Secrets to Male Multiple Orgasms

You can t help but love what
You can t help but love what
your about to learn in the fol-
your about to learn in the fol-
lowing pages, so simple, so fast,
lowing pages, so simple, so fast,
And so much fun to learn!!!!
And so much fun to learn!!!!
Male multiple
Male multiple
Male multiple
Male multiple
Male multiple
Male multiple
Male multiple
Male multiple
Your going to be wowing them
Your going to be wowing them
in the shortest possible time!
in the shortest possible time!
You ll love how you ll be able to
You ll love how you ll be able to
go and go and still have mind
go and go and still have mind
numbing orgasms, giving your-
numbing orgasms, giving your-
self and your partner pleasure
self and your partner pleasure
like never before! So read on& .
like never before! So read on& .
Male Multiple Orgasm! The best kept secrets
Male Multiple Orgasm! The best kept secrets
Male Multiple Orgasm! The best kept secrets
Male Multiple Orgasm! The best kept secrets
Male Multiple Orgasm! The best kept secrets
Male Multiple Orgasm! The best kept secrets
Male Multiple Orgasm! The best kept secrets
Male Multiple Orgasm! The best kept secrets
Male Multiple Orgasm! The best kept secrets
Male Multiple Orgasm! The best kept secrets
Male Multiple Orgasm! The best kept secrets
Male Multiple Orgasm! The best kept secrets
every man should know! Take this challenge to be-
every man should know! Take this challenge to be-
every man should know! Take this challenge to be-
every man should know! Take this challenge to be-
every man should know! Take this challenge to be-
every man should know! Take this challenge to be-
every man should know! Take this challenge to be-
every man should know! Take this challenge to be-
every man should know! Take this challenge to be-
every man should know! Take this challenge to be-
every man should know! Take this challenge to be-
every man should know! Take this challenge to be-
come the best lover your partner ever had.
come the best lover your partner ever had. Become
come the best lover your partner ever had. Become
come the best lover your partner ever had.Become
come the best lover your partner ever had.Become
come the best lover your partner ever had. Become
come the best lover your partner ever had. Become
come the best lover your partner ever had.Become
come the best lover your partner ever had.Become
come the best lover your partner ever had. Become
come the best lover your partner ever had.Become
come the best lover your partner ever had. Become
one of those guys that just make women need them
one of those guys that just make women need them
one of those guys that just make women need them
one of those guys that just make women need them
one of those guys that just make women need them
one of those guys that just make women need them
one of those guys that just make women need them
one of those guys that just make women need them
one of those guys that just make women need them
one of those guys that just make women need them
one of those guys that just make women need them
one of those guys that just make women need them
like the air they breath!
like the air they breath!
like the air they breath!
like the air they breath!
like the air they breath!
like the air they breath!
like the air they breath!
like the air they breath!
like the air they breath!
like the air they breath!
like the air they breath!
like the air they breath!
I know you must be just dying to get on with it! Before we begin, it might be good to start with
the basic overview of this instruction book and the steps we will take to help you become a multi-
orgasmic man! The steps ,as I ve said are simple and do not take long every day to do. They can be
done alone or with a partner. For the purposes of this book, I have mostly written it with the sol o
version as the predominate instruction view. The thing I must stress the most is that you not give up.
This , as with anything good in life, is not going to just be given to you. You have to earn it! The good
news is that it s fun! So let s go!
Hello, my name is Mark Saput. I m an ordinary guy who has for years been enjoying the benefits of
a mistake back in 1978 that opened my eyes to an amazing thing& first multiple orgasm! It was
pretty much like this& ..
I was with a very sweet girl at the time. She was sensitive, caring and we could talk openly to-
gether. We had been together for about a year when one night we were making love after a very nice
summer day together.
The mood was such that we were both relaxed and were taking our time with each other, just en-
joying the sensations we were bringing to one another. Prolonging the moment.
She had brought me close to the top a time or two already. When I realized I was getting close to
the edge again. Not wanting to have things end too quickly, I tried to hold back at the last second
knowing all too well that I was so close that I might have missed and gone over into ejaculation. If I
came that would be it for a little while. My erection would disappear and I would leave my sweet lady
with unfulfilled desire! This was not going to happen if I could help it!
What happened next was, to say the least, interesting. I felt my body tense and I knew I was going
to orgasm. And boy, did I! It was one of the more intense one s in my life (which is why it left such an
impression). But the best was still to come! As I slowly relaxed, I opened my eyes to see her looking at
me with some puzzlement on her face.  You didn t come. She said.  I thought that was it and you
were going to squirt big, but you didn t. What s wrong? Wasn t I doing it right? What do you mean? I
said. That was Fantastic! How could you not tell? It was about then that I realized that I had not
ejaculated! Wait a minute! I had a full hard on! Wow! My mind was racing! The one overwhelming
thought was, Let s do it again!
We both marveled and this only for a minute. Then it was her turn. The whole day was great and the
lovemaking was unforgettable.
Later in years to come. I would look back on that day with a smile on my face and one persistent
thought in my head, I wonder if that was just a weird one time thing or if I could do it again.
One day, alone at home, I was recreating that day and the experience I had in my mind. I thought,
 Why not see if I could do it. I was secretly very aroused with a full erection. I thought about it. That
day, pretending she and I were together again in that room, on that day.
She had gotten me close at least twice , so that s what I did to myself. I d raise my level to the point
when I would almost climax. Then drop back down. Once. Twice. O.K. This was it. Almost there. Al-
most& ..I strained to stop just as I went into orgasm and, Bam! There I was coming, but with no ejacu-
late! As my orgasm subsided, I found that again, as before, my erection was still there, ready yet for
another round!
Now I must tell you, this wasn t the first time I had tried this. I had wanted and tried to duplicate
that wonderful time in my memory. This time I really got into it. I believe that s the difference. It s as
much a mind thing as it is a body thing.
It s up to you to be persistent in your goal, you WILL get it!
It s up to you to be persistent in your goal, you WILL get it!
Having an orgasm is one of
Having an orgasm is one of
man s most fleeting pleas-
man s most fleeting pleas-
ures, Enjoy as many as you
ures, Enjoy as many as you
can handle after you com-
can handle after you com-
plete this program!
plete this program!
After I had succeeded with this dream, I had another one. What if I could teach myself to do this more of-
ten? What if I could control it? It was that day that I started really looking at what had lead up to this great dis-
covery of mine. I did some reading on sex and multiple orgasm , but couldn t really find that much (since then I
have found a couple of references on the subject and surprisingly, they don t vary in their examples much from
mine). I think all of this coupled with my constant desire to acquire this great talent, lead me to figure out how I
could teach myself to do this more often. The result is the method that some friends I shared the secret with said
I should write and share with everyone! Every one of my friends that has learned this technique has never gone
back to lovemaking the way they had before. Their girlfriends could not be happier. If you work hard and fol-
low the simple program as I have laid out, then you too will be able to go as long as you want and not lose con-
trol. Having two or orgasms without ejaculation! So let s get to it, shall we? I know you are ready to become a
multiorgasmic man!
In this program that I ve studied and used myself to learn how this is controlled and mastered, I ve learned a
few basics, both from experience and in teaching my friends, and them teaching their friends.
1.) Desire to get this down is #1.
Desire to master this technique will carry you through to your next goal. This is very important. I can tell you
that it won t always work. I can tell you that there will be times when it won t be all it could be. I can tell you
that at least once you ll get frustrated, but don t, because I can assure you that this is all a part of it. It s like
anyone trying to learn something new.
The first time you don t get it right, but just as the beginning musician who plays better and better with
every practice, so too shall you.
2.) Know your body! This can t be stressed enough! This sounds basic, but in anything, we can always do a
little better. Get to know your responses and levels well and you ll be rewarded with hours of fun and the rich-
ness of life.
3.)  Good things come to those who wait. Don t try to overdo it or rush things. You ll get there. Rushing
won t help and probably will even set you back due to failure. Remember, you ve gone all your life without
this talent. Now is the time to master this rare technique and show your lovers and yourself just how much man
you can be!
4.) The exercises in this program can be done alone or with your partner. This skill can be learned by anyone
with the desire. With a partner or alone, you can do it.
5.) Always get a checkup before starting any new physical program to make sure you get a fair start. Seeing
your doctor regularly and sharing what you re doing with him can be a great head start. Make sure you re sound
before we begin. For your sake. This should NOT be used as a birthcontrol method. It only takes one to slip
past and that s it. Always practice safe sex! Last of all, don t sweat it, you ll get it!
Part One The Quest
Nothing good is easy...but it s fun!
Before we go any further, I would like to reiterate one thing. I am not a sex therapist , nor
am I a professional in the sex industry in general. I make no claims other than this single technique
works if you practice and persevere. This is not for people who have a pre-existing condition that
would make sex dangerous or fix all your sexual problems.
What this course does do is enable the ordinary man to experience himself in a way he hasn t
been able to do, until now. Multiple orgasms in men were thought to be rare at best. I m here to tell
you that this just isn t the case if you do some research. Thousands of men worldwide have paid sex
therapists and psychologists a lot of money to learn these techniques. These pros are worth their
weigh in gold to these men. They have opened their eyes to new world of sexual satisfaction these
guys didn t even know was available to them. To hear them talk, it s like they just got off a ride at
their favorite amusement park.
In many walks of life, yoga-like practices taught men to control every body function known. To
this day many well known people employ these and other techniques as well. Some will claim their
way is the only way and others can t abstain the level they do without doing it just their way. I ll tell
you what! Mine works! That s why I wrote this program The average guy will not and cannot devote
time and energy into these very involved teachings, this program is for us. The everyday man. I want
to bring you the best for less. I know it works. Others I ve taught are happy, so I m happy. Soon you
will also be happy. Happy you applied yourself and succeeded. One great benefit from this, aside
from the obvious, is that you will gain a new sense of your lover s levels and states of arousal. This
simply means that you are going to be a better lover. The man who can sense, control, and maintain
arousal is the man your lover wants giving her pleasure.
You want to please, don t you? Of course you do. So talk to your lover. Really get to know them.
Find out how they liked to be touched. Ask! Talk! Listen! Do these three things and you ll be the one
hot lover that she really wants. Do this in bed and more importantly OUT of bed too. With talking
out of the way, I d say it s about time to get started, don t you?
As with any exercise program, (Yes, I said exercise). You should check with your doctor to make
sure that you re in good health. Having said that, it s time to learn about yourself. Some may know
this already. Some just haven t put it all together. This should do it! The very first thing we need to
do is learn where certain muscles are and how to build them up to aid us in our goal. Multiple or-
The other I speak of are the ones that you would use to stop your urine flow. I bet you know
those! Well here s where you start. Tighten those right now. Go ahead and clamp down. Now hold it
for one second. O.K. Very good. Now let s see how long you can tense these muscles. Start now.
Getting hard to maintain? Slipping a bit? O.K. Relax. This is how it has to be to apply those muscles
at the right time and to control how long they remain contracted. This will get easier as you continue
to work these muscle groups to get them stronger. This is one of the key elements to this program
and must not be ignored. The normal amount of exercise to start with varies from person to person,
but twenty-five to thirty reps three times a day for the first month is about right. Expect some sore-
ness at first. As with any muscles that you start using more, these will also get sore. If you re sore,
reduce the number of reps per day until you ve gotten them built up. Then increase them as you
get stronger.
It should be said here that it is only that group of muscles that should be flexed and no oth-
ers. Not the thighs, legs, stomach, or buttocks. The area around the anus is in this group so
there will be some tension in this area as well. Concentrate on the region in front of your anus.
If you re tensing anything else, then focus on that area only. It s at this point I ask,  Are there
any of you who are having trouble with finding the muscle group I ve been talking about? Take
your fingers and place them behind your scrotum. Now then, tense those muscles that you stop
your urine flow. Feel them tighten. Good. Include your lover in this if you want. Teach them too.
Careful not to overdue these exercises . Being too sore is not going to encourage you to con-
tinue. I know you want to get to the goal, and you will, but take your time .Men, these are your
other LOVE muscles! You ll love them. Your lover will love them! So you have to get them in
shape. So work them out whenever, wherever.
Do this for three weeks without fail!
Do this for three weeks without fail!
Not too much to ask for multiple orgasms! Start now,
Not too much to ask for multiple orgasms! Start now,
this minute. Do it!
this minute. Do it!
This time will pass fast, then you will be ready to go on to the next
easy part of the program, in fact, I ll bet you ve already been doing
it. Getting easier isn t it? Sure, you ve been practicing hard, work-
ing those muscles? Great! Now you re ready for a successful stage
Now that you ve got them strong, work on sustaining . So, how
Now that you ve got them strong, work on sustaining . So, how
long can YOU hold it ?
long can YOU hold it ?
After devoting yourself to the task of building those muscles in just hose few
short weeks, you need to start adding to that regiment some sustained holds.
Hold for a few seconds and then go to 20 seconds.
It does help to time yourself. It has to be a full hold, tight as you can get it. Work
up to one minute of holding time. This should be enough time to get past the
triggering of your orgasm . This is an average and some men learn to do it in
less time , some more so. Work up to your level. The whole point is to get you
past a full hard orgasm without ejaculating . So the hold is very important .
Traffic lights are one of my favorites. A long one of those and your gripping for
all you are worth& & & ..ah& & & ...Whew! What a workout!
I know, your thinking, when s the work
I know, your thinking, when s the work
over and the fun stuff starting? Right now..
over and the fun stuff starting? Right now..
Stage three is arousal and awareness
Stage three is arousal and awareness
Stage three is arousal and awareness
Now that you ve gotten yourself ready for the next step, by building those muscles, holding
them for ever, becoming toned and tough, you want to add to your efforts something more.
This next step of the program is to start becoming acutely aware of you body s actions and
reactions. This is really the heart of the matter. Sex is in your head after all. If your mind is
not into it then the body won t cooperate. So it is logical that awareness of one s level is key
to any kind of control over one s orgasm.
To some degree , all men do this . Men know when they re getting close to an orgasm. If
they are and their partner isn t ready yet, then most just slow down ( resulting in less pleas-
ure for their partner). Stop altogether ( resulting in NO pleasure for their partner), or take
their minds off the moment at hand ( resulting in no pleasure for anybody). This is what we
want to change. When you master these simple techniques, you ll not have to rely on any of
these. You ll be able to keep on going. If she s not there yet. Your close, so go ahead, let it
go! You won t miss a beat and still have that intense orgasm, feeling great and then start
building towards another. Never again will you have to slow down just as she needs you to
go faster. Giving her what she needs when she needs it is what a great lover is all about. This
goes for life in general too guys. Apply this to all things and you ll have one happy woman
on your hands and so to shall you be happy.
To be multiorgasmic, you must master control of your arousal through awareness of ones
level at any given time. To do this, as with anything else, trial and error and persistence is the
key. As with learning to play an instrument , the more you practice the better you get. wait-
This is it!
In order to be able to judge where on the arousal
scale you are. Find a way that your comfortable with
that uses graduated stages or steps to use as a refer-
encing tool. For our purposes here we ll use a ladder
Your there,
analogy to help us. By all means, use any way you
a little
want. If you re more comfortable with numbers, then
use them. The key is to really tune in on just where
you are in the arousal scale so you can have complete
The ladder scale that is to the left is a model that
very good,
you may use to roughly judge where you are at a given
almost too
point. Add as many rungs to this ladder as you wish.
Get to really pay close attention to the subtle changes
in your mood and passion . Feel how just a little more
Your into it
Your into it
pressure can change things, or a little less.
good now.
good now.
Most men just go with what is feeling good at the
You really
You really
time . They go and go until they blow. What we want
want it!
want it!
to do is rather than build slowly to one climax, we
want to control our levels so as to climax more often
Your just
Your just
without ejaculation. It is vital that you get your con-
starting to
starting to
trol and awareness down pat. Use the rungs of your
get in the
get in the
ladder and time your squeezes. Work hard now and
you love yourself later. Get your partner involved in
this as much as possible. Make it a project for the
No desire
No desire
both of you. This is by no means a mans program, it s
at all.
at all.
a lovers program.
To help you get use to doing the squeezes at the proper times, I ll go though a typical session of a be-
ginning learner and walk you step by step on through. I will say that everyone s different and if you like to
stay at a certain level longer or shorter than we talk of here, then by all means ,do it. As I have said, every-
one s just different enough that what works better for some may not be what works for you and vise versa.
When I teach this technique to others, I try and stress the fact that this is an awareness of how one s
body reacts to stimuli and to what degree. I tell folks to feel every moment of the experience and not work
toward any given goal. We tend to do that more in today s society as the world succumbs to a more pres-
sured lifestyle. We need to stay in the moment here. Forget for awhile about the kids, the job, everything
that can take away anything from the moment. Now is just you or you and your partner. Nothing else.
Don t even think for awhile about becoming multiorgasmic. Just let all the pressures go and feel every sec-
ond of pleasure for now. As you build toward and orgasm, notice the levels you go though. Since you
judge what the top or bottom rungs are on our imaginary ladder, notice and assign a level as you become
more excited. Starting at the bottom , lets begin to build from flaccid to erect ,and then orgasm.
For the moment, lets just start with a masturbation exercise and go on to partners later. I ll speak more
on partners participation later. For now , lets get comfortable and relaxed. Starting with your favorite fan-
tasy, book, movie, etc. Begin to slowly work yourself erect. As you do this , just give this stage or rung
it s arousal rating. As you build slowly, relaxing as you get more into it , feel the slight variations of the
pressure you re using and get control enough that you can stay at the third rung on our ladder for awhile.
Work up to the third rung then hold that level for two minutes. Try to stay in that stage for as long as you
want but lets shoot for two right now. Then lets build towards a rung # four. Remember that you can have
as many rungs on your ladder as you want so get into this and really get your levels down pat. To get to
and hold a given level at this point, start using the well developed muscles you ve worked so hard on. On
some levels, it will only take a small squeeze and you ll drop down one or two rungs. As you get higher up
then it will take a stronger tightening of these muscles to do the trick. Play with the muscles and learn what
works for you. Your breathing has alot to do with it too. When you re controlling your levels , you should
try to change your breathing patterns . Take deep breaths. Much like Lamaze techniques , breathing pat-
terns can change a body s reactions to muscle contractions. This is important to learn as we will be putting
all this together soon so practice now and you ll be having multiples very very soon.
Hang out at level four awhile, then go to the next highest level and hold that one. This is where most just
feel compelled to go on and complete the act and go for and orgasm. Not this time for you though. We are
now at level or rung # five. Hold this level for awhile then drop back down (yes down) to level three.
It is essential that you be able to raise and lower your arousal levels as the need arises. So this building
and tapering off exercise will help you to learn better where you are and how much pressure is needed to
maintain a given level. Using your muscles, breathing techniques, and your levels system, you ll soon have
a great amount of control over your body. This stage of the program should be mastered before moving on
to the rest. This is very important and must not be skipped. Before you re done with this section, you
should be able to go all the way to the next to the top rung, hold and maintain it and be able to repeatedly
back away from it and build back to it at will.
Go no further at this point until you have mastered the
Go no further at this point until you have mastered the
above exercises! Don t try to proceed until you have
above exercises! Don t try to proceed until you have
complete confidence in yourself to be able to maintain
complete confidence in yourself to be able to maintain
any level up to and including, that last level!!!!!
any level up to and including, that last level!!!!!
Stage four ,Practice ,practice, practice...
Stage four ,Practice ,practice, practice...
Now guys, this new level of awareness that we have been applying to ourselves, with the little
changes we go though in our quest for multiple orgasm, we should start to notice another thing as
well. Just by doing this in yourself, it seems that you start to become very much more aware of your
partners changes as well. This is what REALLY makes you one hot lover. The man that pays close
attention to his partners reactions is the man that is going to please his woman the most. This ,as I say,
comes from you going though all that I ve said for you to do up to and through this point. Men just
seem at this point in the program to notice that they are more aware of where their partner is at a given
point now than before. Guys, this is just what it s all about , awareness. I know when you re in the
middle of the act and it s feeling really good, the thought of having to do a bunch of steps is not on
your mind. This is why practice is the thing at this point. Until now I have not really said much in the
way of your partner being involved that much for this reason. You should always come off as confi-
dant as you can when in a lovemaking situation. I don t know anyone who wants to look like a clumsy
lover. I want you and your partner to do these steps too. Don t get me wrong, your lover can even
help make the learning process faster. But for the most part, I feel that you learn more when you do
both with more emphasis on your learning though masturbation.
The reason is simple. Men can always find a little time to get this activity in during the course of
their day. At least in the morning if all is well and you don t have to be at work in five minutes. You
should always be relaxed and not in a hurry. Take your time, feel the moments of enjoyment, each
one, so you can be fully aware of your levels and where you want them. This will be so important in
your learning. I can t tell you enough to just take your time with this. It will happen.
Now we have reached the point in the pro-
Now we have reached the point in the pro-
gram where you get down to the nitty
gram where you get down to the nitty
gritty! The point that separates the men
gritty! The point that separates the men
from the boys! It is here where you learn
from the boys! It is here where you learn
how to time the crushing muscle control
how to time the crushing muscle control
you ve developed to take you over the edge
you ve developed to take you over the edge
into your first ever attempt at a multiple!
into your first ever attempt at a multiple!
Now is when you learn that ever elusive
Now is when you learn that ever elusive
finite moment when you need to clasp
finite moment when you need to clasp
down and hold it! This is THE most im-
down and hold it! This is THE most im-
portant part of the program and must be
portant part of the program and must be
 The point of no return
 The point of no return
Now, at this point I would like to take a moment to congratu-
Now, at this point I would like to take a moment to congratu-
late those of you that have gotten to this point in the quest to
late those of you that have gotten to this point in the quest to
become the most intuitive lover she ll ever experience.
become the most intuitive lover she ll ever experience.
You ve worked hard and have come a long way to becoming
You ve worked hard and have come a long way to becoming
one of those rare men and are very close to your goal. All that
one of those rare men and are very close to your goal. All that
remains now is to put the last piece of the puzzle in to make it
remains now is to put the last piece of the puzzle in to make it
all work. You deserve all the credits and soon you ll be reaping
all work. You deserve all the credits and soon you ll be reaping
the rewards& .I hope you re ready!
the rewards& .I hope you re ready!
Now guys, I want you all to understand that all
this pre-training has been so that ultimately you
can do this hands free. Your hands should be on
your lovely woman anyway, using them for her
So having said that, I m going to say now lets use
our hands to teach us this. Yeah , I know, but to
get the timing down until that time when you
don t have to anymore, you can do this and have
your first one today if you time it just right . Oth-
ers I ve taught say they have the best success using
the following techniques. You may find that subtle
shifts or variations in your movements might
help. Experiment. Try different ways and see
what works for you. This is where your part-
ner can help and learn too.
Getting hold of the situation!
Getting hold of the situation!
The power is in YOUR hands!
The power is in YOUR hands!
Like I said before, this program is geared for men
mostly but now is the time that I think all the
women should learn and help in the learning proc-
ess at the same time for your guy too!
Ladies, if you learn your guy s reactions well, and
have good communication between you( in this
area girls, I don t think you ll have any problems
with him not talking to you about how he s feeling,
somehow I think the lines of interaction are going
to be wide open), and you get the timing down as
well ,then you too can give a man a multiple! Isn t
that fantastic? The man who s happy in bed is just
going to be more receptive to you because he cares
for the one who cares for him. As you and he key
into one another the whole relationship gels. My
feeling has always been that the key to a successful,
happy relationship is growth and willingness on
BOTH parts to learn as much about the other as
they can. Not just physically but the whole package.
A woman willing to give the gift of a multiple or-
gasm is a woman that cares for her man and his
pleasure. These women are to be cherished and
loved for they want only the best for their guys . So
give back more than you get because as always in
life, you get what you give.
One last hint to women that I think most men
might agree with is that the best women are the
ones that show their man how much he means to
her. This is one great way to do just that.
Enough talk, time to get there! Lets start with you or your
mate working up your erection to it s full size taking care to use
lube as this seems to help in this process. Work up to about a
level Four or so and ease back down slowly. Talk with your
partner about your levels before hand (if she hasn t read this
text already, which I recommend), and keep her in touch with
you as you two go with the flow of the process. Remember this
is for fun so take it easy and make it fun. Be playful and enjoy
the sensations as they happen and gage them on your arousal
gage. Have your partner or yourself , bring you up to an eight
or so. Then back off to a five. The whole key here is control and
awareness. You need to be working towards the top rung and
as you get close to it ,as you start to realize that you re beyond
your own control , you have to time it just so that you clamp
down hard and fast and hold it! This first time stop all stimula-
tion at this point and just hold it back. Be firm in holding until
you ve regained control, bringing you back down to a seven or
Now one of a lot of different things could have just happened.
You could have had a mild orgasm, you could have just missed
one and still feel fully ready, or you may have ejaculated with-
out an orgasm. All are ok things to have happen. They are your
learning tools. They will tell you what you need to do to get
where you need and want to be. Let s look at each and see what
they tell us .
1. You had an ejaculation and missed the orgasm completely.
This is the one that usually comes first and is , I must say, the
biggest bummer of them all. By that I m only saying that now
you have to start all over again on another erection. This says to
you that you started your hold to late. Starting your hold to
early isn t good either as it could cause semen to be forced up
the urinary tract and could cause an infection. Timing is key.
If you hold to far up the shaft , that can also cause an infection. Now
if you re learning with the use of your hands then you need to be hold-
ing where you feel the muscles we ve worked on, between the anus
and scrotum (more towards the scrotum, just behind them). Your
breathing should be deep and slow. Allow yourself to feel all that is
happening and work WITH it. Breathing can and is a big part in this.
The old methods worked on just holding back your breath. This is
wrong. Smooth ,steady breathing during the build-up seems to pro-
duce the fastest results. Men tend to hold their breath during an or-
gasm and this needs to change. There are other techniques out there
that use breath and sounds to manipulate orgasm. These systems
work for some and not others for a variety of reasons. I have found
that a combination of these techniques works fastest to producing
multiples. They are intense and long lasting.
2. You just missed an orgasm and still want one. Your erection is still
fully there , waiting for you to fulfill it. This tells us that you held to
early and that a little bit higher up on our ladder scale is needed.
This is a great time to take slow ,deep breaths and know that you re
very close to your first multiple! At this point you need to do a couple
of things to achieve your goal. Monitor your breathing closely . Try
keeping your eyes open instead of closing them( I personally have
found this part to not make a difference , but others swear by it as the
part that  put them over the top so try it. Making low, guttural noises
helps for some too. This tends to distract a partner sometimes
(especially a new one that you have never been with before). If it helps
and your comfortable with it , then by all means use it. The use of vo-
calizing is a popular method ,but I have heard from others that it s in-
hibiting and so this is a roadblock for this type of technique. Everyone
is so different that this is why I wrote this program the way I did, so
that you can use ALL of the current techniques that are out there and
get the fastest results possible.
Like I said at the beginning of the program, I learned this by acci-
dent many years ago. That s why I started doing research years ago to
learn what others knew about this. Since I knew of all the folks in the
world, someone had to have had this happen to them. To date I ve
found several hundred articles, books ,and yes , internet sites that deal
with MMO, as it s now commonly called.
3. You just had an orgasm. You did it! You ,my friend, have just
joined an elite group of men. Give yourself a pat on the back! Better
yet , give yourself another orgasm!
If the one you just had was nice but lacking just a little zing, don t
despair, as you get more proficient in this the more control you ll
have and that translates into more intense, longer lasting orgasms.
This will not take long if you keep up your practice and enjoy the
benefits along the way. You have come so far in such a short amount
of time that you must be bursting with confidence right now! As you
grow even more proficient at it you ll come to realize a whole new
you. One that is self-assured and that is something that everyone
wants. I want every guy reading this to have this experience, so don t
be disappointed if you didn t get to this level on your first try. As I
said ,these are all learning tools that will get you there. And ladies ,
likewise, if you could do it for him this time then offer him a chance
at another. He ll love you all the more just for the extra effort.
If you seem to not be having the success that you d hoped for , then re-
read the text and change some of the ways you re employing your tech-
niques. The fastest way is to build those muscles, and get that timing
down! Watch that breathing and change it if it helps. You WILL suc-
Well guys and ladies, that s it. It s just
Well guys and ladies, that s it. It s just
that easy! All that hard work has paid off
that easy! All that hard work has paid off
and now you ve gotten what few men will
and now you ve gotten what few men will
ever hope to get. Full power over your own
ever hope to get. Full power over your own
orgasm can have a life changing effect
orgasm can have a life changing effect
that will last as long as you do. It gives
that will last as long as you do. It gives
you the freedom to fully learn all about
you the freedom to fully learn all about
your partner and what pleases them. No
your partner and what pleases them. No
longer do you have to keep your orgasm
longer do you have to keep your orgasm
in check until they re ready. So go to it and
in check until they re ready. So go to it and
have fun!!!!
have fun!!!!


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