Lena Matthews The Good, the Bad, and the Naughty(1)

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The Good, the Bad, and the Naughty

Lena Matthews

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The Good, the Bad, and the Naughty
Copyright © April 2010 by Lena Matthews
All rights reserved. This copy is intended for the purchaser of this e-book ONLY. No part of this
e-book may be reproduced, scanned, or distributed in any printed or electronic form without
prior written permission from Loose Id LLC. Please do not participate in or encourage piracy of
copyrighted materials in violation of the author's rights. Purchase only authorized editions.

eISBN 978-1-60737-564-7
Editor: Maryam Salim
Cover Artist: Anne Cain
Printed in the United States of America

Published by
Loose Id LLC
PO Box 425960
San Francisco CA 94142-5960

This e-book is a work of fiction. While reference might be made to actual historical events or
existing locations, the names, characters, places and incidents are either the product of the
author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or
dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.


This e-book contains sexually explicit scenes and adult language and may be considered
offensive to some readers. Loose Id LLC’s e-books are for sale to adults ONLY, as defined by
the laws of the country in which you made your purchase. Please store your files wisely, where
they cannot be accessed by under-aged readers.

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the information contained in any of its titles.

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To my lovely editor, Maryam, who always asks for more and never settles for less. Thanks

for keeping after me to write, even when I don't want to. This story is for you, for all that you do.

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Chapter One

“I truly dislike that cocksucker.” The sound of the slamming door resonating throughout

the room only added fuel to the fire burning inside Maryam James's gut. If there was one quality

she disliked most in a man, it was his inability to take disappointment like one. And no man less

able to do that than the one who'd just stormed from her high-rise office. “Tell me again—why

did I agree to a meeting with him?”

“Do you have to ask?” Her assistant and right-hand man, Xavier Sun, crossed his arms

over his chest and leaned back against the edge of her desk.

“Yes. I do.”

“Because he's your stepbrother.”

A fact Archer had been hoping to use to his advantage. Apparently for a split second he

forgot who he'd been talking to. “The relevance of that now escapes me.” As did the reason her

stepbrother continued to seek her out to back his Ponzi schemes. She learned in junior high not to

lend him money. She figured by now he would have grown tired of hearing the word no.

With the beginning of a headache edging on, Maryam made her way to her desk and sat

down in her chair. Annoyed at the predicament Archer had placed her in—having to tell him no

for the hundredth time—Maryam yanked open her desk drawer and began to riffle through it.

Unfortunately the small cardboard box she was searching for like a fiend was nowhere to be

seen. Her day was destined to get worse. “I need a cigarette.”

Without missing a beat, Xavier rose to his full height of six-one, reached into his pocket,

and pulled out a pack of Nicorette gum. Tall and muscular while still lean, he lorded over

Maryam's five-six frame with ease. “No, you don't. Here.”

Maryam didn't even spare the shitty piece of substituted dick a glance. “Unless you're

planning on chopping that up and sprinkling it on top of some tobacco, then rolling it up in a

piece of paper and setting it on fire, get it away from me.”

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“I'm not planning on doing any such thing.”

Of course he's not. These days Xavier wasn't doing anything she wanted him to. Her once-

trusted employee was dropping her like a bad habit. So it didn't really surprise her now that he

was beginning the mutiny four weeks ahead of his departure date. “I don't want gum. I want a

cigarette.” Maryam glanced up and shot him an icy glare. One that had made lesser men quake in

their Brooks Brothers suits. Unfortunately for Maryam though, her look had little effect on

Xavier, who was combating her icy glare with a heated one of his own. Standing, she crossed her

arms over her breasts and gave in to her childlike desire to pout. “Cig-ar-ette.”

“No.” Xavier walked over to her side and took out a piece of gum. With a menacing scowl

on his face, he unwrapped the white rectangular candy and placed it in front of her tightly closed

lips. “Open up.”

Maryam raised a finely arched brow but didn't budge.

“Open your fucking mouth and take the gum before I push you to the floor, sit on your

chest, and hold your nose closed until you're forced to do as I tell you.”

She didn't doubt him for a moment. Especially since he'd done it just last week. Xavier was

taking this stop-smoking thing too far.

“Fine.” Maryam rolled her eyes to show her disapproval but opened her mouth

nevertheless. As soon as the gum hit her tongue, she sighed and began to chew peacefully. It

tasted like shit, the minty flavor doing nothing to combat the bottom-of-the-shoe tang the

suppressant left in her mouth, but it was better than flushing four weeks of freedom down the

drain. After a few seconds her homicidal tendencies began to wane and she was finally able to

speak without craving blood. “Thank you.”

“No problem,” he said as he balled up the wrapper and placed it in his jacket pocket. “It's

my job.”

“Not for much longer.” The minute the words slipped out, she wished she could call them

back. Maryam had worked awfully hard on cultivating the ice-queen persona she was labeled

with, and queens, especially icy ones, didn't show emotions.

“Still bitter about that, aren't you?”

“I don't want to talk about it.” Maryam sat and palmed her mouse, right-clicking it to bring

her computer out of sleep mode.

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“We have to talk about it.”

“For the next four weeks I'm the boss, right?” she asked, not taking her gaze off her



“Then I say we don't talk about it.”

“Can we at least talk about my replacement?”

“What replacement?” Maryam clicked open her e-mail and began to scan her in-box. It

was easier to ignore him when she had something else to concentrate on.

But Xavier would not be ignored. “The one you've yet to hire.”

“Find me someone worthwhile, and I will.”

Xavier covered her hand with his, applying the right amount of pressure to prevent her

from using her mouse. “I've found you several someones.”

Maryam glanced up at him and frowned. “That's debatable.” Every single person she'd

interviewed had been worse than the one before.

“In your opinion. If I didn't know better, I'd swear you didn't want me to leave.” Xavier

released her hand and leaned against the edge of the desk. Smiling down at her, he undid his suit

buttons, drawing her attention to his massive chest. A chest Maryam found herself staring at far

too much for her peace of mind.

Although he was biracial, his Chinese heritage was far more prevalent than his European

half. With inky black hair that he wore a bit longer on top and tapered in the back, and the most

exotic almond-shaped brown eyes, Xavier was hands down the sexiest man she'd ever


“Are you listening to me?”

“No,” she answered honestly. She'd been far too busy drooling over her man Friday to pay

attention. “But if it was about you leaving, then it wasn't worth listening to.”

“I don't want to go either, but it's time.”

Pulling her hand free, she sat back in her chair and frowned. “I disagree.”

“So I've noticed.” The humor in his voice undid her.

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“This isn't funny, Xavier.” Fuck her ice-queen persona. “I can't believe you're seriously

thinking of leaving. After seven years. Seven. You're going to up and quit.”

“I know exactly how long it's been since I started here. To the day. To the hour.” His eyes

lit up. “Possibly to the minute.”

That couldn't be a good thing. “Am I such a hard taskmaster that you have to do a

countdown until you're free of me?”

“You are a hard taskmaster.” A quick smile flashed across his elegant lips. “But it's one of

the things I love about you, and it has nothing to do with why I'm leaving.”

“Then explain to me why.” Because for the life of her, she couldn't figure out why. Xavier

was her go-to guy, the man she bounced ideas off of at three o'clock in the morning when they

woke her out of her dreams. He was more than an employee—he was her friend, or so she'd


“I have to. Plain and simple.” As free as Maryam was with her feelings, Xavier tended to

be a little more reserved. For him, she knew his explanation explained everything, but to her it

only opened up another can of worms.

“There's nothing plain or simple about it. Do you have another job lined up? Per your

contract you can't work for another apparel company for two years after you sever ties with


His expression stilled instantaneously and he stiffened, causing her to rethink her words.

No one in the world could do blank like he could, and suddenly Maryam couldn't help but feel as

if she was the one who had done him wrong and not the other way around.

“Do you really think I'd work for another clothing line after everything we've been through


The lack of emotion in his tone let her know in no uncertain terms how badly her careless

comments bothered him. “No, but I never thought you'd abandon me either.”

He crossed his arms over his chest, his eyes guarded. “I have to say, I would have never

thought in a million years you would make such a big deal out of this.”

“Then I'm not sure which one of us is more in need of a wake-up call. Me, for not telling

you enough how important you are to the company, or you, for not knowing.”

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“You've always made it very clear how invaluable I've been to the success of the company,

and I've always been very proud of my work here.”

“And suddenly you're not.” Maybe if she could understand his decision to leave, she could

accept it and move on.

“No, suddenly it's not enough.”

“Then what will make it enough? Stock, a promotion, more vacation time?” Not that she

could ever recall him taking much of a vacation to begin with. “Give me something to work with



“You know me; I love a good negotiation.”

“Let me think on it, and I'll get back to you.”

It wasn't an “I quit this bitch.” Not that Xavier would ever say anything that crass, but at

least his willingness to cooperate was a step in the right direction. “Good.”

“But until then…”


“You have an appointment.” Xavier rose from the desk and refastened his jacket.

“With?” Maryam gave her mental calendar a quick peek. She couldn't remember anyone

else she was scheduled to meet with.

“My potential replacement.”

No wonder she'd blocked it out. “Fine, send them in. But I'm warning you. I'm not holding

back.” If she was going to be forced to hire someone new, then it would be on her terms. After

seven years of perfection, she wouldn't settle for anything but the best.

It was a good thing Xavier wasn't serious about quitting, because there was no way in hell

he could, in all good conscience, allow the candidate they were interviewing to take his place.

Maryam would eat this woman alive.

Even now it appeared the other woman was close to tears, and all Maryam had done was

question her about her background. Sure, she did it in a way that would have made the Gestapo

proud, but still it was only a few questions. Maryam was actually being good right now, and if

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Ms. Newole couldn't handle Maryam when she was good, she sure as hell couldn't handle her

when she was bad.

When the younger woman gave a little sniffle, Maryam looked up at him and sent him a

gaze that would have flayed him alive if he hadn't been immune to it. Nothing she did fazed him,

not even from the start when she'd first interviewed him seven years ago for a job in security.

To this day, he was still a bit amazed how a woman who had started one of the fastest-

rising lingerie companies of the twentieth century had taken one look at his department-store-

purchased suit and not kicked him out of her office for his fashion faux pas. Instead, she'd begun

to quiz him from the moment he walked into the office. She'd fired question after question at him

all without looking up from her drafting board as her then assistant whined at her from the

sideline and hard rock blared from the overhead speakers.

After a few minutes, Xavier grew tired of trying to override the chaos surrounding her and

stopped responding. Instead, he picked up one of the magazines she had sprawled around on the

desk in front of him and began to scan it. He was halfway down the “Ten Things To Drive Your

Man Wild In Bed” article when he noticed the majority of the noise had dissipated.

Curious, he glanced over the top of the periodical to find Maryam staring at him with a

bemused expression on her pretty brown face.

“Oh”—he lowered the magazine from in front of his face but didn't close it—“were you

speaking to me?”

“Apparently not.” She nodded to her assistant, who made quick work of muting the music;

then Maryam stood and walked over to him. For someone the security firm deemed a terror, she

was a tiny bit of a thing.

Heightwise, she was about average, but she had the build of a swimmer, lean and tight.

She wore her dark brown hair—that had hints of red in it—in a knot at the base of her neck, and

her face was devoid of any makeup. She was a natural beauty, and from the way she walked,

shoulders back, head held high, he could tell she was a force to be reckoned with it. Stopping in

front of him, she eyed him up and down as if he were an imported piece of fabric. “Who are you


“Xavier Sun.” He rose as well, not one to stand being looked down on by anyone. “And

you're Maryam James, ball-busting fashionista diva extraordinaire.”

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“Am I?”

“That's what the magazine said.” He tossed the periodical on the chair he'd just

abandoned. “And also not my future employer.”

She barely spared the periodical a glance. “Why, giving up already?”

“No, but I don't think you're in need of a security expert.”

Her eyebrows shot up, and an amused little grin flickered across her lips. “What do you

think I need?”

“A keeper.” Xavier glanced behind her at the mess overtaking her office. She had

swatches of fabric pinned on the wall, designs scattered around the floor, and everything just

about everywhere. He didn't care who she was; this environment wasn't conducive to work.

“What?” Maryam glanced behind her at her office. “Is my feng shui off?”

“Something's off, such as your take on the difference between a desk,” he said, pointing to

the nearly clean surface, “and the floor.” Which was barely noticeable, thanks to all the paper

scattered about.

“Think I'm a slob, do you?”

He met her gaze boldly. “Yes, I do.”

His answer appeared to intrigue her. “Can you work with someone who thinks it's her

life's mission to support all seven deadly sins?”

“Lust is one of the seven. I've never had a problem with that one.”

“Hmmm…” She laughed softly. “It's a favorite of mine as well. I even have a line named

after it.”

Good to know. He was going to have to brush up kamikaze-style on her fashion line if he

decided to take the job offer that surprisingly still seemed to be on the table.

She crossed her arms over her pert breasts and eyed him up and down. “What do you

know about fashion?”

“Dick,” he answered honestly, as was his policy.

“And you have a degree in…” She began to walk around where he stood, as if pretending

to look for something. But in reality he knew she was giving him the once-over.


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“Do you scare easily?”

He didn't scare at all, but there was one thing that did have a tendency to make his skin

crawl. “Only when my mother is matchmaking.”

“Would you say you work well with others?” She spoke from behind him, but he didn't

bother to turn around to face her.

“Wouldn't that be a question better asked of my former coworkers?” This was one of the

strangest interviews he'd ever been on.

“Very true. But tell me, what would the ideal working environment be for you?”

The answer to her question was easy, as well as one of the reasons he found little

happiness in the workforce. “An ideal situation for me would be one where I had to answer to

one person and one person only. My jobs would vary from day to day to keep up my interest. I

would make good money, travel, and never have to worry about repercussions when I speak my


“You know most people say the perfect working environment would be of their choosing,

with them as the boss.”

Xavier wasn't most people. “The person whose name is on the front of the building isn't the

one who is always in charge.”

“So then, you like to be the man behind the curtain.” She walked back around, and he

couldn't help but think she wanted to observe his reaction to her question. Unfortunately for her,

she wouldn't get much. He was pretty damned good at putting on a mask.

“Not necessarily. I was just answering your question.”

“In a roundabout way.”

“My masculinity isn't tied up with a job title. I'm a man, and I don't need anyone calling

me boss to prove it.”

She cocked her head. “So working for a cutthroat bitch would be…”

“An interesting way to spend the day.” He knew his bland expression was aggravating


“Are you shy?” Maryam leaned back against her desk, tapping her foot as she drilled him.


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That was an odd question. “Depends on your definition of pervy.”

“We have women in here standing around barely covered from time to time. I've kicked my

own brother out of my studio for staring too long at them. If you make them uncomfortable while

we're doing fittings, the pieces won't lie the way they're supposed to, which means you're no

good to me.”

“I can keep my eyes and my hands to myself. I won't be a bother.”

“Why, are you gay?”

“No. Just old-fashioned.”

“How do you feel about working holidays?”

Holidays were just another day to him. “Do I have to buy you a present?”

She cocked a brow. “Did you buy that suit?”


“Then no, presents aren't a necessity.” Maryam nodded her head in the direction of the

piece she'd been working on when he entered. “Come look at this and tell me what you think of


“Do you ask all your fashion-inept security applicants what they think of your panties?”

“No, just the mouthy ones.” Maryam turned and headed back to her table, leaving him no

choice but to follow. “Besides, I'm not considering you for the security position.”

Her comment brought him up short. “You're not?”

“No. Apparently, I need to hire a keeper.”

Two hours later he'd been hired, but not for the position he went to interview for. In six

months he had taken his rightful place by her side, and there he'd been ever since. What started

as a job as an assistant/security expert eventually morphed into vice president, even though he

refused to use the title out of sheer stubbornness.

Xavier didn't need a big fancy desk or an office with lackeys to know what his job was. His

responsibility was to take care of and protect Maryam, even from herself.

If he left things up to her, she'd be underweight, chain-smoking, and working around the

clock. He'd learned a lot about her in the seven years he'd worked for her, from her eating habits

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to her working habits and everything in between. But the lesson that took the longest to sink in

was the one he didn't want to see until it was too late. Maryam, for all her genius in business, was

blind when it came to matters of the heart. And as much as he adored her, Xavier refused to sit

back and allow her for a moment longer to ignore him and what was and could be between them,

even if it took underhanded methods to get her to see him as something other than her boy Friday

to do so.

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Chapter Two

Maryam waited until the door closed behind the sniffling woman before turning her

attention to Xavier, who was standing on the other side of her desk and looking as if he was

doing his best not to laugh. “So I think that went well.” She stood, shaking her head. “Don't


“Oh yeah.” Xavier unbuttoned his jacket and slid it off his back and down his muscular

arms. “She's a keeper.”

“For a mental hospital.” Maryam rolled her neck to loosen the tension and to keep her gaze

where it should be, and not where it had been, which was all over Xavier as he slipped out of his

jacket. Shaking her head, she forced herself to concentrate on her main problem, these endless

interviews. This one was a disaster, as was every single interview she'd conducted before today.

“Where do you find these people?”

He folded his jacket lengthwise in half and laid it carefully on the back of the chair their

guest had just used. “She had excellent references. As did the woman before her and the one

before her.”

“References don't mean dick.”

“Try to keep your positive attitude in check. We still have one more interview today.”

“Christ on a cross.” That was the last thing she wanted to hear. Sighing, she moved her

fingers to the back of her neck, kneading the stiff muscles with as much pressure as she could.

“This is never going to work. Never!”

“Yes, it will. You just have to give the process time.”

She didn't have time. He was leaving. Sure, not today, probably not tomorrow, but it would

happen, and there weren't enough minutes in the day to prepare herself for that eventuality.

Feeling sullen, she frowned. “No, I don't.”

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“Yes, you do,” he said calmly, as if speaking to a wayward child. “But if it makes you feel

better, I think we're going about this the wrong way.”

This she had to hear. “How so?”

“Instead of looking for one person to replace me, I think you might need to hire twenty.”

“Twenty?” She didn't need twenty strangers around her, only him. The only problem was

she couldn't tell him that without revealing just how much he meant to her. It was more than the

job. Xavier was a man she actually trusted.

“Yes, one for security. One to help with your nicotine addition. One to file reports.”

She frowned. “You haven't filed a report in over six years.”

“Okay fine. Nineteen.”

“Or you can just not quit.” Maryam tilted her head to the side as she rubbed her aching

neck. “I like my plan much better than yours. So much that I say we do what I want and you just

stay.” In fact the more she thought about it, the better it sounded.

“Being stubborn won't work this time.”

That's what he thought. “Bet me.”

“You do realize I can be as obstinate as you.” Xavier walked around the desk and over to

her. Stepping up behind her, he crowded her against her desk and, with an arrogant flick of his

hand, pushed her fingers out of the way and replaced them with his own. As usual, his touch hit

the spot and turned her tense muscles to mush. Closing her eyes, Maryam dropped her chin down

and exhaled, surrendering her body to Xavier's skilled hands.

His elegant, long fingers were made for this, made to touch her. Maryam had been to some

of the top spas in the world and been massaged by some of the supposedly top people in the

field, yet they all paled in comparison to Xavier.

“Feel good?”

“Hmmm…very.” She moaned, loving his hands against her heated flesh. The rounded

neckline of the black sleeveless dress she wore allowed him ample access to her nape and

shoulders. “You know you're not making this any easier. How can I possibly think of replacing

you when you touch me like this?”

He paused. “I can always stop.”

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“And I can always have you audited.”

“Ouch.” He laughed and picked up where he left off, slowly turning her into butter. “You

know, most people would have gone for having me killed.”

“The IRS tops the Grim Reaper every time.” At least in their world.


She held herself utterly still and let him perform his magic on her. His touch was

electrifying and all so delicious. “Oh my God, that feels so good. My kingdom for a table.” Right

now Maryam would have given just about anything to be able to lie in front of him so he could

work her entire body over.

“We need one. You're very tight.” For a second Maryam thought about replying with a

smartass comment but decided to forgo it out of fear he might stop. “You always carry your

tension, right…” Xavier rotated his thumb and pressed hard to loosen the knotted muscles,

causing her to gasp. “Here.”

“Jeez.” Maryam reached for her desk and leaned forward, bracing herself against the dark

wood. “You should warn a girl next time you plan to knock her feet from beneath her.”

“Where would be the fun in that? Besides, I enjoy keeping you guessing. Keeping you on

your toes.” Xavier leaned closer and spoke softly in her ear, “Keeping you in line.”

Maryam's lashes flew up as a new and unexpected warmth rushed over at his words. There

were so many ways she could take what he said, but only one of them had her pussy clenching

and aching to be filled. “If you enjoy it so much”—she paused briefly to lick her lips before

continuing—“then maybe you shouldn't leave. It'll be really hard to keep me in line when we

aren't talking to each other every day.”

“Do you plan to stop texting me and calling me at all hours?”

The amusement in his voice made her all the more petulant. “Maybe.”


“If you don't work here, I don't have a reason to.” And that's what bothered her the most.

She would no longer have a valid reason be in his life, to be the center of it. Yes, her motivations

were selfish and self-serving, but she and Xavier were a good team. Or at least she'd thought they


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“Stop it,” he ordered softly. “You're tensing up again. Relax.”

“Easier said than done.”

“No, it isn't.” Xavier stepped closer to her as he began to work his fingers across her

shoulders and down her bare arms. The heady cologne she gifted to him two Christmases ago

filled her senses and caused her to smile. The first time she'd taken a whiff of the strong

masculine scent had been in a lab, when it was still being conceived. Even then the line had

reminded her of Xavier: strong, masculine, and intense. She'd immediately signed on to market

the fragrance and named it after him, Sun, much to his dismay.

“You seem to be relaxing a bit more.”

“Because I'm not thinking of work or interviewees.” She was thinking about him. But that

was probably one of those things best left unsaid.

“Good. Just close your eyes and concentrate on my hands.”

“I'm trying.” And failing big time. How could she concentrate on his hands when she could

feel his groin against her ass? From the feel of things, Xavier wasn't erect, but the little devil

inside her wondered what it would take to rectify that.

She'd always been attracted to him. Hell, a woman would have to be blind, deaf, and dumb

not to be, but they'd never taken their relationship to that level, a fact she was cursing more as the

days went by. Why hadn't they? The heat between the two of them was undeniable. The

attraction was there, yet neither had made the move. Not once.

Maybe it was time she did something about it. Why not? It wasn't as if she had anything to

lose. He was going to leave anyway.

The door was closed. They had the room to themselves. What would he do if she just

wordlessly reached back, took hold of her short black dress and began to ease it up, past her

thighs until it bared the la—

“Close your eyes,” he demanded, cutting into her fantasy like a knife through butter. “I can

practically hear you thinking.”

Maryam's cheeks heated. Lord, she hoped not. “How do you know they're not closed?”

“Because I know you.” He moved his hands back up her arms to her shoulders, then began

to work them down her back, taking his time to knead her rhomboid muscles deeply, before

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coming to rest on her hips. His fingers flexed and she caught her breath, because suddenly he

didn't feel as apathetic about her after all.

“Look at you. You just can't turn it off.”

With his hands on her, she was anything but turned off. Quite the opposite in fact, and if

the bulge behind his slacks were anything to go by, neither was he. Her mind began to race as

she tried to come up with a clever reply, but she had nothing.

“Your mind is going a million miles per second right now, and I'm willing to bet I know

exactly what you're thinking.”

A million miles was an understatement. But she was more than sure he didn't have a clue

the direction her mind was taking was heading straight for him. “A billion to one you don't.”

He released her and she missed his touch instantly. “Really?”

Maryam turned around and looked up at him, chin tilted arrogantly, eyes filled with

challenge. “Oh I'm willing to bet just about anything you don't have a clue.”

“Really? Anything?” Xavier's gaze grew speculative; then he leaned forward, stopping

inches away from her. “All right. I'll take that bet.”

Well, damn. She hadn't expected his response, but she couldn't back down now. “Fine what

was I—”

Before she could get the sentence out, Xavier leaned down and covered her mouth with

his. Maryam's eyes widened for a brief second, then closed as she wrapped her arms around his

neck and held on to him. This wasn't exactly what she'd been thinking, but damn if it wasn't close


Kissing Maryam this soon was not his plan. Nowhere near close to it, but try as he might,

Xavier couldn't keep his hands to himself a second longer. It wasn't truly his fault. His desire had

come on quickly. The moment he'd touched her, his mind shut down and something else,

something primitive, took over and demanded he give up this foolish pretense of indifference

and claim his woman.

And she was his. Whether she knew it or not, she was. And if Maryam needed further

proof than the obvious, all she had to do was notice how well she fit against him. As if she was

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made for him. As if the very foundation of her body had been created by God for Xavier and

Xavier alone.

It would take a man stronger than him to resist the headstrong beauty in his arms,

especially when she surrendered so beautifully and moved so wantonly against him. Hunger for

more coursed through him. He trailed his fingers down the length of her spine, gripped her full

hips, and drew her closer to him, a surge of need to fill her with his flesh flooding his body.

Breaking the kiss, he moved from her mouth to the gentle slope of her soft, sweet-smelling

neck, where he licked and then gently bit before speaking softly in her ear. “Was I close?”

Maryam let out a shaky breath mixed with laughter. “Pretty damn close.”

“Good. I win.” He'd collect his prize later; for now, he had something more important to do

with his time.

Before she could say another word, he slipped his other hand behind her nape and pulled

her back in for another kiss. His need for her raged through him like an unchecked forest fire,

fuelled by his desire to claim her as his own.

Without even realizing what he was doing, Xavier lifted her and set her on the desk. She

looked like the queen she was, perched on the edge, legs crossed at the ankle as she stared up at

him in utter confusion.

Without asking permission, without waiting for consent, Xavier moved his hands down her

body and tugged upward at the sides of her dress. His actions were so forceful and fast he was

able to pull the material from beneath her derrière without any help from Maryam.

“What are we doing?” she asked in a whispery tone.

“Eliminating your tension.” Xavier took hold of the edges of her panties and yanked them

down her thighs and off her legs.

He looked up into her eyes as she stared at him, her lashes half-lowered over her desire-

filled eyes. With her dress bunched up around her waist and her lower lip caught between her

even white teeth she was the picture of wanton and innocent, all rolled into one. And he wanted

all of her.

Xavier dropped down to his knees in front of her splayed legs and looked up at her

expectantly. There were just some things a man shouldn't have to ask for, but since it was more

than obvious Maryam needed a few extra seconds to get with the program, he would instruct her.

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This time. Next time there would be a consequence to pay for making him wait to claim what

was his. “Spread your legs.” His tone brooked no argument, and for once Maryam didn't give

one. She simply obeyed.

Good. There was a first time for everything.

She caught her breath in her throat as he moved his hands along her inner thighs, reveling

in the feel of her silken soft skin. The true prize, however, lay open at the juncture of her thighs.

Her pussy was perfection and his mouth watered with need to have her.

He looked at her, waiting for her to object, waiting for her to say anything, but to his

immense pleasure, she didn't. Which, as far as he was concerned, meant only one thing. “You

want this.” It was a statement not a question, but Maryam took it as the latter and gave a sharp

nod of her head.

“Prove it.” Xavier slid his hands farther up her inner thighs and parted the bare slick folds

of her sweet-scented sex with his thumbs. “Say, 'Xavier, eat my pretty pussy, please.'”

Her big brown eyes widened at his coarse words, but she said not a word.

That would never do.

Xavier blew softly over the erect bud, causing Maryam to jump and gasp. “Say it,” he

ordered, not willing to back down.

“Xavier, eat my pretty pussy.” She licked her lips before continuing in a softer tone.


Please. The magic word every time. Grasping her thighs in both hands, he pulled her hips

to the edge of the desk and buried his face between her dark brown legs. He plunged his tongue

deep into the depths of her pussy, filling his mouth with her exotic essence.

Her exotic cock-aching flavor blew him away. She tasted so good, better than anything

he'd ever sampled in his life. He wanted to feast from her pussy for hours. He took his time

savoring and teasing her. Pulling back a bit, he ran his tongue along her puffy labia, licking her

bare nether lips, but avoiding the straining nub of flesh at the very top.

“Xavier, please, I need…” Maryam lifted her hips in offering to him, one he was unwilling

to resist. “Oh fuck,” she moaned as he slowly worked his tongue over her clit. There were certain

things in life that deserved to be experienced at length, and Maryam was one such treat.

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“Relax and enjoy.”

Ever the tyrant, she growled, “If you tell me to relax one more time…”

Xavier pulled his mouth away from her treasure and slipped two digits deep into her

channel. If there was one lesson Xavier wanted Maryam to walk away with today, it was that he

was in charge. “You're going to do what?”

“Fuck!” she gasped. Maryam's hands speared through his hair and pulled him back to her

pussy. She groaned and pulled him closer as he found her clit. He could hear the ragged hitch in

her breathing as he teased her engorged nub and finger-fucked her pussy. He suckled at her clit,

pleased at how she opened for him and jerked her hips up to meet the lash of his tongue. Gasps

of delight escaped from between her parched lips as he curved his fingers inside her sex and

stroked the inner walls.

“Please don't tease me. Please, Xavier, make me come.” She begged as she spread her

thighs wider, giving him better access to succulent cunt. It had never before been in Xavier to

deny his dark temptress, and today was no exception. He sucked her swollen clit into his mouth

and lashed the sensitive bundle of nerves over and over as he pumped into her pussy. There was

nothing gentle about the way he pleasured her this time, filling her, finger-fucking her until she


“Xavier,” she gasped. “Oh God—Xavier!”

Her inner muscles clenched around him as she let out a deep-seated groan and came,

soaking his hand and mouth with her sweet essence.

A few quakes and shivers later, Maryam tugged gently on his hair, pulling his face up so

she could look down at him. Her eyes were glazed over, her skin glowing and damp from

perspiration. She looked every inch the sated woman, and he loved it.

“Xavier,” she said between baited breaths. “That was…wo-wonderful… I…need…”

She wasn't the only one. Xavier rose shakily to his feet and dropped a quick kiss on her

upturned lips, sharing a bit of her flavor with Maryam. To his delight, she ran her tongue over

her lips, licking them clean, before speaking again. “What…what about you?” She dropped her

gaze to his bulging erection for a split second before meeting his gaze once more. “Maybe I can

give you a…massage as well.”

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“Don't worry about me. I'll be fine.” His blue balls were another thing altogether. He

wasn't so sure his boys were going to recover anytime soon, but being in a state of unappeased

arousal was nothing new for Xavier. There wasn't a day that went by when he was in her

presence that he didn't become aroused.

Maryam, being Maryam though, didn't take no for an answer. Boldly she reached out and

cupped him through his slacks. “What if I want to worry?”


The intercom buzzed, cutting off his comment cold. “Maryam, your next appointment is


“Appointment.” The sated look quickly morphed into one of horror. “Oh God. Not now.”

Leaning forward, Xavier trapped her between him and the desk, just to savor a few seconds

more of her delicate frame, and pressed the button on the intercom. “Send the next appointment


“Xavier!” Maryam gave a powerful shove that if he hadn't been in the mood to

accommodate her, would have done little more than jack shit. But since he was in an awful good

mood now, he allowed her to push him back so she could hop down from the desk. “I'm a mess.”

“Actually, I don't think I've ever seen you look lovelier.” Xavier bent down and picked up

her crumbled panties.

“Any other day at any other time, I might have been touched by that comment.” Maryam

snatched them from his hand and hustled into them. From the distasteful expression on her face,

he could only surmise the lovely black lace fabric had yet to dry. “Right now. Not so much.”

“For some reason you don't appear less tense.”

“I can't imagine why,” she grumbled as she jerked her dress down and back into place.

“Fuck. It smells like sex in here.”

“No. Just pussy.” And damn did it smell good.

“Okay, I'm not sure when exactly you enrolled in this Lenny Bruce Etiquette class of yours

but wow.”

“Are you telling me you don't like it when I say pussy?”

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“I'm telling you…I'm telling you, hell I don't know what I'm saying right now. Just find a

candle and light it for me, please.”

Damn he loved it when she got all feisty. Before he could begin the task of deodorizing the

room, the door opened and in walked a young woman. Right away, Xavier could tell she was

made of different stock than their last interviewee had been. For one, she met both their gazes

head on with a welcoming smile, and her handshake was firm yet not masculine.

It looked as if the day was ending on an upbeat level all the way around. After the

introductions were made, Maryam headed back to her seat, but instead of taking his, Xavier

remained standing. “This is where I leave the two of you to talk. I have another appointment I

can't miss.”

“Another”—Maryam rose—“appointment. Since when?”

“Two days ago,” he said as he slipped back on his jacket.

“But what about?” Maryam gestured to the woman, whose name she'd obviously forgotten

already. Normally Xavier would give her a hard time about it, but he knew he was at least

partially to blame for her lack of concentration.

“I'm sure you'll be just fine.” Without another word, Xavier turned and headed for the


“Excuse us for a moment. Xavier, hold up one second, please.” Maryam rounded her desk,

made her way over to him, and stood in front of the door, in what he could only assume was a

feeble attempt to prevent his departure. Arms crossed over her breasts, she glared at him. “Where

do you think you're going?” she muttered beneath her breath.

“I have an appointment.”

“Cancel it.”

He didn't even bat an eye. “No.”

Her face softened a little. “Then I'll cancel this one. It's obvious she's not necessary now.”

Amused at her naïveté, Xavier reached out and discreetly brushed the back of his hand

against her soft cheek. “And why would you think that?”

“Because…” Confusion clouded her dark eyes. “Because of what we did.”

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“Let me be absolutely clear. That,” he said with a jerk of his head in the direction of her

desk, “had nothing to do with work.”

Confusion gave way to anger. “And it had nothing to do with a massage either.”

“I know.” His lips quirked up a bit on one side.

“Then what was it all about?”

“As soon as you figure it out. Come find me.”

Her brown eyes were wide with shock and indignation. “Are you fucking kidding me?”

Xavier leaned forward and whispered in her ear, “What do you think?” before moving her

gently out of the way and then walking out the door.

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Chapter Three

Maryam sat in her office, chair swiveled around to stare out the large expanse of plate

glass behind her. In reality though, she saw nothing outside. Instead her mind continued to replay

a very graphic reel of her unexpected but thoroughly enjoyable mini break with Xavier, as it had

all through the interview.

Not that she could in all honesty call it an interview. Truth of the matter was Maryam's

mind was far from in the game. She didn't even have a chance to really grill the young woman as

she preferred to do. Instead she continued to recall the few minutes of ecstasy that had taken

place on the very desk the woman sat across from, as the candidate railed on about her list of


While the young woman boasted of her people skills, Maryam kept going back to Xavier's

oral skills. And man, did he have mad skills. On the whole, Maryam considered herself a very

sexual being. She knew what she liked in and out of bed, and she knew better than any man she'd

ever been with what exactly it took to get from “oh” to “oh my God” in forty seconds or less.

But in Xavier's case, the subject was a moot point. He saw. He conquered. She came.

Throwing everything completely out of whack in what she originally thought was her perfect

little world. Now things were far from perfect and she was far from pleased.

Maryam waited a full two minutes, in hopes of giving the candidate plenty of time to leave

before she headed to the outer office. The short walk once again brought to mind what had taken

place so shortly ago. Her panties were still damp, the muscles in her thighs ached, and she could

practically still feel the rough swipe of Xavier's tongue over her clit. Her pussy clenched at the

thought, causing Maryam to pause briefly to gather herself, before going over to her assistant,

Gracie's, desk.

“Any messages?”

“Of course.” Gracie handed Maryam a small stack of papers.

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Maryam groaned as she sifted through the yellow sheets quickly, pausing only when she

spotted a familiar name. “Noel called?” A bit surprising. Her stepfather normally didn't call her

at work unless there was an emergency. His health hadn't been the best of late, and she braced

herself whenever she heard from him that this was going to be the phone call that would leave

her fatherless once more. “Is everything okay?” Maryam hated like hell the instant fear entered

into her voice, but she couldn't help herself. She'd lost her mother two years ago. She was in no

way prepared to lose the only man who'd been a father to her as well.

“Yes, he's fine. He wanted to warn you Archer was on the prowl again.”

Relief washed through her like a brisk ocean spray. Noel was calling about Archer. That

she could handle. “Did you tell him he was a little late?”

“Uh-huh. I told him he was an hour too late. He didn't seem pleased.”

Maryam wasn't surprised. Noel took his son's downward spiral personally. No matter how

many times Maryam tried to tell Noel it wasn't his fault, he still found a way to place the blame

firmly on his shoulders and not on the drugs Archer began as a bored up-and-coming buppie. Of

course the reason Noel didn't believe her was because it wasn't all true. Yes, the drugs turned

Archer into Boy, Interrupted, but even before then there had been something not quite right with


He'd been a hateful teenager. One who took great pleasure in reminding Maryam she was

just a child through marriage and not his father's real daughter. His animosity toward the family

bloodlines had been his and his alone however. From the moment Noel came into her mother's

life, he'd gone out of his away to make Maryam feel not only welcomed into his home, but

welcomed into his heart.

He'd been a great stepfather, so much so Maryam considered him her father. The fact they

shared not an ounce of DNA mattered not to the two of them. But it did matter to Archer.

Unfortunately it mattered a lot to Archer, giving him just one more reason to hate Maryam.

“Oh well.” She handed the other papers back to Gracie but kept the one from Noel. “I'll

give him a call later tonight when he's had some time to calm down a bit. If he gets too worked

up over this foolishness, he might end up in the hospital again for observation, and it'll be long

nights all around.”

“Good idea.”

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“What can I say? I'm full of them today.”

“So how did the interview go?” Gracie nodded her head in the direction the candidate had

just left. “She didn't leave here crying like the last one. That has to be a good sign.” The pretty

redhead's dry observation caused Maryam to shake her head. It wasn't her fault the woman was

emotionally unbalanced.

“For the record, I didn't make the other lady cry. I think she may just have some serious


“Yeah, issues with people making her cry,” Gracie said with a smile small.

“I. Didn't. Make. Her. Cry,” Maryam said more forcefully this time. “I was sitting there,

minding my own business, when she broke out with the boos and the hoos. Maybe her puppy

died, or maybe someone told her that The Dollhouse was canceled. It could have been a lot of


“Right.” Gracie nodded, but the disbelief was written all over her freckled face.

Maryam tilted her head to the side and arched an eyebrow. “If I'm such an ogre to work

for, then why do so many damn people, including yourself, want to work for me?”

“You're not an ogre. You just expect things to be done a certain way.”

“And is that wrong?”

“Not for me,” Gracie said in a cheerful tone. “I like this job. The perks are good, I've never

owned this much underwear at one time in my life, the money is nice, and it's a great company.”

“And have I ever made you cry?”

“No, but I'm not a pussy,” Gracie said with a shrug of her shoulders.

The crass, Gracie-like comment had Maryam laughing. Something she really needed after

the day she'd had. “And that's why we get along so well. You don't scare.”

“You should put that in the job description.” The younger woman's hazel eyes sparkled

with unsuppressed amusement. “Tell Human Resources to advertise for someone who isn't easily

frightened, not afraid of hard work, long hours, and only those missing tear ducts need apply.”

“That actually sounds pretty damn good. You should call down there and tell them to send

up anyone who fits that exact description.”

Or…” Gracie said, drawing the word out. “You can just ask Xavier not to go.”

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Oh wow, why didn't she think of that? “I did.”

“Then why is he still leaving?”

Good question. “I'm assuming he found a better opportunity elsewhere.” It irked Maryam

to even mouth the platitude.

“Where?” Gracie scoffed, much to Maryam's amusement.

“Elsewhere. Somewhere that isn't here. With us.” With me, she added silently to herself.

“Maybe you should give him a reason to stay.”

“His 401K should be reason enough.”

“Good Lord.” Gracie shook her head in disgust.

Defensive, Maryam crossed her arms over her breasts. “What?”

“Some people can't see the forest for the trees.”

“I hate idioms.” Maryam was beginning to feel exasperated. She liked Gracie, but

sometimes the woman was a pain in the ass.

“Fine let me give it to you straight. Have you ever tried just saying, 'stay, I need you, not

for the company but for me'?”

Maryam stared at her assistant like she had two heads. Of course Maryam hadn't said any

of that. She shouldn't have to. Xavier knew how she felt.

Gracie rolled her eyes. “I can see by the look on your face the answer is no.”

“Look, I know you love Xavier; we all do.”

“Some more than others,” Gracie cut in, a secretive little smile flitting across her glossy

pink lips.

A smile that grated on Maryam's nerves. If her assistant thought she could barter better

with Xavier, maybe Maryam should just let her. Lord knew he wasn't listening to anything she

was saying.

“You know what…” Maryam stopped mid sentence and took a deep breath. She knew in

her own way, Gracie was trying to help, but Maryam was spent. Other than taking a shower,

there was only one other thing she wanted to do. Shaking her head, she turned and started toward

the large doors behind Gracie's desk. “When the air up there from your high horse gets too thin,

call Xavier and ask him to come into my office, please. I want to talk to him.” Strangle, kiss, and

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possibly make love to. But that seemed like an awful long message to have Gracie deliver. Might

cross into the dreaded TMI zone her assistant erected like the Berlin wall around her.

“He's gone for the day.”

Gracie's words brought Maryam up short. “What do you mean he's gone for the day?”

“Just that. He's gone. When he left your office he told me he was heading home for the rest

of the evening.”

“Home.” Maryam knew she was just repeating what Gracie was saying; it was the only

way she could get it through her head. While she'd been stuck in her office, wet, uncomfortable

and highly frustrated, he was at home, chilling, as if he didn't have a care in the world.

“Yeah, I know. Weird, right? He left before you did. That hardly ever happens.” A

quizzical look passed over Gracie's pretty face. “Is it important? I can call him at home.”

“No need,” Maryam said through clenched teeth as she headed back toward her office. “I'll

take care of it myself.” She slammed the door behind her. If Xavier thought she was going to sit

back and let him dictate the why's and how's of this new fucked up relationship of theirs, he had

another think coming.

After taking a quick shower in the executive washroom attached to her office, she slipped

into a set of clothing she kept on hand for emergencies, then headed over to Xavier's

condominium. By the time she made her way to his place, she was highly heated and feening for

a cigarette like there was no tomorrow.

Balling her fist, Maryam banged on the door, not once making an effort to reach for the

doorbell. Doorbells were for polite guests. She wasn't a guest and the last thing she felt was

polite. It took less than a minute for her pounding to rouse him to the door, and the second the

door opened, she went off.

“You are so fucking fired.” Maryam's words shot from her lips like bullets from a gun. She

didn't need to see his face to terminate him, which was a good thing because the second Xavier

stepped completely into view, her throat dried up and her mouth fell open.

He couldn't have distracted her more if he'd tried. Dressed only in a pair of black stretchy

yoga pants, Xavier appeared as if he'd stepped straight off the cover of a fitness magazine,

glistening rock hard body and all. For lack of a better word, he was fine. She'd always known he

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was fit, but knowing something and having the proof just inches away, begging to be licked, was

an entirely different thing.

Enraptured by the vision of pure masculinity in front of her, Maryam could do little else

but stare, and there was a lot to see. His muscular chest was accentuated by a small stark white

towel slung around his neck, the ends of the terry cloth dipped just low enough to cover the top

of his quarter-sized dark areolas and to draw attention a few inches lower to Adonis-like abs.

Good Lord! If she'd thought she'd been wet before, it was nothing compared to what she

was now. It took a few tries before Maryam could close her mouth and meet his gaze again. The

amusement she found there instantly pulled her back from her lustful thoughts. Yes, the man was

fine, but he'd also left her in the lurch, with sticky panties. “I seriously don't like you right now.”

“You seemed to like me just fine earlier.” Xavier stepped back and gave a slight gesture

with his head for her to come in.

Maryam arched an eyebrow. If for one single second Xavier thought he was going to

embarrass her by bringing up their little interlude, he was sadly mistaken. Maryam didn't flinch.

“It was easier then. Your mouth was buried between my legs.” Maryam walked briskly past him

into his dimly lit condominium.

“Touché,” he said with a slight chuckle as he closed the door, then followed behind her.

Even though the lighting was low, Maryam made her way into the living room with ease.

Over the last seven years, she'd been in his home almost as often as she'd been in her own.

The Asian inspired room was as familiar to her as her own modern furnished living room.

“I assume, since you're letting me go, the interview went well.”

“It went as well as the last one.” Carelessly, she slipped her navy blue wool pea coat off

her shoulders and dropped it unceremoniously onto his crimson armless chair, before turning

around to face him once again. Big mistake. It was easier to hold on to her self-righteous anger

when she didn't have to look at his bare chest.

And Xavier, damn him, wasn't helping at all. Instead of taking a seat on one of the many

chairs in the room, he simply leaned back against the golden hued wall and grasped a hold of the

ends of the towel. “That bad, huh?”

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“Uh-huh.” Maryam crossed her arms over her breasts, not because she was mad, but

because it prevented her from trekking across the room and doing what she really wanted to do,

rub them all over his sweat-glistening body.

His lips curved in a slow smile. “You made her cry as well?”

“No.” And she was damn tired of people insinuating she was the cause of other people's


“Then what went wrong?”

“Truth be told, I don't have a clue, and I'd be damned if I could tell you anything she said

during the course of the interview. This might surprise you a bit, but my mind wasn't on the task

at hand. Can't imagine why.” She looked him squarely in the eyes, placing blame where blame

was due. “Can you?”

“Maybe, but it's really unfortunate for you it ended poorly, especially since you've just

fired me.”

He had to bring that up. Fine. If that was the way he wanted to play, she could play too. He

wanted to go. Maryam would show him the door. “You know what, you're absolutely right. This

isn't your problem any longer. I'll make sure your things are packed and sent to you, along with

your final payment. Good-bye.” Grabbing her coat, she made her way to the door, but was

waylaid by Xavier, who grabbed her arm and spun her around until her back was against the wall

he'd been leaning on just moments earlier.

“Xavier?” she gasped.

“That's bullshit and you know it,” he snapped, placing his hands on either side of her.

She looked up at him with disbelief. “Excuse me?”

“We both know you didn't come all the way over here to fire me.”

She eyed him warily as he leaned in toward her. With her back against the wall, trapped

between his arms, Maryam was at his mercy. Even worse there was a part of her that liked it. A

lot. But she'd never given up anything easily. And she wouldn't start now. “Then why did I


He met her gaze boldly. “To finish what we started.”

“I don't recall starting anything.”

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“You don't remember me setting you up on your desk, spreading your legs, and feasting on

your sweet-smelling pussy?”

If she'd been merely wet before, it was nothing compared to how soaked she was now.

“Are you telling me you don't remember that?”

“That's exactly what I'm saying.” The words came out a bit hesitative. She knew she was

baiting him. Her only question was how much longer he was going to take it.

“Then let me refresh your memory.”

Question answered. Not long at all.

“I don't need you to refresh anything.” Maryam held her hands out to stop him from

coming closer and also to give her some room to think, something she wasn't capable of doing

when he was all up close and personal. But instead of taking her actions for a sign to stay away,

Xavier leaned into her touch, filling her palms and fingers with his firm, hard flesh. “I was there,

remember? Even after you left, I was there, wet panties, sticky thighs…that was me, buddy. Not

you. To think of—”

Instead of obeying her personal boundaries, Xavier pushed her hands down and pulled her

against him. Slipping his hand in the back of her hair, he gripped her ebony strands and forced

her head back, anchoring her to him in the process. “Maryam.”

Shocked by his domineering behavior, Maryam looked up at him wide-eyed. “What?”

“Shut up and kiss me.”

Moving in, with a sense of desperation and purpose, Xavier covered her mouth with his.

He slipped his tongue through her parted lips into the warm haven of her mouth. He lapped his

tongue across hers, reacquainting himself with the undeniable flavor of Maryam.

He committed her taste to heart, knowing instinctively this woman with her heady

pheromones, small tongue, soft body, and strong, sexy personality was who he was meant to be

with. Some might call it fate. Xavier simply called it loved.

It took a few seconds before Maryam got on board with him though and began to respond

with a fever that matched his own. The anger she'd brought in with her appeared to fuel her

passion as she finally surrendered to the onslaught of his kisses. And just when he thought he

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would go mad from the mere pleasure of her lips alone, Maryam brought her hands between

them and pressed hard on his chest, trying to escape from him.

Xavier broke the kiss, but he didn't release his hold on her.

“I think…” She licked her lips and let out a shaky breath. “I think this might be going too


“Or not fast enough.” He spun her around until she was facing away from him, then placed

her hands firmly on the wall and held her there with his hands around her wrists. “I didn't think

you'd scare this easily.”

Maryam jerked back, trying to free her hands, a move he was expecting and well capable

of preventing. “I. Don't. Scare,” she bit out through clenched teeth.

“Then why are you running? You want this. Admit it.”

“Want what? To be fucked against the wall like some tramp.” Maryam turned her head to

see him more clearly.

“To be taken, by me, anywhere…” Pressing his pelvic area against her from behind, he

brushed his straining erection against the soft swell of her ass. “Any hole, any position I choose.”

“Are you going to strong-arm me if I don't?”

“Never. But there are ways of making you joyfully do as I say.”


“Really? Fine, let's put it to the test.” Xavier released his hold on her wrists and stepped

back. “Don't move your hands and don't turn around.” He saw her hesitate, as if weighing the

pros and cons.


“Because I said so.” He watched as she stared at him from over her shoulder, her eyes

narrowed and her mouth set in a stubborn line. Even though he could tell by her demeanor, her

expression, and his simple knowledge of the beautiful woman in front of him that it went against

everything in her to do as he said, she did. She didn't budge an inch. And he knew she wouldn't.

Maryam was a strong-willed, independent, and opinionated woman who would never

respect a man who she could walk all over, and he was willing to bet she was the exact same way

in the bedroom. But just because she was used to being in charge in the boardroom didn't mean

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she couldn't appreciate a man who was willing to take control in the bedroom. And Xavier was

more than willing. In fact, that was the way he preferred it.

Resolved to the bitter end to have her his way or no way, Xavier waited until she let out a

breath, turned back and faced the wall before he stepped forward and moved his hands down to

the width of her slender hips. Her silent obedience worked just as well as a written consent in his

book. She was still there, standing as commanded.

She wanted this.

She wanted him.

Taking hold of her charcoal gray lounge pants, he pulled them, along with her black satin

thong, down her delectable rear and to the floor. He straightened back up, placed his hands on

her bare hips, then positioned his foot on the crotch of her pants. “Step out of these.”

Maryam complied, but not without giving a bit of lip under her breath. “Bossiness is not an

attractive feature.”

“You're living proof that's untrue.” Xavier kicked away her pants. “Spread your legs.”

“I'm not bossy,” she whispered.

He laughed softly at her dishonest reply. “Right, not at all.” Xavier slipped his hands under

her shirt and cupped her breasts through her bra. Closing his eyes, he reveled in the feel of her

nipples peaking through her satin push up bra. Knowing her taste for lingerie as he did, as well as

knowing what she kept on hand at the office, gave Xavier a pretty good idea what she was

wearing, but just to make sure, he released her breasts and grabbed hold of the bottom of her


“Raise your hands.”

“Who's bossy now?” she asked as she did as he requested.

“Call me whatever you want.” Xavier pulled her shirt up and off her body, then flung it

carelessly over his shoulder. “Just do as I say. Hands back on the wall.”

“I'm only doing this because—”

Xavier tugged down on the satin cups of her bra, forcing firm breasts to jut out, porn star

style over the top of her brassiere, and gripped her nipples tightly between his fingers and

squeezed. “Because it feels good,” he said softly, his lips mere inches away from her ear.

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She gasped and nodded her head in lieu of speaking.

Xavier rolled the pebbled peaks between his fingers, twisting and teasing her nipples as she

squirmed under his touch. “Because I make you feel good.”


“And you want me to pleasure you, satisfy and”—Xavier nipped ear lobe gently—“fuck


“All of that.” She whimpered as he increased the pressure, but didn't ask him to stop.

Something told Xavier his little sadist wasn't opposed to a heavier hand in the bedroom.

The more he learned about her sexual side, the more he knew they were meant to be together.

She couldn't have been more compatible to his particular kinky taste if he'd dreamed her up

himself. “And more.”

“God yes.”

“It's about damn time. You have no idea what it's taken me to get here.”

Walking away from her this afternoon was the most difficult thing he'd ever had to do. But

if there was one vow he intended to keep, it was the one he'd made to himself about keeping his

dick in his pants while they were at work. His tongue and fingers were a different matter

altogether. Xavier would please her all day, every day, no problem, but he wouldn't take pleasure

from her at the office, in the place where people took from her all day.

Their loving would be different. Because they were different. At work she called the shots,

but once she entered his domain, he was in charge. And the sooner she realized it, the better.

Releasing his hold on her nipples, Xavier moved one hand down to her stomach and pulled

her tightly to him. Maryam let out a shaky breath as he allowed his free hand to roam over the

apex of her thighs and brushed his fingers lightly across her slick slit.

Her knees buckled, but like the good little girl she was, she kept her hands planted firmly

against the wall. For that, he had to reward her. Xavier cupped her pussy, placing his palm over

her clit, and pressed his index and middle fingers in her heavily slicked cunt.

“Oh I like the way you obey.” Xavier kissed the tip of her shoulder.

“En-enjoy it,” she stuttered. “Because the bedroom is the only place it will ever happen.”

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“It's the only place it has too.” He slid his fingers out of her warm depths and moved them

up and over her swollen clit, keeping his movements deliberately maddening, just to keep her on

edge, before plunging them inside her once more. He wanted to drive her out of her mind, not

make her come. At least not yet. “You like that, don't you?” Xavier whispered in her ear.

“Yes,” she replied, gyrating her hips forward and pushing herself into his wet fingers.

Xavier held his hand still and allowed her to do all the work, loving how raw and wild she went

at just the touch of his hand. “Feels so good. So fucking good.”

Xavier brushed his thumb over her swollen clit. “Bet I can make it feel better.”

“H-how?” she stuttered as he shifted forward and pressed his straining erection more

firmly against her as he fingered her tight pussy. The desire to plunge deep within her raged

inside him, but Xavier fought against his longing and held back. As much as her enthusiasm

spurred him on, he wanted to make this moment last.

“By replacing my fingers with my cock.” Xavier gently nipped at the flesh of her neck,

before continuing. “Would you like that, baby? Do you want me to fuck this juicy pussy of


Her body quivered and quaked as if the slightest hint of pressure would send her soaring.

“Do you have to…ask?”

Yes, yes he did. But only because he wanted her to admit aloud what he already knew deep

inside. “Tell me,” he said as he begun to thrust anew inside her soaked sex.

“Damn you, Xavier.” She clenched her hands but kept them on the wall.

“Tell me.” On this he would not be moved.

“I want you,” she gasped, knees bending, back bowing. “I want you so fucking bad.”

Xavier smiled. “Then I only have one more question for you.”


He stilled his hand, but kept it pressed against her pussy. “Do you trust me?”

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Chapter Four

“I said, do you trust me?” He took his hand off her stomach and curled it in her hair. The

move gave him complete power over her motions, but Xavier didn't use it. He didn't try to

control her, but his actions sent a clear and unmistakable signal that he could.

And damn her, she liked it. She liked knowing he had this power over her. It sent a thrill

through her to know there was a man she couldn't intimidate, browbeat or otherwise send

running with his tail between his legs with just a quirk of her eyebrow. She wasn't going to make

him repeat the question a third time.

“Yes, I do trust you.”

“Good.” He stepped closer, pressing her against the wall. She could feel the hard outline of

his body behind her. His cloth-covered cock pressed into her ass, and she couldn't wait for the

moment he was inside her. “Now close your eyes for me.”

She blinked at the sudden command and tried to turn her head to see him, but his hand in

her hair limited her movements. She'd offered her trust to him and now she was going to have to

prove it to him. Her eyelids fluttered closed.

“That's my girl.” She could feel his hot breath at her ear moments before he nipped at her

lobe. The sharp bite of pain made her jump. “Stay still.”

He took his hand off her pussy and she whimpered at the loss. “Xavier, please…”

“Soon, baby.” He released the grip he held on her hair. Within seconds she felt a cloth

wrapping around her head, covering her eyes. Xavier pulled tight, then knotted it behind her

head. “Can you see anything?”

She experimentally tried to open her eyes, but she was unable to. “No…nothing.”

“Good.” Xavier stepped back, then turned her around and pressed her back against the


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The movement was so fast it caught Maryam off guard and she wobbled. Scared, she

reached out to grasp hold of something—anything to keep her standing, but before she could

tumble to the floor, Xavier grabbed hold of her arms and steadied her. “Better?”

“Better-ish,” she said when he released her. Cautious, she reached up and touched the

binding over her eyes. The material felt like terrycloth, which quickly brought forth the memory

of the white towel he'd had earlier, slung around his neck.

“Ah ah ah,” Xavier chided, gently slapping her hands away. “No touching.”

“I was just—”

“About to earn yourself a spanking.”

“Spanking?” Whoa. Maryam licked her lips before continuing. “I didn't say you could do


“I don't recall asking your permission.”

Before she could respond to his ridiculous statement, he pressed his lips against hers and

slid his tongue deep into her mouth. Whatever it was she was going to say evaporated from her

thoughts as she concentrated on him and his talented tongue. Wrapping her arms around his

neck, she held on to him as if he were a lifeline. She'd never understood those women who liked

to kiss, who could spend hours swapping spit, but suddenly it all made sense. Maryam wasn't

sure exactly what he was doing that was so damned different but the firmness of his lips and the

way he was exploring her mouth made her pussy clench in reaction.

She was more than ready for his cock, but his kissing was an ongoing and delightful

distraction. One she was more than willing to spend the time to enjoy. The wall pressed into her

ass from behind while his cock teased her from the front. He was still covered, but she could feel

his hard ridge and rubbed herself against him, mewling her pleasure.

But Xavier didn't allow her to enjoy herself for too long. As he broke the kiss, she groaned

and tried to pull him back toward her. His chuckle brought her movements to a halt. “I thought

you were ready for my cock.”

Yes, yes. “I am.” She ran her hand down his bare chest, past his waistband to cup his cock.

Xavier grabbed hold of her wrist. To her surprise he neither pulled her hand away nor

pressed it against him harder. He simply held it in his strong grip. “I think we're having a

breakdown in communication, my love.”

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My love. His words startled her stupid. Maryam had been expecting a good fuck, but the

words of endearment blew her mind. Love. Really?

“Are you listening?”

“Not really,” she answered honestly, still trying to get her mind around the way his simple

turn of phrase was making her feel a bit giddy. Much to her dismay. Maryam didn't do giddy.

The girliest thing about her was her underwear, yet even though she knew this about herself she

couldn't help but feel warm on the inside at his words.

“Why not?”

“I'm a bit distracted.” She flexed her fingers. “Let me rephrase, I'm very distracted.”

“ADHD kicking in again?”

“I think you might have the cure for all that ails me”—she gripped him tighter—“right


“Even blindfolded and nude you still want to fight for the top.” Humor laced his words and

she could tell he wasn't upset at all by her behavior.

And as much as she wished she could just sit back and let him take charge, there was still a

part of her, a big part of her, that demanded he take it if he thought he could. “I'm not going to go


“Good. I wouldn't have you any other way.” Xavier let go of her wrist, pushed her hand

away, and stepped back. “Be a good girl and stand still, hands flat against the wall.”

“I'm not a girl,” she muttered under her breath, as she did as he instructed.

“You're a girl all right. My dirty little girl with the wicked tongue, luscious breasts, and

sexy pussy.”

Maryam could hear his bare feet padding across the wooden floor, but she couldn't tell how

far away he went or where. Then just as quickly as he seemingly left, he was back in front of her.

She could feel his body heat next to hers as he took her hips in his hands and lifted her up against

the wall.

The sudden move startled her and she reached out and grasped hold of his shoulders. “You

moved your hands,” Xavier said huskily as he brought her legs around him and held her up with

her back against the wall and one hand under her bottom.

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“You made me.” Maryam ran her heels up and over his bare bottom. Now they were

getting somewhere. If only she could get him to focus on her and not her tiny mistake life would

be good.

“You. Moved. Your. Hands.” She felt Xavier center his cock against her slippery slit.

Maryam didn't bother asking him if he'd put on a condom, because as she professed earlier, she

trusted him. Xavier would never intentionally hurt her or put her at risk. “I'm going to have to

punish you for that later. But until then”—he brushed the slick tip of himself against her slit, but

didn't go any farther—“are you ready for me?”

“More than you'll ever know.”

“We'll see.” Xavier centered his cock against her moist opening and pressed inside her,

gripping her hips as she in return bore down on him, taking his cock as deeply as she could,

which wasn't very deep despite her pussy being wet as rain. “Damn. Fuck. You're tight.”

“It's…it's been…a while.” Hell, it'd been longer than a while since Maryam had had sex

and her body needed some time to adjust. “Is that going to be a problem?”

God she hoped not; Maryam didn't think she could survive if he stopped now.

“No. Just means I have to go slower.” He thrust up as he pulled her down. “Slower, until

we get”—he pulled partially out, then pushed in once more, working an inch by delicious inch of

his cock inside her at a time—“your pussy used to my dick.”

“Might,” she gasped. “Take all nigh—oohh.”

“I'm so okay with that.”

So was she. Maryam couldn't think of anything she wanted more. True to his words

though, Xavier took his time working his cock inch by inch until he was finally in as deep as he

could be. He only stayed snug inside her for a heartbeat before he pulled back. Maryam's body

and soul protested his departure but she was quickly appeased as he filled her once more.

“Oh yeah,” he moaned. “All the way in now, baby. Have you all the way around my cock

and it feels so fucking good. Your pussy feels good.”

If this had been any other man, she would have been annoyed at his language, but because

it was Xavier his coarse words only fed the frenzy between them and encouraged her to reply in

kind. “Then don't hold back, Xav. Fuck me. Fuck me hard.”

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“Don't worry. I plan on it.” Xavier held on to her hips with both hands and with a steady,

yet hard rhythm, pumped himself in and out of her pussy. The rougher yet welcomed movements

caused Maryam to increase her hold on him, not out of fear of falling though, but out of her

desire to touch him. She moved one hand from around his neck and entangled it in his hair, then

tightened her legs around him.

“That's right. Hold on to me. Hold tight, baby.” He surged upward over and over, lifting

Maryam against the wall with every thrust. Her arm tightened around his neck, using it as an

anchor to bear her weight as he powered into her non-stop. She leaned into the wall, as Xavier

pushed into her, over and over but it wasn't enough. She needed more.

More of his cock.

More of his kisses.

Just more of him in general.

“Yes. Yes. Please…God…yes.” Her moans echoed loudly throughout the otherwise silent

apartment, as did the harmonic sound of their joining. Xavier increased his speed, powering into

her at the same time he held her tightly in his hands, locked securely in his embrace.

Maryam couldn't have moved to save her soul. Not that she wanted to. Xavier had her

pinned to the wall, hands on her hips, cock snug in her sex. Her flesh throbbed and clenched

around him and it was wonderful.

Making love with Xavier was incredible. Even in her wildest fantasies she'd never

imagined they would fit this well, or he would feel this good. He was phenomenal. Her every

sense seemed to be aflame. Maryam didn't know if it had to do with the blindfold or not, she just

knew she liked it.

So much so she literally could not stand a second more of his torturous love.

“Oh God! Oh God!” Maryam moaned, unable to bite back the sound even if she'd wanted

to. The heart-pounding, wall-banging, clit-tingling sensation was too much for her to bear.

She was going to come, going to come so hard. “Xav…Xavier…”

“Go ahead, baby. Come for me. Flood my cock with your sweet juices.”

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Gasping, Maryam felt herself once again going against her nature and following his

command. This time the reward for her obedience was instantaneous pleasure that rushed

through her body at neck-breaking speed.

Then as if the sound of her release was all he had been waiting for, Xavier let out a hoarse

stream of curses and pushed once more into her, digging his nails into her hips as he came.

Her head was spinning and her heart was racing as if she'd run a marathon. Trembling,

Maryam buried her face in his neck and let out several choppy breaths.

“Easy, baby. Easy,” he murmured as he lifted her a bit and eased out of her. Even though

she didn't want to ever let him go, Maryam knew she had to. It would be very difficult to hold a

shareholders' meeting with his cock buried balls-deep inside her.

His words calmed her a bit as did the feel of his hand caressing her sweat-dampened back.

Nuzzling his neck for a second, she breathed in his musky scent, allowing the masculine aroma

to fill her lungs.

With a groan, Maryam forced her legs to relax and fall like limp noodles from his trim

hips. When her feet hit the floor, she let go of him and leaned against the wall. The second

Xavier released her, she slowly sank to the floor. The wood flooring felt cool against her

sensitive skin, but it was a welcomed relief. She had literally been fucked limp and she'd loved

every second of it.

The caveman inside Xavier couldn't help but feel a sense of pride as he watched Maryam

sink to the floor, after fucking her damn near through the wall. From the limp and near comatose

look on Maryam's face, Xavier knew he didn't have to worry about her escaping anytime soon.

She looked exhausted. A feeling he was well acquainted with and, as much as it grossed him out

not to immediately take care of the filled condom, he didn't dare leave her there, leaning on the

wall for support. He may not be good with the pillow talk, but at the very least, he knew better

than to leave a lover loved jones on his living room floor.

“Come here.” With a tender smile on his face, Xavier bent down and scooped her into his


Maryam slipped her arms around his neck and held on tight. “Where are we going?”

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“To my bedroom.” Where Xavier planned to keep her more than occupied the rest of the


If Maryam had a comeback for that, she kept it to herself, deciding instead to lay her head

on his chest, leaving all the work to him.

It took less than a minute to get to his darkly painted, sparsely decorated room. When he

did, he placed the sedated beauty on his black bedspread and reached up behind her to unknot the

towel he'd tied around her head. Maryam blinked as the light penetrated her consciousness and

she opened her eyes slowly.

“Better?” he asked as he used the last minute blindfold to remove the used condom from

his penis with one end, then wipe himself clean with the other. “I'll be right back,” he said before

disappearing into the bathroom to quickly clean his damp member. Once he was finished, he

took out a washcloth and wet it with warm water and soap, before making his way back into the

bedroom where Maryam lay. He handed her the towel and watched as she, too, took care of her

body before taking the towel back to the bathroom and tossing it in the dirty clothes hamper.

Once everything was completed, he went back into the bedroom and sat down on the bed

next to her. While he'd been busy disposing of the towel, she'd slipped under the quilts and

placed a few pillows behind her head and back, so she was sitting covered and waiting for his

return. She looked right at home in his bed, a fact that didn't go unnoticed. “Are you okay?” he



He nodded his head. “Preferable.”

“I'm a bit”—Maryam held up her hands and looked around the bedroom briefly before

meeting his eyes once more—“blown away.”

“Why so?”

She placed her hands back on her lap. “I came over to give my soon-to-be-former-

executive-assistant a piece of my mind and instead I end up giving him a piece of tail.”

“Oh I didn't get tail, but don't worry, it's on the list of things to do soon.”

“Oh man.” Maryam shook her head in amazement. “Baby steps. Baby steps. I still

haven't…” She paused to take a deep breath, and ran her hand through her tousled hair. The

action caused her normally neat tresses to stick up a bit, giving her a wilder, sexier rumpled look.

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“Haven't even processed the living room yet and now you're talking about the back door. Slow

your roll, man. I need to breathe.”

“Not going to happen,” Xavier countered. “I've already waited seven years. I don't plan to

wait a second longer.”

“You waited!” Her eyes widened. “Are you telling me this was your plan all along?”

“No, my plan was first to quit, a task you make harder ever day—”

“Thank you.”

“Then,” he continued on with his lie as if she hadn't interrupted him. “Once you were set

up with your new assistant and I was settled in my new job, I was going to approach you in a

civil and logical way.”


“Hell no. As soon as you found someone you liked well enough to hire, I was going to give

you a congratulatory long hard screw on your desk, then kidnap you and take you to a foreign,

technologically unfriendly château in the heart of Ireland, for a much due vacation, and we

wouldn't leave until you were either walking bowlegged or my savings ran out.”

“Are you having money trouble?”

Xavier threw back his head and laughed. “What. What's so funny?” she demanded.

“You are,” he said once his laughter subsided. “I tell you I'm going to screw you on your

desk the second you find someone new, then kidnap you for the weekend for more mindless sex,

and the only thing you can focus on is my bank account.” Just saying it again caused him to

laugh once more. She was priceless. She also wore an expression that spoke volumes of her

opinion on his amusement. Xavier cleared his throat and tried again. “Sorry. It's just funny.”

Maryam's brows drew together in a frown. “No, it isn't. Who are you and what have you

done with Xavier?”

“I'm the exact same man I was this morning in the office. The one who helped hold an

interview. Who went over the spreadsheet and sat in on a call with Tokyo.” Xavier sighed as he

went on to explain. “I'm also the same guy who massaged your shoulders with my hands, then

turned around and massaged your clit with my tongue.”

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“That's exactly what I'm talking about. When did you turn into this domineering-fuck-

someone-against-the-wall-two-seconds-after-they-get-into-your-house-type guy?”

“It was a least five minutes,” he replied dryly, knowing it was probably best he didn't laugh

at her again.

“You're missing my point.”

“No, apparently you've been missing me.” Xavier was quite frankly shocked she still

hadn't figured him out by now or seen through his lie. “I'm the same person you've always

known; you're just learning more about me.”

“And this is the way you get down? Blindfolds, domination games. This is your thing?”

And so obliviously hers as well, but Xavier didn't think she was ready to learn the truth

about herself so soon. Instead he decided to let her in on a little secret. “This is merely the icing.”

“What else is there?”

“I guess you'll have to stick around and find out.”

“I guess I will,” she said with a small smile. “One thing though, we can't do this at work


Xavier didn't like setting boundaries, but if she wanted to play at being in control, he was

game. “If you say so. Are you hungry?”

“I think I worked up a bit of an appetite.”

“Good. Why don't you relax here for a bit, and I'll rustle us up a little something to eat and


“Yes, then…”

Xavier pulled her close, unable to stand not having her in his arms any longer. “We'll let

nature take its course.”

“Nature's course normally involves people being naked.” She reached up to wind her arms

around his neck.

“I'm all about going green.”

She gave a soft chuckle. “Somehow I thought you might be.”

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Chapter Five

Just a few hours later, Maryam reclined nude on Xavier's couch, enjoying a piece of melt-

in-her-mouth cake and the best view for miles around, Xavier reclining next to her, also nude.

When he first mentioned having a bite to eat, she figured sandwiches and chips at best. He

quickly put that delusion to rest when he whipped out a couple of pans and threw together one of

the best pasta dishes she'd ever eaten that didn't come with a check at the end of the meal. More

impressively, he did so without a stitch of clothing on. Then to top it off, he served a dessert he

claimed to have made from scratch the day before, unlike the freezer burn ice cream and stale

cookies she would have offered.

The only thing she could make from scratch was a ball gown. Fancy Italian desserts were

nowhere on her list of abilities.

Damn he was good.

“You know what?” she asked as she sliced another piece off. “I don't think I've ever eaten

Tiramisu naked before.”


“No,” she said before slipping the dessert in her mouth.

He dipped his finger on the side of the cake then sucked it in his mouth. “You've really

been missing out.”

“So I see.” Leaning back on the couch, she took a deep breath. She was stuffed and still a

bit floored by all that occurred in just the last few hours. What confused her the most though was

how right it felt. That right there was the scariest thing of all. Needing to deflect so she didn't say

anything stupid like, “I'm crazy about you,” Maryam focused her attention back on the dessert.

“This is so good.”

“Glad you approve.”

“And you know what the best part is?”

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“No, what?”

“You just had this in your refrigerator. You were like, in the mood for some dessert, bam

here it is.” She passed him the plate and fork so he could enjoy some too. “You know what I

have in my refrigerator? Baking soda and diet coke. That's it.”

Xavier chuckled. “Why am I not surprised?”

“Because you know me so well.”

“I do at that.” The way his voice lowered when he replied made what he said seem more

intimate than she intended. As did the way he looked at her.

Suddenly, Maryam felt a little exposed. She knew it was stupid. They'd just done the nasty

an hour or so ago, and neither of them had put on a stitch of clothing since, but one look, one

little sentence had her feeling as if she were on a billboard in Times Square. Self-conscious, she

pulled her knees to her chest, picked up one of the accent pillow and hugged it to her. “Wow, this

just got a little awkward.”

“Did it?” Xavier placed the plate on the coffee table and sat back on the couch. Unlike her,

he didn't try to cover his body. In fact, from the way he was positioned, arm resting on the back

of the couch, feet flat on the wooden floor, legs spread slightly apart, one might say he was

actually showing off his attributes instead of trying to cover them.

Then again, if she looked like him, she wouldn't wear clothes ever. The lines and shadows

of his body made her fingers itch to pick up a charcoal pencil and pad and sketch him. Maryam

had always thought he was beautiful, the exotic slope of his eyes, the inky blackness of his hair,

and the natural paleness of his skin had entranced her from the moment they first met. But

looking at him now, so self-assured, so devastatingly blessed in all the right areas, simply took

her breath away.


“Hmmm,” she replied halfheartedly, her attention more on the slowly rising flesh between

his legs than the conversation taking place.

“You're staring at my cock.”

“What?” Maryam quickly raised her gaze to Xavier's amused face. Talk about awkward.

She'd been staring at his junk like she'd never seen a penis before. How mortifying. “Oh…sorry.”

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“It's fine.” Xavier smiled and opened his legs up a bit. “I don't mind you looking at me. In

fact I rather like it.”

“You would.” She released her death grip on the pillow and let her legs relax. “Narcissus,”

she muttered as she reached for the plate, amused and embarrassed equally at her actions. “If

you'd put some clothes on, this wouldn't be an issue. Come on, with a body like yours, you have

to expect me to look.”

“I don't expect it, but I enjoy it.” Xavier dropped his casual pose and moved next to her, his

lean side pressed against her bare legs. “I like knowing you enjoy the way I look, that you find

me attractive. Every extra minute I've toiled away in the gym has been worth it, just to see that

look on your face.”

Maryam swallowed hard. Cake forgotten. “Really?”

“Oh yes. I've always taken pride in my physique, but not nearly as much as I do right

now.” His eyes were shining with desire. “I made you speechless. Will wonders never cease?”

“Well prepare to have a big head because just about everything that happened here tonight

is leaving me speechless.”

Xavier took one of her hands in his and brought it down to his cock. “It's getting big all


Yes, it was and growing even bigger by the second. Enraptured with what was going on

between his legs, Maryam forgot all about the cake in her other hand and it slipped. Acting

quickly, she steadied the plate, but not before the last piece of cake slipped off and fell onto her


“Damn it,” she muttered, snatching her hand back to grab the dessert off her breasts. “Can

you get me a towel or a napkin, please?”

“We're going green remember.” Xavier took the plate from her hand and set it on the table.

Xavier brushed his lips softly against her neck before making his way down to her breasts.

Closing her eyes, Maryam tilted her head back, letting out a soft moan as he cleaned all evidence

of her little accident off with his tongue. When he was done, she opened her eyes and looked up

at him. “Thank you,” she whispered.

“Don't thank me yet. I don't think we got it all off.”

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Maryam looked down at her breasts. They seemed clean to her. “Don't think so?”

“No, I think all the topping off the Tiramisu has made you sticky. It might be best if we

take a shower.”

She smiled, liking the direction this was heading. “You do realize though that I was the

only one who got dirty.”

“Yes, but we're being green remember. That means we need to shower, together.”

“That's very environmental of you.”

Xavier stood and offered her his hand. “I try.”

Hand in hand the two of them walked back to his bedroom and from there to his bathroom.

The larger tiled shower dominated the light green room. From the looks of it there would be

more than enough room for the two of them to bathe together. Although from the sultry look

Xavier shot her as he opened the glass door and started the water, washing wasn't the only thing

he planned to do. Despite being ravaged just a short while ago, Maryam's body reacted instantly.

She didn't know where their “relationship” was going, but she planned on enjoying every second

of it while she could.

“Water feels just about right,” he said after a few seconds. He stepped in first, then pulled

her in after him.

He was right. The water felt divine. Stepping under the showerhead, she let out a deep sigh

as the warm water beat down on her.

“Does it feel good?”

“Yes.” A little too good. If she didn't hurry up and get out of there, she was going to melt

away from the pleasure. “Do you have an extra washcloth?”

“No need.” Xavier reached behind her and took down a teal scrunchie and a bottle of liquid

wash from off a shower ledge. “I'll take care of you.”

“You don't have to.”

“Since when have you known me to ever do something I didn't want to?”

“Very true.” Stepping forward to give him a little room to maneuver, she watched as he

poured a generous amount of the soap on the crinkled material, before setting the bottle back on

the ledge. After giving the nylon a few squeezes to make it lather up, he began to wash her.

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Starting on her front, he rubbed the scrubber along her neck, then her shoulders before

moving down to her breasts. Maryam closed her eyes and stifled a soft moan as he brushed the

scrunchie over her nipples, making them rise and stand at attention under the rough yet

surprisingly erotic touch. To her dismay though, he didn't linger long on her breasts, before

moving down to her stomach, then to her legs.

Once he was through with that, he stood back up and ordered her to turn around so he

could work on her back. Maryam remained mum as she did as he requested, too tongue-tied by

the tenderness of his touch to say much. She'd never had another lover bathe her before.

To be fair though, it wasn't because she hadn't had offers, but in life pre-Xavier, she'd only

had room for one love, and that was RAW. She'd slept with men, several good men, but they'd

never been more than a warm partner for a cold night. They didn't touch her in ways Xavier did,

not mentally and not emotionally anyway. That was why, even though part of her felt it was a bit

cheesy to let him wash her, the bigger part of her enjoyed it, because he cared enough to do it.

“Spread your legs,” he said roughly in her ear. “I want to make sure you're clean


When put like that, how could she possible argue?

Xavier put the scrunchie up, preferring to use a more personal touch for this. He lathered

his hands, then with slippery fingers began to caress her between her legs. He left no crook or

cranny untouched, bathing her as intimately and thoroughly as he could. The more he touched

her though, the harder he became, until cleanliness was soon the last thing on his mind.

Moving his hand from her pussy to her ass, Xavier stroked his fingers over her puckered

hole. Maryam jumped, but didn't pull away, as good a sign as any as far as he was concerned.

“Do you like that?” he asked as he teased her back door.

“If I say yes, will you do it some more?”

“If you say yes, I'm going to touch you with more than my finger.”

“I've never…” She looked over her shoulder at him with a mixture of fear and longing in

her gaze. “I've never done that before.”

Although the idea of her being untouched back there was very appealing, he was also

curious as to the reason she'd never had anal sex before. “Why?”

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“Trust issue, I guess.”

Xavier pressed his finger tight against her hole, sinking it into her sweet depths. Her eyes

widened and she gasped, but she didn't ask him to stop. “Do you trust me to take care not to hurt


“I trust you with my life.”

He knew it to be true, but hearing the words from her lips made them all the better. He

wanted her more now than he ever had before. He couldn't wait any longer.

Xavier picked up one of her legs, and placed it on the ledge, then stepped back to admire

the view. “Damn, you're beautiful.”

“I assure you, the feeling is mutual.”

“Thank you.” Taking the liquid soap in his hand once more he slicked up his fingers, then

set the bottle down. Her head was turned to the side, enabling him to see her every expression.

“Are you ready?”

“Yes.” She closed her eyes, then sank her teeth into her bottom lip.

Taking care, he slowly penetrated her tight opening, stretching her one finger width at a

time, to prepare her for his thick length. He kept up the steady pace, adding a second, then a third

finger, priming her until she was taking him in deeper and easier every time.

Xavier had always imagined taking her like this, not necessarily in the shower, but

definitely in this primitive and raw manner. After waiting a few more minutes to make sure her

body was ready to accept him, he pulled his fingers out of her forbidden hole.

Grabbing the soap once more, he quickly readied his cock, making sure it was nice and

slick before moving into position.

“Are you ready, baby?” he asked, needing to know she was as prepared as he was.


“Good.” He grabbed hold of her hip with one hand. “When I push in, I want you to push

out. Do you understand?”


“Trust me,” Xavier whispered, as he centered his cock against her crinkled star with his

free hand. “I'll take care of you.”

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“I know,” she assured him, then gasped as he pushed in.

Closing her eyes, she arched her back, pushing out as he'd instructed her. She reached

behind her and grabbed hold of his arm, squeezing with all of her might as he eased the crown of

his cock past her resisting ring. Slow and steady, he pressed forward until he was buried halfway

inside of her, moaning at the intense heat that greeted him. He paused for a second, then pulled

back before pushing forward again.


He immediately froze. “Am I hurting you?”

“No.” Maryam eased forward a bit, drawing his cock out of her, before pushing back

slowly and taking him back into her body.

Although it was damn near killing him, he held still, allowing her to make it good for

herself. But it was hard. Never had he experienced pleasure as intense as this in his life. She was

so tight, so hot it was almost too much to bear. After a few seconds she stopped moving, and

whispered, “I'm ready, take me.”

So he did. He took over where she left off, pushing his cock almost to the hilt before

withdrawing, then entering her again. He continued, working her up and down his shaft until he

was able to bury his cock balls-deep inside her. He loved the feeling of her small, tight hole

slowly stretching to accommodate his thick dick.

Once he was in completely, he flexed his shaft inside her, his groan almost overshadowing

her own. “How…how does it feel?”

“Good, stretched, filled, but so fucking good.”

Satisfied with her answer, he began to power into her once more. “Do you like having my

dick in your ass?”

“Yes.” She released her grip on him and moved her hands up to her breasts to squeeze her

pebbled nipples. “I love it.”

He wanted to say, “and I love you,” but knew this wasn't the time, even though he felt it

strongly. Instead he channeled all the emotions he had for her on pleasing her, hoping she'd

know on some level how deeply he cared for her even if she wasn't ready to hear it.


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“Please what?”

“Don't hold back. Fuck me. I need you.”

“I have what you need, baby. Right here.” Xavier began to really move inside her, fucking

Maryam's ass as fiercely as he had her pussy only hours ago, all the while muttering sensual

obscenities in her ear, knowing it got his girl off like a rocket.

“That's it. Take my cock. Fuck back on me, baby. Take it all,” he said as he thrust his shaft

in her sexy ass.

“Feels so good. Oh God, yes.”

Christ, he couldn't wait a second longer. Reaching around her hip he slipped his hand

between her thighs and strummed her rock hard clit with quick, hard strokes. Maryam moaned at

the rough touch and pressed back into him, sinking him even deeper in her ass.

The added stimulation was just what she needed to relax and take him with ease. Her body

was accepting him, allowing him the room he needed to fuck her as deeply as he craved. “Not

going to last long,” he warned. Not with as wild as she had him.

“Then come,” Maryam whispered. “I…I…know I am.” The last word gave out to a loud

gasp as she came, bowing her back and crying his name in the process.

Her release triggered his own, and with a guttural groan he pulled out and took his cock in

hand, stroking himself rapidly, until he came in a torrent of seed over her lower back and ass.

“Good Lord,” she gasped, turning around to face him, eyes wide, face flushed with

pleasure. “I…I…don't even know what to say.”

“Say”—he paused to catch his own breath, winded from the power of his release—“say

you're okay and…and that I didn't hurt you.”

Maryam smiled and eased onto the footrest. “I'm more than okay. I'm…there are no


He knew exactly what she meant. Xavier stepped back into the shower and rinsed off a bit.

The water had cooled but it was still plenty warm for them to wash up again. When he was done,

he moved out of the way so she could do the same. “So,” he asked while she was washing, “was

it good for you?”

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“Better than good.” She shook her head as if she was amazed. “In fact, why the hell haven't

we had sex before?”

He could tell she was teasing, but her question hit a little too close to home. Reaching

behind her he turned off the water and pulled her to him. “Because you weren't ready before.”

Maryam looked up at him and licked her lips, as was her way when she was nervous. “You

took a hell of time to go all sentimental on me.”

“If I were too predictable you'd be bored.”

“And we couldn't have that.”

“No.” He smiled. “We couldn't.”

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Chapter Six

“I slept with Xavier.” The words poured out the second her best friend and colleague

opened her door.

Eyes wide, Bianca stepped back so Maryam could enter her penthouse. The svelte, fit

model said not a word as Maryam made her way through the entrance and to the living room area

where the two women had spent hours upon hours chatting about men before.

From the tiny tank shirt and matching boxers Bianca was wearing, Maryam could surmise

she'd either pulled her friend out of bed or caught her on the way to bed. “Fuck, I'm sorry. I

didn't even notice the time.” Maryam glanced down at her watch to rectify that right then and

there, and blanched at what she saw. Where in the hell had the time gone? The last few hours had

blended together into a haze of one thing: Xavier. “Shall I come back later? Perhaps at a time

that doesn't rhyme with sp-eleven?”

“Girl, please.” Bianca waved her hand as if shooing away the words. “There is no way I'm

letting you out of here without you spilling the beans on my former future baby daddy. Now that

you've tainted him with your vagina, I of course can't go there, but that doesn't mean I can't hear

about all the good ways you went there.”

“And man, were they good.” She ran a shaky hand through her hair. God, she was

trembling just thinking about the things they had done. The living room had just been the icing

on the cake.

“Now that's what I want to hear. Spill.” Bianca sat cross-legged on the couch, then patted

the cushion next to her. Her dark brown face was filled with curiosity. “Come on.”

She wanted to, she really did, but first Maryam needed a little nicotine courage. “I need a


“I thought you quit.”

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“I have.” Maryam went over to the fireplace mantel and picked up the white and pink

Louis Vuitton—break in times of emergency—cigarette case she kept at Bianca's house. “Sort

of.” Maryam pulled the case apart and peered down to stare into the empty container. Sighing,

she looked up from the box to her grinning friend. “Xavier?”

“Xavier,” Bianca affirmed with a kind smile. “He came over here two weeks ago and

swept the whole house looking for cigarettes.”

“No.” As much as Maryam wanted to be irritated at his highhanded tactics, she couldn't

help but be amused…and touched.

“'Fraid so, my friend. He walked around, like a man on a mission, and cleaned me out. He

even threw away my own emergency pack.”

“Those too?” Maryam shook her head. “Damn him. He is insufferable.”

“But how is he in bed?”

“Fan-fucking-tastical.” There was nothing romantic or gentle about the way he took

charge, but it had worked for her in ways nothing else ever had. “Oh God. What am I doing?”

Bianca's hazel eyes twinkled with delight. “Bragging.”

“Not bragging, although if I wanted to, I would have loads of reasons why I could. The

man is talented. All the reserve, stoiclike behavior, well, let me tell you something: that shit is a

front. He's animated. Dominating.” When Bianca opened up her mouth to interrupt, Maryam

held up her hand to stop her. She didn't want Bianca to get it twisted. “Not to get confused with

any of that 'call me master' bullshit, but like binding me to the bed with his motherfucking words


Bianca fanned her face with her hand. “Hell if you keep this up, I'm going to need a


“I kid you not, Bianca, great doesn't even come close to being the word. It was beyond

great. It was ahh.” Maryam stared wide-eyed at her best friend, unable herself to comprehend

fully what it all meant. “The best I've ever had. I've never made love with someone who knew

my wants and desires better than I do.”

“And you're surprised?” Bianca looked anything but.

Well that made one of them. “Yes.”

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“Then you're a fool. I mean we're talking about a man who knows you well enough that in

order to help you stop smoking he came to my house and de-cigged me. I mean, that's not about

a man taking care of his boss. That's a man taking care of his woman. You just need to come

clean to yourself. He”—Bianca drew a heart in the air with her fingers—“completes you.”

Maryam plopped down on the couch next to her friend. “Stop, you're going to make me


“Come on. Admit it. Someone went to Oz and got themselves a heart and then you turned

right around and gave it to Xavier. How cute?”

“Shut up.”

“I will, when you tell me I'm right.”

“I admit nothing.” Out loud. To herself, however, Maryam was admitting all sorts of


“Are you afraid you'll get kicked out of NOW if you do? Gloria Steinem is not about to

come bust down your walls because you fell in love. It doesn't make you less of a strong black

woman to have an equally strong man by your side. Hell that might even give you brownie

points for flipping the boss/secretary cliché on its head.”

“It's not that. Honestly. I don't feel weak because I rely on him. I surround myself with

smart people; you're proof of that.”

“Please”—Bianca rolled her eyes and smiled—“I just stand there and let you pin clothes to


“You do more than that and you know it. You give me good feedback. You make my

designs better.”

“Good. Maybe it's time I ask for a raise next time I sit for you.”

“Maybe it is.” Hell, it wasn't as if Bianca didn't deserve it. “Perhaps it's time I start letting

everyone know just how valuable they are. Maybe if I had, Xavier wouldn't still be talking about


“Even after.”

“Yes. Even after. I thought making love would change things for him. Make him realize

he'd be giving up too much if he left.”

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“But instead…”

“It changed things for me,” Maryam admitted out loud and to herself, at long last. “I can

lose him at the company. But I can't lose him from my life.”

* * *

Twelve hours later and Xavier had yet to lay eyes on Maryam. Not only had she snuck out

of his house like a thief in the night while he slept, she'd also done a damn fine job of making

herself scarce at work today. Not that he'd tried too hard to see her. That was just one road he

refused to go down. He wasn't going to chase her like a lovesick fool. That wasn't the way he

was built.

Besides, he'd known Maryam long enough to realize she was running scared and more than

likely she needed some time to think about everything that had happened between them. Unlike

him. After last night he was more convinced than ever.

The way she came undone so beautifully in his arms had been as sure a sign as any that

they were meant to be together. Xavier had been with his fair share of women, and never before

had he experienced half the pleasure he did in Maryam's arms.

The only question now was how long Maryam would take to accept the inevitable. She

was a fighter, and he wouldn't put it past her to battle herself for what she wanted. Xavier could

only hope she'd save them both the unwarranted struggle and give up the battle sooner rather

than later.

“I think we have a problem.”

Xavier looked up from the document he'd blankly been staring at on his computer and into

the worried face of Gracie, Maryam's secretary. Normally the only time Gracie came into his

office was when she needed him to run interference. What was Maryam up to now? “What's


“Maryam asked me to go over the last few applicants and pick out the top three.”

Xavier sat back in his chair and tilted his head to the side, inquisitively. “And you were to

determine who the lucky three were by…”

“Who didn't cry, who seemed less scary, and who seemed the slightest bit intelligent.” She

ticked off in rapid order.

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“Did you make her mad? Is this a punishment?” he asked, slightly amused. Those were the

only two reasons he could think of for Maryam to do such a thing. She had been so dead set

against hiring someone nothing else made sense.

“No,” Gracie said, shaking her head in bewilderment. “That's the weird part. She wants me

to pick them out, then call them in for a second interview. With her.”

Xavier's eyebrows rose in surprise. “Interesting.”

“Is that all you've got, interesting?”

He thought for a moment and nodded his head. “Apparently.”

Gracie placed her hand on her hip. “You know that succinct thing you do?”

Xavier tilted his head. “Yes?”

“It gets old real quick.”

Xavier was taken aback at her snappy reply. Gracie was normally a pretty mellow person,

it took a lot to shake her, but right now, she was looking pretty damn rattled.

“Gracie…” he started, as he rose from his seat.

“Don't Gracie me. Don't you understand what's happening here? She's looking for someone

to replace you. Replace you as in you're going to be required to kick rocks real soon. Whatever

your plan is, for a raise or a bigger office, it isn't working. She's really looking now.”

Apparently someone didn't have quite as pleasant of a night as he had. “That was the plan

when I turned in my notice, Gracie.”

“No.” She shook her head like a petulant child. “I can't believe you're serious about this.

Have you lost your mind?”

“I'm pleased to see it's not just me who's in shock about all this,” Maryam said from the

open door frame. Xavier raised his head and caught her gaze. For a brief moment the rest of the

world disappeared and it was just the two of them. Then Gracie let out a disgruntled grunt and

the moment was shattered. In a blink of an eye, Maryam's professional mask was back in place

as was Xavier's stoic one. Clearing her throat, Maryam stepped farther into the room and glanced

from Gracie to Xavier with a look akin to amusement on her pretty brown face. “Do I need to

even ask what's going on?”

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Xavier stood and walked around his desk. Crossing his arms, he leaned back against the

dark oak. “Gracie is having a meltdown.”

Maryam walked over to her secretary and placed an arm around her shoulder and

squeezed. “I'm not happy about this either, Gracie, but just because mommy and daddy are

separating doesn't mean we're going to love you any less. You'll still be our favorite.”

Gracie shrugged and stepped away from Maryam, dislodging Maryam's arm from around

her shoulders. “Between your sarcasm and his stoicism, I don't know which one of you I want to

kick first.”

Maryam's lips twitched as if she was holding back a smile. “Definitely him.”

“Gee. Thanks,” Xavier said warily.

Their attempt at amusement was lost on Gracie, who continued angrily, “The two of you

apart are never going to work.” She handed the folder in her hand over to Maryam, who took it

warily. “Never,” Gracie reiterated before storming out of the room.

Soooo,” Maryam said as she watched the door slam after Gracie. “Would it be out of

bounds to say I told you so?”

“You told me what?”

Maryam looked back at Xavier. “That your quitting was a terrible idea. Look. You made

Gracie crazy.”

“I doubt that was me.”

“If anyone is getting blamed for making someone cry this time, it's you. If you would can

this quitting crap, everything would go back to normal.”

Xavier arched an eyebrow. “Do you really want everything to go back to normal?”

“So”—Maryam tilted her head to the side and regarded him inquisitively—“is this where

we insert the awkward day-after rhetoric?”

Xavier smiled. He should have known she wouldn't pussyfoot around the subject. “I think

we've known each other too long for that. Just say what's on your mind. You've never had a

problem doing that before.”

“True.” Maryam laughed softly as she made her way over to the door and locked it. She

turned back to face him and leaned back against the door and smiled seductively, sending

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Xavier's cock from limp to hard in a record-breaking four point five seconds. What was his little

hellion up to? “Can you guess what's on my mind?”

Xavier ran his gaze over her tempting body, taking in the scarlet knee length dress she

wore that showed off her curves to a tee. The deep red color complemented her dark brown skin,

as the length did her gorgeous legs. She looked extraordinary and all too tempting for his peace

of mind. “Something tells me it's not our projected growth in the second quarter.”

“Something would be right.” Maryam dropped the folder onto the floor and walked over to

him with a come-hither look in her eyes.

This was in no way how he'd predicted she would act today, but if there was anything

Xavier had learned in the last seven years it was to always expect the unexpected when it came

to Maryam. “And here I thought you were avoiding me.” Xavier uncrossed his arms and rested

his hands lightly on the desktop. Despite his libido urging him to reach out and take what was

his, he held back. He wanted to see just how far she was willing to go.

“Nope, just busy. But I have a free moment now.”

Xavier wasn't sure what had happened between the wee hours when she snuck out of his

house and when she showed up at worked today, but it was obvious something had. And

whatever it was, he liked it. A lot.

“Besides”—she smiled—“you know the door works both ways. You could have easily

stopped by my office.”

“I wasn't the one who snuck out,” he reminded her.

“I didn't sneak.” She stopped in front of him and slipped her hands around his neck. “I just

left…stealthily like.”

“I'll give you points for clever wordplay.”

She rose up on her tiptoes. “Do I get points for oral arguments?”

“Only if they're convincing,” he said, wrapping his hands around her lower waist.

She moved closer to him, until her lips were a breath away from his. “I'll do my best.”

Before he could utter another word, she covered his mouth with hers.

He tightened his hold on her and pulled her tightly against him as he returned her kiss,

letting all the passion and the hunger he felt for her come alive in the simple yet intimate gesture.

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With a moan, she melted into his chest, and allowed him to take over, surrendering herself to

him. He reveled in the feel of her in his arms, the knowledge that she was here, with him now,

the way he'd always wanted her.

Before he could lose his head entirely, however, Xavier broke the kiss. Instead of releasing

her though, he pulled back a bit and looked down into Maryam's lustful eyes. Just when he

thought he knew every little nuance about her, she went and did something completely

unexpected. “I could have sworn you implemented a strict 'no fooling around at work' rule.”

“As the boss, I have the luxury of changing the rules whenever or however I want.”

“Really?” Now there was the Maryam he knew and loved. “That's convenient.”

“Isn't it though?” She took her hands from around his neck and stepped back a bit, then

placed them on his belt buckle. “And since we're at work, do you know what that means?”

“Overtime takes on a whole different meaning.”

“True.” With her gaze centered on his, she slowly unbuckled his belt and opened his

slacks. “But it also means I'm in control.”

“Hmm…” So that's the way she wants to play it. “Does it now?”

“Yes.” She slowly lowered herself to her knees in front of him, then looked up at him and

smiled. The meaning behind that gesture had his cock jerking in response. Maryam on her knees

in front of him was a fantasy too long unrealized. “Do you have a problem with that?”

Not when she asked like that, on her knees, with her full, sexy mouth parted in invitation.

“Not a one.”

Maryam licked her lips as she tugged his black boxer-briefs and slacks down a bit, freeing

his erection to her hungry gaze. “Somehow I didn't think you would.”

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Chapter Seven

His erection was thick and long. The mere sight of it made her mouth water in anticipation.

Aroused, Maryam reached out and took hold of him. His flesh, so pale and hard, looked almost

obscene in her hands and utterly divine. Maryam began to slowly stroke his cock. She was a

tactile type person and it gave her immense pleasure to feel his smooth flesh.

Maryam looked up at him, but kept her hands moving at a steady pace. “This remind you

of yesterday at all?”

“There is a ring of familiarity.” His words sounded almost strained, but still held a hint of


With very little effort, Maryam was willing to bet she could erase all traces of that.

Leaning forward, she swiped her tongue across the head of his cock. The salty evidence of his

desire peppered her tongue, giving Maryam her first taste of Xavier's essence, and it was damn

good. Through lowered lids she stared up at him, putting as much heat and longing as she could

into her gaze. “And are you going to come in my mouth like I did yours?”

“It depends on how good you are.” He no longer sounded amused, only aroused. Just as

she wanted.

“Was that a challenge?”

“Are you up for it?”

“You tell me.” Without hesitation, Maryam parted her lips and engulfed the head of his

cock in the warmth of her mouth. Intent on taking her time to drive him completely and utterly

out of his mind, she didn't automatically swoop down and take him to the back of her throat.

As she'd stated earlier, she was the boss, which meant she had all the time in the world.

Maryam pulled back, and with her head angled up so he could see every move she made,

she slipped her tongue out and swirled it around the crown of his cock. “Hmmm…” She closed

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her eyes for a second and licked her lips, then opened them and focused on him once more. “I

love the way you taste.”

“The sentiment is mutual. I could eat from between your legs all day.”

The last word came out on a gasp as Maryam took him back between her lips, sinking as

much of his thick length into her mouth as she could, before pulling back slowly, then bounding

down again.

Xavier groaned and pushed forward, sawing his hips to and fro as she pleasured him with

her mouth. Putting all the knowledge and the skill she possessed into play, Maryam took her

time, learning how he enjoyed to be sucked. She pumped her hand at the base as she fucked him

with her mouth, quickening her motions, as his groans grew louder. His arousal fueled her own,

causing her to clench her thighs together to give her sex a little relief.

“Fuck.” His harsh whispered word gave her all the evidence she needed to know she was

doing a hell of a job.

Maryam tightened her lips around his shaft, alternated between deep plunges and shallow

sucking, keeping Xavier on edge. She wanted him to come, but she wanted him to suffer a bit


But if his guttural moans were anything to go by, Xavier wasn't exactly suffering. “Ahh…”

Xavier wrapped his hand in her hair and used the dark strands as leverage to control her tempo as

he powered into her mouth. “God, baby. Hmmm. So good.”

Gone was any pretense that she was in charge. With his simple act, Xavier once again

showed his true colors, and put all doubts she might have had about his dominant sexual nature

to rest. Whether she was on her knees in front of him or whether it was vice versa, he was the

one calling the shots. Surprisingly, Maryam had absolutely no problem with it at all.

Letting go of his shaft, she took hold of his muscular thighs to balance herself and opened

not only her mouth, but her mind to him, surrendering herself to Xavier's will. The way he took

charge flat out did it for her. Never in a billion years did Maryam think she could ever be the

type of woman who craved the forceful nature of her man, but she was. And she did.

Even after leaving his side last night, all she could think about while she tossed and turned

in her empty bed was Xavier and the masterful way he'd touched her. After her talk with Bianca,

Maryam had done some intense soul searching, the likes of which she had never done before.

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The only answer she could come up with in regards to Xavier was the old adage, if you love

something set it free. With her first orders of the day to Gracie, she'd started that ball rolling, but

until she could make good on her word, she was going to spend all of her free time and her not so

free time, being selfish and enjoying him to the fullest.

“Fuck.” Xavier pulled her head back, forcing her mouth from around his shaft. “Playtime

is over.”

Breathing heavily, a dazed Maryam stared after his cock as if it were a treat taken away far

too soon. “I wasn't done.”

“Neither am I.” He released his hold on her hair, grabbed her arms with his hands, and

lifted her to her feet. “But as wonderful as your mouth is, your pussy is ten times better.”

His actions were so quick it caught her off guard and left her a bit stunned to say the least.

One second she was sucking cock, the next she was leaning against his desk for support.

Something about that just wasn't right. “That wasn't the deal,” she protested, a bit upset she didn't

get the payoff she'd been promised. Some women complained about giving head, but to Maryam

it was up there with cashmere and chocolate.

“We're renegotiating.” Xavier took hold of the hem of her crimson dress in his hands and

pulled the thin material up until it bunched at her waist. Once that was complete to his

satisfaction, he picked her up and set her down on the desk and roughly spread her legs open.

“Renegotiating.” From the feral look on his handsome face, Maryam could tell that he, too,

was feeling the heavy weight of sexual frustration. “What do you want?”

“Your pussy.” He moved a hand between her splayed thighs and grabbed the crotch of her

soaked panties.

The rough action caused her nipples to harden and her breath to catch. This domineering

thing was working for her on such embarrassing levels. “What do I get?”

Xavier pulled sharply, ripping the delicate material in one move. “My dick in your pussy.”

The sound of the silk tearing only added to the excitement for Maryam. She loved the idea

of making her stoic man mad with pleasure, and despite him not coming in her mouth, she knew

she'd won. His control was shattered. Game. Set. Match. But she was smart enough to keep that

victory to herself, at least to herself for now. “You have a deal.”

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“Then lean back and spread your legs wide for me. I want to see every inch of that luscious

pussy of yours,” he ordered harshly.

Eyes closed, Maryam did as he requested, listening to the sounds he made as he readied

himself for her. The longer it took, the wetter she became from anticipation. Last night had been

a dream come true; she knew it was only going to get better from here on out.

A muttered curse brought her out of herself. Turning her head on the desk, Maryam opened

her eyes and stared at her lover, who was ripping through the foil casing of a condom. She didn't

know where he'd gotten one from, and frankly she didn't care. Right now all she cared about was

the heated look on his face.

“Eager?” She couldn't help but tease. Her cool man was long gone and Maryam wasn't sure

which side of Xavier she liked best. The calm under pressure version she knew and loved or this

hotheaded, aroused, and ready version she was falling just as fast for.

“I wasn't until you walked in here and got all bossy. Nothing turns me on more than

watching you get all feisty.”

Feeling bold, Maryam ran her hands over her dewy-coated sex, then brought her wet

fingers back to her mouth, and licked them clean. “Nothing?”

Xavier froze as he watched her sample her juices. His breathing was now as thick as his

cock. “I might have been mistaken.”

“Maybe. Quick question though, what happened to me being in charge?”

“Did you really think that would last long?” Xavier asked as he sheathed himself for their


“Not at all.”

Xavier took hold of her tightly and pulled her to the edge of the desk. With his cock in

hand, he strummed himself against her hot pussy. “You know me so well.” Before she could

utter another word, he pressed forward and sank his cock within her.

“Jesus.” Xavier clenched his teeth to refrain from uttering obscenities at the top of his

lungs from the intense rush of pleasure that took hold of him just from entering her body once

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more. Her pussy hugged his cock like a second skin, enclosing his hard length in a grip tighter

than any hand ever had.

Sinking into her wet depths cemented within him the feeling this was whom he was

supposed to be with, because every time he slipped his cock inside the warmth of her body, it

was as if his soul cried out he was home. This was finally where he belonged.

Staring down into her big brown eyes, Xavier bit back the words he knew she wasn't ready

to hear quite yet and began to pump slowly inside her. Reaching out, Maryam grasped hold of

his sides and held on to him, neither encouraging him to go faster nor pushing him away. She

simple touched him. And he loved it.

“Feel good, baby? Not too tender?”

Maryam flexed around him, her body welcoming him back. “Hurts in all the good places.”

After last night's loving her body was more receptive to him today, but just barely. She was

still as tight as a fist, but her pussy was more accommodating, forcing him to pump only a few

times before he was able to sink balls-deep inside her. “We can stop,” he offered, even though it

would damn near kill him to pull out now.

She tightened her grip on him. “If you stop now, I'll lose my mind.” She rocked up into

him. “I need you. Please don't make me beg.”

Although the idea of her pleading for his cock was very appealing on so many different

levels, Xavier was too far gone to play that game. “I won't.” With long measured thrusts, he

began to move inside her. “Not this time.”

“Thank God.” Moaning, Maryam released her hold of him and slipped her hands one over

the other through the scoop neckline of her dress, under her bra and grabbed hold of her nipples.

She bit her lip to muffle her moan as she squeezed erect tips.

Watching her take pleasure in herself was the sexiest thing he'd ever seen. Maryam was a

wanton little thing, and she was all his. “Look at you, can't get enough, can you?” Even as he

spoke, he continued to fuck her, punctuating his words with deep, slow thrusts. “You love the

feel of my cock in your hot. Little. Box.”

“More than anything.”

“Do you care who knows? Do you care who might walk in on us?”

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“Locked the door.”

“Answer my question,” Xavier said in a rough tone as he angled her hips to take him

deeper. His downward strokes sped up as he moved her hips in a circular motion so her clit

brushed against him.

“No. I don't care.” Her words got caught on a moan. “Just don't stop.”

“No. Never.” Xavier pulled her up until she was sitting as much on his cock as she was on

the desk. He gripped his fingers into her ass and held on tightly to her as he fucked her with hard,

deep strokes.

“Feels so good. So good.”

“Is this what you wanted, baby? Is that what you needed?”

“Ohh…mmm.” Maryam wrapped her legs around his waist and gripped the edge of the

desk with all of her might. She used it as leverage to meet him thrust for thrust. Her breathing

was erratic, her eyes wide. From the frantic, passionate look on her face, Xavier could tell she

was close to coming.

He pistoned his hips faster back and forth inside her. The need to come was so

overwhelming it damn near blinded him, but he wouldn't give in to his body's demands until he

got what he wanted from her. “Say it,” he ordered harshly again. “Tell me.”

“Yes. God. Yes.”

That's exactly what he wanted to hear. “Then come for me, Maryam. Come.” He rocked

against her, pumping in and out of her hot sex.

His name was a cry on her lips, as she arched up into him and came. Her cries of pleasure

echoed in his ears and sent him over the edge. Closing his eyes, Xavier surrendered to the

onslaught of pleasure that washed over him as he came, grinding his hips into Maryam. His

orgasm ripped through him with an intensity that made him weak and incoherent.

Releasing her, Xavier held on to his desk to steady himself. His body shook above her, as

he fought to maintain his balance. “Fuck…fuck…”

Whimpering, Maryam lay back on the desk. Her body trembled with the aftereffects of her

climax. When Xavier thought he could finally move without his knees giving out on him, he

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pulled out of her and stepped away from the desk. Pulling up his pants, he left them unzipped

and open, leaving his condom-covered cock hanging low and free. “I'll be right back.”

He slipped inside his bathroom, closed the door, and made quick work of cleaning up.

When he opened the door to head back into his office, Maryam was waiting outside the door,

folders in hand.

“Check out the one on top.” She passed him the files, then slipped under his arm and into

the restroom, shutting the door firmly behind her.

Xavier stood there for a second staring after her. Even at her most unpredictable, her

cavalier behavior was strange. Confused, he headed back to his desk. Without looking at the

other two folders, he dropped them to the surface where they'd just made love, before sitting

down in his chair and then perusing the one Maryam had indicated.

As soon as he began to read over the file, Xavier immediately recalled the candidate. The

young man's credentials had been excellent, his demeanor during the interview professional, but

there was something about him Xavier just didn't like.

Something like the way the younger man's eyes had lit up the first time he caught sight of

Maryam, or the way he held her hand too long as he was shaking it, or even the stupid little

anecdote the kid had told during the interview that had brought a brief smile to Maryam's lips.

Those things didn't go over well with Xavier. Not at all.

When the bathroom door opened, Xavier closed the folder and set it on top of the others.

Sitting back in his chair, he watched silently as Maryam, who looked as immaculate as she had

when she first entered the room, walked over to him. She came around his desk to the side where

he sat and leaned back against the dark oak.

“Well,” she said with a nod in the general direction of the file, “what do you think?”

“About what?” he asked casually.

“The candidate. He's lesser of three evils, right?”

“I'm going to have to agree to disagree with you.”

“Agree to disagree.” Surprised, Maryam straightened up. “Did I make a wrong turn out of

the bathroom and enter the Twilight Zone?”

“You must have if you think I'm going to cosign on to this.”

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“What the hell is wrong with you? I thought the role for bitch was already cast by me.”

“What's wrong is you're trying to hire some young kid to do my job.”

“He's not a kid. In fact”—Maryam picked the folder up from his desk—“he's twenty-seven

years old. Way over majority in any country in the land.”

Xavier let out a disgusted snort. “He's not capable of taking out the trash.”

She raised an eyebrow. “You don't know anything about him.”

“Neither do you.” And it was really beginning to annoy the shit out of him that she was

defending this guy.

“I didn't know much about you when I hired you either, and look how well that turned


Was she really comparing him to that…to that Boy Scout? One week with the kid and

she'd be chain-smoking and living off of junk food again. The boy would be too besotted with

her to do his best by her and they both knew it. “The company was at a different place then.

You're on your way to having it all. You can't expect that pencil pusher to have a clue what

you're going to need to keep you afloat while it happens.”

“I don't expect him too. Not alone anyway. I've decided it would be in the best interest of

RAW if I followed your advice and chopped your position into five main components.” Maryam

shrugged her shoulders and spread her arms wide. “I'm going to hire from within, promote

Gracie into your former position, and hire him on as her assistant, because we both know, I'm a

full time job.”

“Problem solved then.” He stood, moving away from her for the safety of them both.

“Well,” she said from behind him. “It will take some time to post the positions with HR

and take care of everything, plus he'll have to be trained, Gracie too in some cases, but I think it

could work.”

“Wonderful. Great.” It looked as if she had everything figured out. The problem was she

was fixing things without including him.

“Somehow when you say that, I don't get the feeling you mean it.”

He turned back around to face her. The anger he felt damn near choked him. “And why do

you think that is?”

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“I'm not quite sure why you're acting this way. In fact, I haven't been able to figure out

why you're doing anything lately.” Maryam placed her hands on her hips and tilted her chin up to

meet his stormy gaze. “You need to make up your mind, Xavier. Do you want to stay or do you

want to go?”

“Right now the only thing I want to do is take you over my lap.”

Maryam went rigid at his words. “You know, all this caveman stuff has been a hoot in the

bedroom. But I'm not in the mood for kidding around.”

“Who's kidding?” Xavier's palm was tingling just from the thought. “Hiring him is a bad

idea. Terrible.”

Furious, Maryam raised her voice. “So is you quitting.”

“Then maybe I won't,” he said through clenched teeth, almost forgetting there for a

moment he hadn't planned on leaving in the first place. Xavier knew he was being unreasonable,

but watching the woman he'd just made love to make plans to hire his replacement was way too

much for one man to bear.

“Good, then I can fire you because you're driving me fucking insane. When you figure out

what the hell you want to do, come find me.” She stormed over to the door and swung it open

before turning back toward him. “I'll be in my office having a cigarette.” Stalking through the

doorway, she slammed it behind her.

“You better not!” he yelled after her through the closed door. How in the world they'd gone

from exchanging body fluids to exchanging harsh words, he'd never know, but if this shit didn't

get worked out and fast, there was going to be hell to pay. Xavier just didn't know which one of

them would be writing the check.

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Chapter Eight

This thinking of others bull crap was for the fucking birds. Could nothing she do please

him? She wasn't any more excited about hiring someone new than he was, but he was leaving her

little choice. It was obvious Xavier was having quitters remorse, but if he wanted to stay, why

didn't he just say so? It wasn't as if she would say no. She'd never wanted him to leave in the first

place. Sometimes it felt as if she would never understand men and the way their crazy minds


Furious, she made her way to her outer office, her focus only on one thing, putting as much

distance between herself and Xavier as possible. The second she entered the room, she fired off,

“Hold my calls,” to Gracie, who immediately stood and made her way over to the door, blocking

Maryam's entrance.


“Umm”—Gracie glanced over Maryam's shoulder nervously—“you have a visitor.”

“A visitor.” Frowning, Maryam turned around and cursed under her breath. Archer. Great.

Just what she needed. “What are you doing here, Archer? I could have sworn we said everything

we needed to say to each other yesterday.”

“Obviously not.”

His eyes were wild and clearly unfocused. A sure sign of bad things to come. Maryam let

out a heavy sigh. As much as she didn't want to deal with Archer and his bullshit right now, she

knew if she tried to send him away in this condition he would go ballistic and cause a scene,

which was the last thing anyone wanted. It was bad enough she was mixing business with

pleasure with Xavier. She didn't need to put more of her dysfunctional life out there for everyone

to see.

“Let's go in my office.” Gracie stepped to the side, allowing Maryam room to open the

door. Without saying a word, Maryam gestured for Archer to precede her into the other room.

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Once he did, she turned back to her assistant and spoke in a lowered voice. “Give us five

minutes, then come in. Make up an excuse. I don't care what, but I don't want to be in there with

him all damn day.”

“Do you want me to go in with you now?” Gracie whispered.

“No.” Although the idea was appealing, Maryam knew how unpleasant Archer could be

when he was strung out and she didn't want to subject Gracie to that. “I'll be fine. But five

minutes and not a second longer.”

“You got it.”

Maryam took in a deep breath, then entered the room, closing the door softly behind her.

“So to what do I owe this pleasure? Two days in a row. That has to be a new record.”

“I'm no happier to be here than you are to have me here.” Archer slipped his hand in his

black pants pocket and pulled out a pack of Marlboros. He tapped the small red and white box on

his hand, prompting a cigarette to pop out the small hole on top. In an uncharacteristic act of

chivalry, he offered it to her first. “Want a smoke?”

More than she wanted to take her next breath, but Maryam held strong. “No, thank you,

and I prefer if you didn't light up in here either.”

“You quit?”


“Won't last,” he said, but to her surprise he pressed the cigarette back down into the box

and put the pack back in his pocket. “Lord knows I've tried a billion times myself.”

No surprise. Archer wasn't one who won many battles with his demons. Irritated by his

interruption, she made her way over to the small refrigerator in the corner of her office and took

out two bottles of water. She could have poured them drinks, Lord knew she needed one, but he

didn't. Not now especially. With bottles in hand, she walked over to Archer and handed him one,

before stepping back and then opening her own container. She took a quick drink, before getting

to the heart of the matter. “What do you want, Archer?”

“Same thing I wanted yesterday,” he said with a shaky smile. “A loan.”

“No,” she said without hesitation.

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“You know”—Archer slammed the bottle down on her desk—“I'm damn tired of hearing

that word from you.”

“And I'm tired of saying it. I'm not loaning you money. Dad's not loaning you any money.

Stop asking.”

“Dad.” She could practically see the veins in his forehead popping as he repeated the word.

“Have you two been talking behind my back?”

“No.” Maryam silently cursed herself for her stupidity. “I'm just telling you how it is.”

“So now you're the boss of him too, huh? Telling him what to do with his money, my


“Your money?” She snorted in derision. “You didn't earn anything. Noel did, and he

doesn't have to give you a cent if he doesn't want to.”

“Why shouldn't he?”

“Because you'd blow it just as you have before. Come on, Archer. He's bailed you out

more times than the government has bailed out the banks. What more do you want from him?”

“Money, goddamn you. The same amount he gave you.”

It was the same thing he'd tried to hold over her head for years. “That was years ago and I

paid him back every dime. With interest.”

“Don't think I don't know it. The smug bastard reminds me every time I see him.” He

picked up the bottle of water and gave a vicious twist to the cap.

Maryam bristled. “Don't talk about him like that.”

“He's my father, God damn it, not yours.” Tilting back the bottle, he took a slug of the

water before slamming the bottle back on her desk again. Drops of the clear liquid rained over

her desk.

“Are you really going to bring up all these silly childhood insecurities? Let it go.”

“You let him go. Your mother had nothing when she married him. Less than nothing. My

dad was the reason you went from rags to riches. He made you what you are today. Why won't

he do the same for me, his own flesh and blood?”

“Because any money he gives you will go straight up your nose. You're strung out and

everyone knows it.”

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“Rags to Riches. Rags to Riches.” He continued as if she hadn't spoken a word. “That

should have been the name of your filthy underwear line. Rags to Riches. How to entrap a man

with rags in order to get to his riches.” He paused and stared wide-eyed at her. “Is that it? Is that

how you got Daddy's money? Did you sleep with him, tramp?”

Maryam shook her head, unable to understand how he could be this way. “You sicken me.

Noel is my father too. I would never—”

“No, not your father. My father. Mine. Just like his money is all mine.”

Looking at him, Maryam wondered if she'd ever really known who he was. Archer had

always seemed a bit off, but not this off. Drugs were more than ruining him, they were killing

him. “You need to leave.”

“When I get what. I. Came. For.”

“Fine, Archer, you want money. I'll give you money.” Maryam rounded her desk, set her

bottle down, and opened the top drawer. She fiddled around inside for a few seconds before she

found her checkbook. Taking it out, she slammed her drawer closed and opened the book. “How

much is rehab running these days? Two, three grand.”

“I don't need rehab.” Archer picked up his water bottle and threw it at Maryam, who neatly

dodged it as she ducked out of the way.

“The hell you don't!” she yelled. It was the one thing he needed above anything else. “You

know it and I know it. Wherever you want to go, I'll pay for, but that's the only way you're

getting money from me.”

“You are such a selfish, uncaring bitch.”

Maryam nodded her head as she slowly closed her checkbook. “You're right. I'm a bitch,

but I'm not selfish or uncaring. Take this offer, it might be the last time you have the


“You need to stop telling me what to do.” Archer rounded the desk, faster than Maryam

could have thought possible, and grabbed her arms in his hands. She didn't even think about

trying to break the hold. He was trying to scare her and she wasn't going to allow him to succeed.

“Let me go.” She kept her tone firm and her gaze steady on his. She would not be bullied

by him.

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“Stop telling me what to do!” he yelled, his faced blotched with rage.

Eyes wide, Maryam began to rethink her game. He wasn't trying to scare her. He was

succeeding. “Graci—”

“Just stop. Stop. Stop.” He shook her hard back and forth, causing her neck to jerk back

and pain to radiate down her back. “Always with the smartass comments. Always talking. Never


The only person she wanted to help right then was herself. “Damn it, let me go. Or I swear

to God, I'm going to scream.”

“Always telling me what to do. But it won't work.” His rant had nothing to do with what

she was saying, and she couldn't help but wonder if he even heard. “I'm in control now, and

you're going to do what I say.”

“If I were you”—Xavier's voice was heavy with anger—“I'd let her go right the fuck now.”

Startled, Archer released Maryam. The abrupt movement caused her to fall back but she

was able to catch herself before she hit the floor.

“What the hell are you doing, man?” Xavier demanded as he stormed over to where Archer

stood, looking lost and confused. “You could have hurt her.”

Archer jerked his arm out and pointed to Maryam, who was backing away slowly from the

two men. “She deserves it. Fucking bit—”

Before Archer could get the insult out, Xavier drew back his fist and sent it flying into

Archer's nose, knocking the other man down with one punch.

“Xavier.” She gasped.

Xavier didn't spare Archer a single look. Instead he stepped around the man as if he wasn't

even there, reached for Maryam, and pulled her into his arms. “Baby, are you okay?” The words

rumbled from deep within his chest, filling her with a sense of peace and comfort.

“Yes. I'm fine. He's just…wow.” She didn't even have the words to describe everything

that was wrong with Archer.

“Security is here,” Gracie said, coming in the room with two men in uniform following

quickly behind her. “He's over there.” Her assistant pointed to Archer, who was curled up into a

ball on the floor. “Get him out of here.”

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“No. Wait.” Maryam pulled back from the comfort of Xavier's arms and stepped away

from him to go to her stepbrother.

Xavier caught her hand and held on. “Mar—”

She looked over her shoulder and squeezed his hand, silently thanking him for his support.

Xavier, knowing her better than anyone else, let her go, all the while instilling in her the

knowledge he was always there for her. No matter what angry words they'd spouted just minutes

ago, there was “a them,” and they were going to work it out, whether he worked for her or not.

But right now, she had to deal with her family.

Sighing, she sank to the floor next to Archer, who was holding his nose and crying as if his

heart was broken. His tears weren't those of a man who just got clocked, they were far worse,

filled with despair and pain. “Call an ambulance and my father.” She patted her stepbrother on

the back awkwardly. “I think we need to get him to the hospital.”

* * *

Xavier didn't think it was possible for him to fall even more in love with Maryam than he

already was. Seeing her in danger hadn't done it. Xavier knew he could have broken every single

bone in Archer's hand before the other man could even manage to raise it to strike Maryam. So

on that account, nothing had changed. But watching his woman, his balls-busting, no shit-taking,

warrior of a woman, put aside all of her well earned hostility and anger and offer Archer the help

he needed, had.

Not only did she stay with her stepbrother until the ambulance arrived, she also rode over

to the hospital with Archer. And when the doors closed, Xavier could see she was still holding

her brother's hand.

Two hours later, she'd switched hands, now holding on to that of her stepfather as Xavier

stood across the hall, giving them some space but making his presence known nevertheless. This

was a time for family and whether she knew it or not, that included him. She was his and, fight

or no fight, he wouldn't, couldn't leave her side, especially at a moment such as this.

Closing his eyes, Xavier leaned back against the wall, chanting softly for peace and

tranquility and trying not to think too hard on how good it felt to knock the shit out of Archer.

Xavier knew it was wrong to enjoy causing someone who was so obviously unwell pain, but the

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bastard had put his hands on Maryam. Sick or not sick, he had it coming. Just thinking about the

punch brought a grin to his mouth, as did the image playing over and over again in his head.

“I would say from that evil little smile you're wearing, you're not thinking get well


Xavier chuckled and opened his eyes. Despite the very draining ordeal Maryam had been

through tonight, she still looked beautiful to him. “Well, I was thinking of Archer, I guess that


“The question is, what were you thinking about Archer?”

“Do you really want to know?”

“No.” She laughed softly. “Probably not.”

“Where's Noel?” he asked, noticing for the first time that the elderly man was no longer in

the plastic red seats across the way.

“He's going to head home. He suggested we do the same. There's nothing more we can do

here tonight. They're going to keep Archer for observation overnight, and if things go right,

they'll transfer him to the rehab center tomorrow.”

“Let's hope it takes this time.”

“From your lips to God's ears.”

Maryam sounded exhausted and it tore at his heart. “You've had a rough day, baby.”

“Who are you telling?”

“Let's get you home.” Wrapping his arm around her body, he led her past the bank of

elevators, then past the security table, to the electric doors leading outside.

They walked in silence to the parking lot, with her leaning her head against his shoulder

the whole time. “You know what,” she said once they neared the car. “To make matters worse, I

had to fire my best employee today for being a big ass baby. Today was not a good day.” She

paused for a second before continuing with a small smile. “Well some parts were, but it barely

makes up for the parts that bit.”

“That does sound pretty bad.” Xavier stopped in front of his car and hit the alarm button on

his key fob to unlock the car. “But I'm sure if you give him another chance, he'll try his best to

make it up to you.”

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“I have to say, I'm still not sure he wants to stay. Yet I'm not sure he wants to go either.”

“He sounds…confused.”

“He's not the only one, but I think I've stumbled on the perfect thing to put on the

negotiation table. I'm going to make him an offer I think he would be foolish to refuse.”

“It's not a raise, or stock or something crazy like that.” Lord he hoped she didn't think it

was about money. If so, they were in more trouble than he realized.

“No.” Maryam walked over to the passenger's door and leaned back against it. “I'm going

to offer myself.”

“Your…self?” Xavier's brows ruffled in confusion. “You mean offer me sex not to quit.”

“No, I'm going to offer you my heart, and do something I should have done weeks ago.”

She had him at heart, but that didn't mean he didn't want to hear more. He walked over to

her and stopped when he was standing directly in front of her. “What?”

“I should have just asked you not to leave me. I should have said, 'Xavier, love of my life,

please don't quit.' Because I think that would have had us avoiding a lot of problems.”

Xavier closed his eyes, guilt filling him at the pain in her words. His plan to get her to

admit her feelings for him was beginning to seem extremely childish in the light of day,

especially compared to everything else she had to deal with right now. Ashamed, he opened his

eyes and reached for her hand. “Mar—”

Maryam placed her index finger over his mouth to silence him. “Stay. Not because I need

an assistant slash life coach slash bodyguard slash ass kicker from time to time.”

He smiled behind her finger at her description of his job. All very accurate and true.

“Stay because”—she paused for a brief second and licked her lips as if she needed the last

few seconds to get the courage to say what she wanted to say—“stay because I need you. Period.

In my life. In my bed.” Her intense gaze bore into his. “In my heart. Stay because you love me

and because I love you.”

Xavier pushed her hand away so he could speak. “You think I love you.”

“I know you do. There's no way you would have stayed by my side all these years if you

didn't. I sign your paychecks, man, you don't make that much money. Not enough to get after me

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for not eating right, and not nearly enough to rob my friends of their nicotine just to try to help

me kick the habit.”

“Went searching there, did you?”

“I did and I'm telling you, I don't pay you half as well as I should, especially with the super

service you deliver day in and day out.”

“I make enough, but money isn't why I stay.” Xavier looked away for a second before

meeting her gaze once more. “And it wasn't why I said I was going to leave. I didn't do those

things for you because it was part of an ever-expanding job list. I did them because I enjoy

taking care of you.”

“I get that now. I really do, which makes what I have to say all the more important.”

It was his turn to cut her off. “Honestly, baby, you don't have to say any of this. I'm not

quitting. I never was, I just…” He paused to search for the right words, but Maryam beat him to


“Wanted me to see you.”

“Something like that,” he admitted. “But less girlie.”

“I think I knew that all along.”

“Then what was up with boy wonder and talks of restructuring my position?”

“Just some help to lighten the load. You know me. I like to be prepared, even if it's for a

broken heart.”

“I'm not going to break your heart.”

She tilted her head to the side and smiled. “I know.”

“And if we hire someone to lighten the load, it won't be some kid who stares at you like

you invented the Internet. I'd hate to toss him out the window when you weren't looking.”

“He wasn't a kid,” she said, laughing lightly.

Xavier didn't give a rat's ass how old he was. “He's not getting within a foot of you.”

“I never knew you were so possessive. I think I kind of like it.”

“You would.”

“Then again, there's not much I don't like about you.”

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Lena Matthews

“Well, I am charming.”

“And a very good liar,” she said with a mocking frown. “I really thought I had lost you

there for a while.”

“You couldn't get rid of me if you tried,” he teased as he lovingly ran his thumb on the

underside of her chin, before tilting her face up to his.

“Can I get that in writing?”

“If you want.” He brushed his lips across her in a fleeting yet tender kiss. “You are the

boss after all.”

“Does that mean you're not quitting?” she asked, with a hopeful grin.

“I'll stay if you still want me.”

“You have no idea how much I want you.” Licking her lips, Maryam reached out and

cupped him through his slacks. Her bold move blessed him and his cock, which began to respond

to her touch. “But it won't be easy for either of us. You know I'm stubborn.”

“I love that you're stubborn.”

She moved her hand up and down his rapidly growing shaft. “You know I think I'm right

the majority of the time.”

“To be fair you never pout when you're proven wrong.” He pressed forward, so she was

forced to touch his cock harder, as he preferred.

“This might cause tension at work, you know working together, playing together.”

Xavier placed his hand on top of hers, to stop the sweet torture for a second. “Then we'll

work through it.”

“I can't help but worry a bit that I'm going to do something to screw this up. You know


“I do know you. The good you, the bad you”—he smiled for a second before continuing—

“the naughty you.”

“That's a lot of me's.”

“And I love every last one of you. I signed on for keeps and that's what I want. You. For


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The Good, the Bad, and the Naughty


“Then you have me.” She slipped free of his hold on her and reached up to brush the back

of her knuckles against his cheek.

He took her hand in his and laid a soft kiss on the back. “Then I have all I could ever

want.” He tilted his head to the side as if in thought. “And maybe an extra week or so of vacation

to spend with you, away from the boardroom.”

“As long as we spend it in a bedroom I think you might be able to convince your boss. You

should take it up with her tomorrow morning. Right now”—she looped her arms around his neck

and peered up at him, smiling—“I'm off the clock.”

“And I'm clocking in.” He brought his hand down firmly on her behind. The sharp smack

caused her to gasp and release her hold on him to rub at her bottom. Laughing, Xavier opened

the car door for her once more and gestured for her to enter, which she did without a word of

protest. “I can get used to this. You work me hard at the office, and I'll work you harder in the


Maryam waggled her brows as she sat down in the passenger seat. “Sounds like a win-win

to me.”

“I couldn't agree more,” he said with a smile before closing the door behind her. Xavier

knew their relationship would never be that of the average Joe's, but it would be one that worked

for them and at the end of the day that was all that mattered. With love on their side there was no

way either of them could lose.

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Loose Id Titles by Lena Matthews

For Love's Sake Only

He's So Shy

Loving Lola

Season of Love


The Blacker the Berry


Co-written with Lena Matthews

Logan’s Temptation

Steven’s Salvation

Lily’s Surrender

Helen’s Release

Sweetest Taboo

Body & Soul

“Into Temptation”

Part of the anthology Wild Wishes

With Stephanie Burke and Eve Vaughn

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Lena Matthews

Lena Matthews spends her days dreaming about handsome heroes and her nights with her

own personal hero. Married to her college sweetheart, she is the proud mother of two children,

three evil dogs, and a mess of ants that she can't seem to get rid of.

When not writing she can be found reading, watching movies, lifting up the cushions on

the couch to look for batteries for the remote control, and plotting different ways to bring Buffy

back on the air.

Document Outline


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