The Breakers' Bad Boys 3 Dante's Angel Laurie Roma

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Evernight Publishing ®

Copyright© 2015 Laurie Roma

ISBN: 978-1-77233-596-5

Cover Artist: Sour Cherry Designs

Editor: JS Cook


WARNING: The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. No
part of this book may be used or reproduced electronically or in print without written permission,
except in the case of brief quotations embodied in reviews.

This is a work of fiction. All names, characters, and places are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual
events, locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

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This book is dedicated to all the people who love the town of Breakers as much as I do...

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The Breakers’ Bad Boys, 3

Laurie Roma

Copyright © 2015

Chapter One

Thud, thud, thud...
The impact of Dante Fox’s gloved fists slamming against the heavy bag sounded overloud in the

empty gym. It was way past closing at the Fight Hard Gym and Rehabilitation Center, but Dante had
the key and security codes to the building for nights like this.

Restless nights when memories kept him awake and too on edge for sleep.
The gym had been created out of an old, gutted warehouse in the heart of downtown Breakers.

Usually, it was well lit, with the abundance of overhead lighting, but now it was cast in shadows. The
only light in the place came from the single spotlight near the back door that he’d turned on when he’d
entered the building. Some might have found the large, empty space unnerving, but not Dante. Right
now, he needed the quiet as he pounded his fists into the bag.

He wanted the solitude found in the dark while he worked himself to exhaustion.
Perspiration ran down his bare chest in streams and went unnoticed as he continued to pound

the bag. His shorts were also soaked, but he didn’t care. He’d tied a bandana over his hair to keep the
worst of the sweat from dripping onto his face, but he still felt the sting of salt in his eyes as he
pushed himself to his limits.

As a former Army Ranger, Dante was used to training and being active, and having his friend,

Jared “Hammer” Caufield, open a gym in the center of town had been a blessing. Dante had served
with in the Army with Hammer, but their lives had taken far different paths when they had left the

After the military, Hammer had a successful career as an MMA fighter before he’d blown his

knee out and decided to open Fight Hard. He might own the place, but their friends, Daryk Nyght and
Adam Rever, also had a stake in gym. Together, the three of them had made Fight Hard a successful
business, and something they could be proud of. Dante shot a cursory glance around the shadowed
room as he slowed his pace and felt a wave of satisfaction sweep through him when he looked at
what his friends had created.

It was a damn good place.
A place to get healthy and heal…and to escape to when needed.
The large space was set up with several separate areas sectioned off for members to train in

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various disciplines. There were basic weight machines and treadmills located in the front of the
building that were a standard for any gym, and a set of tatami judo mats used for floor work and
grappling for more advanced training. In the back were two full size boxing rings, which were
frequently used for sparring matches between the members, and were even used to host a few local
matches when Hammer felt the inclination.

Against the back wall was the newest addition to the gym. A large rock climbing wall had

recently been installed, with two levels of hand holds. One side of the wall was geared for more
expert climbers, while the other side was for beginners. The wall had only been finished a few days
ago, and there had been a long line of people waiting to try it out during the hours the gym was open.
Despite the safety lines and harnesses, thick padded mats had been installed at the bottom of the wall
in case anyone fell, and trainers kept diligent eyes on anyone who was climbing in case they got in

Up above on the second level of the building was a treatment center used for rehabilitation for

athletes, soldiers and people recovering from other serious injuries. When the doors to Fight Hard
had opened, there had been several people who had scoffed at the idea of such a high-level facility
being opened in a small town like Breakers, but with Hammer’s reputation and connections, the place
was a thriving business.

During business hours, Fight Hard was almost always packed with people. They had their share

of members who worked out casually, but the gym had also gained professional athletes as clientele
who traveled to Breakers during their off seasons.

In the last few months, Hammer had started taking on a few more former professional athletes

as trainers, especially to coach and instruct teams that had expressed interest in booking a few weeks
of intense training. It was good for Fight Hard, but more than that, it would be good for the entire
town. Still, the thought of all those people flooding into Dante’s hometown didn’t excite him as it
should have.

Actually, just thinking about it was pretty fucking annoying at the moment.
Dante was usually a pretty social guy, but when it came to his workouts, he tried to avoid Fight

Hard during peak hours when the nine-to-fivers got in their exercise. Sometimes he enjoyed being
part of the crowd that pushed themselves for the endorphin high that came with a hard workout, but
most of the time—like tonight—he needed the quiet and the dark.

Sweat covered Dante’s entire body and his muscles quivered with fatigue. He enjoyed the pain

of pushing himself to the breaking point, but knew he needed to stop soon before he actually hurt
himself. The physical activity had been a welcomed distraction in lieu of the thoughts that plagued
him, but he forced himself to pull back and put an end to his workout.

Calling it quits, Dante left the heavy bag swaying on the chain as he walked away to sit on a

bench that was stationed against the wall. Ignoring the sweat coating his skin, he took off the padded
gloves and began to unwind the wraps he’d used to protect his hands. Even with the added protection,
his knuckles were red from the constant battering he’d put them through. Flexing his hands, he shook
them out, then rested his elbows on his knees as he took a moment to slow his breathing.

No one could ever accuse him of being a restful man, but recently the late night workouts were

getting to be a routine that had begun to worry him.

Hell, worry was such a pussy was just fucking frustrating.
Dante had been a good soldier, but his time overseas had done something to him that he hadn’t

expected. Those years had hardened him, changing him to a point where he had barely recognized
himself when he’d come home. He’d been damn proud to serve his country, had done what was asked

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of him without question, but the aftermath of those years made it difficult to transition back to normal

It wasn’t that he regretted anything he’d done. In fact, it was just the opposite of that. He missed

the action. Not that he wanted to be back in a combat situation. Hell, no. He was done with that shit.
Done with taking orders and spending countless days sweating his balls off in the middle of nowhere
while people shot at him.

But the adrenaline rush was something that wasn’t as easy to forget.
Unlike some of his friends, Dante rarely pulled punches, whether it be literally or figuratively.

In his opinion, too much time was wasted on trying to be nice and worrying about what other people
thought. Usually, whatever he said was done with such casual frankness that no one really took
offense. Because of that, people generally thought he was the most laid back and easygoing out of his
circle of friends, but not lately.

No, recently he’d been surly and short-tempered.
Hell, that was putting it lightly. The truth was, he’d turned into a snarly bastard.
Dante had been like that when he’d just gotten home from overseas, and he’d worked really

hard on transitioning back to “normal” once he’d returned. Mostly, it was a careful façade that he’d
put in place when dealing with others, but the reality was that the only time he actually felt normal
was when he was fighting…or fucking.

It was the only time he felt anything real.
Empty spaces, he thought. He had empty spaces inside of him that left him feeling hollow. He

knew what he used to fill those holes were only temporary fixes, and those patches made the
emptiness more pronounced when they faded. Some of his friends had laughed off his statement about
his need to fuck or fight when Dante had told them how he felt, but a few knew all too well that he
wasn’t joking. Not in the least. And that’s why he’d found himself coming to the gym to pound on the
bags almost every night…like some sort of goddamn insane ritual of self-torture.

Because fucking wasn’t an option. At least, it hadn’t been for the last several months.
Fuck it. Who was he kidding? Dante knew exactly why he’d turned into a raging asshole lately,

and it was all because of one damn infuriatingly stubborn woman.

It was all because of Zoe Lang.
Dante remembered the first time Zoe had walked into his bar, The Fox Hole. It had been the

middle of the afternoon, and he’d been in a bitch of a mood as he’d just finished struggling to input the
day’s deliveries into the computer. Dante hated office work with a passion, and he’d enjoyed
escaping behind the bar for a little while to work off the hours of horror he’d spent in his office. He’d
been manning the tap when the front door had opened, and there she’d been.

He had been prepared for her arrival, or so he’d thought. His father had told him that he’d

promised a friend that they would give Zoe a job at the bar since she was new to town. Dante knew
that his father took favors to old friends very seriously, but he hadn’t liked being forced into hiring
someone without giving them a proper screening.

But that had been before he’d met her.
Dante considered himself a connoisseur of women. There was something that could be found

about every single one of them that made each woman unique, but there had been something extra
special that made Zoe stand out from that very first moment their eyes had locked.

When she’d introduced herself, he’d had a crazy urge to throw her over his shoulder and carry

her off, like some sort of caveman. He remembered standing there staring at her like he’d been
mentally defective, not hearing a single word she’d said. His blank stare had scared her, and he’d had

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to shake himself out of his stupor in order to act normally.

But that hadn’t lasted long.
Dante had noticed all the men in the bar looking at Zoe, and that had made him unreasonably

angry. In defense, he’d herded her into his office so they could speak privately. The interview had
been more for form than anything, since he’d already promised to hire her. They were always looking
for good waitresses, and she’d had some previous experience, but it had only take a few minutes
speaking to her for him to realize he hadn’t wanted to hire Zoe for the simple fact that he wanted her.

Dante had a rule when it came to his employees. He didn’t fuck around at work. That would be

a shit load of trouble he didn’t want to deal with, and he’d had to fire a few waitresses that pushed
too far instead of dealing with the hassle in the past.

But for Zoe, he would have broken his rule.
He still would…and planned to at the earliest freaking opportunity.
It hadn’t taken Dante long to see that having the Asian beauty out on the floor would be an

absolute disaster. In fact, it would have been deadly for any man who tried to touch her. As a
waitress, the women that worked at The Fox Hole wore a tight black tank that had the name of the bar
on the front, paired with a short black skirt. Zoe acted tough, but there was an air of vulnerability that
she’d been unable to hide from him.

It had brought out an insanely protective side of himself Dante had never even known he had.
Even though he and his men made sure that all women were safe in the bar, Dante hadn’t been

able to stand the idea of Zoe roaming around the room with drunk men hitting on her at every turn.
Instead, he’d made her a bartender, where she would have some semblance of protection behind the
bar…and where he could personally keep an eye on her.

It also meant she could wear jeans with the tank top she was supposed to wear. There was a

waiting list a mile long for bartending positions, and Dante had known more than a few people would
bitch about his decision, but he hadn’t given a flying fuck.

When he’d informed her of his decision, Zoe had been surprised by the switch, but she’d been

game to learn and had promised to study up on drinks in order to do the job. He’d assured her that
there wasn’t much to manning the taps at The Fox Hole. Most of the patrons tended to order beer on
tap or in the bottle, but there were a few other signature drinks that were on the menu that weren’t too
difficult to learn how to make.

Dante knew his reaction to Zoe was unusual, but he’d written it off as attraction, and left it at

that. He’d never been good at holding himself back from something he wanted. He was the type of
man who rarely let anything get in his way when he had a goal. But as time went on, there was
something about Zoe that had alarm bells ringing in his head. He’d hoped he would get over the
feeling as soon as he got her beneath him and moved on.

Only, that hadn’t happened.
Zoe was an absolute mystery to him. After the first few days of her working with him, he could

see that she was damn good at the job. She was beautiful, friendly to the customers, and learned the
drink menu with ease. As with all their employees, he’d done the standard background check on her
and nothing had popped. Still, Dante’s internal warning system had nagged at him. It was clear she
was wicked smart, far too intelligent to be happy working in a biker bar in a small town, but
whatever brought her there had been his gain, so he’d let it go.

Or at least he let people believe he’d let it go.
She had proved herself through her hard work, and when she’d shown an aptitude for the

accounting program he usually struggled with on the computer, he’d gratefully dumped the entire mess

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in her lap. That was odd in itself, because he shouldn’t have let someone who had only worked for
him a short time help with the finances of the business. But he’d gone with instincts on that, and it had
paid off. He’d still double checked her work, but with her helping with the managerial duties, things
at the bar had been streamlined in the matter of weeks.

Yeah, hiring her had been both a blessing and a curse.
Over the long months she’d been working for him, Zoe had quickly become one of his most

valuable employees, but she was more than that to him. So much more. The sexual tension was there
between them, and it got worse every day.

But Dante hadn’t been able to do a fucking thing about it.
How the hell could he when she’d shot him down flat? He could deal with rejection. Where one

woman said no, countless others would say yes. The problem was he didn’t want any other women.
No, he wanted Zoe. She had somehow turned into an obsession that had his body in a constant state of
need, like an addict that craved a fix.

And that craving had turned into a hunger that was slowly driving him out of his mind.
With a growl of frustration, Dante got up from the bench and stalked toward the men’s locker

room to wash the sweat from his body. Thinking about Zoe always put him on edge, and it completely
wiped out the calm he’d gain from the last few hours hitting the bags.

Dante ignored the classy ambiance of the men’s locker room that usually amused him and

headed straight for his locker. He left his dirty clothes on the floor right where he stripped them off
and felt a brief pang of guilt when he looked down at the pile. Leave it to Hammer to turn a gym
locker room into five star accommodations, he though wryly.

Fuck it.
Pushing guilt aside, he left the mess on the floor and walked naked to the showers, grabbing a

towel off the top of a cart on the way. The hot water felt like glory on his aching body as he scrubbed
himself clean using the products provided in dispensers that Hammer had installed into each shower
stall. Resting his hands on the wall, he let the water rain down on him to rinse away the soap suds. If
only his troubled thoughts could be washed down the drain just as easy.

Dante briefly considered jacking off, but decided against it.
What would be the damn point?
He’d only have a moment of relief, then the next time he thought of Zoe—which seemed to be

every other fucking minute—his dick would get hard as stone again, just like it always did when he
thought of the little hellion.

It happened so often that he’d gotten used to being a walking hard-on ever since she had come

into his life, and knew the only cure would be fucking her into the next century. The damn woman had
him so tied up in knots that she destroyed any semblance of control he had whenever he was around

Finishing his shower, Dante turned off the water, then used the towel he’d hung outside the

shower stall to dry off. He made sure to throw the towel in a bin after he dressed in the jeans and
black t-shirt he’d been wearing earlier. It was one thing to leave his own things in a messy pile, but
he didn’t want to incur the wrath of Hammer’s cleaning staff when they opened in the morning.
Besides, he didn’t want anyone knowing he’d been in after hours…again.

He zipped up the black hoodie with the red and white Rough & Tough logo on it he’d worn in

defense against the cool temperature outside, then shoved his dirty gym clothes into a bag. When he
left the building, he made sure to set the security system again before he locked the back door.

The night air was chilly, but it felt good against his face. After shoving his stuff into the

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saddlebag that was attached to the side of his bike, Dante got on his Harley and fired it up. The bike
was one of his most favorite possessions. He had a big-ass truck for times when the weather was bad,
but for most of the year, he liked riding out in the open air. In a town where tons of people owned
bikes, his stood out with its custom matte-black finish and tribal design of a silver fox on the sides of
the gas tank that a friend had painted on it.

He loved the low snarl the machine made as he pulled out of the parking lot, then on to the main

road. It was late on Sunday night, but the people in Breakers were used to hearing the sound of bikes
passing through town. Enjoying the cool night breeze, Dante drove the few blocks down toward The
Fox Hole, his family’s bar.

It always gave him a little thrill to pass by the place.
Unlike Hammer’s chosen path, Dante had always known exactly what he would do when he

returned to his hometown. The Fox Hole was his family’s legacy, and Dante managed the place with
no small amount of pride. It was a biker bar that had gained a colorful reputation over the years, but it
was home to him. No one had blinked an eye when he’d followed in his father’s footsteps to become
an Army Ranger, just as no one had been surprised when Dante left the service to come home and take
over their family bar when Malcolm Fox suffered a heart attack.

Family came first to Dante…always.
Years ago, Malcolm Fox had struggled to find a way to raise two young kids after his wife left

him. She had wanted something different for her life than being stuck in a small town, and that
something had included a rich man to take care of her and give her things that Malcolm couldn’t
provide. But she hadn’t just left her husband. She’d also walked out on her kids’ lives without
looking back, and that was something Dante would never forgive her for.

His real family was his father and younger sister, Danica, and Dante was just fine with that.
Although some might say they’d had a weird childhood, Dante and his sister had loved

spending time with their father at the bar. The staff had been like having a giant extended family, and
even as Malcolm worked hard to build up his business, he always had time to help them with their
homework and go to Dante’s games or Danica’s dance recitals.

The three of them had become a unit, but Dante had always known he would be the one to take

over running the bar since Danica had always been meant to follow a different path. She and Dante
remained close...or as close as they could be when he’d been in the military, and now when she was
traveling all over the world on tour as the choreographer for pop sensation, Gemma. There was
satisfaction knowing that his sister was following her dream, but he still missed having the brat

A favorite hangout for locals and tourists alike, The Fox Hole was always packed with people.

It didn’t matter if it was a weekday or the weekend when the party crowds came out en masse. During
the daylight hours, customers flocked to the bar for the good food and cold drinks, but when the sun
went down, the atmosphere changed to something a little more wild.

There was an air of danger to the place that suited Dante just fine. Each evening after the sun

went down, the bar filled up with hard-eyed men and scantily-clad women looking for a good time.
They had their fun, drank and hung out, but there were strict rules that were enforced to ensure the
safety of everyone that walked through the doors.

And anyone who broke those rules found themselves in a world of hurt.
Since the doors of the bar had first opened, Malcolm Fox had always treated the people who

worked at the bar like family, and Dante continued that tradition when he came home to take over
managing the place. With the amount of muscle they had working in the bar, very few people were

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stupid enough to step out of line. However, when it did happen, the staff took care of the
troublemakers with almost scary efficiency.

Given that most of the men that hung out at the bar rode motorcycles and had an aura of danger

around them, the townspeople had nicknamed the regulars the Breakers’ Bad Boys. Despite their
tattooed and rough exteriors, they were damn good men who were fiercely loyal and followed a
strong moral code.

For years the nickname had just been a passing joke, but recently the name had taken on a

different meaning. With the help of some of the people in town, one of Dante’s friends, Daryk Nyght,
had created an actual organization using that name. The Breakers’ Bad Boys had always looked out
for their town, but their duties now included helping abused women and children in need of help.
Whether it be needing someone to stand with them while they testified in court, or escorting them to
safety, the Breakers’ Bad Boys were willing and able to assist.

When Malcolm Fox had come back to Breakers and opened The Fox Hole as a way to support

the family, there was no way he could have known what an impact his bar would make on the town. It
always made Dante smile to think about how his father—a former Army Ranger, biker and all round
bad-ass—had become a freaking pillar of the community.

It could only happen in a place like Breakers.
And now that they were preparing for the 30th anniversary of the bar in a few weeks, there was

an even deeper sense of pride that flooded Dante whenever he thought of The Fox Hole. His father
had built something that had lasted.

And one day, Dante would pass it on to his own children to run.
His body was tired, but Dante’s mind was still wide awake. He thought briefly about stopping

at the bar to double check the details for the upcoming anniversary party, but he figured he was better
off getting some sleep. Yeah, he should just go home and—

What the fuck?
Dante stopped his bike in the middle of the road, his foot slapping down hard on the pavement

as his eyes narrowed at the dim glow of lights coming from inside The Fox Hole. Starting the bike
again, he made the turn, heading into the parking lot behind the building. He knew he’d turned the
lights off when he’d closed the place for the night after the last of the staff had headed home a few
hours ago.

So, what the fuck were they doing on now?
The faint light coming from inside signaled that there was someone in there. Someone that had

gone in after Dante had locked up. Just the thought had his blood boiling. His bar was the last place
that anyone would be stupid enough to break into. Then again, there were a lot of fucking stupid
people in the world.

Since they’d added better soundproofing to the bar a few years back to placate the neighbors,

Dante didn’t worry about whoever was inside hearing his approach. He turned off his bike and
quickly stalked over to the side entrance to the building. He paused briefly to consider calling Sheriff
Wyatt, then nixed the idea. He wanted time to deal with the stupid motherfucker who’d broken into his
place himself before turning them over to the authorities.

Of course, that would be if he left whoever it was alive after he was done with them.
Dante slipped the balisong out of his back pocket where it always resided, and with a quick

flick of his wrist, the butterfly knife opened. The small, lethal weapon was something he was known
for carrying. Something he was proficient at using with deadly skill.

He’d never tried to hide the fact that he always had it on him, even before Texas law had been

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changed a few years ago, making switchblades legal to carry. But it wasn’t just a deterrent…he’d
damn well use it if he had to, and people knew it.

He tried opening the side door, then frowned when he found it was locked. That would have

slowed down anyone trying to make a quick exit. Stupid, he thought again as he silently unlocked the
door, then slipped inside the building. Automatically transitioned back into his combat training, Dante
was ready for anything as he moved into stealth mode.

A spark of rage flashed through him as he saw the alarm had been deactivated on the inside of

doorway. He knew he’d set the alarm before leaving earlier. It was a good system, far more
sophisticated than the average thief would be able to handle. He closed the door without making a
sound, then bolted the door to delay anyone from escaping if they somehow got past him.

Son of a bitch, could one of his own be stealing from him?
Fuck that, Dante swore to himself. No one that worked for him would try to rob him. They all

knew better. Knew that he’d track them to the ends of the earth and skin them alive if they did.
Thinking about that cooled his anger a bit, then confusion struck as the sound of soft music reached

The Fox Hole always had music playing, from prep time to closing. Usually, it was a mixture of

hard rock, pop and country, but this was different. Dante paused as he listened to the straining sounds
of a violin being played. His brows furrowed as he recognized the moving notes of Bach’s “Air on
the G-string.”

What the hell was going on?
Dante followed the straining notes of the music down the hallway. Although he no longer felt

the threat of danger in the air, his grip on the knife remained steady. He came to an abrupt halt in the
doorway leading to the main bar, then just stood there, blinking in surprise.

Zoe Lang stood with a violin braced under her chin as she played, framed in a halo of golden

light spilling from one of the low fixtures hanging over the pool tables in the back of the bar. She had
changed from the work clothes she’d been wearing earlier into a pair of black cotton pants and a
purple tank top. There was a lightweight jacket hanging over the back of a nearby chair, with the
violin case lying opened on the table next to it.

Even dressed casually, with her face scrubbed clean of makeup, she was the most beautiful

woman he’d ever seen. She looked younger without the enhancements, but her fresh appearance only
made her more appealing to him. Her long, black hair fell down her back like a waterfall of silk.
Those dark, exotic eyes that he found so compelling were closed now as she lost herself in the music
she created.

Jesus, she played like an angel.
Without making a sound, Dante closed the butterfly knife and stuck it into his back pocket. He

stumbled over to a chair close to the hallway entrance that hadn’t been stacked on the table during
cleanup and sat down to listen. Classical music was one of his secret pleasures, something he listened
to when he was feeling restless. He’d never told anyone. It wasn’t that he gave a fuck what people
thought about it or whether or not it would damage his rep.

It was just something he kept private.
Something that was his alone.
But now his angel was playing a piece he loved, and hearing it from her hands touched

something inside of him, like a soothing balm to his soul. The beautiful song calmed the restless part
of him that was always straining for action, giving him the gift of…contentment. Of peace that only the
beauty of music could invoke. His eyes wanted to close, so he could simply be swept away in the joy

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of listening to her play, but he couldn’t look away from her.

He never could.
God, she was beautiful. Zoe’s slim body swayed a little as her arm swept up with the bow,

holding it against the strings of the instrument, then that arm pulled back to change the notes as she
continued to play. A sense of pride mixed with bafflement as he watched her. She was absolutely
magnificent. A true master of her craft. Her level of skill wasn’t something one achieved by picking
up the violin as a hobby.

No, she was too good for that.
And that made her even more of a mystery to him.
The song ended, but before he could speak, she took a deep breath and began playing again.

Only, this time it was a different. Where the last piece had been soft, almost airy, he felt the impact of
the new song as if a fist were clenching his heart.

The slow, weeping notes all but dripped with sadness, the evocative melancholy even more

pronounced by the simplicity of the music. His breath caught as he listened to the dark, haunting
melody. He was transfixed, mesmerized…completely blown away. Her bow moved across her
instrument, creating the extraordinary with the clever movements of her hands. And in quiet of the
room—with the notes echoing through the empty room—he felt her sorrow.

Felt her emotions as she played as though they were his own.
Time past as he listened to her play, lost in the music…lost in her. Listening to her made him

feel more connected to her than he’d ever felt to another living being. It was like being able to look
inside her, to the dark place that she kept the outside world from seeing. He’d seen glimpses of it
before, of the sadness that she tried to hide, but it was there now, laid bare with every note she
played. Only someone who understood grief and pain could play like that, put that much emotion into

The reality of it rocked him to his very core.
Silence hung in the air when she finished playing, and he heard her take a quiet, shuddering

breath as she remained standing in place. He looked down in surprise to see his hands were shaking.
Hell, he’d always been rock solid in the middle of a firefight, but now his fucking hands were
shaking…because of Zoe.

Unable to help himself, he stood up. He hadn’t made a sound, but she seemed to sense him. Her

grip on the violin changed so she held it against her as if she were trying to protect it. He saw the fear
flash in those dark-brown eyes when they snapped open before it faded with recognition.

Hands lowered, but her stance didn’t relax as he stalked toward her. His heart stuttered just as

it always did when her gaze locked on his. He could see her cheeks flush with embarrassment or guilt
at getting caught playing in the bar after hours. He should say something. Should tell her to relax, or
order her to tell him why the hell she never told him she played the violin like a damn professional,
but Dante couldn’t form the words.

He reached her with a few quick strides, then jerked her into his arms. Months of frustration, of

wanting her to the point of insanity surged through him. Unable to think beyond the haze of lust, he did
the only thing he could. On a low growl, he slammed his mouth down on hers, taking her lips in a
scorching hot kiss.

Fuck…one taste.
One taste of her was all it took to make his body burn. In that instant his lips pressed against

hers, he felt his entire world shift. He’d known it would happen once he finally touched her, and now
that he had, their fate was sealed.

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Zoe belonged to him.

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Chapter Two

Zoe felt the world melting around her.
Her body was on fire as Dante’s lips took hers in a kiss so hot, she wondered how she didn’t

just burst into flames. She’d been fighting the crazy attraction she had for him for months, trying to
avoid the explosive chemistry she knew shimmered between them.

Now, all her defenses shattered like brittle glass with one little kiss.
The feel of Dante’s hard body pressed against hers had a flood of desire shooting straight

through her, making her body quiver with excitement. She could feel the liquid heat pooling between
her thighs, shocking her with how quickly she responded to him.

He used her gasp of shock to shove his tongue deep, tasting and temping her until her only

reaction was to give in to him. Zoe’s mind went blank as she answered the urgency of his kiss with
her own. Pleasure pulsed through her, filling her with the need to give him all of her, and to take all
he offered in return.

Holy fucking shit, the man knew how to kiss.
The taste of him was like an addiction. Wild. Wicked. She’d known he would be, which was

why she’d tried so hard to keep her distance. Dark and dangerous, Dante Fox was a man who
commanded attention without asking. And now he took her under, deep into a pleasure she wasn’t
sure she’d ever recover from.

Pulling back, he broke the kiss, allowing her a glimpse into those clear, light-blue eyes of his.

Eyes so pale they almost seemed unreal. But now, his icy gaze was filled with heat, with a hunger so
intense that it made her heart thunder in her chest.

“Fucking hell. I want you, Zoe.”
The sound of his deep, rough voice made her tremble. It always did. Usually, she was able to

hide her reaction to him, but right now she couldn’t stop the shiver that wracked her body, and she
knew he felt it. “Dante, wait—”

His nostrils flared and his eyes fired at her weak protest. “No.”
When he moved to kiss her again, she lifted her hands to hold him off, then glanced down at the

violin and bow in her hands. She blinked as if she’d never seen them before. Damn it, she needed to
focus. Forcing her brain to function again, she gasped. The instrument she held was a Stradivarius
violin, probably one of the most well-known, expensive instruments in the world. Some sanity
sparked back and had her trying to step away from him.

It didn’t work.
“We have to—”
“Put it down.”
When she simply looked at him in confusion, he took the violin and bow from her, setting it on

the table next to the case. Wincing, she made a moved toward the table to put the instrument away
properly, but Dante got in her way.

A small squeak of surprise escaped her as he took hold of her hips and lifted her, carrying her a

few steps to the pool table where he sat her down on the edge. He pushed her thighs apart so he could
stand between them. When he pressed against her, she could feel the hard column of his erection
rubbing against her core, and barely held back a moan.

Damn him. How the hell could she resist him if he kept pushing her like this?

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The temptation to give in was overwhelming. An edge of panic mingled with pure feminine

appreciation as he unzipped his hoodie and roughly jerked it off, throwing it to the floor. Seeing the
black t-shirt stretched taut over his hard body, she found herself reaching out before she could think.
Zoe placed a hand on his chest, feeling muscles flex beneath her palm and the frantic beating of his
heart. She knew it was useless trying to hold him back, but she had to, for both their sakes. “Dante,
we can’t—”

“Hell, yes, we can,” he countered, his voice harsh with lust. “And we will.”
Another protest was cut off as his mouth took hers again. Stars burst behind her eyes. His taste.

God, his taste was glorious. Spicy, and utterly sinful. His hand wound into her hair, holding her still
as he plundered, stroking his tongue deep over and over again. Unable to help herself, she kissed him
back, hands stroking up and down the hard muscles of his back, her legs wrapping around his waist as
her traitorous body pulled him closer.

Just a minute, she told herself.
She could let go for one minute and simply enjoy.
They attacked one another. Long months of sexual tension exploding out in a battle of dueling

tongues and quick, nipping bites. Fire raced over her skin wherever he touched, and her own hands
desperately gripped at him. A moan tore from her throat as his large hands cupped her breasts,
flicking at her puckered nipples with his thumbs.

She hadn’t been prepared for her response to him. Hadn’t know she could lose herself so

completely to the passion he made her feel. It felt so good to finally be in his arms, but she knew they
needed to stop before they did something they would both regret.

When he let out a low groan and started pulling at the ties of her pants, she fought for control.

Pushing at his chest again, she pulled her mouth away from his. “Stop. Dante, please.”

He froze immediately, body tight with tension. “Why, Zoe?”
She wanted to flinch at the mixture of anger and pain in that one word. She couldn’t blame him.

A minute ago, she’d been doing her best to all but crawl into him, but she couldn’t let it go any
further. It wasn’t a choice she made lightly, but she had to protect herself…and him.

With no idea what to say, she remained silent. It hurt, watching the bitterness that flashed into

his eyes as he pulled back from her so their bodies were no longer touching. Instantly, she missed the
heat of his body. Dante Fox wasn’t a man a woman said no to easily, and she wished she didn’t have

By God, she wished that more than anything.
His dark hair was disheveled as he jerked his hands through it. She watched the thick muscles

of his biceps flex as his arms lowered again. His light-blue eyes pierced through her, accusation and
anger clear for her to see.

“I guess I still have to prove myself to you,” Dante bit out icily. “Fine. One more month. I can

wait one more goddamn month. But once this fucking bet is over, there will be no more games
between us.”

It wasn’t a threat. It was a promise.
And knowing it made her shiver with awareness.
Dante let out a low, vicious curse as he took another step back. Anger surged, bright and hot.

How dare she sit there looking at him with such wounded eyes. She was the one who’d rejected
him…again, and it was impossible to hold back the resentment he felt every time she did.

His hands clenched as he fought the urge to jerk her to him again, to pull her back into the storm

of passion that had raged between them. She’d kissed him back, damn her. He knew she wanted him

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as much as he wanted her.

He could feel it…could fucking sense it.
It was torture being in the same room with her without being able to touch her, and now that

he’d finally kissed her, tasted her, it was even worse. His cock was brutally hard, throbbing with a
painful ache that made him want to put his fist through a wall. Instead, he turned away, trying to pace
away his frustration until it became more bearable.

She had been wild in his arms. He’d felt the need vibrating through her, waiting to break free.

Her slim, firm body had fit against him perfectly, just as he knew it would. Her breasts weren’t large,
but they were a good size for her small frame and they’d filled his hands completely. He’d felt her
tight nipples stabbing his palms, and he’d had to fight back the need to rip her top off so he could suck
the little berries into his mouth.

Just thinking about it made his cock throb in angry demand. Damn it. He could still taste the

sweet, wild honey of her on his lips, and he wanted more. He wanted all of her.

Restraint didn’t come easy to him, but seeing her sitting there looking so damn fragile and wary

made him fight for control of his raging hormones. Dante knew he could seduce her. The way she had
melted in his arms told him it wouldn’t be hard to push past her defenses, but there was a hint of fear
in her voice when she’d asked him to step back that he couldn’t ignore.

Something held her back, and it was more than just her reservations about his reputation.

Instinct forced him to tread softly. It was an itch on the back of his neck that had saved his life before.
Even though this wasn’t a combat situation, Dante felt like he was fighting for his life all the same…
the life he wanted with Zoe.

Dante didn’t understand how he knew it, but he respected it. She was too important to him not

to. No matter how hard it was for him, he’d give her the space she asked for. But there would be no
going back now that he’d tasted her.

He was fucking obsessed, he thought bitterly. What the hell was it about her that brought out this

dark need in him? He’d never felt this way about another woman before. Hell, he’d avoided getting
serious with anyone in the past, making sure that the women he took to bed knew that all he was
offering them was a few hours of hard fucking with no strings attached.

But with Zoe it was different. He wanted to take her, to own her completely. It should have

scared the shit out of him, but for some reason, it didn’t. It just seemed to make some sort of crazy
sense in his mind.

Zoe watched Dante stomp around the room and thought back to the bet they’d made three months

ago. Since she’d started working for him, Dante had never tried to hide the fact that he wanted her.
And she’d wanted him. From the first moment she’d seen him tending bar, she’d wanted him. It had
been her first real attraction toward a man.

Lust, she’d thought at first.
But as she’d gotten to know him, she’d quickly realized it was so much more than that.
It hadn’t taken long for the gossip to reach her. Dante loved women, and he’d had his share of

them. Hell, he’d had more than his share, but he never kept them for long. She couldn’t blame the
women of Breakers for lusting after him. Dante Fox was a prime specimen of a man, with a bad boy
reputation that added a hint of the danger to him.

She’d heard the rumors. Knew that he was supposed to be a wild lover, with an unending

surplus of energy in the bedroom. Just thinking about that made her nervous, and jealous of those who
had firsthand knowledge of his skills at seduction. She knew this had been the longest period of time
he’d ever gone without having a woman in his bed. It was better to let him think that it was his

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reputation that was making her hold back. She’s never thought he would agree not to be with any
women for four months just to have her, but he had.

Just knowing that made her heart melt. Dante wanted her enough to show her just how much she

meant to him. They had a connection between them that was impossible to deny. He’d never kissed
her before tonight. Never unleashed all the sexual tension that had been building between them that
she’d known was there, waiting to ignite. And right now—looking at him in all his pissed-off glory—
she wondered how much longer she’d be able to resist him.

Her lips felt swollen from his kiss, and she pressed her fingers to them as if she could hold onto

the feel of him. He’d given her something amazing…her first taste of real passion. To anyone else,
their kiss would have been a small thing, but for her, it had been earth shattering. She loved the way
his dark hair fell down over his eyes. It made her want to reach out to push it back off his face, made
her want to cup his cheek and lean in to kiss him again.

Zoe knew he didn’t understand. How could he know just how much she wanted the comfort and

safety she knew she’d find in his embrace? How could he know just how much she cared for him, or
how much she’d give to be his?

But, she couldn’t have him. Not as long as she was living a lie.
Dante stopped pacing and turned back to her as she slipped off the table and moved to put her

violin back into its case. She heard him take a few deep breaths, and forced herself to keep moving
away from him.

“I didn’t know you played.”
Zoe paused, then removed the shoulder and chin rest from the instrument before wiping it down

with a soft, clean cloth she kept in the case. The violin was a priceless collector’s piece, but more
than that, it was a personal treasure to her, almost like a best friend.

And it was one of the only things she had brought with her from her old life.
“I don’t play much anymore,” she said softly.
“What was that last song you were playing? I’ve heard it before, but I can’t place it.”
“It was Samuel Barber’s “Adagio for Strings,” one of my favorites. It may not be as old as

some of the classics, but it’s still a wonderful piece.”

“It makes an impact,” he agreed.
When she was done, she closed the case, securing the locks in place then fiddled with the strap

before turning to meet his gaze. “I’m sorry for coming in after hours without permission.”

Dante frowned at the docile tone of her voice. He was used to her sniping at him, not sounding

so contrite. For some inexplicable reason, it made him angry. Usually, Zoe was a hot package with a
fiery temper, one he’d been singed with countless times before. Actually, for some sick reason, he
enjoyed their verbal sparring, and it made him confident they were more than a match for one another.

“Since when the hell do you ever ask my permission for anything?”
“I…” When she trailed off and winced, his irritation increased.
“Christ, you have the keys and the codes. It’s not like you were bothering anyone here, but it’s

almost fucking three in the morning. You should be home, sleeping in your damn bed.”

And I should be there with you…
Thinking about her in bed was a bad idea. Images of her slim body writhing on silk sheets

beneath him slammed into his brain, making his dick twitch in his jeans. Any more thoughts like that
and his cock would end up with the zipper impression of his jeans on it. No, fantasies like that
wouldn’t do him any good. Not if he wanted to get out of the bar without taking her.

Zoe’s eyes fired at the censure in his tone, and seeing that bit of temper settled him a bit. He

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liked the way her eyes narrowed and how the gleam of annoyance made them sparkle.

Yeah, he was a sick man.
“You’re one to talk. What are you doing here right now? Dante, this isn’t good for you. You

need your sleep. Were you at the gym again?”

His eyebrow quirked up. “Worried about me, angel?”
Her lips tightened as they always did when he called her by that nickname. She didn’t like it,

and knowing that just made it even more satisfying to use it.

“Someone has to,” she muttered as she put her jacket on. Once she zipped it up, she picked up

the violin and slung the long strap over one of her shoulders so the large, rectangular case lay over
her back crosswise.

Dante reached down and picked up his own hoodie, never looking away from her as he put it

back on. “We closed at midnight. I didn’t see your bike out back.”

Zoe sighed a little. “I went home after closing, then walked back about an hour ago.”
His expression darkened. “You walked here at this time of night? Alone? Are you fucking out of

your mind?”

Zoe fought the urge to roll her eyes at him. It was well known that Dante took safety of the

women who worked for him seriously. It was even standard practice for one of the guys to walk the
female staff members to their vehicles at the end of their shifts, but when it came to her, Dante’s
concern bordered on fanatical.

At first, she’d been insulted by the way he acted as if she couldn’t be trusted to cross the street

on her own. That was, until she realized just how fiercely protective he was of her. She liked that he
cared about her. When he thought she was working too hard, he would jump in and lend a hand or
harass her until she took a break. When he didn’t think she was eating enough, he shoved food at her
and bitched until she ate.

People often commented that she and Dante fought like an old married couple, and even though

he did annoy her at times, the idea of it pleased her immensely. Still, uncertainty plagued her thoughts.
Zoe had fallen for him, and she knew, without a doubt, it was more than a passing crush. But Dante
wasn’t a man who kept women around for long once he had them, and she wasn’t looking to become
another of his castoffs.

Self incrimination struck her. That wasn’t fair. Dante wouldn’t be putting so much effort into

getting her if he was just planning to toss her aside as soon as she gave in to him. No relationship
came with guarantees, and it was wrong of her to demand one before being with Dante.

But Zoe’s past made it difficult to even consider having a future with him.
Pushing aside her frustration at the mess that was her life, she focused back on their

conversation and realized that Dante was scowling at her as he waited for her to respond to his
insulting reaction to her walking to the bar by herself. Keeping her tone light, she said, “It’s only four
blocks. I was fine.”

“Stubborn woman.” Dante snorted with disgust. “I’ll take you home now. We’re going to have a

couple of hard weeks, and we have the anniversary party coming up. You need to get some fucking
sleep,” he snapped. “Don’t push me, Zoe.”

“You mean like you’re pushing me? You’re such a bossy bastard sometimes.”
“Damn right I am.”
“I know we’re going to be busy this week, but remember, I’m off on Tuesday.”
His scowl deepened. “Damn it. We’ve got spring breakers in all week. I need you here.”
The irritation in his voice didn’t bother her. It wasn’t like she hadn’t told him that she was

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taking Tuesday off. The bar was usually closed on Mondays, but they were open this week for the
spring breakers that flooded the town. Dante usually made sure that all the staff members took at least
one other day off during the week, but right now it was all hands on deck.

“I’m going wedding dress shopping with Kali and the girls on Tuesday.” She paused before

asking, “Are you willing to tell them I can’t go?”

Dante winced. “Hell, no. Those women would kill me.” He paused before adding, “Then

Hammer would drive over my bloody remains for upsetting Kali.”

She smirked at him. “Yeah, he probably would.”
“Don’t sound so happy about it. Fine. Whatever. I’m taking you home now.”
“I don’t need—hey!” She tried to jerk away when he gripped her arm.
There was a storm in his eyes as he used his hold on her to pull her closer, so close that she felt

his breath on her lips. His voice lowered to a furious hiss. “Either I take you home, or I take you on
the goddamn bar floor. Right here. Right now. Make your choice.”

Sensing the seriousness of his words, she stopped arguing. He was too close to losing control

to push him any further. “Okay, caveman. You can walk me home.”

He grunted at the use of her own nickname for him, and let her go easily when she pulled her

arm from his grasp. It pissed her off that she was still left feeling shaken. Even though he’d grabbed
her firmly, he had been careful. It was one of the dichotomies that was Dante Fox. He was bad-
tempered, even surly at times, yet he was always gentle with her when he touched her.

When she had first met Dante, his intensity had frightened her, but as she’d gotten to know him

better, she’d come to realize that he would never hurt her. It just wasn’t in him. Sure, he could be
violent, but never with a woman, and especially not with her.

That was one of the things that made Dante and his friends so amazing. They were all large men

—some of them were even quite scary—but they made an effort to temper their strength with those
weaker than them.

Still, she knew firsthand the damage a man’s fists could do.
Zoe knew that Dante would never hurt her physically, but the damage he could do to her heart

could be catastrophic if she really let him in. She wasn’t a coward, though. Somehow, someway, she
would figure out a way to face her fears, but the past was difficult to forget.

But it was more than just learning to trust Dante with her heart.
Telling him the truth about herself would also mean trusting him with her life.
The silence was heavy between them as Zoe followed Dante out of the bar. He paused briefly

to reset the alarm before they stepped outside. She waited patiently beside him as he relocked the
side door, not wanting to spark his anger again if she took off without him.

Zoe tilted her head up and breathed in the night air. It was dark outside, but the high-pitched

tweets of birds broke through the quiet, hinting at the morning to come. She wasn’t surprised when
Dante bypassed his bike, choosing to walk her home instead. Just as well. Riding on the back of his
Harley with her arms wrapped around him wouldn’t do either of them good.

They had never done this before, taken a walk together on a nice spring night. It seemed so…

normal, and would have been pleasant if the silence between them wasn’t so strained.

The streets were well lit by lamp light, and the sidewalks were free of cracks. The citizens took

pride in their town, and it showed in the care that was given to every detail. Zoe loved the town of
Breakers and had from the moment she’d arrived. At first, she’d been scared and wary of moving to a
small town she’d never been to before, but what she had found felt like home to her.

Zoe looked up at her apartment building as it came into view. It was a three-story structure that

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had been converted out of an old warehouse, with a large balcony attached to each unit on the top two
floors, while each ground floor apartment had a nice size patio. Several staff members from the bar
also had apartments in the building, giving her a sense of security from having people she knew living
so close if she needed them.

Their steps slowed as they came to the end of the walkway leading up to the building. He hadn’t

looked at her as they’d walked, but he turned to her now. She pressed a hand to her stomach as she
felt it flutter, just like it always did when he looked at her that way. She felt self-conscious and unsure
what to say to break the awkward silence between them. Still, she had to say something about what
had happened between them early. “I’m sorry about before—”

“I’m not,” Dante said softly. “I’m not going to apologize for kissing you, because it would be

bullshit. Things would be different if you didn’t want me, but you do. I know you do.”

“Sometimes wanting isn’t enough.” Zoe could hear the sadness in her own voice, and

immediately wanted to take the words back. “Thanks for walking me home.”

She made it two steps away before she heard him say her name softly. Knowing it was a

mistake, she turned back to look at him. He looked so alone standing there in the shadows, his hands
clenched into tight fists. Zoe desperately wanted to fling herself into his arms, but she made herself
stay where she was.

Dante studied her for a long moment before he spoke. “You and I are going to have to figure out

how to deal with this…thing between us, Zoe. I’m trying to understand why you’re trying to put a wall
up between us, but it’s not working. It never will. Go inside now, angel. I’ll wait here until you turn
your light on.”

Taking the out he gave her, she nodded and hurried inside. Dante shoved his hands in his

pockets as he waited, watching for the light to come on in the second floor apartment he knew
belonged to her.

Zoe was running. From him, from her past.
He could feel it. Perhaps her holding back on him was why he was so fucking intrigued by her

when other women had never been able to hold his attention for more than a few nights. They were
too easy, and Zoe made him work for it. No, that wasn’t it. It might be a small factor, but his
obsession for her was something was too complex to try to figure out.

Dante told himself he had to be patient, to let her come to him when she was ready to face

whatever was haunting her, but fuck it all, he wasn’t a patient man. Knowing she was holding back
something from him made his hands itch with the need to grab hold of her before she slipped away.
But even if she tried, Dante wouldn’t let that happen.

Zoe belonged to him now, and he damn well planned on keeping her.
Less than a minute later, the light came on in her living room, and he watched as Zoe walked up

to the glass door of her balcony. Her hand came up in a hesitant wave before she pulled the curtains
closed, leaving him alone in the darkness again.

A flicker of movement in the space below her apartment had Dante’s eyes narrowing. He stared

hard, then relaxed when the sound of a patio door sliding opened reached him. Dante’s friend lived in
the ground-floor apartment below Zoe, and he knew that Noah Brixton had just as much trouble
sleeping as he did.

Former Delta Force, Brix had come to town five years ago after his career in the military had

ended with an injury to his leg. He was a quiet man who mostly kept to himself, but when he did
speak, he commanded attention. No one knew much about him, except that he was originally from
Louisiana, which was evident by the slight Cajun drawl that came out when he spoke.

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With massive arms and a broad chest, the sheer size of Brix made most people nervous, so he

fit in well as a bouncer at The Fox Hole. Only those closest to him knew that he made his real living
as an artist who carved the most beautiful wood sculptures imaginable. He’d once told Dante that
wood carving was his therapy, something that helped him get through the long nights.

From killing to carving art with a knife. Somehow, it made perfect sense.
It had surprised him when Brix continued working at the bar after Dante had found out just how

well off the other man was from selling his art, but Dante had sensed that it was more about making
himself socialize than actually making money. Over the years, they’d become good friends, and Dante
hadn’t hesitated to make Brix a manager since he trusted the man implicitly.

Walking over, Dante joined Brix on the patio and sprawled out in chair next to his friend. Brix

lit a cigarette, blowing out smoke as he said, “Stalking your woman again, boss?”

“Fuck you.”
“You are pretty, but you’re still not my type.”
“You’re one to talk, Thor.”
Even in the dark, Dante could see Brix glaring at him. Admittedly, Dante was a good-looking

man, but there was something about the other man that drove women absolutely wild. Maybe it was
because Brix looked like a Viking warrior of old, or perhaps it was just because the man kept to
himself so much he’d become some sort of challenge to the females of Breakers. Dante figured it was
more likely because Brix really did look like he could be that damn movie superhero’s twin, and he
took extreme pleasure in teasing his friend about it.

“What are you doing up?”
Brix took a deep drag of his cigarette before he answered. “Leg woke me up. Was stretching it

out when I saw you guys walk up. Zoe didn’t seem too happy with you, Fox.”

Dante grunted. “When is she ever?”
“True.” Brix studied him for a long moment before asking, “When are you two going to stop

dancing around one another and just give in?”

“Fuck if I know,” Dante muttered. “That woman is driving me bat-shit crazy.” He started to say

something else, but stopped himself. Even though he was friends with Brix, his relationship with Zoe
was too personal, too intimate to talk about with anyone else.

“That woman sure does put you in a pisser of a mood most days. The sooner you two finally get

together, the better for everyone at the bar. Just saying.”

“I’ll be sure to make a note on how this effects all of you,” Dante said dryly.
“Please do.” Brix flashed a grin his way, then he sobered and his dark-blue eyes took on a hard

edge. “I usually catch Zoe when she goes on her late night walks. I didn’t hear her tonight.”

That made Dante scowl. “She does this often? Damn it, Brix. Why didn’t you tell me?”
Brix shrugged. “Zoe deserves her privacy, same as we all do. She’s only done it a handful of

times over the last few months. I usually follow her to the bar, then wait until she’s ready to come
home.” He paused. “Did you hear her? That girl can play, can’t she?”

“Yeah, she can.” Dante brooded in the darkness. He wasn’t surprised that Brix hadn’t said

anything, but it didn’t mean he couldn’t be pissed about it. He felt a surge of rage that someone else
had heard her playing her violin. Selfishly, he’d wanted that keep it to himself. It wasn’t rational, but
then again, he was never rational when it came to Zoe.

Brix’s lips twitched, but he held back his smile. Dante had it bad for the little bartender.

Everyone knew it. He usually made it a point to stay out of other people’s business, but hell, it was
getting pretty painful to watch them fumble around one another.

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Giving Dante a little push, Brix said, “Zoe doesn’t know I’ve been following her. The only

reason I’m telling you now is because I’m gonna be moving into my new house soon, and I won’t be
around when she goes out at night anymore.”

Dante’s jaw clenched. “Don’t worry about Zoe. I’ll be protecting her from now on.”
Satisfied, Brix nodded as he leaned back in his chair. “I figured you would.”

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Chapter Three

“Hey, doll. We need more beer!”
Zoe sighed as she heard the slurred voice of a drunk frat boy behind her…again.
Spring break in Breakers was a bitch. On one hand, The Fox Hole was packed nightly for

almost two weeks—which meant the tips were good—but on the other, it meant they had to deal with
drunk college kids that seemed to flock to the small town in droves.

Since Breakers, Texas was located on the coast of the Gulf of Mexico, it was a hot spot for

families and local college kids to rent houses where they could enjoy the beach and the boardwalk.
All the businesses in town benefited from the influx of tourists, but Zoe had little patience for the
idiots that came into the bar looking for trouble.

A prime example were the three morons who thought slamming their empty beer bottles on the

bar would give them faster service. Zoe rolled her eyes when they continued to call out to her as she
moved to the computerized system to close out a bill for another group of customers.

One of the other bartenders shot her a look of understanding as she moved closer to Zoe in

order to grab a bottle off one of the glass shelves against the wall behind the bar. “Those three are
going to be a problem,” Georgette said, the irritation clear in her voice even though it was hard to
hear her over the music. “They started off annoying, but now they’ll be lucky if I don’t punch them in
their fucking faces before the night is over.”

Most of the staff that worked at the bar called Georgette Tate “GT” because of her quick temper

and sharp tongue. GT was a loner, with a hard-ass attitude that made Zoe envious. She was also a
single mother who protected her young daughter like a lioness would her cub. Perhaps it was that
fierceness that made Zoe like her so much, or maybe it was because Georgette reminded her of
someone she used to care for in the past.

The gorgeous redhead claimed she didn’t get along with other women, but Georgette had never

been anything but nice to Zoe since they’d met. Both women had secrets, and perhaps it was their
shared caution that made it easier for them to understand one another. Georgette didn’t talk about her
past, but she was a local, and Zoe had heard bits and pieces about her while working in the bar. She
brushed away most of the rumors, but she couldn’t deny that most of what she’d heard made it clear
GT hadn’t had an easy life.

Now, GT’s emerald eyes were dark with a simmering annoyance as she served the drinks she’d

just poured. It wasn’t difficult to figure out why. The three drunk college kids had been hitting on Zoe
and GT since they’d sat down, ignoring the only male bartender that was working at the other end. It
had only been a couple of hours, but the young men had consumed a few shots along with their beers
during that time, getting louder and more obnoxious with each drink.

The women who worked in the bar were used to men hitting on them, but they didn’t allow

anyone to cross the line to being offensive or abusive. If they were stupid enough to do that, the
women had no problem putting the offenders in their place…and that was before the male staff
members got hold of them. Then it was game over.

Zoe finished closing out the tab, then she put the change she’d been given as a tip into the big

glass jar next to the register. “Don’t worry about them, hon. I’ve got them. At least we’re almost done
for the night.”

“Last call won’t come soon enough with this crowd. Especially those three. God, I can’t

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believe it’s only Monday. By the end of the week, I’m gonna want to kill someone.”

Zoe laughed. “I’ll probably help you bury the body. Don’t worry about the stupid kids. If they

keep acting up, I’ll call one of the guys over to take care of them.”

Each employee was fitted with an earpiece that connected to a small black radio that was

hooked onto the waistbands of their pants or skirts. All it took was hitting the button on the box to
open the link to the entire staff. It was a safety precaution that Zoe was comforted by, even though the
system did seem a little extravagant for a small town bar.

The Fox Hole was a large, one story building, with the main bar on the left side of the wide

room and a smaller bar in the back, so there was a lot of ground to cover for the staff on the floor.
During the day, the floor was filled with tables for people to sit and eat at, but when the sun went
down, most of the tables were removed or pushed back to open up the space for dancing and for
crowds to gather.

Next to the bar was a doorway that led into the kitchens, and across the room were built in

booths for groups of people who wanted a little more privacy. Around the area were several mounted
televisions, so patrons wouldn’t miss their favorite teams playing a variety of sports. In the back were
two pool tables and a couple of dartboards that always seemed to have a line of people waiting for
their chance to play.

There was a door on the right side of the building that led out to a beer garden area that was set

up with patio tables, which had been closed for the night. People still used the garden area to duck out
for a quick smoke, but staff members made sure that no one lingered outside where the noise could
disturb the neighbors.

Due to the spring break crowd, two waitresses stood by huge tubs filled with beer bottles set in

ice for anyone who didn’t want to wait in line for a drink at one of the bars. It was a new addition the
past couple of weeks, and one Zoe had fought Dante to add to the floor. He hadn’t thought it was
necessary, but since they had added the extra beer tubs, the strain on the bartenders had lessened and
their beer sales had doubled.

GT slid away to take care of a group of people waiting to place their drink orders and Zoe took

a brief moment to glance around the room. She smiled when she saw one of the staff members carting
a case of bottles to one of the beer tub stations. Making a note to tease Dante about it later, she turned
back to the three young men, struggling to keep her smile in place.

“What can I get you?”
“A blowjob,” one of them said, making his friends snicker.
Fed up with their behavior, Zoe gave them a hard look. “Sorry, boys. The only way I think any

of you’re going to get one of those tonight is if you help each other out. Now, do you want to order a
drink or not?”

It took a moment for her insult to sink in, then the young man who had spoken sneered at her.

“Come on, babe.” He slapped a hundred-dollar bill on the bar top and leaned forward close enough
she could smell the liquor on his breath. “That should be enough for you to take care of all three of us.
That’s more than you’ll make serving drinks. You can consider it a bonus.”

She knew better than to lose her temper with the drunk idiot, but she couldn’t help the anger that

bubbled up inside her like molten lava. Before she could think, she was reaching out to shove the
young man out of her face. “Back the fuck up, asshole.”

He almost fell, but held onto the back of the stool in order to right himself so he didn’t topple to

the floor.

GT hurried over, ready to back Zoe up if she needed it. “Everything okay here?”

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The drunk’s friends snickered at the young man righting himself on his chair, which caused him

to sneer at GT and Zoe in an attempt to save face. “Don’t worry, Red. We’ll pay you too if you wanna
join in the action. We’ll show you a real good time. I think we’re being pretty generous offering to
pay for what I’m sure you girls are used to giving away for free.”

Zoe grabbed hold of GT’s arm before her fist could make contact with the man’s face. If GT

punched the stupid frat boy, things were going to get ugly quick. It was bad enough Zoe had shoved
the idiot, and she knew it had gained the attention of the people around them.

Wanting to get the men out of the bar, Zoe’s other hand reached down to her radio to call for

help. Before she could press the button, a large hand slapped down on the drunk’s shoulder. She
relaxed when she saw the big form of Reggie Jones standing behind the three troublemakers.

Reggie was one of the newer bouncers at the bar, aptly nicknamed “Tank” during his time as a

linebacker playing professional football. The man was absolutely huge, with a shaved head, dark,
mahogany-colored skin, and thick arms the size of torpedoes.

He and his wife, Monique, had moved to town after he’d suffered a serious neck injury during a

game when a brutal tackle had gone wrong. Instead of playing the odds, he’d retired and taken a
position at Fight Hard, training other football players that came to the gym as well as the local high
school team during their summer session.

Zoe had thought Reggie’s glamorous wife would have had a difficult time fitting into the small

town, until she’d discovered that Monique was actually one of the owners of the new spa in town,
Magnifique. Knowing her husband well, Mona had encouraged Reggie to get a position at The Fox
Hole as a bouncer a few times a week since she knew how much he missed busting heads on the
playing field. It was something he did well, and with flourish.

“Hey, there. How’s it going?” Reggie asked cheerfully, belying the sharp, calculating gleam in

his eyes. He had obviously seen what had happened, and positioned himself behind the three drunks
so he could reach all of them easily.

One of the men turned and blinked, then his glazed eyes went wide. “You’re the Tank! Oh man,

I saw you play during one of your last games. The Austin Epics’ defensive line isn’t the same without
you this year.”

“Thanks.” Reggie flashed him a grin. He kept his tone friendly, but there was an obvious

warning in his tone when he spoke again. “You boys wouldn’t happen to be bothering these ladies,
would you? GT, you and Zoe okay?”

The man Zoe pushed snorted. “Ladies? No lady would be working in a dump like this.”
The other man who hadn’t spoken yet decided to join in the conversation…foolishly. “GT?” He

snickered. “Yeah, I’ll take her for a ride.”

“Like I haven’t heard that one before,” Georgette muttered, then glared at Reggie. “Christ, just

punch him already or I will.”

Reggie didn’t hit the man, but his expression turned hard as stone. It was a look that had

terrified countless men on the football field. He reached out and jerked two of the men off their bar
stools, making them both squeak in alarm. “That’s it. You guys are done for the night.”

“We aren’t going anywhere,” the man who had started all the drama said, his voice rising in

anger. He turned, glaring at Zoe as he pointed his finger at her. “This fucking cunt insulted me, and
I’m not leaving until she—”

One second, the drunk young man was shouting, and the next he was squealing in pain as his

arm was pulled behind his back by the finger he had been pointing at her. An enraged Dante gripped

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him by the neck, slamming him face down on the bar top so the man’s cheek was smashed against the
hard surface.

Zoe’s breath caught. She hadn’t even heard Dante approach. None of them had. But there he

was, his light-blue eyes glittering like twin shards of ice and an enraged snarl on his lips. He looked
like a warrior or some sort of avenging angel. No man had the right to look so damn good when he
was that pissed off…it just wasn’t fair.

She could all but see the rage emanating from him, and her heart skipped a beat. Not in fear, but

in awe because she knew that Dante took any insult to her personally. She always felt safe when he
was around, and it both terrified and thrilled her.

“What the fuck did you call her?” Dante’s low, menacing tone was enough to penetrate through

the drunk haze of the young man he held.

“Hey! Ease off man!”
One of the other men tried to reach out to help his friend, but Reggie held him in place. “You’ve

caused enough trouble. Trust me when I say, you don’t want a piece of that.”

Dante ignored them, purely focused on the piece of shit he was holding. After he’d walked Zoe

home last night, he had promised himself that he’d try to stay away from her. It was either that or risk
his sanity. He’d been doing a decent job, trying to keep his distance because he knew if he were
anywhere near her, he would want to kiss her again. Hell, he’d even escaped to his office to do
paperwork so he wouldn’t be tempted, but it had done no damn good.

The memory of their kiss had been seared into his brain.
Unable to help himself, he’d kept one of the security monitors he had playing in the background

focused on her. All of the screens were muted, so he missed what was said. Still, watching Zoe
interacting with the three young men had been enough to put him on alert.

He’d tried to tell himself she would call for help if needed, but Dante had been up and out of

his chair before he could think as soon as he saw the expression on Zoe’s face when the little prick
had obviously insulted her and she’d shoved him back into his chair.

The crowd of people had parted for Dante, as if they had somehow sensed his mood when he

had stormed out of his office. He’d just walked up to the bar when he’d heard the asshole call Zoe a
cunt. Then he’d lost it. The male staff members didn’t take insults to any of the female staff lightly, but
no one fucking insulted Zoe and got away with it…not while he was around.

Dante wanted to pound his fist into the kid’s face, wanted to snap the finger right off the stupid

fucker’s hand. He let all the anger and frustration he’d been feeling boil to the surface as he pressed
the young man’s face tighter against the hard bar top. He whimpered in fear now that his drunk
bravado had worn off, and the weak sound pleased Dante.

“See her?” Dante moved the man’s head so he was staring at Zoe. GT stood next to her,

watching the scene with a look of satisfaction on her face. When the young man just whimpered again,
Dante leaned down and barked out, “Answer me!”

“Yes, I see her!”
“No one disrespects her in my place. You understand?”
“Okay! Whatever, man!”
“Whatever? You little fuck.” Dante squeezed harder, wanting to teach the young man a lesson,

but Zoe’s soft voice cut through the haze of his fury.

“Hey, caveman. Just let Reggie show them out. You’re starting to scare the natives.”
He didn’t give a shit about the other people in the bar, but he finally tore his gaze away from the

stupid kid he held because he’d heard the slight tremor in Zoe’s voice. His quick scan assured him

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that she was fine, and that helped settle him a little. Then he really looked at the expression on her
face, and it made him want to sigh. Damn it, she wouldn’t be happy with him if he beat the shit out of
the kid now. Part of him wanted to risk the lecture she would give him if he did, but the worry in her
eyes made him hold back.

Unsatisfied with the turn of events, Dante yanked the young man up, pulling him off the bar

stool. He would have fallen, but the brutal hold Dante had on his neck kept him upright. Dante noticed
that another bouncer had come over, ready to assist. Jimbo had worked at the bar for years. He
looked like a scary biker, but the truth was he was a man with a soft heart who doted on his wife and
new baby like a mother hen.

Jimbo grinned at them. “Well, well. Looks like you’re having a party and didn’t invite me.”
Reggie pushed the two scared, docile young men at him. “Here hold onto these.”
“Damn, do I have to?” Jimbo complained, but he held onto the shoulders of the two men who

had been passed to him. They looked up at him with fear in their eyes, and he grinned down evilly at
them. “Behave or I’ll have to hurt you.”

Both men nodded vigorously, wisely keeping their mouths shut.
That brief moment of levity helped get rid of a little more of Dante’s anger. He wouldn’t hurt

the kid he still held, but he wasn’t done with him yet. “Apologize. Now.”

“Fuck! Dude, I’m sorry!”
“Not to me, asshole,” Dante growled, letting his exasperation show.
The young man’s frantic eyes flew back toward Zoe and GT. “I apologize!”
Disgusted, Dante pushed the kid into Reggie’s waiting arms. “Show these little shits out. Make

sure our guys working the door know that they’re banned.”

“Hey, wait a minute. We’re here for the whole week! You can’t—”
Dante cut off the boy’s complaint, piercing him with an icy glare. “This is my place, and I

decide who comes here. I should beat some manners into you, but I wouldn’t want to upset the ladies.
You obviously don’t know how lucky you are to get away with just a warning.”

“I wouldn’t be upset,” GT called out, then muttered when Zoe slapped her arm, “What? I

wouldn’t be.”

Zoe braced her hands on her hip. “I’m not going to be happy if I have to clean blood off my bar

top tonight.”

Dante liked seeing the fire flash in Zoe’s eyes as she glared at him. He felt far better dealing

with her snarky attitude rather than seeing her worried. She was annoyed—that was clear—but there
was also feminine appreciation in her gaze.

Christ, he always felt ten feet tall when she stared at him like that. He had to stop himself from

flexing his muscles just to see her reaction. Looking at her and remembering their hot kiss had his
cock jerking to attention. Damn it, she was potent. Pushing his lust aside, he asked, “Your bar top?”

Zoe’s cheeks flushed to a pretty pink, but she jerked her chin up. “You know what I meant.”
Always the instigator, Jimbo drawled out, “I don’t know, boss. They don’t sound sorry to me. I

still think these three still need to be taught a lesson.”

“Hey! I said I was sorry!”
“Stay quiet and let the grownups talk,” Reggie barked as he slapped the back of the kid’s head

while he held him in place. “And if you keep squirming around, I may just knock you out myself and
be done with it.”

Dante took perverse pleasure in goading Zoe’s temper. “See honey? Jimbo and Reggie agree

with me.”

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Zoe’s eyes narrowed. “I mean it, caveman. I don’t like blood. You know that.”
“I know, honey.” Dante sighed, then jerked his head toward Reggie. “Get them out of here.”
“Got it, boss,” Reggie said before turning to lead the young man out of the bar.
Jimbo dragged the other two guys toward the front door after them. When another bouncer

passed by, Dante called out to him. “Hey, Cole. Help pour drinks for a bit, would you?”

“Sure thing, boss.”
Cole opened up the pass to go behind the bar where he got busy tending drinks to waiting

customers. Dante turned back to the women just as GT spoke.

“Aww, they left their money. What a shame.”
Dante glanced down at the hundred-dollar bill still on the bar top. Suspicion made him look

over at Zoe. “What did he say to you, angel?”

Zoe wasn’t fooled by the soft tone of his voice, nor was she willing to tell him anything while

the stupid young men were still in the vicinity. Despite letting them go, Dante would follow them
outside and make good on his threat to beat the boys to bloody pulp if he knew exactly what the guy
had said to her. She shook her head, denying him.

“Damn it, Zoe.”
“Damn it, Dante,” she parroted back, then she sighed. “I’m not going to tell you so you can

follow them outside. I really don’t want to have to bail you out of jail tonight.”

One of his eyebrows rose. “Jail? So, it was something bad enough to piss me off that much?”
“Probably,” GT said, earning a glare from Zoe.
“Tell me what he fucking said.”
Zoe’s lips tightened, as if by that act alone she could hold back the words. Unfortunately, GT

had no problem telling Dante what had happened…the traitorous wench. After she finished, Dante’s
jaw clenched and his eyes all but burned with rage. His hands fisted, and Zoe knew that he was
seconds away from following the men outside.

“No,” Zoe said forcefully, denying him once again. “It’s almost last call, and we have too much

stuff to do here for you to go running off looking for trouble.”

Dante’s eyes narrowed, then his head turned as shouts sounded from where a fight had broken

out near one of the pool tables in the back. Flicking a glance back at Zoe, he said, “Looks like you
might have to put up that bail money after all.”

Zoe started to call out as she watched him stalk to the back of the bar where he forged his way

into the center of the brawl without hesitation. She sighed again. It seemed like he didn’t have to go
looking for trouble. Turning, she glared. “What the fuck, GT? Why did you tell him?”

“Seriously? Dante has been in a shit mood all day. Actually, both of you have been on the

warpath today. You know you would have ended up telling him when he wouldn’t let it go. I just
saved you from spending the next ten minutes bitching back and forth until he broke you down.”

GT paused to look over at a man who started to interrupt them to ask for a drink. He shrank

under her icy glare and quickly disappeared back into the crowd. She picked up the hundred-dollar
bill on the bar top, then shoved it into the front pocket of Zoe’s jeans.

“Keep that. You deserve it after putting up with those jerks. Now, what was I saying? Oh, yeah.

You really need to give the boss man some loving. Celibacy is making him a total bastard.”

Zoe’s mouth fell opened. “What?”
GT rolled her eyes. “Everyone here knows you’ve been holding out and he hasn’t been getting

any. We’ve even got a bet going to see when you’ll give into him.”

“I…sweet Jesus, I can’t believe you guys!” Zoe hissed. “You’re betting on us?”

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“Hey, ladies,” Cole called out. “We’re getting mobbed here. Move your fine asses and serve

some damn drinks.”

Both women scanned the waiting crowd and realized that the amount of people waiting for

drinks had doubled while they’d been taking their break. Before they could get back to work, GT
slung an arm around Zoe’s shoulder, giving her a companionable squeeze.

“We just want to see you both happy. Face it, Zoe. You know you two are involved in some

fucked up, convoluted relationship that no one understands. You’re the only one Dante listens to, and
you practically run this place with him. But do me a favor, won’t ya?” she asked, lowering her voice.
“If you two end up hooking up before the month is over, I win the pot. So, get on that…or I should
say, get on him soon.”

Torn between utter dismay and reluctant amusement, the only response Zoe could think of was,

“I fucking hate you sometimes.”

GT laughed. “I’m totally okay with that.”

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Chapter Four

After the bar closed, Zoe was tired but too revved to sleep.
The rest of the night she’d been busy, serving drinks nonstop until they had announced it was

last call. Then she and the other bartenders had dealt with the mad dash as the crowd of people had
hurried to order one more drink before the night officially ended.

The bouncers had wasted no time forcing people out of the doors the second closing time had

come. Zoe found that she went through cleaning up by routine, her mind busy thinking over everything
that had happened over the last few days.

At first, she’d been embarrassed that the people who worked in the bar had been talking about

her and Dante, not that it really surprised her. Still, she knew that it was important to keep her private
life just that—private. She didn’t want people gossiping about her, and she certainly didn’t want
people speculating about her past.

But all of that was part of living in a small town, she supposed.
Dante usually helped with the cleaning after a packed night, but he had taken off again right after

he’d settled the fight in the back of the bar. It was something he seemed to be doing a lot lately, and
she knew she was the reason. Guilt plagued her. She wasn’t someone who liked lying. In fact, she
hated it. And keeping secrets from Dante about the real reasons she couldn’t be with him were
weighing on her like a ton of stones.

She’d had a difficult time sleeping after he’d walked her home last night. Left hot and aching for

him, she’d known it was her own damn fault that she’d ended up in bed alone. Her body urged her to
give in to Dante, but her mind knew all too well the dangers of letting go. After hours of staring at the
ceiling, she gave into the inevitable. She’d taken out her favorite vibrator and given herself the best
orgasm she’d ever experienced, her pleasure heightened by the memories of the passionate kiss she’d
shared with Dante.

How sad was it that she turned to a toy when she had a man willing and waiting?
Her body heated at the thought of Dante and all the pleasure he could give her. She could feel

her cheeks flush with her arousal. Feeling like a fool, Zoe quickly glanced around the bar to make
sure no one was watching her. It was pretty damn sad that just the memory of what they’d shared
together was enough to get her hot and bothered, but she couldn’t help it.

Zoe hurried through the rest of the clean up, waving away staff members that offered to walk

back with her to their apartment building. She wasn’t ready to go home just yet. Feeling restless, she
found herself walking down the quiet street, breathing in the cool night air. Aware that she was being
trailed by two of the bouncers from the bar like two silent bodyguards, she sighed.

What she really wanted to do was walk over to Fight Hard since Dante was inside working out

his frustration on the bags, but with her two sentries watching, she wasn’t going anywhere near there.
Instead, she made her way past Sinfully Sweet, the bakery her friend Kalista owned, then stopped
outside the front door of another shop.

She looked up at the sign for Ink This, which was in a bright red font on a black background,

with a silver tribal scrolling design behind the script. Despite the late hour, the tattoo parlor was lit
up inside, and the neon red open sign shone like a beacon through the darkness. It wasn’t unusual for
the shop to be busy after hours when all the other stores on the street were closed down for the night,
and by the unfamiliar motorcycles out front, Zoe assumed there were people inside since she couldn’t
see through the frosted glass of the front window.

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Because they were busy, Zoe should have just gone home, but something pushed at her to

remain where she stood. It wasn’t that she wanted to get inked. No, she’d done that shortly after she’d
gotten to town to celebrate her newfound freedom.

That thought gave her pause.
How free was she really when she was letting the chains of her past stop her from moving

forward with her life? Was she sabotaging her own happiness by keeping people from knowing who
she really was?

Considering those questions, what Zoe really wanted was to talk to the woman who owned the

tattoo parlor. If anyone could understand her and give her some guidance, it would be Nikita Nuria, a
woman who had more than her own share of secrets she hid from the world.

She had to trust someone, Zoe told herself. Somehow, the idea of talking about her past with her

friend seemed easier than exposing herself to Dante. Zoe knew that it was the fear of rejection that
made her apprehensive. Hell, who was she kidding? She was terrified that once Dante learned the
truth, he would turn away from her.

If that happened, what the hell was she going to do then?
Zoe was startled out of her self-musings when the front door to the tattoo parlor pushed open.

Squinting against the bright light spilling from inside, she was immediately blasted with the sound of
hard rock music mixed with the buzzing sound of tattoo needles at work.

Nikita stood in the doorway frowning at her.
It was hard not to admire her friend. A gorgeous woman with her killer body and unusual violet

eyes that carried an air of danger around her like a cloak, Nikita Nuria was someone that seemed ill-
suited for life in a small town.

Since she was wearing a black tank top with matching pants, Zoe could see the ink that covered

both of Nikita’s arms in full sleeves that went all the way up to her collarbone. Her ink-black hair
was pulled back into a tight bun on the top of her head, showing off a scar from a knife wound on the
side of her neck that was usually hidden from view. Zoe had only seen the scar a few times before,
but every time she did, it made her wonder just what kind of life the other woman had led before
moving to Breakers.

Nikita propped the door open, then walked over, bracing her hands on her hips as she came to a

stop. “Are you just going to stand out here all fucking night, or are you coming in?”

Caught, Zoe sent her a sheepish smile. She’d forgotten that Nikita had a kick-ass security system

that allowed her to see who was outside the door before buzzing them inside. “I was just standing out
here thinking about…stuff.”

“Well, come inside. I need a drink after dealing with the fucktards I just worked on.”
Zoe laughed. “Is that anyway to talk about your customers?”
“It’s accurate. There’s a group of girls on spring break that came in. I spent a half an hour

talking all four of them out of getting their current boyfriends’ names tramp-stamped on their lower
backs, then had to deal with tatting them with butterflies and other fluffy shit instead. Now, two of
them are just hanging around inside, flirting with the guys Hunter, Brody and Wes are working on. So
much for the boyfriends.”

With a wince, Zoe nodded. “Good thing you talked them out of the name thing.”
“Yeah. I should have just done it for them and let them deal with the aftermath of their own

stupidity. Anyways, if you’re done brooding over whatever you were brooding about, let’s go in and
give your bodyguards a break for the night.”

Casting a quick glance behind her, Zoe waved goodbye to the bouncers who idled close by.

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They didn’t even try to hide the fact they’d been following her, and Cole lifted two fingers to his
forehead in a silent salute before the men turned to walk back the way they came.

Nikita gestured Zoe inside ahead of her, then shut the door securely at their backs. It took a

moment for her eyes to acclimate to the bright lights inside the shop, and after a quick glance around,
Zoe could see that she’d been right about the place being busy.

The walls of the shop were a deep, crimson red, with large wooden panels set up against them

that held various black edged frames of tattoo designs on display. There were four tattoo stations
sectioned off into their own little areas, and three of them had men in the black leather chairs getting
tattooed on various places on their bodies.

Zoe noticed two giggling young women looking at the body jewelry laid out inside the glass

display case at the far end of the room. They turned, glancing over their shoulders, but quickly lost
interest when they saw Zoe instead of someone new they could flirt with.

One of the tattoo artists looked up at Zoe, and she smiled in greeting. Hunter Savante was a

large man, with angry-looking burn scars covering his left hand and arm that also traveled up to cover
the side of his neck. They’d healed over time, but still looked painful. Instead of detracting from his
appeal, the scars only seemed to enhance his dark good looks. His intense, brooding hazel eyes
warmed when he saw her, and to Zoe’s surprise, the former Navy SEAL winked.

“Hey, Lang. How’s it going?”
It was difficult to hear his deep voice over the noise, and she had to shout to be heard in return.

“Good. We had a packed house tonight.”

“Same here,” Hunter said, then he went back to work on what looked like an image of the grim

reaper on the man’s arm that was sitting in his chair, trying to ignore the two young women trying to
get his attention as they moved to lean over the short wall between stations.

Brody looked up from where he was tattooing a man’s back, flicking his gaze at the two

obvious women before grinning at Zoe. “Vonnie brought some pizza over after The Pie Place closed.
There’s still some left if you want.”

Zoe eyed the pizza boxes on one of the counters and realized she hadn’t eaten all night. Still, the

thought of cold pizza that had been sitting around a tattoo parlor just didn’t appeal to her at the
moment. “Thanks, but I’ll pass.”

Wes finished with the client in his chair and the guy got up to study the tattoo on arm and

shoulder exclaiming over how much he loved it. After accepting the thanks from the grateful client,
Wes left the man to show off to his friends and walked over to join Zoe and Nikita.

“That was my last booking for the night, boss. Do you mind if I take off now? Amelia’s working

the night shift at the center, and I thought I’d go hang with her for a few hours,” he said, mentioning his
girlfriend that worked at the Beaumont Rescue Center outside of town.

“That’s fine.”
With a grin, Wes hurried back to his station to clean up so he could leave. The man with the

new tattoo sauntered over, flexing his muscles…or at least trying to with what little muscle he had.
Nikita rolled her eyes and let out a long sigh, making Zoe bite her lip to hold back a laugh. Her
amusement faded as the guy gave her a slightly insulting once over, his gaze pausing briefly on her
breasts before lifting to meet her eyes.

“Hey, babe. You work at The Fox Hole?” he asked, making a point to look back down at the

tank top she wore with the bar logo on the front. “I guess I’m gonna have to stop in soon for a drink if
they have pretty little gals like you serving.”

“Ease off, Keith. Trust me when I say you don’t want to tangle with Dante Fox if you mess with

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this one,” Nikita informed him, making the man pale. He retreated quickly, heading over to the two
women who were leaning on the wall, giving Hunter, Brody and the two men in the chairs a generous
display of cleavage.

Zoe glanced over to frown at her friend, but Nikita ignored her as she called out, “Hunter, I’m

taking off for the night, too. You got shit here?”

“Sure, I’ll lock up when we’re done,” he said, not even bothering to look up.
“Let’s head back,” Nikita said to Zoe, turning toward the back door of the shop that opened into

a private lounge area. Once they left the main storefront and closed the door, the sound of the music
was muffled until it could barely be heard.

The lounge was painted a warm gold color, and the large, brown leather furniture had been

chosen for both comfort and functionality. There were two long, comfortable couches that Zoe knew
the guys used for naps when needed, and a matching overstuffed chair with an ottoman set it front of it
for someone to put their feet up on.

On the wall was a huge TV that could also be used as a security monitor to see what was going

on in the front of the building or inside the shop. Off to the side was a small kitchen area with a round
table and four chairs that looked more suited for a small, lavish apartment rather than a workspace. In
the back was a door that exited the shop and next to it was a staircase the led upstairs so Nikita didn’t
have to leave the shop to go up to her apartment.

Before Nikita could head upstairs, Zoe briefly considered suggesting they stay down in the

lounge area. She would appreciate privacy, but Zoe always found it difficult to relax whenever she
was in Nikita’s apartment. Unlike the comfortable lounge, Nikita’s apartment was a stark, barren
space, with white walls and almost no personal touches. It seemed sort of odd that her living quarters
were so basic when her work space reflected so much warmth and vitality.

Zoe stumbled to a stop as Nikita whirled around to glare at her. “I just want to make one thing

clear. If you’re here to try to talk me into going dress shopping with you guys tomorrow, I might have
to hurt you.”

Holding her hands up in surrender, Zoe laughed. “I wouldn’t even think of it.”
Nikita grunted, then studied Zoe for a moment. “You seem…off. What’s up with you?”
Zoe’s smile wobbled a bit before it faded completely. “Actually, there is something I want to

talk to you about.” She quickly glanced toward the door to the shop before adding, “But not here.”

To Zoe’s surprise, Nikita didn’t start up the stairs to her apartment. Instead, she walked over to

the closet next to the kitchen and opened the door. She walked in and went all the way to the back,
avoiding the shelves that were full of inventory for the tattoo parlor. Once at the back wall, Nikita
pushed at the third darkest brick from the top on the right-hand side. A hidden door pushed open to
reveal a stairwell that led downstairs.

Nikita gestured to her. “Come on. Let’s go before someone heads back here.”
Intrigued, Zoe stepped into the closet and moved forward to start down the hidden staircase.

Lights had automatically turned on as soon as the door had opened, allowing her to see the thick metal
stairs that went far below average basement level. Halfway down, she paused to watch Nikita close
the door at the top of the steps, then she moved to the side to allow her friend to pass by her to lead
the rest of the way down.

When they reached the bottom of the stairwell, Zoe’s eyes widened as she watched Nikita place

her palm on a rectangular panel on the side of a metal door. The panel lit up, flashing green and a
loud clicking sound echoed in the stairwell as the thick, metal door slid open.

What lay behind the door was nothing like Zoe expected. Beyond the metal door was a

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spectacular loft-like apartment with walls made of dark, wooden panels. There was a slate gray stone
floor that was covered by thick Persian rugs under heavy, leather furniture in the living room area and
partway under a huge bed covered with a silk, maroon duvet cover at the far end of the room.

Wooden shelves lined half of the right wall, filled with an amazing array of items that Zoe

could tell came from various places around the world. There was no doubt that several of the items
were priceless. Each piece was magnificent, highlighted by can lighting pointing down from the
ceiling so that every item seemed to glow in the dim room.

In the center was another door that had a control panel off to the side, and on the other half of

the wall was a shocking display of knives, swords and even a double-edged battle ax that looked like
it had been made centuries past. That side was like a tribute of mass destruction, but it somehow
seemed fitting in Nikita’s living room.

“Holy shit,” Zoe breathed out as she stood their gawking at the weapons.
Nikita smirked, then simply shrugged. “I’m a collector.”
“I see,” Zoe replied carefully. “And I bet you know how to use every single one.”
A simple “hmm” was Nikita’s only response before she walked over to an open kitchen with a

black marble island and frosted glass cabinets. She took a bottle out of the wine fridge, holding it up.
“Sauvignon Blanc okay?”

“Sure.” Still too dazed to say anything more, Zoe shifted to stare at the left side of the room.

Three large screens were mounted on the wall. All of the screens were set to display an image of a
beach bathed in moonlight. The soft sound of gentle waves filled the room, making it seem as if Zoe
were looking out of windows instead of TV monitors, and it alleviated any feeling of claustrophobia
that would have come from being so far underground.

The moment Zoe had walked into this subterranean refuge, she’d understood. This was where

Nikita really lived, not the cold, austere space upstairs. That was simply camouflage. Secrets, she
thought again. Whatever she was hiding was nothing compared to the secrets that Nikita concealed
about her own life.

Turning, Zoe eyed her friend as she carried two large glasses of wine into the living room area.

She accepted a glass and took a seat. “This place is absolutely amazing.”

Nikita sat and stretched out her long legs in front of her as she sipped her wine. “It’s home.”
Zoe nodded slowly. “I can see that. So, upstairs is what, just for show?”
“It’s obviously something that you don’t show just anyone. Why allow me down here?”
Nikita set her glass down on a side table next to the overstuffed chair she was sitting on.

Leaning forward, she braced her elbows on her knees and stared intently at Zoe. “I can count the
number of people that know about this place on one hand, but I brought you here for two reasons. The
first is because you mentioned you wanted privacy. The second reason is a little more…complex.
Despite being a bitch most of the time, I do have a sense of fair play.” She paused for a moment
before saying, “I know who you really are…Zoe.”

Glad she was sitting down, Zoe’s breath let in a rush as she swayed slightly. “H-how?”
Heaving out a long sigh, Nikita leaned back in her chair and picked up her wine glass. “This

town is my home now. It’s a good place filled with decent people, some of whom can be annoyingly
cheerful and friendly. Despite that, I have certain habits that are difficult to break.”

“I still don’t understand,” Zoe said weakly.
“When we first met, I did a background check on you. Hell, most of us are dealing with shit in

our pasts, but I could tell you were hiding something. Due to my background, I basically don’t trust

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anyone, but added to that, when you became friends with Becca, I needed to make sure you weren’t a
threat to her,” Nikita said, mentioning her twin sister. “I check out anyone who gets close to my sister.
It’s my job to keep her safe.”

“That’s a little over the top, even for you.”
“Following certain security protocols has kept me alive.” The tone of Nikita’s voice was the

equivalent of a casual shrug. “You might consider it an invasion of privacy, but I make no apologies
about doing whatever it takes to protect me and mine.”

Zoe felt utterly exposed, but the casual explanation that Nikita had given her helped ease some

of the panic racing through her. It didn’t matter if what Nikita did was right or wrong. In her mind,
she’d done what she thought she had to in order to protect herself and her sister. Zoe could respect
that, even if she still felt slightly offended by Nikita digging into her past.

Nikita’s lips twitched. “Yeah, I figured you’d say that.”
“So, you know everything?”
“You have a right to your secrets, so I only dug until I got the gist of your situation.”
Gulping down some of her wine, Zoe took a moment to gather her thoughts. “I don’t really know

what to say to all this. I mean, I came here because I wanted to talk to you about…well, about all of
this, but finding out that you already know is sort of—”

“A mindfuck?” Nikita chuckled, then she sobered and her expression turned serious. “You have

a decision now. You can either be pissed off about this, or let it go. It changes nothing. For me, I don’t
care how this all began. You’re my friend now—no matter what name you choose to call yourself—
and I don’t have too many people I consider close enough to care about.”

“Oh, you have more friends than you think, Niki.”
That had a scowl settling on Nikita’s face. “I’m making an effort to be nice here. Are you trying

to piss me off?”

Zoe laughed, and it felt good to do so. “I wouldn’t think of it. Even though you try to keep

yourself separate from everyone, people care about you and value your friendship.”

Nikita squirmed in her seat. “People need to learn to leave me the fuck alone.”
“Yeah, that’s not going to happen. I think you just have to learn to deal with it.”
Sighing heavily, Nikita sipped at her wine. “I’ll never be like everyone else, and I’m good with

that. Someone once diagnosed me with borderline sociopathic tendencies.” She waved off Zoe’s
protest before continuing. “I don’t feel bad about making people angry, or lose sleep over the things
I’ve done. I guess you could say that I don’t have the same moral compass other people do. I have a
certain skill set that separates me from most people, but I can be a damn good friend to have if you’re
in trouble.”

“I’m not—” Zoe cut herself off with a shake of her head. “That was stupid. Of course I’m in

trouble. But I can’t talk about that. Not yet.”

She’d come to Nikita prepared to talk to her about everything, but now that she was here, she

found that she couldn’t. It wasn’t that she didn’t trust her friend, because she did. It was more the
issue of needing to tell Dante the story of her past before speaking about it with anyone else.

She owed him that much.
“Door is open when you’re ready.”
“Thank you,” Zoe said, meaning it to the depth of her soul.
Any lingering annoyance she felt from Nikita digging into her past faded away. Having someone

like Nikita watching out for her was comforting. No, that wasn’t right. Comforting was too tame a

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word for it. With Nikita’s protection, it was essentially the mental equivalent to being wrapped in
Kevlar while surrounded with an invisibility shield.

She wasn’t sure how it had happened, but Nikita had become a close friend. It meant more to

her knowing that Nikita didn’t allow many people to see the real her, but sitting in her super-secret
Batcave, Zoe was touched to know that her feelings for her friend were mutual.

“Strangely, I feel better knowing that you know. Isn’t that odd?”
“Not really. If you want to talk about shit, you can. If you don’t, that’s fine, too. Personally, I

think by hiding from everyone, you’re putting yourself under a lot of unnecessary strain. The past is
the past. Never look over your shoulder for trouble. Just kill it and carry on.”

Amused despite herself, Zoe laughed. “That should be on a t-shirt. It’s also why you are totally

my first pick if the zombie apocalypse ever happens.”

“Wise choice,” Nikita said with a chuckle. “But I think your first pick would be Dante, who is

what you really want to discuss tonight.”

Zoe eyed her. “I don’t know if I like how perceptive you are.”
“It's more self-preservation at this point. If I had to drag it out of you, we'd end up drinking a lot

more wine while I waited for you to bring him up. Not that I mind drinking, but I don't like wasting
time, and it would irritate me. Besides, the faster you and Dante work out whatever the hell is wrong,
the quicker I can get back my private time at Fight Hard. Dante has been cutting into my workouts
with all these late night bang-the-bag-instead-of-banging-Zoe sessions.”

Zoe winced. “I can't believe you just said that. work out at three in the morning, too?

You are all so strange.”

“I go after the shop closes some nights. Anyways, strange is relative. You and the others are

actually looking forward to dress shopping tomorrow. In my book, that's just fucking weird.”

“You should come. What if you don't like the dress Kali picks out? Don't you want a say?”
“No. I have faith that Kali fears me enough not to put me in something I'll hate.”
“True,” Zoe agreed with a laugh, but she knew that even if Nikita hated the dress their friend

Kali picked out for them as bridesmaids for her wedding, she would still wear it.

“So, let me guess. You now feel you have to tell Dante about who you really are, and you’re

worried about how he’ll react and if you’ll have to leave if things go south.”

“I…shit. Pretty much.”
Nikita got up to fetch the wine bottle from the counter in the kitchen, then refilled each of their

glasses before sitting back down. “I figured. You’re a runner. It’s what you know. But now that
you’ve found a place you can call home, it makes sense that you’d worry about what would happen if
people know all the shit you’d rather forget about.”

“I guess that sums it up. It’s…complicated.”
“What it is, is stupid. Although I try to avoid other people’s relationship bullshit, even I can tell

that he’s crazy about you. Dante Fox is the type of man who would help a friend out, but you’re more
than just a friend to him.” Nikita sent Zoe a wicked grin. “I think that’s obvious by that bet you made
with him.”

Zoe gaped at her. “I don’t think I even want to know how you found out about that.”
“Trust me, I’d be fine with not knowing. Stop looking over your shoulder and deal with what is.

Either you trust Dante with the truth or you don’t. And if he doesn’t understand, you don’t need to let
that affect whether or not you make a life here. Be the master of your own fate.”

“Master of my own fate,” Zoe repeated, looking thoughtful, then she slowly smiled.
Nikita winced slightly. “It sounded better in my head. Less…pretentious.”

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“I think I like it.”
“Whatever. I’m hungry. If we’re going to finish this wine, I need food. How does pasta sound? I

have containers of stuff Becca made me in the freezer.”

Earlier, Zoe’s stomach had rebelled against the thought of food, but now she found she was

actually hungry. “I could eat.”

“Good. Let’s move this party to the kitchen.”
Zoe picked up her wine glass and followed after Nikita. Her smile faltered and she blew out a

long breath. “Niki, what I’m running from…people have died trying to protect me. It’s not fair for me
to put anyone else at risk if—”

A dangerous light gleamed in Nikita’s violet eyes. “I fucking dare them to come after you. If

they do, they won’t make it out of Breakers alive. That’s a guarantee.”

“That’s sweet…and slightly scary.”
But for the first time in longer than she could remember, Zoe felt hope.

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Chapter Five

Spring struggled to retain its hold over Texas, but the current haze of heat gave a small preview

to a summer that was sure to be brutal. The humidity made the air thick, and a sheen of sweat had
coated Zoe’s skin on the ride into Houston.

She parked her BMW motorcycle next to Evie Beaumont’s SUV in the parking lot of the

shopping center. Kalista Redford had made an appointment at one of the most exclusive bridal salons
in Houston. The boutique offered a variety of dresses, from the affordable to one-of-a-kind couture
masterpieces. Personally, Zoe thought Kali could wear just about anything and her fiancé, Hammer,
would still look at her like she were the most beautiful woman in the world.

It was enough to make a woman damn envious.
Zoe took off her helmet, securing it to the back of her bike. She loved the thrill and speed of

riding on the open road, and she’d taken advantage of the solitary time to think and plan before
pushing aside her own worries to focus on her friend’s big day.

She’d spent the night at Nikita’s place, passing out on the couch after they’d finished another

bottle of wine. It had been a good night. Zoe had relaxed after their conversation had turned to more
benign subjects. She enjoyed Nikita’s company, and would have loved to ask more questions about
the mysterious woman, but she knew better than to pry.

Kali and Becca Nuria—Nikita’s twin sister—got out of Evie’s car as Francesca and Madeline

Savante exited the other side. With the same black hair and stunning violet eyes as her sister, Becca
was a softer version of her twin, but the similarities were still a little disconcerting. Unlike her
tougher sister, Becca was an assistant at Kali’s bakery. Recently, she’d started specializing in custom
cakes, which would also include Kali’s wedding cake the following month.

“I still don’t get why you enjoy riding around on that thing,” Becca said as she joined Zoe.
“It’s fun,” Zoe replied with a grin. “You should try it.”
“Hell, no. I like doors around me whenever I’m traveling at high rates of speed.”
Another motorcycle pulled up in the parking spot next to them, and they looked over as

Samantha Kane turned off her ride. Sam was a physical therapist at Fight Hard, and was actually the
one who’d kicked Hammer’s ass back into shape after he’d suffered a knee injury that had ended his
professional fighting career. She’d been a fighter pilot in the Air Force until she had been shot down
on a mission. After she’d made it home, she’d retired from the military and had use her training to
beat people back into shape.

Sam took off her helmet and shook out her light-brown hair. With eyes the same shade, her

features should have blended in with her light, golden skin, but the whole package only made her look
slightly exotic. Sam had a fierce frown on her face as she secured her helmet on her bike.

“This fucking place better serve alcohol.”
“Wow, you’re in a cheerful mood,” Becca said with a laugh, linking her arm through Sam’s, as

if stopping the other woman from making a run for it. “Come on, let’s get out of this heat.”

Zoe fell into step next to Kali behind the other women as they made their way to the bridal

salon. She looked over to find Kali looking at her with a serious expression that immediately put her
on guard. “What?”

“Since you weren’t in the car with us, you missed the discussion about bridesmaid dresses.”
“Thank God,” Zoe said with feeling, making Kali laugh.

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“Well, I’ve decided to change my colors, and the other ladies loved my idea. I think you guys

will look amazing in hot pink dresses. You know, something that matches the colors of my bakery. It
will really make a statement.”

“That’s…” Zoe didn’t know what to say that wouldn’t sound insulting. Kali had chosen a bright

pink with black and white for the logo of Sinfully Sweet, and just the thought of wearing such a
shocking shade made Zoe’s stomach hurt.

Kali blinked up at her innocently. “It’s going to be hard to find matching flowers, but…” She

burst out laughing, gripping her stomach as she bent over at the waist. “Oh my God! Your face! I
couldn’t keep it going.”

“You’re an evil bitch.”
“That was so funny!” Kali took a few deep breaths to try to calm down, but the grin remained

on her face. Seeing Zoe’s reaction helped settle some of her nerves. Since she’d woken up, Kali had
felt like a million butterflies were fluttering around in her stomach. Her mind was cluttered with so
many worries that she feared that she wouldn’t be able to focus on finding the right dress. She
desperately wanted to look perfect when she married Jared, but she wasn’t sure that was possible at
the moment.

“Actually, I’m sticking with the pink and silver, but I picked a strawberry soufflé shade.”
“You always think in food terms. What the hell does that mean?”
“It’s a light, pale-pink. I think it will look lovely with the silver, white and black, and be

perfect for a late spring, early summer wedding.”

“Fine. Good. Anything is better than florescent pink.”
“I wouldn’t do that to you. Actually, that was Anna’s one request, since she couldn’t come

today. No hot pink.”

“Oh, yeah,” Zoe said, glancing at the group. “I thought she’d be here.”
“I asked her to come, but she insisted on staying at the bakery while Becca and I took off. Since

it’s spring break this week, Nate said he would stay at the shop with Anna and the others. It was very
sweet for him to give up an entire day of his vacation. I absolutely love that kid. If he and Shane
weren’t Anna’s nephews, I swear I would fight her for them.”

“They’re good kids. Ouch!” Zoe winced as the large bag Kali was carrying slammed into her

side. “Damn girl, what the hell do you have in that thing?”

“Three pairs of shoes and my wedding binder. It includes all the information I’ve gathered for

the wedding. I’ve turned into psycho bride trying to put this wedding together in such a short amount
of time.”

“Is psycho bride worst than bridezilla?”
“Way worse. It’s just that Jared doesn’t want to wait to get married. I don’t either, but this is all

a little stressful,” Kali said with a slightly hysterical little laugh.

Sensing Kali’s nerves, Zoe flung an arm around her shoulders and squeezed. “We’ll find you

the most beautiful dress today for you to marry the love of your life in. And if you cross over into
psycho bride territory, I’ll tell you.”

“Thanks.” Ahead of them, Madeline Savante laughed at something Sam said, and the cheerful

sound made Kali smile. “I’m so glad Maddie came today. We’ve gotten so close in the last few
months. Having Jared’s mom here means more to me than if my own mother had come.”

Zoe didn’t say that everyone was grateful that Kali’s nightmare of a mother wasn’t here, but it

was the truth. “So…where is your mom today?”

“She couldn’t make it, thank God. I’m a horrible person, but I’m so damn glad she had some

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charity function today and I won’t have to deal with her. She called yesterday to say she hopes I don’t
pick out a dress that makes my hips look bigger than they already are.”

“Your mom’s a vicious bitch.” The words were out before Zoe could hold them back.
Kali laughed. “Some people may forgive and forget, but I’m not one of them. I’ve known how

emotionally stunted my parents are since I was old enough to walk. All they care about is money and
social standing. They’re my parents, but that doesn’t mean I have to like them.”

“Well, I promise I’ll lock them in a closet if they upset you on your wedding day.”
“Which is why I love you.”
Zoe’s relief at escaping bridesmaid hell only lasted until they entered the bridal salon. The

store was opulent, with a color scheme of white and gold, mixed with touches of the palest shade of
pink. A few couture dresses made of rich fabrics were prominently on display, along with several
elaborate wedding gowns that looked like something out of a fairy tale.

In another life, she had visited store like this to have dresses made for her performances. The

elegance of the place brought an uncomfortable remembrance to the forefront of her mind. She also
felt a sharp pang in her heart since she would never share this type of experience with her own
mother. Pushing those thoughts aside, Zoe focused on a graceful woman in a smart black suit walking
over to them with a soft smile of welcome on her face.

“Hello, welcome to Clara Kay Couture. How can I help you?”
“We have an appointment,” Kali said, stepping forward.
“Kalista Redford?” At Kali’s nod, the woman beamed at her. “I’m Jolene. We have a room set

up for you and your party in the back. I pulled some of the options that you sent me pictures of in your
last email, but I’ve also chosen a few more I think you might like. Because your wedding is so soon,
we don’t have time to make a custom dress for you, so we’ll be looking at the samples that we have in
stock. I think we should start with your dress first. Once you find your perfect gown, we can move on
to the bridesmaid dresses. Please, come with me.”

The group was led through several rooms as they made their way toward the back, and Zoe

couldn’t help but be slightly overwhelmed. It was like being submerged in a sea of gold and white.
Looking at all the different style dresses by various designers, Zoe wondered how the hell anyone
ever found what they were looking for.

“Are we going to have to block the exits from you and Sam?” Francesca asked as she sidled up

next to Zoe. Her dark, curly hair was wound into a haphazard bun on the top of her head, but several
corkscrew curls hung down, framing her pretty face.

Zoe shook her head. “No. Actually, I’m looking forward to seeing Kali in the dresses. But I was

just thinking about how glad I am that she has a general idea of what she’s looking for already. If not,
we’d be here all day.”

Francesca’s hazel eyes sparkled with amusement. “I think Sam would stage a rebellion if that

happened. Honestly, I don’t think it’s going to take Kali too long to find what she’s looking for. It’ll
be nice to see her in a few dresses before she decides, though. I tried to get Nikita to come with us
right before we left, but she just hung up on me.”

Zoe laughed. “I’m not surprised. She was pretty adamant about not being involved in this.”
“Well, I thought I would give it one last shot.”
“I told you it was useless,” Evie said as she bumped hips with her cousin. “Still, it just doesn’t

seem fair that whatever dress Kali chooses for us to wear, Nikita will probably look fabulous in it.”

“So you say, Ms. Fashionista.” Zoe glanced at her friend. With long, blonde hair and deep blue

eyes, Evie had a classic beauty with was undeniable. “I don’t think you could look bad even if you

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wore a paper bag. A girl could learn to hate you for that.”

“Please. With all the crap you eat, I think you must have made a pact with the devil or

something to stay that thin.”

“It’s just good metabolism,” Zoe said with a cheeky grin.
“Okay, I hate you even more now.”
Zoe chuckled as they took a seat on the couches centered around a three-way mirror with a

circular platform in front of it. Jolene led Kali out of the room while another woman came in carrying
a tray of glasses and a bottle of champagne.

“Now, this is what I’m talking about,” Sam muttered before she gulped down some of

champagne after she was handed a glass. Turning to Evie, she glared. “Why aren’t you looking for
dresses, too? Please tell me we aren’t we going to have to come back here again. Can’t we just do a
two-for-one deal?”

Evie shook her head. “Actually, I already have my dress.”
Madeline gasped. “You do?”
Evie paused to take a sip from her own glass before answering. “Hunter found my mother’s

dress in the attic at Beaumont Manor a few days ago.”

The room went silent.
Evie could see the sympathy on her friends’ faces. Her cousin, Hunter, lived in the house she’d

grown up in before her parents had been murdered, which she now ran as a sanctuary for visiting
service men and women just home from overseas, as well as patients going through extended
rehabilitation at Fight Hard. She’d forgotten about the boxes she’d stored in the attic—not willing to
part with her parents’ possessions—but when Hunter had given her the large box, she’d instantly
known what was in it.

She’d hidden the box from her fiancé, Daryk, not wanting him to see the dress before she wore

it when she married him, but he’d held her that night as she wept all over him. Trying the dress on
alone in her bedroom had been extremely emotional. She’s looked just like her mother had all those
years ago when she’d married the man who owned her heart, and staring in the mirror had been like
looking at the photo of her parents on their wedding day that she kept in her office on her desk.

Evie had overcome the loss of her parents—even though she missed them every day of her life

—but some days the was pain so strong, it was as if she’d lost them only yesterday. Having Daryk’s
love helped ease some of the misery, and knowing that she’d always have him to dry her tears when
the sorrow overwhelmed her meant more to her than words could say.

On her wedding day, she would feel the ache from not having her parents there with her. But

Evie would wear her mother’s dress as she married the man she loved—just like her mother had—
and she and Daryk would continue the tradition of love and devotion that her parents had once had

Just the thought of it brought sentimental tears to her eyes.
“Oh, honey.” Madeline rose from her seat and hurried over Evie to pull her into a hug. “I’m

sure you’ll look absolutely magical in your mama’s dress.”

Francesca wiped at her own tears. “Hunter can be a pain in the ass, but then he does something

like this, and you can’t help but love him.”

“Your brother is a treasure,” Evie told her, squeezing Madeline hard before letting go. “Enough

of this now. We shouldn’t be crying today until Kali finds her dress.”

“Umm…did you hear about the guy that Sheriff Wyatt arrested yesterday for selling drugs on the

boardwalk?” Becca asked, trying to change the subject because she sensed that Evie still felt too raw

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about finding her mother’s dress to talk about it.

“Annabeth Dunley was there with her kids, and they came into the shop after and told me all

about it.” Becca paused as Evie sat down next to her and squeezed her hand in silent thanks. Becca
squeezed back before continuing to regale the group with the town’s latest gossip.

They were only kept waiting a few more minutes before Kali came out wearing the first

wedding dress. It was pretty, but wasn’t the one. She tried on four more dresses, each one a beautiful
creation, but just not right for her. Her friends tried to keep sounding upbeat and encouraging, but Kali
only seemed to get more tense and vulnerable with each dress she tried on.

That was, until she came out in a gown that seemed to be made for her.
Kali was a petite woman, with bright green eyes and short, red hair, highlighted with gold

streaks. The dress was a soft white, which suited her coloring and delicate features. It was strapless,
with a sweetheart neckline that only showed a hint of cleavage, making it alluring yet still modest
enough for Kali’s sensibilities. There were crystals and tiny seed pearls covering the tight bodice in
an intricate design until it came to a crystal-encrusted belt on a high waistline. Below the belt were
yards of organza, gathered in various layers in a frothy display of high elegance.

Everyone in the room sighed in appreciation at how lovely she looked, but they stayed quiet,

waiting for her reaction before they said a word. The sheer joy on Kali’s face as she stepped onto the
pedestal and saw herself in the mirror said it all.

“Oh my…I love it!”
Tears streamed down Madeline’s face as she sniffled. “Kali, you look like a princess.”
“I feel like one.” Kali ran a shaking hand down the bodice of the dress as she studied herself in

the three mirrors. “Oh God, I think this is the one. I look like a bride.”

“You really do. It’s absolutely perfect,” Zoe agreed, then she gasped as Kali burst into tears.

And not the good kind. Panic surged through her as she said, “Shit. What? What did I say?”

“It is perfect!” Kali wailed as she buried her face in her hands.
Utterly confused, Zoe glanced over at the bridal consultant. “Umm…is this normal?”
Jolene smiled and said, “Sometimes brides can get a little emotional.”
“Kali, what is it?” Madeline rushed over and gathered Kali in her arms.
“It is the perfect dress,” Kali repeated as she looked up. “I wanted everything to be perfect for

this wedding—”

“And it will be,” Evie assured her. That caused a fresh wave of tears that had all the women

glancing at each other in concern. Kali’s sobs were definitely not a normal happy reaction.

Sam gulped down the rest of her drink before setting the glass down. She leaned forward,

bracing her arms on her knees. “Kali, give us something here. Isn’t it a good thing that you found the
perfect dress?”

“Of course it is,” Kali said exasperated. “But I just…I have the perfect man, with the perfect

wedding venue, and now I have the perfect dress…” When she started crying again, they couldn’t
understand the words she sobbed out.

“What was that?” Francesca whispered.
Wide eyed, Evie turned to the rest of the group. “Did she say baby?”
Madeline had heard the word, too. Hope surging like a tidal wave inside her, Maddy cupped

Kali’s face, tilting it up so she could look into her soon-to-be-daughter-in-law’s eyes. “Sweetheart,
are you pregnant?”

“Y-yes,” Kali hiccupped, then her breath left in a rush as Madeline jerked her into a bear hug

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before letting out an exuberant shout of pure delight.

“Oh my God! My baby is having a baby! I’m gonna be a grandmother!”
The rest of the women jumped up from their seats and hurried over to them.
“I just found out this morning,” Kali told them. “I took a test and…Jared and I talked about

having kids, but not yet. It was supposed to happen after we were married!”

“Oh, honey. Who cares about all that?” Madeline asked as she wiped at Kali’s tears with her

thumbs. Leaning in, she pressed her lips to both of Kali’s cheeks in turn. “You and Jared will make
such wonderful parents. I’m so happy for you both.”

“But the wedding is in less than a month. I don’t know how far along I am, but what if my dress

doesn’t fit then? Oh God, can you imagine what my mother will say if I’m showing in my wedding

Madeline’s eyes narrowed. “I dare your momma to try and say something mean to you about my

grandbaby. I. Dare. Her.”

“Do you want the baby, Kali?” Becca asked cautiously. “Are you happy?”
The smile that lit up Kali’s face was as bright as the sun. She wrapped her arms around her

waist as if she could protect the life that grew inside her. “Happy doesn’t even begin to describe how
I feel.” She lifted one hand to wipe at the tears still streaming down her face. “I’m sorry. I can’t seem
to get a handle on my emotions.”

“That’s okay,” Madeline told her as she beamed. “Hormones will do that to you.”
“I wasn’t going to say anything until I told Jared, but I just couldn’t help myself. I know we

were all going to go to dinner after we were done here, but I think I want to go home so I can spend
some time with him instead.”

“Let’s get you out of that dress before you cry all over it and have to pick another one. We can

go home now if you’d like,” Zoe offered.

“Oh, no,” Kali said with a grin. “I may have found my dress, but we still have to pick out the

one you guys are going to wear.”

“Great,” Sam said dryly, then she winced as Becca pinched her arm.
Kali laughed as she looked around at her friends and her new family, and felt her heart swell

with love. Madeline was the epitome of the kind of mother Kali had always wished she’d had
growing up. Now, Maddy would really be hers. She would be a loving grandmother to her and
Jared’s child, and she would cherish all the other children they were blessed to have in the future.

Through Jared, Kali would also be able to call Evie and Francesca her cousins, and Becca,

Sam and Zoe were as close to her as sisters. They were all strong women that she was proud to call
her friends.

Suddenly, it all became clear to her. Kali had been striving for perfection. She’d wanted to

make the wedding exactly like she’d imagined it in her head. To find the right dress, the right venue,
with everything going according to plan. When she found out she was pregnant, she’d felt as if she’d
gotten the wind knocked out of her. She wanted Jared’s child more than anything, but the thought of
her perfect schedule changing had left her feeling slightly lost.

But what Kali hadn’t realized until now was that she already had the perfection she’d be

looking for, and she’d been stressing about all the wrong things.

She loved Jared, and he loved her back with a passion and intensity that constantly left her

wondering what she’d done to deserve such a wonderful man. She had friends who cared for her, and
now she was going to have the family she’d always dreamed about.

Kali had found perfection in her man, in her friends, and even in the town she called home.

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“Thank you for sharing this with me,” Kali whispered shakily. “It means so much to me to have

all of you in my life, and I love you so much.”

Zoe fought tears of her own. “Of course you do. Now, are we gonna hug it out or what?”
Kali threw her arms wide, and the women gathered together to join in one big circle.
“Trust me, if I didn’t love you, I wouldn’t be wearing pink for your wedding,” Sam grumbled.
As Zoe stood within the group’s embrace, her heart hurt. She was surrounded by love—more

than she’d ever thought possible—and couldn’t help but feel like a complete fraud. A storm was
coming…and in the aftermath, she could lose everything she’d come to care about.

And knowing that, she held onto all of them a little tighter to make the moment last.

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Chapter Six

“What the hell are you doing here?”
Zoe grinned at GT as she, Sam and Francesca sat down on three empty barstools that had just

opened up. The Fox Hole was packed with people, and their timing couldn’t have been more perfect.
“I couldn’t stay away.”

“You’re a sick woman, Zoe. It’s your night off, and yet here you are.”
“I know it.”
“I need a goddamn drink, GT,” Sam growled. “There was too much female bonding going on

today. Make mine a beer.”

Chuckling, GT nodded. “Want your usual Strongbow, Zoe?”
After Zoe agreed, GT asked Francesca what she wanted.
“Beer is fine with me, too, but could you make mine a light?” When Sam muttered something

obscene, Francesca just laughed.

GT left to fill their order, and Zoe looked around the room, glad she wasn’t working. It had

been a long and emotional afternoon, and even though she didn’t want to go home when they made it
back to Breakers, she didn’t have the energy to work a shift at the moment.

When they’d left the bridal shop, the women had all wished Kali luck telling her fiancé the

wonderful news about the baby. Evie and Madeline had also gone home to their men, and Becca had
opted to head back to her apartment since she had to be up early to open the bakery. Sam, Francesca
and Zoe had decided to go to The Fox Hole, wanting a drink after the pains of trying on countless
dresses. They had found one they all agreed on, but it really hadn’t mattered. As long as Kali had
liked it, the group would have worn anything she chose.

“I’ve decided I need to kill off a clothing designer in my next book,” Francesca announced.
Sam snickered. “That’s not very romantic.”
As an erotic romance author, Francesca’s books were filled with love and happily ever afters,

not murder. “I don’t care. Whoever made some of those dresses we tried on today needs to be
punished. Seriously, it’s like they are trying to mock people with hips, and that’s just mean.”

Zoe chuckled and shook her head. “At least you have hips.”
“But you’re so slim, and you—” Francesca wagged a finger at Sam, “—I don’t even know

where to begin.”

“What the hell does that mean?”
“All I’m saying is that I love you guys, but there is no way I’m getting stuck standing between

you and Nikita for the wedding. Nope. Being the cream filling between Combat Barbie and Fitness
Barbie is too much to ask of anyone.”

“I’m really going to have to hurt you if you don't stop calling me that,” Sam warned.
Francesca fluttered her lashes and smiled. “You love me too much to do any real damage.”
“Fucking female bonding,” Sam groused again. Gratefully, she picked up the glass that GT

placed in front of her and drained half of it in just a few swallows.

“That sounds awful,” GT said in sympathy.
“It was,” Sam insisted. “We were stuck trying on dresses for hours today. Hours.”
GT shook her head sadly. “That sounds like my idea of hell. Why couldn’t Kali just pick out a

dress she liked and make you guys wear it? Isn’t that how it normally goes?”

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“That’s what I said!”
“It wasn’t as bad as Sam is making it sound,” Francesca countered. “She had just as much fun

today as we did. I really like the dress we picked, even though my hips look huge in it.”

“I would kill for your curves, Frannie,” Zoe said with a sigh.
“You say that because you’ve never had to fit this ass in these jeans.”
“No one in their right mind would wear those jeans. You have rhinestones on the pockets for

Christ’s sake,” Sam muttered.

“Don’t hate.” Francesca’s eyes were alight with mischief when she added, “Besides, weren’t

you the one to pick the winning bridesmaid dress today? You know, the one with all those pretty little
sparkles on the strap and the waist?”

GT choked. “You…what?”
“And did I forget to mention it was a pink dress?” Francesca asked.
“Oh, wow,” GT said, straight-faced. “This is a whole new side of you I never knew about.”
“Don’t make me kill you.”
“Stop teasing Sam,” Zoe admonished even as she tried to hold in her laughter. “Wait until she’s

had a few more drinks at least.”

“Fine. I’ll behave,” Francesca promised. “It’s just so fun to rile her up.”
“Gee, aren’t I lucky.”
GT leaned on the bar in front of them, completely ignoring customers trying to get her attention.

“Speaking of being riled, maybe you could spare a minute to talk to the boss, Zoe. He’s been on a real
tear tonight.”

Zoe frowned. “What happened?”
“He knocked out some asshole groping a girl on the dance floor, then got in the middle of a big

brawl outside in the smoking area. It’s just the usual spring break bullshit, but you know how he gets
when you aren’t around to calm him down,” she said, watching Zoe carefully for her reaction. “Plus,
Dante has also been bitching about you ladies drinking and driving back from Houston. Just thought
you might want to let him know you’re back, safe and sound.”

With that, GT walked away to serve a group of people further down the bar.
Zoe could feel Francesca and Sam's eyes on her. Turning, she glared at them when she saw they

were both grinning. “What?”

“That’s so sweet,” Francesca said cheerfully. “He was worried about you.”
“Us.” Zoe stressed the word. “He was worried about us.”
“Dante couldn’t care less if we were pole dancing in Houston right now,” Sam countered.

Holding up her glass, she gestured toward Zoe. “What the hell is going on with you two?”

“Why does everyone keep asking me that?”
Francesca grinned. “Because we’re curious. Added to that, I love a good romance.”
Zoe sighed before lifting her glass to take a small sip. “I don’t know what we’re doing.”
Sam shot her a derisive look. “Well, you might want to figure it out…and quick. Dante’s a good

guy, but he’s still a man, and all of them do stupid stuff sometimes. My advice is to do something
about it before one of those hussies catches him during a weak moment.”

“Wow, that’s way harsh,” Francesca admonished.
“I’m a realist.”
“No, you’re a cynic.”
Sam shrugged and her eyes shifted to look at something off to the side. “I’m just saying…”
Zoe’s gaze followed Sam’s, and she stiffened when she saw Dante striding away from a

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giggling woman with dark-blonde hair and two of her friends. He was heading toward the hallway
that led to the bathrooms and his office. The blonde shot her friends a sly grin before she broke away
from the group to follow after him.

Zoe’s glass hit the bar top with a loud crack as she slammed it down. “Oh, hell no.”
“Go kick some ass, girl,” Sam encouraged.
Zoe didn’t have to be told twice.
Slipping off her barstool, she got to her feet and pushed through the crowd, ignoring those who

called out to her as she moved past them. Things might not be settled between her and Dante, but
she’d be damned if she was going to let another woman get in her way now.

The lines to the bathroom were long, and it took her some time to maneuver through the mass of

bodies. By the time she was clear, she’d lost sight of both Dante and the blonde. Anger surged through
her as she remembered why the woman looked so familiar.

The woman came into the bar with her friends once in a while, and made a point to belittle

everything about The Fox Hole...except for the men. There had been a few times when Zoe had
overheard them discussing the male staff members, but she specifically remembered the blonde
talking about Dante, going so far as bragging about how she could have him anytime she wanted him
and discussing in detail how he was in bed.

Zoe knew that Dante had a reputation for hooking up with multiple women before she’d met

him, but she didn’t doubt his word when he said he would stick to their bet and abstain for the
duration. Still, she wasn’t about to let some other woman go after what Zoe thought of as hers.

And Dante was hers.
She paused briefly in front of the closed office door, then moved on, knowing automatically

they weren’t in there. As she neared the end of the hallway, her steps slowed when she heard voices
coming from outside the side door. The door was propped opened a bit, and Zoe saw Noah Brixton’s
large body blocking the view outside. Zoe stepped into the shadows, moving a little closer until she
could glance around Brix.

Damn it.
Her eyes narrowed as she saw the blonde clinging to Dante. Her first instinct was to grab the

woman by her hair to drag her off him. Women threw themselves at him all the time. He usually
engaged in a little flirting before turning them down, but with the more insistent, he could be biting
and cold. Curiosity had Zoe shifting so she could get a better view of the situation. The expression of
pure disgust on Dante’s face had a slow smile spreading across her own.

Dante was in no mood for this shit.
“Cut it out, Tammy. Stop touching me. You’re just embarrassing yourself. I told you I wasn’t

interested,” Dante growled out as he pulled her arms down forcefully when she tried to wrap them
around his neck….again.

He was losing what little patience he had as she rubbed against him.
“You were before,” Tammy said with a giggle he assumed was supposed to be sexy.
“That was a year ago, and it was before I really knew you,” he shot back. The insult didn’t

seem to bother the blonde who was busy trying to shove her hands under the black t-shirt he wore.
Fucking hell, the woman had hands like an octopus…they seemed to be everywhere.

He glared at Brix, who was standing between the door and the floodlight so he was cast in

shadows. “Don’t just fucking stand there. Do something.”

“Like what? I just came out here for a smoke.” The blond giant lifted the cigarette in his hand

and took a drag. Blowing out smoke, Brix said, “I ain’t touching her.”

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“You’re no fun anymore,” Tammy announced with a pout.
Dante ignored her words, still focused on his friend. “She was with those two twits she’s

always here with. Get someone inside to get their asses out of here.”

Brix got on the radio while Dante continued to struggle with the drunk woman. Most of the

women he’d hooked up with knew there would be no repeats, but Tammy obviously didn’t get it. And
with a father who gave her everything she wanted, Tammy wasn’t used to being told no.

She saw it as some sort of challenge.
Dante knew that women went after him expecting him to jump at the chance for a quick fuck, but

he’d lost interest in that shit when he’d met Zoe. He heaved out a sigh, prepared to hold onto his
temper until her friends came out to take her off his hands.

That was, until Tammy reached down and grabbed his cock.
“What the fuck?”
“Come on, Dante. I know you’re always up for a good time,” Tammy purred.
Disgusted, Dante forcefully shoved her hand away from him, not caring when she lost her

balance and almost fell down.

“Jesus, is she for real?” Brix asked as he tossed his cigarette aside and made a quick grab for

the woman, holding her upright.

“Get your hands off me—” Tammy began, then blinked as she finally got a good look at Brix.

Her face softened and she blinked a few more times, working up some fake tears. “Oh, Noah. Did you
see that? Dante pushed me and—”

“Save it for someone who cares.”
Tammy’s expression hardened. Pride injured, she jerked away from Brix and sneered at both

men. “How dare you treat me this way? Don’t you know who I am?”

“A spoiled, rich bitch looking for a quick fuck?” Brix shrugged when Dante snorted. “What?

She asked.”

“Like I care what you think. You’re a nobody,” Tammy scoffed scornfully. She whirled on

Dante. “And you…the only thing I should be embarrassed about is slumming with you. I thought we’d
have a little fun, but I guess you’re too busy doing your little bartender whore to be with a real
woman. Really, Dante. Fucking the help? How cliché. But then again, I can’t expect any better from a
man like you.”

Dante had taken a few steps away to head back inside, ready to dismiss her, but he froze at

Tammy’s words. Turning slowly, his face must have shown some of the anger he was feeling, because
Tammy took a cautious step back from him as he leveled a glare in her direction.

“If you were a man, I would kill you for that.” Dante’s voice was low and filled with such

contempt it made Tammy take another step away from him. “You’re going to want to leave. Now.
Before you piss me off even more.”

Tammy’s eyes narrowed. She knew his rep, and was secure in the belief that he wouldn’t really

touch her in anger. The anger in his ice-blue eyes made her nervous, though. “Don’t you tell me what
to do, Dante Fox.”

Dante rolled his eyes. Good God, why had he ever touched this spoiled brat? Just looking at her

make his stomach roil with regret. “Do you really think that just because your daddy is on the city
council that makes you better than everyone?”

“It makes me better than you.”
Dante laughed, honestly amused. “Keep thinking that.”
Jimbo appeared around the corner, coming from the front of the building with two nervous

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looking women. “Boss, is everything okay out here?”

Tammy sauntered over to them as soon as she saw the group and plastered a smug smirk on her

face. “Let’s go. This place is so over.”

“Yeah, take your friend home, and don’t bother coming back. At least not with her,” Dante

ordered them, nodding at Tammy, whose mouth dropped open in shock.

One of the women gasped, while the other said, “You’re banning us?”
“Not all of you…just her.”
“Dante, you can’t be serious!”
“Oh, but I am. You insulted my woman and my bar. I don’t take that shit from anyone, and

certainly not from some bitch who’s here slumming.”

The two women hurried away, pulling a stunned Tammy with them. After they’d disappeared

with Jimbo trailing after them, Dante let out a vicious curse and braced his hands on his hips.

“You keep banning people, we aren’t gonna have anyone left here to serve.”
Dante turned on Brix with a snarl on his lips, but the other man just stared at him blandly.

“What the fuck was I supposed to do? Just let that woman get away with talking about Zoe like that?
Fuck that.”

“Of course not. But I find it interesting that you’re more pissed off about that than the fact that

woman grabbed your junk.”

“My dick tried to crawl inside my body the second Tammy touched me. But fucking hell, I know

that bitch can be vicious when it comes to gossip, and if she goes after Zoe…”

“What? You can’t fight Zoe’s battles for her.”
“But it’s because of me.” The words burst out of Dante with an anger that surprised him. “I

don’t want my past touching her. She deserves better than that. Hell, she deserves better than me. I
know it. I’m just too selfish a bastard to let her go.”

Brix sighed. “When are you gonna claim that girl, Fox?”
There were a few beats of silence before Dante said, “When she’s ready.”
“What the hell does that mean?”
“It means that I feel like I’m chasing a ghost, Brix.”
Brix shifted uncomfortably on his feet. He didn’t do emotions—at least he didn’t talk about

them easily. He could put them into his art, but discuss them? Hell, no. It made him itchy. However,
seeing his friend look so defeated didn’t sit well with him, either.

Clearing his throat, he said, “Dude, you know she cares about you. Maybe…you know, she

needs to hear how you feel about her or some shit before she can take the next step.”

“I’ve made it pretty fucking clear how I feel.”
Feeling like an asshole, Brix forged on. “Want is different than love.”
“Yeah, it is.” Dante tilted his head up so he was looking at the night sky. Was it even worth it to

wish on a star? It hadn’t done him any good so far. “She’s got my soul, Brix. Before I give her the
chance to rip the heart out of my goddamn chest, I have to know she’s willing to meet me halfway. I
can’t give her everything without getting anything in return.”

“You ain’t a coward, Fox.”
Dante snorted. “Remember that when you fall in love with a woman who runs you around in

circles.” Sighing again, he turned back to Brix. “Listen, can you close up without me tonight?”

“Sure. We’ve got it covered. You heading over to Fight Hard?”
“No, I think I’m gonna head home. I need a long, hot shower after that shit with Tammy.” Dante

took a few steps toward the parking lot, then stopped. “When you get back to your apartment, can you

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text me? Just…let me know if she got home okay?”

“Will do.”
Brix reached for his pack of cigarettes as he watched his friend leave. He lit one, and a few

seconds later, the roar of Dante’s Harley filled the night. He blew out a stream of smoke while he
watched as the lights of the bike faded. “Hear what you needed to?”

Inside, Zoe froze mid-step.
She knew it was wrong to eavesdrop. After Tammy and the two other women had left, Zoe had

started to head back to her friends, but when she’d heard the conversation between Dante and Brix,
she hadn’t been able to move. She knew she had no right to listen to what Dante was telling his friend
in confidence, but every word had made her heart sing.

When she’d heard Dante leave, she’d started to leave the hallway. Shock filled her that Brix

had known she was there, but then again, it was almost impossible to sneak up on any of the men that
worked at The Fox Hole.

I’m not a coward, either.
Repeating that to herself over and over again, Zoe stepped through the doorway and walked

outside to face Noah Brixton. At first, he didn’t look at her, but when he finally turned, his blue eyes
stared at her in accusation. All she could ask was, “Why?”

Not needing an explanation, Brix said, “Because you needed to hear it. Now the ball is in your

court, sugar. Either put that man out of his misery, or walk away. You’re hurting him by dragging this

“I—” Zoe wanted to defend herself, but she couldn’t. She was hurting Dante. She’d heard it in

his voice. And she hated herself for it. So far, all she’d been focused on was protecting herself, but
that was going to stop now. It was time for her to come clean with Dante.

Zoe drew in a deep breath. “I came with Francesca and Sam. Can you tell them I’ve left?”
Brix nodded, then his eyes narrowed. “How much did you have to drink?”
She smiled, even though she felt ill about what she was about to do. Despite his irritation with

her, Brix still couldn’t help watching out for her. “One sip since we got here.”

Zoe headed toward the front of the building where she and Sam had found street parking. She

paused when Brix said her name.

“Do you love him?”
Her first thought was that she had to tell Dante first, but Brix had done her a solid. He’d given

her the push she’d needed to go to Dante, so she felt that she owed him an answer.

“More than anything.”
“Right, then. Go. Get out of here.”
The affection she felt for Brix flooded her. Since meeting him, she’d thought of him as the big

brother she’d always wanted. Walking back over to him, she rose up onto her toes and pulled him
down until she could press a kiss on his cheek.

“Thank you, Noah.”
She left him grumbling to himself as she walked away, and found herself laughing at the tinge of

color that had flooded his face. It was incredibly sweet that such a big, strong man could be
embarrassed by anything.

Zoe walked to her bike and took her time strapping her helmet on before starting it up. The

sound caught the attention of a few people lingering outside the front of the bar. Jimbo raised his hand
in farewell as he saw her from where he was guarding the front entrance.

She waved back, then took off…and headed toward the man she loved.

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* * * *

Hair still wet from his shower, Dante stepped out of his front door wearing dark-gray

sweatpants and a white t-shirt. Carrying his beer bottle over to the porch swing, he sat down. He had
a thing about not drinking the hard stuff when he was at home alone. Alcohol could become an
emotional crutch. Owning a bar, he’d seen the damage it could do to lives.

He might not have all his shit together, but he didn’t want that for himself.
As much as he loved the noise and excitement at the bar, he also loved sitting out on the large

wraparound veranda of his house. Dante had never thought he’d be domesticated. He’d lived in an
apartment in the center of town for the first few years after he’d gotten back, but after awhile, he’d
needed a little distance from the town. Buying the house set back in the woods that was adjacent to his
father’s property had been the right decision for him.

He’d found his place.
Now, looking around his sanctuary, he knew that something was still missing. Pushing that

thought aside, he took a long pull from his bottle of beer. Thinking about that would only piss him off
again…not that he could help it. The confrontation had irritated the hell out of him, but not being able
to claim Zoe publically made him crazy. He couldn’t stand people insulting her, and he wanted…no,
he needed everyone to know she was under his protection.

Dante hadn’t been kidding when he’d told Brix he needed a shower after Tammy had touched

him. His past was his past, and he owned it. He’d never cared what other people thought of him or his
actions, but he never wanted Zoe to be embarrassed by being with him.

He wanted to be a better man for her.
Self preservation made his temper spark. She should want to be with him regardless of what

he’d done before he’d met her. Damn it, she shouldn’t judge him or—

Taking a calming breath, he told himself to ease back. He was pushing his own worries on her,

and that wouldn’t do either of them any good. His mood still foul, he settled back to drink and brood.
If he didn’t snap out of it after a few beers, he could always go for a run.

The sound of the engine reached him before he saw the headlight coming down his driveway.

He frowned as he watched it draw closer, then his pulse increased when he realized who it was.
Damn, it was as if he’d conjured her up just by thinking about her.

It was dark out and storm clouds were moving in, but the moon was still bright and his eyes had

adjusted enough for him to see her clearly. Frowning, he looked over her attire of black jeans and
matching shirt that had sleeves that came down to her elbows. It had been warm out today, but he
didn’t like thinking about her driving to Houston and back without more protection on.

Kevlar, he thought. Maybe he could get a jacket made for her out of Kevlar. Mentally rolling his

eyes at himself, he watched as Zoe turned off her bike and removed her helmet. He lazily pushed
himself back and forth on the large porch swing as she slowly walked up the front steps.

Seeing her standing there bathed in moonlight, he wanted her with a passion that astounded him.

It would have been so simple to go to her. To pull her to him and take what he wanted. She’d melt for
him. He had the skills to make sure she would, but he forced himself to remain still, curious as to
what brought her to him this time of night.

“Good to see you made it back from Houston in one piece.”
“We got back a little while ago.” Zoe paused, glancing away before she cleared her throat and

looked back at him. “I was at the bar tonight. I heard you talking to that woman outside.”

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Dante paused with the beer bottle halfway to his lips, then lifted the bottle to ease his dry

throat. “So, you came out here for what? I’m not in the mood for a pity fuck. Why don’t you—”

Hands braced on her hips, Zoe glared at him. “Dante Fox, don’t you start that shit with me.”
Embarrassment warred with anger, making him feel out of control. Dante’s foot slapped down

hard, stopping the porch swing from moving. Temper too close to the surface, he had to get her out of
there before he said something he knew he’d regret. “I’m not in the mood for this now. You should
head back to town before the storm breaks.”

“Just shut up and listen for a minute,” Zoe shouted. “I’m not going anywhere until—”
“Damn it, Zoe—”
“That’s not even my real name!”

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Chapter Seven

“I know, sweetheart.”
Dante felt all his anger drain away as he watched her eyes widen in shock. Zoe had slapped her

hand over her mouth as soon as she’d spoken the words, and he knew she hadn’t meant to blurt out her
confession like that.

But he was damn glad she had.
Feeling calmer than he thought he would, he stood up. “I think I need another beer. Do you want


“Why don’t you sit down. I’ll be right back after I get us something to drink.” Dante didn’t give

her a chance to argue. He went to her and grabbed her hand, pulling her back toward the porch swing.
She didn’t fight him as he pushed on her shoulders until she sat down, then he turned and headed back
into the house.

Zoe popped to her feet as soon as the screen door slammed shut, the sound startling her out of

her shock. Hurrying after him through the dark house, she followed the light from the open refrigerator
to the kitchen. “Wait, what do you mean you know?”

Dante turned back to look at her. “Do you want a beer or would you rather have a glass of

wine? I have a bottle of that Cakebread Chardonnay that you like.”

“We’ll do wine instead,” he said, pulling the bottle out of the wine fridge.
Zoe wanted to yank at her hair in frustration. “Argh! What is wrong with you?”
He set the bottle down on the island in the center of the room. Moving to a cabinet, he took

down two wine glasses and fought the urge to smile. “It was the Breakers’ Bad Boys thing.”

Opening a drawer, he took out a bottle opener and went to work on the cork. “When Nyght got

the idea to help Shane and we formed the group, we had all the members fingerprinted to make sure
anyone the organization helped would be assured that we were all safe and didn’t have records. You
didn’t join.”

Zoe blinked at him. “I…I was going to.”
“But you haven’t, and I know you love what the group is doing. I know you don’t have a record.

I did a background check on you when I hired you, but I knew it had to be something,” Dante informed
her as he held out one of the wine glasses toward her. When he saw her hands were shaking, he
decided to carry both glasses. “Come on, angel. Let’s go sit down.”

Silently, she followed him out of the room. His house was ranch style, and his kitchen had a

breakfast bar that opened into the large living room area. The ceiling was high, with thick wooden
beams that formed a steeple over the dark-brown leather furniture. He liked the open feel of the
structure and the natural wood accents that made it seem more like a cabin than just a regular house.
Dante set the glasses down on the coffee table before reaching for the lamp.

“Wait!” Zoe cried out. “Umm…this might be easier for me if we left the lights off.”
Dante didn’t want to argue with her, but he wanted to see her.
He needed to be able to look at her.
The moon had retreated behind the storm clouds now, and thunder rumbled darkly in the

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distance, like an angry beast waiting to be set free. It was too warm to light a fire in the stone
fireplace, so he pulled out some matches and lit the candle on the center of the coffee table and the
three that were on the fireplace mantel instead.

The flames flickered to life, giving off just enough light so he could see her. Zoe had been the

one to talk him into putting candles out after she’d come over to his house and complained about his
lack of decoration. The sultry scent of vanilla drifted into the air. Vanilla and spice.

The scent was the same as Zoe’s skin, and it drove him crazy.
“Is that okay?” Dante asked softly, wanting to put her at ease.
“It’s fine.” She picked up the wine glass and drank deeply.
He glanced out the window as another round of thunder rolled ominously. Holding out his hand

he said, “Give me your key. I’ll put your bike in the garage. It’s gonna start raining soon. Sit down.
I’ll be right back.”

Hesitantly, Zoe handed her key over to him, as if she were giving away her lifeline. Using the

time away from her to center himself, Dante took care of her bike, storing it in the garage right as the
first raindrops fell. He’d been trying to act calm, but his mind was reeling and his muscles were
tense. He needed to remain composed, to let her tell her story without reacting. It felt like he’d been
waiting for this moment for forever, and he wouldn’t fuck it up by pushing her.

When he came back into the house, he saw that she’d drained her wine glass. He went into the

kitchen and grabbed the bottle, bringing it back with him. Forcing himself to relax, he refilled her
glass as he sat down next to her on one of the couches. Leaning back against one of the decorative
pillows she’d talked him into getting, he said, “Okay, honey. Tell me.”

“I…I don’t know where to begin.” She gave a little laugh. “This is so not going the way I

planned it.”

That made him smile. “You expected me to be angry?”
“Well, yes. I guess I did.”
“Let’s save that for whether or not I think you had a good reason for lying to me.”
“I didn’t mean to lie. Okay, I did,” she amended. “But I didn’t want to. Not after I got to know

you. Dante, you have to know that. This has been difficult for me. Oh, God…”

“Why don’t we start with you telling me who you really are.”
He would wait her out. He was good at that, damn him. It was time. She couldn’t stall any

longer. “My real name is Angelica Tao.”

Dante’s breath caught. “I know that name.”
“I am…or I was a classical violinist.”
“Fuck.” He stilled. “You’re famous.”
A small smile graced her lips. “Not really. In some circles I was. I used to travel a lot, and

performed all over the world, but it’s been years.”

Dante shook his head. “I have four of your CDs. Jesus, Zoe.”
Her smiled wobbled a bit. “I was making a fifth when I had to leave…”
“Your covers never had your picture on it, but I’ve seen photos online.” Studying her, he saw it

now. “Your hair was much shorter.”

Zoe reached up and smoothed a hand over her long hair. During her years of playing, she’d

always had a sleek little bob with short bangs. “They made me keep it short when I was younger. Said
it was more professional for when I was playing. I guess that’s why I grew it out.”

“I like it long.”
“I do, too. I was a child prodigy,” she began, making herself say the words. She’d grown up as

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the only child of a cellist with the New York Philharmonic and a wealthy businessman. Her mother
had been good, but her talent was nothing compared to Zoe’s capabilities. They’d discovered that she
was exceptionally gifted at a young age. She’d been able to play just by mimicking what she’d seen,
and her mother rejoiced at having a musical genius for a daughter.

As she grew up, she’d been learned how to play the piano, the cello, but the violin had always

been her first love. She’d started composing her own music when she was around ten, and her mother
had seen it as an opportunity to achieve the fame and distinction she’d never been able to reach on her

Zoe had been invited to perform all over the world, and her mother had traveled with her, along

with a tutor and a bodyguard. “We were in Paris for my fifteenth birthday. My mother had left the
hotel to get me a birthday cake from a bakery we both loved, because I was angry that I had to
perform that night. She was killed in a car accident on her way back.”

She felt slightly detached as she told him about her mother’s death and the aftermath that

followed. It had been so long ago, that it almost felt as if she were talking about someone else. In the
shadows of the candlelight, it was easy to talk about how scared she’d been waiting for her father to
fly out to meet her. He’d taken her mother’s body back to New York with him, but he’d insisted that
Zoe finish her tour instead of going home with him.

“That was fucking cold.” Dante felt the rage well up inside him for the scared young girl that

had lost her mother and also been abandoned by her father.

Zoe sighed. “He’d promised to join us for my birthday, but he’d been stuck in another country

doing business. A part of me understood that my father couldn’t look at me without seeing her. He
didn’t want to be around me after that. I think he loved her so much, that the guilt ate at him because
he hadn’t been there.”

“Did she look like you?”
Startled, she nodded. “She did.”
Dante could see why her father had fallen so hard for her mother. He’d had the same reaction

the instant he’d seen Zoe. That still didn’t justify her sorry excuse of a father. Both of her parents
were to blame. They’d kept her isolated and alone for so long, that it wasn’t difficult to see why Zoe
had continued touring. She’d thought her only value came from playing music, and she’d simply kept
doing what she knew.

Zoe continued on with her story, explaining how she had started getting anxious before

performances, and how that anxiety had transitioned to panic attacks after that. “When I turned
eighteen, I decided I was done and I moved back to New York.”

“Eighteen,” Dante whispered. “They stole your childhood.”
She smiled sadly. “My life had never been normal, so I never knew I was missing out on

anything. Not really. But when I turned eighteen I wanted to go to college. I got into Columbia
University, and for the first time in my life, I realized what life was really supposed to be like.”

Dante’s eyes widened. “Columbia? That’s a damn good school.”
“I had good tutors,” she explained. Not to mention she wasn’t only gifted when it came to

music. Her mother had come from a wealthy family, and when her parents died, they’d left her a lot of
money. That money had been put in trust, and had become Zoe’s when she’d turned eighteen. “When I
told my father I was going to school, at first he was furious. He wanted me to continue the plan my
mother had set for me. He said I was wasting my talent. But I was old enough and had money of my
own. He couldn’t stop me.”

“Did you like school?”

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“I loved it,” she said with a smile. “It might sound strange, but I loved the classes, the learning.

Still, I was awkward around people my age, and I didn’t know how fit in. I basically went to class,
then went back to my apartment. I continued to play, to practice, and with my homework, I still had no
life. But then, a few months into my second year, I met Ashley Briars.”

She smiled as she remembered meeting her friend. In a way, they’d been very similar. Ashley

had come from a wealthy family, and was sort of an oddity because she wanted to go to school even
though she didn’t have to. Ashley’s parents and two brothers made spending money and doing nothing
of value an art form.

Zoe and Ashley had met on campus during one of their breaks, and they’d discovered they only

lived a few blocks away from one another. Ashley had been studying to become an accountant. Even
though they’d had different majors, they had quickly become the best of friends. During those college
years, Ashley had taught Zoe how to shop and have fun. She’d also been the only person Zoe could
talk to about all the things she’d kept inside herself for so long.

Being friends with Ashley had given her the confidence to break free.
“You graduated from an Ivy League school. That’s a huge accomplishment. I’m damn proud of

you, angel.” Aw, hell. Dante realized why she’d flinched when he’d started using that endearment.
Since her real name was Angelica, it was a reminder of who she once was.

Unaware of his self-recrimination, Zoe couldn’t help but flush with pleasure at his compliment.

“Thank you. The night I graduated, my life changed. I was happy when my father had come back to
New York to attend. He’d thrown a big, elaborate party for me. But everything changed when he
announced my engagement to the man he’d chosen for me to marry.”

“What?” The word exploded out of Dante on a roar.
She quickly explained when she was young and her father had been away, her parents’ friends,

Shen and Meili Wei, had watched out for her. The wealthy Chinese family had a large estate in
upstate New York. When she was young, her parents had socialized with the Wei family often. As
she’d grown older, their son, Paul, had been her escort to several events, but there had never been any
real feelings between them.

“I told my father in no uncertain terms that I wouldn’t marry a man I didn’t love. I think he

wanted me to get married so he wouldn’t have to worry about me anymore.”

The son of a bitch. Dante wanted to kill her father. His throat felt raw when he asked, “Did you

marry him?”

“What? No! I told Paul I wasn’t going to marry him. He’d said he was as surprised as I was by

the announcement. We were at a gala a week later when a reporter asked about our upcoming
marriage. Before I could say anything, Paul confirmed it.”

She remembered the shock she’d felt when he’d dragged her into a private corner, gripping her

arm so tight, he had left bruises. He’d told her to stop being a whiny bitch, and to do what she was
told. It was as if he’d become a different person. Someone who had terrified her.

“I didn’t know what to do, so I went straight to Ashley. She never liked Paul, and she was

furious for me. I called my father, but he wouldn’t listen. That was it for me.”

“What do you mean?”
“Ashley and I had been talking about moving and getting a place of our own. Somewhere we

wouldn’t have to deal with either of our families. So, we did. We found a place close to the
accounting firm she was working at. Since I was going to start composing again, location wasn’t
really an issue for me. I had a performance a few days after the gala, and I announced that the
wedding was off. I thought that would take care of it…”

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She paused for a moment to drink her wine. “It was about two weeks after we’d moved when

Paul showed up at our apartment. Ashley had just left on a business trip. I’d gone shopping that
afternoon, and when I got home, he was just…there.”

“In your apartment?”
“Yes,” she answered softly, then turned to stare at the flame of the candle on the coffee table.

“He hit me, knocking me out before I knew what happened. When I woke up, I was tied to my bed.
He…he said that I was fucking up all of his plans, and that I had to learn my place.”

Dante wanted to tell her to stop, that he didn’t need to hear anymore. But he did. He needed to

know exactly what happened to her so he knew what she was running from and how to protect her.
His emotions felt as wild and turbulent as the storm raging outside. Forcing himself to remain still, he
waited for her to continue.

“He didn’t love me. It was never about that. You see, Paul needed to marry me. He needed the

access I could give him to move his shipments when I traveled to perform.”

“His shipments?” Dante’s mind raced. “Jesus, you’re talking about Wei Auctions. Fuck, I

remember hearing about this. The Wei family was accused of using their auction company to smuggle
artifacts, diamonds, and other shit on the black market.”

“That all came out later, but at that point, I didn’t know about any of it. Paul had traveled with

me a few times when I thought he was my friend, but his mother and mine had been close and she’d
joined us on our trips several times a year when I was young.”

“So, they’d been using you for years,” he stated softly.
She nodded. “I’d always been quiet and shy, so Paul thought he could force me to do what he

wanted. But I had embarrassed him and his family, and he said I had to pay for that.”

When she remained silent for a few minutes, Dante guessed what was coming next. His hands

clenched into fists as he said, “He raped you.”

“Yes,” she whispered. “I’d never been with anyone before. It hurt. I never knew I could hurt

like that. He beat me, too. Not on my face. I had to be presentable in public, but he kept hitting me
until I wished I would just die. He knew Ashley would be gone all week, and he said after the week
was up, there was somewhere he could take me if I needed more convincing. He left after a few hours
to meet some of his friends because he wanted to get high. He’d kept me tied and stuffed a gag in my
mouth so no one would hear me. I tried to get free, but I couldn’t move.”

Dante let out a low vicious curse.
Zoe couldn’t feel the tears streaming down her face as she looked back over at him. “I prayed

for a miracle, and I got it. Ashley’s flight had been delayed, and as she was waiting for it, she ate
something that made her sick. She came home and found me. God, she was amazing. Sick as hell, she
cut me loose and called the police, then stood guard by the door with the biggest kitchen knife we had
in case he came back before the police got there. May I have some water?”

He got up and came back with two bottles of water. Dante opened one and handed it to her, then

opened the other one and drained half the bottle. “You’re in witness protection, aren’t you?”

“I was.” When she’d woken up in the hospital after having surgery, she’d told the police

everything. After a few days when they couldn’t find Paul, they’d told her that he was on the run and
her only chance of survival was to go into the program.

“So, you became Zoe.”
She shook her head. “No, I became Claudia Chen. When I joined the program, Ashley agreed to

go with me. I didn’t want her to give up her life, but she was in danger too since Paul was still out
there and she knew what had happened. Because no one could find him, Paul’s family blamed

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everything on him, but I knew they were searching for me, too.”

“Their operations were under scrutiny now. That had to piss them off.”
“Oh, yeah. Ashley and I were handed off to the U.S. Marshals, and we were given new IDs and

moved to Portland. Ashley hacked into my bank account and moved some of the money from my trust
fund into a new account. She’d always been good with computers, and she’d done something similar
for herself, since her family was always after her trust fund, too.”

“Damn, she was smart.”
“She really was. She’d connected with some hackers online, and found a way to create both of

us new identities that even the Marshals didn’t know about. She’d moved our money to those secret
accounts, and we had paperwork to back it up.”

“She didn’t trust the Marshals?”
“At that point, we didn’t trust anyone.” She hesitated for a moment before saying, “And she was

right. Things were fine for about a year until someone in the Portland office leaked our location to the
Wei family for money.”

God, the hits kept coming. “Someone sold you out?”
“It was the only way they could have found us. I’d called my father from the hospital after I was

attacked, but I was sent straight to voicemail, and he never got back to me before I was moved. I was
told he tried to get in touch with me later, but we weren’t allowed to contact anyone from our old
lives after we’d been given our new identities.”

Even though she shrugged, Dante could see it still hurt her.
“I was working in a small, all-night diner as a waitress about a block away from our apartment.

We didn’t need the money, but we needed something to do, so Ashley got some work online, and I
chose to work at the diner. One night, I looked out the window and saw the street flooded with police
cars. Paul Wei and his men had found us, and Ashley was dead.”

“Oh, baby. I’m so sorry.” He’d known it was coming from her use of past tense when she spoke

of her friend, and his heart ached for her when she confirmed it.

“I ran. We’d stashed bags in a storage unit we paid for in cash in case we ever had to leave. I

took off from the diner and went straight there. I saw it on the news later. They’d beaten Ashley to
death. I didn’t know where to go, or who to trust. I just knew I couldn’t stay.”

Dante couldn’t even imagine how terrified she’d been after discovering that her best friend had

been murdered. Ashley had been her only ally, and when she’d been taken from her, Zoe had been all
alone. “No, you couldn’t stay,” he said. “I wouldn’t have trusted anyone either, but the police and the
Marshals must have been looking for you?”

“Everyone was. They weren’t sure if I’d been taken, or if I was dead somewhere. I knew I

should let someone know I was still alive, but I just couldn’t do it. I bought a car and I left Portland. I
slept in my car some nights, then I stayed in different motels for a few weeks, in places that had no
surveillance and where I could pay cash.” Her lips curved in a small self-deprecating smile. “It was
about a week after I’d left that I just broke down. For days, I hid in the corner of my motel room
crying, barely able to function.”

She remembered the immense grief and the frantic panic she’d felt, but talking about it felt

cathartic. She’d never really been able to tell anyone her story, and she wanted Dante to know the
whole truth.

“You were in shock,” Dante argued. “There are very few people that could have gone through

what you did and still be able to get themselves out of the city without being caught. Survival mode is
tricky shit. Some people have it or they don’t. You’re a survivor.”

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“Well, I knew I wouldn’t survive long without a plan. Ashley would have expected better from

me. I didn’t want to go back to Portland, but I remembered something I heard one of the agents say
when we were in the New York office waiting to be relocated. One of the men had just gotten back
from Arlington, where a Chief Deputy Marshal was being commended for exemplary service before
he retired.”

“You’re talking about Jessup Carter,” Dante assumed. After she nodded, he added, “My father

and Jessup served in the Rangers together. They’ve stayed close over the years, even with the
distance. He’s the one who asked my dad to hire you.”

“I recalled what the men had said about him. Even though his wife was a scientist that had

created some new adhesive that had sold for millions, he’d continued working. But it was more than
that. They spoke of Jessup like some sort of icon, like a role model or an ideal measure of what kind
of agent they wanted to be.”

“Jessup is a good man. His sons own a large ranch out near Billings in Montana. He and his

wife moved out there to be closer to their grandkids. I hear he’s coaching little league now.”

“He is,” she confirmed with a small smile. “It took me awhile, but I was able to track him down

from the information I remembered. When I did, I drove out to Billings.”

She’d been extremely nervous about meeting Jessup Carter. From everything she’d learned, she

thought he might be the only safe agent she could speak to about her situation. He had money, so the
likelihood of him turning her over to the Wei family was minimal. Still, she’d watched him for
several days before approaching him. He seemed like a nice man, but he’d had a hard edge
underneath the surface that had made her wary.

“Every day—when he wasn’t working with his sons or with his wife—he’d go sit on this big

wooden bench near an apple tree on the edge of his property. Sometimes he’d eat lunch there. After
he’d left one day, I snuck over and saw that the bench had been carved as a memorial for all the
friends he’d lost. Seeing that helped convince me to speak to him.”

“He knew you were there,” Dante said. It wasn’t a question.
She laughed a little. “He did. When I finally approached him, I was still several feet away

when he said, “You ready to talk now, little lady?” without even glancing over at me.”

It had been difficult, but she’d sat down on the bench next to the older man, and told him

everything. He’d listened without interrupting, then he’d simply said, “Well, you’ve got yourself in
some situation, alright. Now, we just need to figure out how to fix it.”

She’d offered him money to help her—which had offended him greatly—and she’d told him he

could check out her story. She’d tried to keep her emotions contained while she’d spoken to him, but
then he’d just put an arm around her and invited her to dinner.

The invitation had been so unexpected, she burst into tears, sobbing all over him. It hadn’t fazed

him, though. He’d just wrapped an arm around her shoulder and let her cry. Then he led her back to
his house, where his wife had taken over caring for her.

“They said I could stay. They offered to help me get settled in Billings, but he wanted to let the

Marshals know I was alive, and I didn’t want to be anywhere near there when he did.”

“So, he sent you to us?”
She nodded. Her hands had stopped shaking enough for her to pick up her wine glass again. “He

contacted one of the men he used to work with in Virginia—someone he said he trusted completely—
and reported what I’d told him, but he said that I’d left and he didn’t know where I was going. We
wanted that in the report so anyone who accessed the file wouldn’t send anyone after Jessup. He
didn’t like lying, but I was firm on that.”

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Dante understood. She had lost Ashley—the one person she’d trusted—and it was obvious that

she still felt guilty about it. It wasn’t hard to figure out that she would have done anything she could to
protect Jessup Carter for helping her.

“He drove out to the middle of nowhere one day and called your father to say that he knew

someone who needed a job. Your father never hesitated. Just said to send me on over.” She blew out
a breath. “So, I became Zoe Lang…a woman on the run, but living by my own terms.”

There was a long pause before Dante said, “You’re the most amazing woman I’ve ever met.”
Her cheeks flushed at his praise and she blinked at him, unsure what to say to that. “I’ve tried to

be the sort of woman Ashley would be proud of. I wanted to make sure I honored her by doing what I
want, and not being afraid.” Her smile faltered and her voice lowered to a whisper. “Moving to
Breakers, working at the bar, that was intimidating at first, but I did it. But I’ve been afraid. Since I
met you, I’ve been afraid.”

“Oh, Zoe—”
“No, please, just listen.” She set her glass down and reached out for his hands. When their

hands were linked, she looked down at them. “I’ve been so afraid of how I feel for you. About lying
to you about who I really am, and about how you’d feel when I told you the truth. I couldn’t…we
couldn’t be together until you knew. You deserve the truth.”

“I’m glad you told me. I needed to know.”
“I know.” She looked up, meeting his gaze. “I’ve been afraid of falling in love with you, but I’m

not afraid anymore. I know you probably need time to think about how you feel about all this—” She
let out a gasp as he jerked her into his arms, dragging her body so she was sprawled across his lap.
One of his arms wound around her waist, pressing her against him as the other cupped her cheek so
gently, it was like a whisper against her skin.

“Do you really want to know how I feel?”
The tenderness in his voice almost broke her, but she continued to stare into his ice-blue eyes

as she nodded. “I really do.”

“Angelica, Claudia, Zoe…whatever name you go by, I know you.”
“So, you haven’t changed your mind about me after everything I’ve told you?”
Dante wanted to scoff. Change his mind about her? Hell-fucking-no, he hadn’t changed his

mind. If anything, hearing her story only made him love her more. He’d been honest when he’d told
her she was the most amazing woman he’d ever known, and now he was more determined than ever to
claim her as his own.

Seeing her eyes shimmering with hope had him biting back any sarcastic remark he would have

made to cover how uncomfortable he was talking about his feelings. “Let me make something clear,
Zoe. You’re mine and I’m yours. That’s the way it’s gonna be between us. It’s the way it has to be. I
love you too damn much to accept anything less.”

Her eyes widened. “You…you love me?”
“Hell, yes, I do. Do you really think I’d let you run my life like you do if I didn’t?”
Indignation had her brow furrowing. “I do not run your life.”
Damn, he sure loved it when she got snippy. “Sure, you do. I like how bossy you are. Besides, I

boss you around right back. Not that you listen to me much,” he added. “You’re it for me, Zoe. My
perfect match.”

“Oh, God. I love you, too. So much that it hurt not to tell you who I really was.” Tears sparkled

in her eyes again, but this time it was with a look of such happiness, he felt his own heart ache.

“I know you,” Dante repeated as he leaned closer and brushed his lips against hers. “I love you,

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angel. No more running. You’re home now.”

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Chapter Eight

With a cry of joy, Zoe wrapped her arms around Dante’s neck and kissed him with all the love

and passion she felt for him.

She wanted to burrow as close as possible to him, to feel the warmth of his skin pressed against

hers. Pleasure exploded inside her at his taste. It felt like a dream, finally hearing the words she’d
longed to hear from him…and knowing that he was saying it to her, the real her, made her heart soar.

He knew everything now, and still wanted her.
No, not just want…he loved her.
If it was a dream, she never wanted to wake up. Now that all restrictions were gone, she gave

her desire free rein. Her tongue stroked over his lower lip, and she heard him groan. His mouth
opened, his tongue meeting hers in an erotic dance that soothed her frazzled nerves and excited her at
the same time.

It felt like touching flames, and the heat seared her straight to her core.
Taking over, Dante’s tongue plunged deep, taking and tasting in equal measure. He drank down

her moans of pleasure as he held her in a fierce embrace. Hands stroked over her back, moving under
her shirt so that his fingers glided over warm skin.

She shivered in reaction.
Zoe felt herself melting into him, felt his hard muscular body tighten with need as she took her

own turn at touching him. One of her hands moved down so it rested on his chest, and she felt the
rapid beat of his heart beneath her palm.

This was what she’d wanted.
The freedom to touch him, to explore his body with her hands, her mouth…her tongue.
Images of what she wanted to do to him flickered into her head, and she clenched her legs

together as she felt the answering slickness between her thighs. Her fingertips trailed over his
shoulders, digging in as he sucked her at her tongue. She arched closer, reeling from the sensations he
produced inside her. Her hands moved, sliding down his arms until she was gripping the bulging
muscles of his biceps.

God, she loved his arms. Just looking at them could make her want to pant, but touching them

sparked her desire into overdrive. She sensed the coiled power in those straining muscles, and a
feminine thrill raced through her.

Dante Fox was like a powerful beast, wild and untamed…and he was all hers.
Wanting him closer, she tried to shift on his lap so she could straddle him, but he held her in

place. When he pulled back, they were both panting. Zoe’s heart was beating so hard she could hear it
over the sound of rain pounding against the windows. “W-why did you stop?”

“Not like this, angel. I don’t want your first time to be like this.”
Confusion filled her. “But Dante, I told you. I’m not a—”
“You are,” he growled, his blue eyes icing over with a dark fury. “What that motherfucker did

to you doesn’t count. Not when it comes to your first time.”

Dante pressed his face against the nape of her neck. He nuzzled there, just breathing her in.

He’d hoped taking a break would help calm the lust careening through his system, but her sweet scent
drove him absolutely out of his mind. She smelled of sex and sin, and love.

Son of a bitch, did love have a scent?

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He really must be going crazy.
She’d just told him one of the most horrific stories he’d ever heard, and all he could do was

think about was pulling her beneath him, where he could show her what pleasure really was. Just
thinking about how it would feel to be inside her made his cock throb so hard it hurt.

Christ, he really was a bastard.
Kissing her had been a revelation. Even now, he could still taste her. Her lips were so soft and

sweet, he wanted to keeping kissing her until they both ran out of air. He wanted to strip her out of her
clothes and touch her everywhere. To stroke his hands over her silky smooth skin and hear her cry out
his name as he made her come, over and over again. Hunger swept through him with the force of a
hurricane, making him mad with need.

Damn it, he needed to get his shit together.
His arms tightened around her, holding her in place when she began to pull away from him.

Hell, no. She wasn’t going anywhere. As if she sensed what he was thinking, she stilled. Even as he
cursed himself again, he felt her sigh as she rested her head on his shoulder.

He wanted to wince as he heard the slight hesitation in her voice. “Yeah, angel?”
“If you don’t want me anymore maybe you should just let me get up—”
Dante growled low in his throat as his head whipped up. He stared at her incredulously. “Not

want you? Baby, I want you more than I want to breathe.”

“I want you, too. So, why—?”
“I just need a minute. I’m feeling a little out of control here and I don’t want to scare you.”
There was a long pause, then she whispered, “I kinda like you out of control.”
Son of a bitch, was she trying to kill him?
Dante huffed out a laugh. If he moved, he felt like he might break something. And his dick was

so stiff, that was a real possibility. That was it. He really had lost his mind.

He took a deep breath. Leaving her alone was just not going happen. He wanted her too fucking

much. But it was important for him to make sure he took things slow with her now that he knew what
she’d been through. Just the thought that he might do something to trigger a bad memory for her made
him feel ill.

“I want to make love with you, Dante. Right here, right now.”
Her words made his body shudder. Fuck, he felt as nervous as a teenager necking on the couch

with his girl for the first time. He’d never been with a virgin before—not even for his own first time
—and the thought was intimidating as hell. Her previous experience had been an abomination, and
Dante was determined to use all his skills to make sure he showed her nothing but pleasure when he
touched her.

Pushing aside his own nerves, he stroked his hands up and down her arms as he kissed her

again. Once more, he pulled back. Staring into her eyes, he slowly began to raise her shirt. “Let’s get
this off you, baby.”

She lifted her arms up as she let him remove her shirt. When it was off, her arms raised to

instinctively cover herself. His hands gently gripped her wrists, holding her in place. Flawless golden
skin was highlighted by the pale candlelight, and he could see the musical note tattoos running up both
her sides.

“I’m not that big…”
“You’re fucking perfect.” Proving it, Dante reached up and cupped her breasts in his large

hands. She fit him perfectly, and he could feel her hard nipples stabbing at the center of his palms

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through the thin material of her bra. He wanted to remove the barrier, but didn’t want to freak her out
by pushing too fast.

“See, honey? You fill my hands, just like I knew you would. You’re so slim that I’m surprised

you’re so full here,” he said, his Texas drawl becoming thicker as he continued. “I’ve wanted my
hands on you for so long that this is like heaven. Does it feel good, sugar?”

“Yes…oh, yes….”
“Good.” Moving a little, he brushed his thumbs over her nipples and felt her shiver in reaction.

“Normally, I have pretty decent control of myself, but whenever I’m around you I’m a walking hard-
on,” he said, trying to sound casual as he continued to touch her. “Maybe it’s because I haven’t had
sex in over six months—”

“Three,” she corrected as she closed her eyes. “We made the bet three months ago.”
“I know, angel. But I haven’t slept with anyone since I met you.”
Shocked eyes flew open to meet his. “What?”
“You heard me. I wanted you, and only you, but you kept turning me down. I tried,” he admitted.

“But even kissing someone else felt wrong. I felt like I was betraying you, so I stopped. That’s why I
thought up the bet. I had to get you to take me seriously.”

“I didn’t know,” she whispered.
“I know you didn’t.” But now that he knew about her past, he was glad he’d waited for her. Her

body had gone stiff, so Dante began stroking his hands up and down her back to soothe her. He leaned
in and brushed his lips against hers again. “You’ve been mine since we met. I might not have known it
at first, but now that I know you love me, there is no going back.”

Zoe saw the hunger burning in his ice-blue eyes.
For her. It was all for her.
She wanted to belong to him, but she also wanted to claim him as her own. In order to do that,

she needed to gather her courage and tell him exactly what she wanted. “Off,” she ordered as she
pulled at his shirt. “I want everything off. I need—”

Before she could say anything else, he lifted her off his lap and placed her on the couch next to

him. She immediately felt chilled at the loss of his heat, and wanted to pull him back to her, but then
he stood up and began striping off his clothes.

She watched as Dante fisted the back of the t-shirt he wore, pulling it over his head. He

dropped it on the floor, and her mouth dropped open at the sight of his muscular chest. Oh boy, all
those late night workouts were certainly paying off…Dante was absolutely ripped.

His abs looked like they were made out of sculpted marble, the contours so defined it was hard

to believe they were real. Tattoos covered both of his arms, including a Ranger tattoo on his left arm
right below his shoulder. She saw it as a badge of honor, a symbol of what he’d been through, and
what made him the man he was today.

He had a light dusting of dark hair on his chest that trailed down past the waistband of his

sweatpants. He also had another tattoo on the right side of his torso that must have been a recent
addition, since she’d never seen it before. She wanted to stroke her hands over him, to touch every
inch of him, but before she could, he pushed down his sweatpants so he stood before her completely

Zoe forgot how to breathe.
Her eyes went huge as her gaze roamed over the lower half of his body. His cock was thick

with lust, so hard it almost slapped against his stomach. Fascinated, she watched as the large stalk
throbbed slightly, then she gasped as a small drop of pre-cum seeped from the ruddy tip.

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Dante wanted her to be comfortable with him so he stood still, letting her look her fill. He

knew he was fit, but damn, she was looking at him as if he were some sort of god. Wrapping his large
hand around his cock, he started stroking himself as he continued watching her reaction. There was
something highly erotic about touching himself while she watched.

Trying for a little levity, he said, “You know what they say about everything being bigger in

Texas. Don’t worry, baby, we’ll fit just fine. I won’t hurt you.”

Soft eyes met his gaze as she whispered, “You’re beautiful.”
God, he loved her. Seeing himself through her eyes humbled him. He wanted to give her

romance for their first time together, but he felt too wild and out of control to wait much longer. He
fought the urge to pounce on her, and pushed the coffee table back a few inches, slowly lowering to
his knees in front of her.

“This is yours,” he said in a low growl as he continued to stroke his cock. “And I’ll let you

have it, but first we have to get you ready.”

He let go of himself, and pulled at her legs until she was lying down on the couch. Her

breathing came in short pants, but there was no fear in her eyes. His watchful gaze never left hers as
he reached for her shoes, taking them off one by one. “Do you know what I’m going to do to you?
Would you like me to tell you, sweetheart?”

“I’d rather you show me,” she answered breathlessly.
His laughter was low and sinfully wicked. “Oh, angel. I promise I’ll show you. But first, I want

you to understand what’s coming so you won’t get scared.”

Her brows furrowed as she frowned. “Dante, I’m not—”
“First, I’m going to fuck you with my fingers,” he said cutting off whatever she was going to

say. When her breath hitched, he nodded, pleased with her reaction. He began to unfasten her jeans,
then he slowly slid them down her legs, pulling her panties with them.

“I’m going to stroke them inside you until you come. Then, I’m going to do it again with my

tongue until you’re screaming my name. When your tight little pussy is wet and ready for me, I’m
going to push my cock deep inside you. So deep, you’ll see just how well we fit together. You’ll like
that, won’t you, sweetheart?”

“Oh, God. Dante…”
He tossed her clothes on the floor, then reached up to removed her bra, baring her breasts to his

heated gaze. He let out a low groan at the perfection of her naked body splayed out before him.
“Sweet Jesus, baby. You’re so damn beautiful it hurts to look at you. And you’re bare here…so soft
and sweet.”

“I like how it feels.” Her body jerked as he reached out to stroke a hand over the soft, smooth

skin of her mound.

“So do I.”
Zoe’s breath left in a rush as he raised one of her legs, pressing soft kisses on the inside of her

thigh. Her hands gripped the couch, but she reached for him now. On edge, she was ready to come
from his words alone. “Dante, come to me now. I’m ready.”

A low moan escaped as she felt one of his thick digits penetrate her pussy, easily sliding into

her slick, wet heat. Her body clenched around his invading finger and her hips jerked as his palm
brushed against her clit. His touch felt like being jolted with electricity. It felt so good, and each
stroke made her desperate for more.

“You’re wet, but really tight, angel. And my dick is pretty big,” he told her bluntly. “I don’t

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want to hurt you.”

She could barely hear him now. The pleasure inside her was growing as his fingers slid in and

out of her. His touch was so hot, she felt burned alive. Her hips began to move, following the rhythm
of his movements. Zoe should have felt exposed lying there naked before him, but she reveled in his
touch too much to feel self-conscious.

Zoe gasped as he leaned over her so he could press his lips against her quivering stomach. He

moved up her body, taking her right nipple into his mouth. She writhed beneath him as she felt the
sharp tingle shoot straight to her core when he increased the pressure. Her hands flew up to grip his
hair, holding him to her, then her body arched when he curled his fingers inside her, reaching that
secret spot she’d only heard about.

“Holy fucking shit!”
“My angel has such a potty mouth,” Dante murmured softly against her skin. “You liked that,

huh? You’re so damn tight, I’m gonna lose my mind when I get inside you.”

She let out a low moan when his mouth moved over to her other breast, giving it the same

treatment as the first. It only took a few more strokes before her body clenched down on him and she
screamed out his name.

Dante growled in satisfaction as he watched the pleasure take her. Feeling her body come apart

made him want to roar out in triumph. She was his. He’d never felt so utterly possessive of a woman
before. The desire to mark her, to brand her in some way so everyone would know exactly who she
belonged to, was strong.

Insanity. Fuck, he felt like the damn caveman she called him.
Needing her to come again, Dante lowered himself down between her parted legs. She tried to

close them, but he used his free hand to jerk her thigh up onto the couch, holding it there so he had
complete access to her. He kept his fingers inside her, continuing to push them into her tight, hot hole
as his tongue began to lash at her tiny clit.

The sound of her strangled scream made his cock jerk. Her body bucked, but he didn’t stop. He

loved the way her hips ground against his face as he lapped at her pussy. The taste of her spilled onto
his tongue like sweet, hot honey, and he craved more.

He felt her body begin to shake, and he glanced up to see her watching him with those dark,

erotic eyes of hers. Her gaze was filled with a mixture of such hunger and love, it made his heart
swell with pride that she was really his.

“I want you to come again for me, angel. Come now.”
Keeping his eyes on her, he latched onto her clit with his mouth and sucked hard. Thunder

boomed outside, drowning out her cries. Dante felt her body jerk, and he braced his hand on her
stomach, holding her still beneath him as another orgasm ripped through her.

Zoe trembled in the aftermath of her release. She hadn’t even realized that she’d closed her

eyes until she had to pry them open again. She looked down and her breath caught at the passion
blazing in Dante’s ice-blue eyes.

“I need you now, Zoe,” he growled out. “I can’t wait any longer.”
“Then come to me, Dante. I need you, too.”
Zoe held up her arms to him. He wiped at his mouth with the back of hand, then crawled up

until his large body was pressed over hers. Her legs lifted, so she cradled him between her thighs.
She felt the hot length of his erection against her bare mound, and she shifted her hips against him
erotically in invitation.

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“Shit, baby. I need to protect you. I’ll be right back.”
He started to rise up, but she wrapped her legs around his waist to hold him in place. “You

don’t need to,” she told him. “I can’t take the pill, but I’m on the depo shot. I—”

Dante let out a low growl as his mouth slammed down on hers, cutting off her words. He lifted

her, shifting her fully onto the couch. Slanting his mouth over hers, his tongue delved deep. Their lips
fused together as he lodged the head of his cock against the opening of her pussy.

With one hard thrust, he buried himself deep inside her.
He swallowed her cry with his mouth. It felt so good, he thought he would go mad from the

pleasure of finally feeling her surrounding him. She was tight, so much tighter than he’d expected, but
she felt so damn good he had to fight back the urge to pound himself into her until they both came. He
rotated his hips, making sure he was as far inside her tight sheath as he could go, then he froze,
holding himself completely still.

Dante lifted his head so he could look down at her. “Zoe, are you okay?”
Zoe could feel his steel-hard length throbbing inside her. She felt wonderfully full. She loved

his weight on her, loved feeling the corded muscles on his back as she stroked her hands over him.
Winding her arms around his neck, she whispered, “Dante?”

“Yes, angel?”
“If you don’t shut up and start moving, I’m going to have to hurt you.”
“Yeah?” His chuckle was a husky sound filled with dark promise. “I wouldn’t want that.

Spread you legs wider for me, sweetheart. I’m gonna take you for a ride.”

She pulled his head back down, taking his lips in a searing kiss. Zoe could taste herself on his

lips, and she found it both erotic and slightly sinful. She willed her body to relax, to accept him. As
soon as she did, she felt him slide deeper. Their moans of pleasure mingled as he began moving
inside her, pulling his cock out, only to push in again, harder, deeper.

His huge shaft rubbed against the sensitive nerve endings inside her pussy, pushing her closer to

climax with every thrust. He played her like the finest instrument, striking the chords that set her body
humming, building to a crescendo with a strength that terrified her.

“So good. You feel so good inside me.”
“I knew it would be like this. So damn tight and perfect. It’s like you were made for me, angel,”

Dante panted.

Crushing his mouth against hers again, he angled his head to the side to take the kiss deeper. He

had stamina, knew how to make sex last for hours, but with Zoe, all of that was blown straight to hell.
The need he felt for her was overwhelming. All consuming. Loving her, being with her this way was
like sharing a soul, and he never wanted it to end.

Zoe tore her mouth away from his, gasping for breath. “Oh, God. I’m…fuck, Dante! I’m gonna

come! Harder. Give me more.”

Dante’s control snapped at her demand.
Bracing one foot on the floor, he levered up over her. He pushed her thighs back toward her

chest and powered into her, driving his cock into her tight pussy over and over again. Their
lovemaking turned wild, out of control, like the storm that continued to rage outside. He thrust hard
and fast, wringing moans of ecstasy from her that almost sounded like sobs.

Their pace grew frantic, both of them racing toward something just out of reach.
The world dissolved around Zoe as she came. Her orgasm hit her with a force that had her back

arching off the couch. She couldn’t stop it, and wouldn’t even if she could. She began chanting his
name, over and over again in time to the waves of pleasure wracking her body.

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“Damn, baby. You’re so fucking sexy when you come. I need to see it again.”
“Oh, God. I can’t.”
“You can. I need to see it. Come for me, Zoe. Give it to me. Give me your pleasure.”
He reached down and stroked his fingers over her clit as he pounded into her tight pussy. She

screamed as her pussy clamped down around his thick cock, her body exploding again before she’d
had time to recover from the last. She clung to him, nails digging into his arms as she cried out for
him, her orgasm consuming her until nothing existed for her but him.

“You’re mine, Zoe! All mine.”
Dante thrust once, twice more, then he let out a wild roar as he erupted inside her. His hips kept

jerking as he filled her with pulse after pulse of his hot seed. Still shuddering from his powerful
climax, he fell over her. He was careful to keep his full weight off her smaller body as he buried his
face into the crook of her neck.

Minutes passed as he nuzzled against her soft skin, and a sigh of contentment left him as he felt

her hands stroking over his back. “Did I hurt you? I was a little rough and—”

She sighed. “It was wonderful.”
The awe in her voice had him lifting up so he could see her face. She had a soft smile on her

lips and he couldn’t resist leaning down to kiss her. “You were wonderful.”

Her smile widened. “I told you, I’m a fast learner.”
Dante laughed. “I remember. You told me that when I hired you, but I didn’t know you’d excel

at everything you tried.”

Her brow arched. “Excel, did I? I think I like that.”
“Why doesn’t that surprise me?” It took some maneuvering, but he managed to shift them on the

couch so she was sprawled over him. He groaned as he felt her body clench down on his cock at the

“Umm…Dante? Didn’t you…you know?”
Amusement had him grinning. “Did I come? Hell, yeah I did. I came so damn hard, I thought my

heart was gonna stop.”

There was a long pause before she asked, “Then why are you still hard?”
He sighed loudly. “I’ve wanted you for a long damn time. I think it’s going to take me awhile

before I get my fill of you. He’s going to stay hard whenever you’re around.”

“He? Oh, please tell me you aren’t one of those guys that talks about his dick like he has a mind

of his own. Does he have a favorite color? Maybe he likes a certain TV show?”

“He certainly likes you,” Dante said, then he cringed. “Okay, let’s stop talking about my dick

like he’s a different person. It’s starting to creep me out.”

Zoe giggled as she burrowed closer to him, resting her head on his chest. It was comforting to

lie there, listening to the beat of his heart. Being with him had been…amazing. She’d worried that she
wouldn’t be able to let go after what had happened to her, but sex with Dante was unlike anything
she’d ever imagined.

It was like being given a precious gift she would always cherish.
A sigh escaped as she thought back to how wild and uninhibited she’d been with him. She was

a little sore, but that was expected. He was big, and she wasn’t used to sex. Not yet, at least. Even
now—after he’d made her come so many times, she’d lost count—she still wanted him. She shivered
a little when she shifted and felt his cock move inside her, pulsing in time with his heartbeat. It
pleased her that he didn’t seem to want to break the connection between them either.

“Are you cold?” Before she could answer, Dante pulled a soft blanket from the back of the

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couch and spread it over them. “Just so you know…I’ve never done it without a condom before.”

“I know. Your paranoia about protection is legendary.” She yelped when he pinched her lightly

on the butt.

“Don’t mock me while I’m still inside you.” He waited a beat before saying, “I got tested the

day after we made the bet. I’m clean. I wouldn’t have put you in danger—”

Reaching up, she put a finger over his lips as she glanced up at him. “I know you wouldn’t.”
She figured the subject must have made him uncomfortable because he shoved her head down

on his chest again. She didn’t mind, especially when he began stroking her hair. “Dante?”

“Yeah, angel?”
“Is it always like this?”
“No.” Dante wrapped his arms around her in a fierce embrace. “It isn’t. This was special. I’ve

never felt like this before. It’s because there’s love between us. Do you understand?” He tilted her
chin up and looked down so their gazes met. “I’ve never loved another woman before you, Zoe. It
was different with you. I’m different with you.”

“I love you, too, Dante.” She stretched up and kissed him, pouring all the love she felt for him

into it. His mouth opened under hers. This time, they went slow, savoring the contact. She felt him
harden inside her, growing thicker with each stroke of her tongue, and her body heated.

When he pulled back, he growled, “Stop that, or you’ll get me going again.”
Sitting up, she pushed the blanket off them and placed her hands down on his chest. She wiggled

her hips a bit and was rewarded when his cock jerked inside of her. “Again? Hon, it doesn’t feel like
you ever stopped going.”

He frowned at her. “I wasn’t exactly gentle before—”
“And I loved every minute of it.” Leaning down so her lips were a breath away from his, she

whispered, “It took me awhile to learn how to ride my motorcycle, but I think I’ve got the hang of this

His laugh turned into a groan as she began to move, sliding her slick, wet heat over him.

“Damn, woman. You’re already so good if you get any better, you’re gonna kill me.”

Yes, there was love between them. Dante could see it shining in her dark eyes as she looked

down at him. He drank in the sight of her moving over him like some golden goddess bathed in
candlelight, and he knew without a doubt that he’d never seen anything more beautiful.

She was his now, and he’d never let anyone hurt her ever again.
He’d damn well make sure of it.

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Chapter Nine

The next several days passed by in a blur.
That first night Zoe and Dante spent together had been magical. They’d rested on the couch,

making love a few more times before he’d carried her to his bedroom where they’d fallen into a deep
sleep with their bodies entwined.

And waking up in Dante’s arms the next morning had been like a dream for her.
It had been late in the afternoon when they’d finally woken, and Zoe had smiled at the way

Dante had wrapped his large body around hers as if to protect her even in sleep. They’d showered
together, which led to another round of hot, steamy sex before they’d stumbled into the kitchen to
make breakfast.

When the rain continued to fall, Dante had insisted she leave her motorcycle in the garage. He

drove them back to town in his truck, and she’d insisted on stopping by her apartment to change her
clothes before they went to work. It had been surprising just how comfortable they’d been with one
another after their night of loving. Zoe had worried about feeling awkward with him, but it hadn’t
been strained at all.

It was as if they’d always been together.
Zoe had been careful at the bar, not wanting the other employees to feel weird about her

relationship with the boss. She’d made Dante promise to behave while they were at work, but it had
all been for nothing. There was no way to hide the loving glances they sent one another, nor was it
possible to conceal the gentle caresses they gave each other whenever they were close.

She’d been baffled when every single employee had thanked her for the improvement in

Dante’s mood, and she’d outright laughed when GT had gleefully told her she’d won the bet. Dante
hadn’t been amused when Zoe told him about the wager the employees had made about them, but he’d
found the humor in it after she’d joked about their own foolish bet they’d made.

“So, who won ours?” she’d asked playfully.
“We both did,” was his simple reply.
Was it any wonder she was in love with him?
Overall, the employees and the patrons of the bar didn’t treat Zoe any differently, which

pleased her greatly. They were so busy with the spring break crowd that she didn’t have much time to
dwell on her worries, anyway.

There had been only one incident that had called attention to her and Dante’s relationship that

had given her pause. One drunk local from the next town over who had an issue with Dante had tried
to start shit by sneering at Zoe as he’d tried to give her a new nickname…Fox’s hole.

Unfortunately for the idiot, he’d made the comment in front of Dante, who had promptly

smashed his fist into the guy’s face, knocking him out cold. The people who’d been standing near
them had frozen in place. The mood had shifted as Samantha Kane casually poured the rest of her beer
on the unconscious man to wake him up.

When he came to sputtering, she’d stared down at him in disgust. “Cool off, asshole.”
Reggie had lifted the man up with one hand, then dragged him out of the bar as the patrons had

roared with laughter. Dante had smiled at Sam and said, “Your next beer is on the house.”

Dante had been pissed about what the man said, but Zoe had quickly calmed him down after

she’d dragged him back into his office to kiss him silly. They’d locked the door and made love on his

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desk, both of them desperate for one another. By the time they were done, all the items on his desk
had been shoved off and papers covered the floor. Zoe had ordered him to clean up the mess, winking
at him as she left the room while he’d stood there laughing.

Since their first night together, she and Dante spent every waking moment together. They still

bickered, but their disagreements usually ended with him kissing her senseless instead of him
stomping off like he used to.

When they were alone, they talked about everything, holding nothing back. She told him more

about her life, and how isolated and alone she’d felt before meeting her friend, Ashley. When she
finally informed him about who her father was, she’d expected him to be impressed, and maybe a
little intimidated. Her father was an important businessman, after all. But it had only made her love
him more when Dante had just shrugged and said, “Who cares, he’s still an asshole. No amount of
money can change that.”

In turn, Dante talked about his own childhood. He told her about his mother leaving, and how it

had affected his family. She could tell it hurt him, even though he pretended it didn’t. She loved
hearing the funny stories he told about growing up at the bar, and she enjoyed hearing about his father
and sister. Zoe could tell that Dante was proud of both of them. She loved Malcolm Fox, but she’d
never met Danica, Dante’s sister, and couldn’t wait to meet her.

Zoe was surprised when Dante spoke of his time in the Army, telling her about some of the

more harrowing situations he’d been involved in. He didn’t give her specifics, but she could tell that
his time overseas had changed him. She understood how circumstances could alter a person, and
when he told her about some of the issues he still had, she’d simply wrapped her arms around him
and told him how much she loved him.

Each night, Dante made love to her over and over again until they fell asleep, exhausted and

sated. Somehow their love seemed to keep their nightmares at bay. Just as he’d said, they were
perfect for one another. They were both survivors, and it only made their bond stronger.

It wasn’t until Zoe’s day off that she discovered just how tense Dante was about her situation. It

was Sunday, and Zoe wasn’t scheduled to work. Normally, she looked forward to her time off, but
this would be the first time since she’d told him about her past that they wouldn’t be spending the day

The Saturday night crowd hadn’t seemed to want to go home after last call had been announced,

and both Zoe and Dante were exhausted by the time they’d stumbled into her apartment. He never
slept well in her queen size bed when he stayed over. He was a big man, and she always laughed
when she saw his feet hanging off the end of the bed when they woke up.

That morning, Dante was in a particularly bad mood. He’d brooded over their breakfast, then

he’d loved her with a desperation that had slightly alarmed her as they’d shared a hot shower
together. She waited him out, sure he wouldn’t be able to contain what was bothering him for long. As
she expected, she’d just finished drying her hair when he finally erupted.

“This is bullshit. You should be come to the bar with me instead of taking the day off.”
Looking at him blandly in the mirror, she continued brushing her hair. “Nope. I’m having lunch

with Kali at the bakery today, then we’re meeting Francesca to go shopping at some of the boutiques
on the boardwalk. I might stop at Fight Hard for a workout when we’re done. Since Evie and Dare
are going on a doggie adoption today, they aren’t having their usual Sunday barbeque at their place,
so you can come over later and I’ll make you dinner.”

She loved spending time with Dante, but the truth was, she wasn’t used to having a man in her

life. She was looking forward to having a little time with her friends. It would also be nice to have a

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few hours alone to think about everything that had happened over the last few weeks.

Dante was larger than life, and when he was around, it was difficult for her to think about

anything but him. Zoe loved him, but she couldn’t spend all her time with him, no matter how much
she wanted to. That wouldn’t be good for either of them.

Dante frowned. “I’ll meet you at the gym.”
She shook her head. “You can’t take off until later. Brix has a meeting this afternoon with that

art gallery in Houston that he doesn’t want anyone to know about. He won’t be back until later this
evening. You have to manage things at the bar until he gets there.”

“Damn it. I don’t want you out of my sight.”
That statement made her laugh. “You’re just irritated because you hate working days.” Her

smiled faded. “Dante, what’s going on? Why are you so upset?”

“I just think you should come to the bar with me. We still have work to do for the anniversary

party this weekend. Plus, you don’t even like shopping.”

She studied his tight expression, and understanding dawned. “Nothing about my situation has

changed. Paul Wei isn’t going to show up on the boardwalk or pop out of the bushes at me. He has no
clue where I am, and no one in town knows about me besides you…well, and Nikita.”

His eyes widened. “You told her?”
She hesitated before admitting, “No. She did a background check on me when we became

friends. She doesn’t know everything, but she knows enough.”

He sighed. “That doesn’t surprise me. Still, I don’t like you going off on your own today.”
“You don’t have to like it, but you do have to deal with it.” Her eyes narrowed. “Is this why

you’ve been spending so much time with me? Because you’re worried about me?”

“What?” He scowled. “Can’t a man just like spending time with his woman? And I’m not

worried. I’m not a girl. I’m concerned about your situation. I’d be stupid not to be.”

His woman? Dante was such a caveman sometimes, but Zoe wasn’t about to admit that hearing

him call her that gave her a secret little thrill. But his comment about not being worried made her roll
her eyes. “What kind of shit is that? Men can’t worry?”

“Nope. We’re concerned. We don’t worry.”
“You’re an idiot.”
Laughing, he pulled her to him for a hard kiss.
They left her apartment, holding hands as they walked down the street. The day was perfect,

with puffy white clouds floating over a backdrop of bright blue sky. There was a cool breeze in the
air, making it necessary for both of them to wear zip-up hoodies to combat the chill. Zoe sighed in
contentment as she tilted her head back a little, letting the sun kiss her face.

Dante glanced over at her at the sound. “What was that for?”
Giving his hand a little squeeze, she said, “This is nice. I like walking around our town with

you.” Her voice lowered to make sure no one would overhear what she was saying. “Being with you,
I can be myself. It’s…freeing.”

Dante pulled them to a stop. Using their clasped hands, he tugged her closer. His other hand

wrapped around the back of her neck, pulling her closer until his lips pressed against hers. “I can be
myself with you, too,” he said softly. “And it’s a damn good feeling.”

A car honked, making Zoe jump. Dante chuckled as he raised his middle finger into the air as

one of his friends waved his hand out of the car window in greeting as he drove by them.

Zoe slapped Dante’s hand down. “Stop that. We’re on the street and people can see you.”
“What’s the point of flipping someone off if they can’t see?”

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She sighed. “What am I going to do with you?”
“Let’s go back home and I’ll show you exactly what you can do to me.”
Her blood heated and her breath hitched as he nipped playfully at her neck. Zoe still wasn’t

used to public displays of affection, but Dante didn’t seem to give a damn who saw them. “Behave,

“You like it when I go all wild and primitive on you.”
“I do, but not in the middle of the street. Later,” she promised. “Come over after Noah gets to

the bar to take over for you.”

He groaned. “That’s hours from now.”
Laughing, she stepped back and pulled at his hand to get him moving again. “I’m sure you can

hold on until then. You know, if you made GT the day manager, you wouldn’t have to worry about
someone covering the lunch hours.”

Dante just grunted in reply. Despite his lack of response, Zoe knew he’d consider her

suggestion. They made their way to the Sinfully Sweet bakery and Dante held the door open for her
when they got there. The bakery was doing a steady business even though the morning rush was over.
Soon, the afternoon crowd would filter in and the place would be packed.

Anna Cortez and Becca Nuria were busy helping customers, but they both smiled in greeting at

Dante and Zoe. Anna waved a hand at them. “Go on back. Kali’s expecting you.”

Dante followed Zoe around the counter and through the swinging doors that led to the back

kitchen area. He should have left as soon as they got there, but he wanted to prolong their time
together. Not to mention, it smelled damn good in the bakery. He figured Kali would take pity on him
and give him something sweet to snack on before he left to open the bar.

His brow rose as he saw Hammer sitting on a stool near the large center counter where Kali

was working. Jared “Hammer” Caufield was a large man, with dark hair shorn close to his scalp and
a plethora of tattoos covering his massive arms. With a dark scowl on his face, Hammer looked
intimidating as hell, but the fact he was sitting in the middle of a bakery knocked him down a few
pegs on the bad-ass scale.

Kali looked over at them and smiled in relief. “Hey, guys!”
“Hi,” Zoe said as she surveyed the fierce frown on Hammer’s face with caution. “Umm…if

you’re in the middle of something, we can come back—”

“No!” Kali shouted, then she huffed out a breath. “Sorry. I’ve been looking forward to hanging

out with you today. I feel like I haven’t seen you in forever. Don’t mind Mr. Grumpy over there,” she
ordered, tilting her head toward her fiancé. “He’s just in a bad mood.”

“Because you won’t fucking sit down and do that,” Hammer bitched. “It isn’t good to be on

your feet all day. You need to rest.”

Dante and Zoe exchanged a look. She’d told him about Kali’s pregnancy, but she’d sworn him

to secrecy until the couple told everyone the news themselves.

Kali threw her flour-covered hands into the air. “You are driving me crazy! I’m pregnant, not

incapacitated! You act like I’m missing a limb or something.”

“I love you, damn it. It’s my job to make sure you aren’t overdoing it! I’m…concerned.”
Zoe rolled her eyes as Dante nudged her. Men could be simple creatures sometimes.
“Concerned my butt, you’re nagging. Standing is not overdoing anything,” Kali argued. She shot

a look over at Zoe. “I started getting morning sickness, and now Jared thinks I should quit working
until I have the baby.”

Zoe choked back a laugh. “You do realize that’s months away?”

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Hammer transferred his glare over to Zoe, but Dante shifted in front of her in a casual move,

blocking her from view as he shot his friend a warning glance. Pulling Zoe with him, Dante walked
over to Kali and leaned down to kiss her cheek. “Congrats, little momma.”

Kali beamed up at him. “Thank you. Now, why don’t you boys go do something productive with

your day, and leave me and Zoe alone.”

“I should stay and take care of you. My kid is making you sick, little fairy,” Hammer said even

as he stood up and offered Zoe his stool. “What if something happens after I leave?”

“I’m fine now, baby,” Kali said softly. “I promise, if I get tired, I’ll sit down.”
Hammer frowned at her until Dante slapped him on the shoulder, distracting him. “Damn man,

you’re gonna be a daddy. That’s awesome news.”

“I know. It’s fucking amazing.” Hammer’s face lit up with pure joy.
“You need to start watching your language,” Kali scolded, but there was a twinkle in her eyes

when she said it. “I will not have our child running around throwing out the F-bomb.”

“Shit—I mean, sorry, baby.” Hammer’s massive shoulders hunched.
Kali smiled at him as she moved to the sink to wash her hands. She started filling a white box

that had the bakery logo on it with cookies straight from a tray. “These are for you, Dante.”

“Don’t eat all of them yourself. You’ll get sick. Share it with your staff.”
“Aww,” he said again, in a less happy tone.
She laughed, then her green eyes took on a speculative gleam as Dante kissed Zoe.
“I’m gonna go now. Text me and let me know where you are later.” After receiving Zoe’s nod,

Dante turned to Hammer, who was now standing behind his petite fiancée, rubbing her shoulders.
“Hey, man. Zoe is going over to Fight Hard to work out after they get done shopping. Can you have
one of your guys walk her home after?”

Zoe scowled and reached out to pinch Dante. “What the hell? I don’t need a bodyguard.”
“A little protective, aren’t you, Fox?” Hammer asked with an amused grin.
Dante glared at him. “I hope you have a daughter, then let’s see who’s protective.”
Hammer’s face went pale. “Jesus, bro. That was fucking mean.”
Kali elbowed him before spinning around to give him hell. “Hey! Are you saying you don’t

want a daughter? That you wouldn’t love her as much as you would a son?”

“No! Yes! I mean, of course I would love our daughter, sweetheart. I’ll love all our children

with everything in me. But…but…dating and boys…” Hammer groaned. “I’m gonna end up killing
someone. I just know it.”

Kali wrapped her arms around his waist. “You’ll be just fine, big guy.”
Zoe ignored the couple embracing and turned to Dante. “I don’t need an escort home,” she

whispered, her annoyance clear. “You are totally overreacting.”

“Deal with it,” he snapped. “I’m…concerned.”
Her eyes narrowed at his use of the phrase Hammer had a few minutes ago. “That’s really guy

code for ‘do what I ask, or I’ll lose my shit’ isn’t it?”

“No, it means I love you, and quit being a pain in the ass and listen to me.”
Before she could argue with him again, he tilted her head up and slammed his mouth down on

hers in a hard, hot kiss. When he pulled back, Hammer and Kali were both grinning at them.

Kali fluttered her lashes and sighed while she leaned into her fiancé. “Aww.”
“I’m leaving,” Dante said with a chuckle, then he leaned down and kissed Zoe once more, on

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the forehead this time. “We might need to get busy making a little friend for Kali and Hammer’s kid.
We wouldn’t want them to grow up without someone to hang out with.”

He couldn’t help but laugh at her shocked expression as he made a quick exit, carrying the box

out of the bakery. Hammer caught up with him a few seconds later.

“Hey, Fox. Hold up. Shit, man. Were you serious in there?”
Dante grinned. “Yeah, but I’m gonna have to convince her to marry me first.”
Hammer’s eyes went wide. “That’s fast work.”
With a snort, Dante shook his head. “No matter what anyone thinks, we’ve been dating for

nearly six damn months already.” When his friend kept looking at him like he’d lost his mind, he
scowled. “How long did it take you to know Kali was the one for you after you met her?”

“About five minutes.” Hammer sighed. “I get it. Trust me, I do. And now that we’re having a

baby, I have everything I’ve ever wanted. I’m happy for you, but I have to ask—” he took a quick
glance around, “—is Zoe in trouble?” His expression darkened. “Is someone bothering her? You
seem more…protective than usual.”

Dante opened his mouth, then closed it again. Over the last week, he’d been thinking about

everything Zoe had been through, and it pissed him off to just sit around while there was still a threat
hanging over her head. He needed to take action, but not before he talked it over with Zoe.

He respected her too much to do that.
“I might need to talk to you about that soon,” Dante said cautiously.
Hammer nodded. “Whenever you need. And I’ll make sure Zoe gets home safe later.”
Dante thanked him before heading down the street toward The Fox Hole. He wasn’t surprised

to find the doors already unlocked after he saw his father’s bike parked out front. He pulled the front
door open and walked over to sit on the stool next to his father.

GT was already at work behind the bar, despite the fact she didn’t have to be there for another

twenty minutes or so. Dante could hear the clanking of pots and pans coming from the back, signaling
that the kitchen staff was already hard at work preparing for the upcoming lunch crowd. The couple
who ran the kitchens were exceptional chefs who made food that packed the house for both lunch and
dinner. Rick and Silvia Aldo might not have had any official training, but they had fun tweaking the
general bar menu, turning the ordinary into something memorable.

“You’re late,” Malcolm muttered as he sipped his cup of coffee.
In response, Dante set the bakery box down on the counter and shoved it toward him. Malcolm

Fox usually didn’t come to the bar before the sun set, except for when he was brooding about
something. “What are you doing here so early?”

Malcolm’s frown eased at the sight of the box. He opened the top and inhaled deeply before

picking up one of the cookies. “Ah, they’re still warm.” He bit into the cookie and sighed reverently.
“Damn, that’s good. I got a call from your sister. Danica isn’t going to be able to make it back for the
anniversary party.”

“I told you she wouldn’t. She’s performing at that big concert in Paris with Gemma this

weekend,” Dante reminded him.

“I know. I just want my baby here,” Malcolm grumbled.
“We’ll both miss her, but we’ll still have a damn good time at the party. You deserve to

celebrate. You built something to be proud of, pops.”

Malcolm smiled. “I did, didn’t I? But now, it’s yours, son.”
Dante paused for a long minute before saying, “Why don’t you bring someone with you? Ask

Ellie Tate to come with you to the party.”

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Malcolm choked, spitting his coffee out on the bar top. Dante slapped him on his back until the

older man pushed at him. “Jesus, Dante. What are you trying to do, kill me?”

“No, I’m trying to get your ass in gear.” Dante looked over to where GT was cutting up limes at

the end of the bar. Lowering is voice, he said, “You’ve been sweet on GT’s mother for longer than
I’ve been after Zoe. Don’t you think it’s time you did something about it?”

“You sassing me, boy?”
“No, sir. But I am telling you to make a move.”
“It’s not that simple,” Malcolm huffed out.
“Because she’s too damn good for me.”
Dante chuckled. “Seems that the Fox men like women who are out of our league.”
Malcolm snorted. “I guess we do. Still, I can’t just ask Ellie out.”
“Actually, you can,” GT called out. “Sorry, sir. You guys weren’t exactly quiet.”
Everyone who worked in the bar—and most of Dante’s friends—called Malcolm “Sir” as a

sign of respect. It was something that had started when he opened The Fox Hole.

GT walked over to join them, wiping her hands on a rag. “My mom has been waiting for you to

ask her out for years.”

Malcolm goggled at her. “What?”
GT laughed. Over the years, Ellie Tate had given up so much to help GT raise her daughter, and

she deserved to find a little happiness. She’d had a crush on Malcolm Fox for as long as she could
remember, and GT was damn glad to hear that Malcolm felt the same way about her. He was a good
man, and her mother deserved someone who would treat her right.

With that in mind, GT gave a little push. “She’s a catch. You don’t want to miss your chance, do


“Oh…well…” Malcolm sputtered for a moment before saying, “I have been meaning to get a

haircut before the party this weekend.”

GT smiled. “She’s working in the salon today. I think she gets off at three. I’m sure if you

stopped by and ask her to dinner or something it would make her day.”

“Where’s Sarah today?” Dante asked, speaking of GT’s daughter. Dante couldn’t help but be

amused by the flush that covered his father’s cheeks, but he wanted to take the pressure off his old
man since Malcolm was looking pretty dazed at the moment.

“Sarah’s at a friend’s house at a birthday party. I’m picking her up after work.”
“About that,” Dante began, coming to a quick decision. “GT, how would you like to be the day

manager here at the bar?”

GT froze in place. “But…I thought Zoe—”
“She agrees with me that you would be the perfect person for the job.” Seeing the stunned

pleasure on her face, Dante mentally kicked himself for waiting so long to promote her. It would be
good for GT to work days and have most of her nights free to spend with her daughter, not to mention,
he was sure the extra income would be helpful.

“I would love to take the position.”
“Good. We’ll set the details up later today.”
“Thank you. I—” GT cleared her throat. “Excuse me for a minute.”
Dante and Malcolm watched as she hurried away toward the bathroom. When she was gone,

Malcolm nodded. “That was a good move, but I thought Zoe was acting manager now?”

“I hope to hell she’ll still help with the accounting crap, but she was the one who suggested GT.

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I should have done it sooner.” Dante felt good about the decision. And knowing Zoe didn’t need the
money, he was glad the promotion would benefit GT and her family.

“Speaking of, where’s our girl?”
My girl,” Dante stressed. “Zoe is over at the bakery with Kali.”
Malcolm slapped his hand against the bar top and grinned. “Did you hear about their good news

yet? Grandbabies,” he said with a wistful tone. “You need to give me some of those soon.”

“I’ll start on that as soon as I convince Zoe to marry me.”
“What’s taking you so long?”
Dante laughed. Where Hammer had thought he’d been rushing into things, his father thought he

was wasting time. Go figure. He sobered as he thought about the obstacles in his way of solidifying
his future with Zoe. Telling his friends about her situation without her permission was one thing, but
his father was a whole different story.

Malcolm and Dante were tight, and they had no secrets from one another.
“Hey, Pops? There’s something I need to talk to you about.”
“So, talk.”
“Not here. Let’s go back into the office.” Dante paused, trying to figure out what to say. “I…

Dad, I need help with something.”

“Anything,” Malcolm said without hesitation. “Tell me what you need.”

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Chapter Ten

Dante finished his third helping of the chicken chow mein dish Zoe had prepared for dinner. It

struck him as odd that he hadn’t known she was such a good cook, but then again, they usually ate at
the bar. Since she’d grown up with servants, he hadn’t expected her to do something as mundane as
cook, but when she’d told him she had made friends with the chefs of the hotels she had repeatedly
visited, Dante had an overwhelming urge to ram his fist into her father’s face.

If he ever got the chance, he’d damn well do it, too.
After Dante had spoken to his father, he’d taken care of the paperwork to make GT the new

daytime manager of the bar. The lunch rush kept everyone busy, and Dante was relieved when Brix
had shown up earlier than expected. They closed early on Sunday nights, and with GT and Brix
looking after things, Dante left as soon as he was notified that Zoe was at Fight Hard.

They’d had fun climbing the new rock wall at the gym, then they’d gone their separate ways to

complete their workouts. He loved watching Zoe flow through her tai chi forms. Distracted from his
own workout, he’d spent most of his time glaring at the other men watching her.

Hell, he really was a caveman when it came to her, but who could blame him for protecting

what belonged to him?

Dante kept the conversation light as he helped her clean up. There were things he had to discuss

with her, but he was reluctant to dampen her good mood just yet. They settled on the couch together,
and Dante found himself playing with strands of her hair that were still wet from the shower they’d
taken when they got back to her apartment.

“Will you play for me?”
“Of course. I’d be happy to. Is there something in particular you’d like to hear?”
“Surprise me.”
She got up and walked across the room. He was startled when she started pushing her TV stand

out of the way. “Wait…what are you doing?”

Still bent over, she blew hair out of her face as she glanced over. “I’m getting my violin.”
“From where, behind the TV?” he asked as he got up and strode over to her.
“Nope. From under it.”
Intrigued, he lifted the TV stand for her. His eyebrows lifted as he watched her kneel down to

remove one of the panels of her hardwood floor. Leaning over, he saw that she had hollowed out a
hole in the floor that she’d fit her violin case into.

“That’s a little extreme, isn’t it?”
She lifted the case out and said, “Not really when you consider that this is a Stradivarius.”
Dante choked. “You have a Stradivarius? Holy fucking shit, what the hell are you doing with

that thing in here? That should be in a museum or something!”

“This isn’t one of the more expensive ones, although this is still a valuable piece. But what is

the point of having such a lovely instrument if you can’t enjoy it?”

He shook his head, still not believing that she was holding one of the most rare and

extraordinary instruments in the world in her hands. Christ, he was going to have to put new locks on
all the damn doors and windows in this place just so he could sleep at night now.

Better yet, they should get a steel vault to put the damn thing in.
Zoe had come from class. She’d lived a life of wealth and privilege, even if it had been in a

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gilded cage. Dante knew that her father was rich and that she had a trust fund, but he’d never thought
about just how different their worlds really were. He felt privileged that she had chosen him. Felt
awed that she could love him when he was just an ex-soldier who worked in a bar. Since he’d known
her, she had never once made him feel like he was less than she was, even though he knew it was true.

When she finished tuning her instrument, she began to play a song he instantly recognized as one

of hers. As Zoe moved her bow over the strings, he was awestruck by the beautiful music she created.
Dante sat there on the couch, swept away by her sheer talent, forgetting the panic of knowing the value
of the instrument she was playing for the moment.

She was so graceful in her movements, it was like watching living art.
Even though her eyes closed as she lost herself in the melody, Dante felt that strange connection

he’d felt the first time he’d heard her play in the bar. The music poured out of her, straight into him,
tugging at his heartstrings.

Dante was overwhelmed by the love he felt for her. She was it for him. Despite their

differences—or maybe because of them—he knew they were perfect together. He loved her with
everything in him, and wanted to spend the rest of his life making her happy.

Zoe stopped as both of their phones signaled multiple text notifications. Worry clouded her

eyes as she lowered her instrument. “The bar is closed now. Do you think something’s wrong?”

“I don’t know.” Dante picked up both of their phones and looked at the screens. He smiled as

he read the first message, then laughed as he read the others.

“What is it?”
“Everything is fine at the bar,” he said as he stood up and walked over to the balcony door. He

unlocked it and slid the door open, allowing the cool night breeze to flow into the room. “The first
message was from Sam. She wanted to know if we could open the balcony door so she could hear you
better. Brix texted me the same question. Oh, and Jimbo and Lisa want to know if they could come up
and watch you play sometime.”

Zoe’s eyes widened and her cheeks flushed a bit. “Ah…I’ve only played here a few times. I

didn’t want to disturb anyone.”

“Angel, you aren’t disturbing anyone,” Dante said as he sat back down. “You’re amazing. They

want to hear you. I don’t blame them. I could listen to you for hours.”

She lifted her instrument, but put her arms back down again. “Okay, it’s weird now that I know

people are listening.”

“You used to play for thousands of people,” Dante reminded her.
“Yes, but that was a lifetime ago.” Zoe blew out a deep breath. It had been a long time since

she’d given a concert, and for a moment, she felt that familiar rush of panic she always got before a
performance. Relax, she told herself. These were her friends.

There was no expectation to be perfect.
This was just for fun.
She mentally prepared herself, then lifted her violin, tucking it under her chin. Wanting to

please her audience, she chose to play Vivaldi’s “The Four Seasons” for its various movements and
to showcase her talent. Closing her eyes, she focused on the music inside of her, allowing it to flow
through her hands.

As she began, Zoe felt the vibrancy of every note. She started with the uplifting movements of

Spring, flowing into the sweeping, almost frantic strains of Summer. When she transitioned into the
joyful refrains of Autumn, a rush of exuberance hit her that she hadn’t felt in longer than she could

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She’d missed the thrill, the pure bliss she felt when she lost herself in a piece of music. Feeding

that pleasure into the melody, she allowed her body to sway as she continued to play. And when she
arrived at the dramatic overtures of Winter, she gave herself wholly to the music she created.

Time meant very little to her while she played, and it was only when she finally finished that

she felt the fatigue in her arms. Zoe opened her eyes to find Dante staring at her with the most intense
expression she’d ever seen from him. Smiling, she began to clean her violin. “So, did I horrify you
into silence or did you enjoy it?”

“Marry me.”
It was a good thing she’d just put the violin down or she would have dropped it. She spun

around and gaped at him. “W-what?”

“Shit. I didn’t mean to do it like this.” Dante stood up and began to pace. He’d seen the instant

shock on her face. Christ, he was fucking this up. What the hell kind of proposal was that? Did he
think just blurting it out like that was going to make her fall at his feet? Zoe was a classy woman who
deserved better…far better.

But the damage was done now, and he’d see it through.
“I had this all planned out. We were going to talk about things…get your past sorted out, then I

was going to ask you. I was going to be romantic, damn it. But now all that is blown to hell. It doesn’t
matter, though. It’s done now.”

Amusement warred with panic, and Zoe let out a hysterical laugh. “It’s done now? What the

hell do you mean by that?”

He stopped and spun around, pointing a finger at her. “You damn well know what I mean.”
“What I know is that you’re crazy. Dante, you know we can’t get married. I’m using a fake

identity and I—”

Dante stalked over to her, gripping her shoulders hard. “Do you think I give a shit about that? I

don’t give a flying fuck what you call yourself—”

“You should,” she argued. “How can we get married if it wouldn’t be legal?”
That made him pause for a moment, but it didn’t sway him. If anything, it made him more

determined with his course of action. “Fine, then. That gives us more reason to get this shit with the
Wei family settled. But none of that really matters to me, not when it comes to you and me, and our
future together.”

Her eyes filled. “You can’t do this to me. Don’t make me hope for something I can’t have.”
Dante pushed back his impatience when he saw the quiet grief in her eyes. Then a new thought

occurred to him. “You don’t think you’re going to survive this. You think Paul Wei is going to get to
you, don’t you?” he asked slowly, feeling the fury begin to smolder at the mere thought of that sick
motherfucker putting his filthy hands on her. Pride had him snapping, “Do you really think I’ll let that
sorry son of Satan touch you? I’ll break every goddamn bone in his body before I let that happen.”

“Dante, nothing is guaranteed. And it’s not just me I’m worried about. I put you in danger when

I told you everything. I should have thought about that. I should have—”

“Zoe, I can take care of myself, but more than that, I can take care of you. I’ll protect you,” he

promised. Normally, he would have been insulted, but he knew what she’d been through when her
friend had been taken from her. He could see the panic she couldn’t hide from him, and it made him
want to gather her into his arms and hold her close.

“I love you, Dante,” Zoe said in a shaky voice. “So much more than I ever thought was

possible. I’m terrified that something will happen to you. I can’t lose you.”

“You won’t.” Lifting a hand to stroke her cheek, he used his other hand to lift one of hers and he

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placed it on his chest, right over his heart. “I’m not going anywhere, angel. I’ll be here for you. We’ll
figure out the legalities, but I want you to give me an answer now. I love you. Belong to me, Zoe.
Share my name, my life, and marry me. Let me love you for the rest of our lives.”

Zoe felt her heart burst with love. He was offering her everything she’d ever wanted, but

thought she could never have. She had become Zoe Lang to honor her friend, but she would take his
name and become Zoe Fox for herself…and for him.

“Yes,” she whispered. “Yes, I’ll marry you.”
“Yeah?” he said, grinning at her. “Well, hot damn!”
She laughed as he jerked her to him. She wrapped her arms around his neck, tilting her face up

for his kiss, and felt a curl of lust unfurl in her belly. Zoe wanted to lose herself in the passion that
flared between them, but he pulled away before she could take the kiss deeper.

“Now that we have that settled, there is something else we need to discuss.”
“We do?” Zoe was confused. Usually, she barely had to breathe and he wanted to jump her, but

now that she’d just agreed to marry him, he still wanted to talk?

What the hell was going on?
Dante pulled her over to the couch so they were both sitting down. “I talked to my father today.

I—shit! Wait here.” He jumped to his feet again and hurried into the bedroom, over to the dresser
where he’d hidden the small jewelry box his father had given him earlier.

When he walked back into the living room, he saw Zoe replacing the floorboard over the hiding

place where she stored her violin. It made his teeth clench, and he promised that he’d be calling a
security company tomorrow to lock her apartment down like Fort Knox. As he passed by her, he
gripped her hand in his and forced her to follow him back over to the couch.

“Here,” he said, shoving the box toward her.
Zoe eyes widened as she looked down at the box in her hand. Slowly, she lifted the lid and her

breath caught at the sight of the beautiful diamond ring nestled inside. It was a unique setting, with a
round diamond in the center. Smaller diamonds formed several intricate leaflet designs around the
center stone, making it look like a glittering flower, and the shank was hand engraved into a series of
elegant leaves and scrolls.

In a word, the ring was perfect.
She looked up at him with drenched eyes when he cleared his throat.
“The ring belonged to my granny. She and my grandaddy were married for sixty years. They

died within a week of each other, and the ring came to my dad after they were gone.” He cleared his
throat, looking slightly uncomfortable. “I know it’s an old setting, but we can change it if you don’t
like it—”

“No!” Zoe clutched the box closer to her chest as if to protect it. “It’s beautiful. The most

beautiful ring I’ve ever seen.”

“Okay, then.” He smiled as he slowly reached for the ring. She allowed him to take the box

from her and watched as he slid the ring onto her finger. It fit perfectly. Her hand was shaking
slightly, and he held it firm in his. “It looks good on you.”

“I’ll never take it off,” she vowed as her body started to tremble. “Oh, God. Oh, God, I can’t

stop shaking. It’s real. It’s really real.”

Dante lifted her onto his lap and kissed her gently. It made his heart swell with pride to see her

wearing the ring that his granny had cherished during her lifetime. His father’s marriage to Dante’s
mother might not have lasted, but Malcolm’s parents had loved one another with a strength and
vitality that had shown Dante exactly what love was supposed to be.

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And he wanted that with Zoe.
Wanted years of laughter and love with her. He wanted to raise a family with her, sharing the

good times and the bad, but most of all, he wanted to see her look at him the way she was right now
for the rest of his life.

But in order to do that, they needed to be free of her past.
When she tried to kiss him again, he held back. Damn, he wished he could just lose himself in

her. He wanted to carry her into the bedroom and make love to her until neither of them could move,
but he wasn’t finished with what he had to do tonight.

“Zoe, hold on for a minute...”
“No, I think we should celebrate,” she murmured as she began to nibble on his neck.
Shit, all the blood in his head drained down to his dick. He was rock hard and aching, and

when she started wiggling on his lap, his eyes all but rolled back into his head.

“Yes, please,” she whispered primly against his lips.
He let out a shaky laugh. Damn, he deserved a medal for stopping now. “Angel, there’s

something else I have to talk to you about, and I’m not quite sure you’re going to be feeling so
amorous after.”

She was pouting now, and he couldn’t help but kiss her again. Damn, her lips were so soft. It

was inevitable to deepen the kiss when she opened for him, allowing his tongue to stroke inside. He
steeped himself in the taste of her, sealing his mouth over hers as if he could just drink her in.

Fuck! Focus, Fox!
Dante took hold of her shoulders and held her a few inches away from him. He had to or he

would end up losing control. It was better just to say it and get it done. “Sweetheart, when I got the
ring from my father today…we talked about your situation a little.”

“You—what?” She tried to jump off his lap, but he held her firmly in place. “Dante, how could

you? You put Malcolm at risk by telling him! I’ll never forgive myself if anything happens to him!”

Dante had been ready to face her anger and explain his actions, but he had no way to defend

himself when she buried her face against his neck and began to weep. He’d been prepared for her to
yell at him for telling his father, but hearing that her first concern was for Malcolm’s safety made his
heart simply soar.

God, he loved her.
“I needed to talk to him to help me put things in perspective. You know that I always talk things

over with my pops.”

“I know. But damn it, Dante—”
“Listen. I just posed a hypothetical situation to him and asked him what he thought, but he

figured out it was about you and demanded an explanation,” he hurried to explain. “My father loves
you, Zoe. He wouldn’t do anything to hurt you and won’t say anything. I promise. He wants to help.”

“How can he?” Zoe glared at him as she pulled back to wipe at her cheeks. “You had no right

to tell him without talking to me first.”

“I know, and I’m sorry I didn’t tell you. I should have. But I wanted to talk to him about a plan I

came up with to see if it was doable before I talked to you about it and got your hopes up.”

Zoe blew out a deep breath as she tried to control her temper.
She knew Dante and his father were close, but damn it, he should have talked to her before he

went to his father. Logic told her that Malcolm Fox had a right to know that she wasn’t who she said
she was, especially if his son wanted to marry her, but she was still pissed. Dante knew better, and

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she wasn’t going to let him get away with his protective, caveman bullshit. If she married him, they
were going to have a real partnership. He couldn’t just do whatever the hell he wanted to without
dealing with the consequences.

And it was time that she let him know it.
Zoe surprised him when she made a fist and thumped it hard against his chest. The impact made

her hand hurt with a satisfying ache.

“Ow! Damn it, Zoe. That hurt!”
“Good. You deserved it…you jackass. Now, tell me about the plan.”

* * * *

Zoe was claiming her life back.
Dante hadn’t realized just how nervous he was about it until he surveyed the people gathered in

his living room for the meeting they’d called that afternoon.

The bar was closed today, but he knew that everyone else had busy lives of their own and

couldn’t afford to spend the day chatting it up at his house. Still, when he’d called them and told them
he needed help, no one had hesitated to drop everything and come.

They had all congratulated them on their engagement after noticing the ring on Zoe’s finger, but

no one had seemed surprised. They were still waiting on Malcolm Fox and one other person to
arrive, and he was glad that there was an unspoken agreement from the group not to ask questions
about why they were there until everyone had arrived.

Hunter sat on one of the couches talking with Nikita and Sam, while Hammer was discussing

some issue with Hunter’s father, Tony, and Sheriff Storm Wyatt in the kitchen as they hovered near the
box of baked goods that Hammer snagged from Kali before coming over.

Dante glanced over to where Brix was speaking with Zoe, grateful that the big man was

distracting her with how his meeting with the gallery in Houston had gone the previous day. Dante had
figured that he and Brix could take care of letting the others from the bar know what was going on
later, and Hammer could decide whom from his own crew he would inform.

It wasn’t a matter of whether or not their friends would help them. No, that wasn’t what had

Dante on edge. He had no doubt that everyone in Breakers would do what they could to help Zoe.
What hadn’t occurred to Dante before this moment was that Zoe could possibly leave him once she
was freed from the nightmare that was haunting her.

It was a selfish thought, but hell, he’d never claimed to be a saint.
On impulse, Dante headed toward her, needing to touch her, to calm down before he made

himself crazy with thoughts of losing her. He’d only taken two steps when he heard the sound of a
Harley pulling down the driveway. A few seconds later, the front door opened and Daryk “Dare”
Nyght walked in wearing a pair of hospital scrubs.

Dare had been an Army trauma surgeon when Dante had met him. He hadn’t seen him for a few

years until Dare had come to Breakers a few months ago to visit Hammer, since he was one of the
partners that owned Fight Hard. Dare hadn’t been planning to stay in town, but all that had changed
when he’d fallen in love with Evie Beaumont.

Women certainly did have a way of changing a man’s plans.
Now, Dare worked at Evie’s rescue center with her, but he’d also started putting time in at the

hospital in town. He didn’t work too many hours because—surprisingly enough—he enjoyed working
at the animal shelter with Evie, but the hospital staff knew they could call him in if there was an

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“Sorry I’m late. I wasn’t on call today, but a man had an accident with a weed whacker this

morning when he was doing some yard work. I managed to save his toes, but I think he’s learned not
to get distracted by female joggers when he’s holding a machine in his hands.”

“Ouch,” Sam said with a wince.
Dare grinned at her. “It was a valuable lesson.”
“So, what’s with the scrubs?” Hammer asked. “I thought you hated wearing those out of the


Dare grimaced as he looked down at himself. “I arrived at the same time the ambulance got to

the hospital, and some idiot intern messed with the dressing as I walked up to inspect the injury.
Blood spurted out everywhere.”

Tony made a disgusted noise, then said, “Did you bring your clothes home? Maddy can get the

blood out,” he said, talking about his wife. “Not that she’s going to want to touch them, but you’re
better off taking them to her rather than to Evie…because that girl will just burn them.”

“I know,” Dare laughed. “One of the nurses was kind enough to offer. She’s had plenty of

practice getting blood out of clothing. I’m damn glad, because I really like those jeans.”

“Salt water and toothpaste or meat tenderizer would work.” When everyone in the room turned

to Nikita, she just shrugged. “What? I know things.”

“You know very strange things,” Sam commented.
“Thanks for coming,” Dante said to Dare. “We’re just waiting on my dad.”
Dare nodded, then his eyes widened as he looked toward the kitchen. “Hey, are there brownies

in there? Later.”

Dante shook his head as Dare pushed past Hammer and Tony to get at the bakery box. Turning,

he started over to Zoe again when he heard the sound of a car pulling into the drive. He walked over
to the front door and his eyes narrowed when he saw there was a passenger sitting in his father’s
truck. Both men got out and Malcolm lifted several pizza boxes out of the bed before walking toward
the house. When the other man rounded the side of the truck and came into view, Dante swore

“What is it?” Zoe asked, hurrying over to him.
Her gaze followed Dante’s and she let out a startled gasp. The front door opened and Malcolm

shoved the huge pizza boxes into Dante’s hands as soon as he walked in.

“Thought we could eat.”
The other man that walked in was older, but age hadn’t affected his solid frame. He took off his

Stetson, showing off a full head of thick salt and peppered hair. Dark-green eyes warmed as they
zeroed in on Zoe, and when he spoke, he had a deep voice that sounded like he’d gargled with
serrated glass. “Hey there, little lady.”

Zoe flung herself at Jessup Carter, who welcomed her with open arms.

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Chapter Eleven

“What the hell, Dad?”
Malcolm’s eyes narrowed as he turned toward Dante. “Watch that tone, Son. Don’t make me

slap you upside your head in front of everyone.”

Dante ignored the threat. “Why didn’t you tell me you invited Jessup?”
“Because I didn’t know he was coming until he showed up.” Malcolm shifted so he could

watch his friend holding Zoe as a father would a long lost daughter. It warmed his heart, and made
him damn glad that he’d sent a message to Jessup using another one of their friends. Zoe’s situation
was dire, and they needed all the help they could get to put a wall of protection around her so no one
could get to her.

When Jessup Carter had shown up at his doorstep this morning, he’d been caught off guard.

Malcolm’s message had been simple enough, using a code that only he and his friends understood to
say that he wanted Jessup to get in touch, but he’d never expected Jessup to drop everything and head
straight to Breakers.

Whatever her real name was didn’t matter to Malcolm. She owned his son’s heart, and that was

enough for him to do whatever it took to keep her safe. Not to mention, one day—hopefully soon—she
would give him grandkids. That thought had a grin spreading over Malcolm’s face, which only grew
wider as Dante stared at him incredulously.

“What the hell are you grinning at?”
“I’m just a cheerful guy,” Malcolm said, earning a snort of derision from his son.
With his arm around Zoe’s shoulders, Jessup Carter smiled at Dante. “Surprised to see me,

young Fox?”

“Shit,” was Dante’s reply to the nickname all of his father’s old friends called him. Jessup

laughed, but Dante wasn’t in the mood to be amused. He shoved the pizza boxes back at his father,
then jerked Zoe away from the older man to hold her close to his side. “Did you take precautions
coming here?”

Jessup nodded, sobering. “Yep. I got Malcolm’s message yesterday, and I immediately flew

down to Oklahoma to have a nice visit with a friend there. This morning, he had an associate fly me
down to Houston in a private plane, then I drove here. I’m not on the flight manifest and I paid cash
for the car, so I doubt anyone can track me here.”

“But why did you come?” Zoe asked. “You know it’s dangerous for you to be anywhere around


“If we’re going to talk about this, we might as well sit down and eat.” Malcolm shoved the

pizza boxes back at Dante, who took them into the living room. While everyone took their seats,
Malcolm reached out and wrapped his arms around Zoe. “Welcome to the family, sweetheart.”

“Thank you, Malcolm,” she whispered as she hugged him back.
Hammer grabbed the stack of napkins and paper plates that Zoe had set near the bakery box in

the kitchen and carried them into the room with him. “So, does someone want to fill us in?”

Dante sat down on one of the leather chairs and pulled Zoe onto his lap. “Do you want to eat

something first, angel?”

Zoe shook her head as she curled into his hard body. She found comfort and security in his arms

that she’d need to get through this. “I don’t think I can.” Gathering her courage, she looked over at the

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group of people devouring pizza and said, “Thank you for coming today. I know I have no right to ask
for your help, especially after I’ve been lying to all of you.”

Sam chewed thoughtfully on a slice of pizza, then said, “Depends on what the lie is.”
Holding on to Dante’s hand, Zoe began to explain. “My real name isn’t Zoe…”
The group listened intently to her story, no one saying a word to interrupt. When her voice

waivered as she began to explain what happened on the night Paul Wei had broken into her apartment,
Dante took over telling the story. Even thought he tried to give the details clearly and concisely, his
voice was harsh with barely restrained rage.

Dante noticed that as he told the story, everyone seemed to lose their appetite. Zoe took over

explaining how her friend had been murdered and how she’d made contact with Jessup. Dante was
proud of how she held herself together as she finished out the tale. When she was done, they waited
for everyone’s reactions, but the room was as silent as a tomb.

“Well, holy fucking shit,” Hammer finally said after a long minute.
“Yeah, what he said,” Sam murmured.
Sheriff Storm Wyatt leaned forward, bracing his elbows on his knees. Dante and Storm had

been friends since childhood, even though Storm was a few years older. Usually, it was difficult to
tell the stoic man’s mood, but the anger in his dark eyes made it clear he wasn’t pleased. “Hell, Zoe.
You should have known you could come to me with this. Maybe not at first, but as you got to know
me, you damn well should have known I would have helped you.”

Before she could reply, Dante barked out, “Fuck that, Wyatt. She trusted the Marshals, and look

where that got her. You can’t blame her for being cautious, so watch how you fucking come at her.”

Zoe touched his arm lightly, and she felt the tension slowly ease under her hand. Dante might be

a loving, gentle man with her, but he was also a hard-bodied bad-ass who would protect her fiercely,
even if it meant going up against a friend.

Storm held up his hand in a conciliatory gesture. “I’m sorry, Zoe. I didn’t mean to make this

harder for you. I just want you to know that the Breakers’ Sheriff’s Office and Police Department will
help keep you safe.”

“We’ve come up with a plan to lure Paul Wei out of hiding,” Dante added. “We figured we’d

have a better chance of controlling the situation if we did it here in Breakers, but we’re going to need
your help to do it.”

“Of course we’ll help, but am I missing something? Riddle me this…why would this asshole

come out of hiding to get to you if he’s safe somewhere?” Sam asked. “He’s wanted for murder.
Coming after you would just be stupid at this point.”

“Because assholes don’t need reasons to be assholes?” Brix queried.
“True, but the only thing that motivates someone like Paul Wei is money. Maybe he needs cash.

Could he be after your violin?” Nikita asked.

“Why would he want her violin?” Hammer asked.
“Because it’s a Stradivarius,” Nikita replied, earning a glare from Dante.
“How the hell did you know that?”
She shrugged. “It was in the background check I did on her. It’s insured.”
“You did a…” Storm shook his head. “I don’t even want to know.”
“Time out,” Sam said. “You have a fucking Stradivarius? Even I’ve heard of those. Isn’t that

worth millions?”

“The Stradivari family made many instruments during the 17th and 18th centuries. One of the

most famous is the “Lady Blunt” violin, which sold at auction for approximately fifteen and a half

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million dollars a few years ago. Another famous viola was put on auction for forty-five million, but it
didn’t sell. There are a lot of Stradivari instruments that aren’t worth anywhere near that. Mine is
only estimated at about a quarter of a million.”

“A quarter—” Dare choked out. He shot Dante a look. “Brother, we are gonna have to get you a

new security system out here, or you need to put that thing in a vault.”

“Trust me, I know.”
Zoe wanted to roll her eyes at Dante when he glared at her. They’d had an argument about this

last night, and she knew he was going to keep giving her grief until she locked her violin away safely.

“Don’t you think I would be under more scrutiny if I visited a bank vault every time I wanted to

play?” Zoe argued. “Besides, I don’t think Paul Wei’s after my violin since selling an instrument like
this is extremely difficult, even on the black market.”

“But it’s a possibility,” Tony Savante countered. “The Wei family has connections all over the

world. And if what you say is true, a lot of those aren’t people who would blink an eye at theft and
murder to get what they want.”

Zoe nodded slowly. “Yes, but the music world is smaller than you think, and the classical

community is even smaller than that. There’ve been instruments stolen or lost over the years, but the
majority of those have been found quickly. If someone has bid or researched an item like a rare
violin, they would be one of the first the authorities would look at if one goes missing, and insurance
companies don’t let these things go lightly.”

“What happens to the violin if you die?” Hunter asked. When Dante rounded on him, he hurried

to say, “Don’t bite my damn head off, the question has to be asked.”

“My parents bought me the violin when I was thirteen. We’ve set up a trust so that if I couldn’t

play anymore, it would be loaned out to the New York Philharmonic to use, but it would still belong
to me. If I die, it goes directly to the Philharmonic on permanent loan unless I change the terms of my

“So, what’s the end game, honey?” Malcolm asked gently. “What do you want out of this?”
“I want my life back.” The words burst out of Zoe more vehemently than she’d expected. “I’m

tired of always looking over my shoulder, waiting to see if Paul will find me. Maybe it’s a Chinese
cultural thing, but Paul won’t let this go. I’ve embarrassed him and his family, and now he’s on the
run and he blames me. It’s a matter of honor. He won’t stop until he finds me.”

“If he really wanted to do the honorable thing, he wouldn’t be selling stolen shit on the black

market, just saying,” Brix muttered.

“I didn’t say it made sense,” Zoe said sadly. “I just want to live my life in peace, without

putting the people I love in danger.”

She cast a quick glance at Dante, and she knew he could see the fear in her eyes. She was

terrified that something would happen to him, and to the friends that were gathered in the room with

“We’ll get this done,” Dante assured her quietly. “Then we can get busy making a friend for

Hammer and Kali’s kid to play with.”

Her laugh was slightly hysterical. “I thought you were kidding about that.”
“Nope, I’m dead serious.”
Dante felt her trembling as he leaned in and kiss her lightly. When he pulled back, he saw his

father grinning at them. The rest of the people in the room either nodded in approval or smiled in
return…all except Jessup.

“I hope by that ring on her finger you plan to marry her first,” Jessup warned. “I’m pretty fond

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of that little lady, and want to make sure you intend to do right by her.”

“She’s agreed to marry me. And I plan to as soon as we get this other shit settled.”
“Right then.” Malcolm clapped his hands together. “Let’s take down this asshole so I can get

my grandbabies.”

Zoe blushed. Feeling slightly dazed, she didn’t know what to say, so she decided not to

comment on the matter. She did want children with Dante, but she couldn’t even think about that until
she knew that it would be safe.

“I’ve been following the news reports,” Jessup told them. “There’s been no sign of Paul, and

the parents haven’t had a problem shifting the blame onto their son, but it hasn’t worked completely.
Their business has taken a hit, and a lot of dealers won’t work with them anymore.”

“Which has to piss them off,” Sam commented. “But the authorities have to have more dirt on

them. After what happened to Zoe, there have to be reports about the investigation they are doing on
their company and the players.”

“There are, but I can’t access anything without letting everyone in the Marshals service know

that I’m looking into it,” Jessup stated with a sigh.

Dare shot Nikita a glance before he said, “Leave that to us. We can get the data without anyone


Dante knew that Dare and Nikita had worked for some super-secret agency before they’d come

to Breakers. They both had skills and resources that few people had access to, and he was grateful to
count them as friends. “We want to leak that Zoe is here. If we can lure Paul Wei here with his men,
we can control the situation better than if we took the fight to New York.”

“I can contact someone at the Marshals service, tell them that Zoe made contact,” Jessup

offered. “If someone is monitoring the reports, that should get back to the Wei family.”

Dante nodded. “True, but I think we have an easier way to get the information out. During the

anniversary party at the bar this Saturday, we are going to have pictures taken. We just have to make
sure to post them.”

“So far, I’ve been very careful not to have any pictures of me uploaded on the web. All it will

take is one, and Paul will be able to track me,” Zoe said.

“He has resources to do that?” Hammer asked, surprised.
“No, but my father does. And once he finds me, he’ll lead Paul straight here.”
“Your father?” Storm asked. “Has he been looking for you? And why in God’s name would

your father lead that bastard to you?”

“Because my father won’t be able to help coming to track down his wayward daughter once he

knows where I am. He won’t know Paul will follow him, but that’s what will happen. My father is Jin
Tao…the owner of Tao Technologies. That’s why it will only take one picture.”

Silence met her statement.
Finally, Hunter broke the stillness when he said, “Yeah, I guess he can find you, seeing as the

man owns his own fucking satellite and all. Christ, he probably has facial recognition programs
running daily searching for you.”

“Holy shit, your dad is a billionaire. I just bought the latest Tao Tech computer for work, and it

cost me an arm and a leg,” Hammer muttered in disbelief.

“I may be a little pissed at you after all, since I paid for the beers the other night,” Sam said

when she noticed how uncomfortable Zoe looked. “Then again, it was my turn, so I guess I have to
give you a pass.”

Zoe shot her a grateful smile. “Thanks.”

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“After the anniversary party, we’ll have to be ready,” Dante said, getting back to the point. “I

want Zoe protected around the clock after the pictures are posted and Jessup leaks her location to his
agency.” Facing her, he added, “I also want to show you how to shoot a gun, just in case.”

“No need,” Nikita said. She’d been surprisingly quiet during the conversation so far. “She goes

shooting with me and Sam every few weeks.” When all the men in the room simply stared at her in
stunned silence, Nikita shrugged. “What? It’s fun.”

“Now, that’s what I call real girl bonding time.” Sam let out a happy sigh, then bumped her fist

against Nikita’s.

“You women are a menace,” Storm accused. “And now I have Zoe running around with a

firearm and no license. Don’t say it, I know she needs to protect herself, but damn it, this shit is giving
me a headache.”

Dante gritted his teeth. “You never told me about that.”
Zoe just blinked at him innocently. “What do you think I do on my days off?”
When Sam snickered, Dante turned to glare at her.
Brix stroked at his chin with one hand, looking thoughtful. “You do realize that even if this

works, this doesn’t guarantee that the rest of the family won’t come after Zoe once we take this Paul
bastard down.”

“I know,” Dante said wearily. “But we can hope that they will use him as their fall guy and put

an end to this shit. If they come after Zoe after Paul is gone, that will only bring more heat down on

The conversation turned to Zoe’s protection detail, with Sheriff Wyatt taking the lead on that,

and Jessup offering suggestions. Hammer told them he would be asking a few of his people at the gym
to keep an eye out, while Brix was put in charge of organizing the bouncers at the bar.

Hunter sat back, thinking about the situation as the planning continued. A few minutes later, he

watched as Nikita quietly got up and headed toward the front door while everyone else was
distracted. As someone who would be instrumental at figuring out how to keep Zoe safe, it didn’t sit
right with him that she wasn’t contributing anything to the conversation.

And that immediately put him on guard.
Nikita could be sarcastic, cutting, and mean as a snake, but what most people didn’t realize was

that she was at her most dangerous when she went quiet. Besides working for her part-time at Ink
This, Hunter also thought of Nikita as one of his closest friends…maybe even like a sister. Well, a
surly, volatile, slightly psychotic sister, but hey, every family had its issues.

But the one truth Hunter knew down to his bones was that she would never walk away from a

friend in trouble.

Cursing under his breath, Hunter got up to follow her. He wasn’t surprised when Dare joined

him at the front door. Nikita had just made it down the front steps when both men pushed out onto the

“Just where do you think you’re going?” Hunter drawled out.
“You know.”
And because he did, it worried him. “Damn it, Nuria.”
She met Hunter’s glare with an icy cool look of her own. There was a long moment of silence

before she spoke. “Zoe is a friend.”

“We know,” Hunter said. “But that still doesn’t mean you have to do what I think you’re

planning to do.”

“Go back inside and stop nagging me.” She turned away from them, heading toward her bike.

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Hunter and Dare quickly followed, not letting her get away so easily.

“This is going to work,” Dare told her. “We’ll be ready for Paul and whoever he comes with.

We’ll keep Zoe safe.”

“I know.”
Her simply agreement had Dare’s eyes narrowing. “Then where are you going?”
Hunter crossed his arms over his massive chest as he said, “She’s going to New York.”
“Fuck, I was afraid you were going to say that. You said you wanted out,” Dare added,

reminding her of her vow to stop working for the covert agency they had both been a part of.

Her smile was anything but humorous. “And we both know we never really get out.”
“You know Zoe will never be safe while the Wei family is still out there.” She threw her leg

over her Ducati, but paused before turning her bike on when Hunter spoke again.

“I’ll go with you.”
A small smile softened her features briefly as she looked at Hunter before her expression

hardened to an impassive mask once more. “Stay here and watch the shop for me.”

He let out a weary sigh. “Exactly how long will you be gone?”
Hunter let out a low, vicious curse. “That’s not an answer.”
“That’s the only one you’re going to get.”
“Becca’s gonna be pissed if you just take off,” he pointed out.
“Tell my sister…no, I’ll just contact her later.”
“Zoe is going to be hurt if you leave. You know we can make some calls. There are others we

can point in the right direction who can look into this,” Dare said, trying to reason with her. When he
saw she wasn’t swayed he added, “You know everyone will ask where you went. What do you expect
us to tell them?”

Her violet eyes took on a gleam of savage intent as she leveled a stare at them. “Tell them I’ve

gone hunting.”

She made a move to start her bike, then swore as Zoe burst out of the front door. They watched

her run down the front steps and saw Dante come out onto the veranda behind her.

“Give me a minute with her,” Nikita said softly.
Hunter studied her for a few seconds, then he gave in. “Good hunting.”
“Same to you.”
Dare and Hunter started back to the front porch as Zoe ran up.
“Where are you going?” Zoe panted out.
Nikita wanted to sigh again, but she fought down the urge. “I’m leaving town for a while.”
Zoe’s dark eyes widened in shock. “But…you…you’re leaving?”
Damned emotions, Nikita thought. She’d planned to leave before she had to deal with any of

this shit, but now that she was caught, she couldn’t leave letting Zoe think she was abandoning her.
“I’m going to New York, Zoe.”

It took Zoe a few seconds to catch on, and when she did, her jaw dropped open. “You’re going

after the Wei family.”

Neither confirming nor denying, Nikita said, “The people here will keep you safe. Don’t pull

any of that stupid shit like ditching your bodyguards or running off on your own. Work with them to
end this.”

“I will, I promise.” Zoe’s eyes filled. “You don’t have to do this for me.”

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“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Nikita shift uncomfortably on the seat of her bike at

the sight of Zoe’s tears. She started her bike, drowning out whatever Zoe said next, but before she
could take off, Zoe flung herself at Nikita, wrapping her arms around her in a fierce embrace. Nikita
hesitated, then awkwardly patting her on the back a few times.

“Please be careful, and stay safe,” Zoe whispered.
Nikita simply grunted in reply, then gently pushed Zoe away from her. “Later, Angel.”
Zoe stepped back and watched as Nikita sped down the drive. It had startled her when Nikita

had called her a shorter version of her real name. She’d gotten used to hearing it from Dante, but that
was an endearment, not an actual name.

From Nikita, it has sounded foreign…but nice.
From the porch, Dante, Hunter and Dare stood silently while Zoe continued to watch Nikita’s

bike as it disappeared from view down the driveway.

“She’s going to New York, isn’t she?” Dante asked softly.
“Yeah, she is,” Hunter confirmed.
“Damn. A part of me wishes I could go with her,” Dante admitted. “But I can’t leave Zoe. Paul

Wei will be coming here for her…I can feel it. I need to be here to take that motherfucker down, but
damned if I don’t want to make sure his family pays for what they’ve done to her, too. Those bastards
have used her for years.”

“Niki will see it done,” Hunter assured him.
“She’s gonna get herself killed,” Dare bit out through clenched teeth.
“No,” Hunter said softly. “She’s got contacts that will help her take care of this.”
But at what cost, Dare thought. His stomach rolled as he thought about the answer to that

question. Nikita might be a pain in the ass sometimes, but she was a friend who had helped him during
a time when he had been damaged and in need of some guidance.

“I have a bad feeling about this,” Dare finally said with a sigh.
Hunter grunted. “Doesn’t matter. She’s gonna do it anyway. Nikita knows that Zoe will never

be safe otherwise.”

“And I gotta love that crazy woman for doing it,” Dante said. “Honestly, I don’t think she’d

even need my help.”

“Trust me, she wouldn’t,” Dare said with conviction. He knew what she was capable of, and

could say it with certainty. Still, there was a worried look in his eyes as he turned toward them. “I
just don’t want her doing anything she can’t live with.”

Hunter sighed. “That’s what you guys don’t get. There’s nothing she can’t live with. What

worries her is if we can live with her afterward.”

Dante watched as Zoe wiped at her cheeks before turning to head back toward the house. He

met her at the top of the steps and pulled her close, feeling a little of his anxiety ease as she leaned
her head on his chest and her arms wrapped around his waist.

It might have been selfish of him, but Dante realized that he could forgive Nikita anything if she

could keep the woman he loved out of danger.

He just hoped that it didn’t cost her too much of her soul in exchange for Zoe’s safety.

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Chapter Twelve

Zoe paced her apartment, feeling a little stir-crazy.
It was the Tuesday after the anniversary party, and she’d agreed to stay indoors despite the fact

she had the night off. She knew that Brix, Sam and Jessup were close by, but she wasn’t in the mood
for company.

She’d woken up late, then spent the afternoon cleaning to distract herself, but every second

indoors made her want to be outside in the gorgeous evening even more. Still, she remembered the
promise she’d given Nikita, and Zoe vowed not to make things more difficult for the people trying to
protect her.

After the meeting with their friends last Monday, Zoe had agreed to put her violin in the local

bank vault so they didn’t have to worry about Paul Wei going after it. Dante had insisted on it, despite
her protests. The instrument was like a security blanket for her. She liked knowing it was close by,
even if she didn’t feel like playing it.

Sensing her sorrow, Dante had surprised her a few days later with another violin. It wasn’t a

very expensive piece, but it meant more to her that he would think to get it for her than the actual
value of the instrument. She had only played it once so far, and the sound quality wasn’t as good as
her other violin, but she enjoyed watching Dante’s face light up as he listened.

They’d been busy the rest of the week preparing for the anniversary party, and there had been a

brief moment of celebration when she and Dante had announced their engagement, but all of that had
changed once they found out that someone was after Zoe. After that, she’d sensed a new tension in
everyone that told her they were operating under a heightened sense of awareness.

Combat readiness was what Dante called it.
All the bar employees had instantly gone into protection mode. No one fucked with one of

theirs…they’d make damn sure of it.

Dante had suggested that Zoe stop working at the bar until the threat was over, but she had

argued against it. If she constantly had a protection detail with her, that meant there would be less
people watching over the bar if she wasn’t there. He’d conceded since he felt she would be better
protected surrounded by their people, not to mention almost everyone in the bar was armed to the

She’d gotten an earful from GT after Zoe had expressed some concern about her being in the

bar if Paul showed up. It was one thing for the ex-military bouncers to be put in a dangerous situation,
but the other bartenders and waitresses were a whole different issue.

“You have Sarah to think about…” Zoe had started to say.
“My daughter is just fine with my mother watching over her while I’m at work. And I fucking

dare that cocksucking motherfucker to come in here to try and mess with you while I’m here. I’ll load
his goddamn face full of lead,” GT had raged.

The waitresses had been a little less violent with their responses, but the gist was the same.

They would continue to work, and if anyone came in to mess with Zoe, they would do what they could
to help. It made Zoe weepy to think about all the friendships she had formed in Breakers. The people
she had come to know were loyal and trustworthy. They had accepted her as one of their own, and she
wasn’t surprised when she realized that she loved every single one of them.

During the week, Dante had made sure to take her shooting out in his backyard to check her

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proficiency. She wasn’t expert level by any means, but she could hit the cans he set up on the fence if
she wasn’t too far away from them. He still wasn’t happy that she had learned most of her skill from
Nikita and Sam, but she pretty much ignored him whenever he went into that particular rant.

Zoe might not have shot at anything besides targets and cans, but she’d damn well do whatever

it took to protect herself and the people she cared about.

After he deemed her skill satisfactory, Dante insisted she carry her gun with her whenever she

left her apartment, and because it gave him comfort that she would be able to protect herself if
needed, she did. It felt strange carrying a weapon, but then again it seemed that everyone else in the
bar was packing too, so she was in good company.

Sheriff Wyatt hadn’t been pleased when she confessed to having the gun, but instead of taking it

from her, he’d simply shaken his head at her and said, “Try not to kill anyone.”

At the anniversary party, Zoe tried to have fun, but she’d been too aware that everything would

change after that night. One of the high points for her had been watching Malcolm Fox and Ellie Tate
snuggled up in a corner booth together. She and GT had joked about all of them potentially becoming
family, but deep down, Zoe wished it were true.

The party had been a success, but it had simply felt like the calm before the storm. She’d been

photographed with the other employees in a big group picture, and she knew that Dante had felt her
trembling when he’d held her.

And that was the first night since they’d been together that she and Dante hadn’t made love.
He’d held her close through the night, but there was a distance between them that hadn’t been

there before. She could sense it. At first it had worried her, but she quickly realized that he was
completely focused on protecting her. It was her first real glimpse of the soldier he had been, and the
deadly purpose in his ice-blue eyes frightened her a little even as it gave her comfort to know he
would do anything to keep her safe.

The photo had run in the local news the following morning, and Dante had also posted it on the

bar’s Facebook page and website. Seeing it online had filled Zoe with a sense of dread, but she also
felt a new anticipation. She wanted her nightmare to end, and she was ready for whatever was to

It had been decided that she and Dante would reside at her place until Paul Wei showed up,

since they would be surrounded by help if needed. Jessup Carter had decided to stay in town and had
taken over the empty apartment across from hers. He’d made contact with the US Marshals’ office
and had to stall when they wanted to send agents out. Zoe had been missing since the night Ashley had
been killed in Portland, and she was wanted for questioning. Jessup had pulled rank, speaking to one
of his old colleagues that he trusted to make them back off. His friend had offered to send agents out
to help with the trap, but Jessup had respectfully declined.

Dante and the others hadn’t been as polite when they were told of the agents wanting to come

join them. They knew and trusted their people, and bringing in outsiders would only complicate
matters. Or more to the point, Dante had said the Marshals would only fuck shit up and get in the way.
Trying to be more diplomatic, Sheriff Wyatt had also expressed a concern that they wouldn’t be sure
if any of the agents had been bought by the Wei family.

In the end, they could only trust the people they knew.
When Dante had insisted that Zoe take Tuesday off as scheduled, she knew that he was hoping

that Paul Wei would show up at the bar while she wasn’t there. Besides Brix downstairs, Sam next
door, and Jessup across the hall, there was also a few police officers hanging around outside her
apartment building. It wasn’t an ideal situation, but Zoe felt safe enough, even if she did feel caged in.

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Dante had been gone all day, and Zoe knew he was planning on staying at the bar until closing.

Like it had been during the spring break rush, it was all hands on deck at The Fox Hole, but no one
complained about the extra hours. Malcolm had even started working behind the bar again, and Zoe
had laughed in delight when she saw how much Dante’s father enjoyed interacting with the customers.
She did feel bad about all the extra work the staff was being given when she had the day off, but she
knew there was no point in arguing.

Over the last few days, it was becoming increasingly difficult to hide what was going on from

her other friends who hadn’t be told about her situation. Kali, Becca, Evie, Francesca and even
Madeline had tried to make plans with her, but Zoe had put them off. Dante, Dare, Hammer and the
other men had been adamant that the women were to be left out of what was going on, but Zoe had a
feeling that her friends knew more than their men realized.

She had even had to come up with an excuse not to attend Evie and Dare’s barbeque that

Sunday. Evie had called her later that evening, and from their careful conversation, Zoe could tell that
her friend knew something was wrong. She didn’t ask, though. Evie was more circumspect than that,
but she did say that if Zoe needed anything, she only had to call.

If Dante could have gotten away with it, Zoe knew he would have locked her away until all this

was over. He’d even said as much. But the simple truth was, Dante knew she had to have a part in
seeing this through for herself, as well as for Ashley. She had run—alone and scared—but she had
survived. And she would get through this, too, Zoe reminded herself.

But first she had to get rid of some of her tension or she felt like she’d lose her mind.
Making a quick decision, she headed into the bedroom. She hadn’t been sleeping well the last

few nights, and part of that was because she and Dante hadn’t been intimate since the trap had been
sprung. No, they’d been intimate, she corrected. He still kissed her and held her close at night, but
they hadn’t had any hot, steamy sex since the night before the anniversary party.

It was a secret that she hadn’t even told Dante yet, but over the last few years, she had gotten

into the habit of masturbating before she went to bed every night. It helped her sleep and relaxed her.
Since she’d gotten together with Dante, she hadn’t had to worry about her little quirk. But right now
she was feeling so stressed that she needed something to take the edge off, and Dante wouldn’t be
home for several more hours.

It felt naughty thinking about using one of her vibrators on herself now. Perhaps she would tell

Dante about it when he got home. Maybe it would get him so hot, he would stop this self-enforced
celibacy he seemed so determined to keep up until he knew she was safe. Zoe was grinning as she sat
down on the bed and opened the bottom drawer of her nightstand.

Her smile instantly disappeared when she looked down.
The drawer was completely empty, except for one single item. Gone where her two vibrators,

the USB power cords, and even the cleaning spray she used on her toys, and in their place sat a small
smiley face pin.

The pin had been something that all the employees at the bar had worn when they’d closed

down to host a party for young Shane Diaz and his big brother Nate after they’d testified against the
man who had hurt them. She usually kept the pin in a basket with other random items in her living
room, but there is was, smiling up at her from the bottom of her damn goodie drawer.

That rat bastard. Dante had stolen her toys!
Zoe felt a wave of fury wash through her as she picked up the smiley face pin. She wanted to

heave the damn thing against the wall, but gripped it so tight in her hand it almost cut her skin, instead.
She kicked the drawer closed with her foot, then stormed back to the living room to find her phone.

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Any other time, she would have found the situation hilarious, but for some reason, right now it made
her so angry that she started to shake.

Stomping over to the coffee table, she picked up her phone and called Dante. She ground her

teeth together as it rang, and by the time he finally answered, she was ready for war.

“Hey, angel. Is everything okay?”
Was everything okay? Hell, no, everything was not okay. “No, it’s not, you son of a bitch.”
There was a long pause before he said, “I sense a little hostility in your voice.”
She bet he did. Zoe took a few deep breaths to calm herself down. “What the hell did you do

with my toys?”

When he spoke again, she could hear him smiling, and it made her want to snarl. “Now, why

would you be looking for those, Zoe?”

Mimicking his sugary sweet tone, she said, “Perhaps it’s because my man hasn’t been taking

care of business, and I need them.”

“Sugar, all you had to do was ask and I’d be happy to take care of that for you.”
His freaking Texas drawl was out in force now, and hearing it made her wet. It pissed her off

that he could make her so hot when she was so angry at him. Wanting to turn the tables on him, she
came up with a plan. “I’m not going to ask if you aren’t interested enough to touch me on your own.
Besides, I can take care of myself,” she said smugly. “And I don’t even need those toys to do it.”

“Now, wait a damn minute—”
“All I need are my hands, Dante. I can make myself come with just two little fingers—”
“Don’t you do it,” Dante growled out. “If you want to—”
“Don’t you say it,” she warned harshly. “I swear to God, if someone hears you, I’ll kill you.”
“Fucking hell.”
She heard the muffled sound of his voice when he spoke to someone as he covered the phone. A

few seconds later, the background noise was quieter when he got back on the line. “If you want to
come, you come to me, angel. You don’t need those damn toys.”

The harsh command should have sparked her temper, but it only made her lust burn hotter. “But

you haven’t been giving me what I need lately, and I want it, Dante. I want it real bad.”

His breathing grew heavy. “What exactly do you want, Zoe? Tell me. Tell me and I’ll give it to

you, baby.”

This was something new. She’d never had phone sex before, but she was game. The sound of

his deep voice made her shiver, and she stroked her own hand down her neck to cup her breast,
wishing it were him touching her. Zoe was going to play with him. Drive him a little nuts, and when
he got home later, she would jump his bones.

Seduction was pretty foreign to her, but she was willing to give it a try.
Zoe looked down at the tank top and yoga pants she wore in disgust. Yeah, she was going to

have to do something about her outfit before he got home. She’d be ready for him later in one of the
little nighties she hadn’t worn for him yet, since he usually got her naked so fast, she never had time.
And they slept naked, so there wasn’t any reason to put something on.

But damn it, they were engaged. They should be acting like it.
“I want to feel you touching me. I want you to kiss me the way you do when you lose control…

like you can’t get enough of me. It feels so good to have you holding me, but I want more. I want you
to show me exactly how much you need me. Then I want to feel you so deep inside me that it feels
like we’re sharing everything—body, heart and soul.”

“Fuck, Zoe. You’re driving me crazy.”

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He was panting now, and it thrilled her to imagine him touching himself while she was talking

to him. When her knees buckled, she sat down on the couch and slipped her free hand under the
waistline of the yoga pants she was wearing. She was wet and slick from wanting him, and when her
fingertips brushed over her clit, her body jerked.

“I want to,” she admitted. “I want to drive you crazy for me. I miss my caveman.”
“Get ready, angel. Because you’re about to get him.”
Zoe stilled. “What?”
She pulled her hands from her pants and popped to her feet, hurrying over to the balcony door

as she heard one of the police officers outside give a shout. Her eyes widened when she saw Dante
heading down the sidewalk at a fast run. He held the phone to his ear, waving at the police officer
with his other hand as he sprinted past him.

“Hey, Dante! Is something wrong?”
“No! Fine. Everything’s fucking fine!”
Zoe gasped. “What are you doing?”
“What the hell does it look like I’m doing? Unlock the damn door, angel. I’m coming up.”
Despite the distance, she could see his ice-blue eyes blazing at her. He disconnected the phone,

shoving it into his back pocket as he yanked his keys out with his other hand. It would only take him a
few seconds to unlock the main entrance, then he would be there with her.

Zoe threw her phone down on the couch and ran to the front door. She pulled it open and looked

out into the hallway just as Dante made it to the top of the stairs. Their gazes locked, then he stalked
toward her. He was breathing hard, but so was she. There was a current in the air, an electrical
current that ran from her to him, and back again.

Dante jerked her to him, slamming his mouth down on hers in a brutal kiss. His tongue swept

inside, claiming hers. Her arms wrapped around him as he lifted her, carrying her back into the
apartment. With one swift kick, the door slammed shut. He drank down her moan of pleasure as her
back hit the door. Without looking, he clicked the lock in place, then jerked the gun from the holster
on his belt that he had concealed under the back of his t-shirt. He slapped the weapon onto the
credenza next to the doorway before he shifted his hold on her and pulled her legs up around his

“Do you know how difficult it is to run with a fucking hard-on?”
Zoe let out a breathless laugh as she reached down between her parted thighs so she could

reach him. She wanted to touch him. No, needed to. When her hand stroked over the ridged length of
his erection, she purred, “Poor baby. Want me to kiss it better?”

“Fucking hell. You really are trying to kill me.”
His mouth fused to hers again as his hands clamped down on her ass. She got busy unzipping his

jeans to free his hard cock. He groaned when she squeezed him, and he pressed into her palm as she
began to stroke him, moving her hand up and down his thick shaft.

Dante’s big body shuddered as her hand worked its magic on him. When they were frantic for

air, he pulled his mouth from hers. Jerking her arms up, he wrapped them around his neck so she was
anchored to him. His lips trailed down her neck, teeth scraping against her sensitive skin until she
was writhing against him.

“Oh, God. Dante…”
“You wanted me out of control,” he growled. “Now, you’ve got it. Hold onto me, baby. Fucking

hold on.”

She let out a gasp when he reached down and ripped the seam of her yoga pants apart, baring

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her core to him. A heartbeat later, he drove deep, his thick cock parting her tender folds until he was
buried inside her hot pussy. She clamped down around him so tight he could barely move, but he
pulled back, then forged his way deep inside her wet heat again.

Dante felt her nails digging into his shoulders as he began to pound himself into her. He

couldn’t stop, couldn’t think. He could only feel the pleasure of her body welcoming him deep. It was
as if a switch had been turned off inside him, and he was now operating on pure need alone.

“Yes, yes,” she chanted. “Oh, God. Fill me, Dante. Give me everything.”
She didn’t even need to ask.
He would give her everything he had, and more.
Bracing his feet apart, he slammed into her over and over again. Her back banged against the

closed door as she continued to moan out encouragement. Faster, harder. The words were like a
driving mantra inside his head. He was beyond speech, beyond control. A tiny part of him worried
that his hold on her was too tight, that he’d leave bruises on her ass, but he couldn’t let go. Dante
could only push them closer to the release they both needed.

“Come for me, angel. Come and take me with you.”
“Not yet, not yet…”
He knew he wouldn’t last long, so he changed the angle of his thrusts, pounding against her G-

spot so her body jerked as if she were a live wire in his arms. He watched her throw back her head,
body arched as she let out a wild scream when she came. She stiffened, her legs squeezing him even
as her pussy clamped down on his cock, milking his seed from him in violent bursts.

When the storm was over, he held them both in place, braced against the front door of her

apartment. He thought he might be crushing her, but Dante’s legs felt so weak, he was afraid he’d fall
if he tried to move just yet. “What the serious hell was that?”

He snorted, content to keep his head buried in the crook of her neck where he could just breathe

in her scent. “You okay? I didn’t hurt you, did I?”

“Hmm…” Zoe loosened the hold she had on his waist with her legs and wiggled her toes. She

flexed her hands next. “Everything seems to be working still.”

“Good. Give me a second and then I’ll move us.”
“Take your time.”
She sighed, but they both froze when they heard the door across the hall open, then slam shut.
A throat cleared loudly, then Jessup Carter’s voice boomed out. “Fox, you and I are going to

have words later. For God’s sake, man, did you really have to do that business against the front door
where everyone can hear? You have a damn bedroom…use it.”

“Oh my God!” Zoe said in a horrified whisper, then she repeated the oath.
“Yes, sir!”
She slapped her hand over Dante’s mouth and hissed, “What are you doing? Don’t answer him!

Shit, shit, shit!”

Turning his head, Dante said, “It’s not like he didn’t know we were here, sugar. Oww, stop

squirming! Zoe, don’t move like that…Christ!”

“I’m going to the bar…I need a damn drink,” Jessup muttered.
Dante’s laughter was muffled against her hand as she moved it to cover his mouth again. They

listened to Jessup stomp down the hallway, and when he was gone, Dante pulled her hand away.
“You really are adorable when you get embarrassed.”

“Oh, go fuck yourself.”

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He chuckled. “I’d rather fuck you. I think I just proved that.”
Zoe pushed and wiggled until she was free, then she ran to the bedroom. Jerking the cover off

the bed, she wrapped herself in it. She turned in time to see Dante had hitched up his jeans, but he’d
left the front undone. He carried his weapon into the room, setting it down on the nightstand before
hopping on one foot to pull one of his shoes off. He was working on the other when he asked, “Zoe,
why are you hiding? It’s not like he can see you.”

“Shut up,” she snapped as she threw herself on the bed, still wrapped in the cover. “Oh my

God…he heard us! This is…I said…then we…” she groaned. “I can never look him in the eye again.
Nope. Can’t do it.”

Dante laughed again as he pulled off his shirt and shucked off his jeans. When he was naked, he

threw himself on the bed next to her. Pulling the cover down so he could peek at her face, he grinned.
“I’m sure Jessup is aware we have sex.”

“He can know, but I don’t want him to know know, you know? Stop laughing, damn you!”
“I have absolutely no clue what you just said. You started all this with your sex call.”
“It wasn’t a sex call! I called you to ask where my damn toys are! If you don’t stop laughing,

I’m going to have to kill you. That’s it, you maniac, I’m going to hurt you.”

Dante caught her and easily held her in place when she tried to shove him off the bed. “Calm

down, wild woman.”

She struggled halfheartedly against his hold, then threw the cover over him so they were both

trapped underneath the bedspread together. He leaned in and kissed the tip of her nose. “You feeling
better now that no one can see us?”

“Yes. No. I don’t know. Dear God, he heard us!”
“I love you, Zoe.”
“You’re just saying that right now to distract me.”
“Yeah, but it doesn’t mean it’s not true.”
She scooted forward until her head was fitted underneath his. His strong arms wrapped around

her, pulling her closer, and he leg hooked around hers. “You stole my toys.”

“I did,” he admitted, not sounding the least bit repentant. “It might be odd of me, but I don’t

want my woman using toys to get off when you can have me instead.”

“You were at work, though.”
“And I think I just proved what happens when you call me and say you need me.”
She pulled back enough to stare up at him incredulously. “You’re saying anytime I want you, all

I have to do is call and you’ll come running? Like what? Text you with a smiley face?”

“That would work. It could be our secret sex code.”
“You’re a strange guy, Dante.”
He laughed. “I am, but when it comes to sex with you, I’m always ready and willing. Can I take

this off now? I can’t breathe.”

Dante pulled the covers off their heads, but kept it snuggled around their bodies. He sobered,

his voice lowering as he said, “For the last few days, I’ve been focused on protecting you, but with
all that’s been going on, I also didn’t want to bring up any bad memories for you.”

“What do you mean?”
“Your past is being thrown in your face right now, Zoe.” He paused before explaining, “I didn’t

want to risk touching you and making you think of…him.”

“Oh, Dante, no! I would never think of him when we’re together. I still have some bad moments

about what happened to me, but whenever you touch me, all I think of is you and how much I love

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That seemed to reassure him. “I love you, too.”
“Damn right you do.”
That made him laugh. “You know, for a classy chick you swear almost as much as I do.”
She sighed again as she rested her head back down. Zoe felt him brush his lips against her

temple, and the simple, loving gesture made her smile. He made her happy, and the way he accepted
and loved her was a gift she would always cherish.

“I guess it’s because I was told what to say and how to act for so many years. I was told over

and over again that ladies don’t curse or show displeasure. When I got my freedom, I realized what a
bunch of bullshit all of that was. I’m an educated woman, and I like to swear because it helps me
express how I feel and what I’m thinking. It’s my choice. Just as I prefer jeans and a t-shirt to wearing
fancy dresses. And if anyone has a problem with the way I am, they can just fuck off.”

“When I first met you, I could tell you were in a class all your own. It was pretty fucking

intimidating, considering I’m just a good ol’ boy from a small town in Texas. But you make me feel
like I’m your match in every way, even though you’re smarter and a hell of a lot more talented than
me. You’ve never let anything stop you, and you face your fears head on. You’re the most amazing
woman I know, and I can’t wait to make you my wife.”

“I love you. So much. You make my heart sing.” Tears drenched her eyes as she leaned in to

kiss him. She moved restlessly against him as she felt his hard, hot erection throbbing between them.
Her blood heated, and her heart was pounding by the time the kiss ended. “Do you have to get back to
the bar?”

“Hell, no. My dad is running things just fine without me. I think we’re going to have to give him

a night or two each week to be in charge again. I didn’t realize how much he missed it.”

“More time off for us,” Zoe murmured as she moved in for another kiss.
“I’m not going to complain about time off. Here. Let’s get these clothes off you. Have I

mentioned I love that you don’t wear underwear at home?”

“You usually don’t wear any, so I thought I’d give it a try. I think I kind of like it.” She let him

roll her onto her back as he began to pull her clothes off. “You ruined my pants.”

“I’ll get you new ones.”
“I was going to get all dolled up in some lingerie for you when you got home tonight, but then I

saw you running here, and well, I forgot.”

“Yeah? Wanna put it on now?”
She smiled when he had her naked on the bed. “What would be the point?”
“True, I do love you naked better than anything.”
Their gazes locked and she stroked her hand down his bare chest, her fingertips trailing over

the tattoo on his torso. “I’m so lucky to have you in my life, Dante. Sometime when I look at you, I
can’t believe you’re really mine.”

“Angel, I’m the lucky one,” he said as he lowered his body onto hers.
They made love again, slow and sweet, and when the waves of release washed over them,

Zoe’s heart stuttered as he whispered her name like a benediction. The light had faded, and stars
glittered over the ink black sky as they basked in the afterglow of their lovemaking, unwilling to break
the connection as they kept their arms around one another.

“How long do you think we’ll have to wait?” she asked softly.
“I don’t know, baby. But whenever that bastard shows up, we’ll be ready. Don’t think about it.

We’ll have to deal with it soon enough. Just rest now.”

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And because she felt safe and secure in his arms, she did as he suggested and closed her eyes.
They’d have to deal with reality again soon enough.
But for this moment in time, all Zoe wanted was to hold on to the happiness she found with the

man she loved, and dream of their future together.

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Chapter Thirteen

“You’ve got to be fucking kidding me…”
The following day, Zoe and Dante showed up early to open the bar only to find Malcolm Fox

and Ellie Tate lying together on the couch in the office. Thankfully, they had a blanket over them,
because their clothes were littering the floor.

“In the office? Seriously?”
“Shh.” Zoe slapped Dante lightly on the arm. “Quiet or you’ll wake them.”
Malcolm Fox’s eyes opened. “I’m already awake. You two weren’t exactly stealthy when you

came in. Now, get out before you wake Ellie and embarrass her.”

“I’m up and too old to get embarrassed about getting caught snuggling with a man on the couch,”

Ellie said as turned her head toward Zoe and Dante and smiled. Despite what she said, she still
raised the blanket a little to make sure she was completely covered.

“Your man,” Malcolm corrected with a growl. “Not just a man…your man.”
“Oh, lord. He sounds like you. Now I know where you got your caveman tendencies,” Zoe said,

making Ellie laugh as both men grumbled. “Let’s give them some privacy.”

“The day is just starting, and I already have a headache.”
Zoe pulled Dante from the room, and they headed back into the main bar. He was frowning, and

it made her laugh to see him so out of sorts. “What exactly has you so bothered? You’re the one who
encouraged him to ask Ellie out.”

“Yeah, but I didn’t tell him to have sex with her in our office. I didn’t need to see that.”
“That room gets a lot of action. I remember you dragging me back there last week.”
“That was different.”
“Oh, really? How?”
“Just…because.” Dante’s lips tightened when she just laughed at him again. He stiffened as the

front door opened, and she noticed his hand moving to the back of his jeans where his gun was nestled
against his back. He relaxed as GT walked in, then he groaned. “Oh, sweet Jesus.”

“What?” GT asked as she moved behind the bar. “How come he’s looking at me all weird?”
“Because we just found your mother with Malcolm in the office, on the couch…naked.”
A slow smile spread across GT’s face. “Yeah? Go Mom.”
“I can’t talk to you two.” He stomped away and started taking the chairs off the tabletops.
“Don’t mind him. He’s just being a little prude right now.”
“I heard that,” Dante called out. “And may I remind you that you were the one who was freaking

out yesterday when Jessup—”

“Just stop right there,” Zoe told him. She scowled when he grinned at her. At GT’s questioning

look, Zoe said, “Jessup heard us last night when we were…against my front door.”

GT’s eyebrow raised. “Were you in your apartment or in the hallway?”
“In the apartment!”
“I had to ask,” GT said with a laugh. “Since I can’t remember the last time I had sex, I have to

live vicariously through you. I always loved a good wall banger.”

“I don’t want to hear this!” Dante shouted from the other side of the room.
“Then stop listening!” both women yelled back at the same time. They looked at one another

and burst into laughter. Dante’s cell phone rang and he answered it, then unlocked the garden patio

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entrance and walked outside, yelling, “Stay inside, Zoe!”

Zoe rolled her eyes, making GT chuckle.
“God, it’s fun to get him riled up.” GT unzipped her jacket and as she bent down to store it and

her purse in the large lock box below the counter, Zoe noticed that she was wearing a skirt.

“What in the world are you wearing? You hate skirts.”
“Don’t mess with me. All my looser shirts are in the laundry I forgot to do yesterday. I only had

this tank top and you’d be able to see my gun beneath it if I wore it with jeans.”

“So…how does that translate to you wearing girl clothes?”
GT’s scowl deepened as she stood up, she jerked her skirt up a few inches and Zoe saw a small

black band around her thigh holding a small pistol in place.

“Sexy. You know, you don’t have to carry in here. All the guys have weapons and—”
“Hon, you don’t really think I’m going to leave our safety to the guys, do you? You and I are

behind the bar. If that asshole that’s after you comes in, it will take them a few minutes to get through
the crowd of people even if they are close by.”

Zoe knew she was right. It was the same reason why Dante insisted that Zoe carry her weapon

with her at all times. The reminder made her sad, but she pushed her feelings aside and nodded to her
friend. “Thank you for doing this.”

“No thanks needed.”
They were interrupted as Malcolm and Ellie walked out of the hallway, into the main bar. Ellie

beamed a smile. “Hello, baby.”

“Hi, Mama.” GT grinned at Ellie and Malcolm. “I heard you two had a good time last night.”
The women laughed as Malcolm’s cheeks turned bright red. He mumbled something, then made

a beeline for the open door leading to the patio where Dante’s voice was drifting in. Pausing in the
doorway, he turned back. “Ellie, you come get me before you leave. I’ll be walking you home…

“Yes, Malcolm.” Ellie sighed after he disappeared from view. “That man is just too cute.”
“It’s nice to see you looking so happy, Mama.”
“I really am happy,” Ellie said. She sat down on a stool and smile at Zoe. “Now that you and I

are settled, we just need to find Georgette a good man to put some color in her cheeks.”

GT groaned. “Good God, stop right there.”
Zoe had always thought it was odd that GT wasn’t with someone since there were plenty of men

interested. She was a gorgeous woman, but maybe being a single mother made her more careful
choosing a man. “I’m sure when the right guy comes along, GT will know it.”

Changing the subject, GT asked, “Mama, can you pick Sarah up from school today?”
“I’m off today, so I’d be happy to pick the little munchkin up. What time will you be home?”
“I think I might stay on for close,” GT said after casting a quick glance at Zoe.
“You’re the day manager now, GT. You don’t have to stay for the evening shift.”
“I like the extra tips.”
Understanding, Ellie said, “Don’t worry, Zoe. My girl knows how to handle herself, and she

can help you take down that little bastard who’s after you if he’s stupid enough to show up here.”

Zoe had just opened a bottle of water and choked when she heard Ellie Tate swear. Ellie was

one of the sweetest, most gentle women in town, and Zoe had never heard her say an unkind word
about anyone before. “What…?”

“I told her,” GT admitted.
“But I already heard you had trouble looking your way,” Ellie added. “I do work in a salon,

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remember? We hear about everything going on in town, even the stuff that people might not want
others to know about. Bless their hearts, but the men are just plain silly if they think they are keeping
it a secret when everyone’s been running around like they’re gearing up for a war.”

Zoe closed her eyes and groaned. This was horrible. If everyone knew, this could mess up their

plans. She looked over as GT reached out and touched her arm.

“Don’t worry. The men still think they have everything covered all by their little selves.”
Ellie stood up and yawned. “I think I’m going to head home now. I need a little nap before

Sarah gets out of school since I didn’t get much sleep last night.”

Ellie laughed, and the cheerful sound made both GT and Zoe smile. “It’s been a while since I

had anything to brag about. I’ll go collect my man and let him walk me home.” She winked. “Maybe I
can convince him to take that nap with me.”

She strolled over to the door leading outside to the patio, and GT sighed. “It just chokes me up

to see her looking so happy. So, what do you think about the women knowing about your…situation?
Like they wouldn’t notice their men hanging around the bar every night, not to mention every cop in

Zoe blew out a breath. “No, I can’t say that I’m surprised they know. I’m sure I’m going to

catch hell for it later, but I did agree to let Dante, Sheriff Wyatt and the others handle it, and the men
were pretty adamant about not involving the women.”

“Men can be so fucking stupid when they think they need to protect people.”
“We told you,” Zoe said with a smile.
“I would have kicked your ass if you hadn’t.”
That made Zoe laugh. “Right. Let’s get to work. Hopefully, this will all be over soon and we

won’t have to worry about it much longer.”

* * * *

They didn’t have to wait long.
Around nine that night, most of the dinner guests had left The Fox Hole, clearing up the tables

for the people who were just looking for drinks and entertainment. Business was good, but nothing
like it had been during spring break when they’d had a packed house every night.

Dante sat at one of the tables with Hammer, Jessup, Dare and Hunter. He wasn’t sure why, but

he couldn’t seem to settle. They had been sitting at a table for the last hour nursing beers that none of
them had really touched.

“This waiting is driving me batshit crazy,” Dante said.
Hunter leaned back in his chair in a casual pose that hid the fact that he was tense and ready for

action. “It’ll happen soon enough.”

Dante scrubbed a hand through his thick, black hair in agitation. “Yeah. Now that Zoe’s father

knows where she is, it’s just a matter of time before those fuckers come after her.”

Jessup nodded. “We’ll protect her, Dante.”
Dante sighed. “And who else in town will be put in danger because of this? Hell, just thinking

about Zoe hurt...I can’t fucking stand it.”

“Of course you can’t,” Dare agreed. “All of us want to protect our women.”
“Storm wants us to take Paul Wei alive,” Hammer reminded them after a brief pause. “He

thinks we’ll have a better chance taking down his parents if he’s alive.”

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“He’ll have to learn to live with disappointment,” was Dante’s reply.
Dante was a man who valued life, but some people just didn’t deserve to keep breathing. Paul

Wei was one of them. He needed to pay for what he’d done to Zoe. And the sad reality was that Paul
was too wealthy, too well-connected for the justice system to ever hold him.

So was the rest of the family.
Shen and Meili Wei were playing it up in the media. Dante had seen the news reports. They

played the sorrowful parents to a misguided son, but they continued to express their innocence. Hell,
they’d even gone as far as try to hint that Zoe had attacked their son, instigating the events that had
occurred back in New York. And with Zoe missing, they weren’t contradicted.

“I’m a doctor, and my job is to try and save people, but even I know that Zoe will never be

safe if Paul Wei is kept alive,” Dare said.

“We’ve all read the reports. The parents have managed to shift the blame onto their son to

avoid the feds from getting too close, but they’re guilty, too.” Jessup’s voice was cold as ice.

“When I reached out to my contact, he confirmed it,” Dare agreed. “The parents have done

enough to block anyone from getting warrants to dig deeper, but they’re dirty as hell. The feds don’t
have enough evidence to go after them, not with them blaming the son and saying he acted alone.
They’re also doing a hell of a job deflecting.”

Hammer snorted in disgust. “Yeah, I’ve seen the news articles. They’ve been hosting a ton of

charity events at their estate. It’s sick.”

“You won’t have to worry. Nikita will take them down,” Dare said softly. He wasn’t cut out for

a life of intrigue as a covert agent, but that didn’t mean he didn’t see the need for it. Too many times
red tape got in the way of real justice. And when criminals used political connections and greased
palms to cover up vital information, it was even more important for those agents working in the
shadows to bring those crimes into the light.

Dare’s contact had confirmed that it was just a matter of time before the entire family was taken

down and Wei Auctions was exposed for the front it was. But there were also some things he hadn’t
told his friends. What he’d learned from his former colleague had been enough to give him
nightmares, but Zoe and Dante had enough on their minds already. They didn’t need to know all of the
horrible things the Wei family were involved in under the surface.

It was enough to know that it was being taken care of, and the men at the table had vowed to

keep Nikita’s secret, even from Storm and the local police…just in case.

Hunter sighed. “Nikita’s having all the fun.”
“Yeah, fun.” Dante snorted. “I’m sure you’ll get to shoot someone soon enough.”
That seemed to perk Hunter up.
Hammer grinned. “I’d be satisfied with breaking a few bones.”
“I’ll see what we can do,” Dante told him. He heard a beep from the link in his ear and knew

everyone who worked in the bar and the men at the table had heard it as well. They had found a way
for Sheriff Wyatt to tap into the radio link that the bar used. It was a non-verbal way for them to
communicate, and one that any outsider wouldn’t know about. Being the paranoid son of a bitch that
he was, Storm beeped in a few times a night, just to make sure the line was working.

Dante beeped back, then picked up his glass to take a sip. He spit it back with a groan. “Jesus,

this tastes like warm piss. I’m going to get us a new round.”

“Not that we’ll drink it,” Jessup pointed out. “Can you make mine an iced tea?”
After the other men agreed, Dante picked up the glasses and made his way to the bar. When he

got there, he leaned one arm on the bar. “Hey, angel. Can I get a refill?”

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Zoe looked down and saw the almost full glasses. “You wasting my beer, caveman?”
Dante grinned. “Yeah, I guess I am. Can you set us up with some iced tea instead?”
“Sure thing.” She took the glasses and poured out the beer before setting the glasses in the

washer, then got to work filling the new order. “You boys having fun over there?”

“Barrels. How are things over here?”
“Just peachy.” Her eyes sparkled with amusement. “I got an offer to run off to Aruba with

someone about twenty minutes ago.”

That got Dante’s back up. “What son of a—”
“Mr. Brennigan asked, quite nicely I might add,” she said with a grin.
Dante relaxed as he looked down the bar toward an old man sitting on a stool. Mr. Brennigan

was in his eighties, and looked like he could even be a century past that. “Maybe I need to have a
little chat with him and warn him not to try and steal my girl.”

Zoe laughed. “That would probably make his night. I noticed your dad isn’t back yet. Maybe

Ellie talked him into that nap after all.”

Dante grumbled for a second before saying, “He texted a little while ago. He’s taking Ellie and

Sarah out to dinner, but said he’d be here before closing.”

She set the new glasses on a tray for him, and he couldn’t help but lean in to grab a quick kiss

before he took them back to the table. Dante was just setting the glasses down when he heard a long
beep come over the radio. All the men at the table froze, and the rest of the bar employees stopped
what they were doing.

Hey, boss? We’ve got trouble moving in ,” Jimbo said over the link. “It’s Zoe’s dad. He just

pulled up in a fancy rental with two bodyguards. I think the guards might be packing. What do you
want me to do?

Dante looked up at met Zoe’s gaze. She was still frozen in place even though the rest of the staff

had started to move again. “Zoe?”

“Let him in,” she ordered softly.
Wyatt here,” Sheriff Storm Wyatt’s voice sounded out through the link. “We’ve just got word

that a suspicious SUV has been sighted circling around Zoe’s apartment building. It’s got tinted
windows, so we can’t see inside. I’ll check it out and get back to you.

“Fine,” Dante said. Without looking away from Zoe, he spoke through the link. “Start clearing

everyone out. We’re shutting down. It’s going down tonight.”

He started forward as he heard the chairs moving. He didn’t need to look back to see that his

friends were doing what he asked. Dante looked over toward the entrance and saw an older man in an
expensive suit walk in, followed by two other Asian men dressed all in black.

Subtle, Dante thought.
Zoe’s father was looking around the room with a blank expression as Dante joined Zoe at the

bar. Her hands were braced on the counter, and he reached out to grip one, only to find that it was ice
cold. He heard the protests of some of the customers as GT told them to get gone, but he didn’t care.
His sole focus was Zoe. She looked so pale and scared that it made him want to toss her father back
outside on his ass.

Pride swelled as he saw her gather herself. Her shoulders went back and she stood tall as she

looked over at her father, waiting for him to see her. To the rest of the world, she looked cool and
composed, but Dante could still feel her hand shaking in his.

“I’m right here with you, baby.”
Zoe squeezed his hand, but she couldn’t look away from her father. It had been so long since

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she’d seen him. Emotions warred inside her. He looked good to her. Older and tired, but good. It
made her happy to see him again in person, but the reason for his presence made her nerves jitter.
Still, no matter how screwed up things were between them, she still loved him.

But that didn’t mean she forgave him for everything he’d done.
She saw the instant he recognized her. Jin Tao’s eyes widened, then his face relaxed, once

again becoming expressionless. He started forward, and Zoe saw people move out of his path. He’d
always had that sort of control over people. He wasn’t a very tall man, only about five eight, but he
commanded attention simply by breathing. It was as if people could sense the power he wielded that
had nothing to do the expensive suit he wore.

When he stood in front of her on the other side of the bar, he came to a stop. They stared at each

other in silence for long seconds. Finally, he spoke. “Angelica.”

Jin Tao’s eyes drifted down to where she was still gripping Dante’s hand in hers. It was a

knee-jerk reaction to try to pull away from him, but Dante’s grip tightened on hers. She held on
because she needed the connection, needed something to keep her stable when she felt like she was
going to shatter into pieces at any moment.

Jin Tao looked back at Zoe, dismissing Dante. “I’ve come to take you home.”
Zoe felt the jerk of Dante’s hand in hers, and his slight show of nerves helped settle her a little.

“I am home.”

Jin Tao’s lips tightened in displeasure. “This town?” He looked around the bar in disapproval.

“Surely you can’t mean that. And you work in this…”

“Now, you don’t want to insult our bar,” Dante drawled out in warning. “We’re pretty proud of

this place, aren’t we, sweetheart?”

“We are,” Zoe confirmed.
“Everyone is clear,” Jimbo called out as he locked the front door. “Bar’s closed.”
“Good. Jimbo, I want all the staff out. That means you, too,” Dante ordered.
“No can do, boss. Wait staff is out safely, but I’m sticking,” Jimbo drawled out. “So is Reggie,

Cole, Rick and the rest of the guys.”

Dante turned toward GT, and she just shook her head. “Don’t even.”
He was about to argue, but Jin Tao interrupted when he said, “You can’t keep hiding here. You

need to come home so I can protect you.”

“Protect me?” Zoe felt her temper spark. “You weren’t around when I needed you the first time,

so why the interest now?”

Jin Tao’s cheeks flushed with anger or what could have been shame. “I was dealing with a

difficult situation overseas. The Chinese government had tried to put a block on our manufacturing
plants, and had charged me with several crimes they couldn’t substantiate, but it all took time to sort
out. I didn’t receive your message until I was released after being questioned. If you would have just
had a little patience and hadn’t run away—”

She let out a sharp laugh. “You wanted me to wait around for you? After Paul Wei tried to kill

me? Are you fucking kidding me?”

Dante didn’t understand the rapid stream of Chinese that Jin Tao let out, nor could he decipher

the response Zoe shot back with. The bar staff that remained gathered together as Father and daughter
argued back and forth. Out of patience, Dante didn’t like the harsh tone of Zoe’s father as he spoke to
her enough to put a stop to the exchange.

“English,” Dante barked out. “I don’t know what the hell you just said to her, but you don’t get

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to speak to her like that. I don’t give a shit who you are. You understand me?”

Jin Tao frowned. “You are a very rude young man.”
Dante snorted in derision. “You thought that was rude? You ain’t seen nothing yet.”
Zoe reached out and placed her hand on his arm. He lifted her hand and kissed the back of it, all

the while never taking his eyes off Zoe’s father. Dante could see that Jin Tao didn’t like seeing his
daughter with a man like him, but he really didn’t give a damn.

Zoe belonged to him, and it was better to let her father see it.
“Who is this man, Angelica?” Jin Tao demanded.
“This is Dante Fox, my fiancé.” Before her father could speak, she gave him a warning. “Be

very careful what you say. I won’t tolerate you disparaging the man I love. You lost the right to
interfere with my life when you stopped being a part of it.”

“I am your father!”
“You stopped being my father when mother died,” she countered. “You just sent me away so

you didn’t have to bother with me anymore, and after that, you tried to pawn me off to a monster. You
know what he did to me. I know you were shown the reports.”

Jin Tao winced, and for the first time, real sadness filled his dark eyes. “I didn’t know that Paul

was so…evil. He hid it from everyone. He came from a good family and—”

“A good family? Jesus, dad. Wake up! His family is just as guilty as he is!”
“Is it just me, or does one of the men in black look a little twitchy?” Hunter asked softly.
“I agree.” Hammer shifted a little to get a better view. “We’ll keep an eye on him.”
“I didn’t come here to argue with you,” Jin Tao announced on a sigh. “I’ve been looking for you

since you disappeared from New York. When I heard about what happened in Portland…Angelica,
you should have contacted me.”

Zoe’s chin went up. “After what happened to Ashley, I didn’t know who I could trust.”
The radio signaled again, distracting Zoe so she didn’t even hear what her father said in

response. Instead, she heard Sheriff Wyatt’s voice boom out over the link.

Shots fired. I repeat. Shots fired. Four men inside the SUV started firing when we tried to

approach. We are currently in pursuit. Be on guard, they wanted into Zoe’s apartment. They’re
looking for her,
” Storm warned.

“We’ve got incoming!” Jessup called out as he slammed the door shut that led out to the garden

patio. He began barricading the doorway, and a few of the other men rushed forward to help him.
With his phone in his hand, he said, “Malcolm was on his way back and a car just drove through the
patio fence outside. He and a few others are exchanging fire. One deputy is down, and the medics are
on the way.”

“What is going on?” Jin Tao raised his voice over the disarray, his expression was tight with

confusion. “Angelica, what in the devil is happening?”

“Paul Wei followed you here,” she told him, and watched his eyes widen in disbelief.
“I’m done fucking around. You two,” Dante growled at the bodyguards as he pulled out his gun

and aimed it at them. “Take your weapons out and put them down on the bar top. Now.”

“Ru, Fai, do as he says,” Jin Tao ordered softly.
The shots outside were muffled inside the soundproof bar, but they were hearing the updates

through the radio link loud and clear. Dante watched as both bodyguards unfastened their suit jackets
and slowly pulled their guns from their shoulder holsters and put them on the bar top.

Two more SUVs just pulled up. One in the back, covering the side exit, and one in the

front,” Brix said over the radio. He was up on the roof with his sniper rifle. He paused, then came

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back on the line. “I could use some help up here. These guys are starting to piss me off. Can I kill
these fuckers, boss?

Storm cursed viciously over the link. “You can’t just kill everyone, Brix!”
“Have at it,” Dante whispered, countering Storm’s order. In a louder voice, he said, “Hunter,

help Brix out?”

“With pleasure.”
Storm’s voice rang out through the link. “Confirmed sighting of Paul Wei in the SUV in front

of the bar. They’re packing a fucking arsenal. I’ve got the streets blocked off around the bar, but
damn it to hell, they are shooting up the entire area.

Someone shot out the front windows, shattering glass everywhere. Hammer, Dare and a few

other men rushed forward, taking cover against the walls surrounding the windows as the sound of
gunfire and sirens filled the room. They returned fire toward the men in front, while Jessup, Reggie,
Jimbo and the others guarded the side and back windows. Zoe and GT screamed as a stray bullet hit
the shelves of liquor bottles behind them, distracting Dante for a moment.

Damn it, he should have never turned away!
In the matter of seconds, the twitchy bodyguard, Fai, grabbed for his gun on the bar top, lifting it

to fire at the other bodyguard when he tried to lunge forward, dropping him to the floor. He jerked Jin
Tao in front of him, using him as a shield before Dante could get a shot off.

Everyone inside the bar froze while chaos continued to reign outside.
With his gun pressed against Jin Tao’s temple, Fai said, “Everybody drop your weapons.”

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Chapter Fourteen

“What madness is this? Fai, what the hell are you doing?”
“Shut the hell up, old man!” Fai ordered as he cuffed Jai Tao hard on the temple with the butt of

his gun. “I’m so fucking tired of taking orders from you, and for what? Measly pay while you make
billions? Fuck that. Paul pays me much better than you. I said put your weapons down!”

The men in the center of the room ducked as glass rained down from one of the skylights

overhead as someone outside shot through the window. Fai pulled Zoe’s father back into the corner,
moving away from the falling glass and protecting his back against the wall.

Behind the bar, Zoe reached down and pressed the button on her radio link, sliding the button

forward to keep the line open so everyone could hear. There was a moment of disorientation as the
loud sounds of gunfire and shouts echoed through the radio link and in real time, but none of the others
in the room even blinked. She saw Dante’s eyes flicker toward her, then he gave an imperceptible
nod to assure her she’d done the right thing.

Slowly, she pulled the gun out of the holster located at the small of her back and placed it on the

shelf in front of her so it wouldn’t be seen. She saw movement out of the corner of her eye, and
realized that GT had mimicked her, placing her own gun in front of her further down the bar so they
were both ready.

“Why would we do that?” Dante asked conversationally. He had his gun trained on Fai, but still

didn’t have a shot. Neither did the other men in the room. Still, Dante would bluster his way through it
until he did. “I could shoot you through him. I’ve thought about shooting him, you know. After all that
he did to Zoe when she was growing up? Yeah, I’ve thought about it a lot.”

Alarm flickered in both Jai and Fai’s eyes for a moment, but then Fai sneered. “I wouldn’t do

that if I were you. One of our men put a bomb downstairs the other night. A little insurance to make
sure you listen. In fact, we should be getting a little preview any second now to prove that Mr. Wei is

Fuck,” Brix breathed in the radio link. “I’m heading down to the storage area now to see if I

can disarm it. Can he see down the hallway?

“Negative,” Hammer murmured.
I’m staying topside,” Hunter announced. “Moving toward the skylight for a better position.
A few seconds later, an explosion outside rocked the building. Jessup peeked out back

window. “Christ, Dante. They blew up your motorcycle.”

Fai pressed the gun harder against Jai Tao’s head. “I told you we were serious. Now, put your

guns down on the ground. Cell phones, too. Everyone but you,” he said to Dante. “Call your men
outside and tell them to back off. Paul just wants to have a little chat with your bitch. Tell everyone to
stop shooting, damn it!”

The shock was enormous. Dante’s gaze met Zoe’s, and he saw the stark fear on her face. The

first sliver of panic raced down his spine. It never occurred to any of them that they would put a bomb
in the building. This was his place, and his woman and their friends were inside.

Fuck, he couldn’t lose them.
Dante lowered to the floor to place his gun down. He felt helpless. Storm must have heard what

was said over the radio link, but he still pulled out his cell phone and made the call as the other men
put their guns down. A few seconds later, the shooting outside stopped.

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Fai’s gaze flickered toward GT, but he dismissed her as soon as he saw she was a woman. He

looked away before he saw her expression turn as hard as stone. Pulling out his own cell phone, he
made a call. “They’re disarmed. You can come in now.”

Brix voice sounded on the radio again. “Bomb located. It will do damage, but isn’t very

sophisticated. I should be able to disarm in a few minutes. Buy me some time.

“Copy that,” Dare murmured. Raising his voice, he gestured toward the bodyguard bleeding on

the floor and said, “Can I take a look at his wound? I’m a doctor.”

Fai shot a look toward his partner, hesitating briefly before he agreed. “Fine.”
Dare hurried toward the fallen man and started assessing him after casting a quick glance over

at Fai. From their position on the floor near the bar, Fai couldn’t see them very clearly. Using the
injured guard’s body as cover, Dare slipped another gun from his ankle holster. Dante saw what he
was doing and bent down, acting like he was helping as Dare transferred the gun to him. He shoved it
into the back his jeans and announced, “It doesn’t look good.”

“If I can slow the bleeding, he has a chance.”
“Hey!” Fai yelled. “Step away from them. I mean it. Move over there.”
Dante stood again as the front door opened and four men walked in. Paul Wei was a handsome

man, whose good looks hid his black soul. He was dressed in a flashy light-gray suit that had a slight
sheen to it, with a pale-pink dress shirt underneath. The three men with him looked like rejects from a
bad mob movie, with black suits, white shirts and thin black ties, and they all carried weapons in
with them.

Paul strutted forward, taking his sunglasses off as he looked around the room with smug

satisfaction. He put the designer sunglasses on the top of his head, and when his gaze met Zoe’s his
lips curved up. “Well, hello there, Angelica. Or should I call you Zoe now?”

Zoe’s blood froze as Paul looked at her. Seeing him, hearing his voice again made her knees

weak with fear. She flinched as she remembered how his fists felt against her flesh, how much it hurt
when he’d left her there, tied up in bed praying to die. She saw the quick flash of glee in his dark eyes
when he noticed her fear, and for some reason, it helped her regain a part of herself.

His grin widened as she stuttered out his name. The self-important bastard thought she was

shaking in fear. She was no longer that scared, shy young woman she’d been when she knew him. He
had no power over her anymore, and she could use that to her advantage. There was no way in hell
she was going to let him hurt the people she loved…not this time.

Paul glanced over toward Fai and Jai Tao, bowing slightly in a mocking gesture as he held his

gun out. “Mr. Tao, thank you for leading me straight to your daughter. She has been a little difficult to
find these last few months. Naughty, naughty girl that she is. As soon as Fai told me you were heading
here, I came down and brought a few friends with me.”

He let out a low chuckle as he swaggered forward a few steps. “Now, we could have done this

little reunion in a more civilized fashion, but you had the cops waiting for us. That made me angry,
Angelica. Very, very angry. So, this is what’s going to happen. You are going to come with me to
collect your violin—”

“She’s not going anywhere with you,” Dante growled out. He took a step forward, but came to a

halt when Paul shifted his gun and aimed it at him.

“Isn’t that sweet? She’s going to do what she’s told or I’m going to kill you and all of your

friends. Sorry about your motorcycle, by the way,” he said with a grin. “What an interesting place you
have here. The town itself has its appeal, I suppose. But this bar? Then again, I would have never

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thought to look in a place like this for you.” Furious eyes glared at Zoe. “I could have given you
everything, and this is what you chose?”

“I didn’t love you,” Zoe said quietly.
“Love?” Paul scoffed. “What the hell does love have to do with anything? We could have been

a power couple…traveled the world together. But you surprised me again. I never would have
thought you would pick a man like him.” He glanced over at Dante again. “For trash he does seem…
virile, and a little wild.”

The appreciative gleam in his eyes shocked Zoe. She’d always thought he was metrosexual, but

his interest in Dante physique was appraising on a sexual level.

“Proletarian men and women do have their appeal, but not for the long term,” Paul said,

confirming that he was attracted to both genders. “I’m sure he’s good in bed, but you were meant for
more than working in some seedy bar in some nowhere town.”

Dante glared at Zoe’s father. “You picked this fuckhead in the pink shirt to marry Zoe?


“Obviously, it was a mistake,” Jin Tao said dryly.
“Yeah, a big one.”
Paul’s dark eyes glittered with anger. “Say what you want, but I still had her first.”
“And I’ll make you pay for that. That’s a promise,” Dante said, his voice low and deadly.
“I don’t think so. I’m the one with the gun in my hand. And once I have the violin, I’ll become a

ghost. No one will find me.”

“You came for my violin?”
Paul rolled his eyes. “You really are stupid. Although you’ve made it impossible for me to

continue business as usual, I’ll be taking your instrument with me when I leave. I do have a buyer
interested in that particular item, but that isn’t the main factor. You were always my insurance,
Angelica. I have fifty million dollars worth of diamonds hidden in the lining of your case. You
protected that thing like a child. I knew you’d keep it safe for me until I needed it.”

That floored Zoe. It had never even occurred to her that Paul has stashed away anything in her

violin case. “I don’t have it. It’s in a bank vault.”

Paul sighed. “That’s unfortunate, but I figured you might have put it there. Well, you’ll just have

to go fetch it for me tomorrow when the bank opens. Until then, I’m be taking your father with me to
ensure you bring it back.”

Bomb disarmed,” Brix announced through the radio link. “Moving up to the hallway to get

into position.

Zoe wanted to take Paul’s attention away from Dante and give Brix a chance to move into the

hallway without being noticed so she said, “Why would I bring you the violin? You’d just kill us after
I do. Plus, what’s to stop you from activating the bomb as soon as we leave?”

Paul let out an evil laugh. “You’re right. There is no guarantee. However, I’m a wanted man

now, and I don’t really want the death of all these people hanging over me. It would only make the
cops search for me harder. And I have no reason to kill daddy dearest. I’ll be having him transfer
some of his money over to one of my offshore accounts, but then I’ll let him go. Of course, with him, I
don’t really need your violin or the diamonds, but I want what’s mine.”

Zoe noticed right away that he’d said nothing about letting her go, but that wasn’t important at

this point. She knew—without a single doubt—that Dante would never let her leave with Paul. He’d
kill Paul first, even if he had to do it with his bare hands. She was about to speak again when her
father said one word that changed everything.

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Jin Tao might have messed up with his daughter, but he still loved her. He wasn’t about to let

anything happen to her, and he could sense that Paul Wei had no intention of letting her live. Jin felt a
deep sense of regret that he’d lost so much time with his daughter. She was obviously well loved by
the people around her, and—even though he wouldn’t have been the man Jin would have chosen for
her—Dante seemed to love her deeply.

Loyalty came with a high price, and the lesson had been reinforced tonight by one of his own

guards that had worked for him for years. Jin was a ruthless man when it came to business, and he’d
do whatever it took to tip the scales in his favor. Observing the three men standing with Paul, Jin
could tell that they were nothing but hired help. They’d probably been offered a fee for participating
in this little venture with Paul, but Jin was about to change that.

Paul turned. “What did you say?”
“I said, no. I won’t be transferring any funds to you. What I will do is offer any of the men

standing with you ten million dollars to shoot you in the head, though.”

Paul gaped at him, and the three men standing with him looked at one another in shock and

excitement at the offer. Paul reached into his pocket and pulled out his cell phone. “If anything
happens to me, I can blow this damn place up and take everyone with me.”

In position,” Brix said over the radio. “I have a bead on the asshole with the spiky hair.
“Glasses,” Hammer said softly, claiming the man wearing wire-rimmed glasses.
I’ve got the fucker holding Zoe’s dad, but he’s got his finger on the trigger. I need a

distraction in play for him to move that gun away from Jin Tao’s head, then I’ll take the guard
” Hunter said as he stared down through the broken skylight from his position on the roof.

Try to leave them alive,” Storm growled through the radio. “Wei brought ten men with him.

Three are dead and the others are in custody, but we want Wei still breathing.

“Got it. Get ready,” GT whispered. She picked up her gun, moving carefully. From where she

stood she’d didn’t have a shot, but she didn’t need it. Pointing her gun at a bottle, she fired. Everyone
in the room turned toward the sound, and Fai moved just enough to give Hunter the room he needed.

One shot, one kill.
Fai went down, almost pulling Jai Tao with him. At the same time, Brix fired at his man,

dropping him instantly. Hammer grabbed the guy in the glasses, and in seconds had him disarmed and
on the ground, unconscious. Dante was going to shoot Paul, but the last man with him raised his gun,
aiming for Hammer. Dante took him down before the other man could shoot.

Zoe knew that Sheriff Wyatt wanted Paul Wei taken alive, but she just couldn’t do it. She knew

what Paul was capable of, and with his connections, she didn’t trust that the law would keep him in

As Paul took the opening and aimed at Dante, she lifted her own gun. Without hesitation, she

pulled the trigger. She saw Paul’s eyes widen in shock as the bullet slammed into him. His body
jerked, but he didn’t go down. Staggering, he tried to turn his gun toward her, but Zoe was quicker.
She pulled the trigger over and over again, emptying the clip into him.

Unable to move, she watched with horrified fascination as he fell to the floor. It was as if she

were some other person, completely detached from her own actions. Logically, Zoe knew she was in
shock, but she felt no guilt at killing the monster that had stolen so much from her.

And she’d do anything to protect Dante.
Zoe’s hands were shaking as she set the gun down on the bar top. As she heard the men call out

the all clear to the people outside, she took a few deep breaths to try and stop from heaving up her

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dinner. Then he was there. Dante jumped up and slid over the bar. He jerked her to him, holding her
so tight she could barely breathe.

“I had to. I had to do it.”
“I know, baby. I could have lost you. I could have fucking lost you,” he whispered as he buried

his face in her hair.

The doors to the bar slammed open, and keeping her head on Dante’s shoulder, Zoe turned to

see dozens of people rushing into the room. She had expected to see Sheriff Wyatt and Malcolm, but
she’d never expected all of the other people who had come to their aid. There was a group of former
military men who volunteered at the rescue center and several others that lived in town. A few of
Malcolm Fox’s friends hurried in from the side hallway, and Zoe nearly fell over when she saw Evie,
Sam and Francesca with them.

Dare passed the injured bodyguard over to the paramedics, then looked over and saw Evie

standing there with a gun strapped to her hip. For a second he just stared at her, so mad he looked like
he was about to explode. He stomped over, his gray eyes glittering dangerously. “What the fuck are
you doing here, Eve?”

“Don’t you even start with me.” She poked a finger into his broad chest. “You should have been

the one to tell me Zoe was in trouble. I shouldn’t have had to find out from them!”

Dare shot a murderous glare at the other women, but they’d already blended into the crowd to

escape his wrath. “You shouldn’t be here. And what the holy hell are you doing with a gun?”

Evie grinned. “Honey, I was born and raised in Texas. Of course I have a gun.”
Zoe’s attention turned from the fighting couple as her father walked over to stand in front of her

and Dante. She still couldn’t breathe from the hold Dante had on her, but she wasn’t about to
complain. She held onto him like a lifeline, afraid that if she let go she would fall to pieces.

“Are you alright, Angeli—Zoe?” her father asked.
“F-fine,” she stammered out.
“You are not fine,” Dante growled. “Damn it, I could have lost you.”
“I’m sorry I led him here. It was never my intention to put you in any danger.”
“I know, Dad,” Zoe said with a sigh. “Despite everything, I’m glad you came. I need to…I can’t

talk about this right now. Can you stay for awhile so we can talk later?”

“I’ll stay as long as you’d like,” her father said softly. His gaze shifted from her to the man that

held her. “We have much to discuss.”

Sheriff Wyatt stomped over, glaring at them. “Damn it, did you have to kill all of them?”
“I think the guy Hammer took down is still alive. Maybe.”
At Dante’s flippant reply, the sheriff’s expression darkened. “You’re damn lucky I deputized all

of you before this shit show started. But I wanted Paul Wei taken alive. Who killed him?”

“I did.” To Zoe’s surprise, her father picked up the gun she had set on the bar top as he casually

took the blame for the man she’d just killed. He made sure to grip the handle, then turned the gun in
his hand to offer it safely to the sheriff. “Paul Wei deserved to die for what he did to my daughter.”

Storm Wyatt studied the three of them for a moment, then he sighed. “Hell.”
“Quit bitching,” Dante growled. “Oh, and go get that bomb out of our bar.”
“Now, that’s something I never thought I’d hear you say,” Zoe said as Storm stomped away.
Dante laughed, and Jin Tao gave them a slight bow. “I am going to go to the hospital to check on

Ru. I will contact you later.”

“Maybe your dad isn’t such an asshole after all,” Dante said after her father had left. When

Zoe’s laugh turned into a sob, he leaned down and pressed his lips to hers, needing to assure himself

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that she was really alive and well. “I love you, angel. I’m sorry that you had to go through this, but—”

“I’m not. All of this…it brought me to you. I might have some nightmares about this, but I know

you’ll be here to help me through them.”

“Always. So, now that you’re safe, are you still going to marry me?”
“You bet your ass I am.”
“Good. You aren’t going to make me wait months, are you?”
She looked up at him. “What are you doing tomorrow?”
A slow grin spread across his face. “Angel, I like the way you think.”

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Three days after the shootout, Dante and Zoe officially began their future together.
During those days in between, they’d been so busy they’d barely had time to breathe. Both he

and Zoe had been questioned by the cops, the FBI, the US Marshals and even someone from Interpol.
The interview with the police had been easy, since Sheriff Storm Wyatt’s main concern was that they
were okay and Zoe was safe, but dealing with the agents was a little more difficult.

The Marshals were pissed that Zoe had evaded them for so long, and the FBI and Interpol were

determined to use her to take down the rest of the Wei family. Zoe had told them what she could, but
they hadn’t been satisfied with her answers. When they pushed—saying they could charge her for
using a false identity and a variety of other offenses—her father had surprised them all by sending in
an army of high-priced attorneys, gaining her immediate release.

Zoe had slightly appeased the agents when she handed over the fifty million dollars in

diamonds she brought into the office in her violin case. They were even more pleased when she
turned down the reward for the missing diamonds. The FBI had traced the jewels back to an unsolved
case of theirs, and they had been happy to recover them.

Dante had grumbled a bit about her turning down the reward, but he quickly got over it when

she agreed to go straight to the courthouse with him to apply for a marriage license. Zoe hadn’t been
kidding when she’d said she wanted to marry him as soon as possible. They had to wait a few days,
but the plan was put into motion, pleasing them both.

Their friends had come through again while he and Zoe been taken in for questioning.

Renovations at the bar had begun, and the windows had been replaced by the time they’d showed up
that night. The staff had also been busy inside the bar, cleaning out the debris. Dante had wanted to
keep the bullet-riddled walls, saying it gave the place character, but Zoe had quickly nixed the idea.

Since the patio was pretty much destroyed and a lot of the inside had to be repaired, Zoe, Dante

and Malcolm discussed doing some big renovations on the bar while it was already closed. The chefs
had all but smothered Zoe with gratitude when she suggested making the kitchen area larger. Malcolm
wanted a bigger patio area for outdoor seating, and he’d also suggested a private room for parties.
The only change Dante had demanded was a stage area for live music. He wanted to hear Zoe play for
him. Whether it was after the bar closed or during business hours, he wanted to see her on that stage.

It was going to take a nice chunk of cash to make all the changes they wanted, but it would be

worth it in the end. Because of the new additions, Dante thought he’d put off getting a new
motorcycle. He wasn’t sure his insurance would cover an asshole blowing it up, but there was no
need for him to worry. Zoe had surprised him with a brand new bike, calling it her wedding gift. He’d
been shocked by the extravagant gift, and he was touched when he saw she’d gotten Hunter to paint it
just like his old one.

Maybe it was a guy thing, but he’d been a little troubled by her spending so much money on

him. When he’d mentioned it to Zoe, she’d just laughed. Then she’d showed him what was currently
in her bank account, saying it was just a fraction of what was still in the trust. Dante had never been
so shocked in his life. He knew her father was rich, but Dante had never really thought about Zoe
having money like that, too.

Just thinking about it made him a little queasy.
When she offered to use her money for the renovations, both Dante and Malcolm had flat out

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refused. In reprisal, when Dante demanded they sign a prenup before they got married to protect her
assets, Zoe refused right back. What she had in the account Ashley set up for her would belong to both
of them. She was adamant about that. When he balked, she explained that the way the trust was set up,
only their children would have access to the bulk of it after her. That helped settle him a bit, but he
was still uneasy about the whole thing.

The next night, they finally got a chance to sit down with Jin Tao. Despite his anger toward her

father, Dante made an effort to give the man a chance. It was a strained meeting at first, but Malcolm
had showed up with dinner, and his friendly manner had helped put everyone at ease. It was
interesting to see the two fathers together. They couldn’t have been more different, but as the night
wore on, everyone relaxed a bit. He’d never met a more reserved, tight-assed man before, but Dante
could see that Jin Tao did care for Zoe, in his own way.

Jin Tao informed them that he’d rented a house in town. He wanted to stay in the area for a little

while in order to mend things between him and Zoe. There wouldn’t be a quick fix for what had been
damaged between them, but the gesture pleased Zoe enough to have Dante biting his tongue when
what he’d really wanted to do was beat the shit out of the man for all the pain he’d caused her in the

Jin Tao hadn’t protested when Zoe informed him of their plans to get married in a few days,

although Dante could tell Jin Tao still didn’t approve of him.

He didn’t give a fuck as long as her father didn’t try and get between them.
On Friday evening, they were invited to the house that Zoe’s father was staying at. The rental

was one of the nicest beach houses in the area, close to where their friend Hammer lived. When
Dante and Zoe walked into the house, they’d were shocked at what greeted them.

The living room had been cleared of all furniture. The dark wooden floors were left bare,

except for a thick white runner that ran the length of the room. The room had been decorated with tiny
fairy lights wrapped around two columns that had been placed at the far end of the room in front of the
large fireplace. Thick candles that had yet to be lit sat in holders of various heights that lined both
sides of the space.

“What is all this?” Zoe asked as she looked around.
Her father looked slightly uncomfortable. “Since you were planning on getting married in a few

days, I pulled some strings and got your license expedited. I know you were going to the courthouse
since you said you didn’t want to have a big wedding, but I…I would like to be able to offer you this
space for your ceremony this evening. I had your mother’s dress shipped here. I wasn’t sure if you
would like to wear it, but—”

Zoe stepped forward and wrapped her arms around him. “Thank you, Father.”
Jin Tao stood stiffly for a moment, then his eyes closed and his arms came around her. “It

would be my great honor to be part of your important day.”

Dante and Zoe were separated into different bedrooms to get ready. Jin Tao seemed to have an

army working for him, and when one of the assistants brought a brand new suit to Dante, he found that
it fit him perfectly. He dressed with care, noting that the tie that came with the black suit was a bright
red color.

Emotions hit Dante when he saw Malcolm and Jessup standing in the living room when he got

back downstairs. He was told that Ellie, GT and Sarah were upstairs helping Zoe get ready. The
candles were lit and the men stood near the fireplace as a priest came into the room. Soft music began
to play over the stereo system. Sarah walked into the room, dropping red rose petals along the cloth
runner. Her job done, the little girl smiled at the men, then waited patiently for her mother and

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grandmother to join them at the front of the room.

Dante’s breath caught when Zoe appeared in the doorway holding onto Jin Tao’s arm. She

looked absolutely stunning in a high neck, sleek red dress that had a gold decorative pattern on it. Her
hair had been styled up, with several dark tendrils falling down in soft curls. Knowing that she was
wearing her mother’s ceremonial dress made the moment even more special.

Their gazes locked and held as she moved forward to join him, and there in front of a small

group of family and friends, they pledged their lives to one another.

The ceremony was short and sweet. After it was over, Dante kissed his new bride as everyone

cheered. Before they could leave the room, Jin Tao handed Dante a red envelope, telling him it was a
Chinese tradition to give a gift to the new couple. Dante thanked him, then almost passed out when he
opened it and saw the amount Zoe’s father had given them.

A few hours later, Dante and Zoe sat in his truck outside the front of The Fox Hole, waiting to

make their entrance. They’d had a special dinner after the ceremony, then they were told that their
friends were gathered at The Fox Hole for an impromptu reception.

“Twenty million fucking dollars.”
Zoe glanced over at him. “You keep saying that.”
“I know. Because I can’t really believe your dad gave us twenty million fucking dollars.”
Reaching over the center console, she patted his arm. “He doesn’t really like you yet, but I’m

sure he’ll give us more once we have kids.”

Dante choked. “More? What the fuck would we do with more? We shouldn’t even take this!

This isn’t normal, Zoe. People don’t just give away this kind of money.”

She bit her lip to hold back a laugh. “I don’t think you understand just how wealthy my father

really is. To him, twenty million was on the low end of what my dowry should have been. But then
again, I told you, he doesn’t really like you yet.”

“My head feels like it’s going to explode.”
She let out a little laugh. “You’ll get used to it.”
“No, I really don’t think I will. We run a bar for Christ’s sake!”
“Think of it this way, now we can afford all the renovations we want.”
“And then some,” he muttered. “There is my dad’s signal. Let’s go in.”
He got out of the truck and came around to her side to help her out. He tolerated the suit and tie

since she was still in her beautiful dress. When they walked into the bar hand in hand, they were met
astounding applause and cheers that shook the rafters. They were hugged, kissed and congratulated as
they were passed from person-to-person. The bar was officially still closed, but it seemed like the
whole town had showed up to celebrate their big day.

As expected, Zoe was given hell when she was cornered by her friends. Kali, Evie, Francesca

and a few others were pissed they hadn’t been told what was going on, and Zoe didn’t hesitate to
throw the men under the bus. GT passed Zoe a glass of champagne as the women moved off in an
angry mob to track down their men.

“That was mean,” GT said with a chuckle.
“I know it.” Zoe grinned, then she leaned back against Dante as his arm slid around her waist.
“What are you two laughing at?”
“The fact all you men are paying for leaving the women out of our little adventure,” GT

informed him.

They were distracted when a scowling Hunter joined them. “I got smacked on the head by my

sister, my cousin and my ma because of you.”

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Zoe blinked innocently. “I have no idea what you mean.”
He waved that off. “Thought you’d like to know. I got a text from Nikita.”
Zoe felt Dante stiffen behind her, and her own heart started to pound. “What did it say?”
He pulled out his cell phone and showed them.

Angel is free. The news might interest you tonight…

Without saying a word, Dante moved toward the bar and reached over the counter to grab one

of the remotes. He turned on the television closest to them and started scanning the channels until he
found a news station. Increasing the volume until they could hear it over the crowd behind them, they
watched as a news reporter stood in front of an elegant house on the screen.

We’re reporting live in front of the large estate owned by Shen and Meili Wei, the owners

of Wei Auction. Earlier tonight, the house behind me was raided by agents, culminating in one of
the largest recoveries of stolen artifacts, jewelry and art reported in the United States. Their son,
Paul Wei, a fugitive wanted for murder, was reportedly killed in a shootout with police a few days
ago in Texas, in connection with this black market trafficking case that federal investigators have
been looking into for the last few years. Until now, there has been no evidence to tie Shen and
Meili Wei into the scandal, but the shocking discoveries tonight have confirmed it. Another
development occurred when it was reported that several young children were found locked in a
hidden room in the basement of the estate. Right now, we don’t know the identity of any of these
children, but we can speculate that the Wei Auction house might have been moving into human
trafficking. Both Shen and Meili Wei were killed in the takedown, as were several guards that the
couple had on the property. It is still unknown which agency is taking credit for the takedown, but
we can only say that it’s a job well done to whoever was involved in stopping this family’s
criminal enterprise.”

“Human trafficking,” Zoe whispered horrified. “How could anyone do something like that?”
“You cut off their regular side business,” Hunter told her. “It’s not a hard jump for them to start

moving other things that would net them large sums of money. It was probably easy for them, and they
didn’t even have to travel. All those charity events they’ve been hosting lately, their clientele
probably came right to them.”

“I’m glad they’re dead,” GT bit out. “People like that who kidnap children, there’s a special

place in hell for them.”

“I agree,” Dante growled. “And I hope they’re able to track down every buyer so they can put a

bullet into their heads as well.”

“It’s really over,” Zoe whispered, turning so she could wrap her arms around his waist. “I’m so

happy it’s over, but hearing about all the horrible things they were doing…I’ve been in that house,

He pressed his lips against her temple. “It might have been a new business venture for them like

Hunter said.”

She pulled back so she could look at both Hunter and Dante. “How am I ever going to be able

to repay Nikita?”

“She wouldn’t want you to,” Hunter said simply, then he walked away, heading straight for

Dare to update him on the news.

GT blinked. “Why would you thank Nikita? Speaking of, where is she?”
Zoe glanced at Dante before saying, “She should be back in a few days. Now, I need another

drink. We have a lot to celebrate.”

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* * * *

It was late by the time Dante drove Zoe back to his house.
Their friends had been in on the wedding surprise, and had spent the evening moving Zoe’s

things into Dante’s house for them. Zoe had been comically horrified when she’d heard they’d moved
her stuff, but Dante had laughingly told her that he’d already moved her toys from their hiding spot in
her apartment and had taken them to his house, where he’d tucked them away someplace she’d never
find them.

“You really need to get over that,” she said as they got out of their truck.
“Nope. Not going to happen. You want it, you come to me.”
She let out an exaggerated sigh. “If I must.”
“Come here, you,” he growled as he swept her into his arms. Carrying her to the front door, he

bent a little to unlock it before stepping over the threshold. “Isn’t this tradition? For a man to carry his
bride through the door?”

“It is,” she murmured, then pressed a kiss to his lips. “Now, put me down. Why don’t you go get

us something to drink? The ladies told me they left a gift in the bedroom for me that I think you’re
going to like.”

His gaze heated. “I’m intrigued.”
“Give me ten minutes.”
She hurried down the hallway toward the bedroom and he heard the door slam shut a few

seconds later. He’d taken the tie off in the truck on the way home and tossed it on the kitchen counter
now as he searched for the bottle of champagne he knew was in the wine fridge.

It was a hard wait, but he gave her the ten minutes she’d asked for. He took off the suit jacket,

laying it over the back of a chair, then he carried the bottle and two glasses with him to the bedroom.
He knocked on the door, and when she called out to him, he opened it.

Starlight greeted him. Zoe had lit dozen of candles in the room, reminding him of the first night

they’d spent together. His eyes searched for her, and when he finally saw her, his heart swelled with
love. She was wearing a long shimmering gown of white lace and satin that hugged her curves and
highlighted her long legs with a slit in the skirt that came up to the top of her thigh. She looked like
every dream, every wish he’d ever made, and it was hard to believe she really belonged to him.

“You’re fucking gorgeous.”
Her bright tinkle of laughter warmed his heart.
“You say the sweetest things,” she drawled out as she slowly walked over to him. Reaching

out, she took the bottle and glasses from him and set them on the dresser before she moved into his
arms. “I love you, husband.”

Just like that, Dante instantly felt all those empty spaces inside himself fill. She was his light,

his love. “Not as much as I love you, wife.”

Smiling, she pulled him with her as she took a few steps backward until they were in the middle

of the room. “Stay right here for a second.”

She went back to the dresser and picked up her phone. After she hit a button, music began to

play. The strains of the violin playing were light and airy, and the melody was soft and sweet. Dante
cocked his head to the side as he listened.

The song was beautiful and something he’d never heard before.
When she moved back to him, she took his hands in hers. “Will you dance with me?”

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“Of course.” He took her into his arms, holding her close. When she rested her head on his

chest, he let out a contented sigh. “I wish I could hold you like this forever.”

“You can,” she assured him. “Dante? Do you like this song?”
“I really do. It’s beautiful, but I’ve never heard it before.”
“That’s because I wrote it for you.”
Dante froze. He stared down at her with wide eyes. “Wait—what?”
“I started composing this shortly after I moved here. There was no music in me before that. I

was empty until I walked in the bar and met you. I never thought I could love this deeply, but then I
fell in love with you and a whole new world opened up for me. You helped put the music back in my
soul, Dante.”

He leaned his forehead against hers. “I love you so much it fucking hurts. I can’t lose you.”
“Never,” she vowed, wrapping around him tight. “Want to know what I named this song? I

titled it “Dante’s Angel,” because of you.”

“How can I ever thank you for what you’ve given me?” he asked, his voice rough with emotion.
Her lips curved even as her eyes filled. “You’ve given me everything. If I have your love,

you’ve given me everything I’ve ever wanted.”

“God, I love you.”
With a groan, he slammed his mouth down on hers. He needed her. Desperately. Endlessly.

Picking her up, he carried her over to the bed. They undressed one another, hands stroking lovingly as
they stole gentle kisses in between removing each item.

When they were both naked, he laid her down on the bed, covering her body with his. She

opened for him, welcoming him, and when he slid deep, it was like coming home. They loved each
other in the golden glow of candlelight, moving together as one. He filled her with slow strokes,
teasing her until she was writhing beneath him.

Zoe felt herself sinking into him, deep into the love that welled up inside her like a bubbling

fountain until it filled her completely. She took his mouth with hers again, sharing that love, wanting
him to feel it, taste it. She ran her hands over the corded muscles of his back, feeling the power of
them bunch beneath her palms as he continued to move.

“Dante, please, please…” she moaned, shaking her head from side-to-side, begging for more.
Dante’s greed for her broke him. He felt her struggling beneath him and gripped her hands in

his, linking them together. Breath coming in gasps now, he drove deep, filling her to the hilt. Hips
pumping, he began to move faster, driving into her over and over again until he heard her scream his
name as she shattered around him. When he let his own release take him, he buried his face against
her neck, shuddering as he emptied himself inside her.

“Only you,” he whispered.
And it was true. She was his angel, and he was sure to the depth of his soul that he would love

her until the moment he took his last breath.

The End

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Other Books by Laurie Roma:

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