Bad Boys 1 The Thug Jordan Silver

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The Thug


Jordan Silver

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Copyright© 2014 Alison Jordan

All Rights Reserved

Cover by Jordan Silver

Cover image from

D 10224629 ©




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Chapter 1

"Damn, he's so thugged out, but I sure would like me some a that."

"Alexandra you better leave that shit alone, you know who that is?"

"Yeah Giovanni something or other, I heard the others talking, so what?"

"Gio Bianchi. That's right, I see I have your attention. That is the head of the local outfit, you do

not want to mess with that."

"Chill Joseph, it's not like he'd even notice me anyway, I can still admire from afar."

"You always were a trouble magnet, you better watch it this time. I'm pretty sure I can't save

you from that one and your little virgin ass ain't no match for him anyway."

I slapped my best friend on the back.

"I'm sorry I ever told you that."

"What, that you haven't lost your V card? Lex we've been together everyday since first grade,

when would you have had time to give it up without me knowing?"

"Whatever, it could happen."

I couldn't keep my eyes from straying to the corner where he sat. Something about him just gets

to me, and every time I saw him it got worst.

"Oh shit." I turned back around quickly.

"What?" Joseph turned to look back.

"No Joe don't look, I think he caught me staring at him." Just then the big guy that was always

with him came over to the bar and right up to us.


"Excuse me?"

"Gio wants you over there."

I turned to look at the man in question and found myself trapped in his ice blue stare. I looked

at Joe for help but he just shook his head quietly. I followed the big guy across the room, until we
reached old blue eyes. "Hello Alexandra."

"What, how do you know my name?"

"I make it a point to know the names of all my future conquests, sit down."

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“I said sit Alexandra; in the future don't make me repeat myself it aggravates me."

"I don't..."

"Yeah, you do, call your boy over, he's looking kinda nervous and nervous people make fucked

up decisions. I don't wanna have to nix your childhood friend."

"How do you know that? how do you know he's not my boyfriend?"

"He's still breathing that's how; if he'd ever had you I would've ended him the moment I set my

sights on you."

Oh my word, I'm beginning to think Joe might've been right, maybe he was too much for me.

"I can see the wheels spinning, not to worry I won't hurt you, unless you try to fuck me over. I'm

all man, I like to do the fucking in a relationship, but we'll get to that later. Right now I want you to
tell your boy to be cool, that you're all good."

I called Joseph over, trying my best to put a smile on my face so he wouldn't pick up on the fact

that I was scared out of my wits.

"What's up Marino?"

"Uh good evening Mr. Bianchi sir." Shoot, even Joe was trembling in his boots and Joe was a

hard ass; why didn't I listen to him?

"I'll be entertaining your friend for the rest of the evening so you can feel free to do whatever."

Joe looked at me apologetically before starting away.

"Hey Marino, I'll let the fact that you used fake ID to get into my place slide this time; in the

future, you need to see me or one of my crew if you want to drink here. But if you ever get Alexandra
involved in something like this again, your father will be childless." He said that so...emotionlessly; I
looked at poor Joe who looked like he was about to wet himself.

"Yes sir."

"Hey." I felt tears gathering in my eyes for my friend; he didn't need to humiliate him like that,

Joe was a good guy.

"Don't you talk to him like that you big...big...bully." Great Alexandra, stick your head in the

lion's mouth. It didn't help that the whole table got quiet.

I'd forgotten that they were even there since they'd been doing their own thing, while their boss

was laying down the law. I was afraid to look at him, to see what he would do next. I wasn't
expecting him to raise his glass in a toast though.

"Salute; bring her." He got up from the table after downing his drink.

The big guy who'd brought me over, took my upper arm and followed behind him. I'm going to

die. I looked back at Joe who was looking green, but there wasn't anything I could do, because I soon

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found myself in the back of a limo with the wolf.

I'd decided that that's what his eyes reminded me of. A great big stalking wolf that ate stupid

little girls like me for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

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Chapter 2

"Where are you taking me?"

"Home, my home."

"What, what do you mean? I have to be getting home soon, my dad will come looking for me."

He turned to me and took my jaw in his hand.

"No he won't, he's working overnight as he does every Friday night. And even if he wasn't, he

wouldn't come looking for you, because he thinks his good little girl is with her friend and his father,
which is where you're supposed to be. Don't lie to me again baby doll, I don't like it." He sure had a
lot of dislikes.

"Stop sulking sweets, once you get to know me it'll get easier."

"Who says I want to get to know you?"

"I do, I could smell your pussy from across the room, calling to me, ‘oh Giovanni won't you

come and eat me?’ His rendition of a female in heat was almost comical.

"That's gross."

"Not from where I'm sitting, smelling you, knowing it’s all for me, is the sweetest smell in the


He sniffed from my neck to beneath my ear and I felt liquid heat seep between my thighs.

"Hmmm, there she goes, I can't wait to bury my head between those legs of yours and eat the

fuck outta you."

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Did he really just say that? I can’t believe this. Who talks to someone they’ve practically just

met like that? And why can’t I get my stupid body under control?

Granted, up close he packs even more of a punch, and that feeling of being in the presence of a

predatory animal was becoming very real, each time he turned those blue orbs of his on me. Like

He gave me a lopsided smirk before running his tongue around my ear and I thought I was going

to expire right then and there. And when one of his hands came down between my thighs searching, I
knew I was in way too deep.

No one had ever touched me like this. The mixture of fear and excitement threatened to choke

me, as I fought for my breath. His fingers rubbed me outside of my panties before I felt one of them
slip inside and just to the entrance of my opening.

What he did next was a little more than I could take. Taking his finger from my body, he smelt

it as he held my eyes captive, before licking it clean. I think I mewled or made some other type of
inane noise that I could not withhold, and this only made him laugh harder, as my face heated up.

I squirmed in the seat and tried moving away, but he held me in place. “Uh uh uh, I like you

right here.”

I held myself stiff as a board as he put his arm around me, and stared out at the passing lights of

the city, as we drove farther and farther away from my home. When would dad realize that I’m gone?
How long? What was I thinking? Joe will alert him of course.

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I let myself relax with that thought. My father would show up, and this whole nightmare will be


I could feel his eyes boring into the side of my face, but I refused to answer the pull. My stupid

wants had got me here in the first place. What in the world had ever possessed me to think that I could
handle a man like him? Was a mystery.

Granted at the time I started lusting after him, I had no idea who he was, just his first name. But

his reputation preceded him and it was one to be feared. Why were all the hot ones always off limits?
And this one was more so than most?

Though I didn’t know too much about him other than rumors, what I’d heard was enough to

have me questioning what, if anything, my father could do? He was known to flout authority at every
turn and it was rumored he owned judges and lawyers, just to name a few people in high places.

Apart from that, all I really knew about him, was that he was hot, young and loaded. Girls had

been mooning over him for as long as I could remember, before I joined their ranks.

Not once did I ever think I’d come to his attention. It was one thing to gush over him to my

childhood friend, and quite another to be the object of his attentions. He was nothing like the silly
little girl dreams I’d been weaving in my head that’s for sure. Had I known what I was in for, I maybe
wouldn’t have talked Joe into sneaking me into his club so often.

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"Up the stairs, first door on the left; take a shower and hit the sack; I'll be up in a little bit to

tuck you in."

We'd arrived at his home, which was like something out of the movies. How did someone so

young own so much? I guess what they said about him was true after all. I wondered how he expected
to get around my father? There's no way he'd allow us to become involved.


I hadn't moved; too confused to do anything but stand and stare.
"I don't understand what I'm doing here."
He looked at me like he was trying to gauge my sincerity.
"You're here because it’s time."
"Time for what? I don't understand; none of this makes any sense."

"Then I'll spell it out for you; my place is bugged. I've known every time you've been there and

I've heard everything you've said concerning me. What? You thought I just saw you tonight and
jumped? Nah sweetheart, I'm a man of action yes, but I look before I leap.

I had to do my research, from the moment I decided to keep you. I knew if I wanted you I'd

have to get around your father and there was only one of two ways for a man in my position to do that.
Either kill him, or get something on him that I could hold over him." He wore the most sinister smile
I’d ever seen on a human being before.

I felt my breath hitch and my blood run cold.

"Not to worry beautiful he'll live...for now. But I did find something on the good chief of police

that will make our new life together very easy."

"What do you mean our new life together, what do you plan to do with me?"

I'm not sure which was worse, the silence that followed that question or the hooded look he

gave me.

"Get upstairs babe, I've talked enough."


"Alexandra, stairs, now."

I was moving before the word ‘now’ had passed his lips; he sure knew how to get his point


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Chapter 3

How was I supposed to know which room was his? Did he think I was psychic or something?

It didn’t take me long to figure it out. The room was the largest bedroom on this floor, and it looked
like him, sort of. It was all dark woods and antiques, with a massive bed dead center of the room, on
a pedestal surrounded by windows in a circular fashion. My mouth ran dry and I swallowed as I
thought of climbing into that bed.

Shower, he’d said to take a shower. I made my way over to the adjoining door, but that one led

to a walk in closet that was almost as big as the room. The rows upon rows of hanging suits were
mind-boggling. And why are you thinking about this shit when your life is hanging in the balance?

I turned from that door and moved over to the only other and found the en suite bathroom, that

had I not been in such a quandary, I would’ve really appreciated. Especially that huge sunken tub that
just screamed comfort and relaxation.

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Stripping with an eye on the door, expecting him to burst in any minute, I ran the water into the

marble tub and sat on the rim until it was full. I tried to let the water relax me, but it was no go. Until I
knew exactly what this man wanted with me, I don’t think I’d be able to take a calm breath again. He
sent you up to his room and ordered you to shower Lexi, what the hell do you think he wants?

I wish my traitorous body would make up its mind. One minute I was almost paralyzed with

fear and the next, I was wondering what it would be like to have him touch me. This whole night was
one of confusion.

I’d gone to the club just as I always did, expecting to get a glimpse of the man I’d been secretly

dreaming about for weeks, only to have that man notice me. But now that I had his attention I wasn’t
too sure that it was what I’d expected.

In my daydreams he was always gentle and kind, and of course he was in love with me; my

knight in shining armor. The man who had brought me out of that club was no one’s knight, and I’m
pretty sure his armor was tainted.

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Chapter 4

I puttered around downstairs for a minute, giving her time to come to grips with her new

reality. I’m not big on explaining myself, so I'm sure she was still a little in the dark, she'll live.

I had one more thing to take care of before going after her, her father. I had no doubt that he'd

try to come after her, so I had to clip his wings before he got out the gate. What I had on him was
more than enough to keep his ass out of my business.

"Conti, Bianchi here, did you get my little token? Good, so you know by now that I have your

kid...of course I can, I already did motherfucker. Now when I do allow you to talk to her in a few
days, you be sure and let her know you're behind our new arrangement one hundred percent. Doesn't
matter one fuck to me but I'm thinking it might make it easier on her, seeing as how she thinks you're
worth the air you breathe. See ya." Glad that's done, now on to the main event.

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You think I'm hard don't you, fuck yeah I am. It's dog eat dog in this raggedy bitch of a world,

and I'm a fucking lion; king of beasts. I run shit, shit will never run me.

People who looked at my age and my pretty boy face were always misled, that’s just the way I

like it. I hadn’t been looking for permanent pussy in my life, but what the fuck! I’m a man who seizes
on opportunities when the right one comes along.

When I first heard her over the wire talking about me, I had no idea who the fuck she was;

chicks were always on my dick.

Some of them were attracted to the life, they wanted to be around guns and shit; sick fucks.

Some were after the money and the lifestyle. That million-dollar house on the hill was a big draw.
But my girl upstairs just wanted the man. Sealed her fucking fate with that one. And when I'd gone to
video and seen that ass and that face, fuck.

I'd put a man on her right then and there and set about on my campaign of how to get her out of

her father's house and into mine. It took some time, but shit had paid off. Now she's here and she's
staying the fuck here. And if her father the fuck tried anything, him or any of his backwater detective
fucks, I'll just cap the whole fucking lot of them.

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She was curled up on one side of the bed looking scared as fuck.

"Hey, look here what'd I say? I won't fuck you over unless you fuck with me yeah; you plan on

fucking me over Alexandra?" She shook her head no.

"Then stop that scared shit, I don't think I'm into scared pussy." I put one knee on the bed and

leaned over her. "Now let me see what Gio got him to play with."

She trembled under my fingers as I trailed them down her front. She’d put back on her clothes

but I could smell the soap from her bath, which meant she’d followed orders. Good, that would go a
long way to making her stay here easier.

I didn’t accept disobedience from anyone, not even the woman I’d decided was going to be the

one. She didn’t know it yet, didn’t quite understand. But her life as she knew it was over. She’d put
herself in my sights and I’d bite.

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Now there wasn’t a force on earth that could take her away from me. I hadn’t made the

decision lightly. A man like me has to be very careful with who he lets close, but like I said, I’d
listened to her innocent conversations with her friend and had a pretty good idea where her head was
at. The rest will fall into place, or it won’t. Either way I was keeping her.

"Has anyone ever touched you?"

My hand tightened around her throat. I was pretty sure of the answer, but I wanted to be certain.

I might have to kill a motherfucker if she gave me the wrong answer though. "No."

Her voice was small and a little shaky, which was to be expected, because she knew I was

about to fuck her. I could check myself and wait, give her time to adjust, but why the fuck? That's just
not my style.

Her answer for some fucked up reason calmed me down though.

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I wasn't too gentle when I tore the shirt from her body, then again I didn't hurt her either. I just

liked a little spice with my fucking. Don't get me wrong, I'd already made up my mind about this girl,
she was gonna be different, not just another fuck.

Young, beautiful, untouched, fuck yeah this was gonna be different. I hadn't necessarily been

looking for forever, but what the fuck. In the months since she'd started coming to my place and I'd
been eyeing her from afar, I'd known. The fucking girl owned my ass and we hadn't even met yet.

That was some fucked up shit for a man in my position, and a whole new experience for yours

truly. She fucking snuck in under my guard. That's why I had to come hard. I’m not one to let anyone
get the drop on me. One sign of weakness and the enemy will pounce, and I had no doubt that she saw
us as enemies at this point.

But that was something I will work on changing in the near future, for her sake, more so than

mine. I’m a hard fuck, and I pretty much don’t give two shits about much of anything. But if she was
going to mean to me what I intended, then it was better for all concerned if she accepted her fate. If
she took too long to do that shit I’ll just have to make it happen.

"Don't be afraid little babydoll, I'm not gonna hurt you... too much." I forced her legs open with

one of mine and sniffed my way down her body, from behind her ear, down to her pussy.

I rubbed my nose over her lace underwear before sucking the crotch into my mouth. I could

never get enough of her scent, pure fucking ambrosia. “Umm, I like.” She was green as fuck still I see,
because she still wore her bush. I hadn’t seen a hairy pussy outside of a seventies magazine in my life.
Maybe I’ll like all that soft hair tickling my lips, if not I could always shave her later.

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Chapter 5

Her body jerked when I tore her panties from her small frame. "Easy, easy..." I used my thumb

to play with her clit, before pushing it inside. Her hole was tight as fuck, and I wondered how I was
gonna fit my cock head in there.

Not for nothing but my shit is fat. I worked her pussy with just my thumb, until her juices started

flowing. Then I put my mouth to her and sucked. Fuck me I'm a goner. Her taste was sweet as fuck;
like fresh water from a spring that no one else had ever drunk from. I was gonna be a while.

With her ass in my hands, I lifted her up to my mouth like an offering and feasted. She went

fucking wild under my tongue. I had to hold her steady with a hand on her tummy, as I sucked her
pussy lips into my mouth. My dick was making tracks in the bed, ready for action. I looked down and
my boy was as hard as I'd ever seen him.

"Looks like I lied, seems I'm gonna hurt you after all." She screamed as I forced half of my

cock into her virgin pussy, but it couldn't be helped. I wish I felt remorse, but all I felt was euphoria
as I watched her virgin blood run down on my cock as I entered her fully.


My body went through some kind of tunnel shit; I went hot and cold at the same time. A fucking

virgin! If she’d owned me before, that shit put the lock on my shit. It was almost surreal, looking
down at your forever while she was impaled on your cock for the first time. It might not have been
love at first sight, but at first fuck was just as good for me.

“Look at your man babydoll.” I waited until she looked up at me with her eyes wide and

shining, before pulling out until only two inches were left inside her. No words were exchanged
between us, I guess I was giving her body time to adjust or some shit, another foreign endeavor for

Though I’ve always taken pride in my stroking ability, I’d never really been one to care too

much beyond nutting. But her, I wanted her to enjoy. What the fuck?

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I pulled her hands up above her head and held them there as I eased the rest of me back into


“Stop crying Alexandra it’s over.” Her pussy was gripping the shit outta my cock, and she was

still crying from the breeching. I’m sure it had been hard on her, my rod ain’t no toy and it was gonna
take her virgin pussy a long time to get used to it; but days of overuse should take care of that.

“Wrap your legs around me...good girl.” She was crying, but her pussy was enjoying the shit

outta being fucked for the first time. After the initial pain I decided to go easy on her tight little cunt.

I’m not a complete jerk after all, it was her first time, and since I planned on being the only

man she ever had I had to make sure this part of our relationship was solid. No sense in scaring the
poor girl any more than necessary is there?

"You feel that? Get used to it, because you and my cock are gonna become very well

acquainted in the next few months. Do you know why little Lexi?" I didn't stop fucking as I spoke. At
the shake of her head I grinned, what I'd been told was the most sinister shit anyone had ever seen.

"Because I'm planting my kid in you that's why...yeah squeeze my cock baby. I'm gonna keep

you knocked the fuck up until I have as many little Bianchis running around this bitch as I can make,
and then we'll start on my daughters."

She must've liked the idea, because her pussy flooded my cock head with sweet juice and she


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I tried telling myself to go easy, she was new to this. But the feel of all that tightness wrapped

around my dick was too much. I stroked in and out of her heat going deeper with each thrust.

She was moaning and writhing like a bitch in heat, something I’m sure she had no control over,

because my shit is that good. I couldn’t do all the things I’d imagined doing to her this first time, I
didn’t want to hurt the poor girl more than I had to. But if she didn’t stop making those fuck me noises,
all bets were off.

“You feel that babydoll, all that steel in your little tummy?” I was still enjoying the sight of her

virgin blood on my cock as I went in and out of her. I especially loved the way her body sung under
mine; she had absolutely no control over her body’s reaction to me.

I wasn’t going to last too long in the vise grip that was her pussy, so I made sure she got hers

before busting off inside her. I made sure I planted my dick as firmly and deeply inside her as I
possibly could, to give my boys the best possible opportunity to do their thing in there.

Only then did I kiss her, while my cock was pumping my seed inside her. She almost took my

tongue off in her greed. Oh yeah, whatever else happens between us in the next few weeks, or
however long it took me to bend her, at least the fucking was going to be off the charts.

That was good, because I wasn’t looing forward to cold pussy. I like my fucks hot and full of

spice. Little Ms. Virgin pussy was a hot bitch, even with tears streaming down her face.

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I pulled out and laid next to her, pulling her roughly into my arms. I grinned down at my dick covered
in her blood. If I didn’t know better I’d think I’d killed her ass. Never knew a pussy bled that much
when giving up the cherry. It was fitting for us though; most of the shit I did was sealed in blood. It
was a good omen.

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I held a cold washcloth against her bruised pussy; What? I’m not an animal, well maybe a

little. It was good, that’s why I hit it three times before I stopped. Now she’s complaining that her
little pussy hurts, guess I got a little rough there at the end, but who can blame me?

After the first round, when I’d been holding her in my arms, she’d felt so small and fucking

perfect there that I couldn’t resist rolling her over onto her back again and fucking into her. Plus my
dick seemed to know what the fuck was going on because he kept going back for seconds, greedy

"Does that feel better?" I pressed the cloth gently against her.

She nodded her head slowly against the pillow, her lips swollen from my kisses, cheeks a little

raw from my facial scruff.

I ran my hand over my face. Looks like I’m gonna have to shave, my girl has sensitive skin, like

a fucking baby all the way. Damn, if I’d known she was going to be this sweet I would’ve taken her
weeks ago. Even now my cock was misbehaving, he wanted in again, but she’d had enough. Didn’t
want to tear her or some shit, I wasn’t exactly into that type of pain.

I removed the cloth that I'd been holding in place to ease the pain, my jaw tensed at the sight of

the traces of blood that were evident against the white cloth.

I felt a strong sense of possession as I turned to her. Those amethyst eyes of hers sparkling with

not only tears, but the newfound lust she'd enjoyed under me, and enjoyed she had. For all her
protesting in the beginning, my baby had been with me all the way from the third stroke. I have the
scratches down my back, not to mention her heel prints in my ass to prove it.

"Don't look at me like that babe, if I fuck you again right now your shit will be out of

commission for a week."

She blushed that pretty shade of pink that seemed a permanent thing for her. Fucking around

with me, she'd soon get over that shit.

"On the other hand..."

Dropping the washcloth on the night table I climbed between her thighs and drew her legs up

and open.

Her pussy was red and puffy, damn. I guess I am an animal after all. Lifting her ass in both

hands I brought her to my mouth and sank my tongue home.

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Chapter 6

"Sal, tell them I'm ghost for the next few days at least." My brother went on about something or

the other on the other end of the phone line. It was now three days since I'd brought her home. I
wouldn't say she was all settled in, but we'd made progress.

"Gio you know we have to do this thing, we've been trying to get these guys pinned down for

months, now we've finally got them on the line you can't bail."

"Something better came up, if they can't wait tell them to get fucked."

"Bro, you don't want to play hard ball with these guys, you know their rep."

"Yeah? Do they know mine, or did you forget who the fuck you were talking to?"

Sometimes my brother was a trial, he's all soft and shit. Everything must be done on time, in a

correct manner and all that other old world bullshit. That's why he's out and I'm in. I give less than a
fuck about any of that bullshit. If a motherfucker couldn't do shit my way, he could go fuck himself, I
don't pander to others.

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I'd learned at my father's knee. People are weak, and the ones who weren't will try to

overpower you at every turn, force their will on you. I'd be fucked if I was gonna play sheep.

She was puttering around the library while I sat behind one of my many desks, my eyes

following her every move. In three days I'd taught her how to please me, well the basics anyway. It
would take her a lifetime to learn how to please my fucked up ass for real.

"Come here baby doll."

She turned that wide-eyed stare to me from her place in front of the bookshelves. She knew

what me calling her that meant. It meant my cock was hungry, only question is what the fuck was I in
the mood for?

I hung up on my longwinded brother mid sentence, he knew the deal; I'd said all there was to

say. If the other faction fucked with me, I'd just shoot out a couple kneecaps, that ought to get their
heads out of their asses.


She'd made her way over to where I'd pushed my chair back to give her room. Falling to her

knees she looked up at me, still with that innocent look on her face. If she only knew what that little
schoolgirl shit made me want to do to her; fuck.

For now I just released the monster and led her head slowly down to my lap.

A nice tongue bath would be nice before I fuck the ever-living shit out of her, which is my


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Conti was trying to play hardball. Apparently he didn't think I would use what I had on him, or

he thought I was bluffing; now how to put this fuck in his place? Decisions, decisions.

Alexandra was coming along nicely, she still gave me a little attitude here and there, but in the

week I'd had her, I'd conditioned her to fucking. She loved cock no matter how much she liked to
pretend different, her pussy flowed like a fucking fountain whenever my mouth or cock got anywhere
near it. Now her fucking father was trying to put a monkey wrench in my shit. Fair enough.

"Tommy, the Conti residence; torch it." She swung around to me but I held my finger up for

silence, I'm on the phone. I hung up after getting the yes boss.

"You got something to say to me?"

"You, you can't burn down my home, where am I supposed to live, what about my father?"

"Which part of you're not going back, do you not get? As for your pain in the ass father he'll

figure shit out."

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She ran for the door, but was soon running back in, screaming bloody murder.

"Sit Cerberus."

"You got a dog?" Oh her voice was scared as shit.

"Yep, I got shit to do, I can't spend the next week here fucking you, so this will be your new

companion. Not to worry he'll only eat your ass if you go anywhere near the windows or doors."

The dog looked at her like she was his next meal. I expected her fear to keep her little ass

quiet, but if he fucked with her I'd cut his fucking head clean off.

"Now come here."

"I'm not coming near that dog."

"Alexandra get your ass over here, what the fuck?"

She crept forward eyes glued to the dog.

"Not for nothing babe, but of the two of us, I'm the most dangerous animal in the room. Go

Cerberus." I sent the dog from the room and pulled her between my legs.

"How's your little pussy this morning, Alexandra still sore?"

She blushed bright red, probably at the memory of me bending her ass double and pounding the

shit out of her no doubt. In the week she'd been here I'd pummeled the shit out of her tight pussy.

Even when I told myself to go easy, I ended up plowing that shit. There was just something

about this girl that brought out the true nature of my beast, but last night I'd gone above and beyond.

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Since she wasn't in the mood to answer I decided to check for myself. I put my hand under her

skirt and went right to the source. Her bare, freshly shaved pussy, which I'd shaved last night after our
bath, which is what led to her being jack hammered on my dick; felt nice and smooth under my

I’d almost lost my shit in her pussy last night. Shit, who knew shaving a pussy could be such a

fucking turn on? She was forbidden to wear underwear ever, except when she had her period, at
which point I could give a fuck what she did with that nasty shit.

But every other time, I wanted to look at her pussy whenever the need struck. I hadn’t minded

the hair so much; the shit was baby fine and soft. But when it got in my teeth for the third time I was

"What's it gonna be, you want the tongue or the cock?" Damn she's so fucking beautiful when

she does that biting her lip thing. Made me want to buy flowers and shit, whatever.

"Never mind we'll do both, hop on up here." I helped her up on the desk where I spread her

legs out and sniffed her strawberry scented pussy.

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"Hmmmm, sweet." I like that little twitch she gets when my tongue first touches her, and the

way she spreads wider automatically, without being told. She even grabs my hair now when I tongue
fuck her. That's what I call well-trained pussy.

Soon I'll have her talking while I fuck her, I'm into that shit. I can't wait to have the chief's

innocent little girl begging me to fuck her pussy. It won’t be long now; I’ve already trained her to like
everything else.

I ate her pussy thoroughly. Pulling the lips back and holding them in place with my thumbs, I

delved in, licking and nibbling until she was flowing into my mouth.

My cock has no manners, he knows this girl's pussy has got to be torn all the fuck up after the

shit he did to her last night, but he wanted in. I released him, every last inch of him, and stood up in
order to line up with the pussy. She was red and puffy, but fuck, I wasn't messing with her pussy lips,
it’s what was inside I was trying to get to.

"Ow." She cringed when my boy forced his way in, what did I tell you? No fucking manners.

"Ssh, it's okay baby I won't leave him in too long." He'll be in as long as it took for him to blast

but she didn't need to know that.

"Maybe if I raise your legs like this." I knew what having her legs stretched all the way up

while I plowed her did to her tummy; she'll be bitching at me when I was done but whatever, it felt
good on my dick.

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I stroked through her moans of slight pain. Fuck a pussy is a beautiful thing, a pussy, in fact this pussy
stuffed with my cock! Gorgeous.

I flattened my hands next to her and spread her open wide so I could fuck nice and deep. I felt

the hot flesh of her pussy scrape along my length and her clit rubbed against my groin each time I
bottomed out in her cunt.

"If you talk to your fuck of a father while I'm gone...I'll kill him."

I came in her pussy as she screamed in outrage.

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Chapter 7

I had a meet downtown with the fucking Asians, they had something that belonged to me.

Something that had been promised to me by the last owner, but apparently these fucks had stolen it
before they sent that old boy to the hereafter.

They were trying to fleece my ass, but I’m a businessman, I know how the game is played, as

long as they didn’t take me for a fool. Besides the old building I had my eye on wasn’t a matter of life
or death so we’ll see.

I don’t fuck with these gangster types, these fuckers are vicious; me I’m a gentleman. I’d at

least have a reason other than greed for killing a motherfucker.

Why the fuck they had to decide they wanted my building is a mystery. Granted it was in a

strategic location, near the water, but there were others. Plus I owned the law around here so I don’t
know what they were planning to do there. Personally, I think they were just trying to fuck with me,
but if that turned out to be true, they’ll soon learn who was top dog.

My brother Sal and my boys were already waiting for me. The meet was on neutral ground

since neither one of us trusted the other. The patrons in the restaurant eyed us from the time we
entered the door, till we were seated in the private room in back.

These fucks looked like they were on a movie set, way too much overkill; that’s the first tip off

that they were jokes. Who the fuck did that shit? I was understated in black slacks and a white Black
label with the sleeves rolled to my elbows. I was relaxed cool personified. No one would ever know
that I was carrying two concealed weapons, plus my trusty knife.

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“So lets get this shit rolling you have something that’s mine I want it back, now.”

Mr. Cool tried staring me down like he thought I was new to this.

“Six million.”


“What do you suggest? We both know that property is worth more.”

“I’m not too thrilled about you sitting here trying to sell me something that’s mine. I came here

today to give you the opportunity to give me back what’s mine. It was promised to me before you
came along and did what you did. Now I’m thinking that the fact that I let you live after you took him
out should be enough of an incentive, you have until four today to bring me the papers.”

I got up to leave because there was nothing left to say, these fucks were trying to make a name

for themselves. They thought if they could best me that would give them props in the underworld. I
don’t have time for that shit, this is real life, not the fucking movies. They started talking in their
twang but I gave a fuck.

“Tommy at four oh one if I don’t have what I want, they’re done.”

“We have the location just in case.”

“Sweet I’m hungry, I better get my girl something to eat.”

I pulled my phone to call her on the phone I’d given her for emergencies. She could only call

me, or receive calls from me, but you could never be too careful.

“Hey baby doll what do you want to eat?”

“I’m not hungry.”

“Don’t start Lexi, you gotta eat and I know your stubborn ass didn’t leave the room with the

dog there.”

She hung up the phone on me, fucking girl.

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Chapter 8

She was exactly where I expected her to be when I got to the mansion. Cerberus was standing

guard at the door. “Good boy.” I rubbed his head before heading into the bedroom where she was
curled up on the bed with a book.

“Hey babydoll miss me?” She barely spared me a glance; my girl was getting too big for her

boots. The cock has been too good to her it seems. I threw the sack of food I’d bought onto the bed
next to her. “Eat.”

“I said I wasn’t hungry.”

See what I mean?

I dropped down next to her and grabbed her face.

“Eat your damn food and don’t mess with me.” I snatched the book from her and pushed the

food into her hand.

She gave me a dirty look but put her hand in the bag. Damn, she’s still all feisty and shit. Feisty

is good, but disobedience must be put down; I can’t have that shit. I watched her eat until I was
satisfied that she’d eaten enough.


I pulled her up from the bed and tied her hands together behind her with the belt from a robe.

“What’re you doing?” She tried fighting me, but I smacked her ass hard, until she got the

message and quieted down.

“Until you learn to behave this is what you’re gonna get every time you defy me.” I bent her

over my knee and spanked her ass red. She screamed bloody murder.

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“You gonna listen now?” I was unbuttoning my pants as I spoke. She was sulking and pouting,

rubbing her teary eyes. I threw her over onto the bed and dropped trou.

Climbing in behind her, I lifted her hips and ran my cock up and down her slit. She thought she

was slick, thinks I didn’t notice how she arched her back a little and pushed her pussy higher in the
air, begging for the dick.

I teased her; then decided I wanted to lick it before I stick it. I sent my tongue as far into her

pussy as it would reach, while pulling her back by her ass. She fucked my tongue like she’d been
starved. Like I hadn’t been fucking her every time I looked at her in the past few weeks.

When she juiced in my mouth, I got to my knees behind her and slammed into her pussy. This

was supposed to be a punishment after all. “Ouch, Giovanni?” I love hearing my name on her lips,
especially when I was balls deep in her pussy.

I grabbed a fistful of her hair and used that to pull her head back so I could tongue fuck her

mouth. She loves deep kisses. My other hand came around to rest on her tummy as I drove my cock up
into her belly over and over again.

“Your pussy’s so fucking good baby; squeeze my cock. That’s my good girl.” She fucked back

at me and begged for more. “You liked having you little ass spanked didn’t you baby?”


“Yeah baby?”


“I know babydoll, let go.” She always seemed to need my permission to let herself go. She

came all over my cock, as I pushed her head down onto the bed, raising her ass higher still, as I
plowed into her, going deep, searching for her cervix.

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When I’d busted a nut in her sweet snatch, I pulled out of her throbbing pussy and teased her

ass. She tightened up, but I teased her with the wet tip of my cockhead until she relaxed. Being as
careful as I could, I eased the first few inches into her ass.

She made her body lower against the mattress, and cocked her ass higher. My dirty bitch likes

getting ass fucked.

I bottomed out in her ass, and got to stroking. I only take her ass after I’d fed her pussy, because

I was still on my mission to breed her.
Soon I’d be able to tell if I’d been successful.

“Play with your clit babydoll.” She was only too quick to follow instructions. I pummeled her

ass as she fingered her clit and moaned into the sheets. “You feel that?” I made a series of short jabs
into her ass as she came.

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Chapter 9

I knew it would be a while before I was even close to off loading again. So when she was

through squealing through her orgasm, I pulled out of her ass and headed for the bathroom. “Stay
where you are.”

I cleaned off my dick in the bathroom and headed back to her. Standing next to the bed, I

stroked my still hard cock as I looked down at her wanton pose on the bed.

“Come.” I held out my hand to her, until she turned her body with her head over the side.

“Suck.” She swallowed my cock as I bent over her back and untied her bound hands. That sent my
cock all the way into her throat and she almost choked out.

“Easy sweetheart?” I pulled back until she got her breathing under control, then I started

stroking into her mouth. I didn’t even need to tell her to play with my balls, because her hand just
came up and got to it. Perfect fucking training.

“You want me to cum in your mouth this time, or hit the pussy again?” She hummed some shit

around my cock that I didn’t catch, but from the way she sped up her sucking and the added suction
around my cockhead, I took that mean she wanted it on her tongue.

“Get ready babe.” She took me out of her throat and just sucked for all she was worth, until I

shot off on her tongue. I left my cock in her mouth and let her swallow around me, until there was
none left.

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I kept her with me for the rest of the day. That was part of her training. She had to spend as

much time as possible with me when I was home. This way she’d get used to me. I doubt she was
even aware of how at home she’d grown in the last few weeks.

She was no longer afraid, and she moved around freely. Except when Cerberus was loose, then

she stuck close to my side. I made sure and kept the dog in the house as often as fucking possible,
even when I was in the house.

“I have to take you shopping babe.” Her eyes widened and she turned to look at me from her

perch on my lap. I ran my hand over her hair and kissed her, before sitting her upright again.


“Of course, you didn’t exactly bring anything with you, and you can’t live in my shirts for the rest of
your life.” Though I found that shit sexy as hell. I felt safe taking her out in the open now, since I’d
square things with her dad.

She was eighteen now, old enough for him not to have any say in what the fuck went on in my

life and hers. Though he’d backed the fuck down after I’d burnt his place to the ground.

These days he was trying to make peace, because he wanted to see his kid. The jury was still

out on whether or not I’d let that shit happen, but we’ll see. He had some very serious dealings with
some unsavory characters, that I wasn’t too sure about. That’s what I’d held over his head to bring his
ass to heel.

I checked my watch minutes before the phone rang. “We got the papers boss.”

“Good, the Asians had come through.

“Come on let’s go.” She was excited to be going out, she hadn’t seen past my backyard in weeks.

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I had the driver take us to the ritzy shopping area and let her loose. She was a bit reluctant at

first, until I started taking things off the racks. “Gio, what’re you doing? That’s not how you shop.”
She laughed and put her arm through mine.

It was the first time since we’d been together that she’d voluntarily touched me outside of

fucking. It did something crazy to my heart and I couldn’t resist kissing her soft hair.

She had fun; we had fun. Until we were both laden down with her packages. We were on our

way back to the car when the shit started. I heard shots and pulled her down to the ground beneath me,
covering her while I tried to figure out where the shots were coming from.

My boys were already running in the direction, as the car pulled up to the curb. I opened the

door and threw her inside and closed the door.

“Gio, no, come with me.”

“Get her outta here.” She screamed my name as the car pulled off at high speed.

I followed my guys around the side of the building, where they had one down, and another on

the wall.

Fucking Asians.

I walked over to the live one and looked into his eyes. “You shot at my woman?” He wasn’t

looking too brave as his eyes travelled around like a cornered rat. I didn’t even want to fuck around
with him; he was nobody. I slipped the knife from my ankle and slit his throat.

“Let’s go boys.”

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Chapter 10

I hunted down their leader in the inner city. He was sitting in a room surrounded by his men,

about to celebrate it looked like. Too fucking bad the party was over.

He tried playing it cool as he sat up from his lounging position. I didn’t pay too much mind to

his lackeys, as my men surrounded the room. Worst fucking mistake you can make in this business, is
to count your chickens before they hatch. It causes you to let your guard down.

“You sent your goons after me, to kill me for what the fuck is rightfully mine? That was your

first fucking mistake, your next and biggest, was that my girl got caught in the middle of that shit. Now
I’m not just gonna off your stupid ass, I’m gonna do your mother, sister, wife. The whole fucking lot.”

He opened his mouth to say some shit, but the words never made it out. You can’t speak with a

mouth full a lead. I tapped him once in the mouth and one in the head.

My boys took their cue from the first blast and started shooting. When we were done, there

wasn’t a man standing. “How the fuck did they let us get the drop on them? Fucking amateurs.” If my
crew were ever that fucking stupid I’d burn the whole lot of them.

“Torch it and let’s go.” I needed to get home to her. She was no doubt, scared out of her

fucking mind.

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She flew at me as soon as I cleared the door. Fists flying and tears rolling down her face. “You

idiot, I hate you.” She screamed some off colored shit at me, as she wailed away at my chest with her
little hands.

I wish she would make her mind the fuck up. One minute she was swearing at me and pounding

me, and the next she was hugging me and kissing my face. Fucking women.

“It’s okay babydoll, I’m here now.” I held her after she tired herself out, and moved over to the

chair to sit down. Her little tantrum left me more tired than dealing with the fucks did.

“She curled into my lap and kept her arms around me.”

“Don’t do that anymore okay Gio.”
“Okay.” What the fuck was I gonna say? It’s my life; I live for it?
She knew I was talking out my ass, because she lifted her head and gave me a look.

“You scared ten years off my life and you don’t even care.”

“I love you too sweetheart.” I kissed her head and put it back on my shoulder while she lectured me to

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“Babe, you’re gonna have to move a little faster before they get up.”
“Okay, I’m almost there.” She rode my cock up and down at her own leisure like she thought we had
all day. It was the middle of the afternoon; I’d just walked in the house after she put the triplets to
down for their nap.

She was looking especially ripe in the little silk robe, which seemed all she was able to get

into these days, with three babies demanding her attention. I’d tackled her and carted her off to our
bed, kicking and laughing at her lecherous husband.

Now I was lifting her on and off my dick and trying hard not to cum before she did. I ran my

hand over the little mound of her tummy, where our next was cooking. Three boys; six months old, and
another on the way. Life was fucking fantastic.

I knew she was about to cum because she went through her usual routine. “Oh, I’m there, oh…I

love you Gio.”

I pulled her head down for my tongue as I spewed cum inside her.

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Thanks for reading

You may find the author@


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