Bad Boys 3 Killer Jordan Silver

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Bad Boys Book 3

The Killer


Jordan Silver

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Copyright© 2014 Alison Jordan

All Rights Reserved

Cover by Jordan Silver
Cover image by

ID 41130012 ©

George Mdivanian


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Table of Contents
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14

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Shit's about to go down, it's about to get real and I'm ready; they'll never see me coming, the

fucks. Fuck with my own, you've got to be fucking stupid.

"Damien, Antonio, lets go."

My guys are a little pensive; they don't really want me to make this move. They'd rather one of

them did the job, but its mine to do; it's my grandfather Madden these fucks gunned down in the streets
like a fucking dog.

Dad was in a secluded location, recovering from his wounds, and I'd sent my older brother

Vincent into hiding. They would never be expecting me. They thought that I was owned by the
government. That might've been true yesterday. Today I was a different man.

I'd resigned my commission with the navy, they hated to see me go but my superiors

understood, family came first. I'd done my duty; mom had wanted at least one of us for the military,
and one for the church. She didn't get her priest, it just wasn't in the Callieri blood, but she'd got her
navy seal. Santino, the middle brother, was consigliere smart fucker, keep it all in the family.

These assholes had fucked themselves royally. With my training and background, I am a worst

threat than all the others combined. Grandpa had had compassion, dad would negotiate, Vincent is a
hothead. Me, I'm a methodical, sinister fuck and I know it. Trust no one and never give a fuck.

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Chapter 1

"So how are we doing this Gi? you want to do a meet first or what?"

I looked at Damien in silence; I understood that my father's men were a little skeptical where

I'm concerned. Their idea of me is of the little mama's boy who'd been sent off to the navy, right out of
high school.

They probably believed I knew nothing about my family's operation. Nothing could be farther

from the truth. Pop wanted to please mom yes, but each of us boys knew who we were. We were
taught at a young age what the Callieri name meant in certain circles.

Two days ago, someone had tried to wipe out that name because of greed. It took me this long

to get here because of my duties to the Seals, but money and a stellar record cut through bureaucracy
like a leaf in the wind, and I was free in less than twenty four hours.

Free to do exactly what I knew had to be done, five minutes after I got the news.

I could still hear my mama's tears; they haunted me. I should've been here to protect them, but

never again. Pop had seen it, so had Vince and Sonny; I'd made sure they'd seen what was in me that
first night back.

There had been no question, no argument. Vincent didn't have the head for leadership, he knew

it and so did everyone else. That's why the enemy had made their play.

Santino had no interest, other than looking out for the family's legalities. The torch was passed,

there was no ring involved, I've been wearing my family crest on my hand since the year I turned

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Chapter 2

I thought of my grandpa, big, gruff, with a heart of gold; he was the first one to put a gun in my

hand at the age of nine. It was our way; the elder took that duty.

Pop had looked on as I'd sent the bullet into the side of beef that hung from the beam in the

warehouse. I remember the sights and sounds, the flies buzzing around.

I remember how that small ball had torn into flesh, and done irreparable damage. The story

went that both my older brothers had lost their meals when they'd done this the first time. Not so me.

I'd learned over time, how to control that little muscle that ruled everything else. The navy had

tried diagnosing me with some sort of condition. They said I was missing the fear factor, that I had no

They were wrong, but I didn't bother telling them that. I felt, too much even; but I'd taught

myself how to control the heart. What they saw as indifference was sheer calculation, cold,
determined. I call it my ‘I don't give half a fuck’ factor.

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"No." I finally answered Damien.

I checked my glock, I hadn't told them what I was doing today; they didn't need to know.

Someone had sold out the family, pop had told me the some of the names of those who had ordered
the hit, but they hadn't had time to sniff out the animal who had turned traitor.

This traitor too, like the progenitor of betraying fuckers, will also lose his guts in a field, only

this one wouldn't be given the opportunity to hang himself, no, I'm going to gut the bastard myself. It's
what he deserved after all.

First stop, Arturo Villanova, grandpa's oldest and dearest friend; the two men had come up

through the ranks together. From two completely different backgrounds, they'd gravitated to each other
and formed a bond that had lasted sixty plus years. From the streets of Flatbush Brooklyn, to the
Upper Westside, they'd divided their territories as they'd made a wide swath through the old regime.

They knew each other's secrets and the ins and outs of each other's outfits.

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His housekeeper answered the door of his Staten Island mansion; the house was dressed for

mourning, black sheets over the mirrors. Old man Villanova sat in the garden room, attached to the
back of his home, a lap robe across his legs to keep out the cold. I made sure the woman had gone
about her business, not that it would make a difference, I just didn't want to have to kill her too.

"Gianni my son, I'm sorry about this latest nastiness, he was a good man my old friend." He

looked like he was about to leave this world to join that friend.

I took in the grey head of hair, the wrinkled brow. I could smell the peppermint he was known

for; my mind ran through all the times he'd rubbed my head, for luck he said. The many gatherings
where he was always front, and center, grandpa's best pal. His chess partner, his confidant; the two
men had been like brothers.

I looked him in the face as I pulled the trigger and took his fucking lying ass head off.

Damien and Antonio were dumbfounded for about five seconds.

"Gi what...?"

"Cleaner." That's the only thing I said, it's all that needed saying, before I turned and left the

house. No one knew my movements, where I was going, or what I intended to do, because I didn't
know who was the traitor yet, but I will soon.

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Chapter 3

By the time the boys came out of the house, I was already seated in the back seat.

Damien took the wheel with Antonio riding shotgun.

"The guys are on the way, we had a little talk with the housekeeper, she's dust."


Better they learn now, I'm not one for words, and as long as this anger raged inside me, I'll be

even shorter. I have nothing to say until I've done everything I'd made up my mind to do. They will all
bleed before grandpa was underground.

They tensed up a little at my direction, but didn't dare question me. I knew what they were

thinking, but I didn't give a fuck, I'm gonna do this my way.

Outside the commissioner's house, I jumped out the back before they'd come to a full stop.

Going up the steps to the brownstone on the tree lined street, with its fancy cars up one end and

down the other, there was no one about, which is normal for a neighborhood like this; that suited me
just fine.

A young girl answered the door when I rang the doorbell. Cute.


"Your father?"

She turned to call into the house for him, but I stopped her.

"Show me." She seemed a little scared; I guess my coldness came through loud and clear, huh.

Before the night was out she would have a whole lot more to be afraid of.

Taking her arm at the elbow, I followed her into the house, towards the back, and into what I

guess was the study. The commissioner was seated behind a desk with a cigar in his mouth.

"What the, Natalie who is this?" He tried getting out of his chair but I drew my gun and held it

on him. The daughter, Natalie, started to scream, but I held my hand up to the side without taking my
eyes off her father.


She started moaning as if in pain, but I'll deal with her later.

"You set my grandfather up for money, how much?"

"What, what are you…?" He looked at his daughter and swallowed deeply.

"Don't lie, unless you've murdered more than one old man in the last week, you know exactly

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who I'm talking about, who was your inside man?"

He tried to get into his desk, so I put one in his chest, nowhere near an artery, just bone,

immense pain but not life threatening.

The girl screamed until I held that hand up again.

"Silence Natalie, we'll be done soon."


"I don't..." The next one went in his neck. Now that one, that one will bleed him out, it might

take a little time but he was done.

"Take your secrets to your grave with you." She ran over to him, crying her little heart out as

she hugged him begging him not to leave her. I gave her enough time to say goodbye before pulling her

"Wait you can't just take her."

His mouth leaked blood even as he tried to save his precious daughter.

"A life for a life."

I pulled her along behind me as she struggled to get free, my face set in stone. They'd been

much blood spilt this day and there will be more.

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“Home.” The guys shared a look between them when I came back to the car with the girl, but I

didn’t owe anyone any explanations for my actions. “Quiet.” I ordered her without looking at her as
she sat next to me.

She reached for the door handle and my hand came down on hers stopping her. “Leave it.” I

finally looked at her then for the first time. I’d thought she was cute before, maybe my eyes were too
clouded by rage; she’s fucking gorgeous.

Blonde and blue! Not my usual fare but she was something to look at. She had to be about

nineteen or twenty years old, she still had that new shine on her. She glared at me with a mixture of
shock and anger in her eyes.

I had to smile at myself, because I was in the middle of a war and my cock was sniffing for

action. The old Callieri blood in play. Beneath the burning rage was the need for release. Every
fighting man knows that sex is the best decompression.

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“I hate you.” She spat the words at me as she tried to pull away again.

“I could give a fuck.” That seemed to take her aback for a second, before she started her shit again.

“If you want me to tie your ass up, keep doing that shit.”

“Where are you taking me?”
“Home with me.”
“Why, what are you going to do with me?”

“That depends, I’ll either kill you, fuck you, or find some other use for you.” I looked her in the

eye as I told her what fate awaited her. She swallowed audibly and shrunk back away from me. I
wiped her cheek where she had gotten some of her dad’s blood.

She flinched away from my touch and I smirked at her. I had no idea what the fuck I was going

to do with her. I hadn’t planned on taking any prisoners, but I had no idea the commissioner had a
daughter in the house with him.

I’d had to do a rush job when I landed, to fit the pieces together. Dad, my brothers and I, had

worked it out the best we could, to try to figure out who’d called the hit and who had carried it out.

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The commissioner had been on the take for years, those who were in the know knew that.

Arturo had him in his pocket, so had grandpa. He usually covered up the family’s kills and kept the
heat off our asses.

For whatever reason, they had decided that my family was no longer needed, either that, or

there was something they were into that grandpa had vetoed, and this was their answer.

Dad wasn’t next in line; he wasn’t blood. Grandpa was mom’s dad, and though my father

played a big part in the family, he would never have sat in the seat as head. That would’ve been my
brother Vincent.

The hit had been well orchestrated from what I’d learned. They’d hit multiple places at once,

in a bid to eliminate the whole family and take over our territories. These fuckers had watched The
Godfather once too often it seemed.

I didn’t need a movie to direct my path, what I hadn’t learnt at my grandfather’s knee, the

government had taught me. I was trained as a SEAL, I knew innumerable ways in which to kill, and I
was going to use every last one of them until I eliminated all our enemies.

I’m not the hothead that my brother is, that’s why I have the lead, but the assholes might’ve

stood a better chance with Vince at the helm, than they will with me.

Now I have this pain in the ass girl on my hands, who wouldn’t shut the fuck up. Yes she just

watched her old man die in front of her eyes, so the fuck what? He should’ve protected her better if he
was going to get mixed up in the life.

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Chapter 4

We drove all the way to The Island instead of going to any one of our places in the city. It was

too hot right now. And no doubt the alarm had been raised by now, on one or both of the men.

Whoever was involved, will know that we were hitting back; hopefully it would be a while

before they knew that I was the one carrying out the retaliation. My family was safe for now and I
mean to keep them that way. The only way for me to do that; is to kill everyone who had a hand in the
plot against my blood. Personally.

I wasn’t about to trust anyone else with that task. Everyone was a fucking suspect, until I said

different. The two men who were with me had been cleared, otherwise I would be travelling solo, but
they too were on a short leash.

My companion was silently crying next to me, and I would’ve felt some sympathy for her, had

it not been for the fact that her fuck of a dad had played a part in what had happened to my blood. In
the old country she would’ve been considered the spoils. Maybe I will fuck her after all, get rid of
some of this pent up anger that was riding my ass.

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She’d exhausted herself by the time we pulled through the gates of home. I had beefed up

security, choosing only those men that my dad believed to be safe. Whoever had sold us out, will
show their hand soon no doubt. I was going to keep my eyes and ears open for when that happened.

“Come.” I had to pull her out of the car and drag her into the house behind me. I hadn’t even

noticed what she’d been wearing when I took her, but now, looking at her fully for the first time, I
noticed her state of undress.

She wore silk pajama shorts, a camisole and fluffy house slippers. She looked about twelve,

with her wild hair and scared eyes. “Upstairs, first door on the right. Go Natalie, and don’t make me
have to repeat myself again.”

She walked away slowly, her legs a little shaky. The shock was settling in and I knew she was

in for a long fucking day. Too bad, so was I. If her fuck of an old man hadn’t been such a fucking
crook, my family wouldn’t be in fucking pieces. I had no give in me right now and that little girl was
in the line of fire.

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I closed myself off in my dad’s study. There was a lot of shit that needed to be done in the next

few days. With grandpa gone, dad and my brothers in hiding, there was going to be a shake up. So
along with taking out the fuckers who’d done this, I have to make sure that there’s no mutiny in the

My dad had given me a rough account of what was up the day before the shit hit the fan. I had a

list of who might need to be brought to heel, and who had been under the old man’s radar for one
infraction or the other.

With an operation this big, there was a shitload of things to take care of, and not enough time. I

started with the family holdings in AC. There was the casino and the hotel there. Then there were the
places in Vegas, New York. We had homes and businesses on two continents that would need a
careful eye.

I knew from growing up in the life, that when something like this happened, it was the prime

time for the vultures to swoop in and try to take over. I wasn’t about to give them the chance.

I opened the safe and went through the papers I found there. Grandpa had a coded journal that

not many people could read; I was one of only two people still alive, who would be able to, the other
was my dad.

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I was back out on the street a half hour later. The old man wasn’t as blind as they’d thought,

and now it seemed I knew why they’d taken him out. It hurt that someone so close had murdered him
and tried to wipe out my family for something so fucking evil. There was only one more ‘boss’ that
needed taking care of and I’m on my way to him now.

Luigi Scarpelli was a relatively young head. He’d taken over just a few months ago from his

own dad, who’d died of a heart attack. According to grandpa’s notes, the death was suspicious. The
old man thinks the son killed his dad to take over on the orders of Arturo Villanova. All so they could
move in drugs. Something grandpa would’ve never agreed to.

He was one of the only holdouts when it came to the drug trade. The other had been Scarpelli’s

dad. Grandpa had wanted no part of it, and had made us swear that we’d never get involved in
anyway. His own mother had died of an overdose when he was a young boy, and he’d never wanted
any dealings with the stuff, not the buying, selling or trafficking.

His son in law and his grandsons had promised him that they’d always respect his wishes.

There was a note, about the day my own dad had been approached by the scum. Their offer was
probably pretty much what Luigi’s had been.

Take out the old man and he can take over. The fact that he wasn’t next in line, was nothing in

their eyes, they cold make it happen. Too bad for them, my dad isn’t a greedy fuck, so he’d told
grandpa what was going on. Two days later they were hit.

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Luigi still lived in Brooklyn in a brownstone walkup. He had a wife and two little kids in the

house with him; that won’t stop me. We had to circle one block over a couple times, because there
was a lot of his men milling around outside. No doubt the word had spread that his two cohorts had
been taken out, and he wasn’t taking any chances.

“Let me out here. Go to the corner and wait.” I pulled my skullcap down to just above my eyes

and threw the specialty backpack over my shoulder. I’m sure Uncle Sam didn’t intend for his training
would be used for this, but what the fuck.

I kept my six foot four frame dressed in all black to the shadows of the buildings as I made my

way to the building next door. The scents and sounds reminded me of my childhood, when Grandpa
would bring my brothers and I to his old stomping ground to show us off. Remembering his pride in
us, in his family, brought a touch of sadness to my heart. He was gone way too fucking soon.

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I used the specialty scaling rope from my bag to climb up the back side of the building next

door to Luigi’s. Since there were literally streetlights on every single corner, not to mention cops here
and there; I cat walked across the top of one building to the next.

I could’ve probably taken the fire escape, but there were too many things that could go wrong if

I went that route. So instead, I cut a hole in the door leading from the rooftop, just one big enough to
remove the lock. It was quick, fast and made no noise. No muss no fuss.

I could hear voices coming from behind his door, the sounds of a family getting ready for bed.

The kids putting up a fuss because they didn’t wanna, a stressed out mom who was probably that way
because her own husband was giving off vibes.

Any man in the business worth his salt, kept this shit away from his wife. She must only know

from the little snippets she heard through the grapevine. Then again ma knows a lot more than she
should. That’s because dad liked his balls where they were. It was weird to actually find a smile at a
time like this.

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I waited until I heard mother and children’s voices fading as if moving to the other end of the

house, before silently making my way down the stairs. I did my trick with the door again and eased
into the house.

He was sitting in his study chain smoking and checking his monitors every other second. He

didn’t even know I was there until I stepped out of the corner and into his view after closing and
locking the door.

I put a finger up to my lips for silence as he made to speak. “Who sold us out?” He shook his

head from side to side as if to say he didn’t know. I took a quick scan of the papers on his desk and
the computer screen, but none of it had anything to do with why I was here.

“You don’t know?” He kept his eyes on the weapon in my hand as beads of sweat started

popping out on his fat face. If he even thought of asking me for mercy I think I would’ve done worst
than I’d planned to him. Here was a man who’d killed his own blood for gain. Who’d set off the chain
of events that led to grandpa being slaughtered like a dog in the streets.

His hands were still up when I plunged the knife into his throat. Blood went everywhere as I

pulled it out and left it in his heart. He was dead before I even left the room. I could hear the sounds
of a mother saying goodnight to her children as I headed back the way I came.

I was on the street heading back to the car when I heard the first scream. Damn, that is one loud


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Chapter 5


I’m in shock. I know that that’s what it is, because we covered it in one of the classes dad

made me take last summer. I had all the symptoms: detachment, coldness, and, a feeling of vertigo. I
walked around the room he’d ordered me to, without seeing anything.

I knew I was alive, because I could feel the coolness from the air conditioner, and there was

the distant sound of birds tweeting off in the distance. But there was nothing where my heart had been.
My mind couldn’t, or wouldn’t process all that happened. Each time it got close, a sense of darkness
would play at the edges of my mind.

I looked towards the bed and without giving my feet the order to move, I found myself there.

The last thing I remembered was kicking off my shoes and lying back across the bed.

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I entered the room where she was fast asleep. I hadn’t given her a thought while I was out

doing what I needed to, but as soon as it was over, for some reason she was my first thought. With
some of my anger gone, I was able to keep a cool head. I’d left her there alone after the day that she’d
had, that was fucked.

I’ve spent my life protecting others, maybe that’s why she’s playing so heavy on my heart. I’ve

seen the effects of death on others, seen grown men collapse into themselves after witnessing less
horrors than she had today.

I still didn’t know what the fuck I was going to do with her. There was no way I could release

her, she knew too much. In truth I should’ve killed her along with her dad, the fact that I’d kept her
alive told me that I’d already made up my mind whether I knew it or not.

Standing over her, I took in her beauty, all those curls spread out across the pillow, her slightly

tanned skin, and most of all, those lips that were full and enticing, with their natural pinkish tone.

I had no qualms about fucking her, none whatsoever, the way I felt in that moment, I would’ve

awakened her and taken her then and there, knowing that she would put up a fight.

Something held me back though; some inner emotion that I couldn’t quite identify wouldn’t let

me brutalize her to assuage my anger against her old man. She was so fucking gorgeous though, too
beautiful to just put a bullet in her head. What a fucking waste.

I was looking dead at her when those cerulean orbs of hers opened and looked right into mine.

I braced myself for her anger and venom. What I wasn’t expecting was the smile that broke out across
her face. What in the fuck?

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She stretched her arms above her head with no care for the tight lacy top that rode up around

her middle revealing the soft flesh of her belly. What was she doing? I stood back a little from the bed
when she put her feet on the floor and shoved them into her shoes.

She clutched at her head as she made to stand, and I got a feeling in the pit of my gut. I wasn’t

sure if what I was thinking was wrong with her was better or worse for her. I waited for her to make
the next move, only then will I know if what I suspected was true or not.

When she’d first clutched her head, I knelt at her feet. “What is it love?” I kept my voice low

and non-threatening so as not to spook her.

“I don’t…are you…?” She looked at her hand and down at mine and I had no idea what she

was doing. The answer wasn’t long in coming.

“Are you my husband? Of course you’re not, you’re too gorgeous.” She laughed a little at that

before studying me seriously. “I’m sorry, but I seem to have forgotten who I am.”

Well fuck.

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Chapter 6

Two hours later, I still hadn’t decided what to tell her. I’d had the family doctor come and take

a look at her. His advice was that she wasn’t suffering physically, but she had amnesia. His
suggestion, do not force her memory, let it come to her naturally. The situation to say the least is
fucked up.

I just offed this girl’s dad in front of her, and hours later she’s giving me the sweetest smiles

and acting as though we’re lovers. I’m not quite sure about that last, she hasn’t done anything overtly
sexual, but there’s a vibe there that I know spells fucking trouble.

To top it all off, she wasn’t making it easy. I think this might be her natural way, this light,

carefree, almost bubbly personality. But each time she touched my hand, or ran her fingers through my
hair, my dick took notice.

I hadn’t really planned on finding a woman in the middle of this chaos, and the circumstances

of our meeting wasn’t conducive to a healthy relationship. And what the fuck am I thinking?

I’ve never had time for the whole settling down, let’s get serious bullshit. I figured after my

stint in the Navy was over, to get ma off my back, I’d find some nice, unassuming type and settle
down, have a few kids.

There’s nothing unassuming about Natalia. “Are you sure I can’t help? I think I know how to do

this.” We’re in the kitchen cooking, or more to the point, I’m cooking.

I put her on a stool at the breakfast bar to sit and watch, or do whatever she feels. “You can

watch this time, next time we’ll let you have a go okay?”
She nodded enthusiastically and popped the carrot stick I passed her, into her mouth.

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We had a nice quiet dinner, well not exactly; she’s a talker. She asked me about a million

different things at once, some of them more difficult than others. As the evening wore on, I was
becoming more and more drawn under her spell.

At the back of my mind was a flashing warning sign. Danger, Do Not Enter. But every time she

smiled at me with her bright eyes, I felt my resolve weaken more and more.

“Gianni, I don’t mind not having all my memory back as yet, the doctor says it’ll come in time;

but I hate that I don’t remember how we met.” She frowned into her glass of juice and I held my
breath waiting.

For the last forty-five minutes it was like I was in an alternate universe. Gone was the blood

and gore of the past twenty-four hours, to be replaced by her laughter and teasing touches. It was hard
to hold onto the memory that I’d just killed a man not three hours ago.

Now here I am, in my family’s kitchen, with a beautiful woman, who, the more that I’m

exposed to her, the more I want her, but know I can’t have her. It would be all kinds of fucked up to
go there.

Besides, I can’t go there now; I’ve got shit to do. My family still has one more enemy out there;

I don’t have time for pussy.

“It’ll come to you sweetheart, just give it time.” And that worried the fuck outta me too. The

fact that now she’ll have to relive it again. Hopefully I’ll be there when it happens, to shield her as
much as I can from the pain.

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I’d sent her to my room when we first arrived earlier, because it was easier to sleep with her

next to me to keep an eye on her. Now with this new turn of events I wasn’t sure what the fuck I
should do. I’m pretty sure it’s not an act to facilitate her escape, and even if it was, there’s no way
she’s getting off the estate.

She took the question out of my hands when it was time to go up for bed. Shit, I hadn’t thought

of clothes and shit for her. I didn’t want to go through mom’s clothes, or one of my sisters’ stuff and
find her something. Tomorrow we’ll have to go shopping. But what was I supposed to do tonight?

In the end, I settled on one of my tee shirts from college. She smelt it and rubbed the softened

material against her cheek. There was absolutely no reason for it, but that shit made my cock jump.
Strange fucking phenomena. I’m not realty into the sappy, moonlight walks and sweet kisses under the
stars bullshit.

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When it comes to fucking, I like it hard, deep and dirty as fuck. Any woman fucking around

with me better be able to take the dick. I pride myself on my length and my size; the shit is legendary.

Almost cost the career of one of the only female CPOs in the navy. She wanted to fuck, I was

horny as fuck after being on a job for three weeks in the jungle heat of Central America and I had no
attachments elsewhere.

We fucked for two and a half days straight, it didn’t matter one fuck to me that she was a few

years older, she was hot and she was available. At the time, those had been the only requirements.
Too bad someone had seen us leaving the hotel together.

She’d had a time of it talking her way out of that one, but in the end, both our careers were

saved. That was the one and only time I’d been that fucking stupid when it came to my career.

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Chapter 7

“Natalia…” I started to tell her that I’ll take her to another room, but when she turned and

looked at me with that enigmatic smile of hers, I caved. She was like an affectionate puppy when she
came to bed and attached herself to my side. How the fuck was I supposed to do this shit? A callous
prick would just fuck her and be done with it. I wasn’t quite there yet.

I laid awake for the longest time, after she’d fallen asleep with her head on my chest. Things

were coming together; in less than twenty-four hours I’d taken care of the traitors to my family, all
except one.

I’d put a lot of things in motion to seal up any breaches that might have existed after the hit. But

a chain is only as strong as its weakest link, and until I found the Judas in the midst, I won’t be able to
rest easy, won’t be able to bring the others out of hiding yet.

I was jarred back to the here and now by her soft moans, and her leg moving to cover my lower

half. Well fuck! My dick, which seemed to stay hard around her, didn’t need any more encouragement.
I tried holding myself still and hoping she’d settle down. She was asleep, thank fuck, but this was

Her hair smelt like coconut and vanilla, and her body was so soft next to mine. Well not

exactly next to. She was practically on top of me at this point. Once she settled down I was able to
breathe easy again. We’re gonna have to find other arrangements tomorrow night. I was pretty sure
that I wouldn’t be able to go through this shit one more night.

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One more day spent trying to ferret out the culprit, with no results. I’d left Natalia in the care of

my old nurse. She was a trusted family member, after years of looking after us kids. When the last of
us had outgrown the need for her, she’d been kept on as an assistant for my mom.

She hadn’t asked any questions, by now she knew that was a no-no. She was also privy to some

of the shit that has been going on, and was only too happy to be of help in anyway she could.

Natalia wouldn’t let me leave without a kiss goodbye, which only complicated my shit farther.

Now I’m missing her while I should be concentrating on the shit I was doing. Not only that, but her
kisses left me wanting a hell of a lot more than her tongue in my mouth.

I should’ve known that my penchant for calling her by the Italian derivative of her name was a

huge warning sign. I don’t think I’d ever done that shit before. Somehow it felt like I was staking a
claim or some shit. For fuck sake Gianni it’s just a name, don’t be such a bitch.

I headed back to the estate after calling her five or six times in five fucking hours. Between

running down leads on who the rat could be, and making sure my family was okay, my mind kept
drifting back to her.

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“Gianni, what did I usually do during the day? I feel like I should be doing something.” She had

plopped her fine ass down in my lap and wrapped her arms around my neck.

I wasn’t exactly prepared for all the questions that might crop up, and I wasn’t going to lie to

her. Neither did I want to say or do anything that might harm her in some way.

“You don’t have to do anything babe.” I kissed the lips that she held up to me, feeling guilty; I

did notice the guilt wasn’t as bad as the first time she did that. Was she always this affectionate
before? That thought, for some reason, pissed me off. It got me thinking abut her life before me.

Who was she? What kind of girl had she been? And worst of all, had there been a man in her

life. That one most of all made my gut burn. The more time I spent with her, the more I wanted.

“Maybe we should take you shopping.” I remembered that she had no clothes. I’d had to trash

the ones she’d been wearing since they were covered in blood. She’s been wearing my old sweats
and tees.

I guess like every other female, she was into that shit because as soon as I said the words she

was up and running. “Come on let’s go.” She pulled on my arm until I stood with her, all excited
about a shopping trip.

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Chapter 8

I took her in and out of every designer store they had in the little shopping center. All I knew

about the place is that the women in my family shopped there, and it was expensive as hell.

I had some serious moments of guilt mixed in with pure lust and joy. Had we met under

different circumstances, I could’ve gone for her. She was sweet, and affectionate, and she couldn’t
seem to keep her hands off me. If not for the specter of her memory returning, I probably would’ve
fucked her by now.

But I’m not exactly an animal; I couldn’t justify taking that kind of advantage of her. Though

being locked away in the house, just the two of us, might be asking for trouble.

I hadn’t told the guys about her condition and had no intentions on doing so. My family knew I

had taken her, but that’s all I’d told them. As head of the family my decisions were not to be
questioned, just backed by the others.

With the masterminds behind the hit taken care of, I could do what needed to be done from the

estate, at least for the next little while. It shouldn’t take much to shore up the organization since it was
already in good standing.

Grandpa had run a tight ship, but he’d been known for his fairness, and his men had stayed true

and loyal over the years; even the offspring of some who’d been with him from the beginning. At least
that part of my job was easy.

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After our little shopping marathon I took her to dinner; it was over the antipasti that she really

let me know where her head was at. “Gianni, where are my wedding rings?”

I almost choked on a fucking olive. I realized sitting in the darkened corner of that restaurant

that I was at a crossroads. Why the fuck this shit would happen to me in the middle of the fuckery that
had become my life? I’d never know. I didn’t have time to think, so I went with my gut.

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“They’re at the jewelers being cleaned.” What the fuck Gianni are you insane? She seemed

relatively pleased by my answer and I got another one of her kisses. Only this time, I was the one to
prolong it. I held her head in my hand and opened her mouth under mine with my tongue.

She sucked it in and pretty soon we were in a deep lip-lock, while the music played softly in

the background and the drone of other customers’ voices flitted in and out.

By the time I came up for air, I was hard as a fucking rock, and she wasn’t doing too much

better. She seemed to be happiest when I was touching her in some way, so I kept her hand in mine
rubbing my thumb back and forth over her hand.

In the back of my mind was the thought that this was a bad fucking idea, but I squashed that shit.

I had some hard choices to make, and there wasn’t any time to do it in.

I consoled myself and yes, justified my actions, by telling myself that rejection might be more

damaging to her right now. Yeah right Gianni, that’s why you had your tongue half way down her
fucking neck.

Life was a fucking mess to put it mildly. I was supposed to retire from the navy, grandpa was

supposed to live for at least another twenty, thirty years, and then I could take over.

But none of that had happened and wasn’t about to change.

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In between making calls to her all-day and trying to run down the fuck who’d set my family up,

I’d done a little digging into her background.

I knew that she was an honor student at the Ivy League school she attended, that she spent

summers with her dad and that her mother was gone. In essence I’d made her an orphan. I was all she
had; why that thought made my heart trip like a little bitch was anybody’s guess.

Dinner was a fucking trial, between long sighing looks, and intermittent kisses over our dishes

of pasta and Chicken Parmesan; I made the decision to let shit go as it may. We were both adults, at
this moment she was interested. If that changed when her memory returned well then, I’ll just have to
deal with it.

With the decision finally settled in my mind, I was free to relax and enjoy her. She was a

talkative little thing; for someone who didn’t have much of a memory left, she was sure full of
questions and chatter.

I answered all her questions, which thank fuck, were vague and had more to do with the

mundane than anything really profound. In the car on the way home she laid her head on my shoulder
and took my hand. I saw the look that passed between Damien and Antonio but I didn’t owe anyone
any explanations, so they could speculate all the fuck they wanted to.

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Chapter 9

Once back in the house she ran upstairs to go play with her new shit. I’d sent the nurse home

before we’d left, so once again it was just the two of us in the house. I checked the monitors, to make
sure the perimeter was covered, and that the men were doing their jobs and not fucking around.

Our place is backed by water, so that was another avenue the enemy could use to get to me. I

wasn’t expecting any retaliation anytime soon; for one thing, they had no idea that the soldier boy was
the one behind the hits, and they had no idea where my family was. That is, if anyone was even going
to try.

As far as I could figure, from what I’d read in the files grandpa had kept, it was the

commissioner and Villanova who were behind the drug trade idea. With those two gone, I should be
done with this mess, at least until the next schism.

I sat in the big chair in the study contemplating my life and the drastic change it had taken in the

last few days. I was no longer the man I had been when this week began.

At twenty-seven I am now head of the family. Something I hadn’t expected for at least another

twenty years. I had no problem throwing off one mantle and taking on the other, though they were so
vastly different. This is just something I always knew was part of my future.

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What I hadn’t planned for, was the young girl that was now part of my life, or the way she

made me feel. Was it just a physical thing, or was I suffering from the guilt of having killed her dad in
front of her? Whatever it was, some fuck was going on with my heart where she was concerned.

I’m not gonna call it love, I’d be fucked if I know what that shit feels like, unless it pertains to

family. But there was definitely something going on. Maybe it was like I’d told her dad, a life for a
life. That memory had me thinking a whole lot of crazy shit, shit better left for another day. Maybe
after a few days I’d feel different who knows?

She came down the stairs a few minutes later; I could hear her calling for me. I walked to the

door of the study and almost had a fucking heart attack at the sight that met me.

Oh yeah, she’s getting fucked; there’s no two ways about it, and no use in even pretending

anymore. I wasn’t even going to try to second guess myself or beat my conscience with a stick.

She had on one of those things women wear to make men stupid. It was peach colored silk and

lace; short with slits up the sides that showed off the muscles in her thighs. Why the sight of that
should made my dick start leaking, I didn’t know.

She gave me a very uncertain smile when my eyes finally met hers after giving her the once

over from her toes to her head. “You look amazing baby.” She gave me one of her smiles and ran
towards me.

I caught her up in my arms, which might not have been the best idea, but my cock was happy.

She wrapped her legs around me and my cock hit her right on her pussy lips. I couldn’t resist a little
friction, so I pressed her ass closer and let her feel what she did to me.

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If I’d had any doubts or second thoughts, her sighing into my mouth and grinding herself into me

wiped all that shit away. I ate at her mouth as she dug her nails into my scalp.

I wasn’t thinking when I turned her back against the wall so I could dry hump her. Wasn’t

thinking when my thumb attacked her nipple or when I pulled my mouth away from hers to latch onto
her nipple after tearing away the silk covering it.

Her body shook and trembled when I did that, and just fucked with my head. She was so

fucking responsive, and the noises she made, fuck me, I was a drowning man. I didn’t give any thought
to anything else when her hand came down between us and fondled my dick through my jeans.

Or when she fought with my zipper and won. When she got to her knees before me and took my

cock into her mouth I was blown the fuck away. “Fuck baby.” I held her head between my hands,
guiding her movements as she sucked me off. When she deep throat me and played with my balls I
almost shot off then and there.

It wasn’t easy pulling her off and lifting her in my arms and heading for the stairs. Upstairs in

our room I laid her across the bed and shed the rest of my clothes. She posed herself in some kind of
sexpot position and teased the shit outta me.

Where the fuck did she learn to do that shit? she bit into her lip and fondled her nipple while

watching my every move. I could feel the heat in my cheeks as I approached her on the bed.

Without uttering a word, I lifted her legs and spread them. Maybe because of her memory lost,

and maybe it was her nature, I don’t know, but there was no shyness in her actions. She let me spread
her open and look at her.

She wasn’t shy about touching herself, and when she fingered herself and tasted it, I thought I

would lose my fucking mind. But not as much as when she did it again and held her fingers out for me
to taste.

I took her offering, but I wanted more. I pushed her legs out and back so I could fit my

shoulders between them. I inhaled her sweet scent before licking her pussy with one long swipe of my

“Oh Gianni.” She started to move as soon as I sank my tongue into her and placed my fingers

on her clit. She was a hot little number that was for sure. No lying still for my girl, she moved against
my tongue and cried out, letting me know that she liked what I was doing to her.

When she pulled roughly on my hair and tried dragging me up her body I knew what she

wanted. Seems my girl likes giving head. I’m not even going to question why that is, or think about
what she’d done before we met. I was going to live in her here and now.

I ended up straddling her chest with my cock in her mouth as she bobbed her head back and

forth on it. She held my eyes as she sucked my cock like it was the best shit she’d ever had. I felt the
movement of her hand behind me and knew she was finger fucking herself even as she pleasured me.

I pulled my cock out of her mouth and changed positions. Pulling her on top with her pussy

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over my mouth I guided her head back down to my cock. Spreading her pussy lips open I dug in with
my fingers first before switching out for my tongue.

She was so fucking responsive I had a hard time swallowing all her juices once they started

flowing. I smacked her ass to get her attention when she wouldn’t release my dick. That got her
attention long enough for me to push her down a little so I could crawl out from under her.

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“Stay as you are.” She looked over her shoulder at me as I lined up behind her. I was finally

here, the point of no return. If I fucked her now there was no turning back, I was crossing a very fine
line. I took my leaking cock in hand and rubbed the head up and down her wet pussy slit, which was
open and just waiting for me to fuck.

She cocked her ass higher and pushed back a little. Taking her hips in my hands, I eased into

her nice and slow. It was a good thing I did, because the tight membrane that blocked me would’ve
hurt like fuck if I’d plunged into her the way I’d wanted to.

“Oh fuck baby.” I pulled out and turned her around in my arms, kissing her all over her face.

She didn’t seem to notice that there was anything strange and I had a moment’s pause. I’d just taken
her virginity, something else I could never give back. How the fuck was she a virgin when she was so
uninhibited? And what kind of virgin sucked cock like she was born to it?

Now wasn’t the time to dwell on it, because she was pawing at me and spreading her legs,

trying to get me back inside her. I held her eyes with mine as I slipped back into her. “Sweetheart.”
She smiled up at me as her body moved with mine.

Something inside me snapped, it was all too fucking much. She was a fucking virgin, and she

thinks she’s my wife. Where my mind went with that I’ll think about later, right now I was more
interested in what it did to my libido.

Burying my face in her neck, I lifted her ass brining her closer to me and sinking my cock

deeper into her. Her hands roaming over my back and digging into my ass spurred me on and instead
of the nice and easy I thought she needed, I drilled her pussy like it was the last time I’d ever fuck.

She was, all pun intended, a fucking expert. When she wrapped her legs high around my waist,

and fought me until I turned my mouth to hers, I was lost. “Your pussy feels fucking amazing baby…I

I don’t think I’ve ever fucked anyone as long or as hard as I fucked her. Her pussy worked my

dick like a pro. She squeezed and clenched and massaged my cock in ways he’d never experienced.
Had I not seen the blood on my cock from breaking her open, I would be doubting her innocence.

The way she moved beneath me kept my dick hard; the way she kept my mouth on hers, sucking

each others’ tongues in turns, her nails digging into my ass, pulling me harder, deeper into her. It was
all a cocktail for what happened next.

I felt my cock expand inside her as she came for the fifth or sixth time around my dick. When

she clenched around me that last time like a vise, I pounded away inside her, finally losing all

Her wanton cries of fuck me harder only made me more out of control and when she bit into my

chest just above my nipple I sent my hand through the headboard as I shot a load off inside her.

“Fuck, fuck, fuck” I said the words as I continued stroking into her, couldn’t stop if my life

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depended on it.

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You’d think after that I was done, not even close. Before the night was done I was going to be

all she ever thought about ever again. I’m going to fill her head with so much of me that she’d never
remember her life before me; because after what we’d just shared, there was no way I was ever
giving her up. No fucking way.

She didn’t seem to want to stop either and that’s how we ended up fucking again before I’d

even had a chance to pull out. She didn’t seem to have any problem with my weight crushing her into
the bed; in fact she kept pulling me back down whenever I lifted my chest away.

She liked kissing while we fucked too; it seemed to make her wilder, hotter. So I let her suck

my tongue as much as she wanted to as I fucked her with the deep, hard strokes that she seemed to
revel in.

My name had never sounded so fucking sweet on a woman’s lips before; I’d never get enough

of hearing it the way she called out to me as I rode her. My dick was going for some kind of record it
seemed, because he was harder and longer than he’d ever been.

Her pussy had some kind of strange affect on me; the tight grip, the silky smooth feel of her

walls; the thought of leaving her body was not at all to my liking. “I’m going to stay inside you all
night sweet Natalia. Can you take me?” She nodded her head in answer and went back to fucking my
cock like she owned it.

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Chapter 10

I woke to her mouth wrapped around my sore cock and her sweet smelling pussy in my face. I

pulled her hips around and had her straddle my head so I could dig in. We’d both taken a rushed
shower in the early hours of the morning, after a night of mind-altering sex.

I couldn’t have had more than three hours sleep by the position of the sun in the sky, but I felt

strong as an ox. I’ll never get enough of her taste on my tongue, or the feel of her pussy wrapped
around my cock. When my cock hit the back of her throat and she gagged and pulled off, that was my

Pushing her body down and off I climbed up behind her. I’d learned in the early hours of the

morning that doggie style was her favorite position, and since it was on the top of my list we were
totally in sync there.

My cock was hard and angry looking, from all the use it had gotten last night. Her pussy wasn’t

much better, all red and puffy from the constant drilling, but I wanted to do her rough. That seems to
be the only speed I had once I got into her. My usual finesse takes a backseat, and I become a primal

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“Babe, I’m gonna do you hard this time okay, I’ll take care of your pussy next round.” I didn’t

give her time to answer one-way or the other. Just plowed into her, driving in hard, going in deep.
She screeched and bucked, but that didn’t stop the gush of warm liquid that covered my cock.

This girl and her extra special pussy were going to be the death of me. Maybe this was my

penance for what I was doing to her, for the deception. I couldn’t think about that now though, I didn’t
want anything coming between us, between what she made me feel. And boy does she make me feel.

I fucked her with my heart and soul in it, there wasn’t any part of her that I left untouched. And

when I sucked her flesh between my teeth, leaving my mark, from her neck and down her back, she
fucked back at me harder.

I pulled out and stuck my tongue into her dripping pussy for a taste. The keening sounds she

made, only made my cock hurt, as it got harder and harder. I wasn’t too gentle when I turned her
around, and sitting back against the pillows, lifted her and pulled her down onto my stiff rod. She
started cumming before the first stroke.

I went after her tits, which were another thing of beauty. High, firm and soft, her nipples

pebbled against my tongue and teeth. Without any provocation or guidance she rode my cock like she
was dying for it. My hot little virgin pussy!

She seemed to like it when I bit down on her nipple, so I decided to mark her there too. She

creamed my cock and screamed, picking up the pace, with my hands on her ass, pulling her on and off
my cock, as I tried to keep up. I had eight years on her, but the kid was a fucking champ.

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After we’d spent the better part of the morning in bed, I finally dragged her into the shower and

then downstairs for something to eat. She was very comfortable parading around me in a short robe
and nothing else, as we made lunch together.

Every once in a while, she’d turn her lips up to me for a kiss, and they kept getting hotter and

hotter. I had a fucked up idea, some might even say unethical, but I was past the point of giving a fuck.
As far as I was concerned, this was best for everyone.

With both her mother and father gone, I will be her only family now. It made sense to me, and I

didn’t give myself too much time to think it to death before I set my plan in motion. Besides it would
take care of another legal issue, if It should ever come to that.

“Babe, I have to go out for an hour or so, I don’t want you to worry, I won’t be gone long.” At

first she didn’t look too sure, but when I turned on the TV in the den and found a chick flick for her to
watch, she seemed content enough with that.

I made sure the place was secure, before leaving the estate. The men were already on high

alert, but with her in the house, I wanted to make sure no one got in no matter who it was. She
couldn’t get outside because I had put the place on lockdown.

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My first stop was the family jeweler. I chose something beautiful that I thought would appeal to

her, and still be considered acceptable by the Callieri standards. Mom was going to have a lot to say
about what I was about to do, but she could do her thing later. Right now I was running against the
clock and there was no time to waste.

I totally expected Natalia’s memory to come back, if not soon, then at some point in the future. I

plan to have her tied to me by then, no way out. It was a diabolical move on my part, but it was the
only way to save her and keep myself safe. The only other alternative was ending her, and after last
night and this morning, I couldn’t fucking do it.

There was no one on my short list of possibilities when it came to the happily ever after deal,

and when it came to making my cock happy, she had all the others beat by a nose. I could live with

I had the lie all worked out in my head by the time I made it back to the house with the priest.

She was in the den, still sitting in front the TV, I felt a moment of guilt for leaving her here alone and
didn’t question the feeling too deeply.

I don’t believe in that love at first sight bullshit, but when she turned and looked at me in the

doorway, I swear she did something to my heart. Something I chose to ignore for now. I wasn’t doing
this for any other reason other than that it was practical and made more sense. I was doing her a

“Hey baby, I’ve got something for you.” She looked at me curiously as she stood from the

couch and made her way over to me. Here goes, this shit was going to come back to bite me in the
ass, but it was the only way.

“I know you don’t remember this, but you and I were planning to renew our vows. I have the

priest here waiting so go on upstairs and put this on.” I passed her the garment bag with the little
cream colored cocktail dress I’d bought her.

Her eyes lit up and she gave me a quick kiss before hurrying up the stairs to do my bidding. No

guilt, I’d come to terms with my decision between the jeweler and the dress shop. Besides, why the
fuck should I feel guilty, at least I wasn’t just gonna fuck her and put her aside when I was done with

We were married half an hour later. For some reason, I could breathe easier now, go figure.

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The priest had barely cleared the door before I had her riding my cock upstairs. For someone

who’d been a virgin just the day before, she sure loved to fuck. And right on the back of that thought,
another one hit.

I flipped her over onto her back and stretched her arms out above her head. “I’m going to give

you a son Natalia, my son.” She tightened around me and fucked even harder than before. I guess she
liked the idea.

I buried my face in her neck as I pounded into her, when that wasn’t enough I lifted her legs

onto my shoulders and drilled into her deeper. She screeched and reached her hands down to her
pussy, I guess I’d gone too deep on that last stroke.

“Take it.” I didn’t let up on her; she was my wife, my fucking wife. The word seemed to flip

some switch in me, because all I wanted to do was to stay inside her sweet, hot pussy for the rest of
the day.

When I came, I held still inside her for a long time after, making sure my seed stayed in there.

“I’m going to give you many sons and daughters Natalia, remember that.” She sucked my tongue into
her mouth after that and didn’t let up until I started fucking into her all over again. It was going to be
another long night spent breaking in her little virgin pussy.

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Chapter 11

For the next few days, we hardly left the room. When we weren’t fucking, I was conditioning

her for the day that her memory returned. Ingratiating myself into her heart, mind and soul, to combat
whatever the fuck was coming at me when that day finally came.


“I know love.” I had her on her hands and knees on the bathroom floor. We hadn’t even made it out of
the shower good, before I was taking her down and mounting her from behind.

“Your pussy feels too good babe, can’t blame me.” Each time I tell myself I’m gonna go easy

this round, one look at her, one touch of her pussy around my cock and that shit goes out the window.

She wasn’t much better, the way she pushed back against my cock and begged me for more. I’d

taught her how to play with her clit while I fucked her, and she couldn’t seem to get enough of it.

“Push your fingers inside with my cock.” She dug her fingers inside her already stretched

pussy, the added friction against my dick was almost too much and I had to pull out before I came too

I went after her pussy with my tongue next, while fingering her tight ass. I’d introduced her to

ass play this morning, taking her anal cherry while she sat on my cock. She was a natural. After the
initial pain, she’d ridden my cock with her tight ass until she’d passed the fuck out.

With my tongue in her pussy and two fingers in her ass, she came in my mouth with a scream. I

knelt behind her and drove back into her pink pussy, lifting her ass higher so that I could fuck her as
deep as it was possible to go.

Her knees must be hurting against the marble floors, as she skidded on and off my cock from

my heavy thrusts.
“I’ll never let you go Natalia, remember that.” I emptied inside her with my teeth in her neck, marking
her, claiming her. My words made her do her screeching thing, as she clamped down around my dick,
and flooded me with some more of her warm nectar.

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Everyday I watched her. Looking for any sign that she was close to remembering. When two

months, then three went by with still no sign, I relaxed a little, but I didn’t fool myself into thinking
that it would never happen.

My family had come out of hiding and gone to their respective homes. They understood the

situation, because I’d explained it to them. Whether they agreed with me or not, no one had said, but
they’d agreed to stay away until I told them different.

I still hadn’t found the mole in my organization as yet, but things had gone back to normal. The

talk about the assassinations had died down, and no one seemed to have connected the deaths, so we
were in the clear there. No one in the news I should say.

There was a lot of speculation among the other families though, as to what had really

happened. I didn’t need the glory and fame; those two things were a fast way to land someone in my
position in the clinker. I was satisfied just knowing that I’d done what had to be done.

I’d pulled some strings and cleared up her past life. I’d signed her out of school, telling them

that we were married and she was putting her education on hold for a while. Of course I had to deal
with her disappearance, her father was in the public eye after all.

I was able to get around that by the skin of my teeth. No one questioned the decorated navy

SEAL too closely, when he said that his new wife was in mourning and was too distraught to make
any statements. Those who knew of the unsavory connection between my family and her old man, or
his dealings with the underworld, weren’t saying shit.

I didn’t bother with her friends or any of that other bullshit, and the only thing I’d taken from

her dad’s house, the one time I’d broken in, were her childhood memories. There was a family album
and some journals and other shit I’d found in her room. Those I was keeping for later, I’m sure she’d
want them.

All her clothes and personal belongings had been left behind, she had no uses for them; I will

provide everything she needed from now on.

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The day we found out she was pregnant, I kept her in bed under me for hours. She was like a

fucking drug. If I’d thought her pussy was gold before, it was nothing compared to the feeling I got,
fucking her, while my kid was in her. The shit was like a spark or some fuck.

“Stay still or I’ll stop.” She was laughing and trying to follow orders, but I knew she wouldn’t

be able to. I had her on her back in the middle of the bed, with her legs spread. Lying between them, I
was teasing her with my tongue and fingers, driving her out of her mind.

I licked her deep once, making sure to get her clit with the tip of my tongue on the way out. She

loved having her clit licked. “Fuck my tongue, but don’t move anything else but your ass or I’ll stop.”
I love these little games we play in bed, can’t say that I’ve ever done that shit before, but with her, I
was finding a lot of firsts.

She moved her hips against my mouth, fucking my face, getting it all wet. When she’d had her

second orgasm, I climbed up her body and fed her my cock. Now that she was already breeding, I
could spread my seed wherever I wanted to. Her ass, her mouth, her tits. I loved spraying her tits, or
the small of her back just before it met her ass. Then again I loved cumming on her tongue too…

“She licked the pre-cum from my cock, before taking it in her hand and sucking down on it. “I

want in your throat again baby, try not to gag this time okay?” She nodded around my cock as I fed her
more of my eleven inches. She could only hold me in her throat for a short time, but each time she was
getting better at holding me in longer.

It was my turn to fuck her face, which I did by grabbing her hair in my fists and stroking in and

out of her mouth. When she reached between her legs with one hand and stroked my excess cock meat
with the other, I shot off in her mouth, remembering to pull back at the end lest I choke the poor girl.

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Chapter 12

We couldn’t spend all of our time fucking, so eventually we came up for air. My family was

bitching about meeting her, especially the women, but I wasn’t ready for that. Not until I saw how
things played out after her memory returned.

The stupid fuck doctor would only say that there was no way of knowing when that might be. I

had been gearing up myself for it, that’s why I’ve been holding a part of myself back from her. I have
no doubt that she was going to hate my ass when she did remember, but I wasn’t about to let that
change anything. She was mine and she was staying mine.

She’s only seen the softer side of me in these last few months. She has no idea of the man that

she had told not an hour ago that she loved him. Every time she said it, I stored it away for later. I
knew it to be true, she could barely have me out of her sight for more than ten minutes before she
hunted me down.

I was finally making some kind of progress in finding the mole. Through the process of

elimination, I was able to narrow the shit down, now all I had to do was draw the fucker out of
hiding. Which meant I might have to leave her for a little bit today. I’ve been keeping my travels to a
minimum, because I wanted to be there when she finally came back to herself.

I was pretty well prepared for the fight I was going to have on my hands, but the bottom line

was, no matter what, I wasn’t letting her go; ever.

“I’ll be gone for two hours tops babe.” I rubbed her little tummy where my kid slept, as I fed

her my tongue.

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“Where the fuck could this prick be hiding? You guys checked all his usual holes you’re sure.”

“Yes boss, it’s like he’s in the wind, no one has seen him for weeks.”
If I hadn’t been so caught up in her, I would’ve figured this shit out sooner and the bastard would
already be dead.

I checked my watch; it was already way past the time I’d told her I would be back. “Let’s go

home.” At least I knew who I was looking for now, I could put the word out; it won’t be long before I
caught him in my net.

One of the men I had patrolling around the house approached as soon as we pulled up. “Your

cousin’s here. We couldn’t turn him away, he said you two had a meet…” I shot him before he was
finished. No one gets in means just that.

“Get rid of his dumb ass then come up to the house.” Damien dragged him away as I headed for

the house. Had he heard us pull up? I calmed my heart as the thought of him alone in there with her
made me blind with rage. Never go in with anything less than cold emotion.

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I eased through the backdoor and slipped off my shoes. With my gun at the ready, I made my

way through the house. I heard her first, her voice soft and pleading, she was scared. Keeping to the
wall, I made my way to the study where the voices were coming from.

“Not to worry, when I take over, I’ll keep you around as my side piece. You’re the only one of

my cousin’s leftovers I wouldn’t mind having. Umm, you smell so fucking amazing. The first thing
we’ll have to do though is get rid of his brat.” He made a sinister laugh here and I could only imagine
her fear.

“No please, who are you, why are you doing this to us?”

I raised my gun and whistled as I reached the open door. That moment of distraction was all I needed
to put a bullet in his neck. The look of surprise on his face as he hit the floor was priceless.

I walked past her on my way to stomp his fucking head in, and that’s when the screaming

started. I knew before I turned to look at her, she’d remembered. Well fuck!

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Chapter 13

She flew at me in a rage; claws bared and tears streaming down her face. “You killed daddy,

you murderer.” I let her pound my chest until I heard the others running through the door.

“Take care of him.” I picked her up, kicking and screaming and headed for the stairs. In our

room I laid her on the bed and pinned her there with my body. “Stop it.” I’d rehearsed this shit in my
head a thousand times, made my peace with what had to be done.

Moving to my side I pulled her into my arms letting her scream and punch me until she was

hoarse and she had no more strength left in her arms. When she was down to silent tears and
hiccoughs, I pulled her head into my chest and started talking.

“Your ‘daddy’ murdered my grandfather and tried to kill my dad and brothers. I did what I had

to do and I won’t apologize for it. You’re mad and you’re hurt, but understand that this changes

“I hate you.”

“Three hours ago you loved me more than life, you’ll get over it.” I’ll be fucked if I was going to feel
guilty for killing that fuck, I felt for her yes, but I would do the same thing all over again.

When she started her shit again I turned her onto her back and leaned over her. “Settle down

before you hurt the baby.” That seemed to knock the wind out of her sails for a second, before she
tried to spit on me.

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“Alright then, I was willing to give you time to come to terms with this but since you want to be

that way; let’s really give you something to hate me for.” I tore her panties down her thighs and
pushed her legs open with my hips. Reaching between us I released my cock, which was always hard
these days and surged into her.

She couldn’t control her body’s natural reaction to mine. I’d programmed her that way in the

last few months. “Ah, see, your mouth hates my guts but your pussy can’t get enough of my cock.” I
thrust hard into her for emphasis.

She struggled beneath me, which only sent me deeper into her. “That’s right, fight me, I love the

way that shit feels around my cock.” She stopped all movement or at least she tried to. I went after her
clit and she was soon fucking me back the way I’d taught her.

I fucked her into the bed. All the anger and frustration at the situation in each pounding thrust.

“It doesn’t matter, nothing else matters but this.” She tried turning her head when I reached for her
lips with mine, but being the bastard that I am, I wouldn’t even give her that. Taking her head between
my hands I held her in place for my tongue.

“If you bite me, I’ll fuck you harder, then I’ll tan your ass.” She was breathing fire but she

didn’t try to bite me. “Kiss me.” she was playing the buttoned lip role, I wasn’t having that shit. I
teased the corners of her mouth with my tongue as I rubbed against her clit as I stroked into her,
making sure I hit her G-spot on each inward glide.

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Her anger was no match for my onslaught, I pulled out all the stops, using her own lust against

her. She bit me when she came; I bit her back, only I made sure to leave my mark over her nipple
when I did. That set her off again and had me following. “Mine, you’re mine.”

I pulled out and left her on the bed to go see what the guys had done downstairs. My fucking

cousin, the little puissant actually thought he could eliminate my whole family and take over. His
mother was my mother’s younger sister, she had nothing to do with the family, never had. She was too
good for us it seemed, but her fuck of a son had delusions of grandeur.

I should’ve known the little fuck was involved; he’s always been envious of my brothers and I.

Too bad he never outgrew that shit. I called my family with the latest news, at least now they were
free to move around without constantly looking over their shoulders.

Now I had a crazy woman on my hands; from one fuckery to the next, it never ends. There was

nothing I could do to change the past, she was going to have to deal with the shit; how she chose to do
that was up to her.

For the months that she’d had no memory, I’d decided on a course of action. She wasn’t going

anywhere, that was first and foremost, and since she already thought I was a bastard anyway, there
was no reason not to fuck her into submission. If I had to keep her locked in that room for the next
twenty years, so be it.

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“Natalia get your ass back in here.” She was heading for the door; I don’t know where the fuck

she planned on going, since she was never going to get off the estate but she had her bags packed.

“My name is Natalie.” She kept going.

“Natalia, I’m going to count to three and if you’re not back here you’re not going to like the

consequences.” It had been three days since her memory returned, and it has been a constant battle of
wills. The only time she wasn’t cussing at me or threatening me, is when I was fucking the shit out of

She fought with the door trying to get it opened. I came down the last three stairs and went after

her. “Let it go.” I pulled her hand away from the door and we struggled there in front of the door.
“You wanna play? Fine, let’s play.” I took her down to the floor with her back turned to me.

“Get off me Gianni, I don’t want you.”

“Too bad, I want you, I always want you.” She was no match for me as I stripped her jeans down to
mid-thigh, before plunging into her. “Is this what you wanted? All you had to do was ask.”

Her pussy was already juicing on my cock. “You’re such a little fraud.” She screamed

invectives at me even as she pushed back for more cock. “Yeah, that’s it take my cock, WIFE.” For
some reason it pissed her off when I called her that, so I’ve taken to doing it every chance I got.

“You’re not going anywhere, get that through your thick skull. You belong to me; you’re

carrying my seed. I’ll kill you before I let you go.” I brought her off before spilling inside her just to
piss her off.

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Chapter 14

Every night I held her close no matter how she struggled. I left her to her own thoughts during

the day. I’d told her about her dad and his part in all this, but she seemed not to want to believe me.
That was her prerogative, besides I was getting more shit done these days since she’d decided she
hated me.

Before I was in her, or on her, every other second, that was no way to run an organization. This

way I got the best of both worlds, I escaped her waspish tongue during the day, while I left her locked
in our room. And then at night I used her body, to own her. I must admit to missing the days when she
was all mine and there was no anger between us, but I was glad the shit was finally out in the open.

“Natalia, get down from there before you hurt yourself and the baby.” I opened the door to find

her climbing up on a chair in the closet. She jumped down and I almost had a heart attack. “I hope I
do, I don’t want this thing in me.”

“What did you…?” I walked across the room and grabbed her face with one hand. “Too far,

you went too fucking far.” You do anything to hurt my kid it’ll be the last fucking thing you ever do.”
She finally came to her fucking senses it seemed, because her eyes widened and she swallowed hard.

“Yeah you’re finally getting it. I’ve put up with your shit long enough. Now I explained the

situation to you, nothing changes. We’re staying together whether you fucking like it or not. It’s up to
you how that plays out.

You can be a wife and mother and live here happily with me, or you can make this shit harder

on yourself and stay locked in this fucking room for the rest of your life. Either way, I win, and if you
ever try to hurt my child, there will be no place in hell that you can hide.”

I pushed her away from me and dropped the folder I’d brought up with me on the bed, before

leaving the room.

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Two hours later she was in the doorway of the study watching me. I kept my head in the paper I

was pretending to read. She walked farther into the room and stood in front of my desk.

“You got something to say to me?”
“I wouldn’t have hurt the baby. I was trying to find one of the journals you gave me.”

I didn’t answer her, or even acknowledge her; just waited for her to say whatever it was that she’d
com down here to say.

“I don’t know what I’m supposed to do. My dad was…he was my dad. The things in here,

that’s not the person I knew.” She placed the folder on top of the desk and folded her arms.

“I’m sorry for what he did to your family; but I don’t know how I can live with you, knowing

that you…”

“That’s not a decision you have to make. I thought I made this shit clear. Whether or not you’re

staying here isn’t up for debate. The question is in what capacity you choose to live here. As a
prisoner, or as a wife.”

“It’s not that easy.”

“It is that fucking easy. Your old man was a piece a shit, get over it; he had a hand in killing my
grandfather and I’ll kill the fuck if I had to do it all over again. I had a choice, kill you, or marry you.
And believe me if I’d thought of letting you go, my dad or one of my brothers would’ve had you taken

I didn’t give you that folder to change your mind about him; I gave it to you because this

bullshit ends today. After today you won’t be shut away in our room, you’re going to be my fucking
wife whether you like it or not. Get use to it.”

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She started breathing harder, like she’d run a marathon or some fuck and I knew she was about

to start her shit. ‘I’ll be careful if I were you Natalia, I’m not doing this shit with you again.” I finally
looked at her as she deflated.

“If you want to pretend the last few months didn’t happen, or that they meant nothing to you,

that’s on you. But your old man will not take anything else from me. You can continue to fight me if
you want, the end result will still be the same. I love you, you love me and your dad has nothing to do
with us.”

“How can you say that?”

“I can say it because it’s the truth. I don’t need you to forgive me for what I’ve done, but you will
calm the fuck down.” She marched out of the room and I let her go. I was getting tired of the shit.
Maybe I was being too hard on he, but what other choice did I have? We had to find a happy medium
because I wasn’t giving her up and she couldn’t let go of her anger.

For the next few days I let her roam around the house, ignoring me. But at night it was the same

story. As soon as I reached for her she lit the fuck up. I used those hours loving her, not rutting like a
beast the way I had when she’d first started pissing me off. But with tender touches and long deep

I was breaking her down bit by bit, keeping her in a constant state of confusion. She didn’t

know how to hold onto her anger when I kept being kind to her. Like the day I went out and bought her
some sparkly shit. Or when I rubbed her back because I knew my kid was making her a little
uncomfortable, just before making love to her.

Now I have one last trick up my sleeve.

“Go ahead Natalia pull the trigger.” She didn’t think I knew she was standing behind me, as I stood at
the sink. I’d purposely left my gun on the nightstand before coming down to make breakfast.

I didn’t turn around to see what move she’d make, just continued doing what I was doing. It

was the longest fucking two minutes of my life. When I heard the thud of the gun hitting the floor, I
closed my eyes in a silent bow of thanks. Then she crumbled to the floor in tears, that’s when I went
to her.

“I’ve got you.” I pulled her into my lap and let her cry it out on my chest. She cried until she

had nothing left, her arms wrapped tightly around me. “I love you Natalia, always.” That made her cry
harder, women.

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It’s been two years, years of ups and downs, but more up than down. Every once in a while

she’d have a bad day and I’d leave her alone, until she was ready to come back to me. I never tried
forcing her to see my side; she knew the truth.

But I made up for it as best I could. In fact, we hadn’t had a real argument since the day our son

was born and she wanted to name him after her dad. I told her she was out of her fucking mind; the kid
was named after my grandpa.

Now the two of them run my life and I wasn’t expecting anything less from the daughter she

was carrying. “Babe, you sure we should be doing this?” She is as big as the house, and due any day,
but she wanted to fuck. Who am I to argue? Except, I’m afraid of hurting her. “It’s fine I promise now
move your ass Gianni.”

She’s got a smartass mouth on her too. I ran my hands over the large mound of her stomach as

she rode my cock up and down. Looking up into her eyes, I saw the same heat there as in the

Sitting up beneath her, I took her lips in a kiss as I held her as close as my child would let me.

“I love you Gianni.” I never got tired of hearing that, never will.

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You may reach the author @

You may find a list of my books @

Document Outline


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