of her. Water trickling all
over. Her nipples bright and rosy. Her small navel and smooth cunt and
swollen labia.
Her satisfied smile temptation itself. My come splattered all over her
pelvis. Her hand.
Her gaze—bold and blue—locked on mine, she lifted that dripping
hand to her mouth and licked my semen with a wild moan, a teasing
My dick wasn't done yet. Not by a long shot.
I stood under the drumming spray as she lounged back, rolling her hips
in sultry circles.
I just started to lean into her, dipping my mouth nears hers, when she
slipped around me—cooler air wafting in her place.
She tucked a towel around her body with a wink. "Who s ays romance
is dead?"

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Chapter Five
Barrio Badlands
2300 HOURS.
I met up with Kiki outside the crib, and we hopped into the SUV Storm
had designated for our use. Tried not to stare at Kiki.
My legs were still quaking after the hot hot shower we'd s hared.
I figured one way or the other—one of us was gonna end up dead this
time around. Dead because of lust, or dead-dead because of the
My lips curled as I handled the steering wheel, foot stomping down on
the gas, cigarette clamped between my
She could've worn something less appealing. The pants were tighter
than skin, the boots hotter than sin, the leather jacket just a fucking
short tease to the tits I knew were hidden inside.
Along with a whole lot of weaponry.

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"You ready for this, girl?" She laughed to herself. "Girl?"
"That's how you think of me after the locker room?" She just had to
remind me of that when the whole episode had been on reel inside my
head ever since. "Don't think we should have a repeat." "Don t talk
much, do you?"
I grunted into the following silence, and Kiki took my cig, placing it
between her plump, berry-red lips. "Thought you didn't smoke."
"So did I. Guess we were both wrong." She took another long slow
inhale while I inspected her profile.
"Anyway, nothing much to talk about." I followed the directions
memorized like a map in my mind, sending us deeper and deeper into
Mexico City gangland.
"You hate me like the other guys do?"
I glanced at her for all of a second.
Funny. She'd armed herself with guns and blades and that leather
holster and the black eyeliner, but I couldn't forget her scrubbed-clean
face. The water running down her bare body in a slick slide.

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Kiki wasn't as hard as she made herself out to be.
Maybe I wasn't either.
But I had to be. To complete my orders.
Kill her.
I slid a sole finger from her cheek to her sweet jaw, to her neck where
the steady pulse thrummed.
Turning back to the road, I murmured, "No. Don't hate you."
Just wrestling with my conscience. What I want. And what I have to do.
"They have it wrong, you know?" She tossed the cigarette out the
window. "I might've been monitoring coms when Walker's mission got
compromised, but I didn't do it."
"How do I know you're telling the truth?"
Kiki's face glowed with determination, and the stubborn tilt of her chin
had the hard edge she usually wore like a mask. "I'll prove it to you."
Ten minutes later, we came to a halt a couple blocks away from where
Walker and I had attempted to set up an exchange with Los Reyes de
Guerra last night. The area was controlled by the cartel, not the local
The arrival of two crackers in a fully loaded SUV in the

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middle the cartel's barrio immediately led to a quiet menacing hum of
slurs in Spanish, narrowed eyes, and shiny weapons from pistols to
blades to brass knuckles.
I'd left my own fisticuffs back at the crib.
Maybe I should've brought them along.
The area was nothing but dim and blinking streetlights, unsavory
looking bars, heavily graffitied buildings, and narrow roads filled with
the men and women of the hood gathered around gangsta-style cars
drinking from forties.
Kiki swung out of the truck after me, and we strolled through the crowd
thickening in front of Dia de Muertos bar. It was colder than usual for
late November in Mexico City, and I had a feeling it was about to get a
hell of a lot frostier
We had intel the squat stone structure with the faded sugar skull death
mask painted on the sign hanging out front was Carlos the Killer's
hangout of choice and, possibly, a front for his gun/snort smuggling
The brightly painted door to the place stood half propped open, and we
walked right in, kicking off another wave of unveiled suspicion shot in
our direction. The stares hardened into menacing glares. The murmurs
grew louder. And the crowd didn't exactly part like the Red Sea.

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I quickly scanned the scene—bars on windows, thugs with
slicked-back hair sitting in booths, women dressed in a mix of leather
and lace shuttling drinks and empties back and forth from the bar.
More guns. More knives.
In the farthest corner of the room? Carlos. He stared straight at me with
eyes so dark brown they looked like oneway mirrors to an empty soul.
Maybe that was my soul.
"Let me do the talking," I muttered to Kiki, not waiting for her
acknowledgment before I parted the way between Mexicans mumbling
threats-gueros seemed to be the most popular insult slung our way.
"Hola, Carlos." I nodded to the man who returned my hooded stare.
Kiki remained behind me as Carlos merely grunted a greeting. He
tapped a gun on the surface of the table. The leader of the Los Reyes de
Guerra cartel looked nothing like a South American crime lord. He was
scrawny as a fucking chicken wing with a thick scar pulling down the
whole left s ide of his face. His gang minions wore regulation leather
and black. Not Carlos. He dressed in a three-piece suit in

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dandy-friggin'-blue complete with a perfectly folded handkerchief in
the breast pocket.
Like these were the old Prohibition days and he was the His panic
His second-in-command sat beside him—no airs for him. He looked
just like what he was. A big block of concrete with fists built to kill
with one lethal punch.
The same as I'd been.
"You got some cojones, cabron, showing up again. Not enough pain
last night?" Carlos's voice was guttural as a bullfrog's, at odds with his
small frame.
"Bastardo" The concrete block lumbered to his feet. "I keel him, si?"
Carlos wrapped a thin-fingered hand around his henchman's arm before
he could draw a gun on me.









—goddammit—stepped out from behind me.
My hand fell to the grip of my Sig.
I watched Carlos's dark eyes move over Kiki, taking stock of her as she
stood with a bold smile and a cocked hip.
"Shouldn't we have drinks before we pull out the guns?" She winked,
batting her eyelashes.

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Un-fucking-believably, Carlos laughed—the sound as grating as
machine gun fire.
The atmosphere cooled rapidly from the suffocating s ens e of Kiki's
and my imminent doom to the chill zone. All the potential perps
breathing down our necks as Kiki and I stood with our backs to the rest
of the bar slowly dispersed.
Carlos even motioned for us sit across from him.
Maybe there was something to be said for bringing Baby Spy with me
instead of motormouth Walker.
"How many partners you got, gringo?" Carlos asked as we s lid into the
cracked-leather booth.
"The dude you shot up last night was an associate. Not a partner."
"What about her." He shoved his chin in Kiki's direction. I glanced at
her, one eyebrow raised. "Her? Definitely a partner."
"Bueno. Good choice." At the lift of his finger, a bottle of tequila
arrived with four fresh glasses.
Hulk the Henchman poured, and I was surprised he didn't shatter the
small glasses in his hamfist.
Carlos raised his drink toward Kiki. "Senorita Catalina. It's been
awhile, no?"

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"Sixteen months, give or take." She saluted him with her drink then
gulped it in one.
I sat, frozen for a second, this new information nothing short of a
ball-shocker. As soon as I figured out how to s wallow again, I downed
my drink and motioned for another s hot.
Kiki isn t using the pussy angle then. Jesus.
She'd been inside with the cartel before. In what capacity I had no idea,
but it suddenly became crystal goddamn clear why she'd been put into
play on this mission.
She and Carlos began a fast conversation in fluent Spanish while I
remembered to do more than sip my fucking tequila and look like more
than a turd in a punchbowl.
I cut in whenever possible, adding my own info, but Kiki squeezed my
thigh beneath the cover of the table—trying to shut me down or turn me
on, I wasn't sure.
Probably shut me down.
But then her fingers traveled to the northside of strictly professional,
copping a feel of my cock that'd grown

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dangerously hard as soon as she'd touched me. Scratch that.
As soon as she'd turned Carlos the Killer into Carlos the
While I sat, nursing my drink, choking on arousal, Kiki felt me up with
very fucking skilled fingers toying with the fat head of my cock all the
while she multitasked.
I felt my eyes grow wider and wider when I would've preferred to just
slump back, open my pants, and get her to blow me.
I couldn't decide if I was more stunned by her impressive knowledge of
Los Reyes cartel's competitors' movements, her impressive grasp of the
local Spanish lingo, or her impressive handling of my cock.
Well, that was a lie. I was all about the cock-handling.
"How'd you hook up with the guero?" Carlos asked, stabbing me with
his soulless eyes.
"Name's Griffin." Chachi cholo motherfucker.
"I'm the brains. He's the muscle." Kiki squeezed my dick in a firm grip.
That's one way to put it. And she's definitely using the pussy angle with

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Didn't mind, as long as she put out.
Laughs followed. At my expense. Whatever. Better than a hail of
bullets raining down on me. Or getting shot in my ass.
"He showed up as soon as we lost our connection with the Blood
Legion MC." Jefe continued to talk about me, like I wasn't sitting at the
same damn table.
"Blood who?" I knocked Kiki's masterful massaging hand off my dick.
"I don't run with biker gangs."
Of course, I'd been present for the bloody takedown of the MC in New
Orleans in October—the night the Legion had been cutting a deal with
the cartel and the terrorist cell they dealt with.
I'd hardly gotten an eyeball on any of the Los Reyes men that night, but
just in case they'd seen me, I'd changed my appearance. Scruffy
dark-brown stubble covered my jaw, a tight skull cap pulled over my
head hid most of the tats on the back of my neck. Leather wrist cuffs
instead of my usual huge watch. Mirrored shades over my mismatched
Oh, and a grim look on my face.
Wasn't much of a makeover.

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Fuck 'em
"Who'd you say is supplying you again?" Skanky Carlos continued to
grill me.
"Didn't." I gave a sharkish smile. "But if you gotta know, T-Zone
Outfitters. Get it?"
I pointed a finger dead center on my forehead and pretended to pull the
trigger. The best lie was the one closest to the truth. No one knew about
the agency we worked for—Operation T-Zone. It was a shadow
organization shrouded in secrecy from the top to the bottom to the
freakin' janitors who cleaned the HQ in DC.
Carlos's laugh heralded another round of drinks, and I slowly eased the
tension from my shoulders when we started cooking up the deal that
would bring me one step closer to the haji, and one step closer to Kiki's
I watched her, my lips hidden behind the glass I held, as she charmed
the asswipe with every word spoken.
Clearly connected in ways Walker, Justice, Storm, and I didn't have a
fucking clue about. Sexy and smart.

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A traitor to T-Zone? I just couldn't believe it.
"50 calibers too," I interrupted their tête-à-tête. "We have a stash to
unload. Waiting for the highest bidder."
We couldn't outright supply the cunts with WMDs or IEDs or fully
armed bombs, but—hey—automatic weapons.
Why not?
I had to remember this fucking game had an endpoint. "When do we get
the merchandise?" Carlos addressed KM
"Tomorrow night. I'll text you. Same number?"
With his nod, I nudged Kiki from the booth, muttering with a smirk,
"Fuck you very much, hombre."
I took Kiki's hand and all but dragged her from the joint. "You and me?
We need to talk, Senorita."

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Chapter Six
Baby Spy
AS SOON AS WE were enclosed in the SUV and speeding away from
the ghetto, I lit a cigarette and clamped it between my teeth. "Wanna
tell me what that was about back there?"
Kiki propped one booted foot on the dash and lazily rolled her head in
my direction. "What?"
"You and your fucking papi, Carlos."
She snorted. "Papi? That's just gross. Is that the kind of thing that gets
you off?" She moued her lips in a pout and breathed out, "Daddy?"
Well, if she was gonna call me Daddy like that then hell-yeah-maybe.
"No," I grunted out, throwing off the skull cap. The shit made my head
itch. "Talk, girl."
"Ooh. Girl again. So you do have kinky tendencies." "Kiki.
Goddammit." I growled.
"Okay. Jesus. Don't get your balls in a knot." She crossed her arms over
her chest and slid those stunning

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arctic blue irises my way. "Special task force. Two years ago. UC with
Carlos when he was just starting as the supremo homeboy with Los
Reyes. Couldn't make shit stick."
"Special task force?" I flicked my smoked butt out the window. "As in
the Feds?"
"That's what I said."
Kiki and the Feebs. And suddenly alarm bells weren't just ringing in
my head. Suspicion skittered all along my nerve endings. Because the
fucking Feds had been tipped off during Walker's mission, and that had
led to the infiltration of Justice's warehouse, and Walker, Jade's, and
Majedah's near arrest.
"Isn't Mexico a little outside federal jurisdiction?"
"Not when they're on American soil, smuggling blow."
"So you trained at Quantico," I flatly stated.
Kiki had told me not even an hour ago she'd prove her innocence. Right
now all she was doing was digging her own hole for the grave I was
supposed to put her in.
"That a problem?"
"You know how everyone thinks you fucked Walker's op from the
ground up? If they knew you were a former Feeb you probably
wouldn't live through the night, Kiki." I

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stomped on the brake. "Jesus Christ, girl. Do you have any fucking
survival instincts at all?"
In the flash of a second, Kiki pulled one of her Glocks and held the cold
metal at the underside of my jaw. "I'd say I've got excellent instincts
and reaction time, boy."
"Take that thing out of my face before I break your arm." My jaw
clenched when she pushed the gun muzzle harder against my skin.
"You got another gun you want me to play with?"
The windows fogged inside the truck as her free hand fell to my lap.
The safety on her sidearm clicked—and I could've ripped her arm from
her shoulder before she had a chance to blink—but I was the one left
blinking, gasping, goddamn almost shooting off in my pants when her
free hand traced the rigid length rolled tight inside my pants.
Her gun slid down the side of my neck, replaced by her warm and wet
lips on my jawline. "Your PA is fucking hot,
She trailed fingertips over the bulge of my cockhead and the s teel
One danger of going commando, my sensitive shaft rubbed against the
thin barrier of rough cloth, aided by the

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teasing flicks of Kiki's fingers over the domed, pierced top of my cock.
My throat bobbed, and I leaned my head back. "Why don't you take it
out and suck it for me?"
A long lick up to my earlobe she bit with a stinging nip. A final stroke
alongside my harder-than-hell dick. "I don't think Miss Carmichael
would think that's mission imperative."
"Don't play with me." I stilled a last highly aroused shudder before it
coursed through my entire body.
"But it's so much fun." Kiki holstered her pistol with a smirk, finally
dragging her hand off me.
I punched the SUV into drive.
By that point my cock stood up so hard and tall I bet it could steer the
damn vehicle on its own. "How'd you get with the Feds?"
"Oh, it's a good story, that one." Kiki reached for one of my cigarettes,
and I lit it for her.
She blew out a stream of smoke. "So, there was this little girl named
Katherine Dillon"—she halted and looked at me —"it's kind of a
fairytale. Hope you don't mind."
An unwilling smile cruised across my lips.

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"You know what? I might even rhyme this shit one day." She huffed a
laugh, took a drag. "Might as well start now,
I wound the vehicle through the streets, heading toward operations, and
Kiki closed her eyes.
"Katherine Dillon didn't even have a shilling when her parents up and
disappeared. Twelve years old, no place to go, no money to make
unless she wanted to become a ho."
I cranked my neck around. She sat with the cigarette ember-red
between her fingers. Eyes shut, a slight smile curling her lips, she
tapped a rhythm with her free hand.
"Through cold nights on cold streets in New York City— the Big
Apple—she almost died of hunger. Thirteen. She learned to stay away
from pimps and freaks but still wanted to own her own thunder.
"She learned how to survive.
"Through grift and graft and theft but never charity." Kiki popped an
eye open. "Katherine didn't like to be given things."
"You can stop . . . Kiki." My throat had tightened, my hands on the
steering wheel, too.
I knew exactly what she was doing—why she was telling

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her story that way. The rhyming. Her eyes closed. A way to distance
herself from what was very real and probably pretty fucking painful.
Been there.
Done that.
"Katherine Dillon never stopped. There was no shelter, just
helter-skelter. She became an excellent pickpocket, the little moppet
nobody wanted.
"Through it all our heroine went to school. She fought her way through
college. She got noticed in more ways than one. Because she was so
"An agent discovered her, found out she had a low tolerance for fear
His name was Jenkins." She took a last tug on the cig then tossed it out
the window. "Sorry. That didn't rhyme so much."
I reached over, cupping a hand on top of her shoulder. And in that
moment she felt tiny despite all her balls-out bravado.
"Jenkins took Katherine in, under his wing. His pet project became
number one Feeb material. She'd never been ethereal." Tapping her
fingers against the butt of her pistol, Kiki concluded, "But she did
become one damn good killer

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"Katherine Dillon—the girl who'd been hurt—became Kiki Damage."
She sighed, rolling her neck. "Probably need to change the ending,
"Could have a happier conclusion, yeah."
She slugged me on the shoulder. "Your turn next, Griff. You know I
was just making that shit up, right?"
The bravado was back in place. The mask as much a part of her as the
Goth eyeliner and wild hair. But I saw the sheen on her eyes before she
looked out the window.
"Probably won't rhyme as good as you, girl." I said girl again, but it
wasn't as gruff and bluff as before.
I reached for her hand, hesitating. Until she pushed her palm under
mine, and our fingers linked together.
We held tight through the remainder of the ride. No more words
Maybe we were both in our own dark places.
Maybe we felt the thing we had in common.
Street kids with steel-plated hearts and bullet-proof consciences.
We entered the compound, and I cut the lights on the SUV. I drove into
the underground garage, and Kiki pulled

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her hand from mine. We slipped into the crib on silent feet, and thank
motherfuck no one else was on night-ops. They all seemed to be racked
out in their beds.
Computers blipped from Justice's info-center.
The armory was locked down.
Walker had returned to his bunk in the cubicle with Jus tice, meaning
his ass must be healing right on schedule. Tough motherfucker.
I pushed open the door to Kiki's and my room, let her pass in front of
me, and closed up behind us.
The silence thickened as we undressed in the close space, aware of
every slip of skin bared as clothes fell to the floor.
Her body. Jesus Christ. Skimpy panties, nice ass, no bra to hide her cute
tits in the tight white tank top.
I shucked off my pants. With no briefs underneath, the status of my
cock was immediately revealed. Fully hard, fully ready, the piercing at
the top as hot to the touch as the entire long length.
Kiki stared, her gaze roaming from my shoulders and tats to my
deep-cut chest, the muscled ripples of my abs, to the dick spearing
upright from my groin. When her eyes

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returned to mine, the dark pupils had totally blown out the light, light
I stalked forward, pushing my body against hers.
Grasping her neck in one rough hand, handling her ass with the other, I
groaned when she swiveled against me.
"What you said earlier, about me not talking much. Remember?" I
tugged her soft earlobe between my teeth, earning a hot whimper from
"Just remember"—I thrust against her then dragged my cock between
her legs—"still waters run deep'"
Her fingers clutched my shoulders, and she rolled up to her tiptoes.
I backed away. No kisses. No more feeling her up even though my
lungs chugged hard and a fresh drop of jizz sped from the tip of my
Kiki s tood, dazed.
Dropping onto my cot, I pulled a blanket to my hips. "And you should
probably get some shuteye."
With a punch of her hands to her hips, she flipped her hair over her
shoulder then flipped me off.
I chuckled, watching her bed down before I flicked off

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the light. "G'night, Baby Spy." "Goodnight, asshole."
She beaned a pillow at my face. I caught it, folded it in half, and
smushed it beneath my head. Still laughing.

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Chapter Seven
Death Squad
DESPITE TELLING KIKI TO go to sleep, the same fucking thing
evaded me. I wasn't about to jerk off in my bunk like a horny goddamn
teen who couldn't control his urges or his dick.
It wasn't even the way she called to me sexually— although, seriously,
that chick had to have some all-night staying power.
I couldn't rest because hearing about her time with the FBI, her
so-fucked upbringing . . . I didn't know what the s hit to believe.
Everything with her was a headfuck, and nothing about her made me
want to off her.
Get off with her?
Hell yeah.
I hit the glow switch on my watch and blew out a slow s tream of
breath. Only three. This cunting night was never gonna end.

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Rolling up to sitting, I glanced at the covered-up bundle across the floor
from me.
She had no prob catching forty-freakin'-winks.
I was forming plans to screw with her easy sleepability when a red
light, a fucking pinpoint laser beam, flashed into the room from the
small square window.
I dropped down, hauling on my pants. "Kiki. Wake the hell up. We got
She jerked upright then slithered to the floor. Pulling on the bare
minimum of clothes, she grasped a KA-BAR between her teeth before
sheathing the blade and picking up her sidearms. We both planted
NVGs on our heads, visors
With my back against the door, I nodded to her. "On my
We s lunk out, ducking the red laser lights pinging all around the
interior from outside.
I raised my fist to Justice's and Walker's door. Didn't get a chance to
knock before both men slid out, crouching down.
"How many?" Justice asked, pushing a new mag into his

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"Don't know." I scuttled to Storm and Blaize's door.
"Lights coming in from all sides," Kiki added, one of her Glocks raised
and ranging all around.
Storm stepped out, pumping his shotgun. Blaize exited right after him,
raising her Walther .38.
Action was going down tonight.
We split up, hugging the exterior walls on all fronts.
"NVGs!" Storm sounded off.
I slipped my night vision goggles over my eyes then peeked up through
a reinforced garage-style window.
I bobbed down just before bullets whizzed toward me, shattering glass,
spraying gunshots into the echoing interior.
"How many?" Storm shouted. "Half a dozen at the front." I called in.
"Six more. Coming in on my three and nine," Blaize s houted.
"Got a death squad at the rear!" Walker hobbled into the center of the
room, keeping his head ducked.
Proving you couldn't keep a good man down whether he was shot in the
rear or not.
We huddled together, checking armaments. Talking fast

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s trategy.
Basic plan?
Kill the cunts from start to finish.
I took the front with Kiki.
Storm and Blaize, the back of the building.
Justice and Walker—all other exigencies.
Two RPGs exploded into the cavernous central room, ripping the entire
front off the building, with black-dressed bastards rushing behind the
"We're green!" Storm shouted.
"Green targets!" I started unloading lead with razor sharp aim.
"Go. Go. Go!"
Strafing through the rooms, I didn't worry about Kiki. The woman had
earned my respect, and she was running with the big dogs this time.
Didn't mean I didn't plug a target in the back of the skull when he
cornered her.
She held up her bloody blade. "I already had him!"
The incoming hell storm resulted in a mass shootout. Taking heat from
all sides, more RPGs fired from outside, we fought through a tangle of

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They had us corralled together at one point. Drawing the noose tighter.
Operatives in all black gear bearing down on us with the crackle of
gunshot on deafening nonstop repeat.
Blood exploded from bullet wounds—neon green liquid as seen
through the NVGs.
Sweat trickled down my back, and I aimed, fired, aimed, fired. No
fucking way was I meeting my maker tonight.
Neither were any of my team.
The violent shit-show reached epic proportions. Storm being pinned
down by two men, Blaize gunning her way through a stack of others,
Walker backing up Justice.
I'd lost sight of Kiki.
Spinning in Storm's direction, I leaped through the air, landing on an
attacker just long enough to plow a bullet into his brain.
Storm finished off the other before taking my hand as I helped him up.
"Thanks, brah" We whirled back into the fight.
Jus stood back to back with me, knifing an assailant with a flick of his
wrist, a slash of his blade. "Fuck. Feel like I'm back in the sandpit
The bastard slithered to the floor like a sliced-open

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The fast report of gunfire slowed down.
Guns fell. Bodies dropped.
Walker plugged another asshole in the chest.
No sign ofKiki.
Guns hots petered out.
We s ounded off.
walking wounded. Blaize . ..
"Kiki. Where the hell's Kiki?"
I received blank stares in return. Running with the big dogs. Sure.
Backtracking through the rooms with Storm nut-to-butt behind me, I
whipped around corners, keeping my Sig raised.
Following a shout, I located Kiki taking heat from two of the
black-dressed fuckwits as she sheltered behind a steel girder column.
She popped out only long enough to fire off shots, and bullets pinged
all around.
"Hey, assholes," I shouted.
The two wasters spun toward me.

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Hit the first one right through the head, but the second soon-to-be-loser
managed to get off a round in my direction.
Heat flashed through my upper thigh followed by screaming pain I bit
off as the bullet tore through my skin and muscle.
"FUCK!" I grinded my teeth together.
Storm and Kiki both raised weapons to kill the cunt, but I s topped
"He's mine," I snarled.
Boiling rage chewed through the burning discomfort in my leg. I
marched forward, blood spreading and staining my pants.
Hauling the jerkwad to me, I knocked his sidearm away then broke his
wrist with a brutal twist of my hand just for good measure.
"Bane! For fuck's sake, you've been shot!" Kiki ranged forward.
Storm, too.
"Back up. Told you. This one's mine." The stinging sensation had
nothing on the intense anger building inside me.
With adrenaline pounding through my system, I slammed

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my fist into the dickhead's masked face, grunting in satisfaction when I
heard something snap and break.
His nose.
I didn't so much as limp as I dragged the would-be assailant after me to
the main room where dozens of his compadres lay like soulless body
sacks—mangled and bloody—on the floor, not to mention the EKIAs
scattered outside through the shredded shell of the building.
Throwing the man down, I propped a boot on his heaving chest. I
leaned over, my gun in his face, and ripped off the mask.
Kiki, Storm, Walker, Justice, Blaize all circled around— firearms at
the ready.
"Who the fuck are you?" I pistol-whipped the bitch-boy across both
cheeks, getting high on the sound of his flesh bursting open.
"I won't talk," the Caucasian cocksucker hissed in a breath.
"You're American?" Surprise rattled through me, and I felt shockwaves
ripple through the others. He clamped his swollen lips shut.

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"Check all of them," Blaize ordered.
My team sped into action while I kept the traitor under heel. Blood
seeped from my bullet wound, and I felt a little woozy but not enough
to lose focus.
"They're all white. No IDs. No tags. High tech weaponry," Storm
Not jefe or the jihadi. This crew had come from someone else.
Goddamn Americans?
"Classic black ops protocol," Justice muttered. "No trace back."
"You shot me, you fuck." I dropped my Sig in favor of a fist I pounded
into the man's face. "Who the hell hired you?"
No answer.
Could've been because I broke the bastard's jaw with my heavy blows.
The wild rage from my fighting days grabbed me by the gonads, and I
waled on the perp. Pulled his face to me so I could coldcock him.
Dropped him down to hammer him with strikes that made his skin
break, his bones pop, his body flip and flop.

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In those moments nothing existed except the viral, virulent desire to
induce pants-pissing, sphincter-emptying, life-ending agony.
"Stop. Stop, Bane!" Blaize's command filtered in through a blood-red
Drawing in a deep, ragged breath, I stood, shaking out my fists,
belatedly remembering the bullet wound bored into my thigh.
"What?" I scanned my slack-jawed team, swiping a hand across my
sweaty forehead. "You didn't exactly hire me for my people skills, Miss
Blaize's mouth popped open, but she wasn't looking at
Neither was Storm as he rushed forward. I glanced back just in time to
see the beaten-to-near-death dude pull the trigger of my Sig Sauer . . .
on himself. Jesus Fuck. Kiki paled.
I spun into the closest seat—righting a chair and s lumping down.
Blaize removed my gun from his lifeless grip.
"Who the fuck offs themselves anymore?" Walker

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limped to the man who'd just eaten a bullet on his own accord.
"Only someone with a huge secret to hide." Blaize handed me my

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Chapter Eight
Band-Aids for Bullet Holes
I SAT AMONG THE carnage, my teeth gritted as splinters of pain
shivered from my thigh to my groin. "Dammit. Are we all destined to
get shot up before this op's over?"
My knuckles swelled as I ripped the hole in my pants bigger,
impatiently inspecting the oozing wound.
Kiki kneeled at my side with a suture tray she'd swiped from my triage.
"It's through and through." I lifted up to show my ass, and the exit
wound, when I whipped down my pants. "Just pack it. I'll be fine."
"Macho, annoying, egotistical . . . balls bigger than his brains . . ." Kiki
tossed insults at me while she started gathering alcohol and gauze. 'Too
stupid to live'"
"Mucho annoying
more like," Storm commented as he checked every
last dead tango on the premises.
He came up with exactly nada.
"She sounds like Jade." Walker rubbed his jaw, gleefully

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watching me as the patient.
"You're one to talk. Walking ass-wound." I hissed when Kiki swabbed
antiseptic around the open fucking hole in my
"At least I am walking." "Two days later Dickbreath."
"Missed the major arteries." Kiki tossed swabs aside. "Good thing
since the one in your brain is already short-circuited. Obvs."
Jus laughed. "Ya know? If we didn't hate her, I'd probably really like
her" He gave Kiki a hand bandaging my leg while she glared death
threats at him.
"Pain killers?" Justice helped me to my feet.
"Yeah. Tequila. And my blades."
"Tough guy."
"Sure. I'm the one man mafia." I stumbled backward, unbalanced.
Storm caught me. "You need morphine."
I snorted. "Not fucking likely. Not gonna get caught with my pants
down again."
Blaize appeared in front of us, and Storm rolled up to her.
I heard him say cher, and that was about it because my

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head was reeling from the events of the night.
The next thing I knew I was back in the chair, my leg raised and
Surrounded by KIAs.
Blaize paced back and forth, in full battle mode. "We're clearing out
ASAP. Gather guns, gear, intel, and the computers."
"Where're we headed, boss?" Walker already had a pack on his back,
and here I was, two steps behind everyone else.
"The prearranged locations. I've vetted them." She nodded her head
when Storm took the dismantled mini-MASH unit out to a waiting van.
"We're splitting up."
"If we've been made, who's to say we won't be at the other houses?"
Justice toed over dead bodies, shouldering a sack of weapons.
"Because you and I are the only ones who know about the safe houses."
Blaize directed Jus to the second black van with his cargo. "So if we get
ratted out there really is a nark in our midst."
Cold comfort.
We dismantled the crib in twenty minutes flat.

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Okay, I didn't do much of the heavy lifting given I was still spilling
blood, but the place was cased clean and quickly abandoned.
Our presence erased.
I shut myself inside the passenger seat of the SUV beside Kiki who slid
behind the wheel.
Storm teamed up with Blaize. Natch.
And Jus and Walker commandeered the third vehicle.
"I want everyone checking in before noon and after midnight. Bane and
Kiki, you make that drop tomorrow night with Carlos and remember
we want the location and names of the terrorists they're supplying. Next
objective. We need actionable intel." Blaize hopped into her ride.
The three-car convoy hauled ass out of the warehouse, splitting
directions at the nearest crossroads.
Fuck the dead cunts we left behind all but toe-tagged.
Whoever hired them could do the cleanup from our kills.
And Kiki and I were alone.
We arrived at the safe house with morning barely starting. A crystal
clear and cold dawn on the horizon. Almost December.

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Kiki and I humped our shit into the house, locked all the doors, set the
alarms, drew all the blinds. She called in to Blaize on a burner to say
we'd landed safe and sound.
Meanwhile the packing around the wound on my thigh was becoming
Not to mention that shit was beginning to twinge a little
I locked myself in the bathroom and pulled a wells tocked medkit from
my go-bag.
Last time I'd been in this position it'd been goddamn Yemen. On the
run. Cut off from Justice and Tilly after we'd escaped from the embassy
siege. That time it'd been Ambassador James Lawless, Tilly's dad,
whom I'd sewn up after he'd taken a bullet to the leg.
Over twenty-four hours out of contact with Tilly and Justice. We'd
found them by scouring the hospitals in the most inhospitable city.
Tilly unconscious with septicemia, Justice half out of his mind with
worry over the woman.
I was glad there was no one to worry about me now.
Kiki knocked on the bathroom door as I laid out the antiseptic and
suture kit. "You okay in there?"
"Peachy." I winced, thunking off my boots and

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unzipping my pants.
"You're not seriously considering stitching yourself up?" Exasperation
colored her voice.
"That's the plan."
She rattled the doorknob. "I know how to pick a lock, you know?"
"Just go away." Biting off a hiss, I started peeling off my torn pants.
"Not gonna happen."
"Goddammit, Katherine! Leave me the fuck alone." I punched an
already torn-up fist down onto the sink.
I heard her fiddling with the door a few seconds before the lock popped
open and the knob turned.
Thought about booting my foot against the door. Reined myself in.
Would probably topple over if I tried, especially with my pants stuck at
the top of my thighs.
I edged against the sink, and Kiki slipped inside.
She'd disarmed, leaving just the clothes she'd thrown on earlier, and her
pink-striped fauxhawk trailing in soft-looking lengths down her back.
"You've never called me Katherine before." She gently pushed me
aside and began washing and sterilizing her

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"Blaize told me." Didn't I feel just a little bit off-kilter with my pants
half down, my cock half out, and blood seeping from a bullet hole. "So
did you. And if your fuckingpapi can call you Cataleeena . . . Unless
you wanna be forever known as Baby Spy?"
"I didn't mean to poke the wounded bear." A beat of laughter lifted her
Want to hate her. Can hardly keep my hands off her.
I grunted instead of replying.
After drying her hands, she turned to me. "Think you can get the pants
the rest of the way off? And don't be a tough guy about it."
"Wouldn't dream of it." I gritted my teeth and start pushing the sticky
pants down my legs.
I got them as low as my calves, all my muscles straining and sweat
popping on my brow, before she kneeled down and took over.
Exactly the position I wanted Kiki in—on her knees with my cock level
with her face.
Wrong fucking context, though.

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I almost smiled as my dick started plumping up. Guess the plumbing
still worked regardless of the wound to my leg.
Oh yeah, Kiki noticed. Her cheeks took on a hint of pink, and she kept
her gaze lowered as my pants fell to the floor.
Then she peered up, licked her ripe lips, and asked, "Anything else I
need to look at while we're at it?"

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Chapter Nine
All In
Kiki rolled her eyes, a smirk forming on her mouth. "Anywhere."
Well . . . how to answer that? Ask her to open wide so I could shove my
cock into her lush mouth? The idea had definite merit. But considering
I was having a hard time keeping my knees from buckling and if she
was gonna give me head I didn't really want it to end with me squashing
her when I collapsed on top of her, I merely shrugged.
She rose up, unnecessarily—but very welcomingly— brushing against
Who needed painkillers when she was playing nurse? My favorite
"Let's get this off too." She tugged at my shirt.
Full monty? Sure. Why not?
Weaving on my feet, I got stuck in the tight shirt. Kiki's hands went to
work on me, her warm fingers clearing the

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clinging material from my chest, shoulders, and my head.
"Think you better sit down now?" Her eyes roamed boldly over my
body, taking in the tats, the scars, the slabs of cut muscles.
The cock, the PA piercing.
That motherfucking throbbing wound.
I planted my ass on the closed toilet lid.
How fucking romantic could a guy get?
My dick was still hard, though.
Kiki chose to ignore the thick staff rising up from my groin to my abs.
"Get me a drink before you start on me?" I asked with a lift of an
She nodded and left the room.
"You done this before, or you need directions?" I called after her.
She returned with a glass of tequila, which I quickly downed. She'd
brought the whole bottle. Smart girl.
Her smile flitted across her lips as she bent over me. "I rarely need
directions for anything, Bane."
Why wasn't I surprised?

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"Want me to glove up?" She got down beside me. "You wanna glove
up?" "You diseased?" "Only in the head."
She chuckled. "Great. That makes two of us." She snapped on gloves
without a wasted motion.
Kiki prodded the ragged hole with gentle fingers then made me lift up,
my cock pretty much dangling in her face.
She didn't take the bait.
A nice cocksucking would take my mind off the fact I was about to get
stitched up minus opiates. Whatever. Not the first time.
She motioned me back down, and guess what? Her soft breath hit the
underside of my engorged dick.
"Through and through," she said, her eyes not on the real prize.
"I know," I grumbled.
"I want to make sure no major arteries nicked." "Fuck." I braced
myself, fixing my eyes on the blank white wall above her head. "Go on

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When Kiki probed the bleeding hole it felt like she was ripping me
open from the inside out, but I didn't flinch.
Swore a lot, though. Even invented a few new curse words.
"Good." She peered up at me, her face a white mask. Reaching out, I
grasped her chin. "Where'd you learn how to fix people up?"
"In the field. When I had to. Just like you, I'd imagine."
"You okay to go on? Because I can—"
"I don't need you to be strong or stoic about this,
I smiled when she used my first name. "But I sure hope I don't make
you cry." A sadistic light flashed across her pale blue irises. "Girl . . ." I
growled out.
She set about patching me up, and though her face remained blanched,
she wasn't squeamish. I'd give her that.
I s ucked in ragged breaths, refilling on booze every time she took a
"Nice sutures." Sweat trickled down the center of my chest, and my lips
formed a grim line as she inspected her handiwork.

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"I thought you were going to kill that guy with your bare hands
tonight." With a frown on her forehead, she motioned me to roll.
"Wouldn't be the first time." I turned so she could get to the exit wound
after she stitched the front.
"You know your little nursery rhyme?" She pushed the needle through
my skin, sewing up the hole. "Mmm."
"Mine ain't so pretty. Killed a man. Crushed his windpipe. In the ring."
"Boxing?" "Cagefighting."
"So you beat yourself up about it." She tied off the last of the sutures.
"No one else to blame." I tested her work with my fingers, grunting
with satisfaction.
Kiki urged me to my unsteady feet, and I grabbed the towel rail, almost
pulling it off the wall with my weight.
"You didn't mean to kill him." She disinfected the area again then
started wrapping it with clean gauze.
"So that's okay then? What about the people we do

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mean to kill." Her, for one.
"It's for a reason. So better people live." She rinsed her hands in the
basin after ungloving.
"It's not black and white."
Wringing out a washcloth, Kiki motioned me toward the door and into
the hallway. "No, it's not. But we choose, don't we?"
"I follow orders."
"Blaize's, because you trust her."
I let Kiki steer me to a bedroom. The fan motored above, reminiscent of
the rotors on many a helo Storm had hijacked.
She prodded me to the bed, pushed a towel beneath me, and started
giving me a sponge bath.
Of all the fucking things.
"I can clean myself."
"No shit?" Kiki swiped the cloth down my chest. "Take it easy, big
Kiki climbed up after me, smoothing the warmth along my legs. She
eased my thighs apart, cleaned my shoulders, and arms, and hands.
After rinsing the cloth, she swept it over my face. "I like your eyes."

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"They're fucked up. Just like the rest of me."
She snorted. "Helluva antihero complex you got going on." Her lips
nudged mine, and I gasped at the touch of her tongue lightly tracing my
mouth. "Do you know how sexy you are? So fucking big."
I hardly fought against her as she held my shoulders down to the bed.
"And your eyes. One blue." She kissed my closed eyelid. "The other
hazel. Gorgeous."
Her hands roamed lower, to my abs that clenched.
Something wet worked hot heat along my pelvic muscles, never once
hitting my cock.
Pushing an arm over my face, sucking in deep a breath, rolling my hips,
I wordlessly begged for more.
"Must not hurt that bad." Her warm breath washed across my
muscle-padded ribs.
"It's you."
"Me what?" She dribbled an ice cube dipped in tequila against my lips.
"Fuck, babe."
She raised the glass to my mouth. "Drink." I did. Big gulps.

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Bullet wound or not I was fired the fuck up. Needed something to dull
the ever-present pain. Sex always worked. Sex with Kiki Damage? I'd
probably never see straight again. "What happened to you,
Griffin? Before the cagefighting."
"Ah, shit. I'm not up for this."
"If you don't talk, I don't fuck." She dragged my arm from my face. "I
told you my truth."
She sat beside me. This vixen. The enigma. The gorgeous streetwise
woman who was possibly a traitor.
"Shit. What? I killed man in the cage. Big deal. You know that now."
"The medic stuff?"
"Are you digging for intel on me?"
"You have some serious trust issues, you know that?" Kiki huffed,
turning her back.
I grasped her shoulder. "I learned it from watching you."
A grin cranked across my lips when she wheeled around and hit me on
the chest. "Tell me the truth."
Her hair hung over us, bright swathes. And her beautiful

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face was so close to mine . . . she was the only woman who could cool
the fever inside me.
"No formal training. Fuck. I constantly stitched myself up during my
years in the underground fighting ring. But when I killed that guy . . ."
"You were charged."
"Yeah. Jail time." Pulling myself against the headboard, I stacked
pillows behind my back. "Miss Carmichael got to me in there. She
found me. She took me on." I shrugged. "She knows I'm a stone cold
"Is that how you see yourself?"
I wrangled Kiki down to me, squashing a groan when her leg nudged
the wound on my thigh. "What are you? A s hrink?"
"No more than you're a doc." She kissed my chin.
"Hey. I did the civvie thing. Physician assistant and ER training. Just
because I'm not an MD doesn't mean I don't have fast hands." I put
those hands to use, squeezing her ass.
"Why do you think she put us in play together, Bane?" Kiki braced
above me.
Looking away, I murmured, "She didn't."

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Chapter Ten
Sexual Healing
"IT WASN'T BLAIZE'S CALL?" Kiki sat up in the bed. "Nope."
"Well, shit." She shifted away from me.
"Nothing." She ran her fingers through her hair. "Nothing . . ."
"Doesn't look like nothing."
"You ever get the feeling something's not right?" Glancing at me, she
chewed on her bottom lip. "Especially with that unwarranted raid
"Yeah." I scowled. "Get that feeling all the time."
Unwarranted raid. Someone sure as fuck had thought they needed to
bring the pain down on us. Americans, no less, with master firepower.
Hoped they got the message we weren't to be fucked with—a message
sent with the big kiss off of dozens of

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Standing slowly, Kiki paced toward the door. "I think I'll go clean up.
You should get some rest."
"Yeah. I'll do that." My eyelids felt heavy as cement. My leg fucking
But the bigger pain came from seeing Kiki caught in a trap she didn't
realize had been set for her
Rest? Bullshit.
I checked the dressing on my wound. I reloaded my gun. I drank more
tequila, but never enough to get tanked.
Listening to the shower run, I shut my eyes, only opening them when
Kiki walked back in, wrapped in a towel.
Her hair was shiny and wet, those light pink streaks damp-darkened.
Her face scrubbed. Her eyes the lightest shade of blue imaginable.
"You make a terrible patient, you know that?" She checked her Glocks
before setting them on the bedside table. "I gave you orders to sleep."
I s till didn't know how she managed to make me smile even when shit
was bad-side up in my life.
"Sleep's overrated."
"How's the leg?"
"Hurts like a bitch. You could help though." I winked at

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"I could, huh?" She stepped closer, her voice turning breathy.
The change in her tone echoed the slight shift in the color of her irises,
making them a little more turbulent. Darker. Dilated.
"How so?" she asked, and I watched her nipples perk up beneath the
clinging towel.
"Come to bed with me." My husky voice rumbled, rippling greed for
her hitting me like a sudden shock to the s ys tem.
"I should keep watch," she hedged.
"No. You shouldn't." Leaning forward, I grasped the bottom of the
She slowly smiled, a sexy tilt of her suckable lips. "How's me in bed
gonna help, big boy?"
"I'll show you."
"I suppose you want me to take this off first?" She fingered the knot at
the top of the towel.
I nodded, a ragged rush of air pelting from between my lips .
Fuck yeah.

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When she dropped the towel, I almost chewed off my own tongue to
get to her.
Slick flesh.
Toned body.
Handful tits.
Dark pink nipples.
The tats. Fuuuck. Delicate designs from her elbows to her wrists to the
backs of her hands. Sexy as.
Legs long enough to wrap around my waist while I s lammed into her.
"Kiki." My hand moved to her leg, and my gaze followed the path I
took from her knee to her thigh to her hip . . . "Damn, girl. You have no
idea how hard you make me."
The sheet tented at my groin. My cock rising, blood-filled, fully erect.
She gently pulled the sheet, bending over me. "This
Her breasts bobbed in my face, and I hungrily latched onto one crest,
cupping the other swaying orb.
The sheet rasped over my rigid dick, which lifted higher as the fabric
drifted lower beneath her guidance.
My balls were about ready to burst, and we hadn't even

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gotten down to any action yet.
Kiki didn't touch me. The only thing she handled was the blanket.
I switched to her other nipple, massaging my saliva into the other
hanging crescent while I nipped and sucked and bit the pink peak in my
Her breath left in short streams of air, in little purrs from her throat.
The sheet fell to my thighs, pooling beneath my nutsack.
Finally, she touched me. Her fingernails traced up the underside of my
dark, veiny, oversized cock.
I jerked my hips, a drop of hot precome sliding from the tip and hitting
the Prince Albert piercing.
With both hands mashing her tits together, I suckled at the globes,
licking up to her neck, nibbling her earlobe. Reaching lower to snake
my hands to her ass, I lifted her onto the bed until she kneeled beside
me, bent over me.
Her whisper-caress moved to the piercing, and every barely-there touch
spun me into demented desire.
I grunted. Groaned.

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Sucked and licked all the gorgeous flesh I could get at. Kiki fisted me in
her hand, her fingers struggling to meet. She didn't stroke, but the
teasing grip made my cock pulse harder.
"Give me your hand." Kiki pursed her lips above the tip of my dick, and
a dribble of spit fell from her lips to the s hiny, bulging head.
She pulled away when I grunted, my hips shifting to reach her mouth.
Next to me, she moved closer, kneeled high.
I put my hand in hers, and she slid my palm, my fingers, up her inner
thigh. Before I even hit her cunt, her skin was wet, shiny.
"This is how much I want you," she whispered.
My body racked with heat and need, I slipped my fingers higher,
finding her soaked pussy, so soft as I parted her, entered her tight hot
hole with ease.
"Holy fuck." I twisted my fingers, added a third, and watched as she
arched from her undulating hips to her neck.
With her riding my hand, I kissed her stomach down to her clit, eating
that hot cherry like ripe fruit.
Kiki cried out, almost crushing my hand between her

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thighs. Her cunt squeezed down on my fingers, her juice like rain
coating my hand. She grasped her tits, milking every ounce of her
orgasm in the wettest wildest vise I'd ever felt.
She panted, pulling away from my fingers, my face, when all I wanted
was more of her taste.
I slicked my lips with her glossy come, licking it all off from my
My cock was dark with need, dribbling preejaculate by the gallons, my
nads beginning to pull up. Ready for auto-launch if she didn't get on it
With Kiki's taste in my mouth, I grasped the base of my shaft, pointing
the obscene length at her.
"Get over here, girl." My voice came out gravelly, guttural.
She licked her lips and moved onto her hands and knees between my
I widened my legs, wincing when the stitches pulled.
"Are you sure you're up for this?" Her pursed lips paused, a breath
away from covering my cock.
"Does it look like I'm in pain?" I held the base, a roar of blood in my
ears, a rush of blood flushing the veins throbbing all down my length.

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"Actually"—she engulfed the head of my cock in her warm, wet
mouth—"yeah," she garbled out.
"Different kind of pain." I groaned when her tongue rolled across my
cock slit, gathering all the leaking precome.
She tongued the piercing, pulling at it.
Almost pulling the come from my balls.
"You like pain?" Her teeth took little bites all around the dome of my
Bolts of desire jolted to my spine. My toes curled. My cock filled
"Yeah." Grasping her hair, I wrapped it around my thick wrists. I pulled
Kiki's mouth onto my shaft, stamping my feet onto the mattress so I
could buck into her mouth. Make her s wallow me. "You?"
She came off me with a glug. "Yeah." She slurped the side of my dick,
guiding the girth in and out of her fist. "You wanna use me?"
"Yeah." I sneered. "Get on your back."
"I wasn't done blowing you." Her eyebrow arched. "Make me."
I flipped her over, rolling between her spread legs.
Her cunt was one target I wouldn't miss, the bright red

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slit hiding the one hole I wanted to fuck forever.
I grabbed her neck, bringing her mouth to mine. "Tell me you want it."
I devoured her lips, bringing her tongue into my mouth, twirling around
it. I ate her sighs and purrs and moans, lining my cock up with her gash,
riding that cherry-red juiciness, not hilting inside yet.
"Tell me I'm not using you for a fast fuck, girl." My thigh s tarted to
hurt, but it was the last thing on my mind. "I like it rough."
Her calves rose to my hips, and I held her open, ready to drill her into
the mattress.
She pulled on my cock, placing the broad head at her narrow slit.
Her teeth rasped my neck, her nails dug into my ribs. "Funny. I like it
rough too."
"Never would've guessed." I grunted, holding off by the skin of my
teeth from fucking her into the atmosphere. "Fuck. Condom."
I fumbled off the bed.
"You don't need a protection. We all get the same birth control." She
lay wide open, fingering her pussy, slipping

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her wetness all around. Temptation.
Shit. Fuck.
Needed her.
Hadn't fucking gone bareback since . . . Christ.
I couldn't resist what Kiki was offering. I prowled to her "Ride me."
Kiki s lipped over me after I lay on the bed. She captured my cock in
her hand then pointed the shaft at her cunt.
"Ahhh." I squeezed her hips, held her waist, brought her down on me.
We kissed through wild gasping breaths, her breasts against me, her
pussy a wet heaven she rolled up and down my pulsing dick.
She came quickly, her body thrown into an arch.
"Like that piercing, do you?" I thickened inside her, her convulsions
almost throwing me over the edge.
Turned on like never before, I fucked up into Kiki's climaxing cunt.

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She squeezed me, her liquid heat running to my balls. Her palms landed
on my chest, and she tossed her head back.
Every move she made I met. The tight gyrations. The slow rolls. The
endless orgasm as I nudged so deep inside her she'd never take a dick as
far as mine again.
Sitting up with a grunt, I yanked her onto my cock, watching the wet
slap-slap-slap of pussy on dick. Opening her. Fucking her.
Owning her.
I s tuffed my hands into her hair, driving my mouth against hers. My
cock sprayed, and it felt like her pussy licked up every single jet I
Kiki fell to the side, and the wet smack of my still-hard cock hit my abs.
"I think you killed me." Her tits heaved with after-orgasm shocks.
I cupped one breast, my fingers thrumming across her

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bright nipple. I could feel her hammering heartbeat. "Feels like you're
still alive."
"And I thought you were supposed to be wounded." She reached up,
combing her fingers through my short hair.
"Never felt better" Smiling, I drew her closer to me.
"I should check the dressing though."
"Forget about it, Kiki. It's fine. I heal fast and shit."
With my eyes shut, I felt her rising above me.
I squinted an eyelid open at her. "What?"
"Just looking at you."
I snorted. "Bullshit. Not much to look at. Not like you."
Snagging her to me, I cruised my lips up the length of her neck to land
at her soft earlobe.
"Don't sell yourself short," she purred, rubbing her body against the
front of mine. "You're sexy in a dangerous way. Big and hard."
"Yep. That's me." I rotated my hips up to her, nipping again at her
earlobe. "Hard inside and out."
When I squeezed her ass, she shifted her head out of my grasp.
"And hard to read." Kiki kissed me with a wet dart of her tongue, and I
wanted more, but she pulled back a little.

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"Bane, the condom thing?" She lifted hazy ice-blue eyes to mine. "You
didn't want to do me bare?"
"Nah, it's not that." I scooted up in the bed, and she moved to kneel
beside me. "Not worried about diseases or anything. It's just something
I don't talk about. The other dudes don't know."
I glanced away. "I've got a kid. I'm not good enough to be a dad. Don't
wanna knock anyone else up by accident."

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Chapter Eleven
Baby Daddy
I FROWNED, SHRUGGING, BUT the pain of not really knowing my
daughter was much more intense than the wound in my thigh.
"You're a dad?" Her voice rose in surprise.
"In name only, I guess." Rubbing a hand across my mouth, I leaned my
head back. "I support them. Make sure they're flush. Haven't seen her
much though . . . I knew I couldn't be good enough for her. Not that I
don't wanna be part of her life." I lit a smoke and brought it to my lips.
"But what do I have to offer Allegra when this is the shit I'm tied up in?
Too much blowback, not to mention a felony record. How can I be
there for her like this? Just want what's best for Allegra, and what's best
for her is protecting her from my crazy life, you know?"
I swallowed roughly, having told Kiki more than I'd ever meant to
"Allegra? Are you Greek?"

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"No. I'm a mutt."
"Join the club." Kiki reclined next me, rubbing her hand up and down
my arm.
"Her mom's family is Greek."
"Were you and her together long?"
I exhaled a stream of smoke, almost like expelling the tense emotions.
"Depends if you consider twenty-four hours to be a long time."
"Whoa." Kiki's eyebrows arched high. Then she frowned. "But don't
you want to get to know your daughter?"
"C'mon, Kiki. I separated myself for a reason. What the hell kind of
parent would I be? I've got no role models. Pretty much raised myself."
"Broken home?"
I stubbed out the smoke. "My dad was a big gambler. My mom skipped
out on us when she couldn't hack it anymore. He pretty much pissed
away anything we could've had. He thought being a good father meant
remembering to have PB & J in the house. All those nights he was out,
I stayed up late watching reruns on TV—before he lost that too. Classic
latchkey kid with the television babysitter. I got

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older, started getting into weight lifting. The cagefighting. Left the
shithole as soon as I could. The rest is history. So, yeah, I know jack
about good parenting."
"Street kids unite." Kiki huffed a sad laugh.
"Something like that." I kissed her on the forehead. "Didn't mean to
bring you down."
"Hey, I asked didn't I?" She moved closer to me, her arms twining
around my neck. "Do you have a picture of Allegra?"
I got her to pass me my phone and pulled up the latest of my girl. Her
dark brown hair was all kinds of curly and her grin revealed a small gap
between her two front teeth. Her eyes, though. Same as mine. One
hazel. One blue. Hoped I hadn't cursed her with my bad luck on top of
everything else.
But the tat of Allegra's name on the back of my neck, hidden by dozens
of other designs? That I'd never regret.
"Oh. Look at her!" Kiki took my phone with a big smile. "She looks a
little mischievous."
"Wonder where she gets that from, right?"
"She's what? Ten?" Kiki asked.
"Yeah. You know a lot about kids?"

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"Well"—she looked mischievous, too—"I used to be one. Sort of."
Yet again she pulled one of those unwilling smiles from
"She is a cutie, isn't she?" I took one last look at Allegra before shutting
down my cell and placing it aside. "Shit. No place for kids in this line of
work anyway."
"What about Walker? Justice? They're both talking about it."
I smoothed my fingers down the sinuous curve of her back. "They're
"You'd call Walker an optimist?" Her eyes flipped up in s hock.
"Okay. He's a straight-up sadist or something. But Jus? Pretty Boy?
Fuck yeah. He and Tilly are super shiny people."
"So the two of us probably shouldn't get involved." Kiki's lips ghosted
from my shoulder to the sensitive cords of my neck.
"Definitely a bad idea." Grunting, I clasped her closer. "You were
right." She licked down to my chest, circling the disc of my nipple with
the tip of her tongue until I

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shuddered. "Still waters really do run deep."
"Don't be fooled. I just wanted you to pity me so you'd let me fuck you
"Is that a joke? Oh my God. Griffin Bane, a sense of humor?" She bit
the nipple in her mouth, and I groaned.
"Don't get used to it." Hauling her up, I captured her mouth with mine.
Kiki's moan sliced through the pain of the past, the pain of the bullet
hole, the scars all over my soul. Her tongue tripped across mine and
played chase, sometimes sucking, sometimes seeking deeper into my
mouth until it was hard to breathe. Fierce, fuck-now arousal pounded
through me.
I sucked and pulled at her bottom lip. "I want your cunt. On my face."
Kiki panted when I slipped a finger between her legs. Her wet slit
opened, and I teased the crease—up and down but never inside.
"I'll make it easy for you." She arched up above me, her gorgeous body
tight, glowing, mouthwatering.
Turning around, she split her knees beside my head and gave me prime
pussy eating. Braced on her arms, her face hovered above my cock
while she lowered her slick sweet

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sex to my mouth.
I licked around her labia and felt her breath wash against the head of
my dick. "You gonna suck me, girl?"
With one hand roving up the center of her back, I gently pushed her
down. All the while I pressed her thighs wider, pulled her down harder.
I kissed her bright center, licking at the swelling, liquid pussy spread
before me.
And when she took me in her mouth with long deep sucks and
flickering tongue-action . . . pure 69 nirvana.
Kiki muffled a moan with my cockhead between her lips, the piercing
she toyed with sending me into complete s ens ory overload.
She whimpered when I groaned, my tongue circling her clit, one finger
sliding in and out. When I joined it with a s econd finger, pumping her,
she flipped her head up long enough to scream. A rush of sweet liquid
streamed into my mouth—hot come I slurped and sucked.
Breathing hard, she wound her hair around the rigid shaft of my cock,
babbling as she stroked me.
I kept eating her. Grasping her thighs harder. Biting and grunting,
melding my mouth to her beautiful slit, giving up all pretenses of
anything but being a greedy bastard for her

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She came again, and I yanked her off my dick, watching her legs
tremble. Hoarse sounds fell from my chest—her name, curses. My
cock was ready to punch holes through walls.
I pulled her up beside me, rolled next to her with one forearm holding
her against my chest.
"If you pop those stitches . . ." she gasped out.
"Don't worry about me. You just need to keep up." That time there was
no pretense of stopping for a condom.
I lifted her top leg, spooned close behind her, and thrust to the hilt
inside the clasping wet ride of her cunt.
"Challenging me?" Kiki arched into me, moaning.
I bit her neck to hold her in place. Like an animal.
The room smelled like come and sex and fucking.
With a hand on her belly, I pressed down to where I was buried deep
inside. I twisted her nipples, brushed them with my palms, guided her
to my grinding cock.
When she was good and soaked, pulsing around me, I withdrew.
Kiki brought my hand to her mouth, and suckled a finger ins ide.

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"You hot bitch." I pushed back into her, the slow motion wreaking
havoc with my body.
My chest crushed against her back. My cock thrashed in and out of her
pussy. Kiki came back just as hard, winding me up until I s wore with
every deep lunge into her tight heat.
"Thought you were worried about my leg," I gnashed out against the
side of her neck.
"I want your come."
My eyelids slammed shut, the onrushing tide pulling at my balls,
tingling in my groin. "When I heal up I'm gonna bend you over a table
and fuck you so hard from behind you'll come whenever you hear my
Holding her hips still, I pistoned into her—the fast hard wet slap of skin
and cock and cunt setting fire to my veins.
I bellowed her name as the flashpoint ripped through me from my toes
to my cock. Deep inside Kiki, I blasted hot s emen, pumping. Again.
Again. Again.
Her hips swiveled with each jet I poured into her, her cries fueling me.
With my head bent to her shoulder, I swallowed in shallow breaths.
"Jesus Christ. You are a workout and a half,

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She panted beside me. "Me? Holy hell. I'm not sure I'll be able to
handle you when you're in full working order."
Pulling out of her caused her to groan, me to grunt. "Should clean you
up. Can't move, babe."
"Aren't you chivalrous?" Her fingers moved down her belly, and she
smeared wet come from between her legs with her fingers. "I'm pretty
good at taking care of myself."
She slurped a finger into her mouth.
I chased the taste from her tongue. "Don't do that again. Fucking tease.
We need to get some shuteye, and I can't do that with a hard cock."
"I promise to behave, sir." She smirked.
I hit the light then pulled a blanket over us.
Kiki rolled half onto my chest, plying light fingers over my muscles.
She lay beside me, and I just knew she wasn't even attempting to go to
sleep. The woman always had something to say and needed the last
Funny. That thought made me smile.
"I can hear you thinking over there." I kissed the top of

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her head.
"You should think about seeing Allegra. Every child deserves to know
her parents. And I can tell you want to."
"If I'm that see-through I probably need to find a different profession."
"I'm beginning to know you, and you're not such a hardass."
"Let's see if I live through this cartel bullshit first, huh?"
And if I let Kiki live, too.
I was well and truly fucked.

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Chapter Twelve
Mariachi Motherfuckers
THE DROP THE NEXT night was in the middle of nowhere
Mariachi-ville, Mexico. The night was cold and bright and closing in
on the end of November. I half expected to get jumped by goddamn
guerilla groups as we drove up to the meet. The deep forested area
should've been peaceful at that late hour but with the fucking El
Caminos pumping bass from Bose speakers and the old school Buicks
bouncing on hydraulics I felt like we'd pulled up to a barrio block party
not a gun exchange.
We stepped out of our SUV after Kiki killed the ignition —well, Kiki s
tepped, I hobbled.
The noise escalated as Carlos, the Los Reyes de Guerra leader, wound
his way through the crowd toward us.
Kiki and I stood, surrounded on all sides and highlighted by vehicles'
highbeams shining on us. We were both packing as I was sure every
other thug here for the exchange was, too.

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Carlos, scrawny as ever, whistled between two fingers and the noise
died down. His bodyguard stationed his big bulk next to the bossman.
"Hola, Igor." I nodded at the huge goon.
Douchebag frowned with his big block forehead. "Me llamo Juan." He
pointed a finger at his chest.
"It's a joke, you know like . . . from Frankenstein."
"I don't joke."
No shit. Dude probably needed to lay off the 'roids because he had all
the personality of a lobotomy patient.
"Senorita Catalina." Carlos waltzed up to Kiki, kissing her on both
cheeks like this was a goddamn night at the opera instead of a gun deal.
"Hermoso como siempre."
I rolled my eyes as he laid it on thick with her. Spiffy cunt in his slick
suit. Too bad about the disfiguring scar and the fact he was about as
heavy as a bantamweight.
"What happened to cabron here?" he asked, gesturing to the leg I was
favoring just a little bit.
"I was playing with guns." I grinned. "Speaking of, how about we get
on with this."
"Impatient, si? That's the problem with the world these days." He
continued with his state of the world message,

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addressing Kiki, while I lit a cigarette. And smoked it. Impatiently.
Finally, with a second whistle, Carlos signaled another Los Reyes
member forward. The dude carried a bulging black duffel he placed on
the hood of our truck. He unzipped the bag, revealing stacks of cocaine
Carlos nodded, and the man pulled out a brick and sliced it open with
the tip of his knife.
Waving me closer to the goods, Carlos smiled in that oily way of his.
"Try it."
"Think I'll save it for our customers."
His head tilted and his smile thinned. "But I insist. I need to be sure
you're legit."
Without any further hesitation I unsheathed my KA-BAR, dipped the
tip into the powder, and guided it to my nose. In one quick suck, I
snorted the fucking cocaine.
The fast hit of high-octane drug worked like a shot of adrenaline to my
system. I wiped off my blade, feeling like my body had just been fed a
burst of fuel.
"It's good." I sheathed my knife.
"Bueno." Carlos clapped his hands together.
Great. At least he was happy. I felt like my brain was

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taking a trip down the rabbit hole as a million butterflies shivered over
my skin. My nose was numb, the back of my throat tickled, and my
entire body was on high alert.
We walked the drug dealing assholes to the back of the SUV and
opened it up. Inside were three crates of weapons and ammo Igor
unloaded by himself. Crowbarred that shit open, too, although he
probably could've used his bare hands to break the nailed shut boxes
Three crates containing three different lethal weapons: AK-47s, FN
5-7s, and last but not least the bragged about 50 cals .
Kiki leaned against the open gate of the truck. "All there. High quality.
Told you we had the goods, Carlos."
"Ahh, my Katherine. I never doubted you for a moment, mi tesoro"
The dude made me want to puke. Or punch him until his brains turned
to mush.
After speaking to Igor, he gave the orders for him to take the expensive
weaponry away.
"To a happy arrangement." Carlos pulled a silver flask from the inside
pocket of his suit.
Uncapping the container, he passed it to Kiki.

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She dutifully downed a swallow before handing it to me. I took a pull
then gave it back to Carlos.
"Listen, mi amigo. Heard you had a Middle Eastern connection
somewhere on American soil." Kiki played good cop with her good
buddy, the killer.
"Where'd you hear this?" Staring at Kiki with those black-pit eyes, he
capped the flask and stashed it away.
"I may have had a vested interest in a certain MC's affairs in Louisiana.
The same outlaws you referred to the other night." She flashed a pretty
smile. "You know how I like my men."
Jefe changed instantly from suspicious to interested. "Katherine, mi
What's in it for me if I happen to know a certain
fundamentalist group?"
Oh hell no. Kiki was not giving up tail for terrorist intel. I didn't give a
fuck how much Blaize wanted that info.
Before I could charge in, macho-colors flying, Kiki placed a s oothing
hand on Carlos's arm.
"But what about Nina? Your beautiful wife? I could never be the other
woman, Carlos."
"I'll divorce her."
And then suddenly they were laughing like old pals.

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I chuckled once, the effects of the blow still trickling through me.
"How do I know you're not just trying to cut me out of the deal with the
foreigners?" Carlos jerked his chin toward the guns Igor was passing
"We don't want to sell to them. We want to buy from them." Kiki
smirked, deftly reaching to pull out a cigarette from the pack in my
Cuntface immediately bent toward her to light the end with his flashy
"We heard they have some wicked explosives." Kiki blew out a stream
of smoke.
"We?" Carlos asked.
"Yeah." Cabron. "I'm the silent partner." I bolstered up from the edge
of the truck, making my muscles very apparent.
Kiki shot me a look. Probably meant stand the fuck down.
But I was all ready to play bad cop if push came to s hove.
"Fine. I'll put you in touch with Nasim." Leaning toward Kiki, he did
the kissy-face thing again. "He'll be in the City

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in a few days."
I shook the slimy shit's hand, wanting nothing more than to take my
KA-BAR and knife him all the way through to the s pine.
Settling into the passenger side of the truck after packing away our
cocaine surplus, I saluted Igor through the open window.
Dumb schmuck.
Kiki shotgunned it out of the area to the sound of random gunfire as the
dudes played with their new toys, yipping wild shouts with that
ear-bleeding Muzak turned up.
I s louched down, careful to move my leg as little as possible as the
truck jarred over ruts in the dirt track.
"Fuck. I hate that shit." I rubbed my twitchy nose.
With one hand on the wheel, Kiki reached into the back and grabbed a
bottle of water. She tossed it to me.
"Never had a taste for blow?" she asked.
"Hell no. My body is my temple." I thankfully guzzled the liquid
ounces. "Now, if we're talking about blowjobs . . ."
She huffed a laugh, sending me a flirty glance. "I already know how
you feel about those. And, by the way? That temple of a body of yours
has a few holes in it."

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Her dry comment drew a smile from me. "Yeah well, I'm a danger to
myself and others." If only she knew.
Sobering for a moment, I tapped a pack of cigarettes on the dash.
"Carlos got a hard-on for you or something?" "You're jealous of a cartel
ringleader?" "Depends. You ever do him?"
"You think I'm into crime lords who mistake wearing Hugo Boss and
Polo cologne for being civilized?" Kiki rolled her eyes. "I'm into
honesty. Not assholes."
"So you're just playing him?"
"Come on. We all adopt different personas to get what we want when
the situation warrants it."
"Yeah." I rubbed my fucking nose again. "Yeah. Guess so."
We drove in silence for a few miles.
I turned on the radio and fiddled until I found a station I liked. Kiki
started humming along to the tune.
I watched her. Baby Spy. Shadow operative. Former Feeb. And who
knew what else.
The woman I was falling for.
Singing along to a classic rock tune while driving us

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away from a drug deal.
And I was s upposed to bring Allegra into this life?
An hour later we met up with Blaize and Storm at another undis closed
location to hand off the coke. Walker and Justice were still on standby
in their hidey-hole.
When we rolled up beside their vehicle I was surprised the windows
weren't fogged due to a heavy-duty makeout sesh. Those two—since
NOLA—couldn't keep their hands off each other.
Storm. He'd caught that goddamn garter at Justice's wedding.
He was next.
The wedding virus we'd called it. Not me though.
Through our open windows, I passed Storm the duffel. Then I rubbed
my damn nose again. "Oh, Jesus," he muttered. "You didn't, did you?"
"Did what?" Blaize's head—the russet red hair glowing —popped into
"He snorted." Storm told.

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I sighed. "Didn't have a choice. Jefe made it an imperative for the
exchange. Trust issues."
"Are you okay?" Storm asked.
"What are you? My rehab intake advisor?"
"Uh. Trying to be a friend maybe?"
I scowled. "I know. I think. Still trying to get used to the friend thing.
"And we're back to monosyllables." He smirked.
I flipped him the middle finger.
"Great. Fuck you too, hoss."
"Boys . . ." Blaize interjected.
The two of us looked at her like cray-cray was catching. Never mind
that marriage thing.
"Men," she amended. "Enough already. Bane, are you going to be all
"Yes, I'll be okay. Fuck's sake. It's not like I was freebasing. Shrink my
head when we're back in DC. I don't do drugs. Coke makes my brain
hurt. I'm not about to stuff a brick of flakes up my nose or cook up some
meth for my veins."
"I think it's safe to say the blow strings you out, brah" I reach across my
open window to bump Storm's fist. "Ya

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"What about the terrorists?" Blaize asked.
"Jesus. I'm high on coke and all you care about is the
job, Miss C.?"
Kiki punched me on the arm then peered around me. "He's joking."
"No shit? I didn't know Bane could do that." Storm
"Thanks for being my spokesperson," I said to Kiki. "No problem. I got
used to being the your puppet master with Carlos."
With that I sat back and let the women do the talking. Kiki quickly
filled Blaize in: the gun exchange went off without a hitch. Meeting the
haj in a few days. Carlos the cunt did a solid. Gold stars for everyone.
"Excellent. Kiki, I want you and Bane on the meet, but we'll all be on
backup. So keep checking in with me." Blaize addressed me in turn.
"How's the leg?"
"Great. Can't feel a thing. Might snort some more coke."
"I'm not sure I can get over this cheery new persona, Bane," the boss
lady remarked with a wry smile.
"Great. I'm sure it won't last anyway."

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We parted ways after that, and I hoped Kiki and I were headed to our
rancho for some hot food and a hot fuck.
Halfway to our new digs, and my other burner rang.
"Fuck." I fumbled for the phone, tempted to kill the call, but only one
contact had the number.
"Yeah," I answered the cell.
"Update on the target." The uninflected voice floated over the line.
"Who is it?" Kiki pulled up at a stop sign.
"Walker." I muffled the phone on my shoulder. "Wants to commiserate
about bullet wounds or some shit. He probably hit the pain killers pretty
Back on the burner, I gripped it in a tight fist. "Still kicking. How about
you?" I bluffed.
"We need the KIA confirmation for Kiki Damage this week, or we
bring in outside operatives to make the hit."
The line went dead.
I glanced at Kiki.
Her time was up.

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Chapter Thirteen
WE PICKED UP SOME street food on the way to our safe house, but
my appetite had disappeared. I barely touched any of the spicy burrito,
downing another bottle of water followed by several neat shots of
tequila while Kiki and I juggled plates on our knees.
"You got your head back on straight after the coke?" Kiki finished
eating her tamales, and relaxed back on the couch to nurse her drink.
I grunted in reply.
"You must be. Back to your old ways, I see." She drizzled more alcohol
into her throat.
I watched her swallow, wishing the liquid coating her tongue was my
Things to like about Kiki Damage:
Her slamming body.
Her takes no shit 'tude.
Her smarts.

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Those crystal clear eyes. Check to all those things. Things not to like?
I still didn't know for certain she hadn't sold out Walker's op.
And I had to kill her.
She swirled the glass between her tattooed hands. "You were funny
though. And I'm pretty sure it wasn't just the blow."
"You want funny?" I stood slowly and tried not to limp as I made my
way toward her.
Her slim eyebrows arching, she looked up at me. Her wet lips parted,
her tongue stroking the glossy surface. Her gaze skimmed down from
my hard face to my broad chest, to my black jeans. To my groin, where
the solid roll of flesh distorted the fabric.
"That doesn't look funny." Her voice dropped to a sexy, husky tone.
"Looks like some serious business."
"Why don't you take care of it?"
"How's the leg?"
"I think if you wanted to give me head I'd feel a whole lot better."
Reaching for her face, I traced the slant of her

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cheekbone with one finger.
"Is that what you were thinking about the whole time you were
watching me eat?" She grasped my wrist, drawing my finger to her
mouth. "My lips on your cock?"
"Yeah." Small lie.
She sucked and bit the pad of my finger before enveloping it to the
knuckles in the warm wetness of her mouth. The sensation fisted a tight
knot right up under my balls, bringing me to full hardness.
She slid the digit from her mouth with a wet, luxurious slurp. Placing a
palm flat on my belly, she pushed me back. Kiki rose to her feet.
"Come with me, baby." She took my hand in hers, leading me up the
I stumbled for a second, cursing the fucking leg wound.
Kiki pushed her shoulder under mine. "You can lean on me, you know?
I won't crumble."
"Thought I got enough of the naughty nurse treatment last night." I
gruffly accepted her help.
"And I wasn't even wearing the slutty uniform," she quipped.
Damn woman. She pulled another smile from me. "Now,

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that I'd like to see."
She pouted, trailing a finger down the center of my chest. "Didn't bring
one to Mexico."
We made it to the bedroom we'd staked out the night before, and Kiki
turned on the light beside the bed. With her bent over, her ass looked
nice and ripe in her tight jeans, but I needed her naked.
"Strip," I ordered, my voice coming from deep in my chest.
She flipped her hair over her shoulder, glancing at me. "Sexy
"Don't care. Just show me you." Arousal dug deep into my groin, an
almost stabbing pain heightened by the desire to have her beneath me,
parted by my cock in her cunt.
Kiki started slow, swaying her shoulders, swinging her hips, and I
watched, my eyes drawn to the sight. The shirt rolled up above her
breasts, and she slung it aside. It only took a quick twist behind her
back and her bra slipped from her shoulders, hanging for just a
tantalizing second from her puffed-up nipples.
When the scrap of blue lace fell to the floor, I rubbed a hand across my
watering mouth. A beautiful handful, her

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breasts stood proud and firm on her chest, the areolas a nice sucking
size—pink and peaked.
Crooking a finger at her, I beckoned her toward me.
She slinked forward—swinging her hips, adding a little dip and roll to
her step.
The woman was nonstop sex in combat boots.
"These tits." I grasped both mounds in a firm grip.
I practically mauled her, running a strong arm around her back to make
sure her knees didn't give out when she immediately started moaning.
Using my mouth, my hands, I bent her farther back. Tweaking.
Twisting. Twirling the tight pink buds, shaping her breasts, licking and
pulling them into my mouth.
I kis s ed from one tit to the other, abrading them with my s tubbled
chin. Keeping them hot and taut while her body arched further over my
"I thought you wanted me to undress?" She asked, breathy, nearly
"Got distracted." I ran my hand from her neck to the center of her chest
down her belly.
Then I shoved my fingers into the front of her pants.

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Slipping beneath panties, I found her smooth slit and slid two fingers
into her wet sheath.
Her fingers bit into my forearm. "Oh, fuck . . ."
Kiki's hair fell over the arm I latched around her back. She swiveled in
my grasp, rising to meet the mouth hungrily pulsing on her tits, dipping
to drive my fingers even deeper inside where she quivered and
She came in a silent scream of an orgasm, her eyes slammed shut, her
mouth ovaled open. She weaved on my hand, the sucking wet warmth
taking my digits ever deeper
Inhaling with a trembling breath, she drew up and clasped my
shoulders. She buried her face against my neck —licking, sucking,
"My legs are about to give out." She laughed, a sultry quiver to the
"Good. That's exactly where I want you. Down on your knees."
The crystalline blue of her eyes flipped to mine seconds before a smoky
smile crossed her lips. She shucked the rest of her clothes—no more
teasing. Wrangling my shirt off my arms and over my head, she threw it
"Sit." She pointed to the bed. "It's all well and good if I

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fall over, but no way in hell could I lift you up again."
She winked, and I grinned, taking her orders.
"Spread 'em." She tugged at my knees from her place on the floor in
front of me.
No problem with that.
Her hands roamed from my inked shoulders, down my torso, to my
I bucked and groaned, an involuntary reaction to her proximity to my
aching dick.
An unwholesome smile slid across her lips as she lashed my belt free
and sent it sailing in an arc across the room. "Patience,papi. We'll get to
I growled at her, my hands coiling in her hair pulling her up to my lips.
After driving my tongue into her mouth, catching her purring whimpers
with each sleek entry and retreat, I broke back.
With her face buried against the dark brown trail of hair coiling from
my belly button down, Kiki freed the buttons on my jeans.
I grunted with each twist and tug, and she wasn't even touching my
cock yet.

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The cock in question came into view. Swollen hard and thick as a wrist.
Kiki gasped. "Fuck. Look at that."
Her heated breath—little gasps—wound me up while she eased the
pants down, making sure she didn't knock the wound.
Wouldn't matter anyway. My cock was so rigid it throbbed, drilling
straight up into the air.
Kiki's crazy hair fell to my lap, and she didn't start soft. Hell no. She
pursed her lips around the engorged head— tickled the piercing with
her tongue—then slurped as far down my length as she could go.
She held me by the root in one hand, fisting me. Wetness s pread up and
down my cock, her little moans and vibrating hums almost making me
nut. Raspy breaths chugged out of my chest, and my muscles quaked
with each heated ingress.
Braced back on my hands, I lifted my hips, slightly thrusting into her
mouth. I hit the back of her throat, and saliva foamed around the
stretched circle of her lips s pinning up and down my cock.
"So hot, seeing you with my cock in your mouth, girl." I held her by the
back her neck, my thumb rubbing, my balls

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She lifted off me, a dangling thread connecting her lips to my
cockhead. Pumping her hand up and down, she ducked farther between
my open thighs.
I expelled a harsh shout as she fed my heavy balls into her wet searing
She was a master at working my nads with her tongue. One testicle then
the other, she basically teabagged my sac. Just for the visual alone I
would've stood over her face if my bum leg could've held me.
Every part of my body shook, tethered to her mouth, her hand.
"Kiki . . ." I lay back and beat my head against the bed.
That didn't last long, because the next thing I knew she'd sandwiched
my shaft between her tits.
"Fuck!" I shot up to sitting, hunching over her.
Gripping her breasts, I slid my thumbs across her bright nipples. Kiki
gave me the tit fuck of my life, slurping the broad head inside every
time my tip touched her mouth. Fucking with more than my arousal.
I pulled her from my dick, drawing her up to my lap. She quickly
resituated herself, straddling my stomach where her

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drenched pussy melted against me.
"Thought you wanted to come in my mouth." Her hair curtained around
our faces.
Flipping her over, I draped her thighs over my arms. "I changed my
mind," I growled at her ear before lowering between her legs.
With those legs thrown high, her cunt was nothing short of a pink-hot
and flowered-open feast.
Her bare pussy all but pulled me down and I licked. Outside. Inside.
Through the soaked center. I thumbed her open, all those furls and frills
and feminine flesh—alive. Wanting. Wanton.
I dipped my mouth to her, rotating around her hole, tripping inside.
Kiki pushed up, angling her hips, writhing beneath me.
Lapping and sucking, I plunged inside, teased out. I tongued up and
down, testing the bright dot of her unhooded clit, pulling it between my
teeth with tiny little nips.
Fingers, lips, my whole fucking face, I brought her to orgasm over and
over. Never letting up. She got wetter and I

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s ucked faster. She beat her heels on my back, and I bracketed her legs
down to the mattress. I ate at Kiki's cunt, listening to her scream,
feeling her cream, smiling into the never-ending orgasm that cranked
her so high she torqued beneath my hands.
Half an hour later, she slapped me away.
I took one last swipe at her clit—a climax twisting through her taut
"Son of a bitch!" She smacked her hands to the bed.
"You kiss your mother with that mouth." I cruised up above her.
"Don't have one. Remember?"
"Then kiss me with that mouth." I held her face in my hands, panting
against her lips.
Running an arm around my neck—raising her legs over my hips—Kiki
guided me down.
We made out, thick wet kisses and hot moans and groans. Rutting
against her, I was almost at explosion point.
"Fuck me." She threw her arms back, bracing them against the head of
the bed.
I pushed her thighs high again.
Strong breaths jerked from me. I craned my neck back but

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never lost sight of my cock, bareback with the Prince Albert, spearing
her to a tidemark she made with a gusher of cunt juice.
Halfway inside.
I met her eyes, the hooded look, the up-thrust tits, the arched neck.
Rearing back, I took her ass in both hands. Then I gunned inside, balls
"You're gonna hurt your leg." Kiki cried out, "Oh, yes!"
"Not gonna hurt anything." I lashed into her, flexing, grinding,
pounding my meat into her. Except you.
Kiki rode up against me, linking her arms around my neck. She bit at
me. Kissed, licked, sucked, and fucked. Hard.
On my knees, I pulled her to me. Roaring with every balls-deep thrust,
I held her against me.
My cock erupted.
Kiki hung in my arms, shaking and writhing.
"Goddammit, Kiki!" Maybe my brain burst. Or my stitches popped. Or
the world stopped.
But everything spun completely out control in a much better way than
the cocaine high.
Sweat trickled between us, but nothing was as wet as the

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sucking heat inside Kiki's body.
My groin strained. Another come-shot blasted out.
I tugged her down on top of me as I flipped heavily to my back,
completely spun out of my mind.
Kiki, on the other hand, barely blinked.
Until she looked up at me with owlish eyes. "Not going to hurt anything
except me?"
"What?" I was barely breathing let alone copacetic.
"You said that when we were fucking."
"Shit." I cranked an arm over my face.
"That wasn't Walker on the phone, was it?" Kiki asked.

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Chapter Fourteen
Highly Suspect
"WHO DO YOU THINK it was?"
Kiki dragged herself to the edge of the bed, sitting with her legs
hanging over the sides, her hands gripping the mattress.
"I don't know. But your mood drastically changed after that phone call.
And I think it had something to do with me."
"We better put some clothes on for this." I sat up higher, willing myself
to stare straight at her with unflinching eyes.
Her gaze met mine, the icy blue becoming even sharper. "I don't like
the sound of this."
I stood, rifling through my bag to pull on some loose workout pants and
a shirt. Kiki followed suit, dressing quickly and efficiently. It didn't get
lost on me she also laid out one of her Glocks on the bedside table.
I looked at my Sig Sauers, still holstered and lying on the floor, and left
them where they were.
Pacing in front of her, I waited until she looked up at me.

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Her delicate chin thrust forward, and her vibrant eyes narrowed.
"What?" she muttered through grim lips.
"You mind telling me why the stuffed suits at T-Zone ordered me to
kill you?"
"What?" Shock filtered through her from her popped-open mouth to
her shoulders jerking high. "What did you just say?" Her hand flittered
to her chest where her heartbeat had to start up with rapid wingbeats.
"Yeah. That." I expelled a rough curse. "They want you dead, Kiki.
Want me to do it. Gave me the order before we left DC."
"What?" she screeched, flying at me faster then I expected.
Her knee punched up to my groin the same time her fist slammed
against my sternum. I blocked the lower blow but coughed on a gasp
when she hit me with her best shot in my solar plexus.
While I watched, stunned into stillness, she went for her
"You asshole!" She gripped the sidearm, swinging it on me with uns
werving aim.

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I strafed forward, catching her within two steps. Pushing her until her
back thumped against the wall, I cranked her wris t in my hand.
Her grasp on the gun only tightened with the amount of force I exerted.
"Knock it the fuck off before I break your wrists, girl." I sneered down
at her, rapping her hand hard against the wall, capturing her other arm
behind her back.
"Girl. Girl?" she spat at me.
Using more pressure, I torqued her arm up, up until the joint was in
danger of popping out of her shoulder socket. Her other hand spasmed
and finally opened. The gun clattered to the floor.
I kicked it away.
Jumping up, Kiki butted her forehead against mine with a wicked crack
of skull on skull.
"Goddammit!" Momentarily dizzy from her head-butt move, I dove
after her when she wiggled from my grasp.
We landed in the middle of the floor. She punched me again,
connecting with my jaw, and my fucking thigh was beginning to bleed
from her surprise attack.
"Get off me!" She wriggled beneath me, but I was not

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letting her go this time.
Sitting on her waist, I spread-eagled her. Like I wanted to do in bed.
That shit probably wasn't gonna happen again. "I'll get off you when
you stop hitting me." She bucked up, seeking enough leverage to throw
me over.
I beat her hands down onto the floor. "I. Said. Stop." "Fuck you," she
snarled out.
Tortured breaths raged from both our chests, and our eyes clashed.
Leaning down, I got right in her face. "Only way I'm getting off you is
if you stand the fuck down, Kiki."
Her nostrils flared. Her eyes flashed with undiluted hate. Her lips
With a jerk of her chin, she nodded. "Fine. For now"
I backed off her cautiously. The woman was goddamn wily.
Drawing in a deep breath, Kiki slid to an opposite corner of the room
and sank into a crouch.
I followed her to the floor but made sure her frigging Glocks remained
well out of reach.

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She angrily pushed her mussed-up hair away from her face. And her
glare could've cut straight through Gorilla Glass.
"You've been fucking me . . . to what? Keep me in the dark about this?
Get closer to me before you murdered me?"
Her words slammed just as hard as her fists.
"No. I fucked you because I wanted you."
"Bullshit." She shook her head slowly. "Jesus. I can't believe I let you
get to me. Fucking Griffin Bane. Guess I know exactly why they chose
you." She pointed a finger at me. "They think you shot Storm, right?
Why not one more to add to your trophy case."
My anger was about to go apocalyptic. "I did not fucking shoot Storm."
Rising to my feet, I drew my hands behind my neck, rubbing. I paced a
few steps back and forth.
She snorted. "Whatever. Like I care."
Gaining her feet, too, Kiki stayed as far away from me as possible.
"You don't even have the guts to do it to my face? What were you going
to do? Fuck me into a stupor then kill me in my s leep?"

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My jaw clenched until the muscles at the back bulged. I unhinged my
tense neck, rolling it on my shoulders. Loosening my hands, I dropped
them to my sides.
I looked up at her through half-lowered lids.
I could only imagine how deadly my discolored eyes appeared in that
moment because Kiki drew herself up higher as her face ghosted white.
"You're going to do it, aren't you?" Her voice didn't even quiver.
"Probably wouldn't tell you if I was."
We both looked at her weapons, spun halfway across the floor.
"Don't fucking do it, Kiki."
Her fists balled. "Why not."
"You never answered my first question. Why does Operation
T-Zone—why do our nameless, faceless bosses —want you dead?"
Her head quirked. "You think . . . they're covering s omething up?"
Keeping my vigilant stance between her and the pistols, I punched my
hands to my hips. "Gotta be some reason they issued a kill order if
you're as innocent as you say."

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"Fuck. I need a drink." She started for the half empty bottle on the
I moved quickly to intervene.
"You serious? You just told me you're supposed to dust me, and I can't
even have a final drink?" "Don't try anything stupid."
Her eyebrows arched high. "Like try to glass you?" She gave me a little
smirk, marching around me to get to the extra bottle of tequila.
After spinning off the cap, she guzzled several large s wallows then
backhanded her mouth.
"They already know I was a Fed. So that doesn't matter." She took
another drink, and I crossed my arms over my chest.
Her brow wrinkled. "You all hate me though."
"Don't hate you." Was falling in love with her. Couldn't fucking help it.
"But why? Okay, assuming you don't but you're just going to kill me
because you've been told to—pfft—why do Storm, Walker, and Justice
have it in for me?"
"Walker's Beirut mission." I rubbed a finger back and forth across my

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Now this was getting interesting.
"Because they think I ratted him out. To the Feebs and whoever else.
Sold his locations when he was on the run, right?" Chewing on her lip,
she screwed up her eyes. "I was monitoring his coms, but who else has
total access to all mission communications?"
I quickly found a smoke and lit it. I crossed the room, opened a window
after checking outside first. "What are you saying?"
"Gimme one of those." She reached for the pack of Reds, coming close
enough to snag one when I held out the pack.
I lit her cig then grabbed the bottle from her for my own large swig.
"Who's really guilty of getting Walker's mission all fucked up? Who
gave him the wrong intel in the first place about Majedah Chehab? That
she was the mark, nor her Hezbollah husband?"
"T-Z." I stared at the glowing end of the cigarette in my hand. "Hol-ee
Light bulbs didn't just go off in my head. They blazed like fucking
halogens across my mind.
Something had been FUBAR about Walker's op from his

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first night in Beirut at the Casino du Liban with the suicide bomber sent
to kill Majedah Chehab.
"Yeah. T-Zone." Kiki took a tug from her smoke, blowing out a gray
stream. "And since I'm innocent, someone else sure as hell is guilty. If
they kill me, that's it, right? Done. Put to rest. And no one will dig any
"So you're saying it's T-Zone. At the bottom of everything."
The truth hit like a lightning bolt, terrifying in the extreme if the
analysis was valid.
"What if they want us all to die?" I s cowled at the woman.
"Think about it. Storm and Blaize got made in New Orleans. How?"
Kiki flicked her cig out the window. "Qasim Hassan made some pretty
serious allegations about the United States. Why?"
"Jesus, girl." I lifted the half empty bottle of tequila to my lips. "If this
is real, then we're all screwed."
"Or I'm just dead, because of you."
"It's not like that. Why do you think you're still alive?"
She stepped back, her eyes suddenly in shadows. "So you could fuck
me before you fucked me."

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I wrangled her into my arms. "You are not goddamn listening to me." I
pulled her against me until my mouth snuck against her neck.
I kissed her softly, just beneath her ear, and listened to her whimper,
feeling her clinging to me.
"But I still have to kill you." I pulled my gun from behind me, the Sig
I'd tucked in my pants during the aftermath of our scuffle.
She tried to wrestle free, but I held her tight. I set my lips against her
Then I pulled the trigger.

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Chapter Fifteen
Enemy Killed in Action
I PUT THE CALL into Mis s Carmichael, my finger not totally steady
as I pressed her contact button.
Pushing the window higher, I sat on the ledge with a smoking gun in
one hand, a lit smoke in the other, and the cell snugged against my
Blaize picked up after the first ring. "Yeah?"
"I need you to report an EKIA to HQ."
"Enemy killed in action?" Blaize's voice was deadly cool. "What the
fuck are you talking about, Bane?"
"Kiki Damage." I cleared my throat, looking across the room. "Repeat:
"What the fuck happened? Katherine wasn't the enemy!" Disbelief
warped Blaize's tone.
"Just report her death to T-Zone." I sounded like an automaton even to
my own ears.
"Bane? Bane? Where the hell are you?" Blaize shouted. "Have you
gone rogue? What's going on over there?"

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Dropping the burner to the floor, I crushed it underfoot. I flipped my
cig out the window. The first part done.
The second part of my plan came easier. I packed up
everything—loading bags into the back of the SUV as fast as I could
with a fucked leg and so much on my mind.
Staying vigilant on all counts, I made my way to the corner shop across
from our safe house to buy a pay-as-you-go cell and a few additional
I climbed with a wince into the cab of the SUV, already dialing Justice.
"It's me," I said when he answered.
"What the fuck, man?" Justice bellowed so loud I held the phone away
from my ear.
"I finally did what all of you wanted but were too pussy to pull off."
Sliding the key into the ignition, I checked all mirrors to make sure the
immediate vicinity remained clear of threats.
"Blaize is . . . shit. Never heard her like this." "Did you tag my
vehicle?" I asked. "No. Following protocol. No GPS tracker on any of
us just in case we get made."

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Great. Justice won t be able to trail me.
"I need a place to lay cool for a couple days. Off grid. Blaize can't
"Yeah. Okay. Give me a sec." Pretty boy muttered under his breath, but
I heard him tapping on a keyboard.
"Walker should be happy," I said.
"Surprise. He's not."
"He'll get over it," I muttered
"What are you going to do, Bane?"
"The rest of my job, hoss"
"Send me the coordinates to the new place and lose this number
I put the truck into drive just as the morning sun began to peek over the
horizon. With my foot on the brake, I sat back. I drew my first deep
breath in thirty minutes, rolling my head to the side.
"So, we're going to ground?" Kiki shivered beside me.
I'd played my part to the hilt in order to keep her alive and undetected.
"I love it when you talk spy to me," I managed to get out.
I thought I saw her lips twitch—almost a smile—when

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she reached over to squeeze my hand.
I hadn't offed her. Only made it sound like I had. The rounds I'd shot
blasted straight into the ceiling, not into my woman.
And now it was time to disappear.
"C'mere, girl." I placed an arm around Kiki, drawing her to me. I kissed
the top of her head.
The new address Jus sent me was even more of a squat than the last
one. Inside the two-roomer, we were truly offrez. Kiki was shaken to
the core as I led her to the bathroom.
A hot bath. Just what the doctor ordered.
Was n't the fucking Ritz, but the place was clean enough. And towels .
. . a luxury.
I filled the tub. I stripped her down. I undressed.
Easing her into the warm water, I climbed in after her, ignoring the pain
in my thigh.
My pain was nothing on hers.
My legs wrapped around hers, and her back lay against my chest.
Scooping water in my hands, I wet her hair, caressed her cheeks, her
neck, her shoulders.

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"You're okay, Kiki."
Her eyelashes fluttered over those diamond-eyes. "Am
"They're not gonna get away with it." Fury ripped through me, directed
solely at the heads of Operation T-Zone.
I shoved the anger back down.
After pouring shampoo into my hands, I set to work on Kiki's hair. The
sexy shaved sides tickled my palms, and I soaped through the blonde
and pink-streaked tresses.
She slowly relaxed, slumping lower, sending her breasts higher.
"Feels good," she murmured.
"Always wanna make you feel good." Guarding her eyes, I rins ed her
I lathered my hands, trying not to take advantage of the gorgeous
woman as I washed her. I touched only where needed, ignoring—to my
own pain—her puffy nipples, her pretty tits, her wet pussy.
It was damn hard to stay on point when my cock rose pole-hard against
her back, and her breath started rushing in and out.

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Spreading her thighs, I linked my legs over her knees. Kiki arched,
sending waves of water lapping against my chest.
Moving her head to the side, she kissed my neck.
"Please, Griff."
Down her belly, my hand moved. Her hips kicked up. Her breath
"This?" I asked, sliding a single finger inside her.
"Mmm." She rose to meet the thrusting finger, her hands cranked
behind my neck. "More. Please. Need to feel."
Winding an arm around her waist, I held her down. Three thick long
fingers caressed her, took her, took her pain away.
I fucked her like that, with just my hand cupping her, until she thrashed
in my arms.
She gasped, bowing up.
Water spilling over the rim of the tub to the floor.
Floating back down, Kiki cried out in a little mewl when I kept rubbing
the whole of my wet hand against her hot sex
She shuddered in my arms, and her ass nestled against me, driving even
more urgency into my cock.
Easing from behind her, I stepped out of the bath. I tied a

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towel around my waist and helped her out. Water droplets shined on
her skin, and her entire body was flushed. She smiled slightly when I
began to dry her off.
"You're very good at taking care of me." Her fingers drifted through my
hair as I kneeled to drag the towel lower. "Which is why I still think you
should get in touch with your daughter."
Leaning forward, I kissed her belly. "I'll think about it," I murmured
against her warm skin.
Her hand cupped my jaw. "You are a good man, Bane. Griffin."
Rising to my feet, I skimmed my palms up to her breasts. "How good?"
Her breath hitched. "Mmm. Very good. What now?"
"We go to bed since we've been up all night." I scooped her into my
arms .
"That's not what I meant, Bane."
I laid her down on the mattress, unwrapping the towel from my hips.
Crawling on top of her, I trailed kisses up her neck.
"You're a ghost," I husked out.
Her hands slid from my ass all the way up my back. Her

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fingers coasting along my skin, following the lines of ink, made me
crave her warmth, her body.
Kiki pulled me to her until I settled with my cock cradled at the point of
entry. "I thought you were going to kill me, Bane."
Angling my hips, I thrust inside her, the motion slow and edging and
excruciatingly hot.
"I don't think you heard me right." With both hands drawing hers above
her head, I kept the tempo slow. "I'm in love with you, Katherine. And
I'm gonna protect you no matter what it takes."
"Oh, Bane!" She arched against me, rubbing every part of her body
against mine—her fingers clenching mine, her nipples against my
chest, her sleek legs wound around my slowly pumping hips.
Her slick sex tightened around me, and a rippling flash of heat pulled
me even deeper inside her.
"Need to be connected," she whispered.
We kissed until it was impossible, and only our tongues touched for a
moment. She drew her hands from mine, pulling at my ass, grasping at
my back.
I raised up, plummeted down, stared into her hooded

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Kiki's lips parted with a moan tumbling out, and she cried my name. "I
love you. Love you, Bane."
A hoarse shout rumbled from my chest—emotion and need cresting
together like our bodies.
Grabbing her hair in one fist, I tightened the angle I thrust into her.
Short sharp relentless longing finally s tretched too tight before
shredding apart. Shredded me apart.
A harsh bark of a laugh.
A long moan.
A contented smile.
I held myself on top of Kiki until she caressed my chest with one hand,
my back with the other. Until her eyelashes fluttered, and the
crystalline blue winked out at me.
"You kept me alive."
"And now you're dead." I kissed her gently. Some tough guy I was. She
had me completely under her spell. "That means you're safe."

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Chapter Sixteen
Going Dark
MIDAFTERNOON TWO DAYS LATER, I waited inside an upmarket
restaurant in the Colonia Centro area of Mexico City. Kiki and I had
lain low, and I left the other other safe house in deep disguise just long
enough to stock up on supplies. Thanksgiving came and went, just one
of those holidays I usually paid no attention to.
This year? I picked us up some chicken tostados and a bottle of plonk.
Kiki went along with my small attempt at festivities, and we exchanged
details on all the shitty holidays we'd survived. Neither one of us was
into the self-pity gig, so we basically tried to one-up each other with
bad memory lane. Growing closer, getting tighter together.
Now I staked out the bar, waiting for the arrival of my package. I'd left
Kiki at the safe house with strict orders maintain invisibility so her
cover didn't get compromised.
I didn't know who to trust anymore, but at least Justice had done me a
solid in keeping shit on the lowdown for me.

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If the high-and-mighties at T-Zone wanted Kiki dead, who was to say
Blaize wasn't in on the plan?
Leaning an elbow on the bar, I took another drink of my tequila.
Between lunch and dinner, the business was mostly empty, and I'd
already cased the dining room and the head. Forty minutes after I'd
arrived—and two drinks later—a man strolled inside, a La Crónica de
newspaper folded under his arm.
The Syrian national entered alone. His suit was sharp, the creases
probably steam-pressed. Clean-shaven and s melling of cologne that
wafted all the way over to me, he nodded to the maître d' and was
quickly shown a table.
These fucking warlords and terrorists dressing like goddamn white
collar businessmen.
Made me want to punch something instead of playing nicey-nice with
the criminals.
I kept my station at the bar long enough to scope out the black car
outside, complete with tinted windows and a driver included, and to
perform a final recce on the restaurant before moving in.
"Mr. Nasim." Hooking my shades into the collar of my shirt, I
approached the table. "We have a mutual friend."

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"Nasim is not my surname. Hassan is." Hassan, now that particular last
name I was definitely familiar with.
"Sorry. Mr. Hassan."
He made a small tsking noise, waving to a convenient waiter who
promptly delivered a bottle of wine. "Are you in the business?"
"Does a hooker have a pussy?"
Nasim cracked a smile. "That's what I love about you Americans.
Earthy sense of humor."
"You call it earthy. I call it the truth."
"Sit. Sit." He gestured to the chair across from him. "Carlos may have
mentioned you've been filling a void in certain terrestrial dealings."
Terrestrial dealings? More like terror arming.
"Interesting choice of phrasing." I sat down.
"My English is perhaps not so good."
"Whatever pays the bills."
"And gets the kills?" Approving of the wine, he nodded to the waiter to
fill two glasses.
"And you said your English sucks." I raised my glass to him. "That was
almost fucking poetic."

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Food arrived along with an extra plate. A big family style dinner I was
set to share with a man who might prove to be the active leader of
Hezbollah if the Hassan name held up.
Nice. Just how I like my dinner dates. Not.
"Please, join me." Nasim allowed the waiter to plate up, but I didn't
have an appetite.
But I wasn't about the do the girl with a low-cal salad on a first date
I dug into fancified Mexican fare, chewing automatically, s wallowing
Huh. Maybe should've made him poison-test the food firs t.
Whatever. If my stomach was in knots, it wasn't because of the meal.
"Don't wanna step on toes or anything, but you're a long way from
home, yeah?" I wiped my mouth on a napkin then lit a smoke.
A waiter hurried over with an ashtray in the otherwise empty dining
Nasim-dude must've hired it out.

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"International trade has many faces and many facets." "Again with the
"Since you were personally vetted by Carlos, I'll tell you something."
Nasim lit a cigar. "^4h. To be a Muslim in Mexico." He blew on the
glowing tip, watching the ember catch. "Who do you think funds our
operations, Mister—"
"Mr. Bane." Tapping the fat end of his stogie against the ashtray, he
smiled. "The US government." Fuck. Me.
I kept my expression completely flat even though shock rattled my
cage. "I got no love lost there. They put me in jail." Truth.
"Creating war makes America money."
Again with Nasim's smile.
"How much do you follow politics, Mr Bane?" he asked. "As much as
the next ex-con trying to find some new wiggle room."
"So you heard about the international manhunt for a Majedah Chehab
last year?" Leaning in closer after looking around to make sure he
wasn't overheard, he hushed out, "My sister-in-law."

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I almost choked on my cigarette as the pieces started fitting fully
together. "I remember that story. Qasim Hassan,
"My older brother."
That old family connection. This whole op smelled rank and was one
step away from FUBAR. "Financed by the US?" I asked.
"How do you think we're infiltrating American soil?" He tapped blunt
ash from the tip of his cigar.
"Dude. Gotta tell ya, most of that shit is beyond my pay grade." I
played the dumb-blond card even thought that was more Justice's thing.
Nasim laughed, nodding his head in my direction. "Another thing to
like about Americans . . . your capitalistic s pirit. In it for the money.
None of this philosophical or religious dogma to stand in the way of
"Qasim Hassan though." I stabbed my cig into the ashtray. "Come to
think of it, I remember the news. Behind bars now, right?"
"Hezbollah isn't just one man . . . it's a movement." Nasim's smile
flattened. "My bitch of a sister-in-law nearly cost us our connection
with the American organization

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backing us."
I schooled my reaction to his slanderous reference of Majedah Chehab.
That woman was classy as hell and a firstrate leader.
"So this group—the ones funding your activities—who are they? CIA?
I read a bunch of spy books when I was in the slammer." I kept going
with the gangbanger/gunrunner angle, hoping to crack Nasim.
"The Agency?" He inhaled from his fat cigar, exhaled the heavy blue
smoke. "Too literal, my friend. No. You wouldn't have heard of them.
They go by the name T-Zone."
I nearly fell off my chair. Quickly reaching for the drink by my hand, I
took a deep swig, swallowing the contents before my throat closed in. I
recovered quickly before Qasim's younger bro could read my flat-out
shock and utter disgust.
"T-Zone? Like a headshot?" I pointed at my forehead. "Lame."
"Yes. Of course, as they would say, that information is classified. The
organization doesn't exist on paper. Which makes for a very easy
working relationship."
I s at back in my chair even though all my nerves jittered

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like I'd been coked up for one week straight. "Conspiracy s hit, huh?"
"Got to hand it to the Americans. Capitalism and corruption." He
clinked his glass to mine. "Now, Mr. Bane. You never said what you
I'd just gotten everything I needed . . . and never wanted to know.
"IEDs. The chemical kind. Heard you had a contact for the new shit."
My gut churned while I tried to stay frosty.
Nasim gave a low whistle between his teeth. "And who will you be
supplying to?"
"An Islamist friend in Joburg."
"Ayaaz Iqbal?" He reeled off the name of a threat we'd investigated and
red-tagged before as being a head honcho
in ISIS.
"The very one." I bared my teeth in a smile. "Payment to the
I met Nasim's palm. Standing, I shook his hand, and Jesus Christ, it felt
like I'd never be clean again. Fuck. Me.

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Chapter Seventeen
Tits Up
MAYBE JUSTICE HADN'T PLACED a trace on me, but that didn't
mean I'd followed the same protocol. During Kiki's and my meet up
with Storm and Blaize after the drug/gun exchange, I'd tagged their
SUV I knew I'd have to cover every contingency every chance I got. I
could double-agent when I had to.
Following the GPS coordinates after leaving Nasim Hassan—terrorist
suspect numero uno—I rolled up to Storm and Blaize's secondary safe
Us ing one of four eight-digit codes agreed upon for this mission, I
secretly infiltrated the building. Keeping my back to the wall, I knew I
had less than seconds before I was made.
I slid into the central room and came upon Walker, Jus, Storm, and
Blaize in the middle of a powwow.
The mood seemed somber. Until they caught sight of me. Then
everything ground to a halt.

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Including me.
Before I could get my voice to work, all hell broke loose. The four of
them shot to their feet—shouts raised—drawing various weapons.
"You offed Baby Spy?" Walker was the first to cock his sidearm at me.
Justice and Storm bristled, too.
"Bane. What did you do?" Blaize held her Walther in a steady grip.
"Where's her body?" She looked like she'd been crying.
But what did I know?
If T-Z was poisoned to the core, who was to say Blaize wasn't in on it?
"What in the fuck?" I pulled a Sig Sauer, singling out each and every
one of them. "You wanted her dead from the first time she came on the
Justice flicked his safety off, cursing under his breath.
"That was chatter, Bane. FUCK." Walker spun and punched a fist to the
Left a nice little dent, too.
Tension—visible in strained muscles, white knuckles, flattened
lips—practically smothered the room.

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Storm stood next to Blaize, fury in his eyes. "Did you do
it? Pull the trigger?"
"What if I did? It'd be no less than what Blaize—excuse me—Miss
did to us." Training my Sig on the boss lady, I watched her
eyes flip wide. "You know. Sending Walker on a fucked op. Leaking
the location of our crib here in Mexico maybe?"
"Bane. You wanna lower that weapon right now, brah" Storm started
edging in front of Blaize.
"I don't think I do." Stalking two steps closer, wary of all the guns
pointed at me, I stared unflinchingly at Blaize. "Tell me. How did the
superiors at T-Z react to the news about
Kiki?" "What?"
"Answer me. I've about run out of patience here."
"They didn't react at all." Blaize's grip on her gun faltered for a second.
"They only asked for visual confirmation."
"Confirmation of the kill order." I laughed harshly.
"Kill order?" Walker was the first to catch on.
Asshole. Always was the brightest of the bunch.
"Here's your confirmation." I cocked my head toward the

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With her hands slung at her hips, Kiki appeared out in the open.
I kept one eye on her, one on Blaize.
Boss lady's eyes peeled wide. Her hand clamped over her mouth. "Oh
my God!"
The men all looked like they'd seen a ghost. Which they
"I just rose from the dead, and this is the kind of reception I get?" Kiki
took stock of all the sidearms set to go off, mostly at me. "Stand down.
Jesus. I didn't even think you cared."
That woman, always with the gallows humor.
The others just continued to stare at her, like she really had pulled a
Lazarus number.
"I hope you get over the shock fast." I holstered my pistol and pulled up
a chair for Kiki, one for myself. "Because we got a lot of shit to get
"Katherine!" Blaize rushed forward, gathering her in a
Drawing back, she scanned the female operative from head to toe. "Are
you okay?"

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"I'm fine. Bane, it turns out, has something of a hero complex." She
smiled at me, reaching out to pull my hand in hers .
"Just to be clear. I haven't been dosing on peyote, and this isn't an
hallucination, right?" Walker put his Smith & Wesson away.
"Sorry to disappoint. Standing right here. Safe and sound."
"I may have misjudged you." Walker popped his fist out toward Kiki's.
"I won't hold it against you. This time." She met his knuckle bump.
"Turns out you had good reason."
Storm looked baffled. Justice cunt-fucking-fused. And me? I retrieved
a bottle of booze from my bag and a pack of smokes. This was gonna be
a long afternoon.
I poured six glasses of the good stuff and sat back. "Long story short:
T-Zone is shady. And, Blaize, no offense, but I had to make sure you
weren't part of the cover up."
For the first time ever, boss lady was speechless. Almost. "What?"
I quickly downed my drink so I could get it in before the s houting
match started.

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"What the fuck?"
"No way in hell!" "That's bogus, man."
"You need your head checked by psych ops, Bane?"
Kiki was the only one who didn't chime in, and when the dust settled,
Blaize looked at me with cool blue eyes. "Who fed you this intel?"
"Started when I was ordered to put a bullet into Kiki by our bosses,
Blaize paced in front of me like this was the war room back in DC. She
tugged her fingers through her dark red hair.
"Before we left the Beltway to head here."
"That's why they paired the two of you together. And you were
supposed to come alone?"
"Makes sense." I shrugged. "Anyone else need a drink? Or should I just
drill them all back?"
The men came forward, as if walking in a daze, their eyes still bouncing
from Kiki to me. Blaize was trying to work out something in her
head—I could tell by the way she cupped her brow in her hand,
shutting her eyes.
"How the fuck does any of that make sense?" Justice's

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sharp-pitched voice signaled his unraveling. He slung back his shot of
tequila, wiped his mouth. "Jesus Christ. I signed up for this shit because
I wanted to do something good."
"Easy, brah." Storm clasped a hand on his shoulder. "Let's just hear
Bane out."
"Fuck that. He could be a double agent."
I chuckled. "Right. Because I had so many options after the
manslaughter charge. Agencies were just looking to snatch me up.
Only reason I went underground was to keep Kiki alive."
"He's telling the truth." Kiki sat next to me, squeezing my hand.
"Why?" Walker asked. "The kill order on Kiki, why?"
"To cover up their oops on your op." I stared at the Native American
man. "How many times, how fucking often, did we blame your mission
fail on Kiki? It wasn't her, Walker. It was T-Zone. They knew we'd
figure it out sooner or later. But hell, if I just took her out they thought
we'd stop looking for a black sheep."
"They pinned it on me. I've worked for the Feds before." Kiki came
clean. "They knew they had the perfect out, especially after the Feeb
raid on Justice's warehouse."

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Storm rubbed the back of his neck. "I don't get it. Why? Why set Kiki
up? Why try to ruin Walker's mission?"
"They didn't wanna wreck it at first. They sent him to dust Majedah
Chehab, right? Well, he didn't. Why? That's the real question." I didn't
tell them the answer yet.
"Because Jade was sure the intel was wrong." Walker's stark voice
rolled across the room.
"And it was. Deliberately. From our bosses' lips to our ears. They fed
the wrong info on purpose." I poured myself another drink. "I met with
the terrorist's lead man today."
"By yourself?" Blaize's eyebrows rose high.
"No backup?" Justice looked impressed.
"Always knew you for a freakshow," Storm said, and his tone might've
shown respect.
"Crazy fuck," Walker muttered.
"His name? Nasim Hassan." I drilled back my tequila, wondering if
anyone else was gonna partake more or if the rest of the bottle was
mine. "Sound familiar?"
Justice pulled out his tablet and started tapping away.
I answered for him, "Brother to Qasim Hassan. New leader of
Hezbollah. Funded by none other than Operation T-Zone. After Walker
went rogue, they tried to kill him and

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his op then put the blame on Kiki. Or made sure we did."
Blaize hissed in a deep breath. "Jesus Christ."
I gave them a moment. Watched them drink, ingest the information, try
to swallow it down just like I had.
"Everything's tits up," I said.
"Tango Uniform," Blaize concurred.
"Fucking hell." Walker eased into a chair.
He upended the bottle over his glass.
"We've been played." Justice slid down the wall until he sat on his
"T-Z is dirty." Blaize turned her back on us, bracing her hands on a
long table. "They're trying to cut losses. Clean house."
"Blaize?" Storm slid his palm up her back. "What is it?" "New Orleans.
We got made." She faced the rest of us. "I don't think it was because of
us. T-Z wanted us dead in
I watched in awe as Blaize immediately put her game face on. Bosszilla
was back.
"Destroy anything that connects you to Operation T-Zone. We're going
so far off grid they can never locate us."
Chills ran up my spine.

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"Unless we want them to." Marching forward, she said, "We're going to
get to them first. New plan."
"New plan, ma'am?" Justice just about saluted the woman in charge.
"Sir, yes sir." Walker had a quick recovery time, as well as the old joke.
"Mexico City is a wash, people." Punching her hands to her hips,
Blaize gave a grim grin. "We're cutting the head off the snake. Starting
at the top this time. T-Zone is the target."
"I never did like bottom-feeders much." I stood, bringing Kiki with me.
Headed stateside to kick some unholy ass.
Just my kind of mission.
We started gathering our shit. Walker and Jus would clear out of their
safe house, Kiki and I ours, and we'd mobilize ASAP.
"Three hours." Blaize looked at Storm. "Wheels up. Can you prep that
"You really need to ask, cher?"
"Hang on." I kicked my boot against the wall. "This is wrong. All due
Blaize took her Bosszilla-vs-Underlings battle to a whole

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new level. "My orders are wrong?"
"We know Los Reyes is dirty. We know Hezbollah is becoming active
on American soil." Crossing my arms over my chest, I faced everyone.
"We're just gonna tuck tail?"
A grin flew across Justice's mouth. "No mission unfinished."
"Like good little soldier boys and girls."
"That way we don't have to hide from T-Zone. We come in high, fly in
low. We complete our job here like we're supposed to then T-Z will
never suspect our true mission when we return to DC. Perfect in."
Storm peered at Blaize, who maintained her detached stance.
"Okay." She nodded. "We hit both groups at the same time. The cartel
and Nasim Hassan. Tomorrow night. Storm, Justice, we need logistics,
on-the-spot imaging, coms, cover, and ammo . . .
"The rest of you gear up and be at the ready for any and every
"Damn. You're hot when you're in charge." Storm slid an arm around
Blaize's waist.
"When am I ever not in charge?"
He cleared his throat, lowered his voice, and whispered

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s omething in her ear.
The rest of us ignored the two lovebirds, prepping to leave the building.
Walker kicked off the trash talk:
"How's your leg?"
"How's your ass?" I sent back, handing the bottle of tequila to Kiki.
"How's that book I heard about?" she asked Justice. He scowled,
spinning out to Storm. "Syphilis cleared up
"That was a rumor." Both he and Blaize replied. "When did you and
Kiki start knocking boots?" Walker asked me.
"I am standing right here." She rolled her eyes.
"Because I had bets on that night you stitched up Walker's ass . . ."
Smirking, Justice flipped an extra mag of bullets he'd lifted from Storm
in my direction.
"Still here, dickheads." Kiki made a grab for the cartridge.
"Hey! That's my ammo." Storm stomped forward.
And the fuckheads are back together again. One totally dysfunctional

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Chapter Eighteen
Clean Sweep
"WALKER, YOU'RE WITH BANE and Kiki. Nasim and his group are
your marks." Blaize was in full-blown boss-lady mode. "Storm,
Justice, and me? We'll get Los Reyes de Guerra."
Those were Miss Carmichael's orders less than twenty-four hours ago.
We weren't cutting off the head of the snake until we destroyed its
body. That was our T-Zone mission imperative after all. They just
didn't expect all of us to make it out alive, as we now knew.
Good times.
Just getting better.
Under the cover of darkness and the blanket of driving rain, the three of
us infiltrated the swanky fucking isolated hacienda occupied by Nasim
Hassan and his fanatical buddies.
We weren't there to negotiate or interrogate or cut deals. We had one
objective only: kill.

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On hearing the orders, Justice had kicked off. "Shouldn't we feel them
out some more? Capture them alive?"
Blaize had rounded on him. "We already have all the intel we need.
They're planning an event of mass destruction on US soil, and they're
being funded by our company." She looked even more ripshit-pissed
about T-Zone's traitorous schemes. "There's no one else we can deliver
them to as live fodder for info. Not now, when they can pin their
activities on T-Z. We take care of the threats here first, then we clean
our own house."
End of story.
"Fucking monsoon much?" Walker grunted as sheets of cold slashing
rain lashed almost sideways across us as we approached the perimeter
of the hacienda's grounds.
Visibility was nearly nil, but we didn't want to deal with the bulk of
NVG goggles. The colossal stone compound in front of us looked like a
watery mirage in the distance, the lights shining from the windows on
this darkest of nights a compass point.
Soaked to the skin the second we'd exited our ride one klick back, we'd
trudged to the terrorist outpost. We'd bellied forward to within spitting
distance, the storm hiding

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our movements, shielding any noise we might've made. We made none.
Thunder boomed above, and Walker flashed his teeth in a s harp grin.
"Bang," he mouthed.
Lightning jagged down from the sky, bright white flashes that helpfully
lit key points of possible entry.
Gotta love Mother Nature.
Our one-hour surveillance had provided all the gen we needed. The
place was a heavily guarded fortress, and we were in for a massive
motherfucking fight. One that had to be soundless to keep surprise on
our side.
At go-time, we stealthily treaded toward the hacienda. Walker and Kiki
crouched beside me when I raised my fist in the air.
"Once we're in, you let me do the talking," I said, raising my voice just
enough to be heard above the howling wind.
"Not for nothing"—Walker butted his shoulder against mine—"but
your social skills leave a lot to be desired, dude."
"Ditto." Kiki sent him a slight smile. "Damn. I'd written you off, Baby
Spy. Now I'm beginning to like you."

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I growled at the both of them.
Meanwhile, Justice, Storm, and Blaize headed up their own op . . . in
the barrio. Carlos and his crew would be eating dirt by the time tonight
was done.
On foot but maintaining a low profile, we brushed through the
rain-lashed yucca plants, the tall palmas whose papery fronds twisted
in the gale. The mani groundcover— wet and glistening glossy
green—softened our footfalls.
Approaching the house, we replaced guns with lethally sharp blades.
We'd tracked the guards' walkabout intervals and got into place for our
three-person invasion.
The fierce storm never let up, dropping a clammy, black cover around
With ear coms in place, Kiki, Walker, and I surrounded the hacienda,
and every subsequent move was timed to the second. I knifed the first
guard to round my corner, slicing his neck from one side to the other. I
caught his gurgling deadweight, lowering him to the ground to breathe
his final breaths.
Stepping lightly, I fell in behind my second sentinel. I stretched a
garrote across his throat. Pulling the piano wire until my forearms
flexed, I jerked him against my body. His

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feet came off the ground as he fought my hold, but nothing s ave cold
fury enlivened me now.
His face suffused with blood, the veins in his eyes popping, he went
down for the count.
The rain continued to bash down at me, and more thunderous crashes
rent the air.
"Clear." "Clear."
Kiki and Walker called in.
We'd made it through the first defenses.
More Hezbollah reactionaries roamed the corridors and rooms on the
first floor. We strafed through, using only hands, knives, wires, and
sheer force to put our enemies in the negative column.
Not a one of those fucks got off a single shout of alarm or a fired shot
before one of us took him down. I came across Walker, shanking his
KA-BAR up through the jaw of his opponent. Blood dripping down his
hands. Rain slicked off his clothes. He released his quarry, rolling the
carcass out of the way.
We nodded to each other and carried on with our grisly quest, heading
in opposite directions.

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Bodies dropped wherever we walked. The bloody fight to locate Nasim
only revved my engine more.
I'd just reached the inner sanctum when Kiki rounded the opposite
corner. She gave me a quick nod, and we moved toward the final set of
interior doors snuggled deep within the structure's mazelike corridors.
When she glanced behind me her eyes flipped wide.
I rolled forward instinctively, spinning into a crouch just as another
assailant—one who could've shot me in the back —whirled like a gory
top, his carotid ripped wide open by the knife Kiki had sailed end over
end at him.
We waited a three-count before busting, boots first, into the room.
Nasim—caught unawares—looked up from getting his fucking nails
buffed (I kid you not) by some nameless honey wearing little more than
a silky robe.
The shitless wonder.
"Is he—" Kiki hauled up beside me.
"Yeah. Getting a goddamn man-icure." Drawing my Sig, I motioned
for Little Miss Nail File to hightail it before I erased her life, too.
"Jesus." Kiki breathed out, pulling up her Glock, training

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it on Nasim. "I hate that metro-man shit," said the woman dressed head
to toe in black with a leather holster strapped across her chest.
Nasim watched us with awareness on his narrow features. He barely
made a noise, but his personal bodyguard manifested as soon as the nail
tech/sex pistol exited the room in a flurry of brightly colored silk.
"Mr. Bane." Nasim half rose from his seat.
One more man stood between him and me.
Walker joined the party. "You want I should track down that chick and
muzzle her?"
The bodyguard held a silenced gun, aimed straight at me. Like Kiki
wasn't a threat, too.
"Or I could just muzzle this dude here," Walker amended.
Moving like I was back in the cagefighting ring again, I jumped the last
few feet and landed with my fist coming down hard on the guard's gun
arm. His sidearm unloaded— bullets spraying uncontrollably at the
wall and ceiling.
I yanked the weapon from his hand, tossing it away. My elbow
smashed down on his face, the satisfying sound of crunching bone
music to my ears.
He howled in pain, pain I cut short when I pressed my

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Sig against his head and fired with a sound deafened by the bashing
thunder outside. Couldn't have planned it better mys elf.
Walker and Kiki, who made sure Nasim remained docile and seated,
made sounds of approval.
"Or you could just do that," Kiki said, respect coloring her tone.
"Can't fault Bane on his methods, right, Nasim Hassan?" Walker just
couldn't resist that extra dig.
Our prisoner had turned slightly pale beneath his swarthy skin. "Who
are you people?"
"Your worst nightmare—"
"Pain you've never fathomed—"
"Reckoning day." I stepped over the corpse, and jerked the terrorist
jerk-off from his goddamn divan or whatever the hell it was.
I paced him backward until he was pressed against the wall. Lightning
struck close by, sending shivery splinters of flashing white light in
through the hacienda's high windows.
"You wanted explosives." Nasim's robe opened at the chest, and very
little air moved in and out of his lungs. "We can still deal."

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"You wanted to kill US citizens." I leaned in close, my face a hard
scowl. "That ain't gonna happen."
"I can give you money."
"Do I look like I give a shit about scrip?"
"Anything. You name it!" The formerly cool commander of a
Hezbollah cell thought he could bargain his way out of
Too bad he was looking at the biggest baddest demon of
"Remember what you said about that American organization,
T-Zone?" I dug in deeper against him. "We're with them. So you've just
sold them out. And you're not the only ones who are going to die for the
lives you've already taken and the heinous crimes you've committed."
A quick bullet to the head was too good a death for the man.
I swung Nasim around, pouncing on him. Every punch I landed stained
my knuckles, beat his flesh, made him babble more unsavory promises.
By the time I reined in my anger, I'd barely broken a sweat. But Nasim
lay huddled on the floor, Kiki and Walker standing side-by-side,
unmoved, watching the damage I

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meted out. No knife. No gun. No brass knuckles. Just pure undiluted
"That's how you do the talking?" Walker raised an eyebrow.
"About right." I blew across my fists, tagging Walker in. "Your turn."
With his trademark black braid tucked into his jacket, he s talked
toward Nasim. "Get up," he said.
I didn't see how that feat was possible after the beatdown I'd put on the
man, but somehow he made his legs work, his knees connect, his body
move. He stood on his feet, weaving—bloody and bruised.
Walker drew his gun. "I never kill a man on his knees."
His cold inflection sent shivers across my skin.
"But you're not a man. You're an animal . . . and animals deserve to be
put down better than you."
Kiki stood next to me, her eyes narrowed as she watched Walker in
action for the first time.
"This is for Majedah Chehab. Your sister-in-law." He smiled, but it was
the twisted thing he'd once become famous for—and recovered from
after he'd hooked up with

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"A fine woman who loves her country. A friend." Keeping one hand on
Nasim's shoulder to hold him steady for the shot, Walker raised his
revolver. "This is for Majedah, do you hear me? I only wish I'd been
able to do this to your goddamn brother first."
The crack of the bullet filled the room.
Another shattering lance of lightning blew everything into blazing
Nasim dropped. Dead.
No last words.
No one to mourn him.
No one to come after us.
We exited the hacienda as a group after Walker laid a few strategically
placed charges. No way in hell were we leaving any trace behind.
When we hit the cover of the trees, Walker flipped the s witch with his
trademark war cry. The hacienda and everything in it exploded into
white light even brighter than the atmospheric lightning, the deafening
boom as forceful as the blaze.
"Don't know about you, but I'm feeling warmer already."

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Walker rubbed his hands together.
"Anyone got any marshmallows?" Kiki asked, so not the Girl Scout.
"S'mores. When we get back to DC." I tugged on her hand, leading her
from the detonation zone.
"I'd say little brother Nasim definitely took after Qasim, that snaky
shitbucket," Walker sounded off over the coms.
Rain nearly choked the sky from sight as we nav'd back to our vehicle.
"RIP Not." Kiki squawked back.
We made it to the SUV, stripping down and pulling on dry clothes once
inside the cover of the warm vehicle.
I'd probably punch Walker in the head if he peeked into the front while
Kiki undressed.
The sound of magazines being reloaded filled the truck then I shifted
into first, setting us en route over the washed-out road.
"Damn. That was quite the speech you gave back there, Kemosabe."
Walker popped up from the backseat like a fucking dark-haired gopher.
"I think Kiki's good for you."
"Now he says this." My girl sighed from the passenger seat with an
extra snarky eye roll only I saw

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I threaded my fingers through hers and brought her hand to my lap.
She squeezed my hand, the message sent in one simple gesture no one
else could read. I love you.
"So, how far to the extraction?" Walker seriously needed to get laid.
Next time we had to bring Jade on the mission because his ADHD was
getting ridic.
"Ask my copilot," I said.
"Thirty minutes to the airfield." Kiki confirmed.
"Right. Time for a drink." Walker uncapped a flask, took a drink, and
passed the silver container to Kiki.
Right on point, half an hour later we reached the exfil location. The rain
and wind still thrashed down as I brought the SUV to a halt on the
landing strip.
The only plane on the runway was a Huron jet Storm had s omehow
We humped our packs across the slickened tarmac toward the jet
already fired up and ready to go airborne.
Up the gangplank, with Kiki between the two of us, we burst inside the
I shoved our bags into the overhead bins, kicking the

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back Justice's seat where he reclined like he was a billionaire playboy.
He sent me both middle fingers for my troubles. "Wheels up in two,"
Storm intoned over the inflight coms. "Welcome to your ticket home,
"How'd your op go down?" Kiki asked Justice. "Successful and
"Sounds like ours." I strapped into a seat, and Kiki took the one next to
Walker flipped up a little oval shade, glaring at the inclement weather
"We've got pea soup outside with a heavy helping of headwind." Storm
sounded pretty damn happy about his weather report.
Maybe it was because he was back at the wheel.
Or because Blaize was his copilot in the cockpit.
Or maybe he just liked flying a metal deathtrap in the middle of a crazy
Walker steadied himself in the aisle before hurrying into a seat.
"Aaaand we're back on DeathStar Airlines, folks. Please make sure
your luggage is securely stowed—as well as your guns, blades, ammo."

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He turned a little yellow when Storm pulled the nose of the plane into
the air, and we took off. Despite the hailstorm bucketing down on us,
Storm had the plane leveled within a couple minutes.
Walker lost any street cred he may have had when he went from yellow
to green. "I'm gonna go upchuck now How many times I gotta tell you
all I get air sick?"

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Chapter Nineteen
Dangerous Woman
two weeks we'd been reporting to T-Z HQ like it was biz as usual;
everyone except for Kiki, who had to remain a ghost. The rest of us
pretending we weren't fully aware our days had been numbered.
Too bad Operation T-Zone was gonna come a'crumblin' down. C/o
Blaize, Storm, Walker, Justice, Kiki, and me. Just as soon as we figured
out how to destroy the mighty beast that had made us what we'd
Kiki zoomed ahead of me on her flashy red Monster 821 Ducati
through the streets of northwestern DC. Justice had done a solid,
supplying us with live locations of CCTV cameras, meaning we could
go out and about and Kiki could s till be in the wind.
The roads were slick. Not conducive to most bikers, but like we gave a
shit. I throttled down on my matte black Victory Gunner after
Kiki—this high-speed chase bringing

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back the time I'd nearly destroyed that sweet-ass ride in London,
England, on the way to Walker's wedding to Jade. I chuckled low in my
throat, remembering the way he'd almost sicked-up in the back seat of
the super boss Jag. Just like he'd almost tossed cookies in the jet during
our stormy escape from Mexico City.
Right now Kiki was the only sweet-ass ride I wanted. She proved to be
excellent prey, swerving in and out of unwieldy traffic, zipping up onto
a sidewalk, gunning back onto the road.
I pursued, hot on her tail—a position I'd normally be thrilled to occupy,
in the sack. But here? On the streets of Adams Morgan? She was
proving just a little too wily for my liking.
As s oon as I caught up with her I was gonna tie her down and fuck her
until her legs went weak. Then we'd see how well she rode her Ducati.
Only thing she needed to be riding was me.
She wore a brain bucket, goggles, leather jacket. A red scarf wound
around her neck and soft leather gloves covered her hands. Her wild
hair flew out behind her—light pink and pale blonde. I knew without
seeing her cheeks were

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flushed, and the icy eyes that reflected the weather would be bright.
She loved getting one up on me. Wasn't gonna last.
She led the chase until I revved in front of her, overtaking her as a
streetlight turned from green to yellow. She slowed. I didn't. Fuck that.
I heard her engine thundering behind me. A curse flew from her lips,
finding me on a gale of cold wind as I hammered my bike into a steady
zigzag pattern that kept her at my rear.
Hitting a corner at high speeds, taking a highly torqued angle—my
knee almost brushing the road—I heard her laughing behind me. The
woman was unstoppable.
So we'd made it back to DC, just a little worse for wear. Two bullets.
My thigh. Walker's ass. We'd probably never get tired of using that for
laughs. Been sold out by our own company, but what the fuck?
Payback was a motherfucking bitch, and our crew had no problems
delivering the upcoming nasty to the PTB cunts.
Everyone was stationed in DC for the immediate future. Caused no
problems for me—I already owned a row house

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in Adams Morgan. Ditto Storm and the boss lady, who were currently
shacked up in their house in Georgetown. Both Walker and
Justice—marooned without their missuses— took crabby and cranky to
whole new levels in rented digs they were sharing for the duration.
But neither one of them wanted to endanger their women by bringing
them to the capitol before we got shit sorted.
No matter Jade—Mrs. Walker—was an expert operative in her own
right, working for the British Special War Minis try.
"Deconstructed," Kiki had said the first time I'd brought her home.
"Suits you."
The house was nothing like the shitty little utilitarian NYC apartment
I'd squatted in before I was arrested, before T-Z took me on.
I'd done a lot of the reno on the early twentieth-century house. The
place boasted high ceilings, revealed brick walls, open beams,
refinished original flooring.
"Are you trying to say I'm unfinished?" I'd backed Kiki against the long
kitchen table, my bulk bullying her softer s maller frame.
Her hands lighted on my shoulders, a touch igniting a

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blast of flames inside. "I'm saying you're raw and rough." She'd nipped
my chin then pushed up to take my lips in a hot hungry kiss. "The way
I like you."
Then she'd spotted my collection of antique-looking implements in the
main room. The devices were neatly lined up on several shelves built
into the exposed brick walls. An odd collection of what probably
looked like medieval torture devices to the unpracticed eye.
Not gonna lie, I cringed inwardly when she picked up a bookend that
looked like a can opener. Rough and raw was one thing. But Kiki was
about to find out I was kinda into weird shit.
"What's this?" She inspected the medical instrument.
"Uhhh" Hesitating, I rubbed the back of my neck. "That's an ancient
Roman vaginal speculum."
She'd dropped the thing like it had grown two legs and a vagina. "Shit!
No wonder it looks all rusty and crusty."
"You're not really squeamish, are you?" I frowned.
She took a closer look at the collection. From a step or two away. "No."
She snorted. "But really?"
I'd shrugged, going for boyishly charming, something I wasn't sure I'd
ever been able to pull off. "I find old medical

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instruments interesting."
"And what? Collecting something like vinyl albums or classic cars is
just too mundane for you?"
"Somethin' like that." I'd chuckled.
Kiki had explored the entire ground floor, casing each room like she
was on recon. "Apart from the bizarro factor of that shit over
there"—she waved toward the shelf of oddities—"your digs are
surprisingly normal. You're a lot more suburban than you make
yourself out to be."
"Yeah?" I'd circled my arms around her from behind as she stood at the
deck doors. "You approve?"
"Mm hmm."
Bonus. Because the woman was sadly mistaken if she thought I was
ever gonna let her bunk anywhere else ever again.
Listening to her laughter filling the once empty rooms, I'd lifted her
over my shoulder, ignoring her protests. Giving her the rest of the tour
amounted to depositing her on my bed and fucking her hard for the
remainder of the night.
Luckily I didn't have to keep her as my hostage. She'd readily moved in
as soon as I asked/ordered. Her excuse had been safety in numbers, but
I knew it was much more than

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that. What we had going on was unexpected, unlooked for, and
something neither one of us was willing to lose.
The two of us roared up to our place, fountaining winter slush beneath
our tires.
Hopping off her ride, Kiki released her helmet and tossed back her hair.
"You cheated!"
"Bullshit." I hauled her to me and took the opportunity to squeeze her
ass inside the tight jeans. "Creative license."
"Someone oughtta confiscate your license, more like."
"Too bad you don't have the credentials, Baby Spy'"
I chuckled when her cheeks heated up. Getting a rise out of Kiki most
definitely meant off-the-hook sex Whether she knew it yet or not.
"Anyway"—I mentioned—"I won the bet about who'd win the race
She scowled. "I don't remember putting money down this time."
"That's because you knew you'd lose." I winked at her while she huffed
and puffed in indignation.
Taking her hand, ignoring the way she balked—her form of
—I brought her with me up the steps of the house and
presented her with her own key.

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"Do the honors?" I asked.
She looked up at me with wide ice-blue eyes.
"What? You've moved in, right?" I grinned, something I still hadn't
gotten used to.
Something that came so easy with her.
"Next you'll be asking me to marry you," she muttered, fitting the key
in the lock.
"I know. What the hell's wrong with me?"
Smirking back at me, she opened the door
Once inside, I helped her out of her jacket before shedding my own.
She unwrapped her bright red scarf.
"Probably buy a puppy too." She arched a fine eyebrow.
"Horror of horrors." My brow furrowed.
She walked up to me, placing a palm on the center of my chest. "You're
not such a tough guy."
"Care to wager on that?" Leaning into her, I held the nape of her neck in
one hand.
Her eyelashes floated down, and I caressed the warm skin of her neck
first before barely coasting my lips over her upturned mouth. My lips
cruised to her cheeks, kissing in s mall whis pery touches before I
traced my tongue to her ear.
She whimpered, low and husky from her throat.

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Her hands convulsed on my shirt.
A mesh of need pulled at me, pushed me toward her.
"Remember what I said when we made love after you stitched me up?"
I crushed the hard ridge of my cock against her.
My voice throbbed, not nearly as insistent as my dick, ready and thick
inside my jeans.
She laughed, her light blue eyes opening and immediately darkening a
shade. "Made love? Did we?"
Intense sexual heat beat between the two of us.
Dominantly, I tilted her chin beneath my fingers. I lowered my mouth
to the heat of her lips, possessing her. Her warmth. Her fiery nature.
Her push and pull.
"Do you remember?" I repeated, my words tight, my body suddenly
rigid with an untamable need to fuck this woman until she knew I
owned her soul as much as she did mine.
"Of course. I've got a trained mind, right?" She danced backward, but
her breathy voice belied her breezy words.
"Good. I hope you're ready to get bent over and fucked from behind so
hard you come whenever you hear my name." The rough harsh voice
deepened from my chest.

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Chapter Twenty
Kinky Kiki
KIKI TIPPED A COY smile at me. Fucking coy. She was such a
player. My player.
Taking off on her long legs, she raced away from me. The chase was on
Chairs overturned. Tables shoved out of the way. She even threw a
bowl at my head.
I ducked from the missile.
Good thing I had great instincts. The fucking best where Kiki was
She crouched in the center of the living room, goading me. "C'mon,
Griff. Come and get your woman."
Hell. Someone had probably already called the police.
Wouldn't stop us, though.
I jumped over upended furniture, whipping my belt free

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so it whistled through the air. She dashed for the stairs. I caught her
around the waist, hauling her against my body, my mouth buried near
her ear. "You're mine." I growled.
Immediately arching into me, she moaned my name. Victory? Fuck
I carried her back to the living room. Setting her on her feet, I retrieved
my belt. Her irises sparkled—the dilated pupils surrounded by the
otherworldly arctic blue. Without a word, I stretched her on the carpet.
I lashed her wrists together around one heavy leg of the couch.
Her tits heaved with ragged breaths.
"Shh." I quieted her with a slow and deep and drugging kis s.
Taking my knife, I sheared through her clothing until she lay naked.
Naked and bound below me. Her nipples popped like pink spirals on
top of her sweet tits. And her legs scissored, her pussy a tempting,
already-glistening shell of
"You scared of me?" I asked. "Never."

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Standing over her, I threw off my clothes until my cock was finally
free. Stiff and upright, rigid and hard all over, the tip dripped precome.
Kiki gasped, her tongue peeking between her lips.
"I'm gonna feed you my cock now."
Her mouth parted obediently. Probably the only time she'd take orders
from me was when she wanted my dick.
The woman wouldn't be controlled.
Another thing to love about her.
I kneeled beside her, hefted the long shaft in one hand, and pointed it
toward her darting tongue.
Kiki moaned when I slid the flared pierced crown between her lips. I
controlled her head, my cock, and every s low unforced ingress into her
mouth. To the back of her throat. Out again. The huge muscles in my
thighs quaking. My voice hoarse as I encouraged her. Sweat on my
brow. The slabs of sinews tightening from my ass to my abs to my pecs.
She twirled her tongue around the Prince Albert, licking the jizz
gathering on the metal, swirling the cliffhead of my meat in hot wet
My haunches tightening, I swung my pelvis and dipped

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Her mouth stretched around the widest part of my shaft, her hooded
eyes following the slick rod of muscle sliding between her lips.
I pulled back. A huge breath gusted from my chest. A hoarse curse flew
from my lips.
My neck craning back, I felt the soft tip of her tongue swipe and lick at
my balls.
I groaned when she pulled a bobbing testicle between her lips.
Crushing both hands in her hair, I twisted my fingers, massaged her
head, shouted as her tongue wet every single part of my cock and balls.
She gorged on me until I drew away. My body rippled, mus cles carved
deep and calling out with need.
"Fuuuck. Should've called you Kinky Damage."
"Complaining?" Her lips swollen from me, she tested the bonds on her
"Too busy trying to figure out how not to come." I wrapped a hand
around the base of my cock and strangled that beast, forcing the seed
back down.
I kis s ed her. Hard and deep, dragging her tongue into my mouth,
licking the corners of her lips, searching the soft

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nooks inside.
When I roamed down to her highly sensitive tits, every kiss and suck
made her arch and twist in the most sexual way.
"Want to touch you." She thrashed in her makeshift shackles.
"Later. Too much to do to you."
I followed the shivery trail of her skin—goose bumps rising before I
even caressed her with my fingertips and lips. Her legs spread wide the
lower I coasted until my mouth met the crux of her sex, a pink swollen
slit smoothly waxed with the pearl of her clit neatly hooded at the top.
Helpless to do anything but fuck her with my tongue, enter her with my
fingers, flick at her, explore and eat her, I melded my mouth against her
sexy cunt. I heard every gasping moan, every high-pitched cry, every
hot shout of my name.
She pushed her hips up to me, pulsing and wet and warm and wanton.
Kiki's laughing, gasping shriek ended with a sigh as her legs went
weak, unwinding from around my head. I kissed the bright jewel of her
sleek pussy. I murmured against the

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insides of her thighs.
I kis sed her trembling belly, her tremulous mouth. She greedily
searched for my tongue and kept licking at my lips when I rose higher
to drag open the belt that kept her wrists captive.
My cock—the hard rod of thick flesh—butted against her cunt, and she
grinded up to my groin.
A low chuckle rumbled from my chest.
I flicked the belt open, but only enough to free her from the couch leg.
Lifting Kiki, I positioned her forward over the leather arm of the sofa.
Seconds later I had her wrists tethered again. Behind her, at the base of
her spine just above her ass. My cock thrummed, arrowing at her heat
and wetness as I bent her over.
The belt was a leash, a handhold I used as I drove into her clasping cunt
with one huge hard shafting, hilting my cock in a thrust that rasped a
raging groan from my throat.
Kiki pushed up, an arch of womanly flesh, all dips and hollows—her
heart and heat mine for the taking.
I fucked her like I'd promised. From behind with all my brute force.
The belt at her wrists the reins used to pull her

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onto my pounding cock.
Dark and dangerous desire she met with equal intensity.
My pelvis flexed against her ass. My cock drove deep into her cunt. I
cupped her tits, strummed her nipples. Kis s ed her neck and rubbed my
face into the hollow between her shoulder blades that rose like angel's
Primed, ready, Kiki howled with her release.
I wasn't far behind, the flash-heat of burning pleasure-pain
encapsulating me from the balls of my feet to my ass to my nads.
Twisting desire wrenched a hoarse shout from my throat after the first
wild spurt of come.
Twisted wonderful fucking sex that made me more beast than man.
Rippling waves almost wrecked me. Destroyed me. Whipped me.
Then slowly . . . .so fucking slowly . . . floated me back down to earth.
An earth where Kiki was still bent over the arm of the couch with my
come running down the insides of her thighs, her ass plush against my
pelvis, her wrists still bound.
I found enough breath to let loose a low chuckle.

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More like heaven.
I quickly undid the belt, massaging Kiki's wrists.
"I love you," I whispered against her bowed neck as soon as I was sure
she was breathing, because I still wasn't sure I was on the same planet.
She rolled beneath me—a sex rash flushing all over her body.
Hell yeah I did that.
Her eyes were drowsy, less sharp than usual, but her tongue still bit.
"You would say that now." "Is that wrong?"
"Mmm. Not when you love me like that."
For once completely docile, Kiki folded herself against me. I picked
her up, cradling her back and legs, carrying her upstairs. I pulled down
the covers and placed her on the bed. Slipping in beside her, I nestled
her against me.
She never failed to snuggle, a fighter brought to heel, at least in sleep.
I could almost cover her entire head with one palm, ins tead I framed
her face with both hands—her delicate features a perfect balance to the
fierce array of tattoos on her arms, the crazy hair I loved.

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I kissed her lips, feeling her smile begin. "Love you too, Griffin."
A surge of something overwhelming made my heart knock in my chest.
The feeling so light I couldn't grasp it, wondered if I could hold onto it,
onto her.
I swept my hand down her side, along her hip. "Look at you." Lowering
my face to the crook of her neck, I breathed in the warmth of her.
"You're a mess."
She huffed half-heartedly. "Your fault."
"Yeah." I felt nothing but smug about that.
We fell asleep shortly after, a contented heap of arms and legs and last
goodnight kisses.
It was the sound of alarms that woke me up.
I fought my way toward consciousness, too used to a soft life even
though we'd only been fourteen days off mis s ion.
Kiki mumbled beside me, searching for the source of the noise.
"Your phone." She thrust it at me. "Your phone." I handed hers over
after I located it. Suddenly completely alert, we both sat up, ramrod s

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"The boss lady?" I asked after checking my screen.
"Blaize," Kiki concurred.
We hit the message icons at the same time:
It's go-time

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Chapter Twenty-One
Enemy Territory
IT WASN'T THE DEAD of night when we turned up in the hub of DC,
outside the tinted glass doors that led into the nondescript facility
housing Operation T-Zone. No. It was midmorning. A sea of
pedestrians hustled on the sidewalk, armed with their phones glued to
their ears.
The five of us were armed, too—Walker, Storm, Justice, Blaize, and
I—with nothing so innocuous as cell phones.
"What's the latest chatter, Justice?" Blaize asked as we huddled outside
the entrance.
Justice listened intently to the earpiece hidden from sight. "We may
have company once we get upstairs. The bad kind." But the grin he
gave made it seem like the good kind.
Jus had somehow hooked into the upper level, interior offices at T-Z.
He'd been monitoring the asshats who'd 1. Put our lives at risk, and 2.
Potentially tried to have us all killed. Turning the tables on them, he'd
followed every

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conversation, and the intel he'd gathered proved the uppity-up fucks
were scrambling to cover their tracks after we'd blown shit up with
their illegal contacts in Mexico City.
Of course, given we'd completed our assigned mission— including, for
me, the death of one Kiki Damage—our bosses had no choice but to
outwardly laud a job well done once we'd debriefed.
They were shitting bricks in their pants.
I didn't understand half of what pretty boy did in his real job with our
team—he was always patching through and drilling down and
initiating hack protocols. I did know he was also damn good at
patching up people. If it hadn't been for his fast thinking in Sana'a,
Yemen, his Tilly would've ended up dead of septic shock.
Into computers and pharmacology. Weird fucking combination. He'd
tried to explain the similarities once, but his geek-tech-nerd jargon only
made my head hurt.
What could I say?
I was a simple man. Give me a wound to stitch up, a target to shoot, a
woman to love, and a life I could be proud of, and that was about all I

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"Where's Katherine?" Blaize asked me before we headed inside the lair
of traitors.
"Kiki's on standby." I held the door open, everyone strolling inside.
We emptied our holsters and our knife sheathes at the security station.
With a scowl on my face, I added my brass knuckles to the growing
Thumb scans complete, we made it through the outer defenses and
started winding our way to the heart of the building—an area most of us
had never explored before. Us lowly schmucks had always been
relegated several layers underground.
Fucking power-hungry dickholes.
Storm, Justice, Walker, and I might not have had access to the upper
floors, but Miss Carmichael sure as hell did.
While she led the way, Justice did some fancy techy footwork,
patching through the security cameras and s etting them on a loop to
mask our infiltration into the first floor hallway then to the bank of
"Is it usually this quiet?" I asked, when nothing but empty corridor
greeted us wherever we went.
Blaize stepped into an elevator liked she owned the

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place. "Yes. Floors one to five are vacant, for show only. The top floor
is self-sufficient—per security measures no one leaves until it's time to
"A lot of fucks gonna clock out today." Walker's long black braid hung
down his back, and he winked with a wide grin. "Finally, some
goddamn justice for what they did to me and Jade."
"Justice. Har har" Storm chuckled, in an equally high mood.
I couldn't say I was displeased with this op either. The cunts deserved
nothing less than total death. The list of their wrongdoings was a mile
long, but I'd have been content to kill them for putting the murder-order
on Kiki alone.
True to Blaize's word, we encountered no resistance on the way up. No
electrics cut. No elevator shut down. No troopers busting through the
building to find us.
Goddamn Muzak filtered through the speakers in the elevator car.
Justice pistol-pointed his index finger at the speaker with a quiet,
Not a single one of us broke out in a cold sweat, fidgeted

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with our hands, or showed any other outward sign of nervousness.
This mission had been almost twelve months in the making. The
bastards we were gunning for had been pure poison for at least that
Possibly longer
The elevator opened on sixth floor. Outside, in the hallway, the
difference was immediately noticeable. The air hummed as if the very
walls were alive. Voices vibrated from the enclosed offices stretching
along the corridor.
A receptionist stood from behind a tall desk as we approached—five
figures dressed all in black.
"Miss Carmichael? I should alert—" the gray-haired woman looked
frantically down the hallway.
"I suggest you take your bag, get on that elevator, and pretend you
never knew about T-Z, Meredith." Cool as the wintry air outside,
Blaize gave the hushed order.
Without stopping to see if the woman took her advice, Blaize urged us
We quickly and quietly emptied rooms of all the noncomplicit office
workers. Unlike the assholes who issued our danger pay, we weren't in
the habit of taking out

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innocent civvies.
"We're clear." Blaize sounded off as the last elevator dinged.
Finally only one other office stood between us and the three men who'd
tried—and failed—to make our lives a living hell.
The T-Zone executives.
Busting through the doors, we came to an immediate halt. Four
men—definitely not business-suited execs— stood posed in attack
stance with guns pointed at our heads.
"And here's the extra company I was talking about," Jus tice mumbled.
Luckily Mr. Mission Impossible AKA Storm had fixed us up but good
after Justice had disabled the ultra high-security scanners downstairs.
He'd somehow cloaked the extra set of weapons concealed on our
bodies. No idea how he managed it. I didn't ask questions. It'd only
taken the twenty-second elevator ride up to load our ammo and prepare
for possible tangos.
Drawing as one, we advanced on the other T-Zone team protecting the
corrupt leaders of our organization.

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Shots ricocheted through the air immediately from both sides—no
last-minute warnings given. We'd all had the s ame elite training. We
all knew how to dodge, fight, aim. But four against five meant we had
the upper hand. We also had good on our side, and I was sick and
fucking tired of having bullets plugged into me.
I knocked the sidearm from the man blocking my way. He dug in,
heaving his shoulder against my midsection. I bullied forward, plowing
him onto the hard surface of a desk. Drawers skipped out, banging onto
the floor. A laptop crashed against the wall. My elbow smashed into his
windpipe, and I slammed the back of his head against the angled corner
of the desk until a skull-crushing crunch echoed in a ghastly sound. He
flopped for one spasming ins tant before all life force left him.
Leaping down, I swung around, my Sig Sauer raised.
Walker had taken out his KA-BAR, bludgeoning it through another
man's chest. One thrust and he was done.
The bastard KO'd.
Storm broke the arm of an operative who'd taken hold of Blaize's hair
by the roots. She spun free, a growl low in her throat. She yanked the
man from Storm's hold and thrust him

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against the wall. One second she was in front of him. The next she drew
up beside him, her weapon at his temple.
"Goodbye," she uttered, pulling the trigger
He slumped like a body sack on the floor.
Justice stepped up from the bulky form of a beaten man, blowing across
his bruised knuckles.
Less than two minutes. Complete bloody mayhem. Barely a s cratch on
our bodies. There was a reason we were the alpha team and Blaize was
the alpha bitch. Not that I'd ever s ay that to her face.
We crouched near the last set of doors.
Blaize nodded. "In three, two—"
We kicked open the doors and strode inside.
The carnage outside was immediately apparent to the three
middle-aged, upper-management dickwads inside.
"Three little rats all in a hole." With some serious hate on his s ide,
Walker gave an eerie smile.

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Chapter Twenty-Two
Bulletproof Heroes
"BLAIZE." RAT NUMBER ONE held his hands out, palms up. "We
just follow orders."
"Bullshit." She sneered. "You follow no rules, you make your own
plays. And you can call me Miss Carmichael just like my team does,
"Z? As in X, Y Z?" I cased the place in quick movements, making sure
there were no hidden weapons.
Storm searched their bodies, patting them down. "Pathetic fucks."
"Totally unimaginative." Justice looked at the opened laptops, playing
a silent game of Eenie, Meanie, Miney . . . mine down for intel.
"What I wanna know is which one of you cunts is Mr. X." Walker
pushed a bald-headed man back into a chair with the sole of his boot.
"The fuckwad who used to give me orders over the secure phone line.
My former team leader" He got menacingly close to the man's lean,
wolfish face.

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"That you?"
"Xavier, yes." Although the other two looked shaken, this one held his
gaze steady on Walker's nearly black one.
Walker pulled his KA-BAR out, and swiped it up and down his pants
like he was sharpening the blade. "Well, Xavier, you better start
praying to your savior"
"I think we need more information before you start killing, Walker,"
Blaize dryly said.
"Always gotta spoil my fun." He peeled himself back, all of half an
Inserting a flash drive into the laptop he'd chosen, Justice said,
"Starting the download now. I need five minutes ."
As us ual I had no idea what Jus was up to, but I imagined it had to do
with erasing the digital trail between T-Zone and us, as well as hunting
and gathering—computer-style—for any extra info he could siphon.
Mr. Y—I had to assume since the old fart with the trembling bottom lip
hadn't been tagged yet—spoke up, "You were all supposed to be
"Some fucking front man you are." Walker turned his wrath on the
lily-livered twat.

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"X gave the order!"
"Nice. Just what I like to see in my bosses. An every man for himself
mentality," I bit out.
"Shut the fuck up, Yves." X commanded his colleague.
"Yves? You French or something?" Storm looked down at the little
"Or something," he mumbled, glaring with hate-filled eyes at X.
"Killed? In Mexico City?" Blaize questioned the threesome.
"7ou were supposed to be dead in New Orleans, you and Storm both."
X had no problem sharing.
Not so much with the caring, though.
Taking two steps forward, Blaize pistol-whipped the dirty fuck across
the face.
"Three minutes until download complete," Justice reported in an
X wiped his bloody mouth and spat out a red stain onto the carpet.
He scowled. "Who do you think ordered the raid on your outpost in
Mexico City?"
Storm stalked forward and punched the bald cunt with

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his shovel-sized fist. "You FUCK."
Y and Z looked ready to piss their prissy pants. I had no sympathy.
"Why did you fund the terrorists?" Blaize struck X again, on the
opposite cheek, taking up where Storm had left
X reeled for a moment before stamping to his feet. "Who do you think
pays your checks, Miss Carmichael? You protected little bitch, I
He didn't get another word out because Storm grabbed him around the
neck, silencing his voice box and pretty much shutting off every breath
he tried to wheeze into his lungs.
"If I let you go, you answer the lady's question. Understood?"
I held a gun on Y, Walker likewise on Z.
Storm released his grip. "Answer Mizz Cahmichael. Or I blow your
brains out."
"War makes the world go around. The US government always finds a
way, and we do our job. It's not personal. It's economics."
Like capitalism made it all okay. I was reminded of

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Nasim's words.
Another dead douchebag I wasn't sorry to see go.
"That's it? The sum total of your reasoning? And we got too close to the
truth. So you were supporting Qasim Hassan, the Hezbollah? What
about the Blood Legion MC?" Blaize paced in front of X.
He crossed his arms over his chest. "They were fodder for the greater
good. That detail was supposed to be your death warrant, Blaize. You
were a troublemaker from day one, insisting on being in on the ground
floor. The way you claimed rape during your SOF training—"
Storm's snarl was an unholy sound. He popped his gun up, and nothing
but deep deadly intent poured from his strained stance. "Now you're
dead meat, you absolute fuck."
Blaize pushed between the two men. "I won't let you goad me, Xavier.
Not now. Not ever." Her voice lowered. "But you will die. And it might
even be today."
"Those dead bags of skin outside in the other office, were they in on
it?" I asked, my voice a rasp from my chest.
"They followed orders at least."
"Orders? I'll give you goddamn orders, you shitless

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wonder." I'd sent out the signal several minutes ago, and I propped the
door open now.
Kiki strutted inside, absolutely fine and fighting fit, pulling her second
Lazarus move since I'd offed her.
And what a great fucking feeling it was to watch complete disbelief
slacken the faces of Y, Z, and especially Xavier.
"Howdy, boys."
Raising a shaking finger, his eyes popped wide, X's voice came out as a
husk of sound. "You're dead."
Kiki looked down at herself with a smirk hiding the fact she was
ripshit-pissed. "I make a pretty damn good ghost then, huh?"
Justice snickered.
I wanted to say atta girl, but I held my tongue.
This might be the most important mission of our lives, and it wasn't
over yet.
"Blaize. What's the meaning of this? You reported Damage EKIA."
"Bane told me he killed her." Her pretty blue eyes like hard nuggets of
steel, she snarled, "My bad."
"You used me to cover up your plot against Majedah

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Chehab." Banging forward on her badass boots, Kiki pushed her face
right up against X's.
"You were too brash to ever fit in." He had the nerve to reach out and
flick the wild hair I loved. "Look at you. You're not an asset to this
organization. You're a liability."
Kiki's hand whipped out, and she gripped his wrist. With a quick move,
she cranked his arm high behind his back until the shoulder joint almost
popped out. Her other hand lifted to his neck.
With her lips close to his ear, her fingers squeezing his airway into an
ever tightening funnel through which air whistled, she murmured, "7ou
're the liability. And I think it's time to even the score."
Atta girl.
X didn't make a sound—couldn't—but Yor Z sure as hell s tarted
whimpering. The two men were interchangeable s o I couldn't tell
which one was blubbing while the other candy ass started bargaining.
"Download complete." Justice removed his flash drive from the laptop.
"Files wiped."
Storm grinned in his particularly evil way. "And now you go to your

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"X. Y Z. PDQ." Walker cocked his pistol. "RIP." I aimed at Y"s head.
Without the peace part.
"Think we should go for their t zones?" Storm asked. The blabbering
Y and Z were felled in an instant—it wasn't overkill, but several bullets
from more than one sidearm flattened each man.
X saw it all, Kiki slowly choking the life out of him. He fought against
her hold with his one free hand, but her strength outmatched his, and
her fury was a cold controlled entity.
She never relented, adding more and more pressure at both points on
his body until his shoulder dislocated to the final agonizing tight
wheeze of oxygen from his throat.
"Fuck you too." Kiki released the seditious bastard to crumple in a dead
bundle on the floor, dispassionately flexing her fingers.
"Time to exfiltrate." Blaize's soft command shook us all from a sort of
stunned inertia.
The end of an era.
The end of our jobs.

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No more Operation T-Zone, shady as they'd become.
We s tarted exiting the office. Seven dead, all told. Hardly a single
mark on any of us.
Just to make extra special sure our footprints—digital or
otherwise—could never be placed at the scene of this crime, Walker'd
brought along his buddies: C and 4.
We hit the sidewalk seconds before we exploded the place.
Correction. I guessed that was all Walker's doing, with the press of a
button. The controlled bombs destroyed the computer network and all
the corpses, leaving no trail connecting us to them. And technically we
didn't exist anyway.
I held Kiki's hand as only a puff of smoke escaped one of the windows
on the sixth floor. Then the alarms sounded off.
"Our vehicles were relocated while we were inside." Blaize slowly
saluted the building we'd never return to.
"So how do we get out of here now?" I asked, shading my eyes against
the bright wintry sun.
"Here's our ride." Blaize slipped a pair of sunglasses onto her face.

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Turning toward the street, I watched a big black Hummer limo barge
through the traffic on the busy DC street.
"Hustle, people," Blaize held the door open as soon as the elongated
SUV stopped outside HQ.
I hopped inside after Kiki. Walker and Justice hurried to the other door
and Storm boosted Blaize in and followed after her.
As soon as we were all seated, the driver sped off, and only then did I
notice the man sitting opposite us.
Tall, even when folded onto the seat, with a sterling gray military-style
buzzcut and rugged features . . . I started s haking my head.
"Ambassador Lawless?" This day just got stranger and s tranger.
The older man sent all six of us a slowly widening smile. Justice's eyes
nearly flipped out of his head. "James?" He cleared his throat, leaning
forward to put a hand on Jus's shoulder. "Hello, son." Jesus Christ.
Ambassador Lawless. The man we'd saved from certain death during
the embassy siege in Sana'a, Yemen. Justice's father-in-law. And, from
what I'd heard, much much more

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than Blaize Carmichael's mentor when she was part of Delta
Force—but not in that way.
He shook each of our hands, even recognized Kiki from Justice's and
Tilly's Georgia beach wedding. He was clearly enjoying our total
confusion while Blaize smiled in that kitten with the cream way.
"Who are you really?" Walker point-blank asked.
"The former US ambassador to Yemen."
"And?" Justice clearly didn't even have a clue who his father-in-law
really was.
And he'd probably drilled down on him, too—after he'd popped the
question to Tilly née Lawless.
"A little more than that." He folded his hands in his lap, barely paying
attention when a SWAT van, three fire trucks, a whole convoy of
police cars, and a fleet of ambulances raced in the direction of the
building we'd just vacated AKA destroyed.
Blaize took point. "I looped James in. He's been in touch with several
key power players—-for the good—on Capitol
I s wiped a hand over my face.
Kiki practically vibrated with energy beside me.

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Walker looked interested.
And Jus tice and Storm were definitely taking the bait. "I propose we
relocate—" "Obvi." Walker snorted.
"But we stay together." Blaize continued. "Doing similar work. I'll
receive the intel. We'll disseminate it together and decide as a team
whether it's actionable."
I stared at her, my mouth possibly unhinged.
Everyone else was quiet.
Storm looked at her with stars in his eyes like her precise words were
"What?" A small smile curled Blaize's lips. "You didn't think I'd leave
you hanging in the wind, did you? I put way too much time and effort
into making you fit for duty, people. Are you in or out?"
Lawless watched Blaize's quick turnabout with an appreciative grin.
"Fuck yeah, cher." Storm whooped and grabbed her into his massive
"Only if I can still call everyone else Kemosabe and maybe talk Jade
into joining the crew." Predictable, that was

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I peered at Kiki.
She placed her hand on my stubbled jaw. "Whaddya
"I'm in if you are." I kissed her quickly on the forehead. "We gotta ditch
the old name though," Walker grumbled. "How about"—Justice
grinned at everyone—"Force-Reckon?"
Figured. Mr. Wannabe Writer showing off in front of Pops-in-law.
Blaize sat back, satisfied. "But make no mistake about it. I'm still in
No complaints about that. She hadn't steered us wrong

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Chapter Twenty-Three
A Company Christmas Party
THE NEW FORCE-RECKON DIGS ranked even though the rooms
were all decked out for the Christmas holidays. Which was just plain
fucking weird. The building resembled our first mobilized unit in
Mexico City, but the square footage had been trebled. One and a half
weeks after the T-Z takedown, we were fully operational . . . and here
we were, celebrating Saint Nick and all that shit.
Kiki and I had almost ditched the whole thing.
Neither one of us had ever been much into the holidays.
Pretty hard to get into the spirit of the festivities when you were a street
kid or the only child of a deadbeat dad.
In the end we'd both agreed to turn a new leaf, open a new chapter,
yadda yadda yadda.
Kiki was good for me.
No doubt about that.
I had no idea how she'd turned out so kickass . . . and optimistic. Even if
a little dark around the edges.

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Probably why I liked her so much.
Loved her.
When she'd entered the living room earlier, dressed to head to this
shindig, I'd definitely wanted to beg off from the party.
"You like?" She'd pushed a hand to her hip, her pale blue irises never
more shimmering.
I couldn't even speak. Might've grunted my approval.
Kiki wore a dress. It was red. Not stripper red but film noir red. French
fuckhot red. Fuck me hard red. Some kind of lush strappy contraption
that reminded me of her yoke holster, the top skimming the hills of her
tits, and the skirt barely covering her ass.
High heels. High high heels—black with carnal red soles.
"I don't think I've ever seen you in anything but black before." My
words were husky, definitely toned with lust.
"So you're not color blind."
I laughed, pulling her to me. "No. Despite these weird eyes."
She kissed my jaw, her hands rubbing my chest. "Not weird. Sexy."

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Cupping her ass, I grinded against her. "Sure you don't wanna stay
home and play Santa's little helper?"
"Little?" Her hand slipped below the belt.
"I was referring to you, not my cock."
Kiki flipped her hair back; I noticed she'd made narrow braids capped
by tiny silver bells.
"In case you lose me."
"No chance of that." I kissed her neck, helping her into her jacket.
With a heavy snow falling all over the eastern seaboard three days
before Christmas, we had to take my jacked-up, big-ass, black Ford
Raptor. Also, I didn't want random passersby to get a money shot of
Kiki straddling her Ducati in the short festive fuckhot red dress.
Even weirder than attending a holiday party hosted by Blaize at our
new facilities was the fact Kiki had finally convinced me to visit
That caused an entirely different tightening in my throat as I'd handled
the wheel of the truck through the growing weather conditions.
We would arrive early Christmas Eve in upstate New

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York, but Kiki said she'd remain off scene for the time being. She didn't
want to spook my ten-year-old daughter Fuck.
Neither did I.
Allegra's mom hadn't shut me down the second she'd heard my request
for a visit. Would wonders never cease?
I couldn't believe I was going to meet my baby girl, almost for the first
time. My chest hollowed out every time my thoughts turned to Allegra.
We'd spent the past few days shopping for presents. Like I had a clue.
Luckily, Kiki was pretty keyed into the fads.
"She won't need any of this, you know?" Kiki had looked up after
passing me the tape while we wrapped the gifts. "She'll just be happy to
know her dad."
Family meant so much to Kiki. And she had none.
"Come here, babe." I'd pulled on her hand.
She crawled over crackly paper covered in sleighs and ornaments and
snowmen, lighting in my lap.
"I ever tell you how good you are to me?" I asked.
"Sometimes?" I laid her down, carefully undressing her.

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I'd kissed her everywhere, from the peaks of her tits to the indent of her
waist, listening as she'd giggled. The giggles stopped in a hot moan
when I sealed my lips against the juicy pink of her smooth pussy.
After her first rippling orgasm, she'd hauled me over her and I'd thrust
inside. She twined one arm around my neck, finding my swinging balls
with the other. She'd cupped my wet pumping cock, flattening her palm
on my thick shaft every time I withdrew.
My face at her neck, my hands on her ass, I'd tilted her up until she was
almost bent in half.
Kiki was a screamer.
Never had to worry about her coming. She was on a hairpin trigger.
Panting and writhing, she's seen my smile.
Slapping her hips up to my groin, she'd squeezed me inside the hot
depths, massaging my cock, milking it.
A jolt hit me just like that—the smile replaced by a sneer of lust. My
grunt turned into a growl as I bowed over her and let loose. Every
aching thrust sped my hips, and Kiki pulsed around me.

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"Oh, hell, girl." After blasting rope after rope of come inside her, I'd
collapsed onto the floor.
I'd still been disjointed, breathing hard, when she leaped to her feet.
I grabbed her ankle. "Where you going?"
She'd jerked free. "Upstairs. By the way, your spunk got on the
wrapping paper."
I thwacked her on the ass with an empty cardboard tube. "That's not
even funny."
"Yes it is." She laughed, naked, as I'd chased her upstairs.
That was two days ago. Now we were in the middle of a company
Christmas party nightmare. Except it wasn't so bad. Not that I'd ever
admit that.
At least there was top shelf liquor, not fruity freakin' punch cocktails.
Jade showed up with Walker, keeping mum about any Special War
Ministry ops she might have in the works. The half-Asian, half-British
woman brought a sprig of mistletoe and some paper creations she
called crackers. Funny, that was what I'd always called Storm when
he'd dubbed me

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Tilly—the s outhern belle with the smart mouth, the photography
professor who had flawless aim with a rifle— arrived on Justice's arm.
They were so perfect together I had to shade my eyes from the light
they shined out.
Technically Jade and Tilly weren't supposed to know our HQ location,
but technically we now made our own rules.
And fuck that shit anyway.
Then there was Blaize and Storm who couldn't keep their eyes—or
hands—off each other Leave it to the Cajun man to snag the boss lady.
Fuck. All the happy couples, and I was one of them.
Never thought that would happen either.
Seemed my luck had turned.
Walker hung the mistletoe then stepped down off the s tool. He placed
two fingers in his mouth, sending out a s hrill whis tle.
"Got an announcement to make," he shouted.
Justice killed the music.
"Jade here won't be joining us just yet, because"—he puffed up his
chest, curling an arm around her shoulder —"we're having a baby." He
choked up a little at the end,

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turning his face to take a swipe beneath his eyes.
The immediate claps and whistles and cheers were deafening.
Everyone knew the hardships Walker had survived. His first wife and
his daughter dead from a freak unexpected accident.
Jade's eyed glistened as she accepted our congrats, and Walker
struggled to compose himself.
I s lapped him on the back, my voice thick in my throat because I was
two days away from walking back into my own daughter's life.
Justice smiled like he had a little secret of his own, and he gave the
happy couple the biggest, longest hug of all.
Bing frickin' Cosby started crooning in the background, and Blaize—of
all the people—announced it was time for Secret Santa.
After she passed out another round of drinks. Nonalcoholic for Jade, of
Secret Santa. What a laugh. Not so secret. For men and women who
made a living out of hiding off the grid, we couldn't wait to dish the dirt
and place bets on who bought the filthiest or funniest present.
So we gathered around like good little boys and girls.

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Not quite.
I just hoped Blaize hadn't hired a real Saint Nick to bust in with a red
sack of gifts because we didn't take well to strangers in our midst.
Boss lady handed Storm his present first. Obviously. Because he was
her favorite. And her lover.
With an unlit cig clamped into the corner of his mouth, he ripped into
the lopsidedly wrapped package.
"Oh. What the fuck?" He flung the cardboard box in the air, beaning it
toward my head. "Asshole. Had to be you."
I ducked from the missile, and Walker caught it in one hand,
immediately crowing with laughter.
"What is it?" Justice leaned forward.
"An STD testing kit." Walker wiped tears of laughter from his eyes.
I smirked. "You know, because of the syphilis."
"He does not have syphilis!" Blaize railed, but her shoulders shook, and
Storm turned his glare on her
She cleared her throat. "So Bane, looks like you're next."
She passed me something heavy and perfectly wrapped. Bet it was
from one of the chicks.
Probably a sexist thought, but, hey, us guys were not all

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that handy with the wrapping paper and tape. Ammo, explosives, and
grenades? Now that was a whole different matter. Although, come to
think of it, our women were all as well versed in the art of combat, even
Tilly, considering she knew her way around a Martin hunting rifle.
Kiki watched avidly as I tore open the paper. Inside a carved wooden
box was a small heavy copper octagon with swing levers and what
looked like a short pipe sticking up from one corner.
"And what the hell's that?" Justice, sounding like a broken record.
"Some kind of old, old, old school bong or something?" Walker peered
at the instrument cradled in my palm.
"Urn" I scratched my jaw. "I believe it's a scarificator circa 1800s
"A what?"
Kiki stepped in. "An antique. Specifically medical, for the use of
bloodletting. For Bane's collection."
"Collection of what? Torture devices?" Justice curled his nose.
Walker leaned way, way, way back. Tilly hooted with laughter.

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Grasping the nape of Kiki's neck, I brought her to me for a slow, deep
kiss. "Thanks, babe."
"Freakshows. Plural." Storm renewed his scowl, but his eyes crinkled
at the corners.
Kiki received the next present. Needless to say the bulky biography of
Benedict Arnold wasn't from me.
She sent the big middle finger in Walker's direction. "You are such an
"But a loveable one."
"You played that same exact argument with me once." Jade's eyebrows
arched at her hubby, and she was simply glowing.
"And it worked. Little wifey." "Don't be a wanker" Ah. The happy
couple. Breeding.
More laughs.
Walker got a really cool explosives kit I wouldn't be able to figure out
without a diagram and instructions written in two languages.
"Hell yeah. This shit's quality," he boomed out after tearing into the

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"How come he got the only decent present?" Storm was s till frowning.
I passed out another round of drinks. "Because I rate," Walker replied.
"I gotta guess who gave me the dyna-blow, right?" Ignoring Storm,
Walker peered around the group. "I'm going with pretty boy here."
"/ could've gotten the bomb kit." Jade protested with a pretty pout.
"Not. You weren't very happy last time I blew up the remains of our
Bentley at the ranch." Jesus. Happy families indeed.
"Yeah. You got me," Justice admitted. "My turn." He hooked two
fingers at Blaize, Missus Secret Service Santa. "Gimme."
He did the whole shaking the gift thing, trying to puzzle it out. Because
he was still eight-years-old apparently.
Giving up, he peeled back the paper. Then cursed up and down. And
tossed the bright yellow and black book at
Romance Writing for Dummies.

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I choked on a laugh. Everyone else cracked up, too.
Justice fumed at Walker. "Okay. I actually put some fucking thought
into your present. Dickhole. I want the kit back."
"Oh. Are you an Indian giver, Jus?"
"Don't play the oppressed race card with me, Tonto."
"I call prejudi—"
Jade clapped her hand over Walker's mouth, giggling. The only two left
were Jade and Blaize, so Jade went firs t, after she unmuzzled Walker.
Her package was bigger than all the others had been. Not that kind of
There were bows and ribbons and inside what looked like yards of
tissue paper before she finally unearthed a . . .
Not combat gear. Not weapons. Not a helmet, but a wide-brimmed,
half-netted, dead-red hat. A hat.
Jade cradled it like a baby against her breast.
Us guys—and Kiki—looked at her like she was cray-cray maybe.
"It's perfect! The best present ever" She beamed at the

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boss lady. "Cheers so much, Blaize."
"Hey. I gave you a samurai sword that one time." Justice took offense.
And Walker right after him. "I gave her a baby."
"Oh for fuck's sake . . ." Jade rolled her deep green eyes. "It's just a hat."
"Exactly." Walker smiled.
And Jade wrapped herself around him, clinging close and kissing him.
Finally unlocking her lips from Walker's mouth, Jade handed a gift to
Blaize. "I hope you like it."
"Wait. Did I get the Secret Santa rules wrong? I thought they weren t
supposed to like it," I butted in.
"You're not very good with rules, Bane." Kiki snuggled up to me, and
her next words were warm and soft against my ear. "That's why I like
Blaize grinned as she unwrapped the biggest box of all. She lifted the
lid, peeking inside.
"You didn't." She stood to slowly unravel a long leather bullwhip from
the box.
Turning, she quickly snaked it with a whistling hiss across the air.

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"So you can keep the men in line." Jade's laughter rang out, joined by
Blaize's, Tilly's, and Kiki's. Fuck. We were screwed.
"I hope that's not from our personal collection." Walker watched Blaize
coil the leather lash into a loop around her arm.
All eyes turned to him.
"What? We raise horses on the ranch?" He held out his hands
innocently. "Dirty minded fuckers."
The Secret Santa circle broke up for . . . dancing.
Pretty boy was suave and smooth and had all the moves for Tilly.
Storm cut a rug with Blaize.
Even Walker spun Jade around, the two of them moving closer and
"Wanna dance?" Kiki asked me. "I'd rather fuck." No lie.
Her dress was sinful, sexy, and needed to be ripped off her smoking hot
body pronto. Enough with the merrymaking already.
She took my hand, leading me toward her. "Dance first." The way Kiki
danced was sinful, sexy. Didn't matter

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Christmas tunes spun from the speakers, not slow rock ballads . . . her
hips rolled against me. She nestled in my arms, against my body, her
hands roaming up and down my back and all the way to my ass. She
kissed my neck, gyrated s ome more, licked my jaw, and moaned.
I didn't so much dance as fuck her vertically in a crowded room with all
our clothes on. I touched all the bare flesh I could get at. Quite a lot in
that strappy red dress it turned out.
When she felt my cock, ludicrously hard and large and pressed against
her belly, she muffled her moan with a bite at the juncture of my neck
and shoulder.
The music cut off with a screech, and Justice shouted, "Snowball
fight!", effectively breaking the mood.
Probably a good thing since I'd had serious thoughts about hiking
Kiki's dress up to her waist and slamming right into her.
Chris tmas party be damned.
Always on point, the eight of us immediately outfitted ourselves in
Kevlar vests and NVGs, gloves and hats and boots—the women in
dresses, us in our decent duds. A Force-Reckon snowball fight wasn't
something to take

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Before tromping outside, Blaize gave the one and only rule. "No
weapons allowed."
"Dammit," echoed from each of us.
We all disarmed and then headed into the fluffy snowy landscape.
"I'm packing this shit with ice." Justice cupped his hands around the
ball he formed.
"I'm packing mine with C4," Walker taunted, a sinister grin on his face.
It was all out warfare once we got started.
Dodging the cold launchers thrown from strong arms. Ducking behind
cars. Every man and woman out for fun for a nice change of pace.
"Gotcha!" Kiki ambushed me, beaning a snowball at my back as she
hung from one arm from a street lamp.
Tugging her ankle, I pulled her down to me. "I thought we were on the
same team."
"I have a green light!" She raced off, her boots leaving tracks in the
fresh snow.
I bolted after her.
Justice crammed a snowball in Walker's face, quickly

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sidestepping when Walker retaliated.
He disappeared into the dark night.
Tilly's laugh echoed in the distance.
Storm sounded off behind me, "Taking the tango down."
He tackled me into a drift, but I quickly spun, kicking him off while
Kiki shoveled snow into the back of his pants.
"Merde. That's a cold move, Damage."
Blaize muffled a laugh behind her gloved hand until Jade jumped her
with a handful of pristine snow tossed in her face.
Laughter and low chuckles filtered across the hushed, winter-white
surrounds. People darted out from the dark corners of the building.
More snowballs pelted with lasers harp aim.
Eventually Blaize stood in the middle of the parking lot,
shouting, "CEASE FIRE!"
Laughing, holding each other up, we trudged back into
Inside, Kiki shook out all her gear, and her dress clung to her body. "I'm
all wet."
"Not as wet as you're gonna be." Our lips collided, cold but quickly
becoming hot.

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"Like that, is it?"
Grabbing her ass, I made sure she was warmed straight through,
because no way in hell was I done with her yet.

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Chapter Twenty-Four
Force to be Reckoned With
THE MERRY ENDING OF the party finished with all of us parting
company for a two week break before the real work began. Walker left
with Jade. Justice and Tilly departed next. Storm took off with Blaize.
I helped Kiki into my truck—more tank than pickup.
At home, I plugged in the fully fucking decorated Douglas fir
Christmas tree while Kiki got the tequila.
She lit candles, and I started a fire.
"Can't believe Jade's pregnant," she mentioned, something
more wistful than usual about her voice. "Walker's been through hell,
you know that, right?" "His first wife."
"Kimimela." I pulled Kiki down with me to the floor in front of the fire
that crackled and blazed. "And his daughter, Winona."
Kiki kissed me, a hot press of her mouth against mine. She poured us
two drinks and clinked her glass to mine.

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"Are you still nervous about Allegra?" she asked. "Yes." I drank. "No.
She pulled my forearms over her belly, stroking the strong muscles.
"Did you want her, Griffin?"
"You're still her dad, you know?" "I'd be nothing without you, Kiki."
Turning in my arms, she drew her hands up my chest. And my heart
already began to pound.
"I want you to do one thing for me," she whispered. "Anything." My
breath ratcheted. She always had that affect on me. "Promise you'll try
with her."
"Said I would." My hands balled beside me. "Fuck. It's hard to let the
feelings in, you know?"
Kiki pressed her cheek against mine, and her fingers massaged up over
my shoulders. "I know"
I s tilled, only rolling my neck. "Want to be good enough for her."
"You already are." Her voice hushed against my ear. "Promise me one
other thing?" "You know it."

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"You'll make love to me tonight." "Always do."
The last restraint shoved off, I grasped her hips. Our fingers laced
together as our mouths collided. She was so soft and sweet like this.
Intimate. Gorgeous. The only woman I wanted to be with.
She bit my bottom lip, and her hands drove into the back of my pants.
Did I say soft and sweet?
Goddamn sex kitten.
The firelight played across her when I lay her down—the red dress with
all the straps. Lights from the Christmas tree twinkled on her skin, her
face turned to me, her body arched and purely sensual.
"How do I get you out of this?" My hands skimmed from her breasts to
her legs.
"The usual way."
Gripping the edges of her dress, I ripped it right down the middle.
"Fuck. Me," I croaked out.
Kiki lay beneath me. No panties, no lingerie . . . just pure woman . . .

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Her tits called to me, those soft hills filling my palms. I licked a proud
crest, making it an even deeper pink.
Biting the twin breast, I roamed over her belly, touched the soft essence
of her sex
"I can't wait, Bane."
Clothes flew as I undressed, and my cock jutted like a mast from my
groin, the piercing feeling as hot and heavy as my nads.
"Slow down, babe," I whispered the words in a trail along her body as I
settled between her legs. That shaved cunt. The tight recess. The way
her thighs opened. And her breath halted.
I licked her, taking the plump bead of her clit between my lips for a
pursing kiss.
Kiki thrashed. "Oh, God!"
Pushing her thighs apart so her pussy presented, I mouthed her. Licked
her. I sucked on her labia and gorged myself on the juicy pink slit.
Winding my hands beneath her taut ass, I jerked her closer. Breathing
in her scent, circling my tongue around her,

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twisting two fingers inside, I almost came against her leg where my
cock pressed, throbbed, nearly exploded.
Kiki orgasmed. From the proud thrust of her body and the jerking clasp
around my fingers to the ripple from her belly to her breasts.
Swinging up over her, I slapped my cock against her face.
"Oh, yes." Her wet lips parted. "You sexy bastard."
After wiping a trail of precome from cheek to cheek and over her jaw, I
moved back to straddle her tits.
Kiki sandwiched me with her hands, watching the thick rod bounce
between her breasts.
I reached behind. With a flat palm, I lightly spanked her cunt.
The smell of sex surrounded us. The wet sounds of filthy fucking raised
chills on my skin.
With one last stroke between her tits, I covered her completely. She
pulled me in, meeting me with her hips and legs and arms and lips.
"Fuck me, Bane."
I shafted her to my balls. The wet assault of her cunt almost making me
blow my load.

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Rising to my fists above Kiki, I fucked her fast. I pumped her slow. I
curled my hips, left her wanting and twisting beneath me before I
slammed every thick inch into her.
She grabbed my shoulders. My hair.
She screamed and moaned.
Pulling her onto my cock, I held her with one hand, pumping her up and
down. I latched my lips to her tits, feasting . . . fucking . . . dying to have
She shuddered, clasping me around the back. "Ahhh, yesssV
Branding me with a pulsating rotation of her hips, Kiki came.
She was unbreakable.
Icouldn t stop.
The wet heat inside her tripled, and she howled through every hard
thrust I pistoned into her. My breath rasped. I saw nothing but Kiki.
Holding her in my two hands, I bent over her. She was so small. So

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I sucked in a great gust of breath, filling my lungs before I reared up,
thrusting my cock balls deep, and bellowed.
Pulling her to me, I buried my face in her neck, growling, grunting . . .
Every pump of my hips was another jet of seed unleashed inside her.
Kiki mewled, her mouth at my ear, her lips nibbling, her body
I leaned back to watch her take me, those last few aching thrusts.
"Good God, Bane." She stretched luxuriously against me, her hips still
seeking more.
She bit her lower lip and her hands landed on my ass. "Mmm. No half
measures for you."
Finally slowing, I rolled next to her. "You sweet, sexy woman."
The fire had burned down to blue coals, much darker than her
mesmerizing irises. I pulled a blanket over us.
"Is it Christmas yet?" She idly kissed my chest, tickling her fingers up
and down my stomach.

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"Not yet," I murmured, pulling her closer. "Damn, but I love you, girl."
Her smooth legs caressed mine, and her breasts rounded against my
A whole new meaning to tits up.
"Does that mean I can't give you a present?" She kissed my lips, teasing
me with a little tongue-work. "You already gave me the scarificator."
"That was a gag gift, Griffin."
"So, where's the real thing?" I caressed her hair down her back and
handled her sumptuous ass for good measure. "Besides me?" she
purred. "I'm not complaining."
Scampering from beneath the blanket, Kiki foraged— naked I might
add—beneath the tree. She handed me a thick envelope.
My hands shook when I opened it. Wasn't the first time my hands got
shaky around Kiki.
"Jesus." I leafed through the airline vouchers. "That's kind of a lot,
"So you can keep visiting Allegra." She pressed her palms to my chest,
resting her chin on the back of her hands.

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Carefully laying the travel tickets aside, I drew her lips to mine. The
kiss was hot, deep, intense, just like everything else about Kiki.
"What did I ever do to deserve you?"
"Well"—she looked slyly at me, her hand wandering down my abs—"I
really like the piercing."
"None of that now," I gruffly said.
It took an effort to pull her roving fingers away from my rapidly
thickening cock.
"My turn." Easing from her, I stalked to the tree. Naked, I might add.
Kiki watched, her smile less flirty and more a cock-hardening leer.
"That right there is gift enough."
"It's a fucking surprise we ever make it out of bed." I picked up the
present I'd wrapped—terribly I might add.
Popping up to her elbow, she said, "It's a wonder we ever make it to a
I waved my hand toward the makeshift rack on the floor. "Case in
"Mmm hmm." She smiled.
I slipped back in beside her, and placed the gift on her tummy. "Merry
Christmas, Kiki."

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All pretense of being uninterested in the gift exchange disappeared
when she sat up, and the blanket shivered down to her hips.
She tore open paper like her life depended on it, but when she
unearthed the leather box, she slowed.
"It's too big to be a ring."
"Well, yeah." I swept her hair behind her ear "That a bad
"God, no!"
"Okay?" Or not? I wasn't really sure.
She opened the box, her eyes alight. "Oh, Griffin! It's gorgeous."
An exclamation point. That was good, right?
She tucked the hinged, hand-painted, hammered copper wrist cuff on
her arm where it fit perfectly.
"I didn't really figure you for a diamonds kind of girl."
Wrapping her arms around my neck, she fell against me.
"It's perfect," she murmured against my lips.
"How perfect?" I cupped her sexy ass.
"Want me to show you?"

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The next hour included Kiki showing me. And me doing some of the
same, hungrily keeping her at bay from orgasm until she begged in a
throaty moan of a voice.
Might've been snowing like crazy outside, but inside? It was hot. We'd
worked up a sweat, rolled across the floor, nearly knocked over the
Christmas tree, and definitely flattened the plane tickets beneath our
bucking, rocking, fucking bodies.
Little Miss Self-Sufficient Silent Operative finally fell asleep in my
More liked passed out from the Major League fucking I'd given her.
I didn't want to sleep.
Didn't want to lose a second of time with her.
The only thing she wore was the thick bracelet I'd given her, the blanket
tucked under her arms, and my body snuggled half on top of her.
I kissed her brow, lightly, her lips, gently.
The goddamn journey we'd been on since day one of Walker's Beirut
op. Twelve months of intense missions, mis information, life and death
Twelve months.

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And not to be pussy or anything, but a goddamn heart full of love.
One big fucked-up family—Walker and Jade. Tilly and Justice. Storm
and Blaize. Kiki and me. Forces to be reckoned with. When no one else
could get in or get out. When no one else cared.
We weren't knights on white horses.
We were men and women who had loved and lost.
Fought and failed.
Hurt and hated and healed.
We came out alive, together.
Because love prevailed.
I believed that shit now. All because of one woman. Kiki Damage.
She'd done the exact opposite of damaging me. She'd saved me.
Her eyes blinked open—asleep one moment, alert the next. "What are
you thinking so hard about, Still Waters?"
Smoothing her hair with one big hand, I scooped her closer in my arms.
"Was thinking you already gave me the greatest gift."
"Did I?"

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"Yeah." The love I poured into the kiss I gave her was filled with a past
full of regret forgotten for a future bright with hope. "You."

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JADE August 2016
The only reason the pain remained bearable was because I was birthing
life, not delivering death. For a change.
Walker had been on leave the last month of my pregnancy. He wanted
to make sure I didn't go joyriding in the latest Bentley Madge sent
overseas, complete with the same dignitary whistling as he strolled
away after delivering the keyless fob.
I wondered what she'd give the baby for a welcome to the world
A palace perhaps?
Walker. The man who'd lost everything—his first wife, his
daughter—and in return given everything to me.
When we fought nowadays it was for fun. No more knives pulled, guns
pointed, punches thrown.

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He was sexy, earthy, rugged, funny—absolutely nothing like the man
I'd hated when we used to go head to head in combat.
He felt so much he sometimes made me cry. Good cry. Because he
never let anyone else see how much life meant to him.
Even though we often dealt in death.
I wasn't crying now I was biting my tongue. Trying desperately not to
scream If Walker'd been in the birthing room, I'd quite possibly have
ripped his cock off his body for getting me in this undignified
Arsehole was probably drinking whisky and smoking cigars downstairs
in the great room of our Wyoming ranch with his father, White Buffalo
AKA Brian, the Lakota chief of their South Dakota tribe.
Lucky for Walker he hadn't argued when I'd said I didn't want to know
the gender of our gestating baby—the bean— in advance. He hadn't put
up a fight when I'd said I wanted to give birth in our bed at home, either.
I was English—half, anyway. Land of the homebirths and midwives
and doulas.
My mum and Sheila, otherwise known as Red Thunder,

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were more than capable of bringing this child—so very wanted—into
the world.
Me? I wasn't so sure anymore.
I gritted my teeth, spouting curses that made my mum's eyebrows raise
and Sheila's mouth lift in a grin.
I still wore the amulet bracelet—the emblem of her rite of
passage—Sheila had given me a year and a half ago when I'd turned
myself over to a Hezbollah despot.
The bracelet's beads clattered together. The bed's headboard groaned
when I grasped it. I bore down like they told me to, my two mums,
together, the most unlikely pair.
My belly heaved and something loosed and . . .
Tears streamed down my face when I heard the high-pitched squall.
"A boy!" Sheila held my baby aloft.
My son.
Our son.
My mum quickly cleaned me up while Shelia made sure Walker's and
my son was cosseted from the first breath he took.
With him laid on my chest, I bent my forehead to his little wrinkled
one. "You have no idea how much you are loved,

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little bean."
His naked pink skin shined, and he mewled constantly like a tiny kitten.
His mouth rooted, and I set him to my breast.
With the tiniest of tugs, he latched on. Nature taking over.
I heard Walker pounding up the stairs, taking two at a time as usual.
He burst into the room, all in a lather, like one of the horses after a long
hot ride.
Not the cool man I'd tried to kill on so many missions. Not the sexy stud
I'd fought and fucked so many times. This was the husband. The father.
The protector. The lover.
My heart still thumped hard every time I saw him. Every bloody time
he caught me in a kiss, or pulled me to his lap, or s tood beside me when
we target practiced.
Mahogany skin. The long blue-black braid. Strong shoulders and broad
chest and . . . the Thunderbird tattoo.
"Mahasani," he whispered, his gaze lighting on the baby in my arms
only after he made sure I was okay.

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I held my hand out to him. "It's a boy, Wakiza." His jaw tight, he
nodded. I thought his knees might buckle, but he walked forward,
intent only on us.
"A boy?"
"Our son. Howahkan." Tears slipped from my eyes as our wee one
suckled at my breast.
"Howahkan. Sacred voice." His hand shaking, tears shining in his dark
brown eyes—making them onyx-bright— he kissed our baby's head.
"Strong voice." Walker's laugh struggled from his chest. "Sounds about
right from that almighty wail I heard."
I nodded, nudging my lips against Walker's and tasting the saltiness of
our tears.
After everything we'd survived. To be given this precious life.
My mum and Sheila quietly left the room.
"A true warrior." Walker's voice unsteady, he cupped the downy back
of Howahkan's head in his large, dark palm
"Not too soon though," I said.
"No. Not too soon." Walker kissed me, slipping his arm around my
He took care of me after that. Watching with a look of

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awe as Howahkan nursed from my breast.
He took care of us. Burping our son when he opened his tiny mouth to
emit a squall that seemed too loud a noise for s uch a small bundle.
Walker got out the changing pad, wipes, and diapers. I heard him give a
smug chuckle when he changed Howahkan's nappy.
"Please tell me you are not gloating about his little winky." I grinned.
"His winky?" He laughed. "As long as you don't start calling mine
"I don't think that's possible."
"And what's it you call a pacifier again?"
"A binky."
He sung a Lakota lullaby—the words rising and falling in his strong
voice—while he dressed our baby boy in a soft cotton gown and a little
cap decorated with toy horses.
"Want me to swaddle little Howie?" Walker asked, brimming with love
and pride, kissing the tiny fingers. "Make a baby burrito?"
"Yes. Make a baby burrito." I rolled my eyes but couldn't help but fall
even more in love with Walker as I watched him

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with our son.
When he was done with baby burrito duty, he slid back into the bed,
handling Howahkan like he was the most fragile thing borne to this
Walker cupped his head and nuzzled the sweetest skin at his neck.
"You think he knows who I am, Jade?"
"You've been chatting to him for nine months already." I yawned,
stroking my fingers across the bean's sweet features while his mouth
popped open and closed.
"He's perfect." Peering over, Walker gazed at me with such intensity
my heart expanded.
I moved my fingers to Walker's lips. "He is."
"Winona was like this."
I watched him struggle to swallow.
"I know." The sudden rush of tears was so fast, so blinding, I lost my
They came from both of us. For what he'd lost. For what we'd found
Walker and I held onto one another, our baby embraced s ecurely
between us.
"I'm sorry," he said, wiping at his eyes. "I shouldn't have—"

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"Oh, Walker. Of course you should've. How could you ever forget
Winona or Kimimela?"
He shrugged, trying to smile. "Didn't want to ruin this for you."
"You haven't. Don't you know I fell in love with you because of how
deeply you feel." Cupping his face, I kissed him—tenderly pressing my
lips to his.
With a long hungry groan, his tongue sought mine, and he drew me
His eyes darkened with desire, he dragged away with another groan.
"Probably shouldn't start kissing like that right now. How long do we
have to wait?"
"There's my man." I rested my head against his shoulder.
"And, by the way, I thought you fell in love with me because I have the
best coc—"
"Walker!" I slapped a hand over his mouth. "Don't make me laugh. It
"How is the size of my cock funny?" he mumbled around my hand.
"It's not, trust me. However, can we refrain from talking about it in
front of Howie?"
"S'pose." He winked. "Come here, beautiful Momma."

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He slipped closer, his lips on mine, just a breath, just for tonight,just to
To hold and honor and treasure.
I was on leave. Maybe permanently because life had changed, in all the
best ways.
Killing wasn't in my veins anymore. Love was.
Because of Walker and our baby. "Let's have another dozen." Walker
caressed my back. "As soon as they figure out how to make men
gestate," I murmured, sliding into a soft dozy sleep.
"You have any idea how much I love you, mahasani?"
TILLY December 2016
"Oh my God!" I shrieked.
"Shhh." Justice smirked from between my thighs where he was doing
wicked things with his tongue.
I grabbed his head, his neck, his shoulders, arching halfway off the bed.
The big bold tats—an inked memorial to

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his comrades-in-arms—on his broad, muscular back twisted and turned
with every corded sinew as he slid his tongue up my wet slit again.
Should've grabbed a pillow to stuff over my face to silence myself.
Tonight Justice was insatiable.
He'd just returned from an op with the one-year-old Force-Reckon. I
never knew all the details, but I tried not to worry. Being the wife of a
silent operative took a hell of a lot of character, but Jus always said I'd
been through my proving grounds in Sana'a.
He started suckling on my clit. The man was voracious.
Unstoppable. Strong and fierce.
He pinned my hips to the bed, driving me to a third mind-altering
orgasm. I looked down, barely able to keep my eyes open
anymore—they were so heavy with desire. His aqua blues peeked up at
me, just as lust-filled. His gorgeous face and incredible body had been
the first reasons I was attracted to him.
But it was his loneliness—his self-enforced solitude—

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that closed the deal. A man who could save nations but didn't think he
was worth saving himself. Not until me.
He licked his lips while my body shivered and shuddered. Slipping his
fingers from inside me, he crawled over me, so big and hard he blotted
everything else from my vis ion.
Reaching down, I ran the flat of my hand along his thick cock.
The shaft pulsed in my fist, and Justice grunted in a hoarse voice.
"Tilly girl. Fuck." His torso strained and his neck corded. "Need to be
inside you."
"Again?" I flipped my eyes to his.
Using his fingers to spread me, he brought his mouth to mine. "Don't
flirt at me with those big green eyes. You're gonna get good and
fucked, wife."
I was already gasping when he started to enter me. The wonderful
stretching inside sending a hum through my whole body. My back
bowed, my toes curled, and Justice grabbed hold of my hips, slowing
his entrance until I was nearly shredded by the powerful heft and heat
of him.

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A sharp noise crackled in the room.
Justice halted, half inside me.
The sound came again, longer and louder
With a bark of a laugh, Justice laid his forehead against mine before he
looked over at the high tech baby monitor he'd ins talled.
"Baby girl has a set of lungs just like her mama." He hissed, rolling out
of me. "LBB is on point tonight."
I lay, gasping for breath, on the verge, watching his fine backside as he
stood to grab some sweats from the chair.
"We'll pick this up later"
"Hell yeah we will." Jus ambled out with a fake grumble about timing
and baby spidey senses and need a nanny.
Oh how Walker had gloated at the Christmas party last year when he'd
announced he and Jade were having a baby.
Justice had contained himself. Just barely. I'd been pregnant, too, and
gave birth a couple weeks before Jade had Howahkan, affectionately
known as Howie. Or The Howler, Walker sometimes called the son he
couldn't stop bragging about.
"Something in the water," Bane had groused on hearing our news.

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"Doesn't sound like a bad idea." Storm seemed to be considering how
fast he could get Blaize knocked up. His words, not mine.
Blaize had let that particular idea slide.
And Kiki? She'd looked at Bane and squeezed his hand.
"Hey, Green Eyes, we're having a girl." Justice had held me in the loop
of his arms several months later, gloating. "What should we call her?"
I'd just started showing, and he couldn't get enough of touching my
belly, waiting for the first movement. He couldn't get enough of my
breasts, either, but that wasn't exactly new.
I s ighed peacefully when he moved down my body, his lips finding the
small mound where our baby grew. "Well, we're not naming her
anything like Matilda." I drifted my fingers through his short blond hair
the way he liked.
"Why not? You know I think your old lady name is hot." He kissed the
apex of my belly, grinning up at me.
He roamed up my body. "We can't call her that. It's my name."
The man was certifiable. Certifiably in love with me, he

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always said.
In the end we'd decided to name her Beatrice. It was Justice's idea,
sticking with the old lady theme he said. Usually we called her Bee, but
Justice had given our beautiful daughter a new nickname he liked to
use: LBB, otherwise known as Little Ball Buster.
The first time he'd felt her kick, his eyes grew round as saucers before
his eyelids dropped closed and a smile trembled on his lips.
"Will she do it again?" he asked in an awed whisper.
"She'll probably do it all night if you keep me awake."
"That can be arranged."
He'd tried to be a gentle lover while I was pregnant. He'd always ended
up with the same animalistic passion—that wild roughness no man had
ever shown me before. Justice s till liked to fuck every chance we got. I
was not complaining.
He rounded the doorway to our bedroom, sweet-talking to Bee.
She cooed at him, butting her face against his as he whis pered a little
mantra in her ear, "Your mama's right here,

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She was so tiny in his big brawny arms, my gorgeous baby daddy. He
doted on her, spending his days with her while I was at work and he
was off mission. I'd met him at the park once, watching him for a few
minutes before I'd made my approach. Mr. Mom. Mr. Hot Dad. I bet all
the women's wombs combusted whenever they saw him . . . s ans child.
When he was cuddling and crooning Bee? I bet they nearly fainted en
I didn't blame them one bit.
My man was all that.
"Here's Mama. Got your midnight snack." Justice placed Bee in my
arms, watching warmly as she quickly rooted for my nipple.
"Supposed to be my midnight snack," he grumbled, winking at me as he
joined us on the bed.
I ran my fingers through his hair while patting Bee's bottom lightly.
She had my red hair—apricot-colored—and his stunning sapphire
We were going to be in so much trouble when she got older.
When I'd mentioned that to Justice several weeks ago, he'd said, "Don't
worry. She's gonna have a few younger

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brothers to look after her. Stomp the shit out of any asshole who tries it
"Oh, she is, is she?"
"Yeah. Let's start working on that right now."
I'd laughed when he picked me up in his arms, racing upstairs to take
advantage of Bee's afternoon naptime.
He squished closer, rubbing a huge hand up and down her back. "Gotta
good appetite, just like her mama too."
"Watch it, buddy."
Justice grasped my free hand and brought it his mouth. He kis s ed each
fingertip before drawing his tongue lightly along the heart of my palm.
Lacing our fingers together, he held them against our daughter's softly
blanketed body.
Linked forever.
"Never thought I'd have my own family, Tilly girl."
I squeezed his fingers. "I never thought I'd love anyone so much,
Justice. You and Beatrice."
His kiss whispered against my cheek. "We done good."
I shifted Bee to my other breast, prodding a nipple into her mouth she
sleepily accepted. My other breast shined from where she'd latched on,
the peak damp and red.
Justice swallowed roughly. Releasing my hand from his,

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he rolled onto his back.
"She asleep yet?" His voice was husky. "Justice."
"Hey, I was kidding."
"No you weren't." Bee sleep-sucked a few more times before her little
rosebud mouth slipped off.
"You got me." He chuckled, his shoulders tight, his forearms ratcheted
over his face.
"I'm all yours after you take our little sweetheart back to her crib."
"Hot damn!" He stealthily scooped Bee from my arms.
I leaned a little to the side to watch his backside when he exited the
room. He didn't return as fast as I thought he would. Turning to watch
the video monitor, I saw him in the nursery, sitting in the rocking chair,
singing some kind of lullaby to Bee as he patted her back.
"Your mama's waiting for me, LBB, so just one more song." He
nuzzled his nose into her bright curls. "Okay. Maybe two."

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BLAIZE April 2017
My parents were just plain shocked. My father probably thought I'd be
a career lifer, which I was. It just so happened my husband was, too.
Almost husband.
Mamere—on hearing Storm's and my announcement— had hooted so
loud on that cell phone thing I thought s he'd deafened me. The
woman's joie de vivre was contagious, though, and the shouts and
congratulations went on for a long time.
Bane stood up next to Storm at the altar despite grumbling one of his
more creative curses when he learned we were engaged.
The wedding virus.
As I glanced back down the aisle I'd traveled—the long trail of my ecru
satin gown swishing side to side—I had to blink away tears. It wasn't
like me to get overly emotional. Storm seemed to be the only man to
touch that soft guarded part of my heart. The only man capable of
unlocking my hurt s oul and healing the old wounds.

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Our mis s ion in New Orleans over a year ago turned out to be a
life-changer in so many ways. I'd appointed myself Storm's partner on
that Blood Legion MC op. I'd wanted to see what kind of man he really
was—the darkly handsome, gorgeous panty-melter who always got
tongue-tied around me, or the macho alpha male badass I knew him to
be when he was working.
It turned out he was a little of both.
He'd had no idea the attraction between us had never been one-sided.
I'd had him on my radar in a thoroughly nonprofessional capacity since
the first time I met him.
Maybe I'd tell him . . . later, tonight. Although I s ometimes liked to
keep the balance of power in my favor, that never seemed to last long
with Storm. Especially not in the bedroom. Or the kitchen. In his truck
. . .
At least in the war room he knew who was in charge. Mostly.
Among the sea of faces filling the tightly packed little parish church in
the Louisiana countryside, Angel smiled broadly, dipping his blond
head in my direction. My parents s at up front with him and Mamere.
Mamere was already crying—she'd probably need to

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touch up her Mary Kay before the reception.
James Lawless, my mentor, was also present along with Tilly and
Justice and Beatrice.
I couldn't believe it.
Storm had already decided we'd have at least two— knocking the
original number down from five when we'd negotiated the matter.
I'd informed him he was lucky to get a ring on my finger and not to
push his luck. There was one more secret I might let him in on tonight.
A very special wedding present.
Kiki sat out there, sharing a pew with her former enemy
—Walker—and Jade who passed Howie to the proud papa to be
entertained so she could concentrate on the nuptials.
I knew I'd been right about Kiki Damage all along. Too bad we'd had to
dismantle Operation T-Zone in its entirety in order to prove it.
No one held my attention for long, though, not with Storm standing
beside me. Heat radiated from him, warming me inside and out in that
powerful way of his. I could hardly focus on the priest, Storm's
presence made anything other than possibly drooling at the sight of him

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I probably wouldn't tell him that, though.
I smiled, lifting my eyes to his, once again melting inside.
Sinful. That was what the man was. Filling out his suit, the black
stubble shading his crisp jaw, the long sweep of raven black hair. The
smoldering blue eyes continually s weeping over my long, clinging
As soon as I'd arrived at the altar, he'd growled out in a voice audible
only to me, "Goddamn, cher. I can't wait to get my hands all over you."
He'd dipped even closer, his lips at my ear, his next hot words making
my pulse erratic.
Now he stood strong and tall, his voice deep and clear sending shivers
down my spine. "I, Nash LaFontaine, promise to protect you, cherish
you. I give you my body and my heart, cher."
He brushed his fingertips over my face while my breath trembled and a
tear streaked down my cheek.
"These are the vows I make to you, my life and love I give to you, from
this day forward."
For the first time in my life, my words came with difficulty only
because my throat was so tight with emotion, my heart so filled to

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"Your turn," Storm whispered with a wink, but his eyes were damp,
My vows were more quietly spoken, a simple affirmation of my
devotion to the man I loved more than I could ever express. As I spoke,
Storm gasped in a breath. His throat bobbed as tears spiked his
eyelashes without falling.
Our eyes locked, our hands laced together—the intensity of feeling
growing between us. I watched his chest inflate and his lips part and his
eyes dilate. The priest said a few last words before the most important
of all:
"I pronounce you husband and wife!" With a final benediction, he
smiled at us. "You may now kiss the bride."
As if to hurry would ruin the importance of the moment, Storm angled
my face in his big hands, caressing my cheeks. I stepped closer, my
breasts brushing against his chest. Our lips hovered just a whisper apart
before meeting. The soft mesh and slow movements even more
thrilling than a wild clash of tongue and lips. A languorous and hot and
binding kiss. Lust and love pouring through my veins, pooling between
my thighs.
Pulling back to kiss his way my ear, Storm said on a ragged groan, "A
lot more of that later."

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Another shiver spread along my limbs.
Turning me, Storm presented me to our guests.
My husband lifted his head to the rafters and shouted, "Laisser les bon
temps roulez!"
"You gotta SITREP for me?" Storm asked me after we waltzed outside,
carried along by the cheering crowd.
He looked down at me, his smile so big and bright. Picking me up in
one swift move, he spun me in a circle without giving me a chance to
answer or do anything other than laugh with him.
Tents were set up on the church grounds underneath giant old trees.
The band—made up of folks with squeezeboxes, fiddles,
banjos—occupied a small stage. Alcohol in abundance was already
being passed around, and more food than I'd ever seen in one place at
one time appeared on long tables.
"Perhaps I could have a moment alone with you?" I asked when Storm
finally set me on my feet.
"Aw shit. You're not gonna start talkin' shop with me, are you?"
I bit my bottom lip, flicking my eyes to his. "Not unless you've been to
some very . . . dirty . . . shops."

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"Hell yeah." He linked my arm through his elbow like a gentleman, but
hustled me along so fast I nearly skipped to keep up with his longer
stride. "Come with me."
Pulling me around the back of the chapel, he tested the door, using a
little extra force when it didn't budge. AKA breaking and entering.
Quickly locating a room off the dim hallway, he coerced that door, too,
before locking us inside.
We were all over each other in an instant. I gasped, jerking at his jacket,
fumbling with the buttons on his shirt.
"Christ, Blaize. You're hot for it, huh?" His tongue slowly roved up the
side of my neck as his hands swept down the open back of my dress.
Grabbing my ass, he hauled me up against me. Another moan
whimpered from my throat when I felt the long hard ridge of his cock
driving against me.
"Where are we?" I breathlessly asked.
"Dunno." Searching for my legs beneath the skirts, he slid his tongue
deep into my mouth. "Someone's office."
"Isn't this sacrilegious?" I grinded against him, finally working my
hands into his opened shirt.
The springy chest hair teased my fingertips, and I leaned

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into him, my mouth and teeth finding the flat disc of his nipples.
"Cajuns are pretty earthy about sex" "Even in a church?"
"Hey, you won't let me screw you in your office so . . ." He bit my
earlobe with a sharp twinge.
My fingers dipped to the front of his pants, tracing the straining bulge I
so desperately wanted inside me. "I let you fuck me in my office at
"Hush it. I got something better for you to do with your mouth." His
deep searing kiss pushed any further reservations from my mind.
"Going to let me suck your cock?" I asked when his eyes flas hed at me.
All his movements stopped for one powerful second before he groaned
and began to pull my gown up my legs, his rough palms slipping over
stockings to find bare skin at the top.
"If you rip this dress—"
"Not gonna rip your dress, cher, just your panties." Storm's mouth
traveled down the deep V of my cleavage. "Who says I'm wearing

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He s topped again, rugged breaths chugging in and out of his muscled
chest. "Oh, you naughty, naughty minx."
"Wedding present for you?" I moued innocently.
"This dress . . . mmm, cher. Do you know how difficult it was saying
my weddin' vows with a hard-on?" He lifted me atop the desk.
"Wouldn't have been able to say a damn word if I'd known about that
little surprise."
He raised the skirts up to my waist, carefully arranging the lengths of
satin material behind me. His eyes widened before narrowing, and he
wedged my legs open. The tops of my stockings stopped at my thighs,
held up by a rich cream lace garter belt framing my slit. The high heels
on my feet were sexy, incredibly expensive.
Storm's fingers swept over my bare pussy. "Fuck. Me."
He licked his lips, staring down at me, his fingertips tracing the small
triangle of copper hair on my mound.
"Damn. I love your little cunt, cher'"
The deep tone of his voice—hoarse and husky—made me arch my
back, spread myself even more for him
He ripped open his pants, the belt hanging free. Shoving them to his
thighs, his cock rose up, thick and erect . . . wet at the flared tip, and

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I leaned back on my hands, lifting my heels to the edge of the desk.
"Mon Dieu."
His deep plunge inside snaked the most intense arousal up and down
my body. I'd gotten used to his size, but when he came at me like
this—rough, raw, relentless—a screaming orgasm overtook me
He lifted one of my legs higher, drawing my tongue into his mouth as
he pulled out and slammed back in.
My body clutched at him, and I heard him curse.
The pounding thrust of his hips kept dancing me backward, but he
opened me wider, held me tighter, and pulled my aching wet pussy
onto his heavy lunging cock.
"Christ. You're wetter than ever," he snarled, his face a deep mask of
Looking down between us, I watched his thickness emerge, shiny and
slick, before he rammed back inside me.
The flashing heat of the next orgasm rushed through me like a fire.
Storm pumped again, again, again . . . pushing me higher, grinding
deeper. His voice broke when he called out my name, the last fast
thrusts ending when the liquid heat of his come sprayed inside my
sharply convulsing pussy.

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Storm groaned against my neck, still hard inside me. Lifting his head,
he planted little kisses all over my face, and I followed his lips with my
mouth until I could bring him into a lus h kis s .
He pulled back, glaring at his undiminished cock. I laughed lightly,
almost dizzy from the fierce fucking. "Not funny," he grumbled.
"I know, baby. Just a few hours then we have all night together. And
two uninterrupted weeks."
"And you won't touch a phone while we're on our honeymoon." He
found a box of tissues and cleaned himself
"Cross my heart." I lowered my feet to the floor. He glanced at me, his
scarred eyebrow aiming high. "Where do you think you're going?" "To
the reception?"
"Not so fast." He tucked his cock into his pants with another muffled
swear then kneeled between my quivering legs. "Gotta clean you up."
Before I could say anything, his mouth was on me.
He'd barely finished giving me another almighty orgasm and fixing the
rest of our clothes when someone tried the

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Wearing a sheepish grin, he unlocked the door, grabbed my hand, and
swept us into the hall.
The priest stood there with a knowing smile.
The reception was in full swing by the time we rounded the side of the
church. I'm sure everyone missed us, but no one said a word, except for
my team, of course.
Lots of cough-cough-suggestive-remarks fell from Walker, Justice,
and Bane's mouths, until I turned my Medusa glare on them. And
reminded them I signed their paychecks.
Storm led the way around the buffet, collecting food and drinks, hugs
and kisses.
The loud music couldn't drown out the rich, guttural Cajun accents, and
the lingo I'd grown used to with Storm: boug, and cous, and pahdnah.
We took part in the money dance, a tradition where folks paid for their
dances by pinning bills to us.
"Quite a haul." Storm laughed, collecting the money. "Should pay for
part of the bar tab."
"I'm kiddin'. Donating it to charity."

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"Not Pornhub, I hope, like you said last time." He chuckled. "That, too,
was a joke, m 'cher'" The festive atmosphere of the party was
infectious. The celebration reminded me of Storm's and my first date
and our favorite destination whenever we visited New Orleans— Jack's
I danced with my father, and James, Mamere, and Angel. Walker even
took me for a spin.
But most of the time I stayed in Storm's arms, as captivated by him as
ever. He kept toying with my hair— coiled and curled and arranged on
top of my head—or touching the wedding ring nestled next to the
engagement band. He kept offering me more drinks or food or cake.
And a knowing, wondering, expression grew on his face when I kept
turning down the free-flowing champagne.
He looked at me with the same excitement bubbling ins ide me.
Storm set me free just once after that in order to make Angel dance with
a mop.
Angel shook his blond head of curls—in looks he was the very
antithesis of his older brother, but both men possessed the same big

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"Bullshit. I only have to do that if I'm older and a bachelor," Angel
Storm pushed him into the center of the dancing platform. "Do I look
like I care? C'mon, it's tradition. You're my family."
"Sure, sure. Play the family card."
In the end, Storm got his way. I'd found out he almost always did.
Especially with me. Playing hard-to-get had been futile with him. Like
I'd always said, he was a force of nature all on his own . . . Storm.
He held me in his arms again, moving with his smooth, natural rhythm,
after laughing his ass off at Angel's expense.
"I love you," I lifted up on my tiptoes to whisper in his
I couldn t wait to tell him the good news. Later. Tonight. When we were
He hummed, a proud smile on his lips. His eyes s wept over
my face, and the dark blue turned soft, warm, the look that was for me
and me alone. "And you have my entire heart, Mrs.
"That's a mouthful." I curved my face beneath his chin, breathing in the
scent of him—man and cologne and always

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a little leather and smoke.
"Know what else is a mouthful?" His hips circled more suggestively
against me.
"I reckon I can guess." I shook my head, smiling, rubbing my body
closer to his.
More boisterous music started up, the musicians leaving the stage to
step onto the dance floor.
"Time for the Second Line!" Storm shouted.
He s wirled me into the melee—a loose line forming with people
dancing and singing. Like a conga but even more rowdy, folks waving
napkins, handkerchiefs, anything that came to hand as we wound our
way off the floor and trailed around the tents and among the
churchyard, singing and whistling and clapping to the music that
announced our nuptials.
Laughing, Storm twirled me away to privacy under the trees just as
stars started sparkling in the sky above. And our dance ended in the
kind of kiss I knew we'd share for a lifetime.
"Got somethin' to tell me, cher?"
I whispered the most important words of all into his ear.

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KIKI June 2017
Bane's and my month-long op in Azerbaijan ended with a victory,
although a tight one achieved only after several hair-raising close calls.
Low margins. High risk.
We may have been able to make most of our own rules under new
management AKA Blaize Carmichael in the co-op of Force-Reckon,
but the life and death missions never got easier.
Neither Bane nor I had been wounded, so that was a bonus. That didn't
mean to say we weren't dead on our feet, though.
We'd barely had time to touchdown at JBAB in DC, shove some scran
down our throats, enjoy a nice slow fuck, and rack out for a few hours
before we had to head to Dulles to meet Allegra off the plane.
Bane spotted the tween with the dark brown braid first. "Holy fuck. Did
she grow another six inches in the past two months?"
"Girls hit puberty first." I waved at his twelve-year-old

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daughter, and she sprinted toward us on those long legs she must've
inherited from him.
"Great." He scrubbed a hand down his face. "I do not want to know."
I smiled. Big gruff Griffin Bane didn't fool me one bit. Never had.
Never would. He loved his daughter with the ferocity of a lion, with the
force of a wide-open heart, with all the protectiveness of a man who
could and would cause damage to any man who treated his baby girl
He broke into a grin when she hurled herself into his arms.
It never failed to twist my heart, seeing the two of them together. I
knew he was swallowing roughly, holding in all the feels, and he
always let her go before he was ready because he didn't want to crowd
"You join track yet?" He pinched her braid, and she beamed up at him,
showcasing the braces she'd gotten four months ago.
"Totally. I rank at hurdles."
"Knew you would." Patting her on the shoulder, he kissed her on the
cheek—still so unsure whether she welcomed his hard-won affection
or not. "Go running in the

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morning with me?"
"Race you to the finish, Dad."
Bane's eyes—one hazel, and one blue—dampened just enough I could
tell. Dad.
And my heart clenched again.
Even more so when Allegra bowled straight into my arms, and he was
right—she'd be as tall as me soon.
"Hey, sweetie. We missed you."
"Holy crap! I love the new hair color, Kiki."
"Uh. Language." Bane attempted to play bad cop.
Like he didn't drop the f-bomb every other word when s he was n't
She touched my hair—newly tinted with light blue streaks. The color
made my eyes stand out even more, Bane s aid.
"You look totes millennial!" she exclaimed.
I exchanged a look with Bane over her head while we still could . . .
"We 're getting old."
I mouthed at him.
"Kiki Damage, such a boss name." Allegra hugged on me again before
popping back. "Can we go shopping while I'm

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We walked out of the terminal with Allegra between us. A
family—something that was totally normal for most people —but was
so unexpected and amazing to Bane and me.
"What about tats? Can I get one yet?" She asked, her large eyes that
were the same two-tones as Bane's directed at him. "Kiki's are so
"Language! And ink for you? Never." Bad cop.
I bit my lip to prevent a laugh from gurgling out.
I couldn't wait to see his reaction if she ever asked about getting pierced
considering the steel on his body.
Bane scowled at me before winking—the man probably knew exactly
what I was thinking.
Allegra barely missed a step or ever stopped for a breath. She broke
ahead into the next topic without missing a beat. "Okay, Candy Crush.
What level?"
"Fifty-three," I boasted.
"The bomb!" She skipped in front of us then turned around. "What
about you, Dad?"
Towing all her luggage on his back like the bags weighed

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no more than fluffy pillows, Bane shrugged. "I tried that Candy Crush
Saga thing."
I'd coached him in the art of teenage girl.
Not so old yet.
"And?" Allegra prompted.
"Stuck on level twelve."
"Ermahgadmetoo." Sometimes she said an entire s entence like it was
one word.
Sometimes we needed a UN translator to understand her.
By the time we made it back to our house in Adams Morgan, I felt like
I'd shot back five double espressos in a row—on a buzz from Allegra's
effervescent energy. Bane probably felt like he'd been highballing coke
like that night back in Mexico City with dead and gone Carlos.
He showed no signs of breaking, though.
That was my man.
He humped Allegra's bags up to the bedroom we'd decorated for
her—way, way, way on the other end of the hallway from our room.
The stud didn't even show any signs of jetlag from our international
flight not twenty-four hours earlier.
I could not love him more.

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Now, Allegra? Bless her, but I sometimes wondered if she needed
downers. Needless to say, we kept absolutely no Coca Cola or any
other caffeinated drinks stashed in the house when she came visiting.
And the sugar stuff? Also completely off limits.
Bane might have a soft touch for his daughter, but he was a born and
bred hardass.
Pulling a stool up to the bartop in the kitchen while I s tarted making
dinner, Allegra twirled the end of her braid between her fingers. "So,
no flights this weekend?"
Yeeaaah, that.
We might have adjusted the truth just a little bit for her. Saying I was a
flight attendant. Shudder.
Hence all the traveling I did.
And Bane? Big daddy Griffin Bane the badass? We'd given him a new
cover Insurance salesman.
I'd laughed until I had tears in my eyes when I'd suggested it.
He'd vetoed it at first.
He had a point. What person in their right mind would

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buy a policy from the huge, muscled, tattooed dude? But I won. As us
Stomping downstairs, Bane walked into our big open-plan kitchen.
Drawing me into his arms, he kissed me soundly—and not at all
PG-13—on the mouth.
Allegra was heard giggling.
He peered over at her. "What are you up to, Ally?"
"Cutting veg?"
"You gave her a blade?"
"It's not a KA-BAR." I pressed against his chest. "Chill." He s norted.
"What's a k-bar?" Ally asked.
"A really serious chef's knife?" He answered her question with a
question. That shit was catching. A lot like babies and marriage.
We ate a family meal at the large table just waiting to be filled by more.
The threat of emotion again caught tight in my throat, nearly spilling
over to my eyes. Bane noticed. He squeezed my hand and kissed my
We s et Ally free afterward while we cleaned up.

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"You sure she's not gonna wreck the place?" He stacked the dishes I
rinsed before we filled the dishwasher.
"Doing what?" I turned into his arms, holding him against me with
soapy hands. "We were way more dangerous at her age."
"Don't distract me," he murmured when I worked one slick hand down
the back of his jeans and grabbed a smooth muscular crescent.
Fuck. His ass. Squats are a very good thing for glutes.
"Who's distracting? It's your fault when you look this good and feel so
right." Tipping my head up, I hungered for his mouth.
He didn't disappoint, his arms clasped around me, his lips searing mine.
His tongue stroked and teased and easily found entrance.
"Can't wait to fuck you," he gritted out.
"Language, mister."
"I'll give you language. Just wait until later" Gripping my hair in one
fist, he slid his lips to my neck, the shivery sensation making me weak
in the knees.
After one last lashing kiss, we went back to the dishes— completely
fucking domestic and loving it—about two

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s econds before Ally popped into the room. "Got any Coke?" she asked.
"No." Both of us. Just like parents.
Popcorn on the other hand? Yass!
We watched a movie on the big screen TV and played Pictionary at the
same time.
Allegra finally dropped off three hours later. Bane had once asked me if
it'd be kosher to dose her on Benadryl to make her conk out faster. My
answer to that had been a firm no.
Instead of risking waking her to go to bed—because Bane was sure
she'd never fall asleep again—he kissed her as softly as possible on the
cheek and covered her with a light blanket.
I made my way upstairs while he performed the final security check
and turned off most of the lights. In our bedroom, I made sure our
weapons were all locked tight in the concealed compartment in the
Facing the mirror, I started brushing my hair. I caught Bane's reflection
as he entered, his powerful presence immediately filling the room,
swelling my heart.

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He'd had such a hard life. But he was such a soft touch ins ide.
Walking to me, he took the brush from my hand. Locking eyes on mine
in the mirror—the two distinct colors all the more gorgeous because of
the difference—he gently tugged the bristles through my hair.
Kissing my shoulder, he lay the brush down.
His shirt came off first.
He was so much taller than me his huge shoulders and his broad chest
curled above and around me. The tats on his shoulder were visible, but
those on the back of his neck up to his skull remained hidden from
view. Marks of a life fought for just like all the scars he carried
on—and inside— his body.
"I thought she'd never go to bed," he murmured, his lips set against the
sensitive skin of my ear. "No shit."
"Language, Baby Spy." Smirk.
He stood behind me, taking off my earrings. He unclas ped the
necklace, and unhinged the copper cuff on my wris t.
Tugging my hand, he turned me around. He frowned,

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looking down at our linked fingers.
"What is it?" I asked.
"You ready to pull the trigger yet, Kiki?" Chewing the corner of his lip,
he rubbed a hand against the back of his neck. "With me?"
I s tared at him, not quite following. "Pull the trigger?"
Taking a pace back, Bane drilled his gaze to mine. "Fuck. Sorry. Trying
not to choke. Can't seem to get the words out."
"Choke or choke up?" I dropped my arms to my sides, immediately
reading his seriousness.
"Choke up." His voice deepened, and he inhaled a choppy breath.
"Shit. This isn't going as planned."
"Just tell me." My heart started banging in my chest.
My pulse quickened.
With a flush staining his cheeks, Bane—Gorgeous Griffin
Bane—dropped to one knee in front of me.
I pushed my hand to my mouth. "No way."
Tears swam in my vision, almost blinding me as my lips trembled.

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"You're not supposed to cry yet, girl. Jesus." He looked up at me, his
face stark with the most intense emotion. "Unless that's a good cry?"
"I don't know yet," I whispered.
"I hope so." His voice came out shaky.
His hands shook, too, when he presented the small jewelry box to me.
Then he opened it, and I almost fell on my ass, no goddamn lie.
The ring shone, a platinum band encircling a flat-faceted black
"Is that legit?" My voice barely worked, and my heart fluttered wildly
in my chest.
"Well, I didn't steal it." Bane's lips quirked at the corners.
"I thought you said I wasn't a diamonds kind of girl." More tears
slipped down my cheeks.
"Will you marry me, Katherine?" He'd never looked more s cared,
more hopeful . . . more in love.
I kneeled in front of him, my arms winding around his neck, my lips
melded to his.
He peeled back. "You didn't give me an answer."
"Such a stickler for rules."

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"Not so much, but I still really wanna fuck the living daylights out of
you. So, yes or no? But it better be a yes."
I held out my ring finger, trying to keep it steady when he s lipped the
stunning ring onto it.
"We're getting married?"
"Yeah, Kiki. We're getting married."
The biggest smile flew across Bane's lips, and we tumbled together. His
hands moved all over me, quickly ripping my clothes off while our lips
clung. His strong body —naked and heavily muscled—hovered over
He blinked hard. "We're getting married," he hushed out reverently
before sliding into me.
"Bane!" I keened when he entered me. "I love you. Love you so much!"
The ripple shivering through his body echoed in his dark voice, the low
words, the long slow thrusts. "You have me. You've always had all of
me, Kiki."

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Books By Rie Warren
Bad Boys of X-Ops Four novels, spring/summer 2016

Book One


Book Two


Book Three




Bad Boys of Retribution MC Complete series—Carolina Bad Boys

Book One


Book Two


Book Three




Carolina Bad Boys—the original Bad Boys
Ongoing series

Book One

Ride, the novella from within Stone,

Book 1.5


Book Two


Book Three


Book Four

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Lowcountry Heat
Sugar Daddy,

Book One

Don't Tell Series

Complete series
In His Command,

Book One

On Her Watch,

Book Two

Under His Guard,

Book Three

In His Sights,



Jingle Bell Rock,

Free download

Heart Beats,

Download for free


His Heart,

Free download

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Keep reading for the first chapter of
Hunter: Bad Boys of Retribution MC 1
Complete kickass biker series
Where Walker began. Look no further for your next book boyfriend:


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Chapter One
"YO, HUNTER." COLE SLID me a fresh cold beer across the
steel-topped bar in the Retribution clubhouse.
I savored the first swig, watching the man who was the biker on MC
probationary status. In fact, most of the guys here called him Probie
instead of his given name. I knew he wasn't wet behind the ears or too
stupid to have a clue. Unfortunately for him, everyone had to start out
on the ground floor when pledging an MC, and he'd gotten the shit end
of the stick. But he'd proved himself during our search for Detective
Ashe Kingston. Brodie Steele, the VP of this club, was going to make
things right with Cole the Probie tonight.
Just then, the old lady of the hour and her wildman entered Retribution.
Whistles erupted only eclipsed by loud s houts and fists pounding on
the tables.
Ashe accepted her welcome with the usual smile and s as s , Brodie
beaming by her side. The pair was well matched. Both blond: he the tall
rangy biker dude, she the

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curvy babe on his arm. Ashe wasn't new to the MC 'hood— s he'd
ridden a cop chopper in her time on duty as a Mt. Pleasant, South
Carolina, Police Department officer before ranking as Vice detective.
But word had it there'd been so much bad blood between Brodie and
her in years past he'd just as likely have flipped her off as flipped out
over her The times, they were a'changin'.
As he had been through the wringer. Solving her first case after her
promotion to Vice, she'd been kidnapped while making the arrest. That
night in September I'd come clean with Brodie about my undercover
status. I worked off the record, in the dark, and usually solo. Lucky for
him I'd been brought in on the sly, and we'd doled out a little vigilante
jus tice.
In my eyes, the detective was Comeback Ashe. Now it was November.
She'd recovered from the trauma and sat through endless hours of
counseling. She'd just completed her firs t full week back on the force.
She was back in the saddle, and for a change, Brodie didn't look like he
wanted to go full bodily harm on anyone who crossed his path.
I couldn't imagine the hell he'd gone through, which was why I tended
to keep my relationship status firmly in the

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one-night-only column and women at arm's length unless they were
deemed content to let me fuck them then leave them. My work was
dangerous enough. I didn't need to drag a honey into it—or into my
Glancing across the room as the celebratory furor died down, I
performed my usual calm cool appraisal of the action. Who might be a
threat, who was working an angle, who was to be trusted. Along with
Cole and Brodie, Boomer Steele—Brodie's older bro—was in the solid
corner. He was the founder and president of this club. The Steele
family was tight and included Catarina, the youngest sibling of the trio
who owned and operated the auto parts dynasty next door —Chrome
and Steele.
Where Brodie was blond and leanly muscled, usually with a wicked
gleam in his icy pale blue eyes, Boomer was a brick shithouse on legs,
broad enough to take up an entire doorway, and his eyes either danced
in laughter or held a dark sadness. I'd looked into the background of
each Retribution member. Unfortunately, due to the Steele family
tragedy, theirs was the most captivating.
The most sad.
I took another drink and turned to face the back of the

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barroom. The pool tables drew a crowd. So did the dartboards. The
wood was polished. The tables shined. The floors didn't stick to the
soles of my boots. In fact, despite the usual loud rock tunes, many
drinks imbibed, and the ladies in waiting to get laid, this was one of the
cleanest clubs I'd ever investigated. All thanks to Cole aka Probie.
Brodie waded through the crowded room toward me as his woman
made a show of banking balls at insane angles before pocketing them at
one of the pool tables. He looked like he was ready to sink a couple
balls of his own into Ashe.
Cole fetched a beer for Brodie, setting it at the ready before he even
took the stool beside me.
I clinked his bottle. "Chief's happy with Ashe's progress."
"Yeah. I know. Sipowicz and I are like this." He knitted two fingers
I chuckled. Sipowicz was Brodie's very appropriate nickname for Chief
Tilden, head of the Mt. Pleasant Police Department. His face was
haggard and lined and he was most notable for wearing wrinkled suits
over a larger-than-life belly, but there was more intelligence going on

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that workaday exterior than anyone could ever fathom. Tight ship? He
ran it out of the side of his mouth without ever letting a smile show.
Good man.
"You still on MPPD's payroll?" Brodie asked.
I considered the question. No one besides Ashe and her partner
Davies—both of whom I'd worked with on the Retribution case—Cole,
Boomer, and Brodie knew the real solid deal about me. And even then .
. . they don t have a fucking clue who I really am. Brodie had once
mentioned I was a ghost. He wasn't wrong.
"Now, now. I wouldn't be undercover if I told you, would
"Whatever" He sniggered. "I'll get it out of Probie later"
"His name's Cole. You know it. I know it. He's a good one to have on
the lookout. Might try to recruit him."
"As long as you give him enough time to swab the decks around here,"
Brodie replied.
I was staying put in Mt. Pleasant for reasons no one needed to know.
Another case? Maybe. Let them guess. My personal life was well
hidden, off the record, and very fucking lost at the bottom of the sea
along with my real identity.

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A parade of women from the sister charter sashayed inside. The First
Ladies of Redemption went hand-in-hand with the Presidents of
Retribution. I'd had my eyeful of the honeys before, but tonight there
was a new babe in the mix
A minx, in fact. I stared at the woman, stunned stupid. Beautiful didn't
cover what she had going on. Her soft-looking brown curls bounced as
she strutted inside on ankle-high suede boots. I couldn't see the color of
her eyes, but damned if I didn't drink in the pink fullness of her lips
canted in a smile and her tight body revealed in a pair of hipster jeans to
go with the slashed top. That top dripped off her shoulders and down
her back, revealing creamy skin marked with a line of butterfly tats all
the way down her spine by the looks of it.
That had to have hurt like a bitch.
Jesus, she looked untouched, totally fresh, and more than a little
naughty all at the same time.
I cleared my throat, nailing the woman with my eyes.
"Who's that?"
Brodie swiveled around and lazily scratched at his goatee. "Oh, her?
With the First Ladies. She's pretty new." I leveled my gaze on the girl
again. She faced full frontal,

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and damn me if her face wasn't as sexy as the rearview. Worse? She
had a smattering of freckles across her slim nose and along her high
cheekbones. My own personal weakness.
"Fuck that. She's pretty. Straight up."
"New cherry," Brodie said. "Fresh off the tree. She goes by JB, but we
gave her our own nickname."
"JB?" I asked.
"Jailbait, dude."
I dropped my forehead onto the bar with a groan. Of fucking course.
"Fitting. Don't you think? Detective Sexton—if that's even your real
"It's Lieutenant Sexton, asswipe." I gave him the bird, my forehead still
planted against the bar.
His laughter echoed as he walked away.
"Got company comin' your way, Hunter," Cole murmured.
I glanced around.
Oh hell. JB was headed straight for the bar on mile-long legs. I dropped
my chin to my chest, peering at her through the shafts of my black hair.
She passed by, leaving the scent of her addictive floral perfume in her

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I didn't do the obvious thing—like adjusting my suddenly hard cock in
my jeans, or making a pass at her. Obvious was not part of my MO. I
was the Ghost, literally. That was my callsign and my roadname. I kept
my head down, worked the grind, did my job and got the hell out of
Dodge before the dust settled.
I used the same set of rules with women. Chicks did not get to me, not
anymore. I was thirty-one goddamn years old —and a hell of a lot older
if you counted my kills—yet I'd never reacted to a woman like this
before. Immediately. Intensely. And probably destructively.
There was a reason I stayed off the relationship grid. Tangle with me,
end up dead or worse. I might officially be the "good guy" on paper, but
bad shit had a way of following in my footsteps.
Despite my better judgment, I listened to JB place her order and
watched her beneath the shadow of my eyelashes. She had a body to die
for and a velvety voice that drove a s pike of need through me. I hung
on her every word, wishing I were playing bartender for the night. Then
she met my penetrating stare and lifted her drink in my direction.
I'd been made.

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Well, fuck it. I'd never been one to turn tail and run. Beer in hand, I
prowled to her. "Hunter Sexton." "JB, as I'm sure you've heard."
Her palm swallowed in mine, I leaned closer for another hit of her
perfume. "JB?"
"My initials, among other things." She slipped her fingers from my
grasp. "I'll be playing darts if you want to go a round or two later."
There was no mistaking her invitation. As she slinked off, I reminded
myself I had absolutely no intensions of taking her up on it.
Throughout the night, I kept her in my sights. She denied all dickheads
out to get into her pants, usually with an easy letdown so the beat-down
didn't sting too hard.
After her latest brush-off of I am purely sorry, but you don t have the
equipment I'm lookin 'for
with a batting of her eyelashes as she drew
her arm through her busty femme fatale sidekick's, I hid my grin
against the top of my beer
She was so not a lipstick lesbian the idea was laughable, but it got Tail
to move along. He was Retribution lady-killer

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numero uno. I was glad to see him amble away with a good-natured
shrug of his shoulders.
JB was as aware of me as I was of her. I remained all the way across the
room—arguably a safe distance away—but I felt her gaze on me during
the course of the night. She wasn't obvious about it; I was just good at
my job. Reading people inside and out, backward and forward, came
part and parcel with my line of work. I lived by my wits, without a
safety net. And JB had me free-falling for her in the space of two
goddamn hours. She sent her subtle fuck-me vibe in my direction and
mine alone. Her attention thrilled me more than I cared to admit.
Finally Brodie sidetracked me by calling for order. Thank fuck for that.
As the din died down, he motioned Cole from behind the bar. Leaving
the latest MC prospect hanging just long enough so he looked like he
might crap his pants, Brodie finally welcomed Cole into the
Retribution fold as a full member. When he held up the new leather cut
identical to the rest of the brethren's with the scales of justice and skull
and crossbones, I almost shed a goddamn tear.
Cole grinned so hard I thought he'd crack his face as he accepted the
MC colors.

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He deserved the Retribution patch more than I did. He'd taken shit and
come up shining time and time again.
I'd learned something from this brotherhood.
Sometimes you followed protocol. Sometimes you went with your gut.
I'd gone with my gut with Brodie and Ashe. Detective Kingston had
survived because of it, but I'd been smacked around with rules and regs
and psych follow-ups because of my decision to bring Brodie onto the
My decision to save Kingston's life.
I'd lay my career on the line again for any one of them. No questions
So what if I got slapped with my own probationary term because of it?
It wasn't my gut leading me now though. More like my cock. Straight
up, hard as a rock, and wanting release in one babe only. JB. Getting
involved with the girl could mean one of two things:
A trip to prison if she was as underage as she looked and as her
nickname implied. Jailbait indeed.
Or a trip to heaven because she was nothing if not sex in the flesh.
She was way too young for me to be messing with, not

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to mention I was absolutely unsuitable for any woman, anywhere, all
the time. Didn't matter. I hadn't been able to take my eyes off her since
the moment she'd entered the MC, and I wanted my hands on her, too.
Unfortunately she was dancing. So were a bunch of handsy dudes all
around her. I wished I'd carried my Glock on me. I could pick 'em off
one by one. But then Cole would be on cleanup detail, and we were
buddies. He hadn't had to mop up one of my bloody messes yet,
probably best to keep it that way.
Instead of shooting all the assholes trying to feel up JB as she danced
with her hips swiveling, her arms reaching high, her head thrown back,
I decided to cut in.
Paving a path through her groupies and gropers, I'd just about reached
her when Cole called out across the noise of music and laughter, "Say,
why you called Hunter anyway?"
JB glanced back at me with a smile then glided away.
I watched her sinuous moves, answering Cole, "Maybe Hunter is my
real name." Approaching the bar, I splatted Cole's hand onto it. I took
my sharpened Ka-Bar knife from my belt and stabbed it between his
fingers. "Or maybe I'm jus t damn good with my knife. Wanna double

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That got big guffaws all around and drew JB's large inky eyes to me.
"What about Sexton?" Cole pulled his hand back, making sure all the
skin was intact.
"You'd have to ask the ladies about any sexin' . . . "
MC dudes converged on me with back slaps, but JB s pun on her heels
with a huff. In an apparent outrage, she marched to the far reaches of
the clubhouse.
I had to follow up on that. Usually I liked my liaisons jealousy-free, but
considering I'd already imagined putting bullet holes in just about
every man in the room for so much as looking at her, I'd give her a free
pass to get all green-eyed about me anytime she wanted.
When I made my way to the darts, JB ignored me; her head high and
those amazing brown curls tossed back.
I stood in front of the bull's-eye.
She stomped around me to retrieve her darts.
I blocked the way again, lightly touching her arm. "There a problem?"
"I'm not easy, if that's what you're after."
"That's not a problem."
With a s tamp of her foot, she went back to the throw

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line. I'd barely stepped out of the way before she let rip with a dart that
whistled past my ear. "I don't fuck around, either."
"Even better" I grinned at the spitfire.
"What she means to say is BTDT. The T-shirt was not that awesome."
Rayce—the wrench shrew from Stone's garage—intervened. She was
JB's fake dyke girlfriend from earlier and apparently a bulldog on a
mission to put me in my place.
"No need to go rabid on me. I'll step off." Almost relieved by her
interruption, I backed up with my hands raised. I needed a reason to
stop pursuing JB anyway. "For the record, I'd never harm your friend,
but I'm glad you're looking out for her."
An hour later, I slid onto my motorcycle. Helmet in hand, I ramped the
Deus Grievous Angel to life.
JB materialized next to me, huddling inside her padded leather jacket.
"Sorry about before. Rayce has issues."
"And where's your bodyguard now?"
"I don't need one." She unfolded her arms, and her jacket gaped open at
her chest. She took my helmet from my hands and slung it onto the

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"Beg to differ." She definitely needed protection from me.
JB made the first move, I'd testify to that shit in court. She leaned over
me and licked her lips. Then my hands were in her hair, burrowing
deeper, and I dragged her to my mouth. She straddled me when I lifted
her onto my lap. The moist touch of her tongue parted my lips.
I groaned, opening up to her talented lunges, following the sleek kisses
into her mouth where our tongues collided. I wanted to thrust down her
throat with my cock. Rip her pants apart and fuck her until she
screamed. Take her on my motorcycle and spray my come all over her
body. The intensity of my reaction steered all coherent thought from
my head.
The soul-searing kiss lit me up inside. I wanted more.
Bad move. One of my worst. I'd regret it later. Right now I'd savor the
way JB moaned, riding my thigh, getting off on me.
I wanted to have this for one more minute. I wanted her.
I couldn't have her. I shouldn't stain her. My soul wasn't even intact.
With a growl, I pushed her off me. I steadied her with a

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hand on her hip as she found her footing.
"What's your problem?" JB frowned, her lips swollen from my kisses.
"I can't. Not with you. Not like this." I wouldn't meet her eyes.
"Damn right you can't. I'm too good for you." She zipped her jacket all
the way to the chin.
Nothing hotter than a woman with an attitude who knew what she
wanted, but I couldn't take advantage.
"Exactly." I throttled my raging black bike, shouting over the roar of
pipes, "We agree. Never gonna happen."
Peeling out of the parking lot, I glanced back one last time. Big
mistake. JB stood under the halo of a streetlight with one stiff middle
finger raised in my direction. And I wanted her even more.
Not gonna happen.
Only one good thing had come out of my life, and I had nothing left to
give .

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Connect with Rie

Website Amazon Newsletter Goodreads Facebook




Twitter Pinterest Street Team of Awesome

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X-Ops is done, y'all! Like I promised you—fast books, badass plots,
kick-it-into-high-gear alpha men. Walker, Jus tice, Storm, Bane. Jade.
Tilly, Blaize, Kiki. A dark-ops team of awesome.
So now I regroup, after I give my many, many thanks.
I mean, obviously—Gilly Wright! Whaaaat? My editor-at-large and
keeper of all Rie secrets. Joelle Mendes is the other guardian of my
sanity as well as my very much loved PA. Two women I could not do
And to add another few: Christine Cox, April Gasaway, Lis a Pinney.
Bodacious beta readers who talk me up, talk me down, and throw the
book love around.
Thanks to all readers, reviewers, bloggers who have followed this
journey. To my street team and friends I have nothing but hardcore
love. Speaking of: Laura Crawford chose Bane's hot, hot, hot
motorcycle, Lisa Pinney sent me the pic for Blaize's wedding dress
(and I will be posting on

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my page), and Brandi Nicole Chiles was all rawr about Bane's big,
mofo truck. Cheers, ladies!
I believe the next book in my Carolina Bad Boys series is next! All
about Handsome. After that? Surprises. You'll get the most news on my
FB page or through my newsletter.

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About Rie
Rie is the badass, sassafras author of Sugar Daddy and the Don't Tell
series—a breakthrough trilogy that crossed traditional publishing
boundaries beginning with In His Command. Her latest endeavors
include the Carolina Bad Boys, a fun, hot, and southern-sexy series.
A Yankee transplant who has traveled the world, Rie started out a
writer—causing her college professor to blush over her erotic poetry
without one ounce of shame. Not much has changed. She swapped pen
for paintbrushes and followed her other love during her twenties. From
art school to marriage to children and many a wild and wonderful
journey in between, Rie has come home to her calling. Her work has
been called edgy, daring, and some of the sexiest smut around.
You can connect with Rie via the social media hangouts listed on her

http ://www.riewarren.com


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