Dance of Death Stephens

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Dance of Death | Caroline Stephens


Chapter One



your skinny ass over here,” Mike Bremner shouted

across the stage.

FBI Agent Cole Stanton hurried over to his

commanding officer, not wanting to give the older man any
more excuses to dislike him. Eight weeks into his new
posting and he was ready to shoot himself or his boss or
both. “Sorry,” he said.

“What took you so long?” Bremner asked. “Not

enough time to do your makeup or hair or something?”

Cole ignored the insults. “Traffic.”
Bremner scowled. “I need a dead ballerina like a hole

in the head. The stiff’s a Russian national, so it falls to us
and not the local boys. I want you leading on this one.”
Bremner sneezed as he waved his hand at the center of
the stage, where a sheet-covered body lay.

“You do?” Cole couldn’t help saying, not able to mask

his surprise. It was obvious Bremner didn’t like him. He
seemed to go out of his way to make Cole’s life miserable.
In the two months since his transfer to the New York field
office, Bremner had assigned him the most mundane and
boring cases and buried him under a backlog of
paperwork that should have been completed months ago.
He also seemed to delight in making Cole look foolish in
front of the other team members.

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Bremner scowled again, moving over to the body. Cole

followed, digging his notebook and pen out of his jacket
pocket. Bremner looked over his shoulder. “I’ve got four
agents out with the flu. So, Stanton, you’re it,” he said
curtly with another sneeze. “Just wrap the damn case up
as fast as you can. Don’t do any fancy-assed stuff. Got it?”

“Yes, sir.” Cole nodded. The disappointment curled in

his stomach. Cole knew he was being stupid, but he would
have liked the task as lead investigator in a murder based
on his merits, not because other agents were sick with the
flu and unavailable. He sighed, wondering if Bremner was
hoping he would fail. The thought made Cole determined
to succeed, resolving not to fail himself, the Bureau, or the
body lying under the white sheet.

“Irina Markhov.” Bremner pulled the sheet off the

woman with an unnecessary flourish. “Arrived in the
country two months ago to dance in this pansy-ass
production. Went AWOL yesterday afternoon. The crew
was testing the trapdoor in the stage this morning when
up she popped. Dead as a dodo. Scared the shit out of
them.” Bremner chuckled.

Ignoring Bremner’s crassness, Cole stared down at

the lifeless form sprawled on the floor surrounded by a sea
of congealed blood that spread outward, staining the
hardwood surface dark red. The young woman’s pale
green eyes stared back at him, not seeing, her blood
tainting the otherwise perfect white silk gown she was
wearing. She was young and delicate-looking and had
been pretty in life, but the gray mask of death made her
ugly. Cole sighed, numb to the sight, having seen death in
all its forms so many times during his career. He looked
down the length of her body and could just about make

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out the ugly, bluish tint of finger marks around her
slender neck where someone had tried to choke her. Cole
shifted his gaze to the obvious defense marks of mottled
bruising on her arms, evidence of Irina trying to fight off
her attacker before being viciously struck down by the
ornate dagger sticking out of her chest. “Do we know time
of death?” he asked.

Bremner looked bored. “ME estimates around five or

six yesterday evening.”

“So after a dress rehearsal?” Cole asked, writing the

fact down in his notebook.

“How do you figure?” Bremner asked.
“She’s in costume,” Cole said. “I doubt she ever wore

her costume home. So she must have been killed after the
dress rehearsal. Before she had a chance to change back
into her own clothes.”

Bremner huffed, annoyed. “Start with him,” he said,

waving a hand at a man standing just offstage in the wing.
“Alexei Valchikovsky.” He stumbled over the
pronunciation. “Damn stupid name. Doesn’t even talk like
a Russian. But at the moment, he’s our prime suspect.”

After six months, Cole didn’t think the name would

still affect him, having convinced himself he was over
Alexei, but his body decided to taunt him, betraying him
almost immediately. His mouth went dry and he wanted to
be sick. His heart hammered so loudly in his chest Cole
was convinced Bremner would hear the pounding. He
swallowed convulsively as all his feelings for Alexei came
rushing back. Love. Passion. Need.

Cole cursed silently, wondering why he’d ever thought

he could avoid Alexei, but the New York field office had

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been the only posting available and he’d been desperate.
Cole swallowed hard again. “Why?” He successfully
managed to keep his voice even and his body language
neutral. He was determined not to lose the one chance of
proving his worth because of a past love affair with the
prime suspect.

Bremner didn’t notice his uneasiness, too busy

snuffling into a dirty white handkerchief. “The dagger
belongs to him.” He turned on his heel, dismissing Cole
with his back. “Preliminary report on my desk tomorrow.
No excuses.”

“Yes, sir,” Cole said, tired of the two words he seemed

to be using a lot these days. Glancing back down at Irina
Markhov, Cole was filled with the sudden strong urge to
pull the dagger out of her chest, but he knew better.
Instead he crouched down, drawing the white sheet back
over her body in an effort to give Irina an element of
dignity in death.

Straightening up, Cole sucked in a deep breath and

headed over to the wings. Cole took his time, giving
himself an opportunity to study the man Bremner had
decided was their prime suspect. Alexei Valchikovsky was
the same, not changed at all in six months. He was still
beautiful, poised, and graceful, resembling every classical
statue exhibited in art galleries around the world. Alexei
possessed a typical dancer’s body—tall and supple with
broad shoulders and muscles in all the right places. A
narrow waist, trim hips, and powerful-looking legs
completed the picture. Even dressed in loose sweatpants,
Cole could still make out the rippling muscles in his
thighs and lower legs. He could feel his skin heating at the
thought of those powerful legs wrapped around his body,

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pulling him close. Cole coughed, shaking himself away
from memories of their passionate lovemaking and back to
studying Alexei. His skin was tanned almost golden in
color, and long, dark hair nearly touching his shoulders
gave him an almost gypsylike appearance. His face was
angular, with high cheekbones that accentuated every
feature, from his nose to his mouth to his eyes. Slanted
dark brown eyes seemed to glint in the light and were now
studying him as he drew near.

Cole swallowed hard; this was the man he had tried

not to love, but every night, even six months later, he still
dreamed of their life together. Dreamed of their bodies
tangled together, lost in passion, and their love for each
other. Cole groaned, mentally reminding himself that the
New York posting was his chance to get his life back on
track, both personally and professionally, and he couldn’t
afford any distractions. Professional, aloof, and detached
were his watchwords for the day, Cole decided. “Alexei,” he
managed to say calmly. “I just need to ask you a few

Alexei raised an eyebrow at the formality. “No ‘Hello,

Alexei’? ‘How have you been Alexei?’”

Cole swallowed at the sound of Alexei’s voice. Honey-

soft, a hint of New England twang evident with no trace of
the typical harsh Russian accent, it went straight to his
groin, and he shifted from foot to foot. He swallowed again.
“No.” Cole lowered his voice. “This is my job. My career.
And as far as my boss knows, we don’t know each other,
and I want to keep it that way. So just answer the damn
questions.” Cole couldn’t help the tremble in his body and
flipped a page of his notebook over in an effort to mask the
effect of being so close to his ex-lover.

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Alexei pursed his lips, noticing the small shudder as

he let his eyes sweep up and down Cole’s body. He
frowned at what he saw but hid his concern behind a
smile. “Ask your questions. I’ll try to help all I can.”

Cole shifted from foot to foot again, still uncom-

fortable with being so close to Alexei. He looked down at
his notebook, pretending to study his scribbles in an effort
to distract himself from the sexy man standing in front of
him. Cole could feel his traitorous body responding to
Alexei’s proximity. He clenched his teeth against the
sensations pumping through his body. Cole cleared his
throat, deciding on the direct approach. “Does the dagger
belong to you?” he asked.

Alexei snorted out a surprised laugh. “You were

always so direct,” he said. “It’s one of the many things I
loved about you. Love about you.” He stepped into Cole’s
personal space, his eyes dark with want. “I’ve missed you,

“Stop it.” Cole glared, taking a step backward,

wanting to remain professional, gripping his notebook
tightly in an attempt to stop the trembling at Alexei’s
closeness. “Alexei. This is a murder investigation,” he said.
“Don’t make this any harder than it already is. Please just
answer the question.”

Alexei sighed. Letting Cole walk out of his life

following a stupid argument was the biggest mistake of his
life, and Alexei still bitterly regretted allowing his ambition
and career to triumph over his personal life and
happiness. Even six months later, Alexei cursed his
cowardice, knowing he should have gone after Cole and
begged his forgiveness; instead, he’d allowed his pride to

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win and sat staring at the closed door for hours. Irina’s
murder had unexpectedly thrust Cole back into his life,
and Alexei was determined to win his lover back. “Yes, the
dagger belongs to me. It’s an exact replica of the one we
use in the ballet.”

“When did you last see it?” Cole asked.
Alexei shrugged. “Maybe a couple of weeks ago. It was

in my dressing room, I think.”

“Who has access to your dressing room?”
Alexei frowned slightly. “Everyone, I guess. I never

lock the door. A bad habit of mine.”

Cole nodded. “How well did you know Miss Markhov?”
“Not very well. As you know, the ballet has been on

tour. And she joined about two months ago, after we
closed in Washington and just before we came to New
York. Irina was shy. Kept herself to herself. Her English
wasn’t too good,” Alexei replied. “A lot of the troupe are
foreign nationals, but some have better English than

“When did you see her last?”
“We open in three weeks, so we’ve been rehearsing

every day. It was a dress rehearsal yesterday afternoon.
Irina was there, and I saw her heading back to the
dressing room area with some of the other dancers around
four-thirty.” He waved a hand at the corridor behind some
stacked scenery. “I didn’t see her again.”

“Did she have any particular friends?” Cole asked,

scribbling reminders in his notebook.

“Not really. I know she shared an apartment with two

of the other dancers. Lena Anderson and Natalie Dupre.”

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Cole looked down at his notebook, not really wanting

to see the reaction to his next question. “Where were you
between five and six last night?”

“Our ME estimates that Miss Markhov was killed

sometime between five and six last night.”

“You’re kidding, right?”
Cole looked up, calmly holding Alexei’s stunned

expression. “No. Just answer the question. Where were
you between five and six last night?”

Alexei chuckled. Cole raised his eyebrows, waiting for

an answer as he tapped the pen against his notebook.
Alexei gaped as his expression moved from mocking to
serious to incredulous. “You’re serious?”

“Deadly. And you just admitted it’s your dagger.”
“This is ridiculous.” Alexei pointed at the stage. “I was

onstage with the musical director, practicing the last
dance for the last act. It isn’t quite right yet. And I want it
to be perfect.”

Before Cole could ask another question, a gray-haired

man dressed in an immaculate business suit appeared at
Alexei’s side. Cole recognized him immediately: Anton
Stolin, Alexei’s manager, ballet master, and the person he
held responsible for taking Alexei away from him, Cole
thought childishly. Cole narrowed his eyes at the older
man. Stolin scowled at Cole in recognition.

Alexei immediately sensed the antagonism, never

really understanding the reason. He stepped in between
the two men. “Cole is investigating Irina’s death,” Alexei

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“Such a tragedy,” Anton said, leaning on his ever-

present cane. “Poor child.”

Cole turned to Stolin. “How well did you know Miss


“I didn’t really know her personally. She was one of

the dancers hired in Russia by an agency on our behalf.
She was an average dancer but a very sweet girl.” Stolin
glanced sideways at Alexei, then back at Cole. “Did Alexei
tell you about the threats?” he asked.

“Threats?” Cole raised an eyebrow at Alexei. “What

sort of threats?”

Alexei shrugged. “It’s nothing.”
Anton glowered at Alexei. “Let the FBI be the judge of

what is or isn’t important,” he said. “It might have
something to do with poor Irina’s death.”

Alexei sighed. “Letters. One received last week, one

two days ago, and one received maybe two weeks ago, I
think. Saying I have danced my last dance. You know the
sort of thing.”

“Have you still got them?” Cole asked.
“I told him to keep them. Go to the police…. But no,

Alexei Valchikovsky knows best,” Anton said.

Alexei shook his head, ignoring Anton. “I didn’t think

they were serious. I just thought it was the work of a
crank fan. I didn’t think. Sorry.”

Cole pursed his lips, annoyed. “Were they posted or

delivered by hand? Handwritten or typed?”

“They just appeared in my dressing room. I don’t

think there were stamps on the envelopes. So I guess
hand-delivered. And typed in bold letters,” Alexei replied.

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Cole nodded before turning back to Anton. “I’ll need

to see all the employee records, including Irina’s. And I
would like to talk to as many of the troupe as possible.”

“Of course. We’ll all do what we can to help. You can

use my office,” Anton said. “I’ll take you there now.” He
turned, limping in the direction of the corridor behind the
piled-up scenery.

“Thank you.” Cole glanced at Alexei. “I may need to

talk to you again once tests have been carried out on the
dagger and the body.”

Alexei’s dark eyes glinted as he smiled. “You’ll have

my undivided attention.”

Cole glared before hurrying after Stolin, desperately

trying to ignore the sensation of Alexei staring at his ass.

As Cole caught up with him, Stolin glanced sideways,

his eyes cold. “Alexei doesn’t need any distractions.”

“I don’t intend to distract anyone,” Cole answered.

“I’m here to investigate a murder. Nothing else.”

Stolin narrowed his eyes at Cole. “This tour is

important. The performances so far have been sellouts,
and Alexei is being hailed as one of the greatest dancers of
his time. New York is important to Alexei and his career.
This is his time. It’s a dream come true, and he doesn’t
need a love-struck FBI agent getting in the way and
ruining his career or his life.”

The words stung more than he would have believed

they could, and Cole felt his anger rising. He pushed the
feelings down, determined to remain professional. “I’ve
heard all this before… six months ago, you said the same
things,” he said. “And just for the record, I would never
have stood in the way of Alexei and his career. But you

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didn’t believe me. So I left, like you wanted. Alexei and I
are done. Over. Finished. But I have a job to do, and I
intend to do it. I will not let Alexei, you, or any past
feelings get in my way. And I will find out who killed Irina
Markhov. And then I’ll be gone from your lives again.” Cole
knew the words sounded bitter, but he didn’t care. Alexei
was the love of his life, but for once Cole was going to put
his own life and career first.

“Good,” Stolin replied with a small, triumphant smile.

“I’m glad we understand each other.”

Cole really wanted to punch Stolin but resisted the

urge. “Do you think the threats are real?” Cole asked
instead. It seemed to him too coincidental that the
threatening letters had been received just before Irina
Markhov’s death, and Cole’s gut instinct was telling him
the events were connected somehow. He never ignored his
gut instinct but knew convincing Bremner of the
connection based on a feeling was another matter
altogether. Cole needed proof and cold, hard facts to
convince his commanding officer.

Anton sighed. “Maybe.” He stopped, waving his hand

at an open door. “My office. Help yourself. The personnel
files are all in the top drawer of the desk. I’ll send the
dancers along as they arrive for work.”

“Thank you.”
Anton narrowed his eyes at Cole again, scowling. “But

I meant what I said. Stay away from Alexei. He doesn’t
want or need you in his life.”

Cole glared. “And I don’t want him in mine.”
He stepped into the office, slamming the door on

Anton. Leaning against the door, Cole struggled to get his

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breathing under control. Pushing off the door, he slumped
down behind the desk, organizing his notebook and pen in
front of him. “Alexei Valchikovsky means nothing to you.
You don’t love him anymore. You’re so over him,” Cole
said over and over in his head, knowing it was a lie.
Sighing, he opened the desk drawer, pulling out the stack
of personnel files. He opened the top folder, hoping that
concentrating on the case would distract him from
thoughts of Alexei.

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Chapter Two



hours later, Cole had interviewed most of the ballet

company as to their whereabouts and how well they knew
Irina. The interviews had gone well despite the language
barrier in some cases, but he was no further forward. No
one seemed to have a motive to kill Irina, and all could
produce alibis for the time of her death. No one could
recall when they’d last seen the dagger, and most of them
remembered Irina returning to the dressing room. Several
of the dancers confirmed seeing Alexei onstage rehearsing
the final scene with the musical director.

Cole was now silently working his way through the

personnel records, adding more scribbles to his notebook.
“Damn,” he said as his pen ran out of ink. Opening the
middle desk drawer, he rummaged amongst the various
papers, bank statements, and what looked like contracts
before rifling through several photographs. He glanced at
them briefly before finding a pen. Cole went back to his
notes. Picking up one of the personnel files, Cole stood up,
pacing as he read. Engrossed in his work, Cole didn’t
notice Alexei silently watching him from the shadows of
the dimly lit corridor.

Clutching two coffees in his hands, Alexei was trying

to work up the courage to enter the office. Although
supremely confident and self-assured in everything he did,
Alexei felt stupidly nervous. Cole, the warm sensuous man

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he still loved, seemed to have disappeared in the last six
months. Gone was Cole’s sparkle and love for life, replaced
by a cold, haunted shadow of his former self. Alexei let his
eyes roam up and down Cole’s body, his earlier worry
returning. They were the same height, but Cole had
always been slender, even skinny; now he was scrawny-
looking, and Alexei swore he could see the outline of every
one of Cole’s ribs underneath his shirt. A too-narrow waist
and slim hips tapered down to his long legs. The short-
sleeved shirt Cole was wearing offered Alexei a view of his
arms, which he could see were still muscled. He sighed in
relief. Short, sun-bleached blond hair framed Cole’s pale,
freckled face. His cheeks were hollow, and his stunning
ice-blue eyes were dull and lifeless, with dark circles
underneath. Cole looked tired, and Alexei knew he was
partially responsible. Guilt swirled in his stomach, and
Alexei finally forced his legs to move.

“Thought you could probably do with a coffee.” Alexei

placed one of the coffees on the desk.

Cole looked up from the file he was studying.


“It’s your favorite,” Alexei said with a smile. He

perched on the edge of the desk, sipping at his own coffee
and studying Cole as the other man studiously ignored

“I’m surprised you remembered what my favorite

was,” Cole said, looking up briefly. The words sounded
harsh to Cole’s ears, and he immediately regretted them.

Alexei decided to ignore the bitterness, accepting that

he probably deserved the anger directed at him. He

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sighed, sensing this was going to be harder than he’d
originally thought. “Cole.”

“Don’t.” Cole pretended to study the personnel file in

his hands, hoping Alexei would get the message and leave.
He should have known better; Cole groaned inwardly as
Alexei remained seated on the edge of the desk. He could
feel Alexei watching him, and he slumped down in the
chair. He threw the folder onto the pile of other personnel
files on the desk and looked up. “What?”

“So. Any suspects yet? Apart from me, that is?” Alexei

couldn’t help a small smirk before taking another sip of
his coffee.

Cole frowned at Alexei. “Everyone’s a suspect at the


Alexei snorted. “I can’t believe you actually said that.”

Cole glared, making Alexei look down into his coffee
sheepishly. He looked back up at Cole. “I’m sorry. It just
sounded like a line from a cheap murder-mystery book or
a movie.”

Cole glared at Alexei again. “This is serious, Alexei.”
Alexei leaned closer, his face inches away from Cole’s.

“You used to have a sense of humor.”

“I used to have a lot of things.” Cole rolled the chair

slightly away from the desk, not wanting to be close to
Alexei, afraid his resolve would disintegrate with one
touch. “This isn’t a game or a story from one of your
ballets.” Cole looked down at his notes again, angrily
turning the pages over before looking back up at Alexei.
“Someone killed a young woman in cold blood. So excuse
me if I don’t laugh with you.”

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Alexei raised his hands in defense. “Do you think I

killed Irina?”

Cole knew the answer immediately, no hesitation.


“Because you may be a first-degree asshole and all-

around selfish bastard, but you’re not a murderer,” Cole

“Thank you… I think.”
“No problem.”
“What about the threats? Do you really think they’re

connected to Irina’s murder?”

“Yeah, I do. But I don’t know how yet,” Cole

answered. “Don’t worry… we’re shorthanded due to the
flu, so the local boys will be keeping an eye on you and
making sure no one makes a move on you or anyone else
in the company. They’ll be discreet. You won’t even know
they’re there.”

“Can’t you do it?”
Cole frowned, half expecting the question. He pushed

up from the chair, shrugged his jacket on, and gathered
his notebook and pen, stuffing them into his pocket, all
without looking at Alexei. “No.” He shook his head. “I don’t
think so. And right now I have to go back to the field office
before my boss has my ass in a sling for not turning my
report in to him on time.”

Alexei slid along the desk. “I trust you. I’d feel more

comfortable if you were covering my back.”

“We don’t always get what we want,” Cole said.

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“Please.” Alexei grabbed Cole’s arm. Cole looked down

at the hand clutching his arm before looking up at Alexei.
He could feel his body trembling at the touch. Alexei didn’t
let go, and they stood in silence, holding each other’s
gazes, neither one flinching. “I’m sorry,” Alexei said,
tightening his grip and pulling Cole against his body.

Cole struggled, drawing back slightly. He could feel

Alexei’s warm breath on his skin, and he shivered. His
heart was racing, his mouth was dry, and his ears were
filled with the sound of his blood rushing through his
veins. Sweat trickled down his neck, and Cole swallowed
nervously. “What for?” he finally managed to ask.

Alexei shrugged. He ran a finger of his free hand

down Cole’s face softly. “You’ve changed. You look like
crap. And I know it’s my fault. I’m sorry I hurt you. So
very sorry.”

Cole laughed, harsh and bitter. “You smug bastard.”

He jerked his arm out of Alexei’s grip, glaring angrily. “Not
everything is about you and what you’ve done.” Cole
pushed at Alexei and stalked toward the door before
turning back to Alexei. “You never listened.” Cole slammed
the door hard, leaving a confused Alexei still sitting on the
edge of the desk.

Alexei wasn’t really surprised by Cole’s anger and

hurt, but he still sat, stunned, for a moment, staring at
the peeling paint on the door. Suddenly coming to his
senses, Alexei slammed down his coffee, spilling some of
the contents over Anton’s paperwork. He ran out of the
office, hoping to catch up with Cole.

Alexei found him on the main stage. Cole was alone—

the police and forensics personnel having left the theater

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earlier—staring out into the auditorium. Alexei grimaced
as he sidestepped the bloodstain he could still see despite
the large tarpaulin temporarily covering the area. He
swallowed down the nauseous feeling, grabbing Cole’s arm
and tugging him close. “I’m listening now.” Alexei stared at
Cole intently, desperately trying to convey his sincerity. He
glanced at Cole’s mouth, licking his own lips. He pulled
Cole even closer, within kissing distance.

Cole shuddered at their closeness, his heart

thundering in his chest. He desperately wanted to kiss
Alexei. Wanted to feel the warm, sinful lips devouring his
mouth… but the hurt and anger he still harbored
triumphed over his inner desires. Cole jerked out of the
grip. “You’re too late.”

“I know I’m a selfish bastard.”
Cole backed away from Alexei, out of reach. “Yeah,

you are.”

Alexei ignored the cutting remark, taking a step closer

to Cole. “I never meant to hurt you.”

“Well, you did. So deal.” Cole looked up at the theater

lights, anywhere but at Alexei. He frowned; a dark shadow
caught his eye, but Alexei distracted him by stepping
closer and grabbing his arm again. Cole stared at the
hand on his arm, worrying his bottom lip with his teeth, a
nervous habit he couldn’t seem to shake.

Alexei softened his expression and lowered his voice.

“Please give me a chance to make things right. I know I
can make things right.”

Cole could feel his resistance weakening and

struggled to maintain control as the heat of Alexei’s touch
seemed to burn through his jacket sleeve. He hardened

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his heart against Alexei’s words, jutting his chin out
defiantly. “No.”

The word sounded so final and harsh, but Alexei was

determined. “I love you,” he said. “I never stopped loving

Cole glared at Alexei. “Well, I don’t love you anymore.”

His voice faltered slightly, giving him away. Cole turned
his head to the side, unable to look Alexei in the eye,
afraid he would see the lie.

Alexei heard the waver in Cole’s tone and tightened

his grip, confident in his answer. “I don’t believe you. I
think you still love me… like I still love you.”

Cole turned back to Alexei, eyes blazing with anger

and hurt. “I don’t care what you damn well believe or
think.” He twisted out of Alexei’s grip and stepped back,
breathing hard. “Just leave me the hell alone. And let me
get on with my job.”

“I should have never let you go.”
“Well, you did. And Anton Stolin got what he wanted.”
Alexei frowned, confused. “I don’t understand.”
Cole blew out a long, tired breath. “It really doesn’t

matter now.”

“It matters to me.”
“Like I said, you’re too late,” Cole said bitterly. “Look,

it’s in the past. So let’s just leave it there.”

Alexei frowned, genuinely confused by the words. He

decided not to push for an explanation, too afraid of
upsetting Cole even more. He sighed, frustrated. Not for
the first time, Alexei wished he had been a little less self-

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absorbed and a little more sensitive to Cole’s needs. “If you
want me to fight for you, I will. Just say the word.”

Cole’s shoulders slumped slightly; tired didn’t begin

to describe how he felt. Drained and worn down, Cole
could feel his resolve crumbling. “Don’t fight for me. I
don’t want you to. We’re done. Over. Finished. And right
now I have a murder to solve.” Cole spun around and
walked quickly away from Alexei.

“Cole.” Alexei hurried after Cole.
“Go away.”
A loud, metallic cracking sound echoing around the

stage area startled them both, and they looked up into the
dimness of the rafters. The huge, suspended theater lights
were swaying dangerously, creaking and groaning as they
moved back and forth. A shadow moved, and a second
loud cracking noise resonated around the theater as one
of the lighting units broke free from the metal framework.
With a screech of twisting metal, the light hurtled
downward to where Alexei was standing, frozen to the
spot. Without thinking, Cole raced across the stage.

Still rooted to the spot, Alexei glanced sideways at

Cole as he put his hands up over his head protectively and
uselessly. Cole hurled himself at Alexei, shoving him hard
in the center of his chest, his momentum forcing them
both out of the way of the falling lighting unit. In a tangle
of arms and legs, they crashed to the floor, Cole on top of
Alexei as the light smashed to the stage in a deafening
explosion of glass and metal. Keeping his head down and
his eyes closed, Cole covered Alexei protectively with his

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body as thousands of tiny shards of glass exploded
outward from the lighting unit, raining over them.

Silence finally descended on the stage. Cole looked

up, shaking the glass out of his hair. The shattered
lighting unit lay destroyed within feet of them. Cole looked
back down at a pale-faced Alexei, who licked his lips
nervously as their eyes locked. They were both breathing
hard, and Cole hadn’t moved from his position on top of
Alexei. Their legs were tangled together, their bodies
perfectly aligned, and Cole could feel every well-toned
muscle in Alexei’s body. His cock twitched, responding to
the familiar stimuli, and Cole bit at his lips, willing his
erection away. “You okay?” he asked, managing to keep
the squeak out of his voice.

“Yeah.” Alexei’s heart hammered in his chest. His

breathing was harsh and raspy, but he was still living,
thanks to Cole and his quick thinking. Alexei took a long,
deep breath, trying to compose himself. Cole was still lying
on top of him, and suddenly all Alexei wanted and needed
was Cole. His terror drove him onward, all reason
disappearing in a frantic need to reconnect with Cole.
Reaching up, he put a hand behind Cole’s head, tugging
him downward, crushing their lips together in a rough,
hungry kiss. The fear that they both could have been
killed made the kiss desperate, almost possessive. Alexei
devoured Cole’s mouth as his hands roamed up and down
his back. He couldn’t help the pleased moan escaping
when Cole responded, deepening his almost frenzied
kisses. Alexei’s body immediately reacted to the shared
intimacy, and he pressed his slowly hardening cock up
against Cole’s thigh, making his intentions clear.

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Cole squirmed and pulled back from the kiss, trying

to ignore Alexei’s hardness pressing against his thigh.
“Alexei. I’ve got to call this in and go up there.” He waved a
hand at the rafters.

Alexei’s fear was slowly fading, but he was unwilling

to let Cole go. “Whoever was up there is long gone,” he
said, locking Cole into a tighter embrace.

Cole’s instincts screamed for him to do his job and

race up into the rafters, but he knew, deep down, Alexei
was probably right. The perpetrator would be long gone,
escaping the moment the lighting unit was loosened, and
if he was honest, he wanted this. He made a token protest.
“Alexei. Let me go.”

Alexei shook his head and leaned up, capturing Cole’s

lips again, silencing his protests by forcing his tongue into
his mouth. Their tongues met, tentative at first, before
tangling together as they explored and rediscovered each
other’s mouths. Cole’s willpower vanished under the
onslaught. He leaned into the kiss, moaning with need,
yielding to his own and Alexei’s hunger, returning the
kisses with a ferocity that threatened to take his breath
away. Alexei’s hands continued to wander over Cole’s
body, making his nerve ends tingle with want and desire.

Cole molded his body against Alexei, luxuriating in

the feel of the firm, familiar body against his own. He
could feel Alexei’s hard cock against his own as they
thrust and ground against each other. Breathless, they
finally pulled back from the kiss. Alexei ran his fingers
down Cole’s face.

Cole rolled his head sideways, leaning into the touch.

He caught a glimpse of the bloodstain and blinked as the

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reality of the situation hit him hard. This was a murder
investigation, his chance to prove himself, and he had
allowed Alexei and his own longing to distract him.

Cole caught Alexei by surprise, managing to scramble

to his feet, digging in his pocket for his cell phone. His
cock was still hard and his body prickled from Alexei’s
touch, and the feelings made him suddenly angry. “What
the hell am I doing? I won’t let you walk all over me
again.” Cole stabbed an accusing finger at the prone
Alexei. With an angry growl, Cole turned his back and
dialed, barking the situation into the phone.

Alexei remained on the floor. He stared up at Cole’s

back, watching as he snapped instructions into his cell
phone. His body ached with desire, his cock still heavy
between his legs. Alexei groaned, adjusted himself, and
dropped his head back against the floor, wondering if this
was his last chance with Cole.

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Chapter Three



streets were lonely and dark, illuminated only by the

half moon hanging in the darkened sky, silent and white.
Cole’s feet pounded the sidewalk as he ran as hard as he
had ever run. Running usually calmed him. It allowed him
to block out the outside world and concentrate on the
sound of his feet on the sidewalk or the pounding of his
heartbeat. Tonight was different. Tonight he was angry
with Alexei, with Bremner, and mostly with himself for
being weak and still stupidly in love with Alexei. Cole
could still feel Alexei’s lips on his own, and he licked at
them, imagining the tingle of electricity from their kisses.
The thought of Alexei’s warm hands all over his body
made him shiver, and he palmed his cock through his
sweatpants, willing it to behave. Cole snarled softly at his
foolishness and urged his feet onward.

Despite his determination not to think about Alexei,

his treacherous mind turned to earlier in the afternoon.
Half an hour after the attempt on Alexei’s life, the theater
had again been crawling with FBI, forensics, and local
police officers. Alexei’s status had immediately altered
from prime suspect to potential murder target. Despite his
objections, Bremner (because of their manpower shortage)
had assigned him to be part of the protection detail
supporting the local police force. To his absolute horror,
Bremner had assigned him the night shift, and Cole knew

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then the whole world hated him. Protecting Alexei in his
apartment for the whole night, alone, was his worst
nightmare or all his dreams come true. Cole couldn’t
decide which at the moment.

Over the last few months, Cole had almost convinced

himself he didn’t feel anything for Alexei, but today all the
feelings came rushing back to call him a liar, and he
wondered why he was resisting the inevitable. He still
loved and wanted Alexei. Yes, the man had his faults, was
a selfish bastard at times, but Cole had never really
doubted that Alexei loved him, even at the end. Hurt,
anger, and confusion in equal amounts swirled in the pit
of his stomach. His head was so full of Alexei and the
feelings he evoked that Cole couldn’t think straight. So
instead he ran, harder and harder, trying to banish Alexei
from his head, anger driving him on. The sound of his
scuffed sneakers thumping the sidewalk echoed loudly in
his head and ears, deafening him. His breath, harsh and
raspy, battled with the heavy sound of his footfalls. Cole
felt lightheaded and dizzy but raced onward, blindly
ignoring everything: his breathing, the sounds around
him, the uneven sidewalk, and even the darkness.

Ten minutes later, Cole turned sharply to the right,

shoving the glass door of Alexei’s apartment building open
with both hands, vaguely hearing a click as the door
swung shut behind him. He bent slightly at the waist, his
hands on his knees as he huffed, blowing out breath after
breath, trying to calm his ragged breathing. His heart
hammered in his chest, reminding him he had just run
fifteen blocks.

Cole straightened up and turned, scanning the

deserted street, raising a hand briefly to acknowledge the

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two agents sitting in the unmarked car across from the
building. Cole turned away, not expecting or getting a
response from either of the men. He paused at the bottom
of the stairs, catching sight of his reflection in one of the
mirrored pictures hanging in the foyer. His hair was
sticking up wildly and his dark blue hoodie was sweat-
stained. His sweatpants hung low on his hips, and his
face was an attractive bright red from his run. Cole
sighed, turning away from the sight. Sweat cooled on his
heated skin, and he felt like his whole body was going to
explode with the strain of maintaining his distance from
Alexei. His run hadn’t helped at all, and although Cole
knew he was being stupid, he felt panicked at the thought
of being alone with Alexei. He forced his feet forward,
somehow finding the energy to take the stairs two at a
time, using the banister to haul himself upward, ignoring
the elevator. Hitting the top-floor landing, Cole nodded to
the officer patrolling the area.

Having checked the apartment earlier, Cole knew the

layout by heart. Alexei was a virtuoso, at the top of his
field, a world-renowned principal dancer, and his home
reflected his fame and prosperity. The loft apartment took
up the whole top floor of the building. It was comprised of
a master bedroom with an en suite bathroom, three guest
rooms, a master bathroom to go with one of those
bedrooms, kitchen, dining room, an office, a sitting room,
and a dance studio. All the rooms were tastefully
decorated and furnished, but a little too white, sparse,
and impersonal for Cole’s taste and a million miles from
his own cluttered, four-room apartment on the outskirts of
the city. Fortunately for the security detail, the apartment
was protected by a state of the art security system and

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was only accessible via the stairs or the elevator, which for
the time being was programmed to stop two floors below
as an added precaution. Cole was confident Alexei was
safe from whoever the perpetrator was.

Cole jogged along the hallway and let himself silently

into the apartment. He drew in a long, shaky breath. “Get
a grip, Stanton.” He leaned against the door, holding it
closed with his weight, desperately trying to compose
himself. Cole glanced around. His rucksack and laptop
hold-all were where he had left them in the hallway.
Spinning around, he rammed home all the door bolts and
turned the key before tapping the four-digit number code
into the alarm control panel at the side of the door. The
lights flashed from red to green, arming the system and
locking them in away from the world and the person
threatening Alexei. Stripping off his hoodie and shoulder
holster, Cole dropped them onto his bags, shuffling toward
the sound of the soft music filling the loftlike apartment.

Cole stopped just outside the door to one of the larger

rooms. This was Alexei’s domain. Converted into a studio,
the room was bright and airy with a highly polished
wooden floor and ceiling-to-floor picture windows at one
end looking out over the city. One wall was completely
mirrored from ceiling to floor; the second bore the practice
barre along its length. The door wall was covered in
framed photographs of Alexei at various stages of his
career, his parents, and even several of Cole and Alexei
together. An ornate antique table held the state of the art
sound system and a jumbled collection of CDs and books.
A grand piano stood in one corner, the top covered in
sheet music. Completing the picture and positioned by the
window was the battered, overstuffed couch with

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mismatched cushions from their old apartment, which
Cole had purchased on a whim as a rebellious gesture
against the pristine white leather couches Alexei preferred.
The fact the couch was here in Alexei’s personal domain
made Cole’s eyes water; he bit at his lips as memories of
winter nights curled up together planning their future
assailed his mind.

Cole sniffed and shut out the memories as he turned

his attention to watching a barefooted Alexei practice.
Despite himself, Cole smiled at the familiarity the scene
evoked, having spent many hours watching Alexei
practice, marveling at his body’s grace and flexibility.
Alexei was even dressed the same as always, in a black
vest and black skintight pants that left nothing to the
imagination, accentuating his tight ass and his cock and
balls. Cole swallowed hard, tearing his eyes away from
Alexei’s firm ass. Poised and controlled, Alexei was
rotating around and around on the spot, his arms, hands,
legs, and feet moving in perfect synchronicity with each
other. His limbs in perfect control, Alexei’s whole body
rose and fell gracefully as his right leg whipped outward,
causing his body to rotate on the spot. Cole knew Alexei
was concentrating, watching every move and step in the
mirror, looking for any imperfections or ways to improve
his technique. Cole vaguely recognized the movement but
could never remember the French term, and he started to
count. Distracted by the way Alexei’s muscles rippled and
flexed as he spun around, Cole quickly lost count of the

“Thirty-two,” Alexei said as he stopped spinning,

facing Cole.

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Cole blushed slightly at being caught staring.

“Thought you were made of stronger stuff. You must be
getting soft in your old age.”

Alexei chuckled as he grabbed for his towel, rubbing

it across his face and the back of his neck as he looked
Cole up and down. Red-faced, sweatpants hanging low on
his hips and his T-shirt sweat-stained, Alexei still thought,
despite the obvious weight loss, that Cole was a sexy
package he wanted more than anything in the world.
“You’ve been running.” He stated the obvious as he threw
a second towel at Cole.

Cole caught the towel one-handed and wiped at his

face. “You should have been a detective.”

Alexei chuckled again as he cocked his head to one

side questioningly. “To or away from me?”

Cole could feel himself flush as he draped the towel

around his shoulders. “Depends,” he answered, glad his
face was already red from his run.

Alexei pursed his lips, nodding slightly. “So I guess

we’re not talking about earlier?”

Cole stared out of the window, anywhere but at

Alexei. “I guess.”

“Cole.” Alexei moved forward.
Cole put a hand up and took a step backward. “You

got your way. I’m stuck babysitting you. It’s not going to
be easy.” He waved his hand between them. “But this is
my job. I’m on duty. So let’s try and keep things
professional.” Cole turned his back on Alexei and stared
out of the window again.

Alexei sighed in frustration. Throwing the towel to one

side, he moved to the barre. Keeping one foot on the floor,

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he flattened the other leg along the top of the barre,
completely outstretched, pointing his toes. In one smooth
movement, Alexei then leaned his whole body forward,
touching his toes with both hands. He straightened up
and repeated the movements several times before
changing legs and starting the exercise over again.

Tearing his eyes away from the window, Cole looked

back at Alexei, watching as he exercised. His movements
were graceful and elegant, and again Cole found himself
captivated by the flexibility of Alexei’s body. “Show-off,”
Cole said. He moved closer to the barre, running his
fingers along the shiny surface.

“Years of practice,” Alexei said as he slowly

straightened up. He swung his leg off the barre and rose
up onto the tips of his toes. He extended his arm outward
and then back to his chest as he rose up and down on his
toes, repeating the move over and over. Alexei turned
around, repeating the movement with his other arm.

“Can’t be that hard,” Cole said as he slipped his feet

out of his sneakers. Leaning down, he rolled the legs of his
sweatpants up slightly and unfastened his ankle holster.
He laid it and his backup weapon on top of his sneakers.
He then manhandled one leg up onto the barre. His knee
wouldn’t flatten against the barre, and Cole flexed his foot.
Cole felt the muscle in the side of his foot constrict, and
his toes curled involuntarily against the sharp pain. The
muscle spasm surged up his leg from ankle to calf to
thigh. The pain was excruciating and Cole found he was
unable to move; he squeezed his eyes closed, wishing he
had remembered to warm up and down after his run. “Son
of a bitch,” he said, gritting his teeth and squirming
against the pain. He slumped against the wall, breathing

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hard, one hand clutching at the barre as though his life
depended upon it. Cole’s obvious distress brought Alexei
immediately to his side. “Leave it,” Cole said as Alexei
brushed a hand over his leg.

“Don’t be a stubborn asshole. Let me help.”
“I don’t need you helping me.” Cole slapped at Alexei’s

hand. He tried to straighten his leg, cautiously wiggling
his toes. The pain seared up his leg again, almost taking
his breath away. Cole bit his lip against the moan
escaping his lips.

“As I said… stubborn asshole.” Alexei ignored Cole’s

glare and placed one hand on his knee and one hand on
his ankle, using his body to keep Cole balanced on the
barre. “Point your toes. It’ll help,” Alexei said.

“I am pointing my damn toes,” Cole said with a groan.

“And it’s not helping.”

Alexei rolled his eyes. “Okay. Try and relax.”
“Point your toes… relax… make up your mind.” Cole

grimaced as he opened one eye, watching as Alexei ran a
finger gently along the knotted muscle of his foot. Cole
grunted, putting his free hand on Alexei’s shoulder and
squeezing slightly as the pain radiated along the side of
his foot, shooting up his leg again. “Damn, that hurts like
a bitch.”

Alexei smirked. “Baby.”
“I could shoot you.”
“Yes, you could, but your leg would still hurt,” Alexei

said with a chuckle. “And I doubt you could reach your
gun.” He nodded at Cole’s weapon. “So I figure I’m safe for

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“I hate you.”
“I know.” Using both thumbs, Alexei pressed firmly

into the center of Cole’s foot, massaging in small, circular
movements from the heel to the ball. Alexei repeated the
action several times before slowly moving his hands up
Cole’s leg. He dug his fingers into the fleshy part of Cole’s
shin, kneading gently, attempting to lessen the rigidity he
could feel in the leg muscle. “Better?” he asked, looking up
at Cole.

“Yeah, I guess,” Cole said with a small nod of his


“Good.” Alexei moved his hands cautiously upward.

He ignored the small shudder he felt as he gently
massaged his fingers over Cole’s thigh. He stroked his
hands back down over Cole’s shin and then back up to his
thigh, feeling the tension fade under his ministrations as
Cole relaxed into his touch.

“Feels good,” Cole said, finally able to move his leg.

The friction of Alexei’s fingers and hands against his leg
and foot made him tingle all over, gradually easing the
agony, leaving only a dull ache. He wiggled his toes and
cautiously stretched his foot, relieved when no pain or
spasm resulted from the action. Cole closed his eyes for a
moment, letting the sensation of Alexei’s hands on his
body wash over him. The pain in his leg was almost gone.
His cock was now taking an interest, swelling under
Alexei’s touch and the warmth of his body, pressed close.
Cole was too tired to think about his body or even try to
will his erection away and just hoped Alexei wouldn’t

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Alexei continued to stroke his hand up and down

Cole’s leg and thigh. Feeling suddenly mischievous, he
couldn’t resist running his hand up the inside of Cole’s
thigh to his groin. The heat from Cole’s body was
intoxicating. Alexei, lost in the sensations, ghosted a hand
over Cole’s groin, surprised to find his cock half-hard. “I
thought you didn’t like me anymore.”

Cole opened his eyes, pulling back from Alexei’s

touch. He carefully shifted his leg off the barre. “I still like
you.” The confession came out in a mumble, and Cole
could feel the flush creeping up his neck. He glanced at
Alexei, needing to get away before he did something
stupid. “And right now I stink, so I’m going to grab a
shower.” Cole bent down, retrieving his gun, holster, and
sneakers before limping out of the room.

Alexei gaped, not able to help feeling a little stunned

at Cole’s admission. Hope stirred in his stomach as he
hurried after Cole, catching up with him just as he was
entering the master bathroom. Crowding Cole into the
room, Alexei cautiously took the now-holstered gun and
sneakers from unprotesting hands and placed them on the
vanity unit. He pinned Cole against the wall with his body.
“Tell me no,” Alexei said with a hopeful smile as he cupped
Cole’s face in his hands. “And I’ll stop.”

“No,” Cole said, but they could both hear the lie.
Alexei pressed his body closer. “Say it and mean it.” It

was a challenge, and they both knew it.

“No,” Cole said halfheartedly. Temptation warred with

self-preservation and the professionalism he had tried so
hard to maintain; Cole trembled with indecision, closing
his eyes. The towel in his hand dropped to the floor. He

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shuddered, knowing this was what he craved, what he
really wanted. He needed to feel, to love again. Mind made
up and ignoring the little voice in his head and the risk to
his career, Cole opened his eyes, molding his body against
Alexei. “Don’t stop,” he said, claiming Alexei’s lips in a
soft, wet kiss. “Please don’t stop.” He trailed his tongue
along Alexei’s lips, down his chin to his throat and back

Cole smiled as he felt Alexei’s hands lift, curling at the

back of his neck, digging into the skin and pulling him
even closer. Cole tasted the indrawn breath as Alexei
deepened their kiss. Crushing their lips together, Cole
licked and sucked at Alexei’s mouth. His hands roamed
frantically over Alexei’s body, rediscovering what he had
missed and yearned for.

They began to pull and tug at each other’s clothing.

Cole’s T-shirt came off first, flung to one side as Alexei
turned his attention to licking and sucking at exposed
skin, raking his teeth over Cole’s nipples and getting a
long moan in response.

Cole arched his back, groaning as he fumbled with

trying to get Alexei’s T-shirt over his head. In frustration,
he ripped the thin material, tossing the T-shirt aside.
“Always hated that shirt,” Cole said with a smirk as his
hands at last touched Alexei’s warm, silky skin. He closed
his eyes as his fingers skimmed across the familiar
territory, re-exploring Alexei’s toned body.

Alexei rolled his eyes as Cole ran his hands across his

chest, his breath hitching at the sensation. Growling in
the back of his throat, Alexei moved his hand between
their bodies, massaging Cole’s growing arousal through

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his sweatpants. “Want you,” he said, his voice husky with
desire. Shoving his hand down the sweatpants into the
warmth, Alexei grasped Cole’s half-hard cock, running his
fingers along the length. He squeezed and stroked as Cole
moaned and wriggled against his body.

“Want you too.” Cole gasped as Alexei released his

cock. He whimpered at the loss, scowling at Alexei.

Alexei chuckled, taking a step backward, stripping off

his pants and throwing them on top of his discarded T-
shirt, leaving himself completely naked. He grinned as he
watched Cole’s eyes track up and down his body hungrily.
“Like what you see?”

Cole licked his lips as he gazed at Alexei. His tanned

skin seemed to shine as the moonlight streaming through
the window danced up and down the smoothness. His tall,
rangy body was perfectly in proportion, from broad chest
to flat stomach to long, powerful legs; his half-hard cock
rose out from dark hair between his well-muscled thighs.
Cole licked his lips again, smiling as Alexei chuckled at
him. “Maybe.” Cole quickly stripped off his own pants,
feeling stupidly self-conscious about his scrawny body. He
cursed under his breath for not taking better care of
himself over the last six months.

“Hold that thought.” Alexei stepped into the bathtub,

pulling Cole with him. He offered up a silent prayer that
the tub was large enough to accommodate them both
easily. Alexei fiddled with the taps, adjusting the
temperature of the water until it was just right—not too
hot and not too cold. He pushed Cole under the jet of
water, standing behind him, his hands resting on bony
hips. They stood under the spray, faces upturned, letting

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the water beat down onto their nakedness for a moment.
Alexei leaned forward, nipping at Cole’s shoulder, scraping
his teeth along the taut skin as he pressed closer.

Cole turned his head, intercepting Alexei’s mouth,

kissing him hungrily as he reached back to grasp the hips
pushing and rubbing intimately against the swell of his
ass. Cole opened his mouth, letting Alexei press his
tongue between his lips to deepen the kiss. He sighed as
Alexei’s tongue explored his mouth, the tip running along
his teeth and then tangling with his own tongue.

Alexei pressed more firmly against Cole, the head of

his erection moving between the rounded ass cheeks,
sending bursts of excitement along its length. “Shit.”
Alexei sighed, gripping Cole’s hips tighter.

Cole chuckled, managing to turn in Alexei’s arms. He

lightly traced a finger up and down the contours of Alexei’s
chest muscles before claiming his lips again in a
passionate kiss, his tongue demanding entry.

Moaning in need as their tongues met, they dueled for

dominance, losing themselves in their desire for each
other. The warm water caressed their bodies as they
moved against one another, gently undulating. Six months
apart hadn’t made them awkward, uncomfortable, or
clumsy with each other; instead, they fit together
naturally, sliding chest against chest, cock against cock,
and thigh against thigh. Necks and shoulders were licked,
sucked, and bruised with marks they would carry with
them for the next few days as a reminder of their

Sighing with pleasure, they re-explored the familiar

territory of each other’s bodies, completely ignoring the

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water bouncing off their skin as they rubbed their
nakedness against one another, reveling in the feel of
dampened skin against dampened skin. Hands, tongues,
and lips probed and massaged every dip and curve of the
other’s neck and shoulder as they pressed closer and
closer. They locked their lips together as their bodies
ground against one another in an erotic and intimate

Lack of breath and the water flow eventually made

them pull apart. They smiled at their identical swollen
lips, flushed faces, and hair flattened to heads. Reaching
up, Alexei quickly adjusted the power of the water, angling
the showerhead away to prevent the spray becoming too
intrusive. Alexei grinned mischievously before shaking his
long hair and showering Cole with water droplets, then
watching as they flowed down his pale, soaked skin.

Cole retaliated by flicking water at Alexei playfully.

Laughing, they wrapped their arms around each other,
hugging tightly. “I’ve missed your ugly ass so much,” Cole
said, running a hand up and down Alexei’s arm.

Alexei smiled. “Missed your bitchy face too, and I’m

not letting you go, ever.”

Cole drew back, looking at Alexei. “Sounds like a


“It is, and one I’m not gonna break,” Alexei said,

capturing Cole’s lips in a kiss to seal his vow. He was
never letting Cole go again, even if he had to give up his
career. Alexei drew Cole even closer, wrapping his arms
around him tightly.

Cole whimpered in protest. “Need to breathe here,” he

said, pushing at Alexei slightly.

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“Sorry,” Alexei said with a blush, loosening his grip.

He flicked his tongue out, licking at the water droplets
gathered in the dip of Cole’s shoulder. With his tongue, he
traced a path to the base of the slender neck, luxuriating
in the unique taste that was all Cole. Cole turned his
head, and their lips met again in a kiss full of love and
warmth. Releasing Cole from the kiss, Alexei ran his hand
down Cole’s body, indulging in the feel of wet skin as he
rutted his cock against Cole’s thigh, pleading with his

Cole dropped a hand, stroking his fingers lightly down

Alexei’s length, eliciting an appreciative moan.

Alexei pushed into the touch, running his hand down

Cole’s back and over his ass. “You’re so beautiful,” he
said, tracing a finger up and down Cole’s spine.

Cole shivered at the touch, sparks of arousal shooting

up and down his spine. He felt like his body was on fire
with need and lust, and he arched his back slightly. “So
are you.” He raked his fingers up through wiry hair to
Alexei’s belly, tracing his fingers in small circle shapes
over the taut skin. Cole leaned over, claiming Alexei’s lips
once again.

Alexei drew back from the kiss, murmuring in Cole’s

ear. “Touch me again.” He hooked a leg around Cole’s
thighs, pulling him even closer. Their cocks touched and
they both closed their eyes, enjoying the sensation of
hardness against hardness.

“Alexei,” Cole sighed as he moved his hand slowly

downward, fondling Alexei’s groin with his fingers. He
lazily ran his fingers up and down Alexei’s cock, feeling
the hardness pulse in his fist as it swelled.

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Alexei groaned in ecstasy. He pushed his rapidly

stiffening cock into Cole’s willing hand as he possessed
Cole’s lips in a fervent kiss. Cole responded eagerly,
pumping Alexei’s cock in tandem with his tongue’s
thrusting movements. Alexei returned Cole’s kisses
hungrily as he let his free hand roam restlessly over Cole’s
body, nails scraping against the soft skin.

“Please,” Cole moaned as he tugged on Alexei’s hand,

moving it firmly down between their bodies. Alexei
massaged Cole’s balls, rolling them between his fingers
before moving on to his cock and stroking along the
velvety length, drowning in the pleasurable feelings as he
stroked hard, then soft. Finally he ran his fingers along
the slit already leaking with precum. With Cole’s eyes
tracking his every move, Alexei brought his fingers up to
his mouth. He sucked at each one in turn, taking pleasure
in Cole’s essence exploding across his tongue. He ran his
tongue slowly around his lips, smirking when Cole

Cole growled, dropping his head onto Alexei’s

shoulder and biting at the skin before sucking at the
moisture along his collarbone. He traced the tip of his
tongue along the bony protrusion before licking a stripe
up Alexei’s neck tendons to his ear. Cole swirled his
tongue around the outside of Alexei’s ear, blowing softly
on his skin and extracting a small shiver from Alexei.

Hooded eyes stared at hooded eyes, a primal desire

plainly evident. They thrust against each other, bodies
intimately touching, moving rhythmically as one.

Stilling their movements for a moment, Alexei rested

his hands on Cole’s hips, enjoying the sensation of damp,

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naked skin under his fingers. Impatient, Cole thrust his
hips outward, grinding his cock against Alexei’s cock.
Alexei grunted and claimed Cole’s lips once more. Cole
pushed up into the kiss, moaning Alexei’s name.

The sounds of their lovemaking echoed around the

bathroom as they whispered each other’s names. The
cooling water of the shower bounced off their heated skin
as they moved together, lost in passion and their love for
each other. Rocking gently, they kissed and licked,
exploring with hands, tongues, and mouths, memorizing
and relearning every detail of each other’s body. They
murmured unintelligible words as they writhed against
each other. Panting heavily, they finally pulled apart,
holding each other’s gaze. “Hey,” Cole mouthed as he
traced a finger up and down Alexei’s flushed face, wiping
sweat-damp bangs from his forehead.

Alexei smiled. “Hey back.”
Kissing lazily, they allowed themselves to sink into

the sensual feelings as they touched and caressed. They
slowly rocked their hips, taking pleasure in the heat and
friction of the familiar sensations as their cocks glided
together. Gradually they began to speed up their rhythm,
grinding desperately against one another. Thrusting
harder and harder, they strived to bring each other closer
and closer to the heights of passion and fulfillment.

Alexei groaned as Cole nipped and sucked at his skin.

Every muscle in his body tensed. He arched his back
slightly, reveling in the feeling of the electric, tingling
sensation surging up his spine. Alexei grit his teeth as he
braced his free hand against the tiled wall and let himself
spiral and fall toward his climax. Alexei squeezed his eyes

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closed and came with a cry of Cole’s name, his cock
shooting his release between their sweat-sheened and
shower-dampened bodies. He couldn’t stop his body
jerking uncontrollably as his orgasm overtook him and his
cock pumped cum all over them. Alexei continued to rub
against Cole, desperate to maintain their connection,
prolong the moment, and bring Cole off. Covering Cole’s
mouth with his own, Alexei kissed him hard, possessively.

Cole writhed against Alexei, moaning into his mouth.

His cock ached for release, and he matched Alexei’s
movements with eager, almost desperate, thrusts. Alexei
dropped his hand, massaging Cole’s balls hard. Cole tilted
his head backward, eyes closed tight as his climax raced
through his body. Alexei nipped at Cole’s exposed Adam’s
apple; the sensation pushed Cole over the edge. His
orgasm overtook him and he came with a half-sob, half-
cry. Cole pressed against Alexei’s nakedness as his cock
exploded, spurting his seed, hot and slick, between their
bodies, mixing with Alexei’s release, covering their bellies,
thighs, and hips.

They continued to rock against one another, savoring

the last moments of ecstasy, their bodies tingling with the
heightened sensitivity and the sizzling electricity generated
by their lovemaking. They moaned in unison, milking the
last bit of their release. Finally spent and cocks rapidly
softening, they reluctantly pulled apart, panting hard and
trying to catch their breath.

Still slightly unsteady on his legs, Alexei dragged a

pliant Cole down with him into the bottom of the bathtub,
positioning him between his spread legs. They ignored the
stream of cooling water still bouncing off their bodies.

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They traded kisses, gentle kisses of love, warmth, and

The water eventually ran icy cold, and Alexei tugged

Cole out of the shower and into his arms. He wrapped a
large bath towel around them both as he sprinkled kisses
all over Cole’s face.

Drawing back slightly, Alexei smiled warmly. Cole felt

his own smile forming on his lips as Alexei leaned closer,
eyes closing. Cole’s heart beat a little faster as he let his
own eyes fall closed, his lips parting at the touch of
Alexei’s lips against his own, soft and fitting together so
perfectly. Their lips met again and again, soft caresses and
gentle pressure, with the barest tip of Alexei’s tongue
licking its way along his lips unhurriedly.

Pulling away, Alexei stared at Cole, seeing and

recognizing the desire reflected in the blueness of his eyes.
“Share my bed?”

Without hesitation Cole nodded and was rewarded

with a smile. Cole blew on Alexei’s dampened skin, smiling
at the shiver he received in response. He swiped his
tongue up Alexei’s neck to the base of his ear. Alexei
whined in enjoyment as he exposed his neck, encouraging
Cole to lick and suck at the tendons.

Alexei turned his head, claiming Cole’s lips in a slow,

languorous kiss. Taking hold of Cole’s arms, Alexei danced
them slowly out of the bathroom across the hallway and
into the master bedroom, their lips still joined in the kiss,
their arms still wrapped around each other.

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Chapter Four



in a bathrobe, Cole sat cross-legged on the

king-sized bed, his laptop balanced across his legs, his
open notebook beside him and pencil between his teeth.
After a call from Bremner, Cole found himself desperately
trying to gather his thoughts together in order to write a
cohesive initial report. Frowning, he deleted a couple of
lines from his second paragraph, deciding they didn’t
make sense. Cole squinted at the screen, reviewing the
first part of his report before tapping at the keys quickly
and adding another two paragraphs. Glancing at his
notes, Cole then inserted a few salient points from his
interview with Irina’s housemates.

Cole rubbed at his eyes as he stared at his report

again. The lines were starting to blur together, so he
looked away from the screen, glancing around the room
for a moment. Cole still couldn’t quite believe he was here,
naked in Alexei’s bed. He resisted the urge to pinch his
arm. Alexei was missing, but Cole could hear soft music
and guessed he was in the practice room. During the six
months they’d lived together, Cole had become used to
Alexei rising early to practice. Thinking of their time
together automatically made him think of their time apart,
the exact same amount of time.

Six lonely and miserable months, giving Cole plenty of

time to punish himself for running away and plenty of

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long hours cursing his pigheadedness at leaving Alexei
after a stupid argument over—well, he couldn’t remember
what they had been fighting about anymore. Unhappiness
had somehow tainted their love and, coupled with Cole’s
career and Alexei’s complete absorption in his latest ballet
project, made them argue incessantly over stupid things.
Each quarrel had faded into the next, leaving nothing but
angry words, heavy silences, and a distance they couldn’t
seem to close or conquer. Anton Stolin’s cruel words had
been the last straw. Even six months later, the words still
hurt, but Alexei’s silence hurt even more. Two weeks after
leaving Alexei, Cole requested and accepted a transfer to
the New York office, leaving the love of his life behind.

Cole closed his eyes; being with Alexei again was

wonderful, and despite the fear he might have
compromised the case and his career, Cole couldn’t help a
small smile. Yes, the hurt still swirled in his stomach, and
Cole knew it would take him time to completely forgive
Alexei, but he acknowledged he was equally to blame for
the failure of their relationship. It was obvious they still
loved each other, falling so easily back into the relaxed,
comfortable relationship of the past. It frightened and
exhilarated him at the same time. Cole secretly hoped
their rediscovered love was enough to build a future
together. It sounded so stupid and romantic to his ears,
and he smiled again, but following the amazing shower
sex, they had spent the night in Alexei’s bed, curled
around each other. With Alexei’s warmth and scent
seeping into and surrounding his body, Cole slept better
than he had for months.

Cole opened his eyes, tearing his thoughts away from

the past, determined to concentrate on the present. He

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turned his attention back to the laptop, opening his e-
mails and scanning the contents. The first e-mail
confirmed his suspicions: no DNA had been found on the
knife or Irina’s body, and her cause of death was verified
as a fatal stab wound to her heart. His background check
on Irina established what he already knew. Employed via
an agency in Moscow, she’d entered the country two
months previously to dance with the company for the
duration of the tour. A photograph was attached to the e-
mail, and Cole stared at the picture of the young ballerina
with an older woman, obviously her mother. Cole frowned
as he hunched over, peering at the grainy photograph, a
flicker of recognition sparking in his brain. He scrunched
up his face, trying to recall why the woman was familiar to

Cole sighed. His gut instinct had never let him down

and was telling him Irina Markhov’s murder was somehow
tied to the threatening letters and the attack on Alexei; he
just needed to find out how and why. He opened the third
e-mail, a hunch inquiry, and scanned the contents. “Son
of a bitch,” he said. Cole worried his bottom lip with his
teeth as he slumped back against the pillows, pondering
what he knew about Alexei’s childhood. Alexei had no
memory of his natural parents, having been abandoned at
an orphanage as a two-year-old, his name pinned to his
blanket. Two months later, Alexei had been adopted by a
childless couple, Angela and Keith Charlton, and went to
live with them in Skowhegan, Maine. They hadn’t changed
his name and insisted Alexei learn Russian in an effort to
preserve his heritage. Angela, a teacher, recognized
Alexei’s love and natural talent for dance and took him to
a ballet class, the rest being history. Alexei’s origins

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remained a mystery, and Cole knew Angela and Keith, as
well as Stolin, had tried to trace his family without
success. Cole scanned the contents of the e-mail again,
his suspicions growing.

Cole flicked back to the second e-mail and stared at

the grainy photograph, suddenly recalling why the older
woman seemed familiar to him. Things were starting to
make a certain sort of sense to him and perhaps adding
up to a motive for Irina’s murder. Cole slammed the lid of
the laptop closed, trying to decide what to do next. He
looked up to find Alexei standing in the doorway, a tray in
his hand and a big smile on his face. Pushing aside his
dilemma for a moment, Cole smiled back as he laid the
laptop and his notes on the floor.

Unshaven and dressed in tight black jeans, black T-

shirt, and scuffed biker boots, Alexei looked nothing like a
professional ballet dancer. Cole couldn’t help licking his
lips at the sexy sight in front of him. “I made toast,” Alexei
said as he entered the bedroom.

“You have a toaster?”
“Yeah, and I even know how to work it.”
Cole smirked. “Miracles do happen then.”
“Smart-ass,” Alexei pouted as he laid the tray on the

bedside table before sitting cross-legged on the bed
opposite Cole, not bothering to remove his dirty boots. He
leaned over, kissing Cole. “But I love you anyway.” Alexei
pulled back and waved a hand at the tray. “Now eat your
toast and drink the coffee I made with my own fair hands

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Cole laughed, happy and surprised that Alexei

seemed to be trying really hard to please him. “You’re
spoiling me. I could get used to this.”

Alexei smiled. “Good. I want to spoil you.”
Blushing, Cole gave a small, jerky nod before

grabbing a slice of buttered toast and nibbling at it. “Just
maybe I’ll let you.” The words came out in a mumble, and
Cole looked across at Alexei, giving him a half-smile.

Alexei smiled back, deciding to remain silent, not

wanting to push. Cole was back in his life and bed, where
he belonged, but Alexei also knew he had a lot of making
up to do. He was determined to take things slowly,
allowing Cole time to trust him again. “What are you

“My preliminary report. Bremner wants it this

morning, but someone distracted me last night.” Cole
smirked as he finished his toast. “Not that I’m
complaining.” He grabbed for the coffee mug, taking a long

Alexei smirked back, rolling onto his side and

propping himself up on his elbow, head balanced on his
hand. “Can I ask you something?”

Cole squinted at Alexei before nodding. “I guess.”
Alexei wasn’t sure how his question would be

received, but he desperately wanted to know the answer.
“What did you mean about Anton getting what he
wanted?” Alexei held his breath, hoping Cole would reply.

Cole sighed, scrubbing a hand across his face.


Alexei put his free hand in the air, halting the protest

he sensed was coming. “Cole. I can’t do anything about

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putting stuff right if you don’t tell me stuff.” He frowned.
“Did that even make sense?”

Cole snorted lightly. “In an Alexei sort of way… yes.

Perhaps you should repeat it in Russian. It might make
more sense.”

“My name is the only Russian thing about me,” Alexei

said with a smile. “Please, Cole. I’m trying here. Trying to
put stuff right.”

“You won’t like it.”
“I’ll risk it. You’re worth it.”
Cole blew out a long, calming breath, knowing he

needed to start trusting Alexei again if their relationship
was going to survive. Cole held Alexei’s gaze as he placed
his mug back on the tray. “I don’t think I was a threat to
Anton in the beginning. He thought I was just a piece of
ass you were chasing and having sex with. But when I
moved in with you, I guess Anton knew we just might be
serious about each other… and started to take every
opportunity to tell me I was going to ruin your life and
your career.”

Alexei stared at Cole, stunned and horrified in equal

measures. He’d always suspected Anton was somehow
involved in Cole leaving but never in a million years
realized the level of cruelty. “I didn’t know. Oh God, Cole. I
promise I didn’t know. I can’t believe I was so stupid and
blind. I didn’t know what he’d done. You’ve got to believe

“I know. I believe you Alexei,” Cole said. Sliding down

the bed, Cole pulled Alexei into a warm hug, stroking his
hands up and down his back soothingly. “I do. And the
stupid thing is, I wanted you to have all this. You’re so

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beautiful when you dance. I love watching you, and I
wanted to share it with you. Be part of it. But Anton didn’t
want me around and made me believe you didn’t either.
Things weren’t good between us. We were arguing so
much, hurting each other.”

“I’m such a selfish asshole,” Alexei said, burying his

head against Cole’s chest. “You must hate me.”

“It’s okay. And I never really hated you. It was my

fault too. I tried to tell you.”

“But I didn’t listen, did I?”
Cole kissed the top of Alexei’s head, ignoring the

question. “Anton kept on at me. And I couldn’t take it any
more. So I left. Left the only thing important to me
because I wanted you to be happy, to have the career you
deserved and worked so hard for.”

Alexei wrapped his arms around Cole. “I don’t care

what Anton says, you’re back in my life. You’re staying, I
hope. And he’ll just have to get used to the idea.” He
pulled back, looking at Cole. “Please say you’re back in my

Cole felt like crying at the earnest look on Alexei’s

face, but managed a smile instead. He still felt unsure,
even a little vulnerable, but he loved Alexei and wanted to
be with him, and from the look on Alexei’s face, he wanted
the same. “I think I’m back in your life.”

Alexei bit at his lips nervously. “I promise I’ll work on

not being a selfish dick and an arrogant asshole,” Alexei
said. “I’ll change for you. I promise.”

“Alexei. Don’t change. I don’t want you to. I love who

you are.” Cole kissed Alexei softly.

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Alexei smiled, rolling on top of Cole and claiming his

lips in a kiss, his hand massaging Cole’s groin through his
bathrobe. Cole slumped a bit, allowing his legs to part so
Alexei could lie between his thighs. He reached over and
squeezed Alexei’s ass cheeks. Ducking his head and
nudging Cole’s robe off one shoulder with his nose, Alexei
sucked hard at Cole’s shoulder, marking him, before
flicking his tongue out over and over, lapping at the mark
soothingly. Pulling back, Alexei looked down at Cole. “You
mean everything to me, and I love you.”

Cole smiled up at Alexei. “I love you too.” He squirmed

under Alexei, not able to miss the press of hard cock
against his thigh. “But I really have to get to work before
Bremner has my ass.”

Alexei ground his hips against Cole, smirking at the

resulting long, drawn-out moan. Leaning over, he
whispered in Cole’s ear. “Your ass is mine. And don’t you
damn well forget it.”

“Possessive much?” Cole rolled his eyes, pushing at

Alexei’s chest, willing his own erection away. He squirmed
again. “And I really do need to get to work.”

“Spoilsport.” Alexei pouted, rolling off Cole and onto

his back and adjusting his cock through his jeans. “Any
developments? Or is it top secret?”

Cole pulled himself up into a sitting position and

shook his head, blowing out a frustrated breath. “Nothing
we don’t know already. Irina was killed with your dagger
between five and six. There’s no DNA on her body or the
dagger. And nobody saw her after about four-forty-five.”

“And the threatening letters? And the falling lighting


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“I know they’re tied in somehow, but I don’t know

how.” It was a half-truth. Cole bit at his lips nervously,
recalling the contents of the third e-mail, hating his gut
instincts sometimes. Not able to look Alexei in the eye,
Cole pushed back the comforter. Hauling himself to his
feet, Cole wandered over to the window, staring out over
the city.

“Cole.” Alexei got to his feet and moved to stand next

to Cole. “What’s wrong?” He cupped Cole’s cheek in his
hand, forcing eye contact. “Not regretting last night or us
being us again already?” Alexei asked, feeling stupidly

Cole pushed up into Alexei’s touch. “God, no. Last

night was wonderful. And you and me back together is
what I want.” He leaned over, claiming Alexei’s lips in a

ft and lingering kiss.

”Just a bit tired.”

“You sure?” Alexei dropped his hand, tangling their

fingers together.

“Yeah, I’m sure. Look, I really need to go back to the

theater. Check out some stuff for my report.” Cole kissed
Alexei again. “Why don’t you go arabesque or jeté or
something,” Cole said. “And let me go do my job. Okay?”
He brought their joined hands up to his mouth, kissing
Alexei’s knuckles.

“I’ll drive you.”
“You don’t have to. I can get a ride from the local

boys. And you need to stay here so we can keep an eye on
you. Protect you. I want you safe.”

Alexei pouted theatrically. “But I want to drive you,”

he said. “And I’m sure the chuckle brothers out there,” he
waved a hand in the direction of the window, “can sit in

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their car outside the theater eating junk food and
protecting me.”

Alexei pouted again. “And anyway, I need to be at the

theater myself. Or Anton will be banging on my door and
hauling my ass over there.”

Cole didn’t really want Alexei at the theater, but he

knew he would be fighting a losing battle. “Okay,” he said
reluctantly. “I’ll let the backup team know.” He dropped
his robe to the floor and headed to the bathroom to
shower and change. “And you can be my chauffeur.”

“Asshole,” Alexei said slapping at Cole’s naked ass.

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Chapter Five



sat at Anton’s desk again, staring down at the row

of photographs. Turning each one over in turn, he reread
the names and dates written neatly on the backs. Cole
had also searched through the remaining desk drawers
and found—in a locked drawer and hidden under a pile of
newspaper reviews of the ballet’s tour—a folder containing
an out-of-date passport, a letter from Maria Markhov,
various yellowing travel documents, and assorted papers.
Rummaging further, Cole had found some more
photographs, and a copy of a birth certificate.

After half an hour on his cell phone to his field office’s

technical department, Cole confirmed even more details.
The picture was becoming much clearer to him. “Shit and
damn,” Cole said as he shuffled the photographs into a
pile, shoving them into the folder. He slumped back in the
chair, staring at the open doorway. He knew the
information would probably hurt Alexei, but Cole also
reluctantly acknowledged there was no getting away from
the fact his lover had the right to know everything. Cole
hated his job sometimes. He eventually dragged himself to
his feet and, clutching the folder under his arm, went in
search of Alexei.

The stage scrubbed clean of Irina’s blood and the

tarpaulin removed enabled rehearsals to resume, and this
was where Cole found Alexei, practicing alone. Cole stood

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in the darkness of the wings, silently watching. Alexei had
changed clothes; gone were the jeans and biker boots,
replaced with his usual black tank top and ass-and-cock-
hugging black pants. Cole watched as Alexei danced
across the stage, his whole body interpreting the music
with fluid and smooth movements, his arms and legs in
perfect synchronicity. Cole smiled. This was Alexei at his
most beautiful—no arrogance or selfishness, just pure
beauty mirrored through his lithe body. Cole licked at his
lips, desire flaring in his belly, as Alexei leapt into the air,
his leg muscles rippling as he performed a flawless jeté.
Landing silently, Alexei arched his back slightly, his right
arm stretched out above his head, his left arm behind his
back, his body and legs positioned in a perfect arc shape.
He held the position for a moment before rising up onto
the balls of his feet and gliding noiselessly across the
stage, completely engrossed in the music and the dance.
Alexei spun effortlessly into a series of pirouettes, followed
by a string of small chassé steps, then leaping into a
grand jeté and finally finishing in the arabesque position.
The music stopped. Alexei straightened up, shaking his
head from side to side to loosen his shoulder and neck
muscles before moving across to the CD player to restart
the music. He began to repeat the dance again, moving
softly across the stage. Cole reluctantly stepped out of the

Alexei stopped dancing as he noticed Cole appear on

stage. “Hey,” he said with a smile as he leaned over,
turning the CD player off. “I was just finishing up here.”
He grabbed his towel, slinging it over one shoulder, and
jogged toward Cole. Alexei put his arm around Cole’s
waist, tugging him close and kissing him on the cheek.

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“You okay?” he asked, noticing the slight tremble in Cole’s

“Yeah,” Cole said, leaning into Alexei’s warm body.

“We need to talk. It’s important, Alexei.”

Alexei frowned at the serious expression across Cole’s

face. “Okay.” He kissed Cole again.

“I warned you to stay away from Alexei.” Anton

stepped out from behind the scenery, startling both men.

Cole studied the stony-faced Anton for a moment.

Anton stared back, his eyes glinting with something Cole
couldn’t quite identify and his whole demeanor reeking of
hostility, even danger. Cole was suddenly glad of the
comfortable weight and security of his service revolver
tucked under his armpit in his holster.

“Anton. Stop it. Cole’s in my life again.” Alexei glared

at his friend, tightening his hold around Cole. “So deal
with it.”

“He will ruin your career. Your life. We have worked

too hard for him to destroy everything with his pathetic
declarations of love. You need to choose. Him or your

“I don’t need to choose. I never did. I know now I can

have both. I love Cole and he loves me.” Alexei dropped his
hand, clutching Cole’s hand tightly.

“If you want sex, I can arrange for someone to visit

you to satisfy your needs,” Anton said coldly. “Someone to
warm your bed with no strings.”

Alexei shot Anton an angry stare. “I can’t believe you

just offered to buy me sex. I don’t just want sex. I want
love. A relationship. I had it with Cole before, and I let you
convince me otherwise. And I’m damn well not giving Cole

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up this time.” He looked at Cole, smiling. “He’s in my life
for good. And nothing you say or do will change that…

Anton pursed his lips, ignoring Alexei and turning his

attention to Cole. “He just wants you to spread your legs
for him. You’re just a body he can use for sex. You mean
nothing to him.”

Cole felt Alexei bristle at the cruel words, and he

squeezed his hand in comfort. With a small smile he
turned to Alexei, heartened by his words. “Ignore him,” he
said in a whisper. Alexei gave a jerky nod, glaring at
Anton. Cole stared at Anton, ignoring the insults. “Six
months ago I would probably have believed you,” he said
defiantly. “But not now. I know now Alexei loves me. And I
love him.”

“Love,” Anton snorted and waved his hand at Cole.

“Go away and do whatever you do. I don’t want you
distracting Alexei when he’s practicing.”

“I’m here officially investigating Irina Markhov’s

murder. And your connection to it.”

Anton glowered at Cole. “And just exactly what do you

think my connection is?”

Cole swallowed. He looked at Alexei, mouthing, “Trust

me.” Alexei frowned but nodded silently. Cole turned back
to Anton. “I asked our tech guys to check you out, and
their report makes very interesting reading.”

Anton blinked, staring at Cole calmly, unconcerned.

“I’m sure it does. And I see you’ve been in my desk.” He
nodded at the folder under Cole’s arm. “I locked the
drawer, and believe you need a warrant to look at my
personal files.”

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Cole smirked. “The drawer just opened… and I had

reason to believe you might be trying to conceal something
pertaining to a murder case.”

Anton sniffed. “I will be talking to your superior officer

about your unprofessional behavior.”

“Go ahead, but you might want to listen to what I

found out first.” Dropping Alexei’s hand, missing the
warmth immediately, Cole removed a sheet of paper from
the folder. “Anton Stolin. Born in 1946 in Kostroma,
Russia. A principal dancer until a skiing accident
damaged your right leg so badly it ended your career. You
then became a ballet master and toured for many years
with numerous Russian ballets. Wife Anna died giving
birth to your son in 1966. Son also deceased.”

Anton smiled. “All a matter of public record.”
“We’re just getting to the interesting part,” Cole said,

looking down. “Entered the United States in November
1984 with a son. Settled in Belfast, Maine, where you
opened up a ballet school. No mention of a son then or in
later years.” Cole looked across to Anton. “How am I doing

“Admirable.” Anton smirked.
“Care to add anything? Like the whereabouts of the

son you entered the U.S. with in 1984? I have a birth
certificate, but no son.”

Anton leaned heavily on his cane. Reaching into his

pocket, he calmly pulled out a gun, pointing it at Cole. “I
have no comment, but I really think you should give me
your weapon.” He waved the gun at Cole. “Now.”

Alexei flinched. “Anton? What the hell?” He took a

step forward, halting midstride as Cole pulled on his arm.

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Alexei frowned at Cole, who shook his head slightly. Alexei
glanced back at Anton but remained unmoving, trusting
Cole’s instincts.

Afraid Alexei might be hurt in the cross fire, Cole

reluctantly moved his hand, unholstering his gun. Placing
it carefully on the stage, Cole kicked it across to Anton.
Keeping his eyes on Cole, Anton bent over, retrieving the
gun and quickly pocketing it. “Thank you. And the folder.
My keepsakes,” he said, smiling. Cole slid the folder along
the stage before taking a small step backward, relieved
Anton hadn’t thought to demand his backup ankle gun.
“Alexei will eventually come to his senses and choose his
career and me over you. Over everything. He’s mine. I
created him.” Anton recovered the folder from the floor,
placing it on top of the scenery behind him.

“Anton? Have you lost your mind? What the hell do

you mean? Created me?” Alexei asked, shocked at Anton’s
words. “I’m me. Nobody created me. Not even you, Anton.”

“Why don’t you tell Alexei about Mikhail and Sofia

Komerovskaia.” Cole inclined his head to one side. “Tell
him what you did to them.”

“Mikhail Komerovskaia? You never said you knew

Mikhail Komerovskaia?” Alexei looked from Cole to Anton,
confused. “I don’t understand.”

Anton shrugged. “I did nothing they didn’t deserve.

Mikhail Komerovskaia was my best friend. I trusted him,
but he killed my beloved son Misha. So I took his son from

“Records show a Misha Alexander Stolin killed

himself in August 1984,” Cole said quietly. “And two
months later, Mikhail Komerovskaia reported his wife and

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son missing. They were never found. The file remains open
even today.”

“Mikhail died a pathetic drunk and drug addict last

year,” Anton said. “Sofia Komerovskaia is long dead. But
their son is alive.” He pointed the gun at Alexei, smiling
cruelly. “You look like her, by the way. Would you like to
see a photograph of your mother?” Anton tapped the folder
behind him with his cane. “I have a few of Sofia in my
private collection.”

Alexei recoiled, stumbling backward, staring at Anton,

horrified. “Mikhail Komerovskaia is my natural father?
The famous ballet master and choreographer Mikhail
Komerovskaia?” He looked at Cole, pleading. “Tell me it’s
not true. Tell me this is all a terrible mistake. And please
tell me he doesn’t have a photograph of my mother.”

Cole clenched his teeth, not wanting to be a party to

taunting Alexei with photographs of his biological parents.
He watched the color drain from Alexei’s face, and he
desperately wanted to hold him tight, but with Anton
watching their every move, he settled for taking Alexei’s
hand in his own. “I’m sorry, Alexei. I really wish I could. I
would do anything for it not to be true.”

“Oh God,” Alexei said as he turned to face Anton.

“You lied to me my whole life. You told me your contacts
in Russia couldn’t trace my family. Why would you lie?
Why would you do that? I don’t understand.”

“Alexei Valchikovsky is my creation,” Anton said. “My

greatest achievement. With you, Alexei, I have far
surpassed your father’s accomplishments. Me. Crippled
Anton Stolin has triumphed over the great Mikhail

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Hearing the total indifference in Anton’s words

stunned Cole, and he swallowed hard, struggling to
remain calm, for himself and Alexei. He could feel fine
tremors pulsing through Alexei’s body and he squeezed
Alexei’s hand, trying to offer some comfort. Cole shifted,
inconspicuously rubbing his right ankle against his left,
suddenly needing to feel the outline of his ankle holster
and gun.

Alexei continued to stare at Anton, his mouth moving

but no words forthcoming. He could feel his whole body
trembling, and he licked at his now dry lips. He clung onto
Cole’s hand, his presence grounding and calming him as
he struggled to absorb Anton’s revelations.

“Did you kill Irina Markhov?” Cole asked Anton.
Anton barked out a harsh laugh. “Such a stupid girl.

Thought she could blackmail me. She was half the woman
her mother was. Maria was always a loyal ally. Kept

“Maria Markhov helped you?”
“She took care of Alexei while I contacted some

associates from the old days. The KGB may not be as
popular or as visible as they once were, but they still have
powerful connections. A very old friend got me the papers
and a birth certificate allowing me to travel to America
with Alexei. But you’ve already seen the papers.” Anton
waved the gun at Cole. “I left Alexei at an orphanage, and
that was to be an end to it. My revenge. But fate had other
plans. Alexei’s adoptive mother brought him to my ballet
school, and I saw an opportunity to exact even more
revenge on Mikhail. I could create the greatest dancer

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ever.” He tapped his cane on the stage. “And the rest, as
they say, is history.”

“Why did you kill Irina?”
Anton huffed out a breath. “Questions. Questions.

This is so tiresome.” He sighed again. “She contacted me
after her mother died. Wanted to be a ballerina like her
mother, so I arranged for her to dance with the company
as a favor to Maria. But when she arrived, Irina told me
her mother had given her a letter admitting her part in
everything. She asked for money. I paid her for a while.
But she wanted more. I said no. So she wrote the letters
threatening Alexei’s life, hoping to pressure me into paying
her for silence. I confronted her. She showed me Maria’s
letter and said she was going to the police. Stupid bitch
even threatened me with Alexei’s dagger.” Anton shrugged.
“There was no choice. So I killed her and kept the letter.”

“You killed Irina?” Alexei finally found his voice.
“Yes,” Anton replied. “Irina was threatening you. Us.

She had to die.”

“And me? You tried to kill me?”
Anton barked out a harsh laugh. “No, I would never

hurt you, Alexei. But you chased after him.” He stabbed a
finger at Cole. “The lighting unit was meant for him. Not
you. I wanted him out of your life forever.”

“Oh God.” Alexei couldn’t believe what he was

hearing, and he gripped Cole’s hand even tighter. “Anton.
I’ve known you nearly all my life and I can’t… I can’t
believe what you have done to me, Cole, my family, and

“Everything I have done was for you. Your career.”

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Alexei stared at Anton, unbelieving. “No. Taking me

from my parents was just plain revenge on your part.
Nothing else.” He shook his head. “And killing Irina was a
choice you made to protect your guilt.”

Anton shrugged, undaunted. “Maybe. But I gave you

the future my son Misha should have had. The future
your father stole from him. You have lived Misha’s life for

Alexei shook his head again, holding Anton’s stare,

not able to find the words to describe how he was feeling.
His head pounded in pain. He swallowed hard against the
nauseous feeling churning in his stomach. He opened his
mouth, but no sound came out, and for once in his life,
Alexei Valchikovsky was totally speechless.

“You can’t expect to get away with this,” Cole said.

“Your connection to Irina and Maria Markhov won’t go
away. Even your relationship to Alexei’s natural parents is
a matter of record if you look hard enough. I asked our
tech guys to check you out on a hunch. Others will too.”

Anton laughed again. “I have gotten away with it for

over twenty-five years. I am and have always been a good
Russian, and my loyal friends and comrades will assist me
in burying my secret even deeper.” Anton looked at Alexei,
ignoring Cole again. “You need to practice more.” He
tapped his cane impatiently on the wooden stage several
times. “Until you get it right, Alexei. Your jeté is a
disgrace. It needs work. You have a performance in three
weeks. It needs to be perfect. So you need to practice
hard. Perfection takes hard work.”

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“You tell me you killed my mother. Kidnapped and

abandoned me. Destroyed my father. And you want me to
practice?” Alexei said.

“Practice. Practice.” Anton paid no heed to Alexei’s

distress. “Alexei, you’re a virtuoso. But you won’t remain
one if you don’t practice and perfect your dance.”

Anger coiled in Alexei’s gut. His heritage had always

been a mystery to him, one he wanted to solve. His
passion for ballet and his determination to succeed
triumphed over his curiosity, and he always pushed his
urge to search for his roots deep down within him.
Hearing Anton, his lifelong friend and mentor, casually
describing his parents’ deaths in such a callous way
shocked him beyond anything he had ever felt before.
Alexei needed to know why. “Tell me,” Alexei said. “Tell me

Anton growled. “I’m done with explanations. It’s no

longer important. The past is the past.” He limped over to
Alexei and Cole, knocking their hands apart with the
barrel of the gun before moving behind them. “The future
is important. Your future, Alexei. And you need to practice

Alexei turned his head to look at Anton, grabbing at

Cole’s hand again. “What if I say no?”

Anton cackled, forcing their hands apart with the

barrel of the gun before ramming the weapon against
Cole’s neck. “Then I will blow his pretty head off.”

Cole shifted; the feel of cold steel against his skin

made him shiver. He yelped as Anton dug the barrel of the
gun into his neck further. It seemed Anton had crossed
the line between madness and sanity. Cole, his impatience

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welling up inside him, knew he needed to get hold of his
backup weapon. He worried his lips, sensing in his gut
that Anton would turn on Alexei, and he took a few
calming breaths, hoping an opportunity would present
itself soon.

“I’ll dance.” Alexei agreed, having no doubt in his

mind Anton would carry out this threat. “But please don’t
hurt Cole.”

“You’ve become as pathetic as he is.” Anton shoved

Cole hard in the back. Caught off balance, Cole stumbled,
crashing to his knees. Anton pressed his gun against
Cole’s head. “We’ll start with thirty-two fouette turns as a
warm-up, and then we’ll move on to the last act in the
ballet. ‘Danse de la Mort.’ Start now.” Anton rapped his
cane on the stage, hitting the play button of the CD

“Please, Anton. Just let Cole go.”
“You have betrayed me with him. Now dance. And

every mistake will cause your whore pain. Perhaps his
pain will motivate you to work harder.” Anton struck Cole
in the side with his cane.

Cole cried out as he slumped forward, his head

resting on the stage. Hugging an arm around his middle,
Cole breathed through his nose, trying to will away the

“You bastard. Just leave him the hell alone.” Alexei

took a step forward, his body trembling with anger. “I said
I’d dance. Just don’t touch him.” Alexei dropped the towel
off his shoulder and started to spin into the instructed
step, his eyes never leaving Cole as he whirled round and

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round. He counted in his head, desperately concentrating
on his body’s movements, terrified of making a mistake.

“He’s beautiful, isn’t he?” Anton stated to no one in

particular as he marked time with his cane. “My Misha
was beautiful too. Loved to dance. But he was never good
enough for the great Mikhail Komerovskaia, who drove
him like a martinet until he broke him.”

“He didn’t deserve what you did to him,” Cole said.
Anton kicked Cole, who let out a strangled cry,

hugging his side tightly. “He deserved a lot more. My
Misha was sensitive. Like his mother. And he hung
himself because he didn’t think he could measure up to
Mikhail’s high standards.” Anton leaned down, snarling in
Cole’s ear. “Oh yes, my friend. Mikhail got what he richly
deserved. He became a pathetic drunk and drug addict. A
stroke finished him off, but not before I told him what I
had done.” Anton laughed coldly. “He died knowing I
choked the life out of his beloved Sofia and took Alexei,
making him what he is today. The greatest dancer of his

Alexei stopped dancing, taking a step toward Anton

and Cole. “Stop it, Anton,” he said. “Please stop it.”

Anton waved his cane at the center of the stage. “You

have only completed twenty-two fouettes. Thirty-two, or I
decorate the stage with his brains.” Anton pressed the gun
harder against Cole’s neck. “Begin again.”

Alexei reluctantly dragged himself back to the center

of the stage. He glanced over at Anton, still pointing his
gun at Cole’s head. “Please don’t do this. Haven’t you done
enough? Hurt enough people?”

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“You have betrayed me. But I forgive you.” Anton

dragged Cole to a kneeling position by his hair, jerking his
head backward. Cole bit at his bottom lip to stifle a cry of
pain at the rough movement. Grinning at Alexei, enjoying
the look of anguish on his face, Anton pointed the gun at
Cole’s head, slowly drawing back the trigger. “You’ll be
better off without him.”

“No.” Alexei screamed, lunging across the stage.
With Anton’s attention focused on a charging Alexei,

Cole took a chance, knowing if he didn’t move now he’d
have a bullet in his head. Closing his eyes, Cole shifted his
weight sideways, shouldering Anton’s legs in an effort to
knock him off balance. Caught off guard, Anton stumbled
but managed to remain on his feet with the aid of his
cane. His fingers glanced over the trigger; the gun
discharged. The sound echoed around the stage area, and
Cole swore he felt the bullet whistle past the side of his
face, vaguely hearing it shatter against the scenery heaped
at the back of the stage.

Cole glanced up to see Alexei crouched low but now

cautiously getting to his feet, heading once again in
Anton’s direction. Distracted for a moment, Cole huffed in
pain as Anton swiped at his head with the butt of the gun.
His head jerked sideways as Anton struck at him with his
cane. Crashing onto his hands and knees, Cole ignored
the stars in front of his eyes and rolled, springing to his
feet in one smooth movement. He drew his ankle gun and
aimed at Anton. “It’s over. Drop the gun now.”

Anton shook his head, grinning at Cole as he re-

aimed, this time at Alexei. “I created him. It’s my right to
destroy him.”

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“Alexei.” Cole made a grab for Alexei, shoving him out

of the line of fire. Alexei gasped, hitting the stage in a
tangle of legs, his head bouncing off the wooden surface.
Confident Alexei was safe, Cole turned back to Anton as
the bullet slammed into his left shoulder, causing him to
groan at the fiery pain radiating up and down his arm.
Closing his eyes against the immediate, agonizing pain,
Cole slumped to his knees. He grabbed at his shoulder
with his gun hand. Looking down, Cole watched the blood
pumping through his fingers, staining his skin and
revolver bright red. Feeling light-headed, Cole glanced up
at Anton, who was slowly limping across the stage. He
blinked, trying to clear his blurry vision. Cole sensed
Alexei behind him and flopped back against his warm
body as the agony intensified and his strength began to
fade. Cole bit at his lips hard, determined not to pass out.

Alexei managed to catch Cole as he slumped back,

supporting his weight with his own body. He glanced down
at his hands, staring in horror at the blood. Cole’s blood.
“Oh God.” Alexei grabbed for his dropped towel. Shoving
Cole’s bloodstained jacket aside, Alexei pressed the towel
hard against the wound, hating the moan of pain from his

Sitting up slightly and with a shaking hand, Cole

directed the gun at Anton again, determined to protect
Alexei. He blinked against the blurriness again. “I will
shoot you. Now put the gun down.”

Anton sneered, pointing his gun at Cole, then Alexei.

“You both deserve to die.” He pointed the gun at Alexei.
“Betrayer. I can’t save you and your career. Your whore
has tainted you.” He laughed, his eyes glinting with

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madness as he aimed the gun first at Cole, then Alexei.
“Decisions. Decisions. Who dies first?”

A voice from the darkness of the wings boomed. “FBI.

Drop your weapon now.”

Anton scowled, aiming his gun over Alexei and Cole’s

heads and firing into the shadows. A second shot rang
out. Anton’s whole body jerked, and he dropped his cane.

Cradling Cole in his arms, Alexei stared, horrified, at

the surprised look on Anton’s face as he looked down at
his chest to see a growing red circle of blood spreading
outward, staining his white silk shirt. “Just like Irina’s silk
dress….” the random thought popped into Alexei’s head.

Anton’s gun clattered to the stage, and he sagged to

his knees with a strangled cry. His fingers fumbled
uselessly at his chest as a trickle of blood appeared at the
corner of his mouth. He coughed, a wet, gurgling sound as
his lungs filled with blood. With a last angry glare at Alexei
and Cole, Anton slumped forward onto the stage, dead.

“Stanton. What part of wait for backup didn’t you

understand?” Bremner said, appearing out of the wings,
three uniformed police officers following in his wake. He
waved the officers over to Anton. “Don’t they speak
English in Boston?” Bremner loomed over Cole and Alexei,
reholstering his weapon. “The next time you disregard a
direct order, I’ll make damn sure your ass is kicked back
to pushing paper at Quantico.”

“Yes, sir. Sorry, sir.” Cole slumped backward into

Alexei’s arms, vaguely remembering his call to Bremner.
The pain in his shoulder was excruciating, and he could
feel his eyes closing, losing his battle against the
darkness. “Won’t happen again.”

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“Damn right it won’t,” Bremner said. “Paramedics are

on their way.”

“I think the bullet went straight through.” Alexei

glared up at Bremner. “Don’t just stand there like a lump.
Go get the paramedics here now.”

“Alexei. Don’t call my boss a lump.”
“Sorry.” Alexei rolled his eyes, pressing down on the

blood-soaked towel.

Cole bit down, gritting his teeth against the moan he

couldn’t quite contain. “Hurts.”

“Sorry.” Alexei ghosted his lips over Cole’s sweaty

forehead. “But I’ve got to stop the bleeding.”

“I know.” Cole panted as black spots danced before

his eyes. He closed his eyes, surrendering to the darkness
and oblivion of unconsciousness.

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Chapter Six



jolted awake. Stretching lazily, he blinked away

the last remnants of sleep. Yawning, he wiggled his toes
and stretched again, enjoying the sensation of the
contented, just-awake feeling. He grinned, rolling his head
sideways to stare out of the large, open ceiling-to-floor
windows. Dawn was breaking over the city, and Alexei
could see the lights dimming one by one as the night sky
slowly dissolved, giving way to morning. The cool morning
breeze gently moved the flimsy voile curtains. Alexei closed
his eyes briefly, listening to the dull roar of the early
morning traffic and the impatient honking of horns and
sirens in the distance. To Alexei, the cacophony of city
sounds was soothing, and he began to hum.

Even though he was alone in the large king-sized bed,

Alexei knew Cole wasn’t far away. The wrinkled sheets
were still warm, and his sling had been discarded on the
pillow. Alexei idly swept his hand over the Cole-sized dent
on the other side of the bed. Not able to help himself, he
rolled onto his side, burying his head in the sheets and
drawing in the scent of his lover. Alexei sighed happily.

Alexei turned onto his back, giggling as he stared

distractedly up at the white ceiling, making his head
comfortable in the soft pillows. He was happy, they were
both safe, and the nightmare was over. Alexei realistically
knew his own demons needed to be battled and laid to

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rest. He pushed thoughts of Anton and his betrayal aside,
determined to concentrate on Cole’s needs first, resolved
not to make the same mistake twice. Cole was back in his
life, and Alexei had no intention of letting him get away,
vowing to focus on their relationship first and foremost.
They belonged together, flip sides of a coin, complete
opposites but soul mates.

Two days ago, after a week in the hospital, Cole had

finally been discharged and was on a month’s sick leave,
and Alexei was going to look after him, whether he liked it
or not. Alexei was also just waiting for the right time to tell
Cole of his plans to put the ballet on hold while he
convalesced. He rolled back onto his side, grinning. This
was their time, theirs alone, and Alexei was determined
they would spend every minute naked or in bed or both.
He grinned again.

Alexei was in the middle of planning their time

together in his head when he heard it above the sound of
the traffic. Soft music. Alexei cocked his head to one side.
The sound was coming from the practice room. Curious,
Alexei threw back the comforter, leaping to his feet.
Naked, he stretched, reaching his arms and hands high
up into the air. He laced his fingers together, rocking from
side to side as he rolled his shoulders, working out all the
kinks. Shrugging on his bathrobe, Alexei grabbed for
Cole’s discarded sling and padded, barefoot, along the
hallway, following the music. Leaning against the
doorframe, arms folded across his chest, Alexei watched

Cole, dressed in a similar bathrobe, was sitting at the

grand piano, seemingly lost in the music. Alexei
recognized the soft and romantic melody. He watched,

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mesmerized, as Cole played, his fingers caressing the
black and white keys, his body moving back and forth
slightly in perfect rhythm with the music he was playing.
Alexei swayed, letting the soft music wash over him. His
feet moved instinctively in time to the melody, his body
movements interpreting the music effortlessly. Alexei
danced his way over to Cole, who, lost in the music,
hadn’t noticed him.

“Hey.” Alexei put his arms around Cole’s shoulders,

squeezing slightly before kissing his neck. “You should be
wearing this.” He dangled the sling in front of Cole.

“Hey yourself.” Cole stopped playing, smiling up at

Alexei. He took the sling, shoving it in his bathrobe pocket
and ignoring Alexei’s scowl of disapproval. “And you know
I hate wearing the sling. Makes my shoulder ache more.”

Not convinced, Alexei looked Cole up and down

appraisingly. Apart from his shoulder wound, his right eye
was still a yellowish-black color where Anton had struck
him with his cane, and Alexei knew Cole’s flank still bore
yellowing bruising. “How’s the shoulder, anyway? And
should you really be playing the piano? Tell me the truth,
Cole. Perhaps you should go back to bed for a while and

Cole rolled his eyes at Alexei’s serious expression and

the battery of questions but decided on honesty being the
best policy. “Shoulder’s a little sore. Yes. And I’m telling
the truth. And no, I don’t want to go back to bed and rest.
I feel fine.” He ran a finger along the piano keys absently.
“Playing is kind of an exercise. And the doctor gave me
good drugs if the pain gets too bad. Don’t worry so much.”

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“I do worry. It’s my new mission in life.” Alexei rested

his head on Cole’s good shoulder, his arms still wrapped
around him. “And I intend to take it very seriously.” Alexei
let go of Cole, sliding next to him on the piano stool.

“Ass,” Cole said with a teasing smile. He looked

across at Alexei. “So how are you doing?”

“The ballet has a new ballet master, and I’ve got a

new management team who are handling the stuff Anton
dealt with on a temporary basis until I can sort something
more permanent out. They’re handling the press, who are
having a bit of a field day at the moment.” Alexei
shrugged. “But I guess things will die down soon, when
Anton and what he did become yesterday’s news.”

Cole scowled at Alexei’s evasiveness. “I didn’t ask

that. I asked how you’re doing.”

“I’m fine.”
Alexei walked the fingers of one hand along the keys

softly, not looking up at Cole. His vow not to talk about
Anton and his family seemed to be crumbling. Alexei
cursed under his breath, knowing Cole wouldn’t let the
subject drop. He blew out a long sigh. “I thought he was
my friend, but he betrayed me. Lied to me all my life.
Destroyed my father, murdered my mother. Killed Irina
and nearly killed you. I still don’t understand how the
man I knew nearly all my life could do such cruel… could
murder another person.” He finally dragged his eyes up,
looking at Cole. “I’ll never understand.”

“I’m sorry he hurt you.” Cole covered Alexei’s hand

with his own. “But I think Anton became so immersed in
you and your life and the ballet he forgot what he had

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done in the past. Or at least in his mind, Anton didn’t
think he was responsible. Grief can do weird stuff to
people. I don’t think he ever got over his son’s death. And I
think Irina Markhov spooked him with her threats and her
mother’s letter. Suddenly all his plans and dreams were
collapsing around him like a house of cards. Everything
he had worked for destroyed. And it pushed him over the

Alexei nodded. “It hurts like hell. I loved Anton like a

father. He made me the dancer I am today.”

“No,” Cole said. “You, Alexei Valchikovsky, made you

the dancer you are today. Not Anton Stolin. Not anyone.

“Maybe.” Alexei looked up, giving Cole a half-smile.
Cole squeezed Alexei’s hand. “We could go.”
Alexei frowned. “Go where?”
Alexei smiled softly. “Thank you.”
“I mean it. I’ll work something out so I can go with


“I know you mean it, and thank you.”
“I don’t need to go. I know it sounds like selfish and

arrogant Alexei strikes again… but Mikhail and Sofia
Komerovskaia were never my parents. I never knew
them.… Well, I knew of Mikhail, but only by reputation. I
looked at those old photographs, and they meant nothing
to me. They’re strangers, and Anton made sure I’d never
have the chance to know them. And I have no other family
in Russia. Your boss Bremner helped me out.”

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Cole couldn’t contain his surprise. “He did?”
“Yeah, he did.” Alexei shifted closer. “And I have a

sneaking feeling that, deep down, Bremner likes you.”

Cole snorted. “You think? He hides it well.”
Alexei chuckled. “You’re a good agent. And he knows

it. Don’t be so hard on yourself.”

Cole gave a small, dismissive shrug. “So, you were

telling me about your family?”

Alexei rolled his eyes at Cole’s obvious deflection but

decided to give him a free pass this time. “Bremner found
me a contact at the Russian embassy who did some
research on my behalf. Both Sofia and Mikhail were only
children. And there doesn’t seem to be anyone else left
alive. And the authorities have reopened the investigation
into Sofia’s disappearance… well, her murder.” Alexei ran
his fingers along the keys again. “But anyway, as far as
I’m concerned, my parents live in Skowhegan, Maine.
Angela and Keith will always be my parents. I love them
for who they are and what they sacrificed for me. They’re
the only parents I’ve ever known. And along with you, the
only family I want and need.”

“If you like, we could put Sofia and Mikhail’s

photographs up in the dance studio,” Cole said. “I think
they sort of belong there. What do you think?”

“Yeah.” Alexei nodded. “That would be cool.”
Cole studied Alexei for a moment before kissing him

softly on the cheek. “And if you change your mind about
going to Russia, the offer stands.”

Alexei smiled again. He pushed thoughts of Anton

Stolin and his now-dead family to the back of his mind,
determined to concentrate on his future with Cole, still

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hating himself a little for being self-centered. Alexei tapped
on the keys again with one finger, feeling suddenly
ashamed. “I forgot you could play.”

Cole flushed slightly and shrugged. “Don’t really get

to play much… so I’m probably a bit rusty. And the bum
shoulder doesn’t help.”

“Didn’t sound rusty to me. It’s a favorite of mine.”

Alexei squeezed Cole’s good shoulder.

“I know.”
“I always wanted to learn.”
“Yeah.” Alexei nodded. “But dancing took over. And I

found I have two left hands.”

Cole snorted. “Duet?” He nodded at the piano keys.

“You up to ‘Twinkle Twinkle Little Star’?”

Alexei bumped shoulders with Cole, his good mood

restored as he flexed his fingers over the keys theatrically.
“Play, maestro, play,” he said, laughing. “But you’ll have to
do the foot stuff. Never could get the hang of the pedals.”

Cole shook his head, snorting again. “Probably

because your great big ballet feet would crush the pedals,”
Cole said with a playful grin.

“You like my feet.” Alexei leaned close to Cole,

waggling his eyebrows. “Especially when they’re rubbing
up and down your legs… and,” he blew on Cole’s skin and
was rewarded with a shiver, “all over your body.”

“I like all of you,” Cole countered in a whisper, giving

Alexei a quick, chaste kiss. Now it was Alexei’s turn to
shiver. ”Now you play up that end. And I’ll play down

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Alexei smirked. “And we’ll meet in the middle.”
Cole rolled his eyes and began to play one-handed,

laying his free hand on Alexei’s thigh. He nudged Alexei’s
shoulder, encouraging him to join in.

Alexei covered Cole’s hand on his thigh with one of

his own. With a grin and his tongue stuck out in
concentration, Alexei joined in, pounding enthusiastically
at the keys. The melody sounded tinny, uneven, and
slightly out of tune, mainly due to Alexei mixing up the
notes so it no longer sounded anything like “Twinkle
Twinkle Little Star.” Their rendition of the nursery rhyme
would never make any concert halls and probably violated
the grandness and majesty of the piano, but to both men,
it didn’t matter. Their hands brushed softly against one
another as they met in the middle of the keyboard. As they
stopped playing, Cole swore he heard the piano sigh in
relief. They stared at each other for a moment in silence
before Alexei reached over and claimed Cole’s lips in a
gentle kiss. Cole deepened the kiss, one arm automatically
encircling Alexei’s body. Alexei moaned.

Melding their bodies together, they claimed each

other hungrily. Alexei pushed his hands under Cole’s
bathrobe, his fingers skimming across the warm skin,
tweaking Cole’s hard nipples until they hardened under
his touch. “I love you so much.”

Cole pressed his body closer to Alexei, capturing his

lips in another kiss. “Love you too,” he murmured against
Alexei’s lips before slipping his tongue into the warm,
willing mouth to explore.

Alexei continued to caress his hands over Cole’s skin,

delighting in the pleased sounds and moans of

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encouragement. He pushed Cole’s bathrobe off his
shoulders. He frowned, his hand stilling at the sight of the
bandaging on Cole’s left shoulder. It was a stark reminder
that he could have lost the most important person in his

“Don’t,” Cole said, covering Alexei’s hand with his

own. “I’m okay.”

Alexei smiled at Cole. “Yeah, I know, but I’m still

going to take care of you.”

Cole laughed softly at Alexei’s determination to look

after him. “I’m not sure I like Doctor Alexei. He’s too
bossy,” he said teasingly. “And kind of annoying.”

Alexei laughed. “Does it hurt?” He stroked his hand

gently over Cole’s shoulder.

“Not now.” Cole smiled. “And you were wrong. You

have magic fingers.”

“Magic, huh? I think I should put my magic fingers to

good use.” Alexei smirked mischievously, swiping the
sheet music off the top of the piano before shifting position
and sliding backward off the stool. Bracing his legs,
without warning, he grabbed an unsuspecting Cole, who
was distracted watching the sheets of paper flutter to the
floor, firmly around the waist. He gently lifted Cole up onto
the top of the piano. Alexei’s hand fell heavily onto the
keyboard in his haste, and a crash of several notes
echoed, breaking into the silence and the sound of their
soft breathing.

Cole squeaked in surprise, putting his hands out flat

on the top of the piano to steady himself. “Alexei,” he said
in protest, hanging his legs loosely over the edge, trying

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not to put any pressure or weight on the keys below his
feet. “The piano.”

“If we break it, I’ll buy another one.” Alexei knelt on

the stool, his eyes dark and smoldering with passion.

Cole rolled his eyes as he looked down at the shiny

white and black keys. Feeling playful, he pointed his foot,
tapping his big toe carefully along the piano keys and
making a terrible sound owing to his other toes insisting
on joining in. He glanced across at Alexei, grinning.

Alexei grabbed Cole’s foot, kissing each toe in turn.

“Pretty good for toes, but I wouldn’t give up the day job.”
Alexei flexed his shoulders, letting his bathrobe drop to
the floor, leaving him completely naked.

Cole licked his lips hungrily, letting his eyes roam

over Alexei’s nakedness, admiring the tanned skin
stretched over taut, well-defined muscles. Between his
legs his cock was half-hard, the crown already glistening
with precum. Cole licked his lips again, pouting as Alexei
chuckled at him. Cole ran his finger absently along
Alexei’s shoulder blade as he leaned forward. Alexei tilted
his neck slightly, allowing Cole to suck at his pulse point.

Alexei pulled back. “Want to make you feel good.” He

traced a path up Cole’s leg with his hands, softly caressing
the pale skin with his fingers. Alexei felt Cole tremble as
he pushed his bathrobe aside. He rubbed his hands in
small circles over the soft skin beneath his fingers, gently

Cole leaned into the touch, enjoying the sensations

rushing through his body, totally forgetting he was
perched on top of a piano. His free leg dropped slightly,
and his heel caught the piano keys, making the

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instrument clatter out a nonmusical protest. Lost in his
massage, Alexei started at the sound, and Cole smirked.

Alexei grinned, placing his fingers on random keys

and making his own nonmusical sound—a deep bonging
sound that made him laugh as he pressed his fingers
down, repeating the sound. Alexei looked up, continuing
to squeeze Cole’s thigh gently between his fingers. He
couldn’t help smiling at the whimper uttered as he
released the thigh from his ministrations.

Cole leaned down, crushing their lips together in a

long-drawn-out kiss, desperate to taste Alexei again. He
pulled back. “Oh God,” Cole said, giddy with arousal. He
ran his hands restlessly over Alexei’s muscled body,
swirling his fingertip around each nipple, feeling the nubs
harden under his touch. Alexei shuddered, and Cole
smiled. “I’m so lucky to have you.”

Alexei reluctantly pulled away from Cole’s touch

before he exploded, his whole body vibrating with need
and desire. Cole’s cock, half-hard, rose from between his
thighs. Alexei swallowed at the sight, needing to touch.
Lowering his head, he licked a wet path up the inside of
Cole’s thighs, nipping at the skin gently. Cole moaned and
threw his head back, his eyes closed. As he licked toward
Cole’s cock, Alexei reached down and let the fingers of one
hand dance across the white keys of the piano, playing no
tune but somehow managing a perfect rhythm with his
licks, nips, and kisses. He sucked on Cole’s thigh, leaving
an angry red mark. He then lapped at the mark

Cole moaned in pleasure and unconsciously spread

his legs as Alexei’s tongue neared his cock and balls. He

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ran his hands through Alexei’s hair, massaging slightly.
“Love you,” he said over and over, moving his hands down
Alexei’s neck and then to his shoulders, rubbing softly.
Cole tensed slightly before sighing in pleasure and
relaxing into the sensation of Alexei’s tongue, smooth and
flat against his cock. Closing his eyes, Cole flexed his hips
slightly, not able to help the movement as Alexei sucked
on his cock, his cheeks hollowed and lips stretched
obscenely wide as his head bobbed up and down in perfect
rhythm with Cole’s thrusting hips. Lost in his desire, one
of Cole’s feet slipped again and crashed down on the keys.
The piano protested with a loud, tinny barrage of noise
and complaining notes.

Alexei slowly eased back, letting Cole’s cock slip from

his mouth, his nose flaring with rough breaths as one of
his hands slipped onto the keys, making an even louder
unmelodic sound. Opening his eyes, Cole scowled slightly,
making Alexei grin, lips puffy and slicked wet. “Let’s take
this party someplace else,” Alexei suggested huskily as he
slid off the stool to stand. “I think the piano’s trying to tell
us something.”

Cole nodded before tilting his head to one side. “We

going to make sweet music?” he teased with a smile.
Flexing his foot, he touched Alexei’s cock with his big toe,
stroking it along the hardened length, eliciting a long
groan. Cole smiled, pleased.

“Oh God.” Alexei closed his eyes for a moment,

wallowing in the wonderful sensation. Opening his eyes,
Alexei smirked up at Cole. Again without warning, he
grabbed Cole around the waist, sliding him off the top of
the piano and at the same time completely out of his
bathrobe, leaving the garment in a heap on top of the

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instrument. Alexei pulled Cole against his body, wrapping
his arms carefully around him, trying to avoid the
bruising. Cole squeaked in surprise again, but
automatically wrapped his legs around Alexei’s waist, his
arms around his shoulders, his cock pressed up against
Alexei’s belly. “It isn’t going to be ‘Twinkle Twinkle Little
Star’,” Alexei said in a whisper. “But we’re both going to
see stars.” To emphasize the point, Alexei ran one hand
along the whole keyboard, from high to low notes, as if in
a fanfare to his promise. Cole chuckled before attacking
Alexei’s neck, licking, sucking, and kissing as they
stumbled in the direction of the bedroom.

Once in the bedroom, Alexei launched them onto the

bed. They collapsed in a tangle of arms and legs, bouncing
slightly on the softness of the bed. They rolled over and
over, tangling themselves in the sheets. They pressed their
nakedness against one another, each trying to gain the
upper hand. In the end they gave up and began to move
as one, luxuriating in the feel of skin against skin. Hands,
tongues, and lips urgently probed and massaged every
inch of the other’s body as they pressed closer and closer,
grinding their bodies against each other. Out of breath,
they stilled their movements. Rolling onto their sides, they
faced each other, drinking in the sight of the other’s

Alexei began to run his finger idly along Cole’s

shoulder down his arm to his waist, tracing a path up over
his hips, thighs, and legs. “You’re so beautiful,” he said in
a murmur as he traced his finger back up along Cole’s
flank before rubbing his hand in circles over his flat

Cole flushed bright red. “Too skinny.”

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“I like skinny,” Alexei said. “Skinny is sexy.” He

smirked at Cole as he leaned down, swiping his tongue
across Cole’s bony hipbone to his stomach before tracing
the wet tip along the outline of each rib on one side and
then back down the opposite side. He swirled his tongue
around Cole’s belly before looking up with a smile. “I’ll
cook for you. Fatten you up.”

Cole laughed, his stomach muscles quivering against

Alexei’s tongue. “Yeah, right. Alexei Valchikovsky is going
to cook and probably burn down the apartment building
while boiling an egg.”

Alexei pouted. “I can cook. I just choose not to.”
Cole rolled on top of Alexei. “I love you,” he said,

stroking a hand down Alexei’s still-pouting face. “But I
value my stomach lining too much. So I’ll cook, or we’ll
order in.”

Alexei slapped at Cole’s ass. “Cheeky bastard.”
Cole smiled, continuing to stroke his hand down

Alexei’s face. Alexei caught Cole’s hand in his own,
bringing it to his lips. “I love you even though you hate my
cooking,” he said, gently kissing each finger in turn. “And
this is how it’s going to be from now on. Just you and me.”
Alexei looked into Cole’s blue eyes. “I’m even taking time
out from the ballet to look after you until you go back on
duty. I have things all planned out in my head… and I
have to warn you, my plans involve you and me naked a

“Sounds good.” Cole nuzzled at Alexei’s neck. “But I

don’t want you taking time out from the ballet for me.”

Alexei pouted. “But I want to look after you. I want to

prove how important you are to me.”

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“I know.” Cole kissed Alexei softly, his fingers gently

continuing their exploration of warm, naked skin. “And
thank you. But it’s the one thing Anton was right about.
This is your time. You worked hard for this, and I want
you to have it. And don’t worry, I’ll be standing in the
wings, cheering you on.”

“You’ll be sitting in the wings.” Alexei smirked.
Cole rolled his eyes. “So you’ll go back to work


Alexei bit at his lips. “I don’t know.”
Cole smiled encouragingly. “Alexei, I know you love

me. I do. But you were born to dance. And you need to do
this. Do it for me. For us. Because I would hate myself if
you didn’t carry on with the ballet you’ve worked so hard
on. And my shoulder’s getting better every day. I’m fine.
We’re fine. Please.”

Alexei chewed on his lips for a moment, torn between

wanting to dance and wanting to be with Cole to prove he
had changed. The earnest expression on Cole’s face finally
made up his mind, and Alexei returned the smile. “Okay.
But after New York has closed, we’re going on vacation for
at least a month. Deal?”

“Deal.” Cole leaned down, sealing his promise with a


Alexei pulled back from the kiss. “Okay. Now where

were we?” He smoothed his hands down the curves of
Cole’s back and over his ass. He kneaded Cole’s ass with
his hands before sucking on a finger and dipping the
wetted tip into his lover’s body. Alexei teased the tip of his

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finger around the puckered hole, enjoying the appreciative
moans and pulsing of Cole’s body throbbing against his

Cole moaned, shivering in need and anticipation. He

moved his hand down between their bodies, grasping
Alexei’s cock firmly. He stroked up and down the
hardness, delighting in the noises Alexei was making in
the back of his throat at his touch. “Want you.”

Removing his finger, Alexei carefully rolled Cole over

onto his back, spreading his legs wide. He had missed
seeing Cole like this. Naked and sprawled on the bed, legs
spread wide invitingly, his cock heavy with arousal, his
tight hole pulsing, and his breath coming in soft pants,
wanting and needing Alexei. With another glance up and
down his lover’s nakedness, Alexei settled himself between
Cole’s open thighs. He kissed Cole gently as he rubbed his
cock and balls against Cole’s cock and balls. Naked, silky,
warm skin softly caressed naked, silky, warm skin as they
moved against each other in practiced synchronicity,
hands and lips gently touching, licking, and stroking.

Alexei pulled back, sitting up on his haunches. “Got

to make sure you don’t get a cramp again.” He swiped his
tongue along Cole’s foot and ankle. Cole moaned and
threw his head back. He closed his eyes, enjoying the
feeling of Alexei’s wet tongue against his heated skin,
flexing his leg slightly. Alexei traced a path up Cole’s leg
with his hands, softly caressing the pale, freckled skin.
Cole trembled slightly as Alexei massaged his hands in
circles, gently kneading his thighs. He squeezed one thigh
gently between his fingers, continuing to caress the other
thigh with his free hand.

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Alexei looked up, marveling at the sight of his lover’s

body heavy with arousal and need, mirroring his own. He
pinched the base of his own cock, desperate to keep
himself in control, wanting to come inside Cole. Alexei
leaned down, flicking his tongue over Cole’s flat stomach
and making the muscle quiver. He turned his attention
back to Cole’s leg, swirling his tongue all around the bony
knee, nipping at the skin gently. Cole’s thighs flinched at
the sensations. Alexei looked up, swallowing hard at the
sight of Cole’s cock, rising now completely hard from
between his thighs, the tip blood-red with arousal. Alexei
brought both hands up and massaged Cole’s thighs before
licking softly at the inner surface. He flicked his tongue
out, lapping at Cole’s balls, sucking them in turn into his
mouth before licking up the underside of his cock. Cole
threw his head back, moaning Alexei’s name, his hands
still massaging Alexei’s head, neck, and shoulders.
Encouraged, Alexei took the crown of Cole’s cock into his
mouth, licking across the slit and lapping at the precum.

Alexei chuckled as he felt Cole’s hands roaming

across his back and over his shoulders, a tickling
sensation as long fingers traveled lower and lower down
his sides.

“Cock in me now.” Cole spread his legs wider, drawing

one knee up, exposing himself; he grasped Alexei’s hard
length, pushing the leaking tip against his reddened hole.
Cole rubbed Alexei’s cock against his balls and hole,
closing his eyes as the sensation threatened to overwhelm


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“No. Want to feel you in me.” Cole blushed as he let

go of Alexei’s cock. “I haven’t been with anyone since we
were together. You?”

“No. It was only ever you,” Alexei said.
“Then what are you waiting for? An engraved

invitation?” Cole smirked as he dropped a hand, fingering
his own hole. “Want you so much.”

Alexei groaned in ecstasy at Cole’s request, his cock

aching to be inside his lover. He stretched, leaning over
Cole, his hand opening the bedside table drawer and
rummaging through the contents in search of the lube.
His hunt finally successful, Alexei pulled back, looming
over Cole and flipping the lid with a grin. He shifted
slightly, batting Cole’s hands away from his hole with a
groan of anticipation. “Don’t or this will be over before
we’ve even started,” he said, drawing his lip between his
teeth, biting down hard in an effort to keep from coming,
his restraint waning fast.

Cole grinned back as he continued to tease his hole

with a finger. Wanting to torment Alexei even more, he
moved his hand, fondling his cock, stroking his fingers
lazily up and down the length, running his thumb over the
leaking head. At the same time, Cole ran the tip of his
tongue slowly along his lips, wetting them. “Want you.”

“Cole.” Alexei growled as he sat up on his haunches

to coat lube along his now-throbbing cock. He tried not to
look at Cole, but his resistance was low and the
temptation too great. He let his eyes roam up and down
the body laid out in front of him. Spread out on the bed,
legs apart, Alexei thought Cole was the most beautiful
creature he had ever laid eyes on. As Alexei stroked his

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cock, he drank in the sight, from the outline of Cole’s
ribcage to his erect nipples to his flat stomach, narrow
hips, and soft thighs. His cock, thick with arousal, rose
out of coarse blond hair, and his pale skin was shiny with
sweat as Cole caressed himself. With his hand still lightly
stroking his cock, Cole grinned up at Alexei mischievously
as he thrust his hips upward in an erotic invitation.

Alexei’s fingers stuttered, and he pinched the base of

his cock hard. “Don’t,” Alexei threatened as he hurriedly
finishing preparing his cock. His body pulsed, vibrating
with arousal as he took another look at Cole’s nakedness.
“Mine,” he said as he bent over, wrapping his hand
around Cole’s cock. Cole closed his eyes, jerking into his
hand with a loud groan. Alexei smothered Cole’s groan
with his mouth, kissing him hungrily.

Cole arched his back, dragging his lips away from

Alexei’s lips. “Want you in me now.” He opened his eyes, a
desperate passion reflected in the depths. “Alexei.”

Alexei groaned at the request as he settled himself

between Cole’s legs. Glancing down, he took hold of his
cock, positioning himself. With a sigh, Alexei gently
pushed the tip against Cole’s hole, groaning at the sight of
his hardness disappearing slowly into the body he loved.

Cole let out a small, keening sound as Alexei thrust

forward carefully. Cole arched his back off the bed, giving
a throaty moan as he propelled his hips upward to meet
Alexei’s initial penetration. “Oh yeah.” Cole sighed as his
fingers curled against Alexei’s chest, his fingernails
dragging along the hot skin and raking over his erect

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Alexei flexed his hips, thrusting again, swallowing at

the sight of his cock sliding further up into Cole’s ass. It
took all of Alexei’s willpower not to slam up into Cole, but
he managed to still his movements. “Okay?” he asked,
wanting Cole to get used to the initial feeling of his cock
up his ass.

“Mmmm.” Cole hummed, wriggling his hips against

the penetration as he adjusted to the feeling of Alexei’s
cock deep inside him, filling him completely. “Do me.” He
wiggled his hips impatiently, dragging his legs higher,
allowing Alexei better access to his body.

Alexei grinned at Cole’s impatience. He drew back

slightly before driving his cock upward, basking in the
feeling of being intimately joined as he ran his hands
gently up Cole’s flank. Alexei knew he would never get
used to this feeling of oneness when they made love, but
also knew he would never let anybody take it away from
them ever again. Alexei felt complete as he plunged his
cock in and out of Cole’s body, his balls slapping against
Cole’s soft ass every time he thrust deep inside. Cole was
now holding onto his shoulders, lifting his hips slightly as
Alexei lunged forward. Releasing one hand, Cole grabbed
his own erection and stroked in rhythm with Alexei’s
thrusts into his body.

They easily found their rhythm. Hard. Fast. Then soft

and slow. Moaning in unison, their breathing became
rapid as they began to fall toward their sexual climax.
Cole’s stroking became urgent, and Alexei’s thrusts
faltered, becoming almost frantic.

Alexei took a deep breath and stilled his movements,

stroking at Cole’s spread thighs as his lover arched his

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back again, his head buried deep into the soft pillows.
Alexei swiped his tongue along one thigh. He looked up at
a now confused Cole and smiled. “Want to see you come,”
he whispered huskily. “Want to watch you bring yourself

Cole groaned, a low sound in the back of this throat,

and stroked his cock faster and faster, his fingers a blur
over the silky skin. He curled his toes, digging them into
the bed as he shuddered, feeling his climax approaching.

Alexei bent over, swiping his tongue over the inside of

Cole’s other thigh before grazing his teeth against the soft
skin and then licking soothingly at the red mark with the
tip of his tongue. “Come for me,” Alexei encouraged,
looking up at Cole through hooded eyes as he gave a
shallow thrust of his cock before drawing back slightly.

Cole whimpered, thumping his head back against the

soft pillows. He pulled Alexei down to his lips with his free
hand, curling his fingers into the sweat-drenched, dark
hair, kissing Alexei hard. Not breaking his rhythm, Cole
squeezed his cock hard and, with one last stroke and a
shout of Alexei’s name, came hard, his semen spurting
red-hot between their bodies. Cole’s eyes closed as he
arched up into his orgasm. He surrendered to the
wonderful sensations coursing and shooting through his
body, from his toes to his head, his hand still pumping his
length, drawing out the pleasure. With a last twitch of his
cock, Cole slumped back onto the bed, panting hard, a
fine sheen of sweat covering his pale skin. Cole released
his now flaccid cock, letting it fall back against his balls
and groin.

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“You look so hot when you come.” Alexei licked at

Cole’s skin. He rolled his hips, prompting a soft, pleased
moan from Cole, who opened his eyes, smiling up at
Alexei, mouthing words of love. Alexei leaned over,
allowing Cole to wrap his legs around his waist, drawing
him closer. The movement caused Alexei’s cock to be
forced deeper into Cole’s body, glancing off his prostate,
and he whimpered. Bracing his arms on the bed, Alexei
began to pump his cock slowly in and out of Cole,
delighting in the feeling of being surrounded by the
warmth of his lover’s body. The muscles in the back of
Alexei’s legs tensed and flexed as he moved in and out of
Cole’s body. He grunted with the effort.

Cole whispered words of encouragement as his hands

caressed Alexei’s sweat-sheened back. He clenched his ass
muscles around Alexei’s cock, grinning at the long and
loud moan he was rewarded with. Cole’s cock was half-
hard again under the onslaught against his prostate, but
he knew he probably wouldn’t come again. Instead, Cole
humped at Alexei’s thigh, savoring the friction as the
rounded tip of his cock dribbled from Alexei’s steady
pounding into his ass. “Come inside me,” Cole pleaded on
a moan, tightening his muscles around Alexei’s cock in

“Cole.” Alexei’s toes began to tingle as he felt his

orgasm build within him, and his whole body tensed. His
actions became more urgent, plunging deeper and deeper
into the body he loved, his cock hitting Cole’s prostate
with each thrust, his breath becoming faster and faster as
his climax approached.

Alexei couldn’t keep it up for more

than a minute or so before his strokes became erratic,
flavored with a hint of desperation. Feeling his orgasm

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race up from deep inside, burning a trail up his spine,
Alexei gathered Cole up, mindful of his wounded shoulder.
Thrusting deep, he bit down on the curve of Cole’s neck
and uninjured shoulder, sinking teeth hard enough to

his cock rammed up to the hilt, filling Cole’s ass.

The sound Cole made was half protest, half luxurious
moan, and it was enough to tip Alexei right over the edge.

Alexei moaned, driving his cock up Cole’s ass hard

and finally letting go and releasing his semen into the
warm, waiting body. His hips snapped forward at each
spasm, forcing his cock deeper as he filled Cole with his
release. Cole chanted his name over and over as he moved
his hands, rubbing them up and down Alexei’s arms. With
a final long thrust and a long contented sigh, Alexei
slumped on top of Cole, kissing and biting at his neck and

Cole continued to caress his arms, whispering his

name as Alexei’s breathing gradually slowed until it finally
calmed. Raising his body slightly, Alexei reached down
between their still-joined bodies and carefully pulled his
now-softened cock free of Cole’s wet ass. Cole relaxed his
spread legs and, with a tired groan, Alexei rolled them
until they lay face-to-face again. They scattered small,
loving kisses over each other’s faces, expressing their love
by touch, not needing words as they cuddled close to one

After a moment Alexei reached down to the floor,

grabbing at a crumpled sheet. He quickly cleaned them up
as best he could before dumping the sheet on the floor
again. Alexei turned back to Cole with a smile. Seizing
hold of the edge of the comforter, he pulled it up over them
as he wrapped his arms around Cole, pulling his lover

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close. They lay in contented and sated silence. They traded
lazy kisses, their legs and arms entwined, luxuriating in
the afterglow of their lovemaking, savoring the warmth
and security they felt with one another.

After a few moments, Alexei started to fidget. “Cole.”

He stroked a hand down Cole’s face. “You are moving back
in? Right?”

Cole shifted, squinting at Alexei. “Well, let’s see….

While I was in the hospital, my beat-up, crappy truck got
itself parked next to your shiny red Porsche. Most of my
clothes have mysteriously appeared in your closet, and my
CDs and books seem to have materialized on your
bookshelves.” Cole grinned. “I even found some of my
kitchen stuff making itself at home in your shiny, too-
clean kitchen. And let’s not forget the new gun safe you
installed in the office. So I guess that means I’m moving in
with you.”

“You should have been a detective,” Alexei smirked


“Asshole.” Cole slapped at Alexei’s arm. “But I got to

tell you that the place is too white and clean. It needs a
lived-in look.”

“We can redecorate.”
“Red? Purple?” Cole suggested playfully.
“We’ll negotiate.” Alexei bit at his lips nervously. “You

do want to? Stay, I mean? Move in with me?”

Cole smiled. “Yeah, I guess you’re stuck with me.”
“Good.” Alexei rolled closer to Cole. “So I can get the

rest of your stuff later?”

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“Yeah. I’ll come too.” Cole nuzzled Alexei’s neck. “But

right now you should practice.”

“Now?” Alexei asked, incredulous.
Cole nodded against his neck. “Now.”
Alexei nipped at Cole’s neck. “We just had mind-

blowing sex. And you want me to practice? My legs are all
wobbly from you ravishing me half to death.”

Cole snorted. “Wobbly?”
Alexei pouted. “Yeah, wobbly. And a jeté with wobbly

legs will be… will be… well, just crap.”

“Hey, you did your fair share of ravishing, and I didn’t

hear you complaining,” Cole said sleepily. “But you should
still practice. Wobbly jeté or not.”

“And what will you be doing?” Alexei levered himself

up, resting his head on his hand, looking down at Cole,
running a finger down his arm. He leaned over, giving Cole
a chaste kiss. “Sleeping?”

Cole squinted up at Alexei. “No. I’ll be playing for you.

You dance. I’ll play.”

“What did I ever do to deserve you in my life?”
“Just lucky, I guess.” Cole smirked. “Now get your

pretty ass out of this bed and go dance.”

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About the Author





lives in a small town in rural

Bedfordshire in the United Kingdom. She spends her
working days as a Training Administrator in the UK’s NHS
but still has plenty of time for writing. She fences very
badly but finds it a great stress reliever and vows one day
to write a story of love on the piste. Having written M/M
fan fiction for a number of years, she finally worked up the
courage to attempt an original story with her own
characters. A romantic at heart, she believes in happy
endings and finding that one person to spend your life
Visit Caroline’s pages at


You can e-mail Caroline at

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Dance of Death ©Copyright Caroline Stephens, 2010

Published by

Dreamspinner Press

4760 Preston Road

Suite 244-149

Frisco, TX 75034

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are the product of the

authors’ imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead,

business establishments, events or locales is entirely coincidental.

Cover Art by Paul Richmond

This book is licensed to the original purchaser only. Duplication or distribution via any means is

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part of this eBook can be shared or reproduced without the express permission of the publisher. To

request permission and all other inquiries, contact Dreamspinner Press at: 4760 Preston Road, Suite

244-149, Frisco, TX 75034

Released in the United States of America

August 2010

eBook Edition

eBook ISBN: 978-1-61581-578-4

Document Outline


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