Shawn Lane More Than Anything

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… “Want to turn off the lamp?” Des asked softly.
“Okay.” Shayne actually liked the idea. If it was dark, well, Des

wouldn’t see all his flaws or try to guess what he was thinking. He
reached over and turned the knob, turning the room to darkness, save
for a small sliver of moon coming in through the window blinds.

Des took hold of his hand and wrapped his fingers around

Shayne’s palm. “How much experience do you have, Shayne?”

He decided to be honest. No sense lying. “Just a little.”
“Like what?”
He shrugged in the dark. “I went with my mother and grandmother

in the summer to visit family in Ohio. There was this guy who lived
near my relatives and we played around.”

“When you say played around, did you—”
Shayne swallowed. “Yes. O-only a couple of times, though. The

other times we just jerked each other off and did some blow jobs.”

Des had started to stroke his fingers along Shayne’s hand, to his

wrist and up his arm. Tingles of awareness went through him and
straight to his cock, causing it to harden instantly.

“Were you… did he fuck you?” Des asked.
He felt his ears burn, which was silly to blush when you were lying

in the dark. “Yes.”

“And you liked it? He didn’t hurt you?’
“I did and, no, he didn’t.”
Those fantastic fingers now caressed his biceps, drawing little


“Would you let me fuck you?”
Oh, God.
He opened his mouth to answer, but all that came out was a


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At Long Last

The Beach House

The Best Gift

Car Wash

Galaxy’s Heart

The “His” Series

His One And Only

Hitting It Big

The Impersonator

Jake’s Regret

Lawyers In Love

Lost Between

Manfred’s Curse

Most Likely To Succeed

Only For Him

Only Forever

Only His Heart

Only In His Dreams

The Other Side

Pulling Away

Sorcerer’s Lover, I & II

The Squire

Still The One

Sweet Reunion

Ticket To Ride

Twice In A Lifetime

Until The End Of Time

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This book is a work of fiction.

All names, characters, locations, and incidents are products of the

author’s imagination, or have been used fictitiously.

Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead, locales,

or events is entirely coincidental.

Amber Quill Press, LLC

All rights reserved.

No portion of this book may be transmitted or

reproduced in any form, or by any means, without permission in

writing from the publisher, with the exception of brief

excerpts used for the purposes of review.

Copyright © 2011 by Shawn Lane

ISBN 978-1-61124-196-9

Cover Art © 2011 Trace Edward Zaber


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To Shayne, with love

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Shayne Ralston walked out of the university bookstore, his

arms full of textbooks, too many textbooks, he soon realized, as
they promptly slipped out of his arms and onto the ground in front
of him. Rolling his eyes at his own idiocy, he dropped to his knees
to scoop up his purchases.

“Here, let me,” a deep voice said from above him.
At first Shayne wasn’t sure the guy behind the voice spoke to

him, but then someone knelt beside him and swooped up his
scattered books in no time. Shayne glanced up, ready to thank his
helper, and met the most intense green eyes he’d ever seen.

Shayne blinked. Not only were the eyes spectacular but the rest

of the guy went right along with them. High cheekbones, dark

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wavy hair, beautiful white straight teeth, and dimples.

“Um.” Smooth Shayne. He rolled his eyes at himself again.
His helper stood and, reaching down with one hand, pulled

Shayne to his feet. “You should get a book bag or a backpack.
Makes it easier to carry your books.” He glanced down at the ones
he held in his big hand. “Tough courses.”

Shayne nodded, knowing he was an idiot, just staring at the tall,

broad-shouldered god of a man.

“Des, come on!” someone shouted.
“Gotta go.” The guy handed the books to Shayne. “See you


And then he ran off toward several burly guys, all suspiciously

having that jock vibe.

Duh, Shayne, what else?
“What are you doing?” his best friend, Bart Smith, asked,

suddenly there at his elbow.

“Proving what a dork I am, on my first day, as usual,” Shayne

said, shaking his head. “Who was that? The guy who helped me.”

Bart, a short, slim redhead, had been his best friend since

kindergarten. “Are you kidding? What rock have you been living
under? Don’t you remember him?”

Shayne frowned. “No. Why?”
Bart sighed dramatically. “He went to our high school. He was

a senior when we were sophomores. Desmond Stratton. Student
body president. Quarterback. He’s on the university’s football
team, too. All those guys were. Rumors are he’ll go pro

“Oh.” Shayne stared after the direction the jocks had gone.
“Totally out of our league, Shayne.” Bart patted his arm.

“Besides, I’m pretty sure he’s into tits and ass.”

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He nodded. “Aren’t they all? Besides, I’m not here to find a

boyfriend. I’m here to get my history degree.”

Bart snorted. “Boring. Economics is where it’s at. Come on.

Let’s get something to eat. I’m starved.”

* * *

A few hours later and with a couple of classes firmly under his

belt, Shayne opened the door of his old beat-up truck in the
campus parking lot. He glanced at the sky and frowned at the
approaching clouds. The morning, when he had to be indoors, had
been bright and sunny.

Getting into the truck, Shayne turned the key in the ignition

and… nothing.

“Oh, please no.”
Grimacing, he tried again… and again.
“Need a jump?”
The sudden deep voice at his window had Shayne screaming

like he was a victim in a horror movie. His face burning hot,
Shayne turned his head to see Desmond Stratton standing at his
window looking sheepish.

Shayne rolled down his window. “Uh, hi.”
“Sorry, didn’t mean to scare you.”
“You didn’t scare me, er, exactly.”
“You screamed,” Desmond pointed out.
“A startled scream is all. What did you want?” He winced at

the sharpness in his own voice.

“Wondered if you needed a jump. Sounds like your battery.”
Biting his lip, Shayne nodded. “Maybe. You know about cars?”
Desmond shrugged. “Not really, but I do have jumper cables

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and know how to do that. Desmond Stratton.”

When Desmond stuck out his hand, Shayne figured he should

shake it. His hand looked very small in Desmond’s big paw.

“Shayne Ralston. Nice to meet you, Desmond.”
“Des. That’s what all my friends call me. I’ll pull my car over

here and we can give you that jump. Be right back.”

Shayne watched Des run off toward a group of other parked

cars. Sighing, he got out of the truck and opened the hood. He
might not know shit about cars but he knew that much had to be

It seemed like he was destined to make an ass out of himself in

front of Des. Not like it would matter really. The guy wouldn’t be
interested in someone like Shayne, not even as a friend. And if he
realized Shayne was gay, he’d probably punch his lights out.

A minute later, a black Mustang pulled into the empty spot next

to Shayne’s truck. It took every bit of strength he had not to roll his
eyes at the muscle car. Straight as a damn arrow.

Des got out carrying cables. His smile was brilliantly beautiful.

“How old is this truck anyway?”

“Well, um, pretty old. It was my gramps’s, actually. Not sure

what year it is. I just needed a way to get to school.”

“Well, that’s cool,” Des said. “Let’s get you going.”
Shayne watched as Des went to his car and popped the hood

and then connected the cables between the two vehicles.

“Okay, Shayne, go ahead and try to start her,” Des called.
He nodded and got back in his truck. After two attempts, his

truck came to life. And Shayne heaved a sigh of relief.

Des came around to the driver side of his truck. “Let’s leave it

for a moment. I’m betting you really need a new battery. You
going straight home?”

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“Yeah, I was.”
“You live close by?”
“About twenty minutes or so,” Shayne said.
Des scrunched up his face. “Hopefully that will be long enough

for the charge. If you have trouble in the morning you might have
to have it charge again. You want my cell number in case you have
to call me to jump you?”

Shayne blinked. The thought of Des jumping him sped up his

pulse and had him feeling ridiculously warm. Not to mention half-
hard. Which, of course, he hoped to God Des didn’t notice. And,
duh, Des didn’t mean that kind of jumping anyway.

“I have the Auto Club,” he blurted out. Part of him wanted to

kick his own ass for that, but really, the more often he saw Des the
sooner it would become clear to the jock that Shayne was gay and
probably punching bag material.

“Oh, okay.” Des’s beautiful smile didn’t dim one bit. “Hey, if

you aren’t in any hurry to get home, me and some of the guys are
going over to Mario’s Pizza. Maybe you’d like to meet us there?”

Instant panic assailed him. A pizza place full of homophobic

jocks? Not in a million years. He just wasn’t that stupid. He only
hoped he didn’t look as queasy as he felt

“I really need to get home,” he said softly.
Des nodded. “All right. Some other time, maybe?”
“I’ll get the cables.” Des went and disconnected everything. He

waved the cables. “See you, Shayne.”

“Thanks again, Desmond.”
“Uh, yeah, Des.”
Shayne pulled out and drove away feeling a bit like maybe he’d

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missed something but wasn’t really sure what it could be. He
shrugged it off and made the short drive home. He parked in the
driveway and reluctantly turned off the truck. If it didn’t start in
the morning he supposed he could take the bus to school or beg
Bart to come get him, even though Bart had no classes tomorrow.

“Hey, Ma, I’m home,” he called as he stepped inside the simple

single-family home that consisted of three bedrooms, one
bathroom, a living room, a family room, kitchen and dining room.
The San Fernando Valley home had been built somewhere in the
1950s and Shayne had grown up there.

“In here,” she yelled from the dining room.
He knew as he approached that his mother was in the middle of

doing hair. Probably a color from the smell. His mother had been a
beautician in a salon up until the shop she’d worked in for twenty
years had closed due to the death of the owner. The salon had been
left to the owner’s son and daughter-in-law and they’d sold it. Ever
since, his mother, Jan, did hair in their kitchen or dining room.

Sure enough there was his five foot mother, her own platinum

hair piled high on her head in a river of ringlets, her gloved fingers
carefully applying a magenta looking color on the head of one of
her best customers, Mrs. Flores. The customer sat in a chair in the
dining room his mother had bought for the purpose of doing hair.
Of course she didn’t have a business license to do hair in the home,
but so far she was getting away with it.

“Hi, honey, how was school?” She offered her cheek to him,

which he kissed.

“Not bad. I bought all my books. There’s a shitload of them.”

Thanks to financial aid, he’d been able to afford to go to college.
Otherwise, he supposed he’d be working retail and dreaming.

“Shayne.” His mother sighed.

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Mrs. Flores chuckled. “Leave the boy alone. He’s not a baby

anymore. A big college boy now.”

Shayne figured at five foot five he wasn’t exactly big, but who

was he to argue?

“Need a refill on your coffee, Mrs. Flores?”
“Not right now, sweetie.” She waved him away.
Nodding, he turned back to his mother. “I’m going to say hi to


“Okay, I’m heating up leftovers for dinner later.”
It was only the three of them in the house now. His dad had left

the family when Shayne was five. He had another family now
across the country in Pennsylvania. Somewhere over there Shayne
had three half-siblings he had never met. For that matter never
even exchanged an email with. He looked them up on Facebook
and had nearly requested their friendship, but eventually decided
not to bother. They’d not be interested in hearing from their older
dork half-brother.

He didn’t have much of a relationship with his dad either. Until

he turned eighteen, Shayne had received a birthday card, always
late, with a twenty dollar bill inside. Shayne had always dutifully
thanked his father. Once he turned eighteen though, the cards
stopped. The obligation to care, too, he supposed.

It used to be his mom, him, and his grandparents. But his

grandma had passed away three years earlier and Gramps had
never been the same.

He found his frail grandfather sitting on the couch in family

room. The television was on, but Gramps had his reading glasses
on and was perusing a newspaper he had folded on his lap with
little regard to what played on the television. A glance at the screen

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showed the Dr. Phil show.

Shayne smiled and sat next to his mother’s dad on the couch.

“Hey, Gramps, how are you doing?”

“Well, well, how was the first day of high school?” Gramps

asked, his glasses sliding off his thin nose.

“College. I’m in college now.”
“Oh, right.”
“Anyway, everything’s fine. The classes I had today seemed

like they’ll be pretty cool.”

Gramps frowned. “Oh, then, you probably ought to wear a

sweater, Shayne.”

His heart clenching, Shayne smiled and patted the old man’s

leg. “You’re right, Gramps. I’ll do that.”

“Meet any pretty girls your first day?”
“No. Don’t you remember? I’m gay,” he explained patiently.
The old man nodded. “That’s right.” He seemed to consider

this, and then smiled. “Meet any pretty boys?”

Shayne laughed. “I saw a few. I didn’t really meet them.” Not

counting Desmond Stratton, of course. But, he didn’t count. Not
really. “Anything interesting in the paper?”

Gramps snorted. “Same old shit. This guy got murdered, this

bank got robbed, this politician cheated on his wife. Been that way
since I was your age.”

He nodded. “Yeah, some things never change. You want me to

get you a cup of tea?”

“Yeah, how about that new stuff you made me the other day?”
“The green?”
His face brightening, Gramps smiled. “Yeah, I liked that. Make

me some of that.”

Shayne rose and leaned down to kiss the top of his

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grandfather’s bald head. “Coming right up, Gramps.”

Eventually, he guessed, he and his mother would have to sit

down and talk about Gramps’s future. It wasn’t something either of
them wanted to think about. Shayne would rather die than hurt his
grandfather. He’d been the only father figure Shayne had really

And now he had managed to depress himself. He was

becoming far too maudlin.

“I need to get laid,” he muttered as he filled the teakettle.
Why was it that thought brought the beautiful smiling

Desmond Stratton to mind?

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“Am I losing my touch?” Desmond Stratton asked his cousin,

Evan Caruthers, as he reached for a slice of pizza from the 28-inch
pizza Mario’s was famous for.

“Absolutely,” Evan said without pause.
“Funny. I’m serious.” Des glanced down the table at their

fellow teammates. Most of them were wolfing down pizza at an
alarming speed. But they paid very little attention to him and Evan.

Evan, a tall thin blond, tilted his head to look at Des. “You

mean like your throwing arm?”

“No, not for football.” Des cleared his throat. “Sexually.”
His cousin snorted. “What the hell are you talking about?”
Des sighed. “This morning and this afternoon, too, actually, I

tried turning on the charm and—”

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“Wait, wait.” Evan laughed. “Are you saying someone didn’t

fall down at your feet in a swoon?”

Scowling, Des sipped his Coke. “No. Well, yeah, he didn’t.”
And damn it, that stung. Shayne was hot. He’d thought the dark

haired, dark eyed soulful artist type had been good-looking in high
school, but now, having not seen him for a few years, Des could
barely look away when Shayne was around. He was mesmerized.

Evan smiled. “Are you sure these guys were gay?”
“One guy. Both times. And my gaydar went off big time. I

would have sworn back in high school, actually.”

“Wait, you remember this guy from high school?”
“Yeah, Shayne Ralston.”
Evan shook his head. “Can’t say I remember him.”
Des snorted. “You were still screwing Sandy.”
Evan flushed. “She was pretty and a cheerleader. I was trying.”
He nodded. “I know. And to be fair he was a sophomore. You

probably didn’t pay much attention to them.”

“You never mentioned him. You had a crush on him?”
“No, not exactly a crush. I just always thought he was cute in a

starving artist kind of way. Those dark soulful eyes, the pale skin.”
He shifted, realizing thinking of Shayne was getting him hard. And
now Shayne was hotter than he’d ever been before. Now the ends
of his dark hair had been dyed fluorescent blue, which Des found
really appealing.

Evan laughed. “Uh-huh. I get it. He’s definitely your type.”
“Was. I don’t think he’s in to me at all.”
Evan took a bite of pizza. “How do you know? What happened


He shrugged. “Well, okay, the first time I just picked up the

books he dropped, so that was no big deal, I guess, but this

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afternoon his truck wouldn’t start so I helped him get it started.”

“I asked him out and he said no.”
Evan winced. “Oh.”
“Yeah, oh.”
“What did you ask him to do?” Evan grabbed another slice of

the pizza.

“Come to Mario’s tonight.”
His cousin rolled his eyes. “Dude, maybe he’s shy and doesn’t

want your first date to be with the university football team.”

Des opened his mouth and then closed it. He thought about it.

“Well, I didn’t say it was the team, I just said some of the guys.”

“He probably knows who you hang out with if he remembers

you and if he doesn’t it wouldn’t take a genius to figure out.”

“All right, so you think I should try again?”
“Maybe he’s not interested.”
Des scowled, which only made Evan laugh.
“But, you’ll never know if you don’t ask. Most gay men I know

are all over you.”

Des snorted. “Now you’re exaggerating.”
Evan glanced down the table at the others, then reached for his

wallet, extracted a couple of dollars, and tossed them on the table.
“Not by much. I gotta go. I promised my sister I’d take her and her
friends to Target.”

He smiled. “You’re such a nice guy.”
Evan blushed. “Whatever. I’ll catch you later. And ask this guy


* * *

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Des parked down the street from his house and turned off the

engine, but he didn’t get out. There were closer parking spots, but
then someone from his family would look out the window and
notice he was home. He wasn’t ready for that yet.

Sometimes it was hell living a lie. A lie of sorts anyway. He

wasn’t exactly out, but he wasn’t in either. Er, anyway.

Certain close friends and confidants knew. He and his cousin,

Evan, had been the first one each of them had come out to back in
high school. They’d both been pretending. Evan had even gone so
far as to have a girlfriend. Des had dated a string of them, trying to
find the magic one who would make him forget he liked guys. It
hadn’t happened, of course.

Des knew if he wanted a career in professional football one day

he could not be openly gay. It was just the way it was. So, he had
come to the conclusion—until he decided one way or another…
until he found out what the offers would be—he had to remain in
the closet with most people, and that included his family.

His father was old school. Macho and tough. While not exactly

openly homophobic, his father was more of the I’m okay with you
as long as you don’t tell me you’re gay
crowd. Don’t Ask, Don’t
played out in his own home.

Just once he wished he could be himself in front of his family.

Yeah, it was his choice to hide it, but it didn’t make it any less

He’d thought about telling his sister, Angela, who seemed the

most open-minded of his family, but he also knew his sister didn’t
keep secrets well. His older brother, Matt, was too much like their
father. And he knew his mother didn’t want to know her son was
gay. She’d made enough comments over the years to give him that

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So, why was he even interested in seeing Shayne? Des wasn’t

sure. Usually he just had casual hookups, nothing serious. He
didn’t think of relationships because it wasn’t fair to ask a guy to
hide it. Yet, Shayne didn’t seem like the casual hookup sort. And
Des didn’t think he wanted him to be either.

Of course, so far, given Shayne’s disinterest, it was all quite


Des shook his head at himself and finally got out of the car. He

couldn’t avoid his family forever, but it also reminded him the
sooner he could get his own place the better. His father had asked
if he wanted to stay in a dorm room his first year in college, but the
practical side of Des had said no, since home was so close to the
university. He regretted that decision now.

Walking up the walkway between two perfectly attended

flowerbeds, courtesy of his mother, Des was immediately greeted
by the family dog who had managed to paw open the loose screen

The happy golden retriever leaped at him, putting her front

paws on his stomach.

“Hey, Bree.” Des laughed and rubbed her head. “Down, girl.”
Following her wagging tail and her wiggling body, he entered

his house. The scent of baked chicken and baked potatoes hit him
as soon as he stepped inside.

The perfect middle-class family. Or so it would seem to


He rounded the corner just as his mother, apron strapped

around her like she was Mrs. Cleaver or something, stepped out of
the kitchen carrying a platter of chicken.

She smiled, but it lacked warmth. Typical of his family, they

were all show. “There you are. I thought you might miss dinner.

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It’s about ready.”

Des shook his head. “I ate with the guys at Mario’s.”
Her mouth thinned. “I don’t know why I go through the trouble

of making dinner for this family. You’re all a bunch of snot-nosed

“I’m sorry, Mom.”
“You’re sorry? Give me a break. When you get drafted by the

NFL you’d better be taking care of me for once.” She walked over
to the dining room table and slammed the platter down. “Get out of
my sight.”

He turned and headed to the staircase that led to the second

floor bedrooms. For the last several years he heard that same thing
repeatedly from every member of the family. When you get
drafted… When you become famous… When you’re a star

Not a single one of them seemed to give a damn what he

wanted. Part of him did want to be a quarterback in the NFL. Sure,
of course, making millions would be awesome. But the part that
was so tired of pretending, hiding who he was, screamed for

After he walked into his bedroom, he closed the door and

turned the lock. The people in his house had a tendency to ignore
personal boundaries.

Lying on his back on his bed, his mind once more turned to

Shayne. He wanted Shayne, there was no point denying it to
himself. For the tiniest moment when he’d handed Shayne’s books
to him this morning he thought he detected a hint of interest in the
man’s dark eyes. But that afternoon when he helped Shayne with
his truck it definitely wasn’t there.

He should just forget the idea of Shayne and look online for a

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casual hookup. He couldn’t get serious before he made his decision
about football. If he wanted that path, whoever he was with would
have to hide themselves for his entire football career. Des couldn’t
ask that of anyone, and for some reason, most especially not

Des snorted. Like it mattered unless he could get Shayne to

show that interest in Des once more.

He closed his eyes and conjured up Shayne’s full kissable lips.

Des wanted to taste them. Wanted to make Shayne whimper, to
clutch at Des while they kissed like he needed the contact more
than anything.

Crap, when did I become such a damn sap?
Groaning, Des decided to take a shower, and he was pretty sure

he’d spend a good portion of that shower jerking off to thoughts of

* * *

Henri’s Diner wasn’t far from the university campus so it was

no surprise it was crowded with students when Shayne and Bart
arrived the next day after morning classes.

“Fifteen minute wait,” the gum-chewing hostess told them.
Bart walked over to a plastic red bench to wait. Shayne, noting

his friend had taken the last space, stood next to him, facing toward
the hostess pedestal.

“Don’t look now, Shayne, but Stratton and his followers just

walked in.”

Of course anytime someone said not to look, well, you looked.

Shayne turned slightly and looked over his shoulder toward the
door. Sure enough Desmond Stratton and a group of three other

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guys had entered the diner.

Sighing regretfully, Shayne muttered, “I’m going to the little

boy’s room. Be right back.”

He made his way through the throng of people in the lobby and

down a short hallway to the restrooms. Shayne, standing at the
urinal, had just finished tucking himself back in his jeans when the
door opened and Desmond Stratton walked in.

“Hi again,” Desmond said. He smiled and went to the urinal.
Shayne looked away. He would love to see what the man’s

cock looked like, but the last thing he needed was some jock
bashing his head in because he looked at their cock.

“Hi.” He went to the sink and washed his hands.
Desmond smiled. “I think, based on the books you dropped

yesterday, we might have some of the same classes.”

“We do?”
“Yep. What’s your major?”
Shayne reached for the paper towels. “History.”
“Hmm. What do you plan to do with that?”
“Teach probably.”
Desmond smiled again. “You’d make a good teacher.”
He wasn’t sure if that was a compliment or not. “What about

you, Desmond?”

“Call me Des, remember? Biology, actually.”
Shayne’s jaw dropped. “Biology? You?”
“I know, right? A jock like me with a brain?”
His face heated and he looked away. “I-I’m sorry.”
Des laughed. “It’s okay. I know the stereotype. I got straight

A’s in school. And my favorite subject has always been science.”

“I’m sorry. I hate stereotypes. I should know better.” Shayne

stepped away, too aware of the man near him. “I should get back to

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my friend, Bart. We’re waiting for a table.”

“Is it just the two of you?” Des asked.
“Maybe we can tell the hostess to sit us all together, make it


“I don’t know if that’s a good idea.” He could imagine how

much Bart would want to kill him.

“Oh, is this a date? You two wanted to be alone?”
“A date? No.”
“Bart’s not your boyfriend?”
Oh my God.
“You know I’m gay?” he blurted out before he could stop

himself. And then he blushed to the roots of his hair.

Des only gave him that beautiful, perfect smile. “Yes. So Bart

and you aren’t together?”

“We’re only friends.”
“Come sit with us, then. Don’t worry, the guys are cool,


Shayne bit his bottom lip. “I don’t think Bart will be


“Let’s go ask him.” Des pushed the door open and headed back

to the lobby.

Oh, shit.
He hurried after Des. Bart was so going to kill him. He stopped

dead in his tracks when he saw Des had already reached Bart. His
friend’s gaze went to Shayne, the blue eyes narrowing just a
fraction. Shayne winced and mouthed, “Sorry.”

Reluctantly, Shayne approached them.
Des turned. “Hey, there you are. Bart said he was leaving it up

to you.”

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Okay, now I’m going to kill Bart.
His stomach clenching, he opened his mouth to answer when

one of the guys with Des came up and clamped his hand down on
Des’s shoulder.

“What’s up, Des?”
“Hey, Evan. I was just inviting Shayne and Bart to eat with us.”
Evan, an athletic blond, who looked rather Scandinavian, tilted

his head, glanced at Bart for a moment, then back to Des. “Okay.
Want me to tell the hostess there’s six?”

“Shayne?” Des asked.
Forcing a smile, he said, “Sure, why not?”
“You owe me big time,” Bart whispered furiously as they

followed the hostess to their table.

“It’s not my fault, he insisted.”
Bart rolled his eyes. “They’re going to kick our asses out in the

parking lot.”

He shook his head. “I don’t think so. Des seems okay.”
“Des? God. Anyway, I’m sure they’re just messing with us.

Waiting to pounce.” Bart went around to the other side of the table
to sit by the window and Shayne started heading that way to sit
next to him.

“Shayne, come sit next to me.” Des grabbed his upper arm and

led him to a seat across from Bart instead.

Bart had been picked on a lot in school because he was small,

thin, and pretty. By just the type of guys Des and his friends were.
He would never forgive himself if these guys turned on Bart like
the prick who fucked with Bart in high school.

“Hey, what’s wrong?” Des asked, leaning over to ask Shayne

in a quiet voice.

“This… I think this was a mistake.”

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Des frowned. “What? Why?”
He blew out a breath. “Look, I don’t know what this is about,

but I don’t want to be your victim and I sure as hell don’t want
Bart to be.”

“Victim? Shayne, what the hell are you talking about?”
Shayne gritted his teeth. “You guys are scaring the crap out of


Des glanced over. “I don’t understand.”
“He’s scared of you guys, okay? He thinks you’re setting us up

to be bashed.” Shayne winced, hating the fear and desperation he
heard in his own voice.

“You really have a low opinion of me, don’t you?” Des shook

his head. “I’m not setting you up for anything. I just think you’re
cute. You guys can go if you want. Nothing is going to happen to
you. You have my word.”

Humiliation burning his throat, Shayne said, “I’m sorry.”
Des shrugged. “Whatever. No big deal.”
The threat of tears stung his eyes. Shayne knew he had to get

out of there and very quickly. He did not want Des or any of his
friends to see him cry. Not that he was going to, of course.

Shayne pushed back his chair and stood. Not looking at any of

the guys at the table, he turned and hurried out of the dining room
and out the doors of the diner, not stopping until he hit the parking
lot. He took his inhaler out of his pocket and puffed air.

“Hey, are you all right?” Bart asked, coming out of the diner

and walking over to him.

He nodded. “Yeah. I’m sorry.”
“What happened back there?”
Shayne took another puff, then pocketed his inhaler. He

pinched the bridge of his nose. “I don’t even know. I fucked up.”

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“Well, let’s just get out of here. Want to go for fast food?”
“We can if you want. I’m not really hungry anymore.”
Bart grabbed his hand and led him to Bart’s old Nissan. “Did

he say something mean to you?”

“No. He just… it doesn’t matter. I’m sorry I got us into that

stupid mess.”

Bart smiled. “First week of school jitters, huh?”
“Yeah, I guess so.” Shayne laughed. “I sure hope it gets


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“What the hell was that?” Evan demanded. Their two

teammates, Doug and Frank, were talking about the upcoming
game and paying them little attention.

Des grimaced and reached for the coffee the waitress had just

brought him. After she took their order, he said, “I guess I came on
too strong.”

Evan rolled his eyes. “So that was the guy you talked about


“Yeah. You still don’t remember him?”
His cousin shrugged. “No. Now, the other guy. Bart? He was


“Bart Smith. I knew you’d think so. That’s why I’m surprised

you didn’t know him from high school.”

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“I didn’t even get a chance to talk to him.” Evan shrugged.

“Win some lose some.”

Des wasn’t so sure he was ready to throw in the towel where

Shayne was concerned. He liked challenges and Shayne’s low
opinion of him was definitely a challenge.

“He’s in a few of my classes, judging by his books. Or at least I

hope he is.” Des hadn’t thought about it, but it was possible
Shayne’s classes were at different times.

“No, brainless. Shayne.” He glanced at Doug and Frank to see

they were still not paying attention. He lowered his voice, and said,
“I’m not ready to give up. I’m thinking I can maybe persuade

Evan smirked. “To let you into his pants?”
“Of course. A couple of times he looked like he was almost

ready to give me a chance, so there’s hope.”

The waitress came by and plopped down their plates of food.
“Endless optimist.” Evan stabbed into his hash browns.

“Maybe I can get a shot at Bart then.”

Doug looked over. “What are you two conspiring over?”
“Nothing,” Des said. “Just game stuff.”
Doug nodded. “What was with those two dorks you invited to

sit with us?”

“They went to high school with us. They’re nice guys.”
His teammate snorted. “I hope you aren’t planning to pledge

them. They’re not Omega Sigma Tau types.”

“No.” Des wasn’t even sure he was, but his family had always

gone to that university and every male from his family had always
pledged to the Omega Sigma Tau fraternity. Des had done what
had been expected of him. But he would never expose Shayne to

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the frat bullshit.

“Good,” Frank said. “And no offense, Des, next time if you

want to eat with those guys, don’t include me. You may be okay
with fags, but my church tells me they shouldn’t be tolerated and

His jaw tightened.
“Let it go,” Evan whispered.
Des shook his head. “Well, I do take offense. You can think

how you want, Frank, but don’t ever use that term around me
again. Got it?”

Frank rolled his eyes. “Whatever.”
Des opened his mouth and Evan shoved one of Des’s fries in.
“Let it go,” Evan said again. “He’s a dickhead. It’s not worth a


He nodded. “All right, but he doesn’t get invited to anything I

do from now on, Evan. I’m not putting up with that shit.”

“I agree.” Evan sighed. “Let’s just get the check and get out of


* * *

Des had been making his way to his microbiology class a

couple of afternoons later when he spotted Shayne leaning against
a brick wall. Shayne wasn’t alone either. Another student, his back
to Des, stood very close to Shayne, in his personal space as far as
Des was concerned. He clenched his hand as he watched the other
guy tilt his head and then kiss Shayne. It was like an icy wind blew
over him.

Shayne had a boyfriend? Now that he thought about it, Shayne

had only said he wasn’t with Bart, not that he didn’t have a

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different boyfriend.

Shayne broke the kiss, laughed and then playfully touched the

guy’s chest. Pushing aside a twinge of jealousy, Des made himself
turn away from the sight. He didn’t have any right to give a damn
who Shayne kissed. And he should be getting to class anyway.

Des walked away, his mood rather soured now. Maybe it was

just as well anyway. Though a few people knew of his sexuality,
most didn’t. Between scholarships and his parents’ money he was
paying for college and Des figured if his strait-laced, religious
parents learned of his sexuality they’d cut off the college funds.
Maybe even Des himself.

“Hey, Des.” He knew that butter melting voice without

looking. For the last several nights he’d dreamed of that voice
crying out his name again and again as Des pumped into him.

And just like that, all thoughts of ignoring Shayne flew out the

window. He turned to face Shayne, who smiled at him tentatively.
The man’s dark hair was slightly mussed as though the guy who’d
recently been kissing him had run his fingers through his hair.

“Listen,” Shayne said softly. “I wanted to apologize for the

other day. Running out of the diner like that and, well, the things I

Des nodded. “It’s okay. I wish you hadn’t run out though. I

really did want to get to know you. I didn’t know you had a
boyfriend, though.”

“Boyfriend? Nah, I don’t.”
He frowned and gestured toward the wall Shayne had recently

been leaning against. “Who was that dude with his tongue down
your throat then?”

Shayne rolled his eyes. “Not my boyfriend. He just wants to go

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out with me. He’s a little—”

Shayne chuckled. “I was going to say persuasive.”
“Well, no offense, but you seemed okay with it.” Des struggled

to keep a scowl off his face, knowing full well it wouldn’t be

The other man shrugged. “He is a good kisser.”
His jaw tightened. “Hmm.”
“Anyway, I did want to apologize. In my defense, Bart has

some past experience with jocks that was pretty bad, and I guess
I’m a little protective of him.”

“We’re not all the same, Shayne.”
Shayne turned pink. “I know that. Well, I’m trying to know

that. To be honest… are you gay? I just wouldn’t have thought you

Des stepped close to Shayne until they were just a few inches

apart. Other students walked past them on their way to classes, but
Des paid no attention to them.

“Go out with me and I’ll show you,” Des heard himself say.

Maybe a little corny but no one ever said he was suave.

And without thinking it through, Des leaned down to kiss

Shayne. If the other guy had been a good kisser then Des wanted to
be an amazing kisser. But even as Shayne’s dark eyes widened,
Des knew he couldn’t kiss him. Not here, like this where anyone
could see him. He pulled away, feeling like the jackass he surely

“Shayne.” Des cleared his throat. “When are you going out

with that guy?”

Shayne frowned. “Friday, why?”

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“Go out with me tonight.” If he had his way, Shayne would be

breaking the date with the other guy.

“Yeah, let me take you to a nice dinner. I’ll even pick you up.”
“I don’t know, Des.”
Des sighed. “You think I’m ugly?”
Shayne shook his head.
“Unattractive somehow?”
His heart sank. “Oh.”
Shayne’s hand curved around Des’s forearm. He couldn’t tear

his gaze from the sight of Shayne touching him. Even this small
contact had his head spinning.

“What I meant to say, is I do find you attractive. I just… I don’t

date guys like you.”

“Because you find us shallow and dumb?” Des smiled. “I know

you have a low opinion of me. Let me change that. You’ll never
know if you don’t give me a chance.”

The other man looked away for a few seconds, but he didn’t

move his hand, it still clutched Des’s arm and he couldn’t help but
feel hopeful because of it.

Looking at him finally, Shayne’s dark eyes bore into Des’s

very soul. “Okay.”

* * *

Precisely at seven o’clock that night, Des pulled his Mustang

up to the curb in front of the house at the address Shayne had
provided him. His plan was to take Shayne to an oceanfront

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restaurant on Pacific Coast Highway in Malibu. Yeah, it would be
too dark to see the view, but it would be romantic and also far
enough away from the university it would be much less likely
anyone would recognize Des and guess he was on a date.

He checked his appearance in his rearview mirror to make sure

he didn’t have anything out of place. It wouldn’t do to show up for
his date with a booger on his nose or something. Satisfied he was
presentable, Des got out and headed up the walkway to the front

Des had dressed in khaki slacks and a brown dress shirt. The

restaurant was pretty casual, but he wanted to make a good
impression both on Shayne and Shayne’s family if he were to meet
them. Probably old-fashioned of him to think that way.

He rang the bell and waited.
After what seemed forever, the door opened and a frail old man

stood looking at him rather suspiciously.

“What are you doing out here standing on the doorstep?” the

old man asked.

“I—I’m here to see Shayne.”
“And it’s about time, too.” He stepped aside to let Des inside.

“When’s the last time you’ve been to see him?”

“Never mind. You’re here now. Shayne, your dad’s here.”
Des shook his head. “Wait, what?”
“My dad? Gramps, what—” Shayne, who had walked into the

front hallway, stopped. “Gramps, that’s not dad.”

“It’s not?” The old man turned to survey Des. “Well, who are

you then and what do you want?”

“This is Desmond, my date,” Shayne explained, patiently.
For a moment, Shayne’s grandfather continued to look

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confused, but then he smiled and turned to Des, holding out his

“Harvey Young. I’m Shayne’s mother’s father.”
Des shook his hand. “Des Stratton. Nice to meet you, Mr.


“Bring him into the kitchen, Shaynie,” a woman called from

within the house.

Shayne rolled his eyes and his ears reddened but he gestured to

the doorway. “This way.”

They went through a rather cluttered but cozy living room and

past a dining room that looked like it was set up for business rather
than eating. A beauty salon from what Des could tell from the
adjustable chair, mirror, and assorted hair products.

Shayne cleared his throat and bit his lip. “My, uh, mother does


In the kitchen was a rather short, plump older woman with

platinum blonde ringlets cascading down her head onto her back.
She stood at the sink, washing dishes by hand. She turned and
wiped her hands on a dishtowel and beamed.

“You must be Desmond! I heard about you.”
“Mom,” Shayne muttered under his breath.
She ignored him and studied Des with a critical eye before

smiling once more. “You are as dreamy as Shaynie said.”

“I did not say that!”
She waved a hand. “Something close to it. So, you’re off to


“Yes, ma’am,” Des said.
“And polite, too.” She tilted her head. “Have you ever thought

of some nice highlights?”

He frowned. “Highlights?”

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“For your hair. Oh, it’s nice, but it would be even nicer with

maybe a little bit of plum streaked through it.”

“Oh for… we’d better go.” Shayne took his arm. “She’s

obsessed with making everyone’s hair unique. Why do you think I
have color in my hair?”

“I like your blue ends.”
“See!” Shayne’s mother called triumphantly as they hurried

through the living room.

“Don’t encourage her.”
They got outside and Shayne instantly relaxed, exhaling softly.
“They both seemed really nice.”
Shayne nodded. “They are. Sorry about my grandfather. It

comes and goes.”

He smiled. “It’s fine. Come on, let’s go to dinner.”

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“This is really nice,” Shayne said, after they’d been seated at a

table for two in the corner by a window. The table held a candle
and two place settings. The host had removed the two empty
wineglasses from the setup.

Des smiled. “Sorry there’s not much in the way of light to see

the view. It’s amazing here in the summer.”

He lifted his menu to study it. “You take a lot of dates here?”
“You’re the first, actually. I’ve been here with my family a lot

though. When I was a kid. We don’t seem to come here much

He didn’t miss the hint of sadness in Des’s voice, so he

lowered his menu. Sure enough Des had a slight frown on his face.

“That’s too bad. Any particular reason?”

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Des stared down at the table, then his gaze rose. “Families drift

apart when they have nothing in common. We all have different
interests. Back then everyone was happier, freer. Not as much
pressure on any of us.”

“You feel a lot of pressure, Des?”
“Sometimes it crushes me.” He shook his head. “But I don’t

want to bring us down. This is supposed to be about you and me
and our first of many dates.”

Shayne smiled. “An optimist.”
“I’d have to be where you are concerned. You keep shooting

me down.”

“I’m not trying to.” Shayne bit his lip when Des raised an

eyebrow. “Well, okay, maybe I am. It’s just… guys like you are
generally out of my league.”

“What are guys like me?”
“Athletes, macho jocks, frat boys, that kind.” He felt himself

blush and wished he could crawl under the table, but it was true.
Des was all of those and Shayne was just a regular guy.

The waitress came by and took their drink orders, both iced tea,

and Des ordered shrimp cocktail as an appetizer for them.

“Sure there are plenty of guys who fit the usual stereotypes,

Shayne, but I’m not one of them. I’m very attracted to you and
very interested. I think you’re gorgeous.”

Shayne was pretty sure he wasn’t gorgeous, never had been and

never would be, but he didn’t want to be one of those guys who
tried to be humble and ended up sounding quite the opposite, so he
smiled. “Thank you.”

Des smiled, too. “Now that we have that out of the way, I guess

this is the part of the date where we find out more about each
other. Why don’t you start?”

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He rolled his eyes. “I knew you were going to do that.”
“That’s me… predictable.”
Shayne snorted. “Well, you’ve met my family. It’s just me, my

mom, and Gramps. My grandmother died three years ago.”

“Your dad left, huh?”
He winced, remembering Gramps thinking Des was Shayne’s

father. “Yeah, when I was just a kid. He has a new family now. I
don’t really know them. Gramps, uh, he’s in the first stages of
Alzheimer’s. Mom and I watch him pretty closely, which since she
works from home is mostly her job. I help when I’m home.”

Des nodded. “You work part-time or anything?”
“I should, it would probably help, but not yet. I can’t work too

many hours anyway and still get financial aid to pay for school.
What about you?”

“With football and school, honestly, I don’t have time for a job

right now,” Des admitted. “I got scholarships that pay for most of
that. Spending money I get from my folks and an inheritance from
my aunt.”

He thought about how it must be nice to have a trust fund and

be a star athlete with the world at your beck and call, but Shayne
wasn’t stupid. He knew that everything came with a price and Des
already admitted to feeling a lot of pressure.

“What about football? Are you going to go pro?” Shayne didn’t

really know much about sports, never having been remotely
interested, but he didn’t live in a bubble and knew from what Bart
had told him, Des was a great quarterback and had plenty of teams
interested in him.

Des shrugged. “It’s very possible I will. It depends on the

offers. In the meantime, I’ll work toward my major.”

“What do you think you’ll do with it? Say if playing pro

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football doesn’t work out.”

The waitress stepped up to the table with their iced teas and the

shrimp cocktail. “You guys ready to order?”

Des smiled at Shayne. “I am. What about you?”
He hadn’t really looked much at the menu, but he glanced

quickly and then closed it. “I’ll have the ahi salad. Dressing on the
side, please.”

“Good choice,” Des said. “I’ll have the mahi mahi, grilled, no

butter, with the steamed vegetables.”

Shayne figured being an athlete Des wouldn’t eat anything like

fish and chips. He decided to order healthy himself so he didn’t
have to get a lecture on arteries or any of that. Once, over the
summer, Shayne had gone on a date with a guy who wanted to be a
nutritionist. The guy had a meltdown when Shayne ordered a

“Anyway,” Des said, inserting his straw into the glass of iced

tea. “I guess, really, I’ve always thought about maybe being a
doctor. So, the answer to your question is, once I got the biology
degree I’d move on to medical school. I’ve been taking classes
geared toward that possibility.”

“Wow, a doctor? I never would have thought.”
“The jock thing again?” Des smirked.
Shayne had the grace to blush anyway. He cleared his throat.

“Er, no. I just… I don’t know why. I bet your parents would rather
you choose the doctor.”

Des shook his head. “No way. They’re for the pro football

career all the way. My dad played ball in college but was never
quite good enough.”

“So he lives through you?” Shayne thought of the pressure

comment again.

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“Pretty much. Football has always been a big thing to my


“Got siblings?”
“Yeah, my brother, Matt, and my sister, Angela.”
Shayne nodded. “Your brother play, too?”
“Some in high school, but he went into the military. Wants to

be a pilot.” Des shrugged. “Also an approved career for my

“Still, I’d think a doctor was, too.”
“Sure, they won’t disown me and they’d proudly talk about

their son the doctor, but so much the better to talk about their
famous quarterback son.”

He detected more than a little bitterness in Des’s tone, but he

decided to drop it. Since this was their first date Des’s choices
were hardly his business. And he couldn’t deny feeling a sense of
obligation to his own family.

“Try the shrimp,” Des said, gesturing to the shrimp cocktail in

a big goblet between them. “It’s fantastic.”

A while later, their bellies full and dessert declined, Des pulled

out his wallet to pay the bill. Shayne reached for his in his back

“No, I’m taking you to dinner.” Des waved his money away.
Since Shayne didn’t have a lot of money he decided not to

argue about it. If they went out again there would be ample
opportunities for him to pay for things.

On the drive back to his house, Shayne wondered if he should

invite Des inside. It was after nine so his grandfather would have
gone to bed and he knew his mother wouldn’t disturb them either.
They’d have privacy if Des wanted to go to his bedroom. He
suspected Des would willingly, but did Shayne want him to? He

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did, of course, but would that make him a slut? And if it did, did he

“Want to come in for a bit?” he asked when Des pulled his

Mustang up to the curb in front of his house.

“Your family won’t mind?’
Shayne shook his head. “No, I can have all the privacy I want.”
Des smiled. “I’d love to, then.”
Now that he’d asked and been accepted, Shayne found himself

incredibly nervous. What if Des decided he didn’t really like
Shayne? What if he laughed? What if—

“Hey, you okay?” Des grabbed Shayne’s hand as they made

their way to the front door.

He forced a nonchalant smile. “Sure.”
He opened the door and, as he thought would be the case, the

house was quiet and only a single lamp was lit in the living room,
left on for him by his mother.

“My room is the first one on the left,” Shayne explained. He let

Des go in front of him and he clicked off the light. He could see a
soft yellow glow under his mother’s door so he knew she was
probably up reading or watching television, but there was no light
coming from his grandfather’s room.

As he pushed open the door to his own room, Shayne winced.

He had some clothes on the floor and an empty paper plate he’d
had cake on a couple of days before sitting on his dresser.

Feeling his face burn, Shayne quickly scooped up a pair of

underwear and jeans and put them in the hamper and then he
tossed the plate in his wastebasket. “Sorry.”

Des laughed. “Don’t worry about it. My room looks about the

same. Mind if I close the door?”

“No, good idea.”

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Des closed Shayne’s bedroom door and he almost told him to

lock it, but really, he knew neither his mother nor grandfather
would come barging into his room unless he screamed like he was
being murdered.

Swallowing down an urge to tell Des to leave after all, Shayne

turned off the overhead light, leaving his room illuminated only by
a small jewel green dragon lamp he’d purchased at a fair the year
before last. It sat on the table next to Shayne’s double bed, which
butted up against the room’s window.

“Is it okay if I lie down on your bed?” Des asked, and Shayne

nodded, glad Des was taking an active role because he wasn’t sure
what to do or how to go about this.

Des toed off his sneakers, but otherwise left his clothes intact

and lay down on the side closest to the window. He patted the
space next to him.

Following his lead, Shayne discarded his shoes and then lay

next to Des, on his back, as Des was. He blew out a breath,
wondering if Des could guess he was freaking out a bit.

Des turned a little to his side so he could look at Shayne, so

Shayne did the same. It seemed rude not to look at Des if he were
going to look at him. Des smiled a little but Shayne was relieved to
see he saw only kindness and sexual interest.

“Want to turn off the lamp?” Des asked softly.
“Okay.” Shayne actually liked the idea. If it was dark, well,

Des wouldn’t see all his flaws or try to guess what he was thinking.
He reached over and turned the knob, turning the room to
darkness, save for a small sliver of moon coming in through the
window blinds.

Des took hold of his hand and wrapped his fingers around

Shayne’s palm. “How much experience do you have, Shayne?”

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He decided to be honest. No sense lying. “Just a little.”
“Like what?”
He shrugged in the dark. “I went with my mother and

grandmother in the summer to visit family in Ohio. There was this
guy who lived near my relatives and we played around.”

“When you say played around, did you—”
Shayne swallowed. “Yes. O-only a couple of times, though.

The other times we just jerked each other off and did some blow

Des had started to stroke his fingers along Shayne’s hand, to

his wrist and up his arm. Tingles of awareness went through him
and straight to his cock, causing it to harden instantly.

“Were you… did he fuck you?” Des asked.
He felt his ears burn, which was silly to blush when you were

lying in the dark. “Yes.”

“And you liked it? He didn’t hurt you?’
“I did and, no, he didn’t.”
Those fantastic fingers now caressed his biceps, drawing little


“Would you let me fuck you?”
Oh, God.
He opened his mouth to answer, but all that came out was a


“I’ll be gentle, Shayne.”
“Okay,” he finally managed to say a word. “How many have

you been with?”

“Not that many. Three.”
“And you fucked them?”
Des’s fingers slid over to Shayne’s chest and smoothed them

over his shirt. “Yes. But I don’t care about them. I don’t want to

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talk about them. I only want to talk about you. Us. Together.”

Shayne could barely think let alone reply when Des brushed his

thumb over Shayne’s bottom lip. His dick pressed painfully against
his pants, straining, aching. He moved his hand down to his crotch
to squeeze it for relief.

It was like Des could see in the dark, because suddenly his

hand was over Shayne’s, pressing on his cock. A moan escaped his
lips, but he couldn’t hold it back.

“Do you have the stuff?” Des whispered close to Shayne’s ear.
“The stuff?”
“Condoms and lube.”
He bit his lip and closed his eyes. “Damn. No condoms.”
Des’s hot breath grazed across his face just before Shayne felt

lips on his jaw.

“I’ve got a pre-lubed condom in my wallet, so no worries there,

but we need more lube than that.”

Shayne blew out a breath. “I’ve got that.”
“Excellent. I hope it’s within reaching distance because I don’t

want you to move.” A large warm hand slipped under his shirt.
“You’ve got amazing skin.”

“You think?”
“Definitely. This is why I wanted the light out. I wanted the

only senses to be touch, taste and smell.”

He shook as Des nipped his chin. “And sound.”
“Mmm, yes, I definitely don’t want to forget that. I want to

hear every last breathless gasp from your lips while I make you
come.” Des’s hands moved down to the snaps of Shayne’s jeans.
“Let’s get you out of these.”

“Okay, let me just get the lube.” He turned to his side so he

could reach the little end table where the lamp sat, and he opened

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the single shallow drawer. He felt around for the small bottle he
kept there for jerking off purposes. Finally his fingers closed
around it and he handed it to Des.

“Thanks. I’ll get to that soon,” Des said. “I have something else

in mind at the moment.”

“Kissing you over and over.” He cupped Shayne’s jaw, turning

Shayne’s head toward him. “I’ve been imagining the taste of these
lips since I first saw you.”

Shayne shook all over as Des hovered over him, his mouth less

than an inch away from his now. “At the bookstore?”

“No,” Des whispered, brushing his lips over Shayne’s all too

briefly, teasingly.

“No? When then?”
“I noticed you back in high school,” Des admitted. “I wanted

you then.”

He couldn’t believe it and almost called Des a liar, but then he

figured Des was just trying to charm him, so he didn’t argue the
point. They were both going to get what they wanted anyway.

Shayne closed his eyes as once more Des’s mouth covered his,

this time a real kiss instead of just a tease. Deep and hard Des
kissed him, almost bruising, but Shayne liked it. He heard a
whimper and knew with some embarrassment it came from him.

As he gave himself into the kisses, Shayne felt Des’s hands all

over him, tugging off his pants and underwear, removing his shirt.
He lifted up when it was needed but otherwise he let Des take
control, and suddenly he lay in the dark on his bed naked while
Des lay next to him fully clothed.

He was too turned on to feel especially vulnerable and the

hands now roaming across his bare skin were like heaven. Des’s

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hand closed over Shayne’s hard dick and he cried out loud enough
for the neighbors to hear, but Des’s mouth possessed his,
swallowing any sound he made.

Des fisted his cock, stroking it hard and fast, so much sensation

it was nearly unbearable.

“Des, please.” He managed to break the contact of their lips

enough to plead.

“Yes, please,” Des agreed. “Please come. And after you do, I’ll

make you come again.”

Shayne shook his head. “I don’t think I can.”
“You can, you’ll see.”
As if to prove it, Shayne’s balls pulled tight, and his cock

pulsed with the need to come. “Des.”

Des smiled against his lips. “Shayne.”
And the sound of his name from Des finally ended his control

as cum squirted out his dick and over Des’s still stroking fingers.
Okay, so that was way better than do-it-yourself.

Trying to catch his breath, Shayne pushed at Des’s hand, trying

to get him to stop stroking his overly sensitive flesh.

“Oh, no.” Des laughed. “I told you, I want to make you come


“Give-give me a minute, please?”
Des sighed. “All right, but just a short break.”
Shayne nodded, even though Des couldn’t see it in the dark.

“How about you take your clothes off now?”

Des kissed him again until his was breathless. “I could do that,”

he said when he broke away. “But I’m thinking the first time I fuck
you, I’m going to have my clothes on.”

He heard him unfastening his pants and he felt Des shift next to

him as he lowered his pants just far enough, apparently to expose

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his cock. Shayne licked his lips and wondered how big Des
actually was. Only one way to find out.

He reached for Des’s dick.
“Ah, damn,” Des said with a groan as Shayne’s thumb grazed

over the tip. He was thick and long, just as Shayne had expected.
He would definitely need a lot of lube to be able take Des.

“You’re, uh, rather large,” he whispered, feeling himself blush.
“Does that make you nervous?” Des turned a little to face him,

pushing his shaft farther into Shayne’s grasp. Before Shayne could
answer Des stole a few more kisses, they alternated between light,
teasing kisses and deep, soul-stealing kisses as though he wanted
to keep Shayne guessing.

“A little. The guy I had before wasn’t very big. He was around

the same height and weight as me and his dick was pretty average

“I’ll be as gentle as you need, Shayne, I promise.”
He wondered if Des was maybe too good to be true. It seemed

like he was. “Okay.”

“Okay? So, I can commence touching you again?” Des asked,

with just a touch of laughter in his voice.

Shayne laughed. “Yes, touch away.”
And touch he did. Des’s hands and lips were everywhere on

him, even as he continued to stroke Des’s hard cock. Teeth nipped
his throat, his nipples, his abs. He gasped with each new sensation.

True to Des’s claims, Shayne felt his own dick rising and

filling again as if he hadn’t just come. Each time, Des’s fingers
teased him, his cock jumped in appreciation.

“I can’t hold back much longer, Shayne. Where’d I put the

damn lube?”

They both felt for it in the darkness until Des made a sound of

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“Lie on your stomach,” he ordered. Or it seemed like an order

to Shayne. Anyway, he complied, turning to lie flat, although he
slid his hand between the mattress and his body to touch his prick.

Turning his face into his pillow as he heard the squirt of the

lube, Shayne waited to feel the slickness inside of him. He didn’t
have to wait long as a long, blunt finger pushed inside him, past
the ring of muscle. He bit his lip at the burn.

“All right?” Des asked softly.
He swallowed. “Sure.”
Des thrust his finger in and out a few times and each time the

sting was a little less. Shayne blew out a breath.

“Do another.”
More lube squirted and two fingers were inside him, working

in him, spreading him. The sting was a little less but still caused
him to let out a steadying breath.

“Too fast?” Des’s fingers stilled.
“No, it’s all right. Just getting used to it.”
Des placed a soft kiss on each of his cheeks. “Ready for a third


He went to nod, but then remembered the darkness. “Uh-huh.”
Still more lube, which Shayne was grateful for. He decided

there could never be enough lube and if he was going to continue
seeing Des he definitely needed to go out and buy more. And
condoms, too.

The three fingers thrusting in him tore a moan from him.
“No, no, good.” Though the burn was still there a bit, the good

outweighed the bad and suddenly he wanted to feel Des’s cock in
his ass. “I’m ready.”

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He heard Des’s sharp intake of breath. The fingers withdrew

and Des sat back. He heard the tear of the foil wrapper.

Anticipation shook him and Shayne scooted up and spread his

knees, waiting for Des to fill him. He worked his hand over his
own cock, knowing he was close to coming again.

Des’s jeans grazed Shayne’s bare skin as he positioned himself

to enter Shayne. “God, I can’t wait.”

Des groaned, grabbed Shayne’s cheeks to hold them apart, and

slowly pushed the head of his cock into Shayne’s hole.

“Ah, fuck, you’re so tight, Shay.”
He couldn’t make any sound, the words catching in his throat

as Des stretched and filled him. The burn was back and he tried his
best to relax and let Des in. He wanted this. Desperately.

“Shay? Is it all right?”
“What does that mean?” Des’s voice sounded strained, his

breathing shallow. “Shay?”

“Yes, more.” His body shook, his balls drew impossibly tight.
Des’s cock pressed in farther, all the way in, and Shayne and

Des moaned as one. Des drew back and began to thrust fast and

Somehow the feel of Des’s clothes rubbing against Shayne as

Des pounded into him excited him. Shayne buried his face in his
pillow, smothering his groans of pleasure as the tingle of another
orgasm teased his spine.

“So fucking good,” Des said, his hips snapping over and over


“Dessssss.” Cum covered his hand as his cock released.
“Ah, fuck.” Des’s fingers dug into him even as he tensed and

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filled the condom.

Des collapsed on him, his breath coming out in heavy, short

gasps. Shayne shifted under the much heavier, bigger man.

“Oh, sorry.” Des moved off him, lying beside him. “Too


“A little.” Shayne smiled in the darkness, exhaustion causing

his eyelids to lower. “Wow.”

“Yeah, wow. We’re doing that again.”
“Ah, geez.”
Des chuckled. “Well, not now. I’ll wait until morning before


“Morning?” His eyelids opened and he stared at Des in the

darkness. “That soon?”

Des sat up and yanked off his shirt and tossed it off the bed.

Then he lay down and shimmied out of his jeans. “Oh yeah.”

“What about another condom?”
“As it happens, I keep a strip of them in my wallet. I was a

Scout as a kid.” Des leaned over and took possession of Shayne’s
lips. “Can I stay? I mean, I’m just assuming.”

“Mmm. Yes, you can stay.”
Shayne laughed. “Yeah, sweet.”

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Des woke up to a semi-dark room, butted up against a wall

with a window, his arm around a warm body. For a moment, his
mind couldn’t make sense of any of it.

Now he remembered, though his cock certainly already had. It

was hard enough to pound nails and aching to be inside the man
cuddled to him. Shayne lay on his side with his back and ass
against Des’s chest and cock. The perfect position for some more
fun. And since it seemed like it was early enough no one else
would be up and about, Des didn’t see any reason not to.

He reached behind him to feel the windowsill. He’d set the

strip of condoms from his wallet and the lube there last night
before going to sleep. Always prepared, he thought with a grin.

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Without waking Shay, he tore the wrapper and rolled the

condom over his erection, biting his lip to keep the groan inside as
he grasped his cock. If he didn’t want to come before even getting
inside the man in bed with him, he’d better not touch himself too

He leaned close to the back of Shayne’s neck and placed a kiss

there. After all, he didn’t want to fuck Shayne while he still slept.

Des moved his lips to Shayne’s ear, even as he rubbed his

sheathed cock against the crease of Shayne’s ass. “Shay,” he

Shayne stirred, moving just a little, but not opening his eyes.

He was unsure if he was awake or not. Des sucked on Shayne’s
earlobe. A sharp intake of breath told him Shayne had awakened.

“Des?” Shayne sounded shaky or was that aroused?
“Morning.” He trailed his lips from Shayne’s ear down to the

pulse of his throat. “I want you.”

Shayne moaned and pushed his ass back against Des’s aching

cock. “That much is obvious.”

Des sloshed lube all over his fingers. “I don’t think anyone’s

awake yet.”

“Ah, yeah,” Shayne said, bending his neck to allow Des better

access. “It’s only five-thirty. No one gets up that early. Except you

Des chuckled, and sucked at Shayne’s neck, surely leaving a

mark, but he liked that idea. He needed to talk to Shayne later
about a few things, one of which was not going out with the guy
Des had seen him with.

He lifted Shayne’s leg with a knee and slipped a lubed finger

inside Shayne’s entrance. At Shayne’s hiss, Des paused, but then
Shayne moaned and pushed back against the intrusion. Swallowing

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a deep moan of his own, Des added in the second finger, spreading

“Are you a little sore from last night?” he thought to ask as he

nipped Shayne’s shoulder.

Hesitating, Des asked, “Want me to stop?”
“Fuck, no, I’ll kill you if you do.”
Laughing, Des withdrew his fingers and pushed the tip of his

cock between Shayne’s perfect tight cheeks.

He was ready to come with just the head in, but he pushed past

the ring of muscle and farther still until he was flush against
Shayne’s ass.

“God, Des, fuck me,” Shayne said, gasping.
Des hooked an arm around Shayne’s middle and kneed his leg

to spread farther for easier access as Des pounded into him. He’d
had other guys before, Des was no virgin. Though he always
practiced discretion with his hook ups, he’d never met a guy he
wanted like this, for several times, over and over. Having Shayne
as a boyfriend, which is what Des admitted he wanted, could be
tricky. But he intended to do whatever he could to convince
Shayne to stick with him.

One of Shayne’s hands worked furiously on his own cock,

jerking himself in short, frantic yanks. The only sounds in the
bedroom, just now lightening with the first rays of dawn, were
their labored breaths and the slap of bare skin against bare skin as
Des thrust into Shayne again and again.

“Des, gonna come.”
His own balls tightened in response. “Thank God, I can’t hold

it much longer.”

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Shayne growled low in his throat as cum shot over his hand.

Des snapped his hips faster, riding his own powerful release,
burying his face in Shayne’s neck, trying to keep from shouting to
wake the whole fucking household.

When he could move, Des slowly slipped out of Shayne, and

then, after discarding the condom onto the windowsill,
temporarily, pulled him close. Yawning, he asked, “Do you have
any classes this morning?”

“My first one is ten,” Shayne said, wearily. “You?”
“Not until this afternoon.” He was supposed to have football

practice but he was of a mind to skip it that morning. He didn’t feel
like going anywhere just yet. Before sleep overtook him, though,
he did want to get one thing said. “Shay?”

“You’re not still going out with that guy Friday night, are

you?” He hoped he didn’t sound as vulnerable as he felt asking that
question. He wasn’t sure what he would say if Shayne said he still
planned on seeing the other guy.

“You don’t want me to?”
“No, I don’t.” On some level, Des knew it was wrong of him to

ask Shayne to see only him considering what he wanted to talk to
Shayne about later when they were both awake enough to talk
about it. But it was still what he wanted. “I know, maybe, it’s a
little too soon to be talking exclusives. That’s what I want. We
need to talk about something, but it can wait until we get up.”

“All right.”
“Is that all right you won’t see that other guy?” Des pushed his


Shayne laughed softly. “Yes, Des. But the same goes for you.”
He smiled in the semi-darkness. “Trust me, you don’t need to

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worry about that.”

And then he heard Shayne softly snoring.

* * *

Des woke for the second time that morning to bright sunlight

streaming in through the partially open blinds and an empty bed.
His hand brushed the spot on the mattress where Shayne had lain
not too long before.

Back to reality, he supposed. He stretched and rolled over to

the edge of the bed to see the time on Shayne’s digital clock.
Nearly seven-thirty.

He got out of bed and looked for his pants. Fishing his cell

phone out of his back pocket, he texted Evan to say he wouldn’t be
at practice at eight, and then he pulled on the jeans. He knew the
type of house Shayne lived in and he was pretty sure there was just
one bathroom and it would be in the hallway outside the three
bedrooms. It was a typical San Fernando Valley house built in the
fifties and they were all like that. And damn, but Des had to pee.

Des opened the closed bedroom door and peaked his head out.

He didn’t see anyone lurking in the hallway, so he slipped out of
the door and went down the hall. Unfortunately, the damn
bathroom door was closed and he could hear the shower running.
No doubt where Shayne had run off to when he’d left the bedroom.

And then when he turned to go back to Shayne’s room, he ran

smack into Shayne’s mother. “Um, sorry, Mrs. Ralston.”

She still wore her pajamas and a lilac colored robe, but her

shoulder length blonde hair had already been combed and styled.
She smiled. “First, call me Jan. I’ve not been Mrs. Ralston since
Shayne’s daddy ran out on us. Second, if you have to go to the

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bathroom, just go on in. It’s only Shayne in there. Third, when
you’re done, come on out to the kitchen. I’ve made coffee and
breakfast is nearly done.”

He returned her smile, relaxing. “Oh, great. Thanks.”
She winked and disappeared down the hall toward the direction

of what he assumed was her bedroom.

Des decided he had to pee bad enough to do as she suggested

and with a short rap on the bathroom door, he turned the knob and
was relieved to find Shayne hadn’t locked it.

“It’s just me. I have to take a leak.” Steam swirled around the

shower and he wondered how hot Shayne kept it. Shayne was
behind an opaque blue shower curtain, so, unfortunately he didn’t
get an eyeful.

“Okay, go ahead,” Shayne said.
Des took care of business, decided not to flush the toilet in case

that changed the water in the shower, and then quickly washed his
hands. “All done.”

“All right, see you in a few,” Shayne answered from the

shower. “I’m almost done.”

Des started to walk to the door, but he paused in front of the

shower curtain. Would it hurt to take a peek? Last night it had been
too dark to see much and even this morning, the rays of dawn
hadn’t allowed for much of a few of Shayne’s body. His hand
curved over the edge of the curtain and he pulled it aside.

Shayne stood under the water spray, his back and buttocks to

Des. Despite Shayne not being an athlete, he had a muscular back
and his butt cheeks were round and perfect. Des nearly swallowed
his tongue.

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“Pervert,” Shayne said without turning around.
Des laughed. “Sorry, I couldn’t resist.”
“Apparently. You want a front view, too?”
“Of course, if you’re offering.”
Shayne sighed. “All right but make the ogling quick.” He

turned around to face Des, his six-pack abs dusted with just a
smattering of hair. His biceps were nicely defined and his pecs
rivaled that of some of his teammates, sculpted and muscular
without being too he-man.

“Goddamn, Shay, you are so fucking hot.”
Shayne snorted. “Right.”
“It’s true. Hell, I’m horny all over again.”
“Did you ever stop being horny?”
He had a point, Des realized. “Well, no.”
“Get out. I’m not having sex with you in my family’s shower.”

Shayne waved his hands at him and turned back around to show
his ass.

With a groan, Des dropped the shower curtain, told his

thickening cock to behave and stepped out of the bathroom. After
fetching his shirt from the bedroom and pulling it on, Des walked
into the kitchen.

Shayne’s mother was next to the stove, dressed now in slacks

and a sort of smock Des figured she wore to do hair. Shayne’s
grandfather sat at a little dinette set, a newspaper in hand, a cup of
coffee in front of him,

“Good morning,” Des said. He’d never had breakfast with the

family of someone he’d fucked the night before. In fact, he never
woke up with anyone the next day after sex, never having spent the
night at someone’s house before. He wasn’t quite sure how to act.

“Good morning.” Shayne’s mother pointed to the coffeemaker

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with a spatula. “Help yourself. I set out some mugs in front of it.
You can use any of them.”

Des picked up an apple green mug and filled it with the

steaming brew. Next to the pot she’d also laid out half-and-half
and several flavored creamers. Des poured a large dollop of
hazelnut into his mug. “How does Shayne like his?”

She smiled. “Just half-and-half.”
Des poured coffee into a red mug and sloshed half-and-half

into it. He took both mugs to the dinette set and sat across from
Shayne’s grandfather.

The old man lowered his newspaper and eyed Des. “Who are


Shayne entered the kitchen at that moment, dressed in baggy

jeans and a brown T-shirt, his feet still bare, and drying his dark
hair with a towel. “Good morning. Gramps, this is my friend
Desmond. We went out last night.”

“Oh.” His grandfather nodded. “And you had a sleepover.”
Shayne’s lips twitched. “Yes, that’s right. Is that coffee for


Des smiled. He couldn’t help thinking how fucking adorable

Shayne was. And his family, too. He could so get used to this. So
different from the cool aloofness of his own family. “It is.”

“Thank you.” He took the seat next to Des on the one side and

his grandfather on the other side. “How’d you sleep, Gramps?”

The old man shrugged. “Not too bad. Woke up a few times

hearing some noises. But I guess it must have been you boys.”

Des choked on a sip of coffee. He felt his face go flaming hot.

He glanced at Shayne expecting to see a similar reaction, but
Shayne smiled serenely.

“Could have been,” Shayne acknowledged. “We’ll try to be

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quieter next time.”

His grandfather shook his head. “No, it wasn’t anything. I went

right back to sleep. And boys will be boys.”

“That’s certainly true,” Shayne’s mother said from her spot by

the stove. “Bacon or sausage or both, Des?”

His stomach rumbled as though the mere mention of food

reminded it he was hungry. “Both, please.”

“Great choice.” Shayne grinned. “Bacon for me, Mom.”
She rolled her eyes. “I knew that. You can eat your weight in


Shayne laughed and the joyful sound filled Des with such

warmth he couldn’t help but grin. Yeah, he could definitely get
used to this. If Shayne would agree to his terms. But Des was
afraid Shayne would tell him to go fly a kite.

“What are you boys doing tonight?” Shayne’s mom asked.
“Not sure, Mom, why?”
She shrugged. “I’m making spaghetti and meatballs for dinner

if Des would like to come.”

He liked the sound of that and glanced over at Shayne to see

his reaction. Shayne was smiling.

“Sounds great, if Des wants to.”
Des nodded. “Sounds great to me, too. What time should I be


“About seven or so. How do you want your eggs?”
Later, after breakfast, Des gave Shayne a quick kiss in his

bedroom when he followed Shayne. He’d gone to fetch his
backpack full of books. He knew he should probably talk to
Shayne now about not exactly being out and proud, but, well, it
could wait. At least for another day or so. Des didn’t want to spoil
things and he really liked Shayne.

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“I’ll see you tonight,” Des said, giving him one more all too

brief kiss.

Shayne’s smile was simply adorable. “Yeah, see you tonight.”
He hesitated. “Maybe, you know, perhaps—”
“Maybe perhaps what?”
Des did his best to look nonchalant. “I could spend the night


Shayne raised an eyebrow. “Maybe, perhaps.”
He laughed, pushing open Shayne’s bedroom door. “Okay, see

you tonight.”

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“Hey, Bart, wait up,” Shayne called out to his best friend when

he spotted the redhead walking toward the college library a few
paces ahead of him.

Bart stopped and turned to him with a smile. “Hi. I didn’t see


“I know. You were in your own little world. You all right?’
For a moment Bart’s crystal blue eyes clouded over. But then

he shook his head and his eyes cleared. “I’m fine. Just thinking
about a class assignment.”

“Were you headed to the library?”
“Uh-huh. You have another class?”
“No, thank God, I’m done for the day. Heading home in a

few.” Shayne always worried a bit about Bart. His friend was

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slight and thin and Shayne didn’t think he ate enough. Plus, Bart
lived in a dumpy apartment with his little sister and their abusive
father. Shayne always checked Bart for bruises. At least on parts of
his body that weren’t covered up. He didn’t see any new ones
today. “Listen, my mom’s cooking spaghetti and meatballs tonight
and I’m sure there will be plenty to go around. You want to come
over?” Hopefully, Des wouldn’t mind him inviting Bart. He knew
his mom wouldn’t.

Bart’s plump lips curved. “That sounds really good, but I have


“Plans? You aren’t working tonight, are you? I thought you

were off Wednesdays.”

“No, I, it’s not work.” Bart turned a dark shade of red that

nearly matched his hair.

Shayne frowned. “Well, then… wait. Do you have like a date?”
Bart rolled his eyes. “Yes, okay, I do.”
“Oh, my God. With who?’
His friend looked away, not to the ground exactly, but a little to

the right and low. “I’d rather not say. Just yet.”

“It’s just… it’s a little soon. I’m not even sure what’s going on

and I don’t really want to talk about it.”

Instantly on alert, Shayne touched Bart’s arm. “Are you sure

about this? I mean, who is it? You haven’t mentioned anyone.”

“Not now, Shayne. I know what you’re thinking, but I don’t

think this guy is like that guy from high school.”

“But he’s a jock?” Shayne knew the kind of guys Bart was

attracted to. Guys actually similar to Des. Athletic, sports-oriented
types. Like the asshole in high school. It had led to Bart’s
disappointment many times because most jocks, if they liked guys,

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which was a big if, didn’t go for Bart’s glam look.

Bart nodded. “Yeah.”
He blew out a breath. “Okay, just be careful.”
“I know.”
“I’m actually seeing someone myself,” Shayne said, deciding

to change the subject to ease Bart’s obvious discomfort.

“You are? Who?”
“Des Stratton.”
Bart’s jaw dropped. “What? Since when?”
He knew he was grinning like an idiot, but he couldn’t help it.

So far things were going very well with Des. Better than he’d
expected, really, given his earlier trepidation. Of course it was
early enough he might still fuck it up.

“We went out last night and he spent the night.”
His friend blinked, his eyes wide. “You’ve already?’
Now it was his turn to blush. “Yeah. And he’s coming over


“Oh, my God. Is he… was he… you know… good?”
“Hell yeah. It was amazing.”
Bart just nodded, his blue eyes round and wide like an anime


“You, um, haven’t yet with the guy you’re seeing?”
“No, tonight is our first date,” Bart admitted. “I doubt he’s

going to want to.”

“What about you? Will you want to?” Shayne tried to keep the

concern out of his voice. He worried too much about Bart. All the
crap that went on in high school with the asshole was never very
far from his mind.

Bart shrugged. “I doubt it will come up.”
“If it does?”

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“Then, I guess I’ll see. I don’t know. I don’t want to decide

before it happens.”

Shayne smiled. “Okay. Well, go ahead and get your library

stuff out of the way. Call me tomorrow because I want to hear
about your date.”

Bart inclined his head. “Okay. See you, Shayne.”
He was tempted to follow Bart as his friend made his way

toward the library, but Shayne didn’t. He couldn’t help his
overprotection instincts. Bart was an adult, but in the past he’d
shown he couldn’t take care of himself very well. Not that Shayne
was some big, tough guy, but he would do whatever it took to
protect Bart from being hurt like before.

* * *

When Shayne first got home after classes he made sure to go

right to his bedroom and his laptop so he could get all of his class
assignments out of the way before Des would be due to arrive.

Gramps had been napping and his mother still had a house full

of salon customers. He kept his bedroom door open to listen in
case his grandfather needed anything, so he was subjected to the
gossip from the ladies. He tried to ignore it for the most part.

“She came home and found him in bed with the housekeeper.”
“Oh, my God. Wait, Betty has a housekeeper?”
“She has for like two years.”
“How does she afford it?”
“Beats me. But can you believe that?”
“Were they in the act when she saw them?”
“She was on top, bobbing up and down.”
Shayne rolled his eyes and groaned. He was dying of thirst and

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wanted an iced tea, but that meant going to where all the women
were. He pushed his chair back from his desk and headed toward
the kitchen.

“Oh, look, Jan, there’s your boy.”
His mother turned. “Hey, sweetie.”
“Just getting a drink. Don’t mind me.”
The ladies, three of them, one of which his mother was

currently working on, smiled wide at him. He smiled back.

“You got a girlfriend yet?” one of them asked.
“Myrtle, the boy’s gay,” the one next to her said.
Homosexual. He doesn’t like girls, he likes boys.”
Shayne felt his ears burn. He grabbed the pitcher of tea from

the fridge.

Pour the iced tea and make your escape.
“Do you have a boyfriend yet?” the same one asked.
His mother laughed. He wanted to kill her.
“He just might at that,” she declared. “He had a very handsome

young man over last night and he’s coming again tonight.”

Gritting his teeth, he poured the tea into a glass overloaded

with ice. “Mom.”

“Am I lying?”
“It’s too early to call him my boyfriend,” Shayne muttered.
“Okay, okay, if you say so. Is he staying over again?”
All eyes were on him as he slipped out of the kitchen and into

the dining room salon. Shayne wished they had continued to talk
about the woman’s husband and the housekeeper. Maybe he should
have done his class assignments at the library with Bart. Too bad
he liked to keep an eye on Gramps.

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“I don’t know. Yeah. Um, gotta get back to studying.”
As he went back to his room he heard his mother say, “He’s so


* * *

Des had arrived a little early, which was fine with Shayne, he’d

been glad to see him. It also meant that his mom hadn’t finished
making dinner, so the two of them were in the backyard sitting in
the old-fashioned loveseat swing.

Because it was an older home the backyard was large, and now,

thanks somewhat to Shayne’s laziness, overgrown. Back when his
grandmother was alive she had kept a garden where she’d grown
veggies and berries. Unfortunately for the garden, none of the three
of them—him, Gramps or his mother—were gardeners and it had
faded into nothing but weeds since her passing.

The whole yard needed a good mowing and he supposed he

should see to it one of these days soon. Yard work had always been
the bane of his existence.

“This is nice,” Des said, sitting next to him, surveying the yard.
Shayne laughed. “It needs work, I know. You’ve got me

feeling guilty.”

“Well, we never have guests come out here anymore and now

that you are I can see how it must look from your eyes. My
grandmother took such care of it all and I’ve just let it go to waste.
I suck.”

Des reached for his hand and held their entwined hands on his

lap. “It’s not so bad. Just needs a little tender care. I could mow the
lawn for you if have a mower.”

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“Seriously? You’d do that?”
Des grinned. “Sure.”
“Oh, my God, I think I’m in love.”
“I didn’t know it was that easy to gain your love.”
Shayne snorted. “Okay, maybe not in love, but definitely high

octane lust.”

Des nodded. “I can work with that.”
He sighed. “I wish we could afford a gardener. I wish we could

afford a lot of things, really.”

“Money’s tight?”
“That’s an understatement. We live on Gramps’s retirement

and social security and what Mom brings in from the salon. I
wanted to work at least part-time, but it’s hard with financial aid
paying for school, and then my mom was discouraging it, too. She
said there was plenty of time to work once I got my degree. Plus,
she wants me around in the evenings to help with Gramps.”

“She’s right about that.”
“In the meantime, money sucks and neither my mom nor I have

health insurance. And I’m always worried about the salon. She
doesn’t have a license to run it in the house and one bitchy
neighbor could ruin everything for her.”

“Yeah, I can see that,” Des said. “Has she thought about getting

a job in an outside salon?”

“She worked at one for years until the owner died. She’s

looked around but most places only want part-time stylists due to
cutbacks in the economy.” Shayne kicked his feet. “And then
there’s Gramps. I’m sure you’ve noticed he’s not all there. I worry
about having to put him into a home. We can’t afford that.”

“I’m sorry, Shay.” Des brought Shayne’s hands to his lips and

he placed a brief kiss on Shayne’s knuckles. “I didn’t know things

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were so bad. It must be pretty stressful.”

“Yeah, and I’m sorry. I must seem like such a whiner.”
“You aren’t a whiner. I wish I could take away all your stress

and money problems.”

He smiled. “Thanks. I feel a little better just having someone to

talk to about it. I don’t like to talk about it too much with Mom
because it worries her, too. And Bart, well, he has his own
problems and they’re worse than mine.”

“Yeah, he lives with his dad and younger sister. His dad’s a

bigoted drunk who uses Bart as a punching bag.”

Des winced. “Why doesn’t he leave?”
“I’d have him come live here if I could, Mom would go for it,

but Bart won’t leave his sister there and she’s still a minor. He says
as soon as she’s eighteen and out of high school, he’ll take both of
them out of there.”

“His mom out of the picture?”
“She died of breast cancer five years ago. They lost their house

and Bart’s dad became a drunk. I don’t know. Bart works part-time
at a fast food place. I feel like I should, too.”

“I understand, Shay, but you can’t live your life based on what

Bart’s going through,” Des said gently.

“I guess.”
The narrow white door that led from the kitchen to the

backyard opened and his mom stuck her head out. “Dinner, boys.”

“Yum, I’m starving,” Des declared, rising and pulling Shayne

up with him.

* * *

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“You’re not too full, are you?” Shayne asked Des as he closed

his bedroom door. They’d had dinner, cleaned up the kitchen, and
even played Trivial Pursuit with his mom and grandfather. “You
did eat two helpings of spaghetti and like two loaves of garlic

Des laughed. “I did not. I ate three slices.”
Shayne bent down next to his dresser and picked up the plastic

bag he’d got from the drugstore earlier on his way home from
school. The bag held two brand new boxes of condoms and more

Des grabbed the bag condoms and lube out of his hands and set

it by the bed. “Sweet.”

Shayne bit his lip and eyed Des. How exactly did he bring up

what he wanted to do? Just come out with it? He guessed so.

“Have you… you’ve always topped?”
Des smiled. “Sure.”
“I was wondering if that was because you didn’t want to-to—”
Des came to him and pulled him close. “What are you asking

me, Shay? Are you wanting to fuck me?”

He buried his face in Des’s shoulder. “Um, maybe, yeah.”
Des put a finger under Shayne’s chin to lift it so their gazes

locked. “Don’t be shy. I think that’s a great idea.”

Shayne blinked. “You do?”
Des grinned. “Oh, yeah. I can’t think of anyone I’d rather have

fuck me than you, Shay.”

And then Des was covering his lips with his own in a

passionate kiss that stole Shayne’s breath. Shayne wrapped his
arms around Des’s waist, pulling their bodies closer still.

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A moan rumbled low in his chest and his cock rose and filled

painfully hard. His hands moved from Des’s waist to the man’s
ass, round and perfect. The thought of burying himself in the
tightness had him shaking with powerful lust.

“Time to get naked,” Des whispered. He walked to the dragon

lamp and clicked it on, then turned off the overhead light so the
bedroom was only softly lit.

For a moment, Shayne just stared as Des pulled off his T-shirt.

The man’s body was perfect, so toned, so muscular, like you’d
expect a quarterback’s body to be. His skin was a light golden
brown as though he spent a lot of time in the sun without his shirt
on. His gaze locked on Des’s pecs. He couldn’t imagine what a
god like this would see in skinny scrawny him.

“Shay, clothes.”
He blinked. “Yeah.”
Shayne put his fingers on the hem of his shirt and he pulled it

up and over his head. He kept his gaze downcast, deciding
watching Des would only distract him, and as nice as Des was to
look at, he wanted to do way more than look. He undid his jeans
and slipped them as well as his white briefs off his hips, down his
legs, and to the floor.

“Fuck, Shay, you are so beautiful.”
His gaze flew up to look at Des, expecting to see… Well, he

didn’t know. Not mockery, exactly, but not the fire burning in his
green eyes. Des was nude, his cock hard and rising between his

Shayne’s mouth went dry.
Des held out his hand and Shayne took it, falling onto his bed

with Des, their mouths fusing together. His fingers splayed through
Des’s soft dark hair, deepening the kiss. Their tongues tangled,

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their hands roamed each over each other’s bare skin, exploring,

He decided then and there Des had to be the best kisser on the

planet. Not that he had a lot to compare to, but it didn’t matter. Des
just was. He rubbed his aching cock against Des’s leg, the friction
almost too much.

The kiss broke, both of them breathing hard, Des’s eyes glazed

with lust and Shayne was pretty sure his mirrored it.

“I hope you’re ready to fuck me, I can’t hold on much longer,”

Des said, his hand wandering between their bodies to close around
Shayne’s dick.

“Oh, my God, if you keep stroking me like that I’ll come

before I ever get inside you.”

“Then get a condom.”
Shayne hung off the side of the bed to search for the plastic

drug store bag and pulled it up. He sat up long enough to open the
box and get a foil wrapper. He also grabbed the lube, then tossed
the bag back on the floor.

Des lay on his back, his hand now stroking his own cock, his

gaze locked with Shayne’s. “How do you want me?”

“Oh, um, I don’t know. On your stomach?”
Des grinned and nodded, and then flipped over, exposing his

beautifully round, tight ass.

Ah, geez.
First, his hands shaking, he tore open the condom wrapper and

rolled the condom on. He knew he had to do it soon while he still
had some ability to think.

Then he opened the lube. He knew how it was done, of course.

Still the prospect of slipping lubed fingers into Des’s ass had him
incredibly turned on.

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Des looked back at him, over his shoulder, an eyebrow raised

as if to say, Well?.

“A little impatient?’ Shayne laughed and poured out enough

lube to probably lube a tractor. He rolled his eyes at himself as
some of it spilled onto Des’s leg. The man merely grinned back at

And then he stuck a finger in Des’s hole, going very slow,

careful not to hurry like some big ox. When all Des did was widen
his legs, he added a second finger, still being as gentle as can he

“Is it all right?”
Des nodded, his face now buried in the pillow.
Shayne bit his lip. “Then say something.”
Des moaned. “Good. Very good. More. Your cock. Now.”
Giddy with relief, Shayne withdrew his fingers, lubed up his

sheathed dick and pushed inside Des.

“Oh, Christ.”
Des nodded again, but said nothing, just wiggled his ass as

Shayne slid in deeper. When he was all the way in, Shayne began
to thrust in and out, slowly, as to not cause too much discomfort.

“Faster. Harder.”
“You sure?”
“Shayne,” Des said, gritting his teeth.
He would have laughed if all thought weren’t focused on his

cock. He did as Des demanded, though, increasing the speed and
power of his thrusts. Des’s hand was under him, moving furiously
on his own dick.

Shayne now knew why some guys liked to top. God, the tight

channel closing around him was fucking incredible. Not that he
didn’t like being fucked as well. He’d be more than happy to do

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He reached for Des’s free hand and interlocked their fingers as

he pounded into Des, wondering as his bed squeaked a bit if it
could withstand the activity. Every part of him tingled as he felt
the first fingers of his impending release. It was all too much, too
new, he couldn’t last long.

“Des, I’m going to—”
But he didn’t get the words out before his balls tightened and

he emptied into the condom with three hard thrusts. Underneath
him, Des tensed, jerked, and groaned as he found his own release.

Struggling to breathe, Shayne rolled off Des and pulled off the

condom. He wondered for a moment if he needed his inhaler, but
then his breathing calmed.

Des’s arm came around him. “You all right?”
He nodded. “Just had to catch my breath.”
Des leaned over him, frowning. “You’re wheezing a bit.”
“I’ve got asthma. It just winded me a bit. It’s better now.”
“Doesn’t seem better.”
He smiled and pushed a lock of hair out of Des’s eyes. “It is.

I’m okay. That was amazing. What did you think?”

Des kissed him and returned his smile. “It was great. Almost as

great as me fucking you.”

“Just almost?”
“We all have our preferences. We are definitely doing that

again,” Des said. “After I’ve been buried inside of you a few more
times that is.”

He knew by the heat in his face he was blushing, but he

laughed. “I hope you don’t mean tonight.”

Des shook his head. “Nah. I’ll fuck you just once tonight.

When you recover.”

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Shayne groaned, wondering just how much sleep he would get

with Des around.

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Des forced a smile on his face, thought his gut twisted

nervously, when Shayne’s grandfather opened the front door to
him. “Hi, Gramps.”

Shayne’s grandfather had told Des he might as well call him

Gramps like Shayne did.

Gramps smiled. “Come in. Jan’s still cutting hair.”
He stepped inside. “And Shay?”
“He’s around here somewhere.” Gramps walked back to the

couch and sat to read his paper.

Des knew he couldn’t delay talking to Shayne about his choices

any longer. He’d spent nearly every night with Shayne for the last
two weeks and he’d felt like a heel. Other than the first night when
he’d taken Shayne out to dinner, they’d spent their time hanging

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out at Shayne’s.

His family had barely seemed to notice his absence at least,

wrapped up as they were in their own lives. It had come up about a
week ago and Des had merely said he was staying with a friend
who lived closer to the campus. That was enough for his family.
They only cared as far as how much money his future football
career could bring.

Anyway, he needed to do some serious talking to Shayne. He

risked losing him, Des knew that. It ate at him, twisting his
stomach and making his heart thud fast.

“Shayne’s in the backyard.”
Des smiled at Shayne’s mother. Jan was still working on a

customer’s hair. “Thank you. Sorry to interrupt.”

She waved the comb she was using on the woman’s hair. “No


Des went through the back door and located Shayne sitting on

the swing with a textbook in his hand. He looked up when Des

“Hi, you’re early,” Shayne said, greeting him with a kiss when

he sat beside Shayne.

“I know. Practice got done early. Coach wasn’t feeling great.”
“It’s such a nice day I decided to study outside. Place looks

better now that you’ve mowed the lawn.” Shayne grinned.

He held Shayne’s hand. “It was a breeze. Listen, um, there’s

something I need to talk to you about.”

Shayne smiled tentatively. “Sure.”
“First, can I just say you are amazing and sexy and I just adore

you and your family? Every minute I spend with all of you just
makes me crazier about you.” And he meant every word. If Shayne
told him to take a hike, which he had every right to do, Des knew it

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would hurt like fucking hell.

“That doesn’t sound so bad,” Shayne said. Then he bit his lip.

“I have a feeling you’re stalling though.”

Des sighed. “Maybe a little. Shayne, I know we’ve only been

seeing each other for a couple of weeks, but I don’t want to see
anyone else. I’m pretty sure I’m falling in love with you.”

Shayne nodded, his eyes serious. “Good, because I feel the

same way.”

“I hope you still do when I say what I have to say next.”
Shayne didn’t reply, just kept his gaze steady on Des’s face,


“The thing is, you know I play football.”
“Yeah, Des, just come out with it.”
He blew out a breath. “As you know, there’s a possibility in my

future for a career in professional football, so basically, the thing is
I’m not exactly out. I have a few close friends, like my cousin,
Evan, who knows I’m gay, but most people, my family included,
and my teammates, don’t.”

“What does that mean… exactly?”
“The draft will be coming up later this year and I have a

decision to make about whether to declare this year or wait until
I’ve finished college. Or at all. I’m not really certain I even want
the football career. I just, well, there’s a lot of uncertainty.”

“So, okay, what else?”
“For now, we have to be discreet seeing each other.” He paused

and speared his hand through his hair. “The thing is, professional
sports is still pretty much a he-man kind of world and
homosexuality is barely tolerated, if at all. Some strides are being
made but it’s going very slow. The draft could mean signing with a
great team for an insane amount of money. You’d never be able to

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come over to my house as my boyfriend or anything and we’d have
to be careful being seen together in public or being affectionate in
front of others and stuff like that.”

Shayne continued to stare at him. “I see.”
He swallowed. “I know, it’s awful. I’m a fucking bastard. You

hate me?”

Shayne closed his eyes, then bowed his head. “No, I don’t hate

you. But, well, Des, I am out. It’s impossible to pretend otherwise.
I don’t even want to.”

“I know.”
“It’s a lot to think about. I don’t know if I can see someone

who wants to hide himself so thoroughly.”

“I’m sorry. I know it’s fucked up.”
“Yeah. We wouldn’t have to hide it here at the house,” Shayne

said softly. “But basically everywhere else. That’s why we’ve
pretty much stuck to hanging out here, isn’t it”

He hated himself just then. He wanted to punch his own face

in, but he forced himself to nod. “Yes, I’m sorry.”

“So I’m supposed to be a secret until you decide what you

want. Maybe you’ll never come out. I mean, think about it, Des.
Do you know of any openly gay professional football players?”

Des hated to admit he didn’t know any, but he couldn’t lie.

“No. Shayne, I… I know it’s a lot to ask. Please, can you give me a

“I don’t know, Des. I need to think.”
Des nodded numbly. He didn’t like the answer but he could

hardly blame Shayne. “I understand.” He did. He just hadn’t
wanted to hear it. He held back his sigh. “So, I guess you don’t
want to go to eat with me right now?”

“Eat with you?”

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“Yeah, I was going to ask you to go to Henri’s Diner to meet

Evan there. It was just going to be casual.”

“Aren’t you afraid someone will guess you’re gay hanging out

with me?”

Des winced. He deserved it, yes, but it still stung. “No, I go

there all the time with guys from the team. No one pays any

For a minute he thought he detected a slight tremor in Shayne’s

bottom lip, but he couldn’t be sure. “Okay.”

“You-you’ll go?”
Shayne nodded. “Yes, but when we’re done, you just drop me

off at home, Des.”

His chest tightened. “Yeah, I will. I’m sorry.”
“All right.” Shayne stood. “Let’s go.”

* * *

When he pulled into a parking space in the parking lot of

Henri’s, Des noticed his cousin’s Honda was already there. He
decided it was at least a little promising Shayne had agreed to
come along. At least he hadn’t thrown Des out altogether and told
him to fuck off. He wasn’t sure what he would have done if
Shayne had.

Once inside the restaurant, he spotted Evan’s blond head in a

corner booth. His back was to the door and next to him sat a guy
with dark red hair. Des frowned as he realized the red hair was
vaguely familiar.

“What the hell?” Shayne muttered next to him. Then Shayne

marched over to the booth, Des following closely.

“Shay, what—”

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And then he knew why the red hair was familiar. Bart.

Shayne’s best friend, Bart, sat next to Evan, on the inside of the
bench. Bart’s red hair sparkled a bit as though sprinkled with
glitter and his bright blue eyes had been lined with bright blue
eyeliner. In one ear he wore a dangly earring made up of silver
stars and flying fairies.

Des blinked. “Hi.”
Bart smiled shyly but Evan grinned. “Ah, you made it, sit


“Just a minute,” Shayne said, standing at the table. “Bart, is this

the guy you’ve been seeing?”

“Um.” Bart nodded.
“I don’t believe this.”
Des touched his arm. “Shayne.”
Shayne looked at Des, his eyes narrowing. “Can I talk to you

for a minute?”

“Shayne, please,” Bart said softly.
“It’s okay, Bart. I just want to talk to Des real quick. Be right

back.” Shayne walked away, obviously expecting Des to follow.

Evan raised an eyebrow. “What’s that all about?”
“Not sure. Uh, order me a Coke and Shayne an iced tea.”
He followed after Shayne, who had stepped outside. Shayne

rounded on him when he exited the restaurant.

“Is he like you?”
“Like me?”
“Does he hide who he is? Is he not out?” Shayne’s jaw was


“Not exactly like me, no. Evan doesn’t want a football career

and has already decided this is his last year on the team. He’s told
his parents and a few close friends that he’s gay.”

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Shayne nodded. “Listen to me, Des. Does he… if he’s playing

with Bart—”

“Playing with him?”
“Using him to make a big joke out of him, something like that.”
“Shay, no. Why would you even ask that?”
Shayne turned away, hugging himself. “Back in high school

Bart got hurt really bad.”

“There was this guy on the basketball team. Bart really had the

hots for him. This guy found out and asked Bart out. All he wanted
to do was make a joke out of Bart. He… well, he had sex with
Bart, his first time. Afterward, the next day at school, the guy and
all his friends made fun of Bart in front of lots of kids at school.
Then they followed him home and beat him up pretty bad.
Probably would have been worse, but some of Bart’s friends
decided to check on him because they knew how upset he was at
what happened. The guys ran when we showed up.”

Des’s gut twisted. “Oh, my God.”
“Yeah.” Shayne bit his lip. “Bart ended up in the hospital. His

dad refused to press charges because Bart deserved it, he said, for
being a fairy.”

“I’m a little overprotective of him now. Bart doesn’t have a lot

of people who care about him and watch out for him.”

“I can see that, Shay, but I assure you Evan is not like that. If

he’s seeing Bart, it’s because he likes him.”

Blowing out a breath, Shayne nodded. “Okay. I trust you, so

I’ll believe it.”

Des’s insides warmed a little at hearing Shayne say that he

trusted him. It was good to know. “Let’s go back inside.”

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When they reached the booth once more, Des didn’t miss the

nervous look Bart shot Shayne. He let Shayne slide in first and
then took his seat across from his cousin.

“Everything all right?” Bart asked.
Shayne smiled. “Oh, sure. Just thought of something I wanted

to ask Des about. Sorry.” He turned his head to look at Evan.
“How are you, Evan?”

Evan’s lips twitched. “I’m good. Looks like things are going

well for you two.”

“Us two?” Shayne continued to smile. “Oh, no. I get it. Des and

I are just friends.”

“Shayne,” Des growled.
“Hmm.” Evan reached for his Coke and put the straw in his


Des watched Evan’s hand cover Bart’s on the table. He

couldn’t help feeling a bit envious. Okay, maybe a lot. And it was
his own damn fault. He picked up his menu. “What are you

“I don’t know,” Shayne said. “But we should probably ask the

waitress for separate checks.”

He sighed and glanced at Shayne. “Why?”
“Just being friends.”
“Will you please stop?” he pleaded.
Shayne said nothing, though his dark eyes narrowed, and he

went back to looking at the menu.

Evan cleared his throat. “Bart and I are going to split the patty

melt. It’s huge so it’s plenty for the two of us.”

Des nodded. “Sounds good. Maybe we should share, too. What

do you think, babe?”

Shayne glanced up from his menu. “What?”

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He smiled. “Do you want to share something?”
“I think I’m going to just have the soup and salad combo.”
“Okay, I’ll get something else then.”
The waitress came by with his and Shayne’s drinks and they all

placed their orders. Des ended up ordering the Ruben sandwich.
He was glad Shayne kept his mouth shut about the separate checks.
He was really regretting talking with Shayne about having to be
discreet. Yeah, it was true he meant it, but now it seemed to make
everything so awkward between them. Maybe he shouldn’t have
pushed going to dinner and given Shayne the time he’d asked for,
but Des had been afraid if he gave Shayne too much time to think
he wouldn’t like the outcome.

“So, Evan,” Shayne said into the silence that had lapsed over

the four of them at the table. “Have you introduced Bart to your
family yet?” Bart bounced a little on the booth. “Ouch. What the
hell was that for?”

“Stop being an ass, Shayne,” Bart said, glaring daggers at his

friend. “We’ve only gone out a few times.”

“But nothing. Take a chill pill. I don’t need a keeper,” Bart


Evan cleared his throat again. “Actually, Bart met my dad the

other night. He’ll meet the rest of the family this weekend, since
Bart’s staying over.”

Shayne bit his lip and nodded. He looked down at his glass of

iced tea. “This was a bad idea.”

Without looking at him, Shayne shook his head. “Can I just


Des smiled apologetically at Bart and Evan. “Sorry, guys. I’m

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going to take Shayne home.” He took his wallet out and put money
on the table. “You guys can eat our food or take it home with you.

Bart sighed and looked like he would say something but Evan

squeezed his hand and he closed his mouth.

Des got out of the booth and waited for Shayne to get out.
“I’m sorry,” Shayne whispered before moving toward the door.
“Is he all right?” Evan asked.
“Yeah. It’s my fault.” Des blew out a breath. “I fucked up. I’ll

talk to you later.”

He found Shayne waiting by his Mustang. His dark eyes looked

a little watery when he glanced up at Des. “I’m sorry. I know I’m
being a shit.”

He smiled gently. “No, I’m the one who’s sorry. I shouldn’t

have brought you here tonight.”

They got into the car and Des drove Shayne home in silence.

His heart felt heavy and his throat raw, but he didn’t know what to
say to make things better. If he even could. Pulling in front of
Shayne’s house, he turned off his car.

“Can I come in?”
Shayne started to shake his head. “I don’t think—”
“Please. Please. I need you, Shayne.”
“This isn’t fucking fair, Des,” Shayne said, his voice thick.
He clenched his eyes shut. “I know. I need you.”
“No, you don’t.”
Opening his eyes, he pulled Shayne close, or as close as he

could with the emergency brake between them. “I do. I know I’m a
dick. I need you. Please, don’t shut me out because I have my head

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up my ass.”

“You’re a bastard,” Shayne whispered against him.
Des tightened his arms around him. “I know.”
“Okay, come inside.”

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He was slammed against his bedroom wall, Des crushing his

body with his own. Long fingers tugged on the strands of his hair,
a mouth covered his, hard and demanding.

“Shay, I want you so much,” Des said, groaning. He pushed

Shayne’s shirt up under his arms, then yanked the shirt up and over
Shayne’s head.

Gasping for air, Shayne watched as Des’s fingers worked on

the snaps of his jeans. The jeans and briefs were pushed down and
then Des knelt in front of him.

His cock was engulfed in Des’s hot mouth, his balls rolled in

Des’s palm.

“Oh, my God.”

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Des took Shayne’s dick deep, working it fast and furious. His

balls drew tight as Des swallowed around him. Then his cock
pulsed and emptied down Des’s throat.

His lover released him and stood, tearing off his own clothes,

stealing kisses and caressing him everywhere. After catching his
breath, Shayne kicked off his sneakers and removed his jeans and
briefs the rest of the way.

Des lowered a naked Shayne to his bed, covering him with his

own nude body. They’d left only the dragon lamp lit, but it was
enough for Shayne to see the desperate hunger in Des’s eyes. Des’s
long fingers speared Shayne’s hair and he locked gazes with

“I’m sorry,” Des said softly. “I wouldn’t want to hurt you for


Shayne nodded, his throat closed from too many emotions

roiling through him. If he gave in to the pain, to voicing his
thoughts right then, he knew it would only open the floodgates. He
didn’t want to waste these precious moments giving in to the
anguish. To finally having what he wanted only to be told he didn’t
really have it after all.

“Shay.” Des’s thumb brushed across Shayne’s bottom lip.
He closed his eyes, unable to stand the pleading look in Des’s

gaze one more second. He tugged Des’s head down to his and
brought their mouths together with a groan that turned more into a

Shayne’s mouth opened, letting Des’s tongue inside,

surrendering to the deepening kiss of the man he was afraid he’d
fallen for. It could only end badly.

Des pressed him down, his soft, old mattress nearly swallowing

him. The lips on his were intense, seeking, demanding in ways Des

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had yet to be, and Shayne matched the desperate kisses wanting to
sear his soul with them.

His cock was hard again, so hard, but for now he was content

to just taste Des’s lips, maybe they’d kiss for hours or days. He
shook his head at his own fanciful nonsense.

Des broke the kiss for a moment, frowning down at him.


“Kiss me, fuck me, just—” He pressed his mouth to Des’s once

more. No talking.

He stroked his hands across Des’s muscular back, pulling him

closer still, if that were possible. Sliding one hand between their
bodies Shayne sought out Des’s cock.

“Condom,” he said against Des’s lips.
Des nodded, but didn’t break the kiss. He reached behind him

blindly, toward the nightstand, feeling for the wrapper. He sighed
into Shayne’s mouth.

The condom momentarily forgotten, their lips fused, slanting

over each other again and again. Hands stroked over bare skin,
tracing, caressing everywhere.

Shayne jerked Des, his fist pumping the rock hard dick,

drawing sexy little growls out of Des. Then, with a muffled curse,
Des moved off him. Shayne’s eyelids flew upon, watching Des roll
the rubber on his thick erection. His gut clenched, anticipation
thrumming through him. He scooped the lube up from the
nightstand and squirted some out.

“What are you doing?” Des asked.
“You’ll see.” He bent his knees, inserting lubed fingers in his

ass, preparing himself for Des’s cock.

“Oh, God, Shay,” Des whispered, leaning forward to suck

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Shayne’s bottom lip between his teeth. He grabbed the lube and
squirted some on his own fingers and he added one to Shayne’s
already stretched hole. Both their fingers fucked him as Des took
possession of Shayne’s lips once more.

Wrapping his other hand around his cock, Shayne stroked

himself in rhythm to the thorough finger fucking he was getting.
His release was coming on fast.

“Des, I’m—”
“Yes, please, babe, now,” Des urged, moving his lips to the

pulse of Shayne’s throat, sucking there. His fingers worked with
Shayne’s fast and furious inside Shayne.

The force of his orgasm pulled a scream from him as white hot

cum shot out of his pulsing dick. Des held him tight through his
release and then he was replacing their fingers with the head of his
cock, slowly pushing into Shayne’s electrified body.

Des turned him to lie on his side, lifting one of his legs up over

Des as he thrust inside Shayne. Twisting Shayne’s head just a
little, Des returned to devouring Shayne’s lips, kissing him with an
intensity that stole Shayne’s breath.

He closed his eyes, loving the feel of Des rocking against him,

holding him close. Feeling tremors running through Des, he knew
his lover was close to coming himself.

Struggling to breathe, he broke the kiss, gasping for air before

saying, “Des, please.”

“Shay, I love you.” And then he was coming, groaning into

Shayne’s neck.

Shayne stayed where he was, his eyes closed, feeling Des’s soft

exhalations. He loved the closeness, the feel of Des’s arms around
him. The three words Des had said echoed in Shayne’s head. But
he had to harden his heart to it.

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Swallowing, he pulled away, feeling Des slide out of him when

he did, and Shayne sat up.

“Shay?” Des mumbled sleepily.
“Des, you can’t stay,” he whispered.
He ran his fingers through his messy hair. “I want you to go


Des sat upright, his eyes suddenly wide open. “What?”
“I meant what I said earlier. I need time.”
“I know, but, I thought—”
Shayne sighed and shook his head. “Nothing has changed.

You’re not out and don’t want to be, at least for now, and I am. I
still have to decide if I’m willing to let everyone think I’m just
your gay best friend.”

Des bowed his head. “But, couldn’t I stay here tonight?”
He almost gave in, but Shayne was very much afraid if he let

Des have his way, let him sleep there with him like he’d been
doing, Shayne would just accept being Des’s secret boy toy. He
didn’t know if he could ever accept that but he knew he wasn’t
ready to make that decision right now.

His throat closing, Shayne shook his head. “No. I need that

time, Des. I want you to leave.”

Des stared at him, clearly surprised Shayne was throwing him

out. “Shayne, I said… I said I love you.”

“I know. I’m sorry, Des. But I need to think.” He got out of bed

and reached for the clothes he’d removed before they’d had sex.
“What you said, those were pretty words and all—”

“Pretty words? You think they were just pretty words?”
“It doesn’t change anything, Des. Please, you said you

understood I needed time.”

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Des was quiet for a moment, then he too got out of bed and

dressed in his clothes. “I’m just afraid, Shay.”

He took Shayne’s hands in his and held them in a tight grasp.

“You’ll tell me to get lost. You don’t want to see me again.” He
leaned down until their foreheads touched. “That you’ll hate me.”

“I’ll never hate you, Des.”
“But you might tell me to get lost.”
Shayne couldn’t make himself lie to Des. He nodded. “I don’t


Letting out a heavy sigh, Des straightened and dropped

Shayne’s hands. “All right. I’m going.”

When they had both fully dressed, Des walked out of Shayne’s

bedroom, and Shayne followed him out to his car. The
neighborhood was dark and quiet. For a second, Shayne almost
asked Des to stay. The idea of Des’s arms wrapped around him
while they slept didn’t seem like such a bad idea.

Des stopped at his car and turned to Shayne. “When can I see

you again?”

“I’m not sure.”
“Yes,” he said softly.
Des turned away, running his hand through his hair. “Fine. Can

I at least call you?”

“Every day?”
“Yes, every day.”
Des nodded and then pulled Shayne into his arms and held him

so tight Shayne wondered if Des would pop one of his ribs. He
hugged Des back, leaning his head on the bigger man’s shoulder.

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And then Des released him and went to the driver side of his

car. He opened the door and got in without looking at Shayne.

Biting his lip, Shayne’s chest squeezed. He watched Des pull

away from the curb and drive off. Why couldn’t Des just be open
and out? Why had he fallen for some jock who just wanted to
remain in the closet… indefinitely?

When he went back inside the house, he found his grandfather

waiting in the living room for him, dressed in flannel pajamas.

“Gramps, I didn’t wake you, did I?”
“I don’t sleep as well as I once did. Since we’re both up, I

thought maybe we’d have a cup of that green together.”

Shayne smiled. “Sounds good, let’s go into the kitchen.”
He settled his grandfather into a chair at the breakfast nook and

then set about making them two cups of green tea.

“Desmond didn’t want to sleep over?” Gramps asked.
“He did,” Shayne admitted. “It’s a bit complicated.”
“Love usually is.”
“Love?” He shook his head. “I don’t know I’d go that far.”
“So, you don’t love him then?”
Shayne sighed. “I barely know him. It’s only been a few


“All right,” Gramps said with a nod. “But you like him very

much, perhaps?”

“Romantic relationships are work, Shayne. Usually, hopefully,

they’re worth it.”

Shayne set a cup of the tea in front of Gramps and then sat

beside him with his own. “What about you and Grandma? You
always seemed so perfect together.”

“We were. But it is work.” Gramps seemed to get lost in

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memories for a moment, staring off into space. “We met in high
school, you know.”

He smiled. “I remember.”
Gramps snorted. “She wanted nothing to do with me.”
Shayne laughed. “That’s hard to imagine. She doted on you.”
“I wore her down.” Gramps grinned. “My family had just

moved to the area so I was new to the school. Had no friends. My
first day she was in one of classes. Wouldn’t even look at me.”

“What did you do?”
“I started throwing wadded up paper at the back of her head.”
He blinked. “Spit wads? You threw spit wads?”
“No, I didn’t put spit on them. That’s gross. Just paper.

Eventually I wrote a note on one of the balls of paper.”

“What did it say?”
His grandfather thought about it. “‘Go out with me’ or

something like that. I don’t remember exactly now.”

“And she did?”
“Hardly. Stubborn woman. She sent one back to me with the

word no on it. We went back and forth like that for weeks.” He
smiled. “Finally I wrote on it, ‘This is the last time I’m going to

Shayne sipped his tea. “So she said ‘yes.’”
“Nope. But it wasn’t the last time I asked either.”
They both laughed.
“Anyway, if it’s meant to be between you and this boy, it’ll

work itself out.”

“Yeah, maybe. I don’t know.”
Gramps studied him. “Want to talk about it?”
“Basically, Des needs to make up his mind if he wants to

declare for the football draft this year or wait until after he

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graduates or at all.”

“All right. And you don’t want him to?”
“The thing is, Gramps, Des is in the closet.”
“In the closet?”
He nodded. “No one knows he’s gay. Or very few people.

Including his family and his teammates. He wants it to stay that

“For how long?”
Shayne sighed, bit his lip. “Maybe forever. If he does get

drafted, what are the chances he’ll come out as the first openly gay
quarterback in professional football? I can’t live my life in secret.
I’m not saying I expect us to get married and pick out curtains, but
is it too much to ask to be acknowledged as being part of his
personal life? Do I have to put up with him dating hot models
while I sit at home and watch him play on television?”

“I don’t know, Shayne. I don’t know the answer to any of that.”
“Me either.”
Gramps finished the last of his tea and stood. “But I’ve seen the

way that boy looks at you. And that’s something. I have a feeling
the rest will work itself out.”

He forced a smile. “Hope so.”
“I’m off to bed. You going?”
Shayne stood and rinsed the mugs out in the sink. The thought

of going to his lonely bed held no appeal for him, but he’d made
that decision himself. “Yeah, may as well.”

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“I miss you,” Des said, pinching the bridge of his nose. He lay

on the bed in his room, talking on the phone, hating the fact he was
there and not with Shayne. He didn’t know when his family’s
house ceased to be home. Maybe it never really had been.

“I miss you, too.”
He closed his eyes. It had been a week since he’d left Shayne’s

house in the middle of the night. A week of complete misery.
“Then, how much longer is this going to go on, Shay?”

“I don’t know, Des.”
It seemed like they had the same damn conversation every day.

“If you aren’t going to want to be with me anymore, I wish you’d
just tell me.”

“Des, it’s not that easy. I want to be with you.”

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“I just don’t know if us being together is fair to either of us.”
“Fair to us?’ He frowned and sat up. “What do you mean?”
Shayne sighed. “You’ve spent most of your life working

toward being a professional quarterback. You’re good at playing
football. It’s your big break if you get drafted, whether it’s this
year or after you graduate. It’s not fair to ask you to just throw that
all away to be with me, someone you’ve only known a few

“Let me finish. I’ve been out since I was fourteen. It was a

tough decision to come out, but I did, and my family and friends
accepted me. It was scary but it was also a relief not to have to hide
my attraction for guys. I’ve wanted a boyfriend since then, one
who I could proudly show off as my boyfriend. Maybe that’s

He swallowed the lump in his throat. “No, it’s not wrong.”
“Des, sometimes love isn’t enough.”
“But sometimes it is.”
“Yeah,” Shayne said softly.
“You’re ready to give up on me, aren’t you?” His chest

tightened, his stomach flipped over.

“No, no, I’m not. I miss you, too. I do.”
He tried again. “Can I see you?”
“I… okay.”
His heart thumped hard. “Really?”
Shayne paused. For so long, Des feared he’d take it back. He

held his breath, his heartbeat loud in his ears.

“Yes. Why don’t you come over? When you’re done with

school or practice or whatever.”

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He stood. “I’m coming over now. I’ll be there in a few


“Okay. See you soon.” Shayne hung up.
Des grabbed a duffle bag and stuffed a change of clothes in it.

Shayne hadn’t said he could stay overnight but if he had anything
to say about it, he wasn’t leaving.

When he opened his bedroom door, he saw his mother coming

down the hall toward him. She noticed the duffle bag in his hand.

“Back to staying at your friend’s house?”
“Seems like maybe you should have gotten a dorm room.

You’re never home.” She folded her arms across her chest. “Who
is this friend anyway? A girl?”

Des stared at her. “No, Mother. Not a girl. I’m staying with a

guy named Shayne and his family.”

She frowned. “Shayne who?”
“Shayne Ralston. You don’t know him.”
“Is he one of your teammates?”
Des sighed. “No.”
“Well, Jesus, Desmond, how did you meet this guy? He’s not

your dealer or something, is he?”

He laughed at that. “My dealer? No, I’m not doing drugs.”
She sighed. “Well, it’s not like you’re talking to us or telling us

anything these days. You’re barely around. Are you declaring for
the draft?”

“I don’t think I am. I’m thinking I want to graduate college first

and get my degree.”

“Why? If you get drafted and sign with a team you won’t need

a degree, you’ll have millions.”

Des nodded. “Sure, and that’s what you’re counting on

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“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“I’m the goose who laid the golden egg, or you and Dad hope

so anyway.” Des sighed. “Here’s the thing, Mother. I don’t know if
I’ll get drafted at all. Professional sports frown on gays.”

His mother lost two shades of color as she gaped at him.

“Desmond Robert Stratton, what are you saying?”

He backed up a step from the force of her shock. He hit the

bedroom door. “I’m gay and Shayne is my boyfriend.”

She struck him hard across his face with a stinging slap. His

face burned from it and his head knocked back against the door
with a distinct thud.

“You shut your mouth,” she said angrily. “No son of mine is a


Des felt the beginning of tears forming in his eyes.
What had he expected really?
This. He had expected this.
At least his family hadn’t surprised him.
“I’m going out,” he told his mother, brushing past her.
“Don’t you walk away from me.”
Des ignored her and kept on moving to the stairs. He took them

two at a time and left the house.

* * *

It seemed more important than ever to see Shayne, and so as he

pulled in front of Shayne’s home a sense of rightness overwhelmed
him. This place had been more his home in the last few weeks than
his own had been for years.

He grabbed his duffle bag from the backseat of the car, and

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practically ran for the front door. It opened just as he raised his fist
to pound on it.

And there was the most beautiful sight he’d seen in such a long

time. He merely stared. Shayne, dressed casually in jeans and a
black T-shirt, his black hair slightly messy as though he’d been
playing with it, the ends fluorescent blue. He smiled at Des and
Des was lost.

“Shay,” he whispered almost reverently. And then he was

hugging Shayne, pulling him into his arms and holding him so
tight he wasn’t surprised when his lover gave a sort of grunt. “God,
I missed you so much.”

Shayne snuggled close. “I missed you, too. Come inside.”
He released Shayne long enough to step fully inside the house

and Shayne shut the door. He smelled what smelled like Pillsbury
biscuits and cream of mushroom soup.

“Have you eaten? Mom’s got a casserole in the oven for dinner

and some biscuits.”

Des could only smile, unable to form the words as to how

much he loved it there. He loved the house, the food, Shayne’s
mom, Gramps, but mostly he loved Shayne.

“I love you.” The words spilled from his lips before he could

stop them. He meant them, of course, and had said them before,
but somehow they meant more this time.

Shayne hugged him. “I love you, too, Des.”
His arms wrapped tight around Shayne, he whispered, “I told

my mom.”

“Told her what?”
“About us. About me.”
Shayne pulled back and stared at him. “You-you did?”

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“And? Wait.” Shayne touched his face, stroking his cheek,

noticing the light red mark there. “She didn’t take it well. Did she
do this?”

He nodded and felt the prick of tears again. “No, she didn’t

take it well.”

“I’m sorry, Des.”
“Me, too. I knew it before it happened. I always knew. The

things they’d say, the way they acted. But you know, you always
hold out some shred of hope that you’re wrong.”

“I know.”
“I wasn’t. But now I know.” Des grabbed Shayne’s hand and

led him to the sofa. “And that’s another thing, Shay. It’s crazy, I
know, but it seems to me that you and I are meant for each other.
I’ve had a crush on you since high school.”

He grinned. “Yeah. Nuts, huh? You were too young and I was

too focused on myself. But here we are now. Today I told my
mother I was gay and the world didn’t end. It sucks, but it’s going
to be okay. I can deal with it if they don’t want me around. I’ll find
somewhere to live if they kick me out. I have money my
grandparents left me and I can work while I finish school.”

“You can live here. Mom and Gramps would love it.”
“That would be great, but we can talk about it, if it becomes


Shayne waved that away. “You’re practically here all the time

anyway.” He frowned. “Wait. Finish school? So, you aren’t
declaring for the draft this year?”

“No. I’m going to get my degree. I’ll talk to coach tomorrow.

I’m going to tell him everything.”

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Des nodded, his gut twisting. “Yes, Shay. I’m going to tell him

I’m gay and that I’ll wait for the draft after my senior year. If they
still want me on the school team. If I don’t get drafted then, well, it
wasn’t meant to be. If I do, I’ll be the first openly gay pro

“That’s taking a lot of risk.”
“I know. Chances are it’s not going to work. I’m guessing at

least half my teammates won’t want anything to do with me. And
I’ll quit the fraternity. I don’t spend any time with those guys

Shayne put his arm around Des. “Are you sure?”
“I thought this is what you’d want, Shay.”
“Ah, babe, I just want us to be together, without hiding, but I

also want you to get your dreams. I don’t want you to throw
everything away because of me.”

Des pulled him close. “I don’t see it that way. Everything will

work out, Shay. I’m tired of hiding who I am. I’ve been tired of it
for a while but I let fear and worry about the future keep me from
admitting who I really was. If pro sports isn’t ready for a gay
player than I’ll go on to medical school after my biology degree.
You can teach history.” He waggled his eyebrows. “That gives
new meaning to hot for teacher.”

Shayne laughed, but then Shayne grew serious again. “I don’t

want you having any regrets.”

“I don’t want any either. Which is why I have to do this,


“It sucks that we have to go through this. It shouldn’t matter

what your sexual preferences are.”

“Maybe someday it won’t.”

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“Dinner’s ready.” Shayne’s mother called from the kitchen.

“Boys, get your drinks.”

Dinner was a warm, wonderful gathering, made even more

special, Des supposed, given his own mother’s reaction to the truth
about her son. Shayne, himself, Gramps, and Jan laughed and ate
until their stomachs hurt. And then after, he and Shayne loaded the
dishes into the dishwasher. In between stolen kisses.

After they got ready for bed, and lay in each other’s arms

naked, they exchanged deeper kisses, promises.

“I had a test done,” Des told Shayne as he rolled a condom onto

his achingly hard cock.

“A test?” Shayne gasped, spreading his legs when Des’s lubed

fingers entered him.

“For sexually transmitted diseases. So, you know, maybe at

some point we might want to go without a condom.”

“Oh.” Shayne nodded. “Good idea. I’ll get one, too.”
“I trust you.”
Shayne smiled and kissed him. “I know. But let’s both have the

tests anyway.”

Des nodded, conversation momentarily forgotten, as he

replaced his fingers with the head of his cock, pushing deep inside
his lover. He’d missed this. Yeah, it had only been a week, but he
was pathetic.

He made slow love to Shayne, his thrusts unhurried, his hands

stroking over every inch of bare skin on the younger man. He
never wanted to take this, to take Shayne, for granted.

His hand closed around Shayne’s cock, his fingers closing to

make a fist as he pumped it.

“Des, Des, please.”
Then Shayne was coming, opaque white globs squirting over

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Des’s hand.

“God, you’re so beautiful,” he said, watching the pleasure of

Shayne’s release on his face. Shayne shifted beneath him,
tightening his ass muscles as his legs came around Des’s waist and
suddenly he wasn’t fucking Shayne slow anymore.

“Fuck,” he groaned, snapping his hips again and again as his

own orgasm overtook him.

Later, after he’d discarded the condom and wiped them up just

a bit, Des held Shayne close, with Shayne’s head resting on his

“I really missed this. Sleeping together, holding you.” He

grinned. “God, I’m such a sap.”

Shayne laughed. “Maybe. But you’re my sap.”
“I can work with that.”
“There are still some pretty hard days ahead of us, Des. Think

it’ll be okay?”

“There aren’t any guarantees in life, I know that. But I think we

stand a pretty good chance of everything being more than okay for
us, Shay.” He leaned down to kiss Shayne’s dark head. “Thank

“Taking a chance on me. Saying yes the very first time I asked

you out. Not telling me to fuck off. So many things. But most of
all, loving me.”

Shayne squeezed him. “I do. I love you, Des.”
“I love you, too. More than anything.”

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Shawn Lane believes love and passion know no boundaries. Shawn
writes both erotic love stories involving men in historical or
contemporary settings and interracial romances between men and
women. Shawn is always looking for new stories and new
characters to create while holding down life in California.

* * *

Don’t miss Sweet Reunion (A Sutter’s Bay Story)

by Shawn Lane,

available at!

Retired from the police force after a tragic shooting, Jason Sweet
hasn’t been back to his hometown, Sutter’s Bay, for fifteen years.
With his mother’s final days approaching, Jason returns to make
peace with his mother and his past. Part of that past includes
former best friend and lover, Danny Yarrow.

Danny’s satisfied with his life as a drama teacher at the local high
school, but the one thing missing is the love of a good man. He’s
only too happy to be reunited with Jason. They’ve both grown and
changed since their broken teenaged relationship. Jason hasn’t
had an easy time of it since leaving Sutter’s Bay, but Danny
intends to convince his friend and former lover that when it comes
to taking chances, their love is worth it.

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