Shawn Lane The Naughty Ones

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The Naughty Ones


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The Naughty Ones
Copyright © 2010 by Shawn Lane

All rights are reserved. No part of this work may be sold,
manipulated, or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without
written permission from the author.

Cover Artist: Ava March

Published by
Shawn Lane

This is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places and
incidents are products of the writer’s imagination or have been
used fictitiously and are not construed to be real. Any
resemblance to persons, living or dead, actual events, locale or
organizations is entirely incidental.

This work contains sexually explicit scenes and graphic language
and may be considered offensive to some readers. Intended for
adult audiences only. Not intended for anyone under the age of
18. Please store your books wisely, where they cannot be
accessed by under-aged readers.

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Chapter One

Christian gazed out the window at the snow, a shiver
running through him. Constant bone-chilling weather was
one of the major reasons he hated the North Pole. That and
his unrequited love for his fellow Christmas Elf, Alistair.
He was seriously considering handing in his resignation
once the season ended.

He reached up and adjusted his pointy Elf cap, which

had started slipping off his blond curls. Again. He envied
Alistair for being brave enough to refuse to wear the
regulation Elf attire. The Head Elf, Gabriel, had so far not
forced the issue. Once Christian had shown up for an Elf
meeting without his cap and Gabriel not only noticed, but
gave him extra work as punishment.

There was no hope for it, he had to go out into the

elements. He fastened his bright red cape firmly and headed
for the double front doors of Santa Claus' Castle. As soon
as he stepped outside the icy wind whipped against his
face. He squinted and turned so the wind was at his back.

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About a hundred yards across the courtyard stood the

Work Shop where the Christmas Elves toiled right up until
Christmas Eve making toys, ornaments, fruitcake, and other
holiday treats. In the blinding snow and frigid wind, the
Work Shop seemed miles away. Christian hoped his special
tread Elf boots would keep him from slipping as he hurried
toward the building.

His hand on the door of the shop, he froze. He

recognized the voice behind the bellow, of course. Gabriel.
The crunch of boots on the snow had him turning to face
his boss. Barely keeping the wince off his face, Christian
couldn't manage a friendly smile. "Sir?"

His muscular arms crossed in front of his chest,

Gabriel loomed over him and glared. At over six feet tall,
he stood a couple of inches taller than most of the other
Elves. Probably three or four inches above Christian's own
five foot eight inches. Gabriel's Elf cap sat on his dark
brown head perfectly. His long, thick hair had been braided
with red, green and gold thread. His eyebrows were
sculpted, his lashes lightly dotted with flakes of snow, his
cheeks red from the cold. His emerald green eyes flashed
fire. "How many times have I told you no running on the

"I-I-well—" he stammered. Of course. He always

stammered around Gabriel. He hated making a fool out of
himself, but he always did.

"It's dangerous."
"I have the special tread boots on," Christian said.

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"They've been known to fail. Nothing is perfect,


Except you, apparently.
"It's also behavior unbecoming an Elf," Gabriel


"It's cold out here, sir. I wanted to get inside the shop

as quickly as possible."

Gabriel smirked. "And yet, here you still are." He

leaned forward and straightened the red cape Christian
wore. His gaze raked over him. "Are you wearing your
thermal underwear under your clothes?"

It shouldn't sound sexual coming from Gabriel,

someone he didn't even like, but the way Gabriel dropped
his voice, low and rumbly, sent a jolt straight to Christian's
cock. He licked his lips and swallowed. "Um, no. I loaned
them to someone else and he never gave them back. I
haven't been able to get a new pair made. Everyone's too
busy with Christmas."

"You shouldn't have loaned them out. I'll see if I can

arrange for you to get a new set." Gabriel shook his head.
"No more running. What are you doing this afternoon? You
aren't late for a task, are you?"

"No. I'm stringing beads for garland. We didn't have to

report until later today." He hated feeling so inadequate, but
Gabriel had that effect on him.

"Very well. Come by my office when you're done,"

Gabriel ordered.

Gabriel reached past him and put his gloved hand over

Christian's. He jumped at the contact, but Gabriel just

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turned the handle and opened the door to the shop. "After

Christian bit back the response he wanted to make,

which was to ask why he had to report to Gabriel's office.
He had a feeling questioning the boss wouldn't go over too
well. Besides, as soon as he stepped inside, he saw Alistair
coming down the hallway toward him. He straightened
immediately, his hand going to his hair. "See you later, sir,"
he said, absently, moving off toward his friend.

Alistair was not alone. With him was another male Elf,

Kent, and a red-haired female Elf, Jasmine. Alistair, his
brown head bare of his Elf cap —naturally— had his arm
wrapped around Jasmine's waist. Their laughter echoed
through the hallway. Trying not to show his crushing
disappointment, Christian smiled.

"Hi there."
Alistair and the others stopped. He grinned, his brown

eyes sparkling merrily. "Hey, Christian. I haven't seen you
all day."

"I had the morning off."
"Lucky. We were just going to go down to the

Gingerbread Café for some snacks. You want to come?"

Yeah, of course he did, but he also knew he couldn't.

He had a job to do and besides he was pretty sure Gabriel
still lurked somewhere behind him, waiting, watching…

"I really want to, but I'm due in the garland room."
Jasmine smiled and patted Christian's arm. "That's too

bad, Chris. Maybe next time?"

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He forced his own smile not to falter. He did not like to

be called Chris and he was fairly certain Jasmine knew it,
too. "Maybe. Have fun."

Kent and Jasmine moved away, heading down the

hallway toward the Gingerbread Café, which was down at
the end of the Work Shop, but Alistair lingered.

"Sorry, Christian. Maybe see you later tonight?"
"Sure, maybe."
"I wanted to talk to you about Jasmine actually."

Alistair's grin widened, if possible. "I know she's not your
favorite Elf, but… well, you're my best friend and
everything, so can you give her a chance?"

He swallowed, hoping his heartbreak didn't show.

"You're getting serious then?"

"I think so. Yeah. Can you cut her some slack?"

Alistair looked so hopeful.

"Of course."
"Alistair, come on," Jasmine called to him.
"I'd better go. Listen, later we're going to the canteen,

so after your shift, why don't you meet us there?"

He nodded. "Sounds great. See you there."

* * * *

It wasn't until he was seated at a table, ale in hand, that
Christian remembered he was supposed to report to
Gabriel's office. He'd hear about it the next day, he
supposed. Gabriel's office was in Santa's Castle, as were all
the Elf quarters. He hadn't even gone back there before
going to meet his friends at the canteen.

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Now, he was on his fourth ale and feeling no pain.

Seated at the table with him were Kent, the slightly plump
Elf who'd been with Alistair and Jasmine earlier, and Carl,
a bald Elf that Christian had known since first coming to
the North Pole. Alistair and Jasmine were on the dance
floor rocking out to the loud rock song the canteen's band

Carl took a sip of beer from the long-necked bottle.

"You look like maybe you've had enough."

"Only four," Christian mumbled. He gestured to the

passing waitress for another. "Less than you."

"I can handle mine better." Carl shrugged. "Just a little

longer now and the Christmas season will be over for
another year."

Kent paid them little attention. He faced the band,

tapping his feet to the music and drinking an Irish Coffee.

"And then I have a decision to make," Christian said.
Carl frowned. "What decision?"
"I think I'm going to resign."
Kent's head swiveled so fast in his direction Christian

was surprised it didn't keep turning. "What?"

"Yeah, what?" Carl echoed.
"Being a Christmas Elf is great and all." Although

honestly, stringing those little wooden beads for the garland
earlier that day had stained his fingers Christmas red, and
he wasn't too thrilled with that. "But, I don't know. I'm
thinking it's just not for me."

"What else would you do?" Kent demanded. "Where

else would you go?"

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The waitress plopped down another ale and he took a

big sip before answering. "I was thinking of going to work
in Los Angeles or maybe New York."

"New York?" Kent's face contorted with disgust.

"What would you do there?"

"I don't know. Get a job, just like anyone else."
Carl gestured with his bottle to Christian's pointy ears.

"You'd have to hide those all the time."

"I know. And there are Elves who do that now. Not

everyone works for Santa."

"There's a huge waiting list of Elves who want to work

here and you're going to throw it away?" Kent tsked.

Christian scowled. "I'm just thinking about it for now. I

haven't decided for sure. Although, I've heard of a plastic
surgeon who will alter our ears pretty cheap."

Carl choked on his beer. "Alter our ears? That's a bit

drastic, mate."

"It's better than standing out."
"I would never leave," Kent muttered, going back to

watching the band, his Irish coffee temporarily forgotten on
the table.

Christian's gaze strayed to Alistair and Jasmine

gyrating to the music, their pelvises grinding together, their
lips fused. He definitely should have skipped the canteen
tonight. Should have gone to the castle and found some
Christmas Spirit to lighten his mood.

Just then a pretty brunette Elf wearing a red and green

plaid miniskirt approached Carl and begged him to dance
with her. And of course, he agreed.

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Shaking his head, Christian downed the rest of his fifth

ale and then finished off Kent's Irish Coffee, which he'd set
on the table half-finished. When he noticed a bit of beer left
in Carl's bottle, he finished that too.

He realized, pretty quickly, he didn't feel so good. The

room swayed and spun. His stomach gurgled. Gripping the
table, he tapped Kent on the arm.

"I'm going to go back to the castle."
"All right. Good—" He stopped as his gaze took in his

empty glass. "What happened to my drink?"

"You finished it. See you later." Still holding on to the

edge of the table, Christian managed to stand, barely. His
head swimming, he turned in the direction of the doors
leading outside. He'd feel better as soon as he got some air.
Even snow would be welcome at this point. Anything to get
out of the stuffy, sweaty canteen.

Finally, he reached the heavy glass door, flung it open

and stumbled outside. Freezing air hit him immediately,
stealing his breath. The snow had momentarily stopped, at
least. He took a step, then two. He leaned against a
lamppost and closed his eyes.

A throat cleared.
Christian opened his eyes with no little reluctance

since he was pretty sure he knew who stood before him.

The man was no longer dressed in Christmas Elf attire,

but rather wore a forest green shirt and cape with black
pants and boots. His dark hair was also no longer braided
but hung thick and glossy down his back, with some of it
draped in front over his shoulders. Looking more like a

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warrior than a jolly Christmas Elf, all Gabriel needed was a
sword to complete the image.

"You didn't come to see me after your shift, Christian."

His tone was icier than the wind that blew around them.

He straightened away from the post and planned to

have his story ready, whatever that was, but he moved too
quickly and his foot slipped, pitching him forward and then
down onto his knees with a hard smack.

"Are you all right?" Gabriel asked, crouching down to

meet his gaze.

"I feel sick." And he wretched all over the Head Elf.

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Chapter Two

"I can't believe you puked on the Head Elf." Alistair shook
his head and took a sip from the red and green plaid mug he
held in his hands.

They were seated in a corner booth of the Gingerbread

Café, waiting for their shifts to begin.

Christian closed his eyes and wondered how he would

ever get through the day with a raging headache. His
temples throbbed. His forehead throbbed. The back of his
damn head throbbed. "Believe it. Only I could do
something so stupid."

"What did he say? What happened next?"
He frowned, wishing Alistair would take a breath and

stop chattering like a chipmunk. "I don't know. That's the
problem. One of many, actually. I blacked out after that. I
woke up in my bed."

"Wow. I had no idea you were so drunk. I didn't have

that much, because I spent most of the night dancing."

With Jasmine. Yeah.

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He forced his eyes open and picked up his own mug.

He had one with a drawing of a reindeer painted on it. No
red nose, of course. He took a fortifying sip of the
peppermint coffee. "I'm definitely in for it today."

"Do you think he brought you to your room himself?

Or someone else?"

"No idea. I was still wearing my clothes from

yesterday, but the sheets and down blanket were tucked
around me."

"That sounds like too sweet a gesture for Gabriel,"

Alistair said.

He nodded. "I just hope Santa Claus doesn't hear about

it. I might not have to make the decision for myself after

"Decision? What decision?" Alistair stuffed a bite of

pumpkin muffin in his mouth.

Christian shrugged. "I'm sort of thinking this might be

my last Christmas here. With what happened last night,
maybe I won't even make it past Christmas."

"You can't leave." Alistair looked crestfallen. "You're

my best friend. Who's going to be my best man if I marry

"Marry Jasmine? So, it is very serious, then." He

somehow managed to keep the dismay from his face. He
thought so, anyway.

Alistair smiled. "I'm really in love with her, Christian."
"That's fantastic, Alistair. Congratulations. She feels

the same way, I can tell." The truth was, he had no idea, but
he knew he should say something like that.

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He'd never really had much hope of ever having a

relationship with his best friend. Christian liked men and
Alistair liked women. It couldn't get any simpler than that.
At least Alistair had always accepted Christian being gay.
Some Elves snubbed him.

"I think she does, too. We haven't, you know, said it

yet, but I think it's coming." Alistair checked his
wristwatch. "We should probably get going. I've got tinsel-
making today. What about you?"

"Wreaths, I think." Christian slid to the edge of the

booth and stood. He left a couple of gold coins on the table
for a tip. "I'm just going to try to get through the day
without any trouble and then I'm going straight back to the
castle and my quarters."

They left the café and Alistair headed down the left

corridor toward the tinsel shop. Christian had maybe ten
minutes left, so he went to the door leading outside to get
some fresh air. He hoped it would ease the hangover.

It had only just started snowing, light and fresh

smelling, but the air was bitterly cold as usual. If he did
resign or get sacked, he would make it his goal to find
employment somewhere warm.

Sometime today, Christian suspected, he would have a

command performance in front of Gabriel. He wouldn't be
finished stringing ribbons through wreaths until later in the
afternoon, but he guessed the summons would come by

Sighing with regret, he inhaled one last breath of fresh

air before heading back inside.

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* * * *

Gabriel steepled his fingers and studied Christian as he
stood before his desk. A yellowish blotch stood out on the
young Elf's red and green striped uniform shirt. Gabriel
suspected it was a coffee stain. His red pants looked slept-
in, and the knee-high green boots badly needed polishing.
Of course, the red and green cap was crooked, with the
little gold bell hanging off the back of his head. The Elf
obviously still felt the effects of his overindulging the night

Christian seemed to be doing his best to stand straight,

giving a rather poor imitation of a military position. In
reality, his right knee bent a little and his blond head tilted,
a habit Gabriel had noticed from the Elf before. In truth it
was hard not to notice the beautiful Elf, especially with his
tousled, not-quite-platinum locks always making him
appear as though he'd jumped straight from bed. Even now,
a silky curl strayed just out of reach of his left eye. And
speaking of eyes… Christian had the prettiest blue eyes
Gabriel had ever seen, like a clear blue summer sky. That,
combined with his peaches and cream complexion, perfect
straight nose, and full kissable lips, made him truly

"You can relax, Christian." He gestured to the chair in

front of him. "In fact, take a seat."

The Elf's gaze went to the coffee pot just to the right of

Gabriel's desk. "May I, sir?"

"By all means." He waited while Christian poured

himself a cup of the peppermint coffee served widely in

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Santa's village. When Christian finally sat, Gabriel handed
him the tissue-wrapped package he had for him.

"What's this?"
"Thermal underwear. It’s important to stay warm in

this frigid climate. I wouldn’t want you to catch some
dreaded illness." Gabriel explained. "Don't lend this pair

Christian blushed, adding a becoming stain of pink to

his cheeks. "I won't. But, how did you get them done so

He raised an eyebrow. "I have connections."
"Well, thank you, sir." He shifted in the chair. "I

suppose you're very upset with me."

"You could say so. Christian, how old are you?"
Gabriel nodded. "Old enough, I think, to know better.

You've been a Christmas Elf for three Christmases. You've
had a number of incidents."

"Well, I—"
"I understand being young and enthusiastic, but you

have been here long enough to know what acceptable
behavior is. Frankly, Santa has considered closing the
canteen for good."

The Elf's eyes widened. "Because of me?"
"No. But yours is hardly the first such disgraceful

episode. I spoke out against the establishment when it was
first created, but Santa wanted the Elves to have a place to
unwind during particularly busy times. He thought since
none of you would have to travel far it would be harmless."
Gabriel sighed. He knew he sounded pompous, but as Head

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Elf he had to maintain his authority. "In any event, your
pathetic indulgence last night was unfortunate, but it's the
least of my concerns at the moment."

"I am the Head Elf, and as such, I deserve your respect

and compliance with my requirements of you. I am sure
you are aware I requested your presence at my office when
your shift ended."

Christian blushed. "I-I forgot."
"I very much doubt that. I believe you deliberately

ignored me and went to the canteen to join your friends."
He waved his hand when Christian opened his mouth to
speak. "I want no excuses. I've overlooked prior infractions.
When you first arrived here you got involved with some
bad influences and acted out. I had hoped you had made a
change for the better."

"I have," Christian insisted.
Gabriel sighed. "The thing is, Christian, you may view

this latest incident as minor. But if you cannot or will not
obey a simple order from your boss it gives me serious
concerns for your future here."

Christian paled, and his hands trembled on the mug of

coffee he held. "I see."

"I hope you do." The beautiful Elf looked so

distressed, he nearly gave in. But Gabriel hardened his
resolve. If Christian was to stay in Santa's Village long-
term, something Gabriel himself wished for, he needed to
appreciate the importance of being a Christmas Elf. Gabriel
couldn't allow his affection for Christian to alter his course.
"Effective immediately, I am reassigning you."

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"Reassigning me? To what?"
"I considered assigning you to cleaning the castle."
Christian's jaw dropped and he sat forward in his chair.

"Cleaning? I am a Christmas Elf. Scrubbing toilets and
floors in the castle would be beneath me."

He narrowed his eyes. "Do not make me change my

mind and reassign you there after all. You could, perhaps,
use more humbling that I even guessed."

The Elf swallowed. "I'm sorry."
"Hmm. As it happens, I find I have so many tasks

these days to run the castle and the Work Shops I require a
personal assistant."

The mug in Christian's had visibly shook. "Me?"
"Yes, you. This way I can keep an eye on you and

make sure you don't get yourself into any other trouble
before the Christmas season ends. You will report here
tomorrow at seven."

"In the morning?"
Gabriel smirked. "Yes. I begin my duties early and

finish late. I suggest you get plenty of rest tonight." He
gestured to Christian's clothes. "And do come with an
unstained, pressed uniform, too."

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Chapter Three

Gabriel stood in the Castle's main hall, watching as
Christian supervised the Elves hanging the Christmas
decorations. Gabriel should have been at his desk going
over reports, but as on so many other occasions during the
past week, he found himself unable to tear his gaze away
from the gorgeous blond Elf. Maybe reassigning Christian
as his personal assistant had been a mistake.

Most of the hall had been finished; tinsel, bows,

wreaths, and brightly colored packages filled the gigantic
main room. The light scent of freshly baked cinnamon rolls
drifted through the air. Only the hanging of the mistletoe

Which gave Gabriel definite ideas regarding those

pursed, full lips of Christian's.

"Move it over just a tad." Christian glanced up at the

Elf standing high on the ladder beside him, mistletoe
dangling from his outstretched hand. "Yes, there."

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Gabriel had expected Christian to be a mediocre

assistant at best, wilting under Gabriel's scrutiny after a few
days and returning to his old position at the Work Shop. To
his surprise, Christian proved to be quite efficient, getting
more done than Gabriel himself. At this point, Gabriel was
considering making Christian his permanent assistant. A bit
complicated, maybe, considering his feelings for the blond
Elf, and his desire to become very close to Christian, but
workable. He’d shown he could have excellent work ethics
and already Gabriel had bragged to Santa about Christian’s

Christian bent at the waist to pick up a twig of fallen

mistletoe. His tight red Elf pants strained against his round
ass. Gabriel stifled a groan. The younger Elf was just too
sweet. Gabriel was finding it more difficult to resist
Christian’s charm. He straightened from the wall he'd been
leaning on.

"All right, everything looks good," he announced to the

decorating Elves. "Mrs. Claus wanted some help with the
sitting room. Why don't you all dash off there?"

The cheerful Elves chattered amongst themselves and

headed through the archway leading in the direction of Mrs.
Claus's sitting room. When Christian made to follow them,
Gabriel shook his head and rested his hand on Christian’s

"Was there something you wanted, sir?"
Gabriel smiled. His gaze dropped to Christian’s full

lips, noticing they were slightly wet from the Elf’s tongue
constantly sweeping across them. He could almost taste
them. Gabriel wanted-needed-to see if they were as

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delicious as they promised. He didn't answer, just took the
few steps to stand directly in front of Christian. His heart
beating fast, Gabriel looked up at the overhanging
mistletoe. "Hmm. What have we here?"

Christian blinked and opened his mouth, but before he

could speak, Gabriel crushed his lips over the other Elf's.
He moved his hand to cup Christian's jaw, his thumb
reaching up to pry those perfect pink lips apart. His tongue
slid into the moist warmth, wrapping around Christian's just
as his whimper turned into a ragged moan.

With his other hand, he ensnared Christian's waist,

bringing their bodies flush against each other, their
erections rubbing together.

A distant door closing brought Gabriel abruptly to his

senses. It would never do to be caught seducing an Elf in
the main hall. He broke the kiss, sorry at the loss of the
tastiest damn lips ever, and gently but firmly put distance
between himself and the too-tempting Christian.

Releasing a breath, trying to calm his still-racing pulse,

Gabriel cleared his throat. "Well, back to work then." He
turned on his heels and went toward his office, ignoring the
gasp of outrage from Christian.

Christian followed him and closed the office door

when they were both inside, his sky blue eyes flashing
angrily. "What was that?"

"I kissed you under the mistletoe."
"You're gay?"
Gabriel raised both brows. "I would think that was

obvious now."

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"Then… then when…" Christian sputtered. He

stopped, took a deep breath. "Last year when those Elves
taunted me, why didn't you do something about it?"

Gabriel sighed. "I did. Just because I didn't parade

them out in front of all the Elves to give them forty whacks,
doesn't mean they weren't reprimanded, Christian. I have to
be careful not to show too much favoritism."

He frowned. "Favoritism? For who?"
"I would think that kiss and my hard cock should clue

you in on whom." Gabriel shook his head. "Prejudice and
bigotry aren't tolerated in Santa's Village. Bullies, such as
the ones who tormented you, are dealt with."

"But if you're gay, too, then—"
"My being gay is no one's business. It cannot influence

how I handle the operations here. I wouldn't make a good
Head Elf if I allowed such things to interfere."

Identical red patches appeared on Christian's cheeks. "I


He gave Christian a soft smile. "Come here."
"Here." Leaning against his desk, Gabriel reached for

Christian's hand and pulled him closer, tucking him
between his legs and holding him there. He curved his hand
around Christian’s jaw, placing gentle kisses along his
jawline and then tasting his sweet lips. His other hand slid
over Christian's round ass, rubbing a cheek. "Now you
know how much I want you. You make me crazy. I can’t
stop thinking about you, Christian. What are you going to
do about it?"

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Christian's pupils dilated and he licked his lips. "Well,


His mouth near Christian's, Gabriel whispered, "Did

you lock the door?"

The pretty Elf shook his head and made to move out of

Gabriel's arms.

"I'll do it." Gabriel waved his hand and the bolt slid

into locked position. He smiled at Christian's shock. "Santa
gave me a little magic to use."

"What else can you do?" Christian's brows furrowed.
He teased Christian's plump lips by running the tip of

his tongue along the seam. "I have a crystal ball."

"Then the rumors are true, you do spy on us."

Christian’s tone was not accusatory, but rather dreamy. He
closed his eyes as Gabriel's lips once more trailed along his

"Not on an everyday basis, but there are times,"

Gabriel admitted, feeling rather guilty. He'd taken wicked
advantage of the crystal ball once or twice while Christian
disrobed. Afterward, he'd felt too much like a voyeur to try
it again. His fingers slipped under the snaps of Christian's
Elf uniform shirt. All at once, he pulled them apart.

Christian's eyes flew open, his blue eyes glazed with

desire. He trembled slightly. "You did that very well."

"I want you naked and writhing under me." The pretty

boy gasped. Gabriel smiled, lust flaring. "You like bold
talk, don't you? Would you like me to whisper in your ear
just what I'm going to do to you?"

The Elf nodded, his breathing heavy as his fingers sank

into Gabriel's biceps. Gabriel peeled Christian's shirt down

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his arms to his wrists, baring his torso. His skin was pale
golden, and while he wasn't particularly muscular, his arms
and chest were well-defined, his abs damn near perfect.
Gabriel swallowed, telling himself to slow down and not
fling Christian over his desk and fuck him senseless. This
was Christian, and he wanted it to be great for them. He
pulled the shirt off the Elf's wrists and let it pool on the

Before Christian could speak, Gabriel drew the Elf's

lips to his for a deep, thorough kiss. He tasted of
peppermint and gingerbread, thoroughly delicious. Gabriel
flung Christian's hat, the little bell on the end tingling as it
hit the floor, and brushed his fingers through Christian's
butter soft golden hair. He pulled back long enough to
remove his own Elf shirt.

Christian stared at him, his lips swollen from Gabriel's

kisses. Without tearing his gaze from him, the Elf toed off
his boots and then his hands went to the waistband of his
pants. Gabriel zeroed in on the hard ridge at Christian's
crotch. Eventually he planned on tasting that pretty cock,
but first he was going to take Christian on the desk and
bury himself deep in between those tight, pale cheeks.

Gabriel pushed his own pants down to his hips, just

enough to take out his throbbing cock, and then reached to
help Christian with his. The idea of the Elf completely
naked while he remained partially clothed inflamed him
further still. He yanked the uniform pants from Christian's
legs and tossed them aside. Did he want Christian lying on
his back with his legs in the air or did he want him bent
over on his stomach with his perfect ass on display?

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He kissed those slightly parted plump lips, darting his

tongue inside. He deepened the kiss, taking his time to
thoroughly explore Christian's sweet mouth. When he'd had
enough… well, he doubted he'd ever get enough, but
enough for now… he turned Christian and braced his hands
on the edge of the desk. He moved his hands over the firm
globes and then dropped to his knees between the Elf's legs.

"What—" Christian's voice hitched as Gabriel's tongue

slipped inside his hole. Instead of uttering words, Christian

Satisfied he'd shut Christian up for now, Gabriel went

to work laving the puckered pink entrance. He pushed his
index finger in, shuddering with desire when Christian
tightened around the digit. Gabriel closed his eyes, blowing
out a breath against Christian’s entrance, willing his rock
hard cock to slow down in its thrumming need for relief.

Condom and lube.
Withdrawing his tongue and finger, he got shakily to

his feet, smacked Christian's left buttock and went around
to his desk drawer for the supplies.

"Um… you keep lube and condoms in there?"

Christian asked as he watched Gabriel remove a foil packed
and a bottle of lube.

Shrugging, Gabriel decided to be honest. No point in

lying to his assistant. He wanted Christian to know how
much he had been thinking of him. "Not generally, no. But
since you've become my assistant, yes."

A lock of Christian's blond hair had fallen into his eyes

and his kiss-swollen lips formed an O of surprise. The sight

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of him leaning forward, his hands bracketed on the desk,
sent a jolt of hot lava lust to Gabriel's already aching cock.
God, he wanted Christian.

Gabriel moved to stand behind Christian once more.

He took care of rolling the condom over his erection first
and lubing up, touching his prick as minimally as he could
manage to keep from being overly stimulated too soon.

Taking a deep breath, he sloshed a generous amount of

lube on his fingers and inserted two of them into Christian's
entrance, past the ring of muscle. In response, the man
pushed back, his ass swallowing the fingers easily. Adding
a third, Gabriel waited to see if there was any resistance to
the wider intrusion. Christian let out a shuddered breath,
but spread himself wider, pushing back once again.

Gabriel slipped his fingers out and then took the object

he'd hidden from Christian's gaze in his other hand and
slicked it with his lubed grip. The red and white candy-
striped phallus was just a tad narrower than Gabriel's cock.

"I'm going to use this on you first," Gabriel told him,

showing him the glass object. Without waiting for a reply,
he drew it back from Christian's sight and then placed the
tip of the phallus between the Elf's cheeks.

"Oh," Christian gasped as Gabriel pushed it inside,

slow and deliberate. With one hand he held it poised to
thrust it in and out of the other Elf. His left hand slid across
Christian's bare thigh to close around his erect penis. "Oh

Gabriel leaned close to whisper in Christian's ear,

"Think you can handle this and my cock in your sweet ass
at the same time?"

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Christian stilled and for a moment Gabriel thought

perhaps the beautiful Elf had ceased to breathe, but then in
a low voice he asked, "What? Are you serious?"

He chuckled. "Okay, maybe another time. When you're


"Another time?" Christian's whole body shook and his

legs spread more as Gabriel worked the phallus in and out
of him.

"Uh-huh, Christian. Many times." His hand skated

across Christian’s pale butt cheek, smoothing over the
quivering skin.

For some reason that one word coming out of those

sweet, pretty lips was so hot. His own cock was close to
bursting in reaction to the moans coming from Christian's
throat. Withdrawing the phallus, he tossed it on the desk,
wincing a little at the clattering noise it made as it hit the

"Ready for the real thing, babe?" At Christian's nod, he

pressed his cock to the Elf's entrance, sliding in easily. For
a few seconds he stayed still, letting Christian's ass muscles
clench around his sensitized cock.

Exhaling, he pulled out almost to the tip before

pushing all the way in, balls-deep. Their groans
synchronized, Gabriel kept up the rhythm, pumping harder
and harder as Christian seemed to urge him on. Gripping
the Elf's pale hips, his fingers imprinting him with red
marks, Gabriel slammed in again and again. He felt the
tingle… the burn at his spine warning him of the orgasm
that would not be denied.

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"Christian," he yelled. His body went rigid and then his

cock pulsed with the force of his release.

Barely giving himself a second, he pulled out of

Christian, patting his leg when he cried out in protest, and
flipped the Elf onto his back. He dived toward Christian's
cock, swallowing it down to the root, his fingers rubbing
the balls.

"Ahhh," Christian cried, his body shaking as his cream

filled Gabriel's mouth. When he finished shuddering,
Gabriel released him and stood up, pulling the beautiful
man into his arms.

"That was amazing," he whispered against Christian's

hair. His lover… his Elf… nodded, not speaking, panting
heavily. "Now, tell me, Christian."

"T-tell you?"
His arms tightened possessively around Christian.

"Don't you want to do that many, many times?"

Christian let out a half-laugh, half-gasp. "Not sure I

can survive many, many times."

"You can. You will." He loosened his hold enough to

gaze at his beautiful Elf and to place a soft kiss against his
lips. "Now, my naughty Elf, we should both get dressed
and get something to eat. I'm starved."

Christian stared at him, his lashes hovering at half-

mast over his sky blue eyes. "You can move?"

He laughed. "I can. And so can you. Let's have lunch at

the Gingerbread."

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Chapter Four

Christian ducked behind his menu and glanced around the
Gingerbread Café, wondering if anyone paid him and
Gabriel any attention. When they’d first entered the café
ten minutes earlier, he felt the stares of many of his fellow
Elves. No one seemed to be glancing in their direction now.
Had he been imagining it?

"Is there a problem?"
Gabriel's sharp question turned his attention back to

the menu. "Problem?"

His boss… lover… whatever he was… sighed.
Christian peeked over the top of the menu and wasn't

the least surprised that Gabriel looked as exasperated as he
sounded. His cheeks heated and he went back to deciding
on his lunch.

"Are you uncomfortable being seen with me,



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He didn’t know about Gabriel, but office afternoon

delights weren’t usually a part of his day. His stomach was
tied in knots and his pulse still raced. Lord, the image of
Gabriel swallowing down Christian’s cock was burned into
his retinas.

"Is there a reason I should be?" he asked, trying to hide

behind his menu. He knew his blush would give away the

"No, but clearly you are."
Closing his menu, Christian set it on the table. "Well,

you're the boss. It's not every Elf that has lunch with you."

"Right. But you're also my assistant, so why should

having lunch together be so strange? You act as though we
have we just fucked stamped on our foreheads."

He choked on a sip of iced cranberry tea. He glanced

around the café and noticed a few not-so-discreet stares. "It
does seem as if everyone knows."

Gabriel shrugged. "I doubt it, but what if they do?

What does it matter?"

"You're the one that pointed out your personal life was

no one's business."

"And I still think so. But, Christian, the more time we

spend together the more obvious it's going to be that we're

The waitress took that moment to walk up to their table

for their order. She was a tall, thin, apple-cheeked blonde
Elf with a nametag that read Allison. She gaped at them like
a fish.

Gabriel's lips curved. "Are you ready to order?"

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Christian nodded, his stomach flipping. "Um, yeah. I'll

have the ginger chicken salad."

"Make that two," Gabriel said.
"Thanks." Allison nodded, wrote down their orders and

walked away, sparing a backward glance at their table.

Christian rested his chin in his hands. "She knows."
"I would say so." Gabriel's lips twitched in amusement,

drawing Christian's gaze to them. He really was gorgeous
with his long dark, braided hair. He couldn't help
wondering how that hair would feel unbound and sliding all
over his bare skin.

He offered a sigh of his own. So what if everyone did

know? He might be subjected to some teasing, but it wasn't
like that was new. A young, gay blond Elf who was
perhaps a little too pretty typically took some ribbing. And
if Gabriel was his lover it would be less likely to turn into
something more than just innocent teasing.

"They'll probably think it's so I can get special

privileges or something." He bit his lip.

Gabriel raised a dark brow. "Is it?"
"You kissed me under the mistletoe if you remember.

Not to mention your attack of me in the office."

"Whatever it was. You were definitely the pursuer and

I the pursuee." Christian scanned the room once more and
noticed they had garnered a lot of Elf interest. "Not that I'm

"I hope not. I wouldn’t want to think you felt coerced

into anything. I wouldn’t do that."

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Christian lowered his gaze. "No. I would never think

you would. I did, um, like it." Even though it all took him
by surprise, he couldn't deny that Gabriel was sexy as hell
and more appealing than he should be.

"I’m glad to hear it." Gabriel leaned back in his chair.

Not once since he'd sat down had he looked anywhere in
the café other than at Christian, the one exception being at
the waitress when she'd taken their order. His focus, those
incredible dark eyes, remained on him. The complete
attention warmed Christian to his toes. "We have quite a bit
of work to do after lunch."

Christian frowned. "Work? I was hoping for some…

more play."

"Sweetheart, the work doesn't get done by itself. It

takes a lot to keep Santa's Village running smoothly. You
wouldn't want something to go wrong and disappoint Santa
would you?"

The thought of disappointing Santa Claus had his

stomach twisting in knots all over again. There was no man
greater than Santa. Nor kinder. He started to agree with
Gabriel's statement when it occurred to him that Gabriel
had just called him sweetheart. The endearment stole his
ability to think and, it seemed, his ability to respond. His
chest constricted, then loosened, and his insides warmed as
though he’d been drinking warm apple cider.

His tongue working once more, he nodded. "Yes,

you're right."

Allison brought their salads and refilled their drinks,

all the while openly gawking at them. When she walked

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away at last, Christian sighed. He supposed he was just
going to have to get used to the speculation from everyone
on his personal life.

* * * *

A few days later, Christian was posting the list of work
assignments in the Work Shop per Gabriel's orders, when
Alistair walked down the hallway toward him. His friend
stopped and scanned the lists.

"How is your punishment going?" Alistair asked.
Considering what he and Gabriel had been doing on

breaks and at night, Christian didn't consider it punishment.
Unexpected but welcome bliss was more like it. Besides,
he'd found he liked being a personal assistant. It was much
more interesting than making toys and bows and such.

"Not too badly. It might become a permanent

assignment." And it surprised Christian how much he
actually liked the idea.

Alistair frowned at the list. "For the next week I don't

have any assignments with Jasmine."

Christian bit his lip. He didn't want to tell his friend

Gabriel had purposely separated them because he'd noticed
their productivity went down whenever they were together.
Instead, he smiled. "Well, maybe the following week will
be different."

Alistair turned to stare at him. "Did you say you might

be working with the Head Elf permanently?"

He nodded. "It's a possibility."
"But… why would you want to?"

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Shrugging, Christian said, "I don't know. It seems to be

work that suits me."

"Weren't you thinking of leaving after Christmas


"Sure, but I might stay after all. You wanted me to stay


Alistair shook his head. "The rumors are true, aren't


Clearing his throat, Christian couldn't quite meet his

friend's eyes. "Rumors?"

"You and… the Head Elf."
"What about us?" He found himself scowling that he

and Gabriel were the subject of gossip, however true it
might be.

His friend snorted. "Come on, Christian. You know

what. Everyone has been saying you and the Head Elf
are… lovers." Alistair turned a bright shade of red. He'd
whispered that last word.

Christian sighed. "Doesn't everyone have enough to do

without speculating on personal business that's none of
their concern?"

"I just hope you know what you're doing. It might be

fun and exciting right now, but if something goes wrong
between you it could be disastrous."

Christian had thought of that himself, of course. It was

a prospect that left his heart feeling colder than the chill
wind from the north. He could be faced with more trouble
than just a broken heart if things didn't end well with
Gabriel, but he still had the option of leaving the North

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"I know what I'm doing, Alistair."
"Okay. But be careful because some of the other Elves

are jealous." Alistair gave him a small smile and patted his
arm. "See you later at the canteen?"

"I don't think so, but thanks."
As Christian watched his friend continue down the

hall, he felt a twinge of sadness. Ever since Alistair hooked
up with Jasmine, things had been different between them,
mostly his own fault considering his unrequited feelings for
his friend. But they seemed even more strained now that
Christian was seeing Gabriel. Oddly, it wasn't the lack of
romantic love from Alistair that made Christian's chest
ache with sorrow, but the possible loss of a good

He glanced at his watch. Naturally, he was now late to

discuss the upcoming festivities for the twenty-third with
the party planner Elves.

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Chapter Five

As fast as the blink of an eye, it was Christmas Eve.

The last few weeks had been absurdly busy with all the

Elves working long hours to get everything prepared. After
Santa Claus returned from delivering gifts around the world
the Elves could begin their own holidays, but now no one
wasted a moment.

As the Head Elf's assistant, Christian had been working

nonstop, and he had fallen into bed exhausted each night.
The last week before Christmas Eve, he and Gabriel had
found neither the time nor the energy for making love. Now
that they stood in the courtyard of Santa's Village in front
of the Castle preparing to see Santa off, he hoped to remedy
that in the extreme near future.

The Elves filled the courtyard to see Santa and his

sleigh on his way. Christian stood next to Gabriel, and he
couldn't help noticing Alistair and Jasmine standing hand-
in-hand across the way among the crowd of Elves. They
looked very sweet together.

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Moving closer to the sleigh, Gabriel leaned over to

speak to Santa in tones so low even Christian couldn't hear
him. Santa Clause laughed and Gabriel joined him.

"All right, folks, I'm off. I'll see you when I return,"

Santa called to those gathered. He snapped the reins and the
team of reindeer rose in the air. "Merry Christmas!"

"Merry Christmas, Santa," the Elves said in unison as

they waved.

Already the Elves began to chatter amongst

themselves, the noise deafening in the courtyard. Where
once he might have joined in, now Christian winced. He
supposed it was a sign that he had matured in recent weeks.

Gabriel turned to him with a smile. "You've done a

great job, Christian. Better, honestly, than I had expected.
I'm very impressed and Santa is, too."

His cheeks heated under the praise, but he stood

straighter. "Thank you. I've really enjoyed working with

Gabriel nodded. "We'll talk next week about your

future. Tonight you've definitely earned the privilege to go
celebrate at the canteen with your friends."

The canteen? What?
Christian grabbed Gabriel's arm when he went to move

away. "Where are you going?"

His lover shrugged. "I don't know, maybe to read. It's

been a while since I could relax."







disappointment, Christian released his arm. "Oh."

Gabriel's dark eyebrows drew together. "What's the


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"I… I sort of hoped to spend tonight with you."
"You don't want to go to the canteen with your


"No, why would I?"
That seemed to render Gabriel speechless. But only for

a moment, because then a small smile appeared on his
sensual lips. "Well, perhaps we should head to the reindeer
stables and inspect them."

Christian frowned. "Inspect the stables? I don't want to


Gabriel laughed. "Trust me, brat. Shall we?"
He followed the Head Elf across the snow-ridden

courtyard, stepping carefully in his snow boots. The stables
were situated at the far end. Gabriel pushed the double
doors open and stood back to let Christian precede him

"What are we doing here?" he wondered.
Gabriel stopped before a wooden ladder that led to a

loft above. "Up the ladder, boy."

Not quite sure what Gabriel was up to, Christian

shrugged, stepped onto the ladder and began to climb up.
Gabriel's hand curved over his ass cheek, sending a jolt of
pure lust straight to his cock. Okay, maybe he was starting
to get an idea of what his lover intended. He just never
guessed they would fuck in the reindeer stables where
anyone could come along.

The loft proved to be no bigger than a low crawl space.

As he reached the top of the ladder, Christian crept on his
hands and knees across the bare, hardwood floor. "What's
this used for?"

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Gabriel appeared at the top of the ladder. "Storage,

originally, but we outgrew it many years ago now. It's
mostly used for trysts now."

"Are you kidding?"
Gabriel laughed and joined him in the space on his

knees. "No, Christian. Not kidding."

He reached into the corner of the space and pulled out

a two-inch thick mat, which he unfurled and set on the
floor. Christian couldn't help wondering how many others
had used that mat.

He grimaced. "So, you've been here with someone


"Me?" Gabriel chuckled. "No. But I know the goings-

on around here, sweetheart,"

Christian eyed the mat. "How long has that been up


His lover threw his head back and laughed again. "I

brought it up here myself a few days ago, in case you and I
ever got the chance to use it."

Christian grinned in relief. "It has been a while, hasn't

it? I've missed our alone time."

Gabriel lowered him on the mat. "Me, too. Let's

remedy that." His lips covered Christian's in a blistering hot

The heavier Elf's weight crushed him, but Christian

didn't mind. He welcomed the feel of Gabriel's muscular
frame draped across his. His fingers drifted up to Gabriel's
silky braid, intent on undoing that long hair.

Gabriel pulled back from the kiss and looked down at

him. "Hmm?"

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"Your hair. I want it loose."
Giving him a sexy, indulgent smile, Gabriel reached

back to unfasten his long dark hair. As the silky strands
swished down around him, Christian grasped them gently,
mesmerized by the beauty.

"You're breathtaking," he whispered, shyly averting his

gaze from the intensity of Gabriel's dark eyes.

Gabriel's large hand cupped his jaw, drawing their

faces close until Christian was forced to meet his lover's
gaze. "It's not me who has the face of an angel."

Christian smiled. "An angel?"
Gabriel kissed him. "A fallen one then. I want you

naked so I can kiss every inch of you, I want to move inside
you, making you mine over and over."

His breath stuttering, his heart hammering hard in his

chest, Christian whispered, "Then what are you waiting for,
Gabriel? Take me."

Gabriel smothered his lips with another quick kiss

before rolling off him just long enough to attack Christian's
clothes and toss them aside. Before Christian could attempt
the same with his lover's clothes, Gabriel shed them.

He rolled Christian once more beneath him, bare skin

to bare skin. He held Christian's chin with one hand and
their lips molded together, hot and moist as their tongues
collided, seeking more… seeking everything. Gabriel slid
his other hand down their bodies, to slip in between them,
his fingers grazing Christian's hard cock.

"Gabriel," he groaned. The hand closed around the tip,

the thumb rubbing the pre-cum that had gathered there. As
Gabriel's teeth latched onto the pulse in his throat, Christian

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shut his eyes and wondered if the screams filling his ears
were his own. This wasn't the North Pole but Heaven.

Jolts of pleasure like he'd never felt before shot

through him as Gabriel's mouth branded him and his big
hand stroked Christian's cock to near orgasm. He
whimpered when his lover's mouth moved from his lashing
pulse, but sighed with renewed ecstasy as Gabriel's lips
trailed down to suckle a nipple. Obviously his Elf was
trying to drive him mad.

He inched his own hands down to smooth across his

lover's warm skin. "You feel so amazing."

He cupped Gabriel's ass cheek and gave a light pinch,

earning him a warm chuckle and then a quick kiss.

Christian gasped as Gabriel brought their erections

together, stroking them in unison. "Please… fuck me."

Staring at him with lust and something else Christian

only dared hope for, Gabriel dropped a kiss on his nose.
"Hold on."

Gabriel partially lifted off him to reach into the corner

where the mat had been. Christian turned to watch his
fingers close over a vial and a foil wrapper.

"You're well prepared," Christian said.
Gabriel grinned. "Why don't we get you well


He laughed. "On my stomach or just lift up?"
"Lift up, sweetheart." Gabriel positioned himself

between Christian's legs and poured oil onto his fingers.

A rich fragrance drifted to Christian's nose. "Pumpkin


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"Yes." His fingers slipped inside Christian's hole,

liberally coating him with the scented oil. Christian spread
his legs wide to allow the probing fingers better access. His
eyes drifted closed again and he pushed against the digits.

His lover hiked Christian's legs up to rest on his

shoulders. After tearing off the wrapper, Gabriel rolled the
latex over his engorged dick. Christian licked his lips in
anticipation, his ass almost clenching as he stared at the rod
that would soon be driving into him.

Gabriel coated his cock and guided it to Christian's

hole. "Ready for this, baby?"

"Please, yes. I want you so much." He exhaled as

Gabriel pressed in, reaching for his own aching, throbbing
cock, stroking it for blessed relief. When Gabriel's cock slid
in balls deep, he couldn't keep a cry from escaping his lips.

"Shh, you'll have the Stable Elves running in here

wanting to watch," Gabriel warned with a laugh and a rapid

He grinned back. "Let them. It's fun to be a little


"That you are, my sweet Christian." His eyes closed as

his thrusts turned deep and pounding, his heavy balls
slapping Christian's ass.

Electric fingers tingled up Christian's spine, his balls

drawing tight as Gabriel hit his gland with each drive of his
cock. "Oh, oh, God, Gabriel. I love you." Cum spurted out,
coating his fingers and dribbling onto his abdomen.

"Fuck, baby," Gabriel moaned, jerking and shuddering

as he found his own release.

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They lay together, wrapped in each other's arms for

several quiet moments, only the sound of their labored
breaths breaking the silence.

Eventually, Gabriel stroked his hand across Christian's

cheek, urging his face up to his. "You love me?"

Though he wanted to hide his face in the crook of

Gabriel's arm, he couldn't move or look away from those
dark eyes, not even if Gabriel released his chin. And
anyway, he’d come to realize the truth over the last few
weeks. It was an amazing, euphoric feeling to truly be in
love. "Yes, I do."

"What about Alistair?"
"You know about that?" His heart skipped a beat. Did

it bother Gabriel to know he’d once thought himself in love
with his friend?

Gabriel smiled gently. "I do."
"I thought I loved him, but ever since you and I have

been together, since we've gotten to know each other these
past few weeks, I know what I felt for him can't compare
with my feelings for you, Gabriel. I love you."

"I'm very glad to hear that because I love you, too."

Gabriel kissed him. It was the sweetest, most thorough kiss
Christian had ever experienced.

Christian tightened his embrace, squeezing Gabriel.

His fingers reached up to snag a few strands of that
gorgeous hair and he rubbed his nose in them, inhaling the
clean fresh scent. "I suppose we have to get dressed now.
It's cold in here." Though truthfully, being with Gabriel,
secure in the Head Elf’s love, Christian decided he could

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tolerate the cold of the North Pole. His heart had enough
love to withstand it.

"Yes," Gabriel answered. "Can you reach my clothes?"
He turned over and grabbed their clothes, frowning

when he felt a thick fold of paper in Gabriel's pants.
"What's this?"

"Those are the Naughty and Nice lists Santa uses

before leaving to deliver gifts."

Christian's mouth dropped open. Dying of curiosity, he

removed the lists, setting aside the Nice Ones list to peruse
the Naughty Ones list. He'd never, ever been this close to
them. Shaking, he pointed his finger. "Hey, my name is on

Gabriel rose up on his elbows and grinned. "Well,

yeah. I added you to it myself. But don't worry, it was after
Santa saw the list."

Christian threw his head back and laughed. "Well, if I

am naughty it's because you've made me that way. I used to
be on the Nice Ones list."

Gabriel pulled him into his arms. "Mmm, you're

perfect for me, angel. Both naughty and nice."

* * * *

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About the Author

Shawn Lane writes erotic gay romances and believes love
and passion know no boundaries. Happily Ever After is for
everyone. She lives in California and holds down a boring
day job in a legal department of a giant corporation
dreaming of the nights and weekends when she can create
new stories.

Shawn loves to hear from readers, is happy to answer any
questions, and has been known to send free books to fans
just because.

Visit her on the Web at

or at her blog at

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Also by Shawn Lane

From Amber Quill Press
Accidentally His
Admiring Jesse
At Long Last
The Beach House
Becoming His
The Best Gift
Can’t Be His
Car Wash
Devotedly His
Eternally His
Finally His
Finding Forever
Galaxy’s Heart
Getting Wade
Gratefully His
His One And Only
Hitting It Big
The Impersonator
It’s Only Make-Believe
Jake’s Regret
A Knight For All
Lawyers In Love
Lost Between
Manfred’s Curse
Maybe This Time
Most Likely To Succeed
Only For Him
Only Forever
Only His Heart
Only In His Dreams
The Other Side

From Amber Quill Press
Pulling Apart
Pulling Away
Sorcerer’s Lover
Sorcerer’s Lover II
The Squire
Still The One
Sweet Reunion
Ticket To Ride
Twice In A Lifetime
Until The End Of Time
Waking the Prince

From Ellora’s Cave
Another Chance
Perfect Man
Stone of Wrath
Wanting Sam

From Loose Id
One More Time

From Evernight Publishing
Loving the Boss
Loving the Assistant
Loving the Partner

From MLR Press
There’s No Place Like Home
for the Holidays


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