01 Shawn Lane Accidentally His

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… The man was reaching into a cabinet for mugs. He glanced at

Kirk and he had such a sweet little tentative smile on his face that
Kirk’s cock jumped to full attention.

“I was wondering if your leg would prevent you from… ” Kirk

trailed off.

Kirk stepped close and wrapped his hand around the back of

Elijah’s neck, drawing their mouths close together. “Can’t you guess?”

Elijah’s blue eyes widened behind his glasses. “But you wanted


He shook his head. “I just wanted to come home with you.”
“Should we?”
Rubbing his thumb across Elijah’s full bottom lip, he said, “I don’t

want to push you if you think it will hurt you or your leg or you’re not
ready, but you’re the sweetest, sexiest man who’s come along in I
don’t even know how long. I would love to spend the night showing
you just how much I want you.”

The other man’s hands slipped from the mugs in the cabinets and

linked around Kirk’s neck instead. Even then, Elijah didn’t make a
move to kiss Kirk, he just stared, his pink lips slightly parted.

Kirk figured that was as much permission as he was going to get,

so he lowered his mouth to Elijah’s. Soft lips parted under his and
Kirk’s tongue slipped inside. His hand moved down to curve over
Elijah’s surprisingly firm, round ass. Elijah might be thin, but he still
had a mighty fine body, ready to be fucked. Or at least Kirk hoped

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At Long Last

The Beach House

The Best Gift

Car Wash

His One And Only

The Impersonator

Jake’s Regret

Lawyers In Love

Manfred’s Curse

Most Likely To Succeed

Only For Him

Only Forever

Only His Heart

Only In His Dreams

The Other Side


Pulling Apart
Pulling Away

Sorcerer’s Lover

Sorcerer’s Lover II

The Squire

Still The One

Sweet Reunion

Ticket To Ride

Twice In A Lifetime

Until The End Of Time

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This book is a work of fiction.

All names, characters, locations, and incidents are products of the

author’s imagination, or have been used fictitiously.

Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead, locales,

or events is entirely coincidental.

Amber Quill Press, LLC


All rights reserved.

No portion of this book may be transmitted or

reproduced in any form, or by any means, without permission in

writing from the publisher, with the exception of brief

excerpts used for the purposes of review.

Copyright © 2011 by Shawn Lane

ISBN 978-1-61124-079-5

Cover Art © 2011 Trace Edward Zaber


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Kirk Matheson tapped on his steering wheel in time to the

music blaring from his car radio. He pulled into a parking space
and turned off the engine. The time on the car digital clock read
6:18 A.M. He turned off the radio and got out of his car to wait for
the bus with the rest of the passengers. A handful stood near the
curb waiting for the commuter bus to arrive.

He’d been riding the bus into work for a few months now,

hoping to make his little compact car last for another year before
he’d have to get a new one. It had hit one hundred thousand miles
earlier that year. Unfortunately, he couldn’t ride the bus every day
due to the demands of his job, but he managed two or three times a
week if he didn’t have to travel with his boss.

Kirk was starting to find his job somewhat tedious. He was

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only twenty-eight and had little time for any sort of social life. He
hadn’t wanted to be someone’s assistant as a career, even a decent
paid one.

On the other hand, he wasn’t exactly ambitious enough to go

back to school and learn what he needed to become somebody
else’s boss. It was all so irritating.

The bus had just crossed the railroad tracks up ahead and

would be stopping in front of them in just a couple of minutes. He
eyed the others gathered waiting. He’d become familiar enough
with them to know where on the bus they usually chose to sit and
so they were no threat to his own chosen seat. But there was a
middle-aged woman he didn’t recognize, also waiting in the group.

If she sat where Kirk liked to sit, he supposed he’d have to live

with it and make sure he arrived earlier the next time. The bus
stopped and he allowed the others to enter through the doors ahead
of him, watching the woman and hoping she would bypass the
second seat on the left.

He tried not to exhale too loudly when she passed his coveted

seat and kept going to the back of the bus. Stupid, really. But he
did like that seat and looking at the back of the head of the rather
nerdy-looking guy in the first seat. Kirk passed the guy, noticing
he had his little notebook computer on his lap as usual. He slid into
the seat behind him.

Kirk didn’t know his nerd’s name. Or even when he had started

to think of him as his. Hell, the dude never even glanced his way
when Kirk got on the bus or walked by him. He just sat there,
punching keys on the laptop, black ear buds stuck firmly into his
little pale pink ears.

Shaking his head, Kirk reached for his own distraction from the

drive, his iPod. Eventually, he’d doze on the forty minute ride into

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work—should only take about thirty minutes but the bus was slow
and made stops. First, he took a moment to stare at his nerd’s
creamy neck. It was perfection, really. Not a flaw to be found, at
least that Kirk could see. He kept his chocolate brown hair
trimmed quite short in a straight line, revealing much of that
peaches and cream skin.

Kirk sighed. He only wished the guy didn’t grease back his

hair. He had this feeling the nerd’s hair was a mass of curls if it
hadn’t been straightened and slicked back. Before noticing this guy
on the bus, Kirk didn’t even know guys still greased their hair.

Moving his gaze reluctantly from the perfect neck, he glanced

at his nerd’s ears. And really, he did feel bad about thinking of him
as his nerd. But what was he supposed to call him? When he
mentioned him to his best friend he referred to him as MN, my
. He wondered what the man would look like without the wire-
rimmed glasses. Kirk didn’t even know his eye color.

Kirk stuck his ear buds in his ears, turned on his iPod and

looked out the window. It had started to rain in the ten minutes or
so since the bus left the stop. Which made Kirk very glad his boss
would be working from home today and he could take the bus in.
Southern California freeways in a rainstorm were just a nightmare.
Determined to put his crush out of his mind, at least for a little
while, Kirk closed his eyes.

He jolted awake. Not sure how long he’d dozed, he looked out

the window. It was pouring now and the windows were fogged up,
but it looked like they were off the freeway and on the surface
streets now. About to turn away, Kirk froze. Wiping the fog away
with the sleeve of his jacket, he could just make out a car next to
the bus starting to fishtail.

“Oh, shit,” he said out loud.

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“What?” the lady across the aisle from him asked.
The car, a Mustang he thought, slammed into his side of the

bus with enough impact to cause his fellow passengers to scream.
His teeth clacked together. It spun around clockwise, slid right
back toward them, hitting another car, and going airborne as it
went. Kirk’s heart slammed against his ribs. He should do
something, he didn’t know what, but he watched in horror as the
Mustang sailed into the side of the bus near the top. People were
screaming and flying around him as the bus tilted and flipped over
onto its side. He tried to grip the seat and then the world went dark.

* * *

Kirk blinked open his eyes. His head hurt… like hell. He lifted

a hand and felt his forehead. Wet. Blood. Still it didn’t seem so
bad. He lay there for a moment, trying to get his bearings, listening
to the moans and weeping of his fellow passengers.

His back was twisted and he lay against the cracked window

that had been on the opposite side when the bus was upright. He
didn’t know what happened to the woman who had been sitting in
that seat next to the window.

Calm, Kirk. See if you can move all your limbs.
He didn’t seem to be trapped under anything. He straightened

his back and moved his legs. Everything seemed to work. His
arms, too. Blowing out a breath, he struggled to sit up. Broken
glass and twisted metal were everywhere. Rain poured inside the
wrecked bus from the broken windows above him. But… he was
alive. And wet.

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His nerd. Where was he? His head pounding and his heart

pulsing hard, Kirk crawled to the next seat over. Bodies were
littered around him. But he wasn’t sure if they were dead or
injured. In the distance sirens wailed. Frustrated because he had no
name to call out, he could only crawl in the general direction of
where his nerd might have landed.

Should he first check on the couple of people he saw on the

way? He should, shouldn’t he? Not that he was a medic or

The woman who had been sitting in the seat across from him

lay in a pile of debris. He stopped and stared down at her. Her neck
was twisted at an angle it should not be. He reached for her wrist
and attempted to feel a pulse.

“Fuck,” he whispered, convinced she was probably dead. “I’m


Don’t panic, Kirk.
He carefully maneuvered past her until he saw the beige pants

he’d earlier noticed his nerd wearing. He’d found him. Now he
only hoped—

He was lying on his back, his legs a bit askew. One arm was

tucked sort of underneath him and the other was above his head.
Kirk crawled the last few inches to him and looked down. Sky blue
eyes gazed at him from behind cracked glasses. Kirk removed the
useless spectacles and stared into the most beautiful eyes he’d ever
seen. Unfortunately, they were filled with pain and the look of
confusion and terror in them made Kirk’s gut clench.

“I’m here,” he heard himself say. He couldn’t believe he was

going to finally learn his nerd’s name and it was like this. “Can
you tell me what your name is?”

The blue eyes blinked. “E-Elijah Cartwright.”

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“Hi Elijah. I’m Kirk Matheson.” He tried to think of what he’d

seen in movies and television. “Do you know where you are?”

“Bus.” Elijah’s gaze drifted up to the gash in Kirk’s head.

“That looks painful.”

“It is a bit.” Actually it hurt like hell. “You can see? Even

without your glasses?”

A ghost of a smile crossed Elijah’s full mouth. “This close,


“Where are you hurt? Can you tell?”
“Everywhere, I think. I feel like I’m a rag doll some child

tossed about the room. What happened?”

“A car spun out and crashed into us. Rolled us over.” Kirk bit

his lip. “Some people are dead. The lady who was sitting across the
aisle from me. There might be others.”

“Did I hear sirens?” Elijah asked. His peaches and cream

complexion had been marred by a cut and already a bluish-black
mark formed on his cheek next to the cut. But Kirk’s nerd was

“Yes.” He noticed one ear bud still stuck in Elijah’s left ear. He

pulled it out. “Everything’s going to be all right. I’m sure they’ll
get us out of here soon.”

“Can-can you stay with me until they do?”
He managed a smile, somehow. “I’m not going anywhere,

promise. Your arms hurt?”

“Legs, too?”
“Yeah, though not as bad as my arms.”
Kirk hoped he didn’t have any internal injuries. “Anywhere


“Everywhere. Are you a doctor?”

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He laughed a little at that. “No, I’m a PA.”
“What’s that?”
“Personal assistant. My boss works at a company that teaches

other companies about diversity.”

“Human resources type stuff. She goes around the country

giving classes at corporations. I go along and set up equipment and
make sure she’s taken care of.”

Elijah nodded. “Gotcha.”
Kirk frowned when Elijah’s eyelids lowered. He didn’t like

that. “What about you? Where do you work?”

“I’m an engineer. Environmental Science.”
“Oh, a smart guy, huh?”
Elijah’s lips curved. “I guess.”
“Is that your work computer you’re always on?”
“Yeah. Where is it? Can you see it?”
He glanced around the immediate area but saw no sign of it.

“No. I’m sure it’s here somewhere. Hopefully it’s not thrashed.”

A loud crash just outside the bus caught his attention. He could

hear radio communication, too. “I’m thinking they’re trying to get
to us now.”

“S’good. I’m sleepy,” Elijah mumbled.
“Stay with me, okay? Just until they come to take you to the

hospital.” He didn’t know if Elijah had hit his head like Kirk, but
he thought the experts said to keep the person awake. Didn’t they?
Well, he wasn’t sure, but it’s what he intended to do anyway.

“How much longer?”
He glanced toward the sounds. It sounded like they were

maybe using axes or something to break in. “Not long I think.”

“You’re still bleeding,” Elijah pointed out.

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As if on cue, a trickle of blood streaked down his cheek. Kirk

touched the wound and winced. It throbbed and he had a feeling it
needed stitches.

“It’s nothing.” He attempted a reassuring smile but worried that

he failed when Elijah frowned.

Metal being torn apart and then a man’s voice reached them.

“Can anyone hear me?”

“Yeah,” Kirk called back.
“Hang on.”
He blew out a sigh of relief. “See, almost here. How do you

feel, Elijah?”

“Kinda weird.”
His heart skipped a beat. “How so?”
“Numb, I think. And very tired.”
“Can you guys hurry?”
A fireman in full gear appeared, followed by another. They

came toward him. One knelt next to him. “That gash looks pretty
bad. Let’s get you—”

“Take care of him first,” Kirk insisted. Even as he spoke his

stomach rolled. Queasiness overwhelmed him. The fireman’s face
swam in front of him.

Kirk opened his mouth to say something and then his world

went dark.

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“I think he’s waking up.”
Even just barely conscious, Kirk recognized that voice. He

struggled to lift his eyelids even as a shadow seemed to move
across him. Hot breath scented with bubblegum fanned his face.

“Hey, is anyone home?”
Kirk opened his eyes and stared into the pores of someone’s

nose. “Get off me.”

After a low chuckle, Toby Sherwood’s face no longer hovered

over him. “Seems like he feels pretty good to me.”

Now he was staring at fluorescent lights above him. He lay flat

on his back, which he immediately decided sucked. “Where am I?”

Toby leaned over him again. “The hospital. You were in a bus


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Oh, yeah.
“Can you lift me up or something? This is uncomfortable.”
“We should probably call his nurse,” a woman said. He

recognized her, too. His mother.

“They’ll take too long. I think it’s this gizmo.”
Even as he could see Toby getting ready to attack something,

Kirk panicked. Good God, what had he been thinking? He’d be
folded in half or shot out of the bed or… oh, sitting up now. He
blew out a shaky breath.

Sure enough there were two other occupants of the hospital

room besides him.

His mother, Susan Richardson or Owens or Henry. He forgot

what name she happened to be using these days. She’d just
divorced her fourth husband. Kirk thought that maybe if you
couldn’t get it right after four tries it might be time to give up. She
wore a lime green sheath dress with purple and pink flowers. Like
his mom, it was bright and vivacious.

Toby, of course, was his best friend forever. Well, since grade

school. He suspected they’d be best friends when they were little
old men sitting on a bench at the beach. Not that Toby ever went to
the beach. He was as white as porcelain and burned if the sun hit
him for ten seconds. Kirk blinked. He was pretty sure Toby had on
a Charlie Brown shirt. Yellow with the black zigzag. The yellow
nearly matched his dyed hair.

“Thanks,” he said. He touched his forehead and felt the

bandage they’d put across the gash. “Stitches?”

“Afraid so. You might have a scar to mar that awesome face.”

Despite his words, Toby smiled, showing the perfect, straight teeth
his folks had spent a fortune on.

His mother grabbed his hand. “We’ve sent for the nurse. Do

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you know who I am?”

“Uh, yeah. Why wouldn’t I?”
“Because you hit your head, dearest.” She kissed his forehead,

likely leaving a big violet lip print there. “You gave Toby and me
the biggest scare.”

“I feel okay. Was my head the only injury?”
“Looks that way,” Toby spoke up. He plopped down on the

edge of the hospital bed. “The others on the bus didn’t do so well, I

Kirk frowned, thinking of Elijah. “What have you heard?”
“I think there’s been several fatalities. Heard ’em talking

outside in the hall.”

Kirk’s mom shot Toby a look. “Don’t bother him with that

now, Toby. Where is that nurse?”

“How long do I have to stay in here?”
“I think you should be in here at least a week, but the doctor

said overnight.” His mother tsked. “They’re all in such a hurry
these days to discharge patients.”

He blew out a breath. “I’m glad. The sooner I get out of this

place the better. Did someone call Helen Montoya?”

“Yes, I called your boss lady. She said she might come by

later.” Toby gestured with his shoulder to a plant sitting on a
rolling table across the room. “That’s from her.”

A short, blonde woman walked into the room. “Good

afternoon, Mr. Matheson. It’s good to see you awake. I’m your
nurse on this shift. My name is Mabel. If we could have a few
minutes, I’d like to check your vitals.”

Toby stood, pecked him on the cheek. He smelled like the

bubblegum he chomped and the candy, lemonheads. “I think your
mom and me will head out to get something to eat. We’ll be back

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after that.”

His mom kissed him again. “See you later, dearest. Try to get

some rest.”

When they left, Mabel set to work on him. “Do you know what

day this is?”

“Yes. And I know who the president is, too. When can I


She smiled. “Sometime tomorrow. Do you remember what


“Yeah, a car spun out, hit another car, and then flew up into the

bus, pretty much. Toby said people died.”

She nodded. “Yes.”
“How-how many?”
Mabel had that look about her, the one that said I won’t tell you

anything, but then her face softened. “Four. Three at the scene and
one after transport.”

Kirk swallowed the sense of dread that suddenly overwhelmed

him. “I had a friend on the bus. Can you tell me if he’s okay?”

“Mr. Matheson—”
“Please. His name is Elijah Cartwright.”
She finished with his blood pressure. “Get some rest, Mr.

Matheson. I’ll check on your friend and let you know.”

“Thank you.”

* * *

He slept again, or so he assumed, because he woke up to an

empty room. Kirk had no idea how long he’d been out. Earlier he’d
been brought lunch, fried fish sticks and waxy green beans. And
orange gelatin. Pretty distasteful, all of it.

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He’d sent Toby and his mother home at lunch, telling them to

come and get him tomorrow morning. He just hoped the doctor
would sign his discharge papers by then.

No word on Elijah yet. Kirk hoped the old adage, no news is

good news held true. He flipped on the overhead television and
tried not to think about it. He didn’t even really know Elijah. That
morning had been the only time he’d even spoken to him.

He flipped the channels and landed on the news. They spent a

lot of time talking about the rain and all the accidents. Kirk wasn’t
really surprised when pictures of his flipped bus appeared together
with the caption, Fatal Bus Accident. He turned up the volume.

“Four people died on the bus, including the driver and three

passengers, and there were numerous injuries,” the anchorwoman
said. “The driver of the Mustang was also declared dead at the
scene. The driver and passenger in the Honda Civic were
transported to West Hills Hospital.”

Tears pricked his eyes. He knew one of the dead had to be the

woman across from him and the driver, an older Hispanic man, had
been driving for them a number of months.

Kirk tried to wrap his mind around the fact these people got up

in the morning, expecting to have an ordinary day, and now they
were gone. He squeezed his eyes shut and turned off the television.
He’d been lucky. So very lucky.

Mabel, his nurse, came into the room carrying a Styrofoam

cup, which she set on the table that lay across the hospital bed that
had earlier contained his lunch tray. “I thought you might like
some more hot tea.”

She smiled. “Lukewarm.”
He nodded. “Thanks.”

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“Are you in any pain?” she asked.
“No, it throbs a bit, but it’s manageable.” He forced himself to

ask, “Did you find out any news?”

The smile faded instantly and his stomach twisted in knots.

Now he knew whatever she found out was something he didn’t
want to hear.

“I’m sorry, Kirk. I’ve been told your friend didn’t make it.”
Kirk didn’t know what he could possibly say or if he could

even make his mouth move, so he just nodded… or he thought
maybe he did. He felt numb. Maybe that was wishful thinking.

“I’m sorry. Do you need anything?” Mabel asked gently.
“Can I just be alone?”
She patted his hand. “Sure. I’ll be back to check on you in a


When she had gone through the doorway, Kirk let his tears fall.

His nerd was dead. It hurt like hell. Maybe more than it should, he
didn’t know. But he was tired again and hoped sleep would take
away the pain.

* * *

“Ouch, watch where you’re going,” Kirk said, as once more

Toby ran his wheelchair into the corridor wall. “My God, this is
just like how you drive a car.”

“Is not. I think there’s something wrong with the wheel.” Toby

stopped the wheelchair and knelt down to inspect it.

Kirk was being released after spending a depressing night at the

hospital. He’d told the nurse he could easily walk out on his own,
but Toby had made a big deal of how he wanted to wheel Kirk out.
He’d given in, much to his regret now.

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Today his best friend wore skinny black jeans and a black silk

buttoned-down shirt. He’d brought Kirk a change of clothes when
he came to pick him up, consisting of old ratty jeans Kirk thought
he’d thrown away and a Grateful Dead shirt. He didn’t like the
Dead, but one of his mother’s husbands had given it to him one
Christmas. Toby would have had to go back to the way back of his
closet to even find it.

“Come on, I’m hungry.” Kirk realized he was whining, but he

looked forward to the real food they planned to eat before Toby
took him home.

“I knew it! The wheel is crooked.”
“Just leave it alone and be careful.”
Toby straightened and stood. “All right, but I can’t be blamed

if it turns to the side a bit.”

He pushed Kirk down the hall and made a turn right at the end

when given the choice between that or left. Coming down the long
hallway toward them was another wheelchair, also occupied by a
man. He was on the far end so Kirk couldn’t make out his features,
but there was something definitely familiar about him.

When Toby made to turn down the short hallway in the middle

that led to the elevators, Kirk touched Toby’s arm. “Wait.”

“Forget something in your room?”
“No. I-I think I know that guy down there. Maybe from the


Toby squinted. “Hmmm. Want me to wheel you down there?”
As Toby wheeled him toward the man, Kirk couldn’t believe

his eyes. For a moment he was certain he was seeing a ghost.
Wasn’t he?

The other man was likewise being wheeled by a man, but was

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still dressed in a hospital gown as well as a robe. His leg was
bandaged and his arm swollen, and the glasses were different than
the ones he usually wore. But that would make sense, since they’d
been broken on the bus.

The man wheeling Elijah Cartwright stopped the chair just a

few paces from where Toby stopped his. The man, very tall and
movie-star handsome with dark, perfectly coiffed hair and blue
eyes much like Elijah’s, gazed at him quizzically.

“You know this guy, Eej?” the man asked, pronouncing it with

an exaggerated double e and ja sound.

Elijah’s face lit up with a smile. “Yes, this is my rescuer. The

man I told you about.”

“They told me you didn’t make it,” Kirk blurted out.
“As you can see, here I am,” Elijah said with a little laugh.

“Kirk, right?”

Elated at seeing Elijah alive, he grinned like an idiot. “Yes. I’m

so glad you’re all right.”

“Well,” said the man with him, “I wouldn’t go that far. I’m

Lucas Cartwright.” His gaze went quickly from Kirk to Toby,
where it lingered.

“OMG, the Lucas Cartwright? The one who stars in the

detective show on cable television?” Toby squealed. He stared
hard at the man. “It is you!”

Now that Toby said it, Kirk realized he did recognize the man

who played Detective Pete Harrow on the popular cable series.
He’d seen the show several times himself.

Lucas smiled, showing dimples and the perfect white teeth of

an actor. “Yes, that’s me. Elijah’s my little brother. Elijah, why
don’t you introduce me to your friends?”

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Elijah blushed. “Well, um, this is my rescuer, Kirk. I’m sorry I

forget your last name.”

“Matheson.” He shook Lucas’s hand. “We rode the bus

together several times a week.”

“I don’t know the other man,” Elijah admitted.
Toby, never one to hold back because of shyness, stepped

around Kirk’s chair and right in front of Lucas. “Tobias Sherwood.
Like the forest.”

Lucas laughed. “I see.”
“Most people call me Toby.” He took Lucas’s hand and didn’t

let go even after they finished their handshake. “I’ve seen on your
website it says you’re bisexual. Is that true?”

Kirk choked. “Toby, for God’s sake.”
“It’s perfectly fine,” Lucas assured him. “As it happens, yes, I

am. Though currently I do have a girlfriend.”

Toby released his hand and pursed his lips. “Too bad for me.

Ah, well. Just the same, I love your show.”

“Glad to hear it. Maybe you’d like to come by one day while

we’re filming it and see what it takes to shoot an episode.”

“Here, let me get you a card and a number.”
Kirk was grateful when they moved over a bit to the side of the

wheelchairs. Elijah had lowered his gaze shyly. He reached for
Elijah’s hand and the man raised his gaze in surprise at the contact.

“I didn’t really rescue you, but I’m so glad you’re not dead.”
“Me, too. And I don’t know if I would have made it without

you. Getting out today?”

Kirk nodded. “Yeah, on my way out now. How about you?”
Elijah sighed. “I have to stay in for a few more days, and then

Lucas will take me home. I’m staying with him for a while until

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I’m fully healed. The arm’s basically just a bad sprain, but there’s
a tiny fracture in my lower leg, I have stitches in my stomach
where I had a gash, and they’re keeping an eye on my kidney

He knew he should probably release Elijah’s hand, but he

didn’t want to. Not yet. He wanted to ask about seeing the pretty
man again—when he felt better, of course—but he didn’t even
know if Elijah was gay.

Elijah smiled. “I probably should let you get out of here. I’m

sure you’re anxious to leave. I know I would be.”

“Elijah, I was wondering—”
“Are you… ” He stopped, glanced at Lucas, who was still

talking to Toby. Both looked rather captivated by the other. “I was
wondering if you’re like your brother… or not.”

The other man frowned. “Like my brother?”
Kirk’s cheeks burned hot. “Um, you know, do you sometimes

like both girls and guys?”

The blue eyes widened behind the wire-framed glasses and the

plump lips curved. “No.”

Disappointment washed over him. So much for the notion he’d

ever get to have his nerd. “Okay, that’s fine.” He released Elijah’s

“Wait. I mean, I don’t ever like girls,” Elijah said, when Kirk

went to turn his wheelchair.

His heart racing, Kirk blinked. “Does that mean you like


“Yes, I believe it does mean that.”
“Duh.” Kirk grinned. “Head injury making me a bit slow. Can I

call you? When you’re out of here, that is.”

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“I’d like that.” Elijah tugged on his brother’s shirt. Lucas

turned to face him. “Can you write down your number for Kirk?
Sorry, my cell phone’s history from the crash.”

Lucas gave Kirk an assessing look but then pulled out a card

from his wallet and handed it to Kirk. “That has the home phone
on it. Now, I’d better take Eej back to his room. He’s supposed to
go to X-ray soon. Tobias, nice to meet you. You, too, Kirk.”

“Bye, Lucas.” Toby waved. They waited until Elijah and his

brother turned the corner. Toby sighed. “What a dream.”

“He is really cute,” Kirk agreed. “I can’t wait to ask him out.”
“Not Elijah, Lucas.”
“Oh. Yeah. He is, too.”
Toby wheeled him down the hall toward the bank of elevators.

“Too bad he’s taken. Just my luck.”

“What happened to Rick?”
“Went back to his ex. I seem to have that effect on lovers. Send

them flying back to their formers.” Toby shrugged. “So, you’re
going to ask Elijah out, huh? He seems sweet.”

Kirk smiled. “Yeah. Who knows? Now, hurry. I’m starving.”

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Elijah Cartwright sighed and hit the fast forward button on the

DVR. He adored his brother, but damn his television show was
lame. He’d never, ever admit that to Lucas, even under threat of

He’d been home, rather at Lucas’s home, for weeks after the

accident and he was so ready to go back to his own life. He had a
doctor’s appointment tomorrow and he really hoped the doctor
would say he could go back to his own apartment.

Elijah was not one of those types who couldn’t bear to be

alone. For the most part, he was better company than most of the
people he’d known. Definitely better to be alone than to date a
bunch of bozos, which seemed to be his fate.

He got up from the couch, struggling a bit with his crutch, and

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while he still moved a bit slow, he thought he was healing pretty
well and couldn’t imagine the doctor saying he needed Lucas’s
help anymore. During his last appointment the cast had been
removed and now he only had a leg brace to deal with.

Lucas’s show was on hiatus and wouldn’t return to filming new

episodes for another month, which meant his older brother hovered
over him like a blasted mother hen. If, in fact, his brother hadn’t
run out to the store a while ago, he’d be yelling at Elijah for daring
to get up and hobbling into the kitchen himself.

His brother’s big fluffy orange cat, Alfred, decided to join him,

rubbing against Elijah’s legs while he opened the pantry to search
for food.

“You want something, too, fur ball?”
The phone on the kitchen bar rang and Elijah debated whether

to answer it. Usually it was someone for Lucas anyway. But at the
last minute he reached for it.

“May I speak with Elijah?”
“Speaking. Who is this?”
“It’s Kirk. Matheson.”
His day suddenly seeming much brighter, Elijah smiled. “Oh,

hey. I was beginning to think you’d lost my number.”

“Yeah, sorry, I thought I should give you plenty of time to

recover. Um, sorry.”

“It’s okay. At least you’re calling now.”
“How are you?”
“Pretty good. Got my stitches out a while ago. Arm’s all better.

Basically the leg’s the only problem left and it’s much better. I’m
hoping the doctor will give me the okay tomorrow to go back to
my own place.”

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Elijah removed a box of reduced-fat cheese crackers from the

pantry as well as a little round container of crunchy cat treats in
tuna flavor. Alfred had now begun to yowl noticing the cat treats.

“You are doing great, it sounds like.”
“Yeah, how about you?”
“Oh, I’m as good as new now. Listen, do you think if the

doctor does let you go home you’d like to have dinner with me?”

Leaning down to pour treats into the cat’s dish, Elijah said,

“Yeah, I’d love that.”

“Love what?” Lucas asked from the doorway of the kitchen,

his arms full of grocery bags. His eyes narrowed. “What are you
doing up off the couch?”

Elijah rolled his eyes and turned his back on his brother. “Can

you call me tomorrow night on my cell?” He’d replaced the phone
since it had been destroyed in the accident. “Say, um, like four or
five? I should know by then.” He quickly gave Kirk his cell phone

“I definitely will. I can’t wait to see you, Elijah.”
He could hardly believe a hot guy like Kirk would be interested

in a geek like him, but, well, maybe it was true that opposites
attracted. “Me, too. Thanks, Kirk. Bye.”

When he turned back, Lucas had put the bags on the counter

and was emptying them.

“That the guy from the bus?”
“Yeah, he wants me to go to dinner with him.”
Lucas crouched and rubbed behind Alfred’s ears. “Do you

think that’s wise?”

Elijah frowned. “Why wouldn’t it be?”
“Your leg.”
“First, it’s healing nicely enough that I’m only using a brace

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now, and I’m hoping the doctor says I can go back to my place.”

“There’s no reason to rush things, Eej.”
“Second, it’s dinner, Lucas. I think my leg can survive that.”
Lucas rose and put a gallon of milk in the fridge. “How do you

know it’s just dinner? This guy might be expecting you to put out.”

Put out? What are we in the fifties?”
“You know what I mean. He might be expecting sex out of

you. Having rescued you and all that. Want me to check him out?”

Lucas smiled. “I know a great private investigator. I can check

him out.”

“No. Man, are you crazy? This is the first normal guy I’ve had

interested me in a long time. You are not going to ruin it by getting
some thug to dig up dirt on him.”

“Not a thug, little brother. Just a private eye.”
“Whatever. This isn’t your television show, Lucas. I don’t need

you to protect me and scare off Kirk.”

His brother sighed. “All right, but I still think it’s too soon after

your accident.”

“Duly noted,” Elijah said dryly.
“And ignored.”
“Yep.” He grabbed his bowl of cheese crackers and made his

way awkwardly to the living room, Lucas on his heels, offering to

Going home couldn’t be soon enough.

* * *

“I still say you should hang around my house for another

couple of weeks at least. Maybe even until you go back to work,”

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Lucas said as they got into his car after Elijah’s doctor’s
appointment the next day. “Or I do.”

“The doctor said there was no need and that I should start

putting weight on it. Lucas, I love you for helping me for all this
time after the accident, but I have to start doing for myself again.
The only way that’s going to happen is if I go back to my
apartment. Now, it’s fine. It’s on the ground level so there aren’t
any stairs. It’ll be okay. I will.”

Lucas grimaced as he pulled out of the parking lot of the

medical group. “I think maybe you should just move in with me
permanently anyway.”

“What? Why?”
“We’re both single. I’m making a lot of money with the show.

You could work from home or something, have the house to
yourself whenever you wanted it. It would keep us both from being

Elijah snorted. “You’re hardly lonely. You’ve got people

knocking on your door at all times. You have a girlfriend, fans.
And anyway, what happens if you get married and have a family?
What do I become? Weird Uncle Elijah?”

“Married? I’m hardly ready for that. If I ever will be.”
“I thought you and Melissa had a good thing.”
“We do.” Lucas shook his head. “I’m just… I haven’t decided I

want to settle down with a woman rather than a man or vice versa,

“Okay, makes sense. But my point is, whether it’s with Melissa

or with a guy or some other woman, eventually you’ll want a long-
term thing with someone and three’s a drag. Same with me, Lucas.
I want to find someone, too.”

“This Kirk guy?”

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He shrugged. “Maybe, I don’t know. I just hope he’s not like

the last guy I went out with.”

Elijah rolled his eyes. “No. Jerry was more interested in you

than in me. I think his sole purpose in dating me was to meet my
famous actor brother.”

Lucas smiled. “You think I’m famous?”
All actors had egos, Elijah reminded himself. As much as he

loved his brother, Lucas was no different. He’d seen him preening
in front of the mirror one too many times not to know.

“Yes, Lucas. Didn’t they know you at the hospital?”
“They did.” Lucas sat up straighter in the driver’s seat.
Holding back a sigh, Elijah shifted his leg in the car to be more

comfortable. “The point is, I don’t want a Lucas groupie.”

“I could still have him checked out.”
“I told you no. I get the protective big brother act—”
“It’s not an act.” Lucas scowled.
“I know. Just, let me handle this my own way, okay?”
“All right, all right. I guess we’ll go get your stuff and move

you back to your apartment. Are you sure about this?”

“Yes.” Elijah glanced at the digital clock on his brother’s car. It

had taken longer at the doctor’s than he thought it would and it was
already close to four-thirty. So far his cell phone hadn’t rung. It
was true he’d told Kirk four or five, but he wished the man would
call already. If he hadn’t changed his mind.

Lucas, the mind reader, smiled. “He’ll call.”
“He will. I saw the way he looked at you at the hospital.”
Elijah chucked. “Really? I thought the only thing you noticed

was Kirk’s friend.”

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Lucas nodded. “That guy was seriously hot.”
“He definitely thought you were. But you’re with Melissa.” His

phone vibrated to life, followed by his ringtone. His face flaming
at his brother’s knowing look, Elijah answered, “Hello?”

“Hi, it’s Kirk.”
“Hey.” His stomach fluttered with a thousand butterflies.
“What did the doctor say?”
“I’m going home.”
“That’s terrific. Then, you can have dinner with me?”
“I’m having my brother move me back tonight, can we do it

another night?”

Kirk laughed. “Oh, definitely. I didn’t mean tonight.”
Elijah felt a bit silly for thinking Kirk couldn’t wait to see him

that badly, but he covered his embarrassment by clearing his
throat. “Uh, great.”

“I’ll give you a couple of days to settle in and then give you a


And just like that, Elijah was certain he’d never hear from Kirk

again. Call it a hunch, but he felt it in his gut. It was a sort of brush
off. Had to be. Elijah didn’t have good luck with men. Most barely
noticed him. “That’s cool, Kirk. Thanks. Uh, talk later.”

Elijah sighed after disconnecting and leaned back against the

car seat.

“What?” Lucas asked, glancing his way curiously.
He shrugged. “Just got the vibes.”
“The vibes?”
“The I’m not as interested in you as I thought vibes. Trust me,

I’ve gotten them often enough to know.”

“Well, if that is the case, his loss.”
“Yeah, sure.”

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Depressed at his lack of prospects, Elijah let the conversation

lapse. The last time he’d had sex was with Jerry, and to say it had
been less than thrilling would be an understatement. As soon as
Jerry pulled out, he’d brought up Lucas again. Which had pretty
much rung the death toll on that relationship for Elijah. Clueless
Jerry had continued to call him a couple of times after that, but
eventually he got the message.

Was it too much to expect a guy to like him and be attracted to

him for himself? Was he really that much of a dork?

Don’t answer that.
Because really, Elijah guessed, he really was that much of a


* * *

Three days after moving back to his own apartment, Elijah sat

at his computer playing a video game. He didn’t have to return to
work for a couple of more weeks, so he found himself rather bored
most of the time. At least at his brother’s there was someone to talk
to even if it was a mother hen.

After exhausting his choices for daytime television earlier in

his convalescence, Elijah found himself almost every day playing a
game with the online community.

Shaking his head at just how pathetic he actually was, he

clicked out of the game, and hobbled into his kitchen. At least he
could walk around his apartment without the crutch now.

His phone, which he’d left on the kitchen bar, began to buzz

and shake.

“Not again,” Elijah muttered. Must be time for Lucas to check

on him. He reached across the sink to the bar and grabbed it up.

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“I’m just fine, okay?”

“Glad to hear it.”
Oh. Oh, crap. Not his brother. At least Kirk had sounded


Clearing his throat, Elijah tried again. “Um, Kirk?”
“Yes. Expecting someone else?”
“I thought you were Lucas. Sorry. How are you?” Truthfully,

he didn’t even know how to react. Considering he hadn’t expected
Kirk to call. At all.

“Good. I was wondering if you’d like to have dinner with me.”
“Excuse me?”
Crap, he’d said that out loud. Geez, he was an idiot. “I mean…

I don’t know what I mean. Exactly.”

“All right.” Kirk had dragged out the word, as though he

thought maybe he’d dialed a lunatic. Elijah thought maybe he was.
“Do you want to have dinner with me?”

“When? Like next week?”
“I was thinking more like tonight, if you’re free.”
Let me check my social calendar. Elijah rolled his eyes at

himself. Yeah right.

“Yes, I am.”
“Great. I’ll pick you up at six-thirty. Give me your address,”

Kirk said.

Elijah provided his address and his stomach had already begun

to tie in knots. What if he said or did something stupid? What was
he thinking? He probably would. It was almost a given. God, how
was he supposed to dress?

“Should I wear clothes?” Elijah clapped his hand over his

mouth. “I mean—”

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Kirk chuckled. “Well, as much as I’d like to see you naked,

yeah, I’m sure the restaurant requires clothes.”

Just die of shame now.
“I meant, what kind of clothes should I wear?” In his head he

ran a litany of idiot, idiot, idiot.

“Casual will be fine, Elijah. I can’t wait to see you. See you

tonight. Bye.”

His appetite gone for whatever he’d been seeking when he

entered his kitchen, Elijah made his way out of his kitchen and
down the short hallway to the one and only bedroom in his small
apartment. Casual. Well, that was vague enough.

Opening his closet, Elijah stared at his clothes. He couldn’t

help but think they belonged as an advertisement for a store called
Geeks R Us.

Fantastic, Elijah thought, eyeing the slacks and shirts balefully.

He would have to call Lucas to help him pick out something that
didn’t completely scream… nerd.

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“All right, so show me what you’re thinking of wearing,”

Lucas said, lounging against the headboard of Elijah’s double bed.
Lucas’s long legs barely fit across the bed.

Elijah bit his lip and dug into his closet. He pulled out white

linen slacks, a light blue T-shirt, and a white linen jacket. “How’s

Lucas nodded. “Sure, that’s great.”
Elijah grinned. It had been easier than he thought.
“If you’re Don Johnson in Miami Vice .”
His pleasure faded. “What?”
Raising an eyebrow, Lucas shrugged. “I feel like Clinton on

What Not to Wear.”

“Yeah, well I’m not getting in front of the three-sixty mirror so

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forget it.”

His brother chuckled. “Dump that, Eej. Next.”
He pulled out a long-sleeved red shirt trimmed with a white

collar. “How about—”

“No way. You’d look like Gilligan.”
Elijah decided Lucas was just too obsessed with television.

Grimacing, he removed another shirt. And another. And another.
His brother swiftly rejected each one.

“Fine, but now I don’t have any shirts at all to wear. You didn’t

like any of them.”

Lucas nodded. “Right, but you’re in luck, little bro. I brought

you something to wear.”

“If you haven’t noticed, Lucas, you’re taller and thicker than


“Thick?’ Lucas rose from the bed and went to look at himself

in the mirror on Elijah’s bathroom door. “You think I’m fat?
Should I hire a personal trainer?”

He sighed. “Not fat, I mean more muscular.”
“You said thick.”
“Can this be about me? What clothes did you bring?”
Lucas glared and stepped away from the mirror. “I didn’t bring

you my clothes. I stopped at the store on the way over and bought
stuff in your size.” He grabbed up a plastic bag from a department
store and handed it to Elijah.

Elijah peeked inside and pulled out jeans, a navy buttoned-

down long-sleeved shirt, and a leather bomber jacket. “Wasn’t this

His brother shrugged. “Don’t worry about it.”
“Well, even still, why’d you make me go through all that if you

bought me these to wear?”

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“Just wanted to see what you had to work with.”
Elijah rolled his eyes. “Even if I wear this on the first date,

what if there’s a second date? I can’t wear the same clothes every

“Well, we’ll go shopping if you get a second date,” Lucas said.

“But this will get you through the first one. Now, it’s five-thirty
already so in the shower with you and get ready. Need help with
your leg brace?”

“No. You… out. No offense, but I don’t want my older brother

here when he arrives.”

“Yeah, yeah, I’m leaving. Have a great time.”

* * *

When six-thirty came and went, Elijah tried to push aside the

slight sense of panic. Kirk could just be one of those people who
were habitually late. Although, he had always made the bus with
plenty of time to spare. Anyway, it was silly to freak out so early.

Elijah reminded himself he’d been stood up before and had

survived it. Once a couple years ago, a co-worker had convinced
him to sign up for an online dating site. Against his better
judgment, he’d gone to his co-worker’s house where they set up
their profiles. When his friend took out a few beers, he’d
reluctantly drunk, even though really Elijah didn’t find alcohol
terribly appealing. After a few, he’d stupidly been talked into
embellishing his profile. He got asked out almost right away and
when he showed up for the date, he waited and waited. He ended
up convinced his date had arrived, seen the real Elijah, and
hightailed it out of there. Elijah had canceled his membership the
next day.

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Now it was five after the time Kirk had said he would pick up

Elijah. He found himself looking at the clock on the wall every few
seconds. About to tell himself once more to get a grip, he caught
the sound of scuffling footsteps approaching his door and then a
sturdy knock.

Holding his breath, Elijah opened the door. Kirk, who looked

even better than Elijah remembered, stood on his doorstep smiling.

“Hi,” Elijah said, more than a little surprised when Kirk pulled

him into an all too quick hug. “Um, want to come in for a

Kirk entered Elijah’s apartment and glanced around. It gave

him a chance to study Kirk. His hair, several shades lighter than
Elijah’s dark brown, appeared windswept but very sexy. His hazel
eyes were framed by thick, long lashes, and he had to be a good
five inches taller than Elijah’s five-seven. Kirk was dressed similar
to him, wearing jeans that framed his legs and ass perfectly, and a
crisp white T-shirt over which he wore a suede jacket. Really,
Elijah decided, Kirk was far too good-looking to be seen with him,
and he couldn’t help wondering what Kirk saw in him.

Kirk smiled. “Hey, you stopped greasing your hair.” He

stepped close to Elijah and ran his long fingers through Elijah’s
straight hair.

“Yeah, I only do that for work.”
“Well, you should stop altogether. Your natural hair is pretty.”
Elijah wrinkled his nose. “Pretty?”
The other man just laughed. “Oh, and your glasses are different

from the ones you had on in the hospital.”

He nodded, reaching up to straighten his new designer glasses.

They were absurdly expensive, but his insurance had covered most

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of it. “Those were just spares, an old prescription. These are the
new ones.”

“I really like them. They’re less… ”
“Less?” he prompted when Kirk stopped mid-sentence.
Kirk flushed. “Nothing. Are you ready to go to dinner?”
He decided to let it go, but he was pretty sure Kirk was about to

refer to his prior pair of glasses as being nerdy or geeky. He
supposed they were. Which since Elijah was that way himself it
made sense. To him, anyway.

“Yeah.” He reached for his crutch. “I’m down to only longer

walking around at least.”

“You look amazing actually,” Kirk said, holding the door while

Elijah went through it.

“I do?” He locked the door behind Kirk when the man walked


Kirk nodded. “Considering.”
And just like that his balloon of happiness deflated. Adding a

qualifier took away the joy of the compliment. Ah, well, he
supposed he shouldn’t expect anyone to think he looked amazing.
Put him next to Lucas and the words ugly duckling came to mind.

He forced a smile and followed Kirk over to his sedan parked

pretty close to Elijah’s apartment. “So, where are we going for

“I thought a nice steak house. You aren’t a vegetarian are


He said it as though being one would be a mortal sin.

Fortunately, Elijah didn’t take offense since he did indeed eat
meat. “Nope, I’m good. Sounds great.”

A short time later, Kirk pulled in front of the valet attendant. “I

figured this would be an easier walk for you.”

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“Yeah, thanks.” It turned out to be not far to the restaurant door

and Elijah recognized the famous name of the steakhouse. He’d
been there a few times when Lucas paid. They were good but
pricey. Apparently, Kirk meant to impress him. He hoped that
meant the man really liked him.

The hostess sat them in a cozy corner booth and soon they’d

each ordered a drink. Kirk ordered some fancy sounding white
wine and he’d ordered iced tea.

“Not much of a drinker?” Kirk asked as the waiter left their


“No, not really. I’ve tried wine, I just don’t like it.” He held his

breath, waiting. Once he’d gone out with a doctor who had
pompously told him he just hadn’t tried the right wines.

Kirk smiled and picked up his menu. “No big deal.”
Exhaling, Elijah smiled back and studied his own menu. So far,

so good. The fact was, he wasn’t very good at social situations. He
somehow managed to screw up every time. Well, maybe not every
time, but certainly a good eighty percent. He would never be suave
and sophisticated and that suited him fine. Most of the time.

Elijah tried not to pay too much attention to the prices. It

seemed rather absurd to pay so much for a hunk of meat.
Everything else, such as sides and salads, had to be ordered
separately. But he didn’t want to be one of those people who came
to a nice restaurant only to order a watercress salad. But he also
decided the best way to make his decision was to determine what
Kirk intended to order and choose accordingly.

“So, what do you think you are going to have?”
“Probably the filet mignon. You?”
He nodded. “Yeah, that looks good. Me, too.”
“Want to get a couple of sides to share?” Kirk asked. “Say the

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mashed potatoes and the mushrooms?”

“Sounds great.” He closed his menu.
“I’m going to get a side salad as well. How about you?”
“I’ll pass on that.” He didn’t want to get too greedy with the


The waiter approached once more and when it came to his turn

and he ordered his steak well done, Elijah held his breath once
more. Kirk didn’t make any comment though and the waiter
moved away.

Kirk took a sip from his wine and then leveled his gaze at

Elijah. “What’s up?”

“I’m sorry?”
“You had a weird look on your face when we were ordering

our steaks.”

His face heated. “Well, uh, to be honest I had a date go a little

psycho on me once for ordering my steak well done. He acted like
it was a personal affront. He pretty much thought I was a fool all
the way around, really.”

“No offense, Elijah, but he sounds like the fool.” Kirk

shrugged. “Why should I give a damn how you like your steak?
People are strange sometimes.”

“I agree. And thanks. I’m glad my weirdness doesn’t bother


Kirk smiled and reached for his hand, wrapping his fingers

around Elijah’s palm. “So, how do you feel? Really?”

“Pretty good. Still a bit sore, but the leg feels close to being

healed. I’m hoping to have the brace off soon, definitely by the
time I return to work. How about you? All your injuries gone?” He
couldn’t help noticing his hand felt really good in Kirk’s grasp.

“I never got as battered up as you did, of course, so yeah, I’m

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good,” Kirk said. “I’ve been back to work since right after the

Elijah couldn’t remember what it was Kirk did, though he was

pretty sure Kirk had mentioned it, so he asked, “What is it you do

“I work at a company that goes to other companies and puts on

motivational programs. Stuff like How to Accept Change, Making
Opportunities Count, you know crap like that.” Kirk grinned.

“Ah, do you present them yourself?”
“No, actually, I’m the assistant of the woman who does. She’s

got a PhD in business. I go along and set up the equipment she
needs. Make sure she has all that’s required both for the classes
and for her hotel room and dinner. I’m a glorified assistant.”

“Oh, I sort of remember you telling me that on the bus. Sounds

pretty cool,” Elijah said politely.

“It’s boring as hell and it’s too much traveling. I’m hoping for

a promotion, but we’ll see. You’re an engineer?”

“Right. Environmental Science. Talk about boring.”
“I bet you had to go to school for a long ass time for that.”
Elijah laughed. “Yeah, some. But it pays the bills, including my

never ending student loans. It’ll be kind of good to get back to
work, actually.”

“Yeah, I’m sure it’s hard to find something to do all day.

Especially since you spent a lot of time at your brother’s.”

He stiffened. It was a casual enough remark anyone would

make, but he did not want the conversation to lean toward talk of
Lucas. His famous actor brother was off limits.

He smiled and decided to find a new topic. Kirk still held onto

his hand, so he thought their attraction might be safe. “You know
it’s funny, I never would have guessed you were interested in me

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from our time on the bus.”

Kirk chuckled. “If you had bothered to ever look up for your

mini-laptop, you would have seen me ogling you.”

Blinking, Elijah just stared at him for a couple of seconds. He

couldn’t imagine anyone ogling him, let alone someone as
gorgeous as Kirk. He decided Kirk had to be pulling his leg or

“Yeah, right.”
“I’m serious, Elijah.” Kirk’s fingertips skated over his palm,

and then he released Elijah’s hand when the waiter came by with
his salad. He picked up a fork and stabbed it into leafy red lettuce.
“I don’t think you realize just how appealing you are.”

He rolled his eyes. “Um, sure. You look up sexy in the

dictionary and my picture is there.”

“Come on, be serious. I could have starred in that movie,

Revenge of the Nerds.”

“Just because you’re smart doesn’t make you a nerd, nor does

wearing glasses.” Kirk shook his head. “We’re not in the fourth
grade here, Elijah. Whether you can accept it or not, I happen to
think you are hot. Didn’t you notice I always picked the seat right
behind you on the bus?”

Sure, he’d noticed. He’d noticed everything about Kirk, though

he’d tried not to, of course. He hadn’t even gotten to the point of
hoping Kirk was gay. He never had that kind of luck. “Um, I
guess, yeah.”

“I loved staring at your neck,” Kirk confided. “You have

perfect skin.”

Blushing, he laughed. “You sound like a vampire.”
The other man grinned. “Only in my fantasies. And if you think

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about it, sitting behind you symbolizes something.”

Elijah frowned. “What?”
Kirk waggled his eyebrows. “Can’t you imagine what being

behind you means?”

He choked. He was pretty sure he couldn’t turn any redder than

he was that minute.

Smiling a little, Kirk said, “I’m sorry if I’ve made you


“No, I just… Well, I’m not really used to such innuendos.”

Which was true. Elijah’s past lovers had never tried to pretend he
was particularly attractive.

“You went out with some real clowns, obviously.”
A short time later their steaks arrived, which were delicious,

and the waiter brought them a dessert menu.

“It must be pretty strange having a well-known brother,” Kirk

said, taking a swallow of the coffee he’d ordered.

“Yeah,” Elijah said cautiously.
“Can’t even imagine how it must be. Especially staying at his

house. Did you get a lot of paparazzi watching you?”

“Not really.”
Kirk smiled. “Still, he seemed like a cool guy when I met him

at the hospital.”

Elijah sighed. “He is. But, I may as well tell you, I don’t

introduce guys to my brother. I’m not his pimp. So, if this is why
you asked me out, I’m afraid you’ve wasted your time, Kirk.”

“What? Elijah, no. I’m making conversation to get to know

you. I’m not interested in Lucas.”

He swallowed. “Okay, good. I’m sorry if I came off rude, it’s

just… I’ve run into that before.”

Shaking his head, Kirk finished off his coffee. “You’ve really

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dated some losers. Did you want dessert?”

“Not really. I’m not much of a dessert eater.”
“Great, then I’ll have the waiter bring our check.”

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Kirk wondered the whole drive back to Elijah’s apartment if he

should make a move on the rather shy man. He’d always guessed
his nerd was pretty shy, but his constant blushing at dinner had
removed all doubt.

The leg might stand in the way of full on sexual activity, but if

they were careful they could possibly manage it considering Elijah
was down to just the leg brace. The question was, though, would
he be going too fast for Elijah?

“You can put the radio on whatever station you might like to

listen to,” Kirk said to break the silence in the car.

“Thanks.” But Elijah made no move to change the channel

from the hard pumping rock music.

“You think maybe I could get some coffee when we get to your

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apartment?” Not very subtle, he guessed, but Kirk didn’t think
outright asking, want to have sex, would work either.

Sure, it was their first date and all, but they’d been riding the

same bus for months. That had to count for something.

“I only have instant,” Elijah replied in almost a whisper.
“That’s not a problem.”
And so Kirk was thrilled when the same visitor space right in

front of Elijah’s apartment was still available. “At least this
parking lot is well lit. Where’s your assigned space?”

Elijah pointed to a covered carport a short distance away. “That

end one there.”

“Can you drive yet?”
“I haven’t yet, but I think maybe when I see the doctor next he

might okay it.” Elijah unlocked his front door and set his crutch
just inside the door. “Geez, that thing is getting really tedious.”

“Still, you need it some to get around, don’t you?”
Elijah shrugged. “I can manage inside my apartment without it

and I’m supposed to experiment putting weight on my leg. Let me
get that coffee.”

Kirk followed him into the kitchen, making sure Elijah didn’t

stumble. How to broach the subject of not really wanting coffee?
“Hey, Elijah.”

The man was reaching into a cabinet for mugs. He glanced at

Kirk and he had such a sweet little tentative smile on his face that
Kirk’s cock jumped to full attention.

“I was wondering if your leg would prevent you from… ” Kirk

trailed off.

Kirk stepped close and wrapped his hand around the back of

Elijah’s neck, drawing their mouths close together. “Can’t you

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Elijah’s blue eyes widened behind his glasses. “But you wanted


He shook his head. “I just wanted to come home with you.”
“Should we?”
Rubbing his thumb across Elijah’s full bottom lip, he said, “I

don’t want to push you if you think it will hurt you or your leg or
you’re not ready, but you’re the sweetest, sexiest man who’s come
along in I don’t even know how long. I would love to spend the
night showing you just how much I want you.”

The other man’s hands slipped from the mugs in the cabinets

and linked around Kirk’s neck instead. Even then, Elijah didn’t
make a move to kiss Kirk, he just stared, his pink lips slightly

Kirk figured that was as much permission as he was going to

get, so he lowered his mouth to Elijah’s. Soft lips parted under his
and Kirk’s tongue slipped inside. His hand moved down to curve
over Elijah’s surprisingly firm, round ass. Elijah might be thin, but
he still had a mighty fine body, ready to be fucked. Or at least Kirk
hoped so.

He broke the kiss, but only to trail his lips over that perfect

neck he’d spent so much time fantasizing about while riding the
bus. He brought their bodies flush and felt the hard ridge in
Elijah’s jeans. Moaning with nearly unchecked desire, Kirk seized
Elijah’s lips once more, his tongue thrusting inside.

When they came up for air, Elijah whispered, “Did you want to

go to my bedroom?”

Oh, yeah.
Kirk nodded. “Do you need help?”
“No, I can make it on my own.”

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He was reluctant to let Elijah go, even for a moment, because

the man had felt so damn good in his arms. But, he was being silly
he supposed. He’d have him back where he wanted him within

Following Elijah into a rather large bedroom for an apartment,

Kirk flung his jacket on a chair in the corner next to the dresser and
pulled his T-shirt off as well. “Where do you keep your condoms
and lube?”

Elijah, who had just sat on the edge of the bed, looked startled.

His pale skin had turned to a dark red. “Um.”

Pushing aside his own potential disappointment, Kirk forced

himself to say, “I’m going too fast, aren’t I? I’m sorry.”

The other man shook his head. “No. I guess… well, you are

very direct. I like it. I think.”

Kirk grinned. “You think?”
“I’m used to more subtle come-ons. Here you come and tell me

I’m sexy and amazing and all that.” Elijah shook his head. “The
guys I’ve been with want to ask me what games I play online and
while I’m telling them that they start blowing in my ear.”

Kirk smiled and knelt on the floor between Elijah’s legs. He

rested his hand on the man’s inner right thigh. “You ear’s sexy
enough but there are other things I’d rather blow.”

Elijah laughed. “I can’t believe you said that.”
“Me either. Need help with your brace?”
“No, but I am going to have to keep it on, if that’s okay. I even

sleep with it on.”

Kirk nodded and closed his hand over the hard bulge of

Elijah’s crotch. “As long as I can have the rest of you naked, it
works for me.”

Elijah’s breath hitched. “I… uh.”

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“Let me.” Kirk removed Elijah’s glasses and reached across the

bed to the table beside it and set them down. He undid the first
button on Elijah’s jeans, then slowly lowered the zipper. His gaze
on Elijah’s face, he reached inside to pull the man’s cock free of
his pristine white briefs. The cock he closed his fingers around was
long, thick and hard as steel. Which turned him on even more. His
mouth hovered over the tip of Elijah’s erection.

“Oh, my God.”
Kirk smiled, but then thought of something he should find out.

“With an ass like yours it’s definitely made for fucking.”

Elijah nodded. “Yes, please.”
He closed his mouth over Elijah’s dick, his fingers curving

over the shaft to slide it deeper inside. Elijah’s blue eyes were huge
and he leaned back on his elbows, his cock pushing in farther still.
Having the luscious organ in his mouth, Kirk reached down to
unfasten his own pants and pull his straining cock out so he could
stroke it in rhythm to the thorough sucking he was doing of Elijah.

Kirk decided Elijah tasted so good he was going to suck him

right to orgasm. And then he would kiss his bare skin until Elijah
was quivering and begging Kirk to pound into him.

Elijah moaned, gasping and grinding himself into Kirk’s

mouth, his fingers digging into the quilt on the bed. Kirk hollowed
his cheeks, sucking harder and faster, his fingers gently squeezing
the other man’s balls. It occurred to him he ought to keep an eye
on Elijah’s leg, he didn’t want to do him injury, so he glanced
over. It seemed Elijah had managed to keep it in a pretty stable
position. A strange thought, Kirk supposed, while giving someone
a blow job.

Elijah tensed under him, his balls drawing tight, his cock

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stiffening even more as it pulsed and then emptied into Kirk’s
mouth. He thrashed a bit, but Kirk held on to his leg to keep him
from moving it too much as his orgasm slammed through him.

“Oh, oh, God,” Elijah said. “That was… was… ”
He slipped the now flaccid member from between his lips, and

leaned back on his haunches, smiling. “Don’t talk. Unless it’s to
tell me the answer to my earlier question.”

“Condoms and lube, Elijah.” Kirk stood and undid Elijah’s leg

brace so he could scoot the man’s briefs and jeans off completely.
When the offending garments had been disposed of, he refastened
the leg brace, while a still stupefied Elijah just watched him.

“Bathroom, under the sink.” Elijah smiled impishly. “Sorry, it

was kind of nice watching you take care of me.”

Kirk chuckled. “Take your shirt off and get comfy.”
On the way to the bathroom he slipped out of his own pants

and boxers. He found the supplies, tore off a condom and grabbed
the tube of lube.

Elijah had removed the quilt and pulled back the blankets and

top sheet of the bed. He lay on his stomach, legs spread, the injured
leg carefully laid, and his perfect round ass displayed. Kirk’s jaw
dropped open and he wouldn’t be surprised to find out he was
drooling. But he couldn’t shake the feeling he was pushing Elijah
into this.

He lay down next to Elijah, their faces just inches apart and

met the other man’s gaze. “Hey.”

Elijah frowned. “Hey. What?”
“I just want to make sure I’m not pushing you into this too

soon. I’m coming on strong, I know it. I’ve been fantasizing about

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this for months, but you haven’t been. I know this is our first real
date. Do you want to stop?”

He blinked. “Wouldn’t that be selfish of me after you just did

what you did?”

“I didn’t do anything I didn’t want to do, Elijah.”
“Elijah, I don’t want you to feel obligated to reciprocate

because I sucked your cock,” he explained gently.

Elijah blushed. “Well, no, but, I’d… I’d like to continue if it’s

all right with you.”

Feeling suddenly worlds better, Kirk smiled and leaned in to

kiss Elijah breathless. When they came up for air, he whispered
against those plump lips, “It’s definitely all right with me.”

Kirk stole one more kiss before scooting down Elijah’s body.

“God, you really have a beautiful body,” Kirk said, unable to help
but admire the smaller man. Kneeling on the bed, he began to rain
kisses all over Elijah’s bare back, enjoying the goose bumps that
appeared after each kiss. Reaching the firm round, buttocks, Kirk
was unable to resist a small bite.

“Hey.” But Elijah laughed.
Kirk moistened his lips and as they trailed close to Elijah’s

crease, he flicked his tongue along it, watching the man shiver.
Next time—and Kirk decided there would be a next time—he fully
intended to further explore with his tongue. For now though, he
reached for the lube and squirted out enough to thoroughly prepare
Elijah for his cock.

“Tell me if anything hurts your leg or anything else, okay?”
Elijah nodded.
He slipped two fingers inside, trying to be patient, going slow,

even though his own cock was hard enough to break off. He

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grasped his erection and stroked it as he continued to spread Elijah
for the intrusion.

Elijah wiggled. “It’s all right, Kirk. I’m ready.”
“You sure?”
“Yes.” He tightened around Kirk’s fingers.
“Ah, God.” He withdrew his fingers and reached for the

condom. Tearing open the foil packet, he sheathed his cock in
mere seconds.

Kirk rose above Elijah, careful to position himself so as not to

jostle his injured leg. He pushed in, gasping when the man’s tight
ass closed around him.

Fuck, Elijah was almost impossibly tight.
He pushed past the tight ring of muscle until his cock thrust all

the way inside. “All right?”

Kirk decided that was Elijah’s way of saying conversation was

over, so he began to pump the man’s ass, slowly at first, then
picking up the pace when Elijah’s little whimpers became his
undoing. Elijah rose a little, thrusting back, meeting his own
powerful thrusts.

“Ah, damn, Elijah, can’t—”
His release slammed through him and he pumped through it

before collapsing partially on Elijah, avoiding the leg brace.

After a moment he slid off the smaller man and after discarding

the condom, pulled him close. “Thank you, that was amazing.”

Elijah smiled. “Glad you thought so, too.”
“I did.” Kirk yawned. “Wow, I’m suddenly exhausted.”
“S’kay. Kind of tired myself.”

* * *

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When Kirk woke up he noticed the clock on the bedside table

said 5:00 A.M. With a groan, he disengaged himself from Elijah.
He had to get ready for work. Which meant driving back to his
place for his shower and clothes. He hadn’t meant to spend the
night here, but Elijah was a comfortable bed partner.

“Elijah, I’ve got to get going. I need to go to work.”
Elijah just groaned and turned over.
Grinning, Kirk picked up his clothes and dressed quickly.

Before leaving Elijah’s room, he leaned over and kissed him. “I’ll
call you.”

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After Elijah’s opened his eyes, it didn’t take long to realize he

was alone in bed. The heat of Kirk’s body was gone and the room
was freezing. He grabbed the quilt that had been flung aside in the
middle of the night and huddled under it.

Okay, he had not expected to have Kirk spend the night with

him. Hadn’t expected sex, either. Not that he was complaining. It
had just surprised him.

He vaguely remembered Kirk getting up very early and telling

Elijah he had to work. And there was something about calling him.
Which Elijah hoped was true and not just one of those lame, I’ll
call you
sort of things.

Eventually he decided he ought to get out of bed and start his

day. He’d be returning to work soon enough and he needed to get

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back into a routine. And that reminded him. He needed to call his

“Hi, it’s Elijah Cartwright,” he said, when his boss, Sherman

Alberts, answered the phone.

Sherman chuckled. “Elijah, you’re the only one working here

with that name, just say Elijah. I know who you are.”

Elijah scowled. “Well, anyway. Did you get the doctor’s


“Yep, looks like you’re cleared for duty in about a week.”
He rolled his eyes. “It’s not duty. You make it sound like we’re

in the military.”

“How are you really feeling?”
“Antsy,” he admitted. “I’m not used to so much time to myself.

I’m finding out I’m kind of boring.”

“Nah, everyone get’s like that when they’re home alone. You

wouldn’t be alone, Elijah, if you’d let me fix you up with my cute

“Isn’t that weird to let your boss get dates for you?”
“Who cares if it means you’re getting laid? Besides, we’re

friends, too. I showed Harry your picture and he thought you were

“Oh, please… wait, what picture?”
“The employee picnic one.”
Elijah groaned. “There is no way anyone could think I was hot

from that picture.”

“He does,” Sherman insisted.
“Well, anyway, I’m seeing someone now.” Elijah realized how

good it felt to say that. Really good. He just hoped it was true.

“All right, if you say so. If you change your mind, let me know.

So, this report seems to say you don’t need any special

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“No, I won’t.”
“See you in a week then.”
“Right. Bye, Sherm.”

* * *

When a few days had passed without a call from Kirk, he

began to believe for Kirk, anyway, their night together had been a
one-night stand.

But why not call Kirk himself? He didn’t need to wait for Kirk

to call him. That was just stupid and since he’d gotten Kirk’s
number during their date, why not use it?

So, Elijah dialed Kirk’s number later that night around seven

when he was sure the man would be home from work.

“Kirk, it’s, uh, Elijah.”
“Oh, hey,” Kirk said, cheerfully. “I’ve been meaning to call


Sure, then why didn’t you?
“Yes, well I decided to call you.”
“Work’s been crazy busy,” Kirk said. “I planned to give you a

call tomorrow.”

Elijah heard a muffled male’s voice in the background.
“Hold on just a second,” Kirk said, but Elijah didn’t think it

was for him, but rather whoever Kirk had over.

“I’m interrupting something.” Elijah hoped Kirk would say the

guy was just a friend or something.

“Nah, it’s okay. We’re just finishing dinner.”

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He sighed, pushing aside his disappointment. Or trying to,

anyway. “Sorry, I didn’t realize you had company. I’m sorry to
bother you.”

“You aren’t. I’ll get back to Tom in a minute.”
“Tom?” he asked casually.
“Yeah, someone I met a while ago when we did a business


He blew out a breath. “Oh, so a business dinner?”
“Er, no. Hey, did you want to get together Friday night? I

won’t have to work Saturday.”

So, I can be your booty call? No, thanks.
“I’ve already got plans that night.”
“You have?”
“Er, yeah, someone from work wanted me to meet this guy.”
“Oh. Well. How about Saturday then?”
Biting his lip, Elijah said, “Um, I’m not really sure. We should

probably play it by ear. Anyway, sorry to interrupt again. Bye.”

He hung up before Kirk could say anything else.
It was true they hadn’t talked about dating exclusively. They

hadn’t even had that chance since he hadn’t heard from Kirk, and
well, that pretty much explained why he hadn’t heard from Kirk.
He had a date with someone else.

Maybe it really had just been a one-night thing. Fair enough, he

supposed. Too bad he really liked Kirk.

His phone rang almost immediately and Caller ID listed Kirk’s

number. Elijah thought maybe he would ignore it until he decided
if he did want to see Kirk again. Maybe give it a few days, try the
guy Sherm wanted him to meet.

* * *

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“How is it you know Sherm again?” Elijah asked, sitting across

from Harry at a pretty divey diner that Friday night. He’d called
Sherm to set up the date shortly after calling Kirk a couple nights

Harry was a tall, thin—nearly anorexic really—man who had to

be close to fifty. Elijah figured the guy could be his father. Still, he
might as well make the best of the evening. He’d brought it on
himself, after all. Smiling, he took a sip of his iced tea.

“He used to babysit my kids.”
Elijah choked, swallowing tea wrong, and started coughing.
“Down the wrong pipe?” Harry asked, sympathetically.
He nodded, even as the waitress came by and started thumping

him on the back.

“Do you need the Heimlich?” the plump elderly waitress yelled

in his face.

Frantically he shook his head. Judging by her strength in

pounding on his back, she’d probably kill him.

“Tea went down the wrong pipe,” Harry explained.
The waitress moved away and Elijah’s chest calmed down a

bit. He wiped his watery eyes with a napkin.

Harry waved a hand. “Don’t worry about it. I’m a little older

than Sherman led you to believe, huh?”

“Er, yeah.”
Harry smiled. “You’re just as cute as your picture. Even more

so. You changed your hair.”

Elijah had stopped greasing his hair ever since Kirk mentioned

liking it better that way. He ran his fingers through his hair self-
consciously. “I did. Um, thanks.”

“Don’t let my age fool you. I’m pretty active. Besides, I’m

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much more attracted to guys your age than my own.”

“You said you had kids?” He figured it was safe to change the


“Right. I fought with myself for years over my sexuality,”

Harry told him, munching on an onion ring. “Actually, to be
honest, Elijah, even during my marriage I was seeing men on the

He’d just been about to take another sip of tea, but was grateful

he hadn’t. Struggling to keep a straight face, Elijah murmured, “Is
that so? It must have been difficult to hide that part of yourself.”

“It was. I no longer have to do that now.” Harry gestured to the

waitress. “Check, please. You didn’t want dessert, did you?”

His tone said Elijah better not. He shook his head.
Harry slapped money down on the table and slid out of the

booth. “Come on, I’ll take you home. Maybe I can come in for

“Um, I don’t know. I don’t really think I have any.”
“Tea will be fine.” Harry attempted a wink but it just made him

look rather sinister.

The drive back to his apartment was silent. He didn’t know

what Harry was thinking, but Elijah was trying to figure out the
nicest way to get rid of Harry. The man was not coming into his

As Harry’s car pulled into the parking lot, Elijah said, “I’m

afraid you won’t be able to come in after all, Harry. I forgot I was
expecting someone tonight.”

Elijah was about to say his brother when he noticed Kirk

leaning against his front door. His heart racing, he swallowed.

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Harry pulled up to the curb. “Who is that?”
Kirk had straightened from the door and now made his way to

the car as Elijah opened the passenger door. He bent his head to the
side. “Elijah, that’s not your father, is it?”

Stifling a laugh, he shook his head. “No, this is Harry, my


“Oh.” Kirk stared the man down. “Hello.”
“This is… my friend, Kirk.”
Harry frowned. “You have another date after me, Elijah?”
“Sorry, Harry. Elijah and I have something to talk about.

Thanks for driving him home, though.” Kirk closed the car door
once Elijah got out and then waved at Harry.

As Harry drove away, Elijah bit his lip. “I hope he’s not too


“Who the hell was he? That was the plans you said you had


“Yeah, and why are you here anyway?”
“Let’s talk inside,” Kirk said.
Elijah let them into his apartment, wondering why Kirk had

come. “You want anything?”

“No, sit down.” Kirk gestured to Elijah’s couch in his living


Bristling at being ordered around in his own place, Elijah sat

and Kirk took the spot next to him. “Why are you here? I told you I
had plans.”

“I know. But you wouldn’t return any of my calls, so I figured

I’d come and see you for myself.” Kirk sighed. “I know I shouldn’t
have interrupted your… thing tonight.”

“It’s okay, it was over anyway.”
“Were you really on a date with that guy? He’s gotta have

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twenty years on you.”

“I was set up by a friend. I really didn’t know much about him

before that. But, well, what about you, the guy the other night—”

“Is that why you won’t return my calls? Elijah, I made that date

with that guy before you and I had ours. I probably should have
canceled it, but it was just a casual thing.”

Elijah stared at his hands. “I see.”
“I didn’t have sex with him.”
He shrugged. “It doesn’t… matter if you had. You and I just

went out on one date.”

“Like you and Harry?”
Kirk grabbed his hand. “Elijah, I’m crazy about you.”
Elijah met his gaze, swallowing the lump in his throat. “Yeah?”
“Yeah. I have been for months. Before the accident I had the

biggest crush on you and I know you don’t really believe that, but
it’s true. I should have talked to you then, but, well, I wasn’t even
sure you were gay and I was afraid of being rejected.” Kirk smiled,
turning a little red. “Anyway, I know I’m just getting to know the
real you, not just my fantasy, but if it’s all right with you, I don’t
want to see anyone else and I sure as hell don’t want you to see

His heart suddenly filled with hope, Elijah smiled. “I don’t

want to see Harry.”

Kirk cupped his jaw, running his thumb over Elijah’s lips.

“Great. I’m so glad to hear that.”

Elijah closed his eyes just as Kirk’s lips covered his. He

expected a sweet kiss and so was surprised when it turned
passionate, probing. Kirk’s tongue slipped inside, tangling with
his. Desire slammed through him.

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“Kirk?” he gasped.
“Elijah, I want you,” Kirk whispered against his lips, then he

leaned his forehead against Elijah’s. “But we’ll go as slow as you

“Slow?” Elijah grinned and shook his head. “Let’s go to bed.”
As they head down the short hall to Elijah’s bedroom, Kirk

said, “You’re walking pretty good on that leg.”

“I saw the doctor today. It’s just about completely healed. I still

can use the leg brace when walking but I can start trying it without
it more and more.”

After they had undressed, Kirk covered Elijah’s body with his,

fusing their mouths together. His breath hitching, Elijah wrapped
his arms tightly around Kirk’s waist.

Coming up for air, Kirk smiled. “Your glasses are jabbing me.”

He slipped them from Elijah’s head and put them on the bedside
table. “Condom and lube still in the bathroom?”

“No, there in the drawer. I moved them closer. Ah.” He

groaned when Kirk stroked his cock. The drawer opened and Kirk
fetched what was needed.

“On your stomach,” Kirk said softly.
Elijah did as he was told and spread his legs. It felt good to be

without the brace for the first time in a long time. Reaching
underneath him, he grasped his erection.

“Hold on tight, Elijah.”
Kirk had placed himself down by Elijah’s ass and now he used

his thumbs to part the cheeks. He expected to feel Kirk biting him
again, but instead he felt the flick of Kirk’s tongue at his hole.

“Oh, my God.”
Kirk’s tongue entered him, pushing in deep and Elijah was lost,

lust shooting through him. Soon the other man had added a lubed

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finger alongside his tongue, pushing into him, stretching him,
making him crazy.

He worked his own cock faster, stroking it and rolling his balls.

Shaking with the need to come, he begged Kirk to enter him.

“Oh, yeah,” Kirk said with a warm chuckle.
Elijah turned his head to watch him slip on a condom. After

lubing himself, Kirk poised himself between Elijah’s cheeks

Kirk thrust in, deep, powerful. He grasped Elijah’s hands as he

pumped into him, their bodies joined as one.

With each brush against his prostate, Elijah felt his orgasm

coming fast. He quickened the jerks of his cock, his hand sliding
over the shaft again and again.

“Kirk, I can’t hold out,” he gasped, feeling the tingle at the

base of his spine.

“Don’t,” Kirk said hoarsely. “Let go, Elijah, come.”
His dick pulsing, strings of cum splattered his hand. He

screamed his release, biting the sheet next to his face.

Seconds later, it seemed, Kirk jerked above him, and then

collapsed on top of him.

Kirk laughed and rolled off. “Sorry. You sort of drain me.”
“I’m not sorry.” Elijah turned and snuggled close to him,

wrapping his arms once more around Kirk’s middle. “Thank you
for coming over tonight.”

“It was absolutely my pleasure.” Kirk kissed him and then

tucked a strand of hair behind Elijah’s ear. “I was afraid I screwed
up and you wouldn’t talk to me again.”

He blushed. “Yeah, I’m sorry, Kirk. I’m basically socially

awkward. I read more into our night together than I probably

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should have.”

“Not at all. I wanted to spend more time with you. I really had

been busy with work.”

Elijah nodded. “You think even when you do get busy, you can

just at least let me know you might be thinking about me?”

“Definitely. I learned my lesson.” Kirk flipped him over until

Elijah was under him. “I know this sounds weird, and that the bus
accident was horrible, but that’s what brought us together, you
know. I don’t think it ever would have happened for us otherwise.”

“You may be right. You know they were talking about

canceling the bus because of city budget cuts.”

Kirk nodded. “Yeah. So, I’m going to take that as a sign,

Elijah. You and I are meant to be.”

He smiled. “Kiss me.”
And Kirk leaned down to kiss Elijah senseless.

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Shawn Lane believes love and passion know no boundaries. Shawn
writes both erotic love stories involving men in historical or
contemporary settings and interracial romances between men and
women. Shawn is always looking for new stories and new
characters to create while holding down life in California.

* * *

Don’t miss Pulling Away

by Shawn Lane,

available at AmberAllure.com!

Noah and Charlie grew up in the same neighborhood. They’d
always been friends, though never close. When Charlie is left alone
after the death of his family, however, Noah is the only friend that
sticks around after Charlie practically becomes a hermit.

Determined to get through to Charlie, Noah invents a fake identity
on the computer to talk with him. And while Charlie still keeps
Noah at arm's length, he opens up to his new computer buddy.

Finally, Noah's dream comes true when his friendship with Charlie
changes to include sex, but each time they are together, Charlie
pulls away afterward. Every time Noah tries to get through to him,
Charlie grows even more distant. Then Charlie tells Noah's

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disguised internet persona that he doesn't have a boyfriend, merely
a neighbor with whom he has sex.

Crushed, and in order to protect himself from further heartache,
Noah begins to live a life separate from Charlie. But Charlie
realizes soon enough that he misses Noah in his life, that he must
get past his grief and go after the man he has come to love.

But is it already too late?

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Podobne podstrony:
04 Shawn Lane Devotedly His
Lane Shawn Accidentally His 2 Becoming His
Shawn Lane Only Forever 3 Only His Heart(Contemporary)
Shawn Lane Only In His Dreams (Only Forever #1)
Can t Be His Shawn Lane
Car Wash Shawn Lane
Last Christmas Shawn Lane
Dark Times 01 The Dom for His Alpha
Shawn Lane The Naughty Ones
Shawn Lane More Than Anything
Shawn Lane Loving The Assistant (Loving 02)
Shawn Lane The Best Gift
Lane, Shawn [His 06] Finally His
Lane Shawn His 5 Eternally His
Amy Lane [Little Goddess 01] Vulnerable
01 For His Pleasure Kelly Favor
Thom Lane Tales of Amaranth 01 Dark Heart
Denise A Agnew Heart of Justice 01 Within His Sight
Downs, Jana [His Guardian Angels 01] Angel Bound

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