Bad Boys 4 The Villain Jordan Silver

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The Villain


Jordan Silver

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Copyright© 2015 Alison Jordan

All Rights Reserved

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Table of Contents

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10


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Chapter 1

“Draco here...yes I know, what the fuck do I care just do it yeah?" I hung up the phone and

shook my head, looked like I might have to play hardball after all. When it rains it fucking pours and
right now there was a cluster fuck of storms on my horizon.

I don’t play well with others, and don’t give a fuck to, but some fuck is always trying to play in

my sandbox, like who the fuck invited you?

This time though it was as if these fucks had decided to join ranks, like that shit was going to

faze me. Now I was about to hit back but I didn’t have time to play footsie with the fucks, so I’m
going to hit the head and watch the sheep scatter.

Picking up the phone right away, I hit callback. "Yeah Chase, he has a daughter doesn't he?

How young is young? Eighteen? Old enough to bleed old enough to breed grab her." Fuck did I check
the phone for bugs this morning? Whatever.

The fucking feds be on my nuts like fleas on a dog’s ass, one wrong move and I’ll have to bury

some fuck for sticking his nose in my shit. I tapped my fingers on the high polished wood of my desk
as I contemplated my next move. Too soon to tell what is, I’ll have to wait until Chase got back here
and go from there. No sense in thinking too hard on that shit until I know.

I went back to what I’d been doing before I was interrupted. The dumb fuck sitting across from

me was sweating bullets and looking like he’d already tasted his death. Good for him, at least he
knew what was coming. That’s what happens when you try to fuck over Draco Santorini. I have no
problem making examples out of dumb fucks.

“Do you understand why I have to kill you?” I looked him square in the eye as I asked him this.

I like to be fair after all. If a man was about to die, he ought to know the fuck why? Parents tell their
children why they’re being punished don’t they?

“Mr. Santorini, Draco, sir, I didn’t mean anything by it. It was just a misunderstanding.” He

fidgeted and moved around on his chair, I was expecting to see piss stains any second now. Why the
fuck these humps keep fucking with my shit, when they can’t even stand a little heat, was beyond me.

Everybody knows that if you fucked with Draco, you’re gonna get burned. Still, every couple

of months or so, some new fuck was in my shit. I guess that’s what happens when you’re top dog.
Everybody wants your spot.

“Well, your little misunderstanding just cost you your life.” I’m not sure if he felt the shot to his

forehead or not. Sometimes they say a shot to the brain kills you before the pain sets in. The fuck do I
know? I’m no scientist.

I shook my head and holstered my piece. What a fucking waste, he probably would’ve

amounted to something in a couple of years if he hadn’t been so fuck stupid. I keep telling these humps
about selling shit on my streets, but no one seems to listen these days.

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Everyone was after that quick buck and never kept sight of the big picture. This was my

neighborhood, my streets, my people. I have to look out for them, especially the kids.

I keep the streets clean and the people appreciate that shit, that’s why they don’t mind me doing

what the fuck I do. Not that I need their approval mind you, but it’s just good business to get along
with my neighbors rather than to always be at war with the fucks.

The first thing I’d done when I took over this turf, was wipe out the head kingpin and scatter his

crew to the four winds. After showing my might and the fact that I didn’t give a fuck, that got the
others in line and they knew to get the fuck gone or they were next.

I cleaned up the schoolyards and used my resources to fish out the dirty cops who were part of

the drug ring. How the fuck you’re gonna have a war on drugs when the generals are pushing the shit?
What the fuck?

The dumb fuck who’d just lost the right to breathe was the last in a long line of assholes who

thought that they could sneak in under the radar. He was a low level jackass out to make a quick buck,
now he was dead. No drugs in the school zone.

The only thing I hated more than a drug-dealing fuck who pedaled to kids, was someone who

broke Omerta. For those who don’t know, that’s the sacred code of my people. The men in my family
have been living by it since my great grandfather came over from the old country. Murdering fuck that
he was.

His little misunderstanding as he called it, had cost a kid his life. A kid with a promising

future, who was looking for a little pick me up because he’d bitten off more than he could chew with
football and class and a whole slew of other shit that no seventeen year old should have to deal with.

Now he was dead, and the brain-fucked dad who’d been pushing him too hard was wishing

he’d have done shit different. I should cap his ass too for being a fucking moron.

Then again, who am I to talk? My dad had passed his empire on to me. Granted the shit was

mostly legit by the time he passed the reins, but still. There were still pockets that could do with a
little cleaning up. I didn’t mind getting my hands dirty once in a while, but the days of running wild in
the streets were long gone.

Great grandpa Alfonzo had ran with the scarred one in Chicago back in the golden days. The

poor shoeshine that was breaking his ass to make a buck and put food on the table had a very unique
skill. He could slit your throat where you stood and you wouldn’t know it. At least that’s what
grandpa Al was always boasting about his old man. The Stiletto, that’s what they called him.

By the time gramps had passed shit on to dad it was a whole lot calmer than those days, and the

family had branched off into more legitimate endeavors, which brings us to today and yours truly. I’m
the new face of the underworld, the kind of fucker that makes grown women leak on themselves when
I walk into a room. Hey, that’s what the fuck they told me. They know I’m a bad boy, but they can’t

Where the fuck had my mind wandered to? The fucking guy was starting to stiffen on my damn

Persian rug, the fuck! I pressed the button under my desk and sat with my head resting on the chair

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back. I hate like fuck having to kill someone, and every time I do it I tell myself never again. But the
shit’s easier than dealing with the same fuckery over and over again.

My men came into the room to take him out and I went back to work. There was always some

shit going on around this bitch. Crime was a never-ending taskmaster. Those fucks who complained
about their nine to five bullshit jobs should walk a day in my fucking shoes.

I was bored with the damn paperwork in two hours flat; how the fuck did the pencil pushers do

this shit? It was my own fault though. Since I don’t trust any motherfucker walking, I have to take care
of this shit myself. The last motherfucker got thrown off the roof, thieving fuck.

But in hindsight, I could see how crunching somebody else’s numbers day in and day out could

push an asshole to that point. People should just be more careful who the fuck they tried to rob that’s

I heard a whole lot of commotion outside in the hallway, just before my boy Chase came

through the door with something that was kicking and screaming. “Whoa, whoa, whoa; what’s all the
racket?” He pushed it... whatever the fuck it was, towards my desk.

All I saw was a wild mass of jet-black curls, and a tiny form under it with tits, I like tits. My

interest wasn’t really peaked though, I have women coming at me from all angles, it gets tiring if you
wanna know the truth. I was about to ask my boy what the fuck? He was supposed to be on a job, not
fucking around with some wild ass female. And then I got fucked.

She picked her head up and I got hit in the gut and the heart. I was halfway out of my chair and I

got stuck in motion for a hot minute. Totally fucking bowled over.

I regrouped fast enough that I was sure neither of the room’s other occupants noticed my little

life altering moment. It still took me a minute though to process. I felt like I was drowning, no joke.
Like water was rushing over my head and I was fighting to breathe. I shook that shit off best I could,
but it wasn’t easy.

“Damn. What have we here?” I stood from my chair and walked around my desk. She was hot

as fuck to say the least. Short, about five three maybe, wild as fuck black curls, and cat green eyes.
My cock thanked me and I hadn’t even so much as smelt the pussy yet.

“A pain in the ass that’s what.” My boy looked beat to shit, there were scratches up and down

his arm, and what looked like blood on his lip. I looked at the little dynamo who was trying to kill me
with her eyes. Damn, I haven’t fucked anything that wild in...ever.

“Now Chase, that’s no way to speak about a young lady, especially not one as gorgeous as our

guest. Now where did you find her? And before I forget, thank you.” I grinned at him and he rolled his
eyes. My boy isn’t known for his sense of humor.

“She’s Felix’s daughter.”

“Get the fuck out; that mutt produced this? Tell me sweetheart, were you adopted?” I walked around
her, taking her in and loving what I saw.

“Fuck you asshole, now let me the fuck outta here.”

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I was, to say the least, shocked. I think my mouth hung open for a good half a second. This shit

was too good to be true. I like a woman with a little sauce; my pussy of late has been very bland.

All those groupie types that liked hanging off my dick. A bunch a whiny, complaining

simpletons, who only breathed to please me. Who the fuck wants that shit? Okay, it was fun for like,
the first five years or so, but fuck, you can’t eat the same shit day after day without growing tired of
the fuck.

“What did you say your name was again sweetheart?”

“None of your fucking business, my dad is going to kill you once he hears about this.” She’s

killing me here, it’s like someone took all the shit I liked and rolled it into one little package. This
better not be a fucking joke or I’ll be so pissed.

“Your daddy is an ass. Why the fuck would he mess with me when he knew he had you in his

cache? See, this is what I’m talking about Chase; no one does their homework anymore. Had he done
his, he would’ve known that if he fucked with me, Draco was gonna come after the pussy.”

I walked over and sniffed her neck. She still had that new girl smell on her. I’d giver her until

tonight to smell like me. I’m gonna put my stamp on this one and soon.

One, to piss off her old man, and two, because no one has ever made my cock this hard without

having it stuffed down their neck or up their snatch. She’s a keeper alright.

“You may go now Chase, I’ll handle the pain in the ass from here.”

“Watch it Dray, I think she’s part rabid.” She actually lunged at him and I had to catch her with

an arm around her middle. He made the sign of the cross and backed out the door, leaving me to
wonder just what the fuck he had landed me with.

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Chapter 2

She headed for the door as soon as I released her and I had to pull her back by the tail of her

designer shirt. Daddy’s little princess wears the good shit. Good, hopefully she’s the apple of his eye;
it’ll make defiling her all the sweeter.

“Where do you think you’re going?” She took a swing at my head and I looked down at my

cock to see if he was seeing what the fuck I was seeing. He of course, was making his presence
known. Obnoxious fuck; let me at least catch her name first before you start your shit.

“Okay you, I was thinking maybe five minutes of conversation might be nice, but if you just

wanna fuck, that’s cool too.” I don’t know why I was fucking with her; something about her attitude
tickled the fuck outta me and I couldn’t resist trying to get a rise out of her.

She struggled in my arms until we were face to face and I felt that jolt again. This shit was

starting to worry me and a worried Draco is a dangerous fuck. “I’m telling you, you keep that shit up
we’re fucking.”

I had to hold both her hands behind her back after that, which brought her tits in close proximity

to my face. “Damn, what the fuck have they been feeding you?” My mouth actually fucking watered,
she wasn’t going to make it. My gentleman gene was corrupted sometime back in the second grade
and has been on a downward spiral ever since.

She had a rack on her to rival any grown woman’s and her ass wasn’t too shabby either. I don’t

usually go for the teenage type, I’m no fucking cradle robber, but I was a hundred percent sure this
one was going to be on my rod before the day was out.

That was going to cause a whole other set of headaches I was sure, because her old man is half

jackass and he can’t seem to get it through his head that I’m the wrong motherfucker to cross. From the
looks of her, she’s been well cared for, which means the fuck might want her back. My life is never
fucking easy.

“Stop moving around like that babe.” She was trying to knee me in the balls or some shit I

don’t know. I’m six three she’s a whole foot shorter, but still she was trying to topple me. If she only
knew that the shit she was doing was only making my wood harder she’d freak I was sure. For all that
she had a mouth on her, she struck me as one of those preppy types beneath all the bravado.

“What am I stupid, I’m supposed to just stand here and let you manhandle me?” Damn, she’s

beyond gorgeous, no wonder that mutt had been hiding her ass. Fucking idiot got caught slipping
though. Of course he wouldn’t expect me to go after her it was against the code. But since he’d been
the first to cross the fucking line, it was fair game. Besides I make my own rules anyway when
dealing with assholes, fuck that.

“No, you’re not stupid, but you don’t strike me as the type to fuck on the first date, so unless

you’re ready to acquaint yourself with my dick, I suggest you stop that wiggling around shit.” I don’t

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think she had any idea what kind of danger she was in. What the fuck did she think the rod of steel that
was poking her in the stomach was anyway, my piece?

“You’re a pig.” She tried to knee me in the nuts again.

“Now, now sweetheart, you might not wanna do that. One, it’ll mean no drilling for you later,

and two, I may or may not slip and cut your throat.” The grin that I tacked on there at the end didn’t go
over so well.

She did stop trying to unman me though, but I knew she was just waiting for an opening. “I saw

what you did to my boy, but a word of warning, you scratch me, I fuck you, so any time you’re
ready...” That took a little bit of the wind out of her sails, but not much. This one is a fighter; we’ll
see how well she fights when I have her pinned on my dick.

I dragged her over to the couch and sat with her across my lap, at least I tried to, but she

wouldn’t hold still. “Babe, you gotta stop, I’m trying to be a gentleman here, but that shit will only go
so far ya know what I mean?”

I pressed her ass down on my cock so she’d get the idea. Her eyes flew up to mine, and fuck if

I didn’t wanna kiss her. It’s been a long time since I’ve kissed a chick. Before I could make up my
mind either way, she pulled some sort of maneuver and jumped off my lap.

“Well now, I see daddy has been giving his little girl lessons. Too bad that one won’t work

against this.” I cocked my gun behind her retreating back and she stopped dead in her tracks. What the
fuck, she’s eighteen, I’m twenty-seven; I can’t spend all day running around behind her ass. That shit
is tiring.

“Now get that fine ass back over here.” She threw me a look over her shoulder before turning

and making her way slowly back to me. I checked her crotch for wet stains, but she was calm as a
fucking cucumber. Who is this girl? She has more balls than her old man that’s for sure. As for that
fuck, I’m gonna enjoy fucking with him, the fuck.

“Sit.” She was standing in front of me with her arms folded and her foot tapping away like she

thinks this is high school. “I don’t want to sit, I want to leave. I don’t even know why I’m here.”

“You’re here because your daddy messed with me. He fucked up something of mine, and now get the drift.” I pulled her back down on my lap.

“So, you still haven’t told me your name.” She folded her lips and looked away. I put my hand

on her pussy through her jeans. She almost fell off my lap. Funniest shit.

“Are you insane?” She pushed at my hand, but I just tightened my hold. My eyes were still

glued to her tits, which I must admit were spec-fucking-ta-cu-lar. My mouth started to water again in
earnest, no joke. I could already feel the little pebble of her nipple against my teeth and tongue.

Fuck, I’ma fuck around and do her before I even learn her name at this rate. Fuck it, I started to

follow through on that shit, moving my hand slowly over her, but for some fucked up reason I didn’t
want it to be like this. What the fuck, since when?

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“If you lay a hand on me I’ll geld you in your sleep asshole.” Ooh big words for the little girl,

maybe I’ll just take her right now after all. Maybe that’ll calm her little ass down. “Let’s test that.” I
had to leave her pussy in order to rip her blouse open. She screamed bloody murder and threatened
me with mayhem.

Should I tell her that it was her attitude that was making me hotter than a rabid dog? Nah, why

spoil the fun? “Fuck it.” I decided to drop the act and give her a real taste of the man she now
belonged to. And fuck if she didn’t belong to me. Where the fuck had that come from? I shook it off
and continued. I’m not down with that shit no matter how hard she makes my cock.

With her arms held behind her, I lowered my head to her cleavage and sucked the skin between

my teeth. I held it there for a good half a minute or more, making sure I’d done it right. Haven’t
marked anyone in a long time either.

My cock was over this shit already, he knew when pussy was on the menu and he wasn’t one

for waiting, unruly fuck. Her skin had this scent to it, it wasn’t perfume or any other kind of chemical
enhancement, I think it was all her and it was doing something to my insides. Just what in the blue
fuck was going on here anyway?

I had the strong desire to pull away, like I was on the verge of some fuck, or something was

about to happen, but what? What danger could she pose to me, a little thing like her? I looked down at
her. Her chest was heaving up and down in her pique, her hair was wild, and those cat eyes were
spitting fire. I think I’m in love. Fuck me.

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Chapter 3

“You ever been fucked raw little girl?” She blushed at that one but it didn’t stop her mouth

though, and I was enjoying this little sparring thing we had going on way too much.

“Not by a pig.” She smirked at me even as I saw death threats in her eyes. That shit only made

my cock want to come out and play even more, and I was actually looking forward to getting inside

“I’m going to enjoy riding the fuck outta you.” I guess she doesn’t take too kindly to sexy talk,

or a take-charge guy. Who knows what the fuck she was into with that douche wad for an old man?

“Get the hell off of me asshole, and go ride your mo...”

“Hey, that mouth of yours is gonna get you fucked hard. Leave my poor mama out of this and

another thing, I don’t like my women to swear like stevedores, you’re gonna have to do something
about that.” I guess she didn’t like being told what to do either because no sooner were the words out
of my mouth than she was up to her shit again.

I wrestled her beneath me, in between tearing at her clothes to get her naked. I got a little

sidetracked by the pink beauty of her nipples, and my hand loosened around hers. She used that to get
one of them free and sock me in the mouth.

The fuck! She wasn’t expecting the grin that spread across my lips and I wasn’t expecting the

rush I got from it; and for the first time since she’d come through the door, I saw real apprehension
and uncertainty written all over her face.

I started to lick the blood away with my tongue, but changed my mind. Instead I wiped it away

with my finger and swiped it across her lip. Fisting my hand in her hair, I pulled her mouth up to mine
and took her lips in an almost brutal kiss. She tried keeping her tongue from me; so I teased her nipple
between my fingers until she softened.

It was like sticking my dick in a wall socket instant fucking electric shock. I pulled my mouth

away and looked down at her again, I couldn’t help it. All jokes aside, something strange was going
on with this girl. There was some fuck in her that called to the beast in me. That might be good for me,
and my mom, who had grandkids on the fucking brain twenty-four seven. But not so much for the girl
that was lying under me, breathing like she’d just ran the five K.

I actually had flashes of me fucking my kid into her, and that right there is how I knew for sure

that I was fucked. The attraction thing was normal enough I guess. I like women and make no bones
about it. But that other shit was all new.

The way she made me feel for one was new, and the fact that she wasn’t even trying was just

scary. I ran my mouth along her neck, leaving a trail of my blood. “You shed my blood, you know
what that means? It means you’re mine to do with as I please. So what’s it gonna be, death or this?” I
cupped her pussy through her jeans as my mouth came down on hers again.

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This time I changed my tactics and went in slow. Instead of mauling her like my beast wanted

to, I calmed her with my touch until she melted beneath me. Fuck if that shit wasn’t worst. I tried
holding back but something told me it was no use, whatever was going on here was out of my control.

I dove into her; there was no other word for it. She fucking took me under the way she gave

into my touch, and soon it was I who needed to come up for air. She was all soft and cuddly under
me but that shit lasted all of five seconds. I thought I had found the way to calm her the fuck down, for
a minute or two at least, or so it seemed, I shoulda known better. “I want to call my dad, he’s going to
worry if I don’t come home soon.”

What the fuck did she think this was, an afterschool play-date? “That’s not how it works babe,

you won’t be talking to dad for quite some time, if ever.” I lifted my body away from hers a little not
sure if I should risk getting up as yet, then I sat up and pulled her onto my lap again, while I thought of
my next move.

I know it’s customary to let the kidnapped talk to the ransom holder, but I say why the fuck

should I put his mind at ease? Let the fucker sweat. I’m sure what I’m going to do to his kid is way
worse than anything he could come up with anyway. He shoulda thought of that before he fucked with

“Damn did your daddy buy you these tits or are they real?” Since she refused to answer I

decided to give them the litmus test myself. “Fuck, your mother must be one put together broad,
because there’s no way Felix the fuck could’ve made you without a lot of help.”

She really was a thing of beauty, and it was almost a shame that she was so young, but like I

said, she was legal that’s all that matters to me. I’m not exactly into snatching girls off the
streets...who the fuck am I kidding? I do whatever it takes to fuck the other guy; I’d snatch a fucking
cocker spaniel if it’d get me what the fuck I wanted.

As much as I would like to fuck her in the next second though, I still had a shit load of fuckery

to do before I could even think of playing with my new pussy, and this one was going to take all my
concentration, to make sure I don’t lose my dick in the bargain.

Shit, what was I supposed to do with her for the next couple of hours? I pushed her off my lap

and she scrambled to fix herself. It was a damn shame she had to cover those babies, but the way my
cock was spitting and trying to get out the gate, it was better if she did. I didn’t want our first time to
be on the couch in my office. And since the fuck when do you care about that girly shit?

I needed to get away from her, put some space between us so I could come to my fucking

senses. I eased away from her just a little bit, and already I felt the lost of her warmth and closeness.
This was all kinds of fucked and I had nothing to compare the shit that was going on inside of me

I got myself together and stood up to give my cock a break as much as anything else. I didn’t

like the way my chest felt when I looked down at her little face. I suddenly realized that I didn’t want
her to be afraid of me; that before too long I wanted to see the same longing I was beginning to feel,
reflected in her eyes. I’d lost my fucking mind.

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Chapter 4

“Now sit there like a good little girl while I finish up here. I already owe you a deep hard fuck

for busting my lip. Anything you do now, will just be gravy on top of that, so keep that shit in mind.”

I walked back over to my desk and shook my head to clear it. My day wasn’t going anyway like

I thought it would that’s for sure. For one, I didn’t know I was going to meet someone like her, who
actually made me take a second look; it wasn’t often that that shit happened these days.

I’ve spent the last few years building my reputation and keeping the shit I’d inherited together.

It wasn’t easy for a Yale grad to be taken seriously on the streets. Add the fact that most people took
one look at me and mistook me for a pretty boy with a silver spoon in his mouth and fuckers were
always trying to test me. A few gunshots later though, and everyone was a believer.

I’d been kept out of the limelight so to speak for the better part of my teen years, dad’s way of

letting me have a life I guess, so most people didn’t know what I was capable of. I didn’t run with the
sons of the other families, and was even thought of in some circles as the prince, but not in a good
way. Fuckers thought I was soft.

I wasn’t expecting to take over for a while anyway, I thought I had at least another twenty

years, but then mom caught a cold or some fuck and scared the shit out of dad, who then decided that
it was time for him to retire. He was all of forty-seven at the time.

I don’t know if I was ready at the time, I was just beginning to spread my wings. Though I’d

always known my destiny, I’d got caught up in other things, things that had nothing to do with the
family business or our history. I don’t know how either of us knew that I would be able to carry on
from where he left off; I’d been trained in something else after all.

I do know that from the age of three, dad had taught me the ins and outs of the business, both

sides. I could shoot the hat off a motherfucker by the time I was six, and most importantly, learned our
way of life. I guess you can say I was groomed for this shit, but as it turns out, not in the same way as
the others around me.

In fact, it was mom’s idea that I go to college, something both dad and I had fought tooth and

nail at the time, but that lady is the only thing with a heartbeat that could get over on us. I wasn’t about
to fuck with her even if dad was on my side, because more often than not she’d get him to see her side
of things, so why bother? It was two against one.

In the end I was packed the fuck off even though we all knew that I wasn’t necessarily going to

use shit that I learned. On that score I was wrong. I had met some of the biggest up and coming
criminals there, men and women that I could now call on in a pinch. It was good to have the offspring
of senators and governors in your back pocket.

I’d spent most of my time at school cultivating relationships, while gathering information that I

could use for years to come. Some day I was going to own the fuck in the Whitehouse, I had no doubt.

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So in the end, ma had made the right call. I was a whole new breed, not only could I run the streets
with the best of them, I had a fucking brain. Now they call me the prince for a whole other reason.

There were some who thought I was too young, and even more who thought that because of my

age and the fact that I hadn’t been as deeply involved in the streets as maybe their off-spring had been,
that the chair should’ve gone to someone else. What they didn’t know could hurt them.

This Felix fuck was an old throwback from my dad’s days, who didn’t want to let go. They

thought I was soft because my dad and gramps had done all the hard work before I came along, and
him being a murdering fuck figured he could take me. The fuck outta here!

He was trying to strong-arm me and using his past relationship with my dad to get over on me.

That’s not the way I operate though, dad knows that I run shit my way with no interference and he
respects that shit.


I ignored her as I went about my business, though I was aware of every breath she took. Ten

minutes in I looked up to see her staring at something in front of my desk, and her face had turned
white. I glanced over my desk to see what the fuck and saw the bloodstains.

Fuck, I’d been so caught up in her, I’d forgotten that I’d just offed a guy. “You okay, you’re not

gonna pass out or anything are you?” she gave me the meanest look I’d ever seen on a little girl; that
shit was just pure amusement for my dick.

“Who are you?”

“Didn’t you see the name on the door?” I turned the nameplate on my desk around so that she could
see it. “I’m an attorney.”

“’re an attorney and you snatch people off the street?”

“I don’t remember doing any such thing, did you see me there when you were taken? What I

remember is me being here in my office minding my own business and you coming in kicking and

“Why is there blood on the floor?”

“Someone had an accident nothing for you to worry about.” That would have to be enough to

satisfy her because I wasn’t about to discuss my shit with a woman; especially not one that I was sure
was going to be under me in the near future. That shit’s just not done.

I ignored her for the next hour or so and got back to work. When I picked my head up again she

was sitting where I’d left her, deep in thought. No doubt she was dreaming up ways to fuck with yours

I closed the ledgers and got up from my seat. “I’m all yours, let’s go eat.”

“I can’t go anywhere looking like this.” She looked down at her torn shirt and gave me shit.

“Do you know how much this shit cost?”

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“We’ll get you a new shirt, can we go? I’m hungry as fuck.” I shrugged out of my jacket and

wrapped it around her before I called down for the car and then struggled to get her ass out the door
and into the private elevator.

“Where are you taking me?” She struggled harder as the doors closed behind us. I’m sure my

guys in the security room were getting an eyeful of this shit. I have to get her ass settled before she
fucks around and gives them a shot of my tits. I’d hate to have to kill the fucks for the honor, and how
would that be fair?

“To eat, now stop stressing me before I fuck you right here. In case you haven’t noticed, my

dick is hard and all that moving around is just fucking with him. He doesn’t know that you’re not
trying to tease him, and if you keep that shit up, I’ll let him have you.”

She stopped moving and gave me a wide-eyed stare. “A virgin huh, that’s good to know it’ll

save me from tearing your little pussy by being too rough the first time.” I laughed when she squeaked
and tried to pull away. “Stay.”

She behaved for the rest of the ride down but I could tell from the looks on my men’s faces that

the gossip rag in the security room had already shared the theatrics with them. I sat her in the back
before turning to them. I eyeballed their asses until they lost the smirks and then told them we were on
a run to get her new clothes, which started a fucking debate about size and shit.

In the back of the car I kept her close while she fumed and asked me a million questions not the

least of which was what I planned to do with her. Good fucking question, I had lots of ideas on that
score, none of which she was ready to hear I’m sure, but still...

“Well, when I woke up this morning, I was only going to fuck with your old man in a way that

he would remember, but since the chicken shit motherfucker went into hiding and my guys can’t find
him, I decided to take you instead.

I had no idea at the time that you were going to be you though. You must admit your old man

looks like a gutted trout, so who would’ve thought his daughter would rival Cleopatra for beauty? So
to answer your question, I think I’ll keep you.”

“Are you demented? You can’t just keep me, this isn’t the stone ages.”

“I don’t know what the fuck age it is, but I do know you’re staying put. Now the boys wanna

know what size top you wear. I told them an extra large but Chase thinks you’re too little for that.
Obviously he hadn’t seen those things you’re carrying around, which is good for him. I’d hate to have
to cap a friend for looking at my shit.”

“I can pick out my own shirt.”

“The fuck you are, you’re not going anywhere like that.” She had tied the ripped ends of her

shirt together under her tits. Although I’d given her my jacket as cover, I could still see her cleavage;
fuck if she was walking around a store like that.

“What’s wrong with the way I look? You did this you idiot.” She’s one of those argumentative

types. “A word to the wise, I’m not much for arguing so you might wanna save your breath. While

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you’re with me, it would be wise to just do whatever the fuck I say and leave all the rest of that shit

“I’m not an airheaded puppet, I can think and speak for myself. And just so you know, the first

chance I get, I’ll get away, then what’re you gonna do when my dad comes after you?”

“Do you really think I’m afraid of that dumb fuck?” Just like a fucking woman, I have to prove

to her who has the biggest dick. Pulling my phone I dialed his number. I wonder if he knew she was
gone. I’m not hip to his family life. I only knew that he had a daughter from his first marriage or some

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Chapter 5

I’d never seen her before today because I didn’t move in the same circles as him. He answered

on the second ring. “Felix, Draco Santorini, I have something of yours you fuck, say hello to your
daughter.” I put the phone on speaker.


“That’s enough.” I turned the speaker off and put the phone back to my ear.

“Santorini you bastard what’re you doing? What do you want? I’ll give you anything just don’t

hurt her, she’s innocent...”

“Not for long.” I grinned into the phone while his daughter glared at me. Where was the fucking

fear? “Tonight while I’m buried balls deep in her sweet young body you can light a candle for her lost
cherry and remember this was all your doing. I warned you not to fuck with me you fuck.” I hung up
just in time to block the swing she threw at me.

I grinned at her before pulling her into my chest and biting into her neck. I only relaxed my jaw

when she stopped fighting, then I marked her. Her hand went to her neck as soon as I released her.

“Why do you keep doing that? Stop it I don’t like it.”

“Queen Anastasia has spoken. That shit might work with your fuck of a dad; doesn’t hold much

sway with me. As for that,” I pointed at the mark that was forming on her neck, “it’s a good way to let
all the males you come into contact with know that your pussy’s been bagged and tagged.” I grinned at
her again because that shit seems to get her going.

“Now we’re here and I don’t want my guys buying your shit so you stay here while I go get you

some shit to wear.” Don’t ask me why the fuck the thought of one of my guys having his hands on
something that was going to be next to her skin was suddenly not to my liking. This territorial shit was
new to me too.

I had to fucking tussle with Chase and Alec to let me go into the store alone while they stayed

back with her. They’re worse than a pair of fucking old women. I’d rather gnaw my arm off at the
shoulder than live my life in a bubble. If today was the day some fuck was gonna end me, then so be
it. But fuck if I was gonna let that shit happen anytime soon.

I was in and out in less than twenty and came back to fucking drama. “What the fuck is going on

here?” Chase was in back holding her while she was trying to kick a hole in the side of my fucking

He rolled his eyes at me and she bared her teeth at him. “What do you think happened? She

tried to jump.” Fucking girl.

“I got ‘er.” I slid in as he slid out on the other side while she spat and cussed at me. “I’m gonna

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wash your mouth out with soap.”

I heard all about my questionable birth and lineage on my way to the restaurant, in between

struggling to put the new shirt on her. “Quit it Anastasia before I put you over my knee. You can go
back to fighting after I cover you up okay.” I pulled the shirt over her head and eased the torn one out
from under it. She fussed with it until it was the way she wanted it and then sat back fuming again.
Seems to be all she knows.



Damn, I hope dad hurries up and give this guy whatever it is that he wants before I make a

complete fool of myself. Of course I knew who he was, well not at first I didn’t, but as soon as his
henchman called him Dray I kind of figured it out. He was ‘the’ Draco Santorini, billionaire bad boy,
rumored thug and the guy most of the women in our city were out to bag.

How did little old me get caught in his web? Whatever it was, I had to keep a cool head on my

shoulders. I couldn’t let on that he got to me, that he made my stupid little girl heart beat out of
control, he’d already taken liberties no one else ever had, no point in me helping him along on his
way to my virginity by mooning over him.

It was one thing to gush over his pics in the tabloids, and quite another to let him see that his

nearness made me weak.

“Stasia, I like it.”

“My name is Anastasia.”
“I heard, I like Stasia better, sounds more intimate, like the kind of thing a man would call his woman
while he’s doing her.” How am I supposed to keep up this charade of indifference if he keeps saying
things like that?

“That’s never going to happen, my dad will take care of this little situation.”

“You really think I’m afraid of that fuck don’t you?” before I could answer he rolled down the

divider. “Change of plans boys, take us to the Bistro.”

They looked back and forth between us before breaking into laughter. I didn’t get the joke; the

Bistro was my dad’s place.

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Chapter 6


We pulled up outside the restaurant and I helped her out. She seemed a little excited as if she

thought I was bringing her here to give her back, I hated to disappoint her, but whatever, I’ll make it
up to her. What the fuck?

I guess Chase had called in the troops since we were heading into enemy territory, because my

boys pulled up burning rubber right behind us. I could only roll my eyes and shake my head. They still
didn’t get it; Draco wasn’t scared of one fuck.

I’d walk into the midst of my enemies and not break a sweat. In fact that was one of the ways

I’d proven myself in the beginning. Now the fucks that were gunning for me back then shake in fear
when they hear my name.

I held her elbow to keep her by my side when she started to move ahead. I wasn’t in the mood

to shoot anyone else today, best if I keep her close. The evening crowd was now settling down to
their Bolognese and shit when we walked.

Those who knew what was what started to get twitchy at the sight of me, and that was before

my crew stepped through the door. I saw one spit shine motherfucker eyeing us up and down before
he got brave enough to approach. I noticed his eyes were dead set on what’s mine though, and I didn’t
like that shit one fuck. I relaxed my stance and waited for whatever the fuck was gonna throw out

“Anastasia, what are you doing with him?”

“What the fuck?” I grabbed the preppy fuck by the neck and shook.

“Stop it, let him go.” She tried grabbing my arm and pulling me off the fuck. Something about

her protecting him made my vision blur. I’ve never been that close to murder without a cause before,
but in that second her care for him almost cost him his life.

“What is he to you? I asked you a fucking question. What the fuck is he to you?” My boys

started flexing just in case some shit jumped off, but I wasn’t worried. If she gave me the wrong
answer I’d snap his fucking neck.

“Nothing, he’s no one.” Probably just one of her dad’s lackeys! Cool I’ll let him live, maybe.

“You’re lucky cockroach, now get the fuck out my vision before I end your stupid ass for

breathing.” He scurried away with his feathers ruffled. Looks like Draco had made himself one more
enemy. I give less than a fuck.

The maitre’d came forward to seat us, but I walked right by his ass and chose the best table in

the place. I didn’t look left or right as we moved through the room with all eyes on us. I seated her
first before grabbing a seat.

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Nervous ass Chase stood at my shoulder when we sat down; fucking guy is always worried

about some shit.

“Chase, sit down.”

“Chase, sit down.”

I didn’t need protection from this fuck. If he started shit with me I’ll embarrass him in front of

his little girl. Him and I both know that he was no match for me. Where his vengeance ends mine is
only just beginning, I don’t stop, everyone knows this. That’s why I was so surprised that he’d even
crossed me in the first place.

It looked like his spies were on their game because we were barely seated before he came in

and walked over with his goons. Mr. Big-shot, tough guy.

“I’m not ready to deal with you Felix get the fuck gone.”

“I’m not leaving without her.” He’s funny as fuck; too bad I wasn’t in the mood.

“I’ll put a bullet right between your fucking eyes and don’t spend a day in jail for your dumb

ass, now step the fuck off.” Now why would he put himself in this fucked up position, not only in front
of his kid, but his men?

He got a pained look on his face and his little princess looked like she was giving serious

thought to popping me one. She made as if to get up and I hit her with the Santorini look. That shit’s
more deadly than a stiletto, or so I’ve been told.

“You move we’re gonna have a problem.” She looked at him with tears in her eyes and I

almost felt sorry for him, but then I remembered what the fuck had done and that shit died a quick
death. I didn’t like that I was hurting her though, and fuck if I wasn’t starting to see how the fuck mom
had tied dad in knots all these years. These females are some sneaky fucks.

I waited until her fuck of an old man was gone before turning back to her.

“You good, you know who’s running this shit now or do you still need convincing?” I wasn’t

expecting an answer and I didn’t get any, just a cute pout that made me wanna fuck.

“Good let’s bounce.”

The place was as still as a mausoleum as we got up to leave. I didn’t take her hand but instead
wrapped one of mine around her nape and led her out into the night.

“You satisfied now, you know who has the bigger dick? Sweet let’s go eat.”

She sat as far away from me as possible in the back of the car and I let her. No matter what I

thought if him, he was her dad and she obviously loved the deranged fucker. I didn’t let her
displeasure stress me too much, I wasn’t expecting her to just fall under my spell in a few hours, I

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needed to giver her the dick for that to happen, it never fails.

She jumped at my bark of laughter out of nowhere. Sometimes my mind amazes the fuck out of


We finally made it to one of my places where everyone went into action as soon as they saw

me coming. Who knows what the fuck they were doing before I arrived. She got her fair share of
looks, it wasn’t everyday Draco walked in with the pussy, they usually showed up after I was seated,
and usually at the most inopportune time.

“Good evening Mr. Santorini, it’s a pleasure to have you here.” If it is such a pleasure why the

fuck are you stuttering? I don’t know where people learn this fear of me when I haven’t done shit to
them. “Roberto, I cleaned you up off the streets and gave you a job, why the fuck are you afraid of

“Oh Mr. Santorini sir, one hears things.” He sat us with a flourish and beckoned the server

over. Roberto is one of my projects I guess you can say, one of those less fortunate that had come
under my radar and was marked for death. But when I found out that he was stealing from my place
because he was hungry, I’d got him the best hotel room in the city instead of putting a bullet in his

Now one year later, he has his own place and had turned out to be one of the most loyal fucks

I’d ever known. But still he was always afraid, I guess because he remembered the feel of cold steel
against his temple. My bad.

“You still on mute babe?” The others had left us alone since there was no danger of anything

happening to me here in my own lair and she was still pouting. “I’m talking to you chick.” The look
she gave me could peel paint.

Fine, I ordered the seafood linguini for both of us and sat back to study her. She really was a

gorgeous little thing with her feisty ass. “Stop pouting your old man’s still alive isn’t he?” Maybe that
wasn’t the right tack damn, she all but growled at me. This is the thing that gets me about females, she
knows she can’t take me, but she’s still giving me shit.

“Eat your food Anastasia.” Her spoiled ass was still pouting.

“I’m not hungry.” She pushed the plate away and folded her arms like she was grown.

“Seriously, you want me to feed your ass in front of all these people?” I started to lift her fork

to her mouth but she snatched it out of my hand. Testy.

We ate in silence until we were done and it was time to go. My dick was just waiting even as I

contemplated giving her more time. It might be fun to play with the pussy some first, like maybe for a
day or two. I’ve never invested that much time in a female before, I usually knew within the first hour
if they were gonna get it or not.

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The same as with her I guess, the only difference is, I never imagined doing them for more than

a fortnight, her I couldn’t imagine letting go. Fucking Felix probably set my ass up with this shit. “You
ready? Let’s go.”

I could feel her nervousness as we walked out of the place. The sun had gone down and she

knew she wasn’t going home tonight. The part of me that was reserved for the women in my family,
the only give in me, was activated. I wanted to protect her as much as fuck her. I think I need to go get
my head checked or some fuck.

She totally flipped the second we were behind the doors of my mansion. I should’ve known she

was gearing up for something, I saw it in her as I was putting her fuck of an old man in his place. She
did some kind of maneuver that I was sure she’d learned on a Dojo’s mat and came at me hard.

I barely had time to counter her move and jump back out of the line of fire. I was so shocked by

this shit that I left myself open for a hot second and she caught me one in the middle. Dammit, and I
was just about to play the gallant and let her pussy alone at least for tonight. Oh well, this works for
me too.

“You sure you wanna do this little girl?” I took my time removing my jacket and rolling up my

sleeves as she circled me like a prizefighter. “I’m going to kick your ass and then I’m gonna light your
house on fire with you in it asshole.”

“All that, and pray tell what the fuck am I supposed to be doing when all this is going on?”

She’s nuts! Whatever she was, she folded her fists and took her stance. How the fuck can I defend
myself against such cuteness.

“Come on Prince, let’s see what you’ve got.” That stopped me in my tracks. “You knew who I

was?” She would have to if she knew that name, the little sneak. Her ‘shit’ confirmed it for me. Well

“It doesn’t matter, I’m going to be the one to take you down you cazzo.”

“Hey whoa whoa whoa, watch your mouth.”

“A fanabla porca miseria.”

“Wait, why are we talking in Italian again?” She shook her head as though she hadn’t realized

she’d been doing that shit.

“Oh, you break into the old language when you’re scared huh.” She took a jab at me; I guess

talking was over. She cussed at me with words my mama would’ve cut out my tongue for saying as
she tried her best to pummel me into dust. I let her get a few shots in here and there, just to make her
feel good, but when the insults got out of hand I decided it was time to reel her in.

“Intro culo di mammata.”

“Hey now, leave mom out of this, she’s going to be the grandmother of all your precious


“Ma’va te ne a fanculo. Pompinara. Dirty mouthes little thing.

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“Hey.” I caught her next move and pulled her into me. That scent was enhanced either by fear

or by the sweat she’d worked up fucking with me. Either way it was doing some fucked up shit to my
insides and my dick, who was already enjoying the show and waiting for his turn, was all but leaking
down my leg.

We grappled all the way up the stairs where I had a hell of a time carrying her over my

shoulder while she kicked and screamed at me. I dropped her on my bed and she bounced right back
up before I mushed her face back down.

“Strip.” I started to take my clothes off, they were suddenly very constrictive and I’d fucked

around long enough. I figure the sooner I get this shit out of the way, the less fear she’d have. There
was no question that we were fucking. Only an act of divine intervention could keep me out of her

She tried scrambling away from me but I pulled her back by her leg. I suddenly realized what

the fuck I was doing and dropped her leg like a hot potato before stepping back

I was going at this shit all wrong. She looked at me warily when I sat on the bed and left her

alone while removing the rest of my shit.

She sat up and pulled at her shirt to bring it back down and I got up to go into the bathroom. My

dick was ready to revolt, but I needed to regroup and come at this thing another way.

“Where are you going?” Well now. I didn’t look back just kept going. Now see, I’m a very

observant fuck, I have to be in my line of work. So I knew she was more interested than she was
letting on.

My trick now was making her be the one to beg for it. It might not be easy because this one’s

got anger issues or some fuck, but I wasn’t worried.

“To the restroom why, you needed something?” She looked at me like I was nuts and tried her

best to hide her disappointment. Gotcha.

I made myself stay in the bathroom for five minutes before going back to her. She was still

sitting where I’d left her, looking confused as fuck.



Why is he toying with me? I just know that that’s what he’s doing. I kept him in my vision out

the corner of my eye as he came back from the bathroom and moved around the room.

His shirt was all the way off, and his pants were undone a little so that I could see the

beginning of his pubic hair. For some odd reason, looking at it made me feel overheated, and my
mouth was suddenly dry.

Even though he wasn’t looking at me, I couldn’t shake the feeling that he was stalking me

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somehow, like a big cat shadowing its prey. Way too much National Geographic.

I kept him in my sight as I got up from the bed, and when he didn’t try to stop me I hustled it

into the bathroom to splash some cold water on my face.

I’m pissed at him and attracted at the same time, which is very confusing for me. I don’t know

what’s going on with him and my dad, but I find myself torn between my new attraction and my
loyalty to my dad.

Back in the bedroom he was laying back on the bed flicking through channels on the big ass TV

that was actually the whole wall.

I was so mesmerized by the sight that I forgot and walked over and sat next to him. He didn’t

even look, just kept his focus on the channels as they went by.

What game is he playing now I wonder? “Can I sleep in another room?”

“No.” Just that one word, no other explanation. I don’t know what was wrong with me, but I

didn’t like the way he was ignoring me. How could he just go from hot to cold so fast?

Whatever the reasons it pissed me off, he pissed me off and I flung myself off the bed and

headed for the door. I heard his ‘this fucking girl’ before I felt his hands on me pulling me back.

I hid the smile even as I wondered what the hell I was doing.

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Chapter 7


“What did I say?” I still didn’t do anything more than pull her back to the bed and left her while

I went back to watching the screen.

There was a huge shift in the room, I could smell her and I was sure she had no idea, or was it

just that I was somehow in tuned with her scent?

There was a new spiciness that I knew was her body preparing itself for mine, her mate. Where

the fuck...? Ever since I laid eyes on this one my thoughts have been fucked.

Even though we weren’t moving, I had the sense that we were both circling each other. I also

realized that she didn’t like me ignoring her, I decided to test that theory because I could be wrong.

I turned my back on her and pretended an interest in the shit that was going on on the wall. I had

no idea what the fuck I was looking at, none.

But I was very highly aware of her breathing, and of her eyes on me even though she was

undercover with her shit.

She fidgeted around some until she got comfortable. Meanwhile my body was strung tight,

ready to spring.

“I want to go home.” Here we go. My heart started racing like a fucking teenager’s as I turned

my full attention on her.

“I’m thinking that’s not gonna happen.” I didn’t say the ‘ever’ that reverberated through my

head out loud but I accepted the shit for what it was.

I have to remind myself to kick Chase’s ass for this. My wife was supposed to be a sweet,

biddable old-fashioned girl who knew nothing about the life, and had never sworn a day in her life.

Not this hair trigger harpy with the acid tongue and rattlesnake mean disposition. I also wasn’t

going to get the revenge I’d set out to get on her fuck of a dad, because I wasn’t about to harm a hair
on her pretty as fuck little head.

Dilemmas dilemmas. My dick was gonna fall off waiting for her to make the right move. I felt

sure when I started this new game that she was going to cave soon, but she’s a hardheaded fuck.

“I don’t want to stay here you dumb fuck or is this the only way you can get girls?” She really

is young damn, that was the oldest trick in the book, but I’m feeling magnanimous, so I’ll let her get
away with it.

“Do you want me to wash your mouth out with soap?” I turned as if to grab her and she pulled

back out of the way.

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Fuck, I could see it in her eyes, thank fuck. But either she was too young or too green to realize

what was going on with her.

That scent was even stronger in my nostrils, it was coming out of her pores it seemed like and I

needed her to break fast before I took her in haste.

“Don’t you touch me asshole.”

“That’s it.” I rolled her under me, and bit into the underside of her jaw where it met her chin. She
pretended to buck me off but the jig was up.

Her nipples were like pencil erasers under my bare-chest and her breathing was not that of a

woman who was afraid.

She put up a mediocre resistance at first because that’s just who she is, and I was sure she was

trying to save face, but when I took her mouth she fucking melted into me. Thank fuck.

I had a hell of a time calming her to the point where I could safely remove her clothing without

too much bodily harm to myself.

I kept my hand on her pussy or her tits at all times, keeping her primed. When she was bare

before me I took in all her beauty, now mine.

The growl of possession started in my gut and escaped as I took her pussy in my mouth.

I covered the whole thing before concentrating on her clit. She went up in flames, her body

arching off the bed as I ate her.

She was tight as fuck around my tongue, and I couldn’t wait to feel her around my cock. I didn’t

take as long as I’d like eating her out, I’ll have to get back to that later. Right now I wanted inside her
before I fucking expired from want.

Knowing that she was a virgin, I cautioned myself to go slow as I took my cock in hand and

guided it into her.

“Fuck, hold on.” I gritted my teeth against what I was about to do, and lifting her ass in my

hands, slammed through her maidenhead.

The scream that left her sounded like I was killing her ass. “Shh, it’s okay, I’ve got you.” I held

still and hugged her close until I felt her pussy relax around my meat. Shit felt like forever.

As soon as she started pulsing around me, I knew it was safe to go on. I started with slow easy

strokes before picking up speed.

I didn’t want to accept it, but her pussy was a game changer. Draco had bitten off more than he

could chew.

There was blood on my dick and the sheets, that gave me pause, but she wasn’t acting like she

was hurt, not after the wailing from her breeching anyway.

“Damn, this has got to be the tightest pussy I’ve ever fucked. Look at that shit.” I watched the

way her pussy stretched around my cock as I pounded in and out of her. “Who knew virgin pussy

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could be this fucking good?”

She was staring up at me with her eyes wide, full of lust and fear and; who the fuck knows. I’m

no optometrist. “You like that, huh? Well you’re gonna love this.” I pulled out and flipped her over
onto her hands and knees. When I’d brought her hips up high the way I like, I drove back into her
newly awakened pussy.

“This is what happens when you mouth off at me. Every time you do it from now on, I’m gonna

fuck the shit outta you. Now say ‘sorry Draco’. I knew she wouldn’t, she’s stubborn like that, but it
was fun fucking with her. “I guess I’ll just have to fuck all that fire out of you then.”

She grabbed the sheets in her fists as I stroked into her. “That’s right baby, push back on my

cock, I like it.” Of course she tried to stop all movement, until I smacked her ass hard and got her
moving again.

“As a matter of fact, I think this is what we’ll do for the rest of the night.” I messed around with

her ass and made her crazy. For a virgin, she was one hot bitch. She was taking my ten and a half
inches like a pro; well, after the initial wailing and screaming that is.

I didn’t know virgins bled like this though, I almost thought I’d killed the poor girl. I maybe

would’ve gone easier on her if she hadn’t mouthed off at me so much. Nah, this way was much better;
it made my dick happy, and taught her a lesson.

I wrapped her hair around my fist and pulled her head back so I could tongue fuck her mouth.

She tried to bite me, but I fucked into her hard once, and pinched her nipple. She screamed into my
mouth and settled her little ass down.

“That’s more like it, that’s better. Guess what we’re doing after this.” I pushed my thumb in her

ass and felt her pussy squeeze around my cock. “Oh yeah, you like it. I’m gonna have fun tapping this
ass, hmm.”

She tried pushing me off of her but I bit into the flesh where her neck met her shoulder and she

came all over my dick. “My sweet little freak.”

I fucked her as hard as I’d ever fucked anyone because I couldn’t help myself; her pussy was

fucking phenomenal.

I brought her off a couple more times before I too was close. I was gonna have to paint her

back this time since I hadn’t given any thought to protection.

Something strange happened when I tried pulling out though; her body held me hostage.

“Pull off.” What the fuck? Her pussy locked like where the fuck are you going?

“I swear to fuck I’ll breed you right now you don’t let go of my shit.” Her body twisted and her

limbs trembled. She wasn’t fucking around, she really couldn’t release, her pussy had taken over and
was not about to give up the dick.

I had no choice, my balls felt like they were about to explode if I didn’t nut soon, so I let go.

That shit came out of me like a fucking garden hose. I could actually feel it hitting inside her as I sped

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up my thrusts, caught up in a frenzy. I’ve never spent inside a woman that wasn’t protected against
pregnancy in some way. Why her, why now? I don’t know, I just know it felt good as fuck cumming
inside her.

“You are so fucked little girl.” I uttered those words as I was finally able to pull out of her

warmth and drop like a lug beside her.

I soon got my second wing though and as soon as I’d cleaned up the blood off the both of us, I

was hard as steel again. I must’ve fucked her in every position known to man and was still hungry.

The only reason I left her pussy alone in the wee hours of the morning is because even I could

see that the shit was beat all to hell. She was red and puffy and the last time I stuffed my dick in her it
was a tight as fuck fit because she was just a little swollen.

She was no help at all when I lifted her from my bed and took her to the bath I had awaiting

her. I found myself at some unrighteous hour bathing her like a baby, and it struck me. She’s my baby

She slept for twelve solid and kept me in the damn house because I didn’t want her waking

alone. I was rubbing some cream into her pussy when she woke up. I figured I’d do that shit while she
was out because she’d give me shit as soon as she woke up.

I wasn’t too far off. “What’re you doing?”

“Taking care of you.”

“I don’t need you to take care of me.” She tried throwing me off. “Babe if I don’t do this you’ll

hurt later I’m not having that so keep your ass still.”

I waited until she relaxed before scooping up some cream on my fingers and easing them past

her swollen folds.

Her pussy closed around my fingers and I couldn’t resist moving them in and out of her, being

as careful as possible.

Her body flushed with color and she lifted into my hand. “Fuck.” leaning over I took her nipple

into my mouth and sucked.

I felt her pussy clench seconds before she wet my fingers. I had to press my cock into the bed

and shut my mind down before I did some fucked up shit, like take her when I knew it would hurt her.

She became embarrassed and tried fighting me again until I got her back under control.

“I don’t want you to touch me.” Should I show her the scratches on my back that she’d made

each time she came around my cock last night?

“Stasia stop the shit will you? We both know that’s not how you really feel.” Her face lit up

like a stoplight and she turned away.

“There’s no need to be embarrassed, if it’s any consolation, your pussy pretty much has me

gone.” I can’t believe I’d just said that shit out loud.

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“Come on get up, I’ve wasted the whole morning waiting for your ass to wake up. Your

breakfast is waiting.” I looked at my watch. “More like lunch.”

“I’m not going anywhere just leave me here.” I got time for this shit. I pulled her up kicking and

screaming which seemed to be her favorite temperament and headed for the shower.

“Get off.”

“Will you behave, damn, everything is a fucking war with you.” I turned on the water and adjusted it
so that it wouldn’t burn her.

She looked so young and innocent with her face still soft from sleep and her beautiful hair

tumbling around her shoulders and down her back.

I leaned in to steal a kiss and the little hellion dragged me in with her, destroying my thousand

dollar kicks.

She might’ve been trying to get me back but she wasn’t prepared for my reaction. I stepped all

the way in and wrapped her up in my arms, making the kiss longer and harder.

She did the melting into me thing again and my heart tripped. Was this shit even possible? I

don’t know that many men who sit around contemplating love and all that happy bullshit, but was it
really that simple? Could someone just walk into your life and take you under in one day?

I didn’t think about the fact that she was my enemy’s daughter, none of that mattered now,

anymore than my original reasons for snatching her did. Whatever the fuck this is, she’s mine now.

I used my fingers to bring her off, finger fucking her nice and slow since she was so swollen. I

wasn’t about to hurt her pussy anymore for the day; I’ll wait until tonight.

Downstairs the chef had made her a huge late lunch, which she barely picked at. I had another

problem on my hands, what the fuck was I supposed to do with her during the day?

I couldn’t take her to work with me and I wasn’t about to leave her here, who knows what the

fuck she would get up to. I thought of calling mom to babysit, but that was one headache I wasn’t
ready for yet. Mom is the morals police, she’d rag my ass to death if she ever found out how I
acquired Stasia and there was a good bet my little harridan would fill her in two seconds after I left.

“I have to go, half the day’s been wasted, what shall we do with you do you think?”

“Send me home.” She forked up some salad and gave me the stink eye. Fucking female. I just

made her cum hard as fuck on my fingers and already she’s starting her shit, no fucking gratitude.

I had a sudden brilliant idea; well brilliant for Draco anyway, I’m not sure how others might

see this shit.

I got up and left the room to make a phone call. I wasn’t worried about her making a run for it,

where the fuck was she going in my robe? I’d hidden all her new clothes, and besides, she wouldn’t
get past the guards.

When I came back she was blushing and I wondered what the hell she’d been thinking about

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while I was away.

I pretended not to notice when I sat back down across from her. “So tell me about school, are

you done?”

“Now you ask me this? Yes I’m done I just finished in June.”

“Was there anything of great importance in your past life?”
“What do you mean, past life?”

“I mean, that in half an hour your life’s gonna change and the kind of change I’m talking about

there’s no turning back from, so I’ll ask again was there anything you had back there that you want to
have with you here?”

“My friends, my family.”

“You’ll have to hold off on those until I’ve vetted them.” She wasn’t too pleased but she’d learned to
keep her tongue behind her teeth, at least in this instance.

“Go ahead and finish your lunch we’re having company in a little bit.”

“I’m not hungry anymore.” Fuck it. I took the fork from where she’d all but thrown it down on

the table next to her plate and fed her myself.

I had to force her mouth open and hold it there with a strong hand, but I got it done. “You’re

gonna need all your strength babe, might as well fuel up.”

“What for?” Just to fuck with her, I leaned over and whispered in her ear. “To carry my seed.”

It took her a minute but once my words registered she was back to her shit again.

“Not now babe, we don’t have time.” I wish I had time to call some place up and have them

send over some appropriate attire, but that will have to wait. We could always do the shit over at a
later date, for now I wanted it over and done with so that I could make my next move.

It hadn’t been my first choice when I’d given the order to grab her, but all things considered, it

was the best solution. I knew there was no way I was giving her back, and I knew enough about
myself to know what keeping her meant.

“There’s gonna be a man here in another ten minutes or so, do as I say and your old man lives,

don’t and I’ll cap his ass.”

I wasn’t too thrilled about the look of fear in her eyes, but I knew she would be okay, I’ll see to

it. It was strange realizing that I preferred her feisty mouth to the quiet mouse I’d always told myself I
wanted to settle down with.

Don’t know where the fuck I got that idea, mom was as far from a mouse as a female could get.

Looks like I had my dad’s impediment, we were both attracted to crazy ass females.

The doorbell rang and she jumped. “Let’s go.” I walked her into the foyer and got the door.

Corlucci the priest was standing there looking put-upon as usual.

“Come in Frank.” He hates when I do that shit, but we grew up together and there was no way I

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was calling him father, no matter what the fuck he said.

“What is it this time Dray, who needs last rites?”

“No one smartass, I told you what I wanted.”

“You were serious? I thought you were playing around.” He tried looking around me, nosy ass.

“Nope, I’m just waiting for the judge with the license.” I saw her react out the corner of my

eye. A priest and talk of a license, wasn’t hard to figure out where the fuck I was going with this.

Before she could bolt, which she looked ready to do, I took her elbow and led them both into

the parlor to wait.

“Hello Miss....” He held out his hand and my little angel face all but sneered at him.

“Have some respect babe, he’s gonna be the one baptizing our offspring in the not too distant

future.” She zinged me with one of her looks but I ignored her.

“So how’ve you been Dray? Haven’t seen you in church in a month of Sundays.” The fucking

priests were bigger criminals than I’d ever be, but I didn’t say that to him, because he was one of the
good guys; that’s why he was here.

He kept giving my girl looks though and was pretty close to me choking him with his collar; the


“What the fuck Frank?” He huffed at me but knew better than to correct my speech.

“She looks familiar, where do I know you from?”

“Nosy people get dead Frank her name is Anastasia Balducci, ring a bell?” I knew it would

and his reaction was no surprise.

He had the good sense not to ask me if I was crazy but then he fucked up. “Are you being

forced into anything young lady?”

“Frank, we’ve been friends for a long time, don’t let it end badly.”

“I’m not afraid of you Dray, you won’t kill me without a cause. If you were gonna kill me you

would’ve done it when I told your mom what you were up to when we were sixteen.”

“Fucking snitch.” He always was a nosy fuck. The doorbell rang before he could stick his nose

any farther in my shit and I went to answer it.

“Morning judge thanks for coming through in such short notice.”

“No problem it was just a matter of adding the names. Will that be all?”

“For now yeah.” I closed the door and walked away. The judge owed me his balls, since I had

them in a clinch on account of some very incriminating photos I have of the freak doing some shit that
the public would fry his ass for.

Back in the other room the two of them were eyeing each other warily and I wondered what if

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anything she’d said to him to put him on his guard.

Let’s get this shit over with.”

“Draco.” Why was he always talking to me like I was a recalcitrant minor he was scolding?

“Don’t have the time Frank let’s go I’ve got shit to do I don’t get to sit around all day with my

nose in people’s shit.”

“No respect for the cloth.” He shook his head as he turned to us. She looked like she was gonna

say something to put the brakes on my shit but just one word whispered in her ear was enough to settle
her ass down.

The shit was over in less than ten minutes and that was only because I had to wait for Chase to

come inside to stand witness.

After it was all said and done I felt a huge sense of relief and something else. Something that

felt suspiciously like joy. Yeah, I had time for that shit in my life.

I gave Frank a pretty hefty envelope for his troubles and was sure that he’d have it spent on one

of his afterschool program shits that he’s always hitting me up for.

I must’ve singlehandedly built every fucking basketball court in the city; fucking thieving ass

politicians, always making promises they can’t keep.

“We’ll be out in a minute Chase.” She seemed to be in shock and I couldn’t blame her, I’d just

changed her life completely, but now that it was done I saw the benefits. Not only in the fact that I
could ride her anytime I want, but also businesswise, I’d just fucked her old man.

I took her upstairs and got her some clothes. “I’m gonna put some more ointment on you, you

wanna do it lying down or standing up?”

“I can do it myself.”

“Where the fuck is the fun in that? Besides, you can’t see inside you, so lying down it is.”

Of course she tried to fight me, but my teeth in her neck soon had her quieting down a little.

Shit, now my dick was hard again from all this rolling around with her.

I tested the waters just a little bit with the tips of my fingers and fuck if that cream wasn’t as

fast acting as it claimed, because she was no longer as swollen, as she’d been earlier.

I fumbled around with my belt and zipper until my beast was loose, and holding her in place

with my teeth, slid into her.

Fuck, if she ever knows what this shit does to me she’d run my ass. It was like I’d never been

inside a pussy before, all the others paled and all that I knew was the feel of her.

No pussy had ever felt quite this right, it was almost as if her pussy had a direct link to my


I lifted my head and looked down at her when I felt liquid heat cover my cock. She knew that

I’d felt that shit because her face went up in flames.

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It was probably not very gentlemanly of me, but I couldn’t resist. “You like having me inside

you don’t you?”

“No.” maybe I should’ve kept my mouth shut because her embarrassment made her fight me, or

she started to anyway, but then the strangest thing happened.

One of her moves sent my dick into the fucking ends of her. I felt something give way around

my cockhead before I was caught in the tightest hole I’d ever encountered.

Now I was the one leaking, I could actually feel my cock spitting pre-cum into her. My eyes all

but rolled back in my fucking head the shit was so good, but at the same time it was her reaction that
made my heart and my head swell.

“Ohhhh.” Her mouth stayed open in an O as she looked up at me amazed. Her body tightened

around my cock before she lifted us both off the bed and screamed.

“Fuck.” I just hung on for the ride as she came and cried at the same time. I couldn’t hold back

my own release and emptied my nut inside her even as she passed the fuck out.

“What the fuck was that?” I was talking to myself because she was out. I eased out of that place

inside her and went into the bathroom to get a wet cloth.

She came awake after I’d cooled her brow and I’d taken the time while she was out, to apply

some more cream to her pussy, while lecturing myself to let her heal.

Something had changed, shifted between us. I could feel it and was pretty sure that she could

too. Though nothing was said between us, I knew it.

She was hella skittish after that, and way too quiet. As I sat in my office staring at her on the

couch instead of doing the shit I’d come here to do, it struck me as odd that we’d only met the day

How the fuck could life change so drastically in just twenty-four hours? If I hadn’t been the one

to suggest nabbing her, I would be inclined to believe that I’d been set up.

The phone rang breaking me out of my reverie. Shit, mom. “Ma what’s doing?” The new Mrs.

Santorini picked her head up from one of the hundred magazines I’d bought her to keep her occupied
while I worked.

The other one went right into rant mode. That fucking Frank was still carrying tales. “Ma it was

a last minute thing...”

“I don’t care, I should’ve been there and it should’ve been done right. Is this how I raised

you?” I rolled my eyes at her patented question.

“Just like your dad, now tell me is it true? Is it the Balducci girl? And if so what the hell are

you up to? Your dad feels certain that you know what you’re about but I’m not so sure. If she’s
anything like her old man my grandkids will most certainly be part idiot.”

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“Nice ma real nice. As a matter of fact she reminds me of you.” She went all soft on me then.

“Really son, well isn’t that nice? See Tommy, I told you our boy was smart.” I could hear dad

mumbling something in the background, which was most likely his assent.

“When are you bringing her home? Tommy I wasn’t done talking to him.” Dad came on the line

after their little skirmish. These two have no respect for my time.

“Son, business or pleasure?” I didn’t need him to explain. “Both but heavy on the latter.”

“Well alright then, you straight, you need me to deal with that fuck? Frank said she was in your


“Frank is a nosy fuck, speaking of which he’s been bitching about the school gymnasium.”

“I’ll take care of it. I’ll try to keep your mom sane until you’re ready to bring her new daughter

in law home, just watch your back, that one’s a snake.”

“I know it.” The thing was, should I tell her or let her go on thinking as she did that he was

worth the air he breathed?

If she hung around with me for any length of time she was bound to find out some shit about him

that would shatter her little girl heart. Now that that heart was mine to protect, did I really want that
for her?

I got off the phone after dad passed me back to the Gestapo, and tried to get some shit done.

The jeweler showed up about an hour later excited as fuck.

I moved to the couch and sat next to her so we could go over the diamonds together. I’d told the

fuck what I was looking for, yes she would be the one wearing it, but it was a symbol of what I felt
for her, one that everyone would be seeing for the rest of her life, so it had to be on point.

My favorite was the fifteen- carat cushion, the shit was mammoth and on her little hands it

might look like a boulder, but I like what I like.

“Which one do you like?” I could tell that she was accustomed to being taken care of because

she didn’t even blink at the excess laid out before her.

She looked over every piece with excitement but I saw the minute she remembered where she

was and what she was doing.

“None.” She sat back with a pout as the jeweler almost shit himself. I don’t know why people

think I’m so petty that I’d off them for something as simple as disappointing my new wife, but I could
see the flop sweat forming on his forehead.

Okay yes I’ve been known to hurt a motherfucker for looking at me cross eyed, but damn I have

a little bit of control. Besides, she was just being difficult.

“Relax Abrams, you’re good.” He ran his finger around his collar and tried to breathe regularly


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I went ahead and chose the one I liked and put it on her finger. Yeah, she liked it; she couldn’t

hide that shit from me. I chose a few other pieces for her before sending him on his way.

“Let’s go, this is no way to spend your wedding day.”

“It’s not like it’s a real wedding.” She said that as she was gazing at the Rock of Gibraltar I’d

just put on her hand. I chose to ignore her shit, because I wasn’t in the mood to argue with her ass, I
was more in the mood to spoil her, the jewelry had only whet my appetite.

I had to organize her own security and get her tagged but I could do that later. I wasn’t planning

on letting her out of my sight for a while yet so it was all-good for now.

“Chase I want you to tap Andre for head of her security as soon as we get back. I also need to

see Max about some gear for her.” I was gonna get her a full suit of body armor for when she was out
and about.

Thank fuck they’d become more sophisticated with that shit because women weren’t about to

wear the old fashioned bulky vest. They were more interested in looking good than staying alive,
weird fucking species.

I took her shopping for a complete new wardrobe and that seemed to settle her ass down some,

figures. Fucking female.

My phone rang while she was in the dressing room and I answered without looking at the

screen. I had my eyes peeled to where she’s disappeared because I was more fucking worried about
her safety than my own.


“Is it true?” I took the phone from my ear and looked at it. How the fuck had he heard already? I’m
pretty sure Frank wouldn’t have told him. Ma probably went blabbing to one of her girls.

“What’s it to you? When I’m ready to deal with you you’ll know until then...”

“Look Santorini, whatever is between us is just that, you can’t involve my daughter in this, you

and I both know that this is against the code.”

He’s barking up the wrong fucking tree, she wasn’t going anywhere, she’d thunderbolt my ass

and now she was mine.

“Now you remember the code? Don’t come to me with that shit you fuck, you only remember

the code when it suits your purposes, every other time you break the rules like a motherfucker.” I saw
her coming out of the fitting room in her new designer shit and was done.

“The next time you contact me without my say-so, I’m gonna put a hole in your ass.” I hung up

the phone and turned to his daughter who was looking at me suspicious like.

“Who was that?” I just lifted my brow at her, because although she might be the new ruler of

my dick, there was no way she was gonna get away with questioning me about my shit.

She got the message and just twirled around in the hot little dress she was trying on. “I like it.”

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I was happy as fuck that her taste didn’t run to the gauche or trashy so I wouldn’t have to tell her no.

We left the place with half their shit because once she got started she didn’t stop. It was way

past dinner so I took her to my club, which was closer.

I wasn’t too jazzed about her being there because the place can get a bit raunchy at night with

the clientele being what it was. Those trust fund babies that hung out at my place were up to more
shady shit than half the men on my payroll.

She didn’t realize it, but she was clingier than the day before. It was as though her inhibitions

were relaxed a little bit. I didn’t miss her look when the hostess was overly exuberant in her greeting
either. Any minute now I expected to hear the words ‘back off bitch’ come from her mouth.

I was immensely pleased with this show of ownership when she actually moved herself closer

into my side. That’s right baby mark your territory. I didn’t let her see my smile though because I was
pretty sure she’d hand me my balls.

It was good to know I wasn’t doing this love shit alone though. What the fuck? I actually

stopped in my tracks at that one. Who the fuck falls in love in one day? It had to be the pussy that was
all. I might be a little fond of her and that mouth of hers, but there was no way.

Now I’m looking at her like I’d never seen her ass before and she was just glancing over the

fucking menu like she hadn’t just twisted my shit all out of whack.

A look around the room didn’t show anyone watching me differently so I guess that shit wasn’t

showing. “Why are you staring at me?”

She lowered the menu and eyeballed me. “I was having a moment do you mind?” she rolled her

eyes and went back to what she was doing before sticking her nose in my shit.

I’d be fucked if I was gonna show my hand before she showed hers. What if she didn’t feel the

same though? She’d better fucking feel the same or there’d be hell to pay.

Draco you are one crazy fuck, just chill. I decided to strike up a normal conversation, she was

my wife and we had yet to have anything approaching a civilized conversation between us.

“So, what were your plans after high school? ”She actually answered me; color me shocked.

“I want to be a jewelry maker.”

“How the fuck does that work?”
“The same as everything else moron you go to school for it.”

I knew that shit wouldn’t last. I chose to ignore her nastiness though and pushed on.

“What school, where?”

“Where the fuck, who the fuck goes to the desert to learn shit?”

She huffed and rolled her eyes at me, her feathers were ruffled I guess.

“They have the best school for what I want to do.”

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“Well that shit’s out you’re not going to fucking Arizona.” Maybe I’ll look into hiring the best

teacher they had to teach her this shit.

“I know most of the basics anyway I’ve been taking summer classes for the past three years.”

“So you’ve always known what you want to do.”

“Pretty much yeah.” For some fucked up reason the conversation turned to her dad and it was

all I could do not to pull my piece and shoot myself in the fucking head.

I didn’t say anything to her though just let her go on with her spiel about how supportive he was

and what the fuck ever. I was fucked to realize I was jealous.

She actually ate without any of the bullshit of the night before, and things were going pretty

good until she had to go and spoil it.

“When are you going to give me back my phone? I would like to call my dad, I’m sure he’s

worried about me.”

“He’s fine, he knows you’re with me.”

“But...” She was gearing up for another round of drive Draco crazy, but I wasn’t having it. Things
were going entirely too well to let her fuck them up now.

“Don’t make me disappoint you on our wedding day, eat your Parmesan like a good girl.” I

think if she thought she could get away with it, she’d gore me with the fork.

Back at the house she disappeared in the bathroom to take a bath and I followed her headed for

the shower. She’d bought some new bubble bath thing that made my dick twitch.

I ignored her and she ignored me as we went about our business, but by the time I was finished

I was ready to fuck and she was still lolling around in the tub.

“Out.” I tied the towel around my hips after drying off and stood over her in the tub.

“I’m not done.” She raised her leg and ran the rag over it. Yeah she was fucking with me.

I didn’t bother arguing with her ass, just lifted her out of the water and carried her through to

the bedroom.

“Babe, all this moving around is gonna get you fucked hard. You know your little pussy is

already torn up from last night and this morning, so please calm the fuck down and let me do this

I didn’t give her much of a choice after that just covered her body with mine before she could

knee me in the balls and went after my favorite spot on her neck.

It was like saying open sesame when I did that shit, because her legs fell apart, making room

for me and she didn’t protest when I licked my way down her middle to her sweet spot.

I licked into her as deep as my tongue would go while holding her ass in my hands. She moved

on my tongue and begged for more with her fingers in my hair pulling.

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The sounds she made were like adding fuel to an already out of control blaze and just made me

want to fuck the shit out of her.

I nibbled around the pussy, teasing her clit and pussy lips with my teeth and tongue before

easing my fingers inside to test.

She was still a little swollen but nothing for me to worry about. I went after her tits next, these

things never ceased to amaze me.

The rest of her was teenage girl thin, but these shits were magnificent, I can’t wait to cum all

over them, but that was for another day.

I wanted her mouth on my cock and had the fleeting thought that she probably didn’t know the

first thing about that shit; she’d better not.

I eased my way up her body and without words showed her what I wanted. Her face did that

blushing shit as I guided my cockhead to her mouth.

I had the good sense to hold her head in place just in case she got another one of her hair

triggers and decided to gnaw my shit off.

“I’m not gonna tell you what to do, just do what comes naturally.” She had a few false starts,

but I was soon regretting giving her free rein.

She was both curious and innovative and that tongue of hers gave my cock a workout. Maybe it

was because of the new feelings I had discovered for her, but this was the best head job I’d ever had.

She took her time and made love to my shit and I was almost embarrassed when I came close

to cumming on her tongue after only five minutes.

I pulled out and made my way back down her body until I was between her thighs and my dick

was teasing the portal to her body.

I took her head in my hands because for some reason I needed to look into her eyes as I took

her. I slid into her warmth and was hit by that same feeling of completion.

My eyes closed, and my heart jumped, as I started moving inside her. Un-fucking-believable.

One look at her showed that she was enjoying this shit as much as I was.

Her eyes were closed tight and her lip was caught in her teeth as her body moved to meet my

thrusts. I kissed her lip from between her teeth and fed her my tongue as I fucked her like I owned her.
Hey, I do.

“I want you to ride my cock until I cum this time.” I flipped us over without leaving her body

and used her ass to pull her down on my meat that was as hard as fuck.

I was deep inside her again, and I found her spot by accident. She went off like a firecracker

and almost broke my shit off at the root.

“Fuck me look at that.” She lost all control and fucked me hard. I was so mesmerized by her

passion that I just held on and let her fuck herself to climax on my dick.

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As soon as she was done squeezing the fuck out of my dick, I flung her back onto her back and

lifted her legs over my shoulders so I could fuck into her as hard and as deep as my greedy little heart
desired and he desired a lot.

“That’s right baby cum for me again.” I love the way she loves my dick that was the one thing

she couldn’t hide from me. I planned on being inside her as much as fucking possible in the next few
days until she was a slave to my dick.

I had the wayward thought that I was the one who was being enslaved but I pushed that shit

aside. That wasn’t my style. Draco is the boss.

When I came inside her this time it was smooth and a little more controlled than the last couple

of times, when it felt like I was trying to fuck her into the mattress slats or some shit.

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Chapter 8


Believe it or not, shit started to calm down much quicker than I had expected. I was looking

into getting her someone to teach her the jewelry making shit she was into, and I’d already set her up
with a tag and her own security detail.

I sill wasn’t ready to give her too much freedom, but I knew I couldn’t keep this one secluded

in my office day after day, shit, I get bored being there all fucking day.

Every evening I get a full report on what the fuck she’d been up to that day and she could get up

to a lot.

Tonight I was taking her home to the parents because I was a little more confident that she’d

behave herself.

She was out and about somewhere and a look at my tracker showed that she was close to home

where I was getting ready for the Spanish inquisition I was sure ma had waiting for my ass.

I found that I was looking forward to her telling me what she’d been up to. My baby can talk,

and the more at ease she became in my presence, the more she gabbed at me.

She was into telling me what the fuck I should be doing, like I wasn’t older than her ass was,

and she was bossy as fuck.

Every night it was the same shit. She’d ask about seeing her dad, I’ll tell her no, we’d fight and

then I’d have to fuck her into submission.

I was beginning to think she liked that shit, because she kept doing the shit with the same


I heard her outside as the car pulled up and a car door slammed, before the door was flung

open and a ball of fury stormed in. What the fuck was it now? I didn’t have long to wonder.

She fucking flew at me and belted me one. Fucking psycho.

“You fucking snatched me because my dad took one of your bitches?”

“Where the fuck did you hear that shit?” I’m gonna kill the motherfucker who told her that shit

and didn’t warn me. Now I’m stuck in here with this crazy ass woman out for blood.

“I heard it down at your club.”

“The fuck was you doing there?”
“Never mind all that, is it true?” oh fuck she’s jealous. I would’ve played with that shit a little if I
hadn’t seen the look of hurt in her eyes.

I didn’t mention that shit though because it’ll just make her more defensive. “It’s not what you

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“You don’t know what I think, is it true or not?” She folded her arms and glared at me like she

was grown. Fucking girl thinks she can take me.

I rubbed my cheek where she’d caught me and plotted how I was going to get her ass back for

that shit. A nice deep stroking in the doggie position should do it.

“I never fucked her or anything like that.” What the fuck am I explaining this shit for? “Don’t

question me about my shit.”

She was pissed, that vein in her neck was ticking away and I knew it was going to be a while

before she settled the fuck down.

“Where are you going?” she had her hand on the door handle when she turned back to me.

“I’m going out to find someone to have fun with.” I’m gonna fuck the shit out of her no joke, she

won’t walk for a week.

“You wanna fucking die you go ahead.” She slammed out the door and I was on the phone two

seconds later.

“Bring her ass back in here, but make sure you don’t put your hands on her.”

“Uh, boss, how do you expect me to do that? You know she’s gonna fight.” Yeah, she’s been

giving her detail shit for the past week, my little scrapper.

“Andre, if I have to tell you how to handle one little girl you shouldn’t be on my payroll.” Fuck

was I saying, I can barely handle her ass myself.

It wasn’t long before he brought her back kicking and screaming. The jackass had her in some

kind of fireman hold, but I could see where she’d got him good on the chin. I’m gonna have to start
giving my guys hazard pay.

I pointed to the couch where he dropped her before stepping back. I know it’s always best to

give her at least five minutes to calm the fuck down and get the blood out of her eye, so I waited.

“Who was it you were going to see?” I said that shit all casual like, but I was ready to end a

motherfucker as soon as she dropped the fuck’s name.

Lucky for her she came to me a virgin or her freedom, as little as it is, would’ve been even

more strongly curtailed after this shit.

As it is, I’m about to crack down on her ass, since she found her way into my place. I don’t

want my woman hanging out in fucking clubs and shit, plus her ass was too young.

“Wouldn’t you like to know?” She was huffy. Damn, when she gets like this all I can think

about is getting inside her so I can feel all that heat and passion wrapped around my cock.

“Come ‘ere.”

“Get fucked.”

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Geez this girl and her damn mouth!

I had to put my dick on hold because this shit was really important, I could tell that she was

really upset and that shit didn’t sit well with me.

It was blatantly obvious that her dad the fuck kept her pretty well insulated from his shadier


“Your saintly dad is responsible for importing and trafficking all the drugs that feed the fucking

Pacific north west. I’m not having that shit in my backyard so he decided he wanted to war with me.”

“My dad doesn’t sell drugs he owns a line of department stores and a few restaurants.” Her

eyes were all but popping out of her head.

“My ass, you want the truth or no, because I’ve got shit to do.” Going to see mom tonight was

obviously out, this one was on the warpath.

“That still doesn’t answer who this girl is to you.” I guess she wasn’t ready to hear the truth so

I let her skirt the issue for now.
“She’s nobody.”

“Tell me the truth or I’m leaving.” She was breathing fire and her chest was heaving up and

down in her fury. I wonder if she realized that she was reacting this way because she was jealous.

“You aren’t going anywhere so shut that shit the fuck down, and I already told you, she’s


Fuck if I was gonna tell her that I’d had my eye on the chick. How the fuck her fuck of an old

man found that shit out who knows? But he’d fucked himself six ways from Sunday on this one.

He’d grabbed the girl, now his daughter was mine. I’d got the better end of that deal no


The fucking nut threw a vase into the wall. “It’s your home so go ahead and break every fuck in

it and live in a dump.”

“I’m not living here with you, you snake I hate you.”

“Make up your mind, either you hate me or you’re jealous of some chick I had my eye on

before we even met.”

“Fuck you, I’m leaving.”

“Listen you, it’s either here with me or Grove Park.” That stopped her cold.
“What like the cemetery?”

“Yep, so choose your pick.” I was over the arguing shit and decided to head the fuck out and

leave her here with her fuckery. She actually hit me in the shoulder with the next shit she threw at

“If you wanted to fuck all you had to do was say so.” I changed my mind on a dime and instead

of heading for the door turned back to her. “Don’t you dare Draco.”

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Like I was listening to her ass, besides, my dick was rock hard.

I made light work of snatching her little tiny ass up in my arms and heading for the bedroom

with her kicking and screaming while threatening me with all kinds of shit.

“You’ve got a wild imagination for a little girl you know that?”

I dropped her on the bed and fell on top of her pinning her beneath me. I bit into her jaw as I

fought with the snaps to her jeans and pulled them down her thighs.

Before she could roll away I was balls deep inside her, just to fuck with her I gloated. She did

not disappoint. All that fire was back and she bucked beneath me like a wild thing.

I pulled her hair to get her to settle the fuck down and she bit my chest. “Oh you wanna play?


I slammed into her hard enough to shake the whole fucking bed. She dragged her nails down my

back and came while I fucked her through it.

She attacked my mouth with hers until I thought we were both gonna eat each other alive. She

had so much heat for one so young; she was hot enough to burn, and her pussy juice when it ran down
my cock to my balls was like lave flow.

I tried pulling my mouth away from hers so we could both breathe, but she held my head in

place by digging her nails in, as she wrapped her legs around my ass and fucked herself on my cock.

My heart wasn’t going to be able to take much more of this shit, I think she was trying to kill my

ass. I wanted to stay inside her longer, my cock felt so good, but I made the mistake of tearing her
shirt open.

One look at her beauties and my balls drew up to my body. I sucked one into my mouth as I

started shooting into her hard.
She screamed like the hellcat she is and came all over my cock.


What the fuck? It was dark outside and the only light in the room was the glow from the TV. My

darling bride was sitting up in bed with a big bowl of ice cream.

What the fuck had happened? I took stock of myself and found that my pants were still half on

half off, and my nuts had dried pussy juice all over them that was starting to itch.

“What happened?” I eyed her as she turned to me. I won’t be surprised if she’d knocked me

over the head, but somehow I didn’t think so.

“You fell asleep.” She shrugged like that shit was normal.

“The fuck I did.” She actually smirked at me. “You got knocked dafuq out.” She laughed like a


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Damn, I’m never gonna live this shit down. What the fuck was her pussy lined with anyway?

The shit was too fucking good.

“Oh your mom called by the way.”

“Shit I forgot, what did you tell her?”

“What do you think? I told her I fucked her little golden boy to death.”


“Chill, I told her you were taking a nap and she laughed.” She shrugged again. Shit, just what I need,
my nosy ass mother in my shit. No doubt she’d already shared the news with dad who loved nothing
better than having some shit he could use to one-up me.

“Did you eat?” I sat up with a yawn and scratched my chest. She held up the empty bowl and

kept watching some insipid teenage fuckery that was designed to make me lose my shit.

“That’s not food come on, let me go feed you.” I had to drag her from the bed after I’d cleaned

up some in the shower. The girl liked to be difficult. I wonder how long it was gonna take her to get
over that shit.

I had to call ma while the pasta was boiling and little Ms. Attitude was making the salad. We

rescheduled for another night and I only had to tell her to mind her own business twice, which only
made her laugh harder.

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Chapter 9

After my night of embarrassment I made sure never to let that shit happen again, though I

noticed that it was getting harder and harder not to give in to the sweet oblivion after I’d emptied
inside her.

She was very proud of herself and no matter how I tried to get her back, no dice. She took all

the dick I threw into her and kept going afterwards, while I was assed out.

“Draco, that new guy I told you about with the diamonds is here.” Chase came into the office

while I was knee deep in shit.

Stasia had gone somewhere to some warehouse to pick up supplies for her jewelry shit. I

figured since my wife was into jewelry making I better get in on the bottom floor and keep her happy,
but fuck I wasn’t in the mood today.

“I hate this shit, you know I hate meeting new people.” I was being a little bitch and I knew it,

but lately it’s been getting harder and harder to let her out of my sight.

Word on the street was that her dad was looking to put a hit out on me, and though I was sure

he wouldn’t harm her, I wasn’t comfortable with my woman being out of my sight while there was a
bounty on my head.

“If you want a foothold in the diamond trade this is it. It’s what you said you wanted right?”

“Bring him in.” Some bespectacled little twerp came into the room already sweating. I sized

him up and put on the Santorini act; that ought to cause him a few sleepless nights if he was even
thinking of fucking with me.

“You, are you a Donnie Brasco wanna be?”

“Who’s that?” he fixed his glasses on his face and looked around at Chase.

“You know who the fuck he is and if you don’t you better find out. I’m gonna tell you this only

once, if you’re here to snitch, if I even think that you’re a rat, I won’t come at you first, I’ll take out
your whole fucking family and make you watch. You sure you wanna fuck with me?”

Fucking guy almost pissed himself while I checked him over for listening devices. “You’re

clean, now show me what you got.”

I was there forever with his shit, before my girl came bopping into the room full of excitement.

Lately she’s been freer with her show of affection.

I wasn’t sure that she was aware but I wasn’t going to be the one to bring it to her attention, I

was enjoying the peace and quiet too much.

Like now, when she came in, said hi to the others and came over for her kiss. I like the way she

does that shit, like I better kiss her ass when she walks into a room after being gone for a while.

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She started right in. “Look at all the cool stuff I got, I can’t wait to go home and get started.

How much longer do you have to stay?”

“I’m almost done here.” She pouted because she has no damn patience. I’d had the contractor

come out and turn one of the rooms in the mansion into her own little jewelry making lab and now I
have to drag her ass out of there every damn night. I’m tempted to tear the shit down, but then she’d
rag my ass about being jealous.

“This guy has some gems for you to look at babe, go do that over there while I finish up here

and then we can go.”

Since I’d saddled myself with her I’d hired more household staff because this one was high

maintenance as fuck.

I had to go behind her back the first week and redo the menu with the chef or she’d have me

eating fried shit everyday of my life.

She started squealing as soon as he opened up his little treasure trove. My ass was gonna be

broke in a week flat messing with her ass.

I do love making her happy tough, spoilt fuck. She cleaned him out by the time I was ready to

go and our business was done. Lucky for me I’d just bought into his business because that shit didn’t
come cheap.

We had become settled in our little routines. Home, shower and bath, dinner and then an hour

or so of TV for her while I worked out then we fucked into the wee hours of the morning until it was
time to start all over again.

Tonight she was looking exceptionally plump in her tits and ass, probably retaining water or

some shit, which means I’d better be on high alert to deal with her crazy shit, I can just imagine.

I tackled her in the shower and took her from behind hard. She likes to try to get the better of

me and this time was no different. She cocked her ass high, got up on her toes and threw her pussy
back at me until she’d swallowed my shit whole.

Our bodies slapped together loudly as the water ran down on us. I wrapped her hair around my

wrist and pulled her head back so I could take her mouth while I stroked into her sweet pussy.

She never says anything about our sex so I have to read the signs to know if I’m hitting it right

or not, so far I’m knocking this shit out the park.


I left her early the next morning because I had a meet with some guy who said he had some info

for me. Information was the hottest commodity on the market if you ask me, and I like to stay in the

I have a whole network of spies that keeps me up to speed on what the fuck is going on in my


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He was waiting outside my office when I finally arrived looking nervous as fuck. I lifted my

brow at him and he tried to settle down.

“Sir...” I held my finger up to my lips for silence and then stepped aside so Chase could frisk

him, then I followed up with my own search. That always makes them sweat, the double search, it
pays to be thorough.

I opened the door and ushered him in. “Okay tell me.”

“They’re planning to put eyes and ears on you, they pulled some kind of maneuver and got

some judge out of state to push through the warrants.”

“What’s this judge’s name.”

“Sampson sir, Ezra.” I nodded to Chase who turned and left. I hate being fucked with. I wasn’t going
to kill the fuck, but I was about to make his life very miserable. If he so much as filched a candy when
he was five I’d find out and use it against him.

“What should we do boss? This thing is serious, like they’re organizing a task force just to

bring you down.” Bring down these nuts.

“I make a hundred and twenty million a day, do you think some fuck pulling down forty grand a

year can touch this? The fuck outta here.”

After he left I made some calls, had to get my shit straight. I had my little Asian tech guru on

that shit with a quickness.

He was one of my secret weapons; anything the fucks came up with Chow could counter. He

loves that shit, as was evident by his excitement when I told him what I wanted.

Chase came back within the hour with more than enough info. I looked over the digital stills of

Sampson meeting what looked like a very underage girl in a motel room.

Cheap fuck, according to his stats he could afford better, disgusting pig.

I picked up the phone and called the number on the report only to be told he was busy in his

chambers. Yeah I bet, busy fucking with my shit.

“Tell him it’s Santorini and he’s gonna wanna talk to me.” The line was on hold for three

minutes before he came on.

“Mr. Santorini this is very unorthodox and quite frankly we have nothing to say to each other.”

“I’m about to send something through your fax, I suggest you keep this for your eyes only if you

know what I mean, I’ll stay on the line.” I nodded to Chase who sent the printout.

I listened as the fucker moved around on the other end of the line. “What is it that you want?”

“Let me ask you a question, do you know me?”

“No, but I know of you.”
“Yeah, well now I know of you too. Here’s what you’re gonna do, you’re gonna rescind whatever the
fuck you did and call off your fucking dogs. I’m not gonna be your entrée to the supreme-court you

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“I can’t it’ll raise questions.”

“I’m thinking I don’t give a fuck. You have until five today and Ezra, I so much as scent a cop in my
vicinity these pictures go live.”

I hung up pretty sure of the outcome. Too bad I was going to crawfish on the deal, I don’t clasp

hands with assholes who prey on children.

My phone rang again and I was about to blast his ass but it was my queen calling to harass my

ass with her shit. “Draco I wanna go to The Garden for lunch.”

I checked my watch it was nowhere near lunchtime. The Garden was one of my restaurants, but

since the whole thing with her dad putting a bead on me I wasn’t too jazzed about making myself a

I was still working on finding out who’d taken the job before I capped his ass. I was still

deciding whether or not I was gonna end Felix or let him live for her.

By rights the fuck should be dead by now, but you can’t blame a man for trying to protect his


“I’ll send Chase to get you and I’ll meet you there later okay.”

“What’s wrong with Andre?” I didn’t answer her because what the fuck? I’m tired telling her

about minding my damn business. She sucked her teeth and hung up in my ear.

“You have to go get my nutter at lunchtime, she wants to go to the Garden. Andre has

somewhere that he has to be.”

He grumbled some shit under his breath but I wasn’t paying him any attention either. He can’t

figure out how to deal with her ass that’s on him.

Meanwhile the two of them war like siblings, especially when she bullies him into playing that

Wii shit and she cheats.

I got lost in my work and was barely aware of him telling me he was going to get her. I had at

least another hour before I had to be there so I tied up some loose ends before heading out.

I knew some fuck was wrong as soon as the car turned onto the street where the restaurant was.

There were cops and ambulances and fire trucks.

I jumped out the back of the town car before it came to a stop and ran towards the doors where

people were scattered all over the fucking place.

There was blood all over the fucking place and my trigger finger started to itch. I caught sight

of Chase and started to breathe easy until I noticed she wasn’t with him.

“Where the fuck is my wife?”

“Boss I’m sorry, there’s been an incident.” He wouldn’t look at me; fuck me not today.

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“What kind of incident?” I looked around for her as my heart fell into my fucking toes.


My feet were moving before I was aware of what I was doing.

“Draco stop, come on boss not here.” He looked around at all the cops and bystanders like I gave a

“You tell me where the fuck she is or I’ll kill every motherfucker standing.”

“Come I’ll take you to her.” My knees went weak at his words. My heart relaxed its pace and

my breath came easy again.

“She’s alive?” I heard the plea in my voice and didn’t care if it showed a chink in my armor.

“She’s alive.” He started moving me towards the car as life went on around us.

“What the fuck happened to her and are the ones responsible dead?” Now that I knew she was

safe it was on to phase two. Some fuck was gonna die.

“She was shot.”

“Come again?” I stopped short of climbing into the backseat.
“She’s okay Dray I promise. The shot came from one of the rooftops across the street as soon as we
reached the door, so there’s no mistake it was a hit.

We weren’t quick enough to catch whoever did it, but the boys are gathering surveillance from

around the neighborhood before the cops get to it.”

“Take me to her, you have men on her of course.”

“Goes without saying boss.”

“Fuck, I’m gonna hear about this shit for fucking ever. Where did the fucker get her?”

“The chest.” I flinched at the news but it was better than the head. “That’s good then, was she

wearing her protection?”

“You know she was, you always put it on her yourself before you leave remember?”

“Yeah, but that shit still hurts like a son of a bitch and she’s gonna ride my ass like a bronco on

the back of this shit. That alone is worth me breaking off at least three toes in somebody’s ass so
when you find the prick he’s mine.”

I rushed into the house as soon as we pulled up, and up the stairs where she was holding court.

Ma was there with my aunt Gina, more fucking drama, fuck my life.

“Ladies.” I had eyes only for her as I made my way to the bed. “My poor baby, you okay?” I

pulled her into my arms and held her close as my eyes grew moist.

I could’ve lost her. That thought kept playing over and over in my head as I ran my hands up

and down her back.

I whispered reassurances to her as she clung to me. “Let me see baby.” The doctor was still

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hovering in the corner no doubt under orders not to leave until I gave the all clear.

“Chase pushed me out of the way. It’s not that bad.” I turned to my boy who had followed me

into the room. I knew for the next few days he’ll be on my ass like white on rice, jumpy fuck.

“You hit?”

“It’s just a scratch Dray.”
“Why the fuck didn’t you let the doc look at it?” I snapped my fingers at the doc who came forward.

“Because I had to be there to calm your ass down when you showed up, and saw all the

carnage and no her. I wasn’t looking forward to getting your ass out of the clink, your old man said the
next time I let you get into some shit it was my ass, and as crazy as you are that fuck’s worst I wasn’t
having it.”

“That little island in Nova Scotia that you like so much is yours bro.”

“I was just doing my job.”

“Fuck that you saved my girl it’s yours.”

“You sure you’re okay beautiful?” She nodded and rested her head on my chest, wrapping her

arms around me.


“Yeah baby?”
“I love you.” She said it so softly I barely made it out, but the sweet feeling that went through me was
proof enough.

“I love you more.” It had taken her ass getting shot but at least she’d said it. My phone went off

and I answered.

“Got him.” I looked at Chase who was being patched up by the doc. We shared a look between

us before I kissed her forehead and eased out of her arms.

“I gotta go do something baby. I won’t be long.”

“I didn’t get to eat and I’m hungry.”

“I’ll get you something when I get back or tell the chef to make you something. Ma, watch over

my girl for me I’ll be back.”

“Your dad will be here soon.”

“This can’t wait.” I kissed her and my aunt on the cheek before tongue fucking Stasia’s mouth and
leaving the room. Chase followed close on my heels as I made my way downstairs.

“You checked the car?” I asked Andre who had left his appointment to come in. When some

shit went down everyone had to be on hand.

Dad was coming in because as the new head, it was my place to protect everyone that was a

part of me.

He pointed to the dash where they’d found an earpiece. These fucks were always hoping to

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catch me out there, but I’ll never let them catch me slipping.

“Hey agent fuck off, go suck a dick and get the fuck off my stick.” I stomped the shit hoping he

was listening in and it deafened the fuck.

My outward appearance was all calmness and light, but inside I was in a cold rage as I

accepted the intelligence my guys had uncovered.

Fuck, it was her dad’s hit man, what the fuck? “Where is he now?”

“They’ve both been spotted near Groves Park.”

“Fucking perfect let’s roll.” I had a lot of thinking to do in the fifteen minutes it took to get to

our destination.

The car stopped and I jumped out, gun drawn. “Fuck Dray wait.”

Like fuck I’d wait. I walked up on the driver’s side and unloaded my clip into the fuck’s face;

he never saw what hit him.

Next I moved around to the passenger side where Felix was trying to escape. I shot him in the

lower spine, severing everything.

He fell to the ground his mouth opened in a silent scream. “The only reason I’m letting you live

is because of her and because I know you didn’t mean for her to get hurt.

This should put you in a chair for the rest of your life. Here’s how it’s gonna go when you go

before the commission. All your legit business dealings will go to your only heir and your son in law.

She never hears about your part in this, it’ll kill her. If you ever stand up from the chair they’re

gonna put your ass in, I’ll finish you.”

I called for an ambulance for the fuck when I was through telling him his new reality.

“Let’s get back my girl said she was hungry.”

“I wish you wouldn’t do shit like that.”

“Stop bitching it’s done, let’s bounce. Unless you fancy an orange jumpsuit and there squares.

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Chapter 10


After I cleared the place out on my return I had enough control left to feed her before my hunger

for her took over. I was ravenous for her, the earlier fear and adrenaline fueling my need.

I had her beneath me with my mouth on her pussy before she’d finished chewing her last bite.

“Oh...” Her legs dropped open and her fingers combed through my hair.

I tongued her clit before sucking it into my mouth, and then drove my tongue deep inside her

cunt. She moved against my mouth wantonly as I tongue fucked her.

The big bad Draco Santorini was shaking like a leaf. I was so grateful that she was still here,

that I could still hold her and touch her, taste her; it was almost too much.

Lifting my head from between her thighs, I watched her face as I climbed up her body and

slipped inside her. Too tame, this wasn’t gonna do it.

I pulled out and turned her around on her hands and knees. I had the need to fuck her as hard

and as deep as my dick could handle. Somehow I needed that to reassure us both that she was alive.

I wasn’t easy when I slammed into her with her hips held securely in my hands. I only checked

myself when she screeched in pain.

Leaning over her back I whispered words of encouragement in her ear. “You can take me like

this, open wider.” I ran my hand down her middle until my fingers found her clit.

I pressed and tweaked her already swollen clit while my dick went to work inside her. Once

she got over the initial pain of me going too deep there was no holding back.

She actually danced on my dick, like an exotic dancer on the damn pole. Her ass moved up and

around and down again. It was as if she had a song in her head that she was moving to. “What the fuck
baby?” I held her hips in my hands and watched my cock slip in and out of her.

My head grew dizzy with the rush of emotion that went through me. It was a combination of the

way she moved on my dick and the love I had in my heart for her that bombarded me all at once and
made me stupid.

“Fuck baby.” My vocabulary had been whittled down to just those few words. I threw my head

back on my shoulders and gritted my teeth to contain the animalistic growl that moved up my chest.
The tables were turned and it was she who took me over, I was just along for the ride.

This time when I slammed into her juicing pussy she pushed back and sucked me in deeper, her

fingers scrambling to grab hold of the sheets.

Pretty soon she was holding onto the headboard as I rode her pussy hard while pulling her hair

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roughly back with my fist.

She changed the game on me; one minute she squeezed my dick with her silky pussy walls, and

the next he could breathe. She did this shit for the longest time, and each time I got close to cumming,
she’d do some shit to cut me off.

I felt the change in her, as she got close. The heat of her pussy intensified and her movements

became more erratic. She let go of the headboard and went back to destroying the sheets.

“Fuuuuuuucccckkkkk.” She was really putting a workout on my cock. “I’m gonna cum so

fucking hard inside you.” I actually got a shiver down my back as the first spurt of my seed left my
body and entered hers.

She bucked against me and yelled my name. “Dray.” She tore the sheets with her fingers as her

head lolled back on her neck.

Her body shook uncontrollably until I had to hold onto her. “What baby, what’s going on?” she

was having some kind of a fit I thought until I tried to touch her and she couldn’t even bear my touch.
Her body was oversensitive.

I laid behind her and wrapped my arms around her, holding her as close as I could while I was

still buried inside her.

“I love you baby, shh, it’s okay.” I smoothed her hair back and kissed her head. “My baby, it’s

okay.” This fucking girl is always turning me into a sap.

It took a minute but eventually she calmed down, even though her body was still having

aftershocks. It was like a light bulb went off in my head and I knew.

“Fuck kid, I just bred you.”

“What how do you know? No way.” We both trembled at my words. I don’t know how I knew, but I
was dead sure that I’d just fucked my kid into her.

“I’m telling you I felt it, that’s why your body did that shit.” I turned her around quickly and

settled between her thighs. Taking her face in my hands I kissed her softly.

“You’re having my kid.” My heart felt like a ton of bricks one minute and then light as a feather

the next.

“Do you want me to love you some more sweet girl?” I was already sliding back into her heat.

My eyes closed in wonder as it hit me, this was mine, this beautiful creature and the new life inside
her, were all mine.

Nothing else had ever felt this good. I felt whole and complete in a way that I don’t think I ever

expected to in this life.

“Kiss me.” She lifted her lips to mine and I took her mouth beneath mine putting all the love I

had in me for her in the action.

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These fucking kids are worse than their hardheaded mother with their shit. “Dominic what are

you doing?” the little two year old criminal was ass deep in my shit. I’d only told him three times
already for the day to leave my shit alone.

What’s with kids and paper anyway? I get them every damn toy in the store and still he and his

little sister always find my shit more exciting.

“Dada.” He held up the contract I’d been working on for his mother’s new store. It was eaten

all to shit with drool covering every square inch.

I can’t stay mad at him though and he knows it, that’s why he’s grinning at me with his cheeky


I won’t laugh this time though; this was the third time he’d done some shit like this. He did all

his tricks in his repertoire to get a smile out of me but I kept my face straight, until he brought in

The little sneak went and got his sister Victoria. My little princess knew her job very well

because she made a beeline for my lap and plopped down.

Her chubby little fingers came up and held my cheeks as she lectured me the way she’d no

doubt seen her mother do.

“I don’t know what you’re saying little girl but I know a con when I see one. You and your

partner in crime had better leave well enough alone.”

I guess Dom figured since he was already caught he might as well go full hog because he was

soon digging through my file cabinet again.

“Where’s your mommy princess?” She put her foot in her mouth and showed me her gums.

Okay so I couldn’t resist that one.

As soon as the smile broke across my face my son was toddling over to me. That was just the

opening he was after.

I reached down and picked him up too, sitting him on my other thigh. Their mother came in with

the baby in her arms.

Our youngest Gianni was just two weeks old. He was conceived the day his mom got the all

clear after his big sister’s birth, which is pretty much how we ended up with three kids a year apart.

By the time her healing period was over I was pretty much ready to fuck the wind. Both times

we’d barely made it through the door after the final check-up, before I was nailing her. I think Vicki
was conceived on the floor in the foyer and Gianni not much farther, in the living room.

“The kids ate your contract.” She looked at me suspiciously as she came to stand in front of me.

She’s always trying to use intimidating tactics on my ass, and I let her.

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“Again? Draco I’m beginning to suspect that there’s something else going on here. I told you

I’ll only be there for the first few weeks until the employees get the hang of it, I promise.”

My facial expression didn’t change in the least. She’d never get it out of me; her son’s teeth

marks were all over the shit, which I pointed out to her.

“But how does he keep getting at them? Please Draco, I really want it.” Fuck, her spoilt ass

hates hearing the word no.

Fuck yes I’ve been sabotaging her damn store. I’ve been leaving the bottom drawer of my file

cabinet unlocked so the kids can get in.

The first time I’d left the shit halfway open for them. After that they always checked the drawer

first whenever they found their asses in my office.

I don’t want her away from home, but she doesn’t hear so good and I hate the way she sulks

when I tell her spoilt ass no. She’s always finding new ways to fuck with me, there’s always
something that she wants to do that she knows damn good and well ain’t gonna happen. Like taking my
kids to see her fuck of a dad.

She never knew about what went down that day and since she was forbidden to ask me shit

about my dealings, there was no way she’d ever learn because if he even hinted at that shit I’d put a
bullet in his head.

It worked out well in the end, because he’d put most of his shit in Dominic’s name with me at

the helm until he was old enough.

I’d dismantled his drug business. That shit hadn’t been easy and the streets had been lined with

blood for a good three months before things started to settle down.

I’d cleaned the shit up as best I could which had a surprise twist. The police commissioner had

paid me a visit, the fucking city wanted to give me a medal of merit or some shit. The fuck outta here,
I don’t deal with criminals.

I’d set judge Sampson up and his ass was doing time the sick fuck. There’d been a lot of high

profile people thrown in the clink after I was through destroying Felix’s drug empire as well.

All that was left after that, were the department stores his daughter believed were his only

business and those are what were passed on to my son.

He had more than enough to live on, and I’d found a way to keep him away from my family. I

packed his ass off to Florida where I had him surrounded my own people who looked after my
interests there.

Once a year I took her to see him for exactly two days, that’s as long as I can stand him, and

since my kids weren’t allowed anywhere near him, she was ready to get back to them by then.

Now she’s on my ass about this store shit. “I don’t see why you can’t just keep doing what

you’ve been doing.” She was still making up her designs and putting shit together in her home lab, I
don’t see why she has to sell the fuck.

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“Dray, come on, please. It won’t be that bad.” I studied her as I bounced my kids on my knees.

I hate fucking change, especially where she was concerned.

I looked at her too long and had to clear my throat and move the kids around a bit. I always find

her extremely sexy while she’s carrying my babies, and right after she’s given birth.

Her body is ripe and ready for plucking; only I can’t have her for another few weeks at least,

damn. Her breasts had grown with each pregnancy and were a great source of enjoyment for me at
times like this.

“It’s almost naptime.” She rubbed her legs together, she knew exactly where I was going with

this. I could already feel her nipple in my mouth and taste her sweet milk on my tongue.

I stood quickly from the chair with the two cohorts, one under each arm and carted them off to

the nursery. I’ve tried getting Dominic to stay in the expensive ass room his mother had fixed up for
him, but he wasn’t ready to leave his sis.

I read stories over and over because my fucking kids always seem to know when daddy needs

to go get him some. Fucking cock blockers, I’ll be sure to repay them later in life, I can’t wait.

By the time they nodded off she had fed the baby and put him down. I locked us away in our

room so that everyone knew not to disturb us.

“How’re you feeling baby?” she gets tired a lot with a new baby in the house as was to be

expected, but I help out as much as I can.

She has help around the house, but neither of us are too jazzed about someone else raising our

kids, so we took care of the bulk of the babysitting duties.

“I’m feeling great.” She opened her shirt and laid back on her mountain of pillows as I kicked

off my shoes and approached.

I had enough class not to fall on her like a starving wolf, but it was close. When that first burst

of warm sweet milk hit my senses, I wrapped my arm around her, bringing her in closer as I feasted
on her tit.

My whole life was wrapped up in this little package of dynamite. To think that that day four

three and a half years ago I was just out to hit back at her old man.

Our life together has been one of immense joy, nothing like our beginning, though she still fucks

with me on occasion until I fuck her stupid.

“This one is pretty much done, give me the other one.” I eased her swollen tit out of her bra cup

and suckled her as she teased my cock with her leg.

I knew that as soon as I drained her she was going to take me into her mouth and ease my ache.

I can’t wait.

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