Bad Boys 2 Bastard Jordan Silver

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Bad Boy Book 2



Jordan Silver

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Copyright© 2014 Alison Jordan

All Rights Reserved

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Table of Contents
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11

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I stood at the foot of her bed, looking down on her as she slept. So innocent she seemed. All

that hair spread out across her pillow, her cupid bow mouth, pale-pink; like those of an innocent.

I was about to change her life, some might peg me a monster, others may never understand. But

this little gem had fallen into my lap like providence. I have a strong belief in providence. The fact
that she was gorgeous was just the cherry on top of my favorite sundae.

She would suit my purposes just fine. Too bad we hadn’t met under better circumstances, but

I’m a man who believes in taking what he gets as it comes.

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I’d seen her for the first time a few short months ago. Just one day I happened to be driving

through the old neighborhood, and there she was.

I’d felt the punch in my heart first, before it had moved to my cock. My eyes followed her as

she walked along, so innocent. Having no idea that there was a predator in her midst.

“Stop.” I’d had my driver stop short on the side of the busy street. Horns blared but I gave a

fuck. My detail in the other car pulled up next to us and I rolled down the window in the backseat.

“Find out who she is.”
“On it boss.”

It hadn’t taken them long to get what I wanted. That’s usually the case in old neighborhoods like these,
where everybody knew everybody.

They maybe wouldn’t have been so forthcoming, had they known it was me, Xander

Konstantinidis, who was doing the asking. My reputation had been well earned on these streets back
in the day.

I smiled to myself as I sat in the car that day, my mind already formulating plans and schemes.

Whatever it took, I will have her. I’m not in the habit of letting anything stand in my way. And if the
obstacle proved to be too much of a hindrance, I just simply have it removed.

I ran the parents and found out the mother was long gone and the dad had a problem. He loved

the tables, but was no good at it; maybe because he loved the bottle as much, if not more. I’m a
devious fuck, so my mind started working. I couldn’t let all my fancy education go to waste now,
could I?

It was a bit unorthodox of me to go about it this way. But from what I’d learned, this might be

the easiest. She had all the qualifications I was looking for. And besides, I was sure that any life I
could give her would be better than anything she could hope for.

The only problem was, I’m not exactly anyone’s choice for mate material. My appetites are

renowned when it comes to sex. I don’t really give a fuck what anyone thinks about that. But there
were other, let’s say, unconventional traits to my personality.

I’ve never been into vanilla.

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Chapter 1


I awakened to a blindfold and a gag in my mouth; straight away my breathing changed, and my

heart began to race. "Ah, so you're awake little Bianca, how sweet. No don't tense up. I promise to
make this good for you.

You're probably wondering what this is about, who I am...I'll tell you."

I felt cold steel slide up my middle, around my nipple and down again, until it touched my little

love button. I held myself stiff with fear, not quite understanding if it were a dream or if I was truly
awake. Then the voice continued.

"You see; your old man owes me some money, lots of it in fact. So much, he'd never be able to

repay it in his lifetime. So he had a choice, death, or his only daughter. He chose to live.

Now usually, I would've killed the fuck and be done with it, but I've been watching you from

afar. In fact, you're the reason I let his stupidity get this far.

Normally, the fuck would've been dead a couple hundred grand ago, but I think you're worth it.

He assures me you're a virgin. Are you little Bianca, hmm?"

I felt fingers prodding into my secret places, as I tried to scream around the cloth in my mouth.

"Hmmm, smell that nice sweet pussy, I'm gonna enjoy getting your blood on my cock." I think he
licked me there…

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"They say the best way to bust a cherry, is to just get it done. I'm not sure about your little

eighteen year old pussy though, I have to warn you...I'm not a small man."

I struggled against my restraints futilely, as tears ran down the sides of my face, and into my

hair. "Ssh shh, I'm not gonna hurt you; not anymore than is necessary anyway.

However, let’s get some things straight while I have your attention." I heard him removing his

clothes as he walked around the bed. Why was he…?

"I own you, all of you, that means I run you. School is out, the life you knew, done. When I'm

through here, I'm loading you into the back of my car and taking you to my mansion.

You won't be allowed outside for a long time, not until after I've had at least two sons out of


You see, that's your new purpose; you're my little breeding sow if you will. A nice clean


What was he talking about? Is this a dream? Oh please, dad…I tried screaming around the gag,

while my heart beat out of control.

I couldn't close my legs, because he had them tied to the bedposts. I felt something hot and

warm rub against me there, as I felt his breath on my cheek.

His breath was...sweet, not like you'd expect a monster's to be.

"You feel that? That's all you'll know for the next little while: morning, evening, noon and

night. I'll be fucking you until you catch, then maybe I'll give you a break in the afternoons."

He laughed uproariously as he pushed what felt like a pike into my body making me buck.

"Sweet a fucking glove...”

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I felt a tearing, burning sensation as realization dawned; he was inside me.

"I would say I'm sorry but…I'm really not."

I felt fingers on my little nub again and a weird sensation coursed through my body. What was

he doing, why wasn't he moving, rutting like the animal he is?

"Oh no little Bianca, I know you want to hate me. But I'm gonna make you love everything I do

to you; betrayed by your own body...starting now." He eased out of me, only to glide back in gently.
He did this a couple times, while rubbing my button, until I found myself moving my hips, seeking,
please no.

Again I felt the cold steel tip of what had to be a knife, play around my nipple and liquid fire

rushed from my body.

"Yeah baby, crown my cock with your sweet juices, that's the way. Don't get too used to this

slow and easy shit, I like my fucking hard and deep as fuck. I'll train you to be my everything: whore,
wife and mother of my children. Soon I'll take your other cherry but that can wait. I need to work on
breeding you first."

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Chapter 2

Why was my body reacting this way, how could I betray myself this way? This was wrong,

wasn't it? But I couldn't seem to stop it. My body, without any thought, moved on its own.

Wait, what's he doing? I felt something wet on my nipple and then...teeth? And that place

between my legs was gushing warm fluid again. His body pressed mine into the mattress as I felt his
hands under me lifting me into his thrusts.

"How does that feel little Bianca? Do you know that I only have half my length in you? I'm

about to give you the rest of me, hang on." He grinned and I braced myself for what was to come next.

My scream rent the air as he plunged all the way in, not even the gag was enough to cover it

this time.

"Music to my fucking ears." He pulled out of my body and tore the cloth from my eyes. But

before I could look at his face, he was shoving something in my face as he held my head down on the

"Look at your virgin blood on my cock. If you ever betray me, it will be your life's blood on my

blade. Get up and get dressed, I'll finish in you when we get home." He walked around the bed away
from me and stood with his back turned.

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“I...what?" I was a little confused and turned around. What had just happened here? The

blindfold was off, but I was almost afraid to look at my monster.

He sounded human, but his actions were anything but. And what was that about my dad? My

dad wouldn’t do this to me, would he? But why wasn’t he coming to my rescue? Had the monster hurt
him? Then reality set in and I knew it was true. After all these years, it had come to this.

I felt fresh tears start, but not for this. I cried for that little girl who had tried so hard. Who

always came up short and was never enough. But to do this; this was barbaric, archaic. I’ve never felt
so alone as I did in that moment.

"Get a move on Bianca, time's a wasting and my cock waits for no one." He turned and looked

back at me.

It was then I looked at him, and all the breath left my body. Not because he was a creature from

a nightmare no; but because he was quite the opposite.

Weren't monsters supposed to look the part? if they looked like angels, then how was the world

supposed to know the difference? Then again, Lucifer was once an angel, or so they say. He was
perhaps, the most beautiful man I’d ever seen. Not that I had that much experience, but still.

He looked nothing like my childhood nightmares, nothing at all like the monster who would

carry out the things he’d described. He was young, handsome, well built from what I could see. So
why would he need to go to such lengths?

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"Seen enough? Not quite what you expected huh. Don't let the fact that I'm a Bella Figura fool

you; I'll gut you the first time you cross me and don't you forget it.

Now get up and put something on, unless you want to parade in front of my men naked. Just so

you know, that would be grounds for severe punishment; just something for you to keep in mind for the

He had the nerve to grin at me; was he insane? I must’ve voiced my thoughts out loud.

"I'm not crazy little girl, you're looking at a Harvard Grad, top three percent. Forget that shit, I

beat all the rest. But I'm no lightweight trust fund baby. I like to live on the edge.

I like my sex dirty as fuck, the dirtier the better. The thing is, I don't want some skank mothering

my sons. That's where you come in. Sweet virgin pussy! Well, not so virgin anymore, but sweet as

I hope you've been taking your vitamins little girl, because I plan to fuck you until you're good

and bred. That ought to be fun."

I could only stare at the madman across from me, and wonder when the nightmare would end,

and I’d wake up.


I jumped off the bed and sprang into action; I guess not, no dream ever felt this real.

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Chapter 3


"There's no need to cry angel baby; I'm not so bad once you get to know me. I figure I'm better

for you than that fuck of a father you've got. In fact, you should be thanking me; the way he was going,
you could've ended up as the property of some twisted fuck."

I had to laugh at that, because I'm pretty sure she's thinking that's exactly what had happened. I

watched as she started to gather up her stuff; up close she was a tiny bit of a thing.

I hope she doesn't have too much trouble carrying my seed. Mom always did say I was a

bruiser at birth. My seed; for weeks the thought of breeding her has kept me hard as a fucking pike.

Out of respect, I’d refrained from fucking anyone else. Those days were done. I might be a

bastard, but I hate betrayal in any form. And though she had no idea of the plans I had made for our
future, I did.

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"Leave all that shit behind, I'll get you new things, let's go." I looked around in scorn at the

beaten up furniture in her room, and the ratty threadbare rug. If nothing else, I could at least give her a
decent roof over her head, at the very least.

I wonder if she’d appreciate the grandeur of her new surroundings. Or if the reality of me

plowing her belly day in and day out for the next little while, would dampen that.

She left off picking up her shit and walked over to me all timid and shy. I absolutely loved that

shyness. That sweet, untouched innocence, that I was gonna enjoy dirtying up a fuck of a lot.

"You ready to begin the rest of your life angel baby?" I didn't wait for her to answer, just

grabbed her face and kissed her long and hard, the way I liked.

She flinched a little when I bit her lip there at end; better she gets used to it now, no sense in

perpetrating a fraud. Sex with me is always going to be dangerous.

"Let's go babe my cock's itching to finish what we started."

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I helped her into the back of the car and pulled the privacy screen, might as well keep her

primed on the way.

"Come here." She'd scrunched herself into the corner on the other side of the seat. Seems like

she took her sweet time getting the short distance over to me. Taking her face in my hand I looked into
her eyes as I warned her sternly.

"It's not a good idea to piss me off angel baby, when I say come, you come, no hesitation; nod

your head so I know you get me."

She nodded her head slowly, tears forming in her eyes.

"You've got tonight and tomorrow until noon to get that crying shit out of your system, I hate

tears and there’s no need for them. Like I said, I saved you from a fate worst than death. Now lay
back and spread, I wanna look at my new pussy..."

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With just my thumb, I played at the tip of her entrance, as I had her laid back against the door

with her legs spread wide. I contemplated eating her, but there wasn't enough time so I'll save that for

"You know, your eyes might be filled with tears, but your body can't lie." I grinned at her as

she blushed. It was good to know she liked to fuck; I hadn't missed the telltale movements of her body
under me back in her bed.

It wouldn't have mattered to me one way or the other if she did or she didn't. She didn’t need to

cum to breed, but it was good to know. Nobody likes a dry fuck, least of all me.

Her wetness coated my finger nicely, as I dipped it farther inside, before pulling it out and

sucking her essence from my hand, as I held her eyes with mine.

My cock was crying out for attention, but he'll have to wait. When I finished what I started, I

wanted my nice king sized bed under us. I planned to break her in, until she was well and truly

A couple doses of me inside her every day for the next few weeks should do the job.

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"What are you going to do with me?"

She bit into her lip as she tried to close her legs, which I still held open. I couldn't resist the

pull, so I leaned over and took her mouth. When she turned her head just right and accepted my tongue
I knew I had her.

I came close to saying fuck it, and just doing her right there, in the back of the car; but there

wasn’t enough time. Besides, I didn’t want my son conceived in the backseat of a car.

"For starters, I want a son." I ended the kiss and looked into her eyes as she swallowed


"A...a son?"

"Yep, didn't you hear me back there? That's your new purpose in life, to give me sons. Lets go,

we're here."

I helped her out of the car and dismissed the driver. She looked small and unsure all of a

sudden, and I felt something shift in my long dead heart. What was I doing? I studied her for a few
seconds as I contemplated the night's activities, questioning...

"Fuck this, let's go."

I took her hand and led her to the doors of my mansion; her eyes were pools of wonder as she

took in her new surroundings. I’ll give her the grand tour later.

"Welcome home, now strip, I think I've waited long enough."

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She had no idea what she did when she took off running. I'm sure the sinister laugh that

followed her, sent fear in her little heart.

Pressing the button on the keychain in my pocket, I locked down the house, even as I walked to

the bank of monitors in the little room across from the entrance.

I wasn't in the mood for games, my cock had barley whetted his appetite, and now he was

ready for some action.

I watched her on the screen, as she looked around the long ass hallway upstairs for a good

hiding place. I'll give her enough time to find one, then I'll pounce, or maybe not.

"Bianca get back down here."

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Chapter 4

I'm going to have to do something about her disobedience, since she kept going instead of

coming back down to me. I watched on the monitor, as she entered a broom closet on the second

I started shedding my clothes, as I went, no sense in wasting precious time. Her little game of

hide and seek had only served to make my cock even harder.

I'll probably fuck her little virgin pussy too hard after this; oh well, she'd brought it on herself.

I pushed the door to the closet in forcefully. "Ahhhhhh...." She screamed and tried to run by me.

"Shh, shh, I guess you didn't hear me calling you before huh? I hope that's it and not that you

were deliberately disobeying me.” She stopped in her tracks.

“Well?" She shook her head no; now she's lying to me, gonna have to fix that shit too.

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I walked up to her, as she tried to retreat in the small confines of the closet.

I got close and sniffed her neck, before taking the skin between my teeth and sucking hard,

making sure I left a mark. Lifting my head, I perused my handy work. "Beautiful."

She was shaking like a leaf, eyes wide in fear, maybe I wasn't doing her any favors by

prolonging the agony. I should just fuck her now, so she'd see there was nothing to fear, but where is
the fun in that?

She struggled against me as I tore her clothes off, but I ignored her blatant disrespect this time.

She'd learn, or she'll have a bruised ass everyday until she did.

When I'd stripped her bare I took a moment to enjoy my latest acquisition, then dragging my

finger down her cheek I whispered in her ear. "Run."

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She took a split second to understand my command, before she was off and running. Of course I

will be able to find her wherever, so the game was not fair; but who gives a fuck? My game, my
pussy, my rules!

She didn't even make it out of the hallway it was so long. I grabbed her hair in my hand as I

caught up with her, and just took her down. Enough of this shit!

"Game over." I whispered in her ear before I slammed into her from behind. She gave me a

silent scream, mouth open but no sound. By the time I pulled back to go back in, the scream rent the

She scratched against the carpeted floor, either to get away, or because the dick was so good.

I'm not sure which, didn't make much difference to me, she didn't need to get off to breed. And that
was my main purpose here. On the other hand, I did want her to enjoy.

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"Fuck, keep struggling it feels good on my cock." She stopped moving immediately and I

howled with laughter. Then I decided to fuck with her because, well, because I could.

I changed up the game a little, going in nice and easy. Her little pussy had dried since I'd

excited her in her bed. A dry fuck was still a fuck, but why not show her how I can, and will, control
her body? Besides. Like I said, I hate a dry fuck.

I went in and out slowly, making sure to scrape against her walls. Reaching around I attacked

her little clitty, while biting into the other side of her neck. For some reason that shit made my cock
twitch, seems I like marking my property, something to think about.

The first moan escaped her, just before her ass pushed back a little; totally involuntary of

course, but that was the goal. I dug deep in her pussy, my fingers pressing into the flesh of her round,
tight ass, as I fucked her like an animal.

I couldn’t seem to stop marking her. Something about the primal contact of my teeth biting into

her flesh, made my cock grow harder and longer inside her.

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Chapter 5

I fucked her teasingly after her first screaming orgasm. Short jabs that went deep, followed by

long in and out strokes, all the while, teasing her clitty and biting her flesh. Her pussy gushed around
my cock, as she moaned and pushed her ass back harder.

That's when I started fucking her like I owned her. She took my pounding cock like a champ, if

I do say so myself. Her knees moved across the floor with every thrust. She’ll have carpet burn I'm
sure, but that didn't stop me.

I'd wanted to fuck up against the wall, she wanted to run; she could bear the consequences.

"So my little innocent likes to fuck?" She tried to stop her movements, but her body kept

betraying her. She couldn’t help the way her ass pushed back against me, or the flow of her pussy
juices, as they flooded my cock.

I didn't let up on her pussy as I teased her with words, words that were sure to incite her to

either want to kill me, or fuck me.

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"You will never try to keep my pussy from me again." I followed rule number one with a hard

thrust that almost sent her across the fucking room. If I hadn't grabbed onto her hips, she would've
gone flying off the dick.

Of course she screamed bloody murder, I think I'd hurt her little pussy on that one.

"You will come when I call." Smack. She got her ass smacked and another body shaking thrust,

this time she clenched around my cock. Oh ho ho, what have we here? Later. I will definitely be
revisiting that little surprise later.

"You will obey me in all things." I liked that one the best.

Her neck and upper back was a mess. Fuck I'm an animal, the sight of my mark on her beautiful

skin made me crazed.

I gripped her hips in both hands and started a pushing, pulling motion, until she was gliding

easily on and off my cock. She'd given up all pretense of not enjoying it, or rather her body had so
completely betrayed her she had no choice, lets test that theory shall we?

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"Beg me to cum in your pussy. Say ‘Xander please cum in my pussy’."

Not a word.

"What...did...I...say…? Each word had been punctuated, by a deep, pussy destroying thrust. She

was back to screaming again.

"Beg me."

"No please." Her ass was still moving back and forth, as her tight pussy engulfed my cock.


I pulled her hair back, bending her neck backwards, so I could look down into her face. She

took one look at me and her eyes rolled back in her head, before she flooded my cock; still she had
her lip caught in her teeth so as not to answer me. Stubborn fuck.

Couldn't have that now could we? I smacked her pussy with the flat of my hand until her eyes

and mouth flew open. She jerked and thrashed on my cock, trying to get away no doubt, but I used a
hand on her belly to keep her in place.

"Beg for my cum, say ‘Xander please cum in my little pussy’." I laughed at my own words, and

the mocking way in which I'd said them.

"No? Alright then." I pulled out and turned her over to her back, and before she could clamp

her legs shut I was in her again to the hilt. I pushed her legs up and together so I could watch my cock
go to work.

"I'm not going to stop until you beg, we'll be here all day, would you like that Bianca? Would

you like me to fuck you all day?" I grinned down at her reddened face, as I fucked her nice and deep,
making sure to bottom out with each thrust.

Her mouth was opened in pleasure, even as she still tried to fight her body's reaction to mine.

Dropping her legs to her sides I bent over her, taking a nipple into my mouth and suckling.

She lifted my body with hers as she ground her pelvis into mine and came. Pure fucking bliss! I

ground my cock into her over and over again, each time hitting her sweet spot.

I knew as innocent as she was, she would have no idea of what I was doing, what I was

ultimately trying to accomplish. I was training her to crave my cock. To come to heel whenever and
wherever I chose.

She was going to be mine, and only mine, for always after all, the mother of my children. Can’t

have hate and discord in the mix now, can we?

“Do you like that Bianca? Do you like what my cock does to your sweet little pussy? Beg me.”

I sped up my thrusts as I attacked her clit with my fingers. My teeth were once more attached to the

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skin of her neck, which was already showing signs of changing color. Good, my mark was there for
all to see.

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"Please what?"

I fucked her steadily, deep, punishing strokes that caused these fuck hurt noises to leave her

throat. Music to my fucking ears! I dug deep on the next stroke and held still, flexing my cock in her
little tummy.

I know I must be pressing on her internal organs or some shit, as little as she is. My cock is

nothing to fuck around with. I’ve brought grown women to their knees with my monster, so could only
imagine how much harder it would be for her virgin pussy.

"Say it." I needed to cum; her tight pussy was giving me quite the workout as it throbbed and

pulsed around my meat. It was going to be a while before I got my fill, which meant she was in for a
world of hurt.

I changed up once more and at the end of each thrust I ground my pelvis against hers, rubbing

against her clit. Her noises became louder as she lost her battle with defying me. Her little hips were
moving faster and faster as she tried to reach that pinnacle again.

When she was too far-gone from the pleasure, when her breathing was erratic and her pulses

raced, I pushed a finger into her tight little ass and she lit the fuck up.

"I'm going to cum in your belly Bianca, it will be the first of many sons. Beg me." I wrapped a

hand around her throat for emphasis.

"Please Xander, please cum in my pussy."
"Good girl."

Only then did I off load inside her pussy, loads and loads of copious cum spilled into her as I

threw my head back and growled. One fuck down many more to go! I took her lips in a hard kiss as I
shook off the dregs of my jizz inside her. I wasn’t kidding when I said she was going to be my little

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Chapter 6

Yes I know, people think I'm sick, but it's been such a long time since I gave a fuck...who

cares? My baby mama is even now, as we speak, tied spread eagled to my bed upstairs.

After I'd mounted her sweet little pussy in the hallway, I dragged her off to bed. I'd been trying

out my gentlemanly skills by planning to fuck her on a nice soft bed for round two, but she'd acted as
though there was no difference. So I'd given her a good pounding until she cried and then left her.

Of course she couldn't escape me, that's not why I tied her, it was a psychological play on my

part. I had two things going at once, my new breeding program. Okay, stop Kostantinidis, you're
killing me.

I laughed at my own joke. That one always got me, 'breeding program'. Anyway, I'm working

on that and training her in the right way to please me at the same time.

It's not gonna be easy, that little girl has a stubborn streak a mile wide. I do have the scratches

down my back to prove she'd enjoyed her third plowing though, hot bitch.

So much passion in that one, I lucked out there her old man could've had a dog for a daughter

then where the fuck would I be?

"You got shit to do Xander, get your mind off the snatch." Easier said than done. Her pussy had

what I call 'come to me' in it or some shit. No sooner had I pulled out, than my dick wanted back in.
And if I looked at that monitor one more time I'd be up those stairs like a shot.

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I played around with some lives as I sat at my desk. I figured I had ten months at the most

before my little man gets here, had to set shit to rights.

I couldn't have my heir breathing the same air as my enemies, I'm running a going out of

business sale; everything must go. Every fucker that had crossed me in one-way or the other was

They each had a target on their backs, and I have the motherfucking arrow, funny thing is, some

of them didn't even know it.

Doesn't matter, my sons and daughters were gonna come into this world free of enemies,

because that's what the fuck I want.

I heard her pulling on her restraints and looked up.

"Let me out of here."

"Damn my work is never done. Fucking girl."

I left what I was doing and headed up the stairs, releasing my cock as I went. In the bedroom I

stripped, climbed onto the bed and straddled her chest, the look on her face was priceless.

"You rang?" I flexed my already hard cock so it hit her in the chin. "Open." She resisted, which

is what I'd expected; until I grabbed her head and forced her mouth open around my cock.

What a sight, spread eagle, arms and legs tied and my cock in her mouth, I like it. I skull fucked

the sweet little Bianca to the sounds of her gagging and I'm sure complaining around my cock.

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When I was as hard as I was gonna get, I pulled out of her mouth and dragged my dick down

her middle until I reached the golden gates. With one sure thrust I was balls deep.

Her little pussy betrayed her by clenching around me as her body released her juices. Her eyes

were staring up at me, such beautiful eyes.

Xander, you beast, have a heart. She's the mother of your future children have some

motherfucking respect.

Sure, yeah, okay. I held her eyes as I lowered my head and felt her tense. Who knows what she

was expecting, but all I did was take her mouth in a slow, soft kiss.

I felt her tension ease, as I tongued her mouth for some nice lovers play. Enough a this happy

shit, with our mouths still fused together, I reared back and plunged into her hard and deep, lifting her
body off the bed.

She screamed into my mouth as I kept up a steady pace of deep stroking thrust into her freshly

awakened pussy. All the while kissing her softly. Yeah I'm a sick fuck but I like me, shit I ought to see
about cloning my ass.

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I finally let her get some rest and went to see about food. I don’t like people around, so I have a

maid service come in twice a week. No one cooks my meals. When I’m not cooking here, I go to one
of my places to eat.

My chefs know not to fuck with me or else. Still, I have ways of testing shit before putting it in

my mouth. I’m not paranoid; I’m just not the most trusting motherfucker in the world.

I wonder what kinda mood my little mother is gonna be in when she wakes up from her cock

induced nap? Opening the refrigerator, I perused the contents; maybe I should start feeding her healthy
shit starting now.

My kid must have the best from beginning to end. With that thought in mind I started raiding the

vegetable bin. Uh-oh, daddy needs to go shopping, I didn’t have shit in the way of fresh produce. I
guess I’d used up the last of it.

A quick run to the market should take care of that. Now usually leaving the house wasn’t such a

big production. The guys had their own little bungalow on the property, because I didn’t want people
under foot. Unless some asshole had sanctioned a hit against me, and ma bitched me into letting them
stay on my ass.

But now with her in the house, I couldn’t just up and go at the drop of a hat. I had no worries

like I said, of her getting away, but I wasn’t too comfortable leaving her unattended yet. Neither did I
want some other swinging dick hanging around what’s now mine.

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You see, contrary to what you may think up to this point, I didn’t just decide to fuck this kid

over, okay maybe a little. The truth is, after that first day, when I saw her on the street, I made it my
mission in life to find out everything about her.

I was already in the market for a nice, clean, pure girl to bear my seed. Ma would have a fit if I

knocked up one of my usual cum dumps. She’s big on the family line and shit like that. I don’t know
where the fuck she expected me to find a virgin in this bitch, but she let her feelings be known.

Now I’m not one to give much of a fuck what others think, feel, or want; but that ends with ma.

Whatever she wants, she gets. That’s the way all the men in the family see it, and if we don’t, she’d
let us know and make sure we do.

So here this peach just fell into my lap. What was I to do? The fact that she was gorgeous and

had a body made for fucking, and was of childbearing age, only sealed her fate.

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I got to know her through reports; I got to know her dad better. He was a drunk and a gambler,

bad combination. I started trying to find ways to get him in my back pocket from day one. It wasn’t
hard getting him to gravitate to one of my casinos.

After that, I’d reeled him in by letting him slide when he started losing. I waited until he’d dug

a hole so deep, it would take him ten lifetimes to dig out of, and then I pounced.

But I had to do it in a roundabout way. Couldn’t let him know straight off the bat that it was his

little girl’s sweet snatch I was after. As fucked up as he was, he seemed to have a soft spot for the
kid. Probably saw her as a commodity or some fuck.

That didn’t stop him from offering her up the first chance he got. Even though that had been my

aim all along, it still pissed me off that he’d been so quick to offer up the mother of my future children
as payment for his debt. That’s why he was even now nursing two broken legs. He’s lucky I didn’t
break his fucking neck.

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Chapter 7

In the end, I decided that since she was asleep, I could make a run for the market and be back

before she awakened. I wouldn’t be gone too long, and with all the security I had on this place, there
was no way anyone was getting in or out.

I was gone for at the most, thirty minutes. When I got back to the house it was quiet. Too quiet;

the kind of quiet you can feel but can’t explain how the fuck you can.

I dropped the bags on a side table and headed up the stairs. Of course she wasn’t in the bed,

but she hadn’t left the house either because she would’ve tripped the alarm.

I went to the monitor and searched. “There she is.” She was in the downstairs library trying to

call out. Smart girl, I would’ve chosen that wing of the house too since it was so far removed from
everything else and didn’t look like it got much use. Too bad I was gonna have to punish her for
disobeying me.

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“Hello sweetheart.” She jumped a mile high and screeched, before trying to make a run for it. I

stalked her across the room as I removed my belt. Her eyes went wide as saucers and she kept
backing away.

“You can stop now, unless you wanna make things worst on yourself.” I stopped moving and

waited for her to come to terms with her fate. “Who were you trying to call?”

“No one.”

“Don’t lie to me Bianca, I don’t like it. Now who were you trying to call?”

“A friend.”

“And who might that be?”

“No one he’s just a friend.”

He? Oh fuck no.

“This friend have a name? “ She shook her head and looked down at the floor. Now she’s not

only gonna get her ass beat for defying me but also for trying to call some dick to come rescue her.

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I’ll have to find out who he is, and what he means to her later. For now I had to deal with my

little captive. “Come here Bianca.” She didn’t move an inch, but her eyes were glued to the strap in
his hand as he folded it and slapped his other palm with it repeatedly.

“You know what’s gonna happen if I come after you right? GET YOUR ASS OVER HERE

NOW.” She flinched and started tearing up, but at least she was moving. She stopped in front of me
with her head down; and the strangest fucking thing happened.

My heart felt…off. For the first time I really felt like the bastard I’d been called so often.

“Hey.” I found myself lifting her chin with a finger. “Good girl.” What the fuck? Her eyes widened on
mine and she had a look that said she thought I was fucking with her.

“I would’ve done the same fucking thing baby. Some fucker snatched my ass and locked me

away, first chance I get I’d be looking for a way out, fuck that. Let’s go make lunch or dinner, or
whatever the fuck.” I took her hand and led her from the room.

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I think until we made it to the door where I’d dropped the groceries she still thought I was

fucking with her. Shit, it was gonna take me a minute to get used to this new me too. But seeing her
looking so dejected didn’t sit well with me. I hope her fuck sweet virgin pussy hadn’t made my ass

Let’s test that shit before I go handing out candy and flowers to the opposing crew or some

fuck. I pulled my phone from my hip and called my muscle. He answered on the second ring. “What’s
good boss?”

“My little peach’s got herself a male friend, probably from the neighborhood or school, find

him, take him to the place.” Oh yeah, I was still the same fucker I knew and loved. She looked at me
with fright in her eyes again.

“What do you plan on doing to him? please he didn’t do anything…”

“You like this kid?”

“Yes I do.” She seemed to realize her mistake because she started gnawing on her lip as she

looked at me with tears in her eyes.

“See, that’s why he’s gotta go, I can’t have the mother of my children pining after some other

dick. You see my dilemma right?”

“But it’s not like that.” She felt brave enough, or she forgot herself for a hot minute because she

grabbed my arm, before dropping it like a hot potato.

“You can touch me anytime sweet cheeks. Now what do you mean it’s not like that? How

exactly is it?” I was chopping vegetables as we spoke, with my domesticated ass.

“We’re just friends, since we were little. We kinda look out for each other.”

“What would a little girl like you have to look out for? Except, maybe a bastard like me.” I had

to grin at myself, because really, I don’t know where I come up with this shit sometimes.

She swallowed and looked away from me. How was she so fucking beautiful? Her old man

was a fucking mutt, no joke. She didn’t answer the question and I let it drop for now, my boy hadn’t
turned up nay red-flags when he was following her around for weeks, and I certainly hadn’t found any
when I ran her.

“You know you can make it easy on this kid by just giving him up now. I will find him, but if

you make me go through this dance, I’m going to be less inclined to believe you, and well…he might
get his ass hurt.”

“Andrew, his name is Andrew Foster, but please don’t hurt him he’s a good guy.”

“And you’re sure you don’t have feelings for this boy?” The thought fucked with my head. She

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shook her head and started tearing lettuce like she was nervous. I got back on the horn and gave my
guy the name and change of location.

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Chapter 8

We made a meal together, a first for me. The females I usually fuck with don’t usually run to

the domestic, and I wouldn’t want none of their asses in my kitchen anyway. She was still a lot
skittish, but that was to be expected.

I kept her talking though and was surprised to find that I actually liked what she had to say.

Color me fucking stupid. She was all done with her Pasta Primavera and my dick was on the trail to
misbehavior again. There’s no rest on this breeding program. Hey look at it this way, I gotta put in a
lotta work too ya know.

“Come ‘ere babe.” She looked like she wanted to disobey me, but one quirk of my brow had

her making tracks around the table to get to me. “You still sore?” She turned beet red and hid behind
her hair, I like that shit.

“Okay I’ll find out myself, hop on up here.” I pushed my plate out of the way and lifted her

around the waist, seating her on the table in front of me. “Lay back so I can get a better look.” I had to
push her back until she was lying flat.

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She didn’t have any underwear on, because I’d thrown the shits away. She was wearing one of

my shirts that she’d filched, since I’d put her clothes in the burn pile. I lifted the hem of my five
hundred dollar shirt and exposed her little pussy.

She looked a little red, but nothing too bad. I could still stick it, but maybe a little licking might

be called for here first. She almost flew off the table at the first touch of my tongue. I teased the shit
out of her, taking broad swipes of her pussy with my tongue.

“Can you take my finger?” Xander you fuck, if she can’t take your finger how’s she supposed to

take that monster cock of yours? Semantics. I eased a finger inside her snatch and she winced a little,
so I went easy on the thrusting. I tongued her clit while finger fucking her and she was soon wetting
my face. “So fucking responsive.”

She was fighting hard not to make a sound. Once I looked up at her face and she had her hand

stuffed in her mouth. “Uh-uh-uh, let me hear you.”

I made her remove the hand and went back to tormenting her with my finger and tongue. I fed

her another finger and when she didn’t flinch, I figured the dick wouldn’t do too much damage.

I got to my feet and unzipped. With cock in hand I lifted her legs to my shoulders and sunk in.

“Ohhhh…” I wasn’t sure if that was an ohhhh this is so good, or ohhhh this shit hurts.

Wasn’t too much interested, well okay maybe a little. But my cock waits for no one. I watched

her face to see how much dick she could take without me hurting her little pussy any more than was

Whatever the case, her pussy was juicing like fuck and my dick was in pussy heaven. I slid in

and out with ease, even though her shit was tight, and fat. She had the fattest pussy lips I’d ever seen.
Damn, I was in the pussy and still craving the pussy, thinking about the next time. That’s some fucked
up shit.

“You not on any of those pill things or got some shit shot in your arm right?” I didn’t think

about the birth control shit. I’d have to give it time to work itself out of her system if that were the
case, and I wasn’t really big on waiting.

“No…no I’m not.” She was out of breath and panting for all she was worth. Her hips were

moving to catch the dick on each stroke. “Touch your tits.” She gave me the Bambi caught in the
headlights look and refused. I slapped her ass hard and she got to it.

“See, that wasn’t so hard was it? Pull on your nipples for me.” She was a little reluctant but

did as she was told. Though she pinked up again. I split her legs open and leaned over her. “Feed
me.” She held her tit up for me to suck. “Just think, soon this will be our son.”

Thinking of planting my kid in her only made me fuck into her harder, and her pussy ended up

getting a workout. I fucked her into the table, poor girl was gonna have a sore back later.

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“I wanna fuck your ass, but I’m not sure about wasting my seed, gotta save it all up for your

womb.” I rubbed her lower stomach as I kept fucking. Then I got an idea that made me speed up. I
came too hard from the shit that was going on in my head.

I pulled out and thought of the best way to do this. If I went in her ass without lube, she’d be

fucked, and the lube was upstairs, too far. Butter, nah I didn’t like that. Maybe some oil de olive
might work. I walked over to the cupboard and grabbed some. I hope this shit wasn’t dangerous, fuck
I know.

Walking back over, I lifted her legs again and poured some oil over her asshole. “What’re you

doing?” She tightened up and tried to lower her legs. “Minding my business, now keep your ass still
unless you want this to hurt.”

I’m an ass fucker and make no apologies for it. It’s a whole other feeling than the pussy, and

sometimes, I’d rather fuck a girl’s ass than go anywhere near her pussy, but that’s another story.

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I greased up my dick and tried forcing it into her ass. She was tight as fuck, but I persisted. I

got the head in and she bawled. “It’ll hurt less if you relax.” I waited until she calmed down a little,
before forging ahead. I better only feed her half for now or her shit might tear.

“Hit your clit babe, that might help.” Her hand came down and she started touching herself

slowly at first, but then I fed her some more cock and she sped that shit up. “Oh fuck yeah.” Okay so I
forgot to take it easy, but who can blame me? that shit was fuck hot.

I can’t believe I was about to cum again. I think it was her thrashing around on my cock and

screaming that did it. I pulled out just in time. I didn’t want to put my dirty cock inside her, so I got the
bright idea to open her pussy and just shoot inside. Hey my boys are heavy swimmers, Michael
fucking Phelps, they’ll find their way.

“Gotta go clean up, this is some nasty shit.” I pulled her up from the table and carried her up to

the shower.

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Chapter 9

“How long do I have to stay here?” She was sitting up on the bed with the sheet up to her neck.

I’d just finished fucking the pink off her pussy and making her scream for my cock, now she was back
to being the blushing virgin.

“Ever.” I was looking around for a shirt to put on, so I could go next door to the little bungalow

and have a chat with her friend, whom my boys had nabbed.

“What does that mean ‘ever’?”

“It means longer than forever. I thought we cleared this up last night. I’m keeping you; this is

now your new home, life as you knew it is over. Any more questions?”

“What did you mean when you said my dad gave me to you to fulfill a debt? Did he like,

gamble me away?” Damn she looked and sounded like she was about to cry. But what the fuck was I
supposed to tell her? That’s exactly what the fuck he’d done.

“Don’t think about shit like that now. I gotta go; hey, I let the first try slide, but if you try getting

outta here again I’ll not be so understanding the next time around.” I guess she had been planning
another grand escape because she looked like she’d been caught with her hand in the cookie jar.

I walked over to her and ripped the sheet away. “Fuck, one more taste.” I pushed her back on

the bed and dove into her pussy with my tongue. Fuck, I think I got some of my jizz that time. Nasty
fuck. I ate all around the outside of the pussy, paying special attention to her clit.

I dropped trou and climbed in between her thighs. Looking down at her shaved pussy and her

little white belly was such a fucking turn on. I rubbed my cock up and down her slit until she started
to squirm, then I let her have it. Bam, right in to the hilt. She bucked and flailed beneath me, but she
also added a new element. She bit the shit outta me. I think this girl is a freak.

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“Okay kid, let’s have it, what’s your relationship with my girl?” I straddled a chair and eyed

down the little fucker who was trying to give me attitude.

Little did he know that he was a hair’s breath away from having my foot in his ass. I’m not too

big on some other dick being close to what’s mine, whether it’s before the fact or not. His life
expectancy pretty much depended on how this little meet went down.

“We’re best friends, where is she?”

“None of your fucking business kid.” What the fuck?

“You better not hurt her.”

I’d give the kid props; he’s got balls.

“I’m not interested in you froggy, so don’t even think about jumping off at me, or I’ll cap your

ass. Now how do you know Bianca?”

“We grew up together.” Good, his shoulders weren’t so high anymore, and he was looking

suitably threatened.

“You got a girlfriend?”

“Of course.”

Okay, I might let him live.

“I heard about what her father did.” His fists folded and he was pissed.

“Oh yeah, what’s that?”

“He sold her to you, at least that’s the word on the street.” The kid actually looked close to


“Who said that shit, nothing can be farther from the truth.” I don’t want people thinking that the

mother of my sons was bought.

“He had no right, she doesn’t even belong to him.”

Hold the motherfucking phone. “Come again.”

“She’s not his daughter. Her mom was married to him but then she died and he kept Bianca

away from her real family. That’s how they ended up here.”

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“And you know this how?”

“She told me some of it, some my parents found out when we were younger. That’s why we’re

so close, I always felt like I had to take care of her ya know, because he was such a dick as a father. I
still don’t know why he kept her if he was gonna treat her like crap.”

I was at the edge of my seat at this point. “What do you mean treat her like shit? How?”

“He was always beating on her and shit, he never let her have any friends. It’s only because we

lived so close that I was able to remain her friend. I use to climb in her window at night, after he’d
wailed away on her, to comfort her ya know.” He got a scared look on his face after imparting this
little tidbit, like he expected me to pounce or some shit.

“How often you had to climb through that window kid?” I was getting pissed the fuck off. I

knew Curtis was a piece a shit but I had no idea he was a complete douche.

“A lot when we were little, then he stopped for a little bit. But as soon as she became a

teenager he started up again. Some days she didn’t even have food…” kid looked like he was about to
break down.

“Bring him.” I didn’t need to elaborate. My boys knew who the fuck I meant. “How’d he keep

this shit hidden, didn’t the teachers or counselors notice anything?” Nosy ass teachers were always in
my shit when I was in school.

“No, she lied a lot because he would always threaten to throw her out on the street if she told

anyone. Now everybody thinks she’s just clumsy.”

“You can come see her in a few weeks, I’ll let you know when. At this meeting, you will not

tell her anything about what we discussed, and you won’t tell her about getting away or any of that
happy shit. You fuck up on any of those two things, I’ll gut you and feed you to my dogs. Take him
back home. Oh yeah and kid, anybody show up at my door with any bullshit, I’ll know you sent them.”

I left to go back to the house. Usually I don’t give a fuck about what goes on in other people’s

lives, I’ve got enough of my own shit to deal with. But this was my baby mama, sorta. The idea that
she’d been mistreated was a big fucking no-no.

She was in the room where I’d left her flicking through the channels on the TV. I studied her for

a minute before alerting her to my presence. She was young, just eighteen, she still had that innocent
tint to her, I guess I hadn’t defiled her too much yet. That shit’ll change in a week.

When I went after her, I had one thing in mind. She was perfect to bear my sons. From what

info I’d garnered, she was one of those old world types. She never went anywhere but home and
school and occasionally to the grocers. Had I known that it was not by choice, that her own father was
abusing her, would things have been different?

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I’ll never know now, because she was here, and I’d had her, and she was mine. I walked in and

dropped down on the bed next to her. “What’re you watching babe?” I laid my head in her lap to see
what she’d do. Fuck if she didn’t make room for me. Progress.

“Just some show, I didn’t get the name of it.”

“You never saw it before?”

“I…uh…we didn’t own a TV.”

What the fuck did she mean they didn’t own a TV? Who doesn’t own a fucking TV?

“Why not?” I kept my voice conversational like, so as not to let on that I knew anything. But I

had the feeling this had to do with the man I’d thought was her dad.

“My dad pawned the last one years ago. He never got around to buying another one I guess.”

“Huh.” I wonder what else this fuck had pawned over the years. I asked her questions about her

mom but she was very vague. All she would say is that her mom died when she was six or seven and
then they moved here.

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Chapter 10

My boys couldn’t find her old man anywhere, it’s almost like he’d dropped off the face of the

earth. I wondered if he’d pulled a runner because he was afraid that I’d find out the truth, that she
wasn’t his kid.

For the next week or so I was very good to her. I let her roam around outside but she couldn’t

go off the grounds. After hearing about her dad treating her like a prisoner it kinda made me feel like
more of a monster than I usually am. Besides, she had nowhere to go since the fuck had disappeared.

I’d told her that he was M.I.A. but she hadn’t seemed too torn up about it, though she did seem

worried about her fate, until I reminded her that she was now my responsibility.

The sex was getting outta control though. It seemed the more time I spent fucking her, the more I

wanted to fuck her. She’s now been fucked in every position known to man.

Now I’m teaching her how to suck my cock until I cum. She didn’t seem too thrilled with the

idea of me cumming in her mouth, but hey, it’s what I like, she’ll get used to it.

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“Wait babe, you’re doing it wrong. Hold up. Make an oh with your mouth.” I was standing at

the side of the bed and she was sitting down. We’d just taken a shower together, after another day of
marathon fucking. That’s the only reason I was willing to give up some of the jizz, because I’d
already off loaded in her a couple times already for the day.

When she did her mouth the way I wanted her to, I eased just my cockhead past her lips. “Now

use your tongue to lick the tip.” She did as she was told. “Now suck.” She sucked and licked at the
same time and I knew my little freak was going to be a fast learner.

That lesson didn’t last too long because by the time I told her to play with my balls while she

sucked, she was into it and I was in trouble. “Keep sucking babe, don’t stop.” I grabbed two fistfuls
of her hair and faced fucked her as I shot load after load on her tongue.

She gagged a little, but she’d be alright. I kept my dick in her mouth, making her swallow

around it so as not to lose any. She made the funniest face at first, and then I guess she didn’t find the
taste too repulsive because she didn’t gag and run for the bathroom.

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“You wanna go out to eat tonight babe?” There wasn’t any reason I couldn’t take her out with

me, it wasn’t like she could get away with my detail around us, so what was the harm? She looked all
kinds a hopeful at the suggestion.


“Yeah really.” Damn did she have to look so innocent and over excited at such a small thing?

“Wait, I don’t have anything to wear.” Her face fell and she looked dejected. I walked over to

the closet where I’d hidden the bags of stuff I’d had mom pick up for her because I’d lost my damn

“That’s where you’re wrong babe.” I put the bags in her lap and stood back to watch.

“For me?”
“Well they sure as shit can’t fit me.”
She tore through them like a kid on Xmas morning and broke my fucking heart. Hadn’t that fuck ever
done anything nice for her?

“Oh Xander, I can’t. They cost too much.” She looked close to tears, like I was going to take

the clothes away from her or something.
“Shit, did mom leave the price tags on there?”
“No she didn’t. But I know how much these jeans cost because I saw them in a magazine, and this top
cost like three hundred dollars…”

“Babe, stop fucking around and get dressed.”

“But…” I pointed her towards the bathroom and went to the closet to get my own shit to wear. I’m
gonna have to take her shopping so she can pick out her own stuff. My sisters would spend the whole
amount mom had spent on one outfit and my woman thought it was too much. Speaking of which.

“Ma, you take care of that thing for me?”

“Yes it should be ready tomorrow, I still think we should have a real ceremony Xander, all young
ladies dream of that day.” I’m pretty sure my little peach never dreamt up the likes of me.

“No time ma, unless you want your grandkid to be born out of wedlock.” This was the one time

she wasn’t getting her way. The sooner I tied her to me, the easier I’d sleep at night. “You can have
one later that’s the best I can do for you, tell me you understand.”

“Of course I understand, I’m not completely dense.”

“So your husband isn’t gonna call and bitch me out about not letting you have your way right?”

She sniffed like she’d never done that shit before. I got the details I needed and hung up.

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She came out of the bathroom looking all kinds a hot and downright fuckable. “Come ‘ere

baby.” She walked over to me, she was getting better at doing that these days. We hardly ever had any
tussles, since she was learning to mind me.

The jeans made her ass look delectable and the top hugged her tits nicely. “You need some

jewelry. I didn’t ask mom to do that because I wanted to do that myself.” She blushed as she looked
up at me. I knew I was confusing the hell out of her.

She was probably expecting, due to the circumstances of our first meeting, that I was going to

be as much of an asshole as Curtis. I had no plans on mistreating her though, just had to let her know
what would happen if she tried to leave me. As long as she toed the line and did what the fuck I said,
she should be fine.

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I took her to one of my nightclubs. It was a Thursday night and the place was pumping. I took

her up to the VIP lounge and right away one of the servers was there with a magnum of champagne.
She looked at the bottle like it was a snake.

“You don’t have his blood so you have no worries of becoming like him. One or two glasses of

this isn’t gonna hurt you.”
“How did you…?”
“It doesn’t matter how I know, I just do.”

“Anyway that’s not what I was thinking.”

“Oh, what were you thinking babe?”
“Well, if you’re trying to have a baby you shouldn’t drink.” I stopped with the bottle halfway over the
glass. Fuck me! this was the first time she’d said anything about that.

I got the biggest fucking grin on my face. She ducked her head and blushed but I wasn’t having

that shit. She was in my lap one second later and my tongue was halfway down her throat.

“You’re right babe I forgot, none for the baby mama.” I’m pretty sure it was too early to know

one way or the other, but the fact that she’d mentioned it so sweetly without any malice made me feel
ten fucking feet tall.

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Chapter 11

We enjoyed a nice meal where she even instigated conversation. She was looking around the

club like she’d never seen people before and I realized she was starved for company. Her friend was
coming by on Saturday maybe that’ll gain me more brownie points.

“I have to go to the restroom Xander.” That’s another thing, she calls my name more easily

these days without any prompting. I’m not even gonna talk about the shit she says when I’m fucking

It’s like once I started coaching her to do that shit; I’d opened the floodgates. Now she was

even into telling me where to put my dick these days. And just as I’d suspected, she’s got a little bit of
freak in her.

I started to get up to take her but she stopped me.

“No Xander, let me go by myself.” I looked into her eyes. I knew what she was asking here, she was
asking me to trust her. But had just a few weeks been enough time for her to get use to her fate? In the
end I just nodded my head and sat again.

It took everything in me not to send one of the guys after her, but I decided to see how it would

play out. She was gone for five minutes when I started to get worried. I heard the scream just as I was
turning the corner to the lady’s room.

Usually in these places there were lines out the damn door, because of the size of the

bathrooms here, there was no need for that. I ran towards the sound with my heart in my fucking
throat, I should’ve never let her go off by herself.

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“Get your fucking hands off her you fuck.” I heard my men coming up behind me and held my

hand up for them to stop. In the other I held a gun pointed at Curtis’ head, as he tried to drag her off
through the back exit.

“I’m not gonna tell you again, take your fucking hands off her now motherfucker.”

“What’s to stop you from shooting me if I do that huh?”
“Nothing.” I shot the idiot in the shoulder and he dropped her. She ran straight to my arms and I
grabbed her. “It’s okay baby, I’ve got you.” I kissed her hair and tried to calm her shakes.

“The place.” That’s the only directive I gave my men, as I took her away from the scene. “I’m

taking you home babe, sorry we have to cut the night short.” We got her purse and I took her out into
the night air. She stayed close in the limo all the way home, her head resting on my chest.

I kept murmuring bullshit nonsense to clam her. She felt small and helpless in my arms as I

pulled her into my lap. “It’s okay baby, he can’t hurt you anymore.” Still she clung tighter. It was a
fucked up thing to happen, but I couldn’t help but be pleased with the results.

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I took her inside when we reached the house, my intent to leave her and go take care of the

asshole. But she clung to me and won’t let go. “No don’t leave me.”

“Shh, shh, okay, it’s okay, you’re safe here.” She shook her head wildly and wrapped her arms

around my neck. I lifted her and she wrapped her legs around my middle as I headed for the stairs.

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I climbed onto the bed with her still attached to me. I had no idea other than the fear of her old

man holding a gun to her head, what this was about. The danger was over, she was safe, but yet she
clung to me as if her life depended on it. to be honest, I think the thing that had me stymied, was the
fact that she was actually clinging to me.

Wasn’t I the monster anymore? When the fuck had that happened? See, I thought for sure it

would take months, maybe years, to break her in. But here was not even a whole month later, acting as
though I was her lifeline.

Strange fucking shit. I hope she wasn’t having that Stockholm shit. I’m not down with that. It

was probably fucked, but I needed to see where her head was at. I’d rather she hate my guts for as
long as it took her to get over that shit, than for her to be suffering from some kind of mind fuck,

“Babe, what did he say to you?” She didn’t answer me at first, but then she wiped her nose in

my shirt, which for some fucked up reason made me grin, and then rolled over in my arms.

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“He said that he’d been cheated. That he didn’t get anything out of it since the money had

already been lost. He said if he could get such a high price for me once, he could probably do better
next time.” I was sorry I asked. Why the fuck, do people like to fuck with me?

“How did he find us, how did he even know you were there?”

“He’s been watching the house, he said he followed us there.” At this, she looked towards the
window as though she expected him to appear there, then she was back to clinging again.

“What did you do when you saw him?”

“I screamed for you but you couldn’t hear me over the music I guess, and there was only one girl there
when I got there and she was gone when I came out. That’s when he got me.” She started shaking
again and I pulled her in closer.

“It’s okay baby, I’ve got you.” Fuck if I know what I was supposed to do next. I had to leave

and go take care if his ass, but she was in no condition to be left alone. It might be hours before she
fell asleep yet. Of course feeling her warm curves this close had the usual affect, and my dick started
acting the fuck up.

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I turned her over gently onto her back, and taking my time, for what must be a first since I’d

taken here, I lifted her top. I buried my face between her tits and bit her softly making her giggle.
Sweetest fucking sound!

I took it nice and slow, stopping to kiss or nibble her flesh as I undressed her. When she was

naked, her eyes bright with lust, I knelt over her in the bed. “Undress me.” She got right to it, her little
fingers fighting with the buttons of my shirt before pushing it from my shoulders.

She licked and kissed my chest as she fought with the pants. When she got them undone, they

were pushed to my knees, and my sweet girl, without any prompting, took my dick into her mouth. As
if that wasn’t shocking enough, the noises she made as she sucked me off. Like she’d been starved for
my taste on her tongue.

I held her head in my hands as I started slowly face fucking her. She took me into her throat and

wonder of wonders; she remembered that I liked having my balls fondled.

“Babe, you keep that shit up, I’ma cum in your mouth. She pulled off and looked up at me with

a straight fucking face and said. “No you can’t we have to make a baby.”

Get the fuck out. she actually laid back against the pillows and held herself open with her

fingers for me. I almost fucking broke into tears, she was making me soft. What the fuck?

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I dove in with my tongue, eating her pussy until she pleaded with me to fuck her. I pushed my

pants off the rest of the way and instead of my usual bastardry I slid into her nice and slow. She
wrapped her legs around me and pulled my mouth down to hers.

It was the sweetest, slowest ride we’d ever shared. I held her close, our mouths never leaving

each other as I fucked her with my heart and soul in it. When I came it set her off and we were
wrapped around each other tight, like two shipwrecked victims or some shit.

She wanted little kisses after, like she couldn’t get enough. It was the first time we’d ever

really done that. It felt good, she felt good. It no longer felt like captive and prey, but a man and his
woman, bonding.

“So you wanna have a baby.” She’d mentioned the shit twice in one night. Funny, but until now

I hadn’t thought of her part in all that. Fucked up I know. But when I…acquired her, I was only
thinking about my wants, my needs. To know that she might want it too, was…fuck if I know, I’m not
into that frou-frou bullshit.

“Yes.” One word; spoken barely above a whisper, but with so much meaning.

I think my girl stole my fucking heart.

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I wanted kids; that was my thing right. Fuck if I knew what I was getting myself into. “Bianca.”

That was like the third time I’d called her in the last five minutes. Her fucking kids were always in
my shit.

“Yes?” She was a mess. There was flower all over her designer jeans, her hair was going in

every which way and she had some kind of gooey shit on her cheek

“Your kids were in my shit again. I had an envelope on my desk that has mysteriously

disappeared. I told you the little one is a thief. Go frisk her and get my shit.

“How do you know she took it?” She folded her arms and cocked her hip, about to give me

shit. She hates me picking on our little princess, who happens to be the bane of my existence. I’ve got
three boys who do what the fuck I say, the little one, the only girl, not so much.

She’s three going on thirty and full of shit, the little sneak. “Bianca I’ve got a meeting in half an

hour, I need that envelope.”

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The sneak came prancing in dragging her dolls and shit behind her, looking as innocent as an

angel. The fucked up thing is, she looks just like me, the boys are all their mother.

“Vanessa, where’s daddy’s papers?” She looked at me and stuffed her thumb in her mouth.

“You want ice cream later you better start talking.”

“Mama do I have to?” What the fuck? her mother bent over and kissed her cheek. “Daddy

needs it baby show mama where you hid it?” She had the nerve to give me a nasty look before taking
her mother’s hand and leaving the room.

I gave them a head start then started out behind them. Sure enough she was checking over her

shoulder to see if I was following, I had to make like I wasn’t following them.

She changes up her hiding places if she knows I’ve found one of them. Sure enough she had a

new one in the bottom of her brother’s toy chest. Her mind scares the fuck outta me.

Who knows what else she’d stashed away in there? I’ll have to wait until later and go


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We’ve been going strong for six years; four kids later, and it still amazes me that we had come

this far. Who would’ve ever thought that that horrible night would come to this?

But now, I wouldn’t change a thing about my life. I have a husband who loves me and tells me

every chance he gets. My frog had turned into a prince, though he likes to play the bastard from time
to time. When he gets like that, I know just how to bring him around.

The man that I’d called dad my whole life was long gone. Max had told me about him being

found with his throat cut. I knew without asking that it was Xander. He never said anything and we
never discussed it.

I won’t say that I wanted him to come to such an end, but I hadn’t shed too many tears over it

either. He was the last link to my mom though, so there was a bit of sadness over that.

When I told Xander when we knew for sure that I was pregnant, that I wished I had family to

share it with; he grumbled and threw a fit. He was my family; I didn’t need anyone else.

A week later my biological father and one of his sisters were brought to the mansion. They’ve

been a part of our lives ever since.

I hid a secret smile, as I rested my hand over my tummy, where my new child was now

growing. Xander will be so pleased; the man loves nothing more than getting me with child.

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